Jim Pierce From: Mike Murphy Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 9: 18 AM To: Jim Pierce Subject: RE: DWU Rate of Flow Controller Approximate date is August 15th, 2005, and we are currently looking at dropping to 9 -9.5 MGD. As we approach the due date we will be more accurate and zero in on the target amount. "'II(ik Michael Murph!J' FE. Director of f'ubli" Works (972) +;;0-2878 Wort. (21 +) 21 ;-;280 Mobile (972)+;0-28'7 Fax E.-Mail: mmurph9 @ci.addison.tx.us -----20.2 million debt issue needed to fund the west side wastewater improvement program. The Town's utility rates need to be updated once again for several reasons. • Surplus Caoital Funds -The Town issued $20.2 million in certificates of obligation based upon engineer's estimates that the Town's portion of the AddisonlFarmers Branch Sewer Interceptor/Tunnel would be over $14.5 million. When bids were awarded for the project, the cost was less than 60% of the estimate. Some of the surplus funds have been put to good use, particularly the new lines needed to remove Addison sewage flow from Carrollton. However, it appears at this time there may be between $3 million to $6 million of surplus capital project funds. An engineering study has been commissioned to develop a long-term utility capital needs assessment which will identify the capital improvements required to accommodate total build-out ofthe Town. Surplus capital project funds can be applied to retirement of the Town's outstanding utility debt which would result in lower annual debt service costs, and a subsequent reduction in utility rates. • Surplus Utility Fund Balance -At the end of the 1995 fiscal year, the Utility fund's working capital (fund balance) totaled over $3.3 million which is 95% of fund operating expenses. When the 1993 water rate analysis was conducted, it projected a gradual decline in fund balance in order to mitigate the increase in sewer rates as much as possible. This projection assumed an annual customer growth of only 2% which reflected the flat growth of the previous five years. However annual growth since the study has averaged 15%, a result of Addison's surging economy. The growth in Addison's customer base has been translated into the increasing fund balance. Page 1 of 2 c:\wpdata\96\960503.mem Memorandum to the City Manager (continued) May 3, 1996 • 􀁾􀁵􀁳􀁴􀁯􀁭􀁥􀁲􀀠Rate Issues -The Town has been approached by some of its larger commercial customers to consider establishing a separate rate for water used for cooling towers, Currently, those customers are billed sewage fees for cooling tower water even though only a small portion ofthe water is actually returned to the sewer system, The Town has also been billed penalty fees by Dallas Water Utilities for excessive BOD (biological oxygen demand) and SS (suspended solids) related to the Town's wastewater flow, The customers most responsible for this problem are the restaurants. The updated rate study will consider whether separate rates should be established for cooling towers and restaurants. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost ofthe utility rate analysis will be approximately $16,000 and will be paid from the Utility fund. RECOMMENDATION: Lewis Mclain is recognized as one of the most qualified and proficient rate consultants in the state. His familiarity with Addison's Utility fund and rate structure will allow for the rate analysis to be conducted quickly so that the recommendations may be incorporated into the Town's 1996-97 budget. It is recommended Council authorize the city manager to engage Mr. Mclain's services in developing an updated Utility fund long-term financial plan and water/sewer rate structure. RCM:rm Attachment cc: Lea Dunn, Asst. City Manager John Baumgartner, Public Works Dir. Page 2 of 2 c;\wpdata\96\960503 ,mem Town of Addison Proposal Update of'Utility Rates and Multi-Year Financial Plan I f Prepared By Lewis F. McLain, Jr. Fiscal Planning Consultant April 1.9, 1.996 Lewis !F. fJvfC£ain, Jr. !FiscalPfatming Consuftant 25159£ature f.Beni -Carroffton, Te;cas 75006 214-418-65361 􀀡􀁆􀁾􀀲􀀱􀀴􀀭􀀴􀀱􀀸􀀭􀀱􀀸􀀳􀀰􀀠April 19, 1996 Mr. Randolph C. Moravec, Finance Director Town of Addison P. O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear Randy: Thank you for this opportunity to submit a scope ofservices to conduct an update ofyour Water & Sewer Multi-Year Financial Plan (MYFP), including an analysis of the revenue requirements and cost allocations for revenue recovery. All ofthe work will be conducted by either myself or Becky Brooks Grimm. It is my intention at this point to conduct the study on my on but it is possible that I may use Becky ifnecessary to meet your time schedules. Since you and your City Management staff are familiar with both ofus, I will simply reiterate assurances that Addison is a very important client and that you will be served at or above levels you have received in the past. In fact, several changes have taken place since the last utility update was conducted in 1992. I have narrowed my practice to the utility and fiscal impact areas and have closed my practice to serve only existing clients. I count Addison as one ofabout a dozen cities I intend to serve in the future and have referred all other business opportunities to other consultants since 1995. SCOPE OF SERVICES o The study will begin with a collection offinancial policies that have formed the foundation for the previous studies and which will be updated to reflect any new utility related directives or goals of the Town of Addison. o The previous Utility Fund financial planning model will be updated using Lotus 123, Release 5.0 for Wmdows which provides a great tool for integrating financial schedules and for uniform rate analysis. -1 o The fInancial plan will continue to be multi-year with all assumptions clearly shown. o The fInancial plan will be updated from the detail line item and staffing table leveL Special schedules constructed to show the details of the Dallas Water Utility and Trinity River Authority charges will be updated. o Replacement capital schedules will be included in the fInancial plan. These will be as detailed as the Public Works Director and other utility managers are able to provide the data. o Capital Improvement outlays and debt related schedules will be incorporated into the fInancial plan. Particular attention will be given to facility sizing and planning manifested in the utility master plan that is being updated by the Town's consulting engineer and public works staff. o Operating enhancement packages anticipated over the planning period will be summarized and incorporated into the financial plan. These will be similar to budgetary enhancements considered each year but will have a multi-year perspective. o Various analytical ratios will be built into the model. o It is not anticipated that a volume and rate analysis of the existing Addison customers will be necessary. Any rate adjustments will be computed across-theboard to all customer classes. The one exception to this will be an evaluation of the measurement and equitable treatment of customers with cooling towers that return a relatively small percentage of water to the wastewater system. o All models and workpapers will be the property ofAddison and will be provided on a diskette. However, it is not anticipated that any time will be included in this outline for any specific training or special documentation other than for the flow ofthe. model to be explained in relationship to the printed schedules. o The written report is anticipated to be different from those produced in the past. While there will be a meaningful number ofinstructive graphs and charts, I will be writing a technical report with more narrative than found in past reports -or at least an executive summary that will precede the fInancial schedules. The financial schedules will include highlights oftheir purpose and their information. If necessary, a separate bullet presentation will be provided for the Council presentations. -2t I have found it to be necessary and beneficial to provide more narrative discussion regarding the key assumptions used in the MYFP. The results will be more disclosure and documentation. I also will address specific financial planning policies in the report. TIMING/BILLINGS/ACCOUNTABILITY It is estimated that the number of hours required to review the existing and revised financial policies, to update and enhance the model, to review the capital improvements and prepare the report will be 180 hours. Based on an hourly rate of $90, the fee estimate is $16,200. I can start immediately after the planned approval date ofTuesday, May 14, 1996 and can be finished in time to meet your date ofAugust 13, 1996 for a presentation to the Town Council. This assumes that the preliminary engineering report will be available no later than June 14 and that it does not change substantially after that date. I will be available to attend the City Council meeting on May 14 to answer any questions regarding this study. I would like to have the opportunity to discuss the capital improvements, the key assumptions used for growth and consumption estimates, and the cost ofcapital projects with the consulting engineers and Public Works Director. I would like to request in advance that the projects be supported with engineering estimates that clearly show the sizing (gallons or linear feet), the unit costs and other assumptions such as engineering! design fees and the contingency factors. I would also like to have the estimated year of construction indicated on the project list. These should be basic work papers supplied by the engineering firm. Ifthis information is available by June 14th, we should be able to discuss the engineering data prior to their report being finalized. I will provide you with a summary ofhours worked through the 15th and the last day of the month. This billing will include the number of hours worked by specific assignment. This is not only to assist me in my cash flow, but is intended to make it easier for you to hold me accountable for work performed. It is my experience that the frequent billings enable you to judge the reasonableness of the level of effort represented in the most recent 15 day period. Payment will be due within 10 days of receipt of the billing. If at any time you are not satisfied with the billable hours requested for payment, then I will be happy to discuss your concern. Your decision on the amount due to me will be the final word. -3 SUMMARY I will be able to conduct this updated study within the time frame you have requested. The major changes from the 1992 study include an in-depth review of the capital projects, their sizing assumptions and costs. I will also prepare a report with more narrative to assist in documentation, disclosure and clarity regarding the assumptions, findings, and conclusions of the fmancial and modeling. It is my estimate that this effort will require 180 hours of commitment at $90 for a maximum fee of $16,200. I will be available to attend your City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 14 to answer any questions regarding this study. Please do not hesitate to call me prior to that time if you have any questions. Sincerely, Lewis F. McLain, Jr. Fiscal Planning Consultant APPROVED: Ron Whitehead, City Manager Town of Addison, Texas -4