I• Jim Pierce From: Jim Pierce Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 10:23 AM To: Subject: Jenny Nicewander; Steve Chutchian; Mike Murphy RE: revised meeting notes on Spectrum meeting Randy Moravec did a study a while back that concluded it was best financially for streetlights to be unmetered, owned and operated by TXU. We now have a different situation with the new type of streetlight which has a non-standard pole, as far as TXU is concerned, and has a ped light on such pole that has a non-standard bulb as far as TXU is concerned. Further, when streetlights are unmetered, it is usually just the streetlights that are unmetered. In the past we have kept the ped lights separate and have metered them. Lets assume we want TXU to power the streetlights unmetered. That means the streetlights would have to be fed separately, in separate conduits, and the ped lights would be fed separately with separate conduits, and they would be metered. The Town would have to have spare poles on hand in case one is hit (in any case). TXU would maintain the streetlight bulbs and the Town would maintain ped light bulbs. Lets assume the Town meters both street and ped lights. The conduit feed to the poles is simpler. The Town would maintain all bulbs, so maintenance costs would be higher. Power costs would be higher. It is not an easy decision. If we meter everything, our operation and maintenance costs will be higher. Somehow I think we should include Randy in our decision so he understands the situation. Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 --original Message---From: Jenny Nicewander Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:30AM To: Steve Chutchlan; Jim Plen::e Subject: RE: revised meeting notes on Spectrum meeting i forgot to add the link to the meeting notes ... R:\PubWorks\spectrum-drive\comm\meetings ---original Message----From: Steve Chutchlan Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:09AM To: Jim Pierce Cc: Jenny Nlcewander Subject: FW: revised meeting notes on Spectrum meeting Jim: What did we we decide? I think we are trying to NOT have the lights metered on the other two projects. Steve C. ----original Message--From: Jenny Nicewander Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 9:02 AM To: Jim Plen::e; Mike Murphy; Steve Chutchlan Subject: revised meeting notes on Spectrum meeting revised per Jim's comments. Do we want to have the lights metered on Arapaho and Addison, or would we want to get that design change done k-f;yeU? 1 Points oflnterest in a City-owned Streetlight system The Delivery charge will go down in cost due to the schedule change from a Schedule A to a Schedule D. The cost differential between the two is rougJuy $9 per light (for a 400W HPS light). There could still he a charge for construction to reach the City-owned facilities or for setting up metering points. These charges would be project specific. The City would be responsible for all of its maintenance and repair of its streetlight system. The City would need to have clear signage designating the Streetlights as City-Owned. Miscellaneous Charges that may be passed (the REP may or may not pass theses charges on) to the city on municipal owned streetlights: 􀁾􀀠 A disconnect fee($ 44) for de-energizing the line for each time maintenance work is needed on. streetlight system may be charged. This only applies if the City has no means of de-energizing the streetlight circuit from their own facilities. 􀁾􀀠 When work is completed a re-connect fee ($54) will apply apply also. I state may be because depending on your Energy provider they may or may not pass this cost on to the city. This only applies if the City has no means of de-energizing the streetlight circuit from their own facilities. General Cost Sheet for Streetlights* Tvoe oflnstallation Total Cost CIAC Wood Pole with Streetlight $1000 $0 (This is where we get our Streetlight allowance amount.) The costs below this point assume that the customer is installing the foundations, trench and conduit. 25 Foot Square Steel Painted Standard UG (Single) $1673 -951 ooo = $673 )> IOOW Rectangular Head HPS 25 Foot Square Steel Painted Standard UG (Double) )> IOOW Rectangular Head HPS 30 Foot Square Steel Painted Standard UG (Single) )> 250W Rectangular Head HPS 30 Foot Square Steel Painted Standard UG (Double) )> 250W Rectangular Head HPS 40 Foot Square Steel Painted Standard UG (Single) )> 400W Rectangular Head HPS is Addison's typical installation 1-/-t f rt55 5-l:> J ,· Ll J'YI 40 Foot Square Steel Painted Standard UG (Double) )> 400W Rectangular Head HPS is Addison's typical installation 40 Foot Galvanized Steel Anchor Base UG (Single) )> 400W Cobra Head HPS 40 Foot Galvanized Steel Anchor Base UG (Double) )> 400W Cobra Head HPS Example: $2109 $1109 $2236 $1236 $2678 $1678 $3427 $2427 $3918 $2918 $1980 $980 $2317 $1317 If the city asks Oncor to install all facilities, there would be the need to do an estimate to determine the costs of the installation of the facilities. After that cost is determined, the CIAC would be determined by the Total cost of the installation minus the number of streetlight standards multiplied by a $1000. For example, if the total installation of 10 standards was $20,000, then the CIAC would be $10,000. ( CIAC 􀁾􀀠$20,000-(I 0 standards x $ 1000/standard)) * The costs on this page are system average estimates only and may change in the future. The policies regarding streetlights are subject to change. Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.1 Delivery System Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1. 2002 -Lighting Service Street Lighting Service AVAILABILITY Sheet: 6 Page 1 of6 Revision: Original Applicable to Competitive Retailer for street lighting, pedestrian walkway lighting, and overhead sign lighting service to governmental entities in areas served by Company. Overhead sign lighting is available only under the provisions of Schedule D of the Monthly Rate-Unmetered Facilities or the Monthly Rate-Metered Facilities-Non-Company-Owned provisions. TYPE OF SERVICE Single or three phase, 60 hertz, at any of the Company's standard secondary or primary service voltages as required by Competitive Retailer. Where existing distribution facilities are not adjacent to the point of delivery, additional charges and special contract arrangements may be required prior to its being furnished. If service is provided at primary voltage, Company may at its option meter service on the secondary side of the governmental entity's transformers and adjust for transformer losses in accordance with Company's Tariff for Retail Delivery Service. MONTHLY RATE I. Unmetered Facilities Points of Delivery (POD) Charge: $22.50 per governmental entity served by the Competitive Retailer. Facilities Charge, per Luminaire Lamp Watts Lumens KWh Schedule Rect-Post-Top angular A B c D Mercury Vapor 175 7,900 70 $7.35 $15.15 $3.35 $2.25 $18.65 $12.00 400 21,000 150 $11.25 $18.10 $6.65 $5.15 N.A. N.A. 1.000 63.000 370 $25.00 $33.05 $17.70 $12.75 N.A. N.A. Sodium Vapor 100 9,500 40 $6.90 $14.25 $2.75 $1.40 $18.85 $11.20 150 16,000 70 $8.50 $15.65 $4.15 $2.30 $23.45 N.A. 200 22.000 80 $9.45 $16.35 $4.60 $2.75 $23.85 N.A. 250 27,500 100 $9.90 $17.00 $5.30 $3.45 $24.30 N.A. 400 50.000 160 $14.25 $23.45 $8.50 $5.30 $35.45 N.A. 1.000 140.000 375 $27.35 $36.60 $19.30 $12.90 $48.00 N.A. Metal Halide 175 14,000' 65 $9.20 $16.80 $5.05 $2.10 $20.90 $16.60 250 25,000 100 $11.75 $20.25 $$6.70 $3.70 $30.40 . N.A. 400 36.000 160 $14.00 $23.70 $8.50 $4.85 $39.80 N.A. 1,000 110,000 370 $26.45 $35.65 $18.85 $12.45 $48.55 N.A. Other Incandescent• All $6.90 Wallpack Mercury Vapor• 250W $16.10 Fluorescent• $19.55 Historical $19.55 ·closed to new street lighting installations 61 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.1 Delivery System Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1. 2002 II. System Benefit Fund: Ill. Transition Charge: IV. Nuclear Decommissioning Charge: $0.000655 See RiderTC $0.000147 V. Transmission Cost Recovery Factor: Not Applicable VI. Excess Mitigation Credit: See Rider EMC VII. State Colleges and Universities Discount: See Rider SCUD VIII. Other Charges or Credits: Not Applicable MONTHLY RATE I. Metered Facilities-Non-Company-Owned Sheet: 6 Page 2 of6 Revision: Original per kWh, See Rider SBF per kWh, See Rider NDC Applicable for distribution service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter to Retail Customer owned, operated and maintained street and highway lighting, overhead sign lighting, and incidental 􀁳􀁡􀁦􀁾􀁴􀁹􀀠lighting equipment which operates same hours as normal street lighting. Distribution Charges Amount Customer Charge $ 2.72 Meter Charge $10.78 Distribution System Charge $ 0.0340 per kWh II. System Benefit Fund: $0.000655 per kWh, See Rider SBF Ill. Transition Charge: See RiderTC IV. Nuclear Decommissioning Charge: $0.000147 per kWh, See Rider N DC v. Transmission Cost Recovery Factor: Not Applicable VI. Excess Mitigation Credit: See Rider EMC VII. State Colleges and Universities Discount: See Rider SCUD VIII. Other Charges or Credits: Not Applicable 62 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.1 Delivery System Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1. 2002 Sheet: 6 Page 3 of 6 Revision: Original MONTHLY RATE I. Metered Facilities-Company-Owned (Closed to new installations) Distribution Charges Amount Customer Charge $ 2.55 Meter Charge $19.95 Distribution System Charge $ 0.1195perkWh II. System Benefit Fund: $0.000655 per kWh, See Rider SBF Ill. Transition Charge: See Rider TC IV. Nuclear Decommissioning Charge: $0.000147 per kWh, See Rider NDC V. Transmission Cost Recovery Factor: Not Applicable See Rider EMC VI. Excess Mitigation Credit: VII. State Colleges and Universities Discount: See Rider SCUD VIII. Other Charges or Credits: Not Applicable DEFINITIONS Schedule A applies to: Group 1 Group2 Company installed, owned, operated, and maintained street lights mounted on wood poles and served overhead. Company installed, owned, operated, and maintained street lights mounted on wood, steel, or or ornamental poles of a type normally used by Company, and served overhead or underground, and Retail Customer has contributed to Company an amount equivalent to the difference between the total installed cost of such street lighting and the total installed cost of an equivalent lighting system mounted on wood poles and served overhead. Schedule B applies to: Group 1 Group 2 Company installed, owned, operated, and maintained street lights mounted on steel or other ornamental poles of a type normally used by Company and served overhead. If the number of steel and/or other ornamental poles exceeds the number of such poles on which lights are mounted, there will be an additional charge of $4.85 per month for each such excess pole. Where two street lights with lamps of the same size are mounted on the same steel and/or other ornamental pole, Schedule B applies to one of the lights and Schedule A to the other. Company installed, owned, operated, and maintained street lights mounted on steel or other ornamental poles of a type normally used by Company and served underground, and Retail Customer has contributed to Company an amount equivalent to the difference between the total installed cost of the underground circuits serving the street lights and the total installed cost of overhead circuits. Where two street lights with lamps of the same size are mounted on the same steel and/or other ornamental pole, Schedule B applies to one of the lights and Schedule A lo the other. 63 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.1 Delivery System Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1. 2002 Schedule C' applies to: Sheet: 6 Page 4 of 6 Revision: Original Group 1 Streetlights installed for the use of Retail Customer by Retail Customer or by a governmental subdivision. All equipment replacement and maintenance is performed by Retail Customer or the governmental subdivision. Company provides lamp replacement service only which includes lamp and labor (unless otherwise requested in writing by Retail Customer). Group2 Company owned street lights mounted on steel or other ornamental poles of a type not normally used by Company, and Retail Customer has contributed to Company an amount equivalent to the entire construction cost of the street lighting facilities including luminaires and circuits. 'Company operates all streetlights under Schedule C (must be of a type suitable for use with the lamp sizes provided for herein) and makes all normal lamp replacements which includes lamp and labor at its expense. All other maintenance will be billed to Retail Customer on the basis of actual costs including appropriate overhead expenses. Schedule D applies to: Retail Customer operated and maintained street lights and overhead sign lights or where such lights are installed by a governmental subdivision for the use of Retail Customer, and Company supplies distribution service to Retail Customer for the operation of the street lights or overhead sign lights. Rectangular, Post· Top and Historical apply to: Company installed, owned, operated, and maintained street lights mounted on steel or other ornamental poles of a type normally used by Company and served either overhead or underground. Pedestrian Walkway Lighting : Pedestrian walkway lighting is used to illuminate sidewalks along municipally-owned streets and roads and within municipally-owned parks and recreational areas. CONVERSION OR REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING FACILITIES Company will convert existing Company-owned faci.lities (size or type of luminaire) to a different Company-offered size or type of luminaire upon request of and payment by Retail Customer of an amount equal to the estimated cost of such conversion, including labor and materials, less the salvage value of the existing facilities. Company will replace existing lighting facilities upon request of and payment by Retail Customer of an amount equal to the estimated removal cost less salvage value of existing facilities. Installation of new facilities requested by Retail Customer will be performed pursuant to the appropriate Schedule and Group described above. SPECIAL CONDITIONS For billing purposes the monthly street lighting and overhead sign lighting burning hours are 333 hours per month and all connections and disconnections are assumed to have occurred at the beginning of the current month's billing period. Retail Customer-owned unmetered lamps other than those of the lamp sizes shown under Schedule Dare billed under the metered rate and the amount of monthly energy is determined by multiplying the connected load (including ballast) by the number of burning hours. Company reserves the right to discontinue service at locations where excessive maintenance and/or lamp replacement occur, or Company may charge Retail Customer for such maintenance and/or lamp replacements. Company makes all connections and disconnections to its distribution system. AGREEMENT An Agreement for Delivery Service with a term of not less than ten yearS is required. NOTICE This rate schedule is subject to the Company"s Tariff and Applicable Legal Authorities. 64 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1, 2002 6.1.2 -Discretionary Service Charges AVAILABILITY Applicable to all Competitive Retailers and Retail Customers seNed by the Company. Sheet: 1 Page 1 of 5 Revision: Original The service charges listed below are in addiUon to any other charges made under Company's Tariff for Retail Delivery Service, and will be applied for the appropriate condition described. Other services not covered by these standard conditions will be charged on the basis of an estimate for the job or the Company's cost plus appropriate adders and will be provided in accordance with Commission Substantive Rules. Charge No. Name and Description Amount DD1 Account Initiation Charge is made for processing a request for distribution service initiation. $ 7.00 DD2 Out-of-Cycle Meter Reading Charge is made each time Competitive Retailer requests, and Company makes, a manual out-of-cycle meter reading. A. During Regular Hours $ 7.25 B. Outside Regular Hours -Non-Holiday $ 78.00 C. Outside Regular Hours -Holiday $ 100.00 DD3 Connection Charge is made for new service connections made outside regular working hours. A. Self Contained Meter $ 89.00 B. Other Connections As Calculated DD4 Retail Customer Requested Clearance Charge is made for activities and expenses involved As Calculated in de-energizing/re-energizing Company facilities to allow Retail Customer or Retail Customer's contractor to work near Company electrical facilities or on the Retail Customer's facilities. DD5 Disconnect/Reconnect Charge is made for disconnection or reconnection of Retail Customer's distribution service. Disconnect at Meter A. During Regular Hours $ 8.00 Reconnect at Meter B. During Regular Hours -Regular Route $ 10.00 C. During Regular Hours-Special Route $ 28.00 D. Outside Regular Hours-Non Holiday $ 89.00 E. Outside Regular Hours-Holiday $ 115.00 Disconnect at Pole, Weatherhead or Secondary Box F. During Regular Hours $ 44.00 Reconnect at Pole Weatherhead or Secondary Box G. During Regular Hours $ .54.00 H. Outside Regular Hours-Non Holiday $ 155.00 I. Outside Regular Hours-Holiday $ 196.00 DDS Delivery System Facilities Installation Charge is made pursuant to Section of this As Calculated Tariff for Retail Delivery Service requests involving the installation, construction, or extension or distribution facilities. DD7 Additional Service Design Charge is made for preparing iterative designs to provide service As CalCulated to a specific location where such iterations are at the request of the Retail Customer for the Retail Customer's sole benefit. The initial two designs on a project will be included in the system charges, any additional designs will be done at Retail Customer's expense pursuant to this charge. 76 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1, 2002 DDB Temporary Facilities Charge is made in conjunction with shorHenn construction projects. A. Connect and disconnect service and read a meter already installed, including an Account Initiation Charge. B. Install and remove single phase service wires and a meter (demand or non-demand) and read a meter, including an Account Initiation Charge. c. Install and remove single phase service wires, meter and transformer (up to 50 kVA) on existing pole and read a meter, including an Account Initiation Charge. D. All other temporary facilities installation and removaL 009 Facilities Relocation/Removal Charge is made for relocation or removal of Company facilities at the request of and for the benefit of the requestor pursuant to Section of this Tariff for Retail Delivery Service. 0010 Meter Test Charge is made when a Competitive Retailer requests, and Company performs, a meter test and the meter is found to be within the accuracy standards established by the applicable legal authority. A. Single Phase Self Contained B. Three Phase Self Contained C. Single Phase Instrument Rated D. Three Phase Instrument Rated DD11 PCB Inquiry and Testing Charge is made for activities and expenses involved in the research required to respond to PCB inquiries regarding Company-owned, mineral oil-filled electrical equipment, plus a lab testing charge if required. Initial charge covers up to four transformers at a specific location. For each additional transformer at the same location, add $20. A. Lab Testing Charge (if required) DD12 Service Call Charge is made for responding to a service call that is determined to be a Retail Customer problem rather than a Company problem. 0013 Tampering Charge is made for unauthorized reconnection or other tampering with Company metering facilities or any theft of electric service by any person on the Retail Customer's premises or evidence by whomsoever done at Retail Customer's premises. An additional charge for the cost of repairs andfor replacement of damaged facilities and the installation of protective facilities or relocation of meter is made at cost plus appropriate adders. DD14 Off-Site Meter Reading (OMR) Equipment Installation Charge is made for installation of Company's "Standard Advanced Metering Equipment" designed to transmit information via radio to a hand held meter reading device carried by the meter reader. This allows for the provision of a meter reading without visual contact with the meter. The Company maintains ownership of this equipment. A. During Regular Hours B. Outside Regular Hours-Non-Holiday C. Outside Regular Hours-Holiday DD15 Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Equipment Installation Charge is made for the installation of Company's "Standard Advanced Metering Equipmenr designed to transmit information via telephone to a central location. This allows for the provision of meter reading information on cycle or special reading date at the request of a Competitive Retailer. The Competitive Retailer must secure Retail Customer commitment to maintain a working telephone circuit and Retail Customer's permission to connect Retail Customer's telephone circuit to the meter. The Company maintains ownership of this equipment. A. Single Phase Self Contained B. Three Phase Self Contained C. Single Phase Instrument Rated D. Three Phase Instrument Rated 77 $ Sheet: 1 Page 2 of 5 Revision: Original 49.00 $ 161.00 $ 653.00 As Calculated As Calculated $ 23.00 $ 44.00 $ 71.00 $ 94.00 $ 125.00 As Calculated $ 50.00 $ 147.00 $ 86.00 $ 152.00 $ 178.00 $ 202.00 $ 359.00 $ 259.00 $ 420.00 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1, 2001 0016 Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Charge is made for monthly automated meter reading (AMR). A. AMR-Cycle Meter Read B. AMR -Specific Date Meter Read 0017 Advanced Metering Interval Load Data Equipment Installation Charge is made for specific requests by Competitive Retailer for installation of Company's nStandard Advanced Metering Equipmenr designed to access interval load data via telephone. The Competitive Retailer must secure Retail Customer commitment to maintain a working telephone circuit and Retail Customer's permission to connect Retail Customer's telephone circuit to the meter. The Company maintains ownership of this equipment. 0018 Advanced Metering Interval Load Data Equipment Maintenance Charge is for monthly maintenance and telephone support for nstandard Advanced Metering Equipment. n 0019 Electrical Pulse Equipment lnstallation!Replacement Charge is for the installation/replacement of electrical pulse device equipment. A. Installation Charge B. Replacement Charges 1. Isolation relay 2. Pulse initiator 3. Isolation relay & pulse initiator 4. Enclosure box 0020 Electrical Pulse Equipment Maintenance Charge is made for the maintenance of electrical pulse devices. This is an optional service that covers repair/replacement of electric pulse equipment. If Retail Customer does not choose this service, Retail Customer is responsible for replacement charges according to discretionary service charge 0019. 0021 Dual Socket Meter Adapter Installation Charge is made for installation of a dual socket meter adapter on instrument rated metering facilities to accommodate the 􀁾􀁥􀁴􀁡􀁩􀁬􀀠Customer's meter. Company maintains ownership of this equipment. Measurements taken from Company's meter will be used to bill Competitive Retailer for non-bypassable charges and for settlement purposes. 0022 Power Factor Correction Equipment Installation Charge 􀁩􀁾􀀠made for the cost of and installation of the equipment on Company's Delivery System necessary to correct the Retail Customer's power factor to the level contained in the Company's Tariff for Delivery Service. The Retail Customer will be given the opportunity to correct problem on Retail Customer's premises prior to Company taking this action. 0023 Non-Standard Service Equipment lnspectionfTesting Charge is made for the periodic inspeclion/testing of electric distribution facilities installed at the request of Retail Customer to enhance service reliability. 78 Sheet: 1 Page 3of5 Revision: Original $ 1.50 $ 6.10 As Calculated $ 7.00 $ 330.00 $ 212.00 $ 125.00 $ 272.00 $ 119.00 $ 10.00 $ 566.00 . As Calculated $ 58.00 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1, 2002 0024 Distributed Generation Pre-Interconnection Study Fee is made for studies that may be required and conducted by Company for the interconnection of distributed generation on the Company's delivery system. NON-EXPORTING A.Oto10kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified on network B. 10+ to 500 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified on network c. 500+ to 2000 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified on network D. 2000+ kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified; not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified on network EXPORTING A. Oto10kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified on network B. 10+ to 500 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified on network C. 500+ to 2000 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified on network D. 2000+ kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified on network . No cost for inverter systems less than 20 kW . .. No cost if generator supplies less than 15% of feeder load and less than 25% of feeder fault current. 79 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Sheet: 1 Page 4 of 5 Revision: Original 0 220 200* 330 180"" 320 960" 1,725 510 650 $ 2,550 $ 2,550 $ 860 $ 1,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,653 $ 0 $ 220 $ 200" $ 330 $ 180** $ 320 $ 1,290" $ 1,890 $ 510 $ 650 $ ·3,300 $ 3,440 $ 860 $ 1,000 $ 3,650 $ 3,780 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1. 2002 DD25 Retail Delivery Service Switchover Charge is made for a request to switch service to a consuming facility to another utility that has the right to serve the facility and shall be handled pursuant to Public Utility Commission of Texas Substantive Rule §25.27, a copy of which will be provided upon request. Self Contained A. Base Charge B. Base Charge Adder Instrument Rated c. Base Charge D. Base Charge Adder E. Facilities Recovery Charge DD26 Miscellaneous Discretionary Service Charge is made for discretionary services not covered by the standard conditions above and provided in accordance with Commission Substantive Rules and are charged on the basis of an estimate for the job or the Company's cost plus appropriate adders. TD1(R) Transmission Facilities Relocation Study Charge is made for a study performed by Company at request of Retan Customer for the relocation of transmission or substation facilities. TD2(R) Transmission Facilities Relocation Charge is made for the relocation of transmission facilities at reauest of Retail Customer. TD3(R) Power Factor Correction Facilities Installation Charge is made for the installation of power factor correcting facilities by Company due to failure of Retail Customer to maintain required i power factor. TD4(R) Miscellaneous Transmission Discretionary Services Charge is made for additional transmission related discrelionary services as requested by Retail Customer in accordance with Commission Substantive Rules and Company's Commission-approved service regulations. 80 $ $ $ $ Sheet: 1 Page 5 of 5 Revision: Original 250.00 115.00 455.00 255.00 As Calculated As Calculated As Calculated As Calculated As Calculated As Calculated Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1, 2002 Sheet: 1 Page 1 of 1 Revision: Original -Discretionary Charges -Other Than Construction Service Charges AVAILABILITY Applicable to all Competitive Retailers and Retail Customers served by the Company. The service charges listed below are in addition to any other charges made under Company's Tariff for Retail Delivery Service, and will be applied for the appropriate condition described. Other services not covered by these standard conditions will be charged on the basis of an estimate ror the job or the Company's cost plus appropriate adders and will be provided in accordance with Commission Substantive Rules. Discretionary Charges -Other Than Construction Service Charges include: DD1 Account Initiation Charge 002 Out-of-Cycle Meter Reading Charge DD3 Connection Charge DD4 Retail Customer Requested Clearance Charge DDS Disconnect/Reconnect Charge DD10 Meter Test Charge DD11 PCB Inquiry and Testing Charge DD12 Service Call Charge DD13 Tampering Charge DD14 Off-Site Meter Reading (OMR) Equipment Installation Charge DD15 Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Equipment Installation Charge D016 Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Charge DD17 Advanced Metering Interval Load Data Equipment Installation Charge DD18 Advanced Metering Interval Load Data Equipment Maintenance Charge D019 Electrical Pulse Equipment Installation/Replacement Charge DD20 Electrical Pulse Equipment Maintenance Charge OD21 Dual Socket Meter Adapter Installation Charge DD22 Power Factor Correction Equipment Installation Charge OD23 Non-Standard Service Equipment lnspection!Testing Charge DD24 Distributed Generation Pre-Interconnection Study Fee DD25 Retail Delivery Service Switchover Charge DD26 Miscellaneous Discretionary Service Charge TD3(R) Power Factor Correction Facilities Installation Charge TD4(R) Miscellaneous Transmission Discretionary Services Charge 81 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1. 2002 -Discretionary Charges -Construction Service AVAILABILITY Sheet: 2 Page 1 of 5 Revision: Original Applicable to all Competitive Retailers and Retail Customers requesting construction services by the Company, in accordance with Section 5. 7 of this Tariff. The service charges listed below are in addition to any other charges made under Company's Tariff for Retail Delivery Service, and will be applied for the appropriate condition described. Other services not covered by these standard conditions will be charged on the basis of an estimate for the job or the Company's cost plus appropriate adders and will be provided in accordance with Commission Substantive Rules. Discretionary Charges for Construction Service include: 006 Delivery System Facilities Installation Charge DD7 Additional Service Design Charge DDB Temporary Facilities Charge 009 Facilities Relocation/Removal Charge TD1(R) Transmission Facilities Relocation Study Charge TD2(R) Transmission Facilities Relocation Charge General: Distribution Facilities Company is responsible for the construction, extension, upgrade, or alteration of Delivery System facilities necessary to connect Retail Customer's Point of Delivery to Company's Delivery System in conjunction with Section 5.7, FACILITIES EXTENSION POLICY and the terms and conditions contained herein. Company makes extension of Delivery System facilities to Retail Customer's electrical installation so as to minimize the cost of such extension. Extension is normally made at no cost to Retail Customer except in those instances where the cost of the requested extension of Company's facilities is in excess of the standard allowances stated herein, or where the installation of non-standard facilities is requested. In these instances, a contribution in aid of construction 􀁲􀁣􀁩􀁁􀁃􀁾􀀩􀀠is required from Retail Customer for all extensions where the estimated cost of the extension is in excess of the standard allowances. Standard Distribution Facilities Company's standard distribution facilities consist of the Delivery System facilities necessary to transport Electric Power and Energy from a single, single-phase or three-phase distribution source to Retail Customer at one Point of Delivery, with one standard Meter, at one of Company's available standard voltages. Non-standard Facilities Non-standard facilities include but are not limited to a two-way feed, automatic and manual transfer switches, service through more than one point of delivery, redundant facilities, facilities in excess of those normally required for service, or facilities necessary to provide service at a non-standard voltage. If Retail Customer desires Delivery Service utilizing non-standard facilities, as described above, and not covered elsewhere in these Service Regulations, then Company may construct such facilities pursuant to to Section 5.7.5, NON-STANDARD.FACILITIES and Section NON-STANDARD FACILITY EXTENSIONS: . Retail Customer's Electrical Installation Retail Customer's Electricallnstallation must comply with the requirements set forth in Section 5.4, ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Section 5.5. RETAIL CUSTOMER"S ELECTRICAL LOAD. and Section 5.6. LIMITATIONS ON USE OF DISTRIBUTION SERVICE of this Tariff. Space Requirements Retail Customer grants to or secures for Company, at Retail Customer's expense, any rights-of-way on property owned or controlled by Retail Customer which are necessary for Company to install Delivery System facilities for the purpose of delivering Electric Power and Energy to the Retail Customer. Retail Customer provides, without cost to Company, suitable space on Retail Customer's premises for the installation of Delivery System facilities necessary to transport Electric Power and Energy to the Retail Customer and for installation of Company's metering facilities. Overhead Delivery Service Standard Service Drop Company provides, installs, and maintains Service Drop to the Point of Delivery approved by Company. Retail Customer provides 82 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1 , 2002 Sheet: 2 Page 2 of 5 Revision: Original point of attachment. which is acceptable to Company so that Service Drop meets requirements of all applicable codes. Company may furnish a bracket (such as service mast bracket, eye bolt, house knob, metal clevis, etc.) to be installed on Retail Customer's Premises at the point of attachment for Company's service drop. Company may install bracket on Retail Customer's wood structure or building where Retail Customer provides visible support acceptable to Company for bracket. For structures other than wood, Retail Customer provides adequate support approved by Company and installs bracket. Service Entrance Conductor Retail Customer's Service Entrance Conductors are terminated on the outside of the service head and will not be less than 24 inches or the minimum length required by local ordinances, whichever is greater. The connections between the Retail Customer's service entrance conductors and the Company's Service Drop conductors are made by Company. Connections at Point of Delivery Company makes connections of Company's conductors to Retail Customer's conductors at the Point of Delivery. Underground Delivery Service Underground service is provided to Retail Customer under the following conditions: a) Location and routing of Company's Delivery System is determined by Company. b) Prior to beginning of construction, Retail Customer provides easements at no cost to Company for the underground conductors, padmount transformers and associated equipment. c) Company may extend its conductors to Retail Customer's switchgear or service entrance enclosure when Company considers such conductors as being outside of building. d) Before the installation of Company's underground Delivery System facilities, Retail Customer completes rough site grading, establishes final grade along the conductor route, and clears area of all obstructions. Any installation of obstructions (such as asphall or concrete walk, driveway, street, alley, parking facilities, etc.) which interfere with the installation of Company facilities will be corrected by and at the expense of Retail Customer. No change is made in the grade along the conductor route or easement without consent of Company. Any change in grade which requires the lowering or raising of electrical conductors or associated equipment is at the expense of Retail Customer. e) Compelitive Retailer or 􀁒􀁥􀁴􀁡􀁾􀀠Customer pays any amount due under this Rate Schedule, as appHcable. Delivery Service from Company's Existing Underground Delivery System In certain areas of the Company's Delivery System, since substantial investments have been made in underground seJVice facilities and overhead service extensions into these areas are impractical and would nullify the benefits of past investments, Company retains the right to limit Delivery Delivery Service to Retail Customer from Company's existing underground Delivery System. The phase and voltage of Delivery Service in areas served from Company's underground Delivery System may be limited to that which can be provided from existing facilities. Service Lateral Company furnishes, installs and maintains the Service Lateral connecting Company's Delivery System to Retail Customer's Point of Delivery. Where Retail Customer inslalls or plans to install obstructions (asphalt or concrete walk, driveway, retaining wall, paved parking lot, etc.) in the path of Company's service lateral, Company will require Retail Customer to provide and install Raceway for Compariy's service lateral to Company specifications. Should Retail Customer not install necessary Raceway for Service Lateral prior to the installation of obstructions or should Retail Customer's service route change after the installation of obstructions where no Raceway exists for new SeJVice Lateral location, Retail Customer must make the necessary Raceway installations prior to Service Lateral installations. Transformer and Equipment Company provides, installs, owns and maintains transformer and equipment for Retan Customers taking service at secondary voltage. Retail Customer provides without cost to Company space on Retail Customer's Premises suitable to Company for the installation of transformers and other equipment required to provide Delivery Service to the Retail Customer. Retail Customer provides adequate and accessible pad space as determined by Company to allow transformer equipment maintenance and replacement. Required space for equipment considers any above ground construction or portion of a building which extends over the pad. Passageways adequate to accommodate trucks or other necessary lifting and hauling equipment are provided by Retail Customer to allow replacement of transformers and other devices. Vault When a vault for Company's transformers, switchgear or other facilities is required on Retail Customer's Premises, and location is acceptable to Company, Retail Customer provides and installs the vaull in accordance with Company specifications. If the vault is 83 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1, 2002 Sheet: 2 Page 3 of 5 Revision: Original located inside or under Retail Customer's building, Retail Customer provides the necessary Raceway for Company's conductors so that such conductors are Conductors Considered Outside of Building. Company installs ·in the vault, transformers and/or other facilities necessary to provide Delivery Service to the Retail Customer. The Retail Customer is responsible for shielding or limiting utilization of adjoining building sections as necessary to limit noise and electromagnetic emissions. The Retail Customer is responsible for the cost of conducUng studies and measurements to project or determine levels of emissions. Retail Customer takes Delivery Service at the secondary terminals of Company transformers or other facilities located in the vault as specified by Company. Under any other conditions, Retail Customer takes service outside the building. 􀁾􀁥􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀠 All Meters used to measure the amount of Electric Power and Energy delivered by Company for use in the calculation of Delivery System Charges are owned, installed and maintained by Company. All Meter transformers and transockets shall be furnished and owned by Company for these purposes. Where Retail Customer requests the installation of a Meter other than Company's standard Meter, Retail Customer pays the appropriate installation and monthly maintenance cost in accordance with the applicable rate schedule in Section 6.1.2 of this Tariff. Company may, at its option and at its expense, relocate any Company-owned meter. In case of a relocation made necessary due to inaccessibility, hazardous location, or dangerous conditions for which Retail or Wholesale Customer is responsible, or in order to prevent a recurrence of unauthorized use of Delivery Service or tampering with Company equipment, Retail Customer's Competitive Retailer or Wholesale Customer may be required to relocate the metering equipment to a location agreeable to Company. Under no circumstances is any meter installation to be moved or relocated except as authorized by Company. Standard Facility Extensions: Distribution Extension of. standard facililies to permanent Retail Customers within Company's certificated area where the estimated cost to extend facilities does not exceed the standard allowances stated herein, will be provided to Retail Customers at no cost. The cost of the extension is calculated using the route of the new line, as determined by Company, from Company Delivery System facilities, which includes primary, secondary, and service drop for overhead facilities or service lateral for underground facilities, to the Point of Delivery. When two or more applications for Delivery Service from the same extension are received prior to starting construction of the extension, the maximum allowance is the sum of each individual applicant's standard allowance. Retail Customer makes a one-time non-refundable CIAC for the cost of providing an extension in excess of the stated allowances. Company makes extension of electric service to Retail Customer's electrical installation so as to minimize th8 cost of sUch extension. Extension is normally made at no cost to Retail Customer except in those instances where the requested extension of Company's facilities is not economically justified. 6,1 .2.2.5. 1 Overhead Extensions for Small Loads Company makes extension of overhead single phase electric service without charge to permanent Retail Customers having an estimated maximum annual demand of less than 20 kW, for a distance of up to 300 feet if electric service desired by Retail Customer is of the type and character of electric service which Company provides. The distance of the extension is measured using the route of the new line from Company distribution facilities, which includes primary, secondary and service drop to the point of delivery. When two or more applications for electric service from the same extension are received prior to starting construction of the line extension, the maximum lenglh of the overhead extension provided at no charge is up to the number of applicants times 300 feet. Retail Customer makes a one time non-refundable contribution in aid of constiuction for the cost of providing an extension in excess of such amount based upon an estimated cost per foot for the type of facility installed. 6.1 . Underground Extensions for Small Loads Company makes extension of underground single phase electric service without charge to permanent Retail Customers having an estimated maximum annual demand of less than 20 kW if electric service desired by Retail Customer is of the type and character of electric service which Company provides, and if the cost of the extension does not exceed an amount equivalent to 300 feet of overhead radial single phase circuit. The cost of the extension is calculated using the route of the new line from Company distribution facilities, which includes primary, secondary and service lateral to the point of delivery. When two or more applications for electric service from the same extension are received prior to starting construction of the line extension, the extension will be provided without charge if the total cost of the extension does not exceed an amount equal to the number of applicants tiines an amount equivalent to 300 feet of overhead radial circuit. Retail Customer makes a one time non-refundable contribution in aid of construction for the cOst of providing an extension in excess of such amount based upon either an eslimated cost per foot for the type of facility installed or a specific cost study. 6. Calculation of Contribution in Aid of Construction ("CIAC") for All Other Extensions The amount of the CIAC for Delivery System Construction Service is determined by the appropriate formula below. If the amount calculated below is zero or negative, no contribution in aid of construction is required for provision of Construction Service. All calculations and component costs used in the determination of the contribution in aid of construction will be provided to Retail Customer upon request. 84 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Sheet: 2 Page 4 of 5 Revision: Original Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1, 2002 Retail Customers with a Maximum kW Demand Greater Than or Equal to 20 kW Amount= Direct Cost-(Standard Allowance Factor x Maximum kW Demand) Direct Cost -Standard Allowance Factor -Maximum kW Demand -The current average cost of each component of Delivery System facilities necessary to provide Delivery Service to Retail Customer, determined by a computer estimate of all necessary expenditures, including, but not limited to metering, services, transformers, and rearrangement of existing Delivery System facilities. This cost includes only the cost of the above-mentioned facilities that are necessary to provide Delivery Service to the particular Retail Customer requesting service and does not include the costs of facilities necessary to meet future load growth anticipated to develop within two (2) years, or to improve the service reliability in the general area for the benefit of existing and future Retail Customers. The appropriate factor set forth below for all Retail Customers with a Maximum kW Demand greater than or equal to 20 kW, by rate class. · Rate Class General Service Secondary General Service Primary High Voltage Standard Allowance Factor $98/kW $94/kW $53/kW Company's estimate of Retail Customer's maximum 15-minute kW demand based on expected 􀁾􀁳􀁡􀁧􀁥􀀠patterns and load or equipment data supplied by Retail Custo.mer. Retail Customer Requested Facility Upgrades In the case of upgrades to Delivery System facilities necessitated by Retail Customer adding load in excess of existing Delivery System facility capacity, only the cost of the facility upgrades that are attributable to the Retail Customer's request are included in calculating a CIAC. The Maximum kW Demand amounts used in the CIAC calculation found in the subsection above shall reflect only the additional estimated kW demand directly attributable to the added load. 6.1 . Unused Allowance Under no circumstance shall any unused allowance be paid or credited to the Retail Customer or used to reduce the cost for installation of non-standard distribution facilities or non-standard street lighting facilities. Non-Standard Facility Extensions: Distribution If Retail Customer desires Delivery System service which involves non-standard facilities as described in Section of this Tariff, in addition to the cost in excess of the standard allowance described in Section for construction of standard facilities, if any, Retail Customer pays Company prior to Company's construction of non-standard facilities the total estimated cost of all non-standard facilities to meet Retail Customer's request. Company may terminate the provision of any Delivery Service ulilizing non-standard facilities at the end of the contract term, or in the absence of a contract term, on reasonable notice to Retail Customer's Customer's Competitive Retailer. · Temporary Delivery System Facilities: Distribution Retail Customer pays Company prior to Company's constructing temporary Delivery System facilities an amount equal to the estimated cost of installing and removing the facilities, plus the estimated costs of materials to be used which are unsalvageable after removal of the installation as set forth in Section 6.1.2 of this Tariff. Removal and Relocation of Company's Facilities: Distribution Company may remove or relocate Company facilities at Retail Customer's request. If removal or relocation of Company facilities is associated with a change in Retail Customer's distribution requirements that resulls in additional revenue to the Company, such removal or relocation costs will be included as a direct cos! in the calculation of the contribution in aid of construction, and the amount due from Retail Customer will be based on the provisions of Section, 􀁾􀁃􀁡􀁬􀁣􀁵􀁬􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠of Contribution in Aid of 􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀮􀀠 The Maximum kW Demand amounts used in the C\AC calculation shall reflect only the additional kW demand directly attributing to the added revenue to the Company. In all other cases, Retail Customer pays the total cost of removing or relocating such facilities. General: Transmission and Transformation Facilities Transmission facilities are those facilities operated at 60 kilovolts or above. Transformation facilities are those facilities from the high voltage side of the load serving substation transformer through the remainder of the substation. Company is responsible for the construction, extension, upgrade, or alteration of transmission and transformation facilities necessary to connect Retail Customer's 85 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service Oncor Electric Delivery Company 6.1.2 Discretionary Service Charges Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Effective Date: January 1. 2002 Sheet: 2 Page 5 of 5 Revision: Original Point of Delivery to Company's Delivery System in conjunction with Section 5.7, FACILITIES EXTENSION POLICY and the terms and conditions contained herein. Company makes extension of Delivery System facilities to Retail Customer's elecbical installation so as to minimize the cost of such extension. Extension is normally made at no cost to Retail Customer except in those instances where the installation of non-standard facilities is requested. In these instances, a contribution in aid of construction 􀀨􀁍􀁃􀁉􀁁􀁃􀁾􀀩􀀠is required from Retail Customer. Standard Facilities Company's standard facilities consist of the overhead Delivery System facilities necessary to transport Electric Power and Energy from a single, transmission or transformation source to Retail Customer at one Point of of Delivery, with one standard Meter, at one of Company's availilble standard voltages. Non-standard Facilities Non-standard facilities include but are not limited to a two-way feed, underground facililies, automatic and manual transfer switches, service through more than one point of delivery, redundant facilities, facilities in excess of those normally required for service, or facilities necessary to provide service at a non-standard voltage. If Retail Customer desires Delivery Service utilizing non-standard facilities, as described above, and not covered elsewhere in these Service Regulations, then Company may construct such facilities pursuant to Section 5.7.5, NON-STANDARD FACILITIES and Section NON-STANDARD FACILITY EXTENSIONS. Retail Customer's Electrical Installation Retail Customer's Electrical Installation must comply with the requirements set forth in Section 5.4, ELECTRICAL INSTALlATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES. Section 5.5. RETAIL CUSTOMER"S ELECTRICAL LOAD. and Section 5.6. LIMITATIONS ON USE OF DISTRIBUTION SERVICE of this Tariff. Company makes connections of Company's conductors to Retail Customer's conductors at the Point of Delivery. Space Requirements Retail Customer grants to or secures for Company, at Retail Customer's expense, any rights-of-way on property owned or controlled by Retail Customer which are necessary for Company to install Delivery System facilities for the purpose of delivering Electric Power and Energy to the Retail Customer. Retail Customer provides, without cost to Company, suitable space on Retail Customer's premises for the installation of Delivery System facilities necessary to transport Electric Power and Energy to the Retail Customer and for installation of Company's metering facilities. 0 Standard Facility Extension: Transmission and Transformation Extension of standard transmission and transformation facilities to permanent Retail Customers within Company's certificated area will be provided to Retail Customers Customers at no cost. The cost of the standard extension is calculated using the route of the new line, as determined by Company, from Company Delivery System facilities, which includes transmission and transformation facilities, to the Point of Delivery. Retail Customer Requested Facility Upgrades In the case of upgrades to transmission or transformation facilities necessitated by Retail Customer adding load in excess of existing facility capacity, standard facility upgrades that are attributable to the Retail Customer's request will be provided to Retail Customer at no cost. Non-Standard Facility Extensions: Transmission and Transformation If Retail Customer desires transmission or transformation service which involves non-standard facilities as described in Section of this Tariff, Retail Customer pays Company prior to Company's construclion of non-standard facilities the total estimated cost of all nonstandard facilities to meet Retail Customer's request, unless Company and Retail Customer agree on another mutually acceptable arrangement. Company may terminate the provision of any Delivery Service utilizing non-standard facilities at the end of the contract term, or in the absence of a contract term, on reasonable notice to Retail Customer's Competitive Retailer. Temporary Delivery System Facilities: Transmission and Transformation Retail Customer pays Company prior to Company's construcUng temporary transmission or transformation facilities an amount equal to the estimated cost of installing and removing the facilities, plus the estimated costs of materials to be used which are unsalvageable after removal of the installation. 86 Financial Cost Comparison Arapaho Phase Ill-Surveyor Blvd. to Addison Rd. OPTION A (done this way in Phase II) Assumptions: Contractor provides light foundations, conduit, and pull boxes Oncor provides wiring, light standards (poles, luminaires, mast arms), and power service (riser, transformer, controller). Oncor provides electricity, operations and maintenance for flat monthly rate per light (no meter). OPTION B Assumptions: Subtotal: Flat monthly rate paid to Oncor for electricity, operations, and maintenance: 􀁔􀁏􀁔􀁁􀁌􀀺􀁵􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀡􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀡􀁊􀀠 Contractor provides light foundations, conduit, and pullboxes Contractor provides wiring, light standards (poles, luminaires, mast arms), and power service (riser, transformer, controller). Town of Addison provides operations and maintenance. Oncor provides metered service and charges Town of Addison for electricity usage. Luminaire Monthly cost of metered electricity paid to Or1cC11r· Cost of Town of Addison staff for operations, and mooint'"""'""". mooint'"""'""". per light paid to Oncor Note that Subtotal is an up front one time cost, while the monthly rate is continuous overtime. In order to add the two, a life expectancy of the structure will have to be assumed and the net present value of the monthly rate over that time period calculated.