• REGIOt.. C WATER PLANNING G:koUP Senate Bill One Second Round ofRegional Water Planning· Texas Water Development Board July 14, 2004 Mr. Jim Pierce Assistant Public Works Director Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 Subject: Water Conservation Strategies for Regional Water Planning Dear Mr. Pierce: The Region C Water Planning Group is actively working on updating the 2001 Region C Water Plan. The updated Region C Water Plan will be completed by January 5, 2006. Water conservation is an important issue for regional water planning, and the Texas Water Development Board rules require the Planning Group to consider recommending water conservation strategies for each water user group that has a projected water need during the 50-year planning period. We are seeking your input regarding potentially feasible water conservation strategies. The attached pages Jist potentially feasible water conservation strategies that the Planning Group is evalnating. Detailed information about these strategies is available from the Texas Water Development Board at the following online locations: bttp:/Iwww.twdb.state.tx.usiassistanceiconscrvationtraskForceDocs/FeblDraftBMPs2-27-04.pdf bttp:/Iwww.twdb.state.tx.usiassistanceiconservationIDocumentsiDraftBMPs4-28·04Vol2.pdf For each water conservation strategy that you have already implemented, please report the types of targeted water users, the degree of public participation, the amount of water that has been saved, and your cost in implementing and operating the program (including overhead). If you have implemented conservation strategies that are not on the list, please add them and report the above information. For each water conservation strategy that you have not implemented, please indicate whether you would consider pursning the strategy. If you are interested in pursuing . conservation strategies that are not Qn 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠list, please add them. Please call Nina Jacobson of Alan .Plummer Associates, Inc. at 214-631-6 JOO with any questions, comments,' or 'corrections you may have regarding this survey. Please return your completed survey to the address shown on the third page of the attached survey by July 31, 2004. We greatly appreciate your attention and cooperation in responding to this survey, which will help the Planning Group evaluate water conservation strategies for Region C. Sincerely, 􀀶􀁾􀀧􀁍􀁾􀁾􀀠Jim Parks Chairman Cc: Roy Eaton, Secretary Board Members James M. Parks. Chair Robert M. JOhMon. 􀁖􀁩􀁣􀁥􀁾􀁃􀁨􀁡􀁩􀁲􀀠Roy J. Eaton. Secretary Brad Barnes Jeny IV. Chapman Dale Fisseler Russell Laughlin G. K. ,Uaenius Howard Martin Jim McCarter Elaine J. Petrus Dr. Paul Phillips Irvin M. Rice Robert O. Scott George Sha!l11On Connie Standridge Danny Vance Mary E, Vogelson Paul Zweiacker cloNTMWD 505 E. Brown Street P. O. Box 2408 Wylie, Texas 75098·2408 9721442·5405 972i442-5405IFax jparks@ntrnwd.com www,regioncwarer.org Region C Water Planning Group Potentially Feasible Water Management Strategies for Water User Groups (WUGs) Please Return by July 31, 2004 Name of Water User Group: Town of Addison Contact Person:,c-___________---,c:-: :-:---:___________ Telephone Number: FAX:___________ Email Address: __________________􀁾_____ Mailing Address:____________,______ 􀁾______ 1. Based on yonr most recent system water audit, how much "unaccounted-for" water do you have? Please list quantity (million gallons and percent Qf.tota! use) and specify if adjustments were made for line flushing, fire flows and other unmetered uses. How much do you estimate that you lost to leakage? How much raw water did you pump (million gallons)? How much treated water did you purchase (million gallons)? 2. If applicable, what is your current cost for raw water? 3. Do you offer rebates, incentives, or retrofit kits for customers to conserve water? Please describe your rebate/incentive/retrofit program. What is the value of the rebate/incentive/retrofit kit? How many rebates/incentives/retrofits have you paid out or distributed? How long has your program been in place? Town of Addison Page 1 of5 4. Do you have a program to educate the public and/or schoolchildren about water conservation? Please describe your program. Please attach any information on water conservation that is distributed to the pUblic. 5. Do you have an ordinance that prohibits wakr waste? Ifso, please attach a copy of the ordinance. 6. Do you reuse treated wastewater effluent? If so, please describe your reuse program (source, customers, uses, contracted water amounts, infrastruclure capacity, etc.) 7. Please provide a summary of your water rates. Please include quantity and cost information for each rak tier. Town of Addison Page 2of5 8. Please report information about the conservation strategies that you have already implemented. For strategies that you have not implemented, please indicate whether you would consider pursuing these strategies. ---------------------------Strategy Name Have You Target Water Degree of hnplemented Users * Public This Strategy? (please circle) Partieipation! (please circle) Interest •• (please circle) Yes No Public Information/School Education Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA Water Conservation Pricing Y N R Iud C Inst H M L NA System Water Audil and Water Loss Y N R Iud C lnst H M L NA Pressure Control and Leak Detection Y N RInd C Inst H M L NAr-----.. Water Waste Prohibition (Ordinance! y N RInd C Inst H M L NAEnforcement)'-Customer Indoor Water Audit Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA Showerhcad/Faucet Aerator Retrofit y N R Ind C Inst H M L NAProgram Toilet Replacement Program Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA Clothes Washer Rebate Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA Customer Irrigation Audit Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA Landscape Irrigation Systems Rebate Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA """""""" 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠Landscape Design and Conversion y N R Iud C lust H M L NAProgram (including Xeriscaping) General Industrial, Commercial, and y N Rind C Inst H M L NAInstitutional (ICI) Conservation Rebate ICI Water Audit, Water Waste Reduction, and Site-Specific Y N R Iud C lnst H M L NA Conservation Programs Reuse of Treated Wastewater Effluent Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA .. Amount of Water Saved Startup I Annual Would You Per Year Cost Operating Consider ($) . Cost hnplementing ($/year) This Strategy? Quantity Units (please circle) Yes No Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N UNo, Why Not? --􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠, *R=Residential, Ind=Industrial, C=Cornmercial, Inst=1nstitutional, **H=High, M=Medium, bLow, NA=Not applicable *** Note that the "Water Waste Prohibition" is different from a Drought Contingency or Emergency Water Management Plan. See http://www .twdb.state.tx.usfassistancelconservationlTaskForceDocslFeblDraftBMPs2-27 -04.pdf for examples of Water Waste Prohibition. Town of Addison Page 3 ofS 9. Please report information about other conservation strategies that you have already implemented. Also, please indicate other conservation strategies that you are interested in pursuing. Strategy Name Have You Implemented This Strategy? (please circle) Yes No y N Target Water Users * (please circle) RInd C Inst Degree of Public 􀁐􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁣􀁩􀁰􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁮􀀱􀀠Interest (please circle) H M L NA Amount of Water Saved Per Year Quantity Units Startup Cost ($) Annual Operating Cost ($/year) Would You Consider Implementing This Strategy? (please circle) Yes No Y N Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA Y N Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA Y N Y N RInd C Inst H M L NA Y N *R=Residential, Ind=Industrial, C=Commercial, Inst=Institutional .• H=High, M=Medium, bLow, NA=Not applicable 10. What percentage of your retail residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional customers use automatic lITIgation systems? If possible, please report the number of automatic irrigation systems (from permits or other sources) and your total number of connections. Town of Addison Page 4 of5 1 L Please use this space to provide any other information or comments on your water conservation efforts. Use additional sheets if needed. Please return by July 31, 2004, to: Nina Jacobson Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 1349 Empire Central, Suite 702 Dallas, Texas 75247-4006 214-631-6109 (fax) Town of Addison Page 5 of5 Region C Water Planning Group Confirmation of Water Needs Projections and Proposed Water Management Strategies of Water User Groups (WUGs) Please Return by April 30, 2004 􀀽􀀽􀁕􀁾􀁾􀁦􀀻􀁩􀁾t :n.-Y-9"-2.8"!7TeleJ?honeNUmber:?jt=-; FAX: Bmad Address: M • ell S tDl • t.I $' Mailing Address: :sAlII'\e M le.tk... 1. Do you agree with the projected water demands? Ifnot, what changes would you suggest? What is the basis for your suggested changes? (Note: The demands have been approved by the TWDS and cannot be changed at this time. However, we can plan for additional supplies to meet any demands that you believe are significantly underestimated. ) 􀁵􀁊􀁾􀀠􀁡􀀮􀁾􀁦􀀱􀀡􀀡􀁴􀀮􀀠!.VI#. tL-fnj 􀁴􀀴􀀮􀀮􀀫􀁥􀁾􀀠j ....􀁾Tc..fztl 􀁾􀁴􀁎􀁮􀁊􀀠oJs &V'V'-M+lj Avai t...bl-t-Sl.#fr 'j 􀁾􀀠-n... GM.rf 􀁓􀁾􀁃􀀨􀀯􀀡􀀾􀀠uJ-L 􀁷􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁬􀀠􀁾n<4.lf"f 􀁥􀁖􀁌􀁾􀀠WeJ-..U-'Wl ?oOID, iSv-i-wlJ'tVf-etvA'd 􀀢􀀬􀁢􀁢􀁬􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁰h..;e. h.L i'nc.r«.1.e.JL b., aD tQ ? '1k 􀁾􀁲􀁰􀁥􀁬se. e>+-+t,.'ts dv.r+ ls n..+ OlecLr. Please return by April 30, 2004, to: Richard Shalfer Chiang, Patel & Yerby, Inc. 1820 Regal Row, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75235 214-589-6905 􀁾0 ) 2f'l 􀀢􀀧􀀿􀁾􀀠-372-5To'Ml ofAddison Page 20f2 ,--------------.-..􀁾.. --..-----. TOWN OF ADDISoN PUBLIC WORKS To: 'RIchm./SIz ..*r From: Jim Pierce, P.E. CI () .L {V Asst. Public WI FAX #: . 901't 'ffl 6q 􀁾5' FAX: 972/4S0-2837 _ _ _ jpftrtt@ci.addbou.tl..U5 Date: 'f-2..ft-0 <.f 16801 Westgrove P.O.Box 9010 # of pages (including CQver):-2-Addison, TX 75001·9010 Re: J?e{jli5f! C Cmfirhl!fhm ;;{. AJUdS i 􀁢􀁊􀁴􀁤􀀭􀁾r f:i;rf; o Original in mail o FYI o Call me l!:O vO.l0 t::e:i.£9£9vlZ6 puos Wd Z5'£O aL/vo Wd 􀁾􀁳􀁴􀁅􀁏􀀠􀁴􀁏􀁏􀁚􀁉􀀸􀁚􀀯􀁾􀁯􀀠t.nt OS11 US UOEq:PP1i JO wo.OJ, 2146383723; 04/28/04 13:08; #572; Page 1/2Sent by: Cniang,Patel,&Yerby,Inc. CB.YJ Portnel'1 for 0 8eHer Quvlily of Ufe FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL TO: Jim Pierce FROM: Frank Pugsley Fax No: 972 450·2837 Fax No.: 214·638·3723 Company: City of Addison Cr&Y Project No.: 􀀮􀀡􀀻􀁆􀁎􀁾􀁉􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁬􀀡􀀰􀀲􀀽􀀺􀀻􀀳􀁾􀁏____ Subject Region CWater Planning Date: 04/28/04 No. Pages lincluding cover}: .:,2,--_ IFYOU DIP NOT RECEIVE All PAGES. PLEASE NOTIFY US AT (214)6J8.0500 MESSAGE: Jim, Here is the chart I was able to locate regarding the DWU projected supply and demand. I apologize for not having more informatioll for you. Frank Pugsley Chiang, Patel & Yerby,lnc. 1820 Ragal Row, Sts. 200 Dallas. TX 75235 (214) 638·0600 (hiany, Patel & Yerby, Inc. J" IB20 Reg,1 Row, S.iI. 200. Dallas, Tlilxas 752:JS 214.638.0000· fI2.2633960 m.lto. 214.tr.lB.3723IDX \MNw.c:py!.eom Page 2/204128/04 13:08; H572;2146383723;Sent by: chiang,patel,&Yerby,Inc. -1:'" .t: '" () 2:.. 􀁾􀀠'" ::> ::> 􀁾􀀠._---_... _-0 'D ..,. rt11 c:> c '" III e !! 􀁾􀀠CI)' ra 0 .!I'" 􀁾􀀠D. !;l u :::J '" .. 0 B '" c:> '"10 􀁾􀀠rI) J!! "ii C 0 1; '" '--" ....-_._. -., 􀁾􀀠'" REGION C WATER PLANNING GROUP Senale Bill One Second Round ofRegional Waler Planning -Texas Waler Development Board Board Members James M. Parks, Chair Robert M JcImJon, Vice-Chair Roy J. Enton, Secre/(H}! BradJJames Je1TJl W. Chapman Dale Fisseler Rrusell LaugItlin G. K. Mowta Howard Amrri" Jim McCarter Elaine J. Petrus Dr. Paul Phillip3 Irvin M. I?iu Raben O. &:ott George Shan!t.on Connie Standridge DamryV"""" Mary E. Vogelson PaulZweiacker cJoNTMWD 50S E. Brown Street P. O. Box2408 Wylie, Texas 75098-2408 9721442.5405 9721442·S4051F.. jparu@ntmm.com www.regioncwater.org April 12,2004 Mr. Mike MUIphy Director ofPublic Works Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Addison, TX 75001 Subject: Water Management Strategies for Regional Water Planning Dear Mr. MUIphy: The Region C Water Planning Group is actively working on the update to the 2001 Region C Water Plan. The updated Region C Water Plan is to be completed by January 5, 2006. In September 2002 and again in January 2003, we surveyed you regarding projected population and water demands for the Town of Addison. With your input, the population and water demand projections have been updsted and have been approved by the Region C Water Planning Group and the Texas Water Development Board. The Planning Group is now evaluating available water supplies and proposed water management strategies. We are again seeking your input On your available water supplies and proposed water management strategies. We have attached summaries ofthe following .information for the Town ofAddison: • population projections • water demand projections • currently available water supplies • recommended water management strategies from 2001 Region C Water Plan • potential water management strategies for 2006 Region C Water Plan We are asking that you review this information and provide any comments or corrections needed to accurately reflect our water. needs andproposeci"pmjeets for additiogaJ, water supplfes. Please cal Ri S a er f Chiang, Patel & Yerby, Inc. at 214-638-0500 with any questions, comm corrections you may have regarding this survey. Please return your completed survey to e address shown on the second page of the attached survey by April 30, 2004. We eatly appreciate your attention and cooperation in reviewing this information, which M'ilI provide the basis for long-range water supply planning in Region C. Sincerely, 􀀶􀀭􀀢􀀧􀁜􀀾􀁾􀀠Jim Parks Chairman Cc: Roy Eaton, Secretary Region C Water Planning Group Confirmation ofWater Needs Projections and Proposed Water Management Strategies ofWater User Groups (WUGs) Please Return by April 30, 2004 Name ofWater User Group: Town ofAddison Contact Person::-___________-=:-=-___________ Telephone Number:_... FAX:__________ Email Address: ______________________ Mailing Address: __________________---I. Do you agree with the projected water demands? Ifnot, what changes would you suggest? What is the basis for your suggested changes? (Note: The demands have been approved by the TWDB and cannot be changed at this time. However, we can plan for additional supplies to meet any demands that you believe are significantly underestimated.) 2. Do you agree with the list of available water supply sources? Ifnot, what changes are needed? (Note: Surface water supplies have been adjusted to reflect availability as determined from the state Water Availability Models. Groundwater supplies have not been updated from the 2001 Regioll C Water Plall.) Town ofAddison Page lof2 4. Please give any other comments you have on these data. Use the back (or other sheets) ifneeded. Please return by April 30, 2004, to: Richard Shaffer Chiang, Patel & Yerby, Inc. 1820 Regal Row, Suite 200 DaUas, Texas 75235 214-589-6905 (fax) Town of Addison Page 2 of2 ----ac..re-ft 􀁾􀀠'3 -:1-<::1 􀀧􀀶􀀧􀀵􀀱􀁾􀀠)< 􀀲􀀯􀀸􀀧􀁾􀁊􀁬􀁏􀁏􀀩􀁏􀁏􀁏􀀠􀁾􀁬􀁴􀁊􀁮􀀴􀀯􀀨􀁦􀁌􀀠/J..c·f+ ;: 􀁾􀀲􀀧􀁦􀀠7, '+1 I 􀁾􀁤􀁾􀁶􀁬􀀩􀀠2000 􀁾􀁪􀁾􀁾Population 14,166 Proje'1lI1, Clllur hl'ft!,;f M l'(/r1;.", Vin' (1mI' G/1.V J. t:lIlml• 􀀮􀁬􀁾􀁮􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁉􀀧f fIrm; JlllfJIr-.\ l..:rl'.'< ,1'\ Ii;url, }"'if'l W. ('lIfl/>l!1I1f1 IJnk FI1,II'/j" IItthltlrtl lrIu,',ill .Ii,,,M'·{"j,'I,.,· nW/IJ'1. I't'fm_ Of. l)rluf I'JuNip.l /'-Yill M. 􀁦􀀨􀁩􀁦􀁾􀀠HI''',,''I (J ,\"/,,, U(rJtsr Slltsnfljl!f ( 'orlili/' ."1rtmtJtirl.f;< 0(1111/)' V{uwt' .lUI/kit Jim. 􀁖􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁴􀁬􀁬􀀨􀀢􀁦􀀬􀁾􀁲􀁤􀀡􀀠 MfII'y k V",!;d.wJI J'tluT /.wtlflf'ft'f CT., N'fMW I) 􀁾􀁯􀁾􀀠Ii, IIIIIWII SIII.:\;1 r·,O. ltv" 􀁊􀀴􀀰􀁾􀀠WyH(, 'h:.!!ws 􀀱􀀡􀁩􀀨􀁬􀀢􀀩􀁈􀂷􀀲􀀴􀀰􀁾􀀠􀀧􀀱􀀷􀀱􀁊􀀮􀁵􀁬􀂷􀀬􀁾􀀴􀁮􀀮􀁾􀀠1)7.::!1,Ml· $.,O;J/Fa* 􀁎􀀧􀁲􀁍􀁗􀁉􀀩􀀨􀁾􀁁􀀮􀁩􀁴􀁉􀁈􀀴􀁩􀁴􀁉􀀧􀁈􀁥􀀧􀀠October", 2002 Mr. Mike Murphy Towll of Addisoll P. 0, ilox 90W Dallas, TX 75001·90I 0 Suhjecl: Popululion 􀀢􀀧􀁭􀁪􀁥􀁣􀁬􀁩􀀨􀁭􀀮􀁾􀀠and Data Survey -Please respond by Seplemher 􀁾􀀨􀁉􀀬􀀠2002 De,II' Mr. Murphy: Senmc ilill One. passed by the Lcgislumrc in June 1997. requires thllt Regional Wliler Planning Gmurs ul'o.ne IINwoved WaleI' 􀁐􀁬􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀠al least every five years. The effort to update (lur 􀁲􀁥􀁧􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀧􀁾􀀠plan 􀁨􀁡􀁾􀀠hogU!! and we are seeking your input in Ihe planning pm!:ess. Your dty is localed in Region C and the Board Members of the Region C Water Planning nmup are listed on this leller. The enclosed hmenure ,hows " map or Region C and gives more information ahOUI I.he regional planning UpdlllC process now underway. n,e Region C Waler Planning Gronp has selcclell II team or cOIl,ullants led by Freese and Nichols. Inc .. to heip with lhe lIpllate nl' the regional wItter piau. Other members of the consulling tcum include. Alan Plummer Associotes, Cooksey Communications. ami Chiang, Palel & Yerhy. As instructed by the legislature. the Texus Water Development Board (TWDB) has fnr111ul,lIed reglliation., g(lve11ling Ille preparalion of regional plans. These regulations require thul regiIllWI water plans Ire Irased on pnlJectiolls or rOpUlali(lIls and Waler need, developed hy the TW])B, unless Ihe regional waler planning group can provide cunvinclng eviuence thlll Ihu,e prnjeclion, 􀁾􀁨􀁯􀁵􀁬􀁤􀀠he mouified. With this letter, we lire Illiaehing II survey seeking inrnrmillinn from you til 􀁨􀁾􀁉􀁉􀀧􀀠us determine whether the TWill! IlIlpulution 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁪􀁣􀁴􀀺􀁴􀁩􀀢􀁮􀁾􀀠arc IIllprupriatll for yllur city or whether they should be revised. We arc 􀁡􀁬􀁾􀁯􀀠sceking OIher iilformatioll impol1alll fllr planning. The TWDB is scheduled III provide initial waler needs projections by Ihe end of Septemher. When we receive this information, we will provide it 10 you "nd 􀁳􀁾􀁥􀁫􀀠)'UUI' in[lu(, Please fill (lui the :llwched Wfvey and return it 10 Ed Motley or Chial1g. Palel lind Yerhy hy no later Ihan Septemncr 30. 2002. Tn maimain our $chcdulc. information 􀁭􀁵􀁾􀀱􀀠he provided hy the due you fill (lut Ihe survey. auached is some information (>n hiswl'ical 􀁾􀁉􀀩􀁤􀀠pro,jeCled populations in Regtnn C. Page 1 tlI'1 Sent by: CHIANG PATEL & YERBY 214 638 3723; 10/04/02 2:27PM;#145j Page 3/8 Table of Historical and 􀁬􀀾􀁲􀁾􀁩􀁥􀁥􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠Population for Your City. This Illhle preselllS the hisl{)lical und pmjccted population [or your city developed by the TWDS. The projections arc for values within your elly limils. Table of llistarical aud Prajeeted Population fllr Your County. This lahle presems Ihe TWDB historical :lIld PI''\lcclCd pupulullon for Iho cities in counly(ies) in which you arc lo.;aled. If you have any queslions M need additional infol'll1i1tioll 1(\ c(lmplete the survey, please COillUct Mr. Ed Motley, Projee\ Engineer at Chiang, Patel & Yerby, at (214) 638·0500. Thank you in auvance for y(\ur I.imely complelion of the survey us Ihis inf()rmal;,m wiH provioi: Ihe bllSis for uponting tho waleI' plan for Regie)n C. Yours very truly. Terrace Slewlul Chair, Region C Water Planning Grtlilp C: Jim Park$, Vice Chair Roy Ealon, Secrelary AIl:lc!1menrs: Popularion 􀁐􀁲􀁾􀁩􀁥􀁣􀀡􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠Survey Ilislurical and Projecred Population Tuhles 8rochure • :ent hy: CHIANG PATEL & YERBY 214 636 3723; 10/04/02 􀁾􀀺􀀲􀀷􀁐􀁍􀀻􀀣􀀱􀀴􀀵􀀻􀀠Page 4/6 Regie," e Water PIIIDnilll: (:roup Population Projection 􀁾􀁵􀁲􀁶􀁥􀁹􀀠or Cities Please Return by September 􀁾􀁾􀁏􀀬􀀠2002 CHy: IowN Of: "APOIS,OA! 􀁃􀁻􀀩􀁭􀁡􀁾􀀱􀀠Person: M,Lt;" ...MUfl.Pt+Y Telephone Numbe!':i:t.t::.!ff(r 1.9"18 F,\X: 97"'2. -4-20-"Z.e''37 .. Email Addrcss:----.!!!L!!1....7! J.r 􀀺􀁣􀀭􀀻􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁳􀁯􀁾􀁴􀁾􀀠Malhng Addfess:-1!t..SJ2..i. ttt£_T 􀀬􀀬􀁾__ ,A_____7X. 1'?e>()1 I. Arc. the TWDB pro.ltlCliolls of l'opulUlio" for your city reasonahle? If nO!, what changes would you suggest') Whar is the b'lSIS f()r YUtlr suggeSted chan lies? Please provide llllY llVllilahle sUPl'tming dara. Examples of Slll)I)011ing daHl include: • Oocllmcnlalion of undCrCtlunl in 2000 census. • Docllmenlation "I higher mignlli()11 inlo county over pas! several yeMs lhan experienced betlVeen 1990 and 200[). • Chunge$ ii' city hOUl1(lilries, including annexiltion. }f;:;.I P!WJ Gt..􀀺􀀱􀀱􀀰􀁁􀁬􀁾􀀠Arue. pG 􀁾􀁁􀁊􀁁􀁾􀀡􀁇. 􀁾􀀠 􀁐􀁬􀁥􀁵􀁾􀁥􀀠give yuur comments on the TWDS population projeclion$ ror your county(ies}. 3. We have a copy of your dty's droughl CO.\li,lgcncy pliln daled August 24. 1999. If YOll Jwve more recent conservation lind drought cOlllingency plan(s) for your city. please provide il copy(ies). (Se:€F' ArrJ!l.C-H fF D ) 4. What conservatiml measures docs your city usc') Are these measures effeclive? Whal is Ihe cost of each wale. cl)J)Scrvalion mi:lIsurc your city employs'! "1UI, WI2/l.5NT 7'&'4 '1'1£ rflU)q 􀀱􀀱􀁈􀀬􀀮􀀯􀁾􀁉􀁈􀁉􀀡􀁎􀁲􀁅􀁏􀁁􀀠􀁾"G<:ttw'S" ....f5! 􀁰􀁖􀁉􀀯􀁉􀁊􀀯􀀨􀁾􀀠􀁉􀁉􀀯􀁉􀁁􀁎􀁉􀀮􀀮􀁆􀁊􀁾􀁳􀁲􀀠,---.'. C","M.I'''''&'-I. :t:1'lt.IUDlwtr M,I.,I O\h-s-􀁾t.it4N'-£7I.!:.t:..A', _ TO,ler -r.....e!> -ME""'"",a 􀀮􀀤􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀠7'0 8r;; "e'A.r ftFJ:.E;errve. -rf,Jt:: 􀁖􀀾􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀭w"" "8600. :J4.-s d tffIc-Ld+-h 􀁩􀁙􀁬􀁾􀁲􀀭􀁌􀀠􀁾􀀮􀁦􀀫􀁥􀁣􀀭􀀫􀀬􀁵􀁥􀁉􀀧􀁗􀁪􀁓􀀮􀀠5. Whm source(s) or Willer supply 􀁤􀀨􀁉􀁾􀁓􀀠YOUI' ciry clirrently liS I'? If YOll have a .:ommet for W!Ilel' supply, is 1I1ere a contractual limil'/Is there an oplion tn increase the contractu,,1 am()unrl Please ,,1$0 note if you aTC having any 􀁰􀁔􀀡􀁬􀁨􀁬􀁾􀁬􀀱􀀱􀁳􀀠􀁷􀁩􀁬􀁾􀀠water <.juantilY Dr water 􀁾􀁵􀁡􀁬􀁩􀁬􀁹􀀮􀀠 ;ent by: CHIANG PATEL & YERBY 214 63B 3723j 10/04/02 2:27PMj#145j Page 5/6 6. If groundwuter is pan or all of your water supply, ple"se lisl: • The 11 limber of waleI' wells ill opcralion, • The number of usuhle water wells not currelltly in nperalion. • The aquif'er(s) heing used. • Their locatilln (cnunly and ilasin), • Their depth. • The produclion '''Ipacity lIf cach well, Please "I,,) nOle if you are Ilaving any problems Wilh currenl well prodllclion, eilher 'luul1lily or yualily, NA-. g, Is your Cily planning In oevel(lp addiliol1(l1 source(s) of waler 􀁾􀁵􀁰􀁰􀁬􀁹􀀠in Ihe fUlure" If so, please proviue yuanlity in 􀁥􀁾􀁣􀁨􀀠sOllrce and loeallon of each 􀁾􀁮􀁵􀁲􀁣􀁥􀀮􀀠If your cilY is not planning Lo dcvelop uudiLional waleI' supply, would you plcase Lell us why not') IQG" /JOE /oott-./Ir 'NTO .At;(JlFEfL 􀀢􀀷􀁯􀁾􀀠JUlO GDDu,,/f)r.{/4-7€L 􀁐􀁾􀁖􀁅􀀯􀁾􀁴􀀵􀀱􀀯􀁔􀀮􀀠9, Please provide 11 copy of lIny waler supply pl"n(s) develol)eti for your cilY, "'if>. II). Do you currenlly provide raw walCr Or Ireuled waleI' III any O1h"I' waler suppliers? Pleuse Iisl olher suppliers for which you provide waler and Ihe amounl ynu provided III each "r lhem in 2000. Please nOle if you arc providing n1W or lrealed waLeI' nexL III cuch customer. 􀁐􀁬􀁥􀁡􀁾􀁥􀀠include Cllnlntc!ual amounts lind conLraCI expiraLion dales, ir any. ror these cwaomers. Page 2 of] sent by: CHIANG PATEL & YERBY 214 638 3723; 10104102 <:28PM;#145j Page 618 II Do you cXltcct In di"corHmuc providing w"ler 10 any !If Ihese suppilers? Ir so, what changes un you expect'! 12. Do you expeci to begin providing wtllCr to any auditioolll suppliers? 'fs(}, please 􀁉􀁩􀁾􀁴􀀠those cn!Hies you plan 10 supply, Ih.: IImounl of waleI' Y(lU plan In supply, and the expiration dale of the, W,IIC!" 'Llpply conlracl, if ap[llicuhle. What changes do you 􀁃􀁘􀁰􀁾􀁣􀁬􀀧􀀡􀀠13. If yllu treat your own potable water, what ;5 the current capaCity of w!\ter trC·UlmCO! philll(S)'! Whllllire yow' phtns for plant exp!ttlsion'l 14. Does your city cUlTently use or seilirealed WilMeWaler rnr reuse') If sn. how much nn .m annual hasis and for whal purposes? 15. Does your city have plans to begin using or to increase Ihe amotlOi of r\luse applied in tile fulure'! If so, whal increases do you expeclto See nod whal is the eXllecled timing of these 􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁣􀀬􀀮􀁥􀁡􀁳􀁥􀁾􀀿􀀠ror wh;u 􀁐􀁜􀁬􀁲􀁰􀀨􀁬􀁳􀁥􀀮􀁾􀀠will the reuse WIlier be used? /'--/0 flAN'!:> ,''' /lie-A 1l. For-cleF· 16. Please give allY other comments you have nn the regiolluJ Willer planning process. lise the back (01' other sheet,;) il' needed. I'lease retlll"l1 by September 30. 2002, 10: Ed Motley Chiang, I'"lel amI Yerhy, Inc. 18Z0 Reglll Row, Suite 200 1).1I1as, TX 75235 IfAX, (214) 6311-3723 Sent by: CHIANG PATEL &YERBY 214 638 3723; 10104102 2:28PM;#145; Page 718 Sent by: CHIANG PATEL & YERBY 214 63B 3723j 10104102 2:2BPMj#145j Page BIB Dollins COI.ol'\!y Acronym FuJI Nllrm ws WaWlt SysI9m UD 􀁕􀁬􀁬􀁨􀁬􀁾􀀠ll,sWCI SliD Sror.illl U111Jlr 􀁄􀁉􀁾􀀡􀁦􀁉􀁃􀁉􀀠 wSC WUlllr SUpplV Cr,I'P MUD MunlClpilI UUIIt-; 􀁄􀁉􀁾􀁬􀁴􀁦􀁣􀁬􀀠 WCID WI!ItJ( Conuol 􀁾􀀠h'l'lpfO.... llmElnl 􀁄􀁉􀁾􀁬􀁲􀁬􀁣􀁬􀀠MWO M,llLh:ifl.1' WIJlfM 􀁏􀁩􀁾􀁬􀁦􀁉􀁲􀀺􀁉􀀠FwSD 􀁆􀀨􀀦􀁾􀁨􀀠WlIlOf S\rpply 􀁄􀁪􀁾􀁴􀁲􀁪􀁾􀀱􀀠'NO WarBr D,wICI MWSD MunlDp.li WEII'II( suppr., Q'&lncl 72 HP LaserJet 3200se TOALASERJET 3200 9724502837 OCT-10-2002 10:49AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time 10110/2002 10:47:28AM invent Type Identification Duration Pages Result Send 92146383723 2:00 8 OK fA1-5£.i -<-\1,3"7: Fax No,; 214-638·3723 Gompany: C. 􀀫􀁾􀀠D'\ AduJ..,::'<.,,-, CP&Y Project No,: 'LN']: {) 'I-􀁾􀁾􀀠D Subject: ___________ Date: \ 􀁾􀀠I 􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠No, Pages (including cover): 8 IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE NtHifY US AT 11141 m·05OO MESSAGE: Cniong, Pole! &Yerby, In(, ) Ib20 fl;;:"ol How, S:.IiIB 200. 0,11", Tex" 75235 214.638,0000. g11.26l,lOGO 11\#,,0,214.638.3123 t.,. \oVWw,tpyl.oom· Board Members Terrace W. Stewart. Chair lames M. Parks, 􀁖􀀻􀁣􀁥􀁾􀁃􀁨􀁡􀁩􀁲􀀠Roy I. Eaton. Secretary Brad Barnes Leroy A.. BUTCh Jerry W. Chapml1ll Dale FUseier Howard Martin Jim McCarter Elaine J. 1'.Dr. PaulPhilJips Irvin M. Rice Robert O. Scon George SJuuuwn Connie SraJldridge DonnyV= Judge Tom VOIIIiergritf Mary E. Vogeuon Pmd Zweiocker c10NTMWD 505 E. Brown Street P. O. Box 2408 Wylie, Texas 75098·2408 9721442·5405 9721442-5405IFax NTMWD@airmail.net REGION C WATER PLANNING GROUP Senate Bill 1 • Texas Waler Development Board Mayors, County Judges, Water Districts, Water Suppliers, and Water Rights Holders FROM: Jim Parks, Vice Chairman, RCWPG DATE: June 7,2001 SUBJECT: Public Meeting Notice PUBLIC NOTICE The Region C Water Planning Group will hold a public meeting to gather suggestions and recommendations from the public as to issues that should be addressed or provisions that should be included in the Region C Water Plan 2001 -2005 Planning Cycle or State Water Plan. The meeting will be held as follows: July 10, 2001 1:30 P.M. Trinity River Authority Central Wastewater Treatment Plant 6500 W. Singleton Boulevard Grand Prairie, Texas The Region C water planning area contains sixteen counties including Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Fannin, Freestone, Grayson, Henderson, Jack, Kaufman, Navarro, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant, and Wise. Question.> relating 10 the meeting should be referred to Terrace Stewart, Chairman, RCWPG, 214/670-3144, or Jim Parks, Vice-Chairman, 9721442-5405. Written comments may be sent prior to July 10, 2001, to: TERRACE STEWART JIM PARKS Chairman Vice-Chairman Region C Water Planning Group Region C Water Planning Group clo City of Dallas, Water Utilities clo North Texas Municipal Water District 1500 Marilla, Room 4AN P. 0, Box 2408 Dallas, Texas 75201 Wylie, Texas 75098 . (972) 454).2871 .. ® Post Office Box 9010 Addison. Texas 􀀷􀀵􀀰􀀰􀀱􀁾􀀹􀀨􀀩􀁬􀁏􀀠 16801 Westgrove MEMORANDUM DATE: 5 FEBRUARY 2001 TO: RON WIllTEHEAD FROM: JIMPlERCE SUBJECT: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE REGION C WATER PLAN This memo is to briefly speak to your concern that has been expressed about the adequacy of our future water supply in the mce ofstrong population growth for our Region. . The Region C Water Plan, completed in January 2001, which is an outgrowth ofSenate Bill One, addresses this issue. (Copy ofExecutive Summary Attached). Briefly: • Region C covers 16 counties in North Central Texas. • Dallas County population is expected to increase from 2.0 million to 3.26 million in 2050. • The Region C population is expected to increase from 4.8 million to 9.5 million in 2050. (Most ofthis increase is expected in the next 25 years). • Current water sources are: 34 water reservoirs in Region C plus others outside the Region. These reservoirs supply 90% ofthe current water demand. • Groundwater is an important source, especially in rural areas. However, in many areas, groundwater is being withdrawn at rates exceeding replenishment. • Reuse oftreated wastewater will become an important source ofwater in the future. • Additional water supplies must be developed before 2050. Projected water use in 2050 is more than double the 1996 use. • By 2030, projected water demand will exceed current total supply. The principal recommended strategy is the development ofMarvin Nichols I Lake in the Sulfur River Basin (out ofRegion C, in Region D) in northeast Texas. Cost is estimated at $1.6 billion. -25 February 2001 Estimated costs to the Region's water providers for all recommended water management strategies are as shown below: WATER PROVIDER ESTIMATED COST (BILLIONS) Dallas Water Utilities $1.492 Tarrant Regional Water District $1.167 N. TX Municipal Water District $1.435 Fort Worth $0.221 Trinity River Authority $0.166 All Others in the Region $1.674 Total $6.158 Please let me know ifyou have any questions, or would like more information about this issue. Cc: Chris Terry Mike Murphy ----.--..-jJ :!< 􀁾. . 􀀬􀁾􀀮" ", 􀀮􀁾'J;a4' 􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀧􀀬􀀠- REGION C WATER PLAN January 2001 Executive Summary This report presents the Senate Bill One regional water plan developed in the year 2000 for Region C. Region C covers all or part of 16 counties in North Central Texas, as shown in Figure ES-!. The Region C water plan was developed under the direction of the 19-member Region C Water Planning Group. The planning process included the following steps, which are presented in this executive summary and described in greater detail in the main report and the appendices: • Description ofRegion C • Population and Water Demand Projections • Analysis of Water Supply Currently Available to Region C • Comparison of Water Supply and Projected Water Demand • Evaluation and Selection of Water Management Strategies • Regulatory, Administrative, Legislative, and Other Recommendations . • Plan Approval Process and Public Participation ES-1 Description ofRegion C As of 1998, the estimated population of Region C was 4,779,210 -24.4 percent of Texas' total population. The two most populous counties in Region C, Dallas and Tarrant, have 70.6 percent of the region's population. There are 38 cities in Region C with an estimated 1998 population of more than 20,000. These cities include 80.5 percent of the 1998 population ofthe region. Economic Activity in Region C Region C includes most of the Dallas and Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan statistical areas, which have experienced strong economic growth in the 1990s. Payroll and employment in ES-! Region C are concentrated in the central urban counties of Dallas and Tarrant. The largest business sectors in Region C in tenns of payroll are services and manufacturing. Water-Related Physical Features in Region C Most of Region C is in the upper portion of the Trinity Basin, with smaller parts in the Red, Brazos, Sulphur, and Sabine Basins. Figure ES-l shows the major streams in Region C. Precipitation increases west to east in Region C from slightly more than 30 inches per year in western Jack County to more than 44 inches per year in the northeast comer of Fannin County. The average armual runoff in the region also increases from the west to the east. Evaporation is higher in the western part of Region C. The patterns of rainfall, runoff, and evaporation result in more abundant water supplies in the eastern part of Region C than in the west. There are 34 reservoirs in Region C with conservation storage over 5,000 acre-feet, all of which are shown in Figure ES-L These reservoirs and others outside of Region C provide most of the region's water supply. Reservoirs are necessary to provide a reliable surface water supply in this part of the state because of the wide variations in natural streamflow. Reservoir storage serves to capture high flows when they are available and save ihem for use during times of nonnal or low flow. The Trinity aquifer supplies most of the groundwater used in Region C. Other aquifers in the region include the Carrizo, Wilcox, the Woodbine, the Nacatoch, and the Queen City. Current Water Uses and Demand Centers in Region C Water use in Region C has increased significantly since 1980, primarily in response to increasing population and municipal demand. The historical record shows years of high use, including 1988, 1996, and 1998. High use years are associated with dry weather, which causes higher municipal demands due to increased outdoor water use. It is interesting to note that Region C, with 24.4 percent of Texas' population, had only 7.2 percent ofthe state's water use in 1997. This is primarily because Region C has very limited water use for irrigation. About 85 percent of the current water use in Region C is for municipal supply, followed by manufacturing use as the second largest category, then by steam electric power generation. Irrigation, mining, and livestock are relatively minor uses ofwater in Region C. ES-2 Current Sources of Water Supply Total water use in Region C has increased significantly since 1980, but grolllldwater use has actually decreased in that period. Since 1990, over 90 percent of the water use in Region C has been supplied by surface water, but grolllldwater is still an important source of supply, especially in some rural areas. Most ofthe surface water supply in Region C comes from major reservoirs. Another significant water source for Region C is surface water imported from other regions. The Trinity aquifer is by far the largest source of grolllldwater in Region C, with the Woodbine, Carrizo-Wilcox and other minor aquifers also used. Current use of grolllldwater exceeds the reliable long-term supply available in many parts ofRegion C. Over half of the water used for municipal supply in Region C is discharged as treated effluent from wastewater treatment plants, making wastewater reclamation and reuse a potentially significant source of additional water supply for the region. At present, only only a fraction of the region's treated wastewater is actually reclaimed and reused in the region. Many of the region's water suppliers are considering reuse projects, and it is clear that reuse of treated wastewater will be a significant part offuture water planning for Region C. Water Providers in Region C Water providers in Region C include regional wholesale suppliers (river authorities and water districts) and retail suppliers (cities and towns, water supply corporations, special utility districts, and private water companies). Cities and towns provide most of the retail water service in Region C. Table ES-! shows some basic data on sales to others by the five major water providers in Region C, which are the only water suppliers in the region with over 20,000 acrefeet per year in wholesale sales. Agricultural and Natural Resources in Region C Agricultural and natural resources in Region C are dependent on the region'.s water resources. Wetlands often rely on water from streama and reservoirs. Wetlands provide food and habitat for fish and wildlife, water quality improvement, flood protection, shoreline erosion control, and grolllldwater excbange, in addition to opportunities for human recreation, education, and research. Threatened or endangered species can depend on habitat associated with rivers and streams. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has identified several Region C stream segments as having significant natural resources based on their high water quality, exceptional ES-3 Table ES-l Major Water Providers in Region C Major Water Provider 1997 Wholesale Sales (Acre-Feet) Number of Wholesale Customers Raw Treated Total Cities Water Suppliers Others Tarrant Regional WD 258,448 0 258,448 12 11 16 North Texas MWD 0 168,247 168,247 23 14 1 Dallas 13,324 148,281 161,605 17 4 2 Fort Worth 427 39,521 39,948 28 2 4 Trinity River Authority 15,220 22,217 37,437 8 2 1 aquatic life, high aesthetic value, fisheries, spawning areas, unique state holdings, endangered or threatened species, priority bottomland hardwood habitat, wetlands, springs, and pristine areas. Region C includes almost 6,000,000 acres in fanns and over 2,500,000 acres of cropland. Less than 1 percent of the cropland in Region C is irrigated, but there are localized areas of irrigation. The market value of agriculture products is significant in all Region C counties, with a total value for 1997 of almost $500,000,000. For the region as a whole, the market value of livestock is almost twice that of crops. There are large areas classified as prime fannland by the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Cooke, Denton, Collin, Tarrant, Dallas, and Ellis Counties. Oil and natural gas fields are significant natural resources in portions of Region C. There is a high density of oil wells in Jack, Wise, Cooke, and Grayson Counties, with a lesser density in Denton, Parker, Navarro, Henderson, and Kaufinan Counties. There is a high density of producing natural glS wells in Freestone, Parker, Jack, and Wise Counties, with a lesser density in Navarro, Henderson, Denton, Cooke, and Grayson Counties. There are some lignite coal resources in Region C. The most significant current lignite production in Region C is in Freestone County to supply TXU Electric's Big Brown Steam Electric Station on Lake Fairfield. ES-4 Summary ofThreats and Constraints to Water Supply in Region C The most significant potential threats to existing water supplies in Region C are surface water quality concerns, groundwater drawdown, and groundwater quality. Constraints on the development of new supplies include the availability of sites and unappropriated water for new water supply reservoirs and the challenges imposed by environmental concerns an:! permitting. Most ofthe water suppliers in Region C will have to develop additional supplies before 2050. The major water suppliers have supplies well in excess of current needs, but they will require additional water to meet projected growth. Some smaller water suppliers face a more urgent need for water. Surface water quality concerns that might affect Region C water supplies include the following: • Detection of atrazine at low levels in some water supply reservoirs • Nutrient levels in water supply reservoirs • Total organic carbon (fOC) levels in source waters • Elevated levels ofdissolved solids in some reservoirs and stream reaches • Trace levels ofarsenic in some waters. In general, these concerns can be addressed by standard water treatment methods and do not pose a significant threat to water supplies in the region. Drawdown of aquifers poses a threat to small water suppliers and to household water use in rural areas. As water levels decline, the cost of pumping water grows and water quality generally suffers. Water level declines have been reported in localized areas in each of the aquifers in Region C. In particular, the region-wide pumping from the Trinity and Nacatoch aquifers is estimated to be greater than the recharge. Concern about groundwater drawdown is likely to prevent any substantial increase in groundwater use in Region C and may require conversion to surface water in some areas. Groundwater quality in Region C aquifers is generally acceptable for most municipal and industrial purposes. However, natural concentrations of arsenic, fluoride, nitrate, chloride, iron, manganese, sulfate, and total dissolved solids in excess of either primary or secondary drinking water standards occur in some areas. ES-5 Water-Related Threats to Agricultural and Natural Resources in Region C Water-related threats to agricultural and natural resources in Region C include changes to natural flow conditions, water quality concerns, and inundation of land due to reservoir development. In general, there are few significant water-related threats to agricultural resources in Region C due to the limited use of water for agriCUltural purposes. Water-related threats to natural resources are more significant. ES-2 Population and Water Demand Projections Methodology for Projections of Population and Water Demand The Texas Water Development Board's Senate Bill One planning guidelines require the use of TWDB's population and water demand projections from the 1997 Texas Water Plan uuless revisions are approved by TWOB based on changed conditions or new information. The TWOB projects water demand separately for municipal, manufacturing, steam electric power generation, mining, irrigation, and livestock uses. Municipal demand is developed for each community with a population of over 500 and includes commercial, institutional, and residential water uses but does not include manufacturing use. A "county other" group for each county covers municipal use in rural areas and communities with less than 500 people. All demand categories except municipal are developed on a countywide basis. To develop the population and water demand projections for Region C, the Region C water planning group went through the following steps: • Assembled historical data and previous TWOB projections and d:veloped tables and figures that could be reviewed by counties, cities, water suppliers, industries, and other interested entities. • Sent the TWDB data and a questionnaire to all Region C counties, cities with a population over 1,000, regional water suppliers, retail water suppliers (supplying over 0.2 mgd), and large industries. • Gathered population data from the State Data Center and the North Central Texas Council of Governments. • Reviewed the previous TWOB population projections for each county and recommended changes to projections where current populations deviate significantly from the previous projections. • Adjusted city population projections based on historical trends and knowledge of expected future development using the county population projections as controls. : ' ES-6 • Compared TWDB's projections of per capita municipal water demand from the 1997 Texas Water Planwith actual per capita water demand in the 1990s from TWDB data. • Developed data on 1998 per capita water use for Region C water providers. • Adjusted previous TWDB projections in per capita water demand to reflect actual use in the 1990s, trends in water use, water conservation, reasonable minimum demands for water, knowledge of future development that might affect per capita needs, and other mctors. • Developed tables and graphs for each city in the region to assist in the review of the recommended projections. • Revised projections of water demand for steam electric power generation based on input from TXU Electric. • Checked previous TWDB projections for manufacturing, mining, irrigation, and livestock use and left them unchanged after comparison with recent historical data. • Formed a Technical Review Committee consisting of experienced water resource planners to review the recommendations of the consultants on population and water use and report to the planning group. • Held a public meeting to receive input on the water demand projections. • Made a number of additional changes as a result of TWDB review and input. • Submitted the revised projections to the TWJ)B board, which approved the revised projections in December of 1999. Population Projections Table ES-2 presents the adopted population projections by county for Region C. Figure ES-2 shows the historical and projected population for the region. All counties are projected to increase in population between now and 2050, and the projected 2050 population for Region C is 9,481,157. Once the county population projections were completed, city population projections were adjusted based on historical trends and kmwledge of expected future development. The county populations served as controls in this process, and all population not assigned to a particular city was included as county other. Water Demand Projections Table ES-3 shows the adopted water demand projections for Region C by county. Table ES4 and Figure ES-3 show the projected water demand for the region by type ofuse. The projected 2050 water demand for Region Cis 2,536,902 acre-reet per year, which is more than double the 1996 use in the region. Most ofthe change from previous TWDB projections is in municipal ES-7 Table ES-2 Adopted County Population Projections for Region C Historical iCounty 1996 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Collin 373,095 443,000 635,455 923,309 1,150,001 1,351,000 1,501,395 Cooke 33,196 34,209 36,967 38,816 40,000 41,250 42,500 Dallas 1,999,926 2,104,858 2,326,828 2,556,793 2,784,704 3,045,931 3,259,995 Denton 349,566 423,327 591,350 802,461 1,033,731 1,200,000 1,349,999. Ellis 94,097 103,070 123,854 144,054 162,273 175,403 185,364 . Fannin 27,435 30,000 33,601 37,000 39,501 40,499 41,001 i Freestone 17,757 18,167 18,800 19,300 19,600 20,000 20,300 Grayson 100,611 106,119 110,226 114,702 117,865 22,000 Henderson (partial) 45,761 46,562 51,261 55,515 57,704 58,690 60,476 Jack 7,435 7,819 6 8,934 9,175 9,353 Kaufman 61,646 68,368 8 I 129,359 147,108 162,417 Navarro 42,875 45,191 4 , II 57,015 59,200 61,000 Parker 73,897 80,436 9 , 118,287 139,094 156,023 171,216 Rockwall 34,287 41,175 61,392 88,136 122,000 160,588 203,529 Tarrant 1,306,457 1,415,759 1,594,218 1,798,894 1,915,375 2,1ll,193 2,205,610 Wise 41,019 44,800 54,674 64,363 73,641 81,000 85,002 RegionC Total 4,609,060 5,012,860 5,882,173 6,931,543 7,850,797 8,778,041 9,481,157 demands, with a smaller change in steam electric power demands. No changes were made to TWDB's previous projections for manufacturing, mining, irrigation, or livestock demands. One ofthe most important reasons for the increase in projected per capita demand for Region C is the high water use recorded for many Region C water suppliers in 1996 and 1998. This high water use occurred despite significant water conservation efforts in the region and despite the impact of low flow plumbing fixtures. There are several factors that tend to increase per capita municipal water use in the region: • In many communities, new development is large houses with large lots, sprinkler systems, swimming pools, and other water-using amenities. • The number of people per household is decreasing in most of Region C. This tends to cause an increase in per capita use because household uses are spread over fewer people. • Many Region C communities are experiencing rapid commercial development, which increases per capita water usc. ES-8 FigureES-2 Historical and Projected Population for Region C 10,000,000 9,000,000 6,000,000 E1-..:: .! §. 􀁾􀀠2,000,000 ) ,000,000 o 8,000,000 +1--------------------'------7,000,000 +----------------- -----, 5,000,000 􀀫􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠4,000,000 +-----------------3,000,000 +---------------! 900 ! 91 0 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 􀁖􀁐􀁾􀀢􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾� �::J • Historical • Adopted Proj:ction Table ES-3 Adopted County Water Demand Projections for Region C -Values in Acre-Feet per Year-County Collin :Cooke Pallas Denton Ellis Fannin Freestone Grayson Henderson (partial) ack Kaufman Navarro Parker Rockwall Tarrant Wise Region C Total Projected Water Demand Historical 1996 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 89,230 129,015 199,964: 262,520 312,307 363,821 8,429 9,054 9,133 9,238 9,304 9,581 505,423 594,937 683,097 751,767 810,356 883,850 65,075 90,209 135,740 185,725 230,286 257,410 19,721 24,372 43,204 46,03C 49,309 53,991 17,515 12,100 13,330 14,500 15,597 16,572 20,608 20,074 31,058 33,00C 33,036 37,260 29,152 29,060 29,7601 30,242 31,347 32,508 10,785 12,697 13,169 13,478 13,697 13,737 3,337 2,644 2,589 2,574 2,591 2,615 10,653 21,219 24,401 27,392 32,361 34,832 10,558 10,301 10,845 ll,21e 11,850 12,303 12,372 14,120 24, 52 1 28,455 37,697 42,853 6,566 9,160 􀀴􀁾􀀳􀀬􀀵􀀷􀀠26,027 33,061 41,320 291,406 379,205 468,728 490,960 527,716 25,688 18,206 31,460 34,007 36,067 37,819 1,126,518 1,376,373 1,695,661 1,944,893 2,149,826 2,368,188 TableES-4 Adopted Water Demand Projections for Region C by Type or Use -Values in Acre-Feet per Year2050 401,007' 9,879 940,289 281,9891 55,575 17,515 37,2901 33,688 13,908 2,652 42,017 12,735 45,725 50,249 553,302 39,082 2,536,902 Use Municipal Historical Projected Water Demand 1996 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 946,454 1,162,093 1,401,197 1,625,412 1,808,337 1,988,513 Manufacturing '71,366 117,577 135,114 148,798 162,714 183,188 Steam Electric Power 52,103 59,800 122,300 132,700 139,700 156,192 Mining 22,576 13,046 13,231 14,190 15,294 16,515 Irrigation 9,689 5,382 5,344 5,318 5,306 5,305 1 Livestock 24,330 18,475 18,475 18,475 18,475 18,475 Total 1,126,518 1,376,373 1,695,661 1,944,893 2,149,826 2,368,188 2050 2,125,330. 207,637 162,192 17,950 5,318 18,475 2,536,902 ES-9 FigureES-3 Adopted Projections for Water Use by Category in Region C 3,000,000 "-------------------------------, 􀁾􀀠~ ~ IE Livestock f iii Mining'" IE lnigation􀁾􀀠IE Steam Electric 􀁾􀀠iii Manufacturing iii Municipal .. 􀁾􀀠1,000,000 500,000 o 2,500,000 +1----------------------2,000,000 +1-------------1.500,000 +------1 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year ES-3 Analysis of Water Supply Currently Available to Region C Total water use in Region C in 1996 was over 1,100,000 acre-feet. About 74 percent of the region's 1996 water use came from in-region reservoirs. The projected total reliable water supply available to Region C in 2050 from current sources will be about 2,023,000 acre-feet per year. (This figure does not consider supply limitations due to the capacities of current raw water transmission facilities and wells.) Figure ES-4 shows the projected total water availability for Region C. The sources of supply for Reiion C in 2050 include: • 1,138,000 acre-feet per year (56%) from in-region reservoirs • 181,000 acre-feet per year (9%) from groundwater • 70,000 acre-feet per year (3%) from local supplies • . 82,000 acre-feet per year (4%) from reuse • 552,000 acre-feet per year (28"/0) from imports from other regions The projected supply available to Region C from existing sources in 2050 is significantly less than the projected 2050 water use. ('2 i ;;:; t... Iq02. tt<. -.f;.) Ifthe supply limitations due to the capacities of current raw water transmission fucilities and wells are considered, the available supply for Region C is reduced significantly. Most water user groups will have to make improvements to water transmission facilities or wells to provide for their projected needs. Several major Region C water supplies will require additional raw water transmission facilities before they can be utilized fully. Current 1J0undwater use in parts of Region C exceeds the projected long-tenn water supply availability. Supplies from other sources will be needed in these areas so that groundwater use can be reduced. Counties and aquifers where current use exceeds long-tenn supplies include the following: • Trinity aquifer in Cooke County • Trinity and Woodbine aquifers in Denton County 􀁾􀀠:";• Woodbine aquifer in Ellis County • Trinity and Woodbine aquifers in Grayson County • Nacatoch aquifer in Kaufman County • Trinity aquifer in Parker County • Trinity aquifer in in Tarrant County. ES-IO Figure ES-4 Overall Water Supply Availability in Region C by Source 2,500,000 ,---------------------------______--, .... 2,000,000 +1------c. 1,500,000 +-------􀁾􀁉􀁭􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁴􀁳os 􀁾􀀠iii Reuse .... '" o Livestock Local IS Mining Local 􀁾􀀠j 1lEI Irrigation Local iii Groundwater.9 I ,000,000 􀁾􀀠iii Reservoirs §:: = '" 500,000 o 1996 Use 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year Some of the total supply shown as availahle to Region C will probably not be utilized fully during the period covered by this plan. Ibis includes over 90,000 acre-feet per year of groundwater shown to be available in the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer in Freestone County. The five major water providers in Region C (City of Dallas, Tarrant Regional Water District, North Texas Municipal Water District, City of Fort Worth, and Trinity River Authority) provided over 903,000 acre-feet of water in 1996 (80% ofthe total provided in the region). They have 74% ofthe 2050 water supply currently available to the region. The recent dry sununers of 1996, 1998, 1999, and 2000 have caused very high water use for many Region C water suppliers. These droughts have put stress on some of the region'S major reservoirs, which are designed for a 5 to 7 year drought like that of the 1950's. The high demands also exposed supply limitations for many smaller suppliers (especially those dependent on groundwater) and exposed treatment and distribution limitations for other suppliers. ES-4 Comparison ofCurrent Water Supply and Projected Water Demand Comparison of Supply and Demand Figure ES-5 shows the comparison of total supply with demand for Region C, including supplies that require additional water transmission facilities before they are available to the region. By 2030, the projected demand for Region C exceeds the total supply, even if all of the supplies available to the region are used in full. Considering only currently connected supplies (those ,vith transmission systems already in place), the following facts emerge for Region C: • In 2000, three Region C counties (Cooke, Dallas, and Parker) show a net need for inunediate additional supplies when all demands and all connected supplies are totaled. • Significant additional supplies need to be connected before 2010 in Region C. (Several major projects to connect existing supplies are already underway.) • By 2050, 11 out of the 16 Region C counties show a need for the connection or development of additional supplies to meet projected demands. • By 2050, 193 out of281 Region C water user groups show a need for the connection or development of additional supplies to meet projected demands. • Current plans call for the connection of significant additional supplies for Region Cover the next few years, including the following: o Irving and Upper Trinity Regional Water District's Lake Chapman pipeline is scheduled for completion by 2003 and will connect 65,700 acre-feet per year. ES-l1 Figure ES-S Comparison of Total Connected and Unconnected Supply with Demand for Region C 3,000,000 2,500,'000 +------------------------__::::::;;;;'iiI""....----j 􀁾􀀠 "';<< .•= 'ia1,5'00,0'00 ... 􀁾􀀠't:l 01= i 1,'000,'000 c. Jl 5'00,000 ° 2,0'00,00'0 +------I 1996 Use 2'00'0 2'01'0 202'0 203'0 2'040 2050 Year o IiiiiiiIImpons IiiiiIReuse = Livestock Local CE:::!i31 Mining Local I!imillllrrigation Local IiiiiIGroundwater IiiiiIReservoirs --Demand o Dallas Water Utilities Lake Fork pipeline is scheduled for completion by 2004 and will connect 120,000 acre-feet per year. o Tarrant Regional Water District is planning additional capacity for its pipeline to Richland-Chambers Lake that '\\ill connect an additional 110,000 acre-feet per year by 2005. • Many Region C water suppliers depend on the region's major water providers (Dallas Water Utilities, Tarrant Regional Water District, North Texas Municipal Water District, Fort Worth, and Trinity River Authority) for all or part of their supplies. Each of those major water providers will need additional supplies by 2050. Socio-Economic Impacts of Not Meeting Projected Water Needs If no additional water supplies are developed, Region C will face substantial shortages in water supply over the next 50 years. The Texas Water Development Board provided technical assistance to regional water planning groups in the development of information on the socioec.onomic impacts of failing to meet projected water needs. TWDB's findings for Region C can be summarized as follows: • The currently connected supplies in Region C would meet only 52.5 percent of the projected 2050 demand. • Without any additional supplies, the region's projected 2050 population would be limited to 6,078,289, instead of9,481,157, a reduction of35.9 percent. • Without any additional supplies, the region'S projected 2050 employment would be limited to 2,605,111, instead of 4,425,184, a reduction of 41.1 percent. • Without any additional supplies, the region's projected 2050 income would be limited to $109,505,000,000, instead of$I71,199,000,000, a reduction of 36.3 percent. ES·5 Evaluation and Selection ofWater Management Strategies The regional water planning group went through several steps in the evaluation and selection of water management strategies for Region C: • Review of previous plans for water supply in Region C, including locally developed plans and the most recent state water plan . • Development of goals, issues, and concerns for the planning process • General consideration of the types of water management strategies required by Senate Bill One regional planning guidelines • Development ofevaluation criteria for management strategies • Evaluation ofindividual strategies ES-12 .. • Development ofcost infonnation for individual strategies • Selection of strategies. The development of a water plan covering fIfty years for a region as large and populous as Region C is full of uncertainties. The implementation of the resulting plan must be flexible to alIo w for slower or faster than expected growth, unexpected obstacles in development of water management strategies, and unexpected opportunities. SpecifIc points to remember include the following: • The order in which steps are taken and the exact amount of sq>ply available from each source are subject to variation. • Water suppliers may need to turn to other alternatives if the recommended alternatives prove to be impractical. • Changes in one element ofthe plan can affect other elements. • Given the uncertainty in developing future supplies, flexibility in plan implementation is essential to success. • The details ofthe plan will probably change as implementation proceeds. Goals of the Planning Process The goals for the Region C water planning effort are as follows: • Provide sufficient water to meet realistic estimates ofdemand in a timely manner. • Develop an effective continuing planning process to maintain reliable estimates of supply, maintain realistic estimates of demand, and identify appropriate programs and facilities to meet the water supply needs ofRegion C. • Provide for the water supply needs of Region C in a manner that supports the continued economic strength ofboth Region C and the state as a whole. • Develop a water supply plan that recognizes the economic, environmental, and cultural importance ofnatural resources and provides for the maintenance ofthose resources. • Address the water supply needs of small cities and rural areas as well as large metropolitan areas. • Provide for sustainable groundwater use in areas where groundwater is an essential component ofthe water supply plan. Types ofWater Management Strategies Considered As required by Senate Bill One guidelines, the Region C Water Planning Group considered specifIc types ofwater management strategies as means ofdeveloping additional water supplies: ES-13 • Water conservation and drought response planning • Reuse of wastewater • Expanded use or acquisition ofexisting supplies • Reallocation ofreservoir storage to new uses • Voluntary redistribution ofwater resources • Voluntary subordination ofwater rights • Enhancement of yields of existing sources • Control ofnaturally occurring chlorides • Interbasin transfers • New supply development • Water management strategies in the current state water plan • Brush control, precipitation enhancement, and desalination • Water right cancellation • Aquifer storage and recovery • Other measures. Methodology for Evaluating Water Management Strategies The Region C Water Planning Group considered the following factors in the evaluation of potential water management strategies: • Quantity ofwater made available • Reliability ofsupply • Unit cost ofdelivered and treated water • Difficulty of addres.sing environmental issues o Instream flows o Bay and estuary flows o Wildlife habitat o Cultural resources o Wetlands o Water quality o Other • Impacts on water resources and other management strategies ES-14 • Impacts on agricultural and natural resources • Consistency with plans ofRegion C water suppliers • Consistency with other regions. Development of cost estimates for water management strategies followed guidelines provided by the Texas Water Development Board. The costs include a 30 percent allowance for engineering and contingencies for pipelines and a 35 percent engineering and contingency allowance for other projects. Costs are for development of new supplies and do not include costs for: • Facilities already in place • Replacement or upgrading of aging facilities • Improvements to meet changing regulatory requirements '. Improvements for water distribution to retail customers. Recommended Water Management Strategies for Major Water Providers A large part of the water supplied in Region C is provided by the five major water providers in the region: Dallas Water Utilities, Tarrant Regional Water District, North Texas Municipal Water District, Fort Worth, and Trinity River Authority. These five entities will continue to provide the majority of the water supply for Region C through 2050, and they will also develop most of the new supply developed in that time period. Recommended water mamgement strategies to meet the needs of these major water providers include the following: • Marvin Nichols I Lake o Major new reservoir in the Sulphur River Basin in the North East Texas Region (Region D) o Cooperative effort of Region C and Region D water suppliers o Total yield of 619,100 acre-feet per year • 123,800 acre-feet per year to Region D • 112,000 acre-feet per year to Dallas Water Utilities • 156,000 acre-feet per year to Tarrant Regional Water District • 163,300 acre-feet per year to North Texas Municipal Water District • 25,000 acre-feet per year to Irving • 39,000 acre-feet per year to meet other Region C needs. ES-15 o Estimated capital cost for Region C (including transmission to Region C but not including treatment) of $1,625,190,000. • Dallas Water Utilities o Figure ES-6 shows the overall comparison of supply and demand for Dallas Water Utilities with recommended water management strategies. o Continue to use return flows above its lakes (50,000 acre-feet per year in 2000, decreasing to 0 by 2050). o Temporarily overdraft its reservoirs in 2000 (22,000 acre-feet per year in 2000). o Extend the Elm Fork permit for wet weather diversions (10,000 acre-feet per year). o Connect Lake Fork Reservoir to its system (120,000 acre-feet per year). o Connect Lake Palestine to its system (109,600 acre-feet per year). o Participate in the Marvin Nichols I project (112,000 acre-feet per year). o Develop a reuse project (68,300 acre-feet per year). o Renew contracts with existing customers as they expire. o Develop additional water treatment capacity as needed. o Other alternatives for Dallas Water Utilities include additional reuse and •development of yield from return flows in the watersheds of water supply reservOlfS. • Tarrant Regional Water District o Figure ES-7 shows the overall comparison of supply and &mand for Tarrant Regional Water District with recommended water management strategies. o Add pumps and a booster pump station to develop additional capacity in the pipeline from Richland-Chambers Lake to Tarrant County (110,000 acre-feet per year). o Develop the West Fork Connection to allow water to be transferred among the parts of the water supply system. o Develop the proposed reuse project to pump water from the Trinity River into Cedar Creek Lake and Richland-Chambers Lake to supplement yields (115,500 acre-feet per year). o Develop a water supply from existing water sources in Oklahoma (12,000 acrefeet per year) o Develop a third pipeline from Cedar Creek Lake and Richland-Chambers Lake to Tarrant County. o Participate in the Marvin Nichols I project (156,000 acre-feet per year). o Other alternatives for Tarrant Regional Regional Water District include the development of Lake Tehuacana and obtaining water from Lake Texoma. ES-16 􀁾􀀮􀀠. 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 'i:' .. .. '" >< .. 700,000 .. '" .. 600,000"'" ..J. S '" 500,000 􀁾􀀠'" ;:I '" {fJ 400,000 "CI == "CI'" 300,000 e == os .. Q 200,000 100,000 ° 2000 Figure ES-6 Dallas Water Utilities Supply and Demand 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year -Rellse -Marvin Nichols I -Lake Palestine Connection -Lake Fork Connection -Extend Elm Fk. Term Permit -Additional Temporary Overdraft Iii!Ii!iI Return Flows above Lakes 􀁉􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀬􀁉􀀠Additional Dry-Year Suppy -TAV Industrial -Elm Fork Term Permit -Lake Grapntine '----' Elm Fork Channel Dams c:::::J Lakes Ray Roberts/lEwisville -Lake Tawakoni I!ii!ii!I Lake Ray Hubbard -Estimated Demand Note: New supplies from water management strategies are in bold, Currently connected supplies are in italics. • Figure ES-7 Tarrant Regional Water District Supply and Demand 900,000.------------------------, 800,000 +------------------------1 1:'!3 700,000 -t .._ .... >< t! 600,000 +---------...1500,000 +---b 􀁾􀀴􀀰􀀰􀀬􀀰􀀰􀀰􀀠􀁾􀀠r.I':I '0 = 􀁾􀀠300,000 I:.. S 􀁾􀀠200,000 100,000 o 2000· 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year IiiiiiiII Marvin Nichols I Iiiiiiiil Oklahoma Water -Reuse from Trinity River IiiiiiiII Cedar-Riehland Expansion r::::::::JCedar-Richland Connected r::::::::J Lake Benbrook ..Lake Bridgepm Local II!!!iI!I West Fork System -Projected Demand Note: New supplies from water management strategies are in bold. Currently connected supplies are in italics. • • North Texas Municipal Water District o Figure ES-8 shows the overall comparison of supply and demand for North Texas Municipal Water District with recommended water management strategies. o Develop additional water supplies in Lake Lavon from reuse (35,900 acre-feet per year). o DeVelop additional water supplies from Lake Texoma (10,000 acre-feet per year). o Develop a water supply from existing water sources in Oklahoma (50,000 acrefeet per year). o Develop Lower Bois d'Arc Creek Reservoir on Bois d'Arc Creek (98,000 acrefeet per year). o Participate in the Marvin Nichols I project (163,300 acre-feet per year). o Develop additional water treatment capacity and treated water transmission system improvements as needed. o Other alternatives for North Texas Municipal Water District include obtaining a substantial additional supply from Lake Texoma and extending the existing Lake Texorna pipeline to minimize channel losses. • City of Fort Worth o Continue to obtain essentially all of its raw water from Tarrant Regional Water District. o Renew contracts with its existing customers as they expire. o Develop additional water treatment capacity as needed. • Trinity River Authority o Continue to obtain raw water:froiD. Tarrant Regional Water District for its Tarrant County water supply project. o Expand Tarrant County water supply project raw water transmission, water treatment, and treated water transmission facilities as needed to meet growing demands. o Obtain raw water from Tarrant Regional Water District to implement the Ellis County water supply project. o Develop raw and treated water transmission lines to implement the Ellis. County water supply project. o Develop reuse projects: • Additional golf course and landscape irrigation in the Las Colinas area. • Golf course and landscape irrigation in Denton and Tarrant Counties. • Stearn electric power supply in Dallas and Ellis Counties • Reuse for municipal supply in Dallas County through Joe Pool Lake and Lake Grapevine. ES-17 Figure ES-8 North Texas Municipal Water District Supply and Demand 700,000 600,000 'I:' '" 􀁾􀀠.. ... .... '" 􀁾􀀠 '" 􀁾􀀠S -a: §' 300,000 {/'). "CI = '" "CI ; 200,000 5 􀁾􀀠100,000 o 500,000 +---------------400,000 +-----------1 J 2000 . 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Year -Marvin Nichols I -Lower Bois d' Arc Creek Lake ",...I,..", Oklahoma Water -Additi!)nal Lake Texoma -Addili!)nal Reuse c::::J Current Reuse c::::J Lake Chapnan -Lake Texoma I. , Lake Lavon -Estimated Demand=='-------Note: New supplies from water management strategies are in b!)ld. Currently connected supplies are in italics. TableES-5 New Supply from Water Management Strategies and Estimated Capital Costs for Region C Major Water Providers Major Water Provider New Supply, 2000-2050 . (Acre-Feet per Year) Estimated Capital Cost Dallas Water Utilities 419,900 $1,492,649,000 i Tarrant Regional Water District 393,500 $1,167,652,000 ! I North Texas Municipal Water District 357,200 $1,435,447,000 Fort Worth -(a) $221,475,000 Trinity River Authority 81,500(8) $166,081,000 Total 1,252,100 $4,483,304,000 .. .Note: (a) New supphes for Fort Worth and Tnmty River Authonty are Included In the Tarrant Regional Water District total. Table ES-5 shows the total new supply from 2000 through 2050 and the estimated capital cost to develop the supply for the five major water providers in Region C. Recommended Water Management Strategies by County The recommended strategies for each county in Region C are summarized below: • CoHin County o Most Collin County water user groups will continue to obtain treated water from North Texas Municipal Water District. o Blue Ridge will develop new wells and continue to rely on the Woodbine aquifer. o Celina will obtain treated water from the Upper Trinity Regional Water District. o Dallas Water Utilities will supply the part ofDallas in Collin County. o Prosper will purchase treated water from North Texas Municipal Water District and Upper Trinity Regional Water District. o Water suppliers will temporarily overdraft groundwater while developing surface supplies. o Water for steam electric power will be provided by a direct reuse project. • Cooke County o Current groundwater use in Cooke County exceeds TWDB's estimated long-term reliable supply. o Gainesville is currently developing transmission and treatment facilities to connect to its existing Moss Lake surface water supply. ES-18 o Muenster is planning to develop a 500 acre-foot per year supply from the proposed Muenster Lake in the next few years. o The Cooke County water supply system will be developed using raw water from Gainesville's Moss Lake to provide surface water supplies for water users in the county. o Water users will temporarily overdraft groundwater while developing surface supplies. o Water users in Cooke County might consider formation of a groundwater management district. o The Upper Trinity Regional Water District will supply treated water to Valley View and a portion of Cooke County Other. • Dallas County o Most water user groups in Dallas County will continue to obtain treated water from Dallas Water Utilities and North Texas Municipal Water District, renewing contracts as they expire. o Irving will complete facilities to bring its water supply from Lake Chapman to Lake Lewisville for treatment by Dallas and use by Irving. o Irving will develop a supply from Marvin Nichols I Reservoir. ? o Grapevine will implement its authorized direct reuse project. 􀁾􀀠I o Dallas County Other demands will be met from Dallas Water Utilities, Trinity River Authority reuse projects, and the proposed Marvin Nichols I project. o Water for steam electric power generation and mining will come from Dallas Water Utilities and a Trinity River Authority reuse project. • Denton County o Current groundwater use in Denton County exceeds TWDB's estimated long-tenn reliable supply. o Upper Trinity Regional Water District will continue to develop its surface water supply system. Most Denton County water suppliers will purchase raw or treated water from UTRWD. o Upper Trinity Regional Water District will deliver raw water from Lake Chapman to Lewisville Lake through lines constructed by Irving. o Upper Trinity Regional Water District will develop reuse of the water imported from Lake Chapman. o Upper Trinity Regional Water District, Denton, and Lewisville will continue to purchase raw water from Dallas Water Utilities. o Lewisville will purchase raw water from Lake Chapman from UTRWD. ES-19 o Dallas Water Utilities, North Texas Municipal Water District, and Fort Worth will continue to supply treated water to current customers in Denton County, renewing contracts as they expire. o Water users will temporarily overdraft groundwater while developing surface supplies. o Water userS in Denton County might consider formation of a groundwater management district. o Trinity River Authority will develop a reuse project for golf course and landscape irrigation. o Additional mining supplies will be obtained from other local supplies. o Water for steam electric power will be provided by a direct reuse project. • Ellis County o Current groundwater use in Ellis County exceeds TWOB's estimated long-term reliable supply. o The Trinity River Authority and water suppliers in Ellis County will develop the Ellis County water supply system using raw water from Tarrant Regional Water District, treatment capacity from Waxahachie, and transmission facilities developed for the project. o Dallas Water Utilities will continue to provide treated waterto Ellis County water suppliers, renewing contracts as they expire. o Ennis, Mansfield, and Midlothian will obtain raw water from Tarrant Regional Water District. o Milford will continue to <:btain treated water from Files Valley Water Supply Corporation. o Water users will temporarily overdraft groundwater while developing surface supplies. o Water for steam electric power will be provided from Trinity River Authority and Ennis reuse projects and TRA's Joe Pool Lake and Lake Bardwell. • Fannin County o Fannin County water user groups will develop a regional surface water supply system. o Until that system is developed, Fannin County water suppliers will continue to rely on groundwater. • Freestone County o Fairfield will develop an additional well in the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer. o Wortham will obtain treated water from Mexia. o Water for steam electric power will be provided from TRWD's RichlandChambers Lake. ES-20 • Grayson County o Current groundwater use in Grayson County exceeds TWDB's estimated longterm reliable supply. o Development of the Grayson County water supply system is proposed to deliver water to users throughout the county. The system includes a raw water pipeline from Lake Texoma, a treatment and desalinamn plant, and treated water pipelines. o Water users will temporarily overdraft groundwater While developing surface supplies. o Water users in Grayson County might consider formation of a groundwater management district. o Denison will sell treated water to Pottsboro (using raw water rights obtained by Pottsboro). • Henderson County o Most Henderson County water user groups have an adequate supply to meet projected water demands through 2050. o Malakoff will develop a surface water supply syStem using raw water from 1RWD's Cedar Creek Lake. • Jack County o All Jack County water user groups have an adequate supply to meet projected water demands through 2050. • Kaufman County o Current groundwater use use in Kaufman County exceeds TWDB's estimate of longterm reliable supply. o North Texas Municipal Water District, Terrell, and Dallas Water Utilities will continue to supply their current customers in Kaufinan County. o Treated wastewater from Garland will be reused for steam electric power demand. o Water users will temporarily overdraft groundwater while developing surface supplies. o TRWD will supply surfuce water for mining. o Additional irrigation local supplies will be developed for irrigation demands. • Navarro County o Corsicana will continue to provide treated water fur most of the water stppliers in Navarro County, and Corsicana has an adequate water supply. o A new well will be developed in the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer for mining use. ES-21 • Parker County o Current groundwater use in Parker County exceeds TWDB's estimated long-tenn reliable supply. o Weatherford is constructing apump station and 36-inch pipeline to bring water from Lake Benbrook to Lake Weatherford. That project is planned for completion in 2002. o Weatherford will treat raw water made available by Tarrant Regional Water District and sell treated water to Aledo, Annetta, Hudson Oaks, and Willow Park, all of which currently use the Trinity aquifer for their water supply. o TRWD will provide additional water for Azle, Briar, Reno (through Springtown), and Springtown. o Additional county other am manufacturing supplies will be developed from TRWD through Weatherford. o Water for steam electric power will be provided by reuse of treated wastewater from Weatherford and by water from TRWD's Lake Benbrook. o Water for mining will be provided by increased local water supply diversions. o Water users will temporarily overdraft groundwater while developing surface supplies. o Water users in Parker County might consider formation of a groundwater management district. • Rockwan County o Dallas Water Utilities will continue to supply the part of Dallas in Rockwall County. o Most water suppliers in Rockwall County will continue to obtain treated water from North Texas Municipal Water District. o Water for steam electric power will be provided by reuse. • Tarrant County o Current groundwater use in Tarrant County exceeds TWDB estimate of reliable long-tenn supply. o Tarrant Regional Water District will continue to provide raw water for most of the water suppliers in Tarrant County. o Fort Worth and the Trinity River Authority's Tarrant County water supply project will continue to supply treated water to many Tarrant County water suppliers, renewing contracts as they expire. o Arlington, Benbrook, Fort Worth, Mansfield and the Trinity River Authority Tarrant County water supply project \\'' TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD MUNICIPAL USE BY CITY AND RURAL COUNTY SUMMARY FOR DALLAS COUNTY City Name ,I 􀁩􀁏􀁬􀀰􀁾􀀠Use ", Use '''''''1 IBALCH 2315 ..eo 􀁾LL (P-C LL C) 91 LL 'ti02 , (P-C) 299680 EH 6774 3iD (P-GI IGLENN , (P-G 1403 : (P-C) 14829 􀀬􀁾􀀠􀁾HL IRVING 469891 ,TER 􀁾􀀠, (P-C) 􀁾􀁌􀁁􀀠I I (P-C 19190 P-C) 1fi '(f C) 􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀠1 'PARK 59051 I 2.31 COUN' 2361 ' 1 t,.;UUNIY IUIAL >41/04 """ -,241; 11 98 1282 320090 8134 7356 10394 33751 lti"' 14967 21 35166, 419081 3883 􀁾􀀠178301 ,.., 2;441 5720 2>" 38933 """"3' Year Year ,􀀢􀀢􀁾􀁩􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀠Use' Use' 􀁾􀀠Use 7461 8495 2429 2095 121 ; 􀀱􀀰􀀹􀁾􀀱974 I' 71 41 105 90 991 9082 10609 􀀳􀀲􀁾321618 􀁾􀁉9286 742' 14081 10858 05001 5131 33320 335091 320341 1783 1852 20351 13037 13289 134651 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠2. 31 397: 144 1032 50257 51525 56576 ,.91 3709 􀁾292 316 23246 2591; 285881 811 83 911 179761 18768 200651 6'631 82,. 10233 􀀲􀀳􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀠2617 2879 2€1i 􀁾III' 5578 567, 59381 2>4 230 216 74093 9618' 130050 031241 6.UU, "6,9" 2050 􀀢􀀢􀁾􀀬􀀺􀁾􀁾'"'" Use 9U91 I 20121 105051 183631 3m 1091 169,0: 331648: i22361 i34781 􀀳􀁾􀀠ii 307E 304, 173: 6304 2061 1457501 753422 NOTES " COUNTY OTHER IS FOR RURAIJUNINCORPORATFDAREAS OR COMMUNITIES OF POPULATION OF LESS THAN 500, 2, (P-R) REPRESENTS A CITY THAT IS IN PARTIAUY TWO OR MORE RIVER BASINS. 3, (P-C) REPRESENTS A CITY THAT IS IN PARTIALLY TWO OR MORE COUNTIES, TEXAS WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD POPULATION BY CITY AND RURAL COUNTY SUMMARY FOR DALLAS COUNTY I City Name 􀁹􀁥􀁡􀁲􀀲􀁾􀀠Year 2010 Year 2020 Year20aO Year 2040 Year 2050 I _TON (P-C) t HILL (P-C) C( ,HILL : (P-C) )ALLAS (P-C) DE SOTe H , (P-C) Mel"M I " (P-C) : (P-C) • (P-C) 'PARK 􀁾􀁲􀀧􀀢􀀠: (P-C) ITE )VILLA (P-C) ON (P-C) , (P-C) , (P-C) COUNTY OTHER COUNTY TOTAL 219981 483871 272031 4057 504 23368 3557' 39323 25381 196391 5010 88257 99 8905 3085 24640 768 319 73526 24189 9'l82 12346 2666 22528 2665 61174 1" :t vJwlJ );Ii..< Ie􀀧􀀷􀁾􀀠IL-􀁲􀁾􀁹􀁾􀀠􀁢􀁾􀁫􀀬􀁌􀀭;1rob> 􀁾􀀠9L1:1-.-;... '" . . _. .. . .;;': 􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀠-. ..' ... '---.--" .' , :, ..... ".:.-. REGION C WATER PLANNING GROUP Senate Bill 1 -Texas Water Development Board Board Me""'.,. Terrace W. Stewart, Chair James M. Parks, Vice-Cllair Ray J. Eaton, Secretary BradBamcs fArcy A. Burch Jerry W. Chapman Howard Martin Jim McCarter William W. Meadows Elaine I, PetnlS Dr. Paul Plriilips Irvin M, Rice Robert O. Scott George Shannon Connie Sramiridge Danny Vance Judge Tom Vandergriff Mary E. VQgelson Paul Zweiacker clo NTMWD 505 E. Brown Street P. O. Box 2408 Wylie, Texas 75098-2408 9721442-5405 9721442·540SlFax N'rMWD@airmail.net March 23, 1999 TO: WATER PLANNING REGION C CITIES AND TOWNS Subject: Population and Water Use Projections for Regional Water Planning In 1997, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 1 to address water supply issues. Among other provisions, Senate Bill 1 initiated regional water planning efforts across the state. The bill called for the fonnation of regional water planning groups to take the lead in the regional planning efforts. Your city is in Region C, and the members of the the regional water planning group are listed on this letter. The enclosed brochure shows a map of Region C and gives more information about the regional water planning process which is now under way. The Region C Water Planning Group has selected a team of consultants led by Freese and Nichols, Inc., to help with the development of a regional water plan. Other members of the consulting team include Alan Plummer Associates, Chiang, Patel and Yerby, and Cooksey-McGill Communications. As instructed by the legislature, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has fonnulated regulations governing the preparation of regional water supply plans through' the year 2050. These regulations require that regional water plans be based on projections of population and water use developed by the TWDB in 1996 for use in the 1997 Texas Water Plan, unless the regional water planning group can provide convincing evidence that those projections shOUld be updated. With this letter, we are attaching a survey seeking infonnation from you to help us determine whether the previous TWDB projections are appropriate for your city or whether they should be revised. This infonnation is very important because the projections of water use will be the basis for all of our water planning efforts. The TWDB has provided guidance for changing projections of population and water use, and we can send you a copy upon request. The TWDB will make changes to population and water use projections only if the Regional Planning Groups recommend the new infonnation. To help you fill out the survey, we are providing some information on historical and projected water use in your city: Table of Historical Water Use for Your City. The data in this table were provided by the TWDB based on your city's annual reports of water use. Perhaps the key column is the "municipal result", which represents non-industrial water use by your customers. It is computed as the total water intake (self-supplied water plus purchases) minus wholesale sales to other suppliers, minus sales to major industries, minus sales to power plants, minus any other sales of raw water. The "municipal result" is hased on water pumping rather than on metered water sales and thus includes system losses. Table of Projected PopUlation and Municipal Water Use for Your City. This table presents the projections ofpopulation and municipal water use for your city developed by the TWDB for the 1997 water plan. The projections are for values within your city limits, and the municipal water use is for a dry (high-use) year. The municipal water use is comparable to the "municipal result" column in the table of historical water use. It does not include wholesale sales to other suppliers, sales to industries, etc. Note that the table includes TWDB projections of dry-year per capita water use. These are generally declining because TWDB believes that water conservation will significantly reduce per capita demands across the state. Table of Historical and Projected Total PopUlation and Water Use for Your County. This table presents the TWDB projections of population and water use by category for your county. Graph of Historical and Projected Population for Your City. This graph shows TWDB historical and projected population for your city. Graph of Historical and Projected Municipal Water Use for Your City. This graph shows TWDB historical and projected munidpal water use for your city. As with the tables, the municipal water use does not include wholesale sales to other suppliers, sales to industries, etc. Ifyou have any questions or want additional information as you review these data and fill out the questionnaire, please call Larry D. Rivers, P.E., of Chiang, Patel & Yerby, Inc., at 817540-4220. Your assistance in returning the questionnaire by April 23, 1999 is needed. We very much appreciate your attention and cooperation in reviewing these data, which will provide the basis for long range water supply planning in your region. Yours very tmly, 􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀠Terrace Stewart, P.E. Chairman Region C Water Planning Group -------------------------------------------------------________________________________________________________ __ Region C Water Planning Group Population and Water Use Projections Survey of Cities RETURN BY APRIL 23, 1999 City: 􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁭􀁣􀁴􀁐􀁥􀁾􀁯􀁮􀀺􀀠Telephone Number: _____________ FAX: _____.E-Mail,_____ Address: ________________Date Completed'---_______ 1. Are the TWDB projections of population for your city reasonable? If not, what quantimtive projections would you suggest? What is the basis for your suggested changes? 2. Are the TWDB projections of municipal water use for your city reasonable? If not, what quantimtive projections would you suggest? What is the basis for your suggested changes? 3. Please give your comments on the TWDB projections for county population and water use. 4. What source(s) of water supply does your city use currently? 5. Is your city planning to develop additional source(s) of water supply in the future? Ifso, please provide quantity in each source and location? 6. Do you you currently provide raw water or treated water to any other water suppliers? Please list other 􀁳􀁵􀁰􀁰􀁬􀁩􀁥􀁾􀀠for which you provide raw water and the amount you provided to each of them in 1998. Please list other 􀁳􀁵􀁰􀁰􀁬􀁩􀁥􀁾􀀠for which you provide treated water and the amount you provided to each of them in 1998. 7. Do you expect to discontinue providing water to any of these suppliers or to begin providing water to any additional suppliers'! Ifso, what changes do you expect'! 8. Please provide copies of any water supply plans your city bas prepared which you would like to have considered in the development of a regional water supply plan. 9. Does your city have a conservation and drought contingency plan? If so, please provide a copy. 10. Please give any other comments you have on the regional water planning process. Use the hack (or other sheets) ifneeded. Please return to: Larry D. Rivers, P.E. Chiang, Patel & Yerby, Inc. 4100 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 104 Ft. Worth, Texas 76155 TEL: (817) 540-4220 FAX: (817) 354-4935 Shimek. Jacobs & Finklea Dallas Water Utilities has projected the following delivery rate to the Town: 􀀮􀁾􀀠-yf 7.63 2010 8.98 2020 9.87 2030 10.48 2040 10.89 2050 11.16 I)..c.. rz.G -fr-􀀧􀁢􀁊􀀺􀁦􀁱􀁾􀀠-:; 11-#1 10(1Jft/p 􀀺􀀻􀁌􀀱􀀬􀁾􀁲􀀻􀀻"'11067 (?/).2-tb'" ;..:;. .Ji-,It? 11,11g --33,41 1:2-,2-0 7 .::; 5£(1-4 1'1_/3/0 The delivery rate required for this system is the maximum daily demand rate which is 9.75 MGD at Buildout. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The analysis and design of the water distribution system has been based on the total water demand anticipated, as well as, the geographical distribution of this demand. The existing line sizes were reviewed and the proposed lines sized to deliver the maximum hourly demand in the system of 16.42 MGD and to refill the existing elevated storage tank during the minimum hourly demand. The analysis was based on the ultimate development ofAddison. All existing lines are adequate to convey the maximum hourly demands. 1) Surveyor Pump Station and Ground Storage Reservoir This facility is located on Surveyor Drive just north of Belt Line Road. Three high service pumps are located at this site along with one 2 million gallon prestressed concrete ground storage reservoir. Each pump is identical and have a rated capacity of approximately 5.5 MGD. This station is schematically shown in Figure 5. This station has a single supply from Dallas Water Utilities Transmission Line between their Elm Fork Treatment Plant and their Beltwood Station. 1996 Water Distribution System Report Page 5