-.-1 tv 0 0 U1 0 ro V> to' < OJ S, 0: ""T1 5' tu :::J n ro U) ro S. n ro • V> h if' 1 4550 Torre.., 􀁃􀁨􀁬􀁬􀁓􀁾􀀮􀀠Suitt' 215 IloIlS!UIl. TX 􀀧􀀱􀀷􀀰􀀱􀀴􀁾􀁉􀁏􀁉􀁏􀀠illfn'if S(lU thi cX;l!ia!'ch.com Office 2HI.5S7.S t12 I',,\. 28L8?5.7195 City of Addison Monday, February 07, 2005 Attn.: Public Works Director Jim Pierce jpierce@ci.addison.us Re.: Design! BuildlFinance Services Related to Governmental Improvement ProjectslMaster Plans Dear Mr. Pierce: As per our recent telephone conversation, please find enclosed information concerning the reference subject. In the mid 1980's, the Texas Legislature created a House Bill establishing authority for municipalities and other governmental entities to secure Public Financing participation concerning certain improvement projects. Public of Financing is being defined as Financial Participation by Banks and other financial institutions. 'This method eliminates the need of financial funding mechanisms such as Bond Issues and Certificates ofObligation. In 1983, our partners assisted the City of Cleveland, Texas in establishing a "Development" of a Wastewater Treatment Facility utilizing the DesignlbuildlFinancing method for obtaining their needed improvements. The DesignlBuildlFinancing (DIBIF) concept provided for Govermnent entity improvement needs is somewhat new to Texas. School Districts have been using this method of Financing of obtaining a "Turn-Key" approach related to development of real property improvements for the past few years, projects such as buildings, stadiums, etc ... It has been stated by the Texas Department of Transportation that the DIBIF method, based on a lease-purchase contract, is the most feasible method ofachieving improvements related to real property development (District Office Facilities, Regional Office Facilities, Weight Check Stations, Road-Side Rest Areas, Pmnp Stations, etc...). TEXDOT's first such project is the Development ofthe Houston District OfficeIWarehouse Facilities estimated at a total value ofapproximately 40 Million Dollars. Utilizing this approach eliminates: • Bond Voting Costs • Bond IssuelSaie Costs • • Reduction between 10 to 15% in Design Costs • Reduction between 10 to 15% in Construction Costs • Reduction in Overall Related Time and Schedules (estimated as much as 120 days in some cases) 'This approach "Stream Lines" time and costs related the entities improvement needs. In addition, all accounting and funds related to the project from beginning to final construction is the soul responsibility ofthe Bexar Group and the financier. Design Build sometimes known as "Value Engineering" is a proven method of saving time and money. Page 1 of2 14:'50 Torrey 􀀨􀀧􀁉􀁬􀁴􀁬􀁾􀁴􀀧􀀬􀀠Suile :1 £$ Unu:;lon, T:\ 7701.J-HHO inrO''i,sollthl('x'!;;