REGION C WATER PLANNING GROUP OPEN MEETING MONDAY, APRlL25, 2005,AT 1;00 P.M. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY CENTRAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT' 6500 W. SINGLETON BOULEVARD GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS AGENDA 1. ROLLCALL II. APPROV AI. OF MINUTES -March 15, 2005 III. ACTION ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Additional Wholesale Water Providers B. Action on Unique Stream Segments C. Action on Policy Topics D. Proposed Strategies to Meet Water Needs IV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Presentation by Environmental Group B. Infrastructure Financing Survey C. Communications D. Overall Status and Next Steps V. OTHER DISCUSSION A. Updates from the Chair B. Report from Regional Liaisons C. Report from TV,'DB D. Conf'um Date and Location ofNext Meeting E. Other Discussion F. Acknowledgement ofGuests/Comments VI. ADJOURNMENT Persons with disabilities who plan to attend the Region C Water Planning Group meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services snch as mobility assistance, interpreters for persons who are deaf or or heating impaired, re.ders, large print, or Braille are requested to contact Lee Shaffer in the Central Regional Wastewater System Administrative Offices at (972) 263-2251 at least five work days prior to the meetiog so that appropriate arrangements can be made. : ..' I REGION C WATER PLANNING GROUP OPEN MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 15,2005, AT I :00 P.M. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY CENTRAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 6500 W. SINGLETON BOULEVARD GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS AGENDA 1. ROLLCALL II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -January 13, 2005 ill, ACTION ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Available Supplies to WWPslWUGs B. Additional Potentially Feasible Water Management Strategy C. Additional Wholesale Water Providers D. lufrastructure Financing Survey lV. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Water Conservation B. Summary of Water Needs C. Feasible Water Management Strategies 1. Regional Supplies 2. County-by-County Suggested Water Management Strategies 3. Strategies for Wholesale Water Providers D. Report from Unique Stream Segment Committee E. Report from Poliey Topics Committee F. Communications G. Overall Status and Next Steps V. OTHER DISCUSSION A. Updates from the Chair B. Report from Regional Liaisons C. Report from TWDB D, Confinn Date and Location ofNex! Meeting E. Other Discussion F. Acknowledgement of GuestsfComments VI, ADJOURNMENT Tlinity RiverAuthority of Texas Northern Office December 28, 2004 3110.102 MEMBERS, Advisory Committee Central Regional Wastewater System NOTICE -Wednesday, January 5,2005 at 11:00 a.m. MEETING PLACE -Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant A meeting of the Central Regional Wastewater System Advisory Committee has been scheduled for 11 :00 a.m., Wednesday, January 5, 2005 at the Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in Grand Prairie, at 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas. A catered lunch will immediately follow the meeting. The primary topic for this meeting will be TRA's reuse permit application and its conflict with the City of Irving's application for amending their water rights permit for reuse. An agenda, minutes from the September 14, 2004 meeting, and other information are enclosed for your review prior to the meeting. The information covered in this meeting is very important to each Contracting Party of the System and you are encouraged to send a representative. If you have questions prior to this meeting, please contact this office at 817-493-5100. 􀁌􀁬􀀭􀁜􀁾􀁌􀁜􀁟􀀠'LL ,;....: l/). btU l'( i IeLO;". WARREN N. BREWER Regional Manager Northern Region WNBfcea c: Danny F. Vance, General Manager Patricia M. Cleveland, Manager, Operations Bill L. Tatum, Manager, CRWS PO. Box 240 Arlington, Texas 76004-0240 Recycled Paper (817) 493-5100 o TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWA TER TREATMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., DALLAS, TEXAS WEDNESDA Y, JANUARY 5, 2005, 11 :00 A.M. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call ENTITY Addison Arlington Bedford Carrollton Cedar Hill Colleyville Coppell Dallas D/FW Airport Duncanville Euless Farmers Branch Fort Worth Grand Prairie Grapevine Hurst Irving Keller Mansfield North Richland Hills Southlake Trinity River Authority REPRESENTATIVE Mr. Michael Murphy Mayor Bob Cluck Councilmember Jim Griffin Mr. Milburn Gravley Mr. Greg Porter Mr. Bill Lindley Mr. Ken Griffin Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Jim Crites Mr. Kent Cagle Mr. Ron Young Council member Paul Walden Mr. Frank Crumb Council member Richard Fregoe Mr. Jerry Hodge Mr. Ron Haynes Mayor ProTem James Dickens Mr. Ed IIschner Councilmember Tracy Doyle Mr. Mike Curtis Mr. Pedram Farahnak Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Director Sylvia Greene Mr. Danny F. Vance III. Introduction of Guests. Consultants. and Authority Staff 1 PRESENT/ABSENT IV. Approval ofMinutes ofthe September 14. 2004 Meeting V. Status Reports A. Operations B. Financial C. Regulatory D. Planning, Design, Construction VI. Action: Advisorv Committee action regarding Trinity River Authoritv's reuse permit application andits conflict with the Citv ofIrving's application for amending their water rights permit for reuse. VII. Other Business VIII. Adlourn to Lunch 2 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., DALLAS, TEXAS TUESDA Y, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004, 11:00 A.M. I. Callto Order-Chairman Gravley called the meeting to order at 11:10 a.m. II. Roll Call ENTITY REPRESENTA TIVE PRESENT/ABSENT Addison Mr. Steve Chutchian f!Mr. Michael Murphy Present Arlington Ms. Fiona Allen f/Mayor Bob Cluck Present Bedford Mr. Jim Arrington f/Councilmember Jim Griffin Present Carrollton Mr. Milburn Gravley Present Cedar Hill Mr. Greg Porter Absent Colleyville Mr. Ken Tywater f!Mr. Bill Lindley Present Coppell Mr. Ken Griffin Absent Dallas Mr. Mike Mikeska f!Mr. Bob Johnson Present D/FW Airport Mr. Rick Reeter f/Mr. Jim Crites Present Duncanville Mr. Dennis Schwartz f/Mr. Kent Cagle Present Euless Mr. Chris Barker f!Mr. Ron Young Present Farmers Branch Mr. Roy Smallwood f/Councilmember Paul Walden Present Fort Worth Mr. Frank Crumb Absent Grand Prairie Mr. Ron McCuller f!Councilmember Richard Fregoe Present Grapevine Mr. Bob Price f!Mr. Jerry Hodge Present Hurst Mr. Ron Haynes Absent Irving Mr. David Ryburn f/Mayor ProTem James Dickens Present Keller Mr. Rick Anderson f!Mr. Ed IIschner Present Mansfield Mr. Bud Ervin f!Counalmember Tracy Doyle Present North Richland Hills Mr. David Smyth f!Mr. Mike Curtis Present Southlake Mr. Pedram Farahnak Absent Trinity River Authority Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Absent Director Sylvia Greene Absent Mr. Danny F. Vance Absent III. Introduction ofGuests. ConSUltants. and Authority Staff TRA Staff present were: Warren Brewer, Patricia Cleveland, Bill Smith, Randy Brooks, John Nelson, Cheryl Abbott, Bill Tatum, Bill Cyrus, Shelley Fialho, Billy Hill and Debbie Bronson. 1 Others: Carrollton -Stephen Jenkins Euless -Paul Wryesinski Farmers Branch -Mark Velton Grapevine -Stan Laster Midlothian -Judy Ford Venus -Jerry Reed Alan Plummer Associates -Betty Jordan Black & Veatch -Layne Parsons Freese & Nichols -Ray Longoria IV. Approval ofMinutes ofthe August 10, 2004 Meeting Chairman Gravley asked if there were any revisions to be made to the minutes of the August 10,2004 meeting. There being none, Ron McCuller made a motion to accept as presented, Bob Price seconded the motion, and a unanimous vote followed. V. Status Reports A. Operations -Bill Tatum presented current information on the daily average flows and effluent quality since the August 10th meeting. Mr. Tatum stated that June, July, and August had been the wettest months in the Central System's history. B. Financial-Patricia Cleveland gave a brief summary of the System's year to date FY 2004 budget. C. Regulatory -Patricia Cleveland talked about the two day CMOM meeting and workshop that had been held in Austin on August August 30 -31. She said that EPA would be in partnership with utility providers to develop the CMOM program. D. Planning, Design, Construction -Randy Brooks said that in the August meeting he had presented an in depth report on deSign, planning, and construction. Mr. Brooks gave a brief summary of projected population growths, System historical data, and the process used to combine that information to determine System planning and expansion. VI. Presentation ofMaster Plan Update Ray Longoria with Freese & Nichols presented the planning objectives and the results of the comprehensive Phase IV Master Plan that addressed the major issues faCing the long-term operation of the CRWS System. VII. Action: Proposed FY2005 Operating and Maintenance Budget A. Review of Budget Philosophy, Strategies, Objectives, and Contents B. Committee Action on Proposed FY 2005 Budget C. Detailed Budget Review Warren Brewer noted that the detailed FY 2005 Budget had been presented in the August 101h meeting. that a budget workshop had been held with nine people attending, and that it was thought that all questions had been answered. There being no other questions, Fiona Allen made a motion to recommend the FY 2005 Operating and Maintenance Budget to the Authority's Board of Directors for their approval in the October 27 meeting. Ron McCuller seconded the motion and a unanimous vote followed. VIII. Other Business There was no other business to be discussed. IX. Adiourn to Lunch 2 Chairman Gravley adjourned the meeting at noon and invited attendees to remain for a catered lunch. 3 Trii"Iity RiverAuthority of Texas Northern Office September 3, 2004 3110.102 MEMBERS, Advisory Committee Central Regional Wastewater System NOTICE -Tuesday, September 14,2004 at 11 a.m. MEETING PLACE -Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 6500 West Singleton Blvd, Dallas, Texas A meeting of the Central Regional Wastewater System Advisory Committee has been scheduled for 11 a.m., Tuesday, September 14, 2004, at the Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant at 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Dallas. Lunch will be served immediately following the meeting. Please RSVP to Cheryl Abbott before noon on Monday, September 13, 2004, at 817· 493·5100 or We encourage each party served by the System to send a representative to this meeting, since Authority staff will be requesting the Committee's endorsement and approval of the proposed FY 2005 System Operations and Maintenance Budget. The proposed budget was presented in the August 101h Advisory Committee and a Budget Workshop was held on Wednesday, September 1, 2004. We believe all questions about the budget have been answered. Enclosed for your review are an agenda and minutes of the August 10, 2004 meeting. If you should have any questions, please contact this office at 817-493·5100. LJa.A./tJ.m.; fL 􀀮􀀶􀁾􀀯􀁃􀁓􀀺􀀾􀁊􀀠 WARREN N. BREWER Regional Manager Northern Region Icea c: Danny F. Vance, General Manager Patricia M. Cleveland, Manager, Operations Bill Tatum, Manager, CRWS P.O. Box 240 Arlington, Texas 76004-0240 o Recycled Paper (817) 493-5100 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWA TER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., DALLAS, TEXAS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004, 11:00 A.M. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call ENTITY Addison Arlington Bedford Carrollton Cedar Hill Colleyville Coppell Dallas D/FW Airport Duncanville Euless Farmers Branch Fort Worth Grand Prairie Grapevine Hurst Irving Keller Mansfield North Richland Hills Southlake Trinity River Authority REPRESENT A TIVE Mr. Michael Murphy Mayor Bob Cluck Council member Jim Griffin Mr. Milbum Gravley Mr. Greg Porter Mr. Bill Lindley Mr. Ken Griffin Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Jim Crites Mr. Kent Cagle Mr. Ron Young Mayor ProTem Paul Walden Mr. Frank Crumb Council member Richard Fregoe Mr. Jerry Hodge Mr. Ron Haynes Mayor ProTem James Dickens Mr. Ed IIschner Councilmember Tracy Doyle Mr. Mike Curtis Mr. Pedram Farahnak Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Director Sylvia Greene Mr. Danny F. Vance III. Introduction ofGuests. Consultants. and Authority Staff 1 PRESENT/ABSENT IV. Approval ofMinutes ofthe August 10, 2004 Meeting V. Status Reports A. Operations B. Financial C. Regulatory D. Planning, Design, Construction VI. Presentation ofMaster Plan Update VII. Action: Proposed FY 2005 Operating and Maintenance Budget A. Review of Budget Philosophy, Strategies, Objectives, and Contents B. Committee Action on Proposed FY 2005 Budget C. Detailed Budget Review VIII. Other Business IX. Adjourn to Lunch , ( . 2 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., DALLAS, TEXAS TUESDA Y, AUGUST 10, 2004, 10:00 A.M. I. Call to Order-Chainnan Gravley called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. and asked Warren Brewer to call roll. II. Roll Call ENTITY REPRESENTATIVE PRESENT/ABSENT Addison Mr. Jim Pierce f/Mr. Michael Murphy Present Arlington Ms. Fiona Allen f/Mayor Bob Cluck Present Bedford Mr. Jerry Shennan f/Councilmember Jim Griffin Present Carrollton Mr. Milburn Gravley Present Cedar Hill Ms. Ruth Antebi f/Mr. Greg Porter Present Colleyville Ms. Terry Leake f/Mr. Bill Lindley Present Coppell Mr. Ken Griffin Absent Dallas Mr. Chris Kaakatyf/Mr. Bob Johnson Present D/FW Airport Mr. Rick Reeter fIMr. Jim Crites Present Duncanville Mr. Dennis Schwartz f/Mr. Kent Cagle Present Euless Mr. Ron Young Present Fanners Branch Mayor ProTem Paul Walden Present Fort Worth Ms. MaeBell Brown f/Mr. Frank Crumb Present Grand Prairie Council member Richard Fregoe Present Grapevine Mr. Matt Singleton f/Mr. Jerry Hodge Present Hurst Mr. Chuck Kendrick f/Mr. Ron Haynes Present Irving Mr. Todd Reck f/Mayor ProTem James Dickens Present Keller Mr. Rick Anderson f/Mr. Ed IIschner Present Mansfield Councilmember Tracy Doyle Present North Richland Hills Mr. David Smyth f/Mr. Mike Curtis Present Southlake Mr. Pedram Farahnak Absent Trinity River Authority Mr. Danny F. Vance Present Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Absent Director Sylvia Greene Present III. Introduction ofGuests, Consultants and Authority Staff Authority Staff Present: Warren Brewer, Patricia Cleveland, Bill Smith, Randy Brooks, John Owens, John Nelson, Cheryl Abbott, Rosanne Robertson, Bill Decker, Alison Mackey, John Jadrosich, Bill Tatum, Mike Young, Bill Cyrus, and Shelley Fialho. 1 Guests: Bedford -Jim Arrington Carrollton -Stephen Jenkins Colleyville -Ken Tywater Dallas -Mike Mikeska Euless -Chris Barker and Paul Wrzensinski Farmers Branch -Mark Velten and David Ferguson Grand Prairie -Ron McCuller Grapevine -Bob Price Mansfield -Bud Ervin Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. -Alan Plummer and Betty Jordan Black & Veatch Corporation -Layne Parsons and Amanda Zarazua First Southwest Company -Boyd London and Mary Williams McCall, Parkhurst & Horton -Chuck Kobdish Sowell Company -John Kubala IV. Approval afMinutes afthe September 16, 2003 Meeting Chairman Gravley asked if there were any revisions to the minutes of the September 16, 2003 meeting. There being done, a motion was made by Fiona Allen to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Richard Fregoe, and a unanimous vote followed. V. Status Reports A. Operations -Bill Tatum reviewed the monthly flows and effluent quality for FY 2003 and FY 2004 to date. Mr. Tatum gave a detailed explanation on the 102" sluice gate failure that occurred in March, as well as other emergencies that had occurred in FY 2004. , Warren Brewer said that the sluice gate failure had resulted in a lot of interest from parties like AWWA and the result may include recommended changes to design standards. B. Financial-Patricia Cleveland said that the FY 2003 settleup letters with the inflow and infiltration adjustment had been mailed to customers in June; the FY 2004 10M request had been mailed in July; and that the midyear FY 2004 reallocations reflecting the current trending flows had also been mailed. She continued that the year to date FY 2004 Budget flows were lower than projected; that the new power contract that became effective on June 1sI had resulted in increased savings; and even with the increased cost of System emergency repairs, the System could possibly end the year below projected operations and maintenance cost. C. Regulatory -Patricia Cleveland said that the discharge permit application and renewal had been sent to TCEQ and that there had been many changes to our application for biosolids monitoring, including wet weather, blending, and CMOM. D. Planning, Design, Construction -Randy Brooks detailed the CRWS capital improvement programs in progress. He said the AuthOrity was continuing to take steps to issue Series 2004 Bonds later this year, most likely through the Texas Water Development Board's State Revolving Fund program. He presented tables listing the various projects funded by prior bond sales. VI. Dlscussian: Presentatlan ofPraposed FY2005 Operating and Maintenance Budaet A. Budget Philosophy and Strategies B. System Flows and Allocations C. Budget Objectives D. Detailed Budget Review 2 x Patricia Cleveland gave a presentation of the proposed FY 2005 Central Operations and Maintenance Budget, detailing system cost and revenue. A discussion followed with specific questions relating to some of the line items. Warren Brewer told members that each year the Authority presented the proposed budget; held a Budget Workshop, scheduled for September 151; and encouraged our customer cities to call with any questions the members might have regarding the proposed budget. VII. Discussion: Odor Control Master Plan Warren Brewer said that urban development was increasing quickly around the Central Treatment Plant, increasing the need for odor control, both at the plant and in the communities with lift stations. He continued that management was pleased with the progress made and was now poised for the next round of improvements. Betty Jordan with Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. gave a detailed history of odor control at the Central System stating that the Authority had an aggressive phased approach to odor control and was now using the most advanced treatments. She said that to date the System had spent $15.6 million and was currently in the planning phase for the next phased improvements. VIII. Action: Series 2004 Bonds for Capita/Improvements Randy Brooks stated that a System Capital Improvements Program had been identified that included improvements for the 162 mgd plant and for the interceptor pipeline system to maintain capacity. Warren Brewer explained that after extensive discussions, it was recommended that Texas Water Development Board's State Revolving Funds be used for System improvements in the amount of $106.475 million; and that a public sale for $9.525 million be issued to cover the purchase of land rights that were not allowed in the SRF funds. After a discussion, Mayor ProTem Paul Walden motioned to approve the Authority Staff's recommendations. Fiona Allen seconded the motion and a unanimous vote followed. IX. Status Report on Retail Electric Power Supply Contract John Owens briefly told members that a letter had been included in their packet outlining the Authority's actions in providing the Central System with the most economical power supply possible, and presented a summary of past power supply contracts. Other Business Warren Brewer presented Bill Tatum and his staff with the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies' Platinum Award. Mr. Brewer explained that this award was given to plants that operated for a five-year period with no pennit violations and that this was the second AMSA Platinum Award received for the Central System. Mr. Brewer also said that AMSA had developed a new Excellence in Management recognition program for the successful implementation of programs that address the management challenges facing public wastewater utilities and that TRA was one of only three who received the award in the state of Texas. Mr. Brewer said that included in the meeting packet, for member'S review and later discussion, was infonnation relating to the competing reuse water pennit between TRA TRA and Irving. Mr. Brewer continued that TRA and Irving had met to discuss resolving the dispute, but in July had learned that a resolution had not been accomplished. Mr. Vance said that the t. matter had now been referred from TCEQ to an Administrative Law Judge and a hearing to establish parties with an interest in this matter would be scheduled soon in Austin. XI. Adjourn to Lunch There being no other business, Chairman Gravley adjourned the meeting at 12:20 p.m., and invited Members to remain for the catered lunch. 3 TrinityRiverAuthority of Texas Northern Office July 28, 2004 3110.102 MEMBERS, Advisory Committee Central Regional Wastewater System CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY MEETING REMINDER NOTICE -Tuesday, August 10, 2004, 10;00 a.m. MEETING PLACE -Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas This is a reminder that the Central Regional Wastewater System Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 at 10:00 a.m., at the Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in Grand Prairie, at 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas. You are invited to remain after the meeting for a catered lunch. Please RSVP to Cheryl Abbott at 817-493-5100 or prior to Friday, August 6, 2004. For your review, we have enclosed an agenda, minutes of the September 16, 2003 meeting and information pertaining to the Series 2004 Bonds. As you will see from the agenda, there are several significant items that will be discussed at this meeting. including the proposed FY 2005 Operations and Maintenance Budget for the Central System. Please contact this office at 817-493-5100, if you should have questions prior to this meeting. 􀁾n 􀀮􀁾􀁗􀁖􀁶􀀯􀀨􀀡􀀦WARREN N. BREWER Regional Manager Northern Region WNB/cea c: Danny F. Vance, General Manager Patricia M. Cleveland, Manager, Operations Bill L. Tatum, Manager, CRWS P.O. Box 240 Arlington, Texas 76004·0240 o Re.cycled Paper(817) 493-5100 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., DALLAS, TEXAS TUESDA Y, AUGUST 10, 2004, 10:00 A.M. I. Call to Order II. Roll call ENTITY Addison Arlington Bedford Carrollton Cedar Hill Colleyville Coppell Dallas D/FW Airport Duncanville Euless Farmers Branch Fort Worth Grand Prairie Grapevine Hurst Irving Keller Mansfield North Richland Hills Southlake Trinity River Authority REPRESENT A TlVE Mr. Michael Murphy Mayor Bob Cluck Council member Jim Griffin Mr. Milburn Gravley Mr. Greg Porter Mr. Bill Lindley Mr. Ken Griffin Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Jim Crites Mr. Kent Cagle Mr. Robert Barker Mayor ProTem Paul Walden Mr. Frank Crumb Councilmember Richard Fregoe Mr. Jerry Hodge Mr. Ron Haynes Mayor ProTem James Dickens Mr. Ed IIschner Councilmember Tracy Doyle Mr. Mike Curtis Mr. Pedram Farahnak Mr. Danny F. Vance Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Director Sylvia Greene III. Introduction ofGuests. Consultants andAuthority Staff 1 PRESENT/ABSENT IV. Approval ofMinutes of the September 16. 2003 Meeting V. Status Reports A. Operations B. Financial C. Regulatory D. Planning, Design, Construction VI. Discussion: Presentation ofProposed FY 2005 Operating and Maintenance Budget A. Budget Philosophy and Strategies B. System Flows and Allocations C. Budget Objectives D. Detailed Budget Review VII. Discussion: Odor Control Master Plan VIII. Action: Series 2004 Bonds for Capital Improvements IX. Status Report on Retail Electric Power Supplv Contract X. Other Business XI. Ad/ourn to Lunch 2 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS TUESDA Y, SEPTEMBER 16, 2003 at 11 A.M. I. Ca/Ho Order-Chairman Gravley called the meeting to order at 11 :10 a.m. and asked Warren Brewer to call roll. II. Roll Call ENTITY REPRESENTA TlVE PRESENT/ABSENT Addison Mr. Jim Pierce/f Mr. Michael Murphy Present Arlington Mr. Rick McCleery f/Mayor Bob Cluck Present Bedford Mr. Jim Arrington f/Councilmember Jim Griffin Present Carrollton Mr. Milburn Gravley Present Cedar Hill Mr. Greg Porter Absent Colleyville Mr. Bill Lindley Absent Coppell Mr. Ken Griffin Absent Dallas Mr. Mike Mikeska f/Mr. Bob Johnson Present D/FW Airport Mr. Dan Bergman f/Mr. Jim Crites Present Duncanville Mr. Bill Willborn f/Mr. Kent Cagle Present Euless Mr. Ron Young Present Farmers Branch Mr. Mark Velten f/Mayor ProTem Paul Walden Present Fort Worth Mr. Frank Crumb f/Mr. Dale Fisseler Present Grand Grand Prairie Councilmember Richard Fregoe Present Grapevine Mr. Matt Singleton f/Mr. Jerry Hodge Present Hurst Mr. Larry Martin f/Mr. Ron Haynes Present Irving Mayor ProTem James Dickens Present Keller Mr. Ricky Anderson f/Mr. Ed IIschner Present Mansfield Councilmember Tracy Doyle Present N. Richland Hills Mr. David Smyth for/Mr. Mike Curtis Present Southlake Mr. Pedram Farahnak Absent Trinity River Authority Mr. Danny F. Vance Present Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Absent Director Sylvia Green Absent III. Introduction ofGuests, ConSUltants andAuthoritv Staff TRA Staff present were Warren Brewer, Patricia Cleveland, Bill Smith, John Nelson, Cheryl Abbott, Alison Mackey, Bill Tatum, Mike Young, and Shelly Fialho. Carrollton -Stephen Jenkins Euless -Chris Barker Grand Prairie -Ron McCuller Irving -Jim Moffatt Mansfield -Chris Burkett and Bud Ervin 1 Midlothian -Robyn Forsyth and Judy Ford Venus -Mayor Carolyn Welcher, Jerry Reed, and Linda Taylor First Southwest Company -Boyd London Black & Veatch -Layne Parsons IV. Approval ofMinutes ofthe August 12.2003 Meeting Chairman Gravely asked if there were any revisions to the minutes of the August 12, 2003 meeting. There being none, Ron Young made a motion that the minutes be approved as presented, Council member Fregoe seconded the motion, and a unanimous vote followed. V. Status Reports A. Operations -Bill Tatum summarized flows for the month of August, stating that it had been an unusually wet month and that there had been one System outflow. B. Financial -Patricia Cleveland reported that the System was 75% into the FY 2003 budget, and that city flows were trending approximately 4 to 4.5 mgd less than projected. She continued that 10M infonnation requests had been mailed to the customer cities and that the infonnation was now being received. C. Regulatory -Patricia Cleveland stated that the TPDES permit renewal had been submitted to the State, but a response had not been received. She indicated that the System would continue to operate under the current permit until the new pennit had been received. D. Capital Improvement Planning -Bill Smith said that Randy Brooks had provided a handout at the August meeting and had summarized the 2004 capital improvement bond sale. Mr. Smith stated that staff was continuing to review needed System improvements and available funding options. VI. Action: Proposed FY2004 Operating and Maintenance Budget A. Review of Budget Philosophy, Strategies, Objectives, and Contents B. Committee Action on Proposed FY 2004 Budget Warren Brewer reminded Members that at the August 12 meeting, a detailed presentation of the proposed FY 2004 Operating and Maintenance Budget was discussed. He continued that a Budget workshop had also been conducted and that he felt all questions about the proposed budget had been addressed. Patricia Cleveland gave a budget overview. There was a brief question and answer series covering emergency reserve funds and debt service coverage. At the end of the discussion, Chainnan Gravley asked if there were any other questions and there were none. Jim Pierce made a motion to recommend that the proposed FY 2004 Central Regional Wastewater System Budget be approved by the Authority's Board of Directors. Ron Young seconded the motion, and a unanimous vote followed. VII. Other Business There was no other business to be discussed. VIII. Adjourn to Lunch Chairman Gravley adjourned the meeting at 11 :40 a.m., and invited Members to remain for a catered lunch. 2 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY2003 PERMITS NO: 10303-001 (TX0022802) FLOW ANNLAVG FLOW DLYAVG. FLOW ClY.MAX. FLOW 2.HR PK FLOW 2-HR PK RAINFALL TOTAL" eBOC DLYAVG. CBOO ClY.MAX. CBOO DLYAVG. TSS DLYAVG. TSS DlY.MAX; T55 DLY.AVG. NH3 DLYAVG. NHl ClY.MAX. NH3 m.Y.AvG. DO MIN. pH MAlt pH MIN. CL2 MIN. CL2 OUTFALL COLl.ECT. SYSTTM PERMIT LIMIT: 162 MGo REPORT MGD REPORT MGD 281250 GPM MGD INCHES 7 MGlL 17 MG/l "50 LBS/DAY 15 MGIL 40 MGlL 20266 LBSfDAY V, MGIL 7 MGlL 2702/5404 LBS/DAY , MGIL 9 S.U. , S.U. 1 MGIL .099 MGlL NO. OF OUTFlOWS DEC JAN 137.503 137.433 134.853 128.809 181.590 140.780 136912 108468 197.153 156.194 4.13 0.22 1.0 1.1 2.0 2.0 1158.2 1175.8 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 1278.3 1181.5 0.065 0.133 0.169 1.053 72.7 142.8 8.' 8.9 7.' 7A 7.0 6.9 1.10 1.01 0.00 0.00 0 0 FEB 137.315 139.059 203.770 144353 207.868 5.07 􀀱􀁾􀀠2.0 1389.5 1.3 3.0 1511.4 0.194 1.378 216.5 8.6 7.' 6.9 1.02 0.00 0 MAR 136.090 134.567 155.270 12"" 180.660 0.85 12 2.0 1345.3 12 2.0 1305.5 0.641 3.639 720.3 B.' 7.' 6.8 1.12 0.00 0 APR MAY 133.470 132.530 126.720 132.691 141.580 174.560 108124 137735 155.699 198.338 1.90 2.53 1.0 1.1 1.0 2.0 1056.8 1176.6 1.0 1.' 2.0 2.0 1090.9 1380.6 0.310 0.078 ,..... 0.171 320.3 86.3 8.1 7.5 7A 7.' 6.8 6.' 1.04 1.06 0.00 0.00 0 0 JUN 133.139 139.079 198.840 151308 217.884 5.17 1.0 1.0 1159.9 1.0 1.0 1159.9 0.074 0.119 86.1 7.5 7.4 6.' 1.05 0.00 1 JUL AUG 132.390 131.987 126.118 127.320 136.740 166.500 106013 130287 152.659 187.613 0.08 1.85 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1051.8 1061.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1051.8 1061.9 0.070 0.102 0.200 0.287 72.8 108.1 7A 7A 7.' 􀀷􀁾􀀠6.' 7.0 1.08 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 1 SEP OCT 132.579 131.124 135.193 124.230 204.000 141.720 164791 105833 237.299 152.400 3.99 0.78 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1127.5 1036.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1127.5 1036.1 0.172 0.200 0.495 0.595 193.5 212.5 7.' 7.7 􀀷􀁾􀀠7> '.8 7.0 1.02 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 NOV 131.255 127.278 155.100 117680 169.459 3.15 1.0 1.0 1061.5 1.0 1.0 1061.5 0.134 0.378 142.3 7.' 􀀷􀁾􀀠6.' 1.06 0.00 0 AVG MAX 133.901 137.503 131.326 139.079 166.704 204.000 128080 164791 184.435 237.299 2.48 5.17 1.0 12 1.4 2.0 1150.1 1389.5 1.1 1.' 1.6 '.0 1187.2 1511.4 0.181 0.641 1.002 3.639 197.9 720.3 8.0 8.' 7.' 7.' 6.' 7.0 1.05 1.12 0.00 0.00 TOTAl2 MIN TOTAL 131.124 1606.815 124.230 1515.917 136.740 105833 152.400 0.08 29.72 1.0 1.0 1036.1 13800.9 1.0 1.0 1036.1 14246.9 0.065 0.119 72.7 2374.2 7A 􀀷􀁾􀀠'.8 1.00 0.00 90% FLOW", 145.800 MGD • EXCURSIONS: 0 TCEQ 75% FLOW =121.500 MGD OEPA -Rainfall totals are measured at DFW AIrport FY 2003 EFFLUENT QUALITY/FLOW 190 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀱􀀵􀀮􀀰􀀠180 170 160 􀁾􀀠I 10.0 150 130 120 110 100 140 􀀱􀀡􀀽􀁳􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀧􀁔􀁈􀁾􀁾􀀽􀀭􀀾􀀼􀁴􀁳􀀧􀀼􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁫􀁾􀁓􀁾··15.0 0.0 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV I _CBOD _TSS _NH3 ""2003 Dally Avg. Flow -+-2002 Dally Avg. Flow I B 11'1•III. B -... 1ft I: < • 􀁾􀀠 FY 2004 􀁐􀁾􀁒􀁍􀁉􀁔􀁓􀀠NO: 10303.001 (TX0022802) FLOW Fl.OW fLOW Fl."" FLOW ....,AU. CBOD eBOD CBOD TSS TSS TOS '"" "H'ANNLAVG DlY,AVa, Of-Y.MAX. ...."" 2-HR PI( TOTAl-Ol.Y.AVG . D1XMAlC.. ot."I'.AVG, OlY./f.YO. 􀁄􀁬􀁙􀁾􀀧􀀻􀀨􀁟􀀠CLY.AVG. [}Ly V\1. OlV,MAX. PERMtT 􀁌􀁬􀁍􀀡􀁴􀁾􀀮􀀠DEC JAIl "'0 MAR APR MAY JUN Ul AlJG SEP OCT NOV iA.VG MAX MIN TOTA.L '" REPORT 000 MOO 130.218 122.641 13\).342 130.166 130.689 143.128 130.88B 136.929 131.353 132.393 131.648 136,111 134.035 1Be.814 135.872 147..211 131.887 139.G94 135.872 168.814 130.213 122.1)41 1055.694 117.553 REPORT ;;:81250 MGD GPM 144.026 106829 217.830 173207 206.630 ,..... 180.850 133159 187.S00 150430 173.150' 1389&4 261.330 207454 250.320 􀀲􀁾􀀰􀀶􀀸􀀬􀀰􀀠203.5 158149A 267.3 2074S4.C 144.0 106329.0 MGO '53""249A18 224.473 191.749 216,619 200.108298._ 293.&5& 22..... 298.734 153-834 1 INCHES "G>l 0,,. 1,' 3.04 ',0 ",4 ".1.11 1.' 2.96 1.1 4.13 1.0 10.49 1.' 4.10 1.' "00 1.' 10A9 1,' 0," 1.' .. EXCURSIONS: 0 TceQ UPA 11 "" " ... """MGIL lil:S,'DAY MGlL MOIL !.SSItlAY 􀀬􀁾􀀠1053.1 􀀬􀁾􀀠... 1022.8 􀀱􀁾􀀠1066.4 ... ',0 ,..... M 1191.7 1.0 1.' 11'S1.7 1.' 11")1.0 1A ... ,...., 3,0 1112.7 1.' 1.0 1104.2 1,' 1135.7 1,0 2.' 1169.3 2,' 145'1.1 U 2,0 ,..... 3. 1322.5 U 1.0 1227.7 1,' 1194.7 1.1 1A 1243.2 ,.. 1451.1 1A 2.0 1596,0 1,' 1053,1 1.' ,.0 1022.S ."', 9945.2 '" MGIL 0.205 0.138 (l.130 0.161 0.10$ 0.112 0.163 0.204 0.153 UC5 0.108 1 "GiL .......... .".. 0.474 0.365 0.503 •.341 0_ ...11 0.822 0.324 .... DO pH pH Cl.2 eL2 COLLECT. DLY.AVG, MIN. "... M"" Mil" otm'All SYmM,,,,"'.... • • • 1 "". "" OFiUInAY MOIL S.U. S,U. -MG>!. oumows 214.9 .3 1,' ',8 1.13 O,OS • 149.0 SA 1,' 6,8 ,.... 0... •,,6.> '.8 7.4 ••• U, OJlO ° 183.9 􀀮􀁾􀀠1.2 ••• 12' 0,04 1 '24.1 • .2 U 1,' 1.06 0.01 ° 13U 7.9 􀀱􀁾􀀠7.1 "1.11 0.0'0 • 232.3 7.S 􀀷􀁾􀀠7,' 1.03 0.00 • 257.B 􀀷􀁾􀀠􀀱􀁾􀀠6.7 ,., 11.00 3 TOTAL: 1B1.1 •• 1 1.2 '.0 1.11 0.01 7 251.8 ••• 7.. 1.1 1.24 0.05 '24.1 1.' 7,1 6,7 ,.0, 0.0'0 '''', 90% FLOW"" 14$,$00 MOO 75% FLOW::: 121.500 MOO -Rainfall totals are measured at OFW AIrport AIrport FY 2004 EFFLUENT QUALITY/FLOW 􀀱􀁂􀁏􀀧􀁲􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁩􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠170 I,".' ".' 1GO t;0f:M 􀀺􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠150 􀁴􀁾􀁈􀀻􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁨􀁬􀀠140 􀀦􀀧􀁣􀀭􀀢􀁓􀁾􀁾􀀷􀀮􀁩􀀠􀀱􀀳􀀰􀂥􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀠􀀱􀀲􀀰􀂮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠110 I": ....... 100 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG ! _CBOO _TSS _NH3 .....2004 OallyAvg.l'low --2003 􀁏􀀮􀁕􀁹􀁁􀁖􀁬􀀡􀀮􀁬􀀧􀁬􀁾􀁗􀁬􀀠1 5.0 10.0 5.0 􀁩􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁦􀁵􀁾􀁾􀁀􀀲􀀮􀀱􀀮􀀺􀀴􀀠0.0 SEP OCT NOV ;., .. ,. C>.. . . 􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀠..... 􀀧􀀺􀀧􀁬􀀧􀁾􀀠.... ' AGENDA ITEM V-B CRWS -FY 2004 MID YEAR REALLOCATION 7/8/2004 PARTY BUDGET BUDGET REVISED REVISED % SHARE MGD 􀁾􀀬􀀪􀁾􀁯􀁾􀁾􀁉􀀠 􀂷􀁾􀀠CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2003 SCHEDULE OF ACTUAL ANNUAL REQUIREMENT ADJUSTED FOR INTERCEPTOR In (METHOO 2) FY 2003 DISTRIBUTION ADJUSTED ADJUSTED CONTRIBUTION BASED ON OFFY2003 TRA FY2003 DISTRIBUTION FY2003 ACTUAL FLOW ACTUAL ANNUAL INTERCEPTOR CONTRIBUTION OFFY2OO3 ACTUAL ANNUAL CONTRACTING TOTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT BASED 1/1 TOTAL FLOW ACTUAL ANNUAL REQUIREMENT PARTY {MGI PERCENT ON ACTUAL FLOWS (MG) (MGl PERCENT REQUIREMENT ADJUSTMENT ADDISON 769.880 1.506% $BOl.Q12 769.B60 1.516% $B06,331 $5.319 ARLINGTON 15,073.996 29.490% $15,685,160 0._ 15,073.9OB 29.684% 815,788,345 $103,185 BEDFORD 1,697,029 3.320% $1,765,844 1,697'/)29 3.342% $1,777,545 $11,701 CARROllTON 5,005.909 9.793% $5,208,707 5,005.909 9.858% $5.243,279 $34,572 CEDAR Hill 120.319 0.235% $124,992 120.319 0.237% $126,056 $1,_ COLLEYVILLE 908.941 1.778% 8945,684 6.585 902.356 1.777% $945,152 ($532) B COPPEll 1,440.094 2.817% $1,498,308 1,440.094 2.838% $1.500,413 $10,106 III Z DALLAS 3,565,194 6.975% 83.709,867 43.042 3,522.152 6.938% $3,689.124 ($20,743) DIF'N AIRPORT 886.852 1.344% $714,848 686.852 1.352% $719,103 $4,255 i DUNCANVILLE 66.447 0.130% 886,144 66.447 0.131% 886,678 $532 -... EULESS 1,203.925 2.355% $1,252,579 68.136 1,135.789 2.237% $1,189,817 ($82,762) IIIa:FARMERS BRANCH 2,237.118 4.377% $2,328,042 0.203 2,236:915 4.405% $2,342,934 $14,893 FORT WORTH 394.166 0.771% $410,080 19.181 374.987 0.738% 8392,526 ($17.552) <•Il.GRAND PRAIRIE 5,081.346 9.941% $5,267,425 164.924 4,916.422 9.881% $5,149,138 ($138,269) GRAPEVINE 560.952 1.079% $573,367 6.604 544.148 1.072% $570,176 ($S.191) HURST 70.990 0.139% $73,931 70.990 0.140% $74A63 $532 IRVING 9.103.610 17.810% $9,472.794 9,103.610 17.927% $9,535,024 $82,230 KELLER 822.009 1.610% $556.326 3.464 819.425 1.614% $558,455 $2.126 MANSFIELD 1,311.763 2.665% $1,364,806 1.311.783 2.583% $1.373,848 $9.042 N RICHLAND HILLS 255.781 O.SOO% $265,940 11.547 244.234 0.461% $255,835 ($10,108) SOUTHLAKE 746.936 1.465% $779.205 10.964 737.962 1.453% $772,923 {$6.383) 51,118.136 100.000% 100.000% $53,188,063 334.958 SO,781.180 100.000% $53,188,063 $0 -AdLan03final,lods -' CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CAPACITY FOR UPSTREAM CITY (METHOO 2) 􀁾􀁍􀁾􀁾􀁲􀁻􀁾􀁽􀀠 􀁵􀁰􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁴􀁭􀀡􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁣􀁥􀁰􀁴􀀨􀀩􀁲􀀠Meter ID I City Meter 10 Node Latoral interoeptor $t;), No. Olameter Siopo Capaclty (ets) Olllmeter SJope capaclty (cfs) C''Y 3.0E AddisOfl 13.1E 1930E EF012 EF2R 537.43 30 0.00270 21.310 30 0,00220 19.240 I I Grand Prab1& .ow IFarmers Branch Addison 13,2E 19306 EF012 EF2R 537.43 18 0,01050 10.760 15 0.00500 4.570 Addison 13.35 19305 EF012 EF2R 537.43 City 18 0.00720 8,,910 1"·8a 11,ga 34608 aC019 BBCXU 7310,00 48 0.00070 37.m 4& 0.00080 40.738 DFW 11.78 29008 BC017 88C 9384.00 12 Q.OO4()O 2.250 12 0.00400 2.250 11.98 13.58 38108 8= 88CXIII 19240.00 36 0.00220 31.369 3B 0.00240 32.753 12.18 35008 8C019 88CXII 450.00 18 0.00120 3.649 18 0.00120 3.649 12,38 4120B SCOt 6 eBCXlI1 85.00 City 15 0.00150 2.509 ·J.:od 12,78 40908 eC020.4 aBCX!I1 325.00 City 15 0.00460 13.58 IKeller 12,88 40609 BC01e BBCXI 25985.00 36 0.00112 27.712 36 2i Ke!ler 12.88 I North RIchland Hills 13.38 13.38 6280B 0001$):.3 eBCXl1 3126,06 12 0.00200 1.598 12 0.00200 ISot.Jthlake 13.6B 4920B BCQ18.1 BBCXI 90.00 18 0.01700 13.700 21 0.00100 o.vlOI Euless 12.0B In vine 12.68 1lO908 8C013 GV7A 5325.00 12 0.00202 1.606 12 0.00880 3.3511 ... 􀀡􀁬􀁟􀀮􀁾􀀬􀁬􀁲􀁬􀁾􀀠􀁍􀁮􀁾􀀠􀁧􀀬􀀧􀀿􀁾􀁟􀁌􀀠􀁾􀁐� �􀁾􀀹􀀠_ C017 ____ 􀁾􀂧􀁾􀁅􀀺􀁉􀀧􀁉􀁾􀁑􀁴􀁾􀁉􀀱􀁾􀁟􀀠 _ 12 0.00241 4 􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀴􀁉􀀠Colleyville 13.08 1580B ae007 LaCI 9600.00 42 0,00228 4$.170 42 0.00240 49,"1"" Bedford 13.18 24608 BC012 913 2266.00 􀁾􀀠12 0,00200 1.596 INorth RIchland Hilts 114.OB Keller 14.713 MS14.7B aCOOS,1 LBCII 35540.00 citY.. 12 0.00580 2.721 KeUer 15.09 22108 Bea08 LBCII 3S04O,00 21 0.00200 7.105 21 0.00339 9.250 Keller 15.0B North Richland H!!!s 16.0B MS16.0S BCOoa.2 LBCII 38837.00 OJ 8 0.00400 0.766 Gi:aildPrairie "''''M "...,.........-"" OW 1470W WF003 WFXJ8 13100.00 27 0.00710 27.249 27 0.00770 27,249 )W 1780W WFOO4 WFXJC 15746J;l2 42 0.00148 38.810 42 0.00200 45.115 Arlington Is.ow .:JW MS9.5W WF01S.1 WFCEO 2441.32 Q!!l.ltv Q-------0.503V.VUOVV VUOVV W MS9.7W WF0152 WFCEO 2441.32 City 6 0.00480 V."):;I1.l l.8W MS9.8W WF015.4 WFOEO 2441.32 CI 8 O.ooaoo 1.084 10.0W Euless 11.6W MS11.6W WFD11.t aBP 6768.00 CI 10 0.Q0340 1.281 Euless 11.8W 2460W WF011 SSP 12767.50 24 0.00408 14.4139 24 0.00410 14,524Euless----11.SW Fort Worth 10.5W 2470W WF"011 SSP 13121,76 euv 12 0.08160 10,180 Bedford 11.9W 2860W WF013.1 BBRI 20.00 EndofUtie 12 0.01450 4,302 Euless 1S.OW Bedford 1S.OW 3720W WFO't7 TJO 2156.00 City 12 0.00339 2.080 Bedford 15,5W MS15.5W WF018.1 HOT 1142.32 CI 12 0.00300 1.957 Bodford lS.0W 3760W WF016 HOT 2821.85 CI1'; 18 0.00340 SEuless 1B.5W Bedford 17.0W 33:lOW WRll6 BOT 8783.00 10 0.00850 2.025 10 0.00400 1'.-Euless 1B.OW Bedford lB.1W 3539W WF014B EOS 650.00 12 0.00317 2.011 12 0.32000 20.209 Hurst 18.6VV MS18.6W WF014A.3 EOSB 3525.65 City 10 0.02000 3.101 Bedford 19.0W 3850W WF019 SST 1560.00 18 0.01980 14.821 is 0.00340 6.142 Bodford 19.1W 3400W WF014A EO$B 2747.16 sa 0.00440 44.352 27 0.00440 20.599 '5.OJ NIInmon 7.OJ 1810J JT008 CWRA 20372.81 City 30 0.00550 30.501 􀁉􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠Min on 8.OJ MS8.0J JIOO1 cwes 113$0.00 21 0.00100 6.024 21 0.00802 14.228 IDalias [3.OM'-' Duncanville 4.5M MS4.5M MCD02.1 MC2 148.00 CI1Y 15 0.Q1350 7.526 Grand Pralne 5,1M 380M MCD06 FCCP 18.00 60 0.00150 101.140 60 0.00150 101.140 Grand Pmlrie 5.3M 2120M MC004 EMCR 109.20 30 0.00100 13.006 27 O.Q0266 16.016 -H 2290M MC012 NEL 29700.00 FM 24 0.02401 35.148 15.1M .OM 1060M MCD07 NFFC 16340.00 27 0.00280 15.834 27 0.00280 15.834 9.oM B030M MC005 SFFeR 953.50 30 O.OO4()O 26.011 30 0.00400 26.011 Arlington B.8M 1950M Moo10 80WeR 4558.00 sa 0.00219 31.297 31! 0.00220 31.369 L...-__-'--_-=M...."'.JI",lri 1o.QM lS40M MCtlO9 WeT 17987.61 27 0.00075 8.504 27 0.00075 8.504I5/41'2004 DI1tntlll3.x1s CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM INTERCEPTOR III PRORATION METHOD 2 The following is a description of Method 2 for prorating CRWS interceptor infiltration/inflow (III) to the contracting party flows. 1. Determine the annual volume of III for each subsystem defined by a delta meter location. ADF -ADDF =III (annually). The use of delta meter subsystem values assumes that the annual average 1/1 per idm for the CRWS interceptors and the city collection system served by the interceptor is the same within the delta meter subsystem. The interceptors upstream of non-delta meters are considered to be lines required to serve the metered city, regardless of ownership. The evaluation of III annually will provide a trending to account for almual rainfall, III reduction in the CRWS and the city collection systems, and any other changes in the condition of the systems. 2. Determine the city inch-diarneter-miles (idm) within the delta meter subsystem. The delta meter subsystem idm could be determined annually, or assumed assumed to remain the same for a period of three to five years. 3. Determine the CRWS interceptor idm within the delta meter subsystem. ) 4. Determine the annual subsystem III per idm. (No.1 divided by the sum of No.2 and No.3). 5. Determine the adjusted CRWS interceptor idm. The adjusted interceptor idm is based on the interceptor size required to transport the existing flow capacity provided for the upstream city using the slope of the existing CRWS interceptor segments from the upstream meter to the delta meter. The existing interceptor size in excess of the size required for the upstream city is considered to be required to serve the delta metered city, regardless of ownership. 6. Apply the annual subsystem III per idm to the adjusted CRWS interceptor idm. (No.4 multiplied by No.5). 7. Adjust the Fiscal Year Contribution Based on Actual Flow for each of the contracting parties. 8. Adjust the Distribution of Fiscal Year Actual Aunual Requirement Based on Actual Flows for each of the contracting parties. ., ..... ) CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM INTERCEPTOR III PRORATION FLOW ANALYSIS CRITERIA The average annual daily flow (ADF) is defined to be the total annual flow divided by the total number of days in the year. . The average daily dry weather flow (ADDF) is defined to be the lowest seven day average flow recorded during the year. The following criteria are established for the analysis of the flows used to determine the ADF and ADDF for the interceptor III proration. 1. The beginning of the fiscal year for flow recordings may result in partial inclusion of the first seven day average meter recording. Partial seven day average meter recordings consisting of less than four (4) days will not be considered for use as theADDF. 2. During the year, there may be a need to adjust the recorded flows. The reason for these adjustments may include, but not be limited to line blockage or year-to-date (YTD) adjustments. Adjusted flows will not be considered for use as ADDF. 􀁾􀁇􀁅􀁎􀁄􀁁􀀠ITEM V·D July 12, 2004 (Previous report August 6, 2003) CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PLANNING, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS STATUS REPORT * & .. PLANNING and OTHER ACTIVITIES Name: Status: Name: Type: Status: Name: Type: Status: Name: Type: Status: Name: Type: Status: Name: Type: Status: 2004 Series Bond Sale Completed 2001 Five Year Plan Update in January 2001 Submitted 2004 IUP to TWDB in March 2063 Approved by TWDB to submit loan application in October 2003 Authorized APAI to prepare Engineering report in April 2004 Work approx. 75% complete Authorized to prepare POS for bond sale in April 2004 Authorized to submit TWDB loan application by August 31, 2004 Anticipated Bond Sale in 2004 I and I Management Plan -Phase IV Flow and Rainfall Data Collection and Evaluation Contract awarded in December 2001 Final report in progress Work is approximately 96% complete Wet Weather Flow EvalUation Evaluation of Technologies and Alternatives Contract awarded in 2001 Work is approximately 95% complete Oxygen Feed Pilot Study Qxygen Pilot Study, Odor Survey and MonitOring . Contract awarded in 2002 Odor surveys and data collection complete Work is approximately 99% complete Phase IV Master Plan Project Master Plan Report Contract awarded in 2002 Work is approximately 96% complete GIS Implementation Plan Software Purchase, Development, and Installation Contract awarded in 2003 Installed GIS SoftwarelTraining in early 2004 Developing Software linkages in progress Work is approximately 68% complete 1 -\ Location: Type: Status: Cities of Farmers Branch and Dallas North of Spur 348 to 1-635 72" parallel relief of 12,900 ft. 72" diameter pipeline Design initiated in August 1998 Design 65% complete Easement acquisition to begin in 2002 AntiCipated construction award by 2005 MOUNTAIN CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Kirby Creek Outfafllnterceptor City of Grand Prairie From Fish Creek to Great Southwest Parkway Preliminary Engineering Study and Environmental Assessment of 20,500 ft. of 12" to 24" line Preliminary DeSign Contract awarded in August 1998 Preliminary Engineering Study completed August 1999 Environmental Assessment completed by March 2001 Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Work is 94% complete Final Design initiated in late 2002 Final Design is 73% complete Easement acquisition in progress Anticipated construction award in 2004 MCKC II Rehabilitation City of Grand Prairie Upstream of LS 4 along Mountain Creek Lake Rehab 4,650 ft. of 30" diameter pipeline Design work initiated in 2001 ESA approved in 2004 Design 100% complete Easement acquisition completed in 2004 Anticipated construction award by August 2004 Jefferson Avenue Pipeline City of Grand Prairie From Mountain Creek near Loop 12 to SE 14th Street Preliminary Engineering Study ofapproximately 20,000 ft. of 30· diameter line Preliminary Design Contract awarded in 2003 Study <10% complete Anticipated construction award in 2005 .. 3 Preliminary engineering and environmental assessment completed March 2000 Engineering evaluations & negotiation of pipeline relocation, November 1999 to December 2001 Revised draft environmental assessment completed in April 2001 Revised pipeline alignment in summer 2001 Additional Archeological Investigations completed in June 2003 Design 81% complete Easement acquisition begun in late 2001 Anticipated construction award in late 2004 PLANT AND OTHER SYSTEM PROJECTS Name: Pump Stations 6, 7, and 13 Evaluatlon(thls is finished) Type: Planning, Design, and Testing Status: Contract awarded in eariy 2003 Work is approximately 98% complete Name: Class A Bio-Solids Stabilization Type: Design Report and Construction Services Status: Contract awarded in early 2003 Work is approximately 89% complete Name: FY2004 Interceptor III Proration Type: 10M and III Flow Adjustment Status: Contract awarded in 2003 Work is approximately <5% complete 5 Name: Location: Type: Status: ) Construction 80% complete Construction to be completed by September 2004 West Fork Relief Interceptor. WF-C. N. B. P. & M City of Arlington From West of Hwy. 360 to west of Collins Street 72" parallel relief of existing 54" & 60" lines Design initiated in 1996 Design completed in December 1998 EA completed by December 1998 Construction contract awarded in December 1998 Construction 97% complete Construction to be completed by end of 2004 PLANT PROJETS Name: Location: Type: Status: Bar Screening Improvements. Phase I and II PS 6/6A Plant Design of Phase I is 100% complete Design of Phase II is 100% complete Construction contract awarded in June 2002 Construction 86% complete Construction to be completed by August 2004 List of Construction Project Improvements Completed since August 2003 Report Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Little Bear Creek CO-1/GV-4 City of Hurst East of Precinct Road, north of SP RRlWest of Hwy 121 & north of Glade Rehabilitation of 1500 ft. of 12" diameter line/200 ft. line repair Project added to BC Rehab. in 1998 . Final Design completed in June 2001 Easement arid permit acquisition completed in July 2001 Construction awarded in October 2001 Construction completed in 2004 West Fork Interceptor. Johnson Branch Relocation City of Grand Prairie Design and Construction Phase Engineering Design awarded in early 2003 Draft Environmental Assessment completed Design is 100% complete Elm Fork Interceptor. MS 15.0E 7 'Based on April 04 ESA Report "Based on May 04 Construction Report 9 ,1___,_____ Trinity RiverAuthority of Texas AGENDA ITEM VI ffi DATE: August 10,2004 FILE: 3110.102/3110.800 TO; MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITIEE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM RE: Central Regional Wastewater System Proposed FY 2005 Budget Authority management annually prepares a proposed budget of anticipated expenses and required revenues for the Central Regional Wastewater System in accordance with the fiscal provisions of our Wastewater Services Contract for the ensuing fiscal year. We are pleased to present to you the proposed FY 2005 Budget for the annual operating funds of the Central System. This budget is relevant to the time period for December 1, 2004 through November 30, 2005. This budget reflects the proposed financial activities of operating and debt service funds, provides for our continuing ability to deliver high quality, efficient wastewater service to our Contracting Parties, and will continue to position the Central System for increased growth, regulatory changes and maximized internal operational productivity measures to result in cost efficient wastewater treatment. The Authority will continue the efforts established in 2002 to ensure the security and integrity of our Central System and the reliability of our services. Therefore, the budget reflects the Authority's continued commitment to protect capital investments, keep operational expenses to a minimum and to maximize the process of increasing operational efficiency throughout the Authority. A brief overview of Central's financial picture for FY 2005 will reveal a slight increase in overall System expenditures, with only those increases in operating accounts required to meet contractual obligations for our treatment of wastewater, as compared to FY 2004 projected requirements. The operation and maintenance expenditures were developed based on transporting and treating an average daily flow of 151.247 MGD. The scheduled debt service requirements are slightly higher than the current budget, which reflects savings due to the issuance of the Series 1993 Refunding Bonds, and are based on prinCipal and interest payments due on outstanding Central Regional Wastewater System Revenue Bonds. The anticipated expenditures in FY 2005 total $58,421,590, an approximate 1.0% increase above the $57,839,230 predicted for the current fiscal year. The projected costs for salaries and related benefits, dues, maintenance and operating supplies, laboratory supplies, process chemicals, fuel, audit, Expenses 􀁾􀀠.' Authority's computer network, process SCADA and maintenance 1154.17% Debt S$f'Iica and M&eellal'lOOUs 02311% Other Services and Charges .15..59% Petson.aJ Services management support services, professional services, postage, Project .5.6T%Supplies • t,-lO% Gapltal Outlaysinsurance payments, utilities, collection system, equipment, plant/building and electrical maintenance, off-site August 10, 2004 3110.10213110.800 MEMBER. ADVISORY COMMITIEE Page 2 biosolids disposal, administrative overhead and capital outlay expenses essential to delivering services during the year have increased $1.264.110, along with an increase of $52.200 over the current fiscal year in programmed debt services. The increases in the proposed FY 2005 Budget for operating accounts is partly offset by a $733,950 reduction in service cost for power usage expenses due to a new energy contract which provides the Authority a lower price per kWh, as well as in other operating category accounts due to program modifications and, as in previous year's efforts, by holding the line on controllable costs. During this ongoing weak economic climate, Authority management continues our commitment of aggressive decisions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our business services and move toward deeper cost reductions, as close scrutiny was given to all antiCipated and discretionary expenditures, resulting in an overall projected increase of $582,360 for FY 2005 expenditures above the FY 2004 Budget. As is shown in the following table. the predicted gross and net unit costs/1,000 gallons are slightly higher than last year's projections for the coming FY 2005. Anticipated FY 2005 revenues from the System's Contracting Parties, totaling $55.735,040, reflects less than a one percent increase above the FY 2004 Revenueprojected revenue requirement of $55,193,770. System revenue requirements are allocated to the cities 1194,93% Contract Reventle 01,59% Operating Overhead & IOfer·Fund Sefi'ieeson the basiS of city predicted flow .1,39% Miscellaneous Income .0,98% Interest Incomecontribution. The predicted FY 2005 110.94% Profess!onal Fees 110.17% Operating TrallSfer$flow contribution of 151.247 is 2.761 MGD. or 1.79%, less than we forecast for FY 2005 one year ago. The resulting predicted gross and net unit costs of service for wastewater transportation and treatment throughout FY 2005 are both 1.3% over the respective predicted FY 2004 budgeted unit costs as reflected in the following table: it ,-. August 10, 2004 3110.102/3110.800 MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 3 The following exhibits are presented to provide flow allocations, a summary of budget objectives and detailed information about the five major budget categories, as well as additional quantitative and statistical information for your review: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Flow Allocations Budget Objectives Budget at a Glance Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlays Debt Service and Miscellaneous Historical System Data Projected Future Costs of Service The proposed FY 2005 Budget (Exhibit K) is presented for your review and consideration and will be discussed in the August 10, 2004 Advisory Committee meeting. Additionally, a Budget Workshop will be held in the upstairs conference room of the Administrative Building at the Central Regional Wastewater System on Wednesday, September 1, 2004, beginning at 10:00 a.m. for those representatives and city staff members who do not attend the Advisory Committee meeting or desire to discuss the proposed budget in more detail. A later Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14th, at which time the committee will be requested to recommend the proposed FY 2005 Budget for adoption by the Authority's Board of Directors. If there are any questions concerning the proposed budget or the workshop, please contact the 6It":off;U PATRICIA M. CLEVELAND Manager, Operations Northern Region PMC/rrr Attachments c: Danny F. Vance, General Manager Warren N. Brewer, Regional Manager, Northern Region Bill Tatum, Project Manager, Central Regional Wastewater System EXHIBIT A CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2005 FLOW ALLOCA nONS GIIY fY 2004 I-Y 2004 I t-Y 2000 II FY 200b I % mON IFLOWIMGD1,11% ,TION 2.280 1.00tl% 2.280 1I\OROk. nVlV 46.370 42.636 28.190% 4.900 3.241% 4.900 3.240% .TQN 13.700 14.100 : HILL 0.324 0.214% 0.360 n 7::18% ,YVILLE 2.550 1.686% 2.570 1 i99% 􀀧􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀠I 4.200 2.778% 4.250 􀁾􀀠8.250 1 R?ROfn 9.000 5.151% ... 1 2.310 2.310 1.527% )UN( F 0.200 0.132% 0.200 0.132% lEULESS 􀁾􀀠4.2 5 2. 827'lA 4.271 􀀲􀀮􀀸􀀲􀀵􀁾􀀠6.7 J 4.431 "A 6.70( 􀀡􀁾􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁲􀀠1.5 J 1 041\°' 1.501 􀀰􀀮􀀹􀀹􀀲􀁾􀀠15.512 , ?fiQ°;' 17.600 11.637% 1.811 1.198% 1.621 1.072 HIIR5i '.2107 1.137' 1.215 0.142 6.5 00 .7ge 10 1 .78E % ,KFII FR .654 .755' .715 1.795% IN 􀁒􀁉􀁃􀁈􀁾􀁈􀁲􀁌􀁌􀁓􀀠4.125 2.728% 4.275 􀁾􀁾0.660 0.437% 0.680 SOUTHIAKF 1.700 1.124% 2.160 1.42 % lV''',151.208 100000% 1{ BUDGETED FY 2005 FLOWS 􀀴􀀵􀀥􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬 􀀠40%+--zn----........􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀻f:: 􀀳􀀵􀀥􀀫􀀭􀀭􀀥􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠..J 􀀳􀀰􀀥􀀫􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾� �􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁟􀀬􀁷􀁲􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠25% -20% -o f..J o 15% -Cl 􀁾􀀠z gj t§10% 􀁾􀀠'?Q C5 5% %-+ 0% 􀁾􀀠LL 􀁾􀀠z :> en CUSTOMER CITY EXHIBIT B CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY2005 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The Trinity River Authority's Central Regional Wastewater System is a large regional wastewater system located on 495 acres adjacent to the West Fork of the Trinity River and is currently serving approximately 1.3 million customers in Dallas, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson and Denton counties of north central Texas. The service area encompasses all or portions of 20 cities in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, as well as the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The Central Regional Wastewater System treatment plant is an advanced secondary facility currently permitted to treat 162 million gallons per day (MGD). This System consists of an extensive regional network of interceptors, pipelines, lift stations, meter stations, and facilities for the delivery of treated effluent for golf course irrigation and lake level management under the first major urban reuse program in Texas. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FY 2005 The Authority's objectives objectives are reflected in the recommended Annual Operating Budget for Central Regional Wastewater System FY 2005. The major goals and objectives are: • Operate and adequately protect the Central System's capital investments by proper maintenance, which includes a 162 MGD treatment plant, over 200 miles of interceptors, four lift stations, 138 metering stations, an analytical laboratory, and the DCURD water reuse project. • Provide wastewater transportation and treatment services for a projected flow contribution of 151.247 MGD. • Continue operating at efficient levels and minimize unit costs while enhancing treatment capacity and meeting all regulatory requirements. • Continue Authority efforts to reduce overall wet-weather flow impacts to the System by installing new pipelines for capacity, rehabilitating existing collection system infrastructure and plant facilities as identified in the first and second phases of the 1998 Five Year Plan; funded by the Series 1998A Revenue Bonds, the third phase funded by the Series 2001 Bonds and the 2003 Refunding Bonds. • Operate and maintain odor control facilities consistent with the Odor Control Abatement Master Plan and implement additional odor improvements in the primary treatment areas to reduce risk of adjacent area odors. • Provide Contracting Parties laboratory testing and pretreatment program capabilities and services on a revenue-supported basis. • Continue 100% land application of System biosolids under a five-year agreement. • Respond in a timely fashion to Customer Cities' requests for assistance. EXHIBITC FISCAL YEAR 2005 BUDGET AT A GLANCE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PROPOSED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET Revenue $58,713,230 Expenses $58,421,590 Variance (Retained for FY 2006 Debt Requirements) $291,640 Revenue .94.93% Contract Revenue 01.59% Operating Overhead & Inter,Fund Services .1,39% Miscellaneous Income .0.98% Interest Income .0.94% Professional Fees .0.17% Operating Transfers Expenses .54.17% Debt Service and Miscellaneous 023.17% other Services and Charges .15.59% Persona! Services .5.67% Supplies .1.40% Capital Outlays FISCAL YEAR 2005 FUND SUMMARY Revenue Summary Contract Revenue $55,735,040 Operating Overhead and Inter-Fund Services $934,150 Professional Fees $550,000 Interest Income $573,850 Operating Transfers $102,000 Miscellaneous Income $818,190 Total Sources of Funds $58,713,230 Expenditure Summary Personal Services $9,104,600 Supplies $3,312,970 Other Services and Charges $13,538,260 Capital Outlays $817,200 Debt Service and Miscellaneous $31,646,560 Total Application of Funds $58,421,590 EXHIBIT D CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PERSONAL SERVICES FY 2005 Cl Proposed FY 2005 of $9,104,600 vs Current FY 2004 of $8,791 ,200 = Variance (+) $313,400 or (+) 3.6%. Cl The budget category of Personal Services includes seven line item accounts. As compared with present 􀁢􀁵􀁤􀁧􀁥􀁾􀀠one line item account remained unchanged (Unemployment Compensation), one decreased (-) $2,060 (Education), and five increased (+) $315,460 (Salaries, FICA, Health/Life Insurance, PenSion, and Employee Service Recognition). o The anticipated increase in salaries and related benefit costs is partly due to usual provisions for forecast salary adjustments based on merit, varying with each individual employee. Also, provisions are included for cost increases in the Authority's Health Insurance expenses due to claims experience that has resulted in premium increases. Cl Authority management believes that the Central facility can be operated efficiently and maintain adequate margins of safety with one Project Manager, an Operations/Maintenance staff of 97, plus 53 Technical Services/Pretreatment staff, Administrative staff of 9, and 7 PurchasinglWarehouse staff. Personal Services 15.59% t Personal Services expenditures include those costs associated with the staffing required to operate, maintain, and administer the treatment plant, biosolids program, laboratory, pretreatment program, collection system, and meter stations. Significant line item accounts in this category of expenditures include salaries, payroll taxes, health insurance, and pension. EXHIBITE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM SUPPLIES FY2005 Q Proposed FY 2005 of$ 3,312,970 VS Current FY 2004 of $3,173,040 = Variance (+) $139,930 or (+) 4.4%. Q The budget category of Supplies includes eight line items accounts. As compared with the present 􀁢􀁵􀁤􀁧􀁥􀁾􀀠three decreased (-) $6,260 (Office Supplies, TCEQ Certification Fees, and Computer Software Licenses) and the remaining five line items increased (+) $146,190. Q Over 67% of the expenditures for Supplies is for the purchase of process chemicals, The increase of $75,930 in anticipated process chemical expenditures is mainly associated with a modification in process use of iron salts, which is necessary for for odor and corrosion control. Q Included in the Computer Software, Licenses and Instrument Supplies account is the Project's third year share of an Authoritywide Enterprise Resource Planning software which merged finanCial, payroll, human resources, budget reporting, asset management, and purchasing into one integrated system, The cost to purchase and implement began in FY 2003 budgeting process for phaSing over a three-year period (2003-2005). Expenses 5,67% Approximately 67% of the expenditures in this category are for the purchase of process chemicals necessary for sludge thickening, dewatering and stabilization, odor control, effluent disinfection and dechlorialion, and other treatment processes. EXHIBIT F CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES FY 2005 ral 15,500.00 PROPOSED CURRENT 2005 BUDGET 2004 BUDGET $ 61.340 $ 54,810 79,710 79,810 189,800 162,750 Page 20 ".' ..., TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2005 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION PROPOSED DETAIL PROPOSED 2005 BUDGET CURRENT 2004 BUDGET (1106.414] LAB SUPPLIES {Continued} (all) Field Sampling Supplies (012) Operational Supplies (013) Nuclear Sources -Wipe Test & Reloil (014) Other -Freight and Shipping 1,000.00 6,000.00 300.00 1,150.00 PRETREATMENT (007) Lab Apparatus (008) Chemical Reagents and Standards (009) Glassware, Plastics, and Disposables (all) Field Sampling Supplies (014) Other -Freight and Shipping Total Lab Supplies 850.00 500.00 3,000.00 11,000.00 300.00 $ 30B,600 $ 297,950 (1106.4151 PROCESS CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES PROJECT (001) Lime (002) Ferric Chloride (003) Chlorine (004) Polymer (005) Hydrochloric Acid (006) Sodium Hydroxide (007) Citric Acid (008) Filter Cloths (009) Tie Wraps, Bags, Sludge Judges, Etc. (010) Taste/Odor Control (all) Boiler Chemicals (012) Sulfur Dioxide 950,600.00 206,850.00 293,700.00 258,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 85,000.00 7,000.00 250,000.00 2,000.00 152,150.00 Total Process Chemicals and Supplies 2,220,800 2,144,870 (1106.41!!1 FUEL, OIL, AND LUBRICANTS PROJECT (001) Gasoline (002) Diesel Fuel (003) Solvents/Cleaners (004) Anti-F rooze (005) Grease (006) Lubricants (007) Propane 44,730.00 37,640.00 10,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 18,000.00 800.00 PRETREATMENT (001) Gasoline (004) Anti-Freeze (005) Grease (006) Lubricants rounding Total Fuel. Oil, and Lubricants 3,390.00 40.00 50.00 200.00 120,350 94,320 Page 21 \ TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2005 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION (1106.41T COMPUTER S91'TWARE, LICENSES & INSTRUMENT SUPPI.,IES PROJECT (001) Metering Supplies (002) Instrument Repair (003) Drafting/Engineering Supplies (004) Line Surveillance (005) FM Telemetry (006) Metering Electrical Repairs (007) Lawson GIL. HR & PR Software PRETREATMENT (001) Metering Supplies (002) Instrument Repair round Total Computer and Instrument Supplies Totat Supplies t1J06,42Q) AUDITING (001) Audit . (1106.421) ENGINEERING (001) Engineering Studies (002) lit Prorations (003) Triennial ReportiAnnual Update (004) Pipeline Repairs/Erosion Control Total Engineering (1106.422) LEGAL (001) Legal (1106.423) OUTSIPE SERVICES PROJECT (001) Advertising (002) Graphics, Displays, Etc. (003) Construction Services Charges (004) Security Monitoring/Support (005) Solid Waste Disposal (Odor Control) (006) Contract Labor (007) PC/Networ1 MOD 137.503 137.433 137.318 13S.0eo 133,4TO 132.630 133.139 132.390 131.981 134,661 131.603 FLOW D!.:r'.AVG. REPORT MGD 1J4.863 121!l.809 139.069 134.667 13,720 132.591 138..(179 126.118 121.320 132.136 139.(119 FlOW OlY.MAX. REPORT .GD 181.690 140.780 2Q3.170 1155.270 141.680 114,&60 1$U4G 136.7400 1H,600 168,626 203,170 FLOW 2.HRPK 2812,M!.P. 136912 10$463 '''''&3".....103124 137135 161308 106013 130281 127629 16130& FLOW ,-HI! PI( MOD 197.183 168.184 201.883 180.660 155.699 19U38 217.884 151669 181.613 183,786 217.984 RAINFALL TOTAl.INCHES 4.13 0.226.07 .... 1." 2.53 6.17 00.008 1.86 2.42 6." eeoD OLY.AVG. 7 MOl\. 1.• 1.1 1.2 1.' ,.. 1.1 1,. 1.' 􀀢􀁾􀁡􀀠1,1 U eBOO DLY.MAX. 17 􀀢􀀢􀁾2.. 2.0 •••,.. 1.' ... 1,. ,.. 􀀱􀁾􀀠1.' 2.' ceoc DLYAVG. "'" l6SJDAY 1168.2 1176.8 1389.6 134U 1066..8 1176.6 1169,9 1061.8 1061.9 1176.1 1389,S '" T,'OlY,AVO. Ol.Y.MAX. " .. MOJ\. 􀀮􀁇􀁾􀀠1.1 ,.. 1.1 2.• 1.3 3.• 1.2 ".1.0 2,. 1,' 2 •• 1 .• 1.' 1.• 1.• 1.• 1.' 1,1 1,a 1,3 3.' m DLY.AVG, 􀀲􀀰􀁾􀀶􀀠LSSiOAY 1278.3 1181.5 1611.4 13135.5 1090.9 1a80,$ 1169.9 1061.8 1061.9 1224,$ 1&11.4 MH' 01..YAVG. 􀁾􀀮􀀠MGI' 0.066 0.133 O.1!M 0.$41 Q.:J1O 0.0'18 0,074 0;070 0,102 0.165 1:1.641 NH3 OLY.MAX. 7 MM 9.169: 1.'" 1.378 3.639 3.540 0.171 0,119 0.200 0.287 1.173 Ujg ..., OLYAVG. Z101lu0.4 I"e,S/tlAY 12.7 142,a. 21(;,1> 720.3 320.3 .... 86.1 72.8 108.1 202,$ 720.3 DO M!N., MGiL ... ••••••••• '.1 7,' 7.' 1A 1.4 ••• .,. ,H ... MAX. MIN.• • • U. S,U• n 1.' M ••• 1.:! ••• 1,' •••7.' ... 1.' ••• 7,' ... 7,3 .., 7.3 􀀷􀁾􀀠1.:! a" 7A 1.0 Cl.' MIN. 1 MOl\. 1,10 HI1 1.02 1.12 1.04 1.06 1.06 1." 1,00 1.06 1.12 Cl2 OUTFALL .099 MGIL 0.00"".MO 0.00 0.00 ••CO MO O,()O 0.00 .... O.'IlO Co\'LECT • SYS'1'EM NO. OF OUTfLOWS ••••• 0 1 0 1 TOTA' 2 90% F1.QW"14$,aoo MGD • EXCURSIONS: 0 TCEQ 76% FLOW-12.1..soo MGD OEI'A "Rainfall totals ant measured at DFW Airport FY 2003 EFFLUENT QUALITY/FLOW 190 ""'... ............. ..... 􀁾􀀠...... -.. 15.0 180 170 160 10.0 150 140 130 5.0 120 110 100 0.0 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV C_CflOD _TSS _ NH3 __2003 Dally A.g. Flow 􀁾􀀭􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀲Daily A.g. Flow TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWA TER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BL VD., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS TUESDA Y, SEPTEMBER 16, 2003 at 11 A.M. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call ENTITY Addison Arlington Bedford Carrollton Cedar Hill Colleyville Coppell Dallas D/FW Airport Duncanville Euless Farmers Branch Fort Worth Grand Prairie Grapevine Hurst Irving Keller Mansfield N. Richland Hills Southlake Trinity River Authority REPRESENTATIVE Mr. Michael Murphy Mayor Bob Cluck Councilmember Jim Griffin Mr. Milbum Gravley Mr. Greg Porter Mr. Bill Lindley Mr. Ken Griffin Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Jim Crites Mr. Kent Cagle Mr. Ron Young Mayor ProTem Paul Walden Mr. Dale Fisseler Councilmember Richard Fregoe Mr. Jerry Hodge Mr. Ron Haynes Mayor ProTem James Dickens Mr. Ed IIschner Councilmember Tracy Doyle Mr. Mike Curtis Mr. Pedram Farahnak Mr. Danny F. Vance Director Hector Escamilla. Jr. Director Sylvia Green III. Introduction ofGuests. Consultants and Authority Staff IV. Approval ofMinutes ofthe August 12. 2003 Meeting 1 PRESENT/ABSENT V. Status Reports A. Operations B. Financial C. Regulatory D. Capital Improvement Planning VI. Action: Proposed FY 2004 Operating and Maintenance Budget A. Review of Budget Philosophy, Strategies, Objectives, and Contents B. Committee Action on Proposed FY 2004 Budget VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn to Lunch 2 EXHIBIT C FISCAL YEAR 2004 BUDGET AT A GLANCE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PROPOSED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET Revenue $58,134,240 Expenses $57,839,230 Variance (Retained for FY 2005 Debt Requirements) $295,010 Revenue .94.94% Contract Revenue [J 1 .64% Operafing Overhead & Inler-Fund SeNices .1.31% Miscellaneous Income .1.05% Interest Income .0,86% Professional Fees IIO.21l"A. Operating Trans!e1S Expenses .54.63% Debt SeNice and Miscell.neous [J 23.40% Other SeNices and Charges .15,20% Personal Services .5.49% Supplies .1.28% Capital Outlays FISCAL YEAR 2004 FUND SUMMARY Revenue Summary Contract Revenue $55,193,770 Operating Overhead and Inter-Fund Services $949,890 Professional Fees $500,000 Interest Income $609,600 Operating Transfers $118,000 Miscellaneous Income $762,980 Total Sources of Funds $58,134,240 Expenditure Summary Personal Services $8,791,200 Supplies $3,173,040 Other Services and Charges $13,535,730 Capital Outlays $742,900 Debt Service and Miscellaneous $31,596,360 Total A lieation of Funds $57,839,230 Trinity River Authority of Texas Northern Region Office July 29, 2003 3110.102 MEMBERS, Advisory Committee Central Regional Wastewater System NOTICE -Tuesday, August 12, 2003, 10:00 a.m. MEETING PLACE -Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Grand Prairie The Central Regional Wastewater System Advisory Committee has scheduled a meeting for 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at the Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in Grand Prairie, at 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas. A catered lunch will immediately follow the meeting. There are several Significant agenda items, including the presentation and explanation of the proposed FY 2004 Operations and Maintenance Budget for the Central System. An agenda, minutes from the September 10, 2002 meeting, and other information will be mailed to you prior to the August 12th meeting. Each party served by the System is encouraged to send a representative to this meeting. If you have questions prior to this meeting, please contact this office at 817-493-5100. U/IA#/I /j, 􀀰􀁾􀀯􀂣􀂥WARREN N. BREWER Regional Manager Northern Region WNB/cea c: Danny F. Vance, General Manager Patricia M. Cleveland, Manager, Operations Bill L. Tatum, Manager, CRWS RO. Box 240 Arlington, Texas 76004-0240 (817) 493-5100 ft "., Recycled Paper , I TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWA TER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVO., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS TUESOA Y, AUGUST 12,2003, 10:00 A.M. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call ENTITY Addison Arlington Bedford Carrollton Cedar Hill Colleyville Coppell Dallas D/FW Airport Duncanville Euless Farmers Branch Fort Worth Grand Prairie Grapevine Hurst Irving Keller Mansfield North Richland Hills Southlake Trinity River Authority REPRESENT A TlVE Mr. Michael Murphy Mayor Bob Cluck Councilmember Jim Griffin Mr. Milbum Gravley Mr. Greg Porter Mr. Bill Lindley Mr. Ken Griffin Mr. Bob Johnson Mr. Jim Crites Mr. Kent Cagle Mr. Ron Young Mayor ProTem Paul Walden Ms. MaeBell Brown Councilmember Richard Fregoe Mr. Jerry Hodge Mr. Ron Haynes Mayor ProTem James Dickens Mr. Ed IIschner Councilmember Tracy Doyle Mr. Mike Curtis Mr. Pedram Farahnak Mr. Danny F. Vance Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Director Sylvia Greene III. Introduction ofGuests. Consultants and Authority Staff 1 PRESENT/ABSENT IV. Approval ofMinutes ofthe September 10. 2002 Meeting V. Status Reports A. Operations B Financial C. Regulatory D. Capital Improvement Planning (1) Planning, Design, Construction (2) Series 􀁾SRF Bonds ;l.oc4 VI. Discussion: Presentation ofProposed FY 2004 Operating and Maintenance Budget A. Budget Philosophy and Strategies B. System Flows and Allocations C. Budget Objectives D. Detailed Budget Review VII. Other Business VIII. Adjourn to Lunch 2 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,2002 at 11 A.M. I. Call to Order-Chairman Gravley called the meeting to order at 11:10 a.m. and asked Warren Brewer to call roll. II. Roll Call ENTITY REPRESENTATIVE PRESENT/ABSENT Addison Mr. Jim Pierce f/Mr. Michael Murphy Present Arlington Mr. Charles Anderson f/Mayor Elzie Odom Present Bedford Council member Jim Griffin Absent Carrollton Mr. Milburn Gravley Present Cedar Hill Mr. Jim Sparks flMr. Greg Porter Present Colleyville Mr. Bill Lindley Absent Coppell Mr. Ken Griffin Absent Dallas Mr. Terrace Stewart Absent D/FW Airport Mr. Rusty Hodapp f/Mr. Jim Crites Present Duncanville Mr. Bill Willborn f/Mr. Kent Cagle Present Euless Councilmember Glenn Porterfield Present Farmers Branch Mr. Mark Velton f/Councilmember Paul Walden Present Fort Worth Mr. Frank Crumb flMr. Dale Fisseler Present Grand Prairie Councilmember Richard Fregoe Present Grapevine Mr. Matt Singleton flMr. Jerry Hodge Present Hurst Mr. Ron Haynes Present Irving Mr. Jim Sidall f/Councilmember James Dickens Present Keller Mr. Ed IIschner Absent Mansfield Mr. Bud Ervin f/Councilmember Blake Evans Present N. Richland Hills Mr. David Smith flMr. Mike Curtis Present Southlake Mr. Pedram Farahnak Absent Trinity River Authority Mr. Danny F. Vance Present Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Present III. Introduction ofGuests. Consultants and Authority Staff TRA staff present: Warren Brewer, Patricia Cleveland, Bill Smith, Randy Brooks, John Nelson, Cheryl Abbott, John Jadrosich, Bill Tatum. Bill Cyrus, Mike Young. and Shelley Fialho. Also present: Arlington -Fiona Allen Carrollton -Stephen Jenkins Euless -Ron Young and Chris Barker Farmers Branch -Mark Pavageaux Grand Prairie -Ron McCUller Midlothian -Robyn Forsyth and Judy Ford Alan Plummer Associates -Alan Plummer Black & Veatch -Layne Parsons First Southwest -Mary Williams 1 IV. Approval ofMinutes ofthe August 13. 2002 Meeting Chainnan Gravley asked if there were any changes to be made to the minutes of the August 13, 2002 meeting. None being requested, Matt Singleton made a motion to accept the minutes of the August 13. 2002 meeting as presented. Councilmember Porterfield seconded the motion and a unanimous vote followed. V. Status Reports A. Operations -Bill Tatum gave updated System flows since the August meeting and steted that the May, June. July, and August flows for 2001 and 2002 were very similar. Mr. Tatum then presented a slide presentation outlining the effluent process parameters for December 2001 through August 2002. He asked if anyone had questions and there wera none. B. Financial -Patricia Cleveland told Members that through August, the System was 75% through the current budget year and had realized savings in power, but had encounterad some additional expenditures in other areas. C. Regulatory -Patricia Cleveland stated that the TPDES pennit renewal application application had been submitted to TCEQ for review and that staff was prepared to respond to any questions posed by the State. Ms. Cleveland said that the current pennit had been filed for 162 MGD, and with future improvements and expansions the pennit would be increased to 189 MGD. There was a brief discussion concerning CMOM's status and potential effects on the System and its Customer Cities. D. Capital Improvement Planning -Randy Brooks reviewed current engineering and construction projects. He reported that staff was obtaining populations projections and traffic zone areas within the Central region and would use that infonnation in updating the 2002 CIP program. VI. Action: Proposed FY2003 Operating and Maintenance Budget A. Review of Budget Philosophy, Strategies, Objectives, and Contents B. Committee Action on Proposed FY 2003 Budget Warren Brewer told members that staff had presented the FY 2003 Budget in the August meeting, and had also held a budget workshop that was attended by representatives from nine cities. Upon completion of Patricia Cleveland's brief overview of the FY 2003 Operating and Maintenance Budget, Charles Anderson made a motion to recommend that the Authority's Board of Director's adopt the Budget as presented. Bud Ervin seconded the motion and a unanimous vote followed. VII. Other Business Warren Brewer reintroduced Judy Ford and Robyn Forsyth with the City Midlothian. He detailed a slide presentation of the Mountain Creek Regional Wastewater Service area and explained how the service area and pipelines related to the Central System. Mr. Brewer told Members that since Irving's presentation in the August meeting, that TRA had not received any further requests, but that in a recent conversation with Steve McCullough, he indicated it would be discussed at a later date. Patricia Cleveland presented Bill Tatum with the AMSA Gold award for the Central System. She stated that the Central System had received Gold Awards for the prior eight years for not exceeding pennits parameters and that a Platinum Award was achieved with five consecutive Gold Awards. VIII. Ad/oum to Lunch Chainnan Gravley adjourned the meeting at 11 :55 a.m. and invited attendees to remain for a catered lunch. 2 􀁾􀀠("f')􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠0 􀁾􀀠0 C"l 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠Ci 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠I C"lffi 0 0 􀁾􀀠C"l 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠(!) 􀁾􀁳􀀠 r/) (!) 􀁾􀁾􀀠 u . ll:ll.!l. '. . "-'-.' ." CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY20D3 PERMITS NO: 10303-4101 (lXO022802) """ .........VG FLOW DLY,AVG., FLOW DLY,MAX,. FLOW 2 7.4 7-3 • S.U. u 􀀬􀁾􀀠... , MGIl. 1.10 1.01 1.02 .099-•••........ 110.01' OUTFLOWS•••MAR APR MAY JUN UL 136.080 133A10 132.530 133.139 132..39 134.567 126.720 132.691 139.079 126.118 155.210 141.580 114.500 198.840 136.746 125458 108124 137735 151308 106013 ,...... ,...... "8.338 217.834'....... 1." • .53 5.11 .... 1.1 1.' 1.1 1.' 1.' 2.' 1345.3 1 .• 1056.8 ... 1176.6 ,.0 1159.9 ,.0 1051.8 '"1.' 1.3 ,.0 '" ,.. 2.0 2.0 1.0 1,0 1305,5 11lll0.a 1UU 1159.9 1051.8 0.£41 0.310 0.018 0.074 0.010 3.639 "... 0.171 0.11' OolDO m.:! 32 • .3 􀀸􀁇􀁾􀀠66.1 72.8 ... 8.1 7.' 7.. 7.4 7-3 7.4 U 7A 7.3 • .9 .. ••• G.' G.' 1,12 ,... M. U. 1.08 .0.00 0.00.... 􀀮􀁾􀀮,.llO ••• 1•IAUG.E. OCT NOV VG 134.984 132.737 166.&41 121296 183.307 'A' 1.1 U 1189.2 1.1 1.' ''''''.0 0.196 1284 214.7 .., 􀀷􀁾􀀠••• 1.06 .... TOTAL: _ 1 u ..v ............. .. .. ""...... ..".......... .."...."''' .,........􀁾􀀠... .. ." ....a"., ., .. .. ........ ""'H 􀁾􀀠􀀢􀁾􀀬􀀬􀀠-, Art .. .. ... .90% FLOW*" 145.800 MGD "EXCURSIONS: 0 TCEQ 75%FLOW= 121.500MGD .FA *"Rainfall totJt, are measured at OFW AIrport FY 2003 EFFLUENT QUALiTY/FLOW 190 L .1 15.0 180 17D 160 150 140 13D 5.0 12D 110 iii1,. -:;:" ,,:'::':1;'" 􀀼􀀺􀁩􀀻􀁾􀀻􀀠:.;:;.: :r" 􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀧􀀠,"::::;1: 􀀺􀀻􀁾􀁩􀁦􀀬􀀮􀀧􀀠--'0 --;:;:;;::: ji;i! 0.0100 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV _ceOD _TSS _NH3 _2003 DallyAvg. Flow -2002D.llyAvg.Flow CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY2002 PERMITS NO: 10303.001 (TX0022802) FLOW IANNlAVG Fl.OW OlY.AVG. Fl.OW tH..V.MAX.. FLOW 2-HR PK FLOW 2-11RPK RAlllFAU. TOTAl." COOD OL'tAVG, c.on Ol'i',MAX,. c,oo Ol..Y.AVG. TS. t».:i'.AVG. T55 OLY.MAX, TSS tlL'i'.AVG. MH' elY.•WO. HH' DI.Y.MJ,X. HH' DLYAVG. DO .... '" """ "" MIN. CL2 MIN. CI..'! OUTFALl. C!lU.£(;T. SYSmM PERMIT ut.IfT: DEC '.. MGIl 140,159 RePORT-130.540 REPORT MGO 20&.090 21M'".'" ,..... .GO 238.369 INCHES " .. 7 Mil!\. 1.1 11 .GIl. 2.' ""LBSlOA,Y 1181.4 Mon. 􀀱􀁾􀀠.. MM ... .. ''''' LOSJDAV 1470.1 MOIl. •.227 .. , MGil. 1231 270216404 lJ!$II>AY m.2 , MGIl ... • '.U . 7.' •S.u. ... ,...􀁾􀀠'... .099 MGIl.... Ito. OF oumows 2 􀁾􀀠FEB 138.8:51 137.479 129.630 140.6D1 21$,630 206.390 175093 1""'" 252.134 241.238 ..... 0." ,.3 1.' 2.0 2.0 1415.5 1363.0 2.' 1.' a. 3.0 2145.3 1901.5 0.161 0.186 0.555 􀁏􀁾... 175.8 m .• •••... T'" 7.5 ... ••• 1.07 1.02 1),00.... 0 3 MAR 135.083 148.995 265.920 2Hi513 310,.339 Us 13 ... 1791.7 1.5 􀀮􀁾􀀠2150.6 0.184 .... US" 75 7.' ... 1." 0.00 • '"'"MAY UN 136.312 136..526 136.688 ,. 1H,$95 14a.reo 131.660 ""..,.205.510 141.250,.._ 197566 """"113607 ....... 241.534 163.594 .68 SA. 3.10 '"1.1 1.1 3.' 3.0 .'" 1eo4J' 1364.8 '248A 1.6 1.' 1.' 10.0 􀀱􀁾􀀠M 2567,9 1199,1) 1098.1 0.156 ..... 0.064 0.462 ..". 0.163 214.1 71.$ 7{l.$ '.3 1.1> 􀀷􀁾􀀠􀀷􀁾􀀠7A 7.3 7A 7.' 1A 1.02 1.04 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 1•Jue AUG ...,. 136.893 ''''''' 132.062 145.240 "....128083 172.784 184_ 􀀧􀁾􀀷􀀠1.47 M 􀀱􀁾􀀠2.0 1.' 1160.7 1101.4 1.' 1Jl 1.0 􀀬􀁾􀀠1125.4 """ 0.066 O.U1 0:.215 ..... 76" 140 75 ... 7,8 7A ••• 􀀮􀁾􀀠1.08 1.13 .... 0." • 1 SSP ,..... 121.992144.150 116614 167.924 U. M 1.1 1070.4 1.' 1.' 1061.5 0.082 0.170 67.9 '" 7.5 􀁾􀀮􀀠1.06 0.00 1 OCT NOV 137.045 137.137 141.370 125.680 242.840 141.420 16""" 111472 262.68& 160.520 6A< 0... 1.' 1.0 1.0 􀀱􀁾􀀠1179.0 10482 1.1 1Jl '''' 1.' 1281A 1048.2 0.156 0.102 1.221 0.599 2'''' 106.$ ,.0 82 7A 7.3 •••... '''' 1." OJlO 0.80 12 AVG MAX 137.095 140.159 131.106 ,...... 195.011 26S.9afJ 155112 215513 223.361 3'10.339 3.63 7.3, 1.1 1.3 2.' •• 0 1.2a9.o 1191.7 1.3 2.' • .1> 10.0 151t!.!i 2Si7.9 0.131 •.227 O.llZ' 1.231 159.1 2lI1I'" 7.. ... 7A 7.5 6., 7.' 1A' 1.1$ 0.00 .... TOTAL: 20 "'N 136.083 '125.680 '14'1.250 111412 1&0.520 .... ... 1Jl 1048.2 1.' 1.' 1048.2 0.056 0.163 70.6 ••• 7.2 ... '1.02 0.00 OTA!. 1645.135 1645.276 43.53 t$468,$ 1&1$7,4 191U BO% FLOW '" 145.800 MGD • EXCURSIONS: 0TCSa. 75% FLOW"" 121.50(1 MGD oEPA ""'Rainfall totola are maasur&d at DFW AIrport FY 2002 EFFLUENT QUALITY/FLOW 190 􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁔􀀧􀀵􀀮􀀰􀀠180 170 160 I'" 􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀠.. 1'"140 130 120 110 100 150 􀀧􀀭􀀴􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁟􀀧􀀫􀁟􀀧􀀭􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀫􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮� �􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀬􀂷􀀺􀀱􀀠'i; 􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀧... 􀀢􀁾􀁆􀂣􀀰􀀿􀁾􀀮􀀾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠..•...... 􀀮􀀬􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀠0.0 OEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV ---------------------·-·-Wl_ceOD _TSS _NH3 _20020.lIyAvg.FIQW -2001D.llyAvg.Flow ,.z Z g C ... • III 1ft Z i -... 1ft I: ,.<• FY 2003 PERMITS NO: 10303.001 (TX00m02) .....ffu_ DEC AN 􀁾􀀮􀀠MAR R MAY UN UL A\JG SEP C1 NOV VG U"" Fl.,", ANNL.AVGtI,. MGO 137..503 137.433 137.315 136.090 133A70 132.530 133.139 132.39 134.984 􀁾􀀢􀁉􀀢􀀠􀀢􀁨􀁾􀀠FLOW DLY"AVO. REl'Q1lT MOO 134.853 123.809 139.059 '34.... 126,720 132.691 139.079 126.118 132.731 4""""'" FLOW DlY.MAX.. REPORT "GIl 141.590 140.180 203.776 155.270 141.560 174.560 19..... 13&.740 166.641 "'.... _,., Fl."" 20HRPKZ.,,'"GPM 136912 108468 ,...., ,..... 11)8124 urns 1513011 ,'106013 127296 ... "....".. FLOW 2·HRPK ••G 197.153 156,194 207.868 . 180.$60 155.13$9 ,..217.&84 152.659 163.307 -"".." ....FAlJ. 'TOTAl" INCHes 4.13' • .22 ....,..., '''' U3 5.17 .... .... ... CBOD DlY.AVG. 7 MGIL 􀀱􀁾􀀠1.1 ,. 􀀱􀁾􀀠1.' 1.' 1•• ••• 1.1 ., 1 13,58 nd Ptairie 5,lM A,lingkln. 7,OM 10BOM MCll07 NFFC 16340,00 27 0,00260 15.534 27 0,00260 AMlnglon 8.0M 8030M MC005 SFFCR 953,50 30 0,00400 26,011 30 0.004001 Arlington 9,6M 1950M MC010 BOWaR 4558.00 36 0,00219 31.297 36 0.00220 Mansfield 10.0M 1840M MCOO9 WeT 179B7.61 27 0,00075 8,504 27 0,00075 21612003 j;'>lt(nl!02.xrs 􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀬􀁊􀀠-. \,-' J'-' CENTRAL ReGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2002 INTERcePTOR 1/1 Customer TRA rnA Adjusted City for TRA Interceptor Interceptor TRA tntercaptot Interceptor Receiving Recelvlng AOF ADDF !II Interoeptor CIIy Total !II In Interceptor In In 12.08 12.ea, 0;681 0.467 0.180 1&2,54 255.00 437.5' 0.0004119 0.075 27,443 150.88 0.052 13.0W 15.0W, 15.5W. 18.OW . 0.833 0.315 0.518 63.90 215.80 299.70 0,0011210 0.145 52.888 53.36 0.092 16.5W 17.0W 0.1l63 0.052 0,011 8.08 122.00 130.08 0.00008II2 0.001 0.2;;0 6.36 0.001 5.0W 6.0W 5.11.4 .,6.61.4. 10.0M 2117f<003 Adfldm2002,xls CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CAPACITY FOR UPSTREAM CITY (METHOD 2) r',SB !C<>IlaYV;llell,9B 13.58 reller 12,9B Euless 12.08 North Richland Hllfs 􀀺􀁥􀁬􀁪􀁥􀁾􀀠..... 5.0W 7.OW•. "".vu Coli. "10DFW Sou!hlake ".11.'(0 13.58 L;l:1VVD 38108 P\..oVH 8C020 jEF2R 􀁾􀁾􀁒􀀠-.-XII 9 19 !gty ''0 0.00220 31,,?,M 0.00400 􀁏􀀮􀀰􀀰􀀲􀁾􀀠Southlake 􀁾􀁵􀁴􀁨􀁬􀁡􀁫􀁥􀀠Southlake 12.1B ..j') >:10 35900 Dt"I'HD (;iii'.. 18 0.00120 ill 'i'i:Oili5O Q.Oli46o Kalla, Norlh Richland Rills Soulhlak. Grapevine C<>II. III. ! :! ! j 􀁾􀀠. 6280B 4920B 6090B 23958 H::Ct'lO j24BO 514.1B eC01S BC019,3 eC016.1 BC013 BC010 0C007 􀁾􀁏􀁬􀁌􀀠_ BBel BBC B AI GV7R C017 lBCI B1L, ell _ _ 259 ;;ru,\ 5325.( 5436,' 9600.( .226§,l 􀁊􀀮􀁗􀁉􀀨􀁾l1i02Oor i:liiToO 􀁾􀀠1.598\ 3,100 1.60S 0.00172 0.00200 ..Q£Q!ll!l 􀁾􀀠-0.00241 0,00240 0.00200 0.00580 '.v_V I • MOil --􀀴􀁾􀀮􀀧􀁦􀀧􀀺􀀢􀀠1.598 2.721 > 16.0B-B.OW 1.2 03 LBCrl WFXJB 3B837.00 Cily 13100.00 211-0.002001 27 0.00770 7.1Q5! 27.249 -21!8 27 0.00339 '00O.OQ'!cv 0.00770 _ _ 􀀹􀀮􀀲􀁾􀀰􀀠v"_v 27,249 S.OW 04 WFXJC 15746,S2 42 0.00148 39.810 42 0.00200 45.115 "'Ill Fort Worth 19.OW 10.0W :irand Prairie 􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀡􀁬􀁱􀁐􀁲􀁡􀁾􀁦􀁪􀀢􀀬􀁟􀀠:uless !Eule.s 5W fW IMS9:7W m",u"''',8W :;?W '5.1 ;.2 5.4 1.1 WFCEO WFCEO WFCEO SBP 88P 2441.32 City 2441.32 Cily 2441,32 City 6788.00 City 12767.50 24 0.0040B 14.489 6 a 8 10 24 0.00800 0.00480 O.OOBoo 0.00340 0.00410 0.5031 O. 1. 1.« l' --Euless iEule•• l'.SW 13.0W !o,d t,S.OW J3720W 1.1 IWF017 "i'lP BBRtR TJO 13121.76 Cll\'. 20.00 End 01 Line 2156.00 City 12 12 12 0,08160 0,01450 0.00339 l' 􀀴􀀺􀀳􀀰􀁾􀀠2.080a 10rO ...j.'5,5W +.MS15.5W +.WF01B.l Vf018 HeT HCT 1142.32 City 2821.65 City 12 18 0.00300 0.00340 1.9Sll 6 ,. '''I 􀁩􀁉􀁅􀁾􀁬􀁥•• WEula.. !lMW. 1a.OW ledfo,d ledlom 111.0W 13830W _j.18.1W +.3539W IWF016 -+.WF014B Yf014A.3 BOT EOS EOS8 8783.00 10 650.00 3525.65 City 12 0.00550 0.00317 2,025 2,011 . 10 12 10 0.00400 0.32000 0.02000 " 20.«J9 3,107 !om 19.0W 3960W WF019 SST 7560.00 18 0,01960 14,821 16 0,00340 6.142 19,1W 3480W WF014A EOSe 2747,16 36 0,00440 44,362 44,362 27 0.00440 20.599 Grand Prairie 5,OJ Mlnalon 7.0J 1810J JT008 CWRR 20372.81 Cili' 30 0,00580 30.501 Ani ton 8.OJ MSB,OJ JtOOl ewes 11390.00 21 0,00100 5,024 21 0.00802 14,228 Dallas 3,OM Duncanvlll. 4,5M MS4.5M MC002.1 MC2 148,00 City 15 0,01350 7.526 Grand Prairie 5,1M 380M MC006 FCCP 16.00 60 0.00150 101.140 60 0.00150 101.140 , Grand Prairie Cedar Hill 5.3M CH 2120M 2290M MC004 MC012 EMCR NEL 109.20 29700,00 FM 30 0.00100 13.006 27 '1.1 0.00266 1\ MMH 116.016, '1<: Uo!I, IG,and P,alrie IS.1M ___ -NFFC 16340.00 27 0,00260 ArlIn lon SFFCR 953.50 30 0,00400 ArU(I tOil ;:r.QM It1; lM IMCOH) BOWeR 4558.00 36 0.00219 􀁾􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀼􀀾􀁌􀁌􀀠-.All V.VVL"'Qi vl.>XIm M$nsfield 10.0M 18, I MCOO9 weT 17987.61 27 0.00075 6,5 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM INTERCEPTOR III PRORATION METHOD 2 ) The following is a description ofMethod 2 for prorating CRWS interceptor infiltration/inflow (Ill) to the contractiJ:).g party flows. I. Detennine the annual volume ofIII for each subsystem defined by a delta meter location. ADF -AbDF = III (annuallYl The use ofdelta meter subsystem values assumes that the arumal average III per idm for the CRwS interceptors and the city collection system served by the interceptor is the same within the delta meter subsystem. The interceptors upstream ofnon-delta meters are considered to be lines required to serve the metered city, regardless ofownership. The evaluation ofIII annually will provide a trending to aCCO\ll1t for annual rainfall, III reduction in the CRWS and the city collection systems, and any other changes in the condition ofthe systems. 2. Determine the city inch-diameter-miles (idm) within the delta meter subsystem. The delta meter subsystem idm could be determined annually, or assumed to remain the same for a period ofthree to five years. 3. Detennine the CRWS interceptor idm within the delta meter subsystem. ) 4. Detennine the annual subsystem III per idm. (No. I divided by the sum ofNo. 2 and No.3). 5. Determine the adjusted CRWS interceptor idm. The adjusted interceptor idm is based on the interceptor size required to transport the existing flow capacity provided for the upstream city using the slope ofthe existing CRWS interceptor segments from the upstream meter to the delta meter. The existing interceptor size in excess ofthe size required for the upstream city is considered to be . required to serve the delta metered city, regardless ofownership. 6. Apply the annual subsystem III per idm to the adjusted CRWS interceptor idm. (No.4 multiplied byNo.5). 7. Adjust the Fiscal Year Contribution Based on Actual Flow for each ofthe contracting parties. 8. Adjust the Distribution ofFiscal Year Actual Annual Requirement Based on Actual Flows for each ofthe contracting parties. CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ) INTERCEPTOR III PRORATION METHODOLOGY Method 2 Method 2 utilizes the CRWS and city inch-diameter-mile (idm) calcUlations, and the metered flows from each delta meter to prorate interceptor III on a subsystem basis. The interceptor III is developed by applying the III per idm for the delta meter subsystem to an adjusted interceptor idm. The adjusted interceptor idm is based on the line size required to transport the existing flow. capacity provided fur the upstream city. The interceptor III flows are deducted from the Fiscal Year Contribution and the Annual Requirement is revised based on adjusted contribution percentages. \ ; CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM INTERCEPTOR III PRORATION METHOD 2 ) The following is a description ofMethod 2 for prorating CRWS interceptor infiltration/inflow (III) to the contracting party flows. 1. Determine the annual volume ofIII for each subsystem defined by a delta meter location. ADF -ADDF = III (annually). The use of delta meter subsystem values assumes that the arulUal average III per idm for the CRWS interceptors and the city collection system served by the interceptor is the same within the delta meter subsystem. The interceptors upstream ofnon-delta meters are considered to be lines required to serve the metered city, regardless of ownership. The evaluation ofIII annually will provide a trending to account for annual rainfall, III reduction in the CRWS and the city collection systems, and any other changes in the condition ofthe systems. 2. Determine the city inch-diameter-miles (idm) within the delta meter subsystem. The delta meter subsystem idm could be determined annually, or assumed to remain the same for a period ofthree to five years. 3. Determine the CR WS interceptor idm within the delta meter subsystem. ) 4. Determine the annual subsystem III per idm. (No.1 divided by the sum ofNo. 2 and No. 3). 5. Determine the adjusted CRWS interceptor idm. The adjusted interceph>r idm is based on the interceptor size required to transport the existing flow capacity provided for the upstream city using the slope ofthe existing CRWS interceptor segments from the upstream meter to the delta meter. The existing interceptor siie in excess ofthe size required for the upstream city is considered to be . required to serve the delta metered city, regardless ofownership. 6. Apply the annual subsystem III per idm to the adjusted CRWS interceptor idm. (No.4 multiplied by No.5). 7. Adjust the Fiscal Year Contribution Based on Actual Flow for each ofthe contracting parties. 8. Adjust the Distribution ofFiscal Year Actual AnilUal Requirement Based on Actual Flows for each of the contracting parties. BLACK & VEATCH MEMORANDUM Trinity River Authority ofTexas B&V Project 66779.110 Interceptor III Proration B&V FileB Negative Flow Adjustment July 26, 200 I To: Patricia Cleveland From: Layne Parsons, P.E. The following methodology is proposed for adjusting negative average daily flow (ADF) and infiltration/inflow (III) flows used in the interceptor III proration calculation. ADF Adjustment If a negative ADF value is calculated for a receiving (delta) meter, negative ADF should not be adjusted for the interceptor III proration. ADF and III will be zero (0) at delta meter locations with negative ADF. IflAdjustment If a negative III value is calculated for a receiving (delta) meter, use the following steps to detennine an adjusted III value: 1. Using the estimated developed acres and the current annual III, determine the average gallons-per-acre-day (gpad) for the meters upstream ofthe receiving (delta) meter. 2. Apply the calculated average gpad III flow value to the cumulative developed acres for the receiving (delta) meter to determine a revised annual III for the receiving (delta) meter. 3. Using the revised annual cumulative III for the receiving (delta) meter, calculate the delta 111. ) CENTRAL REGIONALWASTEWATER SYSTEM INTERCEPTOR III PRORATION FLOW ANALYSIS CRITERIA The average annual daily flow (ADF) is defined to be the total annual flow divided by the total number ofdays in the year. The average daily dry weather flow (ADDF) is defined to be the lowest seven day average flow reeorded during the year. The following criteria are established for the analysis ofthe flows' used to detem:rine the ADF and ADDF for the interceptor III proration. I. The beginning ofthe fiscal year for flow recordings may result in partial inclusion ofthe first seven day average meter recording. Partial seven day average meter recordings consisting ofless than four (4) days will not be considered for use as theADDF. 2. During the year, there may be a need to adjust the reeorded flows. The reason for these adjustments may include, but not be limited to line. blockage or year-Io-date (YTD) adjustments. Adjusted flows will not be considered for use as ADDF. ') / CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM )INTERCEPTOR III PRORATION ./FLOW ANALYSIS CRITERIA The average annual daily flow (ADF) is defined to be the total annual flow divided by the total number ofdays in the year. The ·average daily dry weather flow (ADDF) is defined to be the lowest seven day average flow recorded during the year. The following criteria are established for the analysis ofthe flows' used to determine the ADF and ADDF for the interceptorl/I proration. I. The beginning ofthe fiscal year for flow recordings may result in partial inclusion ofthe first sevc:n day average meter recording. Partial seven day average meter recordings consisting oflessthan four (4) days will not be considered for use as theADDF. 2. During the year, there may be a need to adjust the recorded flows. The reason for these adjustments may include, but .not be limited to line blockage or year-to-date (YTD) adjustments. Adjusted flows will not be considered for use as ADDF. HAN'lOUT AGENDA ITEM 'I·B ." 􀁃􀁒􀁗􀁾􀀠-'2003 MID YEAR REALLOCAfiON 03myadjPROJ CONTRACTING PARTY 2003 BUDGET MGD 2003 BUDGET % SHARE 2003 REVISED MGD 2003 REVISED % SHARE IADDISON II 2.280 I 1.518% I 2.097 I 1.466%1 IARLINGTON II 45.460 I 30.276% I 41.719 I 29.165%1 IBEDFORD II 4.700 I 3.130% I 4.767 I 3.333%1 CARROLLTON 12.000 7.992% 13.707 9.582% CEDAR HILL 0.300 0.200% 0.329 0.230% COLLEYVILLE 2.527 1.683% 2.421 1.693% COPPELL 3.900 2.597% 3.993 2.791% DALLAS 8.500 5.661% 10.301 7.202% IDFW AIRPORT 2.310 1.539% 1.769 1.237%1 IDUNCANVILLE 0.200 0.133% 0.204 0.143%1 IEULESS 4.275 2.847% 3.191 2.231%1 IFARMERS BRANCH 6.700 4.462% 6.809 4.760%1 IFORTWORTH 1.368 0.911% 1.091 0.763%1 IGRAND PRAIRIE 16.690 11.116% 13.567 9.484%1 GRAPEVINE 1.920 1.279% 1.664 1.163% HURST 0.202 0.135% 0.182 0.127% IRVING 28.750 19.148% 26.628 18.614% KELLER 2.415 1.608% 2.138 1.495% MANSFIELD 3.250 2.165% 3.541 2.475% N RICHLAND HILLS 0.703 0.468% 0.748 0.523% SOUTHLAKE 1.700 1.132% 2.179 1.523% TOTAL 150.1500 100.000% 143.045 100.000% Minor vanatlons may occur due to rounding CRWS " HANDOUT AGENDA ITEM V·DAugust 6, 2003 (Previous report August 7,2002) CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PLANNING, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS STATUS REPORT PLANNING and OTHER ACTIVITIES Name: 2004 Series Bond Sale Status: Completed 2001 Five Year Plan Upd,.te in January 2001 Submitted 2004 IUP to TWDB in March 2003 Received notification of public hearing on TWDB SRF 2004 IUP Anticipated Bond Sale in 2004 Name: I and I Management Plan -Phase IV Type: Flow and Rainfall Data Collection and Evaluation Status: Contract awarded in December 2001 Work is approximately 84% complete Name: Wet Weather Flow Evaluation Type: Evaluation Technologies and Altematives Status: Contract awarded in 2001 . Work Is approximateiy 94% complete Name: Oxygen Feed Pilot Study Type: Owen Pilot St! rd¥, 0dQr Survey and Monitoring Status: Contract awarded in 2002 Work is approximately 51% complete Name: Phase IV Master Plan Project Type: Master Plan Report Status: Contract awarded in 2002 Work is approximately 55% complete Name: Name: GIS implementation Plan Type: Software Purchase and Development and Installation Status: Contract awarded In 2003 Work Is approximately <5% complete ACTIVE PIPEUNE pESIGN PROJECTS ELM FORK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM Name: Elm Fork Relief Interceptor. EF-G Location: Cities of Coppell and Carrollton Adjacentto Belt Line Road, from Luna Road to Fairway Type/Size: 48-lnch parallel relief of6,900-feet of 33-lnch diameter pipeline Status: Design initiated November 1994 Design Revisions begun May 1997 Final Design revisions completed June 2000 Design is 99% complete Easement/permit acquisition 95% complete Condemnation proceedings in progress Intensive landowner negotiations in progressing Anticipated construction award by December 2003 1 Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type; Status: Elm Fork Relief Interceptor. EF-1 City of Irving North of CRWS Treatment Plant, from West Fork of Trinity River to SH 183 102-inch parallel relief of 25,300-feetof 72-and 96-inch diameter pipelines Design begun in 1996 Design 95% complete Plats and Legals complete Easement acquisition begun December 2000 Anticipated construction award in 2005 Elm Fork Relief Interceptor, EF-2 Cities of Irving and Dallas North of SH 183 to Spur 348 96-inch parallel relief of 20,600-feet of 96-inch diameter pipeline Design Initiated in 1995 Revisions to Final Design made in December 1997 Design 76% complete Easement acquisition to begin by January 2002 Anticipated construction award in 2005 Elm Fork Relief Interceotor, EF-§ Cities of Fanners Branch and Dallas North ofSpur 348 to 1-635 72-inch parallel relief of 12,900-feet 72-inch diameter pipeline Design initiated in August 1998 Design 46% complete Easement acquisition to begin in 2002 Anticipated construction award by 2005 MOUNTAIN CREEK INTERCEPTOR SYSTEM Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Kirby Creek Oulfafllnterceptor 􀁾􀀠i City of Grand Prairie From Fish Creek to Great Southwest Parkway Preliminary Engineering Study and Environmental Assessment of 2O.500-feetof 12inch to 24-inch line Preliminary Design Contract awarded in August 1998 Preliminary Engineering Study completed August 1999 Environmental Assessment completed by March 2001 Preiiminary Engineering and Environmental Work is 94% complete Final Design initiated in late 2002 Final Design is 10% complete 1 Easement acquisition to begin by fall of 2003 ,i Anticipated construction award in 2004 j ! Mountain Creek Kirbv Creek II Rehabilitation City of Grand Prairie Upstream of LS4 along Mountain Creek Lake Rehab 4.650-feet of 3O-inch diameter pipeline Design initiated in 2001 Design 100% complete Easement acquisition in progress Anticipated construction award by December 2003 2 ,.". '".. . '. 􀁔􀁹􀁰􀁾􀀺􀀠$tat!Jl>;, . . MOUNTAIN 􀁃􀁒􀁅􀁅􀁾INTERC.::PTOR'SYSTEM Name; Kirby Creek Outfall Interceptor Lo<;?tion: Gityof «::>rand Prairie From Fish Creek to Great Southwest Parkway Type: Preliminary Engineering study and Environmental Assessment of;W.500"feet of 12inch to 24-inchlirje . .'. . . .. . . . . Status: Preliminary Oesign Contract awa!J:Iedin 􀁁􀁮􀀬􀁴􀁩􀁣􀁾􀁰􀁡􀁴􀀡􀁥􀁤􀀧􀀬􀁣􀁯􀁲􀁬􀁳􀁴􀁮􀁊􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁬􀀱􀀠AWROJEC:fS-fas.ofJtiIY2003t;;' 'OJ,..,: " .," ">-' 􀀺􀀬􀁽􀁏􀁾􀀮􀀠􀁾􀀭􀀬􀀠􀀢􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀭􀀮􀀧􀀠riU:iei.JNE 􀁐􀁒􀁏􀁊􀁅􀁃􀁾􀁓􀀠...' ,/{ :,•• _0,,; . Nall\e: 􀁌􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁬􀁥􀁂􀁥􀁡􀁲 􀂷􀁃􀁾􀁊􀀨􀁃􀁯􀀮􀀺􀀱􀀯􀁇􀁖􀀴􀀠": 􀁾􀀬􀀠 ',. . LoCation: City of HurSt . '. . . .... East of Precinct Road, nor\l:l of $PRRJ\.veSt OfHWy 121& north Of Glade Type: Rehabilitation of 1500-feet of 12.inch diameter finef200.foot iine repair Status: Project added to BC Rehab. in :1J398' . '. . . . . . Final Designcornpleted in julie 2001 Easement and PElrmit acquisiliop ·CCil}1pleted in July.20Q1 Construction awarded in Octo6ei";!O(J1 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠.... . Construction is approximately 99% colllpleje 4 Name: Location: TypelSize: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Elm Fork Interceptor. MS 15.0E City of Carrollton South of 1-635 and north of Luna Road Re-build meter station. Design completed April 2002 Construction begun in May 2063 Construction 95% complete Mountain Creek Interceptor, MC-4A Cities of Grand Prairie and Arlington Bowman Branch, South Fork Fish Creek to Loyd Park Construct new lift station, 1 O,OOO-foot of twin 24-inch diameter force main to replace existing 18-inch force main, and build 7,500-feet of 54-inch diameter pipeline to replace existing 24-inch diameter gravity pipeline Environmental Assessment completed in April 1999 Design Contract awarded in August 1999 Evaluate possible reroute options in South Grand Prairie due to land development Modify design for two 24-inch diameter force main and 54-inch gravity pipeline in July 2001 Easement acquisition begun in October 2000 USACE environmental data and reports to be completed by September 2001 Easement acquisition to be completed by October 2002 Construction contract awarded in June 2002 Construction <91 % complete Construction to be completed by December 2003 Mountain Creek Interceptor. MC-4B Cities of Grand Prairie, Arlington, and Mansfield Loyd Park to Holland Road 16,OOO-feet of 48-inch relief pipeline replacement of 24-inch gravity pipeline Environmental Assessment completed in April 1999 . Design Contract awarded in August 1999 Final design to be9in in September 2000 Easement acquisition to begin March 2001 USACE environmental data and reports to be completed by September 2001 Easement acquisition completed by August 2002 Construction contract awarded in June 2002 Construction <99% complete Construction to be completed by July 2003 West Fork Relief Interceptor. WF-G. Phase I City of Grand Prairie From 3,900-feet west of Bear Creek System junction to Belt Line Road 84-inch parallel relief of 2,200-feet of 45-inch & 66:.jnch lines Design initiated in 1996 Revisions to design made in 1998 Archeological Study initiated in March 1999 Design 100% complete in April 1999 Additional Design revisions begun in April 2000 Easement acquisition begun in 1999 Construction split into two phases in October 2000 Construction contract awarded in April 2001 Construction is approximately 99% complete Construction to be completed by September 2002 5 􀁾􀀭􀁩􀀠 ..􀀪􀁻􀁾􀀧􀀠􀀧􀁾􀀠'Ii! ' Name: West Fork. Relief Interceptor, WF-G Phase II and 􀁉􀀭􀁁􀁾􀀱􀀠!:rosign , .'lJJ1\1 Location: City of Grand Prairie 􀁩􀁾􀁬􀀠From Bear Creek System Junction approximately 3,900-feet upstream toward Belt Line Road Type: 84-lnch parallel relief of 3.900-feet of 45-inch & 66-inch lines ,:[, Status: Design initiated in 1996 ;vi'1Revisions to'design made in 1998 Archeological Study initiated in March 1999 􀁾􀁜􀀮 􀁾􀀧􀀢􀁪,rDesign completed in April 1999 􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁾􀀠IAdditional Design revisions begun in April 2000 Easement acquisition begun in 1999 􀁾􀁾􀁾..}i'l.g.(:,.Construction split into two phases in October 2000 􀀬􀁾􀀻􀀧􀀠.Design is 100% complete ,;[1,: 'tConstruction contract awarded in March 2003 􀁾􀀻􀀫􀁾Construction 52% complete -}i-.-'ij·f}'jName: West Fgr!< Relief Interceptor. WF-C. Nt B. p, & M ·rn",;'!Location: City of Arlington 􀀬􀁾􀀱􀀠􀁾􀀠From West of Hwy. 360 to west of Collins Street i<:,} io' ;Type: 72-inch parallel relief of existing 54-inch & 60-lnch lines Status: Design initiated in 1996 . 􀁾􀀺􀁽􀀠 Design completed in December 1998 EA completed by Decef(lber 1998 ,;c-Construction contract awarded in December 1998 Construction 97% complete 􀁾􀀾􀁬􀀠Construction to be completed by August 2003 􀁾􀀭􀀧􀁩􀀠JI1\PLANT PROJECTS Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: Name: Location: Type: Status: .t1 Stage V Odor Improvements -;ilPlant Weir Cover. Collection Piping. and Bic-Filter -':'-,ojContract approved in December 2001 Construction to be completed by August 2003 \\ 􀀮􀁾􀀠;Bar Screening Improvements. Phases I and II PS6f6A 'I.:Plant , DeSign of Phase I is 100% complete " II Design of Phase II is 100% complete 􀀬􀁾􀀧􀁲􀀠Construction contract awarded in June 2002 )1Construction <68% complete "\ Construction to be completed by February 2004 􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀠i I Clarifier Piping Improvements t Plant r Evaluation and Piping Rehabilitation r :1Contract to be approved in August 2002 I I Construction to be completed by August 2003 I, 6 􀁎􀁾􀁭􀁴􀀻􀁬􀀺􀀠. Stage V.Odor 􀁉􀁭􀀡􀁩􀁦􀀶􀁖􀁥􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠." ". .7.:.' Location: Plant '. /"': > .i--Type: Weir COver, COlieCtlonPiping, 􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁂􀁩􀁏􀀭􀁆􀁩􀁬􀁴􀁾􀁲􀂷􀀠 Status: Contract approved in D!3ce!Dber 2001. .. . Constructio.n to be·compll'lteq .bY August 2()03 , . '., . . J •. Name:. .LOdation: 􀁔􀁙􀁾􀀺􀀠. Stabls:. 6 List of Construction Proiect Improvements Completed since August 2002 Report 1. Bear Creek Interceptor Evaluation, BC-4 2. Harwood Road 88 Maintenance 3. Gravity Sand Filter Improvements 7 Trinity RiverAuthority of Texas Northern Region Office HANDOUTAGENOAIITEM DATE: August 12, 2003 FILE: 3110.102/3110.800 TO: MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITTEE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM RE: Central Regional Wastewater System Proposed FY 2004 Budget Authority management annually prepares a proposed budget of anticipated revenues and expenditures of the Central Regional Wastewater System in accordance with the fiscal provisions of our Wastewater Services Contract for the ensuing fiscal year. We are pleased to present to you the proposed FY 2004 Budget for the annual operating funds of the Central System. This budget is relevant to the time period for December 1, 2003 through November 30, 2004. This budget reflects the proposed financial activities of operating and debt service funds, provides for our continuing ability to deliver high quality, efficient wastewater service to our Contracting Parties, and will continue to pOSition the Central System for increased growth, regulatory changes and maximized internal operational productivity measures to result in cost effiCient wastewater treatment. The Authority will continue the efforts established in 2002 to ensure the security and integrity of our Central System and the reliability of our services. Therefore, the budget reflects the Authority's continued commitment to protect capital investments, keep operational expenses to a minimum and to maximize the process of increasing operational efficiency throughout the Authority. A brief overview of Central's financial picture for FY 2004 will reveal a slight decrease in overall System expenditures, with only those increases in operating accounts required to meet contractual obligations for our treatment of wastewater, as compared to FY 2003 projected requirements. The operation and maintenance expenditures were developed based on transporting and treating an average daily flow of 151.208 MGD. The scheduled debt service requirements are slightly lower than the current budget, primarily due to the refunding of the Series 1993 Bonds in early 2003, and are based on principal and interest payments due on outstanding Central Regional Wastewater System Revenue Bonds. The antiCipated expenditures in FY 2004 total $57,839,230, an approximate 0.4% decrease below the $58,077,710 predicted for the current fiscal year. The projected costs for salaries and related benefits, laboratory supplies, engineering services, telephone, Expenses Project insurance payments, power usage, collection system maintenance .54,63% Debt Service and MiscellaneOUSrepairs, and equipment rental essential 023.40% Other' Services and Charges .15.20% Personal Services .5.49% Suppliesfor delivering services during the year have increased $1,576,670 above the • 1.28% Capital OuUays predicted FY 2003 Budget. The increase in the proposed FY 2004 Budget for operating accounts is • August 12, 2003 3110.10213110.800 MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 partly offset by a $1,184,390 reduction in service cost for process chemicals and capital outlays, as well as in other operating category accounts due to process modifications and, as in previous year's efforts, by holding the line on controllable costs. During this weak economic climate, Authority management continues our commitment of aggressive decisions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our business services and move toward deeper cost reductions, as close scrutiny was given to all anticipated and discretionary expenditures. Along with decreases in some predicted operating accounts, there is a decrease in programmed debt payments of $630,760, resulting in an overall projected decrease of $238,480 for FY 2004 expenditures below the FY 2003 Budget. As is shown in the follOWing table, and despite additional power costs not foreseen one year ago, the predicted gross and net unit costsf1000 gallons are slightly less than last year's projections for the coming FY 2004. Anticipated FY 2004 revenues from the System's Contracting Parties. Revenuetotaling $55,193,770, reflects a 1.06% increase above the FY 2003 projected revenue requirement of $54,613,900. The resulting predicted _94,94% ConltBct Revanua 01.64% Operating Owmead & Intar-Fund SeNoes gross and net unit costs of service for _1.31 %Miscellaneous Incorne wastewater transportation and • 1.05% 􀁉􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁪􀀠Income .0.86% Professional Fees treatment throughout FY 2004 are .0.20% Oper 0:--' 0 00 UJ to Z0J: a: 0: UJ « (/) UJ (!) l::: UJ UJ0.. I--'(/) --' (!) :::> J: --' :c --' 0 ::.::!!! z '" J:Z J: I« () :::> z (/) 0% CUSTOMER CITY EXHIBITB CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY2004 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The Trinity River Authority's Central Regional Wastewater System is a large regional wastewater system located on 495 acres adjacent to the West Fork of the Trinity River and is currently serving approximately one million customers in Dallas, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson and Denton counties of north central Texas. The service area encompasses all or portions of 20 cities in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, as well as the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The Central Regional Wastewater System treatment plant is an advanced secondary facility currently permitted to treat 162 million gallons per day (MGD). This System consists of an extensive regional network of interceptors, pipelines, lift stations, meter stations, and facilities for the delivery of treated effluent for golf course irrigation and lake level management under the first major urban reuse program in Texas. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FY 2004 The Authority's objectives are reflected in the recommended Annual Operating Budget for Central Regional Wastewater System FY 2004. The major goals and objectives are: • Operate and adequately protect the Central System's capital investments by proper maintenance, which includes a 162 MGD treatment plant, over 200 miles of interceptors, four lift stations, 138 metering stations, an analytical laboratory, and the DCURD water reuse project. • Provide wastewater transportation and treatment services for a projected flow contribution of 151.208 MGD. • Continue operating at efficient levels and minimize unit costs while enhancing treatment capaCity and meeting all regulatory requirements. • Continue Authority efforts to reduce overall wet-weather flow impacts to the System by installing new pipelines for capacity, rehabilitating existing collection system infrastructure and plant facilities as identified in the first and second phases of the 1998 Five Year Plan; funded by the Series 1998A and 2000 Revenue Bonds, and the third phase funded by the Series 2001 Bonds. • Operate and maintain odor control facilities consistent with the Odor Control Abatement Master Plan and implement additional odor improvements in the primary treatment areas to reduce risk of adjacent area odors. • Provide Contracting Parties laboratory testing and pretreatment program capabilities and services on a revenue-supported basis. • Continue 100% land application of System biosolids under a five-year agreement. • Respond in a timely fashion to Customer Cities' requests for assistance. EXHIBIT C FISCAL YEAR 2004 BUDGET AT A GLANCE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PROPOSED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET Revenue $58,134,240 Expenses $57,839,230 Variance (Retained for FY 2005 Debt Requirements) $295,010 Revenue .94.94% Contract Revenue []1 .64% Operating Overhead & 􀁉􀁮􀁬􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁆􀁵􀁮􀁤􀀠Services .1,31% Miscellaneous Income .1.05% Interest Income .0.86% Professional Fees .0.20% Operating Transfers Expenses .54.63% Debt Service and Miscellaneous 023.40% Other Services and Charges .15.20% Personal Services .5.49% Supplies .1 28% Capital Outlays FISCAL YEAR 2004 FUND SUMMARY Revenue Summary Contract Revenue Operating Overhead and Inler-Fund Services Professional Fees Inleresllncome Operating Transfers Miscellaneous Income Total Sources of Funds Expenditure Summary Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlays Debt Service and Miscellaneous $55,193,770 $949,890 $500,000 $609,600 $118,000 $762,980 $58,134,240 $8,791,200 $3,173,040 $13,535,730 $742,900 EXHIBIT D CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PERSONAL SERVICES FY2004 A • 120 100 l; c (!) BO 􀁾􀀠II! 60 􀁾􀀠() 40 20 a 0.5 2001 2002 2003 2004 1996 1997 199B 1999 2000 Fiscal Year 􀁛􀁆􀁙􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀳􀀦􀁾􀁾are projected􀁟􀁁􀁃􀁔􀁕􀁁􀁾NET COSTI1OO0 __􀁁􀁃􀁔􀁕􀁁􀁾MGD -------------------------------------------EXHIBIT J CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PROJECTED FUTURE COST OF SERVICE 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀠FISCAL YR. ENDING NOV. 30 2004 2005 2006 PROJECTED GROSS FLOW COST PER (MGD) 1,000 GAL. 151.208 $1.045 ..... $0.9.!lZ ---------2007 159.608 -------$1.147 NET COST PER 1,000 GAL. 154.008 $0.998$.1:051 156.808 $1.146 􀀮􀀤􀀱􀀮􀀰􀁪􀁬􀁾􀀠$1.090 162.4082008 $1.163. Ji1:225 $1.235165.208 $1.1732009 (1) NET COST IS PROJECTED TO BE 95% OF GROSS COST BASED UPON HISTORICAL TRENDS FOR FY 2005 THROUGH FY2009. (2) UNIT COST CALCULATION FOR FY 2005 THROUGH FY 2009 INCLUDES PROJECTED ADDITIONAL DEBT TO FINANCE PLANT AND COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS. EXHIBIT K TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2004 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ENTERPRISE FUND Description of the Project The Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS) consists of a treatment plant and appurtenances rated at 162 Million Gallons Per Day (MGD), interceptor pipelines, lift stations, meter stations, and facilities for the delivery of treated effluent for irrigation and level control under the first major urban reuse program in Texas. CRWS provides wastewater transportation and treatment for the Cities of Irving, Grand Prairie, Farmers Branch, Dallas, Carrollton, Coppell, Cedar Hill, Euless, Bedford, Fort Worth, Arlington, Colleyville, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Grapevine, Mansfield, Hurst, North Richland Hills, Duncanville, Southlake, Keller, and Addison. The estimated average daily volume of wastewater predicted to be received from the contributing cities in Fiscal Year 2002 is 151.208 Millions of Gallons Per Day (MGD). 2004 2003 Percent Amount Percent Amount 9.!i! Contribution MGD Contribution MGD Addison 1.508% 2.280 1.518% 2.280 Arlington 30.666% 46.370 30.276% 45.460 Bedford 3.241% 4.900 3.130% 4.700 Carrollton 9.060% 13.700 7.992% 12.000 Cedar Hill 0.214% 0.324 0.200% 0.300 Colleyville 1.686% 2.550 1.683% 2.527 Coppell 2.778% 4.200 2.597% 3.900 D/FW Airport 1.528% 2.310 1.539% 2.310 Dallas 5.456% 8.250 5.661% 8.500 Duncanville 0.132% 0.200 0.133% 0.200 Euless 2.827% 4.275 2.847% 4.275 Farmers Branch 4.431% 6.700 4.462% 6.700 Fort Worth 1.045% 1.580 0.911% 1.368 Grand Prairie 10.259% 15.512 11.116% 16.690 Grapevine 1.198% 1.811 1.279% 1.920 Hurst 0.137% 0.207 0.135% 0.202 Irving 17.790% 26.900 19.148% 28.750 Keller 1.755% 2.654 1.608% 2.415 Mansfield 2.728% 4.125 2.165% 3.250 North Richland Hills 0.437% 0.660 0.468% 0.703 Southlake 1.124% 1.700 1.132% 1.700 Totals 109 000% 151.208 10n 000% 150.150 Located on 495 acres adjacent to the West Fork of the Trinity River, the CRWS Facility initiated operation in December 1959, initially serving four four cities. The original plant consisted of a trickling filter process with a capacity of 30 MGD. The capacity was increased to 60 MGD in 1976 by the addition of mechanical dewatering equipment and an activated sludge process. In 1980, a two phase expansion program was completed that increased the capacity to 100 MGD and provided tertiary treatment. Growth in the service area resulted in the expansion of the CRWS facility to a capacity of 135 MGD, with construction initiated in 1988 and completed in early 1994. Effluent discharged from CRWS consistently meets or exceeds the requirements specified in the TPDES permit issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). TCEQ approved an uprating of the discharge permit to an effluent level of 162 MGD with the completion of the solids dewatering project on April 1, 2001. Page 1 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2004 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ENTERPRISE FUND Work Program To maintain and operate the Central Plant on a 24-hour a day, 7-day a week basis requires a staff of three (3) department managers reporting to the Project Manager. In addition to the management staff, Including purchasing and the inventory department, staffing is as follows: System Operation and Maintenance 96 Administration Services 8 Technical Services 44 Northern Region Purchasing 7 Pretreatment !l. 163 The responsibility for selecting process parameters, actual treatment of wastewater, process and non-process eqUipment maintenance, maintenance, repair of electrical and electronic equipment, lift station maintenance sludge disposal and computer monitOring of plant processes lies with the Manager, System Operations, and the Operation and Maintenance Department. The Manager, Administrative Services and steff provide support at the Central System in the areas of human resource administration, benefits, training, clencal, accounts payable, payroll, and capital asset control and data processing. The Manager, Technical Services and staff provide analytical data for process control, Influent monitoring and effluent quality reports. The laboratory and Pretreatment Programs provide analytical and technical assistance to cities, state, andlor federal agencies and other TRA Projects on a contract basis. Engineering Services provide inspection and surveillance of the collection system and monitOring of flows from the Cities into the Central System. Page 2 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2004 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM TOTAL FUND SUMMARY FUf:lIl!ii AVAILABLE Projected December 1, 2003 $ 17,184,010 E!iiTiMATED !iiOURCE!ii OF FUNDS Contract Revenue $ 55,197,760 Inter-Fund Services & Charges 514,340 Operating Overhead 435,550 Professional Fees 500,000 Interest Income 609,600 Operating Transfers 118,000 Miscellaneous Income 762,980 58,138,230 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 75,322,240 E!iiTiMATED AffLiCATIOtj QF FU!:lD!ii Appropriation Expenditures: Personal Services $ 8,791,200 Supplies 3,173,040 Other Services and Charges 13,539,730 Capital Outlays 742,900 Debt Service and Miscellaneous 31.596.360 57.843.230 TOTAL FUNDS APPLIED $ 57,843,230 FUNDS AVAILABLE Projected November 30, 2004 $ ..17.479,010 Page 3 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 20M CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUE SUMMARY PROPOSED CURRENT PESCRIPTION OF REVENUE 2004 BUDGET 2003 BUDGET CONTRA!:;T 􀁾􀁎􀁑􀀠OegRA!ING OVIilRHI;;AD BEVEN!,!E (301) Contract Revenue -Addison $ 832,380 $ 829,040 (301) Contract Revenue· Arlington 16,926,950 16,534,910 (301) Contract Revenue -Bedford 1,788,960 1,709,420 (301) Contract Revenue -Carrollton 5,000,920 4,364,740 (301) Contract Revenue· Cedar Hill 118,120 109,230 (301) Contract Revenue -Colleyville 930,640 919,150 (301) Contract Revenue -Coppell 1,533,400 1,418,320 (301) Contract Revenue -D/FW Airport 843,420 840,510 (301) Contract Revenue -Dallas 3,011,590 3,091,690 (301) Contract Revenue -Duncanville 72,860 72,640 (301) Contract Revenue -Euless 1,560,440 1,554,860 (301) Contract Revenue -Farmers Branch 2,445,810 2,436,870 (301) Contract Revenue -Fort Worth 576,820 497,530 (301) Contract Revenue -Grand Prairie 5,662,740 6,070,880 (301) Contract Revenue -Grapevine 661,270 698,510 (301) Contract Revenue -Hurst 75,620 73,730 (301) Contract Revenue -Irving 9,819,680 10,457,470 (301) Contract Revenue -Keller 968,720 878,190 (301) Contract Revenue -Mansfield 1,505,790 1,182,390 (301) Contract Revenue -North Richland Hills 241,210 255,590 (301) Contract Revenue -Southlake 620,420 618,230 (338) Inter-Fund Services & Charges 514,340 414,340 (339) Operating Ovemead -Other Projects 435,550 417,170 TOTAL CONTRACT AND OPERATING OVERHEAD REVENUE 56,147,650 55,445,410 PRQEEl!SIOtMIL EIilES (398) Professional Fees 500,000 450,000 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEES 500,000 450,000 INTEREST INCQME (380) Interest Income Interest & Sinking Fund (380) Interest Income -Reserve Fund (380) Interest Income -Revenue Fund (360) Interest Income -Emergency 114,800 439,500 44,300 11 ,000 229,600 1,147,800 123,500 44,000 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME $ 609,600 $ 1,544,900 2002 ACTUAL $ 771,892 15,273,724 1,705,389 4,776,897 112,421 764,439 1,357,586 681,052 2,779,915 65,244 1,355,077 2,270,005 610,788 4,639,362 563,110 63,739 9,534,220 839,144 1,165,368 210,288 628,354 340,232 362,312 50,890,576 835,387 835,387 355,533 618,127 141,759 91,343 1,206,762􀁾􀀠Page 4 TRINITY RNER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2004 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF REVENUE PROPOSED 2004 BUDGET CURRENT 2003 BUDGET 􀁏􀁐􀁅􀁒􀁁􀁔􀁉􀁾􀁾􀁉􀁒􀁁􀁎􀁾􀁆􀁅􀁒􀁓􀀠(372) Operating Transfers· Risk Retention 118,000 258,440 TOTAL OPERATING TRANSFERS 118,000 258,440 􀁍􀁉􀁓􀁃􀁅􀁌􀁢􀁁􀁾􀁅􀁏􀀡􀀮􀀡􀁓􀀠􀁉􀁾􀁃􀁏􀁍􀁅􀀠(340) Overstrength Surcharge (341) Northeast Lakeview Lift Station (343) Pretreatment Revenue (344) Commodity Charge (348) Quantity Surcharge (399) Miscellaneous Income $ 650,000 25,000 48,880 29,100 10,000 $ 600,000 22,000 51,810 36,800 10,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 762,980 720,610 GRAND TOTAL $ 58,138,230 􀁾􀀠58,419,360 2002 ACTUAL $ 911,534 20,840 38,799 132,527 24,232 1,150,148 $ 54,082,873 Page 5 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -RSCAL YEAR 2004 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE PERSONAL SERVICES (400) Salaries -Regular (402) Payroll Taxes -Fica (403) Emp. Ben -HealthlLife Ins. (404) Employee Benefit· Pension (406) Unemployment Compensation (407) Emp. Recognition Program (408) Employee Benefit· Education PROPOSED 2004 BUDGET $ 6,645,060 508,350 831,930 761,650 20,000 18,610 5,600 CURRENT 2003 BUDGET $ 6,465,890 494,640 655,250 740,660 20,000 16,280 7,000 2002ACIUAL $ 6,520,636 487,326 411,933 641,752 1,864 19,646 2.385 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES (410) Office Supplies (411) Dues and Subscriptions (412) Fees Other Than Dues and SubscripUons (413) Maintenance and Operating Supplies (414) Lab Supplies (415) Process Chemicals and Supplies (416) Fuel, Oil, & Lubricants (417) Computer Software, Llc. & Inslr. Supplies 8,791,200 45,900 54,810 79,810 162,750 297,950 2,144,870 94,320 292,630 8,399,720 50,200 55,850 60,910 166,930 280,350 280,350 2,524,000 103,630 294,530 8.085,542 41,118 69,515 153,050 196,146 298,733 1,881,756 91,781 44,148 TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SflRVI\ ••• 􀁾􀁄􀀠... U ,,0 4.0 2,' 1.' 2,' .., 1.' eeoo DLY.AVG:.... _l.£lSIOAY 1181.4 141U 13&3.0 1791.7,-, 131)4,8 ,..... 1160.7 1101.4 1352.3 1711.7 1101.4 12170.9 -TS. TSS TSS DLY.AVG. m.V.MAX. OLY.AVa. is .. ",..MGII. "GIL l.B$JDAY 1.' 2.0 1470.1 2.0 3,0 214'U 1,' 3.0 1901.6 1.' U 2150.6 1•• 10.0 2567.9 ',0 1.0 119&.0 1.' 1,0 ,....' 1.0 1.0 1125A 1•• 2.' 1138A 1.3 ,.. 1644.5 2,' ,.., 2567.9 1.' 1,0 '...., 14a06.3 NH' NH' -'-;3"􀁲􀀭􀁯􀁯􀁾􀁲􀀭􀀽􀀭􀁐􀁈􀂷􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁐􀁈􀂷􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀮􀀢􀀭... CL2 CL. OLV.AVG. bLY.MAX. DLYAV(t M"'. MAll 􀁍􀁾􀁎􀀮􀀠.,.. OUTFALL V4 , 2702/5404 • • 6 1 .099 "GIl. "Gn. LeSlDAY "Gn. s.u, $."MGIL MGJI. D.22' 1.231 "".2 U ,., 6,' 1.04 0,00 0.16.1 0.555 176.8 S,' '.2 ... 1.07 .... 0.18& 1).890 n1.S ... 7 •• s.• 1.02 0.00 0.184 ..... 246,3 7,' 7.' G,G 1.OS ',00 0.15$ 0.482 214.1 8,' 7'> 7" 1.112 0,00 0,066 0.318 71.6 7 •• 7.4 7.' 1." .... 0.... 0.163 TO.8 7.' 7,' 7.' 1.15 ',00 0.0&6 0.215 7&.5 1,' 7.' U 1,08 0.00 0,131 0,$60 144.3 ••• ,.. ••• 1.13 0," 0.131 0.614 168,7 7.• 7.' ••• 1.07 .... 0.227 1.231 289.2 6,8 7.' 7,0 1.15 0.00 0.00 D.... 0.163 70,$ U 1.2 .,' ,... 0,00 1518.3 I COl.l..eCT. SYSTEM NO. Of 􀁏􀁕􀀱􀁆􀁉􀀮􀀮􀀹􀁾􀁟• ° J G , 1 D• 1 TOTAt.: 1G 90% FLOW "" 145.600 MGD • EXCURSIONS: 0 TNRCC 75% FLOW =121.000 MGD ,EP' FY 2002 EFFLUENT QUALITY/FLOW 190 􀀬􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀱􀀵􀀮􀀰􀀠180 170 160 Q 􀁾􀀠150 􀁾􀀠140 it 130 a􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀲􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀺􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁬􀁬􀀰􀀮􀀰;, 􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠I 􀁾􀁾'7 '" 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁳􀀮􀀰􀀸1=: ::::;;;2"""""--: 􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀠__ _ 􀁾􀀠120 110 100 -lu DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV _CBOD _NH3 -20020aUyAvg.Flow --2001 DallyAvg, Flow_TSS ','..,.',. {)f-. {J, Q,n!6'Oy L{, q% TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM AGENDA FY 2003 BUDGET WORKSHOP CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWA TER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS MONDA Y, AUGUST 26, 2002, 10 A.M. I. Introduction of Attendees II. Central Regional Wastewater System Background A. Historical Development of System B. Service Contract Highlights C. Facilities DeSCription III. System Development Planning. Design, and Construction A. 1998 Five-Year Plan and 2000 Update B. Series 1998A, 1998B, and Series 2001 Revenue Bonds C. Current Design and Construction IV. Investment Officer's Report V. TRA Overall Budget Development VI. FY 2002 Current Year Budget A. Flow Projection and Analysis B. Aclual Monthly Flow Distribution C. Mid-Year Assessment/Reallocation D. End-of-Year Settle-up VII. FY 2003 Budget A. System Flows and Allocation B. Budget Objectives C. Overview of Revenues and Expenditures VIII. Question and Answer Session IX. Adjourn to Lunch FOLLOWING LUNCH, THERE WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR DISCUSSING ANY SPECIFIC AREA OF THE BUDGET OF CONCERN, EITHER INDIVIDUALLY, OR AS A GROUP, FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO DO SO. 􀁁􀀨􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁎􀁄􀁁􀀠ITEM III· A CHAPTER III Interceptor Relief Improvements Introduction The Authority currently owns and operates approximately 200 miles ofinterceptors within the Central Regional Wastewater System. A comprehensive infiltration and inflow (1&1) assessment was completed by the Authority and its consultant (Black and Veatch, Corporation) in 1996. This comprehensive planning effort identified and prioritized interceptor relief improvements needed system-wide. The investigation mrmed the basis for proceeding with detailed design and easement acquisition for a number high priority projects, and continues to form the basis for proceeding with a number ofmajor relief improvements. Interceptor Relief Improvements The following table provides an opinion ofprobable cost for each ofthe proposed interceptor relief projects for both the current (Series 2001) bond program and for the proposed future (Series 2003) bond programs. ---<._. --< ----􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭--􀀮􀁾􀀠..􀀭􀁾􀀭--..Interceptor Relief Improvements 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series g>"" 􀁾􀀠<: g>g> 􀁾􀀠􀁾.9 c: <: 􀁉􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀠0 0if "6 is TOTAL for aI·s;. 􀁾􀀠'gSegment 2 2-l!: '" 1ll 􀁾􀀠20011lond 􀀮􀁳􀁾􀀠'" u; f;} 􀁾􀁣􀁮􀀠<: <= 0>::> c: 5􀁾􀀠<> .E .n'" 􀁾􀀠.Eu u 8MA $ 42.000 $ 56,000 BC-3 $ 57.300 $ 76400 8G-4 $ 8700 $ 8700 $ 17400 $ 34800 1$ 174000 $ 6960 Ef.1 951lond '95 $ 14000000 $600000 Ef.2 951lond '95 $ 20500,000 $ 84()000 􀁾􀁦􀀮􀀶􀀠981lond '9S $ 5000,000 $ 250000 MC-3 $205650 S 205,650 $ 274200 1$ 1371000 $54340 MG-4A 98A1lond '9S8 510000000 $ 500000 $10500000 MG-48 98A Ilond '9S8 $9000,000 $ 360000 $ 9380,000 WF-t 981lond '98 $19600,000 $ 980,000 $20,580,000 WF-3 981lond '98 $ 11 000,000 $ 550,000 WF-5 $ 24.800 $ 24,800 $ 98,000 $ 111,220 $ 716000 $ 30,000 WF-6B $ 36.250 $ 36,250 $ 72,500 $ 145,000 $ 725,000 $ 29000 WF-G 951lond '95 $ 2,200,000 $ 2200000 WF-tO $ 36,000 $ 36.000 $ 51000 $ 255000 $ 10200 WF-itA 98A Ilond '988 $2.500000 $ 100000 $2,600000 􀁗􀁦􀀮􀀱􀀱􀀸􀁾􀀱􀁬􀁯􀁮􀁤􀀠'9S8 1$2,000000 $ 60,000 $ 2000,000 'rotals $313,400 $ -$42,000,000 $1,340,000 $45,053,400 $287,200 $3,248.620 $ 53,841,000 $4,971,000 TOTAlror 2003 Bond $ 98,000 S 133.700 $ 233160 $ 14,600000 $ 21,340000 $ 5250000 $ l,100040 $ 11,550,000 $ 655,220 $ 971,500 $ 316200 $ 5.200000 $ 62,347.B20 CHAPTER IV Rehabilitation Improvements The recommended rehabilitation improvements consist ofboth interceptor and manhole rehabilitation as well as rehabilitation of the Kirby Creek Outfall. The purpose of the rehabilitation improvements is to reduce IJI flow and to accomplish major structural repairs needed to restore structural integrity of the pipeline. The need for these improvements is based on the findings of field inspections. The table below presents engineering and surveying costs, land rights, construction costs, and inspection costs currently projected for the rehabilitation improvements. All ofthe rehabilitation projects are recommended for the Series 200 I bond. Two ofthese projects are also recommended for further funding under the next bond issue. -------􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀠􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠--􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀬􀀭􀀮􀀠----􀁾􀀭􀀭-􀁾􀀠---"--.Rehabilitation Improvements 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series C) '" c'!i';:' 􀁾􀀠'" c 􀁾􀀠6E 0 c C:J 􀁾􀀠i􀁾􀀠0 al '8 0"" fl 􀁾􀀠TOTAl for i TOTAl forSegment :i!' .§' a: 2 "C 1;\ g. 2001 Bond 􀁾􀀠1;\ 2003 Bond"C 􀁾􀀠c: c:'" 8 E 􀁾􀀠8 E'" ;t '", .ii Kilby Creel; 0uJfaJI(27,()(1) nt '98A 􀁾􀀠'98Bbond $1800 000 $ 72,000 $1872000 nlen:ejtOrRehabJJIIs1ioo $ 90,000 $ 450,000 $ 540,000 $1,718,000 $1,718,000 MCKC Rellab mw 10 12711J $ 30,000 $ 200,000 $ 230,000 MC June. S"" It OOM to roM $ 30 000 $ 200000 $ 230000 Be II &11/f1eIIaI>{;O.l &GV<4" 􀁾􀀠$1500000 $150000 $1650000 A... (15,()(1)h) $100000 $ 200000 $ 300,000 $ 711000 $28000 $ 739000 Totals $250,000 $ . $4,350,000 $222,000 $4,822,000 $2,429,000 $28,000 $2,457,000 "Funding to supplement 1998 bond proceeds. CHAPTER IV Rehabilitation Improvements The recommended rehabilitation improvements consist ofboth interceptor and manhole rehabilitation as well as rehabilitation ofthe Kirby Creek Outfall. The purpose ofthe rehabilitation improvements is to reduce III flow and to accomplish major structural repairs needed to restore structural integrity ofthe pipeline. The need for these improvements is based on the findings of field inspections. The table below presents engineering and surveying costs, land rights, construction costs, and inspection costs currently projected for the rehabilitation improvements. All ofthe rehabilitation projects are recommended for the Series 2001 bond. Two of these projects are also recommended for further funding under the next bond issue. ". -􀁾􀀠--_􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭------._-.􀀭􀁾􀀭-. " .---Rehabilitation Improvements 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series '" '" c: c:'s:. ';;' 􀁾􀀠'" "'. 5c: 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠c: :::> :E '" -􀁾􀀠0 u 0 en 0> U TOTAL for en {l U TOTAL lorSegment '" Cf 2 co 2 􀁾􀀠.,c: 3 1); 2001 Bond c: 3 1); i CL 2003 Bond-c: c: ·c c '" '" 8 .5 $ 8 .5'" c ! c 􀀮􀁾􀀠'0. . w i .n IarPy Cmek Out/aJI (21,000 ff)' '9aA Ixlnd '008 bond 1$1800 000 $ 12000 $1872000 !nt_pta,ReilabilitBrion $ 90,000 $ 450,000 $ 540,000 $1,718,000 $1,718,000 MCKCIlehab l1£!QJw 127IJJ $ 30,000 $ 200,000 $ 230,000 Me June. /lax /J. roM '0 7(lM $ 30000 $200000 $ 230000 BOil &11/Re/J9lYCO.l &GV-4' '98A bcm $1,500,000 $150000 $1650000 i!lferscnA.... (15,000 hi $100 000 $ 200 000 $ 300,000 $ 711 000 $28000 $739000 . [Olals $280,000 $ . $4,350,000 $222.000 $4,822,000 $2.429,000 $28,000 $2,457,000 'Funding \0 supplement 1998 bond proceeds. ----------CHAPTER V Erosion Control Improvements The Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS) includes a wastewater collection network ofapproximately 200 miles of pipelines ranging in size from 12 inches in diameter to 102 inches in diameter. In order to provide economical, gravity-flow service to the system's customer cities, many ofthese pipelines have been located adjacent to natural streams, rivers, and drainage ditches. Erosive forces due to development, flooding, unstable soils, and other factors regularly alter the configuration ofstrearnbanks throughout the North Texas region. When erosion causes the streambanks to advance toward a buried pipeline, the pipelines can wi structurally ifcorrective actions are not taken in a timely manner. . For each ofthe sites for which action is proposed under the current bond series, a brief description ofthe erosion problems at the site are presented in the table below. The table also presents the proposed funding amounts for each site. A number ofadditional sites are slated for continued monitoring or for repair by TRA crews using operation and maintenance funding. -􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀮􀀢􀀠. 􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀠Erosion Control Improvements 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series g> g>'s;:. 's;:. 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠c: 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠c: :::J .2 􀁾􀀠:::J 􀁾􀀠.§'" .2> U TOTAL for '" 􀁾􀀠TOTAl lor Project Description 0> a: 2 2 U., g> .,c: 1!! 'Iii g. 2001 Bond 􀁾􀀠2003 Bond'C '0 DO> 8 .'" 􀁾􀀠'".. .s :Il <3 .sl!! -' <.:> .5 􀁾􀀠0> '" w 108 NFFC/Sta 78+251shaJ1ow cover $ 7,500 $10000 $ 50000 $2000 S 69500 121 WFXJC $/a. 92+00 $ 7500 $10,000 $ 50000 $2000 S 69500 111 WFXIAI $/a 73fOO ill 62+7254+06 '98 bond '98 bond $100 000 $ 4000 $ 104,000 124 DCURD exposed ipe, replacement in . Iorooress* '92 bond $500000 $20000 $ 520000 137BClIIA Sta 40+00 '98 bond '98 bond $100,000 $ 4,000 $ 104,000 "OTAl $15,000 $20,000 $300,000 $12,000 $ 347,000 $500,000 $20,000 $ 520,000 *To be constructed with EF-2 Interceptor Capacity Relief Projecl TRACRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and SummBlY ofProposed CiiP/iai Improvements VV·1 -----CHAPTER VI III Management and Maintenance Activities The comprehensive InflowlInfiltration (Ill) Assessment completed by the Authority in 1996 recommended a continuing program of inspection and III management activities as well as a number of interceptor "maintenance" activities. The table below lists the engineering and surveying costs, land rights costs, construction costs, and inspections costs currently projected for the rehabilitation improvements. These costs are outlined in further detail in the 1996 report entitled Infiltrationiinflow Assessment -Phase II -Infiltrationiinflow Management Plan . 􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭, ! 1&1 Management and Maintenance Activities 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series ""0> 􀁾􀀠IS '" C> '" c: E 0 IS0 'E g>-E c:: u uIf 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠TOTALfor '" 's;:, .9 􀁾Project DeSCription 2 l!!'" c:: 􀁾us 2001 Bond __ i:: '" CL18 1j􀁾􀀠.3 g'=> 1l.W'" E w'" --' 8 1nManIJj}tIIlIJnl_ $ 900.000 $ 900.000 $975000 􀁾􀁯􀁮System GIS $ 450.000 $450000 intelCeplOr Mainlenance($;2.5M Be II 􀁾􀁢􀁊􀀠$ 70000 $945 000 $20000 $1.035.000 [rotals $1,420,000 $ . $945.000 $20,000 $ 2,385.000 $975.000 TOTAL for 2003 Bond $ 975,000 $ 975,000 The III Assessment developed a list ofrecommended activities to help focus future III management effurts. These activities include long-range engineering and planning, system modeling improvements, inventory and inspection database upgrades, digital photo mapping, coordination ofIII management activities with customer city control programs, and initiation ofa system-wide geographic information system. It is anticipated that many ofthe recommended activities will be implemented by TRA personnel using O&Mfunds. VI-1mACRWS 2001 Five· Ve.r PlIJn Update and SummalY ofProposed Cepitallmprovermmt. CHAPTER VI III Management and Maintenance Activities The comprehensive Inflownnfiltration (1JI) Assessment completed by the Authority in 1996 recommended a continuing program of inspection and In management activities as well as a number of interceptor "maintenance" activities. The table below lists the engineering and surveying costs, land rights costs, construction costs, and inspections costs currently projected fur the rehabilitation improvements. These costs are outlined in further detail in the 1996 report entitled Infiltrationnnflow Assessment -Phase n􀁾􀀠Infiltrationnnflow Management Plan. ,---------------------------------------------------------􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠1&1 Mana ement and Maintenance Activities 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series g"0) ., C goO) 􀁾􀀠§.E .2 c: "5i 􀀮􀁾􀀠"" 0 .2 TOTAL for "ai 􀀮􀁾􀀠.2> U 0: 2 0 2Project Descrlplion 􀂷􀁬􀁾􀀠(I) "'''' a: '0 10 a. 2001 Bond .S 2: "0 10 c: c: ., 0> " c: c: ,jJ'" 􀁾􀀠<> .5 ,jJC/) 􀁾􀀠<> <..:> <..:> 'III Management Ac!MIie$ $ 900,000 $ 000,000 $975,000 SysIamGIS $ 450.000 $ 450,000 'nten:eplor Mainletlllll<>l{$2,SM Be II -) 1$ 70000 $945.000 $20000 $1035000 Totals $1,420,000 $ . $945,000 $ 20,000 $2,385,000 $ 975,000 .§ TOTAL for0 􀁾􀀠200380nd .5 $ 975,000 $ 975,000 The In Assessment developed a list ofrecommended activities to help focus future In management efforts. These activities include long-range engineering and planning, system modeling improvements, inventory and inspection database upgrades, digital photo mapping, coordination of In management activities with customer city control programs, and initiation ofa system-wide geographic information system. It is <\Ilticipated that many ofthe recommended activities will be implemented by TRA personnel using O&Mfunds. TRACRWS 2001 Five Year Plan Update and SummaJY ()f Proposed CepitaI/mpnM3men/s Vt-1 CHAPTER VII Treatment Plant Improvements The Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS) treatment plant is an advanced secondary facility currently permitted to treat 162 million gallons per day (MGD) The last major expansion ofthe facility was completed in 1990. Design of the next major expansion is anticipated to begin approximately in year 2005. Treatment plant improvements funded through the series 2001 and 2003 bonds are generally aimed at rehabilitation or replacement of aging structures, improving the plant's operating efficiency, or controlling odors for the benefit ofthe surrounding community. Major improvements proposed for funding in the next five years are listed in the following table: --..􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠-􀁾􀀮􀀠-􀁾􀀠-_..􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠..􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀠--􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭-􀁾􀁾􀀭--􀀭􀁾􀀠-I Treatment Plant Improvements 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series a 0 .§ j f J i I:1 ilo 􀁾􀀠TOTAI. for 2001Project [)es(;riptim a:; 􀁾􀀠d 800d !? ! 􀁾􀀠w w fsMlA8sr&:reens $ 250,000 $ 2.aoo 000 $00,000 Is 3130000 1Em-Fil8rs Rehab $ 00,000 $1,675000 1$36000 $ 1991000 􀁾&/iO' X-coo_ $ 50000 $ 400000 $ 16000 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀢I!4Spumps $ 20000 1$ 260.000 $ 16,000 􀁾Stabiizafioo (Class $ 100000 $1500000 1$40000 $ 1640000 􀁾􀁬􀁉􀀡􀀠Be.! Press $ 30000 $ 400000 $ 30000 􀁾System Automafioo $ 200,000 1$2600000 1$40000 $ 3,040,000 $200000 $2,300,000 $ 20000 􀁾􀁬􀀡􀀡􀁉􀀢􀀠V/VI Odot Control $400000 1$40000 $2,500000 1$100000 $ 3040000 $2000000 $ 00000 OW VoItsgs EIee. System $ 200.000 i $ 1.500.000 $100000 . tisall"ElI!lIuatlm $ 25000 Is 25000 ...... 8t/J1J1o Mem. DiffuseIs Is 140000 $30000 Is 170000 􀁾􀁾ElIIIIUlIlion & 􀁾􀁐􀀱􀁡􀁮􀁕􀂢􀁡􀁴􀁥􀀠$ 236,000 $ 236 000 $ 750000 $10000000 $250000 􀁾􀁶􀁩􀁬􀁹􀁄􀁩􀁳􀁣􀁨􀁬􀁦􀁩􀁊􀁷􀁐􀁓􀀠&7A $ 50000 $ 50000 $1500000 $ 50,000 􀁾􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁥􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁯􀁮ElIIII. $ 100,000 $ 100 000(;.!Raw WBter Pump $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $1,260.000 $ 50000 ,sludge Blend Tank $ 75,000 $1000,000 $60.000 $1135000 Purrhaso RBI) SfJQf 1$350.000 $ 350000 _ 􀀸􀁫􀁴􀁉􀁾􀀮􀀠replace gas $ 20000 '$ 146.000 1$ 10000mot"" Toials $1,618,000 $390,000 $12,615,000 $365,000 $15,009,000 $ 1,270,000 $19,766,000 $622,000 􀁾􀀠TOTAI. for 200iI 800d $ 466,000 $ 296,000 $ 460000 $ 2520000 $ 2.000000 $ 1600000 $11000000 $ 1550.000 $ 1,310000 $ 176,000 $21,656,000 'IRA CRWS 2001 Five-Year Plan Update and Summary of Proposed Cspital Improvements VIM ----------------CHAPTER VIII Meter Station Improvements The Central Regional Wastewater System meters wastewater flow from each ofthe customer cities discharging into its interceptor system. The flow measurements are used to determine the proportionate use ofthe sYstem by each contracting party. This proportion is applied to the total system costs to determine each party's prorated share ofthese costs. As a secondary benefit, these measurements enable the CRWS to observe flow conditions in individual interceptor segments and identify where potential reliefinterceptors may be needed. The following table presents the engineering and surveying costs, land rights costs, construction costs and inspection costs currently projected for the meter station improvements to be funded in the 2001 bond series. ---. -􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠_.. -.. . . Meter Station Improvements 2001 Bond Series g'g' '" c: :E 􀁾􀀠c: "$>en i TOTAl forProject Description a: 2􀀮􀁾􀀡􀀠"CO 􀁾􀀠2001 Bonda '" w -' (.) .5 1.88 IlT¥JtrNUe il:' 1'! 111 c:.. 0 -' <:) c: 0 􀁾􀀠lil' .5 TOTAL for 2001 Bond Bond 1.08If1VJfWeaCt:il$S $ 3,000 $10,000 $20,000 $ 800 $ 33800 4.681__ $ 3000 1$15000 $20000 $ 800 $ 38.800 12.88 Replaco Gates $ 750 1$ 5000 $200 $ 5950 ::::.Improve mm 8C<:11SS; • primaIy e/eml3lll $ 12000 $15000 $80000 $ 3.200 1$ 110.200 9.OJ __r& pipilgfor /low imp. $ 1,50() $50000 $ 2000 $ 59500 6.0W Improve sa:ess $20000 $10,000 $20,000 $25000 $150,000 $ 1000 1$ 6,000 $ 38000 $ 196000 1382No I.ake;fewIdS lIlovedillO&M} [Olals $ 46.259 $70,000 $350,000 $14,000 $480,250 1RACRWS 2001 FiYtrYear Plan Update and Summary ofProposed CepH.llmprovemenls VIII·! CHAPTER IX Other Capital Improvements The table below presents projected costs for a number ofsystem-wide pJanning and management activities associated with the proposed Series 2001 and 2003 bond programs. Funding for future long-term system planning is suggested for each bond program, as is an appropriate escalation allowance to account for anticipated inflationary pressures during the period in which the bond program will be implemented. ---􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠--! Other Capital Improvements 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series g'"" '" c: g'"" '" c 􀁾􀀠0 :5 .:E 0 c 'c c: tl 'c c: 􀁾􀀠0l!!'s:, g TOTALfor l!!'1ii' '" i TOTALlorSegment a: 2 ir ,􀁾􀀠'0 u; Cl. 2001 Bond ._ I! 􀁾􀀠u; 2003 Bond􀁧􀀧􀁾􀀠c: g 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠c 􀁾3 0 w 0 -' 0 I.ongRangs Plsiinina $ 75,000 i$ 75,000 $75,000 $ 75000 􀁾􀀺􀁥$200 000 $1500,000 $60,000 $1.160,000 $50,000 $1,000000 $4(),000 $1,090,000 trolals $275,000 $1,600,000 $60,000 $1,835,000 $75,000 $50,000 $1,000,000 $40,000 $1,165,000 TRACRWS 2001 FIVe-Yaar Plan Update and SummaI}' ofP/oposad CapWallmprovamants IX-1 CHAPTER X Cost Summary The table below summarizes the cost associated with each category ofimprovements proposed for both the current (Series 2001) bond program and for the proposed future (Series 2003) bond program. Our opinion ofprobable capital costs (including easement acquisition, engineering/surveying, construction, and inspection) for all improvements proposed for funding in the Series 2001 bond program is $74.8 million. This includes $4,830,000 for additional costs associated with SRF funding requirements (environmental assessments, program management and administration, and other cost considerations), A future bond sale (capital costs totaling approximately $89.1 million) is envisioned in approximately the year 2003. The proposed interceptor relief improvements comprise approximately 61 % ofthe total proposed Series 2001 bond program. It is anticipated that interceptor system improvements will comprise the majority ofthe anticipated Series 2003 bond program as well. Improvements Interoop!or Relief fmprovements Rehllb/1ltJJlkJn Improvements 􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁉􀁯􀁮􀀠CtYttrd 1&1 Mgml.nd Maintefi81'1C8 Tnaalment PIanI Improvements lAo!", Starim 'other CIlpi!aJ SRF Adlfd/onal CcsIs )tals 􀁾􀀠2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series C» I C) 1 c:'>, i c: 􀁾􀀠i c: 0 c: 0 c:'" 􀁾􀀠0 '" 'B 􀁾􀀠'" i TOTAL for 2001 '" TaTAL for 0> C) 2 c '" 1il Bond c: '" 1il :if 2003 Bond'co co C '" 'co c: C., '" 8 .5 '5c: .nw $ 313.400 $42,800,000 $1.940000 $ 45053400 $ 287200 $3,248620 $53.841000 $4,971,000 $62,347.820 $ 250000 $ . $ 4350,000 $222000 $ 4,622,000 􀁾􀀠2,429,000 $ 28,000 1$ 2487,000 $ 15.000 $20,000 $ 300000 1$ 12,000 $ 347000 $ 500,000 $ 20,000 $ 520,000 $1,420,000 $ 945000 $ 20000 $ 2,385.000 $ 975.000 $ 975,000 $1,618,000 $390.000 $12,615000 1$ 386000 $ 15,009,000 $1,270,000 $19,766,000 $ 622,000 $21658,000 $ 46.250 $ 70000 $ 350000 1$ 14000 $ 490250 $ , !$ . 1$ . $ 275000 $ 1,500 000 $ 60000 $ 1835.000 $ 75000 $ 50000 $ 1000000 $ 40000 1$ 1165000 $4.830,00( $3,937,650 $460,000 $62,660,000 $2,654,000 $ 74,761.650 $2,607,200 $3,296,620 $77,536,000 $5,661,000 $69.122.620 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭OPINION OF PROBABLE CAPITAL COSTS TRACRWS ZOOt FlvlT-Year Plan UPdate and Summary ofProposed Capilallmprovemenls X-1 CHAPTER X Cost Summary The table below summarizes the cost associated with each category of improvements proposed for both the current (Series 2001) bond program and for the proposed future (Series 2003) bond program. Our opinion ofprobable capital costs (including easement acquisition, engineeringfsurveying, construction, and inspection) for all improvements proposed for funding in the Series 2001 bond program is $74.8 million. This includes $4,830,000 for additional costs associated with SRF funding requirements (environmental assessments, program management and administration, and other cost considerations). A future bond sale (capital costs "totaling approximately $89.1 million) is envisioned in approximately the year 2003. The proposed interceptor relief improvements comprise approximately 61 % ofthe total proposed Series 2001 bond program. It is anticipated that interceptor system improvements will comprise the majority ofthe anticipated Series 2003 bond program as well. mprovemenls tercepfor Relief IJXCNemenfs ohabiTilalion 'provements nsIon Coolrol I Mgmland iJintansnce eaiment Plant rprovements 􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀠Station herCBpital IFAdcfdional lS/s ltals 􀁾􀀠OPINION OF PROBABLE CAPITAL COSTS 2001 Bond Series 2003 Bond Series 0> 0> <= <='>"50 '" <= 􀁾􀀠<=2: '" !!!:E .2 <= 0 <=" 0 " -'= u 􀁾en 0> 13 U TOTAL for 2001 UJ 0> TOTALfor 0> jj" 2 '" 0> jj" 2 75% complete Construction to be completed by October 2002 6 list of Construction Project Improvements Completed since August 2001 Report 1. Flow Monitoring and Telemetry Improvements 2. 2000 Odor Control Stage IV Project -Biofilters 3. Solids Dewatering and Handling Equip. -Belt Presses 4. Sludge Collection System 5. MC-1 Pipeline 6. WF-C,N,B,P,&M Pipeline 7. III Management Phase III-update POE and flow data, and select ESRI GIS and HydroWorks software 7 AGENDA ITEM VI FISCAL YEAR REVENUE ALLOCATION 1) Flow Projection and Analysis (See Item VI-A) In early spring of each year Northern Region management requests from each Contracting Party their projected flows for the following fiscal year. Along with the estimated flows received, the Authority evaluates actual previous fiscal year flows and present year-te-date fiscal flows to establish the Project's flow allocations from each Contracting Party and the overall total System prOjection of MGD. This average daily flow will be used in the development of operation and maintenance expenditures and also utilized to determine each Contracting Party's share of the proposed fiscal year system expenditures. 2) Actual Monthly Flow Distribution (See Item VI-B) A report is distributed monthly to each Contracting Party regarding the flows of the previous month. The "Contributed Wastewater Flow By Contracting Parties" report summarizes meter station data and cost obligation (CAWS only) pertaining to the flow measurement of of wastewater transported to the Plant for processing. Included for comparison purposes are the predicted percentage of total flow contributed by each party and the year-te-date actual wastewater flow percent contribution. 3) Mid-Year AssessmentlReallocation (See Item VI-C) Authority management and the contributing parties recognize that at the time budgets are prepared, actual flow conditions for the upcoming fiscal year can vary due to development changes, drought andfor wet conditions. At mid-year (usually June), an evaluation of flows from each Party will be conducted. Based on factors including a review of year-te-date flows for the present fiscal year and flows over the previous twelve months, original flows and contribtllion percentage allocations for the System may be adjusted. 4) End-of-Year Settle-Up (See Item VI-D) The contract states that adjustments for the previous year's annual requirement shall be credited, or debited, to settle-up the contracting parties accounts. An independent audit will be performed to establish the actual expenditures during the fiscal year, and a determination will be made as to each Contracting Party's proportionate share of said expenditures. Each Party's annual obligation is compared with the actual collections from that Party, and if a variance exists, a refund check or a final invoice is issued to close out the fiscal year. AGENDA ITEM VI· A EXHIBIT A CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2002 FLOW ALLOCATIONS (.;11 Y . II 􀁆􀁙􀁾􀁙􀀲􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀡􀁆􀁤􀀠􀁾􀀠FY 2002 Lor TI 1f'I.) % 􀁾􀀠ADDiSON , 2.420 􀁉􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁎􀀠2: • 41.osQI ).3601 􀁾􀀠4.' ;661 m 􀁾􀀠.TON 1:!.2m 􀁾􀁌􀀧􀀠1: iOC 11 • JAR HILL •.210 􀁾􀀠tS. (y 􀁾􀁌􀁌􀁅􀀠!.445 1.74 ;,% 1.575 .700 􀁄􀁾􀀠I .200 ;OC 5.15, 􀁾􀀧􀀥􀀠DFW 100 1 10 1.58' 7( DI IF ( :00 0.14( 0.1S' %: 􀁾􀁂􀁒􀁁􀁎􀁲􀀮􀁈􀀠. 1001 2.79l 2.81' 'Ilo, 􀁩􀀺􀁾􀁭􀀠􀁾􀀠4 􀁾􀁉􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁏􀁾􀀠O. 11.102'%: 11.􀁾􀀺􀁖􀁉􀁎􀁅􀀠2.7241 1 :.S8C 1 ;T 0.175 0.122' 1831 0.126% 1 􀁉􀁖􀁉􀁉􀁾􀁉􀀺􀁉􀀠 ?Il Ilnn ?fI Rile 􀁾􀀠􀀲􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁄􀀠1.850 􀁾􀀠.5 3.Q9( 􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁩􀁩􀁾􀁉􀁁􀁎􀁮􀀠_LS 􀁏􀀮􀁾􀀠0.37 1.565 1.69' 1.18: 1.694 143.133 1! 14" 1( ! BUDGETED FY 2002 FLOWS 45% 40% 􀁾􀀠35% ::Ja:30% C!l!!! z25% f--:r: > 5 0 z 􀁾􀀠!! 20% I-en ..J :!􀁾􀀠... ffi 0 􀁾􀀠15% I-II:..J 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁷􀀠o 0 W􀀰􀀡􀁩􀀡􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁾􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁾􀁏􀀺􀀺􀁬􀀠1I:t;;C!lz iil z 􀁾a: ..J -I 􀁡􀀮􀀮􀀭􀁃􀁄􀁾􀁮􀀠z10% rg--u._ 0 ;;: 􀁾􀀠n. ;t « 􀁾􀀠lii !i! 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠... « en 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠« 􀁾􀀠0 Om􀁾􀀠5% 5% r9-+ C!l :;􀁾􀁵􀀮􀀠o5!!!' 0oi .0 u. :r:• 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠0% LL -',.% CUSTOMER CITY SHAREi TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES MAY 2002 ..AGENDA ITEM VI·C CRWS -2002 MID YEAR REALLOCATION ! CONTRACTING 2002 2002 2002 2002 PARTY BUDGET BUDGET REVISED REVISED MGD % SHARE MGD % SHARE , 2.2387IADDISON 2.420 1.664% 1.509%,I !IARLINGTON II 41.080 i28.230%1 44.71311 30.131%lII ICARROLL TON II 12.100 8.315%1 12.72001 8.571%1ICEDAR HILL II 0.245 0.168%1 0.32861 'IBEDFORD 4.666 3.206%1 4.93821 3.328%1 1 :ICOLLEYVILLE . 1 II 2539 1745%1 211141 IlcOPPELL 3.700 2.543% 3.8984 2.627%11 I 5.154%7.500 9.0639 6.108%1 I:DFW AIRPORT I IDALLAS 1.278%1 ! DUNCANVILLE 2.310 1.587% 1.8967 0.200 0.137%1 0.23541 0.159%1I I : EULESS 1 4.100 I 2.817%1 4.42391 2.981%1 IFARMERS BRANCH II 6.700 I 4.604%1 6.90311 4.652%1 IFORTWORTH II 1.267 I 0.871%1 2.09941 1.415%1 IGRAND PRAIRIE II 16.208 1 11.138%1 15.42141 10.392%1 !IGRAPEVINE 2.380 1.635%1 1.90171 1.281%1II IIHURST II 0.183 0.126%1 0.19341 0.130%1 IIiRVING II 30000 206160/, I 2698341 18183o,q° " IKELLER 2.415 1.659%1 2.57861 1.738%1II 'IMANSFIELD 3.250 2.233%1 3.46591 2.335%1II 'N RICHLAND HILLS 0.565 0.388%1 0.55981 0.377%1I SOUTHLAKE 1.694 1.164% 1.7273 1.164% TOTAL 145.5220 100.000% 148.4023 100.000% CRWS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2001 SCHEDULE OF ACTUAL ANNUAL REQUIREMENT ADJUSTED FOR INTERCEPTOR In (METHOD 2) FY2001 DISTRIBUTION ADJUSTED ADJUSTED CONTRIBUTION BASED ON OF FY2OO1 TRA FY2OO1 DISTRIBUTION FY 2001 ACTUAL FLOW ACTUAL ANNUAL INTERCEPTOR CONTRIBUTION OF FY2OO1 ACTUAL ANNUAL CONTRACTING TOTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT BASED III 􀁔􀁏􀁔􀁁􀁾􀁆􀁌􀁏􀁗􀀠ACTUAL ANNUAL REQUIREMENT PARTY (MG) PERCENT ON ACTUAL FLOWS (MG) (MG) PERCENT REQUIREMENT ADJUSTMENT ADDISON 830.338 1.539% 5790,319 830.338 1.553% $797,506 $7,169 ARLINGTON 16,100.830 29.838% $15,322,632 0.495 16,100.338 30.111% $15,462,82$ $140,193 BEDFORD 1,751.036 3.246% $1,666,397 1,751.036 3.275% ' $1,681.802 $15,406 CARROLLTON 4.439.217 8.227% $4,224,790 2,53 4,436.687 8.298% $4,261,251 $38,460 CEDAR HILL 􀀱􀀰􀀷􀀮􀁾􀀷􀀠0.200% $102,705 107.737 0.201% $103,219 $514 COLLEYVILLE 912.313 1.690% $867,661 6.007 906.305 1.1195% $870,429 $2,566 COPPELL 1,432.413 2.654% $1,662,902 1,432.413 2,679'1(. $1,375,740 $12,838 DALLAS 3,168,062 5,867% $3,012,668 167.624 2,976.238 5.570% $2,660,346 ($152,516) DIFW AIRPORT 795.167 1.474% 5756,939 795.157 1.467% $753,615 $8,676 DUNCANVILLE 60.654 0.112% $57,515 60.654 0.113% $58,029 $514 EULESS 1,430.274 2.651% $1,361,661 30.426 1,838.S48 2.616% $1,344,415 ($16,946) FARMERS BRANCH 2,160.775 4.004% $2,056,164 0.15 2,16M25 4.041% $2,075,164 $19,001 FORT WORTH 1,009.115 1-.870% $S60,296 ' 68.782 952.333 1.781% $;114,592 ($45,704) GRANO PRAIRIE 5,929.950 10.939% $5,643,153 146.711 5,764.239 10.818% $5,555,340 ($87,813) I GRAPEVINE 596.313 1.105% $567,446 36.969 559.324 1,046% $537,150 ($30,296) III HURST 74,667 0.139% 571,360 74.667 0.140% 571,694 $514 Z IRVING 10,460.669 19.367% $9.955,757 17.724 10,442,965 19,531% $10,029,705 $73,946 & KELLER 770.179 1.427% $732,804 0.946 769.231 1.439'1(. $738,966 $6,162 --I MANSFIELD 1,149.337 2.130% $1,093,813 1,149.337 2.150% $1,104,064 $10,271 III NRICHLAND HILLS 231.433 0.429% $220,303 1.897 229.636 0.429% $220,303 $0 ar: SOUTHLAKE 552.386 1.023% 5525,339 4.036 546.346 1.025% $526,366 $1,027 < $51,362.746 491,521 53,469.364 100.000% $51,362,746 $0 -•CI 114'2002 􀁁􀁾􀁌􀂷􀁮􀀰􀀱􀀯􀁦􀁮􀀮􀁉􀁊􀀨􀁪􀀮􀀠 ClI$tomer Cltyfor 􀁒􀁾􀀹􀀠E\.I!eM EulelJ& Et.llw. Grand Prairie Grand Prairie ReceMng 12,08 13,OW 16,5W 5,OW 5.1M 12,69, 13.08, 12,$8, 13,18 15,OW, 15,SW, la,OW 17,OW a,ow 7.0M, 9.0M, 9.6M, 10.0M ADF 0,4a7 0,566 0,132 0,550 4,662 ADDF 0,362 0"69 0,065 039' ',042 􀁉􀁾􀀠0,125 0,036 0,0'6 0,156 0,820 TRA 162,52 63.1)0 6,06 71.15 566,71 277.21 21$,46 111,96 195,66 1775.86 Total 459,73303,'. 120,06 26S.S1 2344.59 0.0002717 0,000'222 0.0003957 0,0005656 0,00026" TRA TRA AdjUsted Inlef¢epto[ Interceptor TRA III 1/1 􀁪􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁣􀁥􀁾􀀠0,050 0,027 0,003 0.042 0,150 18.099 9.666 1.167 15,209 54,662 0.47 150,67 53.36 6,39 70,$2 490,79 0,041 0,017 0,003 0,0" 0.130 The Adjusted TRA Interceptor III (MG) tor the City 01 Keller 􀁾􀀶􀁾􀁥􀁤to O,777MG aw the FI6cai 'feat 2001 Schedule or Aet\.la! Annual Requirement was: finalized. HoWever, this correction does not Bft'ed the Contribution Sa&ed on Adual Flow (%) or the Actl,.lal Annual Requirement {$). 6,14'2002 1 􀁾􀁡􀁊􀁬􀁤􀁭􀀲􀁏􀁏􀀱􀀮􀁬􀀼􀀱􀀧􀀠, CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTeM CAPACITY FOR UPSTREA.M ClTV (MEtHOD 2) -,;; City Meter 10 CItY MeterlO I Node 1 lateral Std. No. :eptor-!ilope --I capacltv (cfsI Ilrvlng 14.06 113 . 0' 1'1.88 Dallas Dallas ci!$Qn 􀁛􀁾􀀢􀀮􀁏􀁂􀀠I'F002 􀁾􀁆􀁏􀁏􀀧􀀲􀀮􀀲􀀠:':009 :F014 :F011 F012 FOi2 EF2 EF2 COP EFN EF2R EF2R EF2R . 2906•.' 26900. 1222tL 169'2'2. 􀁾􀀠City !cttv 􀁾􀁑􀀹􀀿􀀿􀁾􀀠􀀻􀁴� �􀀮􀀳􀀱􀀰􀀠37,998 I slope [0"'" . 􀁾􀀹􀀠_0.00010 __4.11: 􀁾􀀠85S 0.00042· -􀁾􀀠).00220 19.240 ;1 0.00500 4.570 !.L O.OO.,llij-8.910 48 O.QQ.OaQl __ _'!Q,?'1I'1M 12 0.4 36 O.j 18 0.001'20 TIfgI 15 0,001501 2,5091 0.00400 2.250 0.00220 31,369>111.·· :exii 0.00120 3.649 IBe ._1S _o.OO and Charges _14.46% Personal Services computer network, process SCADA and .6.12% Suppliesmaintenance management support, .1.91% Capltal Outlays professional services, postage, August 13, 2002 3110.102/3110.800 MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Project insurance payments, employee travel, laundry and uniforms, water usage, collection system, equipment, vehicle and electrical system maintenance repairs, transportation and beneficial use of biosolids, administrative overhead and capital outlays essential for delivering services during the year have increased $2,183,400 above the predicted FY 2002 Budget. The increase in the proposed FY 2003 Budget for operating accounts is partly offset by a $404,740 reduction in service cost for power usage and in other operating category accounts by holding the line on controllable costs, as close scrutiny was given to all anticipated expenditures. Along with decreases in some predicted operating accounts, there is an increase in programmed debt payments of $1 ,946,920, resulting in an overall projected increase of $ 3,725,580 for FY 2003 expenditures above the FY 2002 Budget. As is shown in the following table, and despite additional costs not foreseen one year ago, the predicted gross unit costl1000 gallons is the same as last year's projection for the coming FY 2003, and the net costl1000 gallons is slightly less than forecast. Anticipated FY 2003 revenues from the System's Contracting Parties, totaling Revenue$54,613,900, renects an 8.3% increase above the FY 2002 projected revenue requirement of $50,421 ,660. The resulting _93.49% Centract Revenue predicted gross and net unit costs of 02,64% Interest Illt;(Ime .;,66% 􀁍􀁩􀁾􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁥􀁯􀁯􀁳Incomeservice for wastewater transportation and .1,42% Operating 􀁾􀁭􀁥􀁡􀁤and Services treatment throughout FY 2003 are 3.5% .0.77% Professional Fees and 4.9% over the respective predicted FY 2002 budgeted unit costs as renected in the following table: The following exhibits are presented to provide flow allocations, a summary of budget objectives and detailed information about the five major budget categories, as well as additional quantitative and statistical information for your review: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Flow Allocations Budget Objectives Budget at a Glance Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlays Debt Service and Miscellaneous Historical System Data Projected Future Costs of Service August 13, 2002 3110.10213110.800 MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 3 The proposed FY 2003 Budget (Exhibit K) is presented for your review and consideration and will be discussed in the August 13, 2002 Advisory Committee meeting. Additionally, a Budget Workshop will be held in the upstairs conference room of the Administrative Building at the Central Regional Wastewater System on Monday, August 26, 2002, beginning at 10:00 a.m. for those representatives and city staff members who do not attend the Advisory Committee meeting or desire to discuss the proposed budget in more detail. A later Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th, at which time the committee will be requested to recommend the proposed FY 2003 Budget for adoption by the Authority's Board of Directors. If there are any questions concerning the proposed budget or the workshop, please contact the Northern Region office. 􀁾􀁾PATRICIA M. CLEVELAND Manager, Operations Northern Region PMC/rrc Attachments c: Danny F. Vance, General Manager Warren N. Brewer, Regional Manager, Northern Region Bill Tatum, Project Manager, Central Regional Wastewater System EXHIBIT A CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2003 FLOW BUDGETED FY 2003 FLOWS 45% .--------------------------------------------, z 40% --g--... ------(!) 35% z 􀁾􀀠30% ---------------------------- ----------1 25% -20% -15% -10% 5% 0% CUSTOMER CITY EXHIBIT B CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2003 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The Trinity River Authority's Central Regional Wastewater System is a large regional wastewater system located on 495 acres adjacent to the West Fork of the Trinity River and is currently serving approximately one million customers in Dallas, Tarrant, Ellis, Johnson and Denton counties of north central Texas. The service area encompasses all or portions of 20 cities in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, as well as the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The Central Regional Wastewater System treatment plant is an advanced secondary facility currently permitted to treat 162 million gallons per day (MGD). This System consists of an extensive regional network of interceptors, pipelines, lift stations, meter stations, and facilities for the delivery of treated effluent for golf course irrigation and lake level management under the first major urban reuse program in Texas. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FY 2003 The Authority's objectives are reflected in the recommended Annual Operating Budget for Central Regional Wastewater System FY 2003. The major goals and objectives are: • Operate and adequately protect the Central System's capital investments by proper maintenance, which includes a 162 MGD treatment plant, over 200 miles of interceptors, four lift stations, 138 metering stations, an analytical laboratory, and the DCURD water reuse project. • Provide wastewater transportation and treatment services for a projected flow contribution of 150.15 MGO. • Continue operating at efficient levels and minimize unit costs while enhancing treatment capacity and meeting all regulatory requirements. • Continue Authority efforts to reduce overall wet-weather flow impacts to the System by installing new pipelines for capacity, rehabilitating existing collection system infrastructure and plant facilities as identified in the first and second phases of the 1998 Rve Year Plan; funded by the Series 1998A and 2000 Revenue Bonds, and the third phase funded by the Series 2001 Bonds. • Operate and maintain odor control facilities consistent with the Odor Control Management Plan and implement additional odor improvements in the primary treatment areas to reduce risk of adjacent area odors. • Provide Contracting Parties laboratory testing and pretreatment program capabilities and services on a revenue-supported basis. • Continue 100% land application of System biosolids under a five-year agreement. • Respond in a timely fashion to Customer Cities' requests for aSSistance. EXHIBITC FISCAL YEAR 2003 BUDGET AT A GLANCE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PROPOSED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET Revenue $58,419,360 Expenses $58,077,710 Variance (Retained for FY 2004 Debt Requirements) $341,650 Revenue .93.49% Contract Revenue 02.64% Interest Income .1.68% Miscellaneous Income .1.42% Operating Overhead and Services • 0.77% Professional Fees Expenses .55.49 Debt Service and Miscellaneous 022.02% Olher Services and Charges .14.46% Personal Services .6.12% Supplies .1.91% Capital Outlays FISCAL YEAR 2003 FUND SUMMARY Revenue Summary Contract Revenue Operating Overhead and Services Professional Fees Interest Income Miscellaneous Income Total Sources of Funds Expenditure Summary Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Cap"al Outlays Debt Service and Miscellaneous $54,613,900 $831,510 $450,000 $1,544,900 $979,050 $58,419,360 $8,399,720 $3,556,400 $12,785,680 $1,108,790 $32,227,120 Total Application of Funds $58,077,710 EXHIBIT D CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PERSONAL SERVICES FY2003 'l Proposed FY 2003 of $8,399,720 vs Current FY 2002 of $7,901 ,870 = Variance $497,850 or + 6.3%. 'l The budget category of Personal Services includes eight line item accounts. As compared with present budget, one line item account decreased (-) $2,000 (Education), one remained unchanged (Unemployment Compensation) and five increased (+) $499,850 (Salaries, FICA, Health/life Insurance, Pension, and Employee Service Recognition). <:;) The anticipated increase in salaries and related benefit costs is partly due to usual provisions for forecasted salary adjustments based on merit, varying with each individual employee. Also, provisions are included for cost increases in the Authority's Health Insurance expenses due to claims experience that has resulted in premium increases. 'l Authority management believes that the Central facility can be operated effiCiently and maintain adequate margins of sefety with one Project Manager, an Operations/Maintenance staff of 98, plus 52 Technical Services/Pretreatment staff, Administrative staff of 9, and 7 PurchasinglWarehouse staff. Personal Services 14.46% Personal Services expenditures include those costs associated with the staffing required to operate, maintain, and administer the treatment plant, biosolids program, laboratory, pretreatment program, collection system, and meter stations. Significant line item accounts in this category of expenditures include salaries, payroll taxes, health insurance, and pension. EXHIBIT E CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM SUPPLIES FY 2003 Q Proposed FY 2003 of $3,556,400 vs Current FY 2002 of $3,177,200 = Variance $379,200 or + 11.9%. Supplies Q The budget category of Supplies includes eight line items accounts. As compared with the present budget, three decreased (-) $7,810 (Office Supplies, TNRCC Fees and Fuel) and the remaining five line item accounts increased (+) $387,010 (Dues, Maintenance and Operating Supplies, Lab Supplies, Process Chemicals,and Computer Software, Licenses and Instrument Supplies. 6.12% Q Q Over 70% of the expenditures for Supplies is for the purchase of process Chemicals. The increase of $1 02, 100 in anticipated process chemical expenditures is primarily associated with an increase for ferric chloride and polymer necessary for solids thickening and dewatering, as well as ferrous chloride for odor control. Included in the Computer Software, Licenses and Instrument Supplies account is the Project's share of an Authority-wide Enterprise Resource Planning software which will integrate financial, payroll, human resources, budget reporting, asset management, and purchasing into one integrated system. The cost to purchase and implement will be budgeted over a three-year period. Approximately 70% of the expenditures in this category are for the purchase of process chemicals necessary for sludge thickening, dewatering and stabilization, odor control, effluent disinfection and dechlorination, and other treatment processes. EXHIBIT F CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES FY 2003 Q Proposed FY 2003 of $12,785,680 vs Current FY 2002 of $12,104,910 = Variance $680,700 or + 5.6%. Q The budget category of Other Services and Charges includes 22 line item accounts. As compared with the present budget, one remained unchanged (Legal), six line item accounts decreased (-) $394,930, and fifteen increased (+) $1,075,000. Q Over 85% or $279,320 of the decreased expenditures in this category is for power usage due to the competitive negotiation of an energy contract for the time period of January 1, 2001 through May 31,2003. The remaining decreases in this category are due to reduced expenses for telephone, printing and binding, training, repair and maintenance of plant and buildings, and equipment rental. Q This category of expenditures includes increases in Authority audit expense, engineering services, Authority's computer network, process SCADA and maintenance management system support services, professional services, postage, Project insurance payments, employee travel, laundry and unifol111s, water usage, repair and maintenance of collection system, equipment, vehicles and electrical systems, off-site biosolids land application, and administrative overhead costs. Other Services and Charges \ 22.02% This category of expenditures relates to the indirect costs associated with the collection and treatment system, vehicles, and off-site biosolids disposal. EXHIBIT G CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CAPITAL OUTLAYS FY2003 Q <>(!) 80 <>.:Ii 80 􀁾􀀠40 20 0 0.5 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Fiscal Year _ACTUAL NET COST/WOO -.-ACTUAL MGD 􀁾􀀺􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀲􀀦􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀳􀁾􀁲􀁥projected I , , TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED REVENUE WORKSHEET PROPOSED PROPOSED CURRENT ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION DETAIL 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET /3210) CONTRACT REVENUE -ADDISON (1106.3210) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 1.518% (1108.321) Debt Service $31.011,893 x 1,518% Rounding $ 358.27R82 470,760.53 0.65 T01£11 Annual Requirement $ 829,040 $ 839,020 /1106:3380) INTER-FUND SERVICES & CHARGES Clean Rivers Program (TNRCC) Ten Mile Creek Denton Creek Red Oak Creek Tarrant County Walker-Calloway Branches Mountain Creek Northeast Lakeview Joe Pool Lake 70,000.00 193,360.00 36,600.00 11,100.00 35,500.00 21,000.00 16,660.00 5,100.00 25,000.00 Total Annual Requirement 414,340 (1106.3390) OPERATING OVERHEAD -OTHER PROJECTS DCURD #1 356,390.00 Ten Mile Creek 19,520.00 Denton Creek 9,260.00 Red Oak Creek 3.920.00 Tarrant County Tolal Annual Requirement 28.080.00 417.170 693,190 (1106.3980) PROFESSIONAL FEES 450.000 450,000 (1108.3810) INTEREST INCOME -I & S 229,600 489,580 (1108.3820) INTEREST INCOME -RESERVE FUND 1.147,800 1,416,420 1110.8.3840\ INTEREST INCOME -REVENUE FUND 123,500 336,320 (1108.3870) INTEREST INCOME -EMERGENCY FUND 44.000 93,030 (1106.3400) OVERSTRENGTH SURCHARGE 600,000 600,000 (1106.3410] NORTHEAST LAKEVIEW LIFT STATION 14.650 (1106.3430] PRETREATMENT REVENUE 22,000 22,000 (1106.3440) COMMODITY CHARGE 51,810 51.810 (1106.3480) QUANTITY SURCHARGE City ofAddison 36,800 36.800 (1106.3990) MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 268,440 10.000 Page 13 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM • DETAILED REGULAR SALARIES NUMBER OF BUDGET DESCRIPTION EMPLOYEES AMOUNT Salaries Under the Salary Administralion Plan for the Following: Manager, Central Regional Wastewater System 1 Maintenance Engineer 1 Sub-Total 2 Manager, System Operation 1 Operations Division Chief 2 Chief Operator 8 Senior Operator 7 Operator II 17 Operator I 7 Maintenance Division Chief 2 Chief Maintenance Mechanic 6 Senior Maintenance Mechanic 20 Maintenance Mechanic II 11 Maintenance Mechanic I 2 E/E Division Chief 1 Chief Electrician 1 Chief Electronic Technician 1 Senior Electrician 2 Senior Electronic Technician 3 Electronic T echnicial II 1 Electricilm " 3 Senior HVAC Technician 1 Process Maint Planner/Scheduler o Information Systems Technician o Process Systems Automation Engineer 1 Sub-Total 97 Page 14 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF 􀁔􀁅􀁘􀁁􀁾􀀠 PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED REGULAR SALARIES NUMBER OF BUDGET DESCRIPTION EMPLOYEES AMOUNT Manager, Technical Services 1 Laboratory Division Chief 1 Laboratory Supervisor 3 Quailily Assurance Coordinator 1 Senior Biologist 2 Senior Chemist 5 Biologist 7 Chemist 2 Laboratory Technician II 2 Laboratory Technician I 1 Laboratory TechnicianlBookkeeper o Technical Services Engineer 1 Environmental Services Coordinator 1 Interceptor System Specialist 2 Chief Maintenance Mechanic 1 Senior Maintenance Mechanic 3 Maintenance Mechanic II 4 Chief Electronic Technician (Instrument Technician) 1 Senior Electronic Technician (Instrument Technician) 1 Electronic Technician II (Instrument Technician) 3 Senior Secretary 1 Field Technician II 1 Sub·Total 44 Manager, Administrative Services 1 Office Coordinator 1 Senior Secretary 5 Accounting Clerk 1 Training Coordinator 1 Sub-Total 9 PurchasinglWarehouse PurchaseIWarehouse Supervisor 1 Buyer 2 Assistant Buyer 1 Senior Storekeeper 2 Senior Secretary 1 Sub-Total 7 Total Project Positions WIO Pretreatment 159 Page 15 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED REGULAR SALARIES DESCRIPTION Total Project Base Salaries wlShift Diff Tota! Project Holiday and Overtime Pay Rounding Talai Project Salaries Pretreatment Pretreatment Coordinator Senior Secretary Environmental Inspector Senior Field Technician Field T echnidan II Total Pretreatment Positions Total Pretreatment Base Salaries wlShift Diff Tolal Prelrealment Holiday and Overtime Pay Rounding Total Prelreatment Salaries Total FY 2003 Budgeled Positions Total FY 2003 Budgeled Salaries NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 1 1 3 2 8 167 BUDGET AMOUNT $ 5,903,629 284,781 6,188,410 268,506 8,974 277,480 $ 6,465,890 Page 16 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED OaM BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION PROPOSED DETAIL PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET 11106.4000} SALARIES -REGULAR (01) PROJECT 157 Employees $ 6,151,040.00 (01) PRETREATMENT 8 Employees Total Salaries -Regular 277.480.00 $ 6,428,520 $ 6,251,780 {1106.4010) SALARIES -PART-TIME (1106.40201 PAYROLL TAXES -FICA (01) PROJECT $ 6,188,410.00 x 7.65% = 473,413.37 37,370 (01) PRETREATMENT $ 277.480.00 x Rounding Total Payroll Taxes -Fica 7.65% = 21,227.22 {0.59) 494,640 478,260 11106.40301 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT -HEALTHILIFE INSURANCE PROJECT (01) Health $ 223.70 X 109 X 12 292,599.60 $ 352.62 X 7X 12 29,620.08 $ 306.03 X 11 X 12 40,395.96 $ 399.19 X 18 X 12 86,225.04 Provision for increase 25% 112,210.17 (02) Life InsuranceIAD&D: 34,274.00 (03) Long Term Disability: 22,863.00 (04) Employee Assistance Program: 4,770.00 PRETREATMENT (01) Health $ 223.70 X $ 352,62 X $ 306.03 X $ 399.19 X Provision for increase 7X OX OX 1 X 12 12 12 12 25% 18,790.80 4,790.28 5,895.27 (02) Life Insurance: 1,548.00 (03) Long Term Disability: 1,027.00 (04) Employee Assistance Program: rounding Total Emp. Ben. -HealthfLife Insurance 240.00 0.80 655,250 411,770 Page 17 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBERJDESCRIPTION (1106.4040) EMPLOYEE BENEFIT -PENSION (01)PROJECT $ PROPOSED DETAIL 708,440.00 PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET (01) PRETREATMENT Total Emp. Ben. -Pension 32,220.00 $ 740,660 $ 715,800 (1106.4060) UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION (01) PROJECT (01) PRETREATMENT Total Unemployment Compensation 19,300.00 700.00 20,000 20,000 (1106.40701 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PROGRA(01) PROJECT SeNice Awards M $ 16,280.00 (01) PRETREATMENT Total Employee Recognition Program 16,280 15,260 (1106.4080) EMPLOYEE BENEFIT -EDUCATION (01) PROJECT 6,200.00 (01) PRETREATMENT Total Employee Benefit -Education 800.00 7,000 9,000 Total Personal SeNices 8,399,720 7,423,610 (1106.4100) OFFICE SUPPLIES PROJECT (01) Consumables (02) Non-Consumables (03) Computer/Copier Supplies (05) Vending and Lunchroom Supplies 16,600.00 9,150.00 14,500.00 8,000.00 PRETREATMENT (01) Consumables (02) Non-Consumables (03) Computer/Copier Supplies (05) Vending and Lunchroom Supplies Total Office Supplies 300.00 500.00 1,000.00 150.00 50,200 51,200 11106.4110) DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PROJECT (01) ProfessionaVTechnical Memberships AMSAlAWWA American Society for Human Resources American Water Resource Association Chlorine Institute Nail Assoc of Purchasing Managers Nat Safety Councilrrx Safety Association 1)( Water Utilities Association WEFfWEAT WERF (02) PeriodicalslMagazinesINewspapers (03) Reference Books 12,000.00 390.00 250.00 700.00 700.00 210.00 700.00 1,520.00 34,000.00 2,800.00 1,400.00 Page 18 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBERIDESCRIPTION PRETREATMENT (Ol) ProfessionalfTechnical Memberships AMSNAWWA (03) Reference Books Total Dues and Subscriptions PROPOSED DETAIL $ 210.00 970.00 (1106.41201 FEES OTHER THAN DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PROJECT: (01) Certification Fees (02) TNRCC WW Inspect & WQA Fees $ 5,400.00 75,000.00 (05) TNRCC Sludge Fee (06) Tier Two Fees 100.00 10.00 PRETREATMENT (Ol) Certification Fees 400.00 Total Fees Other Than Dues & Subscriptions (1106.4130) MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIES PROJECT (01) Repeir/Replacement of Hand Tools (02) Operational Supplies (03) Maintenance Supplies (04) Ground Care Supplies (05) Janitorial and Cleaning Supplies (06) Electrical Supplies (07) F acilHies Supplies (08) Protective/Safety Equipment PRETREATMENT (01) Repair/Replacement of Hand Tools (02) Operational Supplies (05) Janitorial and Cleaning Supplies: Total Maintenance and Operating Supplies (1106.4140) LAB SUPPLIES PROJECT (01) Gases (02) Wafer System (03) Bacti·Filters, Media and Supplies (04) AA. ICP, and IR Supplies (05) Gas Chromatog Supplies (06) TOC and MCTS·l0 Supplies (07) Lab Apparatus (08) Chemical Reagents (09) Glassware, Plastics, and Disposables (10) Finers, Glass Fiber, Prefiiters and Membran. 25,300.00 17,000.00 27,000.00 13,000.00 6,000.00 28,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 280.00 150.00 200.00 13,000.00 4,000.00 60,000.00 5,000.00 13,000.00 3,000.00 22,000.00 63,000.00 55,000.00 20,000.00 PROPOSED CURRENT 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET $ 55,850 $ 54,860 80,910 86,910 166,930 146,590 Page 19 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBERIDESCRIPTION PROPOSED DETAIL PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET (1106.4140) LAB SUPPLIES /Continued) PRETREATMENT (11) Field Sampling Supplies (12) Operational Supplies (13) Nuclear Sources -Wipe Test & Refoil (14) Olher -Freight and Shipping (07) Lab Apparatus (OB) Chemical Reagents and Standards (09) Glassware, Plastics, and Disposables (11) Field Sampling Supplies (14) Other -Freight and ShIpping Total Lab Supplies 1,000.00 5,000.00 300.00 1,000.00 B50.00 500.00 2,900.00 10,500.00 300.00 $ 280,350 $ 273,350 (1106.4150) PROCESS CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES PROJECT (01) Lime (02) Ferric Chloride (03) Chlorine (04) Polymer (05) Hydrochloric Acid (06) Sodium Hydroxide (07) Citric Acid (08) Fitter Cloths (09) Tie Wraps, Bags, Sludge Judges, Etc. (10) T asle/Odor Control (11) Boiler Chemicals (12) Sulfur Dioxide 1,107,278.00 251,328.00 292,500.00 476,784.00 5,000.00 B,OOO.OO 500.00 68,000.00 7,000.00 150,000.00 2,000.00 155,610.00 Total Process Chemicals and Supplies 2,524,000 2.421,900 /1106.4160) FUEL, OIL. AND LUBRICANTS PROJECT (01) Gasoline (02) Diesel Fuel (03) Solvents/Cleaners (04) 􀁁􀁮􀁴􀁾􀁆􀁲􀁥􀁥􀁺􀁥􀀠(05) Grease (06) Lubricants (07) Propane 35,770.00 19,000.00 12,000.00 1,880.00 5,450.00 25,000.00 250.00 PRETREATMENT (01) Gasoline (04) Anti-Freeze (05) Grease (06) Lubricanls 4,000.00 30.00 50.00 200.00 Total Fuel, Oil, and Lubricants 103,630 104,440 Page 20 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION PROPOSED DETAIL PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET (1106.4170) COMPUTER SOFTWARE. LICENSES & INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES PROJECT (01) Metering Supplies (02) Instrument Repair (03) Drafting/Engineering Supplies (04) Line Surveillance (05) FM Telemetry . (06) Metering Elec!Iical Repairs (07) G/L. HR & PR Software $ 13,000.00 16,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 250,080.00 PRETREATMENT (01) Metering Supplies (02) Instrument Repair Total Computer and Instrument Supplies 150.00 300.00 $ 294.530 $ 37,950 Total Supplies 3,556,400 3,177,200 (1106.4200) AUDITING (01) Audit 37,500 36,000 (1106.4210) ENGINEERING PROJECT (01) Engineering Studies (02) III Prorations (03) Triennial Report/Annual Update (04) Pipeline Repairs/Erosion Control 83,090.00 80,000.00 25,000.00 35,000.00 Total Engineering 223,090 160,000 (1106.4220) LEGAL (01) Legal 20,000 20,000 (1106.4230) OUTSIDE SERVICES PROJECT (01) Advertising (02) GraphiCS, Displays, Etc. (03) Construction Services Charges (04) Security Monitoring/Support (05) Solid Waste Disposal (Odor Control) (06) Contract Labor (07) PClNelworkiSCADA Support (08) Software Mainlenanee -GIL, HR & PR 60,000.00 7,000.00 50,000.00 17,560.00 34,000.00 10,000.00 373,680.00 90.000.00 PRETREATMENT (Ol) Advertising (02) Graphics, Displays, Etc. (06) Contract Labor 1,160.00 200.00 1,000.00 Total Outside Services 644,590 335,620 Page 21 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION PROPOSED DETAIL PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET !1106.4240} OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROJECT (01) Drug Testing (02) U.S.G.S.Payments (03) Motor Vehicle Reports (04) Outside Testing -Laboratory (05) Custodian Fees (06) NEXRAIN Studies $ 10.000.00 26,500.00 1,200.00 86,000.00 52,000.00 20,000.00 PRETREATMENT (01) Drug Testing (04) Outside Testing -Laboratory 2.000.00 Total Other Professional Services $ 197,700 $ 175,650 (1106.4300) TELEPHONE & TELEMETERING PROJECT (01) Telephonerrelemetering (02) Pagers (03) Mobile Telephones (62) (04) Internet Access 28,000.00 5,400.00 41,640.00 10,820.00 PRETREATMENT (01) Telephonerrelemetering (02) Pagers (03) Mobile Telephones (7) Total Telephone & Telemetering 1,000.00 360.00 3,840.00 91,060 106,570 (1106.4310l POSTAGE PROJECT (01) Postage Meter (02) Stamps/Shipping 3,300.00 4,500.00 PRETREATMENT (01) Postage Meter (02) Stamps/Shipping 500.00 220.00 Total Postage 8,520 8,220 !1106.4320) PRINTING AND BtNDING PROJECT (01) Special Forms (02) Letterhead, Envelopes, and Stationary (03) Manuals, Handbooks, Etc. 3,550.00 3,200.00 3,000.00 PRETREATMENT (01) Special Forms (02) Letterhead, Envelopes, and Stationary 950.00 310.00 Total Printing and Binding 11,010 12,730 Page 22 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION (1106.43301 INSURANCE PAYMENTS PROJECT (01) Fire (02) General Liability (03) Automobile (04) Contractor Equipment (05) Workers' Compensation (06) 􀁄􀁬􀁲􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁯􀁲􀀯􀁏􀁦􀁦􀁩􀁣􀁥􀁾􀁳􀀠Liability (07) Blanket Bond (08) Equipment Floater Total Insurance Payments (1106.4360) TRAVEL PROJECT (01) CRWS Employees on Authority Business (02) Others on Authority Business PRETREATMENT (01) CRWS Employees on Authority Business (02) Others on Authority BUsiness TotalTravel (1106.4370) LAUNDRY, UNIFORM & IND. EqUIP. PROJECT (01) Uniform Rental (03) Patches/Hats (04) Towels, Mops, Mats PRETREATMENT (01) Uniform Rental Total Laundry, Uniform, & Ind. Equip. (1106,4380) TRAINING PROJECT (01) T mining Wastewater Certification T mining Safety Tmining Technical Training Enhanced Skills/Supervisory Training Training ManualsNideos Purchasing CertIfication Classes PROPOSED PROPOSED DETAIL PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET $ 81,550.00 15,750.00 26,390.00 136,440.00 17,050.00 1,490.00 8,760.00 $ 287,430 $ 179,420 15,550.00 750.00 3,000,00 19,300 16,500 38,770.00 650,00 9,000.00 650,00 49,070 44,350 11,900.00 11,920,00 23,320.00 9,450,00 8,410.00 3,000,00 Page 23 􀁾􀀽􀁾􀀮TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS -.PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET PROPOSED PROPOSED CURRENT ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION DETAIL 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET PRETREATMENT (01) Training Wastewater Certification Training 600.00 Safety Training 600.00 Technical Training 1,180.00 Enhanced Skills/Supervisory Training Training ManualsMdeos 220.00 Total Training $ 70,600 $ 111,940 11106.4400) UTILITIES PROJECT (01) Natural Gas 85,000.00 (02) Water 35,000.00 Total Utilities 120,000 105,000 (1106.4420) POWER (01) Power 4,553,480 4,832,800 {1106.44301 R & M -COLLECTION SYSTEM PROJECT (01) Meter Station Structure Rehabilftation 20,000.00 (02) Manhole/Junction Box Rehabilitation 21,000.00 (03) System RepairslLine CleaningffV 317,750.00 (04) Lift StationlROW Maintenance 11,000.00 Total R & M -Collection System 369,760 245,000 {1106.44401 R & M • EQUIPMENT PROJECT (01) Shop Equipment 4,000.00 (02) Dumpsters 5,400.00 (03) Compressors and Generators 4,500.00 (04) Fuel Powered and Electrical Equipment 11,200.00 (05) Office and Video Equipment 5,100.00 (06) Analytical Equip Repair -Non Contract 29,000.00 (07) Service Contracts-Analytical Equipment 10,000.00 (08) Perkins-Elmer Equipment 14,000.00 (09) MowersfTractors 12,000.00 (10) Tracked Vehicles & Heavy Equipment 55,000.00 (11) Carts 1,000.00 (12) Heavy Trucks 50,000.00 (13) Trailers 15,000.00 (15) Tire Repair 3,000.00 (16) High Pressure Units 1,000.00 (17) Forklifts 3,000.00 Total R & M Equipment 223,200 218,300 Page 24 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION (1106.4450) R & M -PLANT AND BUILDINGS PROJECT (01) Packing and Seals (02) Road Repair Materials (03) Machine Shop Stock (04) Mechanical Plating and Coaling (05) Clarifiers, Aeration, Equalization Basins (06) Specialized Balancing and Machining (07) Valves, Valve Operators, Pipe, Etc. (08) Positive Displacement Pumps/Repairs (09) Filter Press Parts (10) Pump Repair, Pump Parts, Machining (11) Conveyer System Parts (12) Industrial Air/Oil Filters (13) Power Transmission Parts/Repairs (14) Building/Structural Repair (15) Chlorination/Dechlorination (16) Railroad Repairs (17) Slorrnwater Regulations -Slreet Cleaning (18) Blower PartsJRepairs (19) Crane Inspection & Servicing (20) Anaerobic Digester CleanJRehab Total R & M -Plant and Buildings (1106.4460) R & M -VEHICLES PROJECT (01) Automobiles (02) Pickup Trucks (03) Tire Repair (04) Other-Batteries, Wiper Blades, etc. PRETREATMENT (02) Pickup Trucks (03) Tire Repair T olal R & M -Vehicles PROPOSED DETAIL $ 15,000.00 30,000.00 5,000.00 28,000.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 40,000.00 125,000.00 24,000.00 130,000.00 22,000.00 4,000.00 40,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 21,000.00 9,600.00 39,000.00 17,000.00 120,000.00 5,000.00 28,000.00 6,400.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 PROPOSED CURRENT 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET $ 729,600 $ 777,350 43,500 40,400 Page 25 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBERIOESCRIPTION PROPOSED DETAil PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET (1106.44801 R & M· ELECTRICAL PROJECT (01) Components (02) Signal Cable and Wire (03) Electronic Equipment Repair (04) Repairs of Pneumatic Systems (05) FM Telemetry (06) Compuler Maintenance (07) Vendor Service/Repair (08) Calibration (09) Electrical Parts & Materials (10) Motor Overhaul (11) HVAC Parts and Repair (12) Bevalor Repair and Service (13) Cathodic Test $ 30,000.00 6,000,00 69,000,00 1,000,00 2,000,00 30,000.00 50,000,00 5,000,00 150,000,00 100,000,00 138,000.00 5,000.00 1,000,00 Total R & M Electrical $ 587,000 $ 510,150 (1106.4490) OFF-SITE BtOSOLIP LAND APPLICATION (02) Beneficial Reuse 2,665,190 2,534,140 (1106.4510) RENT· MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT PROJECT (01) Cranes and Other Heavy Equipment (02) Compressors and Special Equipment (03) Postage Meter (04) Tool Renlal (05) Copier Copier Rentel (07) Cylinder Rental (08) Olher Renlal 15.000.00 14,000,00 1,500,00 1,000.00 36,020,00 8,000.00 4,000,00 T alai Rent -Machinery & Equipment 79,520 88,810 (1106.46601 ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD PROJECT (01) Relaled Cost Method Allocation 1,754,570 1,545,960 Total Other Services and Charges 12,785,680 12,104,910 Page 26 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET PROPOSED PROPOSED CURRENT ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION DETAIL 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET {1106.4760: MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT (Ol)PROJECT-Replacement: (1) Sedan S 17,000.00 (1) Reception Area Sofa 1,500.00 (2) RecepHon Area Chairs 750.00 (2) Reception Area Tables 750.00 (2) Compact Trucks 24,000.00 (3) MCC/PLC Cabinet·5 Ton Spot Coolers 30,000.00 (1) 2300 Volt Power Disl. Transformer PS#6 10,000.00 (1) Process Control Signal Controller Software 2,750.00 (4) Portable Laptop Programmers 7,000.00 (1) Laser Jet Color Printer 3,500.00 (4) Heavy Duly Infrared Heaters 4,000.00 (1) Boom Truck 180,000.00 (1) Tractor 40,000.00 {1} Sludge Hauling Trailer 28,000.00 (1) Hot Water Pressure Washer 7,000.00 (1) Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrophotor 150,000.00 (1) laboratory Distillation System 22,000.00 (1) Heated Graphite Atomic Absorption Unit 62,000.00 (1) Microbiological Heat Sealing Unit 2,000.00 (6) Ultra Sonic Flow Meters 9,600.00 (2) Portable AreaNelocity Flow Meters 6,200.00 (I) Global Position System (GPS/GIS) Instr. 20,000.00 (1) Truck Camper 1,650.00 (1) 3/4 Ton 4X4 Truck 24,000.00 (1) 12 inch Pipe Saw 1,600.00 (2) Truck Winches 2,200.00 $ 657,500 $ 704,550 PRETREATMENT· Replacement: (1) Cont. pH & Temp ModuleiData Recorder 2,290.00 2,290 38,000 Page 27 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET PROPOSED PROPOSED CURRENT ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION DETAIL 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUpGET (02) PROJECT-New: (3) Portable Gas Detectors (1) 2-Way Emerg. Response Radio Interface (1) 30 Cubic Yard Dumpster (2) 3 inch Portable 13HP Gas-Driven Pumps (2) Bar Screen LuMcation System (1) Gate Valve Portable Power Drive (4) Electronic Equipment Cabinets (1) Fiber Cable Terminalion Kit (1) Teleconferencing Equipment (1) Network Performance Analyzer Software (1) Trailer Axle Assembly (1) Gasoline Hand Auger (1) Vector/Radder Decant Pump (4) 2-Way Radio Noise Reduced Headsets (1) Portable H2S Monitors & Recorders (1) Confined Space Fall Anestor (1) Confined Space Manlilt (1) Portable Diesel Light Standard Electronic Surveillance Equipment (1) VactorlRodder Easement Reel Assembly $ 5,700.00 4,000.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 1,300.00 8,000.00 2,750.00 19,900.00 1,850.00 14,000.00 2,400.00 5,200.00 5,600.00 5,600.00 2,400.00 2,300.00 7,500.00 288,400.00 32,000.00 $ 424,400 $ 145,400 PRETREATMENT-New (1) Utility Vehicle (1) Camper for Utility Vehicle 23,000.00 1,600.00 24,600 Total Machinery and Equipment 1,108,790 887,950 Page 28 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED EXPENDITURE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBERIDESCRIPTION /1108.48001 BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS Due 8/01/2003: Series 1993 Series 1995 Series 1998A Series 1998B Series 2001 Total Bond PrinCipal Payments (1108.4810) INTEREST ON LONG TERM-DEBT Due 210112003: Series 1993 Series 1995 Series 1998A Series 19988 Series 2001 Due 810112003: Series 1993 Series 1995 Series 1998A Series 1998B Series 2001 Adjustment for Accrual Total Bond Interest Payments (1108.48301 PAYING AGENT FEES Total Debt Service PROPOSED DETAIL 10,245,OOO,OO 1,855,OOO,00 2,220,ooQ,OO 2,105,OOQ,OO 5,OOO,QQ 4,098,594,38 262,951,25 833,566,25 1,408,403,75 1,426,051,25 4,098,594,38 262,951,25 833,566,25 1,408,403.75 1,426,051,25 (274,013,76) PROPOSED CURRENT 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET iii 16.430,000 iii 15,580,OOO 15,785,120 14,674,200 12,000 26,000 32,227,120,00 30,280,200,00 Page 29 EXHIBIT K TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ENTERPRISE FUND Description of the Project The Central Regional Wastewater System (CRWS) consists of a treatment plant and appurtenances rated at 162 Million Gallons Per Day (MGD), interceptor pipelines, lift stations, meter stations, and facilities for the delivery of treated effluent for irrigation and level control under the first major urban reuse program in Texas. CRWS provides wastewater transportation and treatment for the Cilles of Irving, Grand Prairie, Farmers Branch, Dallas, Carrollton, Coppell, Cedar Hill, Euless, Bedford, Fort Worth, Arlington, Colleyville, DallasIFort Worth Inlernational Airport, Grapevine, Mansfield, Hurst, North Richland Hills, Duncanville, Southlake, Keller, and Addison. The estimated average daily volume of wastewater predicted to be received from the contributing citles in Fiscal Year 2002 is 150.150 Millions of Gallons Per Day (MGD). 2003 2002 Percent Amount Percent Amount gjy Contribution MGD Contribution MGD Irving 19.148% 28.750 20.616% 30.000 Grand Prairie 11.116% 16.690 11.138% 16.208 Arlington 30.276% 45.460 28.230% 41.080 Farmers Branch 4.462% 6.700 4.504% 6.700 Dallas 5.661% 8.500 5.154% 7.500 Euless 2.847% 4.275 2.817% 4.100 Carrollton 7.992% 12.000 8.315% 12.100 D/FW Airport 1.539% 2.310 1.587% 2.310 Bedford 3.130% 4.700 3.206% 4.666 Coppell 2.597% 3.900 2.543% 3.700 Colleyville 1.683% 2.527 1.745% 2.539 Fort Worth 0.911% 1.368 0.871% 1.267 Grapevine 1.279% 1.920 1.635% 2.380 Mansfield 2.165% 3.250 2.233% 3.250 Hurst 0.135% 0.202 0.126% 0.183 North Richland Hills 0.468% 0.703 0.388% 0.565 Duncanville 0.133% 0.200 0.137% 0.200 Keller 1.608% 2.415 1.659% 2.415 Southlake 1.132% 1.700 1.164% 1.694 Cedar Hill 0.200% 0300 0.168% 0.245 Addison 1Jill.'l!i. 2.280 1.684% 2.420 Totals 100000% 150.150 100000% 145.522 Located on 495 acres adjacent to lhe West Fork of the Trinity River. the CRWS Facility initiated operation in December 1959, initially serving four four cities. The original plant consisted of a trickling filter process with a capacity of 30 MGD. The capacity was increased to 60 MGD in 1976 by the addition of mechenical dewatering equipment and an activated sludge process. In 1980, a two phase expansion program was completed that increased the capacity to 100 MGD and provided tertiary treatment. Growth in the service area resuHed in the expansion of the CRWS facility to a capacity of 135 MGD, with construction inmated in 1988 and completed in early 1994. Effluent discharged from CRWS consistently meets or exceeds the requirements speCified in the TPDES permit issued by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC). TNRCC approved an upraling of the discharge permit to an effluent level of 162 MGD with the completion olthe solids dewatering project on April 1, 2001. Page 1 .• TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ENTERPRISE FUND Work Program To maintain and operate the Central Plant on a 24-hour a day, 7 -day a week basis requires a staff of three (3) department managers reporting to the Project Manager. In addition to the management staff, including purchasing and the inventory department, staffing is as follows: System Operation and Maintenance 97 Administration Services 8 Technical Services 43 Northern Region Purchasing 7 Pretreatment l! 163 The responsibility for selecting process parameters, actual treatment of wastewater, process and non-process equipment maintenance, maintenance, repair of electrical and electroniC equipment, lift station maintenance sludge disposal and computer monitoring of plant processes lies WITh the Manager, System Operations, and the Operation and Maintenance Department. The Manager, Administrative Services and staff provide support at the Central System in the areas of human resource administration, benefrts, training. clerical, accounts payable, payroll, and capital asset control and data processing. The Manager, Technical Services and staff provide analytical data for process control, influent monitoring and effluent quality reports. The laboratory and Pretreatment Programs provide analytical and technical assistance to cities, state, andlor federal agencies and other TRA Projects on a contract basis. Engineering Services provide inspaction and surveillance of the collection system and monitoring of flows from the Cities into the system. Page 2 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM TOTAL FUND SUMMARY FUNDS AVAILABLE Projecled December 1. 2002 17.295,360 ESTIMATED SOURCES OF FUNDS Contract Revenue Inter-Fund Services & Charges Operating Overhead Professional Fees Interest Income Miscellaneous Income $ 54.613.900 414.340 417.170 450.000 1,544.900 979.050 58,419.360 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 75.714.720 ESTIMATED APPLICATION OF FUNDS Appropriation Expenditures: Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capilal Outlays Debt Service and MiscelJaneous $ 8,399,720 3,556,400 12,785.680 1.108.790 32.227,120 58,077.710 TOTAL FUNDS APPLIED $ 58,077.710 FUNDS AVAILABLE Projected November 3D, 2003 $ 17,637.010 Page 3 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUE SUMMARY PROPOSED DESCRIPTION OF REVENUE 2003 BUDGET CONTRACT AND OPERATING OVERHEAD REVENUE (3010) Contract Revenue -Irving (3020) Contract Revenue -Grand Prairie (3030) Contract Revenue -Arlington (3040) Contract Revenue -Fanners Branch (3050) Contract Revenue -Dallas (3060) Contract Revenue -Euless (3070) Contract Revenue Carrollton (3080) Contract Revenue -D/FW Airport (3090) Contract Revenue -Bedford (3100) Contract Revenue -Coppell (3110) Contract Revenue -Colleyville (3120) Contract Revenue -Fort Worth (3130) Conlract Revenue -Grapevine (3140) Contract Revenue -Mansfield (3150) Contract Revenue -Hurst (3160) Conlract Revenue -North Richland Hills (3170) Contract Revenue -Duncanville (3180) Contract Revenue -Keller (3190) Contract Revenue -Soulhlake (3200) Contract Revenue -Cedar Hill (3210) Contract Revenue -Addison (3380) Inter-Fund Services & Charges (3390) Operating Overhead -Other Projects TOTAL CONTRACT AND OPERATING OVERHEAD REVENUE PROFESSIONAL FEES (3980) Professional Fees TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEES INTEREST IN!<2ME (3810) tnterest Income Interest & Sinking Fund (3820) Inlerest Income -Reserve Fund (3840) Interesllncome -Revenue Fund (3870) Interesllncome -Emergency TOTAL INTEREST INCOME $ 10,457,470 6,070,880 16,534,910 2,436,870 3,091,690 1,554,860 4,364,740 840,510 1.709,420 1,418,320 919,150 497,530 698,510 1,182,390 73,730 255,590 72,640 878,190 618,230 109,230 829,040 414,340 417,170 55,445,410 450,000 450,000 229,600 1,147,800 123,500 44,000 $ 1,544,900 CURRENT 2002 BUDGET $ 10,394,930 5,615,960 14,234,030 2,321,410 2,598,730 1,420,380 4,192,560 800,190 1,616,520 1.282,220 879.860 439,170 824.390 1,125,920 63,530 195,640 69,080 836,500 586,910 84,710 839,020 693,190 51,114,850-. 450,000 450,000 489,580 1,416,420 336,320 93,030 $ 2,335,350 2001 ACTUAL $ 10,221.781 5,639,307 15,623.824 2,073,978 2,877,391 1,343,646 4,258,815 834.736 1.680,841 1,374,954 870.684 914,070 536,843 1,157.826 71,853 220.177 58,029 738,966 526,619 103,218 825,597 656,740 52,609,895 438,988 438,988 459,263 1,523,753 310,544 130,162 $ 2,423.722 Page 4 TRINllY RIVER AUTHORllY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF REVENUE PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET MISCELLANEOUS INCOME (3400) Overslrenglh Surcharge (3410) Northeast Lakeview Lift Station (3430) Pretreatment Revenue (3440) Commodity Charge (3480) Quantity Surcharge (3990) Miscellaneous Inccme $ 600,000 22,000 51,810 36,800 268,440 $ 600,000 14,650 22,000 51,810 36,800 10,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 979,050 735,260 GRAND TOTAL $ 58,419,360 $ 54,635,460 2001 ACTUAL $ 625,408 19,433 61,844 140,017 28,089 49,693 924,484 $ 56,397,089 Page 5 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 'CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE PERSONAL SERVICES (4000) Salaries -Regular (4010) Salaries -Part-Time (4020) Payroll Taxes -Fica (4030) Emp. Ben -Health/Ufe Ins. (4040) Employee Benefit -Pension (4060) Unemployment Compensation (4070) Emp. Recognition Program (4080) Employee Benefit -Education TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES (4100) Office Supplies (4110) Dues and Subscliptions (4120) Fees Other Than Dues and Subscriptions (4130) Maintenance and Operating Supplies (4140) Lab Supplies (4150) Process Chemicals and Supplies (4160) Fuel, Oil, & LuMcants (4170) Computer Software, Lie. & Instr. Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES AND CHABS!ES (4200) Auditing (4210) Engineering (4220) Legal (4230) Outside Services (4240) Other Professional Services (4300) Telephone and Telemetenng (4310) Postage (4320) Printing and Binding (4330) Insurance Payments (4360) Travel (4370) Laundry, Uniform, & Ind. Equip (4380) Training (4400) Utilities (4420) Power (4430) R & M -Collection System (4440) R & M -Equipment (4450) R & M -Plant & Buildings (4460) R & M -Vehicles (4480) R & M -Bectncal (4490) Off-site Biosolid Land Application (4510) Rent -Machinery & Equip. (4660) Administrative Overhead TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES PROPOSED CURRENT 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET $ 6,428,520 $ 6,251,780 37,370 494,640 478,280 655,250 411,770 740,660 715,800 20,000 20,000 16,280 15,260 7,000 9,000 8,399,720 7,901,870 50,200 51,200 55,850 64,860 80,910 86,910 166,930 146,590 280,350 273,350 2,524,000 2,421,900 103,630 104,440 294,530 37,950 3,556,400 3,177,200 2001 ACTUAL $ 5,816,588 41,925 433,322 406,060 573,851 2,737 13,880 3.135 7,291,498 44,008 49,771 67,785 168,709 299,166 2,109,998 101,313 51,588 2,892,338 35,500 233,952 8,317 607,902 182,357 78,489 7,913 9,255 130,630 17,793 53,010 39,225 118,217 4,856,570 509,349 213,768 586,380 50,630 415,002 2,343,012 47,213 1.455,730 12,000,214 Page 6 37,500 223,090 20,000 644,590 197,700 91,060 8,520 11,010 287,430 19,300 49,070 70,600 120,000 4,553,480 369,750 223,200 729,600 43,500 587,000 2,665,190 79,520 1,754,570 12,785,680 36,000 160,000 20,000 335,620 175,650 106,570 8,220 12,730 179.420 16,500 44,350 111,940 105,000 4,832,800 245,000 218,300 777,350 40,400 510,150 2,534,140 88,810 1,545,960 12,104,910 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PROPOSED CURRENT DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAYS (4760) Machinery & Equipment $ 1,108,790 $ 887,950 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,106,790 887,950 DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS* (4800) Bond Principal Payments 16,430,000 15,580,000 (4810) Interesl on Long-Term Debl 15,785,120 14,674,200 (4830) Paying Agent Fees 12,000 26,000 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ANO MISCELLANEOUS 32.227,120 30,280,200 GRAND TOTAL $ 58,077,710 $ 54,352,130 2001 ACTUAL $ 312,867 312,867 18,995,000 14,594,062 1.482 33,590,544 $ 56,087,461 Page 7 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2003 -. CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM REVENUE WORKSHEET PROPOSED CONTRACT REVENUE 2003 BUDGET Operation & Maintenance Total Expenditures $ 25,862,590.00 less Olher Revenue Sources: Inter-Fund Services & Charges (414,340.00) Operating Overhead (417,170.00) Professional Fees (450,000.00) Pretreatment Revenue (22,000.00) Commodity Charge (51,810.00) Miscellaneous Income (268,440.00) Overstrength Surcharge (600,000.00) Zone B & Quantity Surcharge (36,600.00) Total Other Revenue Sources (2,260,560.00) Net Operation and Maintenance to be to Billed Monthly 23,602,030.00 Debt Service Principal on Bonds: Due 8/0112003: 16,430,000.00 x 8/12 10,953,333.33 Due 8/01/2004: 17,455,000.00 x 4/12 5,818,333.33 Interest on Bonds: Due 210112003: 8,029,566.88 x 216 2,676,522.29 Due 8/0112003: 8,029,566.88 x 6/6 8,029,566.88 Due 210112004: 7,618,553.75 x 416 5,079,035.83 Rounding 1.24 less: Interest Income (1,544,900.00) Net Debt Service to Billed Monthly 31,011,892.91 TOTAL CONTRACT REVENUE $ 54,613,922.91 Page 8 􀁾.. TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED OaM BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAl WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED REVENUE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION PROPOSED DETAIL {3010} CONTRACT REVENUE -IRVING (1106.3010) Operation a Maintenance $23,602,030 x 19.148% (1108.3010) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 19.148% Rounding $ 4,519,316.70 5,938,157.26 (3.96) Total Annual Requirement {30201 CONTRACT REVENUE -GRAND PRAIRIE (1106.3020) Operation a Maintenance $23,602,030 x 11.116% (1108.3020) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 11.116% Rounding 2,623,601.65 3,447,282.02 (3.67) Total Annual Requirement (3030l CONTRACT REVENUE -ARLINGTON (1106.3030) Operation a Maintenance $23,602,030 x 30.276% (1108.3030) Debt Service $31.011,893 x 30.276% Rounding 7.145,750.60 9,389,160.70 Total Annual Requirement 13MO} CONTRACT REVENUE -FARMERS BRANCH (1106.3040) Operation & Maintenance $23,502,030 x 4.462% 1,053,122.58 (1108.3040) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 4.462% 1,383,750.66 Rounding Total Annual Requirement (3050) CONTRACT REVENUE -DALLAS (1106.3050) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 5,661% 1,338,110.92 (1108.3050) Debl Service $31,011,893 x 5.661% 1,755,583.26 Rounding (4.18) Total Annual Requirement PROPOSED CURRENT 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET $ 10,457,470 $ 10,394,930 6,070,880 5,615,960 16,534,910 14,234,030 2,436,870 2,321,410 3,091,690 2,598.730 Page9 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 '. CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED REVENUE WORKSHEET ACCOUNT NUMBERIDESCRIPTION PROPOSED DETAIL PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET CURRENT 2002 BUDGET (3060) CONTRACT REVENUE -EULESS (1106.3060) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 2.847% (1108.3060) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 2.847% Rounding $ 671,849.79 882,908.59 1.61 Total Annual Requirement $ 1,554.860 :& 1,420.360 (3070) CONTRACT REVENUE -CARROLLTON (1106.3070) Operauon & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 7.992% (1108.3070) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 7.992% Rounding Tolal Annual Requirement 1,886.274.24 2,478,470.48 (4.72) 4,364,740 4.192.560 (3080) CONTRACT REVENUE -D/FW AIRPORT (1106.3080) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 1.539% (1108.3080) Debl Service $31,011,893 x 1.539% Rounding Total Annual ReqUirement 363,235.24 477.273.03 1.73 840,510 800,190 (3090) CONTRACT REVENUE -BEDFORD (1106.3090) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 3.130% (1108.3090) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 3.130% Rounding Total Annual ReqUirement 736,743.54 970.672.25 4.21 1,709,420 1,616,520 (3100) CONTRACT REVENUE -COPPELL (1106.3100) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 2.597% (1108.3100) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 2.597% Rounding Total Annual Requirement 612,944.72 805,378.66 (3.58) 1.418,320 1,282,220 Page 10 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET -FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED REVENUE WORKSHEET PROPOSED PROPOSED CURRENT ACCOUNT NUMBER/DESCRIPTION DETAIL 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET (3110) CONTRACT REVENUE· COLLEYVILLE (1106.3110) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 1.683% $ 397,222.16 (1108.3110) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 1.683% 521,930.16 Rounding (2.32) Total Annua! Requirement $ 919,150 $ 879,860 (3120) CONTRACT REVENUE -FORT WORTH (1106.3120) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 0.911% 215,014.49 (1108.3120) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 0.911% 282,518.34 Rounding (2.84) Total Annual Requirement 497,530 439,170 (3130) CONTRACT REVENUE -GRAPEVINE (1106.3130) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 1.279% 301,869.96 (1108.3130) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 1.279% 396,642.11 Rounding Total Annual Requirement 698,510 824,390 (3140) CONTRACT REVENUE -MANSFIELD (1106.3140) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 2.165% 510,983.95 (1108.3140) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 2.165% 671,407.48 Rounding Total Annual Requirement 1,182,390 1,125,920 (3150) CONTRACT REVENUE· HURST (1106.3150) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 0.135% 31,862.74 (1108.3150) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 0.135% 41,866.06 Rounding Total Annual Requirement 73,730 63,530 Page 11 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS PROPOSED O&M BUDGET· FISCAL YEAR 2003 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM DETAILED REVENUE WORKSHEET PROPOSED ACCOUNT NUMBERIDESCRIPTION DETAIL (3160) CONTRACT REVENUE· NORTH RICHLAND HILLS (1106.3160) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 0.468% (1108.3160) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 0.468% Rounding Tolal Annual Requirement (3170) CONTRACT REVENUE· PUNCANVlllE (1106.3170) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 0.133% (1108.3170) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 0.133% Rounding Total Annual Requirement (3180) CONTRACT REVENUE· KELLER (1106.3180) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 1.608% (1108.3180) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 1.608% Rounding Total Annual Requirement (3190) CONTRACT REVENUE· SOUTHLAKE (1106.3190) Operation & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 1.132% (1108.3190) Deb! Service $31,011,893 x 1.132% Rounding Total Annual Requirement (3200) CONTRACT REVENUE· CEDAR HILL (1106.3200) Operafion & Maintenance $23,602,030 x 0.200% (1108.3200) Debt Service $31,011,893 x 0.200% Rounding Total Annual Requirement ' PROPOSED CURRENT 2003 BUDGET 2002 BUDGET $ 110,457.50 145,135.66 (3.16) $ 255,590 $ 195,640 31,390.70 41,245.82 3,48 72,640 69,080 379,520.64 498,671.24 __􀀭􀀧􀀨􀁣􀁃􀀱􀀬􀁾􀀠878,190 836,500 267,174.98 351,054.63 0.39 618,230 586,910 47,204.06 62,023.79 2.15 109,230 64,710 Page 12 􀁌􀀽􀀽􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀢􀁊􀀠 L Trinity RiverAuthority of Texas Northern Office July 31. 2002 3110.102 MEMBERS. Advisory Committee Central Regional Wastewater System MEETING NOTICE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS TUESDA Y. AUGUST 13, 2002, 10:30 A.M. A meeting of the Central Regional Wastewater System Advisory Committee has been scheduled for 10:30 a.m.. Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at the Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in Grand Prairie, at 6500 West Singleton Blvd., Grand Prairie, Texas. Immediately following the meeting. you are invited to join other members for lunch served in the break room. Please RSVP to Cheryl Abbott at 817-493-5100 or prior to Friday, August 9th. The FY 2003 Operating and Maintenance Budget for the Central Regional Wastewater System will be the primary purpose of this meeting. but other topics of importance will also be discussed. An agenda and minutes of the September 11, 2001 meeting are attached for your review. If you have questions prior to the meeting, please contact this office at 817-493-51 00. 􀁾fl· 􀁾􀁦􀀡􀀴􀁉􀀼􀀭􀀯􀀠 WARREN N. BREWER Regional Manager Northem Region WNB/cea Attachments c: Danny F. Vance, General Manager Patricia M. Cleveland, Manager, Operations Bill Tatum, Manager, CRWS P.O. Box 240 Arlington. Texas 76004-0240 Recycled Paper (817) 493-5100 o PROPOSAL IRVING AND TRA 8113/02 1. IRVING AGREES WITH RESPECT TO ITS DEVELOPED WATER: a. Sell at a "reduced price" its rights to reuse on developed water to TRA. 1. This gives Irving a user for its reuse application. 2. It gives TRA a much stronger position on its reuse application. b. Irving would additionally receive its proportionate share of benefit of TRA reuse agreement that included its developed water. c. Irving, on reasonable notice, could make an independent deal for reuse of its developed water. d. Irving would not oppose, but support TRA's reuse application. 2. TRA AGREES WITH RESPECT TO IRVING'S DEVELOPED WATER: a. Amend contract to recognize Irving's reuse right and pay a "reduced price" for use of water. I. Assuming TRA's reuse permit is granted, this would enhance Lake Livingston's firm yield by the amount of Irving's discharge of developed water, less transmission losses, etc. 2. This will enhance TRA's reuse application significantly. b. Further amendment of contract would be possible to assure continued availability of Irving's reuse water (i.e., Irving gives up right to make an independent use of the water) ifTRA develops long term purchaser. e. TRA's would not oppose, but support Irving's reuse application. TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWA TER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2002, 10:30 A.M. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call ENTITY Addison Arlington Bedford Carrollton Cedar Hill Colleyville Coppell Dallas D/FW Airport Duncanville Euless Farmers Branch Fort Worth Grand Prairie Grapevine Hurst Irving Keller Mansfield North Richland Hills Southlake Trinity River Authority REPRESENT A TlVE Mr. Michael Murphy Mayor Elzie Odom Council member Jim Griffin Mr. Milburn Gravley Mr. Greg Porter Mr. Bill Lindley Mr. Ken Griffin Mr. Terrace Stewart Mr. Jim Crites Mr. Kent Cagle Councilmember Glenn Porterfield Councilmember Paul Walden Mr. Dale Fisseler Council member Richard Fregoe Mr. Jerry Hodge Mr. Ron Haynes Council member Lewis Patrick Mr. Ed IIschner Councilmember Blake Evans Mr. Mike Curtis Mr. Pedram Farahnak Mr. Danny F. Vance Director Wanda Stovall Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. III. Introduction ofGuests, Consultants and Authority Staff 1 PRESENT/ABSENT IV. Approval ofMinutes ofthe September 11.2001 Meeting V. Status Reports A. Operations B Financial C. Regulatory D. Capital Improvement Planning (1) Planning. Design, Construction (2) Series 2001 SRF Bonds VI. Discussion: Presentation ofProposed FY 2003 Operating and Maintenance Budget A. Budget Philosophy and Strategies B. System Flows and Allocations C. Budget Objectives D. Detailed Budget Review VII. Discussion: CityofIrving's Request for a Contract Modification Related to Water Reuse Rights VIII. OtherBusiness IX. Adloum to Lunch 2 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREA TMENT PLANT 6500 WEST SINGLETON BLVD., GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,2001,11 A.M. I. Call to Order-Chairman Gravley called the meeting to order at 11 :10 a.m. and called roll. II. Roll Call ENTITY Addison Arlington Bedford Carrollton Cedar Hill Colleyville Coppell Dallas D/FW Airport Duncanville Euless Farmers Branch Fort Worth Grand Prairie Grapevine Hurst Irving Keller Mansfield N. Richland Hills Southlake Trinity River Authority REPRESENT A TIVE Mr. Michael Murphy Ms. Fiona Ailen f/Mayor Elzie Odom Justin Brown f/Councilmember Jim Griffin Mr. Milburn Gravley Mr. Jim Sparks f/Mr. Greg Porter Mr. Bill Lindley Mr. Ken Griffin Mr. Terrace Stewart Mr. Thomas M. Dunning Mr. Bill Willbom flMr. Kent Cagle Councilmember Glenn Porterfield PRESENT/ABSENT Absent Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Absent Absent Present Present Mr. Mark Velton f/Councilmember Paul Walden Present Mr. Jay Chapa f/Mr. Dale Fisseler Present Mr. Ron McCulierf/Councilmember Richard Fregoe Present Mr. Frank White f/Mr. Jerry Hodge Present Mr. Ron Haynes Absent Councilmember James Dickens Present Mr. Ed IIschner Absent Mr. Bud Ervin f/Councilmember Blake Evans Present Mr. Mike Curtis Absent Mr. Pedram Farahnak Absent Mr. Danny F. Vance Present Director Wanda Stovall Present Director Hector Escamilla, Jr. Absent III. Introduction ofGuests. Consultants and Authority Staff Warren Brewer introduced the following TRA staff: Warren Brewer, Patricia Cleveland, Bill Smith, Cheryl Abbott, Alison Mackey, Bill Tatum, Bill Cyrus, Mike Young, and Shelley Fialho. Other city personnel present were Stephen Jenkins with the City of Carrollton, Mr. Phil Grice with the City of Fort Worth, and Mr. Jim Siddall with the City of Irving. Consultants present were Ray Longoria with Freese and Nichols and Layne Parsons with Black and Veatch. 1 IV. .Approval ofMinutes ofthe August 10, 2001 Meeting Chairman Gravley asked if there were any changes to be made to the minutes of the August 10, 2001 meeting. There being none, Fiona Allen made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Jay Chapa seconded the motion and a unanimous vote followed. V. Status Reports A. Operations -Bill Tatum briefly outlined System operations since the August meeting. He said that the System was producing quality effluent by reducing the pollutants by approximately 95% in the incoming water to the plant. B. Financial-Patricia Cleveland reminded attendees that during the midyear reallocations the budget was amended by $1.6 million due to increases in power cost and impacts of the January through March high rainfalls. She continued that we were tracking close to the amended budget. C. Regulatory -Patricia Cleveland stated that in August we had expected the TNRCC to approve the TPDES modified pretreatment program, but it had not been received. D. Capital Improvement Planning Planning -Warren Brewer said that in the August meeting a detailed summary on improvement planning had been given and the information was still current. He offered a copy of the itemized listing to anyone who requested it. VI. Action: Proposed FY 2002 Operating andMaintenance Budget A. Review of Budget Philosophy, Strategies, Objectives, and Contents B. Committee Action on Proposed FY 2002 Budget Patricia Cleveland gave a brief review of anticipated FY 2002 Operating and Maintenance Budget. Warren Brewer reported that we had provided detailed budget information in the August meeting and then held a budget workshop, and that he felt that all questions had been responded to. Bill Willbom asked if there were anything new to report on odor control. Bill Tatum gave a summary of the improvements that had been made, the Phase 5 current odor control projects, and said that Phase 6 had identified hot spots and was addressing those issues. Warren Brewer said that our objective was to balance results and costs and that we had spent approximately $20 million in odor control. Chairman Gravley asked if there were any further questions concerning the FY 2002 Budget. There being none, Ron McCuller made a motion to request that the Board of Directors approve the presented FY 2002 Operating and Maintenance Budget in its October meeting. James Dickens seconded the motion and a unanimous vote followed. The City of Dallas was unable to attend the meeting, but had notified the Authority, via e-mail, that the City agreed with the proposed FY 2002 Budget. VII. Other Business Bud Ervin thanked the TRA staff for their help during the flooding that Mansfield had experienced. VII. Adjourn to Lunch There being no further business, Chairman Gravley adjourned the meeting at 11 :45 a.m. and invited attendees to remain for lunch. 2 12o.00o+1--------------------------------------------1 llMOO +1----------1 100.000 􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀫􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀴􀁟􀀭􀀭􀁟􀀫􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁟􀀫􀁬􀁯􀁾􀀠C--_• CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM HANDOUT AGENDA ITEM V-A FY2002 PERMITS NO: 10303-001 (TXoo22802) Pe.qMIT uMin DEC AI< FEe """ APR MAY UN 􀁕􀁾􀀠AUG ••P OCT 'OV VO MAX MIN TOTAL Fl.OW FLOW FLOW fLOW FI.OW RAJNFAt.L <.:eoo ceoc eeoc TSS TSS TSS HH' HH' HH' OD pH pH CUI "'.􀁾􀁉􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁁􀁖􀁇􀀠OLV,AVG, OLY.MAX. 2-HR PI( iZ·HRPK TOTAl. OLV,AVG. DLY,MAX. " Dl,(,AVG. DLY.AVG. DLY.MAX. OlY.AVo. ClY.AVa DlY.MAX. Ol.:'r.AVG, MIN. MAX. MIN. MIN. OUTFALL ,., .REPORT REpORT :l8U5C , i7 • 45. 15 40 20266 '" 7 2702f!404 , , • 1 .oe. MGO MGO MGO GPM MOO INCHES MOIl. MOIl. LBSIDAY MGIL MGiL LBSICAY MOIl. MOl!. LaS/OAY MOIl. s.u. S.U, "GiL "GiL 140.159 130.54D 2DB.GItO 165534 236.369 3,420 1.1 '.0 1181.4 1.3 2.0 1470.1 ..,., 1.231 21Ht2: 8.' 7.' e.' 1.04 0.00 13&.851 129.630 218.630 1'15093 252.134 4,320 1.3 􀁾􀁡􀀠1415,S 2.0 3.a 2149.3 0.161 0.555 175.6 8.S 7.' ••• t.O? 0,00 137.479 140.601 2136.390 1157561 241.2tl8 2.27 1.1 ... 13&3,0I •• 3.' 1901.5 a.H16 0.&9<1 231.9 a.8 7.' .., 1.020.00 135.0&3 148.995 265.920 215513 310.3.39 U5 1.3 ••• 1791,T 1.' 8.' 2150.S 0.184 ..... 245.3. 7.' r.s .., 1.Oe 0.00 13&.312 158.695 261.930 197686 284.&24 7.19 1.2 ,.. 1804.0 1.' 10.0 2567.9 C.158 ...., 214.1 ... 7.3 7.' 1,020.00 136.526 143.760 205.510 167732 2.41.534 7,85 1.1 3.' 130U 1.0 1.0 1199.0 D.Dsa D.318 n.' 1.' 1.4 7.' 1.04 '.00 136.668 131.660 141.250 113807 163.594 12.00 1.1 '" 1248.4 1.0 I.' 1096.1 '.064 0.163 70,6 1.' 7.' 1.' 1.15 '.00 136.932 134.391 1eO.BBC 11998S172,784 4.81 I.' 2.0 1160.1' I.' I.' 112eA C'(lS6 0.215 75.5 7.' 1.4 8.' 1.00 0,00 137.254 139,m 208.325 165327 231l.C71 6,2$ 1.2 3.• 1m.7 1.4 3.' 1701,7 0.138 0.585 171,8 8.. 1.4 U 1." '.00 140.159 158.595 265".920 215513 310.33tt 12.00 \ .• '.a 17$1,7 ..0 10.0 2587,9 0.227 1.231 289.2 '.8 7.' 1•• 1.1$ 0,00 135.063 129,630 141.250 113607 163.894 :>.27 1.0 2.. 1'160,7 1.0 I.' ,...., ..... 0,153 70.0 6.' 7.2 6.' 1.02 0.00 1G98.030 1118.1'12 50.01 1H159.5 􀀱􀀳􀁾􀀱􀀮􀀹􀀠1374.0 90% FLOW • 14$,&O(I MOO 16% FLOW. l2l.sao MOO • EXCURSIONS: 0 THRee oEPA COLLECT. SYSTEM ""'OF OUTFLOWS 2 ° , • 3 1 •• TOTAL: 15 FV 2002 EFFLUENT QUALITYIFLOW 190.000 I 􀁬􀁾􀁾􀁏􀁏􀀫􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠110.000 I ..,' '" 􀁾􀀠150.000 􀁾􀀠!.'-1 􀁾􀁘􀀾􀀠1"'1 I::: 􀀺􀁾􀀠􀁟􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀠􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁳􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀡􀀠 15.0 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JIIN Jill AUG SEP OCT NOV I_0600 _TSS _NH3 _2002 Dally Avg. Flow -2001 DailYAvg.l'lowl MGD Aug Sep Oct + +Nov 􀁾􀁾􀀠 == =• "'"'"' • 􀁾􀁾􀀠as. 􀁾􀁾􀀠",",",N == Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 􀁾􀀠 0 = 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 ;! (JQ 􀁾􀀠m ." ." r-C m Z -t ." r0 􀁾􀀠 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2001 SCHEDULE OF ACTUAL ANNUAL REQUIREMENT ADJUSTED FOR INTERCEPTOR III (METHOD 2) CONTRACTING PARTY FY2001 CONTRIBUTION BASED ON ACTUAL FLOW TOTAL FLOW !MGl PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF FY2001 ACTUAL ANNUAL REQUIREMENT BASED ON ACTUAL FLOWS TRA INTERCEPTOR III !MGl ADJUSTED FY2001 CONTRIBUTION TOTAL FLOW !MGl PERCENT ADJUSTED DISTRIBUTION OF FY2001 ACTUAL ANNUAL REQUIREMENT FY2OO1 ACTUAL ANNUAL REQUIREMENT ADJUSTMENT ADDISON 830.338 1._ $796,319 830.338 1.553% $797,508 $7,153 ARLINGTON 16,100.830 29.838% $15,322,532 0.495 16,100.335 30.111% $15,462,625 $140.193 BEDFORD 1,751.036 3.245% $1,666,397 1.751.036 3.275% $1,681,802 $15,_ CARROLLTON 4,439.217 8.227% $4,224,796 2.53 4,436.687 8.296% $4.291.251 $36.460 CEDAR HILL 107.737 0.200% $102,705 107.737 0.201% $103,219 $514 COLLEYVILLE 912.313 1.690% $867,851 6.007 906.306 􀀱􀀮􀀶􀁾􀀵􀀥􀀠$870.429 $2.566 COPPELL 1,432.413 2.654% $1.362,902 1,432.413 2.679% $1,375,740 $12,836 ZDALLAS 3,166.082 5.867% 33.012,866 167.624 2,976.236 5.570% $2.680.346 ($152,518) J> D/FW AIRPORT 795.167 1.474% $756,939 795.167 1.437% $783.615 $5,676 Z.,DUNCANVILLE 80.654 0,112% $57,515 80.654 0.113% $58,029 $514 0 EULESS 1,430.274 2.651% $1,361,361 30.426 1.399.548 2.616% $1,344,415 ($16,946) C FARMERS BRANCH 2,180.775 4.004% $2,056,154 0.15 2,180.625 4.041% $2,075,164 . $19,001 ... FORT WORTH 1,009.115 1.870% $960,296 ' 56.782 ' 952.333 1.781% $914,592 ($45,704) B GRANO PRAIRIE 5,929.950 10.989% $5.643,153 145.711 5,754.239 10.616% $5,565,340 ($87,813) rn GRAPEVINE 596.313 1.105% $567,445 36.969 659.324 1.046% $537,150 ($30,298) Z HURST 74.567 0.139% $71,380 74.667 0.140% $71,894 $514 B IRVING 10,460.653 19.367% $9.955,757 17.724 10,442.965 19.531% $10,029.705 $73,946 -... KELLER 770.179 1.427% $732,804 0.946 756.231 1.439% $738,966 $6,162 rn I:MANSFIELD 1,149.337 2.130% $1,093,813 1,149.337 2.150% $1,104,064 $10,271 N RICHLAND HILLS 231.433 0.429% $220,303 1.897 229.536 0.429% $220,303 $0 < •IIISOUTHLAKE 562.399 1.023% $525,lI39 4.036 548.346 1.025% $526,399 $1,027 53,960.885 100.000% $51,352.746 491.521 53.469.364 100.000% $51,352,746 $0 "<112002 AdJ.lnOlfinlLxl. TRA Q,0002717 0.0003222 0.0003957 TRA 0.042 0.150 TRA 1&.099 9.8.0 1.167 15.209 54.862 150.87 53.36 6.39 70.52 400.79 The AdJU15ted TRA Interceptor iii (MG) for the City of Keller waG 􀁥􀁯􀁭􀁈􀀻􀀻􀁴􀁾􀀠to O.mMG e1W' the Flceal Year 2001 Sd'ledule of ActuBi Annual Requfrllment was ftnaltzed. 􀁾􀀮thl$ 􀁾􀁯􀁮d06Ii not atroct the Contnbutlon SUed on Actual F10w (%) orthe AotuJi Mnual Requltement ($). ., ;;ctJldm2001.x1sst4'lOOZ CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CAPACITY FOR UPSTREAM CITY (METHOD 21 Cltv !Irvlng m:rs Brancn j13.0E Soutn Keller Euless 1"· SB 11.9B 12.8B 12.0B 􀁾􀁎􀁏􀁲􀁴􀁨􀀠Rlcnland Hllls114.0B nKeliel IGran Arlington Fort Wortn Euless Euless Euless Euless Grand Prairie Dallas IGrand Prairie 19. 1 ' °·OW 11.8W 13.0W 1 16 . 5W 18.0W 15 . OJ f3.OM IS.1M City Dallas 10,11; ortn Rlcnland 􀁈􀁭􀁾􀀠jrand Prairie jrand Prairie :uless lee Meter 10 I Node Lateral 􀁉􀁬􀁦􀁬􀁌􀁴􀀺􀀧􀁌􀁴􀀺􀁐􀁾􀁕􀁉􀀠!".0e IMs11.oe leFO IMS",.<>n IW_F__ lF011.1 JFO' ,Fa BBP BBP BBP BBRI lee Bedford Bed 115.0W 2460"'" 2470"'" 2860"'" 3720Yl 􀁾􀀠lur. Bedford Arlin tal Arlin tOI Grand Prairie md Prairie Artln ton Arlin ton Arlin ton Mansfield lW 7.0. MS .rr 37'I n30w 13539W WF01.t1B EaS MS18.6W WF014A.3 EaSB 3860W WF019 SBT 3480W WF014A EaSB 1810J JT008 CWRR MS8.0J Jt001 ewcs MS4.5M MC002.1 Me2 ... ,,"'.. ..,."',.,.. FCep 5.3M 2120M EMCR eH 2290M Net 7.0M 1080M 9.0M S030M 9.6M 1950M 􀀱􀀱􀀴􀁾􀀠2821. 8783. 650.1 3525.1 7560.1 2747.16 20372.81 ( 11390.00 11390.00 '.00 109.20 29700.00 FM 16340.00 ----gsj" 4558.00 24 ....1:. 􀁾􀀠60 --'" 0.00408 0.0031: 0.01980 0.00440 0.00150 􀁾􀀮􀁏􀁏􀀱􀀰􀀰􀀠0.00260 30 0.00.400 36 0.00219 0.00075 􀀱􀀴􀀮􀀴􀁾􀀠2.01' 14.82' 44.36: 101.140 13.0Q!! " ).766 '.249 ::1.320001 20.20 15 J.0200 ::1.0034 J.00266 102401 100260 100400 361 0.00220 .... 􀁾􀁖􀁬􀀠il.22B 7.526 101.14" 5.01 i.1.t1 31.369 , vs.75% complete Construction to be completed by October 2002 6 List of Construction Project Improvements Completed since August 2001 Report 1. Flow Monitoring and Telemetry Improvements 2. 2000 Odor Control Stage IV Project -Biofilters 3. Solids Dewatering and Handling Equip. -Belt Presses 4. Sludge Collection System 5. MC-1 Pipeline 6. WF-C,N,B,P,&M Pipeline 7. III Management Phase 111-update POE and flow data, and select ESRI GIS and HydroWorks software 7 .. Trinity RiverAuthority of Texas HANDOUT AGENDA ITEM VI DATE: August 13, 2002 FILE: 3110.102/3110.800 TO: MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITTEE CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM RE: Central Regional Wastewater System Proposed FY 2003 Budget Authority management annually prepares a proposed budget of anticipated revenues and expenditures of the Central Regional Wastewater System in accordance with the fiscal provisions of our Wastewater Services Contract for the ensuing fiscal year. We are pleased to present to you the proposed FY 2003 Budget for the annual operating funds of the Central System. This budget is relevant to the time period for December 1, 2002 through November 30, 2003. This budget reflects the proposed financial activities of operating and debt service funds, provides for our continuing ability to deliver high quality, efficient wastewater service to our Contracting Parties, and will continue to position the Central System for increased growth, regulatory changes and maximized internal operational productivity measures to result in cost efficient wastewater treatment. Events of 2001 have led us to re-evaluate priorities and values, and re-assess the vulnerability of our staff and facilities. This past year, the Authority has worked to ensure the security and integrity of our Central System and the reliability of our services and progress on this effort will continue into FY 2003. Therefore, the budget reflects the Authority's continued commitment to protect capital investments, keep operational expenses to a minimum and to maximize the process of increasing operational efficiency throughout the Authority. A brief overview of Central's financial picture for FY 2003 will reveal an increase in overall System expenditures, with only those increases in operating accounts required to meet contractual obligations for our treatment of wastewater, as well as an increase associated with the debt service requirements, as compared to previous year. The operation and maintenance expenditures were developed based on transporting and treating an average daily flow of 150.150 MGD. The cost of debt service requirements is based on principal and interest payments due on outstanding Central Regional Wastewater System Revenue Bonds. The antiCipated expenditures in FY 2003 total $@077:110, an approximate 6.8% increase over the $54,352,130 predicted for the current fiscal year. The projected costs for salaries and related benefits, association dues, maintenance and operating supplies, laboratory Expenses supplies, process chemicals, computer software, licenses and instrument supplies, .55.49 Deb! SaMes and Miscellaneous audits, engineering services, Authority D:2:2.0:2% Other Services and Chaf9lsS .14.46% PelSOlla! Servicescomputer network, process SCADA and .6.1.2% Suppliesmaintenance management support, .1.91% Capita! OutlayS professional services, postage, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 August 13, 2002 3110.102/3110.800 MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 2 Project insurance payments, employee travel, laundry and unifonns, water usage, collection system, equipment, vehicle and electrical system maintenance repairs, transportation and beneficial use of biosolids, administrative overhead and capital outlays essential for delivering services during the year have increased $2,183,400 above the predicted FY 2002 Budget. The increase in the proposed FY 2003 Budget for operating accounts is partly offset by a $404,740 reduction in service cost for power usage and in other operating category accounts by holding the line on controllable costs, as close scrutiny was given to all anticipated expenditures. Along with decreases in some predicted operating accounts, there is an increase in programmed debt payments of $1,946,920, resulting in an overall projected increase of $ 3,725,580 for FY 2003 expenditures above the FY 2002 Budget. As is shown in the following table, and despite additional costs not foreseen one year ago, the predicted gross unit costl1000 gallons is the same as last year's projection for the coming FY 2003, and the net costl1 000 gallons is slightly less than forecast. Anticipated FY 2003 revenues from the System's Contracting Parties, totaling Revenue$54,613,900, reflects an 8.3% increase above the FY 2002 projected revenue requirement of $50,421,660. The resulting _93.49% Conttact 􀁒􀁥􀁾􀁮􀁬􀁊􀁥􀀠predicted gross and net unit costs of 02.64% Interest IllOOme _1.68% Miscellaneous Irv.;omeservice for wastewater transportation and _1.42% Operatlng Overhead and Services treatment throughout FY 2003 are 3.5% .0.77% Professional Fees and 4.9% over the respective predicted FY 2002 budgeted unit costs as reflected in the following table: The following exhibits are presented to provide flow allocations, a summary of budget objectives and detailed infonnation about the five major budget categories, as well as additional quantitative and statistical information for your review: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Flow Allocations Budget Objectives Budget at a Glance Personal Services Supplies Other Services and Charges Capital Outlays Debt Service and Miscellaneous Historical System Data Projected Future Costs of Service \. August 13, 2002 3110.10213110.800 MEMBER, ADVISORY COMMITTEE Page 3 The proposed FY 2003 Budget (Exhibit K) is presented for your review and consideration and will be discussed in the August 13, 2002 Advisory Committee meeting. Additionally, a Budget Workshop will be held in the upstairs conference room of the Administrative Building at the Central Regional Wastewater System on Monday, August 26, 2002, beginning at 10:00 a.m. for those representatives and city staff members who do not attend the Advisory Committee meeting or desire to discuss the proposed budget in more detail. A later Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th, at which time the committee will be requested to recommend the proposed FY 2003 Budget for adoption by the Authority's Board of Directors. If there are any questions concerning the proposed budget or the workshop, please contact the 􀁾􀀢􀁾􀁴􀀠PATRICIA M. CLEVELAND Manager, Operations Northern Region PMC/rrc Attachments c: Danny F. Vance, General Manager Warren N. Brewer, Regional Manager, Northern Region Bill Tatum, Project Manager, Central Regional Wastewater System \ EXHIBIT A CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM FY 2003 FLOW ALLOCATIONS 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% BUDGETED FY 2003 FLOWS z Cl E; cr: « 􀁾􀀠(!) :r: z 0 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠CUSTOMER CITY z 0 ...J ...J f-OJ Z...J '" 0 9 0cr: 􀁾􀀠..J=􀁾􀀠5 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠m ffi 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾z LU VJ J: :::r:j Z () I::;; cr: 0Cl z