Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System ... --. J /April 19, 2006 Dear Customer, Post-it· J;ax Note 7671 Oat. ,/1Z To --.p;;! /f /----From 1/COJDep[f IJ CO, Phona# Phone 1# Fax # Fa,," (Z 􀁬􀀮􀁲􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀠􀁾􀀠"//A copy of the monthly flow report for January 2006 is enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience, 􀀻􀁴􀀬􀀦􀁾􀀨􀀠MarK L Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 oroeckm@trinitvra,orq David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 dupuyd@trinitvra,orq 􀀭􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀭􀀧􀀭􀁾 I TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES JANUARY 2006 ttRACTING PARTY FLOW (MGD) %CONTR. XTDFY % PROJ% %VAR ISON 2.1319 1.680 1.642 1.546 6,19 IiNOTON 38.2734 30.075 30,049 27.925 7.60 r. FORD 4.1527 3.263 3,253 3.157 3,05 fOLLTON 13.7279 10.787 10.898 9,085 19,95 • 􀁾􀁒􀁈􀁬􀁬􀁬􀀠0.4858 0.382 0.339 0.322 5.13 LEYVllLE 2.6142 2,054 1.884 1.612 12.67 • ElL 3.1501 2.475 2.491 2.820 ·11.67 • 'AIRPORT 1.8333 1.441 1.347 1.708 -21.14 • 4.9455 3,886 3.541 5.316 -33.39 • o 0.1349 0.106 0.096 0.129 ·25,52 •\;1..., ..., 3.8439 3.020 3.078 2.577 19.45 • 3.9019 3,066 3.365 4.124 -18.39 •;!: 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠2.4681 1.939 1.866 1.237 50.83 •a􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠13.6510 10.727 11.030 13,630 -19.07 • 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠2.0988 1.649 1.576 1.130 48.35 •;;; 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠0.3343 0.263 0.267 0.152 75.65 • 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠19.8693 15,613 15.561 16.753 -7.11 2.3815 1.871 1.911 1.749 9,27 ..., t" ;.. 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠fSFIELD 4.9860 3.918 3.896 3,016 29.18 •􀁾􀀠! 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠..., '< 􀁾􀁈RICHLAND HILLS 0.7177 0.564 0.572 0.438 30.59 • ;.. \:3 g '!lLAKE 1.5525 1.220 1.238 1.514 ·18,22 • 􀁾􀀠en ;;l 'ALS 127_261 100.000 lOO;OOO 100_000􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠;;l '" , ;!: s ERSBRANCH DPRAIRIE EVINE 􀁾􀁣􀁡􀁉􀀠year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Some error may occur due to rounding. 􀁾􀁉􀀠Review! Audit 02109!06 rrinted: 411812006 10:16:56A! FlowbyContract.rpt JANUARY 2006 TOTAL GALLONS MeterI.D. FLOWMGD CXIOOO ) 1.5690 48,639 0.2677 8,297 0.3013 9,339 TOTAL 2.1379 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION· Y-T-DAcruALOBLIGATION y.T-D VARIANCE *Based upon monthly metered flows, projected monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. FINAL REVIEW 1AUDIT 02109/06 66,276 5160,089.17 169,996.72 -9,907.54 4118/2006 1O:17:30AM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt HP LaserJet 3200se n v e n tHP LASERJET 3200 APR-24-2006 7:45AH Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 293 4!24!2006 7;44:1BAH Send 7065 I: 02 3 OK , , A4:riJ 19,2006 Dear ClJlltmnll!, A ropy of the morthfy flaw ropen fOt Jill'lIl1l)' 2006 is enclosed.. tfyou hsvs III'I)'qoosUon', pieUM oontad eliher oHhe folruwlng il'ielMdu!tl8 at your earflest -"""', """ 0_ChlerMe!edng TechnIcian (972) 331-4315 􀁾􀁰􀁲􀁧􀀠$5l1 W, S/ngI$Ioo 􀁾􀀠Datu, 􀀱􀀡􀀴􀀧􀁾􀀠Weilo (n2) 􀀲􀁾􀀲􀀲􀀵􀀱􀀠􀁁􀁉􀁴􀀮􀁭􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁆􀁵􀀨􀀹􀁮􀀺􀀱􀁾􀁬􀁪􀀡􀀠􀁾􀀱􀁉􀁢􀀠1 'Il0l: 􀀨􀁑􀁾:k/.l-«14 --HP LaserJet 3200S8 inventHP LASERJET 3200 APR-24-2006 7:30AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 292 4/24/2006 7:29:21AM Send 99727160834 0:44 2 OK OearCuall'lmer, Atopy of Ihtl'YlOlllhlyflaH report for Jam.uuy lOD61! ancjos&d, II you havtl any /lIlMtkmt, please eontad aItber ofltte 1oUoYdng Ind'Nfduallol youreliill1lMl""""'1'1&",(Mark L O!'beI::K Technical SeMces engineer (972) 331-431& Oavid OI.lf!UY 􀁃􀁨􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁦􀁍􀁥􀁬􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁏􀁧􀁔􀁾􀀠(S72) 331-4)15 􀁾􀀰􀁦􀀹􀀠􀁾􀁉􀀠a=•• 􀁾􀀠••• 􀁾􀀠, • 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠E , , .. 􀁾􀀠li 􀁾􀁉a"';!:i";" a ... ::1 -􀁾􀀠",;:j .. -:::: -"'::! -􀁾􀀠<> -! aI'J 1: ;:: II 􀁾􀀠;t Ii: ; :;. .« l:1 ::s ; g 􀁾􀀠;0: i :: 􀁾􀀠E! ::i 81 f, ! Vf '-1104 of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System March 31, 2006 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for December 2005 is enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 \ 6500 W Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263·2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Lab Fax (972) 331-4414 TRlNITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRffiUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES DECEMBER 2005 !;;QNTRA!;;IING PARTY n.OW!M2D) %CONTR. YTDEX % P!.l,OJ% %VAR ADDISON 1.9937 1.6069 1.6069 15460 3.94 ARLINGTON 37.3494 30.1034 30,1034 27,9250 7,80 BEDFORD 4,0348 3,2520 3.2520 3,1570 3,01 CARROLLTON 13,6984 11.0408 11.0408 9,0850 21.53 • CEDARHlLL 0.3661 0.2951 0,2951 0.3220 -8.36 COLLEYVILLE 2.1270 1.7143 1.7143 1.6720 2,53 COPPELL 3,1185 2.5135 2,5135 2.8200 -10.87 • DALLAS 3,6658 2,9547 2,9547 5.3160 -44,42 • DFWAlRPORT 1.5566 1.2546 1.2546 1.7080 -26.54 • DUNCANVILLE 0.1069 0,0862 0,0862 0.1290 -33.19 • EULESS 3,9032 3.1459 3.1459 2.5770 22.08 • FARMERS BRANCH 4,5678 3,6816 3,6816 4.1240 -10.73 • FORT WORTH 2,2274 1.7952 1.7952 1.2370 45,13 • GRAND PRAIRlE 14,1084 11.3713 11.3713 13,6300 -16.57 • GRAPEVINE 2.1201 1,7088 1.7088 1.!300 51.22 • HURST 0,2997 0,2415 0,2415 0.1520 58.90 • IRVING 19,2932 15.5502 15,5502 16.7530 -7,18 KELLER 2.4284 1.9573 1.9573 1.7490 11.91 • MANSFIELD 4,8195 3.8845 3,8845 3,0160 28,80 • NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0,7218 0.5817 0.5817 0,4380 32,$1 • SOUTHLAKE 1.5635 1.2602 12602 1.5140 -16.76 • TOTALS 124.0702 10ll-0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more, "Minor variations It\Y occur due to rounding. Printed: 3/2912006 3:50:15PN. FlowbyContract.l]>t ADDISON TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STAnON SUMMARY DECEMBER 2005 MeterL D. FLOWMGD TOTAL GALLONS (XI000 } 1.5066 46,704 0.2329 7,220 0.2542 7,880 TOTAL 1.9937 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION' Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE *Based upon monthly metered flows, projected monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. FINAL REVIEW I AUDIT 02109106 61,804 $80,044.59 83,197.24 -3,152.65 HP LaserJet 3200S8 inventHP lASERJET 3200 APR·4·2006 11:10AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 76 41 4/2006 11:09:20AM Send 99727160834 0:38 2 OK ACX'9Y of !he momhlr flow report tot De(Q7.<)263·i22!1 AdIm!'.tII i972l331-4412: tAll"p {frn!I3al>4414 Trinity River Authority of Texas Northern Office 3826.102/2828.800 February 14, 2006 Ms. Nancy Cline Director, Public Works Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 RE: Central Regional Wastewater System FY 2007 Budget Preparation Projected Contracting Party Flows Dear Ms. Cline: The projection of annual wastewater flows is an important part of the determination of expenditures and revenue obligations in the annual budgets. These projections are based on historical flows, general population projections, and/or projected flows provided by the contracting parties. We are currently collecting data for the preparation of the Central Regional Wastewater System FY 2007 Budget. It would be very helpful if you could have the attached form completed and returned to me by April 17, 2006. I have enclosed a summary of the FY 2005 flows and percentages, and the budgeted flows and percentages for FY 2006. Timely receipt of your flow projections for the time period December 1, 2006, through November 30,2007, would be beneficial and greatly appreciated. If further information is needed, please call me at (817) 493-5100 . . NELSON Man ar, Operations Services Northern Region :.';.JMN\rrr f .' Attachments c: Patricia M, Cleveland, Manager, Operations, Northern Region Bill Tatum, Project Manager, Central Regional Wastewater System P.O. 80)(240 Arlington, Texas 76004-0240 (817) 49a.5100 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ACTUAL AND PROJECTED FLOWS as of 2/13/2006 CONTRACTING 2005 2005 2006 I PARTY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED MGD % SHARE MGD iADDISON 2.152 1.538% 2.400 • ARLINGTON 41.557 29.689% 43.339 BEDFORD 4.404 3.146% 4.900 CARROLLTON 13.728 9.808% 14.100 CEDAR HILL 0.409 0.292% 0.500 COLLEYVILLE 2.148 1.535% 2.595 COPPELL 3.832 2.738% 4.375 DALLAS 6.545 4.676% 2.650 DFWAIRPORT 2.532 1.809% 8.250 DUNCANVILLE 0.157 0.112% 0.200 EULESS 3.229 2.307% 4.000 FARMERS BRANCH 4.528 3.235% I 6.400 FORT WORTH 3.029 2.164% 1.920 GRAND PRAIRIE 16.523 11.804% , 21.153 GRAPEVINE 1.879 1.342% 1.753 HURST 0.240 0.172% 0.236 IRVING 23.183 16.563% .. 26.000 KELLER 2.534 1.810% , 2.715 MANSFIELD 4.794 3.425% 4.680 N RICHLAND HILLS 0.750 0.536% 0.680 SOUTHLAKE 1.819 1.299% 2.350 TOTAL 139.972 100.000% 155.196 2006 II,BUDGETEDj %SHARE ! 1.546% , 27.925% 3.157% 9.085% 0.322% 1.672% ! 2.820% 1.708% 5.316% 0.129% 2.577% 4.124% • 1.237% 13.630% 1.130% 0.152% ! 16.753% 1.749% , 3.016% 0.438% 1.514% 100.000% CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM PROJECTED FLOW FOR FY 2007 BUDGET PREPARATION FISCAL YEAR 2007 DECEMBER 1, 2006 -NOVEMBER 30, 2007 CONTRACTING PARTY: ESTIMATED AVERAGE DAILY FLOW IN MILLION GALLONS PER DAY (MGD) FOR FY 2007 INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY: PLEASE RETURN TO: JOHN M. NELSON MANAGER, OPERATION SERVICES TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 240 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76004·0240 (817) 493·5100 (817) 417·0367 (FAX) PLEASE RETURN BY APRIL 17, 2006 --invent HP LaserJet 3200se HP LASERJET 3200 MAR-9-2006 2:39PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 181 31 9/2006 2:38:31PM Send 7065 1:16 3 OK 3628.10212628.600 February 14, 2006 Ms. Nancy ClIne DIrector, Public woo:s Town ofAdcbon P,O,I!(IJ:9QI(l Mqw:m, Tem. :SOOt.Q01G RE: C6nItaI 􀁒􀁾WHleW!ltttSysWm FY 2007 Slxlget i>nlpat'allon ProjllCted Corur.!.K:ting Party Rows Dear Ms. Cine: il1. 􀁐􀁾􀁏􀁉􀀧􀁬of \\I1ooat W$$!$'W&let llOwa 15 1m lmj:Io(tsfIt pBltofthe 􀁤􀁥􀁴􀁡􀁾of expend!!ures and re'Yenue obll_om In UI8 annual 􀁾􀁴􀁴􀀮􀀠The.a Ff'lljoctiona are bssen monthly metered flows, projected monthlY flows and projected cost ofservice. FINAL YEAREND REPORT 02l17f05 61,382 $802,505.32 790,123.47 12,381.84 111231200 1:03;23PM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt HP LaserJet 3200se inventHP LASERJET 3200 OEC-5-2005 10: 14AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 593 121 512005 10:13:18AM Send 99727160834 0:41 3 OK NC\RImber 23, 2005 DtarCus!O!Mf• . Acopyofftle 􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁨􀁬􀁹􀁴􀁬􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁰􀁏􀁲􀁴􀁦􀁯􀁴􀁾􀁯􀁟􀀲􀀰􀁕It enclosed. It you nave anyquestlollB, plaau eotttad: ei!her 01 theI foUQiliinQ kXlMduala 􀁾your ('I.rIIe,t conven!enc&. Trinity River Authority of Texas Cenlrel Wastewater October 14, 2005 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for August 2005 is enclosed. Please note in this report, we have updated each customer city's projected percent of flow contribution based upon mid year re-allocation. (See "Proj %" column on Contributed Wastewater Flow By Contracting Parties page). , If you have any questions, please contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. 􀀴􀁉􀁴􀁡􀁾􀁾􀀠Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 􀁯􀁮􀁏􀁥􀁣􀁫􀁭􀁾􀁴􀁲􀁩􀁮􀁦􀁴􀁶􀁲􀁡􀂷􀁯􀁲􀁧􀀠David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263·2251 Admin Fax (972) 331·4412 lab Fax (972) 331-4414 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES AUGUST 2005 􀁾􀁎􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁧􀀻􀀺􀁉􀁎􀀡􀀺􀀡􀀠􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁔􀁘􀀠FLOW IM!:!ID ADDISON ARLINGTON BEDFORD CARROLLTON CEOARHlLL COLLEYVILLE COPPELL DALLAS DFW AIRPORT DUNCANVILLB EULESS FARMERS BRANCH FORT WORTH ORAND PRAIRIE ORAPEVINE HURST IRVJNG KELLER MANSFIELD NORTH RICHLAND HILLS SOUTHLAKE 2.1313 41.9916 4.8!7S 13.7279 0.3512 2.1205 3.l433 6.3946 2.2825 0.1053 2.3004 3.8935 3.0606 14.0286 1.8568 0.2551 22.6970 2.61l4 4.8645 0.7286 1.7070 %CONTR. 1.578 31.089 3.567 10.164 0.260 1.570 2.327 4.734 1.690 0.078 1.703 2.883 2.266 10.386 1.375 0.189 16.804 1.933 3.601 0.539 1.264 YTDFY % L557 29.697 3.418 9.657 0.291 LS33 2.851 4.374 1.969 0.123 1.942 3.333 2.176 11.961 t316 0.169 16.612 1.812 3.357 0.538 t315 mOJ% 1.569 29.}35 3.519 9,491 0.303 LS22 2.875 4.780 2.064 0.142 2.094 3.602 1.822 12.338 1.322 0.166 16,428 1.790 3.161 O.5SI 1.328 %VAR -0.78 1.93 -2.86 L76 -4.10 0.73 -0.85 -8.51 -4.S8 -13.39 • -7.26 -7.47 19.41 • ·3.05 -0.50 2.15 2.15 1.12 1.21 6.22 -2.31 -0.99 TOTALS 135.069 100.000 100.000 100.000 *Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Some error may occur due to rounding. Mid Year Proiected % updated 9117/05. Printed: 10114/2005 4:35:28PJl( FlowbyContrael.rpt ADDISON TRlNlTY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY AUGUST 2005 Meter!. D. FLOWMGD TOTAL GALLONS (XIOOO ) 1.5800 48,980 0.2467 7,646 0.3047 9,445 TOTAL 1.1313 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T·D PROJECTED OBLIGAT!ON' Y-T-D ACTUJ\L OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE .Based upon monfhly metered flows, projected monthly flows and projected cost of service. FINAL YEAR END REPORT 02117105 66,071 $656,377.36 651,135_77 5,141.59 10110/200 4:17:09PM 1 NCitiesFlow,rpt invent HP Laser Jet 3200se HP LASERJET 3200 OCT-19-2005 3:44PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 7 10/19/2005 3:42:03PM Send 7065 1:05 3 OK Post-it" Fax Note To CoJOept. Phone It Fax' Fax. Trinity River Authority of Texas Centrat Raglonal Wastewater System SelDtember 09, 2005 Dear Customer, _A .9qp}, of the monthl}, flow report for July 2005 is enclosed. If }'Qu'have any questions, please contact either of the following individuals at },our earliest comJenience. Mark L Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 orbeckm@trinityra,orq David Dupu}' Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 AdmincFax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES: JULy 2005 CONTRACT!]SG PfoRIX FLOW(MGD) '. %CONTR. YTD[X % PRO,! % %VAR ADDISON 􀀲􀀮􀀰􀀴􀁉􀁾􀀠L451l 1.5539 1.5080 3.05 AALlNGTON 44.2079 31.4220 29.5305 28.2000 4.72 BEDFORD 4.7216 3.3560 3.4005 3.2410 4.92 CARROLLTON 13.7279 9.7575 9.5962 9.3260 2.90 CEDARHILL 􀀰􀀮􀀳􀁾􀀸􀀵􀀠0.2619 0.2943 0.2140 31.50 • COU.EYVlLLIl 2.0972 1.4906 1.5285 1.6810 -9.39 COPPELL 4.1204 2.9281 2.9139 2.8110 3.66 DALl..AS 5.3169 3.8218 4.3301 5.9530 -21.26 • DFWAlRPORT 2.5624 1.8213 2.0028 !.5280 31.01 • DUNCANVILLE 0.0911 0.0690 0.1281 0.1320 -2.94 EULESS 2.6425 1.8783 1.9103 2.8280 -30.33 • FARMERS BRANCH 4.3625 3.1008 3.3873 4.4310 -23.55 • FORT WORTH 3.2624 2.3188 2.1647 0.9920 118.22 • GRAND PRAIRIE 15.7007 11.1597 12.1499 11.6410 4.31 GRAPEVINE 1.1861 1.2695 1.3086 1.0720 22.01 • HURST 0.2420 0.1720 0.1669 0.1420 17.54 • IRVING 23.. 0331 16.3119 16.5891 11.1920 -6.16 KELLER 2.5395 l.8050 1.1913 1.7960 O.o? MANSFIELD 53500 3.8027 3.3281 2.8270 17.72 • NORTH RlCIILAND HlLLS 0.6833 0.4851 0.5316 0.4500 19.46 • SOUTHLAKE 1.1666 1.2551 1.3213 1.4290 -1.54 TOTALS 140.6907 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 'Fiscal year average deviates from tbe projected average by 10% or more. Printed: 911112005 8:35:SSM 1 FlowbyContract.rpl TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY JULY 2005 MererL D. 'l3_1E 13_2E 13_3E FLOWMGD 1.5839 0.2375 0.2202 TOTAL GALWNS rx1000 ) 49,100 7,363 6,827 TOTAL 2.0416 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y·T·D PROJECTED OBLIGATION' Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-DVARJANCE 'Based upon monthly metered !lows, projected monthly !lows and projected cost of service. FINAL YEAR END REPORT 02117/05 63,290 $559,555.37 576,598.02 -17,042.65 9/812005 8:36:29AM 1 NCitiesFlow.J:1l1 HP LaserJet 3200se inventHP LASERJET 3200 SEP·13·2005 10:29 Fax Ca:1I Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 913 9/13/2005 10:28:45 Send 99727160834 0:43 3 OK Dearcu.tomer. DlvidO\Jpuy TlChnidan 􀁾􀀱􀀲􀀩􀀳􀁊􀁦􀀭􀀴􀀳􀀱􀀵􀀠guyt:@trIl?m.O!Q MOOV{,SlnQ/IfoCONI& YTDD:% EBQJ% %VAR ADDISON 2.2699 1.5745 1.5569 1.5080 3.25 ARLINGTON 43.2815 30.0211 29.2626 28.2000 3.77 BEDFORD 5.3275 3.6953 3.5327 3.2410 9.00 CARROLLTON 13.7279 9.5220 9.3912 9.3260 0.70 CEDARHllL 0.4590 0.3184 0.3263 0.2140 52.50 • COLLEYVlLLE 2.2173 1.5380 1.4894 1.6870 -11.71 • COPPELL 4.2166 2.9247 2.9008 2.8110 3.19 DALLAS 5.3937 3.7412. 3.7088 5.9530 ·37.70 • DFW AlRl'ORT 3.1524 2.1866 2.4571 1.5280 60.81 • DUNCANVILLE 0.2042 0.1417 0.1362 0.1320 3.15 EULESS 2.8902 2.0047 1.9277 2.8280 ·31.83 • FARMERS BRANCH 4.8415 3.3582 3.5811 4.4310 ·19.18 • FORT WORTH 2.9830 2.0691 1.9499 0.9920 96.56 • GRAND PRAIRIE 17.3647 120446 12.6708 11.6410 8.85 GRAPEVINE 1.9690 1.3658 1.3576 1.0720 26.64 • HURST 0.2531 0.1755 0.1649 0.1420 16.12 • IRVING 23.3797 16.2167 16.8976 17.7920 -5.03 KEILER 27267 1.8913 1.8254 1.7960 1.63 MANSFIELD 4.7276 3.2792 2.9590 2.8270 4.67 NORTH RlCIlLAND HILLS 0.8222 0.5703 0.5740 0.4500 27.56 • SOUTllLAKE 1.9626 1.3613 1.3301 1.4290 -6.92 TOTALS 144.1702 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 'Fiscal year average deviates from the projeeted avernge by 10% or more. Final Year End Report 02117105 Printed: 3/1612005 4:12:16PJII 1 FlowbyContract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY FEBRUARY 2005 TOTAL GALLONS Ml>mrI. D. FLOWMGD (X1OOO ) 1.7105 47,893 0.3552 9,946 0.2043 5,719 TOTAL 2.2699 OBUGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION' Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE . 'Based upon monthly metered flows, projected . monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. FINAL YEAREND REFORT 02117/05 63,557 $207,242.73 213,968.24 -6,725.51 3/16lW05 4:12:50PM 1 NCitiesFlow,rpt invent HP LaserJet 3200se HP LASERJET 3200 MAR-24-2005 11:38AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 140 3/24/2005 11:37:17AM Send 7065 1:02 3 OK • March 16, 2005 Dew ClIl1cmer. DavtI DlipitJ _ 􀁾􀀠ChlefMetamgTBdri:tan (972) 331-4316 dlWwtnf)jrIolym om , . Trinity River Authority of Texas Centrat Wastewater March 1, 2005 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for January 2005 is enclosed. . If you have any questions, please contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 orbeckm@trinitvra.orq David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972)331-4315 dupuvd@tnnitvra.ora 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263·2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Lab Fax (972) 331-4414 TRIN1TY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTBACTING PARTIES JANUARY 2005 CONTRACIIN2PARTY FLOW!M2Dl %CONTR, YTDFY % £ROJ% %VAR ADDISON 2.4130 1.6071 L5451 1.5080 2.46 ARLINGTON 42.9154 28.5822 28.8509 28.2000 2.31 BEDFORD 5.2498 3.4964 3.4516 3.2410 6.50 CARROLLTON 13.7279 9.1430 9.3085 9.3260 -0.19 CEDARHlLL 0.4877 0.3248 0.3343 0.2140 56.19 ' COLLBYVlLLE 2.1703 1.4455 1.4640 1.6870 -13.22 • COPPELL 4.2425 2.8255 2.8825 2.811 0 2.54 DALLAS 5.9717 3.9772 3.9379 5.9530 -33.85 ' DFWAlRPORT 3.7608 2.5048 2.5703 1.5280 68.21 ' DUNCANVILLE 0.2099 0.1398 0.1334 0.1320 1.04 EULESS 2.8866 1.9225 1.8886 2.8280 ..33,22 • FARMERS BRANCH 5.8929 3.9247 3.6700 4.4310 -17.18 • FORT WORTH 3.3430 2.2265 1.8921 0.9920 90.74 • GRAND PRAlR1E 20.3120 13.5280 12.9128 11.6410 10.93 • GRAPEVlNE 2.0416 1.3597 13503 1.0720 25.96 ' HURST 0.2419 0.1611 0.1598 0.1420 12.51 ' IRVING 24.6228 16.3991 17.1600 17.7920 -3.55 KELLBR 2.7154 1.8085 1.7914 1.7960 -0.26 MANSFIELD 4.1265 2.7483 2.8097 2.8270 -0.61 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.8645 0.5758 0.5742 0.4500 27.59 • SOUTHL.AKE L9S1l 1.2995 1.3128 1.4290 -8.13 TOTALS 150.1473 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 'Fiscal year average devialeS from the projected .verage by 10"J!. or more. Final Year End Report 02117/05 Printed: 212812005 4:41:45Plv: F1oviby()ontn>clrpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY JAlfUAURY 2005 TOTAL GALLONS Meter I. D. FLOWMGD IXIOOO ) 1.8101 56,113 0.3622 11,230 0.2407 7,462 TOTAL 2.4130 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION" Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-DVARIANCE "Based upon monthly metered flows, projected monthly flows and projected cost of service. FINAL YEAR END REPORT 02/17105 74,804 $142,767.21 146,276.45 -3,509.24 212812005 4:43:04PM 1 NCitiesFlow,rpt HP LaserJet 3200se HP LASERJET 3200 invent MAR·7·2005 11:4SAM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 923 31 712005 11:44:0SAM Send 7065 1:04 3 OK A CIIJ7i of !he monthly tklw,..port for January ZOOIII endOied. . , If YOII hive any q1JlstlollS. 􀁾.... oontfIc:t elher ofthe tolbwinq 1nd1Yk1ua1t at yout ealilllit COIlYe:nlence. . • Mark L O!bect T&dmIeaI SeMtet El'lOIMIK (9n}3314319 mtmd!m@frtp8ymqm DlWidOUM . ChlefMeter\ngTechnlclan (972:) 931-4315 dvpuydIliIl!1n.!m! 91l 􀂫􀀭􀁏􀁏􀁖􀁩􀁉􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁂􀁉􀁉􀁴􀁤􀀠QIIQ. or-. 1U12 􀁍􀁉􀁴􀁮􀀺􀁉􀀨􀁴􀀡􀀧􀁬􀀱􀁩􀁾􀀱􀀠􀁾􀁭􀁨Filii 􀀨􀁬􀀷􀀲􀁬􀀳􀀳􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀲􀀠􀁌􀁜􀀱􀁢􀂷􀁆􀁩􀀺􀀾􀁣􀂷􀁾􀀺􀁩􀀳􀀱􀀮􀀮􀀴􀀴􀀱􀀴􀀠 fj.r ec:;d 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁭􀁾􀁔􀁥􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀂷􀀠Central Wastewater March 1, 2005 . Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for December 2004 is enclosed. Your contractual percentages and flow amounts have been updated in accordance with the FY2005 budget. If you have any other questions, please contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 . David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 .' ...'. 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Atlmin Fax (972) 331·4412 Lab Fax (972) 331·4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES DECEMBER 2004 CORrRACTJNG PARIX FLOW (M!O;D) %CONTR. YTDlX % PROJ% %VAR ADDlSON 2.1442 1.4807 1.4807 1.5080 ·1.81 ARLlNGTON 42.1820 29.1295 29.1295 28,2000 3.30 BEDFORD 4.9307 3,4050 3.4050 3.2410 5.06 CARROLLTON 13,7279 9.4800 9.4800 9.3260 1.65 CEDARHlLL 0.4982 0.3441 0.3441 0.2140 60.77 • COLLEYVILLE 2.1479 1.4833 1.4833 1.6870 -12.08 • COPPELL 4.2596 2.9416 2.9416 28110 4.64 DALLAS 5.6434 3.8972 3.8972 5.9530 -34.53 • DFWAlRPORT 3.8204 2.6382 26382 1.5280 72.66 • DUNCANVlLLE 0.1835 0.1267 0.1267 0.1320 -3,99 EULESS 26839 1.8534 l.8534 2,8280 -34.46 • FARMERS BRANCH 4,9319 3.4058 3.4058 4.4310 -23.14 • FORT WORTH 2,2379 1.5454 1.5454 0.9920 55.79 • ORAND PRAlRIE 17.7750 12.2748 12.2748 11.6410 5.44 GRAPEVINE 1.9413 1.3406 1.3406 1.0720 25.06 • HURST 0.2.293 0.1584 0.1584 0.1420 11.52 • m.VlNO 25.9916 17.9490 17.9490 17.7920 0.88 KELLER 2.5684 1.7737 1.7737 1.7960 ·1.24 MANSFIELD 4.1610 2,8735 2.8735 2.8270 1.64 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.8290 0.5725 0.5725 0.4500 27.23 • SOUTHLAKE 1.9211 1.3267 l.3267 1.4290 -7.16 TOTALS 144.8083 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 ·Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10"10 or more. Final Year End Report 02117/05 Printed: 2!.UII200S 4:37:41PIv. FlowbyContract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY DECEMBER 2004 TOTAL GALLONS MeterI.D. FLQWMGD IXIOOO ) 1.6306 50,547 0.3368 10,442 0.1768 5,482 TOTAL 2.1442 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION' Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-DVARIANCE 'Based upon monthly metered flows, projected . monthly flows and projected cost of service. FINAL YEAREND REPORT 02/l7iOS 66,471 $71,188.57 69,901.13 1,287.44 212812005 4:38:33PM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpl HP LaserJet 3200se inyentHP lASERJET 3200 MAR-3-200S 12:19PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 879 31 3/2005 12:18:09PM Send 7065 1: 06 3 OK _. -Atop)' 01 tho iMn1hfy tlowreportfor 􀁏􀁴􀁾􀁩􀀺􀁭􀁢􀁯􀀧2004 Ie enclosed-Your oednlcWllI percentag'n and 1\coJv amoura have been I.!pdstad in 􀁾􀀢􀁾Wfth the FY2OO5 budgtL . • 􀁬􀁲􀁹􀁣􀁵􀁨􀁡􀁶􀁥􀁡􀁮􀁹� �􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁱􀁷􀁤􀀼􀁭􀁡􀀮􀁾􀁥􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁡􀁥􀁦􀀺􀁥􀁬􀁬􀁨􀁬􀀡􀁬􀁬􀀧􀁯􀁦􀁴􀁨􀁉􀁊􀁊􀁪􀀩􀁾􀁩􀀧􀁜􀁤􀁉􀁶􀁬􀁤􀀦􀁩􀀮􀁬􀁴􀀮􀁬􀁹􀁯􀁵􀁲􀁾CMYMionco, -. 􀁍􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁌􀁾􀀠TocMlcaI sml¢U Engineer (972) 3314319 􀀮􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁱􀀠􀁥􀁳􀁣􀀺􀁯􀁷􀁾􀁾􀀠o.IIu, 1'I.lca 111312 lloiIftl:I (1m) m.2251 MIin FlO< (SIn) 3314J1t 􀁗􀁴􀁆􀁉􀁉􀁬􀁃􀁻􀀹􀀧􀀱􀀷􀁊􀁾􀁦􀀮􀀮􀀴􀀴􀀱􀀧􀀠 Trinity River Authority of Texas 􀁾􀁾w,.@\f5arJ%s Cent rat Regional Wastewater System February 23, 2005 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for November 2004 is enclosed. This report contains all final flow adjustments resulting from our' internal and external.year-end flow audits. Final audited flows including your individual III Pro-ration amounts will be forwarded to you in a separate letter from the Northern Region office following final review and approval. Also included in the report is a table of your individual monthly flow averages which may depict flow revisions from your previous monthly reports. Please use this table if you need to summarize or update your 2004 flows. If you have any other questions, please contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331 9 orbeck Dav! D Y Chief etering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263·2251 Admin Fax Fax (972) 331·4412 Lab Fax (972) 331-4414 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES NOVEMBER 2004 !.::QNTRACTING PARD: FLOW (MGD} % CO!!lTR. YTDFY % PRQ,[% 0/0 VAR ADDISON 2.5601 1.6514 1.5557 1.5400 1.02 ARLINGTON 45.5150 29.3589 29.7047 29.7930 -0.30 BEDFORD 4.6321 2.9879 3.2106 3.3360 -3.76 CARROlLTON 13.7279 8.8550 9.4357 9,8790 4.49 CEDARHlLL 0,5060 03264 0,2703 0,2550 6.02 COlLEYVll.LE 1.9443 1.2542 1.5537 1.7060 -8.93 COPPElL 4.1214 2.6585 2.7477 2.1730 -ll.91 DAlLAS 8.0159 5.2092 5.5683 6.3720 -12.61 • DFWAlRPORT 4.3173 2.8235 1.6543 1.4560 13.62 • DUNCANVILLE 0.2055 0.1326 0.1347 0,1480 -8.99 EULESS 2.8239 1.8215 2.2383 2.4230 -7.62 FARMERS BRANCH 5.5927 3.6075 3.7767 3,8840 -2.76 FORT WORTH 2.8648 1.8479 1.2647 0.9750 29.71 • GRAND PRAIRIE 21.0056 13.5494 13,6307 11.8790 14.75 • GRAPEVlNE 2.2241 1.4346 1.1593 1.1170 3.79 HURST 0.2024 0.1305 0.1426 0.1480 -3.67 IRVING 24.9251 16.0776 15,7876 16,0610 -1.70 KElLER 2.8051 1.8094 1.6625 1.6520 0.63 MANSJiIELD 4,1540 2.6795 2.6694 2.7200 -1.86 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.8155 0.5260 0.4763 0.5020 -5,12 SOUTHLAKE 1.9Sll 1.2585 13562 13810 -1.80 TOTALS 155.0297 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 'Fiscal y.... averege deviates from the projectlld averege by 10% or more. Final Year End Report 02117/05 Printed: 2I22l200' 2:20;29PW. FlowbyContract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY NOVEMBER 2004 MeterI.D. FLOWMGD 1.9596 0.3953 0.2052 TOTAL GALLONS IXIOOO ) 58,788 11,860 6,155 TOTAL 2.5601 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION • Y-T-D ACTIJAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE "Based upon monthly metered flows, projected monthly flows and projected cost of service. FINAL YEAREND REPORT 02l171OS 76,804 $849,984.06 858,669.02 -8,684.% 212212005 2:24:56PM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt TRlNllY RIVER AUIHORlTY OF TEXAS CENTRALUGlONALWASTEWATER SYSTEM SUMMARY OF FLOWS AND l"ERCE",.AGES (MGl> AND PERCENT) -FISCAL YEA.R2004 City of Addison, Texas 􀁾􀀠I!!l!I = I!E!: MI! m!. I!!M!. APR MAY ll.!li M AW m Qcr !'illY I'lJll!id!I.G 􀁾􀀠AYli.l> -AOOSN 1,9239 2.1452 2.3021 2.122& 2.1358 2.249:7 2."" 2..... 2.2065 21687 2.3578 2.5601 828,,4101 2,2634 1.5557 Finel O2It7105 Prepared by orbeclo '10 ...... Ot:cernber 7. 2004 •-, 􀁾􀀬􀀠..,Dear Cualomer, A c:opy of 111111 monthly now IlIPort far september 2004Io"enclol8d. If you have any questions, co"tael either of 11'18 following IndiVIduals 81 your 􀁾􀁡􀁲􀁬􀁬􀁡􀀸􀀱􀀠convenience. if/5JLTechnical Swvlces Engineer (972) 331-4319 Oayld Dupuy Chief Meteritlg Technician (972) 331-4315 dupuyd@htnjtympm 6500 w. SlrQllblI1 BM1 OllIla, T ...... 15212 Lleoo (9121 26:J...22S1 NhIn Fill< (972) 331 ......12 LIb Fa. 􀁾􀀱􀀲􀀩􀀠33'......'4 . 􀁾􀀺􀀧􀀠." Trinity River Authority of Texas Cenlral Regional Wastewater Syslem November 22, 2004 Dear Customer, After your monthly flow report for August 2004 was finalized and mailed, we discovered an error in the calculation of your year-to-date financial obligations. The error appears in the August report only, on your 'Metering Station Summary' page (11/1112004), under the Obligation Summary. The error does not affect the monthly-totalized flow volumes and they remain unchanged as originally reported. A revised 'Metering Station Summary' page dated November 18, 2004 is enclosed. Please substitute this page in place of the original mail out. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact our CRWS office so that we may assist. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 (direct office) (214) 876-1517 (ceU) orbeckm®trinitvra.orq cc; Bill Cyrus, Manager Technical SeNices Deparlment CRWS 6500 W Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Melro (972) 263·2251 Admin Fax (972) 331·4412 Lab Fax (972) 331·4414 TRINITY RNER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY AUGUST 2004 TOTAL GALLONS MoterI. D. FLOWMGD CXI000 ) 3.2264 100,019 0.3527 10,934 0.2440 7,563 TOTAL 3.8231 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y·T·D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T·D VARIANCE 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 118,516 $638,649.22 .. 717,071.50 ,. -78,422.28 ., •• 􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾11·18·2004UF 11118/200 9:13:16AM NCitiesFlow.rpl invent HP LaserJet 3200se HP LASERJET 3200 OEC-1-2004 3:52PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 927 121 112004 3:51:52PM Send 7065 0:49 2 OK Novlll1ber22,2004 Dear Customer, Anoryour 􀁭􀁯􀁮􀁬􀁾nOW' report for Augult2004 WIll finlllired andmttllecl, we discovered-an errorin Ihe cala.11atlon ofyQlI" year-Io-clele financial obUgations. The lITO/' appears in the Augue\ report only, on your 'Metering SlaUon Summary' page (11/11I2DD4), under !he ObJIgarJon SummaI)'. The error -22tl.Dlll affect !he monlh!y-tolaliZecl now velume. and thayremain unchanged BS orIglnBlly reported. A rev\a&d 'Metering StaUon Summary' paga dated November 18, 2004 is enclosed. Please aub3!1lute thla page In place orlhe original meD out Wa apologize for enyconfuaJon 01' lnoonvenJence. I'you have any questions, plaals conlBd: 018 CRWS office 80 lhat we mayaullt. 􀀡􀁩􀁾􀀠Mark L. Orbedt Technical SaNa. Engineer (972) 331-4319 (direct officii) (214) 876-1517 (cell) 􀁾􀀡􀁣􀁫􀁭􀁀􀀡􀁲􀁬􀁡􀁲􀁹􀁭pm ce: BII/GyIllS, Manager Techn/csJ Servic6s DeP6l1ment CR... 6!500W, Singl81a1 Blvd. DalII, lUaI n.:I12 N-.v (972) 283-2251 AdIrIIn Fa. (972) 331-4412 lAb Fa (97:1) 331-4414 HP LaserJet 3200S8 inventHP lASERJET 3200 DEC-1-2004 3:56PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 928 121 112004 3:55:50PM Send 99727160834 0:35 2 OK Nevomber22,2004 OearCulltomer, AfIer your monUlIy 1bN report for AugUR 2004 wn finellz$d W1'llails6,-_ diK:OVered ItI'I 􀁾􀁲􀁲􀁯􀁲􀁩􀁮􀀠!he CBIw1aUon of 􀁾􀁲􀁾􀁥l'irnlll:daJ ()bigllSons. The effi)t 􀁾􀁉􀁓In the August mport aNY, on your 'MeterinQ StaIbn Sumrmny' peg. {11111I2OO4j. Uf'Idar the 􀁾SUmmlny, The efIW 􀀮􀁾affaet /he 􀁭􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁨􀁾􀁦􀀩􀁯􀁷\ltII'wn8. Md they nmaIII 􀁾asc.rtplnally mpcrted. A r$Vlsed 'MeWq $taISon Sutnmal')'" 􀁾dated November 16, 2004 Ia eneiOW(,t Phnile 􀁾􀁢􀁴􀁴􀁩􀁍􀁥(hI, page 11 place uftlut onoJnaJ mal CVl 􀁗􀀢􀁥􀁰􀁯􀁬􀁯􀁧􀁾􀀠for any 􀁣􀀮􀁯􀁮􀁦􀁵􀁴􀁬􀁯􀁮􀁯􀁲􀁾􀀮􀀠Ifyoll hM aarqumioM. please COAbIct ow CRWS of!Ioe I!.{) thal_ may ualt;t ItJiiLC 􀁍􀀦􀁲􀀱􀁯􀀻􀁌􀀮􀁾􀀠Tedmlcal Servlce.s E:nglnMf (972) 331.....319 (dJr(d office) ta1"} 87B-1511 (eel!)Q!f }clm@ltinitm.crp fiW) w.. Slll;fQ!m &vIt Ddu, DXIIIf 􀀡􀀡􀀢􀀡􀁉􀀲􀀱􀁾􀀠wew (Irnl)263-22!l AdI!IIr! File (911) :;Qt ..... 1i2 Ul.bF8>I(lInJ3.11-4414 Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System /November 11, 2004 Dear Customer, Post-it" Fax Nole 7671 Oat. 1///7 􀁉􀁴􀁡􀀸􀁾􀁳􀁾􀀮􀀠􀁾􀀠To /:>4. ,J'.-.. C"'-- Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System November 4, 2004 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for July 2004 is 􀁥􀁮􀁣􀁬􀁯􀁾􀁤􀀮􀀠If you have any questions, contact either of the follOWing individuals at your earliest convenience. ;imh.,L Mark L Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 :-:'-"... TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES JULY 2004 CONTRACTING f:ARTI FLQWtMGDI ADDISON ARLINGTON BEDFORD CARROLLTON CEDARHlLL COLLEYVILLE COPPELL DALLAS DFW AlRJ'ORT DUNCANVILLE EULESS FARMERS BRANCH FORT WORTH GRAND PRAIRI1! GRAPEVINE HURST IRVING KELLER MANSFIELD NORTH RICHLAND HILLS SOUTHLAKE 3.2687 45.3244 4.8324 13.9691 0.4268 2.0556 4.1698 8.7384 2.1423 0.2078 3.2339 5.2038 2.0286 20.8957 1.9126 0.2071 21.4578 2.4235 3.7587 0.6983 2.1317 %CONTR. 2.1925 30.4013 3.2413 9.3698 0.2863 1.3788 2.7969 5.8612 1.4369 0.1394 2.1691 3.4904 1.3607 14.0158 1.2829 0.1389 14.3928 1.6256 2.5212 0.4684 1.4298 YTDD: '2 PROJ% 1.6249 29.4229 3.2602 9.5397 0.2621 1.6094 2.7533 6.1241 1.4291 0.1400 2.3609 3.9472 1.2272 13.4324 1.0774 0.1427 15.5755 1.6180 2.6078 0.4736 1.3726 1.5080 30.6660 3.2410 9.0600 0.2140 1.6860 2.7780 5.6210 1.5280 0.1320 2.8270 4.4310 1.0450 10.2590 !.l980 . 0.1370 17.7900 1.7550 2.7280 0.4370 1.1240 0;, VAR 7.75 -4.05 0.59 5.29 22.49 • -4.54 -0.93 8.95 -6.47 6.04 -16.49 • -10.92 • 17.43 • 30.93 • -10.07 • 4.11 -12.45 • -7.81 -4.40 838 22.12 • TOTALS 149.0870 100.0000 100.0000 100.1650 ., Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% Or more. Projected percentages reflect less than 100% total eontribution due to minor flow revisions reques!od by the Contracting Parties after Mid· Year Flow Reallocation. Printed: 1!1412004 9:09:58AM .PlowbyContract.rpl TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY JULy 2004 TOTAL GALLONS MeterLD•. FLOWMGD fXtOOO ) 2.6867 83,286 0.3336 10,342 0.2484 1,701 TOTAL 3.2687 101,329 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION $554,881.37 '. Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION 597,898.78 Y-T-DVARIANCE -43,017.41 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 111412004 9:10:l0AM invent ·HP Laser Jet 3200S8 HP LASERJET 3200 NOV-9-2004 9:17AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 699 111 912004 9:16:00AM Send 7065 1:01 3 OK ) 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀠Trinity River Authority of TexlIS/.!J!ff:--Central Regional Wastewater System July 4, 2004 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for May 2004 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W: Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Melro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTlIORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL W ASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED W ASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES MAY 2004 FLOWfMGDl %CONTR. YTDFY %CONTRACTING PARTY PROJ% O/OVAR ADDISON 2.2497 1.5487 1.5121 1.5080 0.27 ARLINGTON 43.8970 30.2186 29.2630 30.6660 -4.58 !lEOFORD 4.6171 3.1784 3.2769 3.2410 1.11 CARROLLTON 13.5834 9.3508 9.7035 9.0600 7.10 0.3850 0.2650 0.2503CllDAR fIlLL 0.2140 16.96 • COLLEYVILLE 2.4523 1.6882 1.6756 1.6860 ·0.62 COrrllLL 3.9729 2.7350 2.7237 2.7780 -1.95 DALLAS 9.3750 6.4537 6.2596 5.6210 11.36 • 2.2188 1.5274 1.4298DFW AIRPORT 1.5280 -li.42 DUNCANVILLE 0.1851 0.1274 0.1453 0.1320 10.10 • EULESS 3.9523 2.7208 2.3797 2.8270 ·15.82 • 4.9727 3.4232 3.8156FARMERS BRANCH 4.4310 -13.89 • FORTWORTII 1.4164 0.9750 0.9581 1.0450 -8.32 18.7923 12.9366 13.4454GRAND PRAIRIE 10.2590 31.06 • GRAPEYlNE 1.4835 1.0212 1.0969 1.1980 -8.44 HURST 0.2007 0.1382 0.1456 0.1370 6.26 IRVING 22.6842 15.6157 15.7749 17.7900 -11.33 • KELLER 2.3033 1.5856 1.6228 1.7550 -7.53 MANSFIELD 3.8748 2.6674 2.6712 2.7280 -2.08 0.6649 0.4577 0.4938NORm RICHLAND fIlLLS 0.4370 13.00 • SOUTHLAj(E 1.9836 1.3655 1.3561 1.1240 20.65 • TOTALS 145.2649 100.0000 100.0000 100.1650 '" Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Projected percentages reflect less than 100% total contribution due to minor flow revisions ceQQested by the Contracting Parties allec Mi A VlJf1'I of th& mortthtJ IIuw report fo( May 2J:1041s WQf;e(I, If you haw .I'IY questions, contaot etcher oHhe foIIow:ns; kldIvtdv,IJ\f; at your 411rtie11 convenlence. Mark LOrbeCk Technical Service, EnQ\ne1ll' {972) 331-43UI 0r08ckm@lmtltmO!ll Oevld Oupoy Chi" Mlleq Tedmlclan (\.On; 331-4315 􀁬􀁩􀁴􀁭􀁬􀁾􀁏􀁦􀀡􀀿􀀠􀁬􀁉� �􀁬􀁏􀁏􀁗􀀮􀁾􀁥􀁍􀁴􀀬􀀠o.a..-r-75212 NfWlmo)2e3-Z2S1 Mr!WI fa (1)>2) !!3l-4('12 1t¢t1 s.o-w.. FLiC (tltll33t-4414 Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System June 8, 2004 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for April 2004 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Da Id Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AtrrHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES APRIL 2004 CONTRACTING PARI::!C FLOWIMGDl ADDISON ARLINGTON BEDFORD CARROLLTON CEDAR HILL COLLEYVILLE COPPELL DALLAS DFW AIRPORT DUNCANVILLE EULESS PARMEl\S BRANCH PORTWOR1H GRAND PRAIRIE GRAPEVINE HURST IRVING KIlLLER MANSFIELD NOR1H RlCllLAND HILLS SOU1HLAKE TOTALS 2.1358 43.1675 4.6682 13.3356 0.3542 2.3965 3.1752 8.4207 2.0018 0.2111 4.6732 5.0190 0.7406 20.0035 1.5611 0.1998 22.0523 22788 4.3438 0.7010 1.9569 143.9967 %CQNTR. 1.4833 29.9781 3.2419 9.2611 0.2460 1.6642 2.6218 5.8478 13902 0.1466 32454 3.4855 0.5143 13.8916 1.0841 0.1387 15.3144 1.5826 3.0166 0.4868 1.3590 100.0000 100_0000 YTD Ii:¥. % mOJ% %VAR 1.5055 29.0834 3.3811 9.7846 0.2474 1.6713 2.7233 6.2233 1.4104 0.1492 2.2400 3.9368 0.8469 13.5540 1.l135 0.1472 15.8195 1.6308 2.6739 0.5028 1.3551 1.5080 -0.16 30.6660 -5.16 3.2410 4.32 9.0600 8.00 0.2140 15.60 • 1.6860 -0.87 2.1780 -1.97 5.6210 10.72 • 1.5280 -7.70 0.1320 13.02 • 2.8270 -20.76 • 4.4310 -11.15 • 1.0450 -18.96 • 10.2590 32.12 • 1.1980 -7.OS 0.1370 7.48 17.7900 -11.08 • 1.7550 -7.08 2.7280 -1.98 0.4370 15.05 • 1.1240 20.56 • 100.1650 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by IOCJO or more. . Projected pereenlages reflect less than 100% tollll contribution due 00 minor flow revisions requested bv the Con_ling Parties after Mid-Year Flow Reallocation. Printed: 􀁾􀀴􀀱􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀴􀀠11:07:19M FlowbyConlI1lcl.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY APRIL 2004 TOTAL GALLONS Meter I. D. FLOWMGD CXIOOO ) 1.6731 50,194 0.2791 8,372 0.1836 5,509 TOTAL 2.1358 64,075 OBUGATION SUMMARY Y·T·D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y·T·D ACTUAL· OBLIGATION Y·T·DVARIANCE $345,663.80 345,099.44 564.37 "Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected co,t of ,ervice. 6/412004 1l:07:24AM 1 HP LaserJet 3200S8 inventHP LASERJET 3200 JUN-11-2004 8:32AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 28 6/11/2004 8:31:47AM Send 7065 1: 04 3 OK Dear 􀁃􀁵􀁳􀁴􀀡􀁬􀁾􀀨􀀬􀀠A!XIPi' cf Ill!) tf\llnIfII'J floW ttpoltforAptll20!1.( 1$ enClo$ed, It you have any que$tiGnS,. conllH:t either of I.h& r;;lI(o'Hlng IndIl/lc'uaIt lit your eat11e$1 OOlWEInIoflCl!. Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System June 7,2004 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow reports for February and March 2004 are enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Davi upuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 : : 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Melro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES FEBRUARY 2004 COI:iTRACIING PARTY 􀁆􀁌􀁏􀁾􀀱􀁍􀁇􀁄􀁬􀀠%CONTR. YTDFY % PROJ% %VAR ADDISON ARLINGTON BEDFORD CARROLLTON CEDARHlLL COLLEYVILLE COPPELL DALLAS DFWAIRPORT DUNCANVILLE EULESS FARMERS BRANCH FORT WORTH GRAND PRAIRIE GRAPEVINE HURST lRVlNG KELLER MANSFIELD NORTH RICHLAND HILLS SOUTIILAKE 2.3021 42.0485 4.7752 14.1698 0.3745 2.3211 4.0047 9.3420 2.1718 0.2455 3.0591 5.2348 1.6628 19.4973 1.6122 0.2159 22.9500 2.4939 3.6167 0.7374 1.9036 1.5905 29.0501 3.2990 9.7895 0.2587 1.6035 2.7667 6.4541 1.5046 0.1696 2.lJ35 3.6166 !.I488 13.4701 !.I138 0.1492 15.8555 1.7229 2.4987 0.5095 1.3152 i.S270 28.9014 3.4715 9.9774 0.2425 1.6910 2.7836 6.4726 1.4452 0.1461 1.8272 4.0662 0.9614 13.1043 lJ229 0.1515 16.0080 1.6337 2.5911 0.5065 1.3690 !.S080 1.26 30.6660 -5.75 3.2410 7.11 9.0600 10.13 • 0.2140 13.32 • 1.6860 0.30 2.7780 0.20 5.6210 15.15 • 1.5280 -5.42 0.1320 10.68 • 2.8270 -35.37 • 4.4310 -8.23 1.0450 -8.00 10.2590 27.73 • ].1980 -6.27 0.1370 10.59 • 17.7900 -10.02 • 1.7550 -6.91 2.7280 -5.02 0.4370 15.90 • 1.l240 21.80 • TOTALS 144.7451 100.0000 100.0000 10o.I65O • Fiscal ye... average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Projected percentages reflect less than 100% total contribution due to minor flow revisions requested by the Contractinl( PlU'tie. atmr Mid-Y car Flow Reallocation. Printed: 6/4I2D04 10:25:20M FlowbyContract.rpt TRlNITY RIVER AUmORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY FEBRUARY 2004 TOTAL GALLONS Meter I. D. FLOWMGD (XIOOO ) 1.7810 51,649 0.3285 9,526 0.1927 5,587 TOTAL 2.3021 66,762 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $206,943.46 209,547.82 -2,604.36 'Based upon monthly me!ered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projeeted cost ofservice. 6/4/2004 10:25:24AM NCitlesFlow.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES 􀁃􀁏􀁎􀁔􀁂􀁁􀁾􀁔􀁉􀁎􀀲􀁐􀁁􀁒􀁉􀁘􀀠ADDISON ARLINGTON BEDFORD CARROLLTON CEDAR HILL COLLEYVILLE COPPELL DALLAS DFWAIRPORT DUNCANVILLE EULESS FARMERS BRANCH FORT WORTH GRAND PRAIRIE GRAPEVINE HURST IRVING KELLER MANSFIELD NORTH RlCHLAND HILLS SOUTHLAKE Fl..QWtMGD} 2.1228 41.5893 4.7192 14.1056 0.3798 2.3488 3.8374 8.6581 1.9278 0.2321 3.5234 5.7996 1.2223 20.9795 1.6145 0.2076 22.8328 2.4159 3.7299 0.7348 1.8992 %CONTR. 1.4652 28.7060 3.2573 9.7361 0.2622 1.6212 2.6486 5.9760 1.3306 0.1602 2.4319 4.0030 0.8436 14.4806 !.l144 0.1433 15.7597 1.6575 2.5745 0.5072 1.3109 MARCH 2004 YTDEX % 1.5108 28.8502 3.4154 9.9141 0.2477 1.6727 2.7482 6.3423 1.4151 0.1498 1.9858 4.0496 0.9305 13.4653 Ll207 0.1493 15.9429 1.6425 2.5867 0.5067 1.3537 PROJ% %VAR 1.5080 0.18 30.6660 -5.92 3.2410 5.38 9.0600 9.43 0.2140 15.73 • 1.6860 -0.79 2.7780 -1.07 5.6210 12.83 • 1.5280 -7.39 0.1320 13.49 • 2.8270 -29.76 • 4.4310 -8.61 1.0450 -10.95 • 10.2590 31.25 • L1980 -6.45 0.1370 9.01 17.7900 -1038 • 1.7550 -6.41 2.7280 -5.18 0.4370 15.94 • Ll240 20.44 • TOTALS 144.8804 100.0000 100.0000 100.1650 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Projected percentages reflect less than 100% total contribution due to minor flow revisions requested bv the 􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠Parties efler Mid-Year Flow Reallocation. Printed: 6/412004 9:57:56M FlowbyContract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY MARCH 2004 TOTAL GALLONS Meter I. D. FLOWMGD fXIOOO ) 1.6333 50,631 0.2876 8,916 0.2019 6,259 TOTAL 2.1228 65,806 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACfUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $277,440_68 277,950.31 -509_63 "Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 6/412004 9:58:33AM 1 NCi!iesFlow.rpt Texas Central Wastewater April 14, 2004 ,/,/Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for January 2004 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Lab Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTIlORlTY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES CONTRAg:rn!l 􀁾􀁡􀁊􀀡􀀬􀁔􀁙􀀠FLOW!MGDl ADDISON ARLlNGTON BEDFORD CARROLLTON CEDARllILL COILEYVILLE COPPELL DALLAS DFW AIRPORT DUNCANVILLE EULESS FARMERS BRANCH FORT WORTH GRAND PRAIRIE GRAPEVINE BURST IRVING KELLER MANSFlRLD NORTH RICHLAND HILLS SOUl'HLARE L 2.1452 40.0850 52304 13.7279 0.3361 2.3606 3.8515 10.5190 2.0206 0.201S 2.2796 5.5890 0.6693 17.6740 1.5457 0.2112 22.2212 2.4834 3.6070 0.6986 1.9264 % CON]]!,. I.S391 28.7587 3.7526 9.8490 0.2412 1.6936 2.7633 7.5468 1.4497 0.1448 1.6355 4.0098 0,4802 12.6801 LlO9O 0.151S 15.9424 1.7817 2.5879 0.5012 1.3821 JANUARY 2004 YTDFY % PROJ% %VAR 1.4839 28.6188 3.5300 9.9935 0.2326 1.7212 2.7705 7.5164 1.4047 0.1334 1.7895 4.2569 0.5581 12.4940 1.1188 0.1515 15.9605 1.7627 2.6168 0.5011 '1.3850 1.5080 -1.60 30.6660 -6.68 3.24[0 8.92 9.0600 10.30 • 0.2140 8.70 1.6860 2.09 2.77S0 -0.27 5.6210 33.72 • 1.5280 -8.07 0.1320 1.02 2.S270 -36.70 • 4.4310 -3.93 1.0450 -46.59 • 102590 21.79 • Ll980 -6.61 0.1370 10.58 • 17.7900 -10.28 • 1.7550 0.44 2.7280 -4.08 0.4370 14.66 • 1.1240 23.22 • TOTALS 139.3838 100.0000 100.0000 100.1650 • FiSClll year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Projecllld percentages reflect Jess than 100% tollll contribution due to minor flow revisions requested bv the Contnletiq" Parties alter Mid-Year Flow Reallocation. Printed: 4/8/2lI04 3:16:06PW FlowbyContnlcLrpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY JANUARY 2004 TOTAL GALLONS Meter I. D. FLOWMGD IXIOOO ) 1.6747 51,915 0.2902 8,997 0.1804 5,591 TOTAL 2.1452 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T·D PROJECTED OBLIGATION y.T·D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y·T·DVARlANCE 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 66,503 $140,994.45 138,739.58 2,254.86 , J 4/8/2004 3: 16:25PM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpl HP LaserJet 3200se HP LASERJET 3200 invent APR-19-2004 2:56PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 379 4/19/2004 2:55:48PM Send 7065 1:01 3 OK -NlriI14.2004 .' AcopyoHile monthly flow report for Jlinullry,20041$ encfoaad. If you haW! any que$1lotll. contact 􀁥􀁬􀁬􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠!he 1o!Iowin; lndMcfWlia at )'Our eartlelt 􀁴􀀺􀀺􀁯􀁲􀁉􀁜􀀧􀁥􀁊􀁬􀁬􀁳􀁾• . 􀀯􀁾􀁊􀁴􀁦􀁴􀀠(􀁍􀁡􀁲􀁫􀁌􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀠Technical 􀁓􀁡􀁲􀁶􀁾􀀠ErlQII'IHf (912) 331-4319 pP.9!Okm@fttaJlVfilpm De\'fd Oupuy Chfef 􀁍􀁥􀀱􀁥􀁊􀀡􀁬􀁾􀀠TechniCian (972)331-4315 dutymi@Jrinifyt Ml Central Regional Wastewaler System March 11, 2004 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for December 2003 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. 􀁊􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁌􀀠Mark L. Orbeck . Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 orbeckm@trlnitvra.orq David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 dupuyd@trlnityra.orq 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972)263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331·4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 3314414 ADDISON TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY DECEMBER 1003 MeterLD. FLOWMGD TOTAL GALLONS IXIOOO ) 1.5614 48,402 0.2205 6,837 0.1420 4,401 TOTAL 1.9239 59,640 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y·T·P PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y·T·D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y·T·DVARIANCE $70,497.22 67,064.96 3,431.26 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projeeted cost ofservice. 311112004 3:46:54PM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES DECEMBER 2003 􀁾􀁑􀁎􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁃􀁔􀁉􀁎􀀡􀁩􀁩􀀺PARD: FLOWlMGDl %CONTR. YTDD: % PRQJ% %VAR ADDISON ARLINGTON BEDFORD CARROLLTON CEDARHlLL COLLEYVILLE COPPELL DALLAS DFWAIRPORT DUNCANVILLE EULESS FARMERS BRANCH FORTWORTIi GRAND PRAIRIE GRAPEVINE HURST IRVING KELLER MANSFlELD NORTIi RICHLAND HILLS SOlmILAKE 1.9239 38.3628 4.4496 13.6764 0.30l7 2.3592 3.7458 10.0926 1.8314 0.1638 2.6275 6.0844 0.8612 16.7694 1.5222 0.2042 20.6643 2.3504 3.5687 0.6755 1.8716 1.4346 28.6062 3.3180 10.1981 0.2250 1.7592 2.7932 7.5258 1.3656 0.1222 1.9593 4.5370 0.6422 12.S046 1.1351 0.1523 15.4089 1.7526 2.661\ 0.5031 1.3956 1.4346 28.6062 3.3180 10.1981 0.2250 1.7592 2.7932 7.5258 1.3656 0.1222 1.9593 4.5370 0.6422 12.5046 1.I351 0.1523 15.4089 1.7526 2.661l 050J7 1.3956 1.5080 -4.87 30.6660 -6.72 3.2410 2.37 9.0600 1256 • 0.2140 5.14 1.6860 4.34 2.7780 0.55 5.6210 33.89 • 1.5280 -1Q.63 • 0.1320 -7.45 2.8270 -30.69 • 4.4310 2.39 1.0450 -38.55 • 10.2590 21.89 • 1.1980 ·5.25 0.1370 11.16 • 17.7900 -13.38 • 1.7550 -0.13 2.7280 -2.45 0.4370 15.26 • 1.1240 24.16 • TOTALS 134.1067 100.0000 100.0000 100.1650 • Fiscal year average deviates !rom the projected average by 1(lOA. or more. Projected percenlages reflect less thao 100% total contribution due 10 minor flow revisions reQuested bv the Contractiru? Parties after Mid-Year Flow Reallocation. Printed: 3/1lfl004 3:46:IJPIlI, F/owbyContractrpt HP LaserJet 3200se inventHP LASERJET 3200 MAR-17-2004 4:00PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 958 3/17/2004 3:58:58PM Send 99727160834 0:57 2 Stop 􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀮􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀴􀀠.. 1500 tv. Sfttllkln 8M1 DIIu,ltuI7Ii212 NWot'T.l)lI:I).2.?!i1 􀁾fa{m,3tI-U12 'IIIdISVAoR!"u 1i12J3$I-4414 invent HP Laser Jet 3200ge HP LASERJET 3200 MAR·17·2004 3:58PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 957 3/17/2004 3:57:21PM Send 7065 1:09 3 OK invent HP LaserJet 3200S8 HP LASERJET 3200 MAR-17-2004 4:02PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 959 3/17/2004 4:01:08PM Send 99727160834 1:10 3 OK 􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀬􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀴􀀠􀁾􀀯􀁦􀁉􀀱􀀮􀀮􀁌 Mart L Orbeck . Teehnlcal ServIces Er!g!neer (S12) 331.Q19 lIitxtqim@trmh'yl!om 􀀴􀁓􀁏􀁉􀀩􀁷􀀮􀁾BMl 􀁾􀁔􀁄􀁉􀀺􀁬􀁭􀀱􀀲􀀠l6oIrIJ/i12tOiGH2IU MI'i/I ,"(II12}...1....111 11th 􀁾􀁬􀀧􀁵􀁴􀁬􀁮􀀬􀁬􀀳􀀤􀁴􀀭􀀴􀁬􀁩􀀱􀀢􀀠 Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System February 16, 2004 Dear CUstomer, A copy of the monthly flow report for November 2003 is enclosed. This report contains all final yearend adjustments subsequent to our internal flow audit. An additional table showing final average daily flows for each month, a totalized year-end flow and contributing percentage is also included for your reference. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. 􀀯􀁬􀁡􀁌􀁬􀁊􀁊􀁾Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 orbeckm« David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 dupuvd« 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972)331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINlTY RlVERAUTHORlTY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY NOVEMBER 2003 TOTAL GALLONS Meter I. D. FLOWMGD IXIOOO ) 1.7214 51,642 0.2616 7,849 0.1705 5,115 TOTAL 2.1535 64,606 OBLlGAnON SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $798,452.23 820,313.47 -21,861.23 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost of..rviee. 211712004 10:53:11AM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt TIUNI1Y RIVER A1JTHORIIT OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYsn;M 3110.106 SUMMARY OF FLOWS AND PERCENTAGES (MGIl AND PERCENT) FISCAL YEAR 2003 NOVEMBER lO03 -􀁾􀀠!! 􀁾􀀠!lli: Wi FEB l!W. APR MAY JUN llll< ,w;; SEP JK;I l'!QY 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ADDISON 1.sa38 1.9399 2.1>465 2.1605 2.0579 2.1394 2.2008 2.0228 2.1402 2.2995 2.1132 2.1535 169.8796 2.1093 1.50S1 211712004 10:50:29 AM TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES NOVEMBER 2003 !,;;ONTRACTING PARTY FLO:!!! fMGD} 11>CONTR. ITDn 0/0 􀁾􀁂􀁲􀁯11> %VAR ADDISON ARLINGTON BEDFORD CARROLLTON CEDAR HILL COLLEYVILLE COPPELL DALLAS DFWAIRPORT DUNCANV]ll.E EULESS FARMERS BRANCH FORT WORTH GRAND PRAlRlE GRAPEVINE HURST IRVlNG KELLER MANSFIELD NORTH RICHLAND HILLS SOUTllLAKE 2.1535 39.4465 4.7112 13.6574 0.3050 2.4471 3.8741 10.7699 1.9524 0.1318 2.8140 6.1802 0.9779 16.5520 1.4408 0.2043 22.6369 2.4470 3.5043 0.6631 1.8888 1.5520 28.4282 3.3953 9.8426 0.2198 1.7635 2.7920 7.7616 1.4071 0.0950 2.0280 4.4539 0.1048 11.9287 1.0383 0.1472 16.3139 1.7635 2.5255 0.4779 13612 1.5061 29.4897 3.3199 9.7932 0.2354 1.7782 2.8173 6.9741 1.3437 0.1300 2.3553 4.3765 0.7711 9.9408 1.0778 0.1389 17.8097 1.6098 25662 0.5004 1.4652 1.4660 2.74 29.1650 1.11 3.3330 .0.39 95820 2.20 0.2300 234 1.6930 5.03 2.7910 0.94 6.4930 7.42 1.2370 8.63 0.1430 ·9.10 2.2310 557 4.7600 ·8.06 0.7630 0.7630 1.06 9.4840 4.82 1.1630 ·7.32 0.1270 9.35 18.6140 432 1.4950 7.68 2.4750 3.69 05230 4.32 1.5230 ·3.80 TOTALS 138.7583 100.0000 100.0000 99.2910 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or mOre. Projected percentagO$ reflect less than 100% to1al contribution duo to minor flow revisions ",Quested bv the 􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁴􀁲􀀮􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠Parties after Mid· Year Flow ReaI!ooation. Printed: 211712004 1O:51:08At FlowbyContract.rpt invent HP Laser Jet 3200se HP LASERJET 3200 FEB-23-2004 10:06AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 606 2/23/2004 IO:05:40AM Send 7065 1:12 4 OK F.bruary 16, 2004 DHr C!utcmur, IId!!l.L M.i1( L. Orbwck Technical SOlVIe&a Englneer (972)331"'319 qt't!gj;Igu@/dnRWf! om Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System November 24, 2003 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for October 2003 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 DaVid Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 ADDISON TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY OCTOBER 2003 Meter LD. FLOWMGD TOTAL GALLONS (XIOOO ) 1.6436 50,952 0.2773 8,596 0.1923 5,960 TOTAL 2.1132 65,508 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y·T·D PROJECTED OBLIGATION y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $740,347.52 763,165.31 ·22,817.78 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and proje<:ted cost of service. 111201200 11: 13:35PM 1 NCitiesFlow.cpt Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Wastewater November 12, 2003 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for August and September 2003 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck . Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 /6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 ........... -._... TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES AUGUST 2003 CONTRACTING PARTY FLOW!MGDI %CONTR. YTDFY % PROJ% %VAR ADDISON 2.1402 1.6064 1.4958 1.4770 1.27 ARLlNGTON 39.2585 29.4679 29.4397 29.3880 0.18 BEDFORD 4.4589 3.3469 33211 3.3580 -UO CARROLLTON 13.7279 10.3043 9.7496 9.6550 0.98 CEDARHlLL 0.3151 0.2365 0.2315 02320 237 COLLEYVILLE 2.6252 1.9705 1.7503 1.7050 2.66 COPPELL 3.9272 2.9478 2.8251 2.8130 0.43 DALLAS 8.0938 6.0753 6.9132 6.4930 6.47 DFWAlRPORT 1.9644 1.4745 1.2895 12460 3.49 DUNCANVILLE 0.1544 0.1159 0.1373 0.1440 4.67 EULESS 3.1621 2.3735 2.3462 2.2480 4.37 FARMERS BRANCH 5.2144 3.9140 4.4712 4.7960 -<>.77 FORT WORTH L1929 0.8954 0.7708 0.7690 0.23 GRANDPRAlRIE t4.5733 10.9389 9.7750 9.5570 2.28 GRAPEVINE 1.'2905 0.9687 Ll130 1.1720 -5.04 HURST 0.21l0 0.1584 0.1349 0.1280 5.41 IRVING 22.8753 17.1705 18.1784 18.1570 -3.08 KELLER 23518 1.7653 1.5631 1.5060 3.79 MANSFIELD 3.1169 2.3396 2.4756 2.4940 -0.74 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.6152 0.4618 05190 05270 -1.52 SOUTHLAKE 1.9553 l.46n 1.4938 1.5350 -2.68 TOTALS 133.2245 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 It Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Projected percentages reflect changes made after distribution ofmid-year reallocation letters. Printed: 11/12/2003 1:53:!OPM FlowbyContract.rpt ADDISON TRlNI1Y RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METEIDNG STATION SUMMARY AUGUST 2003 MeterI.D. FLOWMGD TOTAL GALLONS IXIOOO ) 1.6868 52,289 0.2447 7,587 0.2087 6,469 TOTAL 2.1402 66,345 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-DACTUALOBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $605,537.98 613,252.50 -7,714.52 "Based upon monthly metered flows, 􀁐􀁲􀁾􀀢􀀢􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠Mont hly flows and projected cost of service. 111121200 1:53:22PM NCitiesPlow,rpt TRlNI1'Y RIVER AUmORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL W ASTEWA TER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES SEPTEMBER 2003 􀁃􀁏􀁭􀀺􀀺􀁒􀁁􀁾􀁉􀁉􀁎􀁇PARTY FLOW (MGDl %CONTR. YTDFY % PROJ'll> %VAR ADDISON 2.2995 1.7125 1.5163 1.4770 2.66 ARLINGTON 38.9292 28.9923 29.3973 29.3880 0.03 BEDFORD 4.6137 3.4360 3.3320 3.3580 ..!j.n CARROLLTON 13.7279 10.2238 9.7944 9.6550 1.44 CEDARIIILL 0.3217 0.2396 0.2377 0.2320 2.45 COLLEYVILLE 2.5097 1.8691 I.7615 1.7050 3.31 COPPELL 3.9845 2.9674 2.8386 2.8130 0.91 DALLAS 9.2565 6.8937 6.9114 6.4930 6.44 DFWAlRPORT 2.2041 1.6415 1.3228 1.2460 6.17 DUNCANVlLLE 0.1271 0.0946 0.1332 0.1440 -7.47 EULESS 2.3094 1.7199 2.2870 2.2480 1.73 FARMERS BRANCH 5.4406 4.0519 4.4316 4.7960 -7.60 FORT WORTH 1.2878 0.9591 0.7886 0.7690 2.55 GRAND PRAlRIE 13.4414 10.0104 9.7973 9.5570 2.51 0RAPEVlNE 1.5183 1.1308 1.1146 1.1720 -4.89 HURST 0.2140 0.1594 0.1372 0.1280 7.22 IRVlNG 23.1518 17.2422 18.0898 18.7570 -3.56 KELLER 2.4220 1.8038 1.5858 1.5060 5.30 MANSFIELD 3.8056 2.8342 2.5095 2.4940 0.62 NORTH RICHLAND IIILLS 0.6600 0.4915 0.5164 0.5270 -2.01 SOUTl!l..AKE 2.0494 1.5263 1.4969 1.5350 -2.48 TOTALS 134.2142 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 .;, Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Projected percentages reflect changes made after distribution of mid-year reallocation letters. Printed: 11/1112003 3:55:25PM FlowbyColltract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 2003 TOTAL GALLONS MeterLD. FLOWMGD fXIOOO ) 1.7818 53,455 0.3075 9,225 0.2102 6,305 TOTAL 2.2995 68,985 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACroAL OBLIGATION Y-T-DVARJANCE $671,837.75 689,722.89 -17,885.14 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost of service. 111111200 3:55:11PM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt Trinity River Authority Central Regional Wastewater October 27,2003 . Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for July 2003 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263·2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Lab Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METIUUNGSTATIONSUMMARY JULy Z003 TOTAL GALLONS Meterl.D. FLOWMGD IX1000 ) 1.5962 49,481 0.2317 7,183 0.1949 6,042 TOTAL Z.OU8 62,706 OBLIGATION SUMMARy Y-T-D PROJEClED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARlANCE $551,935.55 538,931.19 13,004.37 -Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows end projected cost ofservice. 101241200 S:25:14PM NCitiesFlow.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES JULY 2003 CONTRACTING PARTY FLOWLMGD} %CONTR, YTDFY % PROJ% %VAR ADDISON 2.1)228 1.S057 1.4822 1.5180 -2.36 AlUJNGTON 40.6093 30.2279 29.4301 30.2760 -2.79 BEDFORD 4.3845 32636 33174 3.1300 5.99 CARROLLTON 13.7625 10.2442 9.6810 7.9920 21.13 • CEDAR HILL 0.3317 0.2469 0.2376 0.2000 18.78 • COLLEYVILLE 2.7197 2.0245 1.7256 1.6830 2.53 COPPELL 3.9307 2.9159 2.8098 2.5970 8.19 DALLAS 8.7455 6.5098 7.0123 5.6610 23.87 • DFWAIRPORT 1.8679 1.3904 1.2671 1.S390 -l7.67 • DUNCANVILLE 0.1743 0.1297 0.1398 0.1330 5.12 EULESS 3.2338 2.4071 23424 2.8470 -17.72 • FARMERS BRANG! 5.0784 3.7801 4.5371 4.4620 1.68 FORT WORTH 0.9027 0.6719 0.7557 0.9110 -17.05 • GRAND PRA1R1E 12.8246 9.5461 9.6095 11.1160 ·13.55 • GRAPEVINE Ll239 0.8366 1.I279 1.2790 -11.81 • HURST 0.1986 0.1478 0.1321 0.1350 -2.16 IRVlNG 23.5497 17.5294 18.2946 19.1480 -4.46 KELLER 2.1708 1.6158 1.5385 1.6080 -4.32 MANSFIELD 3.7787 2.8127 2.5152 2.1650 16.17 • NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 1.0404 0.7745 0.5477 0.4680 17.03 • SOUTllLAKE 1.8935 1.4095 1.4966 1.1320 32.21 • TOTALS 134.3440 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year ""crage deviates from the projected average by 10".4 or more. Printed: 101241:2003 5:25:01PM FlowbyConlract.",t ___ 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾_______􀂥􀁾􀁟􀁾􀀠􀀭􀁟􀁃􀁟􀁃􀀻􀁉􀀶􀀴􀁎􀀱􀁲􀁾􀁾􀀠 Trinity River Authority of Texas. 􀁾􀁾􀀠Central Regional Wastewater July 31, 2003 Dear Customer, We have completed our Mid Year Audit and have made the appropriate corrections to the flow data. A copy of the Revised monthly flow report for May 2003 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 orbeckm@trinityra.ora David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 Trinity RiverAuthority of Texas Contracting Party, It is time to update our mailing list for the Monthly Flow Reports for the Trinity River Authority. If your mailing address or recipient name or title has changed, please fax the correct information to me at (972) 331-4413 or call (972) 331-4311 at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your assistance, if you have any questions please let me know. Michelle Miles QAlQC Trinity River Authority 972.331.4311 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRDlUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES MAY 2003 CONTRAQIlli!:i. PAl!,TY n:,OWIMGDj %CONTR. YTDFY 􀁾􀀠PROJ% %VAR ADDISON 2.1394 1.5281 1.4658 1.5180 -3.44 ARLINGTON 40.5515 28.9636 29.1653 30.2760 -3.67 BlIDFOJU) 4.7870 3.4191 3.3324 3.1300 6.47 CARROLLTON 13.7279 9.8050 9.5826 7.9920 19.90 • ClIDARHlLL 0.3239 0.2314 0.2299 0.2000 14.95 • COLLEYVILLE 2.4389 1.7419 1.6924 1.6830 0.56 COPPELL 4.0973 2.9265 2.7914 2.5970 7.49 DALLAS 9.0300 6.4496 7.2015 5.6610 27.21 • DFWAIRPORT 1.7630 1.2592 1.2368 1.5390 -19.63 • DUNCANVILLE 0.1890 0.1350 0.1426 0.1330 7.23 EULESS 3.7534 2.6808 2.2305 2.8470 -21.65 • FARMERS BRANCH 6.1975 4.4265 4.7599 4.4620 6.68 FORT WORTH 1.0097 0.7212 0.7628 MHO -16.27 • GRAND PRAIRIE 12.9223 9.2296 9.4841 11.1160 -14.68 • GRAl'EVlNB 1.S447 1.1033 1.1630 1.2790 .1).07 HURST 0.1752 0.1251 0.1275 0.1350 -5.54 IRVING 26.4073 18.8612 18.6149 19.1480 -2.78 KELLER 2.3428 1.6734 1.4947 1.6080 -7.05 MANSFIELD 3.8051 2.7178 2.4755 2.1650 14.34 • NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.7642 0.5458 0.5232 0.4680 11.79 • SOUTIU.AKE 2.0383 1.4558 1.5232 1.1320 34.56 • TOTALS 140.0085 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 ·Fi',,/;:;7;:'-;;t.esfrom the projected average by 10% or more. Printed: 7{3112oo3 1l:10:29A1 FlowbyConlract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY MAY 2003 TOTAL GALLONS MererLD. FLOWMGD fXlOOO ) 1.6298 50,524 0.2635 8,167 0.2461 7,630 TOTAL 2.1394 66,322 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $413,383.83 399,172.43 14,211.40 "Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 713112003 1l:1O:33AM I NCitiesFlow.rpt Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System June 16, 2003 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for May 2003 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331·4414 ADDISON TRINITY RNER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY MAY 2003 Meter L D. FLOWMGD TOTAL GALWNS IXI000 ) 1.6298 50,524 0.2635 8,167 0.2461 7,630 TOTAL 2.1394 66,322 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $413,383.83 410,892.60 2,491.24 ·Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost of service. 6/9/2003 10:38:37AM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES MAY 2003 CQNTRAclING PARTY 􀁆􀁌􀁑􀁾􀀨􀁍􀁇􀁄􀁉􀀠% CONTR. YTDFY 0/0 fRO;r% %VAR ADDISON 2.1394 1.5745 1.5089 1.5180 .Q.60 ARLINGTON 40.5515 29.8436 29.9831 30.2760 .Q.97 BEDFORD 4.7870 3.5230 3.4302 3.1300 9.59 CARROLLTON 13.7279 10.1030 9.8399 7.9920 23.12 • CEDAR BILL 0.3299 0.2384 0.2367 0.2000 18.33 • COLLEYVILLE 2.4401 1.7958 1.5985 1.6830 -5.02 COPPELL 4.0973 3.0154 2.8734 25970 10.64 • DALLAS 9.0300 6.6456 7.7677 5.6610 37.21 • DFWAIRPORT 1.7630 1.2975 1.2728 1.5390 -17.29 • DUNCANVILLE 0.1890 0.1391 0.1468 0.1330 10.38 • EULESS 3.7534 2.7623 2.2960 2.8470 -1935 • FARMERS BRANCH 6.1975 4.5610 4.9008 4.4620 9.83 FORT WORTH 1.0097 0.7431 0.7852 MilO -13.81 • GRAND PRAIRIE 12.9223 9.5101 9.4687 ILll60 -14.82 • GRAPEVINE 1.5447 Ll368 1.1971 1.2790 -6.40 HURST 0.1752 0.1289 0.1313 0.1350 -2.76 IRVING 22.2788 163960 16.2262 19.1480 -15.26 • KELLER 21441 15780 1.4760 1.6080 -8.21 MANSFIELD 3.8051 2.8004 2.5482 2.1650 17.70 • NORlH RICHLAND HILLS 0.7642 0.5624 0.5385 0.4680 15.07 • SOUTHLAKE 22358 1.6454 1.7741 1.1320 56.72 • tOTALS 135.8800 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Printed: 6/9/2003 IO:38:32Al FlowbyContract.rpt Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regional Wastewater System June 2,2003 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow reports for March and April 2003 is enclosed. If you have any questions, contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331·4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTlNG PARTIES MARCH 2003 􀁃􀁏􀁾􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁃􀁮􀁎􀀡􀁚PARl:X 􀁆􀁌􀁾􀁉􀁍􀁇􀁄􀁬􀀠% CON'fl!, YTDFY % fROJ"6> %VAR ADDISON 2,3410 1.6771 1.4862 1.5180 ·2.09 ARLINGTON 42,8119 30,6823 29,9856 30,2160 -0,96 BBDFORD 4,6782 3.3521 3,3877 3,1300 8.23 CARROLLTON 13,5107 9.6828 9,6791 7.9920 2UI • CBDARHlLL 0.3413 0.2446 0.2364 0.2000 18,19 • COLLEYVILLE 2,2191 1.5904 1.4840 1.6830 ·11.83 • COPPELL 3,9660 2.8424 2,8184 2.5970 8.53 DALLAS 10.5587 7,5672 8.2511 5,6610 45,75 • DFWAlRPORT 1.7180 l.2743 1.2681 l.5390 ·17,60 • DUNCANVlLLll 0,2013 0.1443 0.1537 0.1330 15.55 • EULESS 2,8678 2,0553 2.1846 2,8470 ·23.21 • FARMBRSBRANCH 5,3241 3,8151 5,0505 4,4620 13.19 • FORTWORTII 0,9331 0,6687 0,8522 0.9110 -6.46 GRAND PRAIRIE 15,0162 10,7618 9.3421 11.1160 ·15.96 • GRAPBVINE 1.7392 1.2465 1.2230 1.2790 -4.38 HURST 0.1805 0.1293 0.1342 0,1350 -0,62 IRVING 22,3841 16,0421 16.1802 19.1480 -15.50 • KBLLBR 2,1820 1.5638 1.4431 1.6080 ·10,22 • MANSFIELD BOl3 2,5093 2.4591 2,1650 13.59 • NORTH RlCHLANIlIllLLS 0.6806 0.4878 . 0,5315 0,4680 13.56 • SOUllILAKE 2,3116 1.6610 1.8487 1.1320 63.31 • TOTALS 139.5328 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more, Printed: 6/112003 10;22:58Ph FlowbyOm!n!et,rpt ADDISON TRINITY RIVER AUTIlORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY MARCH 2003 Meter I. D. FWWMGD TOTAL GALWNS . IXI000 ) 1.8159 56,293 0.2925 9,067 0.2326 7,211 TOTAL 2.3410 72,571 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-DVARIANCE $274,832.11 269,079.76 5,752.35 ·Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. hil n(\()"l TRlNITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTR!BUTEDWASTEWATERFLOWBYCONTRACTING PARTIES APRIL 2003 CONTRACTING PARI! FLOWCMGDI %CONTR. YTDFY % PROJ% %VAR ADDISON 2.0579 1.5361 1.4957 1.5180 -1.47 ARLINGTON 40.3523 30.1202 30.0113 30.2760 -(1.87 BEDFORD 4.7071 3.5135 3.4117 3.1300 9.00 CARROLLTON 13.7279 10.2469 9.7874 7.9920 22,46 • CEDAR HILL 0.3059 0.2284 0.2348 0.2000 17.42 • COu.EYVJLUl 2.5163 1.8782 1.5591 1.6830 -7.36 COPPELL 3.9627 2.9579 2.8450 2.5970 9.55 DALLAS 9.2431 6.8994 7.9934 5.6610 41.20 • DFWAIRPORT 1.6974 1.2670 1.2679 1.5390 -17.61 • DUNCANVILLE 0.1684 0.1257 0.1484 0.1330 11.54 • EULESS 3.0547 2.2801 2.2028 2.8470 -22.63 • FAlIMERS BRANCH 6.1914 4.6215 4.%87 4.4620 11.35 • FORTWORTI! 0.7301 0.5449 0.7936 0.9110 -12.89 • GRAND PRAIRIE 133446 9.%08 9,4601 11.1160 -14.90 • GRAPEVINE 1.5409 1.1502 1.2091 1.2790 -5.46 HURST 0.1627 0.1214 0.1317 0.1350 -2.42 IRVING 21.7620 16.2438 16.1923 19.1480 -15.44 • KELLER 2.0180 1.5063 1.4556 1.6080 -9.48 MANSFIELD 3.5660 2.6618 2.4978 2.1650 15.37 • NORTI! RICHLAND HILLS ().7282 0.5436 0.5338 0.4680 14.06 • SOU1'HLAKE 2.1331 1.5922 1.7998 1.1320 58.99 • TOTALS 133.9710 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Printed, 61112003 􀀱􀀰􀀧􀀰􀀹􀀬􀁉􀀡􀁐􀁾􀀠FJowbv Contractt'Ot . 􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀺􀀠 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STA nON SUMMARY APRIL 2003 TOTAL GALLONS MeterI.p. FLOWMGP (XIOOO ) 1.5601 46,802 0.2712 8,137 0.2266 6,798 TOTAL 2.0579 61,738 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y·T·D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y·T-DVARlANCE $342,972.30 337,942.20 5,030.10 tBased upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and proje<:ted cost ofservice. 61112003 1O·OQ· 1 Iil>M 􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀽􀁾􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁣􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠Trinity River Authority of Texas , Central Regional Wastewater System March 18,2003 Dear Customer, A copy of the REVISED monthly flow report for December 2002 (footnote dated 3/17/03) is enclosed, including corrected values for the Contracting Parties' individual obligations and costs. Some minor differences iii the monthly flow volumes may be evident due to routine entries of monthly call in flows and/or corrections in various meter readings since the initial December report. 􀁬􀁲􀁾􀁴􀁍􀀠 Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 orbeckm@trinitvra.oro David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 dupuyd@trinitvra.oro 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas. Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech SelVices Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES DECEMBER 2002 CONTRACTING PARTY FLQW(MGD) "&CONTR. YTDFY % PROJ% %VAR ADDISON 1.9838 1.3817 1.3817 1.5180 -8.98 ARLINGTON 43.5188 30.3113 30.3113 302760 0.12 BEDFORD 4.9093 3.4194 3.4194 3.1300 925 CARROLLTON 14.0580 9.7916 9.7916 7.9920 22.52 • CEDAR HILL 0.3153 02196 0.2196 0.2000 9.81 COLLEYVILLE 2.3570 1.6417 [,6417 1.6830 -2.46 COPPELL 3.9659 2.7623 2.7623 2.5970 6.31 DALLAS 11.2375 7.8270 7.8270 5.6610 38.26 • DFWAIRPORT 1.7610 1.2265 1.2265 L5390 -20.30 • DUNCANVILLE 0.2244 0.1563 0.1563 0.1330 17.53 • EULESS 3.7942 2.6427 2.6427 2.8470 -7.18 FARMERS BRANCH 8.0740 5.6236 5.6236 4.4620 26.03 • FORT WORTH 1.2141 0.8457 0.8457 0.9110 -7.17 • GRAND PRAlRIE 10.9662 7.6381 7.6381 11.1160 -31.29 • GRAPEVINE 1.6423 1.1439 1.1439 1.2790 -10.57 • HURST 0.1884 0.1313 0.1313 0.1350 -2.78 IRVING 24.6839 17.1926 17.1926 19.1480 -10.21 • KELLER 2.1598 1.5043 1.5043 1.6080 -6.45 MANSFIELD 3.4737 2.4194 2.4194 2.1650 11.75 • NORTil RICHLAND HILlS 0.7686 0.5354 0.5354 0.4680 14.39 • SOUTHLAKE 2.2765 1.5856 1.5856 1.1320 40.07 • TOTALS 143.5727 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Printed: 3J1711003 1:41:30PM FlowbyContract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TE:\AS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY DECEMBER 2002 TOTAL GALLONS MeterLD. FLQWMGD fXl000 ) 1.5741 48,797 0.2588 8,022 0.1509 4,678 TOTAL 1.9838 61,497 OBLIGAnON SUMMARY Y·T·D PRomCTED OBLIGATION Y·T·D AcruAL OBLIGATION Y·T·DVARlANCE 575,317.76 68,555.61 6,762.15 ·Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 3/1712003 1:41:35PM 1 NCitiesl'Iow.rpt cc; Trinity River Authority of Texas Central Regla.nol Waatewater System March 10, 2003 Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for December 2002 is enclosed, containing the new Fiscal Year 2003 projected flow percentages. Also, a revised copy of the November 2002 has been included. This revision contains all corrections from our intemal and extemal audits. Please discard the previous November report (footnote dated 215/03). If you have any questions, contact either of the' following individuals at your earliest convenience. hlillev( Mark L. Orbeck Technical Services Engineer (972) 331-4319 orbeckm@trinitwa.orq David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 dupuvd@trinitwa.orq 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263--2251 Admin Fax (972) 331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACl'ING PARTIES DECEMBER 2002 !;;2NTRA!;;:m!G PARIX FLOWtMGI!l %CONTR. YTDD: oil! PR01% "6! VAR ADDISON 1.9838 1.3866 1.3866 1.5180 -8.66 A.lUJNGTON 43.5188 30.4177 30.4177 30.2760 0.47 BEDFORD 4.9093 3.4314 3.4314 3.1300 9.63 CARROl.LTON 14.0580 9.8259 9.8259 7.9920 22.95 • CEDARHlLL 0.3153 0.2204 0.2204 0.2000 10.19 • COLLEYVILLE 2.3570 1.6474 1.6474 1.6830 -2.11 COPPELL 3.9659 27720 2.7720 2.5970 6.74 DALLAS 11.2375 7.8545 7.8S45 5.6610 38.75 • DFWAlRPORT 1.7610 1.2308 1.2308 1.5390 -20.02 • DUNCANVILLE 0.2244 0.1569 0.1569 0.1330 17.94 • EULESS 3.2920 2.3009 2.3009 2.8470 -19.18 • FARMERS BRANCH 8.0740 5.0434 5.6434 4.4620 26.48 • FORT WORTH 1.2141 0.8486 0.8486 0.9110 -6.85 GRAND PRAIRIE 10.9662 7.6649 7.6649 11.1160 -31.05 • GRAPEVINE 1.6423 1.1479 1.1479 1.2790 -10.25 • HURST 0.1884 0.1317 0.1317 0.1350 -2.43 IRVING 24.6839 17.2530 17.2530 19.1480 -9.90 KELLER 2.1S98 1.5096 1.5096 1.6080 -6.12 MANSFIELD 3.4737 2.4279 24279 2.1650 12.14 • NORTH RICHLAND HlLLS 0.7686 0.5372 0.5372 0.4680 14.79 • SOUTIILAKE 2.2765 1.5912 1.5912 1.1320 40.57 • TOTALS 143.0705 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Printed: 3/6/2003 5:13:52PW. FlowbyContract.rpt ADDISON TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY DECEMBER 2002 Meter I. D. FWWMGD TOTAL GALLONS !XIOOO ) 1.5741 48,797 0.2588 8,022 0.1509 4,678 TOTAL 1.9838 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-O PROJECfED OBLIGATION Y-T-O ACIUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-OVARIANCE "Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 61,497 $7,041,156.12 6,431,485.77 609,670.35 3/612003 5:15:3IPM I NCitiesFlow.rpt TRINITY RlVERAUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL W ASTEW ATER SYSTEM CONTRIBlITED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES NOVEMBER 2002 􀁾􀁎􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁃􀁔􀁉􀁎􀁑􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁔􀁙􀀠FLOW!MGDj %CONTR. YTDFY 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁒􀁑􀁊􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠ADDISON 2.1493 1.5406 1.5254 1.5085 1.12 ARLINGTON 41.3498 29.6385 30.1871 30.1297 0.19 BEDFORD 4.7111 3.3768 3.3703 33276 1.28 l4:'VtSJtIJ CARROLLTON 14.0580 10.0764 9.4414 8.5713 10.15 • CEDAR HILL 0.2945 02111 0.2226 02214 0.55 COLLEYVILLE 2.4971 1.7899 1.5755 1.4228 10.73 • COPPELL 3.9216 2.8109 2.6836 2.6269 2.16 DALLAS 9.1937 6.5898 5.6813 6.1077 .0.98 DFWAIRPORT 1.5430 1.1059 1.3458 12781 5.30 DUNCANVILLE 0.1522 0.1091 0.1284 0.1586 -19.06 • EULESS 3.9625 2.8402 2.7986 2.9810 .0.12 FAIlMERSBRANCH 5.4035 3.8731 4.4865 4.6516 -3.55 FORT WORTH 1.5783 1.1313 1.3091 1.4147 -7.42 ORAND PRAIRIE 13.6045 9.7514 9.5007 103916 -S.57 GRAPEVINE 1.5178 1.0879 L1425 12814 -10.84 • HURST 0.1833 0.1314 0.1256 0.1303 -3.60 IRVING 25.6261 18.36S1 IS.8435 18.1826 3.63 KELLER 2.0562 1.4739 1.6614 1.7376 439 MANSFIELD 3.0991 22214 2.3031 23355 -1.39 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.6427 0.4607 0.4209 0.3772 11.58 • SOUTHLAKE 1.9691 1.4118 12461 1.1639 7.06 TOTALS 139.5140 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Printed: 212012003 9:20:45M FlowbyContract.rpt TRINITY lUVERAUTHORlTY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMIIlARY NOVEMBER 2002 TOTAL GALLONS 0.2606 7.818 0.3825 11.476 TOTAL 2.1493 64,479 OBUGATlON SUMMARy Y·T·D PROJllCrED OBLIGATION Y·T·D ACTUAL OBUGATION Y·T·D VARIANCE 5760,622.81 769,15.!.43 -8,529.62 "Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Month1y flows and projected cost of service. 212012003 9:20:SOAM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt __ HP LaserJet 3100 SEND CONFIRMATION REPORT for Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Town of Addison 9724502837 Mar·14·03 9:10AM Job Start Time Usage Phone Number or ID Type Pages Mode status 329 3/14 9:09AM 1 '09!! 9724507065 Send .............. 6/6 EC144 Completed ................. ...... " .............. Total 1 '09" Pages Sent: 6 Pages Printed: 0 TOWN OF ADDISON PUBLIC WORKS 􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀮􀁭􀀺􀀠M!ehtlel E. Murphy, P,E.To: Dlraetof' of Public Works company:___􀁾􀀭􀀬􀀬􀀠Of'tka: 9121450-2878 FAA.;;________􀁾􀀭􀀭__ Fax: t721450-2831 0.10, 2 -1<1-0 '2 18801 􀁗􀁡􀁑􀁾􀁄􀁲􀁯􀁖􀀮 􀀠P.o. Box 9010 Addhaon. TX 15001..&010:No, of Pages(lnt;ludlng CO\Ier):_ Trinity River of Central Regional Wastewater System Dear Customer, A copy of the monthly flow report for November 2002 is enclosed. If you have any questions, please contact either of the following individuals at your earliest convenience. 􀀻􀁴􀁊􀀨􀁻􀀩􀁵􀀵􀁾􀁌Mark L. Orbeck Technical SelVices Engineer (972) 331-4319 orbeckm@trinityrs.orq David Dupuy Chief Metering Technician (972) 331-4315 . 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75212 Metro (972) 263-2251 Admin Fax (972)331-4412 Tech Services Fax (972) 331-4414 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY NOVEMBER 2002 TOTAL GALLONS MeterLD. FLOWMGD fXIOOO } 1.5062 45,186 0.2606 7,818 0.3825 11,476 TOTAL 2.1493 . OBLiGATION SUMMARY Y·T-D PRO.IECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTIJAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARlANCE ·Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 64,479 $700,610.74 769,923.44 -9,312.70 { 􀁾prY/Il􀁾\( I 2/512003 4;48;22PM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt 11(11"'111 }' .tUV J.:.rl(AU IHU.K.11 Y UJ1" TI!tX..A::i CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES NOVEMBER 2082 􀁾􀁑􀁾􀁒􀁁􀁃􀀧􀁮􀁎􀁇􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁉􀁘􀀠I!LOWIMGD} %CONTR. YTD Ii:!( % 􀁬􀀦􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁖􀁁􀁒􀀠ADDISON 2.1493 1.5458 1.5270 LS085 1.22 ARLINGTON 41.3498 29.7395 30.2179 30.1297 0.29 BEDFORD 4.7111 3.3883 3.3737 3.3275 1.39 CARROLLTON 14.0586 10.1108 9.4510 ssm· 10.26 • CEDAR HILL 0.2945 0.2118 0.2229 0.2214 0.66 COLL!lYVILLE 2.4971 1.7960 t.S765 1.4228 10.80 • COPPllLL 3.9:216 2.8205 2.6863 2.6259 2.26 DALLAS 9.1937 6.6123 5.6871 6.1077 -6.89 DFWAIRPORT 1.5430 1.1097 1.3471 1.2781 5.40 DUNCANVILLE 0.1522 0.1095 0.1285 0.1585 -18.98 • EULESS 3.9625 2.8499 2.7880 2.9810 -6.47 FARMERS BRANCH 5.4035 3.8863 4.4911 4.6516 -3.45 FORT WORm 1.5783 1.1351 1.3111 1.4147 ·7.32 GRAND PRAIIUB 13.1307 9.4438 9.4221 10.3916 ·9.33 GRAPEV!NIl 1.5178 1.0916 1.1437 1.2814 ·10.75 • HURST 0.1830 0.1316 0.1256 0.1303 ·3.64 IRVING 25.6261 18.4307 18.8627 18.1826 3.74 KELLER 2.0562 1.4789 1.6631 1.7376 -4.29 MANSFIELD 3.11991 2.2289 2.3055 2.3355 ·1.29 NORm RICHLAND HILLS 0.6427 0.4623 0.4213 0.3772 H.70 • SOUIlll.AKE 1.9697 1.4166 1.2479 1.1639 7.22 TOTALS 139.0400 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from !be projected a"erage by 10% or more. Printed: 2f.i12003 4:48:I6PM FlowbyContract.rpt ADDISON TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY OCTOBER 1.002 M.terI. D. FLOWMGD TOTAL GALLONS (XIOOO ) 1.7358 53,809 0.3310 10,262 0.2211 6,855 TOTAL 2.2879 70,926 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROlECfED OBLIGATION Y-T-D AcruAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $698,094.79 708,721..45 -10,627.66 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 111221200 9:22:03AM 1 NCitie,Flow.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES OCTOBER 2002 CONTRACIINQ pa,RIX F!..QW{MQD) %CONTR. YTDFY % 􀁐􀁒􀁑􀁊􀁾􀀠%VAR ADDISON 2.2819 1.5193 1.5315 1.5085 152 ARLINGTON 43.6533 30.1325 30.3823 30.1297 0.84 BBDFORD 4.8893 3.3750 3.3891 3.3216 1.87 CARROLLTON 122000 8.4213 8.3515 8.5713 -2.49 CEDAR HILL 0.3214 0.2219 0.2247 0.2214 1.49 COLLBYVILLE 2.5091 1.7320 !.5608 1.4228 9.70 COPPELL 3.9279 2.7113 2.6856 2.6269 2.23 DALLAS 7.8838 5.4419 5.6626 6.1071 -1.29 DFW AIRPORT 2.3313 1.6092 1.3729 1.2781 7.42 DUNCANVILLE 0.1288 0.0889 0.1306 0.1586 -17.63 • EULESS 3.8891 2.6846 2.7579 2.9810 -7.48 FARMERS BRANCH 6.1161 4.2218 4.5622 4.6516 -1.92 FORT WORTH 1.9477 1.3444 1.3579 1.4147 -4.02 GRAND PRAIRIE 14.7878 10.2076 9.8709 10.3916 -5.01 GRAPEVINE 1.4795 1.0213 US28 1.2814 ·10.04 • HURST 0.1844 0.1273 0.1269 0.1303 ·2.61 IRVING 28.0371 19.3531 19.1292 IU826 5.21 KELLER 2.5628 1.7690 l.1308 1.7376 ·0.39 MANSFIELD 3.2570 2.2482 2.3942 2.3355 2.51 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.6415 0.4428 0.4212 0.3172 11.68 • SOUTHLAKE 1.8351 1.2667 U979 1.1639 2.92 TOTALS 144.8711 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. t ..-' Printed: 1112212002 9;21:57M FlowbyContract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 2002 TOTAL GALLONS MeterLD. FLOWMGD IXIOOO ) 1.6117 48,350 0.2771 8,313 0.2118 6,355 TOTAL 2.1006 63,018 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y·T·D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $633,704.95 640,735.53 -7,030.58 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 111712002 3:35:32PM NCitiesFlow.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING 􀁰􀁟􀁾􀁬􀁮􀁉􀁅􀁓􀀠SEPTEMBER 2002 CONTRACTING PARTY FLOW {MGDl % COl"TR. YTDFY % PROJ% %VAR ADDISON 2,1006 1.5152 1.5257 1.5085 1.14 ARLINGTON 42,1599 30.4110 30,3909 30.1297 0,87 BEDFORD 4,7184 3.4035 3.3893 3,3276 1.85 CARROI.I.TON 12.2000 8.8002 8,3463 8.5713 ·2,62 CEDAR HILL 0.3108 0,2242 0,2252 02214 1.72 COLLEYVILLE 2.5162 1.8150 1.S425 1.4228 8.41 COI'PELL 3.8222 2,7570 2,6814 2,6269 2,08 DALLAS 6.5799 4,7463 5.6815 6.1077 -6.98 DFWAIRPORT 1.8414 1.3283 1.3481 1.2781 5,48 DUNCANVILLE 0.1015 0.0732 0.1348 0,1586 ·15,00 • EUI.ESS 3,2327 2.3318 2,7582 2.9810 ·7,47 FARMERS BRANCH 5,7143 4.1219 4,5935 4.6516 ·1.25 FORT WORTH 2.6280 1.8957 1.4210 1.4147 0,45 GRAND !'RAIRIE 12.3416 8,9023 9.8308 10.3916 ·5,40 GRAPEVINE 1.3358 0.9635 1.l655 1.2814 ·9,05 HURST 0.1702 0.1228 0,1268 0.1303 ·2.70 IRVING 28.9294 20.8675 19,0957 18.1826 5,02 KELLER 2,2322 1.6102 1.7260 1.7376 ·0.67 MANSFIELD 3,4160 2.4640 2.4077 2.3355 3.09 NORTH RICHLAND ilILLS 0,6074 0,4381 0.4188 0,3772 11.03 • SOUTHLAKE 1.6754 L2085 1.1902 1.1639 2,26 TOTALS 138.6339 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 * Fiscal year average deviates from the projected avcrage by 10010 or more. Printed: 11/812002 lO:31:2IAM flowbyContract.rpt , TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF T. IS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDiSON METERING STATION SUMMARY AUGUST 2002 TOTAL GALLONS 0.2571 0.2300 52,239 7,971 7,130 1.6851 TOTAL 2.1723 67,341 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y·T·D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE $571,168.28 578,300.39 ·7,132.11 ·Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost of service. 10/912002 1l:27:17AM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt ..... ,' _. _.. TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES AUGUST 2002 CONTRA!;;TIN!:l PARTY FLOW!MGDj %CONTR. YTD FY .". PRQJ% %VAR ADDISON 2.1723 l.5390 1.5278 1.5090 1.25 ARLINGTON 42.7810 30.3098 30.4084 30.1310 0.92 BEDFORD 4.8367 3.4267 3.3900 3.3280 l.86 CARROLLTON 12.2000 8.6436 8.3047 8.5710 ·3.11 CEDAR HILL 0.3112 0.2205 0.2255 0.2210 2.02 COLLEYVILLE 2.4825 1.7588 1.5152 1.4230 6.48 COPPELL 3.7818 2.6793 2.6753 2.6270 1.84 DALLAS 7.S805 55832 5.7825 6.1080 ·5.33 DFWAIRPORT 1.7756 1.2580 1.3511 1.2780 5.72 DUNCANVILLE 0.1296 0.0918 0.1413 0.1590 ·11.13 • EULESS 3.5735 2.5318 2.8044 2.9810 -5.93 FARMERS BRANCH 5.7732 4.0902 4.6456 4.6520 -0.14 FORT WORTH 1.4284 1.0120 1.3726 1.4150 -2.99 GRAND PRAIRIE 13.6460 9.6680 9.8683 10.3920 -5.04 GRAPEVINE 1.4730 1.0436 l.IS72 1.2810 -7.32 HURST 0.1780 0.1261 0.1273 0.1300 -2.09 IRVING 28.6835 20.3219 18.9241 18.1830 4.08 KELLER 2.4447 1.7321 1.7617 1.7380 1.36 MANSFIELD 3.3900 2.4018 2.4034 2.3350 2.93 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.6236 O.44IS 004171 0.3770 to.63 • SOUTHLAKE 1.5806 1.1199 1.1666 Ll640 0.22 TOTALS 141.1456 100.0000 100.0000 100.0030 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or mOre. Printed: 10/9/1002 1l:26:32AM FlowbyContract.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STA nON SUMMARY JULy 2002 TOTAL GALLONS Meter I. D. FLOWMGD (XIOOO ) 13_IE 1.7445 54,078 13_2E 0.2691 8,341 13 3E 02438 7,559 TOTAL 2.2574 69,978 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTIJAL OBLIGATION Y-T-DVARlANCE $558,578.06 511,603.02 46,975.04 "Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost oJservice. 911212002 3:47:27PM NCitiesFlow.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES JULY 2002 !:;ONTRACTING PARTY FLOW {MGDl %CONTR. nDFY % PROJ% %VAR ADDISON 2,2574 l.S861 1.5241 1.6640 -8.41 ARLINGTON 43.1056 30.2883 30,3684 28.2300 7.57 BEDFORD 4,9003 3.4432 3.3802 3,2060 5.43 CARROLLTON 12,2000 8.5724 8.2500 8.3150 -0,78 CEDAR HILL 0.3385 0.2378 0,2257 0,1680 34.35 • COLLEYVILLE 2.4552 1.7252 1.4830 1.7450 -15.02 '" COPPELL 3,7525 2.6367 2,6706 2,5430 5,02 DALLAS 7,9845 5,6103 5.7971 5,1540 12,48 • DFW A1R1'ORT 2.1680 1.5233 1.3604 1.5870 -14,28 • DUNCANVILLE 0,1340 0,0942 0.1471 0.1370 7,41 EULESS 3.S:m 2,6895 2.8334 2.8170 0,58 FARMERS BRANCH 5.8454 4.1073 4,7063 4,6040 2,22 FORT WORTH 1.4648 1.0293 1.4147 0,8710 62.42 • GRANO PRAIRIE 14.5834 10.2470 10,0710 11.1380 -9.58 GRAPEVINE 1.4980 1.0526 1.2030 1.6350 -26.42 • HURST 0,1179 0.1250 0,1272 0,1260 0,97 IRVING 27.5123 19,3315 18,6916 20.6160 -9,33 KELLER 2,4204 1.1007 1.1366 1.6590 4.68 MANSFIELD 3.4100 2.3960 2.3998 2,2330 1,47 NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0,7018 0.4931 0.4134 0,3880 6,55 SOUTHLAKE !.S803 1.1104 1.1964 1.1640 2.78 TOTALS 142,3180 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 ,., Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by J0% Or more, Printed: 9/121200Z 3:47:17PM FlowbyContract.rpt · ", " TOWN OF ADDISON PUBLIC 􀁗􀁏􀁒􀁋􀁾􀀭___ From: Company:,________􀁾􀁌􀀭Phone: 972/4 _ %7f Fax: 972/450-2837FAX#:,----t----I----Dat" 11/1 J/0 ?-16801 Westgrove No. of pages (including cover): .::;; P.O. Box 9010 ? Addison, TX 75001-9010 TO:___-'¥-...L____-7l'-----,,', .' :'.: , .... ADDISON CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY JUNE 2002 TOTAL GALLONS Meter I. D. FLOWMGD (XIOOO ) 1.7633 52,900 0.2614 7,842 0.2204 6,611 TOTAL 2.2451 67,354 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECTED OBUGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBUGATION Y-T-D VARIANCE 8487,319.13 444,268.66 43,050.47 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 9/512002 10:06:49AM 1 NCitiesFlow.rpt · ...-.....'-, ...:... TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES JUNE 2002 CONTRACTING PARTY FLOW {MGDl %CONTR. YTDFY % PRQJ% %VAR ADDISON 2.2451 1.5788 1.5170 1.6640 -S.83 ARLINGTON 43.3166 30.4602 30.4137 28.2300 7.74 BEDFORD 4.9631 3.4901 3.3750 3.2060 5.27 CARROLLTON 10.9863 7.7256 8.1010 83150 -2.57 CEDAR HILL 0.3290 0.2313 0.2233 0.1680 32.92 • COLLEYVILLE 2.2136 1.5566 1.4504 1.1450 ·16.88 • COPPELL 3.8277 2.6916 2.6784 2.5430 5.32 DAUAS 7.8263 5.5034 5.8309 5.1540 13.13 • DFW AIRPORT 2.2441 1.5781 1.3390 1.5870 ·15.63 • DUNCANVILLE 0.1882 0.1324 0.1548 0.1370 12.99 • EULESS 3.7289 2.6221 2.8569 2.8170 1.42 FARMERS BRANCH ?J807 5.0495 4.7962 4.6040 4.18 FORT WORTH 2.3894 1.6802 1.4707 0.8710 68.85 • GRAND PRAIRlE 12.0786 8.4936 10.0575 I U3aO ·9.70 GRAPEVINE 1.5231 1.0710 1.2256 1.6350 ·25.04 • HURST 0.1762 0.1239 0.1283 0.1260 1.86 IRVING 28.1417 19.7892 18.6221 20.6160 ·9.67 KELLER 2.4249 I.7052 1.7437 1.6590 5.10 MANSFIELD 3.9100 2.7495 1.4030 2.2330 7.61 NORTIl RICHLAND HILLS 0.6591 0.4635 0.4026 0.3880 3.76 SOUTHLAKE 1.8547 1.3042 1.2099 Ll640 3.94 TOTALS 142.2073 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or mOre. Printed: 91512002 IO:05:34AM FlowbyContract.rpt ADDISON TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TE ; CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM METERING STATION SUMMARY MAY 2002 Meter I. D. FLOWMGD TOTAL GALLONS IXIOOO i 1.7247 53,467 0.2753 8,534 0.2072 6,422 TOTAL 2.2072 68,423 OBLIGATiON SUMMARY y.T·D PROJECTED OBLIGATION Y ·T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-D V ARlANCE $418,358.87 379,165.46 39,193.41 'Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Monthly flows and projected cost ofservice. 811312002 9:20:10AM NCitiesFlow.rpt TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED WASTEWATER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES MAY 2002 CONTRACTING PARTY FLOW!MGDl %CONTR. YTDFY % PROJ % %VAR ADDISON 2.2072 IA808 1.5081 1.6640 ·9.37 ARLINmON 46.7600 31.3708 30.7222 28,2300 8.83 BEDFORD 5.1481 3.4538 3.3588 n060 4.77 CARROLLTON 11.8947 7.9801 8.1651 8.3150 ·1.&0 CEDAR HILL 0.3306 0.2218 0,2221 0,1680 32.21 • COl.LEYVILLE 2.1869 1.4672 1.4345 1.7450 ·17.80 • COPPELL 4.2927 2.8800 2,6779 2.5430 5.30 DALLAS 6,;204 4.3745 5.8862 5.1;40 14,21 • DFW AIRPORT 2.0805 1.3958 1.3020 1.5870 ·17,96 • DUNCANVILLE 0.2307 0,1548 0.1584 0.1370 15.65 * EULESS 3.9336 2.6390 2,8957 2.8170 2.79 FARMERS BRANCH 7,7498 5.1993 4.7589 4,6040 3.37 FORT WORTH 2,0728 1.3906 1.1404 0,8710 30,93 • GRAND PRAIRIE 14.2498 9,5600 10,2788 11.1380 ·7,71 GRAPEVINE 1.6112 • I 1.0809 1.2508 1.6350 ·23.50 • IIURST 0.1807 0.1213 0.1291 0,1260 2.48 IRVING 28,7264 , , 19.2723 18.4219 20.6160, ·10.64 • KELLER 2,1611 1.4498 1.6933 1.6590 2.06 MANSFIELD 3,5450 2.3783 2.3496 2,2330 5.22 NORTI! RICHLAND HILLS 0.6918 0.4641 0.3932 0.3880 ' 1.34' SOUTHLAKE 2.4815 1.664& 1.2532 1.1640 7,66 TOTALS 149.0557 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 * Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by I() CONTR. YTDFY % PRO.! % %VAR ADDISON 2.2997 1.5593 1.5514 1.6640 -6.77 ARLINGTON 45.6446 30.9477 30.3298 28.2300 1.44 BEDFORD 4.9316 3.3431 3.4116 3.2060 6.41 CARROLLTON 12.2000 8.2118 8.6251 8.3150 3.14 CEDAR HILL 0.3448 0.2338 0.2221 0.1680 32.18 • COLLEYVILLE 1.9244 1.3048 1.4431 1.7450 -!7,30 • CGPPELL 3.9833 2.7001 2.6738 2.5430 5.14 DALLAS 10.S748 7.J699 6.2825 5.1540 21.90 • DFW AIRPORT 1.7608 1.1939 1.2313 1.5870 -22.4 [ • DUNCANV[LLE 0.2S19 0.1708 0.[646 0.1370 20.18 • EULESS 4.5140 3.1013 2.7800 2.8170 -l.31 FARM£RS BRANCH 6.5957 4.4720 4.0363 4.6040 -1233 • FORTWORTI! 1.4848 1.0067 0.9069 0.8110 4.13 GRAND PRAIRIE 14.2745 9.6783 9.9389 1l.1380 -10.77 ' GRAPEVINE 2.109[ 1.4300 1.3529 1.63S0 -17.25 ' HURST 0.1977 0.1341 0.[400 0.1260 11.07 ' IRVING 26.1766 17.7481 19.0776 20.6160 -7.46 KELLER 2.6362 1.7874 1.6832 1.6506 1.46 MANSFll!LD 3.2900 2.2307 2.S356 2.2330 [3.55 • NORTH RICHLAND HILLS 0.4S15 03061 0.3674 0.3880 -S.30 SOUTHLAKE 1.1833 1.2091 1.2450 1.1640 6.96 TOTALS 147.4892 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • Fiscal year average deviates from the projected average by 10% or more. Printed: 6/2412002 1l:51:10AM FlowbyContract.rpt ".,:" TRlNITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM ADDISON METERING STATION SUMMARY JANUARY 2002 TOTAL GALLONS Meter 1. D. FLOWMGD (Xl000 ) 1.6144 50,047 0.3252 10.082 0.1723 5,341 TOTAL 2.1120 OBLIGATION SUMMARY Y-T-D PROJECfED OBLIGATION Y-T-D ACTUAL OBLIGATION Y-T-DVARlANCE "Based upon monthly metered flows. Projected Montld yflows and projected cost ofserv ice. 65,471 $155,376.12 144,256.11 11,120.02 6n12002 3:13:03PM NCitie, TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM CONTRIBUTED W ASTEW A TER FLOW BY CONTRACTING PARTIES JANUARY 2002 CONTRACTING PARTY FLOW(MGD} %CONTR. YTDFY % PBOJ% O/OVAR ADDISON 2.1120 1.5321 1.5449 1.6640 -7.16 ARLlNGTDN 41.6133 30.1887 29.9802 28.2300 6.20 BEDFORD 4.9097 3.5618 3.4382 3.2060 7.24 CARROLLTON 12.2042 8.8536 8.7804 8.3150 5.60 CEDAR BILL 0.2977 0.2160 0.2160 0.1680 28.60 • COLLEYVILLE 2.0301 1.4727 1.5069 1.7450 -13.64 • COPPELL 3.6569 2.6529 2.6562 2.5430 4.45 DALLAS 8.2944 6.0173 5.8605 5.1540 13.71 • DFWAIRPORT 1.6332 1.1848 1.2471 1.5870 ·21.42 • DUNCANVILLE 0.2291 0.1662 0.1614 0.1370 17.82 • EULESS 3.2920 2.3882 2.6211 2.8170 -6.96 FARMERS BRANCH 5.3227 3.8614 3.8463 4.6040 -16.46 • PORT WORTH 1.2818 0.9299 0.8862 0.8710 1.75 GRAND PRAIIlJE 12.5663 9.1163 10.1494 11.1380 -8.88 GRAPEVINE 1.8405 1.3352 1.3136 1.6350 -19.66 • HURST 0.1859 0.1349 0.1425 0.1260 13.12 • IRVING 27.4309 19.9000 19.6672 20.6160 -4.60 KELLER 2.3227 1.6850 1.6302 1.6590 -1.73 MANSfiELD 4.3449 3.1520 2.6951 2.2330 20.69 • NORTH RICHLAND HILL 0.5021 0.3642 0.3962 0.3880 2.11 SOUTHLAKE 1.7738 1.2868 1.2601 1.1640 8.26 TOTALS 137.8440 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 • • Fiscal year average deviates from tbe projected average by 10% or more. Printed :617120ff!. 3:12:26PM FlowbyContrac!.rpt