HUlTI-ZOllARS Huitt·ZoIlars. Jnc./£nginoots I Archileas/3'31 McKinney Avenue I Suite 6001 La 1051 Dallas. Taxa'S 75204-2416/214-871·3311 ! FAX 214-871-0757 March 6, 1995 Mr. Bryant Nail Columbus Realty Trust 15851 N. Dallas Parkway. Ste. 855 Dallas, TX 75248 RE: Addison Urban Center Huitt-Zollars Project No. 01-1822-02 Dear Bryant: Enclosed please find the street segment description and exhibit corresponding to the latest cost estimate on the Addison Urban Center. We hope this will clarify the street segments used in arriving at the costs for the project A copy of this information is also being provided to John Baumgartoer and Nancy Armstrong. Please call if we can be of additional assistance. Sincerely. HmTT-ZOLLARS, INC. 􀁾􀀮􀀠v 􀁁􀁮􀁤􀁲􀁥􀁷􀁾􀁥􀁹� �􀀠P.E. 􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁬􀁯􀁾esident ACO:m cc: 10hn Baumgartoer, Town of Addison Nancy Armstrong. Sasaki Oallas I Fan Worth I Houston I EI Paso I Phoemx I Orange County ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CLlENT: COLUMBUS REALTYTRUST BY, HUITT-ZOllARS. INC. lOB NO.: 01-1822-02 DA'll3: MARCH 6. 1995 REVISED STREET CATEGORY SUMMARY BASED ON COST PER 1!0<11' OF STRJ;;ET STREET CATEGORY"A" • MAroR RESIDENTIAL BLVD. (QUORUM DR.) STREET CATEGORY "B" • PRINClPAL COLLECTOR (SPECTRUM OR.) STREETCATEGCRY "C"· RESIDENTIAL STREET STREET CATEGORY "D" -MEWSS'!REETS STREET CATEGORY "E" • Mll.DREO ST. SPECIAL EVENTS PKWY. STREET CATEGORY "p'. Mll.DREO ST. WIANGLE PARKlNG STREETCATEGCRY "0" -Mn.DREO ST. WiPARALLELPARKlNG PARKS SPECIAL EVENTS CORRIDOR PARKS PAGE: 1 01'10 12,120,369 51,&71,292 $5,547,921 $2,512,276 51.345,2llO $595,129 S23&,21& 51,174,850 $1,836,205 PIIASE SUMMARY BASED ON COST PER FOOT OF srREET PIIASE I SPECIAL EVENTS CORRIDOR AND PARK PHASE I INFRASTRUCTURE PHASE II SPECIAL EVENTS CORRIDOR AND PARK PHASE n INFRASTRUCTURE PHASE 11l SPECIAL EVENTS CORRIDOR REMAINING PARKS REMAINING PHASES ONSITE REMAINING PHASES OFFSITE 12:772.555 SI,391.955 51,620,274 51,620,274 51,767,108 5724,936 51,174,850 $4.846,588 $2.943,273 ADJUSIMENrS DUE TO PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DEDUCT STORM SEWER COST PER FOOT ALLOWANCE FOR ALL S'!REETS COMBINED: AOO STORM SEWER COST BASED ON PRE!.. OESIGN AND ACTUAL QUANTITY TAKE-OFF DEOUCT SANITARY SEWER&: WATERLINE COST ON PREL, DESIGN AND ACTUAL QUANTITY TAKE-OFF ADD SANITARY SEWER &: WATERLINE COST BASEO ON PREt. DESIGN AND ACTUAL QUANTITY TAKE-OFF NET INCREASE IN PROJECT TOTAL COSTS (5824,214) $1,492.016 (51,037,388) 5619,944 "MAlOR REVISIONS: INCREASEO LIGHT FREQUENCY TO 75' OC DECREASED CONTlNGENCY TO 5% ON PAVING &: S'!REETSCAPE ADJUSTED FOR MORE DETAILEO UTILITY QUAN11TIES CORREClED ERROR IN SUMMARY WHERE TYPE GSTREETWAS MISSING. ADOED CONCRETE BASE UNDER BRICK SIDEWALK REVISED BASED ON CtlRRENTPHASING SC!IEME REMOVED CLARA ST, ANO TIlE MEWS CONNECTING CLARA AND MILOREO REMOVED TIlE POCKET PARKS REViSEO PARK ACREAGES BASEl) ON PHASE 1DEVELOPMENT PLAN g:'ymJ}IJ/18220Zldistl!Sl.wkl :-". ;;;. 􀁾􀀠,. ". <' !. ,.. ,.. ".' :', . ..... J" " , P/4i,1J'􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀠, . 􀀺􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀧􀀠.;.' 􀀬􀀧􀁩􀀺􀀺􀀧􀁾􀁩􀁏􀀺􀀺􀀠"< ....-.".".. '.. . 􀁣􀀬􀀷􀁾􀀵􀀧􀁱􀁡􀀵􀁜􀀠•t?; f[?,r/;'-,'􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀠390 300 HUITT--K)LIARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc.! Engineers I Architects 13131 McKinney Avenue JSuile 600 I LB 105/Oanas. Texas 75204-2416/214-871·3311 JFAX 214-871-0757 March 17, 1995 FAX -960-7684 Mr. John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 RE: Columbus Realty Trust Proposed Addison Urban Center Concept Plan Huitt-Zollars Project #01-1822-03 Dear John: As a follow-up to our meeting of March 13, 1995, [ am writing on behalf of Columbus Realty Trust with a formal response to your concerns about the Addison Urban Center Concept Plan as stated in your March 6,1995 memorandum to Carmen Moran. As we diSCUSSed, there are only a very few items upon which we do not entirely agree. Columbus and their consultant team share your concerns about the remaining issues, most of which you have expressed in previous memoranda, however, we have been remiss in providing you with a plan for dealing with them. We would, therefore, like to propose the following approach to dealing with each issue, some of which can be resolved immediately and others which must wait until more detailed stages of the project development. The following items are numbered to correspond to your March 6, 1995 memorandum. I. "Additional Information ... " Our aerial topographic survey can be expanded or we can obtain additional data to provide mapping of the off-site areas that will be affected by the District. We will provide this information, annotated to indicate how off-site conflicts are intended to be handled. 2. Quorum Drive A. Rotary -The Concept Plan is intended only to indicate the fact of a rotary and its approximate total diameter. The detailed design of the approaches and travel lanes as well as all other aspects of its geometry will be subject to your review and approval as construction plans are developed. (See later item on curb vs. bollards, etc.). B. Parallel Parking -We do not disagree that a wider parallel parking space along Quorum Drive would enhance the safety of entering and leaving vehicles. We still, however, disagree on what that width should be. The Concept Plan currently shows eight feet (or one-fuot wider than we have allowed on the other streets). Considering the probable slow speeds on Quorum due to the introduction of the rotary and other intersections, it is my opinion that eight feet is adequate. To my knowledge, there is no formula or criteria we G:\PROJ\OI182203\lBOl15l,TR Dallas f Fort Worth I Houston JEf Paso I Phoenix I Orange County ADD]SON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST BY: HUIIT-ZOLLARS.lNC. PAGE:30FIO JOB NO.: 01·1822-02 DATE: MARCH 6. 1995 STREET CATEGORY "S" -PRINCIPAL COLLECTOR (SPECTRUM DR.) TOTAL LENGTH OFFSITE: 700 LF TOTAL LENGTH ONSITE: 1140 LF ITEM: 􀁾􀀠OTYILFOFSTREET: PRlCE: COSTJLF OF STREET: PAVING: 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 5.56 518.00 5100.08 6" INTEGRAL CURB LF 4.00 51.00 84.00 LIME STAB. SUBGRADE SY 5.89 S1.lS Sh.77 LIME TON 0.08 590.00 $1.16 EXCAVATION CY 2.11 53.00 56.93 CROSSWALKS SA 0.01 53,sao.00 $23.33 PAVlNG SUBTOTAL: 5148.27 CONTINGENCIES (5%) $1.41 STREETSCAPE QlOTE SlDllIll: CHICAGO BRICK SIDEWALK SF 19.20 53.50 567.20 CONCRE1E SlDEW ALK BASE SF 22.00 52.30 550.60 SlDEWALK BRICK ACCENTS SF 2.80 57.00 519.60 STREET LIGHT CONDUIT, IRRlG. SLEEVES LF 5.00 53.00 515.00 lRRIGA TION SYSlEM LF 3.00 $12.00 536.00 TREES SA 0.12 51,500.00 5180.00 TREE GRATES SA 0.00 SSOO.OO 50.00 ANTIQUE STREETLIGHTS WIBASE EA 0.Q3 51,900.00 SSO.67 SUBDRAlN SYSlEM LF 3.00 SI0.60 531.80 BENCH, BIKE RACK. TRASH CAN EA 2.00 533.64 567.28 STREETSCAPE SUBTOTAL: 5518.15 CONTINGENCIES (5%) 525.91 UTll..lTlES: WA1ER SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER LF LF LF 530.00 530.00 SSO.OO 530.00 530.00 SSO.OO UTll..lTlES SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (10%) 5110.00 511,00 STREETCA1EGORY "B" SUBTOTAL; 5820.74 DES.• SURVEY. TESTING. ETC. (20%) $164.15 S984.89 5748.517TOTAL COST OFFSrre (REMAlNlNG PHASES) TOTAL COST ONSrre (pHASE II) 720 $984.89 5709.121 TOTAL COST ONSrre (REMA1NING PHASES) .-420 $984.89 8413,654 tVW,L joc..S Jt-<􀁦􀁴􀀬􀀡􀀺􀁾􀁲􀀲􀀮􀁻􀀡􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀢􀀬􀀮􀁵􀁦􀀮􀁉􀀮􀁁􀁆􀁖􀀤􀀠s (I, . 7/-{,A. J :; ; ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELJMlNARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CUENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST BY; IIUI1T-ZOLLAIlS,INC. PAGE: 4 OF 10 JOB NO.; 01-1822-02 OA'IE: MARCH 6, 1995 STltl!ET CATEGORY "en -RIlSIDENTIAL STREET TOTAL LENGTH OFllSl"fE; 19M LIl' TOTAL LENGTH ONSlTE. 4<140 LF T1EM; UNITS: QTYILF OF SJ'REE.T: l'RlCE: COST!l"F OF SJ'REE.T: PAVING: 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 4.11 518.00 514.00 6" INTEORAL CURB LF 2.00 $1.00 $2,00 LU4E STAB. SUBGRADE SY 5.17 SUS S5,94 LU4E TON 0.fJ7 590.00 50,28 EXCAVATION cY 1.71 53_OIl 5$,13 CROSSWALKS EA 0.01 $2.700.00 SI8.00 PAVINGSUBTOTAL: S111.35 CONTINGENCJES (5%) S5,57 􀁾􀁔􀁒􀁅􀁅􀁔􀁉􀀡􀁃􀁁􀁐􀁅􀀺􀀨􀁂􀁏􀁔􀁉􀁉SIDlllll CHICAGO BRICKSlDEWALK SF 19,20 $3.50 507,20 CONCRElE SIDEWALK BASE SF 22.00 52.30 $50,60 SIDEWALK BRICK ACCENTS SF 2.80 $7,00 SI9.60 STREET LIGHT CONDUIT. lRRIG. SLEEVES LF 4.00 $3,00 SI2.00 lRRIGATION SYSTEM LF 2.00 58.00 S16,00 TREES EA 0.08 51,500,00 5120.00 TREE GUARDS EA 0.08 $200.00 S16,00 ANTIQUE STREETLIGHTS WI BASE EA 0.03 51.900-00 S50.67 SUBl)RAlN SYSlEM LF 2.00 510.60 S21.20 BENCH, BIKE RACK, TRASH CAN EA 2.00 533.64 507.28 STREETSCAPE SUBTOTAL; S440,55 CONTlNGENCJES (5%) 522.03 UTILlTIES, WATIlR SANITARY SEWER STORMSEWER LF LF LF $30.00 530,00 SSo.OO 530.00 530.00 550,00 UTILlTIES SUBTOTAL: CONTlNGENCJES (10%) SlIO_OO 511.00 STREETCATIlGORY ·C· SUBTOTAL: $700.50 l)ES .. SURVEY, TIlSTINO. ETC. (20%) 5140.10 LF PRICE COST TOTAL COST OPPSTIE (REMAINING PHASES) 1960 $340.59 51,647.564 TOTAL COST ONSTIE (j'HASE D TOTAL COST ONSTIE ()'HASE U) TOTAL COST ONSTIE (REMAlNlNG PHASES) 930 500 5840.59 $340.59 $781.753 5420,297 ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALIT TRUST lOB NO.: 01-1822-02 STREET CATEGORY liD" .. MEWS STREETS TO'l'AL LENCm ONSITE, 2285 LF ITEM: PAVIN()' 6" CONCRETE PAVEMENT SPECIAL PAVlNG ENHANCEMENTS 6" BRICK RESTRAINT LIME STAB. SUBGRADE LIME EXCAVATION 􀁾􀁓􀀦􀁦􀁒􀁏􀁓􀁓􀁗􀁁􀁌􀁋􀁓􀀠􀁾􀀿􀀠(;,(JJ7b ? STREETSCAPE:CBOTH SIDES) CmCAOO BRICK SIDEWALK CONCREiE SIDEWALK BASE SlDEWALK BRICK ACCENTS STREET L1GIIT CONDUIT, IRRIG. SLEEVES IRRIGATION SYSTEM TREES TREE GRATES ANTIQUE STREET LIGIITS WI BASE SUBDRAlN SYSTEM BENCH. BIKE RACK. TRASH CAN UTILITIES: WATER (I) SANITARY SEWER (I) STORM SEWER (1) TOTAL COST OFFSITE TOTAL COST ONSITE (pHASE I) -,/TOTAL COST ONSITE (pHASE II) TOTAL COST ONSITE (REMAINING PHASES) BY: HUlTr-ZOLLARS.INC. DATE: MARCH 6. 1995 UNITS: OTYILF OF STREET: PRICE: SY 2.67 516.00 SF 24.00 58Jl1J LF 2.00 51.00 SY 2.83 $1.15 TON 0.38 S90.00 CY 2.08 53.00 EA 0.00 55.000.00 EA 0.24 53$0.00 PAVlNG SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (5%) PAGE: 5 OF 10 COSTILF OFSTREET: 542.72 $192.00 82.00 53.25 534.47 $6.24 $0.00 584.00 5364.68 518.23 SF 16.80 S3.50 SF 19.00 82.30 SF 2.20 >7.00 LF 4.00 53.00 LF 2.00 58.00 EA 0.08 51.500.00 EA 0.08 S5OO,oo EA 0,03 SI.9OQ.OO LF 2.00 510.60 EA 2.00 533.64 STREETSCAPE SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (5%) 558.SO 543.70 515.40 512.00 516.00 5120.00 540.00 550.67 521.20 $67.28 5445.05 522.25 LF LF LF 520.00 S20.00 520.00 UTILITIES SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (10%) 520.00 520.00 520,00 S60.oo $6.00 STREET CATEGORY'o-SUBTOTAL: $916.22 DES, SURVEY. TESTING. Ere. (20%) 5183.24 LF PRICE COST 0 51.099.46 50 555 51.099.46 $610,203 580 SI.099.46 $637.689 11$0 51.099.46 51.264.384 " ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CLIENT, COLUMBUS REALTY '!'RUST BY: IIUITT-ZOLLARS.lNC. PAGE: 601' 10 lOB NO_:OI-1822-02 DAT!!:MARCH6,1995 STREEI' CATEOORY "E" -MlLDREDST, SPECIAL EVENTSPKWY, TOTAL LENGTH OFFSITE: 410 LF TOTAL LENGTH ONSlTE, 730 LF ITEM, UNITS, QTYiLFOFSTRElIT, PRICE: COSTiLF OF STRElIT: PAVING: 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 6.67 513.00 5120.00 SPECIAL PAVING ENHANCEMENT SF 40.00 53.50 5140.00 6" INTEGRAL CURB 11' 4.00 51.00 $4.00 LUdESTAB.SUBGRADE SY 7.00 51_IS $8.05 LIME TON 0.09 590.00 58.51 EXCAVATION CY 2.96 53.00 58.89 NECKOOWNS &: CROSSWALKS EA 0.01 55.000.00 533.)3 PAVlNG SUBTOTAL: 5322.18 CONTINGENCIES (5%) 516.14 STREETSCAPE:(BOTI! SIDES) CHICAGO BRICK SIDEWALK SF 22.40 53.50 578.40 CONCRETE SIDEWALK BASE SF 26.00 $2.30 559.80 SIDEWALK BRICK ACCENTS SF 3.60 57.00 525.20 S1'REEI' LIGHT CONDUIT.IRRlG. SLEEVES 11' 4.00 $3.00 Sl2.oo IRRIGATION SYS'fE!,{ 11' 2.00 $8.00 516.00 TRIlES W/ELECTRlCAL. ETC. EA 0.08 51.600.00 5128.00 1'REE GRATFS EA 0.08 5500.00 540.00 ANTIQUE S1'REEI'LIGHTS WI BASE EA 0.03 51.900.00 550.67 SUBDRAlN SYS'fE!,{ 11' 2.00 510.61) 521.20 BENCH. BIKE RACK. '!'RASH CAN EA 2.00 533.$4 561.28 S1'REEI'SCAFE SUBTOTAL, 5498.55 CONTINGENCIES (5%) 524.93 UTILmES, WATER SANITARY SEWER STORMSEWER I.F 11' I.F 1 1 1 530.00 530.00 550.00 530.00 530.00 550.00 UTILITIES SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (10%) 5110.00 51l_00 S1'REEI' CA'lEGORY "E" SUBTOTAL: 5983.39 DES., SURVEY. TFSTlNG, ETC_ (20%) 5196.68 I.F PRICE COST TOTAL COST OFFSITE (pHASE I SPECIAL EVENTS) 410 51.180.Q7 5483.829 TOTAL COST ONSITE (pHASE I SPECIAL EVENTS) 210 51,180.07 5241.815 TOTAL COST ONSITE (pHASE It SPECIAL EVENTS) 410 51.180.07 5483.829 TOTAL COST ONSITE (pHASE mSPECIAL EVENTS) 110 51.180.07 5129.808 ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST BY: HUlIT-ZOLI.AItS.INC. lOB NO.: 0.1-1822-02 DA'IE: MARCH 6. 1995 STll.EET CATEGORY "fi"· MIIDItEDST. WI ANGLE PARKING TOTAL LENGTH ONSI'l"& 475 LF ITEM: UNITS: QTYILFOF S11!EET: PRICE: PAVING: 8"CONCRETEPAVEMENT SY 9.89 $18.00 SPECIAL PAVING ENHANCEMENT SF 20.00 58.00 6" INTEGRAl. CURB LF 2.00 51.00 LIME STAB. SUllGRADE SY 10.06 SI.15 LL'dE TON 0..14 $90.00 EXCAVATION CY 3.37 53.00 NECKDOWNS &: CROSSWALKS I!A 0..0.1 56.000.00 PAVING SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (5%) PAGE:7OFID COSTILF OF STREET: 5178.02 5160.00 52.00 SIU6 512.29 510..11 $40..00 $413.98 5'20..70. STREETSCt.fll'lBOTIl SlI!lllll CHICAGO BRICK SIDEWALK SF 16.00 $3.50 CONCRETE SIDEWALK BASE SF 20.00 S2.3D SIDEWALK BRICK ACCENTS SF 4.00 $7.00 STREET LIGHT CONDUIT,IRRIG. SLEEVES LF 4.00 53.00 LRRIGATlON SYSTEM LF 2.00 58.00 TREES W!ELECTRlCAL ETC. EA 0.0.8 51.600.00 TREE GRATES EA 0.08 5500.00 ANTIQUE STREET LIGHTS I!A 0..03 51,900.00 SUBDRAlN SYSTEM LF 2.00 510.60. BENCH, BIKE RACK, TRASH CAN I!A 2.00 533.64 STREETSCAPESUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (5%) S56.00 $46.00 528.00 512.00 SI6.00 5128.00 540.00 SSD.67 5'21.20 $67.2& $465.15 5'23.26 UTILITIES: WATER SANITARY SEWER STORMSEWER LF LF LF 530..00 530.00 550.00 U1'IL.Il1ES SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (10%) 530..00 530..00 550.00 SIID.DD 511.00 STRIlETCATEGORY"F" SUllTOTAL: SI.I)44.09 DES. SURVEY, TESTING. ETC. (20%) S'208.82 LF PRICE COST TOTAL COST OFl'SITE 0. 51.252.90 SO TOTAL COST ONSITE (PHASE ill SPECIAL EVENiS) 475 51.252.90 SS95.129 ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPlNION OF PROBABLE COST CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY muST BY: HUlTl'·ZOUARS,INC. JOB NO.: 0l-l822·OZ DATE: MARCH6,1!l95 STREET CATEGORY "G"· MILDRED ST. RETAIL WIPARALLEL PARKING TOTAL LENGTH ONSITE: :1"..0 LF ITEM: UNITS: OTYn..F OF STREET: PAVlNG: 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 5.00 SPECIAL PAVJNG ENHANCEMENTS SF 20.00 6" INTEGRAL CURB LI' 2.00 lIME STAB. SUBGRADE SY 6.72 lIME TON 0.07 EXCAVATION CY 2.08 NECKDOWNS & CROSSWALKS EA om PAVJNG SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENClES (5%) PAGE: SOFia !'RICE: COSTn..F OF SIRElIT: SI8.00 590.00 $3.00 $160.00 S1.00 $2.00 51.iS 57.73 $90.00 56.2S 53.00 56.24 $$,000.00 $33.33 5305.59 515.28 STREE!§CAPE:(BOTI! SIDES) CHICAGO BRICK SIDEWALK $I' 16.00 CONCRETE SIDEWALK BASE SF 18.00 SlDEWALK BRICK ACCENTS SF 2.00 STREET LIGHT CONDUIT,lRlUG. SLEEVES LI' 4.00 lRlUGATION SYSTEM LI' 2.00 TREES EA 008 TREE GRATES EA 008 ANTIQUE SmEET L1GIITS WIBASE EA 0.03 SUEDRAIN SYSTEM LI' 2.00 BENCH. BIKE RACK, mASH CAN EA 2.00 STREETSCAPE SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENClES (5%) 53.50 $2.30 2.30 57.00 $3.00 $3.00 $1,500.00 $$00.00 $1.900.00 $10.60 533.64 $S6.00 541.40 5\4.00 812.00 $16.00 5120.00 540.00 850.67 $21.20 567.211 5438.55 521.93 UTILITIES: WATER LI' 1 SANITARY SEWER LI' I STORMSEWER LI' UTILITIES SUE TOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (10%) :130.00 . :130.00 $$000 530.00 830.00 $$0.00 $110.00 511.00 STREET CATEGORY 'G' SUBTOT"'-' $902.34 DES" SURVEY. TESTING, ErC. (20%) SIS0.47 Y: !'RICE COST TOTAL COSTOFfSl1E o $1,082.81 so TOTAL COST ONSl1E (pHASE I SPECIAL EVENTS) ISS $1.082.81 5167.836 TOTAL COST ONSITE (pHASE II SPECIAL EVENTS) 65 $1.082.81 570.383 ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST JOB NO.: 01-1822-02 PARlCS TOTAL ACREAGE< l.23AClIl!S I11;M: MEWS PARK -0.72 ACRES: CLEARlNGlPRUNlNGIGRADING PEI!.1MEIER. TREATMENT SIDEWALKS 1'UR,NITURE ALLOWANCE CENTRAL FEATURE ALLOWANCE PLAN11NGIIRlUGA110N QUORUM NORTH PARK -0.75 ACRE& CLEARlNGlPRUNlNGIGRADING PEI!.1MEIER. TREATMENT SIDEWALKS FURNI1VRE ALLOWANCE 􀁃􀁅􀀮􀁾FEATURE ALLOWANCE PLANTINGIllUUGA 110N BOSQUE PARK-0.76 ACRES: CLEARlNGIPRUNlNG/GRADlNG PE!UM.E1ER. TREATMENT SIDEWALKS 1'UR,NITURE ALLOWANCE CENTRAL FEATURE ALLOWANCE PLANTINGIlRlUGA 110N BY: HUl'IT-ZOLLARS.INC. DAre MARCH 6. 1m SF 30600 52 J..I' 760 5100 SF 9000 54 LS 520.000 LS 515.000 SF 21600 53 MEWS PARK SUBTOTAL: SP 32670 52 J..I' 170 5100 SF 10000 54 LS 530.000 LS I 550.000 SF 24800 53 QUORUM NORTI! PARK SUBTOTAL: SF 33105 $l J..I' f!I10 SISO SF 12000 54 LS I S40.000 LS 1 5110.000 SF 31475 54 BOSQUE PARK SUBTOTAL: PAGE:90FI0 561.200 516.000 531.500 $l0.000 515.000 564.800 5328,500 565.340 517.000 535.000 530.000 550.000 514.400 5331.740 $66,210 51J(l.500 542.000 S4(l.OOO SIIO.OOO 5125.900 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾551 4.610 ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CLIENT: COLUMBUS .REALrrTRUST BY: IIUI1T-ZOLLARS, INC. lDB NO.: 01-1822-02 DAlE: MARCH 6, 1995 SPEClALEVENTSCORRIDORPARKS /),/fI?, OP(7,. TOTAL ACREAGE, 2.77 ACRI!S , ;;:. .'. ..".-,'" ITEM: 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠orr: PAGE: 10 OF 10 􀁗􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁍􀁮􀀮􀁄􀁒􀁅􀁄􀁐􀁁􀁾􀀺􀀠CLEARINGIPRUNINGIG G SF 5364S $2 PERIM. DBL. ROW OF TREES WI LlGIfTING LF 1I00 $240 SIDEWALKS SF 15000 54 FURNmJREALLOWANCE LS S40,000 TWIN SECONDARY MONUMENTS LS 5120,000 PLANTING!IRRlGA110N SF 39328 $3 WEST MILDRED PARK SUBTOTAL: PHASE! QUORUM ROTARY PARK -0.41 ACRES: CLEARINGIPRUNINGIGRADING SF 11672 $2 PERlM. DBL. ROW OF TREES WI LlGIfTING LF 475 5300 SIDEWALKS SF 9500 510 FURNmJREALLOWANCE LS 520,000 CnnCSCALEFOUNTAlN LS 5200,000 PLAIfTINGIlRRlGA 110N SF 1446 sa QUORUM ROTARY PARK SUBTOTAL: PHASE! EAST Mn.DRED PARK -1,06 ACRES: CLEARINGIPRUNINGIGRADING SF 4525' 52 PERlM. DBL. ROW OF TREES WI UGIfTING LF 1000 $240 SIDEWALKS SF 15000 54 FURNIT1JRE ALLOWANCE LS $36,000 TWJN SECONDARY MONUMENTS LS 1 5109,500 PLANTINGIlRRlGA110N SF 33837 53 EAST Mn.DRED PARK SUBTOTAL: SHI7,2!1O $264.000 $52.500 S40.000 5120.000 $117.984 S701.774 535,344 $142,500 $95.000 S20.000 $200.000 511.568 $504.412 S90.508 $240.000 S52.5OO $36.000 5109.500 5101.511 5630.019 PHASE II TOTAL PARKS (pHASE I SPECIAL EVENTS) 51.206.186 TOTAL PARKS (pHASE II SPECIAL EVENTS) 5630.019 g:'ProjVJ118220UiJtest.wk.l ADDISON URBAN CENTER STREET SEGMENTS Quorum Drive: Street Categorv nAn. 106' ROW • From the north line of Arapaho Road to the north line of the Railroad ROW (south line of Columbus tract) Length = 300 LF Off-site Remaining Phases • From the north line of the Railroad ROW (south line of Columbus tract) to the south line of the Rotary Length = 195 LF On-site Phase I Special Events 195 LF On-Site Phase n Special Events • Quorum Rotary (270' Dia. ROW): Street Category N/A Length = 270 LF On-site Phase I Special Events • From the north line of the rotary to the north line of Street "R-4" Length = 170 LF On-site Phase I Special Events 170 LF On-site Phase II Special Events • From the north line of Street "R-4" to the north line of Street "R-3" Length = 145 LF On·site Phase I Special Events 145 LF On-site Phase II Special Events • From the north line of Street HR·3" to the north line of Street "R-2" Length = 290 LF On-site Remaining Phases • From the north line of Street "R-2" to the centerline of Street "R-I" (north line of Columbus tract) Length '" 260 LF On·site Remaining Phases • From the centerline of Street "R·I" (north line of Columbus tract) to the south line of Airpon Parkway Length = 340 LF Off-site Remaining Phases Spectrum Drive: Street Category nB n • 69' ROW • From the north line of the Railroad ROW (south line of Columbus tract) to the north line of Street "R-4" Length = 720 LF On-site Phase n • From the north line of Street "R-4" to the north line of Street "R-2" Length = 290 LF On-site Remaining Phases 290 LF Off-site Remaining Phases • From the north line of Street HR_2" to the centerline of Street "R-t" (north line of Columbus tract) Length = 130 LF On·site Remaining Phases 130 LF Off-site Remaining Phases G:\PR0Ji01182lO2\STR·SEGDOC • Mews Street (M-2) East of Quorum Drive • From the north line of the Railroad ROW (south line of Colwnbus tract) to the south line of Mildred Street Length '" 370 LF On-site Phase n • From the north line of Mildred Street to the south line of Street "R-4" Length '" 210 LF On-site Phase n • From the north line of Street "R-4" to the south line of Street "R-3" Length '" 230 LF On-site Remaining Phases • From the north line of Street "R-3" to the south line of Street "R-2" Length = 230 LF On-site Remaining Phases • From the north line of Street "R-2" to the south line of Street "R-I" Length ;: 230 LF On-site Remaining Phases Mildred Street Special Events: Street Categorv "E" • 198' ROW • From a point 260 feet east of Addison Road to the west boundary line of the Colwnbus tract Length = 410 LF Off-site Phase I Special Events • From the west line of the Colwnbus tract to the east line of Street "M-l" Length = 210 LF On-site Phase I Special Events • From a point 65 feet east of the Quorwn rotary to the west line line of Spectrum Drive Length = 410 LF On-site Phase n Special Events • From the east line of Spectrwn Drive to a point 110 LF east Length ;: 110 LF On-site Phase ill Special Events Mildred Street w/Angle Parking: Street Category "F" • 109' ROW • From a point 110 LF east of Spectrum Drive to the west line of the Dallas North Tollway Length = 475 LF On-site Phase ill Special Events Mildred Street wlParalleI Parking: Street Category "G" • 69' ROW • From the east line of Street "M-l" to the west line of Qnorwn Rotary Length = 155 LF On-site Phase I Special Events • From the east line of Quorwn Rotary to a point 65 LF east Length = 65 LF On-site Phase n Special Events • From the centerline of Street "R-l" to the south line of Airport Parkway Length '" 340 LF Off-site Remaining Phases Residential Streets: Street Category "C" -61' ROW • From the east line of Street "R-5" to the west line of Quorum Drive Length (RI) = 300 LF On-Site Remaining Phases 300 LF Off-site Remaining Phases Length (R2) = 600 LF On-site Remaining Phases Length (R3) = 380 LF On-site Phase I 220 LF On-site Remaining Phases Length (R4) = 550 LF On-site Phase I • From the east line of Quorum Drive to the west line of Spectrum Drive Length (RI) = 250 LF On-site Remaining Phases 250 LF Off-site Remaining Phases Length (R2) = 500 LF On-site Remaining Phases Length (R3) = 500 LF On-site Remaining Phases Length (R4) = 500 LF On-site Phase II • From the east line of Spectrum Drive to the west line of Dallas North Tollway Length (R2) = 480 LF Off-site Remaining Phases • From the east line of Addison Road to the west line of the Columbus tract Gust east of Street "R-5") Length (R4) = 590 LF Off-site Remaining Phases • From the north line of Street "R-4" to the centerline of Street "R-l" (North line of Columbus tract) Length (RS) '" 840 LF On-site Remaining Phases • From the centerline of Street "R-I" to the south line of Airport Parkway Length (RS) = 340 LF Off-site Remaining Phases Mews Streets: Street Category "D" . 45' ROW • Mews Street (M-I) west of Quorum Drive • From the north line of Mildred to the south line of Street "R-4" Length '" 325 LF On-site Phase I • From the north line of Street "R-4" to the south line of Street "R-3" Length = 230 LF On-site Phase I • From the north line of Street "R-3" to the south line of Street "R-2" Length '" 230 LF On-site Remaining Phases • From the north line of Street "R -2" to the south line of Street "R -I" Length = 230 LF On-site Remaining Phases 3 􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀠.".... 3-11-'IS //I! /􀁬􀁾􀀬'-'-//; //c. '-. ;(/' . .-. !j;' . , . i JI • /. --./, . -": 􀀢􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀧􀁙􀀧􀀢􀁾􀁻􀀮􀀧􀀠j, ( //,."__􀀮􀁾...􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀧􀀬􀀻􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀱􀀨􀁟􀀻􀁖􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬􀀧􀀭􀀢􀀭􀁾􀀠I)" 􀁾􀀬-,v"'.L I'/.'_ .J , 􀁦􀀩􀀡􀀭􀀯􀁾􀀯􀀠􀀯􀀯􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀧􀀠 Mr. John Baumgartner March 17, 1995 Page 2 can apply 10 this issue and it must, therefore, be resolved in another manner. At this point, we are at an impasse and it is up to the Town to decide internall y what will be required. C. Thoroughfare Plan -The introduction of parallel parking, the rotary, etc. does not necessarily preclude Quorum Drive from remaining a major arterial. It has always been envisioned as the spine of the development in this area and could reasonably be expected to have several intersections and slower traffic as a result of any development. Since the lane configuration is not changing due to the Urban Center concept, the primary question at issue is what the capacity of the roadway will be (or what level of service it will operate at) given the proposed development scenario. A conscious decision may be made 10 remove Quorum from the thoroughfare plan in order to protect the integrity of the District as it grows but not without understanding its consequences. Columbus' traffic consultant could evaluate the roadway, but it is oniy meaningful in the context of the adjacent roadway system, especially in comparison to what you currently have envisioned for Quorum Drive. Since the proposed roadway network in the area was probably stndied by the Town's traffic consultant in order to create the Thoroughfare Plan, it is more practical to have him re-run that model with the changes in both land use and street configuration brought about by the Urban Center. Columbus would participate at whatever level you believe to be appropriate. 3. Spectrum Drive A. R.O.W. -The eastern side of Spectrum Drive is not within the control of Columbus Realty Trust, however, it is our understanding that OPUBCO has committed to the dedication and Columbus will pursue confirmation of this in writing. B&C. Alignment & Railroad Crossing . The Concept Plan accurately reflects the proposed spectrum alignment based on a field survey of the existing buildings to the north ("The Madison"). It also takes into account the probable railroad underpass based on the alignment our firm developed independently for you as part of our Arapaho Road contract. A separate, more detailed corridor exhibit containing proposed calculated aligmnent geometry can be provided if desired. 4. Residential Streets A. Clara -The off-site corrected R.O.W. vacation will be refleCted in futnre documents. B&E. Street R-4 -Your point is well taken and we wilI provide a localized study to illustrate an alternative scenario in case the proposed alignment cannot be realized. This could have an impact on the Phase I Development Plan, a fact which should be considered in its review so that some latitnde is available for revision after the plan is approved. (Concept sketch enclosed.) C. Street R-l -If the owner north of R-l chooses not to participate in the Urban Center concept and will not donate right-of-way for half of the roadway, Columbus is prepared fr.\PROJ\Oj J82203\J80315L1R Mr. John Baumgartner March 17, 1995 Page 3 to move Street R-l thirty feet south, entirely onto their property. Correspondingly, they will not propose construction of parallel parking or enhanced 􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁥􀁥􀁴􀁾􀁣􀁡􀁰􀁥􀀠on the north side. This option should be acknowledged in the approval of the Concept Plan. (Concept sketch enclosed). D. Street R-5 -This street, like R-I and R-4 is ideally envisioned to include off-site extensions. However, an alternative scenario will be developed in case the necessary cooperation and participation of off-site owners cannot be obtained. (Concept sketch enclosed.) E. (See Above) F. Residential Street Geometry -We will develop appropriate intersection geometry for your review and approval during the construction drawing process. 5. Mews A&B. Public vs. Private -The concept of the Mews is that of an enhanced two-way alley. Alleys are created routinely as public right-of-way for the express purposes of local access and service in order to remove these operations, both functionally and visually from the primary street network. While the most common use of alleys today is in suburban residential subdivisions, they have been employed for centuries in urban environments. Unfortunately, in the United States, the physical nature of the urban alley has become one of a dark, uninviting, traSh-strewn, "back door" full of utility poles and devoid of any character. In may other parts of the world, these narrow corridors, though still serviceoriented, are inviting, intimate "lanes" that offer a quiet altemative to the main streets and may house some small shops. The Mews are intended to expand on this concept by offering two-way vehicular access as well as an enhanced pedestrian environment through special paving and landscaping. The additional ambiance of the Mews comes from the intentional mixture of vehicles and pedestrians in the same space. Therefore, the absence of curbs is essential to their success. Trees and bollards will provide adequate delineation of the spaces without defeating the concept. Since this is somewhat unusual (though not unlike the way most parking areas and plazas function) certain special features may be advisable such as signage warnlng drivers of pedestrian activity, and posting of extremely low speed limits. Note, however, that the vehicular activity on the Mews is expected to be very low and the use of modular pavers will create a surface that tends to slow down the cars. A curb in this environment tmly serves no purpose and the pavement will have an inverted crown to handle drainage. C. Dead End Mews -We agree that this situation is not acceptable, but believe there are several other options. One may be the use of the existing 20-foot wide easement along the railroad (plus additional width if necessary) as an emergency access route using "Grass-Crete" or similar material. D. Mews Just North of Mildred -The concept and development plans employ this Mews for circulation and fire coverage for the Phase I project. (HPRO!\Ol182203IJBOllSl..lR Mr. John Baumgartner March 17, 1995 Page 4 6. Mildred A. Off-site -If the off-site portions of the Mildred Special Events Parkway cannot be Obtained in time to meet Columbus' schedule for Phase I, an interim plan may be required which phases that work and uses a hybrid of the existing and proposed Mildred's for a while. (Concept sketch enclosed.) B. Parking -The Concept as submitted is for parallel parking in the outside lanes generally west of Spectrum and head-in parking east of Spectrum. C. Garage Access -It is important for Columbus' leasing efforts to have parking obvious and convenient adjacent to their proposed office at the northeast comer of Mildred and M-l in Phase I. The parallcl parking on Mildred will not be adequate for that purpose. However, you have a very valid point that, during a special event when Mildred is closed, the garage will be inaccessible. Therefore, the best compromise is probably to place the entrance on M-l just north of Mildred. A location on R-4 would keep garage traffic further from a special event but would not serve COlumbus' needs well at any other time. 7. Special Paving Materials Despite the best efforts of the concrete products industry, they have yet to create a material that has the true warmth, charm and feel of clay brick or other natural materials such as granite cobbles. Some materials, such as the random cobble concrete unit pavers, can give a reasonably natural-prOduct feel but most designers remaln highly opinionated on what is appropriate in a given situation. Concrete pavers and colored, patterned concrete are very appropriate in many situation and may even have a place in the Addison Urban Center. The goal, however, is to avoid the effect of creating a slick, brand-new manufactured environment. MaterialS selection is critical to this goal and the use of materials such as brick and stone will contribute significantly to achieving it. Proper instullation and structural support of these, or any, material are as important to serviceability as the choice of the material. We believe tllat the final selection of materials can be made during the design process and are confident that we can address your concerns with properly engineered installations. 8. Vehicular Visibility It may be to our advantage to establish some standards for visibility triangles at typical intersection conditions as part of the first project (if not sooner) so that we do not have to readdress it over and over as the development progresses. 9. Utilities and Dralnage A-D. In all cases, tlle off-site areas that contribute stormwater or sanitary sewer flow to the Urban Center system have been included in tlle calculations for sizing the lines. The systems submitted with the Concept Plan are our first attempt at a masterplan for this area and we recognize the need to meet with you to discuss our assumptions, the issues and refinements necessary to create a plan which is a mutually agreeable and definitive tool Q:lJlROJ\OI18220lIJB03ISLlR Mr. John Baumgartner March 17, 1995 Page 5 for moving forward with the development. We can meet at your convenience to conduct thJs review. 10. Phasing Plan 'This plan should be developed after we finalize the drainage and utility masrerplans with input from the Town and the developer to differentiate between essential and desirable elements of infrastructure associated with each phase. II. N/A 12. Bollards VS. Curbs We, even as Columbus' engineer, have strong reservations about the lack of curb and use of bollards in the rotary. Though we are confident that the drainage can be dealt with, we believe that bollards will routinely be hit and require replacement due to the continuous curve movement. On the other hand, in the Mews, which are straight streets, we feel the bollards are an appropriate solution and that even a mountable curb negatively impacts the environment which is being created. In addition, if the curb is mountable, the boUards can be hit just as easily as if there were no curb at all, so the mountable curb only serves to interrupt the walking surface. 13. Off-Site Roadways The conditions of approval of the Concept Plan should address wbo will be responsible for obtaining right-of-way. I hope thJs information will be helpful in addressing your concerns so that the project may move forward as a truly joint effort between the Town and the developer. A lot has been accomplished in a short period of time and some details have suffered as a result. However, as Columbus' engineer, we take on the task of making the concepts a reality and we are comntitted to addressing your concerns in the process. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. ACO:m cc: Bryant Nail John GoslinglParis Rutherford G WROJ\OI182203\IB0315LlR ADDISON URBAN CENTER PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE COST CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST BY: HUm-ZOllARS,INC PAGE:20F10 JOB NO,: 01-1822-02 DATE: MARCH 6,1995 STREET CATEGORY "A" • MAJOR RESIDENI'lAL BLVD. (QUORUM DR.) TOTAL LENGTH OFFSITE: 6!EN1) LF 2.00 $1.00 $2.00 LIME STAB, SUBGRADE SY 2.00 SLl5 52.30 LIME TON 0,03 590.00 $2,43 EXCAVATION CY 0,90 53,00 $l.70 NECKDOWNS & CROSSWALKS !!A 0.01 SS.OOO,OO 533,33 SAWCUT & REMOVALS LF 2.00 SS.OO $10,00 FAVlNG SUBTOTAL: S84,SO CONTINGENCIES (5%) $4,24 STREETSCAPE (BOT!! SIDES): CHICAGO BRICK SIDewALK SF 22AO 53.50 $78,40 CONCRETE SIDewALK BASE SF 26.00 $l,30 S59,80 SIDewALK BRICK ACCENTS SF 3.60 $7,00 525,20 STREET WGRT CONDUIT, IRRlG. SLEEVES LF 5.00 83,00 515,00 IRRIGATION SYSTEM LF 3,00 89.33 $l7,1)9 TREES !!A 0.12 51,500,00 SHlO,oo TREE GRATES !!A 0 5500,00 $0,00 ANTIQUE STREET LIGHTS WI BASE !!A 0.Ql 51.900,00 550,67 SUBDRAIN SYSTEM LF 3,00 $10,60 $31.80 BENCH, BIKE RACK, TRASH CAli EA 2.00 533,64 567,28 STREETSCAPE SUBTOTAL: 5536.14 CONTINGENCIES (5%) 526.81 UTILlTlES: WATER SAt'lITARY SEWER STORMSE\VER LF LF LF 515,00 515.00 525,00 $15.00 815,00 $25,00 UTn.lTlES SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCIES (10%) 555,00 55,SO STREET CATEGORY" A" SUBTOTAL: $712,49 DES.• SURVEY, TESTING. ETC. (2091.) 5142.50 TOTAL COST OFFSlTE (REMA!NlNG PHASES) TOTAL COST ONSlTE (pHASE I SPECIAl. EVENTS) TOTAL COSTONSlTE (pHASE 11 SPECIAL EVENTS) TOTAL COST ONSlTE (REMAINING PHASES) LF PRICE 640 5854.99 7SO 58$4,99 510 58$4,99 550 5854.99 COST 5547.192 5666,890 $436,044 $470.243 NOTES: 1. PAVING INVOLVES ONLY AOOmON OFPARALLEL PARRING AND NECKDOWNS TO EXlSTING STREET, 2. WATER. SEWER AND DRAINAGE ALLOWANCES ARE FOR ADJUSTMENTS TO EXlSTING SYSTEMS ONLY. _ 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭CB : 147.90' CD : 5 03°57'48" W -147.83' 􀁾􀀡􀀠I ) '" 􀀸􀀲􀂷􀀴􀀸􀁾􀁷􀀢􀀬􀀠/. I ,:2)' W"IJ 􀀭􀁾􀀭W) 'ALTERNATIVES EOR ONSITE ROADWAYS IF OFFSITE ,RIGHT-OF-WAY CANNOT BE OBTAINED OR IS DELAYED I 1 I . I , ,, , , 1,1,,,, , _,.-!,LTjrl·' __ 􀁾􀀭􀁾􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀠: I , ! .1 .hm-»>77777;;;;; ;;»;'"S.. 􀁾􀀺􀁡􀁳􀀬􀂻􀀬􀀬􀂻􀀾􀀾􀀾􀀠􀀬􀀮􀁾􀀠I r-_un_.. 􀁮􀀭􀂷􀀭􀁾􀁩􀀠 I, I-------------------1 ___ I I L y.2 􀁾􀁾􀀠-------i! .... """'.C:"a,t::Rn \.1 ...1 eM ___ ---.5 ,-_. : 􀁾􀀠: 􀁾􀀺􀀰􀀶􀀬􀁯􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀺􀁬N -1392 􀁾􀀹􀀧􀀠IL -... I ._-, r-----.-----------------------, r--------------I I I I \ \ Is 89°57'01"80.89' ___ 4 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠__________ 􀁾_________ 􀁾__ 􀁾􀁟􀁟􀀠JL__--_=LL-D STREET (-tAl-W,a.6D--------I 1--I -1 -,-ADDISON URBAN CENTER' • _, .... __ , __.......􀁟􀁾􀀧􀁷... ..____.... 􀁾􀀠􀀢􀁾􀁾􀀠,,,,,,,,,,,, 􀁾􀀠,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 􀁾􀀮􀁉􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠.. 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠•o.... o ---􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭..... ---_ .. 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀮􀀠I U\, , • I I􀀺􀁾􀀠1J , 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠-_• U') (I) --:::;;;::;:::=.;-..:..::-i:-.I .. . 􀁾􀀠I I N JI I, 􀁾􀀠 g 1"􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀀬􀁾􀀠I I 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠f) , I I I l__ i CC 􀀮􀁾􀁦􀀯􀁊􀁟ch,':; "3-1-7-'15"THE GINN CORPORATION Co'ltItllti'llg Engmeen March 22, 1995 John Baumgartner Town ofAddison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001-0144 RE: Official Right ofWay Map for the Addison Toll Tunnel Dear Mr. Baumgartner: Transmitted herewith are six (6) copies ofthe Official Right of Way Map for the Addison Toll Tunnel. Should you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, 􀀻􀀨􀀫􀁾H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. HWGllw Enclosures cc: file reading 17103 Preston Road. Suite 205 • Dallas. Texas 75248 • Phone 214/248-4900 P.O. Box 796577 • Dallas, Texas 75379·6577 • FAX 214/931-1452 C C '. 􀁾􀀨􀀯􀀭􀀯􀁉􀀠tv. Chr/5 TL7-f'J:THE GINN CORPORATION CONsmling Engineen March 22, 1995 John Baumgartner Town ofAddison P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001-0144 RE: Official Right of Way Map for the Addison Toll Tunnel Dear Mr. Baumgartner: Transmitted herewith are six (6) copies of the Official Right of Way Map for the Addison Toll TUlUlel. Should you have any questions, please contact me, Sincerely, lIo/?H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. HWGllw Enclosures cc: file reading 17103 Preston Road. SUite 205. Dallas, Texas 75248. Phone 214/248·4900 P.O. Box 796577 • Dallas, Texas 75379·6577 • FAX 2141931-1452 ...-'. --.........,,""' wvvv 􀀧􀁾􀀺􀀧􀀠't.lV-:"".-a srI 740 . ,44" " , ,'" VII' •," "'-7 ?IA>, It!tQ. :14-71', "l41 ,84'/t09 8s, "11.70 e&4-" 174:. Itc. II' Ii. 􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁾􀀩􀀠. 􀀧􀁦􀀧􀁾􀁉􀁾􀀠􀁲􀀮􀁾􀀩􀁺� �􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀮􀀭􀀧.. , HUITT-ZOLIARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc I Engineering I Architecture /3131 McKinney Avenue I Suile 600 I LB 105/Dallas, Texas 75204-2416/214-671-3311 f FAX 214-871-0757 November 13, 1995 Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E., Director Town of Addison Public Works 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 Re: Addison Circle HZI Project No. 01-1822-04 Dear John: Attached for your review are three sets of plans for the Addison Circle project. This submittal includes horizontal control plans, demolition plan, paving typical sections, utility sections, paving plans & profiles, drainage area maps, stormwater calculations, stormwater plans & profiles, water plans & profiles, wastewater plans & profiles, pollution control plans, and standard details. There are a few items I wanted to call to your attention as you review the plans. The items are: 1. Street names have not been selected by Columbus at this time. 2. .The quantity sheets will be added to the final submittal as we determine the final construction quantities. 3. Normally we would include the sidewalk paving patterns on the streetscape plans. However, there is too much information needed on these plans to clearly show everything so we are going to prepare separate sidewalk plans. These detailed sidewalk plans indicating the types of materials to be used, the sidewalk patterns, and the limits of the public contract are currently being drafted based on the conceptual streetscape plans prepared by Newman, Jackson & Bierberstein, a copy of which are enclosed for your use in reviewing these plans. Also, the edge restraint for the brick sidewalk will be modified to show a soldier course, brick turned on end, constructed at the back edge of the concrete sidewalk base. 4. Details of the brick pavement in vehicular areas indicating the types of materials to be used, the brick patterns, and the limits of the brick pavers are also still being drafted. The jointing plan for the roundabout will be revised to reflect the brick patterns based on the conceptual plans. 5. Additional detail will be added to the roundabout; geometry, grades, crosssection, striping, signage, etc.; upon approval of the roundabout study (submitted under separate cover). Dallas I Fort Worth I Houston I EI Paso I Phoenix I Orange County Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. November 13, 1995 6. A sidewalk easement will need to be added at the southwest comer of the roundabout or the abandonment of the Mildred Street right-of-way will need to be revised to accommodate the sidewalk. 7. Grading at the water tower and the grading of temporary swales draining existing offsite runoff into temporary "Y" inlets is currently being worked on and will be submitted when complete. 8. Roadway cross-sections and earthwork quantities will be included in the final submittal. 9. We are currently developing a detail of the residential street I mews intersection depicting the limits of street paving, sidewalk paving, curb limits, barrier free ramp provisions, and no parking areas. We will submit the detail as soon as it is finished. 10. We will be meeting with the Town Special Events Committee this week to discuss the construction of the project and the scheduling and coordination between the Town and the contractor. After the meeting we will be preparing a detailed sequence of construction including narrative and plans. We will submit the construction sequencing as soon as it is finished. 11. We are currently putting the bid documents together and will submit them for review when the construction sequencing and bid schedules are complete. 12. The design of the T.HE. electric duct bank will be complete within a week and submitted to the Town and TV.E. for review. 13. Planting and irrigation plans are currently being prepared by Newman, Jackson & Bieberstein and will be submitted within 2 weeks. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. Kenneth A. Roberts, P.E. Associate HUllT-ZOLlARS 􀁈􀁵􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁚􀁡􀁬􀁩􀁡􀁲􀁳􀀬􀀠Inc. JEngineering I Architecture /3131 MCKinney Avenue I Suite 600 I La 105! Dallas, Texas 75204"24161214·671·3311/FAX 􀀲􀀱􀀴􀀮􀁾􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀱􀀻􀀮􀁣􀀭􀁏􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮 􀀷􀀵􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀷__--, November 13, 1995 Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Addison, Texas 75001 RE: Addison Circle Phase I Public Infrastructure H-Z Project No. 01-1822-04 Dear John: I am transmitting herewith three copies of the design study for the Addison Circle Modem Roundabout prepared by Ourston and Doctors with contributions by Huitt-Zollars. You will note that both Peter Doctors and I have sealed the report, however, Peter has not signed it. He tells me that it is not conventional in California to seal reports of this nature and those that are sealed are not typically signed. The figure in the report that illustrates the roundabout is an accurately and precisely drawn CADD image. However, it does not contain very much information about the geometry of the intersection. A greater level of detail can be found in the set of construction plans that is being submitted with the report. Note, however, that the construction plans do not yet reflect Peter Doctors' design input on the vertical geometry of the roundabout. The curb and pavement grades shown are Huitt-Zollars' design based on conventional roadway drainage and will change in the final submittal. Please give me a call if you have any questions and if I cannot answer them, I will put you in touch with Peter or other contributors to the report. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. Engineering! Architecture Senior Enclosures G;\PROJ\01182204UBII l3.LTR Daltas J􀁆􀁯􀁲􀁾􀀠Wonh ! Houston I EI Paso! Phoenix I Orange County HUITr-d)UARS Huitt-Zollars, Inc. I Engineering I Architecture /3131 McKinney Avenue /Suite 600 I U3 105 JDanas, Texas 75204-2416 f 214-671-3311/FAX 214·871-.0757 December 19, 1995 Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive PO Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Addison Circle Phase I Public Infrastructure Huitt-Zollars Project No. 01-1822-04 Dear John: With this letter we are transmitting construction drawings, bid documents and specifications for Addison Circle Phase I for your review pursuant to advertising for bids. Due to the complexity of the project and the nature of past comments on the plans, it is most likely that there will be a few additional comments generated by this submittal. However, it is our belief that these plans are ready for bidding, with exceptions as noted below, and we will work with you for quick resolution of any issues that your feel are not adequately addressed. In order to more easily facilitate your review, we have prepared an item by item response to your comments beginning with your September 5th, 1995 memo to Carmen Moran. In some cases, our resolution of an issue is not entirely consistent with your recommendation and we have presented our justification as the engineer of record on the project. Where we have changed our response since the Draft dated December 12th, we have shown the change in bold type. In addition, the following is a list of items we believe still need to be addressed on these plans prior to issuance for bids. We will be completing these items during and following your review process. • Plans will be signed and sealed when they are plotted on mylar for bidding purposes following your final review. • Landscape (planting and Street Furniture) and Irrigation plans were to have been reviewed with Slade Strickland this morning and will be coordinated with Slade for final submittal when his comments have been addressed. • Sheet numbers will be finalized with necessary references between sheets when the landscape and irrigation plans have been incorporated. Dallas I Fort Worth f Houston, 8 Paso JPhoenix JOrange County • The bid quantities are currently being pulled and quantity sheets will be included in the bid set. • Certain elements, such as water meter and vault placement, precise transformer and switchgear locations and interface between public and private installations still need some clarification for construction but should be adequate for review purposes. • We usually include additional clarification of some bid items in the text preceding the Bid Form. We intend to do so while you are reviewing the plans and will transmit that information separately. Please give either of us a call if we can be of any assistance as you review the plans. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. Engineering! Architecture 􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀠Senior Vice President 􀁾􀁴􀀡􀀨􀁾􀀠Kenneth A. Roberts, P.E. Associate ACO!psp Enclosures G,IPROJ\Ol1822MIlB 1208.LTR ADDISON CIRCLE RESPONSE TO CITY REVIEW COMMENTS IN MEMO DATED SEPTEMBER 5, 1995 FROM JOHN BAUMGARTNER 1. Utility and Drainage: A. A water and sanitary sewer study prepared by a professional engineer is necessary to verifY the adequacy of the proposed system. This study shall include all property included in the approved concept plan and its respective drainage basin. The water and sanitary sewer study has been prepared and reviewed by City StaffSee separate response to review comments. B. A storm-water study prepared I:ry a professional engineer is necessary to verifY the adequacy of the system. As a minimum this study shall include all property included in the approved concept plan and its respective drainage basins. The storm-water study has been prepared and reviewed by City Staff -See separate response to review comments. C. Storm drainage system shall be extended to provide for the properties north and west of the proposed development. The design engineers shall demonstrate that the downstream system has sufficient capacity for the 1GO-year storm event or provide storm water detention. Done and addressed in study. D. The sanitary sewer shall be extended to prOVide service to the properties north and west ofthe proposed development. Done and addressed in study. E. No residential water, irrigation, or fire sprinkler service is available from the transmission mains in Quorum and Mildred. Acknowledged -Plans reflect this limitation. F. A sewer line extension is necessary to provide service to the properties on the northwest and southwest corners ofMildred and Quorum. Done and reflected on plans. G. The actual location within the road right-of-way ofthe various utilities will be determined at the time of development. These locations must provide for the installation ofprivate utilities (electric, gas, telephone, fiber, television, etc .. .) with franchise or license agreements. Acknowledged and reflected on plans, however, additional coordination with G;\I'ROMlI82204\MEMORESP.ACO 1 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 franchised utilities is necessary but should not affect the bidding proeess. H. Additional utility and storm drainage easements are required Shown on Plat and Plans. L What happens with the storm drainage east of the rotary? Does it affict the existing residence on the northwest corner ofthe tollway and railroad? There is no effect on the existing residence. 2. Quorum Drive: A. A design report should be provided that details the appropriate roadway geometrics, traffic control, markings, signage and parking for the proposed rotary prior to finalizing the lot layout. See the attached review provided by Barton Aschman, Plans now indicate all elements of the roundabout necessary for its construction and operation as dictated by the study. B, The street section should be revised to reflect the minimum roadway dimensions indicated in the ordinance which provides for two 11 foot lanes and an 8 foot parking lane from face ofcurb to face ofcurb, Done and reflected on Plans. C. Quorum Drive is currently identified as a major arterial on the thoroughfare plan The developer should provide evidence from his traffic consultants to verify the proposed revision to the plan. The changes to Quorum Drive do not preclude its use as a major arterial and our plans neither contemplate nor address such a revision to the thoroughfare plan. The level of service provided by the introduction of the roundabout is consistent with arterial operation. D, The additional right-ol-way required for Quorum Drive corridor should be dedicated with Phase I from the railroad to the northern district boundary, Because this development is the first phase ofa multi-phase project, this corridor is necessary for utilities and possible roadway expansion. Due to the complex arrangements of the partnership between Gaylord and Columbus, the dedication of all right-of-way for Quorum Drive at this time is not possible. However, the dedication of easements for utility, landscape, sidewalk and related purposes over the future R.O. W. area is possible and has been reflected on the final plat and plans. E. Ingress, egress, and parking shall be situated so they do not interfere with the operation ofthe rotary. Additional design information is required to determine G:\PROJ\Ol182204\MEMORESP.ACO 2 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12118/95 the appropriate location. Done -Refer to Roundabout Study and Final Design. 3. Residential: A. All streets shall be designated by a name or number. Done and reflected on Plat and Plans (Carreffi[y as lllHHBers flames are pending). B. Ifsome ofthe property accessing the proposed streets is not residential, alternative cross sections are required. All property accessing the residential streets in Phase I is residential with the exception ofsome ground floor retail near Quorum Drive which was contemplated by the ordinance. No office buildings or other major deviations exist. C With the exception of the double parking where people were moving into apartments and the parking in the neck-down areas, we were comfortable with the residential street widths of37 feet from back ofcurb to back ofcurb with neckdown areas at intersections being 23 feet (back to back). However, this assumes the appropriate radius is provided for emergency/service vehicles and street lights, jUrniture, trees, etc., are set back sufficiently to avoid any conflicts with turning vehicles and visibility at the intersections. 35' visibility triangles and 30' radii provided have been coordinated with City fIre offIcials. D. Where the residential streets dead-end, provisions should be made to provide a vehicular turnaround until the roadway are continued. Done and shown on plans for Phase I and Concept Plan for future phases. 4. Mew's: A. Ifthe mew's are going to be dedicated as public streets then a standard curb and gutter section is recommended to control traffic and drainage. As a compromise, a section with a roll up curb may be acceptable. See Below B. The current cross-section proposed in the preliminary constructions plans does not match the concept plan cross-section. Has this changed? Please revise as necessary. The inverted, curbless section for the mews has now been recommended for approval by staff and P & Z and approved in concept by Council. The fmal plans reflect this cross-section. (See further discussion under later comments). O:IPROJ\OI182204IMEMORFSP.ACO 3 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 5. Mildred: A. The approved concept plan does not reflect a reduction in Mildred's cross-section to approximately 60 feet. This reduction appears inconsistent with the current use of the street and will limit our ability to add additional parking or lanes ifthe demand warrants at the approach to the rotary. The 61' (B-B) section for Mildred has now been recommended for approval by staff and P & Z and approved by Council. B. If the reduced cross-section is appraved, the relocation of the existing 24" waterline is required The 24-inch waterline is being relocated. C. Ingress, egress and parking adjacent to the rotary sholl be located so that they do not interfere with the operation of the rotary. Additional design information is required to determine the appropriate location. Refer to Roundabout Study and Final Design. 6. Alternate material for brick accents bands, crosswalks, sidewalks, streets, etc ..., should be considered In the past, the Town has successfidly used patterned concrete or pave stone (placed placed on a concrete base) to give an appearance ofbrick with more durability, serviceability, and less susceptibility to settlement. It has been the developer's and the designer's opinion that certain materials, such as brick and granite cobbles, impart a more established feel to the urban environment that helps keep the project from looking so new and "manufactured". Pavestone-type products are not as compatible with the intended feel of this district and patterned concrete has its own set of maintenance and durability problems. Therefore, the chosen accent paver material is (clay) brick, with different ratings for pedestrian and vehicular applications. 7. Vehicular visibility should be provided for all streets, mews and driveway approaches/intersections. The required 35' visibility triangles have been honored at all public street intersections, including the mews. As we have discussed, garage exits with limited visibility onto the streets are a common urban issue and will be dealt with in the architectural plans using signage, gates, lights, mirrors and other typical mechanisms for pedestrian safety. 8. Miscellaneous Plat: A. Lot I Block "B" does not meet the minimum lot width of200 feet required in the concept plan ordinance. Variance recommended by P & Z and approved by Council. G:IPROJ\Ol"2204IMEMORESP.ACO 4 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 B. Additional right-ol-way is required to provide sufficient sidewalk width at the street-street and street-mew intersections. Based on the final design, the only location that additional width may be required is at the southwest comer of Mildred and Quorum on the Town's (future) property. We have therefore not proceeded with the previously discussed right-of-way abandonment in this loeation. 9. Private Utilities: A. Provide details regarding the location and access to the TU facilities serving the district. Complete construction plans for the primary T.U. Electric facilities to serve Phase I of the district are included in our submittal. Secondary facilities to serve individual buildings and other points of demand are still being finalized but are not part of the public infrastructure. B. Provide sign-offfrom private utilities to approval ofeasements and cross-sections for the district. Letters we have received from the franchised utility companies concerning their need for facilities within the district are enclosed. Note, however, that telephone and CATV service throughout the district will be handled by a secondary provider who will install his own duct system under license agreement. 10. Preliminary Construction Plans: A. Provide additional information from rotary consultant regarding markings, parking, slgnage, transitions associated with the Quorum/Mildred intersection. Refer to Roundabout Study and Final Design. B. Provide details and design information regarding brickslpavers being considered for use in the public open space. Ofparticular concern is the hardness, durability and friction provided by the proposed material. This report shall be prepared by a professional engineer and submitted to our design consultants for review and recommendation. Test results on the pedestrian brick (which is suitable for light duty vehicular loads) are enclosed for your review. Test results on the vehicular brick are (heavy duty) pending. C. Additional material submittals may be required prior to bidding for review of street lights, fUrniture, etc ... Catalog cuts and other details are enclosed herein or included in the plans for the following streetscape elements. We are currently attempting to obtain better GolPROJlOJ 1S22Q4IMEMORESP,ACO 5 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12118/95 copies of some of these details from the manufacturer. Benches Street Lights Trash Cans Tree Grates Tree Fences Bollards Drinking Fountains Bike Racks D. Pavement markinglsignage plan is required for the roadway and parking areas. Pavement markings and signage are shown on the final plans as follows: Signs are indicated individually Striping is indicated by typical detail E. Sidewalk eyebrows are required at the intersection ofthe mews with Mildred and the residential streets. This provides protection of the site visibility areas and turning radii for commercial and emergency vehicles. Raised neckdowns (or sidewalk eyebrows) have not been used because they negatively impact the street hierarchy that the urban designers are trying to establish. However, a brick pattern flush with the driving lanes which delineates the clear zone, coupled with a "No Parking" sign on each side of the intersection is proposed. F. Site visibility areas shall be protected from encroachment at all intersections and driveways. The minimum requirement calls for a 35' visibility triangle in some cases additional protection may be necessary. This requires revision to the proposed buildings and the starting location ofthe parking. Done and reflected on plans. (Note: Showing the visibility triangles on every intersection cluttered up the plans and is of no use to the Contractor so the lines have been deleted). G. Provide details regarding loading and unloading of deliveries for commercial property, householdfornishings, etc ... The current preliminary plans do not seem to provide for these elements. Final plans reflect areas to be marked as loading zones. (20 minute parking) H Our current ordinance requires hydrant spacing of300 feet in retail/commercial areas and 500 feet in residential areas. Hydrant spacing and location requires the approval ofboth the Fire Department and Public Works Department. Our general approach to the urban center diatrict is that all of the property is commercial for the purposes offire coverage and similar issues. Though we refer G:\PROJlOl182204WEMORF.SP.ACO 6 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 to "residential" streets, these are not residential in the traditional sense. Therefore, our goal is to achieve approximately 300 foot fire hydrant spacing. However, the block lengths are such that the usual positioning of fire hydrants at intersections results in some cases of slightly over 300 foot spacing. Considering the fact that all structures are sprinklered, we felt it would be excessive to add mid-block fir hydrants. We can do so if the fire marshall believes it is necessary. 1. The proposed plans seem to encumber property owned by others to provide service to this district. Particularly Building uB U and the provisions for TU Electric and drainage. The encumbrance to City property for transformer access to building B has been eliminated. The storm sewer line west of building B serves primarily to collect the runoff from the City property and is located to provide for your future use without physically encumbering other uses of the property. Easements are indicated as required. J Are the plans for the public space enhancement within the rotary consistent with the existing and proposed utilities? All existing and proposed utilities have been routed around the central island of the roundabout except the 24-inch waterline. If the waterline must be moved to accommodate the central feature, the plans can be modified. K What are the plans for trash collection? The procedures for trash collection have been described in separate correspondence to your environmental official. Our plans reflect thickened pavement in the areas adjacent to the compactors as requested. 1. Drainage from the buildings and mews shall be collected prior to entering the streets. A complete system of downspouts and private collection pipes is proposed in the "onsite" civil drawings to capture roof drainage. Without this contribution of runoff from the buildings, the mews generate between 0.7 & 2.5 cfs of runoff in a 100 year event. We did not feel that these flows justified the addition of4 inlets and pipes at the four entrances to the mews, however, they can be added if you prefer. M A more detailed utility plan is required. Done and included in plans. N. The minimum curb return radii for fire vehicles is 30 feet. requirement are approved by the Fire Department. Variances to this All curb radii (or theoretical turning radii where no continuous curb exists) have been increased to 30 feet. G,IPROM,'82204\MEMORESP.ACO 7 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 O. It is necessary to recess the inlets in the parking areas to prevent encroachment ofthe parking in the traffic lanes. The primary purposes of recessed inlets are the increase in capture that they allow and the area they provide outside the driving lane for the concentrated depth of flow. They are a suburban thoroughfare-type detail and are not used in highly urbanized areas, particularly with parallel parking and significant pedestrian activity. whether the inlets are recessed or not will not affect how cars are parked. We believe that recessed inlets in this environment are a hazard to pedestrians and those that are getting out ofvehicles. We therefore recommend and have designed standard curb inlets throughout Phase I, except along the portions of Quorum Drive where there is no parallel parking. P. The minimum throat width for the residential streets shall be 23 feet back to back Shown on plans. Q. It was our understanding that significant portions ofthe mews is going to have a brick overlay. In addition, some areas of the residential streets Mildred and Quorum were going to be brick enhancements. Has this changed? The mews have substantial areas of brick while the remaining streets have only brick crosswalks and sidewalks. R. The cross-sections do not seem to provide for all licensed utilities and any additional private utilities (I. e., private electric, cable and communications between buildings "A" and "B'? What is the status ofadditional private utilities? A sleeving plan for private utilities will be included in the onsite civil plans and its installation will be coordinated with the public contractor. (License agreements are being handled by Columbus' attorney). S. Tum lane on Quorum requires 150 feet ofstorage, 150 feet of transition and a width of11 feet. Done and shown on plans. T. What is the status ofthe landscaping, irrigation and street treatment plans? Full streetscape plans are included in this submittal. Planting and irrigation plans are nearing completion and will be reviewed with Slade Strickland at a meeting on December 19th. Plans will be submitted directly to Slade when his comments have been addressed. U Additional drainage information is required to verify inletlline locations and Sizes. Done V. Inlets are required uphill from the intersection of Quorum and Mildred to G:\PROJ\Ol182204IMEMORESP.ACO 8 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 eliminate stormwater runoff in the rotary. This has been done on Quorum Drive but we feel the configuration shown on the plans for Mildred is the best design solution. w. What are the plans for Mildred east ofQuorum? Would it be advisable to add to the rotary during the next phase rather than installing barricades today? Plans have been changed to reflect a closed rotary to the east so that no barricades will be required. X Fire hydrants and gate valves are required at the end ofall water lines. Done Y. Insufficient vehicular visibility isprovided at all garage motor court entrances and several street intersections. See response to #7. Z. Retail use and driveway access may not be consistent with the existing or proposed use ofMildred Street. This is an issue that will be addressed on the development plan. No Comment AA. The boiler plate construction contract requires the review ofour City Attorney. Ofparticular concern are issues regarding the assignment of the agreement to Columbus insurance coverage, additional insured's, etc ... Acknowledged BB. The sidewalk paverslbricks shall have a concrete base. in the current cross-sections. This is not provided for All sidewalks are now shown with a concrete base. Cc. Additional water valves are necessary to provide for proper isolation in the event ofa line break. Done DD. Provide street lighting plans. and switch gear. Show the proposed location oflights, transformers Street lights and conduit are shown on the streetscape plans. Switchgears tlll.4 tfansfermel.'S are shown on the electrical duct plans. The connection between the street light runs and the transformers is dependent upon T.U. Electric's proposed circuitry which has not yet been developed. (r.U. also needs to comment on the O;'PROJIOllSnQ4IMEMORESP.ACO 9 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 handhole locations and other aspects of the conduit routing). We have not asked T.U. to perform this design work yet because of the possibility that the system will be owned by the City. It is now our understanding that the street lights will be owned and maintained by the Town of Addison. This will require a set of electrical plans for the system circuitry which we can prepare if authorized by the Town and/or Columbus. These plans should be included in the bid package with the other public improvements. 11. Additional review is necessary upon submittal ofthe required information. Acknowledged G;\PROllO[ [82204'MEMORESP.ACO 10 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12118/95 ADDISON CIRCLE RESPONSE TO CITY REVIEW COMMENTS IN MEMO DATED OCTOBER 16,1995 FROM JOHN BAUMGARTNER 1. Utilities and Drainage: A. The master utility and drainage reports require refinement and resubmittal. Comments sent to Huitt-Zollars under separate cover on 10/11/95. Done -See separate response to those comments. B. Storm drainage system shall be extended to provide for the properties north and west of the proposed development. The design engineers shall demonstrate that the downstream system has sufficient capacity for the lOO-year storm event or provide storm water detention. Done C. No residential water. irrigation or fire sprinkler service is available from the transmission mains in Quorum and Mildred. Acknowledged D. A sewer line extension is necessary to provide service to the properties on the northwest and southwest corners ofMildred and Quorum. Done and shown on plans. E. The actual location within the road right-ol-way of the various utilities will be determined at the time of development. These locations must provide for the installation ofprivate utilities (electric, gas, telephone, fiber, television, etc ..') with franchise or license agreements. Acknowledged F. Additional utility and storm drainage easements are required. Shown on plat and plans. G. What happens with the storm drainage east of the rotary? Does it affect the existing residence on the northwest corner ofthe tollway and railroad? No effect. H All dead-end wastewater lines shall have clean outs or manholes and all dead-end water lines shall have fire hydrants. Done Q,IPRQJIOI182204IMEMQRESP.ACQ 1 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12118/95 L Storm sewer inlet is proposed on property usedfor Town's water tower. This will encumber this property and requires approval by the Town. See comment #101 on September 5th memo. This item was recommended for acceptance by P & Z at their November 21 st meeting subject to staff approval of final plans and was conceptually approved by Council on December 12th. 2. Quorum Drive: A. A design report should be provided that details the appropriate roadway geometric, traffic control, markings, signage, lighting and parking for the proposed rotary prior to .finalizing the lot layout. See review provided by Barton Aschman. Report has been submitted and reviewed. See separate response to comments and final design. B. The street section should be revised to reflect the minimum roadway dimensions indicated in the ordinance which provides for two I I foot lanes and an 8 foot parking lane from face ofcurb to face ofcurb. Done C. Quorum Drive is currently identified as a major arterial on the thoroughfare plan. The developer should provide evidence from his trqffic consultants to verify the proposed revision to the plan. See Item #2C on September 5th memo. D. The additional right-ofway required for Quorum Drive corridor should be dedicated with Phase I from the railroad to the northern district boundary, Because this development is the flrst phase ofa multi-phase project, this corridor is necessary for utilities and possible roadway expansion. See Item #2D on September 5th memo. E. Ingress, egress and parking shall be situated so they do not interfere with the operation of the rotary. Additional design information is required to determine the appropriate location. See Item #2E on September 5th memo. F Turn lane should include a transition of 150 feet with 150 feet ofstorage, Done and shown on plans. 3. Residential: A. All streets shall be designated by a name or number. There are different 􀁇􀁾􀁜􀁐􀁒􀁏􀁊􀁜􀁏􀁬􀀱􀀸􀀲􀀲􀀰􀀴􀁜􀁍􀁅􀁍􀁏􀁒􀁅􀁓􀁐􀀮􀁁􀁃􀁏􀀠2 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 designations for each street that appear throughout the plans. There may be a need to go back to the development plan and concept plan and add the street names when they are selected. B. Ifsome ofthe property accessing the proposed streets is not residential, alternative cross sections are required. See Item #3B on September 5th memo. C. With the exception of the double parking where people were moving into apartments and the parking in the neck-down areas, we were comfortable with the residential street widths of 37 feet from back of curb to back ofcurb with neckdown areas at intersections being 23 feet (back to back). However, this assumes the appropriate radius is provided for emergency/service vehicles and street lights, fUrniture, trees, etc., are set back sufficiently to avoid any conflicts with turning vehicles and visibility at the intersections. Acknowledged D. Where the residential streets dead-end, provisions should be made to provide a vehicular turnaround until the roadway are continued. A concrete cross-section is required. Turnaround shall be in a dedicated easement. Done and shown on plans. 4. Mews: A. The building overhangs shown encroach into the public street. Recommend City Attorney's office be contacted to determine if street license agreement is appropriate and what, if any, insurance/indemnification is required and what provisions are appropriate to provide for fUture maintenance. Though not applicable to the public infrastructure plans, this item was recommended for approval by P & Z on November 21st, with qualifications, and approved by Council on December 12th. Columbus' attorney is preparing license agreements in conversation with the City Attorney. B. Portecochere between building "A" & "B" encroaches into the public right-of-way. Street license agreement seems necessary. Recommend City Attorney's office develop appropriate license and advise regarding insurance, indemnification and maintenance requirements. Ifconcept is approved, we recommend a minimum vertical clearance of18 feet and that the developer locate all columns outside of the right-of-way. Architectural issue (See 4A) C. The current proposal requests that the mew's be constructed with a swale down the middle. If this section is approved, then an additional variance may be G:\PROJ\01182204\MEMORESP.ACO 3 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 required from our drainage standards to vary from our requirement to maintain one (1) lane clear of concentrated storm water. The developer has proposed to allow a maximum depth of3" in the mews. It appears that the maximum spread ofwater would be approximately 25 feet with a "V" section and 35 to 45 feet with a parabolic section. Ifthe swale in the middle ofthe mews is approved, Public Works recommend a concrete swale be placed in the center to facilitate the conveyance of the irrigation, washing, and drainage water; and to protect the deterioration of the bricks and joints where water may regularly traverse. The concrete drainage way is a variance from the original proposal that showed 100% brick mews but does not appear to be a dramatic departure from their current proposal. As a minimum, the current pointed concrete elements should be eliminated to avoid spalling and breaking. As propased. they may be difJicult to maintain if they get chipped or broken. The inverted mews section has been recommended for for approval by P & Z and approved conceptually by Council on December 12th. We have eliminated most of the brick in the valley area of the pavement but still have bands which cross at several locations. It is possible that some deterioration of the binder between the bricks could occur over time due to concentrated runoff. However, there are several other issues to consider: • Stormwater flows in the mews are extremely minimal. • The bricks are set in an asphaltic binder course and swept with cement stabilized sand. • A continuous concrete valley in the mews would make it look like a wide flat drainage ditch rather than an intimate public space. • Periodic maintenance of all streets will be required anyway and the potential need for repair seems relatively minor compared to the importance of creating the right kind of space. We have, therefore, shown the periodic brick crossings of the mews as designed and requested by the landscape architect, which eliminates the pointed pattern in favor of a more practical rectangular pattern. Please let us know if this is acceptable. 5. Mildred; A. If the reduced cross-section is approved, the relocation of the existing 24" waterline is recommended. Done B. Ingress, egress and parking adjacent to the rotary shall be located so that they do not interfere with the operation ofthe rotary. Additional design information is required to determine the appropriate location. O:\PROJ\O I I 82204\MEMORESP,ACO 4 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12118/95 See Roundabout Study C. Recommend conferring with the City Attorney's office to determine the steps necessary to effectU£Jte the right-ofway abandonment, ifconceptually approved by the Council. Abandonment documents are being prepared by Columbus' attorney for City Council approval concurrent with final plat approval. D. The current proposal shows an encroachment into the public right-ofway. Recommend City Attorney's office be contacted to determine if street license agreement is appropriate and what, ifany, insurance/indemnifications required and what provisions are appropriate to provide for fUture maintenance. Architectural issue -not pertinent to infrastructure plans. 6. Alternate material for brick accents bands, crosswalks, sidewalks, streets, etc ... should be considered In the past, the Town has successfUlly used patterned concrete or pave stone (placed on a concrete base) to give an appearance of brick with more durability, serviceability and less susceptibility to settlement. See Item #6 on September 5th memo. 7. Vehicular visibility should be provided for all streets, mews and driveway approaches/intersections. Our current standards require a minimum visibility triangle of 35 feet be maintained at all entrances/intersections to the street. Recommend our urban planners evaluate this practice to determine if under urban standards an alternative design is appropriate where the garage exits intersect the streets. See Item #7 on September 5th memo. 8. Site Plan: A. The current proposal encumbers Conference Centre property to access garbage and electrical facilities for building "B". Encumbrance and access from city property is no longer required. B. Garbage collection utilizes public right-ofway for dumpster pick-up and consolidation. Ifapproved, recommend a thickened section ofpavement to prevent foture deterioration of roadwaylsidewalks sections. How are the dumpsters serviced when there is a car parked in front ofthe doors atijacent to the park or Quorum? Pavement has been thickened in these areas. If If parked cars become a management problem, parking restrictions can be instituted in certain locations. C. Provision for loading and unloading ofvehicles is not apparent on information G:lPROJlOI182204IMEMORESP.ACO 5 HUITI-ZOLLARS, INC. -12118/95 provided. Loading zones will be posted throughout the property and are shown on the plans. D. There appear several inconsistencies between the development plans, civil plans and landscape plans regarding the location ofmedian opening. pavers/brick$ and crosswalk$. Recommend revising plans to provide consistency and allow complete review. The definitive plans for most elements are the public infrastructure plans by HuittZollars. Any differences between these plans and the concept or development plans are due to refmements inherent in fmal design. There should be some latitude for staff to judge if the construction plans meet the intent of the more conceptual prior plans. Please let us know if there are any remaining discrepancies that pose a problem. E. Parking is not permitted in crosswalk$. Recommend the use ofsidewalk eyebrows to protect pedestrians and minimize crossing widths. Parking areas should be located so they do not shield the pedestrians prior to crossing. Recommend that out urban planners provide appropriate detail for the eyebrow. Parking is not intended in crosswalks and we believe that fmal plans address the safety of pedestrians at these crossings. F. Recommend that a sidewalk eyebrow be provided on street "An ('R-4') for the garage entrance to prevent encroachment ofparking on the minimal driveway width. Parking will be restricted by signage as shown on the plans. G. The plan appears to detail tree diameters of 4". This is not consistent with the proposal to place 8" diameter mature trees within the right-aI-way. Our estimates for infrastructure improvements were based on 8" diameter trees. 200 gallon trees are proposed in all locations except the mews which will have 100 gallon trees. This has been approved by Slade Strickland. H The original details for Quorum Drive illustrated a double row of trees in the median. Estimates for infrastructure participation was based on a double row of trees in Quorum. The City Manager has stated that wholesale removal of the existing trees in the Quorum median is undesirable. In addition, there is not adequate space for a double row of large canopy trees. Therefore, the plan, as acknowledged by Slade Strickland, is to selectively remove existing trees and supplement them for a more uniform look. I. The plans appear to indicate light fixtures strung across the mews on wire. Our cost estimates for public participation assumed pole maunted fixtures. If this G:'lPROM [182204\MEMOR.E..';P.ACO 6 HillTT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 assembly is approved, Public Works recommends that TU be contacted regarding whose lights they are and the Fire Department determine what impact they have on their ability to provide service. Ifthey are a private facility, we recommend the City Attorney's office be contacted to develop the appropriate license. The plans indicate fixtures in the mews strung on cables attached either to the buildings or, where future buildings are proposed, temporary poles. The fixtures will be maintained by the developer but will be part of the overall system, whether it belongs to T.U.E. or the City. Columbus' attorney is working on license requirements. J Provide survey seal by licensed surveyor with closure documentation. As we have discussed, the majority of the district has been surveyed and a certified drawing is available. This does not, however, include the Gaylord property adjacent to the tollway which was delineated based on deed records. We cannot, therefore, sign and seal a boundary survey of the entire district at this time but have provided a boundary "exhibit" which we believe meets the intent of the requirements. K. The Park dimensions on the site plan do not appear to match the survey. Does Building "A" encroach into the park space? The public sidewalk between building A and the park wall is on park property, therefore, the park space enclosed by the proposed wall is somewhat smaller than the space on the boundary exhibit. L. What are the dimensions of the proposed parallel parking spaces? The length of a parallel parking space was considered 22 feet, however, we do not intend to stripe them. M What do the dashed lines on Mildred and the residential streets represent? These have been clarified on [mal plans but they were the limits of parking (or an imaginary eyebrow). N It is difficult to determine where the curbs stop and start. Ifa curbless section is desired for the mews, recommend stopping the curbs after the curb returns to control drainage, traffic and parking. Clarified on [mal plans. 0. Typical street sections are required Done P. Additional information required on utility locations. See preliminary plat comments. G;\PROJ\OI182204\MFMORESP.ACO 7 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 Done Q. Provide data regarding width of streets, driveways, entrances to parking areas/structures and calculations ofimpervious cover. Done R. Provide plan ofexisting and proposed gas, electric, telephone and cable necessary to serve this development. Existing facilities are shown on final plans and an allocations of space for proposed extensions in each roadway is shown in typical sections. With exception of electric duct, the final layouts of these systems are still being developed by the utility providers who will construct and maintain them. 9. Additional comments associated with the preliminary plat/construction plan submittal dated September 5, 1995. Acknowledged 10. Resubmittal to address review comments recommended Acknowledged G:\PROJ\O 1182204\MEMORESP.ACO 8 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 ADDISON CIRCLE RESPONSE TO CITY REVIEW COMMENTS IN MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21. 1995 FROM JOHN BAUMGARTNER 1. Material cut sheets with engineer's certification regarding application, operation and maintenance (i, e. bricks, pavestone, street furniture, etc.) Materials Cut Sheets are provided in the bid documents or are detailed on plans for the following items: Benches Street Lights Trash Cans Tree Grates Tree Fences Bollards Bike Racks Drinking Fountains Our inclusion of these items, either referenced on the signed and sealed plans or in the signed and sealed bid documents is our certification that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, they are suitable for the applications indicated. Please let us know if the Town feels otherwise or ifthere is insufficient information for your own evaluation. 2. Funds for Phase 2 improvements are not available -Phase 2 improvements can be included but must be separately identified in bid tabulation. A separate bid schedule has been provided. 3. Offiite easements required. Offsite easements are indicated on the plat with special language calling attention to he fact that they are outside the boundaries of the platted lots. All owners of property affected by these easements will execute the plat (Columbus, Gaylord and the Town of Addison). 4. Utility company sign-oj{ see list. Please claritY what is required. 5. Pavement markings and signage plan. Pavement markings and siguage are now shown on the plans. 6. Hydrant details (I. e, specific location paint, etc.) Specifications cover the locations and color of fire hydrants. G:\PROl'Dll'2204IMEMORESP,ACO 1 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 7. Overall water/wastewater plan that depicts lines, hydrants services, sizes, etc. An overall water and wastewater plan has been added. 8. Thicken sidewalk and designed bricks for areas servicing garbage transformers, switchgear, loading traffic, etc. Sidewalks adjacent to service areas have been thickened to 6-inches of concrete under the brick. The sidewalk brick is designed for light duty vehicular loads and is appropriate for these locations (except at the 40 yard compactor where heavy duty materials are specified). 9. Meter installationslback flow prevention devices -private property improvement -details required. Why 2-2" -use compound meter 3" or 4"? What is a service? Traffic safe boxes? Typical detail -materials sheet -engineering certification, bollards location detail. We have reviewed the proposed domestic water meter configurations with the mechanical engineer for the private development work. He prefers to stay with multiple 2-inch meters because they are more cost effective than larger meters and they are easier to fit into the streetscape. The purposes for the various services have been clarified on our plans and the responsibility between public and private work has been better defined. There is nothing proposed that is other than standard municipal construction for water meters. There is no reason to use heavy duty boxes or bollards for these elements. 10. Services to foture phases. Where appropriate, service stubs have been provided to future development areas. 11. Hydrant location/detail turn radius -bollard protection. Fire hydrants have been located outside the required 30-foot turning radius at all intersections and are set back from the edge of pavement or curb. We do not believe special bollard protection is justified. 12. What happens to existing lights and trees? The disposition of existing lights 8£16 tfees is now noted on the plans. Specific tree removal and/or relocation will be shown on a plan being prepared by the Landscape Architect which is not yet in our set. 13. Spoils disposals. G:\PROJ\O I I 82204\MEMORESP .ACO 2 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 The specifications indicate that the Contractor is to dispose excess street excavation onsite to be used by the private contractor to fill the building pads. Excess spoil from the storm drainage outfall is to be stockpiled adjacent to the channel per the plans. Excess utility spoil is to be coordinated with the private construction but is ultimately to be hauled off for disposal, if not needed elsewhere. 14. Typical details. Typical details for items not covered by City or other applicable standards are included in the plans. 15. Typical notes. Typical notes for items not covered by City or other applicable standards are included in the plans. 16. What type of information is available for contractor to establish and maintain control. The horizontal control plan indicates the points which will be set for the Contractor. It will be his responsibility to maintain this control however he sees fit or pay to have it reset. 17. Quality control plan for contractor. The Contractor is responsible for his own quality control. 18. Waterline under the rotary? The existing 24-inch waterline under the roundabout is to remain unless otherwise instructed by the Town following refinement of the design for the central feature. 19. Street light design -private system. We are prepared to perform a complete electrical design for the street light system ifthe Town chooses to take it over. However, our plans currently reflect fixtures and details relating to a system to be owned by T.U. Electric. 20. Mews street lights? Details for the mews lighting have been added to the plans. 21. Plan submittals to Carmen, Sasaki, fire, police, and Slade Strickland Separate customized sets of partial plans will be supplied within 24 hours of this transmittal to each of the reviewers listed. We win send you copies of the transmittal letter indicating which sheets were sent. 22. Seal before submittal. (BPROl'D!1 82204IMEMORESPACO 3 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 We will sign and seal the drawings following response to your comments when we plot them on mylar for bidding. 23. Who is providing survey control throughout the project? (i. e. for franchise utilities?) All entities and contractors are responsible for their own control based on our horizontal control plan and the plat (R.O.W.) monumentation. 24. Location ofswitchgear/transforme r. Switchgear locations are shown on the plans WSftg with se>o'efw tfaasfeffflefs that will serve !llffilie funetisfts. All ethef tfEtllSfefffleFS life eft the e1e>/ele!lef's !lfe!leFty, ffiest iH !larking glifages. The architects and landscape architects have not successfully solved the transformer issue but several transformers for public functions will most likely end up next to the switchgear. 25. Quorum crosswalks? We have consulted with the landscape architect and further considered the proposed brick crosswalks across Quorum Drive. We believe that the crosswalks should remain for the following reasons: It will be better to do all of our crossings of Quorum Drive now while traffic is the lowest it will ever be and there are no residents in the district. There is adequate sight distance at the railroad crossing and this crosswalk is intended to work with the Town's proposed hike and bike trail. 26. Water tower property line? Our surveys reflect the water tower (Town) property line correctly to the best of our professional knowledge and belief. It appears that the fence is constructed in the wrong location. 27. Signed survey. See response to Item #8J from the October 16th memo. 28. 2 year maintenance bond The instructions to bidders and contract requirements specify a 2 year maintenance bond. 29. Street bores. Based on location within the construction zone, the primary candidate for street boring is electrical duct across Quorum Drive. However, due to the nature of a concrete-encased duct system with its multiple conduits and spacers, boring is very difficult and costly. We have positioned the ducts to take advantage of pavement removal for crosswalks and recommend that they be installed by cut and cover methods. G:\PROJ\OI182204\MEMORESP.ACO 4 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 ADDISON CIRCLE RESPONSE TO OTHER ITEMS MENTIONED IN THE REVIEW MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21. 1995 AND IN VARIOUS TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS WITH JOHN BAUMGARTNER 1. Proximity of parallel parking to intersections/or, length of neckdown area. (Per AASHTO and MUTCD.) AASHTO and MUTCD differ somewhat in their rationale and in the detail of their approach to this issue. However, the common element seems to be a desire for a minimum of 20 feet of clear area between crosswalks and the beginning of parallel parking. We have provided 20 feet from crosswalk to parking transition which provides 26 minimum feet to the first car to the crosswalk and up to 46 feet from the first car to the curb line of the intersecting street. 2. We have added an 8-inch waterline stub-out across Mildred to the Special Events Area. 3. Overhead power line (and other utilities) to elevated water storage tank, conference center, etc. We are coordinating with the utility companies to provide interim service during construction and permanent service once the duct systems are in place. Our plans currently reflect early removal of the overhead line through coordination between the contractor and the utility companies. We met with T.U.E. on December 18th and they assure us that they will maintain service during construction. The overhead line is fed from Addison Road so only the residence at the Tollway is affected. G:\PROJ\OI182204\MEMORESP.ACO 1 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. -12/18/95 ---------------------------------------HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. [b[E:!T!T[E:OO ®If 􀀡􀁔􀁏􀁏􀂣􀁾􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁉􀁄􀀱􀁦􀀡􀁔􀂣􀁛􀁢􀀠 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 􀀧􀁄􀁾􀁹-E::!: oil8 2210 OATh. /1"Ilqs I'';tl'iazzo4􀁁􀁔􀁔􀁾􀀠j",}f-,J 􀀧􀁩􀀿􀁴􀀹􀀰􀁊􀀱􀀴􀀶􀁾􀁩􀀻􀁴􀁒􀀮􀀠 /It:>PI,5o....J RE 􀁃􀁌􀁾􀀠"'" (214) B71-3311 TO 􀁉􀁾􀁎􀀠0(" 􀁾􀁏􀁬􀀢􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁬􀀠Se"2>v'l<-C: 􀁾􀀱􀁃􀁒1109>0 I v->B􀁔􀁢􀁦􀁒􀀾􀁾􀁃􀀠WE ARE SENDING YOU )?! AItached 0 Under separate cover via &,1M<.,e,C the following items: o Shop drawings o Prints o Plans o Samples o Specifications o Copy of leiter o Change order O ____􀁾􀁟􀀠DESCRIPTIONCOptES DATE NO. 5 /12'i?,"u el-.t<-.:C:: Ser.> A;C: r9-DD I&::.-.-1 􀁃􀁌􀁾􀁌􀀻􀀺􀀻􀀠p., J(UL ::ctv i"i1--v'l-.! n<....J ",.•;T32{l';: .5 1'.../1. 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No. e>11112.Zo+-No. of 􀁐􀁩􀀦􀁥􀁳􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬􀁓􀀽􀀭 􀁾__ {Illcludin& Cover Sheet) TO: 􀀢􀀱􀁁􀁾􀀠B9..?MC..I1fw.'5!? 4S :II 28"??J./t't;4-3 E...,."..,k "tJcJJ 770 -Sl Z."f o URGENT 0 for Your Review 0 Please Call UpOn Receipt 0 Orig. To FoUow By Mail 􀁟􀁾􀁐􀁉􀀴􀀧􀀩􀁌􀀠SMt...r -N"I'B -Fyt..L. SST; @o12lhu-J'h.,"HIE flMoHrr FV....... 􀁾􀁾􀀠SENT 􀁂􀁙􀀺􀁟􀁾􀁟􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀺􀁟􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀠TlM!i'__􀁾􀀭􀀬􀀭􀁟􀀠􀁄􀁁􀁔􀁅􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀭� �􀀬􀀢􀁟􀀭􀀬􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀺􀂭q,... /osd ""'1""__,,,,, r_T_. pk_ -.-.Ms. 1_. IIUIu O'IM __"-I""" '" CI4t I1J·JJ/J. __ . 3151 .>,(cKllIMJ' AV'fllIIf • 6Of) • DafUu. Tcas 7S2Q4 • f!I4) 871·3311 • 􀁆􀁾(114) 87UJ757 INDEX OF DRAWINGSSHEET NO. COVER SHEET QUANT ITY SHEETS (NOT IN THIS SET) HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCT ION SEQUENCING PAVING TYPICAL SECTIONS TYPICAL UTILITY LOCATIONS SIGNAGE PLAN PAVING PLANS & PROFILES GEOMETRIC PLAN -ROUNDABOUT JOINT PLAN -ROUNDABOUT OFFSITE GRADING PAVING DETAILS SLEEVING PLAN )C SURFACE PATTERNING PLANS 􀁾􀁓􀁔􀁒􀁅􀁅􀁔􀁓􀁃􀁁􀁐􀁅􀀠PLANS 􀁾􀁓􀁔􀁒􀁅􀁅􀁔􀁓􀁃􀁁 􀁐􀁅􀀮􀁓􀁕􀁂􀁄􀁒􀁁􀁉􀁎􀀠&LIGHT DETAILS DRAINAGE AREA MAPS STORM WATER CALCULATIONS STORM WATER PLANS & PROFILES STORM WATER DETAILS WATER PLANS & PROFILES WATER DETAILS WASTEWA TER PLANS & PROF ILES POLLUTION CONTROL PLANS POLLUTION CONTROL DETAILS ELECTRICAL DUCT PLANS PLANT ING PLANS-STREETS (NOT IN THIS SET> IRRIGATION PLANS-STREETS (NOT IN THIS SETl INDEX OF DRAWINGSSHEET NO. COVER SHEET QUANTITY SHEETS (NOT IN THIS SET) HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PAVING TYPICAL SECTIONS TYPICAL UTILITY LOCATIONS SIGNAGE PLAN PAVING PLANS & PROFILES GEOMETRIC PLAN -ROUNDABOUT JOINT PLAN -ROUNDABOUT OFFSITE GRADING PAVING DETAILS SLEEV I NG PLAN SURFACE PATTERNING PLANS STREETSCAPE PLANS STREETSCAPE,SUBDRAIN &LIGHT 􀁄􀁅􀁔􀁁􀁉􀁌􀁾􀀠DRAINAGE AREA MAPS STORM WATER CALCULAT IONS STORM WATER PLANS & PROF ILES STORM WATER DETAILS 􀁾􀁗􀁁􀁔􀁅􀁒􀀠PLANS & PROFILES 􀁾􀁁􀁔􀁅􀁒􀀠DETAILS . WASTEWATER PLANS & PROFILES POLLUT ION CONTROL PLANS POLLUTION CONTROL DETAILS ELECTRICAL DUCT PLANS PLANTING PLANS-STREETS (NOT IN THIS SEn IRRfGATION PLANS-STREETS (NOT IN THIS SET -SHEET NO. INDEX OF DRAWINGS COVER SHEET QUANT ITY SHEETS (NOT IN THIS SET) HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PAVING TYPICAL SECTIONS TYPICAL UTILITY LOCATIONS SIGNAGE PLAN PAVING PLANS. & PROFILES GEOMETRIC PLAN -ROUNDABOUT JOINT PLAN -ROUNDABOUT OFFSI TE GRADING PAVING DETAILS SLEEV ING PLAN *SURFACE PATTERNING PLANS 􀁾􀁓􀁔􀁒􀁅􀁅􀁔􀁓􀁃􀁁􀁐􀁅􀀠PLANS 7*STREETSCAPE,SUBDRAIN &LIGHT 􀁄􀁅􀁔􀁁􀁉􀁌􀁾􀀠DRAINAGE AREA MAPS STORM WATER CALCULATIONS STORM WATER PLANS & PROFILES STORM WATER DETAILS WATER PLANS & PROFILES WATER DETAILS WASTEWATER PLANS & PROFILES POLLUTION CONTROL PLANS POLLUTION CONTROL DETAILS ELECTRICAL DUCT PLANS PLANTING PLANS-STREETS (NOT IN THIS SEn JRRIGAnON PLANS-STREETS (NOT IN THIS SET '----.............-----::.. -* Atz.nk.. SHEET NO. INDEX OF DRAWINGS COVER SHEET QUANTITY SHEETS (NOT IN THIS SET) HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLAN CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING PAVING TYPICAL SECTIONS TYPICAL UTILITY LOCATIONS SIGNAGE PLAN PAVING PLANS & PROFILES GEOMETRIC PLAN -ROUNDABOUT JOINT PLAN -ROUNDABOUT OFFSITE GRADING PAVING DETAILS SLEEV ING PLAN SURFACE PATTERNING PLANS STREETSCAPE PLANS STREETSCAPE,SUBDRAIN &LIGHT 􀁄􀁅􀁔􀁁􀁉􀁌􀁾􀀠DRAINAGE AREA MAPS STORM WATER CALCULATIONS *STORM WATER PLANS & PROFILES 􀁾􀁓􀁔􀁏􀁒􀁍􀀠WATER DETAILS 􀀮􀁾􀁗􀁁􀁔􀁅􀁒􀀠PLANS & PROFILES *WATER ·DETAILS 􀁾􀁁􀁓􀁔􀁅􀁗􀁁􀁔􀁅􀁒􀀠PLA NS & PROFILES POLLUTION CONTROL PLANS POLLUTION CONTROL DETAILS ELECTRICAL DUCT PLANS PLANTING PLANS-STREETS (NOT IN THIS SET) IRRIGATION PLANS-STREETS (NOT IN THIS SET'* YHt,.1I'J9.... Iii HZ/COPY HUITT-ZOLLARS CONFIRMATION OF WORK AUTHORIZATION Date: 08/05/96 RE: Project Name: ADDISON CIRCLE PH I Location: ADDISON, TX Client's Agent: JOHN BAUMGARTNER, P • E • Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Job #: 01182214 Phone #: (2l4) 450-2871 Fax #: (2l4) 450-2837 Dear JOHN BAUMGARTNER, P. E. : In response to your request for our services, we have written the following work order. MISCELLANEOUS TASKS RELATING TO THE PREPARATION OF AN EXHIBIT FOR THE TOWN'S SPECIAL EVENTS INCLUDING DIGITIZING INFORMATION FROM DRAWINGS SUPPLIED BY THE TOWN. HZI FEE: (HOURLY) $750.00 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. fee is Hourly (Estimate) $750.00 (See rate schedule) The total estimated fee is $750.00 Project Manager: OAKLEY, ANDREW C Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Officer (Signature): 􀀭􀀭􀀢􀀡􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀳􀀽􀀺􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀂭Name and Title: OAKLEY, ANDREW C, P • E . R. VICE PRESIDENT Client's Invoicing Instructions: NAME: JOHN BAUMGARTNER, P. E . COMPANY: TOWN OF ADDISON-DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS ADDRESS: l6801 WESTGROVE P.O. BOX 144 ADDISON, TX 75001 Please indicate additional instructions: We will proceed with the work upon receipt of this signed authorization. I have read and initialed the TERMS AND CONDITIONS on Page 2 of this document. Approved (Signature): ___ Date: ___􀁾__ Print Name and Title: ____􀁾________________ Retain copy and return signed copy to Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Accounting PAGE 1 OF2 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. AUTHORIZATION FOR WORK TO PROCEED Signing of this AGREEMENT for services shall be authorization by the CLIENT for Huitt·ZoJ[ars. Inc. (HZI) 10 proceed with the work, unless stated otherwise in the WORK AUTHORIZATION/AGREEMENT. 2. COST ESTIMATES FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Construction cost estimates provided by HZI are prepared from experience and judgement. HZI has no control over market conditions or construction procedures and does not warrant that proposals, bids, or aetual construction costs will not vary from HZI estimates. 3. STANDARD OF PRACTICE Services performed by HZr under this AGREEMENT will be conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this AGREEMENT, or in any report. opinion, document or otherwise. 4. SALES TAXES Ail sales ta.xes required to be paid by HZI will be billed to Ule client in addition to fees. 5. DILLING ANIl I'AVMENT The CLIENT, recognizing that timely payment is a material part of the consideration of this AGREEMENT, shall pay IIZI for services performed in accordance with the rates and charges set forth herein. Invoices will be submitted by IIZI on a monthly basis and shall bc due and payable wiUlin thirty (30) calendar days of invoice date. If Ule CLIENT 􀁯􀁢􀁪􀁥􀁣􀁬􀁾􀀠to ail or any portion of an invoice. the CLIENT shall so notify IIZI in writing within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the bill in qucstion. and pay when due that portion of the invoice, not in dispute. 11IC CLIENT shall pay an additional charge ofone-and-onehalf (1.5) perccnt (or the ma.ximum pcrcentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) of the invoiced amount per month for any payment received by HZI more than thirty (30) calcndar days from receipt of the invoice, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT. Payment thereancr shall first bc applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. If CLIENT for any reason fails to pay the undisputed portion of Huitt-Zollars, Inc. (HZI) invoices within 30 days of presentation, HZI shall cease work on the project and CLIENT shall waive any claim against HZI, and shall defend and indemnify HZI from and against any claims for injury or loss stemming from HZI's cessation of service. CLIENT shall also pay HZI the cost associatcd with premature project demobilization. In the event the project is rcmobilized, CLIENT shall also pay the cost of remobilization, and shall renegotiate appropriatc contraet terms and conditions, such as those associated with budget, schedulc or scope of service. In the event any bill or portion thereof is disputed by CLIENT, CLIENT shall notify HZI within ten days of receipt of the bill in question, and CLIENT and HZI shall work together to resolve the matter within 60 days of its being ealled to HZI's aLtention. If resolution of thc mattcr is not attained within 60 days, either party may tcrminate this AGREEMENT. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In order for the CLIENT to obtain the benefits of a fee whieh includes a lesscr allowance for risk funding, the CLIENT agrees to limit HZl's liability arising from HZl's profcssional acts, errors or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of HZI shall not exceed HZI's total fee for the services rendered on this project. 7. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES The CLIENT shall not be liable to HZI and HZI shall not be liable to the CLIENT for any consequential damages incurred by either due to the fault ofthe other, regardless of the nature of this fault, or whether it was commilled by the CLIENT or HZI, their employces, agents or subcontractors. Consequential damages include, but arc not limited to loss of use and loss of profit. 8. TERMINATION In thc event termination becomes necessary, the party (CLIENT or I-IZI) effecting tcrmination shall so notify the other party. and tcrmination will bccome cffective fourteen (14) calendar days aner receipt of the termination notice. Irrespective of which party shall effect termination or the cause of termination, the CLIENT shall within thirty (30) calendar days of termination rcmuneratc IIZI for services rendered and costs incurred up to the effective time of termination, in accordance WiUl I-IZl's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimhursement policy. 9. ADDITIONAL SEIlVICES Any services beyond those specified will be provided for separately under an additional Work Authori7.ation or amendcd Work Authorization. IF ANV ONE OR MORE OF TilE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN TillS AGREEMENT SIIALL BE IIELD UNENFORCEABLE, TIlE ENFORCEABILITY OF THE REMAINING PROVISIONS SIIALL NOT BE IMPAIRED. Client In1.______ Page20f2 CLIENT COpy HUlTI-ZOLLARS CONFIRMATION OF WORK AUTHORIZATION Date: 08/05/96 RE: Project Name: ADDISON CIRCLE PH I Location: ADDISON, TX Client's Agent: JOHN BAUMGARTNER, P.E. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Job #: 0J.l.82214 Phone #: (214) 450-2871 Fax #: (214) 450-2837 Dear JOHN BAUMGARTNER, P . E . : ill response to your request for our services, we have written the following work order. MISCELLANEOUS TASKS RELATING TO THE PREPARATION OF AN EXHIBIT FOR THE TOWN'S SPECIAL EVENTS INCLUDING DIGITIZING INFORMATION FROM DRAWINGS SUPPLIED BY THE TOWN. HZI FEE: (HOURLY) $750.00 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. fee is Hourly (Estimate) $750.00 (See rate schedule) The total estimated fee is $750.00 Project Manager: OAKLEY, ANDREW C /). 11 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Officer (Signature): 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀦􀁾􀀴􀀽􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭Name and Title: OAKLEY, ANDREW C, R. VICE PRESIDENT Client's Invoicing Instructions: NAME: COMPANY: JOHN BAUMGARTNER, P.E. TOWN OF ADDISON-DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS ADDRESS: J.680J. WESTGROVE P.O. BOX J.44 ADDISON, TX 7500J. Please indicate additional instructions: We will proceed with the work upon receipt of this signed authorization. [ have read and initialed the TERt\fS AND CONDITIONS on Page 2 of this document. 􀁾􀁰􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁤􀀠(Signature): ____________________ Date: _______ Print Name and Title: _____________________ Retain copy and return signed copy to Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Accounting PAGE 1 OF2 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL FEES AND CHARGES JANUARY 1, 1995 Projects indicated to be perfonned on a "Time and Materials" basis will be invoiced monthly using actual 􀁤􀁩􀁲􀁾􀁣􀁴􀀠sala ry cost for the persons working on the project times a multiplier which is an overhead factor, including profit. The current year mUltiplier is 2.1. The general ranges of direct salary cost for various employees are as follows: Senior Officer, Principal $54.00 to $96.00 ArchitectlEngineer VII, VIII, Officer $40.00 to $54.00 Architect/Engineer IV, V, VI $30.00 to $40.00 Architect/Engineer I, II, III $21.00 to $30.00 Designer I through Designer Manager $21.00 to $38.00 Tech I through Supervisor $10.00 to $35.00 CADD I through Supervisor $10.00 to $25.00 . Document Control Support through Supervisor $10.00 to $20.00 Clerical, Project Support $7.00 to $28.00 SURVEY CREWS WILL BE INVOICED ON AN HOURLY RATE BASIS: 2 Person Total Station Crew $85.00 3 Person Crew $95.00 4 Person Crew $115.00 HOURLY BILLING RATES EXPERT EXPERT WITNESS Testimony $250.00 Standby $100.00 Preparation $100.00 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES WILL BE INVOICED AS FOLLOWS: CADD/Computer CPU $17.00/hour Plotter $O.IO/minute In House Blue Prints $0.15/ft2 In House Photocopies $0.06/page Outside Services Cost + 10% Mileage $0.28/mile FAX (Transmittal) $2.00/lst page FAX (Transmittal) $1.00/page after FAX (Receive) $0.50/page 􀁮􀁕􀁬􀀱􀁊􀁌􀁬􀁊􀁌􀁾􀀠 Engineers I Architects Dallu • Fol1. Worth • HOU$Wn • E1 PIIStJ • PlweniK: • OroTlgl! COlOlty FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL (:v 􀀴􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀠Fax 􀁎􀁯􀀮􀀺􀀬􀁾􀁦􀀱􀁩􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀻􀀬􀀺􀀯􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭 􀀬􀀬􀀯􀀬􀀭􀀭􀁲􀀻􀁾􀀮....:.,.4-."",,:5,,--_ No. of Pages:_-:':-:--,-,-__ (including Cover Sheet) o URGENT ,ForYour Review 0 Please Call Upon Receipt 0 Otlg. To Follow By Mall 􀁆􀁒􀁏􀁾􀁰􀁴􀁬􀁨􀁊􀂫􀀧( SENT BY: ;rMM AAIJI41WA TIME: 4:JI}'f'1 DATE: t(tJ"':f q you had. any prohli 􀁾􀀮􀀳􀁯􀁯􀀠􀁾􀀮􀁏􀁏􀀠28.7011 57400.00 457 130 SQ. YO. 6" TRIO: RlIMF COlIC o.lvaar 22:000 2116Q.00 25.000 3250.00 456 35211 lIM.n. 6" MU:1I CQIIell6T6 􀁉􀁎􀁴􀁬􀁇􀁬􀁉􀁁􀁾􀀠0lQ 1._ 3520.00 I.SOO '2811.00 '4U 7Il LIN.n. IU!IN' COMe $TlEET HEAQU 15.000 11150.00 5.000 !SO.oo W 7430 SQ_ YD. a-tRIo: JIliN' ClIIIC PAveIIeIIl ZS.300 173119.00 23;11l0 lTM91.00 􀁾􀀰􀀴􀀠110 TOM ASI'R CONe FIRe CIAO! SURF a::I.tII$I! 81.9fllI 9OQ9.00 55.000 dD50.00 514 '7740 SO. YD. UM£ STAlJIU<:ATlOM IlAO CWH8 1.140 11IQ3.60 􀁾􀀮􀀲􀁄􀁉􀁉􀀠214.8.00 S15 ISO TOM IITDR4reD 􀁌􀁉􀁾􀁬􀀡􀀠117.600 􀀱􀀷􀁾􀁡􀀮􀁏􀁑􀀠95.000 􀀱􀁾􀀲􀁓􀀰􀀮􀀰􀁑􀀠 520 m CII. m. l!AT'L FIJI! mtI' l!AIRT OF TRAme 25.000 5iCS.OO :llI.OOO 6150.00 _ BREAmII' GltaM!604 :540 LIM. FT. 1.650 $1.00 2.1'$0 􀀱􀀴􀀱􀀱􀀵􀀮􀀰􀁾􀀠 60; 480 so. lD. 6eRIfJIA QI ST MIG GRAn SPat Sal 3.500 1680.00 3.150 􀀱􀀵􀀱􀁾􀀮􀁏􀁏􀀠 641 laGO SQ. FT. PllEtArr CIIII:IIETe PAVliRS 4.7'00 Y40.00 6.250 􀁾􀀮􀁏􀁏􀀠 64:1 l1S4 U». FT. CAST IN Pl.I(E 12" COlIC. IL\IIO 3.000 loI62.00 4.1$0 41119.10 644 18()OO SQ. FT. 􀁧􀁾􀁬􀁃􀀺􀀠PAYflIIIIT 5.SSO 105&10.00 5.3SIJ 96300.00 645 200 UN. rr. 􀁇􀁅􀁏􀁦􀁉􀁘􀁔􀁲􀁾􀀮􀀠􀁓􀁬􀁾􀁲􀀠FEKelNU 1.Sao 316.00 4.0QO 000.00 "" 670 liN. FT. MAY IlALes FOIl $1 LT COHTROL 1.660 1112.Z0 4.000 2680.00 719 S EACH .·!N IIRt/llTD'STRI"ARK 􀀷􀀮􀀳􀁾􀀰􀀠loS.1'$' 1.350 .l'6.7S TOTAL AMOJIIT 110 ,QI ITEI1S 􀀱􀀰􀁾􀀠TllRU n9 SCH. I 'PA¥INQ S 443607.93 !ND SClI. I 'PAVIHQ START SeH. 􀁉􀁉􀀧􀁢􀁾􀁁􀁉􀁍􀁁􀀠1003 47!i LIN. FT. 211M cuss: III 􀁒􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁆􀀠COlIC PIP! 30.160 101326.00 1l.OOO 156l"5.00 100' 3<:'5 LIN. FT. Z4 1M cuss m RfIN' COlIC PIn 33.280 􀁉􀁬􀁾􀁉􀀮􀀶􀁑􀀠36.000 14420.00 10aS SO UN. FT. V 1M II t ;I!INF CONe PIP! 36.400 tllZl1.00 41.000 2050.00 laC\! 20 LIN. FT. 30 IN 􀁾􀁳􀁳􀀺􀀠III REIN' COKC Pipe 40.560 al1.ZQ '-6.000 920.00 10011 55 liN. FT. 36 IN russ !II KINF CIlIII! PIP! '9.920 2745.60 56.000 JOrlIO" (XI 1014 125 LIN. FT. :54 1M t:t.IS5 III IlEINF CQIIC Pipe 1.$.600 If11IO.OO 100.000 12500.00 1015 320 liN. 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