1/'-1 Y -. 􀁾􀀠! 􀀯􀀯􀀬􀁾􀀩􀀠--(D #R4-1wI. 50 YEARS OF FUN! Post Office Box 9010 10Addison. Texas 75001-90 5300 Belt Line Road 450-7000FAX (972) (972) 450-7043 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 18, 2003 TO: Ron Whitehead, City Manager FROM: Carmen Moran, Director of Development Services SUBJECT: Amendment to Master Facilities Agreement for Funding of Public Infrastructure in Addison Circle BACKGROUND In 1995 the Town entered into an agreement a Master Facilities Agreement to facilitate the construction of public infrastructure improvements within the Addison Circle District. There were three parties to the agreement: the Town, Columbus Realty Trust, and Gaylord Properties. The agreement spelled out the terms through which the Town would spend $9 million to build public improvements in the district. In return, the other parties would dedicate the land for the improvements, participate in the costs, and build residential and commercial developments in Addison Circle. To date, three phases have been built in Addison Circle. The Town has spent $6,860,055 and Phases 1, 2a, and 2b total almost 1,300 residential units. The Master Facilities Agreement has been amended two previous times to provide for changes in the way funds were allocated. Columbus Realty Trust (which became Post Properties) and Gaylord Properties have both sold their interests in Addison Circle to TexOK Properties. However, the terms of the agreement were transferable to the new owner and the agreement is still in place. At this point, TexOK Properties is selling the remammg land in Addison Circle, to NewSource Capital, L.P. NewSource Capital is planning to immediately sell two tracts to separate owners. CityHomes is planning to build a town home development on the east side of Quorum Drive, and Fairfield Residential is looking to build a multi-family development on the west side of Quorum Drive. NewSource Capital, CityHomes, and Fairfield Residential are now looking to the Town to spend the $2,139,945 that remains to be spent in the district on public infr astructure. Memo to Ron Whitehead Page 2 November 18, 2003 CONSTRUCTION PHASING The Master Facilities Agreement undertook the difficult job of anticipating construction costs for infrastructure that would be built in the future. The Town, Gaylord, and Columbus expected that Addison Circle would build out in phases over 10 to 15 years, and the agreement attempted to schedule what improvements would be built in what sequence. The improvements that have been constructed under the Agreement are shown on the attached map. PARK FUNDING The Urban Center ordinance lays out very specific standards for the sidewalks, lighting, and landscaping for the streets. Therefore, the Town and developers can both be assured that the future streets, regardless of how they are funded, will be developed to the same standard as the existing streets. However, the parks have not yet been designed. Gaylord and Columbus wanted to be sure that they would be of the same quality of Bosque Park and Esplanade Park. Therefore, the budgets for the two remaining parks were set with ranges for a minimum and maximum to be spent. The range for Quorum North Park (.69 acres) was $290,000 to $300,000, and the range for Mews Park (1.43 acres) was $650,000 to $700,000. These amounts are specified in the agreement. However, the 'amounts for streets were only guidelines, and the funds could be moved around among the streets as long as $9 million dollars total was spent in the district. pcw·\Luiew-321, 000-􀁌􀁱􀁏􀀡􀁏􀁏􀀨� �􀁾􀀠SPECTRUM DRIVE In 1995, the three parties to the agreement anticipated that Columbus Realty (now Post Properties) and Gaylord Properties would construct the infrastructure improvements, with city funding, as projects came on line. However, after Phase 2b in 1999, Post and Gaylord decided to quit building apartments in Addison Circle because the Metroplex had hit an economic slump. The Town was sorry to see construction stop in Addison Circle; however, the Town typically takes advantage of slower times in the economy to get infrastructure built because it can get better construction bids. The record-low interest rates for bonds made the idea of building even more appealing. The Town decided to sell bonds to build street improvements, and Spectrum Drive was one of the proposed bond projects. The Town had three reasons for wanting to push up the schedule for Spectrum. First, it felt that if it could get Spectrum built, it would encourage developers to begin building in Addison Circle again. Second, Spectrum will ultimately connect south to Arapaho Road and north to Airport Parkway. The Town would like to get Spectrum built so that it can provide an alternative way in and out of the neighborhood for residents, thus allowing Quorum Drive to be closed for Special events such as Oktoberfest and Kaboom Town. Third, the merchants around Esplanade Park were complaining to the staff because they felt there were not enough on-street parking spaces in Addison Circle. The Town Memo to Ron Whitehead Page 3 November 1 e, 2003 redesigned Spectrum to provide for head-in parking up both sides of the street, and it wanted to get the additional parking spaces in place to help the merchants. However, the Agreement listed $364,000 to be spent on Spectrum Drive, of which approximately $150,000 remained. The other two parties to the agreement were to pay the remainder, and in order to get the street built, the Town needed them to contribute. The Town began conversations last year with TexOK Properties as to how the road would be funded. TexOK dedicated all the right-of-way needed for the portion of Spectrum that is within the Addison Circle District, but stated that NewSource Capital would pay for Spectrum. The Town then began conversations with NewSource Capital, which indicated it was planning to defer the funding obligations to the end users, CityHomes and Fairfield Residential. The Town then began conversations with those groups, and both stated that they would like for the Town to "front the money" for Spectrum and they would pay the funds back over time, possibly through a pro-rata assessment with funds due at the issuance of building permits. This plan would mean that the Town might not get paid back for Spectrum for many years, and keeping up with the assessments would be time consuming for both the Building Inspection and Accounting staffs. However, the Town still felt that the timing was still right to build Spectrum. and it began to design and engineer the street. The street has now been designed. and the estimated cost for the portion of Spectrum Drive that is within the Addison Circle district. and thus to be partially funded by developers is $1,157,000. The Town has approximately $150,000 left to spend on Spectrum. which means that the other parties to the agreement need to pay the Town $1 million. CITYHOMES PLAN While the Town was having conversations with NewSource Capital about Spectrum, it was also talking about the streets that would be built within the CityHomes and Fairfield developments. Under the Agreement. NewSource Capital (ultimately CityHomes and Fairfield). is entitled to approximately $1,000,000 in city funding toward the construction of its streets. In a typical development scenario, each developer would build the streets, using contractors it selects. and then dedicate them to the Town once they are finished. However, since the Town would be spending public funds on these streets, it would have to go through the public bidding process. The Town could then assign the contract to the developer to manage. All the streets that are currently in Addison Circle were built through this process. While CityHomes welcomes the Town's funds, it would prefer to not have to bid the streets because CityHomes (a subsidiary of Centex) is a nationwide company, and it has relationships with contractors that give it volume discounts on construction. CityHomes feels it can build the streets cheaper (though still to the Addison Circle standards) if it uses its own contractors. CityHomes asked the Town if the funds it was going to spend on the interior streets could be all allocated to one street. If so, then CityHomes would build the other streets and they would not have to bid. Memo to Ron Whitehead Page 4 November 18, 2003 THE SIMPLE PLAN At this point, the staff hit on what is being called "The Simple Plan." The staff spent several days figuring out how much money it wanted to get from the developers to fund Spectrum, and how much it was going to give to developers for streets and parks. When CityHomes asked if all the money could be spent on one street, the staff realized that the Town was going to be handing the developers about the same amount of money that it hoped to get paid back. The staff realized that if we all just kept our own money, the Town could build Spectrum, CityHomes and Fairfield could build all the internal streets, using their own contractors, and we would end up in the same place. Under the Simple Plan, the Town builds all of Spectrum Drive, the Mews Park in the amount of $290,000, and the Quorum North Park in the amount of $650,000. The developers, at their own cost, must build the remaining streets in the district. Once Spectrum and the parks are constructed, the Town will have spent $9,000,000 in the district and fulfilled all its obligations under the Master Facilities Agreement. The Simple Plan benefits the Town because it no longer has to "front the money" for Spectrum. Although the Town might get CityHomes' money for Spectrum within the next couple of years, it could wait many more years for the remaining $500,000. In addition, it would take new legal agreements (which cost money to prepare) to set up the pro rata schemes, and it would be cumbersome to keep up with the accounting of bits of money paid back over several years. The Simple Plan benefits the developers because it helps get Spectrum built now as opposed to later. It also keeps the remaining land in Addison Circle from being encumbered with a debt that future developers would have to pay. It also keeps the developers from having to bid the street construction as a public project, which makes building the streets easier, faster, and cheaper. FAIRFIELD RESIDENTIAL The Town discussed the Simple Plan with NewSource Capital, and it was on board with the plan, except that under the Simple Plan, all of the Town's remaining street funds will be spent on Spectrum Drive. Under the more complicated scheme, CityHomes would get the great majority of the funds because it abutted Spectrum Drive, but the Town was planning to allocate some money toward the improvement of the west side of Quorum Drive. NewSource believes the allocation of some money for Quorum is essential in making the deal on the west side of Quorum Drive work, and thus allowing Fairfield Residential to develop that tract within the next year. It is estimated to cost $404,847 to provide paving, streetscape, drainage, wastewater, water, and electrical improvements for the west side of Quorum Drive, and Fairfield Residential is willing to contribute $184,447 toward the project. The Town would pay the remaining $220,400 and would manage the project. The project will not be started until Fairfield pays it share. 404,000 36, OD().-"4"; Memo to Ron Whitehead Page 5 November 18, 2003 As noted above, the Town changed the design for Spectrum Drive to add head-in parking. The additional paving and streetscape have made the street more expensive. If the Town had not changed the design, and thus made the street more expensive, there would be some money left in the $9 million to be spent on Quorum Drive. Although the additional $220,400 would take funding in Addison Circle beyond the $9 million anticipated by the original Master Facilities Agreement, the staff believes the additional funds are a good investment in the Addison Circle infrastructure for a couple of reasons. First, this additional investment would allow the remaining nine acres in the district to be developed, and would finish out the original Addison Circle district Addison Circle is a great place, but it needs more people living there to become a real, vibrant community. These additional people make the merchants more successful and keep the unique, pedestrian-oriented atmosphere of Addison Circle working. Fairfield Residential is proposing to build a high-density multi-family product, similar to the existing Post Properties product in Addison Circle, and the staff believes that is a good product for the remaining tract Second, while the staff is excited to have the owner-occupied town homes that CityHomes is planning to build, it realizes that as homeowners move into Addison Circle, developing the community will get more difficult. It was already more difficult for CityHomes because it had to build across from six homeowners. If the Fairfield deal goes away and the 183 proposed town homes get built, it may be very difficult to get a multi-family deal done across the street at a later date. Homeowners always seem to want to live next to the same sort of home they live in, and although the Town has always envisioned Addison Circle as a high-density, mixed-density development, that vision could be changed in the future by homeowners living in the neighborhood. The staff has recently seen homeowner opposition change plans for both to the Village on the Parkway redevelopment and the Master Plan amendment for Greenhill School. The Fairfield development is consistent with the Town's vision for the western tract, and it would be nice to get the piece developed before the vision gets changed. SUMMARY The staff is very excited to have developers wanting to build in Addison Circle again. Staff believes that with the Simple Plan that has been outlined above, the original Addison Circle improvement district could be built out within the next couple of years. The Simple Plan also allows the Town to build Spectrum Drive now without having to wait for property-owner participation. It also allows the developers to build their internal streets faster and more efficiently. The CityHomes and Fairfield developments will bring an estimated $60 million in ad valorem taxable value to Addison. In addition, they will bring residents, and their sales tax dollars, to Addison Circle and the rest of the Town. For the many reasons listed throughout this memo, the staff recommends the Council approve the Simple Plan, which is described in the Third Amendment to the Master Facilities Agreement -($ENeRAL NOTES!"........_f__.............' MiI ___ ,... _...,...... 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Pag, 1013 of {he Deed 'Records of Dallas <':OUIll.Y, rcxu, THENCE South 00 􀁭􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁵􀁴􀁥􀀮􀁾􀀠55 􀁾􀀽􀁤􀁳􀀠13 seconds West along the west rigllJ:.of·way line (If Quorum Drive • !lisl&ace of 1089.96 feel to a 1/2 inch iron roo ,;c( with ·Hlliu,z.un.rs' cap at the beginning of a cum to the right bame 􀁾􀀠I'1IQiWl of 1..1'12..19 feet; . . -􀀭􀁬􀀧􀁈􀁅􀀺􀁎􀁥􀁥􀀭􀀼􀁏􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁩􀁾􀁗􀁏􀁉􀁴􀁲􀁬􀁾􀀢􀁉􀁉􀁉􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁈􀁤1Il0lflt....llt􀁃􀁉􀁉􀁉􀀧􀁉􀀢􀁮􀀨􀁬􀀧􀁲􀁨􀀡􀀢� �􀁴􀀱􀀯􀁬􀁉􀁬􀁮􀁨􀁾􀀠ifceiitraraffglo or 06 desreC$ 􀁯􀀮􀁾􀀠minutCK 10 """"'.... !lIl lU'C dituma: uC 147.!/O [""I, b.:in& ,uhtCMcd hy l chord which hear' Soulh fl'J dc",eea :t/minl.\lc3 411 secoodo We. 82 degrees 4$ minute, V ""colld. W""! alot(h rlght·of-way Ii". 01 the SL Loui. ""tI SouthWIIsreru R;lil.oau. • lLXl foot wide riGht.o[ .... ay. with east right-of-way line of (Juorun. Drive os ..I.bli.hct! by "",uum",,! to the TOW'll 01 Atldiwn, Te ......., recorded in Y<>lwno 8211>3, P.gc '!lin o{ tbe o....,d Records of !lall•• C.nun!y, To...: TI-lENCE t>/Qrth 00 mioULes 08 seconds 00 .,", ........ 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Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 , , " ADDISON URBAN CENTER COST PROJECTIONS OF INFRASTRUC11JRE IMPROVEMENTS 06122195 .gEl \1 BASE COST EXCESS COST TOTAL COST "\lIIl Drive (1650 L,F,) S464,000 S464,000 S928,000 red West of Quorum (3611 L.F.) S140,000 $140,000 $280,000 "\lIIl Rotary Open Space (0.58 Ac) $468,000 $468,000 S936,000 :ue Park (0.96 Ac) SO $535,000 $535,000 ,t R -3 (425 L.F,) $0 $445,000 $445,000 ,t R -4 (575 L.F.) SO S596,000 S596,000 t M·l (680 L.F.) SO S780,ooO $780,000 'ALS 51,072,000 53,428,000 54,500,000 EXHIBIT 4 TO THE MASTER FACILITIES AGREEMENT Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 M rum Drive (2075 L.F.) of street) Ired East of Quorum (419 L.F.) 5t of Spectrum) trum (1275L.F.) Mildred Open Space (1.13 Ac) rum North Park (0.69 Ac) :s Park (1.43 Ac) ; (525 L.F.) , (400 L.F.) 􀂷􀁾􀁏􀁕􀁊􀀠; (325 L.F.) Z (1275 L.F.) PHASE II BASE COST EXCESS COST TOTAL COST $260,000 $260,000 $520,000 $159,000 $159,000 . $318,000 $182,000 $182,000 $364,000 $305,000 $305,000 $610,000 $0 $295,000 $295,000 $0 $675,000 $675,000 $0 $270,000 $270,000 $0 $205,000 $205,000 ro $322,000 $322,000 SO $166,000 $166,000 SO $624,000 $624,000 ----------.-------.---------.---->-----.._--􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭red east ofSpectrum (590L.F.) SO $131,000 . $131,000 'ALS $906,000 $3,594,000 $4,500,000 :: The above cost projections include costs for private utilities, engineering, special review, independent inspection and construction costs associated with Phases I and II e Urban Center. . 06122/95 " Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 " '. SCHEDOI.L; J:OR PARKS AND OPEN SPACE IMPROVEMENTS ADDISON URBAN DISmrCT . 􀂷􀁾􀂷􀁕􀁎􀁥􀀠21, 1995 MrNUMUM MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE I.) Quorum Rotary (0,58 Ac) 870,000 1,000,000 2,) Bosque Park (0,96 Ac) 500,000 570,000 SUBTOTAL PHASE T 1,370,000 1.570,000 3,) Quorum North Park (O.69Ac) 290,000 300,000 4,) East Mildred Open Spllce (l, IJ Ac) 580,000 640,000 5.) Mews Park (1.43 Ac) 650,000 700,000 SUBTOTAL PHASE II 1,520,000 1,640,000 TOTAL 2,890,000 3,210,000 ---_. ------------------􀀭􀁾􀀢􀀭􀀭----� �􀁾􀀠-,. -􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠-.. ------------Estimates include al! costs associated with bid document preparation, construction, inspection., utility service, etc, necessary to complete the parks, EXHIBIT 5 TO THE MASTER FACILITIES AGREEMENT ·' " , ., Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1Elcample 1. Default during Phase I. Council approves Development Plan for 500 dwelling units; Gaylord and Columbus default after certificates of occupancy have been issued for 250 units. Excess costs = $3.428 million. Gaylord and Columbus liability = $3.428 million, reduced by 250/1,500 x $3.428 million (12.5% reduction), "" $2.999 million. Elcample 2. Default during Phase IT (less than 1,000 dwelling units have received certificate of occupancy approval). Gaylord and Columbus constructs 500 dwelling units in. phase I, defaults after certificates of occupancy have been issued for 400 dwelling units in. Phase IT. Cumulative excess costs for Phase IT = $1 million Gaylord and Columbus liability = $1 million, reduced by (500 + 400)11,500 x $1 million (60% reduction), "" $400,000. -Elcample 3. Default during Phase IT (at least 1,000 dwelling units have received certificate of occupancy approval). Gaylord and Columbus constructs 1000 dwelling units in. Phases I and II, defaults after certificates of occupancy have been issued for 100 of 200 dwelling units approved in. the Development Plan for the next sub-phase of Phase II. Excess costs for the sub-phase = $500,000. Gaylord and Columbus liability == $500,000, reduced by 1001200 x $500,000 (50% 􀁊􀁾􀁉􀀡􀁱􀁴􀁩􀀮􀁑􀁉􀀡􀁌􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀤􀀮􀀲􀁊􀀮􀁑􀀬􀁑􀁑􀁾􀁌􀀠.... _. _. _. __... . __ --•. -• -__.. --. -----... --• --• --_. -EXHIBIT 6 Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 Example 1. Default during Phase I. Council approves Development Plan for 500 dwelling units; Gaylord and Columbus default after certificates of occupancy have been issued for 250 units. Excess costs = $3.428 million. Gaylord and Columbus liability = $3.428 million, reduced by 250/1,500 x $3.428 million (16.6% reduction), = $2.8566 miilion. Example 2. Default during Phase n (less than 1,000 dwelling units have received certificate of occupancy approval). Gaylord and Columbus construct 500 dwelling units in phase I, defaults after certificates of occupancy have been issued for 400 dwelling units in Phase II. Cumulative excess costs for Phase II = $1 million Gaylord and Columbus liability = $1 million, reduced by (500 + 400)/1,500 x $1 million (60% reduction), = $400,000. Example 3. Default during Phase n (at least 1,000 dwelling units have received certificate of occupancy approval). Gaylord and Columbus construct 1000 dwelling units in Phases I and n, defaults after certificates of occupancy have been issued for 100 of 200 dwelling units approved in the Development Plan for the next subphase of Phase n. Excess costs for the subphase = $500,000. Gaylord and Columbus liability = $500,000, reduced by 100/200 x $500,000 (50% reduction) = $250,000. __ '" _______ 􀁾􀁟􀀠_ 􀁾􀀠_________ > . 􀀾􀁔􀁨􀁾􀀠>lilln, pfJhis Deed_of Truill.and ;11) rights. of .BenefICiary .hereunder are expressly subordinate and inferior to the lien described ,In E)(hibit B hereto (the "Superior Lien"), and Beneficiary, by acceptance hereof, agrees to .;xc:.:ute any document reasonably requested by the holder of the Superior Lien to evidence such sur.ordination. > Beneficiary, by acceptance he>reof, further agrees, when requested by the holder "I' the Superior Lien, to give such holder notice of any default by Grantor or Obligors in 􀁡􀁣􀁣􀁯􀁲􀁤􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁾􀀠with the terms of the Development Agreement and to permit any such holder the option to cure: such default in accordance with the terms of the Development Agreement. •• > Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 EXECUTEDthe ____ dayof ____•_____ .__,1996. By:______________ Its:--------------------THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the • ___ day of ______􀁾􀀮􀀠, 1996, by _________􀀭􀀭􀀻􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁾_ __:_:--;_;_-;-::--::-_;_::_--__:_-of ___________􀁾____, a Texas corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public -State of Texas My Commission Expires: DA9l19!0338 07l295a1nl 186;3012·3 -4 Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 " ", STATE OF TEXAS § , ". § COUNTY OF DALLAS § AMENDMENT TO MASTER FACILITIES AGREEMENT This Amendment to Master Facilities Agreement (the "Amendment") is entered into by and between the Town of Addison, Texas, ("the City"), and Gaylord Properties, LP., a Texas limited partnership ("Gaylord") (Gaylord being the successor in interest to Gaylord Properties, Inc., a Texas corporation), and Columbus Realty Trust, a Texas real estate investment trust ("Columbus"). RECITALS 1. The City, Gaylord and Columbus entered into that agreement entitled "Master Facilities Agreement" dated July 17, 1995 regarding the construction of certain public improv"ements within that area generally known as Addison Circle and described as the "Property" in Section 30f the Master Facilities Agreement. 2. The City, Gaylord and Columbus desire to amend the Master Facilities Agreement as set forth herein. Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the above a..'1d foregoing premises, and other good and valuable consideration, the CITY , GAYLORD and COLUMBUS do hereby contract and agree as follows: Section l. Amendment. The Master Facilities Agreement is hereby amended as follows: A. Section 7 is amended so that it shall hereafter read as follows: "Section 7. Allocation of Funds, Payment and Participation by Gaylord and Columbus in Excess Costs. A-:-Allocation by" Phase and Payment. Funds for the design and • construction of the Public Infrastructure Improvements shall be allocated in the ..,.. " max1ll1um amount of $4,800,000 for Phase I (the "City'S Phase I Costs") and $4,200,000 for Phase II. If the actual costs of the Public Infrastructure Improvements for either Phase I or Phase II are less than the maximum amount allocated for the respective Phase, the funds remaining for that Phase shall be reallocated to pay for or to reimburse actual costs of Improvements for the other Phase. Payment shall be made by the City in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 6 of this Agreement, not to exceed the maxirrium allocation per Phase except as provided herein. B. Allocation by Su bphase. If any Phase of the project is to be developed in subphases, payment by the City for any subphase shall not exceed the costs projected in the Schedule for Public Infrastructure Improvements set forth in Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 Exhibit 4 associated with such sllbphase, except by amounts by which actual costs for Public Infrastructure Improvements associated with contracts awarded for prior subphases are less than the total costs projected for such prior subphases set forth in Exhibit 4 . . . --C ....􀀭􀀭􀁐􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁥􀁩􀁰􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀭􀁩􀁮􀀧􀀭􀁃􀀧􀀰􀁳􀁴􀁾􀁈 􀀬􀀮􀁹􀀧􀁇􀁡􀁹􀁬􀁻􀀩􀁲􀁤􀁾􀁡􀁮􀁤􀀠Cslumbus. -In the . event that actual design and construction costs for any Phase or subphase of the development of the Property (such actual costs being determined at the time of the acceptance and award by the City ofa construction contract to construct the Phase or subphase Improvements,' and subject to review as a result of any change order with respect to such construction contract) shall exceed the total costs projected in the Schedule for Public Infrastructure Improvements set forth in Exhibit 4, Gaylord and Columbus shall pay the City the difference between actual and projected total costs prior to the commencement of construction of the Improvements for the subphase, except as otherwise agreed to by the City and Gaylord and Columbus. D. Addison Cirele Rotary Art. 1. Exhibit 4 attached hereto ("Addison Urban Center Cost ,Projections of Infrastructure Improvements") identifies the "Quorum Rotary Open Space (0.58 Ac)" (the "Rotary Open Space") as a Phase I public infrastructure improvement, the projected total cost of which is $936,000. Such projected cost is exclusively for the design, engineering, and construction of a work of art (the "Rotary Art") to be placed in the rotary park/open space ("0-_'_) as depicted on the Concept Plan. The City is the sole owner of the design and concept of the Rotary Art and any copyright or other intellectual property rights in connection with the Rotary Art, and upon construction of the Rotary Art will be the sole owner of the Rotary Art. Exhibit 5 attached hereto ("Schedule for Parks and Open Space Improvements") identifies the maximum allowance for improvements to the Rotary Open Space as $1,000,000, and such maximum has been allocated by the parties hereto (out of the City's Phase I Costs) for the Rotary Art. Costs and expenses incurred for the design (including, but not limited to, work by artists, architects, and landscape architects), engineering, inspection, and construction of the-Rotary Art (the "Rotary Art Costs") may exceed $1,200,000. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to the extent that the Rotary Art Costs exceed $1,200,000 (the "Excess Rotary Art Costs"), Columbus shall pay to the City one-half (112) of all such Excess Rotary Art Costs; provided, however, that Columbus' obligation to pay one-half (112) of the Excess Rotary . Art Costs shall not exceed $350,000. 2. The Rotary Art will be constructed pursuant to a construction contract entered into between the City and a third-party contractor. Nat later than seven (7) days following .the date of the execution of the Rotary. Art construction contract by the City (or any additive change order thereto), Columbus shall pay to the City Columbus' share of the Excess Rotary Art Costs as described above. In the event of a deductive change order to the Rotary Art construction contract which would reduce the amount of Columbus' share of the Excess Rotary Art __ Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 . the amount of such reduction not later than seven (7) days following the execution of such change order. E. Limitations on Payments. 1. The parties recognize that the public parks and open spaces depicted and described in the Concept Plan to be provided to the City by Gaylord and Columbus in the development of the Property must, within limits, meet a certain standard of excellence. Therefore, the parties have agreed, in improving those public parks and open spaces, on a maximum and minimum expenditure for such parks and open spaces as set forth in Exhibit 5, the Schedule for Parks and Open Space Improvements. 2. The City shall 'not pay for any improvements necessitated by a traffic .impact analysis or facilities study required by either the Concept Plan or a 'Development Plan. 3. No payment for Improvements to any Phase or subphase of the development of the PropertY shaJI be made by the City until a.Development Plan for the Phase or subphase has been approved and all rights-of-way for the Improvements to serve such Phase or subphase have been dedicated to .the City. as required in Section 5 of this Agreement." Section 2. No Other Amendments. Except to the extent modified or amended herein, all other terms and obligations of the Master Facilities Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Section 3. Authority to Execute. The undersigned officers andlor agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Amendment on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions or other act extending such authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. EXECUTED at Dallas County. Texas on the day and year first written above. !.P TOwif.t OF ADDISON. TEXAS GAYLORD PROPERTIES;-fNe. By:__0---,>,<.-/._.􀁟􀁡􀁟􀁾􀀠ATTEST: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST IBY:----b-{2,.::::.l.-1􀁶􀁢􀂣􀀭􀀴􀀽􀁾􀁎􀁾􀁬􀀢􀀧􀀭􀁬􀁾􀀠By: 􀁾.. _:.;---_:.;---3 '-.e Carmen Moran, City Secretary -, Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE OF TEXAS § § ·,;-;QQUNTY;;OF.:DAIJ.;AS .:§ This instrument was acknowledged before me oli Q tmf,Ft-ZS , 1997' by Ron Whitehead, City Manager of the Town of Addison, Texas, a Texas municipal corpoIation, on behalf of the said municipal corporation. .MICHELE L. COVINO . Notary Public' • STATE OF TEXAS "'" ., My Commission Expires . 􀁕􀁾􀀠,.... 09-22-2001® . !if}iL4 􀁊􀁾􀀠 NOTAR! PUBLIC, State of Texas STATE OF TliX\S Otfl.l/Aoml1 COUNTY OF £UrJol::.S § § §OKLAJ/()I1II1 This instrument was acknowledged before me on 􀁾􀁍􀀬􀀭􀀢􀀭􀀢􀀼􀀶􀀭􀀢􀁶􀁾􀀢􀀭􀀼􀁬􀀮􀁭􀁌􀁴􀀮􀁦􀁬􀀮􀀢􀁺􀀮􀀬􀀬􀀮􀁥􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁟􀀭􀀬􀀯􀀬􀀭􀀬􀀳􀀽􀀭􀀭___, 1997 ,-L.y...􀀴􀀺􀀧􀀧􀁰􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀧􀁁􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀧􀀺􀁡􀀧􀀧􀁃􀁓􀀧􀀺􀀧 􀀭􀀧􀁩􀀱􀁊􀂫􀀺􀁌􀁗􀀽􀁟􀀼􀁟􀁌􀀷___ of Gaylord loP \,_.I..,t p.!-'''-'!!-i'\-'-':';:I\..=---§ § COUNTY OF +-,-..:...L=:"':'--_ § NOTARY PUBLIC, State 9f 'feKas fietfrJ', D.. This instrument was acknowledged before me on ths;: Itf+:l± day of 􀁌􀀮􀂣􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁶􀁾􀀠, 1998, by R<>lswL Sltaw, 􀁅􀁾􀂷􀀠boN,'wi!{,) 1t 􀀱􀀧􀁲􀁲􀀮􀀮􀀼􀀺􀀮􀁉􀁎􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁦􀀮on behalf of said corporation in its capacity as general partner of P 􀀲􀁾􀀨􀀢􀀠cc;􀀺􀁾􀀬􀀠a €'lco!:§ia limited partnership, on behalf of said limited partnersblp. 􀁾􀁫􀀮􀁵􀀠cP 􀁾􀁓􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁌􀁾􀀠L-NOTARY plkLIC, 􀁓􀁴􀁡􀁾􀀠􀁄􀁬􀁗􀀢􀀢􀁾􀁁􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠 Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 .. ADDISON URBAN CENTER· COST PROJECTIONS OF mrRASTRUCTUREIMPROVEMENTS 061'22195 \S£1 ,M DASECOST EXCESS COST )rum Drive (1650 L.F.) $464,000 $464,000 deed West of Quorum (36! I L.P.) 5140,000 5140,000 mJ.m Rotary Open Space (0.58 Ac) S468,000 $468,000 ;quc Park (0.96 Ac) SO $535,000 :et R -3 (425 CP.) SO S445,OOO ect R -4 (575 L:f.) SO 5596,000 eet M -1 (680 L.P.) SO 5780,000 )TALS 51,072,000 53,428,000 TOTAL COST 5928,000 5280,000 5936,000 5535,000 5445,000 $596,000 $780,000 54,500,000 II · Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 11.'11 Drive (2075 L.F.) of street) .red East of Quorum (419 L.F.) It of Spectrum) ;lrum (12 75L.F.) Mildred Open Space (1.13 Ac) 'rum North Park (0.69 Ac) NS Park (1.43 Ac) 2 (525 L.F.) 3 (400L.F.) 4 (630 L.F.) 5 (325 L.F.) _ -2 (1275 􀁌􀀮􀁆􀀮􀁾􀀠 lcired east of Spectrum (590 L.F.) )TALS PHASE II BASE COST $250.000 $159,000 $182,000 $)05.000 SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO S906,000 EXCESS COST TOTAL COST $260,000 5520,000 $159,000 $318,000 $182,000 5364,000 5305,000 S610,OOO $295,000 5295,000 $675,000 S675.000 5270,000 5270,000 5205.000 S205,000 S322,OOO 􀁓􀁾􀀲􀀲􀀮􀀰􀀰􀀶􀀠. 5166,000· S166,OOO . S624,OOO 5624,000 $131,000 $13l;OOO S3,594,000 S4,500,000 lIe: The abovc cost projections include costs for private utilities, engineering, special an revicw, independent inspection and construction costs associated with Phases I and II the Urban Center. 06122/95 , . .. Master Facilities Agreement With Amendments -EXHIBIT 1 SCHEDUI.IJ FOIt PARKS AND OPEN SPACE IMt'ROVEMENTS ADDISON UHBANDlSmICT. . -.lUNE21,1995 .) Quorum iZotnry (0.58 Ac) !.) BosqucPuk (0.96 Ac) sunTOTAL PHASE 1 3.) Quorum North Park (O.69Ac.;) 4.) Ensl Mild rod Open :)P<.lCC {1.13 Ac) 5,) Mcws Park (1.4) Ac) . SUBTOTAL PHASE II TOTAL :# MfNUMUM ALLOWANCE 􀁧􀀷􀀰􀀬􀁏􀁾􀀠500,000 1,310,000 290,000 580,000 650,000 1,520,000 2,890,000 MAXIMUM ALLOWANCE 1,000,600 510,000 _ 1,510,000 300,000 640,000 􀀷􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀰􀀠1,640,00'0· 3,210.000 . Estimates include all costs associated with bitl document prcparation, construction, inspection, utility service, etc. necessary to complc.:t:; tho! parks. EXHIBIT 5 􀁾􀀢􀀠IN'''' "'<::""1"'1 􀀢􀀧􀁁􀁾􀁉􀁉􀀮􀁩􀁔 􀁉􀁅􀁓􀀠􀁁􀁇􀁒􀁅􀁅􀁾􀁬􀁅􀁎􀁔􀀠 Remaining Property -EXHIBIT 2 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭...•...-----------6ENERAL.. NOTES,.. _._"1IC___·_...,........ __,.0i' __ __OO'I_rt>C"'........ ...􀁏􀁜􀀮􀁴􀁟􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀮􀂷􀁾􀁕􀁴􀀬----... .. 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀬􀀭....􀁾... ,.....""""''''''...... """'...,fIfOC .......IqI"" t,'*f_._/IIt'tOt"'....... ..".._ .......􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁟􀀠 l ••􀁴􀁬􀀧􀁾....._._.Iof...􀁟􀁾􀂫􀀮􀁏􀁦􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠____ __·I4' 0 _'.... ""'" ... '" ... ... --------I I I I '" ._-----'.􀁾􀀠, , , 􀁬􀁾􀀠-<0> 􀁾􀀠----------------􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 --Remaining Improvements -EXHIBIT 4 -PHA5E TY'lO PHA5 􀁾􀁅􀁓􀁉􀁄􀁅􀁎􀁔􀁉􀁁􀁌􀀮􀀠5V6DI5TRIe.T 610(1I'ItN. \I'Gf') lUlo,.tnD. TC t-!.U at: I$CIO \tar 􀁾3tU97, and second by that "Second Amendment Third Amendment To Master Facilities Agreement Pagel of 11 \0 Master Facilities Agreement" dated December 2, 1998. The Master Facilities Agreement, as amended, is referred to herein as the "Master Facilities Agreement", and is attached hereto (together with its two amendments) as Exbibit 1. B. The Master Facilities Agreement, in Exhibit 4 thereto (Exhibit 4 being entitled "Addison Urban Center Cost Projections of Infrastructure Improvements" and referred to herein as "Exhibit 4 to tbe Master Facilities Agreement"), describes the nature of the Public Infrastructure Improvements (or "Improvements", as defined in the Master Facilities Agreement) covered by the Master Facilities Agreement and the maximum amounts to be paid by the City toward the design and construction of each of the Improvements. 5. Previous Expenditures of City Funds. Pursuant to the Master Facilities Agreement, the City has previously expended a portion of the City's Funds, totalling $6,860,055.00, in connection the development of the following portions of the Residential Subdistrict: A. Phase I of the Residential Subdistrict Property (Phase I being described in that Assignment and Construction Services Agreement dated April 12, 1996 between the City and Addison Circle One, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership), with the City spending $4,763,507.00 out of the City'S Funds in connection with the Phase I development; B. Phase IIA of the Residential Subdistrict Property (Phase IIA being described in that Funding, Assignment and Construction Services Agreement dated September 30, 1997 between the City, Addison Circle Two, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, Gaylord and Columbus), with the City spending $1,671,548.00 out of the City's Funds in connection with the Phase IIA development; and C. Phase IIB of the Residential Subdistrict Property (Phase lIB being described in that Funding, Assignment and Construction Services Agreement dated August 10, 1999 between the City, Addison Circle Three, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, Gaylord Properties, LP. and Post Apartment Homes, LP., a Georgia limited partnership), partnership), with the City spending $425,000.00 out of the City's Funds in connection with the Phase IIB development. 6. Remaining City Funds. The sum of $6,860,055.00 of the City's Funds having been spent by the City as set forth above, there remains the sum of $2,139,945.00 of the City's Funds (the "Remaining City Funds") to be spent in connection with the development of the remaining portion of the Residential Subdistrict, which remaining portion is described and depicted in Exhibit 2 attached hereto (the "Remaining Property"). 7. Owner As Successor In Interest. TEXOK Properties, LP, an Oklahoma limited partnership ("Owner") is the sole owner of the Remaining Property, and is the successor in interest by way of conveyance to all of the rights, duties, and obligations of Gaylord under the Master Facilities Agreement solely with respect to the Remaining Property. Neither Owner nor Owner's successors in interest shall have any rights, duties or obligations except as relate to the Remaining Property. Third Amendment To Master Facilities Agreement Page 2 of 11 8. Remaining Improvements. A. The only Improvements identified in the Master Facilities Agreement which remain to be designed and constructed, which Improvements are to be constructed within the Remaining Property, are as follows (together, the "Remaining Improvements"): I. Quorum Drive Improvements (as defined below in Section 1O.e. of these Recitals, and consisting of paving of parallel parking spaces, streetscape (as described in the UC District Regulations, and in particular Appendices A and B thereof), storm sewer, and wastewater improvements for that portion of Quorum Drive as depicted and/or described on the attached Exhibit 4-1). 2. Those portions of "R" Streets depicted and/or described as "C" Streets on the attached Exhibit 3 and as further described and/or depicted on the attached Exhibit 4-1 (the "R Street Improvements"). 3. Those portions of Mews Streets depicted and/or described as "D" Streets on the attached Exhibit 3 and as further described and/or depicted on the attached Exhibit 4·1 (the "Mews Street Improvements"). 4. That portion of Spectrum Drive as depicted on the attached Exhibit 2, which portion, together with additional right-of-way for Spectrum Drive, is depicted andlor described on the attached Exhibit 4-1, such portions together to be constructed in accordance with that document entitled "Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Spectrum Drive North/South Extension, dated November 7, 2003 and prepared by Huitt-Zollars (a true and correct copy of which is on file in the office of the City'S Director of Public Works), as the same may be amended or modified from time to time (the "Spectrum Drive Improvements"). 5. Quorum North Park (0.69 acres) (as described and/or depicted on the attached Exhibit 4·1 (and being shown thereon as "Proposed Park"». 6. Mews Park (1043 acres) (as described and/or depicted on the attached Exhibit 4-2, and being shown thereon as parcel 0·7 (the exterior border of which is outlined, and the interior of which is cross-hatched, in heavy bold print». B, Under the Master Facilities Agreement, the minimum amount of the Remaining City Funds to be expended on the design and construction of the Quorum North Park is $290,000.00, and the minimum amount to be expended on the design and construction of the Mews Park is $650,000.00, leaving $1,199,945.00 of the Remaining City Funds to be spent on the street Infrastructure identified in Exhibit 4 to the Master Facilities Agreement and described above in paragraph A. of this Section. 9. Remaining Improvements Cost Differential. Under the eXlstmg tenus of the Master Facilities Agreement, the City is responsible for spending the Remaining City Funds on the design and construction of the Remaining Improvements. Under the existing terms of the Master Facilities Agreement, if the actual design and construction costs for the Remaining Improvements exceed the total costs projected in Exhibit 4 to the Master Facilities Agreement, the Owner is responsible to pay the difference (the "Remaining Improvements Cost Differential"). Third Amendment To Master Facilities A Page 3 of II 10< Allocation of Construction of Improvements, In lieu of the City funding, with the Remaining City Funds, a portion of the design and construction of all of the Remaining Improvements, and the Owner funding the Remaining Improvements Cost Differential, the City and the Owner desire to modify their respective funding, design, and construction obligations set forth in the Master Facilities Agreement by allocating their respective obligations to specific portions of the Remaining Improvements, so that each of the parties will pay in its entirety the design and construction cost of such respective portions (save and except Quorum Drive, as set forth below)< The parties agree that such allocation will be as follows: A, City will pay for, design, and construct the following (together, the "City Remaining Improvements") at its sole cost and expense: I < 2, 3. Spectrum Drive Improvements; Quorum North Park (0.69 acres) (design and construction cost to be at least $290,00.00 but no more than $300,000.00); and Mews Mews Park (1.43 acres) (design and construction cost to be at least $650,000.00 but no more than $700,000.00); and B. Owner will pay for, design, and construct the following (together, the "Owner Remaining Improvements") at its sole cost and expense: I. R Street Improvements; and 2. Mews Street Improvements. C. Qll()rum Drive. (I) Quorum Drive is an existing public street within the City, a portion of which lies within the Remaining Property as described and/or depicted on the attached Exhibit 4-1 (such portion is refeITed to herein as "Quorum Drive"), In connection with the development of the Remaining Propelty, certain improvements are to be made to both the west side and the east side of Quorum Drive to conform to the Concept Plan and any applicable development plan or ordinance, standard, rule, or regulation of the City (including, without limitation, the UC District Regulations and all appendices and exhibits thereto) (the "QuQrum Drive Improvements"). The Quorum Drive Improvements include paving of parallel parking spaces, streetscape, drainage, wastewater (sanitary sewer), and electrical improvements, and shall be consistent with the existing improvements to Quorum Drive located immediately north of Morris Drive and immediately south of the Remaining Property. The Quorum Drive Improvements to be constructed on the west side of Quorum Drive are referred to herein as the "West Side of Quorum Improvements", and those to be constructed on the east side of Quorum Drive are referred to herein as the "East Side of Quorum Improvements". (2) In order to facilitate the design and construction of the Quorum Drive Improvements, and to assure that the development of the Remaining Property is adequately supported by appropriate levels of public facilities and services, the City desires to increase its funding of the development (ie, to increase the City Funds) by an amount equal to the cost to design and construct the West Side of Quorum Improvements, less the sum of$184,247.00 to be Third Amendment To Master Facilities Agreement Page 4 of 11 paid by the Owner [0 the City (the "Owner's Quorum Payment") prior to the City's award of a contract to construct of the West Side of Quorum Improvements). The City shall, in accordance with applicable law and policy, pay for, design, and construct the West Side of Quorum Improvements at its sole cost and expense, less the Owner's Quorum Payment. (3) Owner shall (i) pay to the City, prior to the City's award ofa contract to construct the West Side of Quorum Improvements, the Owner's Quorum Payment, and (ii) pay for all East Side of Quorum Improvements, at Owner's sole cost and expense. II. Owner Responsible For All Other Public Infrastructure Improvements. In addition to the Owner paying (i) for all costs associated with the design and construction of the Owner Remaining Improvements, Oi) the Owner's Quorum Payment, and (iii) all costs associated with the design and construction of the East Side of Quorum Improvements, Owner shall be responsible, at its sole cost and expense, to pay for the design and construction of all other public infrastructure improvements (other than the City Remaining Improvements and the West Side of Quorum Improvements (less the Owner's Quorum Payment» necessary or required to serve the Remaining Property in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, standards, rules and regulations of the City (including, without limitation, the Concept Plan, any development plan applicable to the Remaining Property, the DC District Regulations and all appendices and exhibits thereto, and the City's Subdivision Ordinance) and any other govenmlental entity with jurisdiction over the ,development of the Remaining Property. 12. Amendment to Master Facilities Agreement. By this Agreement, the City and the Owner desire to supplement and amend the Master Facilities Agreement to reflect their intent and desire regarding the funding of the design and construction of the Remaining Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above and foregoing recitals and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Town of Addison, Texas and TEXOK Properties, LP, an Oklahoma limited partnership, do hereby agree as follows: Section L Incorporation of ReCItals. The above and foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 2. Remaining Improvements. The only Improvements identified in the Master Facilities Agreement which remain to be designed and constructed are those within the Remaining Property, which are identified in this Amendment as the Remaining Improvements, as described and defined in the Recitals above. Section 3. Allocation Between the Parties of All Costs Associated With Specific Remaining Improvements. In lieu of the City funding, with the Remaining City Funds, a portion of the design and construction ofall of the Remaining Improvements, and the Owner funding the Remaining Inlprovements Cost Differential, as described in the Recitals above. the City and the Owner desire to allocate their respective funding, design, and construction of public infrastructure obligations set forth in the Master Facilities Agreement to specific portions of the Remaining Improvements, so that each of the parties will pay in its entirety the design and Third Amendment To Master Facilities Agreement Page 5 ofll construction cost for such respective portions (save and except Quorum Drive, as described herein). Such allocation shall be as follows: A. City shall pay for all of the design and construction of (i) the City Remaining Improvements, and (ii) the West Side of Quorum Improvements, less the Owner's Quorum Payment; and B. Owner shall pay for all of the design and construction of (i) the Owner Remaining Improvements, (ii) the East Side of Quorum Improvements, and (iii) shall pay to the City, prior to the City's award of a contract to construct the West Side of Quorum Improvements, the Owner's Quorum Payment. City and Owner shall pay for the entire cost of design and construction of their respective obligations hereinabove, and neither shall seek contribution from the other for their assigned obligations. Inasmuch as the City and the Owner have allocated between themselves the funding, design and construction ofthe Remaining Improvements, as described above, Section 6, paragraphs A., B., and C. of the Master Facilities Agreement, relating to the process and procedure for the design and management of construction of the Improvements, are not applicable to the design and construction of the Remaining Improvements. Upon the completion of the funding, design and construction of the Remaining Improvements in accordance with the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, the funding, design and construction obligations of the City and the Owner under the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, shall be fully and completely satisfied, Section 4. Schedule. Subject to the provisions of the Force Majeure clause set forth in Section II of the Master Facilities Agreement, the parties agree that: (1) tile schedule for achieving substantial completion of construction of the following Remaining Improvements shall be as follows: (a) The Spectrum Drive Improvements shall be substantially completed on or before December 31,2004; and (b) the Quorum North Park (0,69 acres) shall be substantially completed within six (6) months following the City's approval ofthe completion of construction of the streets which surround the Quorum North Park (provided Owner has, at the time of such completion of construction, dedicated to the City the Quorum North Park; and (2) the projected schedule for construction of improvements in connection with the development of the West Quorum Property (as described in Section 8.B. below) is as set forth in Exhibit 7 attached hereto and incorporated herein (with "Fairfield" as used in Exhibit 7 being the anticipated West Quorum Property Successor, as defined in Section 8.B. below). Section 5. Increase in Remaining City Funds. In order to facilitate the design and construction of the Quorum Drive Improvements, and to assure that the development of the Remaining Property is adequately supported by appropriate levels of public facilities and services, the City shall increase its funding of the development of the Remaining Property (ie, increase the Remaining City Funds) by an amount amount equal to the cost to design and construct the West Side of Quorum Improvements, less the sum of $184,247.00 (the Owner's Quorum Third Amendment To Master Facilities Agreement Page 6 of 11 Payment) to be paid by the Owner to the City. Following its solicitation for bids, but prior to its award of a contract, to construct the West Side of Quorum Improvements, the City shall give Owner written notice of its intent to award such contract, and Owner shall pay to the City the Owner's Quorum Payment not later than 5:00 pm of the third day following the Owner's receipt of such notice. The City shall have no obligation to construct or to cause the construction of the West Side Quorum Improvements until such time as the City has received the Owner's Quorum Payment. Section 6. Owner Responsible For All Other Public Infrastructure Improvements. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Amendment, in addition to the Owner paying (i) for all costs associated with the of the design and construction of the Owner Remaining Improvements, (ii) the Owner's Quorum Payment, and (iii) all costs associated with the design and construction of the East Side of Quorum Improvements, Owner shall, at its sole cost and expense, pay for the design and construction of all other public infrastructure improvements (other than the City Remaining Improvements and the West Side ofQuorum Improvements (less the Owner's Quorum Payment» necessary or required to serve the Remaining Property in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances, standards, rules and regulations of the City and any other governmental entity with jurisdiction over the development of the Remaining Property. Owner shall have no obligations, rights or duties under the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, except as relates to the Remaining Property as set forth and provided herein. Section 7. Design and Construction In Accordance with City Standards. The Remaining Improvements and all other public and other improvements within the Remaining Property shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the laws, ordinances, standards, rules, and regulations of the Town of Addison and any other governmental entity with jurisdiction over the development of the Remaining Property, including, without limitation, the Concept Plan, any development plan applicable to the Remaining Property, the UC District Regulations and all appendices and exhibits thereto, and the City's Subdivision Ordinance (the same being Appendix B of the City's Code of Ordinances; and in particular with respect to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section Xl (requiring that plans for the construction of improvements be approved by the City'S Public Works Department), Section XlI (which provides in part that construction of improvements shall be supervised by personnel of the City's Public Works Department), Section XV (regarding issuance of building permit), and Section XVI (providing standards for construction of streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water utilities, and other utilities». The parties agree that plans and specifications for each of the Remaining Improvements are to be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to the commencement ofconstruction of of such Remaining Improvements, and that the City has the right to inspect, test, measure, or verifY the construction work on the Remaining Improvements as the City deems reasonably necessary. Section 8. Assignment. Sale of Remaining Property. A. East Quorum Property. It is contemplated by the parties that parcels 3-1, 3-J, 0-6, 2-L and 2-K as identified on the Concept Plan for the Addison Urban Center (together with the streets depicted thereon as the R-2 Residential Street and the M-2 Mews) (collectively, the "East Tbird Amendment To Master Facilities Agreemeot Quorum Property", the East Quorum Property being further and more accurately described by metes and bounds in Exhibit 6 attached hereto and incorporated herein (and being Tract II as described in Exhibit 6)) will be sold or otherwise transferred by Owner to a successor in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "East Quorum Property Successor"). City agrees that Owner, in connection with such sale or transfer, may assign its rights, duties, and obligations related to the East Quorum Property under the Master Facilities Agreement and this Amendment to an East 'Quorum Property Successor without further consent of the City if East Quorum Property Successor agrees to accept in writing the East Quorum Obligations (as hereinafter defined), and a true and correct copy of such writing is promptly provided to the City after its execution (which writing shall identify (name, address, phone number, and other contact infomlation) the East Quorum Property Successor). If the East Quorum Property is sold or otherwise transferred by Owner to East Quorum Property Successor, the parties hereto agree that, (i) as to the Remaining Improvements, the East Quorum Property Successor shall be responsible only for the design and construction, at East Quorum Property Successor's sole cost and expense, of the Owner Remaining Improvements and the East Side ofQuorum Improvements, and Oi) further agree that East Quorum Property Successor shall, with respect to the East Quorum Property, comply with all other provisions of the Master Facilities Agreement and this Amendment (including, without limitation, Sections 6 and 7 of this Amendment) (collectively, the "East Quorum Obligations"). Furthermore, the parties hereto agree that after the sale or transfer of the East Quorum Property to the East Quorum Property Successor and the assignment to the East Quorum Property Successor of the East Quorum Obligations and delivery of notice of such assignment to the City as provided in this Section B.A., (i) the Master Facilities Agreement, as to the East Quorum Property only, may not be amended without an agreement in writing between the City and East Quorum Property Successor, and (ii) the City shall be entitled, as to the East Quorum Property, to enforce the terms of the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, against the East Quorum Property Successor. The City agrees that, as to the West Quorum Property (as defined below) only, a default by Owner (or the West Quorum Property Successor (as defined below), if any) under the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended, shall not be considered or deemed to be a breach or default by East Quorum Property Successor under this Agreement, and East Quorum Property Successor shall be entitled to enforce the terms of the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, notwithstanding such default by Owner (or the West Quorum Property Successor (as defined below), if any) as to the West Quorum Property. B. West Quorum Property. It is contemplated by the parties that parcels 3-P, 3-G, 3H, and 0-7 as identified on the Concept Plan for the Addison Urban Center (together with the streets depicted thereon as the R-I Residential Street, the R-3 Residential Street, and the M-l Mews) (eollectively, the "West Quorum Property", the West Quorum Property being further and more accurately described by metes and bounds in Exbibit 6 attached hereto and incorporated herein (and being Tract I as described in Exhibit 6) will be sold or otherwise transferred by Owner to a successor in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "West Quorum Property Successor"). City agrees that Owner, in connection with such sale or transfer, may assign its rights, duties, and obligations related to the West Quorum Property under the Master Facilities Agreement and this Amendment to a West Quorum Property Successor without further consent of the City if West Quorum Property Successor agrees to accept in writing all of the Third Amendment To Master Facilities Agreement Page 8 of 11 ft-.} VJf-s"/􀁾 A;rights, duties, and obligations of this Amendment 􀁾􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁍􀁡􀁳􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀴􀁡􀁾􀁩􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁥􀁳􀀠Agreement as relate and are applicable to the West Quorum Property, ,'and a true and correct copy of such writing is promptly provided to the City after its executioni(which writing shall identify (name, address, phone number, and other contact information) 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁾􀁵􀁯􀁲􀁵􀁭Property Successor), Ifthe West Quorum Property is sold or otherwise transferred by Owner to West Quorum Property Successor, the parties hereto agree that, as to the Remaining Improvements, the West Quorum Property Successor shall be responsible only for the payment to the City, prior to the City'S award of a contract to construct the West Side of Quorum Improvements, ofthe Owner's Quorum Payment, and further agree that West Quorum Property Successor shall, with respect to the West Quorum Property, comply with all other provisions of the Master Facilities Agreement and this Amendment (including, without limitation, Sections 6 and 7 ofthis Amendment). Furthermore, the parties hereto agree that after the sale or transfer of the West Quorum Property to the West Quorum Property Successor and the assignment to the West Quorum Property Successor of all ofthe rights, duties, and obligations ofthe Master Facilities Agreement and this Amendment related to the West Quorum Property and delivery of notice of such assignment to the City as provided in this Section S.B., (i) the Master Facilities Agreement, as to the West Quorum Property only, may not be amended without an agreement in writing between the City and West Quorum Property Successor, and (ii) the City shall be entitled, as to the West Quorum Property, to enforce the terms of the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, against the West Quorum Property Successor. The City agrees that, as to the East Quorum Property only, a default by Owner (or the East Quorum Property Successor, if any) under the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended, shall not be considered or deemed to be a breach or default by West Quorum Property Successor under this Agreement, and West Quorum Property Successor shall be entitled to enforce the terms of the Master Facilities Agreement, as amended by this Amendment, notwithstanding such default by Owner (or the East Quorum Property Successor, ifany) as to the East Quorum Property. C. Release. (1) Upon (i) the sale or transfer ofthe East Quorum Property by TEXOK Properties, LP to the East Quorum Property Successor, and Oi) the assignment by TEXOK Properties, LP to the East Quorum Property Successor of the East Quorum Obligations and delivery of notice of such assignment to the City in accordance with Section 8.A above, TEXOK Properties, LP shall be released from the East Quorum Obligations. (lJ£S'( C...,(,A. 􀁾"'<'"􀁾􀀠(2) 􀁾􀁯􀁮(i) the 􀁳􀁾tranSFer of the West Quorum Property by TEXOK Properties, LP to 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁾􀁑􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁵􀁭Property Successor, and (ii) the assignment by TEXOK Properties, LP to the West Quorum Property Successor of all of the rights, duties, and obligations of the Master Facilities Agreement and this Amendment related to the West Quorum Property and delivery of notice of such assignment to the City in accordance with Section 8.B. above, TEXOK Properties, LP shall be released from its rights, duties and obligations under the Master Facilities Agreement and this Amendment as relate to the West Quorum Property. Tbird Amendment To Master Facilities Agreement Section 9. Owner's Representations. Owner represents and warrants to the City that Owner is the sole owner of all of the Remaining Property, and is the successor in interest by way of conveyance to all of the rights, duties, and obligations of Gaylord under the Master Facilities Agreement with respect to the Remaining Property. Section 10. Notice. All notices provided for or pemlitted under this Amendment shall be in writing and shall be (a) delivered personally; (b) sent by commercial overnight courier with written verification of receipt; or (d) sent by certified or registered U.S. mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested, to the party to be notified, at the address for such party set forth below or at such other address as is indicated in writing by such party. All notices shall be deemed effecti ve upon receipt. To City: To Owner: 5300 Belt Line Road Dallas, Texas ___ Attn: City Manager Section II. No Other Amendments. Except to the extent modified or amended herein, all other terms and obligations of the Master Facilities Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full foree and effect. Section 12. Exhibits. All exhibits to this Agreement are ineorporated herein by reference for all purposes wherever reference is made to the same. Section 13. Authority to Execute. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Amendment on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions or other act extending sueh authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. EXECUTED at Dallas County, Texas on the day and year first written above. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS TEXOK PROPERTIES, LP By: Hurst Holdings, LLC, its sole e General Partner Ron Whitehead, City Manager ByErr 􀁌􀁌􀁊􀁴􀁴􀁾􀀠;:) ATTEST: ATTEST: 􀁂􀁹􀀺􀁟􀀭􀀱􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀽􀀭􀀫􀁾􀁐􀁾􀁾􀁾___ By: r;l, 􀁾􀁾􀀠Third Amendment To Masler Facilities Agreement Page 10 of II STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This instillment was acknowledged before me on December 􀁾􀀲􀀰􀀰􀀳􀀠by Ron Whitehead, City Manager, Town of Addison, Texas, a Texas municipal corporation, on behalf of STATE oF71Xtls § COUNTY OF ha1.1 Q.S § § This instillment was acknowledged before me on December 􀁾􀀬􀀠2003 by Stephen T. Hurst, the sole member of Hurst Holdings, LLC, the said Hurst Holdings, LLC being the sole General Partner of TEXOK Properties, LP, an Oklahoma Limited Partnership, on behalf of the said Limited Partnership. [SEAL] NOTARY PUBLIC, State of k?,WiS My commission 􀁥􀁸􀁰􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁳􀀺􀁾􀁱􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀮􀁯􀁌􀀮􀀼􀁙􀀯􀀷􀀭􀂷_ the said municipal corporation. IC, State ofTexas My commissi on exp ires: 􀁟􀀭􀁪􀁺􀀧􀀭􀀯􀀭􀀬􀁉􀀻􀀬􀀭􀀢􀀨􀁰􀁱􀀮􀀡􀁴􀀬􀀭􀀬 􀁾􀀬􀀭􀁓􀀭􀀬􀀬􀀭Third Amendment To M.ster Facilities Agreement Page 11 of 11 " .. ' ' .. I' .......... . ' .. I , ,.', . ',: :.::,' ;,; . . ,{::';;.', ,,',;,>,;:' .,.'.' ..': ,:.'. ",'.. ....,'.',., . .. , ••• 􀁾􀀮􀀠," n • • • y , '.' CRIMEWEB.NETtfj1St t .1.[' 55 __ (hik{il /I . ! I ,-.