' z ~ 9 -..j C11 w ~ w 5-~" )\ ~ g I. )> • n ,_. n )> g ~:I G. lS .. ·I . "' N n' 1 ' 0 -· 0 , . N !2 "' i I ~ ,I ' ,03/13/2001 09:39 ( 2143492887 ... --'',; _., I 0209 Plano Road, Suite I 0 I Dallas, Texas 75238 Fax Transmittal Date: .;J_,P ijlo I Number of Pagea Sent (including cover sheet): ____ ! __________ _ To: Name: .D, A-?V,.,; e Company: Zsr 4etf7e..ncs Phone: (rzz.> t5/-$Z-Q " Fax: 172-) 771--H5r; From: Name: J' ..... z(.,,_,AW Company: Jim Bowman Construction Co .. Inc. Phone: 21~-349-2884 Fax: 21~-3~9-2887 Please call the number above If you do not receive all pages of this transmission. Original to loll,. mail: Yes 0 No 19-"""" Message:mBr c.G-a-zu.rp.F &~MJ~. · PAGE 02 J t' 9S -------------------------------~?m~nt&~~4t¥~(N~~~=~9~~ 3P~--~ --=,.---;----;----------------A'.tLZ?l!-~~s.IJ!fYL:!!"~--_:= /2. ~ _,.$() ~ ;:; ~ .,._ ""' "" . @'Wit-t teo Ct~o { fM.~;.. ~ ::' ~J te li{' M fx'(JJ-\?~lbu IUr-~ q;r~ tl!C ~~ ~0~ (f't-(!. ;e-. 03/13/2001 09:39 2143492887 ,.,_, PAGE 01 ::., i /· '11 1· •· · · ... · ··•· ~ ., .. · ,._r · ,I I' ''II'' '' I I,, ... 1' " I p:l\ l,. ,,I 1 ' _ { l~,d • I ('J. From: Name: sJM &(IHhJ Company: Jim Bowman Construction Co., Inc. Phone: 214-349·2684 Fax: 214-349-2887 Please call the number above if you do not receive all pages of this transmission. Original to follow by mall: Yes Cl No lid" Message: Mte6. · Cw ~ Cfft. /tsr {;t!W /lu.e.;) ¢ 14-vE ~ 74'--M,;. z;;;<" J'r?tfflr ,._£ C:,"'~.:zr & ....... 4YM8/T.J tz::~~~ =~:!::7)~1:::=~~ Post Apartment Homes, L.P. 15720 Quorum Dr. Addison, Texas 75001 (972) 726-0560 (972) 726-0562 Fax LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: I J 2-h /o/I SUBJECT: AI). CJ ~~ t::::: !i3¥ ;t: We are sending you the following items: !!tHerewith 0 Prints DMemo ~ 0 Under Separate Cover 0 Samples 0 Reproducible 0 Letter NUMBER QUANTITY DATED I -I -I 1-1"5-oJ . { 1-ZA--OI I These are transmitted for the! purpose below: ~Your Review and Approval 0For your signature !i:t;G' Requested Copies To: Ql-E ·. q~ DESCRIPTION ~~~r d s·,_,iZvTT-1 o ... , ~"'"' I I " ,, I ' ., c..o-:lil -~v,J1lt.:> I ~_o . .jl./-.:5-r. Ia./~(... ~M<-u-{Jfo.._,,,.,.(o 0 Approved 0 Approved as Noted 0 Rejected ') eoNSENT OF SURETY-TO FINAL PAYMENT AlA Document G707 TO OWNER: (Name and Address) Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010/6350 Beltline Rd Addison, Texas 75001-7090 OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR SURETY OTHER ARCIDTECT'S PROJECT NO.: CONTRACTFOR: PAVING D D D D D PROJECT: (Name and Address) CONTRACT DATED: OCTOBER21, 1997 Addison Circle Phase 11-Public Infrastruc Pckge A Addison, Texas In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (Insert name and address of Surety) Amwest Surety Insurance Company 3116 Kellway Drive, Ste 110 Carrollton, Texas 75006 on bond of (Insert name and address of Contractor) Jim Bowman Construction Company, Inc. 10209 Plano Rd #101 Plano, Texas 75238 ,SURETY, , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees the final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to (Insert name and address of Owner) Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010/6350 Beltline Rd Addison, Texas 75001-7090 as set forth in sald Surety's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunder set its hand on this date: _=.2:.2.::J::a:::n:.:2::0:.:0:..:1~----(/nsert in writing the month followed by the numeric date and year.) AmwestSure Insurance Company (Signalllre of allthorized representative) ,OWNER, Attest: Rosslyn Weatherall K K b" (Seal): ;? · "1 /l /1/J ~./, , ~ ::.::a:::r:..:e::n=::u=•c=a=------------------1.-- -o! ATTN: 6,drL. (ku.e_ !.Ut ~ SUBJECT: ~frtv 4 · /}JR!£ 7£-/3 6.-&u .. We are sending you the following items: c:rtferewith 0 Prints OMe!'= ~ i;:Ikac.. 0 Under Separate Cover 0 Samples 0 Reproducible 0 Letter NUMBER QUANTITY DATED ~ tllos../oo 3 ,"Ji l,q ~ II These are transmitted for the purpose below: OF_gJ:-¥-11ur Review and Approval !!IFor your signature 0As Requested zz.. tJO 00 DESCRIPTION /-?J v /1'..1&. ;;)r~~ v fll.-{, r-t.l': <.., 0 Approved 0 Approved as Noted 0 Rejected CopiesTo: ~: tlf!r1ot From:iY/~~ f~ .· ·. I ' ott·· MICHAEL E. MURPHY, P.E. Director of Public Works (972) 450-2878 (972) 450-2837 FAX mmurphy@ci.addison.tx.us E-mail Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr. P.O. Box 9010, Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Pa.~. Plt:ASt;; 'SI&N T~ A.-r-rt-.c.~ D •' FtNAL ,. C. If t>-,J &-e o 12-DEP--. .r:b J<. t, ~. f/f}.A.S~ .n:-16 ~I D fAClc--K5£" A: { p4-vtJJG-)-ADo,so.J C.uzc!-r;;. :[ {;JIJM; ~£V t~LvEb-MD At! ~~ fD BE u--1 ot-fX/<. r January 18, 200 I Town of Addison Public Works Department 16801 Westgrove Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Attn.: Michael E. Murphy, P.E. Po®sT PROPERTIES Re.: Addison Circle Phase II & III F-inals Dear Sir: In response to your correspondence dated January 8, 200 I we offer the following: A final walk for Addison Circle Phase II Public Infrastructure was performed with your field inspector, Mr. Dave Wilde on Tuesday, January 16,2001 and according to Mr. Wilde all contractual obligations had been met and all punch items with the exception of the installation of dead end markers had been corrected. We are presently ordering the dead end markers for all required areas and the installations should be completed no later than Friday, January 26, 2001. We will be installing silt fence around construction yard perimeters and all other needed areas as per Mr. Wilde's direction as soon as weather permits. Post Properties, Inc. employees will perform silt fence maintenance as needed. We are presently in the process of de-mobilizing and cleaning our construction yards and anticipate completing this task no later than Friday, February 9, 2001. As part of this work we will re-grade all disturbed areas to provide proper and adequate drainage. Our intent is to leave our two construction field trailers and Post storage trailers on-site until such time as future development proceeds. The construction trailers will be used by Post Properties, Inc. field personnel during the completion of our Townhouse construction and for ongoing property maintenance. Our storage trailers will be maintained in a neat and orderly manner u11til such time as a new construction phase commences. All Post Properties, Inc. staging areas will be maintained in a condition that is neither objectionable to the residents of Addison or to our residents. If you have any questions concerning these matters, please call. Sincerely, Post Properties, Inc. ~~in~ Superintendent-Public Infrastructure cc: Mark Brandenburg-Senior Vice President Construction Post Properties., Inc. 5040 Addison Circle I Suite 300 I Addison, Texas 75001 Phone 972.851.3200 I Fax 972.774.3300 \lf'IVW. pos tpropcrtics . com CONSENT OF SURETY ·TO FINAL PAYMENT AlA Document G707 TO OWNER: (Name and Address) Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010/6350 Beitline Rd Addison, Texas 75001-7090 PROJECT: (Name and Address) Addison Circle Phase II -Public Infrastruc Pckge B Addison, Texas OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR SURETY OTHER ARCIDTECT'S PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT FOR: Streetscape CONTRACT DATED: October 21, 1977 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (Insert name and address of Surety) Amwest Surety Insurance Company 3116 Kellway Drive, Ste 110 Carrollton, Texas 75006 on bond of (Insert name and address of Contractor) Jim Bowman Construction Company, Inc. 10209 Plano Rd #101 Plano, Texas 75238 D D D D D ,SURETY, , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees the final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to (Insert name and address of Owner) Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010/6350 Beltline Rd Addison, Texas 75001-7090 as set forth in said Surety's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunder set its hand on this date: 22 Jan 2001 (Insert in writing tile month followed by the numeric date and year.) _:::.::::::::.:.::.:.::..._ ___ _ Amwest Surety Insurance Company (Signature of authorized representative) ,OWNER, Attest: Rosslyn Weatherall K K b" (Seal): Q 1 __ ~ _ (} /1 aren u 1ca . [..,0 /)I) 0 N'l'l../U}~ (Printed name and title) Attorney-m-fact "This docu~t~; been reproduced electronically with the permission of The American Institute of Architects under license number 97020-1013 to Amwest Surety Insurance Company/Far West Insurance Company which expires August 18, 2001. Reproduction of this document after that date or without project specific information is not permitted. • · · AlA DOCUMENT G707 • CONSENTOFSURETYTOFIN ALPAYMENT'1994 EDITION" ®AlA 1994 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITEcrS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW, WASH-':. ~ INGTON, D.C. 20006-5292 • WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copy· ·~· right laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. G707-1994 LIMITF~ ' POWER OF ATT"',RNEY Amwest Surety Insurance Company Far West Insurance Company Bond No.: _l_j'U'IU~ Bond Issue Date: Jan 21, 2001 POWER NUMBER 0001142869 This document is printed on white paper containing the artificial watermarked logo ( .iRJ ) of Amwest Surety Insurance Company on the front and brown security paper on th"e back. Only unaltered originals of the Limited Power of Attorney ("POA") are valid. This POA may not be used in conjunction with any other POA. No representations or warranties regarding this POA may be made by any person. This POA is governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska and is only valid until the expiration date. Amwest Surety Insurance Company and Far West Insurance Company (collectively the "Company") shall not be liable on any limited POA which is fraudulently produced, forged or otherwise distributed without the permission of the Company. Any party concerned about the validity of this POA or an accompanying Company bond should call your local Amwest branch office office at (972) 248-3232 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENT, that Amwest Surety Insurance Company, a Nebraska corporation and Far West Insurance Company, a Nebraska corporation (collectively the "Company"), do hereby make, constitute and appoint: Gail A. Barraza Connie Wofford Lannie McClain Beverly Trimble Steven W. Lewis Nancy Ruano As Employees of Amwest Surety Insurance Co Karen Kubica Kevin J. Jackson its true and lawful Attorney-in-fact, with limited power and authority for and on behalf of the Company as surety to execute, deliver and affix the seal of the company thereto if a seal is required on bonds, undertakings, recognizances, reinsurance agreement for a Miller Act or other performance bond or other written obligations as follows: All Bonds up to $25,000,000.00 Consent of Surety To Final Payment and to bind the company thereby. This appointment is made under and by authority of the By-Laws of the Company, which are now in full force and effect. I, the undersigned secretary of Amwest Surety Insurance Company, a Nebraska corporation and Far West Insurance Company, a Nebraska corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that this Power of Altomey remains in full force and effect and has not been revoked and furthermore, that the resolutions of the Board of Directors of both Amwest Surety Insurance Company and Far West Insurance Company set forth on this Power of Attorney, and that the relevant provisions of the By-Laws of each company, are now in full force and effect. ~ /~ ~ ~..x:::;r. ~ Karen G. Cohen, Secretary * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RESOLUTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This POA is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of Amwest Surety Insurance Company at a meeting duly held on December 15, 1975 and Far West Insurance Company at a meeting duly held on July 28, 1983: RESOLVED, that the President or any Vice President, in conjunction with the Secrelary or any Assislant Secretnry, may appoint attorneys-in-fact or agents with authority as defined or limited in the instrument evidencing the appointment in each case, for and on behalf of the Company, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company to bonds, undertakings, recognizances, and suretyship obligations of all kinds; and said officers may remove any such attorney-in-fact or agent and revoke any POA previously granted to such person. RESOLVED FURTHER, that any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or suretyship obligation shall be valid and bind upon the Company: (i) when signed by the President or any Vice President and attested and sealed (if a seal be required) by any Secretary or Assistant Secrelary; or (ii) when signed by the President or any Vice President or Secretary or Assistant Secretary, and countersigned and sealed (if a seal be required) by a duly authorized attorney-in-fact or agent; or (iii) when duly executed and sealed (if a seal be required) by one or more attorneys-in-fact or agents pursuant to and within the limits of the authority evidenced by the power of attorney issued by the Company to such person or persons. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any POA or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company; and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Amwest Surety Insurance Company and Far West Insurance Company have caused these present to be signed by its proper officers, and its corporate seals to be hereunto affixed this 17• d~anuary, 200.2!-//,/~ ~ C-.PCT~~_L ~..x:::;r. ~ John E. Savage, Presidel Karen G. Cohen, Secrelary State of California County of Los Angeles On January 17,2000 before me, JoAnne Anderson Notary Public, personally appeared John E. Savage and Karen G. Cohen, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me all that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and o JoAnne Andcnoo, Notary l"ubllc (Seal) l fl '"'"" '-.... ~ .. ~ -Comm. I 1192456 U) • NOTARY PUBLIC· CALIFORNIA ~ ~ los Angelo CCMinty My Comm. Expires A,. 21,2002 T 5230 Las Virgenes Road Calabasas, CA 91302 TEL 818 871-2000 SECTION BP CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Personally, before me the undersigned authority, on this day appeared ..:J:,p./A<::::...~::::::~=-w':::._ who, being duly sworn, on oath, says that he is a legal representative of sr-c;,. (full name of Contractor as in contract) and that the contract for the construction of the roject, designated as 4JJ;J'"' C,,e.ca ,~e .:;:r-u rc.. '1/Fil.tl (Project No.) ~Sctt=fe has been satisfactorily completed and that all bills for materials, apparatus, fixtures, machinery and labor 'used in connection with the construction of this project have, to the best of my knowledge and belief, been fully paid. Title Sworn to and subscribed before me thisd,:::\ day o QJ'f"'\ , ~-.-· . II ~~"'/. \ \ ~ Nl 0 eQ ~ -2..Q,.}'0'-J.Q, ® DENISE REAMES Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires 04-07-2003 G:'PROJ\01182221\FINAL\BP Notary Public in and for ~ ~~IL/)...County, Texas PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE TI-PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE-BID PACK "B" (STREETSCAPE) JOB NUMBER: 96008 I CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 OWNER: TOWN OF ADDISON CONTRACTOR: JIM BOWMAN CONSTRUCTION CO. DATE: 01124101 QESCRlPTION OF CHANGES: TillS CHANGE ORDER INVOLVES THE FOLLOWWG ITEMS: 1) Furnish ~Place Stone Retaining Wall (a} Hike & Bike Trail 2) Remove Existing Paver Edge Reslmint & Tie-In to Phase ll 3) Sleeve Existing Irrigation System (a} S. W. Comer Building 'N' 4) Install Additional Irrigation Water Supply & Split Irrigation System 5) 4" PVC Bores on McEntire for Better Irrigation Alignment (Per Addison) 6) Pour Additional Concrete (a) Porch on Building "P" (Northeast Comer) 7) Pour Additional Concrete (a} Ramp At Parking Garage 8) Exc.ISawfPourConc. Base (a) CBI/Garage on Private Property 9} Remove & Replace 4" Base & Pavers@) S.E. Comer Of Building "M" 10) Adjust Manhole (a} Addison Circle & Lewis Place (Existing} I 1) Pour2 112' x 30 112' Strip (a) South Side Building "0' 12} Adjust Existing MTS Manhole West Side Building "N" 13} Replace Flcxcell Along Quorum-West Side "N" Damaged By Bldg. Contrnctors 14) Remove & Replace Forms-North Side Bldg. "M" 15) Pour Added Pedestrian Paver Containment Band-Morris Ave. I 6) Remove & Replace 4 Trees Resulting From Ph. I Drainage Error 17) Pedestrian Pole, Ty "A", w/2 Ty. "A" Fixtures 18) Pedestrian Pole, Ty. 'D" 19'8" Pole, Ty. "A" Fixture 19) Ty. "D", 22'8" Pole w/o Fixture; with Connections for Ho.ngingLights 20) Revised Foundation for Hanging Light Poles 21) Weld 3 Light Base Anchor Bolts-East Side Spectrum (a) Addison Circle 22) Repair Broken Conduit w/Wire (a) Southeast Comer Addison Circle & Spectrum 23) Deletion of All Items in Schedule "D{' {Added to Esplanade Park Conlmct) 24) Reconciliation of All Plan Quantities 25)"' Denotes Added Item & Iten1 Number ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION BID PACKAGE "B" (STREETSCAPE)-SCHEDULE "ll" 204 Furnish & Install4" PVC Sch 40 Subdrain System 212 Furnish & Install Bike Rack, Model LB3-E 214 Furnish & Plant Red Oak, 200 Gallon 215 Furnish & Pl!Ult Live Oak, 200 Gallon 224 Furnish & Plant Bowles Mauve Wallflower, 4" Container Grown, Full 229 Furnish & Plant Candy Tuft., Container Grown, Full 230 Furnish & Plant Iris MedonnaNo. I Rhizomes 234 Furnish &Plant Bearded Iris Yellow, No. 1 Rhizomes 235 Furnish & Plant Bearded Iris Purple, No. I Rhizomes 256 RenloVc Existing Trees, Maintain, Hold & Replant 257 Furnish & Plant Bermuda Hydroseed 262 Furnish & Place 4" Thick 3000 PSI Reinforced Concrete Sidc1valk 263 Furnish & Place 4" Thick 3000 PSI Reinforced Concr"~..,n Construction Company, Inc. ~ By:~fL:.====z~~ Approv Post roperties, Inc. By: _________ _ Loss Retainage 0.00% Other Amount Payable on Contract Less Previous Payments ' Amount Due This Estimate Page 3 of 3 Contract Price C.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. 5.00 4,683.00 (214) 349-2884 Amount $268.00 $546.00 $609.38 $284.84 $549.36 $2,697.17 $208.00 $190.63 $210.42 $300.00 $478.87 $1,672.50 $4,683.00 $1,652,028.29 $0.00 $1,652,028.29 $1,622,886.26 $29,142.03 5300 Belt Line Road (972) 450-7000 FAX (972) 450-7043 MEMORANDUM September 16, 1998 TO: FROM: Ron Whitehead, City Manager ~ Carmen Moran, Director of Development Services Supplemental agreement to the Master Facilities Agreement SUBJECT: On March 24, 1998, Post Properties received approval from the Council for the rezoning of two tracts of land at the southwest and southeast corners of the intersection of Airport Parkway and Quorum Drive. The properties were rezoned from Commercial-1 to Urban Center. As a part of the rezoning, the Council passed Resolution R98-025 that authorized the City Manager to negotiate a supplemental agreement to the existing Master Facilities Agreement to provide for the construction of Spectrum Drive through the tract on the southeast corner. The attached agreement spells out the terms under which Spectrum Drive will be constructed. It is estimated that it will cost $572,378.54 to construct and landscape Spectrum Drive to the standards called for in the Urban Center zoning district district ordinance. The terms of the agreement can be summarized as follows: Post Properties will convey the right-of-way for Spectrum Drive to the Town on or before January 1, 1999. Post Properties will pay the City $190,792.84 which represents one-third of the estimated costs to design·and construct Spectrum Drive, on or before January 1, 1999. The City will place the funds in an interestbearing escrow account. The escrow funds, plus any accrued interest, shall be used by the City solely for the partial funding of the design and construction of Spectrum Drive. The City shall be responsible for the design and construction of Spectrum Drive and for all funding which exceeds the $190,792.84 (plus interest) escrowed by Post Properties. In the event the City determines that Spectrum Drive will not be built, the escrowed funds shall be returned to Post Properties. The attached agreement was prepared by John Hill, and has been reviewed by Post Properties. I would like to place the agreement on the City Council agenda for September 22, 1998. OCT-22-1998 15:07 lle>s Co..,nty, Texo.s, ond o\so pe>rt of o troct or le>nd conveyed to Cnoney ond Hope, Inc. os sho•n by Deed In Vot ... ,.,e 78194 ot Poge 17.CI, lleea Records or De>lle>s County, Texe>s. onnd convpypd to Duor...., (e>st Join't VpnturP os sho•n by Def'd in Vol....,e 93022 ot Po.ge 5219. Deed Records or Do.llo.s County, le><11s, onci being nore pe>rtic.,.ie>rly described liS follows• COMMENCING e>t II point or ln'ter5PC'l10n or tne (ost \lnp or Add•son Roe>d Ce> 60 foot rlght-or-.,o.y> with the South l.ne of Airport Pori<•ot Cfor,..erly He>rris Roo.d) Ce> 5::. foot right-ofwoy); THENCE South 89 degrees 37 r&in ... tes J5 seconds [ost, o. D•Stonce of 1266.62 fpet 11long 'the sa.lci South lint-of Airport Pe>rk«o.y -tc the POINT DF :BEGJNNJNGJ THt:NCE South 89 degrees 37 r&inutes 15 secon<:js [o.st. 111ong thi' sol<:j So ... th lin<' of Airport Pork•·oy c. d.st<>ncp of 554.35 fee"l to 11 1\2 Inch iron rod fo..,no for corner onci bt-ir.g tneNor'"'th•E>S"1. cornP,.. of Deallos ~ortn Pcri<••llt AdCii"tiOn as st.owr. in VeluM? e:,021. Pc.g? 1686, of tt-,p Plot ReCOf"dS cf De>lios co ... nt)·· Te>t. olon~:; the CG~f".oro line> or !..Cl;d DolltJS t .. c.rth P~r·t<•D) 1\:J:JI''tiC.n c do!>"tona· of 3&0.00 feet to o l\2 incn tron ,..oo fnuncJ for cor-ner'" In 1h£" Nor""i.h ltnE' or 0 1rc.t"t cf lt.r"•ci con~·erPO 1.:J Op .... tcc ~f'SOuf""CE'S o~ f"'PCOI""OPd rt"'! 'tt'li.> Vol..,.r··ui." 76070, f'agf" 3C3B, cf tnr-Df't'~ Records. or Daile~ CCI:.Jfl'ty. 1exc.s, sc.•~ if""On roc.. c.tso t:lt'tng '\ne so •.• rthtWeS."t c.orncor of SQlO D~hDS Nor'th Pc.rk•ti}' ~OOI;'ttc,n. , n[NCE N:>~'th 89 dPgrel'S. 32 Pli,UUS 30 Sl"&::::.n:js WP5"l. oionij the 5-oio Nof"""th lint' of so.td Dpt.o~bco f.!t'!tOi.lrce~ c d•st.nnL.~ of 578 93 fpe't to o 1\2 onch ron roo fo.,..,d for r::o~neor .r. ":.he [o,;"l lin? of lluorul'l J)riwe Co BO roo"t roijnt-cf-•a>·>; lHEt~CE Nortn OC oeg~ee-s 24 r~onutes -49 secor.Cis (c.st. a1ons tne SOlei (ost line or c ... or ... ~. Dr•·te 0 c;is'tonce or 339.14 ree"l to c. 1\2 Inch •~on rod fcun<:j for ccrn<'r; lH[I'.CE Nor'tl-& -45 d?grel!s 18 r&in.,tes 23 =oeccn<:j,; £11st. olong the solei [:o.st linl' or c .. or ...... Drite 0 distonCP or 28.30 fee't 1.o 'th<' PL~CE Dr !IEC.!NN!NG ond COIHA!N!N[j 207,137.80 SQ"IIrt' fpe\ or -4.755 acres or land. 4 J!=4'1. 8.1998 3:09PM JEriKINS & GILCJ-IRIST ~10.320 p_? PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beir">g a tract, lot or parcel of lar">d ovt of G. IJ F'isher Svrvey Abst..-o.ct No. 492, ir"> the City of Addisor">, Texos, soid troct olso beir">g port of the L L Jocobs T ..-oct o.s show" on deed in Volvl'le 2131 o.t Po.ge 422-424, Deed Rt>cords of Do.llo.s co,mty, Texo.s, O.r'>c:l o.lso being port of troct of lonc:l c;or">veyec:l in Deed to Hope-Jolr">t Ver">tvre ir"> VolvME' 78194, Poge-1737, of the-Deec:l Re>cords of. Dollos Covnty. Texos c.nd also being port of o. tro.ct of lo.nd c:onveye-c:l in Dee>OI to Hope lnvest,.,ent LTD in Volvl"'e 91248, Po.ge 297;2 of the Dt>E'::I Records of Dollos Covnty, Texo.s. o.nd being MOre po.rtic~o~lo.rly de>scribed o.s follows' BEGINNING o.t o. l/2 inch .1ron rod fovnd f'or corner "' the> Sovth right-of-wo.y l•ne. of Airport Po.rkwoy r of Lot L Block A, of the u. S. Postal Service-Ac:ldison Ac:lc:lition, on AClditior"> to tht> City of ildc:lison, Do.llo.s Covnty, Te>xo.s, reco..-c:led If'\ Volul"'e 89079, Po.ge 357. of the Ile>ed Reco..-Ois of Dollos Covnty, Texo.s; THENCE Sovth 69 l;iegr.,es 43 Minvtes 49 seconl;is East, along the South l"'ight-of-woy line of said Airport Po.rkwoy o. disto11ce of 370.65 fe>et to a l/2 inch iron r'"Od fovnd for'" corner; THENCE Sovth 44 degrees 42 M~~o~te>s 23 se>conds East, a distance of 26.31 feet to a 112 inch ir'"Or'> roc:l f'ovnd f'a..corner in the \Jest right-of'-wo~· line of Q~o~orvl"' Drive (a 60.00 foot right-of-wo.y); THENCE So1.1th 00 degrees 20 l"'inutes 22 seconds \Jest, o.long the \Jest r'"ight-of'-wo.y line of so.id Cuori.IM Drive a distance of 167.55 fll'et to o. 112 Inch iron rod found for corner, sold corner o.lso being the-Northeast corner of' a tro.ct of lo.nd conveyec:l to C1.1orvM Holc:llngs, Inc. reco..-c:lec:l in Vol\AI'Ie 96140 .. Po.ge 3247, of' the DePd Records of Dallas Co\Anty, 'Texo.s; THENCE North 99 degrpes 37 l'lin\Ates 15 seconds \Jest, along the North line-of 501d Q\Aor-~Aor-~o<,., ·Holdings Tract a disto.r">ce of 390.76 f'pet 'to o. 1/2 inch Iron rod fovnc:l f'o..-corner in thp East line of' so.id Lot L Bloc~ A; THE"'CE North 00 ciegreE's 21 Minutes 49 seconc:ls East, otong thE' East' line of said Lot.!. Block A. c. Ol•st~nce or 196.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGiNNING and CllN'TAli-I.ING 72.,943.14 SQ\.1:1'"<' feet O!" 1.61'5 oc,.es ol' lone~ ' ~ -\N -=\ 0 P~O)ECf: ADDISON MllCEIJ USE DEVELOPMENT (HOPE TltACfS) lltH 1 ~0. ! UIENT: POST APMTMENT HOMES, L.P. QUORUM OR!Vf I!IH ' UNIT con OtseRJ.m:JN QUANTITY COH Kli.£0ULl t ·PAYING lfo(P&OVEMtNTS SCH£Dllllll • SH.EfHCAPE IMPIOVEMI:Nn KHEDUU Ill • UTILITY IMPJ.OVEHEN11 'jUioTOTAl OONTINGDlCI'S 10'!t. DESIYN fEH J~) 010 IOTA!. NOTlSr t. fAI.Al.LIL Pll&lrNG ALO~G BOTH SIMS OF QUO&UM fROM' FUTUll R·l TO AllPOkT PI»>..WAY. 2. Ha PARALLEL PAIJUNG ALONG AIRP'OlTPAU.WAYOR 5rKnUH. ' S67 4]'],40 Sl66 157.00 H4QO.OO UJ79'90.40 $47 598.08 ~57 117.70 ~142.706.18 J, STRIET5CAPE H'lOveHI.t."TS ON IOIIt 'SID£$ Of 5P£CTlUH AND QUOlUM, fi.O~ TAG': 51Dt ONLY ON AI~OlT PAUWA'r. 4. UTI1.1TT .....OV&mlT!AI.ONG FlONTAG£0NLT. li. SPfCRUH DlJVE FlOH fUT\Jk£ k·' TO AIIPOknAIICWAT. 6. COm lASED ON ADCISON CllCLIPHAS£ II rtJI.UC INFI.AS.UCI\JA.E LOW liD PRICES. .w~··-···-~· OPINION OF PROBABLE COST HUITI .ZOLLARS, INC. 1121198 SPECUIJH liaiVE AUIJOlt PAU.WAY QUAmlTY COlT QUANTifY ·= ' 5104099.10 s•,;~.oo j179 +46.00 t22t JJ.OO $111940.00 ' Ill 50.~ t-3!~7 415.10 U51QU,OO 179 497.02 550 21i..60 195~.12 160759.91 .57 17854 U61 559.51 TOTAL QUANTITY COST IU JJ2.~ $569 IJ6.00 11.11 )90.00 1816 S58.SO S\77111.70 Sltz 774.1:'4 Sf 1UI 64-t.24 CD [/> ~ ~ ~ "" 0 "' "' -a> I ~ "' "' 0 "'[J "" E :j ' ~ ~ !" -, •• "' -.._ ""