I j ""C "' :r 0 "' 0 V> 0 "' ' f-> OJ )> c.. :;-c.. __, v;· ~ 0 "' V> ::1 ~ 0 ~ c ~ n n ~ ro c ~ "' "' 0 0 0 ( •. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE 11-B-PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE-BID PACKAG JOB NUMBER: 143901/CHANGE ORDER NO.1 OWNER: TOWN OF ADDISON CONTRACTOR: NORTH TEXAS CONTRACTING, INC. ;2-#-._,a;i;Ji:iL:zlL~~t:j :l..~:..... DATE: 11/l2f00 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: TillS CHANGE ORDER /NVOL VES 1HE FOLLOWING I1EMS: 1) Re-stocking fee for Private Electrical Sleeving 2) Wash:watcrmain stub out ofmi!!!hole at Sta. 6+32.73 (Artist Way) 3)CorreclAiignment of6" Fire Service to Bldg. "N -ArtistWsy Slal9+69.24 4) Core E:cisting TXU Manhole & Install Terminators 5) Rea:>nciliation of Actual lnst.illed Quantities 11EM NO. DESCRIPTION BID PACKAGE "C" (UIJLITIES)-SCHEDULE "III" 331 Re-stocking fee for Private Eleebiad Sleeving 303 18"C1.111RCP 304 21"CI.11IRCP 323 Silt Fence 324 Stabilized Constmct:ion Entrnncc 327 2" PVC Sch-40 Sleeve 328 3" PVC Sch-40 Sleeve 329 4" PVC Sch-<10 Sleeve 330 6" PVC Sdl-40 Sleeve BID PACKAGE "C" (UIJLJTIES)-SCHEDULE "III" SUBTOTAL: 11EM NO. DESCRIPTION BID PACKAGE "C" (UTILITIES)-SCHEDULE "IV" 407 Waste\vatcr main stub out ofmi!!!hole at Sla 6+32.73 (Artist Wsy) BID PACKAGE ·c· (UTILITIES)-SCHEDULE "IV" SUBTOTAL: 11EM NO. DESCRIPTION BID PACKAGE "C" (UTILITIES)-SCHEDULE "V" 523 Correct Alignment of6" Fire Service to Blclg." A"-Artist Way Slal9+69.24 BID PACKAGE •c• (IJTILITIES)-SCHEDULE "V" SUBroTAL: 11EM NO. DESCRIPTION BID PACKAGE "C" (UIJLJTIES)-SCHEDULE "VII" 712 Core &cis ling lXU Manhole & Install Terminators BID PACKAGE "C" (lJIH .. ITIES)-SCHEDULE "VII" SUBTOTAL: NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDER NO.I ORIGINAL CONlRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT NTCUtilitiesC0#1 CONIRACT REVISED UNIT OUANTI'Il' QUANTITY LS 0.00 1.00 LF 254.00 150.00 LF m.oo 242.00 LF 1,520.00 0.00 SY 2200 0.00 LF 306.00 340.00 LF 3,108.00 1,260.00 LF 512.00 415.00 LF 194.00 248.00 CON'IRACT REVISED UNIT _QUANIITY _QUANTITY LS 0.00 1.00 CONTRACT REVISED UNIT QUAI'ffilY QUANI11Y LS 0.00 100 CONTRACT REVISED UNIT QUANTITY QUANTITY LS 0.00 1.00 QUANTilY CHANGE 1.00 (104.00) 20.00 (1,520.00) (2'2.00) 34.00 (1,848.00) (97.00) 54.00 QUANIITY CHANGE 1.00 QUAN111Y CHANGE 1.00 QUANTITY CHANGE 1.00 211 UNIT PRICE S625.00 S54.00 SS7.00 $2.00 SJKOO $4.00 $4.50 S5.00 $6.00 I UNIT PRICE SS6S.OO I UNIT PRICE S920.00 UNIT PRICE S926.00 PAGE 1 OF:Z AMOUNT OF CHANGE S625.00 (S5,616.00) SI,l40.00 (S3,040,00) (S396.00) S1315.00 (S8,316,00) (S485.00) S324.00 ($15,628.00) AMOUNT OF CHANGE SS65.00 S56S.OO AMOUNT OF CHANGE S920.00 S920.00 AMOUNT OF CHANGE S926.00 S926.00 (Sl3,217.00) $435,583.00 so 00 3422,366.00 Print Date: 12/1/00 10:15AM PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE li-B-PUBLIC JNFRASTRUCTIJRE. BID PACKAGE "C" (UTILmES) JOB NUMBER: 143901/CHANGE ORDER N0.1 OWNER: TOWN OF ADDISON CONTRACTOR: NORTII TEXAS CONTRACTING, INC. DATE: ll!l2f00 EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONlRACTTIME 1HE WORK REQUIRED UNDER nus CHANGE ORDER WILL ADD 0 DAYS 'IO THIS PROJEC"l'. ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME ADDITIONAL DAYS FOR THIS CHANGE ORDER ADDITIONAL DAYS FOR PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDER REVISED CONTRACT TIME 360C.D. OC.D. OC.D. 360C.D. TilE COMPENSATION AGREED UPON IN nus CHANGE ORDER ARE FOR ALL COSTS THE CONTRACTOR MAY INCUR AS A RESULT OF, OR RELATING 1D THIS CHANGE ORDER WHE"IHER SAID COSTS ARE KNOWN, UNKNOWN, FORESEEN, UNFORESEEN ATlHIS TIME, INCLUDING WllHOUT LIMITATION, ANY COST FOR DELAY, EXTENDED OVERHEAD, RIPPLE OR IMPACT COST, OR ANY OlHER EFFECT PAGE20F:Z ON CHANGED OR UNCHANGED WORK. AS A RESUL TOF nus CHANGE ORDER. THESE COMPENSATIONS ARE FOR FULLY COMPLElE AND II: NTCUtilitiesC0#1 Print Date: 12/1/00 10:15 AM OATE: I I Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code EXPLANATION TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO Claim;:_# ___ _ "lhue Ltd. 50 L/-0 A d.ci.JAon • Ci Yr fe -it 300 AdcLu~n I5COI d/17.~ Authorized Signature Finance t-z.Jz$/r; December 15, 1999 Mr. John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear John: ® PosT PROPERTIES Please accept this letter as Olir. invoice in the amount of $78,421.55 for work done by North Texas Contracting, Inc. for the period ending November 30, 1999. Three copies of their pay application are attached. Plel!se return two executed copies to us for distribution. . ' . .. STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § AFFIDAVIT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James F. Duffy, who, being by me duly swom, deposed as follows: . "My name is James F. Duffy. I am of sound mind, capable of making this Affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am a duly authorized representative of Addison Circle Three, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership (the 'P¥.~nership '). I am the appropriate official of the Partnership to submit this Affidavit and do submit this Affidavit on behalf ofthe Partnership. The Partnership, by assignment from the Town of Addison, Texas, is the owner and construction manager under certain construction contract documents entitled 'Town of Addison, Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Addison Circle Public Infrastructure Phase Pu:it Propenics~ Inc . . )Q-iO Addison Circle I Suite 300 I Addison, Texas 75001 Phone 972.851.3200 I Fax 972.77-1.3355 ""'' ·w. pas tp rape rties. com III' dated October 3, 1997 (the 'Construction Contract') for that project generally referred to as Addison Circle Phase III (the 'Project'). The contractor for the project is North Texas Contracting, Inc. ('Contractor'). Attached hereto is an invoice or pay estimate for work performed on the Project by the Contractor for the time period set forth on the invoice/pay estimate. I hereby certifY that the work reflected on the said invoice/pay estimate is true and correct to the best of my information and belief, that such work by the Contractor has been measured and verified in accordance with the Construction Contract, and that all Construction Contract preconditions to payment of the invoice/pay estimate have been met. Allached hereto are copies of all material testing results in connection with this invoice/pay estimate." SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME on the 15"' day of December, Please let us know if you have any questions. Reg/~ James F. Duffy Executive Vice President JFD/kar Attachments ~----~~· KIMBERLY A. RIED E Mf COMMISSION EXPIRES i' December 18, :1.001 1\ ., Properties Block SBB 214 220 1061 P.02 P.02 TOY.IN OF ADOI&OOI C40 POSt PROPERTES 1-1 NOI\1H QIILIJI8 f'-Y. SUI"IE 1155 DALlAS. 'TJI 75241! PH. (97~) -.:7710nFM (872)--ATnl IIIIIC£ ROBeiNS ,._ T-CoiiiiKtlng,lnc. llonthly Pay~-IIOVt-tR. , ... ADDISON CIRClE PKI\SE ~ IHFRAS"'UCliJRE Ill .. SCIEiliJlt' HI 3111 MOIIIUlAnclN I.S , 0 31111 -1!1UNll;Nl1911" L6 1 0 a tra..auACP I.F .. 0 p II" C4._,K IICP IF 222 20 !IIIIU"a..NIICP lF -0 3111 trCL-111 RCP IF 386 a :1m 311' C\..IIIIIIICP .... 70 • -RaiDISPOR EXtSTUti.ET !;A 2 0 3118 ~!XI&T QOIC PIPE U' ,. 0 310 fl MCOR!CIIS!IeOc:.-ol&£1' .... 1 G.7D 311 I" "CQ!FCI<:IN IHL£f(XTIIA I)I'PTH) liiA l ~ 3tt 10'-~a.BN£1" ,;.-D.11 313 ICI'-RECES!IINn (EIITRADEPT>1) !"A o. .... 3141'XIST'tPE.,.MET~ !;A , 0 311 7YPEW$1011NW~TEII.-.ou: EA l 2 J1ITVPE"11"81CRMWA"ml.-.cii.E !;A 1 I 317 AD!~"""""' -.cllE .... I I l11 RCP 80 IIEG FACTOIIY W're COIN ... 8 0 011 ao·"""' 45 CEG FACfa~tt liEN> .... , a l2D PIP£ TO PIPE COIII£CJ10N EA 1 0 221 ~CONci'I.OOFil'IRCF ... 5 a 1221N1£1"~ .... • 8 :m 811. y FliNCI! IF 101 0 :ri4 &TMIUZED (;Qo8T !IITIWICE ~ :12 a -"IIIINCt4 S.llfE7Y llEBIClN LS • a * 1liEitCK IWETV lF ,.., ... 327 2" ~ !!IIC-40 $lRIIE lF 301 3011 :1Ze TP\1Ci8QWOILU\III! V' 3108 1210 3211 0'"1'1/C SCIUO Stave I.F 611 415 330 r PIIC I!ICtMO su:EV£ LF 1 .. 2>11 IICHEtlUU' "' .., r $11A-35 PIIC I.F 5li 33 .ocg 8' Sllfi.M I'\IC lAT W4-WA¥t;/O ... • 0 CSISIIIA-..,. 2 a CCII 011-T.V. tNei'ECTICN :.F Sl3 0 405 ~10Eln11t.\'l-o..f "" • 0 ... 1JIPOIIAF"i7Y ~ 71XI D SCI&JI..UV eo• 001GIBI! ILOCO"''G c:Y" z.o • SIR D.l F ....... (Q.380l "TON •• • • lCD A' 011·11 Cl.-1tii'IVA~A f'lf'& LF .. • 5110 FIJR.II Q.-1511WATER PIPE f..f .. • 1111 rDR-1fQ.-1MWATP"IPE "' 1008 • SIII4"GATEIMLWJIIOX eA. ~ 0 .., ro..TEv.oa.__,. EA & • arGATI!VN..-EA 6 • _,__,. ~ • • 510 COllECT to S.tsTfNQ ....,N EA ~ 0 51 I 2'" TYPE 'K" ooPPiill SEIMCE IIA 3 • ••a ~Ill!-II Q.-1*1 IBMCII! UOE £A 2 • RECEIVED NOV 2 4 1999 BY:'/1L~ S4U.M3.CO s TOTAL CONTRACT S 43S,5113.CO i PPCENT..oE COUPl.ETE 11!5" ~r-s ' 7.1110.11D 3.0111.00 s s 11111.111 ao.oo $ • 1.100.00 57.1!0 I 1."140.GO I I:S,lMJJD 82.11D I s f1.8JU.OO 87.110 I ' :M.IIZ'LOO 10UID I s 7.2ID.OO ..r~ -Gil s I 1,1DD.DO 15.00 • I 1.110.00 u. '-Z.OOO.GII ' ..... liD $ 1.SOO.OO 2.3CQ.GCI • 4,4GII.GII 1 4,4CIUIO •• 3.000.00 s 2.2110.110 1 ;u,o.oo 0. ,. 3.3GII.GII s U75.GII s 2.-1,.00 f. •.-.Gil 1 I •.-00 I 7--00 1 ?.cmoo :f D.CIIII!.OO I D.QID.GII • 11.000.00 711G.Il0 I 100.00 I 71l0.GO vt 3111.GII I I 2.1110.00 tt 2.06.00 s I :MD.OO ..ao.oo s I 400.00 ".4 100.00 • s 500.00 3-280.00 I 2.000.00 ' 2,000.00 2.00 s s 11.00 I • ~ !QD.IIO r s 500.00 1.0D • ....... ' 1. t;J.OQ .... • ..... 00 I •.-oo -4 C. flO $ UID.OO s 5.810.00 ~:} ,. .. s l.m.m I 2.1115.00 1.00 I ·.-liD ' uaao al.CII s s li,T.I1.GD ·--' I 7.DUD •.100.00 • I 1.200.00 1.00 I s 51l00 1.000.00 t I 1,aaD.CII 1.00 I I moo 2!0.1!0 s I 700.00 &000.00 I I 1300.GO 11.00 I I :111.00 18.1111 I • .~ .. 2UIO I s 2t.1a.aa 3-1 soo.oo I I 1,""""" 11 llliii.OO • I :uoo.oo s.s 7511.00 I I ~--00 . .. ,_ ... I I 5.eoooa ... --00 I I 1,1100.00 ::1 •.mo.ao I I 3.-oo m.oa I I 1.!111.CIJ DEC 0 8 1999 I Nov-29-99 05:39P Post Properties Block 5BB 214 220 1061 ~ov-24-S9 Ol:39P P.03 F'.03 '. 'tOWNOFoUIDISOH ~POST I'ROPERTIES 1111111 -'IH DAUA11 P_,.Y, SUITE Btili ~.TXTQ48 PH.Im) -17VOIIFAX 1572)111e tell A 11M .. IKE RQIBINS . .. -~l ; :. :, ~.' 514 I 51! If'_.,,..;!' h CCII'CIH)Ioii!'IBI ..... fE1I6EY ~ OfliOC 1'011 CHEO< 517 I.S" FE8COIIIIY [B. CHECI( ate...,.,..x.-OOIICIIOI< Sit IIIII .aDIIOWIOONC IOX_,l.CO LID !iC!DllWD< eoRT'I' S2t -WATERTE&l !OZ! 2CilO PSI OOIIC ~HI' SCIEDIA.E VII 7VI 81!11 &E:! OOIC EM:HiEO I>IICT-7111 -OONCti_CUCT_ 10J 49 A-COliC l!fiCAl!IO. DUCT-1QO -COliC eNCAR DUCTlOIS 11E2 &II!IIOONC~OUCTJUI 1".\J.Ii t.\IIIAV ••'tiiCil£ 7flr CCINCf 10 1!11131' IIWITCIGNI 1111 ff' DB PVC., DllG $WEEP 31" 1111 '6' PVC 8QeOOLE 40 no If' PVC SOtBliLE 40 711 SWITCH PAD StOIIEO-.......ul 1 ff' Dll1lll P\IC PIPE 2 2"DIIt2D Pile PIPE I ff' PIIC Olt IW!!P5 4CAAUlN8·~ EXTRA WORK 1 ~AU()MolbtrOfltrWATOt 2 COilED EJU$"1'Nj T.U. IW I IDLE 3 RU1'0CIUtCI ~ FOA DCMIUIT & ADDED ff' SM SiE\'11!11 S1\&0Uf PUASI: SENO TO: -.>t TE>IASCOHntACTINO, ltC. P.o.-Ka.UR. TEM.SNoo11> T-ConllaDUng. hie. Monlftlot p_, AIMI<*I N()VEia&.R, 1RI l:l' EA z lA a EA 0 I!A A EA 4 4 U' n:! 0 ~ 1 0 " ao 0 " 2?3 0 U' 51 0 IF .q 0 l.F 405 0 IF •• 0 EA 2 0 lA • 0 ... e • LF 1S3;! • U' 1211 0 FiA ' 0 U' liCI20 0 IF -0 Ei' I 0 EA 1180 0 Lti ~ LS ' l.S 1 TO'I'AL-llliRI'ONoiED LElUiftRETNET IWOUMT PAY-.E NET /IMOAJNT DUE ON~ ~ ~RiiCENEOTOOA""'-CU_,.,-AMOUNT DUE ON PRO.IEC i COimtACT IWOUNT t oi35.583.DII -~QEDMOERS I TOTIIL COHliiACT I 435M3.DII PERCENTAilE~TE 85,_ ,,. eao.ao • s ..... t.-aa I II.IIIID.CO s ,, _ oo ..... $,111111.00 I IO,IIDO.DQ • 10.000.011 ...,... 210.1111 I • .... -I 1.5111.110 I 1.53D.IIO ......... 110 I 17.8GlJ.OD I t7,11Cnllll " UIO s I ?32.110 I' 7to.QO • I 78D.QO .. ... Ill I s -123.111 • I 33.171.1111 7 •. 00 s a a.n•-110 tiJl'.OO • s s.aze.110 100.00 I s 401.100.111 14111 • t ... _Ill 1&.170.1111 s I zt,300.110 47$.00 • I , __ Ill 100.111 s I 100.110 uo I I ·--00 7.1111 I I 840.111 2.-00 • s 2.000.00 j Ul7 s • 3 0.215 I • • -• • • 1.32 • • .-s .... I IIIIUID • 11111.110 •-'s -I -I -.oo ·'1 128.00 I 125.111 • 121-111 1 I -I -~~~~ I !10.1111 ./s 12.508.110 I 412.4'1.CIO vt ,,,27.45 • 211.8.5Ci ...... li.l_ IOIJNl>T"u"' D~Pr. CO. CODE: MONTH: VENDORI.O: CONTRACTIP.O #: JOBI.D: GJLACCTI# JOB COST If AMOUNT J£15'70/. 'll 7(). !'7Xl' TOTAL: L!:>Lf.'"ND .;z_Q SIT£APPV\.: PROJ MGR A: 'VL: V.P. APPVL: \:>r '' · llr-11/12/99ACIIINTEX03.XLS ACCTG: AJP: {/ Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO Claim;#;_ __ ___ _ Check$ 341 045. fS3 15"00/TOTAL 34j 045 . 83 Finance October 14, 1999 Mr. John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear John: ® PosT PROPERTIES Please accept this letter as our invoice in the amount of $127,186.53 for work done by North Texas Contracting, Inc. for the period ending September 30, 1999. Three copies of their pay application are attached. Please return two executed copies to us for distribution. STATE OF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James F. Duffy, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows: "My name is James F. Duffy. I am of sound mind, capable of making this Affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am a duly authorized representative of Addison Circle Three, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership (the 'Partnership'). I am the appropriate official of the Partnership to submit this Affidavit and do submit this Affidavit on behalf of the Partnership. The Partnership, by assignment from the Town of Addison, Texas, is the owner and construction manager under certain construction contract documents entitled 'Town of Addison, Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Addison Circle Public Infrastructure Phase Post Properties. Inc. 5040 Addison Circle I Suite 300 I Addison, Texns 75001 Phone 972.851.3200 I Fax 972.774.3355 "'"'' -v. ·. pos tp ropcrtics. com III' dated October 3, 1997 (the 'Construction Contract') for that project generally referred to as Addison Circle Phase ill (the 'Project'). The contractor for the project is North Texas Contracting, Inc. ('Contractor'). Attached hereto is an invoice or pay estimate for work performed on the Project by the Contractor for the time period set forth on the invoice/pay estimate. I hereby certify that the work reflected on the said invoice/pay estimate is true and correct to the best of my information and belief, that such work by the Contractor has been measured and verified in accordance with the Construction Contract, and that all Construction Contract preconditions to payment of the invoice/pay estimate have been met. Attached hereto are copies of all material testing results in connection with this invoice/pay estimate." Please let us know if you have any questions. ~ James F. uffy Executive Vice President JFD/kar Attachments KIMBERLY A. RIED MY COMMISSION EXPIRES December 18, 2001 Sep-30-99 12:47P TOWN OF ADDISON C/0 POST PROPERTIES 15851 NORlH DALlAS PARKWAY. SUITE 855 DALlAS. TX 75248 PH. (972) 866-7790//f'Al( (972) ~5 ATTN MIKE ROBBINS North TelliiS Contracting, Inc. Monthly I'll)' Requeet SEPTEMBER. 1999 CONTRACT AMOUNT CHANGE ORDERS P-02 s 435.583.00 ' TOTAL CONTRACT S 435.583.00 PERCENTAGE COMPLETE 43% JOB NAME: ADDISON Clffi€ fHAS§ 11§-PUBUC INFRASTRUCTURE PAY REQUEST 11.2 JOB NUMBER: 9914 FROM: SEPT 1 ·SEPT 30. 1999 SlE:~;;;;~m~:~,w:~t<~0f.1~~~;;~:.~~~;~*·N#;,~ii;~.Sc!k~~~tZ~~~;;!~;:~~~~....,.,. ~L.Jt.).;::;;;~~-.... .,,_.~ .... -.. -.. ~--fSlYMTED MOHTHL Y v«)RK TOTAL WORK COH1'RACT UNtT MONlHL 'f T01N. m:.w Ot:$CR!Pl'ION UNrr QUANl11'Y ON CONlRA.CT Otc CONTR/I.CT PRICE AMOUHT AMOUNT ::~~~::~~=~=:=~;~=jili}~;~;~;~~~:~~ !\;\;~~!;~;~:\=i=~;\=-~=~~\~!i~;~;;~;~;~;;;!;!!~!;:;t;~m\~\;;;~;\;l~~;l~;;1n!;J;!;!;i;H;;~~nl~;~~\\!;l~~~j;~~~=:;~;[;!_:\=~=~;~;~1l!ll;~;!;lt;;!;!Hi !!!~~;i;~;!;;;;;~\l:~;;;l;l;l=\=~i:~~:;:~:;t;t~t;i ;~~;~~;I;!:;m;~~~~~;~~\~~~\~~~~:~!tn BID PACKAI;E. "C" UTILffiES SCHEDULE til 301 MOBIIJZATION LS 1 0.87 v-302 SUPERINTENDENT I.S I 0.25 ..... 303 16" Cl~ll RCP LF 25< 0 304 21"' CL-411 R.CP LF 222 0 'lOS 24" Cl·lll RCP LF 2SS 0 306 2:r-Cl·lll RCP lF 386 0 307 w a.~n RCP LF 70 0 3ll8 REINDISPOSE EXIST 1Nl£T EA ~ 2../309 REINOISPOSf" EXIST CONC PIPE LF 114 114 ,_../310 8' MOD RECESSED CURB INLET EA 1 0 311 6' RECESSED CURB IN\.El (XTRA DEPT>l) EA 3 0 312 10' MOD RECESSED CURS INI.ET EA 0 313 1i 17" X 21r COHO BOX EA 519 MV~1-5 00NC BOX W/Bil.CO UD EA 520 TRENCH SAFETY LF :U1 PERFORM WATER TEST LS 522 2IJOO PSI COliC ENCASEMENT LF SCHEDULE VII 701 8EI:I & 4E2 CONC ENCASE DUCT BANK l.F 702 4E2 C0NC ENCASI" DUCT BANK LF 703 4E6 & 4E2 C0NC ENCASE ONECT TO EXISTING MAJN 511 Z' TYP~ 'K" COPPER SERVICE 512 4' OR--18 CL-150 SERVICE U""" EA EA EA EA ~ EA EA EA EA EA EA lF 5Y LS LF ~ LF lF LF LF. ~ ~-lF EA u-CY TON lF lF LF EA EA ~ EA EA EA ~ 1 1 254 222 2S5 366 70 2 114 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 1 1 5 8 1520 22 1 1-197 3108 512 194 533 5 1. 533 1 11FJ 2.8 1.1 18 80 1006 3 8 .5. 2 3 2 0-33 0.25 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 D D 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 Q. 0 0 lJ 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o: s 0. s 0 s D $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 s 0 s 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 $ 0 s 0 s 0 $ 0 $ 0 s 0 s 1 s 0 s ~~~ 0 $ 0 s 0 s D $ 0 s IQ. ~ 0 s jo s 1n s D S 0 $ Q ' 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 s 0 s D S 0 $ 7,000.00 s 3,000.00 s 54.00 s 57.00 s 82.00 s 67-00 s 104.00 ' sso.oo s 15-00 s 2.000.00 s 2.200.00 s 3.000-00 s 3,300-'XI S 3,000.00 $ 3,!500.00 $ 6.000.00 s 700.00 $ 300-00 s 245.00 s 400.00 s 100.00 250.00 2.00 111.00 500.00 1.00 4.~ 5·.-00~ 8.00 37.00 1.500.00 4.,1f.A~ 1.00 1,000.00 1.00 250.00 3,000.00 ~m 19.00 21.00 1i50.00 800.00 750.00 1,40(1.00 800.00 1,200.00 750.00 s s s s s $ \ s $ s s s '1. s $ s $ s s s s s s ' s s s s 2.310.00 $ 7~.00 s 500-00 s s s $ s s s s s s s s s s s $ s s s s $ s s $ \ s s s s s '1. $ $ s $ $ \ s s s s $ s s s s Z,310.00 750.()() 500.00 Aug-31-99 09:32A TOWN OF ADDISON C/0 POST PROPERTIES 15&51 NORTH DALLAS PAAKWAY. SUITE 855 DALLAS.TX 752•8 PH. (972) 866-7790 II FAX (972) ~ ATTN MIKE ROBBINS North Texas Contracting, Inc. Monthly Pay Req .... t AUGUST. 1999 JOB NAME: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE 1-UBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE JOB NUMBER: .. •' 5138" 514 1 112" HERSEY MVR100 METER 0 515 .-HERSEY MCT II GDWOUND METER 2 0 518 8" HERSEY 00(;11 DETEGTOft CHECK 2 0 517 1.5" FEBCO 805Y DBL CHECK a 0 518 ~ 17" X 28" CONC BOX 8 0 519 Mll-490-«11-6 CONe BOX WIBILCO J.JD EA • 0 520 "TRENCH SAFETY LF m 0 521 PERFORM WATER TEST LS 1 0 522 2000 PSI CONC ENCASEMENT LF 20 0 SCHEDULE VII 701 llEB & 4E2 CONe ENGASI< DUCT BANK LF 273 0 702 4E2 CONC ENCASE DUCT BANI( LF 51 0 703 4E11 & 4E2 CONC ENCASE DUCT BANK LF 47 0 704 8E6 CONe ENCASE DUCT BANK LF -100 705 8E2 & 1181 CONe ENCASE DUCT BAN< LF 188 0 708 T.U.E 3-W"Y MANHOLE EA 2 2 707 CONNECT TO EXIST SWITCHGEAR EA 8 0 708 8" DB PVC 90 DEG swe£P 38" EA B 0 709 3' PVC SCHEDULE 40 LF 133',S,\ Q,-,Jn ""1-C'pO:).!\Cl u :J'\_,j (\ Title: ___ _ North Texas Contracting, Inc. CON~tffOR By: f/t...Jat~ 6.;4t tl!a IA?rtb4/-Address: 4999 Keller Haslett, Keller, TX 76244 Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company SURETY sy:~Ad>m~; Shelia M. Young, Attorney-in-Fact Addre~: 12222 Merit Drive, Dallas, TX 75251 (Surety to Attach Power of Attorney) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as PRINCIPAL in the within· bond that who signed the said bond on behalf of the PRINCIPAL, is the said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body. (Corporate Seal) \\HZ[)ALIJ.Sl\DISKl\pnlj\OIIIll50\F'anai\PRB.cloc STATE OF TEXAS SECTIONPyB PAYMENT BOND COUNTY OF DALLAS Date Bond Executed: June 30, 1999 PRINCIPAL: North Texas Contracting, Inc. S.URETY: Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company PENAL SUM OF BOND (express in words and figures): Four Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-'l'hree and No/100-------------{$435, 583.00 )-----DATEOFCONTRACT: ___J _u_n_ e_ 2~9~,_1~9~9~9_ ______________________________ _ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the PRINCIPAL and SURETY above named, are held firmly bound unto Town of Addison , hereinafter called the OWNER, in the penal sum of the amount stated above, for the payment of which sum and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas the PRINCIPAL entered into a certain Contract with the OWNER, numbered and dated as shown above and attached hereto; NOW THEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in said Contract, and any and all duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the SURETY being hereby waived, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this insttument under their several seals on the date indicated above, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. SEAL SEAL W)fness: u., \-LLjiOl! JCtf\CL u ~o.fl_ Title:----North Texas Contracting. Inc. ~CfOR ·/By: .l.bw+ft~ 11:-e &z«t02, ~~ Shelia M. Young, Attorney-in-Fact Admess: 12222 Merit Drive, Dallas, TX 75251 (Surety to Attach Power of Attorney) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I, certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as PRINCIPAL in the within bond that who signed the said bond on behalf of the PRINCIPAL, is the __ :-...,.-___ of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body. (Corporate Seal) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS SECfiONMB MAINTENANCE BOND That North Texas Contracting, Inc. as principal and Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company , a corporation organi~.ed underJbeJaws of Mary lanclmd -----------as sureties, said sureties being authorized to do business in the State of Texas, do hereby expressly acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the Town of Addison, Texas, a duly· incorporated home rule municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Texas, the sum of _ Four Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-Three and No/100-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=<$ 435,583.00---) for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made unto said Town of Addison and its successors, said principal and sureties do hereby bind themselves, their assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, that whereas said North Texas Contracting, Inc. has this day entered into a written contract with· the said Town of Addison to build and construct the Addison Circle Phase II-B Public Infrastructure Utilities \\HZDAl.LAS2\DISKl\proj\01112250\1'1.aal\M.doc which contract and the Plans and Specifications therein mentioned adopted by the Town of Addison, are hereby expressly made a part hereof as though the same were written and embodied herein. WHEREAS, under the Plans, Specifications and Contract it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair the work herein contracted to be done and performed for a period of two (2) yeats from the date of acceptance, and to do all necessary backfilling that may arise on account of sunken conditions in ditches, or otherwise, and to do and perform all necessary work and repair any defective condition growing out of or arising from the improper joining of the same, or on account of any breaking of the same caused by the said Contractor in laying or building the same, or on account of any defect arising in any of said part of said work laid or constructed by the said Contractor, or on account of improper excavation or backfilling; it being understood that the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective materials, work or labor performed by the said Contractor; and in case the said Contractor shall fail to do, it is agreed that the City may do said work and supply such materials, and charge the same against the said Contractor and sureties on this obligation, and the said Contractor and sureties hereon shall be subject to the liquidated damages mentioned in said contract for each day's failure on its part to comply with the terms of the said provisions of said contract; planting materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover, grasses and perennials) and the completed irrigation system will be warranted for one (1) year from the.time of final completion and acceptance by the Town of Addison. NOW THEREFORE, if the said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain said work and keep the salne in repair for the said maintenance period of two (2) years, as provided, then these presents shall be null and void and have no further effect; but if default shall be made by the said Contractor in the performance of its contract to so maintain and repair said work, then these presents shall have full force and effect, and said Town of Addison shall have and recover from the Contractor and its sureties damages in the premises, as provided, and it is further understood and agreed that this obligation shall be a continuing one against the principal and sureties hereon and that successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches until the full amount shall have been exhausted; and it is further understood that the obligation herein to maintain said work shall continue throughout said maintenance period, and the same shall not be changed, diminished, or in any manner affected from any cause during said time. H:\clnlj\011 Sll$0\Plnai\MB.doc IN WITNESS ;wHEREOF, the saidNorth Texas Contracting, 1m eaused these presents to be executed by-------'--and the said __________ has hereunto set his hand this the3 Dth day of June , 19.2.2_. SURETY Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company By: _D-d?d;cvm~ Attorney in Fact Shelia M. Young By: Surety Dodson-Bateman & Company 8350 Meadow Rd., Dallas, TX 75231 Agency and Address /PRINCIPAL ATIEST Secretary NOTE: Date of Maintenance Bond must not be prior to date of Contract '-·. ·DUAL OBLIGEE RIDER BONDNO. PRF8164546 WHEREAS, on ar about tho 29th day of June '199 9 North Texas Contracting, Inc: as Contractar , ·entered into a written agreement with Town of Addison asOwner,fortheconstructi.on of Addison Circle Phase II-B· Public Infrastructure Utilities WHEREAS, the Contractar and Colonial American Casualty and SUrety Company as Surety, made, executed and delivered to said Owner their joint and several perfonnllllcc bond, and WHEREAS, the Owner ha.frequested that Gay lord Properties, Inc • (hcreimftcr called "Co-obligee"), said Co-obligee having a matcrilll interest in tho perfonn1111ce of said contract, be named as 1111 obligee in the Bond and has requested the Contntctar 1111d tho Surety to join with tho Owne:r in the execution and delivery of these Rider 1111d the Contractar and Surety have agreed to do upon the conditions herein stated. NOW, T.HEREFORE, in consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, receipt ofv.tlch is hereby acknowledged, the undemgned hereby a~ as follows: The aforesaid Bond shaD be and it is hereby amended as follows: I. The name ofGay lord Properties,, InC>i.1 Co-obligee shall be added to said Bond as a named obligee. 2. The rights of the Co-obligee shllll bo subject to the conditions precedent that all the Owner's obligations to the Conlnlelor bo perfmmed; provided, however, that the aggregate liability ofthc Smety nnder said Bond, to the Owner and the Co-obligee, as their interests may appear, is limited to the penal smn of the bond and provided, further, that tho Surety may, at their option, make any payments nnde:r said bond jointly to the Owner and the Co-obligee. · 3. The surety shaD not be liable nnder this bond to the Obligees, ar any of them, unless the said Obligees, ar any of them, shall make payments to the Principal ortotl)e Surety, incase the Smety I!II8DgCSfarthe completion of the contract upon defimlt ofthe Principal, in accordance with the terms of said contract; provided that the afbxenamed Co-obligee shall be af!'arded v.titten notice ftom the Smety and mi!Oilllblc opportunity to cute any default by Owner under said contract J'n the event of such cure by said Coobligee, Surety shall be liable to Obligees, or at Smety's option liable ooley to the Co-obligee, as if such default had not oceun:ed; provided that said Co-obligee thereafter performs in accordance with the tcnnJI of said contract as to payments, and thcrcaftcr. performs all the other material conditions to be performed by Owner under said contract in the time and in the m1111ner therein set forth. 4. Except as herein modified, said Bond shall be and mnain in full farce and effect SIGNED, SEALEDANDDATEDTIUS 30th day of June 1999 Town of Addison OWNER fu': 'North Texas Contracting. Inc. COTICTOR ~ Bv: oo6z,6~ tier<: /l,;;s.-c/~:1-Colonial Amer1cap Caspal tl' and SUrety Company SURETY rtf ~e{;-q 2 YJ?:.Jl.&fl/f!5- ·DUAL OBUGEB RIDER BONDNO. PRF8164546 WHEREAS, on or about the 29th day of June .199 9 North Texas Contracting, Inc. as Contractor , ·entered into a written agreement with Town of Addison as Owner, for the construction of Addison Circle Phase II-B Public Infrastructure Utilities WHEREAS, the Contractor sd Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company as Sun:ty, made, executed sd delivered to said Owner thdr joint sd several perfonnscc bond, sd WHEREAS, the Owner ha5reqnested that Gaylord Properties, Inc . (hereinafter called "Co-obligee"), said Co-obligee having a material interest in the perfonnonce of said contract, be IUIIIled as 1111 obligee in the Bond and bas reqt~csted the Contractor 1111d the Surety to join with the Owner in the execution 1111d delivery of these Rider sd the Contractor sd Surety have agreed to do upon the conditions herein stated. NOW, nmREFORE, in considemtion of One Dollar sd other good and valuable consideration, reecipt ofwblch is hereby acknowledged, the IDldm:igned hereby agree as follows: The aforesaid Bond shall be and it is hereby amended as follows: I. The Dllllle o!'Gay lord Pro pert ie s > Inc...o Co-obligee shall be added to said Bond as a Dllllled obligee. 2. The rights of the Co-obligee shall bo subject to the conditions precedent that all the Owner's obligations to the Contractor be perf01111ed; provided, however, that the aggregate liability of the Sun:ty under said Bond, to the OMlor sd the Co-obligee, as thdr interests may appear, is limited to the pcll8l sum ofthe bond and provided, further, that the Surety may, at thdr option, make any payments under said bond jointly to the Owner sd the Co-obligee. · 3. The surety shall not be liable IDlder this bond to the Obligees, or sy of them, unless the said Obligees, or any of them, shall make payments to the Principal or to the Surety, in case the Surety ammges for the completion of the contract upon deflmlt ofthe Principal, in accordance with the teims of said contract; provided that tha afbJ:enamed Co-obligee shall be afforded written notice ftum the Surety 1111d reasonable oppott\Dli1y to cure tmy defimlt by OMlor under said contract In the event of such cure by said eo. obligee, Sun:ty shall be liable to Obligees, or at Surety's option liable so ley to the eo. obligee, as if such deflmlt bad not occurred; provided that said Co-obligee thereafter perfOIIIlS in accordance with the teims of said contract as to payments,sd thereafter.perfOIIIlS all the other material conditions to be performed by Owner !Dlder said contract in the time 1111d in the monner therein set forth. 4. Except as herein modified, said Bond •hall be and remain in full force and effect SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED TinS 30th day of Town of Addison OWNER B~ June North Texas Contracting. Inc. 1999 COTICTOR ~ By; ~,6~ tier~ lft::NrJ~t-Colonial Amerjcan Caspaltl' and Surety Company SURETY ~ ~!'(;a) m. •. !#e4!:!l--. Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND $URETY COMPANY HOME OFFICES: P.O. Box 1227, BALTIMORE, MD 21203-1227 Know ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, corporations of the State of Maryland, by W. B. W ALBRECHER, Vice-President, and T. E. SMITH, Assistant of authority granted by Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Companies, which are set hereof and are hereby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, does hereby appoint Derrell C. Dodson, Sam J. Mullis, Jr., Elnora Crutbis, Douglas Moore, Dee Don Hurst and Sbelia M. YOUNG, all of Dallas, Texas, EACH its true and lawful agent and execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: any and EXCEPT bonds on behalf oflndependent Executors, Community Survivors and execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and elected officers of the Companies at their offices in Baltimore, Md., in their own proper revokes that issued on behalf of Derrell C. Dodson, Sam J. Mullis, Jr., Elnora Cruthis, August 4, 1998. The said Assistant Secretary does !lfa~?e extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2, of the respec:tive'ilr:;'::JC.avvs o:~~<:onnpanies, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vic,,-Pr-~[el!t affixed the Corporate Seals of the said FII)Eibl'J;:{' AMERICAN CASUALTY AND Assistant Secretary have hereunto s~bscribed their names and DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL , this 28th day of April, A.D. 1999. ATTEST: FllliEL"ITY~~ DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND ~ tfN_jj:-~ T.E.Smith Assistant Secretary By: __,~au.~-~~IU~£..~.A.~u..~· =::;..-::--:-:--w. B. Walbrecher Vice-President COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY 0 trr/-.:JJ::-By: _ _ua""""'""",_)ll!""'.t.d,~v::..==-----'Q T. E. Smith Assistant Secretary W. B. Walbrecher Vice-President State of Maryland } 55' County of Baltimore On this 28th day of April, A.D. 1999, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came W. B. Walbrecher, Vice-President and T. E. SMITH, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Companies aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. Ll428-168-0!84 ~"~ ~~~~~~~~2:~~~~~~N~o~m~ry-P~u~b~li~c-My Commissi Expires: August I, 2000 -CERTIFICATE OF IN~ JRANCE ISSUE DATE (MM/00/YY) Cert. II .2297 364 n 612B/S9 D)}] THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Dodson-Bateman COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE & c 0 M p A N y COMPANY A 8350 Meadow Road Suite 181 Dallas, Texas 75231 LETIEA Amertcan Casualty Co. or Reading, PA 214.369.9600 FAX.l63.9269 INSURED COMPANY 8 LETTER National Fire Ins. Of Hartford North Texas Contracting, Inc. COMPANY C LETTER National Union Fire Ins. Co. P. 0. Box468 Keller, Texas 75244 COMPANY 0 LETTER COMPANY E LETTER COVERAGES . · ._·. ·-.. ·--. . ' .. .... · .. -·----, ___ -· -THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TEAM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEAMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. -,-co TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS LTR DATE (MMIDD/YY) DATE (MMIDDNY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE s 2,000,000 A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY C01075534557 2118/99 2118/00 PRODUCTS·COMP/OP AGG. s 2,000,000 !CLAIMS MADE mOCCUR PERSONAL & Ar:J./. INJURY s 1,000,000 OWNERS & CONTRACTORS' PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,000,000 X Per Project Aggregate Applies FIRE DAMAGE {Any one nre) s 50,000 Form CG25D3 MED. EXPENSE {Any one person) s 5,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE s 1,000,000 A ~ANY AUTO BUA 1075534543 2118/99 2118/00 LIMIT ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY r--s SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) ~ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY s ~ NON·OWNED AUTOS (Per accidenl) _ GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE s EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE s 5,000,000 c ::iLi ~MBRELLA FORM BE7012630 2118/99 2118/00 AGGREGATE s 5,000,000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM . ·,_ . ' X I STATUTORY LIMITS WORKER'S COMPENSATION B AND WC1079197933 2118/99 2118/00 EACH ACCIDENT s 500,000 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT s 500,000 DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE s 500,000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSJLOCATIONSNEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS RE: Addison Circle Phase ll-B, Public Infrastructures Utilities CERTIFiCATE HOLDER .. .... ---"---··---·· -. -·· Ci\~C!;LLATIOI-! '··-· . c.:... . : .. ·-'·'-·-. ---------·~ --~--SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE ; EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO Town or Addison MAIL :o:_ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE 53fC Beltllne Road LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR Addison, Tx 75001 ' ; LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE CoMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. : . ·.\ AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE /' 7 ----.. --------. ·: ... ----------------------------------·------·· ... ~ ---. ---_-... , ...... .. -----. ·---. --------------.--.--·-·--------.. ' . _·. FINANCE DEPARTMENT/PURCHASING DIVISION CLYDE JOHNSON, C.P.M. MANAGER TAMMY FRANKS ASSISTANT July 6, 1999 E-mail purchasing@ci.addison.tx.us Mr. A.J. Johnston Executive Vice President Gibson and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 800579 Balch Springs, TX 75180-0579 Facsimile (972) 450-7096 5350 Bell Line Road (972) 450-7090 P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 NOTICE TO PROCEED: Addison Circle Phase ll-B Public Infrastructure Paving Addison Circle Phase ll-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape Dear Mr. Johnston: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the :'pecifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 99-34 with Addenda. Enclosed please find a completed copy of the contract documents for your file. Work shall begin as per the schedule agreed to in the pre-construction meeting, and be completed in accordance with the schedules in the bid documents. Please contact me at 972-450-7090, if you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, Enclosures Copy: ~ohn Baumgartner ivlike Murphy FINANCE DEPARTMENT/PURCHASING DIVISION CLYDE JOHNSON, C.P.M. MANAGER TAMMY FRANKS ASSISTANT July 6, 1999 E-mail purchasine@ci.addison.tx.us Mr. AJ. Johnston Executive Vice President Gibson and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 800579 Balch Springs, TX 75180-0579 Facsimile (972) 450-7096 5350 Belt Line Road (972) 450-7090 P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 NOTICE TO PROCEED: Addison Circle Phase ll-B Public Infrastructure Paving Addison Circle Phase ll-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape Dear Mr. Johnston: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 99-34 with Addenda. Enclosed please find a completed copy of the contract documents for your file. Work shall begin as per the schedule agreed to in the pre-construction meeting, and be completed in accordance with the schedules in the bid documents. Please contact me at 972-450-7090, if you have any questions, or if I can be be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, Enclosures Copy: John Baumgartner Mike Murphy .l Michael Murphy From: Sent: To: Subject: Clyde Johnson Tuesday, July 06, 1999 10:29 AM Michael Murphy Addison Circle liB I have signed contracts for Gibson and I'm going to issue their notice to proceed, unless there is some reason to hold up-let me know. North Texas Contracting is going to deliver bonds today, there was a delay caused by my not addressing their letter properly, and I will issue the notice to proceed as soon as Ron and Carmen sign the contract. Again, let me know if I Clyde Johnson ·'>urchasing .J 72-450-7090 1 Michael Murphy From: Michael Murphy Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 1999 8:20AM Clyde Johnson To: Subject: RE: Addison Circle liB During the Phase liB preconstruction meeting yesterday, a couple of issues came up: 1. The contractors would like to stagger when each recieved their "Notice to Proceed" Gibson will receive their Paving Notice first, North Texas will receive their Utility Infrastructure Notice second and Gibson will receive their Landscpae Notice third. (If you have a question on when to issue North Texas-Utility Infrastructure and Gibson Landscaping contact David Meyers.) 2. Also, A.J. (Tony) Johnston -Executive VP for Gibson and Associates requested combining their two contracts into one bill so to avoid having to carry two sets of books. I spoke with John Baumgartner and he does NOT want to combine the two. Tony said that he spoke with you about this. Please let him know what JB's decision is. Please call me with any questions. 1lZk Michael E. Murphy, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Works Town of Addison (972)450-2878 ----Original Message----From: Clyde Johnson Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 10:29 AM To: Michael Murphy Subject: Addison Circle liB I have signed contracts for Gibson and I'm going to issue their notice to proceed, unless there is some reason to hold up-let me know. North Texas Contracting is going to deliver bonds today, there was a delay caused by my not addressing their letter properly, and I will issue the notice to proceed as soon as Ron and Carmen sign the contract. Again, let me know if I Clyde Johnson Purchasing 972-450-7090 1 TOWN OF ADDISON To: tYJ 1k£ ~~,j~ Company: 1?12'&" ?~lOtS FAX#: cpz ~· g 06 · 6hCf 5" Date: 7 /q. jqq I I # of pages (including cover): 'Z... PUBLIC WORKS From: ___,J-J_,_\L-=o:_:.........cfJ__:....: .u-~.·P¥J,. ~-Phone: 972/450-<..678 · FAX: 972/450-2837 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 FINANCE DEP AR1MENT/PURCHASING DMSION CLYDE JOHNSON, C.P.M. MANAGER TAMMY FRANKS ASSISTANT July 6, !999 E-mail purchasing@ci.addison.tx.us Mr. A.J. Johnston Executive Vice President Gibson and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 800579 Balch Springs, TX 75180-0579 Facsimile (972) 450-7096 5350 Belt Line Road (972) 450-7090 P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 NOTICE TO PROCEED: Addison Circle Phase ll-B Public Infrastructure Paving Addison Circle Phase ll-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape Dear Mr. Johnston: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 99-34 with Addenda. Enclosed please find a completed copy of the contract documents for your file. Work shall begin as per the schedule agreed to in the pre-construction meeting, and be completed in accordance with the schedules in the bid documents. Please contact me at 972-450-7090, if you have any questions, or if I can be be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, Enclosures Copy: John Baumgartner Mike Murphy FINANCE DEPARTMENT/PURCHASING DIVISION CLYDE JOHNSON. C.P.M MANAGER TAMMY FRANKS ASSISTANT July 6, 1999 E-mail purcbasing@ci.addison tx us Mr. A.J. Johnston Executive Vice President Gibson and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 800579 Balch Springs, TX 75180-0579 Facsimile (972) 450-7096 5350 Belt Line Road (972) 450-7090 P.O. Bo< 9010 Addison. Texas 75001 NOTICE TO PROCEED: Addison Circle Phase ll-B Public Infrastructure Paving Addison Circle Phase ll-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape Dear Mr. Johnston: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 99-34 with Addenda. Enclosed please fmd a completed copy of the contract documents for your file. Work shall begin as per the schedule agreed to in the pre-construction meeting, and be completed in accordance with the schedules in the bid documents. Please contact me at 972-450-7090, if you have any questions, or ifi can be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, Copy: John Baumgartner Mike Murphy AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this Jt:!Til-day of Ju~ "-, 1999, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County of Dallas and State of Texas, acting through its City Manager, duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and Gibson and Associates, Inc., of the City ofBalch Springs, County of Dallas, State ofTexas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastructure Paving and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the . . . . AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof; and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR'S written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within 240 to 360 calendar days (depending on the section) after he commences work, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR Three Hundred and thirty-three thousand and three hundred and seventy-three and 87/100 dollars ($333,373.87) in current funds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof; subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON (OWNER) By: K .. '~~A._.--) City Manager GillSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (CONTRACTOR) By: x;pLk 7 ATTEST: City Secretary ATTEST: By: -sbQ ruC..R{)f> Q..-.,, The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I, _..:.~.::4:.<6-<..a.td...: c"';.'--<-<.lf/"-". /?"""'"":kr,""""--~• certifY that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; that )sJ J eknihn , who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the 6=-.:.=v'-'1''-------(official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. Corporate Seal STATE OF TEXAS SECITONPrB PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. 8155-93-89 Addison Circle Phase II-B Public Infrastructure Paving COUNTY OF DALLAS DateBondExecuted: June 30, 1999 Gibson & Associates, Inc. PruNCWAL=--------------------------~~---------------------SURETY: Federal Insurance Company --------------------~~----------------------PENAL SUM OF BOND (express in words and figures): __ .;;.T;;;;h.:.r.:.e.:.e_H;;;;u_n_d_r_e_d_T.;;.h.;_~.;_· r:..t:..:y:.....;T:..h_r_e_e _ _ Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Three and 87/100 ($333,373.87) DATEOFCONTRACT: ______________________________ ____________ ___ KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS, that we, the PRINCWAL and SURETY above named, are held firmly bound unto Town of Addison hereinafter called the OWNER, in the penal sum of the amount stated above, for the payment of which sum and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administmtors and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. TIIE CONDITIONS OF TillS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas the PRINCWAL entered into a certain Contract with the OWNER, numbered and dated as shown above and attached hereto; NOW TIIEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of said Contract during the original term of said Contract and any extension thereof that may be granted by the OWNER, with or without notice to the SURETY, and during the life of any guarnnty required under tlfe Contract, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications of said SURETY being hereby waived, then this obligation to be void, otherwise in full force and effect \\HZDALLASl\DISKl\proj\DIIImO\Flnll\PRB.do c ' ' ·' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this instrument under their several seals on the date indicated above, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. SEAL SEAL A TrEST: /YwCNt~nv.d Witness Title: --------Gibson & Associates, Inc. ::~b Address: ___ ~P~.O~·~B~o~x~8;00~5~7~9~--~~~ Balch Spr1ngs, IX /5180-0579 Federal Insurance Company SURE1Y By: c flpJ " ) CJolflfiL .eg Carla J. Ball, Attorney-in-fact Address: -~1~4~4n5~R~o~s~s~A_v~e~n;u~e~~#~4~2~0~o. __ __ Dallas, TX 75202 (Surety to Attach Power of Attorney) CERTIFICA 1E AS TO CORPORA 1E PRINCIPAL I, !?.&.;,.,;. M. c;,;1,,_ , certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as PRINCIPAL in the within bond that A. J . ..leJ..,;/,.., , who signed the said bond on behalf of the PRINCIPAL, is the &""' "' e said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body. o~~-tf-J·. ) (Corporate Seal) \\HZDALLAS2\DlSK2\proj\011122.SO\flnal\PRB.doc STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS SECI10NPyB PAYMENT BOND Bond No. 8155-93-89 Addison Circle Phase IIB Public Infrastructure Paving DateBondExecuted: _J_u_n_e_3_o_, 1999 PRINC~AL: ___ G_ib_s_o_n_&_A_s_s_o_c_ia_t_e_s_,_r_n_c_. _______________ __ SURETY: ____ F_ed_e_r_a_l_I_n_s_u_r_an_c_e_c_o_m~p_a_n~y-----------------PENAL SUM OF BOND (express in words and figures): Three Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Three and 87/100 ($333,373.87) DATEOFCONTRACT: ________________________________________ ~---KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS(lthat we, the PRINC~AL and SURETY above named, are held tirml bound unto "Town orA aison y • hereinafter called the OWNER, in the penal sum of the amount stated above, for the payment of which sum and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, joinlly and severally, firmly by these presentS. TilE CONDmONS OF TI!IS OBLIGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas the PRINC~AL entered into a certain Contract with the OWNER, numbered and dated as shown above and attached hereto; NOW TIIEREFORE, if the PRINC~AL shall promptly make payment to all persons supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in said Contract, and any and all duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the SURETY being hereby waived, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. .• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this instrument under their several seals on the date indicated above, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. SEAL SEAL ATIEST: ~-rVVVif Title: Witness Gibson & Associates, Inc. CONI"RACTOR By:,~JA~: ___ P~·~Or-.~B~o~x~B~0'-0~5~7-9~--~~~ Balch Spr~ngs, rx 75180-0579 Federal Insurance Company SURETY By: e@.for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made unto said Town of Addison and its successors, said prini:ipal and sureties do hereby bind themselves, their assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, that whereas said Gibson & Associates, Inc. has this day entered into a written contract with the said Town of Addison to build and construct the Addison Circle Phase II-B Public Infrastructure Paving \\HZDALLAS2\D1SXl\proJ'\OIIS225111Final\MB.doc ' which contract and the Plans and Specifications therein mentioned adopted by the Town of Addison, are hereby expressly made a part hereof as though the same were written and embodied herein. WHEREAS, under the Plans, Specifications and Contract it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair the work herein contracted to be done and performed for a period of two (2) years from the date of acceptance, and to do all necessary backfilling that may arise on accoUD! of sunken conditions in ditches, or otherwise, and to do and perform all necessary work and repair any defective condition growing out of or arising from the improper joining of the same, or on accoUD! of any breaking of the same caused by the said Contractor in laying or building the same, or on accoUD! of any defect arising in any of said part of said work laid or constructed by the said Contractor, or on account of improper excavation or backfilling; it being understood that the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective materials, work or labor performed by the said Contractor; and in case the said Contractor shall fail to do, it is agreed that the City may do said work and supply such materials, and charge the same against the said Contractor and sureties on this obligation, and the said Contractor and sureties hereon shall be subject to the liquidated damages mentioned in said contract for each day's failure on its part to comply with the terms of the said provisions of said contract; planting materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover, grasses and perennials) and the completed irrigation system will be warranted for one (I) year from the time of final completion and acceptance by the Town of Addison. NOW THEREFORE, if the said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain said work and keep the same in repair for the said maintenance period of two (2) years, as provided, then these presents shall be null and void and have no further effect; but if default shall be made by the said Contractor in the performance of its contract to so maintain and repair said work, then these presents shall have full force and effect, and said Town of Addison shall have and recover from the Contractor and its sureties damages in the premises, as provided, and it is further understood and agreed that this obligation shall be a continuing one against the principal and sureties hereon and that successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches until the full amoUD! shall have been exhausted; and it is further understood that the· obligation herein to maintain said work shall continue throughout said maintenance period, and the same shall not be changed, diminished, or in any manner affected from any cause during said. time. H:\proj\0118Z2SO\Finai\MB.doc -.· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Gibson & Associates, Inc bas caused these presents to be executed by--------and the said----------bas hereunto set his hand this the 30t!!ay of June 1999. SURETY Federal Insurance Company By:~~ Attorney in Fact Carla J. Ball By: ~~&u~d Surety Witness Aon Risk Services of Texas, Inc. PRINCIPAL Gibson & Associates, Inc. ATI'EST 2711 N. Haskell Avenue #800, Dallas, TX 75204 Agency and Address NOTE: Date of Maintenance Bond must not be prior to date of Contract \\H7DAI..l.ASZ\DISK2\pRIJ"\Olli225CJ\Flnai\MB.cb: RIDER To be attached to and fo1711 a part of Bond No. _a_l_s_s_-9_3_-_8_9_ naming--------Gibson & Associates, Inc. . . -----------------as Pnnclpal, and Federal Insurance Company, Town of Addison as Surety, in favor of ___________________________ _ as Obligee, in the amount of $ __ 33_3_,;..3_7_3_._8_7 _______ effectivc __ J_u_n_e_3_o_, _19_9_9_ for the eonstructianofAddison Circle Phase II-B Public Infrastructure Paving Whcr~, when this bond was executed ___ T_o_wn __ o_f_A_d_d_i_so_n _________ _ namc::d as Obligee, and Whereas, it is now desired that certain other parties be :ulded as Obligees. Now, therefore, Subject to the Consent of _____ T_o.,.wn,....,_o_f_A.,.d_d_i_s_on.,...-----~-it is (Original Obligee) hrn:by understood and agreed that ·the follo~ing shall be considered as additional Obligee(s) under this bond: Gaylord Properties, Inc. and Post Properties, Inc• lh~ foregoing, however, is subject to the following further proI of said corporation; that I know his signature, and his signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond bond was duly signed, sealed and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body. {Corporate Seal) \\HZDALLAS2\DlSKl\pruj\OIIS22SIJ\FtDai\PYB.doc Bond No. 8155-93-90 Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS SECTIONMB MAINTENANCE BOND That _G_,__· b_s_o_n_&_A_s_s_o_c_i_a_t_e_s_,_r_n_c_. ___ as principal and Federal Insurance Company _____ _, a corporation organized under the laws of lndianaand __ *_*_*_*_*_**_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* _ ___ as sureties, said sureties being authorized to do business in the State of Texas, do hereby expressly acknowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the Town of Addison, Texas, a duly incorporated home rule municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Texas, the sum of _ Six Hundred Twenty Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Three and 54/100 ____________________ ($ 627,893.54 >for tile payment of which sum will and truly to be made unto said Town of Addison and its successors, said principal and sureties do hereby bind themselves, their assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, that whereas said Gibson & Associates Inc. has this day entered into a written contract with the said Town of Addison to build and construct the Addison Circle Phase li-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape \\HZDALL\S%\DISICZ\pruj\OIIIZZSC7\F1111I\MB.doc ,, which contract and the Plans and Specifications therein mentioned adopted by the Town of Addison, arc hereby expressly made a pan hereof as though the same were written and embodied herein. WHEREAS, under the Plans, Specifications and Contract it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair the work herein contracted to be done and performed for a period of two (2) years from the date of acceptance, and to do all necessary backfilling that may arise on account of sunken conditions in ditches, or otherwise, and to do and perform all necessary work and repair any defective condition growing out of or arising from the improper joining of the same, or on account of any breaking of the same caused by the said Contractor in laying or building the same, or on account of any defect arising in any of said pan of said work laid or constructed by the said Contractor, or on account of improper excavation or backfilling; it being understood that the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective materials, work or labor performed by the said Contractor; and in case the said Contractor shall fail to do, it is agreed that the City may do said work and supply such materials, and charge the same against the said Contractor and sureties on this obligation, and the said Contractor and sureties hereon shall be subject to the liquidated damages mentioned in said contract for each day's failure on its pan to comply with the terms of the said provisions of said contract; planting materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover, grasses and perennials) and the completed irrigation system will be warranted for one(!) year from the time of final completion and acceptance by the Town of Addison. NOW THEREFORE, if the said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain said work and keep the same in repair for the said maintenance period of two (2) years, as provided, then these presents shall be null and void and have no further effect; but if default shall be made by the said Contractor in the performance of its contract to so maintain and repair said work, then these presents shall have full force and effect, and said Town of Addison shall have and recover from the Contractor and its sureties damages in the premises, as provided, and it is further understood and agreed that this obligation shall be a continuing one against the principal and sureties hereon and that successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches until the full amount shall have been exhausted; and it is further understood that the' obligation herein to maintoin said work shall continue throughout said maintenance period, and the same shall not be changed, diminished, or in any manner affected from any cause during said. time. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Gibson & Associates, Inc has caused these presents to be executed by--------and the said----------has hereunto set his hand this the30thday of June 19__19 SURETY PRINCIPAL Federal Insurance Company Gibson & Associates, Inc. By: ~~&oo Attorney in 3ct Carla J. Ball ATIEST By: Aon Risk Seryjces of Texas, Inc. 2711 N. Haskell Avenue #800, Dallas, TX 75204 Agency and Address NOTE: Date of Maintenance Bond must not be prior to date of Contract. RIDER To be attached to and form a part of Bond No. 8155-93-90 ~ng ______________ __ _ G_i_b_s_o_n_&_A_s_s_o_c_i_a_t_e_s...:.,_I_n_c_. _____ as Principal, and federal Insurance Company, Town of Addison as Surety, in favor of ___________________________ _ as Obligee, in the amount of$__:6:..:2:.:.7-!'..;;8..;;.9..;;.3..;;.. :..54.:.._ ______ effective June 30, 1999 for the construction of Addison Circle Phase II-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape \Vhcrcas, when thls bond was executed _____ T_o_wn~_o_f_A_d_d_~_· s_o_n ________ _ named as 0 bligee, and Whereas, it is now desired that certain other parties be :uided as Obligees. Town of Addison Now, therefore, Subject to the Col!Sent of _____ ~-:--~-::-.,------""· it is (Original Obligee) hereby understood and agreed that the following shall be considered as additional Obligee(s) under t~bond: Gaylord Properties, Inc. and Post Properties, Inc. TI1e foregoing, however, is subject to the following further provisions: I) The Surety shall not be liable under this bond to the Obligees, or any of them, unless the said Obligees, or any of them, shall make pa)1nent to the Principal strictly in accordance wilh the term of said contract as to paymems, and shall perform all the other obligations to be performed under said contract at the time and in the manner therein set forth. 2) The Principal and the Surety herennckr shall not be liable to t:etru:ct:mc .. Paving and Streetacaping • of Addison I Gaylord IP.-~••rl'-1."~ I Post Properties Inc. Texas 75001 06-30-99A09:05 RCVD FINANCE DEPARTMENT/PURCHASING DIVISION CLYDEJOHNSON,C.P.M. J\.IANAGI!:R TAMMY FRANKS ASSISTANT June 24, 1999 E-mail purchasins@ci addison.tx.us Mr. Dennis Bailey Vice President North Texas Contracting, Inc. Keller, TX 76244 Facsimile (972) 450-7096 5350 Belt Line Road (972) 450-7090 P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 NOTICE OF AWARD: Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastructure Utilities Dear Mr. Bailey: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 99-34 with Addenda. Enclosed please find three completed copies of the contracts to be signed by an authorized officer or principal of your firm. Please return all three copies, along with the necessary bonds and insurance certificates, as soon as possible, but no later than July 1, 1999. Please note the multiple owners to be used for insurance and bonds. lfyou have any questions or if! can be of assistance to you, please contact me at 972-450-7090. Sincerely, t!it;t~e~ Enclosures Copy: John Baumgartner AGREEMENT STA1E OF 1EXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of ___ ~ 1999, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County ofDallas and State of Texas, acting through its City Manager, duiy authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and North Texas Contracting, Inc., of the City of Keller, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed CONIRACTOR WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONIRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastrnctnre Utilities and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereot; and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONIRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONIRACTOR'S written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONIRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5} calendar days after the date of written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within 90 to 120 calendar days (depending on the section) after he commences work, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CON!RACTOR Four Hundred and thirty-five thousand and five hundred and eightythree and 00/100 dollars ($435,583.00) in current funds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereot; subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed tbis AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON . (OWNER) By: __________________ __ City Manager NOR1H TEXAS CONTRACTING, INC. (CONTRACTOR) By:---------------------ATTEST: City Secretary ATTEST: By: __________________ _ The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I,-----------~ certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; that -----------~ who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the --------(official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is wit bin the scope of its corporate powers. Signed: Corporate Seal II FINANCE DEPARTMENT/PURCHASING DMSION CLYDEJOHNSO~~p~ MANAGER TAMMY FRANKS ASSISTANT June 24, 1999 E-mail pnrchasing@ci addison_tx.us Mr. AJ. Johnston Executive Vice President Gibson and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 800579 Balch Springs, TX 75180-0579 Facsimile (972) 450-7096 5350 Belt Line Road (972) 450-7090 P.O. Box 9010 Addison. Texas 75001 NOTICE OF AWARD: Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastructure Paving Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape Dear Mr. Johnston: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 99-34 with Addenda. Enclosed please find three completed copies of the contracts to be signed by an authorized officer or principal of your firm. Please return all three copies, along with the necessary bonds and insurance certificates, as soon as possible, but no later than July 1, 1999. Please note the multiple owners to be used for insurance and bonds. If you have any questions or if! can be of assistance to you, please contact me at 972-450-7090. Sincerely, etydq9~ Enclosures Copy: John Baumgartner AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TillS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of ___ J 1999, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County ofDallas and State of Texas, acting through its City Manager, duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and Gibson and Associates, Inc., of the City of Balch Springs, County of Dallas, State of Texas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETII: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastructure Paving and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereat; and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR'S written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within 240 to 360 calendar days (depending on the section) after be commences work, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR Three Hundred and thirty-three tj!.ousand and three hundred and seventy-three and 87/100 dollars ($333,373.87) in current funds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereat; subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON (OWNER) By:----------City Manager GIBSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (CONTRACTOR) By: __________ _ ATTEST: City Secretary ATTEST: By: _________ _ The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I,-----------~ certifY that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; that -----------~ who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the --------(official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. Signed: Corporate Seal AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TillS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of __ ~ 1999, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County of Dallas and State of Texas, acting through its City Manager, duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and Gibson and Associates, Inc., of the City of Balch Springs, County of Dallas, State of Texas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETII: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: Addison Circle Pbase 11-B Public lufrastructure Streetscape and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof; and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR'S written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within 240 to 360 calendar days (depending on the section) after he commences work, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR Six Hundred and twenty-seven thousand and eight hundred and ninetythree and 54/100 dollars ($627,893.54) in current funds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON (OWNER) By: __________________ __ City Manager GIBSON AND ASSOCIA1ES, INC. (CONTRACTOR) By:----------------------AT1EST: City Secretary AT1EST: By: __________________ _ The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I,-----...,.------~ certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; that -----------~ who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the --------(official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. Signed: Corporate Seal PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE liB CLIENT: TOWN OF ADDISON BID PACKAGE 'A' ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHEDULE 1-PAVING IMPROVEMENTS PACKAGE 'A' TOTAL BID PACKAGE 'B' SCHEDULEII-STREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE VI· ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (STREETSCAPEI PACKAGE 'B' TOTAL BID PACKAGE 'C' SCHEDULE Ill • STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE IV· WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE V ·WATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE VII • ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (DUCT SYSTEM) PACKAGE 'C' TOTAL BID PACKAGE 'D' SCHEDULE 1-PAVING IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULEII-STREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE Ill-STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE IV· WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE V ·WATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE VI • ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (STREETSCAPE) SCHEDULE VII ·ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (DUCT SYSTEM) PACKAGE 'D' TOTAL TRI-DALLTD NO BID $540,934.46 $130,499.50 $671,433.96 NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID LOW BID= (LOW BID PACKAGE 'A'+ LOW BID PACKAGE 'B' +LOW BID PACKAGE 'C') VS. LOW BID PACKAGE 'D' LOW BID PACKAGE 'A'= GIBSON & & ASSOCIATES LOW BID PACKAGE 'B' =GIBSON & ASSOCIATES LOW BID PACKAGE 'C' = NORTH TEXAS CONTRACTING H;\PAOJ\OI 1 82250\XLS\Bldtab,lds $333,373.87 $627,893.54 $435,583.00 $1,396,850.41 NO BID BID TABULATION SUMMARY VAU.EY CREST $678,196.13 $103,426.70 $781,622.83 NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NORTH TEXAS CONTRACTING $339,346.00 NO BID NO BID $150,164.00 $37,657.00 $95,286.00 $152,476.00 $435,583.00 $320,872.00 $566,569.50 $138,531.70 $33,858.00 $65,131.00 $175,395.00 $133,404.00 $1,453,761.20 GIBSON & ASSOCIA1ES $333,373.87 $333,373.87 $S24,468.81 $103,424.73 $627,893.54 NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID -POST PROPERTIES NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID $408,565.80 $557,912.01 $133,649.84 $34,423.69 $103,221.19 $201,414.39 $184,239.51 $1,623,427.23 ESTIM. BY: HUITT-ZOLlARS, INC. JOB NO. 01-1822-21 DATE: AVERAGE BID $336,359.94 $336,359.94 $581,199.80 $112,450.31 $693,650.11 $150,164.00 $37,657.00 $95,286.00 $152,476.00 $435,583.00 $364,718.90 $563,366.16 $136,090.77 $34,140.85 $94,176.09 $158,821.76 $188,404.70 $1,539,719.21 6/10/99 ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST $277,353.79 $2n,353.79 $482,880.45 $103,211.46 $566,091.91 $153,278.03 $34,533.73 $98,493.12 $121,010.78 $407,315.66 $2n,353.79 $469,858.24 $153,278.03 $34,611.06 $98,493.12 $103,211.46 $121,010.78 $1,257,816.47 PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE liB CLIENT: TOWN OF ADDISON ITEM NO. 101 I ITEM DESCRIPTION ::~ 109 110 111 112 113lREINF. CONC. 114 I 115 \BRICK PAVER. I 116 "NST. BEDDING MAT. & INST. 117 I 118 I I 119 'SIGN. 120 I TING I 121 I 122 I REMOVE EXISTING: 123 I 0 CONTROL 124 I UNIT QUANTITY LS LS LF SY LF LF SF SF LF EA EA EA LF LF MD CY 4250.1 SB.: 384: 561 "" 41 " 449: 4493 24 25 15 40 65 3313 BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'A' THI·DAI. LTD VAUEY CREST NU"' n COST UNIT PRICE COST so.oo so.oo •. 00 •. 00 •. 00 •. 00 so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo NO BID 0.00 0.00 0.00 so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo NO BID COST uNI > ""'"' COST ~ ).00 $60.000.00 S25.475.00 S25.475. ~ ~"".: +-~S4.,os""".ooo."'+-oo---'""'3l."-"". w•."'+-oo---'~"' • S26.00 $30.00 S2.00 S2B.OO $5.00 $5.00 93.00 S2.00 $28.00 S200.00 $500.00 5150.00 $40.00 $10.00 59.900.00 $10.00 09,892.00 116,980.00 93,574.00 51,120.00 9370.00 S33S.OO 513,479.00 56,986.00 5672.00 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 S2250.00 51.600.00 $650.00 $9,900.00 $126.50 "'·" S3330 3.75 $35.00 $6.00 ss.oo $3.70 "·" $27.50 $423.50 $390.50 $434.50 $22.00 S11.00 57,000.00 $13.09 1,159.52 $7,374.95 $6,70125 51,400.00 $444.00 S33S.OO $660.00 51,562.00 $6,517.50 $880.00 5715.00 57.000.00 COST so.oo so.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 so.oo 50.00 so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo NO BID ESTIM. BY: HUITI-ZOUAAS,INC. JOB NO. 01-18.22-50 DATE: &'10199 AVEHAGEOIU UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST $42,737.50 S:ll ,550.00 S2.75 ~1.65 S2.BB ~1.SO ss.so $5.00 93.35 S2.43 $27.75 9311.75 $44525 S29225 931.00 $10.50 SM50.00 $11.55 $42,737.50 S231.00 17,913.90 $5,137.63 51260.00 $407.00 S33S.OO 515,051.55 510,917.99 $666.00 $7,793.75 51,781.00 $4,363.75 51240.00 SSB2.50 $6,450.00 93824859 $7,761.63 57.761.63 52.40 $2.0 4.00 ~-" ~-" ~.30 ~""' ~15.00 $16720 $16720 5106.70 S27.50 510.00 51,100.00 $4.40 57,761.63 57,761.63 S201.60 93,029.40 51,624.00 S4,49ti.OO $6,075.00 $6,733.65 51 ' 1.600.50 1,100.00 1,100.00 5650.00 1.100.00 114,577.20 525213.9! $277,353.79 PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE liB CLIENT: TOWN OF ADDISON ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 201 I 20: ITREE Ell· f---' i.40 r--r--r--1---21( 21 FY~HOLLY, 1 GAl ~ 216 fURKS 21 I ROSE MA liE PAVIE 218IIRIS MADONNA 219 220 !IRIS GOLDEN 221 I DAFFODIL FEB. GOLD 222IDAFFODIL GRANO PRIMC 223 I 224 225 I 226IHYPERION OAYLILY 227 228 229 I 23!o UNIT LS LF LF EA EA EA EA SF LS LS SF SF SF SF SF SF OUANnTY UNIT PRICE COST 545.000.00 168 521.00 171 525.00 2 S690.00 ~ 11 11 • 20 "' s ' 65,00 2s.oo io.oo Cxl.OO 32• 8.00 43: 8.00 20 8.00 241 8.00 • 6.00 7: 8.00 11 8DO 1520 ;0 9474.65 $92.50 $1.804.00 $375.10 $164.45 i POST ,l,o COST 50.00 50.00 so.oo 50.00 50.00 ;o.oo NO BID ESTIM. BY: HUm-ZOUARS, INC. JOB NO. 01-1822-50 DATE: 6110199 AVERAGE BID I '3ESTIMAlE COST COST $245.83 5245.83 S866.55 S866.55 $185.17 5185.17 $3,036.00 $3,036.00 $230.00 ! ~:.: .. ,00 5646.70 5646.70 $990.00 .90.00 " $226.48 :t $1~~ $9.382.8~ 5112,450.311 ITEM NO. ~ 310 I II I .Ill .Ill .Ill 27'CL.III RC Ill I PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE liB CLIENT: TOWN OF ADDISON ITEM DESCRIPTION ll I ~~ IP' I 'Ill SUBTOTAL H;"i'AO.M11~JIIo UNIT QUANTITY "'' I LF "' "' TRI-DALLTD UNIT PRICE COST so.oo 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' COST so.oo l.OO ).00 ).00 NORTH TEXAS' UNIT PRICE CUO< ":·~~I. Sl.OO S703. GIBSON I """ ""'"' CUOT 50.00 50.00 0.00 UN" PH,CE COOT ESTIM. BY: HUITI-ZOUARS, INC. JOB NO. 01-1B22-50 DATE: &10199 AVERAGE BID I 'lESTIMA TE UNIT eHICE CU>T 1--1--1--I I U'"' CO0 545,000.00 $25,000.00 $252.00 $5,508.00 51,120.00 56.413.00 5111.418.00 $3.574.00 ~ GIBSON&. u"" mluo 00>0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 560,000.00 !36,000.00 54.17 $5.59 593.38 $5.19 54.29 S130.70 $34.13 $34.43 $$2.92 COol $35028 $2,565.81 $5,228.16 $7,619.81 $5218.04 : UNU PHIOo $359 58.80 $56.68 $5.10 $3.90 ESTIM. BY: HUm·ZOLL.AfiS, INC. JOB NO. OHB22-50 DATE: f/1CLI99 COST $301.14 54.036.91 $3,174.08 UNIT PRICE 57,761.63 57,761.63 !2.40 $6.60 !29.00 $2.00 S1.90 S120.35 $7,016.41 5115>0 $34.00 $39.00 $2.00 $34.00 $6.60 S6.60 $315; $3222 52.46 $37.34 S12.71 54.396.02 $1,493.60 5940.54 54M it $3.30 COST $7,761.63 57,761.63 5201.60 33.029.40 51,624.00 54,496.00 $8,075.00 56,733.65 $22,074.00 $3,574.00 51.380.00 $488.40 $442.20 $14,826.90 $14,826.90 $360. i I PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE liB CLIENT: TOWN OF ADDISON ITEM NO. I ~ 1---1---1---207 BIKE RACK 208 BALD 216 'URKS CAP 21: IROSE I 218 I IRIS MADONNA 219 220 IIRISGOLDEN '. 1 GAL 221 I DAFFODIL FEB. GOLD 222 I DAFFODIL GRAND PRIMC 223IDAFFODIL 224 225 I 226 IHYPERKlN DAYLILY 227IBERMUDA 228 INOT USED 229INOT USED 230 I' 3000 PSI 231 ITEM DESCRIPTION 236 I ION 237IREMDVE 238 14' ·6' VARIABL : 3000PSI CONC. SUBBASE 239 240 INOT USED Ho\PROJID11~1Biclloll.l:lo >.BRICK UNIT QUANTITY EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA SF LS LS SF SF LS 21 > ,. > 122· 232 34 " " 3f 204 22, 324 4" "' 24! " " 152~ 42( 2569: =d 54) 222 ... 2241 UNIT PRICE COST ~.00 ~.00 ~.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 so.oo so.oo so.oo 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 so.oo so.oo so.oo NO BIC BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'D' VAlLEY CREST NORTH TEXAS c~" """""" GIBSON i I UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST iO.OO iO.OO 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 so.oo so.oo 50.00 50.00 50.00 sooo 50.00 50.00 50.00 so.oo so.oo 50.00 50.00 50.00 NO BID .00 D.OO 0.00 I _I 5.00 1,560.00 I I COST so.oo UNIT PRICE COST 1~41.89 1.637.99 UNIT PRICE ESTIM. BY: HUm-ZOUARS,INC. JOB NO. 01-1822-50 DATE: 611009 ; ESTIMATE COST UNIT PRICE COST I I $34,611.061 ITEM NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE liB CLIENT: TOWN OF ADDISON ITEM DESCRIPTION oV-WATERI :=:; .. 2501 I I Ill >lA. PVC I ~I fGATE' 1MAIN • I ICE I Ill LY fBOX UNIT QUANTITY IAI·DALLTD u"l' '"'"' COST l.OO l.OO BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'D' "vnm• UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE '""" GIBSON, COST UNIT PRICE COST $0.00 $0.00 UNIT PRICE COST ESTIM. BY: HUm-ZOll.ARS, INC. JOB NO. 01-19.22·50 DATE: &-'10199 AVERAGE BID ';ESTIMATE UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST -41 ~90.00 ITEM NO. _601 I oGROUND H;'S'AOHI11~~.llo PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE liB CLIENT: TOWN OF ADDISON ITEM DESCRIPTION ;,J6' UNIT EA EA EA EA EA LF QUANTITY " TRI·DAL LTD UNIT PRICE COST so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo 0.00 l.OO J.OO NO BID NOBID I BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'D' ESTIM. BY: HUITI-ZOll.AAS, INC. JOB NO. 01-1822-50 VALLEY CREST UNIT PRICE COST so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo ro.oo ;o.oo ro.oo J.OO NO BID J.OO NO BID NORTH TEXAS CONTRACTING UNIT PRICE COST I $165.00 $165.00 $3,146.00 $3,146.00 $193.00 $193.00 $2,035.00 $2,035.00 $2,343.00 $2.343.00 ~~Ji ;,so DATE: &HV99 GIBSON & ASSOCIATES POST PROPERTIES AVERAGE BID ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE UNIT PRICE I COST so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo so.oo UNIT PRICE I COST UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST $583.50 $583.50 $37425 $37425 $230.00 $230.00 $3,337.6 $3,337.62 $3241.81 53241.81 $500.00 $500.00 $408.• $408.45 $300.73 1.73 $89.10 $89.10 $2.465.7 ' B= $2,• $990.' ~ $5,635.0 ~~$3,935.00 ~"·' $66~21 .. <00 ~ I : .m=5o~51 ~, ... h~ .. ~ 325 ~ 350 ! ~ =~~I ' COMPANY NAME Vf/LLEY C2.EST G/J1t!h ; ,45oe-. ~ I.:... -n"wMII. t0 Cow--l fA L M ::S:...NC... u CoV>t>\vlX.-1..\c.--. ~IC.eO:. ). \-1(.. J b \1~ b\~c&_$,c.s.J;.~ ··--.---· .. .,...... .. _. ·--FULL MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP -. . . , . . . . , /07/1 .5H .It 0 y -;-;7.( I} It... Dll-t.. (. A-5, /EtO(o 'S\,..;.c:\,f\v~. \ *-\05 . P~\\-'s, L~cl."=> "l'SZ..Z.O . f.O. f)# 8'"'f4 ('__, 0 . I J T1f '""J:5(/4-(99~34 -~iim~le~1~2so,ooo.oo ___ _ ADDISON CIRCLE, PHASE Ill Pre Bid: May 26, 1999, at 2:00pm Open: June 9, 1999, at 2:00pm _, TELEPHONE PRINT CONTACT NAME PHONE..),/$" 3S O _ ~ ()tf O K•oTY' 4BGCL FAX AI'$ .)1 M :Sect:.. E/? 5 ' ~~jzz -:ss7-Jf"l'Z._ ~7 ckh-r. :;/ovt FAX 172-r SS 7 -Is-S Z. :.HONE 2 t:/-3 '-19-I zsev #/f£yf+yk0 FAX 2..1'-/-:Nf· .:? se? PHONE "' 1 ?,-. g > \ \ S S '-1-~l-t....J PeA-Rl FAX Q,l?-. 9-:,\ 734-4-So.IAc:: 0):>«: \ 5 = '-L PHONE zt4! 3~ -IC,bj Pa.r.,e.\ Mc.'l'--N~t I I FAX Zl-\:-h.S0-1810 PHONE 97J../fJ-, 1-CJCfJ''1 ~" ..f_ I FAX '/1J-./JfZ7/.% n' ' ' PHONE FAX PHONE FAX I PHONE FAX PHONE FAX PHONE FAX PHONE FAX . . ·: -·~ ~. I· COMPANY NAME !-lor~ ~x.cc. Co....tf' ~l"'tr ~nc..a"'t'-"a::.. ..;;;, • _,.... • • • -· ·--. FULL MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP ----. ------. D.D· b""r.. ~t..'i3 Kc.l/cr T~ ?tozi.Jy ~ lo N. BAJZtJ&s 6/.lfMNO '"{X -rszz-t, ·I '572.0 Gvon..vw.. bt<. Ar~~~,_;, ti<. "'75=( f. 0. Bo)( ~004~'1 "DAt-UA-!? ;T')ll'f73f:O.-04'='0 g'i'3l VV\c.J.,.,,,~ fJye · S.0, t-o~ "D::vl ~, "t?o. -15 ""Zo-4-.515"~ tgFt.:r J...,"N E. ~ ?5'.;¥D ··;..r;;:r"'VlC..CC:: c, •. ~~ sr;;~<. 'tl>cc ~.H.~::;o ...... 'T)(. ~ 7So~l • ----·---..... 99·34 Estimate: $1 ,250,000.00 ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE Ill Pre Bid: May 26, 1999 at 2:00pm Open: June 9, 1999 at 2:00pm TELEPHONE -----------PRINT CONTACT NAME PHONEB/1 4~-qsco FAX '817 '-/30 -qzo? DevrVI i~ Jjq i /1!.. y PHONE qJZ-J4ftf.-Jf9J tAIVCC!. FAX Cf7Z ~ ~ ~4-58/b OJ4t21Ztt34& PHONEoj 7 z_-iSC::k>-779 0 ;.A,(,(£ FAX47Z-~-&o"!S ~~;, PHONE C) I Z -6"!& · 5'1o4 Wt1A' G,kg.~ E:.-I"T FAX qlz.-'itA -3'1'1o e~~YPHONE Zl4-9>7/-S'J"tl 'J?.r\-Jn~ Wt&f&e.~ \La.retA 1~.-.u--FAX 7-l4-f>7/-c7S 7 14-\ ·, S.CY"\ &~ PHONE I .. i : ~ MEIER VALUE _c·:·~ :!J r-!' ! REGENCY --l ' ' I I ~rl_· . ----··· . j ___ _LL __ L_i__ --COURTYARD ADDISON CIRClE PHASE Ill BUII.DJNG "SN' ~ -=----a ;,:r 'I ~srI ~I z"'!ill -'II g~§d? !iii RESIDENT PARKING GARAGE 5 LEVELS ~ ~fl~';ll f-J j ~II 1-lJTLJRJo: llEVEJ.-"Z. .... -8_ FUTURE DEVElOPMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT David E. Meyers. P.E. HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Avenue Suite 600 LB 105 Dallas TX 75204-2489 RE: Addison Circle Phase 3 Public Infrastructure HZI Job #01-1822-50 Dear Mr. Meyers: (972) 450-7200 FAX (972) 450-7208 4798 Airport Parkway I have reviewed your May 19, 1999 submittal regarding the temporary dead-end condition of Morris Avenue. Based on the scale drawing provided it appears the dead-end portion of the street will be less than !50-feet. Consequently, a tum-around for fire apparatus will not be required. I appreciate your initiative in resolving this issue and look forward to working with you on Phase 3. If you have any further questions, please contact me directly at 972-450-7220. Sincerely, Gordon C. Robbins Deputy Fire Chief Addison Fire Department Copy: Mike Murphy, Town of Addison Cindy Harris, Post Properties "' "' ~ " u ' ---------~---------;-------//1 I I J I ' ~~~~t~~----6-ade.f\Siol\. D D I-STORY CONCRETE ~--- HUITT-ZOLLARS, IN 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 (214) 871-3311 TO ---rc,. , ""' 0 (; 1'1c0D.iu""-10&1 [tJQ..(_t~.rO-J e. ~e... WE ARE SENDING YOU ~Attached 0 Under separate cover via Cnr"Tt'¥= the following items: 0 Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 Copy of letter 0 Change order o ______________________________________ ___ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION l z. \rfb ,o~t?,O Gao ~ ·'11A~?">~ ~/1/lro i):;-h 0/VI'l~. v THESE ARE TRANSMITIED as checked below: 0 For approval D For your use 0 As requested 0 Approved as submitted 0 Approved as noted 0 Returned for corrections 0 Resubmit __ copies tor approval 0 Submit ___ copies for distribution 0 Return __ corrected prints o _____________________________________ _____ _ '}(For review and comment 0 FOR BIDS DUE __________________ 19 _____ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS--~~--------------------------------------------------------------------(Y\)t COPY TO•--------------------------------------~ SIGNED;,)kV.ouJ 111'-#(QrC It enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Allied N. America Corp. of Tx 12770 Coit Road, Suite 750 Dallas, TX 75251 (972)455-1400 F: (972)387-8837 COMPANY A Paul Fi Marine Gibson & Associates, Inc. P. 0. Box 800579 Balch Springs, Texas 75180 COMPANY B COMPANY c Union Ins Co TI-llS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH lHIS co LTR A A B A CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY I TI-lE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO All THE TERMS, CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN 1 CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE UABIUTY FORM Texas POUCY NUMBER POUCV Er""FECil\r"E i'OUCV EXPiRATiON DATE (MMIDD!YY) DATE (MMIDDfYY) 152 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/3 06/30/00 06/30/00 06/3 Phase IIB BODILY INJURY {Per parson) BODILY INJURY (Per acclclant) PROPERTY DAMAGE Infrastructure Paving and Streetscaping 75001 UMITS $ 1,000,000 $ • s Allied N. America Corp. of TX 12770 Coit Rd #750 Dallas, TX 75251 (972) 455-1400 COMPANY A St. Paul Guardian Insurance Co lNSURED COMPANY B A A A B Gibson & Associates, Inc. P. 0. Box 800579 Balch Springs, Texas 75180 COMPANY c Paul Fi THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE USTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR TI-lE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TEAM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY l THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TI-lE TERMS, I I I BY I I 06130199 06130199 04115100 0613 Phase IIB BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE Public Infrastructure Paving and Streetscaping s 1,000,000 $ • • of Addison I Gaylord Properties, Inc. I Post Properties P. 0. Box 9010 Inc. EXPIRAnQN DATE THEREOF, lHE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO ntE LEFT, BUT FAIWRE TO TO MAlL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OR UABWTY Texas 75001 _ .. -, PRODUCER Allied N. America Corp. of TX 12770 Coit Rd #750 Dallas, TX 75251 (972) 455-1400 INSURED Gibson & Associates, Inc. P. 0. Box 800579 Balch Springs, Texas 75180 COMPANY A St. Paul Guardian Insurance Co COMPANY B COMPANY c COMPANY D Ins Fund THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEAMS, co Llll A A B AND I I MAY BY I . POUCY NUMBER 06130199 06130100 04115199 INCL EXCL DESCRIPTlON OF OPERATJONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLESI SPECIAL ITEMS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY {Per person) BODILY INJURY (Par accidanl) PROPERTY DftMAGE Project(s): Addison Circle Phase IIB Public Infrastructure Paving and Streetscaping UMTTS $ 1,000,000 $ $ • of Addison I Gaylord Properties, Inc. I Post Properties P. 0. Box 9010 Inc. EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ~ DAYS WRnTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, I"''CJ.u.;~.son Texas 75001 Michael Murphy From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Clyde Johnson Wednesday, July 07, 1999 9:10AM David Meyers (E-mail) Michael Murphy Gibson Notice Attached is a copy of the notice sent out yesterday. Either you or Mike should follow up with a letter to both Gibson and North Texas with agreed to timetables for start dates and send a copy to me. Since there are liquidated damages involved, firm start dates need to be identified once they are established. 'will send you copies of the contracts and bonds, as requested. L!_j Proceed·Gibson.doc 1