) ::: • ""C ::r-""'' "' 5> ::;-=I' ,""~ '' n" ~ ," "' i ' '. '' i I I ' ' ---N 0 0 ,0: . i )> c. I c. v;· 0 ::J : 0, 1· I n ro • !. T 'i . ~. ~ ! ~ i ' ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE IIA PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE BID RECONCILIATION SEPTEMBER 4, 1997 BID PACKAGE "A" Jim Bowman Bid BID PACKAGE "B" Jim Bowman Bid BID PACKAGE "C" North Texas Contracting Bid TOTAL PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE BID RECONCILIATION Phase IIA Improvements Quorum Rotary Park Waterline Addison Circle Median Park TOTALS $ 1,062,359 $ 1,578,971 $ 1,083,540 $3,724,840 TOWN OF ADDISON COLUMBUS $ 826,990 $ 2,841,600 $ 37,388 0 $ 18,862 0 $ 883,240 $ 2,841,600 • Funding from Addison Circle Median Park-Phase I TOTAL $3,668,590 $ 37,388 $ 18,862 $3,724,840 ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE IIA PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE COST RECONCILIATION SEPTEMBER 4, 1997 DESCRIPTION TOWN OF ADDISON COLUMBUS TOTAL Bid Package "A" $ 245,000 $ 817,359 $ 1,062,359 Bid Package "B" $ 365,000 $ 1,213,971 $ 1,578,971 Bid Package "C" $ 273,240 $ 810,270 $ 1,083,510 Addison Circle Median Park (Remaining Allowance) $ 588,308 0 $ 588,308 Design Engineering $ 398,000 $ 398,000 Construction Inspection Allowance $ 75,000 0 $ 75,000 Geotechnical Allowance $ 25,000 0 $ 25,000 Spectrum Street Lighting Allowance $ 50,000 0 $ 50,000 Addison Circle Street Lighting Allowance $ 50,000 0 $ 50,000 TOTAL $ 1,671,548 $3,239,600 $ 4,911 '148 NOTE: Total Columbus portion of II is $2,841,600 assuming a $300,000 transfer from Phase II A to Phase I is approved. ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II FUNDING SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 4, 1997 PROJECT MASTER FACILITIES LENGTH PHASE IIA LENGTH FUTURE PHASES LENGTH AGREEMENT Quorum Drive $ 520,000 2075 linear feet $ 188,000 $ 332,000 (1/2 of street) Addison Circle (Mildred) East of Quorum $ 318,000 419 llnearfeel $ 318,000 4191inearfeet 0 0 linear feet Spectrum $ 364,000 12751lnear feet $ 200,000 700 linear feet $ 164,000 5751inear feet Addison Circle Open Space (East Mildred) $ 610,000 1.13 acres $ 610,000 1.13acres 0 0 acres Quorum North Park $ 295,000 .69aaes 0 0 acres $ 295,000 .69 acres Mews Park $ 675,000 1.43 acres 0 0 acres $ 675,000 1.43 acres R-2 $ 270,000 525 linear feet 0 0 linear feet $ 270,000 5251lnear feet R-3 $ 205,000 400 linear feet 0 Ollnearfeet $ 205,000 400 linear feel R-4 $ 322,000 630 llnearfeet $ 268,000 52511nearfeet $ 54,000 10511nearfeet R-5 $ 166,000 325 linear feet 0 0 linear feet $ 166,000 3251lneer feet M-2 $ 624,000 127511nearfeet $ 303,000 620 linear feel $ 321,000 655 linear feet Addison Circle {Mildred) East of Spectrum $ 131,000 590 linear feet $ 131,000 590 linear feet 0 0 linear feel TOTAL $ 4.sao.ooo $ 2,018,000 $ 2,482,000 Phase IIA Utilities Constructed during Phasel $ (83,840) Phase IIA Funds Transferred to Phase A211 (Subject to Council Approval) (300,000) Quorum Rotary Park (Water Line) TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PHASE IIA ) ITEM NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM DESCRIPTION BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'A' UNIT QUANTITY ESTIM. 8'1': HUITI-ZOllARS, INC. JOB NO. 01-1822-21 DATE: 8/14/97 ITEM NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRClE PHASE II CLIENT: COlUMBUS REAlTY TRUST ITEM DESCRimON UNIT QUANTITY " BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'B' ESTIH. BY: HUITT-ZOLLAlS, INC. JOB NO. 01-1822-11 DATE: B/14/97 ITEM NO. ITEM NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM DtsCIUI'nON PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM DtsCitll'nON BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'B' UNIT QUANTTTl' BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'B' UNIT ESTIH. BY: HUITT·ZOLLAiS, INC. JOB NO. 01·1822·21 DATE: 8/14/~7 ESTIH. BY: HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. }OB NO. 01·1822·21 DATE.: 8/14/1'7 "'" NO. "'" NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST mM OUCIUPTION PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST "'" DUCRimON UNIT QU ... NTITY UNIT QUANTITY BID TABULATION -PACKAGE 'C' BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' ESTIM. BY: HUITT•ZOLlARS, INC. )08 NO. 01·1 822·21 O ... TE: 8114/97 ESTIM. BY: HUITT·ZOllARS,INC. )09 NO. 01·1822·21 OATE: 8114/97 ITEM NO. ITEM NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CliENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM DESCRIPTION PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE 11 CliENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITIH DESCRIPTION BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' UNIT QUANTITY BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' UNIT QUANTITY ESTIH. BY: HUITT-ZOLlARS, INC. ]08 NO. Dl-1322·21 DATE.! 8114/97 ESTIH. BY: HUITT·ZOLLAII.S, INC. ]08 NO. 01·1 B22·21 DATE.! B/14/H IT'H NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST "'" OESClii'TION UNIT QUANTTTY BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'D' ESTIH. BY: HUITT-ZOllARS, INC. JOB NO. 01·1 Bll·ll DATE: B/1'1/97 "'" NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM DUCitmON UNIT QUANTITY " ' ' " BID TABULATION· PACKAGE 'D' E5TIM. BY: HUm·ZOLLAiS, INC. )08 NO. 01·1822-2 I DATE: 8/1~/97 PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM OE.SCRIPTION PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST "'" OE.SCRIPTlON UNIT UNIT BID TABULATION· PACKAGE 'D' BID TABULATION· PACKAGE 'D' ESTIM. BY: HUITT·ZOLLARS, INC. JOB NO. 01·1 822-Z I DATE: 6/1~/97 E.STIM. BY: HUITT·ZOLlARS, INC. JOB NO. 01·1822-ZI DATE: 8/14/97 Nov-ZS-97 04:02P Add~son Circle Consta 972 866 6560 P.Ol Fax Transmission TO See Ustlng Below FAX NUMBER See Below COMPANY See Listing Below PHONE NUMBER FROM Mike Robbins DATE !11/2Sifl7 PAGESI3 SUBJECT Construct;on Progress Meeting No. 8 Agenda Mark Brandcnlmrg Post CoriStruction (972)866-6560 Fenulnd HoUier Post COIIStru~l:il:m Pat White Post Crnu;truction Rick Owen Pcllof Cotlstrud:Wn Brua Ellis Trmm of Addison John Baumgartllf:T Tawtl of Addi.o;rm Dllt'id Meyers Huitt Zollnrs Jim BuwPIUitl Jim Bowman Con.~t. Mark ~nman North Tex. Contr. DflDid Nobles Clulrter Builders Alan Booth Charter Builders 4949 ADDISON CIRCLE , ADDISON,TX 7:;248 (972)866-6560 (972)506-6510 (972)770-5147 (972)450-2834 (972)450-2834 (214)871-0757 (214)349-2887 (214)358-6435 (972)484-4373 (972)484-4373 (972) 7 26-0147 (972) 8 6 6-6HO FAX Nov-25-97 04:02P Addison c;rcl9 Consta 972 866 6560 Addison Circle Phase II Public Infrastructure November 26, 1997 I 8:30A.M. Construction Progress Meeting No.8 AGENDA IL .Previous Business A Status of Gas Meter locations and revisedphms fromLS Gas; B. Status of Street Lighting anaylisis; Status of Bowman proposal for ahemate street light poles; C. Status of temp. power to Post and Charter constlltction yards; Powcx to job site; D. Status ofSW Bell; Linda Jacobs w/u.ltecbnologies plans to HZ )et ? E.. Status of project sch ednle; F. Status of change order for additional 8" fire seJVice to Bldg. ''0" garage(items that were not part of the original contract) G. Status of NTC: l. Electrical Ductbank 2. Water and Wa8tewatcr 3. Fire Hydrant install@Morris; Wben? 4. Revised water a11d sewer locations-is staking picking up cllanges? S. Problems H. Status ofCharter Ruildcrs: I. Office Tower 2. GHiage ''Q" exoavation-(Drew) 3. Pier Drilling@Garage "Q"-est.start date 4. Problems I. Status of Dalcan: 1. Garage "0" slab on grade 2. Garage "0" Structural Plans 3. Schedule fur "P" 4. Problems J. Status of electrical de.'iign for power to the Addiw11 Circle/Esplanade; Has ToWII of Addison provid<:>d design yet? K Status ofFue Hydrant repair; (Drew Davis) 41149 A"-metered separately? Any plan clumgcs involved (service# and locationsXHryant) 0. Status of Bowman tree mulching east side Quorum, when? D, New Bulliness A. Status of Bowman mix design submitta Is; B. Status ofWastewater cut slteets C. Wa~h TU Electric pole and guy stakes--Don't delay power to construction yards!! D. Huitt-Zollars needs townhouse design ( Nm1h Side Morris) for service locations (Bryant) .E. Post is building a new concrete wash-out ru·ea immediately North of Charters existing wash-out area; We wm expect aU trades to use this washout area and for eacl1 to monitor their own trucks. See attached sketch; F. North Texas Contracting needs to restore Bldg. pad "P" asap-Post win begin foundation work soon. When oou we have it back on grade? G. Open Discussion H. End Meeting 4949 Addiaon Circle, Addison, Tx. 75248 Sag«U!a.doc 2 (972)72&-0347 Fax (972)110&-6~ 150 P.03 Nov-20-97 1J. :20A Add"'i.s.on Circle Con.sta ""-972 866 6560 . ; -. -. . ~ c. 13-rU-c.e.. [._lC..uJ._., 0-u-<-5 ~rr'-1 P.OI Fax Transmission TO See Ustlng Below FAX NUMBER See Below COMPANY See Usting Below PHONE NUMBER FROM Mike Robbins DATET 11121J197 PAGESf5 SUBJECT Construction Pmgi'9SS Meeting No. 7 Minutes Mtlrk Brande.ftburg Post Ccmstruction l'enumd Hollier Past Construction Put White Post Ccmstruction Rick Owen Post Construction Glenn Hogue T. U. Electric Bruce Ellis t/Tuum of Addison John Baumgm-tner 1/,,..,-· Town of Addison Dauid Meyers Huitt Zollnrs jimBowttum Jim Bowman Ccmst. Murk Zellman North Tex. ConJr. DmridNobks Charter Builders Alan Booth Otarrer Buildm; Brian Duplechln Charter Builders Saml Hineirli Fugro-McCklltmd Drew Duvis Davis Excavution 4949 ADDISON CIRCLI!. ADDISON,TX 7S248 (972)866-6560 (972)866-6560 (972)506-6510 (972)77(}.5147 (972)888-1304 (972)450-2834-(972)450-2834 (214)871-0757 (214)349-2887 (214)358-6435 (972)484-4373 (972)484--4373 (972)484-4373 (972)620-7328 (903 )482-482-6076 (972) 7 26-0347 (972) 8 6 6-6560 PAX Nov-20-97 1l:21A Addison Circle Consta 972 866 6560 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS MTG.: No.7 ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE ll: DATE&TIME: PRESENT: LOCATION: DISC\JSSIONS Public Infrastructure November 19,1997/8:30 A.M. See Attached List Post Job Trailer MINUTES P.02 I. Jeaune Hooker w/Lone Star Gas has not received revised drawings from Scott Guice W/Basharta Flower showing new meter locations. LS Gas can not design i}'litem and foiWnrd plans to Huitt Zollars nnill Scott gets info. to LS Gas_ 2. Street Lighting analysis not cotDplete yet: Paul and B1)'1Ul discussing possible use of alternate poles: Bowman has submitted proposal fOr alternate poles; 3. T. U. Electric "has pole line fur temp. power to the projeot installed along the DART ROW.; Wires arc installed; TIBilsfurmers to be hung tbis week; George E. has met w/Charter and is designing the job for power to Post and Charter yards; Will havo poles set, wire run. and transfOrmers hung by Dec. 3, 1997. 4. Huitt Zollars -requested starting date for paving operations to send !lob Sands wl SW Bell a certified letter stating our proposed date they will need to have their lines installed by. Post supplied this date to HZ today (1 U 19/97); Linda Jacobs w/u/.technologies to get telephone desjgo. to Bryant when completed. 5. .Had schedoling meeting w/North Texas Contracting and Bowman Constnwtiou I 1/19 and they will revise their schedules to better accommodate Post schedule. Will schedule mother meeting fur end of this week. 6. North Texas Cootracring to fumisb Post wl prici11g for additional items required to instaiJ additional S" fire service to Bldg ... 0" Garage today (11/19); 7. Received correspondonce from HZ revising the lol;l&tions offuur (4) water service location.• after review ofMEP revised drawings dated 10/30/97; Tllis change will involve relocation oftwo (2) l.ree wells; Revised plans will be coming from HZ; MEP plans do not sbow fire and domestic service to Nov-20-97 11:21A Addison Circle Canst~ 972 866 6560 P.03 Bldg. "Q"; HZ still waiting on TownhDUSe design on the north side of Morris Ave. fOr service locations; 8. North Texas COtttlllcting is now working three (3) crews on electtical ductbank; They will start 1 crew laying Wll8tewater on M-3 -Monday, 11/24; Tnmcher will complete trenching all ductblllk by mid next weak; Ducthank manholes to be set Friday, ll/21 at four ( 4) locations.. Silt Fence around pipe spolls stockpile area was iastaficd Monday, 11/17; 9. Charter contracts are now signed; Charter-moving field offices onto site and setting up; Charter mobilizing equipment and materials; Began drilling piers at the office tower today (I rig); Will begin dnlling at the "Q" garage in approx. l week; 10. Dalcan-working Bldg. "0" garage; prepariug to pour sblh Ott grade; Plans fur Garage "0" structural not ready yet; I I. Huitt Zollars is waiting on electrical design fur power to the Addison Circle/Esplanade .from tlte Town of Addison so they can accommodate needed conduit runs from Garage "Q" to the Esplanade area (m public row's); Huitt Zollars ha& put together a list of assumed necda for conduit IliiiS to lhe park based on conveflilltions w/Slade Strickland; waiting on actual desi8Jl and approval from Town of Addison. U. The Town of Addison says that the fire hydrant repair is not adequate and tile hydrant is beyond repair. A new hydrant is needed Drew to get w/the Town (Bmce Ellis) and wod out this problem. 13. TU is waiting on illfonnation from Jay Frisco concerning electrical feeder JUJIS from "Q"; 14. Post has givm NTC the OK to bill fur materials on hand as long as the material is stored OJisite, verified, and invoices are submitted. Po.st to pay invoice prk:es only UDtil the materials are inooipomted into the job; 15. NrC to install new ftre hydrllllt@Quorum and Monis next week(@the n.e. comer) and pnt a saddle and tap on the hydrant lead for water service to Post construction yards. NTC to se1. meter supplied by the Town and Post will nm line from meter to the yard area. NTC to swap out a new meter to replace this one when their meters ate delivered. ( 1" meter and service line is reqllirW) 16. New street names have now been assigned: They are as follows: " M-2 North is now Mildred Place 2 Nov-20-97 11:21A Addison Circle Canst. 972 866 6560 P.04 • M-2 SouthisnowLewisPlace • M-3 is o.ow McEntire Place 17) After review ofMEP plms, several wator 311d Wtlstewatcr service locations will need to be relocated; 2 water service relo's will require tree wen relocation's; Waiting on revised plans from Huitt Zollars. 18) MEP plans do not show ~anrte water services and meters fur cooling tower in Bldg. ''P"; WiD they be ~ered separately? Jfnot Post must write a standard letter to the ToVI'II.. Bzyllllt needs to make de~ 19) Bowman to mulcli trees on east side Quonnn ASAP and h~s permission to store the nmlch in the Post yard on the west side of Quorum; END OF MEETING 20) Next Meeting--Wednesday, November 26, 1997 at 8:30A.M. Post Cons.tnwtioo Job Trailer lbis report is assnmed to be a true and accurate accoUitt of this meeting unless written notification to the contrary is received within three (3) days. Please distn"b111e these meeting minutes to the appropriate personnel wltbin your respective companies. SUBMITTED BY: cc: ~~~ Mi e1 F. :Robbins/Supenntendent Post Apartment Hnmes, L. P. Jim Duffy Bryant Nail All Attendees File 3 Date 7-tf-57 '---'---Bid# 7 7..-J'( Open datef':-/?...... Attached is a list of Contractors I Vend~rs notified of A I j I j,.., c I' r c k ,{2 /.. k ~ v Please advise Purchasing ASAP of any additional Contractors I Vendors that you would like to notify. Please provide fax, phone numbers and addresses, when possible. This form sentto/J ;/;/!!. J Datel-/h(Z C:\WPWIN\DATA\ADDLIST.WP D File : 97-34.TEL AGC DALLAS AGC FT WORTH AGC IRVING ALL TEX PAVING AMERICAS COMPANY ARCHITECTURAL UTILITIES ASPHALT SURFACING BOTANICAL TECH BRAD CO DALLAS HISPANIC CC DFW MINORITY BDC DFW MINORITY DEV CENTER DIETZ DODGE REPORTS DOWAGER DURABLE SPECIALTIES ED BELL CONSTRUCTION GIBSON & ASSOC GIFFORD HILL HENCIE INTEGRATED ROADWAY JAMES ARNOLD JIM BOWMAN JOHN BURNS JOHNSON BROTHERS JRJ PAVING LLANO CONSTRUCTION MIKE ALBERT MINORITY ECONOMIC DEV MUSTANG CONSTRUCTION NORTH HAVEN GARDENS NORTH TX CONTRACTING PALM PARAMOUNT PAVING PATTERNED CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT SPECIALIST QUANTUM RAMER CONCRETE REBCON RELIABLE RENAISSANCE RHODE CONSTRUCTION ~OCKlUJLb SCAVA SMILEY CONSTRUCTION TISEO TRI DAL LTD TRIPLE S UTILITIES TRIPLE WAY CONSTRUCTION TX CONTRACTORS TX MOCKINGBIRD WHITLEY & SIDDONS WRIGHT 484-1442/1-5l17-870-2705/• ~-753-1044 484-0076-·~256-4163 1-817-926-4387-1-903-675-1515 ..... 556-0337-417-3279.-'"" 214-520-1687/214-637-2241/214-941-3598-' 1-972-722-3230-214-688-5003-931-1263---780-7411-214-352-3201 ...... 557-1552-264-6236-669-2896-214-352-1938 ....... 817-430-5225-214-349-2887-214-634-8938-702 -8968-869-9757-690-6371-817-577-0034~ 214-746-6799 ............ 287-464o--'" 214-987-1511 ........ 214-358-6435.--931-7344-243-4791-420-892L!----" 399-159(}-" 1-817-491-9777--1-972-722-1114-416-7343- 444-8234' 817-467-9148-) , ~4221 3 715"!1 rn z "io c z. z 1-817-582-8667-Z2::l~ 329-0048-475-2275--216-5637--817-481-8195--287-1714--245-6509-278-4652 ........ 423-1264 ....... 214-343-4303 .......... 817-481-2597/ 7-10-1997 3o10PM FROM FINANCE 972 450 7096 P.2 CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS BID DOCUMENT CHECK LIST-NO. 97-34 I. Brief description of work to be perfonned. ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE ll INFRASTRUCTURE, Paving, Streetscape and Utility Improvements 2. Estimate of cost. $ 3.900 000 (REVISED) 3. Advertising copy, to be prepared by consultant IBI or Addison Purchasing D 4. 5. 6. Schedule: a. Advertising copy to Addison Purchasing b. Plans available c. First advertisement d. Second advertisement e. Pre-Bid? f Open Bids, second advertisement + I 0 days minimum g. Council Agenda h. _]_ days from notice of award to completed contracts, bonds, and insurance I . ..).... days from Notice to Proceed to begin project j. 700 days from beginning to completed Bonds: (I) _ days substantially complete, if applicable (2) _ days totally complete, if applicable Bid Bond Performance Payment Maintenance 5% 100"/o 100% 100"/o Optional if under $25,000 Mandatory if$100,000 or more Mandatory if$25,000 or more Optional Insurance: NCTCOG or similar Date 718197 Done 7114197 7111/97 7/18/97 7/28/')7 (Revised) 8111197 (Revised) 8126197 (Revised) 7_ Bid good for _§Q_ (45 to 120 days) after opening 8. Bid form: 9. Include: Signature and Date Lines Line for total bid and lines for any alternates (preferable deducts). Name, Address, Phone, and Fax for person signing bid. Bidder's TIN (tax identification or employer's number) Workers Comp rule 28, non-discrimination, compliance, and resolution of disputes. Public Works (construction, repairs, or modifications of real property) projects must have a statement and schedule of minimum per diem wages. Federally or State assisted projects must have a mechanism for monitoring wages paid. 10. Per our auditors: Include in all construction contracts exceeding $100,000, the following requirement: "Con11Tlctor is responsible for compliance with all ~~pplicrzble stiiiUillrds, orders, or nq11irements iss11ed 11111kr Section 306 of the Clelltl Air Act, Section 505 of the aean Water Act, Exec11tive Order 11738, 11738, fllld Environmental I+orer:tion Agency reg..lations. " II. Consultant and Director provide a list of potential contractors or vendors, prior to first advenisemcnt.~'"'V"in,...\b:ras~.kc WIISBDJulyt.l9t1 \ I I SENT BY:XEROX 7033 7-3-37 3:33AM HUITI-ZOll.ARS, INC.~ 372 450 2837:# I/2 Post-It" Fax Note 7671 ~·~·M. K,._.,,...,,..,.__ Co./Dept 4...1 -·· c>o-... rw Phoneo .... «t? z -lfSD -711 3 7 SECfiONAB ADVERJJSHMENT FOR BIDS o..~ I 11117 Ita~" z.. ....., 1). Me..,,...,_, ca. t-(24-Phcvlel Fax • I. Sealed bids addressed to the Town of Addison, Te11as, for Paving, Slreelscape and Utility Improvements fin ADDISON ClRCLE, PHASE II PUBLIC INFRASTIWCTURE for the Town of Addison, Texa,,, hereinafier called "Town" in accordance with plans, specification.q and contract documenlll prepared by Huitt-Zollars, Inc.. will be reeeived at the office of Clyde JoiUJSOn, Purchasing Manager, Finance Building, 5350 Belt Line Road. Addison, Te11as wuil :Z:OO p.m. on the IZth day of Augmt, 1!197. Bids received by the appointed tiwt: will he opened and read aloud. Any biW; received after closing time will be returned unopened, 2. TIIis project is being bid as a paving package, Slleelllcape package and utility package and a contract will be awarded for each of the three packages. The Contractor may submit a hid for any one or all of the three packages. The Comractor shall identifY his bid on the out• ide of the envelt>pe by writing the words ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II PUBUC INFRASTRUCTURE PAVING, ADDISON CffiCLE PHASE U PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE STREETSCAPH or ADl>ISON CffiCI..E PHASE II PUBUC INFRASTRUCTURE UTILITIES for each of the three bids submitted. 3. Bid' Mall be accompanied by a ca.•hicr's check or certified check upon a national or state hank in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the tola.l maximum bid price payable without rccour~e to the Town uf Addison, or a bid hund in the t;allle amoWlt from a reliable surety company liccmed by the Slate of Texas to act as a Surety, or a Binder of Insurance ext:euted by a surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act a,; a surety or illl authorized agent as a guanmWe that !he bidder will enter into a contract and execute a Performance Bond within three (3) bu.•incss day. after after uulice of award of contract to him. 4. Plans, specifications and bidding documenr• may be secured beginning at 9:00 A.M. Monday, July 14, 1997 from Clyde Johnson, Purchasing Manager, Finance Building, 5350 Belt Line Road, Addison, Texas. The first •et will be available at no charge and any additional sets may be obtained for a non-refundable swn of $65.00 per set. 5. The right is resened by the Mayor and the Town Council "-'the ~of the Town may require to reject any or all bid• and to waive any informality in biW; reeeived. 6. The Biddllr (Proposer) must supply all the information required by the Proposal Form. 7. A Performance Bond, Labur and Material Payment Bond, and Maintenance Bond will be required by the Owner; each Bond shall be in the amount of 100% of the total contract amount. Bonds shall be i:i•ued by a surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety. The performance and payment bond• shall nawe the Town of Addil;on and Gaylord Properties, Inc. (Gaylord). 10111 North Central Expr ..... way, Dallas, Tellll5 75231, (214) 739-9999 and Columbus Realty Trust (Columbus), 15851 Nurth Dallas Parkway, Suite 855, Dallas, Telo Clil UpOD R F&~lz) #te/4£( SSNT BY: TIME: DAU:=,...,,..,....c--UJ- ""'_,.__,_,,.,._._-._._.IIt_ .... _,•I%141171-IJI/. ,_.,... 3131 M~-~·' ~ . rlUITT -za.JAR) Dttll8 • l'MWrmll • H ........ • Ell'IIMI • l'floGiif • :l'lullll • Olllrlio FACSIMILE TRANSMIITAL DIID: 4 lz41tz H·Z ProJ. No 411/8'1.'1,,._1 TO· Gcz~..J.., /) P C6, p, ~cw-t tdw..O Fa No.: '/7Z • 7711·SIZ1 No. of l'lpi::__:Z:::_.,.--(Indv•ms eov. _, ~=-"" .141 'Z.4o) ~ 1_,1,. ~ .... ;T .. . SENT BY'-,:;---,.,-:--;:-,-:;-:;--;:-;--;-Tlhll!o.:-:;-:-=-:;--;-:--;-DATII: _,-__.,.....,.--11',_ .w-,..,.,_,..,..., ~ r.....,;r, "--'-Lil-.-....-. ~ 111..1..,.. ~~r IZJ"') tn-JJzJ. _ J'l.d: ,_ :SIJI M~A-• Suil< M/0 • Doll.t. T...., 7WH • P-lfJ61l•JJll • FAK (]Jf}61J-IJ7S7 SENT BY: • • --.-. ·-· .. --' --. -,-L .-;-Co )T 1=12-. c;p.,QTJJ,.. 'Ur2.11JE '11) /;I&Jr E.~>JIJ ~:~;. Be..«. II..··~ .. lttta.•~ cere~ or __ _ -+" ra.GINF GNc. 'S'~fllrt«e· ( 4,o~s,..) 1< (.i!.UI~) =-.;,~~ ~:t ~eo.s.~· -(-~!iii6 .s,:)1c ( ,.:1~) ~11,155 II'&~""-fl~~ ~ ~;111'1~ ~,.. ~-"ltiT'fk--J1331 Z,3Q Jol, C. .. 'll"'~ '!1 l 'Z.~ 7-,, 08-1997 8'56AM FROM FINANCE 972 d50 7096 CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ARCIDTECTS BID DOCUMENT CHECK LIST-NO. 97-34 I. Brief description of work to be performed. ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II INFRASTRUCTURE, Paving, Streetscape and Utility Improvements 2. Estimate of cost. $3,400.000 3 Advertising copy, to be prepared by consultant 181 or Addison Purchasing D 4. 5. 6. Schedule: a. Advertising copy to Addison Purchasing b. Plans available c. First advertisement d. Second advertisement e. Pre-Bid? f. Open Bids, second advertisement + I 0 days minimum g. Council Agenda h. L days from notice of award to completed contracts, bonds, and insurance I. _2_ days from Notice to Proceed to begin project j. 700 days from beginning to completed Bonds: ( l) _ days substantially complete, if applicable (2) _ days totally complete, if applicable Bid Bond Performance Payment Maintenance 5% 100% 100% 100"/o Optional if under $25.000 Mandatory if$100,000 or more Mandatory if$25,000 or more Optional Insurance: NCTCOG or similar Date 7/8/97 Done 7114/97 7111197 7/1819...7. 712lli'J7 (Revised) 8/12197 (Revised) B/26/97 (Revised) 7. Bid good for __§Q_ ( 4 5 to 120 days) after opening 8. Bid form: 9. Include: Signature and Date Lines Line for total bid and lines for any alternates (preferable deducts). Name, Address, Phone, and Fa:.; for person signing bid. Bidder's TIN (tax identification or employer's number) Workers Comp rule 28, non-discrimination, compliance, and resolution of disputes. Public Works (construction, repairs. or modifications of real property) projects must have a statement and schedule of minimum per diem wages. Federally or State assisted projects must have a mechanism for monitoring wages paid. I 0. Per our auditors: Include in all construction contracts exceeding $100,000, the following requirement: "Contractor i5 responsible for compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under Section 306 of the Ckan Air Act, Section 505 of the Clean Water Act, Executive Order 11738, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations. " II. Consultant and Director provide a list of potential contractors or vendors, prior to first advertisement. 7-08-1997 8'56AM SENT BY:XfRQX 7033 FROM FINANCE 972 450 7096 . -. ' :-97 ; 8'45AM ; HUilT-ZOLURS.INC.~ SOCllON AB AQYEBTJSEMENr Hnt HillS 972 450 7096;# 2/3 1. Se.tled bid.• 3<1drcsscd to die Tuwn uf AddWm, Texas, for l'avillg, Slrec~ lUll Utility Jmproverneu~S for ADDISON CIRCLE, PHASE D PlJBUC INI'RASTR.UCTURB for die Town of Addison. T~. hereinafter c.'llled "Tuwn" in atcordallce with plans, speci~tions aud amtract docnmmf• prepand hy lluill-Zollars, Inc., will be received at the office o1· Clyde Jobniun, P=hasing M~~~~~~gcr. l"~~~~~~~~:e lluilding, 53!i0 Belt Line Road. Addison. T""~ WJ!il Z:OO p.m. on die Ulh day of A1ljlUI!t. J!Hl. Bids ..,.;civcd by tile appuinlcDISON CIRCLE PHASE n PUBUC JNFRASIRUCTURE PAVING. ADDISON ORCU! PHASI! II PUBUC INFRASTRUCTURE SllU!IITSCAl'l:! or ADDISON CIRCU; PHASf. U PUBUC INFRASTRUCTURE \TI'H.ITlliS for eacll ol"lhe lhree bid> IUblllitml. 3. Bilh lihaU be accomp~~~ied hy ~ ca.•hicr'$ check ur certified check upou a uation:al gr mte bank in an iiii10WII JIOI!e&S !ban five pelcelll (Sjl,) of llle IOial maximum bid price payabk withOIII ~ to 1bc TOWII of Addisw. or • hid 00111 in lhe same amount from a reliable .un:ty conlp;IIIY liCCIISed by !he Stotc: uf Tex .. 10 acl as a Surety, or a Binder of fllliiiROI;~ BAt!CUII!Id by a M1l1!l)' tOmpall)' liCensed by lhe Slate uf Texas Ill atl 88 a surdy OI J1s •udiori7.cd agelll as a l:uaraDICC dial lbe hiOder wUl emcr illlo a COI1Inl<:l and cxe<:111e • I'l::furma~~~:~: IIOJIII wilbin dlree (3) business days after IIUiir.e nf award of c:ootr4Citn him. 4. PIIIIS. specil~ and biddiog duc111110111< llt\Y he :sec:ured llegjmling at 9:00 A.M. Ml!llday. July 14, 1997 from Cl_yd,: Juhnsoq, Pu~ ~-l'illilill:l.' Buildill!l. 5350 Bell LiDe Road. Addiolm. Tella$. ill!: firsl set will be available at 110 charge and allY additional """ nay be ahlainal fu-r a DOII-rcfuWablc oum uf $65.00 per IIIli. :1. The risbl i& tesef"~ b71h~ Mayur and !he TOWll Cowll:i1 as lbe interest of die Town may RQuUe to nojoct any or all bido and lo waive 1111y illfoaualily in bidf rc.:ciY<:d. 6. The Biddor (Pmpu:so:r) IIIUOI supply alllhe infol'D181iun required by lhc l'mpoalol Fmm. 7 A Perfonnance Bond, bbor and Material Payment Bond, and Maiol.enam:o: BoDII will be requill!ll by 1111! Owner; each lloDd sball be in lhe 3lltllWII. of lOOW. or lib:: lolal conlnlct amuunl. lleture bid docum. IDC., (214) 871-3311. 9. "lUis prujcc;L wmio1s uf proYiding pav~. sidewaA-.. water, -water, land!i.ape, stonnwater, electric d!Wbank, and otlwr mi•<:odlrnlCOWi improveraofllm • El Paso • Phoolli% • Tustin • Orumio FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL D~: 1,/S/22 H-~ Proj. No. 0//S 2 ZJ'd Fax No.: ______ _ NQ. of P~p~:._,/"1/~-(lncludillg Cover Sheet) ~-Ho-7114~ 0 jURG£N'l' D Orig. To Follow By Mail -.,.,.----:-:---:--=-:-::--=--:--:-:-TIME:.-;-,..,...,.,.... ,.,:-;-DATE:·~:=-::~-::--:----1101"'1,...,.... ,.~. ,_ -=-11<-, ...... ,..w ~ fllool """'•., (21~) 171-1111. --J131 McKinMy A_,., • SuiJe 6CO • DoiUu. T....,. 7!204 • (214) 871-JJ11 • FAX (214) 871-0757 SENT BY:XEROX 7033 ; 6-3-37 :11:03~~; HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC.~ -... ,. .... ADDISON CffiCLE PHASED DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMENTS The~ per meetings with the Town of Addison are noted in italics. I I I I i HZIIllrTKUCRT I . . i i RTI11cclscapc irrigation system plans need to specify RalnMaster DX-2. with all nec15&31)' equipn~ent, including phone lioes, to communiate to the central inigation compllter at the Service Center. We have a copy of the Town's irrigati011 specifications and will include this this information in the COIIII'act tfocuml!llts bid boo/c. We recommend the building managcm'l!lt be n:sponsible for emptying and relining the pole mounted tra5h receptacles along tho stn:cts. Additionally, any plant malcrial or vines planted against the buildings will be ~IIIDlbus's responsibility to wall:r and maintain. It is 0111' beliif that CoiWIIbus intends to provide /rash pick-liP .from the pole 111Qtl11fed lrash cans and deposil the gurbage illlo the largr dumpsters. They alsc will be responsible for the watering of vines etc. adjacent to the buildings. The urrly exception to this in Phaae I was the mms where it was more praclical to make the watering of the vine /eaveours a /)Qrt of the public sy:tem which is also Wt21et"ing 1M stnet trees. We would re~t that the same design be accepted in Phate Ujor the mews. Electrical Rctp!3cles were placed in thl! tree wells fur holiday lighting in the Phase I project We need to know if Columbus is planning the 5111ne for PhaseD. ColiUilinl:; will not be irrstulling the receptacles /01' tree ligluing. The swill:hgear shown in the rot;uy park needs to be moved to another location outside the pa.k. 11Us location wos requested by TU Electric for stnetlight and park power czlcrrg A.cldison Circle. We will discuss em alternate location with George Esqueda. ;# 4/12 SENT BY:XEROX 7033 CRT HZI HZI HZl 4) 6-3-97 :ll:05AM HUITT-ZOLLARS. INC.~ ,_,., Cousideration needs to be given ID providiug 111 mbanced gateway entry at 1bc iatersection of the Tollway and Addison Circle Drive. There is an oppo ~2) F4jsed Utiliries· HZI "'-..,) ; 6-3-37 ;JJ:07AM HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC.~ The sidewalk along street M-3 will oeo:d to be wider if lhe street will be open to vcbicles. We have provided a sitkwa/k width of 5'-7 JfZ• behind /Ire tnu 011 the 1lt1T1h silk of M-J and an 8' hilrz and bike lrrlil in drs street on tk IOitlh side. M-3 wiU be opm to vehiclu travding OM·""'Y from Speelnlm to Quorum. ~ sidewalk width on tM 1liN1h side of M-3 may be ~ willr t12 revisiorr of tk mwt section to ~Met foe tkpo; l»itillt r'f!Mw contmelll3. The llees closest to lhe screet fur 1hc parking along Addisoa Circle may potelllially o:ause sight ~problems. Coosidcr dcletiug these tra:s. We do nol foe/thai U.. tne tnmb inrpo.M ll11J11Mn sight l'fttriclioll than an adjat:ent vehicle. In atldilion, dtere i:r more dran a typical lane widJir of traJ1ic on Addison Ci7cle whkh will allow a whicle to mw 0111 and view cm-coming trqffic before intetfering wilh the traffo; flow. b is oUr rec~on that that lhe tnQ 1'lll1lllin as shown. Separate the street r.o.w. from the park areas within Addison Circle . .A. property line will be added along the bock of Clll'b and U.. aml3 directed into righl-of-way and park. Identify the r.o.w. dedic:alion aloog Quorum Drive. Dimemwm will be added to include 13 foot dedicatiDir. Switch gear in park needs to be lit least 10' offofturb. We are attmpting to have tk milch gear eliminated 01' IIIUIMd 0111 of the park. The park location was a TUE request for street light and park power. ;# 8/12 SENT BY:XEROX 7033 HZ! 2) HZ! 3) HZ1 I) 2) HZ! 3) ; 6-3-37 ; 11: 081\'11 HUITI-ZOLLARS, INC.~ . ~ .... Move lhe eleclriw manbole:; into the sidewalks or close to the curl~ within thesttm. lYe have foUowed the loeu~ion uf decrrtad mtlllholu that W~U "llMd in Phme L The design is for the liM to be ~ ce~~tered on Olffl laM of traffic allowing spot:~ for wlricla to~ in tM other kzna. Thve i5 not nif/icient S]1QCII in the sidewtt/kfor all utililie. IY• wre a/Jk to take advantage aJ the pal'alkl parldng on Quorum vm .. in Phos.. r m a 7flll/1!for the electrical dut:tbank south of the 1'0tal')l to aJlqw man/tQiu to be pla:ed in the sidewalk. ,.,. do liDl have thi.J ability on Speclnlm ~ which has 110 ptriing. On MolriJ Avem~e 0111' giXd in both phasa ,_to utilize the parking bay t1l'tQ for _,_,'" lines, manhole.! and water linu. Move lhe SWB manhole at the S. W. area of Spectrum 811d Addison Circle. It will CIIUlRI problems with tra1fH: whcu SWB is wotking in the manhole. lYe wiU llifrom SIYBT of your des" to mtm //he manhole :so they may incolporate this into their de:sign plan:s. lbe water line in street M-3 must be extended to connect to the water line in Spectrum. If the extension of Spectrum down to Arapaho is coD51ruct8d It the time of this project lbep Ibis would DOt be necessmy. lYe do notlcnow the timing ofiM Spectrum Drm mmsion WUih of the railrrxld. therefore, we will show the addllional wattr line in M-3. Move the 12-inch water line al011g the north side of Addison Circle into the center park area. W1um Addison Circle was in IM concept :rage, ""' were di'Ncted to keep public ulilities out of the park lll'ea. lYe have lronond this l'tiiJW:SI in aU of 0111' design one/do not foe/it would be wisl! to potentially r:nate tire sams lltility conflict problems we have in the 1'0tal')l. The Town will rniew tlris infurtherdetail M;fore mokingatkcision. CoiiiiC ATE May 6. 1997 3. The dump$ter wil be railed (ram the ~ .., Spectrvm to 1M rMareSt raiderJiiul srteet for pldt. up. Please Q)l If JQU have any quast:lons. MPT:se Attachment; H-Z Memo Dated April 24. I '197 cc Tom Brink, RTKL Project Fllell200 tlpovjo)iS, INC.~ 931664~;# II I HUITT -zoLIARS Da/laJ~' • Fort Worth • Houston • El Paso • Phofmix • Tl.c.Siill • 0Jilllrio • Sa11 Clemt!nl~ FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL Date:_7L..;/~I..::Z:.!./~C,£.,e.. ----Fax No.: o/~1-&613 H-Z Proj. No. op ~?>·vz:v No. of Pages:_.].__ __ _ (Including Cover Sheet) TO: Ia....,.... o.P Ak.IJ.>.,.-;;) ._:..l±c.o 'Bae~., '(f'""v...,.... 0 URGENT Jll' For Your Review 0 Please Call Upon Receipt 0 Orig. To Follow By Mail ~E: _3.~PVJ DATE::(.,.,o~f..#,~::.t..<:...:::..Z'.Jt2-Jf you had ~· probl'lftl nrellKn& 1M Facsimi~ Tranmri11.21, pi<~~ Conlcrt1 N6. Jan~t Willis or 1M ltuU · JJI/. 1l1turk JOU. 3131 McKinnry Am1ue • Sui&! 600 • DaUas, Texas 75104 • (114) 871-3311 • FAX (l~fi «Y(-Q/57 (:; ;t j), , ,;v'-e, (' c)c. P?>cs eff ADDISON CIRCLE -PHASE II ON SCHEDULE _$fzc( f( Addison Circle ·-Phase Two ·,.n,'\L Project No. 10·96018.10 4/10/96 ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE TWO·· PRELIMINARY TOTAL PRODUCT PROGRAM II. Net Apartment Residential Area: Block N Block 0 Block B Block C Total Net Rentable Standard Apartment Area Block N Total Net Rentable Luxury Apartment Area Total Net Rentable Apartment Area Ill. Max. Net Non-Residential Area: (Ground Floor Only) Block N Block 0 Block B Block C (oHice/retail) Block C (storage) Total Net Rentable Retaii&Fiex Space jGRAND TOTAL NET RENTABLE AREA: lGRAND TOTAL SALEABLE TOWNHOUSE AREA: Phase 1 (Block 579)-PRELIMINARY REQUIRED PARKING ANALYSIS REQUIRED APARTMENT PARKING Units Flex Spac~ OHice SetVice Future Block 0 Phasing (1 space/bedroom)= (1 space/250 sf)" (1 space/300 sl)= (1 space/1 000 sl)= Total Required Townhouse Parking: Total Required Parking; 545.4 230.6 133.5 122.7 1032 Spaces 135 Spaces 40 Spaces 1207 Spaces PROVIDED APARTMENT PARKING "N" Deck (6 level) "0' Deck (6 level) ·s· Motor Court On·Street Total Provided (within each townhouse) Total Provided (Decks +street) 403 Spaces 511 Spaces 17 Spaces 40 Spaces 40 Spaces 1011 Spaces 0 SF 87,219 SF 120,967 SF 101,282 SF 281,348 SF 73.100SF 73,100 SF 354,448 SF 13,256 SF 23.111 SF 7,940 SF 53,380 SF 25,000 SF 122,687 SF 477,135 SF 48,309 SF Addison Circle --Phase Two RT'r: 27 4 spaces ~~--·Combinoo1~7s~c~ CAPACITY 10:00 PM ' !ESitltHTlAL STREET I ,-:;;;;;JJ ----· . ..... ---1 L ____ _! !-'------·11( -~-~ · .. ~r ] I ~ ------, r··-------. ,,____,_____ L ~ ~ ~ I' ~ ! """·-I ,: ··I J .. ~-:--:-·, -. ~ t 8 .:; --::-' ~ ~ i TlAL STREE:T A --------·-IV IVY vv IVY .. 1--.. .. --lVV '1'1 -~0 ~ ~! -.,....--:::N«A~· ,;;:o;o,.., ~-" I I l I =:~ i . . I I~ I -: i!; I ; .. . . • I§ . -..... ~ --... """ ·..... n. -----n _c:::::] I \ \ ·· ........ ' ' "· ' \ \ \, '• ' ' "''·· ~~( ' ') [l_ I -:.7/.. -··· .... -·· .~::>-,. _.//......... ::.............. a ', '" ' ...... ................ Rctoll :-;.,t,•ll //.[.. Ur= 1·----, I --· /lc.c.= , .. _ _jL __ 11·-,, ~p· ~ 2-01---:-,,--., ~------I I Njf II ' ,~ .. II ' II 0 " ' " ' I ' ~: J: I ~ HH+H+~H-1-1-H-\t\-~1-1 /:=I I -Ill Ill II I Ill IIIII II _ _jf= .... t_ -'F ] .... ,---.. •'J 11 futvr·-?-P(i·a,;\;. .... -;;:;\~; .. ··-.. , -' ' ............... , \1. \·;:::::>·\.\ \ ... -········ I I -"...---' \ .. _, 0 •• , ... I )" /\ ... ---;7\ ( \ ... ).:~ .. --1 .•' ''.~ I '-... )~"' .,.. \\ \ ). .•• •·' ,..... ) .(· _) .. .-...... '\ •, I ,.. ... I. '•, /.--~·;;/\ \\ .. ...---'·'' I "•/' .): -· I -1 ',,I...--_... _j v· ADDISON CIRCLE --Pf Columbus Rcolt~ Trust Rr:.~IJ:."CN.TI/~L 5TRL:t=T ---~\ of'i-\r~c/Loftr, All>. 1:;;p, .. \('J ~~ rou~prh1l •-.._ ~ __ .. \) Ill n . '" I ----------------____ ...... ( //--------b ltovo!~ (1. Ro\.oil, 2-4• OHic.o, s--6r Lei ---·-~----· :.2 lovol~ Capac.ity Study RTKL Assoc.iates Inc..- Nov-:-1.~.:-:--9.7 .02:23P .Add;s"'""~ c;rcle Consta 972 B6!;i 6560 P.OJ. ' . • ... . · · A»uiSoN ttmctE u-&~ ·Sle '"'"'~"'1010,.. Plon""r com;mv ot Teus, Inc. Mbf NTC 1. Eectrical clulltbak l. Silt F1111oe illstallai011 3. Wmr & Wastewater 4. ProbJems B. Status of Ch.tner 1. Cvotraots 2. Gan.se "Q" excavation 3. Schedule furpierdn11iq •) OftkeTUM:r b} OaTIIgc "Q" 4. Problems L Sbms ofDaloan I. Gange "0" 2. !'las fot-Ganae "0" SlrUOIDral 3. Sdledule for "P" ... Problczno l. Status oftccdu line design &om transformer in "Q'' Gange to AddiloJD Citclc1E~plaa4e (TU-Georgc 'Sacjueda) K. Stanis of fin: bydraat repair cut clde Quorum. (Davis) (9'1l)72&oll347 1'111 (971)166-6Sfill P.02 , 11-18-1997 04:34PM FROM Rddison Svc Ctr -Upstairs TO SvcCtr Dwn P.03 L S1am& of eleonilJU faador I'IIWI from "Q"; (Rjcl[) M. Materials on Haad-{NTC) u. WewBusiness A. Proposed -er tap to oxiitJm& 6" .In bydzant lead for 'Pea Propertleii-Pricios fOr-·_.., 'I B. Draw selledvlcsfllr (NovGIIIb~r) will be dve Nowmbcc 20, 1997. C. Ntw-• .....,. bavc belli! a!OGiped; lhey are as fbllowB: • M-2 North is DOW Mildml Plal:e • M-2 Soutll isJJGwLcwi&Pke • M-3 q 'GOW M<:&tire ~ D. ReviJH water RrVice locati.ona@(4) locAtlm.s; 2 nquire trc•laoatiob revisiua; Need nMied plan lllvwiD3 Qllmll:t ~ locations; E. MEP PilUS do DOt show IICJY&m~ water~ md metcrB fur cooling tollm' ill BJd!. "P". WlD they be mecenld ""''IJ'IIt!y'11f DOt Pv5t IIIISt write alltlwbrd letter to the TVWD. F. Open Discaasilm C. Ed Meeting 4~~ Addiooa Cirelli, AelcliSoa, Tx. 7S24t TOTRL P.03 SENT BY: Date: Rc: From: To: cc: 11-19-97 ;!0:56AM ; HUITf-ZOUARS, INC.~ 972 450 2637;# 1/2 \ ll.lm ZnUAr!l., [nt;. /3131 M~;k.1nnay Av~.;nue/St11Tfl 000 I LD tQ5/DBIIas. icxa:; 75~·248{) /214/ll71 :t.l1 I I FAX ~14/ff/\-0757 MEMORANDUM Novemb~r lK, 1997 Addi~on Urde Phase II Public Infrastructure Duvid Meyus, Huitt-Zollal'll, lnc;;p1 Shade Strickland-Town of Addison Jim Duffy -Po~t Properties, Inc. Bryant Nail-Post .Properties, Inc Mike Robbins -Post Properties, Jne. George EHqueda-TIJ Elf.dric John Baumgartner-Town of Addison Kerry Burden -Champion Partners Fux: 972-450-2869 972-770-5147 972-770-51:29 972-866-6560 972-888-1304 972-450-28..~7 972-490-5599 Per our pht•nt: eonver.;utinn, Huitt-Zollars has evaluated the need li.lr conduits to serve Addison Circle Park Wld we h!avt: arrived at the following siz.es based on certain design asswnptions. I mw.t point out thal Huitt-Zollars is not the design engineer for the park, therefore, we request that all conduit si;r.es he approved in writing by the Town of Addison or that a design be supplied by the engineer of record lhr the park. Our sizes und routings are n(>t based on uny preliminary design or visions lbr the park u...c since nom: could bt: provided. The lbllowing assumptions arc the ba::.is tor the nwnhcr and si7c of conduit~ to the park area. If the tbllowing ussumptions do nut meel the Town's intended u...c for tilt: space we must know immediatcl}l prior to Ll•e CUJL~Iruction ofGardgc '~Q". As.5umptions are listed find lullowed by required conduits in lllllics. 1. Assmne 2 water fountains/features each with 1201240 volt, 40 amp service. (B05Vide power for future below grade collllection boxes for 6 vendon; with 240 volt, 20 amp ciTcuil (Sptll-ial 240 vvll receptacles and 3000 watts ofload.) Run one 2" conduit to u pull hox in the park and then run one 2" conduit to the wet side of the park; 5. Provide tor 11 central ahove grade panel with multiple outlets for a 200amp, 240 volt service. Extension cords could be plugged into the panel a~ required and routed lhrough the park. Run one 3" conduit from the transformer to a pull box on the ea~t side of the park and then nm one 3" cJ06L&'? v 'L)..,,.\cl Mw-s t -:J!!l!;j,., 6 fu a/A' 1,._ COMPANY PHONE/FAX tb:rr C&>IV:rnfv-=r.t~-.1 L97~ )?2f,-oJ'47/&~)8t:6-6S"~ ec~-r ('/7Z} 72~-1-,vz r~.!>, ,7 "l.. ;> ~.:; o s-~o ---~~~:::.• L:>,... ____ ("t1L\'fs,-prS"! i 4'L.3-lb:W '; l"gltW .C t\AA"oi> '\n ·'\SC!-aS'l7 35~>·~~? ' M~•& -:.·. •l FINANCE DEPARTMENT I PURCHASING DMSION 5350 Dclt Line Road ~~~ CLYDE JOHNSON, C.P.M. PURCHASING !\tANAGER October 15, 1997 Mr. Jim Bowman (214) 450-7091· Fno;;mi!c (214) 381Hl938 New Facsimile (972) 450-7096 Jim Bowman Construction Co., Inc. 10209 Plano Road, Suite 101 Dallas, TX 75238 Post Oflice Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Phone (972) 450-7090 NOTICE OF A WARD: Addison Circle Phase II Public Infrastructure, Packages "A" (Paving) and Package "B" (Streetscape). Dear Mr. Bowman: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 97-34. Enclosed please find four completed copies of the contract to be signed by an authorized officer or principal of your firm. Please return all copies, along with four copies of the necessary bonds and insurance certificates, as soon as possible, but no later than October 22, 1997. If you have any questions or ifl can be of assistance to you, please contact me at 972-450-7090. Sincerely yours, C/;~07(-Enclosures Copy: John Baumgartner David Meyers AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TillS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of October, 1997, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County ofDallas and State ofTexas, acting through its City Manager, duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and Jim Bowman Construction Co., Inc., of the City of Dallas, County of Dallas, State of Texas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE IT-PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE, PACKAGE "A" (PAVING) and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insmance and other accessories and services necessaly to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR's written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice tq do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within the number of calendar days specified in the Section Q of the Instructions to Bidders, subject to such extensions oftirne as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR $1 062 359.17 in current funds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. JN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREE!'v!ENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON (OWNER) By: __________ _ City Manager Jim Bowman Construction Co., Inc. (CONTRACTOR) By:------------President ATTEST: ~'-----------------City Secretary ATTEST: By: _________ _ The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: L certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; that Jim Bowman, who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the President (official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. Signed: Corporate Seal AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TIIIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of October, I 997, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County ofDallas and State ofTexas, acting through its City Manager, duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and Jim Bowman Construction Co., Inc., of the City of Dallas, County of Dallas, State of Texas, Party of the Second Pru1, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE IT-PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE, PACKAGE "B" (STREETS CAPE) and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR's written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice to.do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within the number of calendar days specified in the Section Q of the Instructions to Bidders, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR $1,578.970.61 in current funds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON (OWNER) By:------------City Manager Jim Bowman Construction Co., Inc. (CONTRACTOR) By:------------President ATTEST: By:. _________________ _ City Secretary ATTEST: By: _________ _ The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I,-----------~' certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; that Jim Bowman, who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the President (official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. Signed: Corporate Seal FROM ADDISON CIRCLE ONE 214 866 6560 . ~:C}c.-J-"tJ Cf 9zz. 7Zo·SSS3 Z.JV-?SO 1./.S<::li /qt,O -g3J S &t~ ;'?&-YftJ -Zit7/hft·:t-3 j? -I ]fll~-l.)>l:l.-(,q"l b FINANCE DEPARTMENT I PURCHASING DMSION 5350 Dell Line Road PURCHASING MANAGER October I 0, 1997 Mr. Dennis Bailey (214) 450-7091· Fa.,;mno (214) 38~938 New Facsimile (972) 450-7096 North Texas Contracting, Inc. 2636 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 337 Dallas, TX 75229 Posl Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Phone (972) 450-7090 NOTICE TO PROCEED: Addison Circle Phase II Public Infrastructure, Package "C" (Utilities) Dear Mr. Bailey: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions ofthe contract documents for Bid No: 97-34. Enclosed please find a completed copy of the contract documents for your file. Work shall begin by October 17, 1997, and be completed according to the schedule in the request for bids. Please contact me at 972-450-7090, if you have any questions, or ifl can be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, ~~~ Enclosures cc: John Baumgartner, Director of Public Works AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TillS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1? .J\.,. day of October, 1997, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County ofDallas and State ofTexas, acting through its City Manager, duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER and North Texas Contracting, Inc., of the City of Dallas, County of Dallas, State of Texas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II-PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE, PACKAGE "C" (UTILITIES) and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR's written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereb( agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice t~ do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within the number of calendar days ~pecified in the Section Q of the Instructions to Bidders, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR $1,083 509.50 in ctuTent funds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON (OWNER) City Manager North Texas Contracting, Inc. (CONTRACTOR) ATTEST: By: City Secretary ATTEST: By:~-9.~ The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I,~! (\Q :f? C-..?-(C . (Q certiJYthat I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; tha~r\~~~~~~ ~ , who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the 0 ~:( (official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. Signed: s tCO K\.0, --P ~ Corporate Seal SECTION PrB PERFORMANCE BOND BOND #PRF8097678 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALUS Date Bolld Exccurcd: 10 -S-97 PRINCIPAL: NORTH TEXAS CONTRACI'JNG, INC. SURETY: COIDNIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SUREI'Y CCMPANY PENAL SUM OF BOND (express in words and figures): ONE MILLION EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED NINE & 50/lOO------------------------------------------------DATE OF CONTRACT: Dcf-cher 8~~ /99] KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, thai we, the PRINCIPAL and SURETY above named. arc b.cld rnmly bound unto the Town of Addison, Texas. Gaylord Propenies, Inc. and Columbus Realty Tru.,. toge!her ilercinafter called !he OWNER. in the penal sum of !he amount stared above, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made. we bind ourselves, our heirs. executors. administr:Uors and successors. jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBUGATION ARE SUCH that, whereas the PRINCIPAL eDlered inEO a certain Contract with the OWNER, numbered and dau:d as shown above and attached ilereto: NOW NOW THEREFORE, if the PRINCIPAL shall well md truly perform a.od fulf"l:ll all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements of s:Ud Conttact during the original term of said Contract and any e:ttension thereof that may be granted by the OWNER, with or without notice to the SURETY, and during the life of any guaranty required under the Contract. and shall a.lso well and 1ruly perform and fulrill all the undertaltings. covenants, terms. conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said Conttact thst may hereafter be made. notice of which modifications of said SURETY beiDg hereby waived, then this obligation to be void, otherwise in full force and effect. G:\M\01\olllll.ZI\FINAL\P~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the above-bounden parties have execga:d this in:urumem: UDder their several seals on the dale: indicated above, the name and corporalc: seal of each ~orparall: party being hc:rero affixed and these prcseo!ll duly sigued by irs uodcrsigucd rc:pn:seotative, pur.ruaot to authority of its governing body. SEAL SEAL ATTEST: cp olm fxlj2 )A} -Tide: NOR:I'H TEX,AS CONTRACriNG 1 INC, CONTRACTOR By: ~ \;Oll.y -Ujc e. !?ll:ibo\-t Address: 2636 WALNUT HILL LANE, #337 DALIAEi',. TEX,AS 75229 ' Irma Molina~ Attorney~in~Fact Address: 8350 MEADOW RD. 1 #181 Dl\LLI\S ,. 'IEXAS 7 5231 (SIIl'Cty to Attach Power of Attorney) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL l. , certify that am th<; secretary of the corporation aamed as PRINCIPAL in the witllin bond that \ · ,· who sigucd the said band on behalf of the PRlNCIP AL. is the said corp~"k'l.f Address: 2636 WALNUT HILL LANE, #337 DALLAS, 'l'EXIIB 7 5229 COLONIAL AMERICI\.N CASUALTY AND SUREr¥ COMPANY :~29fm[~ Irma Molina, Attorney-in-Fact Address: 8350. MEADOW RD., #181 DALLAS, TEXAS 7 5231 (Surety to Attach Power of Attomey) CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL I. S V-;:-() ~. Em ( C . I 0 , certify that the secretary of !he cotporation 11811led as PRINCIPAL in !he within bond !hat ' · · , wbo signed die saili bond on behalf of !he PRINCIPAL, is the i of sa.ili corporatiotl; that 1 know his signarun:, and his signature dlercto is genuine: anlilhat said bond was dtdy sigmed. sigmed. sealed and attested for and in behalf of said cotporatioo by audlority of its governing body. (Corporate Seal) 0.\n.Or.G\112121\PINA.L\PYB STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS SECTION MB MAINTENANCE BOND BOND #PRF8097678 Thai NORTH TEXAS CONI'RACTING, INC. as principal and COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SUREI'Y COMPANY , a corporation organized under the laws of MARYLAND and __ _ ----.,,.....--------as sureties, said sureties being authorized to do bwiness in the Srar.: of TeU$, do hereby expm;sly acled their names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF ~ cu.Lvi-!-;' !!11EFliCAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, this 25th day of August, A D 1997. ATTEST: Vice-President On this 25th day of August, A.D. 1997, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came W. B. WALBRECHER, Vice-President and T. E. SMITH, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY COMPANY OF MARYLAND and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUAL IT AND SURETY COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith, that they are the said officers of the Companies aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public sion Expires: August 1, 2000 I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURElY COMPANY, do hereby certifY that the original Power of Attorney Attorney of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect on the date of this certificate; and I do further certify that the Vice-President who executed the said Power of Attorney was one of the additional Vice-Presidents specially authorized by the Board of Directors to appoint any Attorney-in-Fact as provided in Article VI, Section 2, of the respective By-Laws of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. This Power of Attorney and Certificate may be signed by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution of the Board of Directors of the FIDELI1Y AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meeting duly called and held on the lOth day of May, 1990 and of the Board of Directors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 5th day of May, 1994. RESOLVED: "That the facsimile or mechanically reproduced seal of the company and facsimile or mechanically reproduced signature of any Vice-President, Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Company, whether made heretofore or hereafter, wherever appearing upon a certified copy of any power of attorney issued by the Company, shall be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." fN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the corporate seals of the said Companies, this :-1~ _ _,_Q"---day of _O c'----t'--o"-ber:...:.... __~ 1997 Assistant Secretary LI428-168-0184 EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND ''Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice-President, or any of the Senior VicePresidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Commmittee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertaking, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature of mortgages, ... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." EXTRACT FROM BY-LAWS OF COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY ''Article VI, Section 2. The Chairman of the Board, or the President, or any Executive Vice-President, or any of the Senior VicePresidents or Vice-Presidents specially authorized so to do by the Board of Directors or by the Executive Committee, shall have power, by and with the concurrence of the Secretary or any one of the Assistant Secretaries, to appoint Resident Vice-Presidents, Assistant Vice-Presidents and Attorneys-in-Fact as the business of the Company may require, or to authorize any person or persons to execute on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertakings, recognizances, stipulations, policies, contracts, agreements, deeds, and releases and assignments of judgements, decrees, mortgages and instruments in the nature ofmortgages, ... and to affix the seal of the Company thereto." .·· CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE (MM/00/YY) n 1011/97 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND Dodson-Bateman CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. &Company COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Bonds & Insurance COMPANY 8350 Meadow Road • Suite 181 • Dallas, Texas 75231 LETTER A st. Paul Insurance Co. COMPANY American Alliance Ins. Co. INSURED LETTER B North Texas Contracting, Inc. COMPANY c LETTER P. o. Box 29752 Dallas, Texas 75229 COMPANY LETTER D COMPANY LETTER E COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. co Lm TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POUCY EFFECTIVE POUCY EXPIRATION UMITS DATE (MMIDONY} DATE (MMIDDIYY) A ~ERAL LIABILITY KK09100405 2/18/97 2/18/98 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2 000 000 v COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCT&COMP/OP AGG. $ 2 000 000 bAlMS MADE [i]ocCUR. PERSONAL & ADV. INJURY $ 1,000,000 _ OWNER'S & CONTRACTORS' PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 __lL Per Project Aggre ate applies FIRE DAMAGE lAnv ooe fire\ $ 50,000 Form CG2503 MED. EXPENSE IAnv one nPrAAnl I. 5,000 A 1 AUTOMOBILE UABILITY KK09100405-l 2/18/97 2/18/98 COMBINED SINGLE $ __lL ANY AUTO LIMIT 1,000,000 1---All OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ I--SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) ~ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY ~ NON-QWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ I--GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ A ~:UABILITY KK09100405 2/18/97 2/18/98 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5 000 000 UMBRELLA FOAM AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM B WORKER'S COMPENSATION WCP8073042 4/1/97 4/1/98 X ISTAlUTORY LIMITS EACH ACCIDENT ACCIDENT $ 500 000 AND DISEASE POLICY LIMIT $ 500 000 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE I• 500 000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONSJLOCATlONSIVEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Re: Addison Circle Phase II, Public Infrastructure Package C CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE Town of Addison EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO 5350 Belt Line Road MAIL _3_0_ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO T~~ICA~~ER NAMED TO THE Addison, TX 75001 LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOT E ~0 NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COJI'fi"A~ N OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ·~~~ ~ SIGN-IN SHEEI PRE-CONSTRlJCTION MEETING PRQJECT· ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTlJRE DAIE: 10/9/97 10-QO A.M. NAME Vo.\11 D Me.'-j'"'t.S ?!&A~~ /!JARI<' fj~flPO&IJIJof« JM&~~ a /. ,/; ;~,i'J,;.u-.d Oil.tleY ' ~J R""' L~ COMPANY !k..Jl~ ~,p_(;,('l affl@re g,,.f/gc.s &c.7 CJM·tz.,feJ? IS~'D L13>~c. ~B 16L, ~;.?--J--' A;,.... TELEPHONE/FAX NOS ~14}3??-2H~ /z. 9f77 ; l . . &0350.t.Jo/.35S' -'"v.ss.:1/J/. J ;-;.;-(/j?; c;-..;. It../;.,/j,;. ·. 1-zZ-4$4-~~1 · q7~·7Zo·SS6.3 ,. QIJ ;:.-~·;; .J-.zfln-' .. -· ~·;-"J-.2:f.J·f-:· /;Co...:... ?77· vso·c·'o'/7 V.>o-2 5?7 '1D)-Y8).-bD7b 17 2 -z;3 'f-7o"crlfj 100 7. ~_,;. !II& !f6oo J4 D~N/!5 f3.._,1' ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE IT PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE OCTOBER 8, 1997 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AGENDA Introduction Coordination Between Public and Private Entities Construction Sequencing and Special Events l . Street Lighting~ /ldJf.:o-, ~i,-c/e cf S~if.,---fVI 5. Construction Progress Meetings ()J~S Jut~f rJ : ?CJ .--ontrol and Staking Q 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Testing and Inspection Pay estimates and Change Orders Plans and Specifications to be Provided for Construction Progress Schedules Shop Drawings review and Submittal Procedure Control of Project Site a Safety and Security b. Field Office and Storage Needs c. Job Site Cleanliness (Street Sweeping etc ... ) H:\proj\01182221\PH2PCNST.AGN Project Name (Maximum 30 characters) Project Description Time to Complete (In months) Town of Addison Project Application D Operating/Recurring ~a pita! D Special Event Located in Planning Sector: 1 2 3 C:Vs 6 NIA Phase (engineering, ROW, acquisition, construction, etc.) /# I /-", ./# 2 'Luo-..1//# rAnsj_a.c /,;~ 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 # 8 9 ,~t;z 3 Start Date Finance Department Use I 6 Project# _.:1_ _5_ __3_ Year Sector Type 9 0 Free Project Timeline Cost I I I I i ' I I I $ /('2,000 ' $ _____ _ I $ 0 '7t:q CQC) I $ _____ _ I $ _____ _ I I $ _____ _ I $ _____ _ I I $ _____ _ 12 15 18 21 24 0 9;~,coo Months s Total udget _Q_ Seq. ADDISON CIRCLE ·PHASE I lA INFRASTRUCTURE PARTICIPATION SCHEDULE RECONCILED AGAINST HlJirT .ZOLLARS INC. ESfiMA TE DATED 06111197 AUGUST 13,1997 lENGTH TOWN OF PARTNERSHIP PHASE II &lREET SEGMENTS (LF) (6) ADDISON (7} QUORUM DRIVE (EAST HALF ONL YJ 765 $141,000 5358,850 ADDISON CIRCLE WEST OF SPECTRUM 460 S2:!i7,CQO $502,200 GAYlORC TOTAL NOTES (4) $0 $4S9,8!l0 6 $0 $759.200 6 ADDISON CIRCLE EAST OF SPECTRUM 590 $131,0\l(J 10 $1.635.~50 s 1, 761l,450 1,6 ADDISON CIRClE OPEN SPACE (1.1~ AC PARI<) NA $640,000 SG $0 $640,000 5,6 M:WSM-2 ~0 $229,000 $39a,200 so $624,:Ul0 6 RESIOENllAL STREET R-4 (MORRIS AVE.) 500 $196,000 sen. goo $0 $873, !l(]O 2,6 SPECTRUM FROM SOUTH ROW ON MILDRED TO R-4 450 $129,000 $238,700 5238,700 t606.400 2,6 SPECTRUM-SOUTH CF MIWREO ~80 SCI $249,300 S2:49,3QO $A9S,800 2,3,6 MEWSM-3 aoo $0 $551,700 $0 $557,700 2,6 TOTAL PARTICIPATION 11,723,1100 $2,171,61G S2,t23,4SCI l6,1126,3Gi1 PtiASE II DOLLARS PREVIOUSLY SPENT WITH PHASE I (8) ($13~,900) TOTAL ADJUSTED PARTICIPAllON ,1,5!0, 100 I. INCLUDES MAJOR STORM O~FALL FOR MUCH OF THE DISTRICT. 2. INCLUDES ELECTRICAL DUCT BANKWHtCH Wfi,S NO'T PART OF MASTER FACILITIES AGREEMENT COSTS. l. NOT PART OF MASTER FACJtl11ES AGREEMENT. 4. GAYlORD SHARES: Ita OF SPECTRUM AFTER CITY CAP, ALL OF ADDISON CIRCLE EAST OF SPECTRUM AFTER CITY CAP. S. PARI< COST CAN RANGE FROM $58G,OCO TO S6-40,0CO PER THE MASTER FACillllES AGREEMENT. 6. LENGTHS REPRESENT THE LATEST MEASUREMENT BY HZ\ AND MAY NOT PRECISELY MATCH LENGTHS IN MASTER FACILITIES AGREEMENT. 7. PRO·RATEO AMOUNT eASED ON CURRENT SEGMENTS VS. TOTAL LENGTH & COST IN MASiER FACIUTIES AGREEMENT. 8. REOUCEO BY$86,900 IN 3118/97 BECAUSE SCHEDULE VIII WAS DElETED FROM PHASE I CONTRACT. 9. ADJUSTED 614/97 TO EXCLUDE QUANTITIES INCLUDED WITH THE MASS GRADING PACKAGE. 10. ADJUSTED TOWN PARTICIPA110N BASED ON TRANSFERING $300,000 FROM PHASE IIA TO PHASE I. 11. ADDED MASS GRACING lllD COSTS (EXCEPT PAlliATE ONSITE COSTS) S/tl/97. H:\PROJ\011&2221\ESTIMATEIPARl"SCH.XLS .., = = ,., C> = c-' 1i2 = =: = fil '"" c.:; -<: ....., El = ....., "" ""' + --J --J = I '-" "" = -;;; ""' "" = "" """ = --J = = "" f:: = ....., '= = "" ~ 9 (JJ '-" = = --J (JJ = = '-" ""' (JJ HUITT-ZOLLARS, IN( 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite bOD DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 (214) 871-3311 TO Lo\...,.,..,13-J> lZE14<-!<-f T1Z.o.s.r LSssl D~ gc-. "a. $:.crES.S.S ~ 1),. 7Sz4S DATE 8 It t/t;? I''; /'/.szz.4Z. ATTJY;~(.. Y2.nA. ...,C. jL. au "'A.n.r.t :v.J Cttz."'<.E /Jr. .c. /J1 /ISS r ..J> """"'IV e::. WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached 0 Under separate cover via ':Ue p,,,""J the following items: 0 Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 Copy of letter 0 Change order o __________________________________ ___ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION •z. Jl. •n. v...J I ul -H--. ~y E-.. A+ron5 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit ____ copies for approval 0 For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit ____ copies for distribution 0 As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return ____ corrected prints 0 For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS-=~----------------~----------------------------------------------------'J)o_!o_!9c , , ~.,J'(,> A.'>.F Qeerz..\,JJ"=y? t.o m1-N.o reo Ejl::c..ee~~VJ . COPY TO•--------------- -----------------------If enclosures •re not •• noted, lclndly ·. 8' x 8' Box Culvert Stopper -2' To 8' Fill Typical -2 Each ~~ fi J I • • • • . -kL -~ a· 12" ~ .. =n :" Dou'ol(. ~ Layer #6 Bars @6" 0/C,: 1" Cover E.rJ. 28 Day Concrete Strength = 4,000 p~i Joint Sealant Material For Connection To Existing Box (o~e SiJL-f'{!J''-3~ 1ft -J!Hoo &ec.. Efo"V( /w 11-vom->v-J 10 :B1 "'-"" ~~~ J Front View ,.. 9'-4" ~ • ; ---------1---i I 8'-0" Rise I I I I I I . I I • 8' -o· Span -t--,.--~ 9 1-441 l I I I L ___________ J \. J Top View .. -NO SCALE --.·Co"' -\-_r a c ~ r rN> 7 ron s-; b \." C, ..-5 -\..of'r~ r 'I . AU. Dr:WIXS!OJI5 suanCt Tel HJ.OWJ.'Dl£ liP[Qn:.\T'IOfil ~ c . .,.. ,.) ' \-l--. ----./;. 4.-r.,..~.;,-Gtff ocd -Hnl Con'"'' Pcodud• 12.\C;~\,.;"'9 ,,o.J\,Ie c.J,-J.R \.o-t:. vvlv,..rf-I I "' OJ ' "' U1 I> ' ~ ,-"' G'"• "' !So --J •l ,_,_, •..C• .. ··l (11 ..., IS) \D G• '" Ul "" Tl "' 7.J "" lJl (") ... D IJ' ~ c 0 J cc m --< m "I) -"I) m Tl --< E Gl~ H -J .., 0) , -J 0 Q ;u -' .., Vl r --< r o 1 u5 >-' co ()1 "I) !So '" ~------P~R~O~J~EC~T------t------L~O-C~A-Tt_o_N ______ -r_s_PE_c_IF_I_CA_T_lo_N-1--~0-AT_E __ _,r~-R_E_V_IS_IO_N __ t-_M_A_N_U~F-AC_T_ U_R_IN_G __ Pu __ N_T-1~~~~ d G) [\) m Addison Circle Addison, Texas BOX-STPR.DWG ASTM C-789 2' To 8' Fill 07/07/97 AS DB/05/97 AS Grand Prairie, Te>eas [sh-e o~IU 1 ,,.,,, 1 "' 1\) SHOP DRAWING REVIEW HUilT-ZOLLARS, INC. ARC~TfCTS/tNGJ~EER'S REVIEW .1 REJ~~~;~~~,::.;~~.:.:.J~Rc.R ED---! 0 No E~ceptier.1s Tc:Y.en ! ~o P.~~pcr.s;; ~::o~:.:: cU R Ex-:~;J!icns As Nc!ed 0 Co:Jirm ir. -~~~r;:;n.g 0 ~!~_n_~-?:~~~:~~._£_~-~-~~~c~:cci.~~ J .. ~;-~:,_:~L~~~-:!. ~:::_:!:).::_;;! N;;:~d~~.:=~ Review is ~~~ s:::r..;r<.;i :.: 'Jr. 1orr::2i"E:'J ·:}~ t ~ ~-:;:; .. :.: . -::-:-~:;.: : ;, :' =-~:::....:-::: -:;-::;,::umcnts Ma~.::i:1QS cr ~am:T :.'1!:~ :J;;,: i n ::l b2 CGrr.;!:,:Ac; I'.> i .:!::::': .. ~:L· G·.~; C'o~:;:;:_G[Oi !;::;:71 compliance wHh 1r-3 pru;~-:t pi;,;-;; 2n :f ~~-.;;.:; ::c:.~:c:-::•. ~.;-:: -';;; :: · -~~::s ~-~~~rt:-~~c::1. 11'1J} Con!ractor remain~ responsibi<: fer d~iJi!s c.~:.J 2tc:..:r.:.,::~, :or c:;nii:o."":;;"I;J ~:;:I c":.::e!2~i;;g all quantitias and dimsnsions, lor s.;:sctinG fctri:~;:.li.:~i pmccssss. fer t~c~.niqtJZ3 c.f assembly, and tor p€iforming the work in a z~fa manr.er. Project Uumber. I~ Z"l. -4 '2--Spe;;. Number: --------By ~~Dale: s-•~··n 2 Epoxy Re..144 Addl&on. TX 75001 972-4e().7090 Fax: 972.<16Q.709tl P. 1 FROM FINANCE 972 d50 7096 P.2 FINANCE DEPARTMENT I PURCHASING DMSION 53SO Hdt l.ino Ro:td CL l'Dt JOIIJ'(S()lll,c.r.M. PIJR'OlMJl'IG MAMGEH October 10, 1997 Mr. Dennis Bailey ~]4) 450-7091· Facsimile (214.J ~66JW38 New F..,.imile (972) 450-7096 North Texas Contracting, Inc. 2636 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 337 Dallas, TX 75229 ro:&l Office Bo~ 144 1\d.di&oo.. T .. ~, 75001 Pbone (972) 450-7090 NOTICE TO PROCEED: Addison Circle Phase II Public Infrastructure, Package "C" (Utilities) Dear Mr. Bailey: Receipt of this document authorizes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents for Bid No: 97-34. Enclosed please find a completed copy of the contract documents for your file. Work shall begin by October 17, 1997, and be completed according to the schedule in the request for bids_ Please contact me at 972-450-7090, if you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, ~ Enclosures cc: John Baumgartner, Director of Public Works ( PROJECT, ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT, COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM TISEO PAVING CO. JIM BOWMAN DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION BID PACKAGE 'A' SCHEDULE I ·PAVING IMPROVEMENTS NO BID $1,062,359.17 PACKAGE 'A' TOTAL ~~-~NOiBID~ $1,062,359.17 BID PACKAGE 'B' SCHEDULE 11 • STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS NO BID $1,256,846.64 SCHEDULE VIII· ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (STREETSCAPE) NO BID $311,841.50 SCHEDULE IX· ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (PARK) NO BID $10,282.47 PACKAGE 'B' TOTAL :if~NO~BID·~~-s 1,578,970.61 BID PACKAGE 'C' SCHEDULE Ill· STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS NO BID NO BID SCHEDULE IV· WASTEWATER-IMPROVEMENTS NO BID NO BID SCHEDULE V ·WATER IMPROVEMENTS NO BID NO BID SCHEDULE VI· WATER IMPROVEMENTS (ROUNDABOUT) NO BID NO BID SCHEDULE VII • ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (DUCT SYSTEM) NO BID NO BID SCHEDULE X· UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS (PARK) NO BID NO BID PACKAGE 'C' TOTAL " 'G;BID:' -· ~ O"!BID~~ BID PACKAGE 'D' SCHEDULE I ·PAVING IMPROVEMENTS $1,674,329.85 NO BID SCHEDULE II • STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS s 1,301,447.45 NO BID SCHEDULE IllIll· STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS $297,829.90 NO BID SCHEDULE IV· WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENTS $92,112.60 NO BID SCHEDULE V ·WATER IMPROVEMENTS $401,122.40 NO BID SCHEDULE VI· WATER IMPROVEMENTS (ROUNDABOUT) $46,066.20 NO BID SCHEDULE VII· ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (DUCT SYSTEM) $400,063.00 NO BID SCHEDULE VIII· ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (STREETSCAPE) $347,996.00 NO BID SCHEDULE IX· ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (PARK) $12,981.00 N081D SCHEDULE X· PARK UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS {PARK) $11,700.00 NO BID PACKAGE 'D' TOTAL $4,585 648.40 "' .. so_:su;~ LOW BID .. (LOW BID PACKAGE 'A'+ LOW BID PACKAGE 'B' + LOW BID PACKAGE 'C') VS.LOW BID PACKAGE 'D' LOW BID PACKAGE 'A' ., JIM BOWMAN CON!ITRUCTION LOW BID PACKAGE '8' .. JIM BOWMAN CONSTRUCTION LOW BID PACKAGE 'C' .. NORTH TEXAS CONTRAcnNG $1,062,359.17 $1,578,970.61 Sip83,509.50 BID TABULATION SUMMARY GIBSON & NORTH TEXAS ASSOCIATES, INC. CONTRACTING $1,083,995.35 NO BID $1,083,995.35 -~~NO'BID_~g£ $1,547,14J.36 NO BID $315,454.23' NO BID $10,715.28 NO BID $1,873,312.87 ~No_: BID~ $465,709.21 $3'69,598.50 $117,048.3'5 $62,846.00 $364,420.70 $3'14,159.00 $71,710.50 $3'7,388.00 $323,540.00 $290,938.00 $11,409.00 $8,580.00 $1,353,83'7.76 $1,083',509.50 $1,344,622.24 NO BID $1,341,847.58 NO BID $264,178.50 NO BID $117,048.35 NO BID $364,420.70 NO BID $71,710.50 NO BID $323,540.00 NO BID $315,454.23 NO BID $11,457.48 NO BID $11,409.00 NO BID $4,165,688.58 O~BID~ ESTIM. BY: HUITT·ZOLL\RS, INC. ]08 NO. 01-1822·21 DATE: 8/14/97 COLUMBUS SCAVA LTD. AVERAGE BID ENGINEER'S OPINION REALTY TRUST PARTNERSHIP OF PROBABLE COST NO BID NO BID $1,073,177.26 $1,103,1i5."f0 ~o:a1o_~~~~ ;;~~.No~aro-'" $1,073,177.26 $1,103,145.40 NO BID NO BID $1,401,995.00 $1,501,960.00 NO BID NO BID $313,647.B7 $346,546.00 NO BID NO BID $10,498.88 $12,452.10 ~Ji(0:81D~:¥ '~~No;sJD:~ -.•. $1,726,141.74 $1,860,958.10 NO BID Sl19,484.00 $384,93'0.57 $271,079.10 NO BID SB3,666.00 $87,853.45 $49,645.10 NO BID $3'63,856.00 $347,478.57 $290,838.50 NO BID $41,842.00 $50,313.50 $35,074.20 NO BID $3'63',53'2.00 $326,003.33' $3'06,500.00 NO BID $10,500.00 $10,163.00 $10,170.00 ~O':BID . "' $1,182,880.00 $1,206,742.42 $963',306.90 $1,213,752.70 NO BID $1,410,901.60 $1,103,145.40 $1,139,388.53 NO BID $1,260,894.52 $1,443,960.00 $284,928.63' NO BID $282,3'12.3'4 $226,079.10 $86,852.85 NO BID $98,671.27 $49,645.10 SJ77,687.92 NO BID $381,077.01 $290,838.50 $43,432.25 NO BID $53',73'6.32 $3'5,074.20 $377,H6.22 NO BID $366,983.07 $3'06,500.00 $313,866.11 NO BID $325,772.11 $3'46,546.00 $1!,313'.72 NO BID $11,917.40 s 12,452.10 $10,899.00 NO BID $11,336.00 $10,170.00 $3,859,467.93' Oilllb" $4,203,601.64 $3,824,410.40 TOWN OF ADDISON To: Dctv.tcl. M~Lt.evs Company: ldw1t-Zo L lax 5 FAX#: ~14) grlf~ ()]51 Date: 0 ( c1 • # of pages (including cover):~ 0 Original in mail Comments: 0 Per your request PUBLIC WORKS From: John Bou. m3a.r-Tner-Phone: 972/4'SO-:Z.?7 /FAX: 972/450-2837 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 0FYI 0 Call me PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST '"" TISEO PAVING CO. jiM BOWMAN DESCRimON CONSTRUcnON DPA~u~ A" SCHEDULE I· PAVING IMPiOVEMENlS NO BID SI,062,l59.17 PAO::AGE 'A' TOTAL 'C~-~NO".J1D<'I-"=o"UIQ-$1,062 JS9.17 BID PAI,;I(ACiE 'B' SCHEDUU 11 • ffiEETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS NO BID $1,256,816.61 SCHEDULE VIII· ELECU!CAL IMPROVEMENTS (5TiEETSCAPEI oo BID $]11,841.50 SCHEDULE IX· ElECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (PAII.K} NO BID $10,282.47 PACXAG'E 'I' TOTAL ~~NO-!ID.~~: $1,578.970.61 BIDPA~,_.~·._ SCHEDULE Ill· STORM WATER. IMPROVEMENTS NO BID NO liD SCHEDULE IV· WASTEWATER1MPR0VEMENT5 NO liD NO BID SCHEDULE V ·WATER IMPROVEMENTS NO liD NO liD SCHEDULE VI· WATU.IHPROVEHENTS (ROUNDABOUT) NO BID NO BID SCHEDULE VII • £LECTRICALIMPROVEMEN TS (DUCT SYSTEM} NO BID NO BID SCHEOUU X· UTIUTY IMPROVEMENTS (PARK) NO BID NO BID PACKAGE 'C' TOT..U ~;iANO'I o.;~~ ·; •• ;;::~;a;;.;;.oNQ liD~' """":"•'" ~~·D PA~I..It • ..,. SOiEOULE I· PAVING IHn.OVEMENTS Sl,674,l29.BS NO BID SCHEDULE II· STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS Sl,l01,447.45 NO BID SCHEDULE Ill· STORM WATER IMPROVEMENTS $297,829.90 NO BID SCHEDULE IV· WASrr-NAT"EliMPlOVEHENTS $92,112.60 NO liD SCHEDULE V ·WATER IHl'iOVEHENTS $401,122.40 NO BID SCHEDULE VI· WATERIHl'lOVEHENTS (ROUNDAIOUD $46,066.20 NO!ID SD-IEDULE VII· [L£CTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (DUCT SYmMJ S400,06J.OO NO!!D SOIEDULE VIII· ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (STREETSCAPEJ SH7,996.00 NO liD SCHEDULE IX· EUCBICAL IMPROVEMENTS (PARK} SI2,9U.OO NO BID SCHEDUL£ X· PARK UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS (PAUl $11,700.00 NO!ID PAO::AGE '0' TOTAL $4,585,648.40 ~-Na.eltn.,_q,r;;.~ LOW BID'" (LOW !ID PACKAGt 'A'+ tOW BID PACKAGE 'a'+ LOW BIDPACXAGE 'C'J VS.LOW BID PACXAGE 'D' LOW BID PACKAGE 'A' • JIM BOWMAN CONSTRUcnON LOW BID PACKAGE '8' • JIM BOWMAN CONSTRUCTION LOW BID PACJ ~NO -S1.07l,l77.26 SI,IOJI45.1D NO BID N011D 11,401,995.00 SI,S01,9&0.00 NO liD NO BID Slll,617.B7 SJ16,S46.oo NO liD NO liD $10,4~8.88 $12,452.10 ~.,IO!l-, w-_~ts· -Pk 110?.;. !G"ii: $1,726,141.74 11,860,958.10 NO liD Sll9,114.00 UBi,9J0.57 U71,079.10 NO BID SBl,6d6.00 117,B5l.4S $49,645.10 NO BID Sl6l,B56.00 SH7,478.57 S290,8li.SO NO BID $41,812.00 SSO,lll.50 Sl5,074.ZO NO liD Sl6l,Sl2.00 U26,00J.l3 U06,SOO.OO NO liD $10,500.00 $10,161.00 $10,170.00 ~NO.alD:if<".i.i~ $1.182,880.00 $1.206,742.42 IQ6l,l06.90 $1,21],752.70 NO!ID $1,410,901.60 $1,101,145.40 S1,1l9,JB8.5J NO!ID $1,260,894.52 S1,44l,960.00 S284,92Ul NO BID S2B2,l12.34 $226,079.10 $86,852.85 NO BID $98,671.27 $19,645.10 U77,6at.H NO BID SJB1,077.01 S290,BJB.50 S4l,4l2.2S NO BID S5l,7J6.l2 SlS,074.20 n77,J16.22 NO!ID $366,981.07 Sl06,500.oo Slll,866.11 NO liD $325,772.11 Sl16,516.00 Sll,lll.72 NO BID $11,917.40 $12,452.10 s 10,899.00 NOI1D Sll,l36.00 $10,170.00 Sl,8S9,467.9l ·.:-~~NO 110..::=-~1 S4,20J,601.64 Sl.B24,410.40 OTEM NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST oro< DESOUI'TION c_o..,...,=r.("'""'~"'"'·•= UNIT QUANTITY BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'A' ESTlH. !IY: HUITI·ZOLLARS, INC. )011 NO. 01-IBZZ-21 DATE: 8114/97 ITEM ,0. PRO)Ecr: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE ll CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM OE.SCRIP'TION BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'B' UNIT I QUANTITY E5TU1. !Y: HUITT·ZOLLA~S.INC. ]08 NO. 01·1 822·11 OATE: a/H/97 ITEM NO. "'"I NO. PROJECT: ADDISON QRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM OESCiii'TION PROJECT: ADDISON CIRClE PHASE 11 CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM DESCRII'TION SCHEDULE IX-ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS (PARJ() 901 ~-JOOOP'SICONC.WALK 902 14" JLXIO PSI CONC. SUB ASE 901 IGLEN-G£lT PEDESTR.IAN aRlO: 904 FURNISH AND PlACE ~EOOING MATERIAL.S. 1'\.ACE 8RI PAV! SCH!OUU IX SUBTOTAL 0"""""""c::!....,....>nC' .. "' UNIT I QUANTITY I "NIT TISEO PAVING CO. QUANTITY UNIT PII.ICE COST " 00 $0.00 5f 186] "· " 180] so.oo 5f 180] so.oo NO BID BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'B' BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'B' JIM !QWMAN CONSTRUGION GIBSON & ASSOCIATES NORTH TEXAS CONTRACTING UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE COST I UNIT PRICE I COST ' I I ... 5240.00 S2.75 $165.00 '10.00 U.40 H 471.20 $1.75 S5.12 .2S so.oo 11.49 n 686.47 $1.49 52.686.47 so.oo 11.60 S1 884.80 SI.S2 '12 740.56 ' so.oo ' $10,282.-u '110.715.28 NO BID COLUM~US II.EAL TY TRUST SCAVA LTD. PAII.TNEK:>HIP UNIT PRICE COST UNIT PRICE con so. co so.oo SO.OO I $0.00 so.oo so.oo so.oo '10.00 NO BID NO BID ESTlM. ST, HUITT·lOLl.ARS, INC. )01 NO. 01·1 822·21 DArE: 8/1~197 ESTIM. BY: HUITT-ZOLlARS, INC. )08 NO. 01·1822·2 1 OAT£• B/14/97 AVERAGE iiD ENGINEE~ "S ESTIMATE UNIT rRICE con UNITPRICO carr SJ.JB 1101.50 ll.OO SIBO.OO SZ.SB S4 797.2] SJ.20 s 961.60 Sl.49 S2.6a6.47 n.oo s .606.00 '11.56 $2.81%.68 I SI.SO I '12.70-4.50 '110.498.88 '11Z.i51.10 (" ( '· ITr.M NO. ITEM NO. ~.,....,_-=··-=· ... --·~-...... PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST IHM DESO.II'TION PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CliENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM DESCRII'TION UNIT [ QUANTI'N UNIT I QUANTI'N BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' ESTIM. !T: HUITT•ZOLLA~. INC. ]01 NO. 01-1 822·21 OATE: S/14/97 UTIM. S'f: HUITT·ZOLLARS, INC. ]08 NO. 01·1822·21 OATE: 8/14/97 ITEM I NO. ITEM NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM DESOIP"TION PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEM OElOlPTION BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' UNIT BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' UNIT J QUANTITT ESTIH. !~: 1-lUITT·ZOLl.A~S. INC. )0! NO. 01·1!12·21 DAH: a/14197 ESTIH. ~Y: HUITT·ZCUA~S, INC. )O!N0.01·1a2Z·21 OAT£: 8/H/97 "'" NO. "'" NO. PROJECT: ADDISON ORCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST "'" OESCR.II'TlON PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST IT£H OESCiii'TlON BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' UNIT I QUANTTTT BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'C' UNIT I QUANTin ESTlH. BT: HUiif.ZOUAitS, INC. f(ll NO. 01-1822-21 OATt: B/14197 ESTlH.IY: HUITT·!O~L..o.ts, INC. JOB NO. 01·1822·2 I DATE: 8/14/97 l6/HI9 rt·znr·ro ·oN sor ~Nr ·nvnoz·.t..unH 'J.i ·Hrm .a. 3 =.lNmJ II 3SVHd 31:>~1::> NOSIOOV =.D3(0'l!d l61ti!V =uvo I Z·ZZBI•IO 'ON 'iO[ JNJ "S~V1102·lllnli 'AV "J.Il151 .a. 3!>\f)l:JVd-NOLLVlnBif.L 018 ' ' NOLl.dlr.IS1C "'" 1Smll.ll1V3~ snawmoJ :l.N:un II 3SVHd 31:)'ij\) NOSIOCIV =.I.:H{O'l:ld ITEM NO. ..........,,o.c::::,.,._,...,. ... .<..l PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ITEH DESCR.II'TION PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE II CLIENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST UNIT UNIT BID TABULATION· PACKAGE 'D' BID TABULATION. PACKAGE 'D' " UTIM. !Y: HU!TT-ZO~LA~i.INC. JOI NO. 01· I SZ2·Z I DATE; 8114197 t.STIM, 3Y: HUITT·20LLA~S, INC. JOB NO. 01·1822·21 DATE: 8114197 .UUNVnb liNn L6ftll& '3lYQ I l·ll&l-10 'ON ~0[ -:'INI 'S~Vl10Z·lllnH 'Ail '1-UJS;I ,a, 3!l' 'l.N:II1') II 3SVHd 31Jl:IIJ NOSICOV '.03{0l:ld ."" Wlll l· ·-· a.tt 11a =:u va l t-Zl&L•lQ 'ON 110[ ":INI 'S~YI10Z·lllnli 'Ali 'HUSl ,a, 3!lV')I:J'Ifd-NOll'lflnB'Ifl 018 L6fti/R ::uvo I'NUI·IO'ON'IIO[ ":INI'nYnOZ·J.J.LnH '.l.li 'HIJS3 .a. 3!lV')I:J'Ifd-NOI1' 1fln8'111 018 .11Nn l...ll.lNVnb .liNn NOWL'OS3Q "'" .lSnu A.11V311 sn11Hn1D:J :l.N.31l:J II 3SVHd 3'0'lii:J NOSIOOY :n3(011.d .lSnu .U1V311. sn&Hn1D:J =.LNm:J II 3SVHd 31J'lii:J NOSIOOV :.L:>3[0'lld "ON HUI 'ON HUI ""' NO. PROJECT: ADDISON CIRO.E PHASE II O.IENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ""' DESOJPnON PROJECT: ADDISON ORQE PHASE II Q.IENT: COLUMBUS REALTY TRUST ""' DESCIFfiON UNIT I QUANTITY UNIT ! QUANTIT"'' BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'D' BID TABULATION-PACKAGE 'D' ESTIM. IY: H'UJTT-ZOUAitS, INC. }01 NO. 01·1 112·21 DA Th I/I 4/97 ESTIM. BY: HUJTT·ZOUAitS, INC. )01 NO. 01·1122·21 DATE: 1/14/97 • .At)f)isoN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT m Post Office Box 144 Addis.on, Texas 75001 May 6, 1996 Mr. Bryant Nail Columbus Realty Trust 15851 Dallas Parkway, Suite 855 Dallas, Texas 75248 Dear Bryant: (214) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove We are excited to hear about your plans for Addison Circle-Phase II A. We are interested in your schedule and timing for the project, so we can evaluate the impact on our proposed budget. I have taken your preliminary site plan and compared it with the "Master Facilities Agreement" to evaluate our anticipated participation. The attached schedule reflects an estimate based on the preliminary documents you provided. Because Spectrum south of Mildred and the proposed mews along the railroad are not part of the Master Facilities Agreement, participation for the streets is not included in this estimate. It was my understanding that you had broadly estimated the value of our participation in excess of $3 million. Please compare your estimate with the summary I have included so we can reconcile any difference and evaluate the budgetary impact. s;,;;p_ J5. d 5,3RBoo...ZR Director of Public Works Attachment: Addison Circle-Phase IIA Town of Addison Infrastructure Participation Schedule cc: Carmen Moran Randy Moravec Andy Oakley Chris Terry Ron Whitehead f:-~ ADDISON CffiCLE-PHASE IIA TOWN OF ADDISON INFRASTRUCTURE PARTICIPATION SCHEDULE Funding Committed for Phase II during Phase I Expenses Quorum Drive $116,100 Mildred $103,700 Subtotal $219,800 Eligible Phase II Items Length Quorum Drive 710 Linear Feet Mildred west of Spectrum 419 Linear Feet Mildred east of Spectrum 590 Linear Feet Mildred open space Ll3 acre Mews M-2 740 Linear Feet Residential Street "R-4" 525 Linear Feet Spectrum 450 Linear Feet Subtotal Eligible Phase II items Subtotal Phase II Items committed for Phase I Total Eligible Participation for Phase IIA Allocated Expenses $178,000 $318,00_0 $131,000 $610,000 $362,000 $268,000 $129,000 $1,996,000 $219,800 $1,776,200 !' /PHASE II ITEM BASE COST EXCESS COST TOTAL COST Quorum Drive (2075 LF .) $260,000 $260,000 $520,000 ( 1/2 of street) Mildred East of Quorum (419 LF.) $159,000 $159,000 $318,000 (West of Spectrum) Spectrum (1275LF.) $182,000 $182,000 $364,000 East Mildred Open Space (1.13 Ac) $305,000 $305,000 $610,000 Quorum North Park (0.69 Ac) $0 $295,000 $295,000 Mews Park (1.43 Ac) $0 $675,000 $675,000 R-2 (525 LF.) so $270,000 $270,000 R-3 (400 LF.) so $205,000 $205,000 R-4 (630 L.F.) $0 $322,000 $322,000 R-5 (325 LF.) so $166,000 $166,000 M-2 (1275 LF.) so $624,000 $624,000 Mildred east of Spectrum (590 L,F.) so $131,000 $131,000 TOTALS $906,000 $3,594,000 $4,500,000 Note: The above cost projections include costs for private utilities, engineering, special plan review, independent inspection and construction costs associated with Phases I and II of the Urban Center. 06/22/95