) \ ,0 "::; "0 ' a. "' 0 m, m"' ,0: .. ""'' OJ )> a. " a. "' "' a. "' ::;, v;· "' -"' 0 ' "" "' "' ' Q 0 Gl , 0 n 0 0' iii' "0 ' "' R<> )> I ""0 '' n .;.;.;.· m "' n ::; ""'' "m" ., 15720 Quorum Dr. Addison. Tx. 7500 I dmontoya@postoroperties.com To: Town of Addison ® PosT PROPERTIES David A. Montoya Project Manager Addison Circle Attn.: Michael E. Murphy-Director of Public Works 07·12-00 /-rr-4) Re.: Addison Circle Phase III ~ c.:;? Mr. Murphy, ' Office -(972) 726-0347 Fax-(972) 866-6560 Mobile-(214) 435-9454 With regard to the public streets and sidewalks that the Town of Addison will accept, we are aware that this process will not occur, until the public infrastructure work is I 00% complete and accepted by your department. However, our residents will begin using the roadways and sidewalks prior to the completion of construction. Post Properties will assume responsibility of these roads and sidewalks as private drives until they are dedicated as public streets. As such, Post Properties will hold harmless the Town of Addison, from liability resulting from our construction activities at this site. Furthermore, Post Properties will continue our efforts to protect the public from any potential hazards associated with our completion ofthe construction to this and future phases at Addison Circle. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the Post Properties Addison Circle project. Post Properties, Inc. 5040 Addison Circle I Suite 300 I Addison, Texas 75001 Phone 972.851.3200 I Fax 972.774.3300 www.postproperties.com October 14, 1999 Mr. John Bawngartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear John: Po®sT PROPERTIES Please accept this letter as our invoice in the amount of $6,131.76 for work done by Gibson & Associates, Inc. for the period ending September 27, 1999. Three copies of their pay application are attached. Please return two executed copies to us for distribution. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS § § § AFFIDAVIT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James F. Duffy, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows: "My name is James F. Duffy. I am of sound mind, capable of making this Affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am a duly authorized representative of Addison Circle Three, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership (the 'Partnership'). I am the appropriate official of the Partnership to submit this Affidavit and do submit this Affidavit on behalf of the Partnership. The Partnership, by assignment from the Town of Addison, Texas, is the owner and construction manager under certain construction contract docwnents entitled 'Town of Addison, Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Addison Circle Phase ill' dated December, Post Properties~ [nc. 5040 Addison Circle I Suite 300 I Addison, Texas 75001 Phone 972.851.3200 I Fnx 972.774.3355 """ \V. p os tproperri cs. com 1995 (the 'Construction Contract') for that project generally referred to as Addison Circle Phase ill (the 'Project'). The contractor for the project is Gibson & Associates, Inc. ('Contractor'). Attached hereto is an invoice or pay estimate for work performed on the Project by the Contractor for the time period set forth on the invoice/pay estimate. I hereby certifY that the work reflected on the said invoice/pay estimate is true and correct to the best of my information and belief, that such work by the Contractor has been measured and verified in accordance with the Construction Contract, and that all Construction Contract preconditions to payment of the invoice/pay estimate have been met. Attached hereto are copies of all material testing results in connection with this invoice/pay estimate." Please let us know if you have any questions. ames F. DuffY Executive Vice President JFD/kar Attachments KIMBERLY A. RIED ~COMMISSION EXPIRES DeCilmber 18, 2001 Lilt> LLIJ IIJIJIItf tJ Job OUcriptlon: Addilon CI!Qe • Paving ae.e76 Glblon & Assoclatoo Inc. Esllmola No.: 3 Client Town ol Addison Contract Amount $333,373.87 Elllma18 Period: Augual 28,1999 P&yllbla To: Glbaon & Auadlllaa,lnc. 11210 Ryllocrell Drive Balch Springo,Toxas 7~180 To Seplalllber 27, 1999 Pa;e1af1 Ill Ill Ill COnltKI Ill Quantity Ill Quantlly Ill Unit Ill him Ill Deacriplion Ill un~ 111 Quantity IIIThll Montn IU To Data 111 Ptloe 111 RECEIVED SEP 2 8 1999 BY: Total ---11 11---11 I I I ll-----111 Schedulol Pavlna Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill "' Ill Ill Ill Ill 101 IIIMobnlzallon IIILS Ill 1 Ill 0.1 Ill 0.41( 825,475.00 Ill 102111Supt IIILS Ill 1 Ill 0.1 Ill o84 .2ffi: 523.100.00 Ill 103 lllfull Daplh SIIW<:Ut ElcliUng Concraio IIlLI' Ill 84 Ill Ill 'i1( $2.50 Ill 104 IIIRem & Clop Exlat. Cone Pave lncl Curt>IIISV Ill -458 Ill Ill 458-!1( S18.60 Ill 1~ II!CompaciB" Flex Bue Ty A GlUe 2 IIICV Ill ~ Ill Ill Ill 840.00 Ill 108 II!Fum & Place GfUICISta Pave IIIBF Ill 2248 Ill Ill Ill 12.74 Ill 107 IIICom!>lcl G" uma Sial> IHSY Ill 4215Q Ill Ill Ill $5.20 Ill 108 II!Hydnrtad Limo IIITON Ill 58.3 Ill Ill 1U $128.60 Ill 108 1110" 85Qjj Plex Cone Paying IIISV Ill 3842 Ill Ill Ill 828.80 Ill 1101110"0601FiekC0nCDrop81ab II!SY Ill 5118111 Ill Ill 133.30111 111 1116" 65011 Flex lnt Cone Curti IIILF Ill 1787 Ill Ill Ill $3.78 Ill 112 1118"11SOIII'Iex Co..e Dr.Pavew/1010 Drop SI~IISV Ill 40 Ill Ill In $35.00 Ill 11311!RtlnfConeStHttdtr IHLF Ill 74111 Ill Ill 58.00111 114IIIConstLcnaltudlnal8uttJolnt IIlLI' Ill 87111 Ill Ill ss.oo Ill 118111AantVelllcular Brldl PoverMoa IHBF Ill 4411311! Ul Ill 83.70 Ill 1 18 II!Boddlng MaU and lnolallolion a! Pa"" IIISF Ill 4403 Ill Ill Ill $2.66 Ill 117 11124" Wide Tll..moplao~c stop llno llllF Ill 24 Ill Ill Ill $27.80 Ill 118 !liSt &Trail CUt Signa IIIEA · Ill 28 Ill Ill HI 8423.50 Ill 11 v IIJ$1 Name Sign & Mount Hdwr IIJEA Ill 4 Ill Ill Ill 13!10.60 Ill 120 IIIUnlatnJI Teleopar St Sign Post IIIEA Ill 15 Ill Ill .Ill 8434.80 IU 1211118tllam-RILF Ill 40 Ill Ill HI $22.00 In .10,1110.00 v 14,620.00-$210.00 v $7,573.50 ~ 122111Rom Exlatlng St BarriCades & Poa!l IIlLI' Ill 85111 Ill Ill $11.00 Ill ~~ ::1~=~:.~"!.~~~~~~Ctn m~ m 331~ m 222m !435t-'7·~:: m $44.954.15 /:rm _ ~·---m-======c======--••_.. ... ~=~;;:::;;:--========-•-=-•~o~~~~•---•----JOI: Q9.816 TOTAL WORK DONE $67,557.65 v APPROVED: RETAINED GIBSON & ASSOCIATES. INC. 8Y____::~:;..;;f;;7'~4~~~"'----AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS DATE: September 27, 111911 AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE ~t:JIIL I Y TRUST '-U,.O>II._s-. ~ . .. ,,.,,, ........ ~.---F-I':::ROJ:=MG:::R::.;A::t_">VL:~· -----~¥;::'JII.:.::· A!!VL:=o:oo:.:." se.. c; ~ z :,;ACCTG;;;;--.: --~~,------..oNPI;;;.;,·-----· ·•-·' AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Mr. A. J. Johnston of Gibson & Associates, Inc., being first duly sworn, says tbat he is tbe Executive Vice President of Gibson & Associates., Inc., (herein referred to as tbe "Contractor") and is familiar witb tbe facts herein stated. That said Contractor performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use in tbe construction of: Addison Circle Phase II B -Paving And owned by: Post Properties, Inc. I Town of Addison That said Contractor hereby certified tbat he had paid or had otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished for all work, labor, and services performed and for all indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection . \Vith tbe performance of tbe Contract referenced above. CONTRACTOR. GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY: K.itOil Executive Vice President SWORN TO BEFORE ME and subscribed in my presence tbis 27tb day of July, 1999. Notary Public in and Dallas County, Texas My Commission Expires: 'I· 2-!S· ~\JI ® SHERI J. CLEPPER Notary Public, State or Texas My Commission Expires 07-25-2001 GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 11210 Ryllec111ot P .0. Box 800579 Balch Springa, Texaa 751~79 9721557-1199 FAX 9721557-1552 July 27, 1999 Mr. Mike Robbins c/o Post Properties, Inc. 15720 Quorum Drive Addison, Texas 75001 Engineers •nd Contr•ctors RE: Addison Circle Phase II B -Paving Dear Sir: Enclosed please find our Estimate No. I on the above referenced project. This covers our bonding costs. We also enclose an Affidavit of Bills Paid. If there are any questions regarding this matter, please call me. Very truly yours, GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. A. J. Johnston · Executive Vice President AJJ/sc encl. Gibson & Associates Inc. Pay Application #1 Paving Services Thru 07/27/99 Town of Addison Pay Application Request 5,095.00 Less: Retainage 5,095.00 X City % 30.43% 5.00% Total Payment from City Post Apartment Homes/Gaylord Pay Application Request 5,095.00 X Partnership % 69.57% = = Total Payment to Contractor Payments from the City should be wired to: City's Amount 1,550.41 (254.75) 1,295.66 Partnership Amount 3,544.59 4,840.25 Account: Addison Circle Three, LTD Account#: ABA#: 111000614 Bank: Bank One, Texas, N.A., Dallas, Texas Instructions: Notify Sheryl Smith (972)770-5139 upon receipt Checks from the City should be made out to Addison Circle Three, Ltd 9/1/99ACIIIGIBSON 01 P.XLS f}c..JIJGibson & Associates Inc. ~'-"EIVt;D Job Description: Addison Circle-Paving 99-675 Client Town of Addison AUG 3 1 1999 Esti ate No.: 2 lJB!:lY:..!'==== ~~~~ct Amount: $333,373.87 Estimate Period: To July 27, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Payable To: Gibson & Associates,lnc. 11210 Ryliecrest Drive Balch Springs, Texas 75180 Ill Item Ill Description -----11 Ill Schedule I Paving Ill 101 II[Mobilization 102 II[Supt 103 II[Full Depth Sawcut Existing Concrete Ill Ill Ill Unit Ill 111----11 Ill Ill Ill Ill I IlLS Ill HILS Ill IIILF Ill 104 IIIRem & Disp Exist. Cone Pave lncl Curb IIISY Ill 105 Ill Compact 8" Flex Base Ty A Grade 2 IIICY Ill 106 II[Fum & Place Grasscrete Pave Ill SF Ill 107 IIICompact 6" Lime Stab IIISY Ill 108 IIIHydrated Lime IIITONIII 109 1116" 650# Flex Cone Paving II[SY Ill 110 1116" 650# Flex Cone Drop Slab IIISY Ill 111 1116" 650# Flex lnt Cone Curb IIILF Ill 112 lll6"650#Fiex Cone Dr. Pave w/wo Drop SlaiiiSY Ill 1131[1ReinfConc St Header IIILF Ill 114 IIIConst Longitudinal Butt Joint IIILF Ill 115 II[Acrne Vehicular Brick Paver Matl Ill SF Ill 1161[1Bedding Matl and Installation of Pavers IIISF Ill 117 11124" Wide Thermoplastic Stop Line IIILF Ill 118 IllS! & Trail Ctrl Signs IIIEA Ill 119 IllS! Name Sign & Mount Hdwr IIIEA Ill 120 IIIUnistrut Telespar St Sign Post IIIEA Ill 121 IllS! Barricades IIILF Ill 122 II[Rem Existing St Barricades & Posts IIILF Ill 123 II[Barricades, Signs & TraffCtrl IIILS Ill 124 IIIUnclass St Excavation IIICY Ill Contract Ill Quantity Ill Quantity Ill Unit Ill Quantity Ill This Month Ill To Date Ill Price Ill Total II I I I Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 Ill 0.1 Ill 0.31[1 $25,475.00 Ill $7,642.50 1 Ill 0.1 Ill 0.1 Ill $23,100.00 Ill $2,310.00 64111 84111 64111 $2.50 Ill $210.00 459 Ill 459111 459111 $16.50 Ill $7,573.50 561[1 Ill Ill $40.00 Ill 2248111 Ill Ill $2.74111 4250 Ill Ill Ill $5.20 Ill 58.3111 Ill Ill $126.50 Ill 3642111 Ill Ill $28.80 Ill 566111 Ill Ill $33.30 Ill 1787 Ill Ill Ill $3.75111 40 Ill Ill Ill $35.00 Ill 74111 Ill Ill $6.oo Ill 67 Ill Ill Ill $5.00 Ill 4493111 Ill Ill $3.70 Ill 4493 Ill Ill Ill $2.86111 24111 Ill Ill $27.50 Ill 25111 Ill Ill $423.50 Ill 41[1 Ill Ill $390.50 Ill 15 Ill Ill Ill $434.50 Ill 40 Ill Ill Ill $22.00 Ill 65111 Ill Ill $11.001[1 1 Ill Ill Ill $7,000.00 Ill 3313111 3313111 3313111 $13.09 Ill $43,367.17 ======================================================~=============================== ======================= JOB: 99-1375 APPROVED: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY 7-~~ DATE: August 30, 1999 f).i. TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS BILLINGS AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE lll\:i,:· ., . ···' -V'Ti11Q, $53,20~ 7·711 ~AsT~u~TIONDEPh VENDORI.D: JOBI.D: ~~ Z07 7t, V.P.APPVL: ' AlP: V' AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS A.J. Johnston of Gibson & Associates, Inc., being duly sworn, says that he is the Executive Vice President of Gibson & Associates, Inc., (herein referred to as the "Contractor") and is familiar with the facts herein stated. That said Contractor performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use in the construction of: Addison Circle Phase II B -Paving And owned by: The City of Dallas That said Contractor hereby certified that he had paid or had otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished for all work, labor, and services performed and for all indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above. CONTRACTOR: BY: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. A.~st~' Executive Vice President SWORN TO ME BEFORE and subscribed in my presence this 30th day of August, 1999. My Commission Expires: 'l · 2 S · C{)[) 1 ® SHERI J. CLEPPER Notary Public, State of Texas ;.-My Commission Expires " 07·25-2001 '. ~~""""'"""'~;.,;;.;;;;,;~.,"' Gibson & Associates Inc. Pay Application #2 Paving Services Thru 08/27/99 Town of Addison Pay Application Request 56,008.17 Less: Retainage 56,008.17 X City % 30.43% 5.00% Total Payment from City Post Apartment Homes/Gaylord Pay Application Request 56,008.17 X Partnership % 69.57% = = Total Payment to Contractor Payments from the City should be wired to: City's Amount 17,043.29 (2,800.41) 14,242.88 Partnership Amount 38,964.88 53,207.76 Account: Addison Circle Three, LTD Account#: ABA#: 111000614 Bank: Bank One, Texas, N.A., Dallas, Texas Instructions: Notify Sheryl Smith (972)770-5139 upon receipt Checks from the City should be made out to Addison Circle Three, Ltd 9/1/99ACIIIGIBSON 02P.XLS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 August 10, 1999 Mr. A.J. Jolmston Executive Vice President Gibson and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 800579 Balch Springs, TX 75180-0579 (972) 45().2871 16801 Westgrove NOTICE TO PROCEED: Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastructure Paving Addison Circle Phase 11-B Public Infrastructure Streetscape Dear Mr. Jolmston: Please accept this letter for "Notice to Proceed" as the formal date for work to begin on the referenced project. The begin date is established as August 2, 1999, and shall follow accordingly with the schedules in the bid documents. Please call me at 972/450-2878 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Michael E. Murphy, P.E. Assistant Director of Public Works cc: Jolm Baumgartner, Director of Public Works Clyde Jolmson, Purchasing Manager Mike Robbins, Post Properties PROJECT: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE li-B· PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE-BID P JOB NUMBER: 143901 I CH.D..NGE ORDER NO. 1 OWNER: TOWN OF ADDISON CONTRACTOR: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATE: 12/05/00 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: THIS CHANGE ORDER INVOLVES THE FOLLO\Vll\fG ITEMS: I) Addition of3" Steel Stop Sign Poles w/Breakaway Mount 2) Addition of Steps at the Fire Lane 3) Additional Grading at Fire Lane-Equipment & Operator 4) Additional Grading at Fire Lane-Labor 5) Reconciliation of Actual Installed Quantities ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION BID PACKAGE "A" (PAVING)-SCHEDULE "I" 125 Addition of3" Steel Slop Sign Poles w/Breakaway Mount lOS CompactS" Flex Base Ty "A"-Grade "2" 106 Furnish & Place Grasscrele Pavers 107 Compact 6" Lime Stabilization 108 Hydrated Lime 109 6" 650# Flex Concrete Pavement 110 6" 650# Flex Concrete Drop Slab 111 6" 65011 Flex Intregal Concrete Curb 112 6" 650# Flex Concrete Drive Pvmt. w/wo Drop Slab 1!3 Reinforced Concrete Street Header 114 Constr. Longitudinal Butt Joint 115 Acme Vehicular Brick Paver Material 116 Bedding Material & Inslallalion ofPavers 120 Unistrut Telespar Street Sign Post 124 Unclassified Street Excavation 126 Addition of Steps at the Fire Lane 127 Additional Grading at Fire Lane-Equipment & Operator 128 Additional Grading at Fire Lane-Labor BID PACKAGE "A" (PAVING)-SCHEDULE 'T' SUBTOTAL• NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDER NO.! ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT 1ThAE UNIT EA CY SF SY TON SY SY LF SY LF LF SF SF EA CY EA HR HR CONIRACT QUANTITY 0.00 56.00 2248.00 4250.00 58.30 3842.00 566.00 1787.00 40.00 74.00 67.00 4493.00 4493.00 15.00 3313.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TIIE WORK REQUIRED UNDER TillS CHANGE ORDER Wll,L ADD 0 DAYS TO TillS PROJECT: ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME 360 C.D. ADDIDONAL DAYS FOR TillS CHANGE ORDER ADDIDONAL DAYS FOR PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDER REVISED CONIRACT TIME GibPaving-C0#1 OC.D. OC.D. 360 C.D. PAGE I OF2 REVISED QUANTITY UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY CHANGE PRICE OF CHANGE 2.00 2.00 $520.00 $1,040.00 54.00 (2.00) $40.00 ($80.00) 2036.00 (212.00) $2.74 ($580.88) 4160.00 (90.00) $5.20 ($468.00) 67.87 9.57 $126.50 $1,210.61 3574.50 (267.50) $28.80 ($7,704.00) 587.46 21.46 $33.30 $714.62 1926.00 139.00 $3.75 $521.25 108.60 68.60 $35.00 $2,401.00 72.50 (1.50) $6.00 ($9.00) 128.50 61.50 $5.00 $307.50 5543.00 1,050.00 $3.70 $3,885.00 5379.60 886.60 $2.86 $2,535.68 13.00 (2.00) $434.50 ($869.00) 3435.00 122.00 $13.09 $1,596.98 2.00 2.00 $100.00 $200.00 8.00 8.00 $60.00 $480.00 20.00 20.00 $25.00 $500.00 $5,681.75 \ Print Date: 12/8/00 == PROJECT: ADDISON CffiCLE PHASE II -PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE -BID PACKAGE "A'' (PAVING) JOB NUMBER: 143901/CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 PAGE20F2 OWNER, TOWN OF ADDISON CONTRACTOR: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATE: 12105/00 THE COMPENSATION AGREED UPON IN THIS CHANGE ORDER ARE FOR ALL COSTS TilE CONTRACTOR MAY INCUR AS A RESULT OF, OR RELATING TO TillS CHANGE ORDER WHETHER SAID COSTS ARE KNOWN, UNKNOWN, FORESEEN, UNFORESEEN AT THIS TIME, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMlT ATION, ANY COST FOR DELAY, EXTENDED OVERHEAD, RIPPLE OR IMP ACT COST, OR ANY OTHER EFFECT ON CHANGED OR UNCHANGED WORK AS A RESULT OF TillS CHANGE ORDER. THESE COMPENSATIONS ARE FOR FULLY COMPLETE AND IN-PLACE CONSTRUCTION. ACTUAL Il'f PLACE QUANTITIES WIT..L BE USED FOR FINAL PAYMENT. APPROVED BY TOWN OF ADDISON R-,J )tilL.D RON WHITEHEAD, CITY MANAGER APPROVED BY GillSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. APPROVED BY HUITI'-ZOLLARS DATE /Z-;1-{Jc) )iif:.·tS;~ ;/!.lot DATE DATE GibPaving-C0#1 Print Date: 12/8/00 DATE: TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO Claim# Check$ ~(}f~j~-VendorNo. ~ VendorName. ~ ~~ ~--.JC~ Address s"'?J~ ~(/11. ·~I#: .3 0 0 Address ~· 1 Address Zip Code TOTAL Finance ···" Job D~criplion: Addison Circle-Paving 99-675 Gibson & Associates Inc. Estimate No.: 9 Client: Town of Addison Contract Amount: $333,373.87 Estimate Period: July 22, 2000 To September 22, 2000 Payable To: Gibson & Associates,lnc. 11210 Ryliecrest Drive Balch Springs,Texas 75180 Ill Item Ill Description --II Ill Schedule I Paving Ill 101 Ill Mobilization 102 IIISupt 103 IIIFull Depth Sawcut Existing Concrete Ill Ill Ill Unit Ill lr--11 Ill Ill Ill Ill IIILS Ill IIILS Ill IIILF Ill 104 IIIRem & Disp Exist. Cone Pave lncl Curb IIISY Ill 105 IIICompact 8" Flex Base Ty A Grade 2 IIICY Ill 106 IIIFum & Place Grasscrete Pave Ill SF Ill 107 IIICompact 6" Lime Stab IIISY Ill 108 IIIHydrated Lime IIITONIII 109 1116" 650# Flex Cone Paving IIISY Ill 110 1116" 650# Flex Cone Drop Slab IIISY Ill 111 1116" 650# Flex tnt Cone Curb IIILF Ill 112 1116"650#Fiex Cone Dr. Pave wlwo Drop SI~IISY Ill 113 IIIReinf Cone St Header IIILF Ill 114 Ill Cons! Longitudinal Butt Joint IIILF Ill 115111Acme Vehicular Brick Paver Matt Ill Ill SF Ill 116111Bedding Mall and Installation of Pavers IIISF 117 11124" Wide Thermoplastic Stop Line IIILF 118 IllS! & Trail Ctrl Signs IIIEA 119 IllS! Name Sign & Mount Hdwr IIIEA 120 IIIUnistrut Telespar St Sign Post IIIEA 121 IllS! Barricades IIILF 122 Ill Rem Existing St Barricades & Posts IIILF 123 Ill Barricades, Signs & Trail Ctrl I IlLS 124 IIIUnclass St Excavation IIICY Contract Ill Quantity Ill Quantity Ill This Month Ill II I Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 Ill 0.03111 1 Ill 0.03111 84111 Ill 459111 Ill 56111 54111 2248 Ill 2036111 4250 Ill I 58.3111 3842111 566111 180 1787 Ill 40 Ill 74111 67111 4493111 1050 I 4493111 1590 Ill 24111 Ill 25111 Ill 4111 Ill 15 Ill Ill 40 Ill Ill 65111 Ill 1 Ill 0.05111 3313 Ill Ill Page 1 of 1 Quantity Ill Unit Ill To Date Ill Price Ill Total I I Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 Ill-' $25,475.00 Ill $25,475.00 1 Ill,. $23, 1oo.oo Ill $23,100.00 84111'"'" $2.50 Ill $210.00 459111v $16.50 Ill $7,573.50 54111 ...... $40.00 Ill $2,160.00 2036111...--$2.74111 $5,578.84 4160 111,.... • $5.20 Ill $$21,632.00 67.87111~ $126.50 Ill $8,585.56 3410.65 111...-$28.80 Ill $98,226.72 587.46 Ill~ $33.30 Ill $19,562.42 1947111 ..... $3.75111 $7,301.25 85.33111 ~ $35.00 Ill $2,986.55 72.5111 .... $6.00 Ill $435.00 128.5 Ill" $5.00 Ill $642.50 5543111~ $3.70 Ill $20,509.10 506511 v $2.86111 $14,485.90 $27.50 Ill 19 ..-$423.50 Ill $8,046.50 $390.50 Ill 10 .... $434.50 Ill $4,345.00 $22.00 Ill 65 v $11.00111 $715.00 1 v $7,ooo.oo Ill $7,000.00 3435111 v $13.09 Ill $44,964.15 ======~====================================~====================~============================================ JOB: 99-675 APPROVED: GIBSON&ASS=~ BY~~ DATE: September 25, 2000 TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE 0.05 $323,534.79 -$16,176.74 ~ $307,358.05 -$284.~84.37 ....-S'S $22,773.68 ....-- Gibson & Associates Inc. Pay Application #9 Paving Services Thru 09/22100 Town of Addison Pay Application X City = City's Request % Amount 23,972.29 30.43% 7,294.77 Less: Retainage 23,972.29 5.00% (1,198.61) Total Payment from City 6,096.15 Post Apartment Homes/Gaylord Pay Application X Partnership = Partnership Request % Amount 23,972.29 69.57% 16,677.52 Total Payment to Contractor 22,773.68 Payments from the City should be wired to: Account: Account#: Addison Circle Three, L TO 1565439658 ABA#: 111000614 Bank: Bank One, Texas, N.A., Dallas, Texas Instructions: Notify Sheryl Smith (972)770-5139 upon receipt Checks from the City should be made out to Addison Circle Three, Ltd 10/3/00ACIIIGIBSON 09P.XLS • Job/Business Un" # Co# Contract/PO # Supplier# Job/BU# GIL Cost Code Subledger Amount tt/3'7&{ zc7u f<}OIZs-Z.?:l73 Wj • _Total: Dev/Mgmt/Const. Approval: 1 Acctg. Approval·., AJP Approval: . ""}/,. ··--·---- AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS A.J. Johnston of Gibson & Associates, Inc., being duly sworn, says that he is the Executive Vice President of Gibson & Associates, Inc., (herein referred to as the "Contractor") and is familiar with the facts herein stated. That said Contractor performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use in the construction of: Addison Circle Phase II B -Paving And owned by: Post Properties, Inc. I Town of Addison That said Contractor hereby certified that he had paid or had otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished for all work, labor, and services performed and for all indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above. CONTRACTOR: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY: i~dL Executive Vice President SWORN TO ME BEFORE and subscribed in my presence this 25th day of September, 2000. Notary Public · and for Dallas County, Texas My Commission Expires: "JV-l k D ~ ~~o''"'"~ PATRICIA BlACKBURN W :..A\.: •) NOTARY PUBLIC ~'>~<~..~ STATE OF TEXAS Vo• 'li!lv My Comm. Exp. 10-21-2003 DATE: Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO Claim# Check$ TOTAL ~Vt-n-0.00 EXPLANATION ~ ' 0~ !?'~ ...7C""" .6 .--Authorized Signature Finance €3/qjw August 1, 2000 Mr. Mike Murphy Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear Mike: ® PosT PROPERTIES Please accept this letter as our invoice in the amount of$37,467.85 for work done by Gibson & Associates, Inc. for the period ending July 21, 2000. Three copies of their pay application are attached. Please return two executed copies to us for distribution. STATE OF TEXAS § § AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James F. Duffy, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows: "My name is James F. Duffy. I am of sound mind, capable of making this Affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am a duly authorized representative of Addison Circle Three, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership (the 'Partnership'). I am the appropriate official of the Partnership to submit this Affidavit and do submit this Affidavit on behalf of the Partnership. The Partnership, by assignment from the Town of Addison, Texas, is the owner and construction manager under certain construction contract documents entitled 'Town of Addison, Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Addison Circle Phase ill' dated December, Post Properties, Inc. 5040 Addison Circle I Suite 300 I Addison, Texas 75001 Phone 972.851.3200 I Fax 972.774.3355 wv.-w.postproperties.com 1995 (the 'Construction Contract') for that project generally referred to as Addison Circle Phase III (the 'Project'). The contractor for the project is Gibson & Associates, Inc. ('Contractor'). Attached hereto is an invoice or pay estimate for work performed on the Project by the Contractor for the time period set forth on the invoice/pay estimate. I hereby certify that the · work reflected on the said invoice/pay estimate is true and correct to the best of my information ,· and belief, that such work by the Contractor has been measured and verified in accordance with the Construction Contract, and that all Construction Contract preconditions to payment of the · invoice/pay estimate have been met. Attached hereto are copies of all material testing results m connection with this invoice/pay estimate." Please let us know if you have any questions. ~ Jmru.F.Do~ Executive Vice President JFD/kar Attachments KIMBERlY A. RJED MY COMMISSION EXPIRES December 18, 2001 Gibson & Associates Inc. Job Description: Addison Circle~ Paving 99-675 Client: Town of Addison REC''\~IVED JUL 2 5 2000 Estimate No.: 8 Estimate Period: March 26, 2000 To July 21, 20 Contract Amount: $333,373.87 Page 1 of 1 Payable To: Gibson & Associates,lnc. 11210 Ryliecrest Drive Bal.ch Springs, Texas 75180 Ill Item Ill Description ---II Ill Schedule I Paving Ill 101 IIIMobilization 102 IIISupt 103 IIIFull Depth Sawcut Existing Concrete Ill Ill Ill Unitlll 111---ll Ill Ill Ill Ill IIILS Ill HILS Ill IIILF Ill 104 Ill Rem & Disp Exist. Cone Pave lncl Curb IIISY Ill 105 Ill Compact 8"' Flex Base Ty A Grade 2 IIICY Ill 106 IIIFurn & Place Grasscrete Pave Ill SF Ill 107 IIICompact 6'" Lime Stab IIISY Ill 108 IIIHydrated Lime IIITONIII 109 1116" 650# Flex Cone Paving IIISY Ill 110 1116" 650# Flex Cone Drop Slab IIISY Ill 111 1116" 650# Flex lnt Cone Curb IIILF Ill 112 1116"'650#Fiex Cone Dr.Pave w/wo Drop SlaiiiSY Ill 113 IIIReinf Cone St Header IIILF Ill 114 IIIConst Longitudinal Butt Joint IIILF Ill 115 IIIAcme Vehicular Brick Paver Matl Ill SF Ill 116 Ill Bedding Matl and Installation of Pavers Ill SF Ill 117 11124" Wide Thermoplastic Stop Line IIILF Ill 118 I liSt & Trail Ctrl Signs IIIEA Ill 119 II 1St Name Sign & Mount Hdwr IIIEA Ill 120 IIIUnistrut Telespar St Sign Post IIIEA Ill 121 IIISt Barricades IIILF Ill 122 IIIRem Existing St Barricades & Posts IIILF Ill 123 Ill Barricades, Signs & Trail Ctrl IIILS Ill 124 IIIUnclass St Excavation IIICY Ill BY: Contract Ill Quantity Ill Quantity Ill This Month Ill II I Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 Ill 0.01 Ill 1 Ill 0.01 Ill 84111 Ill 459111 Ill sa Ill Ill 2248 Ill Ill 4250 Ill Ill 58.3111 Ill 3842111 Ill 566 Ill Ill 1787 Ill Ill 40 Ill Ill 74111 Ill 67111 Ill 4493111 4493111 4493111 3475 Ill 24 Ill Ill 25111 19 Ill 4111 Ill 15 Ill 10 Ill 40 Ill Ill 65 Ill Ill 1 Ill Ill 3313 Ill Ill Quantity Ill Unit Ill To Date Ill Price Ill Total I II Ill Ill Ill Ill 0.97 Ill./$25,475.00 Ill $24,710.75 0.97 Ilk $23, 10o.oo Ill $22,407.00 84111---$2.50 Ill $210.00 459 Ill./$16.50 Ill $7.573.50 Ill $40.00 Ill Ill $2.74111 4160 Ill,/$5.20 Ill $21,632.00 67.87 lllv $126.50 Ill $8.585.56 3410.65 Ill,/$28.80 Ill $98,226.72 407.46111..-$33.30 Ill $13,568.42 1947 Ill v $3.75111 $7,301.25 85.33111 ... $3s.oo Ill $2.986.55 72.5111..-$6.00 Ill $435.00 128.5 Ilk $5.00 Ill $642.50 4493 111./$3.70 Ill $16,624.10 3475111'"" $2.86111 $9,938.50 Ill $27.50 Ill 19 Ill,/$423.50 Ill $8.046.50 Ill $390.50 Ill 10 Ill/$434.50 Ill $4,345.00 Ill $22.00 Ill 65 Ill..,.-$11.00 Ill $715.00 0.95111-$7,000.00 Ill $6.650.00 3435 Ill./$13.09 Ill $44,964.15 ;;;;;:=;:;;;;;:;:;;:;:;:;:;:;=;=;:;;;=;;;;;=;;::;;==;;=::;;;;:;;===;;======================;=====;=======;;=: JOB: 99-675 APPROVED: GIBSON &ASSOCIATES,INC. ~ BY p;.~L DATE: July 24, 2000 TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE 0.05 $299,562.50 v $14,978.13 ._./$284.584.37 ... $247,116.52 ,_./" $37,467.85 ._.,/ .,; ' ;,; .. ·•. (0 .... AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS · A.J. Johnston of Gibson & Associates, Inc., being duly sworn, says that he is the Executive Vice Presedident of Gibson & Associates, Inc., (herein referred to as the "Contractor") and is familiar with the facts herein stated. That said Contractor performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use in the construction of: Addison Circle Phase II B -Paving And owned by: Post Properties, Inc. I Town of Addison That said Contractor·hereby certified that he had paid or had otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished for all work, labor, and services performed and for all indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above. CONTRACTOR: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY: l.~ Executive Vice President SWORN TO ME BEFORE and subscribed in my presence this 241h day of July, 2000. Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas My Commission Expires: [ D ~ 2.1-D) w~~' '""~ PATRICIA BLACKBURN ~ •) NOTARY PUBLIC ~)'e:"(4~~ STATEOFTEXAS ...:1 °' "!;?' My Comm. Exp. 10-21-2003 ·---·--· ___________ ., _________ ... -· ··--Gibson & Associates Inc. Pay Application #8 Paving Services Thru 07121100 Town of Addison Pay Application Request 39,439.84 Less: Retainage 39,439.84 X City % 30.43% 5.00% = City's Amount 12,001.54 -· . ··-·-· ·----··-·--· -· (1 ,971.99) Total Payment from City 10,029.55 Post Apartment Homes/Gaylord Pay Application Request 39,439.84 X Partnership % 69.57% = Total Payment to Contractor Partnership Amount 27,438.30 37,467.85 Payments from the City should be wired to: Account: Account#: ABA#: Bank: Instructions: Addison Circle Three, L TO 1565439658 111000614 Bank One, Texas, N.A., Dallas, Texas Notify Sheryl Smith (972)770-5139 upon receipt Checks from the City should be made out to Adiii$01l~~c~,r~c~1ef1ll l~ii~&j-:.~&rt:l!!lt!IIJ-----~~----. .. . :.-::..O.u~mess Unit • Co., ~--.,m;r:;tt~I?0~#~:---..2!.!..-_jl L'·'-_-·,,;;:, ,.;~.....;;----------------i · .,_, ___ :3:.:_(-;;_, [:;~GJl~ic~u~toE;a~•!li~i i!J~;· · -~ J'f?hvt ::_ 2G ~~ "'o ....,.-Amou;. _______ ; .. ·.--.--.. ······-;-=~''"':..r-,.~":;i;.."-1-~~ .; .... -· ,-__ ... l !---11---f---1---· -,-· ~-.......... . 7/31/00ACIIIGIBSON 08P.XLS _ . : .pp;oval: AlP AppiiCIVaJ: ' \ .. Job Description: Addison Circle-Paving 99-675 Gibson & Associates Inc. Estimate No.: 8 Client: Town of Addison Estimate Period: March 26, 2000 To July 21, 20 REC"'-,:IVED JUL 2 5 2000 Contract Amount: $333,373.87 Page 1 of1 Payable To: Gibson & Associates. Inc. 11210 Ryliecrest Drive Balch Springs. Texas 75180 BY: Ill Ill Ill Contract Ill Quantity Ill Quantity Ill Unit Ill Item Ill Description Ill Unit Ill Quantity Ill This Month Ill To Date Ill Price Ill Total ---11 11----lll----111 11--------11 11---------111 Schedule I Paving Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 101 IIIMobilization IIILS Ill 1 Ill O.Q1 Ill 0.97 Ill./$25.475.00 Ill 102111Supt , IIILS Ill 1 Ill O.Q1 Ill 0.97111v' $23.100.00 Ill 1 03111Full Depth Sawcut Existing Concrete IIILF Ill 84 Ill Ill 84 Ilk $2.50 Ill 104 IIIRem & Disp Exist. Cone Pave lncl Curb IIISY Ill 459 Ill Ill 459 Ill./$16.50 Ill 105 IUCompact 8" Flex Base Ty A Grade 2 lUCY Ill 56 Ill Ill Ill $40.00 Ill 106 IIIFum & Place Grasscrete Pave IIISF Ill 2248 Ill Ill Ill $2.74 Ill 107 IIICompact 6" Lime Stab IIISY Ill 4250 Ill Ill 4160 lllv $5.20 Ill 108 Ill Hydrated Lime IIITON Ill 58.3 Ill Ill 67.87 Ill v $126.50 Ill 1091116""650#FiexConcPaving IIISY Ill 3842111 Ill 3410.65111 v $28.80 Ill 110 1116" 650# Flex Cone Drop Slab IIISY Ill 566 Ill Ill 407.46 Ill,.. $33.30 Ill 111III6""650#FiexlntConcCurb IIILF Ill 1787111 Ill 1947111/$3.75111 112 1116""650#Fiex Cone Dr.Pave w/wo Drop SI~IISY Ill 40 Ill Ill 85.33 Ill ,.. $35.00 Ill 113 IIIReinf Cone St Header IIILF Ill 74 Ill Ill 72.5 Ill ..,. $6.00 Ill 114 IIIConst Longitudinal Butt Joint IIILF Ill 67 Ill Ill 128.5 Ill"" $5.00 Ill 115111Acme Vehicular Brick Paver Mall IIISF Ill 4493111 4493111 4493111./$3.70 Ill 116111Bedding Mall and Installation of Pavers IIISF Ill 4493 Ill 3475 Ill 3475 Ill"" $2.86111 117 11124"" Wide Thennoplastic Stop Line IIILF Ill 24 Ill Ill Ill $27.50 Ill 118111St&TraffCtriSigns IIIEA Ill 25111 19111 19111"' $423.50 Ill 119 IllS! Name Sign & Mount Hdwr II lEA Ill 4 Ill Ill Ill $390.50 Ill 120 IIIUnistrutTelesparStSign Post IIIEA Ill 15111 10 Ill 10 Ill./$434.50 Ill 121 IllS! Barricades IIILF Ill 40 Ill Ill Ill $22.00 Ill 122 IIIRem Existing St Barricades & Posts IIILF Ill 65 Ill Ill 65 111....-$11.00 Ill 123 Ill Barricades, Signs & Traff Ctrl I IlLS Ill 1 Ill Ill 0.95 111-$7,000.00 Ill 124111Unclass St Excavation lUCY Ill 3313 Ill Ill 3435 Ill-" $13.09111 $24,710.75 $22,407.00 $210.00 $7,573.50 $21,632.00 $8,585.56 $98,226.72 $13,568.42 $7,301.25 $2,986.55 $435.00 $642.50 $16,624.10 $9,938.50 $8,046.50 $4,345.00 $715.00 $6,650.00 $44,964.15 ============================================================================================================= JOB: 99-675 APPROVED: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ BY p;.ca/L DATE: July 24, 2000 TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE 0.05 $299,562.50 v $14,978.13 .....--$284,564.37 ..,. $247,116.52 .,--$37.467.85 ../' t •· ,( AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS A.J. Jolmston of Gibson & Associates, Inc., being duly sworn, says that he is the Executive Vice Presedident of Gibson & Associates, Inc., (herein referred to as the "Contractor") and is familiar with the facts herein stated. That said Contractor performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use in the construction of: Addison Circle Phase II B -Paving And owned by: Post Properties, Inc. I Town of Addison That said Contractor hereby certified that he had paid or had otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished for all work, labor, and services performed and for all indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above. CONTRACTOR: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY: Executive Vice President SWORN TO ME BEFORE and subscribed in my presence this 24th day of July, 2000. Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas My Commission Expires: [ D-2-I-D 3 I ("~,.,~ PATRICIA BLACKBURN ~ :..AI...: ~, NOTARY PUBLIC ~~~~.,.~ STATE OF TEXAS ~ 0 ' ~.> My Comm. Exp. 10-21-2003 ,. ' ----~-·---~~----------·'-'··---~ -------· _._ . -----------------·· ----~-.: -_-_-.:.....:.. _.;~-~-=-------------------·· Gibson & Associates Inc. Pay Application #8 Paving Services Thru 07/21/00 Town of Addison Pay Application Request 39,439.84 Less: Retainage 39,439.84 X City % 30.43% 5.00% = City's Amount 12,001.54 {1,971.99) Total Payment from City 10,029.55 Post Apartment Homes/Gaylord Pay Application Request 39,439.84 X Partnership % 69.57% = Total Payment to Contractor Partnership Amount 27,438.30 37,467.85 Payments from the City should be wired to: Account: Account#: ABA#: Bank: Instructions: Addison Circle Three, LTD 1565439658 111000614 Bank One, Texas, N.A., Dallas, Texas Notify Sheryl Smith {972)770-5139 upon receipt Checks from the City should be made out to Addi$i5n'~!<~•~rc~1efliul ~ln~S~£.r"I:Rit!l~----":'~------~--~nu~ness nit • CD,; ~: -~;;('_:.;v,v?c?o~~~~-----..2!.!..--_jl v .... _. ·;~;[. ;;i ·--i -.j .. . , .. GIL CDIICocll ... ,,.. . Amou1 . ... _ ..... 1 (. 26 76 l!7u/7~ ! ·---· j -,_-__ ... l ·-! ! ~-__ ._.,. . -...... . :./Const. Alllllp '52D:J 7/31/00ACIIIGIBSON 08P.XLS . _. . , .pproval • r' •. \ ' Gibson & Associates Inc. Job Description: Addison Circle -Paving 99-675 Client: Town of Addison REC""·,~IVED JUL 2 5 2000 Estimate No.: 8 Estimate Period: March 26, 2000 To July 21, 20 Contract Amount $333,373.87 Page 1 of 1 Payable To: Gibson & Associates, Inc. 11210 Ryliecrest Drive Balch Springs, Texas 75180 Ill Item Ill Description -----II Ill Schedule .1 Paving Ill 101 llfMobilization 102 IIISupt 103 lfiFull Depth Sawcut Existing Concrete Ill Ill Ill Unit Ill lf---11 Ill Ill Ill Ill IIILS Ill IIILS Ill IIILF Ill 104 IIIRem & Disp Exist. Cone Pave lncl Curb IIISY Ill 105 If I Compact 8" Flex Base Ty A Grade 2 IIICY Ill 106 llfFum & Place Grasscrete Pave Ill SF Ill 107 IIICompact 6" Lime Slab IIISY Ill 108 IIIHydrated Lime IIITONIII 109 1116" 650# Flex Cone Paving IIISY Ill 110 1116" 650# Flex Cone Drop Slab IIISY Ill 111 1116" 650# Flex lnt Cone Curb IIILF Ill 112 lfi6"650#Fiex Cone Dr.Pave w/wo Drop Sl~lfSY Ill 11311fReinfConc 51 Header IIILF Ill 114 IIIConst Longitudinal Butt Joint IIILF Ill Ill 115 IIIAcme Vehicular Brick Paver Matl Ill SF Ill 116 HI Bedding Matl and Installation of Pavers Ill SF Ill 117 11124" Wide Thennoplastic Stop Line IIILF Ill 118 If 1St & Trail Ctrl Signs IIIEA Ill 119 llfSt Name Sign & Mount Hdwr IIIEA Ill 120 lfiUnislrut Teiespar St Sign Post II lEA Ill 121 11151 Barricades IIILF Ill 122 Ill Rem Existing St Barricades & Posts IIILF Ill 123 Ill Barricades, Signs & Trail Clri I IlLS Ill 124 lfiUnclass St Excavation IIICY Ill BY: Contract Ill Quantity Ill Quantity Ill This Month Ill II I Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 Ill o.o1 Ill 1 Ill o.o1 Ill 84111 Ill 459111 Ill 56111 Ill 2248111 Ill 4250 Ill Ill 58.3111 Ill 3842111 Ill 566111 Ill 1787 Ill Ill 40 Ill Ill 74111 Ill 67111 Ill 4493111 4493111 4493111 3475111 24 Ill Ill 25111 19 Ill 4111 Ill 15 Ill 10 Ill 40 Ill Ill 65111 Ill 1 Ill Ill 3313 Ill Ill Quantity Ill Unit Ill To Date Ill Price Ill Total I I Ill Ill Ill Ill 0.97 Ill./$25,475.00 Ill $24,710.75 0.97 lllv $23,100.00 Ill $22,407.00 84111---$2.50 Ill $210.00 4591flv $16.50 Ill $7,573.50 Ill $40.00 Ill Ill $2.74111 4160 Ill./$5.20 Ill $21,632.00 67.87111v-$126.50 Ill $8,585.56 3410.65111 ,/$28.80 Ill $98,226.72 407.46 lllv-$33.30 Ill $13,568.42 1947 Ill v $3.75111 $7,301.25 85.33111,.. $35.00 Ill $2,986.55 72.5111,.,.. $6.00 Ill $435.00 128.5 111,.,.. $5.00 Ill $642.50 4493111./$3.70 Ill $16,624.10 3475 Ill,.,.. $2.86111 $9,938.50 Ill $27.50 Ill 19 Ill v' $423.50 Ill $8,046.50 Ill $390.50 Ill 10 Ill ./$434.50 Ill $4,345.00 Ill $22.00 Ill 65 Ill,/$11.00111 $715.00 0.95111-$7,000.00 Ill $6,650.00 3435 Ill,/$13.09 Ill $44,964.15 ============================================================================================================= JOB: 99-675 APPROVED: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ BY :;;.~L DATE: July 24, 2000 TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE 0.05 $299,562.50 v $14,978.13 .....--$284,584.37 ....-$247,116.52 v$37,467.85 ....--- AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS A.J. Johnston of Gibson & Associates, Inc., being duly sworn, says tbat he is tbe Executive Vice Presedident of Gibson & Associates, Inc., (herein referred to as tbe "Contractor") and is familiar with tbe facts herein stated. That said Contractor performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use in tbe construction of: Addison Circle Phase II B -Paving And owned by: Post Properties, Inc. I Town of Addison That said Contractor hereby certified tbat he had paid or had otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished for all work, labor, and services performed and for all indebtedness and claims against tbe Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance oftbe Contract referenced above. CONTRACTOR: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY: Executive Vice President SWORN TO ME BEFORE and subscribed in my presence tbis 24th day of July, 2000. Notary Public in and for Dallas County, Texas My Commission Expires: l D-2.1-D 3 ~'/;~''"~ PATRICIA BLACKBURN I •• :.A.: •) NOTARY PUBLIC ~ ·~ ~r.."-d STATE OFTEXAS "-~"' 9 My Comm. Exp. 10-21·2003 Gibson & Associates Inc. Pay Application #8 Paving Services Thru 07/21/00 Town of Addison Pay Application Request 39,439.84 Less: Retainage 39,439.84 X City % 30.43% 5.00% = City's Amount 12,001.54 (1,971.99) Total Payment from City 10,029.55 Post Apartment Homes/Gaylord Pay Application Request 39,439.84 X Partnership % 69.57% = Total Payment to Contractor Partnership Amount 27,438.30 37,467.85 Payments from the City should be wired to: Account: Account#: ABA#: Bank: Instructions: Addison Circle Three, LTD 1565439658 111000614 Bank One, Texas, N.A., Dallas, Texas Notify Sheryl Smith (972)770-5139 upon receipt -~·--· ... ·.---·· 1.-·-·· . I !---ll---1---1--· -;-~-~---.· ----· 7/31/00ACIIIGIBSON 08P.XLS _. . : .pprovaJ: DATE: Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO Claim# 5040 , AclcLt?ioh (\rcJv :tl= .300 A.clu:L01Dn-' T 15001 TOTAL ....lH16 9..1/X. 53 Finance , April 3, 2000 Mr. Mike Murphy Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear Mike: ® PosT PROPERTIES Please accept this letter as our invoice in the amount of $793.97 for work done by Gibson & Associates, Inc. for the period ending March 24, 2000. Three copies of their pay application are attached. Please return two executed copies to us for distribution. STATEOFTEXAS § § AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James F. DuffY, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows: "My name is James F. DuffY. I am of sound mind, capable of making this Affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am a duly authorized representative of Addison Circle Three, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership (the 'Partnership'). I am the appropriate official of the Partnership to submit this .·Affidavit and do submit this Affidavit on behalf of the Partnership. The Partnership, by assignment from the Town of Addison, Texas, is the owner and construction manager under certain construction ·contract documents entitled 'Town of Addison, Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Addison Circle Phase III' dated December, Post. Properties, Inc. 5040 Addison Cirdc I Suite 300 I Addison, Texas 75001 Phone 972.851.3200 I Fnx 972.774.:l:lSS www.pos1 propcrtics.1~om 1995 (the 'Construction Contract') for that project generally referred to as Addison Circle Phase III (the 'Project'). The contractor for the project is Gibson & Associates, Inc. ('Contractor'). Attached hereto is an invoice or pay estimate for work performed on the Project by the Contractor for the time period set forth on the invoice/pay estimate. I hereby certifY that the work reflected on the said invoice/pay estimate is true and correct to the best of my information and belief, that such work by the Contractor has been measured and verified in accordance with the Construction Contract, and that all Construction Contract preconditions to payment of the invoice/pay estimate have been met. Attached hereto are cop1es of all material testing results in connection with this invoice/pay estimate." Please let tis know if you have any questions. 2JrZun ~F.D~ Executive Vice President JFD/kar · Attachments , .. Gibson & Associates Inc. RECE Estimate No.: 7 Client: Town of Addison MAR 2 4 ZOOO Contract Amount: $627,893.54 Estimate Period: February 25, 2000 Payable To: Gibson & Associates, Inc. 11210 Ryliecrest Drive Balch Springs, Texas 75180 Ill Ill Ill Contract Ill Quantity Ill Item Ill Description Ill Unit Ill Quantity ll[fhis Monthlll II 11----11 I I Ill Schedule I Streetscape Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 201 Ill Irrigation System IIILS Ill 1 Ill Ill 202 IIITree Fence IIILF Ill 1684111 Ill 203 1114" PVC Sch 40 Subdrain System IIILF Ill 1715111 1420 Ill 204 IIIBench B 5' Std Black Bowery Bench IIIEA Ill 21 Ill Ill 205111Bench C 6' Glossy Black Expo Bench IIIEA Ill 3111 Ill 206 IIITrash Receptacle B IIIEA Ill 15111 Ill 207 Ill Bike Rack I IlEA Ill 13111 Ill 208111Bald Cypress 100 Gal IIIEA Ill 26111 Ill 209 Ill Live Oak 200 Gal IIIEA Ill 38111 Ill 210 IIIHoutuynia Cordata 4" IIIEA Ill 204111 Ill 211 IIIPalmers 5 Gal I IlEA Ill 36111 Ill 212IIIDwfYaupon Holly 1 Gal I IlEA Ill 1224111 Ill 213 Ill Blue Plumbago 4" I IlEA Ill 232111 Ill 214111Dallas Rosemary 3 Gal I IlEA Ill 34111 Ill 215111Yarrow Coronation Gold 1 Gal IIIEA Ill 18111 Ill 216111Turk's Cap 1 Gal IIIEA Ill 18111 Ill 217 Ill Rose Marie Pavie 2 Gal IIIEA Ill 36111 Ill 218 Ill Iris Madonna 1 Gal I IlEA Ill 204111 Ill 219 Ill Bearded Iris Italian 1 Gal I IlEA Ill 222111 Ill 220 Ill Iris Golden Cataract 1 Gal I IlEA Ill 324111 Ill 221 Ill Daffodil Feb Gold 1 Gal IIIEA Ill 432111 Ill 222 Ill Daffodil Grand Primo 1 Gal IIIEA Ill 204 Ill Ill 223 IIIDaffodil Trevithian 1 Gal IIIEA Ill 240 Ill Ill 224 IIIHypericum Pagulum Hentyi IIIEA Ill 44111 Ill 225111Bieeding Heart 1Gal I IlEA Ill 72111 Ill 226 IIIHyperion Daylilly 1 Gal IIIEA Ill 18111 Ill 227 Ill Bermuda Hydroseed Ill SF Ill 15200 Ill Ill 228111Mobilization IIILS Ill 1 Ill 0.05111 229111Supt IIILS Ill 1 Ill 0.2111 230 1114" 3000# Compressive Cone SW Ill SF Ill 420 Ill Ill 231 1114" 3000# Compressive Cone Subbase S~IISF Ill 25693111 Ill 232 1116" 3000# Cone Subbase SW Ill SF Ill 192111 Ill 233 IIIGien Gary Ped Brick Paver Mall. Ill SF Ill 25214111 Ill 234111Bedding Mall & Place Ped Brick Pavers Ill SF Ill 25214111 Ill 235111Bedding Matl & Reset Ped Brick Pavers ~II SF Ill 2221 Ill Ill 236 IIIUnclass SW Excavation IIICY Ill 548111 Ill 237 Ill Rem & Salv Exist Ped Brick Pavers Ill SF Ill 2221 Ill 49111 238 1114-6" Vari 3000# Rein! Cone SW Ill SF Ill 1550 Ill Ill 239 Ill Bermuda Solid Sod Ill SF Ill 2248111 Ill 240 Ill Barricades, Signs, & Traffic Control IIILS Ill 1 Ill 0.1 Ill Page 1 of 2 Quantity Ill Unit Ill To Date Ill Price Ill Total I II Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill $27,500.00 Ill oJ} $20.00 Ill 164 $18.70 Ill $30,668.00 Ill $970.oo Ill Ill $1 ,5oo.oo Ill Ill $1,100.00 Ill Ill $130.00 Ill Ill $1,135.00 Ill Ill $1,540.00 Ill Ill $2.20 Ill Ill $22.00 Ill Ill $4.40 Ill Ill $1.65111 Ill $18.70 Ill Ill $5.50 Ill Ill $5.50 Ill Ill $17.60 Ill Ill $5.50 Ill Ill $5.50 Ill Ill $5.50 Ill Ill $6.60 Ill Ill $6.60 Ill Ill $6.60 Ill Ill $18.70 Ill Ill $6.60 Ill Ill $6.60 Ill Ill $0.11 Ill 0.9111/$33, 1oo.oo Ill $29,790.00 0.7 Ill../$38,150.00 Ill $26,705.00 Ill $3.30 Ill Ill $3.30 Ill Ill $4.30 Ill Ill $2.11 Ill Ill $0.95111 Ill $1.20 Ill 375111,... $35.00 Ill $13,125.00 2344111./$1.09111 $2,554.96 Ill $4.00 Ill Ill $0.31 Ill 0.4111/$1 ,56o.oo Ill $624.00 ======================================================================================================= I ,. ;. MAR 3 I 2000 \l \ ' I· I . L ' -I '-~---- Job Description: Addison Circle-Streetscape 99-676 Client: Town of Addison Estimate Period: February 25, 2000 Payable To: Gibson & Associates, Inc. 1121 0 Ryliecrest Drive Balch Springs, Texas 75180 Ill Item Ill Description --II 601 I[JMeter Socket Base 602 I[JUnistrut Fnm For Meter 603 I[JServ Ground 6041[JPanelbrd W/Breakers 605 Ill Enclose & Contractors 606 1117 Day Time Clock & Connects 607 I[JPhoto Cell & Connects 608 1112" GRC Elbows 609 1112" PVC Sch 40 St Light Conduit 610 I[JHigh Compressive Taps 611 I[JConductor #1 0 AWG 612 Ill Conductor #08 AWG 613 Ill Conductor #06 AWG 614111Conductor #02 AWG 615111St Light Pull Box 616111Ped Street Light Foundation 617 Ill Bega Pole W/SGL Luminaire 618 Ill Beg a Pole W/DBL Luminaire Ill Add Ill Concrete Sidewalk Removals Ill Add I[JAdditionallrrigati on Modifications Ill Ill Add I[JMaterial On Hand (see attached inv.) 617 I[JBega Pole W/SGL Luminaire 618 I[JBega Pole W/DBL Luminaire Ill Add I[JDeposit (see attached invoice) 208 111200 Gal. Bald Cypress 209 111100 Gal. Live Oak Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Gibson & Associates Inc. To March 24, 2000 Ill Ill Contract Ill Quantity Ill Ill Unit Ill Quantity llrfhis Monthi[J lr--11 lf------11 IIJEA Ill 1 Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 1 Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 1 Ill Ill IIIEA Ill 1 Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 1 Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 1 Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 1 Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 60 Ill 21 Ill IIJLF Ill 2350 Ill 670 Ill IIJEA Ill e1 Ill Ill IIILF Ill 900 Ill Ill IIJLF Ill 13500 Ill Ill IIJLF Ill eo Ill Ill IIJLF Ill 120 Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 3111 Ill IIJEA Ill 24111 1o Ill IIJEA Ill 2o Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 4111 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill IIJSF Ill 17591[1 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill IIJLS Ill 1 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 20 Ill Ill IIJEA Ill 4111 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill JI[LS Ill Ill 1 Ill JI[LS Ill Ill 1 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Estimate No.: 7 Contract Amount: $627,893.54 Page 2 of 2 Quantity Ill Unit Ill To Date Ill Price Ill Total I Ill-Ill $93.50 Ill Ill $474.65111 Ill $82.50 Ill Ill $1 ,804.00 Ill Ill $375.10 Ill Ill $164.45 Ill Ill $57.20 Ill 21111v $37.40 Ill 670111/$2.18111 Ill $20.131[1 Ill $0.34111 Ill $0.42111 Ill $0.72111 Ill $1.08111 Ill $191.40 Ill 10 iii./$602.80 Ill $6,028.00 Ill $2,729.10 ill Ill $3,897.30 Ill Ill Ill 17591[1 ./$3.90 Ill $6,860.10 Ill Ill 1111 /$2, 14o.oo Ill $2,140.00 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill 20 Ill./$1,595.00 Ill $31,900.00 4111 ,/$2,290.00 Ill $9,160.00 Ill Ill Ill Ill 1 Ill ./$5,200.00 Ill $5,200.00 1 Ill ./$2,565.00 Ill $2,565.00 Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill ================================ ======================================================================= JOB: 99-676 TOTAL WORK DONE $167,320.06 APPROVED: RETAINED 0.05 $8,366.00 AMOUNT PAYABLE $158,954.06 PREVIOUS BILLINGS $111,604.72 j/./l~""' $47,349.34 3-Zf-tJO v ..,.....- Gibson & Associates Inc. Pay Application #7 Streetscape Services Thru 03/24/00 Town of Addison Pay Application Request 49,841.41 Less: Retainage 49,841.41 X City % 30.43% 5.00% Total Payment from City Post Apartment Homes/Gaylord Pay Application Request 49,841.41 X Partnership % 69.57% = = Total Payment to Contractor Payments from the City should be wired to: City's Amount 15,166.74 (2,492.07) 12,674.67 Partnership Amount 34,674.67 47,349.34 Account: Account#: Addison Circle Three, LTD 1565439658 ABA#: 111000614 Bank: Bank One, Texas, N.A., Dallas, Texas Instructions: Notify Sheryl Smith (972)770-5139 upon receipt Checks from the City should be made out to Addison Circle Three, Ltd 3/31/00ACIIIGIBSON 07S.XLS Job/Business Unit# Co# Contract/PO # Suppli&; # Job/BU# GIL Cost Code Subledger Amount Jl-/37o! Z.&?o L~o!Z'l l/T3'19 .?'1 Total: Dev/Mgmt/Const. Approval: ·"'-Acctg. Ap_proval: AJP Approval: AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Patricia M. Gibson of Gibson & Associates, Inc., being duly sworn, says that she is the CEO of Gibson & Associates, Inc., (herein referred to as the "Contractor") and is familiar with the facts herein stated. That said Contractor performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use in the construction of: Addison Circle Phase II B -Streetscape And owned by: Post Properties, Inc. I Town of Addison That said Contractor hereby certified that he had paid or had otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished for all work, labor, and services performed and for all indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above. CONTRACTOR: BY: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. a~~-4.4 Patricia M. Gibson CEO SWORN TO ME BEFORE and subscribed in my presence this 24th day of March, 2000. My Commission Expires: 'l ·:2 S ~ ~ ®. SHERI J. CLEPPER Notary Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires 07-25-2001 -!~.n· 25 00 04: 48p Wil 1 iam Koller FROM TEXAS GROWN TREES >AX NU. : 4683591 Texas Grcwn Trreces Pnui L)nv!s, D.!L\. 1'.0. R'-'" 1511)64 • ATI.llll!(tllll, TX 7130 l5 Mt· tro F! 17 -ll()\ @SHERI J. CLEPPER ~ Notary Public, State of Texas .,.My Commission Expires ~ 07-25-2001 .· DATE: ,A 1/L-11 0 Q Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO Claim:::.# ___ _ Check$ )0,0'71. :J-..5 ; 15001 TOTAL /{), 0J/. J. 5 Finance February 9, 2000 Mr. John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear John: n® rOST PROPERTIES Please accept this letter as our invoice in the amount of $37,623.62 for work done by Gibson & Associates, Inc. for the period ending January 25, 2000. Three copies of their pay application are attached. Please return two executed copies to us for distribution. STATE OF TEXAS § § AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF DALLAS § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James F. Duffy, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows: "My name is James F. Duffy. I am of sound mind, capable of making this Affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am a duly authorized representative of Addison Circle Three, Ltd., a Texas_ limited partnership (the 'Partnership'). I am the appropriate official of the Partnership to submit this Affidavit and do submit this Affidavit on behalf of the Partnership. The Partnership, by assignment from the Town of Addison, Texas, is the owner and construction manager under certain construction contract documents entitled 'Town of Addison, Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Addison Circle Phase Ill' dated December, Post Properties: Inc. 5040 Addison Circle I Suite 300 I Addison, Texas 75001 Phone 972.851.3200 I Fax 972.774.3355 w\vw.postpropeities.com 1995 (the 'Construction Contract') for that project generally referred to as Addison Circle Phase ill (the 'Project'). The contractor for the project is Gibson & Associates, Inc. ('Contractor'). Attached hereto is an invoice or pay estimate for work performed on the Project by the Contractor for the time period set forth on the invoice/pay estimate. I hereby certify that the work reflected on the said invoice/pay estimate is true and correct to the best of my information and belief, that such work by the Contractor has been measured and verified in accordance with the Construction Contract, and that all Construction Contract preconditions to payment of the invoice/pay estimate have been met. Attached hereto are copies of all material testing results in connection with this invoice/pay estimate." Please let us know if you have any questions. ~r/~Lfi /"James F. Duffy Executive Vice President JFD/kar Attachments KIMBERLY A. RJEO WI COMMiSSION EXPIRES December 18, 2001 ..... Gibson & Associate, ~CEIVED Job Description: Addison Circle -Paving 99-675 Client: Town of Addison JAN 2 7 2000 Estimate No.: 5 BY: ~ Contract Amount: $333,373.87 ~.:..=:!:::!.~======.] Estimate Period: December 21,1999 To January 25, 2000 Page 1 of 1 Payable To: Gibson & Associates,lnc. 11210 Ryliecrest Drive Balch Springs, Texas 75180 Ill Item Ill Description --Ill-Ill Schedule I Paving Ill 101 Ill Mobilization 102 IIISupt 103 IIIFull Depth Sawcut Existing Concrete Ill Ill Ill Unit Ill llf--11 Ill Ill Ill Ill I IlLS Ill I IlLS Ill IIILF Ill 104 IIIRem & Disp Exist. Cone Pave lncl Curb IIISY Ill 105 IIICompact 8" Flex Base Ty A Grade 2 IIICY Ill 106 IIIFurn & Place Grasscrete Pave IIISF Ill 107 Ill Compact 6" Lime Stab IIISY Ill 108 Ill Hydrated Lime IIITONIII 109 1116" 650# Flex Cone Paving IIISY Ill 110 1116" 650# Flex Cone Drop Slab IIISY Ill 111 1116" 650# Flex lnt Cone Curb IIILF Ill 112 1116"650#Fiex Cone Dr.Pave w/wo Drop SlaiiiSY Ill 113 I!IReinf Cone St Header IIILF Ill 114 IIIConst Longitudinal Butt Joint IIILF Ill 115 IIIAcme Vehicular Brick Paver Matl Ill SF II 116 II!Bedding Matl and Installation of Pavers IIISF 117 11124" Wide Thermoplastic Stop Line IIILF 118 IIISt & Traff Ctrl Signs II lEA 119 IIISt Name Sign & Mount Hdwr I IlEA 120 IIIUnistrut Telespar St Sign Post I IlEA 121 IIISt Barricades IIILF 122 IIIRem Existing St Barricades & Posts IIILF Ill 123 Ill Barricades, Signs & Traff Ctrl IIILS Ill 124 IIIUnclass St Excavation IIICY Ill Contract Ill Quantity Ill Quantity Ill Unit Ill Quantity Ill This Month Ill To Date Ill Price Ill Total II I 11------llr--------· Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill Ill . Ill 1 Ill 0.15 Ill o.85'fll~ $25,475.00 Ill $21,653.75 1 Ill 0.15 Ill 0.65 Hr $23,1 oo.oo Ill $15,015.00 84111 Ill 84 llr-' $2.50 Ill $210.00 ~59111 Ill 459111.......--$16.50 Ill .· _$7;573.50. 56 Ill Ill Ill $4o.oo Ill 2248 Ill Ill Ill $2.74111 4250 Ill 4160 Ill 4160 IV $5.20 Ill $21,632.00 58.3111 67.87111 67.87liY $126.50 Ill $8.585.56 3842 Ill Ill Ill $28.80 Ill 566111 Ill Ill $33.30 Ill 1787 Ill Ill Ill $3.75111 40 Ill Ill Ill $35.00 Ill 74111 Ill Ill $6.00 Ill 67 Ill Ill Ill $5.00 Ill 4493 Ill Ill Ill $3.70 Ill 4493 Ill Ill Ill $2.86 Ill 24111 Ill Ill $27.50 Ill 25 Ill Ill Ill $423.50 Ill 4111 Ill Ill $390.50 Ill 15 Ill Ill Ill $434.50 Ill 40 Ill Ill ~ $22.00 Ill 65111 Ill 65 $11.00 Ill $715.00 1 Ill 0.3111 0.6 Iff' $7,000.00 Ill $4,200.00 3313 Ill Ill 3435IIV $13.09 Ill $44,964.15 ======================================================~===================================~================== JOB: 99-675 APPROVED: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY ~,cad DATE: January 25, 2000 TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS BILLINGS AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE Unit# # Co 0.05 $124,548.96· $6,227.45 $1-18,321.51. $80,697.89,/$37,623.62 AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Patricia M. Gibson of Gibson & Associates, Inc., being duly sworn, says that he is the Chief Executive Officer of Gibson & Associates, Inc., (herein referred to as the "Contractor") and is familiar with the facts herein stated. That said Contractor performed work and labor and/or furnished material for use in the construction of: Addison Circle Phase II B -Paving And owned by: The Town of Addison Post Properties, Inc. That said Contractor hereby certified that he had paid or had otherwise satisfied all obligations for all materials and equipment furnished for all work, labor, and services performed and for all indebtedness and claims against the Contractor for damages arising in any manner in connection with the performance of the Contract referenced above. CONTRACTOR: GIBSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY: C?