-. \ c N <:!. 0 ;;: 0 "' '? "' >--' l> l> ao 0. , 0. "' v;· "' 3 0 :::> "' Q :::> ~ , Q. >--' "' -ponsible for construction, including labor, material and all associated costs, of switchgear pads required for 5ervicc, as laid out by TU Electric. Switchgear pads will be constructed to TU Electric specifications. See attached TU Electric specification MOD-5. 8. Columbus will be responsible for construction, including labor, materials and all associated costs, of the loop feed designed conduit from the switchgear to lhe transfonners. This conduit, including it~ required spares, will be built to TU Electric specifications. Layout design for the conduit will be provided by TU Electric. See auached TU Electric specification DDS-3 UG. 9. Columbus will be responsible for lht: 1:onstruction, including labor, materials and all associated costs, of the transformcr pad.~. Transformer pads will be built to TU Electric specificatioJL~. Columbus will provide proper space, as determined by TU Electric, for the location of said switchgear and transformers. Proper clearances, horizontal and vertical, will be required before installation of facilities begins. See attached TU Electric specifications DDS-3 UG and DDS-4 UG. 10. Colomhu.~ will be responsible for the construction, including labor, materials and all associated cosiS. or the conduit from the transformers to the meters. Said meters will include residential. commercial and municipal accounts. Conduit used for residential meters will be laid out and built to TU Electric specifications. See attached TU Electric specif1C8tions DDS-3 UG and DDS-4 UG. 11. Columbus will be responsible for the installation of all residential, commercial and municipal meter ba5es. Location of meter bases will be determined by TU Electric. 12. All Tll Electric facilities will be located in planed TU Electric easements. These easements are 10 he included on the Final Plat of this property submitted to the Town of Addison after TU Electric has reviewed and concurred with said easements. SENT BY:TU FARMERS BRANCH ; 10-20-95 10:53 TU FARMERS BRANCH~ 9316643;# 4/4 Page3 October 19, 1995 TU Electric will be rcsporu;ible for the following aspects during construction of the development: 1. TU Electric will provide a layout for the electric facilities required for the development, including 6E6 duct system, 4E6 duct system, manholes, switchgear pads, trausformer pads, conduit and meter locations. 2. TU Electric will provide and install all primary voltage electric cable required for the duct system and the transformers. 3. TU Electric will provide and install transfonner~ and all necessary electrical appurtenances required for service up to the points of delivery, said points of delivery being specified by TU Electric. 4. TU Electric will provide and install services (up to 150 feet) required for residential purposes. Services for commercial and municipal accounts will be provided and installed by Columbus. 5. TU Electric will provide all meter bases and meters for its customers for the development. Sub-meters and meters for non-TU Electric accounts will not be provided by TU Electric. 6. TU Electric will install streetlights as requested by the Town of Addison. Columbus will provide and install all required conduit, hand holes and foundations to TU Electric specifications. TU .Electric will install street lights and street light cable as required. Columbo.~ will he financially responsible for all street lights installed other than those of normal design (100 wall high pressure sodium colonial style luminaries on fiberglass standards). No customer or city owned facilities (conduit, eleclrical plugs, etc.) will be allowed on the street lights. TU Electric will provide the street light layout to Columbus. Relocation cost of existing street lights will be at Columbus' e~tpense. We look forward to working with you to provide your customers with an e~tceptional product. Please call me at 888-1307 if you have any questions concerning electric service to this project. cc: Ron Whitehead -Town of Addison Joe Joe Waterfreld, P.E. -Huitt-Zollars SENT BY:TU FARMERS BRANCH DATE: TO: FROM: ;1 0-20-95 ; I 0:51 TU FARMERS BRANCH~ ------• • RIEL£CTRIC FARMERS BRANCH DISTRICT CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MARKETING 14400 JOSEY LANE FARMERS BRANCH, TEXAS 75234 FAX (214) 888-1304 10-2-o 4S NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) 9316643:# I/4 . vJ!?"< RBMARXS• tJ~rC:.tNtfl.-"-]2'?-()tJ, Co.Pd~-S oE b:t'>S-3 DDS-<.l vYlDO-S" ~-D'S 40'2.-0"\ ALf2 IIJ Q.o.v5 VAc_f-r;;1 1 -( A;U., I f y &» is\p.,tt.. _AtJl ~&S TI & IllS . ?( t ~ iF YOU ~VE A PROBLEM IN RECEIVING THIS TRANSMITTAL, PLEASE CONTACT --+----------AT -------14400 JOICJ Lane F.umen Bnrdl, Tn. 75234 September 14, 1995 Grand Kempenski Marriott Harvey Hotel summary Grand Kempenski Marriott Harvey Hotel summary Hotel 2 year total usage average #of gallons per gallons per monthly rooms usage room per month day per room 92,468,961 ~24 = 3,852,873 ~ 528 = 7,297 ..:-30 = 243 54,537,600 ~24 = 2,272,400 ~547 4,154 -:-30 = 138 61,094,570 .:-24 = 2,545,607 .;.429 = 5,933 :.;. 30 = 198 208,101,131 24 = 670,880 1,504 = 5,765 + 30 = 192 Irrigation 12,293,200~24 = 512,216 .;.30 = 17,073 average gallons per day • • 16,656,410~24 = 694,017 ~ 30 = 23,133 average gallons per day 3,720,000 ~24 = 155,000 .:-30 = 5,166 average gallons per day 32,669,610:"• 24 • = 1,361,233;-30 = 45,374 average gallons per day September 14, 1995 Bent Tree Trails Valley of Bent Tree Bent Tree Fountains summary Bent Tree Trails Valley of Bent Tree Bent Tree Fountain summary Multi Family 2 year total usage average #of monthly apart. usage gallons per gallons per apart. per month day per apart. 21,357,900 i-24 = 889,900 ::-202 = 4,405 ~ 30 = 146 10,017,300~24 = 417,387 -:-102 = 4,092 .;. 30 = 136 28,122,700+24 = 1,171,780~184 = 6,368 ~30 = 212 59,497,9oo.;-24 = 2,479,079:-488 = 5,080 .;.30 = 169 Irrigation 12,489,200 ~ 24 = 520,383 :•' 30 = 17,346 average gallons per day 4, 704,000 + 24 = 196,000 -:. 30 = 6,533 average gallons per day 10,053,600.;. 24 = 418,900 ~ 30 = 13,963 average gallons per day 27,246,800 :-24 = 1,135,283~30 = 37,842 average gallons per day September 14, 1995 Princeton Colonnade Spectrum High rise offices 2 year average # of total monthly sq. ft usage months usage /Jt-r gallons per sq.ft per month 9,561,700 7 24 = 398,400 ~ 371,000 = 1.07 • • 33,680,800 ':" 24 = 1,403,360 ':" 610,000 = 2.30 34,722,000.;. 24 = 1,446,750 ~600,000 = 2.40 ~(). 0 ~ 8. 37J/Pf~! 77.964,500 24 = 3.248,520 1,581.000 = 2.05 gal per month per sq. ft '. Irrigation Princeton 4,592,000 .;. 24 = 191,337.;. 30 = 6,377 Colonnade 8,263,400 ;. 24 = 344,308 ~30 = 11,476 Spectrum 5,156,100 ~ 24 = 214,837 + 30 = 7,161 18,011,600~24 = 750,483 averagei-30 days = 25,016 per. day average~3 = 8,338 gal. per day CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 August 15, 1995 Mr. Andy Oakley, P.E. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 McKinney Ave., Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75204 Re: Addison Urban Center -Private Utilities Dear Andy: (214) 450-2886 16801 Westgrove Attached is a listing franchise agreements or within Addison. of the private utility providers with licenses to use the public right-of-way Because of the nature of Quorum Drive, it would be beneficial to provide them with copies of the masterfconcept plan so they can properly plan for their utility systems prior to the reconstruction of Quorum Drive. Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. . ' 1 j S~n;,re y, :~--/:5.?---;?'-~ John R. Baumgartner Public Works Director/City Engineer JRBfst cc: Carmen Moran Bryant Nail Attachment TOWH OF ADDISON Franchise Utilities August 1995 Telephone Southwestern Bell Electric TU Electric Natural Gas Lone Star Gas Cable T.V. TCI (Rick Renwick 275-4383) Herron Fiber Optic Companies TCG (Rick Renwick 275-4383) MFS (David Dillman 880-0225) MCI (Berry Billington) Sprint Others: Explorer Pipeline 1-800-395-0440 1-800-658-2180 1-800-344-8377 445-5753 1-800-477-0887 445-5753 1-800-344-8377 918-1968 1-800-344-8377 1-800-344-8377 June 20, 1995 To: Carmen Moran, Director of Developmental Services From: John R. Baumgartner, P.E., Director of Public Works Re: Addison Urban Center-Master Utilities Agreement DRAFT After review of the draft agreement I received on June 15, 1 still have the following questions: 1. 'Where are funds for franchise utilities coming from. At this level it is difficult to determine what cost will be assessed to the district. TU has indicated they want to bring il1 an overhead feed to the district. This is not consistent with my understandh1g of Addison's desire to place all new utilities underground. Someone will need to pay for this service. 2. Where will funds come from for the Town to utilize the proper experts (ie: Sasaki, Barton-Aschman, engineers, etc.) for independent plan review, material submittals/proposals (bricks, light standards, etc.), and independent inspections? 3. How are any changes in scope f(Jr either the consultants or contractor addressed? Arc these district costs or developer risk? 4. There are some up-front costs associated with selling bonds to finance this district. Will these costs be rolled into the bond sale or paid from the budget established for the district. At this time I am not sure all of the above elements are explicitly addressed in the agreement. During the process we used to estimate costs, I believe items I and 2 were in.cluded. It could be argued that item 4 was included as contingency, If they are not included here, then they should be budgeted for as an expanded level of service. Please call m.e if you have any questions or need additional information.