Steve Chutchian From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Murphy Friday, December 03, 2004 3:28 PM Steve Chutchian RE: Addison Fairfield Residential Comments Because of recent developments I think we should start asking for written proof that plans and specs have been submitted and approved by Texas Department of Liscensing and Regulations for compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act, especially as they relate to public streets and sidewalks. (what do YOU think?) 1JUk Michael E-Murph,yJ FE Director of Jublic Works (972) +50-2878 Work , (2 1+) 2 I 5-5280 Mobile (97 2) +50-28;7 Fax E-Mail: -Original Message--From: Steve Chutehian sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 2:36 PM To: carmen Moran Cc: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Jenny Nicewander Subject: Addison Fairfield Residential Comments The following comments are submitted regarding the preliminary Development Plan for Addison Fairfield Residential: • How will Tract I and the remaining tracts be provided sanitary sewer service. • The proposed improvements to the median area within Quorum Drive is not shown correctly. • A grading and drainage plan will be necessary for Tract I and the overall addition. • The development plan does not address on-site storm water detention requirements by ordinance. • Landscaping, irrigation and other streetscape development along the west side of Quorum Drive is not adequately shown on the plan and responsibility for performing the improvements must be finalized. • Water and storm drainage facilities within Artist Way and the west end of Goodman Ave. are drawn as proposed improvements. However, these improvements are beyond the limits of Tract I. The affeded sections of roadway appear to have sufficient need for street reconstruction, in accordance with the development plan layout. Some proposed utilities may be relocated onto the proposed park property to reduce the impact on the existing street pavement. • Existing drainage swale along the west end of the addition must be placed underground and be tied into the proposed storm drainage facilities on Artist Way. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer 1 Steve Chutchian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Steve Chutchian Friday, December 03, 20042:36 PM Cannan Moran Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Jenny Nicewander Addison Fairtield Residential Comments The following comments are submitted regarding the preliminary Development Plan for Addison Fairtield Residential: • How will Tract I and the remaining tracts be provided sanitary sewer service. • The proposed improvements to the median area within Quorum Drive is not shown correctly. • A grading and drainage plan will be necessary for Tract I and the overall addition. • The development plan does not address on-site storm water detention requirements by oltlinance. • Landscaping, irrigation and other streetscape development along the west side of Quorum Drive is not adequately shown on the plan and responsibility for performing the improvements must be finalized. • Water and stann drainage facilities within Artist Way and the west end of Goodman Ave. are drawn as proposed improvements. However, these Improvements are beyond the limits of Tract I. The affected sections of roadway appear to have sufficient need for street reconstruction, in accordance with the development plan layout. Some proposed utilities may be relocated onto the proposed park property to reduce the impact on the existing street pavement. • Existing drainage swale along the west end of the addition must be placed underground and be tied into the proposed stann drainage facilities on Artist Way. • Engineer must provide written proof that plans and specifications have been submitted and approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Should you have any questions, please let me know. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer 1 Steve Chutchian To: Subject: Carmen Moran Addison Fairfield Residential Comments The following comments are submitted regarding the preliminary Development Plan for Addison Fairfield Residential: • How will Tract I and the remaining tracts be provided sanitary sewer service. • The proposed improvements to the median area within Quorum Drive is not shown correctly. • A grading and drainage plan will be necessary for Tract I and the overall addition. • The development plan does not address on-site storm water detention requirements by ordinance. • Landscaping, irrigation and other streetscape development along the west side of Quorum Drive is not adequately shown on the plan and responsibility for perfonning the improvements must be finalized. • Water and stonn drainage facilities within Artist Way and the west end of Goodman Ave. are drawn as proposed Improvements. However, these improvements are beyond the limits of Tract I. The affected sections of roadway appear to have sufficient need for street reconstruction, in accordance with the development plan layout. Some proposed utilities may be relocated onto the proposed park property to reduce the impact on the existing street pavement. • Existing drainage swale along the west end of the addition must be placed underground and be tied into the proposed stonn drainage facilities on Artist Way. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer 1