! ' ; ,. i ! i ! ) ? ' ,' ' I I [Q)t%[L[L&~ _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _... . . ,lu~~~~~y ( ,_,~.~.s ~--=:::s=\ ~ ... ~o~~~~_:~~~T~ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ CC&~~(Q)[L[L lf'(Q)~ BELT LINE ~,0 ~ !: ::; ~ ::; it ,. " 1-:i 0 i: g lh ~ CITY LIMITS c -! '! c "' _, I !I ~ ":ll "lli~!S'i~~.~~r-~ 0 ''\I ::C D II II II ll II II 0 i e~i·i ililiiUi1i -· -1' =--i rF &~~~~~ ~ :i ~~&~(C[J=(] ~ ::; ~ () DALLAS COUNTY ,. ~ \ ~ ., .. ... ... c " ,. ~ g i ., .. ... ~ ----FREEWAY ----PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL ----MINOR ARTERIAL ----COMMERCIAL COLLECTOR TOLL TUNNEL ----RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR ====LOCAL [Q)~[b[b~~ [Q)t%[L[L&~ THOROUGHFARE PLAN UPDATE AUGUST 1997 _... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... [Q) !A\ [LJL !A\~ ~~-n~~~~~v ~ ta''-"'~ _...,_ " ·p ... .:_o~~·." .:_~~~T~ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ~·-' .... -8 1 <> DALLAS COUNTY ~!A\~~(Q)[L[L IJ'(Q)~ 0 1-0: -,.. 3! o( ... ~ I"' ~ i 0 ~ ~ .~.. ! = i ~!A\~~~~~'t, ~ 9 . z :li ~~!A\~©[]=[] ., ..c.... [Q) !A\ [L [L !A\~ c Q THOROUGHFARE PLAN CHANGES AUGUST 1997 12-03-1998 3o17PM FROM .... \ . '-TOWN OF ADDIS\?N PO BOX 9010 ADDISON TX 75001-9010 '· FACSIMILE TR;ANSMITTAL SHEET . ·, TO, n: L y;;~ A-PllOM~ B.~..._ .• PAXNUMBI!.R! X ...:;)83'/PHONE NUMBU.: SENt>U.'S PHONE NliMBE"' s 972-450-7 0 I 7 SlNDEK'S PAX NUMBU: 972-450-7043 D UllCl!NT D l'.Y~ D PLEASE COMMENT /llf:PLY IS. UBJECT; . \ ~~ov. (; H P.P..il.. ~' COMMENTS: r r , ) P. 1 December 2, 1998 City Secretary's Office City oflrving P.O. Box 152288 Irving, Texas, 75015 Re: Town of Addison Thoroughfare Plan Dear Carla: Please fmd enclosed the requested copy of our thoroughfare plan and resolution. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call me at 972/450-2871. Sincerely, John R. Baumgartner, P .E. Director of Public Works 12-03-1998 3o17PM FROM . ' RESOLUTIPN NO. R97..092 '· A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON, . . TEXAS, APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO ADDISON'S MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN. WHEREAS, the Addison Master Thoroughfare Plan Committee was appointed by the Addison City Council and charged With the duty of reviewing proposed amendments to the city's Thoroughfare Plan, which was adopted by the Council in Decemberof1992,and;and WHEREAS, the Master Plan Committee held two public hearings, for which public notice was provided through a letter that was sent to each commercial property owner in the city, and WHEREAS, the MasterPlan Committee has evaluated the recommendations of the staff, the Town's traffic consuHant, and the inputfrom the public, and has considered the impact of the proposed amendments to the Plan to the community and to individual property owners, and WHEREAS, the Committee has taken an individual vote on each item, and the vote on all items was unanimous for approval; now, therefore. THE MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN COMMITIEE hereby makes the following recommendations for changes to the Addispn Master Thoroughfare Plan: Extension of Spectrum Drive from Arapaho Road to Airport Parkway The Committee recommends. the plan be amended to add the extension of Spectrum Drive from its current loc¢ion north to Ailport Parkway. The Committee recognizes that the extension adversely affects one property owner, and would like to see a reasonable accommodation made for this owner. OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY RESOLUTION NO. R97-092 12-03-1998 3o18PM FROM P.3 .. Modifications to Quorum Drive between Oitllas North Tollway and Belt Line '· The Committee recommends two modifications: the addition of the "round-abouf' circle at Addison Circle and Quorum Drive, a~d a reduction in functional classification of Quorum Drive from a Principal Arterial to a Minor Arterial. This reduction means that Quorum Drive would go from a proposed six-lane, divided street to a four lane, divided street. Upgrade Arapaho Road to a six"'ane divided thoroughfare between Quorum Drive and Dallas North Tollway The Committee recommends that the proposed Arapaho realignment incorporate a widening from four lanes to six lanes between Quorum Drive and the Tollway. This widening Is needed because of the growth of Addison Circle and the office building and raw land on the north and south sides of the roadway. Upgrade Arapaho Road to a six-lane divided thoroughfare between Dallas North Tollway and Marsh Lane The Committee also recommended that the Council consider amending the plan to up-grade Arapaho to a six-lane divided thoroughfare all the way from the Tollway to Marsh Lane. Re-alignment of Arapaho Road along Realw/Centurion Way The Committee recommends that the plan be' amended to provide for arealignment of Arapaho Road at Realty/Centurion Way. Since the implementation of the original Plan, a final alignment has been approved and engineered. The plan should be adjusted to reflect t!Je final alignment. · . I OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY RESOLUTION NO. R97-092 12-03-1998 3,18PM FROM P. Whit> Kent Kent 3-27-95 H. W. K., Inc. Post Office Box 427 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 239-1324 MEMORANDUM Addison's new Urban Center zoning district & Columbus Realty's proposal. Phone conversation with Carmen, 450-7018. Planning and Zoning approved the zoning change with a provision that the unnamed east-west street on the south side of our properties (Hall/Shook and Quorum East Joint Venture) be but entirely on OPUBCO land. The rear yard setbacks and landscaping requirements that we have now would not change with the approval of the Urban Center zoning or the proposed east west streets. Additionally, the plan document will have a note that the proposed north-south streets are not a part of the Urban Center and will have no effect on property outside the district If needed, the northsouth street ROW will have to be acquired. Carmen said the Town is not planing to put them on the thoroughfare plan which would require ROW dedication and paving assessments from adjacent property property owners. The Town is including in its budget for their commitment to the Urban Center district project the cost to acquire off site ROW for the north-south streets and Addison Road and construct the same (approximately $18 million). She seems to understand that these roads did not help us but in fact were a detriment to us and that we would not oppose the Urban Center Zoning and street plan as long as our property was not burdened by them. Ms. Carmen Moran Town of Addison Post Office Box 144 Addison, TX 75001-0144 H. W. K., Inc. Asset Management Services Post Office Box 427 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 239-1324 March 14, 1995 450-7018 dd 960-7684 fx RE: Case No: 1213-Z/Columbus Realty Trust impact on land on the south side of Airport Parkway Dear Carmen: Thank you for discussing the referenced request with me this morning. I would like to reduce my concerns to writing for your record. Please give a copy of this letter to the members of the Planning Commission and Town Council. It is my understanding the land on the south side of Airport Parkway is not eligible to be in the Urban Center/Special Events District and therefore high density residential use would not be permitted on same. It was good to hear that we agree on the following: 1. The currently permitted commercial uses and development rights on the land on the south side of Airport Parkway would not be affected by the adjoining residential uses or Urban Center district including height, setbacks, etc. 2. Being outside of the Urban Center district, the subject land should not contribute land or money for roads to service the district. The subject property has already contributed land and money for Airport Parkway, Addison Road and Quorum Drive. The subject land does not need and would not benefit from additional road frontages. For the record, as the district road system is currently proposed, we are not in favor of the proposed zoning change. Furthermore, we strongly object that the applicant has proposed roads on our land without discussion with us, without benefit to us and without compensation to us. Please do not approve the request with roads on our land and do not place said roads on the city thoroughfare plan. CC: John Baumgardner Town of Addison property\hall-shklcorrespdl\addison.OOI Sincerely, S.KentHope 450-2886 dd 931-6643 fx HWK Inc/HoPe Real~~ HWK, Inc. a Texas Coiporation Post Office Box 427 Addison. Tex.. 75001 9721239-1324 9721239-0026 fliX E-mail: box427@aol.com September 10, 1997 21423'98026 P.01 or an Town Addison P. . Box 144 972/450-7018 972/450-704J<--"" ddison, TX 75001 Re: Notice of Intent to Amend Addison's Master Thoroughfare Plan Dear Carmen: Reference your notice which I received on September 8, I 997. I called your office the same day. John Baumgartner returned my call on September 9, !997. He informed me of the proposed addition of Spectrum Drive to Airport Parkway to the Master Thoroughfare Plan. I told him of our previous correspondence and phone conversations regarding this subject. He said he would visit with you and I could expect a return call in the near future. It is hoped the enclosed letters and memo will help in your review of this situation. Please furnish copies of them to the Citizen's Review Committee and City Council. Sincerely, ~~ S. Kent Hope Secretary/Treasurer John Baumgartner via fax to 972/450-2837 Post-11" Fax Note 7671 Dol•'j~(O lta~~s• '* .... From CQJOept. Co. Phonet PhOne t Fa> Whit> Kent Kent 3-27-95 H. W. K., Inc. Post Office Box. 427 Addison. To.., 7$001 (ll4) 239·1324 MEMORANDUM 214239ee26 Addison's new Urban Center zoning district & Colwnbus Realty's proposal. Phone conversation with Carmen, 450-7018. Planning and Zoning approved the zoning change with a provision that the unnamed east-west street on the south side of our projJerties (Hall/Shook and Quorum East Joint Venture) be but entirely on OPUBCO land. The rear yard setbacks and landscaping requirements that we have now would not change with the approval of the Urban Center zoning or the proposed east west streets. Additionally, the plan document will have a note that the proposed north-south streets are not a part of the Urban Center and will have no effect on property outside the district. If needed, the northsouth street ROW will have to be acquired. Carmen said the Town is not planing to put them on the thoroughfare plan which would require ROW dedication and paving assessments from adjacent property owners. The Town is including in its budget for their commitment to the Urban Center district project the cost to acquire off site ROW for the north-south streets and Addison Road and construct the same (approximately $18 million). She seems to understand that these roads did not help us but in fact were a detriment to us and that we would not oppose the Urban Center Zoning and street plan as long as our property was not burdened by them. P.e3 Ms. Carmen Moran Town of Addison Post Office Box 144 Addison, TX 7 5001-0144 H. W. K., Inc. Aut! I Marra~~nl &rvlu:s Po'E Offict Box. 427 Addi&on. Texas 75001 (214) 239-1324 March 14, 1995 2142390026 P.04 450-7018 dd 960-7684 fx RE: Case No: 1213-Z/Columbus Realty Trust impact on land on the south side of Airport Parkway Dear Carmen: Thank you for discussing the referenced request with me this morning. I would like to reduce my concerns to writing for your record. Please give a copy of this letter to the members of the Planning Commission and Town Council. It is my understanding the land on the south side of Airport Parkway is not eligible to be in the Urban Center/Special Events District and therefore high density residential use would not be permitted on same. It was good to hear that we agree on the following: I. The currently permitted conunercial uses and development rights on the land on the south side of Airport Parkway would not be affected by the adjoining residential uses or Urban Center district including height, setbacks, etc. 2. Being outside of the Urban Center district. the subject land should not contribute land or money for roads to service the district. The subject property has already contributed land and money for Airport Parkway, Addison Road and Quorum Drive. The subject land does not need and would not benefit from additional road frontages. For the record, as the district road system is currently proposed, we are not in favor of the proposed zoning change. Furthermore, we strongly object that the applicant has proposed roads on our land without discussion with us, without benefit to us and without compensation to us. Please do not approve the request with roads on our land and do not place said roads on the city thoroughfare plan. cc: John Baumgardner Town of Addison property\hall-shk\cQrrespd\\addisQn.OO I Sincerely, S.KentHope 450-2886 dd 931-6643 fx Ms. Cannen Moran Town ~f Addison Post Office Box 144 Addison, TX 75001-0144 H. W. K., Inc. Asut ,l.{:~ru2g&ment ScM·I~s ron Office Box 127 Addison, Texas 75001 (214) 239-1324 June 20, 1995 450-7018 dd 960-7684 fx. RE: !Impact of Zoning Case No: 1213-Z/Columbus Realty Trust on land on the south side of Airport :Parkway from Addison Road to the 1v · · Dear c:annen: Please give a copy of this letter to the men owners of the reference property oppose statem~nts will be true and correct about thei 1. The currently pcnnitted conm1ercial uses a Parkwar would not be affected by the adjoini setbac)(s, etc. •n Council. The ;s the following U1 side of Airport including height, 2. The subject property will not be require< ervice the Urban Center district, The subject property has alre< 'arkway, Addison Road at\d Quorum Drive. The subject prope .. , ----... . n additional road frontag~s. Therefore, we request a specific note in the zoning ordinance and on the concept drawing that streets ~hown outside the district will not be an obligation on the City or the private property owner, i.e., propos~d stre.ets outside the district may never get built and the plan should accommodate this contingency. 3. The north boundary of the district and the proposed east-west oriented road will not encroach on the south biHmdary of the subject property. 4. The: owners plan to orient buildings on the subject property to Quorum Drive, Airport Parkway or Addiso* Road. T11e subject property does not need or want access to the proposed east.-west oriented road adjaceni to its south boundary. Therefore, the subject property will not be burdened v,.ith a front y.ard or side . . yard buildings setback and/or landscape zones from the proposed east-west oriente.d road adjacent to its south boundary. CC: John Baumgardner Town of Addison property\hall-shk\correspd\\addison.0 03 ! . . Sincerely, L/( -/lfnf~ S. Kent Hope 450-2886 dd 931-6643 fx I N 0 F F To: From: Subject: Date: T E R MEMO C E All Members of the Master Thoroughfare Plan Committee Carmen Moran Meeting on September 17th September 9, 1997 We will hold the first of two public hearings on the thoroughfare plan amendments on Wednesday, September 17th at 6:30p.m. We are not planning to have sandwiches at this meeting. I have enclosed the following items: 1. Minutes of the first meeting on August 28th. 2. An agenda for the meeting on September 17th. 3. A copy of the letter that was sent to all commercial property owners in the city. We have had several calls from property owners, and we are mailing copies of the plan and the proposed changes to anyone who wants the information. 4. Memorandum from Parsons Transportation. This explains the staff's justification for the changes that are being proposed for the plan. I will be out of Town until Monday. If you have questions about any of the information, please call Andy Eads at 450-7017. OFFICIAL ACTIONS OF THE ADDISON MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN COMMITTEE August 28, 1997 6:00p.m.-Conference Room Addison Town Hall 5300 Belt Line Road Present: Absent: Bob Barrett, Mary Dolan, Karen O'Neill, Derek Ryan, Glen Taylor, Gil Turchin. Scott Wheeler, Mick Britton. 1. Background and Purpose of the Thoroughfare Plan. Carmen Moran and John Baumgartner provided Committee members with the background and purpose of Thoroughfare Plan Committee. 2. Status of current Plan and Proposed Amendments. Jeffrey Scherbarth, Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. provided Committee members with the status of current plan and proposed amendments. 3. Schedule of Future Meetings and Public Hearings. The committee selected September 17, 1997, at 6:30 at the Addison Town Hall for the next committee meeting. Carmen Moran will be sending property owners notices that the Thoroughfare Plan is being updated. There being no further business before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned. Post Orfice Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001-0144 5300 Belt Line Road AGENDA TRANSPORTATION AND THOROUGHFARE COMMITTEE Setpbember 17, 1997 6:30P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS ADDISON TOWN HALL 5300 BELT LINE ROAD (972) 450-7000 FAX (972) 450-7043 1. Public Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Master Thoroughfare Plan. THE TOWN OF ADDISON IS ACCESSIBLE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. PLEASE CALL 450-2819 AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE. Addison, Texas 75001-0144 Dear Addison Property Owner: 5300 llelt Line Road (972) 450-7000 FAX (972) 450-7043 The Town of Addison is in the process of amending its Master Thoroughfare Plan. The original Thoroughfare Plan was approved in 1992, and it is one of the planning documents the City Council uses when making funding decisions for the construction of new streets and improvements to existing streets. The Thoroughfare Plan is typically reviewed and updated every three to five years. The Council has appointed a citizens' committee to review the plan and make recommendations to the Council on possible amendments. The Thoroughfare Plan Committee will hold two public hearings on the Plan on: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1997 6:30P.M. And THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1997 6:30P.M. Both hearings will be held at the: ADDISON TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 5300 BELT LINE ROAD The amendments proposed for the plan are minor, and most property owners in Addison will not be affected. However, the Committee realizes that traffic and and transportation have an impact on all of us who own property, work, or live in Addison. The Committee welcomes your questions, and ideas. If you have questions about the Thoroughfare Plan process or need more information, please call the Development Services Office at 450-7017. Carmen Moran Director of Development Services PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199 Dallas, Texas 75240.7655 {9721 991·1900 Fax {972) 490-9261 MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Moran, Director of Development Services John Baumgartner, Director of Public Works Town of Addison From: Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. Date: September 4, 1997 RE: Addison Thoroughfare Plan Update Purpose The purpose of this memorandum is to provide technical justification for amendments to the Addison Thoroughfare Plan. Recognizing the need to update the existing Thoroughfare plan due to the changing needs of the community, the Town retained Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. to analyze proposed modifications. Specifically, proposed changes to the Thoroughfare Plan include: • Extension of Spectrwn Dr. from Arapaho Road to Airport Parkway • Modifications to Quorum Dr. between Dallas N. Tollway and Belt Line Road • Upgrade Arapaho Road to 6-1anes from Quorum Dr. to Dallas North Tollway • Re-alignment of Arapaho along Realty/Centurion Way • Removal of Beltway Dr. between Quorum Road and Inwood Road • Addition of east/west connection in the Quorum area Background In December 1992, the Addison Transportation Plan Committee was formed to develop a transportation system Plan that would accommodate future travel demands through the year 2010 while at the same time achieving the ultimate goal of "providing for the safe, efficient, and orderly movement of people and goods in, out, and through Addison while preserving the quality of life and environment for its citizens and business." The Plan devised a system of functionally classified roadways, established standard cross-sections, design standards for movement and access, and an amendment process to ensure its ability to efficiently meet the needs of the Town. IPJPARSONS Pagel Over the past five years, growth in Addison -from both a demographic and vehicular standpoint -has warranted that need to update the Thoroughfare Plan. Specific factors influencing the update are: • the increase in traffic volumes on major facilities throughout Addison, • revised demographic projections (201 0 and 2020) for the community, • the need for additional north/south and east/west capacity due to existing growth, and • limited right-of-way for roadway enhancements other than at intersections. Traffic volumes within Addison have approached or exceeded acceptable levels-of-service on several roadways, most notably Belt Line Road (capacity 40-45,000) and Addison Road (capacity 20-24,000). Both Belt Line and Addison are currently experiencing volumes in excess of 50,000 and 23,000, respectively, throughout the Town. Revised demographics from the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) reveal significant growth in both population and employment in traffic survey zones (TSZ) covering the Addison Circle development area from year 2010 (+755 and +!,400 persons, respectively) over those developed as part of the original thoroughfare plan process. Through the year 2020, population and employment for the same TSZ area will increase another !50 and 1,550 persons, respectively. Based on the demographic assessment, the need for additional north/south and east/west capacity is essential. Limited available right-of-way along both Belt Line Road and Addison Road limit the opportunity for capacity enhancements other that intersection improvements. Addison Thoroughfare Plan Update The Thoroughfare Plan Update recommends improvements to the roadway system that will enhance traffic circulation in north and south Addison, provide a framework for future development and increase operating efficiency by optimizing existing routes. The enclosed Update illustrates proposed changes to the Thoroughfare Plan. The following addresses each change to the Plan and provides supporting justification. Extension of Spectrum Dr. from Arapaho Road to Airport Parkway Revised demographics from NCTCOG for population and employment for the Addison Circle area reveal significant growth in traffic survey zones (TSZ) over those developed as part of the original thoroughfare plan process. For the period 1990-2010, population and employment are projected to be 755 and 1,400 persons higher to those figures projected for the same period in the early 1990's. Additionally, population and employment growth for the period 2010-2020 are projected to increase an additional I 50 persons and 1550 persons, respectively. Based on demographic analysis, there will be a need for additional roadway capacity to accommodate projected demand. I~IPARSDNS Page2 The extension of Spectrum would provide additional north/south circulation to the Dallas North Tollway frontage road and Quorum Drive for development within the immediate corridor and provide backside access to future developments along the Dallas North Tollway. Without such a facility, access would be restricted to right-in/right-out movements along the frontage roads. In terms of functional classification, this roadway is recommended as a 4-lane Commercial Collector because of spacing relative to the Dallas North Tollway/Quorum and access that will be provided to future development within the future Addison Circle development. Modifications to Quorum Dr. between Dallas North Tollway and Belt Line Two modifications are involved with Quorum Road. The first is the addition of the "round-about" circle at Addison Circle Road and reduction in functional classification from Principle Arterial to Minor Arterial status. Several reasons result in the need to downgrade this facility and include: • standard spacing for principle arterials is on one-mile intervals. Quorum is 1/4 mile from the Dallas North Tollway and 3/4 mile from Midway Road, • the Quorum cross-section is proposed as a 4-lane facility (down from 6-lanes) within this segment, • the addition of the "round-about" and on-street parking lowers the carrying capacity of the facility, • Quorum does not provide the continuity that principle arterial facilities should provide in terms of cross-town movement, and • the addition of Spectrum Dr. would provide additional north/south capacity and hence potentially reduce the role that Quorum would functionally provide. While this facility is being downgraded in functional status, flared right-of-way should be maintained at the intersection with other major facilities in order to provide for additional turning movements as necessary/warranted. Upgrade Arapaho Road to 6-lane between Quorum Drive to Dallas North Tollway Upgrade of Arapaho Road would maximize the efficiency of the Tollway intersection. Additionally, the projected growth of Addison Circle coupled with the availability of undeveloped land around the Quorum/Spectrum area warrants the need for providing as much east/west roadway capacity as possible. With Belt Line Road, Arapaho Road, Keller Springs Road and to a limited extent Westgrove Drive providing direct access from the east, the upgrade of Arapaho between Quorum Drive and the Tollway is recommended. IPJPARSDNS Page3 Re-alignment of Arapaho Road along Realty/Centurion Way Since the implementation of the original Thoroughfare Plan, a final alignment has been approved and engineered. This Update reflects the final location of Arapaho Road from the Dallas North Tollway to Marsh Road in Carrollton. Such a facility will provide relief to the over saturated Belt Line Road while providing back side access to commercial and industrial development in the area. The new alignment of Arapaho Road does not require use of existing Arapaho Road between Addison Road and Spectrum Drive. However, this roadway should be maintained to provide access and circulation to adjacent undeveloped tracts of land. In order to maintain appropriate intersection design standards, "old" Arapaho should be shortened to "T" into "new" Arapaho Road midway between Addison Road and Quorum Drive. Removal of Beltway Dr. between Quorum and Inwood I Addition of East/West Connection The original intent of Beltway was to provide development in the south Quorum Drive I Landmark Boulevard area additional access to north/south facilities rather than accessing them solely via Belt Line Road. Over time, new development over the proposed location has prevented this roadway from occurring and hence closed opportunity for access to Inwood Road at this location. However, such a link should be implemented between Belt Line Road and Spring Valley Road. The optimal location appears to be near the motorbank facility located on Landmark Boulevard. This location is centrally located between Belt Line Road and the south city limit and would minimize the impact to the railroad yard, sidings and switches located further to the south. Additionally, this location would provide back-side access to existing development in south Addison as well as provide east/west capacity to potentially relieve traffic congestion on Belt Line Road. Without such a facility, access would be restricted to right-in/right-out movements along the Tollway frontage roads. This facility should be classified and built as a Commercial Collector status roadway. IPJPARSDNS Page4 APPENDIX liP I PARSONS Page5 211 D 1990 Traffic Survey Zone Traffic Survey Zone Structure Addison Thoroughfare Plan Update Addison Demographic Projections Addison Thoroughfare Plan Update [Q)~[L[L~~ .. TRINITY ~ COLLIN COUNTY -I I I-I I I-o o •-I I I-I I I-,--··-• I o 1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1-1 1 1-1 o 1 --~~~~(Q)[L[L IJ(Q)[KI] ~ :1; ::; ~ 0 .. 1 c a6 ~~~ a: -.. 3! " ... ~ .. a 1-:i 0 RD a " a a: .. " 3: a ~ I --CITY LIMITS a CJ a: z 5l a a " g DALLAS COUNTY i!! a: ~ "' " .... .... .. ;!: COLLIN COUNTY "";=;=~~~~.!f;;;;:::;;::::~':::':'::;";;:""~--~--l~~ I I I ~~~~;-;;~~~.;; I I I -I I I -I I I -II I -1 I 1 --~ I"' 0: .... >.. i.. . ~ i (3 .---" -c --00 : > ; Q li CITY LIMITS r to: ~ (./.) ::l ~ ADDillONS TO THOROUGHFARE PLAN DELEllONS FROM THOROUGHFARE PLAN MODIFICAllONS TO THOROUGHFARE PLAN ~ ~ ~ z ~ .::.l " [Q)~[L[L~~ ~ [?~~~~~~~ ~~~[r!]~[)=[] [Q)~[L[L~~ ADDisON THOROUGHFARE PLAN CHANGES AUGUST 1997 N T E R MEMO 0 F F C E To: All Members of the Transportation and Thoroughfare Committee From: Carmen Moran, Director of Development Services Subject: First committee meeting Date: August 18, 1997 By now I hope you have received your letter confirming the first meeting date. The meeting will be held on: THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1997 6:00p.m. ADDISON TOWN HALL 5300 BELT LINE ROAD At that time, we will provide you with an over-view of our current thoroughfare plan and discuss possible amendments. John Baumgartoer, Director of Public Works, a representative from our traffic consulting firm, and I will be at the meeting. I have enclosed a copy of our current thoroughfare plan and a list of the committee members. Thank you for volunteering your time and effort to this process. I look forward to seeing you on the 28th. Please call me at 972-450-7018 if you need additional information. I __ Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001-0144 5300 Belt Line Road MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN COMMITTEE MARY DOLAN 16651 Addison Road, #2003 Addison, TX 75248 (H) (972) 931-5611 SCOTT WHEELER 3801 Meadowcreek Circle Addison, TX 75244 (W) (972) 661-1011 (H) (972) 481-1165 GLEN TAYLOR 4978 Trafalgar Court Addison, TX 75240 (W) (972) 77 4-9303 (H) (972) 233-8973 GIL TURCHIN 14805 Winnwood Road Addison, TX 75240 (W) (214) 989-2557 (H) (972) 991-5574 BOB BARRETT 14637 Lexus Avenue Addison, TX 75244 (H) (972) 386-7944 MICK BRITTON 14643 Dallas Parkway, #920 Dallas, TX 75240 (W) (972) 788-2040 (H) (972) 403-7003 DEREK RYAN 4128 Cobblers Lane Dallas, TX 75287 (W) (972) 663-0500 (H) (972) 447-0255 KAREN O'NEILL 14723 Sherlock Drive Addison, TX 75244 (W) (972) 663-0500 (H) (972) 774-9534 7-7-97 (972) 450-7000 FAX (972) 450-7043 Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199 Dallas, Texas 75240 USA To: From: Date: Ron Whitehead Town Manager Robert Wunderlich Gary Jest December 18, 1992 MEMORANDUM Subject: Analysis of East/West Roadway Capacity in Addison Phone: {214) 991-1900 Fax: {214) 490-9261 Metro: 263-9138 Belt Line Road serves as the primary conduit of east/west traffic flow north of the LBJ freeway (Figure 1 ). The combination of continuity from I-35E on the west to US 75 on the east and the concentration of employment and residential centers along its route and an interchange with the Dallas North Tollway (DNT). have resulted in a heavily travelled corridor with significant congestion during the peak hour. Currently, Belt Line· Road carries approximately 37,783 vehicles per day just west of the DNT. Travel demand estimates project that congestion is to continue and worsen. Very little opportunity exists to expand Belt Line Road due to adjacent property impacts and aesthetic considerations. Therefore, it is essential that alternate routes be developed to relieve Belt Line Road. POSSIBLE RELIEVER ROUTES Between Belt Line and Spring Valley, opportunities to provide relief are limited due to the presence of residential neighborhoods. Therefore, attention has focused on the corridor north of Belt Line Road where a connection of Keller Springs and an extension of Arapaho Road are the most likely candidates for relieving Belt Line Road (see figure 2). KELLER SPRINGS Keller Springs Road currently extends to the east and west from Addison Airport. Keller Springs extends from the Airport past Preston Road to Campbell Road on the east side of the Airport. On the west, the road continues through Carrollton to I-35E. Tunnelling under the Airport has been identified as the only feasible way to connect the eastern and western sections of Keller Springs while maintaining Airport operations. Because of the substantial cost of such a project, funding is proposed through tolls. A two-lane (one lane in each direction) tunnel with a $.75 toll is under consideration at this time. z !;@w 0 a: ;::: ::> < "' a: ;;: ::::> Cl u:: z 0 u "Pl::l JlllnO >-< ;: 0 < 0 a: Cl z ;::: "' "A'"'lJ'd x w ~ "Pl::IIIO~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ • ::. f ~ • u ~ ~ ~ m ••• UJ:!JiiH • ~ ~ ~ • • ~ ~ ~ .. • ••• U0118Jd ~ ~ ~ "V1 \l1U11W ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ • .. ::; • ~ • ~ > • l.cft":) qqiM : ~ • ••• . ~ ~ ·pl'l.S •n•)l > 'E < • ;. • • • .,., A .. or V> < ...J ...J < 0 ••• V> < ...J ...J < 0 ,; --l ' . ' . P•JPIIn a ,; • • ~ ~ • < L _ ~ .. ·' _, • :; ---"r-____ _____j "PI::I I•Od •'-liM .,. "JQ UHIOJOS z 0 1-...J ...J 0 a: a: < u ' Ron Whitehead Memo December 17, 1992 Page 2 ARAPAHO ROAD Arapaho Road is continuous from the Dallas North Tollway to US 75 west of the tollway, Arapaho intersects with Spectrum, at an all-way stop right angle intersection. Arapaho then continues west to Addison Road. An alignment has been proposed which would extend Arapaho west from the DNT to Marsh Lane. PROJECT TRAFFIC ANALYSIS As part of the Addison Transportation Plan project, the NCTCOG modeled several alternative roadway networks. One of the purposes of this effort was to explore the interaction between the two alternative roadways and their ability to relieve Belt Line Road. Representative volumes are shown for this alternative model in Table 1. SH 190 Trinity Mills Keller Springs Lindburg Arapaho Belt Line TOTAL 113,000 17,000 15,000 61,000 254,000 113.000 19,000 . 30,000 10,000 56,000 273,000 114,000 20,000 16,000 13,000 58,000 267,000 1 i 2,000 18,000 16,000 1,000 40,000 49,000 267,000 Without either of the alternative routes, Belt Line Road is projected to have a demand of 61 .000 vehicles per day. When the Keller Springs tunnel connection is modeled as a fourlane, free-access roadway, the volume of Belt Line Road is reduced by about 5,000 vehicles, and the resulting volume on Keller Springs is 30,000 vehicles per day. When access to Keller Springs is restricted by charging a toll and reducing the width to two lanes, the volumes on Keller Springs drops to 16,000 and the volume on Belt Line Road is reduced by only 3,000 vehicles. Ron Whitehead Memo December 17, 1992 Page 3 When Arapaho is added between the North Tollway and Marsh, the volumes on Keller Springs toll tunnel are not affected, but volumes on Belt Line Road are reduced by 12,000 vehicles per day to 49,000 vehicles per day. The daily traffic volume on Arapaho is projected to be 40,000 under these conditions. SUMMARY It is apparent from the projected volumes that the Keller Springs toll tunnel and the Arapaho Road extension generally serve different travel needs and projected volumes on. Keller Springs are not diminished when Arapaho is extended. The projected traffic volumes also support the need for all three facilities (Arapaho Road, Keller Springs Toll Tunnel, and SH 190) to meet future east-west travel demand. Each facility meets a specific need for travel in the area. Arapaho serves as a relief facility for Belt Line Road and provides a continuous circulation route for adjacent land uses. The proposed Keller Springs Toll Tunnel chiefly links areas west of the Airport Airport to the Dallas North Tollway. Land uses within Addison are generally not served directly although the toll tunnel could be used to access areas within Addison. It does not appear that even a four-lane, free Keller Springs connection would relieve Belt Line Road. On the other hand, the Arapaho extension does carry traffic that could otherwise travel on Belt Line, but does not attract trips that would use Keller Springs. An analysis of the intersections of Midway Road at Keller Springs and Addison Road at Keller Springs will be sent under separate cover. These intersections support the toll tunnel and wil.l be important to the success of the toll tunnel. roben\clut·wlllt.rdw ' Item #1 -Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 5300 Belt Line Road AGENDA MEETING OF THE TRANSPORTATION AND THOROUGHFARE PLAN COMMITTEE MONDAY, JULY 13, 1992 4:00 P.M. TOWN HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ADDISON TOWN HALL 5300 BELT LINE ROAD Presentation by Barton-Aschman on Planning alternatives for 2010. Transportation and Thoroughfare Plan Committee -7-13-92 (214) 450-7017 Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 5300 Belt Line Road (214) 450-7017 TRANSPORTATION AND THOROUGHFARE PLAN COMMITTEE ROBIN JONES Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 (W) 450-2849 JOHN BAUMGARTNER Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 (W) 450-2886 GARY JOST Barton Aschman 5485 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75240 (W) 991-1900 KENT HOPE HWK, Inc. P.O. Box 427 Addison, TX 75001 (W) 239-1326 WAYNE GINN Ginn & Case, Inc. P.O. Box 786577 Dallas, TX 75379-6577 (W) 248-4900 STEVE MINSHEW, COUNCILMAN 3920 Winter Park Lane Addison, TX 75244 (H) 239-2220 (W) 392-0808 JIM ALEXANDER 14801 Buckingham Court Addison, TX 75240 (W) 991-1057 (H) 341-2498 ANDY ANDERSON 17119 Upper Bay Road Addison, TX 75248 (W) 385-2400 (H) 380-0991 RON WHITEHEAD Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 (W) 450-7027 JOHN BRANCH 14711 Sherlock Drive Addison, TX 75244 (W) 266-3912 (H) 960-2021 Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 5300 Belt Line Road SUMMARY OF THE MAY 28, 1992 ADDISON TRANSPORTATION PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING (214) 450-7017 The Committee met at 4:00 p.m. on May 28, 1992 in the conference room at Town Hall. The following items of business were discussed: Robert Wunderlich, Gary Jost, and Karen George of Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. presented a final draft of the Goals and Objectives for the Transportation Plan. Barton-Aschman then explained the model that the North Central Texas Council of Governments uses to formulate traffic zone projections, and presented the zone projections for traffic, population, and employment for Addison. The Committee asked Barton-Aschman to present some alternatives for traffic planning at the next meeting. The committee specifically wanted to explore two alternatives for traffic planning: the "do nothing" alternative and the "do the minimum" alternative. The Committee scheduled its next meeting for June 22, 1992. . -Item #1 -Item #2 -Item #3 -1 I \ 5300 Belt Line Road (214)450-7017 AGENDA MEETING OF THE TRANSPORTATION AND THOROUGHFARE PLAN COMMITTEE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1991 4:00 P.M. TOWN HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ADDISON TOWN HALL 5300 BELT LINE ROAD Presentation by the City of Carrollton on the Carrollton thoroughfare plan. Presentation by the City of Dallas on the Dallas thoroughfare plan. Presentation by the City of Farmers Branch on the Farmers Branch thoroughfare plan. Transportation and Thoroughfare Plan Committee -11-25-91 SUMMARY OF THE NOVEMBER 11, 1991 ADDISON TRANSPORTATION PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING The Committee held its second meeting at 4:00 11, 1991 in the conference room at Town Hall. items of business were discussed: p.m. on November The following 1. The group briefly discussed DART and its relationship with the city. Chairman Branch asked the staff to: -determine the current status of the Cotton Belt Line which runs through Addison and find out what plans DART has to utilize the line, -find out how Addison could give its input in the DART process to help select where DART stations would be located, and -arrange to schedule Kathy Ingel, Addison's DART representative as a speaker at a future committee meeting. 2. Robin Jones then presented a copy of the 2010 regional traffic plan from the North Central Texas Council of Governments. He briefly discussed the plan, and agreed to get a copy of the plan for each committee member. Robin then briefed the group on the transportation plans from Dallas, Carrollton, and Farmers Branch which he had provided. He told the group that representatives from each of these cities would be at the Committee's November 25, 1991 meeting to make presentations on their plans. 3. The group briefly discussed whether or not it would use a traffic consultant in this process. It agreed that Robin Jones would invite Gray Jost of Barton-Aschman and Associates to the next meeting as an observer. The group would determine at a later date to what extent it wanted to use the services of Barton-Aschman. Mayor Spruill asked Robin Jones to see if the city could use DART L.A.P. funds to pay for a traffic consultant's services on a Master Thoroughfare Plan. 4. The committee then began to work through the "DRAFT" transportation plan which had been drawn up by John Baumgartner after the October 29, 1991 meeting. The group began with Section II, Transportation Elements. Page 2 SECTION II -TRANSPORTATION ELEMENTS A. PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC The group agreed that it should encourage pedestrian sidewalks by building sidewalks in as many locations as possible. 1. Sidewalks The group agreed that it would encourage sidewalks in as many spots as they could be built. Robin Jones outlined a way by which the city was getting DART money to build sidewalks associated with DART bus stops, and stated that money had been put in the budget to build sidewalks, and that each new development in the city was required to build sidewalks. 2. Dallas Parkway Overpass Chairman Branch asked the staff to look at the feasibility of adding an extension to the bridge at the Tollway and Belt Line that would accommodate pedestrian traffic. Staff stated that they had discussed that with the Tollway authority, and it was not particularly feasible to add onto the bridge, and that adding to the bridge would not improve safety for pedestrians crossing the Tollway because they would still need to cross three lanes of service roads on each side. The group discussed the ability to build a skywalk from the Marriott to the Village on the Parkway, and agreed that a project of that sort would have to wait on another development in that center. B. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The group agreed that it wanted to express a commitment to public transit. 1. DART a. Light Rail -2 stations b. Pulse Points c. Bus stops No discussion 2. Taxis No discussion Page 3 C. STREETS AND THOROUGHFARES 1. Existing Streets a. Cut-through traffic 1) Proton -No discussion. 2) Oaks North/Palladium -the committee agreed that it would look at ways to stop cut-through traffic. Jim Alexander stated that the Oaks North Homeowners' Association was looking at the possibility of putting gates with a card access at one entrance. It was also mentioned that Coucilmember Akin had asked the City Attorney to look at the ability to restrict public use of a public street to residents only.The group discussed the problems that might cause in that it was a public street. The group discussed the possibility of closing one end of the subdivision, possibly the Oaks North Drive end on Belt Line to stop cut-through traffic. No decision was reached. 3) Winnwood/Celestial -the committee discussed closing one end of this area as well, either Belt Line or Celestial, to stop cut-through traffic. No decision was reached. 4) Westgrove -the committee decided that since this was a business street, it would be left alone for the present. b. Westgrove Improvements Robin Jones told the group that the city was planning to widen Westgrove at Addison Road both eastbound and westbound, which will allow a left turn/thru lane and a right only lane. c. Old Addison Improvements 1) Julian 2) Broadway 3) Clara The group discussed what role the city would play in any street improvements in the Old Addison area. The group agreed that this might be an area in which the city would put in streets, street lights, and sidewalks in an effort to get the area to continue to develop in the Old Addison style, and would then be reimbursed by developers in the area. The city/committee would also Page 4 look at other ways to participate in improvements to help the area develop that would not necessarily involve the city's building improvements and billing developers. d. Airport Street Improvements The group agreed that all streets on the airport should come up to some standard. They discussed whether or not that standard had been set in the airport Master Plan. They instructed the staff to find out whether or not a standard had been set. They discussed who would pay to bring the streets up to standard, and discussed whether or not it might be paid through the Town's use of the fuel flowage fee. e. Others 1) Quorum "S" Curves Wayne Ginn explained the reasons behind the curve in Quorum Drive, north of Keller Springs. Robin Jones stated that there had been several accidents at the location. No decision was reached. 2) Lindberg "S" Cu:r;ves Robin Jones stated that this problem needed to be addressed and would probably be corrected with pavement markers until the section between airport and Midway Road is widened. No plan for widening at this time due to mature trees lining this road.it might be able to control the traffic on Lindberg with street buttons. 3) Clara No discussion 2. East/West Traffic Movement a. Belt Line Road Bottleneck Robin Jones explained the Bottleneck Study, which had been done by the Town, to the group. b. Keller Springs Underpass The Turnpike Authority feasibility study is still in progress. Page 5 c. Arapaho Extension-Dallas Tollway to Marsh Lane Robin Jones suggested that a cost/benefit analysis on this roadway might be done by a professional traffic engineering firm before further right-of-way dedications are sought. He also recommended having the section between Dallas Parkway and Addison Road restudied to minimize the negative impact to property owners, referencing suggestions by J.B. Cline which were submitted to the group on October 21, 1991. d. North Dallas Tollway Interchanges The group briefly discussed the extension of the Tollway to 121. 3. North/South Traffic Movement a. Montfort/Knoll Trail Connection b. Beltway/Gillis Connection c. North Dallas Tollway frontage road The group would get more information on these items from the traffic representatives from the other cities at the November 25, 1991 meeting. 4. South Quorum Bottleneck a. Landmark/Inwood Connection b. Landmark/Spring Valley Connection c. Landmark/Dallas Parkway Connection Robin Jones suggested that this might be another area which should be looked at in a cost/benefit analysis by a professional. 5. State Highway 190 -Impact to Addison The group looked at the road on the Carrollton thoroughfare plan. 6. North Dallas Tollway Extension -Impact to Addison The group again discussed the extension of the Tollway and its possible effect on Midway Road. The group also discussed how the extension of the Tollway would create a new business center at the intersection of the Tollway and Page 6 121, and briefly talked about how to keep Addison from developing in a pattern similar to Northwest Highway and Greenville Avenue. D. Truck Traffic Chairman Branch asked the staff to present a map to the group which would show the truck routes in Addison. The group agreed that it would define all truck routes, and continue to give the Director of Streets the authority to post streets for "no trucks" at his discretion. E. Traffic Management 1. Design Criteria a. Typical Sections b. Horizontal alignment c. Vertical alignment No discussion 2. Site Access Management The group would look over the standards which had been proposed by Barton-Aschman in the Bottleneck study. 3. Vehicle Loading/Unloading No discussion 4. Signage a. Speed limits No discussion 5. Signals No discussion F. Parking 1. Public The group agreed that it would formulate development standards for parking lots on private property. It discussed the current problems with Sfuzzi and Broadwav Grill and Million Air. The group agreed that there - Page 7 should be some standards for location of off-site lots, some standards for paving, and some requirements for landscaping. 2. Private No discussion ll-ll-9l.TPC/ll-18-91 SUMMARY OF THE NOVEMBER 11, 1991 ADDISON TRANSPORTATION PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING The Committee held its second meeting at 4:00 p.m. on November 11, 1991 in the conference room at Town Hall. The following items of business were discussed: 1. The group briefly discussed DART and its relationship with the city. Chairman Branch asked the staff to: -determine the current status of the Cotton Belt Line which runs through Addison and find out what plans DART has to utilize the line, -find out how Addison could give its input in the DART process to help select where DART stations would be located, and -arrange to schedule Kathy Ingel, Addison's DART representative as a speaker at a future committee meeting. 2. Robin Jones then presented a copy of the 2010 regional traffic plan from the North Central Texas Council of Governments. He briefly discussed the plan, and agreed to get a copy of the plan for each committee member. Robin then briefed the group on the transportation plans from Dallas, Carrollton, and Farmers Branch which he had provided. He told the group that representatives from each of these cities would be at the Committee's November 25, 1991 meeting to make presentations on their plans. 3. The group briefly discussed whether or not it would use a traffic consultant in this process. It agreed that Robin Jones would invite Gray Jest of Barton-Aschman and Associates to the next meeting as an observer. The group would determine at a later date to what extent it wanted to use the services of Barton-Aschman. Mayor Spruill asked Robin Jones to see if the city could use DART L.A.P. funds to pay for a traffic consultant's services on a Master Thoroughfare Plan. 4. The committee then began to work through the "DRAFT" transportation plan which had been drawn up by John Baumgartner after the October 29, 1991 meeting. The group began with Section II, Transportation Elements. SECTION II -TRANSPORTATION ELEMENTS A. PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC The group agreed that it should encourage pedestrian sidewalks by building sidewalks in as many locations as possible. 1. Sidewalks The group agreed that it would encourage sidewalks in as many spots as they could be built. Robin Jones outlined a way by which the city was getting DART money to build sidewalks associated with DART bus stops, and stated that money had been put in the budget to build sidewalks, and that each new development in the city was required to build sidewalks. 2. Dallas Parkway Overpass Chairman Branch asked the staff to look at the feasibility of adding an extension to the bridge at the Tollway and Belt Line that would accommodate pedestrian traffic. Staff stated that they had discussed that with the Tollway authority, and it was not particularly feasible to add onto the bridge. The group discussed the ability to build a skywalk from the Marriott to the Village on the Parkway, and agreed that a project of that sort would have to wait on another development in that center. B. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The group agreed that it wanted to express a commitment to public transit. 1. DART a. Light Rail -2 stations b. Pulse Points c. Bus stops No discussion 2. Taxis No discussion C. STREETS AND THOROUGHFARES 1. Existing Streets a. Cut-through traffic 1) Proton -post with a stop sign at the intersection 2 ) of Proton and Canot. Oaks North/Palladium -the committee agreed that would look at ways to stop cut-through traffic. Alexander stated that the Oaks North Homeowners' Association was looking at the possibility of putting gates with a card access at one entrance. The group discussed the problems that might cause that it was a public street. The group discussed the possibility of closing one end of the subdivision, possibly the Oaks North Drive end on Belt Line to stop cut-through traffic. No decision was reached. it Jim in 3) Winnwood/Celestial -the committee discussed closing one end of this area as well, either Belt Line or Celestial, to stop cut-through traffic. No decision was reached. 4) Westgrove -the committee decided that since this was a business street, it would be left alone for the present. b. Westgrove Improvements Robin Jones told the group that the city was planning to widen the intersection of Westgrove and Addison Road to allow for free right turn lanes at all corners. c. Old Addison Improvements l) Julian 2) Broadway 3) Clara The group discussed what role the city would play in any street improvements in the Old Addison area. The group agreed that this might be an area in which the city would put in streets, street lights, and sidewalks in an effort to get the area to continue to develop in the Old Addison style, and would then be reimbursed by developers in the area. d. Airport Street Improvements The group agreed that all strets on the airport should come up to some standard. They discussed whether or not that standard had been set in the airport Master Plan. They instructed the staff to find out whether or not a standard had been set. They discussed who would pay to bring the streets up to standard, and discussed whether or not it might be paid through the Town's use of the fuel flowage fee. e. Others 1) Quorum "S" Curves Wayne Ginn explained the reasons behind the curve in Quorum Drive, north of Keller Springs. Robin Jones stated that there had been several accidents at the location. No decision was reached. 2) Lindberg "S" Curves Robin Jones stated that it might be able to control the traffic on Lindberg with street buttons. 3) Clara No discussion 2. East/West Traffic Movement a. Belt Line Road Bottleneck Robin Jones explained the Bottleneck Study, which had been done by the Town, to the group. b. Keller Springs Underpass c. Arapaho Extension-Dallas Tollway to Marsh Lane Robin Jones suggested that a cost/benefit analysis on these two roadway improvements might be done by a professional traffic engineering firm. d. North Dallas Tollway Interchanges The group briefly discussed the extension of the Tollway to 121. 3. North/South Traffic Movement a. Montfort/Knoll Trail Connection b. Beltway/Gillis Connection c. North Dallas Tollway frontage road The group would get more information on these items from the traffic representatives from the other cities at the November 25, 1991 meeting. 4. South Quorum Bottleneck a. Landmark/Inwood Connection b. Landmark/Spring Valley Connection c. Landmark/Dallas Parkway Connection Robin Jones suggested that this might be another area which should be looked at in a cost/benefit analysis by a professional. 5. State Highway 190 -Impact to Addison The group looked at the road on the Carrollton thoroughfare plan. 6. North Dallas Tollway Extension -Impact to Addison The group again discussed the extension of the Tollway and its possible effect on Midway Road. The group also discussed how the extension of the Tollway would create a new business center at the intersection of the Tollway and 121, and briefly talked about how to keep Addison from developing in a pattern similar to Northwest Highway and Greenville Avenue. D. Truck Traffic Chairman Branch asked the staff to present a map to the group which would show the truck routes in Addison. The group agreed that it would define all truck routes, and continue to give the Director of Streets the authority to post streets for "no trucks" at his discretion. E. Traffic Management 1. Design Criteria a. Typical Sections b. Horizontal alignment c. Vertical alignment No discussion 2. Site Access Management The group would look over the standards which had been proposed by Barton-Aschman in the Bottleneck study. 3. Vehicle Loading/Unloading No discussion 4. Signage a. Speed limits No discussion 5. Signals No discussion F. Parking 1. Public The group agreed that it would formulate development standards for parking lots on private property. It discussed the current problems with Sfuzzi and Broadway Grill and Million Air. The group agreed that there should be some standards for location of off-site lots, some standards for paving, and some requirements for landscaping. 2. Private No discussion ll-ll-9l.TPC/ll-14-91 ' ' .......... ' i j 0 !-/{'-) ADbis'oN STREET DEPARTMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!~"""!!"""!!"""!!"""!!!! (!14)450-!841 FAX (!14) 931-6643 Post Office Box 144, AddisOn. Texas 75001 16801 Westgrove TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Addison Transportation Committee Robin Jones, Director of Streets ~ November 11, 1991 meeting handouts November 7, 1991 I have attached for each committee member portions of Thoroughfare plans from the cities of Dallas, Carrollton, and Farmers Branch. Each plan contains a city thoroughfare map either attached to the back or included in the material. Both the City of Dallas plan update and the Carrollton Thoroughfare plan include sections on goals. objectives and policies which may be helpful to us as we attempt to formulate our own. I have spoken to the Transportation Directors from each of the three cities and they have agreed to attend our November 25, 1991 planning meeting and give an informal presentation on each cities plans as they relate to our common borders. A copy of Mobililty 2010 from COG ts available for the committee's review. This 1s the regional transportation plan for north central Texas and is naturally very broad in scope. T have requested of COG, traffic volume pro.jections and related transportation information for the area north of LBJ between Preston Road and Marsh Lane. I was told this information would be available to us by Friday, November l5th. I will bring it to the committee :tt the November 25th meeting. QRRCII.TCN INI'RODUCI10N The Transportation Plan is designed to provide a sound transportation framework to accommodate development. It is a guide to coordinate individuai projects into an overall community arrangement. The Plan encourages minimizing traffic movement through neighborhoods. and providing high capacity routes for moving regionai traffic to and from the city. It creates a comprehensive concept so that all agencies responsible for thoroughfare development can coordinate their efforts. The alan addresses the need for streets to orovide more convenient access to all parts of the city, as well as adjacent cities. · The prior Thoroughfare Plan was developed in 1982. It was the result of staff anaiysis of existing conditions. Traffic volumes were then projected from those existing estimates. Using these projected volumes, the "ultimate" thoroughfare network for the city was developed. While the development boom of the mid-1980's was taking place, the city realized that projected growth in the northern part of the city was underestimated. The proposed thoroughfare system for that portion of the city would not be able to serve the citizens as property developed. In 1986 an addendum to the 1982 Plan was developed. This addendum addressed Denton County. In cooperation with property owners, the city worked to create a thoroughfare plan for the Denton County portion of the city to adequately meet anticipated development. The 1982 Plan. with its 1986 addendum is illustrated on Map 12. The TRANPLAN computer model was used in developing the current Plan. A thoroughfare network was developed to accommodate the projected traffic demand generated by the future land use pattern. This traffic forecasting program incorporates population and employment information to project the distribution and volume of traffic on the city's streets. These projections were then used to develop a transportation network ·inciuding thoroughfare location and number of lanes-necessary to accommodate the projected traffic volumes. This model will assist in implementing the Future Land Use and Transportation Plans by assessing the potentiai traffic impacts of projects before they occur. The Transportation Plan has two comoonents: the Thoroughfare Plan and the Transit Plan. The Thoroughfare Plan addresses the street network. It anaiyzes existing conditions and established design criteria. It recommends goals. objectives, and policies to achieve a desired thoroughfare network. The Transit Plan concerns itself with modes of mass transit. The two plans need to be cooroinatea. The thoroughfare network should suopon mass transit services. This may be anvthing from reconstructing intersections for eas1er bus movements to increasing street caoacnies at an end-of-the-iine rail station. 139 'IHOROUGHFAREPLAN AREA CBARACI'ERISTICS The operating conditions of a thoroughfare system are dependant on the amount of traffic present at any given moment (volume), and the characteristics of that traffic. These characteristics are dependent upon many factors. They include the types of land uses served by the roadway system, and the adequacy of the system to meet the drivers' needs. These factors can cause characteristics to vary from system to system, and/or roadway to roadway. They can also cause simiiar roadways (i.e. number of lanes, capacity, etc.) to operate differently. Relatioosid!J to Regionai NetWUiil: The Transportation Plan consists of a network of existing and planned arterials and collectors designed to accommodate the traffic demand within the city. The major thoroughfares are basically oriented either east-west or north-south. Carrollton is currently served by two (2) major freeways. Interstate Highway 35E is located along the western edge of the city. South of the city, Interstate Highway Highway 635 also provides an important link to metroplex empioyment centers. ----~.!!!!.~----........ ecu.,. Hurst ~~ ·\ ~\ \ -:i1e t'NO (2) freeways servmg the city attract manv of the rusn hour traveiers journeymg to 141 .:-a-u 1...._.. 3 ~~~7-'~~l::li...J>' I j YAL ... OOO H • • I , ' . I I \ oXISTINC -Tl!OIOUCHFAI£ SYSTIM W....19!1 ... -.-0 I : I Oo.OIYDID~ 'lieu...,...........,... --roo.&. .,.....OII.ANSfOI BNK: ~C:CCWCIDI:~ --~nrsn,.,.... .-,.....:.....~ _ ..... - an employment population of approximately 52.000 people puts a constant strain on the city's street network. As a population center, Carrollton experiences sharp increases in traffic volumes during the morning and afternoon peak hours as residents travel to and from work. Since the majority of Carrollton residents work outside the city, the thoroughfare system is impacted by a large difference in the direction of travel on a particular roadway. For example, in 1988, 83 percent of the total traffic on Josey Lane during the morning peak hours traveled south. This traffic during the peak hours, and the large directional split, place a heavy burden on the Carrollton thoroughfare system during the morning and afternoon rush hours. Emoloyment centers continue to put a strain on the city's street network in non-peak hours. The iight industrial and warehousing/distribution iaciiities have the biggest impact on the efficiency of the system:. Located predominately along the Belt Line Road corridor, these facilities generate a large amount of truck traffic. Operating mainly on Belt Line Road because of its quick access to Interstate Highway 35E. these large trucks exhibit completely different operating characteristics than that of the normai passenger car. Much slower to accelerate anci decelerate, a large truck can be considered the equivalent of up to six ( 6) passenger cars when calculating the operating conditions of a thoroughfare. The large percentage of truck traffic on Belt Line Road (25% compared to a normal5%) substantially reduces the operating capacity of this imponant east-west thoroughfare. 145 <,---------------; :;o c.. a.·~ '"" "" :.:...Ju.,: ~~ -1160' ~.!INIMUM AT l!AJOR I~TERSECTIONSI i8' F -F 22' ARTERIAL STREET A8D i 50' R.O.W ( 160' MINIMUM AT MAJOR INTERSECTIONS! 36' F'-F' 30' . 5' ·~~ ( '" l . ' '1'I'!W . -ARTERIAL STREET LIMITED ACCESS A6DL ~----------120' RO.W. __________ ____, ( 130' AT IJAJOR INTERSECTIONS) l:J' , .36' F'-F 22' (MIN.) 1:......:(.:;· ,-~·; ?' ' 1?' : ~~~~ ( L ) ( 12 H .-) ARTERIAL STREET A6D tAUXILL\RY C->NES MAY BE REQUIRED ON A : ASE BY CASE BASIS) +-----------90' R.O.W -----------'>' t 100 AT MAJOR INTERSECTIONS) \6' ARTERIAL STREET A4D 147 dO" R.O W J6" F-F 12" 18" ---...,... () ) :---..-'"'~ 17:_' 1:~/l'l,-.,;,;.ioioi--· ;;,;,·· ---------------. ---------------------· ,;,;,;,;,-~-lr-"JT\'Ar'---"---'L" ---'?-:~~ ;g: RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR STREET C2U RESIDENI'IAL COLLECTOR: A residential collector street's primary function is to collect and distribute traffic from local access streets and convey it to the arterial system. This thoroughfare is usually located so as not to attract through traffic movements. To discourage such movements, these streets are typically disrupted near the center of the neighborhood which they serve by offsetting intersections or through curvilinear design. The residential collector may also be used as a local street internal to multi-family residential areas, as well as access routes to elementary schools and neighborhood parks. The residential collector cross-section is also used as the internal street system of commercial and/or industrial developments. The minimum right-of-way requirement for residential collectors is 60 feet. Two (2) moving lanes of traffic, plus any on-street parking represent the minimum pavement requirements for a residential collector. +-----------jQ' R.O.W. ---------~ :20' F'-F , '>, '-iQ:: I l>l c:.J , a. z !~:::: :a. !5' ~~-·-· -----------•--------------·-I RESIDENTIAL STREET LOO\L RESIDENTIAL STREET: The function of the iocal street is to provide access from groups of housing ~ts Within a nei~borhood to collector streets. Only vehicies having an origin or destination on the local street are usually attracted to it. Except for delivery trucks, trucks are normally prohibited from using iocai streets as routes to their final destination. Minimum right·of-wav is 50 feet, and a paVIng requirement of 30 feet .:illows for two (2) moving ianes of traffic. :JS wei! as any on-street parking. 149 Another location where grade separations should exist is where an arterial street intersects a railroad. Additional factors beside traffic volumes have an affect on these grade separations. They include accident statistics, speed of the vehicles and trains, frequency of trains, and hazardous materials routing. All should be taken into account when deciding whether a separation is· warranted at a railroad crossing. It is reco=ended that where appropriate, grade separations at railroad crossings be constructed. While the construction of grade separations is expensive, the benefits on the artenaJ roadway normally justify the costs. The construction of grade separations decreases delays to motorists and emergency vehicles. Pollution is decreased and vehicles use less fuel when grade separations exist. LEVEL OF SERVICE The purpose of a thoroughfare system is to acco=odate a maximum amount of traffic. while still providing an acceptable quality of service. The maximum amount of traffic is generally considered the the CAPACITY of a street. The capacity of a street is a measure of iis ability to acco=odate a stream of moving vehicles. It is expressed as a flow rate rather than a quantity, and is not directly comparable to the capacity of a container of enclosed space. The service quality of a thoroughfare is normally the function of the ratio of the rate oi. traffic flow to the caoacitv of the street. This rate is traditionallY described as the LEVEL OF SERVICE. The ·Level of Service (LOS) is a qualitative measure of traffic congestion If represents the collective factors of speed, travel time, traffic interruptions. freedom to maneuver. safety, driver carnian and convenience. and operating costs provided by a thoroughfare under a specific traffic volume condition. The capacity of a street, and in tum its levei of service, can be affected by a number oi factors. These include the roadway, vehicle performance characteristics, operationai controis. and the environmental elements. A variety of specific factors affect the the capacity of arterial roadways. The primary ones are iisted and discussed below. Signaiized Intersections. The operation of frequent signalized intersections and the extent of progressive signal timing will usually be the orincipal determinant of arterial capacities. Unsignaiized Intersection. Turning movements and crossing volumes can reduce arteriai capacity. Mid-Block Driveways. '/ehicies entering or ieaving the traffic stream from adjacent driveways reduce an:eriai capacity. Curb Parking or Loading. The :rrea occumed by parked vehicles prohibits trariic movement and reduces arteriai capacity. Lane Coruigurarion ami Width. Left-turn. ana to a lesser extent. right-turn movements imoeae traffic and thus reauce :rrrerial capacitv. C:;.oacity is improved if these movements 151 ( _n:m I [] I [I !0 1L) Level of Service • A": The highest quality of service a particular thoroughfare can provide. It is a condition of free flow in which there are few or no restrictions on speed or maneuverability caused by the presence of other vehicles. c H o l -sa 1 11 (;:(cO] -lO VJ rrn~ II I!@--I...eve.i of Service "B": Even though this level is a zone of stable flow, operating speeds begin to be restricted by other traffic. Restriction of maneuvering is still negligible, though. §!II iJ _@nl] _(J}:0· (:J! : I \J I [) Hill@II i !)$ rll 1/§ Ill I b) -rn I);;) ro 1[-} II ! ll$3 Leve.i oi Service 'C": This ievei of service still orovides stable traffic flows. but at this volume and density levei, most drivers are becommg restricted in their freedom to seiect speed. change lanes. or perform passing maneuvers. 153 BOTILENF.CK STUDY A Bottleneck Study was undertaken to identify and correct the most congested roadway intersections in Carrollton. Initially, a list of approximately 100 locations was developed for consideration of a detailed analysis. This list was reviewed by city staff and pared down to approximately 50 locations. The detailed study locations were then selected from this candidate list based on criteria and ranking procedures. The criteria for the study consisted of volume to capacity ratios, accident rates, observed peak hour conditions, staff and citizen input, and observations of physical conditions at each candidate location. The criteria were then ranked. The ranking system was based uoon point values assigned and weighted by the relative importance and accuracy of each criterion. Of the approximately 50 locations, the highest-scoring 60 percent of the intersections were deemed appropriate for further analysis. Once the selection of the detailed study locations was made, additional data was collected for each of these intersections. This information was used to evaluate the current traffic conditions. It was also used in developing recommendations for improvements to correct any identified problems. The results of these analyses were then reviewed to identify possible improvements that would relieve congestion, reduce delay, and improve the operation and safety of the intersections. Such improvements include: -increased curb return radii; -increased exclusive-use lane storage; -additional right and left-turn lanes: -signal timing improvements; -intersection signalization; -improved pavement surface, and restriping. Using various combinations of these improvement types, a set of recommended improvements was developed for each study location. They were then reevaluated to detertnine how traffic conditions might be expected to improve. rn order to prioritize the recommended improvements, a criteria and ranking system similar co the one used in selecting the study locations was developed. This system relates the level of improvements at each location to their respective implementation costs. To maintain a level of consistency in comparing ''before·' and "after" conditions at each !ocation, the criteria were selected based upon measures oi effectiveness common to all of :he study locations. The criteria consisted of peak hour levels of service, accident rates. and determination of each location's relation to a particular corridor system. Each location was ~valuated based uoon these criteria for both existing and imoroved conditions. The recommendations in the report were oresemed to the Traffic Advisory Committee. The Committee then orioritized the imorovements. These onorities are shown on Mao i4. 155 FUNDING 1HOROUGHFARE IMPROVEMENI'S There are many sources of funding for thoroughfare improvements. The burden of funding new srreet consrruction should not fall entirely on the city. Possible sources of funding are listed below. City Bond Programs: Approximately every five (5) years, Carrollton develops a new bond program. A major part of this program is srreet improvement. After approval of the program by the citizens, the City Council determines when bond sales are made. This in turn increases taxes accordingly to pay for the bond indebtedness. Thoroughfare projects incorporated into the program usually include new srreets, repiacement and repair of inadequate srreets, and bottleneck improvements at major intersections. Also included in the bond program are rraffic signals and coordinated signal systems, srreet lights, and other similar projects. County Bonds: Dallas County has developed a network of major srreets which are considered to be important to the county as a whole. The county also develops a bond program every five (5) years to address these srreets. During this process the city provides input and makes recommendations for projects they wish to be considered. Examples of county bond projects include Belt Line Road, west of Interstate Highway 35E; and Keller Springs Road, between Kelly Boulevard and Marsh Lane. Federal and State Aid: 1. On a bi-annual basis, federal monies are passed through the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation for the Federal. Aid Urban Systems program (FAUS). Cities work with the county and the state's district office to recommend projects for this program. This program may grow as a result of the completion of the Federal Interstate Program. 2. The Federal. Aid Primary program (FAP) is funded by the Federal Department of Transportation. This funding is passed to the state for use on state highways that are not interstate highways. FM 2281 (Old Denton Road) and FM 544 are candidates for this type of funding. ?rejects are submitted by the city to the state for their consideration for funding. FM 2281, north of Rosemeade Parkway is funded through this program. ~-The Principal Aneria.i Street System (PASS) is a program which has just begun. This program is funded through the State Department oi Highways and Public Transportation. The state offers to fund consrruction of city roadways that will suppiement the Federal Interstate System as a reliever roadway network. :D.e city submits projects that will meet the adooted criteria. . The approved projects are selected directlv by the state. An exampie of this program is the extension oi Old Denton Roaa across interstate Highway 35E, connecting with Luna Road at Belt Line Road. Combination of State Denaronent oi Highway and Public Transnortarion/Dallas Area ~p1d Transit FUnding: In addition to the i'ASS program. the State Highway Commission . 157 GOAUi, OBJECnVFS, AND POLICOO GOAL 1: A Transponation System Which Will Effectively, Efficiently, And Economically Meet The Existing And Anticipated Land Use Needs or The Community, While Protecting And Enhancing The Quality or Life. Objective TPl.l: To develop a rransponation planning process which addresses longrange needs, but empilasizes shon·and mid-range problem solving. Policy TPl.ll: Policy TP1.12: Policy TP1.13: Policy TP1.14: Policy TP1.15: Policy TP1.16: Policy TP1.17: Policy TP1.18: The city should maintain a long-range Thoroughfare Plan Map for the purpose of facility planning and right-of-way reseiVation and dedication. The city should require right-of-way dedication in accordance with the Thoroughfare Plan .Map at the time of platting or replatting property within the city limits or the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction. The city should evaluate the Transponation Plan on a citywide basis every twO years. and update the Plan when necessary. Amendments to the Thoroughfare Plan Map should be allowed between citywide updates only when essential to the future development of land, and when supponed by a study of the system and fiscal impacts of the proposed change. Amendments to the Thoroughfare Plan Map should not be accepted solely as a means of mitigating negative traffic impacts of a proposed zoning change. The capacity of future thoroughfares should be based on anticipatea needs as analyzed by accepted travel modeling and forecasting techniques. Orderly extensions of all anerial and collector streets. as shown on the lhorougilfare Plan Mao, shouid be required. All other streets shouid be extended in a logical continuation, using· standard engineering principals. The city shouid require right-of-way dedication for collector streets that are not shown on the Thorougilfare Plan Mao in the undeveiooeo portions of the city, but are necessary for prooer traffic distribution when the property deveiops. 159 3. Providing buffer zones where appropriate between transportation ways and adjacent areas. Objective TP1.3: To create ''protected" corridors for those arterial thoroughfares that are overburdened with high daily traffic volumes. Policy TP1.31: Where feasible, the city should develop grade separated intersections at those intersections where projected traffic volumes are greater than 90,000 trips per day. Policy TP1.32: Grade separated intersections should be located primarily on arteriai thoroughfares at the periphery of the city. This will allow for throughtraffic to be channelled away from internal activity nodes. Policy TP1.33: To minimize additional right-of-way acquisition, the city should depress the through-traffic lanes at grade separated intersections, where . feasible. Policy TP1.34: Where practicable, grade separations at the intersection of railroads and arterial thoroughfares should be constructed. This will aid in the unobstructed flow of traffic throughout the city. 161 ORDINANCE NO. 1779 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ~ARMERS BRANCH, TEXAS, ADOPTING A CITY WIDE MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN FOR FARMERS BRANCH, ·TEXAS, PROVIDING GENERAL GUIDELINES, CONDITIONS AND POLICIES REGARDING THE ALIGNMENT OF STREETS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED ~~0 HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City of Farmers Branch, Texas hereby adopts a citv Wide Master Thoroughfare Plan as provided herein and as set forth on Exhibit A attached here~o and made a part hereof for all purposes. Said plan being labeled EXHIBIT "A" -city Wide Master Thoroughfare Plan, which is expressly incorporated into this ordinance. SECTION 2. That the minimum street rights-of-,vay are established as follows: a. Four (4) lane undivided to be a sixty (60) foot minimum right-of-way. b. Four (4) lane divided ::o be an eighty ( 80) foot minimum right-of-way. c. Six (6) lane divided to ~e a hundred (100) foot minimum right-of-way excep~ for portions of \velch Road ~e~>veen Langland Road and LBJ with a minimum ROW of 95 feet. d. Eight (8) lane divided to be one hundred and thirty (130) foot minimum right of •.vay. SECTION 3 • That in regard to the adoption of a city •.·Tide -:horoughfare plan by the Farmers Branch City Council that the City ':Jf ~armers Branch atso adopt general guidelines concerning ':he :.mplementation of ":he thoroughfare plan including. PAGE 2 ORDINANCE NO. 1779 a. ROW Acquisition It shall be the general policy of the City of Farmers Branch to obtain ROW based on redevelopment through plating, site plan review, or re-zoning where possible. Street ROW's where possible shall be obtained by aquiring equal portions of ROW along property lines located along a proposed street thoroughfare alignment. In the event the property is currently development, it '"auld be considered desirable to obtain all or a greater amount of the needed ROW from properties currently undeveloped or that will be redeveloped. The City will make every effort impact of the construction of a plan. o. Prioritized Construction to minimize the negative city \vide thoroughfare The first stage for the various street improvements would always be the intersections improvements, i.e. be~ter signalization, construction of right turn lanes, etc. Develop more stringent guidelines for median openings and curb cuts on Midway,. Inwood and Spring Valley. Restrict future construction of such openings in the future. Restrict or prohibit parking on-stree~. consider parx~ng restrictions during peak traffic periods. Specific recommendations should be ~ade by the Traffic Engineering Department. As development warrants, consider making simonton one-way westbound and portions of !1cEwen one-111ay eastbound, the two streets acting as a cuplet. The eas~erly por~ion of McEwen '.Vould be two-111ay. Consider other one 1vay street patterns before any additional capacity increases. Any recommendations by the state Department of Highways and Public Transportation in regards to improvements to LBJ that are not compatible to the approved thoroughfare plan will require reconsidera~ion of the existing thoroughfare plan. ~ransportation l1anagement -rechniques such as ridesharing, carpools, 'Janpools, ~ day :.-10rk week, s~aggered 1vork hours and other demand managemen~ techniques will be encouraged and emphasized prior to construction of additional road1vays. PAGE 3 ORDINANCE NO. 1779 In most cases, ROW's and street widths on undivided roadways are to remain as is. The City shall consider the need for expanded ROW's and street widths for Alpha, Welch, and McEwen east of Welch. Alignments indicated on plan are diagrama~ic redevelopmen~ occurs. the city wide master thorouahfare only and may be shifted as Possible off s.ite parkir:; arrangements will be investigated by the city to compensate for elimination of parking and loading areas caused by the widening of welch. SECTION 4. The City Wide l1aster shall be considered a guide for city. Thoroughfare Plan herein adopted future development throughout the SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction in the corporation Court shall be subject to a fine not to. exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense and each and every day such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. The fact that the City of Farmers Branch does not have an adequate city wide master thoroughfare plan for the City of Farmers Branch creates and urgency and an emergency in the preservation of the public health, safety and welfare, requires that this ordinance shall take effect immediatelv from and after its passage and the publica~ion of the caption, -as the law and char~er in such cases provides. DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Farmers Branch, Texas, on the day of , 1988. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ·:.:.. ty .:. ttorney :;::wnn 7 79 /RHONDA/QTXT APPROVED: Hay or ATTEST: C ; ..... T ......... .! :·!anager ---_______ __m:u_ __ __j L ________ J.J!iL_ _______ _ //_ .. ------------------lr·---------------------~----~j ,/-------.::: . 'l.:cc:ccccc""c.:=:)r ----l ........ ., • ., . -.i. _.\···~. J . .... yt'i;~~-<--~) -~~ -.:· .. ~v.:!.-~ ,,\~ ... J ... r \~~ I 'i I 0 \' f' . ' , , i'l I· Iii! il ----.,.' -· ···-_. ---y c,•-JP jj ! i' I ~;~) i . ;/: (of': '}/I ~~. I ,_...~/I 1-l • ,. .. ---I ~I,., i _-l·' I r.._) r /I • .. ~' .. ~ I I • '/i••••Jt .<...-1 ----it~ . -::: ::> ~. ,H~o'~l-----_, il IJ I oooVn "'' . . . .. !), ~·· " .... ,. I. BELli.&T ---------~ ! ~ ------··---1 (lll: ~J)gj/;P~B~l. ~I!' ll!!Xlj ~ . \ . illl!IUQ!L. eJIBl'.~ . . ---mJ'n1 .... ---.. .. ' • I I I I I I L .. '-t:b.-~Nil RD. _..&\\_ r·-• •l\f ~ I • • I I • • I I .. 1/~~if~~:--~)~~\ LEGEND ---B LANE DIVIDED G LANE DIVIDED -• •-• •-• "!'-• 5 LANE DIVIDED •••••••• ............. •• 4 lANE DIVIDED -•-•-·-•-• ~ LANE UNDIVIDED ---·-----· 3 LANE UNDIVIDED -------• 2 LANE UNDIVIDED -------· CITY LIMITS THOROUGHFARE PLAN BRANCH CITY OF F AlRMERS E :l ;! ADOPTED BY !BY CITY COUNCIL ORDIN 1\NCE 1779 JULY 12 '1988 I I ·---· CITY OF DALLAS THOROUGHFARE PLAN UPDATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITY HALL (ROOM 5CS) DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 PHONE: (214) 670-4020 CI1Y OF DALLAS THOROUGHFARE PLAN UPDATE Revision: October 22. 1990 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CITI HALL (ROOM 5CS) DALL\S. TEXAS 75201 PHONE: (214) 670-4020 Jerry Bartos John Evans, Mayor Pro Tern Harriet Miers !At-Large) Diane RagSdale. Deoury Mayor Pro Tern Charles Tandy Dean Vanderbilt Barrett Barker Betty Culbreath, Chair Adolph Hauntz Joyce Lockley Ann Margolin Charlotte Ragsdale Usa Saernann Charles Terrell. Jr. Tom Wattley ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DAL.LAS CITY COUNCIL Glenn Box Craig Holcomb Bill Milkie Jim Richards A Starke Taylor, Jr., Mayor CITY PLAN CCMMISSION Sharon Boyd Dan Garrigan, Chair Michael Jung Edwara Lopez Charles Miller Sydney Reagan Dick Schiro Lydia Turner Charlotte Williamsstreames Jim Buerger (At-Large) AI Upscomb Lori Palmer Annette Strauss. Mayor Max Wells Dick Cason George Grogan Danell Uchtenwalter Donald Madsen Jan Patterson Syd Reagan 8ett9' Svoboda P.ay Washburne Felix Zamora CITY PLAN COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Barry Barker John DeShazo Gary Lawler Ray Washburne. Chair Lou Allen Andrea Cervantes Judy Cunmngnam Edward Faulkner Frances James Mary Krueger Ron Natinsky Burl Ridge Mary Vogelson Tom Anderson John BrunK Theresa Carrinqton Gary Hufstedler Ken Melston Koorosh Olyai Richard Peterson Arturo Serna John Ware Joel Alcazar TymoK1 Fuller Nohem• Molina Barbara 13rown Albert Gutierrez Kathie Magers CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mickey Ashmore Larry Cline Larry Duncan Jeffery Ford Adena Jarv1s Kathie Magers Polly Orcutt Jim Rogers Dan Wilson TE:HNICAL STAFF COMMITTEE Jack Antebi Mereaith Byrne Mildred Cox CliHord Kehelev Ramon Miguez :~el Ornelas 0. A. Smith Ed Seymour Gary Young THOROUGHFARE PLAN PROJECT STAFF --V~•ta Castillo ..:oseon Gibson Gerri Murpny, Suoerv.sor u Dick Cason Kent Hope Charles Terrell. Jr. John Calloway Alva Clutts Lynda Ender Mark Goode Michael Jung Bob McEiearney James Quinton Judy Summers Mitchell Box Oav1d Callahan Wei Crouser Wayne McCuliougn Milton Miller Emily Peterson Gloria Register Dean Stuller Keith Maney Myosni Fuller Lois Mass .:..lma Ruvalcaba EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan has not been comprehensively reviewed and updated on a city wide basis since it was adoptea by the City Council in 1965. This 25-year penod has been one of dramatic growth, development, ana cnange 1n the economic, physical. and political fabric oi the City. Need for Re-evaluation of the Plan Not only has the City of Dallas changed dramatically in the 25 years since the last comprehensive evaluation of the Thoroughfare Plan. but there have, also. been a numoer at trends that were not anticipated at that time. The 1965 Plan did not fully anticipate certain land use patterns. including the development of uroan and suburban activity centers. rapid growth in the suburbs. development of the exurbs, and the stabilization of inner city neighborhoods. As a result of the Planmng Policies 1n 1984, tt became ciear that maintaining mobility through an adequate system of thoroughfares was essential to 1nsure the tuture develooment and vitality of the City, its economic base, and the quality oi life or its citizens. In July 1986. Council Resolution #862332 authorizea the City Manager to develop ana prepare a new Thoroughfare Plan. Purpose of the Plan The legal requirements for the Thoroughfare Plan are governea by the City Charter and the Development Code. Administratively, the Thoroughfare Plan serves a numoer of functions. It is the blueprint that establishes terminology, standards, and general principles.and gwdes decision-making for all aspects of roadway planning, funding, construction, reconstruction, operation, and maintenance. it. also. serves as a long-range tool to identify 20 year needs in urbanizea areas and establishes an appropriate roadway pattern for undeveloped areas. Historical Perspective The history of thoroughfare olanmng at the City of Dallas orobaoly began with the Kessler Plan in 1911 . and continued with the Ulrickson Plan 1n 1927, the Harland Bartholomew Plan in 1943. the Master Plan Committee report in 1957. ana the iirst Thorougnfare Plan adootea by orainance 1n 1965. Geographic Area Concerns Like other major crties, Dallas has expenenced several different phases of development s1nce its beginmnqs in the mid-1800's. The character of development may be s1gmficantlv different from one part of the City to another deoenaing on wnen me area aeveiooea ana the ooou1ar lana development trends of that era. !l is to be exoectea that in a city oi almost 400 souare m1les that different communnies 1n Dallas would nave different views at transportation planmng ana pnorities for 1mprov1ng mobility. The 1nner-c1ty neighborhoods. aevelopea 1n the early part of the 20th century were aes1gnea on a dense gnd system. However during the last 30-40 years, new neighborhoods developed arouna a one-mile gnd or artenal streets. The problems aescnbea at community meetings nave been as aiverse as the ne1gnborhooas themselves. However. one cohesive pnnciple has been that neighborhoods should not be sacrificed by widening roads for the sake at mobility. imcrovements snoUid be focused on the artenal street system w1th emphasis on traffic management tecnniaues for mov1ng traffic around neighborhoods and managing traffic within them. lll Construction versus Management In rts simplest terms, the tradrtional approach taken by transportation planners to solve existing and forecast transportation deficiencies has been to recommend the expansion of the system to accommodate the growing automobile demand. In recent years. however, several factors have brought about a nationwide shift from the traditional approach to capacrty problems. This shift toward conservation of financial, energy, and environmental resources has resulted in a new management and efficiency ethic which emphasizes cost-effective, short-range, serviceoriented, solutions to transportation problems and recognizes the validity of mass transit, bicycling, ana walking as alternatives to the automobile. The transportation planning process in Dallas, as in many other urban areas, reflects a persistent tension between the tradrtional long-range, facilrty-oriented approach to solving transportation problems and the recent shorter-range, service-oriented approach. It is within this context of competing transportation planning philosophies that the new Thoroughfare Plan for Dallas has been formulated. The development of this plan recognizes the validrty of each transportation pianmng viewpoint in terms of practical application to solving Dallas' problems. The new plan recognizes that some capacrty deficiency problems can only be solved wrth new construction. while others must be solved with TSM-type improvements. Focus of Transportation Planning tor the 1990's: • Freeways -the highway department plans to widen or rebuild seven crrtical freeway corridors in Dallas in the next 10-15 years. The next five years will be crrtical to the development of a community consensus on the design of these freeways. • Regional Arterials --fourteen arterial corridors have been identified for coordinated application of traffic management measures. These thoroughfares carry high traffic volumes, serve major traffic generators. and have the potential to provide relief for the freeway. • Critical Intersections--intersections have been identified that have·capacrty deficiencies and/or safety related problems. These mtersections require deta1led evaluation to determine appropnare mrtigation measures. • Rood Plains --several proposea roadways that cross vanous flood plains have sigmficant cost ano environmental implications. Further examination of the neea for these roadways is appropnate. FRAMEWORK The tour elements that form me frameworK lor the Thoroughfare Plan are as follows: ( 1) Goats ana Policies (2) Functional Class1ficanons (3) Dimens1ona1 Class1ficat1ons (4) Maps ana Listings GOALS AND POLICIES The ultimate goal ot the Thoroughfare Plan •s to improve the qualitv ot life in the City by assuring sate. efficient. ana convement access to commumty resources. This is accomplished through the provision ot IV a street system at the lowest possible cost consistent with the protection of the health, safety, and general welfare of the commumty. The goals, objectives. and policies for the Thoroughfare Plan were drawn from the 1983 Planning Policies. as well as concerns expressed by the Cnizens· Advisory Committee. and comments from town hall and neighborhood meetings neld at the beginning of the process. Three basic goals form tne foundation for the objectives and policies that will guide the development ana implementation of the Thoroughfare Plan: Mobility /Safety -The opportunity for all citizens to travel safely, conveniently, and quickly to any part of the City. Quality -The protection and enhancement at the urban environment. Efficiency -The ability to use transoortation resources effectively and efficiently. It is inherent in the application of these to a specrtic street that all of the goals cannot be equally achievea. When determining the proper plan designations, ana subseauently making decisions regarding design;construction. operation. and maintenance of the street, factors such as historical context and communijy values must be carefully examined to establish the proper weight for each goal when they are in conftict. FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION Functional classrtication is the process by which streets are grouped into classes. or systems. according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Basic to this process 1s the recognition that individual roads and streets do not serve travel independently. Since most travel involves movement through a network of roads, it is necessary to determine how travel can be channeled within the network in a logical and efficient manner. Functional classification defines the nature of this channelization process by identifying the part that any particular road will play 1n serving the flow of trips through a street network. The basic functional classes are as follows: • Arterial Streets--Arterial streets provide the links between areas of the cities. They typically aefine neighborhoods ana serve the main function or movement from one cart of the city to another. • Collector Streets-Collector streets provide the links between the local streets ana artenals. They penetrate ne1ghbornooas ana serve me runction at collecting or mstribut~nq traffic between the artenal ana local streets. • local Streets--local streets are usuailv comainea within a ne1qhborhooa ana orovide access to adjacent property which is the origin or destination of every tnp. fhe local streets serve the function ot internal circulation for all types of develoomem. DIMENSIONAL CLASSIFICATION Dimensional classification establishes the bas1c ohysical dimensions or a thorouqhfare. including the number oi lanes. right-of-way w1oth. ana oavemem Wlath. The mmens1ona1 classification that 1s appuea to a roaa in the plan determ~nes the des1gn conriguratlon ior the roaa when 11 is funded for construction or reconstruction. The plan contains four dimensional classification categories: {1) standard. (2) minimum. {3) existing, and {4) special roadway sections: • Standard Roadway Sections-Standard roadway sections are based on desirable criteria as defined by current state-of-the-art in transportation engineering. The standard sections shouid be used in all newly developed areas. and wherever possible, in existing areas. • Minimum Roadway Sections--Minimum roadway sections are based on desirable criteria as defined by current state-of-the-art in transportation engineering. The standard sections should be used in all newly developed areas. and wherever possible. in existing areas. • Existing Roadway Sections--Thoroughfares that do not meet the dimensional requirements oi the standard or minimum roadway sections may be retained with their existing pavement and right-ot-way width if no change is desirable due to community concerns or phys1cal constraints. • Special Roadway Sections--Special roadway sections are defined on a case-by-case basis when a unrque design is needed that does not fit within either the standard or minrmum categories. Circumstances warranting a special roadway section might include a live-lane roadway, one-way streets, or other types at alternatives. MAPS AND LISTINGS A map at the new Thoroughfare Plan and the specific street segment listings for the Thoroughfare Plan are found in the final section of this report. Streets are listed alphabetically with the limits of the street segment. the proposed functional and dimensional classifications. the existing cross sections, and the old plan designation. · ., TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS •••..............•••......•................•.•.•...... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii BACKGROUND ............................... . 1.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . .................. . 1.1.1 Need for Reevaluation ot the Plan 1. 1.2 Purpose ot the Plan ..... . 1.1.3 Historical Perspective 1.1.4 Geographic Area Concerns . 1.2 PLANNING APPROACH .. 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 Traffic Trends . Construction versus Management .............. . Future Directions .................... . 2 3 4 9 9 10 ' 1 2 FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1 GOALS AND POLICIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '6 2.1. 1 Goal 1: Mobility /Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.2 Goal 2: Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.1.3 Goal 3: Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 2.2 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.2.1 Arterial Thoroughfares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2.2 Collector Thoroughfares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2.3 Local Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.3 DIMENSIONAL. CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.3.1 Standard Roadway Sections ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.3.2 Minimum Roadway Sections ................ . .. ............ 26 2.3.3 Existing Roadwav Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.3.4 Special Roaaway Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.4 MAP AND LISTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 28 APPENDIX A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . EXCERPT FROM THE CITY OF DALLAS PLANNING POLICIES ..... APPENDIX 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . EXCERPTS FROM THE CITY CHARTER AND DEVELOPMENT CODE APPENDIX C ........... . THOROUGHFARE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS ... APPENDIX D .................. . INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS VII A-1 A-1 B-1 8-1 'J-1 0-1 BACKGROUND 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 Need for Reevaluation of the Plan The City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan has not been comprehensively reviewed and updated on a city wide basis since it was adopted by the City Council in 1965. This 25-year period has been one of dramatic growth, development, and change in the economic, physical, and political fabric of the City. The 1965 Plan did not fully anticipate several important trends that have played a critical role in shaping land use and traffic patterns over the past two decades: Urban and Suburban Activitv Centers Although the Central Business District has remained a strong employment center, there has been a trend toward decentralization of employment to urban and suburban activity centers such as the Parkway Center, Park Central, Preston Center; and Market Center areas. Commercial activity centers put a tremendous strain on the thoroughfare system if the street plan and road improvement schedule are not adjusted to respond to the concentration of development. Suburban Growth Residential and commercial development has occurred more rapidly than expected in the northern half of the City and in the surrounding suburbs. The City had lagged behind land development in the construction of thoroughfares to serve this area, but in recent years has caught up. However, since Dallas is a strong employment center, the magnitude of suburban development contribUtes to congestion on City streets and, especially, on the freeway system. Stabilization of Inner Citv Neighborhoods Dallas has seen a renaissance in many of its inner city communities. Instead of wholesale redevelopment of these areas to higher densities, there has been a strong movement toward the stabilization and renovation of inner city neighborhoods in East Dallas, Oak Lawn, Oak Cliff, arid others. The renewed interest in inner city neighborhoods and lifestyles reflects changing community values that are essential to include in the thoroughfare planning process. In response to the pressures of growth in the early 1980's and a desire to protect and enhance the best features of Dallas, the City Council adopted a set of comprehensive Planning Policies in July 1984. This document contains over 140 policies which are intended to guide the development of the City in the areas of transportation, housing and neighborhoods, development standards, and public infrastructure. One of these policies specifically calls for the preparation of "a citywide growth policy plan, which generally defines growth centers, stable areas and redevelopment areas, as well as the major transportation infrastructure improvements needed to support the plan," see Appendix A. In July 1986, the City Council acknowledged that maintaining mobility through an adequate system of thoroughfares is essential to insure the future development and vitality of the City, its economic base, and the quality of life of its citizens. Council Resolution #862332 authorized the City Manager to develop and prepare a new Thoroughfare Plan. 1 Administratively, the Thoroughfare Plan serves a number of functions and purposes. Functions: • ldent~ies general alignment of thoroughfares. • Specifies right-of-way requirements and protects it through the planing and building permit processes. • Spec~ies basic design elements such as pavement width, parkway width, and median width. • IdentiTies the relative importance of thoroughfares and their role in providing mobility. • Establishes a philosophy for the development of the thoroughfare system on a citywide basis and for particular areas with special concerns. Purposes: • To facilitate communication between city staff, elected and appointed officials, and the community. • To facilitate effective design, operation, and maintenance of the primary road system. • To assist citizens in making decisions about the location of their home or business, and the disposition of property. the business section to the various residential sections." The first project recommended by the plan was Central Boulevard, later upgraded to Central Expressway. · In 1943, the firm of Harland Bartholomew & Associates was hired to prepare a master plan for the City of Dallas. The Bartholomew Plan was the first application of modern transportation planning techniques to Dallas' problems. Existing. traffic volumes were depicted on a traffic flow map, and future automobile registration was estimated from past trends. Two of the major aspects of the Bartholomew Plan were the recommendation of a street system having a one-mile grid of major thoroughfares and the emphasis on basic principles of street planning. Among these basic principles was the idea of functional classificaiion of roadways. Interestingly, the Bartholomew Plan shows the "possible limits of future urbanization" along a line about a mile outside of the current location of Loop 12. The plan estimated that there might be as many as 220,000 passenger cars in the Dallas area by 1970; in fact, there were almost 918,000 vehicles registered in Dallas County in 1970. The next major plan for thoroughfares was in 1957, when the Master Plan Committee issued its report, ''Thoroughfares-A Master Plan Report." This report followed the development of traffic planning techniques by considering population, employment, land use, traffic volumes (existing and future), travel times, and trip origins/destinations in a quantitative manner. The 1957 Plan came closer to predicting the groW1h in the 3 East Dallas. East Dallas is generally bounded by North Central Expressway, Mockingbird Lane, Buckner Boulevard and East R.L Thornton Freeway. It is composed primarily of residential land uses wnh higher density commercial developments along the North Central Expressway corridor. The East Dallas community has been particularly concerned about thoroughfare planning for their area; during the last decade, residents have strongly opposed any street widenings. A report issued by the East Dallas Thoroughfare Task Force (1 980), a group of business and resident representatives, is a good source of the community's feelings toward thoroughfare planning. Their position is that the existing pavement widths are adequate to serve peak traffic demands generated by residential and commercial LEas-,-0..::.,-, .. ---------------_J development in the community. Major street widenings would only increase the amount of through traffic, disrupt existing business and residential uses, and increase pressures for higher density redevelopment. One of their strongest points of contention is that "focusing" traffic on a lew streets, as is done in suburban areas, is inappropriate in older East Dallas. Many feel that spreading traffic out over more streets is more appropriate for handling traffic in East Dallas where a denser grid pattern of roads exist. The Task Force recommended that traffic flow be improved wtthin existing pavement widths by utilizing reversible lanes, better signalization, Intersection improvements, better maintenance, management of on-street parking, removal of sight restrictions, and improved public transn. One-way couplet systems were specifically identHied as an inappropriate tool for addressing traffic problems. The Deep Ellum area on the southern edge of East Dallas has been the focus of recent attention because of ns potential for redevelopment. While most of the land use has been warehousing and light industrial, the area is attracting a large variety of uses including retail, restaurants, and housing. To encourage the creation of this urban neighborhood, transportation planning has sought to balance roadway capacity needs against the desire to preserve existing buildings. The proposed CBD /Fair Park Unk and Canton Street have been iden!Hied as the roadways intended to carry through traffic; other streets should primarily provide circulation and access to adjacent properties. The 1965 Thoroughfare Plan was amended signHicantly in the 1980's to protect East Dallas from road widenings. A commitment was made early in the development of this plan that no road projects would be proposed that contradict the Council's decisions in recent years. Based on input from community meetings, staff has attempted to translate as directly as possible the current Thoroughfare Plan classifications into the new terminology defined for the Update. Oak Lawn Oak Lawn is generally bounded by North Central Expressway, Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Harry Hines, Inwood Road, and the town of Highland Park. Adjacent to Oak Lawn on the west is Love Love Field Airport. This area probably. contains the most varied mix of land uses in the City, containing large industrial and warehousing area, high rise office towers, a municipal airport, and a full range of housing types. Due to the 5 Oak Cliff This expansive region includes all of Dallas south of the Trinity River and west of Interstate 45 South. Inside Loop 12, the arterial. street system is fairly well developed and has substantial excess capacity. The most prominent missing thoroughfare link is the Cockrell Hill/Chalk Hill connection. The Southwest Dallas Land Use Study (1988) recommended that the Thoroughfare Plan minimize impacts on residential neighborhoods and promote economic development through access improvements. In addition, the study emphasizes that land use development should be coordinated with thoroughfare and transit improvements. The North Oak Cliff residential areas have stabilized in recent years and many homes are being successfully renovated. Because of its proximity to the downtown area, there is a desire to capitalize on linkages to the CBD and encourage multi-use developments along the Trinity River near the Houston and Jefferson viaducts. Land use densities for such developments should be matched with the available capacity in the thoroughfare system. Retail development has done well in the Redbird area along 1-20 Freeway and US Highway 67. In addition, a substantial amount of other commercial development is being actively planned by property owners all along 1-20. The Thoroughfare Plan has been amended several times in this area during the 1980's to address the potential for new commercial and residential development (e.g., the Mountain Creek Villages). South Dallas/Fair Park The South Dallas/Fair Park Study identified primarily economic development goals for this area. Most of the thoroughfares are in place and do not require major new construction. Some roads are in need of rehabilitation and may require traffic management strategies once this area redevelops. There is currently a Fair Park Traffic Management Study that is being reviewed by City staff. This plan recommends some significant changes in the major roadway network in and around Fair Park, many of which have been incorporated Into the new Plan. Pleasant Grove The Pleasant Grove area is for the most part a well developed residential community. The arterial street system needs to be aggressively maintained and improvements made to substandard roadways (e.g., Military ParJ3500 vcnicles/lanejday 2500 to 5000 veh/lane/day 1250 to 3500 veh/lane/day 1250.to 2500 veh/lanefday 6 lanes: >26.000 vpd 6 lanes: 15,000·30,000 vpd 41anes: 5,000·14,000 vpd 4 lanes: 5,000·10,000 vpd 6 lanes: >21.000 vpd 4 lanes: 10,000·20,000 vpd 21anes: 2,500·7,000 vpd 2 lanes: 2,500·5,000 vpd 4 lane5: >14.000 vpd 21anes: 5,000-10.000 vpd 1 to 2 miles 1/2 to 2 miles 1/2 mile from other 1/2 mile lrom other thoroughfare thoroughfare Usually ael1nes boundaries Usue11y dellne5 boundaries Traverses boundaries U5ually Internal to one . neighborhood Restricted; Some Restricted; Some Design controls are used to Design controls are used to movements may be movements may be ensure safety; limited ensure safely prohibited; Driveway prohlblled:Deslgn controls regulation spacing and number strictly are used to ensure safety controlled 30·45 mph 30·40 mph 30·35 mph 30 mph Restricted Restricted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted In commercial area No No "' Yes y., y., Not recommended Not recommended Limited Encouraged y., y., y, y., -----· ----1The stmbol ")'"means "grea1er than" and the symbol"<" means "less than"; "vpd" means "vehicles per day" 2Rcsldcntia1Collcctors are onl{designated on the Thoroughfare Ptan II they do not yet exist or have a substandard pavement width. Tahlc 3. T~·pical Characteristics of I;-unctional Classifications LOCAL Remainder or sur1ace streets: Access Is primary: Through traffic Is undesirable; Serves snort trip lenglhs Discontinuous Less than 1 mile <1250 veh/lane/day 2 lanes.: <2,500 vpd 300 to 500 feet from other streets Internal to one neighborhood Design controls are used to ensure safety 30 mph Permitted No Not Encouraged Encouraged ~ The network formed by principal arterials is fully interconnected, and provides links to the freeway system and to areas outside the City. Geometric design and traffic c.ontrol measures are used to enhance the movement of through traffic on principal arterials, while access to abutting property may be restricted, or managed, to protect the traffic carrying capacity of the roadway. Access to abutting land is subordinate to the provision of travel service for major traffic movements. Minor Arterial Thoroughfares Minor arterial streets interconnect with and augment the principal arterial network. They serve traffic with a smaller geographic area of influence, accommodate trip lengths of moderate length, and offer greater opportunities for emphasis on land access than the principal system. The minor arterials carry significant through traffic volumes and are needed to provide route and spacing continuity for the arterial system. 2.2.2 Collector Thoroughfares The collector street system is divided into two sub-classifications, "community'' collector and "residential" collector. They provide both land access ser\liceand traffic circulation within residential neighborhoods and commercial/industrial areas. They differ from the arterial system in that collectors penetrate neighborhoods, distributing trips from the arterials through the area to their ultimate destinations. Conversely, the collector street also collects traffic from local streets in neighborhoods and channels it into the arterial system. Collectors should accommodate short trip lengths, and do not typically extend across arterial thoroughfares or canry a high percentage of through trips. Although, in some circumstances collectors serve as a relief valve when the arterial system is congested. This can be minimized by providing an adequate arterial street system. Traffic control devices may be installed to protect or facilitate traffic on a collector street. However, these controls normally would not be as elaborate as those on an arterial street, and may be absent entirely. Communitv Collectors Community Collectors serve both residential and commercial neighborhoods. The mobility and access functions of this type of collector are generally balanced. The effective operation of community collectors is critical to the access and circulation needs of the area they serve. Residential Collectors Residential collectors serve predominantly single family and multi-family neighborhoods. In some cases, a neighborhood served by a residential collector may also include a small amount of local serving retail. A roadway is only identified as a residential collector on the Thoroughfare Plan if it has a substandard pavement width and some improvement is desired by the community, or it is in an undeveloped/underdeveloped area and does not yet exist. Once a residential collector has been built to its planned width, its official thoroughfare designation will be removed and it will automatically be dropped from the Thoroughfare Plan maps. Through traffic is generally undesirable undesirable on a residential collector and may be minimized through effective street design and appropriate traffic control measures. In newly developing areas, it is desirable to locate homes so that they "side" to a residential collector. However, in established residential neighborhoods 25 2.3.1 Standard Roadway Sections Standard roadway sections are based on desirable criteria as defined by current state-of-the-art in transportation engineering. The standard sections should be used in all newly developed areas, and wherever possible, in existing areas. Elements incorporated into the standard cross sections are: lane width --12 feet median width -15 feet (where applicable) parkway width --10 feet desirable/8 feet minimum 2.3.2 Minimum Roadway Sections Minimum roadway sections are based on the roadway sections that have been used to design and construct streets in the City over the past thirty years. These cross sections represent minimum dimensions and would be applied where the application of a standard roadway section is undesirable because of economic, environmental, community, or other constraints. Elements incorporated into the minimum cross sections are: lane width --1 0-11 feet median width --14-15 feet (where applicable) parkway width-7-10 feet 2.3.3 Existing Roadway Sections Thoroughfares that do not meet the dimensional requirements of the standard or minimum roadway sections may be retained w~h their existing pavement and right-of-way width if no change is desirable due to commun~ concerns or physical constraints. When a roadway is dimensionally classified as "existing", then ~s pavement will not be widened. 2.3.4 Special Roadway Sections Special roadway sections are defined on a case-by-case basis when a unique design is needed that does not f~ w~hin either the standard or minimum categories. Circumstances warranting a special roadway section might include a five-lane roadway, one-way streets, or other types of alternatives. Special roadway segments can be found at the back of the Map and Ustings Section. 27 Cl'l' Y UF DALLAS TITOROUC~IIFAHE PLAN UPDATE i[iJ REVISED: JANUARY 23. 199 I 1 \ CITY OF DALlAS DEPARTMHIT 01' I l~ANSPORTA IIW< .:za~o :n"n ~ ~CAlf m rrrr ,/2 ~I '"' r -·-----·------------·--·----- ----------U-_GEND I , -----·····--·----!l!laR. f0 A J,IA r: IAP.fl M = Mll·lllvi\Jivl I'UivlllF.I< OJ !.AllES II = IJI~DIVI[)FJ) ll lliVIIlFfl I'A/') . 4 \I I "r:xt:;nrH; 1·-11) CIIAIIGE Ill PAVEIAE.NI Wlf.Jlll * ~)f'LCIAI SPECIAl. P/\VFMF:IJI WIDTH OH I AilE Ol'fllA TIOil ·---------····· ·---. .,RW!Iil.!""'· r~. ':: .. I ,-c __ L/WA/·~· -Jr u-·~---(!),.?) ---"'"'-~', . _,.,llc ~ """"""" li//----. '"''-~ /.! } ~· " ~ • • ~ C/5-4-U __..' MA,/u--11-DWrA/9'0-P.~' .~~""" II! -·· l ·-· Y,• .,., ~ ... KD..l.DI...;'!'!'~--"'"' ---' I'! /!l '" I ,. I "_<:l•f ..... 0 . ····1-I l~, r . ;, r w \\ \\ i I :> ~ , "' -· 7• ,, ., tl~ I j ~~-~----~---· ~ I ' ........ ""' $-1-0 ""'""" C/$--+-D PA/114--0(f) -"""' PI\/li-i--O(.ij ---~-~---· C/~·-4-\J . '· il! LII.J. FREDU.l' ~~-~~'\ ~ . e ~ ~ ~ ·~ . . ~~ "(.r, .. -·%·'""~· ~---c:f..---'1'" .. ~~ Cnn/?7/Jk ·· oe.-4$1 .::<.f31 Iff! 6 :'JO ?M. ~w ...... Jl,.il_ ... tyP'n 5p"'-'//. . /( !-YI I fo/le.-. : 1!-o/;ir. .:::;i??U I >~/1 3~aiJfAL;J .. : :::.~.B. 1: /J~ : . tn I Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 5300 Belt Line Road TRANSPORTATION AND THOROUGHFARE PLAN COMMITTEE ROBIN JONES Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 (W) 450-2849 JOHN BAUMGARTNER Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 (W) 450-2886 GARY c an Line Road 75240 (W) 0 KENT HOPE HWK, Inc. P.O. Box 427 Addison, TX 75001 (W) 239-1326 WAYNE GINN Ginn & Case, Inc. P.O. Box 786577 Dallas, TX 75379-6577 (W) 248-4900 LYNN SPRUILL, MAYOR Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001 (W) 450-7017 JIM ALEXANDER 14801 Buckingham Court Addison, TX 75240 (W) 991-1057 (H) 341-2498 ANDY ANDERSON 17119 Upper Bay Road Addison, TX 75248 (W) 385-2400 (H) 380-0991 JOHN BRANCH, COUNCILMAN 14711 Sherlock Drive Addison, TX 75244 (W) 266-3912 (H) 960-2021 (214)450-7017 :.; :if II iii ilj ill 1: Iii II II 'I il ,, I tl 1: ! ' //Barton·Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199 Dallas, Texas 75240 USA July 1, 1991 Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 {!t.. 6? Phone: (214) 991-1900 Fax: (214) 490-9261 Metro: 263-9138 RE: Proposal to Prepare Town of Addison Thoroughfare Plan Dear Mr. Whitehead: Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional engineering services in connection with the preparation for a Thoroughfare Development Plan for the Town of Addison, Texas. Such a plan will provide Town staff with the information required to develop the transportation system necessary to acconnodate future travel demands within the Town. During its forty year history, Barton-Aschman has conducted hundreds of thoroughfare plan studies similar to the proposed Town of Addison Study. Our experience ranges from large cities such as Dallas to small, suburban cities such as Coppell. The project staff proposed for this project has worked with all of the cities which surround Addison and are very familiar with their thoroughfare systems. Barton-Aschman will be assisted on this project by the North Central Texas Council of Govermnents (NCTCOG). The NCTCOG brings to this study the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional, and specific North Dallas area travel demand forecasting capabilities and expertise which will be necessary to accurately forecast future travel demand within the Town. This letter presents our approach, proposed work program, and fee estimate for the development of a thoroughfare plan for the Town of Addison. If accepted, this letter will become an agreement between the Town of Addison and Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. to provide the services outlined in the work program. APPROACH The approach we propose for preparation of the Town of Addison's Thoroughfare Plan has worked successfully for our clients elsewhere. Our approach uses a base of relevant issues to be addressed, and sound, technical analysis to develop a plan that will provide the transportation system to meet the Town's goals. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Mr. Ron Whitehead July 1, 1991 Page 2 Our approach is straightforward, and involves the following steps: 1. Search out all real and perceived issues related to the thoroughfare plan, the planning process, and its implementation. 2. Utilize an objective, understandable, logical, and responsive planning process and highly qualified, credible staff with prior success to prepare the plan and interface with Town staff and decision makers. 3. Involve the Town staff, Council and P&Z members, local business representatives to help maximize knowledge of the process and credibility with the public. This group could serve as the steering committee throughout the study. Periodic presentations to and feedback from this group could greatly enhance the success of the final plan. 4. Prepare a set of policies and plans which clearly meet local objectives, respond to specific concerns, and can be justified technically. We have found that this type of process is effective. Technically, our approach is based on the following process: 1. Maximize the use of information assembled as part of the Addison Bottleneck study. 2. Prepare a set of (draft, and later, final) policies which will guide the development of the thoroughfare plan. For example, a policy might be able to "maximize use of TSM measures in any area or corridor before considering major capital improvements". 3. Build from both processes and the extensive data base that the NCTCOG has developed over the years to provide relevant analysis tools. 4. Conduct the detailed technical analyses which will support the development of the actual plan (map, standards, and implementation policies and guidelines) and review it at strategic points with the Town staff and public decision makers. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Mr. Ron Whitehead July 1, 1991 Page 3 5. Develop mechanisms of maintaining flexibility, assessing impacts of development and thoroughfare plan changes, and maintaining or increasing plan and system effectiveness. WORK PROGRAM Based upon our understanding of the needs of this project, and our extensive experience as conducting similar studies, we have prepared a work program which comprehensively evaluates the future roadway needs of the Town. Our proposed work program is contained in the following six distinct tasks: Task 1: Task 2: Task 3: Task 4: Task 5: Task 6: Confirm Issues and Objectives Develop Policies Evaluate Future Roadway Needs Develop Thoroughfare Amendment and Review Process Prepare Thoroughfare Development Plan Assist in Approval Process Each of these tasks is discussed in the following paragraphs: TASK 1: Purpose: Activities: CONFIRM ISSUES AND OBJECTIVES To identify specific issues to be addressed in the study and develop goals and objectives for the thoroughfare development plan. 1.1 Meet with steering committee to discuss specific issues (i.e. areas of concern) to be addressed during the study. During this meeting the goals of objectives of the thoroughfare plan will be discussed. 1.2 Review results of the Addison Bottleneck study with the steering committee. Specific study results to be discussed are assessment of existing thoroughfare system, reco=ended improvements, and roadway design and access control standards. 1.3 Prepare and submit memorandum outlining goals and objectives to address issues. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Mr. Ron Whitehead July 1, 1991 Page 4 TASK2: POLICY DEVELOPMENT Purpose: Activities: To assess the effectiveness of current written or unwritten roadway planning polices, develop new policies if necessary, and prepare planning policies issue paper. 2.1 Develop, in conjunction with Town staff, a tabulation of policies and procedures which are currently being applied in the thoroughfare planning decision making process. 2.2 Determine the basis or reason of application of these policies, as well as any problems or opportunities associated with them. Identify additional policies and modifications to existing policies necessary to address goals and objectives identified in Task 1. 2.3 Prepare and submit issues paper documenting results of investigations of present policies with recommendations for new or revised policies. 2.4 Following review by steering committee, incorporate new and revised policies into appropriate formats and submit to Town Council for approval. TASK3: Purpose: Activities: NOTE: Legal review of proposed policies will be necessary prior to approval by the Town Council. EVALUATE FUTURE ROADWAY NEEDS To identify future thoroughfare needs and evaluate alternative roadway systems to satisfy these needs. 3.1 Assemble existing and projected input data to NCTCOG travel forecasting models. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Mr. Ron Whitehead July 1, 1991 Page 5 3.2 Review existing and projected population and employment data, model zone structure, and roadways networks. Identify planning horizon year. 3.3 Revise model input data where appropriate to meet specific Town needs. 3.4 Calibrate 1990 base model for use in evaluating future thoroughfare alternatives. 3.5 Develop thoroughfare alternatives to meet specific issues and/or subarea needs (i.e. Quorum area). Three alternative networks will be modeled. Two additional model runs are proposed to evaluate specific refinements after each model run, results will be discussed with staff for selected horizon year. 3.6 Test and evaluate results of each thoroughfare alternative. 3.7 Prepare and present to steering committee results of evaluation and recommended plan. 3.8 Revise recommended plan, as appropriate, based on steering committee comments. TASK 4: THOROUGHFARE AMENDMENT AND REVIEW PROCESS Purpose: To provide necessary procedures and analytical tools to assist staff in the continuing process of plan review and amendment. Activities: 4.1 Meet with Town staff to discuss amendment process and present typical procedures and analytical tools for evaluating requested changes. 4.2 Based on discussions in Task 4.1, prepare and submit draft thoroughfare amendment process and technical analysis procedures. 4.3 Meet with staff to discuss comments and revise procedures. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Mr. Ron Whitehead July 1, 1991 Page 6 TASK 5: THOROUGHFARE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Purpose: To prepare thoroughfare development plan document for approved. Activities: 5.1 Assemble results of study into final transportation development plan document. Information will include: thoroughfare planning policies roadway classification system roadway design standards access control guidelines recommended thoroughfare plan thoroughfare amendment procedures 5.2 Submit to Town staff for review (NOTE: it is anticipated that this review will be for format only. All elements in the thoroughfare plan will have been previously reviewed by steering committee. 5.3 In addition to plan document, prepare and submit large scale thoroughfare plan map, in reproducible form, to staff. TASK 6: ASSIST IN APPROVAL PROCESS Purpose: To present study procedures, findings, recommendations and conclusions to aid in approval of the plan. Activities: 6.1 Prepare presentation of study procedures, findings, and recommendation. 6.2 Make presentations, as directed by Town staff, to interested groups. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Mr. Ron Whitehead July 1, 1991 Page 7 FEE ESTIMATE Our fee for completing the Scope of Services outlined above will be based on our hourly rates current at the time of performance, for staff services rendered. Based on our experience in studies of this type, we estimate that the fee for completion of tasks 1 through 6 will be $37,500. We will not exceed this fee without receiving your prior authorization. If the need for extra services should arise, we will seek your authorization and, before proceeding and if requested, we will supply you with our estimate of the fee to be incurred. Direct reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost and will be added to staff time costs incurred on the project. Billing for services will be submitted monthly and will be due and payable upon receipt. Billings which are not paid within 30 days will bear interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month. AUTIIORIZATION AND SCHEDULE We will initiate work on this project immediately upon receipt of a signed copy of this letter of agreement. We estimate that the Thoroughfare Development Plan can be completed within eighteen (18) weeks of the notice to proceed. The proposed project schedule is attached. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Mr. Ron Whitehead July 1, 1991 Page 8 We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal and look forward to working with the Town of Addison staff on this project. H you have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, BARTON-ASCHMANASSOCIATES, INC. a.~ PP?:M Robert C. Wunderlich, .E. Senior Associate GDJ/RCW:tdb Date:..·------------gary\whitehcad.loa ACCEPTED AND APPROVED BY: (Signature) (Printed or Typed Name) (Title) AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS FOR: (Organization) (Title) TASK 1. CONFIRM ISSUES & OBJECTIVES 2. POLICY DEVELOPMENT 3. EVALUATE FUTURE ROADWAY NEEDS 4. THOROUGHFARE AMENDMENT AND REVIEW PROCESS li. THOROUGHFARE DEVELOPMENT PLAN B. ASSIST IN APPROVAL PROCESS(1) TOWN OF ADDISON THOROUGHFARE PLAN STUDY PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE WEEK 2 4 8 8 1'o (1) AS REQUESTED BY TOWN STAFF 12 14 1.8 18 2'o 22 1----------1---------- Town of Add is on Addison, Texas ?!.eh ( 'e._ tii/lhfl?t/7-tliAt '-?I~ Moses and Cline MCM Company P. 0. Box 8 Addison, Texas 75001 Phone 239-3771 November 12, 1990 Attn: Ron Whitehead and Carmen Moran Dear Ron and Carmen: Re: Proposed Masterplan and Our 6.82 Acres at NW Corner of Arapaho and Quorum Dr. In regard to Addison's proposed Masterplan we have presented it to several people who have expertise in land planning, and also people who have are active. in marketing land in Addison and the consensus was that the proposed Thoroughfare Plan, combined with the inclusion in the Addison Old Town zoning, would have a substantial adverse impact on our land values. Listed below are their reasons for such a conclusion. Master Thoroughfare Plan The ~xtenaion of Arapaho through our property would decrease our land acreage by approximately 18%. We have presented our property within the last sixty days to two users who have shown an interest. Both users were interested in the whole 6.82 acres. If our land is included included on the Master Thoroughfare Plan it would preclude and kill the sale to these potential buyers. Our legal and real estate advisors have concluded that the inclusion of it on the Master Thoroughfare Plan would put a cloud on the marketability of the property. The mere fact that the line is drawn o~ the Master Thoroughfare Plan puts a cloud on the property. The only way to remedy this cloud is to erase the line on the map which accompanies the plan. If this is not done it would effect the marketability of the property and as a result ita value. Old Addison The inclusion of our land in the Old Addison district does not appear to make any sense in view of the natural dividing line of the railroad cutting through the property. The South line should be drawn at the railroad and not Arapaho. Our advisors have informed us that this too would have substantial impact on the value and marketability of the land. Page 1 Conclusion We learned that our land was included in the Old Addison district the night of the Town Hall Meeting. We had inquired by phone the week before and were assured that the line stopped at the railroad tracks as per the map published in ''Addison Today". Mr. Moses and I also attempted to find a detailed drawing showing the extension of Arapaho Road to no avail. It appears that no ~rawinga were available, and even the staff was under a misconception of where the lines were drawn or where the proposed roads were going. In view of these facta and the short time frame we have had to consider the impact on our property, we strongly urge the following: 1. Please do not include the extension of Arapaho Road in the Masterplan through our property. Please erase the line on the map which accompanies and is part of the Masterplan. It is very important that the line be erased. The mere fact it is shown on the map puts a cloud on our property. 2. Please do not include our land in the Old Addison District •. This in effect back-zones our land. As you probably know we have owned land in Addison for twenty six years and have always been a good business citizen. We want what is good of Addison, however the proposals as presented by the land planner would severely impact our financial holdings in Addison. We hope you will consider these facts and will favorably act on our requests. Thank you very much, truly, J. B. Cline lloses and Cline MCM Company cc: Mayor Spruill cc: Councilman Duffy To: Town of Addison From: Moses and Cline Attn: Ron Whitehead Moses and Cline P. 0. Box 8 Addison, Texas 75001 239-3771 April 18, 1991 Subject: Master Thoroughfare Plan & Moses and Cline Land Moses and Cline has operated a business in Addison for 27 years and has owned land in Addison for the same period of time. During that time period we have citlter given easements or deeded land to the Town of Addison at the following locations. 1 • Entire east side of Addison Road from former of Addison Automotive north to Arapaho Road. site 2. Thirty feet of right a way extending from Addison Road east approximately 500 feet. on south side of Arapaho. 3. Thirty feet of right a way extending from Quorum west 650 ft on the north side of Arapaho. 4. Forty feet of right a way extend north along Quorum 612 ft from Arapaho on the west side of the road. 5. This totaln approximately 79,000 sq ft or 1.81 acres. During that time period we have paid for road asnessments totaling $ 178,898.00. We have been attempting to sell nine nine years and only been successful in to Southwest Bell. our property for the last selling 6000 sq ft of land The subject in question is that the proposed Thoroughfare Plan now shows Arapaho Road extended through the center of our land. This road would divide our property into three odd shaped dndesirable plats. The marketability of the property and thus the value of the property would be decreased because of our inability to sell it for a Dart Station or a hotel site, just to name two scenarios. It also eliminateD our flexibility to offer the exact acreage and size a potential buyer might want to buy. • Because of the above reasons we are submitting an alternate plan which we believe will solve the problem of future possible congestion at the various points on Arapaho Road, Proposed Changes on Arapaho Road 1. Extend a new road at the north east corner of the llcClain building westward and stub it out on Quorum Drive, This would enable cars traveling west on Arapaho to turn north on Quorum without traveling through the Quorum Drive and Arapaho intersection. 2 • Build a new road a shade south of it's present location so that it lines up with the parkway that runs along the north side of the Crand Kempinski. This would enable cars that want to go south on the toll road to go straight to the access road, (Sec aerial attached) The ezperts I have talked to all agree that Arapaho will not be a major East -West thoroughfare because it is located in the immediate proximity of Beltline. Our goal should be to ~ake sure that sufficient "feeder" streets arc available for local traffic to move smoothly. People who use use these streets daily will use the ''feeders'' rather than go to Beltline. All of the people to whom we have talked feel that an EastWest thoroughfare is needed north of tl1e railroad tracks and not south of the tracks, The plan we have outlined would not solve this problem, however the Keller Springs tunnel would. Another possibility is extending Lindberg direct through to either the Toll Road access road or to ~ie in with the Arapaho toll road intersection, The people we have consulted feel that the extension of Arapaho from Addison'Road to Marsh would be extremely costly and would not justify the expense. These dollars, they feel, would be better spent on the Keller Springs tunnel. lie certainly and eliminate the Plan. hope you will favorably consider our position extension of Arapaho Road from the Thoroughfare . Yours ~~ry truly, ~~~ J. B. Cline --Moses and Cline Existing Streets New Streets ~. Rt. Turn Lanes N w-f--E s