><-' .,'J \ . J' .:,':'): . 􀀧􀀬􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠-" r -􀀬􀁾􀀠" ., J 1 1 ] J o o [] :] [] o o o [] 0' 􀀧􀁾􀁝􀀠,i 􀁾􀀠'􀀺􀁾􀁬􀀠i , I U! J , i , 1 1 , , ADDISON AIRPORT F.A.R. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study Update NOISE EXPOSURE MAPS Prepared For The Town ofAddison By Coffman Associates, Inc. September 2002 The preparation 0/this document was financed in part through a planning grant/rom the Federal AviationAdministration (FAA) as approved under the Airport andAirway Improvement Actof1982, as amended. The contents ofthis report do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy ofthe FAA. Acceptance ofthis report by the FAA does not in any way constitute a commitment on the part ofthe United States to participate in any development depicted therein, nor does it indicate that the proposed development is environmentally acceptable in accordance with applicable public laws. )1 j 1 j 'J U .'}􀁾􀀠. , u. . 1 • J . I • _ J i 1 . 􀁾􀁊􀁊􀁩􀀮􀀠􀁾􀀡􀀠TABLE OF CONTENTS 1􀁾􀁕􀁰􀁑􀁲􀁬􀀧______􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀻􀀢􀀧􀀻􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀻􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀻􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧_____ J 8NTENTS ADDISON AIRPORT Addison, Texas F.A.R. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study Update NOISE EXPOSURE MAPS NOISE EXPOSURE MAPS Sponsor's Certification.............. .... ........... ............... ............. ... ... ................. .... .... x Chapter One INVENTORY JURISDICTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................. 1-2 Federal ........................................................................................................... 1-2 State and Local ....................................................................... ....................... 1-8 Airport Proprietor.......... ..... ....................... ..................... ................... ............ 1-9 AIRPORT SETTJNG ..................................... ...................................................... 1-10 Locale ............................................................................................................. 1-10 Climate...........................................................................................................1-10 AIRPORT HISTORy................................................................. .......................... 1-10 AIRFIELD FACILITIES .................................................................................... 1-11 Runways.................................................. ....................................................... 1-11 Taxiways ........................................................................................................ 1-13 .!,i---- Chapter One (Continued) Airfield Lighting ............................................................................................ 1-13 General Aviation Complex .................................. .......................................... 1-14 Other Facilities ..............................................................................................1-14 AIRSPACE AND AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL.. ................................................... 1-14 Airspace Structure......................................................................................... 1-14 Enroute Navigational Aids ........................................................................... 1-17 Area Airports ...................................................................................... ...........1-18 Instrument Approaches................................................................................. 1-19 Customary ATC And Flight Procedures........................................ ............... 1-20 STUDY AREA ..................................................................................................... 1-22 EXISTING LAND USE .......................................... ............................................ 1-23 Schools............................................................................................................ 1-23 Historic Resources ......................................................................................... 1-24 LAND USE PLANNING POLICIES AND REGULATIONS............................ 1-25 Regulatory Framework .................................................................................1-25 Comprehensive And General Plans .............................................................. 1-25 Zoning ............................................................................................................ 1-27 Planned Unit Developments ............................................... .......................... 1-29 Subdivision Regulations ................................................................................ 1-30 Building Codes .......................................... ..................................................... 1-30 Capital Improvement Programs ................................................................... 1-30 SUMMARy............................... ........................................................................... 1-31 Chapter Two AVIATION DEMAND FORECASTS GENERAL AVIATION TRENDS ........................................................ ............... 2-2 SOCIOECONOMIC PROJECTIONS ................................................................. 2-6 Population................ ........ .......... ............ ...................... ............. ..................... 2-6 Employment................................................................................................... 2-7 Per Capita Personal Income (PCP!) ............................ ............. .................... 2-8 AIRPORT USER SURVEYS/SERVICE AREA.................................... .............. 2-8 User Surveys.............................. .................................................................... 2-10 Service Area ...................................................................................................2-11 COMPARATIVE FORECASTS ..........................................................................2-12 FORECASTING APPROACH ............................................................................2 -12 BASED AIRCRAFT ............................................................................................ 2-14 Registered Aircraft Forecasts .................................................... ................... 2-14 Based Aircraft Forecast .................................................................................2-20 BASED AIRCRAFT FLEET MIX PROJECTION ............................ ................. 2-25 I . J J .1 .., I Chapter Two (Continued . I j ANNUAL OPERATIONS ...................................................................................2-26 General Aviation Operations .................................. ......................................2-27 Air Carrier And Air Taxi Operations ............................................................2-29 Military Operations ................................... ....................................................2-31 Nighttime Operations ...................................................................................2-31 Fleet Mix Operations .....................................................................................2-32 SUMMARy...................................................................................................... ....2-33 Chapter Three AVIATION NOISE AIRCRAFT NOISE MEASUREMENT PROGRAM.. ........................... ............. 3-2 Acoustical Measurements ...................................................... ....................... 3-2 Measurement Measurement Results Summary ............................... ................................... 3-6 AIRCRAFT NOISE ANALYSIS METHODOLOGy ....................... ................... 3-7 INM INPUT ........................................................................................................ 3-7 Airport And Study Area Description .......... .................................................. 3-7 Daily Operations And Fleet Mix ................................................................... 3-8 Activity Data........................... ............................ .... ..................... .................. 3-8 Database Selection ... ................... .... ........ ..................................... ........ ......... 3-9 Time-Of-Day ..................................................................................................3-11 Runway Use ........................................................... ........................................3-13 Flight Tracks ................................................................................................. 3-13 Assignment Of Flight Tracks ........................................................................ 3-14 INM OUTPUT ..................................................................................................... 3-15 2002 Noise Exposure Contours ..................................................................... 3-15 Comparative Measurement Analysis ......................................................... .. 3-16 2007 Noise Exposure Contours .....................................................................3-17 2022 Noise Exposure Contours ........................................................... ..........3-18 SUMMARy............... : .......................................................................................... 3-18 Chapter Four NOISE IMPACTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY .......................................................................... 4-2 F.A.R. Part 150 Guidelines ........................................................................... 4-2 NOISE COMPLAINTS ................... ....................... .............. ... ... .................. ....... 4-3 CURRENT NOISE EXPOSURE ..... ....... ....................... ......... ...... ............... ....... 4-4 Land Uses Exposed To 2002 Noise ............................................................... 4-4 􀁾􀀠Chapter Four (Continued) ] Population Exposed to 2002 Noise ................................................................ 4-6 POTENTIAL GROWTH RISK ............................................ ............................... 4-7 ] Population Projections ................................................................................... 4-7 Residential And Noise-Sensitive Land Use Growth Risk ............................ 4-8 2007 NOISE EXPOSURE .......... · ......................................................................... 4-9 J Land Uses Exposed To 2007 Noise ............................................................... 4-9 Population Exposed to 2007 Noise ............................................................... .4-10 ]2022 NOISE EXPOSURE ...................................................................................4-11 Land Uses Exposed to 2022 Noise .......................................................... ..... .4-11 JPopulation Exposed to 2022 Noise ............................................................... .4-12 SUMMARy............................................................................ ..............................4-12 ] EXHIBITS ]1 2002 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CONTOUR WITH LANDUSE ................................................................. after page x 1 2007 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CONTOUR :1 WITH LANDUSE ................................................................. after page x 1A LOCATION MAP ............................................................... after page 1-10 1B EXISTING AIRFIELD FACILITIES ................................ after page 1-12 ') 1C AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION ........................................ after page 1-16 J1D AIRSPACE MAP ................................................................ after page 1-16 IE STANDARD AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER PROCEDURES 1-20 ............................................... .. after page IF STUDY AREA WITH JURISDICTIONAL ] BOUNDARIES ................................................................. after after page 1-22 1G GENERALIZED EXISTING LAND USE MAP ................ after page 1-24 1H GENERALIZED COMPREHENSIVE LAND ] USE PLAN MAP .............................................................. after page 1-26 1J GENERALIZED ZONING MAP ....................................... after page 1-28 1K PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENTS .............................. after page 1-30 :] 2A U.S. ACTIVE GENERAL AVIATION AIRCRAFT FORECASTS .................................................. after page 2-6 J 2B SERVICE AREA ................................................................after page 2-12 2C TRI-COUNTY REGISTERED AIRCRAFT PROJECTIONS ............................................................... after page 2-20 J 2E FORECAST SUMMARY ...................................................... fter page 2-34 2D BASED AIRCRAFT PROJECTIONS ................................ after page 2-24 J ,] J EXHIBITS (Continued) ) ; .J 3A NOISE MONITORING LOCATIONS ................................. after page 3-4 3B INM PROCESS .................................................................... after page 3-8 3C PROPELLER AIRCRAFT NOISE FOOTPRINT COMPARISON ........................................... after page 3-8 3D TURBOJET AIRCRAFT NOISE FOOTPRINT COMPARISON ............................ ............... after page 3-8 3E TURBOJET AIRCRAFT NOISE FOOTPRINT COMPARISON ........................................... afterpage 3-8 3F RADAR FLIGHT TRACK DATA.................................... ... after page 3-14 3G DEPARTURE TRACKS ..................................................... after page 3-14 3H ARRIVAL TRACKS ........................................................... after page 3-14 3J TOUCH AND GO TRACKS ............................................... after page 3-14 3K 2002 NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOUR. ............................. after page 3-16 3L MEASURED AND MODELED NOISE ............................ after after page 3·16 3M 2007 NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOUR .............................. after page 3·18 3N 2022 NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOUR .............................. after page 3·18 4A LAND USE COMPATIBILITY GUIDELINES .................. after page 4-2 4B 2002 NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOUR WITH NOISE-SENSITIBE LAND USE .,.................. ....... after page 4·4 4C 2007 NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOUR WITH NOISE-SENSITIBE LAND USE ......................... after page 4·10 4D 2022 NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOUR WITH NOISE-SENSITIBE LAND USE ......................... after page 4·12 4E NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOUR COMPARISON ............ after page 4-14 D1 COMPARISON OF 1987 AND 2002 BASELINE NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOURS ....................... ............ after page D-2 Appendix A WELCOME TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE AppendixB COORDINATION, CONSULTATION, AND PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 1 AppendixC ]LOCAL ZONING PROVISIONS , J AppendixD EVALUATION OF CURRENT NOISE '] COMPATIBILITY PROGRAM ] AppendixE INM INPUT ASSUMPTIONS AND OUTPUT REPORT J :1TECHNICAL INFORMATION PAPERS GLOSSARY OF NOISE COMPATIBILITY TERMS :JTHE MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF SOUND EFFECTS OF NOISE EXPOSURE MEASURING THE IMPACT OF NOISE ON PEOPLE J NOISE AND LAND USE COMPATIBILITY GUIDELINES 1 .1 1 . J J j J 1 1 I : frdJj)e,'-____􀁾􀁎􀁩􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁏􀁬􀁾􀁓􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁅􀁾􀁅􀁟􀁘􀁟􀁐􀁟􀁏􀁟􀁓􀁕􀁟􀁒􀁟􀁅􀁟􀁍􀁟􀁁􀁐􀁟􀁓􀀠 i I F.AR. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study NOISE EXPOSURE MAPS Addison Airport This document is the Noise Exposure Map document prepared for Addison Airport, which is owned by the Town of Addison and managed and operated through a lease/managementagreement with the Washington Staubach Addison Airport Venture. The Noise Exposure Maps documentation for the Airport presents current aircraft noise impacts and anticipated impacts in five years. The documentation contains sufficient information so that reviewers unfamiliar with local conditions and local public unfamiliar with the technical aspects of aircraft noise can understand the findings ofthe study. This Noise Exposure Maps document includes the first four chapters of the F.A.R. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study. Chapter One, Inventory, presents an overview of the airport, ,I airspace, aviation facilities, existing land uses, and local land use policies and regulations. Chapter Two, Aviation Activity Forecasts, presentsforecasts for general aviation activity. Forecasts are broken down by type of activity -single engine aircraft, multi-engine aircraft, turboprop, jet, and helicopter. ChapterThree, Aviation Noise Analysis Methodology, explains the methodology used to develop aircraft noise contours. It also describes the key input assumptions used for noise modeling. Chapter Four, Noise Exposure and Impacts, presents existing and forecast aircraft noise exposure based on the assumption of no additional noise abatement efforts. This analysis provides baseline data for evaluating potential noise abatement strategies in I 1 the second part of the study. It also analyzes the impact ofbaseline aircraft noise on noise-sensitive land uses and the resident population. Supplemental information is provided in appendixes and Technical Information Papers. Appendix A lists the members of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) that were consulted throughout the planning process. It also includes an explanation ofthe role ofthe SAC in the process. AppendixB, Coordination, Consultation and Public Involvement, summarizes the planningprocess, local coordination, and the public involvement process. Appendix C contains a summary of the various zoning ordinances which apply to the study area. Appendix D is an evaluation of the current Noise Compatibility Program (NCP). This evaluation provides a ] status of each recommendation in the J1991 NCP. Appendix E contains the INM Output <1 Report. This report provides detailed tables which depict reported aircraft operations, runway use, and day/nighttime operation splitbyaircraft type. Four Technical Technical Information Papers are provided for reference and background. These papers include the Glossary of Noise Compatibility Terms, The Measurement and Analysis of Sound, ]Effects of Noise Exposure, and Measuring the Impact of Noise on People. :1 The official Noise Exposure Maps are presented in this section following page vii. For the convenience of FAA reviewers, the FAA's official Noise Exposure Map checklist is presented on pages iii through vi. ] OJ 11 J F.A.R. PART 150 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CHECKLIST AIRPORTNAME: Addison Airport REVIEWER: Addison, Texas PageNoJ YeslNolNA Other Reference 1. IDENTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION OF MAP DOCUMENT: A Is this submittal appropriately identified as one of the following, submitted under F.AR. Part 150: L aNEMonly? Title Page, p. iYes No2. a NEM and NCP? No determined by FAA to be in compliance with Part 150? 3. a revision to NEMs which have previously been Yes Title Page, p. I operator Identified? B. Is the airport name and the qualified airport p.x operator which indicates the documents are submitted under Part 150 for appropriate FAA determination? C. Is there a dated cover letter from the airport Yes II. CONSULTATION: [150.21 (h), A150.1 05(a) 1 Yes Appendix B; and accomplished, including opportunities for public A. Is there a narrative description of thc consultation supplemental review and comment during map development? volume, Supporting Information on Project Coordination and Local Consultation B. Identification: l. Are the consulted parties identified? Yes Appendices A and B; and supplemental volume, Supporting Information on ! Project Coordination and Local Consultation 2. Do they include all those required by 150.21(b) Appendices A and B; and A150.105(a)? Yes and supplemental volume, Supporting Information on Project Coordination and Local Consultation III 1 F.A.R. PART 150 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CHECKLIST AIRPORTNAME: Addison Airport Addison, Texas C. Does the documentation inelude the airport operator's certification, and evidence to support it, that interested persons have been afforded adequate opportunity to submit their views, data, and comments during map development and in accordance with 150.21(b)? D. Does the document indicate whether written comments were received during consultation and, ifthere were comments, that they are on file with the FAA region? III. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: [150.21] A. Are there two maps, each clearly labeled on the face with year (existing condition year and 5-year)? B. Map currency: 1. Does the existing condition map year match the year on the airport operator's submittal letter? 2. Is the 5-year map based on reasonable forecasts and other planning assumptions and is it for the fifth calendar year after the year of submission? iv REVIEWER: I . YeslNolNA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ] PageNoJ Other Reference ] p. x; Appendix B, and supplemental volume, Supporting Information on Project Coordination and Local Consultation Appendix B, and supplemental volume, Supporting Information on Project Coordination :]and Local Consultation .J See NEM Maps, Exhibits 1 & 2 after p.x Current year is labeled 12002, based on calender )year 2001 operations from airport traffic control tower (ATCT) 1 reports and nighttime Ioperation counts which added an addition six percent to the total 1 operations. This is a fair Jrepresentation of existing conditions. Based upon the 12 months ending in July 2002, total operations from ATCT reports with the added six percent nighttime activity were 164,975. three percent less than the than the operations modeled for 2002. See 2007 NEM after p. x; Chapter Two, pp. 2-26 -2-34, i I Chapter Three, pp. 3-7·3-18 J F.A.R. PART 150 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CHECKUST AIRPORTNAME: Addison Airport REVIEWER: Addison, Texas PageNoJ YesINolNA Other Reference 3. Ifthe answer to 1 & 2 above is no, has N/A the airport operator verified in writing that data in the documentation are representative of existing condition and 5-year forecast conditions as of the date ofsubmission? C. Ifthe NEM and NCP are submitted together: N/A1. Has the airport operator indicated whether the 5-year map is based on 5year contours without the program vs. contours if the program is implemented? 2. Ifthe 5-year map is based on program implementation: a. are the specific program measures which N/A are reflected on the map identified? b. does the documentation specifically N/A describe how these measures affect land use compatibilities depicted on the map? 3. If the 5-year NEM does not incorporate N/A program implementation, has the airport operator included an additional NEM for FAA determination after the program is approved which shows program implementation conditions and which is intended to replace the , 5-year NEM as the new official 5-year map? IV. MAP SCALE, GRAPHICS, AND DATA REQUIREMENTS: [A150.101, A150.103, A150.105, 150.21(a)J SeeNEMMaps readable (they must not be less than 1" to 8,000'), YesA. Are the maps sufficient scale to be clear and after p. x and is the scale indicated on the maps? : B. Is the quality of the graphics such that required SeeNEM Maps information is clear and readable? Yes after p. x ! C. Depiction of the airport and its environs. l. Is the following graphically depicted to scale on both the existing conditions and 5-year maps: ! SeeNEM Mapsa. airport boundaries? Yes after p. x numbers? b. runway configurations with runway end Yes See NEM Maps after p. x v 1 F.A.R. PART 150 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CHECKLIST AIRPORTNAME: Addison Airport REVIEWER: Addison, Texas :1 Page No.! YeslNolNA Other Reference ] 2. Does the depiction of the off· airport data include: a. a land use base map depicting Yes streets and other identifiable geographic features? Yes beyond, at local discretion)? b. the area within the 65 Ldn (or Yes boundaries and the names of all jurisdictions with planning and land use control authority within the 65 Ldn (or beyond, at local discretion)? c. clear delineation of geographic D. 1. Continuous contours for at least the 65, Yes 70, and 75 Ldn? 2. Based on current airport and Yes operational data for the existing condition year NEM, and forecast data for the 5-year NEM? E. Flight tracks for the existing condition and Yes 5-year forecast timeframes (these may be on supplemental graphics which must use the same land use base map as the existing condition and 5·year NEM), which are numbered to correspond to accompanying narrative? F. Locations of any noise monitoring sites Yes (these may be on supplemental graphics which must use the same land use base map as the official NEMs) G. Noncompatible land use identification: 1. Are noncompatible land uses within at Yes least the 65 Ldn depicted on the maps? , 2. Are noise-sensitive public buildings Yes , identified? See NEMMaps after p. x See NEM Maps after p. x .'J.See NEM Maps after p. x ] .1See NEMMaps after p. x Chapter Two, pp. 2· 26·2-34 Chapter Three, pp. 3·7 -3·18 Chapter Three, Exhibits 3F, 3G, 3R, and 3J after p. 13·14 .J Chapter Three, Exhibit 3A after p. 3·4 SeeNEMMaps after p. x SeeNEMMaps, after p. x VI F.AR. PART 150! NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CHECKLIST AIRPORTNAME: Addison Airport REVIEWER, Addison, Texas PageNoJ YesINofNA Other Reference 3. Are the noncompatible uses and noise-Yes See NEMMaps sensitive public buildings readily after p. x identifiable and expl ained on the map , legend? 4. Are compatible land uses, which would N/A normally be considered non compatible, explained in the accompanying narrative? V. NARRATIVE SUPPORT OF MAP DATA: [l50.21(a), AI50.1, AI50.lOl, AI50.l03] Chapter Three, pp. on which the NEMs are based adequately YesA. l. Are the technical data, including data sources, 3-7-3-15 described in the narrative? Appendix E 2. Are the underlying technical data and planning Chapter Three, pp. assumptions reasonable? Yes 3-7-3-15 AppendixE B. Calculation of Noise Contours: I. Is the methodology indicated? Chapter Three, p. 3·7 Yes a. is it FAA approved? Yes Chapter Three, p. 3-7 b. was the same model used for both maps? Chapter Three, p. 3-7 Yes c. has AEE approval been obtained for USe of a N/A A model other than those which have previous blanket FAA approval? 2. Correct use ofnoise models: a. does the documentation indicate the airport No Chapter Three, pp. operator has adjusted or calibrated FAA3-7 -3-15. No approved noise models or substituted one calibrations done. aircraft type for another? Same composite i aircraft descriptors i : used. ! b. ifso, does this have written approval from AEE? N/A All aircraft INM designators used i ! ! are on AEE's pre-I approved list of substitutions. i I vii ] F.AR. PART 150 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CHECKLJST AIRPORTNAME: Addison Airport Addison, Texas REVIEWER: , YesfNofNA PageNoJ Other Reference 3. Irnoise monitoring was used, does the narrative Yes indicate that Part 150 guidelines were followed? I I Our measurement program is ]discussed in Chapter Three and can be described as a ·'survey type» Jprogram. Please see FAAAC 150/5020-1, Noise Control and Compatibility Planning for Airports, pp. 12-17. Our results indicate reasonable agreement between measurements and INM predictions. Where the measured values deviated from INM predictions, it was explained by operations differing. from average iannual conditions. viii J 1.1 F.A.R. PART 150 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CHECKLIST AIRPORTNAME: Addison Airport REVIEWER: Addison, Texas PageNoJ YeslNolNA Other Reference N/A4. For noise contours below 65 Ldn, does the supporting documentation include explanation oflocal reasons? (Narrative explanation is highly desirable but not required by the Rule.) C. Noncompatible Land Use Information: Chapter Four, pp. of people residing in each of the contours (Ldn 1. Does the narrative give estimates ofthe number Yes 4-6 -4-7, pp. 4·10· 65, 70, and 75 at a minimum) for both the 4·11 existing condition and 5·year maps? Chapter Four, pp. 1 ofPart 150 was used by the airport operator? 2. Does the documentation indicate whether Table 4-2 -4-3 Exhibit 4Aa. Ifa local variation to Table 1 was used; (1) does the narrative clearly indicate N/A which adjustments were made and the local reasons for doing so? N/A(2) does the narrative include the airport operators complete substitution for Table I? 3. Does the narrative include information on self· No generated or ambient noise where compatiblelnoncompatible land use identification consider non-airportiaircraft sources? 4. Where normally noncompatible land uses are N/A not depicted as such on the NEMs, does the narrative satisfactorily explain why, with reference to the specific geographic areas? Chapter Four, pp. affect land use compatibility? 5. Does the narrative describe how forecasts will Yes 4-7 -4-11 VI. MAP CERTIFICATIONS: [150.21(b), 150.2l(e)] Certification persons have been afforded adequate opportunity to A. Has the operator certified in writing that interested Yes statements on submit views, data, and comments concerning the NEMMaps and p. correctness and adequacy of the draft maps and x forecasts? Certification and description ofconsultation and opportunity for B. Has the operator certified in writing that each map Yes statements on public comment are true and complete? NEMMaps and p. x IX 1 1 1 'J 1 'J 􀁾􀁊􀀠 'J :1 · I · j · 1 .J 1 · , ) I• • I 􀁾􀁊􀀠. . 1 J 1 .j • \ . , SPONSOR'S CERTIFICATION The Noise Exposure Maps and accompanying documentation for Addison Airport, including the description of consultation and opportunity for public involvement, submitted in accordance with F.A.R. Part 150, and hereby certified as true and complete to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. It is hereby certified that adequate opportunity has been afforded interested persons to submit views, data, and comments on the Noise Exposure Maps and forecasts. It is further certified that the 2002 Noise Exposure Map and supporting data are fair and reasonable representations ofexisting conditions at the airport. Date of Signature Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager, Town ofAddison x 1 J 􀁾􀁊􀀠 'J :1 J .J :J :1 I • j 􀁾􀁊􀀠 J r) 􀁾􀀠.J . . 􀁾').. ,. 􀁾􀀮􀀠: ·1.,j . 1 . , I \ I 'J J 1 .J --\ J ., J -) i J . 1 1 􀀭􀁾􀀠/, -I SPONSOR'S CERTIFICATION The Noise Exposure Mops and accompanying documentation for Addison Airport. including the description of consultation and opportunity for public involvement. submitted in accordance with FAR. Part 150, ore hereby certified as true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. It is hereby certified thot adequate opportunity has been ......,..... offorded interested persons to submit views, dota, ond comments on the Noise Exposure Mops ond forecasts. If) 9-C?'Z-Date of Signiture Ron Whitehead. City Manager, Town of Addison Projected Aircraft Operations -2002 Gorrler Air Taxi General Aviation Itinerant local Military Itinerant Local 􀁦􀀩􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁵􀁾Nigh t Time Operations 73 10,932 135,780 13,863 217 30 􀁾􀀠LEGEND .•11......... Detailed Land Use Study Area ••____ 0 County Boundary Municipal Boundery ---Airport Property 1lI1I1I1II!!!!! Railroad Tracks 2002 DNL Noise Exposure Contour, Significant Effect Single Family Resldentlel _ Multi-Famllv Residential _ Mixed Use c::::::::J Noise Sensitive Institutions .. School • Day Care Facility • Community Canter/Lodges + Medical Facilities Q Residential Care Facility • Municipal Buildings iii Place of Worship (] Cemetery Source. North Texas Geographic Information System. Coffman Associates Analysis. Exhibit 1 2002 NOISE EXPOSURE MAP CONTOUR WITH LAND USE 1 I \ . J 1 . J \ i, Projected Aircraft Operations -2007 LEGEND Air Taxi 12,900 Carrier 100 ""UI.111I1 Detailed Land Use Study Area General Aviation Itinen:lnt 144,000 -------County Boundary Local 8,800 Military Municipal Boundary Itineront 300 Local 100 ----Airport Property 1.!lQIill Time Operations !1I!1I11I!lilli Railroad Tracks􀁐􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁲􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁕􀁾􀁎􀁩􀁧􀁨􀁴􀀠2001 DNL Noise Exposure Contour, Significant Effect c:::=J Singia Family Realdentlel _ MultI-Family Residentlel 􀁾􀀻􀀢􀀧􀀻􀀺􀀬􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁉􀁄􀁟􀀠@0rnIllUl'1 ...... "xed Use c:::=J Noisa Sensitive institutions -' Sohool • Day Cere Facility • Community Center ILodges + Medical Facilities o Residential Care Facility • Municipal Buildings iii Place of Worship tJ Cemstery I""·"",",, Proposed Development Areas Source. North Texas Geographic Information System, Coffman Associates Analysis, SPONSOR'S CERTIFICAnON The Noise Exposure Mops and accompanying documentation for Addison Airport, including the description of consultation and opportunity for public invo[vement, submitted in accordance with FAR. Port 150, are hereby certified as true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. ,J It is hereby certified that odequate opportunity hos been ....-.. afforded interested persons to submit views, data, and comments on the Noise Exposure Mops and forecasts. Date of Signiiure 1 I ; JJJi gn.! Chapter One 􀀱􀁶􀁊􀁦􀁴􀁾􀁯􀁮􀀧________􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀱􀁉􀁾􀁎􀁾􀁖􀁬􀀺􀁴􀀮􀀮􀁅􀁎􀀡􀀮􀁬􀀮􀁾􀁌􀁊􀀧􀁏􀁬􀀱􀁒􀁕􀁙􀀠 I INVENTORY .. , .' This chapter presents an overview of Addison Airport (ADS) and its relationship to the surrounding community. The background information in this chapter will be used in later stages of the noise compatibility planning process and is as follows: • A description of the setting, local climate, and historical perspective of the airport. • A description of airspace and air traffic control. • A description of key airport facilities and navigational aids. • A description of existing land uses in the study area. • A discussion of the local land use planning and regulatory framework within the study area. This noise study involves the preparation of two official documents: the Noise Exposure Maps (NEM) and the Noise Compatibility Program (NCP). The NEM document is a baseline analysis showing existing and potential future noise conditions at the airport. It will include Chapters One, Two, Three, and Four of this study. The NCP document, which will include Chapters Five, Six, and Seven, presents a plan for effectively dealing with adverse noise impacts based on a three-part perspective. First, it addresses steps to abate or reduce aircraft noise. Second, it addresses noise mitigation techniques to reduce the impact of noise on sensitive land uses in the area. Third, it addresses land use planning to encourage future development that is compatible with the airport. A glossary in the section titled "Technical Information Papers" at the . i . i I back of this document provides a description of airport terms and acronyms. JURISDICTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Reduction ofaircraft noise impacts is a complex issue with several parties sharing in the responsibility: the federal government, state and local governments, planning agencies, the airport proprietor, airport users, and local residents. All interests must be considered in the noise compatibility planning process. FEDERAL Aviation plays a vital role in interstate commerce. Recognizing this, the federal government has assumed the role of coordinator and regulator ofthe nation's aviation system. Congress has assigned administrative authority to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Specific responsibilities ofthe FAA include: • The regulation of air commerce in order to promote its development, safety, and to fulfill the requirements ofnational defense. • The promotion, encouragement, and development ofcivil aeronautics . • The control of the use of navigable airspace and the regulation of civil and military aircraft operations to promote the safety and efficiency of both. • The development and operation of a common system ofair traffic control and navigation for both military and civil aircraft. The FAA also administers a program of federal grants-in-aid for the development of airport master plans, the acquisition of land, and for the planning, design, and construction of eligible airport improvements. In addition, Congress has passed legislation and the FAA has established regulations governing the preparation of noise compatibility programs. Laws and regulations were also implemented that required the conversion of the commercial aircraft fleet to quieter aircraft. F .A.R. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Studies The Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of1979 (ASNA, P.L. 96193), signed into law on February 18, 1980, was enacted, " ... to provide and carry out noise compatibility programs, to provide assistance to assure continued safety in aviation, and for other purposes.II The FAA was vested with the authority to implement and administer the Act. Federal Aviation Regulation (F.A.R.) Part 150, the administrative rule promulgated to implement the Act, sets requirements for airport operators who choose to undertake an airport noise compatibility study with federal funding assistance. As previously discussed, Part 150 provides for the development of two final documents: 1-2 ; I I I . 􀁾􀁉􀀠I I I 1 nOIse exposure maps and a nOIse compatibility program. Noise Exposure Maps. The noise exposure maps document (NEM) shows existing and future noise conditions at the airport. It can be thought of as a baseline analysis defining the scope of the noise situation at the airport and includes maps of noise exposure for the current year and a five-year forecast. The noise contours are shown on a land use map to reveal areas of noncompatible land use. The document includes detailed supporting information explaining the methods used to develop the maps. Part 150 requires the use of standard methodologies and metrics for analyzing and describing noise. It also establishes guidelines for the identification of land uses which are incompatible with noise of different levels. Airport proprietors are required to update noise exposure maps when changes in the operation of the airport would create any new, substantial noncompatible use. This is defined as an increase in the Yearly Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL) of 1.5 decibels over noncompatible land uses. A limited degree oflegal protection can be afforded to the airport proprietor through preparation and submission of noise exposure maps. Section 107(a) of the ASNA Act provides that: No person who acquires property or an interest therein . . . in an area surrounding an airport with respect to which a noise exposure map has been submitted . .. shall be entitled to recover damages with respect to the noise attributable to such airport if such person had actual or constructive knowledge of the existence ofsuch noise exposure map unless . .. such person can show -(i) A significant change in the type or frequency ofaircraft operations at the airport; or (ii) A significant change m the airport layout; or (iii) A significant change m the flight patterns; or (iv) A significant increase in nighttime operations occurred after the date ofacquisition ofsuch property The ASNA Act provides that "constructive knowledge" shall be attributed to any person ifa copy ofthe noise exposure map was provided to him at the time of property acquisition, or ifnotice of the existence ofthe noise exposure map was published three times in a newspaper of general circulation in the area. In addition, Part 150 defines "significant increase" as an increase of 1.5 DNL. (See F.A.R. Part 150, Section 150.21 [d], [f] and [gl; Airport Environmental Handbook Order 5050.4A, 47e [1] [a].) For purposes of this provision, FAA officials consider the term "area surrounding an airport" to mean an area within the 65 DNL contour. Acceptance of the noise exposure maps by the FAA is required before it will approve a noise compatibility program for the airport. 1-3 Noise Compatibility Program. A noise compatibility program includes provisions for the abatement ofaircraft noise through aircraft operating procedures, air traffic control procedures, airport regulations, or airport facility modifications. It also includes provisions for land use compatibility planning and may include actions to mitigate the impact of noise on noncompatible land uses. The program must contain provisions for updating and periodic revision. F.A.R. Part 150 establishes procedures and criteria for FAA evaluation ofnoise compatibility programs. Among these, two criteria are of particular importance: the airport proprietor may take no action that imposes an undue burden on interstate or foreign commerce, nor may the proprietor unjustly discriminate between different categories ofairport users. With an approved noise compatibility program, an airport proprietor becomes eligible for funding through the Federal Airport Improvement Program (AlP) to implement the eligible items of the program. The FAA established a policy in 1998 for Part 150 approval and funding of noise mitigation measures. The FAA will not approve measures in Noise Compatibility Programs proposing corrective noise mitigation actions for new noncompatible development that is allowed to occur in the vicinity of airports after October 1, 1998, the effective date of this policy. As of the same effective date, AlP funding under the noise set-aside will be determined using criteria consistent with this policy. Specifically, corrective noise mitigation measures for new noncompatible development that occurs after October 1, 1998 will not be eligible for AlP funding under the noise setaside regardless of previous FAA approvals under Part 150. This policy increases the incentives for airport operators to discourage the development ofnew noncompatible land uses around airports and to assure the most cost-effective use of federal funds spent on noise mitigation measures. The latest policY does not affect funding under the AlP for noise mitigation projects that do not require Part 150 approval, that can be funded with Passenger Facility Charges (PFC) revenue, or that are included in FAAapproved environmental documents for airport development. F.A.R. Parts 36 And 91 FederalAircraft Noise Regulations The FAA has required reduction of aircraft noise at the source through certification, modification ofengines, or replacement of aircraft. F.A.R. Part 36 prohibits the further escalation ofnoise levels of subsonic civil turbojet and transport category aircraft. It also requires new airplane types to be markedly quieter than earlier models. Subsequent amendments have extended the noise standards to include small, propeller-driven airplanes and supersonic transport aircraft. ] ] ] ] ] ] :l '\ : j 1-4 ..I I JI . F.A.R. Part 36 has three stages of certification. Stage 3 is the most rigorous and applies to aircraft certificated since November 5, 1975; Stage 2 applies to aircraft certificated between December 1, 1969 and November 5, 1975; and Stage 1 includes all previously certificated aircraft. F.A.R. Part 91, Subpart I, known as the "Fleet Noise Rule," mandated a compliance schedule under which Stage 1 aircraft were to be retired or refitted with hush kits or quieter engines by January 1, 1988. A very limited number of exemptions have been granted by the U.S. Department of Transportation for foreign aircraft operating into specified international airports. Pursuant to the Congressional mandate in the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 (ANCA), FAA has established amendments to F.A.R. Part 91 by setting December 31, 1999 as the date for discontinuing use of all Stage 2 aircraft exceeding 75,000 pounds. Stage 2 aircraft operating non-revenue flights can operate beyond the December 31, 1999 deadline for the following purposes: 1.1_ To sell, lease, or scrap the aircraft; To obtain modifications to meet Stage 3 standards; To obtain scheduled heavy maintenance or significant modifications; To deliver the aircraft to a lessee or return it to a lessor; To park or store the aircraft; To prepare the aircraft for any of these events; or 1.7_ To operate under an experimental airworthiness certificate. Neither F.A.R. Part 36 nor Part 91 apply to military aircraft. Nevertheless, many of the advances in quiet engine technology are being used by the military as they upgrade aircraft to lillprove performance and fuel efficiency. F.A.R. Part 161 Regulation OfAirport Noise And Access Restrictions F.A.R. Part 161 sets forth requirements for notice and approval of local restrictions on aircraft noise levels and airport access. Part 161 was developed in response to ANCA. It applies to local airport restrictions that would have the effect of limiting operations of Stage 2 or 3 aircraft. These include direct limits on maximum noise levels, nighttime curfews, and special fees intended to encourage changes in airport operations to lessen noise. In order to implement noise or access restrictions on Stage 2 aircraft, the 1-5 airport operator must provide public notice of the proposal and provide at least a 45-day comment period. This includes notification of FAA and publication of the proposed restriction in the Federal Register. An analysis must be prepared describing the proposal, alternatives to the proposal, and the costs and benefits ofeach. FAA will either accept the analysis of the restriction on Stage 2 aircraft as complete or return it with a request for additional study. Noise or access restrictions on Stage 3 aircraft can be implemented only after receiving FAA approval. Before granting approval, the FAA must find that the six conditions specified in the statute, and listed below, are met. (1) The restriction is reasonable, nonarbitrary, and nondiscriminatory. (2) The restriction does not create an undue burden on interstate or foreign commerce. (3) The proposed restriction maintains safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace. (4) The proposed restriction does not conflict with any existing federal statute or regulation. (5) The applicant has provided adequate opportunity for public comment on the proposed restriction. (6) The proposed restriction does not create an undue burden on the national aviation system. In its application for FAA review and approval of the restriction, the airport operator must include an environmental assessment of the proposal and a complete analysis addressing the six conditions. Within 30 days of receipt of the application, the FAA must ] determine whether the application is complete. After a complete application has been filed, the FAA publishes a ] notice of the proposal in the Federal Register. FAA must approve or ]disapprove the restriction within 180 days of receipt of the completed application. Very few Part 161 studies ]have been undertaken since the enactment of ANCA. Table lA summarizes the studies that have been ]done to date. Currently, no F.A.R. Part 161 Study has received FAA approval. 1 Airport operators that implement noise and access restrictions in violation of FAR. Part 161 are subject to j termination of eligibility for airport grant funds and authority to Impose and collect PFCs. Air Traffic Control The FAA is responsible for the control of navigable airspace and the operation of air traffic control systems at the nation's airports. Airport proprietors .Jhave no direct control over airspace management and air traffic control, although they can propose changes in .J procedures. The FAA reviews any proposed changes 1 in flight procedures, such as flight : I tracks or runway use programs, Uproposed for noise abatement on the 1-6 .J I basis ofsafety of flight operations, safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace, management and control of the national airspace and traffic control systems, effect on security and national defense, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Typically, FAA implements and regulates flight procedures pertaining to noise abatement through the local air traffic control manager. TABLEIA Summary ofF.A.R. Part 161 Studies Year Airport Started Ended Aspen-Pitkin County N.A. N.A. Airport, Aspen, Colorado Kahului Airport, Kahului, 1991 1994 !1aui. Hawaii Minneapolis-St. Paul 1992 1992 International Airport, Minneapolis, Minnesota Pease International 1995 NA. Tradeport, Portsmouth, New Hampshire San Francisco International 1998 1999 Airport, San 􀁆􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁩􀁳􀁣􀁯􀁾􀀠California : San Jose International 1994 1997 Airport, San Jose, California Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena 2000 Ongoing Airport ! ! Cost Proposal, Status N.A. The study has not yet been submitted to FAA. $50,000 Proposed nighttime prohibition of (est.) Stage 2 aircraft pursuant to court stipulation. Cost-benefit and statewide impact analysis found to be deficient by FAA. Airport never submitted a complete Part 161 Study. Suspended consideration ofrestriotion. N.A. Proposed nighttime prohibition of Stage 2 aircraft. Cost-benefit analysis was deficient. Never submitted complete Part 161 Study. Suspended consideration ofrestriction and entered I into negotiations with carriers for voluntary cooperation. NA Have not yet submitted Part 161 Study for FAA review. $200,000 Proposing extension ofnighttime curfew on Stage 2 aircraft over 75,000 pounds. Startsd study in May 1998. Submitted to FAA in early 1999 and subsequently withdrawn. Phase 1Study underteken as part of a legal $400,000 settlement agreement. Studied a Phase 2Stage 2 restriction. Suspended study $5 to $10 after Phase 1 report showed costs to million airlines at San Jose greater than (est.) benefits in San Jose. Never undertook Phase 2, systemwide analysis. Never submitted study for FAA review. Phase 1 Proposed curfew restricting all aircraft $1 operations from 10:00 p.m. to 7 a.m. million (est.) 1-7 i 1 TABLE 1A (Continued) Summary ofF.A.R. Part 161 Studies • Airport Naples Municipal Airport Naples, Florida . N.A.· Not available. i Year Started 2000 Ended 2000 Cost Currently $730,000 Expect an additional cost of $1.5 to $3.0 million in legal fees due to litigation . I Proposal, Status Enactment of a total ban on Stage 2 general aviation jet aircraft under 75,000 pounds (the airport is currently restricted to aircraft under 75,000 pounds). Currently in litigation. Airport may have to repay all previous fedsral funding received for airport projects. ] ] ] J II Sources: Telephone interviews with FAA officials and staffs of various airports. STATE AND LOCAL Control of land use in noise-impacted areas around airports is a key tool in limiting the number ofcitizens exposed to noise. The FAA encourages land use compatibility in the vicinity of airports, and FAR. Part 150 has guidelines relating to land use com patibility based on varying levels of noise exposure. Nevertheless, the federal government has no direct legal authority to regulate land use. exclusively governments. That responsibility with state and rests local State Although the State of Texas does not directly implement and administer general purpose land use regulations, it has vested cities and towns with that power through enabling legislation. Texas statutes do not mandate the establishment ofplanning commissions, agencies, or departments in municipalities; however, where such appointments are made, the municipality is permitted to prepare and adopt a long-range comprehensive general plan, and may regulate zoning, Isubdivision, and land development . I consistent with the plan. Texas "statutes only allow county governments to administer subdivision regulations at . I ..􀁾􀀠this time (with the exception of the Cameron and Willacy Counties in southern Texas which are allowed to " . prepare and adopt comprehensive general plans and zoning ordinances to ensure the orderly development of the Padre Island area). The State of Texas differs from many other states in that the state : 1 participates in the FAA sponsored State U Block Grant Program, pursuant to 49 1-8 U.S.C. §47128. As part ofthis program, the state applies for, receives, and disperses federal AlP dollars. (In the case ofF.A.R. Part 150 Studies, funding is distributed from the AlP noise setaside monies.) To accomplish this, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has established the Aviation Capital Improvements Program, which is essentially a plan for the development of general aviation. The plan contains a detailed list of projects within the state, based on the anticipated funding levels of the FAA's AlP. TxDOT determines the timing · I under which projects will proceed through the various planning and construction stages based on the plan. Local Governments A number of jurisdictions share the responsibility for land use regulation within the Addison Airport study area. These jurisdictions include Collin and Dallas Counties, and the cities and towns ofAddison, Carrollton, Farmers Branch, and Dallas. In Collin and Dallas Counties, four elected commissioners and an elected countyjudge make up the the five-member I Commissioners Court. These courts are the overall governing and management body for the counties. The Commissioners Court is responsible for all budgetary decisions and setting the tax rate each year. Among the duties of the Court is administration of all the business of the County, including the building and maintenance of county roads and bridges. The Towns ofAddison, Carrollton, and Farmers Branch, as well as the City of Dallas, operate under a CouncilManager form of government. The Council is comprised of a Mayor and council members who are elected in atlarge elections. It is the Council's responsibility to enact local legislation, adopt budgets, determine policies, and appoint the Town/City Manager. The Town/City Manager serves as the chief administrator, ensuring the Council's policies are carried out. In addition to regulatingland use, local governments may also acquire property to mitigate or prevent airport noise impacts or may sponsor sound insulation programs for this purpose. AIRPORT PROPRIETOR Addison Airport is owned by the Town ofAddison and managed and operated through a lease/managementagreement with the WashingtonStaubachAddison Airport Venture. The Town Council is the overall governing body for the airport. As airport proprietor, the Town has limited power to control what types of civil aircraft use its airport or to impose curfews or other use restrictions. This power is limited by the rules of F.A.R. Part 161 described earlier. Airport proprietors may not take actions that (1) impose an undue burden on interstate or foreign commerce, (2) unjustly discriminate between different categories of airport users, and/or (3) involve unilateral action in matters preempted by the federal government. 1-9 I i The Town ofAddison may take steps to control on-airport noise by installing sound barriers and acoustical shielding and by controlling the times when aircraft engine maintenance run-up operations may take place. Within the limits of the law and financial feasibility, airport proprietors may mitigate noise, acquire land or partial interests in land, such as air rights, easements, and development rights, to assure the use of property for purposes which are compatible with airport operations. AIRPORT SETTING The 1998 National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS), as established by the FAA, identifies 3,344 airports that are important to national transportation. The NPIAS identifies Addison Airport as a reliever airport for DallaslFort Worth International Airport. LOCALE Addison Airport encompasses approximately 370 acres of land in the northwest portion of the Town of Addison as depicted on Exhibit lA. The airport is bounded by the City of Carrollton to the north, Westgrove Drive and Addison Road to the east, Lindbergh Drive to the South, and Dooley and Wright Brothers Drives, along with the City ofCarrollton to the west. ] CLIMATE 1 Weather plays an important role in the operational capabilities of an airport. Temperature is an important factor in determining runway length required for aircraft operations. The percentage of time that visibility is impaired due to cloud coverage is a major factor in determining the use of instrument approach aids. Wind speed and direction determine runway selection and operational flow. The climate in Addison is subtropical humid with hot summers and mild winters. The normal daily minimum temperature ranges from 32.7 degrees Fahrenheit (F) in January to 74.1 degrees F in July, and the normal daily maximum temperature ranges from 54.1 degrees F in January to 96.5 degrees F in July. July is usually the hottest month with a mean maximum 1 temperature of 96.0 degrees F. The region can expect approximately 33.70 inches of precipitation annually, with J May being the wettest month with 4.88 inches ofrain. , I AIRPORTHISTORY The origin of Addison Airport was conceptualized in 1954 through the I] vision of a group of flying enthusiasts. The airport was opened in 1957 and originally included a crosswind runway .J in addition to the current runway. The crosswind runway was later closed to 1allow for hangar development at the north end of the airport and to reduce the impact of aircraft on surrounding I Iresidential neighborhoods. 1-10 I \•J I, I Exhibit lA LOCATION MAP ] ] '] 1 ] ] ] :1 :J ] J :l :1 'l j J J '1. d , In the 1960s, an airport traffic control tower (ATCT) was constructed at the airport making it the first private airport to receive a fully-funded FAAoperated ATCT. During its first 20 years of operation, Addison Airport grew to become one of the busiest general aviation airports in the country. It is important to note that facility development in this period was achieved without any local, state, or federal funding other than the FAA ATCT. As a private airport, Addison Airport was not eligible for federal funding assistance for airport improvements. In 1976, the airport owner approached the Town of Addison with an invitation to purchase the airport. An agreement was negotiated and signed in December 1976 that allowed the Town to apply for FAA funding assistance to acquire the airport. A new company, Addison Airport of Texas, Inc. (AATI), paid the Town's share of the purchase price. After the sale, AATI received a 20-year operating contract and long term lease to operate the airport. Two, two-year extensions were granted in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and the contract . I expired on December 30, 2000. The I airport is currently operated by a . , private firm contracted by the Town of II Addison and is still one of the busiestI general aviation airports in the country. AIRFIELD FACILITIES I I Airfield facilities influence the utilization of aIrspace and are important to the noise compatibility planning process. These facilities include the runway and taxiway systems, and aircraft and terminal activity areas. Current airfield facilities are depicted on Exhibit lB. RUNWAYS The existing airfield configuration at Addison Airport consists of one northwest-southeast oriented runway. Runway 15-33 is 7,202 feet long and 100 feet wide and is strength-rated at 80,000 pounds single wheel gear loading (SWL), 100,000 pounds dual wheel loading (DWL), and 160,000 pounds dual tandem wheel loading (DTWL). Single wheel loading refers to the design of the aircraft landing gear which has a single wheel on each main landing gear strut. Dual wheel loading refers to the design of certain aircraft landing gear which has two wheels on each main landing gear strut. Larger aircraft may also have a tandem dual wheel configuration which allows structural loads to be spread over a larger area, thus reducing the wear on airport pavements. It should be noted that Runway 15-33 is limited to a maXlmum gross weight of 120,000 pounds. Both ends of Runway 15-33 have displaced thresholds. Obstructions, such as tall structures, roads, or lack of safety area limitations, can require runway landing threshold displacements. The displacement requires aircraft to land at a point beyond the physical end of the pavement. It is important to note that pavement behind the displacement can be used for take-off roll or even for landings in the opposite direction 1-11 1 depending on the reason for displacement. Runway 15 has a 979-foot displaced threshold to clear various obstructions, including a 25-foot tree, a lO-foot fence, and terrain that is six feet higher north TABLEIB Runway Information . Runway Length (feet) Runway Width (feet) Runway Surface Material Runway Load Bearing Strength (pounds) Single Wheel Loading Double Wheel Loading ], of the runway. Runway 33 has a 771foot displaced threshold to clear a 15foot hangar, Lindbergh Road, and the railroad. Specific information regarding Runway 15-33 is contained in Table lB. ] ] 11 'I Runway :1 \J 15 33 I .]7,202 I100 Grooved Asphalt . J 80,000 ]100,000 i . Dual-Tandem 'Wheel Loading 160,000*I I Runway Displacement Lighting REIL VASI MALSR :1 ILS 979 feet No Yes (VHR) Yes Yes ;1 I771 feet Yes No J No Yes i I: Traffic Pattern Left Left Ii 1 ;, Markings Precision i :1 , Lighting MIRL , Source: Airport Facility Directory, South Central United States, February 21, 2002 n Notes: ILS Instrument Landing System REIL -Runway End Identifier Lights J VASI -Visual Approach Slope Indicator MIRL -Medium Intensity Runway Lighting * Restricted to 120,000 pounds by the airport manager 1-12 'I .l .,, [.J I ) I 'I j j Exhibit 1B f EXISTING AIRFIELD FACILITIES TAXIWAYS Runway 15-33 is served by one fulllength parallel taxiway, Taxiway A, and a partial taxiway, Taxiway B. The taxiway system consists of a series ofI i' connector and exit taxiways which connect the runways with the terminal and fixed base operator areas and provides for the safe movement of aircraft on and around the airport. Taxiway A starts at the north end of Runway 15-33 and extends the entire length of the east side of the runway, passing the terminal and apron areas. Taxiway B, on the west side of thei runway, begins at approximately theJ' runway midpoint and approaches the southern end of the runway, passing various fixed base operators and hangar areas. Taxiways C, E, and F connect Taxiway B to the runway, Taxiway A, and the various services on the east and west sides of the airport. Taxiways K, J, H, G, and D connect the runway to Taxiway A. Taxiways P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V connect Taxiway A with the terminal area, hangars, and various fixed base operators located on the east side of the airport. The existing taxiway system is shown on Exhibit lB. i ! AIRFIELD LIGHTING Airfield lighting systems extend an airport's usefulness into periods of darkness and/or poor visibility. A variety oflighting systems are installed at the airport for this purpose. These lighting systems, categorized by function, are summarized as follows. Identification Lighting: The location of an airport at night is universally indicated by a rotating beacon. A rotating beacon projects two beams of light, one white and one green, 180 degrees apart. The rotating beacon is located on top ofthe ATCT. Runway and Taxiway Lighting: Runway and taxiway lighting utilizes light fixtures placed near the pavement edge to define the lateral limits of the pavement. This lighting is essential for maintaining safe operations at night and/or during times ofpoor visibility in order to maintain safe and efficient access from the runway and aircraft parking areas. Medium intensity runway lighting (MIRL) is provided along the runway. Lighting at at the airport is available from dusk until dawn through either the ATCT or, when the ATCT is closed, lighting is pilot-controlled. Approach Lighting: Aircraft transitioning from instrument to visual flight operations for landing are often aided by lighting systems directing the pilot to the runway. Addison Airport utilizes several configurations of approach lighting. Runway 33 is equipped with a set of runway end identifier lights (REIL). These consist ofa pair offlashing strobe lights situated at the end of a particular runway. A medium intensity lighting system with alignment indicator lights (MALSR) is installed on Runway 15. This system consists of constantly illuminated medium intensity lights located along the extended centerline of 1-13 the runway. This system is enhanced by a series of sequencing strobe lights that aid the pilot in maintaining lateral alignment with the runway. An additional type of approach lighting helps the pilot maintain the proper glide slope angle (typically 3.0 degrees) while on final approach. When interpreted by the pilot, they give himJher an indication of being either above, below, or on the designated glide slope. One such lighting aid is the fourbox visual approach slope indicator (VASI-4R) which is located for use on Runway 15. GENERAL AVIATION COMPLEX General aviation amenities are situated at a number of different locations on the airfield (depicted on Exhibit 1B). These facilities offer a range of services including pilot's lounges, pilot supplies, flight planning rooms, flight training, fuel, parking, maintenance services, parking, and aircraft sales. OTHER FACILITIES A wide range of aviation facilities are available at Addison Airport. There are three cargo operators based at the airport: Cherry-Aire, Ameristar, and Ameriflight. A United States Customs office is also based at the airport. Other services available at the airport include aircraft fueling, aircraft towing, and charter flights. AIRSPACE AND AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL The FAA Act of 1958 established the FAA as the responsible agency for the control and use of navigable airspace within the United States. The FAA has established the National Airspace System (NAS) to protect persons and property on the ground and to establish a safe and efficient airspace environment for civil, commercial, and military aviation. The NAS covers the common network of U.S. airspace, including: air navigation facilities; airports and landing areas; aeronautical charts; associated rules, regulations, and procedures; technical information; personnel and material. The system also includes components sharedjointly with the military. AIRSPACE STRUCTURE Since the inception of aviation, nations have set up procedures within their territorial boundaries to regulate the use ofairspace. Prior to 1993, airspace classifications in the United States were inconsistent with those in other countries. Since then, the FAA has reclassified all airspace within the United States to provide consistency with international standards. Although airspace classifications have changed, the basic premise ofthe use ofairspace in the United States remains the same, and airspace is still broadly classified as either "controlled" or "uncontrolled." '" " '.j J :1 ] 11 . , I } :1 J 1 ,j 1-14 The difference between controlled and uncontrolled airspace relates primarily to requirements for pilot qualifications, ground-to-air-communications, navigation and air traffic services, and weather conditions. Exhibit IC shows the six designated airspace classifications and terminology. Airspace designated as Class A, B, C, D, or E is considered controlled airspace. Aircraft operating within controlled airspace are subject to varying requirements for positive air traffic control. Several types of controlled airspace exist in the Addison area: • Class A airspace governs operations above 18,000 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL). II • Class B airspace is reserved forI airports with the greatest traffic volume. in terms of Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) operations and enplaned passengers, such as DallasIFort Worth International Airport (DFW) and Dallas Love Field. • Class D airspace encompasses traffic areas for airports with ATCT (i.e. McKinney Airport). I', • Class E airspace is for airportsI without ATCT.I • Class G airspace covers uncontrolled I ., aIrspace . Class C airspace is not present in the Addison area. Class C airspace surrounds towered airports served by radar approach control such as AustinBergstrom International Airport. The airspace for the study area is depicted on Exhibit ID. Class A Airspace Class A airspace includes all airspace from 18,000 feet above MSL to Flight Level 600 (approximately 60,000 feet MSL). This airspace is designated in F.A.R. Part 71.193 for positive control of aircraft. The Positive Control Area (PCA) allows flights governed only under IFR operations. The aircraft must have special radio and navigation equipment and the pilot must obtain clearance from an Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility to enter Class A airspace. In addition, the pilot must possess an instrument rating. Class B Airspace Class B airspace has been established at 29 high density airports in the United States as a means ofregulating air traffic activity in those areas. They are established on the basis of a combination of enplaned passengers and volume ofoperations. Class B airspace is designed to regulate the flow of uncontrolled traffic above, around, and below the arrival and departure airspace required for high performance, passenger-carrying aircraft at major airports. Class B airspace IS the most restrictive, controlled airspace routinely encountered by pilots operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) in an uncontrolled environment. 1-15 In order to fly through Class B airspace, the aircraft must have special radio and navigation equipment and must obtain air traffic control clearance. In addition, to operate within Class B airspace, a pilot must have at least a private pilot's certificate or be a student pilot who has met the requirements of FAR. 61.95, requiring special ground and flight training for Class B airspace. Helicopters do not need special navigation equipment or a transponder if they operate at or below 1,000 feet MSL and have made prior arrangements in the form ofa Letter of Agreement with the FAA controlling agency. Aircraft are also required to have and utilize a Mode C transponder within a 30 nautical mile (NM) range of the center of the Class B airspace. Addison Airport is situated beneath the DallasIFort Worth International Airport and Love Field Class B airspace. The base of this airspace begins at 3,000 feet MSL above the airport, steps down to 2,000 feet MSL immediately southwest of the airport, and has a ceiling of 11,000 feet MSL. This configuration allows aircraft to utilize Addison Airport without entering Class B airspace. Class D Airspace Class D airspace is controlled airspace surrounding airports with an ATCT. The Class D airspace typically constitutes a cylinder with a horizontal radius of four or five nautical miles from the airport, extending from the surface up to a designated vertical limit, typically set at approximately 2,500 feet above the airport elevation. If an airport has an instrument approach or departure, the Class D airspace extends along the approach or departure path. Addison Airport is located within Class D airspace. The Class D airspace extends outward from the airport to a radius offour nautical miles north and east, and from the surface to 3,000 feet MSL, the base ofthe DallasIFort Worth Class B airspace. To the south and west, the Class D airspace is irregular and is constrained by the DallaslFort Worth Class B airspace. Aircraft operating in this airspace are required to contact the Addison Airport ATCT prior to entering. When the ATCT is closed, this airspace reverts to Class E aIrspace. Class E Airspace Class E airspace consists of controlled airspace designed to contain IFR operations during portions of the terminal operation and while transitioning between the terminal and enroute environments. The airspace extends upward from 700 feet above the surface when established in conjunction with an airport which has an instrument approach procedure, or from 1,200 feet above the surface when established in conjunction with airway route structures or segments. Unless otherwise specified, Class E airspace terminates at the base ofthe overlying airspace. Only aircraft operating under IFR are required to be in contact with air traffic control when operating in Class E airspace. At Addison Airport, Class E airspace (from the surface to Class A and/or Class B airspace) extends outward from the designated 1 1 "] ] ] :l 'J \ 1 J J 1-16 _ CLASSB IE I CLASSC _ CLASSD [:=J CLASSE _ CLASSG LEGEND AGL -Above Ground Level FL -Flight Level in Hundreds of Feet MSL -Mean Sea Level NOT TO SCALE Source: nAirspace Reclassification and Charting Changes for VFR Products:' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Serv1ce. Chart adapted by Coffman Associates from AOPA Pilot, January 1993. Generally airspace above 18,000 feet MSL up to and including FL 600. Generally multi-layered airspace from the surface up to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nation's busiest airports. Generally airspace from the surface to 4,000 feet AGL surrounding towered airports with service by radar approach control. Generally airspace from the surface to 2,500 feet AGL surrounding towered airports. Generally controlled airspace that is not Class A, Class B, Class C, or ClassD. Generally uncontrolled airspace that is not Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, or Class E. Exhibit IC AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION' J J J "] ] ] ] :1 ] :1 :] 1 • J "j .. ,! . : J o Airport with other than hard-surfaced runways Airport with hard-suri!llJed runways 1,500' to 8,069' in length Airports with hard-surfaced runways greater than 8,069' or some multiple runways lass than 8,069' o VOR VORlAC Non-Directional Radlobeacon (NDB) VOR-DME j Compass Rosa Souroe: Dallas-Fl Worth Sectional Chart, US Department of Commerce. NationalClass B Airspace Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationClass D Airspace October 4, 2001 Class E Airsp""e with Floor 700 ft. or greMar above surface MOOeC Military Training Routes Victor Airways Exhibit 1D AIRSPACE MAP ] J ] ] J ] ] -1 < J I " Class D airspace radius when the Addison ATCT is closed. Class G Airspace Airspace not designated as Class A, B, C, D, or E is considered uncontrolled, or Class G, airspace. Air traffic control does not have the authority or responsibility to exercise control over air traffic within this airspace. Class G airspace lies between the surface and the overlaying Class E airspace (700 to 1,200 feet Above Ground Line (AGL». Additional FAA rules regulate flight altitudes over congested residential areas, National Parks, and outdoor recreational areas, which are often located under Class G airspace. The overall amount of Class G airspace is continuing to decline due to the need for more coordinated air traffic activity. Special Use Airspace Special use airspace is defined as airspace where activities must be confined because of their nature or where limitations are imposed on aircraft not taking part in those activities. These areas are often reserved for military use and are designed to separate non-participating aircraft from military training operations. Locations surrounding wilderness areas and national wildlife refuges are also considered special use airspace. These fall under the definition of "National Park"; therefore, all aircraft are requested to maintain a minimum altitude of 2,000 feet above the surface ofdesignated National Park areas, the definition of which includes wilderness areas. FAA Advisory Circular 91-36C defines the "surface" as the highest terrain within 2,000 feet laterally of the route of flight or the uppermost rim of a canyon or valley. The Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, located approximately 37 miles north-northeast of Addison Airport, is the only special use airspace in the Addison area. ENROUTE NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Enroute navigational aids (NA V AIDS) are established for the purposes of accurate enroute air navigation. Various devices use ground-based transmission facilities and on-board recelvmg instruments. Enroute NAV AIDS often provide navigation to more than one airport as well as to aircraft traversing the area. Enroute NA VAIDS that operate in the area are discussed below and depicted on Exhibit lD. The VOR (Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range) provides course guidance to aircraft by means ofa Very High Frequency (VHF) radio frequency. TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation), primarily a military-oriented facility, is often collocated with a VOR station. TACAN provides both course guidance and line-of-sight distance measurement from an Ultra High Frequency (UHF) transmitter. A properly equipped aircraft translates the VORTAC signals into a visual display of both azimuth and distance. Distance measuring equipment (DME) is also sometimes collocated with VOR facilities. DME emits signals enabling pilots ofproperly equipped aircraft to determine their 1-17 1 line-of-sight distance from the facility. There are two VORIDME facilities (Cowboy [CVE] and Maverick [TTT)) and six VORTAC facilities Bonham (EYP), Bowie (UKW), Cedar Creek (CQY), Glen Rose (JEN), Millsap (MQP), and Ranger (FUZ) that offer navigational assistance in the region. VORs define low-altitude (Victor) and high altitude (Jet Routes) airways through the area. Most aircraft enter the Addison area via one of these numerous federal airways. Aircraft assigned to altitudes above IB,OOO feet MSL use the Jet Route system. Other aircraft use the low altitude airways. Radials offVORs define the centerline ofthese flight corridors. As illustrated on Exhibit lD, there are only three Victor Airways (V) within the vicinity of Addison Airport. These airways are V369, V15, and V16-27B. The non-directional beacon (NDB) transmits non-directional signals whereby the pilot of an aircraft equipped with a direction-finding instrument can determine a bearing to or from the radio beacon. The nearest NDB facility to Addison Airport is found south ofthe airport at Redbird Airport. Additional facilities include Caddo Mills, Lancaster, Mesquite, Jecca, Travis, Cash, and Mufin. Each NDB transmits a continuous three-letter identifier code in International Morse Code. AREA AIRPORTS There are nine public use airports, 21 private airports, and no military ] airports within 20 NM of Addison rlAirport. The following nine airports are open to the public. Air Park-Dallas Airport (F69), located 3.3 NM north of Addison Airport, is served by one 3,OBO-foot 'J asphalt runway. There are 54 based aircraft at the airport and only aircraft rental and maintenance services are ] available. ]Dallas Love Field Airport (DAL) is located 7.3 NM south of Addison Airport and is served by three runways: JRunway 13L-31R is made of concrete and is 7,753 feet in length; Runway l3R-3lL is also made of concrete and is JB,BOO feet in length; and finally, Runway 1B-36 is made of asphalt and is 6,149 feet in length. There are 47B ] based aircraft at the airport and full services are available. ] DallasIFort Worth International Airport (DFW) is located 11.0 NM ]west-southwest of Addison Airport and is served by seven runways. Runway 13L-31R is a 9,000-foot concrete ]runway; Runway 13R-3lL is a 9,301foot concrete runway; Runway l7L-35R is a B,500-foot concrete runway; :JRunway 13R-35L is a 13,40l-foot concrete runway; and Runways 17C35C, lBL-36R, and 1BR-36L are 11,38B] foot concrete runways. Eighty-eight aircraft are based at the airport and full services are available. :J Kittyhawk Airport (OT7), located 12.2 NM northeast of Addison Airport, is ] served by one 2,100-foot turf runway. Seventeen aircraft are based at the airport and no services are available. J U 1-18 U I 􀁾􀀠I Lakeview Airport (30F) is located 13.3 NM northwest ofAddison Airport. The airport is currently served by a 2,815-foot asphalt runway and a 2,600foot turf runway. There are 83 based aircraft at the airport and basic services are available. Aero Country Airport (T31), located 15.2 NM north-northeast of Addison Airport, is served by one 2,950-foot asphalt runway. There are 175 aircraft based at this airport and basic services are available. Dallas Executive Airport (DEA) is located 17.3 NM south of Addison Airport. This airport is served by two concrete runways, one 3,800-foot runway and one 6,451-foot runway. There are 173 based aircraft at the airport and full services are available. McKinney Municipal Airport (TKI), located 17.6 NM northeast of Addison Airport, is served by one 7,001-foot asphalt runway. There are 144 based aircraft at the airport and full services are available. Grand Prairie Municipal Airport (GPM) is located 19.4 NM southsouthwest of Addison Airport. The airport is served by one one 4,000-foot concrete runway. There are 287 aircraft based at the airport and basic services are available. Exhibit ID illustrates the location of these and other area airports. INSTRUMENT APPROACHES Instrument approaches are defined using electronic and visual navigational aids to assist pilots in landing when visibility is reduced below specified minimums. While these are especially helpful during poor weather, they are often used by commercial pilots when visibility is good. Instrument approaches are classified as precision and non-precision. Both provide runway alignment and course guidance, while precision approaches also provide glide slope information for the descent to the runway. Addison Airport has two precision approaches and three nonprecision approaches. Precision Approaches Most precision approaches in use in the United States today are instrument landing systems (ILS). An ILS provides an approach path for exact alignment and descent of an aircraft on final approach to a runway. The system provides three functions: guidance, provided vertically by a glide slope (GS) antenna and horizontally by a localizer (LOC); range, furnished by marker beacons or distance measuring equipment (DME); and visual alignment, supplied by approach light systems and runway edge lights. Addison Airport has two published precision approaches. Both Runways 15 and 33 are equipped with an ILS consisting of a localizer and marker beacons. These are depicted on Exhibit IE. j 1-19 Both runways' ILS utilize a standard 3.0 degree glide slope. The ILS approach to Runway 15 can be flown when cloud ceilings are 894 feet MSL or greater and visibility is one mile or greater. The ILS approach to Runway 33 can be flown when cloud ceilings are 1,240 feet MSL or greater and visibility is one mile or greater for Category A and B aircraft, one and one-half miles or greater for Category C aircraft, and one and three-quarter miles or greater for Category D aircraft. Non-precision Approaches A Global Positioning System (GPS) nonprecision approach is available for the runway at Addison Airport. GPS circling approaches serve both runway ends. These approaches are defined by satellite signals establishing a series of waypoints at varying distances apart terminating at the end of the runway. Some of these GPS approaches can be flown when cloud ceilings are as low as 1,160 feet MSL or greater and visibility is one mile. In addition to the two GPS approaches, Addison Airport has one NDB approach on Runway Runway 15. The straight-in GPS approach for Runway 33 can be flown when cloud ceilings are 1,240 feet MSL and visibility is one mile for Category A and B aircraft, one and one-half miles visibility for Category C aircraft, and one and three-quarter miles for Category D aircraft. The GPS and NDB approach for Runway 15 can be flown when cloud ceilings are 1,100 feet MSL and visibility is one mile for Categories A, B, and C aircraft, and one and one-quarter miles for Category D aircraft. These approach categories are based on a speed of 1.3 times the stall speed of the aircraft in landing configuration at its maximum gross landing weight. Examples ofCategories A and B aircraft include the Beechcraft Bonanza, the Beechcraft King Air, and the Cessna 441. Category C aircraft include the Cessna Citation, the Saab 340, the Gulfstream, and the Boeing 737. Published arrival procedures for Addison Airport are shown on Exhibit lE. CUSTOMARY ATC AND FLIGHT PROCEDURES Flights to and from Addison Airport are conduded using both IFR and VFR. IFR are those that govern the procedures for conducting instrument flight. VFR govern the procedures for conducting flight under visual conditions (good weather). Most air carrier, military, and general aviation jet operations are conduded under IFR regardless of the weather conditions. Visual Flight Rule Procedures Under VFR conditions, the pilot is responsible for collision avoidance and will typically announce on the radio, when approximately 10 miles from the airport, their intention to enter the traffic pattern. 1 1 :1 ] 'J OJ u '] :] 1-20 LEGEND t............ Detailed Land USB Study Area I J ------. County Boundary Munioipal Boundary ----Airport Property 111111111111111 Railroad Tracks Published Instrument Approaches o Marker Beacon STANDARD ATC PROCEDURES Departing VFR Prop under le.OOO Ibe.j Departing IFR Prop!Jet and VFR Jets .•••••••••••. VFR Prop Dspartures not to be Handled by Dallss A TC ............. VFR Instructional Flights to Northesst 1 .,! Source. North Texas Geographic Information System. Collman Associates AnalysiS. 1] t Exhibit lB STANDARD AIR 'i'R.A.FFIc J CONTROL TOWER PROCEDUR:BS 1 Typically, VFR general aviation traffic stays clear of the more congested airspace and follows recommended VFR flyways in the area. Exhibit ID illustrates a view of the Addison Airport vicinity airspace with recommended VFR routes. It should be noted that VFR practice approaches, also referred to as "touch-and-go" operations, are not allowed at Addison Airport without prior approval from the airport manager. At Addison Airport, a number ofVFR procedures are in place to separate aircraft arriving to and departing from Addison Airport from aircraft approaching and departing DallasfF'ort Worth International Airport and Dallas Love Field. • Propellor aircraft under 19,000 pounds, departing Runway 15, are directed to turn right to a heading of 180 degrees, while aircraft departing Runway 33 are directed to turn left to a heading of 170 degrees. Once established, these aircraft are transferred to Dallas ATC as a means to maintain appropriate aircraft separation. • All propellor aircraft departing under VFR with destinations to the east and northeast, that are not expected to enter Dallas airspace, are handled in the following manners. Aircraft departing Runway 15 are directed to turn left to a heading of 040 degrees while aircraft departing Runway 33 are directed to turn right to a heading of 090 degrees. These aircraft are to maintain an altitude at or below 2,000 feet MSL unless othervvise directed. • Instructional flights departing Addison Airport to the northeast under VFR, which request traffic advisories and flight following, are expected to utilize the "Preston Road Departure Procedure". This departure directs aircraft departing either runway to fly to a heading of 060 degrees and maintain an altitude at or below 2,000 feet MSL until leaving Addison Class D airspace. • (This procedure applies to both VFR and IFR traffic departing Addison Airport.) Aircraft departing Runway 15 are directed to turn left to a heading of 100 degrees. Aircraft departing Runway 33 are directed to fly runway heading before turning on course or a heading designated by ATC. Voluntary noise abatement procedures have been developed for both Runway 15 and 33. Departures from Runway 15 are asked to fly runway heading until reaching 1.5 nautical miles from the Addison localizer (I-ADS), before turning on course or a heading designated by ATC. Departures from Runway 33 are asked to fly runway heading until reaching 2,000 feet MSL before turning on course or a heading designated by ATC. Instrument Flight Rule Procedures The DallasfFort Worth Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) handles all IFR traffic to and from Addison Airport. IFR arrival traffic is transferred to the TRACON by the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) as traffic enters TRACON airspace. Air traffic is turned over to the Addison 1-21 -----.----" ] ATCT prior to the aircraft entering pilots are guided to the TADDI 1Addison Class D airspace. intersection. From this point, pilots are given radar vectors to the final Six published Standard Terminal approach to the airport. -1 Arrival Routes (STAR) can be used to direct pilots to the Addison area. A The KNEAD FIVE arrival procedure STAR is a planned IFR arrival guides pilots arriving from the south, "1 procedure which provides transition southwest, and west. Pilots are guided from the enroute structure to an outer to the KNEAD intersection from a ']fix or an instrument approach fix in the variety ofroutes. terminal area. The STARs that may be used for arrival to Addison Airport include DUMPY TWO, FINGR THREE, STUDYAREA :1 GLEN ROSE FIVE, GREGS FIVE, JONEZ FOUR, and KNEAD FIVE. The study area, as depicted in Exhibit ] IF, is generally centered on the airport The DUMPY TWO arrival directs pilots and consists of approximately 24.53 via a number of routes to the DUMPY square miles. The study area defines :1intersection. Pilots arriving from the the area within which detailed existing east, southeast, and south can utilize land use information will be presented. this arrival procedure. :1It is intended to contain the area expected to be impacted by present and from north,Pilots arrIvmg the future aircraft noise of 65 DNL or northeast, and east can utilize the greater. : J FINGR THREE arrival procedure. This procedure directs pilots via a number of Modifications to the study area can be routes to the FINGR intersection. made later in the study if deemed J necessary as the study area boundaries The GLEN ROSE FIVE arrival were established for statistical ]procedure guides pilots arriving from convenience. It should be emphasized the southwest. Pilots are guided to the that this area is for the presentation of GLEN ROSE intersection from a detailed background data -it is not a Jvariety of routes. definition of the noise impact area. Areas adversely affected by aircraft ']The GREGS FIVE arrival procedure procedure noise will be defined in later analyses. .1 may be used by pilots arriving from the west, northwest, and north. Pilots are The study area includes approximately guided to the GREGS intersection from 4.43 square miles of land under the J a multitude of locations. jurisdiction ofthe Town of Addison, 4.50 square miles of land under the Pilots arriving from the northeast may ]jurisdiction of the City of Carrollton, utilize the JONEZ FOUR arrival 11.43 square miles of land under the procedure. This procedure can be jurisdiction of the City of Dallas, and assigned by ATC only. The arrival .J4.17 square miles of land under the directs pilots from the JONEZ jurisdiction of the City of Farmers intersection. From this intersection, Branch. ..1􀁩􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀠1-22 '] (;/... LEGEND .....111••111 Detailed Land Use Study Area ,,---..--County Boundery Municipal Boundary ----Airport property IlIlillilllllIl Railroad Tracks c:::::::J City of Addison ..-City of Carrollton 􀁾􀀠City of Dallas@(j)DDIirn IDmCDel@@oomnll' @@(]]iJljJll' Irth'r.<.,<:;! City 01 Farmers Branch .J 1 . I Sauro... North Texas Geographic Information System. Coffman Associates Analysis. :.J 1 J Boundaries of the study area are Rosemead Parkway and the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad to the north, Preston Road to the east, the Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway (Interstate 635) and Valley View Lane to the south, and Webb Chapel Road and Kelly Boulevard to the west. EXISTING LAND USE Exhibit IG shows existing land use in the study area. The map was developed from data provided by the North Texas Geographic Information System and verified by the Consultant through field investigations conducted during the week of January 20, 2002. Other sources which were consulted include existing land use maps compiled by local jurisdictions, U.S. Geological Survey maps, aerial photos, and published street maps. The land use categories shown on the map were selected to conveniently fit the requirements of noise and land use compatibility planning. Table IC lists the land use categories shown on the existing land use map. Virtually the entire study area is developed. Areas immediately northwest of the airport, and south of East Trinity Mills Road, consist of compatible park, commercial, and industrial uses. North of East Trinity Mills Road, land uses are primarily residential with tracts of commercial development along the major roads. Areas to the northeast ofthe airport are a mixture of compatible commercial and industrial development and noncompatible residential and other noisesensitive development. East of the airport, between the airport and Addison Road, development primarily consists of commercial and industrial uses; however, beyond these land uses, east of Addison Road, single and multifamily development exists. To the west of the airport are large industrial developments which are compatible with the operations of the airport. Beyond these compatible land uses to the west are large residential developments with parcels of small commercial development. South of the airport are large commercial and industrial developments. Undeveloped areas and parks/open space are found throughout the study area. Noise-sensitive sensitive institutions, including 13 schools, four churches, and two daycare facilities, are found scattered throughout the study area. Parks and open spaces are found throughout the entire study area. SCHOOLS There are three school districts within the study area: the Dallas, the Carrollton-Farmers Branch, and the Plano Independent School Districts. These districts operate approximately nine schools within the Addison Airport Part 150 study area. Additional learning centers within the study area include Brookhaven College and three private schools: Trinity Christian Academy, Greenhill School, and Walden Preparatory School. 1-23 I ! Category " Sinll:le-familv Residential Multi-family Residential Parks and Open Space Public Commercial Hotels Industrial Mixed-Use : Undeveloped 􀁾􀁯􀁩􀁳􀁥􀀭􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁥􀀠Institutions ] HISTORIC RESOURCES resources within the study area, It was 1determined that no state-listed The Texas Historical Sites Atlas historical sites nor sites listed on the (contained on the website ofthe Texas National Register ofHistoric Places are ] Historical Commission) was consulted present within the study area, regarding the presence of historical 1 ! I TABLE IC ILand Use Catel!ories Shown on Existinl! Land Use Map > , i Hospitals Community centers Child care centers I Land Uses Included ]Simde-familv Homes Duplexes Triplexes ;]Townhouses Apartment and condominium buildings Parks ]Golf courses Cemeteries Ponds 􀁾􀁡􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁥􀁰􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁥􀁲􀁶􀁥􀁳􀀠Airports Businesses Offices Government offices Hotels Motels Resorts Manufacturing Light Industry Heavy Industry Warehousinll: ]Mixture of various residential and commercial land uses Vacant lots J Open parcels ofland Places of worship .JSchools 􀁾􀁵􀁲􀁳􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠homes '1Residential group quarters J 1-24 J . 1, ] J .@IllIU1l. @lllrnrnfijJ ; I [ilmOU610 @C;XmilUV [l)tum6l0 @lllrnrnfijJ LEGEND ............. Detailed Land Use Study Area ._ .. _........ County Boundary Munlcipai Boundary ---Airport Property IIIIIIHIIIIIII Railroad Tracks c::::::J Single FamBy Residential-Multi-Family Realdentlal -Park &. Opsnspace I!!!I!!!!!!II Public-Commercial !I!I!!i!!!!!!!! Hotels-industrial-Mixe d Use b' ""'" Undeyeloped Areas c::::::J Noise Sensitive Institutions " School • Day Care Facility * Community Center flodges + Medical Facilities Q Residential Care FaciOty Municipal Buildings • Place of Worship 6 Cemetery Source, North Texas Geographic Information System. Coffman Associates Analysis. o 4000 I I SCAlE IN FEET · \ LAND USE PLANNING POLICIES AND REGULATIONS In most cities and counties, land use planning occurs through both regulatory and non-regulatory means.!, i Regulatory tools for directing land use include: the zoning ordinance which limits the type, size, and densit;ofuses allowed in various locations; subdivision regulations, which regulate the platting and dividing of land; and building 􀁣􀁯􀁤􀁥􀁾􀀬􀀠which establish precise reqUlrements for building. Non,regulatory means of land use planning mclude the general plan, which is also referred to as the master or comprehensive plan, and the local capital improvements program. The general plan provides the basis for the zoning ordinance and sets forth guidelines for future development. The capital improvements program is typically a short-term schedule for constructing and improving public facilities such as streets, sewer, and water lines. The following paragraphs provide descriptions of the various land use planning tools currently in place within the study area. From these descriptions, one can begin to gain an 􀀿􀀭􀁮􀁤􀁥􀁲􀁳􀁾􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠of the regulations Impactmg the study area. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Texas state law permits municipalities to prepare, adopt, and implement comprehensive land use plans for the .,i long range development of the city . .J Where a comprehensive plan has been prepared, state law also dictates that zoning regulations be adopted in accordance with the comprehensive plan (Section 211.004 ofTitle 7, Subtitle A, Chapter 211). In addition to 􀁣􀁯􀁾􀁰􀁲􀁥􀁨􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁶􀁥􀀠plans and zoning ordinances, state law also permits the adoption of subdivision regulations. The purpose of these regulations is to encourage quality development by establishing standards to ensure that the community's human and natural resources are protected. County level governments are allowed to only implement subdivision regulations. At this time, Texas state law does not allow counties to adopt comprehensive land use plans or zoning ordinances. As shown in Exhibit IF, the Addison 􀀮􀁴􀀿􀁩􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁴􀀠study area is within the city lImIts of the Town of Addison and the Cities of Carrollton, Farmers Branch and Dallas. As permitted by state law: the Town of Addison and the Cities of Carrollton and Farmers Branch have adopted comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances, and the City of Dallas has adopted a zoning ordinance. The following sections discuss these various planning and development tools in place in the Addison Airport study area. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL PLANS A community's comprehensive plan sets the standards and guidelines for future development and provides the legal basis for the zoning ordinance. The 1-25 plan represents a generalized guideline, as opposed to a precise blueprint, for locating future development. During the preparation of a plan, existing land uses are evaluated, and based on the evaluation, future land uses and facilities are determined. By illustrating preferred land use patterns, a general plan can be used by community decision-makers and staff, developers, investors, and citizens to assist them in evaluating future development opportunities. The future land use prescribed in the various comprehensive plans is depicted on Exhibit IH. Town ofAddison Comprehensive Plan The Town of Addison Comprehensive Plan was adopted in May 1991. The purpose of the plan is to direct the growth and development ofthe town in a manner that will benefit current and future residents. The plan contains four components: • Existing Condition • EconomiclDemographic and Market Overview • Community Goals and Objectives • Future Land Use Plan Within the Existing Condition component, Addison Airport is recognized as having a significant impact upon the development of the community for two reasons: one, the noise that is produced by airport users; and two, the economic impact of the airport. Noise contours, prepared as part of the 1991 Part 150 Study, have been incorporated into the Community Goals and Objectives portion of the plan. The contours are depicted on the Housing Opportunities exhibit with the recommendation that residential uses not be permitted where noise exposures exceed 65 Ldn. (Note: Ldn is now commonly referred to as DNL. The FAA has established DNL as the standard for Part 150 studies in most states.) City of Carrollton Comprehensive Plan The City of Carrollton Comprehensive Plan, adopted on April 16, 1991, was prepared to serve as a long-range policy guide for the development of the community. The plan is divided into six sections: • Future Land Use Plan • Urban Design Plan • Future Community Facilities Plan • Future Transportation Plan • Fiscal Impact Analysis • Implementation Strategies While Addison Airport is not physically located within the City of Carrollton, mention is still made of the airport within the City's comprehensive plan. Within the Future Land Use Plan portion ofthe plan, reference is made to the noise contours created by the airport. Specifically, the plan states "Noise exposure contours 'c' and 'D' (areas within the 65 DNL noise contour) are not appropriate for residential uses or other development which has a low tolerance for noise. Future land uses in this area should be planned with sensitivity toward the long-term existence and impact of airport operations." Furthermore, Policy ] ] ] '] ] .J J .J 1-26 1 1 IInlnlUII' ------. II!II!IIIII!II! [=::J _ _ _ Iii!iiiiiiiilI _ _ _ [I==:J [=::J o I LEGEND Detailed Land Use Study Area County Boundary Municipal Boundary Airport Property Railroad Tracks Single Famiy Residential Multi-Family Residential Residential High Park to. Openspace Public Commerciel Industrial J Mixed Use No Comprehensive land Use Plen For TIlls Area No Comprehensive Lend Use Mapping In This Area , j Source. North T exa8 (ileographic Information System. Coffman Associates Analysis. :J 4000 I SCALE IN FEET Exhibit 1H GENERALIZED COMPREHBNSIVB LAND USB PLAN MAP RD1.34 states that new residential development should be discouraged within the 65 Ldn noise exposure contour ofAddison Airport. Farmers Branch Comprehensive Plan The City of Farmers Branch Comprehensive Plan was adopted in August 1986. The purpose ofthis plan is to guide zoning decisions and serve as a basis for the City's capital improvements program. The plan consists of a set of community goals followed by four elements: • Land Use Element • Public Services and Utilities Element • City Design Element • Implementation Element Future land use recommendations and design guidelines are outlined within the various elements. No specific guidelines regarding noise or the Addison Airport are included within these elements. Greater Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Plan The City of Dallas has not undertaken the preparation of a citywide comprehensive plan; however, as the need arises, smaller area-specific land use plans are prepared to guide development. Within the study area, the Greater Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Plan was prepared in 1995. The plan has not been adopted or implemented in the area. The purpose of the plan is to assist with the approval or denial of zoning change requests and development approvals. No specific guidelines regarding noise or the Addison Airport are included within this plan. In addition to the above mentioned plan, three additional studies have been completed within the study area -the Parkway Center Study (1991), the DallaslRichardson Improvement Strategy Study (1994), and the Coit/Spring Valley Neighborhood Improvement Study (1991). The plans resulting from these studies have not been adopted or implemented. ZONING While general land use plans are intended to establish policies to guide development and land use, cities and counties actually control land use through zoning ordinances. The purpose of this section is to summarize the zoning ordinances within the airport study area. This information will be used in subsequent chapters to identi.fY fY zoning districts which provide a compatible land use buffer and those that allow encroachment by noise-sensitive land uses. For zoning districts which permit noise-sensi tive land uses, this information will provide insights into how the district regulations may be amended to promote noise-compatible development. Town ofAddison The zoning ordinance for the Town of Addison was originally adopted on 1-27 1 October 13, 1964. The zoning administrator has the responsibility of administrating and enforcing the ordinance which provides for 16 zoning districts including five residential districts, three commercial districts, three industrial districts, and five mixed-use districts. Noise-sensitive uses allowed in each zoning district are presented in Table C1 contained in Appendix C. City of Carrollton The City of Carrollton zoning ordinance was originally adopted on May 23, 1962. The ordinance provides for 35 zoning districts including: 17 residential districts; 16 office, commercial, and industrial districts; one planned development district; two overlay districts; and one holding district. Noise-sensitive uses allowed in each zoning district are presented in Table C2 contained in Appendix C. In addition to the zoning districts described in Table C2, the zoning ordinance contains an Airport Hazards section which contains provisions for three zones -air approach zones, airport turning zones, and airport transition zones. These zones were established based on the FAR. Part 77 horizontal surfaces. The purpose ofthe zones is to regulate the height of buildings and structures that are placed near the airport. City ofFarmers Branch The zoning ordinance for the City of Farmers Branch was originally adopted on September 23,1957. The ordinance provides for 20 zoning districts including 12 residential districts, five office and commercial districts, two industrial districts, and one planned development district. Noise-sensitive uses allowed in each zoning district are presented in Table C3 in Appendix C. City of Dallas The City of Dallas Zoning Ordinance was originally adopted on September 11, 1929. The ordinance provides for 42 zoning districts including 18 residential districts and 24 non-residential districts. Noise-sensitive uses allowed in each zoning district are presented in Table C4 contained in Appendix: C. Summary of Zoning Classifications The various zoning districts of each jurisdiction have been combined into generalized zoning categories. The generalized zoning patterns within the study area are shown in Exhibit IJ and su=arized in Table IH. • Residential Categories The "Low Density Residential" category applies to districts with densities of6.0 dwelling units or less per acre. The "Medium Density Residential" category applies to districts with densities of6.1 to 12.0 dwelling units per acre. The "High Density Residential" category applies to single-family and multifamily zones with densities greater than 12 dwelling units per acre. The density of units allowed in the "Manufactured Housing", "Planned Development", and "Mixed-Use" categories is determined a ] ] ;] ] ] ] J . ] J ] ] :J . 1-28 ----􀁾( -11111....1111) .-----. 1II111111111111 c:::::J _ _ c:::::J _ liiiiiiiiii _ _1.J1 ' '1j ,, 1 1 I LEGEND Detailed land Use Study Area County Boundary Municipal Boundary Airport Proparty Railroad Traoks Low Density Residential 10-8 dulac.! Medium Density Residential (8,1-12 dulac.) High Density Residential (12,1+ dulac.) Planned Development Mixed Use Public Commercial Industrial & Transportation Source, Ncrth Texas Geographic information -System.-L---Coffman Associates Analysis. 'J .] , during the plan approval and/or permitting process. • Non-residential Categories The "Commercial" and "Industrial" categories include office, manufacturing, and service districts. "Overlay" districts include specific uses deemed appropriate only to certain areas usually because of a particular characteristic of the surrounding environment, such as high levels of airport-related noise or the preservation of a historic area. , TABLElH Classification of Zoninr£ Districts . Generalized ·1···..' '; .........Zoning .. . .1,'o'\Vn 9f .... .. Cityof... . Category . Addison ' . .Carrollton . Low Density R-l, R-2, R-3, IH, SF-12!20, SF-Residential R-lS,MXR 10/18, SF-8.4I18, (0-6 dulac) (low-density SF-8.4IIS , subdistrict) Medium MXR (mediumSF-7/16, SF-7/14, Density density SF-6.5/12, SF-PH, Residential subdistrict) SF-A, D, (6.1-12 dulac) High Density A, MXR (high-SF-TH, T, F, MF-Residential density 12,MF-15,MF-18 (12.1+ dulac.) subdistrict) Manufactured MHP Housing Planned PD, PDTC, PD Development PDCC Mixed-Use UC UC Commercial LR, C-l, C-2 0-1,0-2,0-3,04, NS, LR-l, LR2, LC, HC, CfW, FWY,ODC,CC Industrial and 1-1,1-2,1-3 IP, LI, HI Transportation , City ofFarm(lrs . City of ..... Brwuih Dallas R-l, R-, R-3, R-4, A, R-lac, R-]J2ac, R-5, R-S R-IS, R-13, R-lO, R-7.5, TH-I R-5, D(A), TH2(A), TH-3(A) . D-l, D-2, MF-l, CH, MF-l(A), MF-2, MF-3, MFMF-2(A), MFI 4 3(A) MF·4(A) MH(A) , PD CA-l(A), CA-2(A), MU-l,MU-2, MU-3 0, LR-I, LR-2, C, NO(A), LO-l, LOI-RU 2, LO-3, MO-l, MO-2, GO(A), II NS(A), CR, RR, CS, MC-l, MC-2, MC-3 MC-4 peA) LI, HI LI, IR, 1M [overlay I I-35E, GWY I I 􀁐􀁌􀁁􀁎􀁎􀁅􀁄􀁾􀁔􀁄􀁅􀁖􀁅􀁌􀁏􀁐􀁍􀁅􀁎􀁔􀁓􀀠A number of planned urban development (PUDs) are present within each of the jurisdictions contained inside the study area. PUDs are beneficial to developers as they allow for more flexible development practices 1-29 versus traditional zoning. Essentially, PUD zoning permits a developer to meet overall community density and land use goals without being bound by rigid requirements such as minimum lot standards and land use categories. Determining the land use allowed within each ofthe PUDs is important as it allows for further analysis regarding non-compatible land uses. Exhibit lK depicts the underlying land uses planned for each ofthe PUDs as well as the undeveloped parcels within the study area. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Subdivision regulations apply in cases where a parcel ofland is proposed to be divided into lots or tracts. They are established to ensure the proper arrangement of streets, adequate and convenient open space, efficient movement of traffic, adequate and properly-located utilities, access for firefighting apparatus, avoidance of congestion, and the orderly and efficient layout and use ofthe land. Subdivision regulations can be used to enhance noise-compatible land development by requiring developers to plat and develop land so as to minimize noise impacts or reduce the noise sensitivity of new development. The regulations can also be used to protect the airport proprietor from litigation for noise impacts at a later date. The most common requirement is the dedication of a noise or avigation easement to the airport proprietor by the land subdivider as a condition of development approval. The easement authorizes overflights of the property, with noise levels attendant to such operations. It also requires the developer to provide noise insulation in the construction ofbuildings. Subdivision regulations are in place only within the Town of Addison and the Cities of Carrollton and Farmers Branch. While these municipalities regulate the subdivision ofland, none of them have established special development considerations in the vicinity of Addison Airport within their subdivision regulations. BUILDING CODES Building codes regulate the construction of buildings, ensuring that they are constructed to safe standards. standards. Building codes may be used to require sound insulation in new residential, office, and institutional buildings when warranted by existing or potential high aircraft noise levels. The Town of Addison and the Cities of Carrollton, Farmers Branch, and Dallas have adopted versions ofthe Uniform Building Code. Additional regulations related to noise in the vicinity of Addison Airport have not been adopted. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Capital improvement programs (ClP) are multi-year plans, typically covering five or six years, which let major capital improvements planned to be undertaken by a particular jurisdiction. The CIP does not include facility improvements that are proposed to be funded entirely by developers. "1 :1 ] J .1 I . '"'1 􀁾􀀠J , 1 OJ 1-30 "I " , " ] ) :1 .", ] l.EGEND " .......11 Detailed Land Use Study Area .-----. County Boundary Municipal Boundary ----Airport Property JIIllIJlI III 111 Railroad Tracks C::::J Low Density Residential (0-6 dulac') _ Medium Density Residential 16.1-12 dulac') _ High Density Residential 112.1+ dulac') C::::J Planned Development ...... 􀁾􀁸􀁥􀁤􀀠Use _ Public ...... Commercial ...... Industrial I Transportation 􀁾􀀠Existing Undeveloped Parcals Source. North Texes Geographic information System. Coffman Associates Analysis. Exhibit lK PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENTS I Most capital improvements have no direct bearing on noise compatibility as few municipal developments are noisesensitive. The obvious exceptions to this are schools and, in certain circumstances, libraries, medical facilities, and cultural/recreational facilities. The noise compatibility planning process includes a review of planned facilities of these types as a matter ofcourse. Some capital improvements, however, may have an indirect, but more profound, relationship to noise compatibility. For instance, sewer and water facilities may open up large vacant areas for private development of noise-sensitive residential uses. In contrast, the same types of facilities, sized for industrial users, could permit industrial development in the same noise impacted area that might otherwise be attractive for residential development on septic tanks. A number of CIP projects are planned within the immediate vicinity of Addison Airport. These projects include various road and intersection improvements to the east and south of the airport, a new airport terminal building and ATCT, development of Phase !IC ofthe Addison Circle Project, and design of the proposed arts and events district. SUMMARY The information presented in this chapter provides a foundation upon which the remaining elements of the planning process will be constructed. Information on current airport facilities and utilization serve as a basis for the development of the aircraft noise analyses during the next phase of the study. This information will, in turn, provide guidance to the assessment of potential changes to aviation facilities or procedures necessary to meet the goals of the planning process. 1-31 , 1 J J ,'J I J , J ;] 'l ' 􀁾􀀬􀀭. 􀁾􀁊􀀧􀁩􀁬􀀬􀁶􀁮􀀭􀀡􀀠Chapter Two1􀁾􀁩􀁲􀁰􀀮􀁲􀁴__􀁾􀁁􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀮􀁖􀁾􀁉􀁁􀁾􀁔􀁾􀁬􀁾􀁏􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁎􀁬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀧􀁄􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀻􀀮􀁅􀁾􀁍􀁾􀁁􀁾􀁎􀁾􀁄􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀺􀁆􀁾􀁏􀁾􀁒􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁃􀁾􀁩􀁩􀁾􀁓􀁾􀁾� �􀁓􀀠 AVIATION DEMAND FORECASTS The purpose of this chapter is to examine the existing and potential demand for aviation activity at Addison Airport (ADS). This should begin with a definition of the demand that may occur over a specified period. The projected demand levels can then be analyzed to determine future noise exposure and impacts in the vicinity of Addison Airport. Air transportation is a unique industry that has experienced wide fluctuations in growth and decline. For this reason, it is important for airports to evaluate their current position and examine future demand potential on a regular basis. This holds especially true today given limited public funding mechanisms and increased needs of the aviation community. The primary objective of this planning effort is to define the magnitude of I I change that can be expected over time. Because of the cyclical nature of the economy, it is virtually impossible to predict with certainty year-to-year fluctuations in activity when looking as far as ten years into the future. However, a trend can be established which delineates long-term growth potential. While a single line is often used to express the anticipated growth, actual growth may fluctuate above and below this line. It is important to understand that forecasts serve primarily as guidelines, as aviation activity is affected by many external influences, especially by the types of aircraft used and the nature of available facilities. The forecasts for Addison Airport were prepared subsequent to the events of September 11, 2001. Immediately following the events that day, the national airspace system was closed and all commercial and general aviation flights were grounded. Following the resumption of flights, commercial airline traffic was down, which led to schedule reductions and layoffs by many ofthe commercial airlines. General aviation airports and businesses also experienced significant losses due to FAA's decision to restrict visual flight rules (VFR) flight operations at general aviation airports in Class B airspace (surrounding major airports such as DallasIFort Worth International Airport and Love Field). While the commercial airline industry experienced sharp decreases in passenger traffic over the next few months, charter operators and fractional ownership companies were experiencing a significant increase. Media reports indicated that some charter companies experienced a 50 percent increase in business, and fractional ownership companies gained new ownership as well. There is no comparative period in recent history to draw conclusions or trends to gauge the full effects of these events. In 1991, the commercial airlines experienced a decline in passengers and profits due to the Persian Gulf War and a simultaneous economic recession. General aviation was already in an extended period of decline, however, primarily due to product liability factors. The industry did not begin to recover until 1994 with the passage of the General Aviation Revitalization Act. Commercial airline traffic rebounded from the 1991 decline by growing each subsequent year through 2000. The total impact the events of September 11, 2001 will have on commercial and general aviation can only be determined over time. Commercial airline recovery will be a factor of air traveler confidence and acceptance in new security measures and the recovery of the U.S. economy, which was slowed in 2001. General aviation recovery will be dependent upon economic recovery, fuel prices, and the type and extent of any new regulatory controls over flight training and operations. The long term aviation trends used in these forecasts for Addison Airport are expected to remain relevant and applicable to intermediate and long term growth. While there may be a short-lived decline in commercial airline activity, a decline over many years is not expected. A similar decline in general aviation is not expected because of the events. In fact, post September 11'" data for general aviation indicates an increase in many general aviation activity segments. GENERAL AVIATION TRENDS Each year the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) publishes its national aviation forecast. Included in this publication are forecasts for air carriers, regional air carriers, general aviation, and military activity. The forecasts are prepared to meet budget and planning needs of the constituent units of the FAA and to provide information that can be used by state and local authorities, the aviation ] '1 ,j ] 1 ] ] ,] :J u 2-2 industry, and the general public. The current edition when this chapter was written was FAA Aviation Forecasts· Fiscal Years 2002-2013. These forecasts use the economic performance of the United States as an indicator offuture aviation industry growth. Similar economic analyses are applied to the outlook for aviation growth in international markets. Long term FAA forecasts through the year 2025 are provided in the FAA Long Range Aerospace Forecasts document. By most statistical measures, general aviation recorded its sixth consecutive year of growth in 2000. Following more than a decade of decline, the general aviation industry was stimulated with the passage of the General Aviation Revitalization Act in 1994 (federal legislation which limits the liability on general aviation aircraft to 18 years from the date of manufacture). The positive effects the Act has had on the general aviation industry since its passage are reflected in general aviation activity statistics. General aviation manufacturers' shipments were up for a seventh consecutive year in 2000, growing from 928 in 1994 to 2,816 in 2000. Piston-engine aircraft production more than tripled between 1994 and 2000, growing from 499 to 1,913. The production of turbinepowered aircraft was in its eighth consecutive year of growth in 2000, up from 348 in 1992 to 903 in 2000. According to the 2001 Annual Industry Review produced by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) 2001 was not as strong as 2000 for aircraft shipments. Although industry billings were up in 2001, shipments ofgeneral aviation airplanes actually decreased slightly. Total shipments for airplanes produced in the United States slipped 6.6 percent, from 2,816 units in 2000 to 2,634 units in 2001. GAMA indicated that for the fourth year in a row the industry set a new record for business jet shipments in 2001. Total shipments of business jets increased 3.6 percent between 2000 and 2001. During that same period, shipments of U.S. produced business jets increased two percent, from 588 to 600. Because the dollar value of business jets is higher than other categories ofgeneral aviation airplanes, the jet shipments have a disproportionate impact on total industry billings. Shipments of turboprops increased slightly in 2001. Total turboprop shipments were up 1.4 percent from 415 units in 2000 to 421 units in 2001. U.S. produced turboprops slipped 2.9 percent from 315 planes in 2000 to 306 planes in 2001. Total piston shipments were down in 2001, falling 8.9 percent for planes produced worldwide and 9.8 percent for planes produced domestically. Breaking down the piston numbers even further, we see that total shipments of multi-engine piston aircraft increased 42.7 percent. Total shipments of single-engine pistons fell 11.7 percent while shipments of U.S. produced single-engine pistons fe1112.8 percent. Exports of domestically produced general aviation airplanes reflect the overall statistics in that billings are up 21.6 percent but shipments are down 2-3 11.2 percent. For U.S. manufacturers, the export market accounted for 27.5 percent of total billings and 19.2 percent oftotal shipments. Manufacturer and industry programs and initiatives also continue to revitalize the general aviation industry. Notable initiatives include the "No Plane, No Gain" campaign sponsored by GAMA and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), uProject Pilot" sponsored by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), the "Learn to Fly" campaign sponsored by the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), and "Be a Pilot" sponsored by numerous aviation companies and organizations. The "No Plane, No Gain" campaign is a program promoting the cost-effectiveness of using general aviation aircraft for business and corporate uses. "Project Pilot," "Learn to Fly," and "Be a Pilot" are all programs promoting the training ofnew pilots. The general aviation industry is also launching new programs to make aircraft ownership easier and more affordable. The New Piper Aircraft Company has created Piper Financial Services (PFS) to offer competitive interest rates and/or leasing of Piper aircraft. The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) offers financing for kit-built airplanes through a private lending institution. On February 5, 2002, the FAA published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM), titled Certification ofAircraft and Airmen for the Operation ofLight-Sport Aircraft. The rule-making would establish new light-sport aircraft categories and allow aircraft manufacturers to build and sell completed aircraft without obtaining type and production certificates. Instead, aircraft manufacturers would build to industry consensus standards. This reduces development costs and subsequent aircraft acquisition costs. This new category places specific conditions on the design of the aircraft to limit them to low performance aircraft. New pilot training times are reduced and offer more flexibility in the type of aircraft which the pilot would be allowed to operate. Viewed by many within the general aviation industry as a revolutionary change in the regulation of recreational aircraft, this new rule-making is anticipated to significantly increase access to general aviation by reducing the time and costs to earn a pilot's license and owning and operating an aircraft. A particularly important component of the general aviation industry is business and corporate use of general aviation aircraft, particularly turbinepowered aircraft. Business and corporate uses represent 23 percent of all general aviation activity. Growth in these categories is driven by the continued expansion of fractional ownership programs and corporate flight departments. According to statistics provided by AvData Inc. reported in GAMA's 2001 Industry Review, the total number of corporate operators worldwide increased four percent in 2001. In the United States, the total number of corporate operators increased by almost five percent. There are approximately ] ] :1 ] ;] 'J .] 1 j 'J I J J .J , 1 : ,.J 2-4 13,371 worldwide operators utilizing 21,584 aircraft. In the U.S. alone, there are approximately 9,709 operators utilizing a fleet of 14,837 aircraft. Fractional ownership programs allow businesses or individuals to purchase a fractional interest in an aircraft, then pay for only the time they use the aircraft. These programs offer greater flexibility to users who otherwise would not generate sufficient activity to support aircraft ownership. In 2000, there were nearly 2,000 entities involved in fractional ownership of over 530 aircraft. In 1993, only two dozen aircraft were involved in fractional ownership. According to preliminary data provided by AvData Inc. reported by GAMA, the number of individuals and companies in the United States that own a fractional share of an airplane increased by 22.3 percent in 2001, from 2,793 to 3,415. The number of airplanes in fractional programs grew 19.3 percent in 2001, from 560 to 668. GAMA member companies are reporting that approximately 17 percent of their total turbine deliveries last year went to fractional programs.· According to the Air Charter Guide reported by GAMA, charter activity was up a remarkable 26 percent in 2001. Part of that increased charter activity came from regular customers flying more. But there was also an increase in the number of persons and companies who chartered for the first time. A survey by the Air Charter Guide, found that 30 percent ofthe inquiries received by charter operators last year came from new customers. The NBAA estimates the corporate aircraft fleet has grown at 5.4 percent annually and the number of flight departments has grown at 4.5 percent annually since 1993. This signifies that existing corporate flight departments are expanding and new ones are being added. The success of fractional ownership programs is believed to have driven the expansion of corporate flight departments as businesses which have become reliant on the access and time savings of corporate flying find it more cost-effective to establish a flight department rather than purchase a larger share in a fractional ownership program. Exhibit 2A depicts the FAA forecast for active general aviation aircraft in the United States through 2013. The FAA forecasts general aviation aircraft to increase at an average annual rate of 0.3 percent through 2013, with turbinepowered aircraft projected to grow at 2.1 percent annually to 2013. General aviation hours flown are forecast to increase at 0.5 percent annually through 2013, however, by 1.5 percent over the last ten years of the forecast period. It should be noted that the FAA's Aerospace Forecasts 2002-2013 call for slower growth than the previous years forecasts. For example, FAA's active aircraft forecasts for 2012 are approximately ten percent lower than those forecasts prepared the previous year. FAA believes that September n'" impacts, coupled with a slowing economy, will cause short term decreases in some general aviation segments. 2-5 l SOCIOECONOMIC PROJECTIONS POPULATION Population, employment, and per capita income projections provide an indication ofthe potential for sustaining growth in aviation activity over the planning period. Forecasts for the Town of Addison and other local municipalities, as well as area county population, have been collected for this analysis. Historical population information was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau, while population forecasts were :1 obtained from the North Central Texas 2025 Demographic Forecast prepared in November 2000 by the North Central :1 Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). Table 2A summarizes historical and forecast popUlation numbers for these areas. ] 1 1 j , TABLE2A Historical and Forecast Population mSTORICAL 1980 I 1990 CitytI'own Populations !Addison 5,553 8,783 Carrollton 40,595 82,169 Dallas 904,078 I,007,61E 􀁾􀁡􀁲􀁭􀁥􀁲􀀧􀁳􀀠Branch 24,863 24,250 Plano 􀀷􀀲􀀬􀀳􀀳􀁾􀀠127,885' County Populations Dallas I 1,556,41£ 􀀱􀀬􀀸􀀵􀀲􀀬􀀸􀁾􀁾􀀠Collin 144,57€ 264,036, Denton 143,12E 273,5251 2000 II ! FORECAST I Growth Rate 2007 2022 2000-2022 , 14,166 16,250 21,154 1.8% 109,576 115,484 126,397 0.7% 1,18B,58C 1,215,725 1,256,444 0.3% , , 27,508 28,000 29,246 0.3%, 222,030 245,495 300,380 1.4'l! , 2,218,899 2,324,67C 􀀲􀀬􀀵􀀳􀀷􀀬􀀰􀀹􀁾􀀱􀀠0.6%1 491,675 601,43S 􀀸􀀶􀀶􀀬􀀳􀀰􀁾􀀧􀀠2,6% 432,976 521,965 740,385 2,5% . Sources: Historical -U.S. Census Bureau; Forecasts Interpolated from North Central Texas 2026,1 iDemographic Forecast by mCOG, ii As presented in the table, the Town of doubled, increasing at an average Addison has experienced significant annual rate of 5.09 percent. Jpopulation growth since 1980 with population nearly tripling, This growth Collin, Dallas, and Denton Counties equates to an average annual increase have also experienced strong popUlation .J of 4.79 percent. Plano experienced the growth. As indicated in the table, largest growth increasing by 149,699 Dallas County experienced the largest residents, increasing at an average resident growth, increasing by 662,480 annual growth rate of 5.77 percent. residents which equates to an average Carrollton population more than annual growth rate of 1.79 percent. u 2-6 , 1 1 􀁉􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠•.; 􀀮􀀧􀁣􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀬􀁾􀁩􀁩􀀻􀁛;; ...,.....:..•"": TP (3%) ME (10%) _ Singl"':Engine Pieton I ME IMulti-Engine Piston . _ Turboprop _ Turbojet _ Rotorcraft _ Experimental _ Other Exhibit2A U.S. ACTIVE GENERAL AVIATION AlRCRAFTFORECASTS J ] '1 :1 ] :1 ] :1 '1 , j J ] J ] J , "'J ' t -: J Collin County experienced the largest average annual resident growth rate, increasing by 6.31 percent annually, more than tripling resident population over the period. Population forecasts presented by the NCTCOG indicate a slower growth over the next 20 years. The Town ofAddison is expected to grow the quickest of the area municipalities at an average annual rate of 1.8 percent, reaching 21,154 residents by 2022. Collin County resident population is projected to outpace Dallas and Denton Counties on an average annual basis. It is expected to grow at 2.6 percent annually, reaching 866,309 residents by 2022. EMPLOYMENT Historical and forecast employment data for the four area counties, the State ofTexas, and the United States is presented in Table 2B. Employment information was obtained from Woods and Poole Complete Economic and Demographic Data Source (CEDDS) 2001. CEDDS utilizes U.S. Department of Commerce data in preparing its annual forecasts for every county in every state in the country. Similar to its its significant population increase, Collin County experienced the area's largest annual average employment increase. Collin County employment in 2000 was more than five times higher than 1980, increasing at an average rate of 8.71 percent annually over the period. Dallas County experienced the largest total growth, increasing by 788,030 which equates to an average annual rate of 2.72 percent. All of the area counties experienced a higher average annual growth rate than both the State of Texas (2.45 percent) and the United States (1.9 percent). This statistic displays the strength and diversity of the economy in the Metroplex region. Employment forecasts consider a slowed growth for all area entities. Employment for Dallas County is projected to grow by 34 percent by 2022 equating to an average annual rate of 1.35 percent. Collin County is expected to continue to outpace employment growth of all other counties in the region, with projections of an average annual growth rate of2.69 percent. The slower growth growth rates can be attributed to the recent economic recession. Trends do, however, indicate that the recession may be short-lived with indicators pointing to moderate growth within the next year. Employment growth will be instrumental in aviation growth at Addison Airport. The airport is utilized by hundreds of area businesses in the transport of their employees and clientele. As employment and other business trends indicate the strength of the economy, the economy has historically typified the strength ofthe general aviation industry. 2-7 iTABLE2B Total Employment mSTORICAL FORECAST , Annual ! ! 1980 1990 2000 i 2007 2022 GrowthArea COUNTIES ,I 1,106,78( 1,456,9601 1,894,8H 2,104,20< 2,543,84ClDallas 1.35,!iCollin 39,13( 117,370i 207,92( 254,222 373,06( 2.69'l1 , jDenton 51,30( 99,360:I 161,59( 189,048 255,84t 2.l1o/JI 􀀡􀁾􀁔􀁁􀁔􀁅AND COUNTRY (in thousands) 􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁸􀁡􀁳􀀠j 7,510.6€ 9,306.98 12,192.3'1 13,692.71 17,016.03 1.53'lli ,u.S. 114,231.H 139,426.9i 166,323.45 181,503.95 214,935.72 􀀱􀀮􀁬􀀷􀁏􀀯􀁾􀀡i liSource; Interpolated from Woods and Poole, CEDDS (2001). ! PER CAPITA PERSONAL INCOME (PCP!) Table 2C compares per capita personal income (adjusted to 1996 dollars) for the area counties, the State of Texas, and the United States. In 2000, Collin County had the highest adjusted PCPI of the region at $38,440. Collin County's growth between 1980 and 2000 was also the highest, increasing at an average annual rate of 3.17 percent. Dallas County had the next highest PCPI at $33,975, growing at an average annual rate of 2.17 percent over the same period. Dallas County PCPI was 134 percent and 124 percent of the PCPI of Texas and the United States, respectively. PCPI forecasts are for a more moderate growth over the next 20 years. Dallas County PCPI is expected to outpace the growth of the other counties, the state, and the nation with projections of average annual growth of 1.29 percent. Collin County PCPI is only expected to increase at an average annual rate of 0.82 percent through 2022. By 2022, it is expected that Dallas County will nearly match the PCPI of Collin County. Both county's PCPI is projected to exceed the other compared entities by at least $10,000 in 2022. AIRPORT USER SURVEYSI SERVICE AREA The local airport service area is defined by the proximity of other airports and the facilities that they are able to provide to general aviation aircraft. General aviation service areas are very .J closely defined as the result of nearby airports providing similar aircraft tiedown, fuel, and hangar services. J Chapter One -Inventory detailed all lpublic-use airports within 20 nautical miles (nm) of the airport. These airports provide a wide range of 'Jtiedown, fuel, hangar, and general aviation services. Considering that the I J 2-8 services at each airport vary according to local conditions (hangar, fuel, tiedown rates, hangar availability, etc.), the service area for Addison Airport is not considered to exactly follow the boundaries of any jurisdictional unit, and is affected by many of the factors detailed above. The availability and cost of aircraft storage facilities is an important factor in determining based aircraft demand. TABLE2C Per Capita Personal Income (1996$) mSTORICAL 2000Area ·1980 1990 Dallas County $22,129 $26,522 Collin County $20,584 $28,270 Denton County $19,613 $22,094 rrarrant County $19,849 $22,870 State ofTexas $18,036 $20,388 United States $18,444 $22,871 $33,975 $38,44( 􀀤􀀲􀀶􀀬􀀸􀀱􀁾􀀠$27,297 $25,32E $27,323 FORECAST Annual 2007 2022 Growth $37,581 $45,060 1.29% $40,042 $46,046 0.82% $28,049 $31,513 0.74% $29,342 $34,344 1.05% $27,569 $32,596 1.15% $29,824 $35,494 1.20% Source: Woods and Poole, CEDDS (2001), Forecasts are interpolated. The airport service area is an area where there is a potential market for airport services. Access to general aviation airports, commercial air service, and transportation networks enters into the equation that determines the size ofa service area, as well the quality of aviation facilities, distance, and other subjective criteria. As in any business enterprise, the more attractive the facility is in services and capabilities, the more competitive it will be in the market. As the level of attractiveness expands, so will the service area. If an airport's attractiveness increases in relation to nearby airports, so will the size of the service area. If facilities are adequate and rates and fees are competitive at Addison Airport, some level of general aviation activity might be attracted to the airport from surrounding areas. In order to aid in developing an understanding of Addison Airport's service area, a survey was sent to aircraft owners within a 30 nautical mile radius of the airport. Approximately 1,200 surveys were sent. Due to technical problems with software producing the the mailing labels, approximately 400 surveys were returned undeliverable. Approximately 400 surveys were then sent to onairport tenants and 50 surveys were mailed to off-airport (through-the-fence operators) tenants. Some tenants which did not receive a survey through direct mailing submitted their responses from copied or internet posted surveys. Thus, survey analysis considered 1,300 surveys. 2-9 l The intent of the survey is to glean an Addison Airport. These aircraft owners understanding of where based aircraft represented 239 based aircraft at l owners live (or work), develop an Addison Airport. Considering a total of understanding oflocal activity, and the 1,300 surveys, the survey response rate airport service area. equates to 18.2 percent. Responses from the surveys represented USER SURVEYS 14 based jets at Addison Airport. Ofthe 64 respondents indicating a desire to -JIn order to obtain a profile of local upgrade or replace their aircraft, five general aviation users and their facility indicated that they would be acquiring preferences, a general aviation user a jet aircraft, two acquiring a higher :]survey was conducted with the results performance/larger aircraft, and three presented in Table 2D. As of the acquiring turboprop aircraft. Table 2D writing of this chapter, 237 aircraft presents a summary of survey ]owner surveys were returned and information. This information is useful analyzed. Of the responses, a total of injudging intuitively the future aircraft 172 survey responders indicated that fleet mix at Addison Airport. ]they base at least one aircraft at .TABLE2D : I :Pilot Survey Results Total Surveys Sent -Approximately 1,300 (which includes 400 returned undeliverable) 1Total Survey Responses· 237 Response Rate = 18.2% .1: Respondents Based @Addison Airport -172 Total Based Aircraft ofRespondents -239 'JRespondents Considering Upgrade or Purchase of Another Aircraft in Next Five Years -64 .. ,Primary Use ofAircraft and Operation Estimates Business PI!lllsure Flight Instru.t Other : 1 . 3304 6004 4.9 1.3 . Monthly Operations at Addison by These Aircraft = 2,867 1 : Average Operations for Each Aircraft per Month =17 Percentage Touch-and-Go Operations per Aircraft per Month = lOA ..IPrimary Reasons for Basing atAddison Airport (Priority with 1 being highest) I Aircraft . Hangar FBOlrerminal Lower Aircraft Runway Navigational J Convenience Facilities Services Storage Costs Lenlrth Aids .1 1.5 4.3 5.2 5.9 5.2 4.1 ;] I .1 2-10 .J SERVICE AREA As previously mentioned, an airport's service area does not usually fall neatly within any jurisdictional or geographical boundaries. This holds especially true at Addison Airport. Addison Airport is home to a full array of general aviation operators and services ranging from the smallest general aviation aircraft operator to corporate flight departments and cargo operators. As a part of the survey, respondents were requested to indicate the zip code in which they reside or operate their business from (if utilizing corporate aircraft). This information can generalize the areas from which based aircraft operators come from, thus, identifYing the airport's generalized service area. Exhibit 2B depicts the generalized service area for Addison Airport based upon survey respondents' zip codes. The exhibit depicts the number of survey respondents for each zip code. Exhibit 2B also presents a summary listing of municipalities associated with the indicated zip code residences of the respondents. As presented in the.table, the majority ofbased aircraft owners who responded to the survey live within either Dallas (70), Addison (40), Plano (25), Carrollton (12), Richardson (7), or DallaslFarmers Branch (5). For planning purposes, Addison Airport's primary service area will consider the northern half of Dallas County and the southern halves of Collin and Denton Counties. Demand from Addison Airport's secondary service areas will vary based upon aircraft owner needs and competing airports. Located in one of the busiest aviation environments in the country, Addison Airport has significant competition from other area airports. Chapter One detailed the competing airports within 20 nautical miles. This includes DallaslFort Worth International (DFW), Love Field, and ten other public-use general aviation airports ofwhich three are reliever airports. Dallas County has four other reliever general aviation airports, while Collin and Denton each have one reliever airport. Most ofthese airports, however, are located outside of the primary service area of Addison Airport. Given the vast array of aviation activity at Addison Airport, it would be difficult to point to one or two airports which provide direct competition. Addison Airport does not compete with DFW or Love Field for commercial passengers. Love Field, however, has a significant general aviation element. In fact, Love Field is home to 478 based aircraft including 384 jets and a division of the aircraft manufacturer Gulfstream. Addison and Love Field also compete for some cargo operators. Love Field could be considered significant competition. For other general aviation activity, airports such as McKinney Municipal, Denton Municipal, Dallas Executive, Mesquite Metro, and Arlington Municipal will also compete for the secondary service area aviation operators. 2-11 While it is entirely possible that the competing airports could attract some of Addison's market area, their influence will not likely sustain any measurable losses. Addison Airport is located in the heart of one of the largest growth areas in the Metroplex. Any losses in activity will likely be filled immediately given the airport's hangar waiting list which exceeds 100. The competing airports may have a slight influence on Addison Airport's long term growth. It is likely. however, that this influence will serve to keep Addison Airport from reaching the upper limits of its planning envelope. The competition may serve to simply moderate growth at Addison Airport. Addison Airport will continue to compete and will likely attract aircraft from outside its primary service area (Addison, Plano, Farmers Branch, and northern Dallas). The extent of the successes or failures in attracting aircraft from the secondary service area will be largely dependent upon the airport's facilities and services available. COMPARATIVE FORECASTS For planning and programming purposes, the FAA maintains their own forecasts for key airports such as Addison Airport. The Terminal Area Forecast (TAF) is updated annually based upon recent trends. The current (February 2002) FAA TAF forecasts for Addison Airport are summarized in Table 2E. The TAF uses a base year of 2000 and the TAF forecasts for Addison Airport were prepared prior to September nth, 2001. The T AF projects based aircraft to increase at 1.38 percent annually and annual operations to grow at 0.96 percent annually though 2015. Both forecast levels will be compared to forecasts prepared for this master plan later in this report. FORECASTING APPROACH The development of aviation forecasts proceeds through both analytical and judgmental processes. A series of mathematical relationships are tested to establish statistical logic and rationale for projected growth. However, the judgment of the forecast analyst, based upon professional experience, knowledge of the aviation industry, and and their assessment of the local situation, is important in the final determination ofthe preferred forecast. The most reliable approach to estimating aviation demand is through the utilization of more than one analytical technique. Methodologies frequently considered include trend line projections, correlation/regression analysis, and market share analysis. Trend line projections are probably the simplest and most familiar of the forecasting techniques. By fitting growth curves to historical demand data, then extending them into the future, a basic trend line projection is produced. A basic assumption of this technique is that outside factors will continue to affect aviation demand in much the same manner as in the past. ] 1 "I '] :] .] J 'J 1 . J 1 'J J J 1 2-12 AIRCRAfT BASED AT ADDISON BY ASSOCIATED CITY: Addison -40 Grapevine 3 Allen 2 Justin 1 +Carrollton Lewisville 1 i -12 NORm Coppell -1 Plano 24 I Dallas -74 Richardson 7 NOTTOSCAL€ Ft. Worth 1 No Zip Code -3 (Outside 01' Regico)Garland Exhibit2B SERVICE AREA J "J j .] J J As broad as this assumption may be, reliable benchmark for comparing other the trend line projection does serve as a projections. 􀁾􀁁􀁂􀁌􀁅􀀲􀁅􀀠iFAA Terminal Area Forecasts (TAF) for Addison Airport 2005 2007 2010 2015 iBased Aircraft 782 804 837 894 1Ttinerant Operations Air Carrier 74 74 74 74 Air Taxi 10,583 10,583 10,583 10,58, General Aviation 149,131 153,279 159,501 169,87, Militarv Qill) Qill) Qill) i!.Q! Total Itinerant 160,088 164,236 170,458 180,82f iJocal Operations General Aviation 14,757 14,941 15,217 􀀱􀀵􀀬􀀶􀀷􀁾􀀠Militarv 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠[rotal Local 14,786 14,970 15,246 􀀱􀀵􀀬􀀷􀀰􀁾􀀠Total Operations 174,874 179,206 185,704 196,531 􀁾􀁯􀁵􀁲􀁣􀁥􀀺􀀠2001·2015 FAA Terminal Area Forecasts. Correlation analysis provides a measure of direct relationship between two separate sets of historic data. Should there be a reasonable correlation between the data sets, further evaluation using regression analysis may be employed. In regression analysis, values for the aviation demand in question (i.e. based aircraft), the dependent variable, are projected on the basis of one or more indicators, the independent variable. Historical values for all variables are analyzed to determine the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. These relationships may then be used, with projected values of the independent variable, to project corresponding values ofthe dependent variable. Market share analysis involves a historical review of the airport activity as a percentage, or share, of a larger regional, state, or national aviation market. A historical market share trend is determined providing an expected market share for the future. These shares are then multiplied by the forecasts of the larger geographical area to produce a market share projection. This method has the same limitations as trend line projections, but can provide a useful check on the validity of other forecasting techniques. 2-13 A wide range of factors are known to influence the aviation industry and can have significant impacts on the extent and nature of air service provided in both the local and national markets. Technological advances in aviation have historically altered, and will continue to change, the growth rates in aviation demand over time. The most obvious example is the impact ofjet aircraft on the aviation industry, which resulted in a growth rate that far exceeded expectations. Such changes are difficult, if not impossible to predict, and there is simply no mathematical way to estimate their impacts. Using a broad spectrum of local, regional and national socioeconomic and aviation information, and analyzing the most current aviation trends, forecasts are presented in the following sections. To determine the types and sizes of facilities that should be planned to accommodate general aviation activity, certain elements of the activity must be forecasted. Indicators of general aviation demand include: • Based Aircraft • • Based Aircraft Fleet Mix • Annual Operations • Peak Activity The remainder of this chapter will examine historical trends with regard to these areas ofgeneral aviation activity and project future demand for these segments of general aviation activity at the airport. BASED AIRCRAFT The number of aircraft based at an airport is, to a large degree, dependent upon the nature and magnitude of aircraft ownership in the local service area. In addition, Addison Airport is one of several airports serving the general aviation needs of the DallasIFort Worth Metroplex. As detailed earlier, the Addison Airport service area consists of the northern halfof Dallas County and the southern halves of Collin and Denton Counties. Dallas County is served by five reliever airports (including Addison Airport), Love Field, and other private airports. Denton and Collin Counties are served by one reliever airport each and several other general aviation and private airports. In order to project based aircraft at Addison Airport, it is important to first identifY the market conditions from which those aircraft are derived. As previously mentioned, Collin, Dallas, and Denton Counties serve as the primary service area for Addison Airport. It is important, then, that the process of developing forecasts ofbased aircraft for Addison Airport begin with a review of historical aircraft registrations in the Tri-County region. REGISTERED AIRCRAFT FORECASTS Historical records ofaircraft ownership in the Tri-County region since 1985 were obtained from records of FAA's U.S. Census of Civil Aircraft and are presented on Table 2F. J :] : J 2-14 1 I TABLE2F !Registered Aircraft in Tri-County Region Dallas Denton Collin Tri-County Year Total 1985 County County County 3,344 1986 2,569 426 349 3,573 1987 2,749 435 389 432 374 3,315 1988 2,509 429 350 3,238 1989 2,459 440 356 3,169 1990 2,373 3,267 1991 2,378 497 392 3,273 1992 2,377 506 390 3,313 1993 2,385 517 411 526 406 3,209 1994 2,277 583 434 3,263 1995 2,246 626 469 3,576 1996 2,481 3,572 1997 640 4962,436 642 3,675 1998 2,524 509 688 3,839 1999 2,602 549 4,000 2000 2,634 730 636 4,306 2001 2,873 772 661 2,775 4,283 2002 811 697 2,783 4,326 Annual Average Growth 833 710 1.53%0.47% 4.02% 4.27% ! Aircraft registered in the Tri-County region has generally increased over the last 17 years. Over this period, the TriCounty region's registered aircraft increased from 3,344 in 1985 to 4,326 in 2002. This growth equates to an average annual increase of1.53 percent. Collin County aircraft registrations have increased at an average annual rate of 4.27 percent, the highest in the region over the period. Denton County experienced similar aircraft registration growth increasing at 4.02 percent on an average annual basis. The region's average annual growth over the period has been tempered by slower growth in Dallas County, as its aircraft registrations increased by only 0.47 percent annually. It should be noted, however, that the majority of the TriCounty region's aircraft registrations are in Dallas County. The strong growth ofaircraft ownership in the region is not surprising given the relatively warm weather, dense population, and strong economic conditions. The Metroplex is home to one of the busiest aviation centers in the country. Future aircraft ownership will be largely dependent upon continued growth in the region's economy and populations. 2-15 The first projection of future Tri-County aircraft registrations was developed utilizing trend line analysis. The generally increasing aircraft registrations in the region yielded an r' value of 0.87. The correlation coefficient (Pearson's "I",) measures the association between changes in the dependent variable (aircraft registrations) and the independent variable(s) (calendar years). An r greater than 0.95 indicates good predictive reliability. A value below 0.95 may be used with the understanding that the predictive reliability is lower. Utilizing this projection, the region could expect 6,053 registered aircraft by 2022. Next, a series of statistical regressions were completed which paired the TriCounty registered aircraft "lith regional demographics. Regression analysis considering the Tri-County population and employment provided r2 values of 0.90 and 0.89, respectively. These projections yield 5,107 and 5,180 aircraft registrations, respectively, for the Tri-County region by 2022. A final regression analysis considered the combination of population and employment for the region versus aircraft registrations. This projection yields a correlation coefficient of 0.91 and 5,085 aircraft registrations by 2022. Another useful tool in projecting the region's registered aircraft considers the region's market share of U.S. active aircraft. This market share analysis compares the region's aircraft ownership trends versus national aircraft ownership trends. Table 2G depicts the Tri-County region's share of U.S. active aircraft since 1990. As presented in the table, the TriCounty registered aircraft share ofU.S. active aircraft has been generally increasing. In 1990, the region's share was 1.65 percent which increased to 2.018 percent in 2002. It should be noted that the 2002 figure of U.S. active aircraft is an estimate by the FAA. Two projections of regional aircraft registrations were performed considering market share ofU.8. active aircraft as presented in Table 2G. First, a constant share forecast was developed developed which considers regional aircraft registrations growing at the same rate as U.S. active aircraft. This projection yields 4,670 registered aircraft by 2022. Considering historic trends, however, the registered aircraft in the Tri-County region could continue to follow an increasing trend. An increasing market share projection reaching 2.5 percent of U.S. active aircraft yields 5,785 registered aircraft by 2022. .J ] '] ] 2-16 TABLE2G Tri-County Share ofU.S. Active Aircraft Year U.S. Active Aircraft Tri-County Aircraft % of U.S. Active HISTORICAL 3,267 1.650% 1991 198,0001990 3,273 1.662% 1992 196,874 185,650 3,313 1.785% 1993 3,209 1.812% 1994 177,120 1.887% 1995 172,935 3,263 1.901% 1996 3,576188,089 191,129 3,572 1.869% 1997 1.910% 1998 192,414 3,675 1.875% 1999 204,710 3,839 1.823% 2000 219,464 4,000 4,306 1.979% 2001 217,533 4,283 1.981% 2002 216,150 4,326 2.018%214,350 FORECASTS Constant Market Share 2007 2.018% .. 2022 218,250 4,404 2.018%231,416 4,670 􀁉􀁬􀁾􀁥􀁡􀁳􀁩􀁮􀁧Market Share 2007 218,250 2022 231,416 4,583 5,785 2.100% 2.500% Source: Tri-County Registrations from FAA U.S. Census of Civil Aircraft; U.S. active aircraft from FAA Aerospace Forecasts 2002-2013 and previous editions. A similar market share projection has been developed which considers aircraft ownership per 1,000 residents. In many cases, the ratio ofaircraft ownership per 1,000 residents will decrease as population of the area increases. For highly active aviation centers such as the DallasfFort Worth Metroplex, however, this trend can be increasing. Table 2H depicts historic and forecast aircraft registrations per 1,000 residents ofthe Tri-County region. j 2-17 1 ifTABLE2H i Registered Aircraft vs. Population ofthe Tri-County Region Tri-County Year Registered Aircraft 1980 3,049 1985 3,344 1990 , 3,267 i 1995 3,576 I 2000 4,306 Decreasing Share Projection 2007 4,655 I2022 5,304 Constant Share Projection I 2007 I 4,724 i 2022 5,677 ilIncreasing Share Projection I; 2007 4,758 Ii 2022 6,008 Tri-County Population 1,844,121 2,176,126 2,390,371 2,644,284 3,143,550 3,448,074 4,143,785 3,448,074 4,143,785 3,448,074 4,143,785 Aircraft per 1,000 , Residents 1.653 1.537 1.367 i 1.352 1.370 , 1.35 ! 1.28 1.37 1.37 i i 1.38 1.45 Sources: Population from U.s. Census Bureau and NCTCOG; Aircraft Registrations from U.S. Census of Civil Aircraft. I '1 . I Since 1980, the registered aircraft in the Tri-County region has generally grown at a slower pace than the population of the area. In 1980, the region had 3,049 registered aircraft per 1,000 residents. By 1995, registered aircraft in the Tri-County region fell to 1.352 per 1,000 residents. For 2000, however, registered aircraft per 1,000 Tri-County residents increased slightly to 1.37. As noted earlier, population for the area is expected to continue to increase but at a slower rate than the previous 20 years. Much of this growth is expected to occur in Collin County. Forecasts should then consider the potential for a continued decreasing trend, while a constant and increasing share is possible given the slowing population growth projections. 1 .J A projection considering a continued decreasing ratio falling to 1.28 registered aircraft per 1,000 Tri-County residents yields 5,304 registered aircraft by 2022. A constant share ratio projects 5,677 aircraft by 2022. A projection which considers aircraft ownership in the region growing faster than population in the future yields 6,008 registered aircraft by 2022. These projections are detailed in Table 2H. A final projection of the Tri-County aircraft ownership considers extending the historical growth rate of 1.53 2-18 u J TABLE2J Based Aircraft Projection Summary Addison Airport Projection Description 2007 2022 Trend Line (r' =0.87) 4,702 6,053 Regression Analysis vs. Tri-County Population (r' =0.90) VS. Tri-County Employment (r' =0.89) VS. Population & Employment (r' =0.91) 4,454 4,458 4,450 5,107 5,180 5,085 Tri-County Market Share ofu.s. ActiveAircraft Constant Share i Increasing Share 4,404 4,583 4,670 5,785 'Based Aircraft per 1,000 Tri-County County Residents Decreasing Share Constant Share Increasing Share 4,655 4,724 4,758 5,304 5,677 6,008 Other Forecast 1.53 percent Annual Growth 4,667 5,861 SELECTED FORECAST 4,600 5,600 percent for the next 20 years. This projection yields 5,861 aircraft for the Tri-County region by 2022. The trend line analysis and an increasing market share ofaircraft per 1,000 residents establish the high end of the planning envelope exceeding 6,000 registered aircraft by 2022. The low end of the planning envelope is established by the constant share of U.S. active aircraft projection (4,670). Given the slowed economy and evidence of slowing aircraft ownership nationwide, aircraft ownership in the Tri-County region may also experience The projections developed above serve as a planning envelope of future registered aircraft. These projections are summarized in Table 2J and depicted on Exhibit 2C. slower growth over the next five years. For the next 15 years, however, a more moderate growth can be expected. For this reason, a forecast of 4,600 by 2007, 4,900 by 2012, and 5,600 by 2022 has been selected. The selected forecast nearly matches the projection of a constant share ofregistered aircraft per 1,000 Tri-County residents. The projection will provide a useful tool in considering the future market from which based aircraft at Addison Airport will be drawn. 2-19 BASED AIRCRAFT FORECAST The number of based aircraft is the most basic indicator ofgeneral aviation demand at an airport. By first developing a forecast of based aircraft, the growth of other factors can be projected. Table 2K presents historical based aircraft at Addison Airport since 1980. Based aircraft totals at Addison Airport have fluctuated over the last 22 years. In 1980, there were 760 based aircraft at Addison Airport. Over the next four years, the airport experienced growth, reaching a high of 862 aircraft. By 1990, based aircraft declined to 725. Since 1990, based aircraft have fluctuated between a 22 year high of 876 in 1991 and a low of 728 reported for 1997 through 2000. Based aircraft reached 750 in 2001 and 768 in 2002. The first step in developing forecasts of based aircraft involved the use oftrend line and regression analyses. Several time-series analyses were conduded considering differing periods since 1980. Due to the wide variance in based aircraft totals, however, the trend line analyses did not provide a suitable correlation coefficient. A series of regression analyses were performed using historical population, employment, and PCPI presented earlier. Similar to the trend line analysis, the regression analysis yielded correlation coefficients well below what is required for forecast reliability. None of these forecasts were carried forward in the study as they were not considered statistically reliable enough for forecasting purposes. -j TABLE2K I I Based Aircraft Addison Airport ! I Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Ii 2001 2002 i I. Total 760 812 862 862 862 853 830 745 715 730 725 876 771 771 771 777 807 728 728 728 ,!728 :1 750 ii II 768 if Sources: TAF, Airport Records. Market share analysis was considered next. Table 2L compares historical J based aircraft at Addison Airport and the Tri-County registered aircraft since 'j 1990. : 1 As shown in the table, the ratio of J aircraft based at Addison Airport versus the Tri-County region's registered U 1 .J ] .1 1 . , •.JI 2-20 J Regression Analysis VS. Population & Employment (r2:0.91) Tn-County Market Share of U.S. Active Aircraft Constant Share lncreasing Share c; , eased Aircraft per 1.000 Tri-County County Residents ......n .._.. Decreasing Share Constant Share 1.53 Percent Annual Growlh Exhibit 2C TRI-COUNTY REGISTERED AIRCRAFf PROJECTIONS ;] 1 1 1 ] 1 J ] I 1 J I 1 . 1 J, .. 1 1 .. J .J i1 􀁾􀁊􀀠J .. aircraft has generally decreased since market share generally decreased over 1990. In 1990, Addison Airport based the next 12 years, declining to 17.75 aircraft accounted for 22.19 percent of percent by 2002. the Tri-County registered aircraft. The TABLE2L Addison Airport Share of Tri.County Registered Aircraft Year i Tri.County Registered Addison Based Aircraft Market ShareI HISTORICAL 853 25.51% 1986 1985 3,344 23.23% 1987 3,573 830 745 22.47% 1988 3,315 22.08% 1989 3,238 715 23.04% 1990 3,169 730 22.19% 1991 3,267 725 3,273 26.76% 1992 876 3,313 771 23.27% 1993 3,209 24.03% 1994 771 3,263 771 23.63% 1995 3,576 21.73% 1996 777 3,572 22.59% 1997 807 3,675 19.81% 1998 728 18.96% 1999 3,839 728 4,000 728 18.20% i2000 4,306 728 16.91% 2001 4,283 750 17.51% 2002 4,326 768 17.75% i FORECASTS Decreasing Market Share :12007 4,600 793 17.25% 2022 5,600 840 15.00%I . Constant Market Share 2007 4,600 817 17.75% 2022 5,600 17.75%994 Source: 1990·2001data from FAA TAF, 2002 data provided by Town ofAddison; Historical registered II aircraft from FAA, forecasts by Coffman Associates. It should be noted that the based aircraft figures for Addison Airport for 1990·1999 were obtained from the FAA TAF. The TAF utilizes information obtained from periodic site visits by a FAAtI'xDOT inspector. The inspection typically occurs annually, however, in some cases they do not. The inspector is given a general estimate of based aircraft by airport management or airport businesses. This may explain the static level of based aircraft between 1992 and 1995 as well as between 1997 and 2000. It is fair to 2-21 I assume that the actual based aircraft for these years were higher or lower, but were likely representative of the airport's to tal. To gain an understanding of future based aircraft at Addison Airport, two market share forecasts considering regional aircraft growth have been prepared. The decreasing share forecast considers that based aircraft at the airport will continue to grow at a slower rate than the Tri-County registered aircraft. As presented in Table 2L, the decreasing share forecast is based upon projecting Addison Airport's share of the region's registered aircraft to decrease to 15 percent by 2022. This forecast yields 840 aircraft by 2022. The constant share forecast assumes that based aircraft will continue to grow at the same rate as the Tri-County registered aircraft for the next 20 years. The 2002 Addison Airport market share of 17.75 percent was applied to projected Tri-County registered aircraft prepared earlier. As shown in the table, this forecast yields 994 based aircraft by 2022. Another forecast useful in projecting based aircraft compares the based aircraft at the airport versus local resident population. Table 2M presents historic and forecast Addison Airport based aircraft versus 1,000 Town ofAddison residents. For the years 2000 and 2001, Addison Airport had 51 based aircraft per 1,000 Town ofAddison residents. As depicted, this total represents the lowest since 1980. Based aircraft in 1990 registered the highest market share over the period at 137 aircraft per 1,000 Addison residents. This decreasing trend is not uncommon, as resident population can typically outpace aircraft growth, especially in high growth areas. This trend may not hold in the future, however, as the Town of Addison has limited areas left to develop additional residential communities. Thus, three projections of based aircraft per 1,000 1 Town of Addison residents as presented In Table 2M: decreasing share, :Jconstant share, and increasing share. Considering a continuance in a :)decreasing aircraft ownership per 1,000 residents, reaching 45 by 2022, yields 782 aircraft. This projection would represent a slight increase reaching 782 by 2022. : j As shown in Table 2M, assuming a constant ratio of 52 aircraft per 1,000 I residents yields 904 aircraft by 2022. J This results in based aircraft growing at the same rate as the local population. I A projection assuming the ratio ofbased aircraft to 1,000 Town of Addison residents increasing gradually throughout the planning period yields 956 based aircraft at Addison Airport by J 2022. A final forecast projected based aircraft .J growing at an annual rate of 0.48 percent through 2022. This growth rate represents the historical growth rate at .J Addison Airport from 1990 to 2002. This projection resulted in based aircraft 1 2-22 ] growing to 845 by 2022. Another includes the 2000 FAA TAF which was resource used for comparative purposes presented in Table 2E. TABLE 2M Addison Airport Based Aircraft vs. Population Projections Year Addison Based Addison Population Aircraft per 1,000 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 760 725 777 728 750 5,553 8,783 10,200 14,166 14,623 137 83 76 51 51 Decreasing Share Projection 2007 2022 747 782 14,945 17,377 50 45 Constant Share Projection 2007 2022 777 904 14,945 17,377 52 52 Increasing Share Projection 2007 2022 792 956 14,945 17,377 53 55 Sources: Historic Population from U.S. Census Bureau and NCTCOG; Population Forecast from NTCOG. Based Aircraft Forecast Summary A summary of all forecasts for basedI aircraft at Addison Airport and the selected planning forecast is presentedI in Table 2N and on Exhibit 2D. As shown on the exhibit, the combination of forecasts represents a forecast envelope. The forecast envelope represents the area in which future based aircraft at Addison Airport should be found. The decreasing aircraft per 1,000 Town of Addison residents represents the lower end of the planning envelope. The constant share ofTri-County registered aircraft forecast represents the upper end of the forecast envelope. The FAA TAF forecast is also near the top ofthe envelope. 2-23 :. 'ABLE2N ,lEased Aircraft Projection Summary Addison Airport ,:Projection Description 2007 2022 :Market Share ofTri-County Region Decreasing Share 793 840 Constant Share 817 994 'Based Aircraft per 1,000 Addison Residents ! Decreasing Share 747 782 : Constant Share 777 904 Increasing Share 792 956 Other Forecasts 0.48 percent Annual Growth 787 845I !TAF 804 978 800 900􀁾􀁅􀁌􀁅􀁃􀁔􀁅􀁄􀁆􀁏􀁒􀁅􀁃􀁁􀁓􀁔􀀠The decreasing aircraft per 1,000 resident projection would yield a short term loss of nearly 20 aircraft while increasing by 14 aircraft by 2022. Although the airport is somewhat constrained due to a single runway configuration and high itinerant aircraft operations, it is highly unlikely that a facility with as much to offer would experience such a stagnation. The only likely scenario which could produce such a condition would be a deepening recession and shift downward in general aviation. This forecast appears at this time to be unreasonably low. The constant share of Tri-County registered aircraft and TAF projections, however, may overstate growth potentiaL These forecasts project 226 and 210 new based aircraft by 2022, respectively. Review of the last 20 years based aircraft indicates a history of more moderate growth. Even considering the last ten years, growth 2-24 has not exceeded one percent annually. Another factor to consider is the increased delays and inefficiencies J which will occur as the airport acquires more aircraft. The single runway 1configuration can at times become ,.1 congested during peak periods. Some operators may elect not to base at Addison Airport due to high traffic volumes and congestion. . 1 . J The airport has experienced some growth over the last two years which can be expected to continue. The degree ']to which this growth will continue will depend largely upon several factors such as facilities available, congestion! 1 delay, and local/regional economic strength. I ,j It is reasonable to assume that aircraft growth at Addison Airport will continue to be reasonably strong until later in J the planning period. As more aircraft owners choose to base at Addison and 'Jaircraft operations increase, this growth U J Decreasing Share Constant Share Based Aircraft per 1,000 Addison Residents Decreasing Share Constant Share Increasing Share Other Forecasts 0.48 Percent Annual Growth TAF Exhibit2D BASED AIRCRAFT PROJECTIONS 1 , j 1 :l : I . '-.1 . J. will likely slow as the airport nears its operational capacity. Thus, a selected forecast of800 aircraft for 2007 and 900 aircraft for 2022 has been developed. The planning forecast projects based aircraft growing at 0.8 percent annually through 2022. This forecast will provide the Town ofAddison a realistic target to plan for facility needs. BASED AIRCRAFT FLEET MIX PROJECTION Knowing the aircraft fleet mix expected to utilize the airport is necessary to properly plan facilities that will best serve the level of activity and the type of activities occurring at the airport. The existing standard general aviation based aircraft fleet mix is comprised of single-engine piston aircraft, multiengine piston aircraft, turboprop, turbojet, and helicopters. Projections for the standard general aviation based aircraft fleet mix considers national trends. As previously mentioned, the FAA anticipates strong growth in active single engine and turbine-powered aircraft, especially jet aircraft. Recent trends illustrate the movement in the general aviation community towards more sophisticated, higher-performing, and more demanding aircraft for business purposes. The FAA projects growth in turbinepowered aircraft to outpace growth in all other components of the active aircraft fleet. Turbine-powered aircraft are expected to grow at an average annual rate of 2.1 percent through 2013. The projected trend ofbased aircraft at Addison Airport includes a growing number of single engine piston aircraft and multi-engine piston aircraft at the airport; however, the single-engine segment is projected to remain static as a percentage oftotal aircraft while the multi-engine piston percentage oftotal based aircraft is expected to decrease. Although single engine aircraft will remain static as a percentage, total single engine based aircraft is projected to increase from 379 in 2002 to 445 in 2022. The multi-engine aircraft percentage of total based aircraft is expected to decrease, however, the number of based multi-engine piston aircraft is expected to remain relatively constant by 2022. Turbine-powered aircraft are expected to increase in number and as a percentage of total based aircraft through the planning period. It is expected that jet aircraft will continue to account for 24 percent of the airport's total reaching 216 by 2022. Turboprop aircraft are expected to increase in percentage and totals reaching nine percent of the based aircraft total and 81 aircraft by 2022. Helicopters are expected to also remain static as a percentage of total based aircraft while increasing in total numbers by 2022. The based aircraft fleet mix projection for Addison Airport is summarized in Table 2P. 2-25 IITABLE2P •Based Aircraft Fleet Mix Addison Airport 1FORECASTExisting 202220072002 % % %􀁾􀁥􀀠Single Engine 379 49.35% 396 49.50% 445 49.50'1! 126 16.41% 128 16.00'1!Multi-Engine 131 14.50'J! 7.16% 60 7.50% 81. 9.00%rrurboprop 55 24.22% 192 24.00%􀁾􀁥􀁴􀀠2161 􀀲􀀴􀀮􀀰􀀰􀁾18:\ 3.00% 27 3.00%, Helicopter 22 2.86% 24 'Totals 100.00% 900 􀀱􀀰􀀰􀀮􀀰􀀰􀁯􀀯􀁾768 100.00% 800 1 ] :1 ] ANNUAL OPERATIONS The ATCT located on the airport collects information regarding aircraft operations (takeoffs and landings). Aircraft operations are reported in four general categories: air carrier, air taxi, general aviation, and military. Air carrier operations are certified under Federal Aviation Regulations (F.A.R.) Part 121. Air taxi operations consist of the use of general aviation aircraft for the "on-demand" commercial transport of persons and property in accordance with F.A.R Part 135. General aviation operations include a wide range of activity from personal to business and corporate uses. Military operations incl?de those operations conducted by vanous branches ofthe U.S. military. Aircraft operations are further classified as local and itinerant. A local operation is a takeoff or landing performed by an aircraft that operates within sight of the airport, or which executes simulated approaches or touch-and-go operations at the airport. Itinerant operations are those performed by aircraft with a specific origin or destination away from the airport. Generally, local operations are characterized by training operations. Typically, itinerant operations increase with business and commercial use since business aircraft are used primarily to carry people from one location to another. Table 2Q summarizes historical operations at Addison Airport since 1990. As is evident in the table, the airport's total operations have varied with a low of153,781 in 1990 to a high of 176,032 in 1992. Total operations in 2001 were down only 1.86 percent over 2000, however, the September operations for 2001 were 39.1 percent lower than September, 2000 (obviously impacted by the events of September 11th). Since the completion of the previous master plan (1997), total operations are down six percent. Itinerant general aviation operations were 135,780 in 2001, the lowest total :] 1 .J 1 • J · 1 I · J u 2-26 ) over the period. Air taxi and local respectively, in 2001, the highest totals general aviation operations, however, over the period. reached 10,932 and 13,863, rrABLE2Q lHistorio Onerations Addison AirDort i Itinerant Operations Looal Operations ! Total Total iAir Air General LooalYear AviationCarrier Taxi Operations : 1990 ( 147,609 6,124 48 6,17>69t Military Total General Itinerant Aviation Military 146,801, 1IJ! 153,781 1991 ( 151,865' 61 152,472 8,96f 􀁾􀀠8,9753e 161,446 (1992 364 (1993 195 (1994 507 (1995 581 10,1996 . 77' 1997 1 1,931 1998 0 3,Sn 1999 2 6,70l 2000 50 lO,59E 2001 i 73 10,932 163,28( 157,60' 160,711 150,572 151,081 161,49, 161,95E 158,43E 142,835 135,78C Over the last five years, several trends have developed. First, air taxi operations have increased significantly. This could be directly attributed to the cargo and life flight operators on the airport, as well as other transient charter operators (corporate flight departments and fractional ownership programs). Another trend over the period is that itinerant general aviation operations have been declining while local general aviation operations (training) have grown. Air carrier operations have been typically under 100 for each year since 1990 (with the exception of 1996). Military operations have fluctuated between a low of73 to a high of247. 65 102 109 102 106 76 43 91 224 217 163,709 157,898 161,329: 151,251 152,061 163,51 165,3B( 165,233 153,705 147,002 12,311 9,62, 6,72E 6,895 6,617 7,75E 9,872 7,254 10,225 13,863 1 l( 1 12 28 10 52 0 14 30 12,32 􀀱􀀷􀀶􀀬􀁏􀀳􀁾􀀬􀀠9,63! 167,537:: 6,73f 168,06, 6,90 158,16E 6,645 158,713 7,761 171,282 9,92< 175,304 7,254 172,487 10,239 163,944 13,893 160,895 Source: 1990-J996 FAA TAF, 1997-2001 Data fromATCT GENERAL AVIATION OPERATIONS General aviation operations constitute the largest share of operations at Addison Airport. Moreover, itinerant operations generally account for more than 90 percent of total general aviation operations. This can be at least partially attributed to the airport's restriction on weekday local operation restrictions. The majority of local operations at Addison Airport occur on the weekends. Over the last 12 years, itinerant general aviation operations have averaged 94.5 percent of total general aviation operations. Table 2R presents general aviation operations at Addison since 1990. 2·27 1 qIITABLE2R . General Aviation Operations Forecast i Addison Airport Operations per Based Aircraft LocalTotal ItinerantYear Itinerant Local 202,48152,9251990 146,801 6,124 160,831 173,361991 151,865 8,966 211,78175,5951992 163,280 12,315 204,41167,2301993 157,601 9,629 167,441 208.451994 160,713 6,728 193,79157,4671995 150,572 6,895 157,698 187.211996 151,081 6,617 169,257 221.841997 161,499 7,758 171,830 222.471998 161,958 9,872 217,631999 158,438 7,254 165,692 196,202000 142,835 10,225 153,060 i2001 135,780 13,863 149,673 181.04 !FORECAST I I2007 144,000 8,800 152,800 180 11 J I112022 162,000 9,900 171,900 180I Source: Historic operations and Based Aircraft from FAA TAF and Addison ATCT, II 8.45 10,24 15,97 12.49 8,73 8,87 8,20 10,66 :1 13,56 9,96 :1 14.05 18,48 il J The decrease in itinerant general aviation activity for 2001 can be directly attributed to the September 11th aftermath, Located in DFW and Love Field Class B airspace, Addison Airport was restricted to instrument flight rule (IFR) operations. This attributed to a 39 percent decrease in September 2001 operations ccmpared to September 2000 operations. Itinerant operations in September 2001 were 7,509 compared to 13,190 in September 2000, Itinerant general aviation operations for the first eight months of2001 were only slightly lower than the first eight months of 2000 (96,581 in 2001 versus 2-28 98,581 in 2000), Also, total general J aviation operations for the first eight months of 2001 were higher than the first eight months of 2000 (113,881 in , 1 2001 versus 111,615 in 2000), This resulted from local general aviation J Ioperations 4,164 higher in the first eight ,J months of2001 than the previous year. With the weekday local restrictions, flight instructors at Addison Airport conduct their training operations at other regional airports, Summit Aviation, a helicopter training facility, utilizes Taxiway B for its training operations as allowed by the ATCT, J Projections of a=ual operations have been developed by examining the number of operations per based aircraft. These forecasts considered itinerant and local operations per based aircraft as presented in Table 2R. Generally, airports such as Addison Airport can expect up to 500 operations per based aircraft (300 for itinerant and 200 for local) per a study done by the Texas Department of Transportation -Aviation Division (TxDOT). Reaching 500 operations per based aircraft, however, typically is accomplished with high amounts of training activity based at the airport. This is not the case at Addison Airport. Airports, such as Addison Airport, that experience a high level of itinerant traffic will typically exhibit a lower operations per based aircraft number. As presented in the table, itinerant operations per based aircraft have ranged between a high of 222 in 1998 and a low of 173 in 1991. Local operations per based aircraft have also varied between a low of8.5 in 1990 to a high of 18.5 in 2001. One trend which is evident from the figures is that transient operations per based aircraft are typically lower for years with higher based aircraft totals. Future general aviation operations have been projected utilizing a constant share of operations per based aircraft individually for itinerant and local operations. As presented in Table 2R, itinerant operations per based aircraft were projected utilizing a constant ratio of 180. This is considered reasonable, given the growth of based aircraft. Local operations were projected utilizing a constant ratio of 11 operations per based aircraft. This ratio represents the average over the last 12 years and will serve as a reasonable level for future planning. Previous forecasts have been examined for comparative purposes. The 2000 FAA TAF projects a=ual general aviation operations growing to 169,872 by 2015. Extending the TAF's annual growth rate out to 2022 would yield 195,602 by 2022. Comparing the TAF projection and the one presented in Table 2R yields a difference of nearly 24,000 operations. As previously mentioned, however, the TAF forecast was prepared prior to the events of September ll''', 2001 and are under review. These forecasts will likely be revised downward. AIR CARRIER AND AIR TAXI OPERATIONS Air carrier operations are takeoffs or landings by an operator holding a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity issued by the Department of Transportation to conduct scheduled services over specified routes and to conduct a limited amount of nonscheduled operations. Generally, the ATCT count scheduled and charter passenger operations by aircraft with 30 or more seats, or cargo as air carrier. Air taxi activity operations are takeoffs and landings by operators which: (1) perform at least five round trips per week between two or more points and publish flight schedules which specify times, days of the week, and places between which such flights are performed; or (2) transport mail by air 2-29 pursuant to a current contract with the U.S. Postal Service. The airport traffic control tower counts all cargo operations as well as scheduled and charter passenger operations by aircraft with less than 30 seats as air taxi. As shown on Table 28, air carrier operations at Addison Airport are infrequent, ranging between none and 104 operations annually over the last 12 years. While there is no scheduled service, there are occasional charter operations by commercial jet aircraft. For Addison Airport, air carrier operations are generally associated with the 737 andlor DC-9 cargo aircraft operations. This is anticipated to continue in the future holding constant at 100 annual operations as shown on Table 28. Air taxi operations are more prevalent at Addison Airport with 10,932 operations in 2001. As shown on Table 28, air taxi operations have grown significantly annually since 1996. This suggests an increase in locally-based air taxi activity such as cargo couriers. There are several couriers presently operating from Addison Airport. This also suggests that some corporate flight departments andlor fractional owners are operating as air taxi. Air taxi operations were projected to increase at a constant rate, which assimilates the FAA's forecast for air taxi operations at towered airports in the United States. Table 28 indicates these forecasts as well as Addison Airport's market share of air taxi operations. :J IITABLE2S I ']Air Carrier/Air Taxi Operations Forecast Addison Airport I I 1Air US Towered Airport Air ADS %Air . J Year i Carrier Taxi Taxi Ops (thousands) i Market Share : 1990 8,900.00 699 1991 0 539 9,000.0 1992 9,462.03640 1993 0 195 9,831.9 1994 507 10,175.50 1995 585 10,234.20 1996 10,170.4104 777 1997 10,052.7,1 1,938 1998 0 10,172.23,379i 1999 2 6,702 10,576.0 2000 50 10,763.310,596 2001 73 10,881.710,932! 0.0079% 0.0060% 0.0038% 0.0020% 0.0050% 0.0057% 0.0087% 0.0193% 0.0332% 0.0634% 0.0989%, 0.1011% j . 1 j FORECAST 2007 12,739.3 0.1011%100! 12,900 2022 0.1011%1001 18,700 18,454.8i, I Source: Historical Addison Operations from ATCT and TAF; Historical and Forecast US Towered Operations from FAA Aerospace Forecasts Fiscal Years 2002-2013. ,I 2-30 MILITARY OPERATIONS Military use ofAddison Airport consists primarily ofjet, transient turboprop, or helicopter activity. As shown in Table 2Q, military activity at the airport has fluctuated annually, but has been a statistically insignificant portion of the total airport activity. The highest military activity in the past decade occurred in 2001 with 247 itinerant and local operations. The low year was 1992 with 73 operations. Consistent with standard planning practices, military operations are forecast at static levels through the planning period since it is difficult to predict the pattern of military operations due to the ever-changing missions of military forces. For planning purposes, military operations are forecast at 400 annual operations through the planning period with 300 attributable to transient operations and 100 attributable to local operations. The military operations forecast is included on the summary exhibit at the end of this chapter. NIGHTTIME OPERATIONS An input into the integrated noise model (INM) utilized to output the airport's annualized noise contour is the amount and type of operations conducted between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. During these times, ambient noise levels (eg. traffic, industry, and other activities generate noise) are lower than during the day time. The ATCT at Addison Airport is closed for this period, except for spring through summer when the tower remains open until midnight. Thus, the ATCT counted operations presented above do not represent the actual annual operations at Addison Airport. In order to estimate operations during 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., a week-long count was conducted between February 25"' and March 3'd, 2002. These counts are presented in Table 2T. The count included a recording of the operation time, aircraft type, tail number (in some cases), operation type (arrival versus departure), and runway utilized. No local operations occurred during the count. The counts were then compared against daytime operations for these days. For the period, nighttime operations averaged 6.5 percent of the daytime itinerant operations registered by the ATCT. This percentage was utilized to estimate 2001 nighttime operations. Future nighttime operations will likely decrease as a percentage as nighttime operations are generally sporadic and conducted by specific operators. Thus, future nighttime operations have been forecast to decrease to six percent of daytime operations by 2022. At this level, the airport would experience approximately 1,500 more nighttime operations annually by 2022. The count also illustrated that the majority of nighttime operations were conducted by turbine aircraft. Approximately 75 percent of the total counted operations were performed by turbine aircraft. Approximately 45 percent ofthese operations were by jetpowered aircraft and 30 percent by 2-31 1 turboprop aircraft. These percentages nighttime operational forecasts as ]were applied to current and future presented in Table 2T. ItrABLE2T [Nighttime Counts (Feb. 25th· March 3rd,2002) iAddison Mrport PISTON It TURBOPROP jAeroeommander 1 Rotor Barron 1 Careflight !cessna Caravan 6 Police Cessna 150 2 Conquest Cessna 172 4 Kingi\ir C-90 Cessna 210 1 Kingi\ir 200 Cessna 1 Merlin Metroliner Cessna 206 1 Piper 31 Cessna 340 2 TOTAL Cessna Cardinal 1 CessnaRG 1 CessnaSP 1 Total Operations Cherokee 1 Arrivals Debonair 1 Inepartures :Travelair 1 Runway 15 IrrOTAL 25 :Runway 88 , 'vVight Time Operations Forecasts I It JETS It B737 1 2 DC9 4 2 􀁂􀁥􀁥􀁣􀁾􀁪􀁥􀁴􀀠400 3 1 Citation 1 7 Challenger 600 3 1 Falcon 20 5 15 Falcon 50 1 2 Falcon 1 30 G-IlI 1 G-N 2 Summarv Hawker 1 101 Jetstar 1 68 Lear 2 88 Lear 20 14 46 Lear 45 1 55 :Lear 60 5 ! TOTAL 46 Annualized Count , Mrcraft Type Total 2001 Single Engine 25 2,360 ,rrurboprop 30 , 2,830 Jet I 46 4,340 Total 101 9,530 ! 2007 2022 I 2,490 2,720 I2,990 3,260 4,580 5,000 10,060 10,980 FLEET MIX OPERATIONS In order to discern the airport's fleet mix operations, interviews were conducted with airport officials, tower staff, fixed base operators, specialty operators, and fractional ownership operators. These interviews aided in providing a realistic understanding of current fleet mix operations. Future fleet mix operations were projected utilizing aircraft ownership trends, aircraft retirement 2-32 ] :] ;] ] 1 j J .J possibilities, and aircraft operator inputs (including information obtained from the aircraft owner survey). Based on this information, 51 percent of I itinerant airport operations were .J estimated to be made by single engine '1 aircraft. Multi-engine piston aircraft J were estimated to be 15 percent of itinerant traffic, while turboprop aircraft was estimated to be 14 percent ofitinerant traffic. Jet operations were J estimated to account for 19 percent of total itinerant operations, equating to an average of approximately 77 jet operations per day. Itinerant helicopter operations were estimated at one percent, or 1,472 operations in 200l. Local operations were estimated at 80 percent for single engine aircraft, 10 percent for multi-engine piston, and ten • I percent for helicopter (Summit Aviation) for 2001. Table 2U presents fleet mix estimates and projections for Addison Airport. FutUre itinerant operations are projected to remain '50 percent single engine and one percent for helicopter aircraft. Multi-engine piston aircraft operations were projected to decrease as a percentage; however, they were to . remain relatively constant in number. Turboprop and jet aircraft operations were projected to increase in percentage and number. Current jet operations are dominated by the Cessna Citation and Lear aircraft families. This is not uncommon as these two aircraft families represent the largest percentage of business jets on on the market today. This is expected to continue, however, other business jets such as the Boeing Business Jet (BBJ), Challenger 600, and Gulfstream family of aircraft are also expected to increase in percentage and number in the future. Table 2U presents operational fleet mix forecasts for Addison Airport through 2022. It is important to note that the year 2002 is being utilized as a base year. It was assumed that 2001 operational counts are representative of 2002, thus, will be utilized for preparation ofthe current airport noise exposure contours. SUMMARY This chapter has provided forecasts for each sector of aviation demand anticipated over the planning period. Exhibit 2E presents a summary of the aviation forecasts developed for Addison Airport. Addison Airport is expected to experience increases in total based aircraft, annual operations, and turbinepowered aircraft use of the airport through the planning period, consistent with regional and national projections. 2-33 1 i TABLE2U ' Operational Fleet Mix Estimates 2002 Type Day Night 2007 I Day Night 1 I'I ITINERANT OPERATIONS Sinl!le Enl!ine Piston Aircraft Light -Fixed Prop 37,485 1,180 Light Variable Prop 37,485 1,180 : Subtotal 74,970 2,360 Twin Engine Piston and Turboprop Aircraft Beech BaronlPiper 31 ! 22,050 284 King Air I 17,640 757 , Merlin Metroliner 2,940 1,419 ; Subtotal 42,630 2,460 Jet Aircraft Large Jet «90,000 Ibs.) Boeing 737·200C 440 93 DC·9 590 373 Gulfstream V 440 47 Boeing Business Jet 0 0 Medium Jets (30,0000.90,000 Ibs.) Challenger 600IFalcon 2000 3,380 280 Gulfstream III 735 93 Gulfstream TV 735 187 Falcon 50 295 93 Small Jets (>30,000 lbs.) Citation I, II, V 4,410 47 Citation III, VI, VII 4,410 47 Falcon 20 1,470 560 Lear 25 2,940 1,587 Lear 35/45/55/60 Hawker 800/1000 8,085 933 􀁾􀀠Subtotal 27,930 4,340 il Helicopter :: Small (R-22 & H500) 892 0 Medium (Bell 206 & BO 105) 290 185 Larg;e (Bell 222 & BK117) 290 185 Subtotal I 1,472 370 Total Itinerant I 147, 002 9580 LOCAL OPERATIONS Type I Day NightILight -Fixed i 5,557 0 Light -Variable 5,557 0 ; Beech Baron 1,390. O! : Small (R·22 & H500) 1389 ' 0; Total Local 18898 0 Total Annual 160895 9530 39,325 1,245, 39,325 1,245 1 78,650 2,490 22,020 : 300 I 20,450 I 800: 3150 1500 , 45,620 2,600 470 97 630 390 1,105 49 155 49 4,405 292 785 97 785 195 315 97 4,720 49 4,720 49 1,580 585 3,145 1,657 8,650 974 31,465 4,580 945 I 0 310 195 310 195 1,565 390 157, 800 10060 Day Night 3,560 01 3,560 oj 890 0 890 0' 8900 0 166200 10060 2022 II Day Night II !! 45,275 1,360 45,275 1,360 90550 2,720 22,640 327 25,350 872 1810 1636 , 49,800 2,835 ' 180 38 360 223 1,810 80 905 300 6,340 319 455 60 2,260 259 360 106 5,435 : 202 15,435 202 : 905 340 1,810 980 12,685 1,891 38,940 5,000 1,090 I 0 360 ' 212 360 213 1 1,810 425 181100 10980 Day Night 4,000 oii 4,000 01 1,000 Oi 1000 : O! 10000 0; 191,100 lO,980 'J '] '1 :1 ] I J ] U J 2·34 .J Itinerant Air Carrier/Air Taxi General Aviation Military Total Itinerant Local General Aviation Military Total Local Night Time Operations Total Operations Based Aircraft Single Engine Multi-Engine Turboprop Jet Helicopter Total Based Aircraft 'Note: Operations based on calendaryear2001; Night time operations are estimated 11,005 135,780 217 147,002 13,863 30 13,893 9,530 170,425 379 126 55 186 22 768 13,000 144,000 300 157,300 8,800 100 8,900 10,060 176,260 396 128 60 192 --24 800 18,800 162.000 300 181,100 9,900 100 10,000 10,980 202,080 445 131 81 216 27 900 Exbibit2E FORECAST SUMMARY ] j "} 'J ] ] ] ] ] J 1 . J .J .. 􀁾􀁊􀀧􀁩􀁬􀀬􀁦􀁬􀁮􀀯􀀠Chapter Three , 􀀱􀁾􀁩􀀱􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁴􀀧􀁟􀀧_______-"AC!..VuILC!Abt.T.!.!l􀁏􀀮􀁌􀁊􀀮􀁎􀀺􀁄􀁊􀀮􀁎􀁾􀁏􀁾􀁦􀁓􀁾􀁅􀀠 I AVIATION NOISE This chapter describes the noise exposure maps (NEM) for Addison Airport (ADS). Noise contour maps are presented for three study years: 2002, 2007, and 2022. The 2002 noise contour map shows the current noise levels based on operations for the latest twelve months of activity. The 2007 map is based on levels from the operation forecast outlined in Chapter Two. The 2002 and 2007 maps are the basis for the official "Noise Exposure Maps" required under Federal Aviation Regulation (EAR.) Part 150. The 2022 noise contour map was developed to present a long term view of potential future noise exposure at Addison Airport. Based on forecasts developed in Chapter Two for the year 2022, these maps can be helpful in providing guidance for long term land use planning which is discussed at a later point in the Part 150 Study process. These noise contour maps are considered baseline analyses. They assume operations based on the existing procedures at Addison Airport. No additional noise abatement procedures have been assumed in these analyses. The noise contour maps will serve as baselines against which potential noise abatement procedures will be compared at a later point in the study. The noise analysis presented in this chapter relies on complex analytical methods and uses numerous technical terms. A Technical Information Paper (T.I.P.) included in the last section of this document, The Measurement and Analysis of Sound, presents helpful background -􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀱;;. ;1'11.r;:b_==.􀀺􀀭􀁾--- information on noise measurement and analysis. AIRCRAFT NOISE MEASUREMENT PROGRAM Noise monitoring may be utilized by for data acquisition and data refinement, but is not required under F.A.R. Part 150, for the development of noise exposure maps or noise compatibility programs. The field measurement program, conducted over a five-day period from January 20, 2002 through January 24, 2002, for Addison Airport was undertaken to provide real data for comparison with the computer-predicted values. These comparisons provide insight into the actual noise conditions around the airport and can used to validate the assumptions developed for computer modeling. It must be recognized that field measurements made over a 24-hour period are applicable only to that period oftime and may not --in fact, in many cases, do not --reflect the average conditions present at the site over a much longer period of time. The relationship between field measurements and computer-generated noise exposure forecasts is analogous to the relationship between weather and climate. While an area may be characterized as having a cool climate, many individual days of high temperatures may occur. In other words, the modeling process derives overall average annual conditions (climate), while field measurements reflect daily fluctuations (weather). ] 􀁾􀁊Information collected during the noise monitoring program included 24-hour measurements for comparison with computer-generated DNL values. DNL --day-night sound level --is a measure of cumulative sound energy during a 24hour period. All noise occurring from J 10;00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. is assigned a 10 decibel (dB) penalty because of the ]greater annoyance typically caused by nighttime noise. Use ofthe DNL noise metric in airport noise compatibility Jstudies is required by F.A.R. Part 150. Additional information collected on single event measurements is used as ] an indicator of typical dB and Sound Exposure Levels (SEL) within the study area as well as comparative ambient ] noise measurements in areas affected by aircraft noise. All procedures and equipment involved in the aircraft noise J measurement program were performed to pursuant guidelines set forth by FAR. Part 150, Section A150.3. ACOUSTICAL MEASUREMENTS This section provides a technical description of the acoustical measurements which were performed for the Addison Airport FAR. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study. Described here are the instrumentation, calibration procedures, general measurement set ups, and related data collection items. Instrumentation '} 􀀮􀁾􀀠Four sets of acoustical instrumentation, the components of which are listed in Table 3A, were used to measure noise. 3-2 ;] · \ Each set consisted of a high quality microphone connected to a 24-hour environmental noise monitor unit. Each unit was calibrated to assure consistency between measurements at different locations. A calibrator, with an accuracy of0.5 decibels, was used for all measurements. At the completion of each field measurement, the calibration was rechecked, the accumulated output data was downloaded to a portable computer, and the data memories were cleared before the unit was placed at a new site. The equipment listed in the table was supplemented by accessory cabling, windscreens, tripods, security devices, etc., as appropriate to each measurement site. II TABLE3A il Acoustical Measurement Instrumentation 4 Larson Davis 820 Portable Noise Monitors and Preamplifiers 4 Larson Davis Model 2559 -2" Microphones 1 Model CA250 Sound Level Calibrator 1 Portable Computer Measurement Procedures Two methods were used to attempt to minimize the potential for non-aircraft noise sources to unduly influence the results ofthe ofthe measurements. First, for single-event analysis, minimum noise thresholds of 5 to 10 decibels (dB) greater than ambient levels were programmed into the monitor. This procedure resulted in the requirement that a single noise event exceed a threshold of 60 dB at each site. Second, a minimum event duration, longer than the time associated with ambient single events above the threshold (for example, road traffic), was set (generally at five seconds). The combination ofthese two factors limited the single events analyzed in detail to those which exceeded the preset threshold for longer than the preset duration. In spite of these efforts, contamination of single event data is always possible. Although only selected single events were specially retained and analyzed, the monitors do, however, cumulatively consider all noise present at the site, regardless of its level, and provide hourly summations ofEquivalent Noise Levels (Leq). Additionally, the equipment optionally provides information on the hourly maximum decibel level, SEL values for each event which exceeds the preset threshold and duration, and distributions of decibel levels throughout the measurement period. Weather hUormation The noise measurements taken during this study were obtained during a period of above-average, warm winter weather for the Addison area. On most days, weather conditions were generally considered to be adequate for aircraft using visual flight rules (VFR) which call for cloud ceilings greater than 3,000 feet above ground level (AGL) and visibility greater than five miles. Occasionally, weather conditions 3-3 deteriorated to a point where flight under VFR was not allowed and only specifically-equipped aircraft with properly trained pilots could fly. Winds were generally from the southsoutheast at about 10 knots with occasional gusts up to 20 knots. Daily temperatures ranged from highs in the upper 60s to lows in the upper 30s. Aircraft Noise Measurement Sites Noise measurement sites are shown on Exhibit SA. They were selected on the basis of background information, local observations during the field effort, and suggestions from airport management based on noise complaint history. Specific selection criteria include the following. • Emphasis on areas of marginal or greater than marginal aircraft noise exposure according to earlier evaluations. • Screening ofeach site for local noise sources or unusual terrain characteristics which could affect measurements. • Location in or near areas from which a substantial number of complaints about aircraft noise were received, or where there are concentrations of people exposed to significant aircraft overflights. While there is no end to the number of locations available for monitoring, the selected sites fulfill the above criteria and provide a representative sampling of the varying noise conditions in the ] airport vicinity. Two sites were measured for 120 hours (Sites 1 and 2) and four sites (Sites 3, 4, 5, and 6) for 48-hour periods. J Site 1 is located on airport property approximately 1,200 feet south] southeast of the Runway 15 pavement edge. The location is situated slightly east of the extended centerline of ] Runway 15-33 and was selected due to the likelihood that this area would receive regular arrival and departure ] traffic. The monitor was placed in a large undeveloped area along a drainage ditch inside the airport outer access road. This location created a distance buffer between Lindbergh Road and the monitor. During the equipment set-up, while no aircraft overflights were :1 observed, a Cessna Caravan and Cessna Citation Jet were performing runup Joperations operations on Taxiway C. The 24-hour Leq for the first day at Site ;] 1 was 72.8, 69.4 for the second day, 70.1 for the third day, and 71.8 for the fourth day. The DNL level for this site was ] computed to be 73.1 for the first day, 70.3 for the second day, 75.7 for the third day, and 73.7 for the fourth day. ] Site 2 is located at the north end ofthe airport property approximately 2,300 :]feet from the displaced threshold of Runway 15. The location is approximately 250 feet from Midway ]Road and areas ofcommercial and light industrial located both north and west ofthe airport property. The site is in an area that would likely receive regular arrival and departure overflight noise from the airport. OJ ] 3-4 ] 1, I J I , , 1J " . J \, 1 I --+-􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀽􀀭􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀽􀀮􀀦􀁾􀀺􀀡􀀧􀀺􀀮􀀽􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀭􀁾__􀁾􀁟􀁾􀁉􀁟􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀮􀀠..........Ul ---------111111111111111 • 􀁾􀀠. ..!·,.....1 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠Erldhlt3A NOISE MONITORING LOCATIONS LEGEND Detailed Land Use Study Area County Boundary Municipal Boundary Airport Property Raifroad Tracks Temporary Noise Monitor Terminal Source. Coffman Associates Analysis. sc ..... ..,.. FEET--i' #i!J'!!! .1 The equipment was set up in a largei open area next to a pole elevating a portion of the airport's MALSR (medium intensity approach lighting system with runway alignment indicator lights). The 24-hour Leq for the first day at Site 2 was 63.6, 65.9 for the second day, 67.9 for the third day, and 69.9 for the fourth day. The DNL level for this site was computed for the first day at 65.2, 67.9 for the second day, 73.3 for the third day, and 71.8 for the fourth day. Site 3 is located between 14802 and .f 14800 Le Grande Drive. This location is approximately 4,500 feet southwest of the airport. The area is an established I single-family residential subdivision of homes on medium-sized lots. . }. I The equipment was set up in the side yard between the two houses approximately 75 feet from a paved road. Several automobiles passed by during the monitor set-up. In addition, several commercial turbo-prop and jet . J aircraft overflights were observed entering a final approach to Dallas Love Field during both monitor set-up and removal. The 24-hour Leq for the first day at Site 3 was 48.9 and 47.1 for the second day. The DNL level for this site was computed for the first day at 53.3 and 50.1 for the second day. Site 4 is located at Addison Place Condominium Pool and Clubhouse. This complex is approximately 2,200 feet I I northeast ofthe airport. The area is a densely compacted complex ofadjoining condominium units. The pool area is located near the center of the complex and is adjacent to parking facilities. i :.{ The equipment was set up inside the gated pool area approximately 25 feet from a paved driveway and parking lot. There were several automobile operations during both monitor set-up and removal. No aircraft overflights were observed. The 24-hour Leq for the first day at Site 4 was 56.4 and 58.7 for the second day. The DNL level for this site was computed for the first day at 55.0 and 63.4 for the second day. Site 5 is located at the City ofAddison Water Pumping Station situated along Celestial Road, approximately 8,000 feet southeast ofthe airport. The site is a single-family residential area oflarge homes. A portion of the pumping station is adjacent to an area of greenspace. The site is in an area that would likely receive regular departure overflight noise from the airport. The equipment was set up in a grassy open area approximately 200 feet from a paved road and entry drive. Several business jet overflights were observed during monitor set-up. The pumping facility operations produced no detectable noise. The 24-hour Leq for the first day at Site 5 was 55.0 and 50.9 for the second day. The DNL level for this site was computed for the first day at 57.2 and 52.4 for the second day. Site 6 is located at the Golden Bear Golf Course approximately 2,100 feet north-northwest of the airport. The area is a conglomerate of light industrial, commercial, a golf course, and vacant lots. 3-5 The equipment was set up along the side of the golf course near the driving range, approximately 40 feet from a paved road. Several passing automobiles and a leaf blower were being operated during the equipment set-up. No aircraft overflights were observed during the monitor set-up. The 24-hour Leq for the first day at Site 6 was 55.8 and 64.5 for the second day. The DNL level for this site was computed for the first day at 61.9 and 65.2 for the second day. MEASUREMENT RESULTS SUMMARY The noise data collected during the measurement period is presented in Table SB. The information includes the average 24-hour Leq for each site. The Leq metric is derived by accumulating all noise during a given period and logarithmically averaging it. It is ]similar to the DNL metric except that no extra weight is attached to nighttime noise. The DNL (24) value represents :J the DNL from all noise sources. I i i I I i TABLE3B Measurement Results Summary Addison Airport Site 1 I Day Day Day Day Day Day 1 2 S 4 1 2 Meallurement Meallurement mol 112' li2l! 1123 U:ID 112, Dat(l$ 􀁬􀁦􀁾􀁬􀀠'" '" " : '" "JJ22 lJ23 U24 lJ21 JJ22 CumuwtilJl! Dattl LEQ(24} 72.8 r 69,T 1G.l "'-" Site 2 ; DNL(24) 73,1 : 70.3 I 75,7 73,7 .,.51 55.2 05.9·1 67.9 : U50) SUi 55,2 55.2 55.2 55,6 ' 55,6 Sin"l" Event Data Umax) au 10ll.3 10-t9 107.1 101.1 101.6SEL{rnax.} 120.1 112.5 111A 115.7 102A 104.8 Max Dv:ratiun (sec) 385 , 765 641 2,719 2,527 300 !Numbe.ror 1.528 i ISingle Evenla Ilbow 645 I60 dB (Lruax) 112 15. 55' m Numbe.r o"Siu,.[g 􀁅􀁬􀀧􀁥􀀮􀁮􀁬􀁳􀁁􀁾􀁵􀁥􀀠378l 419 rSEL70 dB 95' 27. 325 314 SEL80 dB 457 11' 115 I 13. 107 '55 SEL 90 dB 62 40 i 40 45 3. 10 SELl00dB " 13 13 ,. • ,. 􀁛􀁾􀀨􀀡􀁬􀁊􀁲􀁥􀁥􀀺􀀠Coffman &.aGciatft! Analysis In addition, L(50) values for each site are presented. These values represent sound levels above which 50 percent of the samples were recorded. 3-6 SHea Site 4 Site" Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day S • 1 2 , 2 , 2 1122 1I2:J U: I JJ2' U20 1121 JJ2' U23 "' '" I " to to to , "JJ23 U24 JJ21 JJ22 1121 1122 m3 112' I 67.9 59.9! ..., ..., 41.1 56.4 58.7 55,0 5·"173.3 71.8 5'" SO.1 5;5,0 63.4 51.' 52,4 55.6 55.S 46.3 46.3 49.1 49.1 50.8 50.8 􀀱􀀰􀀵􀁾􀀠112.5 83.2 80.7 69.S 89.1 'U 79.0 102.7 116.9 aa.8 85.2 98.0 100.5 103.0 88.0 i 5£. 1,473 " 54 53 197 115 5. 738 981 I '33 9. 152 305 131 ! 159 I "'1 ... 1 SO sal "I 168 82 102 ' '58 353 , '" 3! [ '", 49 21 26 71 "'I 14 ! I 11 , , 3 23 14 • 2 1 0 􀁾􀁜􀀠SiteS . Day, JJ2' '" lI23 .55.8 61.9 52.3 95.2.ilO 55 I 387 i 225 I 53 I•2 Day· 2 ' JJ2,' " JJ24, I 64.5 l 65.:11, 5:U 1I LOt fi. r106,2 /1 􀀵􀀹􀁾􀀩􀀠437 ] 􀀲􀀴􀁾􀀠1 11' ;. The table also presents data on other measures ofnoise that may be useful for :1 Jcomparisons. These include: I ! • Maximum recorded noise level in dB (Lmax); • Maximum recorded sound exposure level (SELmax); • Longest single-event duration in seconds (Max Duration); and • Number of single events above SEL 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100. For comparative purposes, normal conversation is generally at a sound level of 60 decibels while a busy street is approximately 70 decibels along the adjacent sidewalk. The program resulted in a total of two 120-hour periods and four 48-hour periods from six sites around the airport. A total of 8,230 single events were recorded during the program and 384 average hourly sound levels were calculated and recorded. AIRCRAFT NOISE ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY The standard methodology for analyzing the prevailing noise conditions at airports involves the use of a computer simulation model. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved the Integrated Noise Model (lNM) for use in F.A.R. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Studies. The latest versions of the INM are quite sophisticated in predicting noise levels at a given location, accounting for such variables as airfield elevation, temperature, headWinds, and local topography. INM Version 6.0c was used to prepare noise exposure maps for the Addison noise analyses. Inputs to the INM include runway configuration, flight track locations, aircraft fleet mix, stage length (trip length) for departures, and numbers of daytime and nighttime operations by aircraft type. The INM provides a database for general aviation aircraft which commonly operate at Addison Airport. Exhibit 3B depicts the INM input assumptions. The INM computes typical flight profiles for aircraft operating at the assumed airport location, based upon the field elevation, temperature, and flight procedure data provided by aircraft manufacturers. The INM will also accept user-provided input, although the FAA reserves the right to accept or deny the use of such data depending upon its statistical validity. The INM predicts noise levels at a set of grid points surrounding an airport. The numbers and locations ofgrid points are established during the INM run to determine noise levels in the areas where operations are concentrated, depending upon the tolerance and level of refinement specified by the user. The noise level values at the grid points are used to prepare noise contours, which connect points of equal noise exposure. INM will also calculate the noise levels at a user-specified location, such as noise monitoring sites. INMINPUT AIRPORT AND STUDY AREA DESCRIPTION The runways were input into the INM in terms of latitude and longitude, as well as elevation. As previously 􀁾􀀠II 3-7 mentioned, the INM computes typical flight profiles for aircraft operating at the airport location, based upon the field elevation, temperature, and flight procedure data provided by aircraft manufacturers. The Addison Airport's field elevation is 644 feet above mean sea level (MSL) and its average annual temperature is 65.4 degrees. It is also possible to incorporate a topographic database into the INM, which allows the INM to account for the changes in distances from aircraft in flight to elevated receiver locations. Topographic data from the U.S. Geographical Survey was used in the I II TABLE8C I􀁾􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀀠Summary : Addison Airport FORECASTS Existin!!" 2002' 2007' I 2022' Itinerant' Onerations 156,532 167,360 192,080 I , Local 13,893 8,900 10,000 : Total 170,425 176,260 202,080 , , Year 2002 operations are based on calendar year 2001.,, Chapter Two, Table 2U, p. 2-34 ! 3 Includes nighttime operations. DAILY OPERATIONS AND FLEET MIX For this analysis, current aircraft operations data (takeoffs and landings) and forecasts of future activity (2007 and 2022), prepared as part of an operations forecast update presented previously in Chapter Two, Aviation Activity Forecasts, were used for noise modeling. Average daily aircraft operations were calculated by dividing total annual operations by 365 days. 3-8 1 development of the noise exposure qcontours for Addison Airport. ACTIVITY DATA Noise evaluations made for the current : I year (2002) are based on operational counts during 2001 from the Addison ATCT and supplemental data acquired '1 during times when the tower is closed. Short-term (2007) and long-term (2022) contour sets were prepared based upon forecasts presented in Chapter Two, Aviation Demand Forecasts. Existing and forecasted annual operations are summarized in Table 3C. :} '1,.1 .1 The selection of individual aircraft types is important to the modeling process because different aircraft types !J generate different noise levels. The noise footprints presented in Exhibit 1 u3C, Exhibit 3D, and and Exhibit 3E illustrate this concept graphically. The footprints represent the noise pattern generated by one departure and one arrival of the given aircraft type. The aircraft illustrated are some of ; J those commonly found at Addison Airport. u u _.􀂷􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁦.. ""$oa-' ....􀁓􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁏􀁾􀀠--,-_.--,.--. I I •.1 Exhibit 3B INMPROCESS ] :1 J } 1 , 1 j 1 .. d • Beech Bonanza , I , .\ eech Kin Ai -Exhibi't 3C PROPELLER AIRCRAFf NOISE FOOTPRINT COMPARISON I : 1 .1' 􀀧􀁾􀁝􀀠 I + ---_=::::> TURBOJET AIRCRAFI' NOISE FOOTPRINT COMPARISON ] J "] C] J ] ] ] :1 J J , 1 '] . 􀁾􀀮􀀠] .J . 1 .J . I '. 􀁾􀁊􀀠'] . "-;. ---=> ===== 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀾􀀠TURBOJET AIRCRAFT NOISE FOOTPRINT COMPARISON 1 ] 􀁾􀁝􀀠] :] ] "] 􀁾􀁝􀀠l 1 I I j -i The distribution of these operations among various categories, users, and types of aircraft is critical to the development of the input model data. Table 3D lists the daily operations by aircraft type. DATABASE SELECTION : The FAA aircraft substitution list indicates that the general aviation single-engine variable pitch propeller model, the GASEPV, represents a number of single-engine general aviation aircraft. Among others these include the Beech Bonanza, Cesana 177 and 180, Piper Cherokee Arrow, Piper PA-32, and the Mooney. The general aviation single-engine fixed pitch propeller model, the GASEPF, also represents several single-engine general aviation aircraft. These include the Cessna 150 and 172, Piper Archer, Piper PA-28-140 and 180, and the Piper Tomahawk. The FAA's substitution list recommends the BEC58P, the Beech Baron, to represent the light twin-engine aircraft such as the Piper Navajo, Beech Duke, Cessna 310, and others. The CNA441 effectively represents light turbo-prop and twin-engine piston aircraft such as the King Air, Cessna 402, Gulfstream Commander, and others. In addition, the DCH6 is recommended for use in modeling the Merlin Metroliner turboprop aircraft. The INM provides data for most of the business turbojet aircraft in the national fleet. The CNA500 effectively represents the Cessna Citation I, II, and V series aircraft. The CIT3 represents the Cessna Citation III, IV, and VII series aircraft. The F AL20 effectively represents the Falcon 20 while the LEAR25 is used to represent the Lear Jet 25. Aircraft such as the Lear 30, 40, 50, and 60 series in addition to the Hawker 800 and 1000 are effectively represented by the LEAR35 designator. Both the Canadair Challenger 600 and Falcon 2000 are modeled using the CL600. The GlIB designator represents the Gulfstream III series while the GIV represents the Gulfstream IV series of aircraft. The F AL50 designator is used for the Falcon 50. The Boeing 737-200C is effectively modeled using the 737N17 designator and the DC-9 hush-kitted aircraft is modeled using the DC930LW designator. The Gulfstream V utilizes the GV designator and the Boeing Business Jet effectively uses the 737700 INM designator. Six types of helicopters commonly operating at Addison Airport are also modeled. The Robinson-22 and Hughes500 are modeled using the H500 designator. The Bell 206 and the MBB BO-105 are effectively modeled using the B206L designator. The Bell 222 and the MBB-Kawasaki BK-117 are modeled using the B222 designator in theINM. All substitutions are commensurate with published FAA guidelines. Single Event Analysis Measured single event noise levels for individual aircraft, taken during the noise monitoring program, are helpful in validating the noise modeling assumptions for existing and future conditions at Addison Airport (Measured single event noise information is for comparative purposes only and can not be used as input into the INM). 3-9 ] TABLE 3D Operational Fleet Mix Projections ; Aircraft Type I, ITINERANT OPER.Il.TIONS INM Designator 2002' 2007' 2022" : Single Engine i Light -Fixed GASEPF 105.93 ' 111.15 127.76 Light Variable GASEPV 105.93 111.15 127.76 '; Subtotal 211.86 222.30 225.53 Twin Engine Beech BaronfPiper 31 BEC58P 61.18 61.15 62.92 King Air CNA441 50040 58.21 71.84 i Merlin Metroliner DCH6 11.94 : 12.73 9.44 Subtotal 123.52 132.09 144.20 TurbtrJet Citation I, II, V CNASOO 12.21 13M 15,03 Citation III, VI, VII CIT3 12.21 13.06 15.03 Falcon 20 FAL20 5.32 5.69 3.96 Lear 25 LEAB25 11.93 12.70 9.42 Lear 35/45155160. Hawker 80011000 LEAR35 25.25 26.97 39.14 Challenger 600, Falcon 2000 CL600 10.03 12.88 18.26 Gulfstream III GliB 2.27 2.42 2.77 Gull$tream IV GIV 2.53 2.69 5.55 Falcon 50 FALSO 1.32 1.40 1.58 Boeing 737 ·200C 737N17 1.78 1.90 1.16 DC·9 DC930LW 2.19 i 2.33 1.65 Gulfstream V GV 1.33 3.16 5.10 Booing Business Jet 737700 1.78 1.90 : 1.16 • Subtotal 90.20 100.431 1l9.81 i Helicopter 2.98 IRobinson 22 & HGOO I H·500n 2.44 2.581 I Bell 206 & BO 105 B206L 1.30 1.38 ! 1.56 : i Bell 222 & BK117 B222 : 1.30. 1.38 1 1.56 : Subtotal 5.04 5.34 ' 6.1 ! Total Itinerant 431),(;2 460.16 495.64 LOCAL OPERATIONS Light -Fixed GASEPF I 15.22: 9.75 10.95 Light-Variable GASEPV 15.22 9.75 10.95 Beech Baron BEC58P 3.80 2.43 2.73 ! . R·22 and H500 (Helicopter) I H500n 3.80 2.43 2.73 . TotmLocal 38.04 24.36 27.36 Total Daily Operations 468.66 484.52 6lI3,OO , Year 2002 operations are based on operational counts during 2001 from. the Addison ATrrr. Aircraft fleet mix developed from • airport based aircraft lists and interviews with fixed base operators . ChapterTwo, Table 2H, p. 2·20 . 3-10 ] :J ,] u Both the loudest sound levels (Lmax) and the Sound Exposure Levels (SEL) for various aircraft types were recorded during the noise measurement program at each noise monitoring site. A detailed INM grid point analysis can then be prepared that generates Lmax and SEL values for the corresponding aircraft types at each noise monitoring site for comparison. The resulting measured and predicted Lmax and SEL values can then be compared. Table 3E depicts the range ofmeasured Lmax and SEL values from monitor sites 1 and 2 and the predicted Lmax and SEL values from the INM for these sites. (Monitor sites 1 and 2 were used because they received the vast majority of aircraft overflights due to their proximity to the runway arrival and departure paths). As previously discussed, Lmax is the peak noise level of the aircraft overflight. SEL is the total noise energy (taking into account the peak and duration) of the aircraft overflight. In most cases, the INM is very close, and in many cases, over-predicts the noise ofindividual aircraft types in the vicinity ofthe airport. In fact, the INM over-predicted the noise levels for departing aircraft captured on monitor 1. For arriving aircraft, nearly all measured noise levels were recorded at or below predicted values. The Lear 35 and Cessna Citation III, however, showed measured values that exceeded the predicted values by between 1 and 2 dBA. It should be noted, however, that there may be sizable differences between measured and predicted Lmax and SEL levels in some cases. There are several potential reasons for these differences: • Small noise measurement sample size; • Differences in distances from the aircraft to the monitor; • Differences in specific aircraft configurations within the general aircraft type; • Differences in aircraft operating procedures and pilot techniques; and • The effect of weather conditions (temperature, wind direction, and wind velocity) on aircraft performance. TlME-OF·DAY The time-of-day at which operations occur is important as input to the INM due to the 10 decibel weighting of nighttime (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) flights. In calculating airport noise exposure, one operation at night has the same noise emission value as 10 operations during the day by the same aircraft. While Addison Airport does have an Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT), it is closed between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Specific counts for nighttime activity were acquired by an individual posted at the airport during the hours in which the tower was closed. These counts recorded the time of aircraft operations in addition to aircraft type, operation type, and runway use. Data obtained from this count was used to 3-11 1 i ] TABLE3E Summary ofMeasured and Predicted Single Event Noise Levels ;, Addison Airport Aircraft Type Single GA Prop EiMg Piteh 􀁐􀁲􀀲􀁧􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁴􀀠Cessna 172 Variable Pitch Propeller Bellanca Viking 'lWin GA Prop Cessna 310 Twin GA Turboprop Beech King Air Business Jet Lear 25 Lear 35 Cessna Citation HI Gulfstream IV ! Canada!r Challenger Aircraft Type Single GA Prop 􀁆􀁩􀁾􀁧􀀠Pit&h Propeller Cessna 172 􀁖􀁬􀀺􀀡􀁊􀁪􀁡􀁢􀁬􀁾􀀠Pitch PrQI!ellgr Bellanca Viking Twin GAProp Cessna310 '!\vin GA Turboprop Beech King Air Business Jet Lear 25 Lear 35 Cessna Citation III , ] Departures Measured I Measured Lmax,dBA' SEL,dBA'Predicted Predicted Lmax, dBA' (Monitor Site 1)(Monitor Site I) SEL,dBA' 62.4·70.7 64.6 -78.9 77.4 -SO.8 69.3·78.1 79.5·97.8 70.6 -88.3 83.6·90.1 73.9 72.6·77.5 62.2 -75.0 74.3·78.3 63.3 -79.6 77.7 -87.4 80.0 -87.9 74.3 -83.8 75.0 -85.270.5 -78.6 SO.4 ·103.3 87.4·93.8 97.1·111.3 81.6 -93.8 89.4·96.4 81.7·83.0 87.6 76.4·88.7 84.8·85.1 78.4 -90.1 I :1 63.1-83.9 :] 72.3 -89.0 81.2 -91.7 76.3·86.4 86.4 105.3· 116.4 95.1·100.9 86.9·95.8 88.2·89.2 85.2 -95.0 Arrivals : J Measured Lmax,dBA (Monitor Site 2) , Predicted Lmax,dBA Measured SEL,dBA (Monitor Site 2) Predicted SEL,dBA ! 61.6·69.1 72.1· 83.6 85.7 70.3 -86.2 89.8·98.0 83.5 -89.9 83.5·86.5 75.2 -75.8 71.9·74.7 85.8·86.4 76.1-87.5 85.6·86.1 88.9 92.1 -92.6 76.7·90.7 100.8·101.4 89.0 -89.5 85.8·86.3 , 92.8 -101.4 87.3·93.1 87.2 -91.0 81.0·81.4 88.8·89.1 '] 88.7 ·89.1 ] 96.1-96.5 103.1 • 103.4 91.6·92.0 87.8 -88.2 t Measurements were taken April 20 thru January24. 2002. This information is for comparative purposes only and not for input into the Integrated Noise Model. t Data from detailed grid analysis for 2002 base conditions. Source: Coffman Associates Analysis 3-12 1 .1 account for nighttime aircraft operations (between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.) for modeling the 2002 noise exposure contours. This percentage of operations was applied to both future forecast scenarios. RUNWAY USE Runway usage data is another essential input to the INM. For modeling purposes, wind data analysis usually determines runway use percentages. Aircraft will normally land and takeoff into the wind. However, wind analysis provides only the directional avail-U TABLE3F E R ability of a runway and does not consider pilot selection, primary runway operations, or local operating conventions. At Addison Airport, the single runway configuration offers only two directions of choice. The runway usage at Addison Airport was established through discussions with the ATCT manager. In addition, a supplemental wind analysis was conducted which supported that wind conditions are consistent for runway use as stated by ATCT. Table SF summarizes the runway use percentages for the existing and future conditions. ..xlstmg xlstmg unway se Runway Business Jet Turboprop! Multi-Engine Single Engine Piston Arrivals and Departures 15 33 70.0% 30.0% 70.0% 30.0% 70.0% 30,0% , -And-Go's 15 33 NA NA NA NA 70.0% 30,0% FLIGHT TRACKS A review of local and regional air traffic control procedures, as well as an assessment of actual radar flight tracks, were used to develop consolidated flight tracks. The resulting analysis is a series of consolidated flight tracks describing the average corridors that lead to and from Addison Airport. For developing the flight tracks for input 3-13 into the INM, radar data from February 24 and 25 and, March 1, 2, and 3, 2002 were used. Exhibit SF depicts the radar flight track data provided by the DallasIFort Worth International Airport TRACON for the Addison area. As seen on Exhibit SF, there are two corridors where the radar flight track data are heavily concentrated: straight northnorthwest of the airport and straight south-southeast of the airport. More DRAFT dispersed flight tracks are depicted east and southeast ofthe airport. A number of commercial aircraft overflights can also be seen, particularly south and southeast of the airport. These flight tracks depict aircraft arriving and departing Dallas Love Field and DallasIFort Worth International Airport. Since the radar flight track data acquired depicts only aircraft at or below 4,000 feet MSL, a large number of additional aircraft overflights can be expected to occur above this altitude. Exhibit 3G depicts the consolidated departure flight tracks developed for input into the INM. INM consolidated flight tracks are developed by plotting the centerline ofa concentrated group of tracks and then dispersing the consolidated track into multiple subtracks that conform to the radar flight track data. The dark blue colored lines on Exhibit 3G are the radar track data. The wider dark blue lines represent the centerline or spine of each group of radar track data. Arrival tracks at Addison Airport are generally concentrated on the runway centerline due to the precision needed to safely land an aircraft. However, the small general aviation aircraft are able to make shorter approaches to the airport. Exhibit 3H depicts the arrival stream and consolidated flight tracks at Addison Airport. Because both Runways 15 and 33 have instrument approach systems, the arrival stream has a tight concentration of aircraft on the extended runway centerline. Exhibit 3J depicts the consolidated touch-and-go tracks developed for input into the INM. Typically, Addison '1 Airport utilizes a left hand traffic J pattern, however, a limited number of touch-and-go operations were modeled using right hand traffic as determined from conversations with the Addison ATCT. Exhibit 3J also illustrates the touch-and-go pattern tracks and the helicopter flight tracks developed for this analysis. The series of concentric oval-shaped tracks represent the radar light track and observed variances in the size of the training pattern at ]Addison Airport. The helicopter routes represent an average ofthose observed and depict both arrival and departure traffic. Helicopter touch-and-go activity is delegated to the west side of the airfield. This allows helicopters in the traffic pattern to approach and depart from Taxiway B while remaining clear of fixed wing operations. Tracks defining typical arrival and departure routes for helicopters are also depicted on Exhibit 3J. ASSIGNMENT OF FLIGHT TBACKS 1The final step in developing input data for the INM model is the assignment of aircraft to specific flight tracks. Prior to this step, specific flight tracks, runway utilization, and operational statistics for the various aircraft models using 1 Addison Airport were evaluated. The radar flight track data was used to determine flight track percentages for each aircraft type. The radar flight tracks that formed the consolidated , 1 tracks and sub-tracks were first counted. Then each consolidated track was assigned a percentage based on the :]total number oftracks for each runway. 3-14 DRAFT U 1 -----------􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠 ) .U.....UIII 111111111111111 1r' [===:J--[===:J iii • • + C • iii 2i LEGEND Detailed Land Use Study Area County Boundary Municipal Boundary Airport Property Railroad Tracks Commercial Overflights General Aviation Overflights IFR Arrivals !FR Departures Love Field Activity Touch and Go VFR Arrivals VFR Departures Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Mixed Use Noise Sensitive Institutions School Day Care FacRity Community Center/Ledges Madical Facilities Residantlal Care Facility Municipal Buildings Place of Worship Cemetery Source· North T exss Geographic Information System. Coffman Associates Analysis. 1 j '1 ] '] J ] '] '1 . j 1 . J J 1 J , J 1 'I J 1 j 􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀭􀁾. 1 􀁀􀁣􀁲􀁴􀁣􀁮􀁴􀁩􀁬􀁮􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁀􀀰􀁾􀁵􀀺􀁮􀁖􀀠, I ] 1 ,j 1 1 1 i J u I LEGEND ............, Detailed land Use Study Area ------County Boundary Municipal Boundary ---Airport Property 111111111111111 Railroad Tracks Consolidated Departure Tracks Departure Sub Tracks Radar Flight Tracks c::=:::J Single Family Residential -Multi-Family Residantiel -Mixed Use c:=:::J Noise Sensitive institutions " School • Day Cere FacUlty • Community Center flodges + Medical Faci"tie. fi Residantial Care Facility • MuniCipal Buildings ;li Place of Worship 0 Cemetery Source. North Texas Geographic Information System. Coffman Associates Analysis. 1 0filOO",,,, J J 1 I 1 j + Medicel Facilities 0 Residential Care FacUlty • MunlQipel Buildings• PIece of Worship 􀁾􀀠Cemetery Source. North Texes Geographic Inforrnatkln System.Coffman AssocietOl) Analysis. LEGEND .....01..... Detailed land Usa Study Area ._--_ .... County Boundary Municipal Boundary -..Airport Property III III II 1111 III Rallroed Tracks Consolidated Arrival Tracks Arrival Sub Tracks Radar Flight Tracks c:::::::J Single FemUy ROl)idential-Multi-Family Residential -Mixed Use E::::J Noise Sensitive Institutions .; School • Day Care Facility • Community Center/lodges LEGENDI J ............. Detailed Land Use Study Araa .-----. County Boundary Municipal Boundary Airport Property 1!IIfIlfllill!! Railroad Tracks Consolidated Touch" Go Tracks Touch" Go Sub Tracks Radar Flight Tracks Consolidated Helicopter Arrivals Consolidated Helicopter Departures , I Consolidated Helicopter Touch " Go c:=:::J Single Family Residential _ Multi-Family Residential I11III NDxed Use c:=:::J Noise Sensitive Institutions " School • Day Care Faclity * Community Centerflodges + Medical FaciUtlea o Residential Care Facility • Municipal Buildings iii Place of Worship 2i Cemetery Source. North Texes Geographic Information System, Coffman Associates Analysis, J '] , J To determine the specific number of aircraft assigned to anyone flight track, a long series of calculations was performed. This included a number of specific aircraft of one group, factored by runway utilization and flight track percentage. A detailed breakdown of the flight track assignments can be found in Appendix E. INMOUTPUT Output data selected for calculation by the INM were annual average noise contours in DNL. F.A.R. Part 150 requires that 65, 70, and 75 DNL contours must be mapped in the official Noise Exposure Maps. This section presents the results of the contour analysis for current and forecast noise exposure conditions, as developed from the Integrated Noise Model. 2002 NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOURS Exhibit 3K presents the plotted results of the INM contour analysis for 2002 conditions using input data described in the preceding pages. The areas within each contour are presented in Table 3G. TABLE3G Comparative Areas Of Noise Exposure Addison Airport Area In Square Miles DNLContour 2002 2007 2022 65 70 75 1.43 0.66 0.35 1.48 0.68 0.35 1.10 0.51 0.29 I The shape and extent of the contours reflect the underlying flight track the 65 DNL contour is longer and wider due to the higher number ofdepartures assumptions. The outermost noise from Runway 15. The next contour is contour represents the 65 DNL noise the 70 DNL contour, which has the contour. The contour is asymmetrical same general shape and is also offthe ends ofRunway 15-33, reflecting influenced by same runway use and the uneven distribution oftraffic to the flight tracks assumptions. The north and south. The long slender remaining contour, the 75 DNL contour, shape of the contour to the north generally remains on airport property. reflects the dominance of arrivals to Runway 15. The bulge in the 65 DNL The 65 DNL contour extends about contour to the northeast and northwest 3,000 feet from the airport property reflects the touch-and-go patterns east over Accent Drive to the north. To the and west of the airport. To the south, south, the 65 DNL contour extends 3-15 DRAFT about 5,350 feet from airport property. The 65 DNL contour extends off airport property 1,000 feet to the northeast, and 900 feet to the northwest and southwest. The 70 DNL noise contour is smaller and similar in shape to the 65 DNL contour. To the north, the 70 DNL contour extends 150 feet off airport property. To the south, the 70 DNL contour extends about 2,400 feet off airport property to Landmark Boulevard. To the northeast, the contour extends 600 feet off airport property and to the northwest and southwest the 70 DNL contour extends 500 feet off airport property. The 75 DNL noise contour remains close to the airport property line. The 75 DNL contour has small bulges extending off airport property to the northeast, northwest, and southwest. COMPARATIVE MEASUREMENT ANALYSIS A comparison ofthe average measured DNL(24) versus the computer-predicted cumulative DNL noise values for each measurement site has been developed. In this case, it is important to remember what each of the two noise levels indicates. The computer-modeled DNL contours are analogous to the climate of an area and represent the noise levels on an average day of the period under consideration. In contrast, the field measurements reflect only the noise levels on the specific days of measurement. Additionally, the field measurements consider all ofthe noise events that exceed a prescribed threshold and duration, while the computer model only calculates the noise due to aircraft events. As previously discussed, the field measurements can easily be contaminated by ambient noise sources other than aircraft around the measurement sites. With this understanding in mind, it is useful to evaluate the comparative aircraft DNL (24) levels ofthe measurement sites. DNL Comparison This analysis provides a direct comparison of the measured DNL(24) and predicted values for each noise measurement site. In order to facilitate such a comparison, it is necessary to ensure that the computer model input is representing the observed reality as accurately as possible within the capabilities of the modeL As previously mentioned, field noise .Jmeasurements were taken during primarily above-average, warm winter weather for the Addison area. Onmost ]days, weather conditions were generally considered to be adequate for aircraft using VFR. During the last 48 hours of :.1 monitoring, weather conditions deteriorated so that flight under VFR was not allowed and only specifically: J equipped aircraft with properly trained pilots could fly. Winds were generally ]from the south-southeast at about 10 knots with occasional gusts up to 20 knots. Daily temperatures rangedfrom 'J highs in the upper 60s to lows in the upper 30s. The airport also operated primarily in a south flow with few operations observed using Runway 33. 3-16 DRAFT 1 LEGEND ) u........... Detailed Land Use Study Area ..........-.. County Boundary Municipal Boundary Airport Properly il1i1lJl11I11I1 Railroad Tracks 2002 DNL Noise Exposure Conlour. Significant Effect __________...__.,.___ J ] , 1 J I " Source, Collmlln Associates Analysis. 􀁾􀁾.J .] ] A difference of three to four DNL is generally not considered a significant deviation between measured and calculated noise, particularly at levels above 65 DNL. Additional deviation is expected at levels below 65 DNL. In this case, four ofthe noise monitor sites fall outside the 65 DNL noise contour. The measured and predicted 2002 noise exposure contours for the annual average condition are presented for each aircraft noise measurement site on Exhibit 3L and Table 3H. As seen in Table 3H, in all but two cases (Site 3 and Site 6), the INM over-predicted sound levels at the noise monitor sites. The underprediction of noise levels is less than one decibel at both ofthese sites, falling well within the allowable deviation tolerances of the INM. The overprediction at remaining four sites ranges from 0.2 to 2.1 decibels. These sites are also within the allowable deviation tolerances ofthe INM. TABLE3H Noise Measurement DNL(24) vs. Predicted DNL Values Addison Airport I I Monitor Site Measured DNL(24)' Predicted Predicted 2002' Difference 1 73.6 75.7 2.1 2 70.6 71.0 0.4 3 52.0 51.5 -0.5 4 61.0 61.2 0.2 5 55.4 57.4 2.0 6 61.1 60.3 ·0.8 Source: Coffman Associates Analysis , Measurements were taken April 20 through January24, 2002.. This information is for comparative purposes only and not for input into the Integrated Noise Model. , Annual average 2002 noise exposure contours. 2007 NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOURS The 2007 noise contours represent the estimated noise conditions based on the forecasts of future operations. This analysis provides a near-future baseline which can subsequently be used to judge the effectiveness of proposed noise abatement procedures. Exhibit 3M presents the results ofthe INM contour analysis for 2007 conditions using input 3-17 data that has been described in the preceding pages. Generally, the 2007 noise contours are similar in shape to their 2002 counterparts. The contours are slightly wider and more elongated than the 2002 contours due to the forecast increase in operations. The 65 DNL contour contour extends about 3,200 feet from airport property over DRAFT Accent Drive to the north. To the south, the 65 DNL contour extends about 5,450 feet from airport property over Langland Road. Small bulges in the 65 DNL contour extend off airport property to the northeast, northwest, and southwest about 1,000 feet. The 70 DNL noise contour extends 200 feet off airport property to the north and about 2,450 feet off airport property to Landmark Boulevard to the south. The 70 DNL contour bulges off airport property to the northeast, northwest, and southwest about 500 feet. Small portions of the 75 DNL contour extend off airport property to the northeast, northwest, and southwest. The surface areas of the 2007 nOIse exposure are presented for comparison in Table 3G. 2022 NOISE EXPOSVRECONTOVRS The 2022 noise contours represent the estimated noise conditions based on the forecasts of future operations. The analysis provides a long term future baseline which can also be used to judge the effectiveness of proposed noise abatement procedures and land use planning recommendations. recommendations. This contour is not part ofthe official Noise Exposure Maps required under Part 150. The 2022 noise contour was developed to present a long-term view of potential future noise exposure at Addison Airport. Exhibit 3N presents the plotted results of the INM contour analysis for 2022 conditions using input data described in the preceding pages. J Due to the significant reduction of Stage 2 business jet aircraft by 2022, the 2022 noise contours are smaller than the 2007 noise contours. The reduction in Stage 2 business jets is primarily due to the age ofthese aircraft. These aircraft were certified at or prior to December 􀁾􀁝31,1974. 'JThe 65 DNL contour extends about 2,050 feet from airport property to the north. To the south, the contour extends about 4,300 feet from airport property to the Addison town limits. The 65 DNL contour extends off airport property 800 feet to the northwest, 900 feet to the northeast, and 750 feet to the southwest. :J The 70 DNL contour remains on airport property to the north and extends 1,450 ] feet from the airport property to the south, extending to Belt Line Drive. The northeast and northwest edges of the ] contour extend off airport property approximately 400 feet and, to the southwest, the contour extends off airport property approximately 300 feet. :JThe 75 DNL noise contour has small bulges to the northwest and northeast of 100 feet and 200 feet off airport property, respectively. The surface areas of the 2022 nOIse :J exposure are presented for comparison in Table3G. J SUMMARY The information presented in this chapter defines the noise patterns for Jcurrent and future aircraft activity, J 3-18 DRAFT J . , 1 . , ] LEGEND 11111.1111111 Detailed Land Use Study Area ------. County Boundary Municipal Boundary Airport Property IIl1l1mmm Railroad Tracks 2002 ONL Noise Exposure Contour, Significant Effect ® Temporary Noise Monitor Terminal ! ! Measured ONL(24)1@INM-Predicled 1 Measured ONU241 is the average ONL for the measurement period at each monitor site. This Information Is for comparative purposes only and Is not for Input Into the Integrated Noise Model. Source_ Coffman Associates Analysis. 1 I I '] -....􀁾..( ..... ) .' _.. JllGlDDDm .@"',"' ........ .. ..'" .. ,: ] ]283 301 0 369 2l!1II ]283 670 237 0 0 1 1 i 0 0 o. .. '.' .•.􀁾􀀯􀀻􀀺􀀮􀁲􀀮􀀬􀀬􀀺􀁾􀀻􀀠..•.􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀠...j-􀁾􀀺􀀧􀀠I:.'. <. ::::-:""'0 .... . 710 756 0 0 .'J927 593 .267 708 266 0 0 1 1 0 :1 0 Q . 0 Notes: LWP = Level-weighted population; an estimate ofthe number of people actually annoyed by aircraft noise. It is derived by mUltiplying the population in each DNL contour range by the ! appropriate LWP response factor. The factors used are as follows: 0.376 for 65-70 DNL. 0.644 for I 70-75 DNL. and 1.000 for 75+ DNL. i: ].1Source: Coffman Associates analysis. :J J 4-14 LEGEND tt........... Detailed Land Use Study Area .... _ .... __ • County Boundary Municipal Boundary '1 ----Airport Property J 1II111l!1!1It1l Railroad Tracks 2002 ONL Noise Exposure Contour, Marginal Effect 2007 ONL Noise Expoaure Contour, .@rnDDtIrn .@rnrnrnll17 SignifIcant Effect 2022 DNL NOise Exposure Contour, Significant Effect '] . 1 , j Source. Coffman Assocletes Analysis. C) .J i " Appendix A WELCOME TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE WELCOME TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITI'EE The Town of Addison and its consultant, Coffman Associates, Inc., are pleased to welcome you to the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) for the EA.R. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study Update. We appreciate your interest in this Study. Over the next several months you will be able to make an important contribution to the project. We believe that you will find your participation with the committee to be an interesting and rewarding experience. WHAT IS A NOISE COMPATIBILITY STUDY? The impact of aircraft noise on development around airports has been a major envirorunental issue in the United States for many years. After years of study and demonstration programs, Congress authorized full-scale Federal support for airport noise compatibility programs through the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979. In response to that Act, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) adopted a Federal Aviation Regulation (F.A.R. Part 150) to set minimum standards for the preparation of such studies. A Noise Compatibility Program is intended to promote aircraft noise control and land use compatibility. Three things make such a study unique: (1) it is the only comprehensive approach to preventing and reducing airport noise and community land use conflicts; (2) eligible items in the approved plan may be funded from a special account in the Federal Airport Improvement Program; (3) it is the only kind of airport study sponsored by the FAA primarily for the benefit of airport neighbors. The principal objectives of any Noise Compatibility Program are to: • IdentifY the current and projected aircraft noise levels and their impact on the airport environs. • Propose ways to reduce the impact ofaircraft noise through changes in aircraft operations or airport facilities. • In undeveloped areas where aircraft noise is projected to remain, encourage future land use which is compatible with the noise, such as agriculture, commercial or industriaL • In existing residential areas which are expected to remain impacted by noise, determine ways of reducing the adverse impacts ofnoise. • Establish procedures for implementing, reviewing, and updating the plan. WHAT 18 THE ROLE OF THE COMMITTEE? The PAC will play an important role in the Noise Compatibility Study. We want to benefit from your unique viewpoints, to have access to the people and resources you represent, to work with you in a creative atmosphere, and to gain your support in achieving results. Specifically. your role in the PAC is as follows: ] • Sounding Board -The consultants need a forum in which to present ]information, findings, ideas, and recommendations during the course of the study. Everyone Jinvolved with the study will benefit from this forum because it allows diverse interests an opportunity to J experience the viewpoints, ideas, and concerns of other members directly. J • Linkage to the Community-Each of ]you represents one or more constituent interests neighborhood residents, local businesses, public agencies, and J aviation users. As a committee member, you can bring together ""1 "the consultant and the people you represent, you can inform your "I constituents about the study as it J progresses, and you can bring into the committee the views of others. '] • Resource An airport noise compatibility study is very ]complex; it has an almost unlimited demand for information. Many of you have access to ]specialized information and can ensure that it is used in the study to its fullest potential. ] • Think Tank -"Too many cooks spoil the broth" reflects the :] difficulty committees have in writing a report. On the other ]hand, "two heads are better than one" tells us that creative thinking is best accomplished by a group of ' .'U.concerned people who represent a 􀁾􀀠A-2 ] diversity of backgrounds and views on a subject. We need all of the creative input we can get. PAC member ideas have literally "made the difference" on other studies of this type across the country. • Critical Review -The study team needs their work scrutinized closely for accuracy, completeness of detail, clarity of thought, and intellectual honesty. We want you to point out any shortcomings in our work and to help us improve on it. • Implementation· A Part 150 Noise Compatibility Plan depends on the actions of many different agencies and organizations for implementation. Each ofyou has a unique role to play m implementing the plan and demonstrating leadership among your constituent interests. Inform and educate them about the importance of your effort on their behalf and work with them to see that the final plan is carried out. WHO IS ON THE COMMI'ITEE? Many organizations have been contacted and invited to designate representatives to serve on the PAC. The attached list of invited officials and organizations shows a broad range of interests to be represented .local businesses and residents, pilots, fixed-base operators, national aviation organizations, and state and local . governments. HOW WILL THE PAC OPERATE? The PAC will operate as informally es possible --no compulsory attendance, and no voting. The meetings will be conducted by the consultant and will be called at milestone points in the study (a total of five) when committee input is especially needed. Ordinarily, meetings will be scheduled with sufficient advance notice to permit you to arrange your schedule. To keep you informed of the proceedings at the PAC meetings, we will prepare summary minutes and will distribute them after each meeting. These will be particularly helpful if you are unable to attend a meeting. We will hold five public information workshops during the preparation of the study so that we may report to the community at large and elicit their views and input. We strongly urge you to represent the PAC at the evening workshops. The workshops will be organized to maximize the opportunity for two-way communication. At these important meetings, you will have the chance to hear from local citizens and share your views and expertise with them. Prior to each PAC meeting, the consultant will distribute working papers to you. These are draft chapters of the Noise Compatibility Study, and they will be a focus for discussion at the meetings. In addition, we will provide an outline of the subjects to be covered in the next A-3 I 1 phase of the project so that you may interject your ideas and concerns and have them addressed in the next working paper. To help you keep your materials organized, we will give you a study workbook (a three-ring binder with a special cover and tab dividers) to hold working papers, technical information papers, PAC membership lists, meeting notes, and other resource material. WHERE CAN YOU GET MORE INFORMATION? For specific information about the study, please contact: J q James C. Pierce, JR., P.E. Assistant Public Works Director Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-9010 (972) 450-2879 J jPierce@ci.addison.tx.us Jim Harris, P.E. ] Project Manager Coffinan Associates, Inc. ]11022 N 28th Drive, Suite 240, Phoenix, AZ 85029 (602) 993-6999 :1jmharris@coffinanassociates.com David Fitz, A.LC.P. ]Senior Associate Coffinan Associates, Inc. 237 N.W. Blue Parkway, Suite 100, J Lee's Summit, MO 64063 (816) 524-3500 dfitz@coffinanassociates.co m "J J : J A-4 J II ADDISON AIRPORT MASTER PLANI F.A.R. PART 150 NOISE COMPATIBILITY STUDY PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) Name Phone!FAX Jim Pierce Representing Address P.O. Box 9010 972-450-2879 Assistant Director of TOWN OF 972-450-2837 Public Works David Pearce ADDISON Addison, TX 75001 4651 Airport Pkwy. 972-392-4855 Airport Manager ADDISON AIRPORT Addison, TX 75001 972-788-9334 Alvin DeVane 214-239-3725 Air Traffic Manager 16000 Dooley Road FAA Addison, TX 75001 214-490-4338 2601 Meacham Blvd. 817-222-5608 ,Nan Terry •Rick Compton & FAA, SOUTHWEST 817-222-5989 i Airport Planner Bruce Ehly Ft. Worth, TX 76137REGION 150 E. Riverside Dr. Airport Planner TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF South Tower, 5'" Fl. TRANSPORTATION Austin, TX 78704 Charles Heath i ADDISON : 200 Professional 972-247-8023 President 972-247-8095 ASSOCIATION BUSINESS Plaza 1 1 Medical Pkwy., Suite 200 Farmers Branch, TX 75234 Jerry Hooper 3332 Ball Dr. Regional AIRCRAFT OWNERS & PILOTS Corpus Christi, TX Represen tative ASSOCIATION 78418 Paul Smith 512-869-4167 Regional 30124 Sawgrass NATIONAL BUSINESS Trail 512-869-1807 Representative AIRCRAFT Georgetown, TX : ASSOCIATION Julie Dunbar NORTH CENTRAL 817 -640-3300 TEXAS COUNCIL P.O. Box 5888 Arlington, TX OF 76005-5888 GOVERNMENTS Carmen Moran TOWN OF P.O. Box 9010 972-450-7018 ADDISON 972-450-7043 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES John Webb Addison, TX 75001 972-466-3040 CARROLLTON CITY OF Carrollton, TX P.O. Box 110535 . PLANNING 75011 DEPARTMENT Sherell Cockrell 214-670-4127 Planning Dept. CITY OF DALLAS 1500 Marilla, 5DN PLANNING Dallas, TX 75201 , Director DEPARTMENT A-5 ] '1 ADDISON AIRPORT MASTER PLANI F.A.R. PART 150 NOISE COMPATIBILITY STUDY PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) (Continued) II 􀁾􀀠] Name Kaiser Rangwala Representing I CITY OF FARMERS BRANCH Address P.O. Box 819010 Farmers Branch, TX Phone!FAX 972-247-3131 I I :-1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 75381 II ") Mark Acevedo Chris Terry CITY OF PLANO PLANNING DEPART!vfENT TOWN OF ADDISON TOWN OF ADDISON P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001 P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001 972-450-2848 972-450-2825 972-450-7010 972-450-2834 􀁾􀀠I: II , I ;1 J Brian Langley P.O. Box 9010 972-450-7090TOWN OF :]972-450-7096 ADDISON Addison, TX 75001 972-930-0216, Vince Hilgeman FIXED BASE 4400 Glen Curtis ' OPERATOR I MERCURY AIR II : Jack Hopkins I FIXED BASE OPERATOR Million Air ,Ed Morales I FIXED BASE I , OPERATOR II i Addison Express ! Bonnie TYler CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE Elizabeth Knott CITIZEN • REPRESENTATIVE Albert Jandura ! II Sue Halpern • Janise Neiman CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE John Cummings • CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE i Bob Barrett CITIZEN REPRESENTATIVE II City Council I Al Ranyk ,TENANT REPRESENTATIVE FLIGHT SCHOOIlBAR Addison, TX 75001 972-267-7909 , 'JI 4300 Westgrove Dr. 972-248-1600 Addison, TX 75001 972-733-9803 '1 .J 972-713-70004505 Claire '1972-380-0046Chennaul t ! , JAddison, TX 75001 972-250-307917106 Planters Row !Addison, TX 75001 I ] I I 972-387-313514921 Bellbrook 972-386-1857 3817 Azure Lane Addison, TX 75240 972-247-1384 ". I dAddison, TX 75001 14637 LexusAve. 972-386-7944 Addison, TX 75001 J 972-701-87184700 Airport Pkwy. , 972-866-7513Addison, TX 75001 'J , i A-6 ] .1 i j ! ADDISON AIRPORT MASTER PLANI FAR. PART 150 NOISE COMPATIBILITY STUDY PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) (Continued) Name Representing Address PhoneJFAX Ron Fredericks TENANT REPRESENTATIVE Mission Air 4600 Claire Chennault Addison, TX 75001 972-248-4500 972-248-2215 Mike Tiller TENANT REPRESENTATIVE Pizza HutlAABOA 972-267-4898 972-267-0939 Keith Brailey Northern Trust Bank 16475 Dallas Pkwy. Addison, TX 75001 972-931-2345 Tracy Eubanks Mapsco, Inc. 4181 Centurion Way Addison, TX 75001 214-521-2131 A-7 ] ] ] ] ] J J J ] J ] :1 CJ < • ] ] "1 􀀧􀁾􀀢􀁊􀀠< 1 J 1 AppendixB COORDINATION, F.AR. Part 150 CONSULTATION, AND Noise Compatibility Study Update PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Addison Airport INTRODUCTION As part of the planning process, the public, airport users, and local, state, and federal agencies were given the opportunity to review and comment on the Noise Exposure Maps (NEM) and supporting documentation. Materials prepared by the consultant were submitted for local review, discussion, and revision at several points during the process. Much of the local coordination was handled through a special study committee formed specifically to provide advice and feedback on the Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study. Known as the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), it included representatives ofall affected groups, including local B-1 residents; airport users; officials from the towns ofAddison, Farmers Branch, and Carrollton and the cities of Dallas and Plano; local businesses; aviation organizations; fixed based operator; the Texas Department of Transportation, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). (A list of the PAC members 18 presented m Appendix A.) The PAC reviewed and commented on the working papers prepared by the consultant, and provided guidance for the next phase of the study. Most comments were made orally during the meetings, and some were followed by written confirmation. All comments were appropriately incorporated into this document or otherwise addressed. The PAC met two times during the preparation of the Noise Exposure Maps (NEM). The first meeting was held on January 24, 2002 to introduce the participants, describe the study process, discuss goals and objectives, distribute the study workbooks, and hear comments and views pertaining to conditions at the airport. The second PAC meeting was held on May 23, 2002. Chapter One (Inventory), Chapter Two (Aviation Noise), and Chapter Three (Noise Impacts) were discussed. Following the PAC meetings the general public was invited to a series of Public Information Workshops. These workshops were structured as an informal open-house, with display boards and information posted throughout the meeting room. The meetings allowed citizens to acquire information about the F.AR Part 150 Study process, aircraft operations, baseline noise analysis, and noise impacts; ask questions; and express J concerns. The meetings were also intended to encourage two-way l communication between the airport staff, consultants and local citizens. In addition to the formal meetings, many written and verbal contacts were . J also made between project management staff and officials of local, state and federal agencies, representatives of various aviation user groups, and local residents. These were related to the day-to-day management of the project, as well as the resolution of specific questions and concerns arising from the working papers. 􀁾􀀠1 A supplemental volume entitled J"Supporting Information on Project Coordination and Local Consultation" contains detailed information in support of the Noise Exposure Maps document. It includes copies of meeting announcements, summary notes from the meetings, sign-in sheets, and all written comments received on the Noise Exposure Maps study. 1 J B-2 1 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁢􀁮􀁮􀀯􀁾􀁲􀁴􀁟􀀡______􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁁􀁾􀁰􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁾􀁤􀁾􀁕􀁾􀁃 􀀱􀁾􀁾􀁲􀀠LOCAL ZONING PROVISIONS F.AR. Part 150 Appendix C Noise Compatibility Study Update LOCAL ZONING PROVISIONS Addison Airport Contained in this appendix are a series of tables which summarize the zoning ordinances in each of the jurisdictions being evaluated as part of this noise compatibility study. Each table contains a list ofthe noise-sensitive uses allowed in each zone as well as the minimum lot size or density ofdwelling units allowed per acre. Additional details ofeach zoning ordinance were provided in Chapter One, Inventory, ofthis document. The following jurisdiction's zoning ordinances are summarized on the following pages. • Town ofAddison's zoning ordinance is summarized in Table Cl beginning on page C-2. • City ofCarrollton's zoning ordinance is summarized in Table C2, beginning on page C-9. • City of Farmers Branch's zoning ordinance is summarized in Table C3, beginning on page C-21. • City ofDallas' zoning ordinance is summarized in Table C4, beginning on page C-25. C-l jr;ABLECl ! Summary of Zoning Provisions: Town of Addison R-I, Single-family Dwelling Single-family Private schools dwellings Kindergartens Churches Nurseries Schools Religious, educational, Libraries or philanthropic Day nurseries institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes i Old people's homes Materrutv homes R-2, Single-family Single-family Dwelling dwellings Churches Schools Libraries Day nurseries R-3, Single-family Dwelling Single-family dwellings Churches Schools Libraries Day nurseries Ii Private schools Kindergartens Nurseries Religious, educational, or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes Private schools Kindergartens Nurseries Religious, educational, or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes 12,000 s.f. 9,000 s.f. 7,500 s.f. i 1/] :1 .J .J . 1 . ) C-2 .1 I TABLE Cl (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: Town ofAddison . -, -"..;> ...••....... ;. . ' Noise-SeIiiriiiveUses' E;;··•.··:. i -•• . . ...... ,'.", , -:·_'0'.:'" ..: .􀀢􀁾􀁦􀀢􀀢􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀢􀀢􀀧 􀀢􀀠. Zoning Districts Permitted "A" Apartment Two-family dwelling Multiple-family dwellings . . . ... Conditional Private schools Kindergartens Nurseries Religious, educational, or philanthropic institutions '. 􀂷􀂷􀀮􀀺􀁍􀁩􀁲􀁩􀁩􀁩􀁮􀁾Lot .' '.SizeprDE>D.irity Units/Acre Minimum lot size is 1 acre. Minimum lot area per dwelling unit is 1,400 s.f. for each efficiency, 1,600 LR, Local Retail Libraries Mortuaries Dance and music studios Day nurseries s.f. for each 1 Hotels and motels bedroom, 1,800 s.f. Hospitals for each 2 Children's homes bedroom, and Convalescent homes 2,000 s.f. for each 3 Old people's homes bedroom. Maternity homes : Lodges, fraternities and sorority houses, !boarding houses Dental and medical ,offices Private schools None Kindergartens Nurseries Religious, educational, or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes I Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes C-3 r TABLE Cl (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: Town ofAddison . !WniniiunLOt . .. " ,"" •·SizeorDell.5ity . Zoning Districts c:., Coriditional . .... ... Units/Acre. 􀁐􀁥􀁾􀀮􀁦􀁴􀁴􀀮􀀻􀁤􀀠C-I, Commercial -1 Medical and dental Private schools None offices Kindergartens Mortuaries Nurseries Dance and music Religious, educational, studios or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes Homes for the insane, alcoholics, feebleminded, and narcotics Trailer parks C-2, Commercial -2 Medical and dental Private schools None offices Kindergartens Mortuaries Nurseries Dance and music Religious, educational, studios or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes Homes for the insane, alcoholics, feebleminded, and narcotics Trailer parks '] l :1 ] :1 .1 1 i '1 •J 1 iJ C-4 , 1 TABLE Cl (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: Town ofAddison Zoninir Districts. I-I, Industrial-1 I-2, Industrial -2 1-3, Industrial-3 . Permitted ,􀀧􀀺􀁍􀁩􀁮􀀺􀁨􀁲􀁩􀁵􀁭􀁌􀁾􀁩􀀠Size or Density UnitS/Acre None None None Merucal and dental offices Mortuaries Dance and music studios Medical and dental offices Mortuaries Dance and music studios Private schools Kindergartens Nurseries ReligiOUS, educational, or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes Private schools Kindergartens Nurseries Religious, educational, or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes Private schools offices Medical and dental Kindergartens Mortuaries Nurseries Dance and music Religious, educational, studios or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries ! Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes I ! Old people's homes Maternity homes ; .. ! , C-5 i 1 Zonin'"Districts PDTC . Planned Condominiums Development, Townhomes Townhousel Community centers condominium , I TABLE Cl (Continued) Summary ofZoning Provisions: Town ofAddison .. PD-Planned Any and all uses Development allowed PDCC, Planned Condominiums Development, Community centers Condominium/conversi ons I C-6 Private schools Kindergartens Nurseries Religious, educational, or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes Private schools Kindergartens Nurseries Religious, educational, or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternitv homes Private schools Kindergartens Nurseries Religious, educational, or philanthropic institutions Day nurseries Hotels and motels Hospitals Children's homes Convalescent homes Old people's homes Maternity homes :] None ] J J Density shall not 'j'.exceed 18 d.uiacre '1 d ! None : 1 ..i '] . . J : 1 J TABLE Cl (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: Town of Addison 􀀼􀁎􀁯􀁬􀁳􀁥􀁾􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁥􀁕􀁳􀁥􀁳􀀠< « '< u < .' « , .' : 􀁩􀁾􀁮􀁨􀁩􀁧􀁄􀁩􀁳􀁴􀀺􀁲􀁩􀁾􀁴􀁳􀀠. «' ..-. -;.': '·······...',"'-.:' .. !MinimiunLot:.. . .. Size.or Density Zoninl! Districts . 􀁾__ ,'./;",;<,n. Pernutted Conditional Units/Acre IH -Interim Holding Single-family dwelling Mobile home park 5 acres District Convent or monastery Rectory or Parsonage unit Adult day care Public school Daycare center Church, synagogue, or Kindergarten temple Private or Library denominational school Museum I Community center SF-12/20 -Single-Adult daycare 12,000 s.f. Single-family dwelling Ifamily Residential Daycare center Community home for unit Kindergarten disabled persons Private or IRectory or Parsonage denominational school Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum Community Center . SF-IO/18 . Single10,000 s.f. Single-family dwelling Adult daycare • family Residential Daycare center Community home for unit Kindergarten disabled persons Private or Rectory or Parsonage denominational school Public school Church,synagogue,or ItempleI Library Museum Community Center C-9 i II TABLE Cli (Continued) Summary ofZoning Provisions: City of Carrollton "'1'y,'. 􀁾􀀬.. '.' ...... 􀁎􀀧􀀻􀁩􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁩􀀧􀁶􀁥􀀧􀁕􀁩􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀾􀀧􀀠. 􀀮􀀧􀀻􀁜􀀧􀁾􀀠.:.:, :.: . , . .Minimtim Lot.. , ,... Size or Density Zoning Districts i' ... Permitted· .. donditiorial Units/Acre SF-8.4118 -SingleSingle-family dwelling Adult daycare 8,400 s.f. family Residential unit Daycare center Community home for Kindergarten disabled persons Private or Rectory or Parsonage denominational school Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum Community Center SF-8.4116 -SingleSingle-family dwelling Adult daycare 8,400 s.f. family Residential unit D aycare center Community home for Kindergarten disabled persons Private or Rectory or Parsonage denominational school Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum Community Center SF-7/16 -Single-family Single-family dwelling Adult daycare 7,000 s.f. Residential unit Daycare center Community home for Kindergarten disabled persons Private or Rectory Rectory or Parsonage denominational school Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum Community Centeril I I I I :] 1 J ] J ] ']c ] "] 'j" ] J '1 :.1 C-IO I TABLE C2 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: ! City of Carrollton •••􀀼􀀬􀀡􀀬􀀮􀀢􀀬􀀻􀀬􀁾􀂷􀀬􀂷􀁪􀀻􀀧􀀺􀁎􀁯􀁩􀁳􀀧􀀺􀀧􀁾􀁳􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁩􀁩􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁥􀀧􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁳􀀧􀀺􀂷􀀧􀀮􀂷􀀬􀂷􀀮􀂷􀂷􀀺••.. '.,. .. 􀀬􀁾􀀠" , "(,'<»;';i:;;,: L,:'"," ":f;C"·; .•• .• i\MininiunfLOt • ' " .: •.•• i'" 􀀻􀁾􀀺􀀢􀀮􀀬􀀠, •• ".,":;C"" .. "." '..,....•..' " 􀁓􀁩􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀧􀁯􀀧􀀻􀁔􀁨􀀬􀁮􀁾􀁴􀁹􀀧.. .. Conditional' ,Perniitted, ,. ,Units/AcreZoning Districts 7,000 s,f Residential Adult daycare SF-7/14 -Single-family Single-family dwelling Daycare center Community home for unit Kindergarten disabled persons Private or Rectory or Parsonage denominational school I Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum Community Center 6,500 s,f, family Residential SF-6,5/12 -Single-Adult daycare Single-family dwelling Daycare center Community home for unit Kindergarten disabled persons Private or Rectory or Parsonage denominational school Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum Community Center 5,000 s,f. Patio Home SF-PH --Single-family Single-family dwelling Adult daycare Daycare center Community home for unit Kindergarten disabled persons Private or Rectory or Parsonage denominational school Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum ! Community Center Ii i 0-11 i ] fJ J TABLE C2 (Continued) Summary ofZoning Provisions: City of Carrollton SF-A -Single-family Attached Residential SF-TH -Single-family Townhouse Residential D -Duplex Residential 􀀽􀀽􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀁾􀀠Single-family dwelling unit, attached Townhouse Community home for disabled persons Rectory or Parsonage Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum Community Center Single-family dwelling unit, attached Townhouse Community home for disabled persons Rectory or Parsonage Public school Church,synagogue,or temple Library Museum Community Center Single-family dwelling unit, attached Duplex Community home for disabled persons Rectory or Parsonage Public school Church, synagogue, or temple Library Museum Community Center Adult daycare Daycare center Kindergarten Private or denominational school Adult daycare D aycare center Kindergarten Private or denominational school Adult daycare Daycare center Kindergarten Private or denominational school i 4,250 s.f. 3,500 s.f. 8,500 s.f. ] ] OJ :. J :1 .J J C-12 l , , . ! TABLE C2 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City of Carrollton ",',' ,', ' 􀀧􀁎􀁲􀁩􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁾􀁓􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁾􀁕􀁳􀁥􀁳􀀠'. "". ' ' , ' " Minimum Lot . < ".:." 􀀬􀀧􀂷􀀢􀁳􀁩􀁺􀁾􀁯􀁾􀀬􀁄 􀁴􀁭􀁾􀁴􀁹􀀠" Zoning Districts 'Perinitted , UnitSlAcre' , Boarding, lodging orT -Tri-plex Residential Tri-plex 10,000 s.f. Community home for rooming house disabled persons College dormitory; Rectory or Parsonage fraternity Or sorority house Convent or Monastery Hospice Maternity home : Orphanage Other group quarters Adult daycare Daycare center Kindergarten Private or denominational school F -Four-plex Four-plex Boarding, lodging Or 10,000 s.f. Residential Tri-plex rooming house Community home for College dormitory; disabled persons fraternity or sorority Rectory or Parsonage house Convent or Monastery Hospice Maternity home Orphanage Other group quarters Adult daycare Daycare center Kindergarten Private or ! denominatlonal school C·13 Ir TABLE C2 (Continued) ; Summary of Zoning Provisions: City ofCarrollton .. Zonin" Districts MF-12 -Multi-family Residential MF-15 -Multi-family Residential Apartment house or Boarding, lodging or 10,000 s.f. complex rooming house Four-plex College dormitory; Housing project fraternity or sorority Tri-plex house Community home for Convent or Monastery disabled persons Hospice Rectory or Parsonage Maternity home Orphanage Apartment house or complex Four-plex Housing project Tri-plex Community home for disabled persons Rectory or Parsonage Other group quarters Adult daycare Daycare center Kindergarten Private or denominational school Boarding, lodging or rooming house College dormitory; fraternity or sorority house Convent or Monastery Hospice Maternity home Orphanage Other group quarters Adult daycare Daycare center Kindergarten I Private or I denominational school I I 10,000 s.£. 'j ] ] ] ] ] ] ] .. J C-14 1 TABLE C2 (Continned) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City of Carrollton •... . . •... •. .' 􀀮􀁎􀁯􀁩􀁳􀁥􀀮􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁥􀁕􀁳􀁾􀁾􀀠. . . '. ........:.•􀁾􀀮􀀠. ... .... 􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠.i:e>'. ."i·,; c,', ..._ . .. • '.' :MiriimumLot . :'Size ·orDehSity.􀁚􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁄􀁩􀁓􀁴􀁲􀁩􀁣􀁴􀁓􀀧􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀠􀀬􀂷􀂷􀁾􀂷􀂷􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁩􀁝􀁅􀁩􀁾􀁩.. 􀀬􀂷􀀺􀀢􀀧􀀺􀀻􀀺􀀢􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁬􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁮􀁡􀁬􀀠. Units/Acfe MF-18 -Multi-family Residential Apartment house or complex Four-plex Housing project Tri-plex Community home for disabled persons Rectory or Parsonage MHP -Mobile Home Mobile home Park Residential Mobile home park Community home for disabled persons Rectory or Parsonage 0-1, Office 0-2 -Office Rectory or parsonage Schools Churches Library Museum Community Center Medical services Rectory or parsonage Schools Churches Library Museum Community Center Medical services 10,000 sJ, rooming house College dormitory; fraternity or sorority house Convent or Monastery HospiceI Maternity home Orphanage Other group quarters Adult daycare Daycare center Kindergarten Private or denominational school Boarding, lodging or Adult daycare 7,000 s.[ Daycare center Kindergarten Private or denominational school College dormitory; 10,000 s.f fraternity or sorority house Convent or monastery Hospice Maternity home Orphanage Other group quarters Schools Adult daycare Convalescent or rest home College dormitory; fraternity or sorority house Convent or monastery Hospice Maternity home Orphanage Other group quarters Schools Adult daycare Convalescent or rest home 10,000 s.f. C-15 1 lr TABLE C2 (Continued)I! Summary ofZoning Provisions: ! City of Carrollton , 1':,,:'>'N'oise.SensiuveUses',; '1 -] ""'" UiiitslAere , :;1,,;:,;':'" ",,',):' '>".;:, ,,:,,:;>: ,;" "" ,-; \., .. ,... .; 􀀧􀀺􀀬􀀢􀁾􀁊􀀬􀀮􀀠'. ".. :? ," 􀀧􀁰􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁴􀁴􀀧􀁾􀁤􀀠Rectory or parsonage College dormitory; Schools 0-3 -Office fraternity or sorority Churches house Library Convent or monastery Museum Hospice Community Center Maternity home Medical services Orphanage Other group quarters Schools Adult daycare Convalescent or rest home 0-4 -Office Rectory or parsonage College dormitory; Schools fraternity or sorority Churches house Library Convent or monastery Museum Hospice Community Center Maternity home Medical services Orphanage Other group quarters Schools : Convalescent or rest home Adult davcare NS -Neighborhood Rectory or parsonage Convent or monastery Services Public schools Hospice Churches Maternity home Community Center Orphanage Medical services Other group quarters Daycare Kindergarten Private Schools Adult daveare LR-l -Local Retail Rectory or parsonage Convent or monastery Correspondence school Hospice Dance school Maternity home Public school Orphanage Churches Other group quarters Library Daycare center Museum Kindergarten Community Center Private school Medical services Adult daycare , Convalescent or rest Ihome 􀁩􀁖􀁦􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁭􀁵􀁩􀁮􀀠Lot ],Size or 􀁄􀁾􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁹􀀠30,000 sJ, J J r] " i ] 40,000 sJ. J '] J ']6,000 s.f. J J 6,000 s.f. J U , , , ,'._' J C-16 J 1 I .1 TABLE C2 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City of Carrollton .'•.....•.• ,;> .........., ...•.... , .... .. '. 􀁾􀀠<". Noise-Sensitive Uses' ' " .," '. .... , '''.'" ",:,: ,; ',' ".:: .. , Mininniin Lot . " ,,-' , ',,'" ," , 􀀢􀁾􀁩􀁚􀀺􀀧􀀻􀀧ol"Di,Iisity '..􀀺􀀮􀂷􀁴􀀺􀀢􀁌􀁨􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀠. 􀀧􀀮􀁾Zonin:1!' Districts' 􀀧􀁐􀁥􀁩􀀭􀁭􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁤' "Units/Acre 6,000 s,f, Schools LR-2 -Local Retail Rectcry or parsonage College dormitory; fraternity Or sorority Churches house Library Convent or monastery Museum Hospice Community Center Maternity home Medical services Orphanage Other group quarters ! Schools Adult daycare Convalescent or rest , home LC Light Commercial 10,000 s,f. Bed and breakfast inn Rectcry or parsonage College dormitory; fraternity or sorority Hotel, motel or other house transient lodging Convent or monastery Residential hotel Hospice Schools Maternity home Churches Orphanage Library Other group quarters Museum Schools Community Center Amphitheater Medical services Drive-in movie Adult daycare Convalescent or rest home II HC -Heavy Rectory or parsonage College dormitcry; 10,000 s.f. I Commercial Bed and breakfast inn fraternity Or sorority Hotel, motel or other house transient lodging Schools Residential hotel Amphitheater Schools Drive-in movie Churches Adult daycare ILibrary Convalescent or rest Museum home Community Center Medical services j ) C-17 TABLE C2 (Continued) Summary ofZoning Provisions: City of Carrollton ," .' .,., 􀀧􀁎􀁾􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁾􀁕􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁕􀀻􀀻􀀻􀁳􀀼􀀠' .,": ,," :,,\," ". .. ,," .",'. "" .., ., ,,,􀀮􀁾." . MinimUm Lot􀀻􀀻􀀩􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻.. , .. .. ;t;.": . -:;;." ",.'.-..... " " . .. ',".':.. -. ,􀁉􀁣􀀺􀁩􀀫􀀻􀀧􀀻􀁾􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁾􀀻􀂷􀂷􀀮􀀬􀀻􀀻􀂷','. . ;." ..􀂷􀁓􀁾􀁴􀁦􀁨􀀱􀁴􀁾􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁾".", :"Zor."in..-'IHst;"icts . ....;. :' ..,:(:ic;-,n:diiio'nal:: ' CIW-Rectory or parsonage College dormitory; 12,500 s.f. CommercialfWarehouse Bed and breakfast inn fraternity or sorority Hotel, motel or other house transient lodging Schools Residential hotel Amphitheater Schools 􀁄􀁲􀁩􀁹􀁥􀁾in movie Churches Adult daycare Library Convalescent or rest , Museum horne ,Community Center Medical services i FWY -Freeway Rectory or parsonage College dormitory; 40,000 s.f. Bed and breakfast inn fraternity or sorority Hotel, motel or other house transient lodging Schools Residential hotel Amphitheater Schools Adult daycare Churches Convalescent or rest Library home Museum Community Center Medical services I-S5E -Interstate Uses allowed in Uses allowed in 10,000 s.f. Overlav underlvin .. zone underlvin". zone IP -Limi ted Rectory or parsonage College dormitory; 20,000 s.f. IndustriallIndustrial Bed and breakfast inn fraternity or sorority Park Hotel, motel or other house transient lodging Schools Residential hotel Amphitheater Schools Adult daycare Churches Library :Museum Community Center I Medical services ! ] J ;] ] J J . 1 , ..J ] J J U C-18 J ! TABLE C2 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City of Carrollton . ,'. , ......., . '. 􀀼􀁾...,.,'. ".. ':>" ,. --􀁎􀁏􀁉􀁳􀁥􀂷􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁬􀁴􀀱􀁜􀁾􀁥􀀮􀁕􀁳􀁥􀁳􀀬... ,-",> -":'-'.;.,, .. .. '. :-'. ,.. ,'". Minimum Lot-.-.. , .'... -' .. .. .... .... . .. . • 􀁓􀁩􀁾􀁥.or 􀁄􀁥􀁁􀁾􀁩􀁴􀁹􀀠.. Zoninl!: Districts .. .:' .. '􀁣􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁩􀀱􀀻􀁩􀁾􀁲􀁩􀀸􀁩􀀧􀀠.. . UliitslAcrePermitted LI . Light Industrial Rectory or parsonage College dormitory; 12,500 s.r. Bed and breakfast inn fraternity or sorority Hotel, motel Or other house transient lodging Schools Residential hotel Amphitheater Schools Adult daycare Churches Convalescent or rest Library home Museum Drive-in movie Community Center Medical services HI -Heavy Industrial Rectory or parsonage 12,500 s.r. Bed and breakfast inn College dormitory; fraternity or sorority Hotel, motel or other house transient lodging Schools Residential hotel Amphitheater Schools Adult daycare Churches Convalescent or rest Library home Museum Drive-in movie Community Center Medical services PD -Planned Any and all uses none none Development allowed ODC -Old Downtown Rectory or parsonage none Commercial District Bed and breakfast inn Bed and breakfast inn Hotel, motel, or other Hotel, motel or other transient lodging transient lodging Residential hotel Schools !Churches Library Museum Medical services J C-19 1 TABLE C2 (Continued) Summary ofZoning Provisions: City of Carrollton ! .'";,, Zoning Districts CC -Corporate Commercial GWY -Gateway i Overlay District ,<,", ,', "',, '",""""" '",:,􀀻􀁃􀀧􀀬􀀧􀁾􀀺􀀮 􀀠'" ",;, " '""NoiSe;SenSitive,Uses' ",;' , -,-" , ,;;,,," ' ,""/,,:'' ' 􀀮􀁾􀀠::􀁾􀀧􀀻􀀧􀁾􀀠:;>;' :-,<'." ;," " , , , .. ..;-.', , , , " " " I""􀀧􀁐􀁾􀀢􀁊􀁭􀁩􀀻􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠, , 􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁤􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠'" ,,', Rectory or parsonage Bed and breakfast inn Bed and breakfast inn Hotel, motel or other Hotel, motel or other transient lodging transient lodging Residential hotel Residential hotel Amphitheater Schools Adult daycare Churches Library Museum Medical services Community Center Uses allowed in Uses allowed in :J .. 'Minimum Lot ]􀁓􀁩􀁺􀁥􀀬􀀡􀀩􀁲􀁉􀀧􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁾􀁴􀁹􀀠; • , ',' Units/Acre " 40,000 s.f. '] ] i40,000 s,f. underlying zone underlying zone : ji '1 J OJ ] 1 j C-20 TABLEC3 Summary ofZoning Provisions: City ofFarmers 􀁂􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁨􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀬􀁟􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀭􀁾􀁾________􀁾􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀬􀀭􀁟􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀠,;, ..c ",. Noise.Sensitive Uses ..-' " 􀀧􀂷􀂷􀁍􀁩􀁲􀁩􀀮􀁩􀁩􀁲􀁩􀁾􀀠Lot· 􀂷􀁓􀁩􀁾􀁥􀂷􀁾􀁲􀀮􀁲􀁩􀁥􀁮􀁓􀁩􀁩􀁹􀀠. UnitsfAcre R-1 -One-family Residential One-family dwelling Community center Community unit development Church school 1 acre Church I f IR-2 -One-ami y Residential One-family dwelling Community center Community unit development Church school 13,000 s.f. Church R-3 -One-family One-family dwelling Community unit 10,000 s.f. Residential Community center development Church school Church Schools R-4 -One-family Residential One-family dwelling Community center Community unit development Church school Church Schools 10,000 s.f. R-5 -One-family Residential One· family dwelling Community center Community unit development Church school Church Schools 8,700 s.£. R-6 -One-family Residential One-family dwelling Community center Community unit development Church sehool Church Schools 8,700 s.f. D-l Two-family Residential One-family dwelling Two-family dwelling Church school Church Community center Community unit development Schools 4,350 s.f.ld, u. D-2 -Two-family Residential One-family dwelling Two-family dwelling Church school Church Community center Community unit development Schools 3,750 s.fJd.u. C-21 TABLE C3 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City ofFarmers Branch ..... ...... ..... ;;. ,.:.......: .... '.' . --. Noise"Sensitive-uSes . -. . . . ... .' . . .'. .y.::.; .' MiD.l:inum Lot. Size.. :.'.I':·•• .' .... '. .... .: " >. ....:'i . . .oi-Den:sity.' .. --,' ",Ui:UtslAcre . 􀁚􀁯􀁮􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁄􀁩􀁾􀁴􀁲􀁩􀁣􀁴􀁾􀀠. 􀀧􀁐􀁥􀁲􀁩􀁩􀁵􀁾􀀠.... .. '.: Conditional . One-family dwelling Community unitMF-l-Multiple-family 3,500 s.fJd.u. Residential One-fumily dwelling, development attached Schools Two-family dwelling Multiple-family dwelling Apartment Church school Church Community center MF-2 -Multiple-family One-family dwelling Community unit 2,720 s.f.ld.u. Residential One-family dwelling, development attached Schools Two-family dwelling Multiple-family dwelling Apartment Church school Church Community center MF-3-Multiple-family One-family dwelling Community unit 1,800 s.f.ld.u. Residential One-family dwelling, development attached Schools Two-family dwelling Multiple-family dwelling Apartment Church school Church Community center i MF-4 -Multiple-family One-family dwelling Community unit 1,800 s.f.ld.u. Residential One-family dwelling, development attached Schools Two-family dwelling Multiple-family dwelling Apartment , Church school Church Community center 0-Office Church school Hotel or motel none Church Adult daycare School. Community center iMedical offices :1 J :] ] ] ] ] J !), ;] U C-22 J TABLE C3 (Continued) Summary ofZoning Provisions: City ofFarmers Branch . . .', .. ",,,,' ),"< "',. "Noise-Sensitlve Uses , . " ! . . I. Minimum Lot Size.. oJ; Density Zonin.,-Districts .Conditional Units/AcrePermitted LR-l -Local Retail Church school Adult daycare none Church Schools Community center Medical offices LR-2 -Local Retail Church school Adult daycare nonc Church IAnimal hospital : Schools Community center Medical offices C -Commercial Boarding or rooming Hotel or motel none house Adult daycare Trailer or mobile home 􀁄􀁲􀁩􀁶􀁥􀁾􀁩􀁮􀀠theater for caretaker or Animal hospital watchman Church school Church Schools Community center Medical offices LI .. Light Industrial Trailer or mobile home Hotel or motal none fOT caretaker or Adult daycare watchman : Drive-in theater Church school Church Schools Community center I Animal hospital Medical offices HI -Heavy Industrial Trailer or mobile home Hotel or motel none for caretaker or Drive-in theater watchman Church school Church I Schools ICommunity center I Animal hospital Medical offices 'I : C-23 ITABLE C3 (Continued) ISummary ofZoning Provisions: City ofFarmers Branch cc • .,.. • ••• • ••• ' ". ..... 􀁾􀀮􀀠.' "',' . 1;,;;(.'; 􀀢􀀧􀀺􀀻􀁎􀁯􀁩􀁳􀁥􀀧􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁉􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁴􀀻􀁾􀁕􀁾􀁥􀁳􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀧􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀠 ."i,' . ., "' .,,' ... , .. ; ". . , " . Miriiin;.m Lot i'."", . . !' " , 􀁓􀁩􀁾􀁥􀀠orperiSity . Permitted' . Conditional UriilsiAcre·Zoninl! Districts 2 acres Religious Uses Worship facility Adult daycare I-RU -Institutional-Church school Daycare Nursing home Rectory, Monastery, or Convent Schools 600 s.fid.u. -7,500 Development PD -Planned Multiple-family Hotel or motel s.Ud.u. Apartment Two-family dwelling dwelling Lot size is Church school determined by the Church type of structure to Schools be placed on the Community center lot. Animal hospital Medical offices i I Medical 'I center/hospital I ] ] ] ] ] ] I j 'J '] ] ] u C-24 u TABLEC4 Summary of Zoning Provisions: City ofDallas . . 'ConditionalZoning Districts Adult daycare 3 acres Single-family dwelling A -Agricultural Church Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library Schools Convalescent and nursing homes Hospitals Adult daycare 1 acreR-1ac -Residential Church I :Single-family dwelling Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library Schools R-1I2ac -Residential Adult daycare : 0.5 acres Single-family dwelling Church Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library Schools R-16 -Residential Adult daycare 16,000 s.f. Single-family dwelling Church Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library SchoolsI R-13 -Residential 13,000 s.£. Single-family dwelling Church Adult daycare Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library Schools R-10 -Residential Adult daycare 10,000 s.f. Single-family dwelling Church Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library Schools ! . ! C-25 1 TABLE C4 (Continued) , Summary of Zoning Provisions: ]ICity ofDallas "::::,,,,:, ::: Noise-SensitiveUile's,J: :,' " " :' ,c'.:, " , ,. ,,::co '.'\' , ' ,.' ,,', 􀁍􀁩􀁮􀀧􀁩􀁦􀁵􀁾LOt" 􀀮􀁾􀀬􀁾􀀠> ,".I , , 'H' ;]􀁌􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁜􀀢􀀠":,,', ",,"c " 'c.'c, . ., 􀁓􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁑􀁩􀁉􀀩􀁾􀁲􀁩􀁳􀁩􀁾􀁙􀀠,',I .' '􀀬􀀺􀀢􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠C ,:,:" Zoning Districts R-7.5 -Residential -" Permitted ",,:!, ',' Church Single-family dwelling i R-5 -Residential : Church Single-family dwelling ! ! D(A) -Duplex : Church Duplex Single-family dwelling ,-Conditional :, Uriits/Acre Adult daycare 7,500 s.f. ]Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library Schools Adult daycare 5,000 s.f. Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library ] Schools Adult daycare 6,000 s.f. Child care facility College Convent or monastery Library Schools TH-l(A) -Townhouse Residential Church Duplex Single-family dwelling Adult daycare Child care facility College Convalescent or 6 d.uJacre ] nursing homes TH-2(Al -Townhouse Residential Church Duplex Convent or or monastery Library Schools Adult daycare Child care facility i 9 d.uiacre '] Single-family dwelling College Convalescent or nursing homes 1 d I I Convent or monastery Library Schools J :] '] ] C-26 J TABLE C4 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City of Dallas :, ' 􀁾􀀠; "'Noise-Sensith'"Uses' 􀀧􀀾􀀺􀀺􀀼􀁾􀀠, 􀁾􀀬􀀠􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀺􀁍􀀱􀁲􀁩􀁩􀀮􀁲􀁩􀁾􀁌􀀢􀁴􀀧".'-'." 􀁾􀀠, ' " ....'" ' -".,.. "' :.: ,-.,; . '"',Size't'li-D"nsity--. ,", 􀀮􀂷􀀧􀁾􀁴􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀶􀀲􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁩􀁬'Permitted liiiitsiActe .-.Zoning Districts ': ' TH-3(A) -Townhouse Church Residential Duplex Single-family dwelling CH -Clustered Church Housing Duplex Multifamily dwelling Retirement housing Single-family dwelling MF-l(A) -Multifamily Residential MF-2(A) -Multifamily Residential 􀁾􀁉􀀠I ! Church Lodging or boarding house College dormitory Duplex Multifamily dwelling Retirement housing Single-family dwelling Church Lodging or boarding house College dormitory Duplex Multifamily dwelling Retirement housing Single-family dwelling Adult daycare Child care facility College Convalescent or nursing homes Convent or monastery Library Schools Retirement housing Adult daycare Child care facility College Convalescent or nursing homes Convent or monastery Library Schools Adult daycare 3,000 s.f. Child care facility College Convalescent or nursing homes Convent or monastery Library Schools Hospitals Adult daycare 1,000 s.f. Child care facility College Convalescent or nursing homes Convent or monastery Library Schools Hospitals 12 d.u.!acre 18 d.u.!acre C-27 i ..:' -:-:,' '.-, ,'--'c;.>" .􀀭􀀧􀁾􀁊􀀮􀀧􀀠􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀭􀁾􀀧􀀮􀀭'.. ';\;..;...: -' 􀀬􀀼􀀬􀀻􀀬􀀭􀁾􀀺􀀠TABLE C4 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City of Dallas Zonin Districts ' Permitted .MF-3(A) -Multifamily Residential Church Lodging or boarding house College dormitory Multifamily dwelling Retirement housing MF-4(A) -Multifamily Church Residential Lodging or boarding house College dormitory Multifamily dwelling Retirement housing , , MH(A) -Mobile Home Church College dormitory Manufactured home park Single-family dwelling NO(A) -Neighborhood Church Office Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic LO-l-Limited Office-l Church College Convent or monastery Libraryi Medical clinic College dormitorY LO-2 -Limited Office-2 Church College Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic College dormitory i :, . 'l\firikun.wt .. '.. 􀀧􀀤􀁩􀁾􀁥􀀹􀁸􀀺􀀺􀁴􀁩􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁹􀀠•'" . 􀀢􀁤􀁯􀁮􀀧􀁤􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁮􀁡􀁩􀀠"Units/Acre . Adult daycare Child care facility College Convalescent or nursing homes Convent or monastery Library Schools Has itals Adult daycare Child care facility College Convalescent or nursing homes Convent Or monastery Libraryi Schools HosDitals Adult daycare Childcare facility Library Schools ! i Adult daycare Childcare facility College Schools College dormitory Adult daycare Childcare facility Schools noneAdult daycare Child care facility Schools , i , 6,000 s.f. 6,000 s.f. i 1 d.u.l4,000 s.f. , i :] 1 ] J J . , j none i none ! C-28 1 TABLE C4 (Continued) Summary ofZoning Provisions: City of Dallas ;' ;e; .. ,:: 􀀻􀀺􀀧􀀬􀀻􀀻􀁎􀁯􀁩􀀧􀁳􀁥􀀮􀀮􀁓􀁥􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁨􀁬􀁾􀀺􀁕􀁳􀁥􀁳􀁩􀀺􀀧􀀠􀁾􀀬􀀧􀀮􀀺􀀧􀀠,. : .,iUi 􀀻􀀧􀀬􀀺􀀺􀁽􀀺􀁩􀀻􀀧􀀬􀁩􀁾􀀬􀀻� �􀀮􀀺􀀻􀀬􀀬􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀢􀀧􀁉􀀢􀁩􀁔􀀩􀀻􀀠􀀻􀁟􀀧􀁉􀀧􀀬􀁾􀀬􀁅􀁛􀀭􀀺􀀧􀁻􀁾􀀻􀀢􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀩􀀬􀀿􀁴􀀻􀀠LO-3 -Limited Office-3 Church Adult daycare none College ; Childcare facility Convent or monastery Schools Library Medical clinic College dormitory MO-l -Mid-range Church Adult daycare none Office-l College Childcare facility Convent or monastery Schools Library Hotel or motel Medical clinic College dormitory MO-2 -Mid-range Church Adult daycare none Office-2 College Childcare facility Convent or monastery Schools Library Hotel or motel Medical clinic Colle5!e dormitory GO(A) -General Office Church College Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic College dormitory Adult daycare Childcare facility Schools Hotel or motel Duplexes Multi-family dwelling Sinp'le-familv dwelling none .,, NS(A) -Neighborhood Service ... Adult daycare Childcare facility Church Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic College Schools College dormitory none CR -Community Retail Adult daycare Childcare facility Church College Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic College dormitory Schools Hotel or motel Lodging or boarding house none C-29 I TABLE C4 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City ofDallas « ;" I "':-:':. , ,,', +", 􀀺􀀧􀁎􀁯􀁩􀁾􀁴􀁩􀀧􀁓􀀧􀁥􀁮􀀱􀀻􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁖􀀢􀁕􀁩􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀻􀀺􀀧􀀺􀁐􀀧􀀩􀀻􀀨􀀢􀀠'. ; '. ''';':'<:'''<''>'' < < 􀀧􀁓􀁩􀁺􀁾􀀼􀁜􀁲i>"iti.ity <'<, Zoning Districts ' unitS/ACre:'< < ,'Permitted < < < «<, • ::', .. ". . . ... .." ....., . .... ... ... '. ;...... . Minimum Lot ",',', . Size or Density Zoninl!' Districts . . Conditional . 􀁕􀁮􀁩􀁴􀀮􀁩􀁬􀀧􀁁􀁣􀁾,',.'' :..Permitted Hospital noneMC·l • Multiple Adult daycare Schools Church Commercial·l Child care facility Hotel or motel College Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic I Colle!!e dormitorY MC·2 • Multiple Hospital noneAdult daycare Commercial·2 Schools Church Childcare facility Hotel or motel College Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic Colle!!e dormitory MC·3 -Multiple Adult daycare Hospital none Commercial·3 Childcare facility ! Schools Church Hotel or motel : College Convent Or monastery Library Medical clinic Collell'e dormitory MC-4 -Multiple Adult daycare Hospital none Commercial-4 Childcare facility Schools Church Hotel or motel College Convent or or monastery Library Medical clinic Collell'e dormitory : C-33 i TABLE C4 (Continued) Summary of Zoning Provisions: City of Dallas I i .. ,: . Zoninl< Districts UC-1 -Urban Corridor ! UC-2 -Urban Corridor , UC-3 -Urban Corridor I PtA) -Parking .􀀢􀀻􀁾􀀮􀀠"',,,: 􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀼􀁾􀀭􀀮􀀠􀀧􀀻􀀺􀁎􀀦􀁴􀁳􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁓􀁾􀁮􀁳􀁩􀀺􀁴􀁩􀀺􀀮􀁲􀁥􀁦􀁬􀀮􀁦􀁩􀀬􀀻􀁳􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀮􀀬􀁩􀀺􀀧􀀠'. " . ....• ',ci';:':.f"<' .'•• "'.' ,·'i Mlmmi:im:Lot,';'",,; ;..; Siri'eor 􀁲􀁩􀁅􀁭􀁳􀁩􀁾􀁹􀀧􀀡􀀨􀀺􀀺� �􀁾􀁌􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁡􀁬􀂷.. ' ,,' . ····Permitted '. Units/Acre. Adult daycare Surgical center 10 d.u.lacre Child care facility Church College Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic Community centers Hospitals Schools Multi-family dwellings Theater Adult daycare 35 d.u.lacre Childcare facility Church College Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic Community centers Hospitals Schools , Multi-family dwellings Theater Adult daycare Surgical center Surgical center 45 d.u.facre Childcare facility Church College Convent or monastery Library Medical clinic Community centers HospitalsI Schools Multi-family dwellings Theatar 'jNonenone none ] ] ] ] J J ] '} ] u C-34 u AppendixD EVALUATION OF CURRENT .JJJ; ",,1 NOISE COMPATIBILITY PROGRAM 􀀱􀁾􀁩􀁲􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁴􀀧__􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀧􀀺􀀻􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧_____􀁾􀁟􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧_____ ''''''''''''''' ! .' , I AppendixD EVALUATION OF F.AR. Part 150 CURRENT NOISE Noise Compatibility Study Update COMPATIBILITY PROGRAM Addison Airport The current Noise Compatibility Plan (NCP) was completed in March 1991. The primary objective of the Plan was to improve the compatibility between Addison Airport aircraft operations and noise-sensitive land uses within the airport environs, while allowing the airport to continue to serve its role in the community, region, and nation. This appendix will focus on the following: • A comparison ofthe previous and current aircraft operations and noise exposure contours. • A comparison of the previous and current dwelling units exposed to aircraft noise. • The current status of recommendations made in the previous Noise Compatibility Program. AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS AND NOISE EXPOSURE CONTOUR COMPARISON Input assumptions for generating noise exposure contours have changed significantly for Addison Airport. Total aircraft operations for the base year (1987) of the 1991 FAR. Part 150 Airport Noise Compatibility Study for Addison Airport were lower than what is currently being experienced at the airport. The single engine aircraft category experienced a subtle increase, growing from 74,152 in 1987 to 88,444 in 2002. Multi-D-l 'J engine aircraft operations experienced the greatest decline with operations in this '1 category decreasing from 63,208 to 46,480 since 1987. Helicopter operations also experienced a significant decrease in operations going from 6,311 operations in 1987 to 3,231 operations in 2002. The air carrier aircraft category is the only category that experienced a large increase in activity from 1987 to 2002 with operations going from 14,200 to 32,270, respectively. Table Dl shows an operation comparison ofthe 1987, 1993 (forecast), and 2002 annual operations. ] TABLED! !I ]Aircraft Operations Comparison IAddison Airport :1 ] ] ] '1II All Categories .. 1 ! Operations/Day by Aircraft Category Single-Engine Multi·Engine Jet , Helicopter Total Annual Aircraft , Operations 74,152 63,208 14,200 6,311 157,771 88,444 46,480 32,270 3,231 170,425 Sources: p i Company, and Mestre Greve Associates . 'b,'===A=d=dl='so:n=A=i=r=o=rt=F=.=A=.R=.= p=a=rt=1=5=0=A=irp=ort=N=o=is=e=c=offi=pa=t=ib=il=it=Y=St=U=d=Y=.B=a=r=n=ar=d=D=u=n=k=el=b=erg=&===J' ,• , Addison Air Traffic Control Tower 2001. A comparison ofthe overall size and shape ofthe 1987 baseline noise contours and the current 2002 noise contours is depicted in Exhibit Dt. The 2002 contours are shaped differently and are significantly smaller than the 1987 contours. While the width of the contours are similar, the length ofthe 1987 contours is significantly longer than the 2002 contours. This is most likely the result ofthe introduction ofquieter aircraft to the airport in past years along with a change in the fleet mix utilizing the airport. The overall areas encompassed within the noise contours are depicted in Table D2 and provide an indication ofthe reduction of aircraft noise in the vicinity ofthe airport. J '1 u J '1.U D-2 LEGEND '1 I J '."""11111 • ----_. Detailed Land Use Study Area County Boundary Municipal Boundary _ •• -Airport Properly 1I1f!!!!11I11I1 Rairroad Tracks 2002 Baseline Noise Exposure Conlours 1987 Baseline Noise Exposure Conlours 1 .. J ) \ Source. FAR Part 160 Noise Compatibility Plan, March 1991. Collman Associates Analysis. TABLED2 Noise Contour Area Comparison Addison Airport 1.4365 2.54 3.00 0.661.4970 1.28 0.8475 0.72 0.34 Sources: 1.47 1.10 0.68 0.51 0.35 0.28 , Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, and Mestre Greve Associates Analysis. " Coffman Associates Analysis. · I DWELLING UNIT AND POPULATION IMPACT COMPARISON An evaluation ofthe dwelling unit and population impacts for both 1987 and 2002 are presented in Table D3. This table reveals a reduction in the number ofaircraft noise impacts from 1987 to 2002. The number of dwelling units impacted by aircraft noise, in excess of 65 DNL, decreases from 1,077 in 1987 to 289 in 2002. This corresponds to a reduction in the number of individuals impacted by aircraft noise from 2,262 in 1987 to 741 in 2002 with Level Weighted Population (LWP) of 851 and 279, respectively. These decreases are primarily due to an overall reduction in the size of the noise exposure contours in the vicinity of Addison Airport. Additional variations in the number ofnoise impacts in the 1987 study versus the 2002 study may be due to the methods use to acquire noise impact counts. Although the impact count methodology is not detailed in the 1987 study, the number of dwelling units and population impacted by aircraft noise in the 1987 study was likely performed via manual counts using aerial photography and verified with on-site visual inspections. The 2002 study was performed by incorporating the use oftechnology such as geographic information systems and land use records databases in conjunction with cross-checks using aerial photography and visual inspections. These newer methods allow for increased accuracy ofthe impact counts. Ii I D-3 TABLED3 1987 vs. 2002 Dwellings and Population Impacts Above 65 DNL Addison Airport Land Use Classification 1987' 2002' I Total Dwellings 1,077 289 , i Population , I Total Existing Population 2,262 741 ! Total Existing Level Weighted Population (LWP) 851 279 Notes: LWP = Level'weighted population; an estimate ofthe number ofpeople actually annoyed by aircraft noise. It is derived by multiplying the population in each DNL contour range by the appropriate LWP response factor. The factors used are as follows: 0.376 for 65,70 DNL, 0.644 for 70-75 DNL, and 1.000 for 75+ DNL. , Addison Airport F .A.R. Part 150 Airport Noise Compatihility Study, Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, and Mestre Greve Associates. , Coffman Associates Analysis. ] ] ] '] ] PROGRAMRECOMMENDATIONSTATUS :1 The 1991 Noise Compatibility Program contained a number ofmeasures to reduce the impact of aircraft noise on the surrounding airport environment. The following J sections describe and relate the status of each ofthese measures. J NOISE COMPLAlNT RESPONSE AND INVESTIGATION '1 : i The goal of this measure was to assure that the airport could explain the nature of all noise complaints and, in most instances, decipher what caused the complaint. A record-keeping system would be put into place to track all noise complaints. The goal of this measure was to provide a measurement of the effectiveness of the noise abatement procedures as well as to identifY any new noise-sensitive areas. j 1 Status: The airport has implemented and maintained a system for recording and responding to noise complaints. The system requires callers to provide their name, address, telephone number, and the nature ofthe complaint. Airport staff then responds to each complaint made to see if the noise event can be identified. J : 1 , ' D-4 UPDATE AND REVIEW OF THE F.A.R. PART 150 STUDY This measure called for an annual review of the F.A.R. Part 150 study to ensure that operation forecasts are consistent with what was used within the study, to determine the effectiveness of suggested noise abatement measures, and to determine when an update to the study is needed. Status: An upd8.te of the current Addison Airport FAR. Part 150 Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) is currently being undertaken by the Town of Addison. In addition, monthly educational meetings are held with airport users to discuss methods for continuing compliance with noise abatement program recommendations. REDUCTION OF POTENTIAL NOISE INTRUSION IN THE AIRPORT ENVIRONS The purpose of this measure was to establish a pilot education program and noise abatement brochure distribution program to educate all pilots based at Addison Airport as well as transient pilots. The goal of these programs was to inform pilots of the noise-sensitive land uses within the airport environs and to encourage avoidance of these areas whenever possible. Status: The airport has implemented a voluntary noise abatement program as a means to reduce the number ofnoise complaints. As part ofthis program, lighted signage has been installed at each end of the airport=s runways reminding pilots to use proper noise abatement departure procedures. In addition, monthly noise abatement meetings are held by the airport management to discuss ways to educate pilots about voluntary compliance with the noise abatement program. These meetings are attended by pilots, flight department directors, and other airport users. A hand-out has also been produced detailing noise abatement procedures and has been placed in FBOs to reach transient pilots and tenants. REDUCTION OF FUTURE NOISE-SENSITIVE LAND USES IN THE AIRPORT ENVIRONS This measure stated that the Town of Addison would prohibit all future residential development from occurring within the 65 DNL noise contour and would require sound attenuation for all other development within this contour. In addition, the Town was to require an avigation easement for all development within the 65 DNL noise contour. It was also recommended that the City of Dallas amend the land use plans within the airport environs to reflect nonresidential development. In addition, it was suggested D-5 'J that areas currently zoned for residential, north of the airport, be re-zoned to a non noise-sensitive zoning classification. 􀁾􀀱Status: The Town ofAddison Comprehensive Plan recommends that residential uses not be permitted within the 65 DNL noise exposure contour. In addition, the Town of Addison requires avigation easements on all new construction within the 65 DNL noise exposure contour. :1 The City of Dallas has not prepared a city-wide comprehensive plan. However, several area-specific land use plans have been prepared fur the ] areas within the City of Dallas near Addison Airport. These include the Greater Far North Dallas Area Land Use and Transportation Plan, the ]Parkway Center Study, the Dallas/Richardson Improvement Strategy Study, and the Coit! Spring Valley Neighborhood Improvement Study. No specific guidelines pertaining to aircraft noise from Addison Airport are ]included in these plans, nor have they been adopted or implemented. ] .] .J J J q J ] U D-6 J Appendix E 􀁾􀁉􀁊􀁩􀀠I INM INPUT ASSUMPTIONS 􀀱􀁾􀁥􀀭􀀧__________􀁾􀁁􀁾􀁎􀁾􀁄􀁾􀁏􀁾􀁕􀁾􀁔􀁐􀁾􀁕􀁾􀁔􀁾􀁒􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁐􀁾􀁏􀁾􀁒􀁧􀁔􀀠 i i AppendixE F.A.R. Part 150 INM Input Assumptions Noise Compatibility Study Update and Output Report Addison Airport This appendix provides detailed tables depicting reported aircraft operations, runway use, and day/nighttime operation split by aircraft type used to develop the 2002 noise exposure map contours for Addison Airport. . Ii E-l INM 6.0c ECHO REPORT 29-Apr-02 14:36 STUDY: D:\INM6.0c\AddisonTX\ Created : 08-Mar-02 13:24 Units : English Airport : ADS Description: Addison Texas FAR. Part 150 CASE: 2002NEM Created : 12-Mar-02 10:26 Description: 2002 Operations-Baseline Condition STUDY AIRPORT Latitude : 32.968559 deg Longitude : -96.836448 deg Elevation : 644.0 ft Temperature: 65.4 F Pressure : 29.92 in-Hg AverageWind: 8.0 kt ChangeNPD : No STUDY RUNWAYS 15 Latitude: 32.977844 deg Longitude: -96.840512 deg Xcoord : -0.2051 nmi Ycoord : 0.5560 nmi Elevation: 636.3 ft OtherEnd : 33 Length : 7201 ft Gradient : -0.01 % RVv)'Wind : 8.0 kt TkoThresh : 0 ft AppThresh : 979 ft 33 Latitude : 32.959271 deg Longitude: -96.832395 deg Xcoord : 0.2046 mni Ycoord : -0.5562 mni Elevation: 635.7 ft OtherEnd : 15 Length : 7201 ft Gradient : 0.01 % RVv)'Wind : 8.0 kt TkoThresh: 0 ft AppThresh: 771 ft HI Latitude : 32.966807 deg Longitude: -96.836971 deg Xcoord : -0.0264 nmi Y coord : -0.1049 nrni Elevation: 644.0 ft OtherEnd : H2 Length : 202 ft Gradient: 0.00 % RVv)'Wind : 8.0 kt TkoThresh : 0 ft AppThresh: 0 ft H2 Latitude : 32.966285 deg Longitude: -96.836745 deg Xcoord : -0.0150 mni Y coord : -0.1362 nrni Elevation: 644.0 ft OtherEnd : HI Length : 202 ft Gradient: 0.00 % RVv)'Wind : 8.0 kt TkoThresh: 0 ft AppThresh : 0 ft H3 Latitude : 32.975347 deg Longitude: -96.834108 deg Xcoord : 0.1181 nmi Ycoord : 0.4065 nmi Elevation: 644.0 ft OtherEnd : H4 Length : 49 ft Gradient: 0.00 % RVv)'Wind : 8.0 kt TkoThresh: 0 ft App Thresh: 0 ft H4 Latitude : 32.975347 deg Longitude: -96.833946 deg Xcoord : 0.1263 nmi Ycoord : 0.4065 nmi Elevation: 644.0 ft E-2 OtherEnd : H3 0 39.00 Points 0.0 Length : 49 ft 1 24.00 Points 0.0 Gradient: 0.00 % 2 24.00 Points 0.0 RwyWind : 8.0 kt 3 6.S0 Points 0.0 TkoThresh : 0 ft 4 6.S0 Points 0.0 AppThresh : 0 ft lS-DEP-l 0 100.00 Vectors 0.0 STUDY TRACKS 15-DEP-A Rwyld-Op Type-Trkld 0 27.32 Points 0.0 Sub PctSub TrkType Delta(ft) 1 21.8& Points 0.0 15-APP-A 2 21.&& Points 0.0 0 27.32 Points 0.0 3 10.94 Points 0.0 1 21.&& Points 0.0 4 10.94 Points 0.0 2 21.88 Points 0.0 5 3.13 Points 0.0 3 10.94 Points 0.0 6 3.13 Points 0.0 4 10.94 Points 0.0 7 0.39 Points 0.0 S 3.13 Points 0.0 & 0.39 Points 0.0 6 3.13 Points 0.0 15-DEP-B 7 0.39 Points 0.0 0 31.24 Points 0.0 8 0.39 Points 0.0 1 23.44 Points 0.0 15-APP-B 2 23.44 Points 0.0 0 39.00 Points 0.0 3 9.38 Points 0.0 1 24.00 Points 0.0 4 9.3& Points 0.0 2 24.00 Points 0.0 S 1.56 Points 0.0 3 6.50 Points 0.0 6 1.56 Points 0.0 4 6.50 Points 0.0 15-DEP-C lS-APP-C 0 27.32 Points 0.0 0 39.00 Points 0.0 1 21.88 Points 0.0 1 24.00 Points 0.0 2 21.&8 Points 0.0 2 24.00 Points 0.0 3 10.94 Points 0.0 3 6.50 Points 0.0 4 10.94 Points 0.0 4 6.50 Points 0.0 5 3.13 Points 0.0 15-APP-D 6 3.13 Points 0.0 0 39.00 Points 0.0 7 0.39 Points 00 1 24.00 Points 0.0 8 0.39 Points 0.0 2 24.00 Points 0.0 15-DEP-D 3 6.S0 Points 0.0 0 39.00 Points 0.0 4 6.50 Points 0.0 1 24.00 Points 0.0 15-APP-E 2 24.00 Points 0.0 0 39.00 Points 0.0 3 6.S0 Points. 0.0 1 24.00 Points 0.0 4 6.S0 Points 0.0 2 24.00 Points 0.0 15-DEP-E 3 6.50 Points 0.0 0 31.24 Points 0.0 4 6.S0 Points 0.0 1 23.44 Points 0.0 lS-APP-F 2 23.44 Points 0.0 E-3 ] 3 9.38 Points 0,0 ° 2732 Points 0,0 4 9,38 Points 0,0 I 21.88 Points 0,0 [l5 1.56 Points 0,0 2 21.88 Points 0,0 6 1.56 Points 0,0 3 10,94 Points 0,0 ° 15-DEP-F 4 10,94 Points 0,0 ]39,00 Points 0,0 5 3.13 Points 0,0 I 24,00 Points 0,0 6 3,13 Points 0,0 2 24,00 Points 0,0 7 0,39 Points 0,0 ] 3 6,50 Points 0,0 8 039 Points 0.0 4 6,50 Points 0,0 33-DEP-B 15-TGO-I ° 39,00 Points 0,0 :1 ° 100,00 Vectors 0.0 I 24.00 Points 0,0 15-TGO-2 2 24,00 Points 0,0 0 100,00 Vectors 0,0 3 6,50 Points 0,0 ] ° 15-TGO-A 4 6,50 Points 0.0 39,00 Points 0,0 33-DEP-C 1 24,00 Points 0,0 ° 39,00 Points 0.0 ] 2 24,00 Points 0,0 I 24,00 Points 0,0 3 6.50 Points 0.0 2 24,00 Points 0,0 4 6.50 Points 0.0 3 6,50 Points 0.0 '] ° 15-TGO-B 4 6,50 Points 0,0 20,00 Points 0,0 33-DEP-D ]I 20,00 Points 0,0 ° 39,00 Points 0,0 2 20.00 Points 0,0 1 24,00 Points 0.0 3 20.00 Points 0,0 2 24,00 Points 0,0 ]4 20,00 Points 0,0 3 6.50 Points 0,0 ° 33-APP-A 4 6,50 Points 0,0 27.32 Points 0,0 33-DEP-E '1 I 21.88 Points 0,0 ° 39,00 Points 0,0 ' J 2 21.88 Points 0,0 I 24,00 Points 0,0 , 1 3 10,94 Points 00 2 24,00 Points 0,0 14 10,94 Points 0,0 3 6,50 Points 0.0 5 3,13 Points 0,0 4 6,50 Points 0,0 6 3.13 Points 0,0 33-DEP-F '\ U 7 0.39 Points 0,0 0 68,26 Points 0,0 8 0.39 Points 0.0 I 15,87 Points 0,0 33-APP-B 2 15,87 Points 0,0 J 0 39,00 Points 0,0 33-TGO-l I 24.00 Points 0.0 0 100.00 Vectors 0.0 ; r 2 24,00 Points 0.0 33-TGO-A , 3 6.50 Points 0,0 0 39.00 Points 0.0 4 6.50 Points 0,0 I 24,00 Points 0.0 '133-DEP-l 2 24,00 Points 0,0 􀁬􀁾􀁯􀀧􀀢􀀠100,00 Vectors 0,0 3 6,50 Points 0.0 33-DEP-A° 4 6,50 Points 0.0 ! \ ;" J. E4 <"-'q U ° Hl-TGO-A 5 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 100,00 Vectors 0,0 15-APP-A-3 ° H2-TGO-A I Points -1.2823 nmi 5,2629 100.00 Vectors 0,0 2 Points -0.7796 nmi 2.9550 H3-APP-A 3 Points -0.5598 nmi 1.9114 ° ° 100.00 Vectors 0.0 4 Points -0,2740 nmi 0,7287 H3-APP-B 5 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 100.00 Vectors 0,0 15-APP-A-4 ° H3-DEP-A 1 Points -2,2315 nmi 4.9478 100.00 Vectors 0,0 2 Points -1.2519 nmi 2,7908 H3-DEP-B 3 Points -0.7486 nmi 1,8459 ° ° 100,00 Vectors 0.0 4 Points -0,2740 nmi 0,7287 H4-APP-A 5 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 100.00 Vectors 0,0 15-APP-A-5 H4-APP-B I Points -1.0450 nmi 5.3417 ° 100,00 Vectors 0,0 2 Points -0.6616 nmi 2,9961 H4-DEP-A 3 Points -0,5127 nmi 1.9278 ° ° 100,00 Vectors 0,0 4 Points -0,2740 nmi 0,7287 H4-DEP-B 5 Points -0,2051 nmi 0,5560 100,00 Vectors 0,0 15-APP-A-6 ° OVF-OVF-I I Points -2.4688 nmi 4.8690 100,00 Points 0,0 2 Points -13700 nmi 2,7497 OVF-OVF-2 3 Points -0.7958 nmi 1.8295 ° 100,00 Points 0.0 4 Points -0.2740 nmi 0,7287 5 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 STUDY TRACK DETAIL 15-APP-A-7 R R wyld-Op Type-Trkld-Sub Trk I Points -0,8077 nmi 5.4205 SegType Dist/Angle Radius(nmi) 2 Points -0.5435 nmi 3.0371 15-APP-A-O 3 Points -0.4655 nmi 1.9442 I Points -1.7569 nmi 5,1054 4 Points -0.2740 nmi 0,7287 2 Points -1.0158 nmi 2,8729 5 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 3 Points -0,6542 nmi 1.8787 15-APP-A-8 4 Points -0.2740 nmi 0,7287 1 Points -2,7061 nmi 4,7903 I 5 Points -0,2051 nmi 0,5560 2 Points -1.4880 nmi 2,7087 . , 15-APP-A-I 3 Points -0,8430 nmi 1.8131 I Points -1.5196 nmi 5.1842 4 Points -0,2740 nmi 0,7287 2 Points -0,8977 nmi 2,9139 5 Points -0,2051 nmi 0,5560 3 Points -0.6070 nmi 1,8950 15-APP-B-O 4 Points -0.2740 nmi 0,7287 I Points 2.3665 nmi 5.4577 5 Points -0,2051 nmi 0,5560 2 Points 1.0188 nmi 4,2762 15-APP-A-2 3 Points -0,0335 nmi 3.4085 1 Points -1.9942 nmi 5,0266 4 Points -0.5135 nmi 2,9285 2 Points -L1338 nmi 2.8318 5 Points -0.6830 nmi 2.1761 3 Points -0,7014 nmi 1.8623 6 Points -0,6442 nmi 1.8269 4 Points -0.2740 nmi 0,7287 7 Points -0,2051 nmi 0.5560 E-5 i, 􀀭􀁾􀀠 , .. 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀠I IS-APP-B-I 13 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 0., I Points 2.6962nmi 5.0817 15-APP-C-I 2 Points 1.1808 nmi 4.0857 I Points 4.3420 nmi -1.5533 3 Points 0.1010 nmi 3.2604 2 Points 1.8860 nmi -0.1251 4 Points -0.3821 nmi 2.8561 3 Points 1.0911 nmi 2.0415 '1 5 Points -0.5832 nmi 2.1705 4 Points 0.9106 nmi 2.8320 6 Points -0.6441 nmi 1.8269 5 Points 0.7554 nmi 3.0224 7 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 6 Points 0.5419 nmi 3.1146 :\ 15-APP-B-2 7 Points 0.2312 nmi 3.1313 1 Points 2.0369nmi 5.8337 8 Points -0.0263 nmi 3.0787 2 Points 0.8569 nmi 4.4666 9 Points -0.2805 nmi 2.8755 ') 3 Points -0.1679 nmi 3.5565 10 Points -0.5287 nmi 2.5816 4 Points -0.6448 nmi 3.0008 11 Points -0.6296 nmi 2.1543 5 Points -0.7829 nmi 2.1816 12 Points -0.5967 nmi 1.6718 ] 6 Points -0.6443 nmi 1.8269 13 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 7 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 15-APP-C-2 15-APP-B-3 1 Points 4.8218 nmi -0.6759 '"J 1 Points 3.0258 nmi 4.7058 2 Points 2.5517 nmi 0.4805 2 Points 1.3427 nmi 3.8952 3 Points 1.6481 nmi 2.2647 2.2647 3 Points 0.2355 nmi 3.1124 4 Points 1.2379 nmi 3.0619 :I 4 Points -0.2507 nmi 2.7837 5 Points 0.9131 nmi 3.2776 5 Points -0.4833 nmi 2.1650 6 Points 0.6096nmi 3.4069 ' [6 Points -0.6440 nmi 1.8270 7 Points 0.1819 nmi 3.4272 7 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 8 Points -0.1144 nmi 3.2582 15-APP-B-4 9 Points -0.4880 nmi 3.0922 1 Points 1.7073 nmi 6.2096 10 Points -0.7166 nmi 2.6499 ..\ 2 Points 0.6950 nmi 4.6571 11 Points -0.7296 nmi 2.1519 3 Points -0.3024 nmi 3.7045 12 Points -0.5969 nmi 1.6717 1 4 Points -0.7762nmi 3.0732 13 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 ' > 5 Points -0.8827 nmi 2.1872 15-APP-C-3 6 Points -0.6444 nmi 1.8269 1 Points 4.1021 nmi -1.9920 J7 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 2 Points 1.5531 nmi -0.4280 15-APP-C-0 3 Points 0.8127 nmi 1.9299 1 Points 4.5819 nmi -1.1146 4 Points 0.7469 nmi 2.7170 􀁾􀁽2 Points 2.2188 nmi 0.1777 5 Points 0.6765 nmi 2.8948 3 Points 1.3696 nmi 2.1531 6 Points 0.5081 nmi 2.9685 4 Points 1.0742 nmi 2.9469 7 Points 0.2559 nmi 2.9833 "l 5 Points 0.8342 nmi 3.1500 8 Points 0.0177 nmi 2.9889 6 Points 0.5758 nmi 3.2608 9 Points -0.1767 nmi 2.7672 • I' 7 Points 0.2065 nmi 3.2792 10 Points -0.4347 nmi 2.5475 ,J 8 Points -0.0704 nmi 3.1685 11 Points -0.5796 nmi 2.1555 · )9 Points -0.3842 nmi 2.9838 12 Points -0.5966 nmi 1.6718 I10 Points -0.6227 nmi 2.6158 13 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 , .J 11 Points -0.6796 nmi 2.1531 15-APP-C-4 12 Points -0.5968 nmi l.6717 1 Points 5.0617 nmi -0.2372 \•.J E-6 i "1 ,• I .J U 2 Points 2.8846 runi 0.7833 3 Points -0.4518 nmi -1.7298 3 Points 1.9266 nmi 2.3763 4 Points -0.9717 nmi -0.6230 4 Points 1.4015 runi 3.1768 5 Points -2.0566 nmi 1.4035 5 Points 0.9919 runi 3.4052 6 Points -2.2545 runi 1.7609 6 Points 0.6434 mni 3.5530 7 Points -2.2407 runi 2.0631 7 Points 0.1572 nmi 3.5751 8 Points -2.1340 nmi 2.2630 8 Points -0.1585 nmi 3.3480 9 Points -1.9269 nmi 2.4787 9 Points -0.5917 nmi 3.2005 10 Points -1.6174 nmi 2.6013 10 Points -0.8106 mill 2.6841 11 Points -1.1979 mill 2.5403 11 Points -0.7796 nmi 2.1507 12 Points -0.8764 nmi 2.1934 12 Points -0.5970 nmi 1.6717 13 Points -0.5926 nmi 1.6717 13 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 14 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 15-APP-D-0 15-APP-D-3 1 Points -1.0673 mill -7.0777 1 Points -2.0635 nmi -6.9905 2 Points -0.7165 nmi -3.0715 2 Points -1.7166 nmi -3.0771 3 Points -0.8394 nmi -1.8288 3 Points -1.6146 nmi -2.0270 4 Points -1.2906 nmi -0.7673 4 Points -1.9283 mill -1.0558 5 Points -2.2858 nmi 1.3038 5 Points -2.7441 mill 1.1044 6 Points -2.4519 nmi 1.7285 6 Points -2.8467 nmi 1.6637 7 Points -2.4335 nmi 2.1162 7 Points -2.8191 nmi 2.2224 8 Points -2.2858 nmi 2.3931 8 Points -2.5894 nmi 2.6533 9 Points -1.9904 nmi 2.6146 9 Points -2.1173 nmi 2.8864 10 Points -1.6213 nmi 2.7012 10 Points -1.6291 nmi 2.9010 11 Points -1.1513nmi 2.6288 11 Points -1.0581 nmi 2.8057 12 Points -0.7908 nmi 2.2451 12 Points -0.6196 nmi 2.3485 13 Points -0.5925 nmi 1.6717 13 Points -0.5923 nmi 1.6718 14 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 14 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 15-APP-D-l 15-APP-D-4 1 Points -1.5654 nmi -7.0341 1 Points -0.0711 nmi -7.1649 2 Points -1.2165 mill -3.0743 2 Points 0.2836 runi -3.0659 3 Points -1.2270 nmi -1.9279 3 Points -0.0642 nmi -1.6307 4 Points -1.6094 nmi -0.9116 4 Points -0.6529 nmi -0.4788 5 Points -2.5150 nmi 1.2041 5 Points -1.8275 nmi 1.5032 6 Points -2.6493 nmi 1.6961 6 Points -2.0571 nmi 1.7933 7 Points -2.6263 nmi 2.1693 7 Points -2.0479 nmi 2.0100 8 Points -2.4376 nmi 2.5232 8 Points -1.9822 nmi 2.1329 9 Points -2.0539 mill 2.7505 9 Points -1.8635 nmi 2.3428 2.3428 10 Points -1.6252 nmi 2.8011 10 Points -1.6135 nmi 2.5014 11 Points -1.1047nmi 2.7173 11 Points -1.2445 mill 2.4519 12 Points -0.7052 mill 2.2968 12 Points -0.9620 nmi 2.1417 13 Points -0.5924 nmi 1.6717 13 Points -0.5927 nmi 1.6716 14 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 14 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 15-APP-D-2 15-APP-E-O 1 Points -0.5692 nmi -7.1213 1 Points 4.3788 nmi -2.0746 2 Points -0.2165 nmi -3.0687 2 Points 1.6962 nmi -0.2954 E-? .! '] 3 Points 1.4250 nmi 0.0854 9 Points -0.0606 nmi 1.6477 4 Points 1.1665 nmi 0.9346 10 Points -0.2849 nmi 1.5443 15 Points 0.9081 nmi 1.5069 11 Points -0.4457 nmi 1.2537 6 Points 0.6865 nmi 1.9131 12 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 7 Points 0.3912 nmi 2.0792 15-APP-E-4 :1 8 Points 0.0035 nmi 2.0238 1 Points 4.9316 nmi -1.2412 9 Points -0.2550 nmi 1,8762 2 Points 2.2524 nmi 0.2796 10 Points -0.4761 nmi 1.6028 3 Points 2.1429 nmi 0.4385 'J 11 Points -0.4459 nmi 1.2536 4 Points 1.7281 nmi 1.1459 ., 12 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 5 Points 1.2662 nmi 1.6851 15-APP-E-l 6 Points 0,9000 nmi 2.1238 'J 1 Points 4.1025 nmi -2.4913 7 Points 0.4464 nmi 2.3741 2 Points 1.4180 nmi -0.5829 8 Points -0.0939 nmi 2.3076 3 Points 1.0661 nmi -0.0912 9 Points -0.4494 nmi 2,1046 'J 4 Points 0.8858 nmi 0.8290 10 Points -0.6674 nmi 1.6613 " 5 Points 0.7290nmi 1.4178 11 Points -0.4461 nmi 1.2536 6 Points 0.5798 nmi 1.8077 12 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 -J 7 Points 0.3635 nmi 1.9318 15-APP-F-0 8 Points 0.0521 nmi 1.8820 1 Points -3.3427 nmi -1.7169 ']9 Points -0.1578 nmi 1.7619 2 Points -2.1565 nmi 0.9346 10 Points -0.3805 nmi 1.5735 3 Points -1.7504 nmi 1.4885 11 Points -0.4458 nmi 1.2536 4 Points -1.4181 nmi 1.6915 12 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 5 Points -1.1042 nmi 1.7469 :1 15-APP-E-2 6 Points -0.7165 nmi 1.6362 -1,1 Points 4.6552 nmi -1.6579 7 Points -0.4459 nmi 1.2795 2 Points 1.9743 nmi -0.0079 8 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 J 3 Points 1.7839 nmi 0.2619 15-APP-F-I : ),4 Points 1.4473 nmi 1.0402 I Points -3.7991 nmi -1.5127 ,.15 Points 1.0871 nmi 1.5960 2 Points -2.3727 nmi 1.0603 6 Points 0.7933 nmi 2.0184 3 Points -1.8519 nmi 1.5989 7 Points 0.4188 nmi 2.2267 4 Points -1.4711 nmi 1.8318 ]8 Points -0.0452 nmi 2.1657 5 Points -1.0965 nmi 1.8967 9 Points -0.3522 nmi 1.9904 6 Points .0,6601 nmi 1.7187 10 Points -0.5717 nmi 1.6320 7 Points -0.4458 nmi 1.2795 "} 11 Points -0.4460 nmi 1.2536 8 Points -0,2050 nmi 0.5560 12 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 I5-APP-F-2 15-APP-E-3 1 Points -2.8863 nmi -1.9211 U 1 Points 3.8261 nmi -2.9080 2 Points -1.9404 nmi 0.8089 2 Points 1.1399 nmi -0.8704 3 Points -1.6489 nmi 1.3780 3 Points 0.7071 nmi -0.2677 4 Points -1.3650 nmi 1.5512 U 4 Points 0.6050nmi 0.7234 5 Points -1.1120 nmi 1.5971 5 Points 0.5500 nmi 1.3287 6 Points -0.7730 nmi 1.5536 6 Points 0.4730 nmi 1.7023 7 Points -0.4460 nmi 1.2794 U 7 Points 0.3359 nmi 1.7844 8 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 8 Points 0.1008 nmi 1.7401 15-APP-F-3 􀁾􀀠1, H E-8 U q 1 Points -4.2555 nmi -1.3086 3 Points 1.0039 nmi -1.9278 2 Points -2.5888 nmi 1.1860 4 Points 1.3270 nmi -2.2670 3 Points -1.9534 nmi 1.7093 5 Points 2.4262 nmi -2.9000 4 Points -1.5242 nmi 1.9721 6 Points 4.7894 nmi -3.7520 5 Points -l.0887 nmi 2.0465 15-DEP-A-4 6 Points -0.6036 nmi l.8012 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 7 Points -0.4458 nIDi 1.2796 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 8 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 3 Points 0.5815 nmi -2.1953 15-APP-F-4 4 Points l.0168 nmi -2.6592 1 Points -2.4299 nmi -2.1253 5 Points 2.1930 nmi -3.3423 2 Points -l.7243 nmi 0.6833 6 Points 4.3583 nmi -4.6542 3 Points -1.5474 nIDi 1.2676 15-DEP-A-5 4 Points -1.3119 nmi l.4109 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 5 Points -1.1198 nmi 1.4473 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 6 Points -0.8295 nIDi l.4711 3 Points 1.1095 nmi -1.8609 7 Points -0.4461 nmi l.2794 4 Points 1.4046 nmi -2.1690 8 Points -0.2053 nIDi 0.5559 5 Points 2.4845 mni -2.7894 15-DEP-I-0 6 Points 4.8972nmi -3.5264 1 Straight 2.0000 nmi 15-DEP-A-6 2 Straight 2.0000 nmi 1 Points -0.2051 nIDi 0.5560 3 Straight 2.0000 nmi 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 15-DEP-A-0 3 Points 0.4759 nmi -2.2621 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 4 Points 0.9393 nmi -2.7572 2 Points 0.2046nmi -0.5542 5 Points 2.1348 nmi -3.4529 3 Points 0.7927 nmi -2.0615 6 Points 4.2505 nmi -4.8797 4 Points 1.1719 nmi -2.4631 15-DEP-A-7 5 Points 2.3096 nmi -3.1212 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 6 Points 4.5738 nIDi -4.2031 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 ;.\ 15-DEP-A-l 3 Points 1.2151 nmi -1.7941 1 Points -0.2051 nIDi 0.5560 4 Points 1.4821 nmi -2.0709 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 5 Points 2.5428 nmi -2.6788 3 Points 0.8983 nmi -1.9947 6 Points 5.0049 nIDi -3.3009 4 Points 1.2495 nmi -2.3650 15-DEP-A-8 5 Points 2.3679 nmi -3.0106 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 6 Points 4.6816 nmi -3.9775 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 15-DEP-A-2 3 Points 0.3702nmi -2.3290 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 4 Points 0.8617 nmi -2.8552 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 5 Points 2.0765 nmi -3.5635 3 Points 0.6871 nmi -2.1284 6 Points 4.1428 nmi -5.1053 4 Points l.0944 nmi -2.5611 15-DEP-B-0 0 5 Points 2.2513 nmi -3.2317 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 6 Points 4.4661 nmi -4.4286 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5551 15-DEP-A-3 3 Points 0.3304 nmi -0.8862 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 4 Points 0.5548 nmi -1.1702 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 5 Points 0.7856 nmi -1.3144 E-9 1 6 Points L0404nmi -1.4058 7 Points 1.4191 nmi -1.6996 7 Points 1.4490 nmi -1.4683 8 Points 1.8344 runi -1.7771 '1 8 Points 1,8577 nm! -1.5115 9 Points 2,4993 runi -1.8905 9 Points 2,5285 run! -U585 10 Points 4.2694 nmi -2.2796 10 Points 43257 runi -1.7492 15-DEP-B-5 :r15-DEP-B-I 1 Points -02048 nmi 0,5561 I Points -0.2050 runi 0,5560 2 Points 0.2049runi -05550 2 Points n047nmi -0.5551 3 Points 0,4172 nmi -0,8370 :1 3 Points 0.3593 runi -0.8698 4 Points 0.6884nmi -1.0211 4 Points 0.5993 runi -1.1205 5 Points 0.8729 nmi -1.1343 5 Points 0.8147 nmi -1.2544 6 Points 1.1017 nmi -1.1636 ]6 Points 1.0608 nmi -1.3250 7 Points 1.4939 nmi -1.l213 7 Points 1.4640 nmi -1.3526 8 Points 1.8927 nmi -1.1131 8 Points 1.8694 nmi -1.3787 9 Points 2.5724 nmi -1.0605 ] 9 Points 2.5431 nmi -1.3925 10 Points 4,4101 nmi -0.9536 '. 10 Points 4.3538 nmi -1.4840 15-DEP-B-6 15-DEP-B-2 1 Points -0.2054 nmi 0,5559 ] 1 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 2 Points 0.2043 runi -05552 2 Points 0.2045 nmi -0,5551 3 Points 0.2436 nmi -0.9354 3 Points Points 0.3015 nmi -0.9026 4 Points 0,4213 nmi -13193 ;] 4 Points 05103 nmi -1.2199 5 Points 0,6983 runi -L4945 5 Points 0.7565 nmi -1.3745 6 Points 0.9791 nmi -1.6479 6 Points 1.0199 runi -1.4865 7 Points L4042nmi -1.8153 :1 7 Points 1.4341 nmi -U839 8 Points L8227 nmi -1.9099 8 Points 1.8460 nmi -1.6443 9 Points 2,4846 nmi -2,0565 0] 9 Points 2.5139 nmi -1.7245 10 Points 4.2413 nmi -25448 10 Points 4,2976 nmi -2.0144 15-DEP-C-0 15-DEP-B-3 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 I }1 Points -02049 nmi 0.5561 2 Points 0.0774runi -0.2273 2 Points 02048 nmi -0.5550 3 Points 02590 nmi -03989 3 Points 0.3883 runi -0.8534 4 Points 05013 nmi -0.4973 ]4 Points 0,6438 runi -1.0708 5 Points 0.6981 nmi -0.4821 5 Points 0.8438 runi -1.1943 6 Points 0.8444 nmi -0.3686 16 Points 1.0813 nmi -1.2443 7 Points 0.9403 runi -0.2197 .J 7 Points 1.4789 runi -1.2369 8 Points 0.9983 nmi -0.0784 8 Points 1.8810 nmi -1.2459 9 Points 1.1669 nmi 0,5201 9 Points 2.5577 nmi -12265 10 Points 1.8205 nmi 32885 'J, 10 Points 4.3820 runi -1.2188 15-DEP-C-l 15-DEP-B-4 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 1 Points -0.2053 runi 0.5559 2 Points 0.0774 nmi -0,2273 .J 2 Points 02044runi -0,5552 3 Points 0.2793 nmi -0.3674 3 Points 0.2725 nmi -0.9190 4 Points 0.5109 nmi -0,4355 4 Points 0.4658 nmi -1.2696 5 Points 0.6711 nmi -0.4122 .J 5 Points 0.7274 nmi -1.4345 6 Points 0.7891 runi -0.3179 6 Points 0,9995 nmi -1.5672 7 Points 0,8516 nmi -0.1735 J E-IO q d n 8 Points 0.8920 runi -0.0417 9 Points 0.5861 runi 0.6704 9 Points 0.9733 nmi 0.5702 10 Points 0.3606 runi 3.6332 10 Points 1.3338 runi 3.4034 15-DEP-C-6 15-DEP-C-2 1 Points -0.2052 runi 0.5559 i 1 Points -0.2051 runi 0.5560 2 Points 0.0772runi -0.2274 2 Points 0.0773 nmi -0.2273 3 Points 0.1983 runi -0.4934 3 Points 0.2388 runi -0.4304 4 Points 0.4724 runi -0.6825 4 Points 0.4916 runi -0.5590 5 Points 0.7791 nmi -0.6920 5 Points 0.7251 runi -0.5521 6 Points 1.0103 runi -0.5206 6 Points 0.8997 nmi -0.4192 7 Points 1.2063 nmi -0.3585 7 Points 1.0289 runi -0.2660 8 Points 1.3174 nmi -0.1885 8 Points 1.1047 runi -0.1151 9 Points 1.7478 runi 0.3698 9 Points 1.3605 runi 0.4700 10 Points 3.2803 runi 2.9439 10 Points 2.3071 nmi 3.1737 15-DEP-C-7 15-DEP-C-3 1 Points -0.2049 runi 0.5561 1 Points -0.2050 runi 0.5560 2 Points 0.0775 runi -0.2272 2 Points 0.0774 nmi -0.2272 3 Points 0.3401 runi -0.2728 3 Points 0.2995 runi -0.3358 4 Points 0.5397 runi -0.2502 4 Points 0.5205 nmi -0.3738 5 Points 0.5901 runi -0.2022 , . i 5 Points 0.6441 nmi -0.3422 6 Points 0.6232 nmi -0.1660 6 Points 0.7338 nmi -0.2673 7 Points 0.5857 runi -0.0347 7 Points 0.7630 nmi -0.1272 8 Points 0.5729 runl 0.0683 8 Points 0.7856 runi -0.0051 9 Points 0.3924 nmi 0.7205 9 Points 0.7797 nmi 0.6203 10 Points -0.1260 nmi 3.7480 10 Points 0.8472 nmi 3.5183 15-DEP-C-8 15-DEP-C-4 1 Points -0.2053 runi 0.5559 1 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 2 Points 0.0772runl -0.2274 2 Points 0.0773 runi -0.2273 3 Points 0.1780 runi -0.5249 3 Points 0.2185 runi -0.4619 4 Points 0.4628 runi -0.7443 4 Points 0.4820 runi -0.6208 5 Points 0.8061 runi -0.7620 5 Points 0.7521 runl -0.6221 6 Points 1.0656 nmi -0.5712 6 Points 0.9550 nmi -0.4699 7 Points 1.2949 runi -0.4048 7 Points 1.1176nmi -0.3122 8 Points 1.4237 runi -0.2252 8 Points 1.2110 runi -0.1518 9 Points 1.9414 runi 0.3197 9 Points 1.5542 runi 0.4199 10 Points 3.7670 nmi 2.8290 I 10 Points 15-DEP-C-5 2.7937runl 3.0588 15-DEP-D-0 I Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 r 1 Points -0.2050 runi 0.5561 2 Points 0.2046 runi -0.5532 2 Points Points 0.0775 runi -0.2272 3 Points 0.2854 runi -0.7804 3 Points 0.3198 runi -0.3043 4 Points 0.3213 nmi -0.9330 4 Points 0.5301 mni ·0.3120 S Points 0.3288 nmi ·1.1029 5 Points 0.6171 runi -0.2722 6 Points 0.3288 nmi -1.2279 6 Points 0.6785 nmi -0.2166 7 Points 0.2808 runi -1.5692 7 Points 0.6743 runi -0.0809 8 Points -0.5123 runi -5.3742 8 Points 0.6793 nmi 0.0316 IS-DEP-D-l \ E-ll . , I 1 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 15-DEP-E-l 2 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5532 I Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 3 Points 0.3334 nmi -0.7663 2 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5542 4 Points 0.3956 nmi -0.9227 3 Points 0.4415 nmi -0.7686 5 Points 0.4289 nmi -1.1007 4 Points 0.6318 nmi -0.8222 6 Points 0.4535 nmi -1.2366 5 Points 0.8495 nmi -0.8954 7 Points 0.4285 nmi -1.5950 6 Points 1.0544 nmi -0.9293 8 Points -0.1206 nmi -5.4558 7 Points 1.2100 nmi -0.9300 15-DEP-D-2 8 Points 1.4417 nmi -0.8288 I Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 9 Points 3.6688 nmi 0.6504 2 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5532 15-DEP-E-2 3 Points 0.2374 nmi -0.7945 1 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 4 Points 0.2470 nmi -0.9433 2 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5542 , 5 Points 0.2288 nmi -1.1051 3 Points 0.4038 nmi -0.8236 I 6 Points 0.2042 nmi -1.2191 4 Points 0.5947 nmi -0.9152 7 Points 0.1330 nmi -1.5435 5 Points 0.8126 nmi -1.0236 8 Points -0.9040 nmi -5.2926 6 Points 1.0434 nmi -1.0622 15-DEP-D-3 7 Points 1.2328 nmi -1.0615 1 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 8 Points 1.5094 nmi -0.9812 2 Points 0.2048 nmi -0.5531 9 Points 3.9841 nmi 0.0630 3 Points 0.3814 nmi -0.7521 IS-DEP-E-3 4 Points 0.4699 nmi -0.9124 I Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 5 Points 0.5289 nmi -1.0984 2 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5541 6 Points 0.5782 nmi -1.2454 3 Points 0.4603 nmi -0.7411 7 Points 0.5763 nmi -1.6208 4 Points 0.6503 nmi -0.7757 8 Points 0.2710 nmi -5.5375 5 Points 0.8679 nmi -0.8313 15-DEP-D-4 6 Points 1.0599 nmi -0.8628 1 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 7 Points 1.1986 nmi -0.8643 2 Points 0.2044 nmi -0.5533 8 Points 1.4079 nmi -0.7527 3 Points 0.1894 nmi -0.8087 9 Points 3.5112 nmi 0.9441 4 Points 0.1727 nmi -0.9536 IS-DEP-E-4 5 Points 0.1288 nmi -1.1 073 1 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 6 Points 0.0795 nmi -1.2104 2 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5543 , 7 Points 8 Points -0.0148 nmi -1.2956 nmi -1.5177 -5.2109 3 Points 4 Points 0.3849 nmi 0.5762 nmi -0.8511 -0.9617 \ 15-DEP-E-0 5 Points 0.7942nmi -1.0876 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 6 Points 1.0379 nmi -1.1287 I 2 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5542 7 Points 1.2442 nmi -1.1272 3 Points 0.4226 nmi -0.7961 8 Points 1.5432 nmi -1.0573 4 Points 0.6132 nmi -0.8687 9 Points 4.1417 nmi -0.2307 5 Points 0.8311 nmi -0.9595 IS-DEP-E-5 6 Points 1.0489 nmi -0.9958 1 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 7 Points 1.2214 nmi -0.9958 2 Points 0.2048 nmi -0.5541 8 Points 1.4755 nmi -0.9050 3 Points 0.4791 nmi -0.7136 9 Points 3.8265 nmi 0.3567 4 Points 0.6688 nmi -0.7292 E-12 5 Points 0,8864 runi -0,7672 8 Points -0,5319 nIDi 0.1126 . " 6 Points 1.0654 nmi -0,7963 9 Points -0,7156 nmi 0,6332; 'j 7 Points 1.1872 nmi -0.7986 10 Points -1.9522 runi 3,6855 8 Points 1.3741 runi -0,6765 15-DEP-F-3 9 Points 3.3536 nmi 1.2378 1 Points -0,2049 omi 0.5561 15-DEP-E-6 2 Points 0,0144 nmi -0.0427 1 Points -0.2053 runi 0.5559 3 Points 0.1497 nIDi -0.1812 2 Points 0.2044runi -0.5543 4 Points 0.1435 nmi -0.3880 3 Points 0,3661 runi -0,8786 5 Points -0.0115 nmi -0.5375 4 Points 0,5576 nIDi -1.0082 6 Points -0.3133 nmi -0.5919 5 Points 0,7758 nIDi -1.1517 7 Points -0,6372 nmi -0.4645 6 Points 1.0324 runi -1.1952 8 Points -0.9287 nmi -0,0997 7 Points 1.2555 nIDi -1.1929 9 Points -1.2646 nmi 0.3912 8 Points 1.5770 nIDi -1.1335 10 Points -2.6430 nmi 3,3933 9 Points 4.2993 nmi -0.5244 15-DEP-F-4 15-DEP-F-0 1 Points -0.2053 nIDi 0.5559 1 Points -0.2051 nmi 0,5560 2 Points 0.0140 omi -0.0427 2 Points 0.0142 nmi -0.0427 3 Points -0.1459 nIDi -0,1298 \ 3 Points 0.0019 nIDi -0.1555 4 Points -0,2038 nIDi -0,1895 " \' 4 Points -0,0302 nIDi -0.2887 5 Points -0.1968 nmi -0.1830 5 Points -0.1042 nmi -0.3603 6 Points -0.2453 nmi -0.1977 6 Points -0,2793 runi -0.3948 7 Points -0.2865 nmi -0,1081 7 Points -0.4619 nmi -0.2863 8 Points -0.3997 nmi 0,1834 8 Points -0.6642 nmi 0.0418 9 Points -0.5326 runi 0.7139 9 Points -0,8986 nIDi 0,5525 10 Points -1.7220 nmi 3.7828 10 Points -2,1825 nIDi 3.5881 1S-TGO-1-0 15-DEP-F-1 1 Straight 1.0000 nmi 1 Points -0.20S0 nmi 0,S560 2 Left-Turn 90,0000 deg 0.4000 2 Points 0,0143 runi -0,0427 3 Straight 0.3000 omi 3 Points 0,0758 nml -0,1684 4 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg 0.4000 4 Points 0,0567 runi -0.3384 5 Straight 1.7500 runi 5 Points -0.0579 nml -0.4489 6 Left-Turn 90,0000 deg 0.4000 6 Points -0,2963 nml -0.4934 7 Straight 0,3000 nmi 7 Points -0.5496 runi -0,3754 8 Left-Tum 90.0000 deg 0.4000 8 Points -0,7964 nmi -0,0289 9 Straight 0,7500 nmi 9 Points -1.0816 omi 0.4718 15-TGO-2-0 10 Points -2.4127 runi 3.4907 1 Straight 1.0000 nmi 15-DEP-F-2 2 Right-Turn 90,0000 deg 0.4000 1 Points -0,2052 nmi 0.5560 3 Straignt 0.3000 nmi 2 Points 0.0141 nmi -0,0427 4 Right-Turn 90,0000 deg 0.4000 3 Points -0.0720 nmi -0.1427 5 Straight 1.7500 omi 4 Points -0.1170 nmi -0.2391 6 Right-Tum 90.0000 deg 0.4000 5 Points -0,1505 nmi -0.2717 7 Straight 0.3000 nmi 6 Points -0,2623 runi -0,2963 8 Right-Tum 90.0000 deg 0.4000 7 Points -0.3742 nmi -0.1972 9 Straight 0,7500 nmi E-13 ,I I 15·TGO·A·0 5 Points 0.3343 nmi ·0.5131 1 Points ·0.2051 nmi 0.5560 6 Points 0.3713 nmi -0.5358 :1 . )2 Points 0.1632 nmi ·0.4352 7 Points 0.4067 runi -0.5509 3 Points 0.1987 runi -0.4834 8 Points 0.4507 nmi -0.5606 4 Points 0.2546 nmi -0.5469 9 Points 0.4933 runi -0.5663 I5 Points 0.2922 runi -0.5752 10 Points 0.5298 nrni -0.5663 6 Points 0.3371 runi ·0.6025 11 Points 0.5765 nrni -0.5619 7 Points 0.3837 nmi -0.6223 12 Points 0.6331 nrni -0.5471 􀁾􀀠I8 Points 0.4375 runi -0.6344 13 Points 0.8985 runi -0.4209 9 Points 0.4884 nmi -0.6412 14 Points 0.9579 nmi -0.3903 10 Points 0.5334 nmi -0.6412 15 Points 1.0189 nmi -0.3405 '1 11 Points 0.5896 nrni -0.6357 16 Points 1.0552 nmi -0.2932 12 Points 0.6557 runi -0.6186 17 Points 1.0744 nmi -0.2443 13 Points 0.9393 nrni -0.5122 18 Points 1.0930 nrni -0.1953 ] 14 Points 1.0130 nrni -0.4738 19 Points 1.0987 nmi -0.1629 ". 15 Points 1.0909 runi -0.4099 20 Points 1.0975 nmi -0.1109 16 Points 1.1420 nrni -0.3429 21 Points 1.0783 runi -0.0328 ] 17 Points 1.1676 nmi -0.2806 0.2806 22 Points 0.4817 nmi 1.5969 18 Points 1.1896 nmi -0.2213 23 Points 0.4342 nmi 1.6734 19 Points 1.1984 nrni -0.1702 24 Points 0.3880 nmi 1.7212 ] 20 Points 1.1966 nmi -0.0979 25 Points 0.3384 runi 1.7600 21 Points 1.1740 nmi -0.0038 26 Points 0.2644 nmi 1.7911 22 Points 0.5716 nmi 1.6407 27 Points 0.2077 nrni 1.8001 J 23 Points 0.5132 nmi 1.7347 28 Points 0.1525 nmi 1.8003 24 Points 0.4548 nrni 1.7957 29 Points 0.0846 runi 1.7862 OJ j25 Points 0.3887 nmi 1.8465 30 Points -0.2400 runi 1.6579 26 Points 0.2922 nmi 1.8871 31 Points -0.3055 nmi 1.6078 . r 27 Points 0.2160 nmi 1.8998 32 Points -0.3548 nrni 1.5332 , . .128 Points 0.1423 nmi 1.8998 33 Points -0.3773 nmi 1.4853 29 Points 0.0559 runi 1.8820 34 Points -0.3856 nrni 1.4429 30 Points -0.2895 nmi 1.7449 35 Points -0.3852 runi 1.3910 J31 Points -0.3784 runi 1.6763 36 Points -0.3809 nmi 1.3412 32 Points -0.4419 nmi 1.5823 37 Points -0.3737 runi 1.2972 33 Points -0.4724 runi 1.5162 38 Points -0.3029 runi 1.1225 '1 ;,.i) 34 Points -0.4851 runi 1.4527 39 39 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 35 Points -0.4851 runi 1.3867 15-TGO-A-2 36 Points -0.4800 nmi 1.3283 1 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 U 37 Points -0.4699 nmi 1.2698 2 Points 0.1412 runi -0.4470 38 Points -0.3963 nmi 1.0869 3 Points 0.1597 nmi -0.5148 39 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 4 Points 0.2036 runi -0.6020 J 15-TGO-A-l 5 Points 0.2502 nmi -0.6373 1 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 6 Points 0.3028 runi -0.6693 2 Points 0.1853 nmi -0.4233 7 Points 0.3608 nmi -0.6937 :J 3 Points 0.2376 nmi -0.4521 8 Points 0.4243 nrni -0.7082 4 Points 0.3055 nmi -0.4919 9 Points 0.4834 runi -0.7160 q LJ E-14 i ) L U 10 Points 0.5370 nmi -0.7161 15 Points 0.9470nmi -0.2710 , 1 11 Points 0.6026 nmi -0.7096 16 Points 0.9685 nmi -0.2435 12 Points 0.6783 nmi -0.6901 17 Points 0.9813 nmi -0.2079 13 Points 0.9800 nmi -0.6035 18 Points 0.9965 nmi -0.1693 14 Points 1.0681 nmi -0.5572 19 Points 0.9989 nmi -0.1556 15 Points 1.1628 nmi -0.4794 20 Points 0.9983 nmi -0.1239 . I I 16 Points 17 Points 1.2287 nmi 1.2607 nmi -0.3927 -0.3170 21 Points 22 Points 0.9825 nmi 0.3918 nmi -0.0617 1.5531 i 18 Points 1.2861 nmi -0.2473 23 Points 0.3552 nmi 1.6120 19 Points 1.2981 nmi -0.1775 24 Points 0.3212 nmi 1.6468 20 Points 1.2958 nmi -0.0849 25 Points 0.2881 nmi 1.6736 21 Points 1.2697 nmi 0.0251 26 Points 0.2366 nmi 1.6950 22 Points 0.6615 nmi 1.6845 27 Points 0.1995 nmi 1.7005 l .' 23 Points 24 Points 0.5922 nmi 0.5215 nmi 1.7960 1.8701 28 Points 29 Points 0.1626 nmi 0.1132 nmi 1.7008 1.6904 I .! 25 Points 26 Points 27 Points 0.4390 nmi 0.3200 nmi 0.2242nmi 1.9329 1.9832 1.9995 30 Points 31 Points 32 Points -0.1906 nmi -0.2326 nmi -0.2677 nmi 1.5710 1.5394 1.4841 28 Points 0.1322 nmi 1.9993 33 Points -0.2822 nmi 1.4543 29 Points 0.0273 nmi 1.9778 34 Points -0.2861 nmi 1.4330 30 Points -0.3390 nmi 1.8318 35 Points -0.2853 nmi 1.3954 31 Points -0.4513 nmi 1.7447 36 Points -0.2817 nmi 1.3541 32 Points -0.5290 nmi 1.6314 37 Points -0.2775 nmi 1.3246 33 Points -0.5675 nmi 1.5472 38 Points -0.2094 nmi 1.1581 34 Points -0.5846 nmi 1.4626 39 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 35 Points -0.5850 nmi 1.3824 15-TGO-A-4 36 Points -0.5792 nmi 1.3154 1 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 37 Points -0.5661 nmi 1.2425 2 Points 0.1192 nmi -0.4589 38 Points -0.4897 nmi 1.0513 3 Points 0.1207 nmi -0.5461 39 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 4 Points 0.1527 nmi -0.6571 15-TGO-A-3 5 Points 0.2081 nmi -0.6994 1 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 6 Points 0.2686 nmi -0.7360 2 Points 0.2073 nmi -0.4114 7 Points 0.3378 nmi -0.7651 i,, I 3 Points 4 Points 0.2766 nmi 0.3564 nmi -0.4208 -0.4368 8 Points 9 Points 0.4111 nmi 0.4784 nmi -0.7821 -0.7908 5 Points 0.3764 nmi -0.4510 10 Points 0.5406 nmi -0.7910 I 6 Points 7 Points 0.4055 nmi 0.4296 nmi -0.4691 -0.4795 11 Points 12 Points 0.6156 nmi 0.7009nmi -0.7835 -0.7617 · I 8 Points 9 Points 0.4639 nmi 0.4983 nmi -0.4867 -0.4915 13 Points 14 Points 1.0207 nmi 1.1232 nmi -0.6948 -0.6407 10 Points 0.5262 nmi -0.4913 15 Points 1.2348 nmi -0.5488 11 Points 0.5635 nmi -0.4880 16 Points 1.3155 nmi -0.4424 12 Points 0.6105 nmi -0.4756 17 Points 1.3538 nmi -0.3534 13 Points 0.8578 nmi -0.3295 18 Points 1.3827 nmi -0.2733 I · : 14 Points 0.9029 nmi -0.3069 19 Points 1.3979 nmi -0.1848 : 􀁾􀀠E-15 , • I · I i · . I , 20 Points 13949nmi -0.0719 25 Points -1.2992 nmi 1.3773 21 Points 1.3654 omi 0.0541 26 Points -0.9731 nmi 1.5004 22 Points 0.7514 nmi 1.7284 27 Points -0.8869 nmi 1.5127 23 Points 0.6712 nmi 1.8573 28 Points -0.7638 nmi 1.5127 24 Points 0.5883 nmi 1.9445 29 Points -0.6838 omi 1.4881 '-l 25 Points 0.4893 nmi 2.0193 30 Points -0.6100 nmi 1.4450 26 Points 0.3478 nmi 2.0792 31 Points -0.5362 omi 1.3773 · [27 Points 0.2325 omi 2.0991 32 Points -0.4808 nmi 1.2850 28 Points 0.1220 nmi 2.0988 33 Points -0.4500 nmi 1.2235 I 29 Points -0.0013 nmi 2.0736 34 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5560 30 Points -0.3885 nmi 1.9187 15-TGO-B-I .J 31 Points -0.5242 nmi 1.8132 I Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 32 Points -0.6162 nmi 1.6805 2 Points 0.2509 nmi -0.3804 33 Points -0.6626 nmi 1.5782 3 Points 0.2592 omi -0.4998 I 34 Points -0.6841 nmi 1.4724 4 Points 0.2515 nmi -0.6097 35 Points -0.6849 nmi 1.3780 5 Points 0.2276nmi -0.6904 􀁾􀀭􀁉􀀠36 Points -0.6784 nmi 1.3024 6 Points 0.1871omi -0.7720 􀁾􀀠i 37 Points -0.6622 nmi 1.2151 7 Points 0.1573 nmi -0.8267 38 Points -0.5832 nmi 1.0157 8 Points 0.0723 omi -0.8990 39 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 9 Points -0.0279 nmi -0.9696 \J IS-TGO-B-O 10 Points -0.3490 nmi -1.0882 1 Points -0.2051omi 0.5560 11 Points -0.4586 nmi -1.1099 'I2 Points 0.1531 nmi -0.4012 12 Points -0.5412 nmi -1.1103 3 Points 0.1592 nmi -0.4996 13 Points -0.6165 nmi -1.1025 4 Points 0.1531 nmi -0.5919 14 Points -0.7201 nmi -1.0728 ' \ 5 Points 0.1346 nmi -0.6535 15 Points -0.8039 nmi -1.0300 · I 6 Points 0.0977omi -0.7273 16 Points -0.8653 nmi -0.9703 7 Points 0.0792 nm! -0.7642 17 Points -0.9319 nmi -0.9016 r 8 Points 0.0115 nmi -0.8196 18 Points -0.9854 nmi -0.7904 · , 9 Points -0.0746 nmi -0.8812 19 Points -1.5909 omi 0.8530 10 Points -0.3762 nmi -0.9919 20 Points -1.6191 nmi 0.9471 11 Points -0.4685 nmi -1.0104 21 Points -1.6266 nmi 1.0720 12 Points -0.5362 nmi -1.0104 22 Points -1.5944 nmi 1.2072 · I 13 Points -0.5977 nmi -1.0042 23 Points -1.5295 nmi 1.3107 14 Points -0.6838 nmi -0.9796 24 Points -1.4642 nmi 1.3966 15 Points -0.7454 nmi -0.9488 25 Points -1.3415 nmi 1.4679 16 Points -0.7946 omi -0.8996 26 Points -0.9980 nmi 1.5972 'j 17 Points -0.8500 omi -0.8442 27 Points -0.8940 nmi 1.6124 18 Points -0.8931 nmi -0.7519 28 Points -0.7489 nmi 1.6116 19 Points -1.4962 nmi 0.8850 29 Points -0.6436 nmi 1.5797 J 20 Points -1.5208 omi 0.9650 30 Points -0.5507 nmi 1.5255 21 Points -1.5269 nmi 1.0635 31 Points -0.4587 nmi 1.4405 122 Points -1.5023 omi 1.1681 32 Points -0.3931 nmi 1.3332 :..._JI 23 Points -1.4469 nmi 1.2542 33 Points -0.3582 nmi 1.2632 24 Points -1.3977nmi 1.3219 34 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5560 J E-16 :J U 15-Too-B-2 10 Points -0.3219 runi -1.1845 1 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 11 Points -0.4488 nmi -1.2094 2 Points 0.0553 nmi -0.4220 12 Points -0.5462 runi -1.2102 3 Points 0.0592 nmi -0.4994 13 Points -0.6354 runi -1.2008 " I 4 Points 0.0547 nmi -0.5741 14 Points -0.7563 nmi -1.1660 I 5 Points 0.0416 nmi -0.6166 15 Points -0.8624 runi -1.1112 6 Points 0.0083 nmi -0.6826 16 Points -0.9360 nmi -1.0410 7 Points 0.0011 nmi -0.7017 17 Points -1.0138 runi -0.9590 8 Points -0.0493 runi -0.7402 18 Points -1.0777 runi -0.8289 9 Points -0.1213 nmi -0.7928 19 Points -1.6856 nmi 0.8210 10 Points -0.4034 mni -0.8956 20 Points -1.7174 runi 0.9292 11 Points -0.4784 nmi -0.9109 21 Points -1.7263 nmi 1.0804 12 Points -0.5312 nmi -0.9105 22 Points -1.6864 mni 1.2462 13 Points -0.5789 mni -0.9059 23 Points -1.6121 nmi 1.3672 14 Points -0.6475 nrni -0.8864 24 Points -1.5307 runi 1.4713 15 Points -0.6869 nmi -0.8676 25 Points -1.3838 nmi 1.5585 • 16 Points -0.7239 nmi -0.8289 26 Points -1.0228 nmi 1.6940 17 Points -0.7681 nmi -0.7868 27 Points -0.9011 nmi 1.7121 18 Points -0.8008 nmi -0.7134 28 Points -0.7341 nmi 1.7105 19 Points -1.4015 nmi 0.9170 29 Points -0.6035 nmi 1.6712 20 Points -1.4225 nmi 0.9829 30 Points -0.4913 runi 1.6059 21 Points -1.4272 runi 1.0550 31 Points -0.3813 nmi 1.5038 22 Points -1.4102 nmi 1.1290 32 Points -0.3055 runi 1.3813 23 Points -1.3643 nrni 1.1977 33 Points -0.2665 nmi 1.3028 . I 24 Points -1.3312 nmi 1.2472 34 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 \ 25 Points -1.2569 runi 1.2867 15-Too-B-4 26 Points -0.9482 nmi 1.4036 I Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 27 Points -0.8798 runi 1.4130 2 Points -0.0425 nmi -0.4429 28 Points -0.7787 nmi 1.4138 3 Points -0.0408 nmi -0.4992 29 Points -0.7240 nrni 1.3965 4 Points -0.0437 nrni -0.5563 30 Points -0.6693 nmi 1.3645 5 Points -0.0513 nmi -0.5797 31 Points -0.6137 nmi 1.3141 6 Points -0.0811 nmi -0.6378 32 Points -0.5685 nmi 1.2368 7 Points -0.0770 nmi -0.6392 33 Points -0.5418 nmi 11838 8 Points ·0.1101 nmi -0.6608 34 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 9 Points -0.1681 nrni -0.7044 15-Too-B-3 10 Points -0.4305 runi -0.7993 1 Points -0.2049 nmi 0.5561 11 Points -0.4882 nmi -0.8114 2 Points 0.3487 nrni -0.3595 12 Points -0.5262 runi -0.8106 3 Points 0.3592 nmi -0.5000 13 Points -0.5600 nmi -0.8076 4 Points 0.3499 nmi -0.6275 14 Points -0.6113 runi -0.7932 5 Points 0.3205 runi -0.7273 15 Points -0.6284 nmi -0.7864 6 Points 0.2765 runi -0.8168 16 Points -0.6532 nmi -0.7582 7 Points 0.2354 runi -0.8892 17 Points -0.6862 nmi -0.7294I 8 Points 0.1331 nmi -0.9784 18 Points -0.7085 nmi -0.6749 9 Points 0.0189 nmi -1.0580 19 Points -1.3068 runi 0.9490 E-17 . i ,I "] 20 Points -1.3242 nmi 1.0008 33-APP-A-5 21 Points -13275 nmi 1.0466 1 Points L1645 nmi -53215 ' 1 22 Points -1.3182 nmi 1.0900 2 Points 0.8129 nmi -3.2992 . I 23 Points -1.2817 nmi 1.1412 3 Points 0.5724nmi -1.9837 24 Points -1.2647 nmi 1.1725 4 Points 0.2779 nmi -0.7772 'J 25 Points -1.2146 nmi 1.1961 5 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5562 26 Points -0.9234 nmi 1.3068 33-APP-A-6 27 Points -0.8727 nmi 1.3133 1 Points 2.5705 nmi -47989 􀁾􀀱28 Points -0.7935 nmi 1.3149 2 Points 1.5167 nmi -3.0400 29 Points -0.7641 nmi 1.3050 3 Points 0.8537 nmi -1.8794 30 Points -0.7287 nmi 1.2841 4 Points 0.2782 nmi -0.7771 :1 31 Points -0.6911 nmi 1.2508 5 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5562 32 Points -0.6561 nmi 1.1887 33-APP-A-7 33 Points -0.6335 nmi 1.1442 1 Points 0.9302 nmi -5.4086 (] 34 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5559 2 Points 0.6956 nmi -3.3424 33-APP-A-0 3 Points 0.5256 nmi -2.0011 1 Points 1.8675 nmi -5.0602 4 Points 0.2779 nmi -0.7772 ] 2 Points 1.1648 nmi -3.1696 5 Points 0.2044 nmi -0.5563 3 Points 0.7131 nmi -1.9315 33-APP-A-8 4 Points 0.2781 nmi -0.7771 1 Points 2.8048 nmi -4.7118 :1 5 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 2 Points 1.6340 nmi -2.9968 33-APP-A-l 3 Points 0.9006nmi -1.8620 ]1 Points 1.6332 nmi -5.1473 4 Points 0.2783 nmi -0.7770 2 Points 1.0475 nmi -3.2128 5 Points 0.2048 nmi -0.5561 3 Points 0.6662 nmi -1.9489 33-APP-B-0 '1 d4 Points 0.2780 nmi -0.7771 1 Points -0.0760 nmi 4.4896 5 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 2 Points 2.0621 nmi -0.9394 33-APP-A-2 3 Points 2.0621 nmi -1.1700 .J1 Points 2.1018 nmi -4.9731 4 Points 1.9363 nmi -1.4006 2 Points 1.2821 nmi -3.1264 5 Points 1.6638 nmi -1.6102 3 Points 0.7600 nmi -1.9142 6 Points 1.3494 nmi -1.7150 '1 ,14 Points 0.2781 nmi -0.7771 7 Points 0.9512 nmi -1.7360 5 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 8 Points 0.6577 nmi -1.5473 33-APP-A-3 9 Points 0.4690 nmi -1.2119 iJ 1 Points 1.3988 nmi -5.2344 10 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 2 Points 0.9302 nmi -3.2560 33-APP-B-1 'j " 􀁾3 Points 0.6193 nmi -1.9663 1 Points 0.3893 nmi 4.6728 u 4 Points 0.2780 nmi -0.7771 2 Points 2.2095 nmi -0.9115 5 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5562 3 Points 2.2075 nmi -1.2071 33-APP-A-4 4 Points 2.0504 nmi -1.4980 J 1 Points 2.3362 nmi -4.8860 5 Points 1.7343 nmi -1.7426 2 Points 1.3994 nmi -3.0832 6 Points 1.3773 nmi -1.8624 ! 3 Points 0.8068 nmi -1.8968 7 Points 0.9127 nmi -1.8809 LJ 4 Points 0.2782 nmi -0.7771 8 Points 0.5849 nmi -1.6159 5 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5562 9 Points 0.4689 nmi -1.2120 I ' .I E-I8 J 'J , 10 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5562 3 Points -2.0983 nmi 5.0096 33-APP-B-2 33-DEP-A-2 1 Points -0.5412 nmi 4.3064 1 Points 0.2046 omi -0.5562 2 Points 1.9147 omi -0.9674 2 Points -0.2054 omi 0.5557 3 Points 1.9168 omi -1.1329 3 Points -1.6287 nmi 5.1812 4 Points 1.8223 nmi -1.3031 33-DEP-A-3 5 Points 1.5934 nmi -1.4778 I Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 6 Points 1.3215 nmi -1.5676 2 Points -0.2057 nmi 0.5556 7 Points 0.9896 nmi -1.5910 3 Points -2.3332 nmi 4.9239 8 Points 0.7305 nmi -1.4787 33-DEP-A-4 9 Points 0.4691omi -1.2119 1 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 10 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5562 2 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5558 33-APP-B-3 3 Points -1.3938 nmi 5.2669 1 Points 0.8545 nmi 4.8560 33-DEP-A-5 2 Points 2.3569 nmi -0.8835 1 Points 0.2046 omi -0.5562 3 Points 2.3528 nmi -1.2441 2 Points -0.2058 nmi 0.5556 4 Points 2.1644 nmi -1.5955 3 Points -2.5680 nmi 4.8381 5 Points 1.8047 nmi -1.8751 33-DEP-A-6 6 Points 1.4052 nmi -2.0098 1 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 7 Points 0.8742 nmi -2.0259 2 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5558 8 Points 0.5122 omi omi -1.6845 3 Points -1.1590 nmi 5.3527 9 Points 0.4689 omi -1.2120 33-DEP-A-7 10 Points 0.2044 nmi -0.5563 I Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 33-APP-B-4 2 Points -0.2059 nmi 0.5556 1 Points -1.0064 nmi 4.1232 3 Points -2.8029 nmi 4.7523 2 Points 1.7674 nmi -0.9954 33-DEP-A-8 3 Points 1.7714 nmi -1.0959 1 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 4 Points 1.7083 nmi -1.2057 2 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5558 5 Points 1.5230 nmi -1.3453 3 Points -0.9241 nmi 5.4385 6 Points 1.2936 nmi -1.4202 33-DEP-B-O 7 Points 1.0281 nmi -1.4460 1 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 8 Points 0.8032 nmi .1.4101 2 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5557 9 Points 0.4692 omi -1.2118 3 Points -0.3788 nmi 0.7558 !O Points 0.2048 nmi -0.5561 4 Points -0.4990 nmi 0.8663 33-DEP·I-0 5 Points -0.6374 nmi 0.9727 1 Straight 2.0000 nmi 6 Points -0.8605 nmi 1.0771 2 Straight 2.0000nmi 7 Points -1.1289 nmi 1.1666 3 Straight 2.0000 nmi 8 Points -1.4470 nmi 1.1666 33-DEP-A-0 9 Points -1.8496 nmi 1.0920 1 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 10 Points -2.1429 nmi 0.6347 2 Points -0.2055 nmi 0.5557 11 Points -2.2174 nmi 0.2818 3 Points -1.8635 nmi 5.0954 12 Points -2.3069 nmi -0.2053 33-DEP-A-l 13 Points -2.4013 nmi -1.1596 1 Points 0.2046 omi -0.5562 14 Points -2.5635 nmi -2.7577 2 Points -0.2056 nmi 0.5557 33-DEP-B-l E-19 1 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5562 1 Points 0.2048 nmi -0.5561 2 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5556 2 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5558 13 Points -0.4147 nmi 0.7209 3 Points -0.3071 nmi 0.8255 4 Points -0.5795 nmi 0.7707 4 Points -0.3381 nmi 1.0576 5 Points -0.7414 nmi 0.8018 5 Points -0.4296 nmi 1.3144 J6 Points -0.9346 nmi 0.8914 6 Points -0.7122 nmi 1.4486 7 Points -1.1649 nmi 0.9445 7 Points -1.0568 nmi 1.6108 8 Points -1.4196 nmi 0.8678 8 Points -1.5019 nmi 1.7641 J9 Points -1.6544 nmi 0.8015 9 Points -2.2401 nmi 1.6730 10 Points -1.7728 nmi 0.4829 10 Points -2.8830 nmi 0.9383 11 Points -1.7759 nmi 0.1947 11 Points -3.1004 nmi 0.4562 ]12 Points -1.8118 nmi -0.2751 12 Points -3.2971 nmi -0.0656 13 Points -1.7546 nmi -1.2244 13 Points -3.6949 nmi -1.0300 14 Points -1.8173 nmi -2.8334 14 Points -4.0558 nmi -2.6063 '] 33-DEP-B-2 33-DEP-C-0 1 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5562 1 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 2 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5558 2 Points -0.2052 nmi 0.5560 ] 3 Points -0.3430 nmi 0.7906 3 Points -0.3160 nmi 0.8712 4 Points -0.4186 nmi 0.9620 4 Points -0.3160 nmi 0.9789 5 Points -0.5335 nmi 1.1435 5 Points -0.2980 nmi 1.0866 􀁾􀁝􀀠6 Points -0.7864 nmi 1.2628 6 Points -0.2621 nmi 1.1944 7 Points -1.0929 nmi 1.3887 7 Points -0.2083 nmi ].2841 '18 Points -1.4744 nmi 1.4653 8 Points -0.1454 nmi 1.3559 9 Points -2.0449 nmi 1.3825 9 Points -0.0377 nmi 1.4277 10 Points -2.5130 nmi 0.7865 10 Points 0.0700 nmi 1.4816 1 11 Points -2.6589 nmi 0.3690 11 Points 0.2226 nmi 1.4996 J 12 Points -2.8020 nmi -0.1354 12 Points 3.0591 nmi 1.4367 13 Points -30481 nmi -1.0948 33-DEP-C-l , ]14 Points -3.3096 nmi -2.6820 1 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5562 33-DEP-B-3 2 Points -0.2053 nmi 0.5560 1 Points 0.2044 nmi -0.5563 3 Points -0.3653 nmi 0.8628 ]2 Points -0.2054 nmi 0.5556 4 Points -0.3658 nmi 0.9831 3 Points -0.4506 nmi 0.6860 5 Points -0.3466 nmi 1.0987 4 Points -0.6600 nmi 0.6750 6 Points -0.3303 nmi 1.2257 :15 Points -0.8453 nmi 0.6309 7 Points -0.2891 nmi 1.3430 6 Points -1.0088 nmi 0.7056 8 Points -0.2279 nmi 1.4499 7 Points -1.2010 nmi 0.7224 9 Points -0.1130 nmi 1.5575 J 8 Points -1.3922 nmi 0.5691 10 Points 0.0270nmi 1.6253 9 Points -1.4591 nmi 0.5111 11 Points 0.2155 nmi 1.6494 10 Points -1.4027 nmi 0.3312 12 Points 3.0646 nmi 1.6867 J 11 Points -1.3345 nmi 0.1075 33-DEP-C-2 12 Points -1.3167 nmi -0.3450 1 Points 0.2047nmi -0.5562 13 Points -1.1078 nmi -1.2892 2 Points -0.2051 nmi 0.5561 J 14 Points -1.0712 nmi -2.9091 3 Points -0.2667 nmi 0.8796 33-DEP-B-4 4 Points -0.2662 nmi 0.9748 J E-20 U U I . ! 5 Points -0.2495 nmi 1.0746 33-DEP-D-l ., 6 Points -0.1940 nmi 1.1630 1 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5562 7 Points -0.1274 nmi 1.2252 2 Poiots -0.2136 nmi 0.5769 8 Points -0.0630 nmi 1.2620 3 Points -0.3307 nmi 0.7706 9 Poiots 0.0376nmi 1.2980 4 Points -0.3919 nmi 0.9156 10 Poiots 0.1129 nmi 1.3379 5 Points -0.4054 nmi 1.1386 11 Points 0.2297nmi 1.3497 6 Poiots -0.3234 nmi 1.3063 12 Points 3.0536 nmi 1.1868 7 Poiots -0.2266 nmi 1.4231 33-DEP-C-3 8 Points -0.0622 nmi 1.5215 1 Points 0.2044 nmi -0.5563 9 Points 0.0942 nmi 1.5997 2 Points -0.2054 nmi 0.5559 10 Points 2.7433 nmi 3.2863 3 Points -0.4146 nmi 0.8544 33-DEP-D-2 4 Points -0.4156 nmi 0.9872 1 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5562 5 Points -0.3951 nmi 1.1108 2 Points -0.2134 nmi 0.5770 6 Points -0.3984 nmi 1.2570 3 Points -0.2347 nmi 0.7986 7 Points -0.3699 nmi 1.4019 4 Poiots -0.2427 nmi 0.9305 8 Poiots -0.3103 nmi 1.5439 5 Points -0.2119 nmi 1.0883 9 Poiots -0.1883 nmi 1.6872 6 Poiots -0.15550mi 1.1976 10 Points -0.0159 nmi 1.7690 7 Points -0.0965 nmi 1.2712 11 Points 0.2084 nmi 1.7992 8 Poiots 0.0333 nmi 1.3458 12 Points 3.0702 nmi 1.9366 9 Points 0.1885 nmi 1.4234 33-DEP-C-4 10 Points 2.9913 omi 2.8522 1 Points 0.2048omi -0.5561 33-DEP-D-3 2 Points -0.2050 nmi 0.5561 1 Points 0.2044 nmi -0.5563 3 Points -0.2174 nmi 0.8880 2 Points -0.2137 nmi 0.5769 4 Poiots -0.2163 nmi 0.9707 3 Points -0.3787 nmi 0.7567 5 Points -0.2010 nmi 1.0625 4 Points -0.4666 nmi 0.9081 6 Points -0.1259 nmi 1.1317 5 Points -0.5022omi 1.1638 7 Points -0.0466nmi 1.1664 6 Points -0.4073 nmi 1.3606 8 Points 0.0194 nmi 1.1680 7 Points -0.2917 nmi 1.4990 9 Poiots 0.1129 nmi 1.1683 8 Points -0.1099 nmi 1.6094 10 Poiots 0.1559omi 1.1942 9 Points 0.0470 nmi 1.6879 11 Points 0.2368 nmi 1.1999 10 Points 2.6192 nmi 3.5034 12 Points 3.0480 nmi 0.9368 33-DEP-D-4 33-DEP-D-O 1 Points 0.2048 nmi -0.5561 1 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 2 Points -0.2133 nmi 0.5770 2 Poiots -0.2135omi 0.5769 3 Poiots -0.1867 nmi 0.8126 3 Poiots -0.2827omi 0.7846 4 Poiots -0.1681 nmi 0.9380 4 Poiots -0.3173omi 0.9231 5 Points -0.1151 nmi 1.0631 5 Poiots -0.3087 nmi 1.1135 6 Poiots -0.0716 nmi 1.1432 6 Poiots -0.2394 nmi 1.2519 7 Points -0.0314 nmi 1.1952 7 Points -0.1615 nmi 1.3471 8 Points 0.0811 nmi 1.2579 8 Poiots -0.0144omi 1.4337 9 Points 0.2357 nmi 1.3352 9 Poiots 0.1413 nmi 1.5115 10 Poiots 3.1154 nmi 2.6351 10 Poiots 2.86730mi 3.0692 33-DEP-E-0 E-21 . 􀁾􀀠 1 I Points 0.2046 runi -0,5562 10 Points 1.4597 runi -0.1068 2 Points -0.2112 nmi 0.5819 11 Points 4.6389 runi -1.5463 :1 3 Points -0.3115 runi 0.9165 33-DEP-E-4 4 Points -0.3227 runi 1.1619 I Points 0.2048 runi -0.5561 5 Points -0.2558 nmi 1.3627 2 Points -0.2110 runi 0,5820 '1 6 Points -0.0996 nmi 1.4519 3 Points -0.1144 nmi 0.9501 7 Points 0.2238 nmi 1.4519 4 Points -0.1246 nmi 1.1344 8 Points 0.3912 runi 1.3292 5 Points -0.1011 runi 1.2359 :]9 Points 0.6142 runi 0.7604 6 Points -0.0483 nmi 1.2586 10 Points 1.0715 nmi -OA219 7 Points 0.1616 nmi 1.2618 11 Points 4.0942 nmi -2.3850 8 Points 0.1930 nmi 1.1768 ] 33-DEP-E-I 9 Points 0.2415 runi 0.6152 I Points 0.2045 runi -0.5562 10 Points 0.6834 runi -0.7371 2 Points -0.2112 runi 0.5819 II Points 3.5496 nmi -3.2237 '1 3 Points -OAI01 runi 0.8998 33-DEP-F-0 4 Points -0.4217 runi 1.1757 I Points 0.2046 runi -0.5562 5 Points -0.3331 nmi 1.4261 2 Points -0.1762 nmi 0.5838 ] 6 Points -0.1253 nmi 1.5486 3 Points -0.7754 nmi 2.1765 7 Points 0.2550 nmi 1.5470 4 Points -1.0592 runi 2.5550 8 Points 0.4902 nmi 1.4055 5 Points -1.4850 nmi 2.6969 :1 9 Points 0.8006 nmi 0.8330 6 Points -1.8004 nmi 2.6654 10 Points 1.2656 runi -0.2643 7 Points -2.1946 nmi 2.4604 ']11 Points 4.3666 nmi -1.9657 8 Points -2.3996 nmi 2.1292 33-DEP-E-2 9 Points -2.3996 nmi 1.6246 1 Points 0.2047 nmi -0.5562 10 Points -0.8858 nmi -2.3177 J2 Points -0.2111 nmi 0.5820 11 Points -0.9804 runi -7.1431 3 Points -0.2130 nmi 0.9333 33-DEP-F-I 4 Points -0.2236 nmi 1.1482 1 Points 0.2044 nmi -0.5563 ]5 Points -0.1784 nmi 1.2993 2 Points -0.1763 runi 0,5838 6 Points -0.0739 nmi 1.3553 3 Points -0.9507 nmi 2.0804 7 Points 0.1927 nmi 1.3569 4 Points -1.2346 nmi 2.3116 J8 Points 0.2921 nmi 1.2530 5 Points -1.5293 runi 2.2994 9 Points 0.4279 nmi 0.6878 6 Points -1.6862 nmi 2.2820 10 Points 0.8775 runi -0.5795 7 Points -1.9225 nmi 2.1672 :1 II Points 3.8219 nmi -2.8043 8 Points -2.0149 nmi 2.0198 33-DEP-E-3 9 Points -1.9080 nmi 1.7158 1 Points 0.2044 nmi -0.5563 10 Points -0.0978 runi -2.1796 OJ 2 Points -0.2113 nIDi 0.5819 II Points 0.0194 nmi -7.1627 3 Points -0.5087 nmi 0.8830 33-DEP-F-2 4 Points -0.5208 runi 1.1895 1 Points 0.2048 runi -0.5561 J 5 Points -0.4104 runi 1.4895 2 Points -0.1760 nmi 0.5839 6 Points -0.1509 nmi 1.6452 3 Points -0.6000 nmi 2.2727 [J7 Points 0.2861 runi 1.6420 4 Points -0.8838 runi 2.7984 8 Points 0.5893 nmi 1.4817 5 Points -1.4407 nmi 3.0945 9 Points 0.9870runi 0.9056 6 Points -1.9146 nIDi 3.0487 J E-22 J J 7 Points -2A667 nmi 2.7536 30 Points 0.2729 nmi -1.4563 8 Points -2.7844 nmi 2.2387 31 Points 0.3333 nmi -1.3757 9 Points -2.8912 nmi 1.5335 32 Points 0.3696 nmi -1.3152 10 Points -1.6738 nmi -2A558 33 Points 0.3857 nmi -1.2345 11 Points -1.9802 nmi -7.1235 34 Points 0.3938 nmi -1.1660 33-TGO-I-0 35 Points 0.3857 nmi -1.0491 1 Straight 1.5000nmi 36 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 2 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg OAOOO 33-TGO-A-l 3 Straight 0.3000 nmi 1 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5562 4 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg 0.4000 2 Points -0.3601 nmi 0.8387 5 Straight 2.0000 nmi 3 Points -OA121 nmi 0.9124 6 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg OAOOO 4 Points -OA636 nmi 0.9682 7 Straight 0.3000 nmi 5 Points -0.5053 nmi 0.9893 8 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg OAOOO 6 Points -0.5480 nmi 1.0010 9 Straight 0.5000 nmi 7 Points -0.5865 nmi 1.0209 33-TGO-A-O 8 Points -0.6313 nmi 1.0299 1 Points 0.2046 nmi -0.5562 9 Points -0.6799 nmi 1.0370 2 Points -0.3158 nmi 0.8619 10 Points -0.7301 nmi 1.0370 3 Points -0.3722 nmi 0.9425 11 Points -0.7772 nmi 1.0310 4 Points -OA246 nmi 1.0070 12 Points -1.0558 nmi 0.8984 5 Points -OA689 nmi 1.0433 13 Points -1.1163 nmi 0.8721 6 Points -0.5133 nmi 1.0675 14 Points -1.1618 nmi 0.8384 7 Points -0.5617 nmi 1.0917 15 Points -1.1977 nmi 0.8023 8 Points -0.6181 nmi 1.1038 16 Points -1.2295 nmi 0.7665 9 Points -0.6746 nmi 1.1118 17 Points -1.2416 nmi 0.7313 10 Points -0.7350 nmi 1.1118 18 Points -1.2594 nmi 0.6785 11 Points -0.7955 nmi 1.1038 19 Points -1.2721 nmi 0.6257 12 Points -1.0938 nmi 0.9909 20 Points -1.2510 nmi 0.5043 13 Points -1.1664 nmi 0.9586 21 Points -0.5681 nmi -1.3524 14 Points -1.2269 nmi 0.9143 22 Points -0.5171 nmi -1.4488 15 Points -1.2712 nmi 0.8699 23 Points -OA672 nmi -1.4987 16 Points -1.3156 nmi 0.8175 24 Points -0.4053 nmi -1.5307 17 Points -1.3357 nmi 0.7651 25 Points -0.3292 nmi -1.5521 18 Points -1.3559 nmi 0.7046 26 Points -0.2845 nmi -1.5588 19 Points -1.3720 nmi 0.6280 27 Points -0.2106 nmi -1.5462 20 Points -1.3478 nmi 0.4789 28 Points -0.1591 nmi -1.5435 21 Points -0.6592 nmi -1.3935 29 Points 0.1062 nmi -1.4409 22 Points -0.5973 nmi -1.5085 30 Points 0.2058 nmi -1.3823 23 Points -0.5265 nmi -1.5792 31 Points 0.2503 nmi -1.3198 24 Points -0.4425 nmi -1.6235 32 Points 0.2763 nmi -1.2791 25 Points -0.3496 nmi -1.6500 33 Points 0.2869 nmi -1.2189 26 Points -0.2833 nmi -1.6588 34 Points 0.2939nmi -1.1636 27 Points -0.1992 nmi -1.6456 35 Points 0.2880 nmi -1.0700 28 Points -0.1373 nmi -1.6412 36 Points 0.2045 nmi -0.5562 29 Points 0.1502 nmi -1.5306 33-TGO-A-2 E-23 1 Points 0.2047 nrni -0.5562 9 Points -0.6852 nrni 0.9622 2 Points -0.2714 nrni 0.8850 10 Points -0.7251 nmi 0.9622 I 3 Points -0.3323 nrni 0.9726 11 Points -0.7588 nmi 0.9583 4 Points -0.3856 nmi 1.0458 12 Points -1.0178 nmi 0.8060 5 Points -0.4326 nmi 1.0972 13 Points -1.0661 nmi 0.7856 1 6 Points -0.4786 nmi 1.1339 14 Points -1.0967 nmi 0.7625 7 Points -0.5368 nrni 1.1625 IS Points -1.l242 nmi 0.7346 8 Points -0.6049 nmi 1.1776 16 Points -1.1435 nmi 0.7156 "1 9 Points -0.6692 nrni 1.1866 17 Points -1.1475 nmi 0.6976 10 Points -0.7400 nrni 1.1866 18 Points -1.1629 nmi 0.6523 11 Points -0.8139 nmi 1.1765 19 Points -1.1723 nmi 0.6234 '] 12 Points -1.1318 nmi 1.0833 20 Points -1.1542 nmi 0.5297 13 Points -1.2166 nmi 1.0451 21 Points -0.4770 nmi -1.3114 14 Points -1.2920 nmi 0.9902 22 Points -0.4369 nmi -1.3891 ] 15 Points -1.3448 nrni 0.9376 23 Points -0.4079 nmi -1.4181 16 Points -1.4016 nmi 0.8685 24 Points -0.3681 nmi -1.4379 ]17 Points -1.4299 nrni 0.7989 25 Points -0.3088 nmi -1.4542 18 Points -1.4524 nrni 0.7308 26 Points -0.2857 nrni -1.4588 19 Points -1.4719 nmi 0.6304 27 Points -0.2220 nmi -1.4469 '1 .J20 Points -1.4446 nmi 0.4535 28 Points -0.1808 nmi -1.4459 21 Points -0.7503 nmi -1.4345 29 Points 0.0622 nmi -1.3512 22 Points -0.6775 nrni -1.5681 30 Points 0.1388 nmi -1.3082 '1 23 Points -0.5859 nrni -1.6598 31 Points 0.1672 nmi -1.2640 · j 24 Points -0.4797 nrni -1.7162 32 Points 0.1830 nmi -1.2430 1.25 Points -0.3700 nmi -1.7479 33 Points 0.1881 nmi -1.2032 · j 26 Points -0.2821 nmi -1.7589 34 Points 0.1939 nmi -1.1612 27 Points -0.1879 nrni -1.7449 35 Points 0.1903 nrni -1.0909 · 1 I28 Points -0.1156 nrni -1.7388 36 Points 0.2044 nrni -0.5563 :129 Points 0.1942 nrni -1.6203 33-TGO-A-4 30 Points 0.3399 nrni -1.5303 1 Points 0.2048 nmi -0.5561 131 Points 0.4164 nmi -1.4315 2 Points -0.2271 nrni 0.9082 .J 32 Points 0.4629 nmi -1.3512 3 Points -0.2924 nrni 1.0027 33 Points 0.4845 nrni -1.2502 4 Points -0.3467 nrni 1.0847 34 Points 0.4938 nmi -1.1684 5 Points -0.3963 nmi 1.1512 ] 35 Points 0.4835 nrni --1.0282 6 Points -0.4439 nmi 1.2004 36 Points 0.2047nmi -0.5562 7 Points -0.5120 nmi 1.2333 33-TGO-A-3 8 Points -0.5918 nmi 1.2514 J I Points 0.2044 nrni -0.5563 9 Points -0.6639 nmi 1.2614 2 Points -0.4044nmi 0.8156 10 Points -0.7450 nrni 1.2614 3 Points -0.4520 nmi 0.8823 1 I Points -0.8322 nmi 1.2492 J 4 Points -0.5025 nmi 0.9293 12 Points -1.1698 nmi 1.1758 5 Points -0.5416 nmi 0.9354 13 Points -1.2667 nmi 1.1316 6 Points -0.5827 nrni 0.9346 14 Points -1.3571 nmi 1.0661 ..1 7 Points -0.6114 nrni 0.9501 15 Points -1.4183 nrni 1.0053 8 Points -0.6445 nrni 0.9561 16 Points -1.4877 nrni 0.9195 ·1 :.1 E-24 : 1 U J 17 Points -1.5240 nmi 0.8327 5 Straight 0.1200 nmi 18 Points -1.5489 nmi 0.7569 6 Right-Turn 43.0000 deg 0.0100 19 Points -1.5718 nmi 0.6327 7 Straight 0.0001 nmi 20 Points -1.5414 runi 0.4281 ID-APP-B-O 21 Points -0.8415 nmi -1.4755 1 Straight 3.0000 nmi 22 Points -0.7577 runi -1.6278 2 Left-Tum 45.0000 deg 0.3000 23 Points -0.6452 runi -1.7403 3 Straight 0.2000 nmi 24 Points -0.5169 runi -1.8090 4 Left-Turn 23.0000 deg 0.1000 25 Points -0.3904 runi -1.8458 5 Straight 0.1200 nmi 26 Points -0.2809 runi -1.8589 6 Right-Turn 43.0000 deg 0.0100 27 Points -0.1765 nmi -1.8443 7 Straight 0.0001 runi 28 Points -0.0938 nmi -1.8364 H3-DEP-A-0 29 Points 0.2382 runi -1.7100 1 Straight 0.3000 nmi 30 Points 0.4070 nmi -1.6043 2 Left-Turn 45.0000 deg 0.4000 31 Points 0.4994 nmi -1.4873 3 Straight 3.0000 runi 32 Points 0.5562 runi -1.3873 H3-DEP-B-0 33 Points 0.5834 nmi -1.2659 1 Straight 0.3000 runi 34 Points 0.5937 nmi -1.1708 2 Right-Turn 45.0000 deg 0.4000 35 Points 0.5812 nmi -1.0073 3 Straight 3.0000 nmi 36 Points 0.2048 nmi -0.5561 H4-APP-A-0 HI-TGO-A-O 1 Straight 3.0000 runi 1 Straight 0.5000 nmi 2 Left-Tum 45.0000 deg 0.4000 2 Right-Tum 90.0000 deg 0.2000 3 Straight 0.3000 nmi 3 Straight 0.2000 runi H4-APP-B-0 4 Right-Tum 90.0000 deg 0.2000 1 Straight 3.0000 nmi 5 Straight 1.5000 nmi 2 Right-Turn 45.0000 deg 0.4000 6 Right-Turn 90.0000 deg 0.2000 3 Straight 0.3000 nmi 7 Straight 0.2000 nmi H4-DEP-A-0 8 Right-Tum 90.0000 deg 0.2000 1 Straight 0.0001 nmi 9 Straight 1.0000 nmi 2 Left-Turn 40.0000 deg 0.0100 H2-TGO-A-O 3 Straight 0.1300 nmi 1 Straight 1.0000 runi 4 Right-Turn 20.0000 deg 0.1000 2 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg 0.2000 5 Straight 0.2000 nmi 3 Straight 0.2000 runi 6 Left-Turn 45.0000 deg 0.3000 4 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg 0.2000 7 Straight 3.0000 nmi 5 Straight 1.5000 nmi H4-DEP-B-0 1 6 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg 0.2000 1 Straight 0.0001 nmi 7 Straight 0.2000 nmi 2 Left-Turn 40.0000 deg 0.0100 8 Left-Turn 90.0000 deg 0.2000 3 Straight 0.1300 runi 9 Straight 0.5000 nmi 4 Right-Turn 20.0000 deg 0.1000 H3-APP-A-0 5 Straight 0.2000 nmi 1 Straight 3.0000 runi 6 Right-Turn 45.0000 deg 0.3000 2 Right-Turn 45.0000 deg 0.3000 7 Straight 3.0000 nmi 3 Straight 0.2000 nmi O\rF-O\rF-J-O 4 Left-Tum 23.0000 deg 0.1000 1 Points -0.2935 nmi -1.0177 E-25 i .1 2 Points -0.2935 nmi -1.0908 3 Points -0,3373 nmi -1.1419 4 Points -0.3373 nrni -1.1200 OVF-OVF-2-0 1 Points -0.6156 nrni 0.9667 2 Points -0.6006 nmi 0.9975 3 Points -0.6537 nrni 0.9975 STUDY AIRCRAFT 737700 Standard data 737N17 Standard data AI09 User-defined Descrip : Augusta A-109 UserID : HEL WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NumEng : 1 Noiseld : AI09 ATRS :No TkoWgt :57301b LndWgt : 5730 Ib LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : 0 Ib B206L User-defmed Descrip : Bell 206L UserID :HEL WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NumEng : 1 Noiseld : B206L ATRS :No TkoWgt : 4000 Ib LndW gt : 4000 lb LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : 0 Ib B212 User-defined Descrip : Bell 212 (UH-IN) UserID : HEL WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NUmEng : 1 Noiseld : B212 ATRS :No TkoWgt : 10500 Ib 􀁾􀁬LndWgt : 10500 Ib LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : 0 lb ] B222 User-defined Descrip : Bell 222 UserID : HEL J WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet ] NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NumEng : 1 ] Noiseld : B222 ATRS :No TkoWgt : 7800 Ib J LndWgt : 7800 Jb 1LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : 0 Ib J BEC58P Standard data BOlOS User-defined 1 Descrip : BoeJkow BO-l05 .1 UserID : HEL WgtCat : Small JOwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None :1 Type : Jet NUmEng : 1 Noiseld : BOl 05 ATRS :No TkoWgt : 5070 Jb . I LndWgt : 5070 Ib J LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : Olb 1 CH47D User-defined " l Descrip : Boeing Vertol234 (CH-47D) J E-26 U J UserID :HEL WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NumEng : 1 NoiseId : CH47D i I ATRS :No TkoWgt : 48500 Ib , .1 LndWgt : 48500 lb LndDist : 0 ft S tatie Thr : 0 Ib CIT3 Standard data CL600 Standard data CNA441 Standard data CNA500 Standard data CNA55B Standard data CNA750 Standard data DC93LW Standard data DHC6 Standard data F AL20 Standard data FAL50 User-defined Deserip : Falcon 50 UserID : GA WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Gen-Aviation EngType : Jet NoiseCat : Stage3 Type : Jet NumEng : 3 NoiseId : F ALSO ATRS : No TkoWgt : 18300lb LndWgt : 15300 lb LndDist : 3076 ft StaticThr : 3500 lb GASEPF Standard data GASEPV Standard data GIID Standard data GIV Standard data GV Standard data H500D User-defined Descrip : Hughes 500D UserID : HEL WgtCat ; Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType ; Jet NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NumEng : 1 NoiseId : H500D ATRS :No TkoWgt : 2550 lb LndWgt : 2550 Ib LndDist : 0 ft StatieThr : 0 lb LEAR25 Standard data LEAR35 Standard data S61 User-defined Descrip : Sikorsky S-61 (CH-3A) UserID :HEL WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NumEng : 1 NoiseId : S61 ATRS :No TkoWgt : 19000 lb LndWgt : 19000lb LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : 0 Ib S65 User-defined Descrip : Sikorsky S-65 (CH-53) UserID : HEL WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NumEng : 1 NoiseId : S65 ATRS :No TkoWgt : 37000 lb LndWgt : 37000 Ib LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : 0 Ib S70 User-defined E-27 1 Descrip : Sikorsky S-70 (UH-60A) 8A341 G User-defined Descrip : Aerospatiale SA-341 G ]UserID : HEL UserID : HEL WgtCat : Small WgtCat ; Small OwnerCat : Commercial OwnerCat : Commercial JEngType : Jet EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None NoiseCat : None Type : Jet Type : Jet :lNumEng : 1 NumEng : I Noiseld : S70 Noiseld : SA34IG ATRS :No ATRS :No :]TkoWgt : 20250 Ib TkoWgt : 3970 Ib LndWgt : 202S0 Ib LndWgt : 3970 Ib LndDist : 0 ft LndDist : 0 ft ] 8taticThr : 0 Ib StaticThr : 0 Ib 876 User-defined SA3S0D User-defined Descrip : Sikorsky 8-76 Descrip : Aerospatiale SA-350D ] UserID : HEL UserID : HEL WgtCat : Small WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial OwnerCat : Commercial :-1 EngType : Jet EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None NoiseCat : None Type : Jet Type : Jet J NumEng : 1 NumEng ; 1 , 1 Noiseld : 876 Noiseld : SA3S0D , ATR8 :No ATRS :No . J TkoWgt : 10000 Ib TkoWgt : 4300 Ib .,LndWgt : 10000 Ib LndWgt : 4300 Ib LndDist : 0 ft LndDist : 0 ft .J StaticThr : 0 Ib StaticThr : 0 Ib SA330J User-defmed SA355F User-defined JDescrip : Aerospatiale SA-33OJ Descrip : Aerospatiale SA -35SF UserID : HEL UserID :HEL WgtCat : Small WgtCat : Small JOwnerCat : Commercial OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None NoiseCat : None Type : Jet Type : Jet NumEng : I NumEng : 1 Noiseld : SA330J Noiseld : SA3SSF ATRS :No ATRS :No TkoWgt : lS432lb TkoWgt : S010 Ib LndWgt : 154321b LndWgt : S070 Ib LndDist : 0 ft LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : 0 Ib StaticThr : 0 lb J E-28 J J SA365N User-defined Descrip : Aerospatiale SA-365N UserID :HEL WgtCat : Small OwnerCat : Commercial EngType : Jet NoiseCat : None Type : Jet NumEng : 1 Noiseld : SA365N ATRS :No TkoWgt : 8488 Ib LndWgt : 84881b LndDist : 0 ft StaticThr : 0 Ib STUDY SUBSTITUTION AIRCRAFT Name Description Acft Percent USER-DEFINED NOISE CURVES Type Thrust Op 200 400 630 1000 2000 4000 6300 10000 1600025000 AI09 type=other model=INM app=217 dep=115 afb=301 SEL LOO A 94.3 90.9 88.5 85.9 81.5 76.4 72.4 67.6 62.7 58.1 SEL 100 D 90.9 87.4 84.8 82.1 77.5 71.9 67.6 62.6 57.5 52.6 SEL 1.00 X 91.8 88.0 85.4 82.5 77.5 71.5 67.1 61.9 56.6 51.6 SEL 2.00 A 94.3 90.9 88.5 85.9 81.5 76.4 72.4 67.6 62.7 58.1 SEL 2.00 D 90.9 87.4 84.8 82.1 77.5 71.9 67.6 62.6 57.5 52.6 B206L type=other model=Il\"M app=222 dep=120 afb=307 SEL 1.00 A 85.8 83.4 81.6 79.5 75.6 70.6 66.7 62.0 57.2 52.6 SEL 1.00 D 81.8 79.6 77.7 75.4 69.7 65.3 61.2 56.4 51.5 46.9 SEL 1.00 X 84.7 82.4 80.5 78.0 73.3 67.4 63.1 58.2 53.3 48.6 SEL 2.00 A 85.8 83.4 81.6 79.5 75.6 70.6 66.7 62.0 57.2 52.6 SEL 2.00 D 81.8 79.6 77.7 75.4 69.7 65.3 61.2 56.4 51.5 46.9 B212 type=other model=Il\"M app=221 dep=114 afb=304 SEL 1.00 A 92.1 88.8 86.6 84.1 80.1 75.2 71.4 66.7 62.0 57.6 SEL 1.00 D 89.1 85.9 83.5 80.9 76.6 71.3 67.2 62.2 57.1 52.3 SEL 1.00 X 93.8 90.4 88.0 85.3 80.8 75.6 71.5 66.8 62.0 57.5 SEL 2.00 A 92.1 88.8 86.6 84.1 80.1 75.2 71.4 66.7 62.0 57.6 SEL 2.00 D 89.1 85.9 83.5 80.9 76.6 71.3 67.2 62.2 57.1 52.3 B222 type=other model=lNM app=218 dep=115 afb=304 SEL 1.00 A 91.0 87.6 85.3 82.9 78.9 74.3 70.7 66.7 62.5 58.6 SEL 1.00 D 86.6 82.9 80.2 77.5 72.8 67.5 63.5 59.0 54.4 50.0 E-29 1 SEL 1.00 X 90.8 87.1 84.5 81.7 77.0 71.8 67.8 63.3 58.7 54.4 SEL 2.00 A 91.0 87.6 85.3 82.9 78.9 74.3 70.7 66.7 62.5 58.6 "]SEL 2.00 D 86.6 82.9 80.2 77.5 72.8 67.5 63.5 59.0 54.4 50.0 BOlOS type=other model=INM app=2l7 dep=114 afb=301 SEL 1.00 A 90.5 87.1 84.7 82.1 77.6 72.1 67.7 62.4 56.9 51.8 1SEL 1.00 D 85.9 82.5 80.2 77.7 73.4 68.4 64.4 59.6 54.8 50.2 SEL 1.00 X 90.4 87.0 84.5 81.9 77.5 72.0 67.9 62.9 57.8 53.1 SEL 2.00 A 90.5 87.1 84.7 82.1 77.6 72.1 67.7 62.4 56.9 51.8 ]SEL 2.00 D 85.9 82.5 80.2 77.7 73.4 68.4 64.4 59.6 54.8 50.2 CH47D type=other modeJ=INM app=221 dep=1I9 afb=306 SEL 1.00 A 97.3 94.0 91.8 89.4 85.5 80.9 77.4 73.2 68.9 64.8 JSEL 1.00 D 90.4 86.6 84.0 81.0 76.0 70.1 65.7 60.5 55.3 50.3 SEL 1.00 X 90.9 87.1 84.4 81.5 76.7 71.1 67.0 62.5 57.9 53.5 SEL 2.00 A 97.3 94.0 91.8 89.4 85.5 80.9 77.4 73.2 68.9 64.8 ]SEL 2.00 D 90.4 86.6 84.0 81.0 76.0 70.1 65.7 60.5 55.3 50.3 FAL50 type=pounds model=INM app=201 dep=101 afb=O EPNL 1000.00 A 99.9 94.7 90.7 86.2 78.3 70.1 63.9 56.8 48.8 38.0 J EPNL 1500.00 A 103.6100.3 96.6 92.3 84.7 76.9 71.1 64.4 56.5 46.7 EPNL 1500.00 D 105.4 100.3 96.6 92.3 84.7 76.9 71.1 64.4 56.6 46.7 EP1>'L 2650.00 D 116.6110.7106.1 100.8 92.7 84.1 77.3 69.4 61.2 49.6 ] LAJ.V1AX 1000.00 A 92.8 86.0 81.0 75.7 67.3 58.4 52.0 45.3 38.1 30.4 LAJ.V1AX 1500.00 A 97.9 91.1 86.2 81.1 72.8 63.7 57.0 49.8 41.9 33.4 LAMAX 1500.00 D 97.9 91.1 86.2 81.1 72.8 63.7 57.0 49.8 41.9 33.4 ] LAMAX 2650.00 D 109.3 101.6 96.2 90.7 81.9 72.1 64.7 56.4 47.1 36.8 SEL 1000.00 A 95.5 90.8 87.4 83.6 77.4 70.7 65.9 60.6 54.9 48.7 ]SEL 1500.00 A lOLl 96.6 93.2 89.6 83.6 76.7 71.5 65.8 59.4 52.4 SEL 1500.00 D 101.1 96.6 93.2 89.6 83.6 76.7 71.5 65.8 59.4 52.4 SEL 2650.00 D 112.3 106.8 102.9 98.9 92.4 84.8 78.9 72.1 64.3 55.6 ]H500D type=other model=INM app=217 dep=116 afb=304 SEL 1.00 A 86.0 82.6 80.2 77.6 73.2 67.8 63.4 58.1 52.7 47.6 SEL 1.00 D 84.1 80.8 78.5 75.9 71.766.5 62.3 57.1 51.9 46.9 SEL 1.00 X 84.9 81.5 79.2 76.6 72.4 67.2 63.3 58.5 53.7 49.1 SEL 2.00 A 86.0 82.6 80.2 77.6 73.2 67.8 63.4 58.1 52.7 47.6 SEL 2.00 D 84.1 80.8 78.5 75.9 71.7 66.5 62.3 57.1 51.9 46.9 JS61 type=other model=INM app=219 dep=120 afb=303 SEL 1.00 A 91.6 88.2 85.8 83.2 78.8 73.5 69.4 64.7 59.9 55.3 SEL 1.00 D 92.8 89.3 86.8 84.0 79.2 73.5 69.0 63.7 58.4 53.3 J SEL 1.00 X 94.0 90.5 88.0 85.2 80.5 74.7 70.2 64.8 59.3 54.2 SEL 2.00 A 91.6 88.2 85.8 83.2 78.8 73.5 69.4 64.7 59.9 55.3 SEL 2.00 D 92.8 89.3 86.8 84.0 79.2 73.5 69.0 63.7 58.4 53.3 ;] S65 type=other model=INM app=219 dep=1l6 afb=305 SEL 1.00 A 95.7 92.5 90.3 87.9 83.9 79.4 76.0 71.9 67.9 64.0 SEL 1.00 D 94.8 91.5 89.1 86.6 82.4 77.4 73.5 68.7 63.8 59.1 J SEL 1.00 X 97.7 94.3 91.8 89.0 84.4 78.8 74.5 69.3 64.1 59.1 SEL 2.00 A 95.7 92.5 90.3 87.9 83.9 79.4 76.0 71.9 67.9 64.0 J E-30 J 􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠I SEL 2.00 D 94.8 91.5 89.1 86.6 82.4 77.4 73.5 68.7 63.8 59.1 S70 type=other model=INM app=218 dep=114 afb=305 SEL 1.00 A 94.3 91.0 88.7 86.3 82.3 77.7 74.2 70.0 65.7 61.7 SEL 1.00 D 87.7 84.0 81.3 78.4 73.5 68.0 63.9 59.1 54.3 49.8 SEL 1.00 X 99.8 96.1 93.5 90.7 85.8 80.1 75.7 70.6 65.4 60.4 SEL 2.00 A 94.3 91.0 88.7 86.3 82.3 77.7 74.2 70.0 65.7 61.7 SEL 2.00 D 87.7 84.0 81.3 78.4 73.5 68.0 63.9 59.1 54.3 49.8 S76 type=other model=INM app=219 dep=1l9 afb=302 SEL 1.00 A 91.6 88.4 86.1 83.7 79.7 75.2 71.6 67.3 63.0 58.9 SEL 1.00 D 89.1 85.7 83.2 80.5 75.9 70.3 65.8 60.3 54.8 49.5 SEL 1.00 X 92.0 88.5 85.9 83.1 78.3 72.3 67.7 62.4 57.0 52.0 SEL 2.00 A 91.6 88.4 86.1 83.7 79.7 75.2 71.6 67.3 63.0 58.9 SEL 2.00 D 89.1 85.7 83.2 80.5 75.9 70.3 65.8 60.3 54.8 49.5 SA330J type=other model=INM app=218 dep=1l8 afb=303 SEL 1.00 A 92.3 88.9 86.5 83.9 79.7 74.7 70.8 66.2 61.6 57.2 SEL 1.00 D 92.5 89.0 86.6 83.9 79.3 73.7 69.3 63.9 58.5 53.4 SEL 1.00 X 94.1 90.5 88.0 85.2 80.5 74.7 70.1 64.6 59.1 53.8 SEL 2.00 A 92.3 88.9 86.5 83.9 79.7 74.7 70.8 66.2 61.6 57.2 SEL 2.00 D 92.5 89.0 86.6 83.9 79.3 73.7 69.3 63.9 58.5 53.4 SA341G type=other model=INM app=219 dep=117 afb=302 SEL 1.00 A 88.0 84.5 82.1 79.5 75.1 69.9 65.9 61.2 56.5 52.0 SEL 1.00 D 89.4 85.2 82.2 78.5 72.0 64.3 58.6 52.3 45.8 39.7 SEL 1.00 X 88.3 84.5 81.7 78.6 73.0 65.9 60.4 54.0 47.6 41.4 SEL 2.00 A 88.0 84.5 82.1 79.5 75.1 69.9 65.9 61.2 56.5 52.0 SEL 2.00 D 89.4 85.2 82.2 78.5 72.0 64.3 58.6 52.3 45.8 39.7 SA350D type=other model=INM app=219 dep=115 afb=301 SEL 100 A 88.6 85.2 82.8 80.3 76.0 70.9 67.0 62.2 57.4 52.8 SEL 1.00 D 87.6 83.9 81.4 78.5 73.7 67.8 63.3 58.0 52.7 47.6 SEL 1.00 X 87.2 83.5 80.9 78.0 73.1 67.3 62.9 57.7 52.5 47.5 SEL 2.00 A 88.6 85.2 82.8 80.3 76.0 70.9 67.0 62.2 57.4 52.8 SEL 2.00 D 87.6 83.9 81.4 78.5 73.7 67.8 63.3 58.0 52.7 47.6 SA355F type=other model=INM app=219 dep=115 afb=301 SEL 1.00 A 90.0 86.6 82.4 81.7 77.5 72.4 68.4 63.8 59.0 54.5 SEL 1.00 D 88.2 84.7 82.1 79.4 74.6 68.8 64.3 59.9 55.7 51.8 SEL 1.00 X 87.3 83.8 81.4 78.6 74.0 68.5 64.4 59.0 53.7 48.7 SEL 2.00 A 90.0 86.6 82.4 81.7 77.5 72.4 68.4 63.8 59.0 54.5 SEL 2.00 D 88.2 84.7 82.1 79.4 74.6 68.8 64.3 59.9 55.7 518 SA365N type=other model=INM app=220 dep=117 afb=302 SEL 1.00 A 94.3 90.2 87.5 84.7 80.1 74.8 70.8 66.1 61.3 56.9 SEL 1.00 D 91.2 87.2 84.2 80.8 75.0 68.2 63.1 57.6 52.2 47.1 SEL 1.00 X 89.3 85.3 82.2 78.9 73.1 66.6 62.0 57.0 51.8 47.0 'j SEL 2.00 A 94.3 90.2 87.5 84.7 80.1 74.8 70.8 66.1 61.3 56.9 i SEL 2.00 D 91.2 87.2 84.2 80.8 75.0 68.2 63.1 57.6 52.2 47.1 E-3! ! .􀁾􀀠 J USER-DEFINED METRlCS Name Type Family Day Eve Night 10Log(T) 􀁾􀀭􀁝􀀠USER-DEFINED PROFILE IDENTIFIERS Op Profile Stg Weight(lb) ]A109 APP USER 1 5730 DEP USER 1 5730 :1B206L APP USER 1 4000 DEP USER 1 4000 :1 B212 APP USER 1 10500 DEP USER 1 10500 :] OVF USER 1 10500 OVF USER 2 10500 B222 ] APP USER 1 7800 DEP USER 1 7800 BOI05 '], APP USER 1 5070 DEP USER 1 5070 ]CH47D APP USER 1 48500 DEP USER 1 48500 FAL50 :1 APP STANDARD 1 13800 -1,DEP STANDARD 1 18300 dH500D APP USER 1 2550 DEP USER 1 2550 :] TGO USER 1 2550 S61 APP USER 1 19000 '],DEP USER 1 19000 S65 JAPP USER 1 37000 DEP USER 1 37000 S70 JAPP USER 1 20250 DEP USER 1 20250 S76 APP USER 1 10000 '] DEP USER 1 10000 SA330J J E-32 , ] 􀁾􀀮􀀠J APP USER I 15432 DEP USER 1 15432 SA341G APP USER 1 3970 DEP USER 1 3970 SA350D APP USER 1 4300 DEP USER 1 4300 SA355F APP USER 1 5070 DEP USER 1 5070 SA365N APP USER 1 8488 DEP USER 1 8488 USER-DEFINED PROCEDURAL PROFILES # StepType Flap ThrType AltfClm Speed(kt) AngIThrlDis FAL50-APP-STANDARD-l 1 Descend ZERO None 6000.0 ft 250.0 3.0 deg 2 Descend 10 None 3000.0 ft 144.5 3.0 deg 3 Descend D-INTR None 1500.0 ft 134.5 3.0 deg 4 Descend D-40 None 1000.0 ft 127.8 3.0 deg 5 Land D-40 None 181.4 ft 0.0 0.0 6 Decelerate None 1632.6 ft 121.2 60.0 % 7 Decelerate None 0.0 ft 30.0 10.0 % FALSO-DEP-STANDARD-1 1 Takeoff 20 MaxTakeOff 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 Accelerate 20 MaxTakeOff 1493.0 fpm 158.0 0.0 3 Climb 20 MaxTakeOff 1500.0 ft 0.0 0.0 4 Accelerate 10 MaxTakeOff 1493.0 fpm 183.0 0.0 5 Climb ZERO MaxClimb 3000.0 ft 0.0 0.0 6 Accelerate ZERO MaxClimb 1706.0 fpm 250.0 0.0 7 Climb ZERO MaxClimb 5500.0 ft 0.0 0.0 8 Climb ZERO MaxClimb 7500.0 ft 0.0 0.0 9 Climb ZERO MaxClimb 10000.0 ft 0.0 0.0 1 USER-DEFINED FIXED-POINT PROFILES 7 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 Ai # Dist(ft) Alt(ft) Spd(kt) Thrust OpMode B206L-DEP-USER-l B206L-APP -USER-l 1 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 D 1 ·23697.0 1500.0 100.0 1.0 A 2 50.0 0.0 15.0 1.0 D 2 -18836.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 3 1000.0 133.0 60.0 1.0 D 3 -14583.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 4 3750.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 X 4 -9772.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 5 7500.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 X 5 -4861.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 A 6 24280.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 X 6 -50.0 15.0 3.0 1.0 A 7 54280.0 5000.0 100.0 1.0 X E-33 J X .'] B212-0VF-USER-I 7 54280.0 5000.0 100.0 1.0 1 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 D H500D-TGO-USER-l ·'J 2 500.0 200.0 15.0 1.0 D 1 -14750.0 850.0 100.0 1.0 X 3 1000.0 500.0 70.0 1.0 X 2 -14583.0 850.0 100.0 1.0 X 4 2000.0 500.0 70.0 1.0 A 3 -9772.0 850.0 100.0 1.0 A 15 3900.0 300.0 15.0 1.0 A 4 -4861.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 A 6 5800.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 A 5 -50.0 15.0 3.0 1.0 A B212-0VF-USER-2 6 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 D ']1 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 D 7 50.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 D 2 500.0 200.0 15.0 1.0 D 8 1000.0 133.0 60.0 1.0 D 3 1000.0 500.0 70.0 1.0 X 9 3750.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 X ']4 65277.0 500.0 70.0 1.0 A 10 7500.0 850.0 100.0 1.0 X 5 67177.0 300.0 15.0 1.0 A 11 13400.0 850.0 100.0 1.0 X 6 69077.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 A SA365N-APP-USER-I :1B222-APP-USER-l 1 -23697.0 1500.0 100.0 1.0 A 1 -23697.0 1500.0 100.0 1.0 A 2 -18836.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 2 -18?36.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 3 -14583.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A ] 3 -14583.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 4 -9772.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 4 -9772.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 5 -4861.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 A 5 -4861.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 A 6 0.0 15.0 3.0 1.0 A A 'J 6 -50.0 15.0 3.0 1.0 A 7 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 A 7 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 A SA365N-DEP-USER-l B222-DEP-USER-I 1 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 D ] 1 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 D 2 50.0 0.0 15.0 1.0 D 2 50.0 0.0 15.0 1.0 D 3 1000.0 133.0 60.0 1.0 D " j3 1000.0 133.0 60.0 1.0 D 4 3750.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 X • J 4 3750.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 X 5 7500.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 X 'j5 7500.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 X 6 24280.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 X I 6 24280.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 X 7 54280.0 5000.0 100.0 1.0 X '. J 7 54280.0 5000.0 100.0 1.0 X 1H500D-APP-USER-I USER-DEFIJ\'ED FLAP COEFFICrnNTS J1 -23697.0 1500.0 100.0 1.0 A Acft Flap Op Coeff-R Coeff-CID 2 -18836.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A Coeff-B 3 -14583.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A FALSO 10 DEP 0.089112 0.000000 'j 4 -9772.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 A 0.000000 5 -4861.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 A FAL50 20 DEP 0.108224 1.059850 6 -50.0 15.0 3.0 1.0 A 0.043803 J 7 0.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 A FALSO D-40 APP 0.150688 1.087560 H500D-DEP-USER-l 0.000000 1 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 D FALSO D-INTR APP 0.129456 0.000000 J 2 50.0 0.0 15.0 1.0 D 0.000000 3 1000.0 133.0 60.0 1.0 D FALSO ZERO DEP 0.070000 0.000000 4 3750.0 500.0 60.0 1.0 X 0.000000 .J 5 7500.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 X 6 24280.0 1000.0 100.0 1.0 X · 1 J E-34 ! -, ·.J , , J USER-DEFINED JET THRUST COEFFICIENTS Acft ThrType Coeff-E Coeff-F Coeff-Ga Coeff-Gb Coeff-H FAL50 MaxClimb 3071.0 -3.49920 -3.97000e-03 1.38915e-06 O.OOOe+OO FAL50 MaxTakeOff 3412.2 -3.88800 -4.41000e-03 l.54350e-06 O.OOOe+OO USER-DEFINED PROP THRUST COEFFICIENTS Name ThrType Efficiency Power USER-DEFINED GENERAL THRUST COEFFICIENTS Acft Type Coeff-E Coeff-F Coeff-Ga Coeff-Gb Coeff-H Coeff-KI Coeff-K2 CASE FLIGHT OPERATIONS Acfi Op Profile Stg Rwy Track Sub Group Day Evening Night 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 A o COM 0.0975 0.0000 0.0003 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 A I COM 0.0781 0.0000 0.0002 737NI7 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 COM 0.0781 0.0000 0.0002 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 A 3 COM 0.0391 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 A 4 COM 0.0391 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 A 5 COM 0.0112 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 A 6 COM 0.0112 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 A 7 COM 0.0014 0.0000 0.0000 737NI7 APP STANDARD I 15 A 8 COM 0.0014 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 B o COM 0.0597 0.0000 0.0002 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 B 1 COM 0.0367 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 COM 0.0367 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 APP STANDARD I 15 B 3 COM 0.0099 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 COM 0.0099 0,0000 0,0000 737N17 APP STANDARD I 33 A o COM 0.0597 0.0000 0.0002 737N17 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 COM 0.0478 0.0000 0,0001 737N17 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 COM 0.0478 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 APP STANDARD} 33 A 3 COM 0.0239 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 COM 0.0239 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 COM 0.0068 0.0000 0.0000 737N}7 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 COM 0.0068 0,0000 0,0000 737N17 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 COM 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 COM 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STANDARD} 15 A o COM 0,0697 0.0000 0.0002 737N17 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 COM 0.0558 0.0000 0.0002 737N17 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 COM 0.0558 0,0000 0.0002 737N17 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 COM 0.0279 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 COM 0.0279 0.0000 0.0001 737N17 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 COM 0.0080 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 6 COM 0.0080 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 7 COM 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 137Nl7 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 8 COM 0.0010 0.0000 0,0000 E-35 737N]7 DEP STANDARD 1 ]5 B o COM 0.0398 0.0000 0.0001 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STANDARD! 33 A 7 COM 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 .] 737N17 DEP STANDARD I 33 A 8 COM 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STANDARD I 33 B o COM 0.0085 0,0000 0,0000 ]737N17 DEP STANDARD I 33 B I COM 0,0053 0,0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 COM 0.0053 0.0000 0,0000 . ,737N17 DEP STANDARD I 33 B 3 COM 0,0014 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STM'DARD I 33 B 4 COM 0.0014 0,0000 0,0000 .J 737N17 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D o COM 0.0239 0.0000 0,0001 737N]7 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 COM 0,0147 0.0000 0,0000 .J737N17 DEP STANDARD] 33 D 2 COM 0.0147 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STANDARD I 33 D 3 COM 0.0040 0,0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STANDARD I 33 D 4 COM 0,0040 0.0000 0.0000 J737N17 DEP STANDARD I 33 F o COM 0.0030 0.0000 0.0000 737N17 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 F I COM 0,0007 0,0000 0.0000 '1737N17 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 COM 0.0007 0,0000 0.0000 􀁾􀁪B206L APP USER I H3 A o REL 0.1463 0,0000 0.0163 B206L APP USER I H3 B o REL 0,1463 0.0000 0.0163 B206L APP USER 1 H4 A o HEL 0.1463 0,0000 0,0163 '] B206L APP USER I H4 B o REL 0.1463 0.0000 0.0163 B206L DEP USER 1 H3 A o REL 0,1463 0.0000 0.0163 ' 1 B206L DEP USER lID B o HEL 0.1463 0.0000 0.0163 • J B206L DEP USER 1 H4 A o REL 0.]463 0,0000 0,0163 B206L DEP USER I H4 B o REL 0,1463 0,0000 0.0163 jB222 APP USER I H3 A o REL 0.1463 0.0000 0.0163 B222 APP USER ] H3 B o REL 0.1463 0.0000 0,0163 B222 APP USER I H4 A o REL 0.1463 0.0000 0,0163 .J E-36 j j B222 APP USER 1 H4 B o HEL 0.1463 0.0000 0.0163 B222 DEP USER 1 H3 A o HEL 0.1463 0.0000 0.0163 B222 DEP USER 1 H3 B o HEL 0.1463 0.0000 0.0163 B222 DEP USER 1 H4 A o HEL 0.1463 0.0000 0.0163 B222 DEP USER 1 H4 B o HEL 0.1463 0.0000 0.0163 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 3.4884 0.0000 0.0221 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 2.7938 0.0000 0.0177 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 2.7938 0.0000 0.0177 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 1.3969 0.0000 0.0089 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 1.3969 0.0000 0.0089 BEC58P APP STM'DARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.3997 0.0000 0.0025 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.3997 0.0000 0.0025 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0498 0.0000 0.0003 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0498 0.0000 0.0003 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 3.3199 0.0000 0.0210 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 2.0430 0.0000 0.0129 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 2.0430 0.0000 0.0129 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.5533 0.0000 0.0035 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.5533 0.0000 0.0035 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 2.4917 0.0000 0.0158 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 1.9956 0.0000 0.0126 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 1.9956 0.0000 0.0126 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.9978 0.0000 0.0063 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.9978 0.0000 0.0063 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.2855 0.0000 0.0018 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.2855 0.0000 0.0018 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0356 00000 0.0002 BEC58P APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0356 0.0000 0.0002 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 2.9070 0.0000 0.0184 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 2.3282 0.0000 0.0147 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 2.3282 0.0000 0.0147 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 1.1641 0.0000 0.0074 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 1.1641 0.0000 0.0074 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 03331 0.0000 0.0021 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.3331 0.0000 0.0021 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0415 0.0000 0.0003 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0415 0.0000 0.0003 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 1.6621 0.0000 0.0105 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 1.2471 0.0000 0.0079 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 1.2471 0.0000 0.0079 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.4990 0.0000 0.0032 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.4990 0.0000 0.0032 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 GA 0.0830 0.0000 0.0005 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 GA 0.0830 0.0000 0.0005 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 D o GA 2.0749 0.0000 0.0131 E-37 .j I I \ J BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 1 GA 1.2769 0,0000 0.0081 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 GA 1.2769 0,0000 0.0081 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 GA 0.3458 0.0000 0.0022 BEC58P DEP STANDARD I 15 D 4 GA 0.3458 0.0000 0.0022 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 1.4950 0.0000 0.0095 .JBEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 1.1973 0.0000 0.0076 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 1.1973 0.0000 0.0076 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.5987 0,0000 0.0038 OJBEC58P DEP STANDARD I 33 A 4 GA 0,5987 0.0000 0,0038 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.1713 0.0000 0.0011 BEC58P DEP STANDARD I 33 A 6 GA 0.1713 0.0000 0.0011 ]BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0213 0.0000 0.0001 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0213 0.0000 0,0001 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 B o GA 0,3557 0.0000 0.0023 :]BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 GA 0.2189 0,0000 0.0014 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 GA 0.2189 0,0000 0,0014 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 GA 0.0593 0,0000 0.0004 J BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0,0593 0.0000 0,0004 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 D a GA 0.9959 0,0000 0.0063 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0.6129 0.0000 0.0039 ] BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0,6129 0.0000 0,0039 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0.1660 0.0000 0.0011 BEC58P DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0,1660 0.0000 0,0011 ] BEC58P DEP 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0.0012 CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.6536 0.0000 0.0009 ] CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0,6536 0.0000 0,0009 CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0,3268 0,0000 0.0005 ] E-38 J J CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 APP STAt'IDARD 1 15 A CIT3 APP STANDARD I 15 A CIT3 APP STANDARD I 15 A CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 33 A CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 33 A CIT3 APP STAt'IDARD 1 33 A CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 33 A CIT3 APP STAt'IDARD 1 33 A CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 33 A CIT3 APP STANDARD I 33 A CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 33 A CIT3 APP STANDARD 1 33 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD I 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD I 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CIT3 DEP STAt'IDARD I 15 B CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CIT3 DEP STANDARD I 15 D CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD I 33 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CIT3 DEP STAt'IDARD 1 33 A CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 0.3268 0.0935 0.0935 0.0116 0.0116 0.4993 0.3072 0.3072 0.0832 0.0832 0.4997 0.4002 0.4002 0.2001 0.2001 0.0572 0.0572 0.0071 0.0071 0.5829 0.4669 0.4669 0.2334 0.2334 0.0668 0.0668 0.0083 0.0083 0.3333 0.2501 0.2501 0.1001 0.1001 0.0166 0.0166 0.4161 0.2560 0.2560 0.0693 0.0693 0.2998 0.2401 0.2401 0.1200 0.1200 0.0000 0.0005 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0007 0.0000 0.0005 0.0000 0.0005 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0007 0.0000 0.0006 0.0000 0.0006 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0008 0.0000 0.0007 0.0000 0.0007 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000 0.0004 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0.0002 E-39 -1 CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0343 0.0000 0.0001 CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0343 0.0000 0.0001 cl CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0043 0.0000 0.0000 CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0043 0.0000 0.0000 CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B o GA 0.0713 0.0000 0.0001 ]CID DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 GA 0.0439 0.0000 0.0001 CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 GA 0.0439 00000 0.0001 CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 GA 0.0119 0.0000 0.0000 -1 CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA O.oI19 0.0000 0.0000 CIT3 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D o GA 0.1997 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J CL600 APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.4070 0.0000 0.0035 :'1 CL600 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.2505 0.0000 0.0022 JCL600 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.2505 0.0000 0.0022 CL600 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0678 0.0000 0.0006 CL600 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0678 0.0000 0.0006 ]CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.4074 0.0000 0.0036 CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.3263 0.0000 0.0029 CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.3263 0.0000 0.0029 [] CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.1631 0.0000 0.0014 CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.1631 0.0000 0.0014 CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0467 0.0000 0.0004 J CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0467 0.0000 0.0004 CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0058 0.0000 0.0001 '1CL600 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0058 0.0000 0.0001 '.' CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.4753 0.0000 0.0042 CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.3806 0.0000 0,0033 CL600 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 2 GA 0.3806 0.0000 0.0033 [1 CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.1903 0.0000 0.0017 CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.1903 0.0000 0,0017 J E40 U J CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B CL600 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D CL600 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 F CL600 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F CL600 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 F CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 15 A CNA441 APP STANDARD I 15 A CNA44 I APP STANDARD I 15 A CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 15 A CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 15 A CNA441 APP STANDARD I 15 A CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA 5 GA 6 GA 7 GA 8 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 3 GA 4 GA o GA 1 GA 2 GA 0.0544 0.0544 0.0068 0.0068 0,2717 0.2039 0.2039 0.0816 0.0816 0.0136 0.0136 0.3392 0.2088 0,2088 0.0565 0.0565 0.2444 0.1957 0,1957 0.0979 0.0979 0.0280 0.0280 0,0035 0,0035 0,0581 0.0358 0.0358 0.0097 0.0097 0.1628 0.1002 0.1002 0,0271 0.0271 0.0203 0.0047 0,0047 0.0000 0.0005 0,0000 0.0005 0,0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0,0024 0.0000 0.0018 0.0000 0.0018 0.0000 0.0007 0.0000 0,0007 0.0000 0.0001 0,0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0030 0.0000 0.0018 0.0000 0.0018 0,0000 0.0005 0.0000 0.0005 0.0000 0.0021 0,0000 0.0017 0.0000 0,0017 0.0000 0.0009 0.0000 0.0009 0.0000 0,0002 0.0000 0,0002 0,0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 0,0000 0,0003 0.0000 0,0003 0.0000 0,0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0014 0,0000 0,0009 0.0000 0,0009 0.0000 0,0002 0,0000 0.0002 0,0000 0,0002 0,0000 0,0000 0.0000 0,0000 o COM 2,8431 0.0000 0,0485 I COM 2.2770 0,0000 0.0389 2 COM 2.2770 0.0000 0,0389 3 COM Ll385 0,0000 0.0194 4 COM 1.1385 0.0000 0.0194 5 COM 0.3257 0,0000 0,0056 6 COM 0.3257 0,0000 0,0056 E-41 "1 , CNA441 APP STANDARD I 15 A 7 COM 0"0406 0"0000 0"0007 '1CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 COM 0.0406 0.0000 0.0007 jCNA441 APP STANDARD 1 15 B o COM 2.7058 0"0000 0.0462 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 COM 1.6651 0.0000 0.0284 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 IS B 2 COM 1.6651 0.0000 0.0284 1CNA441 APP STANDARD I 15 B 3 COM 0.4510 0.0000 0.0077 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 COM 0.4510 0.0000 0.0077 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 33 A o COM 2.0308 0.0000 0.0347 JCNA441 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 COM 1.6264 0.0000 0.0278 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 COM 1.6264 0.0000 0.0278 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 COM 0.8132 0.0000 0.0139 "]CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 COM 0.8132 0.0000 0.0139 CNA441 APP STANDARD I 33 A 5 COM 0"2327 0"0000 0.0040 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 COM 0.2327 0"0000 0"0040 :1 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 COM 0.0290 0.0000 0.0005 CNA441 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 COM 0.0290 0.0000 0.0005 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A o COM 2.3693 0.0000 0.0405 ] CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 COM 1.8975 0.0000 0.0324 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 IS A 2 COM 1.8975 0.0000 0.0324 "JCNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 COM 0.9488 0.0000 0.0162 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 COM 0.9488 0.0000 0.0162 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 COM 0.2714 0.0000 0.0046 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 COM 0.2714 0.0000 0.0046 ] CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 COM 0.0338 0.0000 0.0006 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 COM 0.0338 0.0000 0.0006 JCNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B o COM 1.3546 0.0000 0.0231 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 COM 1.0164 0.0000 0.0173 clCNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 COM 1.0164 0.0000 0.0173 JCNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 COM 0.4067 0.0000 0.0069 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 COM 0.4067 0.0000 0.0069 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 COM 0.0676 0.0000 0.0012 "l..CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 COM 0.0676 0.0000 0.0012 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D o COM 1.6911 0.0000 0.0289 F]CNA441 DEP STANDARD I 15 D 1 COM 1.0407 0.0000 0.0178 <, i:.CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 COM 1.0407 0.0000 0.0178 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 COM 0.2819 0.0000 0.0048 r]CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 4 COM 0.2819 0.0000 0.0048 L· CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A o COM 1.2185 0.0000 0.D208 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 COM 0.9759 0.0000 0.0167 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 COM 0.9759 0.0000 0.0167 .'U CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 COM 0.4879 0.0000 0.0083 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 COM 0.4879 0.0000 0.0083 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 COM 0.1396 0.0000 0.0024 i.J CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 COM 0.1396 0.0000 0.0024 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 COM 0.0174 0.0000 0.0003 'J E-42 U J CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 COM 0.0174 0.0000 0.0003 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B o COM 0.2899 0.0000 0.0050 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 COM 0.1784 0.0000 0.0030 CNA441 DEP STANDARD I 33 B 2 COM 0.1784 0.0000 0.0030 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 COM 0.0483 0.0000 0.0008 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 COM 0.0483 0.0000 0.0008 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D o COM 0.8117 0.0000 0.0138 CNA441 DEP STANDARD I 33 D 1 COM 0.4995 0.0000 0.0085 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 COM 0.4995 0.0000 0.0085 CNA44 I DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 COM 0.1353 0.0000 0.0023 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 COM 0.1353 0.0000 0.0023 CNA44 1 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F o COM 0.1015 0.0000 0.0017 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 COM 0.0236 0.0000 0.0004 CNA441 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 COM 0.0236 0.0000 0.0004 CNA500 APP STANDARD I 15 A o GA 0.8161 0.0000 0.0012 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 IS A 1 GA 0.6536 0.0000 0.0009 CNASOO APP STANDARD I 15 A 2 GA 0.6536 0.0000 0.0009 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.3268 00000 0.0005 CNASOO APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.3268 0.0000 0.0005 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0935 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0935 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 APP STANDARD I 15 A 7 GA 0.0116 0.0000 0.0000 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0116 0.0000 0.0000 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.4993 0.0000 0.0007 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.3072 0.0000 0.0005 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.3072 0.0000 0.0005 CNASOO APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0832 0.0000 0.0001 CNASOO APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0832 0.0000 0.000] CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.4997 0.0000 0.0007 CNA500 APP STANDARD] 33 A 1 GA 0.4002 0.0000 0.0006 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.4002 0.0000 0.0006 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.2001 0.0000 0.0003 CNASOO APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.2001 0.0000 0.0003 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0572 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0572 0.0000 0.0001 CNASOO APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0071 0.0000 0.0000 CNA500 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0071 0.0000 0.0000 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.5829 0.0000 0.0008 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A I GA 0.4669 0.0000 0.0007 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.4669 0.0000 0.0007 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.2334 0.0000 0.0003 CNA500 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 4 GA 0.2334 0.0000 0.0003 CNA500 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 5 GA 0.0668 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0668 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 7 GA 0.0083 0.0000 0.0000 E-43 . "! . .I 1 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0083 0.0000 0.0000 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B a GA 0.3333 0.0000 0.0005 ICNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.2501 0.0000 0.0004 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0,2501 0,0000 0.0004 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.1001 0.0000 0,0001 ) CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.1001 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 GA 0.0166 0.0000 0.0000 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 GA 0.0166 0.0000 0,0000 1 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D a GA 0.4161 0.0000 0.0006 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 1 GA 0.2560 0.0000 0.0004 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 GA 0.2560 0.0000 0.0004 ] CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 GA 0.0693 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 4 GA 0.0693 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A a GA 0.2998 0.0000 0.0004 ] CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.2401 0.0000 0.0004 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.2401 0.0000 0.0004 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.1200 0.0000 0.0002 ] CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.1200 0.0000 0.0002 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0343 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0343 0.0000 0.0001 :1 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0043 0.0000 0.0000 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0043 0.0000 0.0000 ]CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B a GA 0.0713 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 B 1 GA 0.0439 0.0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 B 2 GA 0.0439 0.0000 0.0001 , j CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 GA 0.0119 0.0000 0.0000 CNASOO DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0.0119 0.0000 0.0000 CNASOO DEP STANDARD 1 33 D a GA 0.1997 0.0000 0.0003 JCNASOO DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0.1229 0,0000 0.0002 CNA500 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0.1229 0.0000 0.0002 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0.0333 0.0000 0.0000 J CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0.0333 0.0000 00000 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F o GA 0,0250 0,0000 0.0001 CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 GA 0.0058 0.0000 0.0000 J CNA500 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 GA 0.0058 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 A a COM 0.1746 0.0000 0.0020 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 COM 0.1398 0.0000 0.0016 J DC93LW APP STM'DARD 1 15 A 2 COM 0.1398 0.0000 0.0016 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 COM 0.0699 0,0000 0.0008 1 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 COM 0.0699 0.0000 0.0008 , J DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 COM 0.0200 0.0000 0.0002 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 COM 0.0200 0.0000 0.0002 JDC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 COM 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 COM 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 B o COM 0.1068 0.0000 0.0012 J E44 .J 1 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 COM 0.0657 0.0000 0.0008 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 COM 0.0657 0,0000 0,0008 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 COM 0,0178 0.0000 0.0002 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 COM 0.0178 0,0000 0.0002 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A o COM 0.1069 0,0000 0.0013 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 COM 0,0856 0.0000 0,0010 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 COM 0.0856 0.0000 0,0010 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 COM 0.0428 0,0000 0,0005 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 COM 0,0428 0.0000 0,0005 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 COM 0.0122 0,0000 0.0001 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 COM 0.0122 0.0000 0.0001 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 COM 0,0015 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 COM 0.0015 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A o COM 0.1247 0,0000 0.0014 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 COM 0.0999 0.0000 0.0012 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 COM 0.0999 0.0000 0.0012 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 COM 0.0499 0.0000 0.0006 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 COM 0,0499 0.0000 0.0006 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 COM 0.0143 0.0000 0.0002 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 COM 0.0143 0.0000 0.0002 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 COM 0.0018 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 COM 0,0018 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 B o COM 0.0713 0.0000 0.0008 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 COM 0.0535 0.0000 0.0006 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 COM 0.0535 0.0000 0.0006 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 COM 0.0214 0.0000 0.0003 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 COM 0.0214 0.0000 0.0003 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 COM 0.0036 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 COM 0.0036 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 D o COM 0.0890 0.0000 0.0011 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 1 COM 0.0548 0.0000 0.0006 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 COM 0.0548 0.0000 0.0006 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 COM 0.0148 0.0000 0.0002 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 4 COM 0.0148 0,0000 0,0002 -j DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A o COM 0.0641 0,0000 0.0007 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 COM 0.0514 0.0000 0.0006 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 COM 0.0514 0.0000 0.0006 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 COM 0.0257 0.0000 0.0003 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 COM 0.0257 0.0000 0.0003 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 COM 0,0073 0.0000 0,0001 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 COM 0.0073 0.0000 0.0001 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 COM 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 A B 8 COM °COM 0,0009 0.0152 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 COM 0.0094 0.0000 0.0001 E-45 I, . j 1 DC93LW DEP STANDARD I 33 B 2 COM 0.0094 0.0000 0.0001 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 COM 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000 '1DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 COM 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 D a COM 0.0427 0.0000 0.0005 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 COM 0.0263 0.0000 0.0003 )DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 COM 0.0263 0.0000 0.0003 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 COM 0.0071 0.0000 0.0001 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 COM 0.0071 0.0000 0.0001 ]DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 F o COM 0.0053 0.0000 0.0001 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 COM 0.0012 0.0000 0.0000 DC93LW DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 COM 0.0012 0.0000 0.0000 ]DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A a COM 0.6636 0.0000 0.0216 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 COM 0.5315 0.0000 0.0173 '1DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 COM 0.5315 0.0000 0.0173 .J DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 COM 0.2657 0.0000 0.0086 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 COM 0.2657 0.0000 0.0086 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 COM 0.0760 0.0000 0.0025 ] DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 COM 0.0760 0.0000 0.0025 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 COM 0.0095 0.0000 0.0003 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 COM 0.0095 0.0000 0.0003 .J DHC6 APP STANDARD I 15 B a COM 0.6316 0.0000 0.0205 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 COM 0.3887 0.0000 0.0126 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 COM 0.3887 0.0000 0.0126 J DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 COM 0.1053 0.0000 0.0034 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 COM 0.1053 0.0000 0.0034 I DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 33 A a COM 0.4740 0.0000 0.0154 · j DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 COM 0.3796 0.0000 0.0123 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 COM 0.3796 0.0000 0.0123 JDHC6 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 COM 0.1898 0.0000 0.0062 DHC6 APP STANDARD I 33 A 4 COM 0.1898 0.0000 0.0062 · 1DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 COM 0.0543 0.0000 0.0018 IDHC6 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 COM 0.0543 0.0000 0.0018 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 COM 0.0068 0.0000 0.0002 DHC6 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 COM 0.0068 0.0000 0.0002 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A a COM 0.5530 0.0000 0.0180 J DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 COM 0.4429 0.0000 0.0144 DHC6 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 2 COM 0.4429 0.0000 0.0144 J DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 COM 0.2215 0.0000 0.0072 DHC6 DEP STANDARD I 15 A 4 COM 0.2215 0.0000 0.0072 : 1 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 COM 0.0634 0.0000 0.0021 j DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 COM 0.0634 0.0000 0.0021 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 COM 0.0079 0.0000 0.0003 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 COM 0.0079 0.0000 0.0003 I DHC6 DEP STANDARD I 15 B a COM 0.3162 0.0000 0.0103 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 COM 0.2372 0.0000 0.0077 · , ! : ) E-46 • 1') I DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 COM 0,2372 0,0000 0.0077 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 COM 0,0949 0,0000 0,0031 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 COM 0.0949 0.0000 0,0031 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 COM 0.0158 0,0000 0.0005 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 COM 0,0158 0,0000 0.0005 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D a COM 0.3947 0,0000 0.0128 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 1 COM 0,2429 0.0000 0.0079 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 COM 0.2429 0.0000 0,0079 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 COM 0,0658 0.0000 0.0021 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 4 COM 0,0658 0,0000 0,0021 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A o COM 0.2844 0,0000 0,0092 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 COM 0.2278 0.0000 0,0074 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 COM 0.2278 0,0000 0,0074 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 COM 0,1139 0,0000 0,0037 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 COM 0.1139 0,0000 0,0037 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 COM 0,0326 0.0000 0.0011 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 COM 0,0326 0.0000 0,0011 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 COM 0,0041 0,0000 0,0001 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 COM 0.0041 0,0000 0.0001 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B o COM 0.0677 0,0000 0.0022 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 COM 0.0416 0,0000 0,0013 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 COM 0.0416 0.0000 0,0013 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 COM 0,0113 0.0000 0,0004 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 COM 0.0113 0.0000 0.0004 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D o COM 0.1895 0,0000 0.0062 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 COM 0,1166 0.0000 0.0038 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 COM 0,1166 0.0000 0.0038 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 COM 0.0316 0.0000 0,0010 DHC6 DEP STANDARD I 33 D 4 COM 0,0316 0,0000 0.0010 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F o COM 0.0237 0,0000 0.0008 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 COM 0,0055 0.0000 0.0002 DHC6 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 COM 0,0055 0,0000 0.0002 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.3658 0.0000 0.0064 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.2930 0.0000 0,0052 FAL20 APP STANDARD I 15 A 2 GA 0.2930 0,0000 0.0052 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0,1465 0.0000 0.0026 FAL20 APP STANDARD I 15 A 4 GA 0,1465 0.0000 0,0026 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0,0419 0.0000 0,0007 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0419 0,0000 0.0007 FAL20 APP STANDARD I 15 A 7 GA 0.0052 0,0000 0,0001 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0,0052 0.0000 0,0001 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.2238 0.0000 0,0039 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.1377 0.0000 0.0024 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.1377 0.0000 0.0024 i FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0373 0.0000 0.0007 , I E-47 '1 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0373 0.0000 0.0007 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.2240 0.0000 0.0040 '1 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.1794 0.0000 0.0032 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.1794 0.0000 0.0032 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.0897 0.0000 0.0016 '1 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.0897 0.0000 0.0016 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0257 0.0000 0.0005 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0257 0.0000 0.0005 '1FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0032 0.0000 0.0001 FAL20 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0032 0.0000 0.0001 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.2613 0.0000 0.0046 , ]FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.2093 0.0000 0.0037 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.2093 0.0000 0.0037 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.1046 0.0000 0.0018 J FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.1046 0.0000 0.0018 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0299 0.0000 0.0005 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0299 0.0000 0.0005 :] FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0037 0.0000 0.0001 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0037 0.0000 0.0001 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.1494 0.0000 0.0026 ] FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.1121 0.0000 0.0020 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.1121 0.0000 0.0020 1 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0449 0.0000 0.0008 J FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0449 0.0000 0.0008 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 GA 0.0075 0.0000 0.0001 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 GA 0.0075 0.0000 0.0001 1 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D o GA 0.1865 0.0000 0.0033 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 1 GA 0.1148 0.0000 0.0020 . } FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 GA 0.1148 0.0000 0.0020 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 GA 0.0311 0.0000 0.0005 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 4 GA 0.0311 0.0000 0.0005 JFAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.1344 0.0000 0.0024 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.1076 0.0000 0.0019 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.1076 0.0000 0.0019 ) FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.0538 0.0000 0.0010 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.0538 0.0000 0.0010 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0154 0.0000 0.0003 ':1 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0154 0.0000 0.0003 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0019 0.0000 0.0000 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0019 0.0000 0.0000 1 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B o GA 0.0320 0.0000 0.0005 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 GA 0.0197 0.0000 0.0003 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 GA 0.0197 0.0000 0.0003 •.. l FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 GA 0.0053 0.0000 0.0001 FAL20 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0.0053 0.0000 0.0001 d E-48 J '1 I I . I .-: ) . J -.! Ij ! ) j FAL20 FAL20 FAL20 FAL20 FAL20 FAL20 FAL20 FAL20 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FALSO FALSO FALSO FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D o GA 0.0895 0.0000 0.0016 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0.0551 0.0000 0.0010 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0.0551 0.0000 0.0010 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0.0149 0.0000 0.0003 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0.0149 0.0000 0.0003 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F o GA 0.DJ12 0.0000 0.0002 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 GA 0.0026 0.0000 0.0000 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 GA 0.0026 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.0710 0.0000 0.0002 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.0569 0.0000 0.0002 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.0569 0.0000 0.0002 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.0284 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.0284 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0081 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0081 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0010 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.0434 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.0267 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.0267 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0072 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0072 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.0435 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.0348 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.0348 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.0174 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.0174 0.0000 0.0001 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0050 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0050 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0006 0.0000 0.0000 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0006 0.0000 0.0000 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.0507 0.0000 0.0001 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.0406 0.0000 0.0001 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.0406 0.0000 0.0001 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.0203 0.0000 0.0001 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.0203 0.0000 0.0001 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0058 0.0000 0.0000 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0058 0.0000 0.0000 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0007 0.0000 0.0000 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.0290 0.0000 0.0001 DEP STANDARD I 15 B 1 GA 0.0218 0.0000 0.0001 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.0218 0.0000 0.0001 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0087 0.0000 0.0000 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0087 0.0000 0.0000 E-49 'j ".i I 􀁾􀁬􀀠, J FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 GA 0.0014 0,0000 0,0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 GA 0.0014 0.0000 0,0000 ]FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D a GA 0.0362 0.0000 0,0001 FALSO DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 1 GA 0.0223 0.0000 0.0001 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 GA 0.0223 0.0000 0.0001 J FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 GA 0.0060 0.0000 0.0000 FAL50 DEP STM'DARD 1 15 D 4 GA 0.0060 0.0000 0,0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A a GA 0,0261 0.0000 0.0001 :1 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.0209 0.0000 0.0001 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0,0209 0,0000 0.0001 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.0104 0.0000 0.0000 ] FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.0104 0.0000 0.0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0030 0.0000 0.0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0,0030 0,0000 0.0000 ;] FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0004 0,0000 0.0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0004 0.0000 0,0000 r .. FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B a GA 0.0062 0.0000 0.0000 J FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 GA 0.0038 0.0000 0.0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD I 33 B 2 GA 0,0038 0.0000 0.0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD I 33 B 3 GA 0,0010 0,0000 0.0000 ] FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0.0010 0,0000 0.0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D a GA 0.0174 0.0000 0.0000 •]FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0,0107 0.0000 0.0000 , FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0,0107 0,0000 0,0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0,0029 0,0000 0,0000 :1FALSO DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0,0029 0,0000 0,0000 FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F a GA 0.0022 0,0000 0,0000 FALSO DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 GA 0.0005 0.0000 0,0000 ]FAL50 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 GA 0,0005 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 A a GA 3.9898 0,0000 0,0618 GASEPF APP STM'DARD 1 15 A 1 GA 3.1954 0.0000 0,0495 JGASEPF APP STANDARD I 15 A 2 GA 3.1954 0,0000 0.0495 GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 1.5977 0.0000 0.0248 GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 1.5977 0,0000 0.0248 J GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.4571 0.0000 0,0071 GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.4571 0.0000 0.0071 GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0,0570 0.0000 0.0009 ,J GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0570 0.0000 0.0009 GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 B a GA 2,8478 0,0000 0,0441 GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 B I GA 1.7525 0.0000 0,0272 J GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 1.7525 0.0000 0.0272 GASEPF APP STM'DARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.4746 0.0000 0.0074 GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.4746 0.0000 0.0074 J GASEPF APP STANDARD 1 15 C a GA 1.4239 0,0000 0.0221 GASEPF APP STM'DARD 1 15 C 1 GA 0.8762 0,0000 0,0136 , I E-50 U : l GASEPF APP STANDARD I 15 C 2 GA 0.8762 0.0000 0.0136 GASEPF APP STANDARD I 15 C 3 GA 0.2373 0.0000 0.0037 GASEPF APP STANDARD I 15 C 4 GA 0,2373 0,0000 0,0037 GASEPF APP STANDARD I 15 D o GA 1.4239 0.0000 0,0221 GASEPF APP STANDARD I 15 D I GA 0,8762 0.0000 0.0136 GASEPF APP STANDARD I 15 D 2 GA 0.8762 0,0000 0,0136 GASEPF APP STANDARD I 15 D 3 GA 0.2373 0,0000 0,0037 GASEPF APP STANDARD I IS D 4 GA 0,2373 0,0000 0.0037 GASEPF APP 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0.0136 , 'j IGASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 GA 0.8762 0.0000 0.0136 J GASEPV APP STANDARD J 15 D 3 GA 0.2373 0.0000 0.0037 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 D 4 GA 0.2373 0.0000 0.0037 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 E o GA ],4239 0.0000 0.0221 1 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 E 1 GA 0.8762 0.0000 0.0136 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 E 2 GA 0.8762 0.0000 0.0136 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 E 3 GA 0.2373 0.0000 0.0037 I GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 E 4 GA 0.2373 0.0000 0.0037 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 F o GA 1.4239 0.0000 0.0221 GASEPV APP STANDARD I 15 F 1 GA 0.8762 0.0000 0.0136 ] GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 F 2 GA 0.8762 0.0000 0.0136 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 F 3 GA 0.2373 0.0000 0.0037 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 15 F 4 GA 0.2373 0.0000 0.0037 '] GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 3.4199 0.0000 0.0530 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 2.7389 0.0000 0.0424 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 2.7389 0.0000 0.0424 ] GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 1.3694 0.0000 0.0212 GASEPV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 1.3694 0.0000 0.0212 GASEPV APP STANDARD 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0.0000 0.0177 ",GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.8558 0.0000 0.0133 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.8558 0.0000 0.0133 1 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.3425 0.0000 0.0053 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.3425 0.0000 0.0053 d E-54 . \, I I GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 GA 0.0570 0.0000 0.0009 · ,, GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B C 6 GA o GA 0.0570 5.4860 0.0000 0.0000 0.0009 0.0850 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 C 1 GA 4.3937 0.0000 0.0681 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 C 2 GA 4.3937 0.0000 0.0681 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 C 3 GA 2.1968 0.0000 0.0340 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 C 4 GA 2.1968 0.0000 0.0340 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 C 5 GA 0.6285 0.0000 0.0097 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 C 6 GA 0.6285 0.0000 0.0097 ."j GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 C 7 GA 0.0783 0.0000 0.0012 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 C 8 GA 0.0783 0.0000 0.0012 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 D o GA 0.7119 0.0000 0.0110 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 1 GA 0.4381 0.0000 0.0068 [ GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 GA 0.4381 0.0000 0.0068 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0.0000 0.0106 · I, GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.1959 0.0000 0.0030 · r GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.1959 0.0000 0.0030 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0244 0.0000 0.0004 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0244 0.0000 0.0004 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B o GA 0.9154 0.0000 0.0142 GASEPV GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 GA 0.5633 0.0000 0.0087 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 GA 0.5633 0.0000 0.0087 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 GA 0.1526 0.0000 0.0024 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0.1526 0.0000 0.0024 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 C o GA 0.9154 0.0000 0.0142 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 C 1 GA 0.5633 0.0000 0.0087 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 C 2 GA 0.5633 0.0000 0.0087 E-55 I • J 1 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 C 3 GA 0.1526 0.0000 0.0024 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 C 4 GA 0.1526 0.0000 0.0024 1 JGASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D o GA 1.2205 0.0000 0.0189 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0.7511 0.0000 0.0116 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0.7511 0.0000 0.0116 lGASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0.2034 0.0000 0.0032 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0.2034 0.0000 0.0032 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 E o GA 0.6102 0.0000 0.0094 JGASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 E 1 GA 0.3755 0.0000 0.0058 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 E 2 GA 0.3755 0.0000 0.0058 GASEPV DEP STANDARD I 33 E 3 GA 0.1017 0.0000 0.0016 '1 GASEPV DEP STANDARD 1 33 E 4 GA 0.1017 0.0000 0.0016 GASEPV TGO STANDARD 1 15 A o GA l.9743 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TGO STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 1.2150 0.0000 0.0000 ] GASEPV TOO STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 1.2150 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TOO STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.3291 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TOO STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.3291 0.0000 0.0000 ,"r. GASEPV TGO STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.0533 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TGO STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.0533 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TGO STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.0533 0.0000 0.0000 :r GASEPV TGO STANDARD 1 IS B 3 GA 0.0533 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TOO STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0533 0.0000 0.0000 ·]GASEPV TOO STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.8907 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TOO STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.5481 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TGO STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.5481 0.0000 0.0000 GASEPV TOO STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.1484 0.0000 0.0000 J GASEPV TGO STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.1484 0.0000 0.0000 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.1515 0.0000 0.0004 JGlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.1213 0.0000 0.0004 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 IS A 2 GA 0.1213 0.0000 0.0004 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.0607 0.0000 0.0002 ]GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.0607 0.0000 0.0002 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0174 0.0000 0.0001 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0174 0.0000 0.0001 UGlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0022 0.0000 0.0000 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0022 0.0000 0.0000 · i GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.0927 0.0000 0.0003 jGlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.0570 0.0000 0.0002 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.0570 0.0000 0.0002 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0154 0.0000 0.0000 J GlIB APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0154 0.0000 0.0000 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 33 A a GA 0.0927 0.0000 0.0003 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.0743 0.0000 0.0002 .,'1 GlIB APP STANDARD I 33 A 2 GA 0.0743 0.0000 0.0002 GlIB APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.0371 0.0000 0.0001 · \ :..J E-56 J .'1 GIID APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0,0371 0,0000 0,0001 GIID APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0,0106 0,0000 0,0000 GIID APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0,0106 0,0000 0,0000 GIID APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0,0013 0,0000 0,0000 , I ! GIID GIID GIID APP STANDARD 1 33 A DEP QF]LEX 1 15 A DEP QF FLEX 1 15 A 8 GA °GA 1 GA 0,0013 0,0000 0,0000 0.1082 0,0000 0.0003 0,0866 0,0000 0,0002 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 A 2 GA 0,0866 0.0000 0.0002 GIffi DEP QF]LEX 1 15 A 3 GA 0.0433 0,0000 0,0001 GIID DEP QF_FLEX 1 15 A 4 GA 0.0433 0,0000 0.0001 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0124 0,0000 0,0000 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0124 0.0000 0.0000 GIID DEP QF FLEX 1 15 A 7 GA 0,0015 0,0000 0,0000 GIID GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 DEP QF]LEX 1 15 A B 8 GA °GA 0.0015 0,0619 0.0000 0,0000 0,0000 0.0002 GIID DEP QF_FLEX 1 15 B 1 GA 0,0464 0,0000 0.0001 GIID DEP QF FLEX 1 15 B 2 GA 0.0464 0,0000 0,0001 GIID DEP QF_FLEX 1 15 B 3 GA 0,0186 0,0000 0,0001 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 B 4 GA 0,0186 0,0000 0,0001 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 B 5 GA 0,0031 0,0000 0.0000 GlIB GrID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 DEP QF]LEX 1 15 B D 6 GA °GA 0,0031 0,0772 0,0000 0,0000 0.0000 0,0002 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 D 1 GA 0,0475 0,0000 0,0001 GIID DEP QF FLEX 1 15 D 2 GA 0.0475 0,0000 0,0001 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 D 3 GA 0,0129 0,0000 0,0000 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 15 D 4 GA 0,0129 0,0000 0,0000 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 33 A a GA 0,0557 0,0000 0,0002 GIID DEP QF ]LEX 1 33 A 1 GA 0,0446 0.0000 0.0001 GIIB DEP QF FLEX 1 33 A 2 GA 0.0446 0,0000 0,0001 GIID DEP QF_FLEX 1 33 A 3 GA 0,0223 0,0000 0,0001 GIID DEP QF FLEX 1 33 A 4 GA 0,0223 0,0000 0.0001 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 33 A 5 GA 0,0064 0.0000 0.0000 . i , i GrID GlIB GIID DEP QF ]LEX 1 33 DEP QF FLEX 1 33 DEP QF]LEX 1 33 A A A 6 GA 7 GA 8 GA 0,0064 0,0008 0,0008 0.0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 GIID DEP QF FLEX 1 33 B a GA 0.0132 0.0000 0.0000 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 33 B 1 GA 0.0081 0,0000 0.0000 GIID DEP QF ]LEX 1 33 B 2 GA 0,0081 0,0000 0,0000 GrID DEP QF FLEX 1 33 B 3 GA 0,0022 0,0000 0,0000 GIID DEP QF_FLEX 1 33 B 4 GA 0,0022 0,0000 0,0000 GIID DEP QF]LEX 1 33 D a GA 0,0371 0,0000 0,0001 1. 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0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B o GA 0.0147 0.0000 0.0001 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 GA 0.0090 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 GA 0.0090 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 GA 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0.0025 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D o GA 0.0411 0.0000 0.0002 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0.0253 0.0000 0.0001 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0.0253 0.0000 0.0001 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0.0069 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0.0069 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 F o GA 0.0051 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 GA 0.0012 0.0000 0.0000 GIV DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 GA 0.0012 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.0891 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.0714 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.0714 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.0357 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.0357 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0102 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0102 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0013 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0013 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.0545 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.0336 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0091 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0091 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.0546 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.0437 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.0437 0.0000 0.0001 GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.0218 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.0218 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0063 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0063 0.0000 0.0000 E-59 "J GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 GV APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 􀁾􀁬􀀠GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A a GA 0.0637 0.0000 0.0001 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.0510 0.0000 0.0001 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.0510 0.0000 0.0001 ]GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.0255 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.0255 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0073 0.0000 0.0000 ]GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0073 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 clGV DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B a GA 0.0364 0.0000 0.0001 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.0273 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.0273 0.0000 0.0000 ] GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0109 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0109 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 GA 0.0018 0.0000 0.0000 "1 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 GA 0.0018 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 D o GA 0.0454 0.0000 0.0001 GV DEP ST M'DARD 1 15 D 1 GA 0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 J GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 2 GA 0.0280 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 GA 0.0076 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 4 GA 0.0076 0.0000 0.0000 J GV DEP STM'DARD 1 33 A a GA 0.0327 0.0000 0.0001 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.0262 00000 0.0000 1 , )GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.0262 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.0131 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STM'DARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.0131 0.0000 0.0000 .J, GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000 . ) GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 JGV DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD I 33 B a GA 0.0078 0.0000 0.0000 , 1 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 1 GA 0.0048 0.0000 0.0000 clGV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 GA 0.0048 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 GA 0.0013 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0.0013 0.0000 0.0000 J GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D a GA 0.0218 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0.0134 0.0000 0.0000 '1 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0.0134 0.0000 0.0000 '-oj GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0.0036 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0.0036 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 F a GA 0.0027 0.0000 0.0000 :1 GV DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 GA 0.0006 0.0000 0.0000 GV DEP STANDARD I 33 F 2 GA 0.0006 0.0000 0.0000 I •. J E-60 .J,. J mOOD APP USER I H3 A o HEL 0.3055 0.0000 0.0000 ..; mOOD APP USER I H3 B o HEL 0.3055 0.0000 0.0000· i H500D APP USER I H4 A o HEL 0.3055 0.0000 0.0000 H500D APP USER I H4 B o HEL 0.3055 0.0000 0.0000 mOOD DEP USER I H3 A o HEL 0.3055 0.0000 0.0000 H500D DEP USER I H3 B a HEL 0.3055 0.0000 0.0000 H500D DEP USER I H4 A a HEL 0.3055 0.0000 0.0000 H500D DEP USER I H4 B o HEL 0.3055 0.0000 0.0000I J H500D TGO USER 1 HI A o HEL 1.3322 0.0000 0.0000 ... H500D TGO USER 1 H2 A o HEL 0.5709 0.0000 0.0000 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.7893 0.0000 0.0408 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.6321 0.0000 0.0327 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.6321 0.0000 0.0327 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.3161 0.0000 0.0163 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.3161 0.0000 0.0163 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0904 0.0000 0.0047 · " .;.I LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0904 0.0000 0.0047 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0113 0.0000 0.0006 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0113 0.0000 0.0006 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.4829 0.0000 0.0250 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.2972 0.0000 0.0154 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.2972 0.0000 0.0154 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0805 0.0000 0.0042 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0805 0.0000 0.0042 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.4832 0.0000 0.0250 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.3870 0.0000 0.0200 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.3870 0.0000 0.0200 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.1935 0.0000 0.0100I LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.1935 0.0000 0.0100 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0554 0.0000 0.0029 · , I. LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0554 0.0000 0.0029 i LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0069 0.0000 0.0004 LEAR25 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0069 0.0000 0.0004 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 0.5638 0.0000 0.0292I LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.4515 0.0000 0.0233 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.4515 0.0000 0.0233 I LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.2258 0.0000 0.Oll7 · I LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.2258 0.0000 0.0117 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.0646 0.0000 0.0033 ,j :; LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.0646 0.0000 0.0033 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0080 0.0000 0.0004 · I LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0080 0.0000 0.0004 , If I LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.3223 0.0000 0.0167 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.2419 0.0000 0.0125 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.2419 0.0000 0.0125 E-61 "•• i ] LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.0968 0.0000 0.0050 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.0968 0.0000 0.0050 '1LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 GA 0.0161 0.0000 0.0008 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GA 0.0115 0.0000 0.0006 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0.0115 0.0000 0.0006 J LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D o GA 0.1932 0.0000 0.0100 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0.1189 0.0000 0.0061 '1LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0.1189 0.0000 0.0061 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0.0322 0.0000 0.0017 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0.0322 0.0000 0.0017 ' 1 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F o GA 0.0242 0.0000 0.0012 . l LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 GA 0.0056 0.0000 0.0003 LEAR25 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 GA 0.0056 0.0000 0.0003 lLEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A o GA 1.6060 0.0000 0.0478 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 1.2862 0.0000 0.0383 .' 1 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 1.2862 0.0000 0.0383 \ ILEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.6431 0.0000 0.0192 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0.6431 0.0000 0.0192 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.1840 0.0000 0.0055 J LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.1840 0.0000 0.0055 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 7 GA 0.0229 0.0000 0.0007 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 A 8 GA 0.0229 0.0000 0.0007 J LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 B o GA 0.9825 0.0000 0.0293 LEAR35 APP STANDARD I 15 B 1 GA 0.6046 0.0000 0.0180 . 1 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.6046 0.0000 0.0180 J LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.1638 0.0000 0.0049 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.1638 0.0000 0.0049 'J􀁾􀀠E-62 Ll ': .'] LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 A o GA 0.9832 0.0000 0.0293 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.7875 0.0000 0.0235 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.7875 0.0000 0.0235 ", I LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 A A 3 GA 4 GA 0.3937 0.3937 0.0000 0,0000 0.0117 0,0117 I LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.1126 0.0000 0.0034 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.1126 0.0000 0.0034 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0140 0,0000 0.0004 LEAR35 APP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0140 0.0000 0,0004 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A a GA 1.1471 0.0000 0.0342 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 1 GA 0.9187 0.0000 0.0274 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 2 GA 0.9187 0.0000 0.0274 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 3 GA 0.4593 0.0000 0.0137 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 4 GA 0,4593 0.0000 0.0137 LEAR35 DEP STM'DARD 1 15 A 5 GA 0.1314 0.0000 0,0039 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A 6 GA 0.1314 0.0000 0.0039 "I I LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 A A 7 GA 8 GA 0.0164 0.0164 0.0000 0,0000 0.0005 0.0005 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B a GA 0.6559 0.0000 0.0195 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 1 GA 0.4921 0.0000 0.0147 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 2 GA 0.4921 0.0000 0.0147 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 3 GA 0.1969 0.0000 0.0059 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 4 GA 0.1969 0.0000 0.0059 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 5 GA 0.0328 0.0000 0.0010 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 B 6 GA 0.0328 0.0000 0.0010 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D a GA 0.8188 0.0000 0.0244 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 1 GA 0.5039 0.0000 0,0150 LEAR35 DEP STM'DARD 1 15 D 2 GA 0.5039 0.0000 0.0150 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 3 GA 0.1365 0,0000 0.0041 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 15 D 4 GA 0.1365 0.0000 0,0041 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A a GA 0.5899 0.0000 0.0176 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 1 GA 0.4725 0.0000 0,0141 LEAR35 DEP ST M'DARD 1 33 A 2 GA 0.4725 0.0000 0.0141 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 3 GA 0.2362 0.0000 0.0070 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 4 GA 0.2362 0.0000 0.0070 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 5 GA 0.0676 0.0000 0.0020 I LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 6 GA 0.0676 0.0000 0.0020 I· ., LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 7 GA 0.0084 0.0000 0.0003 LEAR35 DEP DEP STANDARD 1 33 A 8 GA 0.0084 0.0000 0.0003 · } LEAR35 DEP STM'DARD 1 33 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B B a GA 1 GA 0.1404 0.0864 0.0000 0,0000 0.0042 0.0026 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 2 GA 0.0864 0.0000 0.0026 · f, .1 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 3 GA 0.0234 0.0000 0,0007 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 B 4 GA 0.0234 0.0000 0.0007 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D a GA 0.3930 0,0000 0.0117 E-63 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 1 GA 0.2418 0.0000 0.0072 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 2 GA 0.2418 0.0000 0.0072 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 3 GA 0.0655 0.0000 0.0019 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 D 4 GA 0.0655 0.0000 0.0019 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F o GA 0.0491 0.0000 0.0014 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 1 GA 0.0114 0.0000 0.0003 LEAR35 DEP STANDARD 1 33 F 2 GA 0.0114 0.0000 0.0003 CASE RUNUP OPERATIONS Acft Runupld X(runi) Y(nmi) Head Thrust Dur(sec) Day Evening Night CASE GRID DEFINITIONS Name Type X(nmi) Y(nmi) Ang( deg) DisI(nrni) DisJ(nrni) NI NJ Thrsh dArnb (hr) 01 Standard 0.2465 -0.6192 0.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 1 85.0 0.0 0.00 02 Standard -0.2743 0.7532 0.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 1 85.0 0,0 0.00 03 Standard -0.3151 -1.1322 0.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 1 85.0 0.0 0.00 04 Standard -0.0704 0,9288 0.0 0.0000 0,0000 1 1 85.0 0,0 0.00 05 Standard 1.2300 -1.3119 0.0 0,0000 0.0000 I 1 85,0 0.0 0.00 06 Standard -0.6158 0.9686 0.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 I 85.0 0.0 0.00 CONTOUR Contour -8.0000 -8,0000 0,0 16,0000 16.0000 2 2 85.0 0,0 0.00 CASE RUN OPTIONS Run Type : Single-Metric NoiseMetric : DNL Do Terrain : Yes Do Contour : Yes Refinement : 11 Tolerance : 0.50 Low Cutoff : 55.0 High Cutoff : 75.0 Ground Type : All-Soft-Ground Do Population: No Do Locations : No Do Standard : Yes Do Detailed : No Compute System Metrics: DNL :No CNEL :No LAEQ :No LAEQD :No LAEQN :No SEL : Yes LAMAX : Yes TALA :No NEF :No I I , 1 ; I :.J .J J E-64 U :] WECPNL:No EPNL :No PNLTM :No TAPNL :No CEXP :No LCMAX :No TALC :No I " I E-65 \ I :J ' .. :, 1 u. . f!!: f1J1'l IT TID A,rportCoosultanls 11 ECHNICAL NFORMATION 1IAPER GLOSSARY OF NOISE COMPATIBILITY TERMS I I, I A·WEIGHTED SOUND LEVEL -A sound pressure level, often noted as dBA, which has been frequency filtered or weighted to quantitatively reduce the effect of the low frequency noise. It was designed to approximate the response of the human ear to sound. AMBIENT NOISE -The totality of noise in a given place and time -usually a composite of sounds from varying sources at varying distances. APPROACH LIGHT SYSTEM (ALS) -An airport lighting facility which provides visual guidance to landing aircraft by radiating light beams in a directional pattern by which the pilot aligns the aircraft with the extended centerline of the runway on the final approach for landing. ATTENUATION -Acoustical phenomenon whereby a reduction in sound energy is experienced between the noise source and receiver. This energy loss can be attributed to atmospheric conditions, terrain, vegetation, and man-made and natural features. AZIMUTH -Horizontal direction expressed as the angular distance between true north and the direction of a fixed point (as the observer's heading). BASE LEG -A flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its approach end. The base leg normally extends from the downwind leg to the intersection of the extended runway centerline. See "traffic pattern." CNEL -The 24-hour average sound level, in Aweighted decibels, obtained after the addition of 4.77 decibels to sound levels between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. and 10 decibels to sound levels between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., as averaged over a span of one year. In California, it is the required metric for determining the cumulative exposure of individuals to aircraft noise. Also see "Leq" and "DNL". COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVEL -See CNEL. CROSSWIND LEG -A flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its upwind end. See "traffic pattern." DAY-NIGHT AVERAGE SOUND LEVEL -SeeDNL. DECIBEL (dB) -The physical unit commonly used to describe noise levels. The decibel represents a relative measure or ratio to a reference power. This reference value is a sound pressure of 20 20 micropascals which can be referred to as 1 decibel or the weakest sound that can be heard by a person with very good hearing in an extreme! y quiet room. DISPLACED THRESHOLD -A threshold that is located at a point on the runway other than the designated beginning of the runway. 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭DISTANCE MEASUR-􀀯􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀠ING EQUIPMENT /􀀯􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀢􀀢􀀠" /" '\. \,(DME) -Equipment /" /---, \ \ (airborne and ground) { : /,,g \ \ \ used to measure, in: i ( 􀀲􀁾􀀱􀀰􀀱􀀠I : nautical miles, the \ \ \, //1 slant range distance of \ \, ',-/"//'\ ", ,//an aircraft from the " , '-___//' DME naVigational aid. ',,______//DNL -The 24-hour average sound level, in Aweighted decibels, obtained after the addition of ten decibels to sound levels for the periods between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. as averaged over a span of one year. It is the FAA standard metric for determining the cumulative exposure of individuals to noise. Also see "Leq." GLOSSARY TIP-I DOWNWIND LEG -A flight path parallel to the landing nmway in the direction opposite to landing. The downwind leg normally extends between the crosswind leg and the base leg. Also see "traffic pattern." DURATION -Length of time, in seconds, a noise event such as an aircraft f1yover is experienced. (May refer to the length of time a noise event exceeds a specified dB threshold level.) EASEMENT -The legal right of one party to use a portion of the total rights in real estate owned by another party. This may include the right of passage over, on, or below the property; certain air rights above the property, including view rights; and the rights to any specified form of development or activity, as well as any other legal rights in the property that may be specified in the easement document. EQUIVALENT SOUND LEVEL -See Leq. FINAL APPROACH -A flight path in the direction of landing along the extended nmway centerline. The final approach normally extends from the base leg to the nmway. See "traffic pattern.1I FIXED FIXED BASE OPERATOR (FBO) -A provider of services to users of an airport. Such services include, but are not limited to, hangaring, fueling, flight training, repair and maintenance. GLIDE SLOPE (GS) -Provides vertical guidance for aircraft during approach and landing. The glide slope consists of the following: 1. Electronic components emitting signals which provide vertical guidance by reference to airborne instruments during instrument approaches such as US, or 2. Visual ground aids, such as VASI, which provide vertical guidance for VFR approach or for the visual portion of an instrument approach and landing. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM See "GPS.u GPS -GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM -A system of 24 satellites used as reference points to enable navigators equipped with GPS receivers to determine their latitude, longitude, and altitude. The accuracy of the system can be further refined by using a ground receiver at a known location to calculate the error in the satellite range data. This is known as Differential GPS (DGPS). GROUND EFFECT -The attenuation attributed to absorption or reflection of noise by man-made or natural features on the ground surface. HOURLY NOISE LEVEL (HNL) -A noise summation metric which considers primarily those single events which exceed a specified threshold or duration during one hour. INSTRUMENT APPROACH -A series of predetermined maneuvers for the orderly transfer of an aircraft under instrument flight conditions from the beginning of the initial approach to a landing, or to a point from which a landing may be made visually. INSTRUMENT FLIGHT RULES (IPR) -Rules governing the procedures for conducting instrument flight. Also a term used by pilots and controllers to indicate type offlight plan. INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM (ILS) -A precision instrument approach system which normally consists of the following electronic components and visual aids: 1. Localizer. 4. Middle Marker. 2. Glide Slope. 5. Approach Ughts. 3. Outer Marker. Ldn -(See DNL). Ldn used in place of DNL in mathematical equations only. Leq -Equivalent Sound Level. The steady Aweighted sound level over any specified period (not necessarily 24 hours) that has the same acoustic energy as the fluctuating noise during that period (with no consideration of a nighttime weighting.) It is a measure of cumulative acoustical energy. Because the time 􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠 GLOSSARY TIP-2 I J '.) . !I I .i ! . I, I J interval may vary, it should be specified by a subscript (such as Leq 8) for an 8-hour exposure to workplace noise) or be clearly understood. LOCALIZER -The component of an ILS which provides course guidance to the runway. MERGE -Combining or merging of noise events which exceed a given threshold level and occur within a variable selected period of time . MISSED APPROACH COURSE (MAC) -The flight route to be followed if, after an instrument approach, a landing is not effected, and occurring normally: 1. When the aircraft has descended to the decision height and has not established visual contact, or 2. When directed by air traffic control to pull up or to go around again. NOISE CONTOUR -A continuous line on a map of the airport vicinity connecting all points of the same noise exposure level. NONDlRECTIONAL BEACON (NDB) -A beacon transmitting nondirectional signals whereby the pilot of an aircraft equipped with direction finding equipment can determined his bearing to and from the radio beacon and home on or track to or from the station. When the radio beacon is ins talled in conjunction with the Instrument Landing System marker, it is normally called a Compass Locator. NONPRECISION APPROACH -A standard instrument approach procedure providing runway alignment but no glide slope or descent information. PRECISION APPROACH -A standard instrument approach procedure providing runway alignment and glide slope or descent informa tion. PRECISION APPROACH PATH INDICATOR (PAPI) -A lighting system providing L-----______.. visual approach slope guidance to aircraft during a landing approach. It is similar to a VASI but provides a sharper transition between the colored indicator lights. PROFILE -The physical position of the aircraft during landings or takeoffs in terms of altitude in feet above the runway and distance from the runway end. PROPAGATION -Sound propagation refers to the spreading or radiating of sound energy from the noise source. Propagation characteristics of sound normally involve a reduction in sound energy with an increased distance from source. Sound propagation is affected by atmospheric conditions, terrain, and manmade and natural objects. RUNWAY END IDENTIFIER LIGHTS (REIL)Two synchronized flashing lights, one on each side of the runway threshold, which provide rapid and positive identification of the approach end of a particular runway. RUNWAY USE PROGRAM -A noise abatement runway selection plan designed to enhance noise abatement efforts with regard to airport communities for arriving and departing aircraft. These plans are developed into runway use programs and apply to all turbojet aircraft 12,500 pounds or heavier. Turbojet aircraft less than 12,500 pounds are included only if the airport proprietor determines that the aircraft creates a noise problem. Runway use programs are coordinated with FAA offices as outlined in Order 1050.11. Safety criteria used in these programs are developed by the Office of Flight Operations. Runway use programs are administered by the Air Traffic Service as "Formal" or "Informal" programs. RUNWAY USE PROGRAM (FORMAL) -An approved noise abatement program which is defined and acknowledged in a Letter of Understanding between FAA -Flight Standards, FAA -Air Traffic Service, the airport proprietor, and the users. Once established, participation in the program is mandatory for aircraft operators and pilots as provided for in F.A.R. Section 91.87. lIi!J GLOSSARY TIP-3 .., I I RUNWAY USE PROGRAM (INFORMAL) An approved noise abatement program which does not require a Letter of Understanding and participation in the program is voluntary for aircraft operators/pilots. SEL -Sound Exposure Level. SEL expressed in dB, is a measure of the effect of duration and magnitude for a single-event measured in Aweighted sound level above a specified threshold which is at least 10 dB below the maximum value. In typical aircraft noise model calculations, SEL is used in computing aircraft acoustical contribution to the Equivalent Sound Level (Leq), the Day-Night Sound Level (DNL), and the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). SINGLE EVENT -An occurrence of audible noise usually above a specified minimum noise level caused by an intrusive source such as an aircraft overflight, passing train, or ship's hom. SLANT-RANGE DISTANCE -The straight line distance between an aircraft and a point on the ground. SOUND EXPOSURE LEVEL -See SEL. TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION (TACAN) An ultra-high frequency electronic electronic air navigation system which provides suitably-equipped aircraft a continuous indication of bearing and distance to the TACAN station. TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREA (TRSA) -Airspace surrounding designated airports wherein ATe provides radar vectoring, sequencing, and separation on a full-time basis for all IFR and participating VPR aircraft. Service provided in a TRSA is called Stage III Service. THRESHOLD -Decibel level below which single event information is not printed out on the noise monitoring equipment tapes. The noise levels below the threshold are, however, considered in the accumulation of hourly and daily noise levels. TIME ABOVE (TA) -The 24-hour TA noise metric provides the duration in minutes for which aircraft-related noise exceeds specified A-weighted sound levels. It is expressed in minutes per 24-hour period. TOUCHDOWN ZONE LIGHTING (TDZ) Two rows of transverse light bars located symmetrically about the runway centerline normally at 100 foot intervals. The basic system extends 3,000 feet along the runway. TRAFFIC PATTERN -The traffic flow that is prescribed for aircraft landing at or taking off from an airport. The components of a typical traffic paItem are the upwind leg, crosswind leg, downwind leg, base leg, and final approach. I I I I 􀀫􀁴􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁄􀁾􀁄􀁗􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁄􀁾􀁬􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭BASE lOG X FINAL APPROACH ---l>'Y*,-_!l\'1DI__􀀴􀁾􀁾 􀀬􀀭􀁾􀀠UPWIND l.EG I " 􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠,:( UNICOM -A nongovernment communication facility which may provide airport information at certain airports. Locations and frequencies of UNICOM's are shown on aeronautical charts and publications. UPWIND LEG -A flight path parallel to the landing runway in the direction of landing. See "traffic pattern." VECTOR -A heading issued to an aircraft to provide navigational guidance by radar. VERY HIGH FREQUENCY 􀁾􀀠 OMNIDIRECTIONAL 􀀺􀀻􀁾􀀠 RANGE STATION 'ViI, lli§ 'if!' \\\\7 (VOR) -A ground-1111111t, § \\\\\\\\ based electric navigation "q,. 􀀨􀀱􀀱􀁾􀀸􀁜􀁜􀁜􀁜􀀠 aid transmitting very \\\\\\\ = '/II/II/ this 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 SOUNDTlP-4 'J '] ] ] .J"' :J '] :] J J ] Source: Coffman Associates 1990 Sound Exhibit A TYPICAL SOUND lEVELS ] 1 ] ] '] ] :1 ] ] :J J " 1 J lJ is to calculate the value of a steady-state sound which contains the same amount of sound energy as the time-varying sound under consideration. This value is known as the Equivalent Sound Level (Leq). An important advantage of the Leq metric is that it correlates well with the effects of noise on humans. On the basis of research, scientists have formulated the "equal energy rule". It is the total sound energy perceived by a human that accounts for the effects of the sound on the person. In other words, a very loud noise lasting a short time will have the same effect as a quieter noise lasting a longer time if the total energy of both sound events (the Leq value) is the same. KEY DESCRIPTORS OF SOUND Four descriptors or metrics are useful for quantifying sound (Newman and Beattie 1985, pp. 9-15). All are based on the logarithmic decibel (dB) scale and incorporate A-weighting to account for the frequency response of the ear. Sound Level The sound level (L) in decibels is the quantity read on an ordinary sound sound level meter. It fluctuates with time following the fluctuations in magnitude of the sound. Its maximum value (Lmax) is one of the descriptors often used to characterize the sound of an airplane overflight. However, Lmax only gives the maximum magnitude of a sound -it does not convey any information about the duration of the sound. Clearly, if two sounds have the same maximum sound level, the sound which lasts longer will cause more interference with human activity. Sound Exposure Level Both loudness and duration are included in the Sound Exposure Level (SEL), which adds up all sound occurring in a stated time period or during a specific event, integrating the total sound over a one-second duration. The SEL is the quantity that best describes the total noise from an aircraft overflight. Based on numerous sound measurements, the SEL from a typical aircraft overflight is usually four to seven decibels higher than the Lmax for the event. Exhibit B shows graphs of two different sound events. In the top half of the graph, we see that the two events have the same Lmax, but the second event lasts longer than the first. It is clear from the graph that the area under the noise curve is greater for the second event than the first. This means that the second event contains more total sound energy than the first, even though the peak levels for each event are the same. In the bottom half of the graph, the Sound Exposure Levels (SELs) for each event are compared. The SELs are computed by mathematically compressing the total sound energy into a one-second period. The SEL for the second event is greater than the SEL for the first. Again, this simply means that the total sound energy for the second event is greater than for the first. 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 SOUNDTIP-5 Equivalent Sound Level The equivalent sound level (Leq) is simply the logarithm of the average value of the sound exposure during a stated time period. It is typically used for durations of one hour, eight hours, or 24 hours. In airport noise compatibility studies, use of the Leq term applies to 24-hour periods unless otherwise noted. It is often used to describe sounds with respect to their potential for interfering with human activity. Day-Night Sound Level A special form of Leq is the day-night sound level, abbreviated as DNL in discussions and Ldn in equations. DNL is calculated by summing the sound exposure during daytime hours (0700 -2200) plus 10 times the sound exposure occurring during nighttime hours (2200 -0700) and averaging this sum by the number of seconds during a 24-hour day. The multiplication factor of 10 applied to nighttime sound is often referred to as a 10 decibel penalty. It is intended to account for the increased annoyance attributable to noise during the night when ambient levels are lower and people are trying to sleep. Exhibit C shows how the sound occurring during a 24-hour period is weighted and averaged by the DNL descriptor (or metric). In that example, the sound occurring during the period, including aircraft noise and background sound, yields a DNL value of 71. As a practical matter, this is a reasonably close estimate of the aircraft noise alone because, in this example, the background noise is low enough to contribute only a little to the overall DNL value during the period of observation. Where the basic element of sound measurement is Leq, DNL is calculated from: 15 9 Ldn =10Log.1. ()1􀁏􀀨􀁌􀂫􀁩􀀬􀁾􀁖􀁬􀀰􀀠+L,10 (L«i,,,,.,OV1e ) 24 \d;;1 n=1 where DNL is represented mathematically as Ldn, and Leq(d) and Leq(n) are the daytime and nighttime hour values combined. This expression is convenient where Leq values for only a few hours are available and the values for the remainder of the day can be predicted from a knowledge of day/night variation in levels. The hourly Leq values values are summed for the 15 hours from 0700 to 2200 and added to the sum of hourly Leq figures for the 9 nighttime hours with a 10 dB penalty added to the nighttime Leqs. Another way of computing DNL is described in this equation: Ldn =10Log 86!OO If1OlAl1Oo! +JlO(lM1e)/lodl ) 􀁾􀀠day night where LA is the time-varying, A-weighted sound level, measured with equipment meeting the requirements for sound level meters (as specified in a standard such as ANSI 51.4-1971), and dt ca...... , ,\ssnciates 􀀢􀀢􀀺􀀾􀁏􀁾􀀠􀁃􀁾􀁉􀀢􀀧􀀮􀀢.."" 'J OJ J 'J , 1 .1 . J J , 1 'j 1 J : J J U SOUNDTIP-6 .J Two sound events with the same maximum sound level (LmaxJ. Different sound exposure levels (SEL) for two sound events with the same Lmax. Sound Exhibit B COMPARISON OF Lmax AND SEL , . I .J ] J 1 , 1 I .. J , 1 • J ' ] c 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠=> " 􀁾􀀠-...... loLl U)...... 0> >CD.... ! ;:, en 0 a. )( loLl '0c: ;:, 0 U) 1 1 } 110 1 90 80 .. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7 4 5 AM PM Time of Day LEGEND 􀁾Average ambient sound !evel _ 10 dB penally for nighttime sound level -Aircraft noise event (SEL) SoW'oo: Coffman Associates: 1990 10 dB penally for nighttime noise .. 24-hour average DNL 71 dBA Sound Exhibit C TYPICAL NOISE PATTERN AND DNL SUMMATION 11 :.1 , 1 .. J J J , 1 􀁾􀀭􀁪􀀠Lj. • , .J is the duration of time in seconds. The averaging constant of 86,400 is the number of seconds in a day. The integrals are taken over the daytime (0700 -2200) and the nighttime (2200 -0700) periods, respectively. If the sound level is sampled at a rate of once per second rather than measured continuously, the equation still applies if the samples replace LA and the integrals are changed to summations. Use of the DNL metric to describe aircraft noise is required for all airport noise studies developed under the regulations of F.A.R. Part 150. In addition, DNL is preferred by all federal agencies as the appropriate single measure of cumulative sound exposure. These agencies include the FAA; the Federal Highway Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, and Department of Housing and Urban Development. One might think of the DNL metric as a summary description of the "noise climate" of an area. DNL accumulates the noise energy from passing aircraft in the same way that a precipitation gauge accumulates rain from passing storms. This analogy is presented in Exhibit D. Rain usually starts as a light sprinkle, building in intensity as the squall line passes over, then diminishing as the squall moves on. At the end of a 24-hour period, a rain gauge indicates the total rainfall received for that day, although the rain fell only during brief, sometimes intense, showers. Over a year, total precipitation is summarized in inches. When snow falls, it is converted to its equivalent measure as water. Although the total volume of precipitation during the year may be billions or trillions of gallons of water, its volume is expressed in inches because it provides for easier summation and description. We have learned how to use total annual precipitation to describe the climate of an area and make predictions about the environment. Aircraft noise is similar to precipitation. The noise level from a single overflight begins quietly and builds in intensity as the aircraft draws doser. The sound of the aircraft is loudest as it passes over the receiver, diminishing as it passes. The total noise occurring during the event is accumulated and described as a Sound Exposure Level (SEL). Over a 24hour period, the SELs can be summed, adding a special 10-decibel factor for nighttime noise, yielding a DNL value. The DNL developed over a long period of time, for example one year, defines the noise environment of the area, allowing us to make predictions about the average response of people living in areas exposed to various DNL levels. HELPFUL RULES-OF-THUMB Despite the complex mathematics involved in noise analysis, several simple rules-of-thumb can help in understanding the noise evaluation process. • When sound events are averaged, the loud events dominate the calculation. • A 10 decibel change in noise is equal to a tenfold change in sound energy. For example, the noisefrom ten aircraft is ten decibels louder than the noisefrom one 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 SOUNDTIP-7 • A doubling of aircraft operations same way. aircraft of the same type, operated in the results in a three decibel noise increase if done by the same aircraft operated in the same way. decibels as a relative doubling of the sound level. • Most people perceive an increase of 10 • The DNL metric assumes one nighttime operation (between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.) is equal in impact to ten daytime operations by the same aircraft. . 1 1 1 , 1 J J ] J J .J U SOUNDTIP-8 OJ 10dbJ = Penally on NighttimeEvents Sound Exhibit D PRECIPITATION AND NOISE MEASUREMENT COMPARISON ] :J ;] ] 'J . , J 1 J , 1 J , 1 J 1 1 . J J -j ] References Kryter, KD. 1984. Physiological, Psychological, and Social Effects ofNoise, NASA Reference Publication 1115. Newman, Steven J. and Kristy R. Beattie, 1985. Aviation Noise Effects. Prepared for U.s. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Environment and Energy, Washington, D.C., Report No. FAA-EE-85-2, March 1985. HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) 1985. The Noise Guidebook, HUD-953-CPD Washington, D.C., Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, March 1985. 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 SOUNDTIP-9 􀁾􀁾JrECHNICAL IT NFORMATION IFAPER EFFECTS OF NOISE EXPOSURE Coffman Associates AI',";? I L.Ol sui' iptS Aircraft noise can affect people both physically and psychologically. It is difficult, however, to make sweeping generalizations about the impacts of noise on people because of the wide variations in individual reactions. While much has been learned in recent years, some physical and psychological responses to noise are not yet fully understood and continue to be debated by researchers. EFFECTS ON HEARING Hearing loss is the major health danger posed by noise. A study published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1974) found that exposure to noise of 70 Leq or higher on a continuous basis, over a very long time, at the human ear's most damage-sensitive frequency may result in a very small but permanent loss of hearing. (Leq is a pure noise dosage metric, measuring cumulative noise energy over a given time.) In Aviation Noise Effects (Newman and Beattie, 1985, pp. 33-42) three studies are cited which examined hearing loss among people living near airports. airports. They found that, under normal circumstances, people in the community near an airport are at no risk of suffering hearing damage from aircraft noise. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established standards for permissible noise exposure in the work place to guard against the risk of hearing loss. Hearing protection is required when noise levels exceed the legal limits. The standards, shown in Table 1, establish a sliding scale of permissible noise levels by duration of exposure. The standards permit noise levels of up to 90 dBA for eight hours per day without requiring hearing EFFECTS TIP-I '1 protection. The regulations also require damage thresholds (Coffinan Associates 1993, employers to establish hearing conservation pp. 2-11). This supports the conclusion that programs where noise levels exceed 85 Leq airport noise in areas off airport property is far during the 8-hour workday. This involves the too low to be considered potentially damaging monitoring of work place noise, the testing of to hearing. employees' hearing, the provision of hearing protectors to employees at risk ofhearing loss, With respect to the risk of hearing loss, the and the establishment of a training program to authors of an authoritative summary of the inform employees about the effects of work research conclude: "Those most at risk [of place noise on hearing and the effectiveness hearing loss] are personnel in the transportaof hearing protection devices. I tion industry, especially airport ground staff. Beyond this group, it is unlikely that the general public will be exposed to sustained high levels of transportation noise sufficient to result in hearing loss. Transportation noise control in the community can therefore not be justified on the grounds of hearing protection." (See Taylor and Wilkins 1987.) TABLE 1 Permissible Noise Exposures, OSHA Standards Duration Sound Level dBA per day, hours slow response 8 90 6 92 4 95 3 97 2 100 1 112 102 1 105 1/2 110 1/4 or less 115 Source: 29 CFR Ch. XVII, Section 1910.95 (b) NON-A UD/TORY ! HEALTHEFFECTS It is sometimes claimed that aviation noise I can harm the general physical and mental health of airport neighbors. Effects on the cardiovascular system, mortality rates, birth weights, achievement scores, and psychiatric admissions have been examined in the research literature. The question of pathological effects remains unsettled because of conflicting findings based on differing methodologies and uneven study quality. It is quite Experience at other airports has shown that possible that the contribution of noise to even at sites with cumulative noise exposure pathological effects is so low that it has not near 75 DNL, the total time noise levels been clearly isolated. While research is conexceed 80 dBA typically ranges from 10 to 20 tinuing, there is insufficient scientific eviminutes, far below the critical hearing dence to support these concerns (Newman and Beattie 1985, pp. 59-62). 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭� �􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 EFFECTS TIP-2 :} ] ] :1 '] ;] ] '1 J .J 1 :1 '] ] , I ,.1 ] J Taylor and Wilkins (1987, p. 4/10) offer the following conclusions in their review of the research. The evidence of non-auditory effects of transportation noise is more ambiguous, leading to differences of opinion regarding the burden of prudence for noise control. There is no strong evidence that noise has a direct causal effect on such health outcomes as cardiovascular disease, reproductive abnormality, or psychiatric disorder. At the same time, the evidence is not strong enough to reject the hypothesis that noise is in someway involved in the multi-causal process leading to these disorders. . . . But even with necessary improvements in study design, the inherent difficulty of isolating the effect of a low dose agent such as transportation noise within a complex aetiological system will remain. It seems unlikely, therefore, that research in the near future will yield findings which are definitive in either a positive or negative direction. Consequently, arguments for transportation noise control will probably continue to be based primarily on welfare criteria such as annoyance and activity disturbance. Recent case studies on mental illness and hypertension indicate that this conclusion remains valid. Yoshida and Nakamura (1990) found that long-term exposure to sound pressure levels above 65 DNL may contribute to reported ill effects on mental well-being. This case study, however, concluded that more research is needed because the results also contained some contrary effects, indicating that in some circumstances, ill effects were negatively correlated with increasing noise. Griefahn (1992) studied the impact of noise exposure ranging from 62 dBA to 80 dBA on people with hypertension. She found that there is a tendency for vasoconstriction to increase among untreated hypertensive people as noise levels increase. However, she also found that beta-blocking medication prevented any increase in vasoconstriction attributable to noise. She concluded that while noise may be related to the onset of hypertension, especially in the presence ofother risk factors, hypertensive people do not run a higher risk of ill-health effects if they are properly treated. SLEEP DISTURBANCE There is a large body of research documenting the effect of noise on sleep disturbance, but the long-range effects of sleep disturbance caused by nighttime airport operations are not well understood. It is clear that sleep is essential for good physical and emotional health, and noise can interfere with sleep, even when the sleeper is not consciously awakened. While the long-term effect of sleep deprivation on mental and physical function is not clear, it is known to be harmful. It is also known that sleepers do not fully adjust to noise disruption over time. Although they may awaken less often and have fewer conscious memories of disturbance, noiseinduced shifts in sleep levels continue to occur. Reviews of laboratory research on sleep disturbance report that the level of noise which can cause awakenings or interfere with falling 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 EFFECTS TIP-3 1 asleep ranges from 35 dBA to 80 dBA, depending on the sleep stage and variability among individuals (Newman and Beattie 1985, pp. 51-58; Kryter 1984, pp. 422-431). There is evidence that older people tend to be much more sensitive to noise-induced awakenings than younger people. Research has shown that, when measured through awakenings, people tend to become somewhat accustomed to noise. On the other hand, electroencephalograms, which reveal information about sleep stages, show little habituation to noise. Kryter describes these responses to noise as "alerting responses." He suggests that because they occur unconsciously, they may simply be reflexive responses, reflecting normal physiological functions which are probably not a cause ofstress to the organism. Most studies of sleep disturbance have been conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. The laboratory studies do not allow generalizations about the potential for sleep disturbance in an actual airport setting, and more importantly, the impact of these disturbances on the residents. Furthermore, the range of sound levels required to cause sleep disturbance, ranging from a whisper to a shout (35 dB to 80 dB), and the prevalence of sleep disruption in the absence of any noise, greatly complicates the making ofreasonable generalizations about the effect ofnoise on sleep. Fortunately, some studies have examined the effect of nighttime noise on sleep disturbance in actual community settings. One report summarizes the results of eight studies conducted in homes (Fields 1986). Four studies examined aircraft noise, the others highway noise. In all of them, sleep disturbance was correlated with cumulative noise exposure metrics such as Leq and LID. All studies showed a distinct tendency for increased sleep disturbance as cumulative noise exposure increased. The reviewer notes, however, that sleep disturbance was very common, regardless of noise levels, and that many factors contributed to it. He points out that, "the prevalence of sleep disturbance in the absence of noise means that considerable caution must be exercised in interpreting any reports of sleep disturbance in noisy areas." A recent review of the literature, Pearsons, et al. (1990), compared the data and findings of laboratory and field studies conducted in the homes of subjects. They found that noiseinduced awakenings in the home were much less prevalent than in the laboratory. They also found that much higher noise levels were required to induce awakenings in the home than in the laboratory. Exhibit A compares the percentage of people awakened at different sound levels in laboratory and field studies. The graph clearly shows a marked tendency for people in laboratory settings to be much more sensitive to noise than in their homes. The reason for the large difference is apparently that people in their homes are fully habituated to their environment, including the noise levels. Finegold et al. (1994) reviewed the data in the Pearsons report of 1990 and developed a regression analysis. As shown in Exhibit B, an exponential curve was found to fit the categorized data reasonably well. They recommend that this curve be used as a provisional 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 EFFECTS TIP-4 '1 "1 :J ] :J J , ! ;] J '. 1 :J u 40 so 60 70 80 90 100 110 Lmax(dBA) LEIl.o -c Oc .... c(C41>u.. .c.f.S!I J: Equation for Curve: 􀁏􀀬􀀼􀁓􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀠5045 DNL % HA 100 Source: Finegold et al. 1992 and 199 1 • e (11.13 -.14 Ldn) . Land Use Exhibit A ANNOYANCE CAUSED BY AIRCRAFT NOISE IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS 1 ; I · 1 I • j J 1 :J · ; I .J 1 .J · 1 · ) 1 I • J J land use planning in areas subjected to ferent sets of land use compatibility aircraft noise. Since the 1960s, many difaircraft noise from nearby airports. These guidelines have been proposed and used. are presented in Table 1. The guidelines This section reviews some of the more establish three zones, describing the well known guidelines. expected responses to aircraft noise from residents of each zone. In Zone 1, corresponding to areas exposed to noise below FEDERAL LAND USE 65 DNL, essentially no complaints would COMPATIBILITY GUIDELINES be expected, although noise could be an occasional nuisance. In Zone 2, correFAA-DOD Guidelines sponding to 65 to 80 DNL, individuals may complain, perhaps vigorously. In In 1964, the Federal Aviation AdministraZone 3, corresponding to 80 DNL and tion (FAA) and the U.s. Department of above, vigorous complaints would be Defense (DOD) published similar doculikely and concerted group action could ments setting forth guidelines to assist be expected. Ii TABLEI Chart for Estimatin!l Response of Communities Exposed to Aircraft Noise 1964 FAA·DOD Gwdelines Noise Rating Zone Description of Expected Response Less than 65 Ldn 100 CNR 1 Essentially no complaints would be expected. The noise may, however, interfere occasionaHy with certain activities of the ! residents. 65 to 80 Ldn 100 to 115 CNR 2 Individuals may complain, perhaps vigorously. Concerted group action is posibfe. Greater than 80 Ldn 115 eNR 3 Individual reactions would likely indude repeated, vigorous complaints. Concerted group action might be expected. Note: eNR stands for "community noise rating", a cumulative noise descriptor similar to Ldn which is no longer in general use. Source: U.S. DOD 1964. Cited in Keyter 1984, p. 616 HUD Guidelines Table 2, establish four classes of noise In 1971, the U.S. Department of impact. The first two categories refer to Housing and Urban Development areas outside the 65 DNL contour; the (HUD)published noise assessment first at a distance exceeding the distance guidelines for evaluating the between the 65 and 75 DNL contours; acceptability of sites for housing and the second at a lesser distance. assistance. The guidelines, shown in Houing is considered clearly l= LAND USE TIP-3 acceptable in the first category and "normally acceptable" in the second. Housing is considered "normally II Source: 􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁄􀁧􀀻􀀻􀀺􀀺􀁡􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺In Kryter 1984, p.616 EPA Guidelines The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published a document in 1974 suggesting maximum noise exposure levels to protect public health with an adequate margin of safety. These are shown in Table 3. They note that the risk of hearing loss may become a concern with exposure to noise above 74 DNL. Interference with outdoor activities may become a problem with noise levels above 55 DNL. Interference with indoor residential activities may become a problem with interior noise levels above 45 DNL. If we assume that standard construction attenuates noise by about 20 decibels, with doors and windows closed, a standard estimate, this corresponds to an exterior noise level of65 DNL. ! TABLE2 Site Exposure to Aircraft Noise 1971 HUD Guidelines Distance from site to the center of the area covered by the principal runways Acceptability category Outside the Ldn = 65 (NEF = 30, CNR =100) contour at a distance greater than or equal to the distance between the contours Ldn = 65 andLdn =75 Clearly acceptable Outside the Ldn = 65 contour, at a distance less than the distance between the Ldn = 65 and Ldn = 75 Normally acceptable Between the Ldn =65 and Ldn =75 contours Normally unacceptable Within the Ldn = 75 contour Clearly unacceptable Note: CNR stands for "community noise rating", a cumulative noise descriptor similar to Ldn which Is no I unacceptable" in the 65 to 75 DNL range and clearly unacceptable inside the 75 DNL contour. FAA Land Use Guidance System In 1977, FAA issued an advisory circular on airport land use compatibility planning (FAA 1977b). It describes land use guidance (LUG) zones corresponding to aircraft noise of varying levels as measured by four different noise metrics (Exhibit B). It also includes suggested land use noise sensitivity guidelines (Exhibit C). In Exhibit B, LUG Chart I, four land use guidance zones are described, corresponding to DNL levels of 55 or less (A), 55 to 65 (B), 65 to 75 (C), and 75 and over (D). LUG Zone A is described as minimal exposure, normally requiring no special noise control considerations. LUG Zone B is described as moderate exposure where 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠 LAND USE TIP-4 '1 · ,i · I t • J \ : ) I I ;. ,i INPUTS: LAND USE NOISE HUDNOISE SUGGESTED Ldn NEF CNELGUIDANCE EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT NOISE DAY·NIGHT NOISE ZONES (LUG) GUIDELINES CONTROLSCLASS AVERAGE EXPOSURE FORECAST EQUIVALENT (1977) LEVEL 0 0 00 NORMALLY REQUIRES'CLEARLYMINIMAL TO TO TO TO NO AGCEPTABLE'EXPOSURE SPECIAL 55 20 90 55 20 90 5555 LAND USE MODERATE 'NORMALLY CONTROLSTO TO TO TO SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AGCEPTABLE'EXPOSUR E 30 100 6565 NOISE 30 100 6565 EASEMENTS, LAND USE.SIGNIFICANT 'NORMALLYTO TO TO AND OTHERTO EXPOSURE COMPATIBILITY CONTROLS40 115 7575 RECOMMENDED CONTAINMENT 75 40 115 75 WITHIN AIRPORT BOUNDARY OR'CLEARLYSEVERE & & & & USE OF POSITIVE ' EXPOSURE COMPATIBILITY CONTROlSHIGHER HIGHER HIGHER HIGHER RECOMMENDED Source; FAA 1971b, p, 12. Land Use Exhibit B LAND USE GUIDANCE CHAIIT I: AIRPORT NOISE INTERPOLATION -􀁾􀀠I I LANl)USE LUG "LONEl LANUUSLi LUOZON[!l SWCM NAME sua. snIDY SLUCM NAME S1J(J. STUDY NO. Cirsnm NO. m:.511'J) ill R(..'l1iticnli;,( A-a ;Q 􀁾􀀮􀀻􀀠" 􀁬􀁬􀁯􀁵􀁾􀁴􀁬􀁜􀀩􀁬􀁤􀀠unil£. 51 Wholesale trade. C·I) lUi Singl\! 􀁵􀂣􀁬􀁩􀁬􀁾􀀭􀁤􀁥􀁬􀀺􀁡􀁣􀁬􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀬􀀠A 52 R<:!aillradc-buildins materials, hardwnre.a.lld C 11,12 􀁓􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁨􀁾􀀠lloillV-semiauacbed. A fmn Il'l"ipment. It.D Singk units·-aunched row. 0 53 Reltlil !f.lde.·gen.:rn.l merchandise. C 54 RC!!lillrddl!-food. C II,::n 'fwo 􀁵􀁮􀁾􀂷􀀺􀀮􀁩􀁴􀁬􀁣􀀭􀁢􀁹􀂷􀁍􀁤􀁥􀀮􀀮􀀠A 55 􀁒􀁾􀀡􀁡􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁲􀀮􀁈􀁬􀁣􀀢􀀭􀁡􀁵􀀡􀁯􀁭􀁯 􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁣􀀮􀀠marin<.l.;tIlJt, aircrAft. C It,23 Two unibH}I'\<: ahOV\! Ibe otber. A 􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁾􀁲􀁩􀁬􀀮􀁕􀀾􀀢􀀠" Retail lfnde--npparel and 􀁩􀁬􀁣􀁣􀁾􀁲􀁩􀁥􀀵􀀮􀀠C ! 1.31 Apanmellcs·-w.:;,hknlial hoteh. 11 14 Mubile home p:uts or courts. A OIl ill!rviC%,4 • 5 Transienl lodginl::s. C .9 Other residentiaL h-C 61 Finance, insuranCe, and feal ¢slale 􀁾􀁣􀁥􀁳􀀮􀀠B and related services. D instruments: phologmpili;; and oplical '4 Fishing actlvi\iCl! and tclall!d scr"l;;;;s. \) goods; wutclJCs lllld;;h;.ck$..manu(a<;lurlng.. 􀁾􀀵􀀠Mining acliviti;;s and rdatOO scrvtt;cs. I) 39 M!1ieellanlXlus. miln ufac!lIring. CoD .. 49 OdWr fC6QUrCC produclion and exlIa.:t[on, C-I) ,!Q 􀁉􀁴􀁩􀀡􀁮􀁾􀁏􀁩􀀱􀁉􀁬􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁩􀀢􀁬􀁬􀀠!;;Qlnmlllll!;;i\!101l lind 􀀡􀁉􀀡􀁪􀀡􀁩􀀡􀁪􀀡􀀮􀁬􀁾􀀠2J! HuQ!i:Y!