N 0 )> 0 c. ..,. c. ;;;· 0 "' )> :;· "0 0 ;:+ ' 2 REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS ARCillTECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES AIRPORT MAINTENANCE FACILITY TOWN OF ADDISON The Town of Addison is presently accepting Statements of Qualifications from Architectural/Engineering( A/E) Firms experienced in providing architectural/engineering services related to the design of a maintenance facility for Addison Airport. While the primary purpose for the selection of an architectural/engineering firm is the aforementioned project, consideration will also be given to firms that are also qualified for other municipal type projects not yet scheduled. Separate architectural firms that have frequently teamed with engineering firms, and vice versa, will also be considered. The scope of this project will include the preparation of plans, specifications and bidding documents for a prefabricated metal maintenance building with an adjacent prefab1icated metal roof unit. Once the building supplier is determined through the bidding process, the architectural/engineering firm firm will complete the foundation, civil and mechanical design with plans, specifications and bidding documents to complete the project. The metal building is estimated to be 60 x 80 feet and the metal roof unit is estimated to be 60 x 40 feet. The Town is also considering the construction of an aircraft wash rack for small to medium sized aircraft that may be included in the project. Firms that have experience in the design of aircraft wash racks should highlight this experience. 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁬􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁷􀁲􀁾􀁩􀁾􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁥􀁾􀁮􀀭 Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from AlE firms until :00 PM, April 27 2004. our (4) copies of the SOQ shall be submitted. The SOQ shoul contain a maximum number of thirty (30) single sided pages on 8-1/2" x 11" paper. The AlE firm should provide enough information to demonstrate the firm's experience and ability to design the project. The SOQ shall designate the individuals who will be assigned to the project (Principal-in-Charge, Project Manager, Project Engineer, etc.) with resumes for each individual. A list of similar projects in scope and size that the firm has recently completed in the last five ( 5) years shall be provided. For each project a description shall be provided along with project cost, completion date, names of design team members involved in the project, name of the client, contact person and phone number for contact person. -2-All written Statements of Qualifications submitted shall be evaluated by a Selection Committee, which will be made up of members designated by the City Manager. The review of the SOQ's will be based on the selection criteria shown on the attached page. The SOQ should specifically address each criterion for evaluation. If it is deemed necessary, the top ranking firms will be asked to meet with the Town and make oral presentations. The firm the Town deems most qualified will then present a proposal to perform the work and a fee will be negotiated. The design contract will go to the City Council for approval. Submit Statements of Qualifications to: Mailing: Phone: James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 (972)-450-2879 Street: 16801 Westgrove Addison, TX 75001 Fax: (972)-450-2837 ! . . l] I .. I I. I I . 11 II r -... --. . . . -I . II I, f I -. ----·ill" --·' 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀵􀀠' . :0"> " v' 0 .. " 0 , c. :r· -+ "' E ... .]. .., 1:7 1' ( 􀀭􀁾􀀠 -., :1<: 􀁾􀀭 t u ? 􀁾􀀠 "' \F .., f 8 c. f .., -. u' \1' (' 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀠 ? ' )-􀀴􀁫􀁴􀀭􀀴􀁲􀁾􀀠 I.,Jor /: 70..6/e \8 '[._, -􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀠 c. 􀀧􀁣􀁾􀀠... 1--- 􀁾􀀠9-> 0 (.-0 :t' :b. ., :c-􀁾􀀠 ,.., • --t: -!'.. -1,.> (.).> 􀁾􀀠 J: p 0 r-􀁉􀁳􀀻􀀮􀁾􀀠 -41-".r . 6""0 -;, -t;' .S:, !;.J " r .,. _.l 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀠 ® T "' '-IX -<.: 􀁾􀀱􀁾􀀭􀁲􀁾􀁾􀀠'\.').'u'1 -'·'' ....Cl 􀁾􀀠 -z, 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 " o,> -r;''t "c 1o o/􀁾􀀠 \ " 1'-􀀭􀁾􀀠 -'=b" o-􀁾􀀭+oO 6"" 0 ' 0--""-\\ 􀁾􀀠 ""!'= 􀁾􀀠1 " t. 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UBC, BOCA, SBC Codes, 20/12 snow loading, 80 MPH wind load. Prices F.O.B. Our Plants ' 30' x 50' x 10' ............... (Sale price) $6,244 20# Snow Load (Add $195) -Free Overhead Door Size: 8' x 8' 40' x 60' x 12' ............... (Sale price) $8,588 20# Snow Load (Add ($380)-Free Overhead Door Size:10' x10' 50' x 75' x 14' ............. (Sale price) $11,982 20# Snow Load (Add $420)-Free Overhead Door Size: 12' x 12' 60' x 100' x 16' ............ (Sale price) $17,379 20# Snow Load (Add $775)-Free Overhead Door Size: 12' x 14' http://www.rhinobldg.cornlspecl.html 11/10/2003 Special of the Month Page 2 of3 Not to be used with any other sales promotions Must Sell! Two Buildings Ready For Delivery Can Select wall and trim color Both Buildings are designed with the following codes: IBC 2000, 20/20 Live Load, 90 MPH Wind Load; 3 Lb. Collateral Load; Color sides and ends; Galvalume roof with lifetime screws; Closures; Mastic U.L. 90 Roof; Letter of certification, Engineered stamped prints; 1/12 Roof pitch; Clear Span Design; Includes Gutters and Downspouts ' 100' x 150' x 16' ............. (Retail $52,824) Sale Price: $41,209* ($11,615 Savings) 80' x 100' x 16' ............. (Retail $29, 750) Sale Price: $22,580* ($7,170 Savings) * Prices do not include freight and any taxes 4 to 5 Week Delivery on all specials 􀁾􀁉􀁒􀁕􀁃􀁔􀁕􀁒􀁉􀀧􀀬􀁌􀀠DESIGN • WEATHER PROOFING • PANEL OPTIONS • FORMED RIDGECAPS • SELF-DRILL FASTENERS • EAVE OPTIONS • SKYLIGHTS • DOORS-WINDOWS • LINER PANEL-INSULATION • VENTILATION OPTIONS • OPTIONAL TRIM http://www.rhinobldg.com/specl.htrnl 11/10/2003