I \_ ~l i .. ,-._ [ ! ~I / ' Grantham & Associates, Inc. 1919 S. Shiloh Road Suite 310 LB 8 Garland, TX 75042 Tel (972)864-2333 Fax (972)864-2334 www.gra-ce.net To: Mr. Jim Pierce, P.E. TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 7500 l • Invoice No. 10136 June 01, 2004 Project: 1 019-04 Airport Master Drainage Study Budget Services Manager: Bruce Grantham Professional Services for the Period: 4/l/04 to 5/31/04 Budget & Scope Preparation Contract Amount: Percent Complete: Fee Earned: Prior Fee Billings: Current Fee Total: Billing Group: 00 I $4,970.00 100.00% $4,970.00 $745.50 $4,224.50 Budget & Scope Preparation Total: $4,224.50 *** Total Project Invoice Amount: $4,224.50 Proiect Billing Summary Current Prior Total Totals: $4,224.50 $745.50 $4,970.00 Aged Receivables: Current 31-60 Days 61-90 Da)'ll 91-120 Days > 120 Days $4,224.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 All Invoices Dre due upon receipt. MASTER DRAINAGE STUDY ADDISON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Study Objectives May24,2004 The Town of Addison intends to have a Master Drainage Study prepared for the Addison Municipal Airport. The Town's objectives for this study are separated into two parts below: Ultimate Drainage Improvements and Purpose of the Study. Part 1: Ultimate Drainage Improvements The Town of Addison is seeking to have drainage improvements made to the Airport which ultimately achieve the following three objectives: 1. Replace the open drainage ditches adjacent to the runways and taxiways with closed storm sewer systems. It is anticipated that significantly shallower drainage ditches will still be required to collect runoff from the adjacent pavement and carry it to area drains along the runways and taxiways. 2. Provide storm drainage improvements to alleviate areas oflocalized ponding on paved areas next to some of the existing buildings. 3. IdentifY a safe detention area and construct a detention facility to eliminate the significant existing ponding that occurs near the southern boundary of the Airport property. This ponding, which results from undersized culverts under Lindbergh Drive, limits the flooding of downstream properties. Part 2: Purpose of the Study The Town of Addison is seeking to have a drainage study prepared which can be used for the purposes outlined below: 1. Confirm the practicality of the ultimate drainage improvements listed in Part I. 2. Prepare an Opiuion of Probable Cost for these drainage improvements so that the Town can budget for their construction. 3. Develop a storm drainage model, using a program such as StormCad, which can be utilized to prepare construction plans for the subject drainage improvements. The model shall be based upon Town of Addison drainage criteria. 4. Using a CADD program, prepare a Drainage Area Map and an Ultimate Drainage Improvement Plan which can also be utilized as part of the construction plan preparation. 5. Prepare a Report that documents the study process, the assumptions made, the engineering analysis performed, and other key elements of the Master Drainage Study. Page 1 of 1 MASTER DRAINAGE STUDY ADDISON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Scope of Services May24, 2004 A scope of services is outlined below for a Master Drainage Study of the Addison Municipal Airport. This scope of services is separated into four phases: Preliminary Study, Surveying, Engineering Analysis, and Report. PHASE 1 -PRELIMINARY STUDY 1. Obtain all available drainage plans for existing storm drainage facilities within the Airport from the Town of Addison. 2. Use these plans to verify the storm drainage facilities shown on attached Exhibit JEExisting Airport Utilities. 3. Review the current Addison Airport Master Plan to be furnished by the Town of Addison to ensure that any proposed drainage improvements account for future improvements at the Airport. 4. Using existing aerial topography to be furnished by the Town of Addison, delineate all drainage basins and subbasins on, or contributing runoff to, Airport property on a Preliminary Drainage Area Map. 5. Identify on the Preliminary Drainage Area Map all field survey data data that will be required to prepare a detailed storm drainage model for the Airport. It is anticipated that the field survey will include the items identified in Phase 2, Item 2. 6. Meet with Airport staff and the Town's project manager for a site reconnaissance immediately following a significant rain event to field verify ponding areas, drainage boundaries, and critical storm drainage facility locations. The consultant's project engineer and project surveyor shall participate in the field reconnaissance and take digital photographs to illustrate key drainage elements in the Report. 7. Meet with Town of Addison staff to review the Preliminary Drainage Area Map and the field surveying data required prior to starting Phase 2. PHASE 2 -SURVEYING 1. Meet with Airport staff to obtain safety procedures and an approved time for field surveying within the Airport boundaries. Page 1 of 3 2. Obtain the field surveying data required to complete the Engineering Analysis. It is anticipated that this data will include the following: • Tops, throats, flowlines, and inflow/outflow pipe sizes at all inlets, manholes, and other drainage structures. • Flowlines and sizes of all culverts. • Limited existing ground elevations where necessary to confirm drainage boundaries, or areas where ponding occurs as shown on Exhibit IE, or as identified during the field reconnaissance. 3. Plot the survey data obtained on a legible scale plot of the Preliminary Drainage Area Map and review with Town staff prior to starting Phase 3. If any problems with the existing drainage facilities are identified if Phases 1 and 2, these should be sununarized in a project memo to the Town. PHASE 3 -ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 1. Finalize the Drainage Area Map and submit {hE!!. copies to the Town. 2. Prepare a storm drainage model of the existing drainage system. The consultant shall use StormCad or an equivalent static model approved by the Town. 3. During the modeling process, identify those existing drainage facilities which are undersized. Upon a review of the impact of these undersized facilities with Town staff, a decision will be made regarding which facilities need to be replaced. 4. Prepare a storm drainage model for the ultimate drainage improvements, using the existing conditions model as the base model, described in the Study Objectives. Existing drainage facilities to remain shall be included in the model. 5. Perform detention calculations for the area of significant ponding near the southern Airport boundary. After alternative locations for detention have been studied, the consultant shall review them with Town staff. 6. An illtimate Drainage Improvement Plan shall be prepared which identifies all proposed drainage improvement along with existing facilities to remain. The plan shall include the pipe sizes and slopes contained in the model. 7. Meet with Town of Addison staff to review the lltimate Drainage Improvement Plan prior to starting Phase 4. Three copies shall be submitted to the Town. Page2of 3 PHASE 4 -REPORT 1. Prepare a Report that documents the study process, the assumptions made, the engineering analysis performed, and other key elements of the Master Drainage Study. 2. The Report shall include an Opinion of Probable Cost for the ultimate drainage improvements. The Drainage Area Map and Ultimate Drainage Improvement Plan shall also be included, along with appropriate project exhibits and digital photographs. 3. Two copies of a draft Report shall be submitted to the Town, at which time, the consultant shall make a presentation to Town staff which summarizes the Report findings. 4. Upon approval of the draft Report by the Town, the consultant shall address any comments and submit three final copies to the Town. Digital copies of the plans shall also be submitted. 5. The consultant shall attend a City Council meeting to assist Town staff in presenting the Report findings. Page 3 of 3 Date: May 24, 2004 Task Phase 1 -Preliminary Study Research as-built plans Review Airport Master Plan Preliminary Drainage Area Map Field Reconnalasance Town of Addison U ate Meetln Phase 2 -Surveying Addison Al100rt MeaUno WI staff Surve of Drain Facilities Limited Ground Surve u ate Prelim Drains e Area Map Town of Addison Upqate MeeUng Phase 3 ~ Engineering Analysis Finalize Drainage Area Map Drainage Calculations Analyze Exlstfn Storm System Review Exlstln s emw/Town Anatvza Pro lmDrovements Detention Anal sis Review Detention w/Town Pre rePro sed Drains e Plan Town or Addison U ateMeetln Phase 4 -Report Preoare Reoort Pre are 0 Inion of Probable Cost Pre re Exhibits Draft R~rt Presentation I Submittal ln~I'P9r&te Comments City Council Presentation Tots OUI8 IHOuny Rale Direct Labor oat Master Drainage Study Addison Municipal Airport Preliminary Estimate of Manhours Grantham & Associates, Inc. Manhour Pro~ectJon ASSIStant Project Project Project Manag_er Manager Engineer Design Tach 1 6 16 16 1 6 6 6 1 6 16 4 1 6 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 24 6 6 2 40 20 16 1 4 2 40 16 16 1 24 8 6 1 4 4 6 4 6 3 3 6 24 6 6 6 6 4 6 16 4 6 6 8 4 46 286 118 106 $55.00 $45.00 $41.00 $24.00 $2,530.00 $12,060.00 ,838.00 $2,544.00 G&A Direct Labor $25,940.00 Indirect Labor, Overhead (1.Bn5) $ 48 702.35 Sublotal $74,642.35 Profit & Contingency $ 11,198.35 Survey Crew Expense $6,800.00 Direct Expense $ 1,000.00 ·· cui'ee $ll3~,ro CADD Operator Clerical 6 4 20 4 6 16 6 16 6 6 6 6 8 6 98 30 $16.00 $16.00 $1,5!16.0 $4180.00 Survey Crew Expanse Survey Survey Manager Technician Survey Crew 6 3 6 24 40 4 16 20 23 40 60 $40.00 $26.00 $110.00 $920.00 $1,000.00 $6,600.00 •. ~Ia~~ ;,, I I ~ j}yj~r./Vc_ MASTER DRAINAGE STUDY ADDISON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Draft Study Objectives May17.2004 The Town of Addison intends of have a Master Drainage Study prepared for the Addison Municipal Airport. The Town's dra(t objectives for this study are separated into two parts below: Ultimate Drainage Improvements and Purpose of the Study. Part 1: Ultimate Drainage Improyements The Town of Addison is seeking to have drainage improvements made to the Airport which ultimately achieve the following three objectives: 1. Replace the open drainage ditches adjacent to the runways and taxiw,w; wi~ ~,..... 4--AL-e closed storm sewer systems. It is anticipated that s~tt'~'tij"siiano .. er~aia~ge _ 5 S. ditelies will still be re~u::: to collect runoff from the adjacent pavement and . dr . tn'Ac.!f~T 'ftY d . carry 1t to area ams me runways an taxiways. 2. Provide storm drain~e improvements to alleviate areas oflocalized ponding on paved areas'Mlff~some of the existing buildings. 3. Identify a safe detention detention area and construct a detention facility to eliminate the significant existing ponding that occurs near the southern boundary of the Airport property. This ponding, which results from undersized culverts under Lindbergh Drive, limits the flooding of downstream properties. Part 2: Purpose of the Study The Town of Addison is seeking to have a drainage study prepared which can be used for the purposes outlined below: L Confirm the practicality of the ultimate drainage improvements listed in Part L 2. Prepare an Opinion of Probable Cost for these drainage improvements so that the Town can budget for their construction. 3. Develop a storm drainage model, using a program such as StormCad, which can be utilized to prepare construction plans for the subject drainage improvements. The model shall be based upon Town of Addison drainage criteria. 4. Using a CADD program, prepare a Drainage Area Map and an Ultimate Drainage Improvement Plan which can also be utilized as part of the construction plan preparation. 5. Prepare a Report that docmnents the study process, the assmnptions made, the engineering analysis performed, and other key elements of the Master Drainage Study. Page 1 of 1 MASTER DRAINAGE STUDY ADDISON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Draft Scope of Services Mav 17.2004 A draft scope of services is outlined below for a Master Drainage Study of the Addison Municipal Airport. This scope of services is separated into four phases: Preliminary Study, Surveying, Engineering Analysis, and Report. PHASE 1 -PREL1M1NARY STUDY fitorlJ(--«fi'fiVtj ( 1<5~8vt '--T 1. Obtain all available GfaH!ftge plans for existing storm drainage facilities within the Airport from the Town of Addison. 2. Use these plans to verify the storm drainage facilities shown on attached Exhibit IEExisting Airport Utilities. 3. Review the current Addison Airport Master Plan to be furnished by the Town of AddisoQ. to ensure that any proposed drainage improvements account for future improvements at the Airport. 4. Using existing aerial topography to be furnished by the Town of Addison, delineate all drainage basins and subbasins on, or contributing runoff to, Airport property on a Preliminary Drainage Area Map. 5. Identify on the Preliminary Drainage Area Map all field survey data that will be required to prepare a detailed storm drainage model for the Airport. It is anticipated that the field survey will include the items identified in Phase 2, Item 2. 6. M €'J'SV,t?e.~-vT ~ f -n>T'AL llJ$1 J U CA 'T7~"-' "f l r. .A!W'J5 ro.vVi'V• gAJe r Meet with Airport staff and the Town's project manager for a site reconnaissance immediately following a significant rain event to field verify ponding ar~as, drainage boundaries, and critical storm drainage facility locations. The consultant's project engineer and project surveyor shall participate in the field reconnaissance and take digital photographs to illustrate key drainage elements in the Report. L5 ~ Al!-"-'1 s vl'l'f....e 7. Meet with Town of Addison staff to review the Preliminary Drainage Area Map and the .!,,_ ()I l< 1Tff( field surveying data required prior to starting Phase 2. I ~m> c; !8/fPtl5 ff1v , PHASE 2 -SURVEYING 1. Meet with Airport staff to obtain safety procedures and an approved time for field surveying within the Airport boundaries. Page 1 of 3 2. Obtain the field surveying data required to complete the Engineering Analysis. It is anticipated that this data will include the following: • Tops, throats, flowlines, and inflow/outflow pipe sizes at all inlets, manholes, and other drainage structures. • Flowlines and sizes of all culverts. • Limited existing ground elevations where necessary to confirm drainage p)eft-1 D'5 boundaries, or areas where ponding occurs as shown on Exhibit IE, or as woftfLo,., :# hf" #'I .....-"?identified during the field reconnaissance. ,wT€. 1(i15 w~P 3 01<:: :fi' 2--. Plot the survey data obtained on an legible scale plot of the Preliminary Drainage Area Map and review with Town staff prior to starting Phase 3. If any problems with the existing drainage facilities are identified if Phases 1 and 2, these should be summarized in a project memo to the Town. PHASE 3 -ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 1. Finalize the Drainage Area Map and submit three copies to the Town. 2. Prepare a storm drainage model for the ultimate drainage improvements described in the Study Objectives. The consultant shall use StormCad or an equivalent model approved by the Town. Existing drainage facilities to remain shall be included in the model. 3. During the modeling process, identify those existing drainage facilities which are undersized. Upon a review of the impact of these undersized facilities with Town staff, a decision will be made regarding which facilities need to be replaced. 4. Perform detention calculations for the area of significant ponding near the southern Airport boundary. After alternative locations for detention have been studied, the consultant shall review them with Town staff. 5. An Ultimate Drainage Improvement Plan shall be prepared which identifies all proposed drainage improvement along with existing facilities to remain. The plan shall include the pipe sizes and slopes contained in the model. ~ 9e re""'Tl"',.., .sv"' A-Ale\-AvA£-ysn 6. Meet with Town of Addison staff to review the Ultimate Drainage Improvement Plan prior to starting Phase 4. Three copies shall be submitted to the Town. PHASE 4-REPORT 1. Prepare a Report that documents the study process, the assumptions made, the engineering analysis performed, and other key elements of the Master Drainage Study. Page2 of 3 2. The Report shall include an Opinion of Probable Cost for the ultimate drainage improvements. The Drainage Area Map and illtimate Drainage Improvement Plan shall also be included, along with appropriate project exhibits and digital photographs. 3. Two copies of a draft Report shall be submitted to the Town, at which time, the consultant shall make a presentation to Town staffwbich summarizes the Report findings. 4. Upon approval of the draft Report by the Town, the consultant shall address any comments and submit three final copies to the Town. Digital copies of the plans shall also be submitted. 5. The consultant shall attend a City Council meeting to assist Town staff in presenting the Report fmdings; A.S e CW 5 5 ~g E'P • 0 GF""'-E"D ~as mer. Page 3 of 3 Grantham & Associates, Inc. 1919 S. Shiloh Road Suite 310 LB 8 Garland, TX 75042 Tel (972)864-2333 Fax (972)864-2334 www.gra-ce.net To: Mr. Jim Pierce, P.E. TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 Invoice No. 10116 April 01 • 2004 Project: 1 019-04 Airport Master Drainage Study Budget Services Manager: Bruce Grantham Professional Services for the Period: 3/1/04 to 3/31/04 Budget & Scope Preparation Contract Amount: Percent Complete: Fee Earned: Prior Fee Billings: Current Fee Total: Billing Group: 001 $4,970.00 15.00% $745.50 $0.00 $745.50 0 \L-1< ~u>( ~ 0 ... of Budget & Scope Preparation Total: $745.50 tl,. ?-' '1 AJ ***Total Project Invoice Amount: 0-rvr\-1-r ~ $745.50 Project Billing Summary Current Prior Total Totals: $745.50 $0.00 $745.50 Aged Receivables: Current 31-60Da~ 61-90Da~ 91-120Da~ > 120 );lays $745.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 All Invoices 11re due upon naipt Grantham & Associates, Inc. Project: I 019-04 Bill Group: 00 I Grantham & Associates, Inc. 1919 S. Shiloh Road Suite 310 LB 8 Garland, TX 75042 ·Tel (972)864-2333 Fax (972)864-2334 www.gra-ce.net Client: TOWN OF ADDISON Project: Airport Master Drainage Study Budget Services Amount Due Invoice: 10116 April 0 I, 2004 Page2 of2 Invoice No. 10116 April 01 , 2004 Project: 1 019-04 Client: TOADD011 $745.50 Amount Enclosed --------Please return this page with your remittance. DATE 3-1 JOB NO. ATTENTION ------® Public Works I Engineering 16801 Westgrove • P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) 450-2871 • Fax: (972) 450-2837 GENTLEMAN: RE: WE ARE SENDING YOU (Attached 0 Under separate cover via ______ the following items: 0 Shop Drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 ______________ _ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION I J I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval JQ. For your use 0 As requested 0 Approved as submitted 0 Approved as noted 0 Returned for corrections 0 Resubmit ____ copies for approval 0 Submit copies for distribution 0 Return corrected prints 0 For review and comment 0-------------------------0 FOR BIDS DUE __________ 19· __ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS _________________________________ _ COPY TO------------------SIGNED: a--A_;~ If enclosures are not as noted, please nr:::;::oc; ~ I I I I I I !!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!~!® Public Works I Engineering 16801 Westgrove • P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) 450-2871 • Fax: (972) 450-2837 GENTLEMAN: WE ARE SENDING YOU D Shop Drawings D Copy of letter COPIES DATE NO. (Attached D Prints D Change order DATE JOB NO. ATTENTION RE: D Under separate cover via ______ the following items: D Plans D Samples D Specifications D ________________________ _ DESCRIPTION I j_p_flfy-A-4r-P-tJf/il.Pr?+ -lOr J11t:t.7#r-, J)t"4,r7a.t/-e S-htL J /3-ud tU-T--~rt/tce _<:, .J I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval D Approved as submitted ~For your use D Approved as noted D Resubmit _______ copies for approval D Submit copies for distribution D As requested D Returned for corrections D Return corrected prints D For review and comment D -------------------------0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 __ D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ~ SIGNED: ; If enclosures are not as noted, please no~ I I I i I I I ! I ~..,..a_ Grantham & Associates, Inc. ~~---==-==-==-=~ February 11, 2004 Mr. Jim Pierce, P .E. Town of Addison Department of Public Works P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Letter Agreement for Master Drainage Study Budget Services Dear Jim: Grantham & Associates, Inc. (G&A) is pleased to prepare this proposal related to the Addison Airport. The work to be performed by G&A, which we anticipate will take 30 days to complete, is outlined below: Prepare a detailed scope of services and a budget for a future Master Drainage Study of the Airport. • Prepare a memo of understanding that summarizes any noteworthy issues, alternatives, or exclusions that were discussed with the Town during the budget preparation. G&A will complete this work for a fixed fee of$ 4,970. The attached manhour spreadsheet was used in developing this fee. We have budgeted for two meetings with Town staff during the execution of the proposed work. No drainage analysis, field surveying, or CADD work will be performed by G&A staff. Terms and Conditions Access to Site: Unless otherwise stated, Grantham & Associates, Inc. (G&A) will have access to the site for activities necessary for the performance of the services. G&A will take precautions to minimize damage due to these activities, but has not included in the fee the cost of restoration of any resulting damage. • Dispute Resolution: Any claims or disputes made between the Client and G&A will be submitted to nonbinding mediation. Client and G&A agree to include a similar mediation agreement with all contractors, subcontractors, sub consultants, suppliers and fabricators, thereby providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution among all parties. • Billings/Payments: Invoices for G&A's services will be submitted on a monthly basis. Invoices will be payable within 30 days after the invoice date. • Indemnification: The Client will, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify and hold hannless G&A, its officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from and against all damage, liability and cost including reasonable attorney's fees and defense costs, arising out of or in any way connected with the performance of the services under this agreement by any of the parties above named, excepting only those damages, liabilities or costs attributable tci the sole negligence or willful misconduct of G&A. Certifications/Responsibilities: G&A will not be required to execute any document that would · result in its certifying, guaranteeing or warranting the existence of conditions whose existence G&A cannot ascertain. Furthermore, G&A will not be. responsible for the means, methods, procedures, techniques, or sequences of construction, nor for safety on the job site. 1919 S. Shiloh Road, Suite 310, L.B. 8 • Garland, Texas 75042 www.gra-ce.net Tel. (972) 864-2333 • Fax (972) 864-2334 Mr. Jim Pierce, P.E. February 11, 2004 Page 2 • Termination of Services: This agreement may be terminated by the Client or G&A should the other fail to perform its obligations hereunder. In the event of termination, the Client will pay G&A for all services rendered to the date of termination, all reimbursable expenses and reimbursable termination expenses. Ownership of Documents: All documents produced by G&A under this agreement will remain the property of G&A, unless otherwise stated, and may not be used by the Client for any other endeavor without the written consent of G&A. Please contact me if you need any additional information. e R. Grantham, P.E. resident BG/jf J:\WPDOCS\PROPOSAL\ADDISONWrportltr Approved by: To PROPOSED MANHOURS I COSTS Date: 2/11/04 IAi1roort Master Drainage Plan-Budget & Scope Preparation PROJECT MANHOUR COST: PROJECT EXPENSES: TOTAL PROJECT Airport.xls $ $ 4,770 200 2111/04 Page 1 ofl Jim Pierce From: Lisa Pyles [lisa.pyles@wgint.com] Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:46PM To: Mark Acevedo; Jim Pierce Cc: Foster David Subject: Maintenance Shop Gentlemen: We are having continual and increasing problems with the maintenance shop. It is flooding to the point that the guys can't work in there on days when it rains. It is also too small for many of our bigger projects such as building gates and hangar doors. Jim: I remember that HNTB was going to give us some advice about moving the westside building over to the eastside, did you ever get anything from them. One of the areas I would like to consider is the space that is between the future fuel farm and the Millennium hangar. It is not big enough for a very big hangar but would work well for a maintenance shop. I would like to get together to discuss this issue when you are available. Please let me know what would work for the both of you. Thanks Lisa A. Pyles Addison Airport 972 392 4855 Fax 972 788 9334 1123/2004