0» o "'n "'C in. 3 0 ro ::J ;e.»VI :::;0 , 1:> ",00::+ o .... " o 􀁾􀀠1:> ro 􀁾􀀠s: IlJ 1:> Ii!<> In C 1:> 1:> o 2-. ::J "" , ] t1!1 IILi:ttl : [ ENGINEERING. INC., CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS March 26, 2001 Mr, Steve Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer 16801 Westgrove Addison, Texas 75001-9010 RE: Surveying Services Addison Airport Boundary Survey, Addison, Texas DTE Job Number 0107 Dear Mr. Chutchian: Dal-Tech Engineering, Inc. is very pleased to have been selected to provide surveying services for the Addison Airport Boundary Survey project. Attached is the Level of Effort spreadsheet, prepared based upon the scope of work as discussed during our meeting of March 14, 2001. We have further met with Mr. David Pierce and Mr. Bob Katzen and received a great deal of information both from our discussion with them and from the airport site visit. These attachments reflect our first draft of the Scope of Services based on our judgment as to the complexities and expertise that will be involved in delivering this assignment within the quality expectations of your staff. Please let me know if the cited tasks, manpower loading and proposed lump sum fee of $198,428.00 are consistent with your expectations. Further, you may note that in addition to the basic services, we have proposed several optional items. These items could be added or subtracted at your request. Dalse:rv/debralO l07/proposalsIProposni Letter .Chutchian.3.26. 0 1 17311 DALLAS PKWY I STE 200 I DALLAS, TX 75248 I 972-250·2127 I FAX 972·250-4774 222· W. EXCHANGE I FT. WORTH. TX 76101 I 817-626-8777 I FAX 817-626-5777 webmastel@dal-tech.com Mr. Chutchian March 26, 2001 Page 2 We certainly do appreciate this opportunity to serve the Town and are looking forward to working with you. As you have a chance to review the attached preliminary scope of services and manpower projection fur the proposed contract, if further information or clarification is needed, please let us know. FoUowing your review, we will also prepare and submit the schedule of work with our final fee submittal. Thank you again for this opportunity to be ofservice to the Town. Sincerely, 􀁾􀁾􀀠Sedi A Toumani, P.E. SAT/ats Enc. Scope ofServices Manpower Projection Dalserv/debralO107/proposals/Proposal Letter.ChulcbiruJ.3.26.01 ADDISON AIRPORT BOUNDARY SURVEY AND BASE MAPPING SCOPE OF WORK DAL-TECH Engineering, Inc. has been asked to prepare a scope of work and an estimate of probable cost for preparing a boundary survey and a base map of selected features of the Addison Airport property. Included in the boundary survey are locating the approximately 65 ground leases on the airport, the through-the-fence leases, jOint use agreements, and easements affecting the property. Optionally, DTE can also produce individual lease exhibits if desired. The base map will show all buildings, taxiways, runways, fences, and streets within or immediately adjacent to the airport boundary. In addition, utilities such as water, wastewater, storm sewer, electric, gas, and telephone can be located at an optional level of quality as explained in more detail below. The detailed scope of services to accomplish these goals is set out as follows: 1. Gather data and perform research: A. At Town of Addison and at Addison Airport DTE staff will coordinate with with Town of Addison staff in both Public Works and at Addison Airport to gather existing documents. plans, maintenance records, electronic files, and any other information that will aid in the preparation of the boundary survey, leasehold establishment, and base mapping. B. At TxDOT's Aviation Division in Austin DTE staff will obtain any relevant information about Addison Airport from Charlotte Bergfeld or her designated representative in TxDOT's Aviation Division in Austin. C. From County Courthouse Deed Records We will use an outside professional abstracting service to gather the public records research for us. Although several of our DTE staff are very proficient in using the Dallas County Deed Records, abstracting professionals have access to easement databases that allow them to do thorough easement searches that we are unable to do. We plan to avail ourselves of this expertise. Deliverables: DTE will prepare a document control system for the project and establish files containing relevant documents. Dalserv/debra/O l07IProposalsl Addison Scope Final.3.26.0 1 2. Establish Control A. Perform GPS surveys and office processing to establish secondary control on permanent monuments. There are severel high-order monuments on the airfield established as part of the National Geodetic Survey's Primary Airport Control Station (PACS) and Secondary Airport Control Station (SACS) progrem. We will use these monuments as our primary control points for the project. We will establish six additional secondary control pOints, which will be constructed to a Town of Addison and DTE mutually approved design at mutually agreed upon locations. Classical static GPS surveying techniques will be used to record satellite observation files at each of the primary and secondary control pOints and at selected vertical benchmarks on the airfield. Constraining the resultant network to the National Geodetic Survey monuments' data, we will perform office post-processing to determine the geodetic coordinates, the NAD 83 (1993) Texas North Central Zone (4202) State Plane Coordinates, and the PACS NAVD88 orthometric height for each of the stations in the network. B. Run level loops as necessary to incorporate existing vertical information. The vertical datum for the PACS' SACS points is GPS-derived NAVD88 orthometric heights. These orthometric heights are published to centimeter precision (-0.03') and are considered to be that precise in relation to other PACS , SACS stations but not . necessarily in relation to other NAVD88 known points in the area. Therefore, we need to incorporate some of the "local" benchmarks to ensure that our GPS vertical model works properly. C. Prepare a report including "recovery drawings" showing each monument, its physical location, its data, and its metadata on an individual drawing for each monument. After all of the above GPS work and leveling has been completed, DTE will compile a brief report documenting the GPS work and the associated statistics. The report will contain "recovery drawings" showing each monument, its physical location, its data, and its meta data on an individual drawing for each monument. Deliverables: Meet with the Town Staff to deliver and discuss the GPS Report with a "recovery drawing" for each monument. Dalserv/debreJ()l07lProposals! Addison Scope FinoI.3.26.0 I 3. Compile graphic documents of preliminary data. A. Plot deeds, leases, "through the fence" leases, easements, joint use agreements, TxDOT information, and plan data in a digital (AutoCad or Microstation) file. Using the data gathered in Item 1. above. we will prepare a preliminary work map compiling the known facts conceming the location and extent of airport fee ownership. leases, utility easements, joint use agreements, aviation limitations and easements, engineering data, and other knowledge gained during the data gathering and research activities. B. Analyze plot to identify any problem areas needing special attention and curative work. Special attention will be paid to possible conflicts and problem areas. Those items that are not locatable due to poor or ambiguous description will be identified for special attention. These items will be added to the preliminary work map to the degree possible for the orderly and efficient prosecution of the fieldwork. Deliverables: the preliminary work map in CAD format. 4. Prep'are a preliminary report and present it to the Town of Addison Prepare a formal report describing our findings and identifying those items from the data collected that need further attention or definition. Attend a formal meeting with the Town of Addison staff to present the report and mutually to define "action items" for the Town of Addison and the DTE staff. Deliverables: meet with the Town Staff to present our Preliminary Report on research. 5. Perform field surveys A. Establish three-dimensional tertiary control points for use in making boundary ties and mapping. Working from the primary and secondary control pOints, DTE field crews will use GPS and conventional methods to establish tertiary control points for use in tying property comers and in mapping. Although these pOints will be of such permanence as to survive the project, they will not be published formally beyond the documentation in our project files. Dalserv/debralOl07IProposaWAddi",," Scope Final.3.2M! B. Locate property corners and evidence of leaseholds using the preliminary work map as a guide. Our crews will use the tertiary control points to locate and tie all evidence of fee simple boundaries and of leaseholds. Artificial monuments recited in deeds will be searched out. The evidence will be tied to the project coordinate system. c. Locate in three dimensions all buildings, taxiways, runways, fences, streets, and utilities within or immediately adjacent to the airport boundary. In addition to locating boundary comers, OTE personnel will locate buildings, taxiways, crossovers, runways, fences, streets, and utilities (water, wastewater, storm sewer, electric, gas, telephone). Our involvement with utility location can be very limited or very extensive as reflected in the four-tiered SubJSurface utility Engineering (SUE) options stated below: Quality Level 0 Quality Level C-Quality Level B-Quality Level AOTE personnel can conduct "records search" to obtain information on utilities solely from existing utility f9cords. OTE can perform a "surface visible feature sUNey" to locate visible aboveground utility facilities such as manholes, valve boxes, posts and to correlate this information with existing utility records. OTE can utilize the application and interpf9tation ofsurface geophysical techniques which include electromagnetiC, magnetic, and elastic wave methods to deSignate the presence and approximate horizontal location of underground utilities. OTE can characterize a utility's spatial position, composition, condition, size, and other data that may be reasonably available about the utility and its surrounding environment through its exposure by nondestmctive excavation techniques, such' as air/vacuum extraction, ·Oplionaly, DTE's level ofinvolvement for Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) should be determined by the Town of Addison. Deliverables: Meet with the Town Staff to deliver copies of work notes, sketches, ASCII files, etc. DalsCfv/debm!fiI07lProposalsiAddison Scope """, 6. Perform office work to process and refine field data into graphic documents. A. Download data collectors, make calculations, and perform analysis and further research to establish property boundaries, encroachments, protrusions, leasehold limits, and easement locations. After the field evidence is gathered, the data will be downloaded, processed against our control information, and imported to the project database for analysis. Inevitably, this analysis leads to a secondary level of courthouse research to clarify issues that have become apparent. DTE will provide the services to gain these materials. Once boundary lines have been established, an analysis of the spatial relationship between boundaries and improvements will be made to identify any encroachments or protrusions of improvements that may exist. Leases, joint use agreements, through-the-fence leases, and easements will then be harmoni2:ed to the boundaries and the improvements, and, finally, a fieldnote description of the Airport property will be prepared. B. Perform CAD work necessary to prepare a boundary survey I base map presenting the results of the surveying. The graphic documents presenting the results of the survey will be prepared in CAD format. The drawings will be "layered" to segregate thematically related data items on the same layer to facilitate the preparation of speciali2:ed exhibits in the future. All of the data gathered will reside in this graphic environment, and multiple drawings may be produced at the Town's request. "'Optionally. individual lease exhibits and descriptions can be prepared. Deliverables: Meet with the Town Staff to provide hardcopies anq digital versions of the graphic documents prepared. Dalserv/d,btaliH071ProposalsiAddison Scope Final.3.26.01 7. Monument the boundaries of the airport and the leaseholds. A. Perform office work to prepare stakeout files for the field crews. Data collector files will be prepared for the crews to use to set out the comers. B. Perform field work to set monuments (rebar with plastic caps) at all feasible boundary comers and at leasehold comers if requested by Addison Airport staff. DTE field crews will set out 5/8" diameter 24" long rebar monuments with plastic caps at angle points in the fee simple boundary where no found monument exists. *Optionally, DTE crews can set out the same type of monument at lease comers if desired by the Town ofAddison. Deliverables: Monuments set in the field. 8. Prepare a final surveyor's report to present to the Town of Addison. A. Prepare a final report having the following structure: 1. Executive Summary stating the project scope, objectives, and results. 2. A narrative describing the data gathering activities, preparation of the working sketch, and the conclusions drawn from the documents gathered. 3. Minutes of the formal meeting with the Town of Addison for the presentation of the preliminary report, the action items defined in that meeting, and the actions taken. 4. Formal surveyor's report addressing the research issues, the results of the field work, the interpretation of the evidence gathered, and the professional opinions drawn from that evidence. 5. The boundary survey /base map, signed and sealed, and, optionfllly, lease exhibits on individual leases. 6. Appendices a. A list of all documents gathered, their relevance, and their provenance. 􀁾􀀠Or I 􀁾􀀬􀀾􀁴􀀠...,.. <;o,Jrc.e... b. Copies of airport vesting deeds c. Copies of lease agreements Dalserv/debralO I07iPToposalslAddi,OII Scope Fina1.3.26.01 d. Monument location sketches, metadata, and hori;2;ontall vertical data for all GPS secondary control monuments that were established. B. Make a formal presentation to the Town Council of the results. Deliverables: Electronic and Hard Copies of Final Report, Survey and Sorted Lease Documents D.lserv/debralO I 07IProposaisl Addison Scope Fina1.3.26.0 I ... ,/. 􀁾.. , ADDISON AIRPORT $135.00 $100.00 S60.00 $54.00 5105.00 SO.oo TOTAl. RPlS SURVE ,TECH OTiER ITASKS Hours COS! Hom'S I Cost Hou", ea., Hours 1. Gather Data and Perform 1 A. At Town , • and at Addison Airport $540 .0 $4.0001 >A 51.440 0 SO $6.196: B. • Division I I $270 a $600 " S72Il SO 􀀤􀀱􀀬􀁾􀀠C. From County, , Deed Records $0 .: $0 so $4.500 2. , ConIrol A. Perfonn GPS SUlVey. SO '" $3200 " S120 0 0 SO $10.220 B. Run 1 , $270 saoo S4e1l 0 0 SO $4,9W C. Prepare I $1.0801 4< ".000 " <2._ '" .... 0 SO $S,344 •• ,D.ta A. I Use, $540 ,oe 510.0001 '''' "".400 0 so 0 SO $18,940 s, $540 2' .2,400 32 ".920 0 SO 0 SO SO 􀀤􀁾􀀺􀀠4. ,Re_and $540 " $2.400 so 8 S432 0 SO SO $3,372 1 5. _nn "'old SUlVeys : A. • Control Points $540 " 51.600 " ""0 0 so 4! 05.040 $0 $S.14' B. Locate· ,&, SO " $1.600 " ""( 0 $0 ,2( $12,600 so $15.160 C. Locate 0 $0 " $1.600 40 st.oe So 19< S'9.950 0 SO $23,950 5. Perfonn Oftlce ' ,Data A. 0 $0 80 $8.000 80 ".SOC 54321 SO 0 $( $13,232 B,for '0 $0 32 $3,200 100 ",DOC "',. " S10s0 S< 310.4B6 7, Itho' , Of Airport and A. Pelform OffIco WOfk I Flies $0 • $800 " «l!lIl "" so " 51.7601 B. Perfonn CloSot C $0 0 SO ,. ""01 0 SO SO $S •• oe 0 so $9,360 8. , Report A. 5540 .0 $4.000 8 S480 8 5<0321 0 S< 0 so 55.452 B. t to Town council 5540 $400 • ..,., """,I 􀁾􀁾􀀠$1.8521 32 $4,320 444 $44.4001 552 $33.120 42 􀀤􀀲􀁾..1 .. I I 1 ill. . 1, 􀁟􀀢􀁾􀁉2. UHF I I Radio for Safety $6001 3. -(1,634 hrs at $30 per hr.) 549.0201 4. I 􀁾􀁏􀀡􀀩􀁑􀁉􀀠o $0 0 $0 0 $0 50, $0 0 sol $53,1201 " ..-I I TOTAl. I I .' . . ",:';",:,' 'i I.,' -' ,; " 􀁾􀀢􀀠.. '... : .-:;_."_...._-....--_. ---:-.--..,. , ..􀀬􀁾•• r_ .; ':,. . )"-. "':r;:,;; . ,:-... ."-' . -" 􀀧􀁲􀁾􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀮􀁟􀀠.. ..'.:.'-";.-.':'. '.'.-:.. ·OPTIONAL ITEMS 1. Subsurface Utility Engineering and Mapping 2. Individual Lease Exhibits and Descriptions 3. Setting Lease Comers Monument ADDISON AIRPORT $135.00 $100.00 $60.00 $54.00 $105.00 $90.00 Total PRINCIPAL RPLS SURVEY TECH SECRETARY SURVEY CREW DESIGN ENGINEER TASKS Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost Hours Cost . Hours Cost III. OPTIONAL 5C. Subsurface Utility Engineering A. Level D 4 $540 32 $3200 40 $2400 2 $108 0 $0 40 $3600 $9848 B. LevelC 4 $540 40 $4000 80 $4800 4 $216 60 $6300 40 $3600 $19456 C. LevelB 4 $540 40 $4000 80 $4,800 4 $216 120 $12600 40 $3600 $25756 D. Level A 4 $540 40 $4,000 80 $4800 4 $216 120 $12600 40 $3600 $25,756 6B. Boundary Survey A. Individual Lease Area Drawing and Description 4 $540 95 $9500 180 $10,800 2 $108 0 $0 0 $0 $20948 $7,448B. Joint Use Agreements Drawing and Description 4 $540 32 $3200 60 $3600 2 $108 0 $0 0 $0 C. Easements Drawing and DescrIption 4 $540 16 $1,600 40 $2400 2 $108 0 $0 0 $0 $4,648 7B. 􀁓􀁥􀁾􀁮􀁧􀀠Lease Corners Monument 4 $540 16 $1600 32 $1,920 2 $108 96 $10,080 0 $0 $14248 SUB-TOTAL 28 $3,780 295 $29,500 560 $33,600 20 $1,080 300 $31,500 160 $14,400 $113,860 '. '., : .. .. ...'. 􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀠dalseMdebra\107lflroposalsl,estirnlllle ofprobable costs.3-26-01 􀀮􀁾.... .' .......... , :.. ' .'. ..􀁾􀀮􀀠'. ,. 􀀨􀀧􀁩􀁾􀀧􀀠._ . r.' ..􀁾􀀺􀀺..􀁾􀀮􀁟􀀠:•. ; ..-. .􀁾􀀮􀀠'," . '-"'.. . . :....'., ,''.,'􀀺􀀭􀁾􀀺􀀼.. ..... . ,.: -􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀻􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀽􀀺􀀺􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀾􀀢􀀠􀀭􀀺􀀢􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀺􀁩􀀺􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀢􀀠.. ";;,,,,." :􀀢􀁾􀀢􀀾􀀻􀀺􀀻􀁩􀀬􀀠>: 􀀺􀀻􀀢􀁾􀀢􀀭􀀭􀁱􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀠75ii>r:;;#-:374:: -􀁾􀀢􀀮􀀠􀁾􀀳􀁉􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀻 􀀧􀀠.' . . .. .. .... 􀁾􀀠.... .' 􀀧􀀾􀀧􀀱􀀢􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁲􀀬􀀺􀁩􀁩􀀻􀁩􀀻􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁌􀀢􀁦􀀩􀀠, ()n.' ",' J _ L.--􀀢􀀮􀁾􀁸􀁾􀀷􀁲􀁰􀀻􀁾􀁾􀁲􀁾􀀹􀀧􀁾􀀬􀂷􀀮􀀠􀁾􀁾L./IL.P.../'1...-'1' 􀁾􀀠􀁦􀁯􀁷􀀮􀁬􀁾􀁾􀀠surveying, project administration I􀁾PI and site management. The firm's;J.1 I current staff size and related 􀁾􀀠, experience as to qualified personnel. 3. Location of main office and/or branch office that will provide services and experience in the local area. 4. Management approach to projects. (Include schedule /budget programs.) s. Technical approach to projects. (Include computer capacity.) 6. References for similar projects expressing satisfaction with the firm's work. 7. Attendance at pre-submission meeting B. In house staff support vs. subcontract support (has subcontractor worked with prlncipal before). Rev. 02/26/01 POINTS 0-10 10 0-10 ./;J0-10 oKo 0'110 oJ10 5 0-10 MULTIPLIER 4 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 Total score: SCORE -r.!)+0 jfp 2_7 1j 5 EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR ADDISON AIRPORT BOUNDARY SURVEY POINTS MULTIPLIER SCORE 1. Airport boundary survey work history '1 supported by current or previous 0-10 4 2t experience. 2. Professional background of key personnel and experience in '1,5 30surveying, project administration 0-10 4 and site management. The firm's current staff size and related experience as to qualified personnel. 3. Location of main office and/or branch 5 office that will provide services and 0-10 1 5 experience in the local area. 'b I h 4. Management approach to projects. 0-10 2 (Include schedule /budget programs.) 5. Technical approach to projects. 􀁯􀀭􀁾􀁯􀀠3 1..[ (Include computer capacity.) 6. References for Similar projects r expressing satisfaction with the firm's 0-10 2 L!e work. .1)7. Attendance at pre-submission meeting 5 1 S. In house staff support vs. subcontract support (has subcontractor worked with 0-10 1 principal before). Total score: Rev. 02/26/01 EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR ADDISON AIRPORT BOUNDARY SURVEY rO\ 􀁊􀀡􀁾􀁩d .-frvfI' lif. (, 1. 􀁜􀀦􀁜􀁾􀁖􀀱􀁾􀁾􀀠.2. 1-ft-t 1-5:,..Jt.! .,. 􀀧􀀳􀁾􀁩􀀧􀀠3. 4. 5. 􀁎􀁄􀁾􀀶􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀠7. 8. Airport boundary survey work history supported by current or previous experience. Professional background of key personnel and experience in surveying, project administration and site management The firm's current staff size and related experience as to qualified personnel. Location of main office and/or branch office that will provide services and experience in the local area. Management approach to projects. (lnclude schedule /budget programs.) Technical approach to projects. (lnclude computer capaCity.) References for similar projects expressing satisfaction with the finn's work. Attendance at pre-submission meeting In house staff support vs. suboontract support (has subcontractor worked with principal before). POINTS 1 0-10 1 0-10 10 0-10 􀁯􀁾􀁯􀀠 0910 5 0-10 5 0-10 MULTIPUER 4 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 Total score: SCORE 1% 1.-8' /0 JJ. ").1 10 Rev. 02/26/01 REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS SURVEYING SERVICES TOWN OF ADDISON The Town ofAddison is seeking Statements ofQualifications from experienced engineering/surveying firms to provide surveying services related to the development ofa boundary survey and map at the Addison Airport. The scope ofthe project includes the following: a. Establish horizontal and vertical control for the proposed improvements including monumentation, which shall be tied to Town ofAddison horizontal and vertical datum. b. Research Town, County, State or other documents as necessary to establish the location ofexisting boundary lines and easements. c. Perform boundary survey ofthe Airport property and prepare a map, detailing all existing right-of-way and easement lines along with adjacent property owners. d. Attend a SOQ Pre-Submission meeting at the Town ofAddison Service Center, located at 16801 Westgrove Drive, at 2:00 P.M., on February 14, 2001. The Town ofAddison will accept written Statements ofQualifications (SOQ) from engineering/surveying firms until 5:00 P.M., February 23,2001. Four (4) copies ofthe SOQ shall be submitted. The engineering/surveying firm should provide enough information to demonstrate the firm's ability to perform the project. The SOQ shall designate the individuals who will be assigned to the project (Principal-in-Charge, Project Manager, Surveyor, etc.) and resumes for each individual. A list ofsimilar projects in scope and size to those listed which the firm has completed in the last three (3) years shall be provided. For each project, a description shall be provided along with project cost, completion date, names ofsurveying team members involved in these improvements, name ofthe client contact person and phone number for contact person. All written Statements ofQualifications submitted will be evaluated by the Selection Committee, which will be made up ofMike Murphy, P.E., Director ofPublic Works; James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E., Assistant Director ofPublic Works; and Steve Chutchian, P.E., Assistant City Engineer. The review ofthe SOQ's will be based on the selection criteria mentioned above. The SOQ should specifically address each criteria for evaluation. Ifit is deemed necessary, the top ranking firms will be asked to meet with the Town and make oral presentations. The fum the Town deems most qualified will then present a proposal to perfurm the work and a fee will be negotiated. The surveying contract will go to the City Council for approval. Interested parties should direct questions to Steve Chutchian, at (972)-450-2886. Submit Statements ofQua1ifications to: Mailing: Fax: E-Mail: Steven Z. Chutchian, P .E. Assistant City Engineer 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 (972)-450-2837 schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us Jim Pierce From: Steve Chutchian Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 11 :30 AM To: Chris Terry Cc: Michael Murphy; Jim Pierce; Jim Wilson; Carmen Moran; Mark Acevedo Subject: Addison Airport Boundary Survey A Pre-Submittal meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 14, 2001, at 2:00 p.m., in advance of the Town's receipt of Statements of Qualification from various firms for the proposed Addison Airport Boundary Survey. Subsequent to recent discussions between Dave Pearce, Ken Dippel, John Hill, Jim Pierce, and myself, a more detailed scope of work was generated and will be presented to interested parties at the Pre-Submittal meeting on Wednesday: a. Horizontal and vertical control shall be established for the airport, including monumentation, which shall be tied to Town of Addison horizontal vertical datum. b. Extensive title search and investigation shall be performed, including the following: 1. Parcels acquired as additions to the original airport property, including individual property descriptions and map of each parcel. 2. All sub-leases on airport property, including boundary descriptions and map. 3. Identification of off-site users, including name, location, type of user, and access point(s) to airport property. 4. Research of other Town, County, State or other documents as necessary to establish the location of existing boundary lines and easements. c. Perform boundary survey of the Airport property and prepare descriptions and map, detailing the following: 1. Original airport site 2. easements 3. encroachments (Le., fences, poles, etc.) 4. on-site leases 5. all property acquisition and deletions for the airport site since 1976 6. points of accessibility of off-site users d. Compilation of all metes & bounds descriptions, maps, and other associated data, related to the boundary survey of Addison Airpot, into six (6) bound documents. These documents will be required by the FAA & TxDot, and will serve as permanent records for the Town of Addison. The deadline for submission of Statements of Qualifications is 5:00 p.m., February 23, 2001. At that time, the review and evaluation process will be initiated and will terminate with the selection of a firm and negotiation of fees. Thanks. Steve Chutchian 1 /J//fIl1E fflOtnl?5 !-IoL/L Sed/' 7OVh79A1/Mo.l2.l AKHffVIJN J4c,{ L '1/f/􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁜􀀧􀁮􀀠􀀿􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀢􀁴􀁊􀀠 _. _ 􀀧􀁻􀁾􀀠􀀢􀀭􀁌􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁲􀀠_t:rz.􀁾c... \f4. 􀁾(:,, l'QC>a t]l)--'d-'3C3-&70 0 􀀧􀁦􀁐􀀬􀁊􀁦􀁾􀀠7};-􀁊􀀯􀁓􀀭􀁾􀀠 ;2.)/.}-f}/-33//21'1. fJ7} -7')/1 0( /(1-3«& -b3Sj' :tJ{ -04+0fl72-. 'Z 14/357 -2Gc51 912-235· soa/ EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR ENGINEERING POINTS MULTIPLIER 1. The fum's experience in successfully perfonning 0-10 4 similar assignments, scope, and size for others within the last five (5) years, by perscuuel still on the fl!lll' s staff. 2. Professional background of key personnel 0-10 4 and experience in engineering, surveying and project administration, and resident project representation. The frrm's current staff, both size and related experience, is qualified to provide the desired service. 3. Location of main office and/or branch 0-10 office that will provide services and experience in the local area. 4. Management approach to projects. 0-10 (Include schedule and budget programs.) S. Technical approach to projects. 0·10 (Include computer capacity.) 6. Previous clients, for similar projeets express 0-10 2 satisfaction with the finn's work (Short listed frrms only, if necessary). 7. Oral presentation (short listed flJl!lS only 0-10 4 ifnecessary). REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS VARIOUS CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECTS TOWN OF ADDISON The Town of Addison is presently accepting Statements ofQualifications from engineering firms for various civil engineering and surveying services projects. A brief scope of work for each project follows: l.Keller Springs/Addison Road and Keller Springs /Quorum Road intersections: These projects will provide turning lanes and other improvements at the intersections to facilitate more efficient movement oftraffic and mitigate the impact ofthe Keller Springs Tunnel. Estimated cost $500,000. This project may be completed in two phases. 2. Water and Sewer Line Replacements: This project will replace aging and/or undersized water and sewer lines at selected locations in thc Town. Estimated cost $1,235,000. 3. Dooley Road/wright Brothers Road Connection: This project will connect Dooley Road with Wright Brothers Road on Airport property. Estimated cost $200,000. 4. Addison Road Widening, Phase I: This project will widen Addison Road from Belt Line Road to Keller Springs Road as a four lane divided roadway. Estimated cost $2,500,000. Most projects will include surveying for design and right-of-way acquisition, geotechnical services, preliminary design, final design, preparation ofconstruction documents and bidding phase services. Firms may submit their qualifications for anyone or more, or all ofthe projects listed. Please indicate the projects for which your firm is interested. CJue.l-Addison will 􀁡􀁣􀁣􀁥􀁾􀁾􀁮Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from engineering consul 18 through fIi. /'P: October 24, 1997. copies of the SOQ shall be submitted. The SOQ should con n a maximum t number ofthirty (30) single sided pages on 8Yz" 􀁘􀀮􀁊􀁾􀁡􀁰􀁥􀁲􀀮􀀠The Ii'AgiAeerill8 firm sho provide enough information to demonstrate the frrm's ability 􀁴􀁯􀁾􀁥project. The SOQ shall desi ate the individuals who will be assigned to the project (Principal-in-charge, Project Manager,' . T, etc.) and resumes for each individuaL A list of similar projects in scope and size to those listed that the frrm has completed in the last five (5) years shall be provided. For each project a description shall be provided along with _tcost, completion date, names ofproposed design team members involved in the project, name ofthe client, contact person, and phone number for contact person. he Keller Springs projects will be partially funded with the Town's DART-LAP/CMS monies. Th own of Addison currently has a disadvantaged business enterprise (PBE) goal of 15% where DA -AP/CMS monies are utilized. .. J..Jsfo .:SCJ 83 All written Statements ofQualifications submitted will be evaluated by the Selection Committee, 􀁾􀀠which will be made up ofJoim l3allmgartoer P,1l ,Director pfP'Iblic 'We" 5, IUl4 James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E., 1::; Assistant City Engineer. The review of the SOQ's will be based on the selection criteria shown on the 􀁾􀀠attached page. The SOQ should specifically address each criterhifor evaluation. If it is deemed necessary, the tdfi'rnnking firms will be asked to meet with the Town and make oral presentations. The firm the SA. Town deems most qualified will then present a proposal to perform the work and a fee will be negotiated. 􀁾􀀠The eesigll"'contract will go to the City Council for approval. 􀁾􀀠􀁉􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁾􀁵􀁬􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁴􀁳􀀠should direct questions and submit Statements of Qualifications to: 􀁾􀀮􀁴􀀠-Mailing: James C. Pierce Jr., P.E. Assistant City Engineer Street; 16801 Westgrove Addison, Texas 75248 * P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Phone: (972) 450-2879 Fax: (972) 450-2837