􀀧􀁾􀀱, ',: , ..•􀀱􀁾􀁾􀀠" Draft Recommendations and Scope of Work For Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing Facility And Underground Fuel Storage Tank Removal Prepared for Addison Airport Addison, Texas 1. Tasking: The Town ofAddison requested Washington Infrastructure to perform a review, make recommendations and develop the scope ofwork for design ofa replacement Bulk Fuel Storage Facility. The design and subsequent construction is to be accomplished in conjunction with the removal ofall existing Underground Fuel Storage Tanks, as specified in the to be developed and approved Underground Fuel Stcrage Tank Removal Plan. 2. References: Addison Airport ALP (Barnard Dunkelberg & Co), dated May 1999, and Addison Airport 10 year CIP (Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, LLP), dated Feb 2000 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Update (Camp Dresser & McKee), dated Feb 1,2001 Addison Airport Development Drawing (Washington Infrastructure), dated Oct 30, 2000. 3. Background: Although the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Addison Airport, does not specifically address an upgrade or replacement Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing fucility, the current status and regulatcry requirements for the nnmerous underground fuel stcrage tanks on Airport property mandate action. The referenced Phase I Environmental Site Assessment indicates a need to control bulk fuel stcrage and dispensing, including the installation ofenvironmental protection and spill prevention systems, along with the necessity ofbringing the Airport intc compliance with the current Underground Storage Tanks (UST) requirements. A do nothing alternative is not discussed because ofthe mandated upgrades required for the systems and because closing the airport is not considered a reasonable or viable option. 4. Discussion: Centralized Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing versus Decentralized The existing decentralized bulk fuel stcrage and dispensing systems are convenient for the tenant operators on the Airport. However, as indicated in the Phase I Environmental Assessment, and subsequent actions by the Airport's insurance carrier, environmental and spill prevention controls, along with operational and spill response accountability are not up to current requirements or Standards. As the Airport property owner, the Town ofAddison is responsible for oversight and management ofenvironmental requirements and will face increased liability for poor management practices. In comparing the convenience of decentralized bulk fuel stcrage and dispensing facilities versus a centralized system on the Airport, a centralized system allows for better security and effective management and monitoring ofoperations as well as the installation ofstandardized storage systems with appropriate environmental and spill prevention controls. In addition, a new centralized system ADS Draft: 04/11/01 1 Draft could be constructed in a large berm/diked containment area that would prevent catastrophic tank leakage and fuel release. A centralized system also allows the installation ofspill collections systems under the bulk fuel unload and dispensing stands, to safely collect inadvertent spills into an oil/water separator. Finally, the cost of retrofitting appropriate environmental and spill prevention controls, plus the cost to either install double wall underground fuel storage tanks with leak detection, or the area and cost to berm/dike new single wall above ground fuel storage tanks at each decentralized location, makes a centralized storage and dispensing facility a more cost effective alternative. Recommendation Number 1: The Town ofAddison and the Airport mandate that all bulk fuel storage and dispensing systems on the Airport are to be constructed in a centralized location with the appropriate containment and spill collection systems. 5. Proposed Location for a new Centralized Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing Facility: A proposed location for the "Future Fuel Farms" was identified on the May 1999 Airport Layout Plan (ALP); however, the site is not currently owned by the Airport. In addition, questions of land use and zoning compatibility could be raised, since the surrounding area and facilities are commerciaJ/business, not industrial and aircraft refuel truck access to the aircraft parking areas could be a problem. Some concems may also be raised about large over the road tanker trucks accessing the site for bulk fuel delivery. Several alternative locations are possible; however, for existing property owned by the Airport, a new proposed location was identified on the North side ofthe airport, from the intersection ofBent Tree Plaza, along Westgrove Road, adjacent to the Town Servicing Yard and Facilities. Construction would be outside the existing east Runway Obstacle Free Area line, but inside the 20 foot Building Restriction Line, which will make height of facilities a factor for design. The location location is compatible with the Town Servicing Yard activities and also provides an opportunity to install a Town use, gas/diesel vehicle dispensing pump, while providing for bulk storage within the Airport site. The greatest disadvantage ofthe location is that construction heights will be limited and the site is in the proposed "Future Approach" Runway Protection Zone. Construction ofthe Bulk Fuel Storage Facility on this site will preclude upgrading Runway 15, as listed on the May 1999 ALP, to a higher category precision instrument approach. Recommendation Number 2: None yet Determine ifthe proposed site is viable for the system or if it violates FAA guidelines for the current ILS approach. 6. Airport Ownership versus Supplier Ownership of Storage Tanks and Dispensing Equipment: The key factors to consider in determining ownership ofthe storage tanks and dispensing equipment include available funds, risk management, desire and ability to maintain the system and stability ofthe users. Ifthe Town/Airport has sufficient funding available and desires to make the up-front investment in a new storage and dispensing system, they can recover the investment by long term leasing ofstorage and dispensing to users. The advantages are construction ofstandardized storage tanks and dispensing equipment, common operation and maintenance procedures, and if any user develops financial problems, the storage and ADS Draft: 04/11/01 2 Draft equipment is owned by the Airport and will not he included in any bankruptcy proceedings. The disadvantages are that the Town!Airport must maintain the tanks and equipment either by contract or with in house personnel, and the Airport keeps liability for the storage tanks and dispensing equipment, along with the site. Ifthe TenantIFBO/Supplier installs the bulk storage and dispensing equipment, installed items should he specified and approved by the Airport for standardization oftank size, material and construction, along with commonality of dispensing equipment. Iftank and dispensing equipment is provided and installed by the TenantIFBO, lease documents should provide for immediate acquisition by the Airport at the amortized value ofthe equipment ifthe operator develops financial problems. Recommendation: 7. Single bulk fuel storage system versus multi-supplier system A single bulk fuel storage and dispensing system is the most efficient from a cost and space utilization perspective; however, ifa single system is used to supply all users ofthe Airport, then the system should he owned by the Airport. This will also require the Airport to competitively bid the total airfield fuel requirement on an annual or biennial basis and all users must purchase from this supply. The advantages are generally a lower per gallon price and a stable price to the user over the life ofthe supply contract; however, with market fluctuation, if the cost per gallon declines after the contract, the user will still pay the same. In short, the Airport is buying all fuels and the users buy fuels from the Airport and there is no competition after the Airport contracts for the best price available at time ofcontract. Since there is no market competition after contract, ifthe price offuel goes up, it's a good deal and if it goes down, the contract becomes a poor deal. Current FBO arrangements with branded fuel suppliers could be impacted by a single fuel storage operation. The decision to take the Airport into the aviation fuel market market as a supplier should he carefully considered by Airport and Town management. 8. Bulk fuel storage system Options: • CO!llbined Use Storage Facility with Shared Off-LoadlDispensing Facility TIlls option may be the best option in terms ofspace use and total cost. With a combined use . storage facility, one large fuel storage complex could he designed with secondary containment designed for the largest storage tank in the complex. TIlls method allows maximum flexibility for future needs and provides for maximum storage capacity in the minimum area used. The shared on-load/dispensing equipment also economizes on space use as well as cost, since only one storage and dispensing system is constructed. The storage tanks would use a card or key system to track withdrawal from the system by each user. TIlls system would work with one supplier, competitively bid by the Airport, for all airport users. Some disadvantages ofthis system is that all users share the facility, which could be an operational/maintenance maintenance problem, which will be an Airport responsibility, and there is increased liability risk to the Airport. If a spill occurs, it also may be more difficult to track responsibility. • Combined Use Off-Load and Storage Facility with Individual Dispensing Facilities ADS Draft: 04/11/01 3 Draft This option varies from the above option in that there is one selected fuel supplier and bulk fuel storage source which is dispensed to individual TenantIFBO for convenience of accounting and access to the stored bulk aviation fuel. • Individual Storage Facilities using a Combined Use Off-LoadJDispensing Facility This option varies from the first in that one Off-LoadlDispensing Stand would use electronically controlled pumps to place off-loaded fuel into the correct bulk fuel storage tank and electronically controlled dispensing pump would select fuel from the correct bulk fuel storage tank to fill aircraft fuel servicing trucks. Advantage is a little less space required for Combined Off-LoadlDispensing facility, but the design ofthe electronically controlled pump/manifold system is critical and there will be some product remaining in the dispensing piping after delivery, which goes to the next user. • Consolidated Individual Facilities for Eacb Aviati!)u Fuel Operators This concept is that each TenantIFBO/Supplier has an individual bulk fuel storage and dispensing system, either leased from the Airport or owned, within the Airport Bulk Fuel Storage site. Ifequipment and storage tanks are built by the users/suppliers, they follow Airport mandated standards for construction on the Airport owned site and the equipment and storage tanks are maintained by the user/supplier. Individual storage and dispensing equipment can be either Airport or TenantIFBO/Supplie r installed and owned. The advantage is that each storage and dispensing system is operated by the user, for clear delineation ofaccounting and responsibility, plus consolidated individual systems minimizes liability to the Airport. The greatest disadvantage is the individual system requires more area for construction. 9. Other Considerations: Industry standard filtering systems with automatic shutdown and alarms should be installed on the Off-Load side ofthe Storage Tanks, to protect product in the tank. An oillwaterseparator should be installed and connected to the bermed containment area, Off-Load and Dispensing pads to allow for immediate wash-down of any spilled product and a designated parking area fur any aircraft refueler vehicle that develop a leak. Use ofa concrete low wall would allow a more compact containment berm area and would also allow lowering the storage tank area by two to three feet, ifPart 77 geometry is a problem, or for appearance. Installing a panel and frame roof system, that allows access to storage tanks, would minimize rainfall into the containment area. This would also allow the containment area to be valve connected to a smaller oillwater separator so that any major spill in the containment area can be washed down and pumped out through the oillwater separator. A panel and frame roof system would also enhance the facility appearance from outside the Airport property 10. Scope of work: After including all appropriate guidance, recommendations and options, the scope of work will provide for comprehensive design services and the the production ofbid documents for the new Bulk Fuels Storage and Dispensing Facility at Addison Airport. Service should include developing an Environmental Assessment (EA) or a Category Exclusion (CA TEX) document as required, acquisition process support, bid result review, and optional construction management and inspection, and project close-outfas-built service, ifdesired by the Airport and Town. ADS Draft: 04111/01 4 Draft CONCEPTUAL SCOPE OF WORK For Underground Fuel Storage Tank Removal 1. Discussion: The following narrative describes the typical activities and possible results that would be conducted as part ofthe Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal and environmental remediation program at Addison Airport. The narrative is not in itself a detailed scope of work but is intended to provide guidance to Airport and Town Management on Environmental Engineering requirements and to support efforts in obtaining qualified contractors and testing consultants to successfully execute the Airport UST removal program. Environmental Engineering Consultant and Management functions are required at the Airport to oversee construction, evaluation, remedial actions and monitoring ofpossible problem sites, and to assist with qualified contractor selection. In addition to a Comprehensive Site Assessment, The Environmental Engineer must be prepared to rapidly accomplish specific tasks, such as contamination assessment for sites discovered during construction, in an effort to accomplish the UST removal as expeditiously and cost effectively