> > \ cc. ADDISON AIRPORT December 1, 1998 Mr. Jim Gardner H.B. Zachery Company P.O. Box 1004 Addison, Texas 75001 RE: Unresolved Toll Tunnel Issues Dear Jim: Attached is a letter from May requesting the replacement or repair of our damaged trusses that resulted from the tunnel construction. At the onset, we were assured they would be okay against the fence. Then the cranes and graters that were moving about the construction area later damaged them. We htroe been patient but it is time to replace the damaged trusses. Secondly, the "phantom" garage door has still not been located. The roll-up garage door, if it was found, has not yet been installed in the 1300 series hangars, as was agreed to. We htroe been patient but it is time to replace the missing door. Finally, last Tuesday one of the construction trucks backed on to the parking lot of Jet 10, alongJimmy Doolittle Road, and damaged the edge of the paved surface that was recently replaced. The hangar tenants witnessed the damage occur. This damage needs to be be corrected. YQUI quick and timely correction of these issues would be appreciated. Clearly, each of these issues is a direct result of your company or itS contractor. We are asking to be left whole just like you would wantif you were in QUI position. If you have any questions please contact me at (972) 248 7733, extension 104. SinCerelY'1i,ji.,.; /􀁾􀀠vwt,{ , I Kurt Hom Addison Airport of Texas, Inc. ADDISON AIRPORT OF TEXAS, INC•• 4505 CLAIRE CHENNAULT. DALLAS, TEXAS 75248·9721248-7733 FAX 9721248·2416 ADDISON AIRPORT May 5,1998 Mr. Jim Gardner H.B. Zachry Company P.O. Box 1004 Addison, TX 75001·1004 RE: Repair of damaged trusses Dear Jim, Please find enclosed the photos of the damaged trusses that we talked about. In further discussing this with my staff, they indicated that when we bought this dismantled hangar, we had little or no opportunity for complete removal before your construction cut offour access. Photo #1 taken on 12/21197 shows the restricted access, trnsses, and the CAT that caused the damage. Other enclosed photos will show the extent of damage. As we discussed last week, the overall damage amounts to $7,000. You and I could spend a lot oftime in further discussions about just who really is to blame. The bottom line is that I am willing to split the damages with Zachry. This amounts to $3,500. Ifyou have a better solution, please let me know. Otherwise, we need to close the books on this one now. I look forward to hearing from you this week. Sincerely, President ADDISON AIRPORT OF TEXAS. INC.• 4505 CLAIRE CHENNAULT. DALLAS. TEXAS 75248' 2141248· 7733 FAX 2141248·2416