U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SW5200.5B SOUTHWEST REGION 2/15/96 SUBJ: AIRPORT SAFETY DURING FAA-FUNDED AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION AND FAA FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 1. PURPOSE. This Order establishes airport safety standards for FAA-funded construction (Airport Improvement Program and Facilities and Equipment Program) and FAA facilities maintenance. 2. DISTRIBUTION. This Order is distributed to the Section level in the Airports and Airway Facilities Divisions, to the Branch level in the Flight Standards, Air Traffic, and Civil Aviation Security Divisions, to the Fort Worth Flight Procedures Office, to all Southwest Region field offices and facilities, and to F & E Field Installation/Construction Representatives. 3. CANCELLATION. Order SW 5200.5A, Airport Safety During FAA-Funded Airport Construction and FAA Facilities Maintenance, dated 6/6/89, is canceled. 4. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES. This Order revises and updates safety criteria for consistency with current FAA publications and updates references to regional organizations. 5. DEFINITIONS. a. Airport Elevation -the highest point on the landing surface of an airport. b. Certificated Airport -an airport which, by law, is safety-regulated by the FAA under Part 139 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, and which operates under specific safety requirements which apply to maintenance and construction activities on the airport. Certificated airports are listed in Appendix 2. c. Displaced Threshold -A threshold that is located at a point on the runway other than the designated beginning of the runway. A temporary displacement may be used Distribution: A-X-3(FS,AT.AP,CS); A-X-4(AF); Initiated By: ASW-620 A-FOF-O (maximum); A-FAF-10; A-FAS-1 FAA Form 1320·' U.S DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION fEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SW5200.5B CHG 1 SOUTHWEST REGION 6/1/96 SUBJ: AIRPORT SAFETY DURING FAA-FUNDED AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this change is to correct telephone numbers for Flight Service Stations listed in Appendix 4 to the Order, and to add Appendix 5, Pocket Safety Guide. 2. DISTRIBUTION. This change is distributed to the Section level in the Airports and Airway Facilities Divisions, to the Branch level in the Fli9ht Standards, Air Traffic. and Civil Aviation Security Divisions, to the Fort Worth Flight Procedures Office. to all Southwest Region field offices and facilities, and to F & E Field Installation/Construction Representatives. 3. PAGE CONTROL CHART: REMOVE PAGES DATED INSERT PAGES DATED Appendix 4 2/15/96 Appendix 4 6/1/96 Appendix 5 6/1/96 (1 and 2) Clyde M. DeHart, Jr. Regional Administrator Distribution A-X-3(FS/ATfAPfCS); A-X-4(AF); Initiated By ASW-620 A-FOF-O (maximum); A-FAF-10; A-FAS-1 FAA for-m 1320-" 2/15/96 SW 5200.58 b. Bid documents for on-airport construction or maintenance projects shall include general and specific safety requirements, based on Appendix 1 to this Order, so that contractors are aware of the costs and constraints which will apply during the project to maintain a high level of aviation safety. c. If the clearances and restrictions described in this Order cannot be maintained while construction or maintenance is underway, action will be taken as appropriate to: (1) close runways, taxiways, or aprons, (2) relocate or displace runway thresholds temporarily. (3) perform work at night or during periods of minimal aircraft activity, (4) close affected areas to certain types of aircraft. (51 restrict aircraft use by weight, wingspan, approach speed, or other characteristic, (6) shut down or restrict use of navigational or approach aids. d. FAA employees who are responsible for construction or maintenance activities on airports shall coordinate project safety and security requirements and impacts with the airport sponsor as soon as the impacts have been identified. but before commitments are made with contractors or others to perform work on an airport. Coordination will vary from formal predesign conferences to informal contacts with the airport manager or responsible sponsor official before starting work. 7. SAFETY IMPACTS. Potentially hazardous conditions which may occur during airport cons1fuction and maintenance include the following: a. Excavations, trenches, and stockpiled material on or near runways, taxiways and aprons. b. Construction equipment on aircraft operating areas or in runway approaches or departure areas. c. Inadequate construction area marking or lighting. d. lack of control over vehicle access to aircraft operating areas, unauthorized entry of personnel. vehicles, or animals. e. Inadequate vehicle marking or lighting. f. Deficient marking and lighting of temporary runway thresholds. Par 6 Page 3 2/15/96 sw 5200.58 (2) The Runway OFZ is a volume of airspace extending from the runway surface up to 150 feet above the runway. It extends 200 feet beyond each end of the runway and has the following width: Runways Serving: Visibility Minimums Other lower than 3/4 mile Runways Small Aircraft 300 feet 250 feet Large Aircraft 400 feet 1200 ft I IRwy OFZ I I \ \ 􀁉􀁾􀁉t9 I Plan View I lEnd View I Figure 1 OFZ -Visual Runways and Runways with visibility minimums not lower than 3/4 mile ,--------;:===::::;----'-------11 lnner-Transitiona! OFZ IRwy OFZ I ' \ IRwy IOFZ Iinner-Transitional OFZ! I Plan View I lEnd View I Figure 2 OFZ -Small airplanes exclusively with visibility minimums lower than 3/4 mile 2/15/96 SW 5200.5B b. Approach Clearance Over Equipment and Material. (1) Construction activity in a runway approach may result in a need to disRJace the landing threshold temporarily. If an object penetrates a surface shown in Fig. 5, displace the threshold to a point where the surface is not penetrated. (2) Objects which do not penetrate these surfaces still may be obstructions to air navigation and/or may affect standard instrument approach procedures. Coordinate these with the Fort Worth Flight Procedures Office, and the Air Traffic System • Management Branch, ASW·530, as necessary. Runway End IObstacle I 􀁉􀁾􀀠-----, IRunway I C Dimension (Feet) Small Aircraft Large Aircraft A 0 200 B 250 400 C 700 1000 D 2250 1500 E 2750 8500 Figure 5. 20: 1 Threshold Location Surface 2115/96 SW 5200.58 I w I. ' Aircraft Approach Category Runway Safety Area Dimensions (Feet) Airplane Design Group (See Appendix 3) A and B I II III IV visual runways and not lower than 3/4 mi approach visibility minimums Dimen. [i] 120 150 300 500 ru 30 40 100 175 [C] 240 300 600 1000 lower than 3/4 mi approach visibility minimums [i] 300 300 400 500 ru 100 100 150 175 W 600 600 800 1000 C and 0 I II III IV V [i] All 500 ru All 150 W All 1000 Note 1: Use dimension a or b, whichever results in the greater distance from the runway centerline. Note 2: Use dim·ension c or the existing safety area length, whichever is less, but no less than 200 feet. Note 3: Some certificated airports have or permit use of 400·foot wide runway safety areas during construction and maintenance. Coordinate proposals with the Airports Division, Safety and Standards Branch, ASW-620. Figure 7. Runway Safety Areas R I 2/15/96 sw 5200.5B e. Marking and Lighting (1) Temporary displaced runway threshold: . (a) Mark with white arrows and a white threshold bar as shown in Advisory Circular 150/5340-1, or (bl Use alternate marking which is: 􀁾􀀠Clearly visible to the pilot, 2 Not misleading, confusing, or deceptive, .a Secured in place to prevent movement, .4 Made of material which will minimize damage to aircraft which come in contact with the marking. (2) Temporary relocated runway threshold (partial closure of a runway): (a) Mark with yellow chevrons as shown in A.C. 150/5340-1, or use alternate marking as described in par. (1 )(b) above. (b) Runway distance remaining signs may need to be covered or removed during the closure to avoid misleading runway length indications to pilots. (3) Temporary runway thresholds must be lighted if all or part of a runway is to be open at night during construction and maintenance. The airport operator may already have temporary threshold lighting available, but this shouldbe determined in advance. (a) Use light lens colors and spacing in A.C. 150/5340·24, Runway and Taxiway Edge Lighting System. (b) Disable runway lighting on closed parts of runways and adjust amber lenses (caution zone) if necessary. On some lighting systems, it may be necessary to cover a light rather than removing the lamp or fixture. (c) Disable visual glide slope indicators (VASI, PAPI, PLASI, etc.), REIL, and approach lights which would otherwise give misleading indications to pilots as to the threshold location. Installation of temporary visual aids may be necessary to provide adequate guidance for pilots on approach to the affected runway. These may be funded or provided by the FAA or the sponsor. 2/15/96 SW 5200.5B g. Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) (1) Responsibility for issuing NOTAMs shall be determined before cons1:ruction or maintenance begins. Refer to Order 7930.1, t;Jational Notice to Airmen System, or Advisory Circular 150/5200-28, Notices to Airmen for Airport Operators. (2) NOTAMs on shutdown or irregular operation of FAA-owned facilities shall be issued and canceled only by FAA employees. Flight Data Center (FDC) NOT AMs on instrument approach procedures are issued by the Fort Worth Flight Procedures Office. NOTAMs on airport conditions and non-Federal navigational aids shall be issued and canceled only by the airport sponsor. Any person having reason to believe that a NOT AM is missing, incomplete, or inaccurate shall notify the responsible person. h. Vehicle Identification. FAA employees who operate vehicles on an airport shall comply with the airport owner's rules for vehicle marking, lighting, and operations, unless FAA requirements are more stringent. Vehicles operated by FAA employees on on active runways, taxiways, or safety areas shall be marked with orange and white flags or flashing yellow beacons during daylight hours, and with flashing yellow beacons at night.· Contractors and suppliers shall be informed of the applicable requirements of the airport sponsor by the FAA or airport sponsor employee responsible for the work. i. Controlling Access To Aircraft Operational Areas (1) Vehicle and pedestrian access routes for airport construction and maintenance shall be controlled as necessary to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized entry of persons, vehicles, and animals. The amount of construction traffic or local security/safety rules may require use of personnel to control access through gates or fencing, or across aircraft movement areas. Radio communications may be required between these personnel and a Control Tower if equipment and personnel must enter or cross an active Aircraft Movement Area. (2) Vehicle parking areas for FAA and contractor employees shall be designated in advance to minimize vehicle traffic in aircraft operating areas while still providing reasonable employee access to the job site. 9. STANDARD SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS. General safety provisions which apply during contract work on airports are contained in the following documents: a. Facilities and Equipment Program (F & E) projects -Additional General Provisions, FAA P-" Clause No. 75, "Special Precautions for Work at Operating Airports." b. Airport Improvement Program (AlP) projects -Advisory Circular 150/5370-'0, "Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports,· General Provisions 40-05, Maintenance of Traffic; 70-08, Barricades, Warning Signs, and Hazard Marking; 80-04, Limitation of Operations. 2115/96 SW 5200.58 Appendix 1 Appendix 1. SAFETY SPECIFICATION GUIDE 1. General Safety Requirements: During performance of this contract, the airport runways, taxiways, and aircraft parking aprons shall remain in use by aircraft to the maximum extent possible. Aircraft use of areas near the contractor's work will be controlled to minimize disturbance to the contractor's operation. The contra-::tor shall not allow his/her employees, subcontractor, suppliers, or any person over whom he/she has control to enter or remain in any part of the airport which would be hazardous to persons or to aircraft operations. Whenever aircraft operations require, the (Contracting Officer, Engineer, etc.) may order the contractor to suspend operations, move plant, personnel, equipment, and materials to a safe location and stand by until aircraft use is completed. 2. Obstacle Free Zone: Construction activity within an Obstacle Free Zone will require closing part or all of the affected runway. See Figures 1 -4. 3. Approach Clearance to Runways: Runway landing thresholds shall be located to provide an unobstructed approach surface with an approach ratio over equipment and material as shown on Figures 5 and 6. 4. Runway and Taxiway Safety Areas: Construction activity within a runway safety area will require closing part or all of the affected runway. Construction activity within taxiway safety areas/object free areas is permissible when the taxiway is open to aircraft traffic if: a. Adequate wingtip/empennage clearance exists between the aircraft and equipment/materiel, b. Excavations, trenches, or other conditions are conspicuously marked and lighted: c. Notices to Airmen are in effect concerning the activity, usually "Personnel and equipment adjacent to Taxiway _." Safety Area dimensions are shown on Figures 7 and 8. 5. Threshold Marking and Lighting: a. Temporary threshold marking is (required, not required). Threshold marking will be furnished by the (airport owner, contractor, etc.). b. Temporary threshold lighting is (required, not required). Threshold lighting will be furnished and maintained by the (airport owner, contractor, etc.). 2/15/96 SW 5200.58 Appendix 2 Appendix 2. FAA-CERTIFICATED AIRPORTS IN SOUTHWEST REGION (As of March 1996) ARKANSAS Fayetteville Drake (FYV) Fort Smith Regional (FSMI Hot Springs Memorial (HOT) Little Rock Adams Field (LIT) Texarkana Regional (TXK) LOUISIANA Alexandria Esler Regional (ESF) Alexandria Inti (AEX) Baton Rouge Ryan (BTR) Lafayette Regional (LFT) Lake Charles Chennault (CWF) Lake Charles Regional (LCH) Monroe Regional (MLU) New Iberia Acadiana Regional (ARA) New Orleans International (MSY) New Orleans Lakefront (NEW) Shreveport Regional (SHV) Tallulah Vicksburg-Tallulah Reg. (TVR) NEW MEXICO Albuquerque International (ABO) Farmington Four Corners Reg. (FMN) Hobbs -Lea County (Hobbs) (HOB) Las Cruces International (LRU) Los Alamos (LAM) Roswell Industrial (ROWI Ruidoso Sierra Blanca Reg. (SRR) OKLAHOMA Lawton Municipal (LAW) Oklahoma City Will Rogers (OKC) Stillwater Municipal (SWO) Tulsa International (TUL) TEXAS Abilene Regional (A81) Amarillo International (AMA) Austin Robert Mueller (AUS) Beaumont Jefferson Co. (BPT) Brownsville South Padre Is. (BRO) College Station Easterwood (CLL) Corpus Christi International (CRP) Dallas/Fort Worth International (DFW) Dallas Love (DALI EI Paso International (ELP) Fort Worth Alliance (AFW) Fort Worth Meacham Inti (FTW) Galveston Scholes (GLS) Harlingen Valley Inti (HRLI Houston Ellington (EFD) Houston Hobby (HOUI Houston Intercontinental (lAH) Killeen Municipal (lLE) Laredo International (LRD) Longview Gregg County {GGGI Lubbock International (LBB) McAllen Miller International (MFE) Midland International (MAF) Paris Cox Field (PRX) San Angelo Mathis Field (SJT) San Antonio International (SATI Temple Draughon-Miller Cen. Tx (TPL) Tyler Pounds Field (TYR) Victoria Regional (VCT) Waco Regional (ACT) Wichita Falls Muni/Sheppard AFB (SPS) 2/15/96 SW 5200.58 Appendix 3 Appendix 3. AIRPLANE DESIGN GROUPS Some safety standards in this Order are based on the uAirplane Design Group" from Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Airport Design. These Design Groups are based on . aircraft wingspan, with typical aircraft in each Design Group shown below. Design Group Wingspan I Up to but not including 49 feet Piper Navajo, Cessna 421, Fairchild Metro, Beech King Air, Mitsubishi MU-2, Rockwell Sabre 75, Lear 35/36, BAE/Hawker-Siddley HS-125/800 II 49 feet up to but not including 79 feet Cessna 441, Embraer 120 Brasilia, SAAB 340, Rockwell Sabre 65, Cessna Citation 111111, Beech 1900 Airliner, Gulfstream IIIIIIIIIIVN III 79 feet up to but not including 118 feet ATR 42/72, BAE-146, Boeing 727/737, Convair 580, DeHaviliand Dash 7, DC-9 (All). Fokker 100, MD-80, Fairchild F-27 IV 118 feet up to but not including 171 feet Boeing 707, 757, 767, DC-8, Lockheed L-1011, DC·10/MD-11 ] Z] feet UP to but not im.ludin9 2] 1: feel V Boeing 747, 777 611/96 SW 5200.5B Appendix 4 APPENDIX 4. FAA OFFICE DIRECTORY F_oliowing are the FAA offices with responsibilities for construction andlor maintenance on airports: Qffice IeieRbQoe EuoctiQOS Airports Division, Safety 817-222-5620 Airport safety, FAR 139, and Standards Branch, airport design standards, ASW-620 Airport Improvement Program project management Air Traffic Division, System 817-222-5530 Obstruction Evaluation, Air Management Branch, Traffic Procedures, ASW-530 obstruction marking and lighting, Control Tower lineof-sight Aviation System Standards, 817-222-4131 Instrument approach Fort Worth Flight procedures, Flight Data Procedures Office Center NOTAMs 6U!Qmaled Eligh! Service Notices to Airmen -Call StatiQOS !6FSSI Administration: 1-800Jonesboro, AR 501-932-4608 544-1709 DeRidder, LA 318-462-6111 423-9347 Albuquerque, NM 505-242-4442 525-9963NM 342-7635TX McAlester, OK 918-421-6000 722-4223 (OK only) Conroe, TX 409-760-4201 833-5602 Fort Worth, TX 817-654-2205 722-6209 -San Angelo, TX 915-944-8791 8791 433-8102 Civil Aviation Security 817-222-5700 Airport Security, FAR 107 Division, ASW·700 􀀶􀁩􀁛􀁾􀁡􀂥􀀠Eaciiilies Qb.dsiQO Resource Mgt. Branch 817-222-4200 NAVAID Planning NAS Implementation Br. 817-222-4500 NAVAID Implementation Operations Branch 817-222-4700 NAVAID Maintenance S¥s!em Main!eOllnce Qffice Albuquerque (NM. W. Tx) 505-764-6700 FAA Facilities Maintenance DallaslFort Worth (Metro) 214-453-4900 Houston (S. Tx, LA) 713-986-7100 Oklahoma City (OK, AR) 405-798-2000 1 611/96 SW 5200.5B Appendix 5 APPENDIX 5. POCKET SAFETY GUIDE This Pocket Guide is printed back-to-back and is intended to be cut out and used as a quickreference guide. POCKET GUIDE FOR AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE SAFETY 1. Runway Obstacle Free Zone (OFZI No construction activity or equipment within OFZ 􀁾􀀠extends 200 feet bel/ond runway end and 150' above rwvI[OFzl I frWVh: Plan View (j) e 􀁾􀁌􀀠Iw ® IOFZ I􀁾􀀠(j) Visual rwys & vis min. not < 314 mile 􀁾F ;=I􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀪􀀭􀁾􀀧􀀢􀁾􀁾􀁷􀀠 ® L.:..:.:J 60' Inner transitional Of2 (1) Small aeft. vis min. < 3/4 mile Q) Large aeft. vis min. < 3/4 mile w e 400' large ach. 􀀳􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀠small acft vis < 3/4 mile, 250' others 3.. Equipment on the Runway 􀁾􀀠Partial Closure 500' orUsable Runway 1000' H Closed area H 􀁲􀀮􀀺􀁔􀀺􀀭􀁥􀀭􀁭􀀭􀁰􀀭􀁯􀀭􀀬􀀮􀀭􀁲􀁹􀀭􀀺􀀺􀁒􀀺􀀭􀁥􀁬􀀺􀀭􀁯􀀭􀁣􀀭􀁡􀁴􀀺􀀭􀁥􀀭􀀺􀁤􀁾􀁔􀀻􀀺􀀻􀁨􀀭􀀬􀁥􀀭􀁳􀀭􀀻􀁨􀀭􀀰􀀷􀁉􀁤􀀷􀀱􀀠Small Aircraft (t 2,50011 or less) 500 feet large Aircraft (More than 12,50011) 1000 feet Based on equipment height of about 15 feet; higher objects may require special consideration, 2. Approach Clearance over Object in Runway Approach 1l2J . i !Disp'ace threshold to maintain 20!11 @]-=G=+!.I""--.J--E}I 4. Runway Safety Area (Use dimension a or b. whichever results in the greater distance from the runway centerline.) II· I ! ! Actt Appch Cat. A and B Runway Safety Area Dimensions(feet) ADG I II III IV V I Visual Rwys and Not lower than 314 Mi Visibility a 120 150 300 500 b 30 40 100 175 c 240 300 600 1000 Lower than 314 Mi Visibility a 300 300 400 500 b 100 100 150 175 c 600 600 BOO 1000 C-.... C and 0 All: a· 500, b-150. c-l000 Page 1 Jim Nelson of FAA called (817-222-4361) to check the status of the land acquisition. I told him I thought evel)flhing was "on schedule" with respect to condemnation -offers were made, with no response, and condemnation hearings were expected to take place in January. Please let me know if the info I gave him needs to be revised. Jim.