PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT (972) 45().2871 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀂮􀀠Post Office Box. 9010 Addison. 􀁔􀁥􀁸􀁾􀀠75001-9010 16801 WeatgroveAugust 23, 1999 Ms. Kathy Griffin, Grant Manager TxDOT, Aviation Division 125 E. 11th Street Austin, TX 78701-2483 Re: Addison Airport Westside Taxiway, TxDOT Number 9842ADDSN Dear Ms. Griffin: I have enclosed the following items regarding closeout of the above referenced project:• • Copy of Final Payment Request • Sponsor Certification for Construction Final Acceptance • Report of DBE Goal Accomplishments, DOT form 4630 • Report of Certified DBE Contractors Used on FAA Assisted Contracts The Property Map, Exhibit A, has not changed from the current property map on file with TxDOT Aviation Division, as a result of this project. Please give me a call at 972-450-2879 ifyou have any questions or require additional information. Very truly yours, Town· of Addison es C. Pierce, Jr., P.E. sistant City Engineer cc: Chris Terry, Assistant City Manager John BaumgartrIer, Director ofPublic Works Enclosures ----Sent fly: TOWN OF ADDISON; 972 450 7065; Aug-19-ge 14:14; Page 1 , To: se UP At: 2834 FINANCE DEPAR'mEl'fl' August 10. 1"999 Ms_ Karan Wiedemann Grant Administrator TxDOT -Aviation Division 125 E. 11'" Street Austin, TX 78701-2483 RE: TxDOT Contract No_ BXXFA040 Dear Ms. Wiedemann: Enclosed plaase find the final payment request and supporting documentation for the west Side Taxiway Improvement The dale of request is July 22, 1999. The amount requested is $100,538.99. If you should halte questions please contact John Baumgartner. Addison Public Works '-../Director. at (972)450-2886. 􀁳􀁩􀁮􀁣􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀯􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁃􀀭Randolph C. Moravec FBlance Director RCMlmg Enclosures cC: Sandra Goforth, Addison .Accounting Manager -,..􀁰􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀮􀁬􀁉􀁾􀁢􀁲� �􀁴􀁬􀁤􀁦􀁡􀀮􀁬􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁳􀁭􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁡􀁬􀀠memo 1671J'oI"","". 􀁾􀀠,"''' ,.' (4, ;q) -."..,r, A A -4i. co,p co. 0 DopL ........ FUf ..... Sont By: TOWN OF AJDISON; 972 450 7065; l\ug·19.99 14:14; Page 2/2 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANsPORTATION -PMslON OF AVIATION Grant Payment Request form (Rel.iever Airports) ATTACH COPY OF INVOICES TO THIS REQUEST CERTIFICATION OF SPONSOR I. John R. Baymgtll1ner, do hereby aH1iIV that 1 am Director "I Public Works. andfuat I am duly authorized to make 1hI.. cet1Hice1ion for and on 􀁾􀁨􀁳􀁬􀁦􀀠of the T""", of Addison. I further certify that lila attadl8d 􀁾􀀧􀁟􀁢􀁟􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁟􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀻􀀻􀁺􀀺􀀭􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧I further cerlll\f that the eceQ....!1s fnIe, corro<;t and lJIlIlald. 􀀸􀁾􀀠8-;t".?? SIGNATURE SPONSOR CERTIFICATE FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE Sponsor's Name: Town ofAddison Airport: Addison Airport Project Number: TxDOT Project No. 9842 ADDSN Project Description: West Taxiway and Connectors Section 509 (d) of the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, as amended (herein called the Act), authorizes the Secretary to require certification from sponsors that they will comply with statutory and administrative requirements. The following list of certified items includes major requirements for this aspect of project implementation. However, the list is not comprehensive, nor does it relieve sponsors from fully complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards. Every certified item must be marked. Each certified item with a "no" response must be fully explained in an attachment to this certification. If the item is not applicable to this project, m1,ll'k the item "N/A". General requirements for final acceptance and close-out of Federally funded construction projects are are in 49 CFR 18.50. The sponsor shall determine that project costs are accurate and proper in accordance with specific requirements of the Grant Agreement and contract documents. Indicate NIA ifthis 􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁩􀁲􀁾􀁳􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠is not applicable to the grant 1. The personnel engaged in project administration, engineering supervision, and consrmction inspection and testing (were) determined to be qualified and competent to perform the work .. Yes X No ___ N/A __ 2. Daily construction records (were) kept by the resident engineer/construction inspector. These records document work in progress, quality and quantity of materials delivered, test locations and results, instructions provided the contractor, weather, equipment use, labor requirements, safety problems, and changes required. Yes X No ___ N/A __ 3. Weekly payroll records and statements of compliance (were) submitted by the prime contractor and reviewed by the sponsor for Federal labor and civil right requirements (Advisory Circulars 150/5100-6 and 150/5100-15). Yes X No __ N/A __ ASW-610: Grant Certifications 615196 Page 1 of3 ------4. Compliance regarding the mandated Federal provisions set forth in the contract documents (have been) submitted to FAA. Yes X No ___ N/A __ 5. All tests specified in the plans and specifications (were) performed and the test results documented. A s\llIlffillIy oftest results (has been) available to FAA. Yes X No __ N/A __ 6. For any test results outside allowable tolerance, appropriate corrective actions (were) taken. Yes X No __ N/A __ 7. 􀁐􀁡􀁹􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁾􀀠to the contractor (were) made in compliance with contract provisions and verified by the sponsor's internal audit of contract records kept by the resident engineer. If appropriate, pay reduction factors required by the specification (were) applied"in computing final payments and a summary ofpay reductions (has been) available to FAA. Yes X No N/A __ 8. The project was accomplished without significant deviations, changes, or modifications from the approved plans and specifications, except where approval was obtained from FAA. Yes X No N/A __ 9. A final project inspection was conducted with representatives of the sponsor and the contractor. Project files contain documentation ofthe fmal inspection. Yes X No __ N/A __ 10. Work in the Grant Agreement was physically completed and corrective actions required as a result of the final inspection were completed to the satisfaction of the sponsor. Yes X No __ N/A __ 11. If requested, the as-built plans and an equipment inventory, if applicable, have been submitted to FAA. Yes X No __ N/A __ A revised airport layout plan was made available to FAA. Yes X No __ N/A __ ASW-610: Grant Certifications 615196 Page 2 of3 12. Applicable close-out financial reports have been submitted to FAA. Yes X No __ N/A __ I certify that, for the project identified herein, the responses to the forgoing items are correct as marked, and that the attachments, ifany, are correct and complete. Dated: June 1, 1999Signed: 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁯􀀺􀁁􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀽􀀭􀁊􀀻􀁌􀀮􀀭􀀭Jim Pierce, Jr., P .E., Assistant City Engineer Typed Name and Title ofSponsor's Representative ASW -610: Grant Certifications 615196 Page 3 on REPORT OF DBE GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Name ofSponsor: Town of Addison 2. Name of Allport Addison Airport 3. Name ofPreparer: Jim 􀁐􀁩􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁊􀀢􀀬􀁲􀀮􀁾􀀮P"'."'E.;-.-_-::;;-;;;;::__-;:-_ 'Telephone No. (972) 450-2879 4. Goal Period: From: If3/95 To: 611199 5. Approved Overall DBE Goal 15 % 6. AlP Project No.(s) TxDOTProiect No.: 9842 APDS"'N'---________􀁾..􀁾_____ Ca) Number (b)$ Value 7. Total Prime Contracts Awarded to all Colllractors .......................... __􀀭􀀬􀀬􀀲􀁾__ .,$ 2.370.740 8. Total Prime Contracts Awarded to DBEs ............................... ........ __-,,0,-__ o 9. Total Subcontracts Awarded to DBEs by non-DBE Prime Contractors .................................................................................... __--'-7___ $ 355.894 10. Total Prime and Subcontracts Awarded to DBEs (sum of Items 8 & 9) .................................................................... 􀁾............. ___7'--__ $ 355.894 11. 1O(b) divided by 7(b) = 15.01 % =actoalDBE Participation. 12. DBE Prime and Subcontract Awards by Type of Work: Number $ Value Women Total DBE Women TotalDBE a. Professional/Consulting Services 1 4 $ 55.157 $ 127,561 (1) Engineering ................................ ____ 1 $ 25,928 .(2) Archltectural.. ............................. ____ 􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀠(3) Consultants .................. ............... ____ (4) Testing ....................................... _--:-__ $ 29.936 (5) Other ................ , .................... , .... 􀁟􀁾􀁉__ 2 $ 55.157 $ 71.697 b. Construction 2 3 $ 138.204 $228.333 (1) GradingIDrainage .., ........ , ........... _--'IL--_ 1 $ 24.000 (2) Paving., ...................... " .. , ........... ____ (3) StructureslBuilding ..................... ____ (4) Landscaping ............ , ................ ,.____ (5) Electrical .. , ...... , .... " .. , .............. , .._--:-__ (6) Truc!dng..., ..... , .................. , .. , ..... _--'-l__ $ 114,204 $ 204,333 (7) Painting ......................... , ............ ____ (8) Fencing .... , ................. , ............... ____ (9) Other ."., .. , ................. " .. ,." .........____ c. Supplies (1) Electrical ........... , ........... , ............ ____ (2) Other .............. , .... , ...................... ___ d. Equipment (1) Leasing, ...,.. , ............................ , ..____ (2) Pnrchasing ....................... , .......... ___ TOTAL ............ , .. , .......................... " ............. _-'-1__ 7 $ 193.361 !Ii 355.894 13. DBE Prime and Subcontract Awards by disadvantaged Group: Number $ Value Black Americans ............. '..' ......................................... 􀁾􀁟􀁾􀀱􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀭__ $ 90.129 Hispanic Americans .. , .................... , ...... , .............. , ... '... __--=.1___ $ 16.540 Native Americans ........................... ' ...... , ...................... __---'1___ $ 29.936 Asian-Indian Americans .... , .. ,.., ............. , ...... , ..,.. , ...... , .. __--:___ Asian-Pacific Americans " .. ,.,.., .................... " .. " .... , ..... __􀁾􀀱􀀭􀀭􀀭$ 25.928 Women (thatarenotincludedabove) ........ , .... , ...... , ....... __--"3___ -1.193.361 Other disadvantaged ....... , .. , .................. , ....... , ....... , ....... __􀁾__ Total DBE .................................. , ......... , .. , ............... , .... __-'-__ $ 355 894 The P\Iblle reporting burdeD for eoUe<;tioQ ofinfonnation is estimated to average one hout per resPOI1SC. Ifyou wish to comment on the accuracy of the. estimate or make suggestions for reducing this burden. p1ease dir«( you cgmments to OMB and the DOT at !be followins; atldre:3ses: Office GfManagcmen; 􀁾Budget PaperwGrkReduction Project (2105-9510) Washingkln. OC 20503 end US OOTJOmIOSDBB. 842 400 Seventh Street. S.W. Washington. DC 20590 DOTF4630 REPORT OF CERTIFIED DBE CONTRACTORS US¥!D ON FAA-ASSISTED CONTRACTS Name ofAirport: Airport Sponsor: City/State: Preparer: Telephone No.: Date: Addison Town of AddiSQn Addison. Texas Robert G. Schmid(817) 545-0891 June L 1999 . t. P.E.fURS Greiner. Inc. List below information about DBEs that performed work on FAA-assisted contracts during the goal period which just expired. Ifno DBE firms participated on FAA assisted contracts, write "None" below. Name ofDBE firm: Address: City: ""D"'a"'lla""s'--___ Telephone No.: Type ofWork: $ Amount ofWork: AlP Grant No.: Name ofDBE firm: Address: .. PSA Engineering. Inc..m 11400 Dallas Parkway, Suite 110'---__________ State: -""T"'ex"'a....s_____ Zip: 75287 (972) 248-9651 Electrical Engineering $ 25,928 TxDOT Project No.: 􀀹􀀸􀀴􀀬􀀬􀀲􀁾􀁁􀁄􀁾􀁄􀀽􀁓􀀢􀀧􀁟􀁎􀀧􀁟􀁟_________ Wise Contractors -Consultants. Inc. Route LBox City: Oakwood Telephone No.: Type ofWork: $ Amount ofWork: AlP Grant No.: State: Texas Zip: 75855 (903) 389-74Q4L-_____________ Construction Inspection $ 55,157 TxDOT Project No.: 9842 ADDSN (Use additional sheets as necessary) Name ofDBE firm: Gorrondona & Associates, Inc. Address: 6737 Brentwood Stair Road. Suite 224 City: Fort Worth Telephone No.: Type of Work: $ Amount ofWork: AlP Grant No.: Name ofDBE firm: Address: State: "'T""ex:a"""s_____ Zip: 76122 (817) 496-1424 SUlVeying $ 16, 540 TxDOT Proiect 􀁎􀁑􀀬􀀺􀁾􀀹􀀢􀀬􀀸􀁃􀁌􀀴􀀲􀀢􀀭􀀬􀀭􀀬􀁁􀁄􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀬􀁄􀀼􀀭􀀬􀁓􀀢􀀬􀀬􀁎􀀬􀀭􀀭_________ Brenda Price Trucking 805 Nations Dr. City: ""Az"'I"'e'--____ Telephone No.: Type of Work: $ Amount ofWork: AlP Grant No.: Name ofDBE firm: Address: State: "'T"'exas"""-_____ Zip: 76020 (817) 444-083Q _______________ Trucking $ 114,204 TxDOT Project No.: 9842 ADDSN M. H. Construction Company, Inc. 5632FM428 .. City: "'Au,..,bDSN Addison, Texas 75001·9010 Addison Airport :Ilc:ar Mr. Bwmgattner: To close the federal grant fur your airport project please submit the fuUowiog: + Final payment or reimbursement request + .As-Built Plalls + &hibit A, Property Map, if;hanged from the ourrent property map on file with the AviatJonDivision, TxOOT. + Spol1llOr CeI1ification for CollliUUetion Final Al:ceptanee+ Report of])BE Goal Aecompliabments (DOT Form 4630)+ Report oeCertified DBE Contractors Used on FAA Assisted Contracts. BlKllosed are copies ofthe last three furms. Ifyou have questiOl\8 concerning the closeout, please contact me ul·800-687-4568. Sincerely, Kathy Griffin Grant Manager cc: Bruce Bbly TexSchmidt An Etlulll Owx1rtunlty Emp/aYOf 512 416 4510 P.03/08TXDOT RVIRTION DIVISIONMRR-25-1999 17:03 spONSOR cfjRIlFICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE SporuwfsName: _________________________________________________ 􀁾􀁮􀀺􀀠__________________ Project Number:________________ 􀁨􀁾􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁾􀁲􀁩􀁰􀁕􀁯􀁯􀀺􀀠____________________________________________ Section S09(d) ofthe 􀁾􀁲􀁴and Airway Improvement.Act of1982. as amended (herein called the Act). authorizes the 􀁓􀁾to require certification from sporuwrs that they will comply with statutory and administrative requirements. The following list ofcertified items includes major n:quirements for this upect ofproject implementation. However, the list is not comprehensive, nor does it relieve SPOlll!Ors from fUlly complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards Every certified item must be marked. Each certified itent with a "no· response must be tUny explained in an attachment to this certification. Ifthe item is not applicable to this project, mark the item "N/A· General requiremeatl for fmal acceptance and doslHIut ofFederally funded COAltruciloB projects are in 49 CFR 18.50. The ,pObsor .1uIll determibe diat project eolll are a«urate and proper in aeeonilUlce witll .peeifte requiremenb of the GrIIIIt Agreement and COIltl'llet doeumeau. Indicate N/A iflhis entire Rdioo is not applicable to the grant. 1. The personnel engaged in project administntion, engineering supervision, and consttuction inspection and testing (were) determined to be qIIlllliied and competent to perform the work. Yu_No_NfA 2. Daily construction records (were) kept by the resident O!qJineer/construction inspector. These records document work in progre8&, quality and quantity ofmaterials delivered, test locations and results, instructions provided the contractor, weather, equipment use, labor requirements, safety problems, and changes required. . Ye& __No 3. Weekly payroll r\!!COl"ds and statements ofcompliance (were) submitted by the prime contractor and reviewed by the sponsor for Federal labor and civil civil rights requirements (Advisory Circulars 150/5100-6 and 150151OO.1S). Ye5_No __N/A_ ASW0610: Grant CertifleatioAs 61S196 Page1 of 3 512 416 4510 P.04/08TXOOT AVIATION DIVISIONMAR-25-1999 17:04 4. Complaints regarding the mandated Federal provisions set forth in the contract documents (have been) submitted to FAA. Yes No NfA 5. All tests specified in the plans and specifications (were) perfonued and the test remits documented. A sununluy oftest results (has been) available to FAA. Yes No_N/A_ 6. For any test results outside allowable tolerances, appropriate corrective actions (were) taken. Yes No NfA 7. Payments to the contractor (were) made in compliance with contract provisions and verified by the sponsor's internal audit ofCODll'tlCt records kept by the resident enginew. Ifappropriate, pay reduction factors required by the specifications (were) applied in computins final payments and a summary ofpay reductions (has been) available to FAA Yes __No_NlA_ 8. The project was accomplished without significant deviations. changes, or modificatiollll from the approved plans and specifications, except where approval WI!! obtllined from FAA. Yes Yes No __N/A 9. A final project inspection WI!! conducted with representatives ofthe SPOllllOr and the contrsctor. Project files contain documentation of'the final inspection. Yes __No NfA_ 10, Work in the Grant Agreement was physieally completed and corrective actions required as a result of the final inspection were completed to the satisfaction of'the SPOllllOr, YIlB_No_NfA 11. Ifrequested, the u-built plans and an equipment inventory, ifapplicable, have been submitted to FAA Yes_No N/A A revised airport layout plan WI!! made available to FAA Yes_No_N/A ASW-610: Grant Certification, 615196 Papa oS: :I 512 416 4510 P.05/08TXDOT RVIRTION DIVISIONMRR-25-1999 17:04 12. Applicable close-out financial reports have been submitted to FAA. Yes_No_N/A__ I certifY that, for the project Identified herein, the responses to the forgoing items are correct as marked, and that the attachments, ifany, are colTeCt and complete. Signed: --------:--c----:----,.-----Dated: _______ Sponsor's Authorized RepresCllbltive Typed Name and Title ofSponsor's Representative ASW-610: Gnut Cenlficatioas 615196 Page3 cf 3 ------------W11!JhJde TMiway ExpefldlturesJRelmbursemenl5 """_."""....'" fI,""'r95"...,.,,.-,,,"""''' 2iW1il>4l1 ,...., 2l'.fM>-Q& 􀀱􀀱􀀬􀁦􀀬􀁜􀁾􀀠,....... ,.,.,'" --..... >H. ,.....".,...... ,.... IT-ll!Ja.OO-",.,.00 "'-"'...,." Ott." 07.Q..t.98 07-Oct.9Il 23-Od.D6 ad,", 1I-NaJ,96 .s..Nov·G8 􀀲􀀧􀁾􀁏􀀧􀁴􀂷􀀹􀀸􀀠Det:-96 􀁬􀀱􀀮􀀮􀀯􀁯􀁬􀂢􀁙􀀭􀀹􀁾􀀠14.oec-D8 14.ote.9a 􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁉􀀱􀂷􀁗􀀠,..... 11..JarrK 211-J....95J 8.!.Iftr-OO 􀀱􀁯􀁉􀀼􀁩􀀱􀀮􀁥􀁾􀀠,."... zs.loIsr-S9 ""'... ......,... 2l..k!:>.f9 J:,1.g9 21-May-9B,'-""" "....." ,."..." ...." "'''-O' ....... In<>. Gl1linH,I¥l:.. >3/IlInft,lM, 0...:. FI Wmm SIIbu/bmI 􀁾􀀠 O«:ojMr,frn:. -,,",,, s.......,1m:. am:."',frn: 􀁴􀁜􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁴􀀡􀁉􀁓􀁬􀀴􀁷􀁷􀀮􀀤􀁬􀀡􀁢􀀮􀀡􀁦􀁴􀀬􀀯􀁉􀁉􀀩􀁾􀀠, GI!lIn!l<,.ine "''''''''''T"O"lIIb... . AmIwI\I «!({d kllm T>D:n -,,,", TWII....,...,... """"" ,.,""􀁁􀁭􀁩􀀻􀁾􀀻􀁲􀁴􀀢􀀢􀀺􀁤􀁴􀁲􀁯􀁭􀁔􀁸􀁴􀁉􀀼􀁬􀁉􀀠GaV ... ,Inc, 􀀢􀀢􀁾􀀠TC!i:luptil£Iotperte!!Lage lIOclllhDre MIoll/1t rec""d 􀁦􀀡􀁾􀁭􀀠TIpOIIlitura "''''''' TI.H'"""Ooi:i!c.!. T«Icha 􀁾􀀮􀀡􀀮􀁔􀁷􀁾􀀠De!IIru>.!.Twcha TDIlII .........:iI:!L'ft 􀁔􀁊􀁯􀁴􀀺􀁯􀁣􀁴􀁰􀁥􀁊􀁾􀁧􀁥􀀠nf)cttio." ToIiIIl)f)oI ohanI 􀁾􀀢􀀮Go\. 􀁬􀁟􀀦􀁴􀁒􀀺􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁬􀀮􀁮􀁯􀁴􀁾􀀠􀁔􀁉􀀡􀁢􀁩􀁔􀁾􀁾􀁑􀁾􀁯􀁩􀁍􀀨􀁉􀁴􀀠􀀱􀀯􀀶􀁦􀁾􀀱􀁟􀁾􀀠""'"" o:e;2o:e.OO 565141,51) 21,031.SO -482.-40 l1,w,OO 1,300,"20 2..100.$6 􀀡􀁉􀀱􀁬􀁬􀀮􀁾􀀠...... &.4l11i.OO ,""'..,''''''' 􀀮􀁾􀀠t45e5.10 145&35,00 "'"'''' 18440055 161,0Zl.55 24,181.50 33::m.1Q 57.4SO.&O 107824.00 􀀱􀀰􀀷􀀮􀁾􀀲􀀴􀀮􀀨􀁉􀁏􀀠13ml.00 13,774.00 2.185,00 107,U4.ea "'.00 􀀷􀁾􀀺􀀰􀀰􀀠'"'..111,1!l9,1Ii! 0." l005nh 􀁬􀀮􀁬􀁬􀀱􀁾􀁁􀁬􀀠􀁾􀀸􀀱􀀺􀀰􀀰􀀡􀀠2,3lt 111,oI2 􀁩􀁾􀀳􀀱􀁬􀁮􀀻􀀼􀁊􀁉􀀠.....ET9r.ecM'i! 􀁅􀁲􀀹􀁮􀁴􀁯􀀢􀁾"'.., -"" 􀁥􀁲􀁱􀁲􀀮􀁥􀁥􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠E""n..􀁲􀁬􀁮􀁾-, 􀁛􀁲􀁯􀀧􀁍􀀭􀁾􀀠􀀢􀀬􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁅􀁾􀀧􀁥􀁍􀁧􀀠􀁅􀁮􀁧􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁥􀁍􀁾􀀠c._"" ---,-"'"'􀁾􀀮􀁗􀁂􀁉􀀮􀀧􀁜􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁮􀀠"""""'" Engil'.elmng CIIIl't:u1;lfon 􀁃􀁯􀁮􀁬􀁴􀁲􀁾􀁾􀀠EI\;InMMII ,C_, 􀀢􀀢􀁾 . J FROM: H. IS. Zaebry ComPIiU\Y . _l!lO4 P.O. TX 751li11-1004AddliOii. JOB NO: D!SCRIPTtQN: 8542ADOsN Ccnal>uct West T'-V IlId Con_ _ O..lnq.lmpr.......nta (South SOiImenll TO: Town af AdJ!iaon (cia URS Greiner) Addison Plnllncel Bulkiing 5350 Boltline Rd. Addbson. tit 75240 es"MATE NO.: PERIOD FROM: PERIOOTO: -\ 710 􀁾􀁾􀀠is"'' c:r \ 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠" FROM: H. B. Zachry Com..... JOB NO: N<42NlCSN P.O. Box 1004 CUC:AIPTfOH: ConoIructWootT"""'"Y MClc;on_Addl..,n; TX 7500M004 ¥At!> Dralnagelmp_nlS (Solllll S"Ilmentl TO: 􀁔􀁾􀀡􀀩􀁌􀁾􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁣􀁦􀁯􀁕􀁭 􀁒􀁾􀁓􀁾􀁇􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁉􀁾􀁮􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀩􀁾􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀡􀀭􀁤􀁾􀁾􀁅􀀮􀁐􀀧􀁩􀁮􀁡􀀡􀀡􀀮􀁴􀀺􀁥􀀠Building 5350 BeltJlne Rd, AddT$on. TX75240 TOTAl. WORK 􀁐􀁾􀁒􀁆􀁏􀁒􀁍􀁬􀀡􀁄􀀠TO 􀁄􀁁􀁾􀀺􀀠TOTAl. MATI!RlAI.S ON HAND LESS: OJ.,; Retalnog.: (This Is a 1'II1!0",'or111"" PaymeJtt lilt Ill. ,.1BInBI/lOffi.,.Box9010 Add;"•• T"".. 75001·9010 16801 Wc:stgrovc MEMORANDUM To: Chris Terry, Assistant City Manager Through: John Baumgartner, Director ofPublic 􀁾J2B From: Jim Pierce, Assistant City Engineer f:Jf>r . Subject: Acceptance ofthe West Taxiway Project (project Number 54200} H.B. Zachry Co. has completed the above referenced project as per the plans and specifications. Attached is their pay request for final payment of$ 107,824.98. The original contract amount for the project was $2,060,627.77. The actual work performed by H.B. Zachry, including approved change orders, was $2,156,499.66. The Town will receive 90% ofeligible costs through a grant from TxDOT -Avation Division. Staffrecomrnends that the Council accept the construction ofthe West Taxiway and Connectors with Drainage Improvements (South Segment), on Addison Airport, and authorize final payment of $107,824.98 to H.B. Zachry Company, subject to receipt of a satisfactory Affidavit of Bills Paid and One-One-Year Maintenance Bond. Date MEMORANDUM To: Ron Whitehead, City Manager From: Jim Pierce, Assistant City Engineer Subject: Acceptance ofthe West Taxiway Project (project Number 54200) H.B. Zachry Co. hllS completed the above referenced project as per the plans and specifications. Attached is their pily request for final payment 0[$107,824.98. The original contract amount for the project was $2,060,627.77. The actual work performed by H.B. Zachry, including change orders, was $2,156,499.66. The Town will receive 90% of eligible costs through a grant from TxDOT-Avation Division. The contractor has submitted his Affidavit ofBills Paid and one year Maintenance Bond. Staff recommends that the Council accept the construction ofthe West Taxiway and Connectors with Drainage Improvements (South Segment), on Addison Airport, and authorize final payment 0[$107,824.98 to H.B. Zachry Company. $ 􀁌􀁖􀁥􀀮􀁥􀀡􀀺􀀮􀁉􀀱􀀡􀁪􀁍􀀭􀁃􀀮􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀨􀁴􀀡􀁓􀀠tYlSkJ. of w.....J. bl... City A'2...Lf'i State Ii, Zip 1uc?.o Telephone: '8'b -"\ yy -􀁣􀁧􀁾q Fax: «'1."1-y44 -"Z ['0'2A 􀁔􀁹􀁰􀁥􀁯􀁦􀁗􀁯􀁾􀀺􀀠􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀨􀁾􀁖􀁾􀁃􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁜􀁗􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁤􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀂭Dollar Amount of Work: _.1--LL;+Jk.<.c1.Q..._----!---'-.A:.;c:;.;.+..:-v...:"''-1-'-lJ_.F_$_4-;, -";1ry AlP Grant Number: -•.􀀺􀁟􀀺􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀢􀀬􀀠'. 􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀠:__DBE 􀁔􀁹􀁰􀁥􀀺􀀮􀀬􀀮􀁊􀀭􀁉􀁌􀀮􀁌􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀠Certified by Nt􀁮􀀲􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀭􀁃􀁾􀁁􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭-􀀣􀁗􀀮􀁳􀁢􀁜􀀩􀀲􀀧􀀺􀁬􀁚􀀱􀀾􀁾􀀮􀁅􀁸􀁰􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁳􀀠􀀭􀀾􀀮􀁌􀁬􀁾􀀭􀀱􀀭􀀮􀁉􀀠􀁬􀁙􀀭􀀧􀁗􀁾􀀠'l-lo. 􀁜􀁾􀁬􀁯􀁏􀀠Olq'1 Name of DBE firm: Address: City ________ State __Zip __ Telephone: Fax: 􀁔􀁹􀁰􀁥􀁯􀁦􀁗􀁯􀁾􀀺􀀠__________________􀁾􀀭___ " .Dollar Amount 􀁯􀁦􀁗􀁯􀁾􀀺􀀠_____________________ AlP Grant Number: ______________DBE Type: ____ MAY BE COPIED FOR AODITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY · . Report of Certified DBE Contractors Used on FAA assisted Contracts Name of Airport: ___---'Ac:!!d8dmis!!,!oun.cA!!!.irp!,!!o,!!rt!...-________ Airport Sponsor. ___􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁩􀁔􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀡􀁩􀁯 􀁾􀁷􀀮􀁵􀁮􀁊􀀺􀀡􀁯􀀡􀀮􀁊􀁦􀁁􀁣􀀺􀀡􀀡􀁤􀀬􀁲􀀬􀁬􀀬􀁤􀀡􀀡􀁬􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁯􀀡􀀡􀀡􀁮________ City/State: ____􀀭􀀭􀀱􀀮􀁁􀀺􀁬􀁬􀁤􀁪􀀩􀁩􀁤􀀡􀀮􀁬􀁅􀁩􀁳􀁯􀁾􀁮􀀡􀀮􀀡􀀮􀀮􀁟􀀮􀀡􀁔􀀮􀀡􀀲􀁥􀁾􀁸􀁡􀁩􀀡􀁩􀁳􀁌􀁟􀀮___________ Preparer. ______􀀭􀀮􀁊􀀬􀁃􀁯􀀡􀀡􀀮􀁬􀁹􀁵􀁤􀁾􀁥􀀮􀁊􀀡􀀮􀁊􀀮􀀡􀀮􀀡􀀡􀁯􀁨􀁕􀁬􀁮􀀵􀀡􀁳􀁾􀁯􀁮􀀡􀀮􀀡􀁟_________ Telephone Number: 972-450-7090 Date Prepared: 􀁈􀁁􀁾􀀠"'1 19% List below information about certified DBE's that performed work on FAA assisted contracts during this Fiscal Year. If no DBE firms participated on FAA assisted contracts, write "None" below. Name of DBE firm: 'IOt>.S H.H. 􀁾􀁬􀁮􀁥􀁵􀁣􀀮􀀮􀁬􀁬􀁄􀁎􀀠en,Wc... Address: SIR_52 FM. y""'n'->--___􀁾􀁟􀀠 City -AUbRY State IX_Zip:JJ¥l'l7 Telephone: 􀀧􀁩􀁩􀁾􀁯􀀠-􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀾􀀭Q 8::;1 Fax: CO] 1-\0 -392..-0bY I Type of Worl<: 􀁾-\JAre£N 1'\1 N' 􀁜􀁍􀁗􀀭􀁾􀁎􀁦􀀩􀀠\JnUJJe'S Dollar Amount of Worl<: _J;'J,.2<..:4:t.,I,LCOO&...!l..L-____________ AlP Grant Number: 􀀭􀀽􀁾____􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀭___DBE Type: 􀁍􀁉􀁜􀀧􀁸􀀩􀁾􀁃􀁜􀁖􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁩􀀮􀁅􀁓􀀠􀁾􀀩􀀠 Certified by -rx -'N'R Ii: 􀀣􀁄􀁾􀀴􀀮􀀠Expires ro 6'1 tq9<:\ 􀁾􀁒􀀮􀁃􀀱􀀱􀀠em. 􀁾􀀮􀀠WF5D2'l37VD4Q9 Name of DBE firm: Address: City _______ State __Zip __ Telephone: _________ Fax: ____________ TypeofWorl<: _______________________-Dollar AmountofWorl<: ______________________ AlP Grant Number: _____________DBE Type: ___ MAYBE COPIED FOR ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY ! • • Report of Certified DBE Contractors Used on FAA assisted Contracts Name of Airport ____􀀮􀁊􀀺􀀮􀁁􀀺􀁜􀀡􀀬􀁤􀁾􀁤􀁂􀀡􀁩􀁳􀀡􀁬􀀺􀀡􀁯􀀡􀀡􀁮􀁊􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁁􀁩􀁉􀀡􀀡􀂷􀁲􀁰􀁯􀁬􀀡􀀡􀀮􀀡􀁬􀁲􀁴􀁌􀀮􀀮________ Airport Sponsor: ____􀁔􀀮􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀻􀁯􀀾􀀡􀁬􀁷􀁾􀁮􀀮􀁌􀁯􀁾􀁦􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀡􀁁􀁾􀁤􀀡􀁬􀀺􀁤􀀡􀀡􀀵􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁯􀁾􀁮_________ City/State: _____􀀮􀁉􀀺􀀮􀁁􀁤􀁾􀁤􀀺􀀡􀁩􀁩􀁬􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁌􀁌􀀬􀀧􀁟􀀧􀁔􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀻􀁥􀀧􀁟􀀡􀀡􀁸􀀡� �􀁡􀁳􀀲􀀮􀀮􀁟_________ Preparer: _____.-l.Cdlly(!!d!!;1e:..!!J!.!,1o!!;hnLEs;!!,o!!.!nL-________ Telephone Number: 972-450·7090 Date Prepared: 􀁍􀁁􀁾y \ 􀁜􀁾􀁱􀁴􀀩􀀠List below information about certified DBE's that performed work on FAA assisted contracts during this Fiscal Year. If no DBE firms participated on FAA assisted contracts, write "None" below. Name ofDBE firm: 􀁟􀁝􀁪􀀮􀁌􀀧􀁅􀁕􀁁􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀡􀀺􀀮􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀧􀀮􀀮􀁌􀁈􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀮􀁬􀁦􀁴􀂫􀀮􀀮􀁾_________ Address: I\b!'j;> AQ.'-eS. 􀀱􀀴􀁎􀀮􀁾􀀠Name of DBE firm: Address: City State Zip Telephone: Fax: Type of Work: . . Dollar Amount of Work: AlP Grant Number: DBEType: MAYBE COPIED FOR ADDmONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY City l>trn.a:s State li Zip ?15(,t.9 Telephone: crl:l.-􀁾􀁴􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁪􀀼􀁬􀀮􀁑􀁑􀀮􀀮􀀠 Fax: !11Z -L1i{£-'bctlo Type of Work: 􀂣􀁎􀁖􀁬􀁩􀁢􀁬􀀾􀁯􀁊􀁍􀁾􀀠$gg.'NlO's (QA-Qr) Dollar Amount of Work: 􀁟􀀤􀁾􀀲􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁊􀀹􀁌􀀬􀀮􀁃􀁪􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀡􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀬􀀭_______--::,--__ AlP Grant Number: -' DBE Type: W'oIlfllN.HENTA...€NE:t S"C • Certified by # Expires fffig9 . NC1'Icf'i+C 􀀨􀁢􀀢􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀬􀁥􀁴􀀮􀀡􀀠e L C 0 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠i 􀁾􀀠• 􀀮􀀡􀁾􀀬􀁈􀀠􀁾􀁟􀀡-;i I O:)j'􀁾􀁥􀁾􀀭􀁩􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀺􀀧􀁅􀀩􀀻􀀻􀁾􀁩􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁧􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀠I :;·Sf: ,",I:: a CO ::> ct -I:; 􀁟􀁣􀀺􀁾I' 􀁾􀀢􀁥􀁯􀀽􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮-a 0' I;; E ..; .§gr,Fc..:::::,gel':.5!-lle,.lf" ..., ,;; 􀀬􀁧􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀮􀁧􀀠􀁓􀀧􀁏􀁾􀂷􀀮􀀮􀀧􀀡􀀡􀁂􀀲􀀺􀁕􀀠􀁴􀁾􀀡􀀺􀀻􀀡􀁃􀀻􀁾􀁩􀀱􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁬􀁾􀀡􀁬􀁾􀀠􀀮􀁃􀀺􀀮􀀻􀁅􀀢� �􀁓􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁩􀀵􀀠􀁩􀀱􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁧􀁩􀀻􀁾􀁯f 􀁾􀀠i = ; a n 5 􀁾􀀠.. -... 􀁾􀀠"" 􀁡􀀺􀁧􀁾􀂣􀁾􀁧􀀦􀀠􀁾􀀠Ii: w g" il􀁾􀀠 o " 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀀠􀁾􀀠8 :;;.. 􀁾􀀠"' ::E 􀁾􀀠"!::􀁾􀀠z _'"e; 0 􀁢􀁾􀁦􀁾􀁾 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠! 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀸􀀠8 􀁾􀀠􀁧􀁦􀁦􀁩􀁾􀀠r :5f 􀁾􀁯􀁾 ., 􀁾􀀭 99722645597 P. 0404-21-1999 01'43PM FROM Addison Soc Ctr -Upstairs TO ... ".. ". REPORT OF CERlIFlHD DBE CONTltACTOas USED ON FAA-ASSUi lED CONTKAcrs 􀁍􀁁􀁜􀁾􀁦􀁜􀀠£:';, Qod Pn.p...,,; TelIpbono No.; Date: List below iafonnatioll about DBE'II that per1b11llOCl WOIt Ob FAA-Wistcc! 􀁾􀀠dumg tIIo goal period wlddljust expired. IfIlO DBE 6nDs 􀁾011 PAA-usiate4 wntuwts,. write "None" below. : CI1y. S 't.t).0j('j\I; \\e.. TeIepboDe No.: Type ofWoric S Amount OfWork: 􀀧􀁾􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀱􀁩􀀦􀀻􀀭􀁾􀁯􀀠.. _",... 􀁾􀁬􀀮􀀧􀀠.... . Name ofDBE rum: 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀫􀁉􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁾􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭Addn:rss: City: Sate: Zip:--=-::------------Telephone No.: Type orWodc: $ AIIIowIt ofWork: . S AlP GnDI. No.: ------􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭T OTAl.. P.1iS TOTAl.. P.04 __ 10-30-1998 04:09PM FROM Adelson Svc Ctr TO 99722670435 P.82 • Report of Certified DBE ConCntctors u..d on FAA ...18C8d Contracts Name of AirPort ___---"AddI!!'''''''''''OD.......A!rpoI1' ''''''......________ 􀁾􀁾􀁓􀁾􀁯􀁲􀀮___􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀢􀁬􀀰􀁭􀁾􀁷􀁯􀁦􀁾􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁾􀁭􀁯􀁯􀁾􀁾________ 􀁾􀁾􀁵􀁮􀁾􀀠____􀁾􀁾􀂷􀁭􀁍􀁾􀁮􀁾􀀬􀁔􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁸􀁡􀁾􀁳􀁌􀁟_________ Preparer: _____􀀮􀀳􀀰􀁃􀀺􀁵􀁉􀁹􀁾􀁤􀁥􀀡􀀡􀀮􀀻� �􀁯􀁾􀁢􀁴􀁉􀀮􀁌􀁮􀁳􀁯􀁮􀀡􀁩􀀡􀁬􀀺􀀡􀀡􀁊􀁾________ TelephOne Number: 972-450-7Q90 Oate Prepared: ____ Ust below information about certified DBE's that performed work on FAA assisted contracts during this fiscal Year. If no DBE firms participated on FAA ••sisted contracts, write "None" below. Name of OBE finn: Address: State :tR Zip 7S'fJ),0 6 '7B City 􀁾􀀠TeJePhone:G7007...2.f]2.J F Type of Wor1<: 􀁟􀀡􀀮􀀮􀁁􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀡􀁜􀁣􀀮􀀡􀁲􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁲􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁟􀁌􀁾􀀺􀀮􀀡􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀡􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀂷􀁾􀁌___ Dollar Amount of 􀁗􀁏􀁲􀀱􀀼􀀺􀁾􀀺􀁴􀀺􀀡􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀱􀁾􀀴􀀭􀁌􀀽􀁕􀁩􀁯􀁴􀀮􀀭􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁇􀁾� �􀀭􀀽􀀭􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀭􀁟􀀭􀁦􀀩AlP Grant Number: Number: T"-_____..,,-____DBE Type: -u..""",--,,",v Certified by tJ. expires __'_ Name of oee finn; Address: MAY BE COPIED FOR ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY TOTFl. P,82 __ __ TOWN OF 􀀨􀁾􀀻􀀷􀀧􀀺􀀠ADDIsoN PUBLIC WORKS To: li-x scJ fYl/j f: Company: Ugs wet11ft: FAX#: 􀀱􀀭􀀭􀀸􀀱􀀱􀀭􀀵􀀢􀁣􀁦􀁾􀁾􀁦􀀩531 Date:,__􀁌􀁦􀀮􀁬􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁾}..c) ---2....L.-..l.9 # of pages (including cover):$.From: James C. Pierce,Jr.,P.E.,DEE Assistant City Engineer Phone: 972/450-2879 FAX: 972/450-2834 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 Re: /;L!eshcc/-e-lixll()7 o Original in mail o Per your request o FYI o CaUme Comments:___....,L-.."J,-_______,,--_______ \ AVIATION DIVISION 125 E. 11TH STREET· AUSTIN. TEXAS 78701-2483 • 5121416-4500 • FAX 5121416-4510 t'v.......-· ,. March 5,1998 , ,:'t·>J r\, (i 􀁾t-''''' ! •. " The Honorable Richard N. Beckert Mayor, City of Addison 5300 Beltline Addison, Texas 75240 Dear Mayor Beckert: Enclosed are several documents that must be completed by you in order to initiate the airport development project for the Addison Airport, TxDOT CSJ Number 9842ADDSN. Please review the instructions in this transmittal letter for completing the documents. We are most pleased to provide any assistance possible to help complete this project in a timely manner. Enclosed are two copies of the Airport Project Participation Agreement (APPA) between the City ofAddison, as airport sponsor, and the Texas Department of Transportation, Aviation Division, as your agent for this project. The Agreement includes several parts. Part I describes the participants and the project. Part II includes the state's offer of financial assistance for the project. Part III identifies the obligations of the sponsor in accepting the state's financial assistance. In Part IV of the Agreem t, the Texas Department ofTransportation is named as your agent in implementing this p 􀁾􀁥􀁣􀁴􀀠and describes what the Department's responsibilities are as your agent. Part V provides e contract recitals. The remaining parts ofthe Agreement are for signatures executing the 􀁁􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀮􀀠Four additional documents are contained in this packet: I) Certification of Airport Fund. This indicates that you have a separate fund in which airport revenues are deposited. Ifyou do not have the statutorily required Airport Fund, such a fund must be created within 60 days. Such fund may be an account as part of another fund, but must be accounted for in such a manner that all revenues, expenses, retained earnings, and balances in the aecount are discernible from other types of moneys identified in the fund as a whole. Complete and return with signed Agreement or upon creation of the fund within 60 days. An An Equal Opportunity Employer The Honorable Richard N. Beekert March 5, 1997 Page Two 2) Designation of Sponsor's Authorized Representative. This identifies your contact person for the administration of the contract. This does not have to be the same person who signs the Airport Participation Agreement but should be someone who can authorize actions to be taken that are part of the Agreement. Complete and return with the signed Agreement. 3) Certification Regarding Drugfree Workplace. This form is a federal requirement. Complete and return to us with' the signed Agreement. 4) Certification Regarding Pavement Preventative Maintenance. This form is a federal requirement. Complete and return to us with the signed Agreement. We request that you proceed as el'peditiously as possible to execute the Agreement and complete the certifications. Please execute the Agreement within 30 days of receipt. It will be necessary for your attorney to endorse your acceptance of the Agreement to assure that it has been accepted in accordance with local laws. laws. Both copies of the Agreement should have original signatures for acceptance. Please return both copies of the fully signed Agreement to the Texas Department of Transportation. We will return a fully executed copy to you. The Texas Department of Transportation looks forward to working with you on this important project for your community. ,.-____ Respectfully, yJb David S. Fulton Director Enclosures kjg TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRPORT PROJECT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (Federally Assisted Airport Development Grant) TxDOT Contract No.: 8XXFA040 TxDOT CSJ No.: 9842ADDSN Part I -Identification of the Project TO: The City ofAddison, Texas FROM: The State ofTexas, acting through the Texas Department ofTransportation This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, (hereinafter referred to as the "State"), for and on behalf of the State ofTexas, and the CITY OF ADDISON, TEXAS, (hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Sponsor desires to sponsor a project for the development of a public aviation facility, known or to be designated as the Airport under the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, as repealed and recodified in Title 49 United States Code, Section 47101 et seq., (hereinafter referred to as "Title 49 U.s.C."), and Rules, Regniations and Procedures promulgated pursuant thereto; and under V.T.C.A. Transportation Code, Title 3, Chapters 21-22, et seq. (Vernon and Vernon Supp); and WHEREAS, the project is described as follows: reconstruct/construct west parallel taxiway and connectors with drainage improvements and install medium intensity taxiway lights and signage at the Addison Airport; and WHEREAS, the Sponsor hereby applies for federal financial assistance and desires the State to act as the Sponsor's agent in matters connected with the project described above; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto, by this Agreement, do hereby fix their respective responsibilities, with reference to each other, with reference to the accomplishment of said project and with reference to the United States. Page 1 ofl2 NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to and for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Title 49 U.S.C., and in consideration of (a) the Sponsor's adoption and ratification of the representations and assurances contained in said Airport Project Participation Agreement and its acceptance of this Offer as hereinafter provided, and (b) the benefits to accrue to the United States and the public from the accomplishment ofthe project and compliance with the assurances and conditions as herein provided, THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "FAA"), HEREBY OFFERS AND AGREES to pay, as the United States share of the allowable costs incurred in accomplishing the project, ninety percenturn of all allowable project costs. This grant is made on and subject to the following terms and conditions: Part II -Offer of Financial Assistance 1. The allowable costs of the project shall not include any costs determined by the State to be ineligible for consideration as to allowability under Title 49 U.S.C., the V.T.C.A. Transportation Code, Title 3, Chapters 21-22, et seq., (Vernon and Vernon Supp), and the Airport Zoning Act, Tex. Loc. Govt. Code Ann. " 241.001 et seq. (Vernon and Vernon Supp). 2. It is estimated that total project costs will be approximately $2,443,000 (Amount A). It is further estimated that approximately $2,443,000 (Amount 8) of the project costs will be eligible for federal financial assistance, and that federal financial assistance will be for ninety percent (90%) of the eligible project costs. Final determination of federal eligibility of total project costs will be determined by the State in accordance with federal guidelines lines following completion ofproject. 3. The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this offer shall be $2,198,700 (Amount C). This grant should not be construed as block grant funds for the Sponsor, but as a grant for funding of the scope items as listed on page one of this agreement. It is the intent ofthe State to provide funding to complete the approved work items of this grant and not to amend the scope of work to include items outside of the current determined needs of this project. Scope of work may be amended as necessary to fulfill the unforeseen needs of this specific development project within the spirit of the approved scope, subject to the availability of state, federal, andlor local funds. 4. It is estimated that the Sponsor's share of the total project costs will be $244,300 (Amount D). The Sponsor specifically agrees that it shall pay any project costs which exceed the sum of the federal share (Amount C). Page 2 of 12 It is further agreed that the Sponsor will reimburse the State for any payment or payments made by the State in behalf of the Sponsor which are in excess of the federal percentage of financial participation as heretofore stated in Paragraph II-2. The State shall refund to the Sponsor, at the financial closure of the project, any excess funds provided by the Sponsor. 5. If there is an overrun in the total eligible project costs (Amount B), the State may increase the federal funds to cover the amount of overrun not to exceed the statutory fifteen (15%) percent federal funds limitation. The State may, at the request of the Sponsor, participate in additional eligible costs to the extent of the aforesaid appropriate percentages and subject to the availability of federal funds. Participation in additional federally eligible costs may require approval by the Texas Transportation Commission. The State will not authorize expenditures in excess of the dollar amounts identified in this Agreement and any amendments thereto, without the consent ofthe Sponsor. Payment of the United States share of the allowable project costs will be made pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of such regulations and procedures as the State and the Federal Aviation Administration, hereinafter referred to as the "FAA", shall prescribe. Final determination of the United States share will be based upon the final audit of the total amount of allowable project costs and settlement will be made for any upward or downward adjustments to the Federal share of costs. 6. Sponsor, by executing this Agreement certifies, and upon request, shall furnish proof to the State that it has sufficient funds to meet its share of the costs as heretofore stated. The Sponsor hereby grants to the State and federal government the right, upon advance written request during reasonable and regular business hours, to audit any books and records of the Sponsor to verify said funds. In addition, the Sponsor shall disclose the source of all funds for the project and its ability to finance and operate the project. Expenditures for eligible project costs for the above project made by the State or the Sponsor prior to the award of a federal grant for said proj ect, and prior to actual receipt of the authority to expend federal grant funds, shall be made from Sponsor funds. Construction expenses incurred prior to the execution of this agreement and the State's Notice to Proceed will be ineligible for any federal reimbursement under this grant. PART III -Sponsor Responsibilities 1. In accepting the Agreement, the Sponsor guarantees that: a. it will comply with the Attachment A, Airport Assurances (06/02/97)(State Modified 7/97), attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement; and b. it will, in the operation of the facility, comply with all applicable state and federal Page 3 of 12 laws, rules, regulations, procedures, covenants and assurances required by the State ofTexas or the FAA in connection with the federal grant; and c. the Airport or navigational facility which is the subject of this Agreement shall be controlled for a period of at least 20 years, and improvements made or acquired nnder this project shall be operated, repaired and maintained in a safe and serviceable manner for the useful life of said improvements, not tc exceed 20 years; and d. consistent with safety and security requirements, it shall make the airport or air navigational facility available to all types, kinds and classes of aeronautical use without unjust discrimination between such types, kinds and classes and shall provide adequate public access during the term of this Agreement; and e. it shall not grant or permit anyone to exercise an exclusive right for the conduct of aeronautical activity on or about an airport landing area. Aeronautical activities include, but are not limited to scheduled airline flights, charter flights, flight instruction, aircraft sales, rental and repair, sale of aviation petroleum products and aerial applications. The landing area consists of runways or landing strips, taxiways, parking aprons, roads, airport lighting and navigational aids; and f. it shall not permit non-aeronautical use of airport facilities, unless noted on an approved Airport Layout Plan, without prior approval of the StatefF AA; and g. it shall not enter into any agreement nor permit any aircraft to gain direct ground access to the Sponsor's airport from private property adjacent to or in the immediate area of the airport. Further, Sponsor shall not allow aircraft direct ground access to private property. Sponsor shall be subject to this prohibition, commonly known as a "through-the-fence operation," unless an exception is granted in writing by the State due to extreme circumstances; and h. it will acquire all property interests identified as needed for the purposes of this project and comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations, procedures, covenants and assurances required by the State of Texas or the FAA in connection with the federal grant in the acquisition of such property interests; and that airport property identified within the scope of this project and Attorney's Certificate of Airport Property Interests shall be pledged to airport use and shall not be removed from such use without prior written approval of the State; and i. the Sponsor shall submit to the State annual statements of airport revenues and expenses as requested; and J. all fees collected for the use of an airport or navigational facility constructed with funds provided under the program shall be reasonable and nondiscriminatory. The proceeds of such fees shall be used solely for the development, operation and Page 4 of 12 maintenance of the Sponsor's system of airport(s) or navigational facility(ites). Sponsor shall not be required to pledge income received from the mineral estate to airport use unless state and/or federal funds were used to acquire the rnineral estate of airport lands or any interests therein; and k. an Airport Fund shall be established by resolution, order or ordinance in the treasury of the Sponsor, or evidence of the prior creation of an existing airport fund or a properly executed copy of the resolution, order, or ordinance creating such a fund shall be submitted to the State. Such fund may be an account within another fund, but must be accounted for in such a manner that all revenues, expenses, retained earnings, and balances in the account are discernible from other types of moneys identified in the fund as a whole. All fees, charges, rents, and money from any source derived from airport operations must be deposited in said Airport Fund and shall not be diverted to the general revenue fund or any other revenue fund of the Sponsor. All expenditures from the Airport Fund shall be solely for airport or airport system purposes. Sponsor shall be ineligible for a subsequent grant or loan by the State unless, prior to such subsequent approval of a grant or loan, Sponsor has complied with the requirements of this subparagraph; and I. following completion ofthe project where airport lighting is part of a project, the Sponsor shall operate such lighting at least at low intensity from sunset to sunrise; and m. insofar as it is reasonable and within its power, Sponsor shall adopt and enforce zoning regulations to restrict the height of structures and use of land adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of the airport to heights and activities compatible with normal airport operations as provided in Tex. Loc. Govt. Code Ann... 241.001 et seq. (Vernon and Vernon SUpp.). Sponsor shall also acquirc and retain avigation easements or other property interests in or rights to use of land or airspace, unless Sponsor can show show that acquisition and retention of such interests will be impractical or will result in undue hardship to Sponsor. Sponsor shall be ineligible for a subsequent grant or loan by the State unless Sponsor has, prior to such subsequent approval ofa grant or loan, adopted and passed an airport hazard zoning ordinance or order approved by the State; and n. it will provide upon request to the State, the engineering or planning consultant, and the FAA copies of any maps, plans, or reports of the project site, applicable to or affecting the above project; and o. after reasonable notice, it will permit the State, the FAA, and any consultants and contractors associated with this project, access to the project site, and will obtain permission for the State, the FAA, and consultants and contractors associated with this project, to enter private property for purposes necessary to this project; and Page 5 of 12 p. all development of an airport constructed with program funds shall be consistent with the Airport Layout Plan approved by the State and maintained by the Sponsor. A reproducible copy of such plan, and all subsequent modifications thereto, shall be filed with the State for approval; and q. it shall take all steps, including litigation if necessary, to recover funds spent fraudulently, wastefully, or in violation of Federal antitrust statutes, or misused in any other manner in any project upon which Federal and State funds have been expended. For the purposes of this grant agreement, the term "funds" means funds, however used or disbursed by the Sponsor or Agent that were originally paid pursuant to this or any other grant agreement. It shall obtain the approval of the State as to any determination of the amount of such funds. It shall return the recovered share, including funds recovered by settlement, order or judgment, to the State. It shall furnish to the State, upon request, all documents and records pertaining to the determination of the amount of the funds or to any settlement, litigation, negotiation, or other efforts taken to recover such funds. All settlements or other final positions of the Sponsor, in court or otherwise, involving the recovery ofsuch funds shall be approved in advance by the State. 2. The Sponsor hereby certifies to the State that it will have acquired clear title in fee simple to all property upon which construction work is to be performed, or have acquired a leasehold on such property for a term of not less than 20 years, prior to the advertisement for bids for such construction or procurement of facilities that are part of the above project, and within the time frame of the project, a sufficient interest (easement or otherwise) in any other property which may be affected by the project. 3. The Sponsor, to the extent ofits legal authority to do so, shall save harmless the State, the State's agents, employees or contractors from all claims and liability due to activities of the Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or employees performed under this agreement. The Sponsor, to the extent of its legal authority to do so, shall also save harmless the State, the State's agents, employees or contractors from any and all expenses, including attorney fees which might be incurred by the State in litigation or otherwise resisting said claim or liabilities which might be imposed on the State as the result of such activities by the Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or employees. 4. The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of the Agreement incorporated herein shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponsor, as hereinafter provided, and said Agreement shall comprise a contract, constituting the obligations and rights of the State of Texas and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the project and the operation and maintenance of the airport. Such Agreement shall become effective upon execution of this instrument and shall remain in full force and effect for a period of at least 20 years. 5. Upon entering into this Agreement, Sponsor hereby agrees to name an individual, as the Sponsor's Authorized Representative, who shall be the State's contact with regard to this Page 6 of 12 project, and which individual shall have the authority to make approvals and disapprovals as required on behalf ofthe Sponsor. 6. The Sponsor and not the State shall, for all purposes, be the "Sponsor" of the project identified above as defined in Title 49 U.S.C.. Sponsor agrees to assume responsibility for operation of the facility in compliance with all applicable state and federal requirements including any statutes, rules, regulations, assurances, procedures or any other directives before, during and after the completion of this project. 7. The Sponsor by execution of this grant, certifies that it has implemented, or will implement during this project, an effective airport pavement maintenance management program, and it assures that it will use such program during the period ofthis Agreement. It will provide upon written request, such reports on pavement condition and pavement management programs as the State determines may be useful. Failure to comply with this condition may make the Sponsor ineligible ineligible for future grants. 8. The Sponsor shall have on file with the State a current and approved Attorney's Certificate ofAirport Property Interests and Exhibit A property map. 9. The Sponsor shall have on file with the State: a. Certification Regarding Drug-Frec Workplace Requirements; b. Certification Regarding Pavement Preventive Maintenance. 10. The Sponsor shall submit the following certifications, as appropriate, for compliance with statutory and administrative requirements ofthe federal grant: a. Sponsor Certification for Selection ofConsultants; b. Sponsor Certification for Project Plans and Specifications. c. Sponsor Certification for Equipment/Construction Contracts; d. Sponsor Certification for Construction Project Final Acceptance. II. Unless otherwise approved by the State, the Sponsor will not acquire or permit any contractor or subcontractor to acquire any steel or manufactured products produced outside the United States to be used for any project for airport development or noise compatibility for which funds are provided under this grant. The sponsor will include in every contract a provision implementing this special condition. 12. The City of Addison agrees to assume the responsibility to assure that all aspects of the grant and project are done in compliance with all applicable state and federal requirements including any statutes, rules, regulations, assurances, procedures or any Page 7 of12 other directives, except as otherwise specifically provided herein Part IV-Nomination ofthe Agent 1. The Sponsor hereby designates the State as the party to apply for, receive and disburse all funds used, or to be used, in payment ofthe costs of said project, or in reimbursement to either of the parties hereto for costs incurred. 2. The State shall, for all purposes in connection with the project identified above, be the Agent of the Sponsor. The Sponsor herewith grants the State a power of attorney to act as its agent to perform the following services: Receiving Disbursing Agent: a. apply for, accept, receive, and deposit with the State Treasury any and all project funds granted, allowed, and paid or made available by the State and/or the United States under Title 49 U.S.C. and congressional appropriation made pursuant thereto, and the Sponsor; b. receive, review, approve and process Sponsor's reimbursement requests for approved project costs; and c. pay to the Sponsor, from granted funds, the portion of any approved reasonable and eligible project costs incurred by the Sponsor that are in excess of the Sponsor's share. PART V -Recitals 1. The State shall obtain an audit as required by federal or state regulations; and procure and forward to the FAA such specific project documentation as is necessary to complete all aspects ofthis project. 2. The Sponsor, and not the State, shall be the contractual party to all construction and professional service contracts entered into for the accomplishment of this project. The power of attorney, as granted by the Sponsor to the State in Part IV -Nomination of Agent, is a limited power to perform acts in connection with airport improvements as specified in or necessitated by this Agreement. 3. The Sponsor hereby agrees to pursue and enforce contract items which are required by federal and/or state regulations, laws and orders to insure satisfactory performance of contract vendors. Such items include, but are not limited to, bid bonds, payment bonds, Page 8 of12 and perfonnance bonds. Pursuit and enforcement of contract items may require litigation and other remedies oflaw. 4. The United States and the State of Texas shall not be responsible or liable for damage to property or injury to persons which may arise from, or be incident to, compliance with this grant agreement. 5. This Agreement is executed for the sole benefit of the contracting parties and is not intended or executed for the direct or incidental benefit of any third party. Furthermore, the State shall not be a party to any other contract or commitment which the Sponsor may enter into or assume, or have entered into or have assumed, in regard to the above project. 6. If the Sponsor fails to comply with the conditions of the grant, the State may, by written notice to the Sponsor, suspend the grant in whole or in part. The notice of suspension shall contain the following: a. The reasons for the suspension and the corrective action necessary to lift the suspension; b. A date by which the corrective action must be taken; c. Notification that consideration will be given to tenninating the grant after the corrective action date. In the case of suspension or tennination, the Sponsor may request the State to reconsider the suspension or termination. Such request for reconsideration shall be made within 45 days after receipt of the notice ofsuspension or tennination. 7. This Agreement is subject to the applicable provisions of Title 49 U.S.C., the V.T.C.A. Transportation Code, Title 3, Chapters 21-22, et seq., (Vernon and Vernon Supp.), and the Airport Zoning Act, Tex. Loc. Gov!. Code Ann. " 241.001 et seq. (Vernon and Vernon Supp.). Failure to comply with the tenns of this Agreement or with the aforementioned rules and statutes shall be considered a breach of this contract and will allow the State to pursue the remedies for breach as stated below. a. Of primary importance to the State is compliance with the tenns and conditions of this Agreement. If, however, after all reasonable attempts to require compliance have failed, the State finds that Sponsor is unwilling andlor unable to comply with any of the tenns and conditions of this Agreement, the State may pursue any of the following remedies: (1) require a refund of any money expended pursuant to the Agreement herein, (2) deny Sponsor's future requests for aid, (3) request the Attorney General to bring suit seeking reimbursement of any money expended on the project pursuant to the Agreement herein, provided however, these remedies shall not limit the State's authority to enforce its rules, regulations or orders as othenvise provided by law, (4) declare this Agreement null and void, or (5) any Page90f12 other remedy available at law or in equity. b. Venue for resolution by a court of competent jurisdiction of any dispute arising under the terms of this Agreement, or for enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement, is specifically set by Agreement of the parties hereto in Travis County, Texas. 8. The State reserves the right to amend or withdraw this Agreement at any time prior to acceptance by the Sponsor. The acceptance period cannot be greater than 30 days after issuance unless extended by the State, which extension shall not be unreasonably be denied or delayed. 9. This Agreement constitutes the full and total understanding of the parties concerning their rights and responsibilities in regard to this project and shall not be modified, amended, rescinded or revoked unless such modification, amendment, rescission or revocation is agreed to by both parties in writing and executed by both parties. 10. All commitments by the Sponsor and the State hereunder are subject to constitutional and statutory limitations and restrictions binding upon the Sponsor and the State (including " 5 and 7 of article 11 of the Texas Constitution, if applicable) and to the availability of funds which lawfully may be applied. II. The Sponsor's acceptance of this Agreement and ratification and adoption of the Airport Project Participation Agreement incorporated herein shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponsor, as hereinafter provided, and this Offer and Acceptance shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by the Title 49 U.S.C., constituting the contractual obligations and rights of the United States, the State of Texas and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the Project and compliance with the assurances and conditions as provided herein. Such Grant Agreement shaH become effective upon the State's written Notice to Proceed issued following execution ofthis agreement. 12. This contract is subject to the approval as to form by the Attorney General of the State of Texas. Page 10 of 12 Part VI -Acceptance ofthe Sponsor The City of Addison, Texas, does hereby ratifY and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants and agreements constituting the described project and incorporated materials referred to in the foregoing Agreement, and does hereby accept the Offer, and by such acceptance agrees to all of the terms and conditions ofthe Agreement thereof. Executed this ______day of _________-', 19__ The City of Addison, Texas Sponsor Witness Signature Signature Witness Title Title Certificate of Sponsor's Attorney I, , acting as attorney for --------:-:----c:--' Texas, do hereby certifY that I have fully examined the foregoing Agreement and the proceedings taken by said Sponsor relating thereto, and find that the manner of acceptance and execution thereof, of the said Agreement by said Sponsor, is in aecordance with the laws of the State of Texas, Dated at ________" Texas, this ___ day of_______, 19_ Witness Signature Attorney's Signature Witness Title Title Page 11 of 12 Part VII -Attorney General's Approval This contract is approved as to fonn. Attorney General ofTexas By:_-:--:-_-,----_--::-----:-____ Assistant Attorney General Date:_______________ Part VIII -Acceptance of the State STATE OF TEXAS TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By:_____________ Date:_______________ Page 12 ofl2 ATTACHMENT A PART V -ASSURANCES Airport Sponsors A. General, 1. These assurances shall be complied with in the performance of grant agreements for airport development, airport planning, and noise compatibility program grants for airport sponsors. 2, These assurances are required to be submitted as part of the Airport Project Participation Agreement (APPA) by sponsors requesting funds under the provisions of Title 49, U,S,C'l subtitle VII, as amended. As used hereIn, the term "public agency sponsor" means a public agency with control of a public-use allport; the term "private sponsor'" means a private owner of a public-use airport; and the term "sponsor"' includes both public agency sponsors and private sponsors. 3. Upon acceptance of the grant offer by the sponsor, these assurances are incorpOtated in and become part of the grant agreement. B, Duration and Applicability, 1, Airport development or Noise Compatibility Program ProJec1s Undertaken by a Public Agency Sponsor. The terms, conditions and assurances assurances of the grant agreement shall remain in full force and effect throughout the useful tife of the facilities developed or equipment acquired for an airport development or noise compatibility program project, Of throughout the useful life of the project items installed within a facility under a nolse compatibility program project, but in any event not to exceed twenty (20) years from the date of acceptance of a grant offer of Federal funds for Ihe project However, Ihere shall be no limit on the duration of the assurance against exclusive rights or the terms. condItions and assurances with respect to real property acquired Vvilh Federal funds. Furthermore, the duration of the Civil Rights assurance shall be specified in the assurances. 2. Airport Development or Noise Compatibility Projects Undertaken by a Private Sponsor. The preceding paragraph 1 also applies to a 􀁰􀁾􀁶􀁡􀁴􀁥􀀠sponsor except that the useful life of project Items Installed wilhin a facility or Ihe useful life of the facilities developed or equipment acquired under an airport development or norse compatibility program project shall be no less than ten (10) years from tI1e date of acceptance of Federal aid for the project. 3. Airport Planning Undertaken by a Sponsor. Unless otherwise specified in the grant agreement, only Assurances 1. 2. 3, 5, 6, 13, 18, 30, 32, 33, and 34 In section C apply to planning projects, The terms, conditions. and assurances of the grant agreement shall remain [n full force and effect during the life of the project. C. Sponsor Certification. The sponsor hereby assures and certifies, with respect to this grant that: 1. General Federar Requirements. It will comply with all applicable Federal laws. regulations, executive orders, policies, guidelines. and requirements as they relate to the project. acceptance and use of Federal funds for this project including but not limited to the following: Federal legislation a. Title 49. U,S.C •• sublitle VII, as amended. b. Oavis,Bacon Act, 40 U.S,C, 276(a), et seq.1 c. Federal Fair Labor Standards Act -29 U.S.C. 201, et seg.2d. Hatch Act -5 U.S.C. 1501, el seg.e. Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 Title 42 U,KC, 4601.J!lgg.1 2 f. g. National Historic PreseNation Act of 1966 -Section 106 -16 U,S,C, 470(f),1 Archeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 -16 U.S.C. 469 through 469c.1 h. Native Americans Grave Repatriation Act -25 U$,C, Section 􀀳􀀰􀀰􀀱􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀠L Clean Air Act, P,L. 90-148. as amended, j, k, Coastal Zone Management Act, P,L. 93-205. as amended. FlOOd Oisasler Protection Act of 1973 -Section 102(a) -42 U,S.C. 4012a, 1 t Title 49 ,U.S,C .• Section 303, (formerty known as Section 4(1) m, Rehabilitation Act of 1973·29 U,S.C, 794, n. Civil Rights Act of 1964 -Tifle VI-42 U,S,C. 2000d through d4. o. Age Discrimination Act of 1975 -42 U,KC, 6101, et seq. p. q r. s. t. American indian Religious Freedom Act, P.L. 95-341, as amended. Architecturat Baniers Act of 1968 42 U.S.C. 4151, et seg.l Powerplant and Indusllial Fuel Use Use Act of 1978 -Section 403, 2 U.S.C. 8373. 1 Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act -40 U,S,C. 327, et seg.l Copeland Antikickback Act 18 U.S.C, 874.1 u. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969,42 U.S.C. 4321, et sog.l v. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. P.L. 90·542, as amended, w. Single Audit Act of 1984 -31 U$.C. 7501, et seg,2 x. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 -41 U.S,C. 702 through 706. ExecutIve Orders ExecuUve Order 11246 -Equal Employment Opportunity 1 Executive Order 11990 -ProtecUon of Wetlands Executive Order 11998 -FloodPlain Management Executive Order 12372 􀁾􀀠intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs. Executive Order 12699 -Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted New Building Construclion 1 Executive Order 12898 􀁾􀀠Environmental Justice Airport Assurances (06/02197 -Slate Modified 7197) A-I 2. 3. 4. 5. Federal Regulations a. 14 CFR Part 13 -Investigative and Enforcement Procedures. b. 14 CFR Part 16 -Rules of PracUce For Federally Assisted Airport Enforcement Proceedings. C. 14 CFR Part 150 -Airport noise compatibilily planning. d. 29 CFR Part 1 -Procedures rar predetermination of wage rates.1 e. 29 CFR Part 3 􀁾􀀠Contractors and subcontractors on public building or public work financed in whole or part by loans or grants trom the United States,1 f. 29 CFR Part 5 -Laber standards provisions applicable to contracts covering federally financed and assisted construction (also labor standards provisions applicable tononconstruction contracts subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act).1 g. 41 CFR Part 60 -Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor (Federal and federally assisted contracting requirements).1 h. 49 CFR Part 18 􀁾􀀠Uniform 􀁡􀁤􀁭􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁥􀀠requIrements for grants and cooperative agreements to state and local govemments.3 i. 49 CFR Part 20 -New restrictions on lobbying. j. 49 CFR Part 21 -􀁎􀁯􀁮􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁣􀁲􀁬 􀁭􀁴􀁮􀁡􀁾􀁯􀁮􀀠in federaltY'asslsted programs of the Department of TransportaUon effectuation of Tille VI of Ihe Civil Rights Act of 1964. k. 49 CFR Part 23 • PartiCipation by minorily business enterplise in Department of TranaportaHon programs. 1. 49 CFR Part 24 􀁾􀀠Uniform relocation assistance and rea! property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs.1 2 m. 49 CPR Part 27 -Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs and activities receiving or benefitting from Federal financial assistance.1 n. 49 CFR Part 29 -Govemmentwide debarment and suspension {non-procurement) and govemmentwide requirements for drug-Iree workplace (grants). o. 49 CFR Part 30 -Denial of public works contracts to suppliers of goods and ser/lCeS of countries thai deny procurement market access 10 U.S. contractors. p-49 CFR Part 41 • SeiSmiC safely of Federal and federally assisted or regulated new building conslructlon.1 Office of Management and Budget Circulars a. A-ST -Cost Principles Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local GovemmenlS. b. A-128· Audits of Stale and Local Govemments. (1) These laws do not apply to airport planning sponsors. (2) These laws do not apply to private sponsors, (3) 49 CFR Part 18 and OMS Circular A-8T contain requirements tor State and tocal Governments receiving Federal assistance. MY requirement levied upon State aod Local Governments by this regulati'on and circular Shall also be applicable to private sponsors receiving Federal assistance under Title 49. United States Code. Specific assurances required to be included in grant agreements by any of the above laws, regulations or circulars are incorporated by reference in the grant agreement. Responsibility and Authority of the Sponsor. a. Public Agency Sponsor: It has legal aulhofily to apply for the grant, and to finance and carry O\Jt the proposed project; that a resolutron, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicant's governing body authorizing the filing of the APPA, Including all understandings and assurances cootained therein, and directing and authorizing the person Identified as the official represenlatlve of the appflcant to act In connection with the APPA and to provide such additional lnfonnation as may be required. b. Private Sponsor: It has legal authority to apply for the grant and to finance and carry out the proposed project and comply with all terms, conditions, and assurances of this grant agreement. It shall designate an official representative and shall in wrlUng direct and aUlhorize that person to fife this APPA, induding all understandings and assurances contained thereIn; to act in connection with this PPPA; and to provide such additionallnformaUon as may be required. Sponsor Fund Availability. It has suffident funds available for that portion of the project costs which are not to be paid by the United States, It has sufficient funds available available to assure operation and maintenance of items funded under the grant agreement which it will own or control. Good Tltte. a. It holds good title, satisfactory to the Secretary, to the landing area of the airport Or site thereof, or will give assurance satisfactory to the Secretary that good tille will be acquired. b. For noise compatibility program projects to be carried out on the property of the sponsor. it holds good tlUe satisfactory to the Secretary 10 that portion of the property upon which Federal funds will be expended or will give assurance to the Secretary that good HUe will be obtained. Preserving Rights and Powers, a. It win not take or permit any action which would operate to deprive It of any of the lights and powers necessary to perform any or all of the terms, conditions. and assurances in the grant agreement without the written approval of the Secretary. and will act promptly to acquire, exUngulsh or modify any outstanding lights or claims of fight of others which would interfere with such performance by the sponsor. This shall be done in a manner acceptable to the Secretary. A· 2Airport Assurances (Q61!W97 -State Modified 7197) 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. b, It will not sell, lease, encumber, or otherwise transfer or dispose of any part of its title or other interests in the property shown on Exhibit A to this APPA or, for a noise compatibility program project. that pOrtion of the property upon which Federal funds have been expended, for the duration of the terms, conditions, and assurances In the grant agreement without approval by the Secretary. tf the transferee is found by the Secretary to be eligible under TItle 49, United States Code, to assume the obligations of the grant agreement and to have the power, authority, and financial resources to carry out all such obligations, the sponsor shall insert in the contract or document transferring or disposing of the sponsor's interest, and make binding upon the transferee an of the tenns, conditions, and assurances contained In this grant agreement. c. For all noise compatibility program projects which are to be carried out by another unit of local government or are on property owned by by a unit of local government other than the sponsor, it will enter into an agreement with that govemment. Except as otherwise specified by the Secretary, that agreement shall obligate that govemmentto the same terms, conditions, and assurances that would be applicable to it if it applied directly to the FAA for a grant to undertake the noise compatibility program project. That agreement and changes thereto must be satisfactory to the Secretary. It will take steps to enforce this agreement against the local government if there is substantlal 􀁮􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠compliance with the terms of the agreement d. For noise compatibility program projects to be carried out on privately owned property. it will enter inlo an agreement with the owner of that property which includes provisions specified by the Secrelary. It will lake steps to enforce thTs agreement against the property owner whenever there is substantial non-compllance with the lenns of the agreement. e. If the sponsor Is a private sponsor. it wm take steps satisfactory to the Secretary to ensure that the airport will continue to function as a publio-use a[rport in accordance with these assurances for the duratlon of these assurances. f. If an arrangement is made for management and operation of the airport by any agency or person other than the sponsor or an employee of the sponsor. the sponsor will reserve sufficient rights and authority to insure that the airport will be operated and maintained In accordance Title 49, United States Code, the regufations and the terms, conditions and assurances in the grant agreemenf and shall insure that such arrangement also requires compliance therewith. Consistency with Locar Plans. The project is reasonably consistent with plans (existing at the time of subrrtission of this APPAl of public agencies that are authorized by the State in which the project Is located 10 plan for the development of the area surrounding the airport. For nOise compatlbllity program projects, other than land acquisition, to be earned out On property not owned by the aIrport and over which property another agency has land use control or authority, the sponsor shall obtain from each such agency a written declaration that such agency supports that project and the project is reasonably consistent with the agency's plans regarding the property. Consideration of Local Interest. It has given fair consideration to the interest of communities in or near where the project may be located, ConsultaUon with Users. In making a decision to undertake any airport development project under Title 49, United States Code, it has undertaken reasonable consultafions with affected parties using the airport at which project is proposed. Public Hearings. In 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁪􀁥􀁣􀁾􀀠involving the location of an airport, an airport runway, or a major runway extension, It has afforded the opportunity for public hearings for the purpose of considering the economlc, social, and environmental effects of the airport or runway location and its conSistency with goals and objectives of such planning planning as has been carried out by the community and it shall. when requested by the Secretary, submit a copy of the transcript of such hearings to the Secretary. Further. for such projects, it has on its management board either voting representation from the communities where the project is located or has advised the communities that they have the right to petition the Secretary concerning a proposed project. Air and Water Quality Standards. In projects involving airport location, a major runway extension, or runway location it wit! provide for the Governor of the state in which the project is located to certify in writing to the Secretary that the project wi!! be located, deSigned, constructed, and operated so as to comply with applicable air and water quality standards. In any ease where such standards have not been approved and whete applicable ail' and water quality standards have been pmmulgated by the Adminislrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, certification shall be obtained from such Admln!strator. Notice of certffication or refusal to certify shall be provided within sixty days after the project APPA has been received by the Secretary. Pavement Preventive Maintenance. With respect to a project approved after January 1, 1995, for the replacement or (econstruction of pavement at the airport, it assures or certifieS that It has implemented an effective airport pavement maintenance-management program and It assures that it will use such program for the useful life of any pavement constructed, reconstructed or repaired with Federal financial assistance at the airport. It will provide such reports on pavement condition and pavement management programs as the Secretary determines may be useful. Terminal Development P(e(equisites. For projects which Include terminal development at a public use airport. as defined in Title 49. it has, on the date of submittal of the project grant 􀁲􀁥􀁱􀁵􀀮􀁳􀁾􀀠all the safety equipment required for certification of such airport under section 44106 of Tille 49, United States COde, and all the security equipment requi(ed by rule or regulation, and has provided for access to the passenger enplaning and deplaning area of such airport to passengers enplaning and deplaning from aircraft other than air carrier aircraft A·3Airport Assurances (06/02/91-State Modified 7197) 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Accounting System, Audit, and Recordkeeping Requirements. a. It shall keep all project accounts and· records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by the recipient of the 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁣􀁥􀁥􀁤􀁾􀀠of the grant, the total cost of the project in connection with which the grant is given or used, and the amount or nature of that portion of the cost of the project supplied by other sources, and such other financial records pertinent to the project. The accounts and records shall be kept in accordance with an accounting system that will facilitate an effective audit in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. b. It shall make available to the Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, for the purpose of audit and examination, any books, documents, papers, and records of the recipient that are pertinent to the grant. The Secretary may require that an appropriate audit be conducted by a recipient. In any case in which an independent audit is made of the accounts of a sponsor relating to the disposition of the proceeds of a grant or relating to the project in connection with which the grant was given or used, it shall file a certified copy of such audit with the Comptroller General of the United States not later than six (6) months following the close of the fiscal year for which the audit was made. Minimum Wage Rates. It shall include, in all contracts in excess of $2,000 for work on any projects funded under the grant agreement which involve labor, provisions establishing minimum rates of wages, to be predetermined by the Secretary of Labor, in accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-5), which contractors shall pay to skilled and unskilled labor, and such minimum rates shall be stated in the invitation for bids and shall be included in proposals or bids for the work. Veteran's Preference. It shall include in all contracts for work on any project funded under the grant agreement which involve labor, such provisions as are necessary. to insure that, in the employment of labor (except in executive, administrative, and supervisory positions), preference shall be given to Veterans of the Vietnam era and disabled veterans as defined in Section 47112 of Title 49, United States Code. However, this preference shall apply only where the individuals are available and qualified to perform the work to which the employment relates. Conformity to Plans and Specifications. It will execute the project subject to plans, specifications, and schedules approved by the Secretary. Such plans, specifications, and schedules shall be submitted to the Secretary prior to commencement of site preparation, construction, or other performance under this grant agreement, and, upon approval of the Secretary, shall be incorporated into this grant agreement. Any modification to the approved plans, specifications, and schedules shall also be subject to approval of the Secretary, and incorporated into the grant agreement. Construction Inspection and Approval. It will provide and maintain competent technical supervision at the construction site throughout the project to assure that the work conforms to the plans, specifications, and schedules approved by the Secretary for the project. It shall subject the construction work on any project contained in an approved project APPA to inspection and approval by the Secretary and such work shall be in accordance with regulations and procedures prescribed by the Secretary. Such regulations and procedures shall require such cost and progress reporting by the sponsor or sponsors of such project as the Secretary shall deem necessary. Planning Projects. In carrying out planning projects: a. It will execute the project in accordance with the approved program narrative contained in the project APPA or with the modifications similarly approved. b. It will furnish the Secretary with such periodic reports as required pertaining to the planning project and planning work activities. c. It will include in all published material prepared in connection with the planning project a notice that the material was prepared under a grant provided by the United States. d. It will make such material available for examination by the public, and agrees that no material prepared with funds under this project shall be subject to copyright in the United States or any other country. e. It will give the Secretary unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use any of the material prepared in connection with this grant. f. [t will grant the Secretary the right to disapprove the sponsor's employment of specific consultants and their subcontractors to do all or any part of this project as well as the right to disapprove the proposed scope and cost of professional services. g. It will grant the Secretary the right to disapprove the use of the sponsor's employees to do all or any part of the project. h. It understands and agrees that the Secretary's approval of this project grant or the Secretary's approval of any planning material developed as part of this grant does not constitute or imply any assurance or commitment on the part of the Secretary to approve any pending or future request for a Federal airport grant. Operation and Maintenance. a. The airport and all facilities which are necessary to serve the aeronautical users of the airport, other than facilities owned or controlled by the United States, shall be operated at all times in a safe and serviceable condition and in accordance with the minimum standards as may be required or prescribed by applicable Federal, state and local agencies for maintenance and operation. It will not cause or permit any activity or action thereon which would interfere with its use for airport purposes. It will suitably operate and maintain the airport and all facilities thereon or connected therewith, with due regard to climatic and flood conditions. Any proposal to temporarily close the airport for nonaeronautical purposes must first be approved by the Secretary. -State Modified 7/97) A-4Airport Assurances (06/02/97 20. 21. 22. 23. In furtherance of this assurance, the sponsor will have in effect alTai (1) Operating the airport's aeronautical facilities whenever required; (2) Promptly marking and lighling hazards resulting from airport conditions. Including temporary OOndioons; and {3) Promptly notifying atonen of any cond[tion affecting aeronauUcal use of the airport. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require that the airport be operated for aeronauUcal use during temporary periods when snow, flood or other climatic conditions interfere with such operation and maintenance. Further, nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the marntenance. repair, restoration, or replacement of any structure or facility which is substantially damaged or destroyed due to an act of God or other condition or circumstance beyond the control of the sponsor. b. It will suitably operate and maintain noise compatibility program items that it owns or controls upon which Federal funds have been expended. Hazard Removal and Mitigation. It will take appropriate action to assure that such teoninat airspace as is required to protect Instrument and visual operations to the airport (Including established minimum flight altitudes) will be adequately cleared and protected by removing, lowering, relocating, marking, or lighting or otherwise mitigating existing airport hazards and by preventing the establishment or creation of future airport hazards. Compatible land Use. It will taxe appropriate action, including the adoptIon of zoning laws, to the extent reasonab!e, to restrict the use of land adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of the airport to activities and purposes compatible with normal airport operations, including landing and taxeoff ot aircraft. In addition, if the project is for noise compatibility program implementation, it will not cause or permit any change in land use, within its jurisdiction, that will reduce its compatibility, with respect to the airport, of the nolse compatibility program measures upon which Federal funds have been expended. Economic Nondiscrimination. a. It wJl[ maxe its airport available as an airport for public use on reasonable tenns and without unjust discrimination, to any person, firm, or corporation to conduct or to engage in any aeronautical actlvity for furnishing selVices to the public at the airport. b. In any agreement, contract, lease, or other arrangement under which a right or privilege at the airport is granted to any person, firm, or corporation to conduct or to engage in any aeronautical activity for furnishing services to the pubUc at the airport. the sponsor will insert and enforce provisions requiring the conlractor to· (1) furnish said services on a reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory, basis to all users thereof, and (2) charge reasonable, and not unjusUy discriminatory. prices for each unlt or service, provided lhat the contractor may be allowed to make reasonable and nondiscriminatory discounts, rebates, or olher similar types of price reductions to volume purchasers. c. c. Each fixed-based operator at the airport shall be subject to the same rates, fees, rentals, and other charges as are uniformly appUcable to all other 􀁦􀁩􀁸􀁥􀁤􀁾􀁢􀁡􀁳􀁥􀁤􀀠operators making the same or similar uses of such airport and utilizing the same or similar facilities. d. Each air carrier using such airport shalt have the right to service itself or to use any fixed-based operator that is authorized or permitted by the airport to selVe any air carrier at such alrport. e. Each air carrier using such airport {whether as a tenant, nontenant, or subtenant of another air carner tenant} shall be subject to such nondiscriminatory and substantially comparable rules, regulations. conditlons. rates. fees, rentals. and other charges with respect to facllitfes directly and substantially related to providing air transportation as are applicable to an such air carriers Which make similar use of such airport and utilize similar facilities. subject to reasonable classifications such as tenants or nontenants and Signatory carners and nonsignatory carriers. Classification or status as tenant or Signatory shall not be unreasonably withheld by any airport provided an air carrier assumes obligations substantially similar to those already imposed on air carners in such classification or status. f. It will not exercise or grant any right or privilege which operates to prevent any person, fion, or corporation operating aircraft on the airport; from performing any services on its own aircraft with its ovm employees {including, but not limited to mainlenance. repair, and fueting} that it may choose to perform. g. In the event the sponsor Itself exercises any of the rights and privileges referred to in this assurance, the services involved will be provided on the same conditions as would apply to the furnishing of such services by commercial aeronautical service providers authorized by the sponsor under these provisions. h. The sponsor may establish such reasonable, and not unjustly discriminatory, conditions to be mel by all users of the airport as may be necessary for the safe and effiCient operation of the airport. i. The sponsor may prohiblt or limit any given type, kind or class of aeronauticaf use of lhe airport if such action is necessary for the safe operation of the airport or necessary to se.rve the civil aviation needs of the public. ExclUsive Rights. It will permit flO exclusive right for the use of the alrport by any person providing. or intending to provide. aeronautical services to the public, For purposes of this paragraph, the providing of the services at an airport by a sing!e fixed-based operator shall not be construed as an exclusive right if both of the following apply: 8. It would be unreasonably cosUy, burdensome, Or impractical for more than one fixed-based operator to provide such services. and b. If allowlng more than one fixed-based operator to provide such services would require the reduction of space leased pursuant to an existing agreement between such single fixed·based operator and such airport. It It further agrees that it will not, either directly or indirectly. grant or permit any person, firm, or corporation, the exclusive right at the airport to conduct any aeronautical activities, induding, but not limited to charter flights. pilot training, aircraft rental and sightseeIng. aerial photography, crop dusting, aerial advertising and surveying, air carrier operations, aircraft sales and services, sale of aviation petroleum products whether or not conducted in conjunction with other aeronautical activity. repair and maintenance of aircraft. sale of airctaft parts, and any other activifies which because of their direct relationship to the operation of aircraft can be regarded as an aeronautical activity, and that it will terminale any exclusive right to conduct an aeronautical activity now existing at such an airport before the grant of any assistance under Title 49, United States Code. A· 5Airport As,unlnee, (06/02/97 • Slate Modified 7197) 24. 25. 26, 27. 28. 29. Fee and Rental Structure. It will maintain a fee and rental structure for the facilities and services at the airport whIch wlJl make the airport as self-sustaining as possible under the circumstances existing at the particular airport, taking Into acCOUnt such factors as the volume of traffic and economy of collection. No part of the Federal share of an airport development, airport planning or noise compati.bllity project for which a grant is made under Title 49. United States Code, the Alrport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982. the Federal Airport Act or the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 shall be included In the rate basis in establishing fees, rates, and charges for users of that airport Airport Revenues. a. All revenues generated by the airport and any local taxes on aviation fuel established after December 30. 1987, will be expended by it for the capital or operating costs of the airport; the local airport system; or other local facilities which are owned or operated by the owner or operator of the airport and which are directly and substantially related to the actual air transportation of passengers or property; or for noise mitigation purposes on or off the airport. Provided, however, that if covenants or assurances in debt obligations issued before September 3, 1982. by the owner 01' Operator of the airport, or provisions enacted beFore September 3, 1982, in governing statutes controlling the owner or operator's financing, provide for the use of the revenues from any of the airport owner or operator's facilities, induding the airport, to support not only the airport but also the airport owner or operator's general debt obligations or other facilities. then this limitation on the use of aU revenues generated by the airport (and, in the case of a public airport, local taxes on aviation fuel) shall not apply. b, As part of the annual audit required under the Single Audit Act of 1984. the sponsor will direct that !he audit will review, and the resulting audit report will provide an opinion concern1ng, the use of airport revenue and taxes in paragraph (a), and indicating whether funds paid or transferred to the owner or operator are paid or transferred in a manner consistent with TilJe 49, United States COde and any other applicable provision of law. including any regulation promulgated by the Secretary or Administrator. c. My cMI penalties or other sanctions will be imposed for violation of this assurance in accordance with the provisions of Section 47107 of TiUe 49. United States Code, Reports and Inspections. It will: a. submit to the Secretary such annual or special financial and operations reports as the Secretary may reasonably request and make such repOrts available to the public; make available to the public at reasonabte times and places a report of the airport budget In a fonmat prescrtbed by the Secretary; b. for airport development projects, make the arrport and all airport records and documents affecting the airport, including deeds, leases, operation and use agreements, regulations and other instruments. available for inspection by any duly authorized agent of the Secretary upon reasonable request; c, for noise compatibility program projects. make records and documents relaUng to the project and continued compliance with the teons, conditions, and assurances of the grant agreement including deeds, leases, agreements, regulations, and other instruments, available for inspection by any duly authorized agent of the Secretary upon reasonable request; and d. in a fonnat and time prescribed by the Secretary, provide to the Secretary and make avallable to the public following each of its fiscal years, an annual report listing in detail: (1) ali amounts paid by the airport to any other unit of government and the purposes for which each such payment was made; and (2) all services and property provided by the airport to other units of government and the amount of compensation received for provision of each such service and property. Use by Government Aircraft. It will make make available all of the facilities of the airport developed with Federal financial aSSistance and all those usable for landing and takeoff of aircraft to the United States for use by Government aircraft in common with other aircraft at all times without charge, except, If the use by Government aircraft is substantial, charge may be made for a reasonabie share, proportionaf to such use, for the cost of operating and maintaining the facilities used. Unless otherwise detennined by the Secretary, or otherNise agreed to by the sponsor and the using agency, substantial use of an airport by Govemment aircraft will be considered to exist when operaUons of such aircraft are in excess of those which, in the opinion of the Secretary, would unduly interlere with use of the landing areas by other authorized aircraft, or during any calendar month 􀁴􀁨􀁡􀁴􀁾􀀠a. Five (5) or more Government airctaft are regularly based at the airport or on land adjacent thereto; or b. The total number of movements (counting each landing as a movement) of Govemment aircraft is 300 or more, or the gross accumulative weight of Government aircraft using the airport (the total movement of Government aircraft multiplied by gross weights of such aircraft) is in excess of five mlllion pounds. Land for Federal Facilities. It will furnish without cosl to the Federal Government for use in connection with any air traffic control or air navigation activities, or 􀁷􀁥􀁡􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠and communication activities reJated to air traffic control. any areas of land or water, or estate therein, or rights in buildings of the sponsor as the Secretary considers necessary or desirable for construction, operatIon, and maintenance at Federal expense of space or facHities for such purposes. Such areas or any portion thereof will be made available as provided herein within four months after receipt of a written request from the Secretary. Airport Layout Plan, 􀁾􀀠State Modified 7/97) A-6Airport AssuranceS (06/02/97 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. a. It will keep up to date at all times an airport layout plan of the airport showing (1) boundaries of the airport and all proposed additions thereto, together with the boundaries of all offsite areas owned or controlled by the sponsor for airport purposes and proposed additions thereto; (2) the location and nature of all existing and proposed airport facilities and structure. (such as runways, laxiways, aprons. terminal buildings, hangars and roads). Including all proposed extensions and reductions of existing airport facilities; and (3) the location of all existing and proposed nonavlation areas and of aU existing improvements thereon. Such airport layout plans and each amendment, revision. or modification thereof, shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary which approval shall be evidenced by the signature of a duly authorized representative of the Secretary on the face of the airport layout plan. The sponsor will not make or permit any changes or alterations In the airport or or any of its facitities which are not In conformity with the ail]JOrt layout plan as approved by the Secrelary and which might. in the opinion of lhe SeCt'etary, adversely affect the safety. utility or efficiency of the airport. b. !f a change or alteration in the airport or Ihe facilities is made which the Secretary determines adversely affects the safety. utility, or efficiency 01 any federally owned, leased. or funded property on or off the airport and which Is not in conformity with the airport layout plan as approved by the Secrelary. the owner or operalor will. if requested. by the Secrelary (1) eliminate such adverse effect in a manner approved by the Secretary; or (2) bear all costs of relocating such property (or replacement thereof) to a site acceptable 10 the Secretary and all costs of restonng such property (orreplacement thereof) to the level of salety, Utility. efficiency. and cost of operaUon existing before the unapproved change in the airport or Its facilities. Civil Rights. It will comply comply with such rules as are promulgated to assure that no person shaU, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap be exduded from particlpating in any activity conducted wlth or benefiting from funds received from this grant. This assurance obligates the sponsor for the period during Which Federal finandal assistance Is extended to the program, except where Federal financial assistance is to provlde, Or is in the form of personal property or real property or interest therein or structures or Improvements thereon in which case the assurance obligates the sponsor or any transferee for the longer of the following periods: (a) the period during which the property is used for a purpose for which Federal financial assistance Is extended. or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, or (b) the period during which the sponsor retains ownership or possession of the property. Disposal 01 Land. a. For land purchased under a grant for airport noise compatibility purposes, it will dispose of the land, when the land is no !onger needed for such purposes, at fair market value, at the earliest practicabJe time. That portlon of the proceeds of such disposition which is proportlonate to the United States' share of acquisiUon of such land will. at the discretion of the Secretary, 1) be paid to the Secretary for deposit in the Trust Fund, or 2) be reinvested in an approved noise compatibility project as prescribed by the Secretary. b. (1) For land purchased under a granl for airport development purposes (other than noise compatibility). It will. when the land is no longer needed for airport purposes, dispose of such land at fair market value or make available to the Secretary an amount equal to the United States' proportionate share of the fair market value of the land. That portion of the proceeds of such disposltion which is proportionate to the United States' share of tlle cost of acquisition of such land will. (a) upon application to the Secretary. be reinvested in another eligible airport improvement project or projects approved by tlle Secretary at that airport or within the national airport syslem. or (b) be paid to the Secretary for depos!! in the Trust Fund if no eligible projeclexists. (2) land shall be considered to be needed for airport purposes under this assurance If (a) it may be needed for aeronautical purposes (including runway protection zones) or serve as noise buffer land, and (b) the revenue from interim uses of such land contributes to the financial 􀁳􀁥􀁬􀁦􀁾􀁳􀁵􀁦􀁦� �􀁣􀁩􀁥􀁮􀁣􀁹􀀠of the airport. Further, land purchased with a grant receIved by an airport operator or owner before December 31. 1987, will be considered to be needed for airport purposes if the Secretary or Federal agency making such grant before December 31,1987, was notified by the operator or owner of the uses of such land, did not object to such use, and the land continues to be used tor that purpose, such use having commenced no later than December 15, 1989. c. Disposition of such land under (a) or (b) will be subject to the retention or reservation of any interest or right therein necessary to ensure that such land wi![ only be used for purposes which are compatible with noise levels aSSOCiated with operation of the aIrport. Engineering and Design Services. It will award each contract, or sub-contract for program management, construction management, planning studies, feasibility studies. architectural servIces, preliminary engineering, design, engineering, surveying, mapping or related services with respect to the project in the same manner as a contract for architectural and engineering services is negotiated under Title IX of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 or an equivalent 􀁱􀁵􀁡􀁬􀁩􀁦􀁴􀁣􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁾􀁢􀁡􀁳􀁥􀁤􀀠requirement prescribed for or by the sponsor of the airport. Foreign Market Restrictions. It will not allow funds provided under this grant to be used to fund any project which uses any product or service of a foreign country during during the period in which such foreign country is listed by the United States Trade Representative as denying fair and equitable market opportunlties for products and suppliers of the United States in procurement and construction. Policies, Standards. and Specifications. rt will carry out the project in accordance with policies, standards, and specifications approved by the Secretary including but not limited to the advisory circulars listed in the Current FAA Advisory Circulars for AlP projects, dated May 1. 1995 and included in this grant, and in accordance with applicable state policies, standards, and specifications approved by the Secretary. A·7Airport Assurances {O6l02/97 -Stale Modified 7/97} 35. Relocation and Real Property Acquisition. (1) It will be guided In acquiring real property, to tl1e greatest extent practicable under State law, by tl1e land acquisition policies In Subpart a of 49 CFR Part 24 and will payor reimburse property owners for necessary expenses as specified in Subpart 8. (2) It will provide a relocation assistance program offering the services described in Subpart C and fair and reasonable relocation payments and aSSistance to displaced persons as required In Subpart 0 and E of 49 CFR Part 24. (3) It will make avaliable wltl1in a reasonable period of time prior to disptacement, comparable replacement dwellings to displaced persons In accordance witl1 Subpart E of 49 CFR Part 24. 36. Access By Inlerclty Buses. The airport owner or operator will pennil, to the maximum exlent practicable, Intercity buses or other modes of transportation to have access to the airport, however. it has no obligation to fund special facilities for intercity buses or for other modes of transportation. Aiq><>rtAssurances (06102197 -State Modified 7/97) A-8 CURRENT FAA ADVISORY CIRCULARS FOR AlP PROJECTS Updated On; May 1.1995 NUMBER 70fT460-1 H. CHG 1 1\ 2 15015000-13 ' 15015100-14C 15015210-5B 15015210-78 15015210-14 15015210-15 15015210-18 15015220-48 15015220-10A 15015220-138 _ 15015220-14A 15015220-16A 15015220-17 A 15015220-18 15015220-19 15015220·20, CHG 1 1501522()'21. CHG 1 15015300.13, CHG 1, 2, 3, 1\ 4 1501530()'14 15015300-15 15015320·58 1501532()'6C, CHG 1 & 2 15015320-128 15015320-14 15015325-4A. CHG 1 1501534().1 G 15015340-4C. CHG 1 & 2 15015340-58. CHG 1 15015340·148. CHG 1 & 2 15015340-178 15016340·18C. CHG 1 15015340-19 15015340-21 15015340-23B 15015340-24. CHG 1 15015340-27A 15015345-3D 15015345·5A 15015345-7D. CHG 1 15015345-10E 15015345·12C 15015345-13A 15015345-258. CHG 1 & 2 15015345·27C 15015345-280, CHG 1 15015345·398. CHG 1 15015345-42C. CHG 1 15015345-430 15015345-44F, CHG 1 15015345-45A 15015345-46A 15015345-47 A 15015345-49A 15015345-50, CHG 1 15015345·51. CHG 1 15015345-52 15015345-53 1501536()'9 15015360-12A 15015360·13. CHG 1 1501537()'2C 15015370-58 15015370-10A. CHG 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6.7. & 8 15015370-11. CHG 1 15015370·12 15015390·2A 15015390-3 SUBJECT Obstruction Marking and Lighting Announcement of Availlbllity RTCA Inc., Document RTCA-221. Guidance and Recommended Requirements for Airport Surface Movement Sensors Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects Painting, Marking and Lighting of Vehicles Used on an Airport Aircmft Fire and Rescue Communications Airport Fire and Rescue Personnel Protective Clothing Airport Rescue and FireUghting Station Building Design Systems for Inleractive Training of Airport Personnel Water Supply Systems for Aircraft Fire and Rescue Protection Guide Specification for WaterlFoam Type Aircraft Rescue and Firefl9hing Vehicles Runway Surface Condition Sensor SpecificatIon GuIde Airport Fire and Rescue Vehicle Spectfication Guide Automated Weather ObselVlng Systems for NonFederal Applications DesTgn Standards for Aitcraft ResCtle Firefighting Training Facilities Buildings for Storage and Maintenance or Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment and Matenals Guide Specilicatjon fOr Small, Dua!-Agent Aircraft Rescue and Flrefighting Vehides Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment Guide Specifications for lifts Used to Board AIrline Passengers with Mobility Impairments Airport 􀁄􀁥􀁾􀁪􀁧􀁮􀀠Design of Aircmft Deicing Facilities Use of Value Engineering for EngIneering DesIgn of Airport Grant Projects Airport Drainage Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation Measurement, ConstnJction. and Maintenance of Skid Resistant Airport Pavement Surfaces Airport Landscaping for Noise Conttol Purposes Runway Length RequIrements for A1rport Design Standards for Airport Marking Installation Delails ror Runway Centerline Touchdown Zone Lighting Systems Segmented Circle Airport Marker System Economy Approach Lighting Aids Standby Power fOt' NonFAA Airport Lighting Systems Standards for Airport Sign Systems Taxiway Centerline Lighting System Airport Miscellaneous Lighting Visual Aids Supplemental Wind Cones Runway and Taxiway Edge Lighting System Air-To-Ground RadiO Control of Airport lighting Systems Specification for L-821 Panels for Remote Control of Airport Lighting Circuit Selector SwitCh Specification for L-824 Underground Electrical Cable for Airport Lighting Circuits Specification for Constant Current Regulators Regulator Monitors Specification for Airport and Heliport Beacon Specification for L-841 Auxiliary Relay C3binetAssembfy for PUot Control of Airport lighting Circuits Specifica!ions for L-823 Plug and Receptacle. Cable Connectors Specification for Wind Cones Assemblies Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) Systems FAA Specification L-853. Runway and Taxiway Centerline Retroflective Markers Specifica!ion for Airport Light Bases, Transformer Housings, Junction Boxes and Accessories Specification for Obslruction Lighting Equipment Specifica!ion for Taxiway and Runway Signs Ughtweight Approach Light Structure Specificalion for Runway and Taxiway Light Fixtures Isolation Transformers for Airport Lighting Systems Specification L-854, Radio Control Equipment Specification for Portable Runway lights Specification for Discharge-Type Flasher Equipment Generic Visual Glidesfope Indicators (GVGO Airport Ughing Equipment Certification Program Planning and Design of Airport Terminal Facilities at NonHub Locations Airport Signing and Graphics Planning and Design Guidance for Airport Terminal Facilities Operatlonal Safety on Airports During Construction Construction Progress and Jnspection Report-Airport Grant Program Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports Use of Nondestructive Testing Devices in the Evaluation of Airport Pavements Quality Control of Construction for Airport Grant Projects Heliport Design Vertiport Design A-9 CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORT FUND TxDOT Contract No.: 8XXF A040 TxDOT CSJ No.: 9842ADDSN I, _____---;::-:_-:--_________-:=:-:-:______' (Name) (Title) do hereby certifY that the ______--::c-::-_-=::::---: :--_____Airport Fund has (Name ofFund) been established for the City of Addison and that all fees, charges, rents, and money from any source derived from airport operations will be deposited for the benefit of the __-:-___-=-:-_-=:_:::-______Airport Fund and will not be diverted for (Narne ofFund) other general revenue fund expenditures or any other special fund of the City of Addison and that all expenditures from the Fund will be solely for airport purposes. Such fund may be an account as part of another fund, but must be accounted for in such a manner that all revenues, expenses, retained earnings, and balances in the account are discernible from other types of moneys identified in the fund as a whole. The City of Addison, Texas, has caused this to be duly executed in its name, this ___ day of The City ofAddison, Texas (Sponsor) Title:_____________ DESIGNATION OF SPONSOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TxDOT Contract No.: 8XXFA040 TxDOT CSJ No.: 9842ADDSN 1, ___________________________ (Name) (Title) hereby designate _____________________ as the Sponsor's (Name, Title) authorized representative for the project, who shall have the authority to make approvals and disapprovals as required on behalf ofthe Sponsor. The City ofAddison, Texas, has caused this to be duly executed in its name, this ___ day of _________, 19 ___ The City ofAddison, Texas (Sponsor) By:___________ Title:_____________ DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE Mailing Address: TelephonelFax Number: CERTIFICATION REGARDING PAVEMENT PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE TxDOT Contract No.: 8XXF A040 TxDOT CSJ No.: 9842ADDSN The City of Addison, Texas, assures or certifies that it has implemented an effective airport pavement maintenance-management program and it assures that it will use such program for the useful life of any pavement constructed, reconstructed or repaired with Federal financial assistance at the airport. It will provide such reports on pavement condition and pavement management programs as the State determines may be useful. The City of Addison, Texas (SPONSOR) (SIGNATURE) (TITLE) (DATE) CERTIFICATION REGARDING DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS A. The grantee certifies that it will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement noti/Ying employees lliat the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use ofa controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplaee and specifying the aetions that will be taken against employees for violation ofsuch prohibition: (b) Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about(1) The dangers ofdrug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantee's policy ofmaintaining a drug-free workplaee; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplaee; (e) Making it. requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance ofllie grant be given a copy ofthe statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition ofemployment under the grant, the employee will(1) Abide by the terms ofthe statement; and (2) Notify the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation ofa criminal drug statute oeeurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after suell convietion; (e) Noti/Ying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after reeeiving notice under paragraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notiee ofsuch conviction. Employers ofconvicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every grant offieer or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt ofsuell notices. Notices shall include the identifieation number(s) ofeach affected grant; (I) Taking one ofthe following actions, within 30 calendar days ofreeeiving notiee under paragraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is so convieted(1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and ineluding termination, consistent with the requirements ofthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (2l Requiring such employee to partieipate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforeement, or other appropriate ageney; (g) Making a good faith effort to eontinue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation ofparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (I), B. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: Place of Performance (Street address, city, county, state, zip code) All Town premises P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Dallas County, Texas 75001 Check __if there are workplaees on file that are not identified here. Signed: _______________ D&ed: ______________ Ron Whitehead, City Manager, Town of Addison Typed Name and Title of Sponsor Representative TOWN OF ADDIsoN PUBLIC WORKS , To: MAj,-J WWldw\ From: James C. Pierce,Jr.,P.E.,DEE Assistant City Engineer Company: tt-6 ZRJC:1 Phone: 972/450-2879 FAX: 972/450-2834 FAX#: 17;), -eJ-le if-5'S97 16801 Westgrove Date: tf-l.!-qq P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 # of pages (including cover): t Re: IJJests-1I1<-jLx l wo.:-t o Original in mail 0 Per your request 0 FYI 0 Call me Comments: J5&fP--􀁾􀁤􀀠IfKepor-i-: c'1 +]) 15£ 􀁾􀀠􀁡􀁃􀁾􀁢􀁓􀁁􀁮􀁲􀁒􀁴􀁴􀀦􀀯􀀨􀀠􀁾􀁉􀀬􀀡􀀿􀁾&rh{;r?/DB£-&nhJprs U£A 111 FAll -f/5s 15& 􀁻􀀧􀀻􀁮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠PI«5-L 􀁪􀀿􀁲􀁢􀁶􀁾􀀭􀁥􀀠fiULc.-L 􀀯􀁾􀀠􀁈􀁲􀁾dES tl:i 􀁊􀀿􀁾􀀵􀀵􀀾􀁢􀁬􀀭􀁥􀀮􀀮􀀠I v11 􀁴􀁉􀁾􀀵􀁥􀀺􀀠#rm5 f td-ztm 􀁴􀁎􀁾􀀠􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁌􀀮􀁟􀁾􀀠􀁗􀁾􀀠(I.e 􀀮􀁾eJ-fk-'ob.f 􀁴􀀻􀀭􀀨􀁏􀀭􀁾􀁱􀀠􀁾􀁊􀁫􀁪􀁦􀁣􀀠􀀱􀀱􀀱􀁾􀀭lwk? 􀁾􀁾􀁍􀀠􀁾􀂻􀁦􀁺􀀠 To: 5. AppnM»Om1II1DBEOoaI --_% TXDOT AVIRTION DIVISION 512 416 4510 P.05/09MRR-25-1999 17:04 􀁾􀀱Ulf I.Illc liUAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. NameofSpansor: 2. Name ofAbpon: 3. Nlim&I oCPIo:pIn!r: ___--:::--___.".....,,....-TI:Icpbcme No. 4. GoaIPeriod: Pram: ___ 6. AIl' ProjIa No.(s) 1. TOI8l Prime C4mImII A101IIdcd 10 all CoatnIcIoI1........... .... .•... _____ II. ToIII Prime ContracIs Awanlod 10 DBB·s............................... . 9..TolaISubc:omnIcIs Awanled 10 ODE', by I1OII-DBl! Prime CoIIlIlII:IOrs.............. ' .......................................... ,.,........................ _____ 10. Tola! Prime aDd Sublxmll1lClS Awanled 10 DBE's (swn of 11mI8 aad 9) ................................................................................. _____ 11. 1O(b) divided by 1(b) = % =actual DBB Plnicipllicm. 12. ODE Primoaad SubcoaInc:tAwatds by1)peoCWoJk; NttmIv;r l..Y!bI! W_ TOI8l OM WllilIS! Total DBE a. ProfessionallColl51lltaDt SorW:es 􀀨􀁬􀀩􀁾........................... ___ (2) Arehjte=llal .......................... ___ (3) COa.mlWIM............................. ___ (4) Tcstinl-.................................. ___ (5) OIlIer ....................... :.............. ___ 'II. Constrw:Iion 􀀨􀁉􀀩􀁾.................. ___ (2) Pavbg ................. :.................. ___ 􀀨􀀳􀀩􀁓􀁾.............. (4) I alldllCllpillg.......................... . (') 􀁾............................... --(6) TnIddag ................................. ___ (J) Paillliq.................................. ___ (8) 􀁆􀁾.................................. ___ (9) Other...................................... ___ c. Supplies (1) BlllCUlcai................................ ___ (2) OIlIer....................... ............... ___ d. Equip""'lll. (1) I';na.................................. ___ (2) 1'Im:hasiDg.............................. __ TOTAL .................................................... ___ 13. DBI' Prime and Subcontract Awards by disadvaDlagecl Chwp: Nnm!rr BIadtAmericaas. ....................................... : ... _____ Hispanic Amm""n...................................... . Natiw A.meIiQaIu........................................... _____ AsIIII"Indian AaIericaas................................. _____ Asian-PICiDc Americ:ans................................ _____ Women (that mellOlll!cl:t:idcd aboIIe) ............ . 0tlIet cIisadwDIaged............................... , ....... ____ TOI8l ODE................................................... , .. _____ DC)TF4630 P.07/08TXDOT RVIRTION DIVISION 512 416 4510 MRR-25-1999 17:05 · . REPORT OF DBB GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Instructions) DOT Fomt4630 must be IUbmitted annually by each sponsor havill8 an approved DBE program. The form should be submitted to the FM Regional CiVIl Rights Statfwith the updated DBE goal information. The form should reflect contract awards that were made durin,g the period covered by the sponsor's previously approved overall DBE goal. For some sponsors, this period !Day be the Feder!!! fiacal year, while for others, a dmrent 12-month period. SpOllSOl'S ofmore than one airport should submit a separlIte report for each obligated location. Use this fomt to report all F M·assisted contract awards covered by the DBE program. including professional and consultant services, construction, supplies, and vehicles and equipment. DO NOT REPORT: (1) FM-assisted conums to purchase land; (2) Non-Federal contracts (those not assisted by the FAA's Airport Improvenu:nt Program (AlP»; (3) AIP grant funds used for "force account" or for other noncontractual work. While land purchases are not reported, all2th!!!: contracts let under land acquisition projects, such as for appraisal and survey, are to be reported. When the dollar value ofa contract is Rquc:sted, report the Federal (FM) share only; do not include any state or local matching fimds. Round -all values to the nearest dollar. 1. Name ofthe spnnsor. 2. Name ofAirport. 3. Name and telephone number ofperson who prepared report. 4. Tne beginaing ad ending dates ofthe goal period for which the report is submitted. S. The spnnsor's approved overall ODE goal for the period indicated in item 4. 6. The AIP project numbe[(s) for the prime and subcontracts reported in items 7 and 9. 7. The total number and dollar value ofall prime conU1.cts awarded during the soal period. 8. The number and dollar value ofprime contacts reported in item 7 that were awarded to DBB's. 9. The total number and dollar value ofsubconU1.cts awarded to DBB's by non-DBE prime contractor durin,g the soaJ period. Report only those subcontracts actually 􀁾􀁥􀁥􀁵􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠during the goal period, regardI_ ofwhen thl! prime contraIlt was awarded. is the sum ofthe prime 111'-1 sobcontracts to DBE's re,orted in items 8 and 9 II. uMde the doHarvalue in lO(bJ tIy the dol1arvalue in 7(b) to obtain the actual DBE percentage participation for the goal period. 12. This Is a breakout ofthe prime and subcontracts reported in item 10 by type ofwark perfOmted by the DDE's. Indicate number and doDar value ofaWlU'ds to women..owned 5rms under category designated "Total DBE.fl Ifthe COnU1.ct involves more than one type ofwork, report only the predominant type bued on cost. 13. Thill is a brukout ofthe prime and subcontract awards to DBE's reported in item 10 by the disadVlllltaged group ofthe firms' owners. The category "Other disldvantaged" refers to DBE's owned and operated by individuab who have been determined by the sponsor on acase-hy-case basis to be socially and economically dlRdvanta,ged. The definitions ofthe disadvantaged groups are found in 49 CFR 23.62. as amended on October 21. 1987 ud May 23, 1988. In the case ofsplit ownership by two or more disadvanta,ged individuals, the DBE participation should be reported fOr the group which owns the largest share. Ifthe ownmmp is equal, the DBE parIlc:ipation should be reported for the group which is listed fir1It on the form. DOTP46JO --------------------------------------------512 416 4510 P.08/08MRR-25-1999 17:06 TXDOT RVIRTION DIVISION '. -. REPORT OF CERTIFffiD DSE CONTRACTORS USED ON FAA-ASSISTED CONTRACTS Name ofAirpon: Airport Sponsor: City/State: Preparer: Telephone No.: Date: List below information about DBE's that perfunned work on FAA-assisted contracts dumg the goal period whidljust expired. Ifno DBE!inns participated on FAA-assisted contrllCts, write "None" below. Name ofDBE firm: Address: City: Slate: Zip:-..,..".------------Telephone No.: Type ofWork: S Amount ofWork: S AlP Grant No.: Natne ofDBE Finn; Address: City: Sate: Zip:--::-:-----------Telephone No.: Type ofWork: $ Amount ofWork: $ AlP Grant No.: (Use additional sheets &S necessary) TOTAL P.08