~ . ~ 'Li;:;;~i·l Construction Change Order For requjred chlDget to tbe reioeatjou of Cnmge HaddaWAY Driye 05-02 Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System This is a Change Order to the Fuel Farm contract dated February 14,2005 (the' Original Contract~) between Thielseh Engineering, Inc. (the "Contractor") and the T of Addison (the "Principal"). 1. The parties hereby agree that the following changes shall bema to the scope of work and services to be provided by the Contractor in the 0 .. Contract, In accordance with the email from Sam Lundgren dated 4/221 5 06:09 PM with the subject "Construction Project Status Update and Meetin Conference Call Minutes" and subsequent phone call withR. Normandeau 28/05: Removal of Existing Driveway Materials: The rework ofGeorge Haddaway Drive is changed to r uire the removal ofthe existing 3" layer ofasphalt pavement including the exi . g underlying 12" layer ofun-reinforced concrete which was originally oUght to be a 12' layer of asphalt pavement. . Installation of New Driveway Materials ~ ..," ". ~:" thick concrete on T' of a egate base course to make up ,;'--:;'. .:. j-,:';' .';' '.: :, l and reinforce the concrete 'th #4 rebar on 12' centers '.24" centers transversely fr m the driveway entrance '~;':J~;i:t;:til'·'Y' '.Je loading ramp, ~~~~:ff,~'ii{i ,~".o;:.>, it';f.,},e changes, the Principa shall pay to the Contractor the "'·.F;:/i.tJ,.J't,,,vv, which shall be aid in accordance with the terms """,',11'.'" approval ofthi Change Order. that all other and conditions ofthe Original and effi:ct, un-ame ded except as expressly provided in any other Chang Order agreed to in writing between Date Date // Construction Chapge Order For required changes to tbe relocation Qff...egri@HaddawayDrjve 05-02 Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System This is a Change Order to the Fuel Farm contract dated February 14, 2005 (the "Original Contract") between Thielsch Engineering. Inc. (the "Contractor") and the Town of Addison (the "Principal"). 1. The parties hereby agree that the following changes shall be made to the scope ofwork and services to be provided by the Contractor in the Original Contract. In accordance with the email from Sam Lundgren dated 4122105 06:09 PM with the subject "Construction Project Status Update and MeetingfConference Call Minutes" and subsequent phone call with R. Normandeau 4128/05: Removal of Existing Driveway Materials: The rework ofGeorge Haddaway Drive is changed to require the removal ofthe existing 3" layer ofasphalt pavement including the existing underlying 12" layer ofun-reinforced concrete which was originally thought to be a 12' layer of asphalt pavement from the driveway entrance around the curve to the loading ramp. This was to be replaced with 12' ofABC and then a 2" layer ofasphalt (TypeD). Installation of New Driveway Materials We will now install a 10" base ofABC and a 2" surface course ofHMAC (Type-C) on top ofa 3" black base asphalt course from the driveway entrance around the curve to the loading ramp. 2. As consideration for the changes, the Principal shall pay to the Contractor the additional smn 0[$13,222.30 which shall be paid in accordance with the terms ofthe original Contract after approval ofthis Change Order. 3. The parties hereby confirm that all other terms and conditions ofthe Original Contract are full force and effect, un-amended except as expressly provided in the Change Order or in any other Change Order agreed to in writing between the two parties hereto. Thielsch Engineering, Inc. Date Town of Addison Date " Back-up George Haddaway Modification Total end Base 10" soi I. & concrete Black base course 2" Surf crse HMAC $13,222.30 FINANCE pEJ>ARDi1ENTIPTmGHASING DMSION 5350 Belr J jDy ROAd (972) 1$9:7Q62 E-mail ssims@ci addison tx "s Facsimile (972)450-7096 P.O~ Box 9010 A1idison~ Texas 750m March 30, 2005 Thielsch Engineering rvrr. Richard Normandeau 2111 Dickson Drive, Suite 10 Austin, TX 78704 NOTICE TO PROCEED: Bid 05-02 Fuel Storage and Dispensing System Dear rvrr. Nonnandeau: Receipt ofthis document authorizes your company to provide all1abor and materials as outlined in the specifications and under the tenns and conditions ofthe conb:act documents for Bid 05-02 Construct Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System at Addison A.iIport beginning on Monday, April 4, 2005. Enclosed is your copy ofthe signed contract and your bid bond. 'The proposed improvements and work shall be completed with the original contract price of$3,885,000.00 and within 210 days as stated on the contract. Please include Bid No. and Name: 05-02 Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, OIl all monthly invoices or other correspondence to the Town of Addisoa . Ifyou have any questions orifI can be. ofassistance to you, please contact me at 972-450-7089. Sincerely, ~ jlLili~'Sbanna N. Sims Budget and Procurement Manager Copy: Jim Pierce i/Mark Acevedo Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing Facility Addison Municipal Airport Construction Activity Report -Week Ending April 29, 2005 Work Scheduled This Week: This week we planned to: a Install the curb inlets and start installation ofthe associated drain piping. a Conduct pre-construction meetings with Rabalais and Texas Industrial Partners. a Drill test holes to determine ifrock anchors can be used to anchor the oil/water separator. a Relocate survey monument AA3 (now changed to AA7). a Install the project sign. a Resolve how to modifY the relocation ofGeorge Haddaway Drive. Accomplishments This Week: The curb inlets were installed and installation ofthe drain piping has begun. We conducted meetings and walk downs with Rabalais I & E, and Texas Industrial Partners. Rabalais started layout work for the underground conduit duct bank and completed installation ofthe weather head and temporary wiring to the field office trailer. TXU has been called to make the connection to the weather head. Texas Industrial Partners Partners will begin work on the fire hydrants as soon as the permit is issued and Dig Tess re-marks the underground utilities in the relocation area. The phone lines to the field office trailer are installed and working. The telephone numbers are: Thielsch Engineering (972) 233-1222 Town ofAddison (972) 233-1201 Fax (972) 233 1244 The survey monument is not back from having the "Town ofAddison" engraved on the brass fixture. Latest word is that it is expected back next week. In Thursday's weekly construction meeting it was decided to rework George Haddaway Driveway by using 8" ofreinforced concrete over 7" of aggregate base course from Addison Road to the off-loading ramp. This is in lieu ofthe originally required lime stabilization and installation of2" ofasphalt over 1 0" ofaggregate base course. The cost will be re-estimated and forwarded to Mark Acevedo on a Change Order for approval before the work can begin. lof2 ADDISON AIRPORT FUEL FARM CONSTRUCTION REPORT ADDISON, TEXAS Week Started: Week Ending: 04123105 04129105 Contractor: General Manager: Assistant Manager. THJELSCH ENGINEERlNG Richard Normandeau J.B. Buller Report Number: Report Date; 4 4129105 Project Manager: Samuel Lundgren, P.E, WGI Phone: 303-843-3596 offfice Contract Days: 210 Contract Days Used: 26 Contract Days Remaining: 184 % Complete: 12% Site Conditions This Week Day Temperature (High's -Low's) Weather Ground Conditions Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 71 77 '"-----~~ 84 ...~93 75-_. --~50 53 55 66 53 No Work No Work rain clear clear clear weI dry __.... _d7'ryO--__ dry dry Principal Items of Work Performed This Week This weeks activities Include: • started excavation for the curb drainage. • /I foot permanent fence instaHation. • Installed construction sign. * Phone service installed. Trailer Number: 972-233-1222 • Dave Wilde's Trailer Office: 972-233-1201 • Trailel's Fax: 972-233-1244 • * This weeks' pictures islare: Electronic -On File Special Instructions: NEXT WEEKS SCHEDULE: Relocate survey monument. Start underground electrical trench. Complete curb drainage. Fire hydrant relocation on the north end. Construction Meeting scheduled for Thursday May 5, 2005 at 3:00pm at the Airport's conference room. Luis E. Eiguezabal, C.M. __Airport DIrector Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: Mark Acevedo Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 200511 :35 AM To: 'Lundgren, Samuel'; Elguezabal, Luis; Pyles, Usa Cc: Steve Chutchian; Jenny Nicewander Subject: RE: Addison Airport Proposal Sam, Thanks for the cost estimate. Please correct ma if I am mistaken, but this assumes that all the soil and backfill material that will be used trom the new site is "clean". Do we know this now? or does this material need to be tested and if so, when? and is the cost to test included in this cost estimate? Will or should this material be tested before stoel< piling on the airport? I do not want to stock pile this material for many months only to find out we can not use it. Additionally, it is staff's understanding that there is considerably more material to stock pile than what was originally estimated. Thanks! Mark Acevedo Town OfAddison, Texils Director ofGeneral Services 972-450-2848 Office 972-450-2825 FaX macevedo@ci.ilddison.tx.us -----Original Message----From: Lundgren, Samuel [mailto:5amuel.lundgren@wgint.com] Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 5:08 PM To: Mark Acevedo; Eiguezabal, luis; Pyles, lisa Cc:: Steve CIlutchian; Jenny Nicewander Subject: fW: Addison Airport Proposal Mark, Here's the "independent" on pulling the USTs. $311k, which is close to the last year number. I told them the work would probably be Sep/Oct time frame. Respectfully, Sam ---0riginal Message--From: Laura Rectenwald [mailto:lrectenwald@titaniumanvironmental.com] Sent: Friday, March 18, 20054:19 PM To: lundgren, Samuel Cc:: Davis, Terry; 'Steve Wemple'; mwilson@titaniumenvironmental.com Subject: Addison Airport Proposal Sam, Our proposal is attached. Thanks for the opportunity to bid on the project. Please don't hesitate to call if you have questions or would like to discuss the scope ofwork. Have a nice weekend, Laura 3/22/2005 Page2of2 laura Rectenwald, Ph.D. Titanium Environmenlal Services, LLC PO Box 4029 longview, Texas 75606 Phone (903) 234.a443 Fax (903) 234-1641 www.tita!liumenvironmental.com 3/2212005 Page 1 ofl Steve Chutchian From: Lundgren, Samuel [SamueI.Lundgren@wginl.com] Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 5:08 PM To: Mark Acevedo; Eiguezabal, Luis; Pyles, Lisa Cc: Steve Chutchian; Jenny Nicewander Subject: FW: Addison Airport Proposal Mark, Here's the "independent" on pulling the USTs. $311 k, which is close to the last year number. Itold them the work would probably be Sep/Oct time frame. Respectfully, Sam -----Original Message----From: Laura Rectenwald [mailto:lrectenwald@titaniumenvironmental.com] Sent: Friday, March 18,20054:19 PM To: Lundgren, Samuel Cc: Davis, Terry; '5teve Wemple'; mwilson@titaniumenvironmental.com Subject: Addison Airport Proposal Sam, Our proposal is attached. Thanks for the opportunity to bid on the project. Please don't hesitate to call if you have questions or would like to discuss the scope ofwork. Have a nice weekend, Laura Laura Rectenwald, Ph.D. Titanium Environmental Services, LLC PO Box 4029 Longview, Texas 75606 Phone (903) 234-8443 Fax (903) 234-1641 www.titaniumenvironmental.com 3/22/2005 Page 1 of1 Steve Chutchian From: Lundgren, Samuel [Samuel.Lundgren@wgint.com] Sent: Monday, March 21 , 2005 5:05 PM To: Mark Acevedo; Pyles, Lisa; Rood, Neil Cc: Steve Chutchian; Jenny Nicewander; Elguezabal, Luis Subject: FW: Elimination of Canopy Gutters and Downspouts Mark, If we leave the 10,000 gal oil water separator, but delete the ganopy gutters, downspouts and ug piping. Recommend we do this. Respectfully, Sam -----Original Message---From: mormandeau@thielsch.com [mailto:mormandeau@thielsch.com] Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 1:07 PM To: Lundgren, Samuel Cc: PKennefick@thielsch.com; TLent@thielsch.com Subject: Elimination of canopy Gutters and Downspouts Sam, By eliminating the canopy gutters and downspouts and associated drain piping, the is an approximate reduction of $18,145. The reduction from the 10,000 gallon oiliwater separator to the 5,000 gallon one was $8,600. Therefore, the net is an additional $9,545. Rick Normandeau Thielsch Engineering, Inc. 2111 Dickson Dr. Suite 10 Austin, Texas 78704 78704 3/22/2005 Lundgren, Samuel From: John Bagnall Dbagnal@bumsmcd.com] sent: Wednesday. Marth 09. 2005 9:00 /WI To: Lundgren. samuel Subject: Addisoo SIaIus BMcD Project 34310 Sam, I am in process of re-examining where we are at with regards to our fee and overruns. I needed more coffee II1Yself this morning. I'Ibat I had stated in II1Y previous email was that I thought we had an overrun of approx. $6,000 to date, not including the pending value engineering items effort which I was estimating at over 40 hours of effort va. the 20 hours you had proposed. I will pin down what our overrun has been to date and give you a hard number for what we think the VE effort will take. This will he done this morning and I will email you as soon as we come up with a total number for our overrun to date plus the coat to implement the VE items. Sest regards. John H. Bagnall. P.E. Project Manager Burns .. McDonnell voice: 816-822-3524 Fax: 816-822-3519 Cell: 816-377-0815 1 Lundgren. Samuel From: John Bagnall Obagnal@bumsmcd.com] sent: Wednesday, March 16,2005 2:23 PM To: lundgren, samuel Cc: TedBom Subjec:t: Addison Fuel System BMcD Project 34310 Hi Sam, AS we discussed OVer the phone, I will be sending out the mechanical plans with the new arrangEll!lent, including new pump type. air eliminator, deletion of one ....ter, etc. by the end of the day. AS discussed previously, we have expended all of our contract fees at this point. The $6,000 recently approved brought us up to date for our fees associated with work previously cOll\Pleted. That is, due to scope changes Which occurred during execution of the project design and doCUll\E!nted in previous correspondence, our fees which had included construction services were consumed. This occurred prior to the recently perfomsd pOll\Ping system changes which will be sent to you later today. As stated previously. due to the cOlI\Plexity of the issue regarding the change in pump type. and although we feel the original design and pump type would perform satisfactorily. we have made the associated required drawing changes at no additional cost. Regarding the value engineering items. including lighting changes, control systEllll changes and the metering system change. we have estimated the additional engineering coat to complete these changes. We estimate that this will take an additional 40 hours of labor, including engineering and ced, at a cost of $4,150. In order for us to satisfactorily proceed with these changes, we would respectfully request assurance that Washington Group will reimburse us for the cost of this work. Per our discussions, I understand that the client has requested expanded construction services. We consider this very prudent and would be eager to partiCipate as much as allowed to serve the best interest of the client, and of course ourselves and our vested interest. we can provide a fee proposal for these services after our level of participation is defined. AS a minimum, we would recommend construction services scope scope items such as shop drawing/equipment submittal review. answering contractor questions/RFIs, site trips during construction and participation in system commissioning and start-up activities. I would be glad to discuss any of the above with you at your convenience. Best regards, John H. Bagnall, P.E. Project Manager BUrns &< McDonnell Voice: 816-822-3524 Fax, 816-822-3519 Cell: 816-371-0815 1 ~JJ; ~L~/rport Date: March 18, 2005 Subject: Update on Pre-Construction Items and Issues for the Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport 1. Reference Rick Normandeau's (Thielsch Engineering) e-mail ofMar 17, 2005: o I received the modified mechanical drawings, sheet 27 and 28 after 5 PM on Wednesday and forwarded them to Rick Thursday morning. The drawings are in PDF furmat, so I do not consider them scaleable for pipe and equipment layout purposes. Since the POC provided by John Bagnall on his e-mail to me is not in the office, as ofthis morning (Mar 18) I have asked the Burns and McDonnell office to forward those sheets in AutoCAD format SO that I can sent copies to Thielsch Engineering's Cranston RI office and FEDEX six copies to Rick at the Thielsch Engineering Austin IX office. o During the Pre-Construction Meeting, I indicated that I had requested the modified drawings by COP Friday, March II; however, upon calling John Wednesday morning (Mar 9), he indicated that they were quite busy busy and that he would try to get them out, at least by Monday, 14 Mar. I indicated that the Town has approved his requested contract increase of$6000 to cover the additional design effort and he sent me the e-mail, which is included as attachment #4. I did ask fur sketches so as not to delay ordering the tanks and equipment. Follow on conversations that Monday, John indicated that he would have them done and sent by Wednesday, which he did. The last conversation on the Electrical drawing modification was that he would work them on Monday Mar 21 and sent them as soon as possible. o The basis ofthe mechanical modifications is from discussions with the originally preferred fuel system pump manufacturer (Gorman-Rupp) that there is a concern on using the specified self-priming centrifugal pump in this inverted "U" suction-piping configuration. Although these pumps have been used successfully used in this arrangement previously, there have apparently been instances where unsatisfactory operation has occurred and and Gorman-Rupp takes exception to the proposed application. The Burns and McDonnell solution is to use a positive displacement type pump with similar performance capabilities, which will include changes in piping layout and accessories. Several plan sheets and specification sections would be modified to incorporate this design change into the contract documents; however, in an effurt to not delay the bid opening date, an addendum was issued with instructions to bidders to price and use Blackmer X4B-N pumps for Jet A and XIAB fur AvGas. The addendum indicated that a bulk air eliminator vessels, vertical configuration -4-inch size for Jet A and 3-inch size for AvGas will be required and the relaxation chambers for Jet A systems are eliminated and that GWashlngton LundI'T"l'. 303-843-3596 the float control on bulk air eliminators shall be hydraulic type, with an air block feature and connecting tubing added to the water slug/flow control valves, which are as originally specified o The electrical plans are scope is also affected by these changes, along with several "value engineering' items in the form ofdeleting some circuits and changing others, while adding electronic display meters and their associated conduit and wiring. o John Bagnall ofBums & McDonnell has been in discussion with both Thielsch and Washington Group on these issues, so every effort will be made to resolve mechanical, electrical and value engineering design issues. o Some other items or issues that John indicated needed to be resolved are: I) He was unsure that the horizontal fiherlseparators would fit in the area because they had a bigger fontprint; however, we will need better dimension ofpiping and equipment do determine this. 2) They specified dual case steel meters versus the suitable substitution ofaluminum case flow meters. This needs to be evaluated by performance, reliability, acceptability and price. 3) He said that the relaxation chamber deleted in Addendum 2 had to be put back in to make the system work properly. 4) He had questions on the request for dimensions shown on the pipe routing and for dimension details for the pump, filter, strainer, air eliminator, relaxation chamber and meters as requested by Rick Normandeau ofThielsch. Their reason for not putting dimensions on the drawing was to provide flexibility fur construction but Thielsch feels that there is not enough infurmation for layout, fabrication and construction. John indicated that the plans are drawn to scale and it was their intent that piping and layout could be scaled from the drawings. Thielsch feels that this is not an acceptable solution. o At the pre-construction meeting a number ofitems were reviewed and approved and concurred that stating them in the meeting minutes would serve as authorization to proceed. The items not reflected in the "draft" meeting minutes included: 1. Keeping the 10,000 gal oillwater separator and deletion ofthe canopy gutters and down-spouts and associated drainage piping as more cost effective than changing the oil/water separator to 5,000 gal. The larger oilJwater separator will handle all storm flow from the site without bypassing. Rick will price this option and give a comparison for approval. 2. The use ofextra base material in lieu the lime stabilization activity is agreed upon but not yet approved until the GeoTechnical firm verifies the acceptable section for the pavement load. 3. Sam will provide additional justification for deleting fireproofing ofthe canopy rafters based on the quantity offuel that might be involved in an incident so that a decision is fully justifiable. o The fencing contractor feels that the 10' high fence should have 4" posts, versus the 3" specified, and that the post spacing should be 7' O/C versus 10' O/C. They would also recommend using "green" fence slats in the normal GWashington Lundgren. 303-843-3596 galvanized fence fabric versus black vinyl coated fabric with black slats, since the green looks much better in this application. o A fuel equipment supplier recommends the 3" Blackmer Xl.5B ISO GPM fur AvGas versus the 4" Blackmer XIAB pump specified in the Addendum It appears that the Xl.SB is more appropriate for this application and that we should stay at ISO GPM and a 3" line fur the AvGas system. There is approximately $3,000 price difference per pump. o Thielsch request that the Notice to Proceed be delayed until these issues are resolved and the mOdified drawing and specifications are received so that they can do the job correctly. 2. Reference Rick Normandeau's (fhielsch Engineering) e-mail ofMar 13, 2005: o It was agreed that putting their approval in meeting minutes will be considered as official approval and authorization to proceed accordingly. o There were 9 items added to the agenda for review and approval in the meeting. l. Every attempt will be made to get the revised drawings reflecting the agreed changes issued Friday March 11. Mark said the notice to proceed will be issued once Rick calls him to say he has them. 2. Rick proposes that LC meters be reviewed for acceptance as an approved equal in addition to the Smith and Brooks meters listed in the spec. Sam believes they will be acceptable upon review by Bums & MacDonald engineering. 3. Sam will provide further teclmical evaluation as to why fireproofing ofthe canopy rafters should not be required. The Fire Marshall has agreed to let the final decision be made by project management. 4. It was agreed to eliminate the gutters and down spouts from the canopy since it appears that this is more cost effective than just reducing the size of the oil/water separator. This will require using the 10,000 gallon oil/water separator. Rick will advise Sam ofthe cost difference for recommendation and approval. 5. Once Sam receives the canopy design drawing and reaction loads, he will add fuundations under the center columns to accept the embedded anchor bolts. 6. It was agreed to stockpile all the excavated soil, asphalt and demo'ed concrete on airport property for future use by the airport. The stockpile location is shown on the marked up aerial site view attached to the meeting minutes. 7. Dave Foster stated that the excavated material only had to be broken to a size that would fit in the backhoe bucket. 8. The use ofthe chain link from the existing site security fence is acceptable. The airport will arrange for the Addison police assigned to the airport to be present during the short time the fence will be breached. 9. It was proposed, and tentatively approved, to use additional crushed backfill base in lieu ofthe lime stabilization activities. Rick will send the information to ECS fur their review. The results will be forwarded to Sam fur GWashlngton final approval. 10. The previously approved value engineering items were reviewed. 3. Reference the Constroction Start Punch List from the 3-8-05 Pre-Construction Meeting Minutes: 1. Revised mechanical piping drawings for Blackmer Pump, one LC meter and air eliminator (Sam will work) 2. One LC Meter with Pre-Set (Sam will work) 3. Fire Coating ofCanopy Steel and additional justification to Mark (Sam will work) 4. Delete Gutters, Downspouts and Underground Piping, but leave the 10,000 gal oil/water separator (Rick will price) 5. Canopy Steel column details, including center column for footing (Sam will obtain detail from Schwob Construction) 6. Stock pile materials for future use (Luis will work) 7. Demolition materials crushed and used for road base (Luis will work) 8. Use of"old" 6' CIL fence fabric 9. Add approximately 3 Ya inch ABC base vs Lime stabilization under Slabs and Pavement (Check with BCS on alternate section) (Rick will work) 10. Concurrence on the value engineering items a. 10,000 gal oil/water sep (pending item #4) b. Modified Catwalk (done) c. Mechanical flow meter with remote electronic display (working) d. Duct bank encasement (done) e. Redundant controls in the MCC (Sam working) f Concrete steps (done) g. Metal Halide lights in the canopy (Sam working) 4 Attachments: 1. Rick Normandeau's e-mail ofMar 17, 2005 2. Rick Normandeau's e-mail ofMar 13, 2005 3. Pre-Constroction Punch List ofMar 8, 2005 4. John Bagnall's e-mail ofMar 9 & 16. " Washington Page loI3 Lundgren, Samuel From: mormandeau@lIIle1sch.com Sent: Thursday, March 17.20053:59 PM To: macevedo@cI.addlson.lX.ua Cc: PKennelick@thlelsch.com; TI..enl@lIIle1sch.com; Lundgren, Samuel; jbagnal@bumsmoo.com SubJeet: Open Issues at Start of Conslrucllon Mark, I want to make you aware of the Issues that are not "officially" resolved which are a very real impediment to starting construction with a dean set of drawings and specification. You, jim, Sam, and I agreed that If we do not want confusion with regards to the requirements for this project, we need to have all the approved value engineering items incorporated into the drawings and to revise the specification to allow the "or equal· items identified. My concern is that all of engineering is not proceeding in accordance with that agreement. I want to document these Issues so the project team can pull together all the decision makers, whomever they may be, and resolve these Issues before proceeding with construction. On March 8, we were to receive the revised drawings on Friday. March 11, 2005. That did not happen. Then, I was told we'll try to have the revised "mechanical" drawings, "or at least sketches to work with" by Monday March 14. Upon further review of the drawing status, the Issuance was changed to haVing the mechanical drawings on Wednesday. March 16. I didn't get them. When I asked about the revised electrical drawings, I was told they would follow shortly after that. but the exact time was not known. The electrical scope is also affected by these changes. Not only are we deleting some circuits and changing others. we are adding electronic display meters and their associated conduit and wiring. This cannot be overlooked. but there doesn't seem to be much urgency to get them issued. Commendably. john Bagnall of Burns 8. McOonnell called me around noon yesterday to establish contact and direct communication between him and I now that we are imminent to starting in the field. We would then be able to resolve Issues or questions more expediently. Knowing how I feel about the importance of communication and teamwork for our success on this project, you can appreciate how pleased I was to receive John's call. john said that he was working hard to get the drawings to Sam that same day. Unfortunately. I found out that some of the previously agreed upon changes might not happen. I am confused that the drawings were within hours of completion and he stili wasn't sure about some ofthe items. I suspect he wanted me to learn of these Items before the drawings got Issued so I wouldn't be surprised when they didn't reflect our agreement and my expectations. John identified the following points: 1) He was unsure that the horl..:ontal filter/separators would fit in the area because they had a bigger footprint. (Why wasn't Sam Informed of that problem earlier to see if we had any suggestions?) 2) We wouldn't be able to use the aluminum case flow meters (instead of the dual case steel meters). I don't think he said the aluminum were unacceptable but that the steel meters were preferred. We wanted the aluminum because they are widely accepted and used in airports all around 3/1712005 Page20f3 the country and they are less expensive. john acknowledged that the aluminum meters are used on fuel delivery trucks. I would think if aluminum meters are acceptable for use on trucks, they would be acceptable on concrete. 1 told him, if they are not 'UNacceptable" then the airport project personnel should be allowed to make that decision. It does Involve less expensive equipment -and according to some, are more appropriate for the intended use. 3) He said that the relaxation chamber deleted in Addendum 2 had to be put back In to make the system work properly. If It's necessary, then It's necessary. There Is no argument for that type of change. john also questioned that I wanted dimensions shown on the pipe routing. I Informed him that the tanks are not located In the east-west direction and that the pumps, filters, and meters are not dimensionally located on the drawings either. His reason for not putting dimensions on the drawing was to provide flexibility for construction and to not tie their hands, I agree and commend that logie, but If taken too far, results in not having enough information for construction. Thielsch plans to have the eqUipment locations identified on the slab and then set the equipment at those locations. Thielsch would use "field" ends on the fabricated pipe spools for final field adjustment to connect to the equipment. John said the drawings were drawn to scale and it was their intent that' could scale the piping to get the needed Information. In 23 years of experience working in the field, we were always told NOT to scale the drawings but to use the Indicated dimensions. Thlelsch has to develop fabrication drawings, on which we have to put the dimensions in order for the craft to know how fabricate the spools. I will have to get those dimensions by painstakingly measuring the pipe runs on the drawings. This, in itself. leaves a lot of room for measuring error. These drawings must then be sent to sam and john for approval before I can use them. Will they not have to scale the drawings also to verify the dimensions are correct in order to approve them? In addition, I have to tell the tank fabricators where to put the holes In the saddles for the pipe to pass through. That information will also have to be scaled from the drawing. "II bet if 3 different people scale the drawing, there will be 3 different sets of dimensions. This will also require us to have many more "field· ends and make more welds in the field which is more difficult and time consuming. I'm sure you'll agree this leaves too much room for error and is not in the best interest of our project. It's not an acceptable solution. It seems to me that, whereas we thought we had everyone's agreement, we didn't. I believe we need an explanation why the changes are not being Incorporated and why It's taking so long. At the pre-construction meeting a number of items were reviewed and approved. We decided that stating them in the meeting minutes would be "off/dal" authorization to proceed. However, the decisions made were not reflected in the draft copy of the minutes I reviewed. I brought this to Sam's attention. For example, the Issue of the deletion of the canopy gutters and down-spouts and associated drainage piping were agreed upon but not yet "incorporated" or approved. Also, the use of extra base material in lieu the lime stabilization activity Is agreed upon but not yet approved. Also, the fireproofing of the canopy rafters is still not offiCially deleted. Yesterday I spoke with sam about the scaling of the drawings and it was noted that full size drawings are needed to scale from. Even though I have the drawings, they are not yet usable for scaling purposes. We have Identified a possible problem with the fence. The fencing contractor believes In his 3117/2005 Page30f3 experience, the slatted chain link fence must have closer spacing on the posts in order to withstand even a 30 mph wind. Furthermore, the 10' high fence would require 4" diameter posts in lieu of the 23/S" diameter posts so it won't fall over due to the wind. I also told Sam that one pump supplier is recommending we not use the Blackmer Xl48 pump specified in the Addendum for the AvGas. It's a 4" pump that, in their opinion, is much too big for use and that the X2.SB 150 gpm pump Is more appropriate. In fact, Blackmer sized the pump to be X2.58 for this supplier. I'm not saying the pump specified is the wrong one. I am asking Sam to evaluate the Information I'm being given. There is also a $3,000 price difference per pump. Again, as soon as I learned of the issue, I informed Sam. We are making considerable effort to be timely in our communications with the project manager and the engineering consultant. However, we request your assurance in decision-making and responses more promptly. I understand that as we progress, questions will arise and have to be dealt with. The fewer, the better. But, we can't start out with several of them unresolved and Without all the drawings we need. The fact Is, we stili don't have the revised drawings and specification we decided we needed to do the job correctly. I have received the email with the revised mechanical drawings today. March 17, 2005. Based on my comments above, please be adVised I request the "notice to proceed" not be issued until the matters are resolved. You can understand why fm not wanting to proceed without having the agreed upon changes incorporated into the drawings or in writing. Mark, it's important that we talk before Issuing the notice to proceed. Rick Normandeau Thlelsch Engineering, Inc. 2111 Olckson Dr. Suite 10 Austin, Texas 78704 3/17/2005 Page 1 of2 Lundgren, Samuel From: mormandeau@lhielscll.com Sent! Sunday. March 13.2005 6:40 AM To: Lundgren, Samuel Cc: PKennefick@lhielsch.com; l1..ent@lhielsch.com Subject: Re: Pre-ConslrUction Meeling Minutes for ADS Fuel System Sam, Good job! The only thing we might add is a brief dISCUSSion on each of the Items, 1 thru 10, you added at the end of the agenda. Her are my notes on them if they help. There were 9 items added to the agenda for review and approval in the meeting. It was agreed that putting their approval in meeting minutes will be considered as offiCial approval and authorization to proceed accordingly. 1. Every attempt will be made to get the revised drawings as a result of Incorporation of the agreed changes are to be Issued Friday March 11. Mark said the notice to proceed will be Issued once Rick calls him to say he has them. 2. Rick proposes that lC meters be reviewed for acceptance as an approved equal in addition to the Smith and Brooks meters listed in the spec. Sam believes they will will be acceptable upon review by burns & MacDonald engineering. 3. Sam will provide further technical evaluation as to why fireproofing of the canopy rafters should not be required. The Fire Marshall has agreed to let the final decision be made by project management. 4. It was agreed to eliminate the gutters and down spouts from the canopy. This will require using the 10,000 galion oil/water separator. Rick will advise Sam of the cost difference. S. Once Sam receives the canopy design drawing and reaction loads, he'll add foundations under the center columns to accept the embedded anchor bolts. 6. It was agreed to stockpile all the excavated soil, asphalt and demo'ed concrete on airport property for future use by the airport. The stockpile location is shown on the marked up aerial site view attached to the meeting minutes. 7. Dave Foster stated that the excavated material only had to be broken to a size that would fit in the backhoe bucket. 8. The use of the chain link from the existing site security fence fence is acceptable. The airport will arrange for the Addison pollee assigned to the airport to be present during the short time the fence will be breached. g. It was proposed, and tentatively approved, to use additional crushed backfill base In lieu of the lime stabilization activities. Rick will send the information to ECS for their review. The results will be forwarded to Sam for final apprOl/al. 10. The previously approved value engineering Items were reviewed. Rick Normandeau Thlelsch Engineering, Inc. 2111 Dickson Dr. Austin, Texas 78704 :311412005 Date: March S. 2005 Time: 2:00pm Location: Airport Administrative OfflCCS 16051 Addison Road Addison, TX 75001 Snbject: Pre-Construction Conference for the Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport Meeting Agenda and Minntes: 1. Attendees: Rick Nonnandeau Thielsch Engiueering Rodney Beshirs Richard DIake Conslnrotion Paul Drake Richard Drake ConSInIDtion Sam Lundgren Washington Group International Luis Elguezabal Addison Allport Dave Foster Addison Aixport Jenny Nicewander Town ofAddison Steve Chutcbian Town ofAddison Mark Acevedo Town ofAddison Hennan Cordova Rabalais I&E Construction James Sipes Rabalais I&E Construction Bob Cuvelier Rabalais I&.E Construction Bill Dyer Addison Allport 2. Review ofConstruction Project Sequenec a. Rick Normandeau briefed the attendees the conSInIDtion scbeduJe summary, outliuing the remaining variables for tanks and equipment b. Sam Landgren summarized the seqnence as listed on plans to maintain security ofthe aixport and site. 3. Construction Site layout and Considerations a. Office Trailer and Sauitation i. To be located on the concrete slab just east ofthe Millennium hangar fence. Ii. Porta Johns will be located in the southeast area ofthe site. b. Safety Plan 1. Rick Normandeau distributed to the attendees a list ofsections from their company's Safety Plan. Sam Lundgren identified the items on the list that will be pertinent to this project. Theilsch Eogineering will rely on the sub-<:onlr.wtors to provide their own Safety Plan, and will use it's own to supplement theirs. ii. Rick will obtain and edit the Thielsch Engineering Plan and submit to Sam and Steve for review c. Fencing and Site Security i. Theilsch plans to reuse the fencing material from the current fence that will be removed for the temporary fence. ii. The erection of the temporary fence will coincide with the demolition ofthe current funce, in order to minimize the airport's security exposure. iii. The contractor will build two temporary gates one offRoscoe Turner and one offGeorge Haddaway. The primary construction entrance will be offRoscoe Turner. d. Demolition and Haul Route 1 Y.. mile i. The planned demolition haul route is attached, showing a distance ofapproximately l-y" miles. ii. Dave Foster, or designee, will provide radio contact and escort in the designated stockpile area on the west side ofthe airport. iii. Piles ofdirt/material should not exceed 7 feet high in the designllted stockpile area. iv. The material stockpiles should be sepataled. in the stockpile area to accommodate clean dirt fill material, asphalt pavement demolition material and concrete l'Ubble material which will be used lit different loolltions on the airport e. Construction Traffic i. The primary construction entrance for deliveries will be offRoscoe Turner. n. After demolition, there should be minimum or no haul offthe site, other than trash f. Traffic Control i. As identified on the plans. Theilsch will coordinate with the Town for any lane closures ofAddison Road. g. Storm Water Runoff Control i. As identified on the plans. ii. No storm WIller or trash can go to Addison Read and the airside drainage must have a silt screen to go into the airport storm system. h. Survey, Utilities marking and protection i. Theilsch needs to coordinste with Dal-Tech for the relocation of the GPS monument and controls. ii. Theilsch will verify the gas line and identify and mark all other utilities. i. Storage, Stockpile & Distnlrution ofMute rials L Three demolition/excavation stock piles will be on the airport: " Washington 1. Concrete -West side area ofAltport fur use as along drainage ditch as "rip rap." 2. Asphalt -West side area airport fur use as base material fur perimeter roadway 3. Clean Dirt -West side area ofaitport fur use after UST removal ii. Thei1sch will coordinate with Dave Foster fur haul. access and specific location ofthese stockpiles. (See altached map) 4. Project Construction Schedule & Milestcnes a. Covered under Section No. 2. and attached PDF 5. Technical Support and Inspections a Scheduled Meeting1l i. Monthly meetings to be held, but may include conference calls. b. Town ofAddison visits i. Dave Wilde will be the construction inspector for the Town of Addison. He will have a desk inside the construction trailer. c. Wasbington Group Engineer visits i. Sam Lundgren will make visits or participate in meetings via phone. ii. A representative ofthe WGI -Dallas office will participate on the project and make occasional site visits. d. Concrete & Soils Testing i. To be determined by Thielsch. e. Shop Drawings i. Sam Lundgren prefers electronic submittals, in PDF format. All the submittals will be sent to Sam Lundgren. f. Change Orders i. None 6. Aitport Considerations a. Security i. Discussed in Section No. 3.c. b. Access, Aixport Operations and Tower i. Contractors will stay within their construction area, as identified in the aerial provided during fue meeting. All construction personnel will remain clear ofthe Aitport's movement area. ii. Ifthere is a need to go to the airside ofthe aixport. all coordination will be made through Luis Elguezabal or Dave Foster. c. Coordination i. All airport coordination will be made through Luis Elguezabal or Dave Foster. 7. Emergency Services (BMT. Fire & Police) a. Call or Contact 911 for any emergency b. Town ofAddison has their own EMf service. 8. Contact List a. See below. The list will be:revised and distributed by Sam Lundgren. 9. Other Questions, Issues or Concerns a. Dave Wilde will check off all pay requests, which will be sent to Steve Chutchian, and sent offto Marlc Acevedo fur payment. b. Tentative Notice to Proceed is scheduled for Tuesday Mareb 15,2005. Gwashington Contact Information 1. Project Engineer: 2. Town ofAddison: 3. Addison AiIport: 4. Surveyor: Samuel Lundgren. P.E. Washington Group International, me. 7800 E. Union Avenue, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80237 Phone (303) 843-3596, Fax (303) 843-3133, Cell (720) 530-7315 Steve Chutchian. P.E., Project Coordinator Assistant City Engineer Addison Service Center 16801 WestgroveDrive Addison, Texas 75001 Phone (m) 450-2879 Dave Wilde, Construction Inspector Addison Service Center 16801 WestgroveDrive Addison, Texas 75001 Phone (972) 450-2848, Cell (214) 215-6528 Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Director ofPublic Works Addison Service Center 16801 WestgroveDrive Addison, TX 75001 Phone (972) 450-2879 Luis Elguezabal, CM Assi8tant Director 16051 Addison Road, Suite 220 Addison, TX 75001 Phone (m) 392-4861, cell 817-946-4406 Dave Foster ChiefofMaintenance 16051 Addison Road, Suite 220 Addison, TX 75001 Phone(m) 392-4861, cell 214-683-7583 Alan Moore, RPLS 17311 Dallas Pkwy, Suite ZOO Dallas, TX 75248 Phone: (m) 250-2727 ~Wasblngto n 5. Geotechnical: Dan Franklin, PE ECS 4950 Keller Springs Rd. Suite 480 Addison, TX 75001 Phone; (972)392-3222 Construetion Start PlUleh List: 1. Revised meehanica\ piping drawings for Blackmer Pump, one LC meter and air eliminator 2. LC Meter with Pre-Set 3. Fire Coating ofCanopy Steel and additional justification to Mark 4. Delete Gutters, Downsp01lt$ and Underground Piping. butleave the 10,000 gal oiVwater separator 5. Canopy Steel column details, including center column fur rooting 6. Stock pile materisls fur future use 7. Demolition materials emshed and used for road base 8. Use of"old" 6' CIL fence fabric 9. Add approximately 3 ~inch ABC base vs Lime stabilization under Slabs and Pavement (Cheek with ECS on alternate section) 10. Concurrence on the value engineering items a. 10,000 gal oil/water sep b. Modified Catwalk c. Meehanica\ flow meter with remote electronic display d. Duct bank encasement e. Redundant controls in the MCC £ Concrete steps g. Metal Halide lights in the canopy ~31)3-843-3S96 AIRPORT VEHICLE ACCESSROAD Pavement Reconstruction Addendum No.1 March 16.2005 To all bidders This addendum becomes part ofthe "AIRPORT VEmCLE ACCESS FUEL ROAD" plans and specifications. Pagc PF-2 ofthe contract documents must be fJlled out by the bidder acknowledging the receipt ofthis addendum. Bids will not be accepted ifthe above instructions are not foBowed. MODIFICATIONS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS I. Section SP-Special Provisions-a. Section 47 -General Sequence ofConstruction_-The 2nd paragraph, first sentence. delete the words "temporary pavement markings" b. Section 50 -GRASS REP AIR will be deleted 2. Section PF -Proposal F onn -replace pages PF 5 and PF 6 in their entirety. 3. Section PS -Project Sign -Page PS2. paragr.q>h one, first sentence should read "One (I) Project ... " Replace page PS 2 and PS 3 in their entirety. MODIFICATIONS TO THE PLANS There have been modifications to the following plan sheets l. DT I -detail sheet I 2. DT2 -detail sheet 2 For Clarification purposes only Questions from the the pre-bid meeting I. Concrete strength is 4500 PSI, not 5000 PSI as stated in the meeting. 2. Barricades will be required on both sides ofthe proposed road construction. 3. No temporary pavement markings are required in this contract 4. Silt fence around inlets are acceptable erosion control at the airport 5. There are no irrigation systems with in the airport construction area that will need to be maintained 6. Quantity for street excavation includes pavement removal and assumes a depth of IO-inches. Page 1ofl (_No.1) Ai"»Y.l.4 4 .4 ·.4 .4 "~"V,« -4 BARS 0 IS' C·C CENTERED IN SI..AB -S DOWELEO BARS 20' I..ONG ON 15' CENTERS EXISTING 12' SCARIFY S' OEPTH AND RECOMPACT CONCRETE PAVEMENT TO QSX STANOARO PROCTOR OENSITY. SUBSIDIARY TO 10' REINFORCED CONCRETE PAY ITEM, SECTION A-A REPAIR AREAS SHALL BE LEVELED TO UATCH EXISTING CRADE OF ADJACENT CONCRETE OR ASPHALT PAVEMENT. If" ADDITIONAL FILL UATERIAL IS NEEOEO, FLEXIBLE 8ASE UEETING THE REOUlREUENTS OF NCTCOG STANOARO SPECIFICATIONS 301.5 SHALL 8E USEO. ADOITIONAI. FILl.. MATERIAL SHALL SE SUBSIDIARY TO SID ITEt.IS. CONTRACTOR WIll SOD DISTURBEO AREA.. & THE SUL 011 TillS DOCIJIIE"T WAS .4I)THQiI'ZEO BY J. S. NlCE"A"OER P.E.-87643 ON Ucrch Ucrch 4. 2005 DT-1 ADDISON AIRPORT REUOVEO PAVEMENT SHALL BE DlSPOSEO OF BY CONTRACTOR AND CONSIDERED SUBSIDIARY TO OTHER 810 ITEt.IS. AIRPORT VEHICLE ACCESS ROAD TYPICAL SECTION CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT& ADDENDUM 1 • MARCH 16, 2005 ADJACENT TO CONCRETE ...\TECHPROmSheets\ftdl01ad d1.dgn 0311612005 02:20:06 PM , G • 4 .i2~~'lHM( P60.5. ~ICONET . 1......:..:: ~JOINT. . 1.1/4'£ 4 4 4 4 4 4 ••••••SYTIME••••• ••••••••••••OONSPEC••••••••••••••• NOT TO SCALE'/4" BEVELED EDGES, TYP I~" BEVELED~1.. ±I/... PVIIT.EDGES, TYPV2" ±'/." '/4" MAX. BELOW PVIIT. P605 SIL ONE· . JOINT I \~ '.4 4 4 4 . ROD. SE~ANT..• ~::::.:rl i 4ALAN SAWED JONTKER RODS:N ... l'k'± ,ACKER &v." NITIAL S~CUI L OVERSIZED BACKER ROD DR ROPE RESILIENT FIBERBOARD PLACED IMIoIEDIATELY AFTER INITIAL FILLER. ONE PIECE. FULL SAWCUT IIF REOUREDI TO PREVENTDETAIL 1 MATERIAL FRDII ENTERINGDEPTH FULL WIDTH. CAST EXPANSION JOINT CONTRACTION JONTIN PLACE (TOP PORTION NOT TO SCALE CUT OUT FOR JOINT DETAIL 2SEALER & BACKER ROD DUMMY JOINT ..;,:;:itlt.~\11 NOT TO SCALE ~-*~~ SAW CUT ~i1e.~";~J& LIrE 318' JOINT VI SILICONE 2' SlA'ACEJOINT SEALING PRII€ COIJISE ~(TYP) MILL ON) COAT TI-/£ SEAL ON HasEPOXY 9ARS3' OOClJt,lENT PROPOSEO WAS AUTHORIZED BY 18' COCRETE \ .. 8' CONCRETE ~PAVEMENT T ...",. ta' C(Jr£RETE J. S. NICEWANDERl;;PAVEMENT . 9 P.E.-8784' ONPAVEMENT & ~SEE SECTION A' SEE SECTION A·A \~;. t ,~ t-..0· MOl"ch <4, 2005 EXISTlhIl SECTION C 6-COCRETE NOT TO SCllLE DT-2 ., IlOVELEO BARSI.\ 28' LOHO illSECTION B ADDISON AIRPORT ON 12' CENTERS NOT TO SClII.E AIRPORT VEHICLE ACCSS ROAD PAVING JOINT DETAlLS & AOOEIO.II I MMCH 16, 2Il85 ",ITECHPRODISheetslftdt03ADD1.dgn 03/16/200502:19:16 PM Tariff for Retail Delivery Service TXU Electric Delivery Company 6.3 Agreements and Forms Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Page 10 of 23 Effective Date: January 1. 2002 Revision: Original 6.3.4 Discretionary Service Agreement This Discretionary SelVice Agreement rAgreemenr) is made and entered into this _ day of February. 2005. by TXU Electric Delivery ("TXU Electric Delivery Company" or "Company"). a Texas corporation and distributioo utility, and Town of Addison ("Customer'), a municipal corporation, each hereinafter sometimes referred to individually as "Party" or both referred to collectively as the ·Parties". In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein. the Parties agree as follows: 1. Discretionary Services to be Provided -Company agrees to provide. and Customer agrees to pay for, the follo"ng discretionary selVices in accordance with this Agreement. [Specify below or in an atlacihed exhibit the discretionary selVice(s) to be provided, the applicable rate scihedule(s), the location at which discretionary seMce(s) will be provided, and any supplemental tenns and conditions applicable to such servlce(s).] Services consist of the removal of a capacitor pole and stub pole with gUY which am in proposed paving area of Addison Airport fuel facility. Service also consists of the setting of a new DOle in an area which will not be Daved along wUh the instal1()tion of new conductor to tie into existing wires and maintain servi0 to present aimQrt customers, This construction is near the intersection of George Haddaway Drive and Addison Road. 2. Nature of Service and Company's Retail Delivery Service Tariff -Any discretionary services covered by this Agreement will be provided by Company, and accepted by Customer. in accordance with applicable Public Utility Commission of Texas ("PUCT") Substantive Rules and Company's Tarlff for Remil Delivery Service (including the Service Regulations contained therein), as it may from time to time be fixed and approved by the PUCT ("Company's Retail Delivery Tanff'). Durlng the teon of this Agreement, Company is entitled to discontinue service. interrupt service, or refuse service initiation requests under this Agreement in accordance with applicable PUCT Substantive Rules and Company's Retail Delivery Tariff. Company's Retail Delivery Tariff is part of this Agreement to the same extent as if fully set out herein. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreemen~ the terms used herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in Company's Reml! Delivery Tanff. 3. Discretionary Service Charges -Charges for any discretionary services covered by this Agreement are determined in accordance with Company's Retail Delivery Tanff. Company and Customer agree to comply with PUCT or court orders concerning discretionary service charges. 4. Term and Termination -This Agreement becomes effective when executed by both parties and continues in effect unlil final payment is received from Customer. T ennination of this Agreement does not relieve Company or Customer of any obligation accrued or accruing prior to tenmlnation. 5. No Other Obligations -This Agreement does not obligate Company to provide, or entlfle Customer to receive, any ..lVice not expressly provided for herein. CUstomer is responsible for making the aorangements necessary for it to receive any further services that it may desire from Company or any third parly. 6. Govemlng Law and Regulatory Authority -This Agreement was ",",cuted In the State of Te>I-;e 1,(.£ 5(1/30 "'17%-=>57-//99Ifetl:) ~.t.' <2•.,.,.,-; " i ~ c' 14,:,,/s'<)' un WI ~.!.Q I. I +p ?5'IS\)' PJ. ~tl7.;l) /JOl~'dx 59025 ld~ 7)/?O.2 'T 9)). I, 22.,t,,,,,,,,: e _,7.= DS5DG."'" • '1 ')). a~~ ooq? ,.. /'OWGrJ~ +,'~iI),Qq",,,. ,L""" ..J 9)) 6fA 96>': 1:: ie5 21 P /Joe., ~ """ '77a--5),5 112" -OS' Irtc""'-~ . ''''' ------------.------- ------------....... -.-........ -. V ~ 05-13 Airport Vehicle Access Road Pre Bid Meeting •••_. _ ••• -j ----\: ---_ •••• Company Name ,4.;~/lMt Do-vt:: Fo""k -rye'A ~1\ _tI G-1\rT: :> . r -'5"f.:J c' (1, I,\\2.\~~~'" ~\...)~.J-';~. "fGAJj);k/'II~(IPrlfJfizrre S.f.et-€.. cfft/rCflfo/v ~7'tv~qF..tvaP "" -----------. Addrells Phone '17J..-"3'f~4'f'5 a ---. IaN-?:,"3Q.<-..,...-, IQA.... ~I!:o-~ ~ g/7-9;;.3~t/I()'; " ~ '1/2 q..9'2&ft; " ---~----------------) Fax Email ----l1,,~JI. ~k:rt9r..Jt; }J-.I'" ---Bf7,..-Cfl+fJJlJ{k Ihftlrrpl1 rfj)tJAa.,,)iI<;o~ con 772-1:P 2r:f !> '7 ." " "" " "" ~ --------" " ----- James E. Davis, P.E. Senior EngineerTXU Electric Delivery TXU Electric Delivery 301 S. Harwood 6th Floor, South Building Dallas. Tx. 75201 Tel 214.875.2380 Fax 214.875.2382 e-mail addressjdavis4@txue d.com March 7,2005 Jenny Nicewander Project Manager -Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 Re: Estimate for Relocation Work at the Addison Fuel Farm Facility Dear Ms. Nicewander: The estimated cost for TXU Electric Deli very's relocation at Addison Fuel Farm Facility is $8,446.78, including federal tax and city franchise fee. According to the Discretionary Service Agreement for this relocation, the Town of Addison will be invoiced for the actual charges for the relocation, including federal tax and franchise fee. However, ifthe invoiced amount exceeds the estimated amount then TXUED will provide a written explanation for the overage. Ifyou have any questions about this, please contact me. Sincerely, James E. Davis, P.E. Tariff for Retail Delivery Service TXU Electric Delivery Company 6.3 Agreements and Forms Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Page 10 of23 Effective Date: January 1,2002 Revision: Original 6.3.4 Discretionary Service Agreement This DiscreUonary Service Agreement ("Agreemenr') is made and entered into this _ day of February, 2005, by TXU Electric Delivery ("TXU Electric Delivery Company" or "Company"), a Texas corporation and distribution utility, and Town of Addison ("Customer"). a municipal corporation, each hereinafter sometimes referred to individually as "Party" or both referred to collectively as the "Parties". In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Discretionary Services to be Provided -Company agrees to provide, and Customer agrees to pay for, the following discretionary S8IVices in accordance with this Agreemenl [Specify below or in an attached exhibit the discretionary selVice(s) to be provided, the applicable rate schedule(s), the location location at which discretionary service(s) will be provided, and any supplemental terms and conditions applicable to such service(s).] Services consist of the removal of a capacitor pole and stub pole with guy which are in proposed paving area of Addison Airport fuel facility. Service also consists of the setting of a new pole in an area which will not be paved along with the installation of new conductor to tie into existing wires and maintain service to present airport customers. This construction is near the intersection of George Haddaway Drive and Addison Road. 2. Nature of Service and Company's Retail Delivery, Service Tariff -Any discretionary services covered by this Agreement will be provided by Company, and accepted by Customer, in accordance with applicable PubliC Utility Commission of Texas ("PUCT") Substantive Rules and Company's Tariff for Retail Delivery Service (including the Service Regulations contained therein), as it may from time to time be fixed and approved by the PUCT ("Company's Retail Delivery Tariff'). During the term of this Agreement, Company is entitled to discontinue service, interrupt service, or refuse service initiation requests under this Agreement in accordance with applicable PUCT Substantive Rules and Company's Retail Delivery Tariff. Company's Retail Delivery Tariff is part of this Agreement to the same extent as if fully set out herein. Unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, the terms used herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in Company's Retail Delivery Tariff. 3. Discretionary Service Charges -Charges for any discretionary services covered by this Agreement are determined in accordance with Company's Retail Delivery Tariff. Company and Customer agree to comply with PUCT or court orders concerning discretionary service charges. 4. Term and Termination -This Agreement becomes effective when executed by both parties and continues in effect until final payment is received from Customer. Termination of this Agreement does not relieve Company or Customer of any obligation accrued or accruing prior to termination. 5. No Other Obligations -This Agreement does not obligate Company to provide, or entitle Customer to receive, any service not expressly provided for herein. Customer is responsible for making the arrangements necessary for it to receive any further services that it may desire from Company or any third party. 6. Governing Law and Regulatory Authority -This Agreement was executed in the State of Texas and must in all respects be governed by, interpreted, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws thereof. This Agreement is subject to all valid, applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and rules and regulations of duly constituted regulatory authorities having jurisdiction. 7. Amendment -This Agreement may be amended only upon mutual agreement of the Parties, which amendment will not be effective until reduced to writing and executed by the Parties. But changes to applicable PUCT Substantive Rules and Company's Retail Delivery Tariff are applicable to this Agreement upon their effective date and do not require an amendment of this Agreement. 8. Entirety of Agreement and Prior Agreements Superseded -This Agreement, including all attached Exhibits, which are expressly made a part hereof for all purposes, constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties with regard to the service(s) expressly provided for in this Agreement. The Parties are not bound by or liable for any statement, representation, promise, inducement, understanding, or undertaking of any kind or' nature (whether written or oral) with regard to the subject matter hereof not set forth or provided for herein. This Agreement replaces all prior agreements and undertakings, oral or written, between the Parties with regard to the subject matter hereof, including without limitation __(NOT APPLICABLE)_ [specify any prior agreements being superseded], and all such agreements and undertakings are agreed by the Parties to no longer be of any force or effect. It It is expressly acknowledged that the Parties may have other agreements covering other services not expressly provided for, herein, which agreements are unaffected by this Agreement. 9. Notices --Notices given under this Agreement are deemed to have been duly delivered if hand delivered or sent by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prep~id, to: (a) tf to Company: TXU Electric Delivery Attn: James Davis 301 S. Harwood S" Floor South Building Dallas, Texas 75201 Tariff for Retail Delivery Service TXU Electric Delivery Company 6.3 Agreements and Forms Applicable: Entire Certified Service Area Page 11 of 23 Effective Date: January 1. 2002 Revision: Original (b) Iflo Customer: Steve Chutchian 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 The above-listed names, tiUes, and addresses of either Party may be ~hanged by written notification to the other. 10. Invoicing and Payment -Invoices for any discretionary services covered by this Agreement will be mailed by Company to thelbllowlng address (or such other address directed In writing by Customer), unless Customer Is capable of receiving electronic invoicing from Company. in which case Company is entiUed to transmit electronic invoices to Customer. Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Atlention: Mr. Steve Chutchian If Company transmits electronic invoices to Customer, Customer must rna"" payment to Company by electronic funds transfer. Electronic invoicing and payment by eleclronic funds transfer will be conducted In accordance with Company's standard procedures. Company must receive payment by the due date specified on the invoice. If payment is not received by the Company by the due date shown on the Invoice, a late tee will be calculated and added to the unpaid balance unUi the entire Invoice Is paid. The late fee will be 5% of the unpaid balance par invoice period. 11. No Waiver -The failure of a Party to this Agreement to Insis!, on any occasion, upon slrlct performance of any provision of this Agreement will not be considered to waive the obligations, rights, or duties Imposed upon the Parties. 12. Taxes -All present or luture federal, state, municipal, or other lawful taxes (other than federal income taxes) applicable by reason 01 any service performed by Company, or any compensation paid to Company, hereunder must be paid by Customer. 13. Headings -The descliptive headings of the various articles and sections of this Agreement have been inserted for convenience of reference only and ara to be afforded no significance tn the interpretation or construction of this Agreemenl 14. Multiple Counterparts -This Agreement may be executed In two or more counterparts, each of which is deemed an original but all constitute one and the same instrument. 15. Other Tenms and Conditions -The Customer will be invoiced for the actual charges of the discretionary services provided upon completion of tile project. The Customer agrees that payment shall be made within 30 days of the date the [nvolee for these services is received, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be sign by their respective duly authorized representatives. [COMPANY NAME] [CU BY: J~.=m~e=s~C~.~C~ha~se~--------- TITLE: Metro Major Design Manager DATE:_________ DATE:_"3-"!',,--_'?,,--~=O-=~'--__ James E. Davis, P.E, Senior EngineerTXU Electric Delivery TXU Electric Delivery 301 S, Harwood ff' Floor, South Buitding Dallas, Tx, 75201 Tel 214,875,2380 Fax 214,875,2382 e~mail address jdavis4@txued.com February 22, 2005 Jenny Nicewander Project Manager -Towo ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 Re: Signature Request for Discretionary Service Agreement -Addison Fuel Farm Dear Ms. Nicewander: Please find enclosed the Discretionary Service Agreement document for TXU Electric Delivery's work at the Addison Fuel Farm Facility, Please have the appropriate representative for the Towo Of Addison sign the document and return the original to me at the above address for signature by my manager, Mr. Jim Chase. A copy will be returned to you for your files. Sincerely, a~7. Q",~.. :... t7James E. Davis, P.E. James E. Davis, P.E. Senior Engineer TXU Electric Delivery TXU Electric Delivery 301 s. Harwood ff' Floor, South Building Dallas, Tx. 75201 Tel 214.875.2380 Fax 214.875.2382 e-mail addressjdavis4@txu ed.com March 7,2005 Jenny Nicewander Project Manager -Town of Addison 1680 I Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 Re: Estimate for Relocation Work at the Addison Fuel Farm Facility Dear Ms. Nicewander: The estimated cost for TXU Electric Delivery's relocation at Addison Fuel Farm Facility is $8,446.78, including federal tax and city franchise fee. According to the Discretionary Service Agreement for this relocation, the Town ofAddison will be invoiced for the actual charges for the relocation, including federal tax and franchise fee. However, ifthe invoiced amount exceeds the estimated amount then TXUED will provide a written explanation for the overage. Ifyou have any questions about this, please contact me. Sincerely, James E. Davis, P.E. •ADbIs'oN h-~&+"",t #1£j& '£A"'*' liSri'> ' Date: March 8, 2005 Time: 2PM Location: Airport Administrative Offices 16051 Addison Road Addison, TX 75001 Subject: Pre-Constmction Conference for the Bwk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport Meeting Agenda: 1. ~troductions 2. -Review ofConstruction Project Sequence 3, Construction Site layout and Considerations a, Office Trailer and Sanitation b, Safety Plan c. Fencing and Site Security d, Demolition and Haul Route e, Construction Traffic f Traffic Control g, Storm Water Runoff Control h. Survey, Utilities marking and protection i, Storage, Stockpile & Distribution ofMaterials 4. Project Construction Schedule & Milestones 5. Technical Support and Inspections a. Scheduled Meetings b. Town ofAddison visits c. Washington Group Engineer visits d. Concrete & Soils Testing e, Shop Drawings f Change Orders 6. Airport Considerations a, Security b. Access, Airport Operations and Tower c. Coordination 7, Emergency Services (EMT, Fire & Police) 8. Contact list 9. Other Questions, Issues or Concerns GWashington Lundgren, 303-S43..3S% Contact information 1. Project Engineer: 2. Town ofAddison: 3. Addison Airport: 4. Surveyor: 5. Geotechnical: Samuel Lundgren, P.E. Washington Group International, Inc. 7800 E. Union Avenue, Snite 100 Denver, CO 80237 Phone (303) 843-3596, Fax (303) 843-3133, Cell (720) 530-7315 Steve Chutchian, P.E., Project Coordinator Assistant City Engineer Addison Service Center 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 Phone (972) 450-2879 Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Director ofPublic Works Addison Service Center 16801 WestgroveDrive Addison, TX 75001 Phone (972) 450-2879 Luis ElguezabaJ, CM Assistant Director 16051 Addison Road, Suite 220 Addison, TX 75001 Phone (972) 392-4861 Alan Moore, RPLS 17311 DaIlas Pkwy, Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75248 Phone: (972) 250-2727 Dan Franklin, PE 4950 Keller Springs Rd. Snite 480 Addison, TX 75001 Phone: (972) 392-3222 " Washington Lundgren. 303-843-35% Date: March 8, 2005 Time:2PM Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport Pre-Construction Conference Sign-up Sheet Please Print Name FiIm!Organbation Phone# 1. __________________________ _____________________ 2, _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________ 4, _______________________________________________ 5. _____________________ __________________________ 6. ____________________________--------__________________ 7. ___________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________________ 10, ___________________________________________________ 11. _________________________________________________ 12, ______________________________ _________________ 13. _________________________________________________ 14, _________________________________________________ 15. _________________________________________________ " Washington Construction Start Punch List: 1. Revised mechanical piping drawings for Blackmer Pump, one LC meter and air eliminator 2. LC Meter with Pre-Set 3. Fire Coating ofCanopy Steel 4. Delete Gutters, Downspouts and Underground Piping, but leave the 10,000 gal oil/water separator 5. Canopy Steel column details, including center column for footing 6. Stock pile materials for future use 7. Demolition materials crushed and used for road base 8. Use of"old" 6' CIL fence fabric 9. Concurrence on the value engineering items a. 10,000 gal oil/water sep b. Modified Catwalk c. Mechanical flow meter with remote electronic display d. Duct bank encasement e. Redundant controls in the MCC f Concrete steps g. Metal Halide lights in the canopy ~Washington Lundgren. 303-843-3596 L ., JrlJ: (/tJ'l7ral!}irpOrlADDIsoN Date: March 8, 2005 Time: 2PM Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport Pre-Construction Conference Sign-up Sheet Please Print Name Finn/Organization Phone # ~C-I::.. r-JDeMA,JDt=J.\u 2. ladder t@,sh,'/J /.<.k,JIJ,..Jt?wI qOJ -7.1'.J-<1/78"1 3. Av-I /)JJ. £".k.rd1),,,,1., c;,..rr (9d}) -772-"IttI ~,lCJJ(!j..~J~=,,-,-_--,,~=...<.' :.....t:.'9'f~-~5~ Mi'/>t!;;P) !It~bttL q"7). 3f:1·4iSl.. r I Ac{J(-~-!};rfpr't "i7:J-3'f;J-4{5.1.'712-4Eb-22M7 . ..J6"<\j~ Ahe£k)A.,J{J3'£. 8..Sr-elf.. CHC/TC!.ffl'f,v' ptvIV '"F /+'911'.Xuv "172..-f9-2&ft 9. !1JAt(/( /!..U<"V!£i>o ~i 1-\ »12. J~ CWlE'L1& ~~(-:z4~-11~( 13. 6~Ll Dtj'tZ ¢\Ql~ ~A,tpO't} 977/31~~Vf~b 14. _____________________ 15. _____________________ GWashington Lundgren. 303.Jl43,3596 Ttlll-n;. Respectfully submitted, Samuel G. Lundgren, P.E. Project Engineer Washington Group International, Inc. GWashington Date: April 20, 2005 Subject: Update on Construetion Statas and Issues for tbe Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport L All revised/updated sealed plans from Bums & McDonnell have been received and are ready for reproduction ofthe final "construction" drawings. WGI will send 5 full and 7 half size to Thielsch, 2 full and 2 half size to the Airport and 4 ful\ and 4 half size to Town of Addison Engineering Department. (Reference copy to Bums & McDonnell) The canopy strueture details from Schwob Construction will be handled as a shop drawing. 2. Received the final Highland Tank OIW shop drawings, which will be reviewed and returned tomorrow. All comments and items appear to be included. 3. Coordinated the mogasldiesel tank layout and connections with the White Tucker Company on the dispensing equipment installation 4. The George Haddaway Driveway Entrance: -The 65% Design submittal indicated a concrete driveway entrance; however, during the review, it was noted that the existing driveway was asphalt and had been performing adequately, so the design changed to replacement of existing asphalt pavement -At the 95% design stage, the driveway entrance was relocated to directly lineup with George Haddaway Drive -The paving contractor has started demolition ofthe existing driveway entrance and found existing concrete pavement under the asphalt pavement. (an unknown site condition) Due to the relocation ofGeorge Haddaway Drive, approximately half ofthe new driveway entrance has existing concrete pavement under the asphalt pavement. -Ifwe had not relocated the driveway entrance, the recommendation would be to simply remove and replace the asphalt, since the existing concrete acts as a solid hase and extends the longevity ofthe asphalt pavement. -Recommend Thielsch Engineering obtain a cost proposal to place the driveway entrance as concrete from the gutter, along Addison Road, for 20 feet up the driveway, before transitioning to asphalt pavement. (4-22) After a site visit by Miguel Otero, the design civil engineer, he recommends that we install 10" thick reinforced concrete on existing base at the driveway entrance and transition to 8" thick reinforced concrete over 4" oftmarek@highlandtank.coma fterthecurvetothe loading ramp. He also recommends that we delete the 12" lime stabilized subbase after the loading ramp, since the tanker truck will be substantially lighter in weight after unloading. Lundgren. 303.$43·3'96 5. WGI is verifying the acceptable alternative to lime stabilization under asphalt pavement, since the I-inch increase was listed for rigid pavements and the concrete structure. (4-22) Discussed the acceptable alternative to 12" lime stabilized subbase under flexible pavements and with Dan Franklin ofECS, the GeoTech Engineer, and his recommendation is 3" high density Asphalt mix, over 2" low density Asphalt mix, over 18" aggregate base course. We will look into additional alternatives. 6. Working with Jenny on the number oftelephone lines required for current and future use, with a recommendation that the phone company consider a 20 pair cable. (4-22) Dave and Jenny have contacted SBC for response. 7. WGI will republish the specification book with the addendum, specification changes and technical change order called out in the front section. This will cover all approved changes to date. 8. The tank, equipment and piping layout "shop drawing" for the Jet A and LL AvGas tanks, will be updated to show canopy structure and foundation requirements. 9. Equipment information Listing: a. Highland Tank for Jet A, IL AvGas, Waste, MoGaslDiesel, OfW separator b. Liquid Controls for flow meters/remote displayfloading control valve (Cia-val), Air Eliminator, Strainer and 5 gal surge suppressor c. Velcon for horizontal water separator filter d. Blackmer for pumps e. Veeder-Root for Automatic Tank Guage f. OPW for overflow prevention valve g. Velcon for the 150 gal relaxation chambers h. Water slug valve: not yet identified I. Double block & bleed valve: not yet identified J. Gammon for Sump separator k. GasBoy for MoGaslDiesel Dispensing unit 1. F.E. Petro for submersible mogas and diesel tank pump 10. (4-22) A conference call was held Friday AM with Highland Tank, Thielsch, Washington Group and White Tucker (the equipment suppler) to review all tank penetrations and connections. The attached sheet shows all penetrations purpose and connections for each type oftank, Highland Tank will resubmit their final shop drawing (all all except OfW sep) for final approval on Monday. 11. The Pre-Construction Punch list is complete with the exception ofthe canopy column detail and structure moments from Schwob Construction, to modify the connections to the structure and to accommodate the center column in each bent. 12. The temporary fence is installed and the construction site office trailer is on site, waiting power and phone lines, GWashington Washington Group and Thielsch Engineering continue to work closely to insure all system items are incorporated properly and the tanklequipment layout is correct. Respectfully submitted, Samuel G. Lundgren, P.E. Project Engineer Washington Group International, Inc. GWashlngton Lundgren, 303-843-3596 April 21, 2005 at 3 PM CDST Project Status and Conference Call Meeting Minutes: I, Reviewed all ofthe above status report items 2, The address oftbe Addison Airport Fuel System is: 15701 Addison Road Addison, TX 75001 2, Excavation fur slab & pavements is substantially complete 3, Checking on excavation fur the oillwater separator, Thielsch has hit limestone bedrock approximately 1 fuot below o/w separator and would like to anchor the tank into bedrock versus installing the concrete deadman. The only concern is that there is some ground water infiltration, above the hardpan, in that area. Checking with Dan Franklin ofECS, his recommendation is to excavate to "gray" limestone versus the "brown" fractured limestone, and drill approximately 24" deep, setting expanding anchors in high strength grout to hold the tie-down straps. 4. The temp fence up and they are waiting for a factory run and delivery ofthe vinyl covered fencing. 5. Thielsch will determine the cost ofinstalling the reinforced concrete driveway and connection fur consideration by the Town. 6. The plumber will be ready to move the fire hydrant next week. 7. Thielsch will verify the emergency eyewash unit is freeze proof 8. (4-21) Thielsch requests assistance from the Engineering Department to work with the Building Department on waiving the building permit fees for this project. Next project review meeting and conference call will be Thursday, April 28, at 3pm CDST, at the office trailer, if power and phone are in, or at the Airport Office, if not. " Washington Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System for Addison Airport Tank Penetration and Connection Chart Tank connection purpose, type/size: Jet A Jet A LLAvGas Waste O/W Dual # Pw:po§e type/size 25000 15000 15000 300 S~arator Mogas lDi~sel a. Floating Suction b. Veeder-Root ATG (w/sleeve) c. OPW overflow prevent valve d. Hand pump unit e. Floating Suction Test Cable f. 2" Vapor recovery line g. Emergency Tank vent h. Monison 818 Clock Gauge i. Atmospheric Vent j. F.E. Petro submersible pump k. 3" Vapor recovery line I. Lockable Gauge Hatch m. 2" sump sep & F/S vent waste n. 2" vacuum suction line n. Spare 4"FL 4"NPT 6"NPT 2" FL-NPT 4"NPT 8"FL 2"FL-NPT 3" FL-NPT 4" NPT'" 4" FL-NPT 4"FL 4"NPT 6"NPT 2" FL-NPT 4"NPT 8" FL 2" FL-NPT 3" FL-NPT 4" NPT* 4"FL-NPT 3"FL 4"NPT 6"NPT 2" FL-NPT 4"NPT 4"FL-NPT 8"FL 2"FL-NPT 3"FL-NPT 4"NPT* 2"FL-NPT N/A 4" NPT 4" FL 2" FL-NPT 4" FL·NPT 2" FL-NPT 2"FL-NPT N/A 4"NPT 4" NPT 6"NPT 8" FL 2"FL-NPT 3"FL-NPT 4" NPT*" 3" FL-NPT 4" NPT* 4"NPT 6"NPT 8"FL 2" FL-NPT 3" FL-NPT 4" NPTu 4"NPT'" NPT'" 4" FL-NPT '" Installed in 36" manway cover ** Installed in 24" manway cover Jet A, LL AvGas, Diesel and MoGas Tanks have stainless steel ladder installed at 36" manway FL-NPT means Flanged Connection with threaded companion flange ADDISON AIRPORT FUEL FARM CONSTRUCTION REPORT ADDISON, TEXAS Week Started: Week Ending: 04/16105 04122105 Contractor. General Manager. Assistant Manager. Project Manager. THIELSCH ENGINEERING Samuel Lundgrlm, P.E., WGJ Report Number. Report Date: 3 -4122105 Phone: 303-843-3596 olffice Contract Days: 210 Contract Days Used: ---''''-_Contract Days Remaining: 191 % Complete: 9% Site Conditions This Week Day Temperature (High's -low's) Weather Ground Conditions Richard Normandeau Salll:rday No Work No Work Monday 74 64 in PM dry Tuesday 76 64 dry Wednesday 77 66 dry Thursday 81 69 clt.JUtlY dry Friday 78 51 clear dry Principal Items of Work Perfonned This Week This weeks activities Include: • Removed the airpoTfs dumpster. • Rough grade the oorth and south entrance and exit to the site. • Finished grade excavation for the tank area, • Added grading material for the landscape area. • Excavation for the oil water separator tank, • • • This weeks' pictures islare: ElectroniC -On File Speciai Instructions: NEXT WEEKS SCHEDULE: Inslall construction sign. Relocate survey monument. Start underground electllcal trench. Excavate for the curb drainage. Fire hydrant relocation on the north end, Construction Meeting scheduled for Thursday April 28. 2005 at 3:00pm at the Airport's conference room. Luis E. Eiguezabal. C.M. AssIstant AIrport Director Date: April 20, 200S Subject: Update on Construction Status and Issues for tbe Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport 1. All revised/updated sealed plans from Burns & McDonnell have been received and ready for reproduction; however, we are waiting on canopy structure details from Schwob Construction to include in the set before reproducing the final "construction" drawings. WGI will send 5 full and 5 half size to Thielsch, 2 full and 2 half size to the Airport and 4 full and 4 half size to Town ofAddison Engineering. (Reference copy to Burns & McDonnell) 2. Received the final Highland Tank shop drawings, which will be reviewed and returned tomorrow. All comments and items appear to be included, so we should be ready to fabricate after minor comments. 3. Coordinated the mogasldiesel tank layout and connections with the White Tucker Company on the dispensing equipment installation 4. The George Haddaway Driveway Entrance: -The 65% Design submittal indicated a concrete driveway entrance; however, during the review, it was noted that the existing driveway was asphalt and had been performing adequately, so the design changed to replacement ofexisting asphalt pavement -At the 95% design stage, the driveway entrance was relocated to directly lineup with George Haddaway Drive The paving contractor has started demolition ofthe existing driveway entrance and found existing concrete pavement under the asphalt pavement. (an unknown site condition) Due to the relocation ofGeorge Haddaway Drive, approximately half ofthe new driveway entrance has existing concrete pavement under the asphalt pavement. -Ifwe had not relocated the driveway entrance, the recommendation would be to simply remove and replace the asphalt, since the existing concrete acts as a solid base and extends the longevity ofthe asphalt pavement. -Recommend Thielsch Engineering obtain a cost proposal to place the driveway entrance as concrete from the gutter, along Addison Road, for 20 feet up the driveway, before transitioning to asphalt pavement. 5. WGI is verifying the acceptable alternative to lime stabilization under asphalt pavement, since the I-inch increase was listed for rigid pavements and the concrete structure. 6. Working with Jenny on the number oftelephone lines required for current and future use, with a recommendation that the phone company consider a 20 pair cable. " Washington Lundgren. 3034143-3596 7. WGI will republish the specification book with the addendum, specification changes and technical change order called out in the front section. This will cover all approved changes to date. 8. The tank, equipment and piping layout "shop drawing" for the Jet A and LL AvGas tanks, will be updated to show canopy structure and foundation 9. Equipment information Listing: a. Highland Tank for Jet A, LL AvGas, Waste, MoGaslDiesel, OIW separator b. Liquid Controls for flow meters/remote display/loading control valve (Claval), Air Eliminator, Strainer and 5 gal surge suppressor c. Velcon for horizontal water separator filter d. Blackmer for pumps e. Veeder-Root for Automatic Tank Guage f. OPW for overflow prevention valve g. Velcon for the 150 gal relaxation chambers h. LC 5 gal surge supporassor i. Water slug valve: J. Double block & bleed valve: k. Ganunon for Sump separator 1. GasBoy for MoGaslDiesel Dispensing unit m. F.E. Petro for submersible gas and diesel tank pump 10. The Pre-Construction Punch list is complete with the exception ofthe canopy column detail and structure moments from Schwob Construction, to modify the connections to the structure and to accommodate the center column in each bent. 11. The construction site office trailer is on site, waiting phone lines. Washington Group and Thielsch Engineering continue to work closely to insure all system items are incorporated properly and the tank/equipment layout is correct. Respectfully submitted, Samuel G. Lundgren, P.E. Project Engineer Washington Group International, Inc. GWashington Lundgren, 303-843-3596 Date: April 20, 2005 Subject: Update on Construction Status and Issues for the Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport L AIl revised/updated sealed plans from Burns & McDonnell have been received and ready fur reproduction; however, we are waiting on canopy structure details from Schwob Construction to include in the set before reproducing the finaJ "construction" drawings. WGI will send 5 full and 5 half size to Thielsch, 2 full and 2 half size to the Airport and 4 full and 4 half size to Town ofAddison Engineering. (Reference copy to Burns & McDonnell) 2. Received the final Highland Tank shop drawings, which will be reviewed and returned tomorrow. AIl comments and items appear to he included, so we should be ready to fabricate after minor comments. 3. Coordinated the mogasldiesel tank layout and connections with the White Tucker Company on the dispensing equipment installation 4. The George Haddaway Driveway Entrance: -The 65% Design submittal indicated a concrete driveway entrance; however, during the review, it was noted that the existing driveway was asphalt and had been performing adequately, so the design changed to replacement ofexisting asphalt pavement -At the 95% design stage, the driveway entrance was relocated to directly lineup with George Haddaway Drive -The paving contractor has started demolition ofthe existing driveway entrance and found existing concrete pavement under the asphalt pavement. (an unknown site condition) Due to the relocation ofGeorge Haddaway Drive, approximately half ofthe new driveway entrance has existing concrete pavement under the asphalt pavement. -Ifwe had not relocated the driveway entrance, the recommendation would be to simply remove and replace the asphalt, since the existing concrete acts as a solid hase and extends the longevity ofthe asphalt pavement. -Recommend Thielsch Engineering obtain a cost proposal to place the driveway entrance as concrete from the gutter, along Addison Road, for 20 feet up the driveway, befure transitioning to asphalt pavement. 5. WGI is verifying the acceptable alternative to lime stabilization under asphalt pavement, since the I-inch increase was listed for rigid pavements and the concrete structure. 6. Working with Jenny on the number oftelephone lines required for current and future use, with a recommendation that the phone company consider a 20 pair cable. "'waShington 7. WGI will republish the specification book with the addendum, specification changes and technical change order called out in the front section. This will cover all approved changes to date. 8. The tank, equipment and piping layout "shop drawing" for the Jet A and LL AvGas tanks, will be updated to show canopy structure and foundation 9. Equipment information Listing: a. Highland Tank for Jet A, LL AvGas, Waste, MoGaslDiesel, O/w separator b. Liquid Controls for flow meters/remote displaylloading control valve (Claval), Air Eliminator, Strainer and 5 gal surge suppressor c. Velcon for horizontal water separator filter d. Blackmer for pumps e. Veeder-Ront for Automatic Tank Guage f OPW for overflow prevention valve g. Velcon for the 150 gal relaxation chambers h. LC 5 gal surge suppOTaSSOr I. Water slug valve: J. Double block & bleed valve: k. Gammon for Sump separator I. GasBoy for MoGaslDiesel Dispensing unit m. F.E. Petro for submersible mogas and diesel tank pump 10. The Pre-Construction Punch list is complete with the exception ofthe canopy colunm detail and structure moments from Schwob Construction, to modifY the connections to the structure and to accommodate the center colunm in each bent. 11. The construction site office trailer is on site, waiting phone lines. Washington Group and Thielsch Engineering continue to work closely to insure all system items are incorporated properly and the tanklequipment layout is correct. Respectfully submitted, Samuel G. Lundgren, P.E. Project Engineer Washington Group International, Inc. Lundgren, 303-843·3596 , Date: April 28, 2005 /Subject: Update on Construction Status and Issues for tbe Bulk Fuel Storage ~" and Dispensing System, Addison Airport 1. All revised/updated plan sets have been sent. 2. The canopy structure layout dimensions, from Schwob Construction, have been incorporated into the large-scale shop drawing. Copies will be sent today. 3. Approved tank and coating shop drawings have been returned to Highland Tank, who has indicated that the tanks are in fabrication. The only remaining shop drawing is the MDgaslDiesel tank clips and weld pads for the tank walkway. 4. Approved the Air Eliminator shop drawing from White Tucker Company. 5. For the George Haddaway Driveway Entrance, waiting cost estimate for installation of 10" thick, #4 bar reinforced concrete, on 4" ABC at the driveway entrance and transition to S" thick reinforced concrete over 4" ofABC to the loading ramp. Also to delete the 12" lime stabilized subbase after the loading ramp, since the tanker truck will be substantially ligbter in weight after unloading. 6. Need update or estimate date ofinstallation fur phone lines fur both the project and the construction trailer. 7. Need to verify with TXU on transfurmer pad location/size and transfurmer orientation. S. With Miguel's concurrence, Weir & Associates Surveyor adjusted the grades of the sidewalk and gutter to better match the secondary containment structure and maintain good flow into the catch basins. 9. Thielsch will check the "gray" limestone in the oil/water separator excavation and drill approximately 24" deep to verify solid limestone for the tank hold down straps. 10. Equipment information Listing: a. Highland Tank for Jet A, LL AvGas, Waste, MoGaslDiesel, OIW separator and coatings-Shop drawings approved b. Liquid Controls fur flow meters/remote display/loading control valve (Cia-val), Air Eliminator, Strainer and 5 gal surge suppressor -Air elimioator shop drawings approved c. Facet fur horizontal water separator filter d. Blackmer fur pumps e. Veeder-Root for Automatic Tank Guage f OPW for overflow prevention valve g. Facet for the 150 gal relaxation chambers h. Liquid Controls for Water slug valve i. Double block & bleed valve: not yet identified j. Gammon for Sump separator GWashington Lundgren, 303-843-35% k. GasBoy for MoGaslDiesel Dispensing unit 1. F.E. Petro for submersible mogas and diesel tank pump 11. The temporary rence is installed, permanent fence started and the construction site office trailer is on site, waiting power and phone Jines. 12. Steve Chutchian, P.E., will assist Thielsch with the permit application to the Engineering Department on waiving the building permit files for this project 13. Next project review meeting and conference call will be Thursday, May 5, at 3pm CDST, at the field office trailer. . Respectfully submitted, Samuel G. Lundgren, P.E. Project Engineer Washington Group International, Inc. " Washington Lundgren, 303-843-35% BWk Fuel Storage and Dispensing Facility Addison Municipal Airport Construction Activity Report -Week Ending April 15, 2005 Work Scheduled This Week: This week we planned to install the project sign, erect the silt fence on three sides ofthe area where the excavated materials are placed for future use, shoot grade stakes for excavation activities, begin rough grading the south side ofGeorge Haddaway driveway, continue removal ofthe asphalt, begin excavating the containment area and driveways to sub-grade, and complete the drawing review and approval ofthe Fireguard Fuel Storage Tanks, OillWater Separator, and Diesel MoGas Tank Aeeomplishmenfs This Week: We completed the silt fenee at the haul site, started top soil removal on the south side ofGeorge Haddaway Driveway, shot the neeessary grade stakes for excavation, continued removal ofthe asphalt, started excavation ofthe containment and driveway areas to sub-grade, completed review ofthe Fireguard Storage Tanks, and the OillWater Separator. Problems Encountered This Week; The project sign is not yet completed but all required information has been provided to Fit to Print. A slight adjustment has been made to the schedule concerning demolition ofthe bushes and fence. As a result ofhaving to fill in the landscape area between Ackfison Road and the east off-load driveway, it was decided to leave the bushes intact until the rough grading and east off-load driveway concrete is poured. Installation ofthe 8' permanent chain link fence has been rescheduled to occur after the east driveway completion but immediately after removal ofthe bushes in order to avoid damage to the fence by the heavy equipment working in the immediate area. Less than desired progress was made in removing the asphalt and excavated soil due to a temporary under availability of dump trucks on Friday. Additional trucks will be used to make up the lost time. The drawing reviews for all tanks were complete except for the Diesel MoGas Tank. It is expected to be complete this coming Monday. Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing Facility Addison Municipal Airport Construction Activity Report -Week Ending April 8, 2005 This was the official start ofthe project as the Notice to Proceed was effective Monday April 4, 2005. Work Scheduled This Week; This week we planned to locate the underground utilities, erect the temporary fence, layout and begin erection ofthe permanent fence, begin demolition ofthe bushes, fence, and concrete wall, relocate survey monument AA3, setup the field office trailer, erect the project sign, and begin asphalt saw cutting. Accomplishments This Weeki We located and identified a gas line, water line and storm drain lines. The temporary fence was installed, the construction office trailer was set up, and the permanent fence lines were laid out, demolished the concrete wal~ and began saw cutting the asphalt. Problems Encountered This Week: The project sign was not completed because the sign company, Fit for Print, needed a higher resolution file ofthe Addison logo. They were to contact the Town of Addison to get the proper logo file. Although they were contacted last week, and every day since, Dig Tess, a utility provided free service for locating underground utilities, did not show up until Wednesday morning, April 6 due to a large backlog ofcalls. Within a few hours after Dig Tess was finished, the temporary fence was installed. This resulted in a two (2) day schedule delay. The surveying contractor, Weir &; Associates, was given a complete set of drawings on Tuesday, April 5. Upon review, they discovered several discrepancies with the survey coordinates on the drawings. The coordinates fur monument AA3 were correct but the others were not. Greg Madsen ofWeir &; Associates informed Sam Lundgren ofthe Washington Group. Apparently, the original survey was performed to a different survey coordinate system from that ofthe airport survey coordinate system. Friday morning, April 8, the problem was resolved and the needed coordinates were provided to Weir &; associates. This resulted in another two (2) day delay as the surveyors were to have started on Monday, April 4 . ADDISON AIRPORT FUEL FARM CONSTRUCTION REPORT ADDISON, TEXAS Date: 04/04105 Contractor: THJJlmCH ENGINEERING Report Number: --=1_ Week Ending: 04108105 Superintendent: Richard Nomrandeau Contract Days: 210 Contract Days Used: 5 Contract Days Remaining: 205 % Complete: _...;2:.;.%::..'_ Site Conditions This Week Day Temperature (High's -Low's) Weather Ground Conditions Sunday 70's -50's dry Tuesday 70'S -50's clear dry Wednesday 60's -40's dry 7O~ -50's dry Friday 70's -50's clear dry No Work Principal Items of Work Perfonned This Week This weeks activities includes: * Notice to Proceed became effective on Monday April 4, 2005 • Utility /ocate and surveying site • Mobilization • Erecting temporary fence * * * * ThiS weeks' pictures is/are: On file Special Instructions: _N...;.o.._ne'--____________________________ NEXT WEEKS SCHEDULE: Start demolition and clearing the site. Move in construction trailer. Erect siH fence. Construct a portion of permanent fence. Luis E. Eiguezabal, C.M. __Airport Il!rector 1 ADDISON AIRPORT FUEL FARM CONSTRUCTION REPORT ADDISON, TEXAS Date: Week. Ending: Contrael Days: 04109105 04115105 210 Contraelor: T1~C}fENGINEERING Superlntendent: Richllrd NonnandeJ1U Contrael DaYl 12 Contrael Days Remaining: Report Number: 198 % Complete: _-,60'-%'-Site Conditions This Week Day Temperature (High's -LoWs) Weather Ground Conditions Saturday No Work Sunday No Work Monday 73 _.__ 59._._. clear dry Tuesday 77 52 clear dry Wednesday 75 52 dry Thursday 76 53 clear dry Friday 76 55 cloudy dry Principal Items ofWorl!: Perfonned This Week This weeks acIiIIiffes Include: • Pavement and waH demolitiOn and cfearing the site. • Move and locate the construction /railer. • Erect silt fence. • • • • • This weeks' pielures is/are: On File Special Instructions: Start using Ihe cons/ruction entrance on Ihe south portion oflhe site, as depicted on Ihe drawings. Complete Ihe air quality survey needed /'Or Ihe Aeroneutical Study. NEXT WEEKS SCHEDULE: Remove the AilPOrt's dumpster by Wednesday Aprll20, 2005. Ereel a portion of permanent fence, 6' chain link fence, on the northside of the projeel. Install construction sign. Relocate survey monument. Start underground eleclrlcal trench. Excavate for the curb drainage. First Construction Meeting scheduled for Thursday Aprll 21, 2005 at 3:00pm at the construelion trailer, if power is conneeled. Luis E. Eiguezabal. C.M. AssIsIanlAlrport 01_1 Date: March 8, 200S Time: 2:00 pm Location: Airport Administrative Offices 16051 Addison Road Addison, TX 75001 SUbject: Pre-Construction Conference for the Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport Meeting Agenda and Minutes: 1. Attendees: Rick Nonnandcau Thielsch Engineering Rodney Beshirs Richard Drake Construction Paul Drake Richard Drake Construction Sam Lundgren Washington Group International Luis Elguezabal Addison Airport Dave Foster Addison Airport Jenny Nicewander Town of Addison Steve Chutchian Town of Addison Mark Acevedo Town of Addison Herman Cordova Rabalais I&E Construction James Sipes Rabalais I&E Construction Bob Cuvelier Rabalais I&E Construction Bill Dyer Addison Airport 2. Review ofConstruction Project Sequence a. Rick Nonnandeau briefed the attendees the construction schedule summary, outlining the remaining variables for tanks and equipment. b. Sam Lundgren summarized the sequence as listed on plans to maintain security ofthe airport and site. 3. Construction Site layout and Considerations a. Office Trailer and Sanitation I. To be located on the concrete slab just east ofthe Millennium hangar fence. H. Porta Johns will be located in the southeast area ofthe site. b. Safety Plan i. Rick Nonnandeau distributed to the attendees a list ofsections from their company's Safety Plan. Sam Lundgren identified the items on the list that will be pertinent to this project. Theilsch GWashington Lundgren, 303-843-3596 Engineering will rely on the sub-contractors to provide their own Safety Plan, and will use it's own to supplement theirs. ii. Rick will obtain and edit the Thielsch Engineering Plan and submit to Sam and Steve for review c. Fencing and Site Security i. Theilsch plans to reuse the fencing material from the current fence that will be removed for the temporary fence. ii. The erection ofthe temporary fence will coincide with the demolition ofthe current fence, in order to minimize the airport's security exposure. iii. The contractor will build two temporary gates one off Roscoe Turner and one off George Haddaway. The primary construction entrance will be off Roscoe Turner. d. Demolition and Haul Route 1 'h mile i. The plaoned demolition haul route is attached, showing a distance ofapproximately l-'h miles. ii. Dave Foster, or designee, will provide radio contact and escort in the designated stockpile area on the west side ofthe airport. iii. Piles ofdirt/material should not exceed 7 feet high in the designated designated stockpile area. iv. The material stockpiles should be separated in the stockpile area to accommodate clean dirt fill material, asphalt pavement demolition material and concrete rubble material which will be used at different locations on the airport e. Construction Traffic i. The primary construction entrance for deliveries will be off Roscoe Turner. ii. After demolition, there should be minimum or no haul off the site, other than trash ( Traffic Control i. As identified on the plans. Theilsch will coordinate with the Town for any lane closures ofAddison Road. g. Storm Water Runoff Control i. As identified on the plans. ii. No storm water or trash can go to Addison Road and the airside drainage must have a silt screen to gn into the airport storm system. h. Survey, Utilities marking and protection I. Theilsch needs to coordinate with DaI-Tech for the relocation of the GPS monument and controls. ii. Theilsch will verifY the gas line and identifY and mark all other utilities. i. Storage, Stockpile & Distribution ofMaterials i. Three demolition/excavation stock piles will be on the airport: oWashington Lundgren. 303-843-3596 1. Concrete -West side area ofAirport for use as along drainage ditch as "rip mp." 2. Asphalt -West side area airport for use as base material for perimeter roadway 3. Clean Dirt -West side area ofairport for use after UST removal ii. Theilsch will coordinate with Dave Foster for haul, access and specific location ofthese stockpiles. (See attached map) 4. Project Construction Schedule & Milestones a, Covered under Section No.2. and attached PDF 5, Technical Support and Inspections a. Scheduled Meetings i. Monthly meetings to be held, but may include conference calls. b. Town ofAddison visits i. Dave Wilde will be the construction inspector forthe Town of Addison. He will have a desk inside the construction trailer. c. Washington Group Engineer visits i. Sam Lundgren will make visits or participate in meetings via phone. ii. A representative ofthe WGI -Dallas office will participate on the project and make occasional site visits. d. Concrete & Soils Testing i. To be determined by Thielsch. e. Shop Drawings i. Sam Lundgren prefers electronic submittals, in PDF format. All the submittals will be sent to Sam Lundgren. £. Change Orders i. None 6. Airport Considemtions a. Security i. Discussed in Section No. 3.c. b. Access, Airport Operations and Tower i. Contractors will stay within their construction area, as identified in the aerial provided during the meeting. All construction persounel will remain clear ofthe Airport's movement area. ii. Ifthere is a need to go to the airside ofthe airport, all coordination will be made through Luis Elguezahal or Dave Foster. c. Coordination i. All airport coordination will be made through Luis Elguezabal or Dave Foster. 7. Emergency Services (EMT, Fire & Police) a. Call or Contact 911 for any emergency o Washington Lundgren, 303·843-3S96 b. Town ofAddison has their own EMT service. 8. Contact List a. See below. The list will be revised and distributed by Sam Lundgren. 9. Other Questions, Issues or Concerns a. Dave Wilde will check offall pay requests, which will be sent to Steve Chutchian, and sent offto Mark Acevedo for payment. b. Tentative Notice to Proceed is scheduled for Tuesday March 15, 2005. GWashington Contact information 1. Project Engineer: 2. Town ofAddison: 3. Addison Airport: 4. Surveyor: Samuel Lundgren, P .E. Washington Group International, Inc. 7800 E. Union Avenue, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80237 Phone (303) 843-3596, Fax (303) 843-3133, Cell (720) 530-7315 Steve Chutchian, P.E., Pmject Coordinator Assistant City Engineer Addison Service Center 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 Phone (972) 450-2879 Dave Wilde, Constmction Inspector Addison Service Center 16801 WestgroveDrive Addison, Texas 75001 Phone (972) 450-2848, Cell (214) 215-6528 Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Director ofPublic Works Addison Service Center 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 Phone (972) 450-2879 Luis Elguezabal, CM Assistant Director 16051 Addison Road, Suite 220 Addison, TX 75001 Phone (972) 392-4861, cell 817-946-4406 Dave Foster ChiefofMaintenance 16051 Addison Road, Suite 220 Addison, TX 75001 Phone (972) 392-4861, cell 214-683-7583 Alan Moore, RPLS 17311 Dallas Pkwy, Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75248 Phone: (972) 250-2727 " Wasilington Lundgren, 303-843-3596 5. Geotechnical: Dan Franklin, PE ECS 4950 Keller Springs Rd. Suite 480 Addison, TX 75001 Phone: (972) 392-3222 Construction Start Punch List: 1. Revised mechanical piping drawings fur Blackmer Pump, one LC meter and air eliminator 2. LC Meter with Pre-Set 3. Fire Coating ofCanopy Steel and additional justification to Mark 4. Delete Gutters, Downspouts and Underground Piping, but leave the 10,000 gal oil/water separator 5. Canopy Steel column details, including center column fur footing 6. Stock pile materials fur future use 7. Demolition materials crushed and used for road base 8. Use of"old" 6' C/L fence fabric 9. Add approximately 3 'h inch ABC base vs Lime stabilization under Slabs and Pavement (Check with ECS on alternate section) 10. Concurrence on the value engineering items a. 10,000 gal oillwater sep b. Modified Catwalk c. Mechanical flow meter with remote electronic display d. Duct bank. encasement e. Redundant controls in the MCC f. Concrete steps g. Metal Halide lights in the canopy GWashington Lundgren. 303-843-3596 Feb 24, 2005 Bulk Fuel Storage IIIId Dispensing System For Addison Airport Value Engiaeering Teebnical Report For Consideration By the Town ofAddison Projeet Value Engineering Item and Evaluation: 1) Replaee 10,000 pilon OilfWater Separator witb 5.000 gall6n unit. Evaluated an alternate approach using a. pre-cast eoncrete unit however; pre-cast is not cost effective for this application and would not be wammted by the manufilcture due to required modifications. Uaing a 5,000 gal "KJeerwate(' type metal tauk unit versus the specified 10,000 gallon unit is feasible, since controls are in place to prevent overfilling or overflowing the oil containment seetion, along with conneetions as required. Per Thielsoh Engineering, this option would result in an $8,600 cost reduction. Tbe proposed ebange was aeeepted. 2) Modify the eatwalk to be supported from the tanks. Evaluated the installation ofthe catwalk only over each FBOs tanks with separate ladder at each FBO. The sub-divide the transverse catwalk would be attached directly to the tank, clearing the walkway on top ofthe tauk and spanning the tauks in each FBO area with a separate ladder to the floor ofthe containment Attachment pads are to be welded to the tanks by the tauk manufacturer and the walkway stanchions attached to the pads by welding in the field. This change wonld result in a $15,600 savings. The proposed ebange was aceepted. 3) Use on meebanieal8nw meter witb electr6nic remote displays for the sYStem. Evaluated installation ofone meehanical flow meter installed at the pump and using remote displays to indicate pumped fuel quantity at the dispense and off-load stations. The dispense display must stIll allow stage down offlow through the C1aValve fur filling Jet A aiIportrefuelers. This proposed change must have Bums and McDonnell concurrence fur modification ofthe Meehanical system and the savings amount is the diffimmce between the cost ofthe 2M meter and the eleetronic displays which totals $50,400. The proposed dlange was accepted pending Burns & McDolllleD approval 4) Eliminate coocrete ensuement of conduit (duct bank) under slab. The duct bauk under the secondary containment doesn't need to be encased in concrete; however, the portion from the transformer pad to the containment slab will still need encasement. The conduils must be spaced and bedded in suitable backfilled. This is a $9,000 reduction. The proposed dlaugc was accepted. 5) EUminate double redundant c6ntrol nnils in svstem control Panel. Proposed elimination ofone complete PLC on the tauk overflow monitoring system. Upon further review, it was suggested to only eliminate part ofthe PLC and leave a CPU and at least one ofeach J10 cards to serve as a backup control unit if!be PLC were to fail for some reason. The savings would be $8.000. Since the system is designed to fail closed (ocoff), it was recommended to eliminate the complete redundant PLC, WId in lieu ofthis redundant "Imt standby" PLC, provide one I ADS2751~ preprogJ:ammed CPU, a spare power supply and a spare ofone ofeach type ofYO card. used in the system. Each ofthese components win be provided in the manufactures original packaging. One advantage ofeliminating the "hot standby" installation is that it will reduce the adverse impact to the system ofa possible lighting strike in the area which could eliminate the progJ:amming on both systems and make recovery more difficuh that just changing components. This proposal is subject to conclJl'rellce by Burns & McDonnell as a change to the electrical system. The cost associated with this proposal is $18,000. Pending concurrence by Bums & McDonnell, the proposed change is accepted. 6) Replace Metal Grating Stens with Concrete Step. Proposed to replace the 10 metal grating steps in the secondary containment area with a 9" high concrete step, which would save $1,600 total. Tbe proposed cbange was aceepted. 7) Replace FJoreseeut Light Fixtures with 400 watt Metal Halide Ligbts. Proposed to replace the florescent light light fixtures with low base fixtures. Because low base fixtures cover more area, fewer would be needed. The aetuaI. cost reduction was not known at the time ofthe meeting. After the actual cost is deleonined, it will be furwarded fur evaluation. Rick will get with the contractor to get this savings no matter how small. The cost associated with this proposal is approximately $12,500, which must be verified by Thielseb Engineering. Peading roncurrenee by Bums & McDonnell, the proposed cbange is accepted. 8) Stock Pile Clean Fill (or use on UST removal project Approximately 3000 cubic yards ofclean material mustbe removed fur construction ofthis facility. which could be stockpiled in the area fur use as clean backfill upon removal ofthe existing USTs. Future consideration 9) Use demolished aspbalt and masonry for perimeter road base Approximately 2300 cubic yards ofdeteriorated asphalt and base, plus the masonry fence wall could be cruShed to minus 1" and used on the airport perimeter road project for road base material. Future consideration. Recommendations: • Review options and prepare a contract modification reflecting desired options 2 Addison Airport Fuel Farm Construction Schedule Summary 1. Mobilize, Locate Underground Utilities, Temporory Fence, Silt Fence, Permanent Fence, Demolitjon 2. Off-site Fabrication Tanks', Piping, Grating 3. Set up Troffic Control, Fire Hydro.nts. Underground Domestic Water 4. Excovate to Sub-grode, Lime Stabilizgtion 5. Underground E1ectrjcolDuct Bank, OiVWoter Separator 6. XFMR, Controller Slobs, Floor Droins, Storm Droins 7. Q?ncrete Containment 8. Set fuel Tanks. Waste Tanks 9. CclnoW 10. Rework Driveway Entrance. Driveways, Paving 11. Set Fuel Equipment, Irlstgll Fuel System Piping 12. Ir1Stall Electricol Racks/Panels 13. Ir1Stall Tank de Catwalk Grating 14. Install Wosfe Piping 15. Pipe and Grating Cclatings 16. Aboye Ground Conduit. Coblq. Terrnj!lQtions 17. Conopy Conduit de Lights 18. Permanent Fence Gates 19. Landscgping 20. Fuel system Testing, Commissioning Date: Mardi S. 2005 TIme:ZPM BIIIkFuel Storage and Dispeasing S;,stem. Addison Airport Pre-CoDStrnetion Conference Siga-upSheet Phone/! L ~I-JOI2.M.A.J'Oc'"J}.\j :t:l!ua...5q-\ ~i.... 51Z.·ql"2:"~l 2. Iodne1 te.sh.>'J t,k.JU4ul 9M-7.f~--{/?8"1 3. 41 OJJ. £"ck,//)".j., c;".,rt fit)P -772-"17KI ~(I.JI(/'JI.J 4fB-:'e ~~af7-:;5$ /Pb'bls,v fIt~ q-,). 3'(:/-q8 t. r Acto/aim. /krfPr-t "'r 7J-3fj-4f;:::L7 . .J€",,~ 1\ kt:i..JA-..!.a?L /Dy.,;rol of roa:p...( 112.-4f:J>. 2fjbc) 8. 5r-e~ CHC/TCIIV1,v 71''''''' "F ;tP1l.50,v '17~-f9~~ 9. fi1At('/(. ,4u..<'t/lf£l)o {o<.u.v {)ic ADD; ~1;)(0 972-0o-.2.~ lO.I/ ~fpl-P-42-~121 13. ~r,UDtj't&. ARl1&t)nAIf~} 97Z~31lr-V(f~ 14. ___________________ 15. ___________________ " Washington 1"1 I111111 1IIIIIIIIIIi illlllllllllll!IIIIIIIjlllllll 11111111111111111111111111 i11llll lllllillllll iii' I umi Ulilt fUiif IUn' til iiifi'ir IUUd nunl UUi.ii .fIiihl uud und JfiUIJ .HUII UI ill 11111 ililllllllllllllllllllllllillilm 1111111 iii1111 1111111 i1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1l1lUl11II1I1II1I1 I111m 111111 111111 i IllIUln 1111111 limn IHlili 1111111 mill mill nllm 111111111 ill • on .. mil 1111' I' ,n.. 1111' mil ....I 11111 1111' I" IIlII III!! 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HP LaserJet 3200S8 H~ LASERJET 3200 invent OCT-22-2004 6:07~ Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 550 10/2212004 6:04;52~ Send 913038433133 2:03 9 OK 'OOWNOP ADDISoN PUBLIC WORKS T.: $m~ From. JIm Pier«, P.E, Asst. Public _.»ir. Ph.... !mI4S0·1879c ... _y:",~~ FAX. 9'1114S()'2337 fAX#. /-30'3-8"t3-~133 jpiemo:@d.addb01l,tLllt 16801 Weslg ..... 1'.0.80>9010 # .rP"V" (including toYer) • ..!:i..-Addis...TX 75001..9010 Re: "fUel Farm £t1if~ /:;m o CaII me =m;;-~<&r~.g ~ Wi ~CJ{4CJ?;;; iUPt~ iKr"'[;f. E'in -t.f fitJ -Yft, -SECTIONB BID PROPOSAL For BULK FUEL STORAGE AND DISPENSING SYSTEM Addison, Texas Date: _____ tJ;)J '>Proposal of: (C:DVr2JKtD~)FYCheck appropriate business entity: ____A corpo'ration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas ____A corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of __ (if a non-Texas corporation, please attach a copy of the corporation's Articles ofincorporation) ____A partnership consisting ____A sole proprietorship owned by ________, an individual. Do Not Remove Bid Proposal from Specification Book Specifications Book to be submitted in its Entirety To: The Town ofAddison, Texas 5350 Beltline Road Addison, Texas 75001 The undersigned bidder, pursuant to the foregoing advertisement for bids, has carefully examined this proposal, the contract documents, special provisions, general provisions, special specifications, the specifications and the plans, and will provide all necessary labor, superintendence, machinery, equipment, tools, materials, services and the other facilities and complete fully all the work as provided for in the specifications and contract documents; and binds himself upon formal acceptance ofthis proposal to execute a contract and bonds, according to the prescribed forms, for performing and completing the said work within the required time. The bid for the construction ofthis project, complete and in operation has been submitted as a lump sum, with both a primary bid and an alternative bid item. The work proposed to be done shall be accepted when fully completed and furnished in accordance with the plans and specifications, to the satisfaction ofthe Owner. The undersigned certifies that the bid prices contained in the Proposal have been carefully checked and are submitted as correct and final. The undersigned bidder hereby declares that he has visited the site ofthe work. In the event ofthe award ofa Contract to the Bidder, the Bidder will furnish Performance and Payment Bond for the full amount ofthe Contract, to secure proper compliance with the terms and provisions ofthe Contract, to insure and guarantee the work until final completion and acceptance, and to guarantee payment ofall lawful claims for labor performed and materials furnished in the fulfillment ofthe Contract. Receipt is acknowledged ofthe following Addenda: Respectfully Submitted, By: City, State and Zip Code: ______________________ Telephone and Fax Numbers: ________~_____________ Seal ifbidder is a corporation ~-~~8!:"tM~ /$.jJ'f::;_J!~;'~J'(;" e...),,~ =~~~::.::::_""fu'_~~~_~~~~~fuel storage tanks. with otf~load and five Fixed Base Operator (FBO) metered dispensing systems, in a consolidated, 'fI'4'"~.L envirorunentally protected site, including tanks and operating equipment, with suitable architectural considerations to r. 4.l~ ~.{iVJII :blend into the site, The horizontal mounted cylindrical tanks will be either 25,000 gal Or 15,000 gal capacity fuel ~ 6.td L ;Storage tanks, double wall, 2-hour fire rated and balHstics protected tanks. Primary products to be dispensed are Low ~• Lead AVGAS and Jet A Fuel, with one two-rompartment tank of 10,000 gal & 15,000 gal, with dispensing equipment , MoGas and Diesel. The equipment includes industry standard filtration systems with automatic shutdown and ow protection devices. A IO,OOOga! oil/water separator will be installed and connected to the secondary ainrneo't d~,eareaand off-load/dispensing ramps. Fuel storage area will have explosion proof electrica1 :fixtures control panet. A 1» water Jine will be required for emergency shower/eye wash unit and two 3/4" hose and recl nil Telephone connections include intercom access, phone and ftIe alarm, Fuel storage tanks will be mounted in a crete low wan secondary containment structure~ with area Jighting. stonn drainage and utilities, Access/exit for the ~11'" .. t. \. cHity will be through an electrically operated gates. with new driveways,. curb and gutter. A stretched fabric canopyVT ~~is listed as an alternate bid item. ~ AiIUI""",r B,.L £. Division 1. General Conditions w.mr ! Division 2, Site Construction ~O Division 3, Concrete $01ltJ ...... ....~ Division 5, Metals $tT.6O Division 7. Thermal Protection $&.90 Division 10, Specialties ~ Division 13. Special Construction -$&.SO Division 15. Mechanical ~ Division 16. Electrical ~ ,"-'-L, -n-otal Lump Sum,Bid {A-J ~"-"BItS.: *'*" . I~11 nn./f_ . .ToW ILump Sum Bid withtAltermlte/~ $9.90 I Submitted by: Date: :llktdI bV--c. Lt~~1)IVl'~ ~ ~6~:-~... ~.~I,,~ ,w,jIV~o..H-tr>td-L L ~ SECTION OlOOOC PROPOSAL FORM SECTION A BIDSCHEDULES~Y BULK FUEL STORAGE AND DISPENSING SYSTEM ADDISON AIRPORT Total Amount Bid for Lump Sum Base Bid written in words: Bid Schedule and Description Total Amount in Lump Sum Lump Sum Base Bid (A~$ ________ $30001Day x Days 7{1 "Tcrk.l8f-AT~· V (B) $ _________ --~-----CI') Total ofcalendar days x $3000~tten in words: ($) > ?' pJ(J,h"~· -~ Lump Sum Base Bid with,tlternative (AA) $ _________ ~d~v~ . $30001Day x Days Wl~t:r!:~ti_v;. • . Q?A) $ :::::=======:::::.1'6f--hT ItI4::t: a A-.. . .. .-(Ait) .1.~If;'; <. . -Total Amount Bid f(}r'L1mp Sum Base gidAwi~tematlve Bid Item written in words: {81\o) ~tft"f:.. Total ofcalendar days x $3000.twithyfltemative Bid Item written in words: 1J~.ttlrit~m, labor, materials, equipment, facilities, incidentals and work required for construction of the project are to be provided and installed by the Contractor as part ofthe project and payment for the cost ofsuch shall be included in the price bid for the construction of the project. 2. Prices must be shown in works and figure for each item listed in this proposal. Inthe event ofdiscrepancy, the words shall controL be. 3. It is understood that the Bid Security shan60llected and retained by the O"wner as liquidated damages in the event a contract is awarded by the Owner based on this proposal within ninety (90) calendar days after receiving bids and the undersigned fails to execute the contract and required bonds within seven (7) calendar days from the date the Contractor is notified and has received the conformed documents. After this period, ifthe contract has been executed and the required bonds have been submitted, the said Bid Surety shall be returned to the undersigned upon demand. 4. One contract will be awarded based on the Lump Sum Bid ofthe total value ofA plus B or AA plus BA. Bidder's Tax J.D. Number or Employer Number: ___________ DO NOT REMOVE BID PROPOSAL FROM SPECIFICATION BOOK SPECIFICAITON BOOK TO BE SUBMITED IN ITS' ENTIRETY Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System Addison Airport Projed SpeeiflcatioJ1s Table ofContents Section Title Division I -General Requirements 01 OOOA -Advertisement for Bids 01000B -Instructions to Bidders OIOOOC -Contract Agreemen~"t:I5...t ~..VII 01 OOOD -Perfonnance Bond ". Y\'l4'~M ,'-.OIOOOE-PaymentBondIP.> 4htlll'lt.e../IJ I OOOF -Contractor's Affidavit ofBill Paid OIOOOG-General Provisions 01 OOOH -Special Provisions 010001 -Waiver ofLiens & Appendix 01100 -Summary 01810 -General Commissioning Requirements Division 2 -Site Construction 02230 -Site Clearing 02300 -Earthwork 02510 -Water Distribution 02630 -Storm Drainage 02741-Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving 02751 -Cement Concrete Paving 02821 -Chain-link Fences and Gates Division 3 -Concrete 03300 -Cast-in-place Concrete Division 5 -Metals 05511 -Metal Stairs 05521 -Pipe and Tube Railings 05530 -Gratings Division 7 -Thermal and Moisture Protection 0711 -Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials (Alternate Bid Item) Division 10 -Specialties 10520 -Fire Protection Specialties Division 13 -Special Construction 13051 -Fuel System General Requirements 13053 Identification ofFuel Piping and Equipment 13061 -Fuel System Pipe, Connections and Installation 13063 -Fuel System Coating for Corrosion Protection 13065 -Fuel System Valves 13067 -Fuel System Accessories 13069 -Fuel System Pumps WGI-ADS-21SI4 2 Page 4 6 11 13 15 17 18 19 39 40 43 47 50 57 68 74 79 84 84 91 97 101 106 113 116 121 123 131 138 145 152 10-25-04 13071 Fuel System Filtration 155 13075 -Inspection, Testing and Flushing 158 13100 -Lighting Protection 163 13130 -Fabric Structures (Altmtllte Bid Item) 166 13201-Fuel Stomge Tank Packages 171 13204 -GasolineIDiesel Tank and Dispensers 176 Division 15 -Mechanical 15050 -Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods 182 15140 -Domestic Water Piping 187 15145 -Domestic Water Piping Specialties 191 15155 -Drainage Piping Specialties 194 15160 -Storm Drainage Piping 197 15412 -Emergency Plumbing Fixtures 201 Division 16 -Electrical 160I 0 -Basic Electrical Requirements 204 1611 0 -Raceways 208 16120-WiresandCables 215 16135 -Electrical Boxes and Fittings 219 16142 -Electrical Connections 223 16143 -Wiring Devices 227 16170 -Circuit and Motor Disconnect Switch 230 16195 -Electrical Identification 232 16211 -Electricity Metering 236 16452-Grounding 238 16461 -Tmnsformers 242 16470-PanelBoards 242 16480 -Contactors, Push Buttons, Switches, fudicator Lights & Relays 247 16481 -Motor Control Centers 251 16512-Exterior Lighting Fixtures 259 16715 -Voice and Data Communication Cabling 265 16721-Fire A1anns Systems 268 1690I -Controls and Instrumentation 273 16902 -Programmable Telephone futercom and Controller 286 Attachments: TXU Transronner fustallation Specifications Pages I thru 57 Addison Public Works Water Service Pages I thru 7 Prevailing Wages Pages I thru 7 Bid Fonn (electronic version available from Engineer) One Page G-~ecJtr1 '"c.,J ~,..-r St:tlt\f)l", ~f. IX StA-/-£' TA:'J-q-e~M. ~ WGl·ADS·27514 3 IO·25~ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bid # 05-02 The Town ofAddison is requesting bids for Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport-Bid No. 05-02. Mandatory Pre Bid meeting 2:00pm, Monday, November 15,2004. Bidswill be accepted until 2:00pm, Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at the office ofthe Purchasing Coordinator, 5350 Belt Line Rd., Addison, Texas 75254 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Late bids will not be considered and will be returned ooopened. The Town ofAddison reserves the right to waive any formalities and to reject any or all bids and to select the bid deemed most advantageous to the City. Bid information is available on www.demandstar.com or www.ci.addison.tx.us. -~ ~ IJJ:-2r;t.!~., 6 r:)-2 '"1fb. ocJ-Z Of fi::l tJ01/S" tf.. N&-v} n;tb . , ;.. f:tp,. lj..erH;t VJl.l.N..:t ir' yfl, l"-oK. P(~;1<$ -4 .5f"'c..e, .J.--f'Yl1 V/6 k Ft y cd-Ad I VI P"'-bl-I r f 5.,..e. '-11"'.,1 AA I Yl fJtL>P"" r fre B,d Cv»Hv~~/j(.e.. , . ; ; TOWN OF ADDISON To:~LW (tlcnfl/':, Company: DfK 7ec:JI FAX#: crfl 2$124-::r:;4' Date: II it],hd No. of pages (including cover):,___ PLS ADD 4. 'ShoTs 54ol.vVl tin oh~3; W-fn.e /<0'lrkJ ~~ 1\ ~ro1'~ jhofb.s;Q PUBLIC WORKS ',om, 9~ j}JJu.! Phone: 972/450-?t!hc) Fax: 972/450-2837 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 9722504774 DAL TECH ENGINEERING PAGE ell CO~SutTING CIVIL ENGINEEflS I SURVEYORS CONSTIIUCTIOH MANAGERS November 9, 2004 VIA FACSIMILE (972)-450-2837 Jenny Nicewander, P.E. Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Road Addison, Texas 75248 RE: Staking of the Approximate Location ofthe Four Major Corners of the Proposed Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Addison Airport, Addison, Texas. DAL-TECH Job N0441 Dear Jenny: DAIrTECH Engineering, Inc. is pleased to submit our fee proposal to perfol1l1 rough staking of the major corners of the proposed bulk fuel storage facility located along Addison Road and immediately south of George Haddaway Road at Addison Airport, Addison, Texas. We wiD mark the location each of the major comers with a paint mark as shown on the attached "Exlubit AU and according to coordinates obtained from .dgn files provided by Samuel Lundgren, P.E. of Washington Group International, Inc. on October 28,2004. DAL-TECH recommends a lump sum budget ofS73:2.00 for these survey services based on the following man-man-hour costs: I DESClW'TION HOURS RATE COST; I 2-Man Field Party 4 SI22.00 $ 488.00 I ; Project Coordinator 2 $100.00 $ 200.00 i : Secretaryrrypist 1 $ 44.00 $ 44.00. ITOTAL BUDGET $ 732.00 I 17311 DAllAS PKWY. I STE. 200 I DALLAS, TX 75248 I 91Z'25'o-~727 I FAX 972·250-4774 222 W. EXCHANGE I FT. WORTH. TX 76101 I 817-626-8777 I FAX 817-626-5777 www.dal·tech.com DAL TECH ENGINEERING PAGE 0211/09{2004 12:08 9722504774 < Jenny Nicewander November 9. 2004 Pagelof2 We propose 10 provide the above-described services by the end of day Wednesday. November 10, 2004 if a notice 10 proceed is issued to DAL-TECH by the end of day Tuesday, November 9, 2004. If you are in agreement with the above fee proposal. please sign in the space provided below and ret\lrtl this acknowledgement to our office. This will serve as our authorization to proceed. Sincerely, DAL-TECH Engineering, Inc. ~zLfL Alan Moore. R.P.L.S. Chief Surveyor Jenny Nicewander ~r~ 11/C;/t1tfSignature t:7 Date C:\Dol:umet\u And Setting,,\iltevino\Lr::lcllt Senins,\Tempol'af)' Internet Fite,\OL.KAF\Jenny NiceMmder 041l09.doc I .i " ~ t,~1 /'. ;\ (:9 39\1d 9HI~33NI9N3 H031 l~a ~LL~!l9GGL6 J.1,!' .. i (!II:t ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS November 9, 2004 VIA FACSIMILE (972)-450-2837 Jenny Nicewander, P.E. Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Road Addi,,'On•. Texas 75248 RE: Staking of the Approximate Location of the Four Major Corners of the Proposed Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Addison Airport. Addison, Texas. DAL-TECH Job #0441 Dear Jenny: DAL-TECH Engineering, Inc. is pleased to submit our fee proposal to perform rough staking of the major corners of the proposed bulk fuel storage facility located along Addison Road and immediately south of George Haddaway Road at Addison Airport, Addison, Texas. We will mark the location each of the major corners with a paint mark as shown on the attached "Exhibit A" and according to coordinates obtained from .dgn files provided by Samuel Lundgren, P.E. of Washington Group International, Inc. on October 28, 2004. DAL-TECH recommends a lump sum budget of $732.00 for these survey services based on the following man-hour costs: HO~___. DESCRIPTION RATE I COST1----.-.---------~--' "'--"-... -.-• 2-Man Field Party $122.00 ' $ 488.004 $ 200.00Project Coordinator 2 $100.00 Secretarvtrwist $ 44.00 $ 44.001 TOTAL BUDGET $ 732.00 17311 DALLAS PKWY. I STE. 200 I DALLAS, TX 75248 I 972-2511-2727 I FAX 972-250-4774 222 W. EXCHANGE I FT, WORTH, TX 76101 I 817-626-8777 I FAX 817-626-5777 www.dal-tech.com Jenny Nicewander November 9, 2004 Page20f2 We propose to provide the above-described services by the end of day Wednesday, November 10, 2004 if a notice to proceed is issued to DAIrTECH by the end of day Tuesday, November 9, 2004. If you are in agreement with the above fee proposal, please sign in the space provided below and return this acknowledgement to our office. This will serve as our authorization to proceed. Sincerely, DAL-TECH Engineering, Inc. ~1t.v Alan Moore, R.P.L.S. Chief Surveyor Jenny Nicewander Signature Date C:\Documents and Settings\itrevino\Loc al Seltings\Tempornry Internet FiJes\OLKAF'Jenny Nicewander 0411 09.doc TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: tt\ n\04 Claim # Check $ _:t32.C4 Vendor No. Vendor Name O£l.J :tEu.1, ..._______._______ Address Sua:!,': "Z.O() Address uj':l..! l--"P§:. ''>L Zip Code TOTAL 73Z,~ EXPLANATION Authorized Signature Finance ].'!1" ii1:(t11: t ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS /SURVEYORS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS Ms. Jenny Nicewander. P.E. Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Road Addison. Texas 75248 INVOICE 1441 November 12,2004 RE: Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Staking of Four Major Corners Addison Airport. Addison, TX DAL-TECH Job #0441 DESCRIPTION HOURS RATE THIS INVOICE 2-Man Field Survey 4 $ 122.00 $ 488.00 Project Coordinator 2 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 Secretary I Typist 1 $ 44.00 $ 44.00 TOTAL BUDGET $ 732.00 TOTAL DUE $ Allpayments are due upon receipt. 1.5% interest per month will be charged after 30 days. Oalserv/debra/0319I1nvoices/1441.11-12-04.xls 17311 DALLAS PKWY. I STE. 200 I DALLAS, TX 75248 I 972-250-2727 I FAX 972-250-4774 222 W. EXCHANGE I FT. WORTH. TX 76101 I 817-626-8777 I FAX 817-626-5777 www.dal-tech.com NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION §77.13 Construction or alteration requiring notice. (a) ~pt as provided in §77.15. each sponsor who proposes any of the following construction or alteration shall noti1Y the Admmistrator in the form and manner prescribed in §77.17: {1} My construction or alteration of more than 200 feet In height above the ground level at its site. (2) Any construction or alteration of greater height than an imaginary surface extending outward and upward at one of the following slopes: (I) 100 to I for a horizontal distance of 20,000 feet 'hom the nearest paint of the nearest runway of each arrport specified in paragraph (a) (5) of this section with at least one runway more than 3,200 feet in actual length, excluding heliports. (ii) 50 to 1 for a horizontal distance of 10,000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway of each airport specified in paragraph (a) (5) of thls section with Its longest runway no more than 3,200 feet in sctuai length,. excluding heliports. (iii) iii) 25 to I for a horizontal distance of 5,000 feet from the nearest point ofthe nearest landing and takeoff area of each heliport specified in paragraph (a) (5) 01 this sedion. (3) Any highway. railroad, or other traverse way for moblfe objects, of a height which. "adjusted upward 17 _ for an interstate Highway that is part 01 the National System of Military and Interstate Highways where oVercrossings are designed for a minimum of 11 feet vertical distance. 15 feet for any other public roadWay, 10 feet or the height of the hlgh""t mobile object that would normally traverse the road, whichever is greater, for a private road, 23 feet tor a railroad, and for a waterway or any other traverse way not previously mentioned. an amount equal to the height of the hIghest mobile object that would normally lraverse it. would exceed a standard of paragraph (a) (1) or (2) ofthis section. (4) When requested by the FAA. any construction or alteration that would be In an instrument approach area (defined in the FAA standards govemlng Instrument approach procedures) and available information IndIcates it might exceed a standard of Subpart C of this part. (5) Any construction or alteration on any of the foAowing airports (including heliportS): (I) An airport that is available for pubric use and is listed in the Airport Directory of the current Airman's Jnfurmation Manual or In either the Alaska or Pacific Airman's Guide and Chart Supplement. (ij) An afrport under construction, that is the subject of a notice or proposaf on file with the Federal Aviation Administration, and except for military airports, is clearty indicated that that airport will be available for public use. (III) An airport that is operated by an armed force of the United States. (b) Each sponsor who proposes construction or alteration that is the subject of a notice under paragraph (a) of this section and is advised by an FAA regional office that a supplemental notice Is required shall submit that notice on a __ form 10 be received by the FAA regional office at least 46 hours before the start of construction Of alteration. (c) Each sponsor who undertakes construction or atteration that is the subject. of a notice under paragraph (a) of this section Shall. within 5 days after that construction or alteration reaches its greatest height. submit a supplemental notice on a prescribed fonn to the FAA regIonal office having jurisdiction over the region involved, if{1} The constructIon or alteration is more than 200 feet above the sul"face level ofifs sile; or (2) An FAA regional office advises him that submlsslon ofthe form is required. §77.15 Construction or alteration not requiring notice. No person IS required to notify the Administrator for any of the following constructlon or alteration: (a) Any object that would be shielded by existing structures of a permanent and SUbstantial character Ot by natural terrain or topographic features of equal or greater height, and woufd be located' in the congested area of a city, town, or setUement where it is evident beyond all reasonab[e doubt that the structure so shielded will not advem:ely affect safety In air navigation. (b) Any antenna structure of 20 feet or less in height except one that would increase the height of another antenna structure. (c) Any air navigation facility. airport Visual approach or landing aid. aircraft arresting device. or meteorological devfce, of a type approved by the Administrator, or an appropriate mifrtary service on military airports, the focation and heigh! of ""tch Is _ by Its functional purpose. Cd) Any construction or alteration for which notice is requited by any other FAA regulation. §77.17 Form and time of notice. (a) Each person ""0 Is required to notify the Administrator under §77.13 (a) shall send one executed form set of FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Aiteration, to the Manager, Air Traffic DMsion, FAA Regional Office havtng jurisdiCtion over the area within which the construction or alteration wIll be located.. COpies of FAA Form 7460-1 may be obtained from the headquarters of the Federal Aviation Administration and the regional Offices. (b) The nollce required under §71.13 (a) (1) through (4) must be submi1led at leasl30 days before the earfier ofthe following dates ~ (1) The date the proposed construction or alteration is to begin. (2) The date an applicaUon for a construction permit is to be filed. However, a notice relating to proposed constructlon or alteration that is subject to the licensing requirements of the Federal Communications Act may be sent to the FAA at the same time the application fOf consfruction is filed with the Fedet'al Communications Commission, or at any time before that filing. (e) A proposed structure or an alteration to an existing structure that exceeds 2,000 feet in height above the ground will be presumed to be a hazard to air navigation and to result in an Inefficient utilization of airspace and the applicant has the burden of overcoming that presumption. Each notice submitted under the pertinent provisions of this part 17 proposing a structure in excess of 2.000 feet above ground, or an alteration that will make an existing structure exceed that height, must contain a detailed showing. directed to meeting this burden. Only in exceptional cases, where the FAA COndudes that a cleat and compelrlOg showing has been made that it would not result In an inefficient utilization of the aJrspace and would not result in a hazard to air navigation, will a determination of no hazard be issued. (d) In the case of an emergency involving essential public. services, public hearth, or public safety that requires immediate constructfon or alteration, the 30 day requirement in paragraph {b) Of this section does nol apply and the notice may be sent by telephone, telegraph, or other expeditious means, with an executed FAA Form 7460-1 submitted within five (5) days thereafter. Outside normal business hours, emergency notices by telephone or telegraph may be submitted to the nearest FAA FlIght Service Station. (e) Each person who Is required to notify the Administrator by paragraph (b) or (c) of §77.13. or both, shall send an executed copy of FAA Form 7460-2. Notice of Actual Construdion or Alteration. to the Manager. Air Traffic Division. FAA Regional Office having jurisdiction over the area Involved. ADDRESSES OF THE REGIONAL OFFICES Alaska Region AK Alaskan Regional Office AirTraffic Division, AAL~53a 222 'lIVest 7f1l Avenue Anchorage, At< 99513 Tel: 907-271~5893 Central Region lA, KS, MO, NE Central Regional Office Air Traffic Division, ACE-520 601 East 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106 Tel: 816-426·3408 or 3409 Eastem Region DC, OE, MO, NJ, NY, PA, VA, WI Eastem Regional Offiee Air Traffic Division. AEA-520 JFK International Airport Fitzgeraid Fed..-alBuUQR1g Jamalea, NY 11430 Tel: 718-55'1-2615 Great Lakes Region IL,IN, MI, MN, NO, OH, SO, WI G",at laiLa..LlO""'--E.""""'----o:---:-l 11, Datum: 0 NAD 83 0 NAD 27 City: Addison State: TX Zip: _ 75lX>! o Other 10MB No, ,..,,, eN" ~T~.:lep~h:O:"~e:~9=7=2=,3=92=,=4U"!=====:Fa:x~:=07'=>7=""'=,D.:••,d=====:l12.N.arest: City: Addison Slale:.LTX"-______ 13. Nearest Publlc..,s. (nol private-use) or Mil~ary Aiiport or Heliport:2. Sponsor's Representative (if other than #1): Attn:of:2""-Sam"'-e_____________---! M!l!ll!ll!!1'A~irDo~rt_____________ Name: -----------------------114.Distance from #13. to Structure: "",0o,-""Alro""'ort'-'-________--l Address: --------------------l _______________________-l15. Direction from #13. to ~Sulr,uct'j(e:Qa'.A!JAlrorn2oJLrt________--I City: _________---'Stale: ___,Zip: -----l16.Site Elevation (AMSL): "S3"'S'--___fi. I~T:.:I.:~:ooe::~:=========~F:ax~:=========:tt 17. Total Structu'" Height (AGL): ..,2S'--__-'fl 3. Notic. of: 0 Now ConslructionD Alteration 0 ElcIsting 18_ Overall height (#16. +#17.) (AMSL): l<66.,S,--~~_,1l 4. Duration: 0 Pennanent 0 Temporary ( months, days) 19, Previous FAA Aeronautical Study Number (if applicable): 5. WorkSchodule: Beginning ______End -------1 "No"t"A"p"'pwli"ca"'b"le"-_______________-S. Type: 0 Anlenna Tower 0 Crane 0 Building 0 Power Une 20. Description of Location: (Attach a USGS 7,5 minute o Landfill 0 Water T.n~ 0 Other"",Fuel",l....."Fa!!!!.rm_____-'-! Quadrangle Map with the pIlleise site mal1 \ \ LAT/LONG INFORMATION LAT 32°57'45.25"N [~l LONG 96°49'49.22'W IalLAT 32"57'45.25"N ~LONG 96°49'48.56"W "., LAT 32"57'47.53"N ~LONG 96°49'49.21'W LAT 32"57'47.53"N [Q] LONG 96°49'48.56"W LAT 32°5B'06.B1"N IARPILONG 96°S0'11.21"W \ \ \ \ \L_ i1' ~ (TYP.) ooooo~ob \ \ ADDISON ROAD ADDISON AIRPORT FUEL FARM VIEW FIG. 1 EL. 666' .-----------,--,VA-:-:P:-:O=-=R,...--=cPR::cO::-:O=-=F:--------~ FLUORESCENT LIGHTING 27·-8" 39' 4" 8" TANK VENT (TYP.) VAPOR PROOF FLUORESCENT LIGHTING 27·-8· STRETCHED FABRIC CANOPY 8· APOR PROOF FLUORESCENT LIGHTING ROOF GUTTER DRAIN. RUN DRAIN ACROSS TO SUPPORT POST AND DOWN UNDER CONCRETE. TIE INTO EXISTING STORM SEWER. TANKER TRUCK SIDEAIRPORT REFUELER SIDE DEPRESSED~®~*,ef:~~~E-'. .' DEPRESSED DRIVE WAY • ........... DRIVE WAY N-LOAD .MANIFOLD MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT EL. 638,~~~~2~.O~%~S~W~Pf~8~"~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!d=::~~~~~~~==. ~2.0~%~S~W~P~E~~~~~~~-L~ 56' TO OIL WATER• SEPARATOR -_11-----RUNWAY-\-s CATCH DRAINAGE TO OIL WATER SEPARATOR ADDISON RD. ----------1._LAT/LONG INFORMATION LAT 32°57'45.25"N !AI LONG 96°46'48.89"W ADDISON AIRPORT FUEL FARM PROFILE VIEW FIG. 2 Glacier Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: Lundgren, SamueIISamuel.Lundgren@wgint.coml Sent: Tuesday, November 23,2004 3:52 PM To: Marshall Ryan Cc: Minok Suh; Steve Chutchian; Jenny Nicawander Subject: RE: (Maybe SPAMJ RFl's for Airport Fuel System project Marshall, Happy Tuesdayl Item 1. covered in Addendum #2 Item 2. no waiver, does not apply Item 3. per last discussion, the Town will work this, but either the FBO, Supplier or Town will cover this. Item 4. pre-cast deadman is OK, as long as itis not Jimmy Hoffa ... Call ifyou have any other concerns. samuel Lundgren, P.E. Program Manager Washington Group International, Inc. 7800 E. Union Avenue, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80237 Phone (303) 843-3596, Fax (303) 843-3133, Cell (720) 530-7315 -----Original Message----From: Minok Suh [mailto:msuh@ci.addison.tx.us] Sent: Tuesday, November 23,200412:10 PM To: Lundgren, Samuel; Jim Pierce; Steve Chutchian; Jenny Nicewander Cc: Marshall Ryan Subject: RE: [Maybe SPAM] RFI's for Airport Fuel System project MinokSuh Purchasing Coordinator Town of Addison 972450-7091 -----Original Message----From: Marshall Ryan [mailto:mryan@ust-inc.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:54 AM To: Minok Suh Subject: [Maybe SPAM] RFI's for Airport Fuel System project Minok, Here are a few questions to be answered. Please forward to Sam Lundgren. 1) What is the final clarification on piping? Will stainless steel be an acceptable altemative to coated carbon steel? 2) What Is the final clarification on American made only? Has that been waived allowing non-American made products? 1112412004 Glacier Page 2 of2 3) Will owner supply testing and flushing fuel, or will contractor have 10 supply that fuel? 4) Will the use of concrete dead men (tank anti-flotation devices) be an acceptable alternative to the concrete pad under the Oil Water Separator. The dead men will be designed by a Texas PE familiar with such anti-floatation devices. Respectfully, Marshall D. Ryan President Unified Services of Texas, Inc. (USn 2110 Greenbriar Drive Southlake, TX 76092 Office (817) 481-9510 Ext. 109 Facsimile (817) 488-1729 Email: mryan@ullt-inc.com This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains !nformation that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, printing, or or use of this information is strictly prohibited and possibly a violation of federal or state law and regulations. !f you have received this information in error, please delete it and notify Hamid Khaleghipour at 972450-2868 immediately. Thank you. 11/24/2004 Addendum 2 05-02 Bulk Fuel Storage & Dispensing System, Addison Airport Bid Open: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 2:00 PM A. Attendee Sign-up from 11115104 Pre-Bid Conference attacbed. B. Notification of Pending Design Change: After discussion with the originally preferred fuel system pump manufacturer (Gorman-Rupp) there is a concern on using the specified self-priming centrifugal pump in this inverted ·U" suction-piping configuration. Although these pumps have been used successfully used in this arrangement previously, there have apparently been instances where unsatisfil.ctory operation has occurred and Gonnan-Rupp takes exception to the proposed application. Therefure, it appears that a positive displacement type pump with similar performance capabilities would be satisfil.ctory, which will include changes in piping layout and accessories. Several plan sheets and specification sections will be modified to incorporate this design change into the contract document; however, in an eftbrt to not delay the bid bid opening date, the instructions to bidders are to bid the contract documents as they are and as modified herein. Bidders shall document price proposals from suppliers on the pumps and pump related mechanical accessories. After bid opening and award, any related design change will be accomplished as the first change order, with documented pre-bid price proposals from suppliers used to develop the difference in cost to incorporate the design change into the contract documents. Pumps to be used in bid are: Blackmer GX4 fur Jet A and GX2-1I2 for AvGas. Approved equals may potentially be substituted after contract award. Provide bulk air eliminator vessels, vertical configuration -4-inch size for Jet A and 3-inch size fur AvGas. Delete relaxation chambers fur Jet A. Float control on bulk air eliminators shall be hydraulic type, with an air block feature and connecting tubing added to the water slug/flow control valve. Also, Provide fusible link, spring-to-close, emergency shutoff valves (bailor butterfly) in tank fill and suction piping. Valves shall be same size as pipe installed in (4" and 3") and shall be installed in skid piping near grade, in or adjacent to vertical tank piping risers. C. Questions and Responses to Questions from Pre-Bid and Later Questions Submitted in Writing: 1. Specificatinn Section 01811 -Trowled or Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials, Part 31 Products: Add: Trowled materials must meet UL 1109 rating fur exterior application. Question, listed approved products do not list exterior application • Answer: Approved Materials include: Carboline Pytocrete 240Hy, or WR Grace Z-146, fur exterior application. 2. General Specifications: Buy American Act does not apply to this project. 3. General Comment on Site Work, add the following: During demolition, excavation and pavement construction, contractor will be responsible fur keeping mud and dirt from falling from construction vehicles on to Addison Road. When Addison Road is used as a haul road, it must be swept frequently (at least twice daily) to keep dirt, mud and debris under controL 4. General Specifications: Bid to include carbon steel piping as specified. Stainless steel piping may be considered as a substitution once the contract has been awarded Stainless Steel Piping may be substituted for interior coated steel piping. 5. Questions from Holloway Welding & Piping. -Question: What is the specification and dimension for the flex joints located at all pumps? -Answer: Flexible connectors shall be inner stainless steel corrugated metal hose restrained by a double braided outer stainless steel cover, 150-lb. raised face flanges, 9-inch minimum length. The AvGas line is 3 inch diameter and Jet A line is 4 inch. Question: Who are preferred manufactures ofpipe, fittings for this project? Answer: competitive sources-comply with paragraph }306I,LOI.F (p. 158). -Question: Will a Storm Water RunoffPrevention Plan be required by the State ofTexas, DEQ, for this project? -Answer:No -Question: Who will approve the Traffic Control Plan? -Answer: Town ofAddison. Use traffic plan on sheet 5. • Question: Butterfly Valves-other than the "limit switches" is there any other connection, electrical to the PLC system? Answer: No Question:. Are there any Motor Operated Valves and where located on this project. -Answer:No -Question: May the contractor substitute SS pipe/fittings in place ofe.s. AS3 Internal coated pipe? -Answer: This may be considered after contract award. Bid shall be based on carbon steel piping as specified. Question: There don't seem to be any "unions" in the small 0/." and 1" returns. Should we place some in the system? -Answer: Provide where necessary per paragraph 13061,3.02.G. -Question: What is and where are the specs for the floating suction w/foot valve assembly as shown? -Answer: Iffoot valve cannot be obtained with floating suction arm, provide check valve in suction piping internal to tank Also, provide anti-siphon valve on tank nozzle, a Claval or approved equal. Ifthe anti-siphon valve can act as a check valve, then the check valve in suction piping is not required. -Question: Where is the Specification for the I" Anti Siphon Valve? -Answer: Valve shall be OPW 199ASV or approved equal. -Question: What is the length ofFuel hose, 4" for truck unload and for the 3" truck loading? -Answer: Hose length shall be 10 feet for all hoses. -Question: Is there a detail drawing ofthe 25,000 gal split MoGas/Diesel tank showing piping, valves, filters etc. -Answer: It is the intent for the gasoline/diesel tank and dispensing system to be provided as a package from a single supplier. This includes all counected piping/valves/filters, etc. -Question: Is there a detail ofthe flow switch and where is it specified? -Answer: Switch shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Switches are specified in Section 16901. -Question: Is there a listing oflocation oftank nozzles for MoGas/Diesel? -Answer: See response to question above regarding MoGas/Diesel tank. -Question: Are the emergency vent, gauge hatch and normal vents on tanks the same manufactures shown for Mogas/Mogas/Diese\ tank specifications, pages 212? -Answer: Yes, these are acceptable manufacturers. Question: Under specification 13067, Fuel System Accessories, the above items specifications are missing for Jet AiAvGas tanks. -Answer: See Sections 13201 and 13204 -Question: Is the meter prover counection in AvGas system a 3" or 4" -Answer: 3 inch -Question: There is a detail for a "pipe support" shown on plan page 29; however, there is no support schedule shown and no specification for this item. Please clarify. -Answer. Pipe supports are specified in Section 13061. Contractor to locate per specifications. I -Question: The specification for meters, page 183 is addressing the 4" Jet A meter. Is this the same spec for the AvGas meter? -Answer: Yes -Question: Specification 13201, nozzles for tanks do not match drawings -Answer: Not all nozzles have been indicated on drawings but are covered in specifications. -Question: No details or drawing for tank vents? -Answer: This was not considered necessary -industry standard arrangement. -Question: There is a I" reclaim fuel bypass shown on Jet A tanks but not on AvGas tanks, is this correct? -Answer: yes, sumped avgas will be discharged to waste tank. -Question: The Drawings for AvGas, sheet 27, has a concentric reducer shown just prior to the refueling hose. Sheet 28 does not show this; please clarify. -Answer: Reducer not required for AvGas. -Question: Should there be a valve in the 2" vacuum truck line from the waste tank? -Answer: Yes, provide ball valve (per specifications) adjacent to vacuum truck connection at transport truck unloading area. -Question: On Sheets 15 and 33 the section Arrows XX and YY do not match the view. Please clarify. • Answer: Section Y-Y is on the west side looking east and Section X-X is on the south side looking north. -Question: Water detection probes are in Specification page 191; however there is no reference on plans; please clarify clarify -Answer: These probes are identified as an instrumentation bubble "MS" on Sheet 27 (attached to filter separators). They are also indicated on electrical plans. -Question: There is no detail on plan sheet 29 fur flow switch. Which detail applies? -Answer: Switch shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Switches are specified in Section 16901. -Question: Please clarify the number ofconcrete bollards -Answer: Two concrete filled pipe bollards at the MoGaslDiesel Dispenser unit, two concrete filled pipe bollards at the electric entry gate, twn concrete filled pipe bollards at the electric exit gate and twn concrete filled pipe bollards at the new fire hydrant location. -Question: Is the tank top maintenance platform in the alternste ofbase bid? -Answer: The maintenance platfurrn is a part ofthe tank package and is included in the base bid 6. Questions from BAsseo Question: May the use ofa LCRTI system instead ofmechanical temperature compensation and presets for the meters be considered? The LCRTI system will provide an internal pulseI' fur your PLC systems and the presets, registration, and temperature compensation will be more reliable and not as bulky. -Answer: Bid to include arrangement indicated and specified. This may be considered as a substitution once the contract has been awarded. -Question: For the Gammon GTP-616B, the wording on the sump separator in the specs it states that the separator will pump the water to the waste tank. There is usually a minimal amount of water and the standard is to use a manual drain to get the water out oftbe separator and use the pump to pump the fuel back to the product tank. This may just be an error on the description. Ifneeded it is possible to put two pumps on the separator? -Answer: The single pump is to be capable ofboth pumping operations: pmnping water/waste fuel to the waste tank and also pumping reclaimed fuel back to the storage tank. A manual drain is required also as indicated on Sheet 29, Detail 7. -Question: The spec also calls fur an explosion proof box and switch. The system we normally install comes with a spring-loaded dead-man handle to prevent the system from being left in the on position. -Answer: The proposed arrangement is acceptable. -Question: I have not found a manufacturer that can supply a floating suction with a foot valve on the bottom. Do you have a part #? -Answer: Iffoot valve cannot be obtained with floating suction ann, provide check valve in suction piping internal to tank. Also, provide anti-siphon valve on tank nozzle, a Claval or approved equal. Ifthe anti-siphon valve can also act as a check valve, then a check valve in suction piping is not required. -Question: During the pre bid meeting we discussed using weld piping and fittings were possible on all piping 2" and over and giving the option due to maintenance issues ofusing Stainless pipe instead ofcoated. Is this acceptable? -Answer: Bid to include piping as specified. Stainless steel piping may be considered as a substitution once the contract has been awarded. -Question: There is a statement on page 155 section I on testing ofthe spec book that bolds the contractor responsible for design problems. Please clarify? -Answer: Not interpreted as described. Contractor will be responsible for installation, not design. 7. Additional Questions from Holloway Welding & Piping. Question: Storm Drainage Specification 02630 mentions Gutter Drains, which are shown on Sheet 6, with a total of 12. There are no details in plans for this item and no other specifications. Please clarity? -Answer: Curb Inlet Details are on sheet 11. Question: On sheet 6 ofthe plans, there are several items shown with reference to another sheet -example "inlet Floor Valve Sheet 11. There is no detail for this item on sheet 11. Please clarify? Answer: Clow Mud Valve (Floor Valve) Detail is on sheet 14. Question: There are 2 hose reels called out in equipment summary and shown on sheet 6; however, no other details are given. Please clarify? Answer: The model number is given on the equipment summary and mounting is shown on sheet 15. The manual hose reel unit will hold 200' of % inch commercial grade water hose for area wash down purposes. Question: Cast iron floor drains are called out on sheet 6 and specification section 15155; however, there are no other details given for size, placement quantity, etc. Please clarify? Answer: Detail on sheet 14, one per FBO containment area, at the lowest point ofthe floor based on the 3% longitudinal and 5% transverse slope ofthe floor to the drain. Question: We need some additional information on construction of"cat walk" as shown on sheet 6 and 15. There is no detail for construction, support posts, ladders, stairs hand rails and openings Answer: The "cat walk" is listed as a performance specification for a specialized metal grate walkway and stair fabricator. The "cat walk" does not touch the storage tanks and may he integrated into the alternate bid item if desired and the alternate bid canopy structure uses a central column. Shop drawings ofthe proposed "catwalk" are required for approval, meeting the perfurmance specification section 05511. Question: Please explain the tank-mounted walkway with 36" high handrails? Answer: The tank mounted walkway, as a part ofthe fuel storage tank package, is mounted on top ofthe tank, with handrails, to allow access to items on top ofthe tank. Access to the walkway is by the catwalk. Question: Ifthere is no alteroate bid item, how do you access the tankmounted walkways? Answer: The "catwalk" is in the base bid. Question: How many new fire hydrants are there on this project? Answer: Answer: One new hydrant and valve shown on sheet 4 near the two large hangars and one existing hydrant to be relocated south ofthe new driveway, with a new valve. Question: On sheet 10 the DiesellMoGas Dispenser is shown outside the secondary containment structure; however, on sheet 19 it is shown inside. Please clarify? Answer: The DieselfMoGas Dispenser is mounted on the sidewalk as shown on sheet 10, Question: The "demolition plan" on sheet 3 is in what scale? Answer: The drawing is not to scale. Question: The step detail on sheet 15, what are the dimensions for this item and what materials? Answer: The galvanized steel step should be 24" wide, with a 12" step with a 6" rise. The step should be metal grating, with 2" x 2" galvanized angle iron supports. Question: Welding will damage the internal coating in the steel fuel pipe. Must this be recoated, repair or "fixed" and down to what size pipe? Answer: Minimal damage will occur and it does not require "fixing". As specified, pipe larger than 2-inch shall be internally coated. End ofSection and Addendum "2V·\ ;S"l ft~LJ 14. '2/If . 3:::'3, ~oI , Date: Novembe.. 15, 2004 Time:2PM Bulk Fuel Stonge and Dispensing System, Addison Airpo .. t P..e-Bid Couferenee Sign-up Sheet Please Print Name PirmlOrgtlllization Phone # 1. 7Yk--l4tL 7 2. P/lUL Sv..... I)~1. 3. ~lJaeMA..rot:--n.u ~\s...<;(.~ ~ 5f2..Q, Z '''1''14 \ 4.Gftrl~ \fAt,MtlNJ ~Ri11:t; ~~ 'If''l-4'ls-'-o~ 91"91>~1.J.-J Sa;5'-'?"'':le.r vn"-e','IILef 97)-$«y... ~'l~f.,6. '~'J 59<{/::zI 7. I?S RA ,"S '1 J/l oJru-1AJ-"/d",, 8. NlIc.#A:SL.. WNi> PAt...t..A";.. P"M!? Ztt(-f,3./-'IC,t;,V "JJlx.rrro~ . .~ 23. Jer') H4 1M ""..... 24·DoM G w@f1r6Time:2PM Phone # ?~~716'-¥d:$c> ?22:S7..e-..sdSS tl)'-.J""/dJ--5lJJJ 17')...-!.f:S:;;9/Y73-Sn-"3'$'1'~ HtJllfJw I 97Z.-.s6:2. St:!3j 35.______________________ 36.______________________ 37.______________________ 38. ______________________ 39. ______________________ 40.______________________ 41.______________________ 42.______________________ 43. ______________________ M. _________________________ 45._________________________ (!;Washington G Washington SAMUEL LUNDGREN P'tojecl Maflager Airport SeMees -'!!> Washington Gmup Inle'na~onalln¢ ( 7800 E.-Unlon Avenue, SUIte 100 Denver, CO USA 00237 P.O. Box55e8 i802"17) Pho1e. (3(3) 843-2OOQ Fax: (303) 843-3133 Direcl: (303) a43-3596 "If!-Cetr: (7:1O)5Si)..731S ~Iur.d'gfell@wglntcom r Steve Chutchian From: Jim Pierce Sent: Saturday, November 20, 20042:15 PM To: Jenny Nicewander Cc: Steve Chutchian Subject: Fuel Farm Jenny: Things for you to do for me on this project: 1. Pot hole the gas line and get elevations on the line in the areas we may affect it. If Atmos won't do it get with Jeny Davis and we will do it. Get with Dave Wilde to help with getting the elevations. 2. Get power poles removed as we dIscUssed 3. Understand what the water meters are for (Sheet 8/33), where their supply lines go and will we affect them? Get with Dave (or Jeny) and Ron Lee Thanks, Jim Pierce, P.E. ASSistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 1 TRANSMtTIAL OF ADDENDUM ****••*.*******************************.*************.*******.********* IINSTRUCTIONS:I Acknowledge receipt ofAddenda with the form below, please FAX to (971) 450-7096 upon receipt and Acknowledgement ofAddenda on outer envelope ofbid. ***•••****.***************•••************************.****•••*********** Addendum Acknowledgment Should be faxed to (971) 450-7096 I Acknowledge the receipt ofAddendum No.: Total # Pages: 31 __ (IncludlngC.....Page) __ Town of: ADDISON, TEXAS Project Name: 05-02 Bulk Fuel Storage & Dispensing System, Addison Airport By Facsimile or Email Transmission on November 12, 2004 this date: The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that Addendum No. I has been incotporated into the proposal and ifaccepted becom es vart ofthe contract. Company Name: Signed By (print name): Signature: Date: ! Phone No: i PLEASE SIGN & FAX THIS PAGE BACK TO TOWN OF ADDISON (As verification that you received this npdate) 972-450-7096 Bid 05-02 Bulk Fuel S1Drage & Dispensing Syst\lm, Addison Airport -Addendum I Addendum 1 05-02 Bulk Fuel Storage & Dispensing System, Addison Aiport Bid Open: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 2:00pm 10-29-04 Plan corrections: I. Sheet 9, Note #5, Delete comment, there is no emergency generator, only an emergency generator cable connection and disconnect switch 2. Sheet 9, Note #3, Replace comment with the following: Disconnect fire hydrant after gate valve, install a 45-4egree elbow and extend fire hydrant line to new location. Install thrust blocks at elbow and new hydrant location and use a I" tap and sleeve on new hydrant line for new water service to facility. 3. Specification Section 13201-Fuel Storage Tank Packages, Part 2, Paragraph 2.02, 1. Tank Accessories, Item 2. (page 209), should read: Provide suction nozzle with a floating suction assembly (4-inch for Jet A, 3-inch for AvGas). 4. New sheet 9 attached. 5. Appendix A -Equipment List will be available upon request. Appendix A Equipment List will be available on CD. Appendix A will be available at Mandatory Pre Bid meeting, Monday, November 15,2004 at 2:00pm held at Service Center, I 680 I Westgrove Dr., Addison, TX 7500 I. After which time, CD will be available to be picked up from Purchasing Office at 5350 Belt Line Rd, Addison, TX 75254. Please email msuh@Ci.addison.tx.us for further information. Bid 05-02 Bulk Fuel Stmage &; Dispensing System., Addison Aixport -Addendum 1 • Steve Chutchian From: Mark Acevedo Sent: Friday, October 29,200411:05 AM To: Jim Pierce; Sandra scarborough Cc: steve Chutchian; Ron Lee; Jenny Nicewander Subject: RE: Fuel Farm Relocation Hello All, These project numbers are specific for the design & construction. If this is for man hours spent on the project, it will need to be charged to a 621 account. I am out of the office until Monday, but will provide you that number when I return. Thanks. Mark --Driginal Message-From: Jim Pierre Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:38 AM To: Sandra scarborough Cc: Steve Chutchian; Ron Lee; Mark Acevedo; Jenny Nlcewander Subject: RE: Fuel Farm Relocation Project Numbers were set up by Mark Acevedo as follows: Engineering: 12-623-56570-8669& +4'),0 2.. Construction 12-623-58910-0000(} 4-4-2.t' 2Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 --Original Message-F ...... : sandra Scarborough Sent: MOnday, Od:nber 25, 2004 8:21 AM To: Jim Pierce Cc:: Steve Chutthlan Subject: FIle! Farm Relocation Hi Jim: Ron Lee asked that I add a pay type code for this project. Just wanted to check with you to make sure I should set this up -if so, can you provide the project number? Thanks. Sandra Scarborough Human Resources TechniCian Town of Addison (972)450-2817 1 Bulk Fuel Storage Dispensing System Addison Airport, Addison, TX 95% Construction Estimate Description; Engineer Estimate for Construction . bid is to OO1lStruct a centrally located aviation bulk fuel storage and dispensillgsystem with 15 individual buik tuel storage tanks, withoff~lo-a,rind five FiXed Base perator (FBO) metered dispensing systems, in a consolidated~ environmentally protected site, including tanks and operating equipment, with suitable architectural nsiderations to blend into the site. The horizontal mounted cylindrical tanks will be either 2S~OOO gal or ]5,000 gal capacity fuel storage tanks. double wall. 2~hOUI fire ·ated and ballistics protected tanks. Printary products to be dispensed"", Low Lead AVGAS rmd Jet A Fuel, with one two-cmnportment tank of 10,000 gill & 15,000 ;a~ with dispensing equipment for LL MoOas and Diesel. '[he equipment includes industry standard filtration systems with automatic shutdown and overflow 'rotection devices. A lO,OOOgal oUlwater separator win be installed and connected to the secondary containment dike area and off~loadldispensing ramps. Fuel storage will have explosion proofelectrical fIxtures and control panel. AI" water line will be required for emergency showerleye wash unit and two 3/4" hose and reel rul Telephone COMedians include intercom access. phone and fire alw:m. Fuel storage tanks vAll be mounted in a concrete low wall $eco:ndary containment structure" 'til stretched fubric Cl1llOpy and area1igbting. storm drainage and utilities. Ac¢essJexit for the facility will be through an electrically operated gates, with new ~'Veways. curb and gutter. ~ Division 1. General Conditions I Division 2. Site Construction Site Clearing Earthwork Water Distribution OIW Sep & DrainaQe Asphalt Pvmt Landscape & Irrigation Concrete Pvmt Chain Link Fence Division 3. Concrete ICast-in-Place Division 5. Metals Metal Stairs & Struct Pipe & Tube Railings Gratings Division 7. Thermal Protection IFire Resistive Material Division 10 Specialties IFire Protection Division 13. Special Construction Fuel System Pipe Fuel System Valves Accessories Pumps Filtration Lighflng Protection Fabric Structures . $35,900.00 $9500.00 $8,750.00 $8,750.00 $57,900.00 $37,500.00 $22,800.00 $46,800.00 $26,5'00.00 $162,800.00 $26,800.00 $12,500.00 $3,800.00 $48,500.00 $1,850.00 $27,900.00 $42,400.00 $74,600.00 $42100.00 $40,500.00 $6,100.00 $355,500.00 WGI-ADS-27514 1 09-30-04 Bulk Fuel storage Dispensing System Addison Airport. Addison, TX 95% Construction Estimate I IFuel Storage Tanks I $415.200.00 WGt-ADS-27514 2 09-30-04 Bulk Fuel Storage Dispensing System Addison Airport, Addison, TX 95% Construction Estimate JFuel Dispenser Electric Gates Division 15. Mechanical $13,900.00 $32,400.00 Domestic Water PipinQ $2,550.00 Water Specialties $10,500.00 Drainage Specialties $22,800.00 Storm Drainage Piping $26,800.00 Emergency Plumbing $1,650.00 Division 16. Electrical Wiring & Cables $27,000.00 Boxes & FittinQs $12,200.00 Electrical Connections $9,850.00 Motor Disconn Switch $28,500.00 Transformer $3,750.00 Panel Boards $5,800.00 Contactors & Push B $32,400.00 MCC $42,700.00 Emer Gen Connection $2,800.00 Ext Lighting $14,300.00 Voice Cabling $3,450.00 Fire Alarms $15,800.00 Controls & Instrument $42,600.00 Tel Entry & Controller $4,750.00 Contractor O,H & P 15% ContinQency Total Estimated Lump Sum Bid Estimated time required for construction: 225 days Submitted by: Date: $467,862.50 $350,896.88 $2,690,209.38 WGI-ADS-27514 3 09-30-04 Town of Addison Project Application oject N rune (Maximum 30 characle;s)' oject Description -? ?roject Type: OperatingfUnique DOperatingfRecurring 0 Capital 0 Special Even.t rime to Complete (In months) L ,atedjn.1;>lapning Sector: 1 2 3 4 ,5 6" N/A Project Time Line , Phase (engineering, ROW, 3 -----1 't -----ii 5 6 /1 I 1Jtj-, 3 6 Start Date 9 12 Months 15 18 21 Tolal Budgel ~!J> . :{4' •.,Iance Depnrtment Use '. d,', , /'/_'j-c, .7 ' Project # , -L ~, .:9. ' , "/>;1, ' , ... ~.: ..Year Sector Type Free, ' Seq. ' Fuel Farm Road Project Number: 44202 . , -,l . I PrJ., V-i'rH;t Vlt~.:t -1u' tft! jilek p(.:I I~