· , 􀁾􀀠 JUL. 1I. 􀁩􀁕􀁕􀁾􀀠􀀱􀀺􀁾􀀴􀁲􀁍􀀠OLYMPIA BLDG SYSTEMS NO. 6307 P. liB UNIVERSAL STEEL BUILDINGS CORP. OLYMPIA BUILDING SYSTEMSrM 400 ISLAND AVENUE MCKEESROCKS,PA 15136 􀀴􀀱􀀲􀁾􀀳􀀳􀀱􀁾􀀳􀀵􀀷􀀴􀀠 1􀁾􀀸􀀷􀀷􀀭􀀷􀀵􀀷􀀭􀀹􀀴􀀲􀀰􀀠 FAX: 412-771-4295 http://www.olympiabuildings.com FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: 7111105 TO: Dave Foster • COMPANY: i •PHONE: FAX: (972) 788-9334 i FROM: JUlie Petrarca PAGES: 7 . COMMENTS: . SPECSIPRICING r-,'A.\ \ 􀁾􀁻􀀠t,.....:\d: IV) 4􀀿􀁻􀀧􀁜􀁴􀁾􀀠􀁉􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁈􀁖􀀢􀀺􀀨􀀧􀀠&'1)(h-"". e1 \ 􀁾d tJ t' 􀂷􀁴􀁊􀁤􀁾􀁥􀁊􀀠b,,; Id:'5 􀁷􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀠be Q -􀁦􀁉􀁏􀁲􀁾􀀠0 I I 􀁾􀁇􀀮(l'uJ 1S!.;t +Or "3 ( I'lY./I./) 􀁾􀁉'-1 JIlf>( S • Best Regards, //, ., /JJ I (. 􀁾􀁾􀁾______________________________ __􀁾As􀁓􀁟􀁏􀁟􀁃􀁟􀁩􀁡􀁟􀁴􀁟􀁥􀁟􀁳􀁾􀀬􀁟􀁉􀁟􀁮􀁾􀁣􀀮G_r_a_n_t_h_a_01 _____ June 20, 2005 Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Town of Addison 16051 Addison Rd., Ste. 220 Addison, TX 75001 Re: Agreement for Civil Engineering and Surveying Services 0.46-Acre Addison Airport Maintenance Shop and Wash Facility Dear Mr. Chutchian: Grantham & Associates, Inc. (G&A) is pleased to provide this agreement to the Addison Airport (Town) for engineering and surveying services for the proposed maintenance shop and wash facility located within Addison Airport off Taxi Way ''T'' near the Keller Springs east tunnel entrance. Scope ofServices The scope of services provided below has been developed from information furnished to G&A by the Town. Surveying Services • Set horizontal and vertical survey control to be used for the topographic survey and for construction staking to be performed by others. • Perform a topographic survey of the site, adjacent roadways, existing concrete flume, drainage culvert, and proposed utility routes. • Obtain from the Town, when available, digital plans of the existing drainage, water and sanitary sewer improvements for the adjacent roadways and tracts. • Coordinate with Airport staff and contact DIGTESS if required to tie down underground utility markings within the design area. Engineering Services • The following on-site Construction Plans will be prepared for the project and included in map pockets at the back of the bid document: o Paving, Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan o Water and Wastewater Plan Bidding and Construction Services • Supply the Town with construction plans and bid documents for the project. • Attend the bid opening, tabulate bids and prepare a letter that addresses the qualifications of the low bidder. • Attend a pre-construction meeting. • Respond to questions during the construction process. 1919 S. Shiloh Road, Suite 310, L.B. 8 • Garland. Texas 75042 WINW.gra-ce.net Tel. (972) 864-2333 • Fax (972) 864-2334 Steve Chutchian June 20, 2005 Page 2 • Prepare record drawings based on marked-up plans provided by the contractors and submit sealed mylar and digital copies to the Town. No field survey work will be perfonned by G&A to prepare the record drawings. Fees G&A will perform the aforementioned scope of services for the following fees, which are fixed fee unless otherwise noted. • Surveying Services $ 2,075 • Engineering Services $ 9,935 • Bidding and Construction Services $ 2,480 • Expenses $ 500 Total $14,990 Assumptions The following assumptions have been made in preparing this proposal: • The Town will furnish G&A with a geotechnical report during the design. The geotechnical report will include recommendations for the pavement and the subgrade. • The Town will coordinate directly with prefabricated building suppliers regarding the proposed maintenance building and its foundation. In addition, the Town will arrange for any mechanical, electrical, plumbing or other services separately, except for the water and sewer services that are included in G&A's scope. • No landscape design, structural design, structural foundation design, wash-rack design, or environmental services will be performed by G&A. • No boundary survey work will be required. • No construction observation or review of contractor pay requests will be performed by G&A. Terms and Conditions • Access to Site: Unless otherwise stated, Grantham & Associates, Inc. (G&A) will have access to the site for activities necessary for the performance of the services. G&A will take precautions to minimize damage due to these activities, but has not included in the fee the cost of restoration of any resulting damage. • Dispute Resolution: Any claims or disputes made during design, construction or post construction between the Client and G&A will be submitted to nonbinding mediation. Client and G&A agree to include a similar mediation agreement with all contractors, subcontractors, subconsultants, suppliers and fabricators, thereby providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution among all parties. • BillingsfPayments: Invoices for G&A ' s services will be submitted On a monthly basis. Invoices will be payable within 30 days after the invoice date. • Indemnification: The aient will, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify and hold harmless G&A, its officers, directors, employees, agents and subconsultants from (2.ftf?v.erT iJeS {t:;""' C-VSv{..rfrvf3. 5tf,A-t/l"'ft rzes (;MCrI( IV; s( ...... r(fi>"( ;e F f' '> f'je..", o1k< cqr""..., fb 􀁉􀁾􀀭􀁦􀀧􀀯􀀧􀀢􀀤􀀠.4teTIlc. ,;c...pc; 0f $ 􀀡􀁅􀀧􀁾􀁵􀁴:reT 􀁾􀁴􀁉􀀠PR(# 􀁾􀀯􀁲􀀨􀁦􀀠 Steve Chutchian June 20, 2005 Page 3 and against all damage, liability and cost including reasonable attorneys fees and defense costs, arising out of or in any way connected with the performance of the services under this agreement by any of the parties above named, excepting only those damages, liabilities or costs attributable to the sale negligence or willful misconduct of G&A. • CertificationsiResponsibilities: G&A will not be required to execute any document that would result in its certifying, guaranteeing or warranting the existence of conditions whose existence G&A cannot ascertain. Furtbennore, G&A will not be responsible for the means, methods, procedures, techniques, or sequences of construction, nor for safety on the job site. • Termination of Services: This agreement may be tenninated by the Client or G&A should the other fail to perfonn its obligations hereunder. fu the event of termination, the Client will pay G&A for all services rendered to the date of termination, all reimbursable expenses expenses and reimbursable termination expenses. • Ownership of Documents: All documents produced by G&A under this agreement will remain the property of G&A, unless otherwise stated, and may not be used by the Client for any other endeavor without the written consent of G&A. Please acknowledge your acceptance of this Agreement by signing in the place provided and returning a copy to this office. Receipt of the signed copy will be our authorization to proceed with the project. APPROVED BY: Very truly yours, ce R. Grantham, P.E. Town of Addison BG/jf Date G,\WPDOCSIPROPOSAL\LAND-DEVlAddiS., e11 u.fl d tJ t' -rJJ...JeJ Pv-.; 􀁉􀁤􀁾􀀧􀀩􀀠􀁷􀁾􀀱􀁉􀀠he0" 􀁴􀁉􀁏􀁲􀁾􀀠0 I I tr:/ll..t :fer "3 (/2'1./1./) hlf-l tfpO(s.G1NJ Best Regards, ., 􀁾/JJ Lv L.h ' , ....lP"/IAAf"':;;;:-, -j-c S JUL. II. iUUJ I: J4PM OLYMPIA BLDG SYSTEMS NO 6307 P 2/8 I' 400 Island Avenue, McKees Rocks, PA 15136 : I : Web Site: www.olvmpiabuildings.com "TEEt.. "UlI-tUIiIG SYA1EMS Toll Free Phone: (888),449·7756 Fa)l;: (412) 771-4295 .,..,OLYMPIA STEEL BUILDINGS· SYSTEMS:1 ; FACTORY DIRECT TO YOUR DOOR Name: Dave Fos!er Date: 7111105 Address: 16051 AddisQn Road SI. 220 City: Addison Phone: (972) 392-4852 Fax: (972) 788-9334 Company: state: TX County: Dallas Zip: 75001 YOUR STEEL BUILDING SPEcIFICATIONS Width: 60' Length: 120' Bay 􀁓􀁾􀁣􀁩􀁮􀀹􀀺􀀠6 tal 20' Frame Type: I Beam Wall Color: Trim Color: Bldg Code: IBC 00 Wind Load: 90 MPH Eave HI: lB' 􀁒􀁯􀁯􀁦􀁔􀁹􀁾􀀺􀀠PBR 26 Ga Coating on Root Galvalume Ground Snow: 5 PSF Roof Pitch: 1:12 CoatinQ On Walls: Color Roof Load: Left End wall: ipos! & Beam Rklid FR%LD U Full LD Collateral Load: 1 PSF Right End wall: Post & Beam Rigid FR%LD o FUll LD Bracing: 􀁾Cable LJ Portal Rod Base Condition: Anglerrrim Framed Openings: 3(12x14)2(3x7) Service Doors: 2(3x7) Vents: 6(9·Xl0) Insulation: 6·(R19)/4'(R13) ADD $7.297.48 Other Accessories: Notes: ALL BUILDINGS INCLUDE:. 25 YEAR WARRANTY ON 26 GAUGE PBR PANEL AZ55 GALVALUME® ROOF .25 YEAR WARRANTY ON STAINLESS STEEL CAPPED SCREWS (NO RUSn • 30 YEAR WARRANTY AGAINST CRACKING, CHIPPING OR PEELING ON POLYESTER BAKED PAINT ON SIDEWAIl.S .GALVANIZED Z-GIRTS AND Z-PURLINS • WASHERS ON PANELS ON SIDES AND ROOF _26 GAUGE COLOR WALL SHEETING (10 AVAILABLE COLORS) -STRUCTURAL STEEL I-BEAMS _ ENDWALL POSTS. RAFTERS. NUTS • BOLTS -X-BRACING -COLOR TRIM -1" MASTIC TAPE FOR SIDE LAPS ON ROOF. 1" DOUBLE BEAD MASTIC FOR END LAPS ON ROOF -CERTIFIED, ENGINEER STAMPED DRAWINGS TO MEET YOUR STATE AND COUNlY REQUIREMENTS BUILDING PRICE DEUVERED............................$31.902.00 DEPOSiT .......................................................... .$9J475 00 BALANCE ON DELIVERy.......... ........................ S2S,427 00 Price includes 3 sets ofengineerstamped drawings andanchor boltplansl Price Quote is valid until this Date: July 31, 2005 SINCERELY, PHONE# (888) 449-7756 Ext, 263 .lillie petrarca 25 YEAR FACTORYWARRANIY JUL. 11. 􀀲􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀠1: 55PM OLYMPIA BLDG SYSTEMS NO, 6307 P. 3/8 dl Y-' If •• 􀁉􀀢􀁉􀁾􀁜􀀧􀁉􀁾 􀁾􀁩􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀠􀁾􀁉􀀠II: SA =u!l-llif---.L--M if 􀀲􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁄􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁊􀀭􀀭􀀡􀁩􀁲􀀽􀁦􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭j-'¥ 􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁲􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀮􀁴􀀮􀀭􀀧􀁩􀁾􀀠• = I'" "-'> = -0 C􀁾􀀠-< 3::: ." :J> = 􀁅􀁃􀁾􀁉􀀠RFI-t RFl-l 8FJ-1 fllfl-l r{f'f-1 E;c-\ "'-0' 1"-0,1 It-£ Ir-d if=£! 11'-<41 1..-0-1 12'-£ 1..-0·1 = 􀁾􀀠'" Gmr 􀁉􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀠t'-sry-o" 􀁉􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁏􀀧􀀢􀀠 􀁉􀀮􀀧􀀢􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠='tAPS 1"-11" 􀀮􀂷􀁾􀁲􀀠-0;;-4' -'i'-I" "--0'" '" SIDEWALL FRAMING: FRAME LINE E '"'"' = EJm.IMlNAll.Y..lIlIE!l:RMAOOILSll.8.JEG.LIll_\iEE.lEIl:ADOO WITH fINAL DESlGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION C> 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠-0 :> = 􀁾􀀠= en ,-* "'"--' ---...... 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SLAB W 6X€> 10/10 t'l.l'l.F. #4s @1;2" O,C. 5-#45 CONT. #45 II) 12' o.c,. SECTION SCALE t/2" '" 1'-0" NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Size and depth of foundation wilr vary depending on soU conditions and local building codes. June 20, 2005 Mr. Sreve Churchian, P.B. Town ofAddison 16051 Addison Rd., Sre. 220 Addison, TX 75001 Re: Agreement fur Civil Engineering and Surveying Services O.46-Acre Addison Airport Maintenance Shop and Wash Facility Dear Mr. Chutchian: Grantham & Associates, Inc. (G&A) is pleased to provide this agreement to the Addison Airport (Town) fur engineering and surveying services fur the proposed maintenance shop and wash facility located within Addison Airport offTaxi Way "1''' near the Ketler Springs east tunnel entrance. Scope of Services The scope ofservices provided below has been dcveloped from information furnished to G&A by the Town. Surveying Services • Set horizontal and vertical survey control to be used for the topographic survey and for construction staking to be perfurmed by others. • Perfurm a topogtllphic survey ofthe sire, adjacent roadways, existing concrete flume, drainage culvert, and proposed utility routes. • Obtain from the Town, wh6Jl available, digital plans ofthe existing drainage, water and sanitary sewer improvem6Jlts for the adjacent roadways and ttact:s. • Coordinate with Airport staffand contact D1GTESS ifrequired to tie down underground utility rnarlcings within the design area. Eo,gineering Services • The following on·sire Construction Plans will be prepared fur the project and included in map pockets at the back ofthe bid document: o Paving, Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control PIan o Water and Wastewater PIan 􀁾􀁩􀀡􀁬􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠and Construction Services • Supply the Town with construction plans and bid documents fur the projeet. • Attend the bid op6Iling, tabulate bids and prepare a letter that addresses the qualifications ofthe low bidder. • Attend a pre-eonstruction meeting. • Respond to questions during the construction process. PROPOSED MANHOURS fCOSTS DATE: Airport Maintenance Shop and Wash Facility 4 4 2 4 12 2 4 12 2 2 2 65 6 6 engineering Field VISit (1) Town Meetings (2) 4 Obtain I Review Plans Utility Coordination 1 DesignIPlan Preparation 3 City Markups 1 Bid Documents 1 BIdding and ConstJuc:llOn ofProreble Cos! 1 Bid Opening I Tabulate bids I AwardL_ Meeting to Conslruction questions Record Drawings 3 2 3 4 1 2 e 4 2 $ 4()(100 $ 1,000.00 $ 310.00 $ 660.00 $ 5,695.00 $ 960.00 $ 910.00 $ 450.00 $ 360.00 $ 300.00 $ 550.00 $ 800.00 I I±® l , l ! !00Ie I l .(7 􀁾􀀠'" 􀁾.. 􀀭􀁾... -.. -....-...!, 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀫􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀠-_..---_._... t..\ + + + ,, ! !, 􀁾􀀠E\) ID I I m 􀁾􀀠 I Newsletter Page I of2 Foster, David From: Julie at Olympia Steel Buildings [julie@factoryusa.comj Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:20 PM To: Foster, David Subject: Save up to 60% on Texas Steel Buildings [.]'j•.􀁾􀁴􀁈􀁊􀀧􀁴􀀲􀀩􀁬􀀠STEEL sun.DING SYSTEMS Olvmpia Steel Buildings Internet Specials From the desk of Julie Petrarca: Dear Dave, When it comes to building construction, stronger is better. That's why steel buildings are so popular. For strong, safe, durable building construction at up to 60% off of conventional construction, Olympia Steel Buildings can make it happen at the best available price. Call Toll Free: 888-449-7756 ASK FOR Julie 40' X 50' X 12'.............$10,560.00 50' X 60' X 14'............$14,435.00 50' X 125' X 16'...........$28,560.00 60' X 100' X 16'...........$30,525.00 70' X 100' X 18' .........$34,575.00 70' X 200' X 18'..........$61,785.00 100' X 200' X 18' ........$108,920.00 150' X 200' X 16'........$136.310.00 200' X 250' X 16' ........$210,410.00 Building Features: • AZ55 GalvalumePBR roof sheeting, 26 gauge, 80,000 psi -25 year warranty • Stainless steel capped fasteners -25-year rust warranty • Siliconized polyester baked-on enamel paint -various colors available --30-year warranty • Purlins, girts, base angles -secondary framing -hot-dipped mill-galvanized coating for long-life rust protection • Standard at no extra cost: cable X-bracing provides enormous strength for wind 4/1512005 Newsletter Page 2 of2 protection • Optional accessories: wall lights, sky lights, insulation, ridge vents, cylindrical vents, gutters and downspouts • CODE: IBC-2000, 30 PSF Roof Snow Load, 90 MPH Wind Load, Wind EXP -C Sincerely, Julie Petrarca Olympia Steel Buildings Toll Free: 888-449-7756 Direct Dial: 412-250-2163 ThiS message was sent from Julie at Olympia Steel Buildings to david.foster@wgint.com. It was sent ...... from: Olympia Steel Buildings, 400 Island Avenue, McKees Rocks, PA 15136. You can lSi?! InteJlicontact pc'>modify/update your subscription via the link below. 􀁍􀁡􀁲􀁬􀁾􀁈􀁉􀁾􀀮􀁹􀁯􀁵􀁲􀀠subscription 411512005 Special ofthe Month Page 1 of2 Limited Time offer 40' x 60' x 50' x 75' 14' 60' x 100' x 16' Sale Price I $11 90 $16250 I $2 Add for $295 I: $395 $740 $1,35020/20/10ad II FREE COLOR -SIDEWALLS/ENDWALLS ----FREE FRAMED OPEN! Above pricing based on: 20/12; 90 mph; IBC 2003; Color Sides and end: Framed opening for OH door with cover trim: Letter of certification; nu•.,rt n ..i,... 􀁴􀁾􀂷􀀠PBR roof and Cast zinc aluminum scr( Building For Immediate Sale $46,000 Reduced Price The following building is ready for immediate delivery out of Dallas, Tex 75' x 150' x 20' 1/12 roof pitch; IBC 2003 20/12 ground snow load; 106 mph wind load exposure "C";! One 3070 walk door; One (12' x 12' Framed Opening; with cover trim; Gutters and d( angle with trim; two truck loads of freight. Wall Colors: left endwall-Light Stone; right endwall-Burnished Slate; First 100' offrOi Stone/remaining SO'-Burnished Slate; First 50' of back sidewall-Burnished Slate/remai Stone. Trim @left endwall-Light Stone @right endwall-Burnished Slate; All other tri STRUCTURAL DESIGN * WEATHER PROOFING * PANEL OPTIONS * FORMED RIDGE .. •􀁾􀁛􀁌􀁆􀁾􀁄􀁛􀁓􀀩􀁉􀁃􀀠FASTENER.;?' [AYE OPTIQN!2 􀂷􀁾􀁳􀁽􀁾􀁙􀁩􀁩􀁇􀁈􀁔􀁾􀂷􀁄􀁑􀁏􀁒􀀮􀀡􀀲􀀭􀀺􀁗􀁬􀁬􀁜􀁬􀁄􀁏􀁗􀀡􀀲􀀠hl1p:I/v.'WW.rhinobldg.comlspecl.html 4/1512005 Building Configuration Summary Page 1 of2 􀁾􀁟􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁦􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁬􀀠􀁏􀀢􀀢􀁍􀁯􀀭􀁾􀀬􀀢􀀻􀀬􀀺􀁾􀀽􀁲􀁾􀀠Questions? Call us at 800-793-8555 Current Shipping Destination: Dal!as County, TX, 75001 Home Me,a! HOuse Garages BUilding Custom Export Buildlr,gs Packages & Worksllops Types Quotes Buildings 􀀺􀁍􀀢􀀬􀀻􀀻􀁩􀀬􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀠􀀧􀁟􀁪􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀢􀀧􀁟􀀭􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀠,.,d. 􀁟􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀮􀁾Value BUI'Id'mg ™Summary 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁩􀀭􀁾􀀱􀀺􀁌􀀡􀁴􀁾􀁾􀀠mell!:1 SBS Quote 10 53055Status Config Saved Date Generated Dec 16, 2003 Expiration Jan 15, 2004 Purchaser davld,foster@wgint,com Email davld,foster@wgintcom Building Use Commercial Customer Info Value Building Package Pricing (All prices in U.S. dollars) Package Price $31,466,72 Discount off List ($5,664.01) Collected Sales Tax, Fees, Tariffs $000 Shipping $765.00 r-otal Price $26,567.71 Down Payment $3,985.16 Balance due $22,582,55 BuiJdinll Location State TX County Dallas Zip code 75001 Structural Details Width 60' Code S8C97 SW 8ypass Cross Bracing Cross (Xl 8racing only if Girt determined to be required. Length 120' Wind 70 SW Tapered Framed None mph Col Openings 4 Height 16' Rool 12 psi EW Bearing Type Frame Roof 1.0':12' Seismic I SWBays 6 at 20' each slope • Framed opening count above does not include overhead door framed openings that are listed as part of door description below. Finish . Roof Panel 26 gauge, P8R, Galvalume Member Screws; #12: 14 x 1-1/4"DriIl8r Stitch Screws: 114: 14 x 718" Lap TEK Wall Panel 26 gauge, R, Tan Member Screws: #12: 14 x 1·114" Driller, Stitch Screws: 114: 14 x 718" Lap TEK Base Condition Angle without notch, Closed Gutters (Eaves) Eave with rain gulter·and downspouts (6 Downspouts) Trim colors Corner: Tan All other: Slate Optional Items I Qty Walk Doors ' 3' x 7' Walkdoor (Plain, Standard Lever, Right-hand out) L (field located) i:>verhead · Clopay: Model 160 -12' x 14' Roll Up Door 2 Doors Located in SW,Framed Opening, Mounting Plates, Drive Chain Hoist, Color: Natural Tan Windows · 3' x 3' AHS, Mill Finish 2 Roof Vents · goo x 10' ridge vent with damper, Galvalume 2 Skylights Ught transmitting panel 4 Roof Insulation R-10: 3 inch White Vinyl Wall Insulation · R-l0: 3 inch White Vinyl > Accessories ' 2-sided Sticky Tape 7 http://v..'Ww.steelbuildingsupplier,comlDisplayQuote.cfm?Action=DisplayCurrent 12/16/2003