\ \ J and make recovery more difficult than just changing components. Each ofthese components is to be provided in the manufactures original packaging. This change is reflected in the revised electrical drawings dated 3-23-05. 5) Reolace metal grating steps with concrete step Replace the 10 metal grating steps in the secondary containment area with a 9" high concrete step. 6) Replace norescent light imurcs with 250 watt metal halide lights Replace the florescent light fixtures with low base 250-watt metal halide in two rows on each side ofthe facility. The low base fixtures cover more area with higher lumens; so rewer fixtures are needed for the same light level. This change is reflected in the revised electrical drawings dated 3-23-05. 7) Fire protection coating ofthe canopy rafters Do not fire protect coat the shape metal rafters ofthe canopy structure. A technical review has been perfonned on the canopy structure perfonnance and the conclusion is that since the proposed shaped rafters are not under load and will be supported in a fire by the rated coated colunms ofeach bent, there is no reason to coat the rafters. 8) Use horizontal filter/separators Use ofhorizontal filter/separators for this system is acceptable providing you can install them appropriately in the system within the space limitations ofthe secondary containment area and maintain access for filter changes. The draft tank layout shop drawing indicates the horizontal filter/separator will fit in this layout. 9) Use of aluminum case mechanical now meters Use ofaluminum case mechanical flow meters versus double case steel meters is acceptable based on this application. Systems using two or more large volume storage tanks that would pass all fuel through one or two lines would have a much higher utilization rate and would warrant a double steel case meter. This system dispenses through 14 separate tanks and no single meter will have high volume utilization. 10) Eliminate canopy gutters, downsoouts and associated underground piping Eliminate the canopy canopy gutters, downspouts, sidewalk connections and underground PVC drain lines (E & D) and catch basin on the south end ofthe oil/water separator. Connect the separator outfall line directly to the existing stonn sewer system by transitioning to 10" RCP line. 11) Use the Blackmer XL3B 200 gpm pump Pending verification by the manufacturer for this application, use the Blackmer XL3B 200 gpm aviation fuel pump for the AvGas tank and dispensing system. 12) Modify the 10' & 6' vinyl covered fence structure detail Change the 10' fence detail to 8' high with posts set at 7' on center instead of 10' and with top rail and bottom guy wire. The 8' rence remains black vinyl covered chainlink rence fabric with black slats. Change the post setting for the 6' black vinyl covered chain-link fence fabric with black slats and barbwire to 8' on center instead of 10', with top rail and bottom guy wire. Other chain link fencing remains as per plans except add top rail and bottom guy wire. Shop drawings from the subcontractor will be reviewed and the additional cost must be determined. Date: April 1 , 1005 Subject: Update on Construction Items and Issues ror the Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport Reference S. Lundgren Memo, same subject, dated Mar 18, 200S and Update report dated Mar 2S, 200S: o Bums and McDOImen issued revised drawings and specificstion changes that incorporate the addendwn and value engineering items on Mar 23, 200S. Between Thielsch Engineering and Washington GrouJ), ail equi{m1ent items and components have been verified. o The Construction Technicsl Change Order #1, covers all value-engineering items, plus the technical issues as ofthis date. Please note that page 2 was reissued with the confimled AvGas Pump from Blackmer. o A scalable, draft tank, equipment and piping layout "shop drawing" for the Jet A and LL A vGas tanks, as installed in the secondary containment structure, was sent to Thielscb Engineering, with an electronic (AutoCAD) version sent to the-Thielsch Engineering Cranston RI office for use by their technical drawing section. The shop drawing shows the tanks & equipment in. the structure with the catwalk and canopy structure. • We have received the Highland Tank Mfg. Shop drawings on the selected tanks for this system, Flow Meterand the Horizontal Filter-Separator selected for this system, which have been forwarded to Cranston to incorporate into the layout drawings. Maiked up drawings have been returned to Thielsch. • We bave details for the relaxation chamber and loading control valves. • We are working details for the selected Strainer, Air Eliminators, AirblocklWater Slug Valves and S gal Surge Absorber, so the rest ofthe system equipment items can be incorporated into the layout drawings. o The Pre-Construction Punch list is complete with the exception ofthe canopy colunm detail and structure moments from Schwob Constmction, which will be sent once they have notification to proceed. These items will be needed to modify the connections to the structure and to accommodate the center column in each bent. o Notice to proceed was issued Mar 31, 200S, effective Apr 4, 200S. o Washington Group will obtain sealed and signed full size copies of all revised drawings and reproduce constmction sets for Thielsch (both offices), The Town ofAddison and The Airport. o John Bagnall ofBums & McDonnell has been in discussion with both Thielsch and Washington Group on aJ I mechauical and electrical issues, so Lundgren. 303-<143-)596 submitted equipment cut sheets and details will be reviewed and returned immediately. o Mario, the Thielsch Draftsman has started on the tank, equipment and piping shop drawings. Wasbington Group will work with him on the plan, elevations and isometrics. o Rick is working to id the make and model ofthe remaining equipment, issue orders and preparing to occupy the site on Monday April 4, 2005. Wasbington Group and Thielsch Engineering are working closely to make sure all system items are incorporated properly and the tsnkIequipment layout is correct. Respectfully submitted, 􀁾􀀭􀁅􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭Project Engineer Washington Group International, Inc. 1 Attachment: Technical Change Order Page 2 GWB......... FINANCE PBPARTMENT!pJ TB eRASING PMSIQN 53)0 Bm! I 1ne ROad (972) 45fi:70B9 E-mail ssimS@ci oddison tx US Facsimile(m) 450-7096 P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Tcw 75001 March 30, 2005 TIrielsch Engineering Mr. Richard Normandeau 2111 Dickson Drive, Suite 10 Austin, TX 78704 NOTICE TO PROCEED: Bid 05-02 Fuel Storage and Dispensiug System Dear Mr. Normandeau: Receipt ofthis document aulliorlzes your company to provide all labor and materials as outlined in llie specificatious and under llie terms and conditions of llie contract documents for Bid 05-02 Construct Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System at Addison Airport beginning on Monday, April 4, 2005. Enclosed is your copy ofllie signed contract and your bid bond. The proposed improvements and work shall be completed willi llieoriginal contract price 0[$3,885,000.00 and wiiliiu 210 days as stated on llie contract. Please include Bid No. and Name: 05-02 Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensiug System, on all mon1h1y invoices or ollier correspondence to llie Town of Addison. . Ifyou have any questions oriO can beafassistance to you, please contact me at 972-450-7089. Sincerely, 􀁾􀀠. I .... 􀁪􀁬􀁌􀀯􀁴􀀱􀁶􀀯􀀱􀁊􀀭􀁦􀁾􀀠'Shanna N. Sims Budget and Procurement Manager Enclosures Copy: Jim Pierce /Mark Acevedo 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀬􀀠---:::= Wi 􀁾􀀠􀁵􀁹􀁾􀀭􀀽􀀭􀁮􀁷􀀠􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀠JLi I I JI!! I, II II ,,!.,Iftilmlllilil illulll,!lIIIIIL !ill! 􀀮􀀮􀁯􀀧􀀨􀁾􀀮􀁉􀁦􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀱􀁉􀀶􀁨􀀮􀁬􀁬􀁤􀁡􀀺􀀺􀁢􀀮􀁉􀁩􀁩􀁾􀀡􀁬􀁯􀀠e..CI:.. ..I.Ul;BhUti 1·!'"..,iI.· ...... ,·",·;j·......."ell!>,..I,,,..1 '----------=:J 􀁾􀀬..._--􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 i ! ; i Ii ! 􀁭􀀧􀁾􀁄􀁬􀁉􀀠--_._--􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠• I i 0;') ..ti .1 .ill 11M:, Ii II !. 􀁩􀁤􀀬􀀡􀁾􀀮􀀠;II 􀀱􀀱􀀱􀁩􀁬􀁾􀁩Ii Ii 111l! 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II I I 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁊􀀿􀁴􀀠---".----------------------------􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠 I . I • .. iiI!l!_ Date: March 28, 2005 Subject: Construction Technical Change Order for the Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensiog System, Addison Airport To: Thielsch Engineering, Inc. 2111 Dickson Dr. Suite 10 Austin, TX 78704 Attn: Mr. Rick Normandcau Mr. Normandeau, You are hereby ordered to make the following technical changes in the plans and lor specifications for the above-designated project. 1) Modify the catwalk to he supported from the tanks. Install the catwalk only over each ofthe FBO tanks with separate ladder at each FBO. The transverse walkway and catwalk will be attached directly to the tank and the catwalk will span the tanks in each FBO area with a separate ladder to the floor ofthe containment. Attachment pads are to be welded to the tanks by the tank manufacturer and the walkway stanchions attached to the pads by bolting or welding in the field. Shop drawings on the catwalk structure, details and attachments have been provided. 2) Use one mechanical flow meter with electronic remote displays. Install one mechanical flow meter at the pump and use remote displays to indicate pumped fuel quantity at the dispense and off-load stations. The dispense display must still allow stage down of flow through the "Cia Valve" or similar for filling Jet A airport refue1ers. The cost reduction is the di:ffurence between the cost of the 2nd meter at each tank unit and the electronic display installation. This change is reflected in the revised mechanical and electrical drawings dated 3-23-05. 3) Eliminate concrete encasement ofconduit (duct bank) ODder slab. Do not encase the electric cable duct bank under the secondary containment structure. Only the duct bank from the transformer pad to the containment slab needs encasement, along with ducts from the power pole drop and from the transformer to the MCC. The conduits must be spaced and bedded in suitable backfill. 4) Eliminate redODdant control ODils in system control panel. Eliminate the redundant complete PLC on the tank overflow monitoring system and provide a spare CPU and at least one ofeach IIO cards to serve as a backup control unit ifthe PLC were to faiL Since the system is designed to fail closed (or oft), one preprogrammed CPU, a spare power supply and a spare ofone of each type ofIlO cards used in the system will provide sufficient backup and immediate response in case offitilure, and reduce the adverse impact to the system from a lighting strike in the area which could eliminate the programming on both systems GWashington Lundgren. 303·843·3596 and make recovery more difficult that just changing components. Each ofthese components is to be provided in the manufactures original packaging. This change is reflected in the revised electrical drawings dated 3-23-05. 5) Replace metal grating steps with concrete step. Replace the 10 metal grating steps in the secondary containment area with a 9" high concrete step. 6) Replace florescent light fixtures with 250 watt metal halide lights. Replace the florescent light fixtures with low base 25O-watt metal halide in two rows on each side ofthe facility. The low base fixtures cover more area with higher hnnens; so fewer fixtures are needed for the same light level. This change is reflected in the revised electrical drawings dated 3-23-05. 7) Fire protection coating of the canopy rafters Do not fire protect coat the shape metal rafters ofthe canopy structure. A technical review has been performed on the canopy structure performance and the conclusion is that since the proposed shaped rafters are not under load and will be supported in a fire by the rated coated colunms of each bent, there is no reason to coat the rafters. 8) Use horizol1tal fdterlseparators Use ofhorizontal filter/separators for this system is acceptable providing you can install them appropriately in the system within the space limitations ofthe secondary containment area and maintain access for filter changes. The draft tank layout shop drawing indicates the horizontal filter/separator will fit in this layout. 9) Use of aluminum case mechanical flow meters Use ofaluminum case mechanical flow meters versns double case steel meters is acceptable based on this application. Systems using two or more large volume storage tanks that would pass all fuel through one or two lines would have a much higher utilization rate and would warrant a double steel case meter. This system dispenses through 14 separate tanks and no single meter will have high volume utilization. 10) Eliminate canopy gutters, dowl1spouts and associated Ul1dergroUl1d piping Eliminate the canopy gutters, downspouts, sidewalk connections and nndergronnd PVC drain lines (E & D) and catch basin on the south end ofthe oil/water separator. Connect the separator outfiilliine directly to the existing storm sewer system by transitioning to 10" RCP line. II) Use the Blackmer Xl.5B 150 gpm pump Pending verification by the manufacturer for this application, use the Blackmer X2.5B 150 gpm aviation fuel pump for the AvGas tank and dispensing system. 12) Modify the 10' & 6' vinyl covered fence structure detail Change the 10' fence detail to 8' high with posts set at 7' on center instead of 10' and with top rail and bottom guy wire. The 8' fence remains black vinyl covered chain-link fence fabric with black slats. Change the post setting for the 6' black vinyl covered chain-link fence fabric with black slats and barbwire to 8' on center instead of 10'. Other chain link fencing remains as per plans. Shop drawings from the subcontractor will be reviewed and the additional cost must be determined. " Washington Lundgren. 303-843-35% 13) Thicken the concrete pavementor structure floor 1 " Instead ofthe 12" hydrated lime stabilized subgmde, the concrete structure and pavement may be increased in thickness by In. Subgrade must be compacted per specifications and the aggregate base course (ABC) thickness and compaction requirements remain the same. (per verbal direction by ECS) 14) Add a relaxation chamber to Jet A system Addendum #2 directed deletion of the relaxation chamber from the Jet A system; however, the revised drawings and specifications indicate a ISO gallon relaxation chamber is required. After verification by Burns & McDonnell, shop drawings from the subcontractor will be reviewed and the additional cost must be determined. IS) Delete Butterfly Valves Delete the butterfly valves shown in front (upstream) ofthe horizontal filter separator and in front (upstream) ofthe ISO-gallon relaxation chamber Remaining Items to address for start of construction: 1. Canopy Steel column details, including center column footing (from Schwob) 2. Final Cost ofCanopy 3. Identify the manufacturer and model number ofthe following items: a. 3" and 4" Strainer b. Air Eliminator c. 3" and 4"Airblocklwater slug/flow control valve d. 3" and 4" Double Block and Bleed (DBB) Plug valve e. 3" and 4" Loading control valve (2 stage ClaVaive type) f. ISO-gallon relaxation chamber. 4. Cost ofmodified Fence 5. Cost ofinstallation ofrelaxation chambers 6. Deletioo ofseveral butterfly valves Your assistance and consideration on these items is greatly appreciated. We expect Notice to proceed to be issued on or about Mar 31, 2005 Recommended By: Washington Group International Title Date Approved By: Town ofAddison Title Date Agreed To By: Thielsch Engineering Title Date Attachments: Modified Drawings & Specifications GWashington Lundgren, 303·843-3596 Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System Addison Airport Specifications Changes from Addendums and Value Engineering, dated 3-23-05 SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Section 13065: 1. Paragraph 2.03, Add the following paragraph: "J. Provide a thermal shut-off actuator with the butterfly valves designated as "fusible link" on the project drawings. 1. The thermal shut-off actuator shall be provided with a 165"F thermal link which shall close the valve upon a fire or other hazard. 2. The actuator shall provide sufficient closing torque to close and maintain the valve drip tight with a differential pressure of 20 psi at 500°F. 3. Operator shall be "fail safe" closed. 4. Provide an Essex Industries operator or approved equal." B. Paragraph 2.06.E, Delete in entirety. C. Paragraph 2.OS.D.l, Revise to read: "1. Water slug/air block valve -Shall be located as indicated and close by one oftwo electric signals from the PLC: I) upon detection ofwater by the water detection probe contained within the filter/separator or 2) upon detection ofexcess air in the air eliminator vessel. Provide the following trim and accessories: a. Explosion proof, 24 V dc control solenoid, with maintained position type manual override. b. Rete Etffla'i'I !lilat vlith erifiGe !llate at valve entraaee affii seasing Imes Gemflletely pipes liftS self eelitaiB.es !1ft val'/e. (Not required) c. Opening speed adjustment. d. Integral check feature." D. Paragraph 2.OS.D, Add the following paragraph: "4. Anti-siphon valve -Angle-type construction, hydraulically operated. Shall be located on Jet A and AvGas tank suction nozzles to prevent inadvertent siphoning offuel out oftank. Ifprovided with check feature, check valve at base offloating suction can be eliminated. 2. Section 13067; A. Paragraph 2.01.A.l, add the following paragraphs; "19. Air Eliminators: A. Smith Meter B. Brodie C. Approved Equal 20. Flexible Connectors: a. Flexonics b. Metraflex c. Approved Equal." B. Paragraph 2.l3.B.6, Change "4-inch diameter" to '':flanged''. C. Paragraph 2.13.B. 7, Revise to read "Provide with resettable totalizer and pulse transmitter." D. Part 2, Add the following 􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁡􀁧􀁲􀁡􀁰􀁨􀁳􀁾􀀠"220 BULK AIR ELIMINATORS: 5. Air eliminator vessel shall be a vertical deaerator, capable of 150 psig working pressure, with ANSI ISO-pound, raised-face flange connections ofsize indicated. 6. Flowrate shall be 350 gpm for Jet A and 120 gpm for AvGas. 7. Vessel shall have bottom drain connection with a plugged ball valve. 8. Air release head shall be dual electric float switch type operating in a 24 V dc circuit., which upon detection ofair shall electrically signal the downstream air block valve to close through the PLC. Floats, tubing and fittings shall be stainless steel. 9. Epoxy coat all interior vessel surfaces per MIL-C _ 4556 to a dry film thickness of6 of6 mils. 2.21 FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS: A. Flexible connectors for fuel pumps shall be inner stainless steel corrugated metal hose restrained by a double braided outer stainless steel cover, capable of 150 psig working pressure. B. Provide with ANSI ISO-pound, raised-face flanges. C. Connectors shall be 9-inches minimum length." 3. Section 􀀱􀀳􀀰􀀶􀀹􀁾􀀠A. Paragraph 2.01.a.I, Revise to read: "1. Positive Displacement Pumps: A. Blackmer B. Approved Equal." B. Paragraph 2.02, Replace with: "POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT PUMPS: A. General Requirements: Pumps shall be self-priming and manufactured to handle jet fuel or aviation gasoline. Pumps shall be complete with pump gear reduction, drive motor, coupling, mounting base, accessories, and all other parts and materials necessary for a complete installation. B. Construction: 1. Furnish with mechanical seals. 2. Ductile iron construction with ISO-pound ANSI flanged inlet and outlet. 3. Base plate shall be manufacturer standard. 4. Furnish with built-in reliefvalve capable of maintaining a constant discharge pressure with the full capacity ofthe pump being bypassed. 5. Gear reducer shall be commercial grade, independently bolted to base plate with coupling connections to driver and pump. Assembly shall feature hardened steel gears, innnersed in oil, mounted on shafts supported on both ends by ball bearings, and enclosed in a weatherproof housing. C. Operating Conditions: Pump Jet A Avgas Capacity (GPM) 350 120 Total Dynamic Head (feet) 140 110 Specific Gravity 0.81 0.67 Maximum Motor Speed 1800 1800 Maximum Motor Horsepower25 7.5 D. Motors: Motors shall be explosion proof. Provide with motor winding temperature sensors and 120Vac space heaters. Motors shall be suitable for an outdoor installation in Addison, Texas. E. Manufacturer's Service Engineer: Provide the services ofan experienced service engineer on the jobsite to verifY proper installation, assist in start-up and testing, and instruct Owner's operating personnel. F. Pumps used in design: Jet A: AvGas: Blackmer X4B-N Blackmer XL4B" 4. SECTION 13071: Paragraph 2.02.8, Change "120 gpm" to "200 gpm". 5. SECTION 13201: Paragraph 2.02.J.2, Revise first sentence to read: "Provide suction nozzle with a floating suction assembly (4-inch for Jet A, 4-inch for Avgas with 4" by 3" reducer at tank nozzle)." 6. SECTION 16512: A. Paragraph 1.0 1.B.I, insert the following line item: "b. Metal Halide (MH)." B. Paragraph 1.0l.B.2, delete line item in its entirety. C. Paragraph 1.02.A .4, delete the following line items in their entireties: "e. 935 -Fluorescent-Lamp Ballasts. g. 1570 -Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures." D. Paragraph 2.0I.A.2, delete paragraph in its entirety. E. Paragraph 2.02.B, delete paragraph in its entirety. F. Paragraph 2.02.D, delete line item 2 in its entirety and replace with the following: "2. Clear coated metal halide lamps in wattages indicated." 7. SECTION 16621-DIESEL GENERATOR SETS: Delete this section in its entirety. 8. SECTION 16901: A. Paragraph l.Ol.A, insert the following line item: "12. Electronic Preset." B. Paragraph 2.0l.G, insert the following line item: "2. Or approved equal." C. Paragraph 2.05.B, delete line item 1 in its entirety. D. Paragraph 2.0S.C, delete line item 1 in its entirety. E. Paragraph 2.05.D, delete line item 1 in its entirety. F. After Paragraph 2.13, insert the following paragraph in its entirety: "2.14 ELECTRONIC PRESET A. Provide explosion-proof, electronic preset rated for Class 1, Division 1 atmosphere. Electronic preset shall operate at 120Vac input. B. Provide electronic preset with two, optically-isolated solid-state digital meter signal pulse inputs; one analog two-wire 4-20mA input. C. Provide electronic preset with four AC digital outputs; two DC digital outputs. D. Unit shall be Smith Meter microLoad or approved equal." G. Paragraph 3.1 0, delete this paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following: "3.10 ELECmONIC PRESET A. Electronic preset shall receive flow meter pulse input from associated tank flow meter. B. Operator shall input meter stop volume preset Electronic preset shall be configured to operate two-stage control valve for loading." 9. SECTION 16902: A. Paragraph 2.01.A.5, delete paragraph in its entirety. B. Paragraph 2.01.A.6, revise line item to read "PLC and peripherals shall be located in the PLC cabinet in MCC enclosure." C. Paragraph 2.01.E.l, delete the word "PLCs" and replace with "PLC" D. After paragraph 2.04, insert the following in its entirety: "2.05 SPARE PARTS: A. Provide one spare processor of equal type and equal programming to one described in this section. B. Provide one spare power supply equal to one described in this section. C. Provide one spare I/O card ofeach type used in PLC. D. Provide storage cabinet or enclosure for spare parts. Parts shall be stored in PLC cabinet in MCC enclosure." END OF DOCUMENT Page 1 of 1 Mark Acevedo From: rnormandeau@thielsch.com Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 7:13 AM To: Mark Acevedo Cc: samueLiundgren@wginl.com; PKennefick@thielsch.com; TLent@Thielsch.com; neil.rood@wginl.comd Subject: Notice to Proceed 3/28/05 Mark, I received a lot of drawing and specification information on Friday afternoon from Sam. It took a while to review it and understand what was included. After better understanding the information, I don't agree that the pre-construction items are complete and request the notice to proceed not be issued yet. One example is with regard to the horizontal filter/separators. The change order states " ...providing you can install them appropriately in the system and 􀁷􀁩􀁾􀁨􀁩􀁮􀀠the space limitations of the secondary containment area and ..." I expected from the value engineering and pre-construction meetings that they were approved by engineering and would be shown on the drawing instead of the vertical filter/separator. I expected the necessary pipe routing changes would also be included. The other question is the cost and who pays for them. There may still be hope that they can be excluded from the design without compromising system performance or safety. On the draft change order, it was initially indicated that the additional cost to strengthen the fence was to be taken from the construction credits from the Feb. 11, 2005. I didn't agree. Now it says the additional cost must be determined. Cost is a significant issue that must be resolved before we start work in the field. There are only a few other technical issues that Sam and I have been working closely on and we're both willing to continue to do so. We are close to resolving them, but I think we need to get the engineering, construction, and Town of Addison decision makers on a conference call, or in the same room, assign action items, due dates, and resolve them. If we all work together, we can finalize where we need to be to get started on the right foot. I believe it's possible that these issues can be resolved in a short time and be able to start construction very soon. Rick Normandeau Thielsch Engineering, Inc. 2111 Dickson Dr. Suite 10 Austin, Texas 78704 3/28/2005 Page 1 of 1 Mark Acevedo From: rnorrnandeau@thielsch.com Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 7:34 AM To: Mark Acevedo Cc: samuel.lundgren@wginl.com; PKennefick@thielsch.com; TLent@Thielsch.com Subject: Clarification to Notice to Proceed 3/28/05 Mark, I need to clarify that I should have said the relaxation chambers may still be able to be eliminated. Also, I was referring to the Feb. 11, 2005 value engineering meeting we had in Addison. I'm sorry for omission. Rick Normandeau Thielsch Engineering, Inc. 2111 Dickson Dr. Suite 10 Austin, Texas 78704 3/28/2005 Date: March 25, 2005 Subject: Update on Pre-Construction Items and Issues for the Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport I. Reference S. Lundgren Memo, same subject, dated Mar 18,2005: o Burns and McDonnell issued revised drawings and specification changes that incorporate the addendum and value engineering items on Mar 23, 2005. o The attached Construction Constructive Change Order covers all valueengineering items, plus the technical issues verbally as agreed to at the March 8, 2005 Pre-Construction meeting. o The Pre-Construction Punch list is complete with the exception ofthe canopy column detail and structure moments from Schwob Construction, which will be sent once they have notification to proceed. These items will be needed to modify the connections to the structure and to accommodate the center column in each bent. o All items from Rick Normandeau's E-Mails of Mar 13 and 17 have been answered. o I will obtain sealed and signed full size copies of all revised drawings and reproduce reproduce construction sets for Thielsch (both offices), The Town of Addison and The Airport. 2. Washington Group and Thielsch Engineering are working closely to make sure that nothing will delay construction of this project. Recommend a conference call with Washington Group, Burns and McDonnell, Thielsch Engineering and The Town of Addison to confirm that all items have been resolved and to issue the Notice to Proceed (NTP) to Thielsch Engineering. Respectfully submitted, Samuel G. Lundgren, P.E. Project Engineer Washington Group International, Inc. I Attachment: Construction Change Order, dated Mar 25, 2005 oWashington Lundgren, 303-843-3596 􀁊􀁲􀁉􀁊􀁾􀀡􀀮􀀷􀁬􀁾􀁁􀁩􀁲􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁴Date: March 25, 2005 Subject: Construction Constructive Credit Change Order for the Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System, Addison Airport To: Thielsch Engineering, Inc. 2111 Dickson Dr. Suite 10 Austin, TX 78704 Attn: Mr. Rick Normandeau Mr. Normandeau, You are hereby ordered to make the following changes in the plans and lor specifications for the above-designated project as constructive credit against the current contract amount, which is summarized at the end of this document. 1) Modify the catwalk to be supported from the tanks. Install the catwalk only over each of the FBO tanks with separate ladder at each FBO. The transverse walkway and catwalk will be attached directly to the tank and the catwalk will span the tanks in each FBO area with a separate ladder to the floor ofthe containment. Attachment pads are to be welded to the tanks by the tank manufacturer and the walkway stanchions attached to the pads by bolting or welding in the field. Shop drawings on the catwalk structure, details and attachments have been provided. This change results in $15,600.00 of constructive credit for the contract. 2) Use one mechanical flow meter with electronic remote displays. Install one mechanical flow meter at the pump and use remote displays to indicate pumped fuel quantity at the dispense and off-load stations. The dispense display must still allow stage down of flow through the "CiaValve" or similar for filling Jet A airport refuelers. The cost reduction is the difference between the cost of the 2nd meter at each tank unit and the electronic display installation. This change is reflected in the revised mechanical and electrical drawings dated 3-23-05, and results in $50,400.00 ofconstructive credit for the contract. 3) Eliminate concrete encasement of conduit (duct bank) under slab. Do not encase the electric cable duct bank under the secondary containment structure. Only the duct bank from the transformer pad to the containment slab needs encasement, along with ducts from the power pole drop and from the transformer to the MCC. The conduits must be spaced and bedded in suitable backfill. This change results in $9,000.00 of constructive credit for the contract. 4) Eliminate redundant control units in system control panel. Eliminate the redundant complete PLC on the tank overflow monitoring system and provide a spare CPU and at least one of each 110 cards to serve as a backup control unit if the PLC were to fail. Since the system is designed to fail closed (or off), one preprograrnmed CPU, a spare power supply and a spare of one ofeach GWashington Lundgren, 303·843·3596 type ofI/O cards used in the system will provide sufficient backup and immediate response in case offailure, and reduce the adverse impact to the system from a lighting strike in the area which could eliminate the programming on both systems and make recovery more difficult that just changing components. Each ofthese components is to be provided in the manufactures original packaging. This change is reflected in the revised electrical drawings dated 3-23-05 and results in $18,000.00 of constructive credit for the contract. 5) Replace metal grating steps with concrete step. Replace the 10 metal grating steps in the secondary containment area with a 9" high concrete step. This change results in $1,600.00 ofconstructive credit for the contract. 6) Replace florescent light fIXtures with 250 watt metal halide lights. Replace the florescent light fixtures with low base 250-watt metal halide in two rows on each side ofthe facility. The low base fixtures cover more area with higher lumens; so fewer fixtures are needed for the same light level. This change is reflected in the revised electrical drawings dated 3-23-05 and results in $15,000.000 ofconstructive credit for the contract. 7) Fire protection coating of the canopy rafters Do not fire protect coat the shape metal rafters ofthe canopy structure. A technical review has been performed on the canopy structure performance and the conclusion is that since the proposed shaped rafters are not under load and will be supported in a fire by the rated coated columns ofeach bent, there is no reason to coat the rafters. This item has no constructive credit change for the contract. 8) Use horizontal filter/separators Use ofhorizontal filter/separators for this system is acceptable providing you can install them appropriately in the system within the space limitations ofthe secondary contaiument area and maintain access for filter changes. This item has no constructive credit change for the contract. 9) Use of aluminum case mechanical flow meters Use ofaluminum case mechanical mechanical flow meters versus double case steel meters is acceptable based on this application. Systems using two or more large volume storage tanks that would pass all fuel through one or two lines would have a much higher utilization rate and would warrant a double steel case meter. This system dispenses through 14 separate tanks and no single meter will have high volume utilization. This change results in $36,660.00 ofconstructive credit for the contract. 10) Eliminate canopy gutters. downspouts and associated underground piping Eliminate the canopy gutters, downspouts, sidewalk connections and underground PVC drain lines (E & D) and catch basin on the south end of the oil/water separator. Connect the separator outfall line directly to the existing storm sewer system by transitioning to 10" RCP line. This change results in $18,145.00 of constructive credit for the contract. 11) Use the Blackmer X2.5B 150 gpm pump Pending verification by the manufacturer for this application, use the Blackmer X2.5B ISO gpm aviation fuel pump for the AvGas tank and dispensing system. This change results in $9,876.00 ofconstructive credit for the contract. GWashington Lundgren, 303·843.3596 12) Modify the 10' & 6' vinyl covered fence structure detail Change the 10' fence detail to provide 4" diameter posts instead of3", and set the posts at 7' on center, with top and middle rails and bottom guy wire. The 10' fence remains black vinyl covered chain-link fence fabric with black slats. Change the post setting for the 6' black vinyl covered chain-link fence fabric with black slats and barbwire to 8' on center instead of 10'. Other chain link fencing remains as per plans. Shop drawings from the subcontractor will be reviewed and the additional cost must be determined. 13) Thicken the concrete pavement or structure floor 1 " Instead ofthe 12" hydrated lime stabilized subgrade, the concrete structure and pavement may be increased in thickness by 1". Subgrade must be compacted per specifications and the aggregate base course (ABC) thickness and compaction requirements remain the same. (Per verbal direction by ECS) This item has no constructive credit change for the contract. 14)Add a relaxation chamber to Jet A sYstem Addendum #2 directed deletion ofthe relaxation chamber from the Jet A system; however, the revised drawings and specifications indicate a 150 gallon relaxation chamber is required. After verification by Burns & McDonnell, shop drawings from the subcontractor will be reviewed and the additional cost must be determined. Remaining Construction Start Punch List Items: L Canopy Steel column details, including center column footing (from Schwob) Constructive Credit Summary: 1. Modify the catwalk to be supported from the tanks -$15,600.00 2. One flow meter with electronic remote displays -$50,400.00 3. Eliminate concrete encasement ofduct bank under slab $9,000.00 4. Eliminate redundant control units in system control panel -$18,000.00 5. Replace metal grating steps with concrete step $1,600.00 6. Replace Florescent Lights with 250-WattMetal Halide -$15,000.00 9. Use of aluminum case mechanical flow meters -$36,660.00 10. Eliminate canopy gutters, downspouts and UIG piping -$18,145.00 I L Use the Blackmer X2.5B 150 GPM Pump $9,876.00 Total $174,281.00 Recommended By: 􀁟􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀻􀀺􀀻􀀭􀁟􀀭􀀻􀀭􀀭􀀺􀁟􀀭􀀬􀀻􀀭􀀭􀀻􀀭􀁟􀀭􀀻􀀻􀁾______-:::--,-_ Washington Group International Title Date Approved By: __-;:;:_-;;-:-;-:;--_____􀀭􀀻􀀺􀀻􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁟􀀺􀀽􀁟􀀬Town ofAddison Title Date Agreed To By: ---;;;-:-;-c-;-;:;-:-c;--:-;-------;;;;:;---------,;::-::--Thielsch Engineering Title Date Attachments: Modified Drawings & SpecificationsGWashington Lundgren, 303-843·3596 Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System Addison Airport Specifications Changes from Addendums and Value Engineering, dated 3-23-05 SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Section 13065: I. Paragraph 2.03, Add the following paragraph: "J. Provide a thennal shut-off actuator with the butterfly valves designated as "fusible link" on the project drawings. 1. The thennal shut-off actuator shall be provided with a 165°F thennal link which shall close the valve upon a fire or other hazard. 2. The actuator shall provide sufficient closing torque to close and maintain the valve drip tight with a differential pressure of 20 psi at 500°F. 3. Operator shall be "fail safe" closed. 4. Provide an Essex Industries operator or approved equal." B. Paragraph 2.06.E, Delete in entirety. C. Paragraph 2.08.D.l, Revise to read: "I. Water slug/air block valve -Shall be located as indicated and close by one oftwo electric signals from the PLC: I) upon detection of water by the water detection probe contained within the filter/separator or 2) upon detection of excess air in the air eliminator vessel. Provide the following trim and accessories: a. Explosion proof, 24 V dc control solenoid, with maintained position type manual override. b. Rate efflew pilat with orifice plate at valve eIHF!H!ce and seRsiRg liBes eompletely piped and self eOHtaiRed eR ',alve. (Not required) c. Opening speed adjustment. d. Integral check feature." D. Paragraph 2.08.D, Add the following paragraph: "4. Anti-siphon valve -Angle-type construction, hydraulically operated. Shall be located on Jet A and AvGas tank suction nozzles to prevent inadvertent siphoning of fuel out oftank. If provided with check feature, check valve at base offloating suction can be eliminated. 2. Section 􀀱􀀳􀀰􀀶􀀷􀁾􀀠A. Paragraph 2.01.A.I, add the followingparagraphs2 "19. Air Eliminators: A. Smith Meter B. Brodie C. Approved Equal 20. Flexible Connectors: a. Flexonics b. Metraflex c. Approved Equal." B. Paragraph 2.13.B.6, Change "4-inch diameter" to "flanged". C. Paragraph 2.13.B.7, Revise to read "Provide with resettable totalizer and pulse transmitter." D. Part 2, Add the following 􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁡􀁧􀁲􀁡􀁰􀁨􀁳􀁾􀀠"2.20 BULK AIR ELIMINATORS: 5. Air eliminator vessel shall be a vertical deaerator, capable of 150 psig working pressure, with ANSI ISO-pound, raised-face flange connections of size indicated. 6. Flowrate shall be 350 gpm for Jet A and 120 gpm for AvGas. 7. Vessel shall have bottom drain connection with a plugged ball valve. 8. Air release head shall be dual electric float switch type operating in a 24 V dc circuit, which upon detection of air shall electrically signal the downstream air block valve to close through the PLC. Floats, tubing and fittings shall be stainless steel. 9. Epoxy coat all interior vessel surfaces per MIL-C_ 4556 to a dry film thickness of 6 mils. 2.21 FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS: A. Flexible connectors for fuel pumps shall be inner stainless steel corrugated metal hose restrained by a double braided outer stainless steel cover, capable of 150 psig working pressure. B. Provide with ANSI ISO-pound, raised-face flanges. C. Connectors shall be 9-inches minimum length." 3. Section 􀀱􀀳􀀰􀀶􀀹􀁾􀀠A. Paragraph 2.01.a.l, Revise to read: "I. Positive Displacement Pumps: A. Blackmer B. Approved Equal." B. Paragraph 2.02, Replace with: "POSITNE DISPLACEMENT PUMPS: A. General Requirements: Pumps shall be self-priming and manufactured to handle jet fuel or aviation gasoline. Pumps shall be complete with pump gear reduction, drive motor, coupling, mounting base, accessories, and all other parts and materials necessary for a complete installation. B. Construction: 1. Furnish with mechanical seals. 2. Ductile iron construction with ISO-pound ANSI flanged inlet and outlet. 3. Base plate shall be manufacturer standard. 4. Fumish with built-in reliefvalve capable ofmaintaining a constant discharge pressure with the full capacity ofthe pump being bypassed. 5. Gear reducer shall be commercial grade, independently bolted to base plate with coupling connections to driver and pump. Assembly shall feature hardened steel gears, immersed in oil, mounted on shafts supported on both ends by ball bearings, and enclosed in a weatherproof housing. C. Operating Conditions: Pump Jet A Avgas Capacity (GPM) 350 120 Total Dynamic Head (feet) 140 110 Specific Gravity 0.81 0.67 Maximum Motor Speed 1800 1800 Maximum Motor Horsepower2S 7.5 D. Motors: Motors shall be explosion proof. Provide with motor winding temperature sensors and 120Vac space heaters. Motors shall be suitable for an outdoor installation in Addison, Texas. E. Manufacturer's Service Engineer: Provide the services ofan experienced service engineer on the jobsite to verify proper installation, assist in start-up and testing, and instruct Owner's operating personnel. F. Pumps used in design: Jet A: AvGas: Blackmer X4B-N Blackmer XL4B" 4. SECTION 13071: Paragraph 2.02.B, Change "120 gpm" to "200 gpm". 5. SECTION 13201: Paragraph 2.02.J.2, Revise first sentence to read: "Provide suction nozzle with a floating suction assembly (4-inch for Jet A, 4-inch for Avgas with 4" by 3" reducer at tank nozzle}." 6. SECTION 16512: A. Paragraph 1.01.B.1, insert the following line item: "b. Metal Halide (MH)." B. Paragraph, delete line item in its entirety. C. Paragraph 1.02.A .4, delete the following line items in their entireties: "e. 935 -Fluorescent-Lamp Ballasts. g. 1570 -Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures." D. Paragraph 2.0 I.A.2, delete paragraph in its entirety. E. Paragraph 2.02.B, delete paragraph in its entirety. F. Paragraph 2.02.D, delete line item 2 in its entirety and replace with the following: "2. Clear coated metal halide lamps in wattages indicated." 7. SECTION 16621 -DIESEL GENERATOR SETS: Delete this section in its entirety. 8. SECTION 16901: A. Paragraph l.Ol.A, insert the following line item: "12. Electronic Preset." B. Paragraph 2.0l.G, insert the following line item: "2. Or approved equal." C. Paragraph 2.05.B, delete line item 1 in its entirety. D. Paragraph 2.05.C, delete line item I in its entirety. E. Paragraph 2.05.D, delete line item 1 in its entirety. F. After Paragraph 2.13, insert insert the following paragraph in its entirety: "2.14 ELECTRONIC PRESET A. Provide explosion-proof, electronic preset rated for Class 1, Division 1 atmosphere. Electronic preset shall operate at l20Vac input. B. Provide electronic preset with two, optically-isolated solid-state digital meter signal pulse inputs; one analog two-wire 4-20mA input. C. Provide electronic preset with four AC digital outputs; two DC digital outputs. D. Unit shall be Smith Meter microLoad or approved equal." G. Paragraph 3.10, delete this paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following: "3.10 ELECTRONIC PRESET A. Electronic preset shall receive flow meter pulse input from associated tank flow meter. B. Operator shall input meter step volume preset. Electronic preset shall be configured to operate two-stage control valve for loading." 9. SECTION 16902: A. Paragraph 2.0I.A.5, delete paragraph in its entirety. B. Paragraph 2.0 LA.6, revise line item to read "PLC and peripherals shall be located in the PLC cabinet in MCC enclosure." C. Paragraph 2.0 LE.I, delete the word "PLCs" and replace with "PLC" D. After paragraph 2.04, insert the following in its entirety: "2.05 SP ARE PARTS: A. Provide one spare processor ofequal type and equal programming to one described in this section. B. Provide one spare power supply equal to one described in this section. C. Provide one spare I/O card ofeach type used in PLC. D. Provide storage cabinet or enclosure for spare parts. Parts shall be stored in PLC cabinet in MCC enclosure." END OF DOCUMENT •• i "'1<---------9· 0" O,c,-----------..l,' 12' X 􀁾􀁸􀀺􀀠... 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠~ G' 0" )! 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠-j< V'" r.•.• 7' 0" ;XcY'Y. x.,>l'X.'" 􀁾􀀠)< x: 􀁾􀀠')."" p. gt> ;0;.􀁾􀀠i'V' """ 'V,,' ."􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀡􀁲􀀻􀀠'" ,'0 w 􀁲􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀠􀁾􀀺􀀠" "a"! it.... • . '" .1;1 •• 0';􀁾􀀮􀀺􀁉􀁉􀀡􀀠"Ii: .... ..."0 " o , '0,'...'" " -" ,. 􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀡􀀧􀁾􀁩􀁾􀀠...􀀻􀀧􀀻􀁾􀀮􀁩􀀠..'0'.. " , 36'l '" ..... -"',. "',!'.,:",'Ii: ..."" "0 􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀺􀁾'0' ...... !'4!:'! 􀂷􀁩􀁾·'Ii,' ... 􀁾􀀠-..' 0'0 . 'r "••, 􀀮􀁾.•.•,. •• 􀀡􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀠0,·-li: " 􀀮􀀻􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠J ..,'0 􀀢􀀮􀁾􀀢oJl •• ,a••" 0":.# 􀁾􀀢􀀠"J',',0 􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀠􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠,ar! ..38 \1', '"...• J !"_$ 􀀮􀀻􀁾􀀮􀁑􀀠 􀀮􀁉􀀡􀁾􀀠 '" ."-:: 1--12" -oj 􀁾􀁈􀁅􀀠ANCHOR GROUP, INC. 9765 Harry 􀁈􀁾􀁮􀁥􀁳􀀠Blvd. DALLAS, TEXAS 75220 (214) 350-1900 PAGE: 1 of 1. ,I j I I I " Washington Group International Integrated Engineering, Construction, and Management Solutions Draft for Discussiou Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System For Addison Airport Value Engineering Considerations and Recommendations For Consideration By Addison Airport and FBOs Project Cost Reduction or Value Engineering Items: 1. Install a 5000 gal oil/water sep and use a pre-cast concrete unit (-$10,000) 2. ModifY the cat walk to rest on the fuel tanks, with access by FBO (-$15,000) 3. Use electronic meters vs mechanical flow meters on the system (-$14,000) 4. Delete the meters on the off-load side and use one meter for both operation and just have a remote display on the transport off-load side ($7000 per tank, total -$98,000) 5. Eliminate concrete encasement of conduit (duct bank) under slab for (-$15,000) 6. Delete the intercom box at gate and just use PIN pad (trock use call box or cell phone) (-$3000) 7. Eliminate double redundant control units in system control panel (-$18,000) 8. Use horizontal versus versus vertical filter separators ($1000 each, -$14,000) 9. Use Schedule 40 Stainless Steel Piping (-$3,000) 10. Coordinate with General Contractor, equipment supplier (fuel system) and end users for additions! savings ideas • These items would not significantly impact the operation or priorities for the system • Estimate cost reduction if all items: $ I 90,000 • Thielsch Engineering must verifY all costs and estimates. Recommendatious: • Review options and prepare a contract modification reflecting desired options Other Considerations: -Separate stem wall from slab for ease of constroction and use water-stop expansion material at stem wall/slab joint. -Go +/-30' span on canopy, i.e. South to North the steel frame "bents" would be: 27' -6",30' -0", 30' -0",30' -0", 30'-0",30'-0", 30'-0", 17'-6" with edge of concrete to column centerline 4'-4" on south side and 1'-5" on north side. 1 ADS 27514-1121105Lundgren, 303-843·35% 􀁾Washington Group International Integrated Engineering, Construction, and Management Solutions Draft for Discussion Bulk Fuel Storage and Dispensing System For Addison Airport Value Engineering Considerations and Recommendations For Consideration By Addison Airport and FBOs Project Cost Reduction or Value Engineering Items: 1. Install a 5000 gal oil/water sep and use a pre-cast concrete unit (-$10,000) 2. ModifY the cat walk to rest on the fuel tanks, with access by FBO (-$15,000) 3. Delete the MoGaslDiesel tank and pump (-$75,000) 4. Use electronic meters vs mechanical flow meters on the system (-$14,000) 5. Delete the meters on the off-load side and use one meter for both operation and just have a remote display on the transport off-load side ($7000 per tank, total -$98,000) 6. Eliminate concrete encasement of conduit (duct bank) under slab for (-$15,000) 7. Delete the intercom box at gate and just use PIN pad (truck use call box or cell phone) (-$3000) 8. Eliminate double redundant control units in system control panel (-$18,000) 9. Use horizontal versus vertical filter separators ($1000 each, -$14,000) 􀁾10. Remove the over the tank cat walk, leaving only the on the tank walkway (-$30,000) 1I. Use Schedule 40 Stainless Steel Piping (-$3,000) 12. Coordinate with equipment supplier (fuel system) and end users for additional savings ideas • These items would not significantly impact the operation or priorities for the system • Estimate cost reduction ifall items: $295,000 • Thielsch Engineering must verifY all costs and estimates. Recommendations: • Review options and prepare a contract modification reflecting desired options Lundgren, 303·843·3596 1 􀀲􀀱􀀱􀀱􀀡􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁁􀁉􀁾􀀠"." 􀁓􀁾􀁴􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁴􀁬􀀬􀀨􀁪􀁲􀀿􀁔􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁶􀀧􀁙􀀧􀀠\.JlW'\' 􀁲􀁌􀀮􀁴􀁾􀁨􀁾􀀠JurG E?,qcJe24w... ,11M 􀁾􀁦􀁃􀁥􀂭 /J'l//;fl( /4 I.:: l/,e,)", 􀁖􀀬􀁦􀁬􀀭􀁶􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁣􀀻􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁾􀀯􀀲􀀮􀀮� �􀀱􀁊􀁕􀀮􀀷􀁾􀀠􀁆􀀽􀁾􀀠Wt:d:􀁾>E:;\...-;:,c.1Cl 􀁾􀁊􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀠􀁾􀁓􀁡􀁶􀀠A:rPff 􀁾􀁥􀀺􀁬􀁦􀁤􀁤􀀯􀁾􀀠 􀀭􀁾􀀯􀁩􀀯􀀠v;': J.cl../r )<;",v,7 􀁥􀁾􀁧􀀬􀀠::;b3 -fi43 -􀁾􀀹􀀿􀁾􀀠401 -4,",7 􀁾􀀠(,q.St.{ 5i'2.. 4 ['2-qCl:4! (nJ.-J'(J-􀁾􀀱􀀧􀁓􀁬􀀩􀀠172-if5& -;).8 7 7 77) -1·YD -,;;L yf(P Preconstruction Meeting for Fuel System Page 1 ofl Jim Pierce From: Lundgren, Samuel [SamueI.Lundgren@wgint.comj Sent: Friday, February 04,200511:25 AM To: Jim Pierce Cc: Normandeau Rick (E-mail);Elguezabal.Luis Subject: Preconstruction Meeting for Fuel System Jim, In reference to our planned Value Engineering and Contract Review meeting for Feb 11, at 10:00 AM, I was thinking of a follow on Preconstruction meeting for Feb 21, at 1 :30 PM, since I will be Visiting ADS for the MAE meeting Sunday and Monday AM. Rick thinks he may be ready with the construction schedule, plans to occupy the site, coordination offices, communications, utilities marking, traffic management, etc.; however, Luis is tied up with the MAE meetings and will not be available that afternoon. Do you have a good date for the Preconstruction meeting? I am scheduled on leave from Feb 25 to Mar 6, so ifwe can work around those dates I would be most appreciative. Respectfully, Samuel Lundgren, P.E. Program Manager Washington Group International, Inc. 7800 E. Union Avenue, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80237 Phone (303) 843-3596, Fax (303) 843-3133, Cell (720) 530-7315 2/1112005 I Organization or I Name &Titlelrlloction I Phone ... 1 ",.nall: Office, Home COIIIpany ADS Bulk Fuel System Design Personnel Contact List : Washington i Group Int. I Washington Group Int. Washington Group Int. Washington Group Int. I Washington Group Int. i Bums & McDonnell I Bums & McDonnell ! Bums & 􀁾􀁣􀁄􀁯􀁮􀁮􀁥􀁬􀁬􀀠Bums & McDonnell WashingtonL Group Int. i Washington Group Int. I Washington Group Int. Washington Group Int. , ECS, Ltd. DAL-TECH Enoineering. Washington Group Int. Addison Airport Town of Addison , Town of Addison -Town of Addison Million Air Mercury Cherry Air Sam Lundgren IW: 303-843-3596 samuel.lundgren@wgint.com iProject Manager 􀁾􀀠Cell: 720-530-7315 • H: 303-979-1575 Neil Rood, Manager W: 30:Hl43-3514 Airport Services Cell: 303-t109-6752 neil.rood@Wgint.com Steve Van Winkle, W: 303-843-2511 I steve. van.winkle@wgint.com Lead Architect Cell: 303-475-9424 Ken Castellano W: 303-843-3177 ! ken.castellano@wgint.comAutoCADMgr C: Travis Bradley W: 303-843-2510 travis.bradley@wgint.comAutoCAD Lead C: Ted Bom, Av Fuels W: 816-822-4236 Manaaina Director Cell: 816-225-6874 tbom@bumsmcd.com John Bagnall, Senior W 816-t122-3524 Mach Engineer Cell: 816-260-0204 jbagnal@bumsmcd.com Dave Van Fleet W: 816-822-3367 , Asso Electrical Engr Cell: 816-510-8425 dvanfleet@bumsmcd.c om Mel Sehrt W: 816-822-3058 Project Manaoer Cell: 816-679-6270 msehrt@bumsmcd.com Bruce Nipp, Office W: (972) 385-1635 Ext 208 Manager, Dallas Cell: (972) 743-2124 bruce.nipp@wgint.com Miguel Otero-W: 972-385-1635 Ext 205 miguel.otero@wgint.comJimenez, Civil Engr Cell: 214-536-4717 , Francisco Soto, Lead • w; 972-385-1635 Ext 203 frandsco.soto@wgint.com Draftsman Cell: Ron Bowlin W: 281-529-2704 Environmental Engr Cell: 832-465-5996 ron.bawlin@wgint.com Chris Eddy, W 972-392-3222 ceddy@ecslimited.comGe<>technical Enar Cell: 972-741..9761 , W: 972-250-2727Alan Moore, RPLS Cell: 214-t150-0617 alan@dal-tech.com D.U. Kini. W: 303-843-3329 Contracts Mgr Cell: 303-t110-0123 d.kini@wgint.com Lisa Pyles, Airport W: 972-392-4855 , Director Director Cell: 214-683-9814 lisa.pyles@wgint.com Mark Acevedo, W: 972-450-2848 I Facilities & Fleet Cell: macevedo@ci.addison.lx.us Administrator Jim Pierce, P.E. W: 972-450-2879 Assistant Public Wor1