z o , ,. ., REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION SERVICES BULK FUEL STORAGE FACILITY ADDISON, TEXAS FOR WASHINGTON GROUP INTERNATIONAL, INC. APRIL 13, 2004 ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES, LTD. Geotechnical @Construction Materials e Environmental April 13, 2004 Mr. Samuel Lundgren, P.E. Washington Group International 7800 East Union Avenue, Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80237 ECS Job No. 19-3846 Reference: Report of Subsurface Exploration and Engineering Services Bulk Fuel Storage Facility SWC of Addison Road and George Haddaway Street Addison, Texas Dear Mr. Lundgren: Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd. has completed the subsurface exploration for the proposed bulk fuel storage facility to be located at the referenced site in Addison, Texas. The enclosed report describes the subsurface exploration procedures and laboratory testing, and provides geotechnical recommendations for development of the site. A Boring Location Diagram is included in the Appendix of this report along with the Boring Logs performed for the exploration. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you during the design phase of this project. If you have any questions with regard to to the information and recommendations presented in this report, or if we can be of further assistance to you in anyway during the planning or construction ofthis project, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully, ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES, LTD. 􀁾􀀠................"", ( /􀀻􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀻􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀮􀀡􀁾􀁾􀁜􀁜􀁜􀀠/' -rc«-W. Ed y, P.E f*""."" ...fh,. ....􀁾}',Daniel L. Franklin, Jr., P.E. ftEcal Department Manager f..-I;.L .....􀁾......􀀺􀂷􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀡􀀧􀁦􀁩􀁣􀁥􀀠Presiden tlPrincipal Engineer 􀁾􀀠CHRISTOPHER W. EDDY 􀁾􀀠"' •••••••••••••••••••••••••0 •••􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠1l'.. 86610 "'/.51'II 􀁡􀁾􀀧􀂷􀀧􀁾􀀯􀁃􀁅􀁎􀁓􀀧􀀨􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀧􀂷􀂷􀀠Ii) .I'. '. .' 􀁾􀁾􀀭..'\ -so ...... -'>.'" .::\\\SIONAL.","" """"--liJ;h 4950 Keller Springs Road, Suite 480, Addison, TX 7500[ • (972) 392-3222 • FAX (972) 392·0[02. www.ecslimited.com Aberdeen. MD·· Atlanta. GA' Austin. TX· Baltimore. MD· Ch::mli11y. VA· Charlotte. NC' Chicago. IL· Cornelia. GA·· Dallas. TX Danville. VA Frederick. MD . Fredericksburg. V A . Greensboro. NC . Greenville. SC . Norfolk. V A -Orlando. FL . Research Triangle Park. NC Richmond, VA· Roanoke. VA' Sun Antonio. TX' Williamsburg. VA' Wilmington. NC . Willchester. VA ·Tesling Services Only REPORT PROJECT Subsurl'ace Exploration and Engineering Services Bulk Fuel Storage Facility SWC ofAddison Road and George Haddaway Street Addison, Texas CLIENT Washington Group International 7800 East Union Avenue, Snite 100 Denver, Colorado 80237 SUBMITTED BY Engineering Consulting Services, Ltd. 4950 Keller Springs Road Suite 480 Addison, Texas 75001 PROJECT #19-3846 DATE April 13, 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT OVERVIEW Introduction Scope ofWork Proposed Construction Purposes ofExploration EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Subsurface Exploration Procedures Laboratory Testing Program EXPLORATION RESULTS Site Conditions Subsurface Conditions Groundwater Observations ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Earthwork Operations Foundation Recommendations Shallow Footing Foundations Construction Considerations -Footings Straight-Sided Drilled Shaft Foundation Construction Considerations -Drilled Shafts Mat Foundation Pavement Sub grades Utilityrrrench Excavations Drainage Closing APPENDIX PAGE 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 11 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison, Texas ECS Job No. 19-3846 PROJECT OVERVIEW Introduction This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and engineering recommendations for the proposed bulk fuel storage to be located at the southwest comer of Addison Road and George Haddaway Street in Addison, Texas. The Boring Location Diagram included in the Appendix of this report shows the approximate location ofthis project. Scope of Work The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on two soil borings drilled within the proposed location of the fuel storage facility, a bulk soil sample obtained from the site, and associated laboratory testing of selected soil samples obtained from the borings and the bulk soil sample. The borings were drilled to depths of about 20 to 25 feet within the planned location of the fuel storage facility. The results of the soil borings, along with a Boring Location Diagram, are included in the Appendix ofthis report. This report presents our recommendations for geotechnical parameters for foundation design for the project. In addition, the report provides construction considerations based upon the results of the soil borings, laboratory tests, and our previous experience. Proposed Construction According to the information provided, the project consists of constructing a bulk fuel storage facility at Addison Airport in Addison, Texas. We understsnd the fuel storage facility will consist offourteen fuel tanks (approximately 25,000 gallons) and paved drive lanes. Purposes of Exploration The purposes of this exploration were to explore the soil and groundwater conditions at the site and to develop engineering recommendations to guide design and construction of the proj ect. We accomplished these purposes by: 1. Drilling two borings in the vicinity of the proposed fuel storage facility to depths ofabout 20 to 25 feet to explore the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. 2. Performing laboratory tests on selected representative soil samples from the borings and a bulk soil sample to evaluate pertinent engineering properties. Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison, T ex.s ECS Job No. 19-3846 3. Analyzing the field and laboratory data to develop appropriate engineering recommendations. EXPLORATION PROCEDURES Subsurface Exploration Procedures The soil borings were located in the field by a representative of ECS, Ltd. based on a site plan provided by Washington Group International, Inc. The boring locations were selected to explore the proposed project area. The soil borings were perfonned with a truck-mounted rotary-type auger drill rig that utilized continuous-flight augers to advance the boreholes. Representative samples were obtained using thin-walled tube sampling procedures in general accordance with ASTM Specifications D-1587. In the thin-walled tube sampling procedure, a thin-walled seamless steel tube with a sharp cutting edge is pushed hydraulically into the ground to obtain relatively undisturbed samples ofcohesive or moderately cohesive soils. These samples were sealed and returned to the laboratory for testing and classification. A Texas cone penetrometer test was were perfonned to evaluate the load carrying capacity of the shale encountered. The test was perfonned in general accordance with test method Tex-132-E in the Texas Department ofTransportation (TxDOT) Manual ofTesting Procedures. The results of the test are shown on the attached boring log at the depth ofoccurrence. A field log of the soils encountered in the boring was maintained by the drill crew. After recovery, each soil sample was removed from the sampler and visually classified. Representative portions of each soil sample were then wrapped in foil and plastic and transported to our laboratory for further visual examination and laboratory testing. After completion of the drilling operations, the borehole was backfilled with auger cuttings to the existing ground surface. As previously mentioned, a bulk soil sample was obtained at the site. The bulk soil sample was taken from the grassy area to the east of the existing parking lot for CBR testing and lime series testing. Laboratory Testing Program Representative soil samples were selected and tested in our laboratory. The soil samples were tested for moisture content, unconfined compressive strength, Atterberg limits and swell potential. A calibrated hand penetrometer was used to estimate the unconfined compressive strength of several of the soil samples. The calibrated hand penetrometer has been correlated with unconfined compression tests and provides a better estimate of the soil consistency than visual observation alone. These test results are provided on the attached boring log and Swell Test Results sheet in the Appendix. 2 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison, Texas ReS Job No. 19-3846 A lime series test and CBR test were also performed on a bulk soil sample obtained from the project site. The results of these tests are also provided in the Appendix. An experienced geotechnical engineer classified each soil sample on the basis of texture and plasticity in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. The group symbols for each soil type are indicated in parentheses following the soil descriptions on the boring log. A brief explanation of the Unified System is included with this report. The geotechnical engineer grouped the various soil types into the major zones noted on the boring log. The stratification lines designating the interfuces between earth materials on the boring log and profiles are approximate; in situ, the transitions may be gradual. The soil samples will be retained in our laboratory for a period of 60 days, after which, they will be discarded unless other instructions are received as to their disposition. EXPLORATION RESULTS Site Conditions The proposed bulk fuel storage facility will be located at Addison Airport along the west side of Addison Road, south of George Haddaway Street in Addison, Texas. At the time of this investigation, the site was relatively flat and covered with asphalt pavement. Subsurface Conditions The soil conditions encountered at the boring location can be summarized as follows. Approximately 10 inches of ashpaltic concrete pavement was present at the ground surface. Tanbrown clayey sandy gravel fill was present beneath the pavement, and extended to the top of native dark brown clay. The clay soil became tan in color with increasing depth in boring B-1. The clay soil extended to the top of tan limestone that was encountered at depth ofabout 4 feet in the borings. Gray limestone was encountered at depths of about 22 feet and 14 feet in borings B1 and B-2, respectively, and extended to the termination ofthese borings at depths of about 25 to 20 feet. The clay soils encountered in the borings are highly plastic and considered active. Active soils are subject to volume changes with fluctuations in their moisture content. The active clay soils can swell with moisture increases and shrink when they dry. The volume changes can subject foundation (footings, shafts, slabs, etc.) to significant soil pressures and movements with the typical moisture changes that occur beneath a structure after construction. Moisture fluctuations in the active clays can occur due to several factors that include, but are not limited to, poor drainage, vegetation, seasonal wetting and drying, and trapping ofmoisture beneath 3 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison. Texas ECS Job No. 19-3846 the floor slab. Subsurface moisture tends to accumulate in the soils directly beneath the slab after construction. The slab traps moisture that normally migrates up through the soil profile and would otherwise evaporate from an exposed ground surface. Groundwater Observations The boring was monitored while drilling and after the completion of drilling for the presence and level of groundwater. Groundwater seepage was not observed while advancing, or at the completion of drilling the borings. Although seepage was not observed in the borings, groundwater seepage can be present in and above the tan limestone, particularly during or following wet periods of the year. Fluctuations of the groundwater level can occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff and other factora not evident at the time the boring was drilled. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans fur the project. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations have been developed on the basis of the previously described project characteristics and subsurface conditions. If there are any changes to the project characteristics or if different subsurface conditions are encountered during construction, ECS, Ltd. should be consulted so that the recommendations ofthis report can be reviewed. Earthwork Operations In preparing the site for construction, all loose, poorly compacted existing soils, vegetation, organic soil, pavements or other unsuitable materials should be removed from all proposed construction areas, and any areas receiving new fill. After stripping the site and prior to placing any fill, we recommend proofrolling the area with heavy construction equipment such as a fully loaded scraper or tandem axle dump truck with a minimum axle load of 10 Ions. The purpose ofthe proofroUing is to attempt to locate any soft or compressible soils prior to placing new fill. Unsuitable materials located during proofrolling should be removed to firm ground and replaced with properly compacted fill as described in the following paragraph. Prior to placement of any new fill, the subgrade should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D-698). Clay soils should be moisture conditioned to a workable moisture content above optimum value. Soil moisture levels should be preserved (by various methods that can include covering with plastic, watering, etc.) until new fill, pavements or slabs are placed. Placement and compaction of new fill will depend on soil type and its intended purpose. Clay fills used in the building area and pavement areas should be placed in 9 inch loose lifts and 4 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison, Texas ECS Job No. 19-3846 compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D-698) at a workable moisture content above optimum value. Fills placed in general landscape areas should be compacted to at least 90% of maximum standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D-698) at a workable moisture content near optimum value. Imported fills for general site grading should be similar to on-site soils, or preferably have a liquid limit less than 50. Upon completion of the filling operation, care should be taken to maintain the sub grade moisture content prior to construction of slabs and pavements. If the subgrade becomes desiccated, the affected material should be removed and replaced or these materials should be scarified, moisture conditioned and recompacted. Foundation Recommendations The active clay soils encountered at this site can subject shallow foundation systems to differential movements due to moisture-induced volume changes in these soils. Moisture changes in the soil can be the result of seasonal wet/dry periods, vegetation changes, plumbing leaks, etc. We anticipate the risk of active clay soil movements to be minimal due to the presence of concrete pavement around the proposed fuel storage facility and the lack of vegetation. Consideration can be given to supporting the proposed project on a shallow footing foundation system bearing in the tan limestone stratum, straight-sided drilled shafts bearing in the tan or limestone, or a mat foundation. Geotechnical design parameters are provided below for each foundation type. Shallow Footing Foundations The proposed construction can be supported on a shallow footing foundation system bearing in the tan limestone that was present at a depth of about 4 feet in the borings. We recommended a net allowable bearing pressure of 8,000 psf be used to proportion shallow foundations bearing at least 8 inches into the tan limestone. The net allowable soil bearing pressure refers to that pressure which may be transmitted to the foundation bearing soils in excess of the final minimum surrounding overburden pressure and includes a factor of safety of at least 3 for a bearing capacity failure. Properly designed and installed footings could be subject to potential settlements on the order of 112 inch. We recommend that continuous footing foundations have a minimum width of 18 inches and that isolated footings have a minimum lateral dimension of 30 inches to reduce the possibility of foundation bearing failure and excessive settlement due to local shear or "punching" failures. Construction Considerations -Footings Excavation of footings and placement of concrete and steel should proceed in a continuous manner, and exposed bearing materials should be protected from excessive wetting or drying before 5 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison, Texas ReS Job No. 19-3846 concrete placement. Concrete in footing excavations should be placed directly against the sides of the cut, with no previous backfill adjacent to the footings below the surface of the rock. Any excessively soft or disturbed materials should be removed from the base of excavations prior to concrete placement. The tan limestone can deteriorate rapidly when exposed, and the base of footing excavations should be protected by a seal slab offuoting strength concrete ifleft open more than 48 hours. We recommend that all footing excavations be observed by qualified geotechnical personnel to verifY proper installation. Straight-Sided Drilled Shaft Foundation Straight-sided drilled shafts should bear in the gray or tan limestone. The shafts will develop their load carrying capacity through a combination of end bearing and skin friction in the limestone. We recommend using an allowable ending bearing pressure of 50,000 pounds per square foot (pst) for drilled shafts bearing at least 2 feet into the gray limestone. An allowable skin friction of 7,500 psf can be used for proportioning drilled shafts bearing in the gray limestone stratum. Shafts bearing at least 3 fuet into the tan limestone can be proportioned using an allowable bearing pressure of 10,000 psf and skin friction of 1,500 psf. The drilled shafts should penetrate any clay layers encountered and bear in competent tan limestone. Skin friction in the tan limestone should only be considered for that portion ofthe shaft extending below the recommended minimum 3 foot penetration into the tan limestone. Properly installed and constructed drilled shafts bearing in the tan or gray limestone could be subject to potential settlements on the order of 112 inch or less. Expansion of the near surface clays with moisture increases can subject the shafts to uplift forces. The magnitude of these forces is difficult to estimate and depends on several factors including the in-situ moisture levels at .the time of construction and the availability of water. We estimate the magnitude of these forces to be approximately 2,000 psf to a depth of 4 feet, or to the top of tan limestone, ifencountered at shallower depths. Uplift forces must be resisted by the dead load on the shafts and uplift skin friction resistance in the limestone. We recommend using an allowable skin friction resistance of 5,000 psf in the gray limestone. An aJlowable skin friction resistance of 1,000 psf can be used in the tan limestone below the recommended minimum 3 foot penetration. The shafts should contain sufficient reinforcing steel continuously throughout the shaft depth to resist anticipated tensile forces. Construction Considerations -Drilled Shafts The possibility of encountering groundwater seepage during shaft installation increases during wet periods ofthe year. Concrete and steel should be placed as soon as possible after shaft excavations 6 Bulk Fuel Storage Faeility Addison, Texas EeS Job No. 19-3846 are complete to reduce the potential for seepage problems and deterioration ofthe bearing surface. During wet periods, seepage in and above the tan limestone could, in some cases, require the use of temporary casing to properly install the shafts. The casing should be seated in the limestone below any seepage. All water should be removed from the cased excavation before beginning the design rock penetration. A sufficient head of concrete must be maintained in the casing during withdrawal. Installation ofindividual shafts should be completed in one day. The concrete placed for drilled shafts should have a slump between 5 and 7 inches and should be placed in a manner that prevents it from striking the reinforcing steel and sides of the excavation. We recommend that all drilled shafts be observed by qualified geotechnical personnel, to verifY proper shaft installation. Mat Foundation As previously indicated, the clay soils present at this site are considered active. The active clay soils can experience volume changes due to fluctuations in the soil moisture content. These potential volume changes should be taken into account when designing a mat foundation system to support the proposed tanks. Based on test method TEX-I24-E in the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Manual of Testing Procedures and our experience with similar soils, we estimate soil movements on the order of 1 to 2 inches could occur, depending on the thickness of the clay layer above the tan limestone. These movements are based on dry conditions that can occur prior to construction. The actual movements could be greater if poor drainage, ponded water and/or other unusual sources of moisture are allowed to saturate the soils beneath the structure after construction. Consideration can be given to reworking the existing soils with proper moisture and density control to the top of tan limestone to reduce the potential active clay soil movements at this site. A minimum thickness of I-foot of select fill material should be placed above the reworked soil zone to reduce the potential for moisture losses in these soils prior to placement of the mat foundation. Reworking the clay soils to the top of tan limestone (approximately 4 feet) and installation of I-foot of select fill above the reworked soils should reduce active clay soil movements to less than I inch. As an alternative, consideration can be given to removing the active clay soils to the top of tan limestone and replacing these soils with a full depth section of select fill material. Reworking of the existing clays is performed to increase the moisture of the clays to a level that reduces their ability to absorb additional water that could result in post-construction heave in these soils. The existing clays in the mat foundation area should be excavated to the top oftan limestone. The excavated clays can then be replaced to the base ofthe planned select fill layer in loose lifts less than 9 inches thick and compacted to between 92% and 97% of standard Proctor maximum dry density at a workable moisture content at least 3% above optimum value. Care should be taken to verifY and preserve the specified moisture levels in the reworked clays prior to placement of select filL 7 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison, Texas ECS Job No. 19-3846 Select fill material (such as clayey sand or very sandy clay that is free of debris and organic matter) should have a liquid limit less than 35 and a plasticity index between 5 and 15. The non-expansive replacement soil should be placed in loose lifts of9 inches or less and compacted to at least 95% of its standard Proctor dry density at a moisture content ranging from -2% to +3% of its optimum value. Before placing the select fill on a clay sub grade, the subgrade should be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches, moisture conditioned to at least 3% above the optimum value (at a workable moisture level) and compacted to at least 95% ofthe maximum standard Proctor dry density. After completing the filling operations, care should be taken to maintain the subgrade moisture content prior to constructing the foundation slab. Ifthe subgrade becomes desiccated, the affected material should be scarified, moistened and recompacted prior to floor slab placement. Mat foundations can be designed using a modulus ofsubgrade reaction of 50 pcL Pavement Subgrades The surficial clays are subject to strength loss with the increases in moisture content that normally occur beneath paving. These soils are generally considered to provide poor subgrade support as indicated by the CBR test results included in the Appendix. The CBR values varied from about 1.4 to 5.9, depending on the soil moisture content. Treatment of the clay soils with hydrated lime will improve their subgrade characteristics. Based on the result of the lime series tests, we recommend a ruinimum of 7% hydrated lime be used to modify the clay subgrade soils. The hydrated lime should meet the requirements ofItem 264 (Type A) in the TxDOT Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges, and should be thoroughly mixed and blended with the upper 6 inches of the clay subgrade (TxDOT Item 260). This ruixture should be uniformly compacted to a minimum of 95% of its maximum Standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D-698) at a moisture content in the range of-2% to +3% of optimum moisture content as determined by that test. Lime treatment should extend at least 1 foot beyond exposed pavement edges to reduce the effects ofshrinkage and associated loss of subgrade support. If lime treatment of the pavement subgrade is not performed, we recommend the pavement subgrades be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, moisture conditioned to above optimum value and compacted to at least 95% ofmaximum standard proctor dry density. Utilityffrench Excavations All trenches should comply with OSHA and state law requirements for trench safety. It is important that a qualified and experienced contractor be retained to perform the excavation and shoring work. Continuous observations by qualified personnel should be made during excavation, shoring and backfilling operations. 8 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addlson, Texas ECS Job No. 19-3846 Care should be taken when excavating near and below any existing utility trenches because backfill materials associated with these lines could be loose and/or contain water seepage. Careful observation of these existing trenches is recommended to detenmne if adjustments in side slopes or shoring is required. Although groundwater seepage was not encountered in the borings, the possibility ofencountering seepage increases during wet periods of the year. Dewatering the area of the planned excavations may be necessary to maintain a safe trench excavation during construction. Drainage Positive drainage should be developed around the facility to minimize any increase in moisture content of the clay soils underlying structures and on-grade slabs/pavements. All adjacent flatwork should be sloped to prevent ponding of water. Water should not be allowed to pond near or adjacent to the structures. Joints between the paving and the structure should be sealed, periodically inspected and resealed to prevent the infiltration ofsurface water. Closing We recommend that the construction activities be monitored by BCS, Ltd. to provide the necessary overview and to check the suitability of the subgrade soils for supporting the foundations and pavements. We would be most pleased to provide these services. This report has been prepared in order to aid in the evaluation of this property and to assist the architect and/or engineer in the design of this project. The scope is limited to the specific project and locations described herein and our description of the project represents our understanding of the significant aspects relative to soil and foundation characteristics. In the event that any change in the nature or location of the proposed construction outlined in this report are planned, we should be informed so that the changes can be reviewed and the conclusions of this report modified or approved in writing by the geotechnical engineer. It is recommended that all construction operations dealing with earthwork and foundations be reviewed by an experienced geotechnical engineer to provide information on which to base a decision as to whether the design requirements are fulfilled in the actual construction. If you wish, we would welcome the opportunity to provide field construction services for you during construction. The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings and tests performed at the locations as indicated on the Boring Location Diagram and other information referenced in this report. This report does not reflect any variations, which may occur between the borings. In the performance of the subsurface exploration, specific information is obtained at specific locations at specific times. However, it is a well-known fact that variations in soil and rock conditions exist on most sites between boring locations and also such situations as groundwater levels vary from time to time. The nature and 9 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison, Texas ECS Job No. 19-3846 extent of variations may not become evident until the course of construction. If variations then appear evident, after performing on-site observations during the construction period and noting characteristics and variations, a reevaluation of the recommendations for this report will be necessary. 10 Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Addison, Texas ECS Job No. 19-3846 APPENDIX Boring Location Plan Boring Logs Unified Soil Classification System Reference Notes For Boring Logs Swell Test Results Summary ofCBR Test Results CBRCurves Urnes Series Test Results 11 B-1"! !FUTURE BULK FUEL STORAGE AREA iI -. 􀁾􀀠B-2 I , ...., I '" 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠!?l @.. I I I I II I I I I I I ! I I I I I I \ ADDISON CIRCLE DRIVE BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM BULK FUa STORAGE S'/S1EMADDISON ROAD &GEORGE HADDAWAY STREET ADDISON, TEXAS Project No.: 3846 Dale: 04118104 CLIENT lOB # BORING # SHEET w' Group , ,. . Inc. 3846 B-1 1 OF 1 ECSa-DPROJECT NAME ARCHl'l'ECT ENGINEER Bulk Fuel 􀁾􀀬􀀠SITE LOCATION • Addison Rd &: " 51 Texas DESCIllPTlON OJ!' MATERIAL g 􀁾􀀠6il '&ill! '&:' g '" 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁆􀀠􀁾􀀠g 5 􀁾􀀠0 g 􀁾􀀠c " 􀁉􀁾􀀠0 8 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠i!l 􀁾􀀠0 􀁾􀀠If iii 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠z I ENGLISH UNITS I ., Ii " !3 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠u I g[!!j !3 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀱􀀳􀀠SURJ!'A CE ELEVATION 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁉􀁾􀀠1;; .. " ., "'... " " " a!0_ " Asphalt Depth 10" /;01= : (FILL) Clayey Sandy Gravel, 1 1ST 12 􀁾􀀱􀀳􀀰􀁾􀀢􀀠􀁾􀀧􀀶􀀰􀀰􀀰􀀧􀀠..... , ... "'"'" " ,,-. ..... -L \ 'UfI'-urown 1.n 70 : 29 : 4\ 2" 1sT 12 􀁾􀀠􀁉􀁾􀀠............... -rnu CLAY (CH), dark brown, very <.n I􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀠􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠. , ... 3" IITF 12 ... .. .. . .. . ..... ..... -stiff : " -.... " ........ ... ,.,' -􀁾􀁌􀁁􀁙􀀮􀀨􀁃􀁈􀀩􀁾􀀠tan. 􀁷􀁾􀁨􀀠weathered -11m Tr .". >, hard---UMESTONE, tan, with clay -layers, highly weathered : "4 [Tc:F T2 􀁾􀀠." ... " " ..... .......... ... , .... ,-" ". , .. .. , ... ,., .... , ..... ,., . ." ""V _ •-clay layer from 11' 10 13' : ------􀁾􀀠: 5 ITeF 112 􀁾􀀠. . . . . . . . . . . , " " . .. 1 -.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .,', ............. : : : : : :: -: "6 IITF I 12 􀁉􀁾􀀠... .. ........... , , , , , , , , , " .. " ..... -2U_ ................. . ... ....... : 21.0: LIMESTONE, gray: "7 IITF 112􀁾􀀠............. ----.-". ............. --.::" -... -.... -.....•.•. ... ,. . ......... .... -END OF BORING @25.0' : ----: -. ___ 1_ L_ : .;>v THE I LIN"" THE ' LINES BO"'EEN SOIL TYPES IN-SITU THE , KAY BE GRADUAL 1I'ATm LlIVl!L OBSERVATIONS BORING STAIfrEl) 03/30/04Oroundwat.r ••apag. WCUi nat ab:ll,rv.d whl!. advoneJng, or ot ih' 􀁾􀁭􀁰􀁬􀁥􀁴􀁬􀁯􀁮􀀠of drillingfh. bering. BORING COMPLETED 03/30/04 CA.Vl: !II DEPTH • RIG 8-61 FOREIiAN TO DRILUNG llETHOD CFA REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS I. Drilling and Sampling Symbols: SS -Split Spoon Sampler ST -Shelby Tube Sampler RC -Rock Core: NX, BX, AX PM -Pressuremeter DC -Dutch Cone Penetrometer TC -Texas Cone Penetrometer RB -Rock Bit Drilling BS -Bulk Sample ofCuttings PA -Power Auger (no sample) HS -Hollow Stem Auger WS -Wash Sample Standard penetration (blowS/ft) refers to the blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch 0.0. split spoon sampler, as specified in ASTM 0-1586. The blow count is commonly referred to as the N-valne. Texas cone penetrometer (blows/in) refers to the penetration of a 3-inch diameter cone after the cone is driven 100 blows with a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches. This is a modification of the Texas Deparnnent of Transportation test method TEX-132-E that requires a 170 lb. hammer falling 24 inches. II. Correlation of Penetration Resistances to Soil Properties: Relative Densitv-Sands. Silts SPT-N 0-3 4-9 10-29 30-49 50-80 Relative Densitv Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense m. Unified Soil Classification Svmbols: GP-Poorly Graded Gravel GW-Well Graded Gravel GM .Silty Gravel GC -Clayey Gravels SP -Poorly Graded Sands SW -Well Graded Sands SM -Silty Saods SC -Clayey Sands IV. Water Level Measurement Symbols: WL -Water Level WS -While Sampling WD -While Drilling AB -After Boring Completion Consistency ofCohesive Soils Unconfmed Compressive Strength. o"..J