en t-. JamesE.Simmons,A.l.A, Manager.Design & Construction @Southwestern Bell Southwestern Bell Telephone 3 nen Piaza, Room 1800 Dallas, Texas 15202 Phone 21441l4-M99 Fax 214484·7652 PagerBOOil63-5713 􀁪􀁊􀁾􀀠/-r?71-:3tS-:J3FS : : TE PLAN 􀀢􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀠 4.851 􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀿􀀢􀁁􀁏􀀭􀁴􀀺􀀺􀀻􀁬􀀺􀀠Fi10,.4D 􀁓􀁃􀀧􀁊􀁬􀁾􀁌􀁩􀀺􀁥􀁲􀁥􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀠!lEee 􀁔􀀧􀁅􀀮􀁌􀁅􀁆􀀾􀁈􀁾􀀠FAch.. liY 􀁾􀁪􀀠 I BE BY HAND IWIT"'" 3 FEET OF IMARKS AFTER DlG ) W Ij..e.I\. 1 \ Id-t'r' " -. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Section 0, TP 76300MP SBC Local Exchange Carriers November 1, 2000 SECTION D --NETWORK RELIABILITY AND PROTECTION OF SERVICE CONTENTS 1. GENERAL,."",.""""""" ..""" .. """""",.. """ .. ,"'''''',.. ,.,........ ,',., .......... ,', ...... , ....... ,,,...,,,.... ,'' D-1 1.1. Introduction. ,., ", ,.. ,', , ...... ,., "', ...,"', .." "', .. ,""'" ""'" "'" ,.,'" ,.,..,' "'"...... ,' ", .......... , .., ............. ," D-1 1.2. Service Interruptions"""",,, ....,""'"''" ..,,' ...... , .... ,' ................... ..... ' .................. ," .... , ...... ," .. ," D-1 2. JOB START AGREEMENT """"""""""''', .. ,'', .. , ...... " .... , .... ,'"............... " .... " ............. " ,,,.... D-2 2.1. Preparation", " .. " ", .. , " .......,'"'' "', .. ,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''", ""... ,,' '" ............ , .... ,,' .. ".,,' " ..,,' ".,,' D-2 2.2. Revised Completion Date"""" " .... , "" "" ", .. ,," ". "', .. ,", .. ,", .. , , .... ,' , .. ,," " .. " " ..,,"", "" " ..,,' ".,,' D-2 2,3. Post-job Job Start Agreement " ... ,,' ..".,,'''''''' """"'''''''''''''''' """'"''''" ... " " .... ' " .......... " .... ". D-3 3, METHOD OF PROCEDURE" " ...,,'"''''''" ... ,"''''" .... '" ", '" ", "', .. ,""". '" "".. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ".,,' '" "" D-3 3,1. Introduction "".... ".,,' " .. " ""... ,' " .... ,' " ..,,' " ..,,'''''', " ... ,"''', " .... '" "" '" ""'" '" '" ...... " .. ,' "" .. ,'" "" D-3 3.2, Volatile Work Activities." " .. ,," " ..,,' " .. ,," " .. " '" ", "".. , " .... " .... " .... , " ... " ... ,,' """, .. ,""'"'''''''''''' D-3 3.3, MOP Preparation and Use ..""...... " ..""............ ,'"... , ..... ,,,... , .... ,,, ..... , ...... , .. ,.. ,, .. ,, .. , .... "",, .... , D-3 4. SPECIFIC APPLICATION MOPS ....... " ..... ,'"... , ..................... , ........ , ..... , .... ,', .. ,''''''''''""'"'' D-5 4.1. Introduction ..." .................... ,' " ......... , .. ,' " .......... , " ..,' " ... , ............ , ...... ",.,,,. ".", .. ,"'" " ..,,""'"'' D-5 4,2. BDFB MOP .. ,,,.... , ..... , ...... , ..... ,,,', ..... ,,.' ..,',', .... ,, .... ,', ..... , .... " .... ,', ..,"""..,"".. " ..,"", ...... ,',.,., .. D-5 1. GENERAL 1.1. Introduction 1.1.1 Network reliability and the protection of service requires full coordination.and cooperation between the Installation Supplier and the SBe LEC throughout the job, This section delineates the requirements for the Job Start Agreement (JSA) and the Method of Procedure (MOP), two important documents to facilitate job planning and coordination. 1,1.2 Changes in this issue of Section D are summarized in Table D-1, 1.2. Service Interruptions 1,2,1 The Installation Supplier shall plan all work to minimize service interruptions to existing customers, 1,2.2 A service interruption is defined as anyone of the following conditions: a) Interrupts, severely impairs or denies service availability to one or more subscribers, b) Reduces the capacity of multiple access circuits where such reduction seriously impairs completion of offered traffic through an office. c) Interrupts or seriously impairs the proper functioning of equipment for customer billing, d) Interrupts or impairs in any way the functioning of national security circuits or emergency service such as 911. e) Interrupts or reduces power. 0-1 Section 0, TP 76300MP INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS November 1, 2000 sec Local Exchange Carriers 1,2,3 If an unplanned service interruption occurs, the Installation Supplier shall: a) Cease all work activity b) Immediately notify the appropriate personnel listed in the MOP c) Assist in the restoration of service, at the direction of the SBC LEC d) Provide a written report to the SBC LEC as directed, 2. JOB START AGREEMENT 2.1. Preparation 2,1,1 The Job Start Agreement (JSA) establishes the mutually agreed upon start and complete dates for the job interval and serves as authorization to stert the job, 2,1.2 The Installation Supplier shall negotiate the date of the JSA meeting with the SBC LEC Representative( s), 2.1.3 The Installation Supplier shall convene the JSA meeting with the SBC LEC Representative(s). The SBC LEC Equipment Engineer will be responsible for determining the SBC LEC Representalive(s) for the JSA meeling, at which the job plans will be discussed and the JSA (Figure D-1) approved. 2,1.4 At the JSA meeting, the SBC LEC Representative(s) and Installation Supplier shall discuss all ilems listed on the JSA. The JSA shall be compleled and signed by both the SBC LEC Representative(s) and the Installation Supplier at least five (5) business days, unless otherwise negotiated, before start of the job. The JSA is required on all jobs, 2,1.5 The Installation Supplier shall forward the signed JSA 10 the SBC LEC Equipment Engineer and post a copy at the job site, At job completion, the posted copy shall be included in Ihe yellowwallel. 2.2. Revised Completion Date 2.2.1 It is recognized thai, during the duration of a job, conditions arise which may have an adverse impact on the scheduled completion date. These conditions may be the responsibility of either the Installation Supplier or the SBC LEC and include, but are not limited to, changes in the original order, damaged equipment, shipping delays, labor, engineering omissions or errors, defective software and service or safety requirements. 2.2.2 As soon as the Installation Supplier determines that the scheduled installation completion date is in jeopardy, Ihe Installation Supplier shall contact the SBC LEC Equipment Engineer. 2.2.3 When a new installation completion date has been negotiated between the Installation Supplier and the SBC LEC Representative(s), the specific reason for the new completion date shall be noted on a revised JSA. The revised JSA shall be checked "Revised", signed, dated and distributed the same as the original JSA. 0-2 I INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Section D, TP 76300MP SBe Local Exchange Carriers November 1, 2000 2.3. Post-job Job Start Agreement 2.3.1 After the Job Completion Report (see Section D of TP 76300MP) has been issued, the Installation Supplier shall complete a post-job Job Start Agreement if additional or corrective work associated with the original job is required. This post-job JSA shaH have the "POST JOB" box checked to indicate that this is a continuation of an existing job. 2.3.2 The Installation Supplier shall forward the signed post-job JSA to the SBC LEC Equipment Engineer and post a copy at the job site, At completion of the work, the posted copy shall be included in the yellow wallet. 3. METHOD OF PROCEDURE 3.1. Introduction 3.1.1 The written Method of Procedure (MOP) is the document used to detail how, when and where work activities that pose a significant risk to service are to be performed, Such work activities are called volatile work activities. 3.2. Volatile Work Activities 3.2.1 The following is a list of volatile work activities that should be conducted during the "maintenance window", normally between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, a) All rearrangements of hot power equipment that include the addition, rearrangement or removal of power equipment, cable or terminations, b) All rearrangements of timing equipment that include the addition, rearrangement or removal of either the input or output leads of a timing device, c) All software upgrades and transition activity, including integration of major equipment components, except trunks and service circuits, d) Back plane work, shelf replacement, processor hardware activity. e) All relocation, recabling or other rearrangements of any currently in-service equipment. f) All relocation, recabling or other rearrangements of site specific equipment that is unique and identified as critical to service, g) All other work operations on building and telecommunications equipment that are considered to pose a significant risk to service. 3.3. MOP Preparation and Use 3.3.1 The MOP requirements are determined by the job documentation (Job Specifications, Drawings etc,), complexity and technology type (e.g., switch, transport, power), 3,3,2 Unless the SBC LEG authorizes the use of a specific application MOP as delineated herein, the Installation Supplier shall utilize the standard MOP form shown in Figure D-2. D-3 Section 0, TP 76300MP INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS November 1, 2000 sec Local Exchange Carriers 3.3.3 Unless otherwise authorized by the SBC LEC Representative, the Installation Supplier shall perform a walk-through at the job site with the SBC LEC Representative to identify and address specific requirements, special conditions and potential risks to service. 3.3.4 The Installation Supplier shall list the detailed work steps associated with the volatile work activity in logical sequence. a) The following work steps shall always be included: 1. Notify the Alarms Surveillance Center about pending work 2. Verify that no affected equipment alarm conditions exist. b) The following also shall be considered when developing a MOP (additional considerations may be necessary for unusual installations): 1. Possible service problems and restoration procedures. 2. The time the various steps will be performed and the equipment to be removed from service, including the number and schedule of circuits to be made busy. 3. The responsibility (Installation Supplier and/or SBC LEC) for each work activity. 4. The skill level of personnel performing the work outlined on the MOP. 5. Protection required for the equipment 6. Location and availability of spare fuses 7. Notification to collocators affected by the work activities. 3.3.5 If the Installation Supplier is authorized to perform volatile work activity that is normally performed by SBC LEC, the responsibility shall be defined in the MOP. 3.3.6 Unless mutually agreed upon with the SBC LEC Representative, the MOP shall be presented for signatures at least five (5) business days before the volatile work activity is to begin. 3.3.7 At the discretion of the SBC LEC Representative, a dry run of the installation activity plan may be held with the Installation Supplier to ensure that procedures described in the MOP match the physical layout of the system to be worked on. 3.3.8 No volatile work activity shall begin until the MOP has been signed. A verbal MOP is not acceptable. 3.3.9 A copy copy of the signed, approved MOP shall be available at the work site and readily accessible to Installation Supplier personnel while work is being performed. 3.3.10 The Installation Supplier shall provide a Level 4 representative on-site to oversee any MOP work performed by the Installation Supplier's personnel or non-approved subcontractors. 3.3.11 The Installation Supplier shall not deviate from the approved MOP unless authorized in writing by the SBC LEC Representative. 3.3.12 The Installation Supplier shall adhere to the Safe-Stop Points (SSP), back-out procedures, and restoration procedures as detailed in the MOP. 04 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Section 0, TP 76300MP SBe Local Exchange Carriers November 1, 2000 3.3.13 The Installation Supplier shall stop the MOP activities if conditions are encountered or observed that have affected or will adversely affect service. 3.3.14 The MOP shall include adequate testing time after a transition or modification. 3.3.15 The Installation Supplier shall ensure that affected alarms have been checked both before and after installation activity for proper functioning. 3.3.16 After completing each detailed step, the Installation Supplier shall date and initial the step, and if on-site coverage is required, have the SBe LEe Representative initial and date each step. 3.3.17 At job completion, the approved MOP(s), including all required pages, shall be placed in the job folder (yellow wallet). 4. SPECIFIC APPLICATION MOPS 4.1. Introduction 4.1.1 This subsection provides MOPs for specifiC applications that shall be used at the option of the SBe LEe. 4.2. BOFB MOP 4.2.1 The BDFB MOP (Figure D-3) 3) shall be used only if authorized by the SBe LEe. 4.2.2 The BDFB MOP shall be used only for running and connecting new secondary power distribution cables within a BDFB. If other volatile work activities also are involved in the procedure, the standard MOP (Figure 0-2) shall be utilized, with the detailed steps provided in Figure D-3 included, along with the detailed steps for the other work activities. 4.2.3 BOFB work operations of any other type, including the removal of fuses and/or existing connections or cables, shall be detailed and authorized on the standard MOP given in Figure 0-2. 0-5 Section 0, TP 76300MP INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS November 1,2000 SBe Local Exchange Carriers TABLE 0-1 -SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN SECnON 0 Change Item in 9f1199 Issue Item in this Issue Revised Entire Section D Entire Section D Deleted ---! Added ----0-6 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Section O. TP 76300MP SBe Local Exchange Carriers November 1, 2000 FIGURE 0-1 -JOB START AGREEMENT A reproducible copy of the Job Start Agreement is provided on the following page. 0-7 JOB START AGREEMENT November 2000 SBC Local Exchange Carriers Reference: TP 76300MP Check One: 0 Original o Revised o Post Job This document establishes a firm work schedule for the start and completion of the job and authorizes the Installation Supplier to begin work. A MOP shall be issued before any volatile work activity begins. JOB INFORMATION: ClL! City State lEC T';O;E"'0"""/"'C:;:0""N:-:N70,-----------Proje-c7t"'No,------------,------lEC Equipment Engineer 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁣􀀠 Installation Supplier Supplier Order No __.. _-:-;--:;-______ TASKlFRC lOC or GEO/PAR _______ Tracking Code (SaC lEC provided) _____ FIRM SCHEDULE FOR WORK TO BE DONE AT THIS JOB SITE: Actual Start Date Scheduled Complete Date _____________ DaiJy Work Schedule: Start Time Stop Time _________________ JOB DESCRIPTION: _______ REASON FOR REVISION: Work shall not begin on this project until the designated sac lEC Representative properly authorizes this Job Start Agreement and the following Hems have been discussed: o Arrangements for building access o On-site coverage o Equipment to be inslalled, removed andlor modified o In service equipment affected, requiring a MOP before work begins o Safety considerations o Building and/or equipment protection during installation o Cable penetrations (complete Cable Penetration Reporting log) o Storage of equipment, material and tools o Hazardous material that might be involved o Alarm installation, cross-conneclion leads and testing responsibilities o Specific test requirements o Target Walk-through Date (before or on Completion Date) o Problem resolution contacts (immediate supervisor): Manager (lEC) Tel. No ______ Pager _______ NOCISTClTTC Tel. No Pager _______ Manager (Supplier) Tel. No Pager ________ If a service interruption occurs, the Installation Supplier shall: 1. Stop all work operations immediately. 2. Notify local CO andlor ASC personnel of outage details immediately. 3. Not replace fuses or restore breakers without the direction of the sac lEC. 4. Provide a written report to the sac lEC as directed. o Other pertinent factors unique to this project: ___________􀁾􀀠 o Check box if this Job Start Agreement includes attachments. Agreement has been reached on all items checked above. No deviations from this agreement will be allowed without the approval of the designated lEC Representative. Installation Supplier Representative (Sig.) Tille Date lEC Representative (Sig.) Installation Supplier shall distribute this completed form to: o sac LEC Equipment Engineer o Yellow wallet INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Section D, TP 76300MP sec Local Exchange Carriers November 1, 2000 FIGURE D-2-METHOD OF PROCEDURE (MOP) A reproducible MOP form is provided on the following pages. D-9 METHOD OF PROCEDURE November 2000 sec Local Exchange Carriers Reference: TP 76300MP Page of JOB INFORMATION: CLLI City -:-:-;-__________ State,_______ LEC T"'EO";O""'I"'C"'O""N:-=N-,-o----------Proje ct No ___________________ LEC Equipment Engineer ______________---=_-,,----=---,---...,..,-___________ Installation Supplier ________________ Supplier Order No ___________ MOP Author: Skill Level: Telephone: General Job Description: Detailed MOP Schedule: Slart Dale End Dale Work hours to Affected Collocators Notified: Yes N/A Tracking No, (SSC LEC use),_______ Detailed List of Equipment to be Added IA IRemoved R IModified 1M): EQuipment Description RRiBav/PBD Shf/Pnl Fuse Pos. LoadABC AlRiM List of all Handbooks, Technical Documents, Bulletins, Flashes, Warnings Related to Work Operations under this MOp· TITLE ISSUE TITLE ISSUE METHOD OF PROCEDURE November 2000 sec Local Exchange Carriers Reference: TP 76300MP LEC TEO/CON No __________ Page of If a service interruption occurs, the Installation Supplier shall: 1, All work operations shall cease immediately, 2, Local CO and/or ASC personnel shall be notified of outage details immediately, 3, No fuses or breakers shall be replaced or restored without the direction of the SBe LEC, 4, Provide a written report to the SBe LEe as directed, List sequence for notification of service interruption or degradation L NAME/CENTER : Alann Surveillance Center (Required) PHONE PAGER 2, 13 ,4 is Installation Supplier Personnel workina under this MOP Name Skill Level Emergency Number Name Skill Level Emergency Number : The Installation Supplier shall not deviate from the approved MOP unless authorized by the SBC LEC Representative, The approved MOP shall be filed in the yellow wallet at the job site. Copies can be made for further distribution if requested. Asterisk(') denotes mandatory signatures on all MOPS. The Installation Supplier shall determine from the SBC LEC Representative whether additional signatures are required. MOP APPROVAL' . Title Name (Print) Telephone/Pager Signature *Installation Supplier Rcoresentative • SBe LEe Representative SBC LEC Equipment Engineer SBe LEe Power Maintenance , Engineer SSC LEe Maintenance Engineer Other as Required Olher as Required ! Date Page of METHOD OF PROCEDURE SBC Local Exchange Carriers November 2000 Reference: TP 76300MP LEC TEO/CON No __________ ASK YOURSELF QUESTIONS BEFORE ANY CRITICAL WORK IS PERFORMED, ALL PERSONS INVOLVED IN THE WORK OPERATION COVERED BY THIS MOP MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING ASK YOURSELF QUESTIONS, CHECK EACH BOX AND SIGN OFF AT THE BOTTOM: Y N 1. Do I know why I am doing this work? 2. Have I identified and notified everybody -customers and internal groups who will be directly affected by this work? 3. Have I verified the MOP has the appropriate signatures? 4. Can I prevent or control service interruption? 5. Is it the right time to do this work? 6. Am I trained and qualified to do this work? 7. Is the TELCO Inspector qualified to carryout the responsibilities identified on the TELCO Inspector Requirements? 8. Are the work order, MOP, and supporting documentation current and error free? 9. Do I have everything I need to quickly restore service ifsomething goes wrong? 10. Have I walked through the procedure? II. Have I completed a "dry-run" on all critical work activities? Supplier Signature Date METHOD OF PROCEDURE November 2000 SSC Local Exchange Carriers Reference: TP 76300MP LEC TEO/CON No __________ Page __of __ When this page is required by the SBC LEC, it shall be completed and included with the previous required pages of the MOP. DRY RUN A Step-by-Step "Dry Run" of the Volatile Work Activities listed in the "Detailed Step" portion of this MOP has been performed by the following representatives: The Installation Supplier's personnel who will be performing the work activities: Name Date Name Date Name Date SBC LEC Representative and Installation Supplier responsible for the equipment/system being worked on: SBC LEC Representative Date Signature _________________________________ Installation Supplier Date Signature _______________________________ Yes No If there were changes as a result of the "Dry Run" were they incorporated into a revised, signed and approved MOP? METHOD OF PROCEDURE November 2000 SSC Local Exchange Carriers Reference: TP 76300MP LEC TEO/CON No __________ Page of THE DETAILED STEPS OF THE WORK OPERATION SHALL BE LISTED AND COMPLETED SEQUENTIALLY: DETAILED STEPS RESP STEPS COMPLETED S S S S D T S •• S T U B S DESCRIPTION OF WORK OPERATIONS A &1 U B E P C P T M P C P P • E E P L L L L # I E I E E C E C R R INITIALS • (SSP) SAFE STOP POINT ** If on-site coverage provided Use additional pages if required to list detailed steps. MOP should also include relevant attachments. There are attachments to this MOP: Yes 0 No [J INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Section D, TP 76300MP sec Local Exchange Carriers November 1, 2000 (Review Draft) FIGURE D·3 -BDFB METHOD OF PROCEDURE A reproducible copy of the BDFB MOP is provided on the following pages. D·15 BDFB METHOD OF PROC lURE November 2000 SBC Local Exchange Carriers Reference: TP 76300MP Page 1 of 2 JOB INFORMATION: ClLl lEC T""E"'O"'/""C""07":N""N':""o---------City -;-,-;-__________ State'______ Project No _________________ lEC Equipment Engineer _____________--:;,--..."--,,,....,--:.,-__________ Installation Supplier _______________ Supplier Order No __________ BDFB(S): _______________________ 1----------------------------IFuse(s): ---______________________ Remarks or Special Considerations: This BDFB(s) is fused in Power Bay: _________________ Spare fuses are located at: ____________________ The Alarm Surveillance Center (ASC) Telephone Numbers is:________ The SBC lEC Representative was reminded to notify any affected CLEC(s) [JYES D NO Other Remarks: NOTICE work shall be performed within the Maintenance Window, in accordance with the attached BDFB Method Of Procedure. PRIOR TO PERFORMING WORK: above being was and BDFB METHOD OF PROC 'URE November 2000 SBe Local Exchange Carriers Reference: TP 76300MP Page 2 of2 This procedure shall be usedJm1y for the running and connecting of new secondary distribution power cables within a BDFB. BDFB work operations of any other type, including the removal of fuses and/or existing connections or cables, shall be detailed and authorized on a standard MOP in accordance with TP76300MP. Work Operation(s) is defined as any cable running and/or cable termination activity inside the front or rear BDFB protective covers. Check off each item as it is completed: a) D The SBC LEC shall be notified before performing any BDFB Work Operation. b) D Notification shall be documented and placed in the job Yellow Wallet c) D All Work Operations shall be performed within the Maintenance Window. d) D The Alarm Surveillance Center (ASC) shall be verbally notified before performing any Work Operation activity. Opening ASC ticket number: e) D Bay fuse alarms shall be verified with th-e-A7 S=C-:f:-or-p-r-0-pe-r-o-p-e-ra--:u:-'0-n-p-(:-lo-r:-to-a-n-d:-a--:ft::-e-r-a""II-;W."'o-c""k Operations. f) D No fuses shall be removed during the Work Operations defined within this document. g) D All personal jewelry, including watches, rings, bracelets, chains, etc shall be removed before starting any Work Operation within the BDFB. h) D The location of applicable spare fuses shall be identified before the start of any Work Operation. i) D Before running and/or terminating any cable(s) within the BDFB the far end of the cable(s) shall be either terminated or insulated in accordance with TP76300MP, and secured in place. D D Before performing Work Operations, all fuse positions, bus bars and framework adjacent to, immediately above and below the work area shall be protected with SBC LEC approved rubber or neoprene matting. k) D Only factory insulated tools shall be used. (No taped tools allowed) I) D Precaution shall be taken during Work Operations to avoid placing undue stress on existing cables and connections. m) D Before connecting, the cable(s) to be terminated shall be checked with a volt-ohm meter for the absence of Ground or Battery potential. n) D The ASC shall be verbally notified after the completion of all Work Operation activity. Closing ASC ticket number: _____________________________________. In The Event Of A Service Outage: 1. All work operations shall cease immediately. 2. Local CO and/or ASC personnel shall be notified of outage details immediately. 3. No fuses or breakers shall be replaced or restored without the direction of the SBC LEC. 4. Provide a written report to the SBC LEC as directed. Section D, TP 76300MP INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS November 1, 2000 (Review Draft) SSC Local Exchange Carriers [END OF SECTION] D-18 Jim Pierce From: Jim Pierce Sent: Tuesday, January 23,2001 10:23 AM To: Slade Strickland Cc: Chris Terry; Ron Lee; Michael Murphy; James Simmons (E-mail) Subject: SWBell Fiber Hut@Edwin Lewis &Arapaho Rd, James Simmons advises that the driveway is complete and the site is ready for us to complete the irrigation and landscaping, Slade/Ron -will you take it from here? Please coordinate with James at 214-464-6499. Thanks, Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director PO Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 1 .' , , , l{xu... I.t) €ell \ S IJ. J fFf:frlE..TA -r:.to NJ 􀁾􀁦􀀡􀀮􀀠pi.. N\ I.! I-t--f{ 3'/&I+fJ-IJ W C 6-tJ• .. CfAANS (o/WP(U , ( ->( 5 (j.e.. " Il-"'f. ftJLL '(0 CrACUNP. f>P6C-I.,f.t ::EN (r6f.JC0 I /l-It.. I) ) " .. 􀁟􀁾􀁄􀁕􀁗􀀠JI.A-v.I 􀀱􀀧􀁾􀁉􀁾􀁦􀀻􀀠 $ q.At. -,' o. C. rUt.t 1 􀁓􀁰􀁵􀀮􀁾􀀺􀁴􀁎􀀠• APPROVED BY: REVIScO s. w.i. 􀁏􀀨􀁉􀁬􀁘􀀬􀁉􀁊􀀺􀁴􀀴􀁖􀁦􀁲􀀨􀀮􀁦􀁊􀀮􀁁􀁁􀀭􀁐􀁊􀁬􀀮􀁎􀁑􀁩􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀠 .:t-t!c' ') DRAWING NUMBER TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim #.:....-____ Check $ :3SD. C50 Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOTAL Finance 1 􀁾􀀠 BilL TO: Uf?tJIRRI*TECH CORPORATION IRRIGATION TECHNOLOGY 12650 Schroeder· Dallas, Texas 75243 (972) 231-5151 INVOICE DESIGN INVOICE NUMBER 264R CITY OF ADDISON Attn: Ron Lee 16801 Westgrove, 2nd Floor Addison, Texas 75086-0358 SHIP TO: SOUTHWESTERN BELl Addison, Texas INSTRUCTIONS· SH " . " , :. .' LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DESIGN 350.00 $350.00 ,---.-,.,," ,"; ",IT T{\ ncoT • • ,,; oJ' _I • 1 .' 17' .' I """I 􀀮􀁟􀁈􀀧􀁟􀀬􀀢􀁟􀁾􀁟􀀠PA YMENTnERMS: PLEASE REMIT FROM THIS INVOICE UPON RECEIPT NET 30 DAYS .RECEIVED BY: 􀁉􀁾􀀠APR 52000 ;\UUI:>ON A,OCQlUNTING $350.00 PLEASE .REMITCOPY OF INVOICE,WITH YOUR PAYMENT, THANK YOU! HL--M/f?'SA t?/'0\ /00 100 􀀷􀀮􀁾􀀡􀀷􀀬􀀽􀀠 􀁍􀁖􀁾􀀠􀁍􀁾􀁬􀁥􀀺􀀠 " . 􀁾 I , 0 I' -H 􀁾 ,?' OC, " ,/At:7D I ".'OOf,1 '''2.''>-.... ""..>' 􀁒􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁗􀀺􀀭 I f"t 6*"-1.', +WI \. T4· ecawIe of injury from etom\a, haiL free:t.e, i1lsecIs, elise_, injury &om humans or machines, theft or any act out ofthe c:cmtIol of the lAndscape Contractor. Page1of2 :.* Bid Breakout 􀁾􀀠 . Size " 2S W""Myrt1e 30 gal ront: 33 IndianHawthom 5 galront: 670 BedPtep SF 602 Mu1chBed SF 163 SteelBdgillg LF 1,587' Bermuda Sod SF 1 Relocab! Red o..k IS 2 Remove Photinias IS Prune Yaupons IS 2,859 5;I:e PrepIU1llion SF KRAIT LANDSCAPE SERVICES, INC. SWB BtUlding -Town of Apooa!; 4/12/00 Page2oi2 KRAFf LANDSCAPE SERVICES, INC. 333 Exchange Dr • Arlinglnn,. 'IX 76011 • 817-265-6633 􀀮􀁆􀁾􀀠􀀸􀀱􀀷􀀭􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀷􀀷􀀮􀀠 FAX TRANSMITTAL BID PROPOSAL TO: Town of Addison FROM: Janice Graves, Estimator ATTN: Ron Lee DATE: Apr 12. 2000 FAX: 972-450-2834 NUMBER OF PAGES (Including cover): 4 PROJECTS: SWB Bnilding Esplanade Park , I .a;;JI-\;M , To Ron Lee Revised Town of Addison uriginill4104100 ProJ""! SW Ben Building 􀁔􀁾􀁗􀁄􀀠of AddlsQA Location fAnplbo @Edwin Lew.. 'Addison Dale 41l0flOOO " Landscape & Irrigation Proposal QIy Description Size Prlee Ext. Priee Plants : 33 Dwarf Indian Hawthom .pocl_ S pilon $ 15.00 S 495.00 ';.' 2S 1N3X Myrtle 'l'<.imt. 30 gallon. 6', 1'1'0 $ 240.00 S 􀀶􀀮􀀰􀀰􀀰􀀮􀁾􀀠 1 Relocate Red Oak 3.5"-4· Qllper $ 400.00 $ 400.00 2 Remove Pbotinias 10' height S 70.00 $ 140.00 1 Prune Yaupon 10' height $ 35.00 $ 35.00 1 􀁒􀁟􀁯􀁶􀁾􀁈􀁯􀁬􀀱􀁹􀀠 S gallon $ 7.50 S 7.!i0 Bed Prep 3 Compost 2" depth cubic yard $ 32.00 S 256.00 14 Mulch 3"depth cubic yard $ 32.00 S 448.00 20S Steel Edging linear foot S 2.00 S 410.00 Turr 2,530 Remove existing turf, till. grade square foot $ 0.10 $ 253.00 170 Bermuda sad sqU1ltC yard $ 2.2$ $ 382,S0 Lalld$cape $ 8,SZ7.00 Irrigation $ 4,167.00 ' Total $ 12,994.00 11052 Shady Trail • Suite 203· Da1l9$, TX 7.5ZZ9 • 214.350.0831 • 214.350.4203 Fax .. _._. ....... 􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀬􀀮􀀠" -􀁾􀀭􀀭 Lalldstapc &: IrriglltloD Proposal, continued SW Bel! BuDdlog , Notes J Bid valid Cor 1160 day period. :z 􀁉􀁦􀁲􀁯􀁾 is encountered at adcplb lhat interferes wi!b imta.llallon, an addltlonal r.c will ilpply. E".luslollS Waler l11e1i1f, boring and tap . PoWer to controner Saw CUnIitg. Conerelc: Rt:.Dova\ &. Replacements " .F..xcavallon ofundcrgrouod 􀁯􀁢􀁾􀁬􀁮􀁉􀁣􀁬􀁬􀁯􀁮􀁳� �􀀨􀁒􀁯􀁣􀁾􀀮 􀁓􀁬􀁕􀁭􀁾􀀬􀀠Etc.) Underground Drainage Tree and Planr Removal andlor tramplanling (excepr 􀁾 listed in b;uo bid) 'actin$, In.leeticide, Tree Wrap. Malnlenance Rough Grading (Dote: OCiOwner to provide grade .1-.101.ft.) RemOving IIIId Installing topsoil Pmnancnt grass gemination ifinslalled after 9-1 S and prior to 4-30 Soil Excavation for Bed I'repar.tion All Soil Erosion Mechanisms Fence and Fence ConsUUctioo Ally back charges, Ifnot nolilled bt writing with 72 bours Any warranty or gIIlIfanty wi!bout approved maintenance plan andJor without auiomane. operalional irrigallon system Wmanty on transplanted matedal Labor lit. materials 􀁓􀁬􀀮􀁾􀁶􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠 Supervision fland R.aking Applicable License.. Taxes and Pcnnlts Bid Plan $heets -IIOt numbered Documeofs 􀁄􀁡􀁬􀁾􀀠-3/16JOO Revisions -none 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁯􀁮􀁤􀁵􀁭􀀭􀁮􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠 Spo::.:ific:ations. vClbai Payment Work may be halted Ifaceounr beeomcs overdue.. , Submitted Kelly Geeslin • 214-350-0831 ext 13 11052 Shady Trail • Suite 203· Dalla$, TX 75229 • 214.350.0831 • 214.350.4203 Fax -.-. " .........􀁾........--" PALM, INC. Plaut-ud Land.seape Services Design I ConStruction' Instanation Aprllll,2000 To'WD OfAddison RunT..ee P.O. Box 9010 Addison. Texas 75001-9010 -Phone: 9721450·2863 Fax 972J450-2834 ESTIMATE RE: Landscape and Irrigation System installation at S.W. Ben Building Plant List Qb: 26 Description Wax Myrtle Size 6' 33 Indian H8wthom 5Gallon 180 Bermuda Sod 􀁓􀁱􀁙􀁤􀁾􀀠 110 P.dgin,g LinFt 5 Bed Mix CuYds 11 Mulch Hardwood CuYds Remove 2 Photinias Prune existing Yaupon Relocate Red Oak Irrigation System as per Plan $14,025.00 (Tax Exempt) . Rcprds, .0. Box 260045 Plano, Texas 75026 Phone (972)931-1554 Fax(972)931-7344 Palm, Inc To:RonLee . Fax: 9721450-2834 Town ofAddison From: John Peart Date: 04111100 ., --'---------------,--_....,...Phone: 972-931-1554 Pages:2 o Urgent X For Review o Please o Please o Please Comment Reply Recycle S W Bell Landscape and Irrigation Estimate ThankYou, P.o. Sox 260045 Plano, Texas 75026 Phone #(972)931-1554 Fax 􀀨􀀹􀀷􀀲􀀩􀀹􀀳􀀱􀁾􀀷􀀳􀀴􀀴􀀠 ... ..:.;. ". "... ..... 􀂷􀂷􀂷􀀬􀀬􀂷􀀬􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀽􀁯􀀠 ·-(/ttl. MICHAEL E. MURPHY, P.E. Director of Public Works (972) 450·2878 (972) 450·2837 FAX mmurphy@ci.addlson.tx.us E·mail Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Dr. P.O. Box 9010, Addison, Texas 75001·9010 􀁊􀁾􀀬􀀠 lDttA--r 􀁬􀁾􀀠 -rife-􀁾􀁲􀁁􀀭􀁲􀁏􀁳􀀠 OF ,. 10-.1, i I /Lf. J I Y'-.£'ti,'ih THESE..ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: OO'for approval D Approved as submitted D For your use D Approved as noted D As requested D Returned for corrections o For review and comment D o FOR BIDS DUE __________ 1,,___ If enclosures are not as noted. please n o Resubmit ____copies for approval D Submit copies for distribution o Return corrected prints o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ,, I: ,i' I Z .a Facsimile 0 .t.:.:.:.! '? 􀁾􀀹􀀧 ;;:; 8....).( 􀁾􀀠 Date: E-! 􀁾"" Page 1 of >.3 < Ii Prepared by: 3di ..... 0 􀁾􀀠.,., 􀁾􀀠 ;;;; 􀁾􀁾 ;;:; Prepared for: 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 , 􀁾􀀠"'Company: 􀀱􀁾􀁾􀁏􀁤􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 Phone#: Fad: tfn:;.) tf5"o -e283t.j 0 U 􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀁁􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁄􀁃􀁏􀁐􀁙􀁔􀁏􀁆􀁏􀁌􀁌􀁏􀁗􀁂􀁙􀁍􀁍􀁌 tQ 􀁾􀀠 Message: 􀁾􀀠 19 ::;:: = a U 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠 <::! -Jc 􀁾... 􀀠 􀁾􀀠􀁾., 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠<::. 􀁾􀀠 .'.".. 􀁾􀀠 z 0 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 -< 􀁾􀀠 0 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 0 U == U r-l 􀁾􀀠 ..]: 􀁾􀀠 == 􀁾􀀠 ..􀁾.,.... 􀀠 ...,. 􀁾􀀠 M'"" e tf ...,.... ..,.,.... ..... 􀁾􀀠 .M'"..." 0\ 􀁾􀀠 ;:! .􀁾... 􀀠 􀁾􀀠 b li := Q • 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 ) 􀁾􀀠 til 0.,.. ID M.... %l i 􀁾􀀠 '" (,,) g 'i :§ March 21, 2000 Mr. Ron Lee TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 Westgrove,2ndFJoor Addison, TX 75248 Re: Southwestern Be1l-Arapaho Road Station Addison, Texas Dear Ron: JRRJ*TECH CORPORATION is pleased to submit the following proposal for a landscape irrigation design for the above project. This proposal is based upon your office supplying us with the disk(s) containing pertinent information necessary for IRRI*TECH CORPORATION to complete its work. All worle will be done using AutoCAD Release 13 or 14. This proposal is based upon your office supplying us with site information including grading, site utilities, paving, curbs, walks, fences, walls, building footprillts, site structures, landscape improvements such as planting beds, trees, seasonal color, etc. and any other permanent landscape elements. If the information sent requires computer stafftime to purge, delete, change or correct in order for us to perform our services. we will invoice our time as additional services. Also required will be any text font settings including style, size of text, thickness, and any other information Ilecessary for text requirements, If any text fonts are required, and cannot be substituted, that font must be included on the disk(s) sent to IRRI*TECH CORPORATION. Unless arrangements are made otherwise prior to the start ofthis design work, we will use the ARCH.8HX font for our irrigation text This font will be supplied to you upon request. Pen settings are required ifapplicable to the job. Otherwise, we will use lRRI"'TECH CORPORATION standard pen settings. lRRI*TECH CORPORATION will provide 11 􀀳􀁾􀀢􀀠disk, or e:mail tile to you for final plotting. Please note that our price does includes an allowance for one :final hard plot. If any of the infonnation mentioned above is changed after the irrigation disk is sent to you, we will invoice our time as additional services. Any reimbursable expenses (plotting, printing, shipping. deIivelY services, long distance telephone, etc.), will be invoiced at cost plus ten percent (10%). Our fee includes the general or technical portion of the specifications required for this project. As a part of our work, however, we will review your standard specifications and recommend any minor changes necessary. \ Page 2 Design Fee -SWBell Arapaho Road Station March 21, 2000 Our fee includes review of the material catalog cut sheet submittals. Our review will determine whether or not the proposed material is the slIIIle as or equal to the material specified. We bave allowed for a lI1llXimum :fur two reviews ofthe material submittals. Our fee does not include any allowance for review of shop drawings. Ifshop drawings are submitted :fur approval, we will invoice our time as additional services. All additional services will be invoiced on a time and material basis. For this project, our design fee will be 5350.00 (Three hundred fifty and 00/100 doDa"). Once we receive all ofthe necessary information, we anticipate it will take two(2) working days to schedule and complete this work. Please indicate your acceptance of this proposal by affixing your signature in the space provided below and returning an executed copy to the office. Should you have any questions, or ifwe can be offurther assistance, please do not hesitate hesitate to conlact our office. Sincerely, 􀁪􀁊􀀽􀁾􀀠 􀁳􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁡􀁮􀀠 System Design Department SHIkd Fax and MlIil AUIhorized by Title Jim Pierce From: Slade Strickland Sent: Monday, March 13, 2000 9:45 AM To: Jim Pierce Cc: Ron Lee Subject: FW: SW Bell building Fyi Slade Strickland X2869 ----Original Message----From: Ron lee Sent: MOnday, March 13,20009:15 AM To: Slade Strickland SUbject: SN Bell building I am meeting with Seth of Irritech at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday to look at the SW Bell building at Edwin Lewis and new Arapaho. Ron Lee 1 • • • . 􀁾􀀧􀁖􀀠 (i" 􀁦􀁾􀀯􀀢􀀱􀁾􀀠 y' .--:.' . 􀀧􀁬􀁊􀁾􀀢􀁁􀀧􀁣􀁉􀀧 '. 􀁾􀁳􀀰􀀠1l>'7' ..... 􀀮􀁾􀀠:! "ONE STORY '8iONCRETE '\ . ,,!' t:: 0,'.1£ STOR'!' BRICK SOUTHWESTERN SELL . L ' :::.":. . .􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀠 ,., .-,.,1 ......... , , . """" .. 1 '., "V' "'''''... ..'. ,..,".. .. -..,,..'" ""''''-,'. I,: . '-.-\-'..., .---.-...􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀡􀁨􀂷􀁉􀀮􀀺􀀺 􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀢􀀢􀀺􀁣􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀠 I ,.r 􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀠.. C-'C" "''-,. t. "'. .". •• (; . j J.. :' 􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭 "{l ... 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WHEREAS, Addison and BeJl desire to resolve and settle the issues relating to 􀁴e: 􀁾: :: :􀀧: : : 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠: acquisition of such real property by Addison for the Arapaho Road realignment and 􀁤􀁡􀁬􀁭􀁩􀀣􀁾􀀺􀁴􀁩􀀺􀁩􀀠 '.,::::::: the remainder of the real property owned by Bell at such location without the need for the fir' , , , : : : : : : : ' of condemnation proceedings; . : ::: : : ' NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of the parties' covenants and promises to each other, Bell and Addison agree as 􀁦􀁏􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀧􀁗􀁾􀁑􀀢􀁾􀁜􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠 "J7j-r-,􀁾􀀧􀀧􀁬􀀠 r 1, Bell agrees to convey by;{.;arranty deed to Addison all right, title and interest in v the tracts of real property located in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No, 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas which are identified on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A as Parcel 3-1 and Parcel 3-2; which tracts are more particularly described, respectively, in Exhibit B and Exhibit C hereto, all of which Exhibits A, B, and C are incorporated herein. 2. Addison agrees to convey by special warranty deed to Bell, all right, title and interest in the tract of real property approximately 20 feet wide and containing 2,431 square feet of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, which tract of real property is identified on the map attached hereto as Exhibit D as Parcel C, which tract is more particularly described in Exhibit E hereto, both of which Exhibits D & E are incorporated herein, 3. The parcels 3-1 and 3-2 conveyed from Bell to Addison include parking facilities and landscaped property. Addison agrees to have constructed, at its sole cost, but not to exceed $14,000, a parking lot and to have installed landscaping adjacent thereto on Parcel C, with entrances thereto at each end of such tract. Such construction shall be undertaken when construction of the adjacent portion of realigned Arapaho Road occurs. Addison agrees to assign to Bell all warranties from third parties in connection with the construction of improvements and installation of landscaping on such Parcel C, but as Grantor, Addison makes no warranties. express or implied. as to merchantability or fitness for purpose in connection with such improvements and/or landscaping. 4. Addison agrees to cC)nvey by special warranty deed to Bell, all right, title and interest in the tract of real property situated in the G. W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and consisting of 206 square feet of land, more or less, and more particularly described as Parcel B on attached Exhibit D, which tract is more particularly SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT -Page I DOC #: 532183.03 I 'I-1'' -0'1 􀁙􀁬􀁾􀀭 , . -, ,.4t f'Vt::. j , 'I .//' ,. ! : i