LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 9 ARAPAHO ROAD APRIL 14, 1998 BEING 0.1549 of an acre tract ofland situated in the G.W, Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, and the R. Wilburn Survey, Abstract No. 1580, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of the revised plat of Quorum North Offices, a 12.969 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82230, Page 0774 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being portions of a 12.969 acre tract of land described in instrument to MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES, INC. as recorded in Volume 81133, Page 0162, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and that tract of land described as Tract 4 in instrument to MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES II, INC. as recorded in Volume 87186, Page 3028, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and by correction deed recorded in Volume 88109, Page 1723, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: I. COMMENCING at a 112 inch iron rod found on the platted east right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (80 foot wide right-of-way. originally platted as Quorum Loop North as per fmal plat of Quorum North, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 80005, Page 1768, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas), said point being North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West, 317.82 feet from the southeast comer of said Quorum North Offices addition and the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 64 degrees 21 minutes 46 seconds, a radius of 190.42 feet and being subtended by a 202.84 foot chord bearing North 31 degrees 59 minutes 43 seconds East ; 2. THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the right and platted easterly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive and platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road, an arc distance of213.91 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found at the end of said curve; 3. THENCE North 64 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds East along the platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (80 foot wide right-of-way, originally platted as Quorum Loop North) a distance of 259.09 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING ofthis tract; 4. THENCE continuing North 64 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds East along the platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 109.82 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the point ofcurvature ofa curve to the right having a central angle of 21 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds, a radius of 750.96 feet and being subtended by a 279.84 foot chord bearing North 74 degrees.54 minutes 54 seconds East; 5. THENCE easterly along the platted southerly right-of-way line of Arapabo Road an arc distance of 281.49 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found at the end ofsaid curve; 6. THENCE North 85 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds East along the platted southerly line of Arapaho Road a distance of 142.34 feet to a brass cap monument found for the most northwesterly comer of Texas Turnpike Authority Right-of-Way Pareel No. 6-26 (for Dallas North Tollway) as described in instrument to the Texas Turnpike Authority, as recorded in Volume 90137, Page 3520, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point being the beginning ofa curve to the right having a central angle of45 degrees 56 minutes 54 seconds, a radius of 90.00 feet and being subtended by a 70.26 foot chord bearing South 71 degrees 22 minutes 22 seconds East; 7. THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the right and westerly line of said TTA Parcel No. 6-26 an arc distance of 72.18 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; 8. THENCE North 88 degrees 17 minutes 45 seconds West departing said westerly line ofTTA Parcel No.6-26 a distance of70.41 feetto a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; 9. THENCE South 85 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds West parallel with and 20.00 feet southerly from the southerly right-of-way line of said Arapaho Road, a distance of 136.63 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; 1:lsurveyI1772lwp\l772tI9.doc Page 1 of 3 4114/1998 1998 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 9 ARAPAHO ROAD APRIL 14, 1998 10. THENCE North 04 degrees 20 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 9.00 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with 􀁕􀁈􀁵􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁚􀀨􀁽􀁕􀁡� �􀁳􀀠" cap for a comer; 1 L THENCE South 85 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds West parallel with and 11.00 feet southerly from the southerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 13.00 reet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "HuittZollars" cap for the point of curvature ofa curve to the left having a central angle of 19 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds, a radius of 139.00 feet and being subtended by a 254.34 foot chord bearing South 75 degrees 44 minutes 38 seconds West; 12. THENCE westerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 255.61 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the end ofsaid curve; 13. THENCE South 65 degrees 50 minutes 06 seconds West a distance of 36.90 feet to a P·K nail set with "HuittZollars" cap for the point ofcurvature ofa curve to the right having a central angle of 04 degrees 31 minutes 57 seconds, a radius of 1051.00 feet and being subtended by a 83.12 foot chord bearing South 68 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds West; 14. THENCE westerly along said curve to the right an arc distance of83.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.1549 of an acre of land, more or less. 1:\survey\l172\wp\1172tr9.doc Page 2 of 3 4/14/1998 CURVE I A; 21'28'35" R' 750.96' L: 281.49' CB:N14'54'54"E C: 219.e4' LANCO Z l'iB 􀁾 VOL.89224 II I ! YI I IT 'r T CUIIVE 2 A' 45'56'54" SCALE IN FEE T R: go,oo' L' 72.18' C8'S7I'22'22"E C' 10.26' ADLESTEIN :.;:. ,V,OL.81 075 PROPERTIES, INC. , PROPERTIES I I. INC. .............. " " , , CURVE 3', A' 19'49'05'\ R:: 739.00' L= 􀀲􀁾􀀵􀀮􀀶􀀱􀀧􀀠 CQ'S75'44'3B"1i C' 245\.34. CURVE 4 A' 04'31 '51" R' 1051.00'\ L,83.I4' CB'S6B'06'04"1i C' 83.12' FINAL PlAT LANCO NORTH OFFICES PG.0774 TRACT 2 MEPC OUORUM PROPERilES II INC. VOL.B1186 pG.302a CORRECT ION DEED //VOL.BaI09 PG.1723 􀁾􀀠 """,,/􀁾􀀯􀀠 "",,,,,-" 􀁾􀁾􀀠 /MEPC OUORUM PROPERTIES INC. \ 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀁂􀁉􀁉􀁾􀀳􀀠PG.OI62 \ I.R.F, \ A:; 64-21'46" \ R' 190.42' \ \ L. 213.91' \ Ce,N31'S9' 43"E \ " ,C ' 202.84' \ , POINT Of \ COMMENCING w 􀀱􀀯􀀲􀁾􀀠 LR.F. , PAGE ::I OF ::I ;, ,, N , \ 􀁉􀁾􀀺􀁒􀀮􀁓􀀧􀀠 IRON ROO Sf T 'oU1-t1J IT1 • , 317.82'\ ZOI..LARS CAP \ I.R.F. IAON AOO fOUNO ,, , SPECTRUM DR ---,. -a(P-R-:-b-:'w TI1I$ Is to CtJrlffy foot fho 􀁯􀁾 SUf'Y4Y >'/'OS TMs drUKIfIIJ f1kIY f'1(;/be rcpr«k.lced wltfout " , IIJIJ'do 􀁾 10/StIj.II!JIYlslan M OC/()/J(V 8. JggT flYJ wdfleIJ pqrmJssloo Of eric J. YG/Jakly. (]f)(/fh:JIlhJ tmla and btJuflds sfq,.y'h tkreon fWfllsfered fJ/"¢f)S$/Ma//..()t'I(/SufYll)'tV'. " DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W. ---------TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RIGHTwOF-VAY PARC€L NO. 6·28 VOL.85063 PG.2070 ARAPAHO PARTNERSHIP PG.5252 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADDITION PG.1696 􀁾􀁾􀀠 (\J " OJ ',"1 ',':..... "g,, -" '" , "LANCO PROPERTIES INC. , VOL .•'.50 PG.3050 􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠 t; , -W > 0:: 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀠 􀁾􀁜􀀧􀀠 ",,"" 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 I.R.F. ""ra) b,\A·........ 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 ///.... /.... 􀁾􀀠 W I Uj l.J.. DRAINAGE a 􀁕􀁔􀁾􀁌􀁉􀁔􀁖􀀠 VOL.aOOO5 PG. 1166 VOL.a200S PG.2784 TOWN Of' ADD I SON VOL.93243 PG.6422 TEXAS TuRNPIKE AUTHORITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL NO. 6-26 VOL.90131 PG.352Q --'ot/t-iUITT-70.41 ' D 􀀮􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁩 􀀼􀁾􀁾􀁟􀁊􀁬􀀮􀁾􀁰􀁐􀀭 !> LOCATI ME PC QUORUM PROPERTIES INC. VOl.81 133 PG.OI62 I< 0.1549 AC. 􀁎􀀰􀀴􀀧􀀲􀀰􀀧􀁾􀁖􀀠 9.00' i"39' II 􀀢􀀱􀁩􀁾􀀳􀀮􀀰􀀰􀀧􀀠 LR.S. "'/HUITTZOlLARS CAP o MEPC QUORUM MEPC 􀁾􀀠 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . "V \ TRACT 3 W/HUllf. MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES II 1NC. VOL.S7186 PG.3028 CORRECT I ON OEED vOL.Balog PG.1123 P-K NAIL SET IN 􀁃􀁏􀁈􀁃􀁾􀁔􀁣􀀠 TRACT 4 MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES 1 I INC. VOL.87186 PG.302S CORRECTION DEED VOL.aaI09 PG.1723 POINT Of 8EGINNING 112" I.R.S. 'J/HUITT-\ ZOlLARS CAP REVISED \ QUORUM \ 􀁜"􀀧 􀀿"-􀁾􀀠VOL.82230 \.\<'......... \ _ A \ 􀀧􀁜􀀢􀂻􀀢􀀱􀁬􀁾􀀠 \ '" ':'-. \ 􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀠 \ 􀁾􀀠 \0 \ .\ 􀁾􀀠 VOL. 82005 PG.2784 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION "1\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 19 . \ 1 ' , 􀁾􀀠. --'CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.P. VOL.9YOS"5-PG.03445 QI'& fn.HJ and r.;orrect 10 1m best Of fo/􀀮􀁴􀀱􀁬􀁯􀀧􀁍􀁾􀀠 Fer Hullt-ZafIorS,lnc. McLEAN TRACT ADDITION « VOL. 82005 PG.2784 OF 􀁓􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁉􀁎􀁇􀁓􀀨 TfII1 btNJrlfl/} or S oulr()(J' 􀁾􀀠 1m IJ'fMf 􀁲􀁬􀁧􀁴􀁬􀂷􀁯􀁲􀁾 11M or Quorum DrlvlJ os /Jt#' (/fXId 101m rW > 2 rV "",/Ll....... :)......... \\,' I I INC. /'it[ ."'//.... ,......... ......"'.... OE:£O PG.1723 .... ""'.... """,,/,......... ..../0: ,...../""..... .... "....... W .... "'" I .... "" (f) \"'" PROPERTIES INC. \ LL \ \ \ McLEAN \ :3: VOL. \ \ POINT or --112"\ I,R.S-Z; • 1 "􀀢II􀀧' 􀁯51􀁾' '" 􀁓􀁾􀂷􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀠 PROPERT IES. PROPERTIES " 􀀧􀁾􀀾􀀧􀀢􀀠 TRACT .3 􀁐􀁾􀁋􀀠NAIL SET IN CONCRETE TRACT 4 UTILITY ESM'T. \ "0l.80oo5 PO. 1168 \. VOl...81015 PG.1696 .... ",,"" \ ."."" f"" "" ",,""' .... "" \ .........,...-\ 􀀢􀀬􀀬􀀢􀀢􀁾􀀱􀀰􀀬􀀮 􀀮􀀮􀀯􀀠 \ ".."",,-..... ""-'" \ ,£I' \ ........ \ .......... \ \ ,; /\ /"'" \ DRAINAGE & UTILITY ESWT. \ vOL.B0005 PO. 116ft \ VOL.82005 PG.21B4 \ \ " d v TOlIN OF ADO ISON \ h 82005 PG.2 784 '1 \ \ VOL.932:43 PG.5422 '\ 􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁪􀀯􀁬􀁾􀀠 I.R.F. A= 64-21'46" 􀁾􀀠-i.e;;....... \ R:; 􀀱􀀹􀀰􀀮􀀴􀀲􀁾􀀠 TRACT ADD I T ION 1 " MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES II INC. VOL.67186 PG.1028 CORRECTION DEED VOL.8BI09 PG.11l3 TRACT MEPC QUORUM PROPERT IES vOL.BTIS6 PG.302S CORRECT ION VOL.BaIOg 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 '" \-l\,-___ 􀁾􀀠 1'0 􀁾􀀠 \ 􀁾􀀠 􀁇􀁾􀀠 *0 \ M1EPC OUORUM 􀁾􀁾􀀠a 􀁾􀁟􀀠 \ VOl.S! !33 PG.OI62 .-::.."%,.... " L= 213.9" 􀁾...It 'CB:N31'59'43"E " C:;: 􀀲􀀰􀀲􀀮􀀸􀀴􀁾􀀠 \ \ l:) '1\, ""'/COMMENCING \ W \ '?', II

A /"'·i, .•.f. 􀁾􀀠 : 0 S72'IB'59,1I .___􀁴􀁟􀀮􀁾􀁴􀁌􀁾􀁙􀀡􀀡􀀮􀁊􀀮􀁌􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀻􀀠 In-II.R.f. 􀁾􀀠 W /" 0 \W ±1􀀽􀀺􀁬􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀡􀀿􀀡􀀠Rood @II 􀁾􀁉1 "'I I 0 􀁾􀁉􀀧􀀠 u.. i\' LANCO ARAPAHO PARTNERSHIP LANCO 􀁁􀁒􀁁􀁐􀁁􀁾􀁏􀀠PARTNERSHIP vOL.S9224 PG.5Z52 ::1 • I 􀁾􀁬􀀠 .,t: «)\' 40' ., 􀁾􀀠 W' ,... !-I :.> 'i:\' 􀁾􀀠 '" 􀁾􀁜 ''!"' I. III I ...-In-:I.R.F'. .. \ ",0, I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I ell PT m LOCATION MAP MEPC 􀁏􀁕􀁏􀁒􀁕􀁾􀀠PROPERilES INC. VOL.S1133 PC,Ol62 Z I.e ::{ o 50 100 150 200 III I I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET 5,.1<·64+35.9\ ADLESTEIN ADDITION 􀁾􀀠 ... 􀁾􀀠 ... " " ',....:;;:r ..... ..... " '0",, Z" " , ... , L/oNCO ?RoPER"ES '"'" VOL.89050 PC.lose" i 0',',;;. liZ' I..... 0 􀁖􀀯􀁋􀁕􀁉􀁔􀁔􀁾􀀠"'..ZOLLARS CAPa:J../"" -..... "".... .... ...."".... \ \ \ W> ............ .... 􀁾􀀠.... .... 1'1..2..· a: ........ '" ........ ! .R.S. \ 􀁗􀁬􀁈􀁕􀁉􀁔􀁔􀁾􀀠 \ ::> ........ qt.' .... \..: ZOlLARS CAP \ f:I'f" ",)q"'J:"."" 􀀯􀁜􀁾􀀠 ........ 􀁑􀀢􀁾􀀠 "'.... \ ........ ..q,'t.:.... '" \ WI fJ) LL TOWN OF A.DDISON 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀹􀁾􀀲􀀴􀁾􀀠PG.6422 McLEAN TRACT ADD I T ION :3: VOL. 82005 PG.2784 (C) tl'.R.s:--;-,-RO;., RoO SE1 WHUIH-CL PC 5TA.51+01.96 lOt.LARS CAP l.n.r, 􀁾􀀠 IROO ROO FOUNO CL SlA.5G+16.13 ----ARAPAHO RO._ \ \ \ \ . \ \V \ .\ "i \ i \ w 􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 • 􀁾􀀺􀀺 I"":: ,n:z 􀁜􀀿􀀭. 􀁾 -<􀀠 􀁜􀁾 ... \ 􀁾􀀿􀀠 \ t..l {f! \ 􀁾􀁾􀀠 \ '0;" \ -::..* \ 0 \ \ 􀁜􀁾􀀠 \':1 \ 􀁡􀀮􀁾􀀧 _\.:.,-___...L___-I 􀀢􀁾􀀢􀀮􀀬􀀬􀀠 , '( 'J-''ll> • .-'t."", 􀁾􀀤􀀾􀀠􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀼􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀢􀀠 \ .,t;-::o \ \ 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁜􀁾􀀠 \ "-... .. \ .. \ ...... \ '\ , " "" "--S-'PeEb'T" , ...•. ':. ,_. LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 11 ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12, 1997 BEING 0.5450 of an acre of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of the McLean Tract, a 9.645 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of a 6272 acre tract of land described in instrument to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 93243, Page 6422, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: I. BEGINNING at a 112 inch iron rod found at the northeast comer of the McLean Tract Addition and 6.272 acre tract, same being the northwest comer of Adlestein Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 81075, Page 1696, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas; 2. THENCE South 25 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds East along the easterly line of said 6272 acre tract and westerly line of said Adlestein Addition a distance of 393.93 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 04 degrees 13 minutes 02 seconds, a radius of 949.00 feet and being subtended by a 69.84 foot chord bearing South 72 degrees 10 minutes 16 seconds West; 3. THENCE westerly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 69.85 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; 4. THENCE North 23 degrees 34 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 365.28 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 03 degrees 28 minutes 50 seconds, a radius of636.00 feet and being subtended by a 38.63 foot chord bearing North 32 degrees 51 minutes 23 seconds East; 5. THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 38.63 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer on the southerly right-of-way line of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition (formerly St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company right-of-way) as described in instrument recorded in Volume 91008, Page 1390, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas; 6. THENCE North 66 degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds East along the southerly righl-of-way of Dallas Area Rapid Transit Property Acquisition and northerly line of said 6.272 acre tract a distance of 21.82 feel tu the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.5450 of an acre ofland, more or less. ;".. j;\surveyI1772\wpI1772ltll.doc Page I of 2 611211997 \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ '"' \ t; VOL. 82005 7r""t 􀁜􀁴􀀻􀀮􀁾􀁯􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀺􀁱􀀮􀁜􀀠 \ d'I \ m TO'ot'N 􀀧􀁾􀁜􀂫􀀠 VOL.9:'SZ4;tsPG.6422 '.\ -"'. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ DRAINAGE !o 1, .. \,1. \ EASEMENT \ VOl.80005 \VOL.8l005 PG.Z184 \/􀀬􀁜􀁾􀀠\ \ \ \ \,, \ \ \ , \<1 ( . .<11 • • ..􀁾􀀠 "" LOCAT ION MAP I i Z :tee ::! 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀁾􀀠 200 I I II I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET 􀁾􀁅􀁐􀁃􀀠 􀁾􀁕􀁏􀁒􀁕􀁍􀀠PROPERTIES INC. 􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀠PG.OI62 1/2 '*R.S_\ \ . U'fI",,_ Z . , , \ TRACT .( • A IS G TOVN OF D Toll!way \ IotEPC OUORUIoI \PROPERT IES II INC. '" \VOL-BliSS PG.3028 U 􀀮􀁾􀁉􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁬􀀧􀁏􀁦􀁬􀀠 􀁒􀀰􀀴􀁤􀁾􀀡􀀢􀀠 «k \ -_ ,, a 20.81' I..ANCO ARAPAHO PARTNEASH I P VOL.89050 PG.3144 ',' '?-"" \ 􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀭 􀁾􀀱􀀧􀁉􀁦􀁗􀁏􀁹􀀠 Rood " 􀁜,􀁾,,􀀿 􀁜􀁾􀀻􀀮􀀠I \ --;.. \'J, ,0 􀀮􀁾􀀠 􀁜􀁾􀀻􀀠 􀀬􀁾􀀩,, 􀁜􀀬􀁾􀀠 \\ '!' \'\ 􀁾 o . .\ N \!...:J 0 5 0 \\-. , ro I I • 45 AC • i \ 􀀼􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀻􀀧􀀺􀀠 􀀬􀁾􀁜􀀠 '" "0-\ loR. " 'l).",,\ . "\-...... " 0 i ' 􀁜􀁯􀁦􀀯􀁈􀁬􀀮􀁉􀁬􀀧􀁦􀁔􀁾􀀠 􀀧􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀠 I ' 􀁬􀁏􀁬􀀮􀀮􀁉􀀮􀁾􀁓􀀠eAP \ \ ....... • ....... 􀁾􀀠 , ' , 􀁨􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀰􀀴􀁬􀀮􀀮􀁬􀀠 CL PC STA.!H+07.96 1. .... CUT ·x· FOlJNj} 00 o· 􀁾􀀭􀁧􀁬􀁻􀁾􀁅􀀢􀀠 II") .... IN CONCRETEI:G '0. "-!..r N.... . ---_._._ "00"11'10" ''; '... SPECTRUM DR;:, !---􀂷􀀭􀂷􀀭􀁾􀀵􀀮􀀢􀁬􀁩􀁩􀀧􀂷􀀠 ._._.-._-/... 􀂷􀀭􀂷􀁏􀀢􀀢􀂷􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀭􀁘􀀭􀂷􀀢􀀧􀂷􀁾􀀠 U ,/.... au n.v.w._ " 4 . ,/-t a: McLEAN TRACT ADD I T I ON 􀁾􀁉􀀠 /;a -'; 1 ·o:t-I . 􀁜􀁾􀁘􀀡􀀠I 􀁓􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀳􀀱􀀠 I \ 􀁾􀁜􀁾􀀠 \ i::\ \oj : \ 281.13' . 1 1 140.51' 􀁾􀀠 :3.: 􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮Q􀀭U􀀮O􀀭R􀀮U􀀭M􀀮 􀀭􀀮􀁄􀀭􀁒􀀮􀁉􀀭􀁖􀀮􀁅􀀭􀁾􀀬􀂷􀁾􀀠􀀮8􀀭0􀀮'􀀭 􀀮R􀀭􀀮.􀀭O􀀮.􀀭V􀀮.􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭 -'--. \ CURVE 1 (!) 􀁾􀀮 A= 04'13'02" \ R= 949.00' L= 69.85' MeH COMPANY CB=S72'10'16"\! VOL.782!2 􀁾􀀮􀁬􀀱􀀰􀀴􀀠 \ C= 69.84' VOL.82119 PG.1556 VOL.8Z119 PG.1559 VOL.BAOQS PG.1944 CURVE 2 VOL.B413l PG.0532 A' 03'28'50" R= 636.00' L= 38.63' 􀁃􀁂􀀧􀁎􀀳􀀲􀀧􀁾􀁉􀀧􀀲􀀳􀀢􀁅􀀠 c= 38.63' 􀀬􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀺􀀠 Tits Is tlil twttfy Ihf$ tm tl/JOVrl3UfWIY waS Ttis dt'r.wlng mt1.Y hoi btl 􀀬􀀮􀁾 wII/Q,Jt m:x/tJ utitiJ¥ U&' SutXJtVfS1M M JtintJ 1Z.1997 If» wrlfI(IfI p:;!IIM of Erk; 􀁊􀀬􀁙􀁾􀀠 end trot1m /'IJIPN Md bcuttrls str:wn thtJroGl't I*JgIsltJI'«/Pi'DfesJ;fono/ttmll 􀁓􀁉􀁬􀁦􀁙􀁾􀀮􀀠 Qf'tJ Irw ond oorrtJCt Ie 1m MsI cF U&' kl'1OKhJdOO. For tMtt·ZDllcr.s.!ne:. HunT -ZOLLARS )1.!1 WCXINNEV IIV[tl\£/SUH[ twO DAl.,I.,AS. TOA$1I14-ell*:Uli 4-G·le·cq 'Ai. LNiO SUfYEYlJR NO. 4862 ARAPAHO ROAD EXHIBIT MAP TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS --. \ \ .fl.S. IRON ROD SET V/HU1TTj ZOLLARS eAP .R,F. IRON ROD FOONO PAGE 2 OF 2 BASIS OF BEARfNGS: T"" owtJl'Hm boarfno cF oxJ.$/lno Al'0jX11v Rood os PM PM PtNfno ff1¥Jl'WM1IJIJI plans OIl (lid. Forr Town of Addison Publ lc Works 16801 􀁗􀁥􀁳􀁉􀀹􀁲􀁄􀁙􀀦􀁾􀀠 Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBI T PARCEL NO. 􀁟􀁉􀁾􀁉___ OWNER 130WN_OF􀁟􀁾􀁐􀁑􀁊􀂧􀁏􀁎________ AREAdl, 􀀵􀀴􀀵􀀰􀁟􀁁􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁓􀀠DATE ,"'!u":-,Z ._'995 ..... ",., ,'<, LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 9 ARAPAHO ROAD APRIL 14, 1998 BEING 0.1549 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, and the R. Wilburn Survey, Abstract No. 1580, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of the revised plat of Quorum North Offices, a 12.969 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82230, Page 0774 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being portions of a 12.969 acre tract of land described in instrument to MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES, INC. as recorded in Volume 81133, Page 0162, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and that tract of land described as Tract 4 in instrument to MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES II, INC. as recorded in Volume 87186, Page 3028, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and by correction deed recorded in Volume 88109, Page 1723, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: 1. COMMENCING at a 112 inch iron rod found on the platted east right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (80 foot wide right-of-way, originally platted as Quorum Loop North as per fmal plat of Quorum North, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 80005, Page 1768, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas), said point being North 00 degtees II minutes 10 seconds West, 317.82 feet from the southeast comer of said Quorum North Offices addition and the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 64 degrees 21 minutes 46 seconds, a radius of 190.42 feet and being subtended by a 202.84 foot chord bearing North 31 degtees 59 minutes 43 seconds East ; 2. THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the right and platted easterly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive and platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road, an arc distance of213.91 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found at the end of said curve; 3. THENCE North 64 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds East along the platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (80 foot wide right-of-way, originally platted as as Quorum Loop North) a distance of 259.09 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the POINT OF BEGlNNlNG of this tract; 4. THENCE continuing North 64 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds East along the platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 109.82 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the point ofcurvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 21 degtees 28 minutes 35 seconds, a radius of 750.96 feet and being subtended by a 279.84 foot chord bearing North 74 degrees 54 minutes 54 seconds East; 5. THENCE easterly along the platted southerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road an arc distance of 281.49 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found atthe end of said curve; 6. THENCE North 85 degtees 39 minutes II seconds East along the platted southerly line of Arapaho Road a distance of 142.34 feet to a brass cap monument found for the most northwesterly comer of Texas Turnpike Authority Right-of-Way Parcel No. 6-26 (for Dallas North Tollway) as described in instrument to the Texas Turnpike Authority, as recorded in Volume 90137, Page 3520, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point being the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 45 degrees 56 minutes 54 seconds, a radius of 90.00 feet and being subtended by a 70.26 foot chord bearing South 71 degrees 22 minutes 22 seconds East; 7. THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the right and westerly line of said TTA Parcel No. 6-26 an arc distance of 72.18 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; 8. THENCE Nortll88 degtees 17 minutes 45 seconds West departing said westerly line ofTTA Parcel No.6-26 a distance of70.41 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; 9. THENCE South 85 degtees 39 minutes II seconds West parallel with and 20.00 reet southerly from the southerly right-of-way line of said Arapaho Road, a distance of 136.63 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; J:\surveylI772lwpll m!t9.dQc Page 1 of 3 4114/1998 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 9 ARAPAHO ROAD APRIL 14, 1998 10. THENCE North 04 degrees 20 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 9.00 feet to. 1/2 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; 11. THENCE South 85 degrees 39 minutes II seconds West parallel with and 11.00 feet southerly from the southerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 13.00 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "HuittZollars" cap for the point of curvature ofa curve to the left having a central angle of 19 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds, a radius of 739.00 feet and being subtended by a 254.34 foot chord bearing South 75 degrees 44 minutes 38 seconds West; 12. THENCE westerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 255.61 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the end ofsaid curve; 13. TI:lENCE South 65 degrees 50 minutes 06 seconds West a distance of 36.90 feet to a P-K nail set with "HuittZollars" cap for the point of curvature ofa curve to the right having a central angle of 04 degrees 31 minutes 57 seconds, a radius of 1051.00 feet and being subtended by a 83.12 foot chord bearing South 68 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds West; 14. THENCE westerly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 83.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.1549 of an acre ofland, more or less. J:lsurveylI772\wpI1772tJ<}.doc Page 2 of 3 411411998 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ,, DALLAS NORTH TOLL1IIAY TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHOR lTV L_-----VA--R-IA""B".-.L:.:..:.􀁾...􀁾10TH R. 􀂷􀀮􀁾􀀻􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀠 o 􀁔􀀨􀀩􀁉􀁾􀁷􀁯􀁹􀀠 < 􀁾􀀠 0 .􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀧􀁾􀁩􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀭􀀢􀁉􀀠􀁾� �;........ .,0# ----•􀁾 􀀺\ •􀀠 1 ----.-----􀁾􀀠 \Wff --T-EXAS TURNP IKE AUTHORITY \"' ,\ ::,! lIZ" I.R.f. RIGHT-OF-YAY PARCEL NO. 6-28 \ : j 􀁾􀁬􀀠0 􀁾􀀠 VOL.85063 PG.2.01Q \ \ ;'!-' \ . 􀁾􀀠I '" IoIidwtl, RIl-W >cr:: , -ZOLLARS eM' 􀁎􀀰􀀴􀀧􀀲􀀰􀀧􀁾􀁗􀀠 9,00' 585'39' II 􀀮􀁗􀁾􀀳􀀮􀀰􀀰􀀧􀀠 • 􀁜􀁾􀁬􀁜􀁮􀀢􀀠I.R.S. V./WITT-􀁾􀁓􀀧􀀠 5\ I \ ZOlLARS CAP 􀁾􀁾􀀭 \ MEPC 􀁾􀀠 \ \ I ';;<1, \ MEPC \ \ '"\ \ 1/2"! .A.S. W';UITT' \ ZOLl,Af!.S CAP I 􀁾􀀠 I \ tJ! 􀁾􀀠 . 􀁾􀀺􀁲􀀬􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀁜􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠 _ '0_ 􀁾􀀠 􀂷􀁾􀁜􀁏􀀠 􀁾􀀠 • ,il'{h 􀁾􀁜􀀧􀀠 C. «\ A, o 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀠 \P .($1 \ '"• I I \ \ \ I . ". I I 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀮􀀭______L-•. 􀁾􀀠 ;l. "P.: 􀁾􀁔􀁩􀀺􀀠 \ 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁜􀁣􀀬􀁾􀀠 -a \ MEPC QUORUM PRoPERTIES INC. \ I' \'J. 􀁾􀁩􀁐􀁟􀀠 \ !33 PG.OI62 \ LL-10\t1N Of ADO I SON \ I VOL.93243 PO.6422 -I 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 uz; I .R.F. A= 64 ·21 • 46" I h 􀁾􀀻􀁖􀀮􀁁􀀠 '\ R= 190.42' I McLEAN TRACT ADDITION , I I \ I ..........􀁾􀁾􀀠 " L;o 213.91' I ::: VOL. 82005 PG.2784 \ dJ, 'S-"CB=N3J 􀂷􀀵􀀹􀁾 43"E I I ",C' 202.84' POINT Of <:) \ , \ \ X ____􀁓􀀮􀁟􀁾􀀯􀀡􀁾􀁾􀀡􀁾􀁾􀁇 I w \ I PAGE :3 OF :3 􀁾􀀠 , ",I N \ NOO'II'IO"\{ -;:,\ I.R.S, 􀁾􀀠 IROO ROO SET 'II'IHUITTCL PC STA.57+01.96 i· q" \ 311.82'0; 􀀮􀁾􀁜􀀠 􀀠 ZOLLARS CAP I.R.F. = 1OON ROO FOUNO G; 􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀠 " . I CL STA.S6+16.n ,_(0 ....... SPECTRUM DR;, I ARAPAHO RD. 􀁾􀀢􀀠 , 􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀮􀀻􀀻􀀻,􀀮 􀀭 ...."-, "--8<:)t -Fe0-::111 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀧􀀠 Tlis Is 10 cutlfy l/rlf Ihl alW" ,suf'Vtl)' wos Tits dra.t"f1{I 􀁾 rot bI1I r6/KoduclX! wlJh:JuI mod. UIIder 10/svpt1IYfsIM an Oc!ooor 8, 1997 1m wrlttCfl permissIon ct 􀁾􀁲􀁫􀀻􀀠J.Yoh:Judy. • OIWJ th:JJ 1M trIdIM 􀁾 bcutxls $h:Mq) thereon Re.;;fsferCI 􀁾􀀠 ,s,"1 \ 􀁾􀀭􀁯􀁾􀀠 \ 􀁃􀀼􀁾􀁟􀀠 \ "0 .A \ -:" 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 TRACT 2: HEPC OuoRUM PROPERT IES 11 lNC. VOL.srlse PG.3028 CORRECT ION DEED VOL.SBIOS PG.1123 (JI'(J IrUB end ccrrecJ It) IfItJ /:JeSt of 10/ilo.t'ied9f).. For HuIlJ"ZoI/()f's,mc. <-4.1(".9 t; LAND SURV€YOR NQ4852 -􀀧􀁃􀁁􀁒􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁴􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁾􀁾􀀢 P. "fa;' So,' McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 􀁾􀁬􀁓􀀠Of' BEARiNGS, rm IJtt(Jrll){! bf S (X)'JJ'IX)' 􀁾􀀠 'ong rho WMI rlglt-oF-wOl JIM 01 OUct'WTI Orw# os par d: I , a: ... I 53S'3S'IS"W C' 170.21' 1/2" I.R.S. W/HUITT-ZOLLARS CAP WHUITT·ZOLLARS CAP I 􀀵􀁾􀁏􀀧􀀳􀀹􀀧􀁾􀀹􀀢􀁅􀁜􀁾􀀠 I 26.76'· " I 166.47' 1/2' I.R.S. W/HUITT,ZOl.LARS CAP' 􀀱􀀱􀀴􀀮􀁾􀀠 CD TOWN OF \ TRACT 4 1/2' I I I I I I I N CO 􀁾􀀠 A= 19-42'38" R' 949.00' L' 326.47'--􀁾􀀠 􀁃􀁂􀀧􀁎􀀷􀀹􀀧􀁾􀀵􀀧􀀰􀀴􀀢􀁅􀀠 C. 324.S6' \\ MEPC QUORUM \PROPERTIES II INC. 􀁾 \VOL.BlIB6 PG.302B L....;J. 􀀮􀁾􀁉􀁁􀁤􀁤􀁩􀀮􀁯􀁮􀀠 􀁒􀁏􀁏􀁤􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠 􀁡􀀺􀁾􀀠 __p \ -''''Ii 􀁬􀁾􀀠 􀀲􀀾􀀢􀀮􀁾􀀢􀀠 I I I I I I '" GI'l-" '"(􀁜􀁾􀀠... 1 0-' 􀀭􀁾􀀠 I <' <" 􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀠 \ ·0 ...... \ -:" I;) • 􀀧􀀢􀁾􀂭 \" 􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀥 \ ..,. 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁓􀀭􀀧􀁐􀀧...... '\ '-:.. 􀀧􀁢􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠 h ' iJI'901l . \ 􀁾 1;'0 \ \ 􀀧􀀭􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀢􀀺􀁾􀀠 􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠 o 50 100 I I I I I I SCALE IN MEPC OUORUN VOl.BI 133 ;'\, \ .......... F: 0 " " " "-"-,,-° 􀁾􀀠\ \ '.!:!.!l!.I?-!. Z \ i?-::-.IoiEJ,r \ 􀁾􀀠 600:-'_o4L/I « \ '00_ 􀀧􀀭􀁅􀀧􀀡􀁾􀁎􀁲􀀠 I '-\ '-'-􀁟􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁉􀀮􀁉􀁉􀁉􀁾􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀠 SPECTRUM I l-95))2· 80' I U I 0: CL PC 1/2' I.R.S. ZOLLARS CAP STA.57+07.96 W'HUITTCUT 'X' FOUND I N CONCRETE ._.-._.....-._._.-'"' I II{f) IIlJ McLEAN TRACT VOL, 82005 ADDITION PG.2784 􀁾􀀠 '" ? 􀀮􀁾􀀠\ ,l; LOCATION MAP z 􀁾􀀠 I: o 50 100 150 ZOO LANCO ARAPAHO PARTNERSHIP VOL.S90S0 PG.3144 VOL.69224 PG.5252 I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE IN fEET TRACT 2' \ \ \ \ \ N OJ '<;f oz o \:\ I\ U \ « \ a: I lI(/) "' I \ "v 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀠 􀁾􀀥􀀶􀀠 􀁃􀀶􀀤􀁾􀀠 OJ ..,.A.;l 􀁾􀀨􀀱􀁥􀀠.\ en 􀁾􀀠,« .. 􀁾􀀠\ ,\J'. \ \ \ \0:. 􀁾􀀠 o \ w 􀁾􀀾􀀠 􀁾􀁡􀀺􀀠 ::l (/) a: w :r: (/) lJ... :;. <.::l \ \ \ \ A' 16"41'42R= 1051.00' L= 308.00' 􀁃􀁂􀀽􀁎􀀱􀀸􀀢􀀴􀁾􀀧􀀵􀀴􀀧􀁅􀀠 C= 306.98' A; 01-3l1li'16" R' 210.42' L' 􀀳􀁾􀀮􀀱􀀳􀀧􀀠 CB=N52"18'51"E C' 3:>.71' \" n N CL PC STA.!H.f-Ol.96 􀁉􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 In. N' CL 5TA.56t76.1:3 • 􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀠 ____ ... __ .. ARAPAHO RD. 􀁉􀀺􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠_. _._ CI.. 5TA, 19+22.03 :.., \ \ \ II'!:" \ M(PC OUOAVM PROPERTIES II INC. VOI...B1IllS PG.302S CORRECTION DEED VOL.BaIOg PG.1723 0.3318 AC. NEPC QUORUM PROPERT!ES INC. VOL.SI133 PG.OI62 " POINT OF BEGINNING , ! 1/2" I.R.S. V/HUITlw ..... ZOLI...R.S CAP C'j;> 􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀠 POINT OF " S=COMMENCING ....... __ I/,!" I.R.F. --------100"11' 10"10'. T136.68' 0;1 C\fd 􀁎􀁏􀁏􀂷􀁉􀁉􀂷􀁉􀁏􀁾􀁖􀀠 311 .B2' ;;; 􀀮g􀁾i 􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭S􀀮P􀀭E􀀮C􀀭T􀀮R􀀭U􀀮􀀭M􀀮 􀀭􀀮􀁄􀁒􀀭􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀭􀀬 SPECTRUM DR. 􀁾􀁉􀀠 -.... .... 80' 􀁒􀀮􀁏􀀮􀁗􀀮􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG,2784 TOVN OF ADD ISON vOL.932d3 PG.6422 􀁾􀁩􀀠 􀁾􀁩􀀠 N' 􀀽􀁉􀁾􀀠 .1.,,1.'.0 ".I 􀁾􀀠 􀁾 .. ---􀁄􀁒􀁁􀁉􀁎􀁁􀁇􀁾􀀠& UTilITY EASEMENT 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀸􀀰􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀠PG.llSS McLEAN VOL. TRACT ADDITION 1 82005 PG,2784 I 􀁾:,0􀀢.. CARRAJo!ERICA REALTY. L.P. -0 //VOL.S10SS PG.:3445 \ DRAINAGE &. UTILITY \ EASEME::NT 􀁾􀀺􀀻􀀠 /' Cl PT 􀁓􀁔􀁁􀁁􀀩􀀺􀁾􀀷􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀁴􀁾􀀠 \ 􀁶􀁾􀀮􀁥􀁏􀁏􀁯􀀵􀀠PC.I1SB 􀁾 It! I I WOLB2005 PG.Z7B4 65 I 1 \ /, 􀁾􀁾􀀠I I V I 􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁉 􀁾􀁜􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠I' \ 􀂷􀁉􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀠 \ \ I \ I I \ I \ . I I I 0\ I I 􀁾􀀠 Ii N CIJf\VE I A= 20'26'1:18" Ro 190.42' L= 67.96' CB'NI0'02' 19"E Co 61.60' CIJf\VE 2 Ao 43'54'48" R' 190,42' ,00 ' I 'Si I I I '" I L: 􀀱􀀴􀁾􀀮􀀹􀀴􀁾􀀠 CaoS42'13' 12"10' I "'\ I I C. 142.40' \ " I '\ 166,47' '. ! 1 I 14Q.51' .\. ..... _ ... --QUORUM 􀁄􀁒􀁉􀁖􀁅􀁾I􀂷AI􀀠80' R.O.W. _.-.-._._. 􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭 -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-. rlts Is IQ eNtity flGf 􀁦􀁾􀀠Cf.J(JI{(f St.JrVlI/!/_$ 􀀯􀁔􀁉􀁉􀀺􀁎􀁊􀁾􀀠 undtV fo/SupdNfS/M Of> JV/b 1J!.1997 end loot 􀁴􀁾􀀠mtJIas IHId b«.mdS s/rtJWtl IIl.v«Jn ;'JJ'tJ tJ'w qfId CCl"J'tIU 􀁉􀁾􀀠􀁦􀁾􀀠lxnf or tty 􀁉􀁦􀁾􀀠 For HulII·Zelklrs.lnc. 􀁾 v;'--' 􀁾􀀮􀀠 -I -Tits dr"I.7Ntll9 moy I'd Ixt 􀁊􀀧􀁾􀁯􀁤􀁕􀁃􀂫􀁊􀀠wltfl:vt 􀁉􀁾􀀠wJ'ltfen ptJI'mlsslon or Eric J.'1'ah:JcNfy, Rf19IMt/Ir(fI(J ProftJ/I.$It;;MI/,DNI 􀁓􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀁬􀀺􀀺􀀬􀀭􀀱􀀧􀁩􀀳􀂷􀁾􀀱􀀠 lAND SURVeYOR NO. 4862 I.R.S. IRON ROO SET v/HUITlZO\.LARS CAP I.R.f. IRON ROO fOUNO PAGE 2 OF 2 BASIS or BEARINGS, TIrJ CMlvtlm IMarlh') or ItXlstlrtg An)poOO Rtxtd In ;;4J' paying 􀀱􀀱􀁦􀀱􀀨􀁦􀁊􀁲􀁾 t*Jtu tv) filA HUilT -ZOLlARS ARAPAHO ROAD For; Town of Addison Publ ic 􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁫􀁳􀀠 16801 􀁾􀁥􀁳􀁴􀁧􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁥􀀮􀀠 Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO, _!'!__._ :\1:\1 MCK11iIlE,V AVEI«JE;/5IJHE 600 OAlLAS, lEIO.Sna-811':\}I! EXHIBIT MAP OF ADDISON. TEXAS OWNERI_TO\lN.QF_AQQJ.l!QI:!______.•._ AREA I. Q, 􀀳􀁾􀀠􀁉􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀁁􀁑􀁒􀁉􀀻􀀻􀁾􀀠DATE dUt!,J.2 ,.1995 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 10 ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12, 1997 BEING 0.2000 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, and the R. Wilburn Survey, Abstract No. 1580, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of the Adlestein Addition, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 81075, Page 1696, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being portions of a 1.9747 acre tract of land described in instrument to Lanco Arapaho Partnership as recorded in Volume 89224, Page 5252, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and a 5.9986 acre tract of land described in instrument to Lanco Arapaho Partnership as recorded in Volume 89050, Page 3144, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: I. BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found for southeast comer of said Adlestein Addition and 5.9986 acre tract, said point being on the platted northerly right·of-way line of Arapaho Road (80 foot wide right-of-way, originally platted platted as Quorum Loop North as per fmal plat of Quorum North, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 80005, Page 1768, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas); 2. THENCE North 25 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West along the westerly line of said Adlestein Addition and 5.9986 acre tract a distance of 20.87 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 04 degrees 13 minutes 39 seconds, a radius of 949.00 feet and being subtended by a 70.01 foot chord bearing North 67 degrees 56 minutes 55 seconds East; 3. THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 70.02 feet to a P-K nail set in pavement for the end ofsaid curve; 4. THENCE North 65 degrees 50 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 36.90 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 19 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds, a radius of 841.00 feet and being subtended by a 289.45 foot chord bearing North 75 degrees 44 minutes 38 seconds East; 5; THENCE easterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 290.90 􀁦􀁥􀁾􀁴􀀠to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the end of said curve; 6. THENCE North 85 degrees 39 minutes II seconds East parallel with and 11.00 feet northerly of said platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road, a distance of 192.10 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "HuittZollars" cap for the point of curvature of a curve to the left having a central angle of 87 degrees 44 minutes 14 seconds, a radius of 100.00 feet and being subtended by a 138.60 foot chord bearing North 41 degrees 47 minutes 04 seconds East; 7. THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 153.13 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer, said point being on the westerly line of Texas Turnpike Authority Right-ofWay Parcel No. 6-28 (for Dallas North Tollway) as described in instrument to the Texas Turnpike Authority, as recorded in Volume 85063, Page 2070, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 00 degrees 46 minutes 48 seconds, a radius of 1137.47 feet and being subtended by a 15.49 foot chord bearing South 01 degrees 41 minutes 39 seconds East; 8. THENCE southerly along said curve to the right and westerly line of said TTA Parcel 6-28 an arc distance of 15.49 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for the point of compound curvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of73 degrees 37 minutes 14 seconds, a radius of91.50 feet and being subtended by a 109.65 foot chord bearing South 35 degrees 30 minutes 22 seconds West; J:\survey\1772\wp\1772trIO.doc Page I of 3 6/1211997 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. to ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12, 1997 9. TIlENCE southwesterly along said curve to the right and westerly line ofsaid ITA Parcel 6-28 an arc distance of 117.57 feetto a 112 inch iron rod found for the end of said curve and southwest corner ofsaid ITA Parcel 628, said point being on the platted northerly right-of-way line of said Arapaho Road (variable width at this point); 9. THENCE South 72 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of32.ll feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for an angle point; 10. TIlENCE South 85 degrees 39 minutes II seconds West along the platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 177. I 8 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set for the point of curvature ofa curve to the left having a central angle of 21 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds, a radius of 830.96 feet and being subtended by a 309.65 foot chord bearing South 74 degrees 54 minutes 54 seconds West; 11. THENCE southwesterly along said said curve to the left and platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road an arc distance of311.47 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the end of said curve; 12. THENCE South 64 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds West along the platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 93.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.2000 of an acre of land, more or less. l:\survey\t 772lwp\1772lr10.000 Page 2 of 3 611211997 REVlSEO fiNAL PLAT QUORUM NORTH OFFICES VOL.82230 PG.0774 lta"'(,R.F. 􀁉􀀧􀁾􀀠 '';'.0 , 􀁜􀁾􀀠 \ u!\;' 􀁾􀀠,0. 􀁤􀀧􀀡􀁾􀁜􀀧􀁢􀀭 -".,"tP,.'\:'f '1 =0 􀁾􀀠 $ ..􀁾\. TRACT 3 MEPC OUORUM PROPERTIES Ii INC. VOL.aTIBS PG.30aa CORRECTION DEED TRACT 4 HEPC OuottUH PROPERTIES I I INC. 􀁖􀁾􀀮􀁥􀀷􀀱􀀸􀀶􀀠PG.3026 CORRECTI(»f aEEO VOL.B6Iog PG.1123 􀁲􀁾􀁦􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀠 :, ·'; '--; ./0 \)5' I I 􀀺􀀺􀀱􀂷􀀬􀀡􀁾􀁤􀁷􀁡􀁟􀁾􀀠 RCG" DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY D TEXAS TURNPIKE' A.UTHOAITY 􀁾􀀠 VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W. 􀁒􀁉􀁇􀁈􀁔􀁾􀁏􀁦􀀢􀁾􀁖􀁁􀁙􀀠PARCEL NO. 6-26 􀁮􀁩􀁆􀀢􀀧􀀺􀁾􀁭􀀻􀀻􀀺􀀺􀀻􀁜􀁩􀀠� �􀀻􀀵􀁾 DRAINAGE &UTILITY ESM'T. VOL.80005 PG.! 766 1/2* I.R.f. VOL.81015 PG.IS96 112" /.........,.... "I-􀀴􀁾􀀠 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭 TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY i/i!;\I.R.F. if.:'0 􀁮􀁉􀁇􀁈􀁔􀀧􀁏􀁆􀁾 􀁗􀁁􀁙􀀠PARCEL NO. 􀁓􀁾􀀲􀀸􀀠 VOL.650S3 PO.lOl0 \ : I \ 􀁓􀀷􀀲􀀧􀁉􀁂􀀧􀁾􀀹􀀧􀁾􀁗 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁉􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁳􀀺􀀺􀀻􀁦􀁾􀁗􀁾􀂷􀁾􀀺􀀭􀁭􀁾____􀁾􀀮􀀠 l----;-____􀁾􀀺􀀧􀁦􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀱􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁉􀀮􀁌􀀧􀁴 􀁩􀀮􀀮􀁄􀁧􀁜􀀡􀁬􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀠 I>􀁾 In-􀁉􀁾􀁒􀀮􀁓􀀮􀀠 \of/HUITT-ZOLLARS CAp/! I C= 138.60' 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁜􀀱􀀿􀀰􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 -" " CO ........... -􀁾􀁾􀀠 " , ',"'1,' ...... ,, , ' ' 􀁾􀀠CURVE 4 􀀭􀁾􀀠 , -\-(>"-'_I 􀀻􀀢􀁯􀀮􀁾􀀠 A:: 00-46'48" -;P'O " "', -R= 1131.47' 􀁾􀀬, L= 15.49' CB=SOI'41'39"E " , LANCO PRoPERtiES INc.,. VOL.S9050 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁾􀀰􀀵􀀰􀀠 ...... , , C= 15,49' , \ \ 􀁾􀀠 cr: I-[J) 􀁾􀀠 f-'X', ',"I.. CURVE 5 A= 73'31'14" \', '" R= 91.50' 112-I.Ft.S. WHl!ITT' _"" L= 􀀱􀀱􀀷􀀮􀁾􀀷􀂷􀀠 ZOLLARS CAPCB=S35'30'22"V /C= 􀀱􀀰􀀹􀀮􀀶􀁾􀀧􀀠 􀁎􀀶􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁏􀀧􀀰􀀶􀀢􀁅􀀠 36.90"'-" \\ P-K 􀁾􀁌􀀠5£T IN 􀁃􀁏􀁏􀁃􀁒􀁅􀁔􀁴􀀯􀁾 CURVE 6 /􀁾􀀠 *\ \\ A= 􀀲􀀱􀀧􀀲􀀸􀀧􀀳􀁾􀀢􀀠 DRAINAGE & UTILITY ESH'T. 􀁾􀀧􀀡􀀧􀁴􀀠 􀀢􀁾􀁐􀁏􀁉􀁎􀁔􀀠Of' BEGINNING R. 830.96' VOl.90005 PG.1168 ..--\ 15/8' I.A.F, VOL.81015 PG.1696 "" • \ \ L= 311.47' LANCO ARAPAHO PARTNeRSHIP VOL.S9050 PG.3144 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 1125'49'20,V 20.87' 1" 􀁃􀁂􀀽􀁓􀀷􀀴􀀧􀀵􀀴􀀧􀁾􀀴􀀢􀁖􀀠 \ ",'" ,....""" \ '-aG C= 309.65' >-,.... "".-' \ \ '('". 􀁾􀀠 W ........􀀭􀁾􀀢􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠 \ \. \ 􀀧􀁾􀀼... > ............. .... .... 1'/2-1.R.S. \.s. \ '?"1 a: .... ,p "" ,,/HUITT· \ 􀁜􀁾􀀠 \ t-" 􀁾 -􀁾v;􀀠.... ..... "" 1:!It..' .... "'\"" ZOLLARS CAP \.... \ 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ... .... ..􀀬.􀀬􀀺.􀀾􀁾􀀢.􀀧 􀀺 􀁊􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠 􀀯􀁜􀁾􀀠 \ 􀂷􀁏􀁾􀀠 \ \ 􀁾􀀮 "􀁾 􀀠 ........... • t,g,'t.';.... \ \ 0 \ "".... '1\'l-":J .... "" DRAINAGE & UTILITY ESM'T. '\ \ ;, \ ............... vOL.eOO05PG.11!)a \ \ "" .... a: VOl.B20GS PG.2164 '\ 􀀬􀁾 \ ........ W \ ........ ".. .... I \ ' .L 't,􀁾􀀠 \-':\r---..J I/r....l-:"tLF. U) 􀁜􀁾􀀬􀀠 􀁾􀀠􀁜􀁾􀀠 \ LL TOI,iN OF ADDISON \ 􀁜􀁾􀀨􀀮􀁡􀀠 , \ "'0\..93243 PG,6MldWY_1J!!j.1I--.......... ..... W ........ ..........􀁾􀀠 ............ ..... > TRACT l 0:: .......... 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀢􀀢􀀠􀁾􀀠 \ MEPC QUORUM :J 􀁾􀁾􀀠 .,' 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀠 􀁜􀁾􀀧􀀠 PROPERTIES II INC. 􀁾􀁲􀁤􀀢􀀠 􀀮􀀢􀀾􀁾􀀠 􀀯􀁾􀀠 VOL.STISe PG.30l8 CORRECT ION OEED 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 \ .......... .......... \ VOL.aal09 PG.1123 "".... ........ ORA1NAGE & UTILITY ESH'T. \ "" ""..... ..... "" "" VOL.8000S PG.1168 \ .......... ""..... 0:: VOl.8200S PG.218.4 \ ..... ..-"" W \ .......... I \. ",,"" (j) \\ ,..... v MEPC OUORUM 􀁐􀁒􀁏􀁐􀁾􀁒􀁔􀁉􀁅􀁓􀀠 IHC. \ 1.1-TOWN OF ADO! SON \ 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀸􀀱􀀱􀀳􀁾􀀠PG.OI52 \ vOL.9:!tZ.t3 PG.6422 "\ I.R.Y. A= 64'21' 46" fl= 190.42' \ \ McLEAN TRACT ADD I T ION II i" L= 213.91' \ :3: VOL. 82005 PG.2784 I \ ,, CB=N31'1l9' 43'E \ \ C= 202.84' \ c.9 1'\ '.... X POINT OF \ \ COMMENCING " 1/2" I.R.Y. \ PAGE 3 OF 3 i 􀁾􀀠 \ ---",\ N , NOO· 11·'0.... . ";l\ I.R.S. IRON ROD 5£1 W.fflUI TTCL PC STA.S7+07.96 I. u, '\ , 311.82'(0 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀠 Za...LARS CAP 􀁾􀁾􀀠 . \ I.R.F. IAON ROO FOUND Cl STA.56+16. n •􀀱 􀀱_􀀢􀁯a􀀡)􀁾􀀠 ", \ SPECTRUM DR;', ARAPAHO RD. 􀁾􀁺􀀠 ... '-'-'-'-'-.;:-' i ......... ... _. 􀀸􀀰􀀧􀀭􀁆􀁦􀀺􀀭􀁯􀀮􀁷􀁾􀁾􀀠 TII$ {$ '0 (;tJf'lffy Jbr;d fhl obcMt SIII'WIJ' was Ttls drl.1'llllhIJ I0O)I n.t btf ntproductJd wftlaJl tlXJdtl undor fo/􀁳􀁕􀁦􀀻􀁥􀁬􀀧􀁬􀁬􀁴􀁾􀁫􀁸􀁉􀀠M J(;II(t 12./997 fI'# wrJtttJl1 PMm/ssl(Jn til' ErIc J.YoIrJudy. and lUll 1M imlt1S and bcunds sl!cwlJ 1/lIM'I!JI)IJ RDgtswtKi PtW.sslQll1Q/UJq(f SVTwrtor. or" trw and ctX'l't!ICI fo fh:lttMt of 􀁾 I:t!c.t;kJd(p. -------_._----􀁾􀁴􀁬􀀠 F(II" HullI·ZoIIors.tnt:. 􀁃􀁁􀁒􀁒􀁁􀁎􀁾􀁁􀁉􀁃􀁁􀀠􀁁􀁾􀁁􀁌􀁔􀁖􀀮􀀠 L.P. VOL.91055 PO.03445 ·rtf McLEAN TRACT ADDITION 4-SO)' VOL. 82005 PG.2784 (". 􀀨􀁾􀀭􀀬 '1 BASIS OF BEARINGS, r,. Q1n1(J1'IIM /:I-'., \ , \ CO 0.5450 􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀠 , MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES INC. \ '<;t VOL.61l33 PG.OI62 , :SlO·l'·R..... "'.. , \ , \ ",',... \ ' ............ \ • ..... F 0 \ , liZ· I.R.S. \ • lJ],,,.. Z , 􀁶􀁬􀁈􀁕􀁬􀁮􀁾􀀠 \ "'-':'l"fe , la...t.ARS CAP\ \ "'... 􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀠 Cl PC STA.57*01.95 I. Ih Bbo-4t fO " ; -Oo--;··.l'!l.fS.tJr'-. 􀁎􀁏􀁏􀂷􀁉􀁉􀂷􀁉􀁏􀁾􀁗􀀠:::1 N, 􀁾􀁩􀁾􀀠 􀀡􀁾􀀠 '" SPECTRUM DRj, -'._ ,_. I--·-·-·-95.02.,-· /', '-' 􀀸􀁴􀁆􀁾􀀺􀁢􀀮􀁗􀁾􀁾􀀠 0 //􀁾􀀠 \ \\ \ \ \ "\ \\ \ I\ (/) \ CD VOL. 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀀧􀁜􀁰􀁾􀁾 􀀬􀁾􀀢 􀀧􀁢􀀢􀀢􀀻􀁰􀁾 􀁣􀁪􀀩􀁾􀀢􀁐􀀠 ,e;. \ « ,.. \ 􀀺,􀁾 .􀁜􀀠\ TOVN "h.\ \ \ ;;. " \ 􀁾􀁜􀀠 \ \ ? \ \ DRAINAGE \ EASEMt:NT \ VOL.SOOOS 􀁜􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀸􀁚􀀰􀁾􀀠PG.27B4 \/􀀬􀁜􀁾􀀠\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " « a: McLEAN TRACT ADDITION ///\ -----82005 PG.2784 OF ADO I SON I: I I VOL.9324l PG.S422 I CL STA.56+16.73 "', ARAPAHO RD. 􀁾􀁉 : I .O::: .... j 􀁯􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀠I I \ 􀁴􀁜􀀢􀁾􀀠 \ d.\ I I \ 261.13' ORAINAGE A UTILITY EASEMENT VOL.80005 􀁐􀁇􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀶􀀶􀀠 ACCESS A 􀁕􀁔􀀱􀁾􀁉􀁔􀁙􀀠EASEMENT VOL.84240 PG.3653 '.IEASEMENT ESTATE VOL.91055 PG.3445 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 CL PT 􀁓􀁔􀁁􀀮􀁓􀀴􀀫􀀶􀁾􀀮􀀱􀀵􀀠 􀁃􀁁􀁒􀁒􀁁􀁾􀁅􀁒􀁉􀁃􀁁􀀠􀁒􀁅􀁁􀁾􀁔􀁙􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀁰􀀮􀀠 VOL.91055 PG.3445 􀁾􀀠 g.. 140.51' ;:;.. ._._,_. ._,_.􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀮􀁟􀁱􀁕􀁏􀁒􀀬􀁕􀁾􀁟􀁉􀀻􀀩􀁒􀀮􀁌� �􀁅􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮 R,.O,. W.!..._._, _, _._ CURVE I o :J. '-'A-::. 04-'3'02" \ R' 949.00' t..,.. 69.85· MCM COMPANY ce·S12-10'16'".., VOL.78ZIZ PG.31D4 \ 􀁖􀁏􀁾􀀮􀀶􀀲􀀱􀀱􀀹􀀠􀀠PG.1556 􀁣􀁾􀀠69.84' 􀁖􀁏􀁾􀀮􀀶􀁚􀁉􀀱􀀹􀀠PG.1559 \ VOL.64coe PG.1944 \ CURVE 2 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀸􀀴􀀱􀀳􀁾􀀠 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀀰􀀵􀁾􀀲􀀠 \ A= 03-28·50· R' 636,00' L' 3B,63' I.R.S. IRON ROO s", YF"" iTT· I CB,N32'5I'23"E 20l.I.ARS CAP c' 36,63' I.R.f. IRON !'tOO FOUND Tits Is 'I' eNtity 1hQ/1m elJWe! ..wrwy was TIt.s drtNllng 􀁉􀁜􀀧􀁊􀁉􀀺􀁏􀀧􀁬􀁤􀁢􀁴􀁴􀁲􀁾􀀧􀁷􀀧􀁬􀁉􀁗􀁉􀀠 fifI'IdIs iJfIHr tqI s/JPdIYlPOf'J at JiJhI1Iz.l59r ani IIrII 1/111 mIlS ofld IJouMs shNtl1/MrfIM 􀁾􀁉􀀧􀁦􀀯􀁊􀀠trw IJI'J(/corr«/ij} 1M bMfcl' q kWi:Wf#dfll'. F(II" H/JI"-Zdlars.1tJc. 1M wrlfllPl ptJrmlssfDn '" Er{4: J.rlJ/U,/dy. RfJ9!#tttr(J(/l'rarM.S/cnaJ l.Jmd 􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀀼􀀭􀁄􀁾 􀁇􀀺􀀮􀀭􀁬􀁾􀀬􀀧􀀱􀀠 ERIC J. rN!iiiJlii. f1£i:liliEf1£f) PROf'E:SStONAl. UHf) SlJfl.IEYOR NO. 4862 HUllT -ZOLlARS .)1.)1 Hc:IOfH:Y AVEHUEn;UIN 600 OAl..'LAS. ttXA3I'ZI4H:r.U·":$ 11 ARAPAHO ROAD EXHIBIT MAP TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS PAGE 2 OF 2 8ASI$ OF BEARINGS. Tm CIII1ffVj{f14 I»at'lng Q/' tl)(lsIIt!9 k(.'J/)(Jl» lim os por pdYIMl 􀁾p/I:IlI.:s GIl ff/(J. ForI Town or Addison Publ ic 􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁫􀁳􀀠 ISSOI Weslgrove. Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. -'-111___ OWNER o.1Q\!!! 􀁏􀁦􀀭􀀺􀀭􀁁􀀢􀀬􀁄􀁾􀁄􀁌􀁬􀁉􀀮􀀲􀁓􀀡􀀡􀀡􀁏􀁎􀀬􀀬􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀻􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀽􀀺� �􀀺􀀺􀀠 􀁁􀁒􀁅􀁁􀀮􀁾􀀿􀀡􀁌􀁾􀁾􀁂􀀮􀁅􀁓􀀠QATE. 􀁊􀁕􀁎􀀮􀀱􀀲􀀬􀀱􀀹􀁬􀀡􀁾􀀠 .. I • "'" ", LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO.5 ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12, 1997 BEING 1.509 acre tract of land situated in the G. W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Town of Addison as recorded in Volume 93243, Page 6422 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean 􀁔􀁲􀁡􀁣􀁾􀀠an addition to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 ofthe Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (1) BEGINNING at a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the southwest comer of the Town of Addison tract, said point being On the east right-of-way line ofQuorum Drive (80 foot wide right-of-way); (2) THENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the west line of the Town ofAddison tract and east right-of-way line of Quorwn Drive a distance of 114.66 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "HuittZollars" cap for a comer; (3) THENCE South 50 degrees 39 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 26.76 feet to a 112 inch iron set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the 􀁲􀁩􀁧􀁨􀁾􀀠having a central angle of 10 degrees 16 minutes 06 seconds, a radius of 951.00 􀁦􀁥􀁥􀁾􀀠and being subtended by a 170.21 foot chord bearing North 84 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East; (4) THENCE Easterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 170.43 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the point oftangency ofsaid curve; (5) THENCE North 89 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 222.21 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set for the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a central angle of 19 degrees 42 minutes 38 seconds, a radius of 949.00 feet, and being subtended by a 324.86 foot chord bearing North 79 degrees 55 minutes 04 seconds East; (6) THENCE Northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 326.47 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer on the northeasterly line ofsaid Town ofAddison tract; (7) THENCE South 25 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds East along the northeasterly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 20.87 feet to a 5/8 inch ir,on rod found at the most easterly comer of said Town of Addison tract, said point being on the northwesterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (80 foot wide right-of-way, originally platted as Quorum Loop North as per final plat of Quorwn North, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas recorded in Volume 80005, Page 1768, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas); (8) THENCE South 64 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds West along the northwesterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 275.11 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a central angle of 37degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds, a radius of270.42 􀁦􀁥􀁥􀁾􀀠and being subtended by a 173.14 foot chord bearing South 45 degrees 30 minutes 21 seconds West; (9) ,THENCE Southwesterly along said curve to the left and northwesterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Rood an arc distance of 176.24 feetto a cut "X" found for the most southerly corner ofsaid Town of Addison tract; (10) THENCE Nort\t 60 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the southwesterly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of34.09 feet to a cut "X" set in concrete for a comer; (II) THENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West a distance of77.87 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; (12) THENCE North 45 degrees 12 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of21.21 feet to a 112 inch iron rod 􀁳􀁥􀁾􀁾􀁮􀀠 "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer;· t ©lP''if BSVRVEYlI772\WJ>.I172ThSDOC Page I of 3 6'1211997 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO.5 ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12, 1997 (13) THENCE South 89 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds West a distance of134.76 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the point of curvature ofa curve to the left, having a central angle of 11 degrees 48 minutes 31 seconds, a radius of858.00 feet, and being subtended by a 176.52 foot chord bearing South 83 degrees 52 minutes 07 seconds West; (14) THENCE Westerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 176.83 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with 􀁕􀁈􀁵􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁚􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁡􀁲􀁳􀀢􀀠cap for a comer; (15) THENCE South 38 degrees 38 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of2.18 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner on the southerly line ofsaid Town ofAddison tract; (16) THENCE South 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds West along the southerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 13.28 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.509 acreS ofland, more or less. J:\StJRVEY\l71Z\Wi'\l17ZTR5.DOC 3 61121 1991 \ TRACT 4 o TOWN OF 1/2:\ 􀁌􀁾􀁎􀁃􀁏􀀠ARAPAHO PARTNERSHIP \ 􀁾􀁅􀁐􀁃􀀠QUORUM ',PROPERTIES II INC. ,VOL.SHes 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁾􀀰􀀲􀁂􀀠 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 􀁾􀁣􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀠 \ . ' \ 􀁾􀀨􀀢... \ 0,'A" J.!, 􀀺􀀱􀁾􀀨􀁬􀁤􀁬􀀧􀁏􀁮􀀠􀁈􀁏􀁑􀁤􀁾􀁾􀁊􀂭 􀁴􀁉􀀺􀁾􀀠 . \0{ I ( 􀁾􀀠 ___ -,ti'IIo. l' . m o '" Mlo\\,W >cc: ::> (J) 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 \ \ \ \ TOWN or ADDISON VOL.93243 PG.6A22 \ DRAINAGE a. UTILI TV \ EASEMENT \ VOL.80005 PG.I168 \VQL.82005 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀀲􀀱􀁥􀁾􀀠 \/,\'tl \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ LIZ'" \ \ \ \ CL $TA.56+75.13 ARAPAHO AD. CL 􀁓􀀧􀁲􀁁􀀮􀀱􀀹􀀫􀀲􀀲􀀮􀀰􀁾􀀠 SPECTRUH DR. 1/2'" I.A.S.WlH\JlfTZOLLARS CAP I 􀀧􀀻􀁾􀁉􀀠 /A= 10'16'06" 􀁁􀁾􀀠951.00' 51' 1 -􀁾􀀠1 􀁇􀁾􀁜􀁅􀁾􀀺􀀠 It') l 􀀻􀀺􀁾􀁉􀀠 I ::>"'1 \ 􀁾􀁾􀀠f L= 170.43'----. gal 􀁣􀁂􀁾􀁎􀁥􀀴􀀧􀀳􀀸􀀧􀀲􀀰􀀢􀁅􀀠 c' 170.21' I.R.S. 􀁜􀁯􀁩􀁉􀁈􀁖􀁉􀁔􀁔􀁾􀀲􀀨􀁌􀁌􀁁􀁒􀁓􀀠C:,\ , 􀁓􀀡􀁬􀁏􀀧􀀳􀀹􀀧􀁾􀀹􀀧 􀁅􀀠\l . 26.16'· 166.41' \ i5 =-: I 􀀧􀁦􀁦􀁩􀁾􀀱􀀠 􀁯􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀠I I q'::lW 1 􀁾􀁜􀁾􀀠 "'\ I NOO· I f ".1 􀁏􀁾􀁗􀁉􀀠 liZ'" I.R.S. VlHU1TT-ZQllARS CAP' 114 ••_ .... ............ CUT -X· F'OUND IN COOCRETE --'" SPECTRUM DR i .-.-...-....􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀮􀂭 ..,.. 80 􀁍􀀮􀁏􀀮􀁗􀀮􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 ---DRAiNAGE 􀁾􀀠 uTILITY EASEMENT vOL.a0005 PG.1160 ACCESS 􀁾􀀠UTILITY EASEHENT VOL.64240 PG.3653 􀀨􀁾􀀩􀁅􀁁􀁓􀁅􀁾􀁅􀁎􀁔􀀠 ESTATE VOL.91055 PG.3445 McLEAN TRACT VOL. 82005 CL PT 􀁓􀁔􀁁􀀮􀀵􀀴􀁾􀀶􀀵􀀮􀀱􀀵􀀠 ADDITION PG.2784 1/2" I.R.S. CARRAIoiERICA REALTY. L.P. 􀁖􀀯􀁈􀁵􀁉􀁔􀁔􀁾􀀠 VOL.97055 PG.3445 ZOLLARS cAP A= 􀀱􀀱􀂷􀀴􀀶􀁦􀁾􀁉􀀢􀀠 􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀺􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁧􀀺 ca'S83'5Z'07"V 􀁃􀁾􀀠 176.52' 1/2" I.R.S. 􀁖􀁬􀁈􀁕􀁉􀁔􀁔􀁾􀁉􀁏􀁌􀁌􀁁􀁒􀁓􀀠CAP 140.51' 3: <.:l .. _. _. _. _. _ ._._QUQRUtLOR.LyEl 􀁾􀁯􀀮􀀠'\R .K 0 .• ¥!.!.. _. ._ 􀁾􀀮􀀠 -'-'-CURve: .I A. 37'20'30· R' 270,42' L!J 116.24'CB'S45'30' 21"V C: 113 .. 14' \ TNs Is '" tx:II'llfy Ih:tf lid (Jl:!oInJ 41X"I!IlY MIN mt.'IdtI undtlr Ifl!I' 􀁾en .IJ.JntI12./997 aM Ih:rI 1m I'II4IU tJh(/Pwnds 􀁾􀁮 (!»rOM I1I'tI IrutJ 1051.00' L> 308.0S' CB=N7S'45'54"E c= 306,98' CL STA.56+i6.13 􀁁􀁒􀁾􀁁􀁈􀁏􀀠RD. CL STA.19-+22.03 SPECTRUM OR. REVISEO FINAL PLAT QUORUM NORTH OFFICES VOL.82230 PG.0774 􀁉􀀯􀁾􀀢􀀠 \ • a 􀁾􀀠 ." '" 'li' I I J 􀁈􀁬􀁤􀁾􀀡􀁌􀁩􀁜􀁾􀀠 LOCATION MAP z "[$ or o 50 100 150 200 I ,I. ,I LI SCALE IN FEET TRACT 2 MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES II INe. VOL.BlISS PG.3028 CORRECTION DEED VOL.aal09 PG.1123 0.3318 AC. MEPC OUORUM PROPERTI£S INC. VOL.S! 133 PG.OI62 " POINT OF BEGINNING 􀁾􀁉􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀠 , [,"a-I.R.S. 􀁗􀁈􀁕􀁴􀁮􀁾􀀠 " ZOLLARS CAP C'j> 􀀮􀁾􀀬􀀠 POINT OF ',____􀁓􀀽􀁾􀁍􀁾􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀺􀁎􀁇__ _ 􀁾􀀠 o '" NOO" I 1'10";.' 136.66'tv. I 3!1.82' 􀁾􀀠 SPECTRUM DR.'(I, 􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀸􀀰􀁩􀀭􀁪􀀺􀁦􀀺􀀧􀁯􀁾􀁷􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 o I ex:: \ f"'I 􀁾􀀠 '"' 􀁾􀀠 '" v \(J) 10) ,"" I 67.96' CB=N I 0'02' 19"E C= 67.60' CURVE 2 A= 43'54'4S" R= 190.42' L= 145,94' CB=S42'13'12"1I C::: 142.40· \ \ \ 166.41' I 'r, ,I I􀁾􀀿􀁟􀀮􀁟􀁾􀁾__ ---QUORUM 􀁄􀁒􀁉􀁖􀁅􀁾􀀠80' R.O.W. '-'-'-'-'-'-' ._._._.-􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭 _._._._._.-.-.--.<.:) 􀁾􀀮􀀠\ Tlis /s to ctH"lIry 1h:1t 1m (;tf)I)v1.'f "W'\1I)' WW' rNs Qrawlh{1 may IIOf t6 􀁾Wfl/lruf tII(Jt/I.'f undar tr¥ &u/IIII'VI4IM (Ill JIKIIJ 12.1997 1m wrltll!lll /XtI'IlIls.slM or ErIc 􀁊􀀮􀁴􀁾􀀮􀀠 dfJd Imt1m mof(l.S end b4mt:IJI 4h:Un fl'lar1flQf1 􀁒􀁥􀁧􀁬􀁊􀁬􀁾􀀠􀁰􀁲􀁾􀁾􀁕􀀱􀁦􀀱􀁤􀁾􀀮􀀠 (1J'lIlrw om corhK:ir10 1M NsI I1h{1 􀁉􀁾pIon.s (Ill fll6. For: Town of Addison Publ ic \Yorks 16801 Wesigrove. Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL 􀁎􀁏􀀮􀁾􀀸􀁾_____ OImER I -.IO';'N􀀭􀀲􀁾􀀮􀀮􀁦􀀬􀁑􀁐􀀠I SON,,---cc:c----,,- .,.= AREAl. 􀀰􀀭􀀬􀀮􀀳􀁾􀀠I 􀁾􀁟􀁁􀀢􀁒􀁾􀂧􀀠DATE dYN.,.!..2.) 􀁾􀀹􀀵􀀠 L LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 10 ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12, 1997 BEING 0.2000 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, and the R. Wilburn Survey, Abstract No. 1580, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of the Adlestein Addition, an addition to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 81075, Page 1696, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being portions of a 1.9747 acre tract of land described in instrument to Lanco Arapaho Partnership as recorded in Volume 89224, Page 5252, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and a 5.9986 acre tract of land described in instrument to Lanco Arapaho Partnership as recorded in Volume 89050, Page 3144, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found for southeast comer of said Adlestein Addition and 5.9986 acre tract, said point being on the platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (80 foot wide right-of-way, originally platted as Quorum Loop North as per fmal plat of Quorum North, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 80005, Page 1768, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas); 2. THENCE North 25 degrees 49 minutes 20 seconds West along the westerly line ofsaid Adlestein Addition and 5.9986 acre tract a distance of 20.87 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with 􀁾􀁈􀁵􀁩􀁴􀁴􀀭􀁚􀁯􀁉􀀱􀁡􀁲􀁳􀀢􀀠cap for a corner, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a central angle of04 degrees 13 minutes 39 seconds, a radius of 949.00 feet and being subtended by a 70.01 foot chord bearing North 67 degrees 56 minutes 55 seconds East; 3. THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of70.02 feet to a P-K nail set in pavement for the end of said curve; 4. THENCE North 65 degrees 50 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 36.90 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 19 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds, a radius of 841.00 feet and being subtended by a 289.45 foot chord bearing North 75 degrees 44 minutes 38 seconds East; 5. THENCE easterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 290.90 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the end ofsaid curve; 6. THENCE North 85 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds East parallel with and 11.00 feet northerly of said platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road, a distance of 192.10 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "HuittZollars" cap for the point of curvature ofa curVe to the left having a central angle of 87 degrees 44 minutes 14 seconds, a radius of 100.00 feet and being subtended by a 138.60 foot chord bearing North 41 degrees 47 minutes 04 seconds East; 7. THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 153.13 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer, said point being on the westerly line of Texas Turnpike Authority Right-ofWay ParCel No. 6-28 (for Dallas North Tollway) as described in instrument to the Texas Turnpike Authority, as recorded in Volume 85063, Page 2070, DeedRecords, Dallas County, Texas, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right having a central angle of 00 degrees 46 minutes 4& seconds, a radius of 1137.47 feet and being subtended by a 15.49 foot chord bearing South 01 degrees 41 minutes 39 seconds East; 8. THENCE southerly along said curve to the right and westerly line ofsaid TTA Parcel 6-28 an arc distance of 15.49 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the point of compound curvature ofa curve to the right having a central angle of73 degrees 37 minutes 14 seconds, a radius of91.50 feet and being subtended by a 109.65 foot chord bearing South 35 degrees 30 minutes 22 seconds West; 1:\surveylI772\wp\l772trl0.doo Page I of 3 611211997 LAND DESClUPTION PARCEL NO. 10 ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12. 1997 9. 1HENCE southwesterly along said curve to the right and westerly line ofsaid ITA Parcel 6-28 an arc distance of 117.57 feet 10 a 112 inch iron rod found for the end of said curve and southwest comer of said ITA Parcel 628. said point being on the platted northerly right-of-way line of said Arapaho Road (variable width at this . point); 9. THENCE South 72 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds West along the platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 32.11 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for an angIe point; 10. THENCE South 85 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds West along the platted northerly right-or-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 177.18 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set for the point ofcurvature of a curve to the left having a central angle of21 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds, a radius of 830.96 feet and being subtended by a 309.65 foot chord bearing South 74 degrees 54 minutes 54 seconds West; 11. 1HENCE southwesterly along said curve to the left and platted northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road an atc distance of311.47 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the end ofsaid curve; 12. THENCE South 64 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds West along the platted northerly right-Of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 93.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.2000 of an acre of land, more or less. J:lsurvey\I772\wpI1772trlO.doc . Page 2 of 3 6I1U1997 • --_ DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY 􀁬􀁾􀁬􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁉􀁏􀁊 TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY 􀁒􀁩􀁑􀁲􀀡􀁔􀁾􀁏􀁆􀁾􀀧􀁊􀁁􀁖􀀠PARCEL NO. 6-26 . VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W. d <;-r-----􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠 . 􀀵􀁾􀀠 􀀱􀀯􀀰􀁌􀀮􀀹􀀰􀀱􀁾􀀱􀀠 pG.3520 ..., t' 􀁜􀁾􀀮􀀠 -; 1 􀀮􀁾􀀠 DRAIHAGE &VIILITY 􀁅􀁓􀁾􀂷􀁔􀀮􀀠 VOL.80005 PG.1168 CV.4 VOl.SIC?5 PG.16SS 􀁉􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀀮􀁒􀀮􀁆􀀮􀁾􀀠 ;.......􀁾...................... ._" rAP/' __C .... : 􀁉􀀭􀁾􀀠 -.... ---_. o 'V/tru1n" ZCLL"::-􀀺􀀭􀀮􀁾􀁟􀀠 V : 1 􀀱􀀯􀀲􀀭􀁾􀀠 I.R.S:.... ___ .... --.J "4' : I 􀁾􀀠 ..:",-----TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY ./1"."\ I.'.f. ! 1 􀁒􀁉􀁇􀁈􀁔􀁾􀁏􀁆􀀭􀀧􀁊� �􀁙􀀠PARCEL NO. 6-26 /' • 1 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀶􀀵􀀰􀀶􀁾􀀠PG.20IC \ \ 􀁓􀀷􀀲􀀧􀁬􀁥􀀧􀁾􀀹􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁗32,11' c= 138,60' , CO 􀁯􀀬􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 " ..... -.::;;r -\ 􀀻􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 , " 􀀺􀁾 CURVE 4 Aa 00-466 46.... , '0" ', , C:'L! '")"o""J"'. ""'R= tl37.41 t . z', " L; 􀀱􀁾􀀮􀀴􀀹􀂷􀀠 , ' CB=SOI'4I'39"E '"' £. C. 􀀧􀁾􀀮􀀴􀀹􀀧􀀠 LANCO PROPERT I ES If:!"-" VOL.89050 PG.3050.... ....., • \ .........., \ t-..... CURVE 􀁾􀀠 A' 73'31'14" U4 ' R, 91.50' 0:: 1/2-I.R.S. \IIHUITT"",,"'" L= 111.57' I-. 20L.I.ARS c.voCe'S35'30'2Z"W (f) ...> C= 109,65' 􀁾􀀠N65'50'06"E 36.90'/\\ P·K 􀁾􀁌􀀠SET IN CONCRETE/('I: CURVE 6 ',\ /"' ,,", \ \ \ A= 21-26'35" 􀁾􀁏􀁒􀁁􀁮􀁬􀁁􀁇􀁅􀀠& UTILITy ESN'r. 􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀮􀀠 POINT Of' BEGINNING A= 830.96" VOL.aODDS pa.1168 􀁾􀀢􀁥􀀢􀀠I.R.f. L= 311 .. 47' LANCO ARAPAHO PARTNERSHIP VOL.BI01:5 PG.t696",. • \ \.1 C8=S74-54·54"V VOL.69050 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁾􀀱􀀴􀀴􀀠 \ 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 r"'" .NZ'-49"2u:;:W' 20.87' c= .309.65· >-",,"" .... ""; \ \ \ 􀁾􀁾􀀠 \ \ W ",."" -<􀁾􀀠 to.",,."". . \\ .\ ta 􀁜.􀁾 "􀀭<' \ >",,"" -"" 1/2:" I.R.S. • 9, \ So10::: "" ,r.",.'" 􀁗􀁈􀁕􀁉􀁔􀁔􀁾􀀠 \ \ \'"'", \ ::::> ........... .C?;t..' "" \'" 2Ct.LARS CAP \ .... \ 􀁾1 􀁦􀀵􀀩􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁱􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀀯􀁜􀁾􀀠\:}. \'" 􀁾􀀠 " \ ""'.... Q..... "","" \ \ -:'" 􀁾􀀠 \ ",,"" 􀀪􀁡􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀧􀁦􀀬􀀺􀀢􀀢􀀬􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀠 \ \ 0 \ """,,"'" 􀁬􀀻􀁜􀁾􀀻􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀠 DRAINAGE & UTILlTY ESM'Y, \ \;> "' \ "","" "".... VOL.aOOG5 PG.r]66 \ ,\ \ .... "'" ........ a:: VOl.S2005 PG.Z7S4 \\ 􀁜􀁾 "" .... W \ 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 "'" "'" 􀁾􀀠 I \ \ ' 􀀧􀁴􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀠 􀁜􀀭􀁾􀁜􀀮􀀬􀀭___.L___-! 􀁾􀀥􀁤􀀠 􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀠 -r,. "" 'g "\ '"':1 I/a.....I-:":.F. \ \ \ \ \ \ (/) I.J... :::;, TOlIN OF ADDISON VOL.93243 PG.6422 McLEAN TRACT ADD I T I ON VOL. 82005 PG,2784 \ \ 􀁾􀁾􀁜 \' • >;j...< \ 􀁾􀀬􀀠 􀁾􀀠 *\ 􀁾􀀨􀀢􀁃􀁢􀀮􀁾 h -oOQ.(\ i \ ":,::10;'-:' \ t 1"i\ " " \\ (!) \, \ ......... " ..... \ \ w n \. \. ..... tV, \ 􀁾􀁜􀀠 I.R.S. IRONOOOSUWlHUITTI N. C1,PCSTA •􀀮􀀵􀁨􀁏􀀿􀀹􀀶􀁾􀁗􀀠 " " 􀀮􀁾􀀠\ 􀁾􀁜􀀠 1.R.F ... ZOI.LARS CAP !RON ROO fOOND CL STA.56+16.13 • 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀀢􀀻􀁾􀀠 ..... 􀁓􀁐􀀢􀁾􀁾􀀠 \ ARAPAHO AD. ,I"')::l: 1:.:'\..10 I 􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀸􀀨􀀩􀁔􀁾􀀠 iNs Is I/J eNllI, Ih# IhII IfIX;vlf WfV\? wos lflO(/If utrdlV .I'&' supevfs/c.h M .Juf¥Il2.1!1f{r INId 1htJ!1M mtllfi (.tn(j I.;(J(mds shMn IhtJrlKJlt l1f'tllfIJItI om CCflitd 101m btt.tI CI' .I'&' tl'tOlKllIdp4. Fer Hunt.zo/ku's.1nc. rlls r/r(Nf117il1M/no! bit 􀁾wllJcul 1m wrlltfJll pcrm/sslfJn d' ErIc J.YIJIci!XJ,I. fie¢stNe4 Prd'6SSl!Jl1(f/l.IJM 􀁓􀁾􀀮􀀠 (.,. I 􀁾􀀭 '11 'AL UWD SUR/£YOR NO. 4862 􀁾􀀠 ,􀁾 􀀮􀀠 , '" PAGE 3 OF 3 BASIS OF' Be:IlRINGS. Thil CIINlVllm IJ«JrJr19 d' 􀁾􀀧􀁳􀁴􀁬􀁮􀁧􀀠 ,4rqpttJlrJ RCdd 0$ ptJf pqvlng 􀀱􀁭􀁐􀁦􀀧􀁴􀀩􀀡􀀨 􀁾 P//JM OIl filA. HunT -ZOLlARS !lIlt HCItIKNE'I' AVf;H\J£/.5UIf£ 400 D/>.LU.S. 􀀧􀁅􀁘􀁁􀀮􀁓􀁉􀀲􀁉􀁾􀁾􀁡􀁬􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀵􀀱􀀱􀀱􀀠 ARAPAHO ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN .OF ADD I SON. TEXAS For: Town of Addison Publ ie Works leaOI Wesigrovo. Addlson. TX 15001 EXH I BIT PARCEL NO. -,->1OL-__ OWNER. 􀁊􀀬􀁩􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀹􀁟􀁁􀁾􀁩􀁬􀁦􀀮􀀡􀀡􀀮􀁈􀀰􀀮􀀮􀁦 􀁾􀁾􀁔􀁎􀁅􀁒􀁓􀁈􀁬e_ AREA 􀁤􀁨􀀲􀁑􀁑􀀧􀁌􀁁􀁾� �􀀡􀀻􀀮􀀤􀀮􀀠DATE dUN-:.l.2_,-1 􀁾􀀹􀁾􀀠 .. _--=-..--􀀺􀀺􀀡􀀺􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁦􀀽􀁬􀁬􀁴􀀺􀁲􀀼􀀺􀀭􀁾___ 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠 ,__--..\ ___ _.:_ '---'n·j •.R.F.; In" I.R.S. 'oUHULTT-􀁺􀁏􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀻􀀠 @0.2000 AC. 0\ '0' '0' CURVE 1 -:, ttl 􀁁􀁾􀀠 04-1,3'39" @"'I .... W' R' 949.00' 􀁾􀀬􀀠 '.: 􀁾􀁜􀀠 L= 70,OZ' ",I 􀁃􀁥􀀽􀁎􀀶􀀷􀀧􀁾􀀶􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀢􀁅􀀠 • 1 "· 􀁾􀀮􀁜 c= 10.01' =1 '" LANCO ARAPAHO • 1 · 􀁾􀁩 l1i1 􀁾􀀠 ::e, CURVE 2 PARTNERSHIP :;'1 • I en\ '" . A. 􀀱􀀹􀀧􀀴􀀹􀀧􀁏􀁾􀀢􀀠 Z\ \ R= 841,00' LANCO ARAPAHO PARTNERSHIP _"2'" f.R.F. F. L' 290,90' VOL.69224 PG.5252 CB'N15'44'38"E 1/2· I.R.S. C' 289.45' \lIHUITTZ«'L,ARS CAP .. \ ADLESTEIN ADDITION 􀁾􀁾􀁩 CURVE 3 A= 87-44.14 10 ;VOL.81075 PG.1696 􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁜􀀠 R= 100.00' ",,"" " ;J¢, L= 1!!13."C3* "'" ..... , t$;\' ". CB'N41°4!'04"E '" N (Pi';):) 1 􀁈􀀡􀀡􀀺􀁬􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀡􀁈􀀡􀀧􀀴􀀡􀁊􀀮􀀮􀁩􀀡􀀧􀁦􀁌􀁊􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀡􀁬􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀺􀀠 I 1 1 LOCATION MAP 1 I I MEPe QUORUM PROPERTIES INC. VOL.81133 PG.OI62 1 1 I Z 􀁾􀀡􀁉􀁬􀀠 -m:::t I I o W 1M IW 200 1 I I I! I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET CL\PT S"fA.64+35 •91 0 ..,. ·d........ • 􀁾􀀻􀀡􀁯􀀠 \Yt7J \ 1/2:"\I.R.F. 􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀁾.• \t:\;' 􀁾􀀠,0. 􀁜􀁦􀀮􀀡􀁾􀁜􀁾􀀭 '" .". 􀁾􀁜􀀮􀀠 􀁾x:.. REV (SED FINAL PLAT OUORUMNORTH OFFICES VOL.82230 PG.0114 b't.·6'O TRACY 3 MEPC QUOAUI{ PROPERTIEs II INC. VOL.BlI66 PG.3026 CORRECT ION DEED TRACT 4 􀁏􀀢􀀧􀁾\ I{EPC OUMUM PROPERTIES II 􀁉􀁎􀁃􀁾􀀠 VOL.81186 PG.30Z6 CORRECTION DEED VOL.88109 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀀱􀀱􀀲􀁾􀀠 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 9 ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12, 1997 BErNG 0.1845 of an acre tracl of land situaled in the G. W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, and the R. Wilburn Survey, Abstracl No. IS80, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of the revised plat of Quorum North Offices, a 12.969 acre addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82230, Page 0774 of Ihe Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being portions of a 12.969 acre tracl of land described in instrument 10 MEPC QUORUM PROPERTlES, rNC. as recorded in Volume 81133, Page 0162, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and that tract of land described as Tracl4 in instrumenl to MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES 1I, rNC. as recorded in Volume 87186, Page 3028, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas and by correction deed recorded in Volume 88109, Page 1723, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: I. COMMENCrNG al a 112 inch iron rod found on the platted east right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (80 foot wide right-of-way, originally platted as Quorum Loop North as per [mal pial of Quorum North, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, as recorded in Volume 80005, Page 1768, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas), said point being North 00 degrees II minules 10 seconds West, 317.82 reet from the southeast comer of said Quorum North Offices addition and the poinl ofcurvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 64 degrees 21 minutes 46 seconds, a radius of 190.42 feet and being subtended by a 202.84 foot chord bearing North 31 degrees 59 minutes 43 seconds East; 2. THENCE northeasterly along said curve to Ihe righl and platted easterly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive and platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road, an arc distance of 213.91 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found at the 􀁾􀁮􀁤􀀠ofsaid curve; 3. THENCE North 64 degrees 10 minutes 36 seconds East along the platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (80 foot wide right-or-way, originally platted as Quorum Loop North) a distance of259.09 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the POrNT OF BEGrNNrNG ofthis tract; 4. THENCE continuing North 64 degrees 10 minules 36 seconds East along the platted southeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 109.82 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the point ofcurvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 21 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds, a radius of 750.96 feel and being subtended by a 279.84 foot chord bearing North 74 degrees 54 minutes 54 seconds East; 5. THENCE easterly along the platted southerlY righl-of-way line of Arapaho Road an arc distance of 281.49 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found at the end ofsaid cUrve; 6. rnENCE North 85 degrees 39 minutes II seconds East along the platted southerly line of Arapaho Road a distance of 142.34 feet to a brass cap monument found for the most northweslerly comer of Texas Turnpike Authority Right-of-Way Parcel No. 6-26 (for Dallas North Tollway) as described in instrument instrument to the Texas Turnpike Authority, as recorded in Volume 90137, Page 3520, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point being the beginning of a curve to the righl having a central angle of 104 degrees 35 minutes 28 seconds, a redius of 90.00 feet and being subtended by a 142.41 fool chord bearing South 42 degrees 03 minutes 05 seconds East; 7. THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the righl and westerly line of said ITA Parcel No. 6-26 an arc distance of 164.29 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found for the point of compound curvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 00 degrees 40 minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 1856.86 feet and being subtended by a 21.75 foot chord bearing South 10 degrees 34 minutes 47 seconds West; 8. THENCE southerly along said curve to the right and westerly line of said ITA Parcel No. 6-26 an arc distance of21.75 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer, said point being the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 105 degrees 15 minutes 44 seconds, a radius of90.00 feet and being sublended by a 143.05 fool chord bearing North 41 degrees 42 minutes 57 seconds West; J:\survey\<: Page I of 3 611211997 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 9 ARAPAHO ROAD JUNE 12, 1997 9. TIIENCE northwesterly along said curve to the left and departing said westerly line ofrrA Parcel No.6-26 an arc distance of 165.35 reel to a Iii inch iron rod sel with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the end ofsaid curve; 10. TIIENCE South 85 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds West parallel with and 20.00 feel southerly from the . southerly right-of-way line of said Arapaho Road, a distance of 136.63 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; II. THENCE North 04 degrees 20 minutes 49 seconds West a disullce of 9.00 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; 12. TIIENCE South 85 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds West parallel with and 11.00 feet southerly from the southerly 􀁲􀁩􀁧􀁨􀁴􀁾􀁯􀁦􀀭􀁷􀁡􀁹􀀠line of Arapaho Road a distance of 13.00 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "HuittZollars" cap for the point of curvature ofa curve to the left having a central angle of 19 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds, a radius of of 739.00 feet and being subtended by a 254.34 foot chord bearing South 75 'degrees 44 minutes 38 seconds West; 13. THENCE westerly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 255.61 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the end of said curve; 14. THENCE South 65 degrees 50 minutes 06 seconds West a distance of 36.90 feet to a P-K nail set with "HuittZollars" cap for the point ofcurvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 04 degrees 31 minutes 57 seconds, a radius of 1051.00 feet and being subtended by a 83.12 foot chord bearing South 68 degrees 06 minutes 04 seconds West; 15. THENCE westerly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 83.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.1845 of an acre of land, more or less. J:\surveyll772\wpI1772tt9.doc Page 2 of 3 611211997 DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W. TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY 􀁒􀁉􀁇􀁈􀁬􀁾􀁏􀁦􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁁􀁙􀀠PARCEL NO. 􀀶􀁾􀀲􀀶􀀠 VOL.90131 PG.3520 ............ I/Z;··j·R·'f····· II• 􀀻􀁉􀁉􀁕􀀢􀁉􀀾􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁕􀁲 􀁜􀁈􀁾􀁲􀀩􀁴􀀠 I • ---------\ \ r:v-:i:" '--.:::................ -..::. ---....._'--" ................-r----.􀁾􀀠\' TEXAS TURN? I KE AUTHOR ITY \ ... RIGHT·Qf-WAY PARCEL NO. 6-28 \ VOL.65053 PG.Z07C \ 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠 CURVE I A= 􀀲􀁬􀂷􀀲􀀸􀁾􀀮􀀳􀀵􀀢􀀠 R' 􀀱􀁾􀁏􀀮􀀹􀀶􀀧􀀠 \ \ I I ___I.__ BRASS CAP: l!ONU>!£NT FOUNO ' 40" 40' I w' .., "! '.".. . . I 􀁲􀁣􀀮􀀬􀁾􀂷􀁬􀁉􀁲􀀠 1.11.5. 􀁜􀁊􀁉􀁈􀁕􀁉􀁔􀁔􀁾􀀠 'I Z(l!.LARS CAP t 􀁦􀀫􀁙􀀧􀀮􀀮􀁦􀀡􀀡􀁬􀀧􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁎􀁭􀁌􀁲􀁟􀁉􀁊􀀮􀀡􀀡􀁴􀀮􀁾􀀡􀀡􀁉􀀧___􀁾􀀠_ 1/I • 􀁉􀁾􀀠 1 • LOCATION MAP L' 281.49' CB=N14'54'54"E C= 279.84' \ I \ I 􀁾􀁜􀀠 w 􀁉􀁾􀀠 -. I MEPC 􀁏􀁕􀁏􀁒􀁕􀁾􀀠PROPERTIES INC. I 􀁾􀁜 I •. , lANCO ARAPAHO PARTNERSHIP VOL.B92Z4 PG.5Z32 I 􀁾􀁜􀀠 (n I z. Go'tIl CURVE 2 I G A= 104'35'28" \. % R= 90.00' 'W\ I.A.', L= 164.29' l 1Iz:j,.A.Ft' 􀁃􀁂􀀽􀁓􀀮􀀴􀀲􀂷􀀰􀀳􀀧􀁏􀁾􀀢􀁅􀀠 T" 64 􀀳􀀵􀁾􀁬􀀠 c= 142.41' CL PT S .. '\ I .. _ VOL. 8 I 075 PG. 1696 I ;;':>;'\ ............. , " \. 11 ,. I ' 􀁾􀀠􀁁􀁄􀁌􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁅􀀠I N ADO I T ION \ 􀁾􀀡􀁬􀀧􀁾􀀠 l -􀁾􀁾􀀠 '" \ 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀠 ,,"l I 􀁇􀁬􀁾􀀠 CURVE 3', " CO \ 0.1:0" A= 􀁏􀁏􀂷􀀴􀀰􀁾􀀠I$"!.... ',""I" \ ...􀁜􀁾􀀠.-; R= 􀁉􀁂􀁾􀀶􀀮􀁂􀀶􀁴􀀠 " ":., \'":t .... L= 21.15' " \ 􀁾􀀮􀁏􀀠 CB=SIO'34'41"\1 􀁾􀀠" " '0 c= 21,\15' ","" \, 􀁜􀁾􀁏 \ ,'. LANCO PROPERT IES INC. " .... \ 􀁾 􀁜􀁾􀀠 VOL. 􀀹􀀹􀀰􀁾􀁯􀀠PO. 􀀳􀀰􀁾􀁏􀀠 "'.......... \ "'" ", \ I" \ CURVE 4 u ') A; t05*'5' 44" ............ W """"' ......"! ........ .... > ........ "","'" OC ........ 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀠 \ :::l 􀁾􀁾􀀠 <>,' 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀠 ,., 􀁾􀀨􀁪􀁦􀀠 􀀮􀀢􀀾􀁾􀀠 ../'"'1 .... ""'''''' .... ""'.... /" \ ........ ""'.... DRAJNAGE .& UTILITY ESt-l'T. \ ............ ..... .... ,. VOL .80005 PG. 1768 \ .... .... a:: VOL.aa005 PG.2764 \ VOL.SI 133 ?G.OI62 O. 1845 AC. TRACT 3 . Z 􀁾􀀠--::£: o 50 100 150 200 I I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET RTIES, RTIES INC. I I. I NC • CURVE '5 A' 19"49'05" R' 139.00' L' 255,61' ca·S15·44'3B"W c= 􀀲􀀴􀀵􀀮􀁾􀀴􀀧􀀠 CURVE 6 A;;. 04·.31·57R' 1051.00' L" 83.14' CB'S68'06'04"\1 c= 83.12' wN..L TRAcr 2: MEPC OUaRUM PROPERTIES 11 INC. VOL.BlISS PG.3026 CORRECTION DEED VOL.BSIC9 PG.1123 ........ "","'" W ........ I \ \ 0'1 􀁾 \-.l,.___....l__________......l 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 U) \\ 􀀢􀀧􀁲􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠 'I!> \ \ \' ' "-.... 'i!> \ \ lL. T(NN Of" ADDISON \ 􀁜􀀼􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀲􀀮􀀠 I R F VOL.932:43PC>.641Z '\ 􀀻􀀻􀀻􀁲􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀠 1\ ••• A= 6"-21'46" \\ 􀁾􀁾􀀠 \ R:; 190.42' McLEAN TRACT ADD I T ION i \ 􀀧􀀧􀁁􀁾􀁜􀁪􀀮􀀠 " L= 213.91' J;l: VOL. B2005 PG. 2784 \ '1l>'" 'CB'N3I'59'43"E HEPC OUORUM PROPERTIES INC. 􀁙􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀸􀀱􀀱􀁾􀀳􀀠PG,OI62: ! \ 􀀢􀁾􀀬􀁃􀁯􀀠 202.84' POINT OF \ (!) \ \ 􀀢􀁃􀁏􀁾􀁉􀀴􀁅􀁎􀁃 ING \ • w \ 􀀱􀀯􀀲􀁾􀀠 I.R.f. ($'\ PAGE :. OF :. \ iJ \ NOo;",I.lo;". 􀁾􀁜􀀠 I.R.S. IAONAODSETVlHUITTGI,PCSlA.$].t07.96 􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀠 " 317.82' 'til \ lOl..LAAS CAP 􀁉􀁾􀀮􀀠 " . "'. \ '.A.F.• ,."" ROI) fOUND CL STA ••••' ••" . 􀀮􀀻􀁾􀀠 " SPECTRUM DR Jl. \ ARAPAHO RD. I ' ________-';:-' •....-._._._._._._._._.-:-; " 80' R.O.W. 􀁾􀀠 \ \\ \ \ TN.J Is 10 t;Xtrllfy /IId'hI alKN« .wfYll)' was rN.J f/r(1lf'/fI? mqy not btl n:protillP:ld I'I'IItctJI I "ll':Ii1I:f# titJdfK q!W'/)(XV/sIo4 􀁾 .Ji.!f)(I J2.I99r fm wrlflf/tt pormlsslQll or ErIc J.tal«ldy. lind Imt iflllltlOla 0I'Jd /Jcund,s .mwn IhV6M RtJ{Il.s1YrIl\$ ortbe patlieli llI'oatcd hereunder Ill'll perfurmable in Dallas CounLy. Tely __􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁾􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀺_􀀧_􀀠' ofMEPC QUOR.UM PROPERTIES n INC.• a Delaware corporatiOIl, on behalfofsaid corptll'aoon. NDtary Public in &lid for the Stile ofTClW My CommissiDn Expires: 5 JAN-26-1998 􀁾􀀹􀀺􀀲􀀰􀀠 COWLES AND THOt'F'SON PC. 214 672 2020 P.29/43 JAN-25-8S SUN 12:4B PH FID{ tID. 214373 9819 P. 29 STATBOfTBXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS 'Ibis instnunent was IIckllOwlcdged before me on lhis _ day of , }998, by ___________ofthe Town ofAddison, Texas. on behalfofsaid town. Notary Public in and for the State ofTe:rw My Commission Ill':pires: PrintedlTyped Name ofNotaty 6 -"..": JAN-26-1998 09:06 COWLES AND THOMPSON PC. 214 672 20320 P.03/43 􀁾􀀠 ".........., rHU&. 􀁾􀀱􀀠 J JAN-25-98 SUN 12:27 PH FAX NO. 214 373 8879 1',03 STATE OF TEXAS § § AGUEMENT COUNTY OF ])AI"LAS § THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 1998 􀀨􀁾􀀠 "Effective Oate") by and between lI1e Town ofAddison. Texas (the "City") and MEPC QuO.lUlTl Properties' 1000, a Delaware corpomtion ("QuO.lUlTl 1") and MEPC Quonrm Propetties II Inc., 11 Dcl..wure 1lOI1'0flIliotl ("Quorum II,· and to<.!ether with QuOtWn 1, MMS1'C"). RECITALS' <> WHEREAS. MEPC is the owner of a _ a<:re m.ct ofland located in the City at the SQIItheast comer of tnc intemlCtion of AI'lIpaho Road and Spectrum Drive. wl1lcl! land is legally de$Cn"bed nn Exhl1lit A 􀁾hereto iIlld irn:orpotated herein (the"Mf,P(; Land"). Currently, the MEPC Land is 􀁩􀁭􀁾 with two commercial am"" buildinp am:! a parking prage (the "Parking Gmge"). the locations ofwhicl! are depicted on JilIhibit B. MEPC intends to deVelop am:! ronstruct it tmrd office building ("Office Building )") O!l \he MEl'C !"and in the location shown 00 J:,xhiblt B and 10 IIIpanG the Parking Garap vm:ticaJly. WHEREAS. as set f'onh in the City's 1horoughf.uft Plan, the City anticlpates and is in the 􀁰􀁾 of matins certain improvements to Al'lIpMo Road (the'Arapaho Improvements") from lIS illlerseclion with DaIJas Parkway on the east and e>C a portion ofthe MEPC Land (identified on Exbibit C attached hereto and in<*porated heran as Alea A (4.996 square feet) and Area B (2.634 square feel) and rclhrrcd to 􀁢􀁾􀁮 as the "MEP.C ArlIpaho Land"} for street right-of-way purposes. The MEPC Arapaho Land is legally described on E,'Ihibit ]) attached hereto and inoorporateCllleteiQ; and (iii) wiD IIiI6UIt in the removal ofcemun trees from the MEPC laIId and will CIlllSe MEPC to illQllT certain costs and eKpetv;O$ 10 (i) relocate a sign Qlrrently located on the' MEPC Anlpaho Land, and to (Ii) perform certain turf' and irrigation repair to the rctmining MI!I'C land WHEREAS. in orderto ICtQlllIlIOdate the development ofOffice Building 3. the expansion ofthe Patkln.s G!ua,gf:, and the Arapaho Impro-.the CitY ant.! MEPC have taken the roUowlng _. . --'-". "' JRN-26-1998 09:07 COWLES RND THOMPSON PC. 214 672 2020 P.04/43 • , ........ 􀁾􀀠• rt9'&. '"Ill J JAN-25-SB SUN 12:27 PH FAX NO, 214 373 8879 P,04 acts andlor have generally agreed as follows: A. The MEPC Land was 􀁰􀁲􀁥􀁶􀁩􀁯􀁵􀁾􀁬􀁹􀀠served with a median cut along Arapaho Road It that loeation identified lIS point Z on Exhibit B. In order to facilitate the development ofOffice Building 3, the City has 􀁡􀁾 to move that median out to point V as shown on Exhibit B. B. The City is the owner ofa 14,453 square foot tract ofland (the ·City Land", identified lIS Area _ on Exhibit E attacbed hereto anel made a part hereot) located at the iOUtheast comer ofArapaho Road and Spectrum Drive and adjacent and contiguous to the MEPC Land lind legally described On Exhibit Fattached hereto ilnd mCOtpQratlld herein, The Ciiy Land is a part of the Arapaho RoadlSpectnlm Drive right-of-way. As a result of the construction of the Aral'ahoISpectrum Intmcction Improve)l'en!S. !he City 􀁡􀁮􀁬􀁩􀁣􀁩􀁾 that if will no longBr need the City LMd for stftef 􀁦􀁩􀁧􀁨􀁦􀁾􀁦􀀮􀀮􀁷􀁡􀁹􀀠putpQscs. However. the City win require the MEPC Arapaho Land to COlI$ltuct the Arapaho Improvements. Pursuant to law and in order to faeiliwe the Arapaho Improvemenls Ind the development ofOffice Bullding 3, the City anticipates exchanging the City Land for the MEl'C Arapaho LUIld., and MEPC IIIltillipatcs exchanging the Mm'C Al"apabo lam! for the City Land. Pending development oftbe Arapaho Improvements. it win be -1lIIY for the City to retain a temporary easement (the "Easement") for right-of way and utility pUl]IOses in, over and across the City Land. WIIEREAS. the City I!IBCh year spon:sors cerIain area-wide spellial events at 8IId around the City's Conference and Theatre Centre (the "Centre"). Because ofits relatively elose proximity to the Centre, the City desires to usc the Parking Garage for purking by speclal event$ patrons, and MEPC desires to allow the City to use tbe Parking Garage durin:: such special events. The terms and conditions ofthe UStI of of the Parking Garage are addR:ssed herein. WITNESSEIH: NOW, TIIEREFORE, for anc:l in wnside!lltion ofthemulual covenants and obHgations!let forth herein, the benefits flowing to e""h of 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠􀁰􀁾􀁩􀁥􀁳􀀠hereto, and othf:f good and valuable consideration, the City and MEPC do hereby contract and awee as fgllows: 􀁾􀂧􀁾􀁊􀁴􀁩􀀮􀀠Inco!pOrntion QfPl'M1ises. The above and foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporattxl herein and made a part hercoffor all putp05eS. 􀁾􀁾􀀮 Conveyance orCit)! t.e'lli. In exchange and as consideration for the conveyance of the MBPC Arapaho LllJld to Ihe Cily, the City agrees to convey to Quorum I the City Land, subject to the reservation ofthc Easement. The conveyaJJCII ofllIe City Land Bnd the reserva1ioD of . the Easement shall be by special warranty deed, in the form 81tachcd hereto as Exhibit G (the "City Dctd'·). A. Tille commitment: uXce!!tion Document!;. Within 20 days after the Effective Dale, !he City, at its txpense. shall cause to be delivered to MEPC a a wmmitment fer title insurance 􀁁􀁇􀁒􀁾􀁲􀀮􀁍􀁅􀁎􀁔􀀢􀀠􀁐􀁾􀁥 Z r:· •••••••••••••••• --•••••••••••••••••• __ ••••• 00' ••__•••• _ ••••_ •• __•••••_____ ......_ "-" .. , JAN-2&-1998 09:07 COWLES AND THOMPSON_ P,.C.... n....... ....... 214 672 2020 P.05/43 -::#1 J J.AIl-25-118 SUN 12:28 PH FAli NO. 214 373 11819 P.05 (the "City Utld Title Commitment") fOr the City Land issued by Chicago nile Insurance COIl1pany (the "Tille Company"'. 7616 LBl Freeway. Suite 300, OalJa&. Texas 15ZS1 Attn: Ms. Gloria Ripoll" along witb copies ofthe instrumentS that 􀁾􀁥 or evidence all title exceptions affecting the City ,Land. B. Surv!l;t. Should MEPC desire to obtain a survey ofthe City Lond, suoh survey shaU be atthe sol91l11pense ofMEpc. C. Review ofIitJe Commitment. Survq and Exception Ogcument&. MEPC '$ball have 10 day& after RX:cipt ofthe City J.and Title Commitment (the nMEPC Tille ltC>'iew Pmod") in whieh to give notice to the City 􀁾􀁩􀁬􀀧􀁹􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠MEPC's objection.s (the "MEPC ObjectiollB") [0 matters disclosed in the C;tyLand Title Commi!ment or survey, ifany. AU items set forth ill the City Land Title Commitment which are not objected to by MBPC sbaIl be deemed PCIllIined 􀁾􀁬􀁩􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁓 fOr purposes ofthe City Deed, The Euemem:, lIS set forth in the City Deed, shall also be: a Permitted Exoeption to the C.ily Deed. D. The CUX's Obligation to Cure' MEI'C's Right to 􀁔􀁥􀁲􀁭􀁩􀁾􀀮􀀠IrMEPC delivers the MEPC OI!jco:lions. then the City shall, within 5 days 􀁴􀁨􀁾 (the "City'S Tille Curo Period"), either saIist't the OI!jecliolli at the City's iiOle cost and expense and 10 MEl?C's reasonable sadsfadion. or notify MEPC in writing oftbe 􀁾􀁐􀁃 Objeetiol1l! that the City cannot or will not SlR\siy, 5IIch to illclude a referencli to the MEPC Objections the City wm not slll.iny (wldeh CllII III: gcneral), Tile City shan :hlve no obligaliotlto satisljlllJl)' ofthe MEPC Objeetions except that, notwitlmumwll,ll any provision herein to the contrary. the City COV/:I18nI\ to 5alistY or tlIUSe to be deleted by Closing (hcrcinaller detined) all matters listed in Schedule C of the City Land Title Commi'lll1cm and no matters 􀀱􀁉􀁰􀁾 on Sclu:duJe C to the Cily Land Trtle Commitment will be: a Permined 􀀺􀀺􀀦􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠 to \he Cily Deed; provided, however, thai Ihe City shall lIot have any obllplion to wmy any Schedule C items than can M!x be satisfied by MEPC, MEPC's failure to object 10 any Sdledule C Iteftls Wllll10t constitute il waiver oftile City's obligaliotlS willi respect thereto {fthe City faib or refuses to 8aristY any MEPC Objection& within the City's Tille Cure Period Of wiD not agree in writing to salisfy same prior to the date of Closing (hereinafter defined). then MEPC. as its sole remedy. shall have the option to either (i) waive the MEPC Objections that the City has not satisfied. Of has DOt agreed in writing to mistY by Closing within the City's 'Title Cure Period, whereupon suetl unmisfied M6PC Objections slmll be deemed Permitted Exceptions to the City Deed, or (ii) lenninate this A!!Tecmem by written notiCAI to City within five (5) days after the ClIPiratlon onlle City"s Title Cure Period, bJ which event MEPC I\IId the City shall have no further oblisatiollS, one to the olher. with respect to the subjCl:t matter ofthis Agreement. MEPC', failure to timely send noti<:e ofits termination ofthis Agreement under sub&eCtion (ii) above WI'll be deemed an election of 1mb5ection (I) above. E. IirlIllP-Q\iIa!. MEPC, at it's sole cost and expetIse, shall have the rigltt to obtain a sumdauJ TtiIWI oW!m', policy oftitlc inSlltance (the "MEPC Title Poliey") maurin, titl" to the City I.anO. The City shall not be requited to pay fur any expenses in COllll8cnOD with the MEPC Title Policy ex<:ept fur charge$ or expenses of the Tilill Company in issuing the City Land Title AGREmENT· Page 3 ....􀁾 􀀠..... 􀁾􀀠......._. __ 􀁾􀀮􀀠 ".* _ ••••••_ ••• -_....... , .............._ .........H .... , ..................n.,. ... W_u_' .............. n .... . JAN-26-1998 09:08 COWLES AND THOMPSON PC. • 214 672 2020 􀁊􀁾􀁬􀁾􀀭􀀹􀀶􀀠SUN 12:29 PH FAX NO. 214 313 9879 P,06 Commitment. Section 3. W!!!"l)'wge qfMEPC Am!abo Lam!' Parking p.jpllfll: TIlle RIl!!IQYIII. In exchange for 􀁉􀁾 conveyance ofthe City Latld to MEPC, and other consideration given by the City 10 M£PC, MEPC agrees to COllVey to the City the MEl'C Arapaho Land. Such conveyance shall be by special warranty deed, in the fann attacl!ed hereto u Exhit/it H (the "MEPC Deed"). A. Title Comroitmenr: S"C!:Iltian Dowmeny. Within 20 days after the Effective ..Date, MEPC, at its expense. shall cause to be delivered to City II commitment for title insuraru:e (the "MEPC Land Tirle Commitme:nl") for the MEPC Arap8llo T.and issued by Title Company. along with copies ofthe instillments that create or evidence 1111 title 8XCCptiOI1Jl affecIing the City LlIml. 8. Su!'yS'. Should City dc:sirl! IQ obtain a survey of tile MBPC Arapaho Lam!. such SotVoy ,"ill be Bt 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠$011.' el[lXm" ofCily. C, Review ofTitle Commitment. Survey and EXlXlption Documents. City shall h;we 10 days lifter reeelpt of the MEPC WJ.nd Title Commitment (the 'Clty Title Review Period") in which to give notite to MEPC specifYing City's objections (1M 'Cily Objections") to IlIlItters 􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁣􀁬􀁾􀀠in the MEPC Land Title Commitment or SI.trVeY. ifany. AD itelll$ set forth in the MEPC idnd Title Commitment whieh are nol 􀁯􀁢􀁪􀁾􀁥􀁤 to by City shall be deemed Permitted Exceptions, fur purposes ofthc M.EPC t>ced. D. 􀁍􀀸􀁾􀁃􀀧􀁳􀀠Obti!!lllilllllO Cure' tiN'S Rirlrt to Terminate. IfCity delivers the aty Objections. then MEPC shall. within 5 days thereafter (uMEPC's Title Cure i'eriodn ), either satiodY the City 􀁾􀁯􀀢􀀢 at MEI'C's 50Ie cost and expense 􀁾􀁮􀁤􀀠to 􀁃􀁩􀁴􀁹􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁔􀁃􀁡􀁓􀁯􀁾􀁬􀁯 8&lisftJ.ttion, or notifY City in writing of the City Objeetion$ that MEPC cannOt or will not G",risfy. IUCh to include a rtferenee to the City Objcetions MEPC wlll not satisfY (which can be generaJ). MEPC shall have noobliga!ion to satisfY any ofthe City Objections except that. notwithstanding any provisioll herein to the contrary, MEPC covenants to salisfY or cause to be deleted by Closing all mallelli listed in . Schedule C ofthe MEIIC Land Title Commitment and no matters appearing on Schedule C to the MEPC Land TItle Commitm<;:nt will be 11 􀁐􀁣􀁲􀁭􀁩􀁴􀁴􀁾􀀠ElIccption with respect to the MEPC Deed; provided. however, that MEPC shaJll10t bave any obligation to satisfy any Schedule C 􀁩􀁉􀁾􀀱􀁭􀁉􀀠duUl ean 􀁾be salisfled by City. City's tmlure to object to any Scbedule C items Win not COlIstitllte a waiver ofMEPC's obliJjil1ions with rcspcet tJn,reto [fMEPC fails or refuses to satisfy any City ObjcetiGrl$ within the MEPC Title Cure Period or will nol agree in writing to salislY same prior to the date of CIo$iIlg. then CIty. as itS sole remedy. sllall have the option to eitbel' (1) waive the C'rty ObjtctiO!lS that MBPC has not satisfied. or h\!.$ IIOt agreed in writing to satisfy by Closing within the MEPC Title Cure Period. whereupon such unsatisfied City Objections shall be deemed Permitted Exceptions to the MEPC Deed, or (ii) terminate Ihi5 Agreement by written Ilotice to MEPC within five (5) days aft« the expiration ofthe City's Title Cure Peritxl. in wbil'h event MEPC &lid the City $hall bave 110 further obli.l8!ions, 011" 10 tbe otber. with feSIl!!CI to 'the 􀁳􀁵􀁢􀁪􀁾􀀠matter ofthia Ag=ent. City's failure to timely send notice ofits termination ofthis Agr\lemcnt under subsemOli Oi) above will 'be deemed lin eJm:ion ofsubseotion (i) above, AGREEMENT -Page 4 JAN-26-1998 1?19'08 COWLES AND THOMPSON PC. 􀀭􀁾􀀭 ..._-., 214 672 2I?J21?1 P.1?I7/43 JAN-25-98 SUN 12:30 PH 􀁾􀀠 FAX NO. 214 m 9879 P. 07 B. Title 'PoliS'. City. at iI's sole cost and 􀁾􀁳􀁥􀀬 sbaJJ have the right 12 obtain a 5tandard Texas owner's policy oftitle insurancc (the "City Tille Policy") insuring title to the MEPC Arapaho Land. MBPC shall not be nquired to pay for any exptmses in conneelion with the City Title Policy exc.cpt for chary'=li or 􀁾􀁰􀁥􀀡􀁬􀁓􀀧􀀽􀁬􀁩􀀠of !IIc Till,. Company in issuing the MEPC Land Title Commltmellt F. Use of Parkin!! 􀁾􀀮􀀠As furthr.r consideration to the City for its plillfo1'lll8llt8 hereunder, MEPC agrees 12ll11ccutc the Parking ApJncnt in the form IIlIlIOlIed hereto 11$ Exhibit 1. G. Tree R.emovallMise.Cos!li Reimbursement. The COllmuetion of the Arapaho Improvements WIll result in die mnoval[!r relocation oftettaiII trees from the MEPC Land and will cause MEPC to iru:lJr certain COSI5 and 􀁾􀀤􀁥􀁳 fOr 10$$ ofand repair 10 nufand irrigation (aclUt;' loc.ated within and adjacent to the MEPC Arapaho l.and. Addilionally. upon the convc:yarn:e to tho: City ofthe MBPC Arapaho Land, MEPC will be 􀁲􀁥􀁱􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁤􀀠10 reiooue a sip currently 10000ed Oil the MEPC Arapaho Land. 11.$ further COnsideration to MEPC for its a&'flI=neftt$ h=under and the porlOrman¢e thereof, and as aco/ldition to MElIe's obligatioJ1i hereunder. at Cloring the City shall pay MElPC the sum ofS8 I.460.00 in immediately availablo: funds. Section 4. R&Al"fI!!!!!tlltigDS and Warrantiar or tile Cit):. The City 􀁲􀁥􀁰􀁲􀁾 and warrants to terminate MEPC as follows: A. OPWiOll The aty is 11 municipal t.OIpOI'IItion duly organized and validly existing I,mdtlTlhlllaws otlbe Slal.eotTew and iSlNlyquaTmedto 􀁾􀁯􀁮􀁩􀁴􀁳 business1n the State ofT_ B. Power and AIlII!ori1y. The City has all requisite power and authority to carry on its business 11$ presently conducted. 10 enter into this Agreement, and to perfurm its obligatiOIl$ ullder Ihis Agreement, including 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠conveyance desenbed in Section 2. The execution, delivery. and ptrl'ormance oflhls Agreement and tbe transactions described in this Agreement bave been duly and validly I\Uthorized by ali requisile action on the part of the City. 1'he execution, i1e1ivc:ry, and perfOl'lllllllCAl ofthis 􀁁􀁧􀁲􀁾􀁬􀁣􀀻􀁮􀁜􀀠will not violiStll or be in collffict with any provi$iQn oftlle cbarl.l!r or the City. or any provision ofany agreement or instrument to which the City is II party or by which the City is bound. or any mtute, law, mit\, 􀁾􀁯􀁮􀀬 judgntent, decree. order. writ, or irtjunaion ltppIicable tu the City. C. Bindin! ob6gation. This Agreement hIlS been duly lllICCllred llIIlI deliveied on behalfofthe City. Thii Agreetnent constitutes a Iepl. valid. Slid bl/lding obligation ofrhe City. D. l&gaI Actions. No suit, action or ollrer proceeding is pending or threateaed in any COurt or governmental lIJency 􀁾􀁳􀁴 all Or any part oftho City Lane!. e:. CornpUone, with Law. The City has complied with allappliCllble laws, Qfdinanoes. regulations, '\alula, rules and fllSUictions relating to all or any parr. ofth\: City lAnd. AGREEMENT. 'age 5 COWLES AND THOMPSON PC. 214 672 2020 P.BEV43 FAX 􀁎􀁾􀀠 214 '3739879 P.OS F. YalidilV at 􀁃􀁉􀁾􀁮􀁬􀀡􀀮􀀠The representations IUId warranties cftbe City shall be lNe and 􀁾􀁲􀁲􀁣􀁣􀁴 on the: date ofClo&ng. Section 5. Rel!!"!lHllfati!lW! and Wammti§ of MEpt:. MEPC represents and warrants 10 the City the fonowing: A. 2n!.l!!liwiOll. MEPC is a Delawarecorporation duly 􀁯􀁲􀁧􀁡􀁮􀁩􀁺􀁾 lIml validly existinS under !be Jaws ofthe state ofDelaware, IIJ\d either (\) duly qualified to 􀁾on its business in tile State 􀁯􀁦􀁔􀁥􀁸􀁡􀁾􀀮􀀠or (n) not Il!quirtd to obtain a. permit to 􀁾􀁮􀁤􀁵􀁥􀁴􀀠business in the State ofTexas. B. Powtr lind A'llbl:!!iIx. MEPC hu all n!qllisite powc:r and authority to 􀁾 en its busincss as pr=tlywnducted. to 􀁏􀁉􀁉􀁾 into tW$ 􀁾II1d to pcdiJrm its obUlI/Iotions under this Agreement. including tbe eonveyance desQribed in Seetion3. The 􀁥􀁬􀁉􀁾􀁯􀁮􀀮􀀠delivery, and perfbrmance offbjs Agrement and the tral'lsaWOII& desenoed in tbb AsrmnCllt have been duly and validly authorized by all requisite action on the part of MBPC. The cocecution, delivay, lind performance of this Asr=ent will nol \'icIlltc or be: ill tonfiict with any provision of the uTgarUzationlll ducumentS ofMEPC, or IIJ\Y provision of any agreemenL or il1$trUlllellt to which MEPC is II partY orby which MEPC ii bound, or lIllY SIl\lIM, 1_, role, rqj1.llallon, judgment. deem:. order. writ. or injunction lIF'plicable to MEPC. C. Bin@!BObligati()ll. This 􀁾􀁭􀁣􀁮􀁴 􀁾 been duly 􀁾􀂫􀁉􀁉􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠an d delivered on behalfofM.ePC. This Asr\Iement conilitutes Illegal, valid, m>pcct to the t!1l11sactiOns contemplated by this AgreetMllt for purposes of 26 CPR § J.604S-(e)(5) reiliung 10 the requirements for information reporting 0tI real 8Iltatc 1l'3'lSIICIiOflS closed 0tI or lifter January 1. 1991: and (5) reasonable IlViden;;c ofthe authority ofthe City authorizillB this ttan:;actjon B. Mm. MEPC shall deliver to 􀁴􀁾 City: (I) iIIc MEPC Deed duly \¥Xli!cuted and acknowledged conveying good and indefeasible title in fee simple10 the MEPC Arapaho Land, &te and clear ofany and alllie!lS, lllcumlmln-. oondit\ops, easements. assesMlIeJl!l; and retrictions except .the Permitted Exceptions appIicablo to the MEPC AflIpaho Land; (3) a eoumcrpert ofthe Parking 􀁁􀁾duly eMtUted and adonowledgcd; (l) a lluly _ted IIId ackmnvledged "ams Paid Affidavit' on the TItle Company'$ slaIldard form (bill in any _I satisfactory to MllPC) verifying that there IUe no unpaid bills or claims for 􀁊􀁡􀁢􀁯􀁾 pc! funned or materials fumisbCll to the MEPC Arapaho Land prior 10 the; (4) " dilly c>2, ATTENTION (214) 871·3311 JAMES C. PieRcE JR.. Po!3. PEe RE, ARAPAHo RJ:>AD -'i7IPEWALK. 6A$eJVIeNr ( PARCEL 􀁾􀀮􀀠4-) !CtBO/W'-;STGRQvE . Po. 60x 144 CYt..IolZVM LENrl2-€. AoornolJ AOPIS<2N. IX 7500/WE ARE SENDING yOU 􀁾􀁡􀁣􀁨􀁥􀁤􀀠 0 Under separate cover via _________the following items: o Shop drawings 􀁾􀁲􀁩􀁮􀁴􀁳􀀠 o Plans 0 Samples o Specifications o Copy of letter o Change order L [;:t3S:::./i!IP/foN tI &!3>H 'T. £-)(jJ18Ir 􀁐􀁴􀀿􀁁􀁴􀁴􀁊􀁴􀁾􀀠 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 4IDft429,. '7IGFf.J€:.P J SI&.AL/E;£> C-cP{E-S TH ESE ARE TRANSM ITIED as checked below: o For approval 0 Approved as submitted o Resubmit__copies for approval 􀁾􀁲 your use 0 Approved as noted o Submit __copies for distribution 􀁾 requested 0 Returned for corrections o Return __corrected prints 0 For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ______________________________________ 􀁯􀁯􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁾􀀠 /, '-t.=-t.k""-_____________SIGNED: 􀁾ljAIIoIJD'1 !de " enclosures .lire not as noted, kindly notlty us at once. I LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 4 SIDEWALK EASEMENT ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.0158 of an acre tract ofland situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, DalJas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Quonnn Center Limited Partnership as recorded in Volume 92038, Page 0247 of the Deed Records, Dallas Connty, Texas and also being a part of Quorum Centre Addition, an addition to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 84067, Page 5718 of the Deed and Map Records ofDallas County, Texas and being more particularly descnbed as fullows: (I) BEGINNING a! a 518 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap a! the most westerly northwest comer ofsaid Quorum Center Limited PartnetShip tract, said point being a! the intersection of the platted east right-of-way line of Addison Road (60 fuot wide right-of-way) with the southerly platted right-of-way line of Arapaho Road as per said pia! ofQuorum Centre Addition; (2) THENCE North 45 degrees 24 minutes 33 seconds East along the platted southerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of21.17 feet to a 518 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; (3) THENCE South 89 degrees 28 minutes 46 seconds East along the platted southerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 90.40 feet to a 518 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right, having a central angle of 4 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds, a radius of 862.00 feet, and being subtended by a 72.32 foot chord bearing South 82 degrees 58 minutes 04 seconds West; (4) THENCE Westerly along said curve to the right an arc distance of72.34 feet to a 518 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at the end ofsaid curve; (5) THENCE North 89 degrees 29 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of20.07 feetto a 518 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; (6) THENCE South 42 degrees 26 minutes 56 seconds West a distance of2028 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner on the platted easterly right-of-way line ofAddison Road; (7) THENCE North 00 degrees 23 minutes 14 seconds East along the platted easterly right-of-way line of Addison Road a distance of 9.60 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINlNG 0.0158 of an acre of land, more or less. Page I of 2 1:ISURVE'I\I7721WPlI772TR4.DOC 1018197 PAGE 2 OF 2 1.( 8201 QUORUM CENTRE I 0." Pk CJ 􀁾􀀠 0-l LTD. PARTNERSHIP N • & t; ::. I cj 􀁜􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 [ !j 􀁾􀀠 J> JOSEPH H. JONES, ET AL 3'!;' r: Q VOl.97109 PG.03158 ",4· i r 􀁾􀀠 /CJ,\:: opo 0 I L:;t 􀁾􀀠 BtU tOLlne flood • 􀁒􀀽􀁓􀀲􀀰􀁾􀀠-!! O· PROPOSEO 􀁃􀁅􀁉􀀮􀁪􀀢􀁾􀁾􀁒􀁜􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁬􀁴􀁬􀁅􀁟􀀠-􀁾􀀠 I 􀁾􀀠 -􀁾􀀠 ARAPAHO ROAD -t-􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀁾􀁜􀀡􀀠 .«-..-.. P."""'" MAP • • , j ... 4;) .. ,'"J /1 ,_R_,S. 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀴􀀰􀁾􀀠 N. 125.64' o 20 40 60 80 • lfJf6--111 IIIII I I I":::r: 􀁾 0: n 0:." • 8 O::,:Z .. o <.0 :011 «O0:':I1"· z :0 H ICI) , 0 0«, II N Nill '..".. 􀁧􀁾􀀠 ,... .... 00 « ,0..:. .a.:. gj l2 « « >-> 􀁾􀁜􀁬􀀻􀀡􀀠 0:0: 􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠 l'iffi 0:1: ..,t> 0 If) 0 to.. !i E: '" 542'26' 6"1i SCALE IN fEET I 20.28' TEXAS POiIE 8. LIGHT \1/-__.. 1 CO. EM MENT 􀁖􀁾􀁌􀀮􀀸􀀲􀀰􀀵􀀴􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀰􀀶􀀳􀀰􀀠 AC. • 􀁉􀁾􀀠 rIII -l » . J>. .... 0 Ol + .... -oJ I I I h .... v..>. .-o J I I,--􀁾􀀠 N 0 0 QUORUM CENTER LTD. 􀁾 􀁾􀀠l [ PARTNERSHIP VOL.92038 PG.0247 􀁾􀁛􀀠 􀁑􀁕􀁏􀁒􀁾􀁍􀀠CENTR ADD ION VdL.84067 PG.5718 "'.s'-'""f T_o l l o l J 􀁾􀀠 249.00' rli8 /8 10 ctIrlll}f IhzI /tI:I.:A;;,"/5 􀁾ItW TNII a:: ::> '" a:: w ::c Ul .... J> '" SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. N 􀁾􀀹􀀭􀁾􀀧􀀼􀁉􀀧􀁩􀁊\"\ 􀁬􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀠􀁉􀀧􀁾􀁜􀀧\ \)􀁑􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀶􀀠 , 􀁾􀀧􀁩􀁊􀀠 􀁾􀁉􀀢􀀠 f) \,G' 􀁾􀁾􀁖􀀭􀀭 9'0\'0 v ..d>-' JOESEPH H. JONES. 8 TH BRANDEBERRY. CAROLYN PERKINS SH MER MERRIT AND SAMUEL THOMAS PERKIN. CO-TRUSTEES OF THE MARY COFFIELD TR T. THE EVELYN C. JONES TRUST. THE B TH BRANDEBERRY TRUST AND THE CORRI E SHIMER TRUST AND A. BEN PI NELL. JR. VOL.97109 G.03158 􀁾􀀠",=>' \1'0 • m, 􀁄􀁁􀁌􀁌􀁁􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁅􀁁􀀠RAPID TRANSIT 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀁾􀀶􀀰􀀹􀀹􀀠PG.05191 􀁾􀀠 o 20 40 60 eo I , I" I I I L_ 􀁾􀀭􀀭................􀀺􀁲􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀠 SCALE I N FEET , ...... \<0 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀧􀀡􀀧􀀠 , V THE TOlIN OF ADD ISON VOL.96099 PG.00021 I.R.f.' IRON ROO fOUND I.R.S.= IRON ROO SET WITH HUITT-Z7' POINT Of BEGINNING PARCEL 3-1 /2 U l .R.S. 8 , ROAD MCM COMPANY 􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀁉􀁾􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀱􀀸􀀲􀀱􀀲􀀠PG.3704 􀁾 eVOL.82179 PG.I 􀁾􀀠VOL.82119 PG. I II II 5 VOL-8400B PG. I .VOL.84133 PG.053Zl ...... -gr." 􀁾􀀢􀀼:􀁉x.􀀮"X􀀢.=..:,.x ."X. :x.-x.=lCx::X::S: w.'---i. CL ST"'.5+26.13. 􀁾􀁾 • • 129. ------w....􀁦􀀨􀀩􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁣􀀮􀁬􀀧􀁦􀁊􀁦􀁲􀁩􀂷􀁦􀁒􀀠 64.67 ' QUORUM CENTR ADDITION VOL.84067 PG.5718 Tf/fl III It> ot!If1fr; IIr1t1m a: :::J U) THE MARY COFF IELD TR T, THE EVELYN C. I . JONES TRUST, THE B TH BRANDEBERRY 􀁾􀀠 􀁾\" 􀀠 􀁾􀁯􀀻, 􀁾􀀠 THE 􀁔􀁏􀁾􀁎􀀠OF ADDISON TRUSTAND 􀁔􀁾􀁅􀀠 CaRR I E SHIMER TRUST AND A. BEN PI NELL, JR. VOL.96099 PG.00027 0:; w iii IJ.. '" '" VOL.9TI09 .03158\. ,,": 􀁾􀀠 􀀨􀀩􀀠 . • 'i'> ,'> \ . V'" I.R.F.: IRON ROD FOUND I.R.S •• IRON ROD SET "'1 TH HU ITT -ZOlLARS CAP, /8 MCM COMPANY VOL.7B212 PG.3704 VOL.82179 PG.1556 VOL.B2179 PG.1559 VOL.B4008 PG.1944 VOL.B4133 PG.0532 64.67' WI􀁾􀁦􀁏􀁉􀁬􀁲􀀴􀀧􀁬JJWJ.C.{,Wl(ER 1iJ", QUORUM eNTRE ADDITION VOL.84067 84067 PG. 5718 PAGE 3 OF 3 g􀁾􀀠 ills. 1'0 􀁾tfrJIthf 􀁾......... W08 rli'JI fir FtJf' HttIff'-Zdlfln.1M. INTERNATIONAL GUARANTY CORP. VOl.92001 PG.OBI7 SA$I$ tJF 􀁾Tm I1«:rlnrI (!If S (J(J1f«r £ 􀀼􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁾􀁾 􀁾􀀠"\.l<,..,\, tlIOt19 flit IffNJI 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁗􀁦􀁦􀁉􀀱􀁦􀁍􀀠of QA)rom DrM (1# pr dMI fr) fhI Tam of Nkh8CIVwcord«! Itt VM#M SI609:9.PDJ:t\t txJOI!7.DttItd Rftt.'ItJrdtf./)(Jff(J4 ERIC J. y..wcVl»'. RE6IST'EREO Pii6FESSllJliIIl. UNO $IIfaIOYCR NO. 48S2 􀁾􀁲..... For. Town or Addison Public ...orks ARAPAHO ROAD IS801 ..... Igrov •• Addison. TX 75001 HUllf -2'CU.t\RS RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3-1. 3-2 31!1 MCk.ltI€' Av(HlJEIWtTE eoo OWNER. SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE 􀁏􀁾􀀮􀀠􀁔􀁅􀁘􀁕􀁬􀁚􀁕􀁈􀁮􀁬􀁾􀁾􀁬􀁬􀀠 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA. 0.0189 ACRE DATE.SEPT.12.1997 H-Z I 􀁾􀀠1112-02 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 3-1 ARAPAHO ROAD PAGE 1 OF3 SEPTEMBER 12, 1997 BEING 0.0076 ofan acre tract of IImd situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion ofa tract ofland described in instrument to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly descnbed as follows: COMMENCING at a 518 incb iron rod fuund for the southwest comer of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract, said point being on the north right-of-way line ofArapaho Road; THENCE North 01 degree 47 minutes 22 seconds East along the westerly line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract and along the easterly face of a building wall a distance of 78.49 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap fur the POINT OF BEGINNING ofthis tract; (I) THENCE North 01 degree 47 minutes 22 seconds East along the westerly line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract and said easterly filce of the building wall a distance of 21.51 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found fur the northwest comer ofsaid Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract; (2) 1HENCE South 89 degrees 36 minutes 43 seconds East along the northerly line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract a distance of 3132 reet to a 112 inch iron rod fuund with "Huitt-Zollars" cap, said point being the beginoing of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of2 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds, a radius of 778.00 leet, and being subtended by a 29.95 foot chord bearing South 56 degrees 32 minates 34 seconds West; (3) THENCE Southwesterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of29.95 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the point of reverse curvature of a curve to the right, baving a central angle of 0 degrees 33 minutes 49 seconds, a radius of 862.00 leet, and being subtended by a 8.48 foot chord bearing South 55 degrees 43 minutes 19 seconds West; (4) THENCE Southwesterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 8.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.0076 of an acre ofland, more or less. .• H:\PROJ\Ollmol\D2\LANDESC,l-1 9/1211997 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 3-2 ARAPAHO ROAD PAGEIOF3 SEPTEMBER 12, 1997 BEING 0.0113 ofan acre tract ofland situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, DaDas County, Texas and being a portion ofa tract of land described in instrument to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (I) BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod fuund for the southwest comer of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract, said point being on the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road; (2) TIIENCE North 0 I degree 47 minutes 22 seconds East along the westerly line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract a distance of 24.69 feet to a "V" cut set in concrete, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angie of 38 degrees 14 minutes 51 seconds, a radius of 95.00 feet, and being subtended by a 6225 foot chord bearing South 66 degrees 12 minutes 59 seconds East; (3) TIIENCE Southeasterly along said curve to the left, an arc distance of63.42 feet toa 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer on the southerly line of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract and north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road; (4) TIIENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West along the southerly line of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company tract and north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of57.73 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAlNING 0.0113 ofan acre ofland, more or less. H:\PROJ\OI177201\02\t.ANDESC.J.2 9/1111997 oJ IX> " oz >W >a: ::;) tt) a: w J: tt) lL ''"" ,. ,.,\,\' 􀁓􀁏􀁕􀁔􀁾􀁗􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁅􀁒􀁎􀀠BELL 􀁔􀁅􀁌􀁅􀁐􀁾􀁏􀁎􀁅􀀠CO. N 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀢􀁓􀁜􀀠 􀁾􀁉􀁜􀀩􀀠 .., 􀁩􀀾􀁉􀀧􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀠1'1' 􀁯􀁾􀂷􀁾􀀠 􀁮􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀠 _"1,,,91'''' v \I(j.. ...... JOESEPH H. JONES. CAROLYN PERKINS SAMUEL THOMAS THE MARY COFFIELD JONES TRUST, THE TRUSTANO THE cal ANO A. BEN VOL.97 109 􀁾􀀠 􀁄􀁁􀁌􀁌􀁁􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁅􀁁􀀠RAPID TRANSIT 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀁾􀀶􀀰􀀹􀀹􀀠PG.05197 BRANDEBERRY. MERRIT AND CO-TRUSTEES OF THE EVELYN C'I' BRANDEBERRY ::: IMER TRUST 􀁾I'" 􀀠 􀀮􀁉􀀼􀀻􀁉􀀢􀀠 V THE TO'ON OF ADD ISON VOL.96099 PG.00027 I.R.F.= IRON ROD FOUND I.R.S.= IRON ROD SET (8 WITH HUITT-Z7' ROAD QUORUM CENTR ADDITI VOL.84067 PG.5718 PAGE 3 OF 3 MCM COMPANY .78212 PG.370A .82179 PG.I .82179PG.1 .8A008 PG.1944 VOL.84 133 PG.0532 64.67 • e", CURVE;; . A= 38"14'51" R= 95.00' L= 􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀮􀀴􀀲􀀧􀀠 CB=:S66'12' C= 􀁾􀀲􀀮􀀲􀀵􀀧􀀠 o o o 􀁾􀀠 􀁗􀁉􀀼􀀴􀀡􀀧􀁯􀁾 ciJWfrr:?iER o 20 40 eo 80 III I I ! II I I I SCALE IN FEET TNIt I. I\:t .-tfI'Y th1I_ atmt 􀁾WOI mtJ(jf tI/tIdW' .... «P/IfYf6lan on JUntllle.19!1I' and 'i'Itt1f /hi trII!IIN and tJound6 trh::Mn 􀁾􀀠 en frtII tInd ClJlTliClfO _ bNf (If' .... 􀁾􀀠 Fer Hv/tfoZofkn;./no. Hurrr -ZOLlARS 􀁾􀁴􀀡􀀱􀀠MCKINEY AV£NI.£/lIHU: '00 OAl.l.M. TEXM/t1.t ..eU"UII BASIS OF BEARlNfJS, TM btIarI"" " S 0C'fI1'OC1' £ 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀁜... '1 flkIrTg fhlltWt r/fJN-d"W(ff DM d'" 􀁾tJr/vtI 􀁾 PfJf" d-.! k II;(, Tam (If Add/lftln,t'l'lCfYd«J In ,"'-UNO SVRVEYOR NO. 4862 Sismsv·. 0t:J0I!T.{JMJ ReocrdtI.Drl!Id4 􀁾􀀮􀁔􀁾􀀠 Fo" Town or Addison Public Work. ARAPAHO ROAD 16801 W•• lg'o•• , Addison, TX 75001 RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 3-1. 3-2 OWNER, SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA. 0.0189 ACRE DATE.SEPT.12.1997 H-Z TNII l/r(JWlfl(1 MqIf tt« /xl 􀁲􀁷􀀻􀀺􀀻􀁲􀁾􀀠WffMIII 􀁾It. written 􀁾􀁬􀁲􀁴 cr Ene 􀁊􀀮􀁹􀁾􀁾􀀠 (I) 􀁾􀀶􀁉􀁗􀀧􀁦􀁉􀁤􀀠􀁰􀀬􀀮􀁾lAnd 􀁾􀀮􀀠 .J U INTERNATIONAL GUARANTY CORP. VOL.92001 PG.0617 ..,', ..... LAND DESCRJFrION TRAIT A BEING 224 square feet land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas Coumy, Texas and being ponion of a tract of land described in instrument to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 78212, Page 3704 of the Deed Records. Dallas Counr:y. Texas. and being more particularly descnbed as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the southwest corner of the tract of land described in said instrument to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84133. Page 0532 of the Deed Records of Dallas Coumy. Texas. said point also being the southwest comer of a tract of land described in instrument to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of the Deed Records, Dallas County. Texas, said point also being on the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East along the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road and south line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (SWBT) tract, the south line of a tract of land described in instrument to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84008, Page 1944 of the Deed Records, Dallas Counr:y, Texas, and the south line of a tract of land described in instrumem tc MCM Company as recorded in Volume 82179, Page 1559 of the Deed Records, Dallas Counr:y, Texas, a distance of 124.97 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "HuittZollars" cap, said point being the beginning of a curve to the left. having a central angle of 12 degrees 31 minutes 42 seconds, a radius of 299.31 feet, and being subtended by a 65.32 foot chord bearing North 84 degrees 09 minutes 09 seconds East; THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 65.45 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap on the west line of said MCM Company tract as recorded in Volume 78212, Page 3704 for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 00 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds East along the west line of last mentioned MCM Company tract a distance of 10.65 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at the northwest corner of an easement for street purposes granted to the City of Addison, Texas as described in instrument recorded in Volume 78212, Page 3699 of the Deed Records, Dallas Counr:y. Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 42 minutes IO seconds East along the north line of said easement a distance of 42.11 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; THENCE Soolb 76 degrees 05 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 43.41 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and CONTAINING 224 square feet of land. more or less. Basis of Bearing: The bearing of South 00 degrees 11 minUtes 10 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of Quorum Drive as per deed tum MCM Company to The Town of Addison as evidenced by the Special Warranr:y Deed recorded in Volume 96099, Page 00027 of the Deed Records of Dallas Counr:y, Texas. Page lof4 j:\survey\! 8S9\wp\tr.lctl.des; j:\sllrvey\l m\02\wp\TRACT A-DES 911<51l991 LAND DESCRIl'TION TRACTB BEING 206 square feet land siruated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being portions of tracts of land descn1led in inslIUm= to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84008, Page 1944 and Volume 84133, Page 0532 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as foUows; COMMENCING at a 518 inch iron rod found at the southwest comer of !be tract of land described in said insIIUment to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84133, Page 0532 of !be Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said point also being the sou!bwest comer of a tract of land described in inslIUment to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192·ofthe Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point also being on the north right-of-way line of Atapaho Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East along the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road and south line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (SWBT) tract a distance of 59.64 feet to a P-K nail found in concrete base of fence post for the southeast comer of the SWBT tract; 1HENCE North 00 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds East along the east line of said SWBT tract a distance of 100.00 feet to a P-K nail found in concrete base of fence post for the northeast comer of said SWBT tract, said nail being the POINT OF BEGINNING; 1HENCE North 89 degrees 36 minutes 43 seconds West along the north line of said SWBT tract a dlstaoce of 25.68 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-ZoUars' cap for a comer, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right, bavIng a central angle of 2 degrees 13 minutes 07 seconds, a radius of 778.00 feet, and being subtended by a 30.13 foot chord bearing North 58 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds East; THENCE Northeasterly along said curve 10 !be right, an arc dlstaoce of 30.13 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; 1HENCE South 00 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 15.SO feet 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING, and CONTAINING 206 square feet of land, more or less. Basis of Bearing: The bearing of Sou!b 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of Quorum Drive as per deed from MCM Company to The Town of Addison as evidenced by the Special Warraray Deed recorded in Volume 96099, Page 00027 of !be Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. Page 2 of4 j:\survcy\J8S9\wp\tract 1.des; j:\survey\1712\02\wp\TRACTB, DES 9/1611997 LAND DESClUPTION TRACTC BEING 2,431 square feet land situated in tbe G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas COIlIlty, Texas and being part of a tract of land as described in instruments to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84008, Page 1944 of tbe Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 518 inch iron rod found at tbe southwest corner of the tract of land described in instrument to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84133, Page 0532 of tbe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said point also being the southwest corner of a tract of land described in insmnnent to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of tbe Deed Records, Dallas COIlIlty, Texas, said point also being on the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 secoods East along the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road and south line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (SWBT) tract a distance of 59.64 feet to a P-K nail found in concrete base of fence post for tbe southeast corner of tbe SWBT tract for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East continuing along the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road and south line of the MCM Company tract a distance of 20.00 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; THENCE North 00 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds East parallel with and 20 feet from the east line of said SWBT tract a distance of 127.20 feet to a 112 inch iron set with "Huitt-Zollars' cap on tbe southerly line of a 168,918 square foot tract of land as described in insmnnem to tbe Town of Addison, as recorded in Volume 96099, Page 00027, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point being tbe begintting of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of 1 degree 41 minutes 36 secoods, a radius of 778.00 feet, and being subtended by a 22.99 foot cbord bearing South 60 degrees 42 minutes 39 secoods West; THENCE Southwesterly along said curve to the left, along the southerly line of said Town of Addison tract an arc distance of 23.00 feet to a 1I2 incb iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars' cap for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds West along a projection of and along east line of said SWBT tract a distance of 115.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 2,431 square feet of land, more or less. Basis of Bearing: The bearing of South 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East along tbe west right-of-way line of Quorum Drive as per deed from MCM Company to The Town of Addison as evidenced by tbe Special Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 96099, Page 00027 oftbe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. Page 3 of4 j:\$urvey\18S9\wp\tr act4.dcs: j:'.survcy\l772\02\wp\TRACTC,DES 9116/1997 Keillor SMlno. -=-..:I' . r ... •• I , --. '/If.",, 0 􀁾-". » BASIS OF BEARINGS. THE BEARING or S 00'11'10" E ALONG THE \/EST RIGHTor-WAY LINE OF QUORUM DRIVE AS PER DEED TO THE TOWN Of ADDISON • RECORDED IN VOLUME 96099. PAGE 00021. DEED RECOReS. DALLAS COONTY. TEXAS. N ..-\\G·/IIi? r G,W. FISHER ABSTRACT SURVEY NO. 482 Bolt 3: 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 '" 􀁾􀀠 Q co. Q" » o LOCATION MAP JOSEPH H. JONES. BETH BRANDEBERRY. CAROLYN PERKINS SHIMER MERRITT AND SAMUEL THOMAS PERKINS. CO-TRUSTEES Of THE MARY COFfiELD TRUST. THE EVELYN C. JONES TRUST. THE BETH BRANDEBERRY TRUST AND THE CORINNE SHIMER TRUST AND A. BEN PINNELL. JR. VOL.91109 PG.03I58 􀀦􀁾􀀠 AREAS ® 224 SQ. Fl. @2lM1SQ. fT. © 2.31 SO. fT. "'i.fJ'" MCt.! COMPANY VOL, 84 133 PG.0532 􀁾􀀠 N89'36'43"W 25.68' 112" I' .R.F. w/􀂻􀁈􀁕􀁬􀁴􀁴􀀭􀁚􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁡􀁴􀀸􀁾􀀠cop ,iIIliIo DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT VOL.96099 PG.05197 A= 2'13'07R= 778.00' L: 30.13' eB: NOO'45' I ruE e. 30.13' ..'l'li!....􀁾􀀠PO INT OF COMMENCI P-K Noll found In S89'35'OO"E 5/8' I.R.F. concrete base of 20.00 ' ' 'It 􀀱􀀯􀀲􀀢􀁉􀁉􀀮􀁒􀀮􀁆􀁾􀀠wi "Hulltt-ZoIIOfS" C I 112" I.R.f. w/If/IIO iI'1Y rd t.. roprrx/. CURVE -cr a:: 0 (0 A: 12'31' 42" OZm R= 299.31' ::> • L= 65.45' CI-,.J eB= N84'09'09"E (1)0 .;:> e= 65.32' W SCALE IN FEET i I I. o 25 50 15 100 I' ;: 50' FORe Town of Addison Public Vorks 16800 􀁖􀀦􀀤􀁴􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁥􀀮􀀠 Addison. TX 􀀷􀁾􀁏􀁏􀁉􀀠 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. A. B. C OWNER. MeN COMPANY AREA. 224/206/2431 Sf OATEl9/rUi991 HZ .01-1659-02 REF.*171202 LAND DESCRIPTION TRACT A .. BEING 224 square feet land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, DaIIas County, Texas and being portion of a tract of land described in instrument to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 78212, Page 3704 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly descnlled as follows: COMMENCING at a 518 inch iron rod found at the southwest corner of the tract of land described in said instrumem to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84133, Page 0532 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said point also being the southwest comer of a tract of land described in instrument to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point also being on the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East along the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road and south line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (SWB1) tract, the south line of a tract of land descnlled in instrument to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84008, Page 1944 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and the south line of a tract of land described in instrumem to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 82179, Page 1559 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, a distance of 124.97 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with 'HuittZollars" cap, said point being the beginning of a curve to the left, having a central angle of 12 degrees 31 minutes 42 seconds, a radius of 299.31 feet, and being subtended by a 65.32 foot chord bearing North 84 degrees 09 minutes 09 seconds East; THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left, an arc distance of 65.45 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap on the west line of said MCM Company tract as recorded in Volume 78212, Page 3704 for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 00 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds East along the west line of last mentioned MCM Company tract a distance of 10.65 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars' cap at the northwest comer of an easement for street purposes granted to the City of Addison, Texas as described in instrument recorded in Volume 78212, Page 3699 of the Deed Records, Dallas Coumy, Texas; THENCE South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East along the north line of said easement a distance of 42.11 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; THENCE South 76 degrees 05 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 43.41 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and CONTAINING 224 square feet of land, more or less. Basis of Bearing: The bearing of South 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of Quorum Drive as per deed from MCM Company to The Town of Addison as evidenced by the Special Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 96099, Page 00027 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas . Page 1 of 4 j:\survey\l859\wp\U-:lCa.des; j:\survey\1772\02\wp\TR.ACTA. DES 9/1611997 ". LAND DESCRIPTION TRACTB BEING 206 square feet land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being portions of tracts of land described in instruments to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84008, Page 1944 and Volume 84133, Page 0532 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the southwest comer of the tract of land described in said instrument to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84133, Page 0532 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said point also being the southwest comer of a tract of land described in instrument to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 "of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point also being on the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East along the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road and south line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (SWBn tract a distance of 59.64 feet to a P-K nail found in concrete base of fence post for the southeast comer of the SWBT tract; THENCE North 00 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds East along the east line of said SWBT tract a distance of 100.00 feet to a P-K nail found in concrete base of fence post for the northeast comer of said SWBT tract, said nail being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 89 degrees 36 minutes 43 seconds West along the north line of said SWBT tract a distance of 25.68 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right, having a central angle of 2 degrees 13 minutes 07 seconds, a radius of 778.00 feet, and being subtended by a 30.13 foot chord bearing North 58 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds East; THENCE Northeasterly along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 30.13 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars· cap for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 15.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and CONTAINING 206 square feet of land, more or less. Basis of Bearing: The bearing of South 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of Quorum Drive as per deed from MCM Company to The Town of Addison as evidenced by the Special Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 96099, Page 00027 of the Deed Records of Da\las County, Texas. Page 2 of4 j :\survey\ I 859\wp\tractl.des; j :\survey\ 1772\02\wp\TRACTB. DES 9/16/1997 LAND DESClUPl10N TRACTC BEING 2,431 square feet land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison., Dallas County, Texas and being part of a tract of land as descn'bed in instruments to MCM Company as recon!ed in Volume 84008, Page 1944 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a 518 incb iron rod found at the southwest comer of the tract of land descn'bed in instrument to MCM Company as recorded in Volume 84133, Page 0532 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said point also being the southwest comer of a tract of land described in instrument to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of the Deed Records. Dallas County, Texas. said point also being on the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East along the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road and south line of said Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (SWBT) tract a distance of 59.64 feet to a P-K nail found in concrete base of fence post for the southeast comer of the SWBT tract for the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East cominuing along the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road and south line of the MCM Company tract a distmce of 20.00 feet to a 1J2 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; THENCE North 00 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds East parallel with and 20 feet from the east line of said SWBT tract a distance of 127.20 feet to a 112 incb iron set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap on the southerly line of a 168.918 square foot tract of land as described in instrument to the Town of Addison, as recorded in Volume 96099. Page 00027. Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point being the beghtning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a centtal angle of 1 degree 41 minutes 36 seconds. a radius of 778.00 feet. and being subtended bY a 22.99 foot chord bearing South 60 degrees 42 minutes 39 seconds West; THENCE Southwesterly along said curve to the left, along the southerly line of said Town of Addison tract an arc distance of 23.00 feet to a 112 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; THENCE South 00 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds West along a projection of and along east line of said SWBT tract a distance of 115.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINlNG 2,431 square feet of land, more or less. Basis of Bearing: The bearing of South 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East along the west right-of-way line of Quorum Drive as per deed from MCM Company to The Town of Addison as evidenced bY the Special Warranty Deed recorded in Volume 96099, Page 00027 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas. Page 3 of4 j:\sorveyU859\wp\l1l1ct4.des; j:\sutYeyUm\02\wp\TRACTC.DES 9/161199'1 1(011 lor S"'lo•• 'AUToortl PkwY.1I1 :z 0 0 􀁾-". »/" 5 ii'r c '" » Bel tJ (jl 􀁾􀀠 Co 0 .:E. '"' :n "to.. 0. LOCATION MAP JOSEPH H. JONES. BETH BRANDEBERRY. 􀁃􀁁􀁾􀁏􀁌􀁙􀁎􀀠PERKINS 􀁓􀁈􀁉􀁍􀁅􀁾􀀠MERRITT AND SAMUEL THOMAS PERKINS. CO-TRUSTEES OF THE MARY COFFIELD TRUST. THE EVELYN C. JONES TRUST. THE SETH BRANDEBERRY TRUST AND THE CORINNE SHIMER TRUST AND A. BEN PINNELL. JA. VOl.91109 PG.03158 􀁾􀀽􀀠 AREAS ® 214 SO. FT. ® 208 SO. FT. © 1431 so. FT. 􀁾􀀧􀀠 􀁾􀀧􀁴􀁉􀀧􀁬􀁤􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁜􀀧􀁉􀁉􀀡􀁉􀁉􀀮􀀠 1/2" "Hul MeM COMPANY VOL.84 133 PG.0532 ... BASIS OF BEARINGS. THE BEARING OF S 00'11'10" E ALONG THE WEST RIGHTOF-YAY LINE OF QUORUM DRIVE AS PER DEED TO THE TOVN OF ADDISON, RECORDED IN VOlUME 98099. PAGE 00021. DEED RECORDS. DALLAS COUNTY. TEXAS. G,W. FISHER ABSTRACT SURVEY NO. 482 DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT YOL.96099 PG.05197 i i 'j, N MCM COMPANY YOL.78212 PG.3704 1/2"11 􀁾􀁒􀀮􀁆􀀮􀀠wi 􀀢􀁈􀁕􀀧􀁲􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁚􀀨􀀩􀁉􀁬􀀨􀁪􀁮􀀢􀀠 co I POINT OF 1/2" I.R.F. w/COMMENCI 5/SI.R.F P-I{ Notl found In ooncrt'G boa. of "Hul 􀁴􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁚􀁯􀁬􀁬􀁡􀁲􀁳􀀼􀁬􀀠 cap Zr-INTERNATIONAL GUARANTY CORP. 0<,0 YOL.92001 PG.0617 PUBLIC ROAD & UTILITY 'II. -0:) TO CITY OF ADDISON WI-YOL.82117 PG.1654 0:-0 I-Cl • QUORUM CENTRE ADDITION ZCl<..? PUBLIC ROAD & UTILITY R.O.'II. W«o.. VOL.84067 PG.5718 TO CITY OF ADDISON o NrYOL.84075 PG.495Z :::<: 0:) PAGE 4 OF 4 Tile Is mlN1tfy ftd tte 􀁾 fifJf'WJ WG'8 Tlis d_"" may rd bo __wlllalf mDdo .-"'1_1_ '" S_12.I!1iI! 1m written wmfSlJtcn Ii' ErIc J.Yatwdt. CIWI //131110 ""'" or;} _."""'" """'" RerIJ_ Pr!f""cmll.fNtd _. ore' tM 0I'Id «Iff'ect to fhB tost d' I11t kfIDWllld(/Il. q. \",.'1 'ESS/ONAL LNVD SIlNEYOR NO.4862 HUITf -ZOllARS LAND TITLE SURVEY 3131 Mel< INNEY AI/ENUE/SU 1TE 600 OALLAS. TEXAS/214-81 1-331 1 :::l ' CURVE -CI II 0 <.0 A= 12'31'42" OZm R=299.31' :::l • L= 65.45' CI-..J !. CB= N84'09'09"E (1)0 «> C= 65.32' W SCALE IN FEET I o 25 50 75 100 J. ;: 50' FORI Town or Addison Public Works 16900 WtstQrovt t Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. A. B. C QVNER, MCM COMPANY AREA, 224/206/2431 SF OATE, 9/12if991 HZ .01-1859-02 REF.0171202 SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225-5816 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 ROSS L. JACOBS. P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY. P.E. JOHN W. BIRKHOFF, P. E. JOE R. CARTER, P.E. December 29, 1997 GARY C. HENDRICKS, P.E. I. C. FINKLEA, P.E. Mr. James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E., DEE Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001-0144 Re: Arapaho Road Right Of Way Carramerica Realty, L.P. Dear Mr. Pierce: We are enclosing two revised copies ofthe field note description and plat for the Carramerica Realty tract. The revision includes the adjustment in the northern comer clip as you requested. Also the overall area calculation has been revised due to a calculation error that was discovered during the revision work. We are available at your convenience to discuss any questions you may have with the revised documents. 􀀹􀁾􀂢􀁺􀀯􀁾􀀠 John W. Birkhoff, P.E. Enclosure Date:12129/97 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR RIGHT -OF-WAY ACQUISITION ACROSS' CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. PARCEL 6-1-R Being a parcel of land for right-of-way located in the Town of Addison, Texas and in the G.W. Fisher. Survey, Abstract No. 482, Dallas County, Texas and h .. 􀁬􀁾􀁾􀂷􀂷􀀠 , McLean Tract Addition to the Town of Addison, and being " .. --:l63 acre r tract of land conveyed to CarrAmerica Realty, L.I Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records 0 way being more particularly described as follows: 7'1 ru U I -rship, in right-of-BEGINNING at an iron pin found at the northwest c, ::t, said iron pin also being in the east right-of-way line of ght-ofway); THENCE N 89°48'50" E along the north line of said CarrAmerica tract, 13.28 feet to an iron pin found and continuing for a total distance of 28.94 feet to an iron pin found for a comer; THENCE S 57°47'27" W, a distance of 22.34 feet to an iron pin for a comer; THENCE S 0°11'10' E, a distance of 128.72 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being to a point of curvature of a curve to right, said curve having a radius of 470.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 77.27 feet and a chord bearing of S 9°08'59" W, a distance of 152.49 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right, a distance of 153.17 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being the point for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 100.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 16.44 feet and a chord bearing of S 9°08'59" W, a distance of 32.45 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, distance of 32.59 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being a point oftangency; THENCE S 0°11'10" E, a distance of 37.04 feet to an iron pin for a comer, said comer being N 89°50'06" W, 355.00 feet and N 44°50'06" W, 7.11 feet from the most easterly southeast comer of said CarrAmerica tract as evidenced by an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk; THENCE N 44°50'06" W, along the south line of said CarrAmerica tract and along a corner clip at the northeast corner of of Arapaho Road, (a 60 foot right-of-way) and Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of-way), for a distance of 14.23 feet to an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk for a comer; THENCE N 0'11'10" W, along the west line of said CarrAmerica tract and along the east right-of-way line of said Quorum Drive, for a distance of 26.92 feet to an iron pin found, said iron pin being a point of curvature of a curve to the right, said curve to the right having a radius of 110.00 feet, a central angle of 18'40'21", a tangent distance of 18.08 feet and a chord bearing of N 9'08'59" E a distance of 35.69 feet; THENCE along said curve the right, for a distance of 35.85 feet to an iron pin found, said iron pin being a point for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 460.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent of 75.63 feet and a chord bearing of N 9°08'59" E, a distance of 149.25 feet; THENCE along said curve the left. for a distance of 149.91 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE N 0°11'10" W, along the west line of said CarrAmerica tract and along the east right-of-way line of said Quorum Drive, a distance of 140.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3695.33 square feet of land. Date:12129/97 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION ACROSS· CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. PARCEL 6-1-R Being a parcel of land for right-of-way located in the Town of Addison, Texas and in the G.W. Fisher. Survey, Abstract No. 482, Dallas County, Texas and being out the McLean Tract Addition to the Town of Addison, and being over, under and across a 2.863 acre tract of land conveyed to CarrAmerica Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said right-ofway being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin found at the northwest corner of said CarrAmerica tract, said iron pin also being in the east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-ofway); THENCE N 89°48'50" E along the north line of said CarrAmerica tract, 13.28 feet to an iron pin found and continuing for a total distance of 28.94 feet to an iron pin found for a corner; THENCE S 57°47'27" W, a distance of 22.34 feet to an iron pin for a corner; THENCE S 0°11'10" E, a distance of 128.72 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being to a point of curvature of a curve to right, said curve having a radius of 470.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 77.27 feet and a chord bearing of S 9°08'59" W, a distance of 152.49 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right, a distance of 153.17 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being the point for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 100.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21', a tangent distance of 16.44 feet and a chord bearing of S 9°08'59" W, a distance of 32.45 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left. distance of 32.59 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being a point of tangency; THENCE S 0°11'10" E, a distance of 37.04 feet to an iron pin for a corner, said corner being N 89°50'06" W, 355.00 feet and N 44°50'06" W, 7.11 feet from the most easterly southeast corner of said CarrAmerica tract as evidenced by an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk; THENCE N 44°50'06' W, along the south line of said CarrAmerica tract and along a corner clip at the northeast corner of Arapaho Road, (a 60 foot right-of-way) and Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of-way), for a distance of 14.23 feet to an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk for a corner; -------fi\ " 􀁾􀀠1--􀁾􀁦􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀁾􀁦􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 -POINT OF BEGINNING (PARCEL W > 0::: I 0 I 􀁾􀀠 :::> 0::: 0 :::> 0 THE McLEAN TRACT ADDITION 􀀯􀁾 FUTURE ROAD. CURVE DATA I b. = 18'40'21" J-I.,"'-10' I R 450.00' CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. I T = 75.53' 􀁾􀀠 I L = 149.91' C---CURVe DATA VOL. 97055, PG. 3445 I CB=N 9'08'59" E CD=149.25' CURVe DATA b. = 18·4O'Zl"l.p. FND. b. = 18'40'21" R = 470.00' G.W. FISHER SURVEY, ABST. NO. 482 --L...-' T = 77.27' L = 153.17' DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS CB=S 9'08'59" W CD=152.49' R = 􀀱􀀱􀀰􀀮􀀰􀀰􀀧􀁾􀀠 CURVE DATA T = 18.08' C-b. 18'40'21" L = 35.85' R = 100.00' 80' CB=N 9'08'59" E T = 16.44' CD=35.59' I.P. FND. L = 32.59' I I » E CB=S 9'08'59" W I N 􀀰􀀧􀀱􀀱􀀧􀀱􀀰􀀢􀁾􀀠 5 37.04 CD=32.45' 26.92' X FND. . N 44'50'06" W I .",-7.11' --JuNO N 44'50'06" W /I C ------N 89'50'06" W -355'00 14.23' L, I.P. FND. I.P.S. ARAPAHO ROAD loP. FND. 6-1 -R) I.P.S. S 5T47'27" W VOL. 82005, PC. 2784 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭 r.... loP.S. 22.34' .-"d.",.' 3:: b .--I b I z Area = 3695.33 SQ. FT. I.P.s. _1_S..::. -OUTSIDE FACE OF STRUCTURE I //R.O.W. I I /I SCALE: 1=50' /2 Z9. 9'T ALL IRON PINS SET ARE 1/2-INCH '" IDENTIAED BY A YELLOW PLASnC CAP STAMPED WITH "SJ&:F". TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION PLAT SHIMEK. JACOBS &: RNKl.EA" LLP. DEC 1997 CONSULTING ENGINEERS ., Date:12129/97 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR RIGHT...QF-WAY ACQUISITION ACROSS CARRAMERICA REAL TV, LP, PARCEL 6-1-R Being a parcel of land for right-of-way located in the Town of Addison, Texas and in the G.W. Fisher. Survey, Abstract No. 482, Dallas County, Texas and being out the McLean Tract Addition to the Town of Addison, and being over, under and across a 2.863 acre tract of land conveyed to CarrAmerica Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said right-ofway being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin found at the northwest comer of said CarrAmerica tract, said iron pin also being in the east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-ofway); THENCE N 89°48'50' E along the north line of said CarrAmerica tract, 13.28 feet to an iron pin found and continuing for a total distance of 28.94 feet to an iron pin found for a corner; THENCE S 57°47'27" W, a distance of 22.34 feet to an iron pin for a comer; THENCE S 0°11'10' E, a distance of 128.72 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being to a point of curvature of a curve to right, said curve having a radius of 470.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 77.27 feet and a chord bearing of S 9°08'59" W, a distance of 152.49 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right, a distance of 153.17 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being the pOint for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 100.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 16.44 feet and a chord bearing of S 9°08'59" W, a distance of 32.45 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, distance of 32.59 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being a pOint of tangency; THENCE S 0°11'10' E, a distance of 37.04 feet to an iron pin for a corner, said .comer being N 89°50'06" W, 355.00 feet and N 44°50'06" W, 7.11 feet from the most easterly southeast corner of said CarrAmerica tract as evidenced by an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk; THENCE N N 44°50'06" W, along the south line of said CarrAmerica tract and along a corner clip at the northeast corner of Arapaho Road, (a 60 foot right-of-way) and Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of-way). for a distance of 14.23 feet to an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk for a corner; THENCE N 0°11'10" W, along the west line of said CarrAmerica tract and along the east right-of-way line of said Quorum Drive, for a distance of 26.92 feet to an iron pin found, said iron pin being a point of curvature of a curve to the right, said curve to the right having a radius of 110.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 18.08 feet and.a chord bearing of N 9°08'59" E a distance of 35.69 feet; . THENCE along said curve the right, for a distance of 35.85 feet to an iron pin found, said iron pin being a point for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 460.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent of 75.63 feet and a chord bearing of N 9°08'59" E, a distance of 149.25 feet; THENCE along said curve the left, for a distance of 149.91 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE N 0°11'10" W, along the west line of said CarrAmerica tract and along the east right-of-way line of said Quorum Drive, a distance of 140.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3695.33 square feet of land. C> '"" 􀁾􀀠 -1--􀁾􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 ..... .m.... . mSl----POINT OF BEGINNING (PARCEL 6-1-R) w > 0::: o I s: b z w I.P.S. I.P.S. 5 57'47'27" W 22.34' THE McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005. PG. 2784 . -----􀁾􀀠 ::::> 0::: o ::::> o Area = 3695,33 SQ, FT, I.P.S. CURVE DATA OUTSIDE FACE OF STRUCTURE f:, = 18'40'21" ..........01-.10· R = 460.00' T = 75.63'---::) I L = 149.91' c......I CB=N 9'08'59" E CD=149.25· CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. CURVE DATA f:, = 18'40'21" R 470.00' -....1.....-' T 77.27' CURVE DATA b. = 18'40·21"I.P. FND. L 153.17' CB=S 9'OS'59" W CD=152.49· R = 􀀱􀀱􀀰􀀬􀁏􀁏􀀧􀁾􀀠 CURVE DATA T = 18.08' C-b. 18'40'21" . L = 35.85' R = 100,00' CB=N 9'0•8 '59" E T = 16.44' CD=35.S9 1 I.P. FND. L = 32.59' CB=S 9'08'59" W N 􀀰􀀧􀀱􀀱􀀧􀀱􀀰􀀢􀁾􀀠 CD=32.45' 26.92' X FND. N 44'50'OS" W I .,7.11'___ N 44'50'06" W 1/c -14.23' L, I.P. FND, . I.P.S. VOL. 97055, PG. 3445 G,W. FISHER SURVEY, ABST, NO. 482 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS N 89'50'OS" W 355'00 ARAPAHO ROAD 􀀯􀁾 FUTURE_RO_A_D_.___􀁾􀀠------I I I I I I ////80' R.O.W. --JXFND. /I I /' /' I ///' /: SCALE: 1=50' ALL IRON PINS SET ARE lj2-INCH & IDENllAED BY A YELLOW PLASTC CAP STAMPED WITH "SJ&F". TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. RIGHT-OF-WAY 􀁁􀁃􀁑􀁕􀁉􀁓􀁉􀁔􀁉􀁏􀁉􀁾􀀠 PLAT SHIMEK. JACOBS &: FlNKLEA. LLP. DEC 1997 CONSULTING ENGINEERS •• Date:05/06/98 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION ACROSS CARRAMERICA REAL TV, L.P. PARCEL 6-1-R Being a parcel of land for right-of-way located in the Town of Addison, Texas and in the G.W. Fisher. Survey, Abstract No. 482, Dallas County, Texas and being out the McLean Tract Addition to the Town of Addison, and being over, under and across a 2.863 acre tract of land conveyed to CarrAmerica Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said right-ofway being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin found at the northwest corner of said CarrAmerica tract, said iron pin also being in the east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-ofway); THENCE N 89°48'50" E along the north line of said CarrAmerica tract, 13.28 feet to an iron pin found and continuing for a total distance of 28.94 feet to an iron pin found for a comer; THENCE S 57°47'27" W, a distance of 22.34 feet to an iron pin for a a comer; THENCE S 0°11'10' E, a distance of 128.72 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being to a point of curvature of a curve to right, said curve having a radius of 470.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 77.27 feet and a chord bearing of S 9"08'59" W, a distance of 152.49 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right, a distance of 153.17 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being the point for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 100.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 16.44 feet and a chord bearing of S 9°08'59" W, a distance of 32.45 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, distance of 32.59 feet to an iron pin. said iron pin being a point of tangency; THENCE S 0°11'10" E, a distance of 37.04 feet to an iron pin for a comer, said comer being N 89°50'06" W. 355.00 feet and N 44°50'06" W, 7.11 feet from the most eastedy southeast corner of said CarrAmerica tract as evidenced by an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk; THENCE N 44°50'06" W, along the south line of said CarrAmerica tract and along a comer clip at the northeast comer of Arapaho Road, (a 60 foot right-of-way) and Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of-way), for a distance of 14.23 feet to an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk for a comer; THENCE N 0°11'10' W, along the west line of said CarrAmerica tract and along the east right-of-way line of said Quorum Drive, for a distance of 26.92 feet to an iron pin found, said iron pin being a point of curvature of a curve to the right, said curve to the right having a radius of 110.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 18.08 feet and a chord bearing of N 9008'59" E a distance of 35.69 feet; THENCE along said curve the right, for a distance of 35.85 feet to an iron pin found, . said iron pin being a point for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 460.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent of 75.63 feet and a chord bearing of N 9°08'59" E, a distance of 149.25 feet; THENCE along said curve the left, for a distance of 149.91 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE N 0011 '1 0" W, along the west line of said CarrAmerica tract and along the east right-of-way line of said Quorum Drive, a distance of 140.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3695.33 square feet of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE TO THE TOWN OF ADDISON, CARRAMERICA REAL TV, L.P., AND CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. This is to certify that on the 30th day of April, 1998, this survey was made on the ground as the field notes shown on this survey and is !rue, correct, and accurate as to the boundaries and areas of the subject property and the size, location and type of buildings and improvements thereon, if any, and as to the other matters shown hereon, and correctly shows the location of all visible easements and rights-of-way of which I have knowledge or have been advised, whether or not of record, affecting the subject property. Except as shown on the survey, there are no visible encroachments apparent on the subject property by improvements on adjacent property, there are no visible encroachments apparent on adjacent property, streets, or alleys by any improvements on the subject property. , " 5S II 􀁾􀀠 <3 '" 1----21-----􀁾'" 􀀠 -CURVE DATA A = 18'40'21" R = 'tDUI.UU.-...... T = 75.63' I L = 149.91' I CB=N 9'08'59" E CD=149.25' -THE McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005, PG. 2784 ___00--___ 􀁾􀀭􀀭 • FND. . UNDERGROUND UTIIJlY ESM'T VOL. 11424O, PG. 3658ONCAP---'o-1-L-L::--"-.'-C;O"AI'''l;ij'' -E 􀁾 ' --S 5747'27" W 22.34' Area :=; 3695.33 SQ. FT. /!i;. FUTURE_RO_A_D_____.__.. ------//__ACCESS &. UTlLflY EStJ'T VOL. 84240, PG. 3653 ////LP.s. ,..---OUTSIDE FACE OF STRUCTURE 􀀱􀁾􀁟􀀮􀀲􀀾􀀠 1 I II I f I >:2 􀁯􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀠 􀁏􀁾􀀠 TO THE TOWN OF ADDISON, CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P., AND CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This is to certify that on the 300l day of April, 1998, this SUMlywas made on the ground per the field notes shewn .on this 9Jrvey and Is true, oorrecl. and accurate as to the Lndaries and areas of the sLbjed property and the size, location and type of bLildings and Improvemen!s thereon. if an'j, and as to the other matters shewn hereon. and oorreclly shows the location of all >isible easements and and rights-of·way of v.hich I have knowledge or have been advised. whether or not of 􀁾 affecting the subject property. CURVE DATA A = 111'40'21" R = 470.00' 􀁾􀁩􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀠T = 77.27' L = 153.17' CB=S 9'08'59" W CD=152.49' CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. VOL. 97055, PG. 3445 G.W. fiSHER SURVEY, A8ST. NO. 482 DALLAS COUN1Y, TEXAS I I I I I ::::2:§; ::>S 0::: Except as shewn on the survey. there are no visible enaoachmenls apparent on the I--I ::::ili! subject property by imp"""ments on adjacent property. there are no visible U 􀁾􀀠 encroachments apparent OIl adjacent property. streets. or alley.s by an'j improvements W § on tile sLbject property. I 0.. 0 I Use olthis survey for any other purpose or by other parties shall be at their own risk and I (f) '--' I Lndersigned not responsible to otllers for loss resutting therefTom. t:. = aLP. 􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁅􀁍􀁩􀀺􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁾 􀁾􀀠 15' DRAINAGE &. UTIUlY ESM'IrtI--11 􀁾􀁊􀀲􀁘􀁴􀁌􀀴􀀠108 R = 11 CURVE DATA VOL 80005, PG. 3073 , T = 18.08' --c..:..,. ...,-__ A __ 18'40'21" VOL 82005, PG. 27114 Ronald V. Cormay L.\ Registered l'rofessionalland &rveyor L =' 35.115' R = 100.00' , 80' ROW Te"""Reg.No.2349 W C8=N 9'08'59" E T = 16.44' 15 I---=--r';;;":';:";';';'--I 􀁾􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭 <> 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠 􀁾 " I /' /SCALE:l =50' 25' BUILDING UNE"//I Wi CD=35,69,' I.P. FND. L = 32.59' , I I CB=S 9'08'59" W 20 8UILDING UNE I r I N 0'11'10· W CD 3245' 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀀲􀁾􀀻􀁴􀀧􀀰􀀶􀁕􀀠 􀁬􀁯􀀮􀁊􀁩􀁬􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀽􀁲􀀭􀀽􀀭 -=-::.W_:,:=--=--=--=--=--=-􀁾X FND 14.23' ARAPAHO ROAD ALL IRON PINS SET ARE 1/2-INCH & IDENTIFIED BY A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED WITH ''SJ&.F''. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS CARRAMERICA REAL1Y. L.P. RIGHT-Of-WAY ACQUISITION PLAT SHIMEK" JACOBS &: RNI Area = 3813.66 SQ. FT. 0 I.P.S. I CURVE DATA I I l!. = 18'40'21" I I R = 460.00' CARRAM RICA REAL1Y, L.P. I T = 75.63'----:J SCALE: 1=SO' I L = 149.91' c...CURVE DATA VOL. 97055, PG. 3445 I CB=N 9'08'59" E CD=149.25' CURVE DATA l!. = IS'40'21"I.P. FNO. l!. = 18'40'21" cR = 470.00' G.W. FISHER SURVEY, ABST. NO. 482 ---..J T = 77.27' L = 153.17' DALLAS COUN1Y, TEXAS CB=S 9'08'59" W CD=152.49' R = 11 0.00'􀁾􀀠 I.P.S. CURVE DATA . T = 18.08' c....-. l!. = 18'40'21' L = 35,85' c----, 80' R.O.W. CB=N 9'08'59" E 􀀭􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠=􀀱􀀱􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁧􀀬􀁯􀀠 CD=35,69' I.P. FND. L = 32.59' I S 0'11'10" E C8=S 9'08'59" W ALL IRON PINS SET ARE 1/2-INCH & IDENTIFlED N 􀁏􀀧􀁬􀁬􀀧􀀱􀀰􀀢􀁾􀀠 5 37.04' CD=32.45' BY A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED WITH "SJ&F". 26.92' X FND. N 44'50'06" W 􀁾􀀠 I 1""-7.11' POINT OF BEGINNING I (PARCEL 6-1-R) r... I _--------N 89'48'SO" E m13.28' rS/8" J.P. FND. W/H-2 ON CAP --􀁾􀁓 38'37'33" W I.P.S. S.23' THE McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005, PC. 2784 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 W '" VOliD CJ > .... .O..".l 0::: I ''"" :;;: 􀁾􀀠 0 . I 'b w 􀁾􀀠 'b 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 => b 0::: z b 0 '" ,elk FUTURE_RO_A_D_• 􀁟􀀮􀁾􀁟􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 //I I //I I /--N 44'50'06" 01 C -----14.23' L, I.P. FNO. I.P.S. N 89'50'06" W 355'00 ARAPAHO ROAD TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS CARRAMERICA REAL1Y, LP, RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION PLAT SHIMEK. JACOBS &: FlNKL£A. LLP. DEC 1997 CONSULnNG ENGINEE.RS ., .....' Date:12117/97 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS PARCEL 7-R Being a parcel of land out of street right-of-way located in the Town of Addison, Texas and in the G.W. Fisher. Survey, Abstract No. 482, Dallas County, Texas and being over, under and across a remaining tract of land out of an original 9.645 acre tract of land in The McLean Tract Addition conveyed to the Town of Addison, Texas by deed now of record in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said right-of-way being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING, at an X found cut in a concrete driveway, said X being N 0°11 '1 0" W, a distance of 294.56 from the original southeast corner of said 9.645 acre tract and the southeast corner of a 2.863 acre tract of land conveyed to CarrAmerica Realty L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, as evidenced by an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk, said X also being where the west right-of-way of Spectrum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of-way) intersects with the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (an 60 foot right-of-way), and said Point of Beginning also being N 60°11 '1 0" W, 34.08 feet from the most easterly northeast corner of said 2.863 acre tract of land as evidenced by an X found cut in concrete pavement; THENCE N 60°11 '1 0" W, along the most easterly north line of said 2.863 acre tract for a distance of 145.56 feet to an iron pin found for a corner; THENCE N 89°48'50" E, a distance of 113.05 feet to an iron pin for a corner; THENCE N 45°11 '51" W, a distance of 18.39 feet to an iron pin for a corner; THENCE S 0°11 '1 0" E, a distance of 59.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4502.78 square feet of land. I I w > n::: °1 􀁾􀀠 ::::> n::: o ::::> a 􀀯􀁾 FUTURE_RO_A_D__• __􀁾􀁾􀀠 , -----I _____-THE McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL, 82005, PG, 2784 I.P.FND. F-I I N 89'48'50" E -213.93' I.P.FND. I.P.s.\ N 89'48'50· E -113.05' -\. Area = 4502.78 SQ. FT. POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL 7-R N4S'11'51·W /' 􀁾􀀮􀀱􀀸􀀮􀀳􀀹􀀧􀀠 //' " S 0'11'10' E 􀁾 59.78' /;;: N 60'11'10" W 34.08' /I ////' /' CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P, SCALE: 1=5Q' VOL. 97055, PG. 3445 X FND. !::: G,W. FISHER SURVEY, ABST. NO. 482 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ARAPAHO ROAD 1 1 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 b z 80' IR.O.W. 􀀭􀁾􀁘􀁆􀁎􀁄􀀮􀀠 ALL IRON PINS SET ARE 1/2-INCH & IDENTIFIED BY A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED Willi ·SJ&F". TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P, RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT PLAT SHIMEK. JACOBS & FlNKLEA, LLP. DEC 1997 CONSULTING ENGINEERS •• HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite SOO DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 (214) 871·3311 TO TOtA/AI of ADDlSoAl 16&?I H/e:sTM'('>ve ADDISoN. 7X 7500/WE ARE SENDING YOU 􀁾􀁡􀁣􀁨􀁥􀁤􀀠 0 Under separate cover via _________the following items: o Shop drawings [B4>,ints o Plans 0 Samples I 0 Specifications o Copy of letter o Change order &::::::: [)e'5C.fZ-fevoJJ$ "l bRAw/tVG-£XI/Ie-ITS I.JOB NO. : /-/772-0-:2. COPIES OATE NO. DESCRIPTION 10 2EA, 5/GI.!GD 􀁾􀀠GBAL.e1> COf'tES -PAr r [ NO. 482 􀁾􀀠 TOVN OF ADDISON VQL.93243 PG.8422 i! iI: POINT OF BEGINNING II,," I.!'t.f. w/HIHII-ZolicfI oop ill 􀁉􀁾􀀠 􀀯􀀢􀁾􀀢􀀢􀁉􀁾􀀮􀀠I.R.F. w!HUitt-Zotlon cop I .s. 538-38' ISlty 21.19' 􀁉􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 0.033 AC. /" 􀀻􀀯􀁾 􀀦􀀱􀁾􀀠 0.003 AC. 1I1.19'LT. McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 CL STA.. 16+41 􀁾􀀲􀀠 CARRAMERICIA REALTV. L.P. VOL.91055 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁾􀀴􀀴􀁇􀀠 I I I 􀁾􀁏􀁜􀁜􀀩􀀠 I DRAINAGE" UTILITY 1_ g £__T 􀁉􀁾􀀠 VOL.BOOOS pO.nss I. + 􀁾􀀠 !!l .. 1.19.' + iO 0 /"",/"",,,,,, " 88 ,;' CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.P. N 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠 " 􀀢􀀧􀀨􀁾 ///""..-"" .... -", DRAINAGE" UTILITY .... ,. EASEMENT "" ... 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀶􀀰􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀠PO. flee .... 􀁷􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀢􀁳􀀢􀀬􀁪􀁴􀁜.."" ""' .... "" VOL..6200r. PO.2l8. "s"-􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀮....... /􀁴􀁉􀁾􀁖􀀭 􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁜􀁦􀁐􀀢􀀠 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 o 50 100 􀁉􀁾􀁏􀀠 200 III I II I I I I D SCALE 'N FEET G.'vI. §, DAt.LAS MEA RAPIO TRANSIT C􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁃􀁪􀀺􀀠PO.0f51Q1 3: 0 􀁾􀀮􀀠 J :;0 <1Tl' 􀁾􀀠1\1' V ' Q) 0 􀁾􀀠 THE TOWN Of ADDISON 􀁾􀀠 VOl..q&0 􀁾􀀺􀁥􀀭 10..,0 􀁾􀀠 "i!I ADDITION 82005 PG.2784 '. CL 5TA.16+ 1.2 41.19·LT. .41.19' CARRAMERICIA REALTY. L.P. 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀹􀀷􀀰􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁾􀀴􀀴􀀵􀀠 􀁾􀀠D' 0\ 1/2' 2' I.R.F. w/Hultt'Zolion QOP CD ... L=4 • "... :: -I 1° + '012' R" 􀁾􀀠 􀀧􀁑􀀮􀁏􀁏􀁾 "89"5'23"' 232.29' _., ,'" , < 􀁾 􀁾􀀠 1Tl' ." 􀀭􀀧􀀹􀀰􀀬􀀹􀁾􀁾􀁃􀀧􀀢􀀠 • UTILITY '5M To 􀁾􀁟􀁟􀁟􀀠 􀀢􀀧􀁾 ".'l oth1 Q.1' 􀁾􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁏􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁾lT􀀡V 􀁾􀁌􀁰􀁇􀀧􀁾􀀵􀀢􀀿V􀀺O􀁾L􀁾 􀁾5􀁾4􀀬2􀁾4􀁾0􀀻 P􀀧􀁾G􀀺,􀁾3􀀬"􀀬3􀁾 􀁾􀀠T􀀮'T􀀭􀁾"􀁜.􀀮 /􀀠 O'Itrl. -• U\ 􀁾􀀠 (XI 􀁎􀁓􀀹􀂷􀀴􀁓􀀺􀀢􀁾􀀮􀁑􀂷􀀠 -----------, /', I 􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀠". o ....Y"" O' o, n'_ --------, , ", /􀀮􀀮􀀺􀁾􀁜􀀩􀀮􀀧􀀢􀀺􀀭􀀭 v.,. 112' I.R.F. w/Hulll-Zollofi cop HE TOWN OF ADDISON z IlR.s;"'S38·38' 18"W VOL.IH)BQQ PG.OOS27 :0 I g 21.19' -, 8,,0,/􀁾 􀀯y. 􀀠 􀁾􀀧􀁩􀁊􀁏 􀁾􀁾􀀠 • 10)_ 0 10.-: • :6-I 0.003 AC. l"rI """... --􀁾􀀠 /:I( '0c " ..􀁾􀀠 • g 0.033 //i=I 21.01'16 11 /R= 210.42' MeN COMPANY 'fo-L= 121.53' VOL.18212 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁾􀁔􀀰􀀴􀀠 McLEAN TRACT I CB= SI3'19'2S'W VOL.B2179 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀶􀀠 VOL. I C= 􀀱􀀲􀀶􀀮􀀳􀁾􀀧 VOl.B2119 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀹􀀠 VOL.B40OB PG.1944 'OINT OJ BEGINNING 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀁂􀀴􀀱􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁏􀁾􀁾􀀲􀀠 'x' out to'4nd In QOnQret. B.B I I en II (XI ""0 I MEPC QUORUM olTl I PROPERTIES INC. ,0 I VOL.81133 PG.OI62 -I I :0:0 I .c I I I 03: • I I I 11(0 ARAPAHO ROAD .:0• I 60' R.O.W. I POINTIOF COMMENCING 'x' cut found In concrth LEGEND I.R.F." IROH ROD FOUND I.R.S.B 5/S' IRON ROD SET WITH HUITl-ZCl..LAAS CAP TNs Is 1rJ oonft)' Ita,,. obtNfJ .wrY.,.. N'0.5' TNs dra.-Ing may noll» r4(Jl"(KlUOlld 1I'1tIrU m«b I.JntMr HI' .AI{JOI\'Wcn 011 00I0btJr a. I99T tIrt wrITten /W""&&IOII or Erlo 􀁊􀀮􀁙􀁾􀀮􀀠 QI1d tf1tJI t,. II1tIIIfII QI1d /xJund8 .shMn thtrtJCl1 R#gl5lorDd PFdMdcndIJJnd 􀁾􀀮􀀠 en Irue tJIJd etrrOd 10 tIrt bosf '" nt' knawl«Jgo. For Hulft-ZoIJar6,/nc. BASIS OF B£N?/N(J:!;' T,. IJtIorlng a" S txTlfOO" E qJong tIrt If'IS&f rlfl/t'd'Wt1)' line '" Dutrum Ot'1wI OIl /W dtl«l 1rJ tIrt Town'" AddIMln"rtJCOrd(l(/In to·I'V'l, 'NAL lAND SlJRVEYOR NO. 4862 Vdum 􀀮􀀡􀁩􀁉􀁉􀀵􀁴􀁬􀀡􀁩􀁩􀀹􀀮􀁾􀀠OOOZT.CII»d Rooortl.$.Do/los CcurIy.TuO$. For: Town or Addison Public Works 16801 Westgrove. Addison. TX 􀀷􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀱 HUllT -ZOLlARS ARAPAHO ROAD RIGHT-Of-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 6-1. 6-2 ",.. ICKIN£Y AYEtltJE/3UITE eoo DALLAfJ. TEXAfJ/tI4-Srl'3'11 OWNER. CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.P. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA. 0,036 ACRE DATE. OCT, 8.1997 H'Z 1-1112-02 ...........-.. ......-.....__...._.-_.. ,. 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-1 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.003 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion ofthat tract of land described in instrument to Carramerica Realty, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (l) BEGINNING at a 112 inch iron rod round with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at the northwest comer ofthe Carramerica Realty, L.P. (Camunerica) tract, said point being on the east right-<>f-way line of Quorum Drive (80 foot wide right-<>f-way); (2) THENCE North 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East along the northerly line of said Carramerica tract a distance of 13.28 feet to a 112 inch iron rod round with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; (3) THENCE South 38 degrees 38 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of2Ll9 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap ror a comer on the westerly line of said Carnunerica tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive; (4) 1HENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the westerly line of said Carnunerica tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive a distance of 16.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.003 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 of3 J:ISURVEY\1772\WP\1 772n· l.DOC 101811997 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-2 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.033 of an acre tract ofland situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion oftbat tract ofland described in instrument to Carrnmerica Realty, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97055 Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County. Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a cut "X" round in concrete at the southeast comer of the Carramerica Realty. L.P. (Camunerica) tract, said point being at the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (80 foot wide right-ofway) with the northerly right-of-way line ofArapaho Road (60 foot wide right-of-way); IHENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the easterly line ofsaid Carramerica tract and westerly right-of-way line line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 154.66 feet to a cut "X" round in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING ofthis tract; (1) IHENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 139.90 feet to a cut "X" set in concrete for a comer on the northeasterly line ofsaid Carramerica tract; (2) IHENCE South 60 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East along the northeasterly line of said Carramerica tract a distance of 34.09 feet to a cut "X" found in concrete for the northeasterly comer ofsaid Carramerica tract, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a centrai angle of 27 degrees 0 I minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 270.42 feet, and being subtended by a 126.35 foot cbord bearing South 13 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West; (3) IHENCE Southerly along said curve to the left and westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive an arc distance of 121.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.033 ofan acre ofland, more or less. Page 2 of 3 J:'SURVEYlI772IWP11772T6-2.DOC 10/811997 811997 I􀁡i􀁾:􀁾!􀀠 􀁾􀀠. " ;: 􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠 • + 41 19'LT CAAAAMERtCIA REALTY. L.P. • • t 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀦􀀱􀀰􀁾􀀧􀀠PG.3445 ; I z OOAtNAGE & UtlLITV 1_ g 􀁾􀀠 \) ...._T I'"' '" , 􀁖􀁾􀀮􀁡􀁯􀁯􀁯􀁳􀀠PG.I1&8 􀁉􀁾􀀠= U I..: '0 LeGEND I.A.F ... iRON ROO FOIJt«) 1 .R.a, 􀁾􀀠 5IS' ImN ROO SET WITH HUITf»ZQ.LARe CAP 􀀼􀁦􀁉􀀢􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀬_􀀬 􀀢􀀺􀁾􀁜􀀤􀀢􀀠 􀀬􀀮􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀠 ....v>"$ .,:.􀁾,iIfo 1"" C 􀁾􀁉􀀠 ....,' .., ••\<> ''''''di-8 G.'vI. C DALlAS MEA RAPID lRANSIT 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀧􀁊􀀶􀀰􀁾􀀠PG.e!Slcl'l 3: ::D < ITJI \.."41&1' 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 z ::D I g .. ,;:..! .0 "-, -:: .:: 1''il • .: HeMCOMP..., VOL,18212 PO.3TD4 VOL.82119 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁬􀁾􀀠 VOL.82119 PG.I559 VOL.84OO$ PG.1944 VOL.B4133 PG.0532 PAGE 3 OF 3 88 CARRAMERICA REAL--TY, L.P. N f 0 ;; » 􀁾􀀠 .,.. .... ""'/.... "',.../,-, ....., "", .... "" //.... ' ORAINAGE & UTILITy .... "" EASEMENT ,,"".... 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀁾􀀠PG.ll63 ,.... VOL.S200, PO.fl0" r; 􀁉􀀽􀀺􀀺􀁅􀁾􀁾􀀠 eell tPLlne x j o I'" McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 o 50 100 150 200 II II III ! I I I SCALE IN FEET Iii FISHER SURVEY II' ABSTRACT 􀁾􀁉􀀧􀁾􀁉􀀧􀀠 NO. 482 􀁾􀀠 􀁱􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 -t TOWN OF ADOISON iI;! 􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 VOL.93243 PG.8422 i 􀁾 0 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 • of 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁎􀀻􀀠 􀁾􀀠 .... • N + POINT OF IlEGINNING Ii 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 I.R.F, wlHuHf-ZotJQU 􀁯􀁡􀁰􀁾􀀠 0 _____-"."''-___->"=89-46·23-[ ZlZ.2s' ,.. V .'.,"" A:II 100000·..... .. ... -.00' ---190.9B' -4'. " .... I/\!!" 􀁾 Ui'iDERGROfJt.J£) unLiT'( A.CCESS & UnLIT'" ESN'T. /􀁎􀁂􀀧􀀮􀀴􀁡􀁬􀀡􀁓􀁯􀁵􀁅􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀲􀀺􀀲􀀺􀁾􀂷􀁾􀁾􀀴􀀰􀀠􀁰􀁡􀀮􀀳􀁥􀁾􀀸􀀠 􀁊􀁲􀁹􀀨􀁾􀁾􀁁􀁾􀁾􀀲􀀺􀀿􀁟􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀳􀁅􀁓􀀧􀁦􀀻􀀧􀁬􀁅􀁊􀀢􀀧􀀺􀀢􀀢􀀠 􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠 􀀻􀁊􀁬􀁦􀀧􀀢􀁟􀀭􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀺______,', I 􀀭􀁴􀁖􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀢􀀬􀀠􀁐􀁇􀀮􀀳􀀴􀀢􀀻􀁾􀀻􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀬􀁾􀀭􀁩􀀠",vP 􀀶􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀠 112" 􀁉􀀮􀁒􀁾􀁆􀀮􀀠w/Hultt-loBen c:cp I ',;," 􀁶􀁯􀁬􀀭􀁮􀀮􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀠 "538'38' 18"'" 􀁾 /"''' O· 21.19' . . "'.r '.:;/􀁾􀀠 ,///"X-cui... /'1 1 ..... In eonenh (1. ·x· 0'1.1' 􀁋􀁾􀀠 '" N ADDITION 82005 PG.2784 . ,yINT OJ found In off:::-,/g􀁾􀀠 􀁣􀁣􀁮􀁯􀁮y􀁬􀀮􀁾'􀁾􀀮 􀀠 //􀁾􀁉􀀢􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀠2:POP 16" .# /R= 210.42' -.L= 121.53' McLEAN TRACT I CB= 513··19'28·... VOL. I C= 126.35' BEGINNING X" OI>l 􀀧􀁑􀁾􀁮􀁤􀀠 In nncute 􀀱􀀮􀁾􀀹􀂷􀀠 8.8 I I CIJ I I'n "'0 'I -ITJ MEPC 􀁾􀁕􀁉􀁏 0 ... -("I) I PROPERTIES INC. I VQL,SIl3l PG.OI&:e ::D I C::DC I ..... I 0'-I • C I 􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁄􀀠 : ARAPAHO ROAD • I 60' R.O.W. I I pS3S·38' 18'\/􀀲􀀱􀀮􀀱􀀹􀁾􀀠 .IIH WIno., rDorti Pkwy. 􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀁾􀀠 ! 0 ; ,. B.lI lPLlno •j o 1i i l•a r: 88 PAGE 3 OF 3 ;'" CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.P. 􀁾􀀠 ,/..".,/"'" 􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 , 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀠 ",,/"" DRAINAGE & UTILITY .."."" EASEMENT .... .... 􀁖􀁯􀁣􀀮􀀮􀀸􀁾􀀠PG. 116& N ....􀀬􀀧􀁾-" • 􀁾􀀧_􀁉•􀀮•,􀁃<􀀢l􀀬 ,􀁜 .􀀮..􀀧."􀁾'􀀮" .."..."."" VOL.6200!> PG.21S. ",.0 􀁾􀀠 ".v-" .(J-"'ifIO McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 o M 100 150 200 III d I I I I I E SCALE IN FEET G.V!. NO. 482 C 􀁾􀁉􀀠 :;; FISHER SURVEY 􀁉􀁾􀀠 ABSTRACT 􀁾􀁾􀁉􀁾􀀠 of TOWN Of ADDISON 􀁾􀀿􀀧􀀢􀁡􀀿􀀢􀀠 3: DALLAS AREA RAP[D TRANSIT 􀁾 VOL.96SQQ PG.e::HCJ7 􀁾􀀠 VT-••""'" ",. /o..􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁜􀁖􀁖􀀭 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 o 50 '10 '50 200 I, ,I" I I SCALE IN fEET 􀁾􀀠 FISHER SURVEY IP ABSTRACT P r NO. 482 !,!.l ,u 􀁾􀀠 TOVN OF ADDISON gI' 􀁾􀀠 POINT 112<112<1'11' 􀁾􀀠 ",..\our -c-o o 61.06' ,.•.•. 112 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀁊􀀧􀀤􀁥􀁾􀀠PO.01S27 ;D TI£ TOWN OF ADD1SON ·o , • IIC • lfY 􀁾􀀠 HeM COMPANY VQl.18212 PG.370. McLEAN TRACT ADDITION II'"' ..", I VOL.82119 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁉􀀧􀁾􀀶􀀠 VOL. 82005 PG.2784 I I VOL.S2IT9 PG.I559 VOL.84008 PO. 1944 I VOL.e4133 􀁐􀁇􀁾􀁾􀀳􀀲􀀠 􀁡􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀠 I ,1 1 iii 0> .C! : 􀁾􀀮􀀴􀀱􀀮􀀧􀀹􀀺􀀱􀀠􀁾􀀸􀀮􀀸􀀠 I &.!j tARRAMERICIA 􀁒􀁅􀁁􀁌􀁔􀁖􀁾􀀠L.P. 1 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀹􀀷􀀰􀁾􀀧􀀠PG.344' I I 1 C/) I DRAINAGE" UTILITY I Qi co"tl EASEMENT !!"' 01'11 I I£l'C 0IJ0ilU" I PROPERTIES INC. VOL.'GOOa PG.t16B I 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁮􀀠 I VOL.Si133 PO.QI62 .􀁾.,􀁯-􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀰􀀠 -I I ;D;D I 􀀮􀁾 􀁾. 􀀻'" 􀀠 I .c I􀁯􀁾􀀠 1=􀁾􀁾 􀀠􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀧􀁩􀀻􀀻􀀮􀀹􀀹􀀭􀂷􀁾􀀠􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾 IE;CI 1 .;D I ARAPAHO ROAD • II 60' R.O.W. I 1 I I I 1 I I I I CV I A= S-45'31 w R= 84B.00' LE()[NO L= 129.66' I.A.F." IRON ROO FOIJNO CBlIi! N85·2;"34"E I.A.S." 0/8' IJWN 1\00 SEl ynf.! c= 129.53' HUITT*Z«.I.ARS CAP rNs I.J 10 QN1/f)' HtaI fttI4tiMJ MIMIIY w(u 11M 􀁤􀁾􀀨􀁍􀁻􀀱􀀱􀀨􀀱􀀠mo' mI 􀁾 JW,Toduatttd wtfh;uI I1Wd6 uJtdtfi(' 11ft #UPlK'V14lm M 􀁾8. Ml II» Iil'I'IIttM pel'lri641M d 􀁅􀁲􀁬􀁦􀁬􀀮􀁬􀁲􀁾􀀬􀀠 ond '&JfII» IIIIt\IIt$" qnd li«Hld41 4/rN'tI 􀀬􀁾􀀠 Rllfl/s/tJnfd PnJI.uIonaIUNtd 􀁾􀀮􀀠 or"o trw fIIId «rnJd to lIB bNfiii" lffi' kfl:MkIdrJo, Por ffi.II1f-ZoIItv4/no.. 'STEREO PROFESSIONN.. lANO SlJl/Vl!.YOfI NO. 􀁾􀀲􀀠 BASIS OF SENU/((1St,.,. /JII(V111!1 d" 5 0UIr«1' E 10·11-'1 dIci'Ig fIr.t iIfOSf 􀀱􀀧􀁦􀀨􀁉􀁉􀀱􀀭􀁤􀁾 11m d Q:.wum 􀁄􀁲􀁾 M por d«td to fIr.t 􀁲􀁾 t:r AddI.tIIfJfl,rO()()l'IkIli M vot.a 􀁾􀁾 OCIOZ7.DI1It!d 􀁾􀀯􀁊􀀨􀁊􀀯􀁷􀀠 􀁃􀁣􀁣􀁭􀀡􀀧􀁹􀀮􀁲􀁾􀀠 u-z 􀀱􀀭􀁉􀀱􀀩􀁚􀁾􀁏􀁬􀀡􀀺􀀠 HUIlT -ZOUARS !U3i MCKIHY 􀁁􀁖􀂣􀁈􀁾􀀯􀁓􀁬􀁩􀁉􀁔􀁅􀀠000 ONJ..AII. tEXAUlll-4-811-:"11 ARAPAHO ROAD PARCEL EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS 􀁆􀁯􀁲􀁾􀀠 Town of Addison Public Vorks 16801 1I•• t9'O•• , Addison. TX 15001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. _-,-7__ OWNER, TOWN OF ADDISON AREA, 0.1592 ACRE DATE,OCT. 8.1991 _...-.....-........, '" '"_ ..". LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 7 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.1592 acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Town of Addison as recorded in Volume 93243, Page 6422 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 ofthe Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly descnbed as follows: (I) COMMENCING at a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the southwest comer of the Town ofAddison tract, said point being on the east right- 􀁾􀀠 ............, 􀁾....􀀼􀁩􀁬􀀢􀁾􀀠 ........ DRAINAGE l UTILITY _ ..-................ 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀺􀁏􀁏􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁬􀁬􀀶􀀸􀀠 ,.¢' 􀀢􀀬􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀼􀀡􀁬􀁜􀁾􀀧􀁩􀀮􀁯􀀮􀁜􀁾􀀮􀀠 ..-.... VOL.8200!S PO.lISA 􀁾􀀠 􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀼􀁬􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀠 McLEAN TRACT ADDiTiON VOL. 82005 PG.2784 o 50 100 150 ZOO 1111111" I 􀁾􀀠 G.W. Ii! FISHER SURVEY If' ABSTRACT : NO. 482 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀧􀀠 􀁾􀀠 TOWN Of ADOISON DALLAS MEA RAPID TRANSIT VOL.93243 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀀶􀀴􀀲􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 VOL.QG0QQ PG.0t'UQ7 :J: '" 1:: 􀁾􀀠 POINT OF COMMENCING UNDERGROUND UTILITy ! ESM'T.VOL.8A240 PG.36ee !" /1/2" l.R.F••􀁬􀁦􀁉􀁵􀁬􀀢􀁾􀁬􀁯􀁉􀁉􀁑􀁮􀀠cap J -CV I _'-'" ,...., 􀁎􀀸􀀹􀂷􀀴􀀶􀁾􀀲􀀺􀀳􀂷􀁅􀀠 .a2.29' 􀁾􀀠 [.;.440.12' 􀀡􀀡􀀡􀀮􀁴􀁾􀁾 < '-\90.98' 􀂷􀀴􀁾􀀭 "","'" 1"1"1' . 􀀯􀁾 􀁖􀁾􀀱􀁦􀁦􀁬􀀧􀀠 S45-12'24-E ./" n ' ... .:E: 􀁾􀀭􀀮􀁦􀀢 • 0.1592 AC. .b*1 I I I ,I 1 I, 1 I //I "# I 10 . '􀁾%􀀠" 􀁾:it 􀁉􀁾􀀠!! Me" COMPANY I' , VOL.1B212 PG.3704 McLEAN TRACT ADDiTION VOl.EJ2179 PG.I!S:se VOL. 82005 PG.2784 ,'" 4 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀁡􀁾􀀧􀀱􀀹􀀠􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁉􀀡􀁓􀁾􀀹􀀠 I VOL.aAOOS PG.1944 VOl.64133 PG.OS32 .8 1 I.:i:l!" I 􀁳􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀠 I 0;.5 CARRAMERICIA REALTY. L.P. 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀮􀀹􀀱􀁾􀀠PG.34A!s 􀁉􀁾􀀠 I I 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 1 DRAINAGE & UTIl.ITY I jjj EASa£NT 1:--VOL.60005 PG.ll68 I 􀁾􀀠 I I (/) eEl 'WITH C= 129.53' 􀀢􀁕􀁉􀁔􀁔􀁾􀁚􀁃􀁬􀀮􀁌􀁁􀁒􀁓􀀠CAP TIU 16 til WfffY tl»ttm 􀁾 lkII'W:I' If'IM TN .. dr(JWf1'l(J mt.lJIl'I/iIIltO 􀁲􀁾 wIffrM IROdII fJI'IfN!r hi' .sutMVf1flrlil «J DclQIIV 8. ItRr 1M wrltlM /#'1I'iNIIM tI' EI'/t} 􀁊􀀮􀁹􀁾􀀠 ond fh1t'M nWH' rvd bf:t.Jt/d;; 4ht'JtIIn tllt.Wt:n Ifttg/slorod PrdIM!/JaI'IOIlan:J 􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀁾 Iru. Md (Wnd Iv JM buttlf ny A:1k'M'/M(p. FQf' 􀁾􀁚􀁣􀁬􀁫􀁊􀁲􀀤􀀬􀀱􀁉􀀱􀁣􀀮􀀠 <-iY$IS OF lJEARIIIGS,T.bI IJIJtJrlno or S «nI"O(J'E \CH'V1 i1hfI;; tt. 'fNISI r/(;IIt-Cf"tf,(fJt UtJ/t cf 􀁾l¥N# Q.I piV dtItIId It:; n. 􀁔􀁾 or Add/8(AT4«J/'(f(Id In 􀁾􀀡􀁏􀁎􀁁􀁊􀀮􀀠lAI/D SUfIVEYOR NO. 4862 vQ\qat 􀁾􀁐􀁱􀁬􀁄 t.XXJeJ'.DrItI/iI 􀁾􀀱􀀩􀀨􀁉􀀯􀁲􀀻􀁉 C«mfY.TiW3 For: lown of Addison Pub I 10 Works 16801 W•• t9' •••• Add! ••n. TX 􀀷􀁾􀁏􀁏􀁉 HUlTI -ZOLlARS ARAPAHO ROAD PARCEL EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL NO._-'.7__ :mlol 􀁍􀁃􀁬􀀨􀁉􀁾􀀠A....,NtE/$UI1£ eoo oAlLAS, te:u.$/t,,,·u11")11 O'WNER. TOlIN OF ADDISON TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS AREA. 0.1592 ACRE DATE. OCT. 8.1997 H-% 􀀱􀀭􀁬􀁦􀀱􀀲􀁾􀁏􀀺􀁩􀀡􀀠 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 7 ARAPAHO ROAD OcroBER 8, 1m BEING 0.1592 acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land descnOed in instrument to Town of Addison as recorded in Volume 93243, Page 6422 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas and being a part ofMcLean Tract, an addition to the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (I) COMMENCING at a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the southweat comer of the Town of Addison tract, said point being on the east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive (80 foot wide right-of-way); (2) THENCE North 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East along the south line of the Town of Addison tract a distance of 61.08 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the POINT OF BEGINNlNG of this tract, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right:, having a central angle of 8 degrees 45 minutes 37 seconds, a radius of '848.00 feet:, and being subtended by a chord bearing North 85 degrees 23 minutes 34 seconds East; (3) THENCE Easterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 129.66 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the point oftangency of said curve; (4) THENCE North 89 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 144.75 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; (5) THENCE South 45 degrees 12 minutes 24 seconds East a distance 00.07 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; (6) THENCE South 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 77.87 feet to a cut "X" set in concrete for a corner on a southwesterly line ofsaid Town ofAddison tract; (7) THENCE North 60 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the southwesterly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 145.55 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at an angle point in the southerly line ofsaid Town of Addison tract; (8) THENCE South 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds West along the southerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance ofl52.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.1592 ofan acre tract ofland, more or less. J:\SURVEy\1'172\WP\I772TR:1,DOC Page I of 2 lWO&'lm . .... /' 􀁾􀀠 > VZ 0) PAGE 2 OF 􀁾􀀠 TOVN OF ADDISON N ....􀀬􀀱􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀠 ,\01,'P"'(fi. 􀁾􀀮 􀁾 􀀼􀀾􀁬􀀬􀁾􀀱􀁜􀀠 ,':1'" O.v>"s ,:"0<11> "". DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEJENl VOL.e0005 􀁐􀁇􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀶􀀸􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀁂􀁡􀁏􀁏􀀵􀀠PO.2la.. G.W. DAlLAS AREA RAPIO TRANSIT vQl...ct6ei¥t PGJ.J:nQ7 MeM C ... 􀁾􀀠 0::: I 0 31: » 0-􀁾􀀠 => b /I 0::: z 0 SIGN => Area = 3695.33 SQ. FT. 0 CURVE DATA I.P.S. :5OUTSIDE FACE OF STRUCTURE 10' SCALE: 1 =50' 25' BUILDING LINE \ I I I I II I I I l:i = 18'40'21" R = 460.00_'--:J T = 75.63' c.--L = 149.91' P.P CB=N 9'08'59" E CD=149.25' I CARRAMERICA REALlY, L,P. CURVE DATA l:i = 18'40'21" R = 470.00' T = 77.27' .,-.1----' L = 153.17' CB=S 9'08'59" W CD=152.49' VOL. 97055, PG. 3445 G.W. FISHER SURVEY, A8ST. NO. 482 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS I I I I I : CURVE DATA 15' BUILDING LINE I I l:i = 18'40'21"i.P. FND. EASEMENT REFERENCES 15' DRAINAGE & UTlLllY ESM'Tft' R = 110.00'-........, CURVE DATA VOL. 80005. PC. 3073 T = 18.08' c..-. r-_-l:i = 18'40'21" VOL. 82005, PG. 2784 I ///////TO 11IE TOWN OF ADDISON, CARRAMERlCA REALTY, LP., AND CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This is to certify thai on the 3ll!h day of April, 1998, this suM!! was made 00 the ground as per the field notes shO'Ml on this sUM!! sod is !rue, COITeCI, and accurate as to the boundsries and areas 01 the subject property and the size. location and type of buildings and improvements _, if any, and as to the other matters sh<:r.m hereon, and oorrectIy show.; the location of all \'isible easements and righhHlf·way of ""ich I have knO\\Aadge or have been advisad, whether or not of record, affecting the subject property. Except as sh :_ " r" fA\ Iii z􀁾 􀀠 ;; '. PAGE 2 OF 2 ';(lllvtL WHVl 􀁾 􀁃􀁾􀁒􀁒􀁁􀁍􀁅􀁒􀁉􀁃􀁁􀀠REALTY, L.P. 􀁾􀀠 " I ...... '" l I ". '," ..... .'"'W"', McLEAN TRACT ADD I T ION N '\'" 􀁾􀁬􀁉􀁎􀀡􀁬􀁾􀁇􀁒 􀁏􀁕􀀢􀀧􀁕􀁔􀀮􀁉􀀮􀁌􀁉􀁔􀁖􀀠 ···/..··' ...... ",VOL. 82005 PG.2784 \. \. ESM 1.VOI...B.4240 􀁰􀁾 •.;set5B I" ..•. ,-'...... 􀁾􀀠􀀯􀀯􀁾􀀠 r::. \. '-"'. I ......... ...... /' J ' , ..... , 􀀲􀁯􀁯􀁾􀁡􀀱􀁓􀀧􀀠 '<... I "', "', TO'JH OF ADDISON /' 􀁾􀀠r(( ACCESS & UTILITV 􀁅􀁓􀁍􀀧􀁾'\􀀧 􀁶􀁯􀁣􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀲􀀮􀀴􀀳􀀠PQ.G422 //" i I '1<.\..84240 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀀳􀀶􀁾􀀠 " v4 ///(TRACT II-ESH'T. ESTATE> '/1 /j 1􀁡􀀮􀁾􀀠 0 ('10L97055 PG.3445) \ , I //--.....'" ' ,., 􀁾􀀠 ,<" "" "'-...'-/. \\'J!iF.\' I( ./"'"",,';"''0,,'''/", '",,:y 0 O. 0 33,,,C. 􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀢􀀠'" o 20 40 60 80 I I II I II I I I I SCALE IN FEET McLEAN TRACT VOL. 82005 ADDITION PG.2784 CARRANtRIC}A REAlT'1, L,P. VOl.97OSS PG.344t5 CL SlA.16+47 .2.3. " , ,._, '1 􀁾􀀤􀁾􀁾􀀠 -1'-0,," ..J-nCt,j 􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 SWlIhIh -88 g 􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 <..1<:15 N:;;::» I oU:,9' //I ,//< I g􀁉􀁾 l' ill 􀀧􀁬􀁨􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁬􀁾􀁬􀀡􀁾􀀠􀀹I I '= 􀁾􀁊􀀠 I /I. I 􀀡􀁾􀀠 I I a, I /I I /I I; { /'\ Ii Y \.i PO INT OF I!EG:I NN ING II i .//,'I !' ..... /! ·X" 4u1 hun4 11'l-&oncr.t. "" I I "I j$ ;iritf'' aj I#' 􀁾􀀠 "'t////' //C:::;'" /0/-.. 􀀮􀀱􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 "1---"'(' I I I I I I I I I I I I I A= 21'01' IS' 􀁒􀁾􀀠 270.42' L' 127 • .53' CB' SI3"19'28"1I C126.35' I N CO I ' _---, __--.J I I I • 􀁾􀀠 ! • ., 304.99' \ I ----rf', "\ .. J Ig II ., I 􀁵􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁾􀀠 • 0::' 􀁣􀁾• ::EO :a:>: a:': t-... (.)0 Wen Dr/) "i I \ 􀀬􀀬􀁾 • 􀁾􀁾􀀠 > <. 􀁾􀁩􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 """, """, • , 􀁾􀀡􀀠 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '" llJl fcc '􀀭􀀭. 􀁾􀀭 a: ::) U) a: w I U) LL 3, o ____e........e..... _' POINT OF COMMENCING ARAPAHO ROAD 60' R.O.W. "X" eul lOllnd' In (';oner.'. TOr Tawn «' Add/(;Ot':. Crh'r/lmtJrlca 􀁾􀀮 Lf>. <1I1d CliCt1D(J rltttJ /tl$t.J('(InotJ 􀁾􀀠 TNa /$ tr> CfJrlIfy fMflf» 􀁾􀁾 InU f1JIJdIt Ufldty q 8Up1/1tVfdcn 011 0cfr.JlJtr 8.19!1f and fftOIltt6 If1f1hAf IYd bccJl/d$ 􀁾 //N't/ir:n <1nt trvrI fJI1d oorl7ld fp /IitI1JotIf rK q 􀁾􀀠 c LEGEND i .R.r.= IRON ROO FQUNI) I.R.S." 􀁾􀀯􀁡􀀧􀀠 􀁉􀁾􀀠ROO SET WITH 􀁈􀁕􀁉􀁔􀀱􀀧􀁾􀀲􀁏� �􀁌􀁁􀁒􀀮􀁓􀀠tAP --"'"--------' 􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀠 BASIS OF" 8ENUNGs, ThIt becrlll(J /'If S OUII1X1' E. o/cnIJ tht west r!Qlt-cr'tflrt/IIM d' 􀁾 Orfvtt os fJ(If' dtI«f 10 IhI TCWIl ef MdlllfXVWXJ/"C/td In 􀁖􀁾 -.w.Pot1f ()()()27.DtItid Rttc«'ds./)of!q$ 􀁃􀀧􀁜􀀺􀁉􀀡􀁎􀁲􀁦􀁹􀀮􀁲􀁾􀀮􀁴􀀮􀀠 rh!t 􀁾 fVIIIIIII /)'l' 1m 􀁾ror TIfkf tMUf'(lnotJ 1MUt/td I1j CNCtJf10 Tlfte 􀁦􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀮t;F' 􀁾􀁓􀁅􀁊􀀬 trfft'1Cf!v6 thIt; FtJbrut.Jry 2J.J998.IUVfid .April ii'9./998 fer (11/1tk1fIN& (J( fM)fd (ff'f'1iCfI1Ig '1m dftd tr«f. Tm 􀁾􀂥􀀮􀁲􀁬􀀱􀀷􀁎􀁇􀀧􀁤􀀢􀁦􀀯􀁬􀁃􀁦􀁬􀀠tmd dfxJr 1IJ(fIt:v6 Ctf I"ltC(J('d > t 􀁾􀀠 /1 ////1 I 1$ 􀁩􀁾􀀻 -.0: if! I"! # //////////, /.. I 􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀀯􀀮􀀢􀀮􀁾􀀠 /􀁾􀀢􀁦, 􀀧􀁾 I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I ,, I,I A= 27"01' IS" R= 270.42' L= I l?7 .53' CB= 813'19'2B"\I c= 􀀱􀀲􀁂􀀮􀀳􀁾􀀧􀀠 MEPC QUORUM PROPERTIES !NC. N OJ ' " , //􀀢􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀹􀀧􀀠 //\ It "',I //////8.It -x: 􀁾􀁉􀀠 0 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 r or I 􀁾􀀠 n. g Pkw,. rz .II '" 􀁾-.. ' 􀁾􀀠 § !; r: li'r ;; • .. ". '., , , 􀀱􀀭􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀲􀀰􀀢􀁇􀀺􀀭􀀮􀁥􀀻􀀻􀀻􀁾􀀺􀀺􀂷􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀢􀀼􀀠 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠-...,., 􀁾􀁉􀁾􀀠 /􀀮 􀁾􀀮 􀀨􀁾..". .?"/..../••<::.'.",':J?:: ' ..... 􀁾􀀬􀀠 ' '.... 0 , o 20 40 60 80 I I I I I I I I I SCALE IN FEET 􀀢􀁾􀀠 McLEAN TRACT ADD I T ION l VOL. 82005 PG. 2784 . eARRA"ER,elA REALTY. L.P. VOL.91Q55 PG.3445 CL STA.16+41.2.3 •. /./􀀮 􀀭-...􀀼.. , 􀀧􀀮􀁾 .(""'" 􀀧􀁾􀀠" !SOM ARAPAHO ROAO 5-STORY CONCRETE &. GLASS 80 IlDING 􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀮􀀠􀁾􀀮􀀠" -",'"􀀢􀁾...., ", '..... .....,'-. 􀁾􀀠􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀠..,..... I ,,20' eU\LOINC LINE ( VOC,.SOOOS PO. I ISS 􀁾􀀧􀁜 􀁖􀁏􀁬􀁾􀁥􀁯􀁏􀁏􀀵􀀠PG.3013 \ 􀁖􀁃􀁩􀀮􀀮􀀸􀀲􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀠.P:G:c.2-1..9:4::-....... l 41. 19' 38.SI' ! • 0::' 􀁯􀁾• _ _ _______ ..::\._ _1..------' I 'J ----\-----􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 354 99' I I oLI 􀁾􀀠 . II iJ ';; " _.-.............. ,.."" ,.."" -. ......,--/. ARAPAHO ROAD 60' R.O,W. HUITT -ZDIJARS 3131 MCKItfl:." AY!NUE/SUITE eoo OAlLA!. 􀁔􀀡􀁋􀁁􀁓􀀯􀁾􀁉􀀢􀂷􀀤􀀱􀀱􀀠􀁾􀀧􀀱􀁉􀀱􀀠 0' I , WO I '\ a., CO : 􀁾􀀠 C/) 􀀮􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀳􀀠 15' DRAINAGE & :;' UTILITY EASEMENT 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 \'1:<..80005 PG,17.6 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ...... VOL.80005 PG.3073 􀁾􀀾􀁩􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ' ....... VOL.82005 PG.2184 ........,. .../...., /..-/1 "'" , I lOl!€ $TAA lIAS PIPlt1..lNE J.W!I(ER m Tat'!> llf' ArJdl8«l. CtlfYllmttrm 􀁾􀀮 J.P. tint! 􀁾 Tf1fIt /hwtYmt:IfJ 􀁾􀀠 TIIJI Is to 0/!II'f/f'y ltd I'm 6lOi'# 􀁾wa.s motH IIIr!/«" "... 􀁾􀁴􀀡􀀡􀁉􀀧􀁣􀁮􀀠M 􀁾Ii. 19m" <1M tid 1M /1'It!It!!tII and /x;(JJ'xf, IIht1wh t/rJnJon IJJ"h frotJ f!I'd ()t)f'mc/􀁾 1M /JMf of "... kMliYltKJ(p. TI'IlI 6!IflII!Y IY!IIIM on ff:# 􀁾ror TffI. /fJ$I.JI'I'Jf)OI Itt4U«J ty Cti«J(JO TlfltI /Mtr4f'lt» 􀁾tJF 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁍􀀢􀁩􀀶􀀰􀀵􀀭􀁓􀁅􀁊􀀮􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠doIrI FsIJrwry Z:J.I998. 1$$(J(Jd ,6fJrl1 e9,/998 rcr (j/JI11<1fmr$ ff Ff!I(JI()I'(j 4ff¥AlffI/tht Wb./fld1t'q(:f. Tm 􀁾􀁴􀁬􀁪􀀱􀀣􀀤􀁷􀁏􀁉􀀢􀁾 i/I'Id (J/fm' mcftars or J"f'iIIXJI'd affadlflfllht #!W/tIIC'I1rtJt:I4nf 6I'Dwn c.u.d M «lid f/'IIIJ I.'JOI1'¥tIIthr FZ:, ARAPAHO ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS POINT OF BEG'INNING -'I" flU' fl"lund In 􀁾􀁣􀁮􀁣􀁲􀁵􀀮􀀠 I °0 􀁾􀁦􀀧􀀠 􀁾􀀢􀀠 􀀢􀁾􀀠 • "01 PO I NT OF COMMENC ING "'x· CHII found In eGnor.1ft 8ASIS OF I!I£ARIN(;$, Tilt bt!Jar1n? cf $ 0f1'II'()(J'£ (f/(Jng tnt WNt r19l't'd''''ft'tV PM d' 􀁾 ()r1¥8 (J$ ptIIr (/I/IIIIIIJ Ir1 tm Twn d 􀁁􀁤􀀨􀁦􀁬􀀮􀀤􀁔􀁊􀁬􀀩􀀮􀁾􀀠In V«mt\f 􀀹􀀶􀀰􀀹􀀹􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀠OOOJ!'f.Dtt«J 􀁾􀀴􀀮􀁴􀀩􀁻􀁦􀀨􀁬􀀨􀀱􀀸􀀠 􀁾􀁔􀁦􀁊􀁘􀁍􀀮􀀠 For; Town of Addison Publ Ie Works ISBOI West9tOve, Addison, TX 75001 EXH IBIT PARCEL NO. ""6'--2"--__ OWNER. CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.P. AREA. 0.033 ACRE DATE. APR.30. 1998 I LEGEND I I f .R.f. = IRON ROO«) I I.R.S. or !lIe' IRON ROO SET WITH I 􀁈􀁕􀁬􀁮􀁾􀁚􀁏􀁌􀁬􀀮􀁁􀁒􀀹􀀠&AI' I 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠 􀀮􀁾􀀠 I I I 􀁾􀀠 0:: --:::> ""-",--. f/) a::: ,''''"'IJ..I J: f/) ::>: • (!) ._--_._-----1 􀁈􀁾􀁚􀀠I 􀁾􀀠1712-0l 4·3<;,· 􀀧􀀱􀁾􀀠 I.L LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-2 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8,1991 BEING 0,033 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482. Town ofAddison, Dallas County. Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Carramerica Realty, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97055 Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County. Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as fullows: COMMENCING at a cut "X" fuund in concrete at the southeast comer of the Carramerica Realty, L.P. (Carramerica) tract, said point being at the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (80 foot wide right-ofway) with the northerly right-of-way line ofArapaho Road (60 foot wide right-of-way); THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West along the easterly line of said Carramerica tract and westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum DrIve a distance of 154.66 fuel to a cut "X" found in concrete fur the POINT OF BEGINNING ofthis traCt; (1) THENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 139.90 feet to a cut "X" set in concrete for a comer on the northeasterly line ofsaid Carramerica tract; (2) THENCE South 60 degrees II minutes 10 seconds East along the northeasterly line of said Carramerica tract a distance of34.09 feet to a cut"X" fuund in concrete for the northeasterly corner of said Carramerica tract, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of 27 degrees 01 minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 270.42 feet, and being subtended by a 126.35 foot chord bearing South 13 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West; (3) THENCE Southerly along said curve to the left and westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum DrIve an arc distance of 127.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.033 ofan acre ofland, more or less. \ -z<':'·'1e K.P.L.). 􀁬􀁬􀁣􀀮􀁦􀁥􀁾􀀧􀁚􀀮􀀮􀀠 Page 1 of 2 J:\SURVEYll772\WPl1712T6-2,DOC 101811997 8 PAGE 2 OF 2 CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.P. N 􀁷􀁾􀁾􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁲􀁬􀀽􀀭􀁷􀁾􀀧􀁻􀁬􀁲􀁾􀀠 0 􀀮􀁁􀀱􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁜􀀱􀀠V""'􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 , ..... "'" , .....' " 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ,...... 􀀬􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀠 􀀬􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 hI tJ (J\Llnt ; ... ro ¢"􀀱􀀼􀀮􀁳􀀺􀁾􀁜􀁾􀀱􀁜􀀨􀁪􀁉􀁜..􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀮􀁳􀀠 􀁾􀁦􀁉􀀮􀀧􀁉􀀧􀀠",. 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 OAAtNAGE &UTILITY EASEMEl /IQ 0 1 􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁉􀁾􀀪􀀠 \. .... /(9' 'K' ,ut 􀁾􀁻􀀻􀀠 /" ,.,,-·fou"4 In 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ;I' oonor·1tI.p" /'. tf,p> /.If 􀁉􀁾􀀽􀀠 27'01'16" 􀁾􀀠 ,,0' I R. 270.42' ,. L= 127.'3' 􀁾􀀠 440 •\ 2' ft_1l _,00.;0 D O;"" .,;; .... /' .,.,"" t""\ TtlE TolIN 01' AOOIllOM VOL.'I68'lQ PO.ll01127 MeN COMPAHV VOL.18212 PG.3104 VOL.82.179 PG.IMe VOl.8t179 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁬􀁥􀁾􀀹􀀠 􀁹􀁏􀁴􀀮􀀹􀁾􀀰􀀰􀀸􀀠PG.19•• Ita. .84133 !'G. Ol!!t 􀁾􀀿􀁉􀀾􀁬􀁬􀁐􀂭 CD o , ::D •0' • II( • I 1 I 1 MEl'<: _ I PIIOI'ElITIES INC. I _.811!3 PO.OI62 I I II I 1 I I I I I PO IIiTI OF COMMEIIIC ING ·X" ov. found In OOrlOttt. 1 1 I I I I I 1 LEoEND ,.ft.t." lAON ROO I"«NJ '.R.I._ '/8' IAON ROD SEr Ii" TH HUtTT-ZQJJ..M CAP 1"N$ 1# 10 (IfJf'/fI)' fIr1I 1m 􀁾􀁾W6' TN8 dr(lttflntJ my Nt /:til 􀁾tdIIt«II 1m WI'I/fM pt.It'Y1Jf48lt:n 􀁾 ErIC 􀁊􀀮􀁙􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀁒􀁥􀁧􀁉􀁾 􀁐􀁮􀀺􀁉􀁦􀁾􀁉􀁊􀀡􀁉􀀱􀁉􀁤􀁾􀀮􀀠 rN/d!; "TY 6tJfJIII'VI6Ien en 􀁾«. 19!11' fJIId IhtII 1m fIIifI/H-otd lJt:rtmdI t!I:r:Nm 􀁾􀀠 􀁾 InA (If'tf1 t:#1"Id lb'" 􀁢􀁴􀁉􀁴􀁁􀁾􀀠/I'f!' 􀁾􀀠 F(;f'MJItI'-Zd/(JFlJ.Jno. 1.2:5.'18 'ESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4862 HUIlT -:zr::>LJ.ARS ARAPAHO ROAD ISl31 MC1c:1te€Y A'i!HlJlltl8UITI eoo DH..I..A8. lEltASIt 􀁩􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀷􀀱􀀴􀀵􀀱􀀠f RIGHT-Of-WAY EXHIBIT 􀁔􀁏􀁾􀁎􀀠OF ADDISON, TEXAS 8ASI$ OF 􀁂􀁅􀁾Tn. MJrlhl1 (f S CJt1'fI"O(J'£ qlDf1tl tn. It'Nt rtrJNod''1I/Iqf 11M " 􀁾 DrM tJIJ PIlI' d-' to 1m TtIWn (f MdltIIDflf'lt(Jl)rdf/d In 􀁖􀁾 􀁓􀁉􀀵􀀱􀀲􀀡􀁩􀁬􀀵􀁖􀁾􀀰􀁉􀀺􀁉􀁗􀀠􀁃􀀧� �􀁉􀁘􀁊􀁉􀀡􀁬􀁾􀁄􀁴􀀱􀁴􀀺􀀱􀁴􀁤􀀠 􀁾􀁬􀁬􀀺􀀡􀁉􀁦􀀮􀁴􀁊􀁉􀁉􀁦􀁴􀀠 􀁾􀁲.... for. Town of Addison Publ Ie 􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁫􀁳􀀠 16801 􀁾􀀸􀁳􀁴􀁑􀁲􀁯 ••• Addison. TX 75001 EXH IBIT PARCEL NO . ....,6'----=2.__ OWNER. CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.P. AREA. 0.033 ACRE DATE. OCT. 8.1997 􀁈􀁾􀁚􀀠 􀀱􀀭􀀱􀀱􀀷􀁾􀀭􀀰􀀲􀀠 Date:05/06/98 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS PARCEL 7-R Being a parcel of land out of street right-of-way located in the Town of Addison, Texas and in the G.W. Fisher. Survey, Abstract No. 482, Dalias County, Texas and being over, under and across a remaining tract of land out of an original 9.645 acre tract of land in The McLean Tract Addition conveyed to the Town of Addison, Texas by deed now of record in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said right-of-way being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING, at an X found cut in a concrete driveway, said X being N 0°11'10' W, a distance of 294.56 from the original southeast corner of said 9.645 acre tract and the southeast comer of a 2.863 acre tract of land conveyed to CarrAmerica Realty L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, as evidenced by an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk, said X also being where where the west right-of-way of Spectrum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of-way) intersects with the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (an 60 foot 􀁲􀁩􀁧􀁨􀁴􀁾􀁯􀁦􀀭􀁷􀁡􀁹􀀩􀀬􀀠and . said Point of Beginning also being N 60°11'10" W, 34.08 feet from the most easterly northeast corner of said 2.863 acre tract of land as evidenced by an X found cut in concrete pavement; THENCE N 60°11'10" W, along the most easterly north line of said 2.863 acre tract for a distance of 145.56 feet to an iron pin found for a corner; THENCE N 89°48'50" E, a distance of 113.05 feet to an iron pin for a corner; THENCE S 45°11 '51" E, a distance of 18.39 feet to an iron pin for a comer; THENCE S 0°11'10" E, a distance of 59.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4502.78 square feet of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE TO THE TOWN OF ADDISON, CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P., AND CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. This is to certify that on the 30th day of April, 1998, this survey was made on the ground as per the field notes shown on this survey and is true, correct. and accurate as to the boundaries and areas of the subject property and the size. location and type of buildings and improvements thereon, if any, and as to the other matters shown hereon, and correctly shows the location of all visible easements and rights-of-way of which I have knowledge or have been advised, whether or not of record, affecting the subject property. Except as shown on the survey, there are no visible encroachments apparent on the subject property by improvements on adjacent property, there are no visible encroachments apparent on adjacent property, streets, or alleys by any improvements on the subject property. Use of this survey for any other purpose or by other parties shall be at their own risk and undersigned not responsible to others for loss resulting therefrom. RJ.c-!}:Y􀁾􀀧􀁦􀁉􀀷􀀠¢,/i; Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Reg. No. 2349 "'"11' I I w > 0::: °1 2 :::J 0::: o :::J a /LP.FND·F =--_ PP. WI GUY U.G..C. I PROP. PROP. GUY P.P. • SIGN I I GUY LP.FND. tV 60' ,"'0' iI' ... '-1v.'".s6' Area = 4502.78 SQ. FT, SCALE: 1 =50' CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P, VOL. 97055, PG. 3445 G.W. FISHER SURVEY, ABST. NO. 482 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS 􀀯􀁾 FUTURE_RO_A_D__• 􀁾___ -----_--j.!ACCESS & UTIUlY ESM'T VOL 84240, PG. 3653 -" -" 59.78' /􀀲􀁾􀀠 :::Jg N 60'11'10" W 34,OB' //TO TIlE TOWN OF ADDISON, CARRAMERICA REALTY, LP" AND cmCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY This is to certIfY !hat on lhe 30th day 01 April, 1998, this sunrey was made on the ground as per the field notes shoYtn on this survey and ts true, correct, and aocumte as to the boUndaries.nd ...... of/he subject property and!ha size, location and type of bUildings and improvements thef'CQn, If any, and as to the other matters shown hereon. and <:OI1"eC!Iy shows the location of all visible easements .nd rights-of-way 01 v.illch I have knoYAedge or have been advised, YAlether or not of fecord, affecting the subject property. OC 􀁾􀀠 Except as shO\\fi on the survey, there are no vlsois encroach.rrents apparent on the r l::::l subject property by improvements on adjacent property, there are no visible U 0::: encroachments apparent on adjacent property, streets, or alleys by any Improvements W g on the subject property. I D0 I Use 01 this survey lor any other purpose or by oiller perties shall be at their 0""' risk and EA'5EM ENT REFERENCES VOL 80005. PG. 1768 VOL. 80005. PG. 3073 VOL 82005, PG. 2784 I (f) ........ I undersigned not responsible to othe", lor loss resulting therefrom. 15' DRAINAGE & UTIUlY ESM'T 􀁾.1 􀁉 􀀭􀀴􀀮􀀮􀁊􀁬􀀲􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀠 5?,}t Ronald V. Corway Registered Professional land Sunreyor . I I 80' I ROW Texas Reg. No. 2349 -.J 1------'" -'m;";; . 􀁾􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭 j GUY :'􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁷􀀭􀁬􀁜􀁬􀀮􀁋􀀭􀀭 1 i-j 15' f-----"-'---+-:.:..:';,;.;':.:.,'􀁾 􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀧􀀠 GUY r20' 1 I BUILDING UNE 1 I 􀁐􀀮􀁐􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀠 -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-_-=--=--=-_.J 11 ALL IRON PINS SET ARE 1/2-INCH & IDENTIFIED BOX 3-W.t.I, BY A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED WITH ·SJ&F". ..,.............. X FND, TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. ARAPAHO ROAD RIGHT􀁾􀁏􀁆􀀭􀁗􀁁􀁙􀀠ABANDONMENT PLAT SHIMEK. JACOBS &: RNKI..EA. LLP. MAY. 1998 CONSULllNG ENGINEERS Date:05/06/98 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR RIGHT ·OF·WAY ACQUISITION ACROSS CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. PARCEL 6-1-R Being a parcel of land for right-of-way located in the Town of Addison, Texas and in the G.W. Fisher. Survey, Abstract No. 482, Dallas County, Texas and being out the McLean Tract Addition to the Town of Addison, and being over, under and across a 2.863 acre tract of land conveyed to CarrAmerica Realty, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said right-ofway being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin found at the northwest corner of said CarrAmerica tract, said iron pin also being in the east right·of-way line of Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of· way); THENCE N 89°48'50" E along the north line of said CarrAmerica tract, 13.28 feet to an iron pin found and continuing for a total distanca of 28.94 feet to an iron pin found for a comer; THENCE S 57°47'27" W, a distance of 22.34 feet to an iron pin for for a comer; THENCE S 0°11'10" E, a distance of 128.72 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being to a point of curvature of a curve to right, said curve having a radius of 470.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 77.27 feet and a chord bearing of S 9008'59" W, a distance of 152.49 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right, a distance of 153.17 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being the point for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 100.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 16.44 feet and a chord bearing of S 9008'59" W, a distance of 32.45 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, distance of 32.59 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being a point of tangency; THENCE S 0°11'10" E, a distance of 37.04 feet to an iron pin for a comer, said comer being N 89°50'06" W, 355.00 feet and N 44°50'06" W. 7.11 feet from the most easterly southeast comer of said CarrAmerica tract as evidenced by an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk; THENCE THENCE N 44°50'06" W, along the south line of said CarrAmerica tract and along a comer clip at the northeast comer of Arapaho Road, (a 60 foot right-of-way) and Quorum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of-way), for a distance of 14.23 feet to an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk for a comer; 􀁾􀀠 . I THENCE N 0°11'10" W, along the west line of said CarrAmerica tract and along the east right-of-way line of said Quorum Drive, for a distance of 26.92 feet to an iron pin found, said iron pin being a point of curvature of a curve to the right, said curve to the right having a radius of 110.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent distance of 18.08 feet and a chord bearing of N 9°08'59" E a distance of 35.69 feet; THENCE along said curve the right, for a distance of 35.85 feet to an iron pin found, said iron pin being a point for a reverse curve to the left, said curve to the left having a radius 460.00 feet, a central angle of 18°40'21", a tangent of 75.63 feet and a chord bearing of N 9°08'59" E, a distance of 149.25 feet; THENCE along said curve the left, for a distance of 149.91 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE N 0°11 '1 0" W, along the west line of said CarrAmerica tract and along the east right-of-way line of said Quorum Drive, a distance of 140.57 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3695.33 square feet of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE TO THE TOWN OF ADDISON, CARRAMERICA REAL TV, L.P., AND CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. This is to certify that on the 30th day of April, 1998, this survey was made on the ground as per the field notes shown on this survey and is true, correct, and accurate as to the boundaries and areas of the subject property and the size, location and type of buildings and improvements thereon, if any, and as to the other matters shown hereon, and correctly shows the location of all visible easements and rights-of-way of which I have knowledge or have been advised, whether or not of record, affecting the subject property. Except as shown on the survey, there are no visible encroachments apparent on the subject property by improvements on adjacent property, there are no visible encroachments apparent on adjacent property, streets, or alleys by any improvements on the subject property. Use of this survey for any other purpose or by other parties shall be at their own risk and undersigned not responsible to others for loss resulting therefrom. 􀁾􀁊􀁉􀀲􀁙􀁃􀁨􀁷􀀠 Ronald V. Conway 􀁾􀀠 Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Reg. No. 2349 ,. ,:.-" . --THE McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005, ·PG. 2784 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 I 􀁟􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁕􀁎􀁄􀁅􀁒􀁇􀁒􀁏􀁕􀁎􀁄􀀠UllLfIY ESM'T 1328' VOL. 84240, PG. 3658 􀁾􀀠 1 􀀮􀀠 5/8" I.P. FND. _ _ _ _W/H-2 ON 􀁃􀁁􀁾􀁱􀁟􀀠_ _ , POINT OF 89'48'50" E --"􀁒􀀱􀁂􀁅􀁆􀁛􀁇􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁩􀁎􀁎􀁦􀁎􀁉􀁎􀁇􀁇-t-...􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀭􀁟􀀲􀀸􀀮􀀹􀀴􀀧􀀠 -􀀭􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀠 (PARCEL P.P. w! U.G.C. 6-1-R) .... ttl W d > .... 􀁾􀀠 0::: I 0 ;;: c. 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 :=J b 0::: z 0 SIGN :=J a w o b en I.P.S. S 5747'27" W I.P.S. 22,34' Area = 3695.33 SQ. FT. /'f FUTURE_RO_A_D-...___􀁾􀀠 I /ACCESS & lmLfIY ESM'T ...---j 􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀬􀁜􀁩􀁩􀁦􀁯􀀠 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 o 􀁾􀁏􀀠 100 150 200 g II "II I I I I G.VI. 􀁾􀀬􀀠 III FISHER SURVEY III ABSTRACT 482 "! :, TOlIN OF _,SOH OALLAS PftEA RAPED TMNStT 􀀬􀁾􀀠 YOL••" PIl.e51'7 31: VOL.932.3 PG.6.22 , i 􀁾􀀠 -Ik l' «0.12' 􀁒􀀧􀁾􀀮􀁊􀁬􀀡􀁬􀀮􀀡􀀻􀀺􀀭 ...'0 :.. Na,,-..e'21-E 232.2 -OiLS,.. ,. ,a -liIO.9iI";'CESS • 􀁕􀁔􀁬􀁬􀁮􀁾EON T.;" 􀁾• ---􀁉-􀁉-􀁎:􀁏-􀁅-􀁒-􀁔"􀁾-􀁾,􀀮, 􀁾􀀡􀁊􀀠lilY va....... 􀁐􀀼􀀡􀀮􀁾􀀠 ESTATE I ,..;" nOr '0.3&08 r 􀁣􀁔􀁒􀀢􀁾􀁲􀁾􀀻􀁾􀀮􀀳􀀴􀀴􀀢􀀠 􀀢􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀮􀀺􀀠 􀁾􀁅􀁓􀁍􀀧􀀠 .... l' '" • • 􀀭􀀧􀀭􀁾􀀠 I 􀀢􀀧􀁉􀁶􀁡􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀠 he' ,;1) ...,'1.\.1 O' ---,, ... , '//'11''v'----------------, 􀀬􀁾􀀠\>n-'" r"""". " '... 0%0,//􀀩􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀡􀀮􀀮􀀠 "'.J ADDITION 􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁛􀀬􀁴􀀮􀀧􀀯􀀬􀀹􀀠􀀧􀀠 'toxu'l 'ld.u tI n :.#.,:...... . • 􀀮􀁡􀀮􀁮􀁣􀀬􀀮􀁴􀂷􀁥􀀼􀁰􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀱􀀠 ".,..f$' II Cl STA(.6+41. 23•I "L ... i9' t. CAMAMERICIA REALTY. 􀁌􀁾􀁐􀀮􀀠 YOL••􀀱􀁾􀀠􀀬􀀮􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠 -------, 􀁾􀀠 I "'" \>-"" ", aoo....' CO'" " ./" 􀁾􀀠 //' 0.033 //J'f, 􀁉􀁾􀀽􀀠21'01' !6' I R= 210.42 MOM COIIPIIl'Y VOL.7e212 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁾􀀱􀀰􀀮􀀠 McLEAN TRACT 􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁉􀁾􀁲􀀳􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀧􀀲􀀱􀀱􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧 VOL.621T9 PO.'"' VOL. 82005 PG.2784 C= 12II.3S' lI!lL.e2119 PG. "". va..e4Q08 ".ID« va..e4133 "._2 G, tQ!􀀧j'x,􀁏e· 􀀧•o•􀁾u t􀁉 '􀀬 􀁏􀁯􀁾􀁆1􀀬 􀀢􀁐􀁲􀀢􀁇􀀡􀁾􀁩􀁭􀀠, . I (J) 1 Q)"tI I 'WEpt QUORUM 􀁾􀁾􀀠 I _TIES INC. I VOL.St'!! PO.OI62 I I -t :::tI:::tI I .C 1 031: 1 1 I •<0 .:::tI I ARAPAHO ROAD • 11 60' R.O.V. 􀁾􀁉􀀡􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁦1􀁴 􀀧C􀀠OMMENt 1NG , In oonant, 1 1 1 1 I I I L£GEMD I .R.'.-IItOH ROO I"OI.WO I.R.$.. _ 1/" IItOH Reo SET yUH OOllT""ZtU.,:ARS CAP ,., In.1!. r ort f"'II! 0 •􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 ; l> • § f 􀁾􀁾􀀠r: Btlt} tf\t..ltI • ! ! 􀁾􀀠 .. :::tI •0' •< • 􀀹􀁾􀀱􀀠 77111 14 10 (1IIfffI'y ltdI'm "*'"' 􀁾ttW f1ftIIf1tIlIfJiI/r It' IItJPf/I'IIIIfM M 􀁾e. IWl TN" n. Tam tIf N/;'/I;It(Af'IICOI'tItId In 􀁖􀁾 􀁾􀁁􀁉􀁰􀁄 􀂫􀁊􀀨􀁊􀁑􀁾􀁬􀀱􀁴􀁴􀁲􀁴􀁉􀁤􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁲.... Fort Town 0' Addison Public 􀁾􀁯􀁲􀁫􀁳􀀠 16801 V•• lqrovo, Addison, TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL 􀁎􀁏􀀮􀁾􀀶􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀲􀁾___ OWNER. CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.I'.___ AREA. 0.033 ACRE DATE. OCT. 8.1991 􀁈􀁾􀁚􀀠I 􀁾􀀠1112-02 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-2 ARAPAHO ROAD OcrOBER 8,1997 BEING 0.033 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Carramerica Realty, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97055 Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a cut "X" found in concrete at the southeast comer of the Carraruerica Realty, L.P. (Carramerica) tract, said point being at the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (80 foot wide right-ofway) with the northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (60 foot wide right-of-way); THENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the easterly line of said Carramerica tract and westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 154.66 feet to a cut "X" found in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract; (l) THENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 139.90 feet to a cut "X" set in concrete for a corner on the northeasterly line of said Carramerica tract; (2) THENCE South 60 degrees II minutes 10 seconds East along the northeasterly line of said Carraruerica tract a distance of 34.09 feet to a cut "X" found in concrete for the northeasterly comer of said Carramerica tract, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of 27 degrees 0 I minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 270.42 feet, and being subtended by a 126.35 foot chord bearing South 13 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West; (3) THENCE Southerly along said curve to the left and westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive an arc distance of 127.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.033 of an acre of land, more or less. Page I of 2 1:\SURVEYlI77]}'WP\1772T6-2.DOC 10/8/1997 PAGE 2 OF 2 􀁾􀀠 8 CARRANERICA REALTY, L.P. 􀀬􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀨􀁉􀀾􀁜􀀧􀀠 .• ..:& 􀁾.. 􀁾􀁾􀁜􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁲􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠 illV' 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁜􀀼􀁦􀀾􀁥􀀠 § G.VI. 􀁾􀁉 DAI.lAS MEA RAPID tRANSIT VlJ.ARS :mn MCK'tH:Y AvtHUUatlnt eoo 0M.lM, 􀁔􀀡􀁊􀁍􀀯􀀡􀁉􀀮􀁾􀁉􀀱􀁉􀀭 􀂻􀁬􀁬􀀠 ARAPAHO ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS BASIS OF BENtINGSt Thl btItat'III9 cf $ (}(TJf()(I' E dIDn/:I lflii ...., 􀁲􀁦􀀹􀁉􀁴􀀭􀁴􀁩􀁦􀀢􀁾􀀠11M (j" Q::o"1.,m /X1W (v1_8 , .. d_fllllllio_ fbi TOwOOn/!?(J,( '_ 􀁁􀁤􀁤􀀱􀂫􀁲_􀀴 􀁾 III _.,...,. For. Town or Addison Public Works 16801 We.tgrove, Addison. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL 00 • ...,6<--.2..__ OWNER. CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. AREA, 0.033 ACRE DATE,OCT. 8.1997 􀁬􀁵􀁾􀁯􀁥􀀠 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-2 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.033 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract ofland deseribed in instrwnent to Carramerica Realty, L.P. as recorded in Volwne 97055 Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a cut "x" found in concrete at the southeast comer of the Carramerica Realty, L.P. (Carramerica) tract, said point being at the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrwn Drive (80 foot wide right-ofway) with the northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (60 foot wide right-of-way); THENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the easterly line of said Carrameriea tract and westerly right-of-way way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 154.66 feet to a cut "x" found in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract; (I) THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 139.90 feet to a cut "X" set in concrete for a comer on the northeasterly line ofsaid Carramerica tract; (2) THENCE South 60 degrees II minutes 10 seconds East along the northeasterly line of said Carramerica tract a distance of 34.09 feet to a cut "X" found in concrete for the northeasterly comer of said Carramerica tract, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of 27 degrees 0 I minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 270.42 feet, and being subtended by a 126.35 foot chord bearing South 13 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West; (3) THENCE Southerly along said curve to the left and westerly right-of-way line of Spectrwn Drive an arc distance of 127.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.033 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page I of 2 J:\SURVEY\ 1772\ WP\1772T6-2.DOC 10/811997 PAGE 2 OF 2 8 CARRANERICA REALTY, L.P. N 􀁟􀀢􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁜􀁜􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀧􀀩􀀬􀁜􀁕􀀧􀁜􀁾􀁉􀀡􀁏􀀠 ............ VOL.8200!S PG.2184 􀁮􀁾􀀧􀀩􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀠 '9,,,,,6 fG' y 􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀮􀀠 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 o '0 150 200 1 I iii" I I I 'r g 􀁓􀁾􀁁􀁌􀁅􀀠IN FEET G.VI. 􀁾􀀬􀀠 ill FISHER SURVEY II' ABSTRACT 10?? P NO. 482 :l\ fI!j 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 IlAl.LAS MEA _10 TflAHSlT "! T "􀁾 􀀮􀀮-􀀠 "" 􀁾􀀠 OOOOQ' .... "'... " .AJ2' R'\" =--..'" I:.i. 􀁎􀀸􀀹􀀧􀀴􀀸􀀧􀀲􀁾􀀠 232.29' •• .. L'._ .... .... .... I" -196. :\;'C/(S$ • UroLITY ESM'T.,......... 􀁾' --􀁕􀁎􀁴􀀩􀁾􀁒􀁔􀁾􀀠Nt) urlLITY VOL.e4a.o, NES.MM'T ",E STATEl.... /' aOrV 94240 PO.SO!8 􀁲􀁬􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁃􀁲􀀱􀁾􀀠PG,3'4 !) .... 􀁾􀀢􀀬􀀧􀀠 􀁾 􀁾••1. 􀁾􀁅􀁬􀀭􀁉􀁍􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀠􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀬􀀠 ... "'* , • I 􀀢􀀢􀁖􀁏􀁌􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀠 ......􀁾􀀠-----------:..-----'" "" ,:' ,,.'I..'􀁾 . 􀁾 a •0 ...... --....' > '-, ".... 􀁾􀀠&0I ----, . /􀁾􀁲􀀠 􀁾􀀠 /&. " ........ -UO·'I, >" /" t I' "X· oul J;.t /" tI. found In !'<..: 􀁾􀀠 //􀁦􀁓􀁯􀁮􀁯􀁲􀀮􀁴􀂷􀁦􀀴􀀡􀁾􀀠 /0.033 AC. I lJJl"" 􀁾􀀻􀁲􀀬􀀠 􀁉􀁾􀀠27'OI'!6" "'# I R= 􀀲􀀷􀀰􀀮􀀴􀁾􀀬 _ C()I4PANY va..782'2 OO.S1o.t McLEAN TRACT ADDITION +􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀧􀁾􀁩􀁩􀁾19'28'\1 va..82ITe PO.'05M VOL. 82005 PG.2784 II C. lte.::!!!' Va..82119 PO.'5" Va..84_ PO.IU. Va..8.'33 00,0532 -.! BEGINNING 􀁡􀁾􀁾􀀠 CL TA.16+41 I .. ·)'(O11 t.NG8uTt 􀁾O􀁦!􀁴fI􀀨􀁉􀀠 In oonorer. 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ".'9'L 'I 1 "'''' 􀁃􀁁􀁒􀁒􀀻􀀧􀀡􀁉􀀡􀁒􀁾􀀻'A􀁏 􀁍􀀠Rl!ALTY. L.P. II (I.) II 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠 PO.344' I ;; ""'." I 'MEPC QIJORIJI._ TV l!S _... • PROPeRTlE 􀁾􀀮􀀠 ORA.NAEGASEE M• EUNTT .L' l.aU.. i_. 0'0" • 􀁾􀁾􀀠__􀀠 .8 1133 PsO.O'S! va..e.-!'G.OTee 18:::: ' -i I #.􀁾􀁾l-􀁯 -0 .... ::x:J I 􀁾􀁾􀀠 I . -c: C, I o Z : 􀁾Ie 􀁾"􀀠' iJ:---------􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾 304.99' 􀁾􀀮􀀠 • C I -=::x:J I ARAPAHO ROAD • • I 60' R.O.V. I I OMMENCING POINTlfFnf In ooncut. -I(" cu. or I I I I I 1 I LEGEND I.R.F.-IRON ROO FOUND '.R.S.-5/s' IRON AGO SET WITH HUITT"ZCJI..U,RI CAP -.....􀀢􀁾􀁾􀀠 ,u ,I'»':;;" 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀠􀀠.... "... .... ............. 􀁾􀀠 .... .... 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁾􀀠 .... ........ .... .......... I)R,UHAGE &. UTILITY .............. 􀁅􀁁􀀤􀁅􀁾􀁎􀁔􀀠 ......... VOL.OOOO5 PG.I168 I., SM"lnu ilroortl Pk1 o B,.I,t ! 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀠 v:\6l ::x:J •O· • •-= rNit'1# 10 C6If'fNy tfIttIffI# dtG'IJ $/,/I'WJI Wd$ mot'M 􀁵􀁮􀁤􀁦􀁲􀀮􀁾 tJI'I 􀁾41!1!1!' md Hdff» 1IfI!IIw md IJ«JndIlIlftlWrt fIw'«tt IIlnt 􀁾 md otnW IU ffI# I..t til' ... 􀁾􀀠 For IMIf-bilt1nt.lIa mil dr_'"" .....1fI(f/M 􀁾wItIrJuf f_f» wt/lfrfn "pfII"'ftIIf'N_ft1n tU:tf' Ernltt J,Yfdf-a::U'I:i )'* I z... I (AI. lAND SllHlEYOR NO. 4lJ62 _ 0V.#. p..r. dW '" 􀁾􀁲..... HUIlT -ZDllARS ARAPAHO ROAD For. 16801 1131 MCUMCT 􀁾􀁊􀁒 eoo DAI..UA. 1'DMI!U-811·3St f RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT EXHIBIT PARCEL TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS AREA. IMSISf fC»F lIE.AR/NfJSI rl1tf /JIJt:1I14(J t:tf' S tX1tfOO' £ _1'fIIIIId_ /1hII .,......,., _ __If» ntX-J»0e t7:tf.' IMMdd /4Inrf('(lfdt!l Ih Town of Addison Public Works Yeslgrove, Addison. TX 75001 􀁎􀁏􀀮􀁾􀀶􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀲􀁾___ 􀁈􀁾􀁚􀀠1-I7HHI2 __________________________________ __ HUITT·ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 DALLAS. TEXAS 75204 (214) 871·3311 TO kwtJ tJE A£)J)ISOA/,. 'fb8uc 4hteKS /680 I WCI.Wt::;.,e,vG AODl,5oA1/Ix: 7SC?O /om 􀀱􀀭􀀯􀀷􀀭􀀹􀀸􀁾... 􀁁􀁲􀁲􀁅􀀺􀀷􀀯􀁾􀀠 ?/i 1"'·;:::'//72 -02. J12 PE RE, PARceL. 1E -ARAPAHo RD. I...AN 􀁾􀁇􀀠&: UTILI rY £SIvl'T. £X/lIBlr , WE ARE SENDING YOU 􀁾􀁡􀁣􀁨􀁥􀁤􀀠0 Under separate cover via_LM'-!..4..::..:..1L/___􀁾􀁴􀁨􀁥􀀠following items: o Shop drawings o Prints o Plans o Samples o Specificalions 0 ____________________________________ o Copy of letter o Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 40'7 3>M. 􀀱􀀵􀁬􀀯􀀧􀀡􀀧􀁬􀀱􀀱􀁾􀀠 &! ...." =D ':;;Xfll B It6 ! ! THESE ARE TRANSMlnED as checked below: o For approval o Approved as submitted o Resubmil___copies for approval itYF'or your use o Approved as noted o Submit___copies for distribulion 􀁾 requested o Returned for correclions o Return__correcled prints o For review and comment 0 ______________________ o FOR BIDS DUE 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS 􀁃􀁏􀁐􀁙􀁔􀁏􀁌􀁦􀁪􀁾􀁕􀁓􀁾__________________________ SIGNED: [3f?tc; tAlloWY( If encJo.ure, .,. not _" not.d, kindly notify us .t once. LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. IE LANDSCAPE & UTILITY EASEMENT ARAPAHO ROAD PAGE 1 OF3 JULY 16, 1998 BEING 0.0422 of an acre of land situated in the G. W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a panioo of the 63,247 square foot tract of land described in special warranty deed as recorded in Volume 97109, Page 03158 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and a portion of the 96,838 square foot tract of land described in replacement warranty deed from ABP Investment #lII, Ltd. to Joseph H. Jones, Beth Brandeberry, Carolyn Perkins Shimer Merritt and Samuel Thomas Perkins, Co-trustees of The Mary Coffield Trust, The Annette Coffield Trust, The Evelyn C. Jones Trust, The Beth Brandeberry Trust and the Corinne Shimer Trust and A. Ben Pinnell, Jr. as recorded in Volume 97155, Page 03042 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, being more particularly described as follows: (I) COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the southeast corner of said 96,838 square foot foot tract, same being the southwest corner of a tract of land described in instrument to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point also being On the north right-of-way line ofArapaho Road; (2) THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West along the said southerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 430.16 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the most southwesterly corner ofsaid 96,838 square foot tract; (3) THENCE North 44 degrees 31 minutes 05 seconds West along the southwesterly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and northeasterly right-of-way line ofArapaho Road a distance of2 1.1 8 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for a corner on the westerly line ofsaid 96,838 square foot tract and east right-of-way line ofAddison Road (60 foot wide right-of-way) as described in instrument to the City of Addison as recorded in Vohune 334, Page 0106 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; (4) THENCE North 00 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds East along the westerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and easterly right-of-way line of Addison Road a distance of 27.66 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract, same being the most westerly southwest comer of said 63,247 square foot tract; (5) THENCE continuing North 00 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds East along the westerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and easterly right-of-way line of Addison Road a distance of6.02 feet to a point for a corner; (6) THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East deponing the westerly line ofsaid 96,838 square foot tract and easterly right-of-way line ofAddison Road a distance ofl9.76 feet to a point for a corner; (7) THENCE South 00 degrees 18 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of4.14 feet to the point ofcurvatore ofa curve to the left, having a central angle of 95 degrees 05 minutes 26 seconds, a radius of 8.00 feet, and being subtended by a 11.81 foot chord bearing South 47 degrees 14 minutes 36 seconds East; (8) THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 13.28 feet to a point for a compound curve to the left, having a central angle of 06 degrees 33 minutes 47 seconds, a radius of 755.99 feet, and being sUbtended by a 86.55 foot chord bearing North 81 degrees 55 minutes 47 seconds East; (9) THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 86.60 feet to a point for a corner at the end ofsaid curve; (10) THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of52.22 feet to the point ofcurvatore of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 53 degrees 30 minutes 55 seconds, a radius of5.43 reet and being subtended by a 4.89 foot chord bearing South 63 degrees 14 minutes 32 seconds East; LAND DESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE & UTILITY EASEMENT PARCEL NO. IE ARAPAHO ROAD PAGE20F3 JULY 16, 1998 (II) THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 5.07 feet to a point for a comer on the southerly line ofsaid 63,247 square foot tract, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of 07 degrees 50 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of 260.00 feet and being subtended by a 35,57 foot chord bearing South 81 degrees 06 minutes 50 seconds West; (12) THENCE westerly along said curve to the left and southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract an arc distance of35,59 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the point of reverse curvature of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 08 degrees 44 minutes 10 seconds, a radius of 768.00 feet and being subtended by a 116,99 foot chord bearing South 81 degrees 33 minutes 37 seconds West; (13) THENCE westerly along said curve to the right and southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract an arc distance of 117.10 feet to a cut CroSS found in concrete for a comer; (14) THENCE North 46 degrees 30 minutes 48 seconds West along the southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract a distance of 27.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAlNING 1,837 square feet or 0.0422 of an acre of land, more or less. For Huitt-Zollars, Inc. " 􀀼􀀭􀁾􀁾 ,n7< Eric. oudy Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Registration No, 4862 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 McKinuey Avenue Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone: (214) 871-3311 Date: July 16, 1998 :.. 1:\SUR.VEy\177Z1Dl\WP\1TI2TIlIE,IXX; T"'WO I \ '" '" .""\ 􀁜􀂷􀀮􀁾􀀧__ D A\ L\' L A IS N @A. BEN PINNELL. ET AL 􀁾􀁾􀁎􀀠􀁾􀁉􀀠 '\􀀮T􀁾􀀠OIIANDDIS O0N' CL PT $TA.5+30.33 􀁾􀀠 TEXAS 􀁾􀀠 VOL. 96099 IOO.GO' gli; DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT \ 􀁾􀀠 P(LOO021 wlU1) 􀁾􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀠JV 􀁾􀁉􀀠 VOL.9S099 􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁏􀁾􀀱􀀹􀀱􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠 􀁟􀁾􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾 \ \ _J 0 􀁾􀁜+ ,,)\ \ 8....' SOUTIoNe;STERCNOMPANV :¢ J"" TELEPHONE BELL 􀁾􀀠 -.J "..... ,"'.. _ ...'01 PO.ll'2 i'l r/1' 0 􀁜􀁗􀁾􀀠Ig' .,,,,, .... POINT OF CO='loo::::=-=1 LOCA T I ON MAP !VS"I.R.F, '*􀀭􀀺'􀀺"􀀬􀁜 􀁾 Z b t !>,." 􀁾􀁦􀀩􀀠 \ \ 􀀱􀀾􀁾􀀠 \,'!J,,'\. 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀾􀀠 ASP,INVESTMENT +r I • LTD. ;s;F."O ,,\,' &\t>'" . \ TO S :\. 􀁾􀀠 0" A. BEN PINNELL. ET L 􀁾􀀠 o m 60 90 IW '$, (,...... 􀁾􀀠 VOL.97ISS PG.03D4 ' (96,.,S3 S SO.FT I II I III I I I I SCALE IN FEET :,!:>".,Q \ .' iI> ?!'. \ \ \\, g g \ \ \ \ \ \ ASP INvtSTMETNOT *111, LTD. A. BEN PINNELL. ET AL VOL.91109 PG.031,a {63.247 SQ.FT.) A= R= \ \ \ ,; \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ;;. ll. ':Ii 􀁾􀀢􀀠 _.....IL....,., 􀁾􀀠 .,..., ?'" 􀁾􀀠 ; 􀁜􀁾 .;Ij, \\\ .t..,\ 􀁉􀀧􀁜􀁾􀀠 􀀧􀀼􀁄􀀧􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁜􀀠 ''Vt:? A= 􀀹􀀵􀂷􀁾􀁾 26" INTERNATIONAL GUARANTY CORP. 􀁾􀁇 VOL.S200l PG.OBI1 ...",>/fl 􀀢􀀮􀀢􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀠 \ t'''' i>\"'..,...-\ 􀀬􀁾 􀁾􀀢􀀠, o 􀀮􀁾􀀠 -CO I-rotO O· «0 0.. W crrzo W'f OCO Z ::J cr o ::J a QUORUM CENTER LTD. PIS VOL.92038 PG.0247 A= S·44 t lOt • ' R= 768.00' L: ., L= 111.10' CB: 58I'33'31'Y a-􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 R: 8.00" t I : j;li i [I' 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 L= 13.28 1 NOT,· ,.i .:-;. CB= S47·.4'36"E SiT 􀁃􀀱􀁊􀁔􀁾􀀺􀀻􀁮􀀻􀀱 􀀢􀀼;􀀻;􀁾l􀀺-􀁁􀀠 C= II • SI' L3 " CONe' t. AC. 􀀮􀁾􀀻􀀠 'l'.'Q+6!\.OI, 􀀮􀀲􀀮􀀧􀀩􀁑􀀧􀁌􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀠 1i 􀀮􀁾􀁬􀁩􀀠 "1:,r,: l,\ S'''' SET A..J ,< P -\\\ 􀁾􀀠 , Ltloo, I􀁩􀁽􀁾􀁩􀀺􀀤􀁬􀀩􀀠 􀁜􀀮􀁾􀁜􀁜􀀠 CITY OF ACO'_ "\ 38.30' VOL.334 PG.OIO$ G.V. FISHER SURVEY ABSTRA:,T • 482 POINT Of BEGINNING? EOIJARD COOK SURVEv 􀁁􀀹􀀤􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁾􀀠 .,"R. 'l62 tor-X FOOftl 1ft WiCIlEYE< ----.-\\\ CI. PC S.TA.d()+()I.41 􀀢􀀮􀁾􀀻􀀻􀀠 "-"---1/TNtI 1$ to CIIrlIfY If10I fhttJ 􀁾 4CP'YllY W"Q$ TNb (}mw1ng ..,. tdbtl nltprcdtlCtld III'fftn.If hlDdo (If'J(/rIr 4' 8tJPI!Itf1'l4kJ on July 1&.199B thI.t wrlllM f;#"mlS6fcn ", erlq J .. 􀁴􀁾􀀮􀀠 (/II(f tMf tm lItt!IfW ftI1d bctJ(1db IIflq"yn /Iw'«Jr, Rr!tgIsIrfId 􀁐􀁲􀁣􀁉􀀧􀁾􀀯􀀮􀁡􀁲􀁉􀁴􀀺􀀯􀁾􀀮􀀠 (W fn.JtI dnd «JtI'I'«:tmfhttJ IttW ", /I'&' 􀁴􀁬􀁬􀁏􀁍􀀧􀁾􀀠 Far Htrfff-Z«ltlr$.lm. HUIlT -ZDLIARS 1111 MCIONtEY AIID«J£/8UI1'! eOtl DAU.AS. 􀁲􀁥􀁘􀁬􀀢􀀺􀁕􀀢􀁾􀀮􀁬􀁉􀁾􀁱􀁬􀁬􀀠 ARAPAHO ROAD LANDSCAPE &UTILITY EASEMENT EXH IBIT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS \. 􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁉􀀠 r-ADD I SON ROA,::D=--_--1 -4--60 I R ,0, '. W!!..!,-'---_ L[QEtttl I.A.'._ ItIQ\I AIXl 􀁾􀀠 I.R.S._ &/1:. ItIQ\I AOO SET '111m 􀀢􀀬􀁬􀁉􀁮􀁾􀀺􀁺􀁯􀁵􀀮􀀮􀁵􀁴􀀡􀁉􀀠t;N I' LINE BEARING DISTANCE LI 􀁎􀁏􀁏􀀢􀀱􀀷􀀧􀁾􀀧􀁅􀀠 6.02' L2 N90"00'OO'E 19.76' L3 SOO"le'01"Y 4.14' L4 NA6"30'4S'Y 21.38' BASIS OF SENYNGSh Tilt btIorfng ", S CJ:l'Ir(XJ' E %fJg /f)f!J IIfNf 􀁲􀁉􀂢􀁉􀀧􀁤􀁾 Om (I'" 􀁾 arM tJ& PM" dtt«I fp fIIw TQlVn ", Atdl«nl?l¢Cl'l.'hd In 􀁖􀁾 􀁾PfI(JIt CiXJ27.l1t!k!!t:I fl«JrbI'd$, lkJIkM C«II:II)'.Ttm18. 􀁆􀀨􀀩􀁲􀁾􀀠 Town of Addison Public Public Works 16S01,ov•• Addison, TX 75001 EXH I BIT PARCEL NO. 􀀭􀁌􀀡􀀻􀁾__ OWNER. A. 􀁂􀁾􀁎􀀠􀁐􀀧􀁎􀁎􀁾􀁌􀁌􀀮􀀠 ET AL AREA. 0.0422 ACRE DATE,JULY 16.1998 (.II-it. H-Z 1-11'r;H)? C= 116.99' I '.'1! " · , . LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. IE LANDSCAPE & UTILITY EASEM:ENT ARAPAHO ROAD PAGE 1 OF3 JULy 16, 1998 BEING 0.0422 of an acre of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of the 63,247 square fool tract of land described in special warranty deed as recorded in Volume 97109, Page 03158 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and a portion of the 96,838 square foot tract of land described in replacement warranty deed from ABP Investment #1lI, Ltd. to Joseph H. Jones, Beth Brandebeny, Carolyo Perkins Shimer Merritt and Samuel Thomas Perkins, Co-trustees of The Mary Coffield 􀁔􀁲􀁵􀁳􀁾􀀠The Annette Coffield Trust, The Evelyo C. Jones Trusl, The Beth Brandebeny Trust and the Corinne Shimer Trusl and A. Ben Pinnell, Jr. as recorded in Volume 97155, Page 03042 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, being more particularly described as follows: (I) COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the southeast comer of said 96,838 square foot tracl, same being the southwest comer of a tract of land described in instrument to Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point also being on the north right-of-way line ofArapaho Road; (2) THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West along the said southerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road • distance of 430.16 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the most southwesterly comer ofsaid 96,838 square foot tract; (3) THENCE North 44 degrees 31 minutes 05 seconds West along the southwesterly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and northeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of21.18 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for a comer on the westerly line ofsaid 96,838 square foot tract and east right-of-way line ofAddison Road (60 foot wide right-of-way) as described in instrument to the City of Addison as recorded in Volume 334, Page 0106 of the Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas; (4) THENCE North 00 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds East along the westerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and easterly right-of-way line of Addison Road a distance of 27.66 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING of this 􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁣􀁾􀀠same being the most westerly southwest comer of said 63,247 square foot tract; (5) THENCE continuing North 00 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds East along the westerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and easterly right-of-way line of Addison Road a distance of6.02 feet to a point for a corner; (6) THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East departing the westerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and easterly right-of-way line ofAddison Road a distance of 19.76 feet to a point for a comer; (7) THENCE South 00 degrees 18 minutes 07 seconds Wesi a distance of 4.14 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a central angle of95 degrees 05 minutes 26 seconds, a radius of 8.00 feet, feet, and being subtended by a 11.8 I fuot chord bearing South 47 degrees 14 minutes 36 seconds East; (8) THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 13.28 feet to a point for a compound curve to the left, having a central angle of 06 degrees 33 minutes 47 seconds, a radius of 755.99 feel, and being subtended by a 86.55 foot chord bearing North 81 degrees 55 minutes 47 seconds East; (9) THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 86.60 feet to a point for a comer at the end ofsaid curve; (10) THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 52.22 feet to the point of curvature ofa curve to the right, having a central angle of53 degrees 30 minutes 55 seconds, a radius of 5.43 feet and being subtended by a 4.89 foot chord bearing South 63 degrees 14 minutes 32 seconds East; J:\SURVEy\lTI2\02\WP\1112TRIEDOC LAND DESCRIPTION LANDSCAPE & UTILITY EASEMENT PARCEL NO. IE ARAPAHO ROAD PAGE20F3 JULY 16, 1998 (II) THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of 5.07 feet to a point for a comer on the southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of07 degrees 50 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of260.00 feet and being subtended by a 35.57 foot chord bearing South 81 degrees 06 minutes 50 seconds West; (12) THENCE westerly along said curve to the left and southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract an arc distance of35.59 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the point of reverse curvature ofa curve to the right, having a central angle of 08 degrees 44 minutes 10 seconds, a radius of768.00 feet and being subtended by a 116.99 foot chord bearing South 81 degrees 33 minutes 37 seconds West; (13) THENCE westerly along said curve to the right and southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract an arc distance of 117.10 feetto a cut cross found in concrete for a comer; (14) THENCE North 46 degrees 30 minutes 48 seconds West along the southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract a distance of27.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAlNlNG 1,837 square feet or 0.0422 of an acre of land, more or less. For Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Registration No. 4862 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 313 I McKinney Avenue Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone: (214) 871-3311 Date: July 16, 1998 .L :. G,'. FISHER SURVEY ABSTRA TWo. '82 POINT OF BEGINNING? -771-1_:: 60 I R"Q.W,,--""--__ EOVAAO COol< SURVEY 􀁁􀁂􀁓􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁾􀀧􀀠 RR. ';lSi tl)t'·x i'CiUND iN CUlCR£IIt-----Y • CL PC SJA •.IIO+QI.47 􀀻􀀧􀀻􀁾􀀩􀀻􀀠, if to tilt Ij D 1'••'0" lAOM .., I'OVIC) 􀁬􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀤•• 􀁾􀁪􀁥􀂷􀀠 IAQH 1iIOD.sEt 'IIltH 􀀢􀀧􀁉􀀢􀂷􀁾􀀨􀀻􀀧􀀢􀀠 rN.:t 􀁉􀁾􀀠10 t#'ff!'y Ifd ft1I! (J/)(JM 8fPY.-lir'N Tf/e dr' "􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 "' 10Q.00' SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPWONE COMPANY VOL.86207 PG.3192 100.00' PO INT Of COMMENC ING i51e-, .R.F'. -q}'iI 􀁾􀀧􀁜􀁜􀁰 􀁾􀁜􀁉􀀧 \ 􀁾 > \ ASP, INVESTMENT .11\. LTO. \ TO \ 􀁜􀀢􀁾􀀬􀀠 .:;,"@bO_ O '1"" :t> '$, ,!A .",;>. 􀀼􀁴􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀠 􀁃􀀼􀁾􀀠, 􀁁􀁾􀀠 BEN PINNELL. ET VOL.9T155 PG.030A7\ '" {96\,836 SQ. Fl 􀁾􀀢􀀠 8 Ii \ ...... ,0 \ 􀀧􀁉􀁦􀁯􀁾􀀧􀀠 􀁾􀀮􀀻􀀬􀁥􀀠 􀁾􀀢􀀬􀀠, ......ltV' >Iil 􀀢􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀮􀁡􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀠 I, "../.'''',.,. "'" t.v 􀁴􀀻􀀬􀀧􀁜􀁜􀁾􀀠 \ 􀁾􀀢􀁦􀀮􀀭􀁜􀀠 \ ASP II\IVESHiENT "I II. l TO. TO I I I \ , I, \, I \ I \ Dim 􀁲􀁥􀀧􀁾􀀠I 􀁾􀁾􀀨􀁾 􀁾􀁉􀀠 \.\ I l ",-."' " '" " 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠r· 􀁭􀁾􀀠I J Mid.., Rc.' /r.. \J i I I ."). 􀀮􀁾􀀠"\ iD 0 ".. )00 o II II A. BEN P1NNE:LL. ET ilL VQL.91109 PG.03158 (63.241 $Gl.PT.) \ \ \ 'l; n \ \􀁾􀀠"􀁾 \ \ \ I \ llc 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀬􀀠 ::. ..... "Z Irn X 1.11 \ \\ \ 􀁾... 􀁾􀀠 1 􀁾􀀧􀁖􀂷􀀠 j '\ 􀁾􀀱􀁦􀀮􀀬􀀠 _$. 1 \ . 􀁾􀀠 ! \ A 􀀧􀁾􀀬􀁵􀀠 \ ',0 I S1:...􀀴􀁜􀀫􀁀􀂷􀁾􀀧􀀠2: IN 􀁾􀀮􀀠 \\ :_: 􀁾􀁟􀁏􀀮􀂷􀀢􀂷􀀠 : j2..TII' Iii I r .... \\,1l> \ IA. 6"33'47" :1 ,!' .' .i. 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠R::t 155.. 99' i \!:' t/'NJ:. ,'L' EN;.60' :, ,-.ii 11 􀀧􀀡􀁬􀀻􀀧􀁾􀀬􀀭􀀻􀀧􀀠 .. \' CB' 􀁎􀀸􀀱4􀀢7rE􀀢􀁾􀀧,-iJ'l! . 􀁾􀁾"􀀱 􀀧􀁩􀁾I􀀬i􀀠i. '" ' ,C. 86. 􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀠 " • i􀁾􀁩􀀠J;:L,J._+----':',![ 􀁾􀀠l' '11 ;,'; 'X' A= 9lj"05'26" ' ',"t-c:, 􀀧􀁩􀀡􀁉􀂧􀁾􀀠 R= 8.00' {" L= 1MB' ,iii!! 􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀠 CB=S47"14'36'E L eET CUT' iii:, j,'> ' C=II.SI' 3 r.g,.,; i!ill \;1,'" , 􀀤􀀱􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀰􀀧􀀮􀀧􀀮􀀤􀀧􀀠••􀁾􀀮􀁏􀁑􀂷􀁕􀀬􀀠 􀁾 iJ.i'l 􀀧􀁘􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀠 t«)r S£j 􀁾􀀠 ," \ tfJ I 􀁾􀀧􀁜􀀠 ,. ., _/'" ,.," 􀀭􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀬􀁜􀁜􀀠 • , LI 􀀲􀀱􀀮􀀶􀀸􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀻􀀭􀂷􀀠 􀀢􀁾􀀧􀀠 NOO·11'5Q"E '" ,􀀧􀁜􀀬􀁾􀁜􀁜􀀠 ,CITT OF ADO ISON \\ W.30 VOL.334 PG.OI06 LOCATION MAP z {qJ X 30 60 I/II II II I II SCALE I IN FEET 90 I 120 I INTERNATIONAL GUARANTY CORP. VOL.9200t PG.OOI7 oz co i-I'DID o«0 a. I'ZO , W' o :::l CI .,--HH+t;"i+"M-,---1--1 AC. ADD' SON ROA.::::O'--_-f Ii-Z 1·11'1'2-02 Date:05/06/98 FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS PARCEL 7-R Being a parcel of land out of street right-of-way located in the Town of Addison, Texas and in the G.W. Fisher. Survey, Abstract No. 482, Dallas County, Texas and being over, under and across a remaining tract of land out of an original 9.645 acre tract of land in The McLean Tract Addition conveyed to the Town of Addison, Texas by deed now of record in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, said right-of-way being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING, at an X found cut in a concrete driveway, said X being N 0°11'10" W, a distance of 294.56 from the original southeast comer of said 9.645 acre tract and the southeast comer of a 2.863 acre tract of land conveyed to CarrAmerica Realty L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, as evidenced by an X found cut in a concrete sidewalk, said X also being where the west right-of-way of Spectrum Drive, (an 80 foot right-of-way) intersects with the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (an 60 foot right-of-way), and said Point of Beginning also being N 60°11'10" W, 34.08 feet from the most easterly northeast comer of said 2.863 acre tract of land as evidenced by an X found cut in concrete pavement; THENCE N 60°11'10" W, along the most easterly north line of said 2.863 acre tract for a distance of 145.56 feet to an iron pin found for a corner; THENCE N 89°48'50" E, a distance of 113.05 feet to an iron pin for a corner; THENCE S 45°11'51" E, a distance of 18.39 feet to an iron pin for a corner; THENCE S 0"11'10· E, a distance of 59.78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4502.78 square feet of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE TO THE TOWN OF ADDISON, CARRAMERICA REALTY, LP., AND CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. This is to certify that on the 30th day of April, 1998, this survey was made on the ground as per the field notes shown on this survey and is true, correct, and accurate as to the boundaries and areas of the subject property and the size, location and type of buildings and improvements thereon, if any, and as to the other matters shown hereon, and correctly shows the location of all visible easements and rights-of-way of which I have knowledge or have been advised, whether or not of record, affecting the subject property. Except as shown on the survey, there are no visible encroachments apparent on the subject property by improvements on adjacent property, there are no visible encroachments apparent on adjacent property, streets, or alleys by any improvements on the subject property. Use of this survey for any other purpose or by other parties shall be at their own risk and undersigned not responsible to others for loss resulting therefrom. Ronald V. Conway Registered Professional Lan Surveyor Texas Reg. No. 2349 JQ --,GP . /Cf. FUTURE_RO_A_D--<>-e___--------//___---+l 􀀻􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁡􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀷􀀠􀁾􀁉􀀼􀀡􀁦􀂥􀀠 :;,:.W:;..--I T",",s Reg. No. 2349 ALL IRON PINS SET ARE 1/2-INCH &. IDENTIFIED BY A YEULOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED WITH ·SJ&'F". TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS CARRAMERICA REALlY, L.P. RIGHT-OF-WAY ABANDONMENT PLAT SHIMEK. JACOBS &: RNKLEA. LLP. MAY, 199B OL-____________􀁾____􀁾____􀁾_____________________________________ _________________________________􀁾􀁌􀁟____􀁾____L_1____􀁾􀁃􀁾􀁏􀀺􀁎􀀺􀁓􀁕􀀺􀁌􀁾􀁔􀁉􀀺􀁎􀁇􀁾􀁅􀀺􀁎􀀺􀁾􀀺􀁎􀁅􀁾􀁅􀁾􀁒􀁾􀁓____􀁾____L___􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠 􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀠 • I _----------THE McLEAN TRACT ADDITION UNDERGROUND UTIUlY ESMI 􀁾 VO L 82005 -VOL 84240, PG. 3658 • ==:[<:$.=== ====:-" I.P.FND. N 89'48'50" E -213.93' ,I I GUY P.P. WI GUY U.G.C. I.P.FND. I PROP. w PROP. GUY P.P. > 0::: °1 􀁾􀀠 :::J 0::: o SIGN :::J a SCALE:1 =50' 25' BUILDING LINE \ //I I /1'1 CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. I fl' GUY P.P. VOL. 97055, PG. 3445 X FND } 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠§ G.W. FISHER SURVEY. ABST. NO. 482 1 0::::: 􀁾􀀠 DALLAS COUNlY. TEXAS 􀁾􀀠 I--I;:) I I ....... U 0:::: W g I I I B1 􀁾􀀠 EASEMENT REFERENCES VOL. 80005, PG. 1768 VOL. 80005, PG. 3073 15' OWNAG' & UTIUlY ,,"1 􀁾􀀠 VOL 82005, PG. 2784 I􀁾 I 15' 1---_=-80::..'-I..I: R.:.:O:.. I I 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁃􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀺􀀱􀀠co C. SIDEWAU< X FND. ARAPAHO ROAD 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. IE LANDSCAPE & UTILITY EASEMEJ'ff ARAPAHO ROAD PAGEIOF3 JULy 16,1998 BEING 0.0422 of an acre of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of the 63,247 square fuot tract of land described in special warranty deed as recorded in Volume 97109, Page 03158 of the Deed Records of Dallas CoWlty, Texas, and a portion of the 96,838 square fOot tract of land described in replacement warranty deed from ABP Investment #III, Ltd. to Joseph H. Jones, Beth Brandeberry, Carolyn Perkins Shimer Merritt and Samuel Thomas Perkins, Co-trustees of The Mary Coffield Trust, The Annette Coffield Trust, The Evelyn C. Jones Trust, The Beth Brandeberry Trust and the Corinne Shimer Trust and A. Ben Pinnell, Jr. as recorded in Volume 97155, Page 03042 of the Deed Records nfDalias County, Texas, being more particularly described as follows: (I) COMMENCING at a 518 inch iron rod fOWld at the southeast corner of said 96,838 square foot ·ttact, same being the southwest comer of a ttact of land descnOed in instrument to Southwestern BeU Telephone Company as recorded in Volume 86207, Page 3192 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, said point also being on the north right-of-way line of Arapaho Road; (2) THENCE North 89 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West along the said southerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 430.16 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the most southwesterly corner ofsaid 96,838 square foot tract; (3) THENCE North 44 degrees 31 minutes 05 seconds West along the southwesterly line of said 96,838 square foot ttact and northeasterly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road a distance of 21.18 feet to a cut cross fOWld in concrete for a comer on the westerly line ofsaid 96,838 square foot ttact and east right-of-way line ofAddison Road (60 foot wide right-of-way) as described in instrument to the City of Addison as recorded in Volume 334, Page 0106 ofthe Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; (4) THENCE North 00 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds East along the westerly line of said 96,838 square foot ttact and easterly right-of-way line of Addison Road a distance of27.66 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract, same being the most westerly southwest comer of said 63,247 square foot tract; (5) THENCE continuing North 00 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds East along the westerly line of said 96,838 square foot ttact and easterly right-of-way line ofAddison Road a distance of6.02 feet \0 a point for a comer; ,h (6) THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East departing the westerly line of said 96,838 square foot tract and easterly right-of-way line ofAddison Road a distance of 19.76 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE South 00 degrees 18 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of4.14 feet to the point of curvature ofa cl].fVe to the left, having a centta1 angle of 95 degrees 05 minutes 26 seconds, a rodius of 8.00 feet, and being subtended by a 11.81 foot chord bearing South 47 degrees 14 minutes 36 seconds East; (8) THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 13.28 feet to a point for a compound curve to the left, having a central angle of 06 degrees 33 minutes 47 seconds, a radius of 755.99 feet, and being subtended by a 86.55 foot chord bearing North 81 degrees 55 minutes 47 seconds East; (9) THENCE northeasterly along said curve to the left an arc distance of 86.60 feet to a point for a corner at the end ofsaid curve; (10) THENCE North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of52.22 feet to the point of curvature of a curve to the right, having a centtal angle of S3 degrees 30 minutes 55 seconds, a radius of 5.43 feet and being subtended by a 4.89 foot chord bearing South 63 degrees 14 minutes 32 seconds East; .' LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. IE LANDSCAPE & UTILITY EASEMENT ARAPAHO ROAD PAGE20F3 JULy 16, 1998 (11) THENCE southeasterly along said curve to the right an arc distance of5.07 feet to a point for a corner on the southerly line ofsaid 63,247 square tbot tract, said point being the beginning ofa non.tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of07 degrees 50 minutes 36 seconds, a radius of260.00 feet and being subtended by a 35.57 foot chord bearing South 81 degrees 06 minutes 50 seconds West; (12) THENCE westerly along said Curve to the left and southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract an arc distance of35.59 feet to a cut cross found in concrete for the point of reverse curvature ofa curve to the right, having a central angle of08 degrees 44 minutes 10 seconds, a radius of768.00 feet and being subtended by a 116.99 foot chord bearing South 81 degrees 33 minutes 37 seconds West; (13) THENCE westerly along said curve to the right and southerly line of said 63,247 square foot tract an arc . distance of 117.10 feet to a cut croSs found in concrete for a corner; (14) THENCE North 46 degrees 30 minutes 48 seconds West along the southerly line ofsaid 63,247 square foot tract a distance of27.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAlNING 1,837 square feet or 0.0422 of an acre ofland, more or less. For Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 􀁾􀁙􀁍􀁴􀁱 Registered Professional Land Surveyor Texas Registration No. 4862 Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 McKinney Avenue Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75204 Phone: (214) 871·3311 Date: July 16, 1998 • > 􀁾 A. BEN PINNELL. ET AL DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSlT VOL.96099 PO.OOI97 .... " -\roIl1lO!' a ADDISON 'J; TEXAS 􀁾􀀠 VQL.96099 PO.OOO2T -../i,\ ASP ItM!STMEHT -III. LTD. TO A. BEN PINNELL. ET At V(X..97109 PG.D31::J8 163.241 􀁓􀁑􀁾􀁆􀁔􀀮􀁽􀀠 1(10.00' SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPUONE COMPANY VOL.86201 PG.3192 POINT Of 􀁃􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁇􀀭􀀭 el/S-I.R.F. \ /!!• 􀁾􀀠 ,. •o o 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀠 o LOCATI Z JOe 1: o • W • IB I I I I I I I I II I SCALE IN FEET INTERNATIONAL GUARAHTY CORP. VOL.B2001 PG.06IT zo -co 1-rOlD O' 40 0.. ::E-' ;:)0 rr> o ;:) o ., I'1!" "1!111' "':_􀁉 􀁾􀁾􀀠 ..... '-''''''''''R SUAVEY 􀁁􀁂􀁓􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁃􀁔􀁾• .482 .-􀁭􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁏􀀠COOK 􀀤􀁾􀁖􀁅􀁙􀀠A8STRAC HR-'􀁾􀀶􀀲􀀠 (, TNtJ " ", wtff'Y IfId tm I1taoV aiI"'nt' W.f 1IJdd_ 􀁾.If' 􀁾en h)' ASoI!I!!IB 4Md IMI 1M ",.. fJt1d IIDt!ndI 4fr:Twft f'IttII1K1n 4t1I1n1tt tmd 􀁾􀁨􀀾 1M lWId" "'" kf'l(lWltt1dJp. Ff'JI' Hullt-Zfllklt'ltlM. <\' TN6 t:/(I(Mf'9 J7\II\Y nd w f'V'()IJf.»!Id wtfI;wf . Ih.t wrlthtll JW1WMM d' £rf(l 􀁊􀀮􀁲􀁾􀀮􀀠 RfIt1lI11f1nd 􀁐􀁲􀁤􀀧􀁾lAnd 􀁾􀀮􀀠 7·/7.,/t. IMO SlJHlEYOfi //0. L! N9G'OO'OO'E 19.76' L3 SOO"18'07'W 4.14' L4 􀁾􀀶􀀧􀀳􀀰􀀧􀀴􀀸􀀧􀁗􀀠 27.38' B.4S1S OF 8£i#NNGSlTIIII:tItt1rII9" 5 ot7Il'tJ(1'£ 􀁾 ftIf. "iWI TIgiYod-w<1F Dm" Q.oun tJrJW M per dMI "" 1111 Ttilm " MdlMYJ,rtJOOt"dtJd In va'tmr 950Sf9.Por/IJ 􀁾􀁄􀁉􀁉􀁴􀁉􀁤􀀠!f(II(1OI'd8./)(JII04 Ctul&.TMi1& For: Town or Addison Publ Ie Works 16801 V•• 19rov•• Addl.on, TX 15001 EXH I BIT PARCEL NO. 􀁟􀁉􀀬􀀭􀀢􀁅􀁾__ O'oINER, A. SEN PINNELL. ET AL AREAl 0.0422 ACRE OATE,JULY 􀁬􀀭􀁾􀀹􀀹􀀸􀀠