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LUBBOCK August 25,1997 TMI Report No. DE 97-045 Mr. Kenneth A. Roberts, P.E. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75204-2489 Re: Pavement Studies Arapaho Road Dallas Parkway To Quorum Drive Addison, Texas Dear Mr. Roberts: Submitted here are the results of our pavement studies to evaluate the impact of DART bus traffic on our recommended concrete pavement thickness for Arapaho Road. This study was performed in accordance with our proposal dated July 22, 1997 (Proposal P971275DE). PROJECT DESCRIPTION Arapaho Road will be relocated from about 500 feet east of Dallas North Tollway west to Addison Road. The number of lanes will range from 4 to 6 lanes. The existing pavement section from the tollway to 500 feet west of the tollway is shown on street plans to consist of a 6-inch concrete pavement over a 6-inch lime stabilized subgrade. Terra-Mar, Inc. Inc. performed a pavement study for the new Arapaho Road alignment in 1994. The results of this study were presented in our geotechnical Report No. DE 94040, dated September 29, 1994. A 10-inch reinforced pee (Portland cement concrete) pavement over a 6-inch lime treated subgrade was recommended. This pavement section was based on the projected traffic provided by the Town of Addison and a concrete flexural strength of 550 psi. A new DART bus transit center is planned near Arapaho Road. Due to the additional bus traffic, the recommended 1O-inch thick pavement section was reevaluated. The 11050 Able. lane, Dan••, Te••• 75229 Phone: 972·488·8800 Fa.: 972-488·8080 IERRA-MAR Mr. Kenneth A. Roberts, P.E. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. TMI Report DE97-045 August 21, 1997 Page 2 of4 results of this evaluation are presented in this report. The remaining service life of the 500 feet of existing pavement was also evaluated to assist in determining whether or not this section of pavement should be removed and replaced with the same pavement thickness required for the new pavement. PAVEMENT ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS METHOD OF ANALYSES The pavement design analyses were performed in accordance with AASHTO Guide for Design QtPavement Structures (1986). The design criteria used in the analyses are presented in Table 1. Traffic data shown in Table 1 for the number of automobiles and trucks per day and the traffic growth rate for cars and trucks were provided by the Town of Addison's Public Works Department. Anticipated DART bus traffic was provided by Mr. Gary Hufstedler with DART. Neoplan AN 440 and MCI buses are expected. The axle loads used in the analyses were based on the assumption that 50 percent of the buses would be full. and 50 percent of the buses would be half-full each day. The antiCipated 400 daily bus trips on weekdays and an assumed 150 daily bus trips on weekends were assumed to occur as soon as the transit center opened. A one-percent growth in the number of bus trips was prOjected over the 20-year design period. NEW PAVEMENT SECTION The 10-inch pavement section was evaluated for the additional bus traffic. These analyses Indicated that the pavement should be increased to 11.0 Inches for a concrete pavement with flexural strength of 550 psi. If the concrete flexural strength was increased to 650 psi, a 10.0-lnch thick pavement section was found to be adequate. We recommend that a 10-inch thick pavement with a 650 psi flexural strength over a sixinch lime treated subgrade be used. The concrete flexural strength should be based on the third-point method of testing. ASTM C 78. tERRA-MAR Mr. Kenneth A. Roberts, P.E. Huitt-Zollars, Inc. TMI Report DE97-045 August 21, 1997 Page 3 of 4 TRAFFIC CAPACITY OF EXISTING PAVEMENT SECTION The existing pavement section consists of a 6-inch concrete pavement over a 6-inch lime stabilized subgrade. The traffic capacity of this pavement section was estimated to be 424,500 E-18s over a design period of 20 years. If the existing pavement section is subjected to the proposed traffic loading, then its design life could be less than 5 years. CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to be of further assistance on this project. Please call if there are any questions, or when we may be of further service. Sincerely, Copies Submitted: (3) : . TABLE 1 -PAVEMENT DESIGN PARAMETERS Pavement Design Criteria Roadway Class: Major Arterial Traffic Count (1993): 9,120 vehicles per day in one direction Annual Traffic Growth: 3.5 % for passenger cars and fully loaded 18wheelers 1.0 % for buses Traffic Count (1997): 10,465 vehicles per day in one direction Heavy Truck Traffic: 220 vehicles per day (2.1 %) Bus Traffic: 400 vehicles per day Monday through Friday 150 vehicles per day Saturday and Sunday Number of lanes: 2 lanes in each direction Design Life: 20 years Beginning Serviceability Index 4.5 Terminal Serviceability Index: 2.5 Reliability: 90% Percentage of E-18s in design lane: 90% Traffic Loading, design lane: 14,664,293 E-18s I design life Subgrade Soil Design Parameters Soil Type Clay USCS classification: CH Modulus of subgrade reaction (k): 100 psi! inch Modified modulus of subgrade reaction 150 psi I inch with a 6-inch lime stabilized subgrade: Design Axle loads Passenger Cars: 2 kip front single axle 2 kip rear single axle Heavy Trucks: 12 kip front single axle 34 kip middle tandem axle 34 kip rear tandem axle Axle Load Empty Neoplan AN 440 Bus: 10.2 kip front single axle 17.88 kip rear single axle Axle Load Half-Full Neoplan AN 440 Bus: 11.85 kip front single axle 20.94 kip rear single axle Axle load Full Neoplan AN 440 Bus: 13.5 kip front Single axle 24.0 kip rear single axle Axle Load Empty MCI Bus: 10.4 kip front single axle 19.8 kip rear single axle Axle Load Half-Full MCI Bus: 12.4 kip front Single axle 20.9 kip rear single axle Axle Load Full MCI Bus: 14.4 kip front single axle 22.0 kip rear single axle DE97·045 TERRA·MAR