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Table o,(Contents (cont'd) LIST OF EXHIBITS i\ I t ; L: 1. 98-094 Exhibit A ExhibitB Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E ExhibitF Centurion Way Alignment Divided Roadway Alignment DART Railroad Alignment Enhanced Photograph -Midway Overpass Technically Preferred Alignment (map pocket) Right-of-way Strip Map (map pocket) 3 February 1999 (. .1 iI I\,\ ' Executive Summary In February of 1998, the Town of Addison retained a team of consultants, lead by HNTB Corporation, to study an extension ofArapaho Road as a four lane roadway from Addison Road west to Marsh Lane. The purpose of the Arapaho Road extension is to relieve traffic congestion on roadways in the project vicinity, particularly on Belt Line Road, the primary east-west thoroughfare. The project team conducted a traffic study which showed that an Arapaho Road extension would reduce traffic volumes on Belt Line Road and Midway Road. The traffic study also indicated that the section of Arapaho Road east of Midway Road should be constructed as a four-lane divided facility based onprojected traffic volumes. West ofMidway Road, Arapaho Road can be constructed as a four-lane undivided roadway ifno entry or exit ramps are installed. The proposed extension, which is approximately 7,800 feet in length, includes intersections at Addison Road, Midway Road, Surveyor Boulevard, Commerce Street and Marsh Lane. Presently, the section ofArapaho Road from just west ofthe North Dallas Tollway to Addison Road is under construction. From Addison Road to Marsh Lane, the project corridor must fit between Belt Line Road to the south and the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) owned railroad to the north. At the east end, the roadway must be a continuation of the portion of Arapaho Road which is presently under construction, and at the west end it must align with existing Realty Road on the Farmers Branch side ofMarsh Lane. Within this corridor, the project team analyzed the following three general alignments for the Arapaho Road extension. (Ii, ••• Centurion Way alignment Divided Roadway alignment DART Railroad alignment 1j , i \L 􀁾i. I' "j , Exhibits A, B and C within Section 2 of the report show these alignments. Due to the constraints presented by the intersections at either end of the project, an electrical substation on the west side ofSurveyor Boulevard, existing buildings in the project corridor and the DART railroad, there is no viable alternative to the alignment sections east ofMidway Road and west of Surveyor Boulevard. Although the Centurion Way alignment benefits from the use ofan existing right-of-way, it requires the purchase ofthe Charter Furniture property. In addition, at the west end ofCenturion Way where the street turns 90 degrees to the south and becomes Runyon Road, this alignment divides the Mini Warehouse facility in two and requires the removal ofa significant portion ofthe buildings on that property. 98-094 4 February 1999 f, II, 1I I, I ,I Executive Summary (cont'd) The divided roadway alignment requires the purchase ofCharter Furniture and a smaller portion of the Mini Warehouse property than the Centurion Way alignment. This alignment also results in less convenient access for vehicles entering or exiting the buildings along Centurion Way, which currently carries two-way traffic. If, as part of this alignment, an underpass or overpass were constructed at Midway Road, access to the buildings closest to Midway would be severely impacted. The DART railroad alignment allows Centurion Way to remain in place as a service road for the adjacent buildings. Furthermore, no purchase ofthe Charter Furniture building is required, and only a comer ofthe Mini Warehouse property is impacted. Given the potential access and cost benefits associated with the DART railroad alignment, a more in-depth evaluation of its viability was conducted. The analysis ofthe DARTrailroad alignment primarily focuses on the intersection at Midway Road. Southbound traffic queues currently extend on Midway Road from Belt Line Road to north ofthe DART railroad during much of the day. Consequently, an at-grade crossing of Arapaho Road at Midway Road may not be feasible without providing dual-coordination ofthe traffic signals along Midway and Belt Line Roads. The grade separated options, with or without ramps, all reduce traffic on Belt Line and Midway Roads with one exception. If entry/exit ramps are included at Midway Road on the south side of Arapaho Road, then traffic on Midway Road is increased between proposed Arapaho Road and Belt Line Road. As a result, the following six horizontal and vertical alignment options at the Midway Road intersection were evaluated. I •• r\". •••• Option 1-Overpass at Midway Road with EntrylExit Ramps on the North Side ofProposed Arapaho Road Option 2 -Underpass at Midway Road with EntrylExit Rarilps on the North Side of Proposed Arapaho Road Option 3 -Overpass at Midway Road Without Ramps (similar alignment to Option 2) Option 4 -Underpass at Midway Road Without Ramps (similar alignment toOption 2) Option 5 -Overpass Without Ramps, No Taking ofCharter Furniture Warehouse Option 6 -Underpass Without Ramps, No Taking of Charter Furniture Warehouse (I Due to extensive utility relocations in a tight construction corridor, the viability of Option 6 is questionable at this point. Ifthe Town wanted to pursue this option, further coordination would be necessary with DART and DWU prior to developing an Opinion ofProbable Cost. Three overpass and three underpass options were evaluated, and in each case the corresponding underpass option was more expensive. An underpass may be more visually appealing than an overpass, however, the narrowing ofMidway Road to facilitate construction would increase traffic delays during the 12 months ofconstruction. Given the increased project cost and the impact on 98-094 5 February 1999 \( tiJ ,( I. \ lIiIl. Executive Summary (cont'd). Midway Road traffic during construction associated with the underpass options, an overpass is preferred. Overpass Option 1 requires the purchase ofthe Charter Furniture and MNBA buildings in order to make the entry ramp onto Arapaho Road safe at the merge point. Overpass Option 3, like Option 5, has no ramps, however, it would require the purchase ofthe Charter Furniture building. Ofthe three overpass options, Option 5 is the only one which does not require the purchase ofeither the Charter Furniture or MNBA buildings. Option 5 places the edge ofthe overpass structure 10 feet from the MNBA building and 15 feet from the Charter Furniture building, with a two-and-a-half-foot sidewalk for emergency access on both sides ofthe overpass. In addition, it would require DWU of accept 20 feet for maintenance oftheir 60-inch water line. Given the escalating cost ofreal estate and the traffic impacts, neither the additional construction area associated with Option 3 nor nor the ramps associated with Option 1 appear to justify the required property purchases. Therefore, it is our recommendation that Option 5, an overpass without ramps at Midway Road and no building takes at this location, be selected as the Technically Preferred Alternative. The following issues will need to resolved to facilitate construction of the Technically Preferred Alignment. •••••• Use the southern 10 feet ofa 30-foot DWU easement which is contiguous with the DART railroad right-of-way and contains a 60-inch transmission main. Gain permission from Union Pacific to cross the railroad wye spur. Design construction sequencing plans for the affected intersections at Addison Road, Midway Road, Surveyor Boulevard, Commerce Street and Marsh Lane. Consider measures to improve the aesthetics ofthe Midway Road overpass in order to integrate the structure with the neighborhood. Evaluate extending the column supports from Midway Road to the west end ofthe MNBA building in order to maintain visibility ofCharter Furniture for southbound motorists on Midway Road and to facilitate covered parking under the roadway deck for both properties. Proceed with the acquisition ofright-of-way and the property remainders which are deemed unusable. The Town ofAddison may wish to consider phasing the construction ofthe Technically Preferred Alignment. This section describes two separate phases of construction. /1II • Phase 1 -Marsh Lane to Surveyor Boulevard The expansion ofexisting Realty Road east ofMarsh Lane and the extension ofRealty Road 98-094 6 February 1999 (I Section 2 Alternative Alignments ; . From Addison Road to Marsh Lane, the project corridor must fit between Belt Line Road to the south and the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) owned railroad to the north. At the east end, the roadway must be a continuation of the portion of Arapaho Road which is presently under construction, and at the west end it must align with existing Realty Road on the Farmers Branch side of Marsh Lane. Within this corridor, the project team analyzed three general alignments for the Arapaho Road extension. j ! I\ \ . I . 2.1 Centurion Way Alignment The Centurion Way alignment, which had been identified at a conceptual level in a previous study, makes two at-grade crossings of a Union Pacific railroad wye spur just west of Addison Road. It then extends easterly between the DART railroad on the north side and several buildings on the south side, including Iceoplex, Motel 6, Homewood Suites and Super 6. After this alignment crosses Midway Road, it angles toward the southeast as it passes through the Charter Furniture Building before bending back to the east along the existing Centurion Way right-of-way. At the end of Centurion Way, this alignment passes through a Mini Warehouse facility on the east side ofSurveyor Boulevard. On the west side of Surveyor Boulevard, it passes through a light commercial building before crossing a concrete lined channel behind AddisoI) Bank and an open field east of Realty Road. The alignment then follows Realty Road to the Marsh Lane intersection. (See Exhibit A). Due to the constraints presented by the intersections at either end ofthe project, an electrical substation on the west side ofSurveyor Boulevard, existing buildings in the projectcorridor and the DART railroad, there are very few viable alternatives to the alignment sections east of Midway Road and west of Surveyor Boulevard. Between Midway Road and Surveyor Boulevard, this alignment uses the existing 60-foot wide Centurion Way right-of-way which currently contains a 41-foot wide pavement section section measured from the back ofcurb. Although this alignment benefits from the use of an existing right-of-way, it requires the purchase ofthe Charter Furniture property. In addition, at the west end of Centurion Way where the street turns 90 degrees to the south and becomes Runyon Road, this alignment divides the Mini Warehouse facility in two and requires the removal ofa significant portion ofthe buildings on this property. Both the north and south sides of Centurion Way are fully developed with building and parking improvements which extend out close to the existing right-of-way. The narrowest portion of this alignment is between the MNBA building on the north side and the ATC building on the south side where only 103 feet exists between these two buildings. There is not room for a four-lane divided roadway between these buildings. 98-094 9 February 1999 "0oo;;0 0:; a:l Langland Rd "0 0:: .!Q is co -0 0: 8eltway Dr Wiley Post Rd 􀁾􀁾􀁾r-----------'--,-L.,--in--,-db-e-􀁧r􀁾􀁄􀁣􀀭􀁲􀀭􀀭􀁊 I \ II .c 􀀯􀁾o 􀁜􀁾 Ij Keller Sprin s c5 >«-"3 3= 0 .....J r a; ---' 6 0t-"0 Boyinqton Dr 0:: (.f) «---' a .....J I « Midcour\ Rd E 0 :::> I . (; :::> 0 I I 􀁲􀁾􀀬 iI I i 1 -----... PROPOSED ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION ARAPAHO ROAD PHASE I ( UNDER CONSTRUCTION ) PROPOSED ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION EXHIBIT 'A' CENTURION WAY ALIGNMENT il. I, ('Ii· [{\\. 1 ' \\I. 2.2 2.3 Alternative Alignments (cont'd) The minimum pavement width for a four lane divided roadway is 45 feet measured to the back of curb. The extra four feet of pavement widening would add to the impact on the businesses along Centurion Way which would have to gain access to and from a much busier thoroughfare. Divided Roadway Alienment The divided roadway varies significantly from the Centurion Way alignment between Midway Road and SurveyorBoulevard. Withthis alignment, the roadway splits immediately west ofMidway Road into two lanes oftraffic in each direction. (See Exhibit B). The two eastbound lanes follow the Centurion Way alignment described in Section 2.1. The two westbound lanes are located next to the DART railroad from Midway Road to the Mini Warehouse facility. The westbound lanes then curve toward the southeast as they cutthrough a corner of the Mini Warehouses before merging with the eastbound lanes just east of Surveyor Boulevard. The divided roadway alignment requires the purchase of Charter Furniture and a smaller portion ofthe Mini Warehouse property than the Centurion Way alignment. This alignment also provides less convenient access for vehicles entering or exiting the buildings onto a oneway roadway rather than existing Centurion Way, which currently carries two-way traffic. Should access to westbound Arapaho Road be permitted along the divided roadway, motorists may attempt to cut through private parking lots to avoid circuity of travel. If an underpass or overpass were constructed at Midway Road, access to the buildings closest to Midway would be more severely impacted. After an evaluationofthe negative impacts to the developments along Centurion Way, it was . determined that this alignment was not desirable. DART Railroad Alienment The DART railroad alignment varies significantly from the Centurion Way alignment between Midway Road and Surveyor Boulevard. This alignment, which generally follows the westbound lanes of the divided roadway, is located next to the DART railroad from Midway Road to the Mini Warehouses where it curves toward the southeast across a corner of the Mini Warehouse property. It then crosses Surveyor Boulevard at an angle before curving back toward the east in order to match existing Realty Road. (See Exhibit C). This alignment allows Centurion Way to remain in place as a service road for the adjacent buildings. Furthermore, the roadway can be configured such that no purchase ofthe Charter Furniture building is required, and only a corner of the Mini Warehouse property is impacted. 98-094 10 February 1999 I, >«-:;;: -' -' 0t-a-:0: (/) «-' 0 -«' Cl E::0 :c <5 t-::0 0::: 0 0z -0 oo 3: Q) CD PROPOSED ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION EXHIBIT 'B' Langland Rd -0 a:: 􀀮􀁾 (3 c: oo et Beltway Or u..J >. 3: -'" 0... -0 a:: >. 􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁬􀁾􀁾:::;;: Midcourt Rd Boyington Dr Wiley Post Rd PROPOSED ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION ARAPAHO ROAD PHASE I ( UNDER CONSTRUCTION ) 􀁾􀁾 􀁾 f-------'-.,.L-,-in---:-:db-e-r 􀁧􀀭􀀻􀁄􀀽􀀭􀁲􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀧 \ I II ------Keller Springs Rd F' lf' c: [ ---' .<= 􀀯􀁾0 \-:J< r\ .' \1\{J DIVIDED ROADWAY ALIGNMENT rI \ I [I Keller Springs Rd I f\\. I "Q> in0>.. Q.) 􀁾::::l U1 \;\ Boyington Dr Midcourt Rd "Q 0:: >.. 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀱􀁾 :9 :::2 Wiley Post Rd Lindberg Dr Keller Sprin s cs E::::l o::::l o >«3= ---' o---' tfJ) «---' -«--' Cl :I: to::: o:z Ij ------PROPOSED ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION ARAPAHO ROAD PHASE I ( Ut\IDER CONSTRUCTION ) PROPOSED ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION EXHIBIT 'e' DART RAILROAD ALIGNMENT I\􀁉􀁾 . 2.4 Alternative Alignments (cont'd) The narrowest portion ofthe alignment is between the MNBA building and the DARTrightof-way where 81 feet is available. Although there are no franchise utilities to contend with, a 60-inch Dallas Water Utility (DWU) transmission main is located in a 30-foot easement adjacent to the railroad. A concrete-lined channel is also. located along this alignment between Midway Road and the Town ofAddison water tower. Given the potential access and cost benefits associated with the DART railroad alignment, a more in-depth evaluation ofits viability was conducted. Traffic Analysis At this point in the study, the project team reviewed traffic assignments for the year 2020 which were prepared bythe North Central Texas Council (NTCOG) ofGovernments for five alternatives for the Arapaho Road Extension. Two ofthese alternatives included entry and exit ramps at Midway Road, one with entry/exit ramps on the north side only and a second with entry/exit ramps on the south side only. These alternatives are described below. xviii) ''No Build" Alternative -what is the impact on adjacent streets ifArapaho Road is not extended? ii) "At-Grade" Alternative -Arapaho Road extended with the Midway Road intersection at grade. r\I ! iii) iv) "Grade-Separated" Alternative -Arapaho Road extended with a grade separation at Midway Road without entry/exit ramps. ''Ramps on the North Side" Alternative -Arapaho Road extended with a grade· separation at Midway Road and entry/exit ramps on the north side ofArapaho Road. r\[.jI\ v) "Ramps on the South Side" Alternative -Arapaho Road extended with a grade separation at Midway Road and entry/exit ramps on the south side ofArapaho Road. 2.4.1 Projected Traffic Volumes The following table presents a summary ofprojected traffic impacts for the extension of Arapaho Road on Belt Line Road and Midway Road assuming that the Keller Springs tunnel is in service. 98-094 11 February 1999 r \r( SEPARATED Alternative Alignments (cont'd) TRAFFIC VOLUME COMPARISON (PROJECI'ED DAILY TRAFFIc VOLUMES BY YEAR 2020) GRADE SEPARATED GRADE GRADE WITH RAMPS ON WITH RAMPS ON No BUILD AT GRADE SEPARATED NORTH SIDE SOUIll SIDE ARAPAHO ROAD Addison to Midway 24,000 13,000 18,000 28,000 Midway to Surveyor 6,000 13,000 17,000 17,000 I BELT LINE ROAD Addison to Midway 58,000 53,000 54,000 46,000 50,000 Midway to Surveyor 47,000 46,000 42,000 42,000 45,000 MIDWAY ROAD North ofArapaho 52,000 36,000 44,000 44,000 32,000 South ofArapaho 58,000 57,000 44,000 50,000 60,000 South ofBelt Line 52,000 46,000 47,000 52,000 2.4.2 Evaluation of Traffic Volumes The existing"congestion on Belt Line Road and Midway Road supports an extension ofArapaho Road. Traffic already backs up on Midway Road from Belt Line Road to north ofthe DART railroad much ofthe day; consequently, an at-grade crossing of Arapaho Road at Midway Road may not be feasible without providing dualcoordination of the traffic signals along Midway and Belt Line Roads. The grade separated scenarios, with or without ramps, all reduce traffic on Belt Line and Midway Roads with the exception ofthe section ofMidway Road between proposed" Arapaho Road and Belt Line Road with ramps on the south side. For the grade separated scenario without ramps, year 2020 volumes on Belt Line Road are projected to be approximately 5,000 vehicles per day (vpd) less with Arapaho Road extended. Volumes on Midway Road are projected to be reduced by 8,000 to 12,000 vpd. Arapaho Road is projected to carry 13,000 vpd from Addison Road to Marsh Lane ifno entry or exit ramps are installed at Midway Road. According to the projected traffic volumes, the extention ofArapaho Road can be constructed as a four-lane undivided roadway ifno entry or exit ramps are installed at Midway Road. It should be noted that even though these traffic studies contain a large margin for error, they do serve to support the grade separated configuration with no ramps at Midway Road. j \ \J 98-094 1 12 February 1999 r) ! ' IrI \\ \,, Alternative Alignments (cont'd) 2.5 Options Studied for DART Railroad Alignment After the project team selected the DART Railroad alignment for a more detailed analysis, the following six horizontal and vertical alignment options were considered. 2.5.1 Option 1 -Overpass at Midway Road with EntrylExit Ramps on the North Side ofProposed Arapaho Road Option 1 requires the purchase of the Charter Furniture and MNBA buildings in order to construct a four-lane undivided roadway and provide a safe merge length for the westbound entry ramp on the north side ofproposed Arapaho Road. Permission would be required with this option to construct the entry and exit ramps within the DWU easement, however, these ramps would be constructed at grade. 2.5.2 Option 2 -Underpass at Midway Road with EntrylExit Ramps on the North Side of Proposed Arapaho Road Like Option 1, Option 2 requires the purchase ofthe Charter Furniture and MNBA buildings, and the use ofthe DWU easement for the at-grade entry and exit ramps. In addition, the probable construction sequence for an underpass would require the removal of one half of Midway Road at a time. As a result, Midway Road would have to be realigned and narrowed to two lanes through the construction zone. Four lanes oftraffic could be provided by installing temporary pavement on the outside of each segment. The underpass construction could affect Midway Road in this manner for up to a year. 2.5.3 Option 3 -Overpass at Midway Road Without Ramps Option 3 follows an alignment similar to Option 1 through the Charter Furniture building, however, without ramps, no taking ofthe MNBA is required.This option provides more working space between proposed Arapaho Road and the DART railroad on both sides of Midway Road. No roadway improvements would be required in the DWU easement. 2.5.4 Option 4 -Underpass at Midway Road Without Ramps Option 4 follows the same alignment as the overpass without ramps (Option 3) through the Charter Furniture building. It also presents the same construction sequencing challenges as the underpass option with ramps (Option 2) at Midway Road. 98-094 13 February 1999 ri I 2.6 Alternative Alignments (cont'd) 2.5.5 Option 5 -Overpass Without Ramps, No Taking of Charter Furniture Warehouse Option 5 places the north right-of-way line 20-feet offthe DART right-of-way from Midway Road to the Mini Warehouse property. This requires the use ofthe southern 10 feet ofthe 30-foot DWU easement but does not require taking either the Charter Furniture or the MNBA buildings. Furthermore, this option places the edge ofthe overpass structure approximately 10 feet from the MNBA building. The existing concrete-lined channel next to the DWUwater main would need to be replaced with double 9'x5' box culverts under the overpass structure. 2.5.6 Option 6 -Underpass Without Ramps, No Taking of Charter Furniture Warehouse Option 6 follows the same alignment as the overpass without taking the Charter Furniture building, however, it presents the same construction sequencing challenges as the other underpass options. In addition, this option would require the installation ofbox culverts on the north north side ofthe railroad to replace the concrete-lined channel· presently on the south side. Ifa minimal separation were to be provided from the box culverts to an existing 12-inch sanitary sewer line, the edge ofthe boxes would be approximately five feet from several existing buildings. In addition, multiple drainage and utility relocations would be required under the railroad tracks at Midway Road, and the box culverts would need to cross back under the railroad further to the west. Evaluation ofDART Railroad 􀁁􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁮􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴Options Horizontal and vertical alignments, along with Opinions ofProbable Cost, were prepared for Options 1 through 5. These costs are included in a matrix ofissues related to these options, in addition to Option 6, at the end ofthis section. Due to extensive utility relocations in a tight construction corridor, the viability of Option 6 is questionable at this point. Ifthe Town wanted to pursue this option, further coordination would be necessary with DARTandDWUprior to developing an Opinion ofProbable Cost. The primary goal expressed by Town ofAddison stafffor this project is to relieve congestion on Belt Line Road. All the options will provide some relief to Belt Line Road. Three overpass and three underpass options were evaluated, and in each case the corresponding underpass option was more expensive. Although no cost was prepared for Option 6, it is certain that the extensive utility relocations required would result in its cost exceeding that ofOption 5. An underpass may be more visually appealing than an overpass, however, the narrowing ofMidway Road would increase traffic delays during the 12 months 98-094 14 February 1999 !\l.i\ . )-f' lI\J1 Alternative Alignments (cont'd) ofconstruction. Although an underpass would create less noise impact, only five commercial buildings are located within the overpass limits on both sides of the railroad, including Charter Furniture. As a result of the increased project cost and the impact on Midway Road traffic during construction associated with the underpass options, an overpass is preferred. Overpass Option 1 requires the purchase ofthe Charter Furniture and MNBA buildings in order to make the entry ramp onto Arapaho Road safe at the merge point. Overpass Option 3, like Option 5, has no ramps, however, it would require the purchase of the Charter Furniture building. Ofthe three overpass options, Option 5 is the only one which does not require the purchase ofeither the Charter Furniture orMNBA buildings. Option 5 places the edge ofthe overpass structure 10 feet from the MNBA building and 15 feet from the Charter Furniture building, with a two-and-a-half-foot sidewalk for emergency access on both sides ofthe overpass. In addition, it would requireDWUto accept 20 feet for maintenance oftheir 60-inch water line. Given the escalating cost of real estate and the traffic impacts, neither the additional construction area associated with Option 3 nor the ramps associated with Option 1 appear to justify the required property purchases. Therefore, it is our recommendation that Option 5, an overpass without ramps at Midway Road and no building takes at this location, be selected as the Technically Preferred Alternative. 98-094 15 Februlll}' 1999 . .:J ARAPAHO ROAD ALIGNMENT OPTIONS Midway Road Section -Matrix of Issues 􀁾􀁣􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬 OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 OPTION 5 OPTION 6 DESCRIPTION Overpass without Underpass without OF ISSUE Overpass with ramps Underpass with ramps Overpass without Underpass without ramps; without ramps; on north side on north side ramps ramps building take without building take Separated from Adjacent to railroad Alignment Description railroad right-of-way Same as 1 Same as 1 Same as 1 right-of-way Same as 5 Charter furniture building Yes Yes Yes Yes No No take MBNA building take Yes Yes No No No No (for ramp safety) Relocate DWU water line No Nit No No No Yes Noise Yes No Yes No Yes No Realign Midway for con· Yes struction sequence (4 No Yes No Yes No lanes) Sump storm sewer No Yes No Yes No Yes Move box culvert to north Yes side of R/R; other utility No No No No No relocations Opinion of Probable Cost $20,160,648 $20,678,292 $19,760,712 $20,631,576 $17,191,464 NIA (with 20% contingency) 98-094 16 February 1999 \ Section 3 Technically Preferred Alternative The Technically Preferred Alternative (TPA), as shown in the Exhibit D map pocket, follows the DART railroad alignment and Option 5 between Midway Road and Surveyor Boulevard which avoids taking either the Charter Furniture or the MNBA buildings. This section discusses some of the issues and costs associated with the TPA. "\\. \\ . I . 3.1 Coordination Issues 3.1.1 DWU Easement The TPA will require the use ofthe southern 10 feet ofa 30-foot DWU easement which is contiguous with the DART railroad right-of-way. The DWU easement contains a 60-inch water transmission main which is located approximately six feet ofIthe DARTright-of-way to the center ofthe pipe. A written request has been made to DWU regarding the use of a portion of their easement, and negotiations are pending. 3.1.2 Railroad Crossing A report has been prepared that will be submitted to Union Pacific requesting pennission to cross the wye spur. This report includes a commitment to place a fully signalized gate at the crossing. 3.1.3 Realty Road Section The traffic volumes indicate that a four-lane undivided roadway would be adequate along the existing Realty Road alignment. Omitting a median from most of this section of the project would minimize the impact on adjacent parking lots and driveways. The roadway could still be widened for tum lanes at Midway Road and Surveyor Boulevard. 3.1.4 Construction Sequencing Construction sequencing plans will still be necessary at the intersections along the TPA, although far less extensive measures will be necessary than those required for an underpass at Midway Road. For example, some drainage and utility relocations will be necessary, particularly at Midway Road and Surveyor Boulevard. 3.1.5 Overpass Aesthetics Measures can be taken to improve the aesthetics.ofthe Midway Road overpass to integrate the structure with the neighborhood. Discussions with the owners ofCharter Furniture and the MNBA buildings have also resulted in an evaluation ofextending the column supports from Midway Road to the west end of the MNBA building in 98-094 17 February 1999 I,iL\iL Technically Prli(erred Alternative (cont'd) order to maintain visibility ofCharter Furniture for southbound motorists on Midway Road and to facilitate covered parking under the roadway deck for both properties. ExhibitD is a digitally enhanced photograph ofthe proposed Midway Road overpass looking south. 3.1.6 Right-of-way and Building Acquisition Building acquisitions will include the Metro Brick Company building at Addison Road, a portion of the Mini Warehouse facility on the east side of Surveyor Boulevard, and eight commercial buildings in the Addison West Industrial Park on the west side of Surveyor. A right-of-way strip map has been included as Exhibit E in a map pocket at the back ofthis report. It gives estimated right-of-way takes from the properties affected by this project along with remainders of these properties which will be unusable as a result ofthe roadway construction. 3.2 Project Phasing The Town of Addison may wish to consider phasing the construction of the Technically Preferred Preferred Alignment. This section describes two separate phases ofconstruction. 3.2.1 Phase 1 -Marsh Lane to Surveyor Boulevard The expansion of existing Realty Road east of Marsh Lane and the extension of Realty Road from the 900 bend at Commerce Street east to Surveyor Boulevard could be constructed separately from the balance ofthe project. This would provide a direct four-lane connection from Marsh Lane to Surveyor Boulevard for east-and west-bound traffic. Realty Road would be widened from a 41-foot wide two-lane roadway to a 45-foot four lane undivided roadway within its existing limits. The estimated construction cost for this phase, including right-of-way, is $ 4,093,344.00. 3.2.2 Phase 2 -Surveyor Boulevard to Addison Road The overpass at Midway Road dictates that the roadway be constructed from Addison Road to Surveyor Boulevard as one phase. Although this is most important phase in order to relieve traffic congestion on Belt Line Road, it is also the most 98-094 18 February 1999 \ .... o.... 1---Q:.) --IxtJ.J r ICL 􀁾 􀁾 v 􀁾 o c! f-l.l.J o > I 0 CL >o <: l.l.J 􀁾 zU o <: :E IZl.l.J IIIr:I! i\-3.3 Technically Pre,(erred Alternative (cont'd) costly and time-conswning phase to complete. It includes coordination with Union Pacific to obtain a crossing ofthe wye spur and Dallas Water Utilities to obtain use of 10 feet oftheir 30-foot easement. In addition, the overpass ofMidway Road is the most costly portion of this project. The estimated construction cost for this phase, including right-of-way, is $ 13,098,120.00. Cost Estimates This section provides construction cost estimates for the two phases identified previously. Estimates have also been included for the right-of-way and other property takes along the project alignment. The combined estimated cost for both phases is $ 17,191,464.00. 98-094 19 February 1999 I\. i\iI. \I TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS HNTB 1GBW Engineers 02/16/99 ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION FROM ADDISON ROAD TO MARSH LANE ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST OPTION 5 • MARSH LANE TO SURVEYOR BLVD. -Phase 1 ITEM NO ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY ENGINEERS ESTIMATE ROADWAY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 100 PREP. & MAlNT. OF RIGHT-OF-WAY STA 24.0 $ 2,500.00 $ 60,000.00 104 REMOVE OLD CONCRETE (PVMT.) SY 8,440 $ 3.00 $ 25,320.00 110 EXCAVATION (ROADWAY) CY 16,000 $ 3.20 $ 51,200.00 132 EMBANKMENT (ORDINARY COMPACTION) CY 2,000 $ 8.50 $ 17,000.00 260 LIME TREATED SUBGRADE (6 in) (Mainline) SY 15,200 $ 3.00 $ 45,600.00 360 CONCRETE PAVEMENT (10 in) (Mainline) SY 15,200 $ 31.00 $ 471,200.00 360 MONOLITHIC CURB (TYPE A) (6 in) LF 7,500 $ 2.00 $ 15,000.00 500 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00 502 BARRICADES, SIGNS AND TRAFFIC HANDLING LS 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 666 REFLECT PAVE MARKINGS LF 20,000 $ 1.50 $ 30,000.00 . LIGHTING LF 3,400 $ 35.00 $ 119,000.00 . TRAFFIC SIGNALS (PER INTERSECTION) EA 2 $ 120,000.00 $ 240,000.00 681 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNAL EA 2 $ 10,000.00 $ 20,000.00 LANDSCAPING LS 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 INLETS EA 5 $ 2,500.00 $ 12,500.00 MANHOLES EA 5 $ 5,000.00 $ 25,000.00 LATERALS LF 50 $ 50.00 $ 2,500.00 24" RCP LF 3,000 $ 50.00 $ 150,000.00 30" RCP LF 220 $ 65.00 $ 14,300.00 36" RCP LF 500 $ 80.00 $ 40,000.00 2 -10' X 7' RCBC LF 130 $ 850.00 $ 110,500.00 HEADWALL CONCRETE CY 30 $ 600.00 $ 18,000.00 REMOVE CONCRETE CHANNEL LINING SY 700 $ 10.00 $ 7,000.00 REMOVE/REPLACE CONCRETE CHANNEL LINING SY 200 $ 60.00 $ 12,000.00 OTHER UTILITY REL.:OCATIONS LS 1 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 RIGHT-OF-WAY LS 1 $ 1,540,000.00 $ 1,540,000.00 DEMOLITION LS 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 SUBTOTAL $ 3,411,120.00 20% CONTINGENCY $ 682,224.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 4,093,344.00 I\ I)iII i I! trI TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS HNTB /GBW Engineers 02/16/99 ARAPAHO ROAD EXTENSION FROM ADDISON ROAD TO MARSH LANE ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST OPTION 5 -SURVEYOR BLVD. TO ADDISON ROAD -Phase 2 ITEM NO ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY ENGINEERS ESTIMATE ROADWAY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 100 PREP. & MAINT. OF RIGHT-OF-WAY STA 54.0 $ 2,500.00 $ 135,000.00 104 REMOVE OLD CONCRETE (PVMT.) SY 500 $ 3.50 $ 1,750.00 110 EXCAVATION (ROADWAY) CY 7,000 $ 3.20 $ 22,400.00 132 EMBANKMENT (ORDINARY COMPACTION) CY 34,000 $ 8.50 $ 289,000.00 260 LIME TREATED SUBGRADE (6 in) (Mainline) SY 24,200 $ 3.00 $ 72,600.00 360 CONCRETE PAVEMENT (10 in) (Mainline) SY 23,200 $ 31.00 $ 719,200.00 360 MONOLITHIC CURB (TYPE A) (6 in) LF 11,500 $ 2.00 $ 23,000.00 423 RETAINING WALL (CAST IN PLACE) SF 21,000 $ 32.00 $ 672,000.00 500 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 502 BARRICADES, SIGNS AND TRAFFIC HANDLING LS 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 666 REFLECT PAVE MARKINGS LF 25,000 $ 1.50 $ 37,500.00 · LIGHTING LF 5,400 $ 35.00 $ 189,000.00 · TRAFFIC SIGNALS (PER INTERSECTION) EA 1 $ 120,000.00 $ 120,000.00 RAILROAD SIGNALS, CROSSING EA 2 $ 250,000.00 $ 500,000.00 681 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNAL EA 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 LANDSCAPING LS 1 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 · STRUCTURE SF 51,000 $ 35.00 $ 1,785,000.00 INLETS EA 25 $ 2,500.00 $ 62,500.00 MANHOLES EA 5 $ 5,000.00 $ 25,000.00 LATERALS LF 1,180 $ 50.00 $ 59,000.00 24" RCP LF 3,000 $ 50.00 $ 150,000.00 30" RCP LF 1,310 $ 65.00 $ 85,150.00 36" RCP LF 500 $ 80.00 $ 40,000.00 6' X5'RCBC LF 260 $ 250.00 $ 65,000.00 7'X5' RCBC LF 400 $ 300.00 $ 120,000.00 9' X5' RCBC LF 500 $ 350.00 $ 175,000.00 2 -7' X 5' RCBC LF 800 $ 550.00 $ 440,000.00 2 -9' X 5' RCBC LF 1,460 $ 700.00 $ 1,022,000.00 2 -10' X 6' RCBC LF 920 $ 800.00 $ 736,000.00 HEADWALL CONCRETE CY 30 $ 600.00 $ 18000.00 REMOVE CONCRETE CHANNEL LINING SY 10,500 $ 10.00 $ 105,000.00 REMOVE/REPLACE CONCRETE CHANNEL LINING SY 1,100 $ 60.00 $ 66,000.00 OTHER UTILITY RELOCATIONS LS 1 $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00 RIGHT-OF-WAY LS 1 $ 2,650,000.00 $ 2,650,000.00 DEMOLITION LS 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 SUBTOTAL $ 10,915,100.00 20% CONTINGENCY $ 2,183,020.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $ 13,098,120.00 HOUSLEy ADDITION 􀁶􀀱􀁬􀁾􀁊􀁍􀀿􀁊􀀺􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀡􀁊􀁾􀁏􀁴 KJA SUBDiviSION. 􀁁􀁄􀁄􀁉􀁓􀁏􀁾 wEST INDUSTRIAL F 􀁊􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁣􀁾􀁾􀀡􀁔􀁲􀀶 L",. I !I I i !I/I ! ///1 ;/􀁲􀁾 􀁾􀀺􀀭 􀀬􀁉􀁾 18 iiIi IL 􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀫􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀫􀀡􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀁾 􀁾 !] ]}J J]J jJJ1I 1 .j NO. OWNER AREA I SOIFT ) REMAINDER AREA I SOIFT ) 1 METRO BRICK COM'ANY INC. 3.200.08 2 15211 AOOISON ROAD JOINT VENTURE 1.25S.40 3 U.P. 83.520.4 4 BEL TWOOD RE SERVO[R 469.10 5 HERITAGE INN NUMBER xx I I I. L.P. 20.851.5 6 MOTEL 6 OPERATIONS L.P. 21.911.97 6.177.96 7 EPINA PROPERTIES LTD. £T. AL. 32.660.32 9.617.68 B J.H. CROUCH JR. £T. AL. 23.350.43 6.670.53 9 INTERVEST COMPANIES 16.461.29 4.851.15 10 5425 CENTURION WAY. L .P. 12.755.02 3.753.03 \1 BULLOUGH/LYKOW OFFICE BUILDING NO. 1. L.P 10.276.7 3.023,91 12 PUBL IC STORAGE OF DALLAS. LTD. 32.504.04 16.046.64 13 PU8L IC STORAGE OF DALLAS. LTD. 17.350.9 3.0513.43 14 NILE PROPERTIES. LTD. 28.344.37 42.018.66 15 TEXAS POWER & LIGHT 8.604.30 16 LI NCOLN TRUST COMPANY CUSTODIAN 5.616.00 JJ RODEWAY INN 􀁙􀁃􀁌􀂷􀁾􀁬􀁉􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁴􀁣􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁥􀀧􀁯􀁭 ® LOT 4. SURVEYOR ADDITiON., ADD [SON WEST INDUSTRIAL PARK LOT 6. SURvEYOR ADDITION. 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ADDISOti: RESTAURANT PARK ADDISON OAK LOTS 1 &. 2 A OISI>.I OAKS ADDITION LOT 3 􀀮􀀬􀁅􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀱􀁾􀀧􀀱􀁉􀁾􀁜􀁜􀁡 LOT 1 NO DATE REVISION APPROV. LOT 2 LOT 3 ARAPAHO ROAD BXTBN8IO DESIGN ITO RIGHT-OF-WN STRIP MAP IIIRSH lJItE TO N:J:»SIJII PIJN) TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS$PN()$ JJ1] JJJ-1lJII I:J o:c -I-􀁾U) U) fa:: w􀁾 In W􀁾 2a: w􀁾