//' .. William H. Vanderstraaten V." President/Market OfIicer CarrAmerica. CarrAlnerica Reatty Cotporation 14901 Quorum Drive, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75240 Phone 972.404.2200 Fax 972.404.2201 Direct Uno 972.404.2211 E·Mail: wvandeis@C<1I1llJ1leIica.com Chris G. Hendricks, CPM', RPA Ganeml Manager CarrAmerica.. CarrAmerica Realty CotporaUon 14901 Quorum Drive. Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75240 Phone 972.386.8141 Fax 972.386.4923 E·Mail: chendnc@carramerica.com Scottie Breaull·Cemer, 􀁃􀁐􀁍􀁾􀀠RPA Property MIlrIIJger CarrAmerica. CarrAmerica Realty Corporation 14901 Quorum Drive. Me 100 Dallas, Texas 75240 Phone 972.404.2200 Fax 972.404.2201 E-Mail: 􀁳􀁉􀁬􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁵􀁾􀁀􀁣􀁡􀁮􀁡􀁭􀁥􀁬􀁩􀁣􀁡􀀬􀁯􀁯􀁭􀀠 tfS--f-/l 􀁦􀀱􀁾􀁴􀀠hi-6" THICK 650 PSI F RE INF. CONC. DR J SeAt-e. : v: I":; 'l.O' . ". 25 LF.􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 SEELONGITUDINAL LAND\\,\ BUTT JOINT" PAVE :XISTING IRRIGATION ;ONT ACT BUILDING 􀁾􀁁􀁎􀁁􀁇􀁅􀁍􀁅􀁎􀁔􀀠SUITE 380 'RIOR TO DEMOLITION. TOWN OF A[17+31,39' LT. CONSTRUCT STREET LIGHT FOUNDATION ,ATCH PVMT T EX. JOINT CROSSWALKLONG I T,UtlINAb: OF SPECIALBUTT JOINT -;;.. -, SEE STREEi• " FOR DEYAIL EX • ...........􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 Eli . ,.. " pp TEL TELE . MH 􀁾􀁾􀀠TS ./IIIi CROSS SLOPEi' SEE!25 L.F. LONGITUDINAL LAND:BUTT .JOINT· PAVE, 􀁾􀁘􀁉􀁓􀁔ING IRRIGATION ;ONTACT BUILDING IIANAGEMENT SUITE 380 )RIOR TO DEMOLITION. TOWN OF AC17+31,39' LT. CONSTRUCT STREET LIGHT FOUNDATION . EX. JOINT • _. 􀀢􀀯􀀧􀀼􀁯􀀭􀁬􀁾􀀠•• -, •••-. { LONGITUDINAL} BUTT JOINT 1 >, " -'. . .'. '. . 􀀮􀁲􀀮􀀭􀀻􀀭􀀺􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀠􀀮􀁾􀀭"". EXP • JOINT CROSSWALK OF SPECIAL SEE STREET FOR DETAIL ELE pp" TEL· TELEa MH !IIll!' TS . 􀁾􀁔􀁃􀁈􀀠PVMT TOWN OF ADDISoN PUBLIC WORKS From: James C. Pierce,Jr.,P.E.,DEE 􀁔􀁏􀀧􀁾􀁾􀀠Assistant City Engineer Company: 􀁾􀁦􀀽􀁾􀁾􀀠Phone: 972/450-2879 FAX: 972/450-2837 FAX #: 2..Pf-'"7;).. 􀁾􀀠;2.0:20 Date: 􀀱􀀯􀀭􀀳􀁾􀁴􀀷􀀠16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 􀁒􀁥􀀺􀁌􀁾􀀯􀀢􀁲􀀡􀁬􀁲􀁬􀁊􀁥􀀧􀁲􀁴􀁾􀁃􀁌􀀠bJtttt!j-L # of pages (including cover): .3 Addison, TX 75001 o Original in mail oPer your request o!iFYl o Call me Comments: 􀁟􀁾􀀰􀁵􀀯􀁾􀁾r:.􀁃􀁴􀀯􀁖􀀲􀁾􀀠􀁃􀁾􀀠􀁾ti.L 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀮􀀠• mmm ••􀁾•• ____ 􀁾-cDMM.JDIJRNAL->I 􀁓􀁕􀀯􀁉􀁌􀁾CF; 􀁾􀁻􀀡􀁱􀀵􀀠n 75d-.'fO ? GENTLEMAN: WE ARE SENDING YOU 􀁾􀁴􀁴􀁡􀁣􀁨􀁥􀁤􀀠o Under separate cover via _____the following items: o Shop Drawings 0 Prints o Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 _________________o Copy of letter o Change order DATE /f)-3/-Cf7 I JOB NO. ArrENT/ON ,"fu>-f-he.. Area.ul+ -LofYIer RE: DESCRIPTIONNO.COPIES DATE Fyr k 1'17e /;'7'1 t!'?"I'77t!tvf-CA"," /;' j fA); trOY7f-4 I1MJ fd II, 􀁾􀁲􀀨􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠TotJJ1"//,f I( /I II TDI· 􀁁􀁾􀀠y)-0 f"'r /'1-n1"'rl<"I 􀁔􀁈􀁅􀁾ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: }'J.!or approval 0 Approved as submitted o Resubmit ____copies for approval o For your use 0 Approved as noted o Submit copies for distribution o As requested 0 Returned for corrections o Return corrected prints o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE ___________ 19,__ o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO ___________________ If enclosures are not as noted, pleas no' us at once. : EXCHANGE AGREEMENT This Exchange Agreement is entered into by Carramerica Realty, L.P. ("Carramerica") and the Town of Addison ("Addison"). WHEREAS, Carramerica is the owner of a tract of real property containing 0.003 acres and a tract of real property containing 0.033 acres, both tracts ofland located in Dallas County, Texas, and more particularly described below; and WHEREAS, Addison is the owner of a tract of real property containing 0.1592 acres of land located in Dallas County, Texas, and more particularly described below; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that it is in the best interest of each of them to exchange such tracts, each conveying to the other, as described below; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the conveyances, each to the other, and the mutual promises and considerations described herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Carramerica agrees to sell and convey by Special Warranty Deed to Addison all right, title and interest in and to those certain tracts of real property situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and consisting of 0.003 acres and 0.033 acres of land, more particularly described as Parcels 6-1 and 6-2 on the map attached hereto as Exhibit I, and more particularly described in Exhibits II and III, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. Addison agrees to sell and convey by Special Warranty Deed to Carramerica all right title and interest in and to that certain tract of real property situated in the G. W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and consisting of 0.1592 acres of land, more particularly identified as Parcel 7, on the Map attached hereto as Exhibit IV, and more particularly described in Exhibit V which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3. Closing shall occur at Hexter-Falr Title Company, 8333 Douglas Avenue, Suite 130, Dallas, Texas 75225, attention Ms. Carol Erick, 214-373-9999, on or before 12:00 o'clock noon on , 1997. Addison agrees to pay all closing costs incurred in connection with the exchange and conveyance of these tracts of real property. Each party shall pay its own attorney fees. If either party hereto desires to obtain an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in connection with its acquisition of a tract of real property pursuant hereto it shall do so at its own cost and expense. 4. The parties mutually agree that the Fair Market Value of Parcels 6-1 and 6-2 combined is equal to the Fair Market Value of Parcel 7. EXCHANGE AGREEMENT -Page 1 DOc" 5432% 5. The parties hereto warrant and represent, each to the other, the authority of the person signing below to act on behalf of such party, and that this transaction has been duly authorized. WITNESS our hands this ____ day of October, 1997. Carramerica Realty, L.P. By: Authorized Representative TOWN OF ADDISON By: Ron Whitehead, City Manager ATTEST: Carmen Moran, City Secretary EXCHANGE AGREEMENT -Page 2 DOC" 543296 I PAGE 3 OF 5 88 CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P. i I I ! McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2184 -I 0.003 AC. 0.033 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION\ICL.r.t:lt: PO.UOII -VOL. 82005 PG.2184 YOL."'" 􀀢􀀮􀁦􀁾􀁜􀁉􀁃􀁌􀀮� �I,. lI'O. t§O ¥«..UOOI fOG. ,t:u YOL.t.4IU I"O.OSU ARAPAHO ROAD 60' R.O ...... ( I ,11.,.._ IIIDIII f'luDI.".•.􀂷􀁾􀂷􀀠,1ON_.fYIUIMJITJ·ZIilU.JIIII:t _ N t " I POINJ 􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀠... ",eI "'" ........... f'ItCII'f:MTIE\!I. lilt. YDI.-.III! IU PG,OI&t ,,,, I I I OF C(N€NCINGf_ I I ........10 􀀢􀀢􀀱􀀶􀀢􀁾􀁟􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀧__ 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀦􀀬􀀮􀀬------.-..------.,.,.....,."" ....􀁾'*-..u.s • ........",........ " S WJI"PI71 ..... _WIII"",..,..._"o-.. Ik_.,,.,...., .... r_"---._. 􀁾􀀭􀀮..........,..,--..cIIIWQ ••,r&"'J'{iitl a 4-(',vIPC-.Mr;l-ll Lm ' . -' 􀀮􀁾􀁊I CO (o r 􀁾􀀠-eD a t-J... rfl e)(clef( 􀁾􀀧􀁬􀀠9'£/I-I..z low('1 tvII! UP/J t/􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁲􀁣􀀭􀁾􀁦# 7 (1/1 -blue) hr 􀁵􀁲􀁲􀀯􀁨􀁮􀁥􀁲􀀯􀁾CA' 0 r rJY\B(!)« rd. We.. 􀁾􀁶􀁥􀀠t/lrri:llt/􀁹􀁲􀁾􀀭􀁒􀁉􀀴􀁾􀀠j;;,. 14../5 -RKC/tA"j<. No laM,{UoSIs, 􀀱􀀯􀁊􀁴􀀯􀁴􀀷􀀯􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀴􀀡􀁬􀀯􀁾􀂷􀁲􀁺􀀠,f'.edfCl Nm 􀁁􀁦􀁦􀁾􀀢􀀮􀁊􀀤􀀬􀀡􀁡􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁦􀁦􀁬􀁾􀁾􀀠 I9Ns f'r()pb'11 􀁾􀀠';""'x r' a/& Attachments 1. Letter from Terry Hale 2,,. Letter·and-ReslJme.from Kathryn Usrey. Item #ES1 Item #ES2item #ES3EXECUTIVE SESSION Discussion of the possible purchase exchange of land for street rightof-way purposes located along Arapaho Road and Spectrum Drive. The Town requires two tracts of .003 acres and .033 acres respectively and in exchange, will convey one tract of land of 0.1592 acres, owned by the Town, to CarrAmerica Realty, L.P., pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code. Discussion of the possible purchase of two tracts of land for airport purposes, a tract of .50 acres located at 16145 Dooley Road, owned by Mr. Roy Kincaid, and a tract of 1.02 acres located at 16115 Dooley Road, owned by Mr. Billy Mullins, pursuant to Section 551.072 of the . Texas Government Code. Discussion of the possible purchase of one tract of .65 acres, owned by Mr. Scott Arbuckle, in the Old Addison area for use for expansion of the Addison Conference and Theatre Centre, pursuant to Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code. REGULAR SESSION Item #R9-Discussion of the exchange of land for street right-of-way purposes located along Arapaho Road and Spectrum Drive. The Town requires two tracts of .003 aces and .033 acres respectively, and in exchange, will convey one tract of land 0.1592 acres, owned by the Town, to CarrAmerica Realty, L.P., and take appropriate action. Item #R10-Discussion of the possible purchase of two tracts of land for airport purposes, a tract of .50 acres located at 16145 Dooley Road, owned by . Mr. Roy Kincaid, and a tract of 1.02 acres located at 16115 Dooley Road, owned by Mr. Billy Mullins, and take appropriate action. Item #R11 -Discussion of the possible purchase of one tract of .65 acres, owned by Mr. Scott Arbuckle, in the Old Addison area for use for expansion of the Addison Conference and Theatre Centre, and take appropriate action. City Council Agenda 10-28-97 (I) .... 1> rn + !"" l"'" U1 N ""'":0 :-' n r (I) .... 1> '" Eg. ... '"P' + 0:> t' l"" w '" :0 246'l :-' I c. I "! Er . cr[§ ".v -􀁾􀀠j )2470 /I 003 f1 Pee. en N ...... 1> is> Ut N"1 + en '":.0 ;oJ U1 9' tn "i :0 ;-' UI... ... P [$ :0 :-' F UI W +... UI tv CS) '":0 :-' McL_EAN TRACT ADDITION VOL.82005 PG.2784 N 􀁾􀀠/":) 'W ICARRAMERICA REAL!Y. L.P. VOL.'l7055 PG.3"45 􀀮􀁾􀀠-'" t:;-':::> I-IOL f ::lei .1-I Ill=:: 40' ","\ win 3:0:: )'0 .. ",gg"'''' qz􀀷􀁾􀀠, I 38.81' I I ...... I I ADDisoN Public Works /Engineering 16801 Westgrove. P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 DATE ATTENTION RE: 10-.2./JOB NO. Telephone: (214)450·2871 • Fax: (214)931-6643 TO GENTLEMAN: WE ARE SENDING YOU 􀁾􀁴􀁴􀁡􀁣􀁨􀁥􀁤􀀠o Under separate cover via _____the following items: o Shop Drawings o Prints o Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 _________________ o Copy of letter o Change order DESCRIPTIONDATE NO.COPIES f1Irc.el/l1tw /u, If iaNi 􀁾􀁣􀁲􀁬􀁬􀀺􀁊􀀬􀀭􀀧􀀭. f;r-S ,􀀮􀁴􀁊􀀴􀁙􀀧􀁣􀁾􀁻􀀧􀁬􀀠/b -/􀁾6-:1I .1.",pa Yc...e ( J11tUd A t...bJ'ld /:)Isert' ICr PAnel 7S•I r THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval 0 Approved as submitted o Resubmit ______ copies for approval o For your use o Approved as noted o Submit copies for distribution o As requested o Retumed for corrections o Return corrected prints o For review and comment 0 _________________________ o FOR BIDS DUE ___________ 19__ o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPYTO !'7 ' [ I l i 􀁓􀁉􀁇􀁎􀁅􀁄􀀺􀁾􀂣􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁟􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭If enclosures enclosures are not as noted, please COWLES & THOMPSON 114 E.lOUISlANA ST., sum! 200 A PROfESSIONAL CORPORATION McKINNEY, TEXAS 16088-4463 TelEPHONE fa12l 542·6000 ATTORNEYS AT tAW 100 W. ADAMS AVE.• SUITE 321 801 MAlN STREET, SUITE 4000 P.O, SOX 166 DALLAS. TEXAS 76202-3793 TEMPLE. TEXAS 16603.()736 TELEPHONE {2141 672-2000 TElEPHONE 1264) 771-2300 HARDV E. THOMPSON. III (214) 672·2103 HEr1iOM/->OC'tPCLAW,CDM METRO iB72.1 283.(1006 fAX (214) 672·2020 ONE AMERICAN CENTER. SUITE 777 909 E,g,E. I.OOP 323 TYLER. TEXAS 76701-9684 CHARLES SORRelLS TELEPHONE 19031679-7600 0926-'8621 October 24, 1997 Mr. Jim Pierce Town of Addison P.O. Box 144 Addison, TX 75001-0144 Re: Documents Dear Jim: Enclosed for your review are copies of the following documents: Exchange Agreement between Carramerica Realty, L.P. and The Town of Addison (Carramerica parcels 6-1 and 6-2; Addison parcel 7) Special Warranty Deed Town of Addison to Carramerica Realty, Ltd. (parcel 7) Special Warranty Deed Carramerica Realty, Ltd. to Town of Addison (parcels 6-1 and 6-2) 4. Sidewalk and Utility Easement from Quorum Center Limited Partnership to Town of Addison (parcel 4) Please call me after you have reviewed the enclosures. Sincerely, HET/mj Enclosures EXCHANGE AGREEMENT This Exchange Agreement is entered into by Carramerica Realty, L.P. ("Carramerica") and the Town of Addison ("Addison"). WHEREAS, Carramerica is the owner of a tract of real property containing 0.003 acres and a tract of real property containing 0.033 acres, both tracts ofland located in Dallas County, Texas, and more particularly described below; and WHEREAS, Addison is the owner of a tract of real property containing 0.1592 acres of land located in Dallas County, Texas, and more particularly described below; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that it is in the best interest of each of them to exchange such tracts, each conveying to the other, as described below; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the conveyances, each to the other, and the mutual promises and considerations described herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Carramerica agrees to sell and convey by Special Warranty Deed to Addison all right, title and interest in and to those certain tracts of real property situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and consisting of 0.003 acres and 0.033 acres of land, more particularly described as Parcels 6-1 and 6-2 on the map attached hereto as Exhibit I, and more particularly described in Exhibits II and III, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. Addison agrees to sell and convey by Special Warranty Deed to Carramerica all right title and interest in and to that certain tract of real property situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and consisting of 0.1592 acres of land, more particularly identified as Parcel 7, on the Map attached hereto as Exhibit IV, and more particularly described in Exhibit V which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3. Closing shall occur at Hexter-Fair Title Company, 8333 Douglas Avenue, Suite 130, Dallas, Texas 75225, attention Ms. Carol Erick, 214-373-9999, on or before 12:00 o'clock noon on ,1997. Addison agrees to pay all closing costs costs incurred in connection with the exchange and conveyance of these tracts of real property. Each party shall pay its own attorney fees. If either party hereto desires to obtain an Owners Policy of Title Insurance in connection with its acquisition of a tract of real property pursuant hereto it shall do so at its own cost and expense. 4. The parties mutually agree that the Fair Market Value of Parcels 6-1 and 6-2 combined is equal to the Fair Market Value of Parcel 7. EXCHANGE AGREEMENT -Page 1 DOC#. S432% S. The parties hereto warrant and represent, each to the other, the authority of the person signing below to act on behalf of such party, and that this transaction has been duIy authorized . WITNESS our hands this ____ day of October, 1997. Carramerica Realty, L.P. By: Authorized Representative TOWN OF ADDISON By: Ron Whitehead, City Manager ATTEST: Carmen Moran, City Secretary EXCHANGE AGREEMENT -Page 2 DOC #: 543296 PAGE 3 OF 3 88 CARRAMERICA REAL TV. L.P. N t McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 8a005 PG.Z184 o I i i i T • I 0.003 AC • 0.033 .......... 􀁾􀀮􀁬􀁦􀁬􀁬􀁬􀀱􀀢􀀠􀁐􀁇􀀻􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀱􀁉􀀰􀀰􀀱􀀠McLEAN TRACT ADDITION 􀁾􀀮􀁴􀁴􀁈􀀮􀁈􀀮􀁉􀁾􀀠VOL. 8Z005 PG.2184 􀁾••nfil"I'l.lut 􀁾••.ooe JIG.tN. lI'OL. ....IMH.Q9t ............ 1 􀁾􀁉􀁕􀁬􀁴􀁃􀀮􀀠I W/l..IUI33 PC.ed as follows: (I) BEGINNING ill a 112 inch iron rod found with "HuiIt-Zo1lllIs" cap Itt1he nor1hwear corner of1he Camunerica Realty, L.P. (Camunerica) tract, said point being on 1he east right-of-way line ofQuorum Dri.... (80 foot wide right-of-way); (2) iHENCE Nortb 89 degrees 48 minntes 50 seconds East a100g 1he nonherIy line of said Carramerica tract a distance of 13.28 feet 10 a 112 iDch iron rod found with "HuiIt-ZoIlars" cap for a comer; (3) iHENCE South 38 degrees 38 miDntes 18 seconds Wear a distance of21.\9 Met to a 518 inch iron rod setwi1h "Huilt-Zo1lllIs" cap for a comer on 1he wem:riy line of said Camunerica tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive; (4) iHENCE North 00 degrees II minntes 10 seconds Wear along 1he westerly line ofsaid Camunerica tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive a distance of 16.51 feet 10 1he POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAlNING 0.003 ofan acre ofland, more or less. EXHIBIT II]:ISUlWEYlI7721WP1I772T6-I.DOC 101811997 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-2 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.033 of an acre tract ofland situated in tile G.W. Fisbcr SUM:)'. Abstract No. 4S2, Town ofAddisOn, Dallas County. Texas and being a portion oftbaJ: tract ofland described in instrumCD! to Camunerica Realty, L..P. as recorded in Volume 97055 Page 3445 of tile Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas IIIId being a part of McLean TIlICt, III addition to tile Town of' Addison. Texas as reconkd in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of tile Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particulariy desc:nbedas follows: COMMENCING at a cut "X. found in concrete at tile SOUIheast comer of'tbe Camunerica Realty. L.P. (Camunerica) tract, said point being at tile intersection of tile westerly right-of-way \iDe of SpeeIIUII! Drive (SO foot wide right-ofway) witb tile northerJy right-of-way line ofArapaho Road (60 foot wide right-of-way); THENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along tile easIIl!rly \iDe ofsaid Camunerica tract and westerly right-of-way line of SpeeIIUII! Drive a distance of' 154.66 feet to a CD! "X" found in concrete for tile POINT OF BEGINNING oftbis tract; (I) THENCENortb 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West a distance ofl39.90 feet to a cut "X" .set in concrete for a comer on tile nortbeasterly line ofsaid Camunerica tract; (2) THENCE South 60 degrees II minutes 10 seconds East along tile nortbeasteriy line ofsaid Carramerica tract a distance of34.09 feet to a cut "X" found in concrete for tile nortbeaslll!rly comer ofsaid Camunerica tract, said point being tile beginning of a non-tangent curve to tile left, haviog a cemniI angle of 27 degrees 01 minutes 16 seconds, a radius of270.42 feet, and being subtt:nded by a 126.35 foot chorti bearing Soutil 13 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West; (3) THENCE Southerly along said curve to tile left IIId westerly right-of-way line of SpeeIIUII! Drive an arc distance of 127.53 teet to tile POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.033 ofan acre ofland, more or less. EXHIBIT III 1:\SURVEYllmlWP\lmT6-lmT6-2 .DOC 1018/1997 PAGE 2 OF 􀁾􀀠TOWN OF ADDISON N t ..... j '\. " ... I.. h .. " 1 ! "i• r McLEAN TRACT ADOITION VOL. 82005 PG.2184 .. ,.., ... ... G."'. -va..Jetll: l'G.ne. lIQ..NIUI PO.J$ va..una "'.1_ 1IOI..'oICOe Pil.IIU \/01. ....113 􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠O' I .. _ '-48'37ft. 8'8.00' L128..M' ca_ N85"23'3"'-E C'21.53' 01 o :D. , o < ( ;; FISHER SURVEY ABSTRACT ACCfIS .. V't11.1Tl' IIN'l. .cL.w.o ".3IIilD tllUoC'f II""'aI'Y. ","TE) 􀀱􀀧􀁉􀁉􀁃􀁬􀀮􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀠fIO.)«$1 0.1'92 AC. McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.21B4 􀁾􀁉􀁃􀀻􀁉􀁁JlUI..l'r. 1..1'. 'dlL ••'0!I5 􀁐􀀴􀀮􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠I I 􀂣􀁬􀁒􀀬􀁬􀀬􀀱􀁾􀀠" &nILltV I.,va..toCO!I '"". I ,.. I ARAPAHO ROAD 60' R.O.W. 1.II.f•• '_lII:I0 􀁲􀁾􀀠'.R•••• All' ,_ lid) .1 "IIH HIIln.laL.LMII "' ! I I I { { I I, ,,, ,, I I ""."../",-" , T/Ib ....􀁾􀁟.._____...._., ,__.._4_ -,.,.._----_ ....___10 __.,."......... Hum -ZDl..lARS Ijl!_.......􀁾􀁮􀁊􀁟􀀠MI..M. 􀀧􀁾􀁉􀀮􀂷..J1.»!I ARAPAHO ROAD PARCEl.. EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS 􀁦􀁾􀁲􀀠I Town llt Addison PUbl ie Work, 16801 V•• f9(0.f. Addlaon. TX 1000/EXHIBIT PARCEL OO._..!.1__ (MER. lOitiN OF ADDISON AAEAt 0.11592 ACRE DATE.OCT,8,'991 EXHIBIT IV r LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 7 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.1592 acre tract of land situated in d1e G.W. Fisher Smvey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison. Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of thai: tract of land described in instrument to Town of Addison as recorded in Volume 93243, Page 6422 ofd1e Deed Records ofDalJas County, Texas and being a pan ofMcLean Tract, an addition to tile Town ofAddison. Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 oftile Deed and Map Recotds, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (I) COMMENCING at a 112 inch iron IOd found witII "Huitt_Zollars" cap for d1e solllbwest earner of tile Town ofAddison ttact, said point being on tile east rigbt-of-way line ofQuorum Drive (80 foot wide rigbt-of-way); (2) THENCE NortII 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East along tile soutllline of tile Town of Addison tract a distance of 61.08 feet to a 5/8 inch iron IOd set with "Huitt·Zollars" cap for tile POINT OF BEGINN1NG of this ttact, said point being tile beginning of a non-tangent cmve to tile right, baving a central angle of 8 degrees 4S minutes 37 seconds, a radius of1l48.oo feet, and being subtended by a cboItl bearing North 85 degrees 23 minutes 34 seconds East; (3) THENCE Easterly along said curve to tile right an arc distance of 129.66 feet to a 518 inch iron IOd set witII "Huitt-Zollars" cap for tile point of tangency ofsaid cmve; (4) THENCE North 89 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 144.75 feet to a 5/8 inch iron IOd set witll "Huitt-ZoUm" cap for a comer; (5) THENCE Soutll 45 degrees 12 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 7.07 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found witII "Huitt·ZoUm" cap for acomer; (6) THENCE Soutll 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds East a distance of77.87 feet to a cut "X" set in concrete for a comer on II soutllwesterly line ofsaid Town ofAddison t:raC!; (7) THENCE NortII 60 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West along tile soutIIwesterly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 145.55 feet to a 112 inch iron IOd found witII "Huitt-Zollm" cap at an angle point in tile soutberly line ofsaid Town ofAddison t:raC!; (8) THENCE South 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds West along the soutllerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distance of 1S2.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.1592 ofan acre tract oflane!, more or less. EXHIBIT V State of Texas County of DaUas DATE: GRANTOR'S NAME: GRANTEE'S NAME: GRANTEE'S ADDRESS: § § § SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Town of Addison, Texas Carrarnerica Realty, L.P. CONSIDERATION: Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by Grantor. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (a) 0.1592 acres of land situated in Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; (b) the buildings, structures, fixtures, and improvements, ifany, located on the land; (c) all interest of Grantor, if any, in (i) strips and gores between the land and abutting properties, and (ii) land lying in or under the bed of any street, alley, road or right-of-way, abutting or adjacent to the land; and SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED -Page 1 DOC /I: 543294 CONVEYANCE: Grantor, for the stated consideration, hereby grants, bargains, sells, transfers, assigns, and conveys to Grantee the Property, to have and hold the Property, subject to the Permitted Exceptions (defined below) to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever, and Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor'S heirs, executors, administrators and successors to WARRANT and FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the Property, subject to the Permitted Exceptions to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty, when the claim is by, through, or under Grantor but not otherwise. PERMUTED EXCEPTIONS This conveyance is made and accepted subject to the Permitted Exceptions described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto MISCELLANEOUS: When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of (but not necessarily on) the date first above written. Town of Addison By:______________ Print Name: ___________ Title: State of Texas § § County of Dallas § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this _ day of __, 1997, by 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀻􀀭􀀺􀁣􀁾􀀺􀀺􀁟􀁟􀀧􀀠an authorized representative of The Town ofAddison, a municipal corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public, State of Texas Commission Expires: Printed name: SPECIAL W ARRANI'Y DEED -Page 2 DOC If. 543294 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 7 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.1592 acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, AbStract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrumenllO Town of Addison as recorded in Volume 93243, Page 6422 ofthe Deed Records ofDallas County, Texas and being a part ofMcLean Tract, an addition 10 the Town ofAddison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 ofthe Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (1) COMMENCING at a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the soothwest comer of the Town ofAddison InICt, said point being on the east rigbt-of-way line ofQuOl'lllll Drive (80 foot wide right-of-way); (2) THENCE North 89 degrees 4& minutes 50 seconds East along the sooth line of the Town of Addison tract a distaoce of61.08 feet 10 a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for the POINT OF BEGINNING of this InICt, said point being the begintting of a non-tangent curve 10 the right, baving a central angle of 8 degrees 45 minutes 37 seconds, a radius of '848.00 feet, and being StIbtended by a chord bearing North 85 degrees 23 minutes 34 seconds East; (3) THENCE Easterly along said curve 10 the right an arc distance of 129.66 feet 10 a 51S inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap mr the point oftangency ofsaid curve; (4) THENCE North 89 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 144.75 feet 10 a 51S inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a corner; (5) THENCE Sooth 45 degrees 12 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 7.07 feet 10 a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap 1ilra comer; (6) THENCE Sooth 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds East a distance of77.87 feet 10 a cut "X" set in concrete for a comer on asonthwesterly line ofsaid Town ofAddison tract:; (7) THENCE North 60 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the soothwesterly line of said Town of Addison tract a distaoce of 145.55 feet to a 112 inch iron rod mund with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at an angle point in the sontherly line of said Town ofAddison tract:; (8) THENCE Sooth 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds West along the southerly line of said Town of Addison tract a distaoce of 152.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTArnING 0.1592 ofan acre tract ofland, more or less. ]N)URVEY\I772\WP\177ZTR.7.00c EXHIBIT A 10I0SI1997 Permitted Reservations From and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: This deed is subject to all easements, conditions, covenants, and other instruments of record. Exhibit "B" State of Texas § § County of DaUas § SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED DATE: GRANTOR'S NAME: Carrarnerica Realty, L.P. GRANTEE'S NAME: Town of Addison, Texas GRANTEE'S ADDRESS: Addison Town Hall 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, Texas 75240 CONSIDERATION: Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by Grantor. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (a) 0.003 acres tract of land situated in Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit"A" attached hereto; (b) 0.033 acres tract of land situated in Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "B" attached hereto; (c) the buildings, structures, fixtures, and improvements, ifany, located on the land; (d) all interest of Grantor, if any, in (i) strips and gores between the land and abutting properties, and (ti) land lying in or under the bed of any street, alley, road or right-of-way, abutting or adjacent to the land; and (e) all rights and appurtenances associated with the foregoing. The land, improvements, and appurtenances described above are referred to collectively as the "Property." CONVEYANCE: Grantor, for the stated consideration, hereby grants, bargains, sells, transfers, assigns, and conveys to Grantee the Property, to have and hold the Property, subject to the Permitted SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED • Page I DOC" 543310 Exceptions (defined below) to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever, and Grantor binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to WARRANT and FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the Property, subject to the Permitted Exceptions to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty, when the claim is by, through or under Grantor but not otherwise. PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS This conveyance is made and accepted subject to the Permitted Exceptions described in Exhibit "c" attached hereto MISCELLANEOUS: When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. EXECUTED effective as of (but not necessarily on) the date first above written. Carramerica Realty, L.P. By:_-:-:-____________ Print Name: ___________ Title: State of Texas § § County of Dallas § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this _ day of __, 1997, by ________, an authorized representative of Carramerica Realty, L.P. on behalf of said company. Notary Public, State of Texas Commission Expires: Printed name: SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED • Page 2 DOC N: 543310 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-1 ARAPAHO ROAD ocrOBER 8, 1m BEING 0.003 of an acre tract of land sitwtted in me G. W. Fisher Survey, AbsD:act No. 482, Town of Addison, DalI.as County, Texas and being a panion of that tract of land desClibed in insInunent to Canamerica Realty, L.P. as recorded in Volume 91055, Page 3445 of me Deed Records of DalI.as County, Texas and being a pan of McLean Tract, an addition to me Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of me Deed and Map Records. Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (I) BEGlNNlNG at a112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at me nonhwest comer ofme Carramcrica Realty, L.P. (Carramerica) 1r.Ict, said point being on me east risbt-of-way line of Quorum Drive (80 foot wide right-of-way); (2) THENCE Nonh 89 degrees 48 minums SO seconds East along !he nonhedy line of said Carramerica treet a distance of 1328 feetto a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer; (3) THENCE Soulh 38 degrees 38 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of21.19 feet to a 5/8 incb iron rod set wim "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer on me westerly line of said Canamerica tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive; (4) THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West along me westerly line ofsaid Camunerica tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive a distance of 16.51 feet to me POINT OF BEGlNNlNG. CONTAlNlNG 0.003 ofan acre ofland, more or less. EXHIBIT A ):ISURVEYlI772\WP\ln2T6-1DOC 1018/1997 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-2 ARAPAHO ROAD ocrOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.033 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Swvey, AbsIract No. 4S2, Town of Addison, DaIJas County, Texas and being a portion oftbJtt tract of land doseribed in iDsttumemto Carramerica Realty, L.P. as m:orded in Volume 97055 Page 3445 of the Deed R«ortis of DaIJas County, Texas and being a pan of McLean Traet, m addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as m:orded ill Volume 82005. Page 2784 of !be Deed and Map Records, Dallas County. Texas and being more particularly dcsc:ribed as fu!lows: COMMENCING at a elit "X" fuund in concrete at the soutbeast corner of!be Carramerica Realty. L.P. (Carramerica) tract, said point being at the intcnledion of the wesIeriy rigbt-of·way line of SpecInlm Drive (80 fuot wide right-ofway) with the northerly right-of-way line ofArapaho Road (60 foot wide right-of-way); THENCE Nottb 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West along the easterly line ofsaid Carramerica tract and westerly right-of-way line of SpecInlm Drive a distance of 154.66 feel to a an "X" fuund in concrete fur the POINT OF BEGINNING oflbis tract; (1) THENCENottb 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 139.90 feel toa an "X" set in concrete fur a corner on the northeasterly line ofsaid Camunerica tract; (2) THENCE South 60 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East along the northeasterly line ofsaid Carramerica tract a distance of 34.09 feel to a an "X" found ill concrete fur the northeasterly comer ofsaid Carramerica tract, said point being the beghtning of a non-taDgent curve to !be left, having a ce:ntral angle of 27 degrees 01 minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 270.42 feet, and being subtcnded by a 126.35 foot chord bearing South 13 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West; (3) THENCE Southerly along said curve to !be left and westerly right-of-way line of SpecInlm Drive an an: distance of 127.53 feel to !be POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.033 ofan acre ofland, more or less. EXlUBIT B 1:ISURVEYlI772IWP1lmT6-2.DOC 101811991 Pennitted Reservations From and Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty: This deed is subject to all easements, conditions, covenants, and other instruments of record. Exhibit "C" LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-1 ARAPAHO ROAD OCTOBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.003 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion ofthaI tract ofland described in insttumenllo Camunerica Realty, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97055, Page 3445 of the Deed Records of DaJlas County, Texas and being a pan of McLean Tract, an addition 10 the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (1) BEGINNING at a 1!2 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at the northwest corner of the Camunerica Realty, L.P. (Camunerica) tract, said point being on the east right-of-way line ofQuorum Drive (SO foot wide right-of-way); (2) THENCE North 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East along the northerly line of said Camunerica tract a distance of 1328 feet to a 112 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer, (3) THENCE South 38 degrees 38 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of21.I9 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set with "Huitt-Zollars" cap for a comer on the westerly line of said Camunerica tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive; (4) THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West along the westerly line of said Carramerica tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive a distance of 16.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGlNNING, CONTAlNlNG 0.003 ofan acre ofland, more or less. Page 1 of 3 J:ISURVEYl1172\WP\1172T6-1.DOC 101811991 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-2 ARAPAHO ROAD ocroBER 8, 1997 BEING 0.033 of an acre tract of land situated in the G. W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town ofAddisoo, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion ofthat tract of land described in instrument to Carrmnerica Realty, L.P. as recorded in Volume 97055 Page 3445 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 82005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas aod being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a cut "X" fuund in concrete at the southeast corner of the Carrmnerica Realty, L.P. (Carramerica) tract, said point being at the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive (SO fuot wide right-ofway) with the northerly right-of-way line ofArapaho Road (60 fuot wide right-of-way); THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West along the eesterly line ofsaid Canamerica tract and westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive a distance of 154.66 reet to a cut ''X.. found in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING ofthis tract; (1) THENCE North 00 degrees II minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 139.90 feet to a cut "X" set in concrete for a comer on the northeesterly line ofsaid Carrmnerica tract; (2) THENCE South 60 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East along the northeasterly line of said Carramerica tract a distance of 34.09 feet to a cut "X" fuund in concrete for the northeesterly comer ofsaid Carramerica tract, said point being the beginn.ing of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a central angle of 27 degrees 01 minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 270.42 feet, and being subtended by a 126.35 foot cbord bearing South 13 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West; (3) THENCE Southerly along said curve to the left and westerly right-of-way line of Spectrum Drive an arc distance ofl27.53 f ..tlo the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.033 of an acre ofland, more or less. Page 2 of 3 J:\SURVEY\l 7721WP11 772T6-2.DOC 10181199 7 PAGE 3 OF 3 88 .-CARRAMERICA REALTY. L.p. N 􀁾􀀠. ....----;;;;;/􀁾􀀠􀁾._/"'/􀀮􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀬􀀯􀀯􀀠􀀭􀀮􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀼􀀠.",. .,,/' ORA.l NA.GE & Ul I L ITY􀁾􀁜􀀬.... ..... ,. EA.SEMENT .,../VOL.60005 PO.17ea .... ..-..... 􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁯􀁴􀀮􀀮􀁥􀀲􀁑􀁏􀁾􀀠PO.2T84􀁾􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁜􀁾􀀧􀁾􀁜􀀢􀀢􀀢􀀠;􀁑􀁾􀀠􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁜􀁩􀁉􀁉􀀢􀀠G.W. DAU..AS AREA RAPID: TRANSIT 􀁖􀁏􀁬􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀠PG.eetQ7 'THE ToWN OF AOO1SON VOL,tWJ" PG.I0QI27 MCM eo+9m'i VOL.16212 PG.5104 􀁖􀁏􀁌􀁾􀀶􀀲􀀱􀁔􀁥􀀠􀁐􀁇􀀮􀁉􀁾􀀶􀀠VOa..a2.179 PG."59 VOl..84006 RO.19"4 VOl..84433 􀁾􀀮􀁏􀀢􀀲􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁉􀀠C :J: o ::tI <11'1' 􀁜􀀮􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀠)}1' Q) o 􀁾􀀠• '0•'" McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 82005 PG.2784 o 􀁾􀁯􀀠100 150 200 II "II I I I I SCALE IN FEET l.! FISHER SURVEY II' ABSTRACT 􀁾􀁉􀀧􀁾􀁐􀀠P NO. 482 􀁾􀀠TOWN Cf' ADDIsa-t 􀀻􀁪􀀻􀁾􀀻􀀠􀁾􀀠􀁩􀁾􀀠􀁶􀁡􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀹􀁾􀀲􀀴􀀳􀀠PC.6422 i:.. 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠i!" " 'f ill'!: .i2 􀁲􀁡􀁾􀀠a: 􀁾'. ., ... POINT OF BEGINNINGi': ill;;: iii 􀁾􀀮􀀠liZI.R.f. 􀁗􀀯􀁈􀁕􀁬􀁬􀁴􀁾􀁚􀁯􀁉􀁬􀀴􀁕􀀠4Gp :" <::I L ••• , .... 􀁒􀀢􀁉􀁏􀁏􀁏􀁾􀀠lEPC QUOI".. eASEMENT 􀁉􀁾􀀮􀀮􀀡􀀠0 P. l PROPERTIES INC. VOI...6".S PG.1766 Ii!::: 􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠: VOl.S"'" "".016' • "l ::tI 􀁾􀀠I ARAPAHO ROAD 60' R.O.'W. L£G£HO '.R.f.IRON ROO F¢lIHI) I.R.S." IV8' IRON ROO $£1 WITH 􀁗􀁕􀁬􀁬􀁔􀁾􀁚􀀨􀁵􀁁􀁒􀁓􀀠CAP Tit. /oJ 10 QfI/'f/fY Iht:IlbI oWd' 4;UV., 􀁾􀀠TIN drowlnq mqy tdbtl 􀁾fII'Ith:IcI fht wrlthw'; I*'IIiIUllal 􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁴􀁙􀁾􀀮􀀠RI:tpf$Nrtlti Ptd&UlCi'lllllI4nd 􀁾􀀮􀀠Iht1do und«' I'faI $UpM'/(J/Q() Q() 0rc.'WlW' a /WI and 'Id',. trII!IIrM and I:IaJnci$ 4/I'Jwfl IIw'«Jn o:n trw at1d 􀁾/Q fht ImI d lit' 􀁾􀀠Far Hultt-ZoIkJI'41nt:. HUITf -ZOLlARS !tSI 􀁾􀁴􀁾J-VEflUEI',suIT€ 000 OH.W. 􀁔􀂣􀁊􀁕􀁊􀁥􀁬􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁦􀁴􀀭􀂻􀁈􀀠llCl.11.'11 C:SSIONAL LAN/) SURVEYOR NO. 4862 ARAPAHO ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY EXHIBIT TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS c: • _ I O:J: I " I<0 1 .::tI I • I I 1 PO INTI OF COMMENC ING "X· cut' found In conOll1l BASIS OF BE.M:lllGStTta /»tN1ng r;(' S 00'lI1J0'£ I1hnrI tI» 􀁗􀁎􀁦􀁾􀀭􀁴􀁦􀀧􀁴􀁊􀁙1/(10 d' 􀁾Ilrlvrl • ,.. dII6tIlrJ fht TNh '" kJdl6(Jll,I'«XII'dtJd In Vt«am 􀁓􀁉􀀦􀁬􀀹􀁡􀁾or.ce:r,t:Md R«!ortJ8,OtJ/Ja.s 􀁾􀀮􀁲􀁍􀁡􀀮􀁦􀀮􀀠 Fort Town of Addison PUblic Works 16aOI W.etgrov•• Add.eon. TX 75001 EXHIBIT PARCEL NO. 6-1. 6-2 OWNER, CARRAMERICA REALTY, L.P, AREA, 0.036 ACRE DATE, OCT. 8.1991 􀁈􀁾􀁚􀀠1-I11Z-0Z PAGE 2 􀁏􀁆􀁾0) TOWN OF ADDISON 􀁾􀀨􀁜􀀠OItU.AS AREA RAPID TRANS" voc..1J60Q'l 􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀧􀁴􀀷􀀠THE TOWN OF ADOISON VOL.96m PGMSZ7 HeM COMPANY VOL.18212 PG.3104 VOL.S2119 PG.t5S6 vtt..62119 􀁐􀁇􀁾􀀠155: VOl..S400S PG.1944 Va...S4,33 PG.Qe:32 CV I A;: 0.45/37" A= 648 ..001 L.a 􀀱􀀲􀀺􀀹􀀮􀀶􀀶􀁾􀀠 C8= N85·23'34-11E c= 129.53' 􀀭􀁾􀀢􀀠􀁾􀁾II) ,,,""" 􀁾􀀮􀁉􀀧􀁾􀀼􀀼􀀺􀀻􀁜􀁉􀁓􀀧􀁾􀁇􀀮􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀠_ •􀀮􀀬􀁹􀁾􀀠.,00' V'. ",0.-' G.W. 􀁾􀀠 􀁾􀀧􀀠 3\': o :0 I(, 1 Fer HuIfIo-ZcII<1rI.lt1t. _, N ..,///""; 􀁾􀀠",,'" 􀁾􀁾􀀠....􀁾􀀯"" .... ,...., ..... "'" DRAINAGE & UTILI TV .... -'" EASEMENT VOL..80005 PG.1766 VOL.S20G5 PG.Zt84 McLEAN TRACT ADDITION o 50 loa 150 200VOL. 82005 PG.2784 I I I I ! " I I I FISHER SURVEY If" ABSTRACT POlt-iT OF COMMENCING 112" I.R.F'. 􀁷􀁬􀁈􀁵􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁚􀀢􀁬􀁬􀁯􀁮􀀠001> )II ---tV 1-' . 11':i:0 1/2􀀬􀁾􀀠􀁉􀁾􀀠0.1592 McLEAN TRACT VOL. 82005 􀁾􀁾􀁾$::1 " " (I ;;CARfWIERIC1A REALTY."' .... VOL.gross PG.3445 􀁾􀁯􀁾􀀽􀀧􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀦􀀠!! 􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭......' ......' 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Also. enclosed is a set of construction plans showing the impact ofthe proposed roadway on your development. I have attempted to clarify the locations of the existing and proposed right-of-way lines with colored markers. The Town requests that CarrAmerica dedicate the two tracts needed for right-of-way. The Town feels that the new roadway will benefit your tract and enhance its value. When Arapaho Road is eventually extended west to Marsh Lane, Arapaho Road will have approximately 30,000 to 40,000 cars per day on it. In addition, there is an area between your north property line and the roadway that is owned by the Town, but can be used by CarrAmerica for additional landscaping and access into the property. This area can be used by CarrAmerica without having to pay taxes on it. TIle construction plans show a modified entrIDce at the north driveway into your parking garage that will lie in the Town's excess land. The proposed driveway configuration is a suggested alignment that could be revised if you wish. There are limitations as to what can be placed in the Town's excess land. If the Town retains ownership of the property, then CarrAmerica would only be allowed to have the driveway and landscaping within it. If CarrAmerica would like to place a property or tenant sign within this area then the property must be under the ownership of CarrAmerica by way of a land swap. The Town would give CarrAmerica land equal to the square footage Carr America would be dedicating for right-of-way. If CarrAmerica is interested in this option. I would suggest you contact Mr. Lynn Chandler, Building Officail, to discuss the Town's sign ordinance and an acceptable location for the sign. Also, the enclosed construction plans contain phasing plans for the construction. The plans show how the contractor is to construct the project. The contractor may deviate from these plans only with the Town's permission. The plans demonstrate that access will not be denied to the Quorum North building. There will be a short time when part of the circular drive in front of the building will be closed for pavement replacement. The Town will be able to provide you a construction schedule once the contract has been awarded and the contractor has developed his schedule. Upon notification from CarrArnerica as to how they would like to handle the right-of-way, the Town will have the appropriate right-of-way documents prepared for review and comment. A response would be appreciated by mid-June. Today is my last day with the Town. I will be working for the city of Farmers Branch. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Mr. Jeff Markiewcz, Project Manager, at 972-450-2860. David Nighswonger, P .E. Assistant City Engineer LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6·1 -".. ARAPAHO ROAD PAGEl JANUARY 27, 1995 BEING a.003 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Natron Limited Partnership as recorded in Volume 91232, Page 3538 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume S2005, Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: (1) BEGINNING at a cut "X" found in concrete at the northwest corner of the Natron Limited Partnership (Natron) tract, said point being on the east right·of-way line of Quorum Drive (80 fool wide right-ofway); (2) THENCE North 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East along the northerly line of said Natron tntct a distance of 13.28 feet to a point for a corner; (3) THENCE South 38 degrees 38 minutes 18 seconds West a distance distance of 21.19 feet to a point for a corner on the westerly Hne of said Nalron tract and cast right -of-way line of Quorum Drive; (4) THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West along the westerly line of said Natron tract and east right-of-way line of Quorum Drive a distance of 16.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.003 of an acre of land, more or less. U;WI:{QJIOI 􀁮􀁝􀁾􀁊10211..ANUE.,\'('.6-1 􀀱􀁑􀀮􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀵􀀠 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL NO. 6-2 ARAPAHO ROAD PAGE 1 JANUARY 27, 1995 BEING 0.0:\3 of an acre tract of land situated in the G.W. Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 482, Town oC Addison, Dallas County, Texas and being a portion of that tract of land described in instrument to Natron Limited Partnership as recorded in Volume 91232, Page 3538 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being a part of McLean Tract, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas as recorded in Volume 8200'), Page 2784 of the Deed and Map Records, Dallas County, Texas and being marc particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a cut "X" found in concrete at the southeast corner of the Natron Limited Partnership (Nat ron) tract, said point being at the intersection of the westerly right.oC-way line of Spectrum Drive (80 root wide right-of-way) with the northerly right-of-way line of Arapaho Road (60 font wide right-of-way); THENCE North 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West along the easterly line of said Natron Iraet and westerly right·of.way line of Spectrum Drive a dislance of 154.66 reet to a cut "X" found in concrete for the POINT OF BEGINNING of this tract; (1) THENCE Notth 00 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds West a dislance of 139.90 feet to a point for a corner on Ihe northeasterly line of said Natron Iract; (2) THENCE Soulh 60 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East along the northeasterly line of said Natron tract a distance of 34.09 feel to a point for the northeasterly corner of said Natron lract, said point being the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left, having a centraJ angle of 27 degrees 01 minutes 16 seconds, a radius of 270.42 feet, and being sublended by a 126.35 foot chord bearing South 13 degrees 19 minutes 28 seconds West; (3) THENCE Southerly along said curve to the left and westerly right-of-way line oC Spectrum Drive an arc distance of 127.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.033 of an acre of land, more or less. lJ;\T'ROJ'CI111?::O 􀀱􀀱􀁏􀀺􀀡􀀮􀁜􀁌􀁁􀁎􀀡􀀾􀁅􀀡􀁩􀁃􀀮􀀶􀀭􀁾􀀠1fl.\'9S 􀁾􀁾NATRON LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ',1.,' McLEAN 􀁔􀁒􀁁􀁃􀁾􀀠ADDITION VOL. PG.27848200fi McLEAN TRACT ADDITION VOL. 62005 PG.2764 IhH ¢ ""'" rht 􀀢􀀮􀁾􀀠_ llvId.. "mv" 1htJr""'" en If.... and cvr.a 10 tJw bodtf I'Y j,..,..fcd"" TN, fIrM/V Il'q' IVl>1 􀀨􀀢􀁦􀁐􀀢􀁾􀀠wrtfnll ,'" wrJJ1m porll1!;$/1I" .". C\:It. ASoriJfl. R!Q!41t¥