I /r COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS JOHNM. HILL 214.671.2170 JHIU...@COWlESTHOMPSON.COM December 22, 2004 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL, RRR # 70033110000620236790 Mr. Chris Robinson Senior Vice President Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 RE: Addison Arts & Events District Festival Way Reconstruction Dear Mr. Robinson: We villte on behalf of the Town of Addison, Texas ("Addison") with regard to the abovereferenced matter. As you are aware, Abstract was retained by Addison as the Contractor for the construction of the Addison Arts & Events District, which included, among other things, the construction ofFestival Way. Addison has experienced inaccurate grades and drainage problems on this street. Although not exclusive, examples of the problems include that the paving has been poured too high and too low, and that the drainage inlets are constructed improperly. In responding to these issues, Addison requested that Abstract provide survey data on the full length of Festival Way. In response, Abstract eventually provided a letter dated February 3, 2004 and drawing dated February 4, 2004 prepared by Eric L. Davis, Consulting Engineering indicating his findings and proposed resolution. Addison submitted these materials to the engineer of record, Sasaki Associates, Inc., to review and to offer its opinion of the proposed resolution. As you know, Sasaki indicated that the Davis report does not effectively resolve the problems identified with Festival Way and rejected the proposed resolution. Subsequently, on or about June 8, 2004, Abstract submitted to Addison a proposed solution to the drainage issues at Festival Way. Eric L. Davis created the proposal labeled "Festival Way Road Proposed Regrading" that was submitted to Addison (the "Davis Proposal"). Addison originally rejected the Davis Proposal as insufficient to resolve the drainage problems and demanded that Abstract and its surety reconstruct the road according to the original specifications. Addison's demands have thus far been rejected. At this point, Addison is evaluating all of the legal rights and remedies to which it is entitled, including litigation, if necessary. However, before pursuing any specific remedy, Addison wishes to attempt to find a resolution to this matter that will generally address the drainage issues that exist and avoid any further controversy among the parties. Accordingly, Addison has 901 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 15202-3793 DALLAS T Y L E R TEL 214.672.2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW.COWLESTI{OMPSI)N.COM Mr. Chris Robinson December 22, 2004 Page 2 formulated this revised version ofthe Davis Proposal that it proposes as a solution to these problems recognizing that the Davis Proposal does not fully comply with the design standards originally incorporated by the engineer of record. This revised version requires the following: 1) Reconstruction ofFestival Way as proposed by the Davis Proposal. 2) Additionally, all remaining panels on Festival Way showing any cracking shall be replaced. 3) At any location where replacement of the curb causes the elevation of the adjacent sidewalk to be higher or lower than the new top of curb, the sidewalk must be replaced to match the new elevation. Under no circumstances can the cross pitch of the new sidewalk exceed the 114 inch per foot called for in the drawings and it must align with any adjacent undisturbed sidewalk in compliance with all applicable accessibility standards. 4) Abstract shall have all appropriate field engineers or other qualified persons present during all pours to confirm the proper elevations are being maintained during concrete placement. Addison must be provided with the contract required testing and inspection reports necessary for the street construction, including the subgrade. 5) No concrete is to be poured unless a representative ofAddison is present to observe and, if necessary, point out corrective actions to be taken. David Wilde with the Addison Public Works Department should be contacted in advance to schedule the attendance of the appropriate Addison representative. 6) The work described in Paragraphs 1-5 shall be completed no later than May 1, 2005. 7) Addison shall continue to hold any and all monies owed to Abstract related to the Addison Arts & Event District Project until the work described in Paragraph 1-3 is completed. 8) Pursuant to Paragraph 12.2.1 of the General Conditions ofthe Contract for Construction (the "Contract"), Addison will deduct the final amount of money expended for the Construction Manager's and Architect's services and expenses related to resolving and correcting the work on Festival Way. 9) Upon completion by Abstract and approval by Addison of the work described in Paragraphs 1-5, Addison will release the monies described in Paragraph 7 to Abstract, less the amounts described in Paragraph 8 and less $50,000 to be retained as guarantee of a new one year warranty on the replacement work. The $50,000 retained will be Mr. Chris Robinson December 22, 2004 Page 3 released at completion of the warranty period, less any funds expended to accomplish needed warranty work not addressed by Abstract. This proposal shall remain open lUltil January 7, 2005. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~~.~J---Jo . ill JMH/yjr cc: Fidelity and Deposit Company ofMaryland (Via Certified Mail, Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company RRR # 70033110000620236806) P.O. Box 1227 Baltimore, MD 21203-1227 Ms. Carmen Moran, wfIown Mr. Mike Murphy, wfIown Me. James Duffy Mr. Larry Johnson, w/finn Mr. Ken C. Dippel, w/finn TRANSMITTAL 3887 RIDGELA.KE: CT. ADDISON, TX75001 PHONE: 972.241.2.816 FAX: 972.406. 1146 EMAlL"JFDGROUP@ri.ASH.NET To: STEVE CHUTCHIAN PROJECT: AAED .... FROM: JIM DUFFY DATE: 1/17/03 IRI FYI DREQUESTED oREVIEW /COMMENTD FOR APPROVAL 0 OTHER COMMENTS: STEVE: HERE IS A COpy OF RFI #6 AND THE INFORMATION I RECEIVED FROM BIRKHOFF'S OFFICE IN RESPONSE. I THOUGHT YOU WOULD UKE A COpy FOR YOUR RECORDS. JIM --~-----.~--------------........................... ---------~f1;!!:!fti: G~-:r~___ _~~~~_~ .-~-~--------.-----..----------~-._--:-:-. ~~_frr ~'_~ . __ . -....-. --3. 'bPJ-~~-~~~r;Jrr .. -.~ .. Ikb-L.4_ !L C~1;-. . I: j '. ~---------._--~---------------7flF{jM:JtWl-Uiic:--------···················----+I-~--'------------------········· ....................~--. ..~') -------_..~-._.__......... ---=-------~-...... --~~------- (Item # Description Quantity Unit UNIT BID PRICES Unit Cost 1 Mobilizationa (10%) 1 LS $33,990.00 $33,990.00 2 SW3P (5%) 1 LS $17,000.00 $17,000.00 3 Sawcut pavement 50 LF $3.50 $175.00 4 Demo -Concrete Pavement 5120 SY $5.00 $25,600.00 5 Demo -intergral Curb and Gutter 2200 LF $2.50 $5,500.00 6 Remove Trees 44 Ea $300.00 $13,200.00 7 Tree Protection 28 Ea $100.00 $2,800.00 8 Proiect Signs 2 Ea $350.00 $700.00 9 Storm Inlet Adjustment adjusting box top and grate drains 8 Ea $1,500.00 $12,000.00 10 Valve Adiustment -water and sewer 23 Ea $2,000.00 $4$,000.00 11 8" pce Pavement 5120 SY $40.00 $204,800.00 12 4" pee Sidewalk 620 SY $35.00 $21,700.00 13 ParkinQ Lot StripinQ 1694 LF $1.50 $2,541.00 14 Landscaping -5% 1 LS $2,170.00 $2,170.00 15 Irrigation System -3% 2 LS $1,310.00 $2,620.00 Sub Total $390,796.00 I I I 20% contlnegency $78,159.20 I I I Total $468,955.20 I I 5,:e:v<:=""~ P!~-f7k. /?I~~l ~ • R:\PubWorkslArts eenter\Festival Way\Festival Way estimate.xls Quantity Takeoff 2·25 = 50 ( 2 entrances) see takeoff sheets -wag -assumed all trees on south side to be removed -wag -taken off of plans trees on north side -assumed all inlets to be adjested =1100·5/9 R:\PubWorkslArts Center\Festival Way\Festival Way estimate.xls HP LaserJet 3200se HP LASERJET 3200 invent OCT-5-2004 8:56AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 256 101 512004 8:55:57AM Send 99724061146 0:39 3 OK TOWN OF ADDISON PUIII.IC woRKS • fllleht&l. rphy. P.e:. Dlrac.tor of publle Works efflce! 9121450-2813 Fax: 912145(1..2831 :·~tf& FAX':"! T"_ ~ " 18801 WdtGfOYQ I I!> _ ....-vr P.O. BoX 9010 o..,,_!!:-----" Addi3on, TX 75001-9010 J,lo. of Pag.,(lndudlng cover), :5 " HP LaserJet 3200S8 HP LASERJET 3200 invent OCT-5-2004 8:52AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time 255 101 512004 8:51:28AM Type Send Identification 7043 Duration 0:54 Pages 2 Result OK To COlD.PI. Phone # Fax # 9724081148 p. 1 Jun 30 04 02:49p The JFD Group FAJe 972.406. 1 1.-:.6 EfMl~: JFDGROUP@F1..JI.."iH,N£;r SENDro: MIKE MURPHY FROM: JIM DUFFY =: DAVE WILDE ! DATE; 6/30/04 FAX NUMBER: 972.450.2837 PHONE NUMBER: [!) URGENT D REPLY ASAP 0 Pl.EASE COMMENT D PLEASE REVIE:W 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATiON TOTAL PAGES-INCLUDING COVE.R: 2 COMMENTS: LETTER REGARDING FESTIVAL WAY RECONsmUCTION Jun 30 04 02:49p The JFD Group 9724061146 p.2 JAMES F. DUFFY June 30, 2004 Via Facsimile & USPS Mr. Craig Gaussiran Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 Re: Addison Arts & Events District Festival Way Reconstruction Deareraig: On June 15, 2004 we received undated drawings with a seal date of 6·8·04 from Eric L. Davis Engineerins-Inc. titled "Festivalway Road Proposed Regrading". These drawings are the second effort by Mr. Davis' office to design a solution to the Town of Addison's concerns about the as built condition of Fesliva! Way. After review by the engineer of record, Sasaki Associates Inc., and the Town'S Public Works staff it has been decided this proposed solution fails to satisfactorily correct the problems with the street. You are again directed to reconstruct Festival Way and the adjacent sidewalk in strict accordance with the original plans and specifications. Please refer to my March 26, 2004 letter on the same subject for the parameters under which Abstract's workis workis to be accomplished, particularly the schedule and quality control steps. I want to remind you again thet we have a narrow window between July 5 and the beginning of the OktoJ>;,rfest special event in September in which to complete this ,,-ork. ;;n9? "-"PtAJ, ~6 cc: Dave Oough Carmen Moran Mike Murphy Dave Wilde 3887 RlDGELAKE COURT' ADDISON, TX • 75001 PHONE; 972.241.2816 • FAX: 972,406,1146 )FOGROUP@FLASH.NET n,trc 1. 0--; '0".j Sasaki Associates Inc. 64 Pleasant Sfreel Woter:town Massrn:husetts 02472 USA t 6179263300 f 6179242748 W www.$Osoki,oom December 17, 2003 S A S A K Jim Duffy JPD Group 3887 Ridgdake Court Addison, TX 75001 Te: Addison Arts & Events District -ConstrUction Administration SA #14516.05 Dear Jim: Our office has completed an analysis of the as-built grading and drainage conditions on Festival Way. The analysis was based on the survey plan titled "Grade Exhibit fOr Festival Way', done by Benchmark Group ofTexas, Inc., dated 10/22103. A copy of this plan with OUr nomtions is attached. Grades along the entire length of roadway are very irregular along the curb lines, gutter lines, and centerlJne. Slopes vary from flat to more than 3% with no consistency. In one ease, the cross-pitch is almost 5%. Some cross-pitches run in the wrong direction. As a result, water does not flow evenly along gutter lines and into the drainage strUctures; it JUSt runs to the low areas and in some places becomes trapped. Gutter inlets have been constructed incorrectly. According to Derail 1 on drawing C8-8 (Town of Addison's standard demil), the opening at the inlet.houM be 6" high with the roadway paving sloped down to the bottom of the inler (the flow line elevation) over a three fOot wide apron. The apron is also supposed to extend along the 6' length ofinlet and then slope up for 10' on either side of the inlet, creating a transirion curb from typical 6" height from top to bottom of curb to a 10' height along the gutter inlet-Inkts have been built without the sloped apron, and inst~have a steep pitch right at the inler. T ngether with the inconsistent grading. this compounds the problem ofproperly getting water into the gutter inlets. In some places, thf grade i. virtually flat from the roadway centerline to the guttet inler'and in one case. at the west end of the street, the grade aCtually pitches from the inlet toward the center of the street. In our opinion, the entire roadway should be reconstructed to proper grades and slopes. It's not possible to salvage some areas and reco~struct others since there is so much inconsistency. Ifone particularly bad section is removed and reconstrUCted, the slopes would stiU not work properly with the sections ,that would be left. Since the curb i. integral with the roadway pavement, our suggestion is to remove all the paving and curb, both sides of Festival Way. Gutter inlet structures should be left in place and modified at the inlet as required to meet the recon.tructed road paving. Working December 17. 2003 Pagel with the as-built grades for the tOP ofcurb/south edge ofsidewalk along the nOM side of the road and the top ofgutrer inlet srrucrure grades on both sides. we could adjust our grading plan as necessaty to provide for proper slopes as originally designed and then issue the revised plan for the reconsrruction work. The surface should also have a broom finish. which was specified but not done. Please let me know if there are any questions. Best regards. David Clough Senior Associate Enclosure: Sasaki Associates Grading Analysis. 17 Decembet '03 Cc: Carmen Moran (w/enc.). Alan Ward. Steve Harnwey. Cathy Baker. Ting Chang So$.Oki Associates Inc. , JAN-14-2003 TUE 02:40 PH ABSTRACT CONST FAX NQ 469 385 9753 P. 02 Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas. TX 75229 t.1 (Phone) 469-385-9723 (fa~) 469-385-9153 Aba'llract: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) J/11TOlr~~~b;on cJOJF~~rou~ 3697 Rldgelake Court Addison. Tx 75001 (Phonel 972-241-2816 (fax) 972-406-1146 FROM: CtaIg A. Gaussiran ProJee! Manager PROJECT: Addison AIls & Events DiStrIe! ORIGIN: ICslHar ConsINction. Inc. (Phonel 972-838-2888 (fax) 972-838-2299 L _ 'l~-DArE; I 0111-,ji03 RFI NO.: I006 PROJECT NQ.: G0200BE ARCH. PRO, NO.: DATE SENT: 01114103 DAYS AlLOWED 3 FOR RESPONSE: I REQUESTED RESPONSE DATE: L _SENT~ 01/17103 ~""==l-~~~ .-_ ...•~~~ . -~~~---~ L~'~~~~J~~~;;~Wrifoca~n' ,-:.--. ,< < .c. -, .-.,,~ _ 'J rfh& survey crew hired by Abstnae! ConslrucliOn sent a CleW to the site on 1113103 for Inlllal sHe control as listed on the IConstruction Plans for veriftcalion. The field crew found CTBM-l) to be 0.07 feet out HOrizontally and 0.06 feel out Vertically. In additiOn this benchmall< was destroyed by City ofMaISOn sub<:or!!rador while Field crew was on site. Crew tound (TBM-21 to 0.10 feet out horizonlslly and 0.05 feel out vertically. Please advise ifthis does or does not meet this projects position tolerances. No right of way Information was provided on Ih& plans. Without this informatlon we "'" unable to know if any new construction will or does encroach Into any of the Public RIght of Ways. Please advise. I I BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS L 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 JOHN W, BlR.KHOFF. P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, p.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS, p,a JOE R. CARTER. P.E. PAUL-A. CARLINE, P.E. MAlT HICKEY, p.E. DOUGLAS K SHOWERS. P.E. January 17, 2003 ROSS L. JACODS. P.E. Mr. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, Texas 75001 R.e; Addison Arts and Events District Dear Mr. Duffy; We are enclosing four copies of the Existing Condition Plan we prepared for the Addison Arts and Events District. We have highlighted the original City ofAddison benchmark we used for the survey ofthis site. We have also highlighted the horizontal control points we established during the survey ofthe site. This information is to be given to the surveyor staking the site for construction. Ifyou have additional questions concerning ofour survey ofthis site, please give me call. 2°ZL Ronald V. Conway, P.~ Enclosures Page} of} Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ufdgroup@flash.net] Sent: Friday, August OS, 2005 9:27 AM To: Carmen Moran; Ron Lee; Steve Chutchian Subject: Fwd; Festival way Update -8/5105 FYI Begin forwarded message: From: "Rich Favre" Date: August 5, 2005 8:38:42 AM CDT To: "Jim Duffy" SUbject: Festival Way Update -8/5/05 Jim, I met with Strand on-elte yesterday and took them through the elevations/plans we received trom the surveyor. They began working on forms,steel, etc. yesterday and will continue today. They will be staking points and pulling string to show contours. We plan on meeting with Strand on Monday to make sure that everything is correct/up to grade. I then hope to schedule a meeting for Tuesday In order for us all to meet and approve everything. Once RUsty has approval, he will schedule the concrete pour ASAP. Ifthat schedule holds up,l hope to be done with concrate by the end of next week. We can then use the week of the 15th to do clean-up, striping, etc. I can also make sure that all ofthe remaining punch items are complete. I already have someone Hned up to replace the roses. The same with the control joint at Quorum. The sub that we use to do striping is also very good with a power washer so I plan on having him remove the material on Addison Circle. That should give the city a couple ofweeks before they have any events out there. My main focus over the next couple of days is to make sure that Strand has everything correct. Thanks, Rich 8/5/2005 COWLES &THOMPSON A Professional Corporation ATTORNEVS AND COUNSELORS I.ARRY w. JOHNSON %14.t12.2101 WOHNSONQCOWl.ESTHOMl'SON.COM June 7, 2005 Mr. Michael S. Nixon Griffith & Nixon. p.e. One Lincoln Centre 5400 LBI Freeway, Suite 1025 Dallas, Texas 75240 Re: Festival Way -Town of Addison , Dear Mr. Mike: Please find enclosed a fully executed original of the Agreement of Parties in connection with the above-referenced matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, LWJ:le Enclosure 1101 MAIN STREET SUITE 4000 DAt.I..AS, TEXAS 7520Z-)1'93 .ALLAS T Y L E R TEt. 214.612.2000 FAX 214,672.2020 /Mr. Michael S. Nixon June 7, 2005 Page 2 bxc (w/encl.): Ms. Cannen Moran Mr. John Hill [Finn] RE: DISPUTE AMONG TOWN OF ADDISON. ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. STRAND & ASSOCIATES. ET Al... AGREEMENT Of PARTIES 1. The Town of Addison ("Addison") and Abstract Construction Company ("Abstract") have agreed upon a scope of work to repair festival Way (the ·Scope of Work"). The Scope of Work is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Abstract will ensure that the Scope of Work confonns to the original construction drawings issued by Sasaki. 2. Abstract will notify Addison of the subcontractors responsible for perfonning any portions of the Scope of Work. Within fIVe (5) business days of notification from Abstract, Addison shall have the right to approve any subcontractor chosen by Abstract to perfonn the Scope of Work. " 3. All terms and conditions of the Contract between Addison and Abstract for construction of the Addison Arts & Events District shall apply to the Scope of Work for repair of festival Way.. To the extent the tenns of this Agreement contradict or are inconsistent wHh the tenns and conditions of the the original contract executed by Addison and Abstract, the tenns of this Agreement shall supersede those set forth under the original contract. , 4. Abstract shall have appropriate field engineers or other qualified persons present during all pours to confinn the proper elevations are being maintained during concrete placement. Addison must be provided with the contract required testing and inspection reports necessary for the street construction. including the subgrade. 5. No concrete is to be poured unless a representative of Addison is present t6 observe and, if necessary, point out corrective actions to be taken. The Addison Public Works Department should be contacted in advance to schedule the attendance of the appropriate Addison representative. 6. The Scope of Work shall be completed between July 4 -September 1, 2005. 7. On or before March 21, 2005, Addison provided a punch list to Abstract related to the Addison Arts & Events District. Upon completion of the punch list, Addison shall release to Abstract all but $50,000 of retainage held by Addison. Upon completion of the Scope of Work. Addison shall release to Abstract another $25,000 of the retainage held. Addison shall keep the remaining $25,000 of retainage (the "Remainder") and Abstract releases any and all claims or rights to the Remainder. 8. The agreed-upon subcontractor for the Scope of Work shall provide a one (1) year guara1'ltee on the Scope of Work and one (1) year maintenance bond. 9. The Parties agree to a tOiling agreement of any claims related to Festival Way until completion of the work described by Scope of Work. AGREED this ___day of ________•• 2005. 4t:1~FFMF1«T OF PARTIES -PAGE 1 f TOWN OF ADDISON ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY By: _________________________ , APPROVEO AS TO FORM: Attomey for Town ofAddison for Abstract Const uction Company A.....G -REEMENT OF PARTIES -PAGE 2 , .. -... ..... ........ . EXHIBIT A 1. All curb inlets in Festival Way must be reconstructed to comply with design details as indicated on sheet CS-8, detail 1 in the project plans. 2. In conjunction with the reconstruction of curb inlets 1 & 2 at the west end of Festival Way, certain paving areas will be reconstructed. Those paving areas are defined by the north/south transverse expansion joint separating the drive approach from Festival Way to the next north/south transverse expansion jOint east, and from the saWed east/west dummy joint adjacent to the parking areas on the north side of the street to the dummy joint adjacent to the parking area on the south side of the street. The defined areas will be reshaped to expedite flow of storm water to the corrected curb inlets. 3. Remove and re-pour paving panels in Festival Way at the southem end of the Pergola. This area is defined as the panel incorporating the storm and sanitary sewer manholes and the panel east to the first transverse expansion joint. This area is to be removed from curb line to curb line. Reconstruction of curb inlets 3 & 4 is to be included in this area. 4. Remove the two paving panels surrounding catch basin 7 and panels to the west if necessary and replace in order to property direct storm water into the catch basin. All concrete removal will be done within the areas defined by existing jOints. 5. Rout and seal all remaining cracks in Festival Way using an approved silicone sealant. 6. Any parking striping or traffic control elements damaged during the work must be restored. ~ -----.. -..,.---...................eo. ft ......... ., j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j Re: Dispute among Town of Addison, Abstract Construction Company, Strand & Associates, et al. AGREEMENT OF PARTIES I. Within the next thirty (30) days, the Parties will work to develop a scope of work (0 repair Festival Way. The scope ofwork from Surety shall include engineered construction drawings of the scope of work subject to approval by Addison. Paragraphs 2 -10 are contingent upon developing an agreed-upon scope of work. 2. Within five (5) business days, Addison shall have the right to approve any subcontractor chosen by Abstract/Strand's Surety to perform the scope of work. 3. All terms and conditions of the Contract between Addison and Abstract for construction of the Addison Arts & Events District shall apply to the scope of work for repair of Festival Way. 4. Abstract shall have all appropriate field engineers or other qualified persons present during all pours to confum the proper elevations are being maintained during concrete pLacement. Addison must be provided with the contract required testing and inspection reports necessary for the street construction, including the subgrade. 5. No concrete is to be poured unless a representative ofAddison is present to observe and, if necessary, point out corrective actions to be taken. The Addison Public Works Department should be contacted in advance to schedule the attendance ofthe appropriate Addison representati ve. 6. The scope ofwork shall be completed between July 4 -September 1, 2005. 7. By March 21, 2005, Addison shall provide a punch list to Abstract related to the Addison Arts & Events District. Upon completion of the punch list, Addison shall release $100,000.00 of monies held. Upon completion of the work described by the scope of work in Paragraph I, Addison shall release all remaining monies held. 8. Either Strand Surety or the agreed-upon subcontractor shall provide a one (1) year gUarantee on the work perfonned under the scope of work and a one (I) year maintenance bond. 9. The Parties agree to a tolling agreement of any claims related to Festival Way until ~ completion of the work described by scope of work. 10. Abstract and/or Stand's Surety shall make a payment (or retained funds) totaling $25,000.00 to Addison. AGREEMENT OF PARTIES Page I Agreed this ____ day of March, 2005. TOWN OF ADDISON ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BY: ______________________ BY: _____________________ STRAND & ASSOCIATES, LLC NAS INSURANCE SERVICES BY: ______________________ BY: ______________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney for Town of Addison Attorney for Abstract Construction Company. Attorney for Strand & Associates, LLC Attorney for NAS Insurance Services AGREEMENT OF PARTIES Page 2 ·'. C~OWLES &THOMPSOG \ A Professional Corporation ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELORS 214.$72..2170 JHILL@COWLESTHOMPSON.COM December 22, 2004 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL, RRR # 70033110000620236790 Mr. Chris Robinson Senior Vice President Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 RE: Addison Arts & Events District Festival Way Reconstruction Dear Mr. Robinson: We write on behalf of the Town of Addison, Texas ("Addison") with regard to the abovereferenced matter. As you are aware, Abstract was retained by Addison as the Contractor for the construction of the Addison Arts & Events District, which included, among other things, the construction of Festival Way. Addison has experienced inaccurate grades and drainage problems on this street. Although not exclusive, examples of the problems include that the paving has been poured too high and too low, and that the drainage inlets are constructed improperly. In responding to these issues, Addison requested that Abstract provide survey data on the full length of of Festival Way. In'yesponse, Abstract eventually provided a letter dated February 3, 2004 and drawing dated February 4, 2004 prepared by Eric L. Davis, Consulting Engineering indicating his findings and proposed resolution. Addison submitted these materials to the engineer of record, Sasaki Associates, Inc., to review and to offer its opinion of the proposed resolution. As you know, Sasaki indicated that the Davis report does not effectively resolve the problems identified with Festival Way and rejected the proposed resolution. Subsequently, on or about June 8, 2004, Abstract submitted to Addison a proposed solution to the drainage issues at Festival Way. Eric L. Davis created the proposal labeled "Festival Way Road Proposed Regrading" that was submitted to Addison (the "Davis Proposal"). Addison originally rejected the Davis Proposal as insufficient to resolve the drainage problems and demanded that Abstract and its surety reconstruct the road according to the original specifications. Addison's demands have thus far been rejected. At this point, Addison is evaluating all of the legal rights and remedies to which it is entitled, including litigation, if necessary. However, before pursuing any specific remedy, Addison wishes to attempt to find a resolution to this matter that will generally address the drainage issues that exist and avoid any further controversy among the parties. Accordingly, Addison has 901 MAIN STREET SUiTE 4000 DALLAS, TEXAS 75202·3793 o ALL A S T Y L E R TEL 214.072"2000 FAX 214.672.2020 WWW.COWLEST14{)MPSGN.COM Mr. Chris Robinson December 22, 2004 Page 2 formulated this revised version ofthe Davis Proposal that it proposes as a solution to these problems recognizing that the Davis Proposal does not fully comply with the design standards originally incorporated by the engineer of record. This revised version requires the following: 1) Reconstruction ofFestival Way as proposed by the Davis Proposal. 2) Additionally, all remaining panels on Festival Way showing any cracking shall be replaced. 3) At any location where replacement of the curb causes the elevation of the adjacent sidewalk to be higher or lower than the new top of curb, the sidewalk must be replaced to match the new elevation. Under no circumstances can the cross pitch of the new sidewalk exceed the 114 inch per foot called for in the drawings and it must align with any adjacent undisturbed sidewalk in compliance with all applicable accessibility standards. 4) Abstract shall have all appropriate field engineers or other qualified persons present during all pours to confirm the proper elevations are being maintained during concrete placement. Addison must be provided with the contract required testing and inspection reports necessary for the street construction, including the subgrade. 5) No concrete is to be poured unless a representative ofAddison is present to observe and, if necessary, point out corrective actions to be taken. David Wilde with the Addison Public Works Department should be contacted in advance to schedule the attendance of the appropriate Addison representative. 6) The work described in Paragraphs 1-5 shall be completed no later than May 1, 2005. 7) Addison shall continue to hold any and all monies owed to Abstract related to the Addison Arts & Event District Project until the work described in Paragraph 1-3 is completed. 8) Pursuant to Paragraph 12.2.1 of the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction (the "Contract"), Addison will deduct the final amount of money expended for the Construction Manager's and Architect's services and expenses related to resolving and correcting the work on Festival Way. 9) Upon completion by Abstract and approval by Addison of the work described in Paragraphs 1-5, Addison will release the monies described in Paragraph 7 to Abstract, less the amounts described in Paragraph 8 and less $50,000 to be retained as guarantee of a new one year warranty on the replacement work. The $50,000 retained will be Mr. Chris Robinson December 22, 2004 Page 3 released at completion of the warranty period, less any funds expended to accomplish needed warranty work not addressed by Abstract. This proposal shall remain open until January 7, 2005. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. JMH/yjr cc: Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland (Via Certified Mail, Colonial American Casualty and Surety Company RRR # 70033110000620236806) P.O. Box 1227 Baltimore, MD 21203-1227 Ms. Cannen Moran, w/Town Mr. Mike Murphy, w/Town Mr. James Duffy Mr. Larry Johnson, w/firm Mr. Ken C. Dippel, w/firm #LPlot( A/,A Lt:: #4 711 --~----------~----------------------~ !I q I/vc!?/c"'-!t-c (:-A-j) 0-= 1-1 vt; ~ !A D iv( t-L Be l3uTC(*,~.o ( IT : : ,! ; ! t.v{C.L .>H-" 0/. i . , i JAMES F. DUFFY March 26, 2004 Via Facsimile & USPS Mr. Craig Gaussi:ran Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables lane Dallas, TX 75229 Re: Addison Arts &Events District Festival Way Reconstruction Dear Craig: As you are well aware, for a number ofmonths we have been analyzing and evaluating problems with the construction of Festival Way done under your contract with the Town of Addison, dated November 7, 2002. You had previously been notified that the as bu:ilt condition was not acceptable to the engineer of record or the Town. Abstract requested an opportunity to have another engineer review the situation to offer alternative solutio:ns. On February 5, 2004 you provided us with a letter dated February 3, 2004 and drawing dated February 4, 2004 prepared by Eric L. Davis, Consulting Engineering indicating his findings and proposed resolution. 1'he Town had the engineer of record, Sasaki Associate~ Inc., review those documents to offer their opinion of the proposed resolution. Sasaki has indicated to the Town that the Davis report does not effectively deal with the problems identified with Festival Way and has recommended against the proposed resolution. The Town is in agreement with Sasaki's findings. The Town of Addison has determined that Festival Way and its adjacent sidewalk are not built in accordance with the plans and specifications defined in the contract with Abstract Co:nstruction Company and therefore is rejected. You are hereby directed to reconstruct Festival Way and the sidewalk in strict accordance with the original plans and specifications. No construction can take place during the period from April 17, 2004 to July 5, 2004 because of events booked at Addison Circle Park that would be disrupted by such an undertaking. Please schedule the work accordingly. Prior to the start of reconstruction of Festival Way you must provide us with a schedule detailing 3887 RIDGELAKE COURT· ADDISON, TX • 75001 PHONE: 972.241.2816 • FAX: 972.406.1146 lFDGROUP@FLASH.NET -2-March 26, 2004 how you intend to undertake the rebuilding of the street. That schedule must include sequence of events and durations clearly identifying your plan. Before any concrete is poured for the new street we need written confirmation of the correctness of the grades of all elements of the construction including inlets, valve boxes, cleanouts, etc. In addition include formwork elevations to assure the Town and Abstract that everything is properly prepared for the new concrete. We also expect you to have the appropriate field engineers or other qualified persons present during all pours to confirm the proper elevations are being maintained during concrete placement. Of course, the Town must be provided with the contract required testing and inspection reports necessary for the street construction, including the subgrade. No concrete is to be poured unless a representative of the Town of Addison Public Works Department is present to observe and, if necessary, point out corrective actions to be taken taken You should contact Dave Wilde in advance to schedule the Public Works representative. Regards, Jim Duffy cc: David OoUgh Carmen Moran Mike Murphy Dave Wilde Puuch-list of Festival Way and perimeter of Addison Circle Park Addendum 10/03/29 Jim, Upon further inspection, the Public Works staff has found several more punch list items, or changes to existing punch list items. Please include these on your final punch-list. 1. Fire Lane markings are inadequate. According to Town of Addison Code ofOrdinances Section 8286 (7) "It is unlawful to park a vehicle within 15 feet ofany fire hydrant". Furthermore, State Transportation Code 545.302(b)(2) also states "An operator may not, except momentarily to pick up or discharge a passenger, stand or park an occupied or unoccupied vehicle: (2) within 15 feet ofa fire hydrant"* 2. Re-do ADA ramp to meet specifications. Section 02750 Part 1.03A states "Comply with the applicable requirements ofthe following standards" Subsection 3 lists Americans with Disabilities act (ADA) as a standard that must be met for all work performed. No exception is given for work that the contractor was specifically told NOT to do but chose to ignore ignore the contract documents, and did anyway. Furthermore, section 027501 part 1.04(b) (Quality Control) states "Work and materials shall conform to applicable sections of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities. " 3. Remove and replace 39 panels marked with yellow paint, to correct: Gouges in surface ofpavement between valves and MH at Wend ofFestival Way (FW). Pocked surface at valve and redwood (first redwood E ofAddison Rd. (AR». Patch attempt in S. center panel (3mE ofMain Stage redwood). Gouges in S curb, 3mpanel W offire lane marking. Broken comer at centerline, r redwood W ofPergola. Cracks in pavement * 2nd and 3mmels W ofPergola inlets, 151 panel at manholes, at inlets, at Pergola, and at 1st, r, 5th, and 6 panels E ofPergola. 4. Provide the specified broom finish over the entire length ofFestival way. 5. RE-do curb inlets I, 2,3,4,5,6 and catch basins 7&8 so that they will actually drain runoff. Please see the attached photos ofthe inoperable drainage. 6. Extend the metal lip on the colunm fountains so that the condensation on the underside ofthe lip falls into the pool, not onto the stonework. 1 Events ofSeptember 1tf'. ZOO] 1. Experienced heavy rainfall in afternoon (approx. 1"-2"/hour). 2. Received call from Barbara K about 4:20 pm she said they were experiencing substantial flooding inside ofrestaurant tent just west ofstage, received same call from Slade S a few minutes later. 3. 4:25 pm I directed Utility Crew and Engineer to take large pump to site and remove water from tent area. 4. 4:30 pm I received call from Chris to come out to site to see ifwe could determine problem for future reference. 5. Had water evacuated from site by 5:30 pm, kept Utility Crew on sight until last rainfall threat passed. 6. Walked site next day to determine what caused drainage system overload. What we saw when we arrived 011 site: 1. Area around drain inside oftent completely submerged (approx. 24"-30"). 2. Were able to immediately determine that we could drop a submersible pump into manhole just outside tent to clear water from inside. 3. Once we turned pump on --inside drain evacuated water within a couple of minutes, which would tend to support idea there was some type ofblockage. SomeIt!egs: 1. Place vault and sump pump near entrance manholes to each drainage field to pump water directly to street drainage system. 2. Put concrete aprons around each area drain and re-grade to funnel water into area. 3. Completely re-grade area above fountains to properly direct water to area drains. 4. Consider future placement of restaurant tent outside area drains. 2 II {Mit -ro ~tJ 4f!JJT uqlt+ pit: /\AAf--~f C;;~, z . ~ M!2Yt1o ~ ctlv-fo:t 10 cevvvpk?W-hr ~\~ ~f'l~. WA!:. .' . /.' 3, LUvtLt tUll\ ~ '~fy{v\ 0t-t;';1 t. JW: I~ J, tk~p~ ~~.~ rf \'ow< ~~~1i ~~£> ~'f~ C; tt;~ltJ(r wvl . t1K ~p~N l)r1·-n~ ~. ()tJ1~\L-Ih· fvt-Lt'M6\D., 0· ~{~~ ~Ml-. 'to>fl-t]:.(t-\ WlU ~~--CO[\t~~ LUI\I ~D b. ';;w~tI TD ~ IN Pt~ t>1= ~\ MDLJ~D· Jim, We appreciate the efforts that you have made to identify the deficiencies in Festival Way. We would be glad to meet with you and the Engineer, Sasaki, to further identify the problems that must be corrected in the roadway. The fax that we received only identified a portion ofthe overall problem that currently exists. For example, the surface finish, the extensive cracking, improperly constructed inlets, poor drainage patterns, and the damage placed on the pavement as a result ofpoorly adjusted utility valves and manholes, must be completely addressed before the Town can accept the street. It will be interesting to see what recommendations the Contractor win submit to your office. However, it is ultimately the responsibility ofthe Engineer to complete the evaluation and recommend necessary actions. At the very least we would expect that a new roadway would drain properly, have the finished surface that was specified and be free of cracking. Therefore, we recommend that those areas that do not meet these these minimum standards be removed and replaced. In addition, the overall site drainage system is in need ofauditing by the Engineer. Specifically, the construction ofthe system versus the design must be reviewed in the field (Le., surveying, etc.) and in the office (i.e. calculations, etc.). Large tents tend to change drainage patterns and runoff quantities, and should be considered. Please let Mike Murphy or other members ofthe Public Works staffknow what action will be taken as soon as possible. ----Nov 17 03 10:06a The JFD Group 9724061146 p. 1 ADDISON, TIC 7500, FAX.: 972.406.1146 EMAlL.:JF..I..>GOOUP@FLASH.NET SENDro: STEVE CHUTCHIAN I;ROM: JIM DUFFY cc: CARMEN MORAN DATE: 11/17/03 FAX NUMIJI!.R: 972.450.2837 972.450.7043 PHONE. NUMBER: DURGENT OREPLYASAP ~Pl£A$ECOMMENT ~PLEASEREVIEW OFORYOURINFORMATION TOTAL PAGES, INCLUDING COVER: 6 STIEVE. HERE IS THEARCHITECT'S REVIEW OF THE IN PLACE GRADES ON FESTIVALWAY. I HAVE ASKED THE CONTRACTOR.TO COME BACK TO ME WITH RECOMMENDED SOLlITlONS aYTHE END OF THE WEEK I WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR INPUTAS TO APPROPRIATE CORRECTIVE AcnONS. IN THAT SAME TIME FRAME IF POSSIBLE. JIM Nov 17 03 10:06a The JFD Group 9724081146 p.2 NC1J IS 2003 17'S3 FR SASAI< I ASSOC IRTES 16179237220 TO 919724061145--14 P.0!/05 ill facsimile 02472 USA t 6t7 926 3300 f 6179242746 November 15. 2003 ... Jim Du!/y Cc: Alan Word, Cothy aok.ar. nng Chotlg JfD Grovp r...imI1e no. 972 406-1146 di.... I.... 6179237331 project ....... c Arts & Even'" Di,triel p ...joct..... 14516.05 ___..,. DC d_li.. 6179237331 Jim. I iu.1 fini.hed checking the grading along F".~vol Way. In general. o'ea, where there are dise'epooci.. from design graoe, are at the wesl end of II... slTeeI. 01 !he ,,,,,II. end 01 the per9olo. 01 .h .. south end of the nom...ovlh WQlk through the park, and CIt the oosl end of!hv "reet. 1'"" marked up .pol elevot,ol\$iho! differ by 1" or more. • think Illal dilfe""""" oj Ie.. Iha. I" 0'" not .ignlficon!. AI>o I've loo~nd primarily 01 the rood g,ad"., not lop of curb elevation., .ince "",d g,od... or.. most c'i~collo draincge. Guller g'ode, on II... north .id" of femvol Way ore generally OK. I've checked some 01 the o,,,,,pilehe. on tho sid""-'Ol~ ond they o,e mostly of 2%. with a few .1i9h11y aver thet At Ihe west end. I've found thot Ihe !;urb Inlel on the sov!l. side i. 4" high end !he grode at the cenlerline to the nol1h ollhe inlet i. 21/2' low. As 0 result, mo>! of the wo"" must be ~owing away from the inlel ond towerd the middle 01 the ••reel and from there oUl to Addi.on Rood, 0$ Dove Wild. soid thol he observed. Obviously thi. situalion hIlS to be corrected. Th. curb inlel on Ihe north sid. is lower thotlhe cenlerline g,ade, so we"'r .hould be flowing into it, but tho .;rosspih:h on the rood i. oboul 1%, nel 2% os """,iRed. Mo,t of lhe g,ad ... allhe .aum end of the pergola 0'" too low, bullhe curb inle' grades Ofe 01.0 correspondingly low. so il appears that rhe droinoga do<>, wort; ho_. two spol grade. in .he middle of the sit.,." ore 3 to 4" low, c_fing a Dol a~ with not enough cra..pilch 10 dmin properly. Grodes around !he sovlh end of the nO!1/".auth wolk ore boll, lao high ond 100 low in ploees, I've marked one oreO whe'e lIle gUller grode drop ...bout 6" over (> 5' Ienglh. ""oling ot leesl 0 10% s!o"". and illook. like ,I", lop of curb ond guner grode. ore at about !he •.,me elevo~on. This cO/ld1lloo also oppeors '0 creal. " cro"'pitch on Ih.. ,Id_olk thors much morelh.n lhe ,,2% allowable by ADA. Asl'vo noted on th. ",Hochment, 2 guile, ond bock of curb 9",d•• muot be reversnd. The guller i. shown higher than .he lOp of curb. Nov 17 OS lO;07a The JFD Group 97240S114S p.S NOV 15 2003 17:53 FR SASAKI RSSOClflTE5 1617923722B TO 919724061146--14 P.02/05 ~ looks like "'ere .tlli ore di"'repQncies will! design grades 01 she "o,f end. of 'he Quorum OrNe i"Ie"""Iion. Two gutter grad., ore 41/2" 100 hilJll, with a grade at !he centenin<> ihol i, Io~. However, since Ihe cenlerline grade just 10 the we,l i. 4' lower Ihon deoigned. il ""''''' Ihol wole. does flow In:>m the in"'rse<:/ion in " W8>terly di"",lion and Ihen inlo the curt. inlets. If nc cn .. has "b..rved problem. with drainage in Ihis oreo, maybe Ihi. i. occeptoble. I've morked co .pol grade at a drain manhot .. with a question mork. €I"""lion 624.82 is labeled os "Gu'"' but if it i. really the monhole .I""olion, il i.loo low. I'll send a print of the whole sheet early nexl week when I'm bock in the office, bUll wanled 10 gelthi' off to you, as you reque.ted. PI...,,,, lei me know if Ihere """ cny "l"",lion •. Nov 17 03 10:07a The JFD Group 9724061146 p.4 ~ OVO;! Nos,ad" NOV 15 2083 17:53 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 161,79 237228 TO 919724061146--14 P.03/BS ! ; i " ... .. ... "'" o Q 5 9724081146 p.5 Nov 17 03 10;07a The JFD Group 16179237220 TO 919724061146--14 P.04/05 NOV 15 2003 17;53 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES ...,-' :.P~ ~ ~.. -i!::"'-"cia'l otf:j ...0 ru X~J d"132t (Y) ~4.r IIWWUllt ..tV " '~''''',''' ,~ U;;:n P!hr6214. ~lll ' a.-.. I ~ ~ .:t...... .." 1"1 -..._'" flll(tR).1. WW-L: , '1 ,I I U lr o 0 631.53 '.65 ~\O/K ~K xS\O/1< 632.21 • xS\J'I< 632.48. 0 631.64",BC 631.44 ~631.85 UT GUT t BC632. B~ 631.22630.89 ... 11( IiW ~2 6~ ~ ,-1[;5 GUT 631.33 • ~~ ~~~.S~ ~U4Ar ~::t1[ w ~L ~3 . 6~ ~f-'-'1i.r II/I'-/~'~CXL 630.92 ... ~ oj 631.35 10"':> ' t") ("'ll-r t' ""lI1 ("\"'l .-. J"" a. :z o < ~ §~ ~w Ul ~~ ~-.l cl llI ,* 't:. :B .... ,~t ~~ i ~L. ; _'11 • m; _0 DC iii" Ul t-'_.. to"" .I '" ~ ~ t, , i ......... ~ I I II I.~I, ~...-,"' JI ; 0-l (ll ."'.-~""J"I! .I;.:.l,NJ ,,,.,,,: [~"" : 1\,)0 ! ' .... A Crl ;J>-:W/f'\. .......... ·r.... !::: l. ~••"..... • ~ .... .. ~...... I (J)aJ ....; r I ~ ./~ .....#;:-;.;n ".~,..•~ lJiI ·~..:<..:j:::::~'-~ ~ /,,/' Y r "(J') Nov 17 03 10,08a The JFD Group 9724081148 1" 1 Aot»SON. TX 75001 SEND TO: STEVE CHUTCHIAN FROM: JIM DUFFY CC: CARMEN MORAN DATE.: 11/17/03 FAX NUMBER: 972.450.2837 972.450.7043 PHONENUMBER: oURGENT 0 REPLY ASAP I!IPLEASE COMMENT I!I PLEASE REVIEW 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION TOTAL PAG£S, INCLUDING COVER: 6 COMMENTS; STEvE, HERE IS THE ARCHrrECT'S REVlEW OF THE IN PLACE GRADES ON FESTIVAL WAY. I HAVE ASKED THE CONTRACTOR TO COME BACK TO ME wrrH RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS BYTHE END OF THE , WEEK. IWOULD APPREClATEYOUR INPUT AS TO APPROPRIATE CORRECTIVE ACTIONS, IN THAT I SAME TIME FRAME IF POSSIBLE. JIM Nov 17 03 10:0S8 p.2 fO.J 15 28ro 17:53 til 64 p..,.... Su... WcdeffQWl\ h1o!KJem.seftI Q24721JSA • 6179263300 f 6179242748 The JFD Group 97240S114S FR SASAKI A5S0C!i'lTES 1617ge37220 TO 919724061146--14 P.01~ facsimile .", November 15, 2003 ... Jim Dully Cc: Alan Wold. Coih., 8o\.r~ ilng Chong JFD GrOIJp ..,..;..t """'0 Arb & even" Di.,riel projlivol Wrrro In general, or.o. where th..... ore digrepa""i.. from design grode, are 01 the we" end 01 Ike street, ", the .oulh end of th" p0'Sola, alth.. south end of the north.$outh _II< through the pot!<. and ", the 00$1 end of !be slree!. r... marked up spol "eYOlionolhat dilfer by I' or "",re_ IIb'nk that differences of Ie.. Ihon '" ore not 'ignif;';on!. AIsQ I'"" looked primarily "'the rood grad"., "oliOI' of curb "Ievalion., .ince .acid grodes ore mosl crmcol to drainage, Guile, grode. an the no"" ,ide of festival Wrrr are generQl1y 01<. I've checked 'MI" of th.. cro ..pilch.,. on lhe sidewolk and they ore !nosily o! 2%, with 0 few slightly ov"r !hal. PI Ihe we,t end, I've found lhgtlhe curb inlel gn the 50.11. side is 4" high ond 11." 9rode 01 the ceruenine to lhe ""'*' of the inlolls 21/2" low. A." .......11, mO$l 01 the _ must be flowing OWrr( from the inlel and toword the middle of the ,Ireel and from Ike,e Oul to Addison Road, 0$ Dove Wilde said thol he observed. Obviously this ';!\Jolion has 10 b. corre<:~. Th. curi> inlet o. the IlOrih $id~ i. lower thai the cen!eriine grad .. , .0 waler should be IIQwing inlo it, but tho c,o..pilch on tf.e road i. obout 1'Jr., nol 2% 0> ",..d~ed. Mosl of the grad ... '" the .outh end 01 the pergola ant toe low, bull... ,urb inlolsrndes are a/so correspondingly low, so il appears tho! the d",inagQ does work; however, Iwo .pot grad.. in th. middle of thlt ."".. are 3 to 4" low, creating 0 flo! 0"'0 with not enougk .,o..pilch 10 drain properly. Grode. around the soUII-end of th.. norfh-sou!h walk a'" both 100 hi9h ond loa low in ploces. I've morked one orea where the gulter grade drop. "bout 6" and 9"IIar grCld•• are 01 Db.,.., the .ome ei_rion. Thi. condilion 01.0 "1'fH!O" 10 creole 0 e"".pitch on the sidewalk thol's much I!>Ofe IhOll the <2% allowable by ADA. A. """, noted on the onoch"",nt, 2 g_r ond back of curb grodes must be reversed. The 9-is shown high..,. than Ihe lOp of GUm. Nov 17 03 10,07a The JFD Group 9724091149 p.3 NOV 15 = 17:53 FR SRSi'!Iliono. --9724061146 p.4 Nov 17 03 10:07a The JFD Group ~ e ...n U NOV 16179237220 TO 919724061146--14 P.03rBS 1~ 2003 17:53 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES I I i ~ " .. ....., """ o .5 .i 9'124061146 p.5 Nov 1'1 03 10:07a The JFD Group 16179237220 TO 919724061146--14 P.04/05 . '" t-OJ IS 2003 17:53 ~--~~ ~.. FR SASAK I A5SOC lflTES OU? .,J) ! ! i t ".0'1 -*,. .. X-U' x 631.53 • xS\Jk '6o5 ~K SxWO K xS\JK 632.21 C 63t.6~GJU3TC 631.44 0/1 ' 632'~63~85 6~r.22630.89 ~ llr63~<;:r GU~631.33 I ~~ 5~ ~...JID tS~ ~~ .1.. fJl:t w~~ r~'f ~.J ~n"ti,r 4"j"!(§N!L630.92 .. ..J .. I,) -; L ,6 ",". 9. ::z o " ~'....'. ,'.. lr~:'v h ~ /lttIl12,... ~11~ . '~ ._ I, ,:}" ..tr.iiOb QAft)t ~ ~'. .","_,J< I ~ '"1IlIt,n II .,;j.... @I"-'· -. --~ ~If'-'b ......" u i '''l/t;:j~&Il/lbn.l1'l' ~ II'" ., I ( '-,J ~ -J ~O ~ '" Ul~ "$ '0.. t.I 0 ~ t) ~~ o. :~ I;0 :'"r . '" ! -n i -C j· iIl~ .C,l : 0 · -c: :!l-c m i--.. o ~ II '~" i ~ ! I ~ am i, ,U..l 1.'.IJl ·0 . , !S "" e,w" , '" 0 ; ~.o..O> ~.fi' " , ....-. "cf'..."'-.~... ..... .(,' "" /,.... l: ~ .. " . I (1't 0'} ~ .: ·: I :~%" ","" ,... .... '1J ~....-'l';: ;'/• ,./:.~ til . r,-;~:;f;~'" m ~ y.Y ? -cIII U 631.35 (0 'I rl t-r 1' ...... 1 n.-.,. _. I'*"" JAMES F. DUFFY October22, 2003 HAND DELIVHRlID Mr. Craig Gaussiran Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 Re: Addison Arts &: Events District Final Punch List Dear Craig: Attached are the punch lists fur the completion of the Addison Arts &: Events District. These !isIS cover the balance of the site to the east ofthe Petgola and the sidewalkpaving on the entire site. The lists attached include my notes from our walk through of the stone and masonry and other miscellaneous items, the architect's field report #6, the landscape and irrigation punch lists as modified by my notes, Dave Wdde's perimeter list as modified by my comments and the items fromfun Pierce's vault walk through as modified by my comments. This list does not include a punch of the fountains. When the fountain work is complete and operating properly; please Jet me know and we will provide a punch listof that work. Please letme know ifyou have any questions. cc: Carmen Moran Slade Strickland DaveQough Steve ehutdlian .. Dave Wilde 3887 RlDGELAKE COURI' • ADDlSON, TX • 75001 PHONE: 972.241.2816 • FAX: 972.406.1146 lFDGROUP®FLASH.NET ARCHITECT'S OWNER 181 CONSULTANT 0 FIELD REPORT AROIITECT 181 flElD 0 PROJECT; Addison Am & Evenb District FIELD REPORT NO.: 6 CONTRACT: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: 1.4516.05 DATE: 10/16 & 17/03 TIME: Thul'$.. 'PM, Fri. 9-5 WEATHER: Sunny TEMP. RANGE: 65 -75 EsT. % OF COMPLETION CONFORMANCE WITH SOIEDULE (+,.) PRESENT AT SITE: Jim Duffy, Carmen Moran, Ron Lee, DO'ie Wilde, Craig Goussiran, David Barnes, David Clough WORK IN PROGRESS: Adjustments 10 fountain syslems, grading repairs, adjustmenl$/instanation of irrigation. OBSERVATIONS 1. Carmen tald me that the Town would like ta make a change 10 the area in !'ront of the Main Stage. In order ta be able 10 set up a dance floor d"n-ecIIy in !'ront of the stage and ta allow people ta gel doser ta the stage and performen, the slope !'rom the boHom of the stage wall 10 the low point of grading in the Ellipse should be reduced. I suggested a~other fow lie.. than 30" hi.) Milsop stane wall be constructed 10' in !'ront of the stage wall, centered on it, but about 2/3 as long. The grade from the boHom of the new wall could slope at about 2% for drainage 10 the existing drain inlets. Sasaki wiD prepare a sketch, based on existing grades ta be provided by Abstract. I marked on a plan the Iocotion for the spot grades ta be shot. 2. Carmen instructed Sosoki 10 prepore construction sketches for the propased revisions 10 the Plaza Fountain paol. Ron Whitehead is most concerned thot storm runoff !'rom paths 10 the wast of the fountain be kept out of the pool. The starm thallasl caused a mojor flow of drainage inta the pool was estimoled ta be an 80 yeor &Vent. According ta Jim Duffy, the curb edge proposed in the redesign should be 01 lea. 8 ta 10" high, and the existing small gop near the 8' wide bridge also needs ta be closed. Sasaki Wl11 proceed with construclion datails for pricing. The following is a punchlist of items ta be repoired/corraded, bosed on my walk through with Jim, Craig, and othen. I was Iold thot the Town will take responsibility for preparing punchlists for plonling, irrigation, drainage structures and piping, Feslivol Way paving, and fountain S)'SIams operation (including Iightingl. ThiJ punchlist primarly coven the ea1lfarly side of the site (east of the Pergolol and is supplementary ta the items described in ReId Report No.5. 1. Remove pipe exposed in ground direclly eM of the southeaslerty.mosl Pergola column. 2. Concrete spohr on the lint section of ornamental fence in the same loc:oIion noled above should be cleaned off. 3. Some lop rails of ornamental fence along FesIivoI Way are rough. They should be sanded and louclHJp painted as necessary and all ornamental fence post baHams should be pointed. 4. Some yard hydrant hondles are missing and need ta be replocad. 5. Clean ornamental fance light pylons at NoS walk, easl of the Bowl. 6. One fence ponellocafed between the abov&menlioned light pylons and the SE entrance to the park needs to welded to the post. 7. Camlodc ponels mounted on the fenae, near the Bowl, need welds and rust spots touch-up painted. 8. Same omamentol fence post caps are missing along the south side of the park. 9. It was nat dear if power has been pn:>vided yet to the fence light pylon at the SE enby to the porle. 10. The handrail on lIIe west side of the stair at lIIe SE comer of the park has not been installed yet. 11. All mitered earners of ranings along lIIe lower channel wall shauld be pointed. 12. Paint end of handrail at SE stair. 13. Remove exposed wire at the northwesterly-mast water garden bed, near the fountoin vault vents. 14. Repaint fountain vault intoke & exhaust vents (malol and concrete). 15. The past at the boltom of the stair adjacent to the fountoin vault should be cut olf, the handrail patched, and a new post cut to be welded to the handrait doser to the first step riser. The new post should be mounted in the concrete stair foundotion, which will require culling and remaving a small area of malol grofing and frome as well as caring the concrete foundalion. Sasaki will provide 0 sketch. 16. All cores for handrails in stane steps ond cheekwalls should be filled with grout, flush with the top of stane (except where tops of cheekwalls slape, grout should be Rush with low end of the core). 17. Strip caulk and redwood installed between concrete bench footings and exposed aggregate pavement in Water Garden area and fill with soil. 18. The northeasterly-most bench at the Fountoin Plaza has been set too low and has to be raised to be Rush with finish grade. 19. One bench at the northeasterly-most Water Garden bed has to be reset to be aligned parallel with the roughback stane pavers. 20. Sandblast the exposed portion of concrete curb on the til side of the HC ramp to the Pavilion. 21. Clean olf (expose) tops of all concrete bench footings at Garden spaces. 22. Oncor has removed a transformer at Addison Circle Drive and will remove the concrete pad. Sasaki will coordinate with the Town regarding planting of the area after the pad is removed. 23. Repaint camJodc panels mounted on section of omamentol fenoe near the tilE end of lIIe Pergola. 24. Caulk limestone panels on Pergola column, northerly-mast seelion of Pergola, east side, :r from til end. 25. Area between omamentol fenoe and sidewalks should be sodded, per Drawings Ll·1 and Ll-2. Box out around roses with 3' width of metol edging, centered on roses. Edging should extend from the edge of sidewalk to the aenterline of fence. 26. Concrete sidewalk olong Add"lSOn Road: remove 2 rough areas of spilled concrete, repair chipped area midway alang sidewalk, remove paint spill. 27. Cut down joint filler material between paving and lop of Milsap wall and limestone cap, both sides of Main Sloge, and ill$foll bac:ker rod and sealant. 28. Exposed aggregate concrete panels that are not acceploble have be~ marked with orange paint. These panels shall be removed entirely and reconstructed 10 match the approved paving sample. Exponllion jolnls shall be provided aI ends of panels 10 be reconstructed, where they meet panels 10 remain. 29. Twelve paving panels 10 be reconstructed aI the SE comer of the Ellipse shall be constructed with a cross-pitch toward the inside of the Ellipse and Ana Drain 5, as designed. Lawn area on the SE side of the walk shall be regarded as n_ry 10 meet the new finish edge of pavement. 30. All pit holes In exposed aggregate paving shall be cleaned and filled with morlor grout, colored 10 match the pavement (no slone aggregate). After grout has set, it shall be lightly sandblasted 10 match surface texture of the pavement. Test patch 10 be approved by Jim Duffy before proceeding. 31. General nate: remove all areas of spilled or averpoured caulk material from exposed aggregate pavement. Patch concrete where caulk has filled in chips aI joinls. 32. Remove formboard aI edge of curved paving, E side of Pergola aI Collon Belt Route marker. Finish caulking joint. 33. General note: remove all spilled concrete and/or grout from all exposed aggregate pavement. 34. AI noted in Field Report No.5, an light pole anchor bolts are 10 be cut as mqulred for base covers 10 be properly seated. This mquires cuHing the bolts slightly below angled pole bose flanges. 35. Chip down top surface of concrete t'llht pole bases 10 eliminate or minimize square pattern. Finish 10 blend with surrounding surface of concrete. 36. Remove concrete chunk next 10 drinking founloin at Addison Cirde Drive, N side of Ellipse. 37. Patch pitted concrete light pale base, N. side of Ellipse. 38. Remove and reconstruct entire exposed aggregate cancrete walk on E side of Tree Lawn. Walk 10 be constructed perpendicular 10 15' wide e·w walk. Burford Holly plant bed will also have 10 be replanted to be porallel with reconstructed walk. 39. Many saw cut joinls are nat carried through to edges -eapedally aI the Pavilion terrace. All saw cuts should be completed to edges or common end poinb. Paving on the N side of the Pavihon is the example to follaw. 40. One of the saw cut joinls on the W side of the lawn panel, west side of Pavilion, is very rough. This joint should be cut I~/!::, width to remove the rough edge, and caulked to look like an expanllion joint. T real NoS rough saw cut joint aI slairs, SW comer of Pavilion, in same monner. 41. Replace concrete collar around sewer connection clean out in plant bed, S side of Pavilion. 42. Honeylocusllrees in plant bed on E side of Pavilion shauld be replanted as necessary so all trees are aligned f,.W, c:entered on score joint bands in PavirlOn terrace paving. 43. Clean concrete splatter off lighting control ponel aI Addison Cirde. 44. Remove and reinstall all deanaut covers (underdrain, sewer, ete.) on entire site to ensure that they are operable and not frozen in place by construction. 45. Caulk expansion joint at boltom of PavIlion HC ramp to finish grade . .46. Carry saw cut joints through to manhole, SMH 6, S side of pavilion. 47. Clean off all mortar from brick paving at the Wend of Fountoin Plaza. 411. Finish caulk joints in 3 locations at NoS walk along Lower Channel, boHom of the Bowl. 49. Ron l.ee painhld out a drainage problem at the W comer of the se stair. Water;$ running down the walk pavement to the stair cheekwall and washing out the embankment. lbe Town is looking into adding a $mG11 drain at the problem comer and pa$Sibly daylighling the pipe, or perhaps connecting it to an exisling drain structure. 50. Drain inlet R17, at the liE corner of the parle, has been set 100 high. Water is panding around the inlet. Also, the jointing around the square rim do.. not match the fItIt of the pavemenl. Pavement panels 10 be removed and recoMlrucilld were marked. lbe rim should be set lower tor proper drainage, and should be oriented in alignment with the jointing pattern. 51. The edge of pavement, Eof the Lower Channel railing, III of the middle Upper Chonnel, sh11 needs to be sandblashld. 52. Remove spilled grout from the middle bridge on the northerly Upper Channel. 53. Check tor leak at drinking I'ountain adjocent to the northerly Upper Channel (standing water at base of tountoin). Caulk joint between the base and walk. 54. Remove grout on exposed end of capstane at metal grating bridge, northerly Upper Channel. 55. When metal bridgltl are reset alier installing supports, make sure that gratings are set Rush with top of frames. 56. Sawcutting of pavement joints along the northerly Upper Channel has lett splatter on the sItIne cops that should be cleaned off. 57. Clean caulk off sltlne cap at pylon, northerly Upper Channel. 58. Remove and replace cracked triangular paving panel 01 intersection of semicircular Bowl walk and CoHon Belt Route walk. Recast with expansion joint extending through it, as designed. 59. Adjulit grad.. around water va"'.. at Bowl walk, near camlock panels. 60. Caulk joint at Bowl walk, top of stair at SE comer of park. 61. Clean up caulk joint on CaHon Belt Route walk, between Weiner and Hickory Ridge markers. 62. Remove and replace paYing panel between StuHgort and Altheimer markers. Remove and reset bath granite panels. 63. Adjust grad.. to be flush, as required, around all retention field deanout caps and set caps level. 64. Remove and replace cracked ponel in concrete sid_alk along Festival Way, near NoS Will", E of the Pergola. 65. Remove concrete chunk next to w-alk along Festival Way, adjocenl to Bawl walk. 66. It wos noted in Field Report No.5 that the edge of brick paving along lawn or plonted areas should be reset to be straight and level. A change _$ mode to this edge design, removing the brick soldier course. However, bric/cs along the edge were supposed to be moJtored to hold them in place and lock in the sand selling bad for the f'8$f of the brick sidewalk. This was documented in a telephone memo dated 717/03 (attached). It doesn't appear that this hos been done, but it should be. 67. All brick paving abutting concrete paYing or curb, steps, _lis,. etc. should be Installad with a full-depth expanlSion joint from bottom of concrete slob to lop of brick per Details I/C7':}', 9/0·1, and 10/0.1. 68. Remove edge board at brick paYing, HC ramp SE comer of Festival Way. 69. Remove spillad concrete from brick paYing along Quorum Drive sidewalk. 70. Reset brickS that hove settled near the middle Fountain Pylon, existing Quorum Drive light pole and hoRdhole. 71. Fountain Plaza brick paYing: All bricks within the same panel (belween limestane paver bands) should hove slroight joints.. All areas of brick with wavy joints are unacceptable and should be reset. Also, brick pavers set with a moJtor bed and grouted joints hove been set light ta the limestone paver band on one end, but have been set with uneven, large joints and lined with small pieces of brick at the other end of the panel. Bricks should be reset in th_ areas to the joint dimenlSions speciIiad, as weD as to straight joint lines 0$ required. 72. Brick paving olang the bottom of stairs on the N side of the Pavilion terrace creates a low area that Irops water. Bricb should be reset as n_ry ta provide posilive drainage away from the stairs. 73. Check the elevation of the chemicol ground set in the lawn panel on the W side of the Pavilion. It has been .et low and will coiled water since it has a sIoHed top. It should be set slightly higher than surrounding grade so that water drains away from it, especially if the siGHed top is correct. 7A. The edge of brick sidewalk along Addison arcle Drive, along the N edge of the lawn panel, W side of the Pavilion, should be sel to a slroight line between the walks. 75. Straighten uneven joint belW'8en brick paYing and random limestone paYing at Garden Courts. 76. Clean mud off al/lidewallt areas where irrigation heads have been reworked. 77. Turf should be level with the edge of brick paving in all areal. 78. Remove sidewalk sealer from all granite marken. 79. Lamps on the following light fixtures were nat operating: 1 at each of the 30' poles; 1 at Pergola middle section, W side; 1 lamp & lens on $ side of Festival Way, W of Pergola; 2 Garden Lights; 1 dllferent lamp (different color) at ObI. Pole, W of Garden Courts, S of Tree Lawn; 1 on S side of Festival Way, midway belW'8en Quorum and Addison Road. INFORMAnON OR ACIlON REQUIRED 1. Abstract to provide existing grade information at Main Stage area. 2. Sasald to prepare sketches for new wall at Main Stage, pool edge rade$ign, and handrail attachment at paol stairs. 3. 5asalci to send sample of handrail wilh skate stoppen to Jim Duffy for Town's review. ATTACHMENTS: 717/03 Telephone Memo REPORT BY SASAKI ASSOCIATES, INC. REPRESENTATIVE: David Cfough """ "'. """'" Lf'.>tI ~I'( bH::if«1 AS&lCIATES 161i'9237220 TO 91'3724061146--14 P.02<'02 • By ~lyV\ tMSf\o OllIe 01/01 (o,? Job Na_ m('?1M. J\vt:?t E?IfIA\( 'b-?:tl'!''k IrIONo. IlWlh.Q'2 lie \?KI1J:~ M~MJc. IA:J-'l-Oon In ~ . f'"""-,,,.j"-!.'VV\.:..::...Ii:t:N;jL~~_______--,-_____ 00II0uI ____ ..... ________~________ 1 M "1-'2.: •, ,. . f4.fJ.Gt'tMI wBMs,-r&t.tt¥J vvrNt wnw:.· ~fl6b.fn-p0it4 -Nt:e.v4 l (';r.Av bA{1C-VQ wet-I,.\ " MMYI smtf.... ~ 8~r4t4I ~ MJ>dvl:{i;'&( f2gH{tWvtrr\ lh fMb~ +C,MV.,., {6(""IG,J tQst fb\'Vt fb W1. IiY4tt Iff -eJ{fJOf~ANY. as fully and ame:1y.,tiJ all ll1tepts and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its pnnClpal office. This Power of Attome..Y is executed. and ma~ I?e revoked. pursuant to and by authority of Article 3-Scction 3. of me By·Laws adopted by the Board of DireclOfS .fINTERNATIONAL lIJl)ELlTY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meering called and held on the 7th day .fFebruary, 1974. The President or any Vice President. Executive Vice President. SecretaI)' or Assistant Secretary. shall have power and authority (I) To appqwt Attomeys-in~fact. and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company. and attach the Seal of the Company merew. bonds and undertakings. contracts of indenmity and other writings obligatory in the narore thereof and. ' (2) To remove, at any rime, any such attomey-in~fact and revoke the authority given, Further. this Power of Attorney is simled and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of said Company adopted at a meetingduly called and heJd on the 29th day of April. 1982 of which the following is a true excerpt! Now therefore the signarores of su<:h officers and the seal of the COJ!lP3ny may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, ~ any such power of.attorney or ~e~fiC!lte bearing such ~csJmile SlgIlarures or faesimil~ se?l shall be valid a.nd b~lIlg upon the <;Ompany and any ,fsoch'-poweNio executed·and~certified"by·facsunij~'stgnatures and facsimile seal shaU be valid and binding upon the Company In the future WIth respect to any "\" bond or undertaking to which it is attached. STATE OF NEW JERSEY County of Essex ', ..;~'''; •••.j",', ,;, ···~·':·"'''''''I.~.,.1:<1·,:r:'·''·':V"··'· . .--.... "".~".', On this 31st day of August 1998, before"rne'came the individual who executed the precedingj~!ostrumenl. to_l"@Personally known. and, heing by me duly sworn, said the he JS the therein described and authorizcd officer of the INTERNATIONAL f,IDELIIT INSURANCE COMPANY; that the seal affixed affixed to sa!d instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by orde( of the Board of Directors of saId Company. . ~"~ " ANOTARY'PUBLIC OF'NEW niRSEY ", r·",·· CBRTlFICATION My ColllDlission Expires Nov. 21, 2005 I, the undersigned officer of INTERNATIONALlIJl)ELITY INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compa"d the foregoing copy of the Pow.er of Attorney and affidavit. and the copy of the Section of the By~Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney. with the ORlGINALS ON . IN THE HOME OFFICE OF SAID COMPANY. and that the same are correct tranSCriptS thereof. and of the whole of1he -Said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has DOt been revoked and is now in fun force and effect 'IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereun", set my hand this 23rd day of December, 2003 '" IN TIlSTfMONY WHEREOF, I have hereun'" set my hand affixed my Official Seal. at the City of New!(k, New 1e(sey the day and year first above written. '., IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OBTAIN INFORMATION OR TO MAKE A COMPLAINT You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverage's, rights or complaints at 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: PO BOX 149104 Austin, Texas 78714-9104 Fax (512) 475-1771 PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES Should you have a dispute concerning you premium or about a claim, you should contact the company first. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. CalRar Construction. Inc. August 22, 2003 City of Addison Engineering Dept. Attn: Dave Wilde Site Utilities Sub-Contractor: CalHar Construction, Inc. General Contractor: Abstract Construction Services, Inc. Civil Engineer: Sasaki Interdisciplinary Design Project: Addison Arts & Events District Location: Addison Road & Addison Circle -Addison, Texas Site Utilities: Water/Sanitary Sewer/Storm Sewer for the Town of Addison Arts & Events District: ITEM DESCRIPTION DEMOLITION I Remove Manhole Cone and Abandon 2 Remove/Salvage Hydrant, Meter, Valves 3 Remove/Dispose of Storm Pipe 4 Remove/Dispose of Hose Bib Water Line 5 RemovelSalvage Water Hose Bibs 6 Remove/Dispose ofCatch Basin 7 Cap Existing Line at Manhole 8 Cut/Cap Stonn Line 9 Abandon Existing Valve WATER 1 12" Ultra Blue (C909) 2 8" Ultra Blue (C909) 3 6" Ultra Blue (C909) 4 4" Ultra Blue (C909) 5 6" Ultra Blue (C909) Fire Hydrant Lead 6 12" Gate Valve 7 8" Gate Valve 8 6" Gate Valve 9 8" MeterNault 10 8" BackflowNault II 2 " Copper Line 12 3/4" Copper Line 13 112" Copper Line 14 3/4" Yard Hydrant 15 24xl2 Tapping Sleeve & Valve (On RCCP) 16 Cased Bore for 12" Line 17 Cut/Connect to Existing 8" Line 18 Connect to Existing 2" Valve 19 Standard Fire Hydrant 20 Remove/Replace Quorum Drive Pavement 21 Remove/Replace Asphalt Pavement 22 Remove/Replace Addison Road Pavement 23 Fountain Vault Only 24 Fittings QTY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL 3 EA $ 1,100.00 5 EA $ 300.00 21 I LF $ 10.00 330 LF $ 5.00 3 EA $ 200.00 2 EA $ 300.00 3 EA $ 450.00 I EA $ 700.00 I EA $ 200.00 TOTAL $ 12,010.00 1176 LF $ 20.00 2607 LF $ 16.00 52 LF $ 15.00 120 LF $ 15.00 161 LF $ 15.00 3 EA $ 1,140.00 17 EA $ 700.00 7 EA $ 535.00 2 EA $ 19,600.00 2 EA $ 8,065.00 270 LF S 17.00 631 LF $ 16.00 365 LF $ 15.00 25 EA $ 180.00 2 EA $ 4,600.00 65 LF $ 185,00 I EA $ 400.00 I EA $ 200.00 6 EA $ 1,285.00 1O SY $ 55.00 225 SY $ 55.00 10 SY $ 55.00 28 EA $ 325.00 28 EA $ 325.00 TOTAL $ 221,393.00 Page 1 of2 2138 CalHar Drive '" Melissa, Texas 75454 * Office 9721838-2888 * Fax 9721838·2299 PAGE20F2 SANITARY SEWER I 8" SDR 35 1093 LF $ 16.50 2 6" SDR35 517 LF S 15.50 3 4" SDR35 15 LF $ 15.00 4 411 Cleanout II EA $ 165.00 5 4' Diam. Manhole (5' -15' Deep) 7 EA $ 2,300.00 6 Connect to Existing Manhole (11' -15' Deep) 2 EA $ 615.00 7 Drop Connection (7' Deep) 2 EA $ 900.00 8 Raise Existing Manhole (I' Depth) I EA S 275.00 9 RemoveIReplace Addison Circle Drive Pavement 20 SY $ 55.00 10 Remove/Replace Brick Paved Sidewalk 150 SF $ 7.00 TOTAL $ 48,743.00 STORM SEWER 36" RCP CL III 153 LF $ 60.00 2 24" RCP CL III 387 LF $ 39.00 3 21" RCP CL III 171 LF $ 36.00 4 18" RCP CL III 1018 LF $ 32.00 5 IS" RCP CL III 1009 LF $ 30,00 6 811 Trench Drain 6 LF $ 250.00 7 8"HDPE 24 LF S 16.00 8 4" Sch. 40 Kiosk Utility Box Drain Line (See Note # 17) 20 LF $ 16.00 9 4" Solid Underdrain (See Note #24) 1140 LF $ 11.&5 10 4" Perforated Underdrain (See Note #24) 1198 LF $ 17.35 II 2" Undetdrain Cleanout 12 EA S 75.00 12 7' Diam. Manhole (9' Deep) I EA $ 4,650,00 13 5' Diam. Manhole (4' -9' Deep) 10 EA $ 2,300,00 14 3x3 3x3 Type "A" Manhole (6' Deep) I EA $ 2,725.00 15 1.5xl Kiosk Utility Box (I' Deep) I EA $ 900.00 16 Precast 6' Curb Inlet (4' Deep) 8 EA $ 1,725.00 17 Precast 2X2 Area Drain (3'-6' Deep) 18 EA $ 1,060.00 18 Retention Field # 1 (See Note # 16) I EA S 29,500.00 19 Retention Field #2 (See Note # 15) I LS $ 41,500.00 20 Retention Field #3 (See Note # 18) 1 LS $ 24,500,00 21 Connect to Existing RCP in Addison Circle Drive I EA $ 600.00 22 Connect to Existing RCP in Addison Road 1 EA S 600.00 23 Connect to Existing Inlet 2 EA $ 425.00 24 Connect to Existing RCP 2 EA $ 425.00 25 Remove/Replace Addison Road Pavement 10 SY $ 55.00 26 RemovelReplace Addison Circle Drive Pavement 15 SY $ 55.00 27 Inlet Protection 26 EA $ 50.00 28 Planter Bed Gravel/FabricJPipe (Per Detail 7/L2-1) 1 LS No Charge TOTAL $ 295,903.30 Trench Safety/Pipe Testing TOTAL $ 22,950.70 TOTAL SCOPE AMOUNT: $ 601,000.001 NOTES: IYRiI 0% Maintenance Bond to be provided to the City of Addison upon completion of the above work. 2138 CalHar Drive * Melissa, Texas 75454 * Office 972/838-2888 * Fax 9721838·2299 I JUL 31 2003 15:21 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 16179237220 TO 919724061146--14 P.01/02 til facsimile date July 31, 2003 to Jim Dully C1;: Akm Ward. Slave HamweYI Cathy 8cker. Tlng Chong • SASAKI So••kl A»o<:iote. Inc. 64 PI"", ••• 5_, 02472 USA t 6179263300 f 6179242748 aompany JFD Group r..csimile n.. 972 406-1146 f...... Dove Clough praj... ......... A,b & Events Di,lTid 11"'_ 2 Jim, phone no. di.... lm. p...j......D. 6179237331 14516.05 direct lin.. 617 923 7331 I'm allUching our markup of grade inlormanon for the 51: comer of the site we received today from AbsiT -'" I' .. " I ~41---l---SK~3S MAte \ilflMl!II4'tfo e S(i. C".tflJie.P-e:f ~ S/~SAKI , ** TOTAL PAGE.02 ** Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 (Phone) 469·385-9723 (Fax) 469·385-9753 Abstract OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Minutes of Meeting No. 11 April 16, 2003, Wednesday 1:30 PM Meeting Addison Arts and Events Distriel Jobsi!e Page: Cover Sheet Localion: 15440 Addison Road Project No.: .. G02068E Project: Addison Arts & Events Distnct --~~..~--~... Here Attendee Company YIN Inilials Name Represented Y GAG Y Y y N Y N y Y N Craig Gaussiran Garth Rogers Jim Duffy Slade Strickland Luke Jalbert Steve Chulchian Ron Lee Dave Wilde Carmen Moran Jim Pierce Abstrael Construction Company Abstract Construction Company JFD Group Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison The attached minutes reflect the author's interpretation of what was discussed, detarmined or occurred at the above referenced meeting. If any attendee feels there has been a discrepancy or error in documenting the discussions, please notify the author in writing with in 5 days of receipt of these minutes. Otherwise these minutes will be deemed to be accurate and accepted as written by all parties in attendance. The Next meeting will be held at the following location, date and time: Location: Addison Arts and Events District Jobsite Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 15440 Addison Road Time: 1:30 PM Prepared By: Abstract Construction Company Craig A. Gaussiran Signed: .~~ -~~ .... Craig A Gaussiran Dated: 04116103__~.. __~.._~.. ~~.. __~.._ --------------1'.bstract COnstruction COmpany 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 (Phone) 469-385-9723 (Fax) 469-385-9753 Abstract OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Minutes of Meeting No. 11 April 16,2003. VVednesday 1:30 PM Meeting Addison Aris and Evenls District Jobsite Page: COver Sheet Location: 15440 Addison Road Projec1 No.: G02068E Projec1: Addison Aris & Events District --"" Here Attendee Company YIN Initials Name Represented y CAG Craig Gaussiran Abstract COnstruction COmpany y Garth Rogers Abstract COnstruction COmpany y Jim Duffy JFD Group y Slade Strickland Town of Addison N Luke Jalbert Town of Addison y Steve Chutchian Town of Addison N Ron Lee Town of Addison y DaveVVilde Town of Addison y Carmen Moran Town of Addison N Jim Pierce Town of Addison The attached minutes reflect the author's interpretation of what was discussed, determined or occurred at the above referenced meeting. If any attendee feels there has been a discrepancy or error in documenting the discussions, please notify notify the author in writing with in 5 days of receipt of these minutes. Otherwise these minutes will be deemed to be accurate and accepted as written by all parties in attendance. The Next meeting will be held at the following location. date and time: Location: Addison Arts and Events District Jobsite Date: VVednesday, April 30, 2003 15440 Addison Road Time: 1 :30 PM Prepared By: Abstract COnstruction COmpany Craig A. Gaussiran Signed: Craig A. Gaussiran ----------Dated: 04116103 ___ OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Meeting No.: 12 Page No.: 1 Project: G02068E· Addison Arts & Events District Item No. Description Status Opened Due Action Required By Closed 03 • Schedule Open 04116103 Abstract is requesting the schedule for the Pavilion by Big Sky. This is needed so we may properly schedule completion of our original scope. 06 -Cost Issues --------~ Open 04116103 eMU backup and concrete footing Bulletin #4 and Bulletin #5 Deduct for boring. 07· RF"s and Architect's Supplementallns~tru~ctc...ion~s~___________________ Open 01/06103 RFIlog is attached for review. 08 • Submittals Open 01/06103 Submittal log attached for review. 10 • Safety Open 01/06103 12 • Miscellaneous Issues Type C fixture added in Bulletin tf!2 will have the pendants run East and West w~h the flood light facing south. 15· New Business --Closed Fountain vault discussion. 04/01/03 ----_..... __.._-04/16103 Closed Approval of aggregate walks. 04/01/03 04/16/03 Closed 04/01/03 Storm tie-in on Addison Road and Addison Circle. 04/16/03 Closed 04101103 04/16103 Stone sample approval. OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Meeting No.: 12 Page No.: 2 Project: G02068E -Addison Arts & Events District Item No. Description Status Opened Due Action Required By Closed Open 04/02103 Town of Addison -Ron Lee Bubblers will be addad to the trees bY the pavilion. This will be added once all irrigation changes are completed. Open 04/30/03 Transformer at the comer of Addison Road and Addison Circle Drive is leaking. Open 04130/03 Gas valve Is in the approach at Addison Road. STATUS RFI LISTING A-AWAITING RESPONSE ." R -RESPONSE RECEIVED Abstract Project: [RFiNO. iSpec Sec r-·-I [:-=-1 Date: 4130103 Page No: 1 . -o·rlglnatlng --.'---. --.. -. RFI Subject jDate Sent [ Data ! Data Status Days Reference Contractor I Vendor -___..... ~o~ Cal Har I~~ @i2--.-I~~~~d & Associates, 03000 . _ [003--1 t;oo L~ __ ~:~5 .... tar:nSlruclion, Inc. lOoa . _I! CalHar ~nstruction, Inc'j Requestfor Area Drain Casting Clarification 02605 . Lo09~··· CalHar Co~~ruction, Inc. Req~~,;tfor ~ilffrap Catch Basin & Retention Manhole I02605 CastIng Clanncatlon L_..._. __.. ._..._ ~~-.I CaIH:r~nstruction, Inc. l:~Si:cruShed limestone In lieu of Select l~:~1-1 pjddle Sectnc Company ILight pole banners 012 !CaIHar ~nslructlon. Inc.! Revised submittal data for underdrain piping and Kiosk 1' 02600 , . Drainage L..._~..L....... . _ Sent To J Due Returned late Remarks 1-i ..•. -. ..-I .. 1-1 1 ___I I! Request for CAD disk for Site Utilities I' 12117102 I 12117102 I 12119102 R I 2 ! . . .JFD Group ! II Exposed Aggregate 112118102 1 12120102 12119/02 R I 1 !I .... jJFD Group ..' IBII:minous paversJ;;~~:1/06103 01107/03 _. R Ij_ 1~~crelesealerb~~IO:~~p[OlI06103 01/~8I~ R_~ L ' Clar:=on of Manhole ~vers IJ~~l:~:p 1 01/13103 01/10103J R I==L l:6 __ ~el~r ~nslructbn, Inc. \ Field:yo~tverificat.,n lJ~~l:~~p101/17103 01/17/03 R I~__ .! \007 !CalHar ~nslruclion, Inc. IPost Hydrant Product Data for Approval 01/17103 .1 01/17/03 01/17/03 R 1 I I 0264~_ J_ I .J~[)Group I I 01/17/03 1 01/17/03 01/28103 R 11 . I Town of Addison c/o JFD Group I '! 01/1iro3101'17103 01/20103----~. . JFD Group .. _ ..__...-::-::-....,~:-:::.. _ . __~ _____••L___ IJ~~2;:~lnOll~03 01120~:3~1 R _ L-J_..____~ IJ~~2;:~p101123103 01/21~ R .L~~ . 01/28/03 I 01131/03 01/30/03 R L JFD Group . -... .. STATUS RFI LISTING A -AWAITING RESPONSE .:I. R -RESPONSE RECEIVED Abstract Project: 2068 • Addison Arts & Events District Date: 4130103 Page No: 2 ~ RFI No. Originating RFI Subject Date Sent Date-~ Dale Si~tus I i~; I Reference [spec Sec ~~ontractor lVendor ~~ SanlTo Due Returned Late Remarks ~ ~~ ---~ !O~CalHar Construction, Inc. !Re~ ubmitlal data for underdrain piping and Kiosk 1 01129103 I 02101103 02103103 R ~26()Ql_1~:' __~~ JFD Gro~ up 1 1014 ICalHar Construction, Inc. \ Request Clarification on Valve box lid specifications. I 01/29/03 I 02103103 I 02103103 R I I 102600 I mu~_m ~_~~ mu_m ITown of Addisonclo JFD Group I 15 Abstract Construction Coordinates at 10313 \ 02103103 I 02108/03 I 02103103 R I 1 Company ~ ~ ~ ~ L-----1~ ~01330 Town of Addison c/o JFD Group---~--~~ ~~~nd & AsSOCiates, IConcrete ~Ievations \ 02103/031 021°8103 1 02104/031 R_I I. lO!ooo_ . ~ Town of Addison c/o JFD Group ~;~o_f~~d:Assoclate:'jCon:ete Mix design 1~~:~~~~::~~~~0~~;~p~031~~ R_L_f-I--~-~~-~1a~~~_ J CalHar Construction, Inc. ISpecificaflons for Fountain Vault lifting lugs 02113103 1 02118/031 04103/03 I R ~ IO~50~_I_~~_L Town of Addison c/o JFD Group ~ ___ L ----~~--I l~19JcaIHar:nstruction, Inc. I~~~~:diustment:r s10rm drainage manholes and area T:::~:d~i;~:~~F~ G~:u;/03 I R I 1~20 Johns1on Products of II Additional information on Stainless steel expansion 02114/03 I 02119103 I 02121103 R I 2 I' ~~~ Dallas, Inc. ~ . ~~ l...~-c----"----J~--__I, , ' Town of Addison c/o JFD Group I i021 \ ! 02127/03 103104/03 1 03/05103 1 R 1 02605, ITown of Addison c/o JFD Group t22 mrddl~Electnc Company \ CamLok Pan~l~ , \T:~~;~~iS;~0;J~~::I=-___ I02~__1 Riddle Electric Company IConduit Stubs l03103103 I 03l08103u I 03/0li'03~ Inm ,~ I I ,~~,_ ,~ __J" ~_, Town of Addison clo JFD Group __~~'_ j , 1024 ICalHar Construction, Inc. IADA Grates & Grease Trap Hood for Catch Basin I03107103 I 03112103103119103J R_i~~ L~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Town of Addison c/o JFD GrouP~_~~~___J !025 !Riddle Electric Company! Pergola Lighting \ 03110103 I 03/15103 I 03119103 I R I 4 I I_~~~u~ ___ .~~~~u .~ .~ ~ Town of Addison c/o JFD Group STATUS RFI LISTING A· AWAITING RESPONSE ." R • RESPONSE RECEIVED Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District r--___---r -.-. RFI No. Originating RFI Subject Spec Sec Contractor 1Vendor I026_ td~le:lecbic Company I~FI's at~ergOla columns ~27 _\ CalHar Construction, Inc. Manholes and Catch Basins L ... 28 Johnston Products of Ornamental RaIling ~Da llas, Inc. [029 ~1 ~~n-;~~~ons!ruCtio;;-l Waterproofing at the upper and lower channels-·· ~3i5~ .i~~:~;onstruction .\ Sump pit at main stage L lu-.___ !ro1 Riddle Electric Company L. . I. .. ..._ 032 CalHar Construction, Inc. I. 1~ .. ~03~. . I~~~~d & Associates, L ~ I033J'.·--ti'~~d 8. Associates, L ~. I~~~~d & Associates, L-.~... 1035 __ !~~~~:~~:. Pump \ Switch gear in the Main Stage .....~. Water line tie-In .. I Channel connection details L . Channa Connection Details Part II Footing at Main Stage Date: 4130/03 Page No: 3 .-.. ~~!~ Date Dale Sent To Due Returned \ T::~O~~:ddiS:::O~FD G~~1:/03 I 03111/03·\ 03/16103 03/14/03 .Town of Addison clo JFD Group 03111103 1 03111/03 03/14/03 . ,--.-,-----,.. Slat:J DB) Reference Lal Remarl;;'TF~b Days! Status I AlE Number Section Description i Req'd Sub . R.C'~ to AlE from AlE Returned SubNend Date! AIlowed I Rev 02810 IRRIGATION SYSTEM 02810-001 02815 FOUNTAINS 02815-001 10281~ IGreenscapepl.lmp Servlce:r,:;c:01f03l03 Product Data 02815-002 I 02815iGeorgia Fountain Company, Inc. i 01/03103 101ii.i3i03 I 01l06/03101113f031 01/10/03 T01110/03 103/20/031 01/06/03 I 01106/03 101/06/031 01/121031 01/10/03 I01/10103 I 69 RR~ I AP I 41 01106/03 Fountain Shop Drawings 1 02815-oo1A I 02815IGreenscape Pump Service,lnc. I 01/16/03 101/16/03 I01/161031 01/231031 01/20/031 01/20/03 1031201031 59 i AN 41 01/03/03 Product Data -Exhaust Fan Resubmiltal 02816 DRINKING FOUNTAINS r Shop Drawings 02824 ORNAMENTAL METAL FENCE AND GATE r 02824-001 102824 -1.04 Semples 02838 STONE WALL 02838NSU 02870 SITE FURNISHINGS 02870-001 1 02870 -1.04 IVictor Stanley, Inc. 02111/03 Shop Drawings -Trash Receptacle *·*Color is Black"'· -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------AP -Appl'OV$d or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE ." BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 04/30103 ---------Spec Subcontractor I Vendor Date Date Date Due Section Description Rec'dSub to AlE from AlE Date AlE -=l Returned l W ..... .., Dubmiltai Dale T~I 0~1w;,;y Fab Days 1st~I~; AlE Numbe SubNond Date Allowed ~ 1 02870-()02 I 02870·1,04 1Victor Stanley, Inc_ 02111103 I 02111103 1 0211110:11 02f21f()3 1 02112103 I 02113103 I 051121031 88 I AP ~ 02111103 Shop Drawings -Bench *-Color is Black*** 03100 CONCRETE FORMS AND ACCESSORIES 03100-001 I 03100-1,04 I Samples 03100-002 103100-1.Q4 [ I ""L..I__ I NS I L--.-'--_ Product Data 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT I03300-oo7R1To3200ICalHarConstruclion, Inc: I 04110103 104111/03104/21/03104/161031041171031 1 AN5J 04111103 Revised reinforcing drawings fur Fountain Vault per Change on Bullelln #3 L03200-001 1 03200-1,05 I Strand & AsSOCiates, LLC, 1 01/31/03 I 01/31/03 101131/031 021151031 02105103 1 02105103 I .1 1 AN i 51 01/31/03 Shop drawings ,-_.... 03200-002 03200Certified Copy of Mill Test of reinfurclng steel 03300 CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE -FOUNTAIN VAULT 03300-007 I 03300-1 CaIHar Construction, Inc. --.." 02118103 1 03103103 I03/03f03Iil3ii3f()31 03/06103 [<)3106103 I r AN 31 02121103 Mix Design -Fountain Vault 02121103 Waterstop· Fountain Vault 02121/03 Aluminum Access Hatchway· Fountain Vault 02121103 Unk Seal -Fountain Vault 02121/03 Reinforcement -Fountain Vault I033()()~008 j 03300-1 Strand & Associates, LLC,j 1 04/1lli03 L()4!~4/03j04/241031 04/16103j04/17/03 L 1AP 1 21 u 04/14103 Lockstop • Mastic Walerstop for concrete concslruclion 03300-0011 03300 -1,04 1 Strand & Associates, LLC, I 0111,4/03 I oiii4/03JOl/141031 01119/03101/201031 01120103 I --L._--C!RR 1 6i m 01/14/03 Mix Designs AI' -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to /lJE ." BY SPEC SECTION Abat;ract; Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 04130/03 Submittal Spec Subcontractor I Vendor Date Date Duo I Date AlE I Number Section Description to JAlJI!E from AlE Returned 103300:002f033OO-1.04 iStrand & AsSOCiates, LLC. 01/27/031 01/27/03 101/27103]01127/031 02lO510:q02J05103Io2illilO3l -4 01127/03 Manufacturer's Product Data 1Concrete Accessories Cork Expansion Material I 03300-003 I 03300· 1.04 I I NS I Schedule for Execution of Concrete Work 1 03300-004 I 03300·1.04 I , NS Shop Drawings of Structural Concrte items I-03-3-00--00-1R-1~ 1-0-33-00--1-.0-4 ~I---------I -01/~141~03~ 1~ 01~/28~1030 '0721~04~/03~1 0~21=141O031~ 0~211~0/0~3 ~I 02,11_0/0-3 -I ~~--_,~,_~, Strand & Associates, LLC. AP 6J 02104103 Mix Designs Expose" Aggregate Paving 02104/03 Mix Designs Slabs and Walls 03300-005 1 03300-1.04 1Strand & Associalas, LLC. 1 01/27/031 02104/03 I 02l0~031 021151031 02110103 102l10/03[ 02101103\ -9 J AP 51 02105103 02105103 Manufacturer's Product Data 1Concrete Accessories -Waterstop Sample Waterstop "'--03-30-0-_0-0-6""'1 03300-1.04 IStrand -&-Ass-oCl-'a-te-s-,LLC. 01127103 1 02105103 102106/031 021161031 041031031 04107/03 102101/031 -65 1 AN~ 02106/03 Cork Expansion Material -Sample I03300.002Rl[03:3ao u ·-:------1 02liOlOaui 01/27103 Manufacturer's Product Data 1Curing Compound 02l1()/03 102112103102122103102119/03102120/03 102117/031 -3 AP 71 03450 ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE 03450-001 I 03450-002 Product Data 1 03450-1.04 IT I NS I Shop Drawings .~:-:-::-:-~--'--:---:----'--:-. l03450-O03 I 03450-1.04[. ....__ I NS I Calculations 03450-004 1 03450 -1.04 J _ ."----___.t ________ "----__ '--_---L-_-'-------'-INSLJ u Inital Selection Samples AI' -Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR • Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted 10 AJE &1 BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 04/30/03 I ~~ Submittal Spec Subcontractor I Vendor Number Seelion Description 03450-005 03450-1 ~04 I . ~~~~ Date Req'd Sub Dat~ ~ -~ Toate D~el DateNE nOal~T~ ID.I1~~'; Fab =i~fa~US! AlE Rec'd Sub to AlE from AlE Returned SubNend Date Allowed i Rev I~ ~··I· ···1····NS i Verification Samples I 03450-006 I 03450-1.04 I I NSU Test Reports 04200 BRICK MASONRY _L Samples 04200-002 I 04200-1.06 IDee Brown, Inc, I 02117103 I 02117103 I021211031 031031031 03106103 I03106103 I I AP 13 1 02121103 Product Data -Wire reinforcing, rock wall ties, brick wall ties 02121103 CMU Certification Leiter 02121103 Type "S" Mortar Design 02121/03 Type "N" Mortar Design .~--04270 GLASS UNIT MASONRY ~ Product uata 04270-03 I 04270-1.04 IDee Brown, Inc, 02117103 102117103 102121/031 031031031 03106103~1 03106103 I T AP 13 1 02121103 Type "S" Lime Certification Letter 02121103 Grey Portland Cement Certification Leiter L04270.02 I 04270 -1.04 1 I NS I Samples 04430 QUARRIED STONE ""' ._i f04430-003Rl I 04430~ IDee Brown, Inc. .L..__-l._04..I.. 16103J04I1Sf031 04128103]041281031 04128103L [ I~R I 10 1 04/18103 Shop drawings -Limestone 04430-001 I 04430-1.05 IDae Brown, Inc. 1 03131103 1 03131/03 I 031311031 04104/031 SU 30 I 03131103 Samples -Machine Smooth Buff Lueders Range Samples 04430-0021 04430-1.05 I I NS I manufacturer's Product Data I I AP • Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR· Revise and Resubmit .., NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts &Events District Data: 04/30/03 -----~------,--,---------___-"'aga;8 Submittal 1 Spec Subcontractor I Vendor Dale Date Date IDate Due I Date AlE Date To Delivery Fab Days Status AlE [ Number Section Description Req'd Sub Roc'd Sub to AlE from AlE !I Returned SublVend Dato AllOWed Rev 1-04430-003 1 04430-1.05 1 Dee Brown, Inc. 02117/03 1 02117/03 1021241031 03106/03 r03/19/031 03119103 1--1 RR J 231 02124103 Shop Drawing 04430-004 I 04430-1.05 :~__~~~__~_________~______~____~____~____~____~____-L____~____~__~~ Test Reports 04430-005 1 04430-1.051L________--'--_-----'__...L.._---"--_---'__--'--_-----L_-----1 I NS 1 Contractors Review 1_04430-006 ------------------,--:-:I 04430-1.~ __ ~eBrCl\'.'n,lnc.03l3~03103l31~03 103131/031 04/04/031 04/07/031 04/07103 I I AP 1 71 03131103 Samples -Ostrich Slate Tile Range Samples 1 04430-007__ 1 04430-1.05 1 Dee Brown, Inc. 1'03131103 ,-<)3131103 I03/31/0!j 04/()4/Q3104/07!()3~4/07/~1___ I AP I 71 03131103 Samples -Quanied Stone 04430-008 I 04430-1.05 IDee Brown, Inc. 03/31/03 I 03131103 103/31/03104/04103 L()4/16i03 1Q~117/03 I I AN 1161 03131/03 Samples -Leuder's Limestone 04430-009 104430-1.05 I Dee Brown, Inc. 03131103 i 04/11/03 104/11/03104/15/03104116103104/17103 I I AP 51 04114103 Samples -Granite 04430-010 I 04430· 1.05 IDee Brown, Inc. 03/31/03 I 04/11/03 I 04111/031 04115/031 04116/03 I 04117103 I I AP I 51 04/14103 Samples -Brick 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL 105120-001 ! 05120-1.MI L__ Ln 1,,___ 1 1 NSL.] Product Data 1 05120-002 I 05120-1.04 1 ,LI__'--_---'__----' L~_I Shop Drawings 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS· PERGOLA 05500-001 I 05500-1.04 I Johnston Products of Dallas, Inc. 01/28103 Shop Drawings -Pergola 05500-002 105500-1.04 J_ohnston P:-r-o-d"'"u-c-ts-ofC"D=--a'"Cll-as-,-ln-c.----.------.l 103117/031 03/27/031 03119/03 ! 03l19/Q3 1 --1...-_1 AP 2J 03117/03 Engineered Pergola Drawings 1 M' • Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR • Revise and Resubmit NS • Not Submitted su • Submitted to AlE t.1 BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts &Events District Date: 04/30/03 Page: 9 ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ n~ ~~,-m __ nl Submittal I Spec Subcontraclor I Vendor Dale Dale Date Due Dato AlE D.le To Delivery I F.b Days AlE Number Section Descripllon Req'd Sub Roc'd Sub from AlE Returned SubNend Date t~~IQWed Rev 05500-003 I 05500~1.04 I Caiculauons i~5500-004 1 05500.1.04LI-=--=----:c----------'I 1~SLJ Welders Certification 05530 METAL GRATING I 00030·001 1 051530-1.04--"___ Product Data "--_'-------lIn ~~~~~ [ In ~~~~~ I ~ I NSLJ 05530·002 I 05530·1.04 IJohnston Products of Dallas, Inc. L01/31/03 I 02I1210~ 102113/031 02l231()3102l24/031 02l24/~3 I In ~ •• ~~ IAN I 11 I 02113103 Shop Drawings 05530·003 I 05530· 1.04 1Johnston Products of Dallas, Inc. I 04/11/03 I04/11/031 041211031 04/16103 I04117/03 I 1 AP In. 5J 04/11/03 Sample· Metal Grating 05700 ORNAMENTAL METAL 05700-001 I 05700-1.06 IJohnstOn ProdUcts of Dallas, Inc. 02121/03 I RR I 2°1 02121/03 Product Data • Fountain Pylon L05~0~().~2 05700· 1.06 Johnston Products of Dallas, Inc. 02113103 1~02l13103 I02118/031 021281031 03/06/03 I03/06103 I AN 16 1 02118103 Shop Drawings· Handrails 05700-003 I 05700·1.06 I 1 05700·004 Field Measurements 1 05700· 1.06 I I NS I calculations 05700·005 I 05700· 1.06 I Verification Samples l,ll,5~00-006 I 05700.1:(J6 IJohnston Products of Dallas, Inc. ~~I . ,-I----' I 02128/03 103/101031 03/20/031 04108/031 04/08/03 , 1 , NS RR I I J 29 1 03/10/03 Shop Drawings· Frames, Stair rails, expansion joint covers and ladder 05700-007 I 05700-1.06 IJohnston Products of Dallas, Inc. ml 02128103 103110/031 03120/031 03126/031 04/01/03 Im l I AP j . 161 03110103 Shop Drawings· Fencing and sliding gate. L..__-'-__ L..__-'-__ .II nnLm __ AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITIAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE t.1 BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 04130103 .. ----------------Paae: 10 i Submittal 1 Number Spec Section ~~ Subcontractor I Vendor Description Oat. Req'dSub Date Rec'dSub Date IDate Du. Dale AlE Date To Dellvel}' Fab Days IStatuslAlE to AlE ; from AlE Returned su~~~nd" _Date _ _ AI~~~ed L____~~v I I0570(}'()06R1 05700-1.06 Johnston Products of Dallas, Inc. ------04/21/03 04/251()31 051051031 I I I I SU 1 5 i I 07110 BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING 0711 0-001 J0711(l-1.041LeWis~.le WatEi,:p-ro-ofi=-ng-,--'I-nc-.-----.-0=21-:':1-=01-=03:-;-'--::--.=•-".'.::- •:=. .c-r:,.=.':.:•:-.:-.:.::-."" --:."',-.:•::"•.':•:,:.: -;,--:.",.",..-".,c•:-•:" "r.:::.,:.:•:-.=-.:.::-.,.. -,-,----,----;,-:-:-::-0,--:.c:-1.I 02121103 Product Data I 07110-002 I 07110-1.04 I -L---_L-I_-->1 I NS I Certification 03110103 Shop Drawings· Frames, Stair rails, expansion joint covers and ladder 07135 SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING L0713:;.001 .1 07135-1.04 1Lewisville Waterproofing, Inc. 02110103 I 02112103 1021211031 031031031 03106103 I03106103 I AP 13 I 02121103 Product Data -Mira On 6601861 02121103 Product Data -Miradrain 6000 I 07135-002 I 07135-1.04 I uLI__-'-__-'I NS---LI---, Samples 07135-003 I 07135-,...1._04--'--1__=---:--______ I NS I Manufacturer's Review L 07135-004 1°7_135-1.04 L ~ 07135-005 substrate acceptabilily I 07135-1.04 LNS I-I I 07135-006 Statement of Supervision 1 07135-1.04 I 1 NS I_I Certification 07900 JOINT SEALERS 07900-001 J 07900-1.04 ILewisville Watarproofing, Inc. IRR I 13 1 ~~~--~--~--02121/03 Product Data -Sonolaslic "NP2" 02/21103 Product Data -Sonolastie "SL1" I---:O-=790=~~::0-,-00:-:-=2-107900-1.04 ILewiSVille Waterproofi~g. Inc. I 02110/03 I 02119103 I 02121/031 031031031 03117/031 03119/03 I JAI'~ 02121103 Initial Selection Samples -Color Chart ------------AP • Approved or Reviewed NR· No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR· Revise and Resubmlt .., NS • Not Submitted su • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 04130103 Paae: 11 .. ~... Submittal Spec Subcontractor I Vendor Date Date Delivery AlE Number 1 Sectl~ DesCriptIon Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub Date Rev -~----Ln07900-003 I 07900· 104 I NS I m l Test Reports 08110 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08110-001 1 08110-1.051,_..._.~_ ···1 i NSLJI I Shop Drawings .----~-.... ~-~-... I 0811(}'002 108110.1.05 I .___.'--_.. L Product Data 09900 PAINTING 09900-001 I 09900·1.04 INaylorComl11efciallnteriors,lnc. --' I NS I I Product lJata ~9oo-002 09900· ___-J,_~~~-~---------L----~--- -~-----L-----L-----L-----L----~--~--~--~ Inital Color Selection Samples 09900-003 i • __no. :::.:.-J 0._9__9_0_.0. -1..~04 I ._____.. ---------~---L..-_ I I NSLJ Verlfiction Samples 10210 METAL WALL LOUVERS 12010-001 I 10210-1.04 INS I Shop Drawings ~__~~~~~______~__~__~~__~__~~__~__L.... LJ Manufacturers Literature 15010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL .__1 [LJNSJ J Product Data 15010-002 15010-1.5 . il..-__....L..__---'. L-----'-_-'--IN_SL I . .c..1__-'-----'Manufacturer's Specifications 15010-003 I 15010-1.5 I I I NS I Manufacturer's Specifications AP • Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR • Revise and Resubmit NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE &1 BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 04130/03 ...1'l!ge: 12 .. ~~l Su IHaI Spec Subcontractor (Vendor AlE j Nomber Section Description m··· ----R~vJ 16010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK 16010-001 116010-1,06 IRlddle Electric Company 1 01129103162165103102107/031 02iw03[ 03107103f03!07io3 I 1 ANTlil] 02107/03 Service Entrance Equipment ~16:-:0:-:10-:--0::-:0C::2-' I'16010-1.06 I~iddi~ Electric Company' 1 01/29/03 1 02105103 102107/031 021171031 03/071031 03/07/03 1 1 . I AN I 28 1 02107103 Panel Boards 16010-003 116010-1,06 i J I NS I Raceways -_... 16010-004 .1 16010·1.06 LNS Wiring 16010-005 I 16010-1.06 IRiddle Electric Company 01/29/03 I 02105103 I02107/031 021171031 03/07103 I03/07103 1 I AN I 28 1 02107/03 Wiring Devices Ll6010-006 I 16010-1,06 IRiddle Electric Company I 01/29103 I 02105103 102107/031 02117/031 03107/03 I 03107103 I I AN I 28 1 02107/03 Disccnnect Switches 16010-007 I 16010-1.06 I Riddle Electric Company 01/29103 I 02105103 I 02107/031 02117/031 03/07/031 03/07103 I I AN ,~ 02107103 Camlocks I 16010-008 116010.1.06 IRiddle Electric Company I 01/29103 I 02105103 I 02107/031 021171031 03/07103 I03107103 I I AN I 281 Lighting Controls -----_... I AN I I 16010-009 I 16010·1.06 IHiddle Electric Company. 02lii5l03102J07/()~T()2fl iiiii3I'o2i2iil03J03t07lO3·1 0~07/03Jm 25 1 02110/03 Fuses 16010-010 I 16010-1.06 IRiddle Electric Company nuLOl/29/0~J02l05lii3102l07103Iii2l17/031 03/07l03l 03l07103L nulm I ANI· 28 1 02107103 Transformers I 16010-011 I 16010-1.06 I I NS L __ _ Terminal Blocks I 16010-012 16010-1:,o'C6 ..l1,-________ I NS I Cabinets 16010-013 I 16010·1.06 IRiddle Electric Company 01/29103 I 02105/03 102107/031 02117/031 03/071031 03107103 I I AN I 28 1 02107103 Lighting Fixtures AP • Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR • Revise and Resubmit .., NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 04130/03 ~~~~ ~ Submittal Spec Subcontractor 1Vendor Date Date Dale Da~l)ue Dal~T~~rD~IIve'; Ii Dol. AlE F~;':a:!~;!IAIE Number Section Description Req'dSub Rec'dSub to AlE fro~m AlE Returned SUbIVend Date Allowed LR.V~ U 1601()"014 PICC16""OCC10"'_=1.'=Os::=lI"'R""id=Cdl=a=EI'"ectr='=ic=:CoO==m=pa=n=y====TI""07 1/"='29="1O="3'T702/: 70::;51=:0"='3=T1""0'O'21""07=/0~3I02J17I031 03107/03 I 03107/03 I T I AN I 28 1 02107/03 Boxes I 16010-013R1 1 16010-1.06 IRiddleElectricCompany I 104/07103104/08103104/231031 04/181031 04117103~1 RR 10 1 04108/03 Lighting Fixtures 1 16010-002Rl 1 16010-1.06 1Riddle Electric Company 1 03107/03 1 04107103 104/081031 04/231031 041181031 04117/03 I 1 ~~m I AN I 10 1 04108103 Panel Boards I 16010-010Rl 116~010-1.06 I Riddle Electric Company I 04107103 I04/08103 1041231031 04/18103 1041171031 lAP 1 10 1 04/08103 Transformers I16010-007R1 I 16010-1~Rlddle Electricec.mpany 04f()7/03TO"108J03T().4/~3i()3r04/18/031 0-1/17/03 I L:..::--"~.L 10 J 04/08/03 Camlocks I16010-014R1 I 16010-1.08 1 Riddle Electric Company I 04107103 104108/031 041231031 041181031 04117/03 I I RR 1 101 04108/03 Boxes L16010-005R1 I 16010-1.06 1Riddle Electric Company I 04107/03 I04108/031 041231031 041181031 04117103 1 I AP I 10 I 04108103 Wiring Devices !16010-013R2! 16010-1.06 IRiddle Elect~rtcCompany I 04121103 1041251031 05/10103 1 1 SU I 51 04108/03 Lighting Fixtures "'IWi6W;;~ SCHEDULE f----.-~ I ,. I rn! rn! rn! ELLIPSE eLeCTRTICAL UNDERGROUND FORM WALKS ReBARliNSPECT POUR #1 FOUNTAIN PLAZA VAULT INSTALL SLEEVES CLOSE WALLS POUR WALLS WATER CHANNELS /LOWeR CHANNeLiLAB I BACKFILL ./REBAR FIXTURes POUR UPPER CHANNEL SLABS BACKFILL REBAR FIXTURES POUR MAINSTAGE FORM ROOF REBAR INspeCT POUR FESTIVAL WAY GRADING FORMING ReBAR I ~;~a;;/nM:ir~1i031 5 days Mon 4128103 2 dB)l1l MOIl 4128103 1day Wed 4/3Q103 1day Thu 511103 1day Fri 6/2103 i; day. Men 4128103 5day. Men 4I281Q3 3dB)I1I Moo 4128103 1day Thu 611103 1day Frl6/2lO3 18 day. Mon 4121/03 7 day. Mon 4128103 0dB)l1l Moo 4128103 4 dB)I1I Mon 4128103 2 dB)I1I Frt 6/2103 1day Tue 516103 18 dayl Mon 4121103 10 dB)I1I MOM 4121103 4 dB)I1I MOM 518103 3 dB)I1I Fri 1519103 1day Wed 8/14i03 7 day. Wed 4123103 4 daye Wed 4123/03 1day Tue4l28lO3 1day Wed 4/3QI03 1day Thu 611103 11 daya Tue4/W03 4 daye Tue 4129103 4 daye Mon 815103 2daye Frt 619103 W:':A4lO3 I , H' 10 • " '" ,. '"'!" Q!"! I.. '0 I Frlll12103 •• Tue 4129103 Wed 4/3QI03 Thu 511103 Frl5l2lO3 Frl8I2I03 Frl5I2I03 ... 'II"" ""--i ..... Wed 4130103 Thu 511103 FrlIlI2I03 Wed 8114103 Tue 818103 Mon 4128103 Th" 511/03 Mon 515103 Tue 518103 Wed 8/14103 Frl6/2lO3 Thu 518103 Tus 5113103 Wed 8114103 Th:.i 811103 Mon 4I28IQ3 Tue4l28lO3 Wed 4/3QI03 Thu 511103 Tue 6/13103 Frl6/2lO3 Thu 515103 Mon 6112103 r:'~ Project. TWO WEEK SCHEDULE Dale: W~ 4130103 Task Splft Progr1'<)' ClJJ'.lG GAUSSwtAn ~ JI;,o 0l.!N'Y r "" p4Yt_m $ThveCM1-ITC~HlA ."t SVU>£""""~ 469,385.975:3 ~~ PHONt.o.wu.tlr:ot: ;",,'/1);:; 469.38S.!imea I AJ; RE(,lVCST'l'tO. HEREI$AN ClCECU'l"EO CON5mUCTlON CHJ\.NGf D!RI!:CTl'!E ON ll1£WOAK tlCSCRIOm IN 'fOUR PR004 "NO PROO5. Pu:.<.sE"fI&Tl.IRN AN ~UTED COl"lfTOMEM SOON AS POS£lBI..£. (972)456-7000. FAX (972)456-7043 5300 Belt LI.. Road March 17, 2003 Dear Addison Circle Business: I wanted to notify you ofan upcoming temporary change in parking availability as a result of the Addison Arts & Events District construction. Beginning late this week, we will begin staging construction materials for The Pavilion building located near the intersection of Addison Circle Drive and Witt Place. The Pavilion will be an outdoor catering service and special event building with kitchen and restroom facilities to serve the Arts & Events District. To stage the construction of the building, the TQwn's contractor will be fencing off approximately six parallel parking spaces along the sidewalk and near the corner of Quormn Drive and Addison Circle Drive moving west to the intersection of Witt Place. These parking spaces are all on the south side ofAddison Circle Drive. We anticipate these parking spaces will be needed throughout the construction period that should conclude in September. We apologize for any any inconvenience this may cause. We are excited about the opportunities the opening ofthe new Arts & Events District will bring to the community in the near future. The Town is working now to bring new events and activities to the area that we hope will benefit your business. Should you have any questions regarding the construction process, feel free to contact either Jim Duffy, Construction Project Manager at 972/241-2816 or me at 9721450-7010. Sincerely, . ~ /Chris Terry ~ Assistant City Manager cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager Carmen Moran, Development Services Director Mike Murphy, Public Works Director ~--Jim Duffy, Construction Project Manager rJ\/~ ~27 · I MAR-21-2003 FRI 07:45 AM ABSTRACT CONST FAX NO, 469 385 9753 p, 02 ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTION March 20, 2003 Mr,Jim Duffy ]FDGroUp 3887 Ridgdake Cowt Addison, T=s 75001 DearJim: Ducingthe Progress Meeting on March 19,2003 Change Order 1/2 was returned llllSi&ned until the dispute is resolved on the .dditional cost of supervision and field office per.lonneJ dire;tly attributable to the cbange, WIth keeping in accrndan"" with the Contract We are requesting that a O:lIlstruetion Cluing. Directive be prepgred for the ireJns in Cluinge Order 1/2. Per section 7.3.2 "ACon.struction Clang. Directive shall be used in the absence of total agreement on the tenns of a Change Oxder,· Per ,ection 7.3.1 the Coostruction Change Directive is "prepgred by the Const:ruaion Manager and signed by the Owner. ConstructionManagerandAl1:hitect, directing a cbange in theWork .• ,. Please fOl'W3l@F\..ASIi.NI::T SENOTO'; CARMEN MORAN STEVE CHUTCHIAN rROM: J'MDUFFY SLADE STRICKLAND FAX NUMBERS: 972.450.7043 972.450.2837 DATE: 3/18/03 972.450.2834 PHONENUMI3ER: DURGENT DREPLVASAP []PLEASECOMMENT DPLEASEREV'EW ~FORVOURINFORMATION TOTAL. PAGES, INCL.UDING COVER: 3 COMMENTS: LETTER TO ABSTRACT REGARDING REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION. CALL IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, HP LaserJet 3200S8 HP lASERJET 3200 invent MAR-18-2003 1:07PM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 46 3/18/2003 1:06:06PM Receive 9724061146 1: 04 3 OK Har J8 03 OI:COp Th• .JFO G.......p p-, -.CMME1o: MOHAN STevECH\ftCWAAr St..N»! SlRfCI(UU\lO ""'"' JlMOi.fITv ..,....... HU..IISf$; gnAro"!~::s 972.4!iO,Za37 972ASO.2.1!!134 J:Mn;; ~£I#.I~.-3/18/03 TOTAl..PAGES.tNCLUDINGCOllER: 3 LI':'rn:.I!,.o AUSHIACTREGAROINC n~O\.Iesr "OR 'nWE EZfl.'i.N.SION, CAL.1..IF YOU_'I£ OUc.snONS. Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy [jfdgroup@f1ash.netj Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 4:54 AM To: Craig Gaussiran Cc: Cannen Moran; Steve Chutchlan; Slade Strickland Subject: Weld Testing Craig, The Town has decided to do a visual inspection of the welds on the Pergola structure. The inspection and any subsequent testing will be done by Terra-Mar. Please send me the location of the material and a name and phone number for Terra-Mar to contact to coordinate their visit. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241. 2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5076 cell 1 Steve Chutchian From: Chris Terry Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 9:41 AM To: Michael Murphy Cc: Steve Chutchian Subject; FW: Staging for Pavilion Building Mike, FYIChris -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netJ Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:07 AM To: Harold Casler; Craig Gaussiran Co: Carmen Moran; Tom Dohearty; Chris Terry; Rob Bourestom Subject: Staging for Pavilion Building I talked with Assistant City Manager Chris Terry this morning regarding our discussion yesterday about staging for the Pavilion Building construction. We will be able to Use the parking spaces closest to the circle and across from the jeweler on Addison Circle Drive to stage materials for the building. Chris and I will meet with the jeweler tomorrow morning to explain our plan to him. Harold: We will need a traffic control plan including signs, routing, barricades, etc. we can share with the proper authorities in the town. We will also need the date you plan to implement and take over this area. We also have permission to stage the job trailer on the open property east of the Stone cottage across Addison Circle Drive from the building site. Harold: Please contact me when you are ready so we can meet on site with the Conference Center manager and identify the area to be used, fencing, restrictions on use, maintenance, etc. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 A.caLved: 3/13/03 6:50PM; 9724061146 -> TOWll of AddlS01'; Page 1 Mal" 13 03 06:48p The JFD Group 9724061146 p.l AODISON. TX 7500 1 SENCJTO: STEVE CHUTCHIAN FROM: JIM DUFFY ATTENTION: DATE: 3/13/03 FAX NUMSER: 972.450.2837 PHONE NUMBER.~ oURGENT 0 REPLYASAP 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLEASE REVIEW ~ FOR YOUR INFORMATION TOTAL PAGES, INCLUDING COVER: 3 COMMENTS: LETTER TO DAVE CLOUGH RE ABSTRACT DTSPUTE Received: 3/13/03 6!50PM; 9724061146 -> Town o~ Addison; Page 2 Mar 13 03 06:48p The .JFD Group 9724061146 p.2 JAMES F. DUFFY March 13, 2003 VTAFAX Mr. Dave Clough Sasaki Associates, Inc. 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02172 Re: Addison Arts & Events District Abstract Construction March 10 Letter Dear Dave: On March 10, 2003 Mr. Chris Robinson, Vice President of Abstract Construction wrote you a letter requestin'" your review of a dispute. His contract reference for his request was based on Paragraph 4.7.7 of the contract. [ believe it is more correct to address this issue through the provisions of Paragraph 4.8.4. of the Supplementary General Conditions. Regardless, the purpose of my letter is to share my reasoning for rejecting Abstract's claim for certain costs. Paragraph of the General Conditions is not cited completely correctly in Mr. Robinson's letter by stating "additional cost for supervision and field personnel directly attributable to the change" will be compensated. My evaluation was based on the ful11anguage of "additional cost ofsuperviSion and field office personnel directly attributable to the change" (emphasis added). A key phrase in my evaluation is "directly attributable to the change". Tn evaluating Abstract's proposals PROM and PR005 I deleted the money added to the subcontractor's quote, identified as self-performed work. Backup information submitted with the quote indicated the self-performed work to be time and labor burden for the project manager and superintendent The work in the proposals was subcontractor work involving modification of existing scope. It involved no new work by Abstract forces and no additional superVision by the full-time, on site superintendent. I therefore rejected the additional charge for superintendent time. In a subsequent telephone conversation even Mr. Robinson acknowledged the added superintendent time probably wasn't justified. I rejected the project manager time and burden because the project manager is not field office based. As a home office based member of their team, the project manager is covered by the 5'}1. markup allowed under the contract for "overhead and profit for extra work performed by a Subcontractor and supervised by (Abstract)". In his capacity as a home office based employee the project manager is covered by the markup. just like people in accounting or estimating who may perform duties relared to this project. 3887 RlDCELAKE COURT· ADDISON, TX • 75001 PHONE: 972.241.2816 • FAX: 972.406.1146 ]FDGROUP@FLASH.NlIT p.3 :eceived: 3"3/03 6:50PM; 9724061146 ~> Town o. Addison; Page 3 Mar 13 03 06:48p The JFD Group 9724061146 -2-Marchl3-2003 Abstract has internaUy decided to charge the project manager as "Direct Job Cost" and that is an acceptable practice, but it is Abstract's decision as a company. The Town should not be expected to pay extra costs because of their policy. Other companies do not follow the same practice. They carry the project manager cost as part of their markup or have estimators handle such things as pricing changes, handling submittals, shop drawings, etc. I look forward to receiving your decision on this matter. Please reel free to contact me if you have questions on any of the above. cc: Chris Robinson Carmen Moran Steve Chutchian Slade Strickland Steve Chutchian To: Jim Pierce; Michael Murphy Subject: FW: Trench Drain -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netJ Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 7:22 AM To: schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us Cc: Dave Clough Subject: Re: Trench Drain Steve, The trench drain is an Bit drain and connected to an a" pipe. That is the same size as the cleanouts On one end of the retention fields. Since the retention cleanouts were designed to be serviced by the VAC truck, I assume it can access this location after removing the grate. Let me know if you want further evaluation. Jim On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 04:52 PM, schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us wrote: > Jim -Our staff discussed the design backwater affect in manhole #4 on > the > Arts & Events Site with Sasaki. Apparently, we are going to need to > access > the upstream trench drain (near the stage) for routine maintenance > with our > VAC Truck. Can you look at the design of the proposed trench drain, > and > determine what size is needed to accommodate our VAC Truck. This will > allow > our field crew to clean out the line periodically. Thanks. > > Steve C. > 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy ~fdgroup@flash.netl Sent: Wednesday, March 12,20036:01 AM To: Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Slade Strickland; Lynn Chandler Cc: Tom Dohearty; Harold Casler Subject: Pavilion BuildingProgress meetings At the pre-construction meeting yesterday on the Arts District Pavilion project we discussed doing the Pavilion Building progress meetings with Big Sky Construction immediately following the Arts District meeting with Abstract. That means we would meet every other Wednesday afternoon at approximately 2:30 p.m., beginning next Wednesday, March 19. Would you please let me know if this schedule creates a problem for you or any of your staff who would regularly attend these meetings? Jim Duffy 3887 Ridge1ake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972 .241. 2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 Steve Chutchian To: jfdgroup@flash.net Subject: Trench Drain Jim -Our staff discussed the design backwater affect in manhole #4 on the Arts & Events Site with Sasaki. Apparently, we are going to need to access the upstream trench drain (near the stage) for routine maintenance with our VAC Truck. Can you look at the design of the proposed trench drain, and determine what size is needed to accommodate our VAC Truck. This will allow our field crew to clean out the line periodically. Thanks. SteveC, 1 Ae061ved: 3/11/03 5:00PM; 4ae 385 9753 ~> Town o~ Add~eon; Page 2 NAR-11-2003 TUE 04:57 PM ABSTRACT CONST FAX NO. 469385 9753 ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTION :March 10, 2003 Mr. Dave Clough SASAKIASSCX:IATES. INC. 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, Massachusetts 02172 ~Dave: In accorclance with the Conttact paragrnph 4.7.7 we provide this noti6carioo of adispute regarding change orders. The clause for Construction Change :Directives section stateS that "additional cost of supeMsion and field pelSOlllld directly attributable to the change" will be compensated. Based upon this clause, ourProposal Request includes time for the SUpeO!ltendenr and the Project Manager. The Proposal Request as submitted was denied. The time for the Superintendmt and the Project Manager WlIS deleted co.m:rntyto the Contract. 'The reason given for deleting the Project Manager's time was that he is considered Ovetbead. This is not the case. The Project Managers time is a Direct Job Cost. Accozdingly, per the Contract Abstr.ict is entitledto entitledto charge for Superintendent andProject Manager time. We request your review and confirmation ofthis inte!pretation ofthe Comract. '!hankyou, for time and consideration ofthis matter. cc. JimDuffy CannenMoran Steve Chuchian Slade Stticldand P. 02/02 11157 ABLES LANE' DAllAS. TEXAS75229 • TEL: 469.385,9700 • fAX, 469,3B$,9753 • MR-II-2003 TUE 04:57 PM ABSTRACT CONST FAX NO. 469 385 9753 P. 01102 Abeto....ot 0en.,.1 ContsrIMS'tM::H"' Can--....tllDn M",,_r FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO, FROM; Steve Chutchian Cluis Robinson COMPANY: DATI!: Town ofAddison 3/11/03 FAX NOMBRl\: SENDER'S ~AX NUMDBJIJ 972-450-2837 469-385-9753 PHONE N UMBBRl SBNDBR'S I'HONR NUMI:H!R.: 972-450-2886 469-385-9723 TO'!'Al. NO. OF PAGF,s INCLUDlNG covrut: Addison Arts & Events 2 o URGENT D FOR REVlI>W D PI.EASE COMMENT D PLEASE REPLY D PLEASE RECYCl.E NOTJ?S/COMMENTS; 11t57 ABLI!S LANH DALLAS, TllXAS 1S2Z\iI Steve Chutchian To: Dave Wilde Cc: Jim Pierce Subject: RE: Channel drainage Dave -I think it is obvious that certain individuals are not receptive to our staff addressing any construction issues at the site. It is very disappointing. You are doing a great job of observing conditions. Keep an eye out anyway. Steve C. -----Original Message----From: Dave Wilde Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 4:42 PM To: Jim Pierce; Steve Chutchian Subject: FI'I: Channel drainage There's my answer. Dave Wilde Public Works Inspector Town of Addison PH: 972-450-2847 -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netj Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:11 AM To: dwilde@ci.addison.tx.us Cc: lfolse@ci.addison.tx.us Subject: Re: Channel drainage Dave, I met today with Bruce Ellis and the fountain installers regarding this condition. We decided to leave it as installed. I'll be happy to go over it with you in detail if you like or you can talk to Bruce. Jim On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 09:50 PM, dwilde@ci.addison.tx.us wrote: > Les, > > I just came from the site, and I asked one of the employees of the > Georgia > Fountain about the high pipe penetrating the wall of the channel (see > attached pictures), and he told me that they were overflow drains that > would > be open (not capped). I asked him about pea traps, and he said I > would have > to ask one of the plumbers. So apparently they are not capped > cleanouts as > We discussed this morning. My question then is still, "How do we keep > sewer > gasses from venting through these overflow drains at the surface of the > channel water?" These pipes (especially the south end of the channel) > are > at the high end of the sanitary sewer, so the methane type "lighter > than > air" gasses will be seeking an outlet. > > «Channel drain to san N end 030703.jpg» «Cahnnel san connection N > end 1 > 030703.jpg» «Channel drain to san Send 030703.jpg» > > Dave Wilde > Public Works Inspector > Town of Addison > PH: 972-450-2847 > > 030703.jpg> 2 Steve Chutchian To: Dave Wilde Subject: RE: Event site drainage Dave -After construction is completed, I think it is a good idea to contact Neil G. about potential odor/mosquito problems. He may have to treat the area on occasion. Regarding the design, the Project Manager directed the contractor to construct the system according to plans. After further discussion with Mike, it is understood that J. Duffy is the responsible individual in charge of the project. he is aware of the situation, and his direction has been expressed to the contractor. Accordingly. this correspondence will be placed in our file for record purposes. Your attention to this situation is appreciated. Steve C. --Original Message-···· From: Dave Wilde Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 3:50 PM To: steve Chutchl.n Subject: Event site drainage FYI. On or about 03/03103 Garth w/Abstract told me that there would be some drain lines that would hold water. I asked him to check with Mr. Duffy ifthat was right, because I didn't think we wanted standing standing water in our RCP drain pipes. He said he would check it out. On Friday 03/07/03 I heard him tell the subcontractor's surveyor to lay it out according to plan. Today, the contractor's superintendent asked me about It and I told him to follow the directiOns he got from Abstract. This aftemoon Garth told me he found out from Mr. Duffy on Friday to build it according to plan, and that the line from the stage vault entrance grate inlet to DMH 4A would be holding 4" of water. and that it would get deeper as it goes toward DMH 4, because the flow line into DMH 4 is 1.11 feet lower than the outlet from DMH 4 to DMH 5. There is also a situation at Retention Field 1 where the flow line out is at 631.5, and the flow line into the field is at 630.51. The inverts of Area Drains 1 and 2 are 630.66 and 630.S7 respectively. That means there will be approx. S" of water in those area drains constantly.(the difference from the oullet of the retention field and the outlets of the area drains.) Apparenlly the theory is is that at least in the retention field, the water will eventually seep out of the perforations into the fractured rock and drain out. I don't know what will happen to the water held in the RCP from the Stage vault or to the RF 1. Do we need to let Neil in Environmental Health know about the potential mosquito breeding that will most likely occur in these retention fields and pipes? Maybe he can have these areas treated on a regular basis to minimize that potential problem. 'Dave 'WiUte Public Works Inspector Town ot Addison PH: 972-450-2847 1 Steve Chutchian From: Craig Gaussiran [craigg@abstraclmail.comj Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 6:28 PM To: Jim Duffy Cc: Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Slade Strickland Subject: RE: Schedule update Jim, The schedule that we gave to you was in fact the identical schedule as the first suretrak schedule. However this was not done intentionally, this was a result of e-mail confusion between Garth and myself and we apologize for that. We previously submitted an updated schedule, as per the original format of Microsoft Projects that was included in the bid documents and the weekly meetings. This was rejected because it was not in SureTrak form. Per your request I had Garth update the schedule in SureTrak. As you well know schedules are crucial to any construction project especially one of this nature. We are constantly updating the schedule and changing the flow of the job to accommodate for the delay of the pole removal. We have never submitted a schedule to be "eye wash" or a marketing tool, we use the schedule schedule as it is intended. As I am out of the office in the morning I will have the SureTrak schedule to you by noon on Friday. Craig A. Gaussiran Project Manager Abstract Construction Company -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netl sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:37 AM To! Craig Gaussiran Cc: Carmen Moran; steve Chutchian; Slade Strickland Subject: Schedule update Craig, The schedule "update" you provided for me today is identical to the original schedule provided to us. It does not reflect any progress or lack of progress in any activity. It uses the same data date as the original run. It is not an update and therefore does not give either of us a true picture as to where the project is in relation to its scheduled completion. Under the contract, Abstract is obligated to provide monthly schedule updates. I have been patient in allowing you to get your feet on the ground and get your schedule update process worked out. My patience has not paid off if today's "update" is reflective of Abstract's use of their scheduling system. I do not consider the schedule or updates to be "eye wash" to meet a contract requirement or a simply a marketing piece. It is an integral tool in successfully completing this project and should be used as such. Please provide me a true and accurate update of the Addison Arts & Events District schedule no later than 5 p.m. Monday, March 10, 2003. 1 Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 2 FINANCE DEPARTMENTIPURCHASING DMSION 5350 Belt Line Road (972) 45().7091 E-mail purcb.asing@ciaddison.tx.us F.""irnil. (972) 45(). 70% P.O, Box 9010 Addison, Texas 7500J March 4, 2003 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Robert C. Long President Big Sky Construction Co., Inc. 2611 N. Beldine Rd. Sunnyvale, Texas 75182 Re: NOTICE TO PROCEED· BID NO. 03"()7 Addison Arts District Pavilion Dear Mr. Long: This document shall serve as your Notice to Proceed for the above refurenced Project, and is issued and effective March 4, 2003 to provide all labor and materials as outlined in the specifications, and under the terms and conditions of the contract documents. Enclosed please find four completed copies of the contract to be signed by an authorized officer or principal of your firm. Please send the signed contracts along with the necessary insurance certificates, Payment Bond, Per:fiJrmance Bond, and Maintenance Bonds to Purchasing Office before the commencement date. Please also note that work may not begin until all of these documents are received in the Purchasing office at 5350 Beh Line Road. The proposed improvements and work shall be completed within one hundred ninety-six (196) calendar days following the date ofcommencement ofthe work, with the original contract price of $847,900.00. The date ofcommencement ofthe work is March 14,2003 (the tenth day after the date of the issuance of this Notice to Proceed). Please include the Project name and Bid No. 03·07 on all monthly invoices or other correspondence to the Town ofAddison. Should you have any questions, please contact my office at 972-450-7091. Sincerely, MinokSuh Purchasing Coordinator Ce: Cannen Moran, Director of Development Services Chris Terry, Assistant City Manager Mike MUlPhy, Director ofPublic Works Bryan Langley, Assistant Director ofFinance Steve Chnlchian, Assistant City Engineer Jim Duffy, Construction Manager Jennie Eastman, Budget and Procurement Manager Steve Chutchian From: Minok Suh Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 5:16 PM To: Cannen Moran Cc: Chris Terry; Michael Murphy; Bryan Langley; Steve Chutchian; Jim Duffy (E-mail); Jennie Eastman Subject: Notice to Proceed Cannen, Here is a copy of the Notice to Proceed letter to Big Sky Construction Co for the Addison Arts District Pavilion. I will send over the original to give to the contractors with Bryan. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Minok Proceed Letter.doc 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ufdgroup@fJash.net] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:37 AM To: Craig Gaussiran Cc: Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Slade Strickland Subject: Schedule update Craig, The schedule "update" you provided for me today is identical to the original schedule provided to us. It does not reflect any progress or lack of progress in any activity. It uses the same data date as the original run. It is not an update and therefore does not give either of us a true picture as to where the project is in relation to its scheduled completion. Under the contract, Abstract is obligated to provide monthly schedule updates. I have been patient in allowing you to get your feet on the ground and get your schedule update process worked out. My patience has not paid off if today's "update" is reflective of Abstract1s use of their scheduling system. I do not consider the schedule or updates to be "eye wash" to meet a contract requirement or a simply a marketing piece. It is an integral tool in successfully completing this project and should be used as such. Please provide me a true and accurate update of the Addison Arts & Events District schedule no later than 5 p.m. Monday, March 10, 2003. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ufdgroup@f1ash.netl Sent: Friday, February 21,20036:52 AM To: Craig Gaussiran Cc: Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian Subject: Fwd: ADA Drain Inlet Craig, At the last progress meeting Carmen asked a question about the ADA requirements related to the alternate drainage grates we are planning to use. I raised the question with the architect and he determined we do not have that concern except for grates in traffic areas. Below is the result ofthose conversations. Will you please contact CalHar and share this information to be sure we get the right grate? Jim Begin forwarded message: From: dclough@sasaki.com Date: Fri Feb 21, 2003 6:18:02 PM EuropelLondon To: jfdgroup@flash.net Cc: tchang@sasaki.com Subject: ADA Drain Inlet Jim, I talked to East Jordan Iron Woiks, suppliers of the alternate frames and grates that we thought were acceptable. They sent me drawings for the few castings they have that meet the ADA req~. that openings be no larger than 112". I'm attaching the files for the one frame & grate that I think works with our area drain structure. We only need one ADA spec. grate, forRl7, which is in pavement near the smallest water garden channel (SE corner of site). The open area for the grate is not given, but the drainage area for this structure is very limited so I don't think it's critical. There is also another area drain to the southwest of it, about 35' away. Since this casting is square, it should be oriented parallel to the edge ofchanneUedge of pavement 2/21/2003 Page 2 of2 Let me know if there are any questions. 2/21/2003 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ufdgroup@f1ash.net] Sent: Tuesday. February 18. 200311:13 AM To: Dave Clough Cc: steve Chutchian; Carmen Moran Subject: grates Dave, Hope you're thawed out! I also hope you have received the copy I sent last week of the site utilities re-submittal. If so please look at it and look at the alternate round frame and grate submittals. I did not review them at the time because they submitted what you specified in your January 23, 2003 transmittal. I got a cost proposal from those changes in the January 23 transmittal and in analyzing the numbers with the contractor discovered a couple of problems. First, the Neenah frames and grates are three times as expensive as the proposed Vulcan substitutions. Additionally, the lead time is much greater and will require us to leave the catch basins open extra weeks. My review of the alternates was limited to the open area comparisons* In both cases, the Vulcan grates have greater free area than the specified Neenah. If we can change to the Vulcan f&g from the Neenah we can Save both time and money. I need an immediate response on this question because the Neenah have already been ordered and I don't know if We are still in the cancellation window~ Please let me know as quickly as you can. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 Project: ADDISON ARTS 2WEEK L.OI Date: Tue :1111103 TlI9k Split Progress K~-: iliHi'i """'''''''''''''''''''<>1''",,,,,, Milestone Summary Project Summary •..... • ..... • External Tuka External Milestone • Deadline .0 Pege1 Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 (Phone) 469-385-9723 (Fax) 469-385-9753 Abstract eWNERlARCHITECT/ceNTIltACTeft ..fteG~ESS MEETING Minutes of Meeting N •• 5 January 22. 2003, Wednesday 1:30 PM Meeting Addison Arts and Events District Jobsite Page: Cover Sheet Location: 15440 Addison Road Project No.: G02068E Project: Addison Arts & Events District Here Attendee Company YIN Initials . Name Represented y CAG Craig Gaussiran Abstract Construction Company y Garth Rogers Abstract Construction Company y Jim Duffy JFDGmup y Slade Strickland own Addiso y Luke Jalbert Town Addison N Steve Chutchian Town Addison N Ron Lee Town Addison y Dave Wilde Town Addison y Carmen Moran Town Addison N Jim Pierce Town Addison The attached minutes reflect the author's interpretation of what was discussed, determined or occurred at the above referenced meeting. If any attendee feels there has been a discrepancy or error in documenting the discussions, please notify the author In writing with in 5 days days of receipt of these minutes. Otherwise these minutes will be deemed to be accurate and accepted as written by all parties in attendance. The Next meeting will be held at the following location, date and time: Location: Addison Arts and Events District Jobstte Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 15440 Addison Road Time: 1:30 PM Prepared By: Abstract Construction Company Signed: Craig A. Giiussiran Dated: 3 4 1 4 OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Meeting No.! 6 Page No.: 1 Project: G02068E· Addison Arts & Events DIstrict Item No. Description Status Opened Due Action Required By Closed 01 • Field Progress Report Open 01/15103 Town of Addison Oncor Is to cap the gas line in 1 week 1-29-03 and will energize the new line and start removing poles in a week and a half 1-31-03. 07 • RA's and Architect's Supplemental Instructions Open 01/06/03 RFIlog is attached for review. 08 • Submittals 1 Open 01/06/03 Submittal Log attached for review. 10· 1 Open 01/06/03 12 • Miscellaneous 1 Closed 01122103 02105103 Fiber Optics by trees along Addison Circle. Abstract will contact AT & T prior to demo work and have him determine the location of the fiber. Damage to fiber is a major concern. Closed 01129/03 02110/03 Funding is pending . • Delays ....__._-Open 01129/03 Town of Addison ~ Completion of the Utility work is being delayed by Oncor not completing capping off the gas and relocating the power poles. 15· New Business Open 02105103 AT&T is lolench Monday and should be a two day job. Poles are to be removed by the end of next week (2-14-03) 1 1 5 OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Meeting No.: 6 Page No.: 2 Project: G02068E· Addison Arts & Events District Item No. Description Status Opened Due Action Required By Closed Open 02105103 Two approaches that are not shown on the demo plan are to remain and will be removed during road expansion. Open 02105/03 Jim Duffy has requested the SF of reinforced earth. Open 02105103 The ArchITect wants to consider using a 1/4'. The concrete subcontractor will also check into the availability. Open 01/29103 Move waterline to the east and demo tree if need be. 2 Closed 01/29/03 02105103 Removal of Cedar tree that was previously tagged to be saved has been approved. 3 Open 01129103 Expansion joints In the paving is to be every 200 feet and at intersections. ---------------..-~..4 Open 01129103 AbstractConsnuction Town of Addison is to determine if the center stlipe is neededJrequired. Closed 01129103 02105103 Jim Duffy requested an updated subllst. This will be distributed at the next weekly meeting. 6 Closed 01129/03 02105103 Progress photos are to be issued at the end of every month, via e-mail • ..~..-~.. ---------------------------7 Closed 01129103 02107103 Riddle Electric is to contact Jim Duffy to discuss the loads for future users of the space. Open 01129/03 Gellayout of equipment in the fountain vault to Jim Duffy . ..__.__..__._----------..__._.. -_.. _-8 STATUS RFI LISTING .., A -AWAITING RESPONSE R -RESPONSE RECEIVED Abatract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 2/12103 Page No: 1 Originating RFI Subject r;tesentl . ~~:_I ~e~:~ed IStatusl-'l:ia [--Reference Contractor 1Vendor . &nt10 I Remarks '001 Ical Har IRequestfor CAD disk lor Site Utilities .''.'.' .__• IIIV" 11~17/02 I 121~9/02-1RC21 02605l IJFD Group ] 1002 . 1Stra,,·iI &Assoclates, rl. }-;iE"'X=POc:=se=d";'Agg=='=eg=a:7te: :-------------! 12118102 1 12120702l 12119/021 ",-].-..-j-tl-----' 03000 . U.C. JFD Group L._.. -+--------1IBituminous Pavers rl/06JOS-'I---O-Ol,"",IO"'61O-=-=-3-r1-Occ1~10-=7/""03'-IR~_ .~ . JFD Group I ,-~==~~~~,-~,----+-004 .~ IConcrete Sealer , 01/06103 1 01106103 I 01106103 I R I 07100_L-. JFD Group 005 ",i CalHar Construction, Inc. I·C=Ic-a--;crlfi;;-·c-aCt:lon-o'"'fc:M7a-n-=-h-o=-le-,C=-o-v-e-rs----------: 01110103 I 01113103 1 01110103 I R I E605 . ~Group , [006 -j--t'-;ocC"a;-;-IHC-arconstru ctlon, Inc. Reid :Y---;O_ut_V:-ce=-ri_fic-:a_ti-:-o-::n;-;-~-:-__-:--____--lI01114103 I 01117103 I 01/17103 I R I I JFD Group ~O~_ ._ JCalHar Construction, Inc. IPost Hydrant Product Data lor Approval 01/177031-::0-;-;1/1=7103~_'To1l17l03 I R I 02645.-1 , JFOGroup .__.. L 1008 . jCalHar Construction, Inc. I Request for Area Drain Casting Clarification l 01/17/03 I 01/17/03 I 0112810:3j~_ 12J 02605 Town of Addison clo JFD Group ~ 1 I t !009' 17CaI~Ha-r""consiructlon, Inc. Req~est for ?,1fT~ap Catch Basin & Retention Manhole 'OlTt7/03 I 01117103_L<'1!20103 I R.. L3] .. --.--. t0~60~.' Castmg ~a-;-n_fl-:ca-::tI_o_n~_:--:;---:-::--:--:____--l JFD Group L E-JCalHar Construction, Inc. Onslle crushed limestone in lieu 01 Select -()1i201:;;:03:::-r1-:::0~112 O=103::-rI-;O:-;-112=0:C:103:::-r1-_H--.. ~ JFD Group '-.. --::. f~-==-;::::--;--:=:-;;::::-r-:::---.-----I-· --.----. lOll IRiddle ElectriC Company [ Ught pole-banners , 01120/03 116501 I JFD Group '1~(l12----:i";c;--a-;:-IH·ar-COnstrUctlon. Inc. IRe~sed sub",""'IIt:-a:-1d'7a"":ta--;lo-r-u-n,,"dC"e-rdC"ra-:inC-plC-p:-in-g-:a-n-:d'7:K;;-iO-'S:-k-+1.. 0'1/28103 I 01131103 01/30103 R .--.. I ~()fJ] .__ _ Drainage JFD Group .. I ~ICalHar Construction, Inc. IRe'1sed submittal data for underdraln piping and Kiosk ! 01129/03 I 02101103 02103103 R 2 I I E'~ l_ ..___. IDrainage !JFD Group I ...------.J STATUS RFI LISTING ., A • AWAITING RESPONSE R • RESPONSE RECEIVED Abstract Project: 2068 • Addison Arts & Events District Date: 2112103 Page No: 2 ,-RFI No. I Originating --------R-F-I-S-u-bj-e-crt-- -----rlD~ate--c-sent Date I Date 1 Stetus Days Reference [lIpecsec Contractor I Vendor f -siii1fTc) Due Retumed i Late Remarks [014 iCalHar Construction, Inc. Request Clarification on Valve box lid specifications. : 01129103 I 02/~3103~02lO3I03 1_ ~ J ~ 102600_ ITown of Addison cloJFDGroup __1 ___ J d i015 ___IAbstract Construction Coordinates at 10313 02/03103 1 02108103 I 02103103 I R-r--i I-n-;-;,;; Company -----~ -------I ~~o Town of Addison clo JFD Group I lo~and& Associates, ! Concrete elevations I 02!03I03 I 02108/03 I 02104103 I R I i, 03000 LLC. J_ Town of Addison c/o JFD Group L.___ __ _ ___ ----I 017 Strand & Associates, Concrete Mix deSign I 02/04103 I 02109/03 I 02105103 I R I I, 1 LLC. 1°3000 _ _Town of Addison clo JFD Group I -I I AP • Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMlnAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION t:I Abat:ract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District -~~~ ~~-~~ ~~~~ Submittal Spec Subcontractor I Vondor Number Section De.crlpllon 02375 DRILLED CONCRETE PIER 02375-001 02375-1.04 ~~-~ ~~r~~~-~~ -:~-~c::-:-::. ~~ Date I Date Date Date Due Date AlE Date To Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub to AlE from AlE Returned SublVend I I Delivery Date Date: 02/12103 Page: 1 FabDays Status AlE Allowed Rev NS Concrete Design Mix 02375-002 I 02375-1.04II I NS Record Drawings of Drilled Shaft Foundation Work L 02605 UTILITY STRUCTURES 1 102605-001 ~ I 02605-J CalHar Construction, Inc. I 01109/03 I 01109103 101109103101119/031 01/16/031 IU ~~~~ _J RRJ_!J 01/09/03 Ufilily Material Submittal I02605-001Rll 02605-ICalHar Construction, Inc. I 02106103 I 02106103 I02107/031 021171031 I5U I 51 02107103 Utility Material Submittal -Resubmittal 02736 STONE DUST SURFACING 02736-001 I 02736-1.04 I r urn I I NS 1 Samples ~~~ 02736-002 I 02736-1.04 I I NS 1 I Product Data i 02750 PORTLAND CEMEN~ CONCRETE PAVING 1 L~2751J:001J02~~O-1:~ Str~~d & Associates,LLC. I 01114103 I 01/14/03 101/14103101/19/031 011201031 01120103 1 1 RR 1 61 01114103 Design Concrete Mixture l~2750:001Rl 1 027~0 -1.06 IStrand & Associates, LLC. 1 01125103 1 02106103 102110103 \02120/03 11 I!!=,u \ 21 01114/03 Design Concrete Mixture -4200 psi mix In 02752 EXPOSED AGGREGATE CONCRETEPAVEMENT I I 02752-001 102752-1.07 !Strand & Associates, LLC. 1011151031011151031011151031 01120103\1/"1.0 IRR~ 01115103 Gray Aggregate Sample I 02752-005 I 02752-1.07 IStrand & Associatas, LLC. 1 01/15103 \ 01/15/03 i01/151031 01/20/031 11"1.0 I I RR 1 28 1 01/15/03 Tan Aggregate Sample [02752-002 f02752-1.07IStr~~d&Ass-oc-:-ia~te-s,LLC·1 01114/03101114/03101114103101/19103101120103101120/031 1 AN 1 61 01/14/03 Mix Design AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit ., NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 02112103 Page: 2 r--Submittal -Spec I Subcontractor/Vendor Date oaleO~ oale-o;;; OateAIE l-oateTO l-oel';;'ryjF"-boar.;jSlalusr-AiEi u L_Number Section _1-Description Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub 10 AlE from AlE Returned SublVend Dale Allowed, ' J,=j I 02752-003 102752.1.07 1 1_ -.-l __L J I NS I Shop Drawing 02752·004 I 02752·1.07 IStrand & Associates, LLC. 101120/031 02107103 102110/03 i 02i20/0~L~~-,-I SU I 21 02110/03 Sieve Analysis on Sienna A--B and Texas Black A·B as per Cactus Canyon Source : Cactus Canyon Color: Sienna and Texas Black Gradation: A • B r02752:001 R1 I 02752·1.07 IStrand &, AssociateS, LLC·I 01 i1slO3l o1715io3f02Ti2T03 [02i221031-'-1 'TS0JOl 02/12103 Gray Aggregate Sample 102752-005R11 02752·1.07 IStrand & Associates, LLC. 1 01115103 I 01/15703 102112103/02122/031 I SU I 01 01/15103 Tan Aggregate Sample 02772 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER I 102772-001 I 02772·1.06 IStrand & Associates, LLC. 1 01/14103 1 01114/03 I01/~ 01719103161/201031 01120103 1 I RR 1 6 01/14/03 Mix Designs 02772·002 1 02772·1.06 /1 ____L~SJ ___ Manufacture~s Product Data 02772·003 1 02772·1.06 I 1 NS 1 Shop Drawings L 02784 STONE PAVERS I 02784-001 i 02784·1.04 I-_I_______~u 1 NS 1 Samples 1 02784-(}02 1-()2784.1.04 1 1 ____ ~ ~SJ _J Manufacturer's Product Data 1-----'------si;;;;ol)~;s------L----L------'--.l.--L---L--..L.---L_...L..-.....l---1 02784·004 ,02784.1.04 i , _ 1 I NS I Contractors Review ------AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as -Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION ." Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District -l' Submittal I Spec Subcontraotor I Vendor Date D.i~---r D.;!,,; i~ate Du"-I Number S6.flon Desorlptlon Req'd Sub Reo'd Sub to AlEJ..from AlE l0m4:005 102784-1.04 I 1_____-=L __-L_ [ Test Reports Abstract Date: 02112103 Page: 3 -Fob DaY~ Stalj--AlE Allowed Rov ~ -iNS 1-0 R, lalo AlE Date To teturned SubNend Dollvery Data -T 1 02785 GRANITE PAVERS l 02785'()Ol 1 02785-1.04 Samples 1 NS 1 Manufacturer's Product Data I 02785-003 1 02785·1.04 1 ! _ _I 1NS LJ Shop Drawings 1 02785-004 1 02785-1.04 _,-;1_=-::--______---' L~__ LJ Contractors Review 02785-005 1 02785-1.04 1 1 NS I Test Report __--------'_ 02786 SLATE PAVING TILE 02786-001 1 02786-fjj.rr----n L~-J n _ 1NS 1 Manufacturer's Product Dala 02786-002 I02786-1.04 1 Samples J L..-----'-_-'------'-_-----'-I__ ---.L ____ [ _____ r NS L~ ------LI____L 02810 IRRIGATION SYSTEM I 02810-0~ 028101___ 02815 FOUNTAINS I I 02815-001 1 02815IGreenscape Pump Service, Inc. _, 01/03/03 I 01/03103 1011061031 01/131031 011101031 01110103 1031201031 69 I RR 1_41 01103103 Product Data 02l315~02~1 0281~---jGeOrQ-:-ia-;:F=-ou-n7ta7in-:C::-o-m-p-an-y-:,I-nc- .---;-:0::-:1"'10"'6/""'0"'"3'I"":;0C;-11=06:::10;;:-;3;-;-:10::-:1-;;:,0::::6,=03"'1-:0"'1"'"'/1"'2/""03::-:1-:0::-;1""11:::-0/""03::-:-10"'1"'/1;:;0";;::'0:::-3',----.------,--7AP;;:-;--;-;41 01106103 Fountain Shop Drawings ,02815.Q01A I02815-IGree~scapePumpService,lnc. J~1I161031 01i16~03L01/16103I01l23/031 01120/03101120/031°3120/03,-59 1 M I 41 01103/03 Product Data -Exhaust Fan Resubmitlal AP -Approved or Reviewed NR· No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN· Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION ." Abatract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 02112103 Page: 4 :-S;;bm'ti;IT spec ! Number . Section Subeentractor I Vondor Description IR~':;~~-R.~~~Ub -t~aze J~!~: I ~:::r:~ D~te To IJ D&li~&ty SubNend Date Fab DaYl Slatusl AlE Allowed, Rev 02816 DRINKING FOUNTAINS 02816-001 02816-1.04 NS ' L Shop DraWings 02824 ORNAMENTAL METAL FENCE AND GATE [O~82~O(W I 02824; 1:04 1--I-T -, r---1INSI Shop drawings 02824 102824-1.04 I 1--1-I NS 1 1~2824.002 L02824· 1.04 I I NS I Samples 02838 STONE WALL II _ ___ 1 02838·001 1 02838· 1 I _ 1 I I NS I --.02870 SITE FURNISHINGS 1 02111/03 Shop Drawings· Trash Receptacle >Heolor is Black02870-001 1 02870-1.04 !Victor Stanley, Inc. 02870"()02 1 02870·1.04 1 Victor Stanley, Inc. I 02/11/03 1~2ii11031 O~111631 021~1~3L 1051121031 80 1 SU I 11 02111103 Shop Drawings· Bench ... Color is Black03100 CONCRETE FORMS AND ACCESSORIES L 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT I 103100.001 ;~~n .. I _ 1 O:',w· ,.U~ 1 I I --INsl-1 Samples I 03100-1.04 I Product lJate ~ ! 0320O:0()1 I 03200·1.05 IStrand & AsSOCiates, LLC. I 01/31103 I 01131/03 I01/31/031 02/15/031 02/05/031 02105103 I-_-L~AN_-L 5i 01/31/03 Shop drawings 03100..002 AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Data: 02112103 I Page: 5 ~ ~ Submittal Spec SubcontraetorlVendor Date D.to I Date D.teD~1 Date AlE I~D.rteTo Delivery Number Section Deecrlpllon Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub I to AlE from ~ Returned SubIVend Date ~~-~~ r03200-002 1 03200-1.05 1 I.~ L L_.L_. '·~~l~["N!TI Certified Copy of Mill Test of reinforcing steel 03300 CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 0330()"~03300-1.04 1 Strand & Associates, LLC. 01114103 Mix Designs 03300-002 I 03300: 1~04 1 Strand a'Associates, LLC. ~ I 01121'J[1!J 0~127103 101/27/03101/27/031 021051031 02105103 I02llH/031 -4 ~IRR I~ 91 01127/03 Manufacturer's Product Date 1Concrete Accessories Carl< Expansion Material 1 03300-003 I 03300-1.04 1 I ~..L-._J 1 NS I Schedule for Execution of Concrete Work I 0330()"004 103300-1.04 1 I 1 ,~-,-'~fNs I,..-J Shop Drawings of Structural Structural Conerte Items 1 03300-001R1 1 03300-1.04 1Strand & Associates, LLC. 1 01/14103 1 01/28103 102104/031 0211410312110 I Ol!l101031 AP S'I 02104103 Mix Designs -Exposed Aggregate Paving 02104103 Mix Designs -Slabs and Walls l 0330:::0-O-=:0C:;;5~~~103300-~04 IStrand & Associates, LLC. ! 01127/03 102104103 I021051031 021151031 021101031 02110103 1021011031 -9 AP 51 02105103 Manufacturer's Product Date I Concrete Accessories -Waterslop 02105103 Sample Waterstop ~3~0-00~l03300-_1:0~s;::~ra-~.-nd:-:&~'A:-SSO--.c:-iate:-s-,""LL:-:C:-.----0-01/27103 1_02105103 I 021061031 021151031 I 021011031 -15 AN 61 1 02106103 Corl< Expansion Material -Sample I03300-002R11 03300-1.04 IStrand&Associates,LLC. 02110103i02110103102i12103102!W03j '~~021171031 -5 15i.J 01127103 Manufacturer's Product Data 1Curing Compound 03450 ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE [0~50~~ '~P;:c;;:lu~~---------L---'----L----'-----'----L--.L.----L----'-1 03450-002 ! 03450-1.04 Shop Drawings ----I AP • Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION ." Abatoracto Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District ~~--~~~---I -----SubmIttal Spoc Subcontraclor I Vendor Number Soctlon Description 6S450-003 1 03450-1.04 Dale Data --=-G--Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub I Calculations 03450-004 1 03450-1.04 1 Inilal Selection Samples [03450-005 1 03450-1.04 1 Verification Samples 'I-;;-;0C3475;:-;:;0-;:;_00;;;;6,---;-c10;;;:;3-;;450:;C--;1-;:;.04~1 --------,-1-_Test Reports 1--04200 BRICK MASONRY I 04200-001 I 04200-1.06 1 Samples Date: 02112103 Page: 6 Dale Dale Tel-DoliveryIF"" Days ISlatusl AlE 10 All 'I~~~~"~ned SubiVend _~ Dale Allowed __ ~ Rev ;]_-Date AlE I -----,1-_--------'_----1 =r=-1 1 NS~-I-1 r r ~I 1 -I-1 TNSLI 1 NSI -I I NS 1 1 ~ ___~LNSJ~ I 04200-002 j 04200 -1.06 I I NS I Product Data 1 04270 GLASS MASONRY 1 04270-0~1 1 04270-1.04 I I u_~ Product Data 04270-02 I 04270-1.04 1 I NS I Samples ----i 04430 QUARRIED STONE __ _ 1 04430-001 104430-1.05IJn I 1NS 1 Samp,es I 04430-002 1 04430 -1.05 1 manufacturer's Product Data Shop DraWings [0443o:.064f04430-1.05 1 --'--------.;-1--,---------.---c,---,-----.----,,--.--'I--:-N=S'j-----;1 Test Reports __ AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR -RevISe and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted au -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION ." Abatract; Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 02112103 To ,nd Dell.ory Data Feb Days ISlab..s Allowed i AIEl Rev I NS Page: 7 -:--Submittal 8";'-';1-Subcontractor I Vendor Dote --0;;1;;---0.;;-! Da!~ D~~ r-Date AlE Dote I Number Section Descrlpllon _Roq'd Sub Rec'd Sub to AlE 1~AlE_ ~urned 5ubN, r 04430-005 04430-1.05 I --_L 1 ... . I Contractors Review 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL ~20_O01 105120-1.04 1 .. Product Data -__________-'-__._..l___...L__-'-___'-__--'-__--.J'-__"--__.L_...L_--' 05120-002 1 05120-1.04 I Shop Drawings 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS [05500:()01 1 05500-1.04 1Johnston Products of Dallas, Inc. 01/28/03 Shop Drawings L05500-002J_05500-1.04 1 NS 1 Product Data 05500-003 I 05500-1.04 CalCUlauons 05500-004 .I 05500-1.04 I Welders Certification --------'---__ J_ I__..L.-_-'--_-'-~---' I --------------,----,-----.---.----~----,----,----,---~~,-, 05530 METAL GRATING I05530-O~_05530-<>.;;;:.~~,~_-------...L---L--...L--- -1---L--L----1--..L--.-l-=:..L-.-J 11 05530_002 , 05530 -1.04 I _.__ L --,-------,---___L__ _ ,---.----;~,-1NS ---, 1 Shop Drawings 05700 ORNAMENTAL METAL L 05700-001 I05700-1.0S-,-' 1 I Ns 1 .J Product wata ---------------------.,-------,----_,----,_---,-----.,------;-----,----......-cc:;:-.,---, ~5700-O02 105700..1.06L .1 I NS 1 Shop Drawings --------AP • Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response RequIred AN • Approved as Noled RR· RevIse and ResubmIt NS • Not SubmItted SU • Submitted to AlE Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District ----------.-Submittal Spec Subcontractor t Vendor L Number ~" Section Description r05700-003 05700-1.06 Field Measurements SUBMITTAL LISTING BY SPEC SECTION .:I Abstract Date: 02112/03 Page: 8 --~~----oate~ Date 0.1 ,,---,,-081. OU. O~t~AlETD,* To Do/iv.;Y~I>D;Y. Slat;;~ AlE Req'd Sub R.c'd Sub 10 ~ E from AlE Roturnod Sub/\/.nd I Oato LAII"",od Rev I ----_J-~=_t . 1 1 NS-I-1 05700-004 1 05700·1.06 1 , _ calculations I 05700-005 ,05700.1.06 , , NS I Verification Samples ----~~:~7.7.~~~~~~~~-----------------------------------------------, I 07110 BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING [ 07110-001 I07110·1.04 I ___J~J. ___ .-J____ .~ .L__ n I I NS , Product Data 107110-002 107110.1.04 I r ---INSl~~ Certification 07135 SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING 07135-001 I b7135~1.04 L~-__ Product Data 07135-002 , oi135·1.04 I I -T-----~~---=L-.--l._ '-,--TNS I Samples , .07135-003 , 07135-004 , 07135-1.04 , Manufacturer's Review '07135.1.04 'I .--lN~L j , NS I substmte acceptability L07135-005T-~07~13CC=5--c-1.04-1 ----------,----c---~-~--~-~--_----~I-NS-,-......-~-Statement 01 ... -,-;;tU....~fVIMUII 1.'l7135.(j()61 07135-1.04 I Certification 07900 JOINT SEALERS ~900-0b1TW9bb;r04 I -.'1----1---jNS 1-' Product Data AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR· Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 02112103 ' Page: 9 Submittal Spe~ [~ Subcontractor /Vendor I ~ Da... i-~ D.I~ ~-D.t. To.' L Number Section ~ ~ Description Req'd SU~dSUb 10 AlE 1fr' n d07900_002 I 07900-1.04 I r--__ ~_ I ~~~ [-~~I-I NS I Initial Selection Samples I 07900·003 I07900-1.04II ~~--I---I_~_~LJ Test Reports L-_---''----_-'--_---" 08110 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 08110-001 08110-1.05 -I~~-l NS IShop Drawings 08110-002108110.1.051 1 ____, ~ I NS I Product Data 09900 PAINTING i 09900-001 [099°0•T.il4l __Product Data -----------'-----'------'--- --'-------'----'-----"----"------'-----'------' 09900-002 09900-003 I 09900· 1.04 I ! Inital dOlor-S-cel;-ec'"'tl;-on--;::-Sa~m~p-;-le-s------L I 09900 -1.04 I 1 ~ NS Veriflctlon Samples 10210 METAL WALL LOUVERS I 120f~-OOl Jl0210.1.()4 L ~-~-~ -~ T~ J 12010·002 Shop Drawings 110210.1.04 1 I ~-I-~ -,~ -I NS 1 Manufacturer's Literature 15010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL 15Of(j:Q611150TO-I~51 Produc7t-;:;D--:ata-----------',---;-;=~:-,-~ ~--~~-~ ---------,-----,----,----,--,-----,----;----,----;-;-;;;-,~10-00~5010~~ 1 ~~~~ ~ ::-;~CfficiiiiOri;__-----'-----'-----'---- -'---'-----'------'---'-----'---'-Manufacturer's ~f -------------AP • Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR • Revise and Resubmit ., NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 02112/03 Page: 10 Submittal ~~ ----s~ Subcontractor 1Vondor -D~;-l ~D~r ~ -D~te IDolo Duo Dato Mi~ ~ ~ D.to To iD~II;"'ty I[cab Da;:;rStat~sl ~ ! Number Section Description Req'd Sub Roc'dSub i to AlE ~ IfTomAlE Roturnod SubNend DeIo~ Allowad I ~~ ~v I 5010::003 15010-1.5 I I ~ ~~_~__I ~~ NS Manufacturer's Specifications 16010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK L1i5610-001 pSOW;1.0S lRlddle Electric Company 02107/03 Service Entra=nce::::-;E==Q::::ui<=pm=en:7t-------'-----l-----'----'----'----'--- -'----·L---'---'-----' 16010-002 I 16010-1.06 IRiddle Electric Company I 01129103 T02105I03 I02107/031 02117/031 SU 51 02/07/03 Panel Boards 16010-003 1 16010-1.06 I . r ~~u -'-----~~ TU 1 NS 1 Raceways 16010-004 116010-1.06~~uNS I~ Wiring 16010-005 1 16010-1.06 IRiddle Electric Company I 01/29103 1 02105103 1021071031021171031 1SU 1 51 02107/03 Wiring Devices .. -..::-:--:-c=-------;--;:-:-==-~==~==-:~=:=_;_--_,_--~--__,_--_c_:::_;_:_-;-__;;c Ll~010-OO6jlIl()10-1.06J Ri~dle ElectlicCompany I 01/29103 1 02105103102/07/031021171031 SU 51 02107/03 Disconnect Switches 16010-007 116010-1.06 IRiddle ElectlicCompany I 01/29103Io~/05/03102/07!0310~17/03L· -I r 1 SUI 51 02107/03 Camlocks ~-16010-008 116010.1.06 IRiddleElectlicCompany 1 01/29103102/05/03102107/031 021171031 ~~I Lighting Controls 16010-009 116010-1.06 IRiddleElectlicCompany I 02105/03102107/03102/10/031021201031 SU_2j 02/10103 Fuses r16010~010 1_16010-1.061 Riddle Electli<: Company I 01129/03 I 02105/03 I021071031 02/17/031 , SU I 51 02107/03 Transformers I 16010-011 I 16010-1.06 1 1_~~u_L 1 NS I T armlnal Blocks 16010-012 1 16010-1.06 I r Cabinets AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU· Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abst:ract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Dam: 02112103 Page: 11 rL Submlttal'-'---Spec Subcontractor/Vendor I Dale hi Dat;! ---Dele 'DBtSDue DateAlE D.19To ro.;iiv;;TFabD81SlaIUSC-AiE I Number Suedon Descrlpllon Roq'd sU"J Rec'd Sub I to AlE _ from AlE Returned SubIVend Dale Allowed Rev J 1 16010-013 16010-1,06 IRiddleElectricCompany 101129/031 02105/031021071031 02l171031~__-.J I I I SU 51 ... _.. 02/07103 lignung nXlUres I 16010-014 116010-1.06 1Riddle Electric Company 1 01129103 1 021051031 02107/031 02l17103In_]nS~L.:J 02107/03 Boxes Page 1 of 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim DufIY (ifdgroup@nash.net] Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 10:21 AM To: Craig Gaussiran Cc: Steve Chutchian; Carmen Moran; Slade Strickland Subject: Fountain dump line Craig, The 4" plaza fountain dump line that's shown on dwg. F2.2, item 62 under Piping that we diseussed earlier this week, only goes from the vault to the lower pool for that fountain system. The stonn drain connection indicated is wrong, so we do not need to connect it to the sanitary system. It is used as a make-up line when the pumps start up for the plaza fountain. Ifyou have any questions, let me know. Jim DlIffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 7500 I 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 2/10/2003 Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: dclough@sasaki.com Sent: Thursday, February 06, 200312:13 PM To: Jim Duffy Cc: Carmen Moran; Craig Gaussiran; Steve Chutchian Subject: Re: Plan corrections and adjustmenls Jim, The pedestrian light pole can be moved to the east to avoid a conflict with the new water line. Our intention was to align the poles with a paving panel joint, or center it on a joint, so it looks like it should move to the center of the panel directly to the east ofthe pole (by 2'-6" plus or minus). Regarding DMH 8 & 9, you are right. The detail references were reversed, so you were correct in your direction to the contractor. Dave Jim Duffy To: Dave Clough cc; Carmen Moran ,CraigGausSiran .Steve Chutehian 0210512003 04:51 PM Subject Plan correc;tions and adjustments Dave, At today's progress meeting a couple of issues came up I need to share with you. Firstl as you and I had talked about earlier, we are planning to move the 8 ft water line on the east side of the Pergola to avoid conflict with the power poles which are still on site. As it turns out, the new location conflicts directly with the first pedestrian light pole east of the Pergola along the winding sidewalk. We would like to move that light pole two feet east of its current location. Is this acceptable to you? second, it was pointed out that on sheet C3-2 in the retention field we are showing DMH 8 as an outlet manhole per detail 6/8-7 and DMH 9 as in inlet manhole per detail 5/8-7. In fact, they should be the reverse. DMH 8 should be an inlet manhole and DMH 9 should be an outlet manhole. Unfortunately, this errOr in the plans was not discovered until DMH 8 had already been poured. I directed the contractor to tear out the DMH 8 already poured and correct the condition, reversing the detail references in the plans~ 21612003 Page2of2 Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241. 2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 2/6/2003 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy [jfdgroup@flash.net] Sent: Wednesday, February OS, 2003 3:52 PM To: Dave Clough Cc: Carmen Moran; Craig Gaussiran; Sleve Chulchian Subject: Plan corrections and adjustments Dave, At today's progress meeting a couple of issues came up I need to share with you, First, as you and I had talked about earlier, we are planning to move the an water line on the east side of the Pergola to avoid conflict with the power poles which are still on site. As it turns out, the new location conflicts directly with the first pedestrian light pole east of the Pergola along the winding sidewalk. We would like to move that light pole two feet east of its current location. Is this acceptable to you? Second, it was pointed out that on sheet C3-2 in the retention field we are showing DMH 8 as an outlet manhole per detail 6/8-7 and DMH 9 as in inlet manhole per detail 5/8-7. In fact, they should be the reverse. DMH 8 should be an inlet manhole and DMH 9 should be an outlet manhole. Unfortunately, this this error in the plans was not discovered until DMH 8 had already been poured. I directed the contractor to tear out the DMH 8 already poured and correct the condition, reversing the detail references in the plans. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241. 2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy [jfdgroup@flash,netJ Sent: Thursday. January 30. 2003 11 :32 AM To; Craig Gaussiran Cc; Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Dave Clough Subject: Traffic markings for Festival Way Craig, The question was raised Tuesday regarding traffic markings for Festival Way. The Town would like the following markings in addition to what is already shown on the drawings. A single center line stripe of a painted broken yellow line. 24" wide thermoplastic stop bar at each intersection--Addison Road and Quorum. Let me know if you have questions. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy [jfdgroup@fJash.net] Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 11 :48 AM To: Dave Clough Cc: Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian Subject: New lighting Dave, This will confirm our earlier telephone conversation regarding new lighting on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way. Please prepare a Bulletin for issue to the contractor to accomplish the following: Change the poles and fixtures currently called for on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way to the pole and fixture submitted in your transmittal to the Town dated January 28, 2003. Add the same poles and fixtures along the south side of Festival Way where we currently have no lighting. All poles will have banner arms placed at the same height as the interior poles with banner arms. You are also going to explore the feasibility of placing flood lights on the new poles on the south side of Festival Way which could be separately activated to provide lighting across the open property south of Festival Way when it is in use as a parking area. Finally, you will produce a new photometric map of the site to include the above new fixtures. Let me know if you have any questions. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Dfdgroup@flash.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 1:10PM To: schutchian@cLaddison.tx.us Cc: dclough@sasaki.com Subject: Re: Fountain vauH shower Steve, I raised this question with Dave Clough after my meeting with Dave Wilde yesterday. The plans do in fact address the expansion joints in Paving Note #4 on eg-3. Dave is already confirming with the engineer the 200' spacing indicated there. Jim On Wednesday, January 29,2003, atOl:0l PM, schutchian@ci.addison.tx.uswrote: Dave our construction inspector, Dave Wilde, indicated that the plans and specs. do not include a "jointing" plan for the concrete pavement on Festival Way. Could you check this and determine if it is covered, or have your staff provide a plan for use on Festival Way. Thanks. Steve Chutchian -----Original Message----From: dclough@sasakl.com [mailto:dclough@sasakLcomj Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 12:35 PM To: Jim Duffy Cc: cannen Moran; Craig Gaussiran; Slade Strickland; Steve Chutchian; sehamwey@sasakLcom; alward@sasaki.com Subject: Re: Fountain vault shower Jim, The information that I passed on to you Was from another fountain consultant who is designing a similar fountain system for 1129/2003 Page2of2 us on another project. I want to review his description and understanding of what is required with Georgia Fountain before we proceed with any changes to our fountain vault. They are our consultants under contract with us for this project, so the direction should come from them. I will send them a letter today and ask for a response .s soon as possible. Dave The architect has determined through a consultant that OSHA does not require a shower in the fountain vault to deal with chemical spills. They do require an eye wash station and we have one~ We do not need a letter from the Town on this issue. However, we will have to create some kind of containment area under the chemical dispersing equipment in case of a spill~ After Abstract provides shop drawings of the eqUipment layout and piping in the vault, Sasaki will design a curb area to contain any spills. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1/29/2003 972.241.2816 Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: steve Chutchlan Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 1 :01 PM To: 'dclough@sasakLcom' Cc: 'jfdgroup@f1ash.net' Subject: RE: Fountain vault shower Dave -our construction inspector, Dave Wilde, indicated that the plans and specs. do not include a "jointing" plan for the concrete pavement on Festival Way. Could you check this and determine if it is covered. or have your staff provide a plan for use on Festival Way. Thanks. Steve Chutchian -----Original Message----From: dclough@sasaki.com [mailto:dclough@sasaki.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 12:35 PM To: Jim Duffy Cc: carmen Moran; Craig Gaussiran; Slade Strickland; Steve Chutchian; sehamwey@sasaki.com; alward@sasaki.com Subject: Re: Fountain vault shower Jim. The information that I passed on to you was from another fountain consultant who is designing a similar fountain system for us on another project. I want to review his deSCription and understanding of what is required with Georgia Fountain before we proceed with any changes to our fountain vault. They are our consultants under contract with us for this project, so the direction should come from them. I will send them a letter today and ask for a response as soon as possible. Dave JlmOuffy To: Slade Strickland 0<:: Cannen Moran ,Steve Chutchlan ,Os Clough ,CraigGaus$;tan 0112412003 05:11 PM Subject: Fountain vault shower Slade, The architect has determined through a consultant that OSHA does not reqUire a shower in the fountain vault to deal with chemical spills. They do require an eye wash station and we have one. We do not need a letter from the Town on this issue. However, we will have to create some kind of containment area under the chemical dispersing equipment in case of a spill. After Abstract provides shop drawings of the equipment layout and piping in the vault, 1129/2003 Page2of2 Sasaki will design a curb area to contain any spills. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1129/2003 Steve Chutchian To: Jim Duffy Subject: RE: French drain connection to sanitary Jim: The Town of Addison Public Works Department is aware that the Engineer, Sasaki & Associates, designed a french drain to drain from the proposed fountain vault to a nearby sanitary sewer system, as part of the Arts & Events District improvements. Our staff has stated on several occasions that we oppose this connection (connecting storm water to a sanitary sewer is not allowed by ordinance), and have offered several alternatives to you for draining this sub-surface stormwater. These alternatives suggested have been: a. Thickening up the vault floor to increase weight b. Extending footings to pick up additional weight from soils c. Drain the vault french drain to 'a stor-m sewer We would also like to offer another alternative, which includes a drawing that we will submit to you at the weekly meeting today. This alternative allows the french drain to drain to the sump within the vault. The water could then be pumped to the storm storm sewer. Any of these alternatives would satisfy Public Works. The Contractor may have other acceptable ideas we have not thought of to date. Should you have any questions, please let us know. Steve Chutchian Jim Pierce -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netj Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 4:04 PM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: French drain connection to sanitary Steve, The mechanical engineer would like something from the Town indicating they are aware of the connection of the fountain vault french drain to the sanitary sewer. Will you please send me an email indicating your awareness of that connection so I can forward it on? Thanks, Jim 1 o POOL :: . "B"· BLOCK I JOINT ADE OF E PAVING, 4 I HANDRAIL BEYOND l· MILSAP STONE WALL BEYOND \ II ·11"···..· )' 01/" I I II TC 20.93 REINFORCED CONe ( .. 3 \ EX ~ POSED AGGREGATE f '---./CONCRETE SLAB, TYPE ~tJI""P P"~rs vY\ 1-1 . ,( 5 , o ~ RAILlNG~7_6 "-1~ F ro U) -U );! "s;: :::0 ~ U) ~0 -'" ---.I ~~ 1 co ~ ". ~ -u s;: ITI -U r;::: r~ 0 STAIR TREADS %" J OINT, TYP. TOP OF ---.I ~~ I N~ LIMESTONE FOUI\JTAlN PLAZA co ~ GSTEPS 23.00 ,,-~ SEATWALL/*l CURB s-;u:d~ TW 24.50 TIM ? 1 nn ,--WATER TW 20.50 -u . TW 20.00 ~ 8i . TS 24.00 UJ ~ r" --c:;, /; 6$ 20.60 WE 20.08 80TTOM OF POOL 1~ S:;R L. CONCRETE HAUNCH ON FOUNTAIN VAULT ~,-FOUNTAIN VAULT \ --\t.f:.. So J)15~ {. . (,,, CL W f(j) I z fZ w.. I (j) CD:C~~~/:'O~Nt~~N STAIRS SECTION , TOP OF STAIRS LIMESTONE " ~ Steve Chutchian To: Jim Duffy Subject: RE: French drain connection to sanitary Jim: The Town of Addison Public Works Department is aware that the Engineer, Sasaki & Associates, designed a french drain to drain from the proposed fountain vault to a nearby sanitary sewer system, as part of the Arts & Events District improvements. Our staff has stated on several occasions that we oppose this connection {connecting storm water to a sanitary sewer is not allowed by ordinance), and have offered several alternatives to you for draining this sub-surface stormwater~ These alternatives suggested have been: a. Thickening up the vault floor to increase weight h. Extending footings to pick up additional weight from soils c. Drain the vault french drain to'a storm sewer We would also like to offer another alternative, which includes a drawing that we will submit to you at the weekly meeting today. This alternative allows the french drain to drain to the sump within the vault. The water could then he pumped to the storm sewer. Any of these alternatives would satisfy Public Works. The Contractor may have other acceptable ideas we have not thought of to date~ Should you have any questions, please let us know~ Steve Chutchian Jim Pierce -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netl Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 4:04 PM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: French dra.in connection to sanita_t'y Steve, The mechanical engineer would like something from the Town indicating they are aWare of the connection of the fountain vault french drain to the sanitary sewer4 Will you please send me an email indicating your awa.t'eness of that connection so I can forward it on? Thanks, Jim 1 . 3"1"" -() pp.;re /• . PI'S c-,...-~-t?cp.p,,-. 5li"'rWV trv S-f~ .'-' qr C i ~ .A.A-t> fiA'e dF::~ je~ At:.~.A7t?efJP ii!5 F~ ./rvet i7fzs Svb -5('<72K!",,-"-~ k. Steve Chutchian To: Jim DuffY Cc: Michael Murphy; Jim Pierce Subject: RE: Pavilion testing services Jim -the testing requirements and selection of testing labs should be addessed by our building official. I talked with Lynn Chandler, Building Official, and he said that he will get quotes from three companies for the type of testing needed on this building project. He will get back with you within a week. Thanks. Steve C. -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netl Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 2:35 PM To: Steve Chutchian Cc: Carmen Moran Subject: Pavilion testing services Steve, For the construction of the Pavilion building, the testing lab will work for the Town. Will you please get proposals for testing services from the firm's you prefer and let me know who we want to use? The requirements are shown in the plans and specs. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241. 2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 JHN -.rt dellj Furnished standard with as-cast bearing surfaces. Dimensions", Inches Cat.log'" G H Frame R-1791·A ~p. bf5.?1'"," ..../'...1 "/OS"'l No, A c R-2533 Catch Basin Frame, Grate Heavy Duty AlSo aV;"Ii1able with Type "8" or Type "e" grate. A.... ailable with machined or non-rocking bearing surfaces, Specify, 1. Alternate grate type if required. 2. Machined bearing surfaces, or nOlHocking styie, U$9S R-1710 frame. R·2535 Catch Basin Frame and Grate Heavy Duty Note: Grate hll$ 2'1 diameter hole in the center.: iNot Shown) Vs.$ R~1510-A frame. R-2535-A HeawOuty Same as R-253S except frame is 4" high. 94 t 9724061146 p.4 Jan 24 03 03:55p The JFD Group 'f't4IIII.lJ'--I/I.I{til iNOTE: When specifying/ordering grates, refer to "CHOOSING THE PROPfE~ 1,~ILIf:~' G,'l,A;f!C" Lon pages 108·109. For FREE OPEN AREAS of Neenah Grates, refer to pses Z2il,·SW. 1'1-2500 Catch Basin Frame and Grate Heavy Duty Grate illustrated has non~rocking feature. Can also be furnished with machined bearing surfaces. Specify: 1, Non·rocking, or machined bearing surfaces. . . .. ...... ""'" Uses R-1642 frame. -----------------------------.-R-2502 Catch Basin Frame and Grate Heavy Duty Also available with 36'" diameter frame flange. -----------------------•.---"".•.-~--R-2504 Catch Basin Frame and Grate Heavy Duty NEENAH'1x~ P=CUNOt:rv (:OMRANV £.~ ---------------------- ------------.. 92 Jan 24 03 03,55p The JFD Group 9724061146 p.5 t't4:'flt IV'< 1/2-'/II!, r.ATCH BASIll\ll TRAPS ~,..s7CO to R-3700 Series Cnst iron catch basin traps are used extensively on sawer catch basins or manholes to ptavent clogging on sanitary systems. 1hey provide a waterseal against escaping gases. Traps with drop type catch basins provide effective means of keeping pipe lines entirely clean. Tha CtOP portlon of b'llet retains all solid material and the trap P(events all110ating debris ftom errlering outlet pipe, Ali catch basin traps shown ate of approved design. [1-3700 Pipe size to 12", Setting method-4 anchor bolts. R·3701 Series Dimensioos i" fru:t1es .ena./.log for Pipe SettiruJ A B Size Nob!s -~<1701-6 16 12 tn6 on 21100Ks 8--37-01--8--18 12 8 011 2 hooks cast Iron Handle. W 12 -,-~ on hooks ~ OE.T"'I)..... I !-~ li I :2 16 " '9_ 22 on hOOk' on hooks on hooks Bottom 01 tra. 6" min. below flow line. Itl"""1 NEENAH "iX~ 11_____________PO_UNat:IV_ CQMPA_NY tJ.L_~ _ 229 _ JFD Group 9724061146 p.6 ,Jan 24 03 03: 56p The A dill(is """ '/"')/OJ FREE OPEN AREAS OF NEENAH GRATES CATAI,.OC NUMBe:R GRAn: ",·22S5 rr1'1! C ..... weIR SQ. pEAIMET£1t SQ. Pt1.Rft.t£TE.A SQ. I'atIMEfER -CA1AI..OG CRATe fT. LtuEAl CATAlOG GRATE N. l!NEAl. NIIMlIER 1Yf>E. OPEN F~T NUMSeR T'tPE OPEN fEl::T ~:;~.-_'__~__~4__...!!-._ ~·lSSH___O_~-E:L-..?:!.__ R·;6BH.1 0 O.:.~__'_,'__ R·1891-N 0 0.9 B.:l ~'_227_'_ ,____G_~__'~.'__~.~..'__ n.!~C!_ .".~"__ ,__1.:.~. 5,8 R._=-;-_-:K:--_ _;'~2--";;.•'-K-1192'·!""G G 1,7 6.& R.2014 C 1.( ItO R·22OCrA ~ 1.2 7.G R-2429 e 1.J 5,9 1I·:!.?~·GG G ,2.0 7.4 .R·2014'--._-'E~__!~,''_~~,~.•'__ R-2290·tt K 1.0 1,$ fj.j792·HG G l.1.__~:c__ R-2Q15 D 0.9 6.0 R'2m=__-:G~ 1,6 7.2 lI:l1&2>JG G 3.7 10,5 R~015 C 1.1 M A-l29S ".C---'~'C--~"~''--R~1!~~__ G 4.8 12.1 R-2015 a 1.ll s.o R·2?96 F 1.2 6.1 ~"'81a.A1G A QI' C o"s__~,.~e__ R-U91 & t.t 6.7 fl·~81e.A2G Aore o,a 6,0 R..2.~ro~.~---Co_____'~.'C---"•• F\·2291 F 1.2 6,7 ,",'1819-A3O A Of C LO 6.1 R-2001 D 1.1 6.0 R-2298 S 1.2 6.7 f!"~~..tI4G. AorC U :.3 _ R-2OJI r: Ll 6.0 R-2298 F 1.2 6,; R·1518.A5G AOfC'--.~'~.'C-_~'~"'__ R-2299 e 1.2 $ 1 n'leTa-MG A«C 2.1 \LIS ~:204~__~C"___~L~'_--'.~O'__ R·'2299 F U.' 6.T &2461·A B U 5.8 fH81S-.I\JG A Of C 2.1 9.2 A·2040 E 1.1 6.0 Ro2JOO G U! U R·24fn~A C 1.1 5,8 H laTS.ABO "()(O 2.3 9.a R·2040 F 0.1 ao R·230(l C 1,8 6.8 R-2464 0 1.0 6,0 .~. ~~!8"~" A or C 2.5 1M R·2OS~__O__~__~0__ R.2J~'~.___B~__:-'~'__6?'~_ FI-2466-A a 1.2 5_8R IS1a·A10G "ate 3,0 .2.3 R·205() C 1.1 &.0 ""',,23,,',,.'-_-"'---_-".::''---_ $,8 IN46ti-A -'":-_--"'-1 S.B R1~!p.:~t1G ~._ 0.6 5.1 ~_...!....,~_, 1.1 &.0 A·2370 A 1,1 U R.2~___ C U $.9 !' 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R·2420-a a 1.' s.~ R·153S·A C t.1 S1I !!:!&pe'hl~ (t~pcl'r) o co A~iSot'\ M"s ,e..lJ.~t~ t::>ittric:t 'C"\J c: $~I ItrtheAddison.Atls & Events Distl:iet We...-.: :t':! tbatin orela to get Ihe ~look _ unifwmi1y.1idd paintiqg~ bethe most ~process. thus oIi . "linG any "po.tt:b work" look. We...ouJd be willing t<> offi ..... c:n:dU 10 the pmje<:tiffidd paindngwould bellAX Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01122103 ! SUbmittal! Spec Subcontractor I Vendor 1---o';;;;--~I---Date I D~ ] 0";" Duel D~b,-N~i Dat~r;1 Delwe~ Fab ~.:f~ta~u"l AlE I LNumber Section Description Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub to AlE from AlE Returned SubNend Daie Allowed Rev --~ ~"------~----=--:----~----,','------i __ 03450 ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE --I ~345O·001 L03450·1.04 I I NS Product Data ~450-002 I 034~0. 1.04 I NS I Shop Drawings I 03450-003 I 03450-1.04 --~-'-~-Calculations I 03450·004 I 03450· 1.04 ! Inltal Selection Samples 03450·005 I 03450·1.04 I I=L__~ I NS I m Verification Samples Test Reports I 04200 BRICK MASONRY I 04200·001 I 04200-1.06 I I NS I 04200.0021 :;amples 04200· 1.06 I L.-l____ I I NS I Product Data 04270 GLASS UNIT MASONRY 04270·001 I 04270-1.04 I I NS I, 1~ Product Data [-_04~2~7~7~O.~-!O_4i_70-1.Q4 L-_________-L__-.--l [ [ NS I Samples 04430 QUARRIED STONE L L __-.L I I NS I 1-04430.001 i 04430-1.05 I __ Samples AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01122/03 ---Pa e: 6 ~~ Submittal Number Spec Section ~~ ~ Subconfractor I Vendor Descripllon ~D-.te-;rD-ale--I Req'd Sub ~Rec'd~~ 1 04430-002 104430 ~ 1.05 1 1-!.Ft~Du~.T:D.t;;AlE Date To Ilellvery! FabDaY" stalusl AlE ~ I\IE~~m_AlE Retumod SubNend Date J Allowed ~ Rev I_l I 1 INS 1 I manufacturer's Product Data ---~-~ -~.---~ -~--;--~ l 04430-003 I 04430-1.05 II,-__~__---,-__~__~ _~ ~ 1 NS 1 J Shop Drawings ~J-.-J Test Reports L -------------~-----,----.----.----,----.----.----.----~-,-04430-005 I04430 -1.05I I NS I Contractors Review 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL I 05120-001 \ 05120-::1.04\ ~ ~ ---~ --I I _-,-!_~ _:--:-1-~ -1--I NS [ J Product Data INS I Shop Drawings I 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS I 05500-001 105500-1.04 I NS I I Shop Drawings Product Data 05500-003 I 05500-1.04 ~LI__________-'--__..J _--,I_~~ 1NS 1 Calculations I 05500-004 I 05500-1.04 1 ~ --1---.L Welders Certification 05530 METAL GRATING 05530-001 I 05530-1.04 I --------------~----~----~----~----~--~----~----~--I ~NS~ _1r ~ Product Data 05530-002 I 05530-1.04 1 I_~_ . i NS I Shop Drawings PI' • Approved or Revi9wed NR • No Rasponse Required SUBMITIAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR • Revls9 and Resubmit NS· Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE ." BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01122103 PAne: 7 ' -Submittal Spec I' Subcontractor I VendorD~----;;;;te Date iDale Due i . Date AIEl' Date To ~ i Delivery IFab ~.y~ I' Statu~ . AlE 1 \LNUmber Section! . Description Req'dSub '. ~e~~ub to AlE , from AlE Retu~lS~bN~~ _D~ ~I,,:,,~_ Rev' I 05700 ORNAMENTAL METAL Product Data L05700-002 I 05700 -1,06 I , I NS I 05700-003 I 05700-004 Shop Drawings I 05700· 1 ,06 I Field Measurements I 05700-1,06 I calculations I '----------.JI ~--. I NS I INS I Verification Samples NS 1 07110 BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING 107110-001 107110.1,04 I Product Data I 07110-002 I 07110·1,04 I ! . _~__ Certification I 07135 SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING l 07135-001 I 07135·1.04 I I Product uata [.07135-002 L~7135'1.04 I Samples 07135·003 I 07135·1.04 i Manufacturer's Review ! 07135-004 I 0713507135·1,04 I L substrate acceptability I I NS I .2NS-LI----! I '--I NS I . ....J I NS U I NS I Statement of Supervision flJ> -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITIAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01/22103 Submittal '1 'Spec Subcontractor tVendor r-';;'te I o;;t;!DOle Dolo Duo Date AlE I Dale To Delivery ~b :·:r~t.~u1-AIE I Number Section Description ~'d Sub Rec'~ ~to AJE~om AlE Re~umed SubNend I Date Allowed ._ Rev_ I. 07135-006 ]. 07135-1.04 I I 1 I I \ 1 I I NS I i CertificatIon L 07900 JOINT SEALERS I 07900-001 I 07900-1.04 I I NS 1 Product Data I 07900-002 107900-1,04 1 I_~p ~_~__~_--'-__-L.__L-_-'-__-'----'------l Initial Selection Samples 07900-003 1 07900-1.041 ---i----1-I NS I J Test Reports 08110 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES I L!'l~L]I 08110-001LO~0-1,05 L Shop Drawings ~ 09900 PAINTING 09900-001 109900-1,04 I LT. r --1--1 --[NS-r ~ Product Data I 09900-002 1 09900 -1,04 I 1 . I .~ I NS I '---------'----'-Inital Color Selection Samples I 09900-003 109900.1,04 '--_________----L__--'___L-._--'-__--L__-'-__-'-_--'-LNS 1 J Verifictlon Samples 10210 METAL WALL LOUVERS 12010-001 1 10210-1.04 ! I. 1NS I I 12010-002 Shop Drawings 10210-1.04 I.L-________________~____J Manufacture~s Uteratur. _-,-1...1 NS i AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01122103 Pa e: 9 I~ Submittal Spec I~ Subcontractor 'vendorDat;l~ -Oat. Dale IDale Due I Dal. AlE Dal. To ,ldDallve':;;l Fab Days SIaIUS[ AIEl . Number Section Description Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub ~-1from AlE IReturned ~ubIV~~L ~DaI~Allowed ~~ ~ ~I 15010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAC-~ ~_._d_ -J l!5010-00 1 I 15010-1.5 1 1 II .1 NS L Product Data 1 15010-002 15010-1.5 1 NS 1 Manufaclurer's Specifications 15010-003 1 15010-1.5 Manufacturer's Specifications 16010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK iu1601 ()"001 116010-1.06 1 I L_ -.-1_.:..-1 ~Sl Service Entrance Equipment Panel Boards 1 16010·003 ! 16010-1.06 I 1 NS 1 15010-004 I ~ 16010-005 Raceways 1 16010-1.06 i Wiring 1 16010·1.06 1 --.-.1__L_..-L_-L_--.l..-_--L-.._..l.--_ 1 NS . ~---T d -1 NS 1 1 Wiring DeVIces I 1601()"006 16010·007 I 16010·1.06 1 Disconnect SWitl:hes I 16010-1.06 I Camlocks ---'-,PINS 1_ 1NS 1 I I .I 16010·008 116010-1.06 LI_________---L I l-_..L-_--L_----L_----1.I--~_J Lighting Controls ~010-009 I 16010~1.ii6r ~ -----------.---.,-----.------,.------,----,-----.--,----'1-C:N-=-S'I --; Fuses I AP • Approved or Reviewed NR· No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR • Revise and Resubmit .., NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01/22/03 I"!!ge: 10 i-submilt-;;! spec Subcontractor I Vendor I Dat~-~I Dale l ~Dale Date D~;[ Date AlE I . Date To ' Delivery F~i, Days]SlaIUS IAiEl L ~~Number Section Description IReq'd Sub Rec'd S~A1E ~ fro",A1=-Relurn.~d LSubNend Date Allowed ~ Rej 16010·010 16010·1.06 _L=uu 1 1 NS 1Transformers I 16010·011 116010·1~06 I Icu~NSTTerminal Blocks Cabinets I 16010~013 116010-1.06II ~_I_I Lighting Fixtures L_ ------------------~----.-----~--~----~----~----,---~----~--~~ 1_60_1_0-_1._06_ __________________ ____ ____ ____ __ ____ ____ ____ __ __ Boxes --10r EXCAVATION WATER GARDEN FESTIVAL WAY UTILITIES WATER GARDeN UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE STORM TIE IN BOWL WATER FESTIVAL WAY STORM WATER SEWER FOUNDATIONS MAIN STAGE Il!!I FOOTING FORMS ELECTRICAL REBAR INSPECTION POUR PAVERS IE REMOVE EXISTING PAVERS DEMO WALKS UTILITY TIE·INS 8daye 4days 4days 11 days 7 days 4 days 3 days 4days 4 days 16daya 6 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days 1day 1day 1day 1da)' 1day 12 days 3 days 4 days 5d9)1S Wad1/W03 Wed 1/22103 Tue 1128103 Wed 1/22103 Tue1128103 Tue 112S103 Mon2l3l03 Wad 1122103 Wed 1122103 Wed 1122103 Wed 1122103 Thu 1130103 Thu 218/03 Mon 1/27103 Mon 1127/03 Man 1127/03 Tue 1128/03 Wed 1129103 Thu 1130103 Frl1131103 Thu 1123103 Thu 1/23103 Tu. 11211/03 Moo 2/3103 Frl1131/03 Mon 1127103 ! Frt 1/31103 Wed 216103 Wed 21S103 Frll/31103 Wed 215/03 Mon 1/27103 Mon 1127/03 Wad 2112103 Wed 1129/03 Wed 215/03 Wed 2112/03 1',11131103 I'rl1131103 Men 1/27103 Tue 1126/03 Wed 1129/03 Thu 1/30103 Frl1131/03 F,I2I1103 Men 1127103 Fri 1131103 Fri 211/03 ... ... ....:....:.:...--Project: ADDISON ARTS 2WEEK LOt Date: Wed 1122/03 Task SpHt Progress MlleolOne SummO!)l •... ... Project SummaI)' as • T "" External T..ks External MlieslOne • DeedHn. {1" Pagel Steve""Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ufdgroup@f1ash.net) Sent: Thursday. January 16. 20035:29 PM To: Craig Gaussiran Cc: Cannen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Dave Clough; Slade Strickland Subject: Misc. Items 1.) The offer of a credit in your letters of January 13 & 14, 2003, to substitute field painting of the pergola structure in lieu of shop painting is not accepted. Please proceed to shop paint per the specifications. 2.) As regards the connection of the french drain at the fountain vault to the sanitary line, as indicated earlier, please proceed to install as shown in the drawings. Additionally, we will soon be issuing a modification to take the vault sump to that same line in lieu of the connection currently shown on the drawings. If you have any questions, please contact me. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972 .241. 2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy [ifdgroup@f1ash.net] Sent: Saturday, January 03, 19703:52 AM To: Craig Gaussiran Cc: Dave Clough; Steve Chutchian; Carmen Moran Subject: water line relocation--Arts & Events District Craig, The field request to relocate the 12" water line in Festival Way +1-two feet to the north of the location shown in the plans is approved. The plan location is diagrammatic and allows for adjustments to avoid potential conflicts with other elements. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 (Phone) 469-385-9723 (Fax) 469-385-9753 Abs~ract OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Minutes of Meeting No, 2 January 15, 2003, Wednesday 1:30 PM Meeting Addison Arts and Events District Jobsite Page: CoverSheel Location: 15440 Addison Road Project No.: G02068E Project: Addison Arts & Events District Here Attendee Company YIN Initials Name Represented y GAG Craig Gaussiran y Garth Rogers y Jim Duffy y Slade Strickland y luke Jalbert y Steve Chu!chian y Ron lee y Dave Wilde y Carmen Moran Abstract Construction Company Abstract Construction Company JFD Group Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison Town of Addison The attached minutes refiect the author's interpretation of what was discussed, determined or occurred at the above referenced meeting. If any attendee feels there has been a discrepancy or error in documenting the discussions, please notify the author in writing with in 5 days of receipt of these minutes. Otherwise these minutes will be deemed to be accurate and accepted as written by all parties in attendance. The Next meeting will be held at the following location, date and time: Location; Addison Arts and Events District Jobsite Date; Wednesday, January 22, 2003 15440 Addison Road Time: 1 :30 PM ~~-~------------...-~... ---~-----Prepared By: Abstract Construction Company Signed: "C~~--=-------Dated; 1 1 1 2 3 4 OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Meeting No.: 2 Page No.: 1 Project: G02068E· Addison Arts & Events District .... __.._-Item No. Description Status Opened Due Action Required By Closed 01 -Field Progress Report Open 01106103 Abstract Construction 1) Earthwork in progress. 2) Utility work started January 2. Domestic water outside of property line. 3) Demolition of the two structures are completed. 03 • Schedule ~------------------------------------------Closed 01/06/03 Abstract Construction Schedule is completed and attached for review. 01/07/03 06 • Cost Issues Closed 01106/03 Abstract Construction 01110/03 Excavate and place in an appropriate container 7 Oak trees and transport to the Addison Service Center. Open 01/06103 Abstract Construction Bulletin #1 Open 01106/03 Abstract Construction Exploratory excavation of propane tank on the South side of the property and septic tank on the North side of the property. Open 01107/03 Town of Addison Drawings for Pavillion 10 be out on January 24th and bids February M \ \ \-~. 07 -RFl's and Architect's Supplemental Instructions 1 1 2 3 OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Meeting No.: 2 Page No.: 2 Project: G02068E· Addison Arts & Events District -..--..~~~~~~~----------------------Item No. Description Status Opened Due Action Required By Closed 12 -Miscellaneous Issues Open 01/06/03 14 -New Business Open 01107/03 Direction for construction items are to come through Jim Duffy. Open 01/07/03 Jim Duffy is to be copied on all Testing reporis. he will distribute to the City. Open 01107/03 Oncore density of backfill has failed. STATUS RFI LISTING .., A • AWAITING RESPONSE R • RESPONSE RECEIVED Abstract: Project; 2068 • Addison Arts & Events District Date: 1115103 Page No: 1 "r'-------------RFI No. I Spec Sec I Originating Contractor 1Vendor RFI Subject Date Sent Sent To ,===~=.·~=t:-J R~::~ed IStatus Days Late ~~::;k~.J L~FD GrouJ> . .____... i 1 1:~5 ICal Har ... u_u •••• Reques!for CAD disk for Site Utilities u__ IJ:~:~~PI 12117102 i 12119102 I R i 2 002 Strand & Associates, IExposed Aggragate 12118102 I 12120102 I 12119102 I R I I 03000 LLC.. JFD Group 1 ~ ... IBituminous Pavers . ... 1 01106103 I 01106103 I 01107103 I R I"'1 It. ---.---J JFD Group ~04urnu "1 Concrete Sealer . I 01/06103 1 011061031 01106103 1 R r--J 07100. i JFD Group ~ l L Town ofAddi~C;;~~/~JFD Group ---------------. ~5-------CalHar Construction, Inc, Clarification of Manhole Covers 01110103--[01113103--1--'" ur~~-1_2'1--------------{I' 02605. Town of Addison clo JFD Group . tOO.----=! CalHar cOnstruction, Inc. IField layout verification 01114103 I 01117103 1 1 AL_-_' I. I . ... ' __----L_T_own_O_f_Ad_d_iS_o_n_cl_O_JF_D_G_ro...cUp'--_____.....L_______ m' Ill' -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE ." BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01115103 Palla: 1 Submittal Spec Subcontractor I Vendor -Da~---1--Da;~-'~D';;;;-Date Due I' Date AlE Date To Delivery I Fab DaY" IStalusl;'~ Number Section Description 1 Req'd su~Rec'd Sub 10 AlE from AlE Returned SubNend Date Allowed i I Rev 0=2=37=5~D=R~IL=L~ED==±C=O=N=C=R=ET=E=P=I=E=R~ ---I 02375-001 1 02375-1.04 1 -------I -r -----T J NS I uJ Concrete [Jeslgn Mix 02375-002 I 02375-1.04 I I NS I Record Drawings of Drilled Shaft Foundation Work 02605 UTILITY STRUCTURES 02605-001 I 026051 CalHar Construction, Inc. ___ --roiT09/0:q01l09/03[01t09io3[01t14io311 I su I-=Y] 01/09103 Utility Material Submfital 02736 STONE DUST SURFACING 02736-001 1 02736-1,04 1 1 ___----' iNS 1 Samples ~736-0r:z.J_02736-1.04 1 Product Data 1 J L---L_---..L_-L-_-L-----.l_--L-IN_S L~ 02750 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING 1 ~2i50-001 I 02750-{OO-rstmnd & AssoCiates, LLC. 01/14103 I 01114103 101/141031 01/19/031 __In 1 SUi 1J 01114103 Design Concrete Mixture I 02752 EXPOSED AGGREGATE CONCRETE PAVEMENT j [0275~-00'1.u~ii;2:1~oil Strand & Associates, LLC. 1 01115103 I 01/15103 1011151031 011201031 1 SU 01 01115103 Gray Aggregate Sample L 02752-001 102752-1.07 1Strand & Associates, LLC. __---'01115103 101115103 I0111~03 j 01/20103 L _I 1 su I ~ 01115103 Tan Aggregate Sample 02752-002 1 02752-1.07 1Strand & Associates, LLC. -----:-:-:-:=:-,,-----,--,---,--,----=-:-;-~01/14103 1 011141031 011141031 011191031 ____..... I SuU 01114103 MJx DesJgn 02752-003 I 02752-1.07 1 I.. ... __1_ NSLJ Shop Drawing J AP "Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstlractl Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01/15103 , Page: 2 ..._\ ..~.. Spec Subcontractor /Vendor Date Date Date o,rte Du; r~b;lttal J Date Ale foate T~-r DeJ;v,;;y Fab Day~IS;lu~@~l Number Section DescripPon i Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub to AlE from AlE Returned SubNend; Date Allowed L::..~. i r €i27'1'2CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER c .....1 : 02772-001 102772-1.06 IStrand&Assoclates,LLC. 01/14/03101/14103 101/14/031 01/19/031 1.~ru···l1 01114103 Mix Designs I 02772-002 1 02772 -1.06 1 I NS 1 J Manufacturer's Product Data 02772-003 I 02772·1.06 1 1 __ 1__.. 1 1 NS 1 Shop Drawings 02784 STONE PAVERS 02784-001 102784-1.04 1 r u__ L__...."---....1--. _ 1_ I I 1 NS I 1 Samples 1 02784-002 1 02784-1.04 1 '-------'_--'-_-LI_L_.._L.:.:.::.. Manufacturer's Product Data I 02784-003 1 02784 -1.04 I . I 1 . I NS J Shop Drawings 1 02784-02784-004 102784·1.04 1 I 1 1 NS I Contractors Review ---...-.~,.,----;-----------.--.----;-----;---;-----,----.----,---;----,--. I 02784:00~ J 02784 -1.04 ! 1 NS 1 Test Reports 02785 GRANITE PAVERS 02785-001 I 02785-1.04 I .. =r=··luu .. I. NS I-II Samples 02785-002 I 02785·1.04 1 .~ Manufacturer's Product Data 02785-003 1 02785 -1.04 1 1 I NS I Shop Drawings I 02i8:-0~41 02785.1.04[ I ! NS 1 Contractors Review AP • Approved or Reviewed NR· No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR· Revise and Resubmit NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE ." BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01/15103 r Submittal Spec subcontractor /Vendor Date Date Date''I Date Due Date To noell~~~ IFab ~:i~la~u~IAiE I Req'dSub Rec'd Sub 10 AJE from AJE Date AJE Number Section Description Relurned SubNend Dale Allowed I ~m ! Rev j _Ii] NS1-j Test Report 02786 SLATE PAVING TILE 1 02786-001 1 02786·1.04 1 I I ~ n J -I Manufacturer's Product Data 1 02786-002 I 02786 -1 ~04 I Samples ~ _____--'----..-J,--------_L _L---_J _---L-_J -'--------'I_NS j 02810 IRRIGATION SYSTEM I 02810·001 I 02610-I 1 NS 1 I 02815 FOUNTAINS I 02616-0011 02615-LGreenscapa Pump Service, Inc. I01/0~1~31 0110310a[ 011061031 01l13/oalo~10103I0/10103 103/20103169L~R LJJ 01/03103 Product Data 02815-002 1 02815· IGeorgia Fountain Company: Inc. 01106/(Xl]01/~6~0~ I01/061031 01~~2103101l10;03101l~0103~L~~~J~ J AP 1 41 01106103 Fountain Shop Drawings 02816 DRINKING FOUNTAINS 1 -02816:0(11 I 02B16={04 I -~~ ~ ~ TINS1 Shop Drawlngs 02824 ORNAMENTAL METAL FENCE AND GATE I 02824-001 1 02824·1.04 1 I ~~~~~--I Shop drawings 1~~ 02824 I 02824-1.04 I I ~~~ 1 1'18 1 1 1 02624-002 I 02824· 1.04 1 1 1 NS 1 I Samples 02838 STONE WALL 1 02838·001 1 02838· 1 r~~ IT n~ 1 I ... , I AI> -Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR • Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU • Submitted 10 AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01/15/03 s';;';'ittal 'I! Spec Subcontractor I Vendor '~-~--~"---~--~I!~Da-t-e~Due Date AlE Date Tol Delive';] Fob ;a~rsla~~~'Mil _ Number I Section Description ~__~ _ from ~-=J __Returned su~en~ i _o~~~ , A11~ _~ R~:J I 02870 SITE FURNISHINGS I I 02870'()01 I 02870·1.04 I TNSLJ u-L Shop Drawings I 03100 CONCRETE FORMS AND ACCESSORIES i L031oo'()01J~3100.1.04 I I I u__ J I NS I~ Samples I 03100-002 I 03100·1.04 I Product Data 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT r 03200·001 I 03200·1.05 I--------~ T --1-I ----,--iNSI_I Shop drawings ~200-0021 03200-1.05 LI_________-------L__--L__--'I NS I Certified Copy of Mill Test of reinforcing steel 03300 CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE I 03300-001 I 03300-1.04 IStrand & Associates, LLC. 01/14/03 I 01/14/oU~1/14/03-[01ti9£0:lL___..J___ ._ I su I 1 01/14/03 Mix Designs I 03300-002 I 03300·1.04 I 1.=1------rNsT_.-J Manufacture~s Product Data 03300-003 1 03300· 1.04 I I I NS I Schedule for Execution of Concrete Work L03:lQ0.004 1 0330.0-1.04 I u_ I NS Shop Drawings of Structural Concrte items 03450 ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE r ()345ij:O(J1 -I(J3450-'i.04 [ -------r-~--I _L-_~I __ I NS[~J Product Data AP -Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01/15/03 Pa e: 5 Is~bmlttal s~c!1 SubcontractorI Vendor D~;--~I~-;;;;te-T[)~t~ ,DateDue Date-NEf"i".ieToT[)~Ii~;ry FabDays S1~iusl Ate L!umlJer Section _ Description Req'd Sub I Rec'dSub ~ta AlE !fom AlE Returned -SubNend I Date Allowed, _.C~_. Re: 'I! J I 03450-002 I 03450~1.04J_~__ i_ _ I I NS I J Shop DraWings 0345()..003 I 03450· 1.04 I _INS I Calculations 03450-004 I 03450-1.04 I L--_-'---_..J..--_..l-I~~sJ J un Inilal Selection Samples I 03450-005 I 03450 -1.04 I __I I I NS I Verification Samples Test Reports 04200 BRICK MASONRY 04200-001 I 04200-1.06 I .-[i [ NS ! Samples I 04200-002 04200 -1.06 ____ _ LJ ____ L Product Data 04270 GLASS UNIT MASONRY 04270-001 i 04270-1.04 Product Dala I 04270-02 I 04270-1.04 I ~'--_ .__' I I NS I Samples 04430 QUARRIED STONE ~J_J Samples 04430-002 ·c--04-43--0_-1_:05'1---------,-------:---,---,------.---,------,---'1---;I-:N"C:S--'-I- manu1acturer's Product Dala I 04430-003 I 04430-1.0:1 ___________ .'--_--'-_---"-_--'__L-_-L-_ ,___"-_ ~LI ShOp Drawings AP • Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE ." BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068" Addison Arts & Events District Date; 01/15/03 I~S~b;"lti;;;-r-Spec Subcontractor I Vendor Date Date Date --Date Due I Date AI~ Date To T DeliveryfFab :a::el~;a~~1-Ale I Number Section Description Req'd Sub Rec'd Sub to AlE from AlE Returned sUl>IVe~~L_Dat,,-LAllowed _ ROVJ I 04430-004 I 04430-1.05 1_ ______ j ..I -r-I NS 1 1 u_n uU I Test Reports 1 04430-005 I 04430 -1.05 1 L __----1______-'____ ___-'--___u--'-_ __-'---N_S--'-I----" Contractors Review I 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL I 05120-001 J 05120-1.04 1 _ 1 1 NS I Product Data I 05120-002 ~05-12-0-1:041-NS -'--_-'--_-L----.J._---'-_--'--_---'--_--L-----lI_i~ Shop Drawings 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS 05500-001 I 05500-1.04 I __ ~ ___i Shop Drawings Product Data 05500-003 -' 05500· 1.04 1 1 NS I -l'151iOO~004 Calculations --I 05500:~.04__'____________'--_ __'_ I_I INS INS I Welders Certification 05530 METAL GRATING 05530-001 I 05530-1.04 L ____L L I-Li__ L___iNS-I J Product Data 105530-002 I 05530-1.04 I I _~ L-_--'--_-'--_~IN_S j~ Shop Drawings -~ 05700 ORNAMENTAL METAL 05700-001 I 05766: 1.06 1 Product Dala AP " Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN· Approved as Noted RR· Revise and Resubmit ., NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract: Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01115103 Submittal I-~s~c I Subcontractor I Vendor -----I-Date --Dat~ Date IDate Duel Date AlE -Date To-D;!ive;:; IFab::~u; --NE-l Numbar iH Section I DesCriPllonhReq'd Sub Rec'dSub to.~le i_fro~Return.d SubNend Date I Allowed R~ 05700-002 I 05700-1.06 I I --j_____~L __ L I I I I rNSL-j Shop Drawings 05700-003 1 05700-1.06IJ___ Field Measurements calculations 05700-005 I 0_5_70_0_-..,.1.0_6-,-'__________..1-.__...l 1 Verification Samples 07110 BITUMINOUS DAMPROOFING 07110-001 107110-1.04 I ::..J__ I I NS I I _I -----Product Data I 07110-002 107110-1.04 I NS I ---~: -----Certification 07135 SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING 07135-002 07135-003 Product Data I 07135-1.04 __"--__________..1.-__-'--__-- -" Samples I 07135-1.04 i_____ I Manufacturer's Review L..----'-_---'--_--'I~J___ ~__ -.J I NS 1 07135-004 1 07135-1.04 ---'-~_-' __I NS I substrate acceptability ---I 07135-005 07_13_5-:--1:::-·04-. ,---1~_:_::,____-:-:-------'----'------..1 I NS 1 __ J 1 __ Statement of Supervision 07135-006 I 07135-1.04 1 ' __--LI _______J ___rN~__ J Certification AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noled RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01/15/03 Paae: 8 I--S~-b~itt;;IT-Spec SUbcontractor I Vendor 1-Date -1-Date Date Date Due Date AI~ Date To I Delivery IFab Days StaluslMl LNumber 1_ Section Description I R"'i'd Sub _ Rec'd SUb to AlE from AI~ Roturned SUblVend I D.t~_ _ AlIOW.~._-.=c_-L!:J I -. 07900 JOINT SEALERS I 07900-001 I 07900 -1.04 I NS I Product Data 07900-002 I 07900-1.04 1 l~ In~ial Selection Samples Test Reports 08110 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES IOBl10-001 106110-1.051 ~-Shop Drawings 1 OBll0-002 I 08110-1.05 1 NS Product Data I 09900 PAINTING [i9900-001 I 09900-1.014 1j L_~ -I--I NS L__J Product Data I 09900-002 I 09900-1.04 ---'---,-------1 NS 1 Inital Color Selection Samples 09900-003 1 09900-1.04 I I __-' ___---'_ 1 NS Veriliction Samples 10210 METAL WALL LOUVERS 1 12010-001 1 10210·1.04 1 j _I I _ I l 1 NS 1 Shop Drawings -------.12010-002 Ll02~(J'1 _.---::'-:-------:---:-:-:_______--'-___'--__-'--_- --''---_---'__'---__---'__--'-__-'--_'-----' Manufacturers Uterature AP • Approved or Reviewed NR • No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN • Approved as Noted RR • Revise and Resubmit ., NS • Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Date: 01115103 ,---------Pao e: 9 -Submittal Spec Subcontractor /Vendor Date Date Date Due] Date AlE I Date T~ -I Oellvery St.;;~·r~~ ! ,I Date FabOays Number Section Description Req'dSub Rec'd Sub to AlE Allowed _ _-----l from Al~ Returned SubNend Date Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District 15010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICAL I 15010·001 115010-1,5 I I 1 J u_-....J_~ ~I _---.L_I NSuL J Product Data I 15010-002 I 15010-1,5 I 1 NS 1 _j Manufacture~s Specifications 1 15010-003 115010-1,5 1 I 1_ I _ I _ I I NS I Manufacrure(s Specifications 16010 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK 16010-001 I 16U1U-1.OO I -----~---.---c----~--~----~--~=_._~ 16010-002 16010-003 Service Entrance EQUIPment Panel Boards I 16010-1.06 I __ ~ I NS J__ I I Raceways 16010-004 I 16010·1,06 I _1 1 _ I NS I ~~0-005 Wiring 16010-:~---L:--:-_________..l_ I NS I Wiling Devices _-----c----~ I 16010·006 16010-1,06 L ___________-'-___ _ -----'__I Disconnect Switches I 16010-007 I 16010-1,06 I L ------L----11 CamloCKs 16010·008 I 16010·1,06 IL_~ Lighting Controls I 16010·009 I 16010·1.06 I I --~ Fuses ___1..__ I L_ I~.-l I NS 1 .L.-----LINS I ----AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit .., NS -Not Submitted SU -Submitted to AlE BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01115/03 _ __ ________._ ._ Page: 1J1.__ Submittal Spec Subcontractor/Vendor I Date Date Date I DateD"e! DateAIE Date To Delivery IFab Days IStatus I' AlE 1 Number Section Description __~_Req'd Sub _Rec'd Sub to~ from AlE ! Returned SubNend Date' Altowed I 1 R:J 18010-010 1B010-1.06.-l_~ Ild I I INS 1-_I Transformers L16010-011 I 16010-1.06 I I I I NS ! Terminal Blocks 16010-012 I 16010-1.06 I I L....-.---,---,-I __1__ _ N~LI .1....-------1 Cabinets 16010-013 I 16010-1.06 I I NS I Lighting FiXtures 16010-014 ! 16010-1.0B I 1___ 1_ L_I I NS I Boxes Steve Chutchian To: Jim Duffy Subject: RE: Fountain Vault Drain Jim -I believe the contractor needs your direction to proceed forward with the construction of the drain into the sanitary system, in accordance with the plans and specifications. Regarding the elimination of the drain entirely, the Town would need a response from the Engineer stating that the drain is not a necessary component around the fountain. We look forward to hearing from you and/or the Engineer. Thanks. Steve Chutchian -~---Original MeBsage~----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netJ Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 10:00 AM To: schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us Cc: mmurphy@ci.addison.tx.us; jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us; Ijalbert@ci.addison.tx.us; dwilde@ci.addison.tx.u5; Les Folse; Carmen Moran Subject: Re: Fountain Vault Drain Steve, I talked Wednesday to the contractor, Luke and Les Folse on this issue. There are provisions in the international plumbing code to accommodate combining storm and sanitary systems. Therefore, it may be there is not necessarily a violation of the plumbing code. Clearly, the Town would prefer not to place ground water in the sanitary system. The design engineers had not intended to use a french drain at the fountain vault because the soil borings indicated no evidence of groundwater and any groundwater which developed would most likely migrate to a lower pOint in the limestone formation, which is further to the south, according to those borings. Jim Pierce asked for the engineers to do a flotation analysis on the vault, which was done. The calculations determined that, in a fully saturated situation (groundwater up to the top of the vault), it would move. In that situation, the upward force is 400k lbs., vs. 300k 1bs. weight of the vault. To cover that unlikely circumstance, we had two apparent choices. First was to thicken the slab to add weight to the structure. It was calculated the slab would have to be 2.5 feet thick. The other option was a french drain to collect any water which might appear. Placing a french drain at the bottom of the wall put it well below the flow line of the available storm drain. The other option was to place the drain line about half way up the wall. Because of the cost of increasing the slab versus the cost of providing the french drain, it was decided to utilize the french drain system half way up the wall. I believe both you and Jim Pierce were involved in that decision. Then came the dilemma about where to take any water which might enter the drain line. We have a slight uphill run to the storm to the west, 617.67 to 617.75. We could create a foot of fall to the sanitary to the east, 617.67 to 616.67. The other complication with taking the line west 1 is the fountain structure itself. With the bottom of the footings below the flow line to the storm, if we go in that direction we are forced to take the line under the fountain structure and through footings or walls below grade. There seemed to be no economical way to avoid that conflict. While everyone preferred to use the storm sewer to dispose of any groundwater from the french drain, avoiding infiltration into the sanitary, it was decided the only practical solution was to take it to the more accessible sanitary line. The discussion at the time was that the potential infiltration from this source was insignificant. I believe you and Jim were also involved in that discussion. I want to emphasize that this was not a decision made exclusively by the design engineers. This was a feature added to the project at the initiation of Jim Pierce. Public Works personnel were consulted and involved all the way through the design process. It is my recollection that Public Works agreed to the final solution. In my opinion, the contractor has his direction and written authorization to proceed. He has a set of plans and specifications calling for the connection to sanitary. He has a contract approved by the City Council and signed by the City Manager obligating him to build according to those plans and specifications. They need no further direction from me. As to revisions in the design, I recommend a simple change. We can eliminate the french drain completely and avoid the problem. In my opinion, we are installing something to protect against an unlikely event. The Town could save the cost of installation and eliminate the cost of potentially processing any infiltrated groundwater. If the Townfs desires a change, I need direction as to how to proceed. On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 10:04 AM, schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us wrote: > Jim -the contractor approached Luke Jalbert on Wednesday, the 8th. of > January, regarding the proposed french drain that flows from the > Fountain > Vault. He stated that he was not comfortable comfortable with installing it > according > to plans because it violates Town Ordinance and Plumbing Code > requirements. > The Contractor's statement is upheld in Section 1101.3 of the Plumbing > Code > and Section 82-169 of the Town'S Code of Ordinances. > > During final design review of the project, Jim Pierce stated opposition > to > placing stormwater from the vicinity of the Fountain Vault into the > nearby > sanitary sewer system. At that time, our staff studied an alternative > that > would direct the stormwater in the drain to flow under the fountain and > into > a stor.m sewer manhole. According to proposed plan elevations, it > appeared > that this alternative would drain properly. There would have been a > moderate increase in the number of feet of drain to be constructed~ > However, the Consulting Engineer did not want to run the drain'under the > fountain. Consequently, the plans were completed with the drain flowing > into the sanitary sewer line~ > 2 > At this point, it is suggested that you talk with the contractor and/or > Engineer and reach a viable disposition of the matter. It may require a > letter from you stating that the Town waives the ordinance > requirements. In > addition, the letter may also need City Manager and/or Council > approval. If > a re-design is involved, please forward the revisions to Dave Wilde and > to > our staff for record purposes. If you have any questions, please let me > know. Thanks. > > > steve Chutchian > > Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 3 Steve Chutchian To: Jim Duffy Subject: RE: Lighting levels on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way Jim -Slade will give the following information to Carmen this morning at their staff meeting: Recommended illumdnation in ft.-candles: Street 1.0 max; 0.5 min. Pedestrian 1.0 max; 0.5 min. David Meyers, with Huitt-Zollars stated that previous design levels around Addison Circle were at the 1.0 ft.-candle level. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks. Steve C. -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netj Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 10:07 AM To: Steve Chutchian Cc: Carmen Moran Subject: Lighting levels on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way Steve, Carmen talked to me this morning concerning the question of roadway lighting levels on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way. We made at least the decision to add lighting on the south side of Festival Way because it is not currently included. When I talked with the architect to get their input, they requested direction about what level of roadway lighting the Town wants to have on those two streets. Once we have a desired light level, they will have their lighting consultant evaluate the current lighting against those standards and develop a design change for Festival Way and any needed changes for Addison Circle Drive. Please let me know as soon as possible what level of lighting the Town wants to achieve. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell 1 Addison Arts and Events District BID NO 02-47 DUE: November 5, 2002 2:00 PM --------'E.. 'tI I: Bid BIDDER SIGNED Bond a1 a2 a3 <_~_: I2II Rebcon Inc. y y y v v 6,684,000.00 American Civl Contructors y y y y y 6,647,580.00 Abstract Construction Co y y y y y 5,088,755.00 Ratcliff Constructors LP y Y Y Y Y 5,266,000.00 Tri Dal Ltd y y y y y 5,948,000.00 Joe Funk y y y y y 5,493,000.00 AUt y Y Y Y Y 5,713,000.00 Adolfson & Peterson y y y y y 6,347,000.00 Hisaw & Assts y y y y y 5,369,000.00 Cadence McShane y y y y y 5,450,000.00 WBKibler Construction Co y y y y y 5,716,805.00 ----.. .. 'tI", I: !C. 'tI 2 2I: »III B~CI _ CI ~.m m loo "" TotaIIA+B) _..... 270 810,000.00 7,694,000.00 270 810,000.00 7,657,580.00 273 10,000.00 5,098,755.00 270 810,000.00 6.076,000.00 300 900,000.00 6,646,000.00 270 810,000.00 6,303,000.00 257 771,000.00 6,484,000.00 280 0.00 6,347,000.00 285 855,000.00 6,244,000.00 230 690,000.00 6,140,000.00 210 630,000.00 6,348,805.00 L-...... 7rJJM! bu.h Minok suh1 Purchasing Coordinator e~h+" Corey Gayden, Witness Steve Chutchian To: Cannen Moran Subject: RE: Lighting levels on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way I believe we are meeting at 1:30 today. Steve C. -----Original Message----From: Carmen Moran Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 5:36 PM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: FVI: Lighting levels on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way Steve, I want to be sure we have covered our bases on this. Can you let us know as soon as you show the plan to Huitt-Zollars? CM -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.net] Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 10:07 AM To: Steve Chutchian Cc: Carmen Moran Subject: Lighting levels on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way Steve, Carmen talked to me this morning concerning the question of roadway lighting levels on Addison Circle Drive and Festival Way. We made at least the decision to add lighting on the south side of Festival Way because it is not currently included. When I talked with the architect to get their input, they requested direction about what level of roadway lighting the Town wants to have on those two streets. Once we have a desired light level, they will have their lighting consultant evaluate the current lighting against those standards and develop a design change for Festival Way and any needed changes for Addison Circle Drive. Please let me know as soon as possible what level of lighting the Town wants to achieve. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972 .241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 cell Steve Chutchian To: jfdgroup@f1ash.net Cc: Michael Murphy; Jim Pierce; Luke Jalbert; Dave Wilde Subject: Fountain Vault Drain Jim -the contractor approached Luke Jalbert on Wednesday, the 8th. of January, regarding the proposed french drain Ihat flows from the Fountain Vault. He stated that he was not comfortable with installing it according to plans because it violates Town Ordinance and Plumbing Code requirements. The Contractors statement is upheld in Section 1101.3 of the Plumbing Code and Section 82-169 of the Town's Code of Ordinances. During final design review of the project, Jim Pierce stated opposition to placing stormwater from the vicinity of the Fountain Vault inlo the nearby sanitary sewer system. At that time, our staff studied an altemative that would direct the stormwater in the drain to flow under the fountain and into a storm sewer manhole. According to proposed plan elevations, it appeared that this altemative would drain properly. There would have been a moderate increase in the number of feet of drain to be constructed. However, the Consulting Engineer did not want to run the drain under the fountain. Consequently, the plans were completed with the drain flowing into the sanitary sewer line. At this point, it is suggested that you talk with the contractor and/or Engineer and reach a viable disposition of the matter. II may require a letter from you stating that the Town waives the ordinance requirements. In addition, the letter may also need City Manager and/or Council approval. If a re-design is involved, please forward the revisions to Dave Wilde and to our staff for record purposes. if you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks. Steve Chutchian 1 CHAPTER 11 STORM DRAINAGE SECTION 1101 GENERAL 11111.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the materials, design, construction and installation ofstann drainage. 1101.2 Where required. All roofs, paved areas. yards. courts and courtyards shall drain into a separate storm sewer system, or a combined sewer system. or to an approved place of disposal. Forone-and two-family dwellings, and where approved, stonn water is permitted to discharge onto flat areas, such as streets or lawns, provided that the storm water flows away from the building. 1101.3Prohibited drainage. Stann water shall not be drained into Sewers intended for sewage only. 1101.4Tests. Theconductors and the building storm drain shall be tested in accordance with Section 312. 1101.5 Continuous flow. The size of a drainage pipe shall not be reduced in the direction offlow. 1101.6 Fittingsand connections. All connections and changes in direction of the stonn drainage system shall be made with approved drainage-type fittings in accordance with Table 706.3. The fittings shall not obstruct or retard flow in the system. 1101.7 Roofdesign. Roofs shall be designed for the maximum possible depth of water that will pond thereon as detennined by the relative levels of roof deck and overflow weirs, scuppers, edges or serviceable drains in combination with the deflected structural elements. In determining the maximum possible depth of water, all primary roof drainage means shall be assumed to be blocked. 1101.8 Cleanouts required. Cleanouts shall be installed in the storm drainage system and shall comply with the provisions of this code for sanitary drainage pipe clean outs. 1101.9 Backwater valves. Backwater valves installed in a storm drainage system shall confonn to Section 715. SECTION 1102 MATERIALS 1102.1 General. The materials and methods utilized for the construction and installation of storm drainage systems shall comply with this section and the applicable provisions of Chapter 7. 1102.2 Inside storm drainage conductors. Inside stann drainage conductors installed above ground shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 702.1. 2000 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE® 1102.3 Underground building storm drain pipe. Under· ground building storm drain pipe shall confonn to one of the standards listed in Table 702.2. 1102.4 Buildingstorm sewer pipe. Building storm sewer pipe shall confonn to one of the standards listed in Table lIOZ.4. TABLE 1102.4 BUILDING STORM SEWER PIPE MATERIAL STANDARD •Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ASTM D 2661; ASTM D (ABS) plastic pipe 2751;ASTMF628 Asbestos-cement pipe ASTMC428 Cast-iron pipe ASTM A 74; ASTM A 888; ClSPI301 ASTM C 14; ASTM C 76; CSA A257.1; CSA CAN/CSA A257.2 ; Concrete pipe Copper or copper·alloy tubing ASTM B 75; ASTM B 88; (Type K, L, M or DWV) ASTM B 251; ASTM B 306 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ; ASTM D 2665; ASTM D plastic pipe (Type DWV. 3034; ASTM F 891; SDR26, SDR35, SDR41, CSA-B 182.2; CSA PS50 or PS I 00) ! CAN/CSA·BI82.4 Vitrified clay pipe Stainless steel drainage systems, Type 316L ASTM C 4; 4; ASTM C 700 ASMEIANSI AIIZ.3.1 i I 1102.5 Subsoil drain pipe. Subsoil drains shall be openjointed, horizontally split or perforated pipe confonning to one of the standards listed in Table 1102.5. TABLE 1102.5 SUBSOIL DRAIN PIPE MATERIAL STANDARD ; Asbestos~cement pipe ASTM C 508 ! Cast-iron pipe ASTM A 74; ASTM A 888; ClSPI301 : Polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe ASTM F 405 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) i ASTM D 2729; ASTM F 891; plastic pipe (type sewer pipe.: CSA-BI82.2; CSA PS25, PS50 or PSlOO) CAN/CSA-B 182.4 Vitrified clay pipe ASTM C 4; ASTM C 700 Stainless steel drainage ASMEIANSI A112.3.1 systems. Type 316L 11112.6 Roof drains. Roof drains shall conform to ASME A1l2.21.2 or ASME Al1Z.3.1. I 1102.7 Fittings. Pipe fittings shall be approved forinstallation with the piping material installed, and shall conform to the respective pipe standards or one ofthe standards listed in Table 1102.7. The fittings shall not have ledges, shoulders or reduc~ tions capable of retarding or obstructing flow in the piping. Threaded drainage pipe fittings shall be of the recessed drain· age type. 77 I 1 1 2 3 1 1 OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Meeting No.: 01 Page No.: 1 Project: G02068E -Addison Arts & Events District Item No. Description Status Opened Due Action Required By Closed 01 • Field Progress Report Open 01/06103 Abstract Construction 1) Earthwork in progress. 2) Utility work started January 2. Domestic water outside of properly line. 3) Demolition of the two structures are completed. 03 • Schedule Open 01106103 Abstract Construction Schedule is completed and attached for review. 06 • Cost Issues ~~--------------------------~----~------Open 01106103 Abstract Construction Excavate and place in an appropriate container 7 Oak trees and transport to the Addison lift station. Open 01106/03 Abstract Construction Bulletin #1 Open 01106103 Abstract Construction Exploratory excavation of propoane tank on the South side of the properly and septic lank on the North side of the properly. !\7 • RFl's and Architect's Supplementallnstruction~~_~..______~___ Open 01106103 RFIlog is attached for review. 08 -Submittals Open 01106103 Submillal Log attached for review. 10 • Safety -~-~-----.~-.-~.. ---~-~~ ~~----~~.....--.~~ Open 01106103 11 • Payment Requests Open 01106103 December draw has been submitted. 12 -Miscellaneous Issues ~~-------~---------..-~..-~.----Open 01106103 1 1 :1 Mobillzmion "Sot Trailer .• Sot Portable Toilets ~Install Security Fence ...... 'r;;:" in'iaii SlItF;'ce ·.mm III!! .. : aF·m: Start dale 020EC02 -00!!i'!I Early bar 'Ifni.h dato 04SEP03 IIIIIIIIIII Progress bar Oat.date 06JAN03 Abstract Construction Company IIIlIIIIIIIIICriticaibar Runda" 07JAN03 Addison Arts & Events District --Summarybar ~number 1A • Start milestone poInt ® PrimaY$ra Systems Inc. • Finish milestone point '--. } ~ IlliBlll Early bar milestone ';'F iStor~ Sewer [1:&1................... ..E~::;.SF=~ , ~ . 'Yard Hydrants ~I!Il!I!lIJ!IeO¥1!ljExi>osed Aggregate walks ...J. , •• . , Ornamental fencing . . \Landscap!ng .~ Trees, Pl:ants and ~round Co~r ~~ ==::::::::mm::.::::.~;..J UnL~ddesrgcraopu!nndg ,E~J eLcatrwJcnasf & ,Grasses...'.....:~~~~.~I.~:~..........."""...1. . ... c. . ....• ,~ ~ ~JII!lIJ!Im!!m!!Iimm!!lI!!lml!!!llllonnking Fountains t:~ImIl!!l~...~limillllllll!l!iml!lllllilllmilillll!llllll!l!i!liIIllIIiillll!liIIliIIl!lIII~. Fountain equipment Fountain Vault Wor~ Concrete ; "ii ··. r"". ~ " SlcneWa.il I ; .. ' EI~c;' . .." : Md&' _ Progress bar Abstract Construction Company R.IIi CriticaJ bar Addison Arts & Events District .._,.,.-Summary bar .. Start milestone point ;.,. .}.. ,;.. ,.. J. ,,,.. ;. ':' .. .; .. . ..;. .'. . ~ . I ' 1Slate, ~tone and granite pavers C;., . :Landsc,ape Iii!i!iil!J Early bar I11III Progress bar Abstract Construction Company IIIII!IlIiII CriUcai b.. Addison Arts & Events District .......... Summarybar .',. ~~_I~I.iII ...,.:>r I..... .. Start milestone point , © Primavera Stems. Inc, <$___~,!ish milestone point rlnlsn UCl\tJ v Start milestone point ¢ Fin!sh milestone "~e .# "\C1onicrIete' :S u~e.q i . m Brick Pavers Curb & Gutter t::::::~i!IIi!i!IIi!~iIi'!!iIi'!!~~::;'~c~o:n~c~r·tle~F;O;u~n;d.;ti~Oliln.ii!i!i'iIiI~ Concrete Columns Structural Steel 1,=e : :_.:_ J IimlmiI Early bar _ Progress bar Abstract Construction Company III!!!l!I Critical ber Addison Arts & Events District ......_.. Summary bar r 6 numOef '::0 • Start mllestone polnt @~PrimaveraS stems, Inc. .. Substantial ,> . .,.;. lil!l!mIl Early bar _ Progress bar Abstract Construction Company I!IIIR Critical bar ,",un u"'" U,",,"UO Addison Arts & Events District .-........ Summary bar Page number 2C <$> Start milestone poInl @PrimaveraSystems.lnc. .. .~ STATUS RFI LISTING .., A • AWAITING RESPONSE R • RESPONSE RECEIVED Abstract Project: 2068 -Addison Arts & Events District Date: 116103 Page No: 1 II· ·RFI~ origlnat~· . ,---------R-F-I-SU-b-je-ct---- ---' o;;;s~n~Date Dat~ IStat~~ I Da~ Reference Spec Sec, Contractor I Vendor Sent To Due Returned u I i Late II Remarks ! I.: . . I JFDGroup --" -----~ L. 1 IGal Har Request for CAD disk for Site Utilities . ___..u IJ:~~~~~r12117/02-1 12118102 1u-~T-1 I 605 02 strand & AssOCiates, IExposed Aggregate 112118102 I 12120102 I I A 1_ 1~1 LLG. 03000 ,JFD Group IBituminous Pavers I 01106103.1 01106103 1 A 1_01 JFD Group t=L._.. i IConcrete Sealer ..__.u---i·01106103 I 01106103 A JFD Group t~;100J I~ I AP -Approved or Reviewed NR -No Response Required SUBMITTAL LISTING AN -Approved as Noted RR -Revise and Resubmit NS -Not Submitted SU • Submitted to AlE &1 BY SPEC SECTION Abstract Project: 2068· Addison Arts & Events District Date: 01/06/03 I Pa e: 1 ~....,~ ,-,~-~.~. I -I""'001 "... _'0 ,,-'m_ '",001M'J' Number Section Description Req'd Sub ,Rec'd .~. to AlE~ from AlE j Returned SubNend Date. Allowed .__1ReV u' • u ....'-'---1 [I.11 I ___~-1-INS~I! I 02375 DRILLED CONCRETE PIER I I 02375-001 I 02375· 1.04 I I I NS I I u Concrete Design Mix 02375-002 I _02_3_75_-_1,_04-,-I_~__~__~__---'-_~-L I_.. _1-_._ Record Drawings of Dnlled Shaft Foundation Work 02736 STONE DUST SURFACING 02736-001 [02736-1.04 Samples 02735-002 I 02736-1,O 16,100.00 6 Connect to Existing Manhole (II' -15' Deep) 2 EA $ 615.00 $ 1,230.00 7 Drop Connection (7' Deep) I EA S 900.00 $ 900.00 8 Raise Existing Manhole (1' Depth) 1 EA S 275.00 $ 275.00 9 Remove/Replace Addison Circle Drive Pavement 20 SY $ 55.00 $ 1,100.00 10 RemovelReplace Brick Paved Sidewalk 150 SF $ 7.00 $ 1,050.00 23 Trench Safety 1 LS $ 175.00 $ 175.00 TOTAL $ 48,918.00 2138 CalHar Drive * Melissa, Texas 75454 * Office 972/838-2888 * Fax 9721838-2299 CalUar Il'AGE2 OF 2 STORM SEWER 1 36" RCP CL III 153 LF $ 60.00 S 9,180.00 2 24" RCP CL ll! 387 LF $ 39.00 $ 15,093.00 3 21" RCP CL III 171 LF $ 36.00 $ 6,156.00 4 18" RCP CL III 1018 LF $ 32.00 $ 32,576.00 5 15" RCP CL III 1009 LF $ 30.00 $ 30,270.00 6 8" Trench Drain 6 LF $ 250.00 $ 1,500.00 7 8"HDPE 24 LF $ 16.00 $ 384.00 8 4" Sch. 40 Kiosk Utility Box Drain Line (See Note #17) 20 LF $ 16.00 $ 320.00 9 4" Solid Underdrain (See Note #24) 1140 LF $ 11.85 $ 13,509.00 10 4" Perforated Underdrain (See Note #24) 1198 LF S 17.35 $ 20,785.30 11 2" Underdrain Cleanout 12 EA S 75.00 $ 900.00 12 7' Diarn. Manhole (9' Deep) I EA $ 4,650.00 $ 4,650.00 13 5' Diarn. Manhole (4' -9' Deep) 10 EA $ 2,300.00 $ 23,000.00 14 3x3 Type "A" Manhole (6' Deep) 1 EA $ 2,725.00 $ 2,725.00 15 I.5x I Kiosk Utility Box (I' Deep) I EA $ 900.00 $ 900.00 16 Precast 6' Curb Inlet (4' Deep) 8 EA $ 1,725.00 $ 13,800.00 17 Precast 2X2 Area Drain (3'-6' Deep) 18 EA $ 1,Q60.00 $ 19,080.00 18 Retention Field #1 (See Note #16) 1 EA $ 29,500.00 $ $ 29,500.00 19 Retention Field #2 (See Note #15) 1 LS $ 4J ,500.00 $ 4J ,500.00 20 Retention Field #3 (See Note #J 8) 1 LS $ 24,500.00 $ 24,500.00 21 Connect to Existing Rep in Addison Circle Drive I EA $ 600.00 $ 600.00 22 Connect to Existing RCP in Addison Road 1 EA $ 600.00 $ 600.00 23 Connect to Existing Inlet 2 EA $ 425.00 $ 850.00 24 Connect to Existing RCP 2 EA $ 425.00 $ 850.00 25 Remove!Replace Addison Road Pavement 10 SY $ 55.00 $ 550.00 26 RemovelReplace Addison Circle Drive Pavement IS SY $ 55.00 $ 825.00 28 Trench Safety I L8 150.00 $ 150.00 TOTAL $ 294,753.30 TOTAL WORK LOCATED IN THE CITY OF ADDITION PUBLIC ROW: $ 565,239.30 NOTES: I YRJI 0% Maintenance Bond to be provided to the City ofAddison upon completion of the above work. 2138 CalHar Drive * Melissa, Texas 75454 '" Office 972/838-2888 * Fax 972/838-2299 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ofdgroup@f1ash.net] Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 10:56 AM To: Craig Gaussiran Cc: Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian Subject: Project signs ~ WATERGAR.tif Craig, in response to your fax of 12/10/02 regarding the project sign design approval, please consider the design approved, with the addition of the contractor name and estimated completion date. Attached is the electronic file of the image to be used on the sign. Located one sign along and facing Addison Road, roughly midway between Addison Circle Drive and Clara Street. Locate one sign on Addison Circle Drive, across from and facing the Addison Conference Centre. Locate one along and facing Quorum, roughly midway between Addison Circle Drive and the new Festival Way. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridge1ake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 mobile 1 Steve Chutchian From: Dave Wilde Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 11 :55 AM To: Carmen Moran Cc: Steve Chutchian Subject: RE: Oncor utility relocation I would think that Oncor can do whatever we ask them to do. Obviously they will expect to be paid for this work and materials. I don't know if they (or their sub) would do the concrete pier (light base foundation) or if our contractor would be required to do that. We would most likely need to identify the exact location we prefer, so a little guidance there would be helpful. Possibly the NW corner could work, pending identification of ROW and existing utilities. If anyone wants to meet me out there, just let me know. Dave Wilde Public Works Inspector Town of Addison PH: 972-450-2847 -----Original Message----From: Carmen Moran Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 11:36 AM To: Dave Wilde Subject: FW: Oncor utility relocation Dave, Can we get a standard street light pole for this light? CM -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netl Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 10:38 AM To: Carmen Moran ee: Craig Gaussiran Subject: Oncor utility relocation Carmen, I talked this morning to Kemp Spears, Oncor's project manager for the Arts « EVents District project. He tells me the work order for our new electric service and relocation is in their construction department awaiting a schedule. They have the necessary permits and he will let me know when work is scheduled to begin. He mentioned that Dave Wilde had identified a street light on Broadway at Julian which was also fed by the existing overhead lines and needed to be maintained. Oncor is trying to figure out a way to feed it and also suggested perhaps a standard street light pole to replace the wooden pole currently in use~ I guess Dave will continue to coordinate that work with. them. He also confirmed they will cap and abandon the gas lines currently running down Julian and Clara. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 1 972.241. 2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 mobile 2 Re: Dispute among Town of Addison, Abstract Construction Company, Strand & Associates, et al. AGREEMENT OF PARTIES 1. Within the next thirty (30) days, the Parties will work to develop a scope ofwork to repair Festival Way. The scope ofwork from Surety shall include engineered construction drawings of the scope of work subject to approval by Addison. Paragraphs 2 -10 are contingent upon developing an agreed-upon scope of work. 2. Within five (5) business days, Addison shall have the right to approve any subcontractor chosen by Abstract/Strand's Surety to perform the scope ofwork. 3. All terms and conditions of the Contract between Addison and Abstract for construction of the Addison Arts & Events District shall apply to the scope of work for repair of Festival Way. 4. Abstract shall have all appropriate field engineers or other qualified p(''fSOns present during all pours to confirm the proper elevations are being maintained during concrete placement. Addison must be provided with the contract required testing and inspection reports necessary for the street construction, including the subgrade. 5. No concrete is to be poured unless a representative ofAddison is present to observe and, if necessary, point out corrective actions to be taken. The Addison Public Works Department should be contacted in advance to schedule the attendance ofthe appropriate Addison representative. 6. The scope ofwork shall be completed between July 4 September 1, 2005. 7. By March 21, 2005, Addison shall provide a punch list to Abstract related to the Addison Arts & Events District. Upon completion of the punch list, Addison shall release $100,000.00 of monies held. Upon completion of the work described by the scope of work in Paragraph 1, Addison shall release all remaining monies held. 8. Either Strand Surety or the agreed-upon subcontractor shall provide a one (l) year guarantee on the work performed under the scope of work and a one (l) year maintenance bond. 9. The Parties agree to a completion of the work described by 10. Abstract and! or Stam! $25,000.00 to Addison. AGREEMENT OF PARTIES Events ofSeptember lr, Z003 1. Experienced heavy rainfall in afternoon (approx. 1"-2"lhour). 2. Received call from Barbara K about 4:20 pm she said they were experiencing substantial flooding inside ofrestaurant tent just west ofstage, received same call from Slade S a few minutes later. 3. 4:25 pm I directed Utility Crew and Engineer to take large pump to site and remove water from tent area. 4. 4:30 pm I received call from Chris to come out to site to see if we could determine problem fur future reference. 5. Had water evacuated from site by 5:30 pm, kept Utility Crew on sight until last rainfall threat passed. 6. Walked site next day to determine what caused drainage system overload. What we saw when we arrived on site: 1. Area around drain inside oftent completely submerged (approx. 24"-30"). 2. Were able to immediately determine that we could drop a submersible pump into manhole just outside tent to clear water from inside. 3. Once we turned pump on --inside drain evacuated water within a couple ofminutes, which would tend to support idea there was some type ofblockage. Some Ideas: 1. Place vault and sump pump near entrance manholes to each drainage field to pump water directly to street drainage system. 2. Put concrete aprons around each area drain and re-grade to funnel water into area. 3. Completely re-grade area above fountains to properly direct water to area drains. 4. Consider future placement ofrestaurant tent outside area drains. 2 II fA1/' -m ~"48OJT Uqt.i-pit: ~ 'JEi<¥r >~ z ' ~ ~ ~ tr~ 10 C8I1~k?W1-. ~\~ ~N~ W~.. ' . . 3 I Woflt LV Il\ NOi0eNYI J~~dJt>J. /~ .' 4,. ~~pJ ·Vo~·~ rf \A)~ ~~~ ~A.&~ d:muu{;~""" r;. 4 ~(J& ~od.,JlK ~P~N U,1'(d~ .. ~" Ct>~1uew~ ~. fv#l~' 0· \»>l~~ ~ML·'RDiJ~l~. Wtl{,~··-.. COtJ~lZ-LUlU ~D b.~lAJEII To ~ IN P(()L.G V\=-' Cu~\ Mou"-iD. Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 (Phone) 469-385-9723 (Fax) 469·385-9753 Abstract OWNER/ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR PROGRESS MEETING Minutes of Meeting No. 11 ApnI16,2003, VVednesday 1:30 PM Meeting Location: Addison Arts and Events District Jobsite 15440 Addison Road Page: ProJect No.: Cover Sheet G02068E Project: Addison Arts & Events District Here Attendee Company YIN Initials Name Represented y CAG Craig Gaussiran Abstract Construction Company y Garth Rogers Abstract Construction Company y Jim Duffy JFD Group y Slade Strickland Town of Addison N Luke Jalbert Town of Addison y Steve Chutchian Town of Addison N Ron Lee Town of Addison Y Dave VVilde Town of Addison y carmen Moran Town of Addison N Jim Pierce Town of Addison -----------------"-----------"""-The attached minutes reflect the author's interpretation of what was discussed, determined or occurred at the above referenced meeting. If any attendee feels there has been a discrepancy or error in documenting the discussions, please notify the author in writing with in 5 days of receipt of these minutes. Otherwise these minutes will be deemed to be accurate and accepted as written by all parties in attendance. The Next meeting will be held at the following location, date and lime: location: Addison Arts and Events District Jobsite Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 15440 Addison Road Time: 1:30 PM Prepared By: Abstract Construction Company Craig A. Gaussiran Signed: Craig A. Gaussiran Dated: 04116103 /---~\ //!! J{!J11 " OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER (972) 45(). 7000 • FAX (972) 45().7043 5300 Belt Line Road March 17,2003 Dear Addison Circle Business: I wanted to notify you ofan upcoming temporary change in parking availability as a result ofthe Addison Arts & Events District construction. Beginning late this week, we will begin staging construction materials for The Pavilion building located near the intersection ofAddison Circle Drive and Witt Place. The Pavilion will be an outdoor catering service and special event building with kitchen and restroom facilities to serve the Arts & Events District. To stage the construction of the building, the TQwn's contractor will be fencing off approximately six parallel parking spaces along the sidewalk and near the comer of Quorum Drive and Addison Circle Drive moving west to the intersection ofWitt Place. These parking spaces are all on the south side of Addison Circle Drive. We anticipate these parking spaces will be needed thmughout the construction period that should conclude in September. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are excited about the opportunities the opening ofthe new Arts & Events District will bring to the community in the near future. The Town is working now to bring new events and activities to the area that we hope will benefit your business. Should you have any questions regarding the construction process, feel free to contact either Jim Duffy, Construction Project Manager at 972/241-2816 or me at 972/450-7010. Sincerely, '~ ~~Chris Terry ~ Assistant City Manager (~{ cc: Ron Whitehead, City Manager Carmen Moran, Development Services Director Mike Murphy, Public Works Director ~7 Jim Duffy, Construction Project Manager j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j Steve Chutchian To: Jim Duffy Subject: RE: French drain connection to sanitary Jim: The Town of Addison Public Works Department is aware that the Engineer, Sasaki & Associates, designed a french drain to drain from the proposed fountain vault to a nearby sanitary sewer system, as part of the Arts & Events District improvements. Our staff has stated on several occasions that we oppose this connection (connecting storm water to a sanitary sewer is not allowed by ordinance), and have offered several alternatives to you for draining this sub~surface stormwater. These alternatives suggested have been: a. Thickening up the vault floor to increase weight b. Extending footings to pick up additional weight from soils Cw Drain the vault french drain to'a storm sewer We would also like to offer another alternative, which includes a drawing that we will submit to you at the weekly meeting today. This alternative allows the french drain to drain to the sump within the vault. The water could then be pumped to the storm sewer. Any of these alternatives would satisfy Public Works. The Contractor may have other acceptable ideas we have not thought of to date. Should you have any questions, please let us know. Steve Chutchian Jim Pierce -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.netj Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 4:04 PM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: French drain connection to sanitary Steve, The mechanical engineer would like something from the Town indicating they are aware of the connection of the fountain vault french drain to the sanitary sewer. Will you please send me an email indicating your awareness of that connection so I can forward it on? Thanks, Jim 1 1,1 .. : J{/'l -,.. (". >f)4Te'V ~ 5'f~ .. ~ tf.A<-e "'F~ 17l1s ",vb -><"-RF~