'l),avidWllpe L " From: Jim Duffy Ofdgroup@flash,net] Sent: Saturday, July 26,20034:54 AM To: Craig Gaussiran Cc: David Wilde Subject: Re: FW: Attached image data, Craig, I have reviewed the submitted pay ap draft I have the following comments, based on the assumption you are projecting this work to the end of the month, Exposed aggregate paving seems high at 90% considering the work left to be done, particularly around the Pavilion and in that area, Fountain installation seems high at 99% conSidering it hasn't been started up, adjusted or training conducted, How can ornamental metal be 98% when none of it has been installed? I'm assuming this includes handrails, bridges, etc, in addition to the pergola tops, Jim On Friday, July 25,2003, at 02:10 PM, Craig Gaussiran wrote: Please review the attached Pay Application and advise, Thank You, Craig <390,pdf> ----------------------------APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT PAGE ONE OF..1.L SUBMITTED TO: TO\¥fl of Addison c/o JFD Group PROJECT: Addison Arts & Events Dlslricl APPLICATION NO: 8 _lion To: 3887 Ridgelake Court PERIOD TO: OWNER Addison, Tx 75001 PROJECT NO; G02066E ARCHITECT SUBMITTED FROM: Abstract Construction Company 11157 Ables lane ARCHITECT: SASAKI ASSOCIates 64 Pleasant Street ARCH PROJ NO: OONTRACTDATE: APPUCATION DATE: 11127/02 ~ ' CONTRACTOR Construction Dallas, TX 75229 Watartawn, MA 02472 INVOICE NO: CONTRACT FOR:SiIe Development CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Appication is made for payment, as shown below, in connection wllh the Contract, Contlnwation Sheets are atiached to substantiate this application, ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM,.......................... , .•.....••.•.., •...•........... $ 5,088,755.00 NETCIiANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS ........................................ $ 547,846.00 CONTRACT SUM TO DATE ......................................................... $ 5,636,601.00 TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE ........................ $ 3,951,470.10 RETAiNAGE: 1!L% OF COMPLETED WORK $ 393,947.01 1!L..% OF STORED MATERIAL $ 1,200.00 TOTAl. RETAINAGE .....................................................................$ 395,147..01 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE ........................................... $ 3,556,323.09 LESS OWNER DIRECT PAYMENT BY PURCHASE ORDER $ 0.00 LESS PREIIIDUS CERTIFICATES FOR P.AYMENT ................... $ 2,74O,Q16.79 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE .......................................................... $ Bfl6,306.3O 2.060,277.91 BALANCE TO FINISH INCLUDING RETAINAGE ........................ $ (See Attached Pages for Original Colllract and Change Order Breakdown.) The undersigned eo_certifies tIlat to the bestof the Conlractor's knowfedge, Information aOO belle' the Wor!; oovered by this Appllcatlon For Payment h... been oeompleted in accordance will! the Contract DocuITlEflls, that aU ""••,,"is have bean paid by the eonlta"",r for Work forwhich previoU$ Certificates for Payment were payments have been racelved froni OWner, and the OJrrant payment shown h_n Is now due. CO:NTRACTQR: Abstract Construction Company By: Date: ......_-_._-"'CC-ra"7ig-A-;-.-;G"a:C:uC":s s"iran State of: Texas County of: Dallas SUbecmad and SWOrn to before me this NOTARY PUBLIC: Usa'R Merkley My Commission Expires: 912512006 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accontanoe will! the Conllllct ~, _ on orMIle _.and Ihe d differs (rom the amount BPpiiod for. l.nifiaJ aJlligrnes on /hi. spp1icatIort andon tho ConUnuelion SheeIs tho! chongod /0 oonform to /he amount certified.) ARCHITECT: SASAKI Associates By: Data: This Certlflcat& .. not negoUabie. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED Is payable only to the Contractor named herein. "'.uance. payment anti acceptance of paymenlare without prajudlce to any rights of the OWner or Contractor under this Contrad.. ----I ~' ORIGINAL CONTRACT PAGE 2.1 PAGE NO: 2.1 OF: ~ SUBMITTED FROM: Abstract Construction Company PROJECT: Addison Arts & Events District 11157 Ables Lene APPUCATION NUMBER: --.:8~_ Dallas. T.X 75229 CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT NO: G0208SE APPLICATIOI'l DATE: ____'CQNlRACT FOR: Site Development ARCHITEC'I'S PROJECr NO PlERIOD FROM TOOU . r" A --,-------B ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. 1 General Conditions 2 Demol~ion 3 Earthworit ! 4 Water System 5 Sanitary Sewer ; 6 Planting Ulndefground System 7 Storm Drainage System 8 Stone Dusting 9 Exposed Aggregate Paving 10 Pavement Markings 11 Brick Pavers 12· Granite t 3 1 Irrigation 14' FOtIniain Equipment 15i Fountain Installation 161,Ornamental Melal Fence 17jStone 18 Benches 19 T_h Receptacles 20 Lawns & Grasses 21 Trees 22 Plants & Ground Cover 23 Bed Prep 24 Mulch 25 Cast·ln-Place Concrete 26 Sandblasting 27 Gratings and Floor PJales 26 Omamenlal Metal 29 Tme Grates 30 DSJITlpproofing I Sealants C D IE F G SCHEDULeD WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETE1 VALUe THis APPLIcATION . AND STORED % PREVIOUS . ....----STORED 1 TO DATE . GtC APPLICATIONS WORK IN PLACE MATERIAlS " 2.411697.00 156,245.80 0.00 25.000.00 25,000.00 0.00 262.A80.00 262,450.00 0.00 224,393.00 219.905.14 4,468.00 63,743.00 63,743.00 0.00 22.961.00 22,9111.00 0.00 (o+e+F) I, 156,24s.S( 65% 25,ooo.()( 100% 262.,480.()( 100% 224,393.14 100'% 63.743.00 100% 22.961.00 100% 372.902.94. 100% H BALANCE TO FINISH (e.G) 85,451.20 0.00 0.00 .Q.14 0.00 0.00 0.08 5,700.00 35,915.00 2,353.00 84,522.60 8,000.00 RETAINAGE : 15.624.581 2,500.00' 26,248.00; 22,439.31 6,374.30 2,2.96.10 37,290:29 0.00 32,323.50 0.00 5,849.74 1,200.00 372,903.00 5,700.00 359,150.00 2,353.00 141,020.00 20,000.00 71,600.00 170,610.00 .348,600.00 63,244.00 736,701.00 70,009.00 7,118.001 7.800.00 196.250.00, 52,348.00' 3,450.00 365,444.94 0.00 179,575.00 0.00 4,320.40 0.00 10,725.00 170,610.00 313,660.00 33,733.00 44.202.00 17,502.00 1,780.00 0.00 29,737.50 0.00 0.00 7,458.00 0.00 143,660.00 0.00 52,1n.00 0.00 39,325.00 0.00 31,365.00 12,487.00 353,616.00 0;00 0..00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0.00 323,235.00 0.00 56,497.40 12,000.00 60,060.00 170,610.00 0% 90% 0% 40% 60% 700k 100% 21,460.00~ 5,OO5.(l0 0.00, 17,081.()O 3,485.001 34,501.:50 37,024.00 4,622.00 338,883.001 39,781.80 52,507.00 1,750.2.0 5,336.001 178.00 3.500.00 0.00 0.00 659,847.00 680,869.95 0.00 13,500.00 8,100.00 2,700.00 16.538.00 0.00 0.00 205,386.00 174,954.72 26,700..00 16,000.001 18,000.00 0.00 345,015.00, 99% 48,220.001 56% 397,818.001 54% 17,502..00 25% 1,780.00: 25% 0.00 29.737.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 560,889,95 10,800.00 0.00 201,654.72 18,000.00 31 Sheet Membrane Waterproofing! 6,500.00j 6,500.00 0.00 6,500.00 1 13,450.00 4,035.00 0.00 ,i 4,035.00 32 Doors, Frames < {II C .. .!!» c .. 801 0 .o!s !o»s ~Cf5 0'0 e.~cr.J Total (A+B) 270 810,000.00 7,694,000.00 270 810,000.00 7,657,580.00 273 10,000.00 5.098,755.00 270 810,000.00 6,076,000.00 SOO 900,000.00 6,848,000.00 270 810.000.00 6,303,000.00 257 771.000.00 6,484,000.00 280 0.00 6,347,000.00 285 855,000.00 6,244,000.00 230 690,000.00 6,140,000.00 210 630,000.00 6,348,805.00 ~ ~ lJ JAMES F. DUFFY }Jovember20, 2002 Ms. Carmen Moran Director of Development Services/City Secretary Town of Addison P.o. Box 9010 Admson, TX 75001-9010 Re: Addison Arts & Events District Contractor Selection Dear Carmen: I will use this letter to sUDlmarize the process we used to bring forward to the Council a recommendation for contract award to Abstract Construction Co. for construction of the Arts & Events District On }Jovember 5, 2002, the Purchasing Department received and opened bids on this project We received eleven separate bids for the general construction contract Abstract was the low bidder, followed by Ratcliff Constructors, L.P. with a bid approximately 3.5% higher. Both firms had sintilar schedules which will allow us to be complete prior to Oktoberfust 2003. On }Jovernber 8, 2002, you, L Chris Terry, Slade Strickland and Steve Chutchian interviewed the two low bidders to determine their qualifications to construct our project We asked them to corne prepared to present their company's history, their background in sintilar projects, their planned project management team and a list of proposed key subcontractors. Both firms c(i)mptied and provided us with significant information. After the interviews, we all agreed we are most satisfied with our low bidder, Abstract Construction Co .. While either company could probably do an effective job, we preferred Abstract and, fortunately, they are the low bidder. I subsequently checked background references on Abstract, a 28 years old 3887 RIDGELAKE COURT' ADDISON, TX • 75001 PHONE: 972.241.2816' FAX: 972406.1146 JFDGROUP@FLASHNET -2-November 21,2002 company, using references they offered in their materials and some I developed on my own. I talked with a repeat owner, an architect who had done multiple projects with the firm, an engineer who was involved with them on the construction of a project which had many similar features to the Addison project and a subcontractor who has done numerous jobs with Abstract Across the board, the comments were positive and supportive of using Abstract Architects, engineers and owners all said they have and will us the firm again. The architect used phrases like, "attentive, staffed the job properly, reacted well to the unexpected." All references provided an unqualified recommendation of our low bidder. I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with Abstract Construction in the completion of the Arts & Events District project and recommend them forward to the Council for approval. Regards, Jim Duffy AIA Document AIOIICMa Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor Where the basis ofpayment is a STIPULATED SUM 1992 Construction Manager-Advisor Edition (AS AMENDED) -Electronic F onnat AGREEMENT Made as of the twenty seventh day ofNovember in the year of two thousand and two BE1WEEN the Owner: The Town ofAddison, Texas -1?,Q..-&lr9W~ ----Addison, TX 75001-9010 And the Contractor: Abstract Construction Co. 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 For the following Project: Addison Arts & Events District The Construction Manager is: James F. Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 The Architect is: Sasaki Associates, Inc. 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472 The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below. ARTICLE! THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, the Advertisement for Bids, Proposal Fonn (submitted by the the Contractor), Instructions to Bidders, other documents listed in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement; these fonn the Contract, and are as fully a part of the Contract as ifattached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. An enumeration ofthe Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 9. The Contractor represents and agrees that it has carefully examined and understands this Agreement and the other Contract Documents, has investigated the nature, locality, and site of the Work and the conditions and difficulties under which it is to be perfonned, and that it enters into this Agreement on the basis of its own examination, investigation, and evalnation of all such matters and not in reliance upon any opinions of the Owner, Construction Manager, Architect, or any of their respective officials, officers, agents, servants, or employees. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT For the Contract Sum, the Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract Documents and all work incidental or reasonably inferable that is necessary to produce the results intended by the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibilit;y of others, or as follows: ARTICLE 3 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND FINAL COMPLETION 3.1 The date of commencement of the Work is the date established in a written notice to proceed. The written notice to proceed shall be issued by the Owner no less than ten (10) days prior to the date of commencement If there is no notice to proceed, the date of commencement shall be the date of the Agreement or such other date as may be established by the Owner in writing. 3.2 The Contractor shall promptly commence and diligently prosecute the the Work and shall achieve Final Completion ofthe entire Work within and not later than two hundred sevent;y three (273) consecutive calendar days following the date of commencement of the Work ("Contract Time"), subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Docmnents. The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work as set forth in the Contract Docmnents. 3.3 All times stated in the Contract Documents, including, without limitation, those for the commencement, prosecution, and completion of the Work, and for the delivery and installation of materials and equipment, are ofthe essence ofthis Agreement. 3.4 The Contractor shall begin the Work on the Date of Commencement and shall perform the Work diligently, expeditiously, and with adequate resources so as to complete all the Work within the Contract Time. ARTICLE 4 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor in current funds for the Contractor's performance of the Contract the Contract Sum of Five Million, Eight;y Eight Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifty Five Dollars and no cents ($5,088,755.00), subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Docmnents. 4.2 The Contract Smn is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: None 4.3 Unit prices, ifany, are as follows: None ARTICLES PROGRESS PAYMENTS 5.1 Based upon Applications for Payment submitted by the Contractor to the Construction Manager, and upon Project Applications and Certificates for Payment issued by the Construction Manager or Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.2 The period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment is submitted to the Construction Manager not later than the first (1st) day ofa month, the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not later than -----fhe.-twentieth-~W-~41y -of-tke-menth:--If-an- Applieation-ror Payment -is-reeeived-by 1heConstruction Manager after the application date flXed above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than twenty (20) days after the Construction Manager receives the Application for Payment. 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions ofthe Work: and be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Construction Manager or Architect may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Construction Manager or Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. If at any time there shall be evidence of a lien or claim for which, if established, the Owner might become liable, and that is chargeable to the Contractor, of ifthe Contractor shall incur any liability to the Owner, or the Owner shall have any claim or demand against the Contractor of any kind or for any resson, whether reduced to judgment or award, the Owner shall have the right to retain out ofany payment due, or to become due under this Agreement or any other agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, an amount sufficient to indel1lllifY the Owner against such lien or claim, or to fully satisfY such liability, claim or demand. The Owner shall also be entitled to charge against or deduct from any such payment all costs of defense or collection with respect thereto, including without limitation attorneys' fees. Should any claim or lien develop after all payments are made hereunder, the Contractor shall immediately refund to the Owner (in any event not later than 10 days after notice to the Contractor) all monies that the Owner may be compelled to pay in discharging such claims or liens and all costs, including without limitation attorneys' fees incurred in connection therewith. No progress payment made under this Agreement or any of the Contract Documents shall be evidence of the performance of this Agreement in whole or in part, and no such payment by Contractor and acceptance thereof by Owner shall be construed to be acceptance of any defective Work: or improper or defective materials. 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment sha1l be computed as follows: 5.6.1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the share of the total Contract Sum allocated to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Values, less retainage often percent (10%). Pending fina\ determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in dispute may be included as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.7 of the General Conditions; 5.6.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed constructi()l1 (or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a location agreed upon in writing), less retainage often percent (10%); 5.6.3 Subtract the aggregate ofprevious payments made by the Owner; and 5.6.4 Subtract amounts, if any, fur which the Construction Manager or Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided in Paragraph 9.5 ofthe General Conditions. ARTICLE 6 FINAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance ofthe Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when (1) the Contract has been fully performed by the Contractor and the Work (as defined in the Contract Documents) has been fInally accepted by the Owner except for the Contractor's responsibility to correct nonconforming Work as. provided in Subparagraph 12.2.2 of the General Conditions and to satisfy other requirements, if any, which necessarily survive final payment; and (2) a final Project Certificate for Payment has been issued by the Construction Manager and/or Architect; such final payment shall be made by the Owner not more than thirty (30) days after such conditions have been fulfilled, or as fonows: Final payment is further conditioned on and subject to the Owner's prior receipt from the Contractor of all as-built drawings, certifications, maintenance manuals, operating instructions, written guarantees, warranties, and bonds relating to the Work, and assiguments ofall guarantees and warranties from the Contractor, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, or manufacturers, in connecti()l1 with or relating to all or any portion of the Work Acceptance of a fina\ payment by the Contractor shall constitute a full waiver and release by the Contractor of all claims against the Owner arising out of or relating to this Agreement. ARTICLE 7 N.USCELLANEOUSPROVDnONS 7.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a provision ofthe General Conditions or another Contract Document, the reference refers to that provision as amended or supplemented by other provisions ofthe Contract Documents. 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the place where the Project is located. 7.3 Temporary facilities and services: None 7.4 Other Provisions: None 7.4.1 In the event the Contractor fully and finally completes the contract prior to the expiration of the Original Contract Time, the Town will pay the Contractor an incentive payment of the Daily Value amount specified in Provision "s" of the Instructions to Bidders (such amount being $3,000.00) for each calendar day the actual final completion date precedes the Original Contract Time and subject to the conditions set forth below. The term "Original Contract Time" as used in this Subparagraph 7.4.1 means the number of calendar days established by the Contractor for final completion ofthe work ofthe Contract on the date the Contract was executed (as set forth in the Contractor's bid Proposal Form). The term "calendar day" as used herein means every day shown on the calendar. Calendar days will be consecutively counted from commencement of Original Contract Time regardless of weather, weekends, holidays, suspensions of Contractor's operations;-delays-or-otherevents-as descdbediIerein. -FOI pmposes-ofilre-calculation-and1:he ----determination of entitlement to the incentive payment stated above, the Original Contract Time will not be adjusted for any reason., cause or circumstance whatsoever, regardless of fault, save and except in the instance of a catastrophic event (e.g., war, invasion., riot, declared state of emergency by a government authority, national strike, or other situations as declared or determined by the Town of Addison). The parties anticipate that delays may be caused by or arise from any number ofevents during the course of the Contract, including, but not limited to, work perfOlIDed, work deleted, change orders, supplemental agreements, disruptions, differing site conditions, utility conflicts, design changes or defects, time extensions, extra work, right of way issues, permitting issues, actions of suppliers, subcontractors or other contractors, actions by third parties, shop drawing approval process delays, expansion of the physical limits of the project to make it it functional, weather, weekends, holidays, suspensions of Contractor's operations, or other such events, forces or factors sometimes experienced in construction work. Such delays or events and their potential impacts on performance by the Contractor are specifically contemplated and acknowledged by the parties in entering into this Contract, and shall not extend the Original Contract Time for purposes of calculation of the incentive payment set forth above. Further, any and all costs or impacts Whatsoever incurred by the Contractor in accelerating the Contractor's work to overcome or absorb such delays or events in an effort to complete the Contract prior to expiration of the Original Contract Time, regardless of whether the Contractor successfully does so or not, shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor in every instance.' Inthe event of a catastrophic event (i.e., war, invasion., riot, declared state of emergency, national strike, or other situations as declared or determined by the Town of Addison) directly and substantially affecting the Contractor's operations on the Contract, the Contractor and the Town shall attempt to agree as to the number of calendar days to extend the Original Contract Time so that such extended Original Contract Time will be used in calculation of the incentive payment. In the event the Contractor and Town are unable to agree to the number of calendar days to extend the Original Contract Time, the Town shall unilaterally determine the number ofcalendar days to extend the Original Contract Time reasonably necessary and due solely to such catastrophic event and the Contractor shall have no right whatsoever to contest such determination., save and except that the Contractor establishes that the number of calendar days determined by the Town were arbitrary or without any reasonable basis. The Contractor shall have no rights under the Contract to make any claim arising out of this incentive payment provision except as is expressly set forth in this Subparagraph 7.4.1. As conditions precedent to the Contractor's entitlement to any incentive the Contractor must: 1) Actually and finally complete the Contract and obtain fmal acCeptance by the Town prior to expiration ofthe Original Contract Time. 2) NotifY the Town in writing, within 30 days after final acceptance by the Town, that the Contractor elects to be paid the incentive payment which the Contractor is eligibie to be paid based on the actual final acceptance date, and such written notice shall constitute a full and complete waiver, release and acknowledgment ofsatisfaction by the Contractor of any and all claims, causes of action, issues, demands, disputes, matters or controversies, of any nature or kind whatsoever, known or unknown, which the Contractor has or may have against the Town, its employees, officers, agents, ________ ..representatives, consultants,..and their-respecti.veemplo)'Ces, officeRI-aIld-:represemati¥es----" under or in connection with this Contract and the work hereunder, including, but not limited to, work performed, work deleted, change orders, supplemental agreements, delays, disruptions, differing site conditions, utility conflicts, design changes or defects, time extensions, extra work, right of way issues, permitting issues, actions of suppliers or subcontractors or other contractors, actions by third parties, shop drawing approval process delays, expansion of the physical limits of the project to make it functional, weather, weekends, holidays, suspensions of Contractor's operations, extended or nnabsorbed home office or job site. overhead, lost profits, prime mark-up on subcontractor work, acceleration costs, any and all direct and indirect costs, any other adverse impacts, events, conditions, circumstances or potential damages, on or pertaining to, or as to or arising out of the Contract. This waiver, release and and acknowledgment of satisfaction shall be all-inclusive and absolute. In connection with and prior to receiving such incentive payment, Contractor agrees to execute a waiver and release setting forth the terms above. Should the Contractor fail to actually finally complete the Contract and obtain final acceptance by the Town prior to expiration of the Original Contract Time, or should the Contractor, having timely completed the Contract and obtained final acceptance by the Town prior to expiration of the Original Contract Time but having failed to timely request the incentive payment for any reason, and including but not limited to the Contractor choosing not to fully waive, release and acknowledge satisfaction as set forth in (2) above, the Contractor shall have no right to any payment whatsoever under this Subparagraph 7.4.1. Notwithstanding the Contractor's election or non-election of the incentive under this Subparagraph 7.4.1, the disincentive provision set forth below applies to all circumstances where the work under the Contract is not finally accepted by the Allowable Contract Time. Should the Contractor fail to fmally complete the Contract on or before expiration of the Allowable Contract Time, as adjusted, the Town shall deduct from the moneys due the Contractor the Daily Value as shown in Provision "S" of the Instructions to Bidders (such amount being $1,000.00) for each calendar day final completion exceeds the Allowable Contract Time. The term "Allowable Contract Time" as used in this Subparagraph 7.4.1 shall mean the Original Contract Time plus adjustments as are permitted under the Contract This deduction shall be the disincentive for the Contractor's failing to timely complete the Contract. This shall be strictly enforced. Such disincentive and deduction for failure by the Contractor to complete the Contract on or before the expiration of the Allowable Contract Time is not to be considered as a penalty, but shall be deemed, taken and treated as reasonable liquidated damages for each calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated for completing the work; actual damages that would be sustained by the Owner for failure of the Contractor to complete the Contract on or before expiration of the Allowable Contact Time are uncertain and would be difficult to ascertain, and the said sum represents a reasonable approximation of the damages likely to result to Owner from such failure and breach. In the event the Contractor elects to exercise this incentive payment provision, should this provision conflict with any other provision of the Contract, the Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with this Subparagraph. ARTICLES TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION S.l The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in the Contract Documents (as defined in the General Conditions). S.2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in the Contract Documents Documents (as defined in the General Conditions). ARTICLE 9 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 9.1 The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: 9.1.1 The Agreement is this executed Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, AlA Document AI01lCMa, 1992 Construction Manager-Advisor Edition, as amended. 9.1.2 The General Conditions are the General Condition of the Contract for Construction. AlA Document A20 l/Cma 1992 Construction Manager-Advisor Edition. as amended. 9.1.3 The Supplementary and other Conditions of the Contract are those contained in the ProjectManual dated September 30, 2002, and are as follows: Document Title Pages Supplementary Conditions Supplementary General Conditions 43 Prevailing Wage Rates Prevailing Wage Rates 4 Project Signs Project Signs 2 AlAA3lO Bid Bond I AlAA3111CM Performance Bond 2 AlAA311lCM Labor and Material Payment Bond 2 9.1.4 The specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Subparagraph 9.1.3, and are as follows: Section Title Pages DIVISION 1 -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 01110 Summary of Work 01110-1 through 2 Section 01310 Project Coordination 01310-1 through 3 Section 01330 Submittals 01330-1 through 8 Section 01420 References 01420-1 through 4 Section 01454. Mock-Up Requirements 01454-1 through 2 Section 01458 Testing Laboratory Services 01458-1 through 5 Section 01500 Construction Facilities and Temporary Controls 01500-1 through 9 Section 01550 Vehicular Access and Parking 01550-1 through 3 Section 01555 Traffic Control 01555-1 through 3 Section 01569 Tree and Plant Protection 01569-1 through 4 Section 01571 Erosion and Sediment Control 01571-1 through 4 Section 01600 Product Requirements 01600-1 through 4 Section 01722 Field Engineering 01722-1 through 2 Section 01732 Cutting and Patching 01732-1 through 4 --. ---··-Section-tl'fi'34--8elective-Demetition -------------------0173*11hrouglr--a-----. Section 01770 Closeout Procedures 01770-1 through 7 DIVISION 2 -SITE CONSTRUCTION Section 02200 Site Preparation 02200-1 throug h 4 Section 02300 Earthwork 02300-1 through 15 Section 02375 Drilled Concrete Piers 02375-1 through 4 Section 02510 Water System 02510-1 through 12 Section 02530 Sanitary Sewerage 02530-1 through 9 Section 02624 Planting Underdrain System 02624-1 through 3 Section 02630 Storm Drainage System 02630-1 through 9 Section 02736 Stone Dust Surfacing wI Stabilizer 02736-1 through 4 Section 02750 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement 02750-1 through 11 Section 02752 Exposed Aggregate Pavement 02752-1 throug h 9 Section 02760 Pavement Markings 02760-1 through 3 Section 02772 Concrete Curb and Gutter 02772-1 through 5 Section 02782 Brick Pavers 02782-1 through 7 Section 02784 Stone Pavers 02784-1 through 9 Section 02785 Granite Pavers 02785-1 through 7 Section 02766 Slate Paving Tile 02786-1 through 6 Section 02810 Irrigation System 02810-1 through 4 Section 02815 Fountains 02815-1 through 11 Section 02816 Drinking Fountains 02816-1 through 3 Section 02824 Ornamental Metal Fence and Gate 02824-1 through 5 Section 02838 Stone Wall 02838-1 through 4 Section 02870 Site Furnishings 02870-1 through 2 Section 02920 Lawns and Gresses 02920-1 through· 7 Section 02930 Trees, Plants, and Ground Covers 02930-1 through 13 DMSION 3 -CQNCRETE Section 03100 Concrete Forms and Accessories 03100-1 through 4 Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 03200-1 through 5 Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete 03300-1 through 16 Section 03450 Architectural Precast Concrete 03450-1 through 9 DIVISION 4 -MASONRY Section 04200 Brick Masonry 04200-1 through 8 Section 04270 Glass Unit Masonry 04270-1 through 5 Section 04430 Quarried Stone 04430-1 throug h 9 DIVISION 5 -METALS Section 05120 Structural Steel Section 05500 Metal Fabrications Section 05530 Metal Grating Section 05700 Omamental Metal DIVISION 6 -WOOD AND PLASTICS NOIUsed. DIVISION 7 -THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section 07110 Bituminous Dampproofing • _ . _ ___ SeQIJon Q7j as.. ~She.elJYIIWlbrarl.eLwaterproofing •• Section 07900 Joint Sealers DIVISION a -POORS AND WINDOWS Section 06110 Steel Doors and Frsmes DIVISION 9· FINISHES Section 09900 Painting DIVISION 10 -SPECIALTIES Section 10210 Metal Wall Louvers DIVISIONS 11-EQUIPMENT Not Used. DIVISION 12 -FURNISHINGS Not Used. DIVISION 13 -SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION NOIUsed DIVISION 14 -CONVEYING SYSTEMS Not Used. DIVISION 15 -MECHANICAL 05120-1 through 7 05500-1 through 9 05530-1 through 4 05700-1 through 6 07110-1 through 3 _________07135-j:lhrougb••. 11. ____ _ 079OD-1 through 7 0811 0-1 through 10 09900-1 through 7 10210-1 through 4 Section 15010 Section 15060 Section 15075 Section 15440 Section 15510 Section 15830 Section 15950 General Requirements Requirements For Mechanical Systems 1501 0-1 through 14 Piping And Accessories 15060-1 through 6 Mechanlcalldentlficetion 15075-1 through 3 Plumbing Pumps 15440-1 through 2 Heating Equipment 15510-1 through 2 Ventilation Fans And Equipment 15830-1 through 2 Testing And Balancing 15950-1 through 4 DIVISION 16 -ELECTRICAL Section 16010 General Requirements For Electrical Work 16010-1 through 15 Section 16111 Raceways and Fittings 16111-1 through 4 Section 16120 Wire and Cable (600 Volts) 16120-1 through 4 Section 16130 Boxes 16130-1 through 3 Section 16141 Wiring Devices 16141-1 through 4 . Section 16160 Cabinets and Enclosures 16160-1 through 2 Section 16190 Supporting Devices 16190-1 through 4 Section 16195 Electrical Identification 16195-1 through 2 Section 16420 Service Entrance 16420-1 through 3 Section 16425 Switchboards 16425-1 through 5 Section 16450 Grounding 16450-1 through 4 Section 16461 Transformers 16461-1 through 5 Section 16471 Panelboards 16471-1 through 4 Section 16485 COntectors 16485-1 through 2 Section 16491 Disconnect Switches 16491-1 through 3 --Section 16502 -Ballasts Slid Accessories--------------------t65QM throcgh-2-----Section 16525 Site Lighting 18525-1 through 3 Section 16550 Ughting and Equipment COntrol 18550-1 through 5 Section 16900 Coordination Study 16900-1 through 5 Section 16915 Electrical Acceptance and Field Testing, Adjusting and Balancing 16915-1 through 5 APPENDICES Appendix A Geotechnical Report Appendix B Town of Addiscn, Public Works Department -General Construction Notes AppendixC Town of Addison, Public Works Department -Referenced Specifications 9.1.5 The Drawing are as follows, and are dated unless a different date is shown below: Drawing Date of Rev. Rev. Drawing No. Issue No. ~ I!IJg GEt',lEBA!. Cover Sheet CQ.O 09130/02 1 10/21/02 Sheet Index Co-l 09130/02 Existing Condition Plan CO-2 09130/02 Existing Contours Q!Yl!. Cl-l 09130102 1 10/21102 Site PreparationlDemolitionl Erosion COntrol Plan Cl-2 09130/02 1 10/21/02 Site PreparatlonlDemolitionl Erosion COntrol Plan Cl-3 09/30/02 1 10/21102 Site PreparationIDemolitlonl Erosion COntrol Plan C2-1 09130/02 1 10121102 Materials Plan C2-2 09130/02 1 10/21102 Materials Plan C2-3 09130102 1 10121102 Layout Plan C2-4 09/30102 1 10121/02 Layout Plan 03-1 09130/02 1 10121102 Grading & Drainage Plan 03-2 09130102 1 10121102 Grading & Drainage Plan 04-1 09/30/02 1 10121/02 Utilities Plan 04-2 09130102 1 10/21/02 Utilities Plan 04-3 09/30/02 1 10/21/02 Utilities Plan C5-1 09130/02 1 10/21102 Materials Pian Detail C5·2 09130102 Materials Plan Detail C5-3 09130/02 Paving and Layout Plan Detail 05-4 09130102 1 10/21/02 Paving and Layout Plan Detail 05-5 09130102 Grading Plan Detail C5-6 09130/02 Grading Plan Detail 06-1 09/30102 1 10121/02 Pergola Plan & Details C6-2 09/30/02 1 10/21102 Pergola Elevations C7-1 09/30/02 1 10121102 Site Details C7-2 09130102 1 10/21102 Site Details C7-3 09130102 Site Details -Lighting C7-4 09130102 Site Details -Cotton Belt Route C7-5 09130102 Site Details -Fences C7-6 09130/02 Site Details -Upper Channel & Railing C7-7 09/30/02 Site Details -Fountain Wall C7-8 09130102 ,--------Site Details -Plaza Fountain Steps ---~-------09130102------·--;------------.---. ---sHe-OetaHs--7ountah 1Pylorr07-10 09130/02 1 10121102 Site Details -Fountain C7-11 09130102 1 10121/02 Site Details -Stairs C7-12 09130102 Site Details -Stairs 07-13 09/30/02 1 10/21/02 Site Details -Stairs C7-14 09130102 1 10121/02 Site Details -Electrical Room C7-15 09130/02 1 10/21/02 Deleted CB-1 09130102 1 10121/02 Festival Way Profiles CB-2 09130102 1 10121/02 02 Sewer ProfJle CB-3 09130/02 1 10121102 Site Details -Roadway Paving CB-4 09130/02 1 10121102 Site Details -Waier CB-5 09130/02 1 . 10121/02 Site Details -Water CB·6 09/30102 Site Details": Sanitary Sewer CB-7 09/30/02 1 10/21102 Site Details -Drainage C8-8 09130102 1 10/21/02 Site Details -Drainage CS-9 09/30102 1 10/21/02 Layout COOrdinate System Reference STRUCTURAL Sl-1 09130102 1 10121102 Structural Details Sl-2 09130/02 Structural Details Sl-3 09130/02 1 10/21/02 Structural Details Sl-4 09130/02 Electrical Room Structural Details LANDSCAPE L1·1 09130102 1 10121/02 Planting Plan L1-2 09130/02 1 10121102 Planting Plan L2·1 09130102 1 10121/02 Planting Details & Plant List L3·1 09130102 1 10121/02 Irrigation Plan L3-2 09/30102 1 10121102 Irrigation Plan L4-1 09130102 1 10121102 Deleted L4·2 09130/02 1 10121/02 Deleted L5-1 09/30102 1 10121/02 Irrigation Details & Legend ELECTRICAL Eo-O 09/30102 Electrical Abbreviations & Symbol Legend E1-1 09130102 1 10121102 Electrical Plan -West E1-2 09130102 1 10121102 8ectrical Plan -East E2-1 09130102 1 10/21102 Single Line Diagrams and Details E2-2 09130102 Electrical Large Scale Plans E3-1 09130/02 8ectrical Panelboard Schedules MECHANICAL M1-1 09130/02 1 10/21/02 Mechanical Plan FOUNTAIN FO-O 09/30102 Fountain Legend & Abbreviations F1-1 09130102 Water Garden Discharge. Fill & Filter Retum Plan F1-2 09130/02 Water Garden Suction & Drain Plan F1-3 09130/02 Water Garden Electrical Plan ------------ft-4--------Q9IS6{&2' ~------~ --_. ----.-wa.terG:arde~ails---·---· F2-1 F2-2 F2-3 F2-4 F2-5 FE1-1 09/30102 09130102 09130/02 09130102 09130/02 09130102 Plaza Fountain Discharge, Fill & Filter Retum Plan Plaza Fountain Drainage and Air Vent Plan Plaza Fountain Pump Suctions Plan Plaza Fountain Electrical Plan Plaza Fountain Fountain Details Water Garden & Plaza Fountain Electrical Diagram 9.1.6 The Addenda, if any. are as follows: Number Date Pages Addendum #1 Addendum #2 Addendum #3 October 9. 2002 October 22, 2002 October 31, 2002 1 47 2 Portions of of Addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are also enumerated in this Article 9. 9.1.7 Other documents, ifany, forming part ofthe Contract Documents are as follows: Advertisement for Bids, Proposal Form (submitted by the Contractor), Instructions to Bidders This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least four (4) original copies of wbich one is to be delivered to the Contractor, one each to the Construction Manager and Arcbitect for use in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the Owner. OWNER CONTRACTOR (Slgnature) Ron Whitehead William L. Hodges, City Manager Senior Vice President P.Ol DEC-04-02 WED 10:16 F'AX:97~.40e_114e: EMA!l.:JFblSROUPGI.tASlo{.Nf<:T -SEHDrn: ATTENTION: $'rEVE CHUTCHIAN FRUM: JIM DUFFY DATE: 12/4/02 FAXHUMBER: 972.450.2837 PUON£ NUMBER: oURGENT 0 REPLY ASI

t_....r PACSIMILB TRANSMITTAL SHP.£T "t}: r=,IlO).t; Craig' A, Gaussimn 12/)/02 FAX NU'Ntmt\:; sJ;N')~Jt·..; j.I~ NU/litlrut, 972-406·1146 469·3&5·9753 PHON!! N:lJMl)l~'It:: SI3NoRtl·,~ NWNtl Nu~nu.!t~ 972-241 ..2816 469.385.9723 TOTAL NO. m· PAG",~ INt'lJJPING C.OVIlR.! Addioon Art & Evml1l 11 o tlRGlOSt Tube l'SiIl pt::fl.(.'Clt. P1cue advUe jf tlW will he ....pnbl< .. """" "p...;!>le, n..k you (nr you< ,;"", snd ~1itm ofthie ",.mr. BH" AllL1:.S LANl\ DAtLAS, TDXA~ 7U" DEC-04-02 WED 10:16 p, 03 __D_EC_-O_3.-2002 ruE 01: 56 PH ABSTRACT CQNST ~AX NQ 469 385 9753 p, 02 • Mlnlmlllll Tuba ."IfIIS",••Ifoa: ••DInI...,·17 PIlI." WIIIIIt WeigM • gIIYtt 7.81J1'8111S 8InIIIitI WIdIh: S· ea... count 8.0 Plllllr lIpIICIn.IiI: 1/Z' WHOlP1EII b"il"ln"r Fade NI1IItanI c;oIar .-Dllmllllr • 22 PllJllr. WIllIe w.Ight. gmfII: 4,11J1'11'l1 SCr9IIlh wIdItI: 14 -1/Z' eo-CIIIIII1I; 4.0 PI.... epiiIIdnIJ: 111eHOPE IItJIIIng IN1IIIIIIII_ Flide .._ItcoIDt 12'" DIIIm...r-S'" w.~-gmt4.aSIiIInIId1 wkIIII: 24" 8Iand GIUIt . ,· ..1.·.·.·.(_·".... VEGeTATIVE I"tL11!R$TAlP DEC-04-02 WED 10:20 P,12 DEC-03-2002 TUE 02:02 PH ABSTRACT CONST FAX ND. 468 385 9753 P. II D~Q D3 D2 10.saa Alan Clla",."ll 316-722·S&211 ".11 FIGURE 10: VEGETATIVE FILTER STRIP ORGANIC FILTER BERMfTUBE (OPTIONAL) ---SecTION VIEW PAVEMENT (5'W! MAX. SLOPE) "'~ . , ~:: , ,",. ". . PLAN VIEW JON C. CLARK E L DAVE RIDOgE COMPANY T R I COM PAN '/'HONE (972) 245·2418 ! 51 0 RANDOLPH FAX (972) 245·6288 SUITE 608 MOBU.E (214) 208-7741 CARROLLTON, TEXAS 75006 JCLARK@RIDOLEELECTRIC.COM Jim Pierce/Steve Chutchian Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. R02-118 and the Supplemental Agreement for signature. Please return a completed signed Agreement back to me for our Contract Files. Gayle 11127/02 Addison Arts & Events District Pre·Constrnction Conference December 2, 2002 '1. Introductions "2. Project Overview "3. Contract, Bonds, Insurance Certificate Status "1( Date of Commencement-December 7, 2002 ~. Staging Location, Storage, Trailers, Parking and Mock-ups i. Site Access -4. Water for Construction /s. Project Signs ~. Sequencing and Schedule >10. Progress Meetings, Minutes '11. Daily Reports '1'2. Progress Photos ./·13. Utilities Location and Relocation '14. Construction Plans, Permitting ;/15. Construction Control Staking V.6. Testing 117. Inspection 018. Schedule of Values, Application for Payment Process v19.Submittais :'20. Change Orders ~ Key Contacts (Including Subcontractors), Subcontractor Ust 22. Site Cleanliness v23. Pre--construction condition video 014. Coordination with Adjacent Property Owners /25. Notification of Police & Fire of all Traffic Changes (972) 450-7000 ~~~~~~~~® Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 5300 Belt Line Road FAX (972) 450-7043 HAND DELIVERED November 27,2002 Mr. William L. Hodges Senior Vice President Abstract Construction Co. 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75229 RE: Addison Arts & Events District Bid No. 02-47 Dear Mr. Hodges: Enclosed are four completed copies of the contract for construction ofthe referenced project. Please send the signed contracts along with the required insurance certificates, Performance Bond, and Labor & Material Payment Bond, as soon as possible, but no later than December 7, 2002. They should be returned to my attention. Also enclosed is your Notice to Proceed stating a commencement date ofDecember 7, 2002. The signed contracts, bonds and insurance certificates must be returned before you mobilize on site. If you have any questions or if I can be of assistance to you, please contact me at 972-450-7018. Sincerely, i,;2AcPMJ. Director ofDevelopment Services /City Secretary Cc: Chris Terry, Assistant Assistant City Manager Mike Murphy, Director of Public Works Bryan Langley, Assistant Director ofFinance SLWWiliit41ihU't,M@st.£i\yliMgh,Ml' Jim Duffy, Construction Manager Enclosures (972) 450-7000 ~~~~..~~~~~~~~~~® Post Office Box 9lJ1O Addison, Texas 75001-9010 5300 Belt Line Road FAX (972) 450-7043 HAND DELIVERED November 27,2002 Mr. William L. Hodges Senior Vice President Abstract Construction Co. 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, Texas 75229 Re: NOTICE TO PROCEED Addison Arts & Events District BID NO. 02-47 Dear Mr. Hodges: This document shall serve as your Notice to Proceed for the above referenced Project, and is issued November 27,2002. According to the terms and conditions of the contract, the proposed improvements and work shall be completed within two hundred seventy three (273) calendar days following the date ofcommencement ofthe work, with the original contract price of$5,088,755.00. The date ofcommencement is December 7, 2002 (the tenth day after the date ofthe issuance of this Notice to Proceed). Please include the Project name and Bid No. 02-47 on all monthly invoices or other correspondence to the Town of Addison. Should you have any questions, please contact my office at 972-450-7018. Sincerely, C~l Carmen Moran Director ofDevelopment Services I City Secretary Cc: Chris Terry, Assistant City Manager Mike Murphy, Director ofPublic Works Bryan Langley, Assistant Director ofFinance Jim Duffy, Construction Manager Addison Arts & Events District Pavilion Building Drawings Review 500/0 Design Submittal Project Manual: Not yet ready for detailed review. Numerous sections still contain missing detail or multiple options. We will review when selections have been made and blanks filled in. JFD will work with you on Division 1 content. Resubmit when more complete. Cover Sheet: The drawing schedule needs corrections. For example, the S drawings in the set are numbered differently than the schedule (S 1 vs. S 1 00). Other drawing titles are different on the sheets than the schedule (AI 00 Site Plan vs. AIOO Floor Plan) SI: General Notes, Paragraph F. Allowances, Why do we need this allowance? S2: Sections and pier data still missing. S3: Base plate data still missing. Note 3 top of steel elevation missing. S4: Detail 04, why say "ifreq'd" on vapor retarder? Geotech report recommends it. Either we need it or we don't. Don't leave it up to contractor's interpretation. Is vapor "retarder" different than vapor "barrier" referenced elsewhere? On "slab-on-grade -contraction joint" why reference to "see geotech report" regarding thickness ofsand bed? We don't find anything there and neither will the contractor. Let's tell them what we want. Detail 01, complete pier schedule. AI00: Missing enlarged plan references and section references. A200: Light fixture schedule says "D" fixture not used, but a "D" fixture is shown in (former) employee restroom. Correct spelling of"continuous" in "K" fixture description. A201: Missing enlarged plan references. Elevation references in south women's room not correct. East elevation reference 04/A 700 in men's room appears to be incorrect. Should it be OlfA700? A400: Building Section 1, enlarged plan references OllAS.O and 02/AS.O should be OI/ASOO and 02lASOO respectively. Looks like we have an extra, floating section designator to far left ofBuilding Section 1. Building Section 2, enlarged plan references 03/AS.O should be 03/ASOO. A600: Plumbing fixture schedule, correct spelling of"dispenser" in item 4 description. Door schedule, shouldn't door lObe called out as a pair ofdoors? Hardware sets to be identified. A700: Elevation 1, enlarged plan reference missing. A 701: Elevation 1, grab bar designation "17" not scheduled. Should it be "13'''7 FS2: Elevation 4, remove references to overhead coiling door. FSMEPl: Plumbing notes 6, correct spelling of"sinks" and remove reference to grease trap. E2.01: Delete 3" B.C. for telephone to park. E3.01: Note G 4., delete references to paying fees for permits. Note G22, does this process work? Do we really have time to review these requests and then communicate alternates to all bidders before bid day? Note G23 correct spelling of''perforrnance'' in line two and "professionals" in line three. Symbols chart, correct spelling of"project" at end offirst line of note beneath chart. PI01: Coordinate water and sanitary services with Sasaki drawings, including connections to services with necessary cleanouts, valves, etc. For example, Sheet C4-2 in Sasaki set calls for 6" sanitary line coming to Pavilion building at a different location than the 4" line shown leaving Pavilion building. The same sheet shows a 6" water line coming to the Pavilion at a different location than the 2" water line leaving the building. General Comments and Modifications: Gate into service court from Addison Circle Drive should not allow views into service court. Do not use "picket" style gate. We need a custodial closet in the new storage are to store paper products and cleaning supplies for use in the restrooms. Eliminate paper towels from restrooms. Eliminate waste receptacles except at changing stations. Add necessary electric hand dryers. Add four more hung windows on east wall, one to each side of existing windows. We want the ability to set up ticket sales from all six locations if necessary. No change in inside equipment (i.e. cash drawer, bun warmer, etc) at the two center windows and no new equipment at the new windows. MEETING REPORT DATE: November 15, 2002 PRomCT: Addison Arts & Events District PARTICIPANTS: Barbara Kovacevich (Town ofAddison), Ed Campbell & Teresa Rynell (Ed Campbell Company), Danny Deari (pastazios Pizza), Jim Duffy (James F. Duffy) SUBmCT: Pavilion Kitchen The meeting was held to evaluate the design, equipment and potential operation ofthe kitchen in the Pavilion building. The participants are concession operators and their view was requested to provide a perspective different than a caterer. Discussion points are addressed below. l. Part ofthe discussions involved the possibility that two concessionaires might be using the space at the same time. Another involves a scenario where a concessionaire would use the facility in the daytime and a caterer at night and then the concessionaire would return the next day. Some ofthe discussion below reflects input to allow those possibilities. 2. We should make provisions for beer dispensing in addition to soft drinks. A location needs to be created for beer kegs and for soft drink syrup and C02 canisters. With the possibility oftwo concessionaires, two soft drink machines will be needed. It was indicated the counter space on the south wall would not be needed and that area might be designed to accommodate the kegs and canisters. 3. Some cold :rood holding area is needed-either a walk in cooler or another reach in cooler. A walk in cooler would also be useful for wedding items such as the wedding cake or flowers, which would be typically delivered early. 4. Ifthe ice machine is not being installed at this time, an ice bin is needed for storage of ice. Ice bins are usually bigger than ice machines so the area dedicated to the future ice machine won't allow space for an ice bin. Provisions need to be made for a small countertop ice bin to hold canned and bottled drinks for display or sale. It would require a connection to a drain. 5. Hot beverages need to be provided for fall or winter events. Items such as hot chocolate, coffee, cappuccino, and cider machines will require power (30A), water and drain connections. 6. Power at the countertop level is important. It was estimated at least 10 outlets should be provided along the backsplash ofthe counter. Items such as a cash register or other point of sale device, a countertop pretzel cabinet, a hot dog cooker, and such would connect there. 7. To hold down payroll costs for the operator it would be helpful to arrange the space so one person can operate a concession alone. That means placing the cash register and the drink dispenser together so the employee can serve the drink and collect the money at the same time. It would also be good to have a two-drawer bun warmer under the counter at each window. For the potential oftwo concessionaires at once, we need to provide a drink dispenser, bun warmer and cash register location at each window. 8. The lack on storage space is a major issue. Because ofthe scenario where a concessionaire would use the facility during the day and turn it over to the caterer at night, the concessionaire needs to have a place to securely store the the non food items such as utensils, dishes, packaged condiments, napkins, etc. Apparently, theft ofsuch items is a real problem. A locking cage or room inside a storage area would be necessary for a permanent or multi-day concessionaire. Another storage need is for the rental items such as tables and chairs because the rental companies do not pick up these items until the day following an event. A discussion was held about the possibility of converting the office space to storage and perhaps providing access to it from the service court. In this discussion it was pointed out the kitchen restroom was not needed by a concessionaire as long as the public restrooms are available. 9. Iftwo concessionaires were to use the space, a second hand sink would be needed. 10. Provisions for exterior signage for the concessionaires need to be made. Something that can be mounted on the east exterior wall to identify the space as a snack bar or pizza sales, etc. should be provided. It could be removable and not permanent. Also need to consider how and where to place menu boards. Something behind the operator was discussed, as was the possibility ofusing sandwich boards. 11. A shelf on the outside ofthe serving window for placing condiments, napkins, etc was discussed. It was suggested that in lieu ofa permanent shelf a portable condiment table be provided. /® transinittal • SASAKI Sasaki Associates Inc. 64 Plea.ant S""et Watertown Mos$(Jchu$SHS 02472 USA t 6179263300 f 6179242748 to Town of Addison dale November 6, 2002 Public Works Department 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 project name Addison Arts & Events Dislrict Addison, TX 75001·9010 project no. 14516.00 Jim Pierce from David Clough we are sending you via 0 ovemight courter 0 courier t8l us mail o other description quantity doted MSDS sheets & other information on chemicals, 1 11/6/02 injeC/ion devices, and pH controller from Georgia Fountain O-eWllCA..ls : .{lltUP (~dIUM ~ tDxiJ~ ~tbMlV\o.--h ""11a~ le is ," these are transmitted 181 for your information D please return materials o for review and comment o borrowed materials returned 181 as requested o for approval o other Jim, I'm enclosing some more inFormation regarding the chemicals C1nd feed systems for the two fountains, as you requested. Georgia Fountain's description of the systems (I elfers dated 10/3 and 10/9/02) that I sent you earlier said they were using muriatic acid, but that's not the case -they're using pHUP with a chemical/eeder device. let me know if you need anything else. dc\g:\ 14516.00\projmgml\lran.miHal,\I:ip6nov02.doc copy to Slade Slricklond. Jim DuAY. Keilh Gassman {Will! enclosure, Steve Chutchian To: Carmen Moran Cc: Jim Pierce; jfdgroup@f1ash.net; Mark Acevedo; Luke Jalbert Subject: Arst & Events Distlict Pavillion Comments The following Pavillion deSign comments are provided as a resuH of the review of plans by Mark Acevedo and our staff: Mark Acevedo a. Sheets A200 & A400 indicate masonry walls extending through the roof. There is a strong potential for water leaks at this location. Change design to eliminate this situation. b. Sheet A300 -Do not extend windows to level of foundation. Public Works a. Sheet P101 -the civil plans (Sheet C4-2) for the Arts & Events Distlict Project indicate a proposed 6" water line that ends at the pavillion site. The pavilliion drawings do not reflect the existence of this line or any associated gate valves. b. Sheet P101 -the civil plans (sheet C4-2) for the Project indicates a proposed 6" sanitary sewer line, in lieu of the 4" line that is shown on the pavillion plans. c. Sheet P101 -a proposed 2" C.w. line is indicated on the pavillion plans. However, the note is not aSSOCiated with any line on the plan. d. All proposed water and sanitary sewer lines on the pavillion plans must be tied directly to the Arts & Events Distlict civil plans, including the installation of necessary cleanouts, valves, double check valves, etc. Steve Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer I FAX: 972..405.1146 EMAIL.: .JFDGROUP~FLASH.NIrr TO: CARMEN MORAN SLADE STRICKLAND FROM: JIM DUFFY Sr!M!:CHUTCHIAN LYNN CHANDLER BAR8ARA KOVACEVICH PROJECT: AAED PAVILION BLDG. DATE: 11/7/02 oFYI DREQUESTED ~ REVIEW /COMMENTD FOR APPROVAL 0 OTHER COMMENTS: HERE ARE THE 50% PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ON THE ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT PAVILION BUILDING. PLEASE REVIEW THEM AND BE PREPARED TO SHARE YOUR COMMENTS. I WILL SCHEDULE A MEETING AROUND NOVEM8ER 19 OR 20 FOR US TO GET TOGETHER. CALL IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS. JIM Ii sl J § I !II I lJl1U1Y : r-", ~J..:1)'_ L-..r~;;;-h • J06' ,Q,W, ~ ~~ s~ ~ '" ~~ 0'" toO'! .0 '.", 00 \ ) ADDISON CIRCLE '. P NT OF S 89'49'12" E -878.43' S 82'48'27" I.R.S, BEGINNING 71.97' [ I H;;-----Ztlt:8:tR.s.. • I j..! I In~ I II 60' I II I R,O.W, I " II I II I II ,,--,/....O,f, I I II BLOCK 1 ~ II 9,56 M::.. ~. I.LJ ~ : II !'-'" ~-:;:: > .~.t.-.: ~ ~ I :: ADDISON ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT ,,-a 0 ;: II~ 18.03 Ac. II'! '" * I II G.W. FISHER SURVEY ~ ABSTRACT No. 4B2 I.R.S. ~I .:::f SII :;;) C-'25' l .. 42.71' CONSULTING €NGINE:ERS C.B... S 03'$Hl" .. (:,9." S <)4."24'$' 'if C.B... 5 W51'lO" W 1!>O2 c;Il£[N' III 'x: bnt In o::n:::rete« a poi1I d ~ 11iiN:S ak:rtg a a.rwo (C-1) 10 the ~ MIl a ra:t.Gd77S.W feel w a dlIXd beu'i'Ig ci S8tf18'5O" E. an we ~of 94.93 feet aonu said $OtCh ~Ine d Ai:Xlson CGIo to a112.fnch: irm rodWttl cap I'l1'I'ked "8HC" _ata p:irt rl~ ~S B2"'4S'27'" E. a cNance d 71.97 feel ScrIg sad SCUll ~IrIe at Jtd:b::rl Ch:kt to a 1~ IrM rod VItIh cap ITDted "8HC" set fora a:mer at: th& HeJsed:Ion d the W!I$l ~b of Q.m.m D:MI (8 WII:iatje WcIh ~In! Si'idSOiitl ~h d ~CIrde (a1 Q,)..b:t -~: ttEK:Ein8~dredkI1akxlJa~0S\e(Co2)fothe:leftw.ttlamc:itsdl3100leettm a Mth regao:IS to millll'U.wl11lOO le:spiAtsDilies.. The ~i'.hannel$ a' t:mek$ tnMr'StIg 100 ~alii ~ easenat Wi f1'IfBn as III qlfltI: ehSlneI,. tIlJes:s ~ to be endosed by ~,at aD Ifmes a»Shall be nBtIt.aned bytoo IrdW:UaI CWloIYS r1 the lot«lots ...,.._..."_..""'_aldllooeks«hary damage «...,. r1 pNate ~Q"pe:t'$Ql1:b Reply-To: Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 16:17:18 -0600 To: "Jim Duffy \(E-mail\] .. Cc: "FILE"@ss038.bos.hosting.com, "David Clough \ (E-mail\)" Subject: Motor Enclosures CEI#69602 Jim, Please find attached, the info~tion related to the Motor Enclosures as discussed in our conference call the other day. I hope this is of some assistance. I do not have Mr. Pierce's email. could you please forward this information to him? Please call if you have any questions. Best regards, Keith Keith W. Gassman, P.E. Campos Engineering, Inc. 7430 Greenville Ave. Dallas, Texas 75231-4504 Phone: 214-696-6291 ext. 232 Fax: 214-361-6298 E-mail: kgassman@camposeng1neering.com 1 n 02-47Addison Arts and Events District Plan holders List of 11/04/02 email linda@amtekusa.com creese@wbkconstruction.com raguilar@auigc.com add1 rcvd 10/9 jim sellers@tridat.com gnichols@accconstructors.com maxyoung@ratcliffconstructors.com jimbowmancc@msn.com PATTYMAA@SWBELL.NET jocelyn@rebcon.com johnclark@copper.net Icharr4625@aol.com I.erlanson@attbi.com jackh@hisaw.com charles@dal-ec.com joeym@abstractmail.com larrv@larwel.com bbrady@cadencemcshane.co m monica@chickasawelectrical.com JLBPARAGON@aol.com wright40@swbell.net Mwilson@Lrogerselectric.com roeterson@texasstone.com • todd@relect.com alecommetal@hotmail.com larryn@jrjpavinginc.com sernst@sw-construction.com acollier@systemelectric.com r.r.demolition@airmail.net adye@A-P.com 'dowagerconstruction@holmail.com' mandos@lmitexas.com ablazer@acconstructors.com denton.painting2@verizon.net •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TRANSMIITALOF ADDENDUM ••• * ••••• ** •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••*** INS1RUCfIONS: Acknowledge receipt of Addenda in Proposal, on outer envelope of bid AND WfIHTIlEFORM BELOWFAXEDTO (972)7096 upon receipt. Addendum Aelwowkdgment FAX to (972) 45&-1096 I Acknowledge the receipt ofAddendum No. 3 Town of: ADDISON, TEXAS Project Name: 02-47 Addison Arts and Events District By Facsimile Thansmission on Ibis date: Oetober 31,2002 Contractor's Signature CompanyName E-Ma.ilAddress: Please check one: __ Will be participating in bid __Will NOT be participating in bid "PLEASE SIGN & FAX THIS PAGE BACK TO TOWNOF ADDISON" (a. vern....tion that you received this Fax) 972450-1096 Total Number of Pages: 4 02-47 Addison Arts and Events District Addendum No.3 SA 14516.00 ADDISON ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT ADDISON, TEXAS DOCUMENT 00903 ADDENDUM NO.3 DATE: October 31, 2002 TO: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS FROM: SASAKI ASSOCIATES, INC. 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, Massachusetts 02172 PROJECT: ADDISON ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT Addison, Texas This Addendum forms part of and modifies Bidding and Contract Documents dated September 30, 2002. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in writing in space provided on Document "PROPOSAL FORM". This Addendum consists of four (4) pages. Where any original item called for in the Project Manual or indicated on the Drawings is supplemented hereby, the supplemental requirements shall be considered as added thereto. Where any original item is amended, voided, or superseded hereby, the other provisions of such items not specifically amended, voided, or superseded shall remain in effect. Revisions to Drawings, described herein, will be made to Drawings that will be issued for construction following Award of Contract DRAWINGS Drawino C6-1 -Pergola Plan and Details 1. Detail 1: Dimension from outside face of column to centerline of anchor bolts shall be 51/2". 2. Detail 2: Tubular steel main beams (8" x16" members) shall be 5/16" thick. Delete 3/8" base plate and anchor bolts at footing. All %" anchor bolts at main beam/column connection shall be 2'~" long. 3. Detail 5: Cover plate for electrical access and fixture mount shall be 5/16" thick. Drawino C7-1 Site Details 1. Details 4, 6 and 8: In Fountain Plaza area, depth of compacted select backfill to be 2'-0" maximum ff placed on compacted or undisturbed subgrade. In areas where top of existing limestone Is a~ or less than, 2'-0" from the bottom of the concrete base slab, select backfill shall extend from the bottom of the slab to the top of limestone. Drawino C7-2 Site Details 1. Detail 10: Cast-in-place concrete is an acceptable alternative to precast for bench footings. Drawing C7-5 Site Details-Fences 1. Detail 2: All steel members shall be 3116" thick. Steel channel middle and bottom rails (2"x1") shall be punched for pickets with pickets welded to underside of channels. Square steel posts (21/2" and October 31, 2002 00902 -1 ADDENDUM NO.3 SA 14516.00 ADDISON ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT ADDISON, TEXAS 4") shall be capped with 3116" thick by post dimension steel plates, welded to posls. Half round steel caps shall then be welded to sleel plates. LANDSCAPE Drawing L2-1 Planting Details and Plant List 1. Plant List: Revise Note 1 to read 'All plant materials shall be container grown.' Drawing L5-1 Irrigation Details and Legend 1. Add Note 16: "The irrigation contractor is responsible for all irrigation sleeving. To facilitate installation, the placement of sleeves shall be coordinated with the General Contractor to ensure that sleeves are installed, wfih ends sealed, and their exac! locations noted on as built plans before the start of concrete work.' 2. Add Note 17: "Only one 4!H1tation Rain Masler controller, per specifications, will be installed. Since there are 52 zones, doubling up on the terminal strip of four smaller demand zones controlling like plant material will be required: 3. Add Note 18: 'One 3" Weathermatic Master Valve is required fur fur the system, as noted on the Legend and in the Specifications. Location shall be approved by the Town of Addison: ELECTRICAL Drawing E1-1 -Electrical plan-West 1. Add Home Run L 1-20,22, (2) IP-2OA Circuit Breakers, 3 #8 & 1 #10G-1"C. to north 30' Pole w/(8) 1000W Fixtures. 2. Add Home Run L 1-24, 26, (2) IP-20A Circuit Breakers, 3 #8 & 1 #10G-1"C. to north 30' Pole w/(8) 1000W Fixtures. 3. Add Home Run L 1-28, 30, (2) IP-20A Circuit Breakers, 3 #8 & 1 #10G-l"C. to south 30' Pole w/(e) 1000W Fixtures. 4. Add Home Run L1-32, 34, (2) IP-20A Circuit Breakers, 3 #8 & 1 #10G-1"C. to south 30' Pole w/(8) 1000W Fixtures. Drawjng E2-1 -Single Line Diagrams and Delails 1. Increase rating of Panel L 1 to 200A, 1201208V, 3 Ph., 4W. 2. Increase feeder to Panel L 1 to 4 #300 kCMIL, 1 #4G-3-C. from Panel DPL 1. 3. Revise ClB feeding Panel L 1 to 3P-200A within Panel DPL 1. 4. Add the following to Note by Symbol 24 and 25: 'Provide circuit breaker in panel to protect TVSS Equipment. Submit Protection requirements in submittals." Drawing E2-2 -Electrical Large Scale Plans 1. Revise irrigation pump feeder to 3 #8, 1 #1 0G-1" C. Drawing E3-1 -Electrical Panelboard Schedules 1. Increase rating of Panel L 1 to 200A, 1201208V, 3 Ph., 4W. 2. Revise Circuit Breaker serving Irrigation pump circuit FL-8, 10, 12, to 3P-40A. MECHANICAL Drawing Ml·l -Mechanical Plan 1. Detail 01: Add the following to Note by Symbol 1: "Motor Enclosure to be TEFC". 2. Detail 03: Add the following to descripllon of EF-1A1B: "Motor Enclosure to be TEFC". END OF ADDENDUM October 31, 2002 00902 -2 ADDENDUM NO.3 END OF ADDENDUM The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that the Addendum No.3 has been incorporated in the contract and ifaccepted becomes part ofthe contract. Date.:____ 02-41 AddisonArts and Events DIstrict Addendum, Jim Pierce From: dclough@sasaki.com Sent: Monday, October 28,20024:42 PM To: jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us; jfdgroup@flash.net; kgassman@camposengineering.com Subject: RE: review of Addendum tK2. 6~V" 'l'i'.t~ ~~. Jim Pierce and Jim Duffy, /'\f,\-l.C-"/· ·l'age I otT I suggest we have a conference call with Keith Gassman and Bill Kumpf (Mechanical Engin.eer) from Campos Engineering to review items 1 and 4 below. If we're going to make any changes, we want to get them into our last addendum at the end ofthis week. I already talked to Keith and both he and Bill are available on Wednesday morning at 9:30 am (your time). Does this work for both of you? Ifnot, please give me an alternate time. I can't do ittomorrow. Thanks. To: , . , , ,, 10/23/2002 11 :05 AM cc: , Subject: RE: RE: review of Addendum #2 Jim: Review of Georgia Fountain leiter to D. Clough dated 10122102: 1. They recommend running the ventilation system when the system is on. Suggest the system controls be set up to do this automatically. 4. Motors: To call out TEFC motors, which I recommend, will cost approximately $500 (total for two 15hp and three 3hp motors). If you have another addendum it could be done then, or at the shop drawing phase and pay the contractor for the difference. 5. Freeze protection: Are piping and valves provided to drain the fountain piping system? Where does the piping drain too, the vault? If so, that's ok, I just want to be sure we can do so. All else looks good to me. Jim. Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy {ifdgroup@fJash.net) Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11 :58 AM To: msuh@ci.addison.lx.us Cc: bJangley@ci.addison.lx.us; ljaJbert@ci.addison.lx.us; schutchian@ci.addiso n.lx.us; jslade@ci.addison.lx.us; rmoraveC@ci.addison.lx.us; Carmen Moran; Dave Clough Subject: Re: 02-47 addendum #3 Minok, We are not going to change the bid date again. The specifications allow us to issue an addendum up to three calendar days in advance of the bid and we will be within that window. We are estimating only a few pages and no drawings in this final addendum. I will ask the architects to get it to you as quickly as possible on Thursday. Jim > From: msuh@ci.addison.tx.us > Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 11:26:43 -0600 > To: jfdgroup@flash.net > Cc: blangley@ci.addison.tx.us, ljalbert@ci.addison.tx.us, > schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us, jslade@ci.addison.tx.us, > rmoravec@ci~addison.tx.us > Subject: 02-47 addendum #3 > > Jim, > I received your phone message today about addendum #3 that I am suppose to > receive end of business day Thursday and to send out by Friday, November 1, > 2002. I know you said there will be no drawings, just a word document but > how many pages are you estimating? > However, I will need it early Thursday morning to put it together and send > it out Thursday and Friday. I will have to move the bid opening date if I > get it later than Thursday morning. Currently we have over 50 plan holders > and more picking up tOday and I have to make sure each one receives > addendums a timely manner. > > Thanks > Minok 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ufdgroup@flash.net] Sent: Monday, October 2B, 20024:33 PM To: Garmen Moran Cc: Steve Chutchian Subject: Plat Carmen, I met tOday with AT&T and SWBT and as a result we will be changing the plat again to make the easement along Julian only 5' wide, instead of the 15' currently shown. I have discussed it with Ron Conway and directed him to make that change. Because of concerns about the location of that 15 1 easement in relation to the Pergola, I had Dave send the layout drawing to Ron so Ron could overlay the easements and we are ok with the 15', but getting close. I'm having him change it to avoid any porblems. Another issue has come out of that exercise though and that's the location of the Pavilion Building in relation to electrical easements and underground lines along Addison Circle Drive. Ron is sending me a copy of the overlay for delivery Tuesday morning. I'll be in touch when I know something definitive. This could be major. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 mobile 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Pierce Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 3:07 PM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: FW: Yard Hydrants Steve: Comments from NSF regarding Yard Hydrants for the project file. Jim. -----Original Message----From: Brown, Jeremy [mailto:Brown@nsf.org] Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 12:01 PM To: 'jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us' Subject: RE: Yard Hydrants Dear Mr. Pierce: Currently there are no yard hydrants NSF certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61. Faucets with hose bib adapters are excempt from certification under Standard 61. Let me know if you have additional questions or comments. --~--Original Message~----From: jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us [mailto:jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us] Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 9:42 AM To: brown@nsf.org Subject: Yard Hydrants Dear Mr. Brown: The Town of Addison is planning an outside special events site at which, 2 or 3 times a yearl vendors will set up booths and prepare food. They require potable water for their operations and the Town of Addison wants to supply the water water using Yard Hydrants. The site designer has selected a yard hydrant that is installed flush with the ground but not NSF approved. Can you furnish a list of Yard Hydrants that are approved by the NSF? Thanks, Jim Pierce~ P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 1 OCT 22 2002 15:04 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 16179237220 TO 919724502837--14 P.01/07 facsimile Ocfober22,2002 10 Jim Duffy, Jim Pierp!l, Steve Cilutchion, Slade Strickland, Carmen Moron """",,""Y fac.simile no. Town of Addison 972 406-1146 "ho_ no. m.m Dove Clough di.--t lin.. 6 J7923 733 J • SASAKI "rojooct , ..... ,,' 1# '" P"!I'" ""......ilkdby Ails & Even" District 7 DC p .... jed...,. direct rin~ J4516.oo 617923 733 J SOlakJ AssociaM' Ifl('. 6~ f'leruOflf Street Wl)te~n Mouachu5eJh. 02472 USA I'm oHoching" le~er I ju,t re<:eived from Georgia fountain addressing Ihe 9uestio", that have been raised oboullounloin piping and filting. and Iheir compallbillty with chemicals U$Oft!tQ1 plll1cl enclosure. 4. In the current design the motors arc not specified tatally enclosed Or fun eooIed. Th, pumps are rated fOf high .officioncy and COllti"UOU~ dull'. w.. have CUlTel\dy b""" 'pceifyill8 !heBe !ype 1''''''1'' for ~Im"H.-../[J.C:../""'. .... OCT 22 2002 12:31 770 934 8846 PAGE. 02 OCT 22 2002 15:04 FR SRSRKJ RSSOCIRTES 16179237220 TO 919724502837--14 P.03/07 Oc~ 22 02 11:54a 770-834-8846 p.3 NEMA Standards ,--• ""'fnM~'" Isa iUI~~~NoI.,..dIlllP""'.' ;"""'III/11""III~4wl1II p_Mal&98IMtllldllllfllalomllt(ll MUI ,...../'1.110 "~tw It>PliMlf. __or1)l<*llttlOI'IIDVIf.~I()I(44.o.KIlnfl'l! ~~r"A ~.d CII'I'WINMWn)lllr;voll/itlOl'It. A\\Mt4'N4IfoIiQl'l 0111\:11 INn IiII:I!'MlII)htY1WOf ot..~_ ,.... b'f "". -'«:vic-! ,~wll", NIWI;f\I.'D ...1t~rwll\'l(lfI"l tJ8MbllllfM loIkrW6, Ro_ t<'! ''''I~M'' MtlhllM NIh); ..."""'* NIMr'oI\\'tItI ~f .f'!It\fflIl~.fII'I HltIIfIl'I1W1d IIj\tIIJ(rJl~. lal/.lftl:l. Iltddr.dgn to.la.. o.Ii.nlWfl ",,~ngtu ftOt'lho.l~ 1Qc.tJt0Jl'l), Ii 'fyOe 1 £Ml.illiPII: 'fW!.1 ,l'I$fftUl".~ 1Ufllldtd 1# ;"~illlllIfoII ,1I'lM~1J''IO P"iMdlI /I GlQItIq III ptI'IIfMli.., ~I;ASI ~,.fttoW! 1\o....ct0et0" OQr,IIPIft8IIL 'rW»3 fnCJNiltH 81. il'iit'1lOIO tol ow;ool we ~111¥""~012',,-01 OHlt~I'II1Q.iJllI 'ItNtI~ d\olS't, I.'n. ""'" ,,!'WI"Ifo'NIII ice ft1l'l'l6VOIl. 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NF C 20-010 Protection classification for housings to EN 60529 /lEe 529/NF C 20·010 Grado de proteccion para armarios segun EN 60529 flEC 529 f NF C 20-010 .9..... 110 (It ,,"'leZlona del tonll!Jnltorl. indicato come M9ue, The pfDltH:,lon class QfhOlJlJing. ;$ indicated as follows: EI ~f3da d& proleceion IIIl1"11 ~rm.,ios se Indiea como 9igu~: IP 6 5 9 I I I lettI)t. indig!l"e I cadit IeIt$f$J Il!tras indicatlv8s Crfm:a. citra indkadva' nr.t digitI prilftp.r;a r.lfra I seconda ell.a in(jjcativa I iUlconlJ dlgh I segunda cifr. 1I!l'Za cifla Indicaliva I third Iti!}il f Ie,.,.,. citra Pllma ti'l2l~dI4.tlV' p-';on.eonlr. I eontatti """idental;. c.,pl ~.tranei First rltgfl CIlIltac/alld ctJn/3tIl1Mlionpml"","",PrlmenJ cifra PrOIP.a"ilm c-.nf'l'1r;::l f'J)n*IO$ V CUGrpo..: e:tl.tMo$, 710934 ee46 OCT 22 2002 15:05 FR 5RSRKI RSSOCIRTES 16179237220 TO 919724502837--14 P.05/07 00t. 22 02 ll: 5'1a 770-934-8846 p.S saeonda elfr.l Indicativa P10UFZtun. eonuCl 11f~,udl S/M>fJIId dIgit p,."o<8On 'go'." ..."" ,$.09'I"dB ci'fo PrOtoccib" comr:l, 01 ~l.Ia o . '. 4 s ? Tut IN! I... OCT 22 G,.d. dl pl1ll••I.n. I 00_""O,• R•1 pto/f/Ctfon' Grado d. p"'I....:I6n NQ" prQfeno No pro,..UO" Nlnguna protec:a~n proteZiona COt'ltl'O iI gocciotamtn!O (j'aeq:1I4 Prof~ agslf1S1 drfppmg wafe, Pfo'leoci6n eontra: Ia eaida vertica! de !lOla. de agu. Pro~QflQ ~onttQ iI gOC1:iolaN\ol'lJQ d'~,q\l"" quandO it comcnltOfe e incJiPOIto fiflO a 15+ Proltx:Itn1 4glJIMt dtftJrJ11'19 water. WW;fI tlMOSUlWt ~ filted ~l.nr aftgie up Ia 15" Prottccl6n ~tl'Q fa aida dQ gQta\S Qe ~UilQl3ndo 81 annario Qsla irn:ijn.ado uft ~rtglJlo do Mt,UI \S· Protezi01\e conitO kI pioggill flroleccl6n carUfa el rociado de agu3 Prole;ione "ontro S9fUuiq'.ac.qua ,..,."teClf!l(l ~1J{nsl :tlJ/fJShing wat., PrOleo:I6n eonlra loS PQIlmIi geni d'aequ. PraffJGrIMJ sgshir strOhf) j6IS Df wafsr P((U8lione contra I'lmmerslone lemporan•• P'Qt_d agaInst III• • 1f1ltlS: of ''''''(H'tttty immlJl't!/oI1 ,,, w:lttJr P,.,(ecci4n contra la inmarsiOnas l'tmpOli!lile~ on &Qua V'OCIJZlone contI'Q rlt7lmerslone oontlt\ua PIQAICIH iiQ8I1>51 1M 01ftMlS OIIOflg (Jtfltf>ds offmmerslon fft wlit~r PromOClOn OOrnftl lai: lnmerslonn proiOnaGDQ qn "!IUS O.lfflll!oMI o.r1nfc:16" LIl 90(~ d'acqua ofte oadono vel'tiQlmente non deYMO pl'OYoc:are «iCU" daMo OriPP/ng WlIIII', faiJlng "'''/loaIIy, may hov~ no ha,,"foIBllecI • W goiss dt Jgua cidaso vanie:atmMte no dab8n eatfSat' ereaos PStjudloiale! L_ pQ9d'~a Ch$ ~o liel1~m.l\te nol" dovono proY'OCGM (lle14" cliVl"O ad un oo"lGnitQrQ if'l~lna!O flno.1 ,~ .. su entr.mbl i la, rispel10 atl'oss(t vertlc.,!e V"f1Icltf dripping w'tar=hilJt have no hsf'Y1lflll effeCf when the e~$u(e i! lilted at 81'1)' angJa up 10 'S" Las gor.a'$' cIi. Jig"'''' ClIidElS vtfl1ic~monlllll ng QllbQr. ;,,\001$l1li, OfQ~' po1Judi.c:i.:lleE CIJMdo 81 arma(lo estalnclinado un ,ingulO de h8$b5. 1S' L'XClua enl c.adlli st,j un eonls"}to'l oon qualtlasl ilI'golazlone linD a6~ cia .. nlt.')fl'lh' i loti roplrlt;! alrasae ..rti~ 1\01'\ do~ p1'O~....alwr. di'V1l'1Q WallJr llptaylJd (ID," 60th dl,eclklM at a 611" ""IJIO '''''" N ""rt'Q:l1 ","" ...y ha•• no haft'fllul 9"901 ' et Rgua rociada inambas c:ilreOQ!otJOs hlls\a un angulo de 60· dt$de Ia. worlIc6t I~ dothtl.illllV:raf tltaduas. JlBr~t.luit.iar~ Lfac:qua provol"liente ~I tutti: 10 air&zioni conlro i1 mnlonitor. 1101'1 dG¥' pto~1'9 alcundilnl'lO W8:C6f $p1aut1Jd .ag3fffSf 1116 9f'Ic/OS,,1'e /rQm 1V1J1 dt'reo/!f1n mii(YIulwt no IUUmItli slfea el aoua PlOyeelaGa conll:l 61 atmario e~ .Oda> diraecioMS no dOflQO <>uta. .,._ pelju II g&tto d'ecqui\ "Q¥ef\~le dCl (",ltv I~ dif~Oni ecnlnl ;! ecntc,,;tel"O tlo'" d~1;' provo=re aicUl"\ daMo Lo..pNI$UftJ ...../sri.u: prDj.crsd ag;lln$(lll8 ••dDSIJtA Irom"rdi_ ..,.~tef M4Y ha~ no /r4((f1lulilflflf LCHf tho(~ do 4{N1$ pfl)'t:"W;,.Jv~ 1.iV"tl,. ttl "Iniil'."'" .n,Ir.;.s.IJ;h"~I"li' I.", debaR caUsal er0C10S p'(jUdiCia/as Polenllgenid'aoqua plIWeniellfl da 'une Ie ~it""Qni 0011110 II conlenl!C;e'non devone plQ\loc.ve aJcuo diinno S,1"Mg watrrJets pralecledD{Jllfns, 'ht QnciCllit.Irt' tram.any dimCfiM may have no ~a/lTl/ul.(/e/'S f.oS: 1:1\0"0$ de aoua inlensl:I!; conlra el srl'n3rio en rod'3$ ClII"eee!OMes no ClellDn eau:r.ar ,facias Detludlcla!as L'ilQQu:a flOO d!:VG ptlnl'lIrare in ~ual'ldJ:J: danno&a "eI cQmerMtcre quandO vienl Imm""'" in oondizioni di p(8S$lone olOITIplslablllU ...0Ild0 Ia notma Warer /11.1)' tI(J/""'" '" 8/1en ~lJ.7IIuty Of If) .::w~ hlrmllJlg/{ect& ""'/III filS "01. It lCf1tplJltJrll,. ~edin watoo-UNillr .filHld,,",MUIO aM tmo ccl'ldltlolt# Cw>ndO 01 armarlq ~ e""••n~ainmo",o l.mpOtlllmeMe en agua bajo 1M ooAtftalonH dft pre$16A 'I tentpOfatulli normaln. ei &gua no debe pen6traf 60.1 intaltOr (ie' amarlo en una eanrl(fad Qu~ pueda: Cau5Bf e1ectos p.~u(fJC1IIM L'acqua non deYe t)SnetfatG in quantlti darlnosa ntl eontefl!fOM qv1Jndo vlene !mmmo I" modo prolungam aile condizioni eha dtwOf'lO ~efe Gtabilite I,a II OQ~IJ\'IOfe e tt,jb1jtuto(~. Ai$pano alta tifta" Ie condizionl di ptova devono 11$6'8 pig gravo.se V/.lMl' ltI:Iy 1II>19I'IIetItIsfJO/ll/IJl/IIIl/y .. ro _ •• lriJtmfIJI eIf_ whon ttl. endMufB is submflflJllf!l in watvt for.bng fJMOds IJnde, COt'IdI'lions1Jgreea fa 01 the m"""""""ftN'Il1Id thf U$e< HQWflVDt.lhC corn1illoll$ _~. """" so..'" !han Ih.SII 7. cuaf'l(fo ef armatlQ ae onctlCJf'llr.llJlm~tSo QI'I agua un bajDI.. ' p"'e~., en I " paljUftlellllH. SI~:~~~{,jl~: OOtfc··~I.'A,..HJit:lltc 9 OCT 22 2002 15:05 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 15179237220 TO 919724502B37~~14 P.05/07 Oct. 22 02 11:54" 770-934-8846 ~.6 ------=,:-::S:-N:·c:a..s...s..e.__...._._---------SN·EnCfOSUreS ArmarlosSN II bottl. con ~olJl)ia pJeg.ruralrnpedllce iJtrapQrhlr3 l'AMrata. ai ~cq~, Jrnpuntdi. OouOle Ils"fIi:d edges /t;rm taln 9ullor .tId I',..WIJf dfJ~1 :md lof,:tlJOr lrom (lfI'Ierif'l$ lilt ~nr;;1O$Jlf., Bord. dol>lodO Y pMnlllf. qlJO oilVe de prO!8cQQ" paru evil.' ~ enlllldo de .9U. y polvo en eI dtTth\(iO Porlll inopmia Flssaggio ill dflsua 0 3 Sini$n Cert\iern in metallo Angmo c'.3psrtur;t I eo" I/I'~d.'" HJI'l!1"6 1J1'l1igh1 011(:1( ttJ;:ic Mefl2/lr1ngHs Op••lng OIIgl. I/I(f" PUtrt. con biagrull e(1 011318r;111 CfarechG C 12qutM'QO 81saQr3$ de melal An9ulo de ."'(1'vl3-180" Plast,.. Clf Fnontl9G'o zi"C~lIa MrHlllIlrrg p'''" gfJJV/lflil6d Placo de manl.j_ gatvanlZa(1) lappl;() pla"c. II1II11 :.r/llllChlllf!nr I. ",iJets " O.SSI!fI fdIIl pM1J1 fiMtJd with pl.;,,"" Q/uJ/$ "'1.014" "'..., 4ori1loiOll' S"'"' en 91 pan.' po..oriQr. ceuad'ot can \apOMS de elastica Pizutm t:nfnJfa C"lJvi Il$salo dall"lrll.rno loa C8SS3 plJb essere giraul (Ii 180*, anuata C19J ca\ll sopra Cirble on"" p/ll'. s..rll'; fTtp.hll Angulo de apertur.a 180' ® OIllOl"llill' dll Ge.....nlst:ller UOyQ ~i AlIIbvr90. pot j*lI'I'Ipio9" illimltalO J:;U fiJivi' The.O (",......... ".I1fJPIl>w.dby «_ani",,"'" Ue~d Ham'UIll far 1JI1f(I$ldcl86 1M en s/lip, I;stDs "m'I$lio~ t$fan aprotJadOs. PO' Germ.antsCftef Lloyl1 ttambUt; ~p'ra lIf II:1U IUmlledo en biIIIrcoa (i) LlOyd" Reg~I.' .1 Shipping 77<1 934 8846 ~GE. 07 ** TOTAL PAGE.07 ** ***** FACSIMILE COVER SHEET ***** OCT 22 2002 15:03 &919724502837--1451600 Message From: SASAKI ASSOCIATES 07 Page. Follow This Cover Page #6XNDNK6 '•••'....'*"H•• &DlGIT 7.248 #021329340/00<124# (00000000) 001 0Y-cr-3 btJ-vlJ ~[! I! '" il)50 . '-7 3+ ~~ ~J..1.. ~Y~~~30 ;. {C)2.0 1b:;, 5"70 j 36, &I, 14[ '+82. Re: review ofAddendum #2 Page 1 of3 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Pierce Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 9:45 AM To: 'Jim Duffy'; Jim Pierce; Luke Jalbert; Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Michael Murphy; Slade Strickland Cc: tchang@sasaki.com; dclough@sasaki.com Subject: RE: review of Addendum #2 Jim: If flotaijon is the issue, I suggest that the part of the foundaijon that cantilevers away from the bottom of the wall (fooijng) be extended outward and/or the floor thickened to add more weight and resistance to flotaijon. This would eliminate the need for the drain, and should be cost effecijve. Jim. -----Original Message----From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@f1ash.netj Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 6:39 PM To: jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us; Ijalbert@ci.addison.tx.us; cmoran@ci.addison.tx.us; schutchian@ci,addison.tx.us; mmurphy@ci.addison.tx.us;jslade@ci.addison.tx.us Cc: tchang@sasaki.com; dclough@sasaki.com Subject: Re: review of Addendum #2 Jim, The decision to add the foundation drain to the fountain vault was the the result of the flotation analysis on the vault, and it was considered necessary only for that reason. In conversation with Steve Chutchian and Dave Clough it was decided the drain roughly halfway up the vault would provide the necessary protection to avoid flotation in the event of a major rain event. Based on the borings and my personal experience in the area, the only ground water we should encounter is during and immediately following a rain. The flow into the system will be minimal. Jim From: jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us Date: Mon, 21 Oct 200217:09:17 -0500 To: jfdgroup@flash.net, ljalbert@ci.addison.tx.us, cmoran@ci.addison.tx.us, schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us, jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us, mmurphy@ci.addison.tx.us, j slade@ci.addison.tx.us Cc: tchang@sasaki.com, dclough@sasaki.com Subject: RE: review ofAddendum #2 Jim: Re comment 6. c3-2: The foundation drain at the vault should be at the bottom of the vau~ at elevaijon 614.50. It is shown about 3 feet higher for some reason. With the elevaijon of the foundaijon drain at 614.50, the only opijon is to connect to the sanitary sewer. There is sufficient depth to do this and maintain a grade. While we don1 want this type of connection to the sanitary sewer, if the flow from the under drain system is inconsequential, we will allow it. If for some reason it is not, we may need to do something else. We will monitor the flow after the project is completed. Jim. 10/2212002 Re: review ofAddendum #2 Page20f3 -Original Message---From: Jim Duffy [mailto:jfdgroup@flash.net] Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 12:26 PM To: ljalbert@ci.addison.tx.us; cmoran@ci.addison.tx.us; schutchian@ci.addison.tx.USi jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us; mmurphy@ci.addison.tx.us; jslade®ci.addison.tx.us Cc: tchang@sasaki.com; Dave Clough Subject: Re: review of Addendum #2 PLEASE SEE COMMENTS BELOW. > From: ljalbert@ci.addison.tx.us > Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 15:39:00 -0500 > To: Ijalbert@cLaddison.tx.us, cmoran@ci.addison.tx.us, > schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us,jpierce@ci.addison .tx.us, > mmurphy@ci.addison.tx.us,jslade@ci.addison.tx.us > Cc: jfdgroup@flash.net, tchang@sasalci.com > Subject: RE: review ofAddendum #2 > > > One additional note, Jim wants a brass plaque added to the top of all the > yard hydrants saying "non Potable Water" to be attached with stainless steel > nuts and bolts. TInS WILL NOT BE ADDED. » --Original Message--»From: Luke Jalbert » Sent: Friday, October 18,2002 2:31 PM » To: Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Jim Pierce; Michael Murphy; Slade » Strickland »Cc: 'James F. DuftY (E-mail)'; 'tchiang@sasakicom' » Subject: RE: review ofAddendum #2 » »1. Spec page 02510-7 don't delete paragraph 2. lOA, just ADD » detector wire WILL CHANGR WILL CHECK WIlli MANUFACTURER TO SEE WHAT IS AVAILABLE IN COPPER. » »2. Drawings c1-1, cl-2. Include provision for protecting inlets »that was previously done with haybales. use gen-Tech fabric & >12" » diameter rock along length of inlet. WILL ADD. » »3. On the addendum, move note 4 from c2-2 to c2-1 WILL CORRECT. » »4. c2-3, did not find field coordinates as noted on #2 in addendum WILL CORRECT BY REFERENCING DRAWING WITH THE COORDINATES. » »5. c3-1 Problem with invert elevation has simply been moved 10122/2002 Re: review ofAddendum #2 Page 3 of3 from » inlet 4A to inlet 4, outlet is higher than inlet. WILL NOT CHANGE FOR BIDS BUT WILL CORRECT BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEER IS UNAVAILABLE TO REVIEW NOW. » »6. c3-2 addendum item #9, relocate under drain and tie into r14, » not sanitary sewer. ROUTING WILL STAY THE SAME TO AVOID GOING UNDER FOUNDATIONS AND STAIRS. SLOPE WILL BE INCREASED TO PROVIDE MORE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. » »7. c4-1 addendum item #6, coordinates not found on sheet, typical » for all sheets. COORDINATES ARE PRESENT FOR MAJOR FEATURES. NO CHANGE. » »S. c4-2 ad S" valve on each side of tee at vault location on east » end. WILL ADD VAL YES. » »9. c6-1 Specify what "lean" concrete is. WILL CLARIFY. » » 10 cS-5 vacuum breaker still required for yard hydrants, but still » not called out. WILL CALL OUT VACUUM BREAKERS IN SPECIFICATIONS. » »11. cS-S move all c1eanouts to 1" from end of pipes. WILL LEAYE CLEANOUTS IN CURRENT LOCATION. » »12. addendum note 2, add similar not to fountain vault. WILL ADD WATERPROOFING TO FOUNTAIN VAULT. » » Also, Jim wanted me to add, Late Tuesday he sent an email to David » Clough regarding some concerns he had with the fountain. We realize that » time might not have been adequate to incorporate/address these issues. He »wondered if anything was being done concerning the Muratic Acid, and » Bromine, and how it will effect the systems. Also, have the motors been » spec'd as totally enclosed, fan cooled, high efficiency? GEORGIA FOUNTAIN IS CURRENTLY REVIEWING THESE QUESTIONS. WILL NOT BE ADDRESSED IN ADDENDUM. 10/22/2002 OCT 22 210102 15: 16 FR SASAKI ASSOCIRTES 16179237220 TD 919724502837--14 P,101/107 6J facsimile .I"", October22, 2002 Iv Jim Dully, Jim Pierce, Steve Churehia!!. Slade Strickland, Cormen Moran • company Town of Addison ku:~milo no. 972 406-1146 phon...... I",,,, Dave Clough tiin!lCf lille 6179237331 proiect namo Am & Event, Di.!rict praj.... _. 14516.00 • of paS'" 7 SASAKI lran....i!led by DC di.-lin. 6179237331 "m on<>chlng a lener , iu.t received from Georgia Fountain addres,;ng Ihe que••;on. tho. 64 PIBQKlnf Street have been raised abour ",vnlain piping and fining, and their compatibility with chemical. Watertown Mossochusttts used in the system, chemicals in the vaul•• the ",ting for the lountoin systems conlrol panel. and the rating and sUitability of Ihe pumps tho! they hove specified, 02.472 USA I 6179263300 Plea.e review this and let _ know if the Town would like to make any changes to whol ha, been .pecified, Of if Ihere ore ony further que.tions regarding .he fountains, f 61792427.48 Thanks, , OCT 22 2002 15: 17 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 16179237220 TO 919724502837--14 P.02'07 OC'e 22 02 11:53" 770-93'1-8B46 CilrE-)'M GEORGIA FOUNTAIN COMPANY. IN\.. 'rl!tC'l)hf)lI~ 770-934'3297 '51~ MUjf~tI JJt~L~ Fax 170.9J4.Cno Tue\tof, c:¢or~t:\ 3QOO" f-,Ul.Ii! gl;fCU~"QI.COl'Tl Oc:tcber 22, 2002 Mr. OAvie! Cl....gh SasW mil Associates 64 Pleasut Street W"""",,_MA 02472 ~; Addison Arts C~nl~ Deal David: The fallowing is illl'CSpolI$C to !he o-mail you sent on <)aQber 11. 2002. I. The syslcen mal....uccd. I£l'ou ,IiU n:q"in: tolDlly _Iosed, fO.n 00010<1 mators Il>r IIu: pump' the s)'$IOm will nell111. (u..., ."ti« sy.ICm.) "''' aotivatOd to p""'cnt pipiog !tom fi'c:et.ina in cold weatbet it may p~! anolhl;{ poSllible problem. The un..~ve foulllaiD is a dJy ftNnlain. Tho:rc is 110 "pool" of water. Thls means Ibote will be a sbcc1 ofwater running to the lowl;{ pool area. Depend on !he a.c:tlIaJ !lImpcmlUJ'C, tllis sllect ofwmr may freeze, causing a lalil;{ safely liability For the proper ftcc.zc protection it is suggested IMt th.e weather be monitored. ffthe I£llIpcralllrcs arc to drop below free~ing for fWD to thn:c days. it is rrx:ommended to drain the follllUin IIlld Ibe f01ln1llin system piping and wait for wanner wealbcr. 1f),0tI sIIould ~ite any adl:!iliorutJ iDfiol1l\lllioll, pl_ lel US bow. PI~ let u.s know how to proceed wit. !lie molOr isslle. We arc currentl)' bidding the mawial far !lie fOUlll3ins today. enclosures 770 934 9846 PAGE. 02 OCT 22 2002 15:17 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 16179237220 TO 919724502837--14 P.03/07 uu.,. cc: UC: .l':~ ..a 771J-S34-ea-4S NEMA Standards • IN_~ AI'> tM.oIIy,. ". :£VIJ4IiMff'W QI:.~!l.CrlNlw~edlgfl!lCl tJ'f J!O!"'IiIII~ flI'~(YI" ~!llentHllAl OMtl" fIlM "'" '~M oqlllptMt'otall4lo proW». '\I,,,,,, ~I ~II "1 VI. «I~IWd IrIMIl'I"lII'V 4Q11111t.1 C«Xi" ~""Im..~ C'I1ndll;ollr. "C1IiIf OMII~ 01 'ItI~ ,,"_~II'I'IU# .~lI"$ u:ttIC tly\il, 401:W'ial1Ni.o1ll"t .-utili. Jo Nt.rwllllofl~1I1 tIrOOIIMIt.JoI_... II.,., m_ ~I'\DN lIoIt'I!I'IM IIIIJWi It.lVI_rnA f'\IlfIIJ'.IIllrNI In! mN'l>«IIM'IIoI'I!NlI1\4II~ .. ml;ni:t..,~. u..1:'I..-.. .'IlI!dirslOI'II .. 01f. ••2EM t-."", ,,"2 ~fit ~4H 14% l'I~f 11$.0 OMlIlIIIY lei IIIl:W!Qt. ~«Jf~ 2~.st linIii.d t>~. t1lat(ll Mle1 ~G Oli'!. ....~~u"" II,. ..... lId11M1 twoull;ilOl' \l1li iVI"'~ lo""IIfd••lt.... 01 ,NlIIJ"1'1,"" \fR pmat\(Y 1'0 ~tfO'a -i'W'" III p""I_M...,~ GAW.IOIDtl11Itt ,""d1\IIIIIN MIICCllWM liqlli"d=. '\9t'Ui".lMIf-..rtIl"'_.II$Mf1MMolI1!OrIlOOOfU'9"pM'lBllrrIOD~lt~....oI~~.;'6I.a.t.Iag;.;tIft."""p;"g ~~:..r,tt..:n-""I"''''''\IoI'!~•. T'rlllit#~."~~JIWCo+o"IIOI.lO_"Idoo.~ .. I ..".-t.....a.,.II'IIIt.~_\,IIIOiI'OJI"",~_\lCt,,_...,..... atWIII"'!, &lfW~II'WJO"I\OIJc». • p.4 OCT 222002 15:17 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 15179237220 TO 919724502837--14 P.04/07 oct. zz ell: 11:54.. 770-934-8846 CMcn'IOft_ (Jtut""'~ De:!lttfp:e!dll 0811111tl0l1C DtI!1l1nlrm Ctllnlcl6" o 4 5 5 Non protetto NaptOrtcliII! NlngunaprOlllCOl6n PtQtelione CMllO COrpl ~ttat\ftl solidi c:on IOII/fd agall'lSl'~fry.f..,/d obJocn 50 rrt(f1 Of htg"" In r/1:)!'fs(Jlflf proteccidn contTa Itt pe1181r.ldfltl dO cuerpos sO!ido; d's ditimetro superior it SO mm P1'Otf'li0fl8 c;:ontro ~I &suanel $Olidi eon diametm supat10re a 12.5 mm PlOlO<1(11i og_91)1,),0("'id OII/fCl$ 12.5"",, Of larg•• In dil!meW ProltCe16n OOtIfr3 lit peM'lradGn (14 CIJ8fOOS sQildo$ <1& diMietro superior a12.5 mm Prote:iane cont'o oorpi' estrlflef solidi oon. diamelra superio,& a 2.5 mIT! "IO~ tlgb/n$l flffIr'y ofsr;1Id obf-Z.$ 1'111'11 orlargsr It! lJIamelBt PI01KCi6n <:OI1tm lB penltracfOn de cuerp(1S $oli<" I 1'111'11 or /alii" In rMmtll9[ PIVJt9CCiOI! oonlr., 1a penetraci6n dO cuerpos ",lidoI; d. dlA"'Blro SUP"riol a 1.0 mm PIOr_lI9I""" du" f'mI4CQot'J OOfIft. et POI'vO A 'ltnllia. ¢entlQ I~ potvar8 Gus/right EsW\co af POlliO II caUbro dell'oggORO Sferico COn diam6'110 SO trllT! non deve penetrate Ulmptetlll'hento T/to 10..ptObe. • 50 1M! di"","" bBiI. ""'Y nor tully ptfJllBI"" La p!ueba de en3:/lyo. una bola (fa SO mm oe daimatto, flO do" peMtr8r eQl"Ilplefamtnt4' jI callbfo d'eJrog:Q6UO s'ertc:o C()I\ ent. Tlt6 !ss{pteb •• .. r2.$ mm diameter ball, may 1I0f MypenstrJllft La orutb;a de ensa~o. una bOla de 12.!i In'" AA: t1Ii4",Alm. M "'~" p.nol'.al Oomplet3mMl& II caUbre 4eIl'Q99'stto sIMco con ctamAtro 2.5 ttlm 1\0., de", penetrate ntl modo Diu a.sulutO 71,., It'lil prt;Jt:N1. 3 2.5 mrn (JIamflulf 04/1, ffl:JY 1'101 pltMtra18 at all La proO!):) 0'1 el'l'8;'O. tina bola de 2.5 mm VlmtOduz_ ••Ha pol,ere non ",one ~.lalmente ;nr:>ed>lIi. Ia II..... non deve penelrate in ml$lIrl1 tale 43 inUulrD Sill buon fundollamenlo delle appateamienk> 0 segvl'ldad CItf ~ujpat'!\le(jto NCMOIUt\A Pono[ro:;OnCl di poNe,. Proter;rI(}ff ag.t;f1lst ,;"yIngress ~f dliSl Pf'Otlk:e~ c:anIta. ClJa!qllle:r fntf8da de: SVC"tedad Grado di protezione per contenitori secondo EN 60529 IIEC 529 1NF C 20-010 Protection classification for housings to EN 60529 /IEC 529 /NF C 20-010 Grado de proteccion para armarios segun EN 60529/1EC 5291 NF C 20-010 II 9111110 dl plQte.ioneo del eonlenho,l ~ Indlcato oome "9ue: Th~ ptoMer/tIft <:'ltI$$ ofht>lJgfngfl /$ indicated as falJows: EI grade; de protoecoi6n para .rmarias se indica como s\;ue: I) 5 , I.~.e ifldi..ative I ""de IoII1mf II"'ras Indiea" • ., prima cifta indicativa f "'Si digit f pril'ftf!r,:a ~Ifra ...conR dIre Indioall"" I _ddigiti segunR cilra Ien:. cilr. Indi"",,_. I IhIrd diglt/Ie•••r. cifra Pl1ml dJ,., Indicativa prot41tione tbf\!I'O f oo"tattJ a.coidentafi G (:CIq)! eSVaIle! First ~gft Cc/11>Jct SlId <:I>IIraMi.lili4nPflI_ "Imera cHra PrOfl*r.r'Jnn mt'flr.1 f".(}nT~IO£ y elJef~ oatnnos ot7C' Q':fA 00,,+':: OCT 22 2002 12:31 9 OCT 22 2002 15: 18 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 16179237220 TO 919724502837--14 P.05/07 ac~ 22 02 il~54a 770-534-8946 1'.5 , $KCmd. ctft';l fndtcaihr.a Prc.rl&ziOt\eCOMro l1!q"iOi _ddlgolp"'..r:JIo.lIgal••, ....,., ,Co.."" til,. P,.t04eio" cot'ilfQ 01 gou;!. Grado 01 prol""iono' o.!JflJo., p'M"'/oII [erado de 1"01"",,16" OH of...... PI'OtIa;ion oomt;) futnes cnorros de Clgua ProtNion~ COJUfO nmmef&lone ttmpotal'\U PrI>~d.Mlmes/lta$ of I~ry lm,'um:JM In w.2!Df ProtectiOn a;antra la inmOf'lJi6ntJS ttmpO/afc~ en agUIL IIrQItU:lOmt (101'l!rO rrrtlmtrGlone OOfilitllJa La 9~ (racqua cl\e oadOno vertiCSlmente non devono ptoYfJC'JJte ~l'eun datlno !)Ilpping W;Jl'9'. fafllng IIQltlcally. m~y halflJ flf) halmfvl e/lect W Qott6 de agua f:I'SJltlente en agua batO las tondir:ionG$ ete pntSlOn 'I tempera1ura normales. elagya no dft'bv pen&tr.1r on vI InlOriOl dol attrul~o en v""eaMda~~ut puedO causa' e!e_po~g '''9'' '80" Puerta con biugr8s en oj late'~1 O$t&C"o 0 IJQij!9f'tSCi 8is.agras de meta! AruJufo 09 oapartli/a 190" Plnt'll cO momaggfo zjl1cala _ItUrlJ1 plate gaMlIIizod Piau lie ,untal. galvona.cIa ArmariosSN SuperlleJ. V$l'1'fehWJ!'4 aPOIve«c (Epox~PCliesleUI) ~AL ~secondo DIN 431358. ferggefmentt' $rtutnm:da SiHtICD littf~h P.wdffCDtl/od (E(1zS Iil 0.35·/11 fBafpanfll nf/ed with plJJsl1c 1'1ug~ FIJacl6. "'.rOl 4 orifiticn _ 9 mm Etf'l &1 pMII posl9rior. t:QiItradoG con tll90nts de olO$lk:o PiaSfta rntl1JUt e.e'li Assarl) daU'lnrertlQ La eass-a i)UO esse'!: gira1a. di ,80·, i!lnlrala olllWI sopm Cobh> e/!1fY p",/e SefllflKJ 'rom illslde <:",/0."", C8n lit ",filled ISO' IN) fIlIJl Cllblg Mlrff1$ ars 0/rlt. trip PI.ell de on",d. de tables Asegurtlda a~ 01 (nrericr tile iiitrrtaflo pl,l~df!o O:it:'t~ H!li:'P PilU2 '1\,16 la entrada d~ cables ae silUe en la ~ superior PiaSlra ernrala CAvt co. toll PlIIs,ompali ••d, acocssoli pa9. 7.62 Cable ent'7 plat.. ""Ih /Jf(J-ItllfflPod Pg' 1tc11S. $" access.lfm page 7,~ Plae. l.eeI61\ IP 66; eon j"U1la de eslanqu@l~d 8spurMda Chi'UtJura A humo a mit! qUllQrO (alln '~}d; d1iIJCUf.::l. "";.•og1.,N,'1l tDCl< LalOh I... 8.3/'SfI""'" (Dlhor f.ci .. ASPHALT TESTING ~ SOILS T£STtNG • PIER INSPECTION • POSI lENSION INSPEctiON • NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING • STRUCTURAL STEEL INSPECTION • SPECIAL TESTING DRILUNG SERVICES • MO,\1..L41;;, TEXAS 75247 TELEJ>HOHE 214·630~974S FACSIMILE 214-630-9819 FORT WORTH 2696 GRAV\,:t DRIVE FORT WORTH, TEXAS 161 fa T£LEPHONE 817~284-1318 METRO 811-429-4328 fACSIMilE 817-2.64.1585 October 17, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutchain Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Addendum to Geotechnical Engineering Report Arts and Events District Addison, Texas Rone Job No. 02-5967 Dear Mr. Chutchain: We have been asked to provide additional geotechnical design recommendations for the pavilion/restroom structure for the referenced project. This letter presents recommendations, and should be considered an addendum to our Geotechnical Engineering Report dated February 5, 2002 and Addendum dated August 16, 2002. This addendum should not be considered separately from those documents. As an alternative to straight shaft drilled pier foundations bearing in tan limestone, the drilled piers can be extended into the unweathered gray limestone. The gray limestone was encountered at depths of 14 feet and 8 feet below the ground surface at the time of drilling at Borings B-3 and B4, respectively. An allowable end bearing pressure of 40,000 psf can be used for piers bearing in gray limestone. An allowable skin friction resistance of 6,000 psf may be utilized for the portion of the shaft extending below a minimum penetration of 2 feet into the gray limestone. Foundation settlements for drilled pier foundations in gray limestone as described above should be less than Yo inch. All other comments and recommendations contained in the referenced reports remain unchanged. Please call IT you have any questions regarding this letter. i pc: Cunningham Architects Mr. Tom Dohearty (fax 214-915-0901) 1 pc: Thornton Tomasetti Mr. David Spires, P.E. (fax 972-387-8406) Rone Engineers A LEIGH COMPANY • GeoTEcHNICAL ENGINEERING ~ GEOLOGICAL STUDIES • DISTRESS INVESTIGATIONS • PAVEMENT DESIGN • ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL TESTING • FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS * COHSTRUCTlcm MONITORING CONSTRUCTION MATER1ALS TESTING. • CONSTRUCTiON OBSERVATION .. CONCRETE TESTING • ASPHALT n;STlHG • SOILS TESTING • PIER INSPECTION • POST TENSION INSPECTION .. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING • STRUCTURAl5TEEllNsP'£crloN • SPECIAL TEsTING OlllLtlHG SeRVIcEs • MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION • ENVIRONMENTAL DRILLING • GEOTECHNICAL ORILLING DALLAS 89GB AMBASSADOR ROW DAt.LAS, TEXAS 75Z47 TeL£PHoHE 214-630-9745 FACSIMILE 214·630·98t9 FORT WORTH 2696 GRAYEL DRIVE FORT WORTH, TEXAS 75118 TeLEPHONE 317-284-1316 METRO 817-429-4326 FACSIMILE 817·284·1585 October 17, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutchain Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Addendum to Geotechnical Engineering Report Arts and Events District Addison, Texas Rone Job No. 02-5967 Dear Mr. Chutchain: We have been asked to provide additional geotechnical design recommendations for the pavilion/restroom structure for the referenced project. This letter presents recommendations, and should be considered an addendum to our Geotechnical Engineering Report dated February 5, 2002 and Acl From: Ijalbert@ci,addison.tx.us > Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 15:39:00 -0500 > To: ljalbert@ci.addison.tx.us, cmoran@cLaddison.tx.us, > schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us,jpierce@ci.addison.tx. us, > mmurphy@ci.addison.tx.us,jslade@ci,addison.tx.us > Cc: jfdgroup@t1ash.net, tchang@sasaki.com > Subject: RE: review of Addendum #2 > > > One additional note, Jim wants a brass plaque added to the top of all the > yard hydrants saying "non Potable Water" to be attached with stainless steel > nuts and bolts. THIS WILL NOT BE ADDED. » ---Original Message--»From: LukeJalbert » Sent: Friday, October 18, 20022:31 PM » To: Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Jim Pierce; Michael Murphy; Slade » Strickland »Cc: 'James F. Duffy (E-mail).;.tchiang@sasaki.com. » Subject: RE: review of Addendum #2 » »1. Spec page 02510-7 don't delete paragraph 2.1 OA, just ADD » detector wire WILL CHANGE. WILL CHECK WITH MANUFACTURER TO SEE WHAT IS AVAILABLE IN COPPER » »2. Drawings cl-l, cl-2. Include provision for protecting inlets »that was previously done with haybales. use goo-Tech fabric & >12" »diameter rock along length ofinlet. WILL ADD. » »3. On the addendum, move note 4 from c2-2 to c2-1 WILL CORRECT. » »4. c2-3, did not find field coordinates as noted on #2 in addendum WILL CORRECT BY REFERENCING DRAWING WITH THE COORDINATES. » »5. c3-1 Problem with invert elevation has simply been moved from » inlet 4A to inlet 4, outlet is higber than inlet. WILL NOT CHANGE FOR BIDS BUT WILL CORRECT BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEER IS UNAVAILABLE TO REVIEW NOW. » »6. c3-2 addendum item #9, relocate under drain and tie into r-14, 10/2112002 Re: review of Addendum #2 Page20f2 »not sanitary sewer. ROUTING WILL STAY TIfE SAME TO AVOID GOING UNDER FOUNDATIONS AND STAIRS. SLOPE WILL BE INCREASED TO PROVIDE MORE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. » »7. c4-1 addendum item #6, coordinates not found on sheet, typical »for all sheets. COORDINATES ARE PRESENT FOR MAJOR FEATURES. NO CHANGE. » »S. c4-2 ad S" valve on each side of tee at vault location on east » end. WILL ADD VALVES. » »9. c6-1 Specify what "lean" concrete is. WILL CLARIFY. » » 10 cS-S vacuum breaker still required for yard hydrants, but still »not called out. WILL CALL OUT VACUUM BREAKERS IN SPECIFICATIONS. » »11. cS-S move all cleanouts to I" from end of pipes. WILL LEAVE CLEANOUTS IN CURRENT LOCATION. » »12. addendum note 2, add similar not to fountain vault. WILL ADD WATERPROOFING TO FOUNTAIN VAULT. » » Also, Jim wanted me to add, Late Tuesday he sent an email to David » Clough regarding some concerns he had with the fountain. We realize that »time might not have been adequate to incorporate/address these issues. He »wondered if anything was being done concerning the Muratic Acid, and » Bromine, and how it will effect the systems. Also, have the motors been » spec'd as totally enclosed, fan cooled, high efficiency? GEORGIA FOUNTAIN IS CURRENTLY REVIEWING TIfESE QUESTIONS. WILL NOT BE ADDRESSED IN ADDENDUM. 10/2112002 Steve Chutchian From: Luke Jalbert Sent: Friday, October 18,20023:39 PM To: Luke Jalbert; Cannen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Jim Pierce; Michael Murphy; Slade Strickland Cc: 'James F. Duffy (E-mail).;.tchang@sasaki.com. Subject: RE: review of Addendum #2 One additional note, Jim wants a brass plaque added to the top of all the yard hydrants saying "non Potable Water" to be attached with stainless steel nuts and bolts. -Original Message-From: Luke Jalbert Sent: Friday, OdX>ber 18, 2002 2:31 PM To: carmen Moran; StEve Chutchlan; Jim Pierce; Michael Murphy; Slade Striddand ce: 'James F. Duffy (E-mall).• .tchiang@sa$akl.com. Subject: RE: r1!V18W of Addendum #2 1. Spec page 02510-7 don't delete paragraph 2.10A, just ADD detector wire 2. Drawings c1-1, c1-2. Include provision for protecting inlets that was previously done with haybales. use geoTech fabric & >12" diameter rock along length of inlet. 3. On the addendum, move note 4 from 02-2 to c2-1 4. 02-3, did not find field coordinates as noted on #2 in addendum 5. 03-1 Problem with invert elevation has simply been moved from inlet 4A to inlet 4, outlet is higher than inlet. 6. c3-2 addendum item #9, relocate under drain and tie into r-14, not sanitary sewer. 7, 04-1 addendum item #6, coordinates not found on sheet, typical for all sheets, 8, 04-2 ad 8" valve on each side of tee at vault location on east end. 9. c6-1 Specify what "lean" concrete is, 10 c8-5 vacuum breaker still required for yard hydrants, but still not called out. 11. c8-8 move all cleanouts to 1" from end of pipes. 12. addendum note 2, add similar not to fountain vaul!. Also, Jim wanted me to add, Late Tuesday he sent an email to David Clough regarding some concerns he had with the fountain. We realize that time might not have been adequate to incorporate/address these issues. He wondered if anything was being done conceming the Muratic Acid, and Bromine, and how it will effect the systems, Also, have the motors been spec'd as totally enclosed, fan cooled, high effiCiency? 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Pierce Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 5:27 PM To: Slade Strickland Cc: Ron Lee; Barbara Kovacevich; Carmen Moran; Steve Chutchian; Luke Jalbert; Michael Murphy; Jim Duffy (E-mail) Subject: RE: review of Addendum #2 Slade: I have struggled with this because everyone wants to use these hydrants, The hydrants are flush mounted at ground level in a bowl shaped enclosure, There is the potential for surface water to accumulate in the bowl even though the bowl is fitted with a drain. The drain could become plugged. The unit is not approved for potable use by the National Sanitation Foundation or AWWA. The hydrant is approved by the Intemational AssOCiation of Plumbing and Mechanical OffICials, but I'm not sure exactly what the approval means, i.e. for potable water, I am seeking more information from them as well as the manufacturer, I don~ expect to hear them say the hydrants are approved for potable water service, My recommendation all along has been to use a similar hydrant in a wall hydrant configuration, This puts it above ground and not subject to surface water, The objection has been against anything above ground because it won~ look nice (It could be made to look nice) and it would have to be protected against being hit. If these hydrants are for event food preparation, then they need to be designed as safe as possible, and done right. Jim ---ortginal Message From: Slade Sllicidand Sent: Friday, Ocblber 18, 2002 4:22 PM To< Luke Jalbert Ce: Jim Pierre; Ron lee; Barbara Kovacevich; carmen Moran Subject: RE: review of Addendum #2 So does this mean all of the yard hydrants placed on the plan cannot be used for special event food preparation? If not, why are we putting them in? Am J miSSing something? -.12" diameter rock along length of inlet. 3. On the addendum, move note 4 from c2-2 to 02-1 4. 02-3, did not find field coordinates as noted on #2 in addendum 5. 03-1 Problem with invert elevation has simply been moved from inlet 4A to inlet 4, outlet is higher than inlet. 6. 03-2 addendum item #9, relocate under drain and tie into r-14, not sanitary sewer. 7. 04-1 addendum item #6, coordinates not found on sheet, typical for all sheets, sheets, 1 8. c4-2 ad 8" valve on each side of tee at vault location on east end. 9. c6-1 Specify what "lean" concrete is. 10 c8-5 vacuum breaker still required for yard hydrants, but still not called out. 11. c8-8 move all cleanouts to 1" from end of pipes. 12. addendum note 2, add similar not to fountain vault. Also, Jim wanted me to add, Late Tuesday he sent an email to David Clough regarding some concerns he had with the fountain. We realize that time might not have been adequate to incorporate/address these issues. He wondered if anything was being done concerning the Muratic Acid, and Bromine, and how it will effect the systems. Also, have the motors been spec'd as totally enclosed, fan cooled, high efficiency? 2 BIl} pA-n GIf/F ~l:> Two ~rS"I ;4 -rrfXPrk""'1J V-z, 1~'flf!~O 1(J/7/~z /7t:"r XI. Council, and city manager should be listed on cover sheet. .x2. sheet Existing conditions I. Existing building on N side of Clara east of Julian doesn't exist. X3. sheet existing conditions 1. Missing existing water meters, double checks, and services )( 4. sheet existing conditions I. Existing metal cap not shown /<5. CI-I Not all existing concrete is shown to be demolished )(6. CI-I Meter boxes and curb stops not shown ~A7. cl-2 Note #6 Identify storage location for salvage material ~S. cI-2 no existing chain link fences -A9. cl-2 silt fence at back of side walk along quorum, Addison circle, and Addison road. X10. Where are stabilized construction entrances? Where is this detail? XII. cl-2 specify salvage location. ;'\12. c 1-2 No haybales for inlet protection, use another means of inlet protection XU. cl-2 building doesn't exist ~ 14. cl-cl-3 abandon manhole E ofBroadway, N side of dart rail, cap and plug. ~5. cl-3 2" water line already abandoned. -1116. c7-14 #1 increase both slabs to 8", #4 bars OCBW, 12" spacing, specify subbase and compaction . .:......AI 7 . c7-1#3 concrete should be capable of supporting parked tractor trailer rig. Revise detail accordingly. -..ff18. c2-1 pergola section detail should read2/c6-1, not 3/c6-1. 119. c2-1 make radius at intersection ofpathways to facilitate turning on NE comer of ellipse ;(20. c2-2 add radius to all intersections -A21. c8-S #3 change downstream cleanout to 10", move to end of pipe, add 8" cleanout on upstream end. ;<22. c8-7 #2 grate must be ADA compliant. A23. yard hydrants must be above ground in bollards or colunmgs, or something similar. Must be approved for domestic/potable water application with appropriate cross-connection devices. -A 24. c3-2 proposed 6 ft recessed inlets are called out as 6 inch. '25. c3-2 Justify why proposed 36" RCP cannot be outfalled into existing Y inlet, located west of quorum dr. We do not desire to open cut quorum drive to access the existing junction structure. X 26. c3-2 how will fountain area surface drain? X 27. c3-2 how will proposed catch basins be loaded with storrnwater. -=It 28. c4-1 &2 Modify water services as per drawing sent via fax. )(29. c7-2 #9 show internal pipes must be NSF approved -fJ0. c4-3 extend South on Julian proposed 8" line turn, make connection to existing 8" line on broadway, install a new valve @broadway, and make provisions for asphalt repair. --II 31. c4-3 install fIre hydrant assembly on proposed 8" line midway between Addison Circle & boradway by alley. X 32. c4-1 each 8" SS stub out south of Festival way should be connected to main at a manhole, no kinks in sewer lines. ~33. c4-2 Darken lines on all proposed SS. ",,-A 34. c4-2 install 12" water across quorum drive by other than open cut, include necessary concrete and streetscape replacement X 11-35. c4-1&2 Recessed inlets on festival way are not drawn correctly. ><36. c4-3 8" sewer stub outs need manhole connections to mainline, no angles in pipe. X37. c4-3 move YH offof back of curb, minimum 4'. -A38. cS-Q. change clara street to festival way )(39. c5-5&6 how will planting beds drain, we do not feel that an underdrain is sufficient to drain off a high intensity storm. Install area inlets at low points. Modify plan and profIle sheet to show low points and area inlets -<40. c6-1 include yard hydrants in pergola columns where neaded ~Ml. c6-1 #1&2 alternative footing design needed if competent competent limestone is not reached -fr42. c6-1 #1&2 add note: if rock is higher than 631 no extra pay for excavation. )(J43. c6-1 #1 631 is Approximate depth of limestone and will vary, contractor will not receive extra pay for excavation. j)i2 Lt.j.e ~#44. c6-2 note #2 the system must be designed. Where is water coming from? A148. c7-1 #1 verify ADA ramp meets TAS standards in slopes and fmishes. O~v", Electricity? Pumping system must be designed and specified to include all water, }\Vne electrical and pumping system requirements, and be shown on c4-1, pergola column details. Sump pumps may be needed for pump vaults. -\45. c7-1 compacted select fill-To what level of compaction? X 46. c7-1 detail 5-8 state compressive strength requirements for each concrete base, slab, etc. -/!t47. c7-1 #14 bend bar into curb section = -1\49. c7-2 #6 crosswalk to be 6" white thermoplastic solid lines 10" width. -A )0. c7-2 #1&2 show cross slopes of sidewalks t':sl. c7-2 #1&2 show concrete foundation strength 1'52. TYPICAL, all details must show all concrete strengths, and reinforcing locations, and size. -,,;. )53. c7-2 #1 dowel base to roadway pavement with #4 smooth bar on 18" centers 1'-:54. c7-2 #6 refer to paint specs for fence x55. c7-6 #2 is hand rail needed along bridge? Is bridge ada compliant? ~6. c7-7 # 1 indicate location and size of reinforcing bars, concrete strength. "'-')7. c7-8 #2 CIP reinforced concrete wall, show rebar and concrete strengths X58. c7-10 What dirt is under allfoundations? Rock? Gravel? Compacted dirt? K59. c7-10 #6 recess hatch to eliminate tripping hazard provide internal drain from ./hatch to sump in pit. 1'i60. c7-11 show rebar location and size, specify base under concrete. -A61. sl-1 #4 pitch to drain TO sump pump. Move sump away from ladder, show ladder and hatch location X62. c7-13 show rebar, concrete strength and base material X63. c7-14 8" concrete, specifY rebar, strength, sub-base, and pitch 1. 64. c7-14#1 what dirt is placed on top offooting? What compaction is needed? What iflimestone isn't at shown location? ,-rI' ~5. c7-15 electric room details missing -AM. c8-1 add centerline stationing to plan view. ~ IT 67. c8-l sta II to sta 12 convert bends to straight bore per previous comment, and fittings as needed X68. c8-1 sta 10+7 potential conflict between water and storm drain. Check all profiles for potential conflicts, and resolve. rJ69. c8-2 detail for sanitary connection to lower water channel (include valving) )( 70. cS-2 indicate type of pipe. ~A71. c8-2 increase grades of proposed 6" and 8" lines (1% minimum) match tops of pipe and size changes. X72. c8-2 Dimension CL of pipe in relation to facilities C vIZ it' "" A73. c8-3 include concrete undercut header detail for connection of festival way to ....( (?L~ Quorum Drive 1""'-P;' I c._ s. "-1174. c8-3 all detaisJ, change joint seal compound from hot rubber to silicone, provide specification for silicone in spec book ~ .." X75. c8-3 note #7 inIude statement "all testing is the responsibility of the contractor Ct.ry MAa/::-''f' A76. c8-4 Hydrant installation to include "grade-Lok" or approved equal anchor swivel 'l-~f ~ JJ .Jo coupling. MJXFLNG valve connected to T !}vI, X 77. c8-4 all water pipe shall be A WW A c909 X78. Note #38 12" c909 by other than open cut must be placed inschedule 40 steel carrier pipe, grout each end, pipe spacers. X79. Fire Hydrants to be Mueller Super Centurion or approved equal. )\80. c8-5 note, plumbing inspector comments regarding yard hydrants --A 81. e8-7 #1 include geotextile fabric over grade 4 crushed stone. "'82. c8-7 delete note #4 '1'183. c8-7 reinforced concrete pipe class III ONLY ')(.84. c8-7 detail of construction collar -indicate 2000 PSI concrete delete wire mesh. ""<'85. c3-1 bend inJ6" rep needs manhole and location )(86. cg-8 remove note #1 under maintenance A87. sl-I show reinforcing bar in section A-A detail X88. sI-I locate sump near hatch but not under ladder in vault plan. Reference ALL comments from previous submittal and incorporate into plans A ~89. sl-4 provide waterstop joints @allconstructionjoints I \@y90. 13-1 provide legend ..\(91.13-1&2 show details of connection to water system, i.e. location and meter ~2. 15-1 backflow preventers must comply with plumbing code )(93. ml-I % " hose bib, what is water source, show detail. ;(94. fl-I coordinate mechanical and electrical equipment, show elevation views in pit. )<'95. fl-I,2 use Link Seal at all wall penetrations )(96. fl-3 need section to show conduit locations. X97. fl-3 all equipment on housekeeping pads, show anchor bolt details .>(98. 12-5 wind control system should be self supporting (no straps) X99. Please make sure that all ofthe above items are addressed. P 2" Contractors, plumbers, and/or developers are responsible for compliance with the following specifications: A. Provide and install mechanical joint tapping sleeve (such as Muell~r H·615). Submittal and approval required if other. B. Provide and install tapping Vllive to meet Addison specification GV·95.1, for resilient wedge gate valve. C. Provide and install piping. Piping shall conform to ANSI! A WWA C-909·98 for Molecularly Oriented PVC Pressure pipe for water distribution. Pipe shall be ISO-psi minimum class rating for domestic use, and 200'psi minimum class rating for fire line applications. D. Fittings shall be ductile iron mechanical joint style, with restraining glands (such as Mega-Lug). Fittings shall be wrappedwith 8·mil poly prior to backfill. E. Pipe embedment shall conform to NCTCOG Class "B-3", "B+", or "C+" (from Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction,Third Edition, Drawing 3020, 3030, 3040). Variations allowed with engineer's seal and approval of City Engineer. F. Service meter or Fire Line DCDA shall be placed in a pie-cast concrete vault with floor and access hatch. Hatch shall be "Bilco"-type, aluminum, spring-assisted, lockable, and sufficiently sized to allow for removal of complete meter or assembly. Vault shall be placed within the public ROWand clear ofvehicular traffic -flow andlor parking areas. . G. All meters within vaults shall be equipped with remote touch-pad reading devices compatible with the Town ofAddison meter reading system. Hersey, Schlumberger (Neptune), and Master meters are acceptable. H. The meter.and/or backflow assembly.an.d piping shall be sllPported with manufactured supports designed for such application. (For clarification, reference Specification for Standon Pipe Supports as miu1ufactured by . Material Resources Co., Hillsboro, Oregon; 503-693-0727 -Models S89 or 892). I. There shall be a flanged coupling adapter in-line on the inlet side of the meter or device. 3 8 .-... .. ....-' , "' '" .~.. . , . .... . . c • .. ",. '" ..,. 0> lQ .... <:l .... '1 "...". m '..c en· -..l ,:3: .•' • · . . «' t · .. •-. •·. • •• • , ,... • I • • ·. .~ .. " .~ ':'"~''-. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (972) 450-2871 Post Offic,e Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 16801 Westgrove Backflow Prevention Assemblies: 1. All water services (except large fue services, see above) shall have the appropriate BP A installed immediately after the meter . .Ifthere are space limitations or other considerations that would preclude installation in that location, the BP A may be installed inside a building or other location. There may be no taps or tees into the service between the meter and the BP A. The Town ofAddison Public Works Department must approve this prior to installation. 2. All BPA's must be on the most current List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies as published by the USC-FCCCHR. 3. .. The appropriate BPA will be determined by the Town of Addison Utility Division, using the most current edition of the Mariual of Cross-Connection Control as published by USCFCCCHR as ..a guideline. Final determination rests with the Town of Addison. 4. . The plumber, contractor, and/or owner is responsible for having the BPA tested upon installation and initiation of service by a Tester certified according tolNRCC Rules for the specific type of installation, i.e. Fireline, General, etc. Thereafter, it will be the responsibility of the party paying the water bill, to have the BP A tested as prescribed by the Town of Addison Utility Division based on type of device and Degree of Hazard. Reduced Pressure Zone Assemblies shall be tested at least annually. 5. All BPA's shall be installed according to the most recent edition of the Town of Addison's Standard Operating Procedures Manual. 6. Stainless steel or brass plugs shall be placed in all test cocks after testing. The use of Teflon . tape is requiI:ed to. facilitat¢ r:eIiloval of plugs foi futuretestipg ·of the device.. Plumber's putty . or pipe dope isunacceptabldor this installatiop." 7. Above ground installation is the preferred method, but if the device is placed in a meter box, the box must be of sufficient size to provide the proper clearances for accessing, testing, and repair of the device. All above ground instaUations shall be protected from freezing with . apparatus designed for such use. In no case shall ReducedPressure Zone Assemblies be permitted i!t a meter box or vault, or any other below grade installation. . 07/24/01 2 REOUIRto fOR ANY =BELOW mE: TOP TH TO INSORt ... 11-1£. U1J£l.lER "CENTVRtAlr' 00 EQUAL ':-". IN CENtRAl.. AU. fiRE H'I'ORANlS SHAlL ""-0', BEU. END Of 'RfO VJ.J..vr. STACK CONF'OOJ,l TO AWNA STANOARD SPEClf'ICATlONS TO BE POLYWRAPP£Q. fOR flRE H'I'ORANlS FOR OROINARY WATER WORKS SERVICE fOR WAlER AND SANITARY SE~ IU:PRO~ FIRE H'roRANT$ v.tlH A BARREL APPROXlUA1UY r INSIDE OM,UETER. AU. HYDRANTS SHAll BE EOOIPPEO 'MlH A BREAKAWAY FLANGE• .AU. HYDRANTS SHAlL BE APPROVED IN ACCOfIDANCE ~1H THE STANDARD SPECFlC;\TIOOS AND SPEClJ.J.. PROVISIONS, OISK. BODY SOllS 3'-0' MIN, BOX COVER (MULLER H-l0361) 2-2-1/2" NOZZLES DEPTH OF HYDRANT LEAO & MARKED 'WATER" OR EQUAL BURy OF H'fllI'/AUT SIlAU. 51: 15-TO U~-P(T. General Civil> I "IJ\ ,.. '<:: i•n • "~~... I~T -lI':: -~ IL .'~' .~rl' '~ ~... C .-J ~ f•;•l .' ' "" ~c·' t 0 t ~...) .,iii O5J~,,,,ii' {" (" 0 Z r> . "; 4-.~ > ••• ' '-0 .... r ;' • ~ IL • -? ~ ;;;_ l~:.-. Q~ 5z!: ~ f ... ,~.. 1-~~ r ' 1\ ~ I ~~~~ _rI'! ~ ~~ • Transportation' Land Development. Construction Management> Traffic' Water & Wastewater Systems> -ACOISON CONFERENCE • THEATRE CENTRE - -AOOISON CONFEAEHC , THEATRE CEN1RE -, , ! "'\ ( '11 ~ i , ----~ ---'7 i"' ....~~. ~ \. \ J:L 0 1J i, 1 ; i .. \ ,l I i /~t{ /p .' ., '1::> EO> I l , -... ... -I t . -(,il fJ -.)r 1..L)?'{ \, f, ~ , , 1 /' ...-../""l ~ --------~-====~---~==~~~--------.--/'" BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dalias, Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 JOHN W. B1RKHOFF, p£ RONAlD v.car-.rwAY,p.E. GARY c. HENDRlCKS, P.E. JOE R. CARTER, f>£ PAUL A CAR1.l1\'E., P.E. MATT HfCKEY, P.E. September 17, 2002 DOUGLAS K. SHOWERS, P.E.. ROSS L JACOBS, p.E. 1. C, FINKLEA, P.E, Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer P. O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Re: Addison Arts and Events District Dear Mr. Chutchian: We are enclosing for your review three reduced copies ofthe revised Replat for the Addison Arts and Events District. Please give me a call after you have reviewed the replat. :::It-rs '(2 Ronald V, Conway, P.E. 7 Enclosures ADDISON CIRCLE 5 E -209..21' • IN CONe. I.R.F. BLOCK 1 9.56 AC. :I.>LJ a:: ADDISON ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT Q 18.03 Ac. If) G.W. FISHER SURVEY ABSTRACT No. 4B2 ~ :::> a:: 0 .... :::> 0 C-3 I.R.F. I.R.F. FESTIVAL WAY I-+---------~===_:::::=-----L.~--..., S8'''·'~· Er-!!..!l~!Ll!:..=..l2ll!l!:-------_,==...==.,_----l-----------......_lI 60.00 BLOCK 2 2.47 AC. S 89'28'50· W -91.53' z BLOCK 3 3.2B AC. C-3 .6 0&'54'11" C-I b. .. 0700'-0" R .. n6.OJ' T .. 47.55' l .. 9U8' c.s. .. S 86'18'~' E c.o. .. 94.92' .... 6 .. 05'15'20" <-, 6 .. 48'13'09' R .. lJO.oo· T .. 58.18' l" 109.41' c.s. .. S 34'48'215" E c.o... 10UI' c-5 4 .. 01'38'51" LOTS LOTS LOT ADDISON THE TOWN o <{ o c:: z o (/) o o <{ I I I I I I I I I I I I N 02"51 Bl BROADWAY STREET .. R .. 1-485..39' R .. 148!5..39' R .. 1485.39' T .. 59..59' T .. GaiT T .. 21.35' L .. 178.98' L .. 138.25' L .. 42.71' c.a. .. S 03"35"0' W c.a. .. S 04'24'35" W c.a. .. s «rSTJO" W CD... 178.86' c.D... llUO' c.o... 42.71' ---10-0 15' HORIZOOH.. --REPLAT OF JULIAN ADDmON, 13-26, BLOCK A, LOTS 1-10. BLOCK B, l-B, BLOCK C, LOTS 1-4, BLOCK D; ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE I ADDmON. I, BLOCK k, AND ADDISON CIRClE PHASE ADDmON, LOT 1. BLOCK F AS ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT BLOCKS 1-4 IN OF ADDISON, DALLAS CO., TEXAS G.W. FISHER SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 482 BIRKHOFF. HENDRIO /"" ,J',,,-"r O-- ::::s:alh ee" w ~ ... OJ G) t:r' e .!'g !!loil II: 0.. Q: i "' ... tf in :J:J 0.::>:5 ::>00. · . '"';:A Y, .uo"fr.gm;~';:Stif f" , nooules one •2.25 -,CLAY. tan I ---LilV"'O'Vl'c. tan. WIth clay seams nnd layen; ,... hI" lOON" r-! IT: ~ -~ ! i --~ : --LlMES'lUN.,. gray , -5:I" 10012" ,... ~ ,... ---~IT : , P= ~ I 1 10010.5" • ~l , : ; i I I i , • LOG OF BORING N(). B-15 Plate A.2 .~, ... ~ i~: LOG OF BORING NO. B-16 Plate A.3 0. , I BOrinjJ..0j6 IProject 02-5967 Arts & Events District I Location IWater ....." Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling i Depth 15.0' IDate' 8-8-02 ! ISumee . Type r. I f1i2ht auger (iJ NfA , ";,I !~.e.r'I ;O(1')"'5;: ;:U!) "1 ~ . 855, 11.1 Ii,,!! to ~.!! .ll'-j,S_IS! -"-~" "8 0:: ,c.,C! UH-Q..q; ..J..J'Q...J:o.._ :>..1 ::I Q0 .;• c~~J,;I:~h~:~ds~ffwn, truee i 2.25 I I , I r -i i r -' 3.75 , ! I I-fingmenw.sJ~~~y~~~ili ! i r 12.25 I I-:i-! I -I i 1 2 75 . i I--I , I r -: I i i i 3,0 i f--, i 1 -~ , , LIMc;;t VI'''', tim. with clay, I layers 1 ! i -I -:r:: ! :r:: ! i :r:: ~ : 10013" • .. • i ' ; ., I 9 I I I ! : IBOJiniJ..17 Project 02·5967 I Arts & District Water • ... , Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling IDepth 16.0' IDate' lU-..M Surface i Type • • N/A I ; flight auger 'OJ: a: Ii11 I~ ol:.~ ~ ..l il:!:!' I/) c ...,--; " "'c cw: ~ 0.0 :tf (jj ~~ ~~ '0" c1!' I:!gi! a. "'I0.:iEO ::J....J, :::lOa. ~ '-'LAY, "a'" orown an" brown. e! e, ta., with clay seams and I.yers I-i l-T i I" ! r5 , I~ , Lll"~O' v,,~, gray ci , , e-I l-I I" !10011.5" rlC l~ • ! ~ iii ! a: C! ~ ~ ~ l:l §, ! I . ~i LOG OF BORING NO. B-18 Plate A.5 , • • ----• Proj.c,No. I IProject "onnii-°i 9 IArts& District Looation Add;, 02-5967 Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling i ( •Depth 12.0' ! ii.i;' 8-13-02 i I Type I i I Surro.e I N/A I I • flillht aUller Ii IiIi ~.c I '• .s i ,of. s" .., u. : 0101 =11.. .;: ,,[!! ,,0 . a E (11 Ii) C" .1 In, * iit 0 II Q Stratum Description 0'" .!1S 1:''; =° • III III 'E"OI ~ ::..5 ce o "~'"c n Ii:~ :ct!". "e" , tl._ cf~ .,,'i\!iiIiIi :::>:9 ::c:> 8t°l. CLAY. dark brown. Stilf 10 '" i I • J.' i ' "'LAY. Inn and brown. I i~ 4.5 ' -'" -LIMES'lUNt.. twl, with _, ,and layers -I : 100/5" -h-IT ! -! ~ ! c-~ I i L'M.C<> I "'"' ' gray I h-i IOU/I' i ! IT" '--~ --r; ~ I I I I ! I i ! I e I ! i ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-19 Plate A.6 rs project No, ,~ IBonnk..20 Project 'Arts & i ., """ • Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling 1 Depth 21U' Date 8.13.02 Surf"", I Type £" I N/A i tlij(bt aUj(er -.:: 0" 0 Ii IiIi ~~; 0", ~ii (il i I "s it. -5 E t.. ! !i I ! -.<, r-LIMES';VI'''', gray -p:: -~ i ! ! i ! -fI I i -l:!=IY I i ! i I I I i I i ! i I ! § I : I I I I • ~ LOGOFBORlNGNO, B-20 Plate A.7 ! Project No. IBOrinh:21 i Project Arts & ! . 02·5967 Location A....:. '.-Texas Warer' Groundwater Wall not encountered during drUling I ; Depth 20.0' Dnte 8.13.02 I Surfuo.: Type N/A Continuous fligbt auger -J I I ! 0" Q i t IIIi · ~ IL .0. " 'Q" el.L.J t :.;~ : 111111 0 ' ',.J i o. "" ::!! ;I' ~ IL' 15 '1il .,. ! 0 Stratum Description 50;: ~ Ii! ",;I' ES: U 0.0 .. ." .I:.Q 1:00: '" "' ... -c; ::l...J :lOa. ; 0.._ CLAY. oarK brown lln" brown. Stiff 3.0 ; i j .2.> , ! I 'i --, "LAYsbft'wn nod tan, With e-limestone ; LU i i -II f-• LO i : ! -i r-I ! ! I , -i · 0.75 i I -10~ i ! e-~~ll"~O. v,,~. tan. with clay seIlms nnd layers ! -! i f-p: ! p: i p=I· i I , • ~I !-l'-p: ! -~ i -~ ~u'wo.U"", gray -I I' I , h" • ~ ! ~ i ~. I ~ I i I i ! §, I ; i I i ~I LOG OF BORING NO. B-21 Plate A.8 .~ Arts & Events District •Location "dd'.n Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling Depth 20.0' Date 8-13-02 11_ N/A_~T~ype(',~~;fii~ghtt~ I ~ J: SU_rfjlC_e:~ augcr~! ,-4" Illjl, ~~-~ ~: '" 1~~7!f~!ii 8" Stratum Description ;fi • j iii: U ; 9. I ~i ..:~ 'loW 1»<» Q.O 0:: a.." tn .... ~.U --.I 2.5 ----5; CLAY,clay. !nn ond gray. StitI'" I 2.5 I very stiff i : I : ! I ---i 2.U i ! --I I I ! I i , ---10! 13.l5 ! ! ~ , ----~ -~ ~ I I I , I ! ! ! i : .. f-LiT -15~ r--P= J:: • grey 10010,75' : , , ! ! I --;: :cT i I 10011" I i ! I ! I I ! 1 ~ . i I I iI ~ LOG OF BORING NO, B-22 Plate A.9 Descriptive Item Penetrometer Reading, (tst) Soft 0.0 to 1.0 Firm 1.0 to 1.5 Stiff 1.5 to 3.0 Very Stiff 3.0 to 4.5 Hard 4.5+ Contains appreciable deposits of calcium carbonate; generally nodular Having inclined planes of weakness thaI are slick and glossy in appearance • Composed of thin layers of varying color or texture iFissured I:1 nterbedded OR ROCK TYPES LEAN CLAY • • ••• SANDY • SILTY CLAYEY LIMESTONE SANDSTONE CONGLOMERATE Shelby Tube Auger Split Spoon DESCRIBING CONSISTENCY, CONDITION, AND STRUCTURE OF SOIL Grained Soils (More than 50% Passing No. 200 Sieve) Containing cracks, sometimes filled with fine sand or silt Com osed of alternate la ers of different soil es, usuall TERMS DESCRIBING PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCK Hardness and Degree of Cementation Very Soft or Plastic Can be remolded in hand; corresponds in consistency up to very stiff in soils Soft Can be scratched with fingernail Moderately Hard Can be scratched easily with knife; cannot be scratched with fingernail Hard Difficult to scratch scratch with knife Very Hard Cannot be scratched with knife Poorly Cemented or Friable Easily crumbled Cemented Bound together by chemically precipitated material; Quartz. calcite, dolomite, siderite, and iron oxide are cornman cementin materials. Degree of Weathering Unweathered Rock in its natural state before being exposed to atmospheric agents Slightly Weathered Noted predominantly by color change with no disintegrated zones Weathered Complete color change with zones of slightly decomposed rock Extremel Weathered Com lete color chan e with consistenc , texture, and eneral a earance a KEY TO CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS PLATEA.10 Grained Soils (More than 50% Retained on No. 200 Sieve) Penetration Resistance Descriptive Item (blows/foot) 0104 Very Loose 4 to 10 Loose 10 to 30 Medium Dense 30 to 50 Dense Over 50 Very Dense Structure Rock Cone No Core Pen Recovery Relative Density oto 20% 20 to 40% 40 to 70% 70 to 90% 90 to 100% Major Divisions Grp. Typical Names Laboratory Classification Criteria Sym. III 2' ~ Well-graded gravels, gravel(0",)' ~~ GW sand mixtures, little or no ~ 0" be_1 and 3 .!1! Gu = greaterthan4: c= ~(i: c ..!!! '" 0 fines Jg tl.O'!! 0" D,o"D60 C e,c: '" (/)(/),S ,gj ~ I c 0 i ~'u; Poorly graded gravels, gravel s"::i~ ~'": eII) GP sand mixtures, little or no wW", -Q) 0::::; -<.5Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW '" (/} W a; OJ -fines I tl.G~ > Ol f!.o '" '* ~ '" <0 SS§ s"::il! 0 8 "': <> 0 '00 C)qji Liquid and Plastic limits 1il ~~ Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt '1:1' Liquid and plastic limits c 0 GM !~ below"N line or P.1. o=E mixtures , ~ 'Ill plotting in hatched zone 0 '" '" .c.c .c"'~ greater than 4 '" OJ :3 iB :~ z c-between 4 and 7 are c 3:O~ . .!!! ~ ~ i J11 ro '" borderline cases "'!!! O<0 l&'"j 'O '-0 i i lS . Liquid and Plastic limits requiring use of dual i ~~ ~ > ~ GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand~ lil : : fl) above "A" line with P. I. 0 l!! Cl. clay mixtures iE .; ; 1~ symbols I al2' . 5 0.!t .c>Z greater than 7 c.!1! ~ . c ; :~ ~..!!! E .. : : ~ ~ ! ·I~~ : ! di: 0)~ ~I (0,,)' d> '" iii SW Well-graded sands, gravelly. a; J!! : : ; 0.. f!1jj E sands, little or no fines ~ ~ : : : c..=greater than 6: cc= between 1 and 3 ~~ '" c : : .; 0" °IOX06l) .~ .'", t0:: "'c : ! : OJ "0,2 15-;; '" :s '" ~ : : : 0 Poorly graded sands; t:: <> : : ~ '0 .N 'I'S" .'"5~ 8P gravelly sands, little or no ic~.~, ~ ~ l Not meeting all gradation requirements for 8W >c=o .!;:~ d;m lI! .c fines ~ ~ i .. OJ '" ''-t;::: .... W : C -g f: 'u; 0'1; OJ C,i :'s" w(G"~ ~. '0 1,!'"l )~ tC()l. '.."... u Liquid and Plastic limits <01: ''''J!l ",,,Ill l!! 'O~ OJ ::l 8M Silty sands, sand-sill .!1!c ", .. 0. below "N line or P.1. less Liquid and plastic limits 0 cO mixtures c1l",c,,c, E ~f5 O=E °OJ2 1 ~-~-!'~" than 4 plotting between 4 and ~ ,c,:s .,:". ",.,~ III -0 0 mc ;1;Q.c:2~~~ 7 are borderline cases (I)..gtt: .,0" :s '" .t: "". Liquid and Plastic limits requiring use of dual c al Clayey sands, sand-Clay .-.S "0 " SC ~i~ above "A" line with P.1. symbols l m ~ w8: mixtures greater than 7 ; ~ G> m 0013 Inorganic silts and very fine 0ML sands, rock flour, silty or «) clayey fine sands, or clayey • c silts with slight plasticity ~~ Ii) "'Inorganic clays of low to 60; I I I i a; 1J !:l V 0; 'cOmmedium plasticUy, gravelly ; i CL '" 501 ('Q~ clays, sandy clays, silty ''"" ~~ ; clays, and lean clays 0 w'" ; I I CH /1 /Z ':; t: I cr Organic silts and organic i ; m d-Ol 40; . :s silty clays of low plasticity ; x I 1/1 I JIlIil ~.g gij .s ! al~ i .<:-30 0Inorganic sills, micaceous or' ;g ~i ; i .E", «) MH diatomaceous fine sandy or ; 1! I J '" .jOHadMH. i ~ -c: siHy soils, elastic silts .0. del lm'C m ."• I c~ ",.c J 20 ",. .m m ~ V I ; u. E o~ ; CL '0 "c '.~, ; CH Inorganic clays of high /'l5 '" '" plasticity, fat clays 1 .c Yl"" I 7 /! I =E ~'\:)/i MLa dOL " w= 4 :"s 'C I Organic clays of medium to ; ':; 0 V· " .Q" OH 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 £ d high plasticity, organic silts ; liquid Limit >-.!::! .-L:Cr o=III Peat and other highly organic Plasticity Chart Pt ~5fA soils UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATE A.11 MEETING REPORT DATE: August I, 2002 PROJECT: Addison Arts & Events District P ARTICIP ANTS: Steve Chutchian, Barbara Kovacevich, Carmen Moran, Slade Strickland, Chris Terry (Town ofAddison), Jim Duffy (James F. Duffy) SUBJECT: Review comments from July 29 Council briefing l. As regards Mayor's comments concerning installation ofunderground conduits in performance spaces it was decided to call a meeting with Mayor and power consultants to review decision to not install. Barbara will set up meeting. 2. Concerning general comments ofconcern about how to locate carnivals during events, it was determined that the area south ofClara can be used until it is developed. Carmen reminded everyone that the lot at Addison Road and Clara on the south side ofClara is not currently scheduled for development and can be used for the carnival. As the area grows and develops, the carnival may well have to be scaled down. 3. Parking concerns can be solved by a number ofoptions. Close in parking on the north side ofthe district can be helped by adding paving (impervions) between the Stone Cottage and Addison Circle garage. Parking across Addison Road on the airport or the potential purchase ofthe Avis lot could also add parking. It was pointed out that the extension ofSpectrum will add 40-45 spaces near Arapaho and another 100 farther north. 4. The need fur more attractive temporary fencing was discussed. It was determined it would be best not to use sleeves in the ground or purchase additional fencing like the permanent :rencing. It was felt finding a more attractive temporary rental fence would be a better solution. Barbara will provide Jim with the names ofher :fi:ncing contacts and Jim will follow up to see what is available. 5. The need for offsite storage is growing and Chris will work with Mark Acevedo to come up with a solution. 6. The need for way finding signage in the district and event signage for the adjacent streets and Beltline, as well as the Con:terence Center was discussed. Carmen will coordinate developing a separate program to address all signage issues with a local source. 7. It was decided to eliminate the rain curtains being developed by Cunningham for the roof ofthe pavilion building. 8. Slade supplying the mayor a detailed breakdown ofhis estimate will address the mayor's request for Operation and Maintenance information. Barbara will develop an O&M budget for Oktoberfest 2003. Both will be presented to the mayor in a meeting to be set by Chris. 9. The discussion on July 29 indicated the ability to have multiple entrances to the district as events may dictate. As a result, it was decided to add hookups for the ticket booths at the funowing locations: Main entrance at Addison Circle as previously defined. Add hookups for two booths at Quorum and Clara (new) Add hookups for two booths at each end ofthe trellis (Clara and Addison Circle Drive) Each hookup will include both power and drain. Please provide any corrections or additional infonnation to each ofthe participants within five days. Cemments Summary Addis.n Ceuncil Presentatien Arts & Events 8istrict July 29, 2M2 . Mayor Wheeler 1. We need to install empty CIIlnduits underground in the performance spaces for shows to pull wire te remote locations such as light tower spots and control station. . 2. Qara Street is becoming "back of house" and that won't be desirable to future developments on the south side .f the street. 3. Parking is a concern. Where will peeple park if they are coming here for a smaller event and can't "follow the crowd" te parking? 4. Fencing needs to be semi-permanent, net temperary chain link. We need a better ability to fence smaller events. 5. We need more parking on the north side of the Arts & Events 8istrict ,. We have no way finding, signage plan.•e we need "mall maps"'? How do we premete events in the district? 7. .ecause expjlSed aggregate paving is so hard to patch, should we consider asphalt for the walks? 1. aisagree4 that parking is a problem. 2. Agrees we need more permanent type fencing. 3. Suggestea we lelllk at a stone wall in Addison residential area (Lexus and Cherry?) 1. Need Ie anticipate access for restaurants which donot park a truck during events but bring foe« from their restaurant 2. C.ncemed about paiking during big events 1. ,uestioned tbe use of yellow <:tIloes on the Imil.ing. Fred Silver 1. ..we need a temporary weather curtain fer the siiles.f the Pavilion as well as the h.les on top? 2. Alse c~lDcerned about the parking, especially during smaller events. ADDISON CIRCLE S 89'49'12" E -668.55' I S 00-01'39"I 15.00' I I I I I I BLOCK 1 0::1 I: ~: III 9.79 AC. I I ADDISON ARTS AND EVENTS I 18.26 Ac, ,.. ,,. I o ------I G.W. fiSHER SURVEY I ABSTRACT No. 482I Cl o« Z o en CCll ~+---------------------------------~~~~--~--------------~--------------4 « N 02'40'25-W LOTS 1-10, BLOCK B. 81.53 1-4. BLOCK 0: ADDmON. 1-4 DALLAS CO.. TEXAS FISHER SURVEY NO. 482 CONWAY. LLP. :l:t"'~Jl:tj~7$IOO ~I__________~~~~______~__-,·~·.--L~~~L-______~~~~~__~______________~ I I I I I I I I I I I I BLOCK 3 3.29 AC. BLOCK 2 2.47 AC. BROADWAY STREET .,... A.0I'11"10" tR· -..1.4.8,5..S" L ... mM c.a. -S 04'2.1'47r.c.D. ... t:ruXl .,.. A.?' ':~," L ... tOll.38' . c.a. .S:w~t c.o. -,atl' .... A -Qf'a'13" TIt __ 1.4,1!.5,.l.1 l" aa!'i4~. CJ). • 41.14' REPLAT 01" .JOUAN ADDmON. LOTS 13-26, BLOCK A, LOTS 1-8, BLOCK C, LOTS ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE I LOT I, BLOCK Iv; AND ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE]I ADOmON. LOT 1. BLOCK I" ~ ADDISON ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT BLOCKS IN THE TOWN OF ADDISON, G.W. ABSTRACT BIRlU.14. TtXA$ ;,ru Of 2 DISTRICT .... C-3 :l ! ~ ENG a In!cf rllom Iocftd In !he a.w. FiSler"~. ~ ~. 482 0( DaItas C:ut'!. T~ an! bekvaaosa~ ~IO1l"!$TCW'1d A:tIisa1 by&ads~ fileintt'eOeed Rlfi'!ecl't!so( 0I!iItIS0:':U1y'. Texas. said Irnd ~m:re parlic;tialtydesa1bed asMows: BEGI~OO at a pciri b"it t"UTB'. sad pcirt ~It"e irtm:&edionof tt'esotJh ~5re 0( ~Otde \* 5Ofoot YAde: 1Vp.-d-WI1y} and !he east f,t;Jt-d.-y lire 0( M:iscn Road (it ~s af-Ell:2' E. adstn::a daia55 feet am;; said scdt ~In! 0(,tIddison """"----Orde ..a p:irt b it o:mrs; "Tt£fCE 5 o::t'm:!l" W. a dstn:e 0( 15,00 teet am;; said sWh ;t,;t..d"'HJ>j lire of JIddi$cn Orde.. apartb"a arntr, ~5111'49"12' E, a ~rl2l114 feet ab"9 sad Sltih ~lftt 01 ~ C&de {anro.b:A:wide rir,tt-d-way)";J pcirt 0(Q.mlb.m; ~ek:rg a euw (C-1) 10 lte dgt with a ndu9 of 776.03 feet and a th::wd beaIirV 01 S eEn6m" E. M afC IIstEn:e d 94..9Bfeet sIaq sold SCUh rigtt-d-way fine of Aiison ewe to a ...."Tt£H:;E S ez4tSZr E, a dst"an::a 0(71$ feet aIc:q; said SCUh r'I;jt-d"'HJ>j 1M rI JIddi$cn CIrde 10 II poirt b 8 CII;CII;lI"f$' at the ittersedion 0( !he y,est ~line 01 ~~ (a variatie v.idtl ~'Ii am sid SCUh r'Ifjt-d.-y lim 01 AIHsJn ~ {an ~.... ngt..af~to8pcirtol~ Ti£NCE akrg a CUVEI (C2) to lte left v.iIh a ndu9 of 13l.CD feet ard a th::wd beI;ring 01 5 3fl'4SWE,"'afC~O("fm3BfeetloapSrtba ~ "Tt£fCE S r:rf'rn23" W, a ~01148.15 Ed. akrg said we:st ~Ine 0( 0u:In.rn ()iw {;I1C$fc(t"'rl~}loapcir1 oIcuva11.«'; ~ak¥g a (:u'Wt {C3) to lte left I'iihe I8Ci.s 01 t4SS.3;} feet "",It! a dud ~of S il134'11"W, an areclstn:;e 01 118..19!"ee1' fD a pcirtcf tI"gI!rlCy; TI-ENCE S arrsa:r w. a ~cf 135.9) !"eel' aIc:q; said Yet ~"Wf lire 01 0u:In.rn Qi\oe (0 IS pdrI: bra c:Her at !he i~ oflh9 t'I:IIth rigtt-of.>way l..dTi"'$ OaIlas.Ares Rapid Ttar"'d {OART) (a 100toct....~..-d$ili:l west rtlfdYef 0I0u:1n.rn IlMt; n-e.ce sffi"'45uJ"w, a~ 0I671l9Bfed: alorg said rorIh ~..!Nd'f1"ine-0I1lAAT"a p:irI: fa-aeaner, n£NCE S F1if'941!r W, a ~01 162.62fe:et ak¥g!he rath'fdt.~ line qf ~'1 5lTeet (a 7t).fixt \Mete rVt-of.w;rjfrJ a pcir1 b' acorner; Tt£H:;E N1I1'3J'51" E, a distance cf 100.00fee! loa poirt b a ~ n-e.ce Sf!fi1':B48'w, II cSstn:;e of SIloo reet (0 a p::irt b'a ~ Ti£NCE NB9"491ZW. at:btan;e 01 2to.OO feel loa pcirf for a eornet; n-e.ce N r!211:J'ZJw, adistance 0I81.53feet aia"l]sideast ritj:t.--d.w;q fine 01 $ilid,ll(ld"1SaI RDa::I fa EQ..fIxt ....riaI"t-d"-w s/lotwn ""'""'" 1he easements shoMl on 1his sXat are hereby J$$eNed for the ~as lrdcaled, Indudng, htrt not Ilrr1t.ed to, the!nsllilallOfl end mairrtenance of water, $8'Iitary se'I.WI', storm sewet. drainage, electric, telephone, gas and catle ~ ()"ynef shall have !he r9rt to \.I$e ~~proIIided OOWever, that It does not ~!:iy imedere Of irrpede Win the p"fMsi.cn of 1M serYiees to ethers. sad umy ~ are hereby being reselWd t:y mutua use and ~on of all pot1lcutilities mlog or desiring to use the same. M 8lIJlI1'$$ easernent d inl1$fi 8IId qess is I"IlmI:1f ~gamed on, C'I1!f and act'OS$ all $ldi eaMTleflt$ fa' the ~t of the IYOIIider of seMees for ~d'I easements are ~ Plry drainage and ~easeme:rn: shoM1 hereon Is hereby deticated to the putlic's tme beyer. htrt indlJdng the fokMing ~wth regards to mai~ TeSp:lnsibWes.. The emtirng chalillel$ a' Q'&8;s traversing the ttaiMge and ~ easemeflt v.i. remain as an open d'\a~, unless reqrlred to be enclosed by ord~ at al timE!$ and $bSI be maintained by the jndvtd!.ta owner& d !he lot Ill" lots ttratem traversed ~ or~ to the ~and ~easement. The Cttywil not be ~~e fa' the mai~ and opernbon or said ~a' ereekS« fa' artf damage or injury of privete ~(J( Pt'f$Of1 that I'C$IJ!t$ from the low d water tmng s:aid aeeK,« for the CQl'lt.¥:d of erosicn. t>b ~to the natural flew-d\Wtet fl.l1'lQtr atd be pemVtted t:y ~Mth all t1ght$ of !ngess and eQle!i$ to I~ sutVay. eI1k:t. coostn.Jct or malntan artf tti!iiflage f8!l1lty deen'Ied necessary by the Oty fOJ miooge po~. Each property owner shaD Ir$p the natural dtDnag& cbaMei$ and creeI<& trave!WIg the drainage and fk:!odNaS ADDISON ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT BLOCKS 1-4 IN THE TOWN OF ADDISON. DALlAS CO.. TEXAS G.W. FISHER SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 482 BlRKHOFF. HENDRICKS & CONWAY. LLP. CONSUL-l1NCO £NClN!:!mS DJ\U.A5. n:v.s ':)231 1I14-1II1-'WO SHEET 2 OF 2 ~------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~ BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 JOHN W. BIRKHOFF, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. GARY C HENDRICKS. P,E. JOE R. CARTER, P.E. PAULA. CARLINE, p.E. MATI HICKEY, P.E. July 15,2002 DOUGLAS K SHOWERS, P.E. ROSS L JACOBS, P.E. I. C. F!NKLEA, P,E. Mr. Bill Shipp Assistant t e City Manager P. O. 9010 A Re: Addison Arts and Events District Dear Mr. Shipp: As requested by Mr. Steve Chutchian, we are enclosing 18 full-size copies and one half-size copy of the Replat for the Addison Arts and Events District. Please give me a call ifyou have questions concerning the replat. Sincerely yours, ~ Ronald V. Conway, P.E. ~osures c/::CI Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. (with one copy ofeach size replat) Agenda for Sasaki Associates, Inc. and Cunningham Architects Arts & Events .istrlct W.rk Sessl.n with Addison City C.uncll July 29, 2..2 Addls.n Service Center 16801 Westlr.ve ~Ive ~:3,".m.-lntr.iuct ory remarks Illy lIten Whiteheai ~:4511.m.-.inner t/':,,".m.-Finaillilesign pthase fltr'esentatien lay Sasaki Asseciates v'7:3,".m.-...avili.nJlltestreems lBuildin~ ~i"n ptresentation.y Cunningham Architects !a:,,".m.-CIOSing 41uestiens and answers Re: Utility Issues -Cont: Call wI Steve Chutchian Page 1 ofl Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy [jfdgroup@fJash.net) Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 2:55 PM To: dclough@sasaki.com Cc: Steve Chutchian; Chris Terry Subject: Re: Utility Issues -Conf. Call wi Sieve Chutchian Dave, As indicated in the memo, the question ofgas service along Clara was referred to me. I talked yesterday with Steve Chutchian and we agree gas service along the south side of Clara will be useful in any future private development ofthat area. Ifwe can get a gas line in the right ofway we can avoid a separate easement. Since there is no current need the gas company will most likely charge us to install it. I suggest we make provision for it in the right ofway and show it as a "future" line. Then, ifanyone needs service in the future, it can be brought in at that time in the defined area. Ifyou have other thoughts let me know. Otherwise, let's proceed as indicated above. Jim From: dclough@Sasaki.com Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 11 :48:41 -0400 To: To: alward@sasaki.com, sehamwey@sasaki.com, tchang@sasaki.com, clbaker@sasaki.com,jfdgroup@flash.ne t, schutchian@ciaddison.tx.us Subject: Utility Issues -Cont: Call wI Steve Chutchian Attached is a memo from a conference call Ting and I hed with Steve Cbutcbian last week. 7/24/02 ({) memorandum date July 23, 2002 to Alan Ward, steve Hamwey, Ting Chang, Cathy Baker, Jim Duffy, steve Chutchian from Dave Clough project name Addison Arts & Events District project no. 14516.00 subject Conference Call w/Steve Chutchian • SASAKI The following are notes Ting and I took during our conference call with Steve on July 16. The purpose of the call was to clarify some issues regarding drainage and utilities that were raised by Steve as part of his review of the 50% document set. Sasaki Associates Inc. 64 Pleasant Street 1. Steve confirmed that the basis for our drainage calculations is a 100 year, 24 hour Watertown Massachusells storm event, Type III, with I = 9.63 in.lhr. 2. Drainage piping connections from catch basin to catch basin (series) is not 02472 USA allowed. However, pipes can have wye connections, on the side near the top of t 617 926 3300 the pipe. We can allow for a vertical drop. 3. Area drains (smaller rim and structure than CB) are most likely OK. The Town will f 617 924 2748 want want to rev iew the details. 4. Outflow from the drainage system should be as close to 0% increase from existing site runoff conditions as possible. 5. The Vortech Tank is a good idea to control flow and water quality. It is not required by Town standards, but would be desirable for this project 6. Plan and profile fur the drainage system main line on Clara Street and for the extension of the outfall pipe from Clara to the DART awale are required. Profiles are not required for all other drain lines and structures. We confirmed that all structures will be labeled with rim and invert elevations, and all pipes labeled with size, slope, and direction of flow. Clara Street will have a 60' wide dedicated R.O.W. 7. The storm drainage stUb-Outs from the main line in Clara street to the southerly property line are not required since we can't predict the size, invert, or correct location that will work with future development of the parcels. 8. Roadway profiles are required for Clara Street, showing utilities including storm, sanitary sewer, and water. 9. We confirmed that an Erosion Control Plan and details will be part of the 90% drawing set. 10. Minimum pipe size is 15" for drainage pipe, and pipe must be RCP. If coverage is less than 4', pipe should be Class III. We have a few locations where cover will be only about 2'. Steve said it will be OK if we use Class III and If there are no conflicts with construction above the pipe. 11. We will need authorization from DART for discharge into the swale in their R.O.W. There is a 20' dedicated drainage easement to the DART R.O.W. that will be part July 23, 2002 Page 2 of the Pial. The drawing submittal for DART approval requires plan, profile, flow, velocity, detail of headwall (or whatever outfall structure we have), and erosion controllvelocity reduction details. Approval should take about 1 month. 12. steve would prefer a manhole connection for our drain line from Clara Street to the Addison Road system, to allow for easier maintenance. 13. If the elevations work and the structure will nm flood in storm condition, Steve thought we could connect an area drain proposed for a location to the west of the northerly end of the Pergola directly to an existing CS in Addison Circle Drive. 14. Steve has no objections to connecting the sanitary sewer line from the Pavilion to an existing sanitary manhole at the corner of Quorum and Addison Circle Drive, providing that capacity and flow will work. 15. We should eliminate the proposed 6" sanitary line we have shown across the site, and connect to existing sanitary manholes where it makes sense for minor flows. flows. 16. The Town spaCing standard for fire hydrants is 300'. Hydrants along Clara Street only need to be on one side. New hydrants must be "Mueller Centurion, or approve equal' (there are no approved equals as far as the Town is concemed). 17. We asked if drinking fountain drains must be connected to the sanitary system, or if they can just go into drywells. Steve thought that drywells would be OK, but he will check to see if there are any Town requirements (Health Dept.?). 18. Fountain drain lines should connect into the sanitary system. 19. We are proposing a gas line extension from Addison Road down Clara Street. We don't need it for the District, but it could provide future service for the development parcels to the south. steve said we should confirm with Jim Duffy that it is required. 20. Yard Hydrants may be set flush with finish grade; they do not have to be above grade. Steve suggested we check we with Slade regarding any spacific Town standard details for setting the Yard Hydrants (i.e. Concrete collar). 21. A 10' separation is required between water and sewer lines. If water and sewer cross, water pipes must be encased in concrete for 10' each side of the crossing. 22. Water taps will be necessary on Addison Road and Quorum. Details on tapping sleeves, valves, etc. will be included on Sasaki's drawings. 23. Site layout should be done by the coordinate system. Some Airport construction work was just recently done on coordinates. Steve will get us the reference information. 24. I mentioned that we still need some invert information for completion of the drainage system -especially for the existing 36' stub-out for our major connection to Quorum. We marked up a plan indicating where we need the information, and gave it to Ron Conway at our last meeting in Addison. steve will check with Ron's office to see where they are in getting what we need. Steve -please let me know if any of the above is not correct. dc\g:\14516.00\proJmgmt\mem08\ITH~ctelecom.doc 668.55 1-----------s:S8~9~.4~9'~12:=i"Ei---------1~!L_ __;S8:;;;;~~4~99~r\~~"E;;---"--r---: 1l.9i """"'" • OJ ~::O ~'Y ~~ ",M "'0Z S89"'39'46"W 162,62 Title: IDate: 06-25-2002 ! Scale: 1 inch = 150 feet IFile: MAIN-PLAT.des i Tract I: 18.264 Acres: 795575 Sq Feet: Closure ~ n44,II48w 0.01 Feet: Precision =1/672497: Perimeter ~ 3613 Feet: 00I~N2.4025W 81.53 007=S82,4827E 71.97 013=S89.3946W 162.62 002=N0.3646E 665.99 ~~~~.r4J18E.ACl,d~~'lil~Pelta"'81221 014=N0.3051 E 100 003=S89.4912E 668.55 009=S7.0023W 148,15 015=S89.3946W 90.00 004=SO.0139W 15.00 &~'li-\'l.~4ItW:t'6t'h"6f19.Dcl_5223 016=N89.4912W 210.08 005~S89.4912E 209.14 011~SO,0800W 136.9 ~r~~filltE':bf~;;;~,M~8. Dclta=7,0045 0 12=S66.4500W 670.98 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave" #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 JOHNW. BIRKHOFF. P.E, RONAlD v. CONWAY, P.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS, P.EJOE R. CARTER., P.E, PAUL A. CARLINE. P.E, MATI HICKEY, p.E, July 12, 2002 DOUGLAS K. SHOWERS, p.a ROSS L JACOBS. P.E. 1. C. FINKLEA. P.E.. Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Assistant City Engineer P. O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Re: Addison Arts and Events District Dear Mr. Chutchian: We are enclosing two preliminary copies ofthe Replat for the Addison Arts and Events District. The replat has been revised in accordance with your comments received at OUr meeting on Monday. Also enclosed is a closure calculation sheet for the addition boundary. Please give me a call after you have reviewed the replat. Sincerely yours, ~~ Ronald V. conWay,1E. Enclosures j:\dai~ddison\200 1-138 eventS disLricl\lctLm:\eom::s\kW.distncult y,rep!m lrant.07·12·01dllc Addison Arts & Events District Specifications Review 50% Design Submittal Cover: \' Zip Codes for Addison & DufIY incorrect-use 75001 only Use James F. DufIY in lieu ofTIm DufIY under Construction Manager 01310: 1.04lJ---i"efu:rences to "building" and "sections through vertical shafts" do not apply 01330: General note-beginning here and in all future sections where contractor is directed to supply copy, Le. progress schedule, to Owner should be changed to copy Construction Manager as Owner's representative. 1.02 A. 1. Section number wrong-should be 01110 1.03 C. 3. references "attachment to building" 1.09 A. 4. "unless Architect approves incorporation in the Work" conflicts with Section 014541.03 A.1. which states "Mock-ups shall not be use in the final, completed work." We have two paragraphs 1.10 1.10 (Daily Progress Reports) A. Add visitors to items to be included in daily reports. B. Add Construction Manager to distnoution list. 1.10 (Construction Photographs) F. Why black & white prints? Would prerer color. 01454: 1.01 B. Need number ofsquare feet for mock up area 1.02 A.4. & 5. These two referenced sections are not included 1.04 C. "attached mock-up schedule" is not included. 01569: 1.05 Somewhat confusing. Are we dealing with one set offines or two? How will they be collected? 3.01 A. 1. "tree protection areas indicated on the Drawings" are not yet indicated 01571: 1.01 A. "detailed on the drawings" are not yet detailed. 2.01 A. & B. Both silt fences are indicated "shall be". Ifthey are options, it should be so indicated, B, is the more common in this market. 01722: 1.01 B. Explain this requirement. 01732: 1.03 D. Reference to building 01734: 1.04 A. Does not apply 1.05 A., B., C. Does not apply 2.01 A. Will this apply to something and be indicated on the drawings? 3.02 B. Does not apply 02100: 3.08 A. Will this apply and be indicated on drawings? 02244: This section applies to the lime process used under paving, which is not anticipated to be used. Lime under buildings is done by a lime injection process. Structural engineer needs to make final determination after reviewing the soils report. Construction Manager believes lime will be unnecessary on this site under buildings or or paving. 02300: 1.02 A. 3. Section number wrong-should be 02100 1.05 C. Need info on soils report filled in to blanks 1.06. A. 8. Add Owner (Construction Manager) to distnbution on soils tests 3.02 A. typo-sixth word should be "and" 3.02 A. 1. b. typo-Iast word should be "size" 3.04 A. 5. reference to building 02510: 1.01 C. Comment applies here and to all references to fees. Town ofAddison will not charge fees related to this project. Applications must be made for all appropriate pennits, but tees will not be charged. Subcontractors will be required to register as subs with the Town and will be charged a tee fur that registration. Eliminate all refurences to contractor paying tees to Town. 1.02 A. 1. Section number wrong-should be 02100. "Abandomnent ofExisting Utilities" is not included. 1.02 A. 5. Section 15400, PLUMBING, not included. A plumbing section needs to be added to specs. 1.05 B. Eliminate reference to tees 2.01 A. No ductile iron pipe is to be used in this project. 2.06 A. Meters will not be "purchased purchased from and installed by local Water Authority". Meters must meet Town specs, but will be purchased and installed by contractor. 2.10 A. & B. What is the difference? Are these options? 3.09 B. Electrical service to this device will not be done by Town 02530: 1.01 C. reference to rees 1.02 A. 1. & 2. Section number wrong-should be 021 00; «Abandonment ofexisting utilities" is not included. 3.03 A. The referenced document does not cover this work 02624: Page numbers in this section are incorrect, referencing section 02712 02630: 1.02 A. 1. Section number wrong-should be 02100; "Abandonment ofexisting storm drainage system" is not included. 1.02 A. 6. Section 15400 not included 02750: 2.02 A. Epoxy coated steel is not required. 2.05 Where is colored concrete anticipated? 3.01 A. elimioate references to using lime stabilization 3.02 A. Is stabilized subgrade mentioned intended to be lime stabilized? See note above. 02752: 1.02 A. 1. Section number wrong-should be 02100; "Remove and dispose ofexisting concrete paving" is not included. 2.01 A. What is "Brown Patio Mix"? 3.01 A. & B. We will not lime stabilize under this paving. 3.03 & 3.04 This is not the technique we discussed in our meeting in Addison and this is not the process we want to use. 02760: 1.03 A. 1. Section not included; should it reference 02750 as we have no bituminous paving? 3.02 F. Reference to "softening ofbitumen" 02772: 1.03 Should this include 02750 as related work? Part 2 PRODUCTS Is any reinfurcing anticipated for the curb and gutter? None referenced. 02784: 1.03 A. I. Section number wrong-should be 02100 2.01 A. Is "Oaklahoma" a correct spelling fur a certain type ofstone? 02786: 2.01 A. Ifslate pavers are to be used (see Slade Strickland's comments in separate document) cannot we find a closer source? 02810: Section needs to be modified to allow equals. 02815: 1.03 B. Should be a requirement, not an option. 1.05 C. I know this is tricky, bnt since we will probably allow 15 working days for the bids to be assembled, meeting this deadline precludes any real substitution possibilities and could put the Town in an awkward situation. 2.06 A. Seventh and fourteenth paragraphs regarding illumination need to be completed. 3.01 B. Should be a requirement, not an option. 02816: 1.06 A. Fees 02824: 1.02 A. 4. Section 16525 is SITE ELECTRICAL, not LIGHTING 02920: 1.07 A. This is not the planting season in Texas. Where is it the planting season? 2.02 A. 1. Where is sod being anticipated? We had assumed all hydro mulch. "Babie Bermuda Hybrid" is not fiuniliar to the Town. 02930: 1.02 A. 1. Section number wrong-should be 02100 03300: 3.01 A. SUbgrade will not be lime stabilized. 05500: 1.02 A. 7. Division 15, MECHANICAL not used 05700: 1.02 A. 4. Section 16525 is SITE ELECTRICAL, not LIGHTING 16000: 1.00 A. 8. fecs 3.03 D. "building" .. JAMES F. DUFFY May 31,2002 Mr. Dave Gough Sasaki Associates Inc. 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472 Re: Addison Arts and Events District 50% Plans review Dear Dave: Below are some items I wanted to share after reviewing the 50% set of plans on the Arts and Events District project Because of the stage of the draWings many of my comments are clerical, some are questions that may become clear in future drawings and others are offered as suggestions for consideration. I've referenced my comments by sheet number. I will do a similar review of the Project Manual. This letter does not include any input from the Town staff as their review is underway. This is strictly my input. You will receive the Town's input separately. Cover Sheet: It seems to me we should be able refer to the Town of Addison without placing it in Dallas, Texas. The address you used is the correct street address but it might be better to use the mailing address, P.O. Box 9010, Addison, TX 75001~9010. Cl-l: On the right side of the sheet it looks like the references to Trellis and Trellis Co~umn should switch places. C2-l: Add the symbol and description for the drain inlets or catch basins with the crosshatched center, referenced as "R_ .-:' on the drawings, to the legend. C2-3: DART Light Rail does not run by this site. Itmay in the future, but the area identified is currently a railroad line owned by DART. C3-l: What is the purpose of the 6" sanitary stub out into Addison Circle Drive? 3887 RIDGELAKE COURT' ADDISON, IX • 75001 PHONE: ~72.241.2816 • FAX: 972.406.1146 JFDGROUP@FLASH.NET -2-May 31, 2002 The note in the lower left hand corner indicating the overhead power lines are to be relocated underground is incorrect. The most recent decision is for the lines to be overhead on upgraded poles. Why is DMH 4 identified as proposed? Also, in this and other locations (C3-2 and C3-3) where the work is outside the limit of work boundaries, do we need to extend the boundaries to incorporate those areas or somehow note the drawings so we don't get into a contract scope of work issue later with our contractor? C5-1: Is the reference to Milsap Stone Block in the area of brick paving half way up the sheet correct? I seems to me that arrow should be directing the reader to one of the white rectangles as it does below. C6-1: Is it conceivable to use bolted connections on the. trellis and leave the galvanized steel unpainted? My experience has been that welded galvanized connections that are painted generally rust through because the touch up process is not effective. By not painting the steel and leaving the galvanizing exposed we eliminate a maintenance issue and the cost of painting. Otherwise, can we use bolted connections and paint? I simply think we should avoid painting welded galvanized connections. C7-5: See C6-1 above comments regarding painting galvanized connections. On the fence I suggest we eliminate the galvanizing and have the steel primed and painted. CS-1 & CS-2: These sheets are nice for the Town to review and evaluate but I don't see that they add anything to the bid/construction set. How would a bidder/contractor use these sheets? 11-1: We should remove the Buffalo Grass symbol from the legend here and on 11-2. E2-2: It looks like we picked up a layer from one of the event layout sheets on this drawing. It should be removed. F1-1: General Contractor note 9 and Mechanical Contractor note 11 seem to set up a scope problem in relation to thrust blocks. GC note 9 says the GC is to provide. MC note 11 says GC and MC are to install. One needs to provide and one needs to install or only one one needs to do both. Since Me's usually exclude any concrete work it might be best to have the GC provide and install. -3 -May 31, 2002 SL-l: Are we going to get photometries on the trellis lights as well? If so, we might find it unnecessary to place a light on every column. Regards, Jim Duffy cc: Carmen Moran Memorandum DATE: June 13,2002 TO: Carmen Moran, Director ofDevelopment Services FROM: Slade Strickland, Director ofParks & Recreation SUBJECT: Arts and Event District -50% Design Review Comments Budget Sheet Cl-l/Cl-l Cl-l C3-1 The temporary construction fencing looks as if it should cost halfwhat they estimated. Lawn -hydromulch estimate seems very high •.25 per foot should be adequate. Can save $50,000 if we eliminate the evergreen trees. Add one service gate east ofthe arbor and one along Addison Road with paved surfaee to trail for service vehicle access. Provide removable bollards at points of entry to deter vehicle entry. Widen column spacing at points of entry for easier vehicle access. Exposed aggregate paving needs to have a smooth fmish. Matching repair or replacement ofexposed aggregate is a concern. Specify drinking fountains with dog bowls except for in the water garden. Is three enough? Specify pavers for Addison Circle and Clara to match Addison Circle Phase I pavers. See Addison Circle Phase Phase I plans. Wash out area behind Oktoberfest tent is not addressed. Is this what the infiltration field is for? How does this work? How wiD vehicles circulate behind the Oktoberfest tent in this area? Frovide (6) SS stub onts for restroom trailers along north side of Clara Street. The Oktoberfest plan shows the RRs on the C3-3 C4-1 C5-1 C7-1 C7-6 C8-1 south side of street, but the north side would be more convenient for pedestrian flow during events. Provide internal site SS stub outs for providing restroom trailers east of the trellis. Provide a water source south of Clara and west of Julian for carnival trailers. Consider pole lights instead of boUard lights in the ellipse. This wiD provide better distribution of light and the boUards may be more prone to damage during events and park use. Banners can be hung from the poles as weU. Provide note to remove existing streetlights and footings along Addison Circle Drive. . Have Georgia Fountain provide a detailed annual cost estimate to maintain the fountain including utilities, pumping/filter system maintenance, water treatment, pool sweeping, etc. for City Council review. What does the label "milsap stone block" in the "beach-like surface" area identify? The lower channel section shows a slate pool bottom. This may be a maintenance issue long term. Consider a plaster surface to save costs. How wiD the LED lights in the pylons be accessed for maintenance? Where is the conduit placed within the Addison road fence and posts? Piping in inmtration field could be dam,aged by tent stakes if not placed deeper. The Carnival is not show on the plan. This may warrant additional discussion regarding the feasibility ofdoing a carnival on Clara and Addison Circle Drive. The street cannot be blocked due to fire vehicle access needs. Where does the carnival go in both C8-1 and C8-2? Provide water sources for food vendors. Provide 3-4 water sources south of Clara in the undeveloped lots. El-2 Fl·2 Fl-S E6minate tree planting in the area northwest ofthe Oktoberfest tent to aUow service vehicle access. Avoid use of evergreen trees to avoid visibility/security problems along the west side ofthe property. Identify solid performing climber rose variety for North Texas proposed on the fence along Clara and Addison Road. (Town will select variety). Remove Buffalo Grass from legend. Ground Cover Legend -Remove potentiUa, thyme and false strawberry as possible choices. Liriope, mondo and Asian Jasmine are good choices. Any thought to ornamental grasses? Vines Legend -Consider cross vine as the primary vine. DaUas Arboretum indicated this may be our best bet, but tbey could not recommend a real strong performer for North Texas. Canopy/Ornamental Tree Legend -Bald Cypress, Eve's Necklace (very good native), crapemyrtle, Mexican Plum, flowering crab, 'Oklahoma' Redbud, 'Forest Pansy' Redbud, river birch and Vitex should be tbe primary cboices. Sbade Trees -Cbinese Pistacbe, Burr Oak, Chinkapin Oak, cedar elm (native). peean (native), sweetgum and Shumard Red Oak sbould be primary choices. Burr and Chinkapin are very good choices considering we have used so many live and red oaks in Addison Circle. Evergreen Trees -Limit use ofmagnolia. Red cedar and treeform yaupon are good choices. How are plug receptacles housed? How are pipes to penetrate the vault? Our previous experience with plu~bing leaks in vaults was due to equipment vibration. How can tbis be addressed? Provide flow detection equipment to shutdown tbe pumps in ease of line breakage to avoid flooding oftbe vault. AU controls sbould be timed with digital instead ofmechanical time clocks. SLl-2 SLl-2 General Note: Provide foot-candle levels on photometric sheets. Water garden may be too dark. Have the lighting consultant provide an annual utility cost esti11Ulte for all o(the site lighting. Memorandum DATE: June 13, 2002 TO: Carmen Moran, Director ofDevelopment Services FROM: Slade Strickland, Director ofParks & Recreation SUBJECT: Arts and Event District -50% Design Review Comments Budget Sheet Cl-l/Cl-2 C2-1 C3-1 The temporary eonstruction feneing looks as ifit should eost halfwhat they estimated. Lawn -hydromuleh estimate seems very high. .25 per foot should be adequate. Can save $50,000 ifwe eliminate the evergreen trees. Add one serviee gate east ofthe arbor and one along Addison Road with paved surfaee to trail for serviee vehicle aeeess. Provide removable boUards at points ofentry to deter vehicle entry. Widen eolumn spaeing at points of entry for easier vehieIe aeeess. Exposed aggregate paving needs to have a smooth finish. Matehing repair or replaeement of exposed aggregate is a eoneern. Speeify drinking fountains with dog bowls exeept for in the water garden. Is three enougb? Speeify pavers for Addison Cirele and Clara to mateh Addison Circle Phase I pavers. See Addison Circle Phase I plans. Wash out area bebind Olrtoberfest tent is not addressed. Is this what the infiltration field is for? How does this work? How wiD vehieIes eirculate behind the Olrtoberfest tent in this area? Provide (6) SS stub outs for restroom trailers along north side of Clara Street. The Olrtoberfest plan shows the RRs on the C3-3 C4-1 CS-l C7-1 C7-6 C8-1 sonth side ofstreet, bnt the north side wonld be more convenient fur pedestrian flow during events. Provide internal site SS stub onts for providing restroom trailers east of the trellis. Provide a water source south ofClara and west ofJu6an for carnival trailers. Consider pole 6ghts instead of bollard 6ghts in the ellipse. This will provide better distribution of light and the bollards may be more prone to damage during events and park use. Banners can he hung from the poles as well Provide note to remove existing streetlights and footings along Addison Circle Drive. Have Georgia Fountain provide a detailed annual cost estimate to maintain the fountain including utilities, pumping/filter system maintenance, water treatment, pool sweeping, etc. for City Council review. What does the label "milsap stone block" in the "beach-6ke surface" area identify? The lower channel section shows a slatc pool bottom. This may be a maintenance issue long term. Consider a plaster surface to save costs. How will the LED 6ghts in the pylons be accessed for maintenance? Where is the conduit plaeed within the Addison road fence and posts? Piping in infiltl'lltion field eould be damaged by tent stakes if not placed deeper. The Carnival is not show on the plan. This may warmnt additional discussion regarding the feasibility ofdoing a carnival on Clara and Addison Circle Drive. The street cannot be blocked due to fire vehicle access needs. Where does the carnival go in both C8-1 and CS-2? Provide water sourees for food vendors. Provide 3-4 water sources south of Clal'll in the undeveloped lots. El-2 Fl-2 Fl-5 Eliminate tree planting in the area northwest of the Oktoherfest tent to aDow service vehicle access. Avoid use of evergreen trees to avoid visibility/security problems along the west side ofthe property. IdentifY solid performing climber rose variety for North Texas proposed on the fence along Clara and Addison Road. (Town will select variety). Remove Buffalo Grass from legend. Ground Cover Legend -Remove potentiHa, thyme and false strawberry as possible choices. Liriope, mondo and Asian Jasmine are good choices. Any thought to ornamental grasses? Vines Legend -Consider cross vine as the primary vine. DaHas Arboretum indicated this may be our best bet, but they could not recommend a real strong performer for North Texas. Canopy/Ornamental Tree Legend -Bald Cypress, Eve's Necklace (very good native), crapemyrtle, Mexican Plum, flowering crab, 'Oklahoma' Redbud, 'Forest Pansy' Redbud, river birch and Vitex should be the primary choices. Shade Trees -Chinese Pistache, Burr Oak, Chinkapin Oak, cedar elm (native), pecan (native), sweetgum and Shumard Red Oakshould be primary choices. Bu" and Chinkgpin are veil' good choices considering we have used so manr/ive and red oaks in Addison Circle. Evergreen Trees -Limit use of magnolia. Red cedar and treeform yaupon are good choices. How are plug receptacles housed? How are pipes to penetrate the vault? Our previous experience with plumbing leaks in vaults was due to eqnipment vibration. How can this be addressed? Provide flow detection equipment to shutdown the pumps in case of line breakage to avoid flooding ofthe vault. AD controls should be timed with digital instead of mechanical time clocks. SLl-2 SLl-2 General Note: Provide foot-candle levels on photometric sheets. Water garden may be too dark. Have the lighting consultant provide an annual utilitv cost estimate for all ofthe site lighting. ~-..• ----. ..... ~y-;b ~ ---_.......... ® transmittal to Town of Addison dote May 24,2002 5300 Beilline Rood P.o. Box 144 proiect name Addison Arts & Events Dislrid Addison, TX 75001'()144 Final DesiQn project no.. 14516.00 aHn Carmen Moron from David Clough we are sending you via 181 overnight cQurier 0 courier o us moil o other SASAKI Sasaki Ass.ociates Inc. 64 Pleo~nt Street Watertown Massacnu&eItS 02472 USA t 6179263300 f 6179242748 descrip~on quonlity doted 50 % Submittal Documents: Drawings, Projecl Manual, Drainage Colculolion, Construction Budgel Eslimote 1 5/24/02 these are h'ansmiHed o for your information o pleose return mot~rjol$ 181 for review and comment o borrowed materiols returned o os requested o h>r opprovol o other cc: Jim Duffy, Slade Strickland !w/documenl sel" de\9:\ 14516.00\projmgmt\troll$miffOls\f.<:m24moy02 .do<: transmittal to Town 01 Addison 5300 Beltline Road P.O. Box 1M Addison, TX 75001'()lM d_ project name project 110. May 23, 2002 Addison Arts & Events District Final Desi>!n 14516.00 attn Carmen Moran from David Clough we are sending you via 0 ovemrght courier 0 courier till us moil o oiller SASAKI Sasaki Associates Inc. 64 PI""",n! S""o! Watertown Mo,swchuselts 02472 USA 16179263300 f 6179242748 description quanfity doted Proposed Plat SKetch 1 5/23/02 these are transmitted o for your information o please return materials. t8I for review and comment o l:x:mowed materiols returned o as requested o for approval o other Cormen, Thanks lor your ...moil and contoctwith John re: DislTict plot. John's request for R,O.W. and easement information made us look again at where we think the property lines should be, and raises questions for us about existing R.O.W. and/or property lines On the survey. I've marked up in color a plan that proposes a property line around the Dislrict site. The proposed property line on Quorum would be an existing R.O.W., on Addison Circle Drive it would be on extension of an existing R.O,W., on Addison Road it would be the proposed R.O.W. for the widening, and the southerly line would be a line that we set for the District that was tested by RTKt to make sure that fulllre development porcels would be big enough, There would be no easements within the DislTict property as lor as we know right now, and we don't think that there needs to be a R,O.W. for new Clara SlTaet since its all Within Town property. According to the survey, there are a lot of existing R.O,W:s within the DislTict sile. We don't know what needs to be done to remove them, or what Ihe impact is, Would you please hove appropriate peaple from the Town review this? Thanks. CC: Jim Duffy, Steve Chutchian, John Birkhoff ~.--L\ pdst-JU~~-n~MN~t~~~~~t ?G{'4i A-S"f~1¢/~. ~ft.~fo'L. fl.t>.>. I I II Ii "'---1 I < I I ------.I' I I l1 __-I ,I I I I .J I _____ -.1 L ~. , . i . , I 'r 1 r Ij I I I I I ) I /I /1:f~ /f(o.w. /I I I /I c---..J ---1 I I I I I I I -'-,-----.1----I i I ! I j .,....I 1.,..../i .-I /.-,--"'1 1 .--'-, ---, , I /' --::r I /I I , ~ r---,<) I Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ufdgroup@f1ash.net) Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 3:16 PM To: Dave Clough Cc: Steve Chutchian; Carmen Moran Subject: Addison Budget Estimate Dave, This is a follow up on the conversation we had yesterday regarding the budget for the Addison Arts and Events District. Unfortunately, I still have not heard from all the contractors I have contacted regarding pricing. I'll send that info as soon as I have it. As regards lime stabilization, as I mentioned yesterday, we do not need to include lime under all the sidewalks or other hardscape. Normally I would only include lime under buildings and paving. In reviewing the soils report, I believe we can follow the paving approach on the new Clara street which the Town used on rebuilding Broadway. Because limestone is so close to the surface we can simply re-compact existing material to 95% and use that as the base for our new paving. We probably don't need to use lime at all. Under the buildings, limestone is a little farther down so we have a couple of options. We can excavate all that material and replace it with select fill or we can lime stabilize using injection to whatever depth we can go until we encounter rock. The bottom line on lime is that we only need to consider lime under the buildings which are going to be built now, i.e. Pavilion, and it needs to be done just before the slabs are to be poured. It does not need to set for a couple of months. Perhaps it will be best to set the pad, with a couple of feet of select fill, in your drawings but include lime injection as part of the building construction package. To answer Cathy's question in her email, lime injection costs $0.21 to $0.25 per square foot. Surface lime (6" /6%) for under paving runs $$4.00 per square yard. You still need a compacted sub-base. Under pavers that is a compacted cement stabilized base capped with concrete and then a leveling bed of cement stabilized base which is also used to fill the paver joints. The upshot of all that is you can eliminate lime stabilization from your estimate unless you want to include it under the building slabs. All of the above needs to be confirmed with the soils engineer and I'm asking Steve 1 ,Chutchian by copy to pass these thoughts by them. Another subject we discussed yesterday was the 8" paving price you are using. Eight-inch, conventionally reinforced concrete paving can be done here for $3.50 per square foot. That should be a substantial savings from your current number. I also believe we can get much better pricing locally on your metal fencing and railings if we keep the design and materials simple. I think we could design to a unit price 25 -30% less than the numbers you quoted me yesterday. One minor item, the unit price you have for striping parking spaces needs to go up by $0.50. That's all for now. Call if you have any questions. Jim Duffy 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 mobile HP LaserJet 3200se TOALASERJET 3200 invent 9724502837 MAY-16-2002 10:04AM Fax Call Report Job Date Time Type Identification Duration Pages Result 878 5/16/2002 10:00:23AM Send 916179242748 4:12 9 OK TOWN OF ADDISON PUBLIC WORKS To: fJ/{lr( () Cl." v /iH Company: SA"SAiC ( ffiJKH-]i8 Phone, 971J4S0.,Z/lKC FAX" GO -'124 -;!.7.surveY..fetAew4-15-02.doc Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian To: dclough@sasaki.com Subject: RE: Addison Arts & Events District Final Design Dave -As we discussed, our drainage manual is on the way to your office. After your staff reviews it, please let me know if there are any additional storm drainage questions. Some answers to your original correspondence is as follows: a. storm event 100 year b. on-site storm water detention is required by ordinance -please refer to manual c. minimum desired pipe size is 15" d. regarding the permitting process for utilities, our "franChise" utilities will perform relocation of existing utilities on public right-of-way without a permit. They include TXU Electric & Gas, Southwestern Bell Telephone, AT & T, etc. When the engineering plan are approximately 65% complete, the Engineer can submit the plans to each utility. In turn, they will perform any necessary engineering and prepare a schedule for any line relocation. All water and sewer main adjustments/relocations must be bid as part of our project plans plans & specifications. However, Addison Road may have certain fiber optic lines that require relocation. After line locates determine any conflicts, these companies must be contacted the Engineer needs to work with them individually to relocate their lines. This may also be a financial issue for the Town. I have a list of all the known utility companies, with contact names, addresses. and phone numbers that can be faxed to you anytime or delievered to you in person when we meet again. e. I will ask another engineer in our office, Luke Jalbert, to fax or mail copies of specific storm drainage details to you. Should you have any questions. please let me know. Thanks. Steve Chutchian, P .E. ASSistant City Engineer -Original Message---From: dclough@sasaki.com [mailto:dclough@sasaki.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 2:59 PM To: schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us Cc: jfdgroup@flash.net; cmoran@ci.addison.tx.us; tchang@sasaki.com; sehamwey@sasaki.com Subject: Addison Arts & Events District Final Design Sieve, We are starting design of the storm water system for the District and have a few questions for you regarding Town standards/criteria before we begin: • What storm event should we design for? • What do we need to provide regarding on-site attenuation and/or Irealm ent? • Is there a minimum pipe size requirement (12" is a typical standard)? • Any other Town requirements/standards? It would be helpful if you could also give us any information you might have regarding Town standards for storm drainage structures, pipe, etc. We expect to have the final survey tomorrow and will review Ihe existing utilities. As we develop utility design, we will coordinate capacity requirement issues with you. What will the permitting process for utility connections be at the local and state level? Are there any special requirements we should be aware of? 4/9/02 Page 2 of2 We're glad to be underway on the project again. I'm managing this phase of it, so will be the contact person here at Sasaki. I look forward to hearing from you. Dave 4/9/02 ~--------~ i ' BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 ------~ JOHN W. B[RKHOFF. P.E. RONALD V, CONWAY. P.E. CARY C. HENDRICKS. P.& JOE R. CARTER. P.E. PAULA. CARLINE, P'£' April 8, 2002 MATT HICKEY. P.E. ROSS L. JACOBS, P.E, L c.. FINKLEA. P.E. Mr. David C ugh, ASLA Senior As ciate 64 Pleas t St. 02472 Re: Town ofAddison Events Area Dear Mr. Clough: We are enclosing one original copy ofthe topographic survey, existing contour map and profile ofcurb lines adjacent to the Special Events site for your use in preparing plans and specifications for the Town of Addison. We have reviewed the record drawings you provided us and had the Town research and locate additional record drawings. We had Dig Tess visit the site and mark known utilities for gas, electric and telephone. No dig ups were completed for this topographic survey. As your plans are developed and dig ups are required for potential conflicts, we will be available to take shots when the utilities locate their facilities and mark those in the field. All known record drawing information and Dig Tess locates have been shown on the topographic survey. Also enclosed is the electronic file ofthe drawing for your use as base sheets. The electronic files are provided to you under the following conditions: 1. The electronic files are compatible with AutoCAD Release 15 or 2000, operating on an IBM compatible PC using Windows NT. 2. Engineer does not make any warranty as to the compatibility of these files beyond the specified release ofthe above stated software. 3. Because data stored on electronic media can deteriorate undetected or be modified, the SASAKI agrees that the Engineer will not be held liable for completeness or correctness ofelectronic media after an acceptance period of fifteen days after delivery ofthese files. 4. The electronic files are instruments of our service. Where there is a conflict between the hard copy drawings and the electronic files, the hard copy drawing will govern in all cases. 5. Both parties acknowledge mutual non-exclusive ownership of the electronic files and each party may use, alter, modify or delete the files without consequence to the other party. Mr. David Clough, ASLA April 8, 2002 Page No. 2 We will address each comment ofyour Memo in the order in which you presented items of concern: General Comments: I. We have added our title block and the drawings have been sealed and dated. 2. Previous Cad files sent and received are no longer valid for use. The enclosed drawing is current and is acceptable for design. 3. You have provided us a sheet size of30 inch x 42 inch. Accordingly, the scaled drawing for this size sheet makes symbols and text readable. 4. We were directed by the Town not to extend our survey for footprints offsite. 5. The two contour surveys have been merged and they do not overlap. General Items: I. Vertical datum, horizontal benchmarks and control points placed in single layer with drawing and are shown on drawing. 2. Legend has been added to the topographic sheet. 3. North arrow is on the sheet 4. Graphic scale is on the sheet. 5. Property Lines shown. Bearings and distances will be part of the plat. We will need easement and right of way information to complete the plat. 6. Lot and parcel numbers will be completed on the plat. 7. We were directed by the Town not to survey the pavement markings ofthe roadways. 8. The limits of the DART ROW is shown as the south property line ofthe Special Events site. 9. Utilities are generally located within existing roadway rights of ways. We did not find any indication of separate easements in the record drawings provided by you. 10. All curbs surrounding the site are six-inch reinforced concrete curbs. The survey crew walked the curb lines to detennine if any curbs cxisted that were significantly different than the standard 6inch curb. II. The site is generally grass. Small pockets of other landscape material is shown on the topographic survey. 12. We were directed by the Town not to include building footprints, heights and number of stories. j:\clerieaJ\addison\200 1-138 events districl\lcl\eB\cOITe:s\k\cdJ.doc Mr. David Clough, ASLA April 8, 2002 Page No. 3 Grading Items: 1. Contour maps show elevations on site. Spot shots can be located by picking the electronic files. No sidewalks exist on the site. Profile of the curbs lines are included on sheet three. 2. Rim elevations on manholes are called out. 3. We directed by the Town not to include finished floor elevations for buildings and structures. 4. We do not lmow of any wall to get elevations from. s. We have added profiles of the curb line adjacent to the site. Curb depth is generally six inches to the gutter elevation. Items missing from Survey: 1. Invert elevations shown on plans where lids could be removed. Please indicated other critical manholes and we will attempt to have lids removed and shots taken. 2. Pipe connections from storm sewer inlets to pipes appear to be concrete pipe with a hole in the inlet box. This observation is from review of record drawings. Actual dig ups did not take place. 3. We have located the utilities from record drawings, location and flow arrows shown. Type of material is unlmown. We have not been able to determine if the gas line is high or low pressure. We will provide a copy of the topographic survey to the Gas Company to try to obtain that information. 4. Dig Tess did not locate service lines. Service lines have not been dug up. s. Valves, hydrants, etc are called out on the topographic survey. Utility information from the record drawings are shown on the plans from the record drawings provided by you. We obtained additional record drawings from the City in an effort to identify alllmown Town utilities. We are enclosing a printout of the layers utilized in the drawings. If you have any comments or questions about the topographic survey, please contact us. s~ John W. Birkhoff, P.E. Enclosures /cc: Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P .EV Ms. Carmen Moran Mr. Jim Duffy j:\dcricafladdison\200 1-138 cvenLs districl\Jeuers\corTeS\k\al3.doc AGENDA ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT COMMITTEE May 8, 2002 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Stone Cottage, on the grounds of the Addison Conference and Theatre Centre Please plan to attend the meetings for which you are listed. Arts and events District team members include: Ron Whitehead, Lea Dunn, Chris Terry, Bob Phillips, Slade Strickland, Barbara Kovacevich, Rob Bourstrom, Steve Chutchian, Carmen Moran 8:30 a.m. Sasaki to meet with irrigation consultant on irrigation deSign. Attendees: Slade Strickland, Jim Duffy, Carmen Moran 9:30 a.m. Sasaki to meet with Campos Engineering on electrical design. Attendees: Slade Strickland, Steve Chutchian, Jim Duffy, Carmen Moran 11 :00 a.m. Sasaki to meet with Arts and Events District team to discuss: • Plan revisions on the west end of district and south end along Clara Street • Elevation drawings of water garden and fountain plaza from Quorum, including fountain designs • Grading and Drainage Plan • Utilities Plan • Site Lighting • Planting plan and irrigation concepts • Trellis plan and details • Kiosk alternatives and other site furnishings Attendees: Arts and Events District Team members, Jim Duffy, 3:00 p.m. Sasaki and team to meet with Corky Cunningham on design for pavilion and restroorns, and program for Cultural Center Attendees: Arts and Events District Team members, Jim Duffy 4:00 p.m. Sasaki and team to meet with Jack Hagler to discuss stage program Attendees: Arts and Events District Team members, Jim Duffy BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 15231 Fax (214) 361·0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 JOHNW. BIRKHOFF. P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY. P.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS. P.E. JOE R. CARTER. P.E. PAUL A. CARLINE, P.E. MATT HICKEY. P£ OOUGLAS 1(. SHOWERS. P.E.. May2,2002 ROSS 1,. JACOBS. P.E.. t C. FINKLEA. P.E. Mr. David ough, ASLA Senior As oeiate 64 Plea nt St. Wale _ wn, Massachusetts 02472 Re: Town of Addison Events Area Dear Mr. Clough: We are enclosing one original revised copy of the topographic survey and existing contour map for the Special Events site for your use in preparing plans' and specifications for the Town of Addison. Also enclosed is the electronic file of the drawing for your use as base sheets. The electronic files are provided to you under the following conditions: 1. The electronic files are compatible with AutoCAD Release 15 or 2000, operating on an IBM compatible PC using Windows NT. 2. Engineer does not make any warranty as to the compatibility compatibility of these files beyond the specified release of the above stated software. 3. Because data stored on electronic media can deteriorate undetected or be modified, the SASAKI agrees that the Engineer will not be held liable for completeness or correctness of electronic media after an acceptance period offifteen days after delivery ofthese files. 4. The electronic files are instruments of our service. Where there is a conflict between the hard copy drawings and the electronic files, the hard copy drawing \vill govern in all cases. 5. Both parties acknowledge mutual non-exclusive ownership of the electronic files and each party may use, alter, modifY or delete the files without consequence to the other party. We will address each comment ofyour Memo in the order in which you presented items of concern: General Comments: I. We have labeled the intermediate contour line, in lieu of every other one. 2. We have replaced the curb profile with spot elevations. Mr. David Clough, ASLA May 2, 2002 Page No. 2 3. We have added spot elevations on the back side of the sidewalk adjacent to curb lines. 4. We have calculated storm sewer invert elevations from record drawing infonnation. 5. We have changed manhole flow line label to manhole invert. 6. We have field measured additional manhole inverts. Utility information from the record drawings are shown on the plans from the record drawings provided by you. We obtained additional record drawings from the City in an effort to identify all known Town utilities. We are enclosing a printout of the layers utilized in the drawings. Ifyou have any comments or questions about the topographic survey, please contact us. Enclosures cc: Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Ms'. Carmen Moran Mr. Jim Duffy GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE DRIVE ADDISON. TEXAS 75001 ATTENTION: MR. STEVE CHUTCHAIN FEBRUARY 2002 PROJECT NO. 02-5967 .R.o.niieE-:ngineers "!" .,A LEIGH COMPANY 4 Rone Engineers A LEIGH COMPANY • GEO'n:<:HNlCAL ENGINEERING • GEOLOGICAL STUDIES ~ DISTRESS INVESTIGATIONS • PAVEMENT DESJGN • "OVANCEP GEOTECHNICAL TESTING • FOUNDATiON RECOMMENDATIONS .. CONSTRUCTION MONITORING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING i _". • CONSTRUCTION oaSERlfATlON 1 _' ( ~ CONCRETE l£S"i'ING • ASPHALT TESTING .. SOILS l'ESTIt/G • PIER INSPECTIO.. POST TENSION INSPECTION .. HON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING • STRucruRAL STEEl.. INSPEc'l'ION L: • SPECIAL TeSTING DRIl.L1NG SERVICES • MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION • ENVIRONMENTAL DRILUNG .. GEOTECHNICAL DRILLING DALLAS 8908 A!IIl8ASSADOR ROW DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 TEUPttONE 214-630.97-45 FAcSIMILE 214-630-9819 FORT WORTH 121 NORTH RAYNER STflEE'T FOm WORm, TEXAS 76111 TELEPHONE e"-1'I31~6211 METRO 817-429-43213 fACStMfLE aj7~a34-4833 February 5, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutchain Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Arts & Events District Addison, Texas Rone Project No. 02-5967 Dear Mr. Chutchain: Submitted Submitted herewith are the results of a geotechnical investigation conducted for the referenced project. This investigation was performed in accordance with our proposal 02-3323 dated January 15, 2002 . Engineering analyses and recommendations for site grading and foundations are contained in the narrative section of the report. Results of our field and laboratory investigation are submitted in detail in the Illustrations section of the report. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project, and we would appreciate the opportunity to provide the materials engineering-testing and geotechnical observation services during the construction phase of this project. Please contact us if you have any questions or need any additional services. Respectfully Submitted, Donald W. Moler, E.I.T. Project E TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION""" ..................................................................... , .... , ...... , ................... , .......... 1 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS., REPORT CLOSURE ........... " ......... , .... , ...... , ........... ,' ............... ' .... , ........................... , ......... ,.,.12 ......... , ...... , ..................................... , ... , ......... 1 GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS ................................................... , .... , ...................... , ............... 2 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, ...... , .......... , ....... , ................ , ..................................... 3 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF CONTROLLED EARTH FILL ............. 10 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS ... , ........ , .... , ......... , .............................. ,." .............. , ........ 12 , -.APPENDIX A BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM .... , ........ , .......................... , ............. , ...... , ............... , ....... , .... A.1 LOGS OF BORINGS ............... , ............... , ........................... , ...................... ,., ............... A.2-A.15 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ................................................................ ..... A.16 KEY TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND SYMBOLS .................................................................. A.17 SWELL TEST RESULTS .............................................................. ..................................... A.18 APPENDlXB FIELD OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................... B-1 LABORATORY TESTING .................................... , ...................................................... , ........ B-2 _R0!iinilie"E~ngi'neers A':" "L EIGH COMPANY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT TOWN OF ADDISON ADDISON, TEXAS INTRODUCTION The proposed project will consist of constructing a new outdoor stage, two-story multi-purpose arts and cultural center, pavilion, public restrooms, garden and lawn areas with fountains and seating areas, and associated paving. The project is located east of Addison Road, south of Addison Circle Drive and west of Quorum Drive in Addison, Texas. A railroad right-of-way defines the south property line and Clara Street is the southernmost point of the current phase of this investigation and currently planned developrnent. The general location and orientation of the site are shown on the Plan of Borings, Plate A.1, in the Appendix A of this report. The principal purposes ofthis investigation were to evaluate the general soil conditions at the proposed site and to develop geotechnical recomrnendations forthe design and construction offoundations. To accomplish its intended purposes, the study was conducted conducted in the following phases: (1) drill sample borings to evaluate the soil conditions at the boring locations and to obtain soil samples; (2) conduct laboratory tests on selected samples recovered from the borings to establish the pertinent engineering characteristics of the foundation soils; and (3) perform engineering analyses, using field and laboratory data, to develop foundation design criteria. FIELD OPERATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING Soil conditions were determined by fourteen sample borings. Four borings were drilled at the locations of the proposed structures. Ten borings were drilled to determine depths to limestone to assist in determining amount of possible fill material available at the site. The depths of the borings varied from 2 to 20 feet below existing grades. The borings were drilled in January, 2002 and their locations are shown on Plate A.1. Sarnple depth, description of soils, and classification (based on the Unified Soil Classification System) are presented on the Logs of Borings, Plates A.2 through A.15. Keys to terms and symbols used on the logs are shown on Plates A.16 and A.17. Project No. 02-5967 Page 1 Laboratory soil tests were performed on selected samples recovered from the borings to verify visual classification and determine the pertinent engineering properties of the soils encountered. Classifications test results are presented on the logs of borings. Free swell tests were also performed to aid in evaluation of the shrink-swell potential of the soils. Swell test results are presented on Plate A.18. Descriptions of the procedures used in the field and laboratory phases of this study are presented in Appendix B at the end of this report. GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS Site Conditions At the time of drilling. the site consisted mainly of grassy fields with some existing trees. Two asphalt paved roads also existed within the site. Subsurface Soli Conditions Based on available surface geology maps, the site is located within the Austin Chalk limestone formation. In generel. the Austin Chalk formation consists of massive gray limestone underlying weathered tan limestone. The residual soils of the Austin Chalk formation generelly consist of highly plastic clays and typically have a high shrink-swell potential. Dark brown to brown clay was encountered in the borings from existing grade to depths of 1 to 4.5 feet. Tan calcareous clay and tan limestone with calcareous clay seams and layers was encountered to depths ranging between 5 and 15 feet, including the termination depth of 2 to 10 feet at Borings 5 through 14. Gray limestone was then encountered to boring termination depths of 10 to 20 feet at Borings 1 through 4. The PlastiCity Index of the fill material samples that were tested ranged from 27 to 48, indicating high to very high soil plasticity. Groundwater The borings were advanced using auger drilling and intermittent sampling methods in order to observe groundwater seepage levels. At the time of this investigation, groundwater was not encountered during drilling. Project No. 02-5967 Page 2 A LEIGH COMPANY Future construction activities may alter the surface and subsurface drainage characteristics of this site. It is not possible to accurately predict the magnitude of subsurface water fluctuations that might occur based upon short-term observations. The groundwater level at this site should be expected to vary throughout the year with variations in precipitation and surface runoff. Based on our experience with the Austin Chalk formation, groundwater seepage can be encountered in and above the limestone. The risk of encountering groundwater seepage is increased during or after periods of preCipitation. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Potential Vertical Soil Movements Potential vertical movement calculations were performed in general accordance with the Texas DepartmentofTransportation Method (TxDOT) 124-E. The TxDOT 124-E method is empirical and is based on several factors including plasticity index ant! other laboratory test results of the subsuliace materials encountered in the boring. The Potential Vertical Rise (PVR) calculated using the referenced method and associated effective plasticity indices ranged between 1 and 3 inches based on in-situ soil being at a dry antecedent condition. Free swell tests were also conducted on selected soil samples. The results of these tests indicate that the soil has a shrink-swell potential similar to that which the TxDOT 124-E method would indicate. The calculated PVR is based on the depth of limestone at the borings and not more than 2 feet of onsite clay fill used to grade the site. Greater amounts of clay fill will result in higher potential movements. We should be contacted for further evaluation and recommendations if more than 2 feet of fill is required to grade the site. Foundation Recommendations The pavilion, stage, and multi-purpose cultural center buildings may be supported on either a stiffened slab-on-grade foundation (conventionally reinforced or post-tensioned), or drilled piers bearing into the Ian and gray limestone with ground supported floor slabs. For the multi-purpose cultural center, shallow spread footings may also be used with ground supported floor slabs provided the potential foundation movements due to shrinking and swelling of active clays are tolerable. A stiffened slab-on-grade foundation (either conventionally reinforced or post-tensioned) Project No. 02·5967 Page 3 ! l . [ . ! can be utilized for the restroom structure. Subgrade treatment may be desired to reduce potential ground movements to more acceptable levels in order to use slab-on-grade foundations. Foundation recommendations for each structure, as well as subgrade treatment recommendations are provided below. Pier Foundation -Pavilion (Boring 4), Multi·Purpose Arts & Cultural Center (Boring 2) & Stage (Borings 1) A straight shaft drilled pier foundation system extending into the tan and gray limestone may be utilized for support of the pavilion, stage, and multi·purpose cultural center. An allowable end bearing pressure of 15,000 psf may be utilized for shafts bearing in competent tan and gray limestone encountered in the borings at depths of about 2 to 8 feet below the ground surface. An allowable skin friction resistance of 2,300 psf may be utilized for the portion of the shaft below a minimum penetration of two feet in limestone. The tan and gray limestone contains clay seams and layers, and care should be be taken to extend the piers through any clay layers encountered to bear , on competent limestone. Drilled pier foundations designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations in this report shOUld experience settlements of less than 1 inch. Clay soils at the borings and clay fill used to grade the site could subject the piers to uplift forces if the soils swell. The uplift force can be estimated by assuming a uniform uplift pressure of 2,000 psf acting over the perimeter of the shafts to a depth of 5 feet for the Stage and 8 feet for the Pavilion. Full length reinforcing steel should be provided. An allowable uplift resistance of 2,300 psf can be used for the portion of the pier shaft in contact with the tan and gray limestone below a minimum penetration of two feet in the limestone. Construction Considerations for Drilled Piers The construction of all piers should be observed as a means to verily compliance with design assumptions and to verily: (1) the bearing stratum; (2) the minimum penetration; (3) the removal of all smear zones and cuttings; (4) that groundwater seepage, when encountered, is correctly handled; and (5) thaI the shafts are vertical (within the acceptable toleranca). Project No. 02-5967 Page 4 Groundwater seepage was not encountered at the borings. However, it is possible groundwater seepage could be encountered during drilled pier installation, and the risk of encountering water seepage is increased during or after periods of rainfall. Concrete should be placed in the shafts as soon as possible to reduce the risk of groundwater seepage and deterioration of the foundation bearing surface. Temporary steel casing may be required in some cases where seepage is encountered. The casing should be seated below the seepage, and all water should be removed from the shaft excavation before beginning the design penetration in the limestone. We should be contacted for further evaluation and recommendations if groundwater seepage is encountered during pier installation. Concrete should be placed immediately after the excavation has been completed. In no event should a pier excavation be allowed to remain open for more than 8 hours. Concrete should have a slump of 5 to 7 inChes and should not be allowed to strike the shaft sidewall or reinforcement steel during concrete placement. Grade Beams (Drilled Pier Foundations Only) Grade beams should be structurally connected into the top of the piers. A minimum void space of 6 inches should be provided beneath the grade beams and the underlying soil between piers. This void space allows movement of the soils below the grade beams without distreSSing the structure. The excavation in which the void box lays must remain dry. In addition, backfill material must not be allowed to enter the void area below grade beams, since this reduces the void space. It is not necessary to excavate limestone to install the void space. Typically, a soil retainer in the form of a thin pre-cast panel or pieces of wood is placed along the outside edge of the grade beams to prevent the aforementioned soil intrusion. On-site soil then may be placed against the sides of the grade beams. Spread Footing Foundation -Multi·Purpose Arts & Cultural Center (Boring B-2) As an altemative to drilled piers, piers, shallow spread footing foundations constructed on the tan limestone maybe utilized for support of the multi·purpose arts & cultural center. Spread footing foundations bearing on tan limestone at a minimum depth of 3 feet below the final site grade can be proportioned using an allowable bearing pressure of 7,500 psf. Foundation movement could be 1 inch or less. Individual foundations should be at least 30 inches wide, and continuous footing foundations should be at least 16 inches wide. Project No. 02-5967 Page 5 RoneEngineers iiiiiii~lIIA LEIGH COMPANY , . The geotechnical engineer should monitor spread foundation construction to verify conditions are as anticipated. Foundation excavations should be rree of standing water and free of loose material. Excavations for foundations should be filled with concrete before the end of the workday or sooner if necessary to prevent deterioration of the bearing surface. Backfill placement and compaction should follow procedures and requirements as outlined in the section entitled "Recommendation for the Placement of Controlled Earth Fill". Floor Systems (Drilled Pier and Spread Footing Foundations Only) The most-positive method of floor support with very little movement is to structurally suspend the floor above the ground on drilled pier foundations. A minimum void space of 6 inches should be provided between the subgrade and the lowest suspended fixture beneath the floor (such as plumbing lines, Ptraps, etc}. The ground surface beneath the suspended floor should be sloped and drained to prevent the ponding of water. water. If some floor movement can be tolerated, subgrade treatment can be considered to reduce the floor movement due to shrinking and swelling of active clays to more acceptable levels. Subgrade treatment could consist of reworking of clays in-place with moisture and density control, with placement of a select fill pad atop the reworked clays. This subgrade treatment option is described below. Based on soil conditions at the Multi Purpose Arts & Cultural Center (Boring B-2}, we estimate floor slab movement due to shrinking and swelling of active soils to be about 1 inch. Any fill in the building area for this structure should consist of select fill. At the Pavilion (Boring B-4) and the Stage (Boring B-1}, we estimate floor slab movement due to shrinking and swelling of active soils to be about 2 to 3 inches. A ground supported floor slab may be used if these movements are acceptable. If these movements are not acceptable, removing at least 2 feet of active soils and replacement with at least 2 feet of non-expansive select fill should reduce floor slab movements to about 1 inch. Any additional fill required for achieving the desired grade in these building areas should consist of non-expansive select fill. Select fill can in itself represent a conduit for peroolating waters, thus proper surface drainage away from the building is required. In addition, the select fill should not extend outside the perimeter grade beams, and compacted clay fill should be used outside the perimeter beam 10 reduce the risk of waler infiltration. Project No. 02-5967 Page 6 A LEIGH COMPANY Select fill should consist of clayey sand or sandy clay with a liquid limit less than 35 and a plasticity index between 5 and 15. The select fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 9 inches and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the material's standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D-698) at a moisture content of -2 to +2 percentage points of optimum. A vapor barrier should be provided beneath the floor in areas where the floor is ground supported. Slab Foundation -Restroom (Boring 83), Pavilion (Boring B4), and Stage (BOring B-1) A monolithic slab and grade beam system (conventionally reinforced or post-tensioned) may be utilized for the restroom building and for the Pavilion and Stage if a pier foundation is not desired. The slab foundation should be designed with exterior and interior grade beams adequate to provide sufficient rigidity to the foundation system to sustain the vertical soil movements expected at this site {3 inches}. A slab foundation should not be used if some foundation movement cannot be tolerated. Any fill placed within the area of slab foundations should consist of non-expansive select fill, as described in the previous section of this report entitled "Floor System {Drilled Pier and Spread Footing Foundations Only)". Select fill should not extend outside perimeter beams. A net allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot may be used for design of all grade beams or footings bearing in natural soils or property placed and compacted fill. Grade beams should be founded a minimum of 18 inches below the final exterior grade, on suitable native soils or property placed, compacted, and tested fill. The bottom of the beam trenches should be free of any loose or soft material prior to the placement of the concrete. All grade beams and floor slabs should be adequately reinforced with steel to minimize cracking as normal movements occur in the foundation soils. General All excavations should be sloped, shored, or shielded in accordance with OSHA requirements. Limestone was encountered at depths as shallow as 1 foot below the ground surface at this site, and we would expect limestone to be encountered during site work and utility installation. The Austin Chalk limestone can be difficult to excavate, and may require rock teeth, rippers, or sawcutting to excavate. The excavation contractors selected should be experienced with excavation in the Austin Chalk limestone. Project No. 02-5967 Page 7 _RoiiniieiE~ngineers ~ ili_ A LEIGH COMPANY Seasonal groundwater seepage could be encountered at this site, especially where the limestone is at or near the final site grade. Subsurface drains should be considered in areas where this seepage may be objectionable. Every attempt should be made to limit the extreme wetting or drying of the subsurface soils because swelling and shrinkage of these soils will result. Standard construction practices of providing good surface water drainage should be used. A positive slope of the ground away from any foundation should be provided. Also, ditches or swales should be provided to carry the run-off water both during and after construction. Lawn areas should be watered moderately, without allowing the soils to become too dry or too wet. Roof runoff should be collected by gutters and downspouts, and should discharge away from the buildings. All grade-supported slabs, outward swinging doors, outside stairs, etc. should be designed to accommodate anticipated the potential movements at this site presented above. Backfill for utility lines or along the perimeter beams should consist of site-excavated soil. If clay backfill is too dense or too dry, it will swell and a mound will form along the trench line. If the backfill is too loose or too wet, it will settle and a sink will form along the trench line. Backfill should be compacted as recommended in the section entitled "Recommendations for the Placement of Controlled Earth Fill". If granular material is used for embedment in utility trenches we recommend placing a clay plug, as a replacement for the granular embedment, at the location where the city line is located, at the location where the utility enters the structure and at other connections. The intent is to stop any free moisture from passing through the granular embedment and entering the soil beneath the structures. Roots systems from trees and shrubs can draw a substantial amount of water from the clay soils at this site, causing the clays to dry and shrink. This could cause settlement beneath gradesupported slabs such as floors, walks and paving. Trees and large bushes should be located a distance equal to at least one-half their anticipated mature height away from grade slabs. Project No. 02·5967 PageS A LEIGH COMPANY Pavement Design Recommendations If asphalt concrete (AC) pavement is used, we recommend a full depth AC section having a minimum total thickness of 5.0 inches for automobile parking areas and 6.5 inches for drive lanes receiving light to medium size trucks. A minimum surface course thickness of 2 inches is recommended for AC pavements. The AC surface course should conform to Type D and the base course should conform to Type A or B in Item 340 of the TxDOT Standard Specifications. The coarse aggregate in the surface course should be crushed limestone rather than gravel. The subgrade for all AC pavements should be lime-treated as described below. If Portland cement concrete (PCC) is used, a minimum thickness of 5 five inches is recommended for parking areas for automobiles and light trucks, and 6 inches for drive lanes and areas subjected to light to medium truck traffic. A minimum 7-inch section is recommended in areas receiving frequent heavy trucks and dumpsters. Concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,500 pounds per square inch should be used. Lime treatment of the subgrade is recommended. Water can be introduced beneath the pavement through granular materials used for aggregate bases and utility line embedment, and can cause differential movement in the pavement. Aggregate base or a granular leveling course should not be used beneath pavements, and all utilities should have clay plugs substituted for granular embedment material at the edges of the pavement to reduce the risk of moisture access and possible swelling. Pavement Subgrade Preparation All topSOil, vegetation, and any unsuitable materials should be removed. Fill material should be removed, reworked, and recompacted with controlled density and moisture following the procedures outlined in the section entitled "Recommendations for the Placement of Controlled Earth Fill". The pavement subgrade should be proofrolled with a fully loaded tandem axle dump' truck or similar pneumatic-tire equipment to locate areas of loose subgrade. In areas to be cut, the proofroll should be performed after the final grade is established. In areas to be filled, the proofroll should be performed prior to placement of engineered fill. Areas of loose or soft subgrade encountered in the proofroll should be removed and replaced with engineered fill, or moisture conditioned (dried or wetted, as needed) and compacted in place. Project No. 02-5967 Page 9 R_o~niiieii"E~ngi'neerS 'A:" LEIGH COMPANY The existing soils are plastic and can undergo some volume change when subjected to moisture variations. If the moisture contents of these upper soils reduce, they may shrink and cracks may develop. If the moisture content of these materials increases, they could swell and lose strength. Shrinkage, swelling, or strength loss could be detrimental to the proper function of the pavement. Lime treatment of clay subgrade is recommended to provide more uniform subgrade support and improve these soils's strength characteristics. We recommend a minimum of 6 percant lime (by dry soil weight) to a depth of 6 inches. Lime stabilization should be performed in aocordance with Item 260, current Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways. Streets. and Bridges. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) or applicable standards. It is not necessary to lime treat pavement subgrade that consists of limestone. Grading and compaction of pavement subgrade should follow the procedures outlined in the section entitled "Recommendations for the Placament of Controlled Earth Fill". The final grades must be such that drainage is facilitated, and access of surface water to the subgrade materials is prevented. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF CONTROLLED EARTH FILL Site Grading Site grading operations, where required, should be performed in aocordance with the recommendations provided in this report. The site grading plans and construction should strive to achieve positive drainage around all sides of the proposed structures. Inadequate drainage around structures built on-grade could cause excessive vertical differential movements to occur. Preparation of Site Preparation of the site for construction operations should include the removal and proper disposal of all obstructions that would hinder preparation of the site for construction. These obstructions include (but are not limited to) all abandoned structures, foundations, debris, water wells, septic tanks and loose material. It is the intent of these recommendations to provide for the removal and disposal of all obstructions not specifically provided for elsewhere by the plans and specifications. Proiect No. 02·5967 Page 10 iRiioniiieiiEI~nlgIin_eers A LEIGH COMPANY All concrete, trees, stumps, brush, abandoned structures, roots, vegetation, rubbish and any other undesirable matter should be properly removed and disposed of. All vegetation should be removed and the exposed surface should be scarified to an additional depth of at least 6 inches. It is the intent of these recommendations to provide a loose surface with no features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. All areas to be filled should be disced or bladed until uniform and free from large clods. Clay subgrade soils should be brought to a moisture content between optimum and 4 percentage points above the optimum moisture value. The subgrade should be compacted to between 95 and 100 percent of optimum density in accordance with ASTM D 698. Subgrade preparation in the building area should conform to the requirements contained in the "Floor Systems" section of this report. Fill Materials Any fill used in building areas should consist of non-expansive select fill as previously described in the "Floor Slab" section of this report. Materials to be used for general site fill should consist of on-site material approved by the Soils Engineer. Imported fill should have a liquid limit less than 50, and should be approved by the Soils Engineer. There should be no roots, vegetation or any other undesirable matter in the soil, and no rocks larger than 4 inches in diameter. The fill material should be placed in level, uniform layers, which, when compacted, should have a moisture content and density conforming to the stipulations called for herein. Each layer should be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to provide the uniformity of the layer. The fill thickness should not exceed 10-inch loose lifts. Prior to and in conjunction with the compacting operation, each layer should be brought to the proper moisture content as determined by ASTM D 698. Clay soils should be brought to a moisture content between optimum and 4 percentage points above the optimum moisture value. The fill should be compacted to between 95 and 100 percent of optimum density in accordance with ASTM D698. Project No. 02-5967 Page 11 Density Tests Field Density tests should be made by the Soils Engineer or his representative. Density tests should be taken in each layer of the compacted material below the disturbed surface. If the materials fail to meet the density specified, the course should be reworked as necessary to obtain the specified compaction. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS In any geotechnical investigation, the design recommendations are based on a limited amount of information about the subsurface conditions. In the analysis. the geotechnical engineer must assume the subsurface conditions are similar to the conditions encountered in the borings. However. during construction quite often anomalies in the subsurface conditions are revealed. Therefore. it is recommended that Rone Engineers, Inc. be retained to observe earthwork and foundation installation and perform materials evaluation and testing during the construction phase of the project. This enables the geotechnical engineer to stay abreast of the project and to be readily available to evaluate unantiCipated conditions. to conduct additional tests if required and. when necessary. to recommend altemative solutions to unanticipated conditions. Until these construction phase services are performed by the project geotechnical engineer. the recommendations contained in this report on such items as final foundation bearing elevations, final depth of undercut of expansive soils for non-expansive earth fill pads, and other such subsurfacerelated recommendations should be considered as preliminary. It is proposed that construction phase observation and materials testing commence by the project geotechnical engineer at the outset of the project. Experience has shown that the most suitable method for procuring these services is for the owner to contract directly with the project geotechnical engineer. This results in a clear, direct line of communication between the owner and the owner's design engineers. and the geotechnical engineer. REPORT CLOSURE The locations and elevations of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used in their determination. The boring logs shown in this report contain information related to the types of soil encountered at specific locations and times and show lines delineating the interface between these materials. The logs also contain our field representative's Project No. 02-5967 Page 12 '_!"R ~oniiieiiE~ngineerS lOl_ A LEIGH COMPANY interpretation of conditions that are believed to exist in those depth intervals between the actual sample taken. Therefore, these boring logs contain both factual and interpretive information. Laboratory soil classification tests also were performed on samples from selected depths in the borings. The results of these tests, along with visual-manual procedures, were used to generally classify each stratum. Therefore, it would be understood that the classification data on the logs of borings represents visual estimates of classifications for those portions of each stratum on which the full range of laboratory soil classification tests were not performed. It is not implied that these logs are representative of subsurface conditions at other locations and times. With regard to groundwater conditions, this report presents data on groundwater levels as they were observed during the course of the field work. In particular, water level readings have been made in the borings at the times and under conditions stated stated in the text of the report and on the boring logs. It should be noted that fluctuations in the level of the ground-water table could occur with passage of time due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors. Also, this report does not include quantitative information on rates of flow of ground water into excavations, on pumping capacities necessary to dewater the excavations, or on methods of dewatering excavations. Unanticipated soil conditions at a construction site are commonly encountered and cannot be fully predicted by mere soil samples, test borings or test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made by the owner to attain a properly designed and constructed project. Therefore, provision for some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra cost. The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of the field investigation and further on the assumption that the exploratory borings are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site; that is, the subsurface conditions everywhere are not Significantly different from those disclosed by the borings at the time they were completed. If during construction, different subsurface conditions from those encountered in our borings are observed, or appear to be present in excavations, we must be advised promptly so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between submission of this report and the start of the work at the site, if conditions have changed due either to natural causes or to construction operations at or adjacent to the site, or if structure locations, structural Project No. 02-5967 Page 13 R_o~niiieiEiiinglneerS ~ llIf_ A LEIGH COMPANY loads or finish grades are changed, we urge that we be promptly informed and retained to review our report to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations, considering the changed conditions and/or time lapse. Further. it is urged that Rone Engineers, Inc. be retained to review those portions of the plans and specifications for this particular project that pertain to earthwork and foundations as a means to determine whether the plans and specifications are consistent with the recommendations contained in this report. In addition. we are available to observe construction, particularly the compaction of structural fill. or backfill and the construction of foundations as recommended in the report, and such other field observations as might be necessary. The scope of our services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, ground water or air. on or below or around the site. This report has been prepared for use in developing an overall design concept. Paragraphs, statements, test results, boring logs, diagrams, etc. should not be taken out of context and should not be utilized without a knowledge and awareness of their intent within the overall concept of this report. The reproduction of this report, or any part thereof, supplied to persons other than the owner. should indicate that this study was made for design purposes only and that verification of the subsurface conditions for purposes of determining difficulty of excavation, trafficability, etc. are responsibilities of the contractor. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Town of Addison and its designated agents for specific application to design of this project. We have used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of our profession practicing in the same or similar locality. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made or intended. ;-" .. Project No. 02-5967 Page 14 : .,.... ..l>.. III Z C )( l> PROPOSED MULTI·PURPOSEARTS & CULTURAL CENTER PROPOSED PROPOSED RESTROOMS PROPOSED WEST GARDEN PAVILION COUBTS ADDISON CIRCLE DRIVE :I> IS iii ~ ~ S B.5 S B·6 8-7 S ~SR OPOSED STAGE I B-8 '" ~RA S~STi .Q 'S·1 0 ( ~§ !lO B-9 i!f i . ... 8-14 i ;§ S S 8-11 ",£C/-S 8-13 1:1 r". B-12 -N o 200 400 I ; I SCALE II" ro:;C! PLATE A.1 Ron e E n i,iiin.e.e.r.s PLAN OF BORINGS A L£lGH COMPANY ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT ADDISON, TEXAS Project Arts & Events District I Location ....." Water ~v,.. ........ ~;;;picliO~'."~7T'~e~xas~_--l Groundwater was not encountered during drilling : Depth 10.0' IDate 1 ~c M . Type . I ~.c Ioou.: 0" u.'= .C'D! l~ . n e ,;;: .ll.ll ;I. g(ll: ec: I "IC" ! .. c c: CD' 1-"W G! IP : 0:: "-0:: ?;;~ i Continuous flight aUler Stratum Description ,& 3.0 ! 1.0 • 27 : , i ! , I , '-'LAY. tan, wi"'" : gray i !: LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Plate A.2 I • ,"J:~ .;~"'" I BOringii:2 Project Arts & I Location A ....', Water' Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling I Depth HU' D.te 1-25-02 I Sur1 "e NIA Type COnnnuQusfli2htau2er ! ! ~.t: ii 0" '" Ii I~ 0", ~ c: it i i : "-! U,;;" ~ ~..J 'i~tTl :~ I:l' . "Stratum Description i~~ Ii Ii l:-::i ern(/)' ! ... "0 11=(1)0 ~. •• 00 <::~" ii ",x ~.., 0 8 Co <:: 1i::3 .," .... E" '" ~, 'M -.<.":: -C."c <::00 a: "'>""-::>...J ::>0,,~ CLAy. aarl!:!" "8"' -"rown •. ; noau,.s&'. 2.5 43 f--!"UN];, tan, , clay !-i !-II II : f-IIIT 110011.0' : f-L L1MEST."",c. gray !-I f--~!-II II i-f-'-IT ,vW' '" -I. h: ~ ,; ; I ~ i ~I LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 PlateA.3 i " ~ .. ,-. Project No. I~OringB:3 Project Arts & ......,. Water Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling : Depth i 20.0' I Date 1-25-02 I Surtace, NIA Type i flight auger I 1>.c ~ IiIJ 1 !~ 0 0 0 ... .5 :ia cit .£i 0;0; ,0 -,0:""" '0 0 • Ii' ~~ z 01 l!I. S; ... m'ii cr Stratum Description il' C~~ Q aHa l!'~ ~I (.)0 ;gx f~ ~ "c'~''"'',' o 0 'U;! :E::r::;::I,.J' o a. c 0w I-Q. a-Ei =e ,,~ oE" , Q.o "", <11'" '" :0 :J:J ' a:::::i -c coo "'lll.:>OQ. ..-',. . Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling ID~pih' .5.1' Date' 1-25-02 Surf",. : Type ! N/A. , Continuous tlil!bt aUl!cr ~" i i .t: 0" 8 J] !~ 0" ., t 'i'.ii '0" ".... ..,. ",,, ' H % 0 ~ !: it: .. -;; 0Q Stratum Description ~ 1:>::i ,,0'" Q "'''' ,.* ",;f( 0: f ;!! £~ Q!:! " 0.-ll i .. (.) -..r :;:r ~" °E" 1-0. "'> ::>,," ~ .. " . ~~ £5 "" _0 Uc:! 0.0 '"-"<:.0 gB g "'I11.'" Il._ ::l..J ::l 0. CLAY, dark to tigbt: , nodules&. ! 3.0 77 29 48 . 33 84 I-fragment. ! e1 3.25 32 I e-I-l CLAY, tan. w/tan seams 2.5 28 1-;li 1 4.5+ 21 ee-S: L, gray I" rOOIO.75' -11 T • ~ • I: i l-b:: : e-b:: b.: i I I-b:: " , -. . . . i t; "oJ ~ Q' 'I"n m ~ 0 ~, i ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 PlateA.5 -~, Project No. Boring No. Project 02-5967 B-5 Arts & IWater' • dd'. Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling Depth 3.0' I Date' 1-25-02 Surface. Type N/A Conunuousflightauger ~.<: 0" 0 Ii IiIi I~ Oc ! .... c:u! .d .... ..J ,,<:l • Ii. H "$. ;:: .... (1) 1il cr • Stratum Description 'i I~i g "' ..... ~,; a=~ 0 "$. ii5ii "$. ~~ .. ·c :!:! ..... .ils QO 1:-" 0 !' t::f5 ,,o ""I: .!!!I: ~~ "e" IaI:I ~, aE .!!! ~8 1:4 Coo "'I:J:J a._ ::l...l ::lOa. I Cl,AY, darkri:~:!:rown, 3.5 ---4.5+ -,tan . -~ ! ~ ~ ~. LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 • Plate A.6 i Project No, l"::M Project Arts & . Water' """ Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling Depth 2,0' I Dat. L ?'LM • Surtace. N/A Type ;fli~hl au~er I • I "0J(.:) I , I , ~ Ii11 ~ .. it.E. :8 eli .s 21", 18'0 N '$. ~ it ,,0 ' ~ ... p. e • ~~ 0 41 -; C" G 00 Z Stratum Description .;:. f'i 1:'::i c~'" Q gr as as m~ ~ (.) ~ '5 It: Glen ;11. , , c • " is Q\,! c~" 0 ~~ 1i; ~ '5= :;:lJ :P x o Q. c ..... ""-; U)Q) -c:t:ui oE" W ~~ "0 th(tt tTE .!.5i.!!!-g 00 C.c coo 0: .. 0: "'... : Ci) ::J::; Q.,...JIA._ ~o :L.J ::> 0 ... -ClAY' .arK:O IIgIlt ~rown. ' ,nodules & 3,0 : --, tan, .". '-F= • ~ • \ , ~ CI • ~ ill ~ N 0 ~ : I ~ LOG OF BORING NO, B-6 Plate A.7 I Proj:!N:~£., -B~7 Project Arts & I Location .....,. ! Water I Texas I Groundwater was not encountered during drilling Depth 5.0' IDate 1-25-02 Surllle. Type N/A Contiouous flight auger -.c °0 0 Ii Ii!j !~ u0."_ 0 ..: .,; aa N "u. ~ ;f. ~;i '" 0 . Jl. U GJ 11 tT Stratum Description ~ ,,",rJ) 0 iHa tili ;;< .. u;;< fJ i:'~ I;;:fC7! 0 1-0:g;!;! :"8 ".. .,a,li 0--0, °" Ec. 'c" .!'lS _c .• " l!8 is w 0.0 "'" 00 eLl '" 010.-'-0c.:;;0 ::>-' ::> 0. I CIf\l;.uarK.t0 ugntorown. 2.0 i f• LO I f-~ LJ.MC:)l V""" tan -f-. -~ t-i-f-~ S • • • i LOG OF BORlNGNO. B-7 Plate A.S Proi:!N:~£.. I "onngB~8 I Project Arts & Events District I Water' .0. . Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling Depth 2.0' I Dat; 1-25-02 . Surfuce i Type I flight auger • N/A i, 8'5 Ii! I J, 0 c:ii !~ u.S :il l iii .. 0 'if!. .... .,,0 • U z 3:il: Q) 'it 0' Stratum Description ",'if!. "$. Q"$. .?;> i:'::i 1:11~ I >'1 mm I: _ • • • 1ii~ l:i!..,. (; Qe 'E-." OJ..,. (.) .... a. ,,,,",',"'" -. o00e."" III a.0 ,",", ere OlE "." -" ::;:J a:::i -I: 1:.0 1:00 '" 001a.., Q.::J..J ::J0a. --~ C~~;tone fra~!:rown. ' ;J;J -1.. • tan ~ § ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 Plate A.9 Project No. IBOringB: 9 Project Arts & Events District ... Water ,Texas Groundwater was not eneountered during drilling •D~pir ;.0 .6;;;;' 1-25-02 Surface I type N/A , fli!!ht au!!er Ii Ii.j !~ '8-5 _,s u,,".OSJ ~ IOU.J. 0 "" ~u:: ,,0 . 11 o. z CJ.l~ cf~ Q • ="", 0 Stratum Description -!'g'~ ;i1. ,,;11 EJ (:>:; 1O=e!"W , . :!!J 3~ 08 c Q." 0 ;;~ ~= ~-8E5 ..... ,,"'c ~c ::::u; ~:5 ase as" _c W "0 "'0::::1 -c 00 C,o coo 0: "' ... .. '" ..~o ::::J..J ::::J0a. Ct:.AY,dark~:,:!~rown. ' ,nOdules &. 3.0 -.3.0 -.4,5+ -;' tan . . I ~ ~ I , LOG OF BORING NO. B-9 PlateAIO i ~L~ ~o ! Project Arts & Events District Location , ••' ' Water Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling ID~U; 10.0' 10.;;;;' 1-15-02 Sum.ee Type • ! ! N/A Continuousfli2htau!er : .... .c : .:: IiIi , ..; !~ '~lI~'!!! i'l" ..,. ~ii a a! ~ ci' ~"' " #. ~iZ Cl Stratum Description _.9 ;~ *f ~ E+l' e;:i I'"~ ., "$. II,I II,I .E•t f o :::::I C 0 "' e'll ~.r' !~ ;0)( -.S! 0_ gCo'" 0w 1i:!3 =~ ,e,rE: ;.g:.!!c: :!:!CIi oE§ , '" :'m ::; :; : -c"8".o CO" 01!L ::e ::::>""J:: ;:lOa. CLAY, dark to light brown, ' ,&, 3.0 --• -! 2.0 ~ -SCLAY, lan, , nodules I .3.25 f,-;I -. -~ --~ N ~ b w~ a '" D' ~ ~ 0 ~ "! N ~ ! • j LOG OF BORING NO. B-IO Plate A.ll -~~~~~~------------------==ji~ I I I I Project No. IBorin!!l"; 'I Project 02-5967 I B-1, Arts & Loc.tiQn Add;, Texas Water I Groundwater was not encountered during drilling Depth 4.0' IDate' 1-25-02 l Type Continuousfligbtauger Stratum Description , aodules& ---, aodules -tan --p::: LOG OF BORlNG NO. B-ll •"" PlateA.12 o W 0: 4.5+ J.U 4.5+ .,.. .., ""' 0... Project No, I BOrinB~Oi2 IProject 02-5967 Arts & Events District water ... ,..." . Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling D~;;ih' 3.0' Ij);;;;' 1-25-02 • SUrlice Type NfA t aU!!Cr ~.r:: .r! Ii 0" 8 Ii ! I~ 010 ..., "-N IOU. -" 1il0! 0 .;, -g ,~ ci0. H Z :!1 :;.: ~ 0 Q 'CfI)CI.l Q Stratum Description ecce Q~ ~ u~ e'" ~::i IWe"tn ;f!, .. =ti 32:" Be 00 C Q, '0 0 Ii:~ (b:> :::s'ill=! i~ ".$ ~-, °E C ~.m g.5 £j ~'O _c -" go::J III -c ~8 c,e :.o~ I '" 01Q.CI) -1-' "'"'-'C0Y,dailttO llgh~ ,nOdules&.I 2.5 -limestone fragments ! -3,5 -h :tail I, ~! i I ~ ! ! • ~ ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-12 PlateA.13 I ProJeet No. '-ii~-1 'l Project IArts & Events District .... Water' Texas Groundwater was not encountered during driUing ~Pih 3.0' 10;;1;;' , ~~ ~~ il~ Type I flil!bt aUller !I N/A ~J: o U Ii Ci! 0" , It._ s:ii 1 .... ;: ;: •~ s+-:l oW '0 0 • It. 0) 10 C'" Stratum Description .9~ 'i t ~::; c:~'" ~ m, m, *' Q~ 'EE~ :9..,r =J Q!2 00.'0 0 1-0.. ::(1)-Ji -. uES ~~ ~~ ... -M 0..0 C:'" c: 80 I '" "'I0.._ ::J .... ::J 0.. CLAY. dark~tbrown. , nodules & 3.5 Ients I4.0 IL . tan ~ i • • ! LOG OF BORINGNO. R_1':l Plate A.14 l . t· '. i I BOrinjJ..°i 4 I Project 02-5967 D. .. Arts & Events District I Location Water ......l,no Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling I Depth 3.0' I D.t.-1-25-02 Surface Type NfA Continuous llight auger ~.c °u 0 .i I j Lu. uO._c 0 ..; OJ cu. -[ ';0 "" 0 ...;.., 0 . e': 33 ~~ ;f!. ;:ii: (I) iii C" 0 Stratum Description 00 IIiIii ~ ".r c~(Jl Q 00> aHa 1:':; .:eii; ;f!. -== "0 LC ·ii ~E ".., , , 00 c Co'" ",x 0 c'" ~--, 8e5 ..... .m!-g" 00 w "" "0 -C~.c coo 0: .. 0: "' ... ..::;;0 "'-I "'0" ~ c';AY, .dark_to light brown, .... ; nodute, II< 201> r -r -2-5 r -L INc, tan LOG OF BORING NO. B-14 Plate A.1S ~ ~ Major Divisions Grp. Typical Names -Laboratory Classification Criteria Sym. :tl ~ Well-graded gravels. gravel-• e E' "' '" 0., (oJ "' " GW sand mixh.ires. little or no .!l! ~~ ~ Cli':; 0 greater lhan 4; Cc: between 1 and 3 . iIl ro 0 fines '" ,. °10"°60 g~ C,C '0 [LO.!!! rco: 0~ Poorly graded gravels. gravel ."5 (J)(J).8 ~ c.> .t:! Q) '" ~ ~:;t~ ,~ l!! "' 5~ GP sand mixtures. lillie or no i -", (I)(J)fI> Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW " " > fines -c5 'iii " Qi f2.~ § a.CJ::I > > ro " CJ 'O m ~o~ ~:;tg ';';; iG.!: d "'c : "O=z" CQ) O::I GM Silty gravels. gravel-sand-silt .tJ (!.) ~. :~~ below "A" line or P.1. Liquid and plastic limits "" E . '" mixtures " .. plolling in hatched zone ci ~£ .emU; <:a; ~ ~ e greater than 4 Z ~(J)Q) ,,: : III between 4 and 7 are c ro ~:O~ 0'" £ (I).SR _ ,"0 : : (/) borderline cases "' '" mUo NO ~ ! B Liquid and Plastic limits '5£ i£ :> i£ GC Clayey gravels. gravel-sand'Ci)~ ~ ~ Q) above "A" line with P.I. requiring use of dual '" ~ 0 l!!"clay mixtures ,,0 'Om e CJ~ 'co z : :~ symbols .,E' greater than 7 ~ " .5.!!! ClIO ; ~ ~ ~J2 ES : : ... "'~ eOJ . . 0 .'" ,,!! ., Well-graded sands. gravelly 0::: ~ : : =c " 0 "" E m~ ~~,.... than 4 .. ., .t,=, .c-: .t="'"~ e ~= Q) ~ .s plotting between 4 and 7 '§ oS!! ~ "aJ2...J '" are borderline cases £'" rniij;;::: .0,. 0) ''"" .., ..S: .5 -g Liquid and Plastic limits requiring use of dual ~ " 0 Clayey sands, sand-clay symbols 0 t?J~ 8C §'gs: above"A" line with P.1. e mixtures "",,, "_ c. " greater than 7 ~ 0"0"<"> Inorganic silts and very fine 1il ML sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands, or clayey c silts with slight plasticity ~~ 60 '" V .,Inorganic clays of low to [; o~ 'ij 'cO -" medium plasticity, gravelly CL 0 ro:::: clays, sandy clays, silly /0 ~,§j clays, and lean clays V N ci (I);E Z ::J CH c ~ Organic silts and organic silly i . /",.'<":: OL clays of low plasticity • -1/~ .-., -11 0_ c "''iii '0 E ..,,30 V .Q!:) '" Ci Inorganic sills, micaceous or ~ '" .I-n am Ii> MH diatomaceous flne sandy or ~ OHa dMH cbi:: " silly soils, elastic silts .~ ., c:.l!! ",.t= 2 ",."--E-'" -'O" "ro~ Cl V 0 'Om Inorganic clays of high />= CH c ~ ",0> plasticity, fat clays 1 .'t"= .,=< V " =< E Hardness and Degree of Cementation . Very Soft or Plastic Can be remolded in hand; corresponds in consistency up 10 very stiff in soils Soft Can be scratched with fingernail IModeratelY Hard Can be scratched easily with knife; cannot be scratched with fingernail Hard Difficult to scratch with knife ;)Very Hard Cannot be scratched with knife ]poorlY Cemented or Friable Easily crumbled Cemented Bound together by chemically precipitated material; Quartz, calcite, dolomite, siderite, and iron oxide are common cementing materials. Degree of Weathering I Unweathered Rock in ils nalural slate before being exposed to atmospheric agents IiSlightly Weathered Weathered ,':.'1 Extremely Weathered Noted predominantly by color change with no disintegrated zones Complete color change WITh zones of slightly decomposed rock Complete color change with consistency. texture, and general appearance approaching soil KEY TO CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS Plate A.17 SWELL TEST RESULTS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT ADDISON, TEXAS RONE PROJECT NO. 02·5967 Boring Depth 1ft) B-4 0-1.5 Liquid Plastic Plasticity Initial Final Limit Limit Index MC ('Y.) MC("!o) 77 29 48 32.8 37.4 Load Swell (pst) ("!oj 150 1.3 Plate A.18 " ~ "1'1 Z ">< til FIELD OPERATIONS Subsurface conditions were defined by 14 sample borings located as shown on the Boring Location Diagram, Plate A.1. The borings were drilled at locations staked in the field by Rone. The borings were advanced between sample intervals using continuous flight auger drilling procedures. The results of each boring are shown graphically on the Logs of Borings, Plates A.2 through A.15. Sample depth, description, and soil classification based on the Unified Soil Classification System are shown on the logs of Borings. Keys to the symbols and terms used on the logs of Borings are presented on Plates A.16 and A.17. Relatively undisturbed samples of cohesive soils were obtained with Shelby tube samplers in general accordance with ASTM 0-1587 at the locations shown on the logs of boring. The Shelby tube sampler consists of a thin-walled steel tube with a sharp cutting edge connected to a head equipped with a ball valve threaded for rod connection. The tube is pushed into the undisturbed soils by the hydraulic pulldown of the drilling rig. The soil specimens were extruded from the tube in the field, logged, tested for consistency with a hand penetrometer, sealed, and packaged to maintain "in situ" moisture content. The consistency of cohesive soil samples was evaluated in the field using a calibrated hand penetrometer. In this test a 0.25-inch diameter piston is pushed into the undisturbed sample at a constant rate to a depth of 0.25-inch. The results of these tests are tabulated at respective sample depths on the logs. When the capacity of the penetrometer is exceeded, the value is tabulated as 4.5+. To evaluate the consistency of the limestone encountered, a modified version of the Texas Cone Penetration test was performed at selected locations. Texas Department of Transportetion (TxDOT) Test Method Tex-132-E specifies driving a 3-inch diameter cone with a 170-pound hammer freely falling 24 inches. This results in 340 foot-pounds of energy for each blow. This method was modified by utilizing a 140-pound hammer freely falling 30 inches. This results in 350 foot-pounds of energy for each hammer blow. In relatively soft materials, the penetrometer cone is driven 1 foot and the number of blows required for each 6-inch penetration is tabulated at respected test depths, as blows per 6 inches on the log. In hard materials (rock or rock-like), the penetrometer cone is driven with the resulting penetrations, in inches, recorded for the first and second 50 bloWS, a total of 100 blows. The penetration for the total 100 blows is recorded at the respective testing depths on the boring logs. B-1 Groundwater observations during and after completion of the boring are shown on the upper right of the boring log. Upon completion of the boring, the boreholes were backfilled from the top and plugged at the surface. B·1 LABORATORY TESTING General Laboratory tests were performed to define pertinent engineering characteristics of the soils encountered. The laboratory tests included moisture content. Atterberg limits determinations. dry unit weight, free swell, and visual classification. Classification Tests Classification of soils was verified by natural moisture content determination and Atterberg limits determinations. These tests were performed in general accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Procedures. The Atterberg limits determinations and natural moisture content are presented at the respective sample depths on the Logs of Boring. Free Swell Tests Selected samples of the near-surface cohesive soils were subjected to free swell tests. In the free swell test, a sample is placed in a consolidometer and subjected to the estimated overburden pressure. The sample is then inundated with water and allowed to swell. Moisture contents are determined both before and after completion of the test. Test results are recorded as the percent swell. with initial and final moisture content. Free swell test results are presented on Plate A.1B. B-2 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 JOHN W. BIRKHOFF, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS, P.E. JOE R. CARTER, P.E. PAUL A. CARLINE, P.E. MATT mCKEY, P.E. DOUGLAS K. SHOWERS, P.E. September 12, 2002 ROSS L. JACOBS, P.E. I. C. FINKLEA, P.E. Mr. David Cl gh, ASLA Senior Ass iate 64 Pleas t St. 02472 Re: Town of Addison Events Area Dear Mr. Clough: We are enclosing one mylar copy of the revised topographic survey and existing contour map for the Special Events site for your use in preparing plans and specifications for the Town of Addison. Also enclosed is the electronic file of the drawing for your use as base sheets. The electronic files are provided to you under the following conditions: 1. The electronic files are compatible with AutoCAD Release 15 or 2000, operating on an IBM compatible PC using Windows NT. I 2. Engineer does not make any warranty as to the compatibility of these files beyond the specified release of the above stated software. 3. Because data stored on electronic media can deteriorate undetected or be modified, the SASAKI agrees that the Engineer will not be held liable for completeness or correctness of electronic media after an acceptance period of fifteen days after delivery of these files. 4. The electronic files are instruments of our service. Where there is a conflict between the hard copy drawings and the electronic files, the hard copy drawing will govern in all cases. 5. Both parties acknowledge mutual non-exclusive ownership of the electronic files and each party may use, alter, modify or delete the files without consequence to the other party. Mr. David Clough, ASLA September 12, 2002 Page No. 2 We have added the two temporary benchmarks you requested, provided invert elevations of inlets and the junction structure along Addison Circle, added a sanitary sewer manhole located in the alley north of Broadway and have removed the proposed improvements along Addison Road. No elevations are shown for the junction box on Quorum, as it could not be located. We did pick up a drop inlet just west ofthe junction structure. An alternative to digging up the roadway could be dual 18 or 24-inch pipes tying into the 36 inch stub out. Sincerely, C)Ob John W. Birkhoff, P.E. Enclosures ) cc: Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Ms. Carmen Moran Mr. Jim Duffy j:\irwclivc\addisonUOOI-138 events disuict\leUers\corres\k\cd5.doc COWLES &THOMPSON A Pro'essional Corporation ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELORS LARRY W. JOHNSON 214.6n~1D$ WOHHSON@COWLESTHOMPSOH.COM June 7. 2005 Mr. Michael S. Nixon Griffith & Nixon, P.e. One Lincoln Centre 5400 LSJ Freeway. Suite 1025 Dallas, Texas 75240 Re: Festival Way -Town of Addison " Dear Mr. Mike: Please fmd enclosed a fully executed original of the Agreement of Parties in connection with the above-referenced matter. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, LWJ:le Enclosure 901 MAIN STREET SUIT£ 40(}O DALLAS, TEXAS 7S,()2aru: . .2 ... 2. In conjunction with the reconstruction ofcurb inlets I & 2 at the west end of Festival Way, certain paving areas will be reconstructed. Those paving areas are defined by the north/south transverse expansion joint separating the drive approach from Festival Way to the next north/south transverse expansion joint east, and from the sawed eastlwest dummy joint adjacent to the parking areas on the north side of the street to the dummy joint adjacent to the parking area on the south side of the street, The defined areas will be reshaped to expedite flow ofstorm water to the corrected curb inlets, 3, Remove and re-pour paving panels in Festival Way at the southern end ofthe Pergola, This area is defined as the panel incorporating the storm and sanitary sewer manholes and the panel east to the first transverse expansion joint. This area is to be removed from curb line to curb line. Reconstruction of curb inlets 3 & 4 is to he included in this area. 4, Remove the two paving panels surrounding catch basin 7 and panels to the west if necessary and replace in order to properly direct storm water into the catch basin. All concrete removal will he done within the areas defined by existing joints. 5. Rout and seal all remaining cracks approved silicone sealant. in Festival Way using an 6. Any parking striping or traffic control elements damaged during the work must be restored. Finally, in bis letter of March 25th, Mr. Nixon requested that certain modifications be made to the Agreement, At this time, those modifications are rejected. This counter-proposal shall remain open until May 2, 2005. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, JohnM. Hill JMH/yjr Mr. Michael Nixon Ms. Elizann Carroll April 18, 2005 bee: Ms. Carmen Moran, wfTown Mr. James Duffy Mr. Lany Johnson, w/firm Mr. Ken C. Dippel, w/firm I2 Dave/Jose: > > As part of an out-of-court settlement with Abstract Construction, the > contractor has agreed to perform replacement of portions ofthe > existing concrete pavement and replace inlet tops on Festival Way. > The street does not drain properly in the condition that now exists > and several panels of pavement have been damaged or failed. Also > included in the settlement is the established date ofJnly 5th. for > the contractor to start on the repair work, and for all improvements > to be completed in August 2005. During the construction ofthe > concrete replacement, Jim Dufl:Y will assist our Department in > performing inspection and subsequent acceptance ofaU work I will > also be on-site to inspect the work being performed. > > By this email, I am asking Carmen or Jim ifthey have I or 2 fina1 > sets ofthe plans for use by our Department Thanks. > >SteveC. > >*********************************************************************** >***•••••****•••********•••••••***••*****•• *. > This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains > Information that is confIdential and privileged. This document may > contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that 1 .", ,... " ; .' I '~ I, \; \ i '''. ,~ , . ·•.,~ \".:.1'..·. r' . ," " t)' ,i , < • ,<1/;, , ." ," I i ---'tX! "~ .:I~ r 1 0 ', • ~"".) ", ~,'I .j ,j 1 j ,j ,I i ,,." I j /' 'I . ,",.'1 ,",'::":, I' i ".' ,~ •\ i I I j~ ,! .I \ ·.\ , , .\ ",.' '. ';:___.!~'t*'f' -" , '"j " J I " , -~ ' .'.,~ ,,~~ ,.. , ,. , \ • 'i -, ,\ ! ~. i' , ., ~ /. ~ " ! 'I J j 1 'I 1 ~. -.'. ',.1. 0(, --I f-.,) (..) N 0 ,• 0 (.,I) !' o n ~ N W N o o w o (") -t 1 >~'~i'~ ..•.. I I iI . ~. :'"1 , '.' ~ " ...... ::.' -'" , •I , ! i '1 ~ ~ .i L-~!!. \ r; til i ,,) .! \ .' . ,, t ,'t n -I N W N <:> o j/jW GRIFFITH &, NIXON 9'72 386 8985 P. 01/04 S'R..c..h~c i3~ GRlFFIIH & NIXON ~ A Pro!l:ssional Corporation 'S~ ATIORNSYS &. CoUNSELORS "'-~ One Lincoln Centre TelephaDe: (912) 386-8988 ,A:fl:.:n •• 5400 LBJ Freeway. Suite 1025 FlIC$imiIe: (972)386-8985 Dallas, Tens 73240 www.grlfUthnIxOll.com FACSIM:ILE No. ofPages with Cover Sheet: POlO Date: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 To: LanyJohason conipany: Cowles &. 'fhompson Fax No: (214) 672-2020 PboneNo.: (214) 672-2000 From: Michael S. NlXOIl C/M: Abstract/Strand Sent By: Carey Brown Comments: Please see following letter oftoday's date. IfYollDo GRIFFITH g. NIXON 972 386 898S P. 02/04 GRIFFITH & NIXON A Pml'esslonal CO'p""''''n ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS One Lincoln Centre "Ielephone: 972.386.8988 5400 LBJ Freeway. Suire 1025 Facsimile; 972.386.8985 DalIl!IS. Texas 75240 www.grifflthnixon.com May3,2005 VIA FACSIMILE (214) 612-2020 Mr. Larry Johnson Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street. suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 re: Town ofAddison Addison arts & events district Festival Way Reconstruction DearLany: AttaChed is a copy of the correspondence which I received last night from Elizann carroll in response to the Town of Addison's ("TOA") proposal for remedial wolk to Festival Way. As reflected in Ms. carroll's letter of May 2, 2005. Strand & Associates ("Strand") and NAS Surety Group have essentially agreed to TOA's settlement proposal subject to some minor modifications. I realize at least of the issues raised in Ms. Carroll's letter involves a subcon1ractor of Abstract Construction Company which is of no concern to the TOA. Please give me a can after you have had an opportunity to discuss strand's proposal with your client. Your continued assistance and cooperation in resolving thiS matter Is greatly appreciated. MSNfcb enclosure ec: Mr. James Tumer (via facsimile (469) 385-9157) Mr. Chris Robinson (via facsimile (469) 385-9753) "R2 386 8985 P. 03/04 GRIFFITH & NIXON • JUN.AU, BOLL aWARD ATT •• N.Y. "'''0 c:OV .....LO" • .. ............... Lilli"•• ,,'UIC.I'I"I' c....... t 530" $PECTRII'" DRIYE, $lIt'l"lI; :aOO "DRIBON, TI&X.... 7500........ EldllAlnl eARROLL TIr\.l!PIiOKE: ECA~tl"'t' t (1II7Il •••na3 '''AClllIIIIUt (171' 88.-13'18 May2,200S VIA FAX em) 3I6-I9BS Mr. Michael S. N'lXOU' :] t 'r5(J#) tre\i.~V'~, GRImm 6;NIXON One LinColn Cc:olm , 5400 LBJ F_ay, Suite 1025 -~~ ~if'~'I~r-'(-d Dallas, Texas 75240 ~ ~~(' Re: Addison Arts 6; Evtms DiBlrict Featival Way RcconstnK:tion DcsrMike: Ali I mentioned in ourconvasation last1'lnII:sday, we havcreviewed theTownofAddison's , propom fbr.repairs to FeStivalWay. WeunciilrstandtheTown'ucopeofwol'ktobothe foliowiDg: 1.)Curb hdets: Rmnove and Replace cigbt (&) ClUb inh!Is approximatoly 2.7' lI. 3' ~ l.)PavedAra: RemoveaudRephuleapproximalel;yaSux24'lCCtionofecincl:etcroadway 3.) Paved Alta: Remove lIJId hplll:C approximately a 30'lt 2S' ofCOllCfClto1'Olld.way 4.}PavedAra: RemovcandRe,p1aceappxmV'"' "-'-I ~ ~.:."".$'/"'" )lfl-'~/5"'= £,-Gvt:.-....-r-~ ,II.w:J A<"....,..,"""~ o--,,::-~,v OCT 22 2002 15:04 FR SASAKI ASSOCIATES 16179237220 TO 919724502837--14 P.01/07 ill facsimile • SASAKI Sosoki Auociatas Inc. 64 Plea:mnt Street 02472 USA t 6179263300 I 6179242748 date October22, 2002 10 Jim Duffy, Jim PiercQ, Steve Chutehian, Slade Strickland, Carmen Moron .......""'ny Town of Addison facsimile no. 972 406-1146 phone no. bom DOYe Clough .r"""" lin. 617923 7331 Pruiett nctme Art. & Events Di.trict pruject no. 14516,00 /I al pages 7 transmitted loy DC diroct lin.. 617 923 7331 I'm alloching a letter I just receiyed from Georgia Founlain addressing Ihe 'lu"slion. rhot have been raised aboul fountain piping and fiHings and their compatibility wi", chemicals used in the syslem, chemical. in Ihe yault, IhQ roling lor the fountain sy.tem. conlrol panel, and the ratilig and .uitabilily of rhe pumps that they haye specified, Please review this and lei me know if the Town would like to mok.. any changes to whot ho. been specified, or if there are any further 'luestions regarding the lounloin•. Thonks. Page 1 of 1 Jim Pierce From: dclough@sasaki.com Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 4:42 PM To: jpierce@ci.addison.tx.us; jfdgroup@flash.net; kgassman@camposengineering.com Subject: RE: review of Addendum #2 . ~l\fl(> 'fi\-t~ y-~. Jim Pierce and Jim Duffy, \f,\~ll.-. /'" .'/" /I suggest we have a conference call with Keith Gassman and Bill Kumpf (Mechanical Engineer) from Campos Engineering to review items 1 and 4 below. If we're going to make any changes, we wantto get them into our last addendum at the end of this week. I already talked to Keith and both he and Bill are available on Wednesday morning at 9:30 am (your time). Does this work for both of you? If not, please give me an alternate time. I can't do it tomorrow. Thanks. To: , , , , , , 10/23/2002 11 :05 AM cc: , Subject: RE: review of Addendum #2 Jim: Review of Georgia Fountain letter to D. Clough dated 10/22102: 1. They recommend running the ventilation system when the system is on. Suggest the system controls be set up to do this automatically. 4. Motors: To call out TEFC motors, which I recommend, will cost approximately $500 (total for two 15hp and three 3hp motors). If you have another addendum it could be done then, or at the shop drawing phase and pay the contractor for the difference. 5. Freeze protection: Are piping and valves provided to drain the fountain piping system? Where does the piping drain too, the vault? If so, that's ok, I just want to be sure we can do so. All else looks good to me. Jim. JON C. CLARK PHONE (972.) 245·2418 1510 RANDOLPH FAX (972.) 245·6288 SUITE 608 MOBILE (214) 208-7741 CARROLLTON. TeXAS 75006 JCLARK@RIDDLEELECTRIC.COM "' (;il/lffi I:!.O-.'II'~:J YSfll ~ w.«>,:I.PJrl dO", ... 6OR'SW!!" IIHfl6!!'O:; ,. ,',. Lll:a.'tr. j;\~le;r .. ~T~T~~ \ --::::: = --•---,, = -I 1 -..:: -::.... :..n.. ,) II r< ::;. ::I:' ' .. t 1 7202152 TEXAS PRELIMINARY NOTICE 6210 E. Thomas Rd., Suite 203 1ST NOTICE OF THE RIGHT TO CLAIM A LmN -BALANCE DUE Scottsdale, AZ 85251·7056 THIS IS NOT A LIEN , TmS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY (800) 947·9546 CONTRACTORORSUBCONTRACTOa The Name and Address of the Owner or Reputed Owner is: CERTIFIED# 719665750290001152747 TOWN OF ADDISON 16601 WESTGROVE DRIVE 1. The following is a general description of the labor, service, equipment or ADDISON, TX 75001 materials furnished or to be furnished by the undersigned: RENTAL EQUIPMENT 22565·04501 2. Estimated Price:$606.33 The Name and Address of the Orig1nal Contractor 3. In the construction, alteration or repair of the building, structure or is: improvement located at: CERTIFIED# 71966575029000052754 ABSTRACT CONSTRUCTION ADDISON CIRCLE 11157 ABLES LANE BETWEEN ADDISON RD & QUORUM DALLAS. TX 75229 ADDISON The Name and Addr.... of the Reputed Lender NOTICE TO OWNER and/or Bonding Company is: In accordance with Texas Government Codes the attached invoices or statements are a true and accurate account of materials, equipment or labor supplied. This notice is sent in compliance with the Texas Property Code mechanic's lien provisions, including Section 53.056. The undersigned contractor, subcontractor, materialman or laborer has The Name and Address of the Person with whom an unpaid balance due of $606.33. A copy of the statement or billing is the Claimant has Contracted is: attached. CERTIFIED# 71966575029000052761 CALHAR CONSTRUCTION, INC. If a person who furnishes materials or performs labor for construction 2138 CALHAR DR of improvement on your property is not paid, you may be held MELISSA. TX 75454 personally liable and your property may be subject to a lien for the unpaid amount un!ess: (1) you have withheld payment to the contractor This Preliminary Notice has been completed by: that Is suffiCient to cover the unpaid claim until the dispute is resolved; RENTAL SERVICE CORPORATION 1638 or (2) the claim is already paid in full and you have proof of said USA payment to the claimant. USA. RESIDENTIAL OWNERS ONLY: If you have complied with the law regarding the 10 percent retalnlngs and you have withheld payment to the contractor sufficient to cover any written notice of claim and have paid that amount, If any, to the claimant, any lien claim flied on you property by a subcontractor or supplier, other than a person who contracted directly with you, will not be a valid lien on your property. In addition, except for the required 10 percent retainage, you are not liable to a subcontractor before you receive written notice of the claim. IF OUR BILL IS NOT PAID, YOU MAY BE PERSONALLY LIABLE AND YOUR PROPERTY SUBJECTED TO A LIEN UNLESS YOU WITHHOLD PAYMENTS TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE PAYMENT OF OUR STATEMENT OR UNLESS THE BILL IS OTHERWISE PAID OR SETTLED. Dated 04/1512003 for Rental Service CorporaUon 1638,USA,USA, Judy Applegate, Notice Preparer I declare Ih served a copy of the above document. and any relaled document •• by (a. required by law) first-class, certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the above named parties. at the addre..es listed above. on 04/15/2003. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Scottsdale. Arizona on 0411512003. cf}fQ/} By: ~N.#.mm_ Judy Applegate, Notice Preparer ""7J~ ~~ Prellen #: 283853 By: 7202152 ~rateUen I r~tnc:: 6210 E. Thomas Rd., Suite 203 IScottsdale, AZ 85251-7056 CERTIFIED# 71966575029000052747 TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE DRIVE ADDISON, TX 75001 I I GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared For: TOWN OF ADDISON 16801 WESTGROVE DRIVE ADDISON, TEXAS 75001 ATTENTION: MR. STEVE CHUTCHAIN FEBRUARY 2002 PROJECT NO. 02·5967 iRiioiiiniieEiiin9ineers ,,A LEIGH COMPANY Rone Engineers A LEIGH COMPANY • GeOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING • GEOLOGICAL S'ttJOIES • DiStRESS INVESTIGATIONS • PAVEMENT OESIGN • ADVANCED CEOTECHNICAl TESTING • FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATJOHS • CONSTRUCTION MONITORING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING ~ CONSTROCTiON OBSERVATION • CONCRETE TESTING • ASPHALT TESTING • 50nS TESTING • filER INSPECTION • POST TENSION INSPECTION • NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING • STRUCTURAL STEEL INSPECTION • SPECIAL T£STING DRILLING SERVICES • MONITOR WELL INSTALLATION • ENVIRONMENTAL DRILLING • GEOTECHNICAL DRILLING DALLAS 8.908 AMBASSADOR ROW DALLAS, TOA5 7S~47 TELEPHONE 214-630-9145 FACSIMILE 214·630·9819 FORT WORTH 121 NORTH RAYNER STREET fORT WORTH, TEXAS 761 t I TELEPHONE 817-831-62 tl METRO 917·429-4328 FACSIMILE 817-834-4833 February 5,2002 Mr. Steve Chutchain Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Arts & Events District Addison, Texas Rone Project No. 02-5967 Dear Mr. Chutchain: Submitted herewith are the results of a geotechnical investigation conducted for the referenced project. This investigation was performed in accordance with our proposal 02-3323 dated January 15, 2002. Engineering analyses and recommendations for site grading and foundations are contained in the narrative section of the report. Results of our field and laboratory investigation are submitted in detail in the Illustrations section of the report. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project, and we would appreCiate the opportunity to provide the materials engineering-testing and geotechnical observation services during the construction phase of this project. Please contact us if you have any questions or need any additional services. Respectfully Submitted, Donald W. Moler, E.I.T. Project E Th odors A. Janish. Senior Project Engi TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................. "" ......................................... "'"'' ..................................... 1 FIELD AN D LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS .......... " .." ...................................................... 1 GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS .............................................................'"'''' ........................... 2 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................3 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF CONTROLLED EARTH FILL ............. 10 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS ..................................................................................... 12 REPORT CLOSU RE ................................................................. .............................................12 R_oiiiniieE~ng ineers ~ tiI_ A I..£IGH COMPANY APPENDIX A BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM ............................................................ , ............... , .... ,.... ,... A.1 LOGS OF BORINGS, ... ,... ,... , ........ , ................ , .................................... " ..... ,', ..... ,', ...... ,A.2-A.15 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ..................................................................... A.16 KEY TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND SYMBOLS ..................................... ' ............................ A.17 SWELL TEST RESULTS .................................... , ........................... ................................... A.18 APPENDIXB FIELD OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................... B-1 LABORATORY TESTING .................................................................................................... B-2 _ ili_.R.o.n.eE.ngineers A LEIGH COMPANY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PROPOSED ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT TOWN OF ADDISON ADDISON, TEXAS INTRODUCTION The proposed project will consist of constructing a new outdoor stage, two-story multi-purpose arts and cultural center, pavilion, public restrooms, garden and lawn areas with fountains and seating areas, and associated paVing. The project is located east of Addison Road, south of Addison Circle Drive and west of Quorum Drive in Addison, Texas. A railroad right-of-way defines the south property fine and Clara Street is the southernmost point of the current phase of this investigation and currently planned development. The general location and orientation of the site are shown on the Plan of Borings, Plate A.i, in the Appendix A of this report. The principal purposes of this investigation were to evaluate the general soil conditions at the proposed site and to develop geotechnical recommendations for the design and construction of foundations. To accomplish its intended purposes, the study was conducted in the following phases: (1) drill sample borings to evaluate the soil conditions at the boring locations and to obtain soil samples; (2) conduct laboratory tests on selected semples recovered from the borings to establish the pertinent engineering characteristics of the foundation soils; and (3) perform engineering analyses, using field and laboratory data, to develop foundation design criteria. FIELD OPERATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING Soil conditions were determined by fourteen sample borings. Four borings were drilled at the locations of the proposed structures. Ten borings were drilled to determine depths to limestone to assist in determining amount of possible fill material available at the site. The depths of the borings varied from 2 to 20 feet below existing grades. The borings were drilled in January, 2002 and their locations are shown on Plate A.i. Sample depth, description of soils, and classification (based on the Unified Soil Classification System) are presented on the Logs of Borings, Plates A.A.2 through A.i5. Keys to terms and symbols used on the logs are shown on Plates A.i6 and A.i? Project No. 02-5967 Page 1 R_0i!iinliiei"iE~ng'ineers A~ LEIGH COMPANY Laboratory soil tests were performed on selected samples recovered from the borings to verify visual classification and determine the pertinent engineering properties of the soils encountered. Classifications test results are presented on the logs of borings. Free swell tests were also perfonmed to aid in evaluation of the shrink-swell potential of the soils. Swell test results are presented on Plate A.18. Descriptions of the procedures used in the field and laboratory phases of this study are presented in Appendix B at the end of this report. GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS Site Conditions At the time of drilling, the site consisted mainly of grassy fields with some existing trees. Two asphalt paved roads also existed within the site. Subsurface Soil Conditions Based on available surface geology maps, the site is located within the Austin Chalk limestone formation. In general, the Austin Chalk formation consists of massive gray limestone underlying weathered tan limestone. The residual soils of the Austin Chalk formation generally consist of highly plastic clays and typically have a high shrink-swell potential. Dark brown to brown clay was encountered in the borings from eXisting grade to depths of 1 to 4.5 feet. Tan calcareous clay and tan limestone with calcareous clay seams and layers was encountered to depths ranging between 5 and 15 feet, including the termination depth of 2 to 10 feet at Borings 5 through 14. Gray limestone was then encountered to boring termination depths of 10 to 20 feet at Borings 1 through 4. The Plasticity Index of the fill material samples that were tested ranged from 27 to 48, indicating high to very high soil plasticity. Groundwater The borings were advanced using auger drilling and intermittent sampling methods in order to observe groundwater seepage levels. At the time of this investigation, groundwater was not encountered during drilling. project No. 02-5967 Page 2 R.oiinliieiiEiiingineerS ~ t!I_ A LEIGH COMPANY Future construction activities may alter the surface and subsurface drainage characteristics of this site. It is not possible to accurately predict the magnitude of subsurface water fluctuations that might occur based upon short-term observations. The groundwater level at this site should be expected to vary throughout the year with variations in precipitation and surface runoff. Based on our experience with the Austin Chalk formation, groundwater seepage can be encountered in and above the limestone. The risk of encountering groundwater seepage is increased during or after periods of precipitation. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Potential Vertical Soil Movements Potential vertical movement calculations were performed in general accordance with the Texas Department ofTransportation Method (TxDOT) 124-E. The TxDOT 124-E method is empirical and is based on several factors including plasticity index and other laboratory test results of the subsurface materials encountered in the boring. The Potential Vertical Rise (PVR) calculated using the referenced method and associated effective plasticity indices ranged between 1 and 3 inches based on in-situ soil being at a dry antecedent condition. Free swell tests were also conducted on selected soil samples. The results of these tests indicate that the soil has a shrink-swell potential similar to that which the TxDOT 124-E method would indicate. The calculated PVR is based on the depth of limestone at the borings and not more than 2 feet of onsite clay fill used to grade the site. Greater amounts of clay fill will result in higher potential movements. We should be contacted for further evaluation and recommendations if more than 2 feet of fill is required to grade the site. Foundation Recommendations The pavilion, stage, and multi-purpose cultural center buildings may be supported on either a stiffened slab-on-grade foundation (conventionally reinforced or post-tensioned), or drilled piers bearing into the tan and gray limestone with ground supported floor slabs. For the multi-purpose cultural center, shallow spread footings may also be used with ground supported floor slabs provided the potential foundation movements due to shrinking and swelling of active clays are tolerable. A stiffened slab-on-grade foundation (either conventionally reinforced or post-tensioned) Project No. 02·5967 Page 3 A LEIGH COMPANY can be utilized for the restroom structure. Subgrade treatment may be desired to reduce potential ground movements to more acceptable levels in order to use slab-on-grade foundations. Foundation recommendations for each structure, as well as subgrade treatment recommendations are provided below. Pier Foundation -Pavilion (Boring 4), Multi-Purpose Arts & Cultural Center (Boring 2) & Stage (Borings 1) A straight shaft drilled pier foundation system extending into the tan and gray limestone may be utilized for support of the pavilion, stage, and multi-purpose cultural center. An allowable end bearing pressure of 15,000 psf may be utilized for shafts bearing in competent tan and gray limestone encountered in the borings at depths of about 2 to 8 feet below the ground surface. An allowable skin friction resistance of 2,300 psf may be utilized for the portion of the shaft below a minimum penetration of two feet in limestone. The tan and gray limestone contains clay seams and layers, and care should be taken to extend the piers through any clay layers encountered to bear on competent limestone. Drilled pier foundations designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations in this report should experience settlements of less than 1 inch. Clay soils at the borings and clay fill used to grade the site could subject the piers to uplift forces if the soils swell. The uplift force can be estimated by assuming a uniform uplift pressure of 2,000 psf acting over the perimeter of the shafts to a depth of 5 feet for the Stage and 8 feet for the Pavilion. Full length reinforcing steel should be provided. An allowable uplift resistance of 2,300 psf can be used for the portion of the pier shaft in contact with the tan and gray limestone below a minimum penetration of two feet in the limestone. Construction Considerations for Drilled Piers The construction of all piers should be observed as a means to verify compliance with design assumptions and to verify: (1) the bearing stratum; (2} the minimum penetration; (3) the removal of all smear zones and cuttings; (4) that groundwater seepage, when encountered, is correctly handled; and (5) that the shafts are vertical (within the acceptable tolerance). Project No. 02-5967 Pogo 4 A LEIGH COMPANY Groundwater seepage was not encountered at the borings. However, it is possible groundwater seepage could be encountered during drilled pier installation, and the risk of encountering water seepage is increased during or after periods of rainfall. Concrete should be placed in the shafts as soon as possible to reduce the risk of groundwater seepage and deterioration of the foundation bearing suriace. Temporary steel casing may be required in some cases where seepage is encountered. The caSing should be seated below the seepage, and all water should be removed from the shaft excavation before beginning the design penetration in the limestone. We should be contacted for further evaluation and recommendations if groundwater seepage is encountered during pier installation. Concrete should be placed immediately after the excavation has been completed. In no event should a pier excavation be allowed to remain open for more than 8 hours. Concrete should have a slump of 5 to 7 inches and should not be allowed to strike the shaft sidewall or reinforcement steel during concrete placement. Grade Beams (Drilled Pier Foundations Only) Grade beams should be structurally connected into the top of the piers. A minimum void space of 6 inches should be provided beneath the grade beams and the underlying soil between piers. This void space allows movement of the soils below the grade beams without distressing the structure. The excavation in which the void box lays must remain dry. In addition, backfill material must not be allowed to enter the void area below grade beams, since this reduces the void space. It is not necessary to excavate limestone to install the void space. Typically, a soil retainer in the form of a thin pre-cast panel or pieces of wood is placed along the outside edge of the grade beams to prevent the aforementioned soil intrusion. On-site soil then may be placed against the sides of the grade beams. Spread Footing Foundation -Multi·Purpose Arts & Cultural Center (Boring B-2) As an alternative to drilled piers, shallow spread footing foundations constructed on the tan limestone may be utilized for support of the multi-purpose arts & cultural center. Spread footing foundations bearing on tan limestone at a minimum depth of 3 feet below the final site grade can be proportioned using an allowable bearing pressure of 7,500 pst. Foundation movement could be 1 inch or less. Individual foundations should be at least 30 inches wide, and continuous footing foundations should be at least 16 inches wide. Project No. 02-5967 PageS The geotechnical engineer should monitor spread foundation construction to verify conditions are as anticipated. Foundation excavations should be free of standing water and free of loose material. Excavations for foundations should be filled with concrete before the end of the workday or sooner if necessary to prevent deterioration of the bearing surface. Backfill placement and compaction should follow procedures and requirements as outlined in the section entitled "Recommendation for the Placement of Controlled Earth Fill". Floor Systems (Drilled Pier and Spread Footing Foundations Only) The most-positive method of floor support with very little movement is to structurally suspend the floor above the ground on drilled pier foundations. A minimum void space of 6 inches should be provided between the subgrade and the lowest suspended fixture beneath the floor (such as plumbing lines, Ptraps, etc). The ground surface beneath the suspended floor should be sloped and drained to prevent the ponding of water. If some floor movement can be tolerated, subgrade treatment can be considered to reduce the floor movement due to shrinking and swelling of active clays to more acceptable levels. Subgrade treatment could consist of reworking of clays in-place with moisture and density control, with placement of a select fill pad atop the reworked clays. This subgrade treatment option is described below. Based on soil conditions at the Multi Purpose Arts & Cultural Center (Boring B-2), we estimate floor slab movement due to shrinking and swelling of active soils to be about 1 inch. Any fill in the building area for this structure should consist of select fill. At the Pavilion (Boring B-4) and the Stage (Boring B-1), we estimate floor slab movement due to shrinking and swelling of active soils to be about 2 to 3 inches. A ground supported floor slab may be used if these movements are acceptable. If these movements are not acceptable, removing at least 2 feet of active soils and replacament with at least 2 feet of non-expansive select fill should reduce floor slab movements to about 1 inch. Any additional fill required for achieving the desired grade in these building areas should consist of non-expansive select fill. Select fill can in itself represent a conduit for percolating waters, thus proper surface drainage away from the building is required. In addition, the select fill should not extend outside the perimeter grade beams, and compacted clay fill should be used outside the perimeter beam to reduce the risk of water infiltration. Project No. 02-5967 PageS Select fill should consist of clayey sand or sandy clay with a liquid limit less than 35 and a plasticity index between 5 and 15. The select fill should be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 9 inches and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the material's standard Proctor dry density (ASTM 0-698) at a moisture content of -2 to +2 percentage points of optimum. A vapor barrier should be provided beneath the floor in areas where the floor is ground supported. Slab Foundation -Restroom (Boring 83), Pavilion (Boring 84), and Stage (Boring B-1) A monolithic slab and grade beam system (conventionally reinforced or post-tensioned) may be utilized for the restroom building and for the Pavilion and Stage if a pier foundation is not desired. The slab foundation should be designed with exterior and interior grade beams adequate to provide sufficient rigidity to the foundation system to sustain the vertical soil movements expected at this site (3 inches). A slab foundation should not be used if some foundation movement cannot be tolerated. Any fill placed within the area of slab foundations should consist of non-expansive select fill, as described in the previous section of this report entitled "Floor System (Drilled Pier and Spread Footing Foundations Only)". Select fill should not extend outside perimeter beams. A net allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot may be used for design of all grade beams or footings bearing in natural soils or properiy placed and compacted fill. Grade beams should be founded a minimum of 18 inches below the final exterior grade, on suitable native soils or properly placed, compacted, and tested fill. The bottom of Ihe beam trenches should be free of any loose or soft material prior to the placement of the concrete. All grade beams and floor slabs should be adequately reinforced with steel to minimize cracking as normal movements ocCur in the foundation soils. General All excavations should be sloped, shored, or shielded in accordance with OSHA requirements. Limestone was encountered at depths as shallow as 1 foot below the ground surface at this site, and we would expect limestone to be encountered during sile work and utility installation. The Austin Chalk limestone can be difficult to excavate, and may require rock teeth, rippers, or sawcutting to excavate. The excavation contractors selected should be experienced with excavation in the Austin Chalk limestone. Project No. 02·5957 Page 7 Seasonal groundwater seepage could be encountered at this site, especially where the limestone is at or near the final site grade. Subsurface drains should be considered in areas where this seepage may be objectionable. Every attempt should be made to limit the extreme wetting or drying of the subsurface soils because swelling and shrinkage of these soils will result. Standard construction practices of providing good surface water drainage should be uSed. A positive slope of the ground away from any foundation should be provided. Also, ditches or swales should be provided to carry the run-off water both during and after construction. Lawn areas should be watered moderately, without allowing the soils to become too dry or too wet. Roof runoff should be collected by gutters and downspouts, and should discharge away from the buildings. All grade-supported slabs, outward swinging doors, outside stairs, etc. should be designed to accommodate anticipated the potential movements at this site presented above. Backfill for utility lines or along the perimeter beams should consist of site-excavated soil. If clay backfill is too dense or too dry, it will swell and a mound will form along the trench line. If the backfill is too loose or too wet, it will settle and a sink will form along the trench line. Backfill should be compacted as recommended in the section entitled "Recommendations for the Placement of Controlled Earth Fill". If granular material is used for embedment in utility trenches we recommend placing a clay plug, as a replacement for the granular embedment, at the location where the city line is located, at the location where the utility enters the structure and at other connections. The intent is to stop any free moisture from passing through the granular embedment and entering the soil beneath the structures. Roots systems from trees and shrubs can draw a substantial amount of water from the clay soils at this site, causing the clays to dry and shrink. This could cause settlement beneath gradesupported slabs such as floors, walks and paving. Trees and large bushes should be located a distance equal to at least one-half their anticipated mature height away from grade slabs. Project No. 02-5967 PageS COM~ANY Pavement Design Recommendations If asphalt concrete (AC) pavement is used, we recommend a full depth AC section having a minimum total thickness of 5.0 inches for automobile parking areas and 6.5 inches for drive lanes receiving light to medium size trucks. A minimum surface course thickness of 2 inches is recommended for AC pavements. The AC surface course should conform to Type D and the base course should conform to Type A or B in Item 340 of the TxDOT Standard Specifications. The coarse aggregate in the surface course should be crushed limestone rather than gravel. The subgrade for all AC pavements should be lime-treated as described below. If Portland cement concrete (PCC) is used, a minimum thickness of 5 five inches is recommended for parking areas for automobiles and light trucks, and 6 inches for drive lanes and areas subjected to light to medium truck traffic. A minimum 7-inch section is recommended in areas receiving frequent heavy trucks and dumpsters. Concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,500 pounds per square inch should be used. Lime treatment of the subgrade is recommended. Water can be introduced beneath the pavement through granular materials used for aggregate bases and utility line embedment, and can cause differential movement in the pavement. Aggregate base or a granular leveling course should not be used beneath pavements, and all utilities should have clay plugs substituted for granular embedment material at the edges of the pavement to reduce the risk of moisture access and possible swelling. Pavement Subgrade Preparation All topsoil, vegetation, and any unsuitable materials should be removed. Fill material should be removed, reworked, and recompacted with controlled density and moisture following the procedures outlined in the section entitled "Recommendations for the Placement of Controlled Earth Fill". The pavement subgrade should be proofrolled with a fully loaded tandem axle dump truck or similar pneumatic-tire equipment to locate areas of loose subgrade. In areas to be cut, the proofroll should be performed after the final grade is established. In areas to be filled, the proofroll should be performed prior to placement of engineered fill. Areas of loose or soft subgrade encountered in the proofroll should be removed and replaced with engineered fill, or moisture conditioned (dried or wetted, as needed) and compacted in place. Project No. 02·5967 Page 9 The existing soils are plastic and can undergo some volume change when subjected to moisture variations. If the moisture contents of these upper soils reduce, they may shrink and cracks may develop. If the moisture content of these materials increases, they could swell and lose strength. Shrinkage, swelling, or strength loss could be detrimental to the proper function of the pavement. Lime treatment of clay subgrade is recommended to provide more uniform subgrade support and improve these soils's strength characteristics. We recommend a minimum of 6 percent lime (by dry soil weight) to a depth of 6 inches. Lime stabilization should be performed in accordance with ltam 260, current Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) or applicable standards. It is not necessary to lime treat pavement subgrade that consists of limestone. Grading and compaction of pavement subgrade should follow the procedures outlined in the section entitled "Recommendations for the Placement of Controlled Earth Fill". The final grades must be such that drainage is facilitated, and access of surface water to the subgrade materials is i I prevented. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF CONTROLLED EARTH FILL Site Grading Site grading operations, where required, should be performed in accordance with the recommendations provided in this report. The site grading plans and construction should strive to achieve positive drainage around all sides of the proposed structures. Inadequate drainage around structures built on-grade could cause excessive vertical differential movements to occur. Preparation of Site Preparation of the site for construction operations should include the removal and proper disposal of all obstructions that would hinder preparation of the site for construction. These obstructions include (but are not limited to) all abandoned structures, foundations, debris, water wells, septic tanks and loose material. It is the intent of these recommendations to provide for the removal and disposal of all obstructions not specifically provided for elsewhere by the plans and specifications. Projecl No. 02·5967 Page 10 RoneEnglneers i!i!iiiiiii"'A LEIGH COMPANY All concrete. trees. stumps. brush. abandoned structures. roots, vegetation. rubbish and any other undesirable matter should be properly removed and disposed of. All vegetation should be removed and the exposed surface should be scarified to an additional depth of at least 6 inches. It is the intent of these recommendations to provide a loose surface with no features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. All areas to be filled should be disced or bladed until uniform and free from large clods. Clay subgrade soils should be brought to a moisture content between optimum and 4 percentage points above the optimum mOisture value. The subgrade should be compacted to between 95 and 100 percent of optimum density in accordance with ASTM D 698. Subgrade preparation in the building area should conform to the requirements contained in the "Floor Systems" section of this report. Fill Materials Any fill used in building areas should consist of non-expansive select fill as previously described in the "Floor Slab" section of this report. Materials to be used for general site fill should consist of on-site material approved by the Soils Engineer. Imported fill should have a liquid limit less than 50. and should be approved by the Soils Engineer. There should be no roots. vegetation or any other undesirable matter in the soil. and no rocks larger than 4 inches in diameter. The fill material should be placed in level. uniform layers. which, when compacted. should have a moisture content and density conforming to the stipulations called for herein. Each layer should be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to provide the uniformity of the layer. The fill thickness should not exceed 10-inch loose lifts. Prior to and in conjunction with the compacting operation. each layer should be brought to the proper moisture content as determined by ASTM D 698. Clay soils should be brought to a moisture content between optimum and 4 percentage points above the optimum moisture value. The fill should be compacted to between 95 and 100 percent of optimum density in accordance with ASTM D698. Project No. 02·5967 Page 11 Density Tests Field Density tests should be made by the Soils Engineer or his representative. Density tests should be taken in each layer of the compacted material below the disturbed surface. If the materials fail to meet the density specified, the course should be reworked as necessary to obtain the specified compaction. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS In any geotechnical investigation, the design recommendations are based on a limited amount of information about the subsurface conditions. In the analysis, the geotechnical engineer must assume the subsurface conditions are similar to the conditions encountered in the borings. However, during construction quite often anomalies in the subsurface conditions are revealed. Therefore, it is recommended that Rone Engineers, Inc. be retained to observe earthwork and foundation installation and perform materials evaluation and testing during the construction phase of the project. This enables the geotechnical engineer to stay abreast of the project and to be readily available to evaluate unanticipated conditions, to conduct additional tests if required and, when necessary, to recommend alternative solutions to unanticipated conditions. Until these construction phase services are performed by the project geotechnical engineer, the recommendations contained in this report on such items as final foundation bearing elevations, final depth of undercut of expansive soils for non-expansive earth fill pads, and other such subsurfacerelated recommendations should be considered as preliminary. It is proposed that construction phase observation and materials testing commence by the project geotechnical engineer at the outset of the project. Experience has shown that the most suitable method for procuring these services is for the owner to contract directly with the project geotechnical engineer. This results in a clear, direct line of communication between the owner and the owner's design engineers, and the geotechnical engineer. REPORT CLOSURE The locations and elevations of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used in their determination. The boring logs shown in this report contain information related to the types of soil encountered at specific locations and times and show lines delineating the interface between these materials. The logs also contain our field representative's Project No. 02-5967 Page 12 interpretation of conditions that are believed to exist in those depth intervals between the actual sample taken. Therefore, these boring logs contain both factual and interpretive information. Laboratory soil classification tests also were performed on samples from selected depths in the borings. The results of these tests, along with visual-manual procedures, were used to generally classify each stratum. Therefore, it would be understood that the classification data on the logs of borings represents visual estimates of classifications for those portions of each stratum on which the full range of laboratory soil classification tests were not performed. It is not implied that these logs are representative of subsurface conditions at other locations and times. With regard to groundwater conditions, this report presents data on groundwater levels as they were observed during the course of the field work. In particular, water level readings have been made in the borings at the times and under conditions stated stated in the text of the report and on the boring logs. It should be noted that fluctuations in the level of the ground-water table could occur with passage of time due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors. Also, this report does not include quantitative information on rates of flow of ground water into excavations, on pumping capacities necessary to dewater the excavations, or on methods of dewatering excavations. Unanticipated soil conditions at a construction site are commonly encountered and cannot be fully predicted by mere soil samples, test borings or test pits. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made by the owner to attain a properly designed and constructed project. Therefore, provision for some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra cost. The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they existed at the time of the field investigation and further on the assumption that the exploratory borings are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site; that is, the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed by the borings at the time they were completed. If during construction, different subsurface conditions from those encountered in our borings are observed, or appear to be present in excavations, we must be advised promptly so that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations where necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between submission of this report and the start of the work at the site, if conditions have changed due either to natural causes or to construction operations at or adjacent to the site, or if structure locations, structural Project No. 02·5967 Page 13 ;,;R~oniiiei"iE~ng'ineers A~ LEIGH COMPANY loads or finish grades are changed, we urge that we be promptly informed and retained to review our report to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations, considering the changed conditions and/or time lapse. Further, it is urged that Rone Engineers, Inc. be retained to review those portions of the plans and specifications for this particular projecl that pertain to earthwork and foundations as a means to determine whether the plans and specifications are consistent with the recommendations contained in this report. In addition, we are available to observe construction, particularly the compaction of structural fill, or backfill and the construction of foundations as recommended in the report. and such other field observations as might be necessary. The scope of our services did not include any environmental assessment or investigation for the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic materials in the soil. surface water, ground water or air, on or below or around the site. This report has been prepared for use in developing an overall design concept. Paragraphs, statements, test results, boring logs, diagrams. etc. should not be taken out of context and should not be utilized without a knowledge and awareness of their intent within the overall concept of this report. The reproduction of this report, or any part thereof, supplied to persons other than the owner, should indicate that this study was made for design purposes only and that verification of the subsurface conditions for purposes of determining difficulty of excavation, trafficability, etc. are responsibilities ofthe contractor. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Town of Addison and its designated agents for specific application to design of this project. We have used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions by reputable members of our profession praCticing in the same or similar locality. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made or intended. Project No. 0202·5967 Page 14 .Rion.e.Eiingineers ~ lilA LEIGH COM PANY l> ""III Z I, . -... ~ . ,,~ :;' >< l> '" ~ .. PROPOSED MULTI·PURPOSE ARTS PROPOSED PROPOSED & CULTURAL CENTER RESTROOMS PROPOSED WEST GARDEN ADDISON CIRCLE DRIVE PAVILION COURTS L ~:::::::::=S=8-5==::=~~~~-~~ l ~Jl ~=========~ ,---------11 8-4 .0 ~ 8-7 8-10 ~ S S ~ :to. ~ 8-8 ~ 8-9 tI tI ~ROPOSED .~... iii S STAGE ~ ~ 8-14 ~\ S :Ii S 8-11 '" ~~RA S S7: "CI -S 8-13 tI r-\ 8-12 "" PLATEA.1 Ron e E n i.i.nllllllelllllle.r.s PLAN OF BORINGS A LEl(3H C:UM,..ANJ' ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT ADDISON, TEXAS N • o 200 400 ! ; ! .:l\J/"\L1:: IN FEET PROJECT NO.: 02-5967.00 ALE NAME: 025967.DWG DAAWlNGBY: OAF I DATE: 02/05/02 REVISED BY: DATE: APPROVED BY: 0'" DATE: 02/05/02 I80oogB:'1 Project 02-5967 Arts & Events District Water A""', Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drUUng IDepth O,~I 1Date' 1-25-02 1Surface 1 . Type N/A I flil!ht aUl!er ~..., uE" UJ SS £'g -U> 5:9 "8 0 II: .,~ 1l...J :::> '" c~.AY, dark to light brown. ,.U '2 25 271 25 --limestone fragments ! 1.0 27 ----,CLAY. tan, WllaD seams ~, 10011.25' -! , ..L gray --I --i --I -...L• 100/0,5" -,.~ ,I, ~ • ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 Plate A.2 rrOJ;~;967 IBOrinBIi:'z Project Arts & Events District .... Water " Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling IDepth 10.0' IDa., 1-25-02 ! Surtace Type I I l N/A Continuous Ilight auger '8£ .t :1 Ij I~ ... S g it : i 11 i .,. "l5 . ~ ~it GlMC': 0 Stratum Description !i Ii of!. ~ /:'= ""~' Q , :ift 6!! OIl ' U.-g ~' . . . 'Ii:'" 'Ii: ~ ce !:n t-Q.. : -. oE" :", . ~. a..o : IV IE ta"CI -5:"9 "8 0 '" I' -a.....1 D-..c_: ::> !l. ~light brown, , ,nodUles & 2.5 43 --tan, •clay , : --I layers i II , " , 1-' -L 1-lM&> tv"", gray -I -i I --I I~'I : 1100/0,75', -I , N ~ : .~.,. "! iii ~ "0 §, : i , I LOG OF BORING NO, B-2 PlateA.3 ProiootNo. "onnSH:'3 • Project 02-5967 I Arts & District A""" , Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling I Depth Date' 1-25-02 : 20.0' ISurhce : Type ! . I I ! N/A Continuousfli2htau2er H.c 8g 0 Ii IIII !~ Il.._ ~ :~ Ii"" cU: t <;>:!<;>:! ; "#" ..,0· u.. G)0 a Stratum Description E.g ~ ... .:, i:' . ",, => ... "'\AY, ."ark~o "8'" brown, ,nodules/il; 35 69 27 42 34 -agments i : --145+ I 20 ! --i CLAY, tan, w/tan seams -14.5+ . 42 22 20 18 -;--: L1MJ<>it V"". tan, , ainy seams and -p: layers -~ : -p::IT :wwu.v" . : .i: ; --:r: --~ : , ; ::;:T gray 1100/I.2S· I --i :r: -:r: -=; ; -T " :r: ~ ! I § . i ; ~. WG OF BORING NO. B-3 PlateA.4 I ",~~____-,,~~~____~~~____________________________________________~oneE~i~ezi PmjecrNo, BanngNo. : PtQjeet -. 02·5967 B-4 Proposed Arts & Events District I Location I Water Observations Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling IDepth -ii-~ --;i-----llii~. ~I ~ --15.0' IDe.: 1-25.02 Surface . Il"l I ~ fI !I !I• N1A Type Continuousfli2htau~er Stratum Description ,nodules '" ; CLAY, tan. w/llln J LIMES1uN". gray ~ i LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 3.0 2.5 4.5+ i ! i i ! ! T/29 48 33 li4 , jot i 28 21 I I I i I I PlateA.5 I I no j:,"'e':;"... I UV"""B:5 Project Arts & Events water V~< '., Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling , Depth 3.0' IDat' 1-25-02 • Surface : Type ' '"'' I ! ! • N/A ! Continuous flij!ht auger : g-g g Ii IJ i !~ u.._ 'N cit i 'lI'lI '0 'if!. .J. .., <> • ~~ 'z 1l:1i: OJ u; tr Stratum Description ! .2.2 C»~ ~ 0 ~ ~~ c: mUl : 0 ;J!. altO c .. : Q o~ (j 1j:G10l: , , -I'll ..... "' ..... '" 1i! o!,1 oc 1Q... "c: , 0 1-"III ':::1"''" ~ . W <>'0 L .2".5 .!!.5 .!! i! -Cm:.c co &0~ , '" 0)1a. en ..J -' a....J 0.._ ::;)...J ::;) <>. I Cl:AY, dark"to light brown, , !iiOdul"" &. 35 ---14 .,+ -L ' tan -~ : : ! : ! § , : i i ~. LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Plate A.6 : , I I I , I I I .,1 I I ! ; ! I I I I Project Arts & Events ILocation H'_ Texas '.uu... Groundwater was not encountered during drilling ~ ;S s ~. I Depth 2,0' Dn'" 1-25-02 Typ. Connnuous flight auger I ISurface: Nt A ~i '~~ I Stratum Description LOG OF BORING NO, B-6 : : I Plate A.7 co::==___--.===---r==-------------------------~neEngineers i Project No, Boring No. Project -.-: : 02-5967 B-10 Proposed Arts & Events District : Location : Water Observations 4""" Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling I Depth .0.0' 16~;;;',~" M I . SurlRce NtA Type t t1i!!:ht au!!:Cr • '8'5 it IiIi !~ ..... .5 8 ..r "" '" c ... .£i '0 iit! j.2 . '" H ·z *' ",," 0 Stratum Description ' Q~ ~.£i' i!if /:',; """, *' ii5ii5 *' I;::CJ"U$:' i !!!" 3l.r , , uo,o .a ce ilk'll :;:t:!':=~ w! Co" @...... ,,~ . . "'!II .lr.5 .. E. ~"':o8 -" uE~ ,,"0 :'0 ".Q "8 0 '" "' ... ........ it:::i I 5:.5::i => .... => ... CI;AY. dark !o . 3.0 -2.U : : -. --:CLAY.ta., • nodules 3.25 -5! : , -: --i --. ---1 n, i ! ! ! 5 • I i ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-10 Plate A.l1 . i ;h~'"' IProj::'!N:~,..~ I "anun:oll I Project Arts & Events District • Texas i Groundwater was not encountered during drilling ~ Depth 4.0' Date' 1-25-02 I Type NIA I tlillht aUller ! '8"' I Ii IiIi !~ ... ~ g ..; llll '" c ... -5 "#. """" . '" 0 • Q. ! ~o ~ ;:: ... ~ Iii 0' • Stratum Descriptiou ~: ,"#. ~ ~i c"'" Q lillil • ~~ ~:; '" ~ 7.; ! 'if'. ",0 i~i 0 , , i~ "2 c c." " t:~ il '5==: i I Be§ .e-.s -. I w l,fii l'i Co -c:"., coo a:; ",.-'-', -20 :::>-> :::>0 .. -CLAY' dark "' I limestone fragments 1 4 .,+ • : CLAY, tan,' , nodules 3.0 -• -tan I --= , i • ! ~ . I 1 I ! LOG OF BORING NO. B-U Plate A.12 • •rrojecu,o. IDOIUliC12 IProject Arts & ,.~. vv~ " • • Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling : . Depth 3.0' Date 1-25-02 I ISu-I Type ContinuouSlli2htau2Cr I ! ! NfA 8~ i .i Ii ! 0 cit Ii !~ Ili~ 0 .d '0" lil ... ., ,,0 . g. ;:;: Z • .i:> ll:u. Q) '0 CT Stratum Description .2,,9 ..lil fi ~~ c .. ~ '" all" 'if!.; o~ ~ ",,, #. " . 3.s ;:Q "~,, .. fa s:f; :1Ii.i!~ ::s:I1 :t:!'Ii :;~:: l.-.,J'': · )il(l' .!Ic §~" ITE'~S~i! -~ '" D.J ::>8£ I t;~Y, da,,!O lIght brown, 2.5 i -estone --3.5 i : -. ~ ! : : § ! : I I : , ~ LOG OF BORING NO. B-12 PlateA.13 i ., , Arts & Events District Water Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling , Depth 3.0' IDat' 1-25.02 I ISurfuce NIA Type ! Stratum Description M ~ ~ § ---i CL,AY. dark.to ligh •• brown, . limestone fragments , tan :nodule, & 3,5 4.0 , ! , , • ! , ! i I ~, LOG OF BORING NO. B-13 Plate A.14 i IProject I Arts & Events District Location Water Ad'H.n, ,Texas Groundwater was not encountered during drilling IDepth 3.0' IDate 1-25-02 Surtace Type N/A I f1iJ!ht aue:er Stratum Description , tan ,nodules & 1 2.75 :1 : 2.5 I : i ~: LOG OF BORING NO. R-U Plate A.IS I Major Divisions :~: Typical Names Laboratory Classification Criteria .r---.----r----~~--------------~--------,_------------------------~ ~ Weil-graded gravels, gravel-: ~ Do. .!!l ~ GW sand mixtures, little or no ~ Cu= -greaterthan4: between 1 and 3 ~ ~ fines g D.. c me ¥ ~u ~:: ;~'~ .~!l E~ Poorly graded gravels,l"'1,r :-:n,I A-'!, 'i..i. ?UJi :V:J:i .~ Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW lJ) _ fines: ~ 0..-U 16 ~.::: ~ ();J, GP sand mixtures, little or no ! :i:' <1l <1l ., "~~f---l--l------------' !l1 (!) (!) ,oo"J_________.,-_______-I ~~8"" U k_ i ,.~ !'!i'h OM 'H"'''~~:k'''''!I! ',:~,: ~i-i_L_i~_~_~_~W_:_:_~_~~_I~_~_~_~_~4_1~_~_':t_s_ii ~~~!§F !f!, .£l ; -il .~ 15 CI I I d"-'" _ Liquid and Plastic limits requiring use of dual g -::: ~ ~ a GC ayey grave s, grave -san -I:; ci i j., above "A" line with P.I. '0 ., ::i1 (!) Q. clay mixtures 'iii Z ',' ,:,§ symbols:g ~ « 0> c :: Q) greater than 7 i '!!!:!2 I----I----i----I------------' E .5 i i 'Ei------------'---------_i %' ~!! "' Well-graded sands, gravelly i ~ ~ i i -!l! ~ .~' ,;; ,;; '" below "A" line or P.I. less Liquid and plastiC limits E !:!:::: C JS e ""'''':1 . Q) ~ W! ,...., th 4 '" m .c '" ~ , " gJ, _ lil 0 ": an plotting between 4 and 7 -=:5:t:: : _ ;t; ...J "'I::: ",'" ----------i -." .!l :(!fJ! /---I------------j 0CD. -"" "" r are borderline cases S Y).g~ ~.rQ Liquid and Plastic limits requiring use of dual e ~ .~ Clayey sands, sand-clay i! , above "A" line with p,l. symbols ~ <1l 1 sc mixtures ~. greater than 7 Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly /. CL clays, sandy clays, silty I clays, and lean clays V CH ~,~a,...~ silts and organic silty OL clays of low plasticity II I---------+-+------------I~,:.,., i Inorganic slits, micaceous or I"l,"';'I--1'--1--1--t---l---,r-+--+--t--i MH diatomaceous fine sandy or V' H" A MH Silty soils, elastic silts •.;; , 0, .. ~ , CL /v Inorganic clays of high , CH plasticlly, fat clays V ~~.~'7fML'~dOL Organic clays of medium to o Inorganic silts and very fine , sands, rock flour, silly or ML clayey fine sands, or clayey silts with slight plasticity 1 I: OH PI , SOILCI high plasticity, organic silts Peat and other :h.".I'",g-"h,yly orga,nlicl soils t'i\TION ;:on. I t:M 010203040 SO Uquid Urnlt 60 PlastiCity Chart 70 80 90 100 i Plate A.161 OR ROCK TYPES Shelby Tube Auger Spilt Spoon DESCRIBING CONSISTENCY, CONDITION, AND STRUCTURE OF SOIL Fine Grained Soils (Morothan 50% Passing No. 200 Sieve) I Descriptive Item Penetrometer Reading, (tst) . Soft 0.0 to 1.0 Firm 1.0 to 1.5 Stiff 1.5 to 3.0 Very Stiff 3.0 to 4.5 Hard 4.5+ Rock Coro Cone No Pen Recovery (More than 50% Retained on No. 200 Sieve) Penetration Resistance Descriptive Item Relative Density (blows/foot) Ot04 Very Loose Ot020% 4 to 10 Loose 20 to 40% 10 to 30 Medium Dense 40 to 70% 30 to 50 Dense 70 to 90% Over 50 Very Dense 90 to 100% 'Very Hard Cannot be scratched with knife IpoorlYCemented or Friable Easily crumbled ISOil Structure 'Calcareous 'Slickensided ILaminated ,Fissured Contains appreciable deposits of calcium carbonate; generally nodular Having Inclined planes of weakness that are slick and glossy in appearance Composed of th In layers of varying color or texture Containing cracks, sometimes filled with fine sand or slit • Interbedded Composed of alternate layers of different soil types, usually in approximately equal proportions [TERMS DESCRIBING PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCK , IHardness and Degree of Cementation . ,Very Soft or Plastic Can be remolded in hand; corresponds In consistency up to very stiff in solis ISoft Can be scratched with fingernail IModeratelY Hard Can be scratched easily with knife; cannot be scratched with fingernail Hard Difficult to scratch with knife ,Cemented Bound together by chemically precipitated material; Quartz, calcite, dolomite, siderite, and iron oxide are common cementing materials. Degree of Weathering Unweathered Slightly Weathered Weathered Extremely Weathered Rock in its natural state before being exposed to atmospheric agents Noted predominanlly by color change with no disintegrated zones Complete color change with zones of slightly decomposed rock Complete color change with conSistency, texture, and general appearance approaching soil KEY TO CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS Plate A.17 FIELD OPERATIONS Subsurface conditions were defined by 14 sample borings located as shown on the Boring Location Diagram, Plate A.1. The borings were drilled at locations staked in the field by Rone. The borings were advanced between sample intervals using continuous flight auger drilling procedures. The results of each boring are shown graphically on the Logs of Borings, Plates A.2 through A.15. Sample depth, description, and soil classification based on the Unified Soil Classification System are shown on the Logs of Borings. Keys to the symbols and terms used on the Logs of BOrings are presented on Plates A.16 and A.17. Relatively undisturbed samples of cohesive soils were obtained with Shelby tube samplers in general accordance with ASTM D-1587 at the locelions shown on the logs of boring. The Shelby tube sampler consists of a thin-walled steel tube with a sharp cutting edge connected to a head equipped with a ball valve threaded for rod connection. The tube is pushed into the undisturbed soils by the hydraulic pulldown of the drilling rig. The soil specimens were extruded from the tube in the field, logged, tested for consistency with a hand penetrometer, sealed, and packaged to maintain "In situ" moisture content. The consistency of cohesive soil samples was evaluated in the field using a calibrated hand penetrometer. In this test a 0.25-lnch diameter piston is pushed into the undisturbed sample at a constant rate to a depth of 0.25-inch. The results of these tests are tabulated at respective sample depths on the logs. When the capacity of the penetrometer is exceeded, the value is tabulated as 4.5+. To evaluate the consistency of the limestone encountered, a modified version of the Texas Cone Penetration test was performed at selected locations. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Test Method Tex-132-E specifies driving a 3-inch diameter cone with a 17O-pound hammer freely falling 24 inches. This results in 340 foot-pounds of energy for each blow. This method was modified by utilizing a 140-pound hammer freely falling 30 inches. This results in 350 foot-pounds of energy for each hammer blow. In relatively soft materials, the penetrometer cone is driven 1 foot and the number of blows required for each 6-inch penetration Is tabulated at respected test depths, as blows per 6 inches on the log. In hard materials (rock or rock-like), the penetrometer cone Is driven with the resulting penetrations, in inches, recorded for the first and second 50 blows, a total of 100 blows. The penetration for the total 100 blows is recorded at the respective testing depths on the boring logs. B·1 Groundwater observations during and after completion of the bOring are shown on the upper right of the boring log. Upon completion of the boring. the boreholes were backfilled from the top and plugged at the surface. B·1 LABORATORY TESTING General Laboratory tests were performed to define pertinent engineering characteristics of the soils encountered. The laboratory tests included moisture content. Atterberg limits determinations. dry unit weight, free swell, and visual classification. . 1 Classification Tests ! Classification of soils was verified by natural moisture content determination and Atterberg limits determinations. These tests were performed in general accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Procedures. The Atterberg limits determinations and natural moisture content are presented at the respective sample depths on the Logs of Boring. Free Swell Tests Selected samples of the near-surface cohesive soils were subjected to free swell tests. In the free swell test, a sample is placed in a consolidometer and subjected to the estimated overburden pressure. The sample is then inundated with water and allowed to swell. Moisture contents are determined both before and after completion of the test. Test results are recorded as the percent swell, with initial and final moisture content. Free swell test results are presented on Plale A.18. B·2