z 9 9?2 386 8985 P. 131/04GRIFFITH & NIXON $'L...h/l,.,....c. i3~ ~GlID'FlTII & NIXON A Professional Cotponuion ,~ ATTORNEYS 8r. CoIJNSELORS 'A.~ ,lin, .One Lincoln Centre Teleplwne: (972) 386-8988 5400 LBI Freeway, Suite 1025 Fa(:Simile: (972) 3116-8985 Dallas, Tems 7'240 WWW.pii.li1hllil(.on.1lOlII FACSIMILE No. ofPages with Cover Sheet: 12010 Date: Tuesday, May 03, 200S To: LmyJohnson Company: Cowles 8r. Thompson Fax No: (2]4) 672-2020 Phone No.: (214) 672-2000 From: Michael S. Nixon CIM: AbstractIStnmd SentBy': carey Brown Comments: Please see following letter oftoday's date. GRIFFITH & NIXON 972 386 8985 P. 02/04 GRIFFITH & NIXON A Pro~alCo",,,,,,"!)" ArrORNEYS &: COUNSELORS One Uncoln Centre 5400 LBJ Freeway. Suite 1025 Telephone: 972.386.8988 Facsimile: 972.386.8985 Dallas. Texas 75240 www.grlffithnixon.com May3,2005 VIA FACSIMiLe (214) 672-2020 Mr. larry Johnson Cowles & Thompson 901 Main Street, suite 4000 Dallas, Texas 75202 re: Town of Addison Addison arts & events district Festival Way Reconstruction DearLarly. Attached is a copy of the correspondence which I received last night from Elizann Carroll in response to the Town of Addison's ("lOA' proposal for remedial work to Festival way. As reflected in Ms. Carroll's Jetter of May 2, 2005, Strand &Associates ("Strand") and NAS Surety Group have essentially agreed to TOA's settlement proposal subject to some minor modifications. I realize at least of the issues raised in Ms. Carroll's letter Involves a subcontractor of Abstract Construction Company which Is of no COl'll:lem to the TOA. Please give me a call after you have had an opportunity to discuss Strand's proposal with your client. Your continued assistance and cooperation in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated. Very truly YOUi'll, \ ~~~ill\ ci MSN/cb enclosure 00; Mr. James Tumer (via facsimile (469) 385-9757) Mr. Chris Robinson (via facsimile (469) 3S!)"9753) ':112 386 8985 P. ro/04GRIFFIn; 8. NIXON , JUNI!AU, BOLL a WARD A'fTiIlIHIliTt 4,,0 COU ....LO ... • ' ••'If........ &'1.'''.......I..n., c....... I SSO.· SPECTRUM DRIVE, 8UIY. aoo AIIDIIJON, TIXAS 75001-48•• ElotZ...,." CARROLL TIIJ.IIPHDHII: £¢L L .......M.aui!DIf mr-(liI7al ....n.3 .,-. (17111'."'"1. May2,100S VIA FUcm) 38H9IS Mr. MichaelS. NOOIn' J t?-S(JmJ V'~~V'~GftiPPmr"NIxoN ,One LinColn CI'lIIIxe 54(10 LBIFieeway, Suite I02S --(J~~ J.V'QW!~"fcJDallat, Texas 75240 ~ ~~I' Re: AddillOD Arts "Eva:ds Dislrict Festival Way RcconstnII:tion DearMike: Aslmentionc:diDourconversat ionlast'I'lniaday, we havoreviewc:dthcTownofAddison'll propoaltbrrepairstoFetitivalWay. Weundt.rstandtheTown'llscopeofwotktobethefoUowiDg: 1.)CUzb 1DIets: Remove and Replace eight (8) carb.inl.etll a.pprox:lma1cly17'It " ~ 2.)PavedAnla: Removo8l1liItcp_approximaleJyaSex24'soctionofc:Oocseteroadway 3.) Paved Area; Remove and :Replace approxima.te!y a 3O'x 2S* ofconwell) roadway . 4.)PavedArea: RemovolllldReplacell.PP"'xinJRtolya31'x1l'SICtionofcotll.':rdelOlldway S.) RoutISea1: ,NoI!lfim:Dalionavailable for estimated qWllltitiet;. thoush weeistimatetotal cost of$2.OOO-I3,ooo. 6,) Striping or~Control EJ.emcms: Information is not aVililabltt at Ibis time. To be tIIJI:e we are ctear, we ~used the tbllowiDg earimates: 1.) Approximate concreta roadway SIl1'f'ice to be Rlplaced: 2745 sq. ft.; 2.) A~2S1liDearfeet ofcurb; and . 3.} Forinlets, approxirutely27 teet longby 3feet wide by eight (8) InletSlt BiD.cbmi thick on a\'CI'a&C 1br a.tCta1648Iiq. ft. IfourUIldentaDdiDg ofthcTown'sproposal as to the conc:rete workis conoct. SIlaDd andits surety accept the Tawn's proposal, Il!bjeetto the Co!:tdition setfonh inmy letlllrofMarch21; 2005 to you, specific:a1ly, our)mlp08ll1 that anymomes paid to the Tawn be paid byothlno notablyCaIbar, who simes n!IIpO%lSibility 1briSSlltS with Festival Way. We alm belilWe that CaIhar should plllticipatc in the tepaiN, to the oxtcm the work will require that the iDlets be re-set. Strand does DIll have !be oxplll'lisc or r=l~to UIIIierIaIre tIIat WOIk. The fait that Calbar.bas cbosen not to liveup to its 972 3B6 8985 P.04/04GRIFFITH & NIXON • JUNEAU•.BOLL ItWARD . "'t'faaN.Y. AItD CO" •••La•• Mr.NImD. Miy2,2005hee2 . COIIIraCtWIlobliptialls. wbile Stnuadhas.sbOWdrwtIlll1lltinCalharDOtbearingits shatoofthecost .and reIpOnsibility. In your 1r:U=' ofMarch 24, 2005, you sugpsted. aproposal ibrthe release ofmttliMge and we CWinlyare agreeable to that proposal. Finally, as I indicated in myNan:b 231otter. numbcm 1-6, 8 aDd 9 in the outline of an agreement prepill'Cd by the Town. at day 2 orthe medialion are acceptable to Stnmd. While wt.pm'iOlllly Clq!I.'CIIBIld resezyationut Strand undcrtaIdIIg"II,we believe that Strand is tho lppIopdate <:OnII:actor to complete these tepain. Sttand is hiahIy ttIOtivatId to do ql1II1ity work In a timely nurnuer UDder the Town and Abstract's supmrisicm. As)'Ou and. I both know, c:omp1ction IICD11:actol1 gtIIIClBIlyllbargc signifigantlymore money forwork lIJld, in order to make this settlement 6nandalI.y possible for Strand, S1rand will need to pc:r.fonn the work. As indicak:d in GuantiIII1 Group's priorreport, we beliwe tho cIusc! ofthe cractins DOted by the Town is due to ititptopc:r ofinsufiicient soils.prepamion. 'Ihe soils preparation is not part ofSmmd's acopeofwmk and we do not believe SlIand should be responsible lbrthollcrepaks. as we believethat the cracldng1rill continue. Strand C/IIII1Ot taIce on such on on-goingwanantyissue, as the causcoflhec:ntcki.Dgis not due to StnI:Id~s WIirlanansbip. . We believe the parties are very close to • moJution of this matl:\;i" and we app:reeiatl:l Abstract'aass!stanceandllOOperationindoingso. If)'OIl~quostionsrepnlingthellbovO.please feel free to cdl me.· TrrTAi P.~ JAMES F. DUFFY September 11, 2003 Mr. Craig Gaussiran Via Email Project Manager Original via USPS Abstract Construction 11157 Ables Lane Dallas, TX 75'229 Re: Addison Arts & Events District Paving grades Dear Craig: I am in receipt of the undated letter from Benchmark Group of Texas, Inc., Land Surveyors, stating that as of August 21, 2003, the grades on Festival Way "substantially conform" to the grading plan. This letter was hand delivered to me during our progress meeting on September 10, 2003. This letter is apparently a response to my August I, 2003, letter concerning Festival Way Construction. My letter contains a request for certain specific information about Festival Way as well as the sidewalks constructed under your contract with the Town of Addison. Those requests are not met in the Benchmark letter. We have waited 41 days for the information requested and still do not have it The Benchmark letter is not an acceptable response to our requests and concerns. Please take immediate steps provide all the information requested in my August 1 letter and do so in an expeditious manner. Regards, Jim Duffy cc: Steve Chutchian 3887 RIDGllLAKE COURT' ADDISON, TX • 75001 PHONE: 972241.2816' FAX: 972406.1146 jFDGROUP@FLASH.NET Steve Chutchian From: Jim Pierce Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 4:35 PM To: Carmen Moran Cc: Slade strickland; David Wilde; Steve Chutchian; Jim Duffy (E-mail) Subject: Event Site Fountain Vault Carmen: My comments on the vault "walk through": Hatch safety catch broken off It is not easy to enter the vault. Suggest a ladder extension be fabricated that operator could use when entering. Variable speed drives need to be moved away from being under the hatch. No breaker for the eyewash heater No pulling lugs Lots of labeling needed on equipment, piping, valves Leak through wall by irrigation pump. Irrigation pump housekeeping pad skimpy, nameplate data lacking. Water garden filter difficult to access I do not care for the grating type housekeeping pads. Difficult to clean under especially where the grating is within a containment area. Jim Pierce, P.E. ASSistant PubliC Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 1 -2-September 12, 2003 Dave dough Carmen Moran Dave Wilde BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave., 11220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 JOHN w. BIRKHOFF, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E, GARY C. HENDRlCKS, P.E. IOE R. CARTER, P.E. PAUL A. CARLINE. P.E. MATT HICKEY. P.E. DOUGLAS 1(. SHOWERS, P.E ROSS L. JACOBS, P,E. 1. C. FLNKLEA, P.E. October 16, 2002 75001-9010 Ms. Cannen Mor JAlfrununity Services Re: Addison Arts and Events District Dear Ms. Moran: As requested by Mr. Steve Chutchian, e are enclosing one half-size paper copy, 18 full-size paper copies and one full-size Mylar copy of the Replat for the Addison Arts and Events District. These documents have been revised to include the utility easements needed in Block 1. Please give me a call if you have questions concerning the replat Sincerely yours, ~ Ronald V. Conway, P.E. -V ~closures ~~; Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. (with one copy of each size replat) -------ADDISON CIRCLE S 89'49'12" E -878.43' s j ~----'tll.2arI I I I I I I I I I I I 'M, I I BLOCK 1 I I 9.56 AD. 4J::::I I i?: I ADDISON ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT a I :!i 18.03 Ac, o ., '00 '50 HORIZONTAl ll!:ji! I I G.W. FISHER SURVEY :;: ABSTRACT No. 482 ~ Iml ;:,Cl a::I!< I 0~I 151 ;:,tl:: I I 0I IZ I Io (/) I Cl Cl « FESTIVAL WAY BLOCK 3 3.28 AC. BLOCK 2 2.47 AC. N 02'51'22" 81.53 S 89'28'50" W -91.53' c-, C-2 .6. .. (1700'45-b. .. 48'13'09R .. 77f$,OJ' R .. I~.oo· T ...7,55' T .. 58.18' L .. '114.98' L -1CQ,4,'e..B. • S 88'lno· E CA .. S J4"46'2.6-It CD. • 94.92' CD, .. 1OU,' C-4 C-' A .. 05'\5'20" A • OI'3e"!il·R _ 1485.3:9'R ... t-4a5.3t'BROADWAY STREET T .. 6&1T T .. 21.Je' L .. lJ6.2!i' l .. 42,,71' c..a .. S IWU'Ja-W CS. .. S OO'STJO" w co. .. tJUG' CD... t2..11' REPLAT OF JULIAN ADOmON, lOTS 13-26, BLOCK A. LOTS 1-10, BLOCK B, LOTS 1-8, BLOCK C, LOTS 1-4, BLOCK D; ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE I ADDmON. LOT 1. BLOCK II; AND ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE ADOmON, LOT I, BLOCK F AS ADDISON ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT, BLOCKS 1-4 IN THE TOWN OF ADDISON, DALLAS CO., TEXAS G.W. FISHER SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. ,482 BIRKHOFF.. HENDRICKS &: CONWAY. LLP. CONSULTING ENGIN£ERS 1.502 CREDmU£ A~swn: un • QMUS, ~s1~'13' 11«.-36\-1900 1 OF 2 i!l ! ~ OWNE~SCERTIFICATE SElNG1!i Ired ('If lend' b::tad in !he G.W. Fi:stEtr Stney, IIbstrsc:t ttl 482 cC eeaasCotny, Texas, and I:lei.I'\J eeross ~~In Tha TDM d Adcison by deeds on file In Iha Oeed Rea:::rds d ~ Calrty, TeIQ!I$., said Ired~mae ~desaibedastoDows: eE.GlhNOO m. 1I2b:h it'Cfl rod WIh <:ap Il'Bted "BHC" se( f« • o:met", said WlUbeing the It1tnection"... __.... "_C>de(._.... _""""'....righI_..... ,, AI1Istr1 Road{a &HootWd$~; TrENCE S ast49'12" E. a dstn:e d 66922 feet along said SCUh ~-Myline-cC JIdcI.son Ci'de ard saidGS..foot ~toa 'X' bnd n corx:rnle at!he-end d ~~~ardthe begin'ing cC a a).foot Wde ~InI anntng S 89"49'12" E f« a foI3 dstIn::e d 87'8..43 f$el1O a 'X' bn:I In corx:rnlem apcintcl~: ~afonga a.ne (C-1}1O Iha rl!nWtfl a Iaciusd776.03 feet lI"d a dad beaing ct S 1!f118'5T E. m at:. dstIn::e cl94..98 feet along said sruh ~In d /IodIIs:OtI: Ci'd& to a 1f.Mnch iroo rod db: caprt'lRed"BHC"s:eI aapokt d~ ll£Ja S 82'1'48'27'" E'.. a dsbn::e d 71$ feet afong saki souCh ~1M ('If Id:::I$oo oo Ci'de to a 1f.l:.fttI: Iron rod \ftItb cap natr.ed "Btt set foe' a comer af the infEIsedi::ln d the W!I$l ~h of G.atml'lrMt (a~WIIh~a'Id sadsruh ~hd~Qrdo (M8O-foat--. nENCE In a lDI1herty ~ab'lQ a ~o.ne (C-2) to !he-IeftWlh a llidI.:$ d 130.00feet lIOd adDd~d S 3t'.c&'25" E. m fIl!(fstence d 109.41 feet to a 1rUxhIron rodbRIfor a a:mar, ll£Na:S atVz15" W, a dstanee of141.32feet ~Slid vest 1fgi-d-Yo8)' ine cl QI.Qun nM,a 1C& fcdv.ide~to8 1f2.irxtllron nxI"~naked"'BfCatapl ilCot ~ ll-ENCEak:rlg 8 CIJ'W (0.3) to the IeftWth a mdus of 1485.39 feetWlh &i dloP:I booriogofSo:f35'1ff W. m acdstBnced 178.96 _10a il2-b:tlltm rod ftuld a'Id being !he-poii'd. dtangency. TI-ENCE S 1X1'08'04-W, a dstln;:Q d 136.99 feet ~Slid ¥.eSt rIItk1I-My line d 0J0n.rn DM to 8 1fl..1nc:hfrOn rod bndfaracomer at the ~dlha north ~h dThaClet!e:$Aree ~ Tran!it (DART) (8 1(X)..foc(woo ~and sadWlStrli,ff-d-YRjdawturJ Dive; l1-ENCE S 6Ef45'00" W, a dis:tao:::» d671.79 feet aIoog said nort!t ~rIM d t:W{f1O a 112-h::h !roo rodv.i(h ~1'l'Ilried"BHC"f«I) /Xllt'leI'; TI-ENCE S 8!f'lf!fI1' W, adstIn::e d 00,68 feet aIoog the north ~line or ~Street (a 1Q. fool Wd& ~to a 1J2.ftt1: Iron rod bRI and o;;.ntiJl.ing S rHiJ!9T W far a tI::(;;i iistR:e d 159..68 feet 10 a %i1X:h 11m rodbnd f«a c;aner; ~N 1Xf1S'M' E, a dstanee ot 11Xi1Xlfeet10 'X' bnd in ccncreIefoe'a comer. n-Efta S '8S:f7J!9T IN. a dmrD ot 91.53 feet to a 1I2-b:tl irm rod Wth ~nakad "Btt set foe' a aomor, ll-£NCl: NSfJ'fSfD' W. a 4sta'Ice d 200.55 feet to 8 1124rdl1ron rod v.ith ~Imted '9C set for I) comerln lhamst ~'ltllZf1inedsaid~RoEw;i{af.lO..fixt Wde~ 1l-ENCE N at'51'22" W. a ~d 81.53 feet I!b'\J said east~..or:way rna d sad Ai:Ji$OO Road (8 f.lO..fixtWde rIgI't-of..Y.By) to a 11N'm Iron ftldWth cap marked "BHC' set pokt f« e a:mar, nEN::E N rxf2Sfh' e. a dstance of652.86 fOOl ~$aid east ~fine d sskt /!d.isa:I Road (8 f.lO..fixtWde rI!n~to !he PDWd ~1l\I.saldtradot I.!n:I ca1IsiOOg 785,432 scr.a-e feet (18,03 acres) dlcn1 ThaI .... T...... __ ro-oo..:kli$Qo,T~, -0, JUI..JAN REPLAT ADDITION, LOTS 13-26, BLOCK A, LOTS 1-10, BLOCK B, LOTS 1-8. BLOCK C, LOTS 1-4, BLOCK D: ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE I AIlIlI11ON, LOT 1. BLOCK A; AND ADDISON CIRCLE PHASE n ADDITION, LOT I, BLOCK F' AS ADDISON ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT BLOCKS 1-4 IN THE TOWN OF ADDISON, DAllAS CO.. TEXAS C.W. FISHER SURVEY ABSTRACT NO, 482 BlRKHOFF, HENDRICKS '" CONWAY. LLP. CONSUL.TING ENGrNEEf:I;S SHEEr 2 OF 2 ~----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------~~~~ FW: Addison Survey Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Duffy Ufdgroup@f1ash.nell Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 4:26 PM To: John Birkhoff Co: Steve Chutchian; Carmen Moran Subject: FW: Addison Survey John, Here is the email from Dave Clough I read to you on the phone today. Based on our conversation today, you feel you can respond to Sasaki's needs addressed in their January 15 memos as modified below and in our discussion. Perhaps except fur review ofthe utility drawings they are sending to you, the completion work is covered by your current contract. You will contact me with any additional services prior to doing any new work. Thanks for your help in getting this cleaned up and into the funn needed. JimDufiY 3887 Ridgelake Ct. Addison, TX 75001 972.241.2816 972.406.1146 fax 972.998.5078 mobile From: dclough@sasakicom Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:04:39 -0500 To: jfdgroup@flash.net Cc: aIward@sasaki.com, sebamwey@sasaki.com, modawson@sasaki.com, cmoran@ci.addison.tx.us Subject: Addison Survey Jim, I've taken taken anotber look at the CD we received with the "latest" information from John Birkhoff. Tbere is no label on it or tbe case it came in, otber than a notation on the disk tbat says "Addison Events District Tapa". There are 17 files On it, most dated mid-November '01 -there are a few other files from earlier too. Two ofthe files are large (3.35 megs) • one is titled "Master_with_ text.dwg" and the other is "Master_Update.dwg". Both are the same size, same date, so its confusing to know what infonnation is on what file, and it doesn't look like all the information from the other smaller files are included on the "Master" files either. It looks like some of these files contain the same information, so combining them would duplicate it. We need the final 2/5/02 FW: Addison Survey Page2of2 survey to be composited by the surveyor, with all the layers included and referenced so that its complete and correct. The final product should be one file, which could be sent on a CD. For electronic transmission purposes it could be broken into maybe 2 or 3 with Iinework in one, contours and spot grades in another, and trees and block elements on another, for example. We obviously can't, and shouldn't, do that. As I told you yesterday, at this point we don't have to have all the surrounding buildings and floor elevations since our work will be concentrated within the District boundaries, but we do need the otherinfurmation described on our memos ofJanuary 15. Please lei me know if other questions come up in pulling this together. Dave 215/02 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361·0204 Phone (214) 361·7900 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E. From: John W. Birkhoff, P.E. Date: January 28, 2002 Subject: Special Events District DRAFT GENERAL ITEM I. Vertical datum, control points and benchmark will be added to sheel. 2. A legend can be generated to the survey. 3. North arrow will be added to the survey. 4. Scale will be added to the survey. 5. Property lines will be provided as part of pIal. 6. Lot and parcel numbers will be provided as part of pial. 7. Additional surveys will be required to pick up each traffic button and roadway striping. 8. Offsite DART right-of-way width will be called oul. 9. Adjacent offsite roadway right-of-way widths will be called oul. It is our understanding a new roadway layout is being designed for onsite roadways. Existing onsite right-of-way widths can be called out. 10. Additional survey will be required to measure curb heights and widths. We propose to take shots every 50 feet around perimeter of site. 11. Additional surveys will be requested to identify landscape materials. Generally the site is grass. How far offsite is required to pick up different landscape materials? 12. How far beyond the site is required for building footprints, building heights and stair counts? Additional survey will be required. GENERAL CO~ENTS I. We can place border, title block and seal drawing. Our standard sheet size is 22" x 34". Architectural sheets are generally larger. What size sheet is required? 2. The last file sent is the most current. It was revised to provide previously requested information. 3. The drawing can be modified for large text which would fill sheet or the drawing divided into four quadrants and scaled so text is larger. Which is preferred? 4. The foot print of buildings on the site are complete. The area abutting the site is not. How far out from the site is required to be surveyed? GRADING 1. Additional surveys will be required to pick up spot elevations ofsidewalks, roadways and landscape areas (not grass). We propose shots every 100 feet. How far beyond site is required? 2. Finished floor elevations will require additional surveys. Currently have elevation at corner shots of buildings. How far offsite is required? 3. The location of the wall in question is requested so elevation shots can be taken. 4. During the survey to pick up width and height of curb, the gutter elevations will be shot. How far offsite is required? UTILITY ITEMS I. Flow lines for sanitary sewers and storm sewer inlets are shown in survey. 2. The Town's record drawings can provide this information. It is our understanding those drawings were provided to Sasaki from Public Works. We do not have those records. 3. Record drawings contain this information. Sasaki definition of high and low pressure is required so we may request information from the gas company. To our knowledge all gas lines are distribution lines. 4. A contractor will need to be contracted to dig up underground utilities. How far beyond the limits of the site is required? Dig Tess to our knowledge does not locate service lines. 5. What type of identification is being requested for valves, utility vaults, hydrants and other structures. We have not been provided record drawings to show known underground utilities. We have been told by Sasaki that they have these drawings. In In previous meeting, we have discussed the drawings and agreed to show those utilities if the record drawings are provided to us. An alternate was for Sasaki to place the utility on the drawings. As we discussed with Sasaki and Steve Chutchian it id not make sense for staff to locate all of its drawings again and print copies for us when the work has already been completed. Itwas our understanding that the electronic files provided ofthe topography would be utilized as the base drawings by Sasaki. This arrangement in our opinion, would allow Sasaki to break up scale and layer drawings as required for their project. FROM P. I JRN is 2002 10'46 FR~! ASSOCIATES (i} facsimile ... to_"l' fa"')jik~ "P""iect• ...........MittM"r S\-nO~lf~~ ~Th\~. {lJ~~.Z , FROM P,2 JRN 16 aIillil2 10: 40 FR SASI'lKI ASSOCIATES , J ....owy 15.2001 111.. Cmm.. Mo",,, Direttol ofDe¥e\opm... , S .... ic.. Town ofAddboJt '",00 \leIdhlt Road P. O. Bosl1010 AddUolt, TX 7S001.9011! Rr: Addi.con A..s &. E.6\t~'Dinria Final. ~ign . SA .14S)6.OO [)"'" c........." • $i,SAKI , ' SoooIdoooolN:. , 64 """""'" $oM< _~_1OC1.rJom Q2.472US4 The putpooe oftblr-lctwr ...<1 '~.am.;baimom"" is tv p",.idc1"U with OUf'lr:vKw comm~nl> ~the "!On '""cltt ....,,'" <1OndiUo.nuW'Vq ~'... l1IOeived f'ot rhi< projea. Si_....,"'" _Land ~n.~~,1IlIoWdQ.O(t>c oo/isldeteel COIIIfI-or flna~ it .1>0..1<1 ........... buIc for obtaiAIn$,~ _urwy rh!It indDd.. til. i~rion""""""IY for our offi"u"d "ilim ... 'oompitoe she Flcal Daitn1:R!cm; dMu: ....~in Mar, 2001. reduced me 'COp" or..orl< -"n pouticular IIOt iAdllCl.illfl cxiscillfllldli'l' info......tion. Thisilwituli.u Iect 10 she CIOIINlioll. We mily do .. eocI ch!:~to be,~rn,!... for:diilna. ~orwork; '.;.,d "';~i'd."lJiC , ,CltdoHd 111091 help 10 idellllfy !hc'fnlsIlng illn,.r:marion. Abo. ~Int"'wldbe compoai!<> usiIiill. itAy'oth'" 'I'I'Iiy. ' David CIo..p. ASIA Se"ior .AsSociIt.. Eodoml; SUJ'\II!!f.Rev,.,., Memo. Il!lz (lIlS/OZ) C", AlaJI Ward, SteW! Hamwll)' P.4 1-16-2002 4, 12AM FROM , JI'IN 16 ZOOZ 10'41 FR SASRK! ASSOCIATES 16179237Z20 TO ~19724S0?043--14 P.04/05", .,..._ 10.2001 "".. 2 Gmdinglt!!ms mill$ing froM MIMI)': 1. Spat ~along sidewolkt,·~and Iond_peeI area, 2. Rim 'ef~1iIot..,~ ~eeulility,SJMlv>ei . 3. f.lnish IIoor eIevollOns forbllilding. "nd $~ 4. Top ofwal! .. boIto\q of,;."u~~~· 5. Top ofcvil:i, boIrcM ofcutb'e~1\8 \bilily l!l!!nl ml$$lngltvm "'mI)'~ I. ·In"""~oio••lomI4tOi~.l2!Id·StlK!ion.1roIft illlols 10 iIIonn.drolnoge maIns 3. ldenlillca~ol'l 01 plp;..gfcirstorm droinQ94t·ond eonilOry _ $1'lllma (lIa,"fttOlvnal "nd i1il'llCliol'l of fIowl Gild 911' m eHC SU""'l' W" h_ """""",red ....6HC ""MIY wi'" lb. existing uIIIIly pION provided by !he TCIWll of Addltoll, ond hove idenli~ed llOmf on Ibe 8He ~th¢ may be miuing or .,...111.. "".,.,.. B,Iow I, 0 II" of our llnding<: 1. An S' &O~ilcl"f _'foi'ce moin Ioooted oMJI,ln 8roodwoy SIreet b no! shown . on !be SHe surwy. 2. The pipuizo 1Or1l>e S(Il'I\Imy __main inllliClft SIree! is 12" (rIOI8" 0$ shoWIIQ" the SHe 4UM!}'). . . 3. The pipil.lm for the sonitory s_moln Ilowlnll eolt beyond 8rcodwoy S!reet is 12" (nol S' 0$ "'-'n 09i \I". wiihir> AddilQn Rood should ......Iin... north ~ ~Cicla. The fIHC su""",, dces nOt dearly iclenfif'y !hi. line 01 poinll nMn 0I.Cft,,,, Stned. 5. A 24" (!ben upsIzed 10 301wmI cll'Oinog. bn81OCQIotd witltln Addiaon ClniIe is no! sI>own ~n....BMC """81.. 6. A 30" $IQIm·dramOs":t,..~.withln Quorum Road Is nol shown on ""' 8HCwrvty. . 7, . The BHe.lUI\'$)' cIoe$ nOllclentify !he Io!:o.on Y _rmain.in Addi$Q" elide;' 12""'''' S" .... she-on !be IHC """"rI. . . . II should be noMdlhOl1he inlonnOlion p.....ided by lite ToWn of Addison in\:\..idtd . cOI""ildlon ~ngi'end~lOr :I(I~_er spleml; !I_9toinoge,>",,-, end _ mains. It did net, h~,includ.CONIrvclion drl:rwings or o~.iI!$ for 90s molN, peiroI.ooins, eIec!,;.J·(lnts cir1lllophone linti ~._._no! oble 10 compono ,h. IiHC sut'riI)' sut'riI)' CJ9(Jin" infofmotioii fOr 1IIeM olbt!< utilil.... ** TOTAL PAGe. 0$ "'* Rone Engineers A LEIGH COMPANY • GEOTECHNICAL £NGINEERING to (;E01.0GICAL STUDIES • DISTRESS INVESTIGATIONS • PAVEMENT DeSIGN .. ADVANCED GEOTECHNICAL TESTING • fOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS • CONSTRUCTIOt4 MONITORIH'G CONSTRtrCltoN MATERIALS TESTING .. CONsTRUCTION 08SERVATION • CONCRETE TESTING • ASPHALT TESTING • SO'ILS TESTING .. PIER INSPECTION • POST TENSION INSPECTION • NO",,"O£STRUCT1V£ TESTING .. STRUCTURAL SnE!. INSPl!CTtON • SPECIAL TESTlNG DRfUING SERVICES • MONITOR WELL INSTAu.ATION • £NVIROHMfNTAL DRILL1NG • GEOTECHNICAL DRILLING PALLAS DAUAS. TEXAS 7SZ47 TELEPHONE 214...fS3()'914S 'ACStMILE 214·630-9819 FORTWORT"H 121 NORTH RAYNER STREET FORT WORTH, TEXAS 7611 S TEL.£PHOHE 8J7~831-6Z11 METRO 811~4z9'43za FACsiMILE 817-834-4833 January 15, 2002 Mr. Steve Chutchain Town of Addison 16801 West Grove Drive Addison, Texas 75001 PROPOSAL No. 02·3323 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED ARTS & EVENTS DISTRICT ADDISON, TEXAS Dear Mr. ChutChain: 110ne Engineers, Inc. (Rone) is pleased to offer this proposal for a geotechnical . investigation for the referenced project. We PI~paredjl1is~.prop()sal~based on information YOtI provided, and a site visit by Luke Jalbert from the Town of Addison and . Brian Rohr and Mark Gray with Rone. . We understand the Town of Addison, has selected Rone Engineers to perform engineering services based solely on our professional qualifications. We also understand the Town of Addison is currently negotiating work scope and fee only with Rone. The project is located east of Addison Road, south of Addison Circle drive and west of Quorum Drive in Addison, Texas. A railroad right-of-way defines the south property line; however, Clara Street is the southernmost point of the current phase of this investigation and currently planned development. We understand the project consists of constructing a new outdoor stage, multi-purpose arts and cultural center, a pavilion, public restrooms, garden courts, an outdoor stage and central lawn and garden areas with fountains and seating areas. FIELD FIELD INVESTIGATION Subsurface conditions will be evaluated with four borings drilled five feet into competent rock, or to a maximum depth of 25 feet below grade within the footprint area of the proposed restrooms, stage, multi-purpose center and pavilion. In addition, 10 borings will be drilled to a depth of 5 to 10 feet to determine depth to rock in the general use areas indicated on the site plan provided to Rone. Limestone in the area of the site is documented as shallow as 12 to 18 inches, to as much as 15 feet from existing grade. Town of Addison Proposal No. 02-3323 January 15, 2002 Page 2 Field personnel will drill the borings using truck-mounted equipment. Cohesive and non-cohesive soil samples will be obtained using three-inch diameter Shelby tube samplers (ASTM 0-1587) and two-inch diameter standard split-spoon samplers (ASTM 0-1586), respectively. In addition, rock encountered will be evaluated by use of the Texas Department of Transportalion cone penetration tests. Rock coring is not included in this scope of work. An engineering geologist or soils technician will extrude the samples in the field, check the samples for consistency with a hand penetrometer, carefully wrap them to preserve their condition, and return them to the laboratory for testing. A log of each boring will be prepared to document field activities and results. Rone will stake the boring locations using normal taping procedures. Locations will be shown on the plan of borings. Precise surveying of boring locations and elevations is not included in the cost estimate. These services may be provided upon request, at additional cost. At the completion of drilling operations, bore holes will be backfilled and plugged with soil cuttings. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION Laboratory tests will be required for classification purposes, to determine strength characteristics, and to evaluate both the short-and long-term deformation/swell properties of the materials encountered. Testing will be in accordance with our standard procedures which includes moisture content and soil identification, liquid and plastic limit determinations, unconfined compression tests on soil, unit weight determinations, and absorption pressure and/or one-point pressure swell tests. The specific types and quantities of tests will be determined based on soil conditions em,ountered in the borings. ENGINEERING SERVICES The engineering report will be prepared by a registered engineer and will present the results of the field and laboratory data together with our analyses of the results and recommendations. We will provide two copies of the report. The report will address: • soil and groundwater conditions encountered at the boring locations; • foundation design recommendations including foundation type, identification of bearing strata, allowable bearing pressure, and estimated settlement; • recommendations for floor slab support, including an evaluation of the swell characteristics of the subgrade soils; • earthwork recommendations; including material and compaction requirements; • pavement design recommendations, including subgrade preparation and pavement thickness; • construction considerations related to soil and groundwater conditions at the borings. COST OF SERVICES Based on the scope of services described above, we propose a lump sum fee of $2,900.00 for the geotechnical investigation phase of the project. This fee will not be exceeded without prior authorization. Items other than those specified above, or changes in drilling requirements which are revealed by these studies or are necessitated by a change in project scope, may require revised field, laboratory. and engineering services. These services will be discussed and negotiated on an individual basis. The final invoice will be sent to you after completion of the project. A LEIGH COMPANY Town of Addison Proposal No. 02-3323 January 15, 2002 Page 3 PROJECT SCHEDULE We plan to initiate these studies within three days of receipt of notice-to-proceed and anticipate that one working day will be required to complete the field investigation (weather conditions permitting). You will . receive the final report approximately 10 to 15 working days following the completion of the field operations. However, we will make preliminary design data available sooner if necessary. Items to be provided by the client include the right-of-entry.to conduct the exploration and information regarding the location of any utilities on the subject site. All locations are assumed to be accessible to normal truck mounted equipment. Any restrictions or special project requirements should be brought to our attention before we commence fieldwork. Should weather or other factors result in unforeseen changes in site accessibility, Rone will contact the client to discuss accessibility options and associated fees. Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal. Please sign and return one copy of the attached Terms for Geotechnical Engineering Services as your authorization to proceed. Please call if you have any questions or if you have suggestions regarding changes to the agreement or to the proposed work scope. We look forward to working with you on the project. rJt~~!r::~~ .E. Engineering Services .Rion.e.E.nglneers-~ A LEIGH COMPANY Town of Addison Proposal No. 02-3323 January 15, 2002 Page 4 AGREEMENT FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES ANDIOR MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES This AGREEMENT is made by and between RONE ENGINEERS, INC., hereinafter referred to as GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, and TOWN OF ADDISON hereinafter referred to as CLIENT. The AGREEMENT between the parties consists of these TERMS, the attached proposalldentffied as Proposal No. 02-3323, dated January 15, 2002 and any exhibits or attachments noted in the PROPOSAL. Together, these documents will constitute the entire agreement superseding any and all prior negotiations, correspondence, or agreements either written or oral and any changes to this AGREEMENT must be mutually agreed to in writing. STANDARD OF CARE CLIENT recognizes that subsurface conditions may vary from those observed at locations where bOrings, surveys, or explorations are made, and that site conditions may change with time. Data, interpretations, and recommendations by GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will be based solely on information available to GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER is responsible for those data, interpretations, and recommendations, but will not be responsible for other parties' interpretations or use of the information developed. Services performed by GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER under this agreement will be conducted In a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the geotechnical engineering profession practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions In the locality of the project. Under no circumstance Is any warranty, expressed or implied, made in connection with the providing of geotechnical engineering services. SITE ACCESS AND SITE CONDITIONS CLIENT will grant or obtain free access to the site for all equipment and personnel necessary for GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 10 perform Ihe work sel forth in this agreement. CLIENT will notify any and all possessors of the project site that CLIENT has ,'granted GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER free access 10 Ihe site. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will take reasonable precautions '10 minimize damage to the s~e, but it is understood by CLIENT that, in the normal course of work, some dama,ge may occur and the correction of such damage is not part'"f this agreement unless so specified in the PROPOSAL.." ' ~7 CLIENT Is responsible for accurately delineallng the locations of all subterranean structures and utilities. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by CLIENT and shall take reasonable precautions to avoid known subterranean structures and utilities." In addition to the above, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will conduct such additional research as In Its professional opinion Is necessary to attempt to locate subterranean structures and utilities; however, CLIENT acknowledges that GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER shall be relying upon information contained within the records of govemmental entities, utllmes, and Ihird parties which ~;,~~a~ndforinaccurate. 1>.[,:''',. ~~~ SAMPLE DISPOSAL GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will retain samples Irsnsported 10 the geotechnical laboratory for testing for a period of l\1irty (30) days following submission of the report covering those samples. Further storage or transfer of samples can be made at CLIENT's expense upon CLIENT's prior written request. MONITORING If GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER is retained by CLIENT to provide a site representative for the purpose of observing andlor monitoring specific portions of construction work or other field activilies as set forth in the PROPOSAL, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will report observations as made and render opinions with regard to compliance with plans and specifications provided by CLIENT. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S scope of work in this regard shall be stricUy limited to reporting and GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER shall have no right to reject or stop work. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S presence on site does not in any way guarantee the quality of performance of the work of any party retained by CLIENT and GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER shall not not be responsible for and shall not have control of means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction or for safety precautions In connection with the work and GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER shall nol be responsible for the fellure of any party to carry oullhe work In accordance with the plans and specifications provided by CLIENT. A LEIGH COMPANY ENGINEER'S NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER FAULT IN WHOLE OR IN PART. Town of Addison Proposal No. 02-3323 January 15, 2002 Page 5 BILLING AND PAYMENT CLIENT shall pay GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, in accordance with the procedures Indicated in the PROPOSAL and its attachments. Invoices will be submitted to CLIENT by GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, and shall be due and payable upon presentation. If CLIENT objects to all or any portion of any invoice, CLIENT will so notify GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days of the invoice date, identify the cause of disagreement, and pay when due that portion of the Invoice not in dispute. In the absence of written notification described above, the amount as stated on the invoices shall be paid. Invoices are delinquent If payment has not been received within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. At the option of the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, CLIENT will pay an additional charge of one-and-one-half (1.5) percent per month (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) on any delinquent amount, except for any portion of the Invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT. Disputed amounts withheld by the client which are subsequently resolved in favor of the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will carry the additional charge, as described above, effective thirty (30) days from the date of the original invoice. In the event CLIENT falls to pay GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER within sixty (60) days after Invoices are rendered, CLIENT agrees that GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will have the right to consider the failure to pay the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER's invoice as a breach of this AGREEMENT. TERMINATION This AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party seven (7) days after written notice in the event of any breach of any provision of this AGREEMENT or In the event of substantial failure of performance by the other party, or If CLIENT suspends the work for more than three (3) months. In the event of termination, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will be paid for services performed prior to the date of termination plus reasonable termination expenses, including, but not limited to the cost of completing analyses, records, and reports necessary to document job slatus at the time of termination. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ~rgooJJ:l. DISCOVERY OF UNANTICIPATED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CLIENT represents that CLIENT has made a reasonable effort to evaluate if hazardous materials are on or near the project site, and that CLIENT has informed GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER of CLIENT's findings relative to the possible presence of such materials. Hazardous materials may exist at a site where there Is no reason to believe thay could or should be present. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER and CLIENT agree that the discovery of unantiCipated hazardous materials constitutes a changed condition mandating a renegotiation of the scope of work or termination of services. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER and CLIENT also agree that the discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials may make it necessary for GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER to take immediate measures to protect health and safety. CLIENT agrees to compensate GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER for any equipment decontamination or other costs incident to the discovery of unantiCipated hazardous materials. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER egrees to notify CLIENT when unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials are encountered. CLIENT agrees to make any disclosures required by law to the appropriate governing agencies. CLIENT also agrees to hold GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER harmless for any and all consequences of disclosure made by GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER which are required by governing law. In the event the project site is not owned by CLIENT, CLIENT recognizes that it Is CLIENT's responsibility to inform the property owner of the discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected ;;R~oliin~eiE~ng Ineers ':' .A LEIGH COMPANY Town of Addison Proposal No. 02-3323 January 15, 2002 Page 6 hazardous materials. DISPUTES RESOLUTION All claims, disputes, and other matters in controversy between GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER and CLIENT arising out of or in any way related to this AGREEMENT. will be submitted to "altemative dispute resolution" (ADR) before and as a condition precedent to other remedies provided by law. If and to the extent CLIENT and GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER have agreed on methods for resolving such disputes, then such methods will be set forth In the 'Altemative Dispute Resolution Agreemenr which, if attached, is Incorporated into and made a part of this AGREEMENT. If no specific ADR procedures are set forth In this AGREEMENT, then ~ shall be understood that the parties shall submit disputes to medialion as a condition precedent to litigation. II a dispute by and between the parties is not resolved by ADR as provided above, then the prevailing party In any litigation shall be entitled to the recovery 01 all reasonable costs incurred, Including but notlimtted to court costs and attorney's fees . . GOVERNtNG LAW AND SURVNAL The law of the State of Texas will govern the validity of this AGREEMENT, its interpretation and performance. If any of the provIsions contained in this AGREEMENT are held Illegal, Invalid, or unenforceable, the enforceability 01 the remaining provIsions . will not be impalre~l. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITIES WILL SURVIVE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY CAUSE. The parties have read Ihe foregoing, understand complalely the terms, and willingly enter into this AGREEMENT which will become effective on the date signed below by CLIENT. CLIENT g.--W~,c:) By: Position Date TXU December 21, 2001 Town of Addison TXU Estimated Costs for Relocation of facilities on Addison Road (Revised to include Cost #3) Cost #1: Site -Addison Road from Belt Line Rd on the south to Broadway • The Town of Addison to provide the utility easements for TXU facilities. • Upon relocation of TXU facilities, use 24-65ft. concrete poles in lieu of wood poles for esthetics. • All poles adjacent to Addison Rd are to be replaced on both sides of the street. • The taller concrete poles are used to clear tree plantings of Texas red oaks which will be approximately 30 feet high. • The concrete poles will be set in the same Vicinity as the existing pole locations. Estimated Cost: $118.200.00 Cost #2: Site -Addison Road from Broadway on the south to Morris on the north. • Convert the existing overhead facilities to underground facilities with TXU performing the civil and electrical work. • This cost includes feeder and switching work only; not transformers or services. • The Town of Addison is responsible for obtaining easements for the padmount switches and transformers. • The Town of Addison will be responsible for the rewire and if necessary, the bringing up to code, of customer's electrical services. Estimated Cost: $786.500.00 Cost #3: Site -Addison Road from Broadway on the south to Morris on the north. • Convert the eXisting overhead facilities to underground facilities with the Town of Addison performing the civil work and TXU performing the electrical work. • This cost includes feeder and switching work only; not transformers or services. • The Town of Addison is responsible for obtaining easements for the padmount switches and transformers. • The Town of Addison will be responsible for the rewire and if necessary, the bringing up to code, of customer's electrical services. Estimated Cost: $318.000.00 Cost #4: Site -Addison Road from Broadway on the south to Morris on the north • Upon relocation, move the overhead line to the west side of Addison, using wood poles. • The Town of Addison to provide easements for the overhead line. • Place any crossings ofAddison Road underground. which involves four-3 phase and one single phase crossing. • This design will require the installation of two padmount transformers. The Town of Addison will be responsible for obtaining easements for the transformers. Estimated Cost: $98,700.00 Cost#5: Site -Arts District Area • Remove existing overhead facilities in the area bounded by Addison Road, Addison Circle and the railroad tracks. leaving the service to farmhouse and bam and the service to the building on the southwest corner of the bounded area. • Provide overhead service for the special events booths along Julian Street Estimated Cost: No cost for removal of facilities. Consult Mr. Richard Hildebrand 972-888-1329 for new service Cost#6 Site -Arts District Area • Provide new underground service for north side. Estimated Costs -need load information. Please contact Richard Hildebrand 972-8881329 for new service Reeves Partain TXU Electric and Gas Office 214-875-2256 This BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. i CONSULTING ENGINEERS I 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Fax (214)361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 L-----1 JOHN W. BIRKHOFF> P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS. P,E, JOE R. CARTER. P.E. PAULA. CARLINE, P.E. MATI mCKEY, P.E. November 16, 2001 ROSS L. JACOBS. P.E, I. C. FINKLEA, P,E, Mr. BobP Sasaki sociates 64 PI sant St. Watertown, Massachusetts 02472 Re: Town ofAddison Events Area CD ofExisting Conditions Dear Mr. Poulos: We are enclosing a revised electronic copy ofthe City of Addison's Special Events Survey, which includes the underground utilities located by TXU Electric, TXU Gas and SWBT. It also includes topo that was questioned by your staff. From our review of the project, it was detennined that a portion ofthe topo was left offthe original submittal due to the technician going to National Guard duty. We were unable to show utilities since you have the record drawings from the City. We assume that your technicians will add that to your final drawings. Sincerely, (jp'3 I John W. Birkhoff, P.E. Enclosures cc: Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Ms. Carmen Moran BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave.• #220 Dallas. Texas 75231 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 JOHN W, BJRKHOFF, P.E. RONALD v. CONWAY. P.E. GARY c. HENDRICKS. P.B. JQBR CARTER, P.E. PAULA CARLINE, P,E. MATIHICKEY,P,E, October 29, 2001 ROSS L JACOBS, P.E. t c. FINKLEA, P.E. :Mr. Bob Poul Sasaki Ass iates 64 Plea nt St. Watertown, Massachusetts 02472 Re: Town ofAddison Events Area CD of Existing Conditions Dear :Mr. Poulos: We are enclosing the electronic copy ofthe City ofAddison '8 Special Events Survey. which includes the underground utilities located by TXU Electric, TXU Gas and SWBT. A hardcopy of the identified underground utility locations is also enclosed. Sincerely, Q';(~ John W. Birkhoff, P.E. Enclosures jcc: :Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Ms. Carmen Moran ® transmittal SASAKI Sasaki Associates Inc. 64 Plea","t Stre.t Wolertown Mossochuselts 02472 USA t 617 926 3300 f6179242748 to Town of Addi son 16801 Westgrove Drive P. O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 date project no. October 25, 2001 Addison Rood Streetscape 14268.00 aHn Steven Z. Chulchian, P.E. from Robert Poulos we are sending you via t8l overnight courier D courier D us mOil o other description quantity doled Print of Base Survey with comments 1 10/25/01 I these are transmiHed [gl for your information D please retur~ materials o for review and comment o borrowed materials returned o as requested o for opprovol o other Steve here is a mark up survey with some observations we made, we were not able to walk the entire site, but I think you will get the idea that the surveyor missed a 101 of surface features. Call jf you have any questions rep\g~\ lA268.00\odmin \trans \t-chutch3.doc 'igned ________________________________ copy to Word, Poulos, Cloog~, Boker, File Sasoki Associates Inc. 64 Pleasont Street Wolerlown Mos'l"husetls 02472 USA t 6179263300 f 6179242748 w www.sosaki.cam Octobet 22, 2001 • SASAKI Ms. Carmen Motan Town ofAddison 16801 Westgtove Drive P. O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 Re: Addison Circle Arts & Events District Survey Contracts Review SA # 14268.00 Dear Carmen: We have completed our review ofthe survey contmct that was used for the Arts & Events area. We have noted that the section (Article 4) for utilities was left out of the scope of work with Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, L.L.P. (SJF). The document that was sent to Steve included this work that needed ro be done for the project. Therefore, we are requesting that the Town provide the missing infotmatiM in an updated survey to be used in the next phase of work. The final survey should be provided in the following forms: • Stamped Hard Copy • AutoCAD 2000 Drawing File Please call if you have questions or comments. We will be forwarding a hard copy ofthe As Bullts to Steve to distribute to SIF. Robert E. Poulos Senior Associate REP/sho Enclosed: Land Survey Service Agreement; Contract dated May 10, 2001 CC: Alan Ward, Steve Harnwey, Steven Chutchian, David Clough . rep\g::\l426S,OO\ptojmngt\l.cml0220Ldoc LAND SURVEY SERVICES AGREEMENT DATE: April 23, 2001 PROJECT: Addison Circle Arts & EVents District Addison, Texas OWNER: Town Of Addison ENGINEER: Sasaki Associates, Inc. SURVEYOR: Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, L.LP. Consulting Engineers REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Owner requesls the Surveyor to submit to the Owner a proposal for land Survey Services for the property described below. The Surveyor sholl submit the proposal by attaching hereto (and referencing Article 7) the material required and returning three signed copies of this document to the Owner. The Surveyor sholl include, with the proposal, a statement deAning any proposed deviations from the requirements of this document including additions, deletions, exceptions and revisions. The Surveyor, when submilling the signed Agreement, understands that all the Terms and Conditions hereof will become effective and binding when it is signed by the Owner and a copy is returned 10 the Surveyor. If the Owner accepls the proposal, the Owner will sign all three copies of this document. One will be returned 10 the Surveyor and one to the Engineer. Upon execution and receipt by both parties, this document and all attachments listed in Articles 6 and 7 shall form the Agreement between the Owner and Surveyor. Town of Addison Survey RFP The Surveyor shall hold the proposol open for acceptance by the Owner for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days after the date of submittal to the Owner. LAND SURVEY AGREEMENT ARTICLE 1 • TERMS AND CONDITIONS (See the attached Terms and Conditions provided by the Owner -Exhibit A) and the following: 1, I. Time: Subject ta any limitations stated in the proposal, the specified land Survey Services shall be completed and the drawing[s) and report(s) delivered 10 the Owner and the Engineer within thirty PO} calendor days after receipt of the signed agreement. 1.2. Qualifications: All work shall be performed by qualified personnel under the supervision of a licensed or Registered land Surveyor, and the document(s) submitted shall bear the Surveyor's seal and certification to that effect . • 1.3. Use of Drawings: It is understood that the Owner, or the Engineer, on the Owner's behalf. may reproduce the drawing(s) without modifications and distribute the prints in connection with the use or disposition of the property without incurring obligation for additional compensation to the Surveyor. The original drawing[s) shall remain the property of the Surveyor. ARTICLE 2 • GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 2. I. Accuracy Standards: 2,1.1. Precision of the survey work shall be based upon the Positionol Accuracy Concept. The Surveyor shall recommend, in the proposal, positional accuracy limits and error of closure limits for the property being surveyed. 2.2. Description of Property to be Surveyed: legal: (Steve please fill this in) Property Addresses: The property consists of 16 Acres in the Special Event District within the Addison Circle area. The area is bounded by Addison Circle, Quorum Drive, DART Right 01 Way, Addison Road, and Addison Circle Drive. Town of Addison Survey RFP 2 See attached plans and sketches identi~ed in Article 6. (Steve let me know if you need this) Town 01 Addison Survey RFP 3 2.3. Means of Access: 2.3.1. Property lines and means of access are shown on aftached drawings and identified in Article 6. Site access is provided as indicated below. checked below. The Owner has secured permisSion for entry to the property to conduct this survey. The surveyor shall notify the Owner 7 days prior to entering the property so that the Owner may notify the tenant 48 hours prior to the surveyors entry onto the property. 2.4. Drawing Requirements: 2.4.2. Drawing sheets shall be trim size 30" X42" with 1',4" left binding edge, and Y2" borders. 2.4.3. Use scale 1" = 20' unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. Include graphic scale. 2.4.4. Show North arrow and locate North at the top of the sheet. 2.4.5. Include legend of symbols and abbreviations used on the drawing(s). 2.4.6. Spot elevations on pavements or other hard surfaces shall be to the nearest 0.01', on other surfaces 10 the nearest 0.10'. 2.4.7. Boundary and topographic information, where both are required, shall be on the same drawing unless otherwise requested by the Engineer. 2.4.8. State elevation datum on each drawing. Use official municipal datum of the Town of Addison (Steve Confirm that this is the Datum you want to use) 2.4.9. Furnish to the Enginee" one reproducible transparency and three prints of each drawing. The licensed land Surveyor shall sign and seal each drawing and shall certify that, to the best of the Surveyor's knowledge, information, and belief, all information thereon is true and accurately shown. In addition, the Surveyor shall prOVide to the Engineer, the survey information in Autocad Release 2000 or DXF file format for the Engineer's use. Town of Addison Survey RFP 4 ARnCLE 3 -LAND (BOUNDARY) SURVEY Work scope includes those ifems checked below. 3.1. Show boundary lines, giving length and bearing [including reference or basis) on each straight line; interior angles; radius, point of tangency and length of curved lines. State on the drawing!s) whether corners were found or set and describe each. 3.2. ConArm or furnish a legal description conforming to the Record Tille Boundaries. Prior to making this survey, the Surveyor sholl, insofar as possible, acquire data including, but not limited to, deeds, mops, certificates or abstracts of title, section line and other boundary line locations in the vicinity. 3.3. Give area in square feet if less than one acre, and in acres to 0.01-ocre if over one acre. 3.4. Note identity, jurisdiction and width of adjoining slreets and highways, width and type of povement. Identify landmarks. 3.5. Plot location of slructures on the property and on adjacent property within 50 feel. Dimension perimeters in feet and decimals to 0.05'. State the character and number of stories. Dimension to the property lines and other buildings. Vacant parcels sholl be noted VACANT. 3.6. Show encroachments, including cornices, belt courses, overhangs, etc., either way across the property lines. 3.7. Describe fences and walls. Identify party walls and locate them with respect to property lines. 3.8. Show recorded, or otherwise, known easements and rights-of·way; state the owner and the right of each. 3.9. Note possibilities of prescriptive rights-of-way and the nature of each. 3.10. Nole anticipated street widening (s). 3.11. Show individual lot lines and block numbers; show building street numbers if available. 3.12. Give names of owners of adjacent property. 3.13. ReconCile, or explain, any discrepancies between the survey and the Town of Addison Survey RFP 5 record legal description. 3.14. Provide the locations of all traffic control devices, signal support systems, troffic control boxes, detector loops, pull boxes and regulatory signs with descriptions to the limits shown on the altached sketch. ARTICLE 4 -TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS All lines of levels shall be checked by separate check level lines or on previous turning points. 4.1. Minimum of one benchmark on site for each four acres; description and elevation to nearest 0.01 '. 4.2. Contours at 1 fool intervals; error shall not exceed one half contour interval. 4.3. Spot elevations at each intersection of a 25 foot grid covering the property where existing conditions warrant. 4.4. Spot elevations at street intersections and at.25 foat intervals on curb, gulter, back-of.walk, sidewalk, edge of pavement and crown line. 4.5. Plaited location of structures, above C1nd below the ground, mCln-made (e.g., paved areas) and naturalleatures; all floor elevations and elevations of each entrance of buildings on the property. 4.6. Location, size of water and gas mains, central steam and other utilities including but not limited to, buried tanks and septic fields serving, or on, the property. 4.7. Location of fire hydrants available to the property and the size of the main serving each. 4.8. Location and characteristics of power and communications systems above and below ground. 4.9. Location, size, depth, material. and direction of flow of sanitary sewers, combination sewers, storm drains and culverts serving, or on, the property; locations of catch basins and manholes, inverts of pipes, and other pertinent structures (e.g., control structures). Town will provide available utility documents previously researched. 4.10. Mean elevation of water in any excavation, well Or nearby body of water. Town of Addison Survey RFP 6 4.11. Flood plain, flood level of streams or adjacenl bodies of water and analysis of site for potential flooding. 4.12. Locations of any soil borings, lesl borings, monilor wells, and the elavanon of the top of boring caps or monitor well covers to the nearest 0.01 '. 4.13. Trees of 4" and over (caliper 3' above ground); locale within l' tolerance and give species in English and botanical terms. ARTICLE 5 • ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1. The Surveyor shall coordinate as to the set-up of the electronic format, files, and layering wilh Ihe Engineer_ Siandard text height shall be 0.1 "; spot grade text height shall be 0.08" ARTICLE 6 -ATTACHMENTS BY THE OWNER 6.1 The approximate limits of the survey area are shown on the follOWing aHachments: 1. Composite plan of existing street utilities obtained from the Town of Addison Department of Public Works. 2. Assessors Tax Map showing property and limits of proposed survey work. 6.2 The approximate limits of the survey area are shown on the aHached survey and sketch. ARTICLE 7 -ATTACHMENTS BY THE SURVEYOR 7_1 Proposal dated: 7.2 Other (specify}: ARTICLE 8 • DELIVERY OF AGREEMENT Upon execution and receipt by both parties, this document and all attachments listed in Articles 6 and 7 shall Form the Agreement between the Owner and the Surveyor. Town of Addison Survey RFP 7 Agreed and Accepted SignoltJre for: Dote Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, UP Signature for: Dote Town of Addison Town of Addison Survey RFP 8 t ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT Tms AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Town", and Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, L.L.P., hereinafter referred to as "Engineer", to be effective from and after the date as provided herein. WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Town desires to engage the services of the Engineer to complete field surveys and plot topographic maps for design to be completed by Sasaki Associates, Inc., on the Addison Circle Arts and Events District, located in the Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the Engineer desires to render such engineering services for the Town under the terms and conditions provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, and for the mutual • benefits to be obtained hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Employment of the Engineer The Town hereby agrees to retain the Engineer to perform professional engineering services in counection with the Project; Engineer agrees to perform such services in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. II. Scope ofServices The parties agree that Engineer shall perform suchservices as are set forth and described in Exhibit ;'A", which isat!ached hereto and thereby made a part of this Agreement. The parti~ understand and agree that deviations or modifications, in the form of written changes may be authorized from time to time by the Town. III. Schedule ofWork The Engineer agrees to commence services immediately upon execution of this Agreement, and to proceed diligently with said service to completion as described in the Completion Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and thereby made a part ofthis Agreement. Engineering Services Agreement (SIUIOJ) Page J of 10 1:!6J~(Jtrlt:lrr1"~lJdist1eIJ/.I itWogrwmml.tIoc EXHIBIT liD" INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY TOWN 1) All of the Town's plat, easement and construction plan files will be made available for use. Town will provide copies as necessary at no cost. 2) Access to all Town manholes and clean-outs, access to all Town right-of-way and easements. If manhole lids are bolted down the Engineer will contact the Town's Utility Operation Department and schedule a time when they can meet with the Engineer and remove the manhole lid. 3) The Town's Utility Operations Department will do the excavation for locating existing water and sewer for horizontal and vertical ties to existing water and' sewer. The Town's Street and Drainage Department will do the excavation for the existing storm drain lines. The engineer will provide a preliminary plan sheet showing the locations where excavation is required and contact the Town to schedule a time when the woik can be done. Engineering Services Agreement (5/lJlOl) Page lOaf 10 l:1616fAnJdl:Mtclrd~wtI~dI$1lagrumenLtI«: Arts and Events District Costs by Element Events Park Area Cu Itural Cntr., Pavilion, Restrooms Stage Undergrounding of Utilities Total for all Arts & Events elements Activity Estimated Construction Cost $ 6,868,352.00 DeSign and Construction Fees $ 690,000.00 Total for Park $ 7,558,352.00 Estimated Project Cost $ 1,500,000.00 Design and Construction Fees $ 172,500.00 Total for Buildings $ 1,672,500.00 Estimated Construction Cost $ 1,000,000.00 Design and Construction Fees $ 172,500.00 Total for Stage $ 1,172,500.00 Estimated Construction Cost $ 3,000,000.00 Fees included in 3 mil. $ 13,403,352.00 Fees are assumed at 10% for the Events Park Area and the Cultural Centre, Pavilion. and Restrooms. Expenses are assumed at 15% offees. Fees are assumed at 15% for the Stage. Expenses are assumed at 15% of fees. , Sasaki Associates, Inc, 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 02472 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET ESTIMATE I Preliminary DeSign 9101 Addison Arts & Events District Town of Addison, Texas Prepared By: JAR/DC September 25,20011 SAl 14268.00 Cheeked By: REP lAW Description Quantlty Unit UnIt Price Cost Comments /I?Sj 5"2. 0 ~ SKe Demolition R&D Building 'l"'jI'ilfl 80640 CF $ 2.00 $ ~Includes Found.,lOn -1 SIOf)' tall and olher 2 ,lory lall 8,()DO LAS ,4 R&D Asphalt Pavement 2,450 SY $ 7.00 $ 17,150 ull Depth Removal R&D Gravel Pavement 933 SY $ 1.00 $ 933 Sawcwt Pavement 900 LF $ 4.47 $ 4,023 9~1I2~ tolal, woatll'lg 10 bass course R&D Water Valve, Lines and Hydrants 1 LS $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000 R&D Dr.inlSewer Line ? 1 LS $ 5000.00 $ s,eee "2.,5(/0 R&D DralnlSanijary Manhole 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ ..$,OOe: ;i..r;"""(J{) .f!!I!J'encing 1 LS $ 2000.00 $ -2,000 v/if:. t?0t{ CP,..VE"Jf!$A"f1"'''''') -, ) ((J. ....... EarthworX It. tV Excavation 12,500 CY $ ="-'t~"-.!>7J'l1""rri';S:":""-14&'I5&=", Fin&Gradin 58,000 SY $; 0.55 $ 31,900 !neIUdesmatetlal, haulln9. andcompacllon V .. Subtotal: $ ~ ( G'I) r}f/) ~---~-Pagel of 4 Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Comments T11.-'1'/,fA,[) -vF Drainage System Drain Manhole Catch Basins 12" Dia. RCP IS" Dia. RCP 2. 7, to. tLJ 13 EA $ .;!;!iCC 00. $ Installed In Plece(lncludes EXCBV. & Backfill) Z. YJ Y «..J 12 EA $ J,ggg.ga. 1$8&0 24000 Installed In Place(lncludes Excav. & Backfill :u.6tlV 770 LF $.~.3-$ ~ 7-S" ,4-/0 1,000 LF $4-.>_ $ 59;900" 'f-Si 0 t1D Subtotal: $ W;e6O" '2-1 ;'110 I/Fvf I/FvF VF vF Utility Systems 12" DICL Water Line Gas LinesNaives 1,500 1,400 LF LF $ $ 30.00 $ $ ~ 42,000 Installed In Place(lncludes Excav., Backfill & Bedding) 7.sJ 0 t1D Inslalled In Place{lncludes Excav., Backfill & Bedding) Sanitary Sewer Line 1,000 LF $ 30 3&.eO $ ..Ji;ee!I Installed In Place{lncludee Excav.. Backfill & Bedding) 3 ()J 0 to Sanitary Sewer Manhole 5 EA $ 2,000.00 '$ 10,000 Installed In Place(lncludas Excav. & Backfill) Eleclrical Duct Bank 1,700 LF $ 100.00 $ 170,000 Custom Pedestrian Lighting 15 EA $ 4,000.00 $ 60,000 Installed In Place (InclUdes Excav. & Foundation) Street Lighting 15 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 52,500 Installed In Place (Includes Excav. & FoundaUon) Pedestrian Lighting 45 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 135,000 Decorative Lighting 1 LS $100,000.00 $ 100,000 Allowance for addillonal path/garden IIghtrng Telecommunications 1,400 LF $ 100.00 $ 140,000 Disinfections 1 LS $ 1,000.00 '$ 1,000 Hydrant 8 EA $ 1,500.00 '1 12,000 4-1/2" valve, 5' deep, I:!lace al eve!1300 ft rna>:. apart along roadWa~ Subtotal: $ ~8),7) SfiV ............ ,....... "'" .. 4" Solid Lane Line 2,000 LF $ 0.30 $ 600 4" Paint Llna Stop Bars 60 SF $ 1.00 $ 60 12" Wldlh Handicap Symbol 20 EA $ 51.00 $ 1,020 ParkinQ Stalis 200 EA $ 8.00 $ 1,600 cross Walks 1,350ISFI$ 1001~Jt2"Wldth ~ ______-------~.-__'~' =:7 TO TH'; POI,vT: £ P €S 11 "VtTE' : [:Tl4L fle7)IA:.T7<>IV./I 239.)13 0 ) ~~ 712 'lIp/Page 2 of 4 D••crlptlon Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Comments .GiMli:t ....lUlilOJ nGUli1 III I W"DIHlI' 'IV ~I .... IVV.Vlol "" I I ....UV 1'\'11'11 ~ 1<> 4""1.'¥"" lau". VII ""UlfI.<. ......."". III 11II1U, "''''II.iI ... ''.,. 1<:111 ...",a,,* .. ., ..."" sol1a ........11"'1.,...1,.1.... 0..;......... 1::<)1:1; C'C' ~ '2n nn C' ~ I: (JAn Kiosk Structure LS I $ 35,000,00 I $ 35,000 IAliowanc, Subtotal: $ 35,000 Trellis Columns Trellis lights and Water 48 1 1 EA LS LS $ 7,500.00 $343,000,00 $ 10,000,00 $ $ $ 350,000 343000 10,000 Concrete wi footing, stone W:ing, s~cialconsL due to' soils Sleel s(rueture wi painted flnlah Allowance subtotal: $ 713,000 Fountains Water Garden Fountain Melal Rallino /!!l Waler Garden 1 250 LS LF $504000,00 $ 100,00 $ It 504,000 25000 Includes eI'Il~nnal and wall structul'e$ end flnlshss:,pfplng, 1Ightf1'1Q, etc. Custom DesIgn WaterJLillhl Cotumns ~_ountain .------3 --1 EA LS $ 4,000,00 $300,000,00 $ $ 12,000 300,000 Prm:ast cone, cors wl1oot~g,9IasB b!ockJplumbln~'& fiber optic 1!9.~Ul1g In.9lt!~I!IG: struCIU!'!,_plplng. IIg~JDg,ete.. Subtotal: $ 841,000 Page 3 of4 Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Comments Cost Summary sn. Preparallon Subtotal: $ 142800 sn. Demolition Subta"'l: $ 196,366 Earthwork Subtotal: $ 150,650 Drainage System Subtotal: $ 137,300 Utility System. Subtotal: $ 870,000 Pavement Marking. Subtotal: $ 4,630 sne Imorovemenl. Subtotal: $ 1476661 Kiosk Subtotal: $ 35000 Trelli. Structure Subtolal: $ 713,000 Founlalns Subtotal: $ 841,000 Planllng Schedule Subtotal: $ 1,156,400 Subtotal $ 5,723,627 Design Contingency 5% $ 286,181 Constructlon Contingency 15% $ 856,544 TOTAL $ 6,866,352 Page 4 of4 Sasaki Associates, Inc. 64 Pleasant Street Watertown, MA 0247:2 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET ESTIMATE 1Preliminary Design 9/01 Addison Arts & Events District Town of Addison, Te",s Prepared By: JARIDC September 25, 20011 SAt 14268,00 Checked By: REP/AW Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Comments Site Demolition R&D Building R&D Asphalt Pavement R&D Gravel Pavement SaWC"t Pavement R&D Water Valve, Lines and Hydrants R&D Drain/Sewer Line? R&D Drain/Sanitary Manhole R&R Fencing 80640 CF $ 2450 SY $ 933 SY $ 900 LF $ 1 LS $ 1 LS $ 1 LS $ 1 LS $ 2,00 $ 7,00 $ 1,00 $ 4.47 $ 1000,00 $ 5,000,00 $ 5,000,00 $ 2,000,00 $ 161,280 Includes Foundation ~ 1 StOfV 1all and other 2 stOry tall 17,150 Full DeDth Removal 933 4,023 8·1/2" total, wearing to base course 1,000 5,000 5000 2,000 Subtotal: $ 196,396 Earthwork Excavation I 12,SOO I CY 1$ 9,50 I $ 118,750 I Fine Grading I 58,000 I SY I $ 0,581 $ 31,900 Iineludes material, haullng. arKI eompacllcn Sublotal: $ 150,850 PREl'~AI~'ARY Page 1 of 4 DescrIption Quantity UnR UnR PrIce Cost Comments: Drainage System Drain Manhole 13 EA $ 2500.00 $ 32,500 Installed In Placa(lncludes Exeav, & 88(lkflll Catch Ba.ins 12 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 24,000 Installed In PJace(lnc[udes exeav, & Btulkfill 12" Di•. RCP 770 IF $ 40.00 $ 30,800 1_5"-')1•. RCP 1,000 If $ 50.00 $ 50,000 --------Subtotal: $ 131,300 Utilitv Systems 12" DICL Water Line Gas LlnesNalves Sanltsrv Sewer Line S.nltsrv Sewer Manhole Electrical Duct Bank Custom Ped.strlan Lighting Street Lighting Pedestrian Lighting Decorotl'" Lighting Telecommunications Disinfections H\'llr.nt Po",ment Markings 4" Solid Lane Line Stop Bars Handicap Symbol Parking Stalls Cross Walks 1,500 LF $ 75.00 $ 1,400 IF $ 30,00 $ 1,000 LF $ 35.00 $ 5 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 1700 LF $ 100.00 $ 15 EA $ 4,000.00 $ 15 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 45 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 1 LS $100 000.00 $ 1.400 LF $ 100.00 $ 1 LS $ 1,000.00 $ 8 EA $ 1,500.00 $ Subtotal: $ 2,000 LF $ 0,30 $ 60 SF $ 1,00 $ 20 EA $ 51.00 $ 200 EA $ 8.00 $ 1,350 SF $ 1,00 $ 112,500 Installed In Ple:ce(lneludes ~V" Bacldlll & SedaJng) 42,000 h'islailed In Pla~(lnc!ude$ Excav" BackflU & Seddlng) 35 000 Inslalled In Place{lneludes Exe&v" Backfill & Seddlng) 10000 Instaned In Place(lncludes El«:QV, & Backfill 110000 60000 Installed In Place {Includes E»::8V. & Foundallon 52,500 Installed In Place {Includes Exesv. & Foundallon 135,000 100,000 Allowance for additional path/garden lighting 140,000 1,000 12,000 4~1J2" velve, 5' deep, plae& at every 300 fI max. apart atong roadway 870,000 600 4" Paint Line 60 12" Width 1,020 1600 JJ~ 12~ Wldlh Subtotal: $ 4,630 Page 2 of 4 Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Comments Site Imorovements EXIlosed ADorell.1e Pollino 61,200 SF $ 7,50 $ 459,000 S" thick wI 6" gravel base Wearina Course Asphon Pavement 5,100 SY $ 5,50 $ 28,050 Inerudes malerlal, hauling, and tompaetlon (1~1I2"i Binder Cour.e Asphalt Pavement 5,100 SY $ 10,80 $ 55,080 Includes malerlal. hauling, and compaction (2·1I2"j Gravel Borrow 1,700 CY $ 24.50 $ 41,650 12" Under Road and Parking, icl1.1des special base due to soil: CIP Concrete Curb (Streioht and Curve R< 2,737 LF $ 6.50 $ 17,791 Integral curb and gwtt6t Brick Pallino 36,000 SF $ 18,00 $ 648,000 On concrete slab WI bitumInous bedding, specIAl base Que 10 soBs Texas Stone Pavers 5120 SF $ 19,50 $ 99,840 On gravel base wf slone dust sstllng bea Texas Stone St..,. 5 EA $ 5,500.00 $ 27,500 Includes CIP cone, hue wI sandstone: treeds Texas Stone Curbs 1,754 SF $ 40,00 $ 70,160 Sandstone 6" thiCk, 16~ wide Texas Stone Relelnina Walls 115 LF $ 100.00 $ 11,500 Average 18" aboVEl grade. on cone, base, dry laid. Includes speelsl C01lSt. dve t( $01150 Metal Oecklng Bridge 528 SF $ 30.00 $ 15,840 Handrails @Steps 3 EA $ 750.00 $ 2250 Subtotal: $ 1,476,661 Kiosk Structure Ls I $ 35,000.00 I$ 35,000 IAliowanc. Subtotal: $ 35,000 Trl!lIis Columns Trl!lIis Lights and Walar 48 1 1 EA LS LS $ 7,500.00 $343,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ 360,000 343,000 10,000 Concrete wI fooung, stone faCing, speclal consl ~ue to &011$ Steel structure wI painted finish Allowance Subtotal: $ 713,000 Page 3 of 4 Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Co.t Comments IPlanllng: Canopy Shade Trees in Lawn 226 EA $ 400.00 $ 90,400 Avora,o~' 001. ,m,,",d ,'ze. SlreeUG.rden Court Trees 220 EA $ 750.00 $ 165000 3·,;1112" ,,'. Water Garden Trees 72 EA $ 500.00 $ 36000 2112"-3 "'" I 01 Tree. 160 EA $ 400.00 $ 64,000 S'"O' 26,000 SF $ 7.50 $ 195,000 'ncluds. p'on' b,d I Lawn I 290,000IsLLL_ 1.00 I $ 290,00QJ~ IlnigaUon I 316,000 I SF I $ 1.00 I 5316,000 IAII ~wn and p~nt b,d Ore" " Coat Summary Site Preparation Subtotal: $ 142600 Sile Demolition Subtotal: $ 196386 Earthwork Subtotal: $ 150650 Oraln""e SYStem Subtotal: $ 137,300 Ulilltv SYStem. Subtotal: $ 870000 Po..."ent Marltin., Subtotal: $ 4630 Site Imcrovements Subtotal: $ 1,476661 Kiosk Subtotal: $ 35.000 Trellis StrucWre Subtotal: $ 713.000 Fountains Subtotal: $ 841.000 Plantino Schedule Subtotal: $ 1.156.400 Subtotal $ 5.723.627 Design Conlingency 5% $ 286.181 Construction Contingency 15% $ 858.544 TOTAL $ 6.868.352 Paye4 014 Steve Chutchian To: clbaker@sasakLcom Cc: Michael Murphy; Carmen Moran Subject: Addison Rd. & Arts & Events District Traffic island Cathy -We received your drawing ofthe revised improvements on Addison Rd., at the Arts & Events District, and prepared the following response to your attached questions. 1. At this time, there are no outstanding setback, view corridor, or other issues that we are aware of. 2. The general requirements for tapering consist of minimum 150 ft. radii and 60 ft. tangent length. S. Regarding the minimum stacking distance for left turn lanes, the stacking distance can be reduced to 80 ft., or approximately four vehicles in each direction. This revision is based on the understanding that the receiving street within the Arts & Events District site will be closed during Special Events and the left-turn lane is rendered non-functional. Should the receiving street remain open by the Town of Addison during Special Events, it is recommended that the stacking distance be extended to 120 ft. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks. Steve Chutchian Assistant City Engineer 1 Steve Chutchian To: Carmen Moran Subject: RE: Sasaki streetscape plans Carmen -I am going to check that out this afternoon and I will e-mail you and forward it on to Sasaki also. ---Original Message-From: carmen Moran Sent: ll1ursday, August 30, 20011:40 PM To: Steve Chutthlan Subjed:: RE: Sasaki streetscape plans steve, There are not setback, view corridor, or other issues I can think of. On the other questions, can we shorten the stacking distance? ---Original Message---From: Steve O1utthlan Sent: llltJrsday, August 30, 2001 1:28 PM To: carmen Moran SUbject: RE: Sasaki streetscape plans Carmen -I got my own set. I was going to cali you this afternoon and ask you about the question regarding setback, view corridor, etc. requirements. I can answer the other two questions. steve c. --Original Message-From: carmen Moran Sent: ll1ursday, August 30, 2001 1:26 PM To: Steve Chutthian Subject: Sasaki streetscape plans steve, Did you get some plans and a memo from Sasaki? I got a set and I don't know if they are for you or if you got your own set. Carmen 1 ({) memorandum date August 29,2001 to Steven Z. Chutchian, P.E. Town of Addison « C. Moron, R. Whitehead, S. Strickland, A. Word, B. Poulos, D. Clough from Cathy Baker projed name Addison Arts & Events District project no. 14268.00 • subject Addison Road at Arts & Events District SASAKI Steve -Sasaki Associate$ Inc. 64 Plea,ant Street Based on meetings this week in Boston wilh Carmen Moron, Ron Whitehead and Slade Watertown Massachusetts Strickland, Sasaki has revised the plan for Addison Rood at the Arts & Events District. 02472 USA We feel that a traffic island atlhe district would help slow traffic, belter announce the t 6179263300 entrance to the district from Addison Rood, and also facilitate on easier crossing for pedestrians to a future museum or terminal on the airport side. The enclosed drawing shows f 617924 2748 the modifications at 50 scale. Dimensions are shown. Could you please answer the following questions; tr-( , ~hatis the minimum slacking distance for leflturns? We've shown 100' before('!p tapering, but the less stocking distance, the more room for planting. ? • What are the state requirements for tapering? • Are there setback. view corridor, or other potential conAict issues? We've token the 10' for the island from the airport (west) side of the rood since there's no business or sidewalks. The east side of the street would nol change from the previous plan. Please respond with comments. Thanks, Cathy fn\docurnen!3 ® transmittal to Town of Addison date August 29, 2001 16801 Westgrove Drive p, 0, Box 9010 project name Addison Rood Streetscope Addison, TX 75001·9010 \ project no. 14268,00 aHn Steven Z, Chutchion, P,E, from Cathy Boker we Qfe sending you via I8l overnight courier 0 courier Du.s mail o olher SASAKI Sasaki Associates Inc. 64 Pleasant Street Watertown MossochuseHs 02472 USA t 617926 3300 f6179242748 description quantity doled Moster Pion Memo 1 1 8/29/01 8/29/01 these are transmiHed I8l for your information o please return materials D for review and comment D borrowed malaria Is returned o as requested o for approval o other .cb\9;\ 14268.OO\odmin'trons\t-chufch2 .doc signed 4a;~1/7..... copy to C. Moron w/enclosure, Word/Poolos, Clough, Boker, File 1/S7C' t:.. F· ,4pP/.JoA.-eo. (12K! -b /'!O/2J2'a 12d) &S«? IX 4'f-1ods/,,-,r, -~ .#1.;SS2.../S'&.> 1/S/~2 i?Iv&O# John W. Birkhoff, P.E, CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 220 Dallas, Texas 75231 JOHN w. BIRKHOFF. P,E, RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS. P.E. JOE 1<. CARTER, p.a PAUl. A. CARLlNE, P.E. MATIHlCK£Y. P.E. ROSS l.lACOBS.P.£. t. C. FrNKLEA, PJi Mr. James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E., DEE City Engineer Town of Addison Post' Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001·9010 Re: Amendment to Contracts for Engineering Services Dear Mr. Pierce: Fax (214)361.0204 Phone (214) 361·7900 June 14,2001 Dat"",'.-L-_-'b_=-:l..;..9__.e)-!..I_______ AGENDA FOR ARTS AND EVENTS DISTRICT SECOND WORK SESSION WITH SASAKI ASSOCIATES JUNE 13 -14,2001 Alan Ward, Dave Clough, and Bob Poulos from Sasaki Associates will be here on June 13th and 14th for our second set ofwork sessions. We want to use everyone's time efficiently; therefore, you only need to attend the meetings for which you are listed. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13,2001 Place: Stone Cottage on tbe grounds oftbe Conference and Theatre Centre 8:30 a.m. -12:00 a.m. (Continental Breakfast provided) Progress report from Sasaki on work completed to this point on the Arts and Events district, discussion of: proposed artists for the portals, proposed building for Visitor Services staB; Ron's meeting with Mr. Cavanaugh, trip to Charleston and information gained there that is relevant to our site. Attendees: Ron Whitehead, Lea Dunn, Chris Terry, Bob Phillips, Slade Strickland, Barbara Kovacevich, Rob Bourstrom, Steve Chutchian, Carmen Moran, Sasaki Group Lunch -on your own 1:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Continuation ofmoming discussion (mayor may not be necessary). Attendees: Ron Whitehead, Lea Dunn, Chris Terry, Bob Phillips, Slade Strickland, Barbara Kovacevich, Rob Bourstrom, Steve Chutchian, Carmen Moran, Sasaki Group THURSDAY, JUNE 14,2001 Place: Stone Cottage, on the grounds of the Conference and Theatre Centre 8:30 a.m. -12:00 a.m. (Continental Breakfast provided in the Stone Cottage) Meeting with Shimek, Jacobs, and Finklea and city engineering staifto review design documents for the Addison Road widening and streetscape. Attendees: Mike Murphy and/or Jim Pierce, Slade Strickland, Steve Chutchian, Carmen Moran, Sasaki Group, John Birkoff ofShimek Work Session on Arts and Events District Page 2 June 13-14,2001 12:00 -2:00 p.m. Lunch at Antonio'$ Ristorante with Gary Cunningham of Cunningham Architects and TI1Il Johnson ofWJHW Architects and an after-lunch discussion in the Stone Cottage Attendees: Ron Whitehead, Carmen Moran, Gary Cunningham, Jim Johnson, Sasaki Group 2:00 p.m. -3:30 p.m. Meeting with Paris Rutherford and Erich Dohrer ofRTKL to discuss floor plates and building sires for the parcels south ofClara Street Attendees: Carmen Moran, Steve Chutcbian, Paris Rutherford, Erich Dohrer, Sasaki Group 3:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Meeting with Steve Laughlin ofTXU to discuss availability electricity and gas, and other utilities, including the permitting process for connections. Attendees: Steve Laughlin (TXU), Steve Chutcbian, Carmen Moran, Sasaki Group Steve Chutchian From: Steve Chutchian Sent: Monday, May 21,2001 3:00 PM To: 'davidm@huiH-zollars.com' Cc: Jim Pierce; luke Jalbert; Michael Murphy; Carmen Moran Subject: Morris Rd. Engineering Drawings David -The Town of Addison has engaged the services of Sasaki Associates, Inc., in Watertown, Mass., to design the proposed Arts & Events District facilities. The proposed Moms Rd. Extension project is within the limits of the site. In order to assist their efforts in laying out the site, they have requested a digital copy of the engineering drawings for Morris Rd. Can you send this information to Sasaki at the following address: dclough@sasakl.com Your assistance is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks. Steve Chutchlan \ \ \ 1 \ \ Steve Chutchian From: Carmen Moran Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 3:55 PM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: digital copy of Morris Road drawings Steve, Is it possible to get a digital copy of the engineering drawings for Morris Road from Huitt-Zollars? The Sasaki guys need it. If you can, could we send a copy to dclough@sasaki.com let me know. CM 1 ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Town", and Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, L.L.P., hereinafter referred to as "Engineer", to be effective from and after the date as provided herein. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Town desires to engage the services of the Engineer to complete field surveys and plot topographic maps for design to be completed by Sasaki Associates, Inc., on the Addison Circle Arts and Events District, located in the Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the Engineer desires to render such engineering services for the Town under the terms and conditions provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, and for the mutual benefits to be obtained hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Employment of the Engineer The Town hereby agrees to retain the Engineer to perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project; Engineer agrees to perform such services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. II. Scope of Services The parties agree that Engineer shall perform such services as are set forth and described in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and thereby made a part of this Agreement. The parties understand and agree that deviations or modifications, in the form of written changes may be authorized from time to time by the Town. III. Schedule ofWork The Engineer agrees to commence services immediately upon execution of this Agreement, and to proceed diligently with said service to completion as described in the Completion Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and thereby made a part ofthis Agreement. Engineering Services Agreement (5/11/01) Page 1 of 10 1,\616QlawlJo1l\Circ/t tll'U-evcou dUI1 Z-;.To, H' (_ Frnm (Arv\.o-rt:l .II. Co"iDOpl. Vh J Co. p~..,., PhOrn,t , F... F"" • d-16-2001 3,0dAM FROM "AF'1il 13 '01 15:11 FF!(}M SASAKI ([) memorandum ... .;-' --~',,---".--.--..--. "._--.,,--.,,« Dc:rrid Clovgh, AI~Word "-. 'R<>beIt I? "'""'" i ........ _. Addl""" Circ\t!~&E_Dittrid 14268.00 ........ • 0.,""'m. i/>eludlng Alan O2nd~. met ond ,.., I\>g4IIIIer "'It bot of age* m.m. n;., ow -ill\JrMiI\I-.Ic.. In on!oor to ~as nwdI in~1>Itoa:po$IiIlIe dutIng OQ< Ii'" visit 10 AMi......·....>uweu~.",.!he nooeiossory ""If(~to __loIfcowill\J ;.....,.; • DAIrr: I)j""".... "I."..,"" parld"IJ ,,~QnC! irac:k c:mooings far pecleatpOl1Od fac:ltm. -1CIIlM'-and long ..nn moinlenG_lto .... and_. • ~~:We~theTcr..npn>YklndetolW"'''9'Oii.Ili... of_ pIonMd lor "'" pori.. 1~>hoUId incl.o.; ~""Iul_for "'PfJO'f .......... $iz1t 0I~,and 1PO"I'1tqVi~lor_.I... ,--. !oIecommUlllccfiOl.•• *"1""< 1Ifoc. We ...... ....cI il.t'ornlal!OIII1> hoIp P"'lllUm III" ItOge and 1I>ee1I11g 'OOfJI$. • IMldlng ProgIOlll: I)j",;n.ion wi'" Itobot! ShOw "nd "'" Town Ngaldi"IJ propaeecl projjt_.Iori ....-.......r.ng ""~~ot>hJOOth ... 1-........... fooIogot• .;....... of sIoriIo$, ft.l~ AI.... Mr. ShOw e GfPI"P'I. ~~,fPI-;i~2x>liiogll foc.l. . • Adl'rocrltn: I'ioCess .... ~r;.,.wIocIIOii:iif~GriwoII! for .......ny. -. I ~. ; • Vii;! 10 Al"""". ~ In ...idmo... _ wiU n...d..'-e.."..". i.nfonnoIIori 100<1 ","copy.pIw ~icformOl), <>try ed""'S ....1Id•• kGl ;"'-~utiIlIy 1ft""",,. -V"IJ.aDd aliter """""'" mapping or pIo.o in~• ..,., copi"" of ~"""0.""""",,* ond oihar ~•• n.. ** TOTA~ PAGE.BBI *~ P.2 4.-1 6-2001 3, 05AM FROM APR 13 '01 IS'13 FROM 5ASI'IKI PAGE.eel , Iopcgrophk: .;.....y..shovJcj Indajde.1he rollowlll9lnfotMOllcon rot !he o;.-icl poreels 0IId induded sIr_: i . . 1. .$pol eIi...... lOp& bottom of~,~tme.J-llrude." I" 2. One fOQI ~" . . 3. Abcnoe...xt.w-. ~~1IIyInfwmOIiOrtIor _.JOt'IilOry _,_dtQt'.efecIric. ~.P...........n:.poil'llsll:>m.s1il1g ~,I*.¥illl elevoIIooI', I"....,~.pipe liD & mOlllrial, YOIIage onji duct size J . 4. T.... $V~inclvding ~·ondspecln 5.. 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