i l ! I ! ! i i I I i I I i I I I i r l ~i~ ::;) ij m' m !+ "n· < 0> c: .;.:.;,)> $ l l ~·· ... ·.·. Pam date Request# Amount 1/31/97 1 $ 34,568.10 3/3/97 2 $ 64,197.90 3/18/97 3 (FINAL) $ 10,974.00 contract ami. Sheet1 Total $ 109,740.00 $ 34,568.10 $ 98,766.00 $ 109,740.00 Page 1 HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 (214) 871-3311 DATE 3/13197 I 'o•,.;~ /' ES ZZ,U" ATTE~V/C'J Ah t./1-..k.c.J oNe. Q-L. TO ~""'"' ~ Boo.:.ot-P f?.,.z .. ,c. u..,rz. I p. 0 . .i:o2C> 144-RE: E't:.lft.r· v~ ~ o.J~ P'lftUC. WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 Attached 0 Under separate cover via_j~~ ... ~~s~z~a~""":··"':::· ~:· __ the following items: COPIES l 0 Shop drawings 0 Copy of letter DATE NO. 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 Change order o ___________________________________ _ DESCRIPTION %~~..:~ ~ 0 .... ~Ll ... )£.. , ()11'1-uer 9F B,JI.c PA-to ().,,~ }' . I <2e:s; :k ;r.:s -rus-,_ ~ .d. -/J'/"'1 A ~ >= ~D ..::;.., ........ hiU,_. lb" ..1-. I v THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: JQ For approval ;b For your use 0 As requested 0 Approved as submitted 0 Approved as noted 0 Returned for corrections 0 Resubmit __ copies for approval 0 Submit ____ copies for distribution 0 Return __ corrected prints 0 For review and comment 0 ------------------------0 FOR BIDS DUE _________________ 19 ___ 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS------------------------------------- --COPY TO ___________________ _ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly n ,.. " CONSENT OF OWNER SURETY COMPANY ARCHITECT TO FINAL PAYMENT CONTRACTOR SURETY AlA DOCUMENT G707 OTHER PROJECT: (name, address) Addison Circle, Phase I, Electrical Vault TO (Owner) D D D D [ ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: Town of Addison ] CONTRACT FOR: Addls~n Circle, Phase I, Electrtcal Vault 5350 Belt Line Rd~ P.O. Box 144, Addison, TX 75001 [ CONTRACTOR: Battson Contracting ] BOND NO: BCN1944984 CONTRACT DATE: 12111196 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (here insert name and address of Surety Company) Bltnmlnous Casualty Corporation P.O. Box 167968, Irving, TX 75016-7968 , SURETY COMPANY, on bond of (here insert name and address of Contractor) Battson Contracting P.O. Box 747, Lancaster, TX 75146 , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the fmal payment to the Contractors, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to (here insert name and address of Owner) Town of Addison Addison 5350 Belt Line Rd, P.O. Box 144, Addison, TX 75001 ,OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this 6th day of March 1997 Bituminous Casualty Corporation Surety Company Cindy Fowler Attorney-In-Fact Title N01E: This form is to be used as a companion document to AlA DOCUMENT 0706. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS. Current Edition AlA DOCUMENT G707 • CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FrNAL PAYMENT • APRIL 1970 EDITION • AlA® © 1970 • THE AMERICAN rNSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 New York Ave .. NW. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 ONE PAGE ·:>· -·I'-· STA'I'I! OP TEXAS COUNiY OF DALLAS Tba[ Battson Contracting SEcnONMB MA!NT6NANCB HIINO Bond No. BCN1044984 as priru:ip;d ;md 81 tumi no us Casu a 1 ty Corporation -----· a WlptlrdlwD orpnized Ulld« the lawo ofi 11 i noi s and-------------u mn:li.,., .,.id melll:s bcill~ autooria:d to do:o busm..s im 1bc lim or Taao, IIIIy •cknowledA~ !h.omadves m ~ beld. aDd bound m pay 0!1W the Town of Addi:lon. Texas, a duly incocpol'ak:d llome nllr: nwni&:ipal cn.•pIIlii of _ one Hundred Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Forty and no/100 _______ ($ 109,740~00 ) lbr !he p;11ymer11 ar whicll Slllll wiD and tl\lly to l>e nwlc UllltJ oilid Town vf AddiaQn IIDd ira ~=. saU principal 3ld IIUmlto dQ hereby biOO ~h'~. tbcir .usieDs ;md ~. joinlly aad sevc:r:illy. Battson Contracting has dlls dlt}' ~ iniO a \lOI'ilbm C cootract and lhe Plllu alld Spccif~QtiOIIIIIhcrein mcnlioot:d :ldnptCf uoid IOn, .00 t1u: ...W CW!Ia&WI and ;Wtfic;:s hercoo sludl tJ., suqject In ibe llqllidaled dami!p 1111:11tlOiltd ia ll2ir.l ciJDir.la fer CEQ day'~ fuilwc en il• part L<> <"Omply wlllt tlu: ~emU~ of !he :s.aid pro~l'h""' of qid cnnrmct; NOW 1'JIER}!tqr•ir for Lhc • CO!IIla:t ro w lllilim:liD aad wpair !!iid work. then lh.,.e prcsclll~ Wll hllv~ full ~mel cfl\o;t. mi said Tuwn r>f Addiw11 oholl h"~ IUid =aver lrciU ria: Cunlr.li:I01' and itll surctil:s damage~ in !be p1L'IIIim. 1$ providrd, and It I• timbl:r untlit<111:10d and agreed thaL lhil obliplion •haH be a cwlirwirrg UIK: agalnsr r~ prioopal and sumil:ll bcn:on and tbaL •-=!rive recQY;rlc5 may be had ~ for 511CU$Si\'L:: br~adl~ until !hr. mil amotUI1 ihall have been c-; -L . J7 ,j .-1= Notary Public in and for I -=U"-1'-l_"'f ___ County, Texas 02-18-1997 10:00 214620972.3 FUGRO McCLELLAND C SW> • INC. P.02/03 FUGRQ-McCLELLAND {SOUTHWESn, INC. 170"d COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE REPORT CUI!NT: hlllon Can1rac:11n0 REPORT DATE: .~a~~ua~y 21. 1111 PROJI!CT NO: 01tl..;acn PROJI!CT: A11C111on Circle One, Adlban, Texas CONTRACTOR: TICKITNO.: AMIJaNT TIM!". M'): CONCDft TIMP, (.,): TIMI!.IIATCHID: TIMI!.IAMPUD: WDlMIR CONDITION: LOCATION 01" I"LACI!MIINT: NUMIIR (dop) REMARKI: Teetlnlden: Todd NMty I!IMHibr Commtn:IIII"OIIIIWOlk nla CONCU.ft IUPPUIIt: Lllllmort Mallllala 70 PLANTtnlUCK: 7f410 14 MIX 1P NUMID: 2f 2:25 Pill AIR 1"1 1UT11 GG'I) :S.O 3:30 prn WATER ADDSD (pi): 15 Partly c:loudy SLUMP (lnciiM) 1UT11 C:.14al 4 ~vault noor, s 1 .. 1 nCH'II'I, 10 fHt-llf IOUIIIeNI comtr. lllltlllast c:GIIMr llf l!lulldlng A TESTED (poullft) ITMNGTM (,-I) FUGRO-McCLELLAND (IOUTHWUn, INC. CIICCUCI eY? I .:w:s Dlllribullon: llllllon COnnc:llna • Ran Huddleston SOLI 0217 2L6 " 5U~+~~~+UOJ UOS++~8 ~I0'60 L6-St-qa~ 02-18-1997 10!01 2146209723 FUGRO McCLELLAND (SW), INC. P.03/03 FUGROoMCCLELLAND (SOUTHWEST), INC. EO'd COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE REPORT CUENT: 111118011 ConltiCIInO REPORT DATI: 'elln*J 7, 1117 PROJI!CT NO: 071t-zoot PROJI!CT: Addllan Cln:ltl One, Addllon, Tuaa .. ·. ·. :• .: . . ··'· ':= CONTRACTOR: COI"ftll*dall"l'llm-.11. TICKET NO.: 7CWW81 CONCRETE IUPPUEit: Llltlmcml AMBieNT T!IIP. t•P): 71 PLANTITRUCK: 7 I 112 C:ONCIIITI 'RMP.j"P): 15 MIX 1D NUMUJl: 'rT TIMIIATCHeD: 2:00 pm Alit ~~ 1MT11 c:-111) nil TIMIIANPLID: 3:00pm WATEIUDDID (pi): 0 WIA1'HIR CONDinmn..,ON.u: CIMr ILUMI' llnclln)IMTIIC.MI) 3 314 LOCAnON Opt PLACIMENT: T.U. Elec:lric, tltdrtCIII Ytult wall, Cllltllllnt ... Will, I fMIIIIDYt !IOor ltiMARKt: Technlcltn: Dlvld Plltll FUGRO•McCL!LLAND (IOUTHWI!ST), INC. Chtcktcl BfE• ~df==------IUHIIIr Dlllllllull011: llallaon Conll'llcWig • Ron Huddlellon SOLI OZt> ZL6 03-03"-1997 16:13 FUGRO·McCLELLAND (SOUTHWEST), INC. 2180 VIrga Lane: Dallu. ,_... 71m Ph tfnl .... ,, , .. tmJ uo.na COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE REPORT CLIENT: Blltllon Contrlclln; REPORT DATE: l"tbMry20,18ia7 PROJECT NO: 0711·2001 PROJECT: Addllon Circle ona. Addison. Texas CONTRACTOR: TICKET NO.: AMBIENT TEMP. ("F): CONCRETE TEMP. ("F): TIME BATCHED: TIME SAMPLED: WEATHER CONDITION: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT: NUMBER REMARKS: Teohnlclan: Ted Nlcholll SMH/br concrete Formwul'lll 1071831 CONCRETE IUPPUER: Lattimore 511 PLANT/TRUCK: 1 68 MIX ID NUMBER: 8:<411 am AIR (%) (AITM C·IUJ 10:30 1m WATER ADDED (1111): 0 Cloudy SLUMP (lnGhtl) (AITM c.ioQ) 4.5 TU elact11c vault raor deck TEITED (pouncl•l ITR!NOTH (pel) ITR!Ncmt (pel) FUGRO•McCLELLAND (SOUTHWEST), INC. Checked 8y:, ___ 5,.;::a' .....l:vJi-1-L, \-___ _ Dllllllbutlon: Battaon Contracting -Ron Huddleston .... ' .. MAR-04-97 TUE 08:10AM HOD-LYNN SHORTNACV' FAX NO. 817 215 6093 P. 01/01 ~O'd IO'd :.!14 Nl bl!:ll P.Bl .BATTSON Bill! 747 ..... 11 • 1X 751* (21.)227 ... Lin" or •• • e ''AI!tt U: V' eRic· J'lwd Eleclricll Vadl TDMl af Milaa• Bill Ho. 97.(14 To Wbon.l& Me, ('<-m: ·. . · Blluan. Coallactias Ills COI;II'MII die· lllow nla I J1R1.ita ·-dinl lO ~ aad to aw Alii& tio-. W'llh-ttl. a.-Cwb ('C io ..-..,. die projKt wf 1 10 OOIIII'IC' ~ IIIia .._ sWI -• our ilaliooe vi IIIII .· w ;.t_af' ... prajel;r. . T.JJ. 7 k Compasy . :_ Vllr!7· Ode. ' roTA!. P.1!1 '!iOLt O ,:: ~,~, :;~!;t:i~f9 ~;2s~~E~~~:a~~~·¥~~.~~~~~~;~~r=~,G!~T~~ss·:;t1~l~ji;~li~;r·,,:;~··f~:~: CYUNOER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD COMPRESSIVE REQUIRED COMPRESSIVE NUMBER (d;ays) TESTED (pounds) STRENGTH STRENGTH (psi) (psi) ACA 883 7 217/97 133000 4705 4000128 days ACA 884 28 2128/97 165000 5837 ACA 885 885 28 2128/97 163000 5766 ACA 886 Hold SpecitlcaUons: Maldnq & Cutfncl: ASTMC-31 TesHng Methods: ASTM C-143, ASTM C-39 REMARKS: -Technician: David Peters FUGRO-McCLELLAND (SOUTHWEST), INC. Checked By: _____ :;..Llr~..l-1""~-----SMH/rm Distribution: Sattson Contracting-Ron Huddleston<""'" -'-~ PJ CLA Vendor No. I-to [d. uJJ-~j lolcnJ QppnJvcd Of\_ -Ylccruh ~ 6-i i -.-·.· -i VendorName J\dd1Son C,i~clv One, L±d. > Address 15'551 Dojlas Ycu-kL!)OLi 1 Suiie, g55 Address D+~o.... .-. ·' Address I5S 51 Doj I ClS Pcu=kuJati ,. Sui ff, 855 AddressD 4-.L!.;,& i• the ,',~ of Texas, do h<:rcby e•p~t....!y ~cknowledgc \lurnlotlve> 10 b<: beld and bound ro JlllY ulllil the ToW11 uf Arp<>ro!L'd b.<>IM rule n>unicipol C<>'J"lr~liuu undrr the law• of Illn growi~ OUL of or arislflg (rum tllC im~r jolnlog of !h.! sUJt:, nr on ilttount of ~y breaking of U>c Kame l!:IYI!ed by tho:: ""i~ C'-llntr•cklr in layin$; ur building lbt< banJ<;;. ur 011 accouut ot allY defect urisirlg in "">' of .aid pan .,r o•id work loki or ro'""""lcll by the said COOinlclllr. nr on ac.cCIOOI. l to cover aU derective CCnldition~ a~isin~ bv n:aoon ~f dls, work or labor pc-rfnlrac!Qr; iUid in caJ~ .00 the s.;d CQIIIIIIClOr and ~lnttiC-'i hereon sb..U bt subject lo !he liqllidatc m~:nuout;d in sw comract for each day•,; f>ilur" on ;" f'lr1. II> c'tlmply w!th lhe terms of the a.aid proyJslun• of '<3id conrmct; NOW TIIEREl'UR.E, if till" said CollltaCtor ~haU keep and JlLTform irs said agreement to UlllioiJ!in .,;d wmk ~lid keep the >atrlr. in repair fot the .... id 'llaintt•""lel' period vi' 1w11 !'2) Ytj!Jll, ~ pruvial and 1unrtie• bctcon and tbal >w:ccJLr11 •ny tiW>c durlna: l'"id time. IN Wl'nffiSS WHEREOF. the :lllid ..all!Jmi no us Casualty Corporat·j,\ij c!Wild lb..., pr~ to he cx..,.u!Pd by Attorney-In-Fact and tlut said Attorney-In-Fact hand thl, l!Jc ..§!tlday of....,..:M.:.::a~r::ch::__, I9~. PR[NCIPAL s;tnmjnous Casualty Corporation Battson Contracting Dy: A' IT&T By: Surety O'''ltll\IIIIIHI \ll"llo.'AI lUll luu llcn:untQ ~ hh; TOTAL P.04 IMPORTANT NOTICE -TO OBTAIN INFORMATION OR TO MAKE A COMPLAINT You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights or complaints at 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department oflnsurance: P.O. Box 149104 Austin, Texas 78714-9104 FAX No. (512) 475-1771 PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim, you should contact the company first. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. .CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT AlA DOCUMENT G707 OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR SURETY OTHER PROJECT: (name, address) Addison Circle, Phase I, Electrical Vault TO (Owner) 0 0 0 0 [ ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: Town of Addison ] CONTRACT FOR: Addis~n Circle, Phase I, Electncal Vault 5350 Belt Line Rd., P.O. Box 144, Addison, TX 75001 [ CONTRACTOR: Battson Contracting ] BOND NO: BCN19449B4 CONTRACT DATE: 12111196 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (here insert name and address of Surety Company) Bituminous Casualty Corporation P.O. Box 167968, Irving, TX 75016-7968 , SURETY COMPANY, on bond of (here insert name and address or Contractor) Battson Contracting P.O. Box 747, Lancaster, TX 75146 , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the fmal payment to the Contractors, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to (here insert name and address or Owner) Town of Addison 5350 5350 Belt Line Rd., P.O. Box 144, Addison, TX 75001 ,OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this 6th day of March 1997 Bituminous Casualty Corporation Surety Company Attes~~C:~ s;~~~ (Seal): -Cindy Fowler Attorney-In-Fact Title NOTE: This form is to be used as a companion document to AIA DOCUMENT 0706, CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS. Current Edition AlA DOCUMENT G707 • CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT o APRIL 1970 EDITION • AlA® © 1970 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 New York Ave., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 ONE PAGE BATTSON CONTRACTING PROJECT: Addison Circle -Phase 1 Electrical Vault OWNER: Town of Addison-Bid No. 97-04 PAYABLE TO: Battson Contmctiog P.O. Box 747 Lancaster, Texas 75146 ITEM I ITEM DESCRIPTION NO. SCHEDULE! 101 !ELECTRICAL VAULT SCHEDULE I SUBTOTAL TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED (0% Final) AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS I UNIT ILS AMOUNT PAYABLE THIS STATEMENT APPOVED: ESTIMATE NO: 3 (Final) ;~ CONTRACT AMOUNT: $109,740.00 . I CONTRACT I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL QUANTITY TO DATE I 1.01 DATE DATE DATE DATE 1.01 $109,740.00 I $109,740.00 I $109,740.00 $109,740.00 $0.00 $109,740.00 $98,766.00 s1o,914.oo I PPf"'PHT:PD rMAR 061997 STATE OF TEXAS SECTION BP CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID COUNTY OF DALLAS Personally, before me U1e undersigned autl10rity, on tl1is day appeared ::Ji..,.,., b. O..tlso., who, being • duly sworn, on oatl1, says that he is a legal representative of d-..:ftson. C.,..,.-tr"'c...+ t'~~ (full name of Cont~actor as in c ntract) and Umt the contract for U1e construction of the project, designated as '11-o£/(Project No.) Add,·so.-t CJrc./c...-Ph-s .. + £1c.dn'u./14~/t has been satisfactorily completed and Umt all bills for materials, apparatus, fixtures, machinery and labor used in cmmection witll U1e construction of tl1is project have, to the best of my knowledge and belief, been fully paid. G:IJ>ROJ\0118221J\FINAL\DP JAMES L. STANFORD Notal'/Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires AUGUST 30, 1998 ~~l~~/L--' gnatur~ . 02-18-1997 10:00 2146209723 FUGRO McCLELLAND CSW>,INC, FUGRO-McCLELLAND (SOUTHWESn, INC. t>O"d 28110 V1tg0 Lano; D&l!U, T-7!12H Ph (f71) ·~1; , .. (172) 1120-7321 '· COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE REPORT CUENT: Billion Conlrlc:llng REPORT DATE: January as. 1tt7 PROJECT NO: 0711-2001 PROJ!CT: 1\IICIIaOn Circle Ont, Addllan, Tuas CONTRACTOil: TICKITNO.: AMaiiNT TIMI". 1"1'): CONCltiTa TRMJI,("f): TIMI! llATCHID: TIME IAMPLED: W&ATMIR CONDITION: LOCATION Of' PLACI!MIHT: (do~) REMAIIKI: TeChniCian: Todd Neely SMHIIlr Commtn:111 Forrnworl!. n/a CONCillTI •UPPUIIl: Lattimore Mltt!Wia 70 PLAHTITRUCK: 7/410 14 MIX ID NUMIIIl! 27 2:25 pm AIR I~) IUTII CG1) ~.0 3:30pm WATEII. ADDiil) (gal): 1!1 Partly cloudy SLUMP (lnd!u) !UTili c-1~ 4 Eltc:l~cal vauK noor, 5 feat north, 10 ft.t-Df IOUIIIINI comtr. 1101111"" comer Df Building A TE8TED (pounclo) ITR!NOTK fpel) FUGRO-McCLELLAND (IOUTHWUn. INC. CM~et.<~'=.=zs====~------------Dlllribullon: Ballson ContrKilng-Ron Huddleston >;;OLI OZt> ZL6 02-18-1997 10:01 2146209723 FUORO McCLELLAND (~~).INC. P.03/03 FUGRO•McCLELLAND (SOUTHWEST), INC. EO"d COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE REPORT CLIENT: B•llaan Contracting REPORT DATE: f"•bnJ~ty 7, 1H7 PROJECT NO: 0781·2001 PROJECT: Addloan Cln:le One, Addloan, Teua COI\ITRACTOft: Commercial FnomiiWDrk TICKET NO.: 7030481 CONCRETE IUPPUER: Lattimore AMIIJ!.NT TI!MP. ("P): 70 PLANT/TRUCK: 71112 CONCIIITI TIMP. (•P): 85 MIX ID NUM81ft: Z7 TIMIIATCHED: 2:00 pm Alll (~) jlolllll c-G1) nil TIMIIAMPLID: 3:00pm WATER ADDED (gal): 0 WIATHIII.R CONDmON: Clalf SLUMP (lnclln)!MTIUMU) Uf4 LOCATION OP PLACEMENT: T.U. Electric, eleelrlc.l vault wall, cenl1!1lne eutwaH,II felllbOYI noor (pal) ,,.., lltEMAftKJ: FUGRO•McCLEUAND (SOUTHWEST}, INC. IUH/br DlllrlbUUon: 8lnlon ConltaCIIRII • Ron Huddlellon SOLI Oc17 cL6 03-03-1997 18:13 2146209723 FUGRO McCLELLAND (SW), INC. P.02/02 FUGRO·McCLELLAND (SOUTHWEST), INC. 2180 VIrgo Lane: Oollu, ,_,.., 75229 Ph (172) 414·8301: Fox (972) 821).7:121 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE REPC;~T CLIENT: Battaon Contrectlng REPORT DATE: Pebruary 20, 1887 PROJECT NO: 0751·2001 PROJECT: Addlaon Circle One. Addison, TexiS CONTRACTOR: TICKET NO.: AMBIENT TEMP. (°F): CONCRETE TEMP. (°F): TIME BATCHED: 11ME SAMPLED: WEATHER CONDITION: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT: REMARKS: Taohnlclan: Ted Nicholas SMH/br concrete Forrnworlls 1076631 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Lattimore 58 PLANTfTRUCK: 1 68 MIX ID NUMBER: 8:48 am AIR (%) (AITM C-1111 10:30 am WATER ADDED (gal): 0 Cloudy SLUMP (lnc:hn) IAITM C-1~) 4.5 TU alect~c vaun roof deck FUGRO·McCLELLAND (SOUTHWEST), INC. checked ey: ___ s ....... · 1b'-". _.....)\-___ _ Distribution: Battson Contracting • Ron Huddleston ~R-04-97 TUE oa:IO AH HDD-LYNN SHORTNACY' FAX NO. 817 215 8093 P. 01/01 l!O'd IO"d ~14 LLI bl!fl P.B1 .BAIISON Bml747 l..ane.utw, TX 75146 (214) 227.fl888 Ll'f'I'OlAC• tCIAl'fCJ !I.E: llddiiOII Cirdc-Plwe J E.tric;al V.ult TDMI.of~·BidNo. 97.()4 To Whom ll May Concern: ·. '"'-? ""-:] . · ~-COIIIr:CI.ios. hu ~ w· lllow rtil> .cd prqa.t ia»odiua ro ~JOn! ltd to OW' ;:hifactlan. W'n.\ .-t.ra.-r...w.-. io ..a.r.at ~ rror.ct ~ ro ~ ~ lllis lMI.-lilol1 -u our ilalioe ai final · IICCel!'lnCCofdle ~-. ~~~~~~4~~l~~ c ·_ ~-~. ~ SL, ·c,J6t~Jrre...Cct.tEJ Title . .::_\f\MP.:> L . 'S t-1 o t'. 111)/j cy T ,ll. 'Jr'i1r' compay · :_ Oi!=: ' . ·. TOTAL P.ll1 'SOLI Oat. aLl!> SOLI O<:v <:L6 ~ECEIVEO MAR 0 5 1997 FUGRO-McCLELLAND (SOUTHWESn, INC. 2660 VIrgo Lane; Dallas. Texas 75229 Pn(972)484-8301;Fax(972)82Q-7328 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE REPQR.T ~ CLIENT: Battson Contracting REPORT DATE: February 26, 1997 PROJECT NO: 0761-2001 PROJECT: Addison Circle One, Addison, Texas CONTRACTOR: Commercial Framewor1< TICKET NO.: 7030463 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Lattimore AMBIENT TEMP. ("F): 76 PLANT/TRUCK: 7 /612 CONCRETE TEMP. ("F): 65 MIX ID NUMBER: 27 TIME BATCHED: 2:00 pm AIR (%) (ASTM C-231) n/a TIME SAMPLED: 3:00pm WATER ADDED (gal): 0 WEATHER CONDITION: Clear SLUMP (inches) {ASTM C-143) 3 3/4 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT: T.U. Electric, electrical vault wall, centerline east wall, 6 feet above floor ; :: ?:~':.~:;::}l·~·!l.~:;~!~~~;~~f~}~-*ra~~tdEJ}~~~!rf~ ~~~~~K~~;sr·GTc~TE~[~;r~:i.][~~]j·~·!;i~i~]i~'llr .. CYLINDER AGE DATE TOTAL LOAD COMPRESSIVE REQUIRED COMPRESSIVE NUMBER (days) TESTED {pounds) STRENGTH STRENGTH (psi) (psi) ACA 883 7 2!7/97 133000 4705 4000/26 da}'s ACA 884 28 2128/97 165000 5837 ACA 885 28 2128/97 163000 5766 ACA 686 Hold Specifications: Making & Curl_ng: ASTM C-31 TesHnq Melhods: ASTM C-143. ASTM C-39 REMARKS: -Technician: David Peters FUGRO-McCLELLAND (SOUTHWEST), INC. checked sy: _____ S-"'"'~.,......\}.;.__ ___ _ SMH!rm Distribution: Battson Contracting -Ron Huddleston<""" PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Date: March 19, 1997 To: Ron Whitehead City Manager From: John Baumgartner, -6} Director of Public Wt! (972) 450-2871 16801 Westgrove Re: Final Payment -Addison Circle One Ltd./Battson Contracting, Phase I Electrical Vault, Bosque Park Battson Contracting has completed the referenced project in accordance with the Town of Addison's plans and specifications. The contract amount for this project is $109,740. Staff has received the consent of surety to fmal payment, the contractors affidavit of release of liens, and a one year maintenance bond. Staff recommends the Council accept this project and authorize final payment of $10,974 to Addison Circle One, Ltd./Battson Contracting. We would like this item placed on the agenda for the March 25, 1997 Council meeting. DATE _J_I_,j_L_j_1_ Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO CLAIM#----CHECK AMOUNT $ (;,~ /CJ7, c){) ,Addison Civ-r leJ One, L±d. 7SJ48 TOTAL v/) . , ..]..... EXPLANATION '11 r: buD 4-X tn en_; FINANCE ORIGINAL TO ACCOUNTING/YELLOW FOR DEPARTMENT FILE February 27, 1997 Mr. John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear John: REALTY TRrST Please accept this letter as our invoice in the amount of $64,197.90 for work done by Battson Contracting for the period ending February 18, 1997. Three copies of their pay application are attached. Please return two executed copies to us for distribution. STATE OF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James F. Duffy, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows: "My name is James F. Duffy. I am of sound mind, capable of making this Affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am a duly authorized representative of Addison Circle One, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership (the 'Partnership'). I am the appropriate official of the Partnership to submit this Affidavit and do submit this Affidavit on behalf of the Partnership. The Partnership, by assignment from the Town of Addison, Texas, is the owner and construction manager under certain construction contract documents entitled 'Town of Addison, Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Addison Circle Phase I' dated December, -15851 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 855 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 214 387-1492 FAX 214 770-5192 1995 (the 'Construction Contract') for that project generally referred to as Addison Circle Phase I (the 'Project'). The contractor for the project is Battson Contracting ('Contractor'). Attached hereto is an invoice or pay estimate for work performed on the Project by the Contractor for the time period set forth on the invoice/pay estimate. I hereby certify that the work reflected on the said invoice/pay estimate is true and correct to the best of my information and belief, that such work by the Contractor has been measured and verified in accordance with the Construction Contract, and that all Construction Contract preconditions to payment of the invoice/pay estimate have been met. Attached hereto are copies of all material testing results in connection with this invoice/pay estimate." ~~-Jame~ 7ant AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME on the Jl"t> day of , 1997. Please let us know if you have any questions. ~4 James F. Duffy ...... Senior Vice President -Construction JFD/kar Attachments FEB 181997 BATTSON CONTRACTING PROJECT: Addison Circle -Phase I Electrical Vault OWNER: Town of Addison -Bid No. 97-04 PAYABLE TO: Battson Contracting P.O.Box747 Lancaster, Texas 75146 ITEM I ITEM DESCRIPTION NO. SCHEDULE I 101 !ELECTRICAL VAULT SCHEDULE I SUBTOTAL TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED (10%) AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS I UNIT ILS AMOUNT PAYABLE TillS STATEMENT APPOVED: ~~ BA:NC0NTRACTING ESTIMATE NO: 2 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $109,740.00 I CONTRACT I QUANTITY I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL QUANTITY TODATE I 1.01 1.01 $109,740.00 I $109,740.00 2-!7-97 DATE DATE DATE 3-5 -f7 DATE I $109,740.00 $109,740.00 $10,974.00 $98,766.00 $34,568.10 $64,197.90 I DATE _Li.3.l_i.E.1_ Vendor No. Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO CLAIM# ___ _ CHECK AMOUNT $ J4; 508, /Q , I Do t ta.s I TOTAL FINANCE ORIGINAL TO ACCOUNTING/YELLOW FOR DEPARTMENT FILE January 27, 1997 Mr. John Baumgartner Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove P.O. Box 144 Addison, Texas 7 5 00 1 Dear John: --~------~--~-~··~~-·-~--!_ c o L u :_v_( :e~ u s It E A L T Y T R r S T Please accept this letter as our invoice in the amount of $34,568.10 for work done by Battson Contracting for the period ending January 20, 1997. Three copies of their pay application are attached. Please return two executed copies to us for distribution. STATE OF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James F. Duffy, who, being by me duly sworn, deposed as follows: "My name is James F. Duffy. I am of sound mind, capable of making this Affidavit, and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am a duly authorized representative of Addison Circle One, Ltd., a Texas limited partnership (the 'Partnership'). I am the appropriate official of the Partnership to submit this Affidavit and do submit this Affidavit on behalf of the Partnership. The Partnership, by assignment from the Town of Addison, Texas, is the owner and construction manager under certain construction contract documents entitled 'Town of Addison, Construction Specifications and Contract Documents, Addison Circle Phase I' dated December, -15851 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE 855 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 214 387-1492 FAX 214 770-5192 1995 (the 'Construction Contract') for that project generally referred to as Addison Circle Phase I (the 'Project'). The contractor for the project is Battson Contracting ('Contractor'). Attached hereto is an invoice or pay estimate for work performed on the Project by the Contractor for the time period set forth on the invoice/pay estimate. I hereby certify that the work reflected on the said invoice/pay estimate is true and correct to the best of my information and belief, that such work by the Contractor has been measured and verified in accordance with the Construction Contract, and that all Construction Contract preconditions to payment of the invoice/pay estimate have been met. Attached hereto are cop1es of all material testing results m connection with this invoice/pay estimate." D SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME on the dl~ day of -)"'1""0"""'"""""""""'--t'"''-'' 1997. Please let us know if you have any questions. ~ James F. Duffy Senior Vice President-Construction JFD/kar Attachments KM!eRI.V A. RIED ~Publlc ITAIE OF lc:AAS Mt Cotnrrltolcn &!*es DECeMBeR 18. 1W7 BATTSON CONTRACTING PROJECT: Addison Circle -Phase I Electrical Vault OWNER: Town of Addison-Bid No. 97-{)4 PAYABLE TO: Battson Contracting P.O.Box747 Lancaster, Texas 75146 ITEM I ITEM DESCRIPTION NO. SCHEDULE I 101 !ELECTRICAL VAULT SCHEDULE I SUBTOTAL TOTAL WORK DONE RETAINED (10%) AMOUNT PAYABLE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS I UNIT ILS AMOUNT PAYABLE THIS STATEMENT APPOVED: ~AZ£4; X X ESTIMATE NO: 1 CONTRACT AMOUNT: $109,740.00 I CONTRACT I QUANTITY' UNIT PRICE I TOTAL QUANTITY TODATE I 1.01 0.351 $109,74o.oo 1 $38,409.oo I $38,409.00 $38,409.00 $3,840.90 $34,568.10 $0.00 I $34,568.1o I J~ 2 1-17 DATE DATE DATE ;-31-V DATE SENT BY:XEROX 7033 :12-3-96 :!2:39PM HUITT-ZOLLARS. INC.~ HUllT -lOLIAAS Huitt-.Zollats. lne./3131 McKJnnly A¥erTUe/Suile600/L8 105/Dalla&. TtU&S 75204-24119{21~1t·3311/FAX 214/871.0757 December 3, 1996 Mr. Clyde Johnson !'=basing Mllllager Town of Addison Finance Building 5350 Belt Line Road Addison. TX 7SOOI RE: Bids Received for Addison Circle Phase I Elcctrieal Vault Huin-Zoo.,. Project No. 01-1822-13 Deor Mr. Johnson: 9316643:# 2/3 Huin-ZoUars bas tabulated and reviewed the follr bids received on December 2. 1996 at4:00 p.m. for the Addison Circle Phase I Electrical Vault projccl Witb this Jetter we ""' retumiog 10 yuu the on!;inal bids and the bid labulatiun. The low base bid w .. m:cived from Balloon Cnnlnlcting for $1011,740.00. 1lx; low bidde< ha:o done qwility work around the OFW Mettoplcx and would be acceptable for this project. Huin-ZoUars, therefore, recommends that lhe Town of Addison award tbe conUDCt for the construction of Addison Circle Phase I Electrical Vault m the low bidder, Battson Conlnlcting. p(...,.., give me n call if you &hnuld have any questions. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOllARS. INC. Ci2J~/)4~ ~~E. Meyers. P.ll. DEMfpsp cc: John Baumgartner, P.E. -Town of Addison. Director of Public Works I G:IJ'ROJ\0 1182213~j i:Z0.1.L. TR O&lle,s. J Fort Wortt'l /l-4ou&!.On I El Paso (Phoenix./Tusti"t I OnlariO I San Clarnllfda SENT BY: Mr. John Baumgartner, P.E. N<•vember 11. 1 996 Page 2 11-11-96 9:55AM HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC.~ 9316643:# 2/2 Many of the above items must also be addressed by Columbus Realty Trust, therefore Mr. Bryant Nail is being copied on lhese items. l will be happy to get together and discuss the above items and any other issues you n'k'l.Y have at your conv(.."Jlicncc. Thank you for your ussist:ancc in this matter. Sincerely, Ci ?.~~&! £ /lib-ye;_s ~:~ Meyers, PE. cc: Bryant Nail-Columbus Realty Trust Hll!TT-ZOLIARS RE&'D DEC 2 3 1996 Huitt-Zollars. Inc. /3131 McKinney Avenue I Suite 600 I LB 105/Dallas. Texas 75204-2489/214/871-3311 I FAX 214/871-0757 December 19, 1996 Mr. R.L. Huddleston Battson Contracting P.O. Box 747 640 E. Main Lancaster, TX 75146 RE: Addison Circle Phase I Electrical V au!t HZI Project No. 01-1822-13 Dear Mr. Huddleston: Huitt-Zollars has staked the vault corners at the southwest corner uf Bosque Park. Columbus Realty Trust will be moving their temporary fencing to the approximate location shown on the following sketch. All trees between the vault and the new temporary fence location except the large Hackberry tree can be removed, but only if absolutely necessary. The large Hackberry must be preserved during construction which will require some vertical shoring. The south and west sides of the vault excavation must also be shored vertically due to the location of the vault relative to Building "A" and Witt Mews. The use of vertical shoring should not be a hindrance to your operations due to the presence of gray limestone. It is vital that the root system of the Hackberry tree be disturbed on one side only in order to maximize its chance at full recovery. It is not acceptable to excavate around three sides of the tree and in effect leaving the tree on an island. The geotechnical report calls for a backfill material of a clean, relatively well graded granular material consisting of sand or a sand and gravel mixture to be placed on a 1: 1 slope from the base of below grade walls. Physical space limitations preclude construction of a I: 1 slope at this location. We have consulted with the geotechnical engineer and since we have designed the vault walls to withstand the hydrostatic pressures, it is our opinion that the backfill material can be limited to a distance of 5' wide around the perimeter of the vault. A suitable filter fabric should be used to separate clay soils from the backfill material as described in the geotechnical report, however, a PVC drainage system will not be required. In addition, please find the enclosed specifications for waterproofing of the vault. The exterior of the vault shall be waterproofed per TxDOT Item 458, Type 3 Waterproofing for Structures. The waterstops noted on the structural plans shall be "Swellstop" meeting the test standards noted on the following specification sheets. G:\PROJ\01!82213\RLHl220.LTR Dallas 1 Fort Worth I Hous:on I El Paso I Phoenix I Tustin I Ontario I San Clemente Mr. R.L. Huddleston ADDISON CIRCLE PH I ELECTRICAL VAULT December 20, 1996 Page 2 Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. ~J£.;J1~~ David E. Meyers, P.E. DEM/psp Enclosures cc: Mark Brandenburg -Columbus Realty Trust . Bryant Nail -Columbus Realty Trust Paul Shaw -Newman Jackson Bierberstein Larry Bell -T.U. Electric Slade Strickland -Town of Addison G:\PROJ\011822 13\RLH 1220.L TR ~ ALONG · iiOE OF STUBBED ENTRY SHALL ~TE :LD. 627.51 00 00 NG 626.50 TP 627.36 REMOVE 3 EX. TREES ( 0 '~--;-\~-/NG 627 c _.J ,_ ( .) ( I 1 .~· .>----·. \ I 0 ) ( NOTE: · .. 0. 454.5 to. 458.2. 454.5. Measurement. Sealed expansion joiniB will be measured by the linear foot of lhe size (minimum total movement capacity) shown on lhe plans. Measurement will be alons the centerline of lhe joint at lhe surface of lhe roadway and the parapet, if required. 454.6. Payment. The work performed and materials furnished In accordance wilh Ibis Item and measured as provided under ·"Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid for "Sealed Expansion JoiniB" ·of lhe size opecified. This price will be full compensation for furnishing and installing lhe joiniB including armor angles, when required, and for all materials, tools, equipment, labor and all incidentals necessary to complete lhe work. Armor angles required by the plano are conoidered part of lhe sealed exp8D8ion joint for payment. ITEM 458 WATERPROOFING FOR STRUCTURES ~~I 458.1. Description. This Item shall govern for the fumiohing and placing of waterproofing on concrete and steel bridge decks of railroad structures and on other structures as shown on the plans and in accordance wilh this Item. 458.2, TypfS. The type of waterproofing will be shown on the . plans or in the contract proposal and shall be one of lhe following: · (1) Type I. Type I waterproofing shall consist of a butyl rubber membrane applied to a surface with a proper adhesive, wilhout protective planking, and in accordance with the detail• shown on lhe pi8DB. Unless otherwise specified, the thickness shall be 1116 inch.·· (2) Type 2. Type 2 waterproofing shall consist of one (I) asphaltic primer coat and one (I) mopping of asphalt .. ;:f;-(3) Type 3. Type 3 waterproofing shall consist of one(!) asphaltic primer coat and two (2) mappings of asphalt. When shown on lhe pi8DB, waterproofing at construction joiniB of foundation structures shall be supplemented by two (2) layers of treated cotton fabric with a third mopping of asphalt placed over lhe outer layer of fabric. 860 458.3 (4) Type 4. Type 4 waterproofing shall consist of a self-adhering polyethylene wilh a rubberized asphalt mastic material. (5) Type 5. Type S waterproofing shall consist of a single component, coal tar modified, urethane coating. (6) Type 6. Type 6 waterproofing shall consist of a self-adhering, built-up membrane of rubberized asphalt formed on a preformed board, with cold applied asphaltic primer. (7) Type 10. When Type 10 waterproofing is shown on the plans, the Contractor may furnish either Type I, Type 4, Type S or Type 6. (8) Type RR-1. Type RR-1 waterproofing shall consist of a butyl rubber membrane with a protective course of asphalt plank or asphalt mat of the specified thickness. (9) Type RR-2. Type RR-2 waterproofing shall consist of a selfadhering membrane of rubberized asphalt formed on plastic film, with cold applied asphaltic primer, and protected with two (2) layers of 3/S inch thick asphaltic panels. (10) Type RR-3. Type RR-3 waterproofing shall consist of a self· adhering built-up membrane of rubberized asphalt formed on a preformed board, wilh cold applied ssphaltic primer. (11) Type RR-10. When Type RR-10 waterproofing is shown on the plans, the Contractor may furnish either Type RR·I, Type RR-2 or Type RR-3. 458.3. Materials. The waterproofing materials listed below shall conform to Departmental Material Specification D-9-6300. (I) Butyl rubber membrane (2) Asphalt for mopping above ground (3) Asphalt for mopping below ground (4) Asphaltic primer (S) Treated cotton fabric (6) Self-adhering polyethylene (7) Coal tar modified urethane (8) Rubberized asphalt with preformed board membrane 861 458.4 (9) Asphalt plank (10) Asphalt mot (II) Rubberized asphalt with plastic film (12) Asphaltic panels · (13) Plastic cement (14) Cold asphalt b&se emulsion Materials for waterproofing shall not he used .until approved by the Engineer. Materials requiring sampling and testing shall he delivered to the work site a minimum of three (3) weeks prior ·to use to allow for sampling and testing. Materials for waterproofing may he tested and approved prior to delivery to the work site, when authorized by the Enaineer. )/: 458.4. Construction Methods. (I) General. Waterproofing material shall he stored in a manner to prevent damage. The material shall he kept dry at all times and shall he stored in a warm area prior to use in cold weather and out of direct sunlight in hot weather. Asphalt planks, asphalt mots and asphaltic panels shall he stored so as to prevent warping and breaking. ., Concrete decks and other unformed concrete surfaces to he waterproofed shall have a wood float finish. All concrete surfaces to he he waterproofed shall cure for not less than seven (7) days before waterproofing application. Steel or concrete deck surfaces to he waterproofed shall he clean, dry, smooth and free of fins, sharp edges, and loose material. Grinders shall be used, if necessary, ·to remove protrusions !hat would. puncture waterproofing membrane. The surfaces shall be free of such contaminants as form release agents, wax base curing compounds, oil and grease; if these contaminants are present, they shall he removed by abrasive blast cleaning. · There shall be no depressions or pockets in bori:rontal surfaces of finished waterproofing. Unless otherwise required, expansion joints and other grooves shall he filled with plastic cement conforming to these specifications. Joints shall ·;• 862 458.4 he dry and clean when filled. They shall be overfilled slightly to allow for shrinkage in drying. The area to be waterproofed shall be thoroughly swept, vacuumed or air blown to remove all dust, dirt and loose foreign material. After the the deck is clean, it shall be maintained in a clean condition until completion of waterproofing. After the deck waterproofing work has started, no vehicular or equipment traffic shall be allowed on the bridge until after the work is complete and an adequate ballaot cushion has been placed on the deck. The waterproofing shall be protected against damage from any source. When asphalt waterproofing is shown on the plans as a protection for back of abutments, retaining walls or footings, asphalt for mopping below ground shall he used unless otherwise specified. Asphalt waterproofing on bridge decks shall he asphalt for mopping above ground. (2) Type 1. Type I waterproofing shall not be applied in wet weather, or when the ambient temperature is below SO F. The· rubber membrane shall be free from punctures, pockets or. folds. The membrane shall be turned into drainage holes and castings without break. Special care shall be taken to make the waterproofing effective along the sides and ends of members to be waterproofed. Expansion joints and other grooves shall be filled with plastic cement conforming to these specifications. Joints and grooves shall be dried and cleaned immediately before filling and shall be overfilled slightly to allow for shrinkage in drying. The butyl membrane shall be installed by first applying the adhesive as recommended by the butyl rubber membrane manufacturer to the surface to be waterproofed and at necessary splices in a solid area extending from the edges back about 36 inches. Apply the butyl rubber membrane. Press the membrane firmly and uniformly in place against the previously applied adhesive. Avoid wrinkles and buckles. All splices, laps and flashing shall be mode in accordance with the butyl rubber manufacturer's recommended procedures. 863 458.4 (3) Type l. When Type 2 waterproofing is apecified, the asphalt primer shall be in place at leut 24 boun and shall be dry prior to the a&phalt mopping. The primer shall be well worked in to give a uniform coating. · To provide uniform coating, the asphalt fot mopping &ball be heated in kettle& equipped with armored thermometer&, but shall not be heated above 350 F. Wbile being heated the asphalt shall be stirred frequently. The mop coating shall require not less than four (4) gallona per 100 square feet of surface. If Imperfections appear in the coating additional coatinas shall be applied llnlillhe Imperfections are corrected. ·• ·• • ' I ' · . I,·,, _;f-(4) Type 3. When Type 3 waterproofing Is apecified, the ~halt primer shall be in place at least 24 houn and shMII be dry prior to the fint asphalt mopping. The primer shall be well worked in to give a uniform coating. To provide uniform coating, the asphalt for mopping shall be heated in kettlea equipped with armored thermometer&, but &hall not be heated above 350 F, While being heated the uphalt shall be stirred frequently. Minimum coverage for each mop coating &hall be four (4) gallons per 100 square feet of surface. If imperfections appear in the coating, additional coatings shail be applied until the imperfectioOB are corrected. · · ·; AI construction jointa, the surface& to be waterproofed shall be mopped in sections. While the first mopping of asphalt iB still bot, a strip of cotton fabric 15 inchea wide shall be laid on the mopping and pressed Into place. Bach mopping thereafter shall be so applied that it will completely cover and seal the cotton fabric. End lap• of the cotton fabric &ball be not less than 12 inchea. (5) Type 4. Type 4 waterproofing &hall be applied in the following manner: ... . Unwrap the roll and press the adhesive surface into contact with the concrete, horizontally, secure the free end, then unroll slowly, using hand pressure to smooth the membrane in place and help make a tight bond with the concrete. Adjacent strips shall shall be overlapped a minimum of one (1) inch over the previously laid strip. Backfilling may be started as soon as the initial horizontal strip hu been applied. ,. 'r (6) Type 5. TypeS waterproofing shall be applied in two (2) coal& to produce a minimum cured film thickneas of 1116 inch. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, the application may be made using a roller, squeegee, 864 458.4 bruab or spray equipment. Application of the second coat shall be made wilhin 16 houn after the initial coat. The manufacturer's instructions shall be followed with regard to the maximum time allowed between coal& and any treatment of the initial coat required if Ibis maximum time •hould be exceeded. Ambient temperature at the time of application of the waterproofing shall be not less than 40 F. Backfilling shall not commence until the second coat of waterproofina bu cured &ufficiently to prevent damaae by the backfilling operation, (7) Type 6. Type 6 waterproofing &hall be applied by first applying the primer at a rate of one (1) gallon per 100 square feet of surface, or at the rate recommended by the manufacturer, and allowing it to dry to a tacky surface before placing the waterproofing membrane. The primer and waterproofing membrane board panels shall be applied only when the substrate temperatures are above 50 F. All jointa shall be sealed by centering the six (6) inch g'usset tape over the joint and pressing firmly into position. The panels and jointing tape must be rolled in with sufficient pressure to assure maximum adhesion, conformance to substrate and elimination of air bubbles. The manufacturer'• recommendations for installation shall also be considered. Backfilling Bhould begin u soon as the application of Type 6 waterproofing Is completed and accompliBhed within 48 hours after the material i& applied to a nonhorizontal surface. (8) Type RR-1. Type RR-1 waterproofing shall be applied to dry surfaceB and when the ambient temperature is above 50 F. The rubber membrane shall be free from punctures, pockets or folds. The membrane shall be turned into drainage castings without break. Special care shall be taken to make the waterproofing effective along the sidea and ends of girders and at stiffeners, gussets, etc. Grooves shall be filled with plastic cement. The butyl membrane shall be installed by first applying the adhesive as recommended by the butyl rubber membrane manufacturer to ballast retainers, ends of deck and at necessary splices in a solid area extending 865 STOPm 03250/GRG BuyLine 9292 Waterstop For Concrete Construction --~ '.,.~, -' : -··-.-.-SWELLSTOP Advantages .. -'·· .. :: ·,_,, Concrete structures are only as watertight as the waterstops that join them. SWELLSTOP~ waterstop helps contain the problem of below grade moisture penetration in NON-MOVING joints. Fast and easy to install, even by a single, unskilled laborer. SWEUSfOP keeps construction costs down by eliminating the need for split-forming and fabricated splices. SWELLSTOP is a flexible, coiled strip of butyl rubber and swellable clay waterproofing joint compound that swells upon contact with water to form a long lasting compression seal. • Easy to Install -SWELLSTOP can be applied by one person without split forming or splicing. • Applies in Any Dry Weather -SWELLSTOP remains flexible under most temperature conditions for all season applications. • Safe -SWELLSTOP is non-toxic and requires no special handling. • Self Adhering -SWELLSTOP has excellent adhesion to SWELLSTOP Primer/Adhesive over clean dry concrete. Grade compacted to 95% standard proctor NOTE: SWELLSTOP is NOT an expansion joint material and SHOULD NOT be used as one. E.'qlansion joints MUST be sealed with a conventional waterstop. For additional information on waterstop for e.xpansion or moving joints, contact GREEt'ISTREAK at 800-325-9504. 3400 Tree Coun Industrial Blvd., StLouis, Missouri· 63122 Phone: 800. 325·9504 or 314. 225-9400 • Fax: 800. 551-5145 or 314. 225-9854 Flexible solutions. Concrete performance. PrQperty Specific Gravity a1 77'F Penetration Penetration After Aging 21 days ai 130'F Unrestricted Swell Head Pressure Resistance Head Pressure Resistance Acceler:ued Aging Flow Resistance Stonge ille Adhesion to Clean, Dry Concrete AppUcation Temp. R2oge Service Temp. R2nge Test Method ASTM·D-71 ASTM·D-217 150 G11. 300 G11. ASTM·D-217 300 G11. Greenstreak's Hydrostatic Pressure Test"in actual field simubtion of concrete joint Competitor's maierial penetration Hydrostatic Pressure T&-not in concrete joint Mechaoic:tl Oven 4 hrs. @212'F 314' Overhead Joint E>posed to 135'F for 7 Days SWEIJSl'OP Results 1.26 53 83 75 300% 139-162 ft. (60-70 psi) ultimaie 231ft. (100 psi) Maintiined 99% SoUds No Flow Indefinite Excellent 5' to 125'F 40' to 212"F •A Hydroswic Pressure Test run in an actual field simulation is available from GREENSI'RF.AK. Copies of lhe lest, conduced by an indepeodeot testing 12borwry, are fREE :10d em be oblained by c:iiiing 80().325-9504. Typical Applications Ideal for use on many types of cast·in·piace and precast below grade concrete applic:uions, SWELISfOP is specifically intended for NON-MOVING JOINTS. Call Greenstreal<: for full line of waterstops, including those for expansion. SWELISI"OP is perfett for use on: • Pipe (round, oval, flatbase, elliptical and arch types) • Construction joints in foundation slabs or below grade walls • Utility and burial vanlts • Precast concrete wall panel systems • Wet wells • Septic tanks • Box culverts • Sanilary and stonn sewer nranholes • Ponahle water tanks Limitations A ntinimum of two (2) inches of concrete clear cover must separa!e SWELISfOP from the face of concrete. NOTE: In cases of lightweight concrete or insufficient concrete coverage, increase clear cover. Call the GREENSTREAK teclutical sales representative for additional infonnalion. SWELISfOP should not be stored exposed to moismre. Should the marerial become wet during the phasing of the job, check for swell. Should considerable swelling occur before covering with concrete, remove and replace marerial with new. Use concrete rutils to secure the waterS!op as necessary. ORDERING INFORMATION Dimensions __ I' x 314" x 16'·8" per roll Carton Weigbt __ 41lbs. Weight .41lbsJft. minimum Carton Size 14" x 14" x 10" Carton Contents _100 1JF (6 roUs/ctn.) Pallet Size 4' x 4' To lace Y.OUr order call GREENSTREAK at 1-800-325-9504 today. WUIED wAR&Vn"Y: G~ 'frUTollll!lllllbr ~tlaa lhls proc~oo:.;n be f=Wmdcktu211dwill perform :a ~ln1l'lillnX 5llbjea 10 1M t-o C Z) folknrin& CI3DCiiiiDas: ~_!.h..e_~ .. o.l.l be produa .:I dle~c:m!UD~Doa ~'-'In dleapplic:alioo1 ue in :ICI:Imllncellilb~s Second. !be a.r 1111 sekatd the pnll'l5'~ ilrlbr $pCC!lic 2ppliaDoo rtqlliml (j~ dad2ims aliT rcspon:sit~Uirf (Gr 1M sdcalon d a puDollzr~ produa. Procluct sdecDoa is die :IDle ~ :IDd demioa oldie~-1M !llDtlbilirr ol aar l1l3lft'i:ll ror 1 spcQfk -:applialio-n ~ tluld ~ is lies delmaimd II!~ ICSI:iDB £or !be :&pplialioD. GRf:DSIREAr 11f!C1 die Buyer ID CIOIIdlcl irs ooon sir Nzy trlonnaioa wps:&:l by (j~ w:idl ~ D ils pr1)fU:fU:rs is bdicttd 10 br COITt'CL GftEENST'II:EI.III3kcs t10 Ct{IC . IS or wmwies, ~or lcrlpUcd. :rs 1111br ~or ~ol511Cb iriiOmalioll or lhc usr ol5Udl lnfoi1n:mon for 1 panicUbr ~ (ji!EESSTR£Ar ba ODt performed =r ISS. ,., -d:la 1111 bem ~ by lndepcndell. CCIICCCCiad:d 12bon!orics. llec:acR GRfEIST'REAr b:rs TIJ macrol ooa' ~!be~ or Ill:~ ollrs ptoduas. GRm\SlllEAI .. s lJalilcd ~is :rs biJows" Tbe c:xdusfre n:llledla o1mr, llicrya' _, _. u.i1 oi'Cbe lbbillzr olGIEENSlltE.U• &aoa..., md alll..a or d_,cs resaftla& fna die UM ollldt prodaa (IDdodlascW.i .._, • CU<~IrC. ~SiriclliDIIIJ, orOibemle) sb::IU be ei~ dleluU refcmd ol die~ prb to llaJ'ft' oldlit Pfodaca ... dire~ oldie qaalitJ of pnxlua pard:laalbf die IIIIJa"-•• elmloa ol CR£ENS1J£.\K* ... CICIO COUll slid ~be lilbleilt....,iPcicbrll.or~ ........ lbr lla'j'll":al:llll _,of Ibis prod• CEISft cs--110 lllte~dle-Gllbitu..iloedY..,_,wbkh_, llfll:be,....;e,s ln-r-t bf_,'OCI'IIIilorwilel~ 3400 Tree Coun Industrial Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri 63122 Phone: 800. 800. 325-9504 or 314. 225-9400 • Fax: 800. 551-5145 or 314. 225-9854 0 1993 GREE.'ISTREAK. G~ is a regislered trademark of Greensueak Pbsdc: Products Qlmp:my, Inc. Sllo'd!Stop.,.. is a lr':lderrwk or Greenstre:lk Pbsdc ProductS Qlmpany, IDe. Flexible solutions. Concrete performance. HUITT-ZOLLARS, INC. 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 DALLAS, TEXAS 75204 (214) 871-3311 ... --. ----·--··-··-·-·-. -·--------------------~-"-----'---'---ADAT;En //sl?~ 1'6}iazzt3' 110N 'J?, -:JAmES ~T'I9-N To lSa-.-r~"l CoNitZ.t4c.l1Nl:. '?. b-Bax 141 "'AQOI-1--."" e, ~U..LE v ... -..,.... WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached 0 Under separate cover via..t:r'-=8ul_.,!......,_ ____ the following items: COPIES I I 0 Shop drawings 0 Copy of letter DATE . NO. 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 Change order o ____________________________________ DESCRIPTION r'oNc..n.C'rl: (}1,jlt ::;, e.s.l ~ JJ /l!8 CHLORIDES% <0.1 ! ; """" ~IJ ® DESCRIPTION Sika AEA-15 admixture is a liquid solution of concentrated organic materials.lt has been formulated and manufactured specifically to provide stable and predictable air contents in concrete. With uniform air bubble spacing throughout the concrete matrix. Sika AEA-15 meets the requirements of ASTM C-260 for air entraining admixtures and AASHTO M-154 APPUCATIONS Sika AEA-15 can be used whenever air entrained concrete is desired. Readymix, precast and block producers can all achieve optimum entrained air contents even where harsh mixes are used or fly:ash is added to the mix. ADVANTAGES Air entrainment is recognized as the most effective prevention against concrete scaling in exposed environments. Air entrained concrete delivers particular benefits jn the form of increased concrete durability. This is important in colder climates where frost and freezethaw cycles can cause scaling and darnage to the concrete surface. Air entraining agents help to prevent scaling by creating millions of mlcr~scopic air voids, allowing water trapped 1n the concrete to expand when the concrete freezes, thus preventing cracks caused by natural expansion. Entrained air voids in the concrete will also increase durability in harsh environments where concrete is exposed to deicing salts, marine salts and sulfates. Workability and placeability are also improved by the lubricating action of the microscopic bubbles in the concrete. Concrete will flow better, and bleeding and shrinkage will be redu?ed beca.use less water is needed to obta1n the des1red workability. Sika® AEA-15 Air Entraining Admixture HOWTOUSE DOSAGE Addttionrateswillvarydependingon the air content required for a particular project. Typicailyair contents will be specffied in the range of 4 to 8 percent by volume. Other factors that may affect the amount of atr entrained intotheconcreteinclude, but are notlimttedto,cementcontentandtype,sand gradation, temperature and water content. Sika recammends that trial mixes be tested whenever material or any other changes are made that may affect the amount of entrained air. Dosage rates for Sika AEA-t 5 will typically fall between 1/4 and 1 ft. oz./1 00 lbs. ( 16 -65 ml/1 00 kg) of cement to entra1n between 4 and 6 percent air. Higher air contents may be obtained by increasing the dosage rate. Combination with other admixtures, particulartywaterreducers and retarders, will tendtoincreasethearnountofentrainedrur in the mix. Aircontents_should be checked with an air-meteraflerbatching and dosage adjustments made at the concrete plant. MIXING Measure the required quantity per batch manually or with automatic dispe_n~er equipment Add Slka AEA-15 to mtx1ng water or sand. Do not mix with dry cement. When used in combination with other TYPICAL DATA FOR S/KA AEA·15 4196 admixtures, care must be taken to dispense each admixture separately into the mix. PACKAGING SikaAEA-15 is supplied in 55 gallon (208 liter) drums and bulk delivery. STORAGE AND SHELF LIFE Sika AEA-15 should be stored at above 35"F (2"C). If frozen, thaw and agitate thoroughly to return to its normal state before use. Shelf life when stored in dry warehouse conditions between 50"F and 80"F (1 O"C-27"C) is 1 year minimum. CAUTION Skin and eye irritant; avoid contact. The use of NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator, safety goggles and rubber gloves is recommended. Avoid breathing product Use with adequate ventilation. Remove contaminated clothing. FIRST AID Wash skin with soap and water. In case of eye contact, flush with water for 15 minutes; contact a physician. Wash clothing before re-use. CLEANUP Contain and collect-with absorbent material. Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. ASTM CERTIFICATION C-260 Air Entraining Admixtures COLOR Brown SPECIFIC GRA VITYglml 1.02. 0.02 pH >8 CHLORIDES% <0.1 FINANCE DEPARTMENT I PURCHASING DMSION 5350 Bell Line Rond ~~1.r":ill"~:.£..."'Z'.;~ ........ ----------------CLYDE JOHNSON, CU-I. PURCHASING MAL'iAGER December II, 1996 Mr. Jimmy D. Battson P.O. Box747 Lancaster, TX 75146 (214) 450-7091· Fao;;mHo (214) 386j)938 New Facsimile (972) 450-7096 Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 ·· CL\'DEJOHN'SON,C.P.M. PURCHASING MANAGER December 19, 1996 Mr. Jimmy D. Battson Battson Contracting P.O. Box 747 Lancaster, TX 75146 Phone (972) 450-7090 Notice to Proceed: Addison Circle, Phase I, Electrical Vault, Bid No. 97-04. Dear Mr. Battson: ·Receipt of this document authorizes Battson Contracting to provide all labor and materials as outlined ·in the specifications. Your company is to perform all work according to the time schedule, bid price, .and other tenns and conditions of the contract documents. -. Enclosed please find a completed copy of the contract for your file, our consultant will be providing you with conforming set of documents -including an original contract. Work shall begin by December 26, 1996, and be completed by February 24, 1997. Please contact me at 450-7090, if you have any questions, or ifl can be of assistance to you. Sincerely yours, Enclosures copy: John Baumgartner Huitt-Zollars C::IOFFlCE\WPWIN\1991BJI)S\g7. Jl.I\JIROCEED.LiRp AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this /grH day ofl:>Ect"::/11 r,<:e 1996, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County of Dalla's and State of Texas, acting through its City Manager, duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed the OWNER, and Battson Contracting, of the City of Lancaster, County of Dallas, State ofTexas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: Addison Circle Phase I Electrical Vault and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, ·m accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR's written Proposal and the General Pro,isions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice to do so sha'll have been given to him, and to substantially complete the work within 60 calendar days after he commences work, subject to such extensions oftirne as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR One hundred and nine thousand, seven hundred and forty and noll 00 dollars ($109,740.00) in current funds for the performance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as pro,ided in the General Provisions, and to mike payments of account thereof as provided therein. IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON (OWNER) Ron Whitehead, City Manager Battson Contracting (CONTRACTOR) ATTEST: Carmen Moran, City Secretary ATTEST: By: -=::r:..... (_ -.:S/)/""=<> 6,. • ~