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Team meeting to discuss goals, identify stakeholder groups, etc. A meeting of the project team will be held to discuss and review the goals and objectives of the project The current understanding of the project objectives is to: • Improve mobility in the intersection at Belt Line Road and the Dallas North Tollway, • Improve pedestrian mobility in the intersection, • Provide a gateway into the Town of Addison, and • Complement the urban design theme being developed by RTKL. During the same team meeting the various stakeholders in the project will be identified, and incorporated into the project's communication plan. B. Individual meeting with stakeholders Meetings with the individual stakeholder groups will be conducted to detenmine their respective requirements, needs, and desires. This activity is important since the stakeholders will become important cornerstones in the effort to build consensus for the project. The stakeholders stakeholders currently identified include the following: • Town of Addison • City of Dallas • NTTA • Dallas County • Adjacent property owners C. Develop alternatives for vehicle mobility This portion of the project will be used to develop concepts for improving the vehicular rnobility through the intersection. The concepts will not be detailed, but will be developed to a pre-schematic level. The objective of this work is to present some concepts to improve mobility that could be addreSSed in greater detail. D. Develop altematives for pedestrian mobility The work to be performed in this task will develop alternates to improve pedestrian mobility in the Belt Line Road -DNT intersection. As with the 022467 -Dallas County BLR-DNT Page 1 I. )J \ \~0 vehicular concepts, these ideas will not be developed to schematic level, but they will be developed in sufficient detail to permit comparison with other alternatives. E. Team meeting to discuss both sets of altematives A meeting of the project team will be held to discuss and review the concepts identified in the previous tasks. The outcome from the meeting should be three or four alternatives for vehicular and pedestrian mobility improvement. Each of these altematives will then be evaluated in greater detail. F. Perform traffic counts Traffic counts will be collected to determine the traffic volumes on the roadways entering and exiting the intersections included in the signal model. These data are critically important for the traffic modeling that will occur in the following task. The count will be collected for two-hours in each of the morning, mid-day, and afternoon peak periods. G. Develop traffic signal timing model to evaluate vehicular alternatives The work to be performed in this task is the traffic modeling to optimize the traffic flow through the intersection of 8elt Line Road and the Dallas North Tollway. The modeling will have to extend to both the east and west approximately four traffic signals to coordinate and optimize signal timing. Traveltime runs will be performed in each of the three peak periods. H. Prepare concept level designs for pedestrian alternatives Concept-level designs will be prepared for the pedestrian mobility alternatives identified. These plans will be used in the design charette to be conducted in the next task. I. Conduct design charette A design charette will be conducted to provide an opportunity for the various stakeholder groups and interested citizens to become involved in the design process. The design charette will last for approximately six hours, and will be conducted in an open-studio format, in which the participants can provide unstructured input to the project design effort. 2. Preliminary Design Phase A. Prepare preliminary design report After receiving input from Citizen groups in the design charette a preliminary design report will be prepared. The major components for the preliminary design report will be: 022467 -Dallas County BLR-DNT Page 2 i. Schematic designs for vehicular improvements ii. Schematic designs for pedestrian improvements iii. Cost estimates for vehicular improvements iv. Cost estimates for pedestrian improvements v. Narrative discussions for each alternative presented B. Present report to team members and stakeholders After comments on the preliminary design report have been received and incorporated into the document, the final version of the report will be prepared and presented to the design team. Photographs of the intersection and Belt Line Road are included on the following pages for reference. 022467 -Dallas County BLR-DNT Page 3 022467 -Dallas County BLR-DNT Page 5 022467 -Dallas County BLR-DNT Page 6 BELTLlNE @DALLAS PARKWAY MCIP PROJECT 10303 PROJECT MEETING JANUARY 28, 2005 SIGN-IN SHEET NAME :TcuofN .... , MeA"'5 " i=A\5Al... SY£D ~WI p,,:--.\ it. Plrrcu:sC1(. \-\0. !'00f\ fi1 -l -\ ;r1J I; 'j..} W"'tt..~ J trY7 f1 eY"-L STffn' C.l-lvTC/Ht4tV 11Jfi. (j 1I A. \...,," Jl~J" lc-A 0 ORGANIZATION TELEPHONE FAX OA........AS. c:::.OUWTY %.14-bSlS .-407 %14-'-53-6445 WAl..-lER f: MroRE. ("2.14-') 740-G>"U:::'O ('Z\4-) 74n_ -"l04~ C. eo..o\r ~, ,1):1 1.14.0:9."14s:"" 7l~. '"58 ,b,,",,"'0,\"'1 ~"DaH",<; ,q>1'1-fi'lb ~O\~ ~1'1-PO 3Bro /oWN ",. ""';"'/S<1'" I/fr.fll -;V?'t? 'l7.J1.. Y.f.","<:\..(~n.~:::, Qj .\. A'CO@.c.I..c:..... hCI!'I';On, C\bclo 'n tv ~d f".J Oil~QJ..,'....u"""".7'X I ~If'N6J d. , u/I$If'4, /... .,J' sci"sci"fcJ/c,,'1t!!P c i, ~.,ftJ;"" f. I~~ {,t',.a.U~ - " Town of Addison Project Application .t'roject Name (Maximum 30characlers) BELl L.../,vb /20. .rIVTERS Ecflo/l/.r""f'.Rc.V~ Project Description Project Type: D OperatingfUnique D Operating/Recurring @Capital D Special Event Time tci Complete (In months) 1 .atedin· :planning Sector: 1 2 3 4 .5 6 N/A Project Time Lin~ Phase (engineering, ROW, acquisition, construe Cost #1~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11~~~~~__~~~~~__ G, cJ4 . t Start " ~IS om. ~ la1I 0 R 381 3& '/-,)"fff$Months .; Sc"~ cJ CO Date Total Budget ..• "lance Department Use H Project # .. . . Year Sector Type Free.. Seq.. ' -~""~'---~~_.. ___'>~TEV€.. __ C/I(./TCIf(-4rv ·.~~~....~-~~.-..~....~-~.-~----..-~~~. ~~ ~-~ ~~ ~~~_ ~ 4mt<24~ mm~-. __0JYL dl~ ... q];z.~~c.tS(}~f:Zf--;~f~ _--It&!K'd:-f __ __~DP_N _ O~t.J/l4 ~ ~m))""jf~~~c,"7 ~ df:J!:L:J?f.}_-7/S J~~ ....... ...~ _~__l:T fJ tJ L 'it) /'/... _~_.~~...~~ .. .'~ ? _=_ y ~-_u-;:t...1f'~c;~"''---__~ r tJWtV cJF Apprp/I/7172-4-50 -2.%gC _-flI£X-~.L5:!cr7fJ ~~_~-.-~~~iBU-l2::l~"~J _=~j;~i:3-~~::~\1? __ _ _ -,de .,-_5LCK_~_... __~._ .~.._._._//___ .//________ .__/Jl/KL__ : ___ ...~_ _q1'?~Cj'2D':.~.Z~]&_~ ____~~L _~ ......... ~ ___~ft= (fl-~-_.--g20----{50~-Z~I -/}j~__~ ~ 'ljJ<158J./__~__............... . ofpageJ (lndudmg cont):,---,7l--_ Addl$OlIt TIC. 75Q01*9610 COKERCompany 6350 lBJ Freeway Su'te i59 Oanat;. TX 75240 972,72fL8130Vc~", 972,726,6142 Fax PHASE I REPORT SINGLE POINT URBAN INTERCHANGE SUPPORT INVESTIGATION BELTLINE ROAD AT NORTH DALLAS TOLLWAY Prepared By: Michael R. Coker, President Coker Company 6350 LBJ Freeway Suite 158 Dallas, Texas 75240 972-726-6130 (V) 972-726-6142 (F) mrcoker@cokercompany.com ZONING • lAND PLANNING .. DEVELOPMENT SEfMCES .lANOSCAPE ARCHITECTURE This report is the result of an investigation perfonned by the Coker Company on behalf ofthe Town ofAddison to determine the level ofpotential support from a number of governmental and quasi-governmental jurisdictions for the construction of a single point urban interchange at the intersection ofBeltline Road and the North Dallas Tollway, Dallas, Texas. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY There is generally support for the project across the jurisdictions and agencies interviewed. There remains some skepticism about potential improvements in mobility and safety resulting from the operation ofthis type of interchange. Insuring pedestrian mobility and safety continue to be a theme from a number ofthe agencies interviewed. Funding, outside ofwhat the Town ofAddison has identified, has not been committed, but multiple agencies have indicated a willingness to consider funding if appropriate requests are submitted. Other sources offunds may require significant additional time to acquire. ASSIGNMENT The Phase I assignment included contacting officials with the specified jurisdictions and detennining or assessing their level ofsupport for the project. Officials in each ofthe specified jurisdictions were contacted either in person or by telephone. INVESTIGATION TOWN OF ADDISON The Town ofAddison, while not one ofthe jurisdictions to be interviewed, is critical to this assessment ofsupport. Officials and citizens from the town believe that a single point urban interchange (SPUI) design will improve traffic operations at this intersection. To that end, the citizens have authorized a significant source offunding through the Town's capital bond program to underwrite a substantial amount ofthe land acquisition, design and construction for the project. The majority of the intersection is within the corporate limits ofthe city of Dallas. Therefore, obtaining support from the city of Dallas is critical to the potential for success at this intersection. CITY OF DALLAS On June 18, Coker Company representatives Michael Coker and Liz Carter met with City of Dallas Public Works and Transportation Director David Dybala and one of his Assistant Directors responsible for the Capital Bond Program, Warren Benoy. Mr. Dybala indicated that he was supportive any intersection design that could improve traffic operations at this intersection. Mr. Benoy indicated that there was money in the upcoming bond election (May 2002) for improvements to the east of the intersection and that he would work to include as much funding as he could for improvements and/or land acquisition at the intersection. Mr. Dybala stated that statistical information that supports the contention that a SPUI will demonstrably improve traffic operations and safety would help him market the concept to the City Manager and the City Council. Coker Company representatives advised him that that information was available. One concern that Mr. Dybala expressed was related to the pedestrian safety issue. His contention is that there is a significant volume of pedestrian traffic that crossed over the Dallas North Tollway during lunch hours and in the evening. Coker Company representatives advised him that the Town ofAddison is aware ofthose concerns and that the engineer/intersection designer is considering all ofthe opportunities available to ensure the safety ofthe pedestrian pUblic. Mr. Dybala and his staff are supportive ofthe concept and are interested in cooperating with the design and ultimate construction ofthe project. COUNTY OF DALLAS Michael R. Coker met with Dallas County Planning Director, Rick Loessberg and Don Cranford, Assistant Director ofPublic Works and other senior members ofthe Department of Public Works regarding the proposed SPUI on July 3, 2001. Their position was that of moderate support. There was no support for providing additional county funding for the project at this time since their funding cycle recently closed, but there was no opposition to the concept provided that the SPUI design actually does improve traffic operations and safety. Like the city ofDallas, there was concern expressed regarding the ability ofpedestrians to successfully and safely navigate their way from one side ofthe interchange to the other. The County supports the project, especially ifit improves mobility and traffic safety. NORTH TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY On July 3, 2001 Michael R. Coker met with the executive director ofthe North Texas Turnpike Authority, Jerry Hiebert and several senior staffmembers. They indicated that they did not have a position about the SPUI concept, but guardedly indicated that an improvement to the transportation system would be a good thing as long as construction did not adversely affect their main lane operations on the Tollway. Mr. Hiebert and his staff made it clear that any construction interference with the Tollway's main lanes would necessarily require significant coordination and cooperation. NITA staff did not provide any encouragement about funding for any portion ofthe project. It is my assessment that NITA staff are neither supportive nor are they adverse to the concept. They do not want any interchange construction (Spur or other) to interfere with the Tollway's ability to move vehicles. DALLAS AREA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY Coker Company representatives, Michael R. Coker and John Abbott met with senior DART manager, Jack Wierzenski regarding DART's level of support for the concept and whether or not they would be able to contribute any funding to the land acquisition, design or construction ofthe project. DART supports any transportation improvement that reduces congestion, improves circulation and vehicular through put, and that does not adversely affect pedestrian mobility or safety. He indicated that the Town ofAddison receives money from DART for them to use for transportation improvements that are important to the overall transportation system and that are consistent with traffic and safety issues, and that assist in reducing the environmental impacts of vehicular transportation. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The Coker Company discussed the project with staffat the TXDOT regional office. While there was not an expression of support for the project, neither was there opposition to the project. TXDOT supports projects that improve mobility and that reduce adverse air quality impacts. There was no indication of a willingness to support the project financially. NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS In a telephone conference with Michael Morris at the North Central Texas Council of Governments, it was determined that there is support for the project if it does improve mobility. It was also determined that funding for projects ofthis type can be made available, but the process included an application and review process that can take a long time. Coker Company recommends that the application process be commenced, especially with as many of the potentially affected jurisdictions (including DART) as possible in sponsorship roles. CONCLUSION There is a consensns of support for the project, especially ifthis design can improve mobility, reduce operational costs, and not adversely affect pedestrian mobility and safety..There remain some skeptics regarding the forecasted mobility improvements and projected costs for the design and construction ofthe project. Additional funding, while potentially available, has not been committed. The Coker Company recommends that the Town ofAddison and the other potentially affected jurisdictions pursue all available avenues of fmancial support for the project. , .--.~--,_. '., " .. i:1) fE lC: !E ti w~ '1 \:'-'.I r-·----· --.-...-.... --'J n.: ':Tt" SEP 1 4 20m \!~}COKERCOmpOny ISeptember 14,2001 :L._... _...... __......_...._..__.....J 6350 LBJ Freeway Suite 158Ron Whitehead, City Manager:... Dallas, rx 752<10 Town ofAddison 972,12o.6'l30Vo!cc 972,720,6142 Fax Town Hall 5300 Belt Line Road Addison, Texas 75240 Re: Phase I Report for Single Point Urban Interchange Jurisdictional Support Investigation Dear Mr. Whitehead, Attached you will find the Phase I Report to determine the level ofsupport for the construction ofa Single Point Urban Interchange (SPill) at the intersection ofBeltline Road and the North DaHas ToHway, Dallas, Texas. The objectives ofPhase I of the assigmnent were to detennine the level of support for the construction of a spur at this intersection and to obtain concurrence and approval, if possible, of the project from the City ofDallas, Dallas County, the Texas Department of Transportatio~ Dallas Area Rapid Transit, the North Texas Turnpike Authority, and the North Central Texas Council of Governments. The Coker Company met with representatives from various jurisdictions and the general consensus was that ifthe spur design could effect a measurable improvement in the intersection's efficiency at a cost that would not be unreasonable for the traffic improvement created, that the project should be pursued. None of the jurisdictions put their position in writing, but the attached report provides a synopsis of discussions, issues, and opinions from the interviewees about the proposed proj ect. During discussions with the jurisdictions, we did discuss funding opportunities and potential jurisdictional funding support. My impression is that the City ofDaHas is inclined to participate at some, unspecified level in the construction ofthe intersection since it is in the City ofDallas. Dallas County indicated that any funding for the next three years has already been prioritized and would not likely be assigned to this project. DART indicated that the Town of Addison has received their allocation ofDART related funding and that the Town may allocate a portion of this funding to this project in accordance with the standards and requirements of the funding agreement. The Council ofGovernments, as the MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) empowered with the distribution ofTEA 21 funds, indicated that application could be made through that organization, but that project funding may not be available and if funding were made available, that the funding cycle would more than likely occur following the target dates for design and construction. NITA did not offer any funding for the project during this support investigation. ZONIt-:G • LAND PlANr-:If'.:G • DEVELCPMENT SERVICES. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Page 2 Whitehead Letter September 14, 2001 Support for the project is generally good with the related jurisdictions. Coker Company recommends that that Town ofAddison vigorously pursue additional funding resources from the City ofDallas, NCTCOG, DART and others to fully fund the land acquisitions required, the engineering and ultimately the construction of the interchange. Sincerely, Coker Company Michael R. Coker, AICP President Steve Chutchian From: Mike Murphy Sent: Tuesday. April 13. 2004 3:04 PM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: Set up meeting Steve. rneed for you to set up a meeting with Carter Burgess and DaUas County (rep) to meet and discuss the Belt Line street Scape project and how it relates to the so-called SPUI. wHh Paris Rutherford (RTKL). Lea Dunn and us..... The dates that are available are Monday April 19th at 2:00pm or anytime on Thursday 2200. (Lets have in Service Center Conf Room) ~ Michael Murph!J. FE. Director of F ublic Work. (971.) +;0-1.878 Wo"'(1.1+) 1.1 ;-;280 Mobile (971.) +;0-28;7 Fax E-Mail: mmurph!J@ci.addison.tx.us 1 Carter==Burgess Albert C. Petrasek, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. Vice President DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 411 ElM STREET. 4TH FLOOR 214.638.0145 7950 Elmbtoo~ Drive DAUAS, TEXAS 752(12 Do!k.u, Texas 75247 fax: 21 •.638.0447pHON£: (214) fi53...7153 E-mail: pelrasekoC@c·b.comALBERTA BLAIR-ROBINSON, P.E. FA)t (2141653-6445 www.c·b.comASSISTANT OIRECTOR·ENGRlCONST. EMAIL: ARoblnson@daffa.sI::o onty.arg Carter=:Burgess Alex Marlinez, P,E. AswciolaDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 411 ELM STREET, 4TH ROOf! DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 2IA,638.0145 7950 Eltnbrook Drive Dallos, Texos, 752.17-,13951 JOHN L MEARS, P.E. PHONE: (214) 65307'53 Fax: 214.638,04.17 SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER EMAIL: jmears@dalIascoUflty.org E·Mail: motlinezQo@C.b.com www.c·b.com! I • .. _____ ~~=--.--~~====-.-~~~~.--=-=---rg---~-.~---..... ..._--_ ....-. .'.....-.-----.. --~-...... -------..... .-----...... -. __.. -.. _. _.....__.-. .. ._._.~____ ~-~~~~~~1_~-...... .. _ w .__ .~/(~~--l( wid-~.-..-----......~-......-----------:-lb·-&J:t~0"LeJ.,---.------..-..---.. -_= __ iJL~~~~~~~-~ =~~-='-~ITf-~~~~~. C413-~JrI-' /VJ-Jo fr-~ S6!)ff'~ buff-.~ .J,--~ j;/~ ~r+-~ r~'6aJo .. ....__~ ........•-...... -.. -_:~~==~--Wo-aL~~~_____ ._ ... tbu-~. ~ot2{!)-U ....... ---.-=F1M-~-~~::.~~ -~-~~-~=='..~~-=~-et=<~._-==--......~~~ ~~~....... =-b=jfl"-:~Z-t:~~~~== ~__ _ .......~__;-;~._~~tt_~~~~f?;[J1b-1.-_k_i-~iI1 ...... ---._. Steve Chutchian From: Jim Pierce Sent: Monday. January 26, 2004 4:34 PM To: Steve Chutchian Cc: Mike Murphy Subject: RE: Belt Line @Dallas ParKway (10303) Please contact Mr. Mears and let him know. Thanks, Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 -----Original Message----From: steve Chutchian Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 11:05 AM To: Jim Pierce Subject: RE: Belt Line @Dallas Parkway (10303) Jim: I am holding up on scheduling this meeting until Mike gives us the o.k. Thanks. Steve C. -----Original Message----From: Jim Pierce Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 6:03 PM To: Steve Chutchian Cc: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Luke Jalbert; Robin Jones Subject: FW: Belt Line @Dallas Parkway (10303) steve: Please set up the meeting Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 -----Original Message----From: John Mears [mailto:JMears@dallascounty.org) Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:59 PM To: Jim Pierce Cc: Cc: ARobinson@dallascounty.org; dholzwarth@dallascounty.org Subject: Belt Line @Dallas Parkway (10303) I would like to set up a kick-off meeting for the above project in the next couple of weeks. Please let me know what days/times you might be available (more than one option usually helps) and if you like to have the meeting here or at your office. The consultant said that they're fairly open at this paint. 1