􀀱􀀩􀁾 II!Veo[ 􀁾 /kJ)C9/{,-!f--D I Rev. 12/00 NOMINATION FORM -2001 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM I. PROJECT NAME: Gateway to Addison -Belt Line Road Streetscape Project II. NOMINATING ENTITY NAME: Town ofAddison TYPE OF NOMINATING ENTITY. Please check the appropriate category. D County I2J City D An Agency ofthe State D Local Transit Operator IJ State Agency D Metropolitan Planning Organization (NIPO) D Council of Govemments CONTACT PERSON: Mr. Steven Chutchian, P.E. (Individual familiar with the project and who can answer questions) TITLE: Assistant City Engineer MAILING ADDRESS: 16801 Westgrove Drive, P.O. Box 9010 CITY: Addison STATE: Texas ZIP CODE: 75001-9010 DAYTIME TELEPHONE: (972) 450-2886 FAX No.: (972) 450-2837 EMAIL: schutchian@ci.addison.tx.us 􀀭􀁋􀁾􀁕􀁊􀁾 􀁾􀁩􀀲􀀭􀁄􀁄􀁉 Ron Whitehead, City Manager . 􀁾 Signature Date AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NOMINATING ENTITY MUST SIGN THE NOMINATION FORM. III. SPONSORING ENTITY (If Applicable). Sponsoring Entities must be willing to commit to the project's development development and implementation. N/A NAME _ CONTACT PERSON-----------------------TITLE. _ MAILING ADDRESS _ CITY STATE ZIP CODE _ DAYTIME TELEPHONE' FAX No. _ EMAIL _ 1 Rev. 12/00 IV. PROJECT ELIGIBILITY. The proposed project must have a direct relationship to the surface transportation system by Function or Impact. Please check only one box. FUNCTION x IMPACT V. ELIGIBLE CATEGORIES Check only one category in which the project has a primary activity. 1. 2. 3. 4. X 5. 6. 1 7. J 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Provision of Facilities for Pedestrians and Bicycles Provision of Safety and Education Activities for Pedestrians and Bicycles Acquisition of Scenic Easements and Scenic or Historic Sites Scenic or Historic Highway Program (including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities) Landscaping and other Scenic Beautification Historic Preservation Rehabilitation and Operation of Historic Transportation Buildings, Structures or Facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals) Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails) Control & Removal of Outdoor Advertising Archaeological Planning & Research Environmental Mitigation of Water Pollution due to Highway Runoff or Reduce Vehiclecaused Wildlife Mortality while Maintaining Habitat Connectivity Establishment of Transportation Museums VI. PREVIOUS ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS Has this project been submitted in previous Transportation Enhancement Program calls? Yes xNo Is this project a part of another previously selected Transportation Enhancement project? I Yes xNo I If yes, please describe. 2 Rev. 12/00 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION Project Location: Addison, Texas COUNTY: Dallas TxDOT District(s): ""'D=all_a"""s'--_ Project Limits: The Belt Line Road Streetscape Project is located on Belt Line Road from the Dallas North Tollway to Midway Road CA distance of approximately I mile). Detailed Scope of Work. Provide a clear concise description of the proposed project. Detail all work to be performed, any right-of-way or easements required, any special land uses planned and the relationship between the proposed enhancement and the surface transportation system. Include a detail map showing the limits and location of the project, photographs and site plans. I -,I] VII. 1]I)] 􀁾􀀯􀁜 \!J-f-\ Gateway to Addiso'l Bolt Lino Rood S-rootsccpc J j I] Gateway to Addison -Belt Line Road Streetscape Project The Town of Addison understands the importance of aesthetics, innovation and functionality and the value it plays in providing a quality pedestrian experience. With more than 135 restaurants, 21 hotels (with more under construction), Prestonwood Mall Redevelopment, The Galleria and Valley View Mall all located within 5 miles, Addison is a haven for pedestrian activity. The Belt Line Road Streetscape Project would create an attractive entranceway into the Town of Addison and provide pedestrians safer access to the numerous dining, lodging and shopping establishments along the corridor. The Town of Addison has been on the forefront in integrating liveable communities with economic development. With corporations such as Pizza Hut, Mary Kay Cosmetics and CompUSA making Addison their home, daytime population typically reaches up to 100,000 a day. The residential population has also grown dramatically. There are 21 apartment complexes and over 1,500 single family homes and town homes all located within 4.5 square miles. The entranceway would create a sense of place and a focal point for entering the Town of Addison. I ]) Concept Approach The initial step in this design was an investigation of existing conditions adjacent to Belt Line Road. The land uses along Belt Line Road consist of hotels, restaurants, entertainment and a few retail stores. Traffic along Belt Line services these land uses for both residents and visitors of Addison. Belt Line Road also serves as a primary access route to the Addison Airport and the central business district. ] In reviewing the existing conditions of the site it was apparent that the design solution should address the following: 􀁾 Improved pedestrian circulation along and across Belt Line 􀁾 Maintain adequate vehicular circulation through the site 􀁾 Provide sufficient tum lanes for ingress/egress 􀁾 Emphasize the Midway and Belt Line intersection as a gateway 􀁾 Provide an image along the corridor for both residents and visitors to Addison 􀁾 Enhance private investment and economic development 3 III]]II _oji -1IIIII]jII Rev. 12/00 Application To reiterate the qualities of scale, material, content, and the high level of design apparent in Addisons' recent public projects, the design team surveyed the surrounding area. These designs along with the presence of the Addison Airport, the water reservoir, and the high percentage of hotel, restaurant, and entertainment in the vicinity were all contributing influences. These triggered the use of materials that had qualities of high-tech, longevity and durability. Other elements drawn from the vicinity were overlays of formal landscaping, bollards (similar to those in the central business district), and large wings (from the airport). When put together, these elements establish a design solution which solve the design objectives, while relating back to the larger site of Addison. Pedestrian circulation was improved with several safety measures. A sidewalk with a tree lawn separating it from Belt Line traffic was established on both sides of Belt Line Road, all along the corridor. These sidewalks will be highly visible and well lit with new pedestrian lighting. Pedestrian crossings at Midway, mid-block, and Beltway were created using pedestrian lighting, decorative wings, and high quality decorative paving. Each crossing has a pedestrian refuge area in the median to ease crossing. These highly visible sites work to slow down vehicular traffic and provide a feeling of safety to pedestrians. Pedestrian improvements along the street intend to calm traffic while maintaining current ADT volumes. By keeping pedestrian crossings at concentrated areas, and providing proper lanes for ingress and egress, traffic can flow at an even rate. The larger pedestrian crossings work to keep traffic at a reasonable speed. Belt Line provides clear connections to destinations beyond Belt Line for both pedestrians and vehicles. hnproved access to parking lots and curb cut consolidation enhance private investment and economic development. The Belt Line and Midway intersection creates a a gateway at the entrance of the corridor. The use of "wing" monuments, high quality, ornate, and formal paving, pedestrian lighting, landscaping, bollards, and medians all accentuate the importance of this site. Together the elements of this portion of the design highlight the area as a gateway. Similarly, a secondary gateway is established at the east end at Belt Line and Beltway. By using a standard design vocabulary of materials, scale, paving, and lighting throughout the site the design promotes economic viability, pedestrian safety, efficient circulation routes, and an established identity. The Town of Addison understands the importance of maintaining the strong pedestrian relationship and connection of the corridor. Since a picture can be worth a thousand words, the following site photos offer an opportunity to identify opportunities and issues regarding the corridor. 4 Rev. 12/00 III. PROJECT TIME LINE. Provide an implementation plan for the proposed project, including a schedule of project activities. ID Task Name 2 Preliminary Engineering Studies 3 Preliminary Design 4 Design 5 Construction 6 Project Complete 2002 2003 2004 2005 J A SON 0 J F M A M J J A SON 0 . . J F M A M J J A SON 0 . J F M A M J J A S 0 .08/1 ]III .II]III II IX. PROJECT USE AND BENEFITS. Clearly define who will benefit from the project and how. Describe how the project will improve social, economic and environmental aspects of the area, region or state. Desclibe how the project relates to the surface transportation system and what activities in the project complement the movement of people and goods. The citizens of, and visitors to, the Town of Addison will be the principal beneficiaries of the Gateway to Addison project. The beautification of this key corridor will enhance life in a highly urbanized environment, providing a setting that is both pedestrian friendly and calming. This project will convert the corridor from a harsh, automobile dominated environment into a place for people to congregate and relax. The opportunity for visitors to stroll from their hotels to the fine dining establishments along the Belt Line Corridor will be a major improvement to quality of life. Additionally, the expanded greenscape areas will provide opportunities for residents to use the parks and linear greenways for recreation. The project will improve the social setting by providing a location for people to gather for lunches, suppers, and to have picnics. The project improvements will result in a calmer atmosphere, reducing the stress of day-to-day life in urban Texas, and the environment will be enhanced as a result of the increased amount of vegetation within the Gateway. Surface transportation within the Gateway to Addison will be improved by increased pedestrian mobility. The reconfigured street sections will provide havens for pedestrians, and as a direct consequence of improved mobility, business within the Gateway will be increased. 5 Rev. 12100 X. ITEMIZED BUDGET. List the estimated cost for each work activity. An accurate and itemized budget will help define the scope of work proposed in the project. Only those approved items of work and cost estimates established in the nomination form will be eligible for federal funding participation. Contingency costs are not eligible for participation. Include: Preliminary Engineering, Environmental Costs, Real Property Costs, and Construction Costs. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING COSTS Not part of this budget request :1 ,IIIIIII Item /Description CONSTRUCTION FUNDING COSTSUnit Price Amount ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS Not patt of this budget request REAL PROPERTY COSTS Not part of this budget request CONSTRUCTION COSTS SITE RESTORAnON Softscape Ornamental Trees Street Trees Tree Lawn (sod) Median Landscape Treatment Irrigation Sub-Total Softscape Hardscape Stainless Wings Custom Light Poles wi Banners Site Furnishings Custom Lighted Bollards Decorative Paving Sidewalk Paving Serpentine Median Wall Screen Wall at at ROW Shelters Monument Planter Pots Sub-Total Hardscape TOTAL CONSTRUCTION TOTALITENUZEDBUDGET General Assumptions: 1. All demolition is complete by others outside of the streetscape contract. 2. No land acquisition is required. 3. Sidewalk connections through private parcels are not included. Streetscape work does not include relocation or undergrounding of existing utilities. 6 $400 ea $600 ea $l/sf $8/sf $1.50/sf $15,000 ea $12,000 ea Lump sum $2500 ea $14/sf $5/sf $50/sf $35/sf $10,000 ea $500 ea $196,354 $1,314,062 $1,510,416 $1,510,416 Rev. 12/00 XI. FUNDS REQUESTED Total Itemized Budget (from page 5) 1. $ 1,510,416.00 In-Kind Contributions (If applicable): N/A Real Property Materials Preliminary Engineering (Limited to10% of the project cost) $ $------$------151,042.00 *Total In-Kind Contributions Subtotal Value of Project (Line 1 + Line 2 ) TxDOT Administrative Expenses (20% of line 3) Total Value of Project (Line 3 + Line 4) Local Match: 20% of Total Value of Projects (Line 5) Less In-Kind Contributions (Line 2) Local Match (Line 6 less Line 7) Federal Funds Requested (80% of Line 5) *All donations must provide supporting documentation 2. $ 151,042.00 3. $ 1,661,458.00 4. $ 332,292.00 5. $ 1,993,750.00 6. $ 398,750.00 7. $ 151,042.00 8. $ 247,708.00 9. $ 1,595,000.00 ] -11IIIIIIII THE TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET ESTABLISHED BY THE TOWN OF ADDISON FOR THE GATEWAY TO ADDISON PROJECT IS $11,500,000. THEREFORE, A MORE ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF THE LOCAL MATCHING IS PROVIDED BELOW. Local Funds Committed To Project =$11,500,000 Total Federal Funds Funds Requested = $1,595,000 Total Project Costs = $13,095,000 Percent of Local Matching For Total Project = 87.8 % This space for TxDOT use only 7 I -1lI\I JIII, IJI]1IIIIIIII]I JII Rev. 12/00 XU. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Include documentary evidence of public interest, endorsement and participation in the development of the proposed project. Provide dates of public meetings and any letters of support. Letters of support and endorsement are included in Appendix B of this submittal. XIII. PROPERTY ACQUISITION INFORMATION Will Property be acquired for the project? YES x NO If yes, provide a wlitten statement from the cunent propelty owner stating their willingness to sell, lease or donate the property, the fair market value, and a description of the property Who owns the property? _ Desclibe how the propelty is to be acquired (through purchase, lease or donation), including estimated cunent fair market value and proposed funding anangements, if applicable. 8 I]]II]I .. 􀁾 -]] Rev. 12/00 XIV. MAINTENANCE. Identify all parties responsible for operation and maintenance of the projects, the estimated annual cost to operate and maintain the facility, the source of those funds, and all expected operational income from the facility and the intended use of that income. The Town of Addison, Texas will be responsible for operation and maintenance of the proposed improvements within the Gateway to Addison Corridor. Belt Line Road is a county road, and, therefore, Dallas County along with the Town of Addison has responsibility for the maintenance of that facility. The estimated annual costs for operation and maintenance are principally based in the funds necessary to replace certain components of the hardscape as they weather, and the monies necessary to maintain the softscape. All landscape improvements and maintenance will be performed by the Town of Addison. Hardscape replacement costs are estimated at $126,150, based on a IS-year replacement cycle. Maintenance of the landscaping is estimated at $100,000 per year, based on one full-time employee and nominal replacement costs for plantings, etc. Funds for routine operation and maintenance of the Gateway to Addison Corridor will be provided from the Town's General Fund. There are no anticipated revenue streams associated with this project. XV. ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT IMPACTS. Desclibe the environmental consequences of the proposed project and how the proposed project will comply with all applicable local, state and federal environmental laws, regulations and requirements. This project will significantly enhance the urban setting along Belt Line Road, the Gateway to the Town of Addison. The project will make significant improvements to the environment with respect to all major components of the ecosystem. The proposed expansion of grassed areas along the Gateway will improve water quality in the White Rock Creek watershed by providing for additional filtration of runoff prior to entering waters of the state. Reductions in total total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, phosphorus, nitrogen, and other potential pollutants can be anticipated as a result of this project. All of which will enhance water quality in White Rock Creek. Improvements in ambient air quality can be anticipated as a result of the project. The expanded greenscape will increase the amount of oxygen produced in the Gateway. Additionally, the substantial increase in greenscape will lower the ambient temperatures in the Gateway and increase the relative humidity, both are desirable during the hot summer months. This project does not encroach on any wetlands or waters of the state. No Section 404 permits will be required for this project, and the project is not subject to the Corridor Development Certificate (CDC) process.There are no known threatened or endangered species in the Gateway corridor, and there are no known or anticipated cultural resource implications to the project. 9 Rev. 12/00 XVI. PERMITS AND CLEARANCES ] JI ...! Navigational Permits (Section 10) Section 404 Permits (Wetland Regulations) Section 106 Clearance (Archeological and Historical Studies) . National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Section 4F (Historical StudieslParks) Other _ XVII. CERTIFICATION OF FUNDING AND SUPPORT This document is included in Appendix B of this submittal. Yes No x --Yes No x --Yes No x --Yes No x --Yes NO-LYes No_x_ IJII XVIII. INTENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN (TIP) PLACEMENT This document is included in Appendix B of this submittal. XIV. DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF mSTORIC PLACES (if applicable) N/A AN ORIGINAL AND 12 COPIES OF THE COMPLETED NOMINATION FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED TO A TXDOT DISTRICT OFFICE BY 5:00 P.M., JUNE 18, 2001 10 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT MAP, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND SITE PLANS Rev. 12/00 Addison is a 4.5 square mile town located on the northern edge of Dallas County, 10 miles north of downtown Dallas, 15 miles from DIFW Airport and 9 miles from Love Field Airport. Because of its convenient location on the Dallas North Tollway, proximity to airports and , unique amenities, corporations such as Pizza Hut, Mary Kay Cosmetics and CompUSA have chosen to make Addison their home. ADDIsoN He t ' ne [,cad S'reetsccce North Gateway to Addison Corridor Location ,i JIIIIIIII]]] Ij JI1 ']] "I '1I11III1II ATTACHMENT A PROJECT MAP, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND SITE PLANS Rev. 12/00 North DC en Q "0 C 􀁾 3 􀁾 .o... 'It'h Dr. Arapaho Rd 6: Q. e;;" o::::J Belt Line Rd 􀁾 He t re "ced S-reetsccoe Addison Airport lindberg Rd CD G'J CD CD '0 􀁾 =t: c 􀁾 ? % Beltway Dr 5 -< 0 .0... 0. 􀁾 Q ""0 􀁾 􀁾 m 􀁾 􀁾 4 s: 0.-Beltwood Pkwy N m Q. 􀁾 :E c 􀁾 "< en" AJ ;;c Q. 0. -I1I II -IIIIIIII JI 􀁉􀀭􀁉􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁉􀀭􀁉􀁉􀁾􀀫􀀭􀁉􀀭􀀫􀀭􀀫􀀭􀁈􀀭􀀻􀀭􀁴􀁬 II1I1 Belt Line Road Streetscape Project Location Project Corridor East View: Belt Line Road @Midway Rev. 12/00 Project Corridor West View: Belt Line Road @Tollway Rev. 12/00 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT MAP, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND SITE PLANS Rev. 12/00 oD D o 0 ------'-' J . ,_.,-,-'-'\ 􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀭 '. r I North . . II􀁲􀀭􀁲􀁾􀀧􀁬 II -_. -, 􀀭􀀭􀁊􀀭􀁜􀁌􀀫􀁜􀀺􀁾􀁾 Gateway to Addison Concept Gateway to Addison Belt Line Streetscope --"-. 'i",,\i;c" Gateway to Addison Belt Line Streetscope Looking South Toward Belt Line @Beltway Alignment Gateway to Addison Belt Line Streetscape 􀁾􀁩􀁩􀁩􀁩􀁉􀁬􀁉 l\Jorth Central Texas CouncilOr Governments SUB...IECT: STEP Project Approval "GATEWAY TO ADDISON -BELT LINE ROAD STREETSCAPE PROJECT" Thank you for submitting an application for the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program (STEP) to North Central Texas Council of Governments' (I\lCTCOG) Regional Transportation Council (RTC). On January 11,2001, the RTC adopted a policy focusing the STEP program within the Metropolitan Planning Organization boundary on project categories that provide direct transportation benefits. Upon review, the project listed above meets the requirements of this policy. The project is consistent with regional mobility and air quality goals as established in the Mobility 2025 Update: The Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Thus, should your application be approved for funding by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the RTC will include the project in the Transportation Improvement Program for the Dallas-Fort Worth region. NCTCOG is transmitting this correspondence to you for for you to attach to your application prior to your submittal to TxDOT. The deadline for STEP application submittals to the TxDOT District Offices is June 18, 2001. TO: Statewide Transportation DATE: May 18, 2001 Enhancement Program Applicants FROM: Michael Morris, P.E. Director of Transportation ]j1j]I]II .1I .JI If you have any comments of questions regarding STEP application procedures, please feel free to contact Mike Sims, Principal Transportation Planner, at (817) 695-9226. -]IIIIIIIII CR:tmb cc: Dan Rocha, NCTCOG Mike Sims, NCTCOG 2000-2001 UPWP Element 5.04 Project File . 616 Six Flags Drive, Centerpoint Two P. O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 (817) 640-3300 FAX: 817-640-7806* recycled paper http://www.dfwinfo.com RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ADDISON BUSINESS ASSOCIATION The undersigned hereby certifies that the following Resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors ofthe Addison Business Association duly called and held on May 2nd , 2001, at the Addison Airport, and that such Resolution has not been modified or revoked: "WHEREAS, in connection with the proposed nomination to the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program for funding street improvements along Belt Line Road from Midway Road to the North Dallas Tollway, improvements to include both aesthetic improvements along the mile-long portion of Belt Line Road as well as improvements for pedestrian improvements, and that the improvements will encourage more visitors to the Town of Addison and will provide a more inviting, pedestrian friendly environment for the commercial and retail establishments, It is, therefore, "RESOLVED thatthe Board hereby enthusiastically supports the nomination of this project as proposed by the Town of Addison. DATED: May 2, 2001 ]IIII IIIII . !iI Quorum Protective Corporation P.o. Box 820905 Dallas, Texas 75382 214-373-4648 Fax 214-373-6978 May 2, 2001 Mr. Ron Whitehead City Manager Town ofAddison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Dear Mr. Whitehead Please accept this letter as giving our whole hearted support to the proposed project to update the streetscape on Beltline Road. The Town ofAddison has been in the forefront ofmany innovations over the years that have greatly enhanced the desirability ofthe working environment. This project would :further beautifY the area and provide a highly enhanced degree ofamenities. The need for improved and safer pedestrian traffic is real and many ofthe tenants in the Quorum South Office Park walk to lunch each day to the many fine restaurants on Beltline Road. This project sounds like it would make pedestrian traffic safer and more desirable. We wish you success in moving this project forward and offer our full support. William A. Hervey Corporate Administrator '0 1III)IIII I .J 􀁾 I I . IJ _. RESOULTIONNO.OI-033 A -RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS· APPROVING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM _FOR A PROJECT NOMINATION PROVIDED BY THE TRANSPORTATIONEQUITY ACT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY WHEREAS, the Town of Addison, Texas desires to submit an application for the development of the Gateway to Addison-Belt Line Road Streetscape Project; and WHEREAS, the gateway would create a sense of place and enhance the quality of life, providing a setting that is pedestrian friendly; and WHEREAS, the city commits to the projects' development, implementation, construction, maintenance and fmancing BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS that the City Manager is authorized to execute all documents necessary for the submission of the Gateway to Addison -Belt Line Road Streetscape Project. PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 22nd day ofMay 2001. R. Scott Wheeler Mayor 􀁁􀁔􀁔􀁅􀀨􀁜􀁾􀁾􀀨􀀯􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁜􀀭􀂭 􀁣􀁡􀁲􀁭􀁥􀁾􀁾 -. OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY ROI-033 II]I]1]III]I JI . I RESOLUTION NO. 01-034 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON CERTIFYING INTENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN (rIP) PLACEMENT FOR PROJECTS FUNDED BY THE FISCAL YEAR 2001 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Transportation Efficiency Act 􀁦􀁾􀁲 the 21st Century provid'es for a transportation , enhancement program; and WHEREAS, the Texas Department ofTransportation has issued a program call for this program; and WHEREAS, federal guidelines require that projects selected for federal funding under the transportation enhancement program must be placed in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) of the Metropolitan Planning Organization; and ' WHEREAS, the following projects from Addison Metropolitan Area have applied for funding through the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program: Gateway to Addison -Belt Line Road Streetscape Project NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF ADDISON: PART 1: That the above listed project selected for statewide enhancement program funding by the Texas Transportation 􀁃􀁯􀁭􀁭􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁩􀁯􀁮 will be placed in the appropriate Transportation Improvement Program for Addison Metropolitan, Planning Organization. PART 2: That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. ADOPTED this the 22nd I day ofMay 2001. ]Ij ,J I,I ! ,JII ATTEST: -􀁲􀁊􀁌􀁾􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀫􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀁣􀁡􀁲􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁾 p, · City Secretary OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY 􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭 R. Scott Wheeler, Mayor Mayor ROI-034 ' 􀁾􀁄􀁲􀁩􀁩􀁳􀁯􀁎