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""~.................r,:; ........,........................a.H..,. .......L U""" '-L .......... ...,.... _________________________ OR a parUlership consisting 01'_______________________________________ OR au individual trading as _______________________________________________ Proposal 01'_______________________________________________________, aud _____________________________ TO: Town of Addison, Texas TOLLWAY tor the Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter called "Town", in accordance with the the otIice of MS. Minok Sub, Purchasing Coordinator, Finance Building, 53;50 Belt Line Road, ulC appv.llirca umc W..,Vlii vc opcnC\l anG rcau aivUQ. .rilly rHUS iCCCi>/CQ arrer sratc(: t.l.:.U.lC ";?ll.ll tiC rCruillC,::i ~uiivpCllC{j.. Supplies, cqiHpmcilt. i.lilG i.lppHan~C$ SPCC.lHCG 101' tile ptOjCCL ana W lUilll:}.i:l aii i~v0r~ tvOi;:;, ,··.·'"il·li'I·II":l·li ;;11'11-; i'"11.';il1:I'li;;;':' 'iI', \'\'''1'11')'':1\': ii'II"; "'"li'j., lfl ;·)1·_ll~))·ih1i'.\ .. -\",iiii iii." :":'ni:LiliLHilllH;><. l"HllllJli" .• PF·.l ofg RIIV. I alter the opening ofthe bids. Town ofAddison to reject any and all bids. Name ofBidder iiy: __________________________________________________ __ lSignature) Wituess: ______________________________ (Signature) (Oliice Address ofBidder) Bidder's Tax I.D. No. or Employer No. NOrES: Sign in ink. Do not detach. Pf-4vf8 RTIV.l BELTLINE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION MARSH LANE TO DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY !Ce,mp!ete in Place, for the Sum of and i-----.------.-.--.--.-Cents per unft Complete in Place, for the Sum of _________ .,_______Dollars and 1___________________ Cents per unit Complete in Place, for the Sum of per unit I Compllete in Place, for the Sum of 1________•______·________·____yul1.~and :_........___._•.__._.________ Cents per unit ICompletein Place, for the Sum of I_________________________·~,,·,oand 1____.___________________ Cents per unit IComple!e in Place, for the Sum of ,______ . __ . ___________._______yv"w,aoo _._._.__________________ Cents per unit PF·5 of 8 REV. 1 BEL TLiNE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION MARSH lANE TO DAlLAS NORTH TOLLWAY ICompllele in Place, for !he Sum of I ___________ ~___~____________~w,,,woand I___~______._.._____________ Cenls per unil IComplletein Place, for the Sum of 1______•______________________~U,,,".,and I~___________________ Cenls per unil Complete in Place, for the Sum of ; Complete in Place, for the Sum of I---~~_-------~-----------__________________DoUars and ____~_________ Cents per unit Complele in Place, for the Sum of ____________Dollars and _________________ Gents per unit ______________Dollars and ________ ...... ___ Cenl.s per unit lec,mplele in Place, for111e Sum of I__·_______·_____·__·______·~·___·uu'''"'.and 1_________________.______ Cents per unit PF-6 of 8 REV. 1 BELTLINE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION MARSH LANE TO DALLAS NORTH TOLLWAY I Complletein Place, for the Sum of I_____________________··· ____~u""'.and 1______________________ Cenls per unit 1 Co,mp,lete in Pface, for the Sum of I________________________~,"'o,.and 1_____________.________ ,ee"tsper "nil IComplete in Place, for the Sum of I.._______________·____·______~v"o,.and 1_____________________ Conts per "nil ICc,mplete in Place, for the Sum of :______._____. ___________________ ~u,,"',and 1 ___________________ Cents per unil ICc,mptels in Place, for the Sum of and ,__________________'_ Cents per unit IComplete In Place, jor the Sum of and 1___________________._Cents per unit PF-7 of8 REV. 1 BELTUNE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION MARSH lANE TO DAllAS NORTH TOLLWAY Complete in Place, for the Sum of ____________~_Dollarsand 1__________________ Cenls per unll 1CcmplleteIn Place, for the Sum of :_____._________.____________.~u,,,~oand j______________.__________ Cents per unit ICo,mp,lete In Place, for the Sum of I_____________________·___·___·_vc"'"~and i--------------~.-.--- --Cents per unit Complete in Ptace, ror the Sum of TOTAL AMOUNT BIO FOR Mil.TERIALS AND SERVICES, ITEMS 1 THROUGH 22, INCLUSIVE ..:$;,....________ WRITTEN IN WORDS: NOTES; 1. AU items, labor, malaials, equipment, fsclflt!es. incidenls/s. and 'M,)I'k lBquired (or oonstnJcfion clthe proje<:f om 10 be pt'O\'ided and installed l¥ the Contrador as part Qf Ihe p~and payment for tho c:os4 of$Ud1 shall be included in the price bid fa the (X)I'lst/UdiOn (111M project 2.. PriU)S must beshown in wads and flQUf1iJS tor each Item nsted in this proposal in the 9ventof discfaparlC)l. the words shall contn;;l 3.. It is understood !he tho Bid Sectmt;r shan be oolleded and relsiood by theO'inlE.ras liquidated damages in tile event a oontract is made by th& Owner based on lhis proposal within ninety {SO} calendartiaysafter rooaivlng bids and the unoorsigned faits to axaeute the contract and required bonds wllhin ft.'O (2) days from the data the ContracIor is notitiOO and' has received ItI& conformed documents. Ahrfhls perkxJ, If the oontrad he.s been executed W'Id IJle, required bonds iwve been submilted. the said Bid SooJrity shan bereklmod 10 the under.>lgnad upon demand. Bidder's Tax LD. No. Or Employer No.: PF-8 of 8 REV. 1 PAVEMENT A..'m SURFACES COURSES bern 5.7.4. (g) Placing. The asphaltic mixrure shall be placed on the approved base course with the previo~ly specified spreading and finishing machine in such manner tbat. wben properly compacted, the finished course shall comply with the maximum thickness mjmrements. be smooth and of uniform density. and meelthe requirements of the typical cross seeWms and the sw:face test. During the placing and spreading of the asphaltic material, care sball be taken to prevent the spilling of the material onto adjacent pavement. gutters or structutes. In small amIS" whi.cb are inaccessible to the spreading and finishing machlne. hand spreading may be authorized by the OWNER. proVided an acceprable smface can be obtained. (It) Compaction. Rolling with the 3-wbeel and tandem loUer shall .'IIlIrt IongilUdinally at the sides and proceed toward the center of the surface course. overlapping on successive trips by at least baIf the width of the rear wbeels. Altema1e trips of the rotter shall be be slightly different in length. Rolling with the plleUlllldic tire roller shall be done as directed by the OWNBR. Rolling shall cominue WlIiI no further compression can be obtained and all roller marllJ TOTAL 0.00 Finance , TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO :-:: " ":,-." ':', " " Claim # Check $ "+jij,i(!l.~q"DATE: '"' .. ' '.' ' . Vendor Name PBS:r Address p,.::?. INX Address Address Zip Code 7.5'3 fS -1122. TOTAL 4;;470. ~t7 .-fo-e ~ Authorized Signature Finance .' < . February 15. 2002 Project No: 450868.00 Invoice No: 0153000 Town of Addison Attn: Steven Z. Chutchian PO Box 9010 Addison TX 75001 Project: 450868.00 Beltline Surl~ce Condition Study Professional Services: January 1, 2002 through January 31. 2002 ............................ ................... -.-~ ... -.. --.......... -.. ....~ ,. Task: 01 Project Management Fee Total Fee Percent Complete Billings to date Fee Totals 14.900.00 80.00 Total Earned Previous Fee Billing Current Fee Billing Total Fee ............................. . 11.920.00 7,450.00 4,470.00 Current 4,470.00 4,470.00 Total this task Total this invoice Prior Total 7,450.00 11.920.00 7,450.00 11,920.00 4,470.00 $4,470.00 ~ t), K, 1r> f?,kf· .> Zc 2 ( u>(p 2. 13800 Montfort Drive. Suite 230 Dallas TX 75240·4347 (972)387·0771 Fax (972)387·9714 Please Remit Payment to: PBSJ P.O. Box 951422 Dallas. Texas 75395-1422 .' ' .. '"" '-', . TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZA TIONMEMO DATE: Claim # Vendor NO: . --~~----~--~~~~----~~--~~ Vendor Name .PBS/:r Address Address Address Zip Code 753'15'-/422.. . EXPLANATION ~~, Authorized Signature Finance January 31.2002 Project No: 450868.00 Invoice No: 0151528 Town of Addison Attn: Steven Z. Chutchian PO Box 9010 Addison TX 75001 Project: 450868.00 Beltllne Surface Condition Study Professional Services: November 1. 2001 through December 31. 2001 Task: 01 Project Management Fee Total Fee 14,900.00 Percent Complete 50.00 Total Earned 7.450.00 Previous Fee Billing 0.00 Current Fee Billing 7,450.00 Total Fee 7,450.00 Total this task $7,450.00 Total this invoice $7,450.00 Billings to date Current Prior Total 0.'(.' -{r; Fee 7,450.00 0.00 7,450.00 Totals 7,450.00 0.00 7,450.00 pri 13800 Montfort Drive. Suite 230 Dallas TX 75240·4347 (972)3B7·0771 Fax (972)3B7·9714 Please Remit Payment to: PBSJ P.O. Box 951422 Dallas, Texas 75395·1422 t " ..fj [} [ C ,~ > 0 C Technical Pavement Surface Analysis C Beltline Road .. , ... Town of AddisonC [ l C ! Technical Pavement Surface Analysis -Beltline Road Prepared for the Town of Addison by Doug Dillon, P.E. and Clarence Daugherty, P.E. PBS&J February 1, 2002 The Town of Addison requested that PBS&J evaluate the pavement on Beltline Road from Dallas Parkway (Dallas North Tollway) to Marsh Lane to determine the cause of and solutions to the poor skid resistance of the pavement. This report provides some background, the methodology of the evaluation, alternative solutions and PBS&J's recommendation for improving this dangerous condition. Background The section of roadway studied is a six-lane arterial that is one of the main thoroughfares for the Town of Addison. The current pavement was constructed in 1980 and consists of an 8-inch jointed reinforced concrete pavement; three lanes in each direction with both interior and exterior protected tum bays at multiple locations, some of which have been added since the original pavement was constructed. No original construction records or materials records, other than the as-built plans, were available for review and analysis. "Polishing" of the surface was evident as early as the mid-to-Iate '80s. Testing by use of the TxDOT skid resistance trailer in 1989 indicated a "too slick" finding. Transverse grooving was performed at the Midway Road intersection for 200 feet in each direction. The entire pavement surface was ground in 1995 from Dallas Parkway to Midway and in 1996 from Midway to Marsh Lane to a depth of 114 to 112 inches (with 118 inches between blades), to remove the polished surface. The joints (both longitudinal and transverse) were sawed, cleaned and sealed with silicone in conjunction with those projects. By 2000 the surface had become polished again. The current traffic volume is over 50,000 vehicles per day, which is an extremely high volume of traffic for an urban arterial. Developed property adj acent to the roadway is almost entirely commercial establishments. Obviously, traffic is heavy all day long, but the peaks are during morning and evening rush rush hours as well as during the lunch hour. During these peaks, traffic is typically stop-and-go with several cycles required to clear intersection signals. Off-peak daytime hours exhibit moderate traffic volumes, usually clearing intersections with each signal cycle. Evening rush hour extends to approximately 8 p.m. on weekdays due to the number of restaurants that are along the project. Pavement Condition Assessment The existing pavement was evaluated both visually and physically. The visual inspection indicates that the pavement is in generally good structural condition, with only a few isolated locations exhibiting full depth failures that will need to be repaired. There are no indications of faulting at the transverse joints. This indicator is affected by the grinding application that was performed in 1995 and 1996. It should be noted that no additional faulting has been exhibited since that time. Reportedly, the grinding was performed to address surface texture, not joint faulting. The current ride profile is very good to excellent. Longitudinal joints appear to be in good condition, as well. There were no locations observed that had abnormal joint widths. This leads to the conclusion that tie-bars are installed properly and in sufficient quantity to resist the lateral stresses. The visual inspection did confirm that there was some differential wearing between the wheel paths and the non-travel areas. This wearing is projected to continue and factors heavily into the evaluation of corrective actions. Since no original materials records were available for review and anal ysis, we requested that three concrete core samples be taken and analyzed in an attempt to quantify the physical characteristics of the concrete. The sample retrieval and physical evaluation of the pavement cores was performed by our laboratory sub-consultant, PSI, Inc. Core samples were evaluated by petrographic analysis to determine: a likely range of water/cement ratio, depth of carbonation, and air content -both entrained and entrapped. Samples were also subjected to an acid insoluble analysis to predict the durability of the composite materials used in the pavement. While the solubility results are not a direct predictor of pavement performance, it does reveal that aggregate and paste quality will contribute to continued surface polishing. Technical results from these tests and analysis are included as Attachment "A". A". The critical results gleaned from the report are that thc components ofthe concrete (aggregate, sand, cement) are of satisfactory quality. However, the quality of the composite combination is less than desirable. The water cement ratios of up to .60 explain the concrete's wearing characteristics. The mortar paste is of marginal strength to be able to resist short-term wear, and will probably not provide satisfactory long-term durability or resistance to wear. This weakness of the mortar paste weakens the overall pavement surface's ability to withstand the forces that wear away the surface. This results in the "polishing" observed and the inability of the subsequent transverse sawed tining to provide the long-term skid resistance desired. 2 Possible Solutions There are several courses of action that may be implemented to improve the surface skid resistance of the roadway. These options will be described, including the pros and cons that must be considered in selecting the appropriate solution. None of the options should be considered "permanent" solutions. The pavement surface will continue to wear and polish, requiring additional actions at some point in the future. These approaches are summarized in a tabular format in Attachment "B" including a weighting matrix of characteristics and approaches. Sawed Surface Grooving S.in. The aggregates were generally sound. 2. Fine: The fme aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, limestone, and dolomite. They are mostly subangular to angular, and generally sound. C. Cementitious Paste 1. Paste Content: 30.1%. 2. Air Content: 5.3% total; 3.9% entrained, 1.4% entrapped. 3. Depth of Carbonation: Up to a depth of 118 in. from the surface. 4. Pozzolan Presence: None observed. 5. PastelAggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. 8. Secondary Deposits: None observed 9. Water·to·Cement Ratio \'NIC'): Average wlc in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of 0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste was generally sound; the cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be about 20"/0. 11. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20, 2001 Page 5 of9 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 #2 A. General Observations 1. Sample Dimensions: The sample was a 3 %-in. diameter concrete core, about :3 %-in. long. One polished section was examined tmder a stereo microscope, and one thin section with blue epoxy impregnation was studied tmder a polarized light microscope. 2. Surface Conditions: Irregular. 3. Reinforcement: None observed. 4. General Conditions: The concrete sample appeared to be in stable condition. No segregation or cracking was observed. Aggregates were well oriented and well distributed. B. Aggregate I. Coarse: The coarse aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of limestone and dolomite. They were mostly subrounded to subangular. The maximum size of the aggregates was about I "'-in. The aggregates were generally sound. 2. Fine: The fme aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, limestone, and dolomite. They are mostly subangular to angular, and generally sotmd. C. Cementitious Paste I. Paste Content: 21.9%. 2. Air Content: 3.6% total; 2.7% entrained, 0.9% entrapped. 3. Depth of Carbonation: Up to a depth of 1/8 in. from the surface. 4. Pozzolan Presence: None observed. 5. Pastel Aggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. 8. Secondary Deposits: Ettringite crystals were observed lining few air voids. 9. Water-to-Cement Ratio (WIC): Average w/c in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of 0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste was generally sound; the cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be about 20"10. II. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20, 200 I Page6of9 PETROGRAPIDC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 #3 A. General Observations I. Sample Dimensions: The sample was a 3 It.-in. diameter concrete core, about 4-;n. long. One polished section was examioed under a stereo microscope, and one thin section with blue epoxy impregnation was studied under a polarized light microscope. 2. Srice Conditions: Tined srice. 3. Reinforcement: None observed, 4, General Conditions: The concrete sample appeared to be in stable condition. No segregation or cracking was observed. Aggregates were well oriented and well distributed. B, Aggregate I. Coarse: The coarse aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of limestone and dolomite. They were mostly subrounded to subangular. The maximum size of the aggregates was about I !/'-io, The aggregates were generally sound. 2. Fine: The fme aggregates io the analyzed sample were primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, limestone, and dolomite. They are mostly subangular to angular, and generally sound. C. Cementitious Paste I. Paste Content: 24.9%. 2, Air Content: 6.2% total; 5.4% entraioed, 0.8% entrapped, 3. Depth ofCarbonation: Up to a depth of 1/8 in. from the srice. 4. Pozzolan Presence: None observed, 5. Pastel Aggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. 8. Secondary Deposits: Ettringite crystals were observed lining few air voids. 9, Water-to-Cement Ratio (W/C): Average wlc in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of 0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste was generally sound; the cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be about 20%. II. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20, 2001 Page 7 of9 AIR VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Petrograpbic Lab No.: 807-1-16151 Date: December 20, 2001 Sample No.: Sample Data: Sample Description: Sample Dimensions; Test Data: Air Void Content (%) Entrained (%) Entrapped (%) Air Voids/inch Average Void Length (in.) Specific Surface (in2/in3) Spacing Factor Paste Content (%) Magnification Traverse Length (in.) Test Date #1 Concrete Core 3 %-in. Diameter, 4 Y.-in. Long 5.3 3.9 1.4 6.21 0.009 464.1 0.010 30.1 100x 90 December 17, 2001 Conformance: The air void system of the analyzed sample was adequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Remarks: I. The analysis was perfonned in general accordance with ASTM C-457, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date ofthis report. After 30 days, the sample will will be discarded unless other instrnctions are received. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20, 2001 Page 8 of9 AIR VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECf: Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab No.: 807-1-16151 Sample No.: Sample Data: Sample Description: Sample Dimensions: Test Data: Air Void Content (%) Entrained (%) Entrapped (%) Air Voids/inch Average Void Length (in.) Specific Surface (in"/in3) Spacing Factor Paste Content ('Yo) Magnification Traverse Length (in.) Test Date REPORTED TO: PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Date: December 20, 2001 #2 Concrete Core 3 %-in. Diameter, 3 %-in. Long 3.6 2.7 0.9 4.36 0.008 487.8 0.010 21.9 100x 90 December 17, 200 I Conformance: The air void system ofthe analyzed sample was inadequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Remarks: 1. The analysis was performed in general accordance with ASTM C-457, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date ofthis report. After 30 days, the sample will be discarded unless other instructions are received. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20, 2001 Page 9 of9 AIR VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Petrographic Lab No.: 807-1-16151 Date: December 20, 2001 Sample No.: #3 Sample Data: Sample Description: Concrete Core Sample Dimensions: 3 %-in. Diameter, 4-in. Long Test Data: Air Void Content ('Yo) 6.2 Entrained ("Ii.) 5.4 Entrapped ('Yo) 0.8 Air Voids/inch 6.91 Average Void Length (in.) 0.009 Specific Surface (in2/in3) 445.7 Spacing Factor 0.009 Paste Content ('Yo) 24.9 Magnification 100x Traverse Length (in.) 90 Test Date December 17, 2001 Conformance: The air void system of the analyzed sample was adequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Rema.rks: 1. The analysis was perfonned in general accordance with ASTM C-457, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date of this report. After 30 days, the sample will be discarded unless other instructions are received. IR-sil Los-'Information~ 11.9•. 13800 Montfort Drive, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75240-4347 • Telephone, 972.387.0771 • Fax: 972.387.9714· www.pbsj.com 'l7'l.. v Technical Pavement Analysis -Be1tline Road Town ofAddison The Town of Addison requested that PBS&J evaluate the pavement on Beltline Road from Dallas Parkway (Dallas North Tollway) to Marsh Lane to determine the cause of and solutions to the poor skid resistance ofthe pavement. This report provides some background, the methodology ofthe evaluation, alternative solutions and PBS&J's .recommendation for improving this dangerous condition. Background The section ofroadway studied is a six-lane arterial that is one ofthe main thoroughfares for the Town of Addison. The current pavement was constructed in 1980 and consists of an 8-inch jointed reinforced concrete pavement; three lanes in each direction with both interior and exterior protected turn bays at multiple locations, some ofwhich have been added since the original pavement was constructed. No original construction records or materials records, other than the as-built plans, were available for review and analysis. "Polishing" ofthe surface was evident as early as the mid-to-late '80s. Testing by use of the TxDOT skid resistance trailer in 1989 indicated a "too slick" finding. Transverse grooving was perfonned at the Midway Road intersection for 200 feet in each direction. The pavement surface was ground in 1996 to a depth of 1/4 to 112 inches (with 1/8 inches between blades), the full length and width, to remove the polished surface. By 2000 the surface hadbecome.polished again.-;;: .....,..... '.~.."-"'.;',""f.. The current traffkvolume is overso,OOO vehicIes'per'day; which is an'extremeIyhigh volume oftraffic for an urban arterial. Developed property adjacent to the roadway is almost entirely commercial establishments. Obviously, traffic is heavy all day long, but the peaks are during morning and evening rush hours as well as during the lunch hour, During these peaks, traffic is typically stop-and-go with several cycles required to clear intersection signals, Off-peak daytime hours exhibit moderate traffic volumes, usually clearing intersections with each signal cycle. Evening rush hour extends to approximately 8 p.m. on weekdays due to the number ofrestaurants that are along the project. Pavement Condition Assessment The existing pavement was evaluated both visually and physically. The visual inspection indicates that the pavement is in generally good structural condition, with only a few isolated locations exhibiting fuJI depth failures that will need to be repaired. There are no indications offaulting at the transverse joints. This indicator is affected by the grinding application that was perfonned in 1996. It should be noted that no additional faulting has been exhibited since that time. Reportedly, the grinding was perfonned to address surface texture, not joint faulting;The current ride profile is very good to excellent. /fie :Y'r....-e tveJ!?e .!/fiA-eP { J e.4 L-e }l (,if (1 f6> )1fT W, TI/'t e-. -..:<.--' Longitudinal joints appear to be in good condition, as well. There were no locations observed that had abnormal joint widths. This leads to the conclusion that tie-bars are installed properly and in sufficient quantity to resist the lateral stresses. The visual inspection did confirm that there was some differential wearing between the wheel paths and the non-travel areas. This wearing is projected to continue and factors heavily into the evaluation ofcorrective actions. Since no original materials records were available for review and analysis, we requested that three concrete core samples be taken and analyzed in an attempt to quantify the physical characteristics ofthe concrete. The sample retrieval and physical evaluation of the pavement cores was performed by our laboratory sub-consultant, PSI, Inc. Core samples were evaluated by petrographic analysis to determine: a likely range of water/cement ratio, depth ofcarbonation, and air content -both entrained and entrapped. c;r~ Samples were also subjected to an acid insoluble analysis to predict the durability ofthe lit\~j--S<> l! composite materials used in the pavement. While the solubility results are not a direct ../p.. !fv· predictor ofpavement performance, it does reveal that aggregate and paste quality will ~5 (/. Sl~P• , contribute to continued surface polishing. Technical results from these tests and analysis ~p are included as Attachment "A". • The critical results gleaned from the report are that the components ofthe concrete (aggregate, sand, cement) are ofsatisfactory quality. However, the quality ofthe composite combination is less than desirable. The water cement ratios ofup to .60 explain the concrete's wearing characteristics. The mortar paste is ofmarginal strength to be able to resist short-term wear,. and will probably not-providesatisfactorylong-terin-------"d urability oriesistance to:weiff::Thisco:ilfinniftheinitiill'-'fiOlisliliig"'ObserVti'd1iiid:the'-~:~;.~·,::·':;""··'·~:'~= inability ofthe subsequent transverse-sawed tining toprovide"the-long~terrn- skid:: . ---, . ".'. -c·~ . resistance desired. Possible Solutions There are several courses ofaction that may be implemented to improve the surface skid resistance ofthe roadway. These options will be described, including the pros and cons that must be'considered in selecting the appropriate solution. None ofthe options should be considered "permanent" solutions. The pavement surface will continue to wear and polish, requiring additional actions at some point in the future. These approaches are . summarized in a tabular format in Attachment "B" including a weighting matrix of characteristics and approaches. Sawed Surface Texture (Longitudinal or Transverse) -This procedure consists of diamond saw blades mounted in a "gang" arrangement with spacers between the blades to provide the desirable groove separation. The blades are mounted on a heavy frame self-propelled device that includes grade control averaging to minimize the effect of deviations in surface elevations. The primary benefit ofthis approach is to provide gaps for water to flow under pressure exerted by vehicle tires. A secondary benefit is to increase the macro-texture ofthe pavement surface, thus improving resistance in dry and PBS] damp conditions. The effectiveness ofthis approach is heavily dependant on the depth, width, and spacing ofthe sawed grooves. This solution would be limited to primary travel lanes, due to the difficulty in installation in turn bays. Typically, turn bays are in good condition relative to surface texture, and speeds in them are slower than the travel lanes. Transverse texture sawing has already been applied in limited areas at two intersections on the project. Longitudinal texturing is an option that would provide the same benefits, would be much faster and, therefore, more cost effective, to install. This solution was utilized in Dallas on ill 635 between Skillman and Abrams Road to resolve similar pavement issues . . ~ ~r 'J~ Pros -Improved skid resistance; relatively inexpensive; installation can be done at night regardless oftemperature; leaves surface the same color already present; ()v-l ~~'1 minimal re-work required on signal loops ifloops are currently installed at least % Y "l Ainch below the current surface; work in process at the end ofeach "day" leaves no '"" ~ tJ.V /" . differences discernable to the traveling public. iu#? ,-..,..e-"'1/1" if' 0 f ~ ~ .)J....,Q;'" (.p 'I-(/... ~ tli-,.,et;P :; ~ teD,J ""/. \...1 t I' o~, Cons -Given the composite concr er-cement ratio characteristic, the '7 -t,.;\ '",'1 . .jJ f l .J'u. realistic life expectancy would b 5 to 7 ears; the slurry produced during sawing Q;I n~ V::, nr""l may have to be picked up in a vacu ck and disposed off-site. "'\ t, V' (1," ~ J ~ Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Overlay -This solution is typically utilized to \!'b\. pr?vide a~ditional structural pave~ent sup~ort as :veil as increased skid resistance. Lift . i,}J thickness IS dependant on the nommal maxunum~lzeofthe coarsaaggregate.~~~--.. c_":-~__ c, _. --.--'-,~~-~. vi' . -Installations nver Jointed (Reinforced or l'Jain)-C-oncrefe'P.avemen:ttypiciU~eXhib'it",,-e :'i:~'~;'" .~i:(-,-->;~':vJ~ ~ reflective cracking at the joints within a year.'-The width-ofthe reflected crackis':~:-:~_:-''':''-,:,-,,:j,':-~'c ~ dependant on the amount ofmovement (expansion and contraction) ofthe concrete . l' ~'J sections. This is a direct function ofthe joint spacing in the concrete pavement. Steps I!!-J taken to minimize reflective cracking include sawing and sealing mirror joints in the f...'f-'* '\. overlay, using geotextile fabric applied over the joints prior to overlay, using a rubber t:!-modified stress absorbing membrane (SAM!) applied to the full width ofthe roadway .l<. f:'"'IJ under the overlay, or a rubber modified asphalt in a high void mix designed for the ~ application.. f{ Pros -Improved skid resistance; easily accommodates irregular surfaces, both vertically and horizontally; results in a uniform appearance ofthe finished product; appropriate mix design will result in dramatically improved surface macro-and micro-texture; in future maintenance cycles, it can be overlaid for' continued service. Cons -Relatively expensive due to additional expense in treating reflective cracking; requires a bonding application (seal coat, etc.) to promote adequate adhesion; extensive sprinkler systems on adjoining properties contribute water onto the roadway, increasing threat ofde-bonding; while the surface application is rapid, the preparation steps required would take a substantial amount oftime; PBS] work in progress leaves both longitudinal and transverse joint elevation differentials. ~ tJ!) \. Polymer Modified Slurry Seal-This slurry seal is a 114 to 3/8-inch thick application of a~":",;:;J"ii£' . . . , ';;-, .; .. :,:.! :~ .:. L:', ~ . :: _' -;~:. ,5~'~:-:::~7';~~!:'~*~:~:;';'~=~~:::~~~~-;l-:"'"':'~~'~Z~~:·~;h~i{~~~~-~~:~·::~';;-~·:::~;:~~ Ettringite crystals were observed· lining few air voids in Sample #2 and Sample #3. However, it is not believed that ettringite has caused any significant damage in the samples. The formation of ettringite in hardened concrete is initiated by a reaction between external sulfate ions and calcium hydroxide of concrete, which produces gypsum. This gypsum reacts with monosulfoaluminate in concrete, in the presence of moisture, and produces "6-calcium aluminate trisulfate 32-hydrate" that is the chemical name of ettringite. The formation of ettringite in hardened concrete is detrimental because ettringite is expansive and hardened concrete cannot accommodate this expansion. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20, 2001 Page 3 of9 .TEST PROCEDURES Petrographic analysis The petrographic analysis was perfonned in general accordance with AS1M C856-95. The analysis included examining a thick polished section using a stereo microscope and a blue-dyed thin section using a polarized light microscope. Depth of carbonation was determined using a 0.15% phenolphthalein solution. Water-to-cement ratio was estimated based upon the appearance of a finely lapped sample surface, cement reaction to needle scratching, absorption of a water drop, and examination of a thin section under a polarized light microscope. Air content testing Air content testing was perfonned in general accordance with AS1M C457 -90, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. A thick polished section cut from the concrete core was examined using a stereo microscope at a magnification of 100x. REMARKS The testsamp!e will be retained ,for a .:periodof:3'O ,days ;from~!lle:date.•.bL!JUs repQrf.8n""~::;'~i~'~:",: Unless further instructions are received by thattime, :I:l:'le,samples-winbe-:di searq~d¥~",;;,;~::" '==:':::2:"""':-::~ Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~fo-:j4(:Thomas H. Suthers, P.E. Department Manager Structural Investigation & Petrography r;;:u;;,.,1lJib. .' .' Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-I 6 I 51 December 20, 2001 Page 4 of9 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-I6151 #1 A. General Observations I. Sample Dimensions: The sample was a 3 y.·in. diameter concrete core, about 4 V.-in. long. One polished section was examined under a stereo microscope, and one thin section with blue epoxy impregnation was studied under a polarized light microscope. 2. Surface Conditions: Tined surfhce. 3. Reinforcement: None observed. 4. General Conditions: The concrete sample appeared to be in stable condition. No segregation or cracking was observed. Aggregates were well oriented and well distributed. B. Aggregate I. Coarse: The coarse aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily Gomposed of limestone and dolomite. They were mostly subrounded to subangular. The maximum size of the aggregates was about 1 Y.-in. The. aggregates were generally sound. ~ ,:: -:. ~ "-:':::;'--":::'">£,-..--.-:=-.-.-" ~'--~:-:-' "'~ 2. Fine: The fme aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, limestone, and dolomite. They are mostly subangular to angular, and generally sound. C. CementitiQus Paste I. Paste Content: 30.1%. 2. Air Content: 5.3% total; 3.9% entrained, 1.4% entrapped. 3. Depth of CarbonatiOn: Up to a depth of 1!8 in. from the surface. 4. Pozzolan Presence: None observed. 5. Pastel Aggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. It Secondary Deposits: None observed 9. Water-to-Cement Rstio (W/C): Average wlc in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of 0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste was generally sound; the cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be about 20%. II. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. ·' .' . .' Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20,2001 Page 5 of9 J'ETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 #2 A. General Observations 1. Sample Dimensions: The sample was a 3 %-in. diameter concrete core, about 3 %-in. long. ,One polished section was examined under a stereo microscope, and one thin section with blue epoxy impregnation was studied under a polarized light microscope. 2. Surface Conditions: liTegular. 3. Reinforcement: None observed. 4. General Conditions: The concrete sample appeared to be in stable condition. ' No segregation or cracking was observed. Aggregates were well oriented and well distributed. B. Aggregate 1. Coarse: The coarse aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of limestone and dolomite. They were mostly subrounded to subangular. The maximum size of the aggregates was about I ~-in. The aggregates were generally sound. ,2. Fine: The fine vegates futhe analyzed'Sample.were primarily:'Composedo,~",,,,,,,.,;···:·,o:~·' of quartz, feldspar; limestone, and dolomite. "They' !Ut' mostly ,", ',':~" subangular to angular, and generally sound. ' C. Cementitious Paste 1. Paste Content: 21.9%. 2. Air Content: 3.6% total; 2.70/0 entrained, 0.9% entrapped. 3. Depth of Carbonation: Up to a depth of 1/8 in. from the surface. 4. Pozzolan Presence: None observed. 5. Pastel Aggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. 8. Secondary Deposits: Ettringite crystals were observed lining few air voids. 9. Water-to-Cement Ratio (W/C): Average wlc in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of 0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste was generally sound; the eementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cernentitious particles Were estimated to be about 20%. 11. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. .. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1·16151 December 20, 2001 , Page 6 of9 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 #3 A. General Observations L Sample Dimensions: The sample was a 3 :v.-in. diameter concrete core, about 4-in. long. One polished section was examined under a stereo microscope, and one thin section with blue epoxy impregnation was studied under a polarized light microscope. 2. Surface Conditions: Tined surface. 3. Reinforcement: None observed. 4. General Conditions: The concrete sample appeared to be in stable condition. No segregation or cracking was observed. Aggregates were well oriented and well distributed. B. Aggregate I. Coarse: The coarse aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of limestone and dolomite. They were mostly subrotinded to subangular. The maximum size of the aggregates was about I Yo-in. The aggregates were generally sound. -" .. The, fl}le. aggregates fu the analyzed s~ple ",,~re prhnaruy ~~mp~sed,' of quartz; feldspar,liinestone, and doloinite.They,·aremostly·subangular to angular, and generally sound. 2. C. Cementitious Paste I. Paste Content: 24.9')'02. Air Content: 6.2% total; 5.4% entrained, 0.8% entrapped. 3. Depth ofCarbonation: Up to a depth of ItS in. nom the surface. 4. , Pozzolan Presence: None observed. 5. Paste/Aggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. 8. Secondary Deposits: Ettringite crystals.were observed lining few air voids. 9. Water-to-Cement Ratio (W/C): Average wlc in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of·0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste was generally sound; the cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be about 20%. II. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. ·' Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807·1·16151 December 20, 200 I Page 7 of9 AIR VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Petrographic Lab No.: 807·1·16151 Date: December 20, 2001 Sample No.: Sample Data: , Sample Description: Sample Dimensions: Test Data: . Air Void Content(%)··, .:, Entrained (%) Entrapped (%) Air Voids/inch Average Void Length (in.) Specific Surface (in2/in3) Spacing Factor Paste Content (%) Magnification Traverse Length (in.) Test Date #1 Concrete Core 3 o/.,·;n. Diameter, 4 'I.·in. Long 5.3. 3.9 1.4 6.21 0.009 464.1 0.010 30.1 100x 90 December 17, 200I Conformance: The air void system of the analyzed sample was adequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Remarks: I. The analysis was performed in general accordance with ASTM C-457, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date ofthis report. After 30 days, the sample will be discarded unless other instructions are received. .' Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807·1·16151 December 20, 2001 PageS of9 Am VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Sbilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Petrographic Lab No.: 807·1-16151 Datc: December 20, 2001 SamplcNo.: Sample Data: Sample Description: • Sample Dimensions: Test Data: Air Void Content (%) . Entrained (%) ·..C.;. .' Entiappeil (%) ~c::-:.~~.:::; . ".; Air Voidslinch' Average Void Length (in.) Specific Surface (in2/in3) Spacing Factor Paste Content ("/0) Magnification Traverse Length (in.) Test Date #2 Concrete Core 3 %-in. Diameter, 3 %-in. Long 3.6 ."~~"'""'Y~""" ------2.7··:~-·_-.:-; "". ," '. ,. '0.9 . " ..,,,, 4.36 0.008 487.8 0.010 21.9 100x 90 December 17,2001 Confonnance: The air void system of the analyzed sample was inadequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Remarks: 1. The analysis was performed in general accordance with ASTM C-457, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date ofthis report. After 30 days, the sample will be discarded unless other instructions are received. .. .' Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807·1·16151 December 20, 2001 Page 9 of9 Am VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: :Mr. Robert Nance' Petrographic Lab No.: 807-1-16151 Date: December 20, 2001 Sample No.: Sample Data: Sample Description: • Sample Dimensions: Test Data: Air Void Content (%) Entrained (%) . _ Entrapped (%) -. '... ,Air Voids/inch Average Void Length (in.) Specific Surface (in2/in3) Spacing Factor Paste Content (%) Magnification Traverse Length (in.) Test Date . #3 Concrete Core 3 %-in. Diameter, 4-in. Long 6.2 --. 5.4 . "CC._ -. ,'~' -0.8 . 'c, .6.91 0.009 445.7 0.009 24.9 100x 90 December 17, 2001 Conformance: The air void system of the analyzed sample was adequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Remarks: I. The analysis was performed in general accordance with AS1M C-457, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date ofthis report. After 30 days, the sample will be discarded unless other instructions are received. ,--"., ", IPs_,InfonnationIi!."' • .ToBuildOn Engineering. Consulting. TesUng TESTED FOR: PBS&J 13800 Monfort Drive Suite 230 Addison, TX 75240 PROJECT: Pavement Concrete ~valuation Beltline Rd. to Marsh Rd. Addison, Texas DATE: January 21, 2001 'REPORTNO: 341-10088-3 REPORT OF ACID SOLUBLE MATTER SAMPLE LOCATION PERCENT LOSS Core #1, 395 ft. from Quorum Drive and Beltline 94.8 Intersection, Far Left Lane, Eastbound Core #2, 297 ft. East from Beltline Drive and Beltline 94.3 Road Intersection, Far Left Lane, Westbound Core #3, 170 ft. at Beltline Road and Motel 6 Entrance 95.2 Far Left Lane, Eastbound -. t, . .'. . __ c-:"_ BACKGROUND· .. The client had requested that the percentage of fine material soluble in a sulfuric acid solution be determined on the samples ofexisting concrete collected on this project. The client was aware of the limitations of the test method and that this mayor may not be possible depending on the composition of the coarse aggregate contained in the existing concrete. TEST PRODCEURE A reprcsentative portion of the core sample was collected and immersed in a dilute solution of sulfuric acid. After all signs ofreaction had ceased the sample was removed fmm this solution, washed and dried. The' remaining material was crushed in a manner that would not reduce the size of the remaining particles of aggregate. This remaining . material was immersed in a solutio/l of concentrated sulfuric acid until all signs of reaction had ceased. The sample was washed, dried and crushed as previously reported and re-immersed in a fresh solution of concentrated sulfuric acid. This process was continued until any signs of a reaction with tlie acid was not observed upon immersion in a fresh solution of sulruric acid. At this point the sample was removed from the acid, washed, dried and percent loss by weight determined. Professional Service IndustrIes, Inc. 10 4087 Shilling Way. Dallas. TX 75237 • Phone 2141330-9211 10 Fal( 214/333*2853 ....~--~~ .. _-'--19s·,In/ormationt:!."*'• .ToBuild On Engmeedng • COmlultlng • TesUng CONCLUSIONS The client had requested that the percentage of fine material contained in samples of existing concrete be determined and was aware that this mayor may be possible to determine depending on the solubility of the coarse aggregate contained in the samples. The percentage of material dissolved by the sulfuric acid exceeds the quantity of fine aggregate and cement that would be expected in concrete. At the end of the test procedure no particles of large aggregate were visually observed and for these reasons we believe that the large aggregate was composed of material that was also soluble in sulfuric acid. Clearly the percent of acid soluble in the fine aggregate of these concrete samples could not be determined given these factors and the percent loss reported above should be interpreted as the percentage oftotal acid solubJe material in the concrete. Respectfully Submitted: . Professiofllll.service Industries, lnc, -_,,__ " __ _ "'.' -; ".'" ..--. '~', " -" District Manager Construction Services .. Professional Sen/Ice Induslrie•• lnc.· 4087 Shilling W",,· Dallas, TX 752~'Phone 2141330-9211 • F"" 2141333·2853 Attachment "s" Treatment Option Performance Service Life Constructability Appearance Score Cost ($/sy) Longitudinal Texturing 5 4 5 5 19 $2.50 i Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement 4 4 4 2 14 $6.00 SlunySeal 2 2 5 2 11 $2.10 Microsurfacing Seal Coat Thin E30ndeg CorlCrete Overlay 3 1 1 " -i3' , -.'! ;IH:; ," .,'! ,Ii,1; ";:1; ""I;lr!!iIL 5 5 1 2 1 5 13 8 11 $2.50 $1.75 N/A I l!i .. [ ,.,-:i': ·.1,!;1! Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the Iowesl or least acceptable and~;being the highest or most desireable. These scores are highly subjeolive in nature. Perfonnance rating includes weighting for issues affeoling chances of a suceeilsful implementation and appropriateness for this project. The appearance rating is applied based on previous Indications that Addison prefers concrete over hot mix appearances on their main thoroughfare. Cost data represents average prices that include a wide range of conditions~,!1ri1Iect issues, and levels of competition. These are Intended only fOr comparison purposes, not to establish a project estimate. Specific project ~!Sfiiayvary based on the Issues listed above as well as contract reqUirements. Cost for HMACP includes overlay, seal coat, and fabric treatment for existin~crabks. Combination represents the minimum serviceability that would be acceptable. given the project location. Based on Hot't1rx;f:r:kDOT Ty D, 1 inch lift at $SOIton =$2.75/sy plus seal $1.25, plus fabric $2. Cost for Thin Bonded Concrete Overlay is not included. Data available was:ndtl&mparable to the project installation -high volume arterial with many intersections and drive access points. -" )':11''!;:11111 , :1;,. i I': ,~::tl ,I, ~;:!i:::t'" ;.1!i1ii i",,1 :1'1'1'11'""1'1"I :i\ ii', ;.t',' f 1 (.I. I ',., 1\ II '[ t;,~'ri~,:;;i; j' 1,1/I.:., : __ ", II 1 d ,.?~ ';,r I:~ d.. 111/I:: .'f; p i' L:' ~il:"; !, I'" L," ,i ·'i.' f'I,", , ','lli,lt '11: 1 i'.!, " Surface Texture (an excerpt from the website of the American Concrete Pavement Association http://www.pavement.com/PavTech/Tech/Fundamentalsjfundtexture.html) Surface textures are usually made during construction by dragging various materials or tools across the fresh concrete. This imparts a continuous series of undulations, or grooves, in the surface before the concrete hardens. The spaCing, width and depth of the grooves affect surface friction, skid resistance and tire/road nOise. The purpose of a surface texture is to reduce wet-weather accidents caused by skidding and hydroplaning. Over the past 40 years there have been several shifts in the most commonly applied texture. For concrete streets and local roads, where vehicle speeds are not great enough to cause hydroplaning, burlapdrag or broom textures are typical. The most common texture on hlghspeed road and highway pavements in North America remains transverse tlning. However, a shift is underway to longitudinal tining which has been shown to produce excellent long-term skid resistance and much lower tire/road nOise qualities both in a vehicle and along the roadway. Drag Textures Obtained using either a hand broom or mechanical broom device that lightly drags the stiff bristles across the su rface. Produces 1.5-3 mm (1/16-1/8 in.) deep striations. Can be oriented either longitudinal or transverse to centerline of roadway. Turf Drag Surface Produced by trailing an inverted section of artificial turf from a device that allows control of the time and rate of texturing -usually a construction bridge that spans the pavement. Produces 1.5-3 mm (1/16-1/8 in.) deep striations when using turf with 77,500 blades/m3 (xxxxx blades ft3). Burlap Drag Surface Produced by trailing moistened coarse burlap from a device that allows control of the time and rate of texturing -usually a construction bridge that spans the pavement. Produces 1.5-3 mm (1/16-1/8 in.) deep striations. Tine Textures Transverse Tine Achieved by a mechanical device equipped with a tlning head (metal rake) that moves laterally across the width of the pavi ng surface (a hand tool is sufficient on smaller areas.) Optimal dimensions are: random tine spacing 10 to 40-mm (1/2 to 1-1/2 in.) with no more than 50% above 25 mm (1 in.), 3-6 mm (1/8-1/4 in.) tine depth, and 3 mm (1/8 in.) tine width. Skewing, as shown, has been found to reduce tire/road noise. Longitudinal Tine Achieved In Similar manner as transverse tlning, except that tines are pulled In a line parallel to the pavement centerline. Optimal dimensions. are: 20-mrn (3/4-ln.) uniform tine. spacing, 3-6 mm (1/8-1/4 In.) tine depth, and 3 mm (1/8 In.) tine width. Exposed Aggregate Exposed Aggregate A mostly European practice of applying a set retarder to the new concrete surface, and then washing away surface mortar to expose durable chip-size aggregates. Requires uniformly applying chips to fresh surface and mechanically abrading surface to wash away still-wet mortar. Hardened Concrete Textures Diamond Ground Longitudinal, corduroy-like surface made by equipment using diamond saw blades gangmounted on a cutting head. The cutting head produces 164-197 grooves/meter (50-60 grooves/foot) and can remove 3-20 mm (1/83/4 in.) from the pavement surface. Diamond Groove Grooves sawed Into surface longitudinally for highways, and transversely for airports. Made by same equipment used for diamond grinding. Typically, the grooves are 6 mm (1/4 In.) deep, 3 mm (1/8 In.) wide and spaced 20 mm (3/4 In.) apart. On airports, grooves are 6 mm (1/4 in.) deep, 6 mm (1/4 In.) wide and spaced 40 mm (1-1/2 In.) apart. Abrated (Shot Blasted) Etched surface produced by equipment that hurls abrasive media within an enclosed housing. The abrasive media impacts the surface and removes a thin layer of mortar and aggregate. The depth of the removal Is controllable and the dust is vacuumed Into a baghouse. An employee·owned company January 24, 2002 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town ofAddison 16801 WestgroveDr. P.O, Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Dear Mr. Chutchian: We are happy to submit the attached report ofour evaluation ofthe surface conditions of Beltline Road. The report is submitted in "draft" form because we think there may be form or other changcs or additions that you may want us to include in the final report. We have attached an excerpt about surface texturing from the website ofthe American Concrete Association. Let us know ifyou think it would be helpful to include this in the report. We will also include photos ofthe existing conditions to illustrate appropriate points. We look forward to you reviewing the report and informing us of any changes that you desire. Sincerely, ~~~ Clarence Daugherty, P.E. Director ofMunicipal Services Enclosure CD/eo K:IJII\450868.00\Beltiinc draft 1-24-G2,dac 13800 Montfort Drive, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75240-4347. Telephone: 972.387.0771· Fax: 972.387,9714· www,pbsj,com Technical Pavement Analysis -Beltline Road Town ofAddison The Town ofAddison requested that PBS&J evaluate the pavement on Beltline Road from Dallas Parkway (Dallas North Tollway) to Marsh Lane to determine the cause of and solutions to the poor skid resistance of the pavement. This report provides some background, the methodology ofthe evaluation, alternative solutions and PBS&J's recommendation for improving this dangerous condition. Background The section ofroadway studied is a six-lane arterial that is one of the main thoroughfares for the Town ofAddison. The current pavement was constructed in 1980 and consists of an 8-inch jointed reinforced concrete pavement; three lanes in each direction with both interior and exterior protected tum bays at multiple locations, some ofwhich have been added since the original pavement was constructed. No original construction records or materials records, other than the as-built plans, were available for review and anslysis. "Polishing" ofthe surface was evident as early as the mid-to-Iate '80s. Testing by use of the TxDOT skid resistance trailer in 1989 indicated a "too slick" finding. Transverse grooving was performed at the Midway Road intersection for 200 feet in each direction. The pavement surface was ground in 1996 to a depth of 114 to 112 inches (with 118 inches between blades), the full length and width, to remove the polished surface. By 2000 the surface had become polished again. The current traffic volume is over 50,000 vehicles per day, which is an extremely high volume oftraffic for an urban arterial. Developed property adjacent to the roadway is almost entirely commercial establishments. Obviously, traffic is heavy all day long, but the peaks are during morning and evening rush hours as well as during the lunch hour. During these peaks, traffic is typically stop-and-go with several cycles required to clear intersection signals. Off-peak daytime hours exhibit moderate traffic volumes, usually clearing intersections with each signal cycle. Evening rush hour extends to approximately 8 p.m. on weekdays due to the number ofrestaurants that are along the project. Pavement Condition Assessment The existing pavement was evaluated both visually and physically. The visual inspection indicates that the pavement is in generally good structural condition, with only a few isolated locations exhibiting full depth failures that will need to be repaired. There are no indications offaulting at the transverse joints. This indicator is affected by the grinding application that was perfurmed in 1996. It should be noted that no additional faulting has been exhibited since that time. Reportedly, the grinding was performed to address surface texture, not joint faulting. The current ride profile is very good to excellent. PBS] Longitudinal joints appear to be in good condition, as well. There were no locations observed that had abnonnal joint widths. This leads to the conclusion that tie-bars are installed properly and in sufficient quantity to resist the lateral stresses. The visual inspection did confinn that there was some differential wearing between the wheel paths and the non-travel areas. This wearing is projected to continue and factors heavily into the evaluation ofcorrective actions. Since no original materials records were available for review and analysis, we requested that three concrete core samples be taken and analyzed in an attempt to quantify the physical characteristics ofthe concrete. The sample retrieval and physical evaluation of the pavement cores was perfonned by our laboratory sub-consultant, PSI, Inc. Core samples were evaluated by petrographic analysis to detennine: a likely range of water/cement ratio, depth of carbonation, and air content -both entrained and entrapped. Samples were also subjected to an acid insoluble analysis to predict the durability ofthe composite materials used in the pavement. While the solubility results are not a direct predictor of pavement perfonnance, it does reveal that aggregate and paste quality will contribute to continued surface polishing. Tecbnical results from these tests and analysis are included as Attachment "A". The critical results gleaned from the report are that the components ofthe concrete (aggregate, sand, cement) are of satisfactory quality. However, the quality ofthe composite combination is less than desirable. The water cement ratios of up to .60 explain the conerete's wearing characteristics. The mortar paste is ofmarginal strength to be able to resist short-tenn wear, and will probably not provide satisfactory long-tenn durability or resistance to wear. This confinns the initial "polishing" observed and the inability ofthe subsequent transverse sawed tining to provide the long-tenn skid resistance desired. Possible Solutions There are several courses of action that may be implemented to improve the surface skid resistance of the roadway. These options will be described, including the pros and cons that must be considered in selecting the appropriate solution. None of the options should be considered "pennanent" solutions. The pavement surface will continue to wear and polish, requiring additional actions at some point in the future. These approaches are summarized in a tabular fonnat in Attachment "B" including a weighting matrix of characteristics and approaches. Sawed Surface Texture (Longitudinal or Transverse) This procedure consists of diamond saw blades mounted in a "gang" arrangement with spacers between the blades to provide the desirable groove separation. The blades are mounted on a heavy frame self-propelled device that includes grade control averaging to minimize the effect of deviations in surface elevations. The primary benefit ofthis approaeh is to provide gaps for water to flow under pressure exerted by vehicle tires. A secondary benefit is to increase the macro-texture ofthe pavement surface, thus improving resistance in dry and PBS] damp conditions. The effectiveness of this approach is heavily dependant on the depth, width, and spacing of the sawed grooves. This solution would be limited to primary travel lanes, due to the difficulty in installation in turn bays. Typically, turn bays are in good condition relative to surface texture, and speeds in them are slower than the travel lanes. Transverse texture sawing has already been applied in limited areas at two intersections on the project. Longitudinal texturing is an option that would provide the same benefits, would be much faster and, therefore, more cost effective, to install. This solution was utilized in Dallas on IH 635 between Skillman and Abrams Road to resolve similar pavement issues. Pros -Improved skid resistance; relatively inexpensive; installation can be done at night regardless of temperature; leaves surface the same color already present; minimal re-work required on signal loops if loops are currently installed at least % inch below the current surface; work in process process at the end of each "day" leaves no differences discemable to the traveling public. Cons -Given the composite concrete water-cement ratio characteristic, the realistic life expectancy would be 5 to 7 years; the slurry produced during sawing may have to be picked up in a vacuum truck and disposed off-site. Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Overlay -This solution is typically utilized to provide additional structural pavement support as well as increased skid resistance. Lift thickness is dependant on the nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregate. Installations over Jointed (Reinforced or Plain) Concrete Pavement typically exhibit reflective cracking at the joints within a year. The width of the reflected crack is dependant on the amount of movement (expansion and contraction) of the concrete sections. This is a direct function of the j oint spacing in the concrete pavement. Steps taken to minimize reflective cracking include sawing and sealing mirror joints in the overlay, using geotextile fabric fabric applied over the joints prior to overlay, using a rubber modified stress absorbing membrane (SAM!) applied to the full width of the roadway under the overlay, or a rubber modified asphalt in a high void mix designed for the application. Pros -Improved skid resistance; easily accommodates irregular surfaces, both vertically and horizontally; results in a uniform appearance of the finished product; appropriate mix design will result in dramatically improved surface macro-and micro-texture; in future maintenance cycles, it can be overlaid for continued service. Cons -Relatively expensive due to additional expense in treating reflective cracking; requires a bonding application (seal coat, etc.) to promote adequate adhesion; extensive sprinkler systems on adjoining properties contribute water onto the roadway, increasing threat of de-bonding; while the surface application is rapid, the preparation steps required would take a substantial amount of time; work in progress leaves both longitudinal and transverse joint elevation differentials. Polymer Modified Slurry Seal This slurry seal is a 114 to 3/8-inch thick application ofa mixture of a very small aggregate suspended in a polymer modified emulsified asphalt. Pros -Improved skid resistance; relatively inexpensive; resultant layer is resistant to moisture; macro-texture results from aggregate "points" that protrude above the asphalt layer. Cons -Durability is a concern in this high volume application (typical application is low volume residential streets, parking lots, etc.); although resistant to moisture, it is not water proof. Micro-surfacing -Similar to the PMSS, but uses cement as the mineral filler. It is typically applied to rutted flexible pavements with an initial pass to fill ruts up to 1I4-inch in depth, followed by a surface application that covers the full lane width. It also can be applied to rigid pavements. Pros -Improved skid resistance; relatively inexpensive; results in a finished product that is more durable than PMSS, but less flexible than a PMSS, which is desirable on this project due to the high traffic volumes. Cons -More rigid than PMSS, allowing reflective cracking ofjoints; subject to de-bonding at the end ofits useful life -this results from the intrusion ofmoisture over time into the interlayer between the existing concrete pavement and the micro-surfacing. Seal Coat -An application of liquid asphalt, either hot AC or emulsion, with a layer of aggregate spread over the top and seated by rolling. Serves to waterproof underlying pavement layers from water intrusion from the surface as well as to enhance the bonding ofHMACP overlays. Pros Improved skid resistance; the least expensive of the alternatives. Cons -Durability is not good in this high traffic application; does not result in good appearance; there will be some loose aggregate; aggregate is unstable under heavy traffic and turning movements. Thin-bonded Concrete Overlay -Application of approximately 2" of concrete over the the existing concrete pavement structure. Pros Improved skid resistance; results in renewed concrete surface appearance. Cons Expensive; requires extensive surface preparation; environmental requirements at time ofplacement are extremely sensitive (humidity, air temperature, wind, surface cleanliness); requires lane closures for surface preparation, installation, and curing; extended time for installation; low probability of a quality installation. Recommendations Based on a review of the test data, field observations, costs (including inconvenience to traveling public), and benefits, PBS&J recommends the installation of longitudinal concrete texturing. TIlls solution provides a desirable blend ofcost effectiveness, minimal disruption oftraffic, and serviceability. Its desirability is also enhanced because it requires minimal additional activities such as re-striping. While this solution is not "permanent", it meets the service needs while minimizing the future cost ofpursuing another option, such as an overlay. Other options considered would include some cost to remove or re-mediate in order to install another surfacing in the future. The concrete in the pavement of Beltline Road is simply not durable enough to withstand ahnost 60,000 vpd without wearing. The longitudinal texturing will have to be carefully specified to make sure that there is adequate depth to the grooves and adequate width between the grooves. This will maximize the impact of skid resistance and will provide the longest "life" of the grooves that is possible. But even with eareful specification, and with eareful installation, there is a limit to how long this texturing will be effective. The Town should incorporate into their life-cycle maintenance program additional improvements in 5-7 years. None of the alternatives offer any advantages in this regard. The only way to prevent the need for periodic improvement is to re-bnild the pavement. This was not included as an alternative because re-building the pavement would be far too costly and the process would be far too disruptive to be worthwhile. Addressing the problem every 5-7 years is more economical and more practical. There are some other needs that could bc incorporated into this project. Itis recommended that the longitudinal and transverse joints be cleaned and re-sealed to maintain the resistance to water penetration into the sub grade if that has not been done in recent years. Itis also recommended that the few pavement failures that currently exist be repaired as part ofthis project, as well. The structural integrity ofthis pavement is very good (it is surprising that there have been so few structural fuilures with this age street and such high traffic volumes). Therefore, it is our conclusion that Beltline Road will be very serviceable for a long period oftime if the actions recommended in this report are taken and an appropriate maintenance program is fullowed. PBS] Attachment"An Laboratory Reports ·'• les.'Information ~..,• . ToBuild On Engineering. Consulting. Tesfing PETROGRAPIDC ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Petrographic Lab No.: 807-1-16151 Date: December 20,2001 BACKGROUND This report presents the results of petrographic analysis of three (3) concrete core samples, submitted by Mr. Robert Nance of PSI's Dallas, Texas Office. Reportedly, tbe samples were retrieved from a concrete pavement tbat was constructed in 1982. Identification oftbe samples along witb their location is as follows: Sample Identification Sample Location #1 395 ft. from Quorum Drive and Beltline Intersection Far Left Lane, Eastbound , #2 297 ft. East from Beltway Drive and Belt1ine Road Intersection Far Left Lane, Westbound #3 170 ft. at Beltline Road and Motel 6 Entrance Far Left Lane, Eastbound It was reported tbat tbe concrete pavement started exhibiting deterioration in tbe form of spalling and surface polishing in 1987, 1987, five years after its construction. The objective of tbe analysis was to determine tbe general overall quality of concrete represented by tbe analyzed samples, and determine tbe possible cause(s) of its deterioration. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The findings of our petrographic analysis are summarized below: I. The coarse aggregates in tbe analyzed samples were primarily composed of limestone and dolomite. Whereas, tbe fine aggregates in tbe analyzed samples were primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, limestone, and dolomite. The aggregates were generally sound. Professional Service Industries, Inc.· 2930 Eskridge Road, Suite A· Fairfax, VA 22Q31 .. Phone 703l69a~9300 .. Fax 7031698-1454 Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807·1·16151 December 20, 2001 Page 2 of9 2. The water-to-cement ratio (w/c) in the bulk portion of the analyzed samples was estimated to be in the range of 0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in all the analyzed samples. 3. Cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be about 20% in the analyzed samples. 4. The air void system of Sample #1 and Sample #3 was adequate for resisting freezing and thawing damage. However, Sample #2 did not have an adequate air void system for resisting freezing and thawing damage. 5. Ettringite crystals were observed lining few air voids in Sample #2 and Sample #3. CONCLUSIONS The general overall quality of the analyzed samples was rated as fair to poor, as evidenced by their relatively high and non-uniform w/c ratio, which was estimated to be as high as 0.60. Concrete with such w/c is prone to surface polishing. Sample #2 did not have an adequate air void system for resisting freezing and thawing damage. Concrete represented by this sample is susceptible to freeze-thaw damage. Ettringite crystals were observed lining few air voids in Sample #2 and Sample #3. However, it is not believed that ettringite has caused any significant damage in the samples. The formation of ettringite in hardened concrete is initiated by a reaction between external sulfate ions and calcium hydroxide of concrete, which produces gypsum. This gypsum reacts with monosulfoaluminate in concrete, in the presence of moisture, and produces "6-calcium aluminate trisulfate 32-hydrate" that is the chemical name of ettringite. The formation of ettringite in hardened concrete is detrimental because ettringite is expansive and hardened concrete cannot accommodate this expansion. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20, 200 1 Page 3 of9 TEST PROCEDURES Petrographic analysis The petrographic analysis was performed in general accordance with ASTM C856-95. The analysis included examining a thick polished section using a stereo microscope and a blue-dyed thin section using a polarized light microscope. Depth of carbonation was determined using a 0.15% phenolphthalein solution. Water-to-cement ratio was estimated based upon the appearance of a finely lapped sample surface, cement reaction to needle scratching, absorption of a water drop, and examination of a thin section under a polarized light microscope. Air content testing Air content testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM C457-90, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. A thick polished section cut from the concrete core was examined using a stereo microscope at a magnification of 100x. REMARKS The test sample will be retained for a period of 30 days from the date of this report. Unless further instructions are received by that time, the samples will be discarded. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc . .~Lo-~4tThomas H. Suthers, P .E. Department Manager Structural Investigation & Petrography Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20, 2001 Page 4 of9 PETROGRAPIDC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 #1 A. General Observations I. Sample Dimensions: The sample was a 3 o/.-in. diameter concrete core, about 4 'I.-in. long. One polisbed section was examined under a stereo microscope, and one thin section with blue epoxy impregnation was studied under a polarized light microscope. 2. Surface Conditions: Tined surfilce. 3. Reinforcement: None observed. 4. General Conditions: The concrete sample appeared to be in stable condition. No segregation or cracking was observed. Aggregates were well oriented and well distributed. B. Aggregate I. Coarse : The coarse aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of limestone and dolomite. They were mostly subrounded to subangular. The maximum size of the aggregates was about I \(,-in. The aggregates were generally sound. 2. Fine: The fme aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, limestone, and dolomite. They are mostly subangular to angular, and generally sound. C. Cementitious Paste I. Paste Content: 30.1%. 2. Air Content: 5.3% total; 3.9% entrained, 1.4% entrapped. 3. Depth ofCarbonation: Up to a depth of 118 in. from the surface. 4. Pozzolan Presence: None observed. 5. Paste/Aggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. 8. Secondary Deposits: None observed 9. Water-to-Cement Ratio (W/C): Average wlc in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of 0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of w/c as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste Was generally sound; the cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unbydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be aboot 20"/0. 11. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-J.J6151 December 20, 200 I Page 5 of9 PETROGRAPIDC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 #2 A. General Observations I. Sample Dimensions: The sample was a 3 %-in. diameter concrete core, about 3 %-in. long. One polished section was examined under a stereo microscope, and one thin section with blue epoxy impregnation was studied under a polarized light microscope. 2. Surface Conditions: Irregular. 3. Reinforcement: None observed. 4. General Conditions: The concrete sample appeared to be in stable condition. No segregation or cracking was observed. Aggregates were well oriented and well distributed. B. Aggregate J. Coarse: The coarse aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of Jimestone and dolomite. They were mostly subrounded to subangular. The maximum size of the aggregates was about I V,-in. The aggregates were generally sound. 2. Fine: The fine aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of of quartz, feldspar, limestone, and dolomite. They are mostly subangular to angular, and generally sound. C. Cemenlilious Paste 1. Paste Content: 21.9%. 2. Air Content: 3.6% total; 2.7% entrained, 0.9% entrapped. 3. Depth of Carbonation: Up to a depth of 118 in. from the surface. 4. Pozzolan Presence: None observed. 5. PastelAggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. 8. Secondary Deposits: Ettringite crystals were observed lining few air voids. 9. Water-to-Cement Ratio (W IC): Average wlc in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of 0.4 7 10 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste was generally sound; the cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be about 20%. n. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807·1·16151 December 20, 2001 Page 60f9 PETROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS DATA SHEET Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807·1·16151 #3 A. General Observations I, Sample Dimensions: The sample was a 3 lI,·in. diameter concrete core, about 4·in. long. One polished section was examined under a stereo microscope, and one thin section with blue epoxy impregnation was studied under a polarized light microscope. 2. Surface Conditions: Tined surface. 3. Reinforcement: None observed. 4. General Conditions: The concrete sample appeared to be in stable condition. No segregation or cracking was observed. Aggregates were well oriented and well distributed. B. Aggregate I. Coarse: The coarse aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of limestone and dolomite. They were mostly subrounded to subangular. The maximum size of the aggregates was about I Y,·in, The aggregates were generally sound. 2. Fine: The fine aggregates in the analyzed sample were primarily composed of quartz, feldspar, limestone, and dolomite. They are mostly subangular to angular, and generally sound. C. Cementitious Paste L Paste Content: 24.9%. 2. Air Content: 6.2% total; 5.4% entrained, 0.8% entrapped. 3. Depth of Carbonation: Up to a depth of 1/8 in. from the surface. 4. Pozzalan Presence: Nane observed. 5. Paste/Aggregate Bonding: Moderate. 6. Paste Color: Gray. 7. Paste Hardness: Moderate. 8. Secondary Deposits: Ettringite crystals were observed lining few air voids. 9. Water·to·Cement Ratio (W/C): Average wlc in the bulk portion of the analyzed sample was estimated to be in the range of 0.47 to 0.52. However, patches of wlc as high as 0.60 were observed in the sample. 10. Paste Quality: The cement paste was generally sound; the cementitious material was reasonably hydrated. Unhydrated cementitious particles were estimated to be about 20%. 11. Microcracks: Microcracks were observed in the cement paste. Pavement Concrere Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-1-16151 December 20,2001 Page 7 of9 AIR VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Petrographic Lab No.: 807-1-16151 Date: December 20, 2001 Sample No.: Sample Data: Sample Description: Sample Dimensions: Test Data: Air Void Content (%) Entrained (%) Entrapped (%) Air Voids/inch Average Void Length (in.) Specific Surface (in2/in') Spacing Factor Paste Content (%) Magnification Traverse Length (in.) Test Date #1 Concrete Core 3 %-in. Diameter, 4 J;.i-in. Long 5.3 3.9 1.4 6.21 0.009 464.1 0.010 30.1 100x 90 December 17, 2001 Conformance: The air void system of the analyzed sample was adequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Remarks: 1. The analysis was performed in general accordance with ASTM C-457, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date ofthis report. After 30 days, the sample will be discarded unless other instructions are received. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807-J-16J51 December 20, 2001 Page 8 of9 Am VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Petrographic Lab No.: 807-1-16151 Date: December 20, 2001 Sample No.: Sample Data: Sample Description: Sample Dimensions: Test Data: Air Void Content (%) Entrained (%) Entrapped (%) Air Voids/inch Average Void Length (in.) Specific Surface (in2/in3) Spacing Factor Paste Content (%) Magnification Traverse Length (in.) Test Date #2 Concrete Core 3 %-in. Diameter, 3 %-in. Long 3.6 2.7 0.9 4.36 0.008 487.8 0.010 21.9 IOOx 90 December 17,2001 Conformance: The air void system of the analyzed sample was inadequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Remarks: I. The analysis was perfonned in general accordance with ASTM C-4S7, Procedure A--Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date ofthis report. After 30 days, the sample will will be discarded unless other instructions are received. Pavement Concrete Evaluation Petrographic Lab Report No.: 807·J.I6151 December 20,2001 Page 9 of9 AIR VOID SYSTEM ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: REPORTED TO: Pavement Concrete Evaluation PSI 4087 Shilling Way Dallas, TX 75237 Attention: Mr. Robert Nance Petrographic Lab No.: 807·1·16151 Date: December 20, 2001 Sample No.: Sample Data: Sample Description: Sample Dimensions: Test Data: Air Void Content (%) Entrained ('Yo) Entrapped ('Yo) Air Voids/inch Average Void Length (in.) Specific Surface (in2/inl) Spacing Factor Paste Content ('Yo) Magnification Traverse Length (in.) Test Date #3 Concrete Core 3 :y..in. Diameter, 4·in. Long 6.2 5.4 0.8 6.91 0.009 445.7 0.009 24.9 100x 90 December 17,2001 Conformance: The air void system of the analyzed sample was adequate to resist freezing and thawing damage. Remarks: 1. The analysis was performed in general accordance with ASTM C·457, Procedure A-Linear Traverse Method. 2. The test sample will be retained for 30 days from the date of this report. After 30 days, the sample will be discarded unless other instructions are received. w.s .,Information ~..,• .To Build On Engineerfng • Consulting. 'Alsrlng TESTED FOR: PBS&J PROJECT: Pavement Concrete Evaluation 13800 Monfort Drive Beltline Rd. to Marsh Rd. Suite 230 Addison, Texas Addison, TX 75240 DATE; January 21, 2001 ,REPORT NO: 341-10088-3 REPORT OF ACID SOLUBLE MATTER SAMPLE LOCATION PERCENT LOSS Core # I, 395 ft. from Quorum Drive and Beltline Intersection, Far Left Lane, Eastbound 94.8 Core #2, 297 fl. East from Beltline Drive and Beltline Road Intersection, Far Left Lane, Westbound 94.3 Core #3, 170 ft. at Beltline Road and Motel 6 Entrance Far Left Lane, Eastbound 95.2 BACKGROUND The client had requested that the percentage of fine material soluble in a sulfuric acid solution be detemlined on the samples of existing concrete collected on this project. The client was aware of the limitations of the test method and that this mayor may not be possible depending on the composition of the coarse aggregate contained in the existing concrete. TEST PRODCEURE A representative portion of the core sample was collected and immersed in a dilute solution of sulfuric acid. After all signs of ,reaction had ceased the sample was removed from this solution, washed and dried. The' remaining material was cmshed in a manner that would 110t reduce the size of the remaining particles of aggregate. This remaining material was immersed in a solution of concentrated sulfuric acid until all signs of reaction had ceased. The sample was washed, dried and crushed as previously reported and re-immersed in a fresh solution of concentrated sulfuric acid. This process was continued until any signs of a reaction with the acid was not observed upon immersion in a fresh solution of sulfuric acid. At this point the sample was removed from thc acid, washed, dried and percent loss by weight determined. Professional Service fnduslries. Inc. ·4087 Shilling Way" Dallas. TX 75237 • Phone 214/330w9211 .. Fax 214/333·2853 los;,Iriformation ~.."• .To BuildOn Engineering. Consulrlng • Testing CONCLUSIONS The client had requested that the percentage of fine material contained in samples of existing concrete be determined and was aware that this mayor may be possible to determine depending on the solubility of the coarse aggregate contained in the samples. The percentage of material dissolved by the sulfuric acid exceeds the quantity of fine aggregate and cement that would be expected in concrete. At the end of the test procedure no particles oflarge aggregate were visually observed and for these reasons we believe that the large aggregate was composed of material that was also soluble in sulfuric acid. Clearly the percent of acid soluble in the fine aggregate of these concrete samples could not be detemlined given these factors and the percent loss reported above should be interpreted as the percentage of total acid soluble material in the concrete. Respectfully Submitted: Professional Service Industries, Inc. han J. Szostek District Manager Construction Services --_.--.. ~Professional Service Industries, Inc." 4087 Shllling Way· Dallas, TX 1$2.37 .. Phone 2141330·9211 .. Fax 2141333-2853 Attachment "B" Treatment Option Performance Service Life Constructability Appearance Score Cost ($/sy) Longitudinal Texturing Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Slurry Seal Microsurfacing Seal Coat Thin Bonded Concrete Overlay 5 4 2 3 1 1 4 4 2 3 1 4 5 4 5 5 5 1 5 2 2 2 1 5 19 14 11 13 8 11 $2.50 $6.00 $2.10 $2.50 $1.75 NIA Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the lowest or least acceptable and ;$ being the highest or most desireable. These scores are highly subjective in nature. Performance rating includes weighting for issues affecting chances of a successful implementation and appropriateness for this project. The appearance rating is applied based on previous Indications that Addison prefers concrete over hot mix appearances on their main thoroughfare. Cost data represents average prices that include a wide range of conditions, project issues, and levels of competition. These are intended only for comparison purposes, not to establish a project estimate. Specific project costs may vary based on the issues listed above as well as contract requirements. Cost for HMACP includes overlay, seal coat, and fabric treatment for existing cracks. Combination represents the minimum serviceability that would be acceptable, gillen the project location. Based on Hot Mix, TxDOT Ty D, 1 inch lift at $50lIon " $2.75/sy plus seal $1.25, pius fabric $2. Cost for Thin Bonded Concrete Overlay is not included. Data available was not comparable to the project installation -high volume arlerial with many intersections and drive access points. Surface Texture (an excerpt from the website of the American Concrete Pavement Association http://www.pavement.com/PavTech/Tech/Fundamentals/fundtexture.html) Surface textures are usually made during construction by dragging various materials or tools across the fresh concrete. This imparts a continuous series of undulations, or grooves, in the surface before the concrete hardens. The spacing, width and depth of the grooves affect surface friction, skid resistance and tire/road noise. The purpose of a surface texture is to reduce wet-weather accidents caused by skidding and hydroplaning. Over the past 40 years there have been several shifts in the most commonly applied texture. For concrete streets and local roads, where vehicle speeds are not great enough to cause hydroplaning, burlapdrag or broom textures are typical. The most common texture on highspeed road and highway pavements in North America remains transverse tining. However, a shift is underway to longitudinal tining which has been shown to produce excellent long-term skid resistance and much lower tire/road noise qualities both in a vehicle and along the roadway. Drag Textures Broomed Surface Obtained using either a hand broom or mechanical broom device that lightly drags the stiff bristles across the surface. Produces 1.5-3 mm (1/16-1/8 in.) deep striations. Can be oriented either longitudinal or transverse to centerline of roadway. Turf Drag Surface Produced by trailing an inverted section of artificial turf from a device that allows control of the time and rate of texturing -usually a construction bridge that spans the pavement. Produces 1.5-3 mm (1/16-1/8 in.) deep striations when using turf with 77,500 blades/m3 (xxxxx blades ft3). Burlap Drag Surface Produced by trailing mOistened coarse burlap from a device that allows control of the time and rate of texturing -usually a construction bridge that spans the pavement. Produces 1.5-3 mm (1/16-1/8 in.) deep striations. Tine Textures Transverse Tine Achieved by a mechanical device equipped with a tinlng head (metal rake) that moves laterally across the width of the pavi ng surface (a hand tool is sufficient on smaller areas.) Optimal dimensions are: random tine spacing 10 to 40-mm (1/2 to 1-1/2 in.) with no more than 50% above 25 mm (1 in.), 3-6 mm (1/8-1/4 in.) tine depth, and 3 mm (l/S in.) tine Width. Skewing, as shown, has been found to reduce tire/road noise. Longitudinal Tine Achieved in similar manner as transverse tining, except that tines are pulled in a line parallel to the pavement centerline. Optimal dimensions are: 20-mm (3/4-ln.) uniform tine spacing, 3-6 mm (1/S-1/4 in.) tine depth, and 3 mm (l/S In.) tine width. Exposed Aggregate Exposed Aggregate A mostly European practice of applying a set retarder to the new concrete surface, and then washing away surface mortar to expose durable chip-size aggregates. Requires uniformly applying chips to fresh surface and mechanically abrading surface to wash away still-wet mortar. Hardened Concrete Textures Diamond Ground longitudinal, corduroy-like surface made by equipment using diamond saw blades gangmounted on a cutting head. The cutting head produces 164-197 grooves/meter (50-60 grooves/foot) and can remove 3-20 mm (1/83/4 in.) from the pavement surface. Diamond Groove Grooves sawed Into surface longitudinally for highways, and transversely for airports. Made by same equipment used for diamond grinding. Typically, the grooves are 6 mm (1/4 in.) deep, 3 mm (1/8 in.) wide and spaced 20 mm (3/4 in.) apart. On airports, grooves are 6 mm (1/4 in.) deep, 6 mm (1/4 in.) wide and spaced 40 mm (1-1/2 in.) apart. Abrated (Shot Blasted) Etched surface produced by equipment that hurls abraSive media within an enclosed housing. The abraSive media impacts the surface and removes a thin layer of mortar and aggregate. The depth of the removal is controllable and the dust is vacuumed into a baghouse. PBSJ An employee-owned company October 10, 2001 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Dr. P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001·9010 Dear Mr.Chutchian: PBS&Jis very pleased to be able to provide the Town ofAddison with this proposal concerning a study ofthe surface conditions ofBe1tline Road. We appreciate the fact that Addison has recognized PBS&J as a company that has the resources to assist the Town in this way. Explanations ofthe proposed scope, fee and time ofcompletion are included in the appropriate sections ofthis proposal. We propose that Clarence Daugherty, P.E., be the Project Manager and that Doug Dillon, P .E., Manager ofour Construction Services Division, perform the technical analysis and develop the report. Resumes ofthese professionals are attached to this proposal. Our proposed approach utilizes all the historical information that is available regarding Beltline Road. Specifically, it appears that the testing performed in the past should provide us with the information needed, and we do not propose to do additional material testing. Therefore, our fee includes review and use ofprevious testing information only. If, after review ofthe previous testing information (at the beginning ofthe project), we and the Town conclude that additional tests are warranted, then this can be done by the Town, either directly or through PBS&J. Thank you for your confidence in PBS&J. We look forward to discussing the project with you further after your review ofthis proposal. We are available to start the study at your convenience. Sincerely, Clarence Daugherty, P.E. Director ofMunicipal Services 13800 Montfort Drive, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75240-4347' Telephone: 972.387.0771 • Fax: 972.387.9714 • www.pbsj.com SURFACE CONDITION STUDY BELTLINE ROAD FROM DALLAS PARKWAY TO MARSH LANE ADDISON, TEXAS SCOPE OF SERVICES PBS&J proposes to perform a study of the surface conditions of Beltline Road from Dallas Parkway to Marsh Lane. It is PBS&J's Understanding that the surface of Beltline became slick or "polished" many years ago and that several attempts have been made to solve the problem. The purpose of this study will be to identify a definitive method to overcome the surface problems cif this pavement. This would be done by providing to the Town the results ofthe analyses of several alternative strategies so that the Town can decide the strategy that best fits the Town. It is proposed that PBS&J perform the following tasks: -Gather detailed information about the history of the pavement: accidents, studies and material tests, potential contributing factors, previous improvements, etc. Make field observations Identify potential improvement strategies to restore desired skid resistance properties Determine what each strategy accomplishes, or fails to accomplish, and the characteristics of each strategy that may make a difference to the Town's final decision Estimate the construction and life cycle cost of each strategy Develop a matrix that indicates a rating for each strategy in the areas of pavement surface performance, service life, cost effectiveness, constructability and community acceptability Present the resulting report to the Town in draft form and then in final form after review and discussion with the Town staff It is proposed that the Town make available all information pertinent to the analysiS of the pavement review partial study information submitted by consultant as needed and provide consultant appropriate direction -review draft report and provide feedback in a timely manner to facilitate completion ofthe final report COMPENSATION PBS&J proposes to prepare this study for a fixed fee of $8500. This fee includes all labor and expenses, but does not include any laboratory testing. Any testing that is required can either be contracted by the Town directly or by PBS&J as an additional fee. TIME OF COMPLETION PBS&J proposes to perform the work and submit a draft report within 20 working days. Converting this time to calendar days will depend on the date of the notice to proceed, whether or not any holidays fall within the project time and any time required by the Town to gather information needed by PBS&J. A Final Report will be completed one week after PBS&J receives comments regarding the draft report. PBS] Clarence Travis Daugherty, P.E. Senior Program Manager PBS&J Education M.E., Public Works Administration, Texas A&M University, 1970 B.S., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1969 Registrations Professional Engineer Texas Professional Affiliations Association ofCounty Engineers, Texas, President, 1993 American Public Works Association (APWA), Texas Chapter -President, 1985 -Chapler Service Award, 1986 -One oflop three Leaders of the Year, 1981 American Public Works Association (APWA), North Central Texas Branch -Leader ofthe Year, 1978 Mr. Daugherty has 30 years ofpublic works experience with cities and counties in Texas. He now directs PBS&)'s services for municipalities in the greater . Dallas area. PBS&)' s projects in the Dallas area consist of a wide range of types and sizes of projects. The size of projects varies from a large water line replacement project for the City of Dallas to small street, drainage, water and sewer projects in the surrounding cities and counties. PBS&) (specifically Mr. Daugherty) serves as the City Engineer for the City ofKaufinan. Mr Daugherty was Assistant Director ofPublic Works for the City ofSan Antonio from 1995 to 1998, providing a wide spectrum ofcity services. Priorto San Antonio, he was Director of Public Works in Collin County and the City of Plano, Assistant City Manager in the City of DeSoto as well as a capital project manager/engineer for the City ofDallas and a design engineer-in-training with the City ofBryan. His primary responsibilities throughout his career have been managing capital projects. growth management and the general business management ofthe operations ofthe city or county. All of the cities and the county in which Mr. Daugherty was employed were high growth areas that required attention to planning, management ofnew development, construction of new infrastructure, rehabilitation of old infrastructure and careful management of operations to respond to growth. His experience results in a keen sensitivity to planning. an appreciation for the need need for projects to be managed well and the recognition ofthe maintenance needs in the design ofnew projects. As Assistant Director ofPubJic Works for the City ofSan Antonio, Mr. Daugherty was directly responsible for Capital Programs Management, Drainage Engineering, Streets and Drainage Maintenance, Building Maintenance and Downtown Parking. In addition he was "second in command" to the Director over the entire department which also included Solid Waste Management, Environmental Services and Streets and Traffic Engineering. One of Mr. Daugherty's accomplishments was the re-structuring ofthe Capital Programs Division. His insight from many years ofproject management experience guided the development ofteams ofproject managers, engineers, public information specialists and technicians to properly manage $30-$40 million in streets and drainage projects annUally. The re-ozganization and direction by Mr. Daugherty has resulted in the close attention to project schedules, budgets, design Issues and conflict resolution necessary to initiate and complete the projects on time and within budget. Mr. Daugherty also directly managed projects that were sensitive due to public interest and environmental concerns. Examples of such projects are WoodlawnlLake Streets reconstruction -. $2,400,000 (environment concerns about storm water discharge into muniCipal lake) and the proposal and ultimate adoption ofincreased street standards for new developments. Mr. Daugherty also personally coordinated the· various aspects ofthe NPDES Storm Water Phase I permit program, including the regulatory, engineering, operations, maintenance and budgetary aspects. As Director ofPublic Works for Collin County, Mr. Daugherty was responsible for planning, subdivision regulations, the capital improvements program, road maintenance, the Open Space Program, building mcilities management, the Fire Marsbal's Office and building inspections. Under his direction the County's first transportation and bridge bond program was developed and implemeuted and the only rural building inspection program in the State was established. The $55 million transportation and bridge bond program was a combination of Clarence Travis Daugherty, P.E. Senior Program Manager County-administered projeclll and coordinated efforts with the Texas Department ofTransportation and the Cities within the County. A high level ofproject management and coordination was required for the successful implementation of the bond program. Mr. Daugherty led a task force made up ofthe cities, counties, TxDOT and the property owners along SR. 121 for four years to coordinate the planning and development ofS.H. 121 from a two-lane rural highway through staged improvemenlll that wlll ultimately be a freeway section. All aspeclll ofthe development ofa new 'Justice center" for Collin County was implemented under Mr. Daugherty's direction. The project included site .. alternative analysis and selection, development of a master plan, installation of utilities, design and construction ofaccess streelll and the design and construction ofthe first phase ofthe buildings, a $32 million adult detention facility. Mr. Daugherty's guidance included aligning the thoroughfare to maximize the preservation ofthe large trees on the site and optimization ofthe terrain and vegetation on the entire site. Mr. Daugherty was responsible for the County Open Space Program approved by tbe Collin County voters. An Open Space Plan was developed as well as an award-winning public information video. Implementation included tbe acquisition and development ofa rare virgin blackland prairie, the construction ofan equestrian trail in the Corps ofEngineers easement adjacent to Lake Lavon and the participation with cities in acquisition ofopen space and green bellll. When Mr. Daugherty was Director ofPublic Works for the City ofPlano, he was actually serving as one offive "Executive Directors" answering directly to the City Manager. His responsibilities included Water and Wastewater Operations, Street Maintenance, Solid Waste Management, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance and Traffic Control. The result ofhis four-year tenure was the development ofeach of these functions into a a well-managed organization that was able to handle the current operational demands while planning for the record-setting growth that was occurring. Mr. Daugherty also managed associated special projeclll such as the planning, acquisition and development ofa master-planned service center designed to be able to respond to the growing needs ofthe Public Works operations. As Assistant City Manager in the City ofDeSoto, Mr. Daugherty was responsible for all planning & zoning, engineering (he was the City's fmt City Engineer) and general operations, including animal control, building inspection and facility and equipment maintenance. He was heavily involved with the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council and citizen groups in responding to the pressures ofgrowth. During the early 19705 the City ofDallas Public Works Department established a new project management system to respond to the need to more adcquately manage the streets and drainage bond program. Mr. Daugherty was one ofthe four project managers appointed to manage the Dallas program. Mr. Daugherty began his career as a design engineer for the City ofBryan while getting his Master ofEngineering at Texas A&M. This experience included design ofstreelll, storm sewers and sanitary sewers as well as coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation. William D. Dillon, P.E. Vice President· Division Manager PBS&J Education MBA, Business Administration, Baylor University, 1999 B.S., Civil Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, 1984 Registrations Professional Engineer Texas, 1989,#65704 As Division Manager for PBS&J Construction Services, Inc. in the Central United States region, Mr. Dillon is responsible for the development and oversight ofconstruction program including business development, contract administration, scheduling, claims analysis, constructability reviews, expert testimony, construction inspection and other services as requested by our clients. Mr. Dillon is presently serving as Project Director for the Texas Turnpike Authority Division ofTexas Department ofTransportation's $800 million Central Texas Turnpike Project In this position, he is asSisting in the design & implementation ofthe project controls management system along with development ofthe program's management guidelines, policies, and procedures. Mr. Dillon has managed construction programs and projects for the Texas Department ofTransportation (TxD01) in the Dallas and Waro Districts for the past 15 years. These have included hundreds ofroadway reconstruction and rehabilitation, preventative maintenance, transportation enhancement, bridge replacement, public transportation, signal and signing, ITS, drainage, and tonnel projects. Mr. Dillon has performed and taught Primavera scheduling as it relates to construct project monitoring and claims analysis. He was also responsible for all Laboratory functions, materials testing, materials selection, and implementation ofnew pavement specifications, design and installation. Director ofConstruction, Waco DistriCt, TxDOT -Responsible for administering the Construction program for the eight counties in the Waco District. Over the six years in this position, over 200 projects valued at more than $300 million were completed. In August 1999, this included over $140 million on 42 active projects. These responsibilities include monitoring construction inspection, contract administration, materials selection and testing, laboratory technicians, dispute resolution, construction project schedule analysis, developing and maintaining working relationships with the contracting community and other governmental agencies. Mr. Dillon was instrumental in the development and utilization of Superpave design, testing, and installation in the District's pavement program. He initiated the usage ofMaterial Transrer Vehicles as a requirement in the District's overlay program in 1997. As a result, the District has won the THMAPA' s Quality A ward for Large Overlays for 1998 and 1999 in addition to the THMAPA's Quality Award for Small Full Depth Project in 1999. Assistant District Construction Engineer, DaDas District, TxDOT -Mr. Dillon was responsible for assisting in administering the Construction program for the six counties in the Dallas District. Over the three years in this position, approximately 180 projects valued at more than $500 million were completed. In January 1993. this included $485 million on 87 active projects. These responsibilities included coordination of construction scheduling and traffic control review for the US 75 (North Central Expressway) Corridor reconstruction from IH 635 south to the Central Business District. Provided staff level review of consultant's traffic control plans and constructability review. Represented TxDOT in coordination with multiple agencies on the Traffic Management T earn in planning for the reconstruction effort. Reviewed plans by Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for constructability and traffic control concerning the construction ofthe light rail stations and tonnel within the rightof-way and adjacent to the US 75 roadway construction. Also provided expertise in traffic control and construction litigation to the Staff Attorney. In PBS] William D. Dillon, P.E. Vice President -Division Manager . addition, provided field reviews and monitored construction inspection, contract administration, and materials testing district wide. Project Engineer, Northside Area Office, Dallas District, TxDOT -Mr. Dillon was responsible for managing project level construction inspection, contract administration, and materials testing on projects as listed: • US 75, Dallas County, Texas -2 mile, $42.5 million, 3 V, year reconstruction project including 6 lanes ofcontinuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) mainlanes, IS & OS tied concrete shoulders, 6 lanes of jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP) continuous frontage roads, structures (prestressed beams up to 142 feet with pre-cast deck panels & 8" decks), Railroad shoofly bridge construction, permanent railroad bridge replacement (12 span steel beam). pre-cast reinforced earth walls, HMACP, drainage (box culverts & RCP storm sewer), traffic signals & signing. Developed and trained new inspectors in a a rotational program including all types ofconstruction inspection and materials testing. Mr. Dillon was Project Engineer on this job from January 1987 to November 1989. • Loop 12, Dallas County, Texas -9 mile, $3.1 million, 1 year rehabilitation project including repairing deteriorated jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCD), seal coat, overlay with latex modified hot mix asphalt pavement the entire 6 lanes by 9 miles. Also included upgrades to safety end treatment and retrofit bridge rail to T501 shape. Mr. Dillon was Project Engineer on this job from January 1986 to December 1986. • m 30 Rockwall County, Texas -II mile, $24 million, 5 year project consisting of II" Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement placed on a 2" minimum asphalt bond breaker over the existing pavement Included reconstruction of 10 bridge structures. Mr. Dillon served as the Project Engineer on this job from June 1985 to January 1986. • Loop 12, Dallas County, Texas -Performed basic design activities as a part of the Area Office design group, including quantity calculations, physical inventory, centerline station conversion from multiple previous projects. Mr. Dillon worked in this capacity from January 1985 to June 1985. • m 30 Rockwall County, Texas -Performed inspection activities on various operations on this project including Hot Mix Asphalt Plant testing. concrete batch plant testing. concrete paving inspection, Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Pavement inspection, bridge inspection, storm sewer installation, earthwork, etc. Mr. Dillon served as an inspector on this project from May 1984 to January 1985. PBSJ Collinsworth, Alter, Nielson, Fowler & Dowling.lnc.{WMC/DIAj 5979 NW 151 Street, Suite 105 Miami Lakes, FL 33014 Post, Buckley t Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. d/b/a PBS&J 2001 NW 107 Avenue Miami FL 33172 'flUS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MA'ITF.R. OF INFORMATION Ol'l.'LY AND~-''':':''':'':;..;.c.----; CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTrFICA'I'E HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AI'dE!Io:'U. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDEJ) BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY LETTER A Continental Casualty Co A XV ~~~-------------------------------------1 ~m B Nat'l Union Fire Ins Co A + + XV T\'PE OF D.'SURANCE COMPANY LEITER COMPANY LEITER LEITER POLlCY NUMBER C D E American Casualty Co AXV Uoyds of London A-XV ABOVE FOR '11I£ POucy PERIOD WlTHRESPECT TO WHICH TillS ALL THE TERMS, LIMITS lAiG£iiiiiW:u;iijjj:m;---------IG~L2;;4;;7;;;B;;;4::;3;20;;;6;;-----------t 9130101 9130lQ2 MADE [KJOCC. LI')W>IllR"S & COl\"TRACT'S PROT AND EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY Pollution Uab Claims~Made Form BUA247B43223 BE8718931 WC247843268 P42399 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONS!l.OCATlONSIVEHICLESiSPECJAL ITEMS RE: Beltline Surface Condition StudY Town of AddIson Attn: Steven Z Chutchian P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001 9130101 9130/02 9130/01 9/30/02 9/30101 9/30102 9/30199 9130102 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT DODlLY INJURy (perper.;on) DODILY J'NJURY ~rattident} PROPERTY DAMAGE $1,000,000 Limits ea claim/annual agg 11/11/61 retrodate EXPmATlONDA'l'E'1"HEREOF, '11J'£ lSSUlNG COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO 1000000 MAIL -30DAYS WR.IT'I"EN NOTICE TO THE <:Elt.TIFICATE BOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFI', ButFAlLtJRETOMAlL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UJ"().'I1 'I'tIE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. Rev. 10100 Public Client PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into , by and between Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. (PBS&J) and the Client identified herein, provides for the Professional Services described under Item 2 of this Agreement. CLIENT: Town of Addison, Texas ADDRESS: P.O. Bo x 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 PHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: CONTACT PERSO~97~2~4~5~0-~28~8~6_________ 972-450-2837 N: Steven Z. Chutchian PROJECT NUMBER: 450868.00 ~~~~---------------SHORT TITLE: Beltline Surface Condition Study 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT SITE: PBS&J will determine a definitive method to improve the skid resistance of the pavement of Beltline Rd. from Dallas Parkway to Marsh Lane. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY PBS&J (If additional pages are necessary, they are identified as Attachment A): See Attachment A 3. THE COMPENSATION TO BE PAID PBS&J for providing the requested services shall be (If additional pages are necessary, they are identified as Attachment B): D Direct personnel expense plus a surcharge of ______ %, plus reimbursable costs! D A Lump-Sum charge of $ ___________, plus out-of-pocket expenses! D Unit CostlTime Charges identified in Attachment B, plus reimbursable costs.* [8J Other -See Attachment B. * See explanation under Item 5 below. 4.IF PBS&J's SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT ARE DELAYED for reasons beyond PBS&J's control, the time of performance shall be adjusted appropriately. Except where the services provided are under a continuous service contract for more than one year, if the services under this Agreement are delayed for a period of more than one (1) year from the beginning date (as above provided), the fees shall be subject to renegotiation; any change in such fees shall apply only to the unfinished services as of the effective date of such change. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is accepted on the date written above and subject to the terms and conditions set forth above. (SIGN WITH BALL POINT PEN) CLIENT: A • /AlA./"" SIGNED: LM-__{:.. ~_ _____ -, \' \' .. ,.~ r: _. ,"" .~. ", ...,TYPED NAME: ,;'-. ; .... ~.. ':'.'.: ; ~. 1··j'~~;l;·1.t1tf""r!--'~"'. '.," --•. ,-' -'.~'.~' 'I j TITLE: D(~~OI2-. ~l\c! l,AJO~ TITLE: Senior Vice President DATE: 1\ /, s: /", ______________________ DATE: November 15, 2001 /'--("'-t-SIGNED: '-=--o\l~,;(.,,'----'~....l{)U--~""""'-----Distribution: Copy 1 -PBS&J; Copy 2 -Client; Copy 3 -PBS&J Accounting 5,· COMPENSATION; Direct personnel expense shall be defined as: the: oost of salaries and fringe benefit costs related to vacation, holiday. and sick leave pay; contributions for Social Security. Workers' Compensation lnsurance, retirement benefits, and medical and insurance benefits: unemployment and payroll taxes; and other allowed benefits of Ihose employees directly engaged in Ihe performance of the requested service. Reimbursable costs include: fees of Professional Associates (whose expertise is required to complete the project) and out-of~pocket expenses, tile cost of wl1ich shall be charged at actual costs plus an administrative charge of 18% and shall be itemized and inCluded in the invoice. Typical out-of-pocket expenses shall include, but not be Umlted to, travel expenses (fodging. meals, etc.), jOb-related mileage at the prevailing Company rate, long distance telephone calls, courier, printing and reproduction costs, and survey supplies and materials. In the event the requesled service Involves the use of electronic measuring equipment, computers, plotters, and other special equipment suctJ as boals, swamp buggies, etc .• an addtllonal direct charge shall be made for the use of this equipment It is undarstood and agreed that PBS&J's services under this Agreement are limited to loose described in Item 2 hereof (and Attachmenl A, if applicable) and do not include participation in Or control over the operation of any aspect Of ttJe projecL Compensation under this Agreement does not include any amounl for participating in or controlling any such operation. 6. INVOICE PROCEDURES AND PAYMENT; PBS&J sl1a1l submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. For services provided on a lump Sum basis, Ihe amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on ttJe "percentage of completiOn melhoo" whereby PBS&J will estimate the percentage of ItJe tolal worn (provided on a lump Sum basis) accompllsl1ed during It'le invoicing period. Monthly invoices stJaU include, separately listed, any charges for servIces for whict! time charges and/or unit costs shall apply. Such invoices st'lall also include, separately listed, any charges for Professional Assocrates and ce[mbursable costs. SuctJ InVOices shall be submitted by PBS&J as soon as possible after the end of tt'le monttJ in whicl1 the work was accomplist'lM and shan be due and payable by the client upon recefpt. The Client. as owner Or authorlzed agent for the owner, l1ereby agrees that payment as provided herein will be made for said work within 30 days from the date the Invoice for same Is mailed to fhe Client at the address set out herein or IS 01herwise delivered, and, in default or such payment. hereby agrees to pay all costs of collection, Including reasonable attorney's fees. regardless ofwt'letller legal aclion is initiated. The Client hereby acknowledges that unpaid invoices shall accrue interest at the maximum retailed by law after they have been outstanding for over 30 days, PBS&J reserves the right 10 suspend all services on on the Client's project without notice ir an inVOIce remains unpaid 45 days after date of invoice, This suspension shall remain in effect until all unpaid invoices are paid in full. It is understood and agreed that PBS&J's services under this Agreement do nOI include participation, whatsoever, in any litigation. Should such services be required, a supplemental Agreement may be negotiated between the Client and PBS&J describing the services desired and prO\fiding a basis for compensation to PBS&J. 7. COST ESTIMATES: Client hereby acknowledges that PBS&J cannot warrant that any cost estimates provided by PBS&J will not vary from actual costs incurred by the Client a. lIM1T OF LIABILITY: The limit of liability of PBS&J to the Client tor any cause Of combination of causes shall be, in total amount, limited to the fees paid under this Agreement. 9. CONSTRUCTION SERVfCES: If, under this Agreement, professional services are provided during the construction phase of tt'le project, PBS&J shall not be responsible fOr fOr or have oontrol over means, methods, techniques. sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work; nor st'lall PBS&J be responsible for the Contractor's !allure to cany out the Work In accordance with the Contract Documents Or lOr the Contractor's failure to comply with appllcable taws. ordlnances. rules or regulations. 10. INSURANCE: PBS&J shall at all times carry Workers' COmpensallon insurance as required by statute; commercial general liability insur.l!lnce including bodily injury and property damage; automobile liability coverage; and professional liability coverage. Insurance certificates wm be pl'Oliided to the Client upon request Client agrees to require that PBS&J be named as an additional insured on insurance coverages provided by contl'actors on the project 11, ASSIGNMENT: Neither (he Client nor PBS&J will assign oriransfer jls interest inlhi$ Agreement wilhOut the written consent of fhe other. 12. SUSPENSION, TERMINATION. CANCELLATION OR ABANDONMENT: In the even! the proj:ect described in Attachment A, or the services of PBS&J called tor under this Agreement, istare suspended, cancelled, terminated or abandoned by the Clienl. PBS&J shall be given seven (7) days prior written notice of such action and shall be compensated for the professional services provided up 10 the date of suspension, termination, cancellalion or abandonmenl in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for all work performed up to the date of suspension. termination, cancellation Or' abandonment, including reimbursable expenses, 13. ENTIRETY OF AGREEMENT: This writing, including attachments and addenda, if any, embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parnes herelo. and there are no other agreements and understandings, oral or written, with reference 10 Ihe subjecl matter hereof that are not merged herein and superseded tJereby. No alteration, change or modification of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing signed by both parties hereto. 14. DOCUMENTS: Arry reuse by the client or others of documents and plans that reSult rrom PBS&J's services under this agreement shall be al ttJe Client's or others:' sole risk without liability to PBS&J. 15. WAIVER: Any failure by PBS&J 10 require stnct compliance with any proVision of this contract shall nol be construed as: a waiver of such proviSion, and PB$&J may subsequently require stnct compliance a1 any time, notwithstanding any prior failure to do so. 16. DISPUTE RESOWTIQN: If a dispute arises out of or relates to tIlis Agreement 01' the breach thereof, the parties win aHamptlo set1!e itJe matier between themselves. If no agreement can be reached the parties agree to use mediation with a mutually agreed upon mediator before resorting to a judicial forum. The cosl of a third party mediator will be shared equally by the parties, In the event of litigation, the prevailing party wi!! be entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable costs and at1omeys' fees, The parlies mutually agree that a similar dispute resolution clause will be contained in all other contracts executed by Client conceming or related to this contract and aU subcontracts execuled by PB$&J. 17. HAZARDOUS WASTE. MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCES: Unless otherwise speCifically provided in this Agreement. PBS&J shall not be responsible for or tJave control over the discovery, presence, handling. removal, transport or disposal of hazardOus waste, matena!s or substances in any form on 1he project site. 18. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be govemed by and coostrued according to the laws of the State where the situs of the work is tocated, 19. LIMITED COPYRIGHT UCENSE: PBS&.! grants Client a paid~up, non-transferable, non--exdusive license to make or have made copies of any copyrightable materials delivered under this Agreement and specifically marked by PBS&J as "Reproduction Authorized". 20, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: \Nitti Ihe safe exception of spedrlcally marked reproducible materials subJect to the limited Copyright license herein, aU worldwide righI, tille and inleresl in and to any and all Intellectual Property conceived, invented. authored or otherwise made by or on this Agreement shall remain the sole and exclusive property of PSS&J. ils successors and assigns unless licansed or aSSigned by PB$&J pursuant to a separate written instrument. The term "Intellectual Property shall be construed broadly to include all forms of inleolleetual property including without limitation all inventions, discoveries. designs, plans, improvements, trademarks, servica markS and copyrights in drawings, computer progtams. architectural works: and in all other Mginal works of authorship, ATTACHMENT~ Scope of Services ATTACHMENT B-Compensafion ADDENDA A (if required) ATTACHMENT A SURFACE CONDITION STUDY BELTLINE ROAD FROM DALLAS PARKWAY TO MARSH LANE ADDISON, TEXAS SCOPE OF SERVICES PBS&J shall perfonn a study ofthe surface conditions ofBeltline Road from Dallas Parkway to Marsh Lane. It is PBS&J's understanding that the surface ofBeltiine became slick or "polished" many years ago and that several attempts have been made to solve the problem. The purpose ofthis study will be to identifY a definitive method to overcome the surface problems ofthis pavement. This will be done by providing to the Town the results ofthe analyses ofseveral alternative strategies so that the Town can decide the strategy that best fits the Town. PBS&J will perfonn the following tasks: Gather detailed information about the history ofthe pavement: accidents, studies and material tests, potential contributing factors, previous improvements, etc. Make field observations Perform tests of concrete related to skid resistance characteristics (sub-contract for three cores for petrographic analysis and acid solubility tests) IdentifY potential improvement strategies to restore desired skid resistance properties Determine what each strategy accomplishes, or fails to accomplish, and the characteristics of each strategy that may make a difference to the Town's final decision Estimate the construction and life cycle cost ofeach strategy Develop a matrix that indicates a rating for each strategy in the areas ofpavement surface perfonnance, service life, cost effectiveness, constructability and community acceptability Present the resulting report to the Town in draft fonn and then in final form after review and discussion with the Town staff The Town will make available all information pertinent to the analysis ofthe pavement review partial study infonnation submitted by consultant as needed and provide consultant appropriate direction review draft report and provide feedback in a timely manner to facilitate completion of the final report ATTACHMENT B COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES BASIC SERVICES PBS&J shall prepare this study for a fixed fee of $14,900. This fee includes all labor and expenses as well as laboratory testing. The fee includes obtaining and testing three cores ofthe concrete pavement. If it is determined and agreed to by the Town that additional cores andlor testing is required, those will be performed for an additional amount by prior written agreement between the Town of Addison and PBS&J. TIME OF COMPLETION PBS&J shall perform the work and submit a draft report within 40 working days. Converting this time to calendar days will depend on the date ofthe notice to proceed, whether or not any holidays fall within the project time and any time required by the Town to gather information needed by PBS&J. A Final Report will be completed one week after PBS&J receives comments regarding the draft report. • An employee·owned company October 10,2001 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Dr. P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Dear Mr. Chutchian: PBS&J is very pleased to be able to provide the Town ofAddison with this proposal concerning a study ofthe surface conditions of Beltline Road. We appreciate the fact that Addison has recognized PBS&J as a company that has the resources to assist the Town in this way. Explanations ofthe proposed scope, fee and time ofcompletion are included in the appropriate sections ofthis proposal. We propose that Clarence Daugherty, P.E., be the Project Manager and that Doug Dillon, P.E., Manager ofour Construction Services Division, perform the technical analysis and develop the report. Resumes ofthese professionals are attached to this proposal. It N a • _J~%~~'"'~ IN"'~-""" AvJllLA$££Our proposed approach utilizes all the historicaytntormation that is available regarding Beltline Road. Specifically, it appears that the teSting performed in the past should provide us with the information needed, and we do not propose to do additional material teating. Therefore, our fee includes review and use ofprevious testing information only. If, after review ofthe previous testing information (at the beginning ofthe project), we and the Town conclude that additional tests are warranted, then this can be done by the Town, either directly or through PBS&J. t.JI{A'T~-rJ oj C,/Sr ? Thank: you for your confidence in PBS&J. We look forward to discussing the project with you further after your review ofthis proposaL. We are available to start the study at your convenience. Sincerely, ~~. Clarence Daugherty, P.E. '.' Director ofMunicipal Services 13800 Montfort Drive, Suite 230, Ilallas, Texas 75240-4347 • Telephone: 972.387.0771' Fax: 972.387.9714' www.pbsj.com ·SURFACE CONDITION STUDY BEL TLINE ROAD FROM DALLAS PARKWAY TO MARSH LANE ADDISON, TEXAS SCOPE OF SERVICES PBS&J proposes to perform a study of the surface conditions of Beltline Road from Dallas Parkway to Marsh Lane. It is PBS&J's understanding that the surface of Beltline became slick or "polished" many years ago and that several attempts have been made to solve the problem. The purpose of this study will be to identify a definitive method to overcome the surface problems cif this pavement. This would be done by providing to the Town the results of the analyses of several altemative strategies so that the Town can decide the strategy that best fits the Town. It is proposed that PBS&J perform the following tasks: -Gather detailed information about the history of the pavement: accidents, studies and material tests, potential contributing factors, previous improvements, etc. -Make field observations -Identify potential improvement strategies to restore desired skid resistance properties -Determine what each each strategy accomplishes, or fails to accomplish, and me characteristics of each strategy that may make a difference to the Town's final decision -Estimate the construction and life cycle cost of each strategy -Develop a matrix that indicates a rating for each strategy in the areas of pavement surface performance, service life, cost effectiveness, constructability and community acceptability -Present the resulting report to the Town in draft form and then in final form after review and discussion with theTown staff It is proposed that the Town -make available .all information pertinent to the analysis of the pavement -review partial study information submitted by consultant as needed and provide consultant appropriate direction -review d raft report and provide feedback iri a timely manner to facilitate completion of the final report COMPENSATION PBS&J proposes to prepare this study for a fixed fee of $85()0. This fee includes' all labor and expenses, but does not include any laboratory testing. Any testing that is ~quired .can either be contracted by the Town directly or by PBS&J as an additional fee. . . . . TIME OF COMPLETION PBS&J proposes to perform the work and submit a draft report within 20 working days. Converting this time to calendar days will depend on the date ofthe notice to proceed, whether or not any holidays fall within the project time and any time required by the Town to gather information needed by PBS&J. A Final Report will be completed one week after PBS&J receives comments regarding the draft report .. . " Clarence Travis Daugherty, P.E. SeniorProgram Manager PBS&J ' Education M.E., Public Works Administration, Texas A&M University. 1970 B.S., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1969 Registrations Professional Engineer Texas Professional Affiliations Association of County Engineers, Texas, President, 1993 American Public Works Association (APWA), Texas Chapter -President, 1985 -Chapter Service Award, 1986 -One oftop three Leaders of the Year, 1981 American Public Worl::.;.',';":';'" ." ',.', . ,'. . . . '. . . •'""'C'.:'" ibu i 10 rn j(Oritbe,Brue;RidgeParkway(North Carolina),(':',:,:: \~::.:;'f.'. ,'.: .. Ji':r:ii,"f;!.;.~~,;'.';"i;·..(·~: ''::,''r..;;'':{;,~.",i<:<:" ..>< ,.:.:, .. ''-'. :. :'. :..:' ..' .....--_....Continued to serve as transportation program manager for the expansion of the Orange County (Florida) Convention Center In this role, also develop'edthe International Drive Resort Area transportation master plan,studied transit alternatives, developed an ITS pl~n, and commenced construction engineering and inspection for the wideningofinternationa IDrive. 7QcQ,~JifYiQadtan~thiee',#~h~oLacc~~spr6jects: Other major efforts ~~~~~~]Jll;t~,~0;J~r~%~1~:~~t;!~~~t1f~1!fttAt~i~t~~~if~~{~~:c~:,construction on Ind i a Hook . "", .,;,.:. ,,",~ , conStructio,n documelits'fn"'if:' Conway Perimeter Road" (Conway) and the widening, of SC 5(Cherokee CountVi ;i:?"~ to amultilanefacilil\v 1i'tI:1lfJt!rtaUtm p~ 1faf#JE~ lkrd/tfltllf 1faH¥~S~,', CorridN p~/"'" HIfllwllfIlJt.JI{JII S/J1liJtlirtz! ~ FWtIffiltJ &-Str. ~, TiJf! ~lJtiiIffH Mtdltmtrt/al/lfail4liS~ R!fM-tJfWIlfIAtr(Ui4UlfJJI, Por~IlHd Martifll;t I nsupport onhe , Florida 2Ul2,OIym Olympics, identifiiro multimodal tfansportatii . , /', ".:,., ',~",: 'i • .... , events planned along the l-4corridorJ'letween',Ta ."S''••' elected to provide com'~lete"~~:~d~~Y;~i , cal services for thewid~niiigantl:ffi90! Saline and Pulaski counties forlheKrWK~~~:~\~ ," '." , .,,' w" Transportation Department , ,..) i · ·natio~ with the Regional'.'c , ".'": ,~~~,-:·.-~r:."~y,~·.,::.· .,,""... ... ,,,,',_" ~ _"L. ,;__ ,;_,:~~~:" " "',.' impacts 01 ROl\'~f-'plant operations on Hudson River A. >1-~, .:(,:, '''''-'-. " j:="" . "." Droviding full site development services tor constmcFtion of Cam~usConnection, a370-unit apartment . 'cqmplex.thatwill·provide off-campus studentliousiriil ,..atthe UniversilYof:Ndrlh Carolina-Charf~tte. :.:. ·,1"" ', .... , ." .. ' . . . in Casper, Wyoming; and three locations 'fjiigiinmasterJnfrastructure and site >'i ,'!" ..' < _ . . ;'.afi!flpwrihlllj1e (~sidence~tand a 15-acre "':,: -::".: .~:' -::':;"~":<~~'\;i:'-:<:/: ·.;i;·:~;·::_.~.:\~< :" ;:....:, .:;, ·.·.f.. :.. ·:,-.\',: ",:', ;.:S:.".~:;·,/~;;·'r ,. : :'8'.electedWArnerig~~West~otnes;di1e.oHas Vegaiis.'. ····.·.···piemi~rh6~~bJil~e[s;:ictp;;lVid~~ite; civil, andsur~ .' veYingfofj\1!lrethl;ri~4;IJ lots !'tithin!he Canyons Uland·'" . ,. " -. '..Granbrooke sulJaivislons.. .-~:> ,:,." ~.. .. " room:hri,~i~~~li~Q:Qoo'~sq~are" " ,'f.'" ~i· . .:. '.. p~~:~dceodn:t;~:~;~:~:fl~~~t~~~;t;~~,~~~~~,e:af'~::~:a~:~;;:I~:~~ .municationstiwe;~1te~ihrciughqijtthe~ouiheaswnus.,•...•.. . ' .• B:~:nS~~e~I:~nn~~gef~~i{htefl~f";> .. ' .....'.• "~:~:~::ti:~~:~~!i~f~C~set?-"~•• .. BOgot~. The project incrud~st~~' medium-and two maxillluk \.. security facilities.. . package plant. " :,",' ;;" .' . (,\ontlnued to .' Vpr6vide civil e'ngi~eeii~g and .survey services for the Chick-fil-a :restaurant chain ..•.. for locations ". :)hroughliut the southeastern U.S. . ·•. :'S~r~::~tt;t~~:e~~%:fa 16.... acre, multiDle~use and other city personnel. . ' .... .... :,'" .... ' ;·.":·'S·~l::t;~~Ye~~~nn~!:I~~~::~~~:~:~:~O pro•.... " ~fford~bleh6usrngpfojectwith water storage .·,.;and filtratidn and an onsitesanital)' sewer ,.' p~o::~:::i:!:n(~~:~~ea~~~~JS .", 139-acre planned hillside residential" community in La Mirada and " " Fullerton, California. and conStru6t1oif'se61~es.:,' '" ',' ,,~,:' ;~<~i::.:\::;i~i·,\\·, to Herzbg DiNelopmeh,t: . master-planned commUin Sachse U"~, J.lJ~I"'~ /Texas th~t iricludes;il,Mlf course, or Pritzker Residential, comple.lIid, engineering design selVic,esfO , first 287 units and began desigli,'selVices for another 439 units in the Centergate at Celebration apartment complex in Celebration, Florida. q' ~),C:~I,e~l~~f~f civil and site engineering , "f0fOr~500~acre, mixed-use develop'riiei1fin'4&i:nLak~;'MisSissipPi, for ' , ,',' >'~~;kwJrid!~(~p~~ies. The development will ,"~" ' ' , incIUilEiaJegiQnllLm,all, shopping center, offfcedevelopment,and single-family and , " multifamily residential communities. C, ompleted phase for Cimarron Hills, a 813-acre master-planned T~ecommunityfeatures aJack Nicklaus signature golf course. ,provided engineer, ing design selVices for two high schools, three middle schools, and five elementary schools for the Clark Counly School District in Nevada. 'elected by The Landwell Company mC) to provide onsite designSand development of commercial and residential properties in ' Henderson, Nevada. " F, study and entitlement cominunity in Georgetown, Texas. Selected by the Texas Turnpike Authority Division of the Texas Department of Transportation to provide construction engineering, inspection and testing services for the conBegan providing independent quality control inspection and struction of the $700-million SH 45 and Loop 1turnpiketesting services for the interchange of 1-25 and 1-40 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Reconstruction of the New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department's "Big I" is the largest single highway construction project in state history, Continued to provide construction engineering and inspection (CE&I) services for North Carolina Department ofTransportation, Division Three's US 17 Jacksonville Bypass, The six-mile project traverses Camp Lejeune military base and has an 1800-foot bridge over Wilson Bay, R eselected to providing constructionrelated services to BeliSouth throughout Georgia and Florida. Services include quality assurance inspections, verification of contractor's invoices, damage inspection, and response to disasters. CBegan providing CE&I services to Alabama Department ofTransportation (ALDOn, ontinued to provide CE&I services to the Florida Division Nine for Grelot Road in Mobile, Continued to provide CE&I services for the Department of Transportation, District Seven ALDOl, Division Four for improvements to SR 50, SR 280, Glenn Avenue, and the Phenix wideni ng of a7,59-kilometer (4.7-mile) segment City Bypass,"<;':.,. 1-275 between Busch Boulevard and Nebraska ,!;, ue in Tampa, Florida,'." Bcode inspection servicesegan on-call CE&I services ·jor Georgia Department oj .Transportation, Division PrqJfff ellt/brod! ompleted services r~con .... , " gn,fu~n'tQt)lW~lac9riv~r~iontq9!;' . ,u,· me:l ' BEL TLINE ROAD FROM DALLAS PARKWAY TO MARSH LANE ADDISON, TEXAS SCOPE OF SERVICES PBS&J proposes to perform a study of the surface conditions of Beltline Road from Dallas Parkway to Marsh Lane. It is PBS&J's understanding that the surface of Beltline became slick or "polished" many years ago and that several attempts have been made to solve the problem. The purpose ofthis study will be to identify a definitive method to overcome the surface problems ofthis pavement. This would be done by providing to the Town the results of the analyses of several alternative strategies so that the Town can decide the strategy that best fits the Town. It is proposed that PBS&J perform the following tasks: -Gather detailed information about the history of the pavement: accidents, studies and material tests, potential contributing factors, previous improvements, etc. -Make field observations -Perform tests of concrete related to skid resistance characteristics (subcontract for three cores for petrographic analysis and acid solu bility tests) -Identify potential improvement strategies to restore desired skid resistance properties -Determine what each strategy accomplishes, or fails to accomplish, and the characteristics of each strategy that may make a difference to the Town's final decision -Estimate the construction and life cycle cost of each strategy -Develop a matrix that indicates a rating for each strategy in the areas of pavement surface performance. service life, cost effectiveness, constructability and community acceptability -Present the resulting report to the Town in draft form and then in final form after review and discussion with the Town staff It is proposed that the Town -make available all information pertinent to the analysis of the pavement -review partial study information submitted by consultant as needed and provide consultant appropriate direction -review draft report and provide feedback in a timely manner to facilitate completion of the final report COMPENSATION PBS&J proposes to prepare this study for a fixed fee of $14,900. This fee includes all labor and expenses as well as laboratory testing. The fee includes obtaining and testing three cores ofthe concrete pavement. If it is determined and agreed to by the Town that additional cores and/or testing is required, those will be performed for an additional amount by prior written agreement between the Town of Addison and PBS&J. TIME OF COMPLETION PBS&J proposes to perform the work and submit a draft report within 40 working days. Converting this time to calendar days will depend on the date of the notice to proceed, whether or not any holidays fall within the project time and any time required by the Town to gather information needed by PBS&J. A Final Report will be completed one week after PBS&J receives comments regarding the draft report. los;,Info171U1tion ~..,• •To Build On EngIneering. Consulting • Testing November 7, 2001 Mr. Doug Dillon PBS&J 13800 Monfort Drive Suite 230 Addison, Texas 75240 Re: Proposal for Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services Testing on Belt Line to Marsh lane Addison, Texas PSI Proposal No. 341-1085R-1 Dear Mr. Dillon, Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI), is pleased to submit the following proposal for performing Construction Materials Testing and Inspection services on the project referenced above. Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI), understands that we have been selected based upon our qualifications in accordance with the Professional Service Procurement Act, Article 2254.004 of the Texas Govemment Code, to provide the above referenced services for this project. In accordance with this act, we are now submitting our proposed fee schedule as the second step or the negotiation phase of the contracting process. As America's largest independent testing firm and the nations fourth largest consulting engineering firm, we bring extensive experience in providing professional engineering and materials testing services for clients in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, throughout the State of Texas and the nation. With four local offices servicing the metroplex, PSI has the technical capabilities, personnel and equipment resources and local expertise to provide you with superior testing services. PSI proposes to provide exp~rienced, technical personnel to perform testing and inspection services as requested in general accordance with project specifications. Provided herewith is our budgetary estimate' of the anticipated testing and the associated estimated costs based on the project characteristics available at the time of this proposal. PSI' proposes to accomplish the work on a unit price basis' in accordance with the unit rates of this proposal. All work will be performed in accordance with the General Conditions attached herein and considered a part of this proposal. The cost estimate was developed based on the estimated quantities, types of tests and the unit rates shown herein. This estimate was developed based on a defined scope of work as outlined in this proposal. Any work which is required beyond this estimate will be charged per the unit rates shown. , ' Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 4087 Shilling Way· Dallas, TX 75237 • Phone 2141330·9211 • Fax 9721263-2612 Page 2 of 8 PSI Proposal No.: 341-1085R-1 , . PSI will proceed with the work upon receipt of a signed proposal. Please sign and retum one copy of this proposal intaCt. When retuming this proposal. please complete the attached Project Data Sheet so that PSI may best serve your project and help distribute reports to the appropriate parties. PSI looks forward to providing services to PBS&J during construction of the Belt Line to Marsh lane project. Once a detailed construction schedule and material quantity are available, we would be pleased to meet with you and refine the attached estimate and add or delete services as desired. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this proposal further. please contact us at your earliest convenience at 214 330-9211. Respectfully submitted. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. -Robert P. Nance Department Manager T::-a~:t'y,Jr., P.E. Vice President Construction Materials Testing Attachments: Project Information/Assumptions Estimated Materials Testing Cost Summary Estimated Materials Testing Cost Breakdown Project Data Sheet General Conditions AGREED TO THIS __DAY OF _____• 2001 SIGNATURE: ____________________ TYPED/PRINTED NAME: ________________ TITLE: ______________________ FIRM: _______________________ Page 3 ofB PSI Proposal No.: 341-1085R-1 , ' PROJECT INFORMATION/ASSUMPTIONS Concrete Coring and Analysis 1. As requested a PSI representative will perform concrete coring and patching at three distinct areas of the main lanes of Belt Line road. 2. PSI will develop and implement a plan of traffic control during the coring operations at the three distinct locations. 3. At the request of the Town of Addison all concrete coring wiU be performed during night time hours in an effort to minimize the impact on the flow of traffic. 4. Three-petrography analysis and will be performed as requested and the report of finding will be sent to the client. 5. The three cores locations will be patched with'quick set ready mix concrete. 6. One acid solubility test will be performed on each of the three concrete samples obtained from the coring operation. The amount of acid soluble material in the sample will be determined. The amount of acid soluble material in the fine aggregate portion of the concrete will be mathematically calculated by difference using the values of cement paste determined in the petrographic analysis and values of coarse and fine aggregate determined from a gradation analysis of the residue of the acid solubility test. It should be understood that the amount of soluble material calculated for the fine aggregate will be understated if there is acid insoluble material in the cement paste and will be overstated if there is acid soluble material in the coarse aggregate. Page 4 of S PSI Proposal No.: 341-10SSR-1 > • ESTIMATED TESTING SCHEDULE PSI performs a complete range of Construction Materials Testing Inspection Services as well as Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting Services. In addition to those listed above, your project can be provided with the following: Fireproofing Inspection Geotechnical Services Environmental Site Assessments Indoor Air Quality Studies Asbestos Sampling & Testing Lead Based Paint Testing Roof Testing & Inspections Floor Flatness Testing Wetland Investigation -Hydrologic!Hydraulic Engineering Page 5 of8 PSI Proposal No.: 341-1 085R-1 > ' Estimated Materials Testing Summary The following is our estimate of the number, type, and cost of anticipated Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services for the subject project. This estimate was developed based· on assumptions made from current information available to us regarding expected work schedules, amount of materials, project. requirements, etc. It should be recognized that variations in construction schedules, weather, etc., could result in differences between the actual and estimated testing costs. Although efforts will be made to maintain the testing costs within the estimated amount, charges will be computed based on actual services rendered. Proposal excludes the following items: x Overtime X Cancellation without notice X Stabilization X Environmental Engineering X Re-testing X Waiver of Subrogation X Special EngineeringServices Materials Testing Total Estimate $6,119.00 Allowance for Steel Inspection *** $0.00 Total Sum $6,119.00 *** *** By Owner Direction Page 6 of 8 PSI Proposal No.: 341-1085R-1 A. Concrete COring and AnalysIs Concrete Compression Cylinders "-.......,-......Two Concrete Coring TechniCians Concrete Coring Rig Petrogragny Analysis Traffic Control Plan Acl 512.00 SO,OO° Two COrcrete Coring Technicians Hoor 16 $57,00 $912.00 COOcrelll Coring Rig Day 1 $210.00 $210,00 Pettograghy Analysis Ead> 3 $850.00 $2,$50,00 Traffic Control Plan Day 51,500,00 S1,500.00 Acid Solubility Each 3 $150.00 $450,00 Concrete Core Preparai10n Each 18 $4,00 $72,00 Sub«Tohd $5,694:00 B. Special Testtng Concrete Flatness (ACl304} Per Hout On-Site +2 HOOfS Lab Hoor a $50,00 SO,OO Project EnglneerlManager Review of Reports Hour 5 $85,00 $425,00 Firepfoofing Inspection Hour $50,00 SO,OO Batch Plant Inspection Hoot ° a $50,00 50,00 Special re$i.lng Hour $50.00 SO,OO Special Testing Hour ° $50,00 50,00 Sub-Total $425,00° C. Trip ChargesIMi:scelianeou$ Site Visit/Sample prck Up !lip ° $35,00 SO.OO Sub-Total $0,00 Materials Testing Total Estimate $6,119.00 Allowance for Steel Inspection ••• $0.00 Total Sum $6,119.00 *** By Owner Direction GENERAL Hourfy work is portal to portal with a minimum of four hours per callout unless otherwise noted, Charges for services performed outside of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. over 8 hours per day and an Saturdays will be Oilled at 1.5 times the listed rates. Services performed on Sundays and holidays will be performed at 2.0 times the listed mtes. Report review (typically 0,2 to 0.5 hours per report), consultation, meetings, etc, by Project Manager, will be billed at $85,00 per hour. Above unit fates Include up to three copies of each report distributed and mailed in accordance with your instructions. Additional report copies billed at $1.00 each, This proposal presents the typical construcUon materials testing required on area projects. If an increased or decreased scope of work is desired~ we would be pleased to discuss this at the appropriate time. Additional services and fees not listed. will be quoted upon request. ~J I.~ PBSJ An employee-owned company November 9, 2001 Mr. Steven Z. Chutchian Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Dr. P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Dear Mr. Chutchian: Attached is a revised proposal that includes the time and fee necessary to conduct the testing for this analysis. We propose to sub-contract with PSI, Inc., to obtain 3 cores of the concrete pavement to perform petrographic analysis and acid solubility tests. This will provide PBS&J the information needed to make recommendations for improvement of the pavement surface. PSI's proposal to us is attached for your review. We added a very small amount for our additional time to coordinate, review and report their findings. We are available to start the study at your convenience. However, since we have proposed such a short timeframe to perform this work, we would appreciate being notified verbally as soon as the Town decides to proceed so we can make sure our schedules are ready when our contract time begins. Thank you for your confidence in PBS&J. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, ~;;;~',-~e {l{)/~~ Clarence Daugherty, P.E. Director of Municipal Services K:IJl1IProposalslBeltiine Addison Proposal·Nov6.doc 13800 Montfort Drive, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75240·4347. Telephone: 972.387.0771. Fax: 972.387.9714 • www.pbsj.com