" 8908 Ambassador Row Dallas, Texas 75247-4510 (214) 630-9745RoneEngineers (214) 631).9819 (fax) A t.e:IGH CoMPANY ill IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTING Client: Project: Services: Jeske Construction Company Attn: Mr. Steve Jeske 2546 Merrell Rd_ PO Box 59025 Dallas TX 75229 Broadway Road Improvements Town of Addison Addison. TX Perform In-Place Density Test in accordance with ASTM Standards. Report No.: Project No.: Date of Service: Report Date: 125607 014778 05123/2001 06103/2001 PROJECT DATA CONTRACTOR, Test Methods: 1eske Construction Co. ASTM 0-2922 Gauge: Troxler 3401 Moistnre Standard Counts Density ASTM 0-3017 Gauge Serial No: 4299 Current: 581 Current: 2158 Test Mode: DT Pre.!o..: NA Previous: NA MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONS MID No. Description Moisture % Maximum Density pet Project Requirements Moisture Density 1 Dark brown clay and flexbase mix 22.0 102.0 Optimum +4 95 min FIELD DENSITY TESTS TEST PROBE MID MOlSTIJRE WET DENSITY DRY DENSITY DENSITY NO TEST LOCATlON DEPTH No. (%) (pet) (pc!) (%max) Paving 1 Retest #1 from 05/2212001 6" 1 16.4* 1185 101.8 100 Paving 2 Retest #3 from 05/2212001 6" 1 18.1* 119.0 100.8 99 An asterisk (*) appears next to test results which do NOT meet the project specifications. Technician: Marshall Knox Started: 7:00am Finished: 9:30am Report Distribution: (1) Jeske Construction Company (I) Shimek, Jacobs & Finldea, LLP (I) Town of Addison (1) Town of Addison 􀁌􀁬􀁍􀁉􀁔􀁁􀁔􀁻􀁏􀁎􀁓􀁾􀀠The test results presented herein ""we prepared based upon the specific samples provided for testing. We assume no responsibility fOt variation in quality (composition, appearance, perfonnance, etc.) Or any other feature of similar subject matter provided by persons or conditions over which we have no control. Our letters and reports are for the exclusi ve use of the clients to whom they are addressed and shall not be reproduced ex.cept in full without the ,>vritten approval of Rone Engineers. Inc. DK Page 1 ofl RoneEngineers" 8908 Ambassador Row Dallas, Texas 75:1474510 A LE!GH COMPANY (214) 630-9745 (;114) 630-9819 (fax) REPORT OF CYLINDER COLLECTION Client: Jeske Construction Company Report No.: 125912 Attn: Mr. Steve Jeske Project No.: 014778 2546 Merrell Rd. Date of Service: 05/2612001PO Box 59025 Report Date: 06/0412001Dallas TX 75229 Project: Broadway Road rmprovements Town of Addison Addison, TX Services: Cylinder Collection Report of Collection On this date, a Rone Engineers, Inc. representative arrived on site as scheduled to pick up compressive strength test specimens cast prior to this date. Technician Time: 6:30am -8:30am Page 1 of 1 Tecbnlcian: Anthony Maldonado Report Distribution: (1) Jeske ConstruCtiOIl Company (I) Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, LLP (1) TaWIl of AdJ:lisOll (I) TaWil of Addison LIMITATIONS: The test results presented herein were prepared based upon the specific samples provided fOI testing. We assUl'I.le no responsibility for variation in quality (compoSition, appearance, perfonnance. etc.) or any other feature of similar subject matter provided by persOIlS or conditions over whicb we bave no CODIroL Our letfCrs and reports are for the exclusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of Rone Engineers, Inc. OK 􀁐􀁡􀁾􀁥􀁬􀀠of! RoneEngineers11 8908 Ambassador Row Dalllls, T",as 752474510A LEIGH COMPAI'lV (214) 630-9745 (214) 630·9819 (fax) REPORT OF CYLINDER COLLECTION Client: Jeske Construction Company Report No.: 126067 Attn: :Mr. Steve Jeske Project No.: 014778 2546 Merrell Rd. Date of Service: 05/3112001PO Box 59025 Report Date: 06/0412001Dallas TX 75229 Project: Broadway Road Improvements Town of Addison Addison, TX Services: Cylinder Collection :Report of Collection On this date, a Rone Engineers, Inc. representative arrived on site as scheduled to pick up compressive strength test specimens cast prior to this date. Technician Time: 2:00pm -3:30pm Page 1 of 1 Technldan: David Palmer Report Distribulinn: (1) Jeske Construction COmpany (1) Sbimek. Jacobs & Fioldea, liP (l) Town of Addison (1) Town of Addison LIMITAnONS; 'I'he test results presented herein were prepared based upon the specific samples provided for testing. We assume 110 responsibility for variation in quality (composition, appearance. 'performance, etc,) or any any oilier feature ofsimilar subject matter provided by persons or conditions over which we havc no control. Om letters and reports arc for the exclUSive use of the clients to whom they are addressed and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval ofRone Engineers, Inc. 'DK Pal!e 1 ofl 8908 Ambassador Row Dallas, Texas 152474510 ., (214) 630-9745RoneEngineers (214) 630-9819 (fax) A LE[GH COMPANY CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Client: Jeske Construction Company Attn: Mr. Steve Jeske 2546 Merrell Rd. POBox 59025 Dallas TX 75229 Report No.: Project No.: Date of Service: Report Date: 125835 014778 05/2512001 0610512001 Project: Services: Broadway Road Improvements Town of Addison Addison, TX Obtain samples of fresh conerete at the placement locations. perform required field testing. cast compressive strength samples and bring samples back to the laboratory fm curing and testing in accordance with applicable standards. PROJECT DATA CONTRACTOR: Jeske Construction Co. Jl.DXDESIGNLD.: 44 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Lattimore PLACEMENT DATE: 0512512001 PLANT: 7 WEATBERCONDmoNS: Sunny TIJ\.iESAMPLED: 12;54pm BATCH TIME: 12;08pmSPECIFICATION REQUlREMENTS STRENGTH: 4500 psi @28 Days TEMPERATURE(F)-AIR NA F CONCRElE: NA F SLUMP (in): 1" _4" TRUCK NO: 1092 TICKET NO: 7102429 AIR (%): NA AIR COl'iTENT(%): NA NA UNITWEIGIIT(pcf): NA OVERALL PLACEMENT LOCATION: TEST METIlOD: ASTMC-172 Station 2+50, south side parking lot ASTM C-31 ASTM C-143 ASTM C-231 ASTMC-1064 SAMPLE LOCATION: Station 2+50, south side parking ASTMC-138 lotASTMC-39 REPORT OF TESTS CYLINDER MAnED SET NO. 1 1 MEASURED SLUMP (inch..) 4.0 1 1 2 3 4.0 4.0 1 4 􀁾􀁉􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀠Added at Site: 10 Technician: Anthony Maldonado Report Distribution: (1) Jeske Construction Company (1) Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea, LLP (1) Town of Addison (1) Towu of Adilison Concrete Compressive Cylinder 6" x 12" (area 28.27 sq. in.) DAl'E TESTED 06/0112001 AGE (days) 7 MAXIMUM LOAD (Ibs. force) 111940 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTII (PSi) 3960 FRACTURE TYPE Unbonded Cap 06122/2001 06/2212001 28 28 Unbonded Cap Unbonded Cap Hold gallons Started: 12:30pm Finisbed: 2;31pm LIMITATIONS: The test results presented herein were prepaIed based upon the specific samples provided for testing. We assume no responsibility for variauOll in quality (composition, nppearanee, performance. etc.} or any other feature 01 similar subjeet matter provided by persons or conditions over wIDch we bave no controL Our letters and reports are for the exclusive use of the cJients to whom they are addressed and shall not be reproduced except in full wiUlOut the written approval of Rone Engineers, Inc. IDK Page 1 of 1 8908 Ambassador Row Dallas. Texas 75247-4510 (214) 630..9745RoneEngineers (214) 630·9819 (fax) IF. LEIGH COMPANY 1Il CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST Client: Jeske Construction Company Report No.: 125802 Attn: Mr, Steve Jeske Project No.: 014778 2546 Merrell Rd, Date ofService: OS/25/2001POBox 59025 Report Date: 06/0512001Dallas TX 75229 Project: Broadway Road Improvements Town of Addison Addison, TX Services: Obtain samples of fresh concrete at the placement locations, perform required field testing, cast compressive strength samples and bring ,'amples back to the laboratory for curing and testiag in accordance with applicable standards. PRO.IECT DATA CONTRACTOR: Jeske CODstruction Co. MIX DESIGN Ln.: 44 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: Lattimore PLACJlMIl;NT DATE: 05125/2001 PLANT: 7 WEATRER CONDITIONS: Sunny SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS TIME SAMPLED: 9:39am BATCH TIME: 8:36am STRENGTH: 4500 psi @28 Days TEMPERATURE (J1). AIR NA F CONCRETE: NA F SLUMP (in): TRUCK NO: 1039 TICKET NO: 2102405 AIR (%): NA AIRCONTEI.1T(%): 1T(%): NA UNIT WEIGHT (pcf): NA OVERALL PLACEMENT LOCATION: TEST METHOD: ASTMC-I72 Station 1+00, south side parking lot ASTMC-31 ASTMC-143 ASTMC-231 ASTMC-1064 SAMPLE LOCATION: Station 1+00, south side parking ASTMC-138 lotASTMC-39 REPORT OF TESTS Concrete Compressive Cylinder 6" x 12" (area 28.27 sq. in.) CYLINDER MARKED SET NO. 1 1 MEASURED SLUMP (inches) 5.5 DATE TESTED 06/0112001 AGE (days) 7 MAXIMUM LOAD (lb.. £orce) 98600 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3490 FRACTURE TYPE Unbonded Cap 1 1 2 3 5.5 5,5 0612212001 0612212001 28 28 Unbonded Cap UnbODded Cap 1 4 Hold Contractor notified of 5 1/2" slump. Technician: Anthony Maldonado Report Distribution: (1) Jeske Construction Company (1) Shimek. Jacobs & Finklea, LLP (1) Town of Addison (1) Town of Addison Started: 9:30am Finished: 1O:0Oam LIMITATIONS: TIle test results presented herein were prepared based upon the specific samples provided for testing. We assllme no responsibility for variation in quality (composition, appearance. petfonnance, etc.) or any other feature of similar >-ubject matter provided by persons or conditions over which we have no conlrol. Our letters and reports arc for the exdusive use of the clients to whom they are addressed and sb.all not be reproduced except in fun without the written approval ofRonc Engineers, Inc. IDK Pagelofl __ Sent By: TOWN OF ADDISON' 972 450 7065;To: Be DOWN 'At: 2837 Jul·14·00 1:32PM; Page 1/1 Town of Addison Project Name (Maximum 30 cbaracrm) Project De:.cri:pticln Project Type: Operating/tTnique Time to Complete rrn 1II0QW) Loca.ted inPlanning Sector: 1 2 3 4 Project Time Line Pb4se 􀀨􀁥􀁾􀁥􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀮􀀠ROW, acqubicioD cOt1!lu·uClion. etc.l. , N/A Con , I I I I I I , , ,SI I II ,s 5;500:::! e:1'S'l.11'le..t.r I I I II ,s 1,\I,oCO. ,:(D'A..􀁊􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀁤􀁣􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀠111 I J I J s::-\I 1 II 3 J $I I I II sb I I I II., ,5I j I I I-' , I •-,-.; • , , J .s J J II I 6 18 . 21" 12 IS􀁓􀀯􀁾􀀳􀀠St:s... ' 􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁊􀁮􀁬􀁨􀀮􀀠 􀁏􀁾􀁉􀀮􀀠 Tu..lllud"". 􀁦􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁮•• 􀁏􀁾􀁰􀁾􀁲􀁬􀁭􀀮􀁮􀁴􀀠U•• oIProject #' F...Type '" Seq. . ,", . . ". "" " " """" "" " "􀁾􀀠, . , '. , -'. " " ,". . :.,...... '., PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (972) 45()'2871 Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 15001-9010 ·16801 Weatgrove April 9, 1999 Ms. Holly Mentler . Mentler Marketing Services 4819 Broadway St. Addison, Texas 75001 \ Re: Broadway Street Dear Ms. Mentler: Thank you for taking the time to write us about your concerns regarding Broadway Street. The Town of Addison is very interested in making improvements in the "old town" area if that is what the property owners desire. Because Broadway is a local street principally serving only the adjacent property owners the Town would make improvements as part of a voluntary street assessment program. In a voluntary street assessment the property owners on both sides ofthe street would pay for 1/3 ofthe cost ofthe street based on their street frontage. The middle one-third would be paid for by the Town. If you and your neighbors want to pursue this project please call me at 972/450-2871 so we can work through the documents to establish the voluntary street assessment district. The esthnated cost to reconstruct this roadway as a concrete street is $200,000. I am looking forward to working with you and your neighbors on this important infrastructure project. Sincerely, 􀀿􀀮􀁾􀀡􀀡􀁺􀁾􀁴􀀭Director ofPublic Works cc: Jody Garcia Jim Pierce Ron Whitehead E N T L E R CR MARKETING SERVICES 4819 BROADWAY .,,,.,,.............. I ADDISON TEXAS 75001 MARCH 23, 1999 .JIM PIERCE ASSISTANT CITY ENIlIINEER POBox 9010 ADDISON, TX '75001 CEAR MR. PIERCE: AFTER READING THE RECENT ARTICLE ON "TRANSPORTATION MOVES FORWARD IN ADDISON" IN THE ApPISON APPRESS, IT STRUCK ME THAT OWN PROPERTY ON THE WORST STREET IN ADDISON. BROADWAY BARELY EVEN RESEMBLES A STREET -BUT RATHER A MISMATCHED COLLAIlIE OF ASPHALT PATCHES. OVER THE LAST THREE YEARS, BROADWAY HAS CONTINUALLY BEEN ABUSED AND IGNORED BY CITY PLANNERS. CONSIDER THE ABUSE THIS POOR STREET ENDURES ALMOST DAILY: • HEAVY EI;IUIPMENT FOR THE CART PROJECT. • TRAILERS OF BUILDING SUPPLIES FOR ADDISON CIRCLE AND CART PROJECT. • SPEEDING TRUCKS AND CARS OF CONSTRUCTION, CREWS • PARADES OF HEAVY EI;IUIPMENT, TRASH TRUCKS, TENT TRUCKS, REFRIGERATED VENDING TRUCKS PRIOR, DURINIlI AND AFTER EVERY SPECIAL EVENT. IN ADDITION, WE HAVE ENDURED ALL THE DUST, MUD AND NOISE THAT PROGRESS BRINIlIS. My I;IUESTION TO YOU IS, WHEN WILL SOMETHINI3 BE DONE TO CORRECT THE SUB-STANDARD CONDITION OF THIS PUBLIC STREET? LOOKINIlI FORWARD To YOUR REPLY. PC: MAYOR RICHARD N. BECKERT .JODY MAYES GARCIA 233-1414 ment!er@aol.com SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue. #820 Dallas, Texas 75225-5816 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361·7900 RONALDV.CONWAY,P.E. lOHNW. BlRKHOFF.P.E. JOE R. CARTER, P.E. GARY C.IIDlDRlCKS. P.E. I'M/'LCO PAl.lI. A. CARLINE, P.E. 10MAITHlCKEY'.P.E. Con May 12,2000 ROSS 1. JACOBS. P.E. l-c;.5 ,CI r;l. C. FlNKt.I!A, P.E. JOHN R.llAUMGARTNER, P.E. Mr. Robin Jones Town ofAddison Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001·9010 Re: Engineering Services Agreement Broadway Paving and Drainage Improvements Dear Mr. Jones: In accordance with your request, we propose to furnish engineering services for the preparation ofplans and specifications for paving and drainage improvement to Broadway from Addison Road to a point 385-feet to the east. Our services will include the following: 1) Paving plan to include all pavement, including parking areas. 2) Paving contour plan for vertical elevation. 3) Drainage design for slotted drain along south gutter line and discharging, as it does now, into railroad ditch. 4) Preparation ofmarking plan. ;:'"5) Preparation ofdetail sheets. 6) Quantity take-off and formulation ofopinion ofprobable construction cost. 7) Preparation ofbidding documents and specifications. 8) One design meeting with the staff. 9) Printing and delivery ofpJans and specifications. 10) Attendance at bid opening, tabulation of bids, and check contractor references. 11) Prepare letter ofrecommendation for award ofconstruction contract. 12) Conduct pre-construction conference. 13) Review shop drawing submittals. 14) Attend one construction meeting. 􀀮􀁾, Mr. Robin Jones Town ofAddison May 12, 2000 Page 2 of 2 It is our understanding that the Town will send out notices, complete contract preparation, prepare monthly , pay requests and other related construction related items not delineated in our services. We propose to be compensated on the basis of salary cost times a multiplier of2.3, with expenses at invoice cost times 1.15. We recommend a budget of$14,940.00 be established for our services. Ifyou are in agreement, please have the Town execute one coy ofthis letter agreement and return one copy to our office. We will commence our services at your direction. We are available at your convenience to discuss any questions you may have with our proposal and scope of services. Sincerely, 􀁃􀀩􀁾􀁴􀁶􀁯􀁾􀀠John W. Birkhoff, P.E. APPRO TOWN OF ADDISON Date: ------1H--4--!Mf-'-''-'''--------: SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225-5816 Fax (214)361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 RONAlDV. CONWAY.P.B. JOHN W. BlRKHOFF, P.E. JOE R. CARTER. P.E. GARY C. H:E'NDRJCKS. P.E. PAUL A. CARJ..JNE. P.E. MATI HICKEY, P.E. May 12,2000 ROSS I.-JACOBS, P.E. I. C. FINKLEA, P.E. JOHN R. BAUMGARTNER. P.E. Mr. Robin Jones Town ofAddison Post Office Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 Re: Engineering Services Agreement Broadway Paving and Drainage hnprovements Dear Mr. Jones: In accordance with your request, we propose to furnish engineering services for the preparation ofplans and specifications for paving and drainage improvement to Broadway from Addison Road to a point 385-feet to the east. Our services will include the following: 1) Paving plan to include all pavement, including parking areas. 2) Paving contour plan for vertical elevation. 3) Drainage design for slotted drain along south gutter line and discharging, as it does now, into railroad ditch. 4) Preparation ofmarking plan. 5) Preparation ofdetail sheets. 6) Quantity take-()ff and formulation ofopinion of probable construction cost. 7) Preparation of bidding documents and specifications_ 8) One design meeting with the staff. 9) Printing and delivery ofplans and specifications . . 10). Attendance at bid opening, tabulation ofbids, and check contraCtor references. 11) Prepare letter ofrecommendation for award of construction contract. 12) Conduct pre-construction conference. 13) Review shop drawing submittals. 14) Attend one construction meeting. 􀁾􀁜􀀠-j Mr. Robin Jones Town of Addison May 12,2000 Page 2 of 2 Itis our understanding that the Town will send out notices, complete contract preparation, prepare monthly • pay requests and other related construction related items not delineated in our services. We propose to be compensated on the basis ofsalary cost times a multiplier of2.3, with expenses at invoice cost times 1.15. We recommend a budget of$14,940.00 be established for our services. Ifyou are in agreement, please have the Town execute one coy ofthis letter agreement and return one copy to our office. We will commence our services at your direction. . We are available at your convenience to discuss any questions you may have with our proposal and scope of services. Sincerely, 􀀹􀁾􀀱􀁶􀁪􀀶􀁊􀁗􀀠John W. Birkhoff, P.E. APPRO TOWN OF ADDISON By; __􀁾􀁾􀁵􀁵􀁾􀀭􀀫__􀁾􀁾______________ Date: ______􀀭􀀫􀁾􀁾􀁟􀁲􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 Jeffrey Markiewicz From: Randy Moravec Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 10:1 0 AM To: Jeffrey Markiewicz Cc: Michael Murphy Subject: Broadway Paving Project Jeff, Please send me a capital project request form for Broadway Paving. I need to assign a project number before I pay a Shimek, Jacobs bill. THANKS!!! R.and!:) 1 SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225·5816 Fax (214) 361·0204 Phone (214) 361·7900 RONALDV,CO'NWAY. P.E. JOHNW. BIRKHOF'F,P.E. JOE R. CARTER. P.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS, P.E. PAULA. CARl.1NE.P.E. MA'ITHlCKEY. P.E. May 1,2000 ROSS L.1ACOBS, P.E. t C. FINKLEA, P.E. Mr. Robin Jones Town ofAddison Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001-0144 Re: Broadway Street Pavement Improvement Dear Mr. Jones: We have reviewed two viable options for upgrading the paving along Broadway Street from Addison Road to 385 feet east ofAddison Road. Both options include a slotted drain pipe to convey storm water from the pavement section and discharging it into the drainage channel in the DART right of way located to the south. Also an underground storm sewer pipe is included in the improvements to be replaced. Our opinion of construction cost for the storm drainage improvements is approximately $31,000.00. Alternate one for the pavement improvements includes removal of approximately eight inches ofexisting pavement and base, compaction of the subgrade and placing eight inches ofreinforced concrete pavement as shown on the attached exhibit. The second alternate removes two inches of the existing surface and mixes the remainder with hydrated lime with a two-inch asphalt surface. Both alternates will require a finished grade that conveys storm water to the south into the proposed slotted drain. Both alternates would be required to be constructed in sections in an attempt to maintain traffic for the local businesses along the street. It is our opinion that the concrete alternative would be less disruptive and could be constructed easily in sections. Mixing the existing base will require larger areas to be closed during construction so heavy construction equipment can be used. The concrete section in alternate one would require less maintenance than the two inches ofasphalt over a ridge base. Our opinion ofprobable construction cost for the eight inches ofreinforced concrete pavement and drainage improvements is approximately $191,000.00. Our opinion for the asphalt section with the mixed base is approximately $86,000.00. We are available at your convenience to discuss any questions you may have with our review oftwo paving alternates for Broadway Street. Sincerely,yoPv(3J!if1 John W. Birkhoff, P.E. Enclosure TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE &, I 2h I (TO CLAIM# ____ CHECK AMOUNT $ 􀁾lOB .,=..s 􀁣􀁾L L. S A-.it/Ii p., O,.J rWIL$°Y ftJ/\ ACC'