IIr, I TRENCH SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS FOR BROOKHAVEN CLUB DRIVE SANITARY SEWER LINE iI CITY OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared for BARSON UTILITY COMPANY i! ' Project # 7410 DATE TREN-TECH COMPANY 828 HOWELL DR. COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 972-304-2171 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I have reviewed these Trench Safety Guidelines and find that the recommendations and procedures confonn to OSHA guidelines and regulations. The calculations herein are consistent with generally accepted engineering practice. 􀁾􀀿􀁴􀀲􀀭􀂷􀀱 􀁾􀁥􀀭􀀭 I" IIIEntire contents copyright © by Tren-Tech Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. iI \1.0 DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS' 1.1 General. These specifications cover the basic requirements for shoring and/or sloping of excavations for the installation of SANITARY SEWER LINES for the BROOKHAYEN CLUB DRNE in the CITY of ADDISON, TEXAS. 1.2 This specification addresses the safety of workers in a trench excavation and does not, in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility and liability to ensure the safety of the project and workers. 1.3 It is not the intent of these specifications to specify every detail and procedure of the trenching/shoring operations; nevertheless, they shall conform to the high standards of engineering and of safe trench excavation. 1.4 The personnel protection systems shown in these specifications have been designed based on information obtained from the project drawings and specifications. 1.5 In accordance with Revised OSHA (Appendix A to Subpart P effective March 2,1990), the Contractor's "Competent Person" will conduct the required Soil Classification Tests. If soils other than those previously identified are found, this specification will be revised. During construction, the Contractor's "Competent Person" will monitor the soil classification as required by OSHA 1926. I! 1.6 1.7 Contractor shall be responsible for selecting the appropriate safety system option shown in these specifications, depending on trench depth and soil conditions. The protection of existing structures and utilities which may be affected by these trench excavations is beyond the scope of this report (See Sect.4.2) 1.8 The Contractor must identify a "Competent Person" in the Contractor's firm responsible for performing inspections of the excavations to ensure that expected subsurface conditions are present. NOTE-This person must be "Competent" as described in OSHA 1926.650(b). 1.9 It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that all excavation work and site conditions are within the regulations as established by OSHA. Any property damage or bodily injury (including death) arising from the use of these specifications, from the Contractor's negligence in performance of contract work, or from Owner's failure to note exceptions to these specifications shall remain the sole responsibility and liability of the contractor. 1 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company I [ 2.0 DEFINITIONS I 2.1 All definitions of section 1926.650 of Subpart P, Part 1926, of the Code of Federal Regulations shall be by reference an integral part of this section. 2.2 "Sealing Engineer"-The engineer whose Texas seal is affixed to these specifications. 2.3 "The Contractor"-The contractor responsible to the owner for the excavation work described herein. 2.4 "Competent" as described in OSHA 1926.650(b). /3.0 APPLICABLE CODE AND STANDARDS I 3.1 The Contractor shall perform all shoring work under this contract in accordance with all applicable codes and standard safety requirements and regulations including: 3.1.1 OSHA 2207, Construction Industry Standards (Part 1926, Occupational Safety and Health Standards) 3.1.2 AISC Code of Standard Practice. 3.1.3 AISC Specifications ofthe design, fabrication, and erection of steel buildings 3.1.4 AITC Timber Construction Manual 3.1.5 AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code 3.1.6 The Uniform Building Code 3.1.7 OSHA 2226 3.1.8 US Army Corps of Engineers EM 385-1-1 3.2 The latest edition (including supplements and revisions) of the above publications in effect or promulgated at the time of the bid shall apply. Equipment fabricated to codes and standards in effect at time of bid but later revised shall be acceptable provided such revisions are not required by law. 2 . Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company II !I 􀁾.. I . \4.0 SHORING/SLOPING I 4.1 Description. This section covers the technical requirements of the trenching/shoring work. 4.2 Existing Structures. Where existing buildings, other utilities, streets, highways, or other structures are in close proximity to the trench, or may otherwise be affected by the proposed trenching operation, the Contractor shall provide adequate protection by the use of sheeting and shoring to protect the structure, street, or highway from possible damage. In the case of utilities, the Contractor may elect to remove the utility, provided that the removal and subsequent replacement meet with the approval of the engineer, the utility owner, or whoever has jurisdiction of the structure. In all cases, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to protect public and private property and any person or persons who might, as a result of the Contractor's work, be injured. 4.3 General Trenching and Shoring Requirements. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for trench safety prOViSions meeting the applicable requirements of the United States Department of Labor-Occupational Safety and Health Administration, including subpart P, Part 1926, of the Code of Federal Regulations. All trenching operations and procedure shall also conform to the requirements listed in this specification. 4.3.1 The requirements of sections 1926.650 and 1926.651 of Subpart P, Part 1926, of the Code of Federal Regulations shall be by reference an integral part of this section. [ 4.4 REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION I 4.4.1 Known underground installations are shown on the site plans. It is the Contractor's responsibility to verify exact locations in the field. 4.4.2 Before any individual enters an excavation, the excavation will be inspected by a "Competent Person" to ensure that trench excavation has been performed according to this specification and OSHA requirements and to ensure that no anomalies are observed which may effect the safety of the trench project. Note-This person must be "Competent" as described in OSHA 1926.650(b). 3 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company I· l[. ! [4.5 REQUIREMENTS DURING EXCAVATION I 4.5.1 During excavation, the exact location of existing underground installations shall be determined by the Contractor, and when uncovered, proper precautions and supports shall be provided so as not to cause a hazard to the workmen or the project. 4.5.2 Daily inspections of the excavations shall be made by the Competent Person". If there is evidence of possible cave-ins or slides, all work in the excavation shall cease until the necessary precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of the workmen and the trench. Note-This person must be "Competent" as described in OSHA 1926.650. Excavations shall be inspected after every rainstorm or other hazard-increasing occurrence to ensure safety of the workmen and the trench. 4.5.3 Excavated material shall be stockpiled a distance away from the trench, so as not to affect the trench stability. The Contractor's means and methods will determine the distance. As a minimum to protect the workmen from falling debris, the toe of the stockpiled soil shall be no closer than two(2) feet from the edge of the excavation. 4.5.4 All precautions must be made to prevent surface water from entering the trench excavation. Adequate drainage must be provided in the area adjacent to the excavation. 4.5.5 Operation of heavy equipment adjacent to the edge of the trench may cause instability. The Contractor is responsible for the means and methods of excavation, and therefore, for loads imposed on the trench excavation and shoring design. 4.5.6 The Contractor must take precautions to protect the face of the excavation from exposure to excessive drying, water, or freezing. 4.5.7 Water shall not be permitted to stand in the bottom of the trench and suction pumps of adequate capacity shall be installed to ensure that such standing water is removed. 4.5.8 The Contractor shall provide a positive means of ensuring that hydrostatic pressure does not build up behind the shoring or shields. 4.5.9 If a condition requiring the use of a different method of shoring is encountered, this specification will be revised. 4.5.10 Remove shoring units from bottom to top as backfilling proceeds. 4.5.11 When backfill is within five(5) feet of the top of the trench, all shoring may be removed, unless the trench conditions indicate a hazard. 4.5.12 No person shall be exposed to the lower portion of the trench after shoring has been removed. 4 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company 4.5.13 Additional shoring of larger sizes may be installed. 4.5.14 Ladders or other adequate means of exit must be provided and located so as to require no more than twenty-five(25) feet of lateral travel. 4.5.15 When two(2) trenches intersect, both trenches must be protected to a distance of not less that the depth of the deepest trench. [4.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR CONFINED SPACE J 4.6.1 Prior to construction the contractor shall identify any areas near the proposed excavations that could expose workmen to harmful levels of atmospheric contaminants (i.e. landfills, manholes or materials storage). 4.6.2 During construction, before workmen are allowed in an excavation or existing structure, the contractor shall test the air quality at these previously identified areas for hazardous atmospheres in all excavations greater than four (4) feet in depth. Atmospheres containing less than 19.5 percent oxygen or more than 20 percent concentration of flammable gas shall be deemed "hazardous" adequate precautions shall be taken. 4.6.3 Retesting of work areas shall be conducted as often as necessary to ensure that the atmosphere remains safe for workmen. 4.6.4 During construction, emergency rescue equipment shall be readily available where potentially hazardous conditions are expected to develop. 4.6.5 As a minimum, the contractor shall have on site the following emergency equipment. Breathing apparatus, a safety harness and line, or a basket stretcher. During construction in potentially hazardous areas, the required equipment shall be attended. 5 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company ,II II. SECTION 5.0 SITE SPECIFIC EXCAVATIONS AND SHORING SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER LINES 6 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company 5.1 EXCAVATIONS SPECIFIC TO THIS PROJECT SANITARY SEWER LINE "BROOKHAVEN CLUB DRIVE" LOCATION MAX. DEPTH OPTION NOTES I" 0+00 32.0 I, II CONST. MANHOLE II 0+00 TO 0+64.53 INSTALL BY OTOC 0+64.53 27.0 I, II INSTALL BY OTOC 0+64.53 TO 6+70 INSTALL BY OTOC 6+70 27.0 I, II CONST. MANHOLE 6+70 TO 12+11.46 INSTALL BY OTOC 12+11.46 19.0 I, II CaNST. MANHOLE 12+11.46TO 13+59.47 INSTALL BY OTOC 13+59.47 17.0 I, II CONST. MAt\THOLE 13+59.47 TO 13+77.61 6.5 I, II, III INSTALL 10" S.S. 13+77.61 8.5 I, II CONST. MANHOLE 13+77.61 TO 13+87.61 6.5 I, II, III INSTALL 10" S.S. !i SANITARY SEWER Lll'JE "SS-I" LOCATION MAX. DEPTH OPTION NOTES ( -0+23.77 31.0 I, II INSTALL MANHOLE I -0+23.77 TO 0+05.31 INSTALL BY OTOC 0+05.31 15.5 I, II CONST. MANHOLE 0+05.31 TO 0+50± ThTSTALL BY OTOC 0+50± TO 1+65 13.5 I, II, III INSTALL 10" S.S. 1+65 13.0 I, II CONST. MANHOLE 7 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company II r'[ [5.2 SHORING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THIS WORK I 5.2.1 Trenches more than five(5) deep shall be shored, laid back to a stable slope, or some other equivalent means of protection shall be provided where employees may be exposed to moving ground or cave-ins. Trenches less than five(5) feet in depth shall also be effectively protected when examination ofground indicates hazardous ground movement may be expected. The Contractor will have Options I, II or III for providing such protection. 5.2.2 Lateral Earth Pressure: P = We(H+Hq) Assumed Soil: Clay Hq k T􀁉􀁅􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁉􀁾 IE-----j WE 45 H llE---l lI P= a uniformly distributed lateral soil pressure, in lbs./fe We= Effective Soil Weight, pcf(Use 45 psfTypelB" Soil) H= Depth of excavation from top of supported bank to bottom of excavation in feet. Hq= Equivalent Height of Surcharge, in feet. Reference OSHA Rules and Regulations-Part 1926 of 29 CFR as amended by the Federal Register Volume 54, Number 209, October 31, 1989 Maximum anticipated lateral earth pressure for this project is 1530 "PSF" 5.2.3 Option I The Contractor can use Slope as shown in the Option I section of the specification. Applicable slopes may be obtained by either straight cut or benched method. Vertical cuts for the benched method shall not exceed four(4) feet. Easement restrictions may limit the use of this option. See Drawing Option I. 5.2.4 Option II The Contractor may use a Trench Shield as shown in the Option II section of this specification. Requirements set forth in this Option shall include curricular trench shield(s) and or manhole boxes. All slopes above trench shield(s) shall conform to guidelines set forth in Option I. Trench shield(s) used on this project will be required to carry a minimum "PSF" as specified. Certification of trench shield(s) or manufacture's "tabulated data" shall be available for verification during construction. See Drawing Option II. 5.2.5 Option III The Contractor can use Trench Shores as shown in the Option III Section of this specification. Shores are to be installed as shown with horizontal spacing determined by the depth of cut and soil type but shall not exceed 6 feet. See Drawing Option III. If there is raveling of the trench wall, the contractor shall install plywood behind the shores as shown on the Option III drawing. 8 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company TRENCH SAFETYSPECIFICATIONS rI v: OPTIONI SLOPE The contractor may use the benched method of "slope". H/V -REQUIRED SLOPE PER SOIL TYPE [.!IH/V = % to 1 H/V = 1 to 1 H/V = 1Y2 tol H/V = 2 to 1 Stiff clay less than 12 feet in depth (Type "A") Stiff clay or weathered limestone (Type "A" or "B") Silty clays or saturated material (Type "C") Fill material or loose soil. I, ' NOTES 1. All trenches shall be dewatered as specified in 4.5.7 2. All slopes assume sufficient right-of-way exists. 3. All slopes shall be flattened an additional Y2 foot if an existing parallel utility line is located within the horizontal distance equal to the depth of the new utility excavation. 4. No spoil or equipment shall be permitted nearer than 2 feet from the edge of the excavation. 5. A single 3' 6" vertical bench may be used in "stiff clay" only. 6. Exposed existing utility lines are to be supported. 9 Copyright © J 993 by Tren-Tech Company I' I" II; i TRENCH SAFETYSPECIFICATIONS OPTIONII TRENCH SHIELD Spoil Material -;7 V: Sloped portions of the excavation shall begin 18" below the top of the trench shield(s) and conform to guidelines set forth in Option 1. Trench shield(s) may be benched 2 feet in "stiff clay". NOTES Requirements and methods stipulated herein will apply to "manhole boxes" and/or "circular shields" that have been manufactured for personnel protection. !I II Ii: 1. Trench shields shall be inspected and be free of stmctural defects that may impair their proper function. 2. Trench shields shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations. 3. Trench shields shall be installed so as to prevent any lateral or other hazardous movement. 4. Personnel shall not be allowed in the trench shield during its installation or removal from the excavation. 5. When shield(s) are stacked, the upper shield shall be rated for its physical depth in the trench. 6. Trench shield(s) used on this project shall be rated to withstand anticipated "PSF" (left side of graph) for depth of cut indicated below. Manufacture's tabulated data or certification shall be maintained on site. 1500 ---13 00 . --------1100-----------900 . ----. -... ---------. --700 500 300L-"-------------------------------5 Feet 7.5 Fe 10 Fee 12.5 F 15 Fee 17.5 F 20 Fee 22.5 F 25 Fee 27.5 F 30 Fee 32 Fee 10 Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech COl1lpany .-1----LJ-"---;-O ': _ -1=== :::::::f---' f..-I-------I _-_-_ -I TRENCH SAFETYSPECIFICATIONS OPTIONIII 􀁓􀁈􀁏􀁒􀁉􀁎􀁇􀁾 􀁾􀁟􀁟􀁟 I _.1 I 􀁾􀀭􀀽􀁆􀀽􀀭􀀧 􀁾􀁣􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 I I I -􀀭􀁾 Plywood installed behind shores to prevent raveling. I I -I--NOTES I. Shores shall be double stacked when trench depths exceed nine (9) feet. 2. Maximum horizontal spacing for double stacked shores shall be five (5) feet. 3. Maximum allowable depth of cut for this Option shall be fourteen (14) feet. 4. Aluminum hydraulic shoring may be used in Type "A" or "B" soils only. 5. Maximum horizontal spacing of shores in Type "A" soil shall be 6 feet. 6. Maximum horizontal spacing of shores in Type "B" soil shall be 5 feet. 7. The contractor's competent person shall inspect shores and verify that they are in good working order. 8. The hydraulic shores shall have a minimum working pressure of750 psi. 9. The contractor shall adhere to the shoring manufacturer's guidelines for use in trench excavations. 10. Ifthere is evidence of raveling or caving the contractor is required to install 11/8" thick plywood or 31." thick 14 ply arctic white birch (Finnland form). II. Spoil material will not be allowed nearer than 2' from the edge of the excavation. [l. 11 fl Copyright © 1993 by Tren-Tech Company r􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁾􀀻 il.; <" {/ttl BID NUMBER 02-45 SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BROOKHAVEN CLUB SANITARY SEWER LINE PREPARED BY BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS AUGUST, 2002 II\iIII: SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BROOKHAYEN CLUB SANITARY SEWER LINE FOR TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Prepared for: Town of Addison P. O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 Prepared by: Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. 7502 Greenville Ave., #220 Dallas, Texas 75231 August, 2002 [r Section AB Section ill Section PF Section CA r Section PrB Section PyB Section MB Section BP Section GP Section SP Section TOA . TABLE OF CONTENTS Advertisement for Bids Instructions to Bidders Proposal Form Contract Agreement Performance Bond Payment Bond Maintenance Bond Contractor's Affidavit ofBills Paid General Provisions Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas (separate document not furnished) Special Provisions ·Town of Addison Irrigation SpecificatiQns """'" 44 􀁾􀁏􀁆􀁔􀁲􀀺􀀭􀀢 __􀀴􀀢􀁜􀀧􀁲􀀧􀀻􀀺􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀂷􀁾� �􀀭􀀱 " _ CQ •• ' *'.IS' I, "::**........ ···.·.*..'*11􀁾 􀁾, JOHN W. BIRKHOFF 􀁾 : ; , 􀁾 '. : 􀁾 􀀬􀀬􀁾....'9 54137 􀀼􀀺􀀾􀀮􀀺􀀧􀀤􀁾 􀀬􀁯􀁾􀂷􀂷􀁦􀁇􀀬 􀁣􀀮􀁾􀁾•.􀁾􀀨􀁪􀁪􀁟I,,.£-,'s,"s. ST 􀁾' r􀁶..:'\ ---t\ tONAL 􀁾 ....-\ "",,,,,,,,,, j:\c1erical\addison\1999-123 marsh 􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁥􀁾􀁡􀁮􀁩􀁴􀁡􀁲􀁹 sewer\specs\tech-sp\index.doc THESE DOCUMENTS ARE FOR BIDDING. CONSTRUCTION AND PERMIT PURPOSES. C)£W8;.If{I Date: 8/30/0 2 I > [IIl['." Ii SECTION AB ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS j:lclericalladdisonI1999-123 marsh lane\sanitary sewer\specsltech-splab-I.doc AB-! SECTION AB ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 1. Sealed bids addressed to the Town of Addison, Texas, for Brookhaven Club Sanitary Sewer Line in the Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter called "City" in accordance with specifications and contract documents prepared by Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. will be received atthe office of Minok Suh, Purchasing Coordinator, Finance Building, 5350 Belt Line Road, Addison, Texas until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, 2002. Bids received by the appointed time will be opened and read aloud. Any bids received after closing time will be returned unopened. 2. The Contractor shall identify his bid on the outside of the envelope by writing the words BROOKHAYEN CLUB SANITARY SEWER LINE, Bid No. 02-45. 3. Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check upon a national or state bank in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the Town of Addison, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety and be listed on the current U.S. Treasury Listing of Approved Sureties, or a Binder of Insurance executed by a surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a surety or its authorized agent as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute a Performance Bond within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to him. 4. Plans, specifications and bidding documents may be secured from Minok Suh, Purchasing Coordinator, Finance Building, 5350 Belt Line Road, Addison, Texas. No fee or deposit for documents. 5. The right is reserved by the Mayor and the City Council as the interests of the City may require to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in bids received. 6. The Bidder 􀀨􀁐􀁲􀁯􀁰􀁯􀁳􀁾􀁲􀀩 must supply all the information required by the Proposal Form. 7. A Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Maintenance Bond will be required by the Owner; each Bond shall be in the amount of 100% of the total contract amount. Bonds shall be issued by a surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety and be listed on the current U.S. Treasury Listing of Approved Sureties. 8. For information on bidding or to secure bid documents, call Minok Suh (972) 450-7091. For information on the work to be performed, call Steve Chutchian, Town of Addison (972) 450-2886 or John Birkhoff of Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. (214) 361-7900. 9. The project consists of furnishing and installing perimeter fencing in accordance with the specifications. 10. Estimated quantities for major items include the following: Description 10" Sanitary Sewer Line by Directional Bore . Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation (Cured-in-Place or Folded-in-Form) 11. No Pre-Bid Conference will be held. Quantity 1,400 L.F. 1,000 L.F. j:\clerical\addisonI1999-123 marsh lane\sanitary sewer\specsltech-splab-I.doc AB-2 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS ! . Il ccI i' ( . i!rlI'. SECTION IB INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS j:\clcricaJladdisonI1999-123 marsh lanclsanilary scwcrlspccsltcch-splib-Ldoc 18-1 .1I, SECTION IB INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PROJECT: Brookhaven Club Sanitary Sewer Line in the Town of Addison. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project consists of furnishing and installing 1,400 linear feet of lO-inch sanitary sewer line !Jy directional bore and 1,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer replacement (cured-in-place or folded-in-form), in accordance with the specifications. PROPOSALS: Proposals must be in accordance with these instructions in order to receive consideration. DOCUMENTS: Documents include the Bidding Requirements, General Provisions, Special provisions, Technical Specifications, Drawings plus Addenda which may be issued by the Consultant during the bidding period.. Bidding Documents may be viewed and/or obtained under the terms and conditions set forth in the Advertisement for Bids, Section AB of this Project Manual. E. EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS AND SITE: Bidders shall carefully examine the Bidding Documents and the construction site to obtain first-hand lmowledge of the scope and the conditions of the Work. Each Contractor, Subcontractor and Sub-subcontractor, by submitting a proposal to perform any portion of the Work, represents and warrants that he has examined the Drawings, Specifications (Project Manual) and the site of the work, and from his own investigation has satisfied himself as to the scope, accessibility, nature and location of the Work; the character of the equipment and other facilities needed of the performance of the Work; the character and extent of other work to be performed; the local conditions; labor availability, practices and jurisdictions and other circumstances that may affect the performance of the Work. No additional compensation will be allowed by the Owner for the failure of such Contractor, Subcontractor of Sub-subcontractor to inform himself as to conditions affecting the Work. F. INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS: If any person contemplating submitting a bid for the proposed Contract is in doubt as to the meaning of any part of the Drawings, Specifications (Project Manual) or other proposed Contract Documents, he may submit to the Consultant, not later than four (4) calendar days prior to the date set for opening bids, a written request for an interpretation or clarification. Bidders should act promptly and allow sufficient time for a reply to reach them before preparing their bids. Any interpretation or clarification will be in the form of an Addendum duly issued. No alleged verbal interpretation or ruling will be held binding upon the Owner. G. SUBSTITUTIONS: Conditions governing the suhmission of substitutions for specific materials, products, equipment and processes are in the Special Provisions. Request for substitutions must be received by the Consultant seven (7) calendar days prior to the established bid date. H. ADDENDA: Interpretations, clarifications, additions, deletions arid modifications to the Documents during the bidding period will be issued in the form of Addenda and a copy of such Addenda will be mailed, faxed or made available for pickup to each person person who has been issued a set of the Bidding Documents. Addenda will be a part of the Bidding Documents and the Contract Documents, and receipt of them shall be aclmowledged in the Bid Form. All such interpretations and supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the contract documents which, if issued, will be sent by U. S. Mail, facsimile, or available for pickup to all prospective bidders (at the respective addresses furnished for such purposes) not later than three (3) calendar days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. If any bidder fails to aclmowledge the receipt of such addenda in the space provided in the bid form, his bid will nevertheless be construed as though the receipt of such addenda has been aclmowledged. f\, j:lclericalladdisonI1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewerlspecsltech-splib-I.doc !B-2 I' : \ 1. COMPLETION TIME: A reasonable completion time has been established by the Owner and is indicated in the Proposal Form. J. PREPARATION OF BIDS:· Prices quoted shall inc1ude all items of cost, expenses, taxes, fees and charges incurred, or arising out of, the performance of the work to he performed under the Contract. Bids shall be signed in ink. Any bid on other than the required form will be considered informal and may be rejected. Erasures or other changes in a bid must be explained or noted over the initials of the bidder. Bids containing any conditions, omissions, unexplained erasures and alterations, or irregularities of any kind may be rejected as informal. The prices should be expressed in words and figures or they may be deemed informal and may be rejected. In case of discrepancy between the prices written in the bid and those given in the figures, the price in writing will be considered as the bid. Failure to submit all requested information will make a bid irregular and subject to rejection. Bids shall be signed with name typed or printed below signature, and, if a partnership, give full name of all partners. When bidder is a corporation, bids must be signed with the legal name of the corporation followed by the name of the state of incorporation and the legal signature of an officer authorized to bind the corporation to a contract. K. SUBMITTAL OF BIDS: Sealed proposal will be received at the time, date and place stated in the Advertisement for Bids. Proposals shall be made on unaltered Proposal Forms furnished by the Consultant. Submit proposal in an opaque, sealed envelope addressed to the Owner and plainly mark on the outside of the envelope the project name, and the name and address of the bidder. The Bid Bond must be completed and signed by each bidder and submitted with the bid. Submit Bids by mail or in person prior to the time for receiving bids set forth in the Advertisement for Bids issued by the City. .L. MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS: Prior to the time set for bid opening, opening, bids may be withdrawn or modified. Bids may be modified only on the official bid form and must be signed by a person legally empowered to bind the bidder. No bidder shall modify, withdraw or cancel his bid or any part thereof for thirty (30) calendar days after the time agreed upon for the receipt of bids. M. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Bidders may be disqualified and their proposal not considered for any of the following specific reasons: 1) Reason for believing collusion exists among the bidders. 2) Reasonable grounds for believing that ,!-ny bidder is interested in more than one proposal for the work contemplated. 3) The Bidder or his surety being currently in any litigation against the Owner, or where such litigation is contemplated or imminent, in the sole opinion of Owner. 4) The bidder being in arrears on any existing contract or having defaulted on a previous contract. 5) Lack of competency, responsibility or financial capability as revealed by the bid questionnaires, financial statement, etc. 6) Uncompleted work which in the judgement of the Owner shall prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. 7) Failure of bidder to use Owner's form of bid bond in submitting his bid, or submission of a cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank not located in the Owner's jurisdiction area. 8) Unbalanced value of any bid items. 1. \ j:\clericalladdison\l999-123=hlane\sanitary sewer\specsltech-splib-I.doc IB-3 (iI. N. SUBMISSION OF POST-BID INFORMATION: Upon notification of acceptance, the selected bidder shall, within five (5) calendar days, submit the following: 1) A designation of the portions of the Work proposed to be performed by the bidder with his own force. 2) A list of names of the subcontractors or other persons or organizations, including those who are to furnish materials and equipment fabricated to a special design proposed for such portions of the Work as may be designated in the Bidding Documents or as may be requested by the Consultant. 3) The bidder will be required to establish to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Consultant the reliability and responsibility of themselves and proposed Subcontractors and suppliers to furnish and perform the Work. Bidder to provide experience record, including contact 􀁲􀁥􀀨􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁮􀁾􀁥􀁳 (names and telephone) and dollar size ofproject. O. AWARD: The Owner reserves the right to accept any or to reject any bids without compensation to bidders and to waive irregularities and formalities. For the purpose of award, each bid submitted shall consist of two parts whereby: Standard Bid (A) = The correct summati<:)ll of the products of the estimated quantities shown in the proposal, multiplied by their bid unit prices. Time Bid (B) (CD x Daily Value) = The product of the number of calendar days (CD) provided by the Contractor and the Daily Value established by the Town. For purposes of this Contract, the Daily Value is $1,000.00. The lowest evaluated bid (Total Bid) will be determined by the Town as the lowest sum of Standard Bid (A) plus Time Bid (B) according to the following formula: Total Bid = Standard Bid (A) + Time Bid (B) Time Bid (B) from the preceding formula will not be used to determine final payment to the Contractor. All payments will be based on actual quantities and bid unit prices. The Town desires to expedite construction on this contract to minimize the inconvenience to the traveling public and to reduce the time of construction. In order to achieve this, an incentive -disincentive provision is established for the contractor. The total incentive payment shall not exceed $25,000.00. A bid with more than 150 calendar days will-be considered 􀁮􀁯􀁮􀀭􀁲􀁥􀁾􀁰􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁶􀁥 and will be rejected. P. Q. EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT: The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract with the Owner within ten (10) calendar days of notice by the Owner that his bid has been accepted. Failure to enter into contract within the established time limit without proper justification shall be considered grounds for forfeiture of the bid bond. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: It is the Owner's desire to have the project completed and operational in as short a time as possible. The number of calendar days for completion of the project will begin with the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Notice to Proceed will be issued in a manner to facilitate a smooth construction of the project. The completion time will be set through the bidding technique used in the Proposal Form. R. AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT: In the event the Contractor completes the contract prior to the expiration of the Original Contract Time, the Town will pay the Contractor an incentive payment of the Daily Value amount specified in Provision "0" for each calendar day the actual completion date precedes the origInal Contract Time and subject to the conditions set forth below. The term "Original Contract Time" as used in this Provision will mean the number of calendar days established by the Contractor for j:lclericalladdisonI1999-123 marsh lanelsanilary sewerlspecsllech-splil>-l.doc IB-4 rII\ rJ! r, I[( completion of the work of the Contract on the date the Contract was executed. The term "calendar day" as used in this Article will mean every day shown on the calendar. Calendar days will be consecutively counted from commencement of Contract Time regardless of weather, weekends, holidays, suspensions of Contractor's operations, delays or other events as described herein. For purposes of the calculation and the determination of entitlement to the incentive payment stated above, the Original Contract Time will not be adjusted for any reason, cause or circumstance whatsoever, regardless of fault, save and except in the instance of a catastrophic event (i.e., war, invasion, riot, declared state of emergency, national strike, or other situations as declared by the Town of Addison). The parties anticipate that delays may be caused by or arise from any number of events during the course of the Contract, including, but not limited to, work performed, work deleted, change orders, supplemental agreements, disruptions, differing site conditions, utility conflicts, design changes or defects, time extensions, extra work, right of way issues, permitting issues, actions of suppliers, subcontractors or other contractors, actions by third parties, shop drawing approval process delays, expansion of the physical limits of the project to make it functional, weather, weekends, holidays, suspensions of Contractor's operations, or other such events, forces or factors sometimes experienced in roadway 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁾􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮 work. Such delays or events and their potential impacts on performance by the Contractor are specifically contemplated and acknowledged by the parties in entering into this Contract, and shall not extend the Original Contract Time for purposes of calculation of the incentive payment set forth above. Further, any and all costs or impacts whatsoever incurred by the Contractor in accelerating the Contractor's work to overcome or absorb such delays or events in an effort to complete the Contract prior to to expiration of the Original Contract Time, regardless of whether the Contractor successfully does so or not, shall be the sole responsibility ofthe Contractor in every instance. In the event of a catastrophic event (i.e., war, invasion, riot, declared state of emergency, national strike, or other situations as declared by the Town of Addison) directly and substantially affecting the Contractor's operations on the Contract, the Contractor and the Town shall agree as to the number of calendar days to extend the Original Contract Time so that such extended Original Contract Time will be used in calculation of the incentive payment. In the event the Contractor and Town are unable to agree to the number of calendar days to extend the 􀁏􀁲􀁩􀁧􀁩􀁾􀁡􀁬 Contract Time, the Town shall unilaterally determine the number of calendar days to extend the Original Contract Time reasonably necessary and due solely to such catastrophic event and the Contractor shall have no right whatsoever to contest such determination, save and except that the Contractor establishes that the number of calendar days determined by the Town were arbitrary or without any reasonable basis. The Contractor shall have no rights under the Contract to make any claim arising out of this incentive payment provision except as is expressly set forth in this Provision. As conditions precedent to the Contractor's entitlement to any incentive the Contractor must: I) Actually complete the Contract and obtain final acceptance by the Town prior to expiration of the Original Contract Time. 2) The Contractor shall notify the Town in writing, within 30 days after final acceptance ofthe Contact by the Town, that the Contractor elects to be paid the incentive payment which the Contractor is eligible to be paid based on the actual final acceptance date, and such written notice shall constitute a full and complete waiver, release and acknowledgment of satisfaction by the Contractor of any and all claims, causes of action, issues, demands, disputes, matters or controversies, of any nature or kind whatsoever, known or unknown, against the Town, its employees, officers, agents, representatives, consultants, and their respective employees, officers and representatives, the Contractor has or may have, including, but not limited to, work performed, work deleted, change orders, supplemental agreements, delays, disruptions, differing site conditions, utility conflicts, design changes or defects, time extensions, extra work, right of way issues, permitting issues, actions of suppliers or subcontractors or other contractors, actions by third parties, shop drawing approval process delays, expansion of the physical limits of the project to make it functional, weather, weekends, holidays, suspensions of Contractor's operations, extended or unabsorbed home office or job site overhead, lump sum maintenance oftraffic adjustments, lost profits, prime mark-up on subcontractor work, acceleration costs, any and all direct and indirect costs, any other adverse impacts, events, conditions, circumstances or potential damages, on or j:\c1erical\addison\1999-123 marsh lane\sanitary sewer\specs\tech-sp\ib-I.doc lB-5 I· Irfl (I, (\I "-: pertaining to, or as to or arising out of the Contract. This waiver, release and 􀁡􀁣􀁬􀁭􀁯􀁷􀁬􀁥􀁤􀁧􀁭􀁾􀁮􀁴 of satisfaction shall be all-inclusive and absolute, save and except any routine Town final estimating quantity adjustments. Should the Contractor fail to actually complete the Contract and obtain final acceptance by the Town prior to expiration of the Original Contract Time, or should the Contractor, having timely completed the Contract and obtained final acceptance by the Town prior to expiration of the Original Contract Time but having failed to timely request the incentive payment for any reason, and including but not limited to the Contractor choosing not to fully waive, release and aclmowledge satisfaction as set forth in (2) above, the Contractor shall have no right to any payment whatsoever .under this Article. Notwithstanding the Contractor's election or non-election of the incentive under this provision, the disincenti,ve provision applies to all circumstances where the the work in the Contract is not finally accepted by the Allowable Contract Time. Should the Contractor fail to complete the Contract on or before expiration of the Allowable Contract Time, as adjusted in accordance with the provisions above, the Town shall deduct from the moneys due the Contractor the Daily Value as shown in Provision "0" for each calendar day completion exceeds the Allowable Contract Time. The term "Allowable Contract Time" as used in this Article shall mean the Original Contract Time plus adjustments pursuant to the statements above. This deduction shall be the disincentive for the Contractor's failing to timely complete the Contract. This shall be strictlv enforced. In the event the Contractor elects to exercise this incentive payment provision, should this provision conflict with any other provision of the Contract; the Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with this provision. S. FORM OF CONTRACT: The contract for the construction of the project will be drawn up by the Owner. A sample form of agreement is included in the Contract Agreement Section. T. BONDS: A Performance Bond, a Labor and Material Payment Bond and a Maintenance Bond each in the amount of 100% of the contract will be required by the Owner. Sample forms have been included in the Performance Bond, Payment Bond and Maintenance Bond sections. U. BID SECURITY: Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check upon a national or state band in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the Town of Addison, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute Performance Bond within ten (10) calendar days after notice of award of contract to him. Such checks or bid bonds will be returned to all except the three lowest bidders within three (3) days, after the opening of bids, and the remaining checks orbid bonds will be returned promptly after the Owner has made an award of contract, or, if no award has been made within thirty .(30) calendar days after the date of the opening of bids, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter, so long as he has not been notified ofthe acceptance of his bid. V. RESOLUTIONS: If the bidder is a corporation, a copy ofthe resolution empowering the person submitting the bid to bind the bidder must be included with the bid. W. CONSTRUCTION STAKING: Benchmarks and horizontal control are shown on the plans. Staking shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, at no extra pay. X. FINAL PAYMENT: The general provisions for Final Payment shall be as stated in Item 1.51.4 of the North Central Texas Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (1983 Edition) including all Amendments and Additions. Prior to final payment the Contractor shall provide the Owner with the following items: 1) A Contractor's Affidavit of Bills Paid in accordance with Section BP. 2) A Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment. j:\clerical\addison\ 1999-123 marsh lane\sanitary sewer\specs\tech-sp\ib-l.doc IB-6 I,-Ii· 3) A complete set of Record Drawings which indicate all construction variations from the original construction documents. 4) A two (2) year Maintenance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract in accordance with Section MB. END OF SECTION IB j:\clerical\addison\1999-123 marsh lane\sanitary sewer\specs\tech-sp\ib-l.doc IB-7 rI II,· I j.\clerical\addison\1999,123 marsh lanelsanitary sewerlspecs\contract\pf,l.doc SECTION PF PROPOSAL FORM PF-I BID FORM ___...=.O...=.ct.:...;:o...=.b..:.,:er;,...l=---__ ,2002 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council Town of Addison, Texas Gentlemen: III The undersigned bidder, having examined the plans, specifications and contract documents, and the location of the proposed work, and being fully advised as to the extent and character of the work, proposes to furnish all equipment and to perform labor and work necessary for completion of the work described by and in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Contract for the following prices, to wit: Signed by: 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁾 _ ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ADDENDA: The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1 9-20-02 Addendum No.2 9-26-02 Addendum No. 3 Barson Utilities, Inc. Contractor Ronald E. Barson (please print name) 􀁾􀀭 Signature: By: -----_..::..:..::==..::....:=-==-=:..::..,:.:=-------Title: President Seal and Authorization (If a Corporation) 5326 W. Ledbetter Address Dallas, Dallas County, Texas 75236 City, County, State and Zip (214) 941-9700 Telephone Fax No. E-Mail Address: j:\clericalladdison\1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewerlspecs\contract\pf-I.doc PF-2 !IIiI TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Brookhaven Club Sanitary Sewer Line BID SCHEDULE Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Furnish and Install lO-Inch Sanitary Sewer by 1 30 L.F. Open Cut, including Embedment $ 67.00 $ 2,010.00 complete in place, the sum of Sixty-Seven Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot Furnish and Install lO-Inch Sanitary Sewer by 2 1,360 L.F. Directional Bore $ 234.00 $ 318,240.00 complete in place, the sum of Two Hundred Thirty-Four Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot Furnish and Insta1l6-Foot Dia. Standard 3 1 Ea. Manhole (Sheet No.1) $ 17,675.00 $ 17,675.00 complete in place, the sum of Seventeen Thousand, Six Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars and No Cents per Each Furnish and Insta1l6-Foot Dia. Drop Manhole 4 2 Ea. (Sheet No.3) $ 11,015.00 $ 22,030.00 complete in place, the sum of Eleven Thousand, Fifteen Dollars and No Cents per Each Furnish and Insta1l4-Foot Dia. Standard 5 1 Ea. Manhole (Sheet No.3) $ 4,135.00 $ 4,135.00 complete in in place, the sum of Four Thousand, One Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars and No Cents per Each J:\Addisonll999123ISanitary Sewerlspecsltech\P&BS-2.xls PF-3 Item Estimated Price in E No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Furnish and Insta1l6-Foot Dia. Standard Manhole at Sta. 6+70, if required or directed by the City, including Backfill and Pavement 6 1 Ea. Replacement (Sheet No.2) $ 17,475.00 $ 17,475.00 complete in place, the sum of Seventeen Thousand, Four Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars and No Cents per Each Furnish and Install lO-Inch SDR35 Sanitary 7 115 L.F. Sewer Line (Sheet No.4) by Open Cut $ 74.00 $ 8,510.00 complete in place, the sum of Seventy-Four Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot Furnish and Install lO-Inch SDR35 Sanitary Sewer Line (Sheet No.4) by other than Open 8 75 L.F. Cut $ 193.00 $ 14,475.00 complete in place, the sum of One Hundred Ninety-Three Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot Furnish and Install 4.0 Drop Manholes (Sheet 9 2 Ea. No.4) $ 4,185.00 $ 8,370.00 complete in place, the sum of Four Thousand, One Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars and No Cents per Each Concrete Pavement Removal, including Curbs, 10 10 S.Y. Driveways and Full Depth Saw Cut $ 24.00 $ 240.00 complete in place, the sum of Twenty-Four Dollars and No Cents per Square Yard J:\Addison\1999123\Sanitary Sewcrlspecs\tech\P&BS-2.xls PF-4 Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount Furnishing and Placing lO-Inch, 3600 PSI Reinforced Concrete Pavement, including Curbs 11 10 S.Y. and Dowels $ 82.00 $ 820.00 complete in place, the sum of Eighty-Two Dollars and No Cents per Square Yard Furnishing, Placing and Installing Solid Sod in 12 350 S.Y. Disturbed Areas $ 5.00 $ 1,750.00 complete in place, the sum of Five Dollars and No Cents per Square Yard Furnishing, Maintaining and Removing 13 1 L.S. Barricades, all locations $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 complete in place, the sum of Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum Furnishing, Maintaining and Removing Trench 14 30 L.F. Safety Devices $ 1.00 $ 30.00 complete in place, the sum of One Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot 15 1 Ea. Furnish and Install Cleanout $ 320.00 $ 320.00 complete in place, the sum of Three Hundred Twenty Dollars and No Cents per Each Furnishing, Maintaining and Removing Trench 16 1 L.S. Safety Devices for Bore Pits $ 200.00 $ 200.00 complete in place, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum J:\Addison\1999123\Sanitary Sewerlspecs\tech\P&BS-2.x1s PF-5 II>I. I' >, Item Estimated Price in Extended No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures Amount 17 1 L.S. Trench Safety Design $ 400.00 $ 400.00 complete in place, the sum of Four Hundred Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum 18 1 L.S. Irrigation Repair and Replacement $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 complete in place, the sum of One Thousand, Eight Hundred Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum 19 8 Ea. Tree Removal $ 1,400.00 $ 11,200.00 complete in place, the sum of One Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars and No Cents per Each Underwater Inspection of Swimming Pool, 20 1 L.S. Block B, Lot 9 Wooded Creek Estates $ 1,150.00 $ 1,150.00 complete in place, the sum of One Thousand, One Hundred FiftyDollars and No Cents per Lump Sum 21 1,010 L.F. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation (Cured-in-Place) $ 47.00 $ 47,470.00 complete in place, the sum of Forty-Seven Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot 22 300 L.F. Furnish and Insta1l8-foot Cedar Wood Fence $ 32.00 $ 9,600.00 complete in place, the sum of Thirty-Two Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot J:\Addison\1999123\Sanitary Sewer\specs\tech\P&BS-2.xls PF-6 III Item Estimated Price in E No. Quantity Unit Description and Price in Words Figures 􀁁􀁭􀁾􀁾 23 1 L.S. Removal ofRed Tip Photenia (Sheet 4) $ 750.00 $ 750.00 complete in place, the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum Placing I-Inch HMAC Overlay, including Tack 24 345 S.Y. Coat $ 17.00 $ 5,865.00 complete in place, the sum of Seventeen Dollars and No Cents per Square Yard Clearing and Reconstruction of Staging Area on 25 1 L.S. Brookhaven College Tract $ 2,755.00 $ 2,755.00 complete in place, the sum of Two Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifty-Five Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum Restoration of Disturbed Areas Across the Greenhaven Apartment Tract (Sheet 3), 26 1 L.S. including Watering for 30-Days $ 2,753.00 $ 2,753.00 complete in place, the sum of Two Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum Restoration of Right-of-Way along Marsh Lane, 27 1 L.S. including Watering for 30-Days $ 3,805.00 $ 3,805.00 complete in place, the sum of Three Thousand, Eight Hundred Five Dollars and No Cents per Lump Sum Removing and Replacing 4-Foot Wide 28 100 L.F. Reinforced Cobble Stone Side Walk $ 40.00 $ 4,000.00 complete in place, the sum of Forty Dollars and No Cents per Linear Foot J:\Addison\1999123ISanitary Sewerlspecs\tech\P&BS-2.xls PF-7 29 Estimated Quantity Unit Deleted Add #2 L.S. Description and Price in Words Lump Sum $ Price in Figures Extended Amount $ I·· I TOTAL AMOUNT BID (Items 1 Through 28) J:\AddisonI1999123ISanitary Sewer\specsltech\P&BS-2.xls PF-8 $ 512,828.00 I TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS Brookhaven Club Sanitary Sewer Line (Bid No. 02-45) BID SCHEDULE SUMMARY Total Amount Materials & Services (A) TOTAL OF STANDARD BID (Items 1 Through 28): $ 512,828.00 I' Written in Words: Five Hundred Twelve Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty-Eight and 00/1 00 TOTAL OF TIME BID: ___....;9;....;0'--(calendar days) (B) TOTAL OF CALENDAR DAYS x $1,000.00 = $ 90,000.00 r---r [IBASIS FOR COMPARISON OF BIDS: (A) + (B) = TOTAL BID: 602,828.00 I NOTES: 1. All items, labor, materials, equipment, facilities, incidentals, and work required for construction of the project are to be provided and installed by the Contractor as part of the project and payment for the cost of such shall be included in the price bid for the construction of the project. 2. Prices must be shown in words and figures for each item listed in this Proposal. ill the event of discrepancy, the words shall control. 3. It is understood that the Bid Security shall be collected and retained by the Owner as liquidated damages in the the event a contract is made by the Owner based on this proposal within ninety (90) calendar days after receiving bids and the undersigned fails to execute the contract and required bonds within ten (10) days from the date the Contractor is notified and has received the conformed documents. After this period, if the contract has been executed and the required bonds have been submitted, the said Bid Security shall be returned to the undersigned upon demand. 4. One contract will be awarded based on the total value of Items (A) plus (B). Bidder's Tax LD. No. or Employer No. J\Addison\1999123lsanitary sewerlspecs\tech\P&BS-2.xls 75-2569158 PF-9 I If BIDDER IS: AN INDIVIDUAL Phone No. A PARTNERSIDP By doing business as (Individual's Name) (Firm Name) (General Partner) (Seal) (Seal) iI I i I j:lclericalladdisonI1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewer\specslcontractlpf-3.doc PF-IO A CORPORATION By By (Corporate Seal) Barson Utilities (Corporation Name) Texas (State of Incorporation) Ronald E. Barson (Name of Person Authorized to Sign) President (Title) Attest I' 7 (Secretary) Business Address: Phone No. A JOINT VENTURE By By (214) 941-9700 5326 W. Ledbetter, Dallas, Texas 75236 (Name) (Address) (Name) (Address) (Each joint venture must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) j:lclerical\addisonI1999-123 marsh lane\sanitary sewer\specslcontractlpf-3.doc PF-ll SECTION CA CONTRACT AGREEMENT j:\clerica1laddisonI1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewerlspecslcontractlca-l.doc CA-I AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 22nd day of October, 2002, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County of Dallas and State of Texas, acting through its City Manager, thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter tenned the OWNER, and Barson Utilities, Inc. of the City of Dallas ,County of Dallas , State of Texas , Party of the Second Part, hereinafter tenned CONTRACTOR. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payment and agreement hereinafter mentioned, to be made and perfonned by the OWNER, the said CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the said OWNER to commence and complete construction of certain improvements as follows: Brookhaven Club Sanitary Sewer Line (Bid No, 02-45) and all extra work in connection therewith, under the tenns as stated in the General and Specific Conditions of the AGREEMENT; and at his own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto and in accordance with the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Plans, and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Technical Specifications and Addenda thereto, as prepared by the OWNER, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER thereon, together with the CONTRACTOR's written Proposal and the General Provisions, all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of written notice to do so shall have been given to him, to complete the work within Ninety (90) calendar days, after he commences work, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General Provisions. The OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR Six Hundred Two Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty-Eight and 001100 ($602,828.00) Dollars in current funds for the perfonnance of the Contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted thereof, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the General Provisions, and to make payments of account thereof as provided therein. j,lclerical\addison\1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewerlspecslcontractlca-I.doc CA-2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of these presents have executed this AGREEMENT in the year and day first above written. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS (Owner) By: 􀁾 kJi:J;P-;L) Ron Whitehead, City Manager ATTEST: By: /V ",/1-/)1\ • I 􀁾􀁬􀁊􀁊􀁾􀁲􀁹􀀭􀀭􀀭 BARSON UTILITIES, INC. (Contractor) By: Ronald E. Barson, President The following to be executed if the CONTRACTOR is a corporation: I, 􀁾􀁉􀁊􀀬􀁁􀁾􀁻􀀩 6". BAd 􀁳􀁯􀁾 certify that I am the secretary of the corporation named as CONTRACTOR herein; that 2,,#At-pC· 'B/I/150N , who signed this Contract on behalf of the CONTRACTOR is the fp.G-sl D(;tJ r (official title) of said corporation; that said Contract was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. Signed: Corporate Seal j:\c1ericaIladdison\1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewerlspecs\contract\ca-l.doc CA-3 SECTION PrB PERFORMANCE BOND j:\clerical-I.doc PrB-I STATUTORY PERFORMANCE BOND PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2253 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE (PUBLIC WORKS) (penalty of this Bond must be 100% of Contract Amount) Bond No. PRF8668892 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Barson Utilities, me. Colonial American Casualty (hereinafter called the Principal), as Principal, and ---an-d_.S.u:rntact Fidelity and Deposit Company ofMaryland or Colonial. American Casualty and Surety Company. Ifthe dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department ofInsurance. ATTACH THlS NOTICE 19 YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition ofthe attached document. S8S431{TX) (04/00) SECTION MB MAINTENANCE BOND j:lclericalladdison\I999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewer\specs\contract\mb-l.doc MB-I SECTION MB 2-YEAR MAINTENANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS That Ronald E. Barson as principal and Barson Utilities, Inc. -------------, a corporation organized under the laws of and as sureties, said sureties being authorized to do business in the State of Texas, do hereby expressly aclmowledge themselves to be held and bound to pay unto the Town of Addison, a municipal corporation, chartered by virtue of a Special Act of Legislature of the State of Texas, as Addison, Dallas County, Texas, the sum of Six Hundred Two Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty-Eight and 00/100 ($602,828.00) for the payment of which sum will and truly to be made unto said Town ofAddison and its successors, said principal and sureties do hereby bind themselves, their assigns and successors, jointly and severally. This obligation is conditioned, however, that whereas said Barson Utilities, Inc. has this day entered into a written contract with the said Town ofAddison to build and construct the Brookhaven Club Sanitary Sewer Line (Bid No. 02-45) j:\clericafladdisonI1999-123 marsh lanelsanitaIy sewet\specs\contract\mb-1.doc MB-2 which contract and the Plans and Specifications therein mentioned adopted by the Town of Addison, are hereby expressly made a part hereof as though the same were written and embodied herein. WHEREAS, under the Plans, Specifications and Contract it is provided that the Contractor will maintain and keep in good repair the work herein contracted to be done and performed for a period of two (2) years from the date of startup, and to do all necessary backfilling that may arise on account of sunken conditions in ditches, or otherwise, and to do and perform all necessary work and repair any defective condition growing out of or arising from the improper joining of the same, or on account of any breaking of the same caused by the said Contractor in laying or building the same, or on account of any defect arising in any of said part of said work laid or constructed by the said Contractor, or on account of improper excavation or backfilling; it being understood that the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective materials, work or labor performed by the said Contractor; and in case the said Contractor shall fail to do, it is agreed that the City may do said work and supply such materials, and charge the same against the said Contractor and sureties on this obligation, and the said Contractor and sureties hereon shall be subject to the liquidated damages mentioned in said contract for each day's failure on its part to comply with the terms ofthe said provisions of said contract; NOW THEREFORE, if the said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain said work and keep the same in repair for the said maintenance period of two (2) years, as provided, then these presents shall be null and void and have no further effect; but if default shall be made by the said Contractor in the performance ofits contract to so maintain and repair said work, then these presents shall have full force and effect, and said Town of Addison shall have and recover from the Contractor and its sureties damages in the premises, as provided, and it is further understood and agreed that this obligation shall be a continuing one against the principal and sureties hereon and that successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive branches until the full amount shall have been exhausted; and it is further understood that the obligation herein to maintain said work shall continue throughout said maintenance period,' and the same shall not be changed, diminished, or in any manner affected from any cause during said time. j:\clerical\addison I1999-123 marsh Ianclsanitary sewer\specs\contrnet\mb.l.doc MB-3 -------------and the said i . : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said executed by has caused these presents to be has hereunto set his hand this the _______ day of ,20 SURETY PRINCIPALBarson Utilities, Inc. 􀁾􀀿􀀭 Ronald E. Barson, President By: 􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀻􀀮􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 Agency and Address NOTE: Date ofMaintenance Bond must be same as date City acceptance. j:\clericalladdison\1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewer\specs\contraet\rnb-I.doc MB-4 SECTION BP CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID j:\clerical\addison\1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewer\specs\contract\bp-Ldoc BP-I SECTION BP CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Personally, before me the undersigned authority, on this day appeared duly sworn, on oath, says that he is a legal representative of Ronald E. Barson who, being Barson Utilities, Inc. (full name ofContractor as in contract) Title President and that the contract for the construction of the project, designated as Brookhaven Club Sanitary Sewer Line (Bid No. 02-45) (project No.) has been satisfactorily completed and that all bills for materials, apparatus, ftxtures, machinery and labor used in connection with the construction ofthis project have, to the best ofmy knowledge and belief, been fully paid. Signature: Ronald E. Barson £ Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of -', 2002. Notary Public in and for County, Texas j:\clerical'addison\1999-123 rnan;h lanelsanitaJy sewer\specs\conbaClIbI>-Ldoc BP-2 Instructions: If the contractor is an individual, he shall sign the affidavit. If the contractor is a partnership, any partner may sign the affidavit. If the contractor is a corporation, a person authorized by the by-laws or by the Board ofDirectors shall sign the affidavit. If the Contractor is a joint-venture of individuals, any ofthe individuals may sign the affidavit. If the Contractor is a joint-venture of partnerships, or of individuals and partnerships, the affidavit may be signed by the individual or any partner of any partnership. If the contractor is a joint-venture in which a corporation is a party, separate affidavits must be executed in the name of the joint-venture: one by each corporation and one by each individual or partnership. Signatures for corporations should be by a duly authorized officer. If signature is by another, a showing of authority to sign must accompany the affidavit. j:\clerical\addison\1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewer\specs\contraet\bp-I.doc BP-3 SECTION GP GENERAL PROVISIONS j:\clericalladdisonll999-123 maJSh Ianelsanitary sewer\specsIICCh-splgp-l.doc GP-1 irI rI GENERAL PROVISIONS The General Provisions of the Contract shall be as stated in the Standard Specifications-for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas Council of Governments (1983), under Part I, "General Provisions," Items 1.0 through 1.63 inclusive, as amended or supplemented and except as modified by the Special Provisions. II I • j:\clerica!laddison\l 999-1 23 marsh Ianelsanitary sewer\specsltech-splgp-I.doc GP-2 riI TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL PROVISIONS Page No. SP-2 SP-2 SP-2 SP-2 SP-2 SP-2 SP-2 SP-3 SP-3 SP-3 SP-3 SP-3 SP-3 SP-6 SP-6 SP-6 SP-6 SP-6 SP-6 SP-7 SP-IO SP-IO SP-IO SP-IO SP-IO SP-ll SP-ll SP-12 SP-13 SP-13 SP-13 SP-13 SP-23 SP-24 SP-25 SP-25 SP-33 SP-33 SP-33 SP-33 SP-33 Description Location of Project . Scope ofWork . Construction Schedule . Copies of Plans and Specifications . Reference Specifications . Trade Names & Materials : Project Maintenance ........................................................•....................................... Cleanup ; ; . Permits and Rights-of-Way ; . Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act .. Coordination With Others . Lights and Power ; . Wage Rates . Cooperation of Contractors . Antitrust . Public Utilities and Other Property to be Changed .. Existing Utilities and Service Lines . Use of Explosives . Insurance. . , . Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage .. Resolution of Disputes . Non-Discrimination Policy : . Compliance With Immigration Laws . Compliance With General Rules and Laws .. Shop Drawing . Barricades, Warning Signs, Detours and Sequence of Work .. .Construction in Public Roads and Private Drives .. Excavation Safety Systems ; . Sprinkler Repair : 􀁾 . Project Video . Cast-in-Place Manholes . Horizontal Directional Drilling and HDPE Pipe Installation ; . High Density Polyethylene Water Pipe .. Sanitary Sewer Line and Manhole Testing .. Sanitary Sewer Line Material : . Sanitary Sewer Lining . Record Drawings . Existing Structures . Water for Construction . Solid Sod· .. Testing . Special Provision No. SP.I SP.2 SP.3 SPA SP.5 SP.6 SP.7 SP.8 SP.9 SP.IO SP.II SP.12 SP.13 SP.14 SP.15 SP.16 SP.17 . SP.18 SP.19 SP.20 SP.21 SP.22 SP.23 SP.24 SP.25 SP.26 SP.27 SP.28 SP.29 SP.30 SP.31 SP.32 SP.33 SP.34 SP.35 SP.36 SP.37 SP.38 SP.39 SPAO SPAI f. rI[ Il. l.II j:lclericalladdisonI1999-123 marsh lanelsanitary sewer\specsllech-splindex-sp.doc (tIf . L SECTION SP SPECIAL PROVISIONS j:\clericalladdison\1999-123 rmnh Ianelsanitary sew.",\specsltech-splsp-I.doc SP-I SP.l SECTION SP SPECIAL PROVISIONS BROOKHAVEN CLUB SANITARY SEWER LINE LOCATION OF PROJECT The location of the sewer line project is located south ofBrookhaven Club, running east from March Lane in the Town of Addison, Texas. A location map is included at the end ofthese specifications. SP.2 SCOPE OF WORK The work under this contract includes furnishing and installing approximately 1,400 linear feet of 10':inch sanitary sewer line and 1,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer rehabilitation. I( SP.3 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Prior to starting work, the Contractor shall submit a proposed schedule for the work included herein and shall submit any major revisions to this schedule as the project progresses. This schedule shall provide for completion of the project within the time provided in the specifications. Working hours is 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.rn. weekdays. No weekend work permitted. SPA COPIES OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Five (5) copies of the plans and specifications shall be furnished to the Contractor, at no charge, for construction purposes. Additional copies may be obtained at a cost of $50.00. r! rII SP.5 SP.6 SP.7 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS Where reference is made in these specifications, to specifications compiled by others, such reference is made for expediency and standardization from the material supplier's point of view, and such specifications referred to are hereby made a part ofthese specifications. TRADE NAMES AND MATERIALS No material which has been used by the Contractor for any temporary purposes whatsoever is to be incorporated in the permanent structure withoutwritten consent ofthe Engineer. Where materials or equipment are specified by a trade or brand name, it is riot the intention of the Owner to discriminate against an equal product of another manufacturer, but rather to set a definite standard for. quality or performance, and to establish an equal basis for the evaluation of bids. Where the words "equivalent", "proper", or "equal to" are used, they shall be understood to mean that the thing referred to shall be proper, the equivalent of, or equal to some other thing, in the opinion or judgment of the Engineer. Unless otherWise specified, all materials shall be the best of their respective kinds and shall be in all cases fully equal to approved samples. Notwithstanding that the words "or equal to" or other such expressions may be used in the specifications in connection. with material, manufactured article, or process, the material, article or process specifically designated shall be used, unless a substitute shall be approved in writing by the Engineer, and the Engineer shall have the right to require the use of such specifically designated material, article or process. PROJECT MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall maintain, and keep in good repair, the improvements covered by these plans and specifications during the life ofhis contract. j:\c1ericalladdison\1999-123 mar.;h Ianelsanitary sewa\specsllech-splsp-l.doc SP-2 \ -l : r.. 􀁾 I' If ' I • r·it,· SP.8 SP.9 SP.10 SP.11 SP.12 SP.13 CLEANUP During Construction: The Contractor shall at all times keep the jobsite as free from all disposable material, debris, and rubbish as is practicable, and shall remove same from any portion of the jobsite when it becomes objectionable or interferes with the progress of the project, in the opinion of the Engineer or the Owner. Broken pipe and other debris resulting from construction shall not be left on the site after the construction work is completed. During the construction the Contractor shall not damage improvements . on public or private property, including shrubs, grass, pavement, walks, curbs and fences. In the event Contractor damages private property, Contractor 􀁳􀁨􀁾􀁬􀁬 immediately perform restoration at his own cost. Video: Contractor shall make and provide to the Owner an original color, VHS format tape of existing conditions outside oflift station. The areas shall be narrated as to location. Video shall be provided to the Owner prior to actual construction work commencing. City Inspector shall be present during taping and take possession oftape when completed. Final: Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove from the site all plants, materials, tools and equipment belonging to him and restore the site with an appearance acceptable to the Engineer and the Owner. The Contractor shall thoroughly clean all equipment and materials installed by him and shall deliver over such materials and equipment in a bright, clean, polished and new-appearing condition. PERMITS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY The Owner will provide rights-of-way for the purpose of construction without cost to the Contractor, by securing permits in areas of public dedication or by obtaining easements across privately owned property. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, prior to the initiation of construction on easements through private property, to inform the property owner of this intent to begin construction. Before beginning construction in areas of public dedication, the Contractor shall inform the agency having jurisdiction in the area forty-eight (48) hours prior to initiation of the work. . Electricians shall be registered with the Town's Building Department. The registration fee of $60.00 shall be paid by the Contractor. Inspections from the Building Inspector shall be scheduled by Contractor, 24-hours prior to inspection. CLEAN AIR ACT AND CLEAN WATER ACT Include in all 􀁣􀁾􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮 contract exceeding $100,000, the following requirement: "Contractor is responsible for compliance with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issued under Section 306 of the' Cleari Air Act, Section 505 of the Clean Water Act, Executive Order 11738, and Environmental Protection Agency regulations." COORDINAnON WITH OTHERS In the event other contractors are doing work in the same area simultaneously with this project, the Contractor shall coordinate his proposed construction with other contractors. LIGHTS AND POWER The Contractor shall provide, at his own expense, temporary lighting and power facilities required for the proper prosecution of the work. WAGE RATES All employees of the Contractor for the work to be performed under this contract shall be paid the prevailing wage scale in this locality for work of a similar character, and in no event less than the minimums prescribed in the following schedule: \'= l, j:\clericalladdison\1999-123 JrnTSh Iane\sanitary sewer\specsltech-s p\sp-l.doc SP-3 jIl ft The "prevailing rates" shown will be the minimum wags acceptable on this project. If the construction project involves the expenditure of federal funds in excess of $2,000.00, the minimum wages to be paid various classes of laborers and mechanics will be based upon the wages that will be determined by the Secretary of Labor to be prevailing for the. corresponding classes of laborers and mechanics employed on the project of a character similar to the contract work in the City of Addison or the rate given above, whichever is higher. Except for work on legal holidays, the "general prevailing rate of per diem wage" for the various crafts or type of workers or mechanics is the produce to (a) the number of hours worked per day, except for overtime hours, times (b) the above respective Rate Per Hour. For legal holidays, the "general prevailing rate ofper diem wage" for the various crafts or type of workers or mechanics is the product of (a) one and one-halftimes the above respective Rate Per Hour, times (b) b) the number of hours worked on the legal holiday. The "general prevailing rate for overtime work" for the crafts or type of workers or mechariics is one and one-halftimes the above respective Rate Per Hour. Under the provisions of Article 5159a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Statutes, the Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the entity on whose behalf the contract is made or awarded, Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each laborer, worker or mechanic employed, for each calendar day, or portion thereof, such laborer, worker or mechanic is paid less than the said stipulated rates for any work under the contract, by him, or by any subcontractor under him. PREVAILING WAGE RATES GENERAL DECISION TX000034 07/07/00 TX34 General Decision Number TX000034 􀁓􀁵􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁳􀁥􀁤􀁾􀁤 General Decision No. TX990034 State: TEXAS . Construction Type: _REAVY County(ies): COLLIN __ DALLAS DENTON ELLIS KAUFMAN ROCKWALL Heavy Construction, including Treatment Plants (does not include water/sewer lines) (L Il. Modification Number o123456 j:\clericalladdison\1999-123 marsh Ianelsanitary sewer\specs\lech-sp\sp-1.doc Publication Date 0211112000 02118/2000 03/17/2000 05/05/2000 06/02/2000 06/30/2000 07/07/2000 SP-4 lr\1 !r" ASBE0021C 05/01/1999 Asbestos WorkerslInsulators (includes application of all insulating materials, protective coverings, coatings, and finishings to all types of mechanical systems) ; . ELEC0020C 06/0112000 Electricians: Electrician . Cable Splicer . ELEC0020F 06/0112000 Line Construction: Lineman & Equipment Operators Cable Splicers Groundman ENGI0178A 06/01/1999 Cranes: Hydraulic over 35-tons (Derricks, Overhead Gentry, Stiffleg, Tower, etc., and Cranes w/Piledriving or Caisson attachments) Hydraulic Crane (35 ton & under) . IRON0263K 06/0112000 Ironworkers: Reinforcing & Structural .. PLUM0100B 05/0112000 PlUmbers & Pipefitters . SHEE0068B 05/0111996 Sheet Metal Workers . SUTX2034A 08/0111990 Carpenters . Concrete Finishers , . Form Builders . Form Setters . Laborers: Common . Utility : : ;......•............................: . Pipelayers . Power Equipment Operators: Backhoe . Bulldozer ; . Front End Loader . Mechanic . Motor Grader . Oiler .: . Scraper . Truck Drivers .. Welders: Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operations to which welding is incidental. $16.20 $20.20 $22.22 $20.45 $17.00 $16.50 $16.60 $19.80 $15.70 $10.536 $9.603 $8.036 $9.578 $6.379 $6.974 $7.961 $10.971 $9.942 $10.771 $9.880 $11.633 $9.183 $8.000 $7.465 Fringes $4.35 11% + 2.45 11% + 2.45 $3.85 $3.85 $4.05 $4.31 3% +4.32 j:\clerical\addisonl1999-123 rnlrSh lanelsanitaJy sewer\specsllech-sp\sp-I.doc SP-5 SP.14 COOPERATION OF CONTRACTORS The Contractor shall have on the project at all times, as his agent, a competent Superintendent capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the plans and specifications, and thoroughly experienced in the type ofwork being performed. The Superintendent shall have full authority to execute orders or directions and to promptly supply such materials, equipment, tools, labor and incidentals as may be required. Such superintendent shall be furnished irrespective ofthe amount of work subcontracted. The Superintendent and the Contractor shall be responsible for all work performed by the subcontractor at all times during construction. SP.15 ANTITRUST The Contractor hereby assigns to· the Owner any and all claims for overcharges associated with this contract which arise under the antitrust laws ofthe United States 15 U.S.c.A. Sec. 1, et seq. (1973). SP.16 SP.17 PUBLIC UTILITIES AND OTHER PROPERTY TO BE CHANGED In case it is necessary to change or move the property of any Owner or of a public utility, such property shall not be moved or interfered with until authorized by the utility company or approved by the Owner. The right is reserved to the Owner or public utilities to enter upon the limits of the project for the purpose ofmaking such changes or repairs of their property that may be made necessary by the performance of this contract. EXISTING UTILITIES AND SERVICE LINES II The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all existing utilities or service lines crossed or exposed by his construction operations. Where existing utilities or service lines are cut, broken, or damaged, the Contractor shall replace the utilities or service lines with the same type of original construction, or better, at his own cost and expense. Existing landscaping and irrigation shall be protected at all times. SP.18 USE OF EXPLOSIVES Use of explosives will not be allowed. SP.19 INSURANCE . Each insurance policy that the Contractor must furnish in accordance with these contract documents shall name the ToWn ofAddison and the Engineer as additional insured. /.Il 1.0 The Contractor shall agree to furnish and maintain, during the contract period, insurance coverage meeting the following requirements: 1.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance at minimum combined single limits of $500,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 general aggregate for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, which coverage shall include Products/Completed Operations, and XCU Hazards. Contractual Liability must be maintained with respect to the Contractor's obligations contained in the contract. The policy must be amended to provide a per-project general aggregate limit of insurance of $1 ,000,000 with respect to this contract. 1.2 Workers Compensation Insurance at statutory limits, including employer's liability coverage at minimum limits of $500,000 by disease aggregate, $100,000 by disease -per occurrence, $100,000 per occurrence -each accident. (See attachment on Workers Compensation Commission rules) j:lclerical\addisonll999-123 marsh ianelsanitaly sewerlspecsltech-splsP'l.doc SP-6 \I-2.0 1.3 Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance at mInImUm combined single limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury an property damage, including owned, nonowned, and hired car coverage. Contractor shall provide the following endorsements: 2.1 Named insured wording which includes the Contractor and the Town of Addison with respect to general liability and automobile liability. 2.2 All liability policies shall contain cross liability and severability of interest clause. 2.3 A waiver of subrogation in favor of the Town of Addison with respect to the workers' compensation insurance. 2.4 The policy shall be endorsed to require the insured to immediately notify the Town of Addison of any material changes in the insurance coverage. 2.5 The certificate shall notate the Project Name or Bid Number. 2.6 All certificates shall be mailed to Town of Addison, Purchasing Dept., P.O. Box 9010, 1)ddison, Texas 75001. 3.0 All insurance shall be purchased from an insurance company who meets the following requirements: 3.1 Is acceptable to the Town with regard to financial strength and stability. 3.2 Licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Texas. 4.0 All insurance must be written on forms filed with and approved by the Texas State Board of Insurance. Certificates of insurance shall be prepared and executed by the insurance company or its authorized agent and shall contain provisions representing and warranting the following: 4.1 The company is licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Texas. 4.2 The company's forms have been approved by the Texas State Board of Insurance. 4.3 Sets forth all endorsements a's required above. 4.4 The Town of Addison will receive at least sixty (60) days notice prior to cancellation or termination of the insurance. 5'.0 Upon request, Contractor, shall furnish the Owner with: 5.1 certified copies of all insurance policies, and 5.2 valid Certificates of Insurance covering all subcontractors in accordance with the insurance . requirements set forth herein for Contractor. SP.20 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE A. Definitions Certificate of Coverage ("certificate"): A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self insure issued by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (the "TWCC"), or a coverage \ agreement (TWCC-8l, TWCC-82, TWCC-83 or TWCC-84), showing Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. I' I j:\clerioalladdisonll999-123 I11aTSh Janelsanitary sewer\specslteeh-sp lsp-I,doc SP-7 r-Duration of the Project: Includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. Persons Providing Services on the Project ("subcontractor" in Section 406.096 of the Texas Labor Code): Includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other services related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery ofportable toilets. The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on property reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreement, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, 401.011(44) for all employees of the COlltractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the Owner prior to being awarded the contract. If the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the Contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the Owner, showing that the coverage has been extended. E. The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on the project, and provide to the Owner; 1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so that the Owner will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the proj ect; and, 2) no later than seven days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration pfthe project; . The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. The Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 days after the Contractor knew or should have known, of any changes that materially affects the provisions of coverage of any person providing services on the proj ect. The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the TWCC, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report failure to provide coverage. The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project to: 1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor j:\clerical\addisonI1999-123 marsh Ianelsanitary sewer\specsltech-sp\sp-I.doc SP-8 Codes 401.011 (44) for all its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; . 2) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration 􀁯􀁦􀁴􀁾􀁥 project; 3) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; 4) obtain from each person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor; a) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and, notify the Owner in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10-days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; contractually require each other person with whom it contracts to perform as required by paragraphs (1) -(7) \yith the certificate of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. b) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of the coverage period, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on· the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. ! 5) iL6) I, 􀁾 7) J. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of 􀁾􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁡􀁧􀁥􀀬 the Contractor is representing to the Owner that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured, with the TWCC's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties-or other civil actions. K. The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the . Contractor which entitles the Owner to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the Owner. ri, . Il The following is the form of notice of workers' compensation coverage prescribed by the TWCC. Pursuant to Section 110.110 (d) (7), this notice must be printed with a title in at least 30-point bold type, and text in at least 19-point nominal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language common to the worker population. REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing services related to this construction project must be covered by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing, hauling or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or other services related to the project, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee. j:\clericalladdison\1999-123 marsh lanelsanitaJy sewerlspecsltech-splsp-l.doc SP-9 li SP.21 SP.22 "Call the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission (TWCC) at (512) 4403789 to receive further information on the legal requirements for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage." RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES The parties hereby covenant and agree that in the event of any controversy, dispute, or claim of whatever nature arising out of, in connection with or in relation to the interpretation, performance or breach of this agreement, including but not limited to any claims based on contract, tort or statute before filing a lawsuit the parties agree to submit the matter to Alternative Dispute Resolution pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas. The parties shall select a third party arbitrator or mediator from the current list of neutrals on file with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Administrator of the Dallas County District Courts. All forms of -Alternative Dispute Resolution may be used except binding arbitration. The proceedings shaH be conducted in accordance with the laws ofthe State ofTexas. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICYIt is the policy of the Town of Addison to afford all people an equal opportunity to bid on any contract being let by the Town. The Town ofAddison has a policy that prohibits discrimination against any person because of race, color, sex, or national origin, in the award or performance ofany contract. The Town ofAddison will require its employees, agents, and contractors to adhere to this policy. \[-II(lI SP.23 COMPLIANCE WITH IMMIGRATION LAWS Contractor shall take all steps necessary to ensure that all of the contractor's employees are authorized to work in the United Stages as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. SP.24 COMPLIANCE WITH GENERAL RULES AND LAWS Contractor shall familiarize himself with the nature and extent of the specifications, site conditions, traffic and safety requirements, and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Contractor shall determine how compliance with requirements, laws, rules, and regulations will affect his cost, progress, or performance ofthe Work and include that cost in his bid. SP.25 SHOP DRAWING Contractor shall furnish a minimum of four and a maximum ofsix copies of shop drawings for review by the City. Acceptable submittals will be returned as follows: Two (2) -Town ofAddison One (1) -Contractor One (1) -Birkhoff, Hendricks & Conway, L.L.P. Maximum size of submittal shall be 11 x 17 inch. No fax copies are acceptable. All copies shall be from clear legible original. Shop drawings shall include all items to be installed in the project, including: • Pipe • Plantings • Valves • Irrigation • Fire Hydrants • Mix Designs • Fittings 1)). j:\clericalladdisonll 999-1 23 marsh Iane\ 0.093 (inch-pound Units), D3 12 (SDRi where: j:\c1ericalladdison\1 999-1 23 marsh lanelsanitaJy sewer\spealtech-sp\sp-l.doc initial modulus of elasticity, psi (min.) \I t. EPolyethylene (PE) = 110,000 psi, SP-27 f(II Il IIIl... II ",.. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) = 400,000 psi Cured-in-place pipe with standard polyester resin (CIPP-Insituform) = 250,000 psi Cured-in-place pipe with enhanced polyester resin (CIPP-Insituform) = 400,000 psi NOTE: Flexural modulus has been reduced for long-term loading in accordance with the recommendations contained in AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Section 18, "Soil-Thermo Plastic Pipe Interaction System." The in-place liner thickness shall be as designed by the Contractor and manufacturer. The maximum thickness designed shall provide for the following characteristics after the liner is completed in place. Minimum Upstream Downstream "n" Required Section M.H. M.H. Factor Capacity MGD 5 169 127 0.013 0.65 8 147 146 0.013 0.80 9A 152 151 0.013 0.47 10 200 199 0.013 0.65 11 43 41 0.013 0.60 12 110 108 0.013 0.46 108 106 0.013 0.40 14 1872 1874 0.013 0.54 1874 1871 0.013 0.54 1871 1897 0.013 0.48 1897 1875 0.013 0.55 The Contractor shall submit all design calculations for review and approval by the Owner fourteen working days prior to commencement of the work to install the liners in existing pipe. 2) Hydraulic Capacity Overall condition ofthe pipeline system shall be maintained with its hydraulic profile as large as possible. Offsets of two adjacent pipe sections more than 25 percent of the diameter of the pipe shall be repaired by grinding and/or straightening the offset to be a usable shape in a manner mutually acceptable between the Contractor and the Engineer. D. Installation 1) Safety:. The Contractor shall cariy out his operation in strict accordance with all OSHA and manufacturers' safety requirements. Particular attention is drawn to those safety requirements involving entering confined spaces. 2) Traffic Control: Traffic Control shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall conform to TxDOT and other portions of these specifications and the contract Special Provisions. The Contractor shall maintain traffic during working periods. During nonworking periods, the Contractor shall open the entire roadway to traffic. 3) Access: The City will designate all manhole access points and provide rights of access to these points. If a street must be closed to traffic because of the orientation of the sewer, the I . l" j:\clerical\orldisonll999-I23 marsh Ianelsanitary sewerlspecsltech.splsp-J.dlJc SP-28 i' I 4) 5) Contractor shall institute the actions necessary to do this for the mutually agreed time period between the City and the Contractor. Water Usage: Water is available at City hydrants for cleaning, inversion and other work items requiring water. The system is owned by City and the Contractor shall obtain a temporary meter from the Owner prior to utilizing hydrants for a water source. Cleaning of Sewer Lines: The Contractor shall remove all internal debris out of the sewer line that will interfere with the installation of liner pipe. The material removed from the sanitary sewer shall be disposed by the Contractor at Contractor's expen'se. IrI \I! 6) Bypassing Sewage: The Contractor shall provide for the flow of sewage around the section or sections of pipe designated for lining. Pumps and bypass lines utilized shall be of adequate' capacity and size to handle the flow. The Contractor shall provide to the City a detail of the bypass plan. 7) Inspection of Pipelines: The Contractor shall provide inspection of existing lines with experienced personnel trained in locating breaks, obstacles and service connections by closed circuit television. The interior of the pipeline shall be carefully inspected to determine the location of any conditions which may prevent proper installation of the Insitutube or Liner in the pipelines, and it shall be noted so that these conditions can be corrected. A videotape and suitable log shall be 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁩􀁤􀁾􀁤 to the Owner. The Contractor shall base the design of the liner on inspections made immediately prior to installation. Inspections shall be undertaken in the presence of the Owner. No compensation will be made for point repairs. 8). Line Obstructions: It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clear the line of obstruction such as solids, dropped joints, roots, protruding service connections and collapsed pipe that will prevent the insertion of the liner pipe. If inspection reveals an obstruction that cannot be removed by conventional sewer cleaning equipment, equipment, then the installer shall make a point repair excavation to uncover and remove or repair the obstruction and shall be included as part of the original bid. The Contractor shall remove protruding taps to the inside wall of the pipe. In no case shall the pipe be less than 95 percent open to flow. At all points where the liner pipe has been exposed (such as service connec'tion fittings, or other points where. the old pipe must be removed), the .liner pipe and fittings shall be encased , in cement-stabilized sand or other high density material as specified by the Owner to prevent deflection due to difference in 'subsidence. After the encasement material is in place and accepted by the Owner's representative, backfill is placed and compacted to required finish grade in accordance with the specifications. Particular care shall be taken to ensure compaction of earth beneath the lateral pipe in order to reduce subsidence and resultant bending at the lateral connection at the sewer main. IL 9) Installation Installation a. The cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) installation shall be in accordance with ASTM F1216, Section 7, with the following additional requirements: i) Resin Impregnation: The quantity of resin used for the tube impregnation shall be sufficient to fill the volume of air voids in the tube with additional allowances for polymerization shrinkage and the loss of resin through cracks and irregularities in the original pipe wall. A vacuum impregnation process shall be used to uniformly j:\clerical\addisonI1999-123 lIIllJSh lanelsanitary sewer\specsllech-splsp-I.doc SP-29 ii) distribute the resin through the tube. A roller system shall be used to uniformly distribute the resin throughout the tube. The resin shall be cured by circulating hot water within the tube or other method approved in writing by the City. When cured, the finished insitupipe will be continuous and tight fitting. Temperature gauges shall be placed to determine the temperature of the incoming and outgoing water from the heat sQurce. Another such gauge shall be placed inside the tube at the remote end to determine the temperature at that location during the cure cycle. \I (I .j b. Fold-and-Form Pipe Fold-and-Form shall be manufactured in a folded shape and spooled in a continuous length for storage and shipping to. the jobsite. The spool of folded pipe shall be heated to make it flexible, so that it may be bent for insertion into the existing pipe without crimping, kinking over-straining or scoring the folded pipe against the existing structures. A cable shall be strung through the existing pipe and attached to the folded pipe. It shall then be pulled through the existing pipe to the terminating end. After it is fully inside the existing pipe, the folded pipe shall be cut off at the starting point and restrained at the terminating piping. It shall then be rounded manually at the terminating points and steel (or nonplastic) manifold pipes banded to it as tequired for the processing. Heat in the form of steam shall be continually applied. The rounding shall be performed in stages as required by the material properties and the licensors procedures. The Contractor shall submit the details of the proposed processing, including the progression of steps, the pressure (specified steam; air, or water), the duration and the temperatures. When processing at temperatures near the melting temperature, the Contractor shall demonstrate how the folded pipe is to be contained or protected from blowouts, Any damage, either to the pipe or property of others shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense, to the satisfaction of the parties involved. For PVC, the rounding shaH begin when the temperature of the material reaches a range of 185° to 210°F. The rounding device shall be inserted into the manifold and by use of steam pressure, the rounding device shall be forced through the pipe rounding it in a progressive manner. In this way extraneous water shall be progressively moved to the terminating end, and dimples will be formed at .all branch connections. When rounding is complete, air pressure will replace steam as the heat is removed. Water may be added while maintaining the air pressure to cool the pipe to ambient temperature. For polyethylene, steam pressure shall be increased, in order to raise the temperature within the material to 235°F, its crystalline temperature, to reestablish a memory within the material. Temperature sensors must be positioned in the pipe wall in order to direct the addition or cessation of heat to meet these requirements. When the temperature within the wall uniformly reaches the 235°F temperature, the rounding shall begin. If sequential rounding by use ofrounding tool traversing the inside of the line is not utilized, the Owner may require dewatering of the solid surrounding the II.:..:'..'.:.:. j:lclericalladdisonll999-123 marsh Ianelsanitary sewer\specsltech-spl5j>-l.doc SP-30 )'. I1l", c. pipe, if in his opinion, infiltration in the pipeline cannot or will not drain, and incomplete re-rounding is likely to result. Prior to removing steam pressure, air pressure shall be applied to maintain balance as the heat is removed. When the inside temperature falls below 130°F, water may be added to cool the pipe to ambient temperature. Care shall be taken to sustain air pressure until ambient temperature is reached. Service Connections Active services must. be identified by the Contractor prior to installing the lining. After the pipe has been relined and tested only existing active service connections shall be reconnected. The reconnection of services shall be done without excavation, unless otherwise specified by the Owner; this will be accomplished froni the interior of the pipeline by a television camera directed cutting device. All recut service connection shall be free of burrs and frayed edges, or any restriction preventing free wastewater flow. Location of the service shall be made made by inspection of the preconstruction TV tape arid other proven detection methods employed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall certify that he has a minimum of two (2) complete operational units plus components on site before each relining. No additional payment will be made for excavations for the purpose of reopening connections and the Contractor will be responsible for all costs and liability associated with such excavation and restoration work. The cost of all service connections shall be included in the linear foot cost for lining the existing liner. Open-cut service connections shall include the cost for landscape restoration as set forth in these Special Conditions. )i d. Inspection and Testing After all testing and work is completed, the Contractor shall provide the Owner with videotape showing the completed work including the restored conditions. The lining pipe shall be continuous, without joints over the entire length of the pipe. The liner shall be free of all yisual and material defects except those resulting from pre-lined conditions (such conditions shall be brought to the attention of the Owner prior to 'relining). The!e shall be, no pits, pinholes, cracks or crazing. The surface shall be smooth and 􀁦􀁲􀁥􀁾 of waviness throughout the pipe. Any defects that will affect the structural integrity of the reconstructed pipe shall be repaired or the liner replaced at the Contractor's expense. Cured-in-place pipe, CIPP samples shall be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM F1216, Section 8.1 using either method proposed.. Leakage testing of the CIPP shall be accomplished during cure while under a positive head. Products in which the pipe wall is cured while not in direct contact with the pressurizing fluid (e.g., a removable blender) must be tested by an alternative method approved by the Owner. Visual inspection of the CIPP shall be in accordance with ASTM F1216, Section 8.4. j:\clerical\addison\I999-123 """,h lane\sanitary sewer\specsllech-sp\sp-I.doc SP-31 iL jlIj! e. Cleanup After the installation work has been completed and all testing acceptable, the Contractor shall clean up the entire project area and return the ground cover to grade. All excess material and debris notincorporated in to the permanent installation shall be disposed of by the Contractor. Sidewalk, driveway, street surfaces and lawn areas shall be restored in accordance to the City Specifications at the Contractor's expense.. f. Acceptance and Quality Control of Sanitary Sewers i) Final Sewer Cleaning Prior to final acceptance and final manhole inspection of the sewer system by the City, Contractor shall flush and clean all parts of the system.-Remove. all accumulated construction debris, rocks, gravel, sand, silt, and other foreign material from the sewer system at or near the closest downstream manhole. Ifnecessary, use water jet, mechanical rodding or bucketing equipment. ii) Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Prior to final acceptance of any sanitary sewer, the Contractor shall inspect by means of remote closed circuit television equipment the entire segment of sanitary sewer, manhole to manhole. Sewers shall be cleaned prior to inspection. The original videotape of the inspection shall be furnished to the City. The following conditions shall apply to the sewer acceptance TV inspection: a. The videotape shall be of the 1/2" VHS tape with a high quality picture and sound and shall be recorded in color. b. The Contractor shall supply the videotapes and the recording shall be done in the "E.P. Mode" (360 minutes/tape). c. The TV camera shall be pulled through the sewer at a maximum rate of 35 feet per minute. d. The camera shall be pulled 􀁤􀁯􀁷􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁥􀁡􀁾 in all cases. e. The -iens of the camera shall be cleaned at-each manhole or when directed by the City. f. The videotape shall have an on-screen display showing the following: • Upstream and downstream MH numbers • Footage from upstream MH • Date of inspection g. Sewer shall not be televised within 48 hours of a rainfall event greater than 1/4". Dimensions: The Contractor shall be responsible for determining diameters of sanitary sewers. I j:\clerical\addisonI1999-123=hIanelsanitaly sewer\specslle<:h-sp\sp-l.doc . SP-32 j.Il I\I. f·II .SP.37 SP.38 SP.39 SPAO SPAI RECORD DRAWINGS The Contractor shall maintain record drawings and legibly annotate shop drawings to record changes made after review. A red felt-tip marking pen shall be used for all recording. Submittal: At the completion of the project, and I4-days prior to request for final payment the Contractor shall deliver record drawings to the Owner which shall include the following: • Delineation of each change made to the construction plans during construction. • Certification that each document as submitted is completeand accurate. • Signature of Contractor or his authorized representative. EXISTING STRUCTURES The plans show the location of al.l mown surface and subsurface structures. However, the Owner assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all of these structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation of extra work or for increasing the pay quantities in any, manner whatsoever, unless the obstruction encountered is such as to necessitate changes in the lines or grades, or require the building of special work, provisions for which are not made in the Plans and Proposal, in which case the provision in these Specifications for extra work shall apply. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements with the Town of Addison for securing and transporting all water required in the construction, including water required for mixing of concrete, sprinkling, testing or flushing. Water required for construction shall be paid for by the Contractor at the Town of Addison prevailing rates. There will be no separate pay item for connection into the existing water system and quantity of water required for construction purposes. The Contractor shall obtain a water meter from the Town (deposit required). SOLID SOD The Contractor shall furnish, place and maintain solid sod throughout the contract. Maintaining sod shall include, but not be limited to watering, fertilizing and aerating. All areas disturbed by the Contractor shall be restored by fine raking and the placement of solid sod. The Town will only pay for solid sod in the ·parkway between the back of curb and right-of-way line, and between the designated stations along the sanitary sewer line and within the IS-foot permanent easement. All areas disturbed outside the permanent eas.ement for convenience of construdionwithin these station limits shall be restored with solid sod at contractors expense. TESTING SEWERLINE -NCTCOG Item 6.7.2 (c) TV inspection of line; Air test lines; Vacuum test manholes; Mandrel test ofline (TNRCC requirements). L. j:lclericalladdisonll999·123 marsh lane\sanitaIy sewer\specsllech·splsp-l.doc SP-33 j SECTION TOA Town ofAddison Irrigation Specification IITown of Addison Irrigation Specifications Revised 01/31/02 These revised specifications supersede any and all others. However, any , discrepancies between the approved construction plans and those of the Town MUST be brought to the 9ttention of the Town's designated representative for a final determination. The contractor will present the Town's representative an as-built plan at the final walk-through. 1. All work is to be accomplished by or directly supervised at all times by an on-site Irrigator licensed by the State of Texas. . 2. The contractor shall verify the water pressure before the installation begins. If the static pressure is different than that of the design pressure, contact the designer and Town's representative immediately so changes can be made. Design head to head with no single head coverage. Use appropriate size nozzles for a given landscape area so as not to spray onto or over paved surfaces or structures. Do not exceed manufacturer's recommendations. 3. The installer is responsible for resetting head and/or box height due to settling and after turf, groundcover, shrubs, trees, and mulch is added to the landscape areas. The contractor must supply a workmanship warranty for (1) year from date of acceptance. 4. Plans are diagrammatic and field adjustments are often necessary. For this reason, prior to trenching, valve locations and head layout with flags needs to be done and approved by the Town's irrigation inspector. Not doing so may result in the relocation of heads and/or valves at the contractor's expense. 5. Water Taps: Water taps will be 2" in, size. All parts must conform to the Town of Addison Water Department specifications and are the responsibility of the contractor to provide. Inspection of taps by the Water Department Representative must occur. Excavation and tap permits are required. Contact the Town of Addison Water Department at (972) 450-2871. 6. Water Meters: Only fVlaster or Hersey meters with two (2) brass flanges are acceptable. Meter lay lengths must be in accordance accordance with the Town of Addison Water Department's specifications, housed inappropriate size (to be determined by the Town's Irrigation Inspector) concrete box with lid. I\lew stainless steel bolts and nuts must be used in the installation along with new neoprene gaskets. The box should be level with the final grade using concrete pavers to support and prevent sinking. Backfill inside the box, 3" below meter base with at least 6" of fine (1/2") pea gravel. Connection to main must be approved and inspected by the Town's Water Department Inspector and all tap materials are to be purchased at the expense of the contractor and must comply with the Town of Addison's specifications. 7. Backflow Devices: Only Watts 007 M series inline check valve assemblies with the stainless steel ball valve handles and nuts are to be used. Contractor shall provide and install brass plugs for the test cocks. Connect to the flange using teflon taped copper nipple of sufficient length to center the DCA within its housing. The device will be housed in an appropriate size, (to be determined by the Town's Irrigation Inspector) rectangular concrete box with lid using concrete pavers for Page 1 of 5 Ii 1I proper stability and height adjustment. The contractor shall be responsible for the DCA testing in accordance with State of Texas law, using a Licensed Backflow Assembly Tester registered with the Town of Addison Water Department. 8. Sleeves: All paving must have Town approved sleeve sizes and quantities present. It is the responsibility of the contractor to notify the Town's Irrigation Inspector of any area where sleeves should be present but are not and provide such materials at his cost. Any paving installed without sleeves will necessitate a bore and subsequent materials at the contractor's expense. All sleeves 2" and smaller will be Schedule 40 PVC with size and location noted on the plan. Larger sizes will be Class 200. All piping underneath paving, including sidewalks, must be sleeved. All sleeves are to be belled .end PVC pipe. A minimum length of 12 inches ofsleeve material must extend beyond the pavement. 9. Glue and Primer: Use Turftite or Wet-R-Dry brand glue and a good quality purple primer on all lateral lines and all main lines. Avoid excessive use and wipe excess glue off of all joints and fittings with a clean rag. 10. Pipe: All main line pipe 2 inches and smaller is to be Schedule 40 belled PVC; larger sizes are to be Class 200 belled PVC. Put not more than two (2) pipes in any one trench and separate the main line from the lateral line with at least two (2) inch of cover. Class 200 belled PVC lateral piping is to be used. 11. Fittings: No crosses are permitted. Separate tees, 45's, elbows and other fittings by at least 12 inches. Reduction tees are preferred over use of single reducer bushings. Multiple reducer bushings will not be accepted. Only Spears and/or Lasco fittings are permitted. Allow 18 inches outside of sleeve before the first fitting. No 45 degree elbows on 1 inch and larger pipe are allowed. 12. Valves: A. Master Valves: Every point of connection to the water supply system shall have a Weathermatic 11000 FCR series valve as the Master Valve, housed in a standard (large) Ametek rectangular plastic valve box with 4 to 6 inches of small (1/2") pea gravel placed underneath the valve in such a manner as to prevent soil infiltration into the box. Blue wire shall be used as the station wire for the Master Valve. . B. Station Valves: Only Weathermatic 11000 FCR series valves are permitted. A Ball Valve will-be installed before every station or zone valve. They are to be located within a standard (large) Ametek rectangular plastic valve boxes with 4 to 6 inches of small (1/2") pea gravel placed underneath the valve in such a manner as to prevent soil infiltration into the box. The small (1/2") pea gravel should be 2 inches from the,bottom of the valve body. C. Ball Valves: Female threaded plastic Spears or Lasco ball valves with positive T-handle cut off must be installed on every 200 feet of mainline for isolation purposes. A ball valve is also required to be installed before every station valves. D. Quick Coupler Valves: Use only Buckner QB3SBL07 3f4 inch single lug quick coupling coupling valves with a metal top. They are to be connected to a threaded fitting. Teflon tape and appropriate length of gray schedule 80 nipples and schedule 40 fittings are to be used for the swing joint. Secure to Page 2 of5 I( . Ic. r· ( 18 inch by V2 inch steel rebar with a stainless steel worm screw clamp. House QCV in a 10 inch round plastic Ametek valve box. E. Flowmeters: Purchase from a Rain Master supplier and install appropriately sized flowmeter. Follow all installation instructions as .approved by Rain Master. The contractor must also purchase from Rain Master and install shielded Rain Master EV-Cab-Sen flow meter cable and install within continuous 314" or larger gray PVC conduit with 6 inch or larger ]-boxes pl!=lced every 200 feet or where 360 degrees of fittings are installed; only sweep fittings are permitted. Only acontinuous run of cable is allowed; no splices will be allowed except at the point of connection to the flow meter. Connections at the flow meter must first be soldered and then water proofed within a 3-M DBY connector. Note: certain Rain Master requirements must also be met regarding installation order and distances of separation between DCA, flow meter, master valve and the first fitting. It is the the responsibility of the contractor to adhere to these req.uirements. At final walk through, proper operation of the flow meter atthe Rain Master controller must be demonstrated. . 13. Heads: All heads will be installed using the polyethylene green nipples screwed into threaded fittings unless noted otherwise. A. Pop-ups -Only Toro 570Z series are permitted. Install 314 inch above the finished grade. a. 4 inch pop-ups: turf, tree bubblers within turf areas (use Toro FBPC nozzles). b. 6 inch pop-ups with no side inlet: very low ground cover (less than 6 inches at mature height). c.12 inch pop-ups with no side inlet: ground cover and low growing shrubs. The ground cover and shrubs should not be more than 12" at maturity. The Town Inspector reserves the right to determine of and when heads with side inlets installed using funny pipe will be allowed. When authorized, use Hardie Blue Line Pipe with Toro barb fittings. B. Rotaries -Only Hunter 1-20 Series are permitted, unless noted otherwise. Install 314" above above finished grade.· . 14.· Risers: Use sch.80 PVC with Toro 570-Z shrub head adapters with a short polyethylene nipple screwed into the threaded fitting in the ground. The Inspector reserves the right to determine placement of risers versus pop-ups. 15. Wiring: All wires will be 14 gauge UFo Station wires will be red. Common wires will be white. Master valve wire will be blue. Anytime the wiring changes direction, such as at an elbow or a tee, allow a loop of at least 12 inches alongside the fitting at that location. Only continuous wire runs are permissible. Wire should follow the main line where possible and lay along a single side not crossing over lateral lines. 16. Wire Connectors: Use only DBY connectors for all field wire splices other than at the valves themselves. Allow at least 36 inches of pigtailed wire at each splice. Use King One Step tan colored connectors for all valve splices. All valve box splices are to be housed in standard (large) Ametek rectangular plastic valve boxes. All field splices are to be in 10 inch round Ametek plastic valve boxes. Page 3 of5 II,Il rI\\r, . 17. Backfilling: Prior to any backfilling of trenches, an inspection by the Town's Representative must take place and any necessary changes implemented; otherwise manual excavation to enable proper inspection will be necessary. Use clean and approved topsoil to backfill all pipe to a depth. All heads and boxes are to be backfilled to grade with clean top soil. No rocks greater than 1 inch are allowed. Compact trenches to alleviate settling. Minimal depth of coverage is 12 inches. 18. Valve sequencing must be performed by the contractor and in an order approved by the Town Irrigation Inspector. At least 12 inches of extra station wiring within the bottom of the pedestal is necessary for each zone and must be of neat and orderly appearance. 20. Any deficiencies in coverage noted by the Town Irrigation Inspector will be rectified at the cost of the contractor. 19.Controller: A Town's representative will determine the type of controller to be used. 811 controllers shall have a concrete pad of 36" 36" by 36" by 6". Install the controller after the concrete pad is completely cured (two days). Use only appropriately sized stainless steel bolts, washers and nuts to secure the controller to the concrete pad. All wiring is to enter the pedestal via appropriately sized PVC sweep elbows extending at least 1" thru and 6" out from under the pad. Control/master valve wiring, flow meter wiring and 120-V service wiring are to be separated with each having its own access elbow. An additional spare 314" sweep elbow for phone service is to be installed as well. All national and local codes must be followed during the installation. A. A/C controller -Only Irritrol MC Plus controllers will be acceptable. Both Mini-c1ickrain and freeze sensors will be installed and placed where they can operate properly. All non-Rain Master controllers must be permanently wired for quick attachment to a Rain Master remote control unit. B. Battery andlor Solar Operated Controllers -Only LEIT controllers will be acceptable. Do not install rain or freeze sensors on these controllers. C. Rain Master: Only an approved'size Rain Master Evolution DX-2 controtler with a stainless steel pedestal and heavy, duty transient protection is ·permitted. The controlfer mwst include al,l necessary hardware to ensure reliable communication and operation with the Town's central control located at 16801 Westgrove. Installation must include the folloWing Rain Master hardware, purchased only from a Rain Master supplier: DX-03 sensor board, OX-PH phone communication option, flow meter (same size as the mainline), and shielded EV-CAB-SEN flow meter cable. It is the contractor's responsibility to entail the cost of and work in conjunction with South Western Bell Telephone to establish a dedicated phone service and install an interface within the pedestal at each controller location via direct burial cable. The entire installation must conform to Rain Master specifications and be approved by the Town prior to and be inspected during installation. Such specifications will include grounding and pad configurations and distances of separation from water meter to DCA to master valve to flow meter and the first fitting. A functional Mini-c1ik freeze and rain sensor must be installed in an approved location and by an approved method. For part numbers and pricing of any Rain Master equipment, contact Matt Swor of Longhorn Inc. at (972) 406-. Page 40[5 r\II'. r· '. !. iC1 0222. For technical questions,call John DuBose of Rain Master at 214-6322289. 20. Communication is the key. If you are unsure CALL Ron Lee, the Operations Manager of the Addison Parks Department (972) 450-2863. Page '5 of5 DATE: Vendor Name ,,TOWN OF ADDISON PAYMEN"fAUTHORIZATION ·MEMO . ".;' Claim # . '. " ........􀁾􀀺􀀮 􀀺􀀮􀀾􀀮􀁾􀀺 :'":'.::.: :,': :. " .. 􀁾 􀀺􀀧􀁻􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀮􀁾 ...􀁾 ..... :,'. '.:.:: J",' -: " .',". • • ...... Address S32C L E P BeriEJe. .'7: .... ,.. .: Address Address ·Zip Code DALLAS , .. .-.....-/􀁾r4..s . ,.I '-/' ...... 􀀷􀁓􀀲􀀺􀀳􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀧 .' ....... ..... .' t---"-----""::-'------,.....;..:..-.. '. . . . .' . -, ,". FUND (00) . , ,. . . DEPT OBJ PROJ SAC (000) . (00000) (00000) (000) -. .. .. 􀁾 '. . . . " .' .' (Jpt' S.f2/tJ 1/36"1 . AMOUNT· ($000,000.00) . " " . "... .... -,'-. . . TOTAL!I 􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀳j 2. 2,2,,'97 EXPLANATION . 􀂷􀁃􀁣􀀮􀁾􀁾 􀁩􀁣􀀧􀁩􀀷􀁥􀀻􀁾 􀂷􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀼􀁰􀁾􀁹􀀮􀁾􀀻􀁾􀂷􀁉􀁬􀀭􀀮􀀷􀀭􀀺􀂷􀀺􀀢 ..'Crv:' , 􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀧� �􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀮􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀧􀀧􀀺􀀻􀀮􀁾..':<';:'-';:-:'-. ""::".' > . 􀀸􀁒􀀮􀀨􀁰􀁬􀁣􀁈􀁁􀂷􀁩􀀭􀁥􀀮􀁾 ·';"CLvB' 􀀧􀁪􀁾􀀭􀀻􀀻􀁩􀁾􀁦􀀭􀀢􀀺 􀂷􀁪􀀭􀁥􀂣􀁶􀂷􀁊􀁥􀀨􀀺􀂷􀂷􀀮􀂷􀂷􀁊􀀺􀁫􀂷􀁾􀁊􀀳􀂷􀀺􀂷􀂷􀀮􀂷 . '''' . Authorized Signature Finance [),A-t.e. 􀁌􀀭􀁴􀁾 􀁐􀁾􀀬􀀮􀁁􀀺􀁲􀁥 TJ-hs 􀁏􀁾􀀬 􀀧􀁾􀁆􀁳􀀡 INoo5lI OWNER: To..n of Adlt/5Dr1 PROJECT: BrolItIavenClub SIII1IIaIY Sewer Lile NU fABER OF DAYS: 95 DAYS W.O. DATE: 1-\J.tY.l DAYS lT5£D: 78 OaY5 ESTIIM1EPER100:EslL1Iale No: 2 Mli/th 1.1D1XI1a r.Iercb31, 􀀲􀀰􀀰􀁾 lIU IJOB NO: 03·110117 PRJ. NO; IVA CONlRACTAMT: $ CHAr.'GE ORDER:REIIISEo AIM' 511'Z,1l18.oo 􀁁􀁌􀁾 DATE STEIIEN L CKufCHlAN=-EKGINEER Qn' UNIT UNIT CONmCT THI$ PREVIOUS "TOTAL TillS VALUE. ITEM DESCRIPTION MIS PRICE VALUE. REQUEST \'IORK TO DATE ESliriiAn TO DATE 1 1D"SEWER 311 L.F S 87.00 S 2.01o.Go 0 $ -$ . 2 117' SEWER B'I' D1RECTI0l'lAL \3W LF S 2:34.00 $ 􀀳􀀱􀀸􀀮􀀲􀁾􀀰􀀮􀀰􀀰 442 10442 s -5 337,428.00 3 6fT IMWHOlE SHEETIII 1 EA S 17.875.00 • 11,875.0CI I'; 1 S .675.011 S 17,675.00 4 6FT D1o\ DROP IMHHOLE 2 EA S 11.015.00 $ 22,oJ().oO 2'" 2 $ 􀀲􀀲􀀬􀀰􀀳􀁯􀀮􀀰􀁾 S 􀀲􀀲􀀮􀀰􀁊􀀨􀀩􀀮􀀰􀁾 6 4FT D1o\MANHOLE (SHEET 3)';-5he"+ 1 EA S -4,135.00 S 4.135.00 .2 " 2 $ 8,270.00 $ a.270.00 8 6FT DIAMANHOLE@a>70 1 fA S 17.47MO S 11.04 !>.Oo 0 $ · · 3 -7 117' SBVER BY OPEN CUT 􀀱􀀱􀁾 L.F S 􀀿􀀴􀀮􀁾 , 8,!'HlGO 100 ;/108 􀁾􀁂 $ 7.400.00 S 􀀧􀁾􀀮􀁡􀁯􀂷 8 10' 􀁾􀁅􀁗􀁅􀁒 BYBORE 75 LF 3 193.00 $ '4,475.00 0 $ -:$ 9 -4FT OIA OROP IMtlHOLE 2 lEA $ C,11!5.0& S B,370.0CI 0 S S 10 CONCREIE PAVEIdEtli 10 SY $ ZA.OO • 􀀲􀁾􀀰􀀮􀁏􀁄 0 $ , 11 10" COCtlRETE 􀁬􀀧􀁁􀁖􀁅􀁍􀁾􀁎􀁔 \0 ST 􀁾 l:fl.00 S B26.0o 0 S -S . 12 SOt> SIlO SY $ SOOO S U51l00 50i1 􀁾􀀯 500 -$ 2,500.00 S 2.500.00 13 BARRICAOES 1 1.5 S 5,000.00 S 5.000.00 1 I I -• :'.000.00 􀀱􀁾 TRENCH SAFETY 3D Lf S 1.00 $ 30.00 178 :' 30 2ce S HB.OO • 208.00 '5 CLEANOUT , i:A $ 32D.00 -$ 32D.OO 1 , Ii 320.00 6 :120.00 8 TRENCH SAfEtY FOR SORE , LS S 200.00 S 200.00 1 , S -S 200.00 17 TRENCH SAfElY DESIGN 1 L5 $ 􀁾􀁯􀁯􀀮􀁏􀁏 S 0400.00 1 1 S · S 􀁾􀀱􀁬􀁏􀀮􀀰􀀰 18 iRRIGAIIOrt REPAIR 1 lS 5 \,.800.00 S 1,.lI00.00 0 S · S -19 TFlEE REMOVAL 8 EA S ',0400.00 S 11.200.00 8 8 -$ -S 11,200.00 2.0 UNDER'o'IA1ER INSPt:clION 1 LS S 1,\50.00 S 1.\50.00 , 1 • -$ ',I!ilI.OO 21 CIPP 1010 LF $ 􀁾􀀷􀀮􀀰􀀰 $ 47.470.00 0 $ -S 22 8F CEDAR FENCE 300 LF $ 32.00 • 9,600.00 􀁾 S • -23 REMOVe REO TIP PHOTEN!A , LS • 750,00 5 700,00 0 3 , -24 '''MIMe OVERLAY 345 SY S 17.00 S 5,18:;'00 0 􀁾 · S -15 CLEARING All0 RECOil 􀁾􀁔 OF 1 lS S 2.15$.00 S 2.755.00 0.5 0.5 1 $ I,:ln-so $ 2,755.00 26 REST RATIOll OF" liREENHAVEN 1 LS IS 2.753.00 $ 2,153.00 0 • -S -'0 Rl:STORATlOH OF MARSH lJl LS $ 3.&115.00 $ 3,1lO5.oa 0 $ 3 -28 REMOVE REPLACE 4FT WID!: 100 LF $ 04o.0D • 4.000.00 0 S -$ -5 42.4,62UO CHANGE ORDER NO.t rMNlioLE 8-70 'ZT VF S I.OOILOO S 2I.00MO TRENCH 6AFlCY"'H &-70 1 LS S 5.000.00 S 5,GDO.OO CIlArtaEORDER NO,2 E ECTfl.IC LitlE RELOCATION I l.S $ 3.800.00 S 3,000.00 1 . I • 3,801l00 • UOo.oo CHANGE. ORDER IiO.' OEM ) SIGN AT M!\RSH &BROOKHAVEN 1 LS 5 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 ! I , S 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 TQTA\.C.O. $ 8,8DO.OD 􀁾 􀁾􀀩􀁾 /I·If·a "3 TOTAL CONTRACT S E02..B28.GO /VALUE TO DATE 􀁾 -4'l1,328.oo BAR IT 'U./*A'://..... 􀁾􀁁 LESS PREVIOUS PAY B 346,538.63 􀁲􀁢􀁾􀁾􀀧 􀁾 1,' :;.; lESS RETAlNAGE • 21,566.411 􀁾 THIS REQUEST 􀁾 6:l222.G1 ..􀁄􀁁􀁖􀁅􀁾􀁌􀁌􀁾􀀯 DA"fE;; 130,000 Tensile Strength [4] Ib/in2 ASTM 0638 3200 SCG(PENT) [6] hours ASTM F 1473 >100 HOB at 73°F (23°C) [4] Ib/in2 ASTM 0 2837 1600 Color; UV Stabilizer [C] -ASTM 0 3350 Black with minimum 2% carbon black [E] -Color with UV stabilizer Linear Thermal Expansion inch/inchfOF ASTM 0696 9 x 10-5 Elastic Modulus Ib/in2 ASTM 0 638 110,000 Brittleness Temperature of (0C) ASTM 0 746 <-180°F (,-118°C) Hardness Shore 0 ASTM 1)2240 65 tNOTfCE. This data sheet provides typical physical property information for polyethylene resins used to manufacture PERFORMANCE PIPE'" polyethylene piping products. It is intended for comparing polyethylene piping resins. It is not a product specification. and it does not establish minimum or maximum values or manufacturing tolerances for resins or for piping products. These typical physical property values were determined using compression-molded plaques prepared from resin. Values obtained from tests of specimens taken from piping products can vary from these typical values. Performance Pipe has made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of this data. sheet. but this data sheet may not provide all necessary information, particularly with respect to special or unusual applications. This data sheet may be changed from time to time without notice. Contact Performance Pipe to determine if you have the most recent edition. IPlP!PLASncs PIPE INSlTTUTE Bulletin: PP 109 -OS Page 1 of2 Rev. 1 -Feb. 2002 Supercedes all previous publications ©2002 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP a;c,':;; PERFORMANCE PIPE" www.performancepipe.com 􀀮􀁾􀀬 Table 1 DRISCOPLEXno Products for Municipal and Industrial Sewer Applications Typical DRISCOPLEXN Typical Previous -Designations Markets for Pipe and Fittings Piping· Product Features Former Plexco Former Driscopipe Product Product DRISCOPLEX'" 4200 1,5 6 GREENSTRIPEN(IPS) 4200 GREENSHELL (IPS) Industrial GREENSTRIPEN(DIPS) 4300 GREENSHELL (DIPS) Sewer, Municipal DRISCOPLEX'· 4300 3,4,6 Sanitary Sewer DRISCOPL8( 2000 SPIROLITEIl 7 SPIROLlTE@-PURPLESTRIPEN 4400 LAVENDERSHELL DRISCOPLEXN4400 1,5,8 (IPS) (IPS) TreatedlReclai med Water PURPLESTRIPE'" 4500 LAVENDERSHELL DRISCOPLEXN4500 3,4,8 (DIPS) (DIPS) Sanitary Sewer DRISCOPLEXN4600 1,9,11 PLEXVUE@(IPS) -DRISCOPLEXN4700 3,4,9,13 PLEXVUE@(DIPS) -Sliplining DRISCOPLEXN 1200 1, 10,11 -1200 OPTICORE (IPS) DRISCOPLEX" 1400 3. 10 -1400 OPTICORE (DIPS) Industrial & DRISCOPLEXN 1000 Specialty 1, 15 EHMW 1000 Perforated Pipe DRISCOPL8C 1900 1,2 EHMW Perforated Pipe -Manholes, Manholes, Structures, Structures, DRISCOPLEX'" 2000 14 -Tanks Tanks Industrial DRISCOPLEX'" 8700 1, 12 EHMW 8700 NonCE. Capabilities vaty from manufacturing plant to manufacturing plant. Contact Performance Pipe to determine the availability of specific products and the availability of particular stripe or shell colors, striping patterns. and IPS or DIPS sizing. Legend for Typical Features= 1. IPS sizing system. 6. Green color stripes standard. 11. Custom wall thickness and 2. Various perforation patterns are Green color shell available diameter available on special available. on special order. order. 3. DIPS sizing system. 7. RSC 40-160 in 18" -120" 10 12. PE 3408/PE100 material. 4. The standard DIPS longitudinal sizes in open or closed profile. 13. Green color stripes standard. color stripe pattern is three 8. Purple color stripes standard. 14. Manholes, tanks and special equally spaced pairs of color Lavender color shell structures made from stripes extruded into the pipe 00. available on special order. DRISCOPLEXTM 2000 5. The standard IPS longitudinal SPIROLlTE® and DRISCOPLEXTM color stripe pattern is four equally 9. Solid light gray color. PE 3408 piping products. spaced·single color stripes 10. Light gray color lining 15.1-1/2" IPS and smaller sizes only. extruded into the pipe 00. extruded into pipe 10. Bulletin: PP fiO? ",, .... "'nn"" 1"•• -1 II . ,•. MINING & INDUSTRIAL SUPI'LY FRASER 􀀦􀁾􀁃􀁃􀁖 10/31102 To: Sam Laney Barson Utilities. Inc. From: Larry Lisowski Fraser Mining & Industrial Supply Subject: Material Data Sheets (6) copies. for HDPE Material Submittal for: City ofAddison-Brookhaven Club Sanitary Sewer Contract. \0,1 Proposed pipe isJ..2"" IPS SDR-17 Performance Pipe 4600 series tic..--Pipe meets all specification as noted on Addendum No.2 dated. 9/24/02 􀁾 O.D. ofpipe is 12.750" with an ave. LD. of 10.293" (meets min. 10" LD. requirement). Pipe has a light color interior, also as specified. P.O. Box 736 Mansfield. TX 76063 • PHONE (817) il"T7-2900 • FAX (817) 477-5705 􀀧􀁾 CPCh,r,ri PERFORMANCE PIPEwww.performancepipe.com DRISCOPLEX™ PE 3408 HOPE Data Sheet 1M Typical Material Physical Properties of DRISCOPLEX HDPE High Density Polyethylene Material Property Units Standard Typical Valuet Material Designation -ASTM F412 PE 3408 Cell Classification -ASTM 03350 345464C (black) 345464E (color) Density [3] gm/cm3 ASTM 0 1505 0.955 (black) 0.947 (color) Melt Index [4] g/10 minutes ASTM 0 1238 0.1 Flexural Modulus [5] Iblin2 ASTM 0 790 >130,000 Tensile Strength [4] Iblin2 ASTM 0638 3200 SCG(PENT) [6] hours ASTM F 1473 >100 HOB at 73°F (23°C) [4] Ib/in2 ASTM 02837 1600 Color; UV Stabilizer [C] -ASTM 03350 Black with minimum 2% carbon black [E] -Color with UV stabilizer Linear Thermal Expansion inch/inchrF ASTM 0696 9 x 10-5 Elastic Modulus Iblin2 ASTM 0638 110,000 Brittleness Temperature of (0C) ASTM 0746 <-180°F (,-118°C) Hardness Shore 0 ASTM 02240 65 fNOTICE. This data sheet provides typical physical property information for polyethylene resins used to manufacture PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE PIPE'" polyethylene piping products. It is intended for comparing polyethylene piping resins. It is not a product specification, and it does not establish minimum or maximum values or manufacturing tolerances for resins or for piping products. These typical physical property values were determined using compression-molded plaques prepared from resin. Values obtained from tests of specimens taken from piping products can vary from these typical values. Performance Pipe has made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of this data sheet, but this data sheet may not provide all necessary information, particularly with respect to special or unusual applications. This data sheet may be changed from time to time without notice. Contact Performance Pipe to determine if you have the most recent edition. IPlP!PLASTICS PIPE INSTITUTE Bulletin: PP 109 -DS Page 1 of2 Rev. 1 -Feb. 2002 Supercedes all previous publications © 2002 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP mllZ;; PERFORMANCE PIPE" www.performancepipe.com .􀁾􀁾􀀮 Table 1 DRISCOPLEX'" Products for Municipal and Industrial Sewer Applications Typical DRISCOPLEX'" Typical Previous -Designations Markets for Pipe and Fittings Piping' Product Features Fonner Plexco Fonner Driscopipe Product· Product DRISCOPLEX'" 4200 1,5 6 GREENSTRIPE'" (IPS) 4200 GREENSHELL (IPS) Industrial Sewer, Municipal DRISCOPLEX" 4300 3,4,6 GREENSTRIPE'" (DIPS) 4300 GREENSHELL (DIPS) DRISCOPLEX'" 2000 Sanitary Sewer 7 SPIROLlTE@-SPIROLITEGil PURPLESTRIPE'" 4400 LAVENDERSHELL DRISCOPLEX" 4400 1,5,8 (IPS) (IPS) Treated/Reclai PURPLESTRIPE'" 4500 LAVENDERSHELL med Water DRISCOPLEX'" 4500 3,4,8 (DIPS) (DIPS) Sanitary Sewer DRISCOPLEX'" 4600 1,9,11 PLEXVUEe (IPS) -DRISCOPLEX'" 4700 3,4,9,13 PLEXVUEe (DIPS) -Sliplining DRISCOPLEX'" 1200 1, 10, 11 -1200 OPTICORE (IPS) DRISCOPLEX'" 1400 3,10 -1400 OPT/CORE (DIPS) Industrial & DRISCOPLEX'" 1000 1000 Specialty 1, 15 EHMW Perforated Pipe DRISCOPLEX'" 1900 1,2 EHMW Perforated Pipe -Manholes, Manholes, Structures, Structures, DRISCOPLEx-2000 14 -Tanks Tanks Industrial DRISCOPlEX'" 8700 1, 12 EHMW 8700 NonCE. Capabilities val}' from manufacturing plant to manufacturing plant. Contact Performance Pipe to determine the availability ofspecific products and the availability of particular stripe or shell colors, striping patterns, and IPS or DIPS sizing. Legend for Typical 􀁆􀁥􀁡􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁾 1. IPS sizing system. 6. Green color stripes standard. 11. Custom wall thickness and 2. Various perforation patterns are Green color shell available diameter available on special available. on special order. order. 3. DIPS sizing system. 7. RSC 40-160 in 18" -120" ID 12. PE 3408/PE100 material. 4. The standard DIPS longitudinal sizes in open or closed profile. 13. Green color stripes standard. color stripe pattern is three 8. Purple color stripes standard. 14. Manholes, tanks and special equally spaced pairs of color Lavender color shell structures made from stripes extruded into the pipe 00. available on special order. DRISCOPLEXlM 2000 5. The standard IPS longitudinal SPIROLlTE® and DRISCOPLEXTM color stripe pattern is four equally 9. Solid light gray color. PE 3408 piping products. spaced single color stripes 10. Light gray color lining 15. 1-1/2" IPS and smaller sizes only. extruded into the pipe OD. extruded into pipe 10. Bulletin: PP !iO? IA__.... rtnn" t" •• 􀁾 II 0.°.