; ...... 0 ~ , 9~"'I cr a z p ~ w -L ....... W \J:.) i'\) <:> "l. 7't ~ ~ -'I~ ~~ .s f11 f'. ~\r, :<'\ ::t:: \Ai -I ~ ~~ ::zt" fl"1 ------TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO DATE: Claim # Vendor No, Vendor Name Address f! tl. 13(1/( 819 (7/0 Address Address t"'fTTrtr,' ,-ttl<. Rr/I'VJ)ALt.. S: WALLH~j),;:; E. Zip Code '.Ier;;7Jt:CT rt(r'trv,,4t;Elf BJZ4lVctl. Authorized Signature FaRmeRS BRanCH November 3, 2003 Michael Murphy, PE Town ofAddison 1680 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 PROJECT: BROOKHAVEN CLUB DRIVE Dear Michael, Enclosed is the final estimate indicating what the City of Farmers Branch has paid Sutton & Associates for construction ofthe above referenced project. The total construction dollars spent on the Town of Addison improvements is $61,061.07. The interlocal agreement allowed for $59,053.50 based on estimated costs. 'The actnal costs of these improvements totaled $61,061.07. As shown on the final estimate, the asphalt quantities overran which created the final amount. The limits of the project did not change which indicates an error in the original engineer's estimate. Please send the check payable to the City of Farmers Branch to my attention. Thanks for your help in quickly resolving this issue. Please contact me ifyou have any questions concerning this matter. Randall S. Walhood, P.E. Project Manager Cc: file City of Farmers Branch p.o. Box 819010 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381·9010 972/247·3131 linked in Friendship with Oistrict of BassetlaW. England. Gartlsen and Schl:inebeck. Germany, Internet URl, ' .http://WW\v.cl.fermers·branch.:x.ue PAY ESTIMATE NO. 15 & Final Cootf'act amount: $1,920,452.50 CONTRACTOR: Sutton & Associates, Inc. P.O.90x677 Keller. TX 76244 PROJECT: Brookhaven Club Drive Reconstruction PROJECT #'s: 04-9714 200()-{)\ SI. Reconsl NOTICE TO PROCEED: CONTRACT DAYS: PURCHASE ORDER NO. : 022307 DAYS USeD: ESTIMATE PERIOD: July 1, 2003· Oct 8. 2003 DAYS REMAINING: CONTRACT IS IN CALENDAR DAYS April 29.2002 365 406 -41 Excavation Remove Cone Sidewalk Remove Cone Pavement Remove Asphalt Pavement III Rem,ove Curb & Gutter Removal Light Pole Base Removal 10' Cone Pavement 6'1 Cone Drive 11 5" Cone Golf Cart Pavement Cone Sidewalk Cone Sidewalk (Exp. Agg.) 14IC:O",cSidewalk Curb 1sl'BaI"i.'rFree Ramp. 161 Balcrie,r Free Median Ramp 171 Median Paver wlConc Base 181!Jtre,.tHeader • n IT...,a '0' HMAC ?oITv,," 'B' HMAC 21 ISI".et Light Foundation PVC Street Light Conduit PVC Irrigation Sleeves HOPE Communication Conduit Type 'I:' Pullbox 26liRel,ocate Mailbox I 28IiRe,nO\,elnlet Remove 27" RCP 3Jlf~.m.ove30" RCP 34IF~emov.36" RCP 51 14' Recessed Inlet 170 638 2 2 2 1 LF LF LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA EA EA # 7,992.00 # 9,672.00 # 17,204.00 # 141,336.00 # 30,300.00 # 9,450.00 # 5,000.00 # 576,225.20 # 34,797.60 # 8,473.60 # 9,517.00 # 14,150.00 # 0.00 # 18,000.00 # 0.00 # 3,680.00 # 3,528.00 # 10,244.00 # 16,942.00 # 5,530.00 # 0.00 # 4,752.00 # 8,606.50 # 9,010.00 # 6,000.00 # 0.00 # 7,000.00 # 1,500.00 # 610.00 # 1,050.00 # 500.00 # 1,045.00 # 1,180.00 # 500.00 # 300.00 # 1,490.00 # 36,880.00 # 9,900.00 # 1,690.00 # 11,250.00 # 54,060.00 # 50,600.00 # 70,104.00 # 4,400.00 # 14,000.00 # 4,600.00 # 6,400.00 # 8,600.00 # 4,000.00 # 3,200.00 # 52 20' Recessed Inlet 1 EA 4,300.00 0.00 4,300.00 # 53 10' Combination Inlet 2 EA 2 3.600.00 0.00 7,200.00 II 54 Type 'M' Manhole 1 EA 4,800.00 0.00 4,800.00 iI.. 55 Junction Box C·l 1 EA 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 # 56 Junction Box C ..2 wlriser 1 . EA 1 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 II 57 Type A Headwall (Line C-2) 1 EA 1 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 II 58 Type A Headwall (Une F) 1 EA 1,700.00 0.00 1,700.00 II 59 Special Headwall (Line A & F) 1 EA 1 5,600.00 0.00 5,600.00 # 00 Cone Rip.Rap 105 SY 60 66.00 0.00 3,960,00 # 61 Cut & Plug 27" RCP EA 1 700.00 0.00 700.00 II 62 a" Water line 247 LF 277 39.00 0.00 10,803.00 II 63 12" Water lin. 1,379 LF 1326 40.00 0.00 53,120.00 # 64 Lower golf course irrig. Mains 1 LS 0 3,700.00 0.00 0.00 # 65 6" Gate Valve 3 EA 3 870.00 0.00 2,610.00 # 66 6" Gat. Valve 5 EA 5 940.00 0.00 4,700.00 II 67 12" Gate Valve 6 EA 6 1.800.00 0.00 10,800.00 # 68 8" Tapping Sleeve & Valve 2 EA 1 3,800.00 0.00 3,800.00 # 69 12" Tapping Sleeve & Valve 1 EA 0.5 4,300.00 0.00 2,150.00 # 70 Firehydrant 3 EA 3 3 2,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 # 71 6" Water line 48 LF 48 35.00 0.00 1,680.00 II 72 314" Water ServIce 3 EA 3 700.00 0.00 2,100.00 II 73 1-1/2" Water Service EA 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 II 7 2" Water Service 5 EA 5 1,400.00 0.00 7,000.00 # 75 Cut & Plug 8" Water 3 EA 3 600.00 0.00 1,800.00 # 76 Cut & Plug 12" Water 4 EA 7 800.00 0.00 5,600.00 /; 77 8" Plug. Water 2 EA 2 350.00 0.00 700.00 # 76 12" Plug -Water EA 1 400.00 0.00 400.00 # 79 Remove & Salvage Firehydrant 2 EA 2 350.00 0.00 700.00 # 80 Sprinkler Systom Adjustments 1 LS 3,800.00 0.00 3,800.00 # 81 Relocate Air Release (Marsh Ln) 1 EA 1 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 # 82 Adjust Water Meter BoX 20 EA 13 lSO.00 0.00 1,950.00 /; 83 Adjust Water Valve 14 EA 13 150.00 0.00 1,950.00 # 84 Adjust Cleanout (Mainline) 3 EA 3 300.00 0.00 900.00 /; 65 Adjust Cleanout (Service line) EA 300.00 0.00 300.00 /; 86 Adjust Manhole 3 EA 2 350.00 0.00 700.00 # 87 Abandon Water Valve 9 EA 9 100.00 0.00 900.00 II 66 Watermain connect (12 x 24) EA 1 2,SOO.00 0.00 2,500.00 # 89 Trench Safety 4,453 IF 4453 1.SO 0.00 6,679.50 # 90 Trench Sarety DeSign 1 LS 750.00 0.00 750.00 # 91 Traffic Control 12 MT 12 3,334.00 0.00 40,008.00 # 92 Traffic Control Design LS 2.000.00 0.00 2,000.00 /; 93 Erosion Control LS 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 # 94 Sod 5,155 SY 4272.5 5.00 0.00 21,362.50 # 95 Tree Pruning & Protection 58 EA 43.5 100.00 0.00 4,350.00 # 96 Crushed Stone 250 TN 21)0 25.00 0.00 5,000.00 # 97 4" Sq Whit. Reftraffic button 114 EA 111 6.00 0.00 666.00 # 96 4" non-Ref traffic button 554 EA 528 3.25 0.00 1,709.50 # 99 4" White Ref traffic button 53 EA 12 4.50 0.00 54.00 # 100 4" Sq Yellow Ref traffic button 170 EA 145 4.50 0.00 652.50 II 101 6" Sq White Ref jiggle bar 128 EA 100 16.00 0.00 1,600.00 II 102 4" White Extrud Thermoplastic 103 4" YelloW Extrud Thermoplastic 2,455 53 LF LF 2403 0 1.25 1.25 0.00 0.00 3,003.75 # 0.00 # 104 12" White Extrud Thermoplastic 530 LF 645 4.50 0.00 2,902.50 # 105 24" While Extrud Thermoplastic 313 LF 349 9.00 0.00 3,141.00 # 106 White Extrud Thermoplastic Arrow 8 8 EA 8 92.00 0.00 736.00 # 107 White Extrud Thermoplastic Word 4 EA 5 115.00 0.00 575.00 # 106 4" White Painted Stripe 695 LF 695 1.00 0.00 695.00 # 109 Flashing Beacon 4 EA 4 2,600.00 0.00 10,400.00 # 110 2" Electrical conduit 1.116 LF 1i16 4.25 0.00 4,743.00 # 111 Type 'A' Pull box 7 EA 7 470.00 0.00 3,290.00 II 112 Sign Assembly 113 Relocate Sig n 10 12 EA EA 10 12 SOO.OO 200.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 # 2,400.00 #. :I EA 150.00 0.00 300.00 1 LS 0.00 150,000.00 Order No.1 PVC Water Line 150 LF 0.00 5,850.00 8" Tpg. Siv. & Valve 1 EA 0.00 3,800.00 12" Tpg. Siv. & Valve 1 EA 0.00 4,300.00 & Plug 8" Water Une 2 EA 0.00 1,200.00 & Plug 12" Water Line EA 0.00 800.00 Order No. 2 Block Retaining Wall 505 SF Concrete Sidewalk wldowels 1.837 SY for flashing signal 1 EA 1 Concrete flume LS 1 Turn island 1 LS 1 drainage ditch 1. LS striping @Marsh 1i LS Deficient Pavement Thicknes. 1 LS Irrigation Repairs Town ofAddison 1 Earthwork 1 LS 2 Remove Sidewalk SY 3 Remove Concrete Pavement SY 4 Remove Asphalt Pavement SY 5 Remove Curb & Gutter LF 6 10" Concrete Pavement SY 7 4" Concrete Sidewalk SY 233' 1 8 24" Concrete Curb & Gutter 9,Type '0' HMAC lo'Type 'B' HMAC 11 Barrier Free Ramp 12 Ba.rrier Free Median Access Ramp 13 4" Sq White Ref Traffic Button 1. 4" Non-Ref Traffic Button 15 4" Sq Yellow Ref Traffic Button 16 6" Sq White Ref Jiggle Bar 17,12" White Extrud Thermoplastic 18'24" White Extrud Thermoplastic 19, White Extrud Thermoplastic Arrow 20! Whlte Extrud Thermoplastic Word 21: Sprinkler System Adjustments Sod 589 73 218 3 1, 16 48 17 20 136 43 4 2, 1 LF TN TN EA EA EA EA EA EA LF LF EA EA 0.00 32.18 0.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 11,362.50 59,114.66 600.00 5,250.00 3,536.00 2,455.00 230.00 -24,174.00 -814.02 a a 0 5,000.00 # 0.00 # 690.00 # 6,000.00 # 2,700.00 # 3,500.00 # 0.00 # 10,800.00 # 9,403.24 # 13,834.83 # 2,700.00 # 900.00 # 72.00 # 156.00 # 0.00 # 320.00 # 0.00 # 387.00 # 368.00 # 230.00 ~ 3,000.00 # TO DATE: PRESENTED av:_____~________'DATE;_____ MATERIAL ON HAND Sutton 8. Associates. Inc. Representative SUBTOTAL APPROVEOBv, DATE:_____ John Godi. Construction InSPe!rl.-':ir.'. . Ir.t:(t:'r.er; G.Gt Nt,i.:r J: ',V\V,\' ;:,1 ff:r~"ti:r s bf"!tH}1 l.'( ::5 50 YEARS OF FUNl August 12, 2003 :Mr. Randall S. Wallhood, P.E. Project Manager City of Farmers Branch P.O. Box 819010 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381-9010 Re: Brookhaven Club Drive Reconstruction Dear:Mr. Wallhood: The Town of Addison is iii receipt of your invoice for the recently completed reconstruction ofBrookhaven Club Drive. In accordance with our agreement, reimbursement to the City ofFarmers Branch for all new construction within the corporate limits ofthe Town of Addison may not exceed $59,053.50. Accordingly, the Town is prepared to remit this amount to you upon successful installation of the street light in the median on the west side ofMarsh Lane. We have greatly appreciated your cooperation and effort in this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E., Assistant City Engineer, at 972450-2886. Michael Murphy, P.E. Director ofPublic Works Steve Chutchian From: Carolyn Burgett Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 200310:50 AM To: Steve Chutchian Subject: dart funds Steve, We had $59,053.50 in a Brookhaven Club Project. We paid a bill to Birkhoff Hendricks to this project for $1 ,3:;10.92 bringing the total to $57,732.58 I have a note to myself that this money was for the project with Fanners Branch. If this is correct, the account number is 41-000-2227Q..23301 Please let me know if you have any questions. Carolyn Burgett Accounting Manager Town of Addison 972-450-7064 Fax 972-45Q..7055 1 November 3, 2003 Michael Murphy, PE Town ofAddison 1680 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 PROJECT: BROOKHAVEN CLUB DRIVE Dear Michael, Enclosed is the fInal estimate indicating what the City of Farmers Branch has paid Sutton & Associates for construction ofthe above referenced project. The total construction dollars spent on the Town of Addison improvements is $61,061.07. The interlocal agreement allowed for $59,053.50 based on estimated costs. The actual costs of these improvements totaled $61,061.07. As shown on the fmal estimate, the asphalt quantities overran which created the fInal amolUlt. The limits of the project did not change which indicates an error in the original engineer's estimate. Please send the check payable to the City of Farmers Branch to my attention. Thanks for your help in quickly resolving this issue. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this matter. Randall S. Walhood, P.E. Project Manager Cc: ftle City of Farmers Branch P.O. Box B19010 Farmers BranCh, Texas 75381·9010 972/247·3131 linked in Friendship with District of Bassetlaw. England. Garbsen and SchOnebeck, Germany. Internet URL. .. http://www.ci.farmers-branch.tx.us PAY ESTIMATE NO. 15& Final Contract amount $1.920,452.50 PROJECT: Brookhaven Club Drive Reconstruction Sutton & Associates, Inc. PROJECT #'.: 04-9714 200o'(}1 5t. ReamS! NOTICE TO PROCEED: April 29,2002 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DAYS: 365 Keller, TX 76244 PURCHASE ORDER NO. : 022307 DAYS USED: 406 DAYS REMAiNING: ...., P.O. Box 677 ESTIMATE PERIOD: July 1, 2003· Oct 8, 2003 CONTRACT IS IN CALeNDAADAYS Cone Sidewalk Cone Drive Cone Pavement Pavement Curb & Gutter Pole Base Removal Cone Drive Cone Golf Cart Pavement Cone Sidewalk Cone Sidewalk (Exp. Agg.) Sidewalk Curb Free Ramp Free Median Ramp Median Paver wlConc Base Header 'O'HMAC 'B'HMAC Light Foundation PVC Street Light Conduit PVC Irrigation Sleeves 1.5" HOPE Communication Conduit 'C' Pullbox Remove Headwall 18" RCP 21" ReP 27" RCP Remove 39" RCP 42" RCP 48"RCP Standard Inlet Standard Inlet Standard Inlet EA 1 EA # 7,992.00 # 9,672.00 # 17,204.00 # 141,336.00 # 30,300.00 # 9,450.00 # 5,000.00 # 576,225.20 # 34,797.60 # 8,473.60 # 9,517.00 # 14,150.00 # 0.00 0.00 # 18,000.00 # 0.00 # 3,680.00 # 3,528.00 # 10,244.00 # 16,942.00 # 5,530.00 # 0.00 # 4,752.00 # 8,606.50 # 9,010.00 # 6,000.00 # 0.00 # 7,000.00 # 1,500.00 # 610.00 # 1,050.00 # 500.00 # 1,045.00 # 1,180.00 # 500.00 # 300.00 # 1,490.00 # 36,880.00 # 9,900.00 # 1,690.00 # 11,250.00 # 54,060.00 # 50,600.00 # 70,104.00 # 4,400.00 # 14,000.00 # 4,600.00 # 6,400.00 # 8,600.00 # 4,000.00 # 3,200.00 # 10 EA 103 IF 10 EA EA IF LF LF LF LF LF IF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF EA EA EA EA EA 442 580 2 7 4,300.00 0.00 4,300.00 #1 EA l' 0 1 3,600.00 0.00 7,200.00 # 52 20' Recessed Inlel 2 0 22 EA53 10' Combination Inlel 4,800.00 0.00 4,800.00 IIoEA54 Type 'M' Manhole 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 # 56 Junction Box C-2 wlriser oEA55 Junction Box C-1 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 #oEA 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 # 58 Type A Headwall (Line F) o 1EA57 Type A Headwall (Une C-2) 1,700.00 0.00 1,700.00 # 59 Special Headwall (Line A & F) o 11 EA ~O 5,600.00 0.00 5,600.00 # ~ ~ 0 60 66.00 0.00 3,960.00 # EA 60105 SY60 Cone Rip-Rap 1 ~ 0 1 700.00 0.00 700.00 #EA61 Cut & Plug 27" RCP 0 277 39.00 0.00 10,803.00 # 1328 277247 LF62 an Water line ~ 0 1328 40.00 0.00 53,120.00 #1.379 LF6312" Water line 0 o 3,700.00 0.00 0.00 #a1 LS64 Lower golf course irrig. Mains 0 3 870.00 0.00 2,610,00 # 66 8" Gale Valve 33 EA65 6" Gate Valve 0 5 940.00 0.00 4,700.00 # 0 6 1,800.00 0.00 10,800.00 # 55 EA 66 EA67 12" Gale Valve 0 1 3,800.00 0.00 3,800.00 #12 EA68 8" Tapping Sleeve & Valve 0 0.5 4,300.00 0.00 2,150.00 # 70 Firehydranl 0.51 EA69 12" Tapping Sleeve & Valve 30 3 2,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 # 71 6" Water line 3 EA ' O. 48 35.00 0.00 1,680.00 II4848 LF 0 3 700.00 0.00 2,100.00 # 73 1-112" Waler Service 33 EA12 3/4" Water Service 0 1 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 # 74 2" Water Service 11 EA 0 5 1,400.00 0.00 7,000.00 # 75 Cut & Plug 8" Waler 55 EA 0 3 600.00 0.00 1,800.00 # 78 Cui & Plug 12" Waler 33 EA 7. 0 7 800.00 0.00 5,600.00 #4 EA 0 2 350.00 0.00 700.00 #22 EA77 8" Plug -Water 1 . 0 1 400.00 0.00 400.00 # 79 Remove & Salvage Firehydranl 1 EA78 12" Plug -Water 2' 0 2 350.00 0.00 700.00 # 80 Sprinkler Syslem Adjustments 2 EA 1. 0 1 3,800.00 0.00 3,800.00 # 1 1 LS . 0 1 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 # 82 Adjust Waler Meter Box 1 EA81 Relocate Air Release (Marsh Ln) 0 13 150.00 0.00 1,950.00 II1320 EA 0 13 150.00 0.00 1,950.00 # 54 Adjusl Cle.noul (Mainline) 1314 EA83 AdJusl Water Valve 0 3 300.00 0.00 900,00 #33 EA o 1 300.00 o~oo 300.00 #1 EA85 Adjust Cleanout (Service line) 0 2 350.00 0.00 700.00 #23 EA86 Adjust Manhole : 0 9 100.00 0.00 900.00 # 00 Walermain connect (12 x 24) 99 EA87 Abandon Water Valve 0 1 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 # 4453: 0 4453 1.50 0.00 6,679.50 # 1EA 4,453 LF89 Trench Safely o 750.00 0.00 750.00 #1 LS 91 Traffic Control 90 Trench Safely DeSign o 12 3,334.00 0.00 40,008.00 #12 MT o 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 #1LS92 Traffic Conlrol Design o 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 # 0 4272.5 5.00 0.00 21,362.50 # 1 LS93 Erosion Control 4272.55,155 SY94 Sod 0 43~5 100.00 0.00 4,350.00 # c 0 200 25.00 0.00 5,000.00 # 43.558 EA95 Tree Pruning & Protection 250 TN 20096 Crushed Slone c 0 111 6.00 0.00 666.00 #111114 EA97 4" Sq White Ref Iraffic button 526 ; -0 526 3.25 0.00 1,709.50 # E ·0 12 4.50 0.00 54,00 # 554 EA98 4" non-Ref traffic button 53 EA 12 145 99 4" White Ref traffic button ,~ 0" 145 4.50 0.00 652.50 #170 EA100 4" Sq Yellow Ref trafflc button 0 100 16.00 0.00 1,600.00 # 102 4" White Extrud Thermoplastic 100128 EA101 6" Sq White Ref jiggle bar 0 2403 1.25 0.00 3,003.75 #24032,455 LF o:~ 0 o 1.25 0.00 0.00 #53 LF 104 12" While Extrud Thermoplastic 103 4" Yellow Extrud Thermoplastic 645 4.50 0.00 2,902.50 #530 LF 645, 0 :, ~~O 349 9.00 0.00 3,141.00 #349313 LF105 24" While Extrud Thermoplastic 8,' 0 8 92.00 0.00 736.00 #8 EA106 White Extrud Thermoplastic Arrow 0 5 115.00 0.00 575.00 #54 EA107 White Extrud Thermoplastic Word 0 695 1.00 0.00 695.00 # 4 695695 LF108 4" White Painted Stripe ~~ 0 4 2.600.00 0.00 10,400.00 #4 EA109 Flashing Beacon 1116'~ '0 1116 4.25 0.00 4,743.00 # "~.O 7 470.00 0.00 3,290,00 # 1,116 LF1102" Eleclrlcal conduit 77 EA111 Type 'A' Pullbox ".0 10 500.00 0.00 5,000.00 # 12 10 EA 10112 Sign Assembly c ~. 0 12 200.00 0.00 2,400.00 #12 EA113 Relocate Sign 3 EA 0.00 300.00 1 LS 0.00 150,000.00 Change Order No.1 PVC Water Line 150 LF 0.00 5,850.00 Tpg. Siv. & Valve 1 EA 0.00 3,800.00 Tpg. Siv. & Valve 1 EA 0.00 4,300.00 2 EA 0.00 1,200.00 1 EA 0.00 800.00 505 SF 11,362.50 1.837 SY 59,114.66 1 EA 600.00 LS 5,250.00 LS 3,536.00 LS 2,455.00 1 LS 230.00 LS -24,174.00 1 LS -814_02 0 0 5,000.00 # Sidewalk 0.00 # Concrete Pavement 690.00 # Asphalt Pavement 6,000.00 # Curb & Gutter 2,700.00 # Concrete Pavement 3,500.00 # Concrete Sidewalk 0.00 # Concre1e Curb & Gutter 10,800.00 # 'D'HMAC 9,403.24 # 'B'HMAC 13,834.83 # Ramp 2,700.00 # Median Access Ramp 900.00 # Sq White Ref Traffic Button 72.00 # Non-Ref Traffic Button 156.00 # Sq Yellow Ref Traffic Button 0.00 # Sq White Ref Jiggle Bar 320.00 # White Extrud Thermoplastic 0.00 # White Extrud Thermoplastic 387.00 # Extrud Thermoplastic Arrow 368.00 # Extrud Thermoplastic Word 230.00 # System Adjustments 3,000.00 # 1 Plug 8" Water Line Plug 12" Waler Line Order No. 2 Retaining Wall Concre1e Sidewalk w/dowels flashing signal RmvlRpl Concrete flume RmvlRpl Turn Island Re-grade drainage ditch striping @Marsh Deficient Pavement Thickness Repairs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -24.174.00 ON HAND Sutton & AssociateS, Inc. Representative APPROVED BY: DATE: PRESENTED BY: DATE: John Godi. Construction Inspector PAYMENTS: NIA OF RETAlNAGE APPROVED BY: DATE: THIS ESTIMATE: $69,215.45 $69,215.44 COMPLETED TO DATE: Randy WaJhood. P.E., Project Engineer DATE: 11103103 /c August 6, 2003 Steve Chutchian Town ofAddison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 PROJECT: BROOKHAVEN CLUB DRIVE RECONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Chutchian: Enclosed is the most reccnt estimate indicating what the City of Farmers Branch has paid Sutton & Associates to date. All the improvements included in this contract on the Addison side have been complcted for a total of $61,061.07. We are working separately with Oncor to have the street light reinstalled in the median on the west side of Marsh Lane on Brookhaven Club Drive. Please send the check payable to the City of Farmers Branch to my attention. Thanks for participating and the spirit ofcooperation we have enjoyed on this project Sincerely, fJ~~.~>Randall s. W~ll?ood, P.E. Project Manager Cc: Jerome V. Murawski, Jr., City Engineer file City of Farmers 8ranch P.O, 8e;( 8:9010 Far:.:ers Branch, Te,ss 75381 -901D 972!2.:! 7-:j-t:J' LInked 10 Frier:dshlp wlth District of Bas.set:aw. Enlliand, Garbsen and Schdneb8ck. G~~rl:1ar,'f Internet UPL http'i: .•V\",,~.<•• tl If!":,~t:n':i"twanch ex.Us 50 YEARS OF FUN! (972) 450-2871 FAX (972)450-2837 16801 Westgrove PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT August 12, 2003 Mr. Randall S. Wallhood, P.E. Project Manager City ofFarmers Branch P.O. Box 819010 Farmers Branch, Texas 75381-9010 Re: Brookhaven Club Drive Reconstruction Dear Mr. Wallhood: The Town of Addison is in receipt ofyour invoice for the recently completed reconstruction ofBrookhaven Club Drive. In accordance with our agreement, reimbursement to the City ofFarmers Branch for all new construction within the corporate limits ofthe Town of Addison may not exceed $59,053.50. Accordingly, the Town is prepared to remit this amount to you upon successful installation of the street light in the median on the west side ofMarsh Lane. We have greatly appreciated your cooperation and effort in this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Steve Chutchian, P.E., Assistant City Engineer, at 972450-2886. Michael Murphy, P.E. Director ofPublic Works ----APAC-TEXAS, INC. -Tex=-s Bltullthlc Division -21211rvinIJ Boulevard -P. O. Box 224048 Danas, Texas 75222-4048 -(214) 741-3531 -FAX (214) 742-3540 FAX COVER-SHEET I I . IOATE OF TRANSMISSION: IIlulcl I PLEAse DELIVER THE fOLLOWING PAGES TO: IFROM: WE ARE TRANSMITTING ·1..__...1PAGI!I!I (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET •• IF THE tRANSMISSION IS INCOMPlETE OR FAULTY PLEASE CALL us AT It141741-3531 COMMENTS: I rA LI ,170 IJl.cc.: n_, '( lit : 'OUE":; • I1l2 'L r ......f: /. In t'J.i Or17 .uJlII /Wl,:l:. 1/....•.." n • .ttl l:t:r . THANK YOU. NOlie! OF CONfiDENTIALITY TO liS FIICS'MI~IE MIIY CONtAIN INFOIlMATION THAT IS PRIVILI!GFn AND COMFIOEtnlllL AIIO/oR l!.XEMf'1 • ROM UI:\CLQ$UIII:. UNDER AI'PUCIIOLIi lAW. THI$ tRANSMISSION IS INTENOED SOLI!LY FOR tHE lNDIVIOUAL OR ENtITv CESIGNATI!O AlIOVIl.. IF "lOU AR!: NQt THE INTENDED I'IECIPIENT, QR THE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE FOR OELIVERING IT TO '1'Htii INlENO;D RiCIPlll.NT, VQU SHOULD UNOe.RS'1'....NO '1'HAT ANV DISTRIBUTION, COPVING OR USE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMilE BV ANYONe OTHER THAN THE OE.S1GIlATEO RECIPIENT IS UNAUTHORIZED AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If YOU HAVE. RECEM!D THIS FACSIMILE IN ERROR. PL!ASE IMMEDIATELY NotlF'! I ME. SENDER!lY '1'ELEPHONIi. .ASHLAND. APAC-Texas, Inc. A,uboillio/y ofAsWom ""~n9fWj COM"""',..,. In,.Kirk D. Monis T•••• a~ulfthlc Olv~lcnNeaManaA01' P.O. aox 2240-48. Dall... TX 76222-40-48 Tol: 214 741·3531. F.", 2" 742.;)540 November 11,2004 MiolllJj~1 W. F.beling HNTB Corporation 5910 W. Plano Parkway Sl~. 200 Plano, Te1l:as 75093 RE: HNTB LeLlt:r Dlltlld November:S, 2004 Mr. Eheling, In respl)nse to your letter dated NQVember 5, APAC -Texas. Inc. first reminds your finn that. we boldly stated at the pre-construction meeting on October 14, 2004 that the pavprep product, and joint fabrics in general. do cause reflective bumps in the asphalt paving mal. We have never deviated from this stance. The manufacturer ofthis product even. notes in its ow». literatun: that shadowing (a more delicate word for reflective bumps) can and may occur. Still, HNTB hali chosen to force the follow through ofthe use of tbis material II) the: point of requesting orally tbal APAC -Texas, Inc. fe-Source the p.roject with a thinner version of the pavprep joint fabric that still produces the same reflective bump results. RepTe~entJlJives from both Pavpn!>p and tbeir distributor Lono Sw Products have been available alld consistently providing feedback. As to whether installation was correct or incorroot, these industry representatives have quickly pointed out that APAC -Texas, Inc. bas correctly instali.,,d tilt> fllbric. APAC -Texas, Inc. has been available to try every suggestion provided by the manufactllter and HNTB. Given the statements above, APAC -Texas, Inc. would only be meddling with the approved design for tbis p~e.:t in order to remediatll a. pmblem. Design for this project is and has always been the responsibility of the Town of Addison and assumabty their contract manager, HNTB Corpofatioo. APAC-reXllS, Inc. is the contractor for the TOWJ:'I. of Addison. We only offer advice as to our proviotlS experience not that any particular experience has bearing on the current project. We seek to fulfill the specifications as tiley are ccntracted. We can only POint out where we think design ha.~ call~ecl conf1ic:t with specifications such as our statements made at the October 14, 2004 meeting. Therefore, the designer sh.ould propose a solution on how best to resolve these conflicts. Speaking specificaUy to your letter's denial ofcost and time claitns before they materia.lize, we find thL~ illlluc to be disturbing and disltt:!1rtening as to HNTB's and presumably the Town of Addison's unwillingness to partner together to find a best fit solution. The willingness to partner together in these i~~1lfl.~ has certainly been the attitud~ of APAC and we IWswned witb HNTB personnel associated with this project prior to the receipt ofthis letter referenced above. ASHLAND. APAC· Texaa, Inc. A.u!>.~j.ryof A j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j Beltline rd Update for November 9th Page 1 ofl Steve Chutchian From: Michael Ebeling (MEbeling@HNTB.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 10,20043:11 AM To: Jerry Holder; Scott Forbes; Jim Pierce; Mike Murphy; Robin Jones; Steve Chutchian; Jenny Nicewander Subject: Beltline rd Update for November 9th A minor setback. First, the paver broke down, then the asphalt plant would not fire up. At 1:00 am, we cancelled the paving for the night. APAC cleaned up the gutters and sidewalks, working until 4:30 am. Tonight, we will try again to complete the mainline paving. The stripers will be in starling their striping layout. The message board EB is scrambled and needs its message reset. JerryiScott: Can you call Kirk Morris and find out the status ofthe railroad providing flagmen for our work next to the tracks. mikee This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Ifyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying ofthis e-mail is strictly prohibited. 1111012004 'j91UVI,PulI/IJ ParkW(IJ' I:I~i i =1ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS Suile.10U PluTlo,Te.Y£I.S 75U93 (972) 66/-5626November 5, 2004 f.itX (972) 661-56}4 www.bi!lb.col1l APAC -Texas, Inc. Texas Birulithic Division 2121 Irving Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75207 Attention: Mr. Kirk Morris Area Manager Re: Belt Line Road Pavement Rehabilitation Marsh Lane to Dallas North Tollway Asphalt Pavement Rideability Issues Dear Mr. Moms, APAC-Texas, Inc. began work on the 'above referenced project on October 17,2004 and performed the first night's asphalt paving beginning on October 21, 2004, continuing into the morning of October 22, 2004. The limits of paving were Eastbound Lane 1 from approximately Station 11+20 to 52+00. The quality of rideability for this section of overlay is unacceptable due to the severity and frequency of bumps in the new asphalt pavement. Please submit a proposed plan of corrective action for this section of new pavement. 'This plan must be reviewed and accepted by the Engineer and the proposed remedy remedy completed by APAC-Texas, Inc. within the current 28 day project schedule. Any and all costs associated with this repair shall be borne solely by APAC-Texas, Inc. Claims for monetary damages and/or delays associated with this repair by APAC-Texas, Inc. will be rejected without consideration We are continuing to evaluate the remaining completed sections of asphalt overlay for acceptability. We will notify you immediately ifwe conclude there are additional sections of new asphalt pavement which require repair procedures. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Yours truly, HNT::;:iiSfk4.~lW. Ebeling ~ Director of Construction Services Cc: M. Murphy, Town of Addison R.}ones, Town ofAddison Tbe HNTB ompanfeJ J. Pierce, Town of Addison S. Chutchian, Town ofAddison J. Nicewander, Town of Addison J. Holder, HNTB Corporation S. Forbes, HNTB Corporation Beltline Road update Nov. 9, 2004 Page 1 of 1 Steve Chutchian From: Jerry Holder [JHolder@HNTB.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 09,200410:20 AM To: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander; Steve Chutchian Cc: Michael Ebeling; Scott Forbes; Ben Biller Subject: BelUine Road update Nov. 9, 2004 APAC paved the following last night. EB lane 3 from the RR to the Tollway. WB from Addison Road to Midway Road They laid 617 tons and we think the ride quality is the same or better as the last several nights. There were several sprinklers that went off on the operation last night. The contractor was able to find the valves on most of them and tum them off himself. I do not have a detail on which areas this occurred. Tonight APAC plans on paving the WB lane 3 from Midway to Marsh and the remaining portion ofWB lane 2 to Marsh. This will finish the main lane paving. They have installed the "Reduce Speed Ahead" signs at each ofthe 3 main cross streets. I spoke with APAC this moming and asked them if they were still planning on putting two crews on the project tonight, they said they were. I encouraged them to do so so that we could get the intersections filled in and remove the bump that is currently there slowing down traffic. Call me if you have any questions at 972.e61-5626. Thanks, Jerry This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Jfyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. 1119/2004 ----r:1~i i-J LETTER OF Job No. 40316 The HNTH Companies 5910 Wesl Plano Pamway. Solie 200 • PlaPO, Texas 750re (972) 561·5626 TRANSMITTAL Dale November 2, 2004 -'. To: Mr. Mike Murphy, P.E. Director ofPublic Works Town ofAddison 16801 Westgrove Dr. Addison, Texas 75001 WE ARE FORWARDING TO YOU: Re:; Pavement Rehabilitation Improvements : Beltlinc Road -Marsh Lane to Dallas North . Tollway !Change Order No.1 NO. OF COPIES SHEET NO. LAST DATED DESCRIPTION 4 ----~-I---·······----f_------I--·--·-·-··------······--..-----..--.-.-.. ------....~----.. _-_.---.. -_ .... -_.+-------._._-------+--~----..-.. -..--.---.-----.-----..---..----. .._--_.-.. _'--"......... --.......--.. ----.. ------....~------.--....--..---THESE ARE TRANSMITTED: ~ For approval D For your use D As requested D For review & comment PLEASE NOTE: rEnclosed are four ~~pi~~ ofChange Ord~~ No.1 for the above-mentioned project. Change Order No.1 is to : install vehicle detector loops for eastbound traffic at the intersection ofBelt Line Road and the Dallas North : Tollway. These loops will need to be installed in accordance with City ofDallas standards, a copy of which is , attached to the change order. Please sign and return three copies ofthe change to me. Please keep the fourth copy for your records. We will provide a fully executed copy to AP AC -Texas, lnc. for their files . .If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Thanks for your time. COPYTO; Scott Forbes, P .E. 40316 Town of Addison TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS BELT LINE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Project No. 04·33 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 1. CONTRACTOR: ~A~P~A~C~·~T~e~xa~s~.~ln~c~._____________________________________ __ 2. Change Order Work Limits: Sta. 110+00 to Sta. 113+05 3, Describe the work bein revIsed: Rep!ace traffic loops for eastbound traffic at the intersection of Bell Line Road and the Dallas north Tollway in accordance w!th City of Dallas standards, A copy of the City of DaUas loformalion is attaChed, 4, Work to be performed in accordance with Items: See attached Tables 5. New or revised plan sheet{s} are attached and numbered: See attached Dallas information. 6, New general notes to the contract are attached: DYes IZI No 7, New Special Provisions to Item___ No. ____, Special Specification Item ___ are attached. Each sign.tory hereby warrants that each has the autl10rity to execute this Change Order (CO). The contracJor must sign the Change Order and, by doing so, agroes to w8i~ and all claims for addirional compensation due Ie any aM all other The following information must be provided $; addJiio."lal changes IOrtime, ovefhead andptofil; 0."/0$$ of . n as e tesult oftms t;htmge. : Time Ext #: 0 Days added on this CO: _--=-__ Amount added by this change order: $1.853.40 By Ii Typed/Printed Name Typed/Prinled Title RECOMMENDED FOR EXECUTION: Construction Inspector Date Date Ija1APPROVED Title ~/q,M Project Manager Date Town of Addison Date o APPROVED Title _______________ Design Engineer's Seal: Town of Addison Date o APPROVED Title __________ TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS BELT LINE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Project No. 04-33 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TABLE A: Force Account Work and Materials Placed into S10ck LABOR HOURLY See attached Tables HOURLY RATE TABLE B: Contraclltems ITEM DE$CFUPTION C01 1!~$!Abl._Y~H L9Qe •. nAt", [ + C'HANGE PREVIOUSLY REVISED ORDER REVISED CONTRACT I UNIT UNIT PRICE qUANTITY ITEM COST J"P_ ~t:i_,!)_~L $0.00 ~QTALS . QUANTITY 308.00 QUANTITY 30a.O( ~ .00 .00 c.ao tTEMCOST CHANGE ORD~!!~ OVERRUNI UNOERRUN TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS BELT LINE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Project No. 04-33 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TABLE B: Contract Items (Continued) ORIGINAL CONTRACT .,. ?REVIOUSL!~~~~!~ED CHANGE ORDER REVISED CONTRACT CHANGE OROER ITEM OESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE QUANTITY lTEM COST QUANTITY QUANTITY IT'EM COST OVERRUNI UNOERRUN 0.00 0,00 0.01) 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OJlO 0.00 0.00 OJlO 0.00 0.00 Q,GI) O,(}O O,(}O 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 1),00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 ................ Tile "Totals" from Table S of the TOTAI.S revlous work sheet: . ......... $ . $OJll) (tOO (LOO 0,00 0.00 tUlu $1.863.40 $1 863,40 $1.863.40 $1863.40 t'KI:.UMINAKl lJKM I -04/05/01 ~ '" l'> Sl 5) Jz: Belt Line ",.. R,.. ~ ~ 1~ .-> -( ;!l :t: JJ JJ Z:' "5 T ') [ -s D Z "'01-0 ~~I'O ","0,",,' BaH line "I~' ,00' • T. '''1'''''' ,, , Rd. at Dallas ~ -rn~w~~ Rood '" ~ !• "41~J Ot-,oI1" J ;.. ~tLE, o '0 20 30 .tok'?F=• ~ .10' Rds. (Oo'ilas Pkwy.) , I I~ l ,1 . /i~ . \{.!co \ ,~, ~(~' ' __ ",,'I,'' . ~.'" I ,h,...;~"'lC I!OI.Il~ ~ i IF -'---j:JOI.A(IIRRoWs) (f OLl ~ OLCln. Y ,G ~Belt u;;;-RC., ~'~'"'--'l"'----"" _ 1 • DlG~'" 1 <;0< -.. ~---1 .. ~ " a "AS-BUILT" DRAWING CITY or DALLAS OEPARTMEST Of PUSUC WOft!<5 At.1) 'fRANsf>oflTAlto'" rEo"ce:;;'"e':;";:::-'':';;;;;:----~r';'::'::'O'c'c'o';:"c',--:;: ____.,DHf; cc ::i/ao __ ~P~C( ,__ , ) i 1 ,. ~ 0; g ~ .. ITEM 1 . PROCUREMENT AND INSTALLATION OF lOOP DETECTOR SAWCUT, WIRE AND ASPHALTIC SEALANT ICAL" I SEALAN T SAW CUT 1 -L NO MORE THAll FOUR 114 A'ItJ XHHW WIRES SHALL BE PLACEO IN ONe SAW CUT TYPICAL SAW CUT DETAILS ~___-1 NOTES: I I. INSTAUAno; OF LOOP ilElECTCflS IS TO BE MACE IN THE SHORTEST nME PRACl1CJ\l. (NOT TO EXCEED " " HOUR UAl<.) AND SCNEOUI.ED ~URING Oil' PEAK HOURS TO UINlt.I)l.( DElAY TO )RAFFle. 2. SAW CUTS ARE TO BE "ACE \\IT\l A OOtlCRETE SAW. FORMING S'lFAlGHT UNES 'III'lli LOOSE MATERiAlS REMQVDl. THE CUT SHALL BE cu;AN N-IO DRY \\HEN THE SEAlING COMPOUND IS PlACED. WHEN A SAW CUT CROSSES A TRANSVERSE ElliHW \\IRE. 6, SEAlANT SHALL NOT EXTEND "ORE THAN I 1/2" ON DTHE'" SlOE OF SAW CUT. VENDOR SHALL BE REQUIRED 10 R£t,iOVE EXCESS sEALANT BEfORE LOOP'/iIll BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE. --n-----Illif) LI£PAH"ff~~~~~-HiWKS AND lli'AN£"'CWfA new I ---pea5-~oop--£le!ee!of-Rep.;f-Sp""'ifie"UeA. EXHIBIT A if! '" (J) f5:; IS) '2! ".... '0If)... '.0 IEl ~ff: -" ~ ,.,,I Z '" ~ ~ 5 Il:: :J i~ ~ Sl -, t ~ ~ ~ -~ LOOP OETECTOR RUN DETAILS OVERHEAD DETECTOR RUN DETAIL 2' MIN.(STEEL POLE)_---, 12' MIN.(WOQO POLE OWNED 8Y CITY) 3 BOLT 3/8" STRAIN . CLAMP v.lRE 5/6' X H" E'IE OOLT WEATHERHEAD 2 CONDUCTOR SHIELDED CABLE STEEL 1 NOTE:OR WOOD POlE H--2 CONDUCTOR IF OVffiHi'AD CABLE ISl SHI ELDEO CABLEt ATTACHED TO A WOOD1 . POLE OWNED BY TXUSPACING I ELECTRIC DELIVERY (TXUED).BETWEEN I t---.. 1 1/2" RIGID IT SHALL CONTACT THECONDUIT II -METAL CONDUIT POLE 12" BELOW THE BRACKETS MOUNTING 1 LOWEST WIRE OPERATED BY M'PROX. :;. TXUED. THE ENGINEER MUST APPROVE ALL TXUEO POLE CONTACTS PRIOR TO ANY WIRE ATTACHMENTS. 4" X 4" X 4SPLICE CAN GROUND LEVEL fROM lOOPDETECTOR ..._,. ___... ....... --OEPARlII£Nr+---;'=!J -'1--' -.---,,----.. AlVO lRANJr> ---------------------------------------1 ·1-2oo5-Loop.-O"tectOL-Repaic..Spe"irtccliun. ..~. " ) -J I'~HIAIT B. ·,.L;-______.1-____ . DETECTOR RUN INTO PULL BOX DETAIL DRILL 1-3/8" IIOLE THROUGH CURB," RIGID SEAL HOLEMETALGROUND WIll-I WATERPROOF LEVEL CAULK OR SEAlANT CONDUIT 114 AWG DETECTOR LOOP SAW LEAD-IN .....RE I~ CUT 2 CONDUCTOR SHJELDED CABLE 24" . ::L____ _ ------=--~ ".-.::,:.::.' .... , '. ~72" CONDUIT COARSE COMPACTED ROCK NOTE: SOLDER ALL CONNECTIONS AND SEAL 1HEM v.lTH A WA1ERnGHT WRAPPING IliJ.---J![Y~~~HtWKS.~oORTATI()N ---------------\J) .... :",;(9 : IS) :ci ·z LOOP DETECTOR SPLICINC DETAILS 2-SECTlON LATERAL lOOP DETECTOR PAD CONlROLLEA CASINET FOUNOAnON OR PULlIIOX ".~, fIlONTcO secnoHtf) -, -l DETECTOR..< ._ . .j HARNESS'.0 ~ '" 0. IIACK seCllONl' iii 1 d !lJ Z ~ n: LU PAAI\lln CONNECllON '2l 3-SECTlON LATERAL LOOP DETECTOR PADit w is I.I CONTROLLER CA6IN£TIFRONT SEC110N ~ Z (( I'" MIDDLE amCTaI SECnON HAANES5 ~ 'Sl ~ ;.., BACK seCTlIltI FOUNDA TlON OR PULlIIOX seRIES CONNECTION " .--' Sl; ".LEGEND:S) ~-I 2-SECTlON LONGITUDINAL LOOP DETECTOR fOUNDllnON OR PUWlO~ C(lNlROUER CABINET~~ e5t;bill N _. D£lECTOR -I• _ . ~. HARNESS ~~ • u ~~ ~~ e'e ~1Il '" !;!6m'" bM..,Ul ec-wAmi-~""ID.CONN£CllON----1-1Oo:;--l:l>-"ptmtuC'torRePU'rSpeclficationsI 2-SECTION LEFT TURN QUADRAPOLE LOOP DETECTOR (EC-DC OPERAnON) CONTROLlER CABINETfOUNDAl1ON OR PULUIOX 'I \-I-'-fll~ ) .-.\-.--1·-·~ljESS_1 --\c, ;7:::::~:::::~ ~~~6c:J ... ··li1f)-oa,M>iff.£0:~~-niWK S' AIVt? mANSFOHTAlltw --,'.n<~w-tOOP"WIRE 2 eOOOUe'feFHlHIELEl€lHlAB!£-J) ..'OF 114 AWG XHHW WRE AND 2 • Sl CONDUCTOR SHIELDED CAllLE . .~\ , EXHIBIT C'V 5fJlfJR:nmw Pilrl.:/('(/)'I : I ~i i =1ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS SrJlh' 200 P/(f>tfi. fe_VIIS 7509J (972) 66PJ616 fiX (!J72) 661-5614 November 4, 2004 Mr. Mike Murphy, P.E. Public Works Director Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 Re: Bellline Road Pavement Rehabilitation Marsh Lane to Dallas North Tollway Dear Mr. Murphy: Attached please find three items: A letter from Kirk Morris, AP AC-Texas Area Manager. to Scott Forbes; a letler from Steve Waczak, Lone Star Products, Inc., to Kirk Morris; and an updated schedule of the referenced project. The letter from Mr. Morris requests the addition of three (3) days to the original schedule due to the change of the Pav-Prep joint fabric product. As you know, we have experienced a "shadowing" problem on some of the paving sections. The owner of the manufacturer flew into town last week to examine the problem. He offered to replace the 110 mil thick fabric with a thinner version. We all agreed that a thinner material should should help the "shadowing" problem and agreed to change the material. This change of material caused APAC to not be able to pave or install fabric from the time our decision was made to the time the fabric was delivered to the site. Michael Ebeling, Scott Forbes, and I discussed the circumstances in detail with Mr. Morris and we agree that a three day extension in time is appropriate and fair. Mr. Morris has also requested to be reimbursed for the return freight charge to ship the 110 mil thick Pav-Prep back to the manufacturer. This cost is $1,900 and we feel this is an appropriate cost request given the circumstances of changing the Pav-Prep product. APAC is absorbing a $650 fee to expedite the shipping and an additional $950 handling fee. The manufacturer of the Pav-Prep material has agreed to swap out the product at no additional cost. In summary, we believe a three day extension of the schedule and the reimbursement of the $1,900 freight is appropriate. We will put together a change order if you concur. Please call me with any questions. Sincerely, HNTB CORPORATION ~7t-~/~ Jerry D. Holder, Jr" P.E. Director of Municipal Services c: Steve Chutchian, P.E. -Town of Addison Michael Ebeling, P.E. -HNTB Corporation Scott Forbes, P.E. -HNTB Corporation Robin Jones, P.E. -Town of Addison M:\JOBS\40316-Beltline\COM.VlMTGS\LEITERS'MmphyOl-!1t.doc T!J(! lfNTB COmp(III{CS Orp.LG. ,\LEX.\;.;m:n \'.\. A.\:;1), OR CG:t ~!lJn. or~. IMLt\5, 1':1;.111::>:\"1'1':. co. DU-';OIT. \II. fl~l'\1-, \\y. !-.-\mHU.l). ".I. I'! Wn){TH. TX, 11.\lrlnJK1). t~r. I!Ol'}>liJ:<'. n. l"lll",W<)I,\5. 1:-;. IK\IXL. ~:.-\. K-\""\~ CITY. ~(O. h.:\o:-.:nIJ.f. -''\, LA"~I'H.:"II LO~ '\"',HE_~. (;\, :,orh\ltLE. ,.;" .\jMJJ'();"". "l. \I1Ul!. L, ~(!L,\\M·t>.EL "1I1o:'! wou~. \1". '>;.\~H\lLL "1". Sf\\" H)~I\. ;-';Y. 0.\1-:1.,\>,1). C\,,"j 'JRL\'>;DO. II.: 0\ Ekl.\,,~) I'\!!I.: ",,,: 1'1l:>I(X Til .\.\lhJ.TI~{.;. 1'\. HllITL\:o.;I}. ,IE POI{ r;. \'\1) em. It \U.lt.!!. M. ~ I U)j·h. \In. gLT LII.:I" un:. t"l". 'A'; A,\niXlo. TX. ~.\N lJ1;)(:o.;.I.KlrX() C,\ ~\, I !!.\X\.1:4.0 C \ \\'>; :O~l. CA. 'L\)"a::·. \\,\, 1"\\11'>'.1"1.. Tn:.rIfO. 01\ \(\:,\~IIl~l~TU:-". I)e 10/04/2004 65:52 9729530555 LONE STAR PAGE 02 Where Customer Seroir:e is our Business. October 27, 2004 KlrkMorris Apac-Texas, Inc. 2121 Irving Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75222 Re: Resurfacing Beltline Road Addison, Texas Dear Kirk, I would like to oUTline the cost involved with the freight and handling ofthe PavePrep product: -Freight to deliver :>30 rolls PavePrep .70 Mill with 2 drivers expedited direct from factory $2,550. -Freight, to I1:tUrn 203 rolls PavePrep 1.10 Mtll from jobsite to rectory $1,900 -Handling tee ofpicking up product from the jobsite and preparing shipment $7S() (Renting flatbed truck with mounted forklift and laborers). These charges will be reflected on your next invoice. Expedited fee $650 Freight on return $1,900 IDmdling fee $950 Total amount $3,500 Best regards, Steve T. Waczak Techni\:3.l Sales Representative P.O. Box 535547 • Grand P,airie, n:: 75053-5547 Phone; 469-)23-044.4 • Fax: 469-523-0555 .ASHLAND. APAC-Texas, Inc. Asubsidiary ofAshland Paving And Conskuclion, Inc.Kirk O. Morris Texas BituHthic Division Area MansRer P.O. Box 224048, Dall••, TX 75222-4048 Tel: 214 741-3531, Fax: 214 742-3540 November 1,2004 Mr. Scott Forbes, P .E. RNTB Corporation 5910 W. Plano Parkway Ste 200 Piano, TX 75093 RE: Belt Line Rd. Pavement Rehabilitation Marsh Ln. to Dallas North Tollway Dear Mr. Forbes, Per our previous conversation on October 25, 2004, our supplier, Lone Star Products, has incurred some additional cost with respects to the changing to a tlrinner PAV-PREP joint fabric product APAC -Texas, Inc_ requests that a lump sum adjustment of$I,900 be added to our contract through change order. The total costs associated with Lone Stars' honoring of our request to switch product is outlined in their letter «4ted October 27, 2004 (see attached). In addition, the switch over to this thinner product has cost us delay in oUr prosecution of the above referenced project. APAC -Texas, Inc_ also requests that three days be added fo our contract time to account for the days October 28, 2004 thru October 30, 2004. Please find attached an updated schedule, a signed copy of Change Order # I, and test reports to date. If you have any further questions please contact me at the Dallas Office. Sincerely, APAC-kJ"2 cc: Randy Blackburn S. Robertson Attachments ---------•• Eb ""04I Act OCT NOVDescriptionID ,. .,15 r 16 17 20 21 22 23 24-l~2. 2. ZT 2. 29 au 01102103 04 06 00 01 09" IWEDGE MILLINGWEDGE MILLING1'000 ~REPAIRCONCRETE11010 REPAIR CONCRETE I INSTALL JOINT FABRICINSTALL JOINT FABRIC11020 : : 11030 2" TYPE D HMAC OIL ____ ~ __________ ~~~. _____ ~ ___________ ~____L_ ..~.~ ___________________ ww j______ ~_________ ~.~_w___: ___ ~~~~~~~~:::::~~:~~__ w ••• ___PAVEMENT MARKINGSil040 : : =i.OOP DETECTORSLOOP DETECTORS11050 I Star! date 170CT04 [=::J Early bar!! Finish date 12NOV04 [=::J Progress bar Data date 170CT04 APAC -TEXAS, INC. I : Clilical bar Run date 01 NOV04 --Summary barTOWN OF ADDISON Paoe number lA o Start mnestone point@Primavera_Systems inc. Ffl'!~_~~~~on_~_~!?int ~~ NOV CEC 10 I 11 1 12 J 13 I 14 I 16 I is 1 17 I 18 I 19 I '20 I 21 I 22 I 23 , :u 1·25 I 26 I 27 I 28 I 29 I 30 I 01 I ~2"TYPE D HMAC oit. n_mrn·· ..':PAVEMENTMARKINGS .. -----------------.------- }~__ .__ ._._ _______________________________ ~-w---w---w-----~~~-~--w ___ ~~._~______ ~.------------------1 , ,__Start date 170CT04 i I Early bar ! Finish date 12NOV04 c==J Progress bar , Data date 170CT04 APAC -TEXAS, INC. c:::::::J Crilical bar Run date 01 NOV04 --Summary barTOWN OF ADDISONPage number 1 B o Start milestone point@Primavera Systems, Inc. o Fmish milestone point 5910W:PI,wu {hrlm"..!'I:I~i i =JARCHTfECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS !>uile200 15li9} (972) 66J.56:M H.JX (972) 661·')614 Wll'tl(/mrb,t'OIJlNovember 4, 2004 Mr. Mike Murphy, P.E. Public Works Director Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-90 10 Re: Beltline Road Pavement Rehabilitation Marsh Lane to Dallas North Tollway Dear Mr. Murphy: Attached please find three items: A letter from Kirk Morris, AP AC-Texas Area Manager, to Scott Forbes; a letter from Steve Waczak, Lone Star Products, Inc., to Kirk Morris; and an updated schedule of the referenced project. The letter from Mr. Morris requests the addition of three (3) days to the original schedule due to the change of the Pav-Prep joint fabric product. As you know, we have experienced a "shadowing" problem on some of the paving sections. The owner of the manufacturer flew into town last week to examine the problem. He offered to replace the 110 mil thick fabric with a thinner version. We all agreed that a thinner material should help the "shadowing" problem and agreed to change the material. This change of material caused AP AC to not be able to pave orinstall fabric from the time our decision was made to the time the fabric was delivered to the site. Michael Ebeling, Scott Forbes, and I discussed the circumstances in detail with Mr. Morris and we agree that a three day extension in time is appropriate and fair. Mr. Morris has also requested to be reimbursed for the return freight charge to ship the 110 mil thick Pav-Prep back to the manufacturer. This cost is $1 ,900 and we feel this is an appropriate cost request given the circumstances of changing the Pav-Prep product. AP AC is absorbing a $650 fee to expedite the shipping and an additional $950 handling fee. The manufacturer of the Pav-Prep material has agreed to swap out the product at no additional cost. In summary, we believe a three day extension of the schedule and the reimbursement of the $1,900 freight is appropriate. We will put together a change order if you concur. Please Please call me with any questions. Sincerely, HNTB CORPORATION ~7t-.h{.dR,A./~ Jerry D. Holder, Jr., P.E. Director of Municipal Services c: Steve Chutchian, P.E.. Town of Addison Michael Ebeling, P .E. -HNTB Corporation Scott Forbes, P.E .. HNTB Corporation Robin Jones, P.E. -Town of Addison M:\JOBS\40316T Beltline\COMMMTOS\LETTERSWurphyOl-II.r,doe Till.! JlNTB Compflllfes OHICe., AL"-X"'~j)III", \Jl: At>."IlI'OU~. Mil, },"fLANn, Gil; Al'~'nN, TX, UATON kOIT,f, 1.11. nnSTON. M"'_ CHhIl.U,="TON. »C: CIiAltLHiTOK WV, (:111(;),0), II, {:l.fV"'AM', oil; , , 'I' 'III' '-',II I'''' \' I' 1'1',\II' '" 1'1 11".1' III I a ( ..~ \\' I ~WI III \, " I 1 \\. 'HI II I \ II \i·' II' W,' " II< , .\it., />.A~II\ ILU.. )1\; ,1-\1, H'''t... "I. 'IA;'UM, ',\. !J~U\Nll!I. rt; OVEll;I.ANll I'M{!., liS, N.YMIIIITI( MIi!.T1NI'. I'~i I~)I!'H...NI). MI', I'OI(!I~\Nll, 011; KAIHliI!. NC. ~r L(ltll~, MIl, .\.'t1·I.AU'UT.... In, ~"N M~TONID. n •. ~t>. IIYIlN.,Ull!NI;. I.A. ~,\N t·II.~N':hl .... t:A, MNJOSE, C;A: lW;",flh, w". lAMI'",. 1'1.. 10Lrno, 011; WMilUMiTON. n.C 10/04/2004 05:52 9729530555 LONE STAR PAGE 02 LONE STAR PRODUCTS, lNC~ Whet'" Customer Service is OUt' Bustness. O(';!ober 27, 2004 KlrkMorris Apae-Texas, Inc. 2121 Irving Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75222 Re: Resurfacing Beltline Road Addison, Texas DearKhk:, I would like to outline the cost involved with the freight and handling ofthe PavePrep product: -:Freight to deliver 330 rolls PavePrep .70 Mill with 2 drivers expedited direct from factory $2,550. -Freight, to ~!lrn 203 rolls PaVePrep 1.10 Mill fromjobsite to factory $1,900 -Handling tee ofpicking up product from the jobsite and preparing shipmtmt $750 (Renting flatbed truok with mounted forkliil: and laborers). These charges will be reflected on your next invoice. Expedited fee $650 Freight on return $1,900 Handling fee $950 Total amount $3,500 Best regards, Steve T. Waczak. Technical Sales Representative RO. Box 535547 • Grand Ptairlt, TX 75053-5547 Phone: 469-523-044.4 • Fax: 469-523-0555 ASHLAND. APAC-Texas, Inc. AsuDsidiary of Ashland Paving And ConstruclJon,lnc.Kirk D. Morris Texas Bitultthic DivisionArea Manager P.O. Box 224048. Dalla•• TX 75222-4048 Tel: 214 741-3531. Fax: 214 742-3540 November 1,2004 Mr. Scott Forbes, P,E. HNTB Corporation 5910 W. Plano Parkway Ste 200 Plano, TX 75093 RE: Belt Line Rd. Pavement Rehabilitation Marsh Ln. to Dallas North Tollway Dear Mr. Forbes, Per onr previous conversation on October 25, 2004, onr supplier, Lone Star Products, has incurred some additional cost with respects to the changing to a thinner PAV-PREP joint fabric product. APAC -Texas, Inc. requests that a lump sum adjustment of$I,900 be added to onr contract through change order. The total costs associated with Lone Stars' honoring of onr request to switch product is outlined in their letter d~~ed October 27, 2004 (see attached). In addition, the switch over to this thinner product has cost us delay in oUr prosecution ofthe above referenced project. APAC Texas, Inc. also requests that three days be added fo our contract tin1e to account for the days October 28,2004 thru October 30, 2004. Please find attached an updated schedule, a signed copy of Change Order #1, and test reports to date. If you have any further questions please contact me at the Dallas Office. Sincerely, APACr. as, Inc. rJ/L cc: Randy Blackburn S. Robertson Attachments ~Dacl I Act I, 10 I 11000 i1010 1,020 i 1030 i1040 i1050 2004 Description OCT NOV ,""1"~ .L 16 I 11 ,. ,. 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 28 2. 30 ., 01 .2 03 ... OS 08 .7 08 I (19" : MILLINGWEDGE MILLING i I~ !1 RFPAIR CONCRETE RI:PAJR CONCRETE JlNSTALL JOINT FABRIC l INSTALL JOINT FABRIC 2" TYPE D HMAC OIL PAVEMENT MARKlNGS --------)---~--.~-LOOP DETECTORS + iin; ''-''' I "'"' I v,",,, Start date 170CT04 CJEarlybarFinish dale 1'2NOV04 CJProgress bar Data date 170CTIl4 APAC -TEXAS, INC. CJ Clitica/bar Run date 01 NOV04 --SummaI)' bar TOWN OF ADDISONPace number 1A 0 Start milestone point @Primavera Systems. Inc, 0 Finish milestone point ..04 NOV i' ~·1·3 .. ·1412 1 13 ,. ,. ,. 11 18~1$ 2Gi21 22-1. 23 24 2. 2. 27 28 .. ., 02 <13 .. 06 .. 07 o. O. 1 • 11 12 ,. 16 :L~!LL~1L '" : : ,...----, I ,,..,, .'. .. ...... ...... , .., ..... "":'cc", : ...i. . .. j Slartdate 170CT04 c:::::::J Early bar j Finish date 12NOV04 c::::::J Progress bar i Data date 17OCT04 APAC -TEXAS, INC. c:::::::J CriUcal bar! Rund.1e 01NOV04 --Summary barTOWN OF ADDISONPage number 18 @Primavera !>)lStems, Inc. g....:.~~~:!:~;;~~~ Beltline Road Cleanup Page 1 ofl Steve Chutchian From: Jerry Holder [JHolder@HNTB.com] Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 11:35 AM To: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander; Steve Chutchian Cc: Michael Ebeling; Scott Forbes; Ben Biller Subject: BeHline Road Cleanup Scott Forbes drove the roadway this moming and has identified several areas that are still not cleaned up appropriately. Even though this is an on-going construction project, the site needs to look much better than it currently does. Scott has called Kirk Morris from APAC and informed him this situation is not acceptable. Kirk will tell his crews to address this during tonight's operations. Thanks, Jerry This e-mail and any fLIes transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Ifyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying ofthis e-mail is strictly prohibited. 1118/2004 Steve Chutchian From: Jeny Holder [JHolder@HNTB.com] Sent: Friday, November OS, 2004 4:52 PM To: Robin Jones Cc: Jim Pierce; Jenny Nicewander; Mike Murphy; steve Chutchian Subject: RE: Pavement problems Scott and I will be out there tomorrow morning and look at these locations with Michael. Thanks for sending this info to me. Jerry -----Original Message----From: Robin Jones [mailto:rjones@ci.addison.tx.us] Sent: Friday, November OS, 2004 11:20 AM To: Jerry Holder Cc: Jim Pierce; Jenny Nicewanderi Mike Murphy; Steve Chutchian Subject: Pavement problems Importance: High Jerry, I inspected much of the new Belt Line Road pavement after our meeting this morning. The areas I had mentioned that appeared to be cracked and bumped up were not, in my opinion, the result of the Pave Prep product. These areas were not cracked, but looked to be humped up as a result of either adding additional asphalt, or possibly by the rolling process itself. I'll leave that to you and APAC to determine why, along with the solution. The locations I noticed are 1) westbound traffic at the east end of BJ's restaurant, directly out from the meters in the right-of-way, 2) westbound traffic beginning at the west nose of Surveyor Blvd (3 spots), 3) eastbound traffic directly out from the recessed inlet in front of Pappa's Pizza. I don't think you'll have any problem finding these. Robin This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended ~ecipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, printing, or use of this information is strictly prohibited and possibly a violation of federal or state law and regulations. If you have received this information in error, please delete it and notify Hamid Khaleghipour at 972-450-2868 immediately. Thank you. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is 1 strictly prohibited. 2 Be1t1ine Road Update 11-01-04 Page 1 of1 Steve Chutchian From: Jerry Holder [JHolder@HNTB.com] Sent: Sunday, November 07,200411:05 AM To: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander; Steve Chutchian Cc: Michael Ebeling; Scott Forbes; Ben Biller Subject: Beltline Road Update 11-01-04 I spoke to Michael Ebeling at 9:55 am this Sunday morning and have the following report on the paving operations from this morning. Paving operations did not start until 4:30 am due to the APAC asphalt plant breaking down early in the evening. Despite the late start, APAC was still able to lay 880 tons and reach Midway road as my previous e-mail had indicated. They paved from 4:30 am to 10:00 am. I have not been out to ride the new asphalt this morning, but Michael indicated the ride quality is very good. APAC finished we lane 1 (inside lane) the rest ofthe way to Marsh, then paved the EB lane 3 (outside lane) from Marsh to Midway. Dustrol finished all ofthe milling on the job. APAC installed "Bump" sings at Midway, Quorum, and Addison roads 200' each side of Beltline. This is not exactly what our directions to them the previous day were, Michael and I agreed that he would remind and instruct them to also install "Reduce Speed Ahead" signs. APAC will start paving tonight at 10:00 pm and will continue paving the EB lane 3 from Midway to the Tollway. This will leave the we lane 3, a short stretch of WB lane 2, the turn lanes and intersections to finish up the project as far as paving goes. I will ask Michael to get a schedule from APAC on when they plan on bringing in the permanent striping crews. If you have any questions or need to discuss any matter with me, please call me on my cell phone at 214-9142993. Thanks, Jerry This e-mail and any files trnnsmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. lfyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying ofthis e-mail is strictly prohibited. 1118/2004 Bl:!ltIine Road Update Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: Jeny Holder [JHolder@HNTB.com) Sent: Saturday, November 06,20045:32 PM To: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander; Steve Chutchian Cc: Michael Ebeling; Scott Forbes; Ben Biller Subject: Beltline Road Update This message being sent Saturday aflemoon ... discussing pavement operations early this moming (1 :00 am to 11:00 am) APAC paved we lane 2 (middle lane) from Ihe Tollway 10 Just east of Commercial. They laid 1,070 tons of asphalt. Scott Forbes and I were on sile from 7:00 am to 11:00 am 10 assisl Michael Ebeling in reviewing the ride quality issues of existing paving and Ihis moming's paving operations. We feellhe ride quality of the asphalt laid this moming is comparable 10 the previous night's paving. The previous nighfs paving is Ihe one thai you drove Friday moming and said was 95% acceptable. Dustrol milled intersections in Ihe EB lanes until 10:30 am. APAC will pave again Sunday moming and plan on paving Ihe we lane 1 (inside lane) from just wesl of Commercial 10 Marsh Lane and then the EB lane 3 (outside lane) 10 Ihe easl as far as they can go... which we believe will be close 10 Midway. Dustrol will mill the we lanes and intersections and we believe they will finish all of the milUng operations. We have requesled Ihat APAC install "Reduce Speed Ahead" and "Bump Ahead" signs on each side of Belliine on Midway, Quorum, and Addison Roads. These signs should be in place as I write Ihis update. We discussed with APAC our desire to get Ihe middle ofthe inlersections filled in. In order to do Ihis, they will need a second crew 10 be on the job. They told us that they don't antiCipate this happening until Tuesday nlghfs paving operations. We encouraged them to get this done sooner if possible. We discussed the cleaning and sweeping operations and told them we needed a better job of cleaning and sweeping for the remainder of the project. We have informed APAC that they are to mill out the existing asphalt on each side ofthe railroad. They will coordinate with the railroad for flagmen and get this work done as soon as the railroad can schedule flaggers for them. I will prepare a strip map ofthe project and identify areas that we believe need to be repaired before the Town will accept the project. I will submit this to you for your review and comment on Monday. If you have any questions or need to discuss any issues, please call me on my cell phone at 214-914-2993 Thanks, Jeny This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are 111812004 ~elt1ine Road Update Page2of2 intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Ifyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. 1118/2004 Beltline Road Paving Update 11-08-2004 Page 1 ofl Steve Chutchian From: Jerry Hoider (JHoider@HNTB.oom] Sent: Monday, November 06, 2004 6:09 AM To: Mike Murphy; Jim Pierce; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander; Steve Chutchian Cc: Michael EbeUng; Scott Forbes; Ben Biller Subject: Beitline Road Paving Update 11-Q6-2004 APAC paved the EB lane 3 from Midway road to the RR tracks. They had to stop there due to sprinkler systems splaying on to the road. I have several locations that this is happening that I will call Jenny about this morning to get resolved before tonight. They flopped over to the we lane 3 and paved from the Tollroad to just east ofAddison Road. Total asphalt laid down was 617 tons. I have not been on the road this morning. Michael EbeUng called in this report to my voice mail at 4:30 a.m. and at that time he reported the EB paving ride quarlly was very good but he had not driven the we lanes yet...so I have no report on the ride quality of the we lane 3 from the tollroad to Addison Road at this time. time. Please call me ifyou have any questions or needs. Thanks, Jerry This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Ifyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying ofthis e-mail is strictly prohibited. 1118/2004 Page 1 of2 Steve Chutchian From: Jim Pierce Sent: Thursday, November 04. 2004 4:11 PM To: 'Michael Ebeling'; Jerry Holder; Mike Murphy; Robin Jones; Steve Chutchian; Jenny Nicewander Subject: RE: Beltline Rd. Update Mike Ebeling: Four of us drove Belt Line today about 3:45 PM and we agree with your assessment of the ride quality. We don't understand why some areas are smooth and others are bumpy. We noticed some strips of the pave prep have been "pushed" by the traffic. If these are paved over, without smoothing them out, will we get more of a bump? We also wonder what happens where the pave prep has been taken up that has been flapping loose. The adhesive is left behind and is quite thicl<. We figure ifthe adhesive is not removed, and a new strip of pave prep is laid down on top of the old adhesive, we now have the potential for a bigger bump after the 2" overlay. Also, please bring a sample ofthe various pave preps that are being used to our meeting at I Hop tomorrow morning. Thanks, Jim Pierce. P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison. TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 -----Origlnal Message---from: Michael Ebeling [mailtll:MEbeling@HNTB.com] Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 5:09 AM To: Jerry Holder; Jim Pierce; Mike Murphy; Robin Jonesi Steve Chutchiani Jenny Nicewander Subject: Beltline Rd. Update We paved last night, 418 tons, then the asphalt plant broke down. We paved lane 1 WB from the Tollway going west tojust west ofthe railroad. Densities were fine. We cleaned up all the loose fabric. We milled intersections and the outside lane from Midway to the Tollway eastbound. I asked Dustrol to clean and sweep better and they spent more time cleaning up. We paved over the thioner fabric. In my opinion the ride quality is no better and no worse. We plan to pave tonight and mill. We will also place more fabric. Friday, we will likely bring in a second paving crew, maybe Saturday also. We will pursue the project on a seven day per week basis, weather permitting, until complete. mikee This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Ifyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error 1118/2004 PageZofZ and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. lll81ZOO4 November 5, 2004 APAC -Texas, Inc. Texas Bitulithic Division 2121 Irving Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75207 Attention: Mr. Kirk Moms Area Manager Re: Belt Line Road Pavement Rehabilitation Marsh Lane to Dallas North Tollway Asphalt Pavement Rideability Issues Dear Mr. Moms, APAC-Texas, Inc. began work on the above referenced project on October 17, 2004 and performed the fust night's asphalt paving beginning on October 21, 2004, continuing into the morning ofOctober 22, 2004. The limits ofpaving were Easthound Lane 1 from approximately Station 11+20 to 52+00. The quality ofrideability for this section ofoverlay is unacceptable due to the severity and frequency ofbumps in the new asphalt pavement. Please submit a proposed plan ofcorrective action for this section ofnew pavement This plan must be reviewed and accepted by the Engineer and the proposed remedy completed by APAC-Texas, Inc. within the current 28 day project schedule. Any and all costs associated with this repair shall be borne solely by APAC-Texas, Inc. Claims for monetary damages and/or delays associated with this repair by APAC-Texas, Inc. will be rejected without consideration We are continuing to evaluate the remaining completed sections ofasphalt overlay for acceptability. We will notify you immediately ifwe conclude there are additional sections of new asphalt pavemen t which require repair procedures. Please do not hesitate to contact us ifyou have any questions. Yours truly, HNTB Corporation Michael W. Ebeling Director ofConstruction Services Cc: M. Murphy, Town ofAddison R.Jones, Town ofAddison J. Pierce, Town ofAddison S. Chutchian, Town ofAddison J. Nicewander, Town ofAddison J. Holder, HNTB Corporation S. Forbes, HNTB Corporation 10 ( ;vlf() t.f.jc::{ /C.t: /Hi> 15.. gEl"" t;Mattress Giant. F(II'? w-A-'£ 0 EZJ 71" rC¥(Shop Smart. Sleep Better: F t7~ f4'S po.!.{PO '1./. 7Hv'+ 1"V,i::i; ( Town of Addison S Ie'-e Cf(f/TC/{I1.-,.. Service Center 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison. TX 75001 Tuesday, October 26, 2004 I am writing this letter to voice my displeasure with an incident that happened to me while driving southbound on Midway Road at the intersection of Beltline Road on Sunday October 24"'. In a nutshell. I crossed the intersection below the speed limit and encountered an uneven roadway due to construction. The resulting impact caused four bent rims on my car. I did not see any signs indicating the upcoming uneven roadway. The improvement notification sign on the West side of Midway North of Beltline did nol provide any warning whatsoever of the upcoming uneven roadway. Had I seen one. I would have slowed down and this would nol have happened. I realize that I am onlyhuman, so I am requesting that you please let me know if I missed a a sign and if you can provide an affidavit if there was such a sign on that date. If there was no sign. I am requesting that the Town of Addison reimburse me to repair my wheels, realign my steering and provide reimbursement for a rental car if needed. or your cooperation. 14665 MidwdY R,LSuite 100 Graeme Gordon Addison. TX 7500 I Vice PrC5ident 972-392-2202 x 219 ggonion@mauressgi(lnt.com 972-392-7405 Pax 888-787-9144 Pager 972-392-2202 ext 219 1:11111' IUIE III!AIIQUAII1BI 14665 Midway Road • Su~e 100 • Addison. lX 75001 972-392-2202 • fax: 972-392.0580 www.mattressgiant.com TOV'NOF ADDISON PUBLIC WORKS r-c:vE' CI!VTC!ff/{"--"To: f<, gg:., /1Cle ef 5 From: ...:> (<.: Company: /IPA-C -TB(AS< ..l:"4« Phone: 972/450-;;c..J"J"b Fax: 972/450-2837 16801 Westgrove No. 7, a:>DATE: Vendor No, Vendor Name Address Address Address Zip Code EXPLANATION 8EZ . ft-e-Authorized Signature Finance I : I ~i i =Jfo~~CHITECT§ ENGINEERS l?~NNER§ _9(}Yecrs -if)')3 'rJ-r,r,I-ib.'!(, October 1 , 2004 /1'1/'(,:/';1111."'"11 Mr. James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 RE: BELTLINE ROAD REHABILITATION HNTB PROJECT NO. 40316 Dear Mr. Pierce: Enclosed please find our Invoice No. 2-40316-DS-001 for professional services in connection with the above referenced project. If any further information is necessary to process this invoice for payment, please feel free to contact Scott Forbes at 972-661-5626. Sincerely, HNTB CORPORATION ~cJ,pA Benjamin J. Biller, P.E. Vice President, Central Division BJB/sso Enclosures cc: Scott Forbes -Plano Finance rbi' H \ 1 f) C"JlJfJauj,·.~ t>f1'll.~~~ \11''\\'')\;;\ \_\ ","\)'11<-1". \111: \IL\"-_'\.~;A \tM1\.,Y!;, \\\To\ hill ,rmOH \IL I'Lh.l"", \\\', 1I.\lllf'IlHll. ~'(, 111"""'ltl.1.. '\\,11.11 :>In,. IX 1"1>!\'\~"H.," 1'\ . .1.\\ }.N':\\1I.1I' j.j "\'''\~' iI'" Ihl, "\."'\\IU;' " .... \1\111"0'. m ..\11 ~Mt I-l :>Ot\\ \\ KfF \\ h ~I" 'l:f\1'<)I.''''. 'l'1.. :":,'''jf\ ILU'. T,,", ,\1"\\ YI'Ill\,'~ 1'\1\1\'>:1' (',I' I ,'I."",:. \It I"" .\'\:';Il..I-;!<>. ':V HIl h\;I].( o!t",;r nw,ry \"\. \1«1--",11<1. 1'L O\TnU'Il P.\IU... "-~. l'IJIl,\lWI.I'llIh. 1'-\. 1'0R"lt·,"I. \11". R·\U'!\HI x{' ~T 1011'. \1'l. ~.\1.·1 Uhf .:rn. I I ~.\, \\"]"[1'11] 1.-;. ».\, \'111'",1;;11'-".",. '\' I'ItA\",;~"\l. J ,,<, :-A'.!I~l" .." ...txnu:. \,\ ... "1:-\.\11·... I'L 'IOlrt\\\. <111. \\\Y'P. "I. \'''~IlI'~H'\l', I'f I : I~i i =JARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS October 1, 2004 TOWN OF ADDISON Mr. James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 In Account With Correspondence Address: HNTB CORPORATION 5910 West Plano Parkway, SUite 200 Plano, TX 75093 Remittance Address: P.O. Box 802741 Kansas City. MO 64180-2741 Invoice No. 2-40316-DS-001 Professional services in connection with the preliminary engineering design for the Beltline Road Rehabilitation. For the period: August 21. 2004 through September 24, 2004 LUMP SUM FEE: $ 102,345.00 85.0% Complete x $ 102.345.00 $ 86.993.25 Total Amount Earned To Date $ 86,993.25 Less Previously Invoiced 25,586.25 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE ThE! HNT8 Cf)mpanics Page 1 ofl Steve Chutchian From: Robin Jones Sent: Wednesday. October 27.200410:25 AM To: Charles Mitchell; JellY Davis; Ron Lee Cc: Steve Chutchian SUbject: FW: Beltline Road Update Mitch. please check out the signal issue. JellY/Ron. not sure who is working on the sprinklers but looks like the contractor needs help. Thanks ---Original Message--From: Michael Ebeling [rnaillD:MEbeling@HNTB.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:02 AM To: JellY Holder; Jim Pierce; Mike Murphy; Robin Jones; Steve Chutchian; jnicewander@addison.tx.us Subject: Beltiine Road Update We paved last night, only 350 tons, they shut down due tc rain and impending stcrms. We also milled in the WH lanes. I feel the pavement we placed last night is our best ride yet. We will pave and mill tonight. We should ftnish paving lane 2 EB to the Tollway. Dustrol will mill every night until they are finished, probably Thursday night. The new fabric should be in Friday, and we will place Pave Prep Friday and pave Saturday. The project will proceed on a 7 day per week basis until completion. The signals at Surveyor seem off, they change very rapidly. Maybe we should check the timing settings. We need tc pursue shutting offaD irrigation, there are still a lot ofsystems on WH. Thanks. mikee This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual ot entity to whom they are addressed. Ifyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, priming, or copying ofthis e-mail is strictly prohibited. 10/27/2004 Beltline Daily Report Page I ofl Steve Chutchian From: Jerry Holder [JHolder@HNTB.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:26 AM To: Mike Murphy; Steve Chulchian; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander Subject: Beltline Daily Report Iastnightwe milled WB from Midway to just short ofMaIsh lane, lane 1 (median). We also broke out and poured all the concrete patches. Everything went well. There are two concrete cylinders, EB just east ofmarsh lane in front ofthe sign for Target next to a telephone pole. Just east ofthe Starbucks. Does the town want to have the cylioders picked up and broken? We can do a 48 or 54 hour break. The cylinders were cast at 12:30 am Tuesday, 10/26/04. Weather permitting, we will pave tonight, EB lane 2 from Busioess Av. to the Tollway or as close as we can get We will also mill, Dustrol plans to briog io a second mill machine to iocrease our progress. Dustrol should finish Thursday. Current plan is to place fabric starting Friday and pave again begioniog Saturday. Thank you. MikeE. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. ]fyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying ofthis e-mail is strictly prohibited. 10/26/2004 Beltline Daily update Page 1 ofl Steve Chutchian From: Jeny Holder [JHolder@HNlB.com] Sent: Friday, October 22,200411 :16 AM To: Jim Pierce; Mike Murphy; Steve Chutchian; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander Cc: Scott Forbes; Michael Ebeling; Mike Hutchison Subject: BeHiine Daily update We had a good evening. Dustrol milled butt joints. APAC placed Pave Prep from Midway to the Tollway, ED. We paved lane 1 ED from Marsh Lane to just short ofMidway, we laid 580 tons in a short evening (paving did not start until 12:15 am). The mat looks great, the mix is excellent. Jfyou ride the new asphalt today, do not be surprised by the bumpy ride. This is due to the Pave Prep and will work itself out in one or two days. Densities were running around 93% (great!) and a core was cut for thickness and was 2 and one half inches thick. APAC will work Friday and Saturday nights (really Saturday and Sunday mornings) and will take Sunday night off. Dustrol will be off Friday and Saturday and will work Sunday. The concrete repair sub will be in sometime between now and Sunday. I am extremely pleased with the quality of construction so far. Production is a little slow, but we will get better. Michael Ebeling This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use ofthe individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Jfyou are NOT the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying ofthis e-mail is strictly prohibited. 10122/2004 Beltline Update Page 1 ofl Steve Chutchian From: JellY Holder [JHolder@HNTB.com] Sent: Thursday. October 21. 2004 8:28 AM To: Jim Pierce; Mike Murphy; Steve Chutchian; Robin Jones; Jenny Nicewander Cc: Scott Forbes; Michael Ebeling; Mike Hutchison Subject: Beltline Update Jim, I spoke to Michael Ebeling about keeping you updated. If you want to meet with him, he would really appreciate it if it could be at 7:00 a.m•• By that time he has been up all night and he is plum tuckered out (an Arkansas term for really tired). He can send you an e-mail update each day (see below) and maybe once or twice a week we could meet for a 7:00 am breakfast meeting. Let us know what you want to do. They may start paving tonight .•. I'd wait a couple of days before you go out there at night to see the paving•••the first night is usually kind of rough getting started. Here is the report from last night. on Wm: Jim Pierce Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 9:31 AM TD: Don Holzwarth (E-mail) SUbject: Belt Une Road Video Demdion Don: As per our discussion yesterday, the Town of Addison is planning a 2" asphalt overlay of Belt Line Road from Dallas Parkway to Marsh Lane this fall, with an upgrade 10 our crosswalks in the spring. We will be milling the gutter lane along Belt Line, and that, along with upgrading the crosswalks will destroy all of our signal loops along the corridor. Instead of replacing 139 loops (which are a headache to maintain anyway) we feel this is an ideal lime to switch to video detection at our 10 signalized intersections along Belt Line Road. We have 4 intersections that are now controlled by video detection (and one under construction) with excellent results and low maintenance. We estimate this project will cost about $200,000. This is to request an amendment to our Midway -Spring Valley to Dooley signalization project to include video detection along Belt Line Road from Dallas Parkway to Marsh Lane. We also request our grant be increased by $100,000 with our local match to be $100,000. Thank you for your consideration. Jim Pierce, P.E. Assistant Public Works Director P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001-9010 972-450-2879 1 TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS BELT LINE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AGENDA October 14, 2004 1.0 Introductions 2.0 Putpose The putpose ofthe conference is for all parties to get acquainted, establish lines of authority and communication, determine the duties and responsibilities of the contractor's personnel, subcontractors and agents for the Town of Addison, clarify potential sources of misunderstanding and discuss the detailed arrangements necessary for the successful completion of the project. 3.0 Review of the Specifications and Plans 4.0 Traffic Control and Worlcing Hours S.O Discussion of the Contractor's Paving Plan 6.0 Railroad Coordination 7.0 Traffic Signal Loops at Dallas North Tollway 8.0 Contractor's Use ofthe Proposed Staging Area 9.0 Contract Quality Control 10.0 Open Forum for Questions and Discussion TOWN OF ADDISON Belt Line Road 20 Year Life Cycle Maintenance Cost BELT LINE ROAD Year Work Type Maintenance Expenditures (2004 dollars) Escallated Maintenance Expenditures (3% annually) 2004 2005 2006 crack seallminor patching 5000 6000 2007 -2008 reiuvenato!/fog seal 12,000 14,000 2009 crack sealltninor patching 5,000 6,000 2010 -2011 mill & overlay 1 950000 2471 000 2012 -2013 crack seallminor P.tchinlt 5,000 7,000 2014 -2015 reiuvenator/f~ seal 12,000 18,000 2016 crack seal/minor parchinjt 5000 8,000 2017 -2018 mill & oveday 1,950 000 3039000 2019 -2020 crnckseal/rrrinorD.ochin~ 5,000 9,000 2021 -2022 reiuvenaror/fog seal 12,000 22,000 2023 crack seal/minor Daochin~ 5,000 10000 2024 -2025 mill & oved.y 1,950,000 3,737,000 20-Year Total: 5,916,000 9,347,000 Notes: -Crack Sealing Unit Cost: $0.20/SY. -Rejuvenator Unit Cost: $1.00jSY -Rejuvenato! ~dmill & oveday costs include 200/0 for design; construction management, and contingency. ~See attached. fOr mill & ovemly estimate ofconstruction cost. liNTB Corporation 10/14/2004 TOWN OF ADDISON Beltllne Road 7· Y car Asphalt ;V1ill ~ '0 ~ y y y y y y v y y Total Bid $730766.00 $888,010.50 $1,30/3,540.50 1fIi,J. M MinOk Suh, PlJrchaslng Coordinator e""'f b~ Corey Gayden, WItness HNTB Corporation -Project SWttlS Report Project: Client: Beltline Road Pavement Rehabilitation (Marsh Lane to Dallas North Tollway) Town ofAddison, Texas i Report No.: 2 Time Period: August 21, 2004 through September 24,2004 Prepared By: WSF IWork Started or Progressed • Assembled plan set and specification book for project. IWork Completed • Submitted review plans and specifications to the Town and received comments. • Incorporated comments from the Town and finalized plans and specifications for bidding. • Assisted the Town with a project notice to advertise the project. IWork Remaining to be Performed • Assist the Town with Advertising and Bid Letting. • Prepare bid tabulation. • Assist Town with pre-construction conference. • Provide on-site inspection during construction. ••••• . . r\"~ ~. HNfB Corporali.,J Page 1 oft TOWN OF ADDISON . PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION MEMO Claim #:....----..:____DATE: Vendor No, Vendor Name /-I-IVT/3 Address f'.0. (]cJX 8'0274-1, Address kA-;gm C( 71:) /It,;;. 64-16'0-27<1-/Address Zip Code PROJ AMOUNT z EXPLANATION .~~ Authorized Signature Finance ~IJJfI n:-PEtillO /'frr/;!!!VI.1'ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS /lltile .?rIO PlflltH. T(,;Xi/.~90Vears fj-2·(,(,1·'>6.16 Fflx rr.I·(,(,j·'j(,/4 September 17, 2004 Mr. James C. Pierce, Jr., P.E. Assistant City Engineer Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001-9010 RE: BELTLINE ROAD REHABILITATION HNTB PROJECT NO. 40316 Dear Mr. Pierce: Enclosed please find our Invoice No. 1-40316-DS-001 for professional services in connection with the above referenced project. If any further information is necessary to process this invoice for payment, please feel free to contact Scott Forbes at 972-661-5626. Sincerely, HNTB CORPORATION ~cl·~ Benjamin J. Biller. P.E. Vice President. Central Division BJB/sso Enclosures co: Scott Forbes -Plano Finance Tb,' 11 \TIl Cnwj)nllil'_' un1t.~: 'l.l,I"'\'P!(H \A .\"';"\.\1'\11.1". \10. \Tl.\":\. ".\. Al ~l'I'. 1-':. [\'I,TO' R,)\"til'. I. \ II! )~TO\:. ;.n. '!l\ItU~~·I'l"'. ~!:, nl\llll':i'f. :\;1)1\"'.\1'1 lU:-. I" J.Kh"""\U,1I H .. h..\'\;:-\~ ";1''1 '\H l "'tl\.'II.U. I"'. 1,\'I;... r... ,•. \IL 10... \"CJ::Lf.~_ I:.... tl:u b\tlJ.f.. K\\ 'IAIlI';!)"'. \'>:1, \11'.:'11, I'L ~nl.\\·\!·l\fl'. \\1, :'.l1"'\,Y.\I'''U~, .\('. \:-\~ll\1I,ll', ". "<1'\\ \'1111;;'. \Y <)<\"LV\I). C\ 111;\'"", <'111-"'1''-, L\, IlRI,A'IlP Ii.. 1'1". ).!~1 ~,\I.'I' L\KF t;!1"'L 1'1': "'.\'\ ."1\"10) T'\, ~\'\, HI'''''' \!lI11'\,t), t'"'. ~\" mA\:\:lllt\....,"-, ji,';>':J(\..\F, 1'\. ~F'\T1U: Wt; T\.\II'A. 1'1.. HllY.DU. 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