APPENDIX B SUBDIVISIONS· ORDINANCE NO. 261 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING AND SUBDIVIDING OF LAND; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OR FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS: Section I. Division of land to be under supervision of the city. All land within the jurisdiction of the city not heretofore subdivided according to the laws, rules and regulations of the Town of Addison and the State of Texas into lots, blocks, and streets shall hereafter be laid out under the direction of the city council and city planning and zoning commission, and no other subdivision will be recognized or provided services by the city. No officer or employee of the city shall do or cause to be done any work upon any street or in any addition or subdivision of the city unless all requirements of these -Editor's note-The subdivision ordinance was adopted by the city council on April 27. 1976. The ordinance is set out herein as adopted ......ith amendments through October 9. 1979. History notes in parentheses l } have been placed at the end of amended 􀀸􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁏􀁮􀁬􀁾􀀠Any words appearing in braeke", [1 were added by the editor for clarity. The ediwr h.. been inst:ructed to substitute "Town of AddiBon" for HCity of Addiaon" in anticipation of future amendments. Charter reference-Municipal plOllnintr. §§ 2.08. 7.01 ot seq. Cro.. l'eierences-Streeta and sidewalks. Ch. 16; utilities. Ch. 18; zoning. 􀁁􀁰􀁰􀁾􀀠A: franchises. App. C. State law reterence-Platting and recording 8ubdivisiona or additions. V.T.e.S.• Art. 9740. Supp. No. 2 2091 J Sec.! ADDISON CODE regulations have been complied with by the owner of said addition or subdivision. The subdivider may avail himself of the advice and assistance of the city planning and zoning commission and consult early and informally with the public works department before the preparation of the preliminary plat and before formal application, in order to save time and expedite the planning work necessary. Section II. Withholding improvements. It shall be the policy of the city to withhold all city improvements, including the malntenance of streets and the furnishing of sewage facilities and water service, from all additions, the platting of which has not been officially 'approved by the city council. No improvements should be initiated, nor contracts exeeuted{,l until the approval of the city council has been given. Section III. Deimitions. City shall hereinafter mean the Town of Addison. Subdivision shall mean the division of any tract or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development, expressly excluding development for agricultural purposes, and shall include resubdivision. "Subdivision" shall also mean the division or redivision of an existing subdivision together with any change of lot size therein or with the relocation of any street. "Subdivision" shaH also mean a tract of land intended to be built upon and for which a building permit is required. (Ord. No. 819, § 1, 7·27·82) Section IV. Procedures for subdivision. In order to allow orderly processing of proposed subdivisions. the procedures discussed in the following sections shall be used. In general, the steps necessary for subdivision include: Supp.No.2 2092 APPENDIX B-SUBDlVISIONS Sec. IV A. Annexation by the city council. B. Zoning by the planning and zoning commission and the city council. Supp. No. 2 2092.1 APPENDIX B-SUBDlVISIONS Sec, VI C. Approval of a land study by the planning and zoning commission and the city council. D. Approval of preliminary plat and plans by the planning and zoning commission. E. Approval of the final plat by the planning and zoning commission and the city council. F. Approval of the final plans by the director of public works or his designated agent. G. Filing of approved plat with the Diilllas County clerk and recording of all executed easements, dedications and other documents required to be filed of record. H. Completion of construction and acceptance of all improvements by the city. This procedure may be varied at the discretion of the director of public works. For those areas to be subdivided which lie outside of the corporate limits but are being submitted only for review and approval to satisfy the requirements of extraterritorial jurisdiction and Article. 944(a). [974aj, Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes, the provi· sions concerning annexation and zoning may be deleted. All other provisions shall remain in force. State law reference-Platting and recording subdivisions or additions. V.T.C.S., Art. 974 •. Section V. Annexation. If the property is not within the city limits of Addison and the owner desires that it be annexed so as to be qualified to receive city services. when available. and be afforded zoning protection. the owner must petition the city for annexation through lawful annexation proceedings. Charter reference-Annexation. § 1.04. State law reference-Municipal Annexation Act. V.T.e.S.• Art. 970a. If the property is not zoned as required for the proposed 􀁵􀁢􀁤􀁩􀂷􀁶􀁩􀁳􀁪􀁏􀁬􀁾􀀮􀀠permanent zoning shall be requested. Applica. for zoning includes completion of application forms. 2093 ;5ec. vr ADDISON CODE l?ayment of required fees, and performance of other requirements of the zoning ordinance and the rules and regulations of the city, as the same may be. from time to time. passed or amended. Section VII. Land study. In the development of a large area, either by sect: .ns or as one subdivision, the developer must submit a land study to the public works department. Submittal shall include a letter of transmittal requesting review and payment of the required filing fee. The purpose of the land study is to allow the planning and zoning commission and the city council to review proposed . major thoroughfare and collector street patterns, land use, and the property's relationship to adjoining subdivisions or 􀁰􀁾􀀢􀁰􀀧􀀡􀁲􀁴􀀺 􀁩􀁥􀁳􀀮􀀠The study shall be prepared as follows: The study shall be drawn to scale of one·inch equals two hundred (200) feet or hu·ger. The lower right.hand corner of the study shall contain a title block clearly showing the proposed name of the subdivision. the name and address of the subdivider and the engineer or surveyor responsible for the design or survey, the scale of the drawing, the date the drawing was prepared, and the location of the tract according to the abstract and survey records of Dallas County. Texas. The study shall clearly show the limits of the tract and scale distances. True north shall be clearly indicated and shall be the top or left of the study. The study shall show the names of adjacent subdivisions or the name of record of owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land. The study shall contain the existing zoning on adjoining land. the location. width, and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract, existing permanent buildings, 2094 APPENDIX B-SUBDIVISIONS Sec. liIll railroad rights-of-way, and topography with eXlstmg drainage channels or creeks, and other important features such as political subdivisions or corporate limits and school district boundaries. The study shall show the layout and width of proposed thoroughfares and collector streets and shall show a general configuration of proposed residential streets. Section VIII. Preliminary plat and plans. The developer shall submit preliminary plat and plans of the subdivision to the public works department. Submittal shall include a letter of transmittal requesting review and the required filing fees. The purpose of the submittal is to allow the planning and zoning commission to re.view overall platting of the tract. water and sewer service. and street patterns within the subdivision for conformance with the requirementa of the city. It also provides the city an opportunity to make preliminary estimates of city participation in street and utility costs in the subdivision. The plat and plans shall be prepared as follows: The preliminary plat shall be drawn to a scale of one inch equals one hundred (100) feet or larger. It shall contain the name of the proposed subdivision. the name and address of the subdivider and the engineer or surveyor responsible for the design or survey, the tract designation, and other descriptions according to the abstract and survey records of Dallas County, Texas. It shall also contain a north" point, scale. and date. The boundary line of the tract, accurate in scale, shall be shown. It shall show the names of adjacent subdivisions or names of record of owners of adjoining parcels. the location. widths. and names of all existing or platted Z095 ADDISON CODE streets. easements. or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract. existing railroad rights-of-way, and other important features such as section lines, political subdivisions or corporation limits and school district boundaries. It shall show all parcels of land intended to be