• .. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGIONAL. COMPREHENSIVE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (ITS) PROGRAM FOR THE OALLASlFoRT WORTH REGION Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) continue to be an important part of the operation of surface transportation systems and service to the traveling public. In the DallasIFort Worth region. several elements of ITS have been implemented with several other projects under design and construction. ITS systems are being planned or Implemented by various transportation agencies including the Dallas and Fort Worth Districts of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART). the Fort Worth Transportation Authority (The T), North Texas Tollway Authority (NITA) and local municipalities. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Regional Transportation Council (ATC) has planning. programming. funding and regulatory interests including air quality conformity in a regional ITS program. Other organizations such as the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition (DRMC) has a keen interest in transportation and advocating mobility in the Dallas area. Several ITS planning initiatives have been developed or are underway in the DaliaslFort Worth Region. ITS Programs must be mutually complementary among agencies if they are to be effective from both a cost and service aspect. Therefore. the undersigned agencies hereby agree to the concept of a REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (ITS) PROGRAM FOR THE DALLASIFORT WORTH REGION, and pledge to work together and with local municipalities in the region to coordinate and cooperate in planning, implementation and operation of ITS systems. VA RAPID TRANSIT 􀀯􀁾􀀠ION ORliY .lrY OF TRANSPORTATION (OALL4S OISTRICT} /' /-"'" MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (ITS) PROGRAM FOR THE OALLAS/FORT WORTH REGION Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) continue to be an important part of the operation of surface transportation systems and service to the traveling public. In the DaliasIFort Worth region. several elements of ITS have been implemented with several other projects under design and construction. ITS systems are being planned or implemented by various transportation agencies including the Dallas and Fort Worth Districts of the ;rexas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART). the Fort Worth Transportation Authority (The T). North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) and local municipalities. The North Central Texas Council of Govemments (NCTCOG) Regional Transportation Council (RTC) has planning. programming. funding and regulatory interests including air quality conformity in a regional iTS program. Other organizations such as the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition (DRMe) has a keen interest in transportation and advocating mobility in the Dallas area. Several ITS planning initiatives have been developed or are underway in the DaliaslFort Worth Region. ITS Programs must be mutually complementary among agencies if they are to be effective from both a cost and service aspect. Therefore, the undersigned agencies hereby agree to the concept of a REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (ITS) PROGRAM FOR THE DALLAS/FORT WORTH REGION, and pledge to work together and with local muniCipalities in the region to coordinate and cooperate in planning, implementation and operation of ITS systems. OF TAAfiSPORTATtON (DALLAS DISTRICT) J" -"" National Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis of Highway Practice 259 Management of Surface Transportation Systems THOMAS URBANIK II, Ph.D., P.E. College Station. Texas TopicPtmel QUZIN AKAN. City <>/Norfolk. Division o,(TranspOTfauon RICHARD A. CUNARD. Transportation Re$earch Board LESLIE N. JACOBSON, Vbshington Stale Department a/Transportation JAa..YN K. LANDSMAN.I/e_fly) Federal. HighwayMministnuion MORRIS OLIVa. Federal Highway Adntinistroli"" GEORGE]. SCHEUERNSTUHL, Demer RegiOft(J/Council ofGtive1lJ.ments DOUGLAS W. WlERSIG. HOUlf(1fZ TranSrnr Transportation Research Board National Research Council Researcn Sponsored by the Anteriffs between modes must be be considered. And third, there are even institutional considerations within agencies caused by the differing perspectives within the various departments. A variety of strategies have been applied to the management of the surface transportation system. The management strategies affect either the demand for transportation, the supply of transportation services, or sometimes a combination of supply and demand. These strategies are generally organized along traditional service delivery programs, which historically have been driven by the federal-aid program. These categories of strategies are: • Traditional transportation system managemem, • Incident management strategies, • Information systems, • Access management, • Parking management, • Travel demand management, • Intelligent transportation systems, and • Added capacity. 2 This synthesis presents a limited set of case studies of places where progress is being made toward a more holistic and synergistic approach to management of the surface transportation system. The selected case studies describe six metropolitan areas: Houston, Texas; Metropolitan Nf-service based), • Link or trip based (to provide system monitodng), • Sensitive to time period (e.g., spreading of peak-period, at least hourly, not dally data), • Not too difficult or costly to collect, • Can be forecast into the future, and • Sensitive to the impact of congestion mitigation strategies (on people andlor goods). Transportation performance measures involve both ad", quacy and quality of transponation systems. Crucial aspects of adequacy are readily described using congestion measures for determination of sufficiency or defIciency. To describe qUality, the complement of congestion must be quantified, namely, mobility or accessibility. Past definitions of congestion have fallen into twO basic categodes, those that focus on cause and those that focus on effect. Performance measurements clearly require a definition that addresses 􀁥􀁦􀁦􀁥􀁣􀁾􀀠or symptoms, of congestion. Travel time or delay are the typical measures. Congestion is then the travel time or delay in excess of that nonnally incurred under light or 􀁦􀁲􀁥􀁥􀁾􀁦􀁬􀁑􀁷􀀠travel conditions. However, congestion measures have limitations in cross mode comparisons. Moving to a comprehensive management approach makes it essential that the performance measures be consistent with the goals and objectives of the process in which they are being employed. It is also important 10 consider how the performance measures may be used, including policy, planning, and operational situations (13). Mobility is the converse of congestion and can be measured as speed of traveL Mobility is the ability to move people and goods to their des tination in an acceptable amount of time or at an acceptable speed. This concept is applicable across 'e included a comraflow bus lane on the Hollywood Freeway, concurrent llow HO V lanes in the medians of the San Diego. Long Beach, and Artesia Freeways. concurrent fiow lanes by taking away a lane on the Santa Monica Freeway, and a barrier and bufferseparated HOV facility on the San Bernadino Freeway. The fltSt joint project involved the Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) and Cal trans ·to implement the San Bernadino Busway in 1970. Caltrans and SCRTD shared project sponsorship, which involved Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration funding. As one of the outcomes of a bus strike in 1975, the facility was opened to carpools. In 1974, as as a result of the 1970 Clean Air Act. Caltrans responded with a proposal ror a widespread implementaliOn of HOV Janes. The previously proposed demonstrations became the backbone of a regional HOV program. Due to Clean AIr Act deadlines, the next project to be implemented was the Santa Monica diamond lanes in 1974. 19 The Santa Monica diamond lanes only required the restriping and signing of an existing freeway lane for carpools of three or more persons. This project removed 25 pereent of the general purpose capacity and caused significant traffic congestion on the remaining 􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀢Perceptions of HOV lane uncterutili2aticn, reaction to increased local traffic. public outcry, and negative media coverage resulted. Despite technical 􀁳􀁵􀁣􀁾􀀠cess in moving more people. the project was halted under court order after 21 weeks. The results of the Santa Monica diamond lane project appear to have had a major impact in stalling the development of HOV projects throughout California well into the 1980,. Although the Santa Monica diamond lane project was a setback. it ultimately lead to a different approach to HOV, The Route 91 (Artesia Freeway) HOV demonstration was propesed as an added capacity project for carpools only. The Deputy Director of Traffic Operations for Cal trans District 7 became the project "crusader" who was was willing to take the project ro local representatives to "buy 􀁩􀁮􀁻􀁑􀁾􀀧􀀠the concept. The success of this project set the stage for several hundred miles of other HOV projects in the region, The 1984 Olympics, beld in Los Angeles. gave dramatic proof that management of the surface transportation system can WOrk. The feared gridlock never occurred because of the coordinated planning and management by a host of agencies; traffic, transpertation planning, pelice, public transportation, and the Olympic Committee. The approach merged plans for each segment of the system-freeways. streelS. buses, parking. etc,-into an overall approach for the games. which was then implemeoted by the appropriate ageocies (36). The Olympics effort appears to have resulted in otber collaborative activities. as will be discussed later in this section. One key aspect of the City of Los Angeles' Olympics Transporllltion Plan was the Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC) System The benefitS of this system lead the City of Los Angeles to expand the system over a period of about 10 years to include 11 areas and 1170 traffic signals. The most recent expansion of the system includes the Smart Corridor (37). In response to increasing congestion and improved technologies, various agencies jointly initiated tbe Smart Corridor Demonstration Project to implement "smart" technologies within the Santa Monica Freeway conidor. one of the most heavily traveled and congested in Los Angeles and the world. This project built on the various programs of tbe individual agencies and the success with tbe 1984 Olympics (38). The primary agencies involved in tbe Smart Corridor cooperative e1lbrt are: tbe City ofLos Angeles Department ofTl"dfispcrration; the Califomia Department of Transpertation (Caltrans); tbe California Highway Patrol (CHP); and tbe Los Angeles County Tl1ll1S]lOrtalion Commission. Other agencies and organizations involved in the project include: The City of Los Angeles Police Department: the Cit]! of Los Angeles Bureau of Street lighting; the City of Culver City, the Southern California Rapid Transi t Disriet: the Southern California Association of Governments: the \utomobile Club of Southern California: and FHWA (33). The Smart Conida! Demonstration is investigating the hysical. operational, institutional, and pelitical feasibility and otenDai effectiveness of managing the individual facilities within the corridor at 􀁭􀁡􀀮􀁾􀁩􀁲􀁮􀁵􀁭􀀠efficiency. balancing traffic flow between alternative routes. and dissemination of traveler inionnation using advanced technologies to achieve the 0perational goats. Methods to achieve maximum efficiency include computer control of traffic signals and ramp meters. incident detection and confl.fTnution on the freeway and arterials. coordinated incident response. and coordinated enforcement and accident investigation measures (33). Implementation of the Smarr Corridor operations by the City of Los Angeles. Caltrans, and tbe CHP has necessitated the development of a detailed operations policy statement (39). Likewise, a cooperative agreement has been drafted (40l for the operation of Smart Corridor traffic Signals in Culver City by the City of Los Angeles. subject to agreed upen strategies and the ability of the City of Cu!ver City to have monitoring capability. These various agreements demonstrate that it is possible to overcome various institutional considerations in a complex operating environment. Success in the Smart Corridor is partly dependent on flexibility among and within agencies, and in some cases, contractors. That is to say, it is often difficult to anticipate all the issues or problems that may be encountered when a project is undertaken. If the parties pursue a project based 00 strict contractual terms. it may be difficult to obtain the desired result. The process is one of confidence building among the various partners. Regular communication among working staff is also an important ingredient in success. A unique congestion pricing project in the Los Angeles area is tbe State Route 9! Variable-Toll Express Lanes, the ftrst fuUy automated toll road in tbe world. It opened for revenue service on December 27,1995, The four-lane tall facility is located in the median of the existing eight-lane Riverside Freeway in Orange County. California, between tbe City of Anaheim and tbe Riverside County line. Unlike variable-tall roads in Singapore. Scandinavia! France, and elsewhere. the SR91 project is a single highway section serving an urban commute corridor. where a free. although congested. alternative route is readlly available (41). The privately built and operated facility charges tolls that vary with tbe ticne of day. reflecting tbe travel time saved by toll lane customers compared witb users of tbe adjacent public freeway. The longer tbe traffic delays on tbe adjacent freeway lanes, the higher the toll. Currently taUs follow a published scbedule. although the technology would permit the toll levels to vary dynamicaliy. AU taUs are collected by automatic vehicle identification (AV1). in part part because tbere is not enough space in the freeway median for conventional toll booths. Vehicles not equipped with AVl are prohibited from the facility. The system on State Route 91 is interoperable witblanes on the other publicly operated toU roads in Orange County. where conventional ton booths are also prOVided, Rideshare groups with three or more persons (HOV-3+) currently travel toll-free. although they may be charged a discounted toU sometime in the future. A special lane is provided for HOV-3+ vehicles to bypass the electronic toll-taking, which Occurs about halfway along the length of the facility. Proper use of the automated toll !anes is enforced by the CHP, under 20 contract to the California Private Transportation Company (CPT). and through the use of video surveillance equipment. The CPT operdtes the toU lanes on hmd [e:.sed from the state of Califomia. TIte CPT has 35 years to retum a profit to its investotS. after wtlich lime the toll lanes revert to full state control. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA The San Francisco Bay Area has developed a Metropolitan Transportation System (MTS). The MTS is the Bay Area's multimodal network of highways, major arterials, transit services. rail lines. seaports. airports. and transfer hubs critical to the region's movement of people and goods ([mernal memos and personal communication, MTe staff), ISTEA put considerable emphasis on managing the sys· tern. At the urging of the Metropolitan Transportation Corn· mission (MTC), the various agencies involved in regional transportation planning began the task of developing a management strategy for the MTS, A consensus evolved that the MrS needed to be managed as though it were one system, irrespective of mode or ownerShip, Beyond that, however, there remained varying opinions about what a management strategy should encompass and its relationship to other regional planning and decision-making activities. The conceptual model developed by MTC is a series of three concentric circles. the management strategies in the center, surrounded by the regional transportation plan. which is surrounded by the broad community goals, Oepending on the strategy, it mayor may not require trade-offs between these various levels, For example, Freeway Service Patrols are generally acceptable and noncontroversial. On the other hand, adding capacity, changes in pricing. or changes in land use involve broader community goals. The dilemma is how far up the continuum does the management strategy go before it must be reconciled with other objectives and how does this reconciliation take place? The management strategy first seeks to identify effective tools that tend to be at the center or neutral end of the planning and community goals spectrum, Promising strategies that tend to threaten other objectives must be reconciled in the larger context of the Regional Transportation Plan or even in the context of broad community goals. Effective management strategies will require tradeoffs between jurisdictions and modes, This requires the building of partnerships. For example, one management strategy is management of traffic signals. One signal, on its merits, is relatively benign. When several are strung together across jurisdictional boundaries and involve state highways and local roads, then the potential for conflict climbs higher on the scale. Another example is the Caltrans Freeway Operations System (FOS). It is viewed as potentially giving priority to freeways, dumping traffic on local streets, and taking money that could go to local projects. To be successful, the FOS must be defined in a way that benefits all parties, Therefore. an important objective of the management strategy is to put forward agreed upon ground rules that will enable partners to resolve potential conflicts as strategies are put forth. Capital projects lie in the center of the continuum and for the most part are reconciled in the Regional Transportation Plan process, However, If the interaction between management strategies and capital improvement strategies is oot considered, poor rno.nagernem strategies and poor capital decisions will result. The process to date in the Bay Area has lead to a goal to demonstrate that an interagency management strategy can be effective in improving reglonal mobility, The strategy • Focuses on the MTS, • Provides a system context for interagency decisions, • Provides a muitimodal context for management decisions by unimodal operators, • Builds on the management initiatives that are underway. • Provides a regionwide commitment to develop and implement ISTEA's six management systems, integrated to the extent feasible as the elements of the management strategy, and • Is seen as a continuing. vital endeavor essential to support the region's transportation investment. To foster interagency cooperation, a Bay Area Partnership was formed. The Bay Area Partnership Board (42) consists of the tOP managers from 31 agencies responsible for moving people and goods in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as agencies responsible for protecting the region's environmental qUality, These experienced professionals have corne together to improve regional mcbility by sharing ideas, working on issues of mutual concern, and cutting through the process that blocks innovative solutions to the twin problems of traffic congestion and smog, A key issue is commitment to enhancing the Bay Area's economic vitality. preserving the features that make the region a speCial place to ·live and work, and conserving resources. From the outset, The Partnership was developed as a nonhierarchical institution without walls, thriving on mutual interest and cooperation. The Bay Area's numerous natural barriers and rich mix of urban, suburban and rural settings and subeconomies have resuited in a multiplicity of transportation system owners, operators and regulators. This institutional framework is responsive to varying local needs. but also requires coordination where their systems intersect or overlap. The complex Bay Area environment depends on connections that are as much financial, institutional, and informational as they are physical for integration of individual components into the larger picture of a system, The Bay Area Partnership is a forum for corrununication, much of it face-to-face, The dialogue occurs at many levels, including bimonthly meetings of the full board and a smailer steering committee, and at numerous subcommittee and task force meetings that occur in between. The chairmanship and location of the regular meetings of the full board are passed from agency to agency to further foster the relationships. While joining the partnership initially required a leap of faith, over time. the Partners have found good reasons to commit their time to these multiple-agency sessions, They develop a mutual understanding of the budgets that must be 21 shared. and how best to invest in improving overall system performance. even when some of their own favored projects had to be deferred. A guiding principle is that decisions jointly made will more readily lead to action and a commitment to overcoming obstacles. With 􀁉􀁔􀀧􀁾􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁩􀁴􀁹􀀬􀀠The Bay Area Partnership has developed a common vision of a single transportation system, supported by pooled resources. The Bay Area Partnership bas spotlighted a select group of interagency projects for some special attention. The program is known as JUMP Start, which stands for the Joint Urban MObility Program. JUMP Start is designed to expedite delivery of relatively sbort-term, low-cost, projects with high-payoff projects. The projects focus on smoothing traffic flows, making public transit and carpooling more attractive, enhancing system safety, redUCing polluting emissions. and streamlining the planning process. JUMP Start projects require the joint efforts of two or more agencies or involve multiple modes. In fact, where it can take a decade for a transportation project to leap the various financial and bureaucratic hurdles. JUMP Start addresses institutional issues that previously would stall promising concepts. The time elapsed between project conception and delivery of benefits has been reduced to weeks and months. The following are a few ..amples of the early successes. With the belp of a federal grant, MTC, Caltrans, and the region's public transit operators set up a clearinghouse-known as TravInfo-to provide travelers with real-time data on traffic con to Metro Traffic Management Coordination, Task 5-Final Report." Volpe National Transportation Center, September 13, 1993. 8. ''Trame Monitoring Guide," U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C. (Pebruary 1995). 9. Briggs, D.w.. NCHRP Synthesis of Practice 133: Integrated Highway Information Systems, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington, D.C. (o<:tober 1987). 10. CTRE en route, "Statewide Pavement Management: Coordinating the Data." Center for Transportation Research and Education. Iowa State University. Ames, Iowa (January 1997). II. Meyer. M.D. and E.J. Miller, Urban Transportation Planning-A Decision Oriented Approach, McGrawHill. New York, N.Y. (1984). 12. "Congestion Management for Technical Staff," NHl Course No. 15259, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washingron, D.C. (April 1994). 13. Pratt, R.H. and T.J. Lomax, "Performance Measures for Multimodal Transportation Systems," TRB Committee Draft (January 1994). 4. Implementing Effective Travel Demand Management Measures: Inventory Of Measures and Synthesis Of Experience, DOT -T 􀀭􀀹􀁾􀀲􀀬􀀠Federal Highway Administration and Federtli Transit Administration. U.S. Department of Transportation. Washington. D.e. (September 1993). 15. ''Traffic Management Teams in Texas," State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (now Texas Department of Transportation). Division of Safety and Maintenance Operations (now Traffic Operations Division), Austin, Texas (February 1986). 16. Roper. D.H. NCHRP Synthesis of Practice 156: Freeway Incident Management, Transportation Research Board. National Research CounCil, Washington, D.C. (December 1990). 17. Levinson. 􀁈􀀮􀁓􀀮􀁾􀀠"Access Management-National Overview." A Conference Co-Sponsored by the New York State Department of Transportation and the Government Law Center of Albany Law School, Albany, New York (May 3, 1994). 18. Gomez-Iballez, lA. and KA. Small. NCHRP Synthesis 210: Road Pricing for Congestion Management: A Survey of International Practice, Transportation Research Board. National Research Council, Washington, D.e. (1994). 19. 􀀧􀁾􀁵􀁩􀁬􀁤􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁧􀀠the ID: Putting the National Architecture into Action," Prepared by Mitretek Systems for Federtli Highway Administration, Washingron, D.C. (April 1996). 20. National Transportation Communication for ITS ProtOCol webpage, http://www.ntcip.org. 21. Rutherford, G.S., NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice 201: Multimodal Ewaluation of Passenger Transportation, Transpo}tation Research Board, National Research Council, Washingron, D.C. (1994). 22. Humphrey, T.G., NCHRP Synthesis 217: Consideration Of the 15 Factors in the Metropolitan Planning Process, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. (1995). 23. ''Transportation Infrastructure, Benefits of Traffic Control Signal Systems Are Not Being Fully Realized," GAOIRCED-94-105, Report to the Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House 'of Representatives, United States Geoeral Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. (March 1994). 24. Sumner, R., S. Shapiro, D. Capelle. D. Hill, P. Tarooff, J. Pecrykanyan, and J. Watt, Overview, Freeway Management Handbook, Vol. I. DOT-PH-Il-9706, U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Washington, D.C. (May 1983). 25. McCasland, W.R., Freeway Ramp Control System, Research Report 24-261', Texas Highway Department and Texas Transportation lltstltute, College Station. Texas (August 1969). 26. Turnbull, KF.. High-Occupancy Vehicle Project Case Studies History and Institutional Arrangement, Texas Department OfTransportation, Texas Transportation Institute Technical Report 925-3, College Station, Texas (December 1990). 26 27. Fuhs, C.A .. NCHRP Sylllhesis 185: Preferential Treatments for High·Occupancy Vehides, Trlli1Sportation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington, D.C. (1993). 28. Levine, S.Z. and RJ.Kabat, Diary of A Traffic Management Team. The Houston Experience. in 􀁔􀁲􀁡􀁬􀁊􀀮􀁳􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁛􀀨􀁊􀁾􀀠lion Research Record 906, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D. C. (1983). 29. "Houston Intelligent Trlli1Sportation System. Executive Summary," Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, Texas Transportation Institute, Houston (April 1991). 30. "Vemure Washington, Short-Range Action Plan: Toward Deployment of Advanced Technology on Washington's Transportation System," Washington State Department of Transportation, Seattle, Washington (no date). 31, Berg, D., The North Seattle ATMS Project," Second International Symposium on Integrated Transportation System Management, Seattle, Washington (May 8-LO, 1995). 32. Edelman, M .. ''TRAl'lSCOM's Development in New York. New Jersey and Connecticut: Multi-Jurisdictional Issues in lTMS." 2nd Symposium on Integrated Traffic Management Systems, Transportation Research BOard. National ResearCh Council. Washington. D.C. (May 1995) (DRAFT PAPER). 33. Edelman. M .• ''TRfu'lSCOM's Project Update for the TRB Freeway Operations Committee," (January 1996). 34. Coalition Weopage. btt/lwww.i95coalition.org! (October 1997). 35. Roper, D.H., "Traffic Management for Special Events: The Olympic Experience." Transportation Research Board Specialty Conference. Washington, D.C. (January 10, 1998). 36. "ATSAC Evaluation Study." Department of Transportation, City of Los Angeles. California (June 1994). 37. "Smart Corridor for the City of Los Angeles, DemonsU'ation Project Conceptual Design Study," Vol. 1. Fin", Report, JHK & Associates. Kaiser Engineering, Kaku Associates. IBI GrouP. Expert Panel (October 1989). 38. "Smart Corrdior Operations Policy Statement," Milestone MA 4.3. Version 1.1, JHK & Associates, Pasadena, California. DRAFT (Octo her (994). 39. "Cooperative Agreement fOr the Washingtun Boulevard Smart Corridor between the City of Los Angeles and the City of Culver City," March 15, 1993. 40. Stale Route 91 Homepage. The Cal Poly Applied Research and Development Facilities and Activities (ARDFA) transportation research group, University of California, San Luis Obispo, Califomia. http://airship. ardfa.calpoly. edu/-jwhansonlsr91main.html. 41. MeU'opoliran Planning Commission Wohpage, Oakland, California. http://www.mtc.dst.causl 42. "Smart Moves, Newsletter of the Bay Area ITS Early Deployment Plan." MeU'opolitan Transportation Commission, San Francisco, California (September 1996). 43. Stehr, R.A and G.c. Carlson, "Rapid Deployment of Minnesota's Traffic Management System," The Proceedings of the 1994 Annual Meeting of ITS America, Atlanta. Georgia (April 17-20. 1994). 44. 'Minnesota Guidestar SU'aregic Plan," Minnesota Guidestar, St. Paul. Minnesota (June 1994). 45. Boyd., SJ. and G.F. Rylander. "Advanced Parking Information System-Operational Test." Office of Advanced Transportation Systems. Minnesota Department of Transportation, St Paul, Minnesota (no date). 􀁾􀀮􀀠Ofstead. E.E. and J.L. Wright. 'Minnesota GuidestarProgress Towards a Statewide Intelligent Transportation System," The Proceedings orthe 1994 Annual Meeting of ITS America, Atlanta, Georgia (April 17-20, 19941. THE TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD is a unit of the National Research Council. a private. nonprofit institution that provides independent advice on scientific Illld technical issues under a congressional charter. The Research Council is the principal operating arm oftbe National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. The mission of the Transportation Research Board is to promote innovation and progress in transportation by stimulating and conducting research, faCilitating the dissemination of information. and encouraging the implementation of research findings. The Board's varied activities annually draw on approximately 4.000 engineers. scientists. and other transportation researchers and practitioners from the public and private sectors and academia, all of whom contribute their expertise in the public interest. The program is supponed by state transportation departments. federal agencies inCluding the component administrations of the U.S. Department ofTransportation, and other organizations and individuals interested in the development of transportation. The National Academy of Sciences is a nonprofit. self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated 10 the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on SCientific and technical malters. Dr. Bruce Alberts is president of the National Academy of Sciences. The Nadonal Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of outstanding engineers. It is autonomous in its adntinistration and in the selection of its members. sharing with the National Academy of Sciences the responsibility for 􀁡􀁤􀁶􀁩􀁳􀁩􀁾􀁧􀀠the federal government. The National Academy of Engineering also sponsors engineering programs aimed at meeting national needs, encouraging education and research. and recognizes the superior achievements of engineers. Dr. William A.Wulf is president of the National Academy of Engineering. The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy malters penaining to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility given to the National Academy of Sciences, by its congressional charter to be an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own initiative, to identify issues of medical care, research. and education. Dr. Kenneth I. Shine is president of the Institute of Medicine. The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy's purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal government. Functioning tn accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of hoth the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the government. the public. and the scientific and engineering communities. The Council is adntinistered jointly by both Acadenties and the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Bruce Albens and Dr. William A. Wulf are chairman and vice chairman, respectively. of the National Research Council. ..