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This can be accomplished by using a wastewater meter to measure discharge into the system or a water meter to deduct water which is not returned to the wastewater system from total water consumption. . Following are the most common configurations currently approved for use by DWU. Other configurations may be submitted but will be closely reviewed on an individual basis. A.. Wastewater meter to measure total discharge into the wastewater collection system. Ifthe customer has more than one wastewater lateral, a meter will be required for each lateral. B. Deduct water meter to measure water which does not return to the wastewater collection system. Volume measured on the deduct is subtracted from the total water volume for calculation ofsewer charges. An example would include water to be consumed in a manufacturing process. . Water meters must conform with standards established by the American Water Works Association. Copi es ofthe standards will be provided to the customer by Industrial Billing. All configurations must be approved by Dallas Water Utilities. :METER STANDARDS Water Meters 1. Must conform with standards established by the American Water Works Association. 2. Must measure water consumption in gallons and must be sized according to flow. 3. Registers must record consumption to at least hundreds ofgallons. Registers must have no more than seven (7) digits when reading to hundreds ofgallons. Registers must be clearly marked to insure ease of accurate readings by Dallas Water Utilities meter readers. 4. Meter location must be easily accessible for monthly reading by Dallas Water Utilities meter readers and must provide accessibility for periodic testing. Wastewater Meters 1. Wastewater meters must be some flowmeters which utilize a closed pipe. 2. Meters must register wastewater discharge in gallons and must be sized according to flow. 3. Registers must record consumption to at least hundreds of gallons. Register must have no' more than seven (7) digits when reading to hundreds ofgallons. Register must be clearly marked to insure ease of accurate reading by Dallas Water Utilities meter readers. 4. Meters must be self calibrating and accurate to .3 foot per second. 5. Meters must have a 31 day recording chart. 6. Additional information can be provided by the Wastewater Collection Division ofDallas Water Utilities. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Dallas Water Utilities must approve your plans in advance ofinstallation to insure: • That all discharge into the wastewater collection system is accounted fur. • That the meter is accessible for monthly reading by D\VU. • That the meter can be tested for accuracy. • A copy of plans showing all wastewater laterals must be furnished to DWU. Any meters installed which do not meet all requirements and standards will not be approved for billing use. For this reason, it is important that you contact DWU early in the planning stages of your project. After DWU approves your plans and you have purchased a meter which meets required specifications, you may install the meter. DWU will then inspect the meter and installation, tag the meter with a number which will be used in billing, get an initial read aQd approve a maintenance schedule. DWU may also choose to test the meter for accuracy prior to initiating billing. Customer must submit a letter requesting separate billing and agree to remain on the rate for at least one (1) year. TESTING AND MAJ1\'TENANCE All privately owned meters must qe tested prior to use for billing purposes. Certified test results from an independent party must be provided to DWU. Routine maintenance and testing must be performed according to the following schedule: Water Meters-Meter Size (Inches,) I!lsting Intervals 5/8" 10 yrs. 3/4" 8 I" 6 1 'h" 4 2" 4 3". 3 4" 2 5" 1 Results must be supplied to DWU. Any Meter which falls outside registration accuracy guidelines found in the A WW A Standards must be replaced at the customer's expense. Wastewater Meters All types ofwastewater flowmeters will require routine maintenance at intervals that \:vill depend upon what material is discharged at low levels.· Most schedules will require maintenance every two or four weeks. This schedule will be approved by DWU prior to installation. . All wastewater meters must be tested annually by an independent party and test results provided toDWU. Meters which register less than 98% or more than J02% must be repaired or replaced. PRIVATE METER CHARGES A one time fee of$8.25 will be charged for each newly installed private meter. A monthly fee of $10.02 (prompt Pay) will be charged for each private meter. Wastewater discharge will be billed at $1.73 (prompt Pay) per thousand gallons. This rate does not include the allowance given customers without private meters. For additional information or to to discuss a private meter for your business, please call: Dallas Water Utilities Industrial Billing Section (214) 670-3102 Revised 03/05101 SAMPLE LETTER Sally Marable, Supervisor Industrial Billing Dallas Water Utilities City Hall, 3 A North Dallas, TX 75201-6320 Regarding Account # Dear Sally Marable, We have installed private meters in order to reduce sewer charges because we believe more than 10% ofour water usage does not return to the sanitary sewer. Please see attached diagram of our metering configuration and copy of meter specifications. Also attached is a certification vertifYing that the meter is installed and set up correctly. We agree to have the meter calibrated annually. We request that this account be placed on the Wastewater Metered Separately Rate. We understand and agree that we will remain on this rate for at least one year. We also understand that the rate for sewer will change from $1.56 to $1.73 per 1,000 gallons (current charges as of Oct. 1, 2002), eliminating the allowance built into the sewer rate based on water usage. We also understand that there will be a $10.02 monthly charge for each private meter installed. Please contact ___________, at phone # ___For further information ifnecessary. Signed Title Attachments