National flood Insurance Program CommunitY Status Book Federal Emergency Management Agency federal Insurance Administration Wasnington, 􀁄􀁾􀁃􀀮􀀠20412 TEXAS ----------.....􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭Purpose This book provides information about: communities participating in the National flood Insurance Program (42 U.S.C. 40014128) -section I. communities which 􀁡􀁲􀁾􀀠not participating in the National Flood Insurance Program but have had special flood hazards identified by the 􀁾􀁥􀁤􀁥􀁲􀁡􀁬􀀠Insurance Administration· Section II. Its purpose is to: assist lenders in determining whether or not flood insurance must be required as a condition of Federal or federally related financial assistance. assist property owners and insurance agents jn determining whether or not flood insurance is available in a particular community, and whether a map showing fLood zones is available. assist Federal agencjes in meeting their responsibilities under Executive Order 11988, floodplain management, to evaluate whether a proposed action will occur in a flood hazard area. assist State and local agencies by providing information for floodplain management. assist any other members of the general public who may be interested in the information contained within this book. Section of this book lists communities PARTICIPATiNG in the National Flood Insurance Program. Flood insurance policies for residential and commercial properties and their contents located in the cOlmlUnities listed may 􀁾􀁥􀀠purchased from any insurance agent or broker licensed to sell property or casualty insurance and jn good standing in all the states in which the agent is licensed. Agents may obtain information about coverage, rates, etc., by calling the National Flood Insurance program toll free at 􀀱􀀭􀀸􀀰􀀰􀁾􀀶􀀳􀀸􀀭􀀶􀀶􀀲􀀰􀀬􀀠by calling tne Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) toll free at 1-800-447-9487, or from any private sector property insurance company participating in the Write Your OWn (WYO) Program. the community number (or COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER) appearing on the F!A flood map for the community. The alphabetic suffix at the end of the number indicates whether the currently effective map is a revision of an earlier map (e.g*f !lA" normally indicates a first edition, "811 a first revision, 􀁥􀁴􀁣􀁾􀀩􀁾􀀠This nunber and the suffix, if any, IlJJSt be wri tten on all Hood insurance policies. Column 2 􀁾􀀠(COMMUNITY NAME). This indicates the name of the community, followed by the name of the county in which it is located. When the community is a county, only its unincorporated areas are referred tOj incorporated areas are listed individually as township, city, vilLage, etc. Column 3 -This indicates THE DATE OF THE COMMUNITY'S ENTRY INTO THE REGULAR OR EMERGENCY PROGRAM of the National Flood Insurance Program. The symbol (R) followi·ng the date indicates Regular Program; if no parenthetical symbol appears after the date, the cOlmlUni ty is participating in the Emergency Program. Column 4 This indicates THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE FLOOO MAP OF THE COMMUNITY. This date also appears on the flood map of the COO'm.lOl ty. If there is no date in this column, a flood map for the comrunity has not yet been pub! ishe<1, but the community is st;ll participating in the 􀁾􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁡􀁬􀀠Flood Insurance 􀁐􀁲􀁯􀁧􀁲􀁡􀁭􀁾􀀠If a date appears in both columns, then the ovrchase of flood insurance ;s required as a cono·t'on of Federal or federally related financial 􀁡􀁾􀁾􀂷􀁾􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀀠for construction or acquisition of 􀁢􀁵􀁩􀁬􀁤􀁩􀁮􀀹􀁾􀀠􀀧􀁾􀁣􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠within the special flood halard areas 􀁡􀁾􀀠􀀧􀁾􀁯􀁷􀁮􀀠on the FIA flood maps. (including FHA and v. 􀁾􀁲􀁴􀁧􀁡􀁧􀁥􀀠guarantees, mortgage loans from federally 􀀧􀁾􀀱􀁾􀁬􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠tending institutions, Federal disaster 􀁾􀀬􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀡􀁡􀁮􀁃􀁥􀁦􀀠etc.) Section II ,..Section 11 of this book lists communities 􀁷􀁨􀁴􀀧􀁾􀀠NOT PARTICIPATING in the National Flood Insurance 􀁾􀁾􀀠"11''1, but Column 1-(COMMUNITY NUMBERS). These six digit numbers are which have an FIA flood map 􀁤􀁥􀁬􀁦􀁮􀁾􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠the 􀁾􀁣􀁾􀁟􀀠flood either the same number or the same first six digits of hazard areas in the community. Column 1-same as Column 1 described above_ Column 2-same as Column 2 described above. Column 3-HAZARD AREA IDENTIrIED. This is the effective date of the first FIA flood map of that community. There may be other, nKJre recent maps for the cCIIIIU\i ty. Column 4-DATE ON WHICH SANCTIONS APPlV. Eff.ctive on this date. no d;reet Federal assistance (including FHA or VA mortgage guar.ntees) can legally be provided for the acquisition or construction of buildings in the special flood hazard .r....hown on the FlA map of this conrrunity. To obtain 􀁾􀂷􀁴􀁯􀀭􀁤􀁡􀁴􀁥􀀠informatio n on whether the sanction on Federat assistance stitt applies for their community. call the Federal Emergency M.nagement Agency (202) 646-34#. $}'!!'boIs NSFHA -The community. haa no speci.1 flood h.zard areas and • flood map for the cOlllllJl'li ty has not been publ i.hed. Although it may not be subject to the l00-year flood. floods of a gre.ter magnitude could occur 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁾􀁥􀀮􀀮􀀠In addition. certain structures may be damaged bV local drainage prcbl__ The community is All ZONE C for flood rating purposes. l -Minimally Flood Prone. with Flood Hstard 80undary Map converted to Flood Insurance Rate Map by letter, no 􀁣􀁨􀁡􀁮􀁧􀁾􀀠in flooding shown on mapt no elevation on map. M Minimall y Flood Prone. no elevation on map. R Entry date into Regular 􀁐􀁾􀁲􀁡􀀮􀀮􀀠s -suspended fr"" the Natl ..... l Flood Insurance progr..,. F • Effective Map is a Flood Insurance Rate Map. Note, however f that the Hazard Area ldentifiec:P' dateII denotes the date of original identifieation of the special flood hazard area and I. not n......rily the date of the most recent Flood Insurance Rate Map. w􀁾􀀠 The conmJnity has withdrawn from the National Flood Insurance Program. No flood insurance available. Other sanctions apply. For up·to·date information after suspension date, call the above nut'ber. * Unincorporated areas only. > -Date of current effective map is after the date of this report. /I -This community has • map with a 10-digit ID number. Each map wi wi th such 8 nLl!lber wi II be publ 1'shed as one or more Z-folel panels (like road maps). Each map having more than one panel also has an index showing which panels apply to the various sections of a community. Since the 10-diglt system permits the revision of individual panels rather than the entire map. the 􀁦􀁮􀁤􀁥􀁾􀀠also shows the correct suffix of the most current panel for a particular location in the corm'Uli ty. Each time 8 panel is revised and published, the map index is also revised and republished with a ne effective date to reflect the panel revfsion. For community mapa with 10-dlgit ID numbers, the Status Book gives 􀁤􀁂􀁴􀁾􀀠relating to the index only. The index' I'IlJSt be consulted for information on individual panels. State-Owned Property Flood insurance Is not required for State-owned property fn the following states because these states have submitted to FIA satisfactory self-insurance plans against. flood loss: Florida Georgia Iowa Kentucky Maine Hew Jersey New York: North Carol ina Oregon Pemsylv.nia South Carolina Tennessee Vermont Publication Schedules This book is published semiannually and is available in separately bound copies for each state, or, if nationwide information is needed, in a botrd copy for the entire Nation. CQPies are free; to get on the distribution list or change your .ddr.... number of copl.. ordered. etc•• call (800) 638-6620 (toll free). To report 􀁥􀁲􀁲􀁾􀁲􀁳􀀠fcx..nd. in this book, call (202) 646-3444. Upd.tes to this book .re published periodically in the Feder.l Register, which is determinative for the purpose of corrections and legal .ffect. Ordering Flood Maps FIA flood maps and/or indices may be ordered from: Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Map Distribution Center 6930 (A-F) S.n Tomas Road Saltimore, M.ryland 21227-6227 or call Hational Flood Insurance Program Telephone: 1-600-333-1363 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUN ITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (DR MAP INDEX) 480271B ABERNATHY, CITY OF HALE COUNTY AUG 24, 1982(R) AUG 24, 1982(M) 485450# ABILENE, CITY OF JONES COUNTY JUL 23, 1971(R) SEP 5, 1990 TAYLOR COUNTY 480504A AGUA DULCE, CITY OF NUECES COUNTY MAR 26, 1971(R) DEC 12, 1975 480036# ALAMO HEIGHTS, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY AUG 15, 1978(R) JUL 5, 1984 480335C ALAMO, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY JAN 30, 1979(R) SEP 25, 1979 480565# ALBANY, CITY OF SHACKELFORD COUNTY JIJL 17, 1986(R) JUL 17, 1986 480394# ALICE, CITY OF JIM WELLS COUNTY MAR 1, 1984(R) MAR 1, 1984 480131# ALLEN, CITY OF COLLI N COUNTY JUN 1, 1978(R) SEP 4, 1991 480085# ALPINE, CITY OF BREWSTER COUNTY NOV 16, 1990(R) NOV 16, 1990 480740A ALTO, TOWN OF CHEROKEE COUNTY AUG 19, 1985(R) AUG 19, 1985(M) 481571# ALTON, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY JUL 1, 1981(R) JUN 8, 1982(M) 480397# ALVARADO, CITY OF JOHNSON COUNTY MAY 4, 1982(R) SEP 27, 1991 485451# ALVIN, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY FEB 18, 1972(R) MAY 4, 1992 480529# AMARILLO, CITY OF POTTER COUNTY . JUL 19, 1982(R) JUL 19, 1982 RANDALL COUNTY 480120# ANAHUAC, CITY OF CHAMBERS COUNTY JUL 16, 1981(R) JAN 6, 1983 480001# ANDERSON COUNTY· ANDERSON COUNTY JAN 24, 1992 JAN 24, 1978 480064# ANGLETON, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY JUN 10, 1977(R) MAY 4, 1992 480401 ANSON, CITY OF JONES COUNTY MAY 25, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 480804A ANTHONY,TOWN OF EL PASO COUNTY AUG 1, 1987(R) AUG 1, 1987(l) 480353B ANTON, CITY OF HOCKLEY COUNTY AUG 24, 1982(R) AUG 24, 1982(M) 485452# ARANSAS COUNTY· ARANSAS COUNTY AUG 6, 1971(R) MAY 4, 1992 485453# ARANSAS PASS, CITY OF ARANSAS COUNTY JUN 25, 1971(R) MAY 4, 1992 NUECES COUNTY SAN PATRICIO COUNTY 480698# ARCHER CITY, CITY OF ARCHER COUNTY OCT 16, 1979(R) OCT 16, 1979(M) 481078# ARCHER COUNTY· ARCHER COUNTY JAN 6, 1988(R) JAN 6, 1988 481619 ARCOLA CITY OF FORT BEND COUNTY SEP 26, 1988(1988(R) USE THE FORT BEND COUNTY (480228) FIRM. 480775# ARGYLE, CITY OF DENTON COUNTY APR 16, 1990(R) APR 16, 1990 485454# ARLINGTON, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY DEC 30, 1970(R) FEB 4, 1988 480790A ASHERTON, CITY OF DIMMIT COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) SEP 1, 1987(l) 480014# ATASCOSA COUNTY· ATASCOSA COUNTY JUN 15, 1981(R) JUN 15, 1981 480324# ATHENS, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY MAY 5, 1981(R) SEP 27, 1991 480117# ATLANTA, CITY OF CASS COUNTY MAY 19, 1981(R) MAY 19, 1981 480704# AUSTIN COUNTY· AUSTI N COUNTY JAN 17, 1990(R) JAN 17, 1990 480624# AUSTIN, CITY OF TRAVIS COUNTY SEP 2, 1981(R) MAY 15, 1986 481086A AUSTWELL, CITY OF REFUGIO COUNTY SEP 4, 1985(R) SEP 4, 1985(M) 480983A AVERY, CITY OF RED RIVER COUNTY SEP 14, 1982(R) SEP 14, 1982(M) (R) INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA . NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA -ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT * -UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES DR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK I FEOERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEOERAL INSURANCE AOMINISTRATION PAGE 2 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUN ITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 480584# AlL!, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY OCT 15, 1985(R) OCT 15, 1985 480808 BAILEY, TOWN OF FANN I N COUNTY NOV 29, 1991 NOV 5, 1976 480065# BAILEYS PRAIRIE, TOWN OF BRAZORIA COUNTY OEC 15, 1983(R) MAY 4, 1992 480722A BAIRD,TOWN OF CALLAHAN COUNTY APR 1, 1987(R) APR I, 1987(Ll 48016611 BALCH SPRINGS, CITY OF OALLAS COUNTY SEP 3, 1980(R) MAR 2, 1989 481094# BALCONES HEIGHTS, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY APR 15, 19S0(R) -APR 15, 1980 480549# BALLINGER, CITY OF RUNNELS COUNTY FEB 16, 1990(R) FEB 􀁾􀀶􀀬􀀠1990 480537# BALMORHEA, CITY OF REEVES COUNTY NUV 1, 1985(R) SEP lb, 1988 480020# BANDERA COUNTY· BANDERA COUNTY NOV 1, 1978(R) FEB 15, 1991 480021# BANDERA, CITY OF BANDERA COUNTY DEC 1, 1977(R) JUL 17, 1989 480718A BANGS i TOWN OF BROWN COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R l JUN 19, 1985(M) 481087A BARDWELL, CITY OF Ell! S COUNTY MAR 1, 1991(R) MAR I, 1991(L) 480707# BARTLETT, CITY OF BELL COUNTY MAR 25, 1985(R) . (NSFHA) 481501# BARTONVILLE, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY SEP I, 1987(R) AuG 3, 1989 481193# BASTROP COUNTY· BASTROP COUNTY AUG 19, 199I(R) AUG 19, 1991 480022# BASTROP. CITY OF BASTROP COUNTY AUG 19, 1991(R) AUG 19, 1991 485455# BAY CITY, CITY OF MATAGORDA COUNTY APR 23, 197HR) JUN 5, 1985 481207# BAYlOR COUNTY* BAYlOR COUNTY APR 15, 1986(R) APR 15, 1986(M) 481589 BAYOU VISTA, VILLAGE OF GALVESTON COUNTY APR 9, 1971(R) USE THE GALVESTON COUNTY-(485470) FIRM. 481586# BAYSIDE, CITY OF REFUGIO COUNTY MAR IS, 1985(R) MAR 18, 1985 485456# BAYTOWN, CITY OF CHAMBERS COUNTY JUL 1, 1974(R) MAR 4, 1987 HARRIS COUNTY 480102 BAYVIEW, TOWN OF CAMERON COUNTY SEP I, 1981(R) (NSFHA) 480121# BEACH CITY, CITY OF CHAMBERS COUNTY JAN 19, 19B3(R) JAN 19, 1983 485457# BEAUMONT, CITY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY OCT 30, 1970(R) MAR 16, 1992 480585# BEOFORD, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY JUL JUL 18, 1977(R) JUN 4, 1990 481610 BEE CAVE, VILLAGE OF TRAVIS COUNTY APR 12, 1988(R) USE THE TRAVIS COUNTY (481026) FIRM. 480026# BEE COUNTY" BEE COUNTY APR 1, 1982(R) APR I, 1982 480027# BEEVILLE, CITY OF BEE COUNTY JAN 20, 1982(R) JAN 20, 1982 480706# SELL COUNTY· BELL COUNTY FEB 15, 1984(R) FEB 15, 1984 480289' BELLAIRE, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY SEP 30, 1981(R) SEP 28. 1990 480457' BELLMEAD, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY SEP 15, 1978(R) SEP IS, 1978 481095' BELLVILLE, CITY OF AUSTIN COUNTY JAN 17, 1990(R) JAN 17, 1990 480028# BELTON, CITY OF BelL COUNTY JUL 5, 1982(R) JUL 5, 1982 480792A BENAVIDES, CITY OF DUVAL COUNTY MAR 4, 1986(R) MAR 4, 1986(M) 480586# BENBROCK, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY JUL 2, 1979(R) NOV 16. 1990 480925# BEVERLY HILLS, CITY'OF MCLENNAN COUNTY SEP 15, 1978(R) SEP 15. 1978 480878# BEVIL OAKS, CITY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY JAN 6, 1983(R) SEP 4, 1987 48003511 BEXAR COUNTY" BEXAR COUNTY OCT 16, 1984(R) OCT 16, 1991 (R) INDICATES ENTRY IN REOULAR PROGRAM NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C C > -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT • -UNINCORPORATEO AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES DR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOCK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 3 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIOMAL FLOOO INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 480534 BIG LAXE, CITY OF REAGAN COUNTY JUL 21, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 4815961 BIG OAKS M.U.D. FORT BEND COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) AUG 5, 1986 480360# BIG SPRING, CITY OF HOWARD COUNTY SEP 30, 1981(R) SEP 30, 1981 . 480505# BISHOP, CITY OF NUECES COUNTY APR 15, 1981(R) APR 15, 1981 480711# BLANCO COUNTY BLANCO COUNTY FEB 6, 1?91(R) FEB 6, 1991 480050# BLANCO, CITY OF BLANCO COUNTY JUN 5, 1985(R) FEB 6, 1991 480719# BLANKET, TOlIN OF BROWN COUNTY APR 2, 1992(R) APR 2, 1992 480952A BLOOHING GROVE, CITY OF NAVARRO COUNn OCT 24, 1978(R) OCT 24, 1?78(M) 480892A BLOSSOM, TOlIN OF LAHAR COUNTY NOV 1, 1985(R) NOV 1, 1985(H) 480587# BLUE MOUND, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY JUL 16, 1980(R) JUL 16, 1980 481628# BLUE RIDGE, TOlIN OF COLLIN COUNTY APR 2, 1991(1991(R) SEP 4, 1991 480350A BLUM,CITY OF HILL COUNTY AUG 1, 1981CR) AUG 1, 1987!l) 480418# BOERNE, CITY OF KENDALL COUNTY SEP 30, 1983{R) SEP 30, 1983 481582# BONHAM WATER AUTHORITY FANNIN COUNTY FEB I, 1988(R) FEB I, '1988{L) 480222# BONHAM, CITY OF FANNIN COUNTY MAY 5, 198HR) MAY 5, 1981 481300# BONNEY, TOlIN OF BRAZORIA COUNTY JUN 10, 1977(R) MAY 4, 1992 480444# BOOKER, CITY OF LIPSCOMB COUNTY APR 16, 199.0(R) APR 16, 1990 480314B BORGER, CITY OF HUTCHINSON COUNTY MAR 1, 1991(R) MAR 1, 1991(L) 4800518 BOSQUE COUNTY· BOSQUE COUNTY AUG 1, 1987(R) AUG 1, 1987(L) 481194# BOIIIE COUNTY· BOWl E COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 480481# BOIIIE, CITY OF MONTAGUE COUNTY AUG 2, 1977(R) JAN 17, 1991 480616# BOYD, CrTY OF IIISE COUNTY SEP I, 1987(R) MAR 19, 1990 480422 BRACKETTVILLE, CITY OF KINNEY COUNTY AUG 3, 1984(R) (NSFHA) 480455# BRADY, CITY OF MCCULLOCH COUNTY OCT 15, 1981(R) OCT 15, 1981 .485458# BRAZORIA COUNTY· BRAZORIA COUNTY MAY 7, 1971(R) MAY 4, 1992 4800661 BRAZORIA, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY DEC 15, 1983(R) MAY 4, 1992 481195# BRAZOS COUNTY· BRAZOS COUNTY JAN 13, 1986 OCT 18, 1977 480578# BRECKENRIDGE, CITY OF STEPHENS COUNTY SEP 30, 198HR) JAN 2, 1991 480648# BRENHAM, CITY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY AUG 17, 1981(R) AUG 17, 1981 480511# BRIDGE CITY, CITY OF ORANGE COUNTY SEP 2, 1982(R) SEP 2, 1982 480677# BRIDGEPORT,CITY OF WiSE COUNTY AUG 1, 1987(R) MAR 19, 1990 480128# BRONTE,CITY OF COKE COUNTY MAR 4, 1986{R) MAR 4, 1986(M) 4811961 BROOKS COUNTYBROOKS COUNTY JUL I, 1987(R) JUL 1, 1987(L) 481097# BROOKSHIRE, TOlIN OF WALLER COUNTY SEP 2, 1981(R) SEP 2, 1981 480067# BROOKSIDE VILLAGE, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY NOV 1, 1984(R) HAY 4, 1992 480717# BROWN COUNTY· BROlIN COUNTY MAR 1, 1991(R) MAR I, 1991(L) 481542# BROIINDELL, TOlIN OF JASPER COUNTY JUL 3, 1985(R) ,JUL 3, 1985(M) 480620# BROIINFIELD, CITY OF TERRY COUNTY SEP 30, 1981(R) SEP 3D, 1981 48010311 BROIINSVILLE, CITY OF CAMERON COUNTY DEC 1, 1978(R) DEC 1, 1978 48008711 BROIINWOOO, CITY OF BROlIN COUNTY APR 15, 1981(R) JUL 6, 1982 480082# BRYAN, CITY OF BRAZOS COUNTY MAY 19, 1981(R) MAY 19, 1981 (R) 􀁾􀁏􀁉􀁃􀁁􀁔􀁅􀁓􀀠ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA -NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA· ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER COOES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THiS BOOK 4 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 􀁃􀁾􀁎􀁉􀁔􀁉􀁅􀁓􀀠PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOO INSURANce PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT 􀁃􀁾􀁎􀁉􀁔􀁙􀀠EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER 􀁃􀁾􀁎􀁉􀁔􀁙􀀠NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 480877A BRYSON, CITY Of JACK COUNTY NOV I, 1989(R) NOV I, 1989(L) 481138A BUfFALO GAP, TOWSHIP Of TAYLOR COUNTY MAR 16, 1988(Rl MAR 16, 1988 480568# BULLARD, CITY OF SMITH COUNTY APR 24, 1979(R) APR 24, 1979(M) 48029011 BUNKER HILL VILLAGE, CITY 0 HARRIS COUNTY APR 17, 1979(R) (NSFHA) 48065811 BURKBURNETT, CITY Of WICHITA COUNTY DEC IS, 1982(Rl DEC 15, 1982 48116911 BURLESON COUNTY· BURLESON COUNTY JAN 18, 1989(R) JAN 18, 1989 48545911 BURLESON, CITY Of JOHNSON COUNTY NOV 2, 1973(R) SEP 27, 1991 TARRANT COUNTY 48120911 BURNET COUNTY· BURNET COUNTY NOV 16, 1990(R) NOV 16, 1990 48009211 BURNET, CITY Of BURNET COUNTY SEP 18, 1987(R) NOV 16, 1990 48009411 CALDWELL COUNTY· CALDWELL COUNTY MAR 15, 1982(R) MAR 18, 1986 48008911 CALDWELL, CITY Of BURLESON COUNTY SEP 30, 1988(R) SEP 3D, 1988 48009711 CALHOUN COUNTY" CALHOUN COUNTY MAR 19, 197HR) APR 2, 1992 48098911 CALVERT, CITY Of ROBERTSON COUNTY JUL 6, 1982(R) JUL 6, 1982(M) 48010111 CAMERON COUNTY. CAMERON COUNTY JUN 15, 1979(R) MAR 18, 1991 480478C CAMERON, CITY OF MILAM COUNTY AUG 19, 1985(R) AUG 19, 1985(M) 480979A CAMP WOOD, CITY OF REAL COUNTY FEB IS, 1985(R) FEB 15, 1985(M) 4803238 CANADIAN, CITY OF HEMPHILL COUNTY JUN I, 1988(R) JUN I, 1988(L) 48063211 CANTON, CITY OF VAN ZANDT COUNTY SEP 29, 1986(R) SEP 29, 1986 48053311 CANYON, CITY OF RANDALL COUNTY SEP 20, 1982(R) MAY IS, 1991 48150511 CARMINE, CITY OF FAYETTE COUNn JUL la, 1985(R) JUL 18, 1985(M) 4801998 CARRIZO SPRINGS, CITY OF OIMMIT COUNTY JUL I, 19B7(R) JUL I, 1987(L) 48016711 CARROLLTON, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY JUL 16, 1980(R) JAN 2, 1991 DENTON COUNTY 48051911 CARTHAGE, CITY Of PANOLA COUNTY JAN 23, 1979(R) JAN 23. 1979(M) 48003711 CASTLE HILLS, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY SEP 30, 1980(R) SEP 28, 1984 48093211 CASTROVILLE, CITY Of MEDINA COUNTY MAY I, 1979(R) MAY I, 1979 480168# CEDAR HILL, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY APR I, 19aHR)' MAY 17, 1988 48128211 CEDAR PARK, CITY OF VILLIAMSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 480365# CELESTE, CITY OF HUNT COUNTY SEP I, 1987(R) SEP 4, 1991 48013311 CELINA, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY NOV 1, 1979(R) SEP 4, 1991 48056611 CENTER, CITY OF SHELBY COUNTY SEP 4, 1985(R) SEP 4, 1985(M) 48011911 CHAMBERS COUHTY· CHAMBERS COUNTY JUN 15, 1983(R) OCT I, 1983 48032611 CHANDLER, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY OCT 24, 197B(R) SEP 27, 1991 481537# CHATEAU WOODS, CITY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY JUL 17, 1986(R) JUL 17, 1986 481568 CHELFORD CITY M.U.D. FORT BEND COUNTY DEC 18, 1987(R) (NSFHA) HARRIS COUNTY 48073911 CHEROKEE COUNTY" CHEROKEE COUNTY DEC I, 1989(R) DEC " 1989(L) 4al053# CHICO, CITY OF VISE COUNTY SEP I, 1987(R) MAR 19, 1990 480125B CHILDRESS,CITY OF CHILDRESS COUNTY AUG I, 1987(R) AUG I, 1987(L) 481141# CHINA GROVE, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY JUN 15, 1984(R) JUN 15, 1984 (R) • INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 5 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOO INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY DR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUN ITV NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 480267# CIBOLO, CITY OF GUADALUPE COUNTY MAY 19, 1981(Rl MAY 19, 1981 480203# CISCO, CITY OF EASTLAND COUNTY JAN 23, 1979(Rl JAN 23, 1979(M) 481566# CITIES M.U.D. NO.2, CITY a FORT BEND COUNTY JUL 16, 19B4(Rl JUL 16, 1984 481584# CLARENDON, CITY OF DONLEY COUNTY AUG 19, 1986(R) AUG 19, 1986 481253# CLARKSVILLE, CITY OF RED RIVER COUNTY JUN 4, 1990(R) JUN 4, 1990 480742# CLAY COUNTY* CLAY COUNTY APR 2, 1991(R) APR 2, 1991 485461# CLEAR LAKE SHORES, CITY OF GALVESTON COUNTY OCT 23, 1970(R) APR 4, 1983 485462# 􀁃􀁾􀁅􀁂􀁕􀁒􀁎􀁅􀀬􀀠CITY OF JOHNSON COUNTY 􀁊􀁕􀁾􀀠23, 1972(R) SEP 27, 1991 48043911 CLEVELAND,CITY OF LiBeRTY COUNTY AUG 4, 1987(R) AUG 4, 1987 480052B CLIFTON,CITY OF BOSQUE COUNTY APR I, 1987(R) APR I, 1987(L) 481260A CLI CLI NT, TOlIN OF EL PASO COUNTY JUL I, 1987(R) JUL I, 1987(L) 480068# CLUTE, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY DEC 7, 1976(R) MAY 4, 1992 480721 CLYDE, CITY OF CALLAHAN COUNTY MAY 25, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 481599 COLDSPRING, CITY OF SAN JACINTO COUNTY MAY II, 1987(R)· 48012911 COLEMAN, CITY OF COLEMAN COUNTY APR I, 1981(Rl APR I, 1981 480083# COLLEGE STATION,_ CITY OF BRAZOS COUNTY JUL 2, 1981(Rl JUL 2, 1981 480590# COLLEYVILLE, TOlIN OF TARRANT COUNTY DEC I, 1982(R) DEC 1, 1982 480130# CaLl! N COUNTY* COLLIN COUNTY JUN 16, 1981(R) SEP 4, 1991 480480B COLORADO CITY, CITY OF MITCHELL COUNTY APR I, 1987(R) APR I, 1987(L) 480144# COLORADO COUNTY* COLORADO COUNTY SEP 19, 1990(R) JAN 3, 1990 481489t1 COLORADO COUNTY -􀁾􀁃􀁉􀁾􀀣􀀲􀀠COLORADO COUNTY JUN I, 1988(R) JUN 1, 1988(L) 480145# COLUMBUS, CITY OF COLORADO COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JAN 3, 1990 485463# CONAL COUNTY* COMAL COUNTY NOV 9, 1973(R) JUN 15, 1988 480150 COMANCHE COUNTY COMANCHE COUNTY JUN 20, 1990 -480151# COMANCHE, CITY OF CONANCHE COUNTY DEC 7, 􀀱􀀹􀀸􀁾􀀨􀁒􀀩􀀠DEC 7, 1982(Ml 480104 COMBES, TOWN OF CANERON COUNTY SEP I, 1981(Rl (NSFHA) 480366# COMMERCE, CITY OF HUNT COUNTY MAR 2, 1981(R) SEP 4, 1991 480484# CONROE, CITY OF NDNTGOMERY COUNTY MAY 16, 1977(R) NOV 20, 1991 480038# CONVERSE, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY JUN IS, 1981(R) NOV IS, 1985 480765# COOKE COUNTY* COOXE COUNTY SEP I, -1987(R) SEP 10, 1987(L) 480911A COOLIDGE, CITY OF LIMESTONE COUNTY NOV 1, 1989(R) NOV 1, 1989(L) 480170# COPPELL, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY AUG I, 1980(R) OCT 16, 1991 481508# COPPER CANYON, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY SEP 18, 1987(R) SEP 18, 1987 480155# COPPERAS COVE, CITY OF CORYELL COUNTY NOV 􀁾􀀱􀀬􀀠1978(Rl AUG 1, 1983 481143# CORINTH, TOlIN OF DENTON COUNTY MAY 15, 1979(R) JUN 3, 1986 485464# CORPUS CHRISTI, CITY OF NUECES COUNTY JUL 23, 1971(R) AUG 3, 1989 480527# CORRIGAN, CITY OF POLK COUNTY APR 20, 1982(R) APR 􀁾􀁏􀀬􀀠1982(M) 480498# CORSICANA, CITY OF NAVANRO COUNTY AUG 17, 1981(R) AUG 17, 1981 480768# CORYELL COUNTY* CORYELL COUNTY SEP 3D, 1981(Rl SEP 3D, 1981 48161" COTTONWOOD SHORES, CITY OF BURNET COUNTY NOV 16, 1990(R) NOV 16, 1990 480431B COTULLA,CITY OF LASALLE COUNTY APR I, 1987(R) APR I, 1987(L) (R) INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA -NO SPECIAL FLOOO HAZARD AREA -ALL ZONE C > -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT * -UNINCORPORATEO AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER COOES OR SYMBOLS ARE eXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 6 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS 'DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT CONMlJNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUN I TY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 480409A CRANDALL, CITY OF KAUFMAN COUNTY MAR 12, 1992 MAY 21, 1976 480501 CRANE, CITY OF CRANE COUNTY NOV 16, 1987(R) (NSFHA) 481512# CRANFILLS GAP, CITY OF BOSQUE COUNTY JAN 1, 1992(R) JAN I, 1992(L) 480359# CROCKETT, CITY OF HOUSTON COUNTY SEP 30, 1980(R) SEP 30, 1980 480159B CROSBYTON, CITY OF CROSBY COUNTY AUG 24, 1982(R) AUG 􀁾􀀴􀀬􀀠1982(M) 481513# CROSS ROADS, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY JAN 6, 1988 JAN 6, 1988 480819A CROWELL, CITY OF FOARD COUNTY AUG 24, 1982(1) AUG 24, 1982(M) 480591# CROWLEY, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY APR 15, 1981(R) APR 15, 1981 4806888 CRYSTAL CITY, CITY OF ZAVALA COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) SEP 1, 1987(L) 48019611 CUERO, CITY OF DEl/ITT COUNTY AUG 3, 1981(R) AUG 3, 1981 480162# CULBERSON COUNTY· CULBERSON COUNTY NOV I, 1985(R) NOV 1, 1985(H) 481279# CUT 'N SHOOT, CITY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEB 22, 1988(R) AUG 1, 1984 480493# DAINGERFIELD, CITY OF MORRIS COUNTY DEC 7, 1982(R) DEC 7, 1982(H) 481101# DAISETTA,CITY OF LIBERTY COUNTY JUN 15, 1982(R) APR 3, 1987 􀀴􀀸􀀰􀀱􀁾􀀣􀀠DALHART, CITY OF DALLAM COUNTY JUL 1, 1987(R) FEB 6, 1991 HARTLEY COUNTY 480165# DALLAS COUNTY· DALLAS COUNTY JUL 19, 1982(R) JUL 19, 1982 480171# DALLAS, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY MAR 16, 1983(R) JUL 2, 1991 481013# DALWORTHINGTON GARDENS, TOY TARRANT COUNTY MAY 17, 1982(R) MAY 17, 1982 480069# DANBURY, CITY OF BRA20RIA COUNTY SEP 16, 1981(R) MAY 4, 1992 480445A DARROUZETT, TOWN OF LIPSCOMB COUNTY FEB IS, 1985(R) FEB 15, 1985(M) 480953A 􀁄􀁁􀁾􀁓􀁏􀁎􀀬􀀠CITY OF NAVARRO COUNTY AUG 22, 1978(R) AUG 22, 1978(M) 481593# DAYTON LAKES, CITY OF IIBERTY COUNTY NOV 15, 1989(R) NOV IS, 1989 480440# DAYTON, CITY OF LIBERTY COUNTY SEP 30, 1988(R) SEP 3D, 1988 480152B DE LEON, CITY OF COMANCHE COUNTY SEP 4, 19B5(R) SEP 4, 1985(H) 480678# DECATUR, CITY OF 􀁾􀁉􀁓􀁅􀀠COUNTY AUG 16, 1977(R) MAR 19, 1990 480291# . DEER PARK, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY AUG IS, 1980(R) SEP 28, 1990 480631# DEL RIO, CITY OF VAL VERDE COUNTY JUN 15, 1979(R) AUG 15, 1990 480362A DELL CITY, CITY OF HUDSPETH COUNTY JUL 1, 1987(R) JUL 1, 1987(L) 480259# DENISON, CITY OF GRAYSON COUNTY MAY 15, 1980(R) MAY IS, 1980 480774111 DENTON COUII.TY· DENTON COUNTY MAY 4, 1987(R) NOV 20, 1991 480194# DENTON, CITY OF DENTON COUNTY AUG 1, 1979(R) AUG 4, 1987 480682# DENVER CITY, CITY OF YDAKIJM COUNTY JUL 17, 1989(R) JUL 17, 1989 4804268 DEPORT, CITY OF LAMAR COUNTY SEP 28, 1982(R) SEP 28, 1962(M) 480172# DESOTO, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY MAY 5, 1981(R) APR 17, 1984 480690# DEVINE, CITY OF HEDINA COUNTY APR IS, i977(R) APR 15, 1977 481171# 􀁄􀁅􀁾􀁉􀁔􀁔􀀠COUNTY* 􀁄􀁅􀁾􀁉􀁔􀁔􀀠COUNTY MAY 1, 1987(R) MAY 1, 1987(L) 460008# DIBOLL, CITY OF ANGELINA COUNTY FEB 6, 1991(R) FEB 6, 1991 481569# DICKINSON, VILLAGE OF GALVESTON COUNTY 'APR 9;, 1971(R) MAR 4, 1991 4802378 DILLEY, CITY OF FRIO COUNTY FEB 1, 1988(R) FEB 1, 1988(L) 480118B DIMMITT, CITY OF CASTRO COUNTY APR 1, 1987(1) APR I, 1987(L) (R) INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C > -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE HAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES ON SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 7 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOO INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECT1VE MAP NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 4803368 DONNA, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985(M) 481516# DOUBLE OAK, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY MAR 4, 1987(R) MAR 18, 1991 480507# DRISCOLL, CITY OF NUECES COUNTY JUL 16, 1981(R) JUL 16, 1981 4802198 DUBLIN, CITY OF ERATH COUNTY AUG 8, 1978(R) AUG 8, 1978(M) 480173# DUNCANVILLE, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY APR 15, 1981(R) NOV 19, 1987 480202# DWAL COUNTY" DUVAL COUNTY MAY 1, 1987(R) MAY 1, 1987(L) 480146# EAGLE LAKE,CITY OF COLORADO COUNTY APR I, 1987(R) JAN 3, 1990 480471# EAGLE PASS, CITY OF MAVERICK COUNTY JUN 1, 1981(R) JUN " 19!1 4800888 EARLY, CITY OF BROWN COUNTY JUL 1, 1987(R) JUL I, 1967(L) 480895A EARTH, CITY OF LAMB COUNTY JUL 18, 1985(Rl JUL 18, ,985(M) 4802048 EASTLAND,CITY OF EASTLAND COUNTY AUG 1, 1987(R) AUG I, 1987(L) 481145A EASTON, VILLAGE OF GREGG COUNTY DEC 1, 1989(R) DEC I, 1989(L) RUSK COUNTY 480796# ECTOR COUNTY· ECTOR COUNTY HAR 4, 1991 (R) SEP 27, 1991 480337 EDCOUCH, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY HAY 25, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 480763A EDEN, VILLAGE OF CONCHO COUNTY SEP 4, 1985(R) SEP 4, 1985(M) 480592# EDGECLIFF VILLAGE, 􀁔􀁾􀁎􀀠OF TARRANT COUNTY AUG 19, 1986(R) AUG 19, 1986 480338# EDINBURG,CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY MAY 2, 1977(Rl AUG 4, 1987 485465# EDNA, CITY OF JACKSON COUNTY NOV 12, 1971(R) JUL 5, 1982 480653# EL CAMPO, CITY OF WHARTON COUNTY JUN 4, 1980(R) MAR 1, 1983 485466# EL LAGO, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY JUL 2, 1971(R) SEP 28, 1990 48021211 EL PASO COUNTY· EL PASO COUNTY SEP 4, 1991(R) SEP 4, 1991 480214# EL PASO, CITY OF EL PASO COUNTY OCT 15, 1982(R) AUG 5, 1991 480659 ELECTRA, CITY OF WICHITA COUNTY AUG 3, 1984(Rl (NSFHA) 480023# ELGIN, ClTY OF BASTROP COUNTY JUL 1, 1988(R) AUG 19, 1991 4800028 ELKHART, TOWN OF ANCERSON COUNTY JUN 25, 1976(R) JUN 25, 1976(M) 480798# ELLIS COUNTY· ELLIS COUNTY AUG 19, 19, 1987(R) AUG 19, 1987 480339 ELSA, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY HAY 25, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 481634# ENCHANTED OAKS, TOWN OF HENDERSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 480207# ENNIS, CITY OF ELLIS COUNTY JUN 15, 1982(R) JUN 15, 1982(M) 480593# eULESS, CITV OF TARRANT COUNTY APR 3, 1985(Rl APR 3, 1985 480594# EVERMAN, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY SEP 17, 1980(R) SEP 17, 1980 480823A FAIRFIELD, 􀁔􀁾􀁎􀀠OF FREESTONE COUNTY MAR 1, 1990CR) MAR I, 1990(L) 481069# FAIRVIEW, TOWN OF COLLIN COUNTY NOV 1, 1979(R) SEP 4, 1991 480086# FALFURRIAS, CITY OF BROOKS COUNTY AUG 17, 1981(R) AUG 17, 1981 4804048 FALLS C1TY, CITY OF KARNES COUNTY MAR 4, 19860) MAR 4, 1986(M) 480174# FARMERS BRANCH, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY FEB 15, 1978(R) AUG 2, 1990 481627# FARMERSVILLE, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY APR 2, 1991(R) SEP 4, 1991 481565# FAYETTE CO. W.C.& I.D.-MONU FAYETTE COUNTY JUL 3, 1985(R) JUL 3, 1985(M) 480815# FAYETTE COUNTY" FAYETTE COUNTY JUN I, 1987(Rl JUN 1, 1987(L) 4810768 FERRIS, CITY OF ELLIS COUNTY AUG 22, 1978(R) AUG 22, 1978(M) (R) INDICATES EHTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM HSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOO HAZARD AREA -ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CLRRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATEO AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER COOES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 8 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PRDONAM AS OF HAY 8, 1992 . TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT Ct»lMUN ITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE HAP NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME REGULAR PRDG. (OR HAP INDEX) 4815831t FIRST COLONY L.I.D. FORT BEND COUNTY NOV 19, 1987(R) NOV 19, 1987 481102A FLATONIA, TOlIN O.F FAYETTE COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985(11) 48D6691t FLORENCE, CITY OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 4806711t FLORESVILLE, CITY OF WI LSON COUNTY NOV 16, 1977(R) NOV 16, 1977 480m# FLOWER HOUND, TOlIN OF DENTON COUN.TY SEP 18, 1986(R) OCT 18, 1988 480226B FLOYDADA, CITY OF FLOYD COUNTY NOV I, 1989(R) NOV I, 1989(L) 4805951t FOREST HILL, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY AUG I, 1978(R) AUG I, 1978 480410B 􀁾􀁏􀁒􀀩􀁦􀁅􀁾􀀬􀀠CJ!Y OF KAUFMAN COUNTY AUG a, 197'l(R) AUG 8, 1978(") 480228/t FORT BEND COUNTY* FORT SEND COUNTY MAR 19, 1987(R) JUN 18, 1990 4814851t FORT BEND COUNTY L.I.O. #2 FORT BEND COUNTY FEB IS, 1985(R) R) FEB 15, 1985 4815_ FORT BENO COUNTY L.I.D. 1t7 FORT BEND COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) AUG 5, 1986 481272# FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.O. 1t2 FORT BEND COUNTY NOV 15, 1984(R) NOV IS, 1984 481590# FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.D. #23 FORT BEND COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) AUG 5, 1986 481570# FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.D. #25 FORT BEND COUNTY FEB 4, 1987(R) . FEB 4, 1987. 481601 FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.D. N3D FORT BEND COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) USE THE FORT BEND COUNTY (480228) FIRM 481520# FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.D. N34 FORT BEND COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) AUG 5, 1986 4815191t FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.D. #35 FORT 8END COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) AUG 5, 1986 481591# FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.D. #41 FORT BEND COUNTY 􀁁􀁕􀁾􀀠5, 1986(R) AUG 5, 1986 481605 FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.D. #42 FORT BEND COUNTY HAY II, 19B7(R) USE THE FORT BEND COUNTY (480228) FIRM. 481600 FORT BEND COUNTY M.U.D. #81 FORT BEND COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) USE THE FORT BEND COUNTY (480228) FIRM. 480525# FORT STOCKTON, CITY OF PECOS COUNTY NOV I, 1985(R) NOV I, 1985(M) 480596# FORT WORTH, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY JUN 4, 1980(R) NOV 18, 1988 480990# FRANKLIN, TOWN OF ROBERTSON COUNTY JUL 6, 1982(R) JUL 6, 1982(M) 480252# FREDERICKSBURG, CITY OF GILLESPIE COUNTY MAY 19, 1981(R) HAY 19, 1981 485467# FREEPORT, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY NOV 13, 1970(R) MAY 4, 1992 485468. FRIENDSWOOD, CITY OF 􀁾􀁌􀁖􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁏􀁎􀀠COUNTY MAR 3, 1972(R) JUN 3, 1988 HARRIS COUNTY .4805238 FRIONA, CITY OF PARMER COUNTY JUN 5, 1985(R) JUN 5, 1985(M) 480134# FRISCO, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY JUN 18, 1980(R) SEP 4, 1991 480954A FROST, TOlIN OF NAVARRO COUNTY AUG 8, 1978(R) AUG 8, 1978(M) 481041A FRUITVALE, CITY OF VAN ZANDT COUNTY NOV I, 1989(R) NOV 1, 1989(L) 481488# FULSHEAR, CITY OF FORT BEND COUNTY JUL 31, 1981(R) AOO 19, 1987 480012 FULTON, CITY OF ARANSAS COUNTY FEa 27, 1987(R) USE THE ARANSAS COUNTY (485452) FIRM 481219 GAINES COUNTY" 􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁥􀁳􀀠COUNTY APR 19, 1989 480154# 􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁅􀁓􀁖􀁉􀁌􀁌􀁅􀀬􀀠CITY OF COOKE COUNTY OCT 15, 1981(R) OCT 15, 1981 480293# 􀁾􀁌􀁅􀁎􀁁􀀠PARK, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY NOV 2, 1982(1) SEP 28, 1990 485470# 􀁾􀁌􀁖􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁏􀁎􀀠COUNTY* 􀁾􀁌􀁖􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁏􀁈􀀠COUNTY APR 'I, '1971(R) NOV 16, 1990 -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE HAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT " -UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEOERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEOERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 9 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAN AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS PATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUM8ER COMMUNITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 48546911 GALVESTON, CITY OF GALVESTON COUNTY MAY 7, 1971(R) OCT 16, 1984 480381# GANADO, CITY OF JACKSON COUNTY SEP 28, 1979(R) SEP 28, 1979 480148# GARDEN RIDGE, CITY OF CCHAL COUNTY APR 3D, 1986(R) APR 30, 1986 481608 GARFIELD, VILLAGE OF TRAVIS COUNTY APR " 1982(R) 48547111 GARLAND, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY APR 16, 1971(R) AUG 15, 1990 480156# GATESVILLE, CITY OF CORYELL COUNTY SEP 30, 1981(R) SEP 30, 1981 4804488 GEORGE WEST,CITY OF LIVE OAK COUNTY AUG " 1987(R) AUG I, 1987( L) 48066811 GEORGETOWN, CITY OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 480435B GIDDINGS, CITY OF LEE COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) SEP 1, 1987(L) 480696# GILLESPIE COUNTY" GILLESPIE COUNTY MAY I, 1987(R) HAY 1, 1987(L) 4806258 GILMER, CITY OF UPSHUR COUNTY NOV I, 1985(R) NOV 1, 1985(M) 480262# GLADEWATER, CITY OF GREGG COUNTY JAN 16, 1981(R) JAN 16, 1981 4805748 GLEN ROSE, CITY OF SOHERVELL COUNTY MAY 25, 1984(R) MAY 25, 1984(M) 481265# GLENN HEIGHTS, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY JUL 16, 1980(R) JUL 16, 1980 ELLIS COUNTY 48GS28# GOLIAD, CITY OF GOL IAD COUNTY AUG 19, 1986(R) AUG 19, 1986 480253# GONZALES COUNTY· GONZALES COUNTY AUG 15, 1978(R) AUG IS, 1978 480254# GONZALES, CITY OF GONZALES COUNTY JUN 15, 1979(R) JUN 15, 1979 48107GA GOODRICH, CITY OF POLK COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985(M) 481103 GORMAN, CITY OF EASTLAND COUNTY MAY 25, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 480685# GRAHAM", CITY OF YOUNG COUNTY NOV 4, 1981CR) JAN 2, 1991 480357# GRANBURY, CITY OF HOOD COUNTY JAN 15, 1988(R) JAN 15, 1988 485472# GRANO PRAIRIE, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY JUL 6, 1973(R) APR 2, 1990 ELL! S COUNTY TARRANT COUNTY 4806348 GRANO SALINE, CITY OF VAN ZANDT COUNTY NOV 23, 1982(R) NOV 23, 1982(M) 4806438 GRANOFALLS, CITY OF WARD CooNTY AUG I, 1987(R) AUG 1, 1987(LJ 4810461 GRANGER, CITY OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY SEP 27. 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 48114911 GRANHE SHOALS, CITY OF BURNET COUNTY NOV 16, 199D(R) NOV 16; 1990 480598# GRAPEVINE, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY NOV 17, 1982(R) AUG 15, 1989 TARRANT COUNTY 48082911 GRAY$OK COUNTY· GRAYSON COUNTY NOV 12, 1981 OEC 20, 1977 485473# GREENVILLE, CITY OF HUNT COUNTY AUG 13, 1971(R) SEP 4, 1991 480261# GREGG COUNTY" GREGG COUNTY JAN 3, 1990(R) JAN 3, 1990 480555# GREGORY, CITY OF SAN PATRICIO COUNTY APR 15, 1981CR) APR IS, 1981 48003911 GREY FOREST, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY JUL 16, 1980(R) JUL 16, 1980 481173# GRIMES COUNTY· GRIMES COUNTY AUG I, 1988(R) AUG 1, 1988( Ll 48091ZA GROESBECK, CITY OF LIMESTONE COUNTY OCT 15, 1985(R) OCT 15, 1985(") 480726A GROOM, CITY OF CARSON COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985<") 485475# GROVES, CITY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY NOV 13, 1970(R) JAN 6, 1983 481032A GROVETON, CITY OF TRINITY COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985(") (R) • INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA -ALL ZONE C > -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT • -UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 10 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT I:ilIOOJN IT Y EMERGENCY OR EfFECTIVE HAP NIJI1BER COMMUNI TY NAME REGULAR PRoq", (OR HAP INDEX) 4802661 GUADALUPE COUNTY" GUADALUPE COUNTY HAR I, 1979(R) JAN 3, 1985 480832A GUNTER, TOWN OF GRAYSON COUNTY JAN 18, 1988(R) JAN 18, 1988 481607 HACKBERRY, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY DEC 17, 1987 481223' HALE COUNTY" HALE COUNTY FEB I, 1988(R) FEB 1, 1988(L) 4854760 HALlETSVIlLE, CITY OF LAVACA COUNTY JUL 7, 1972(R) FEB 2, 1979 480599# HALTOM CITY, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY FEB I, 1978(R) JUN 4, 1990 480281' HAMILTON, CITY OF HAMILTON COUNTY JUN I, 1987(R) SEP 4, 1991 4804028 HAMLIN, CITY OF FISHER COUNTY JUL I, 1987(R) JUL I, 1987(L) JONES COUNTY 4802_ HARDIN COUNTY" HARD I N COUNTY UP 29, 1978(R) SEP 29, 1978 481270 HARD,IN, CITY OF LIBERTY COUNTY APR 9, 1985(R) (NSFHA) 480029# HARKER HEIGNTS, CITY OF SELL COUNTY AUG 3, 1981 1981 (R) AUG 3. 1981 485477# HARLINGEN, CITY OF CAMERON COUNTY JUN 23, 1972(R) AUG 3, 1981 480287# HARRIS COUNTY" HARRIS COUNTY HAY 26, 1970(R) SEP 28. 1990 48084711 'HARRISON COUNTY" HARRISON COUNTY NOV 1. 1989(R) NOV I, 1989(L) 480851# HASKELL COUNTY· HASKELL COUNTY OCT 15, 1985(R) OCT 15, 1985(M) 480320# HASKELL,CITY OF HASKELL COUNTY SEP 18, 1987(R) SEP IS, 1987 480600# HASLET, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY OCT 15. 1985(R) OCT IS, 1985 480885A HAWLEY, TOWN OF JONES COONTY JUL I, 1987(R) JUL t, 1987(Ll 48032111 HAYS COUNTY· HAYS COUNTY SEP 23, 1982 MAR 21, 1978 48054211 HEARNE, CITY OF ROBERTSOH COUNTY AUG 19, 1986(R) AUG 19. 1986 48054511 HEATH, CITY OF KAUFMAN COONTY FEB I, 1980(R) FEB I, 1980 ROCKWALL COONTY 480294 HEDWIG VILLAGE, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY MAY 26, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 48099711 HEMPHILL, CITY OF SABINE COUNTY SEP 18, 1979(R) SEP 18. 1979(M) 481045' HEMPSTEAD, TOWN OF WALLER COUNTY JUN IS, 1981(R) JUN 15, 1981 481174# HENDERSON COUNTY· HENDERSON COONTY SEP 27, 1991 (R) SEP 27, 1991 480551# HENDERSON, CITY OF RUSK COONTY SEP 27. 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 48012611 HENRIETTA, CITY OF CLAY COONTY FE8 4. 1987(R) APR 2. 1991 4801928 HEREFORD, CITY OF DEAF SMITH COUNTY JUN I, 1988(R) JUN I, 1988(L) 4804581 HEWITT ,CITY OF MCLENNAN COONTY MAY I, 1978(R) HAY I, 1978 481150A HICKORY CREEK, TOWN OF DENTON COONTY MAR 1. 1991(R) HAR 1. 1991(Ll 480334# HIDALGO COUNTY· HIDALGO COUNTY JAN 2, 1981(R) NOV 16, 1982 480340B HIDALGO, TOWN OF HIDALGO COONTY JAN I, 1992(R) JAN I, 1992(L) 4801781 HIGHLANO PARK, TOWN OF DALLAS COUNTY JUL 16. 1979(R) JUL 16. 1979 481105# HIGHLAND VILLAGE, VILLAGE 0 DENTON COUNTY JUL 16, 1987(R) , JUL 16, 1987 4854781 HILLCREST VILLAGE, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY MAR 17, 1972(R) HAY 4. 1992 48035111 HILLSBORO, CITY OF HILL COUNTY SEP 30, 1980(R) SEP 30, 1980 480295 HILSHIRE VILLAGE, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY JUN 28, 1979(R) (NSFHA) 485479# HITCHCOCK, CITY OF GALVESTON COUNTY NOV 13, 1970(R) APR 4. 1983 48551711 HOLIDAY LAKES, TOWN OF BRAZORIA COONTY JAN 12. 1984(R) HAY 4, 1992 (R) . INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM HSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA " ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT * . UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYM80LS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 11 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUNITY NANE REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 480030' HOLLAND, CITY OF BELL COUNTY AUG 3, 1981CR) AUG 3, 1981 480699A HOLLIDAY, CITY OF ARCHER COUNTY NOV 1, 1989(R) NOV 1, 1989(L) 480040' HOLLYWOOO PARK, TOWN OF BEXAR COUNTY NOV 19, 1980(R) DEC 21, 1982 480474# HONDO, CITY OF MEDINA COUNTY DEC 1, 1978(R) OEC 1, 1978 480356# HOOD COUNTY· HOOD COUNTY OCT 18, 1988(R) SEP 5, 1990 4800568 HOOKS, CITY OF BOI/IE COUNTY APR 1, 1987 • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT •. UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CDOES DR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 12 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS OATE OF DATE OF eNTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EF FECT! VE MAP NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP lNOEX) 4803001 JERSEY VILLAGE, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY MAR 15, 1982(R) SEP 28, 1990 481081# JIM HOGG COUNTY" JIM HOGG COUNTY NOV 1, 1987(R) NOV 1, 1987(l) 481258# JIM HELLS COUNTY" JIM WELLS COUNTY MAY 2, 1983(R) MAY 2, 1983 4S1005A JOAQUIN, CITY OF SHELBY COUNTY JUL 18, 1985(R) JUL 18, 1985(M) 480712# JOHNSON CITY, CITY OF BLANCO COUNTY MAR 1, 1986(R) FEB 6, 1991 480879# JOHNSON COUNTY" JOHNSON COUNTV SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 480072# JONES cREEK, VILLAGE OF BRAZORIA COUNTV JUN 5, 1985(R) MAY 4, 1992 481597# JONESTOWN, CITY OF TRAVIS COUNTY APR ,,1982(R) MAR 16, 1988 480882#. JOSHUA, CITY OF JOHNSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 480703# JOURDANTON, CITY OF ATASCOSA COUNTY JUL 18, 1983(R) JUL 18, 1985(M) 480421# JUNCTION, CITY OF KIMBLE COUNTY SEP 26, 1979(R) NOV 4, 1988 4804058 KARNES CITY, CITY OF KARNES COUNTY AUG 1, 1986(R) AUG I, 1986(L) 480301# KATY, CITY OF FORT BEND COUNTY MAR 2, 1981(R) . FEB 8, 1983 HARRIS COUNTY WALLER COUNTY 480411# KAUFMAN COUNTY" KAUFMAN COUNTY SEP 4, 1991 -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT " -UNI.NCORPDRATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 13 Ca4MUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY S, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT CQ4MUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 4802238 LA GRANGE,CITY OF FAYETTE COUNTY APR 1, 1987(Rl APR 1, 1987(L) 480576A LA GRULLA, CITY OF STARR COUNTY JAN 3, 1986(R) JAN 3, 1986(M) 480341# LA JOYA, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY JUL 16, 1979(R) JUL 16, 1979 4854_ LA MAROUE, CITY OF GALVESTON COUNTY OCT 16, 1970(R) fEB 16, 1983 485487# LA PORTE, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY FEB 12, 1971(R) SEP 28, 1990 48105011 LA VERNIA,CITY OF WILSON COUNTY MAY 1, 1978(R) MAY 1, 1978 480342# LA VILLA, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY JUN IS, 1978(R) JUN 15, 1978 480475# LACOSTE, CITY OF MEDINA COUNTY SEP 24, 1984(R) MAY 1, 1979 480927# LACY-LAKEVIEW, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY OCT 9, 1979(R) OCT 9, 1979CM) 481588# LAGO VISTA, CITY OF TRAVIS COUNTY APR 1, 1982(R) DEC 18, 1986 485483# LAGUNA VISTA, VILLAGE OF CAMERON COUNTY JUL 21, 1972(R) SEP 15, 1983 481616# LAKE BRIDGEPOAT, CITY OF WISE COUNTY OCT 9, 199O(R) MAR 19, 1990 48078011 LAKE DALLAS, CITY OF DENTON COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) AUG 5, 1986 48548411 LAKE JACXSON, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY JUL 7, 1972CR) MAY 4, 1992 481577# LAKE RANSQ4 CANYON, VILLAGE LUBBOCK COUNTY NOV 1, 1985(R) NOV 1, 1985(M) 481259# LAKE TANGLEWOOD, VILLAGE OF RANDALL COUNTY SEP 30, 19B2(R) SEP 30, 1982 480605 LAKE WONTH, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY MAY 1, 1991 NOV 19, 1976 481496# LAKESIDE CITY, CITY OF ARCHER COUNTY APR 1, 1991(R) APR I, 1991(L) WICHITA COUNTY 480604 LAKESIDE, CITY Of TARRANT COUNTY AUG 3, 19S4(R) (NSfHA) 481303# LAKEWAY, VILLAGE Of TRAVIS COUNTY NOV 5, 1980(R) NOV 5, 1980 480191# LAMESA, CITY OF DAWSON COUNTY APR 30, 1976(R) FEB 6, 1991 48089911 LAMPASAS COUNTY· lAMPASAS COUNTY JAN 2, 1991(R) JAN 2, 1991 480430# LAMPASAS, CITY OF LAMPASAS COUNTY JUN 15, 1982(R) JUN 15, 1982 1,80182# LANCASTER, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY AUG 3, 1981(RJ SEP 5, 1984 480651# LAREDO, CITY OF WEBB COUNTY MAY 17, 1982(R) NAY 17, 1982 481178# LAVACA COUNTY* LAVACA COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) SEP I, 1987(L) 481313# LAVON, TOWN Of COLLIN COUNTY MAY 13, 1991 (R) SEP 4, 1991 481074# LAWARD, CITY OF JACKSON COUNTY SEP 28, 1979(R) SEP 28, 1979 485488# LEAGUE CITY, CITY OF GALVESTON COUNTY NOV 20, 1970CR) SEP 28, 1990 480980B LEAKEY, CITY OF REAL COUNTY NOV 1, 1989(R) NOV I, 1989(L) 481536# LEANDER, CITY Of WILLIAMSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 480256B LEFORS, CITY Of GRAY COUNTY AUG 1, 1987(R) AUG 1, 1987(L) 480042# LEON VALLEY, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY JUN 1, 1977(R) NOV 15, 1989 481314# LEROY, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY JAN 30, 1980(R) JAN 2, 1980 480354# LEVELLAND, CITY Of HOCXLEY COUNTY AUG 2, 1990(R) AUG 2, 1990 480195# LEWISVILLE, CITY Of DENTON COUNTY OCT 18, 1988(R) OCT 18, 1988 480438# LIBERTY COUNTY* LIBERTY COUNTY SEP 30, 1988(R) SEP 30, 1988 480441# LIBERTY, CITY OF LIBERTY COUNTY NOV 18, 1988(R) NOV 18, 1988 48091011 LIMESTONE COUNTY* LIMESTONE COUNTY JUN 1, 1987(R) JUN I, 1987CL) 480735A LINDEN, TOWN OF CASS CASS COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985(M) CRl INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA -NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA -ALL ZONE C > -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT • -UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 14 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, .1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COHHUN I TY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 480766A L1NOSAY, TOlIN OF COOKE COUNTY APR 1, 1987(R) APR 1, 1987(Ll 481152# LITTLE ELM, TOlIN OF DENTON COUNTY MAY 13, 1991(R) SEP 18, 1987 48157911 LITTLE RIVER-ACADEMY, CITY BELL COUNTY MAY 1, 1984(R) MAY 1, 1964 4804298 LITTLEFIELD,CITY OF LAMB COUNTY APR 1, 1987(R) APR I, 1987(L) 480043# LIVE OAK, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY MAY 16, 1977(R) MAY 16, 1977 480075# LIVERPOOL, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY JUN 5, 1985(R) HAY 4, 1992 480528B LIVINGSTON, CITY OF POLK COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) SEP I, 1987(L) 481234# LLANO COUNTY' LLANO COUNTY SEP 18, 1991(R) SEP 18, 19Q1 480451# LLANO, CITY OF LLANO COUNTY MAY 4, 1982(R) MAY 4, 1982(M) 480095# LOCKHART, CITY OF CALDWELL COUNTY NOV 5, 1980(R) JAN 17, 1991 480264# LONGVIEW, CITY OF GREGG COUNTY DEC 15, 1977(R) JAN 17, 1990 HARRISON COUNTY 480928# LORENA, TOlIN OF MCLENNAN COUNTY MAY 14, 1980(R) fEB 1, 1979 480160B LORENZO, CITY OF CROSBY COUNTY AUG 24, 1982(Rl AUG 24, 1982 480108# LOS FRESNOS, CITY OF CAMERON COUNTY AUG 19, 1986(R) AUG 19, 1986(M) 480874A LOVELADY, CITY OF HOUSTON COUNTY MAR 1, 1991(R) MAR I, 1991(L) ·481631# LOIIRY CROSSING, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY AUG 22, 1991(R) SEP 4, 1991 480452# LUBBOCK, CITY OF LUBBOCK COUNTY SEP 2, 1982(R) MAR 18, 1986 481545# LUCAS, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY JUL 3, 1979(R) SEP 4, 1991 480009# LUFKIN,CITY OF ANGELINA COUNTY JUN 1, 1982(Rl JUN 3, 1988 48009611 LULING, CITY OF CALDWELL COUNTY JAN 16, 1979(R) JAN 16, 1979(M) 481111# LUMBERTON, CITY 01 HARDIN COUNTY MAY 8, 1979(R) DEC 2, 1988 480665# LHaRD, CITY OF WILLACY COUNTY MAY 5, 1981(R) MAY 5, 1981 480692# LYTLE, CITY OF ATASCOSA COUNTY FEB 2, 1977(R) FEB 2, 1977 BEXAR COUNTY 480414B MABANK, CITY OF KAUFMAN COUNTY AUG 8, 1978(Rl AUG 8, 1978(M) 481180# MADISON COUNTY' MADISON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991CR) UP 27, 1991 480464# MADISONVILLE, CITY OF MADISON COUNTY MAR 5, 1990(R) MAR 5, 1990 481261# MAGNOLIA, TOlIN OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY JAN 3, 1985(R) JAN 3, 1985 480329# MALAKOFF, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY JAN 23, 1979(R) SEP 27, 1991 480861A MALCNE, CITY OF HILL COUNTY DEC I, 1989(R) DEC 1, 1989(L) 481027 MANOR, CITY OF TRAVIS COUNTY MAY Z5, 1978(Rl (NSFHA) 480606# MANSFIELO, CITY Of TARRANT COUNTY DEC 18, 1985(R) SEP 28, 1990 480076# MANVEL, TOlIN OF BRAZORIA COUNTY DEC I, 1981(R) MAY 4, 1992 480093# MARBLE FALLS, CITY OF BURNET COUNTY NOV 16, 1990(R) NOV 16, 1990 481493 MARFA, CITY OF PRESIDIO COUNTY MAY 26, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 481630 MARION COUNTY' MARION COUNTY MAY 25, 1989 4802688 HARlaN, CITY OF GUADALUPE COUNTY JAN 3, 1986(R) JAN 3, 1986(M) 480221B MARLIN, CITY OF FALLS COUNTY MAR 1, 1987(R) MAR I, 1987(l) 480319# MARSHALL, CITY OF HARRISON COUNTY SEP 16, 1981 (R) SEP 16, 1981 480929# MART, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY AUG 9, 1979(R) OCT 14, 1980 (R) INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AfTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 15 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUNlTY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 481236 MARTIN COUNTY· MARTI N COUNTY SEP 22, 1988 481587# MARTINDALE, TOWN OF CAlDIlELL COUNTY MAR 15, 1982(R) MAR 18, 1986 480467# MASON, CITY OF MASON COUNTY JUL 2, 1979(R) JUL 2, 1979 485489# MATAGORDA COUNTY· MATAGORDA COUNTY APR 30, 1971(R) DEC 4, 1985 480557# MATHIS, CITY OF SAN PATRICIO COUNTY OCT 23, 1979(R) OCT 23, 1979(M) 4800578 MAUD, CITY OF 􀁂􀁏􀁾􀁉􀁅􀀠COUNTY DEC 12, 1978(R) DEC 12, 1978(M) 480343# MCALLEN, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY JUN 15, 1981(R) NOV 2, 1982 480459# MCGREGOR, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY FED 1, 1979(R) FED 1, 1979 480135# MCKINNEY, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY JUN 18, 1980(R) SEP 4, 1991 480456# MCLENNAH COUNTY MCLENNAN COUNTY SEP 16, 1981(R) SEP 2, 1981 4S0463B MCMULLEN COUNTY· MCMULLEN COUNTY JUL 1, 1987(R) JUL 1, 1987(L) 481613# MEADOWLAKES, CITY OF BURNET COUNTY NOV 16, 1990(R) NOV 16, 1990 481563 MEADOWS MUNICIPAL UTILITY 0 FORT BEND COUNTY DEC 17, 1979(R) (NSFHA) 480472# MEDINA COUNTY· MEDINA COUNTY AUG 15, 1980(R) . AUG 15, 1980 480279# MEMPHIS, CITY OF HALL COUNTY MAY 2, 1983(R) MAY 2, 1983 481238# MENARD COUNTY· MENARD COUNTY SEP 4, 1997(R) SEP 4, 1987 480476# MENARD, CITY OF MENARD COUN TY SEP 4, 1987(R) SEP 4, 1987 480344# MERCEDES, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY JUL 16, 1979(R) JUL 16, 1979 4800538 MERIDIAN,CITY OF BOSQUE COUNTY AUG I, 1987(R) AUG I, 1987(L) 480862A MERTENS, TOWN OF HILL COUNTY MAR 1, 1991(R) MAR I, 1991(L) 48549011 MESQUITE, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY JUL 30, 1971(R) MAY 3, 1990 48044211 MEXIA, CITY OF LIMESTONE COUNTY AUG 1, 1980(R) AUG I, 1980 480477# MIDLAND, CITY OF MIDLAND COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SEP 27, 1991 480801A MIDLOTHIAH, CITY OF ELl!S COUNTY SEP 4, 1985(R) SEP 4, 1985(M) 480935 MILLS COUNTY MILLS COUNTY APR 28, 1992 480517# MINERAL IlELLS, CITY OF PALO PINTO COUNTY DEC I, 1977(R) MAY 17, 1990 PARKER COUNTY 481578# MISSION BEND M.U.D. III FORT BEND COUNTY SEP 4, 1987(R) SEP 4, 1987 HARR! S COUNTY 480345# MISSION, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY AUG 15, '1979(R) NOV 20, 1991 480304# MISSOURI CITY, CITY OF FORT BEND COUNTY JAN 6, 1982(R) DEC 17, 1987 HARRIS COUNTY 4B0937# MITCHELL COUNTY· MITCHELL COUNTY MAY 15, 1985(R) MAY 15, 1985(M) 480644A MONAHANS, CITY OF 􀁾􀁁􀁒􀁄􀀠COUNTY FEB I, 1988(R) FEB I, 1988(L) 480122# MONT BELVIEU, CITY OF CHAMBERS COUNTY AUG 16, 1982(R) AUG 16, 1982 48093911 MONTAGUE COUNTY" MONT AGUE COUNTY JAN 17, 1991(R) JAN 17, 1991 480483# MONTGOMERY COUNTY" MONTGOMERY COUNTY AUG I, 1984(R) APR 2, 1991 480305# MORGANS POINT, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY DEC I, 1983(R) SEP 28, 1990 480127# MORTON, CITY OF COCHRAN COUNTY AUG 3, 1982(R) AUG 3, 1982(M) 4804339 MOULTON,TOWN OF LAVACA COUNTY MAR 4, 1986(R) MAR 4, 1984(M) 480621# MOUNT PLEASANT, CITY OF TlTUS COUNTY DEC 16, 1980(R) DEC 16, 1980 (R) • INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA . NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA . ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT " . UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY COIOOJNITY NUMBER 480821A 480767A 480019fi 4803301# 480137# 480947# 48049711 480494# 4800588 '485491# 481112# 480265# 485492# 480820# 480059fi 485493# 481113A 48049911 481114 480482# 481240# 480032# 481297# 480436# 480607# 481115A 480782 485494# 481639 481560# 48055811 480206# 48068611 480896A 480510# 480395 480512# 􀁆􀁅􀁄􀁅􀁾􀁌􀀠EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE MATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF ENTRY EMERGENCY OR COMMIJN ITY NAME REGULAR PROS. MOUNT VERNON, CITY OF FRANKLIN COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) MUENSTER, CITY OF COOKE COUNTY JUN 5, 1985(R) MULESHOE, CITY OF BAILEY COUNTY OCT 17, 1989(RJ MURCHISON, CITY OF HENDERSOM COUNTY HAY 18, 1982(R) ,MURPHY, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY APR I, 1980(R) NACOGDOCHES COUNTY" NACOGDOCHES COUNTY MAR I, 1991(R) NACOGDOCHES, CITY OF NACOGDOCHES COUNn FEB 18, 1981(R) NAPLES, CITY OF MORR I S COUNTY NOV 21, 1978(R) NASH, CITY OF BOWl E COUNTY JUN 21, 1977(RJ NASSAU BAY, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY NOV 13, 1970(R) NATALIA, CITY OF MEDINA COUNTY APR IS, 1980(R) NAVASOTA, CITY OF GRIMES COUNTY FEB 4, 1988(R) NEDERLAND, CITY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY NOV 13, 197G{R) NEEDVILLE, CITY OF FORT SEND COUNTY JUL 31, 1981(R) 􀁎􀁅􀁾􀀠BOSTON, CITY OF BOWl E COUNTY NOV 21, 1978(RJ NEY BRAUNFELS, CITY OF CONAL COUNTY DEC 1, 1972{R) GUADALUPE 'COUNTY NEW LONDON, CITY OF RUSK COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) NEWTON COUNTY· NEWTON COUNTY APR 1, 1987(R) NIXON, CITY OF GONZALES COUNTY AUG 26, 1977(R) NOCONA, CiTY OF MONTAGUE COUNTY NOV 21, 1978(R) NOLAN COUNTY· NOLAN COUNTY AUG 2, 1990(R) NOLANVILLE, CITY OF BELL COUNTY JUN 1, 1981(R) NOME, CITY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY APR 16, 1990(R) NORMANGEE, CITY OF LEON COUNTY JUL 6, 1982(R) NORTH RICHLAND HILLS, CITY TARRANT COUNTY APR 1, 1981(R) NORTHCREST, TOWN OF MCLENNAN COUNTY AUG 19, 1985(R) NORTHLAKE, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY APR 16, 1990 NUECES COUNTY" NUECES COUNTY SEP 22, 1972(R) OAK POINT, CITY OF DENTON COUNTY JUN 24, 1991(R) USE THE DENTON COUNTY (480774) FIRM. OAK RIDGE NORTH, CITY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY DEC 18, 1984(R) COEM, CITY OF SAN PATRICIO COUNTY JUL 16, 1981(R) OOESSA, CITY OF ECTOR COUNTY MAR 4, 1991(R) OLNEY, CITY OF YOUNG COUNTY DEC 4, 1985(R) OLTON, CITY OF LAMB COUNTY FEB 1, 1991(R) OPDYKE YEST, TOYN OF HOCKLEY COUNTY APR 14, 1988 USE THE HOCKLEY COUNTY (480352) FH8M. ORANGE COUNTY" ORANGE COUNTY JAN 6,' 1983(R) ORANGE GROVE, CITY OF JIM YELLS COUNTY MAR 30, 1979(R) ORANGE, CITY OF ORANGE COUNTY JAN 6, 1983(R) PAGE 16 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP (OR MAP INDEX) JUN 19, 1985(M) JUN 5, 1985(M) OCT 17, 1989 SEP.27, 1991 SEP '4, 1991 MAR 1, 1991( L) FEB 18, 1981 NOV 21, 1978(M) JUN 21, 1977(") SEP 28, 1990 APR 15, 1980 FEB 4, 1988 JUN 3, 1991 MAR 4, 1987 NOV 21, 1978(M) MAY IS, 1991 JUN 19, 1985(M) APR 1, 1987(L) (NSFHAJ JAN 17, 1991 AUG 2, 1990 JUN 1, 1981 FEB 2, 1983 JUL 6, 1982(M) DEC 16, 1988 AUG 19, 1985(") MAY 4, 1992 FEB 19, 1992 DEC 14, 1982 SEP 27, 1991 JAN 2, 1991 FEB 1, 1991(L) JAN 6, 1983 (NSFHA) JAN 6, 1983 (R) INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOCO HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT " • UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK 481611 FEDERAl EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAl INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF ENTRY COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME REGUlAR PROG. 481038A ORE CITY, CITY OF UPSHUR COUNTY SEP 14, 1982(R) 481155# OVillA, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY APR 15, 1980(R) ELLI S COUNTY 481255# OYSTER CREEK, VILLAGE OF BRAZORIA COUNTY NOV 19, 1976(R) 480771 PADUCAH, CITY OF COTTLE COUNTY AUG 24, 1981.(R) 485495# PALACIOS, CITY OF MATAGORDA COUNTY NOV 17, 1970(R) 480004# PALESTINE, CITY OF ANDERSON COUNTY FEB 18, 1981(R) 481580 PALM VALLEY, TOWN OF CAMERON COUNTY SEP 8, 1982(R) USE THE CITY OF HARLINGEN (485477) FIRM 480209A PALMER, CITY OF ELL! S COUNTY JUN I, 1990(R) 480516# PALO PINTO COUNTY· PALO PINTO COUNTY DEC 19, 1984(R) 480258B PAMPA.. CITY OF GRAY COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) 480n7# PANHANDLE, TOWN OF CARSON COUNTY MAY II, 􀀱􀀹􀀸􀀲􀀨􀁾􀀩􀀠48126:5# PANORAMA VillAGE, CITY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY AUG 1, 1984(R) 481116# PANTEGO. TOWN OF TARRANT COUNTY JUL 16, 1980(R) 480427# PARIS, CITY OF lAMAR COUNTY DEC IS, 1983(R) 480520# PARKER COUNTY" . PARKER COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) 480139# PARKER, CITY OF COLliN COUNTY AUG 15, 1979(8) 480:507# PASADENA, CITY OF HARR IS COUNTY MAY 26, 1970(R) 480486# PATTON VilLAGE, VILlAGE OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY APR 15, 1985(R) 480077# PEARlAND, CITY OF BRAZOR I A COUNTY JUL 5, 1984CR) HARRIS COUNTY 480238# PEARSAll, CITY OF FRIO COUNTY MAY 19, 1981(R) 481486# PECAN GROVE M.U.D. FORT BEND COUNTY AUG 4, 1987(R) 4805388 PECOS, CITY OF REEVES COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) 480745# PETROLIA, CITY OF ClAY COUNTY APR 2, 1991(R) 481028# PFLUGERVillE, CITY OF TRAVIS COUNTY MAY 1, 1978(R) 480347# PHARR, CITY OF HIDAlGO COUNTY JUL 16, 1979(R) 480697# PINE FOREST, CITY OF ORANGE COUNTY FEB 16, 1983(R) 480513# PINEHURST, CITY OF ORANGE COUNTY JAN 6, 1983(R) 480998A PINELAND, TOWN OF SABINE COUNTY JUN 1, 1988(R) 480308# PINEY POINT VILLAGE, CITY 0 HARRIS COUNTY DEC 2, 1980(R) 4801168 PITTSBURG, CITY OF CAMP COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) 480683B PlAINS,CITY OF YOAKUM COUNTY AUG 1, 1987(R) 480275# PLAINVIEW, CITY OF HALE COUNTY MAR 16, 1989(R) 480140# PlANO,· CITY OF COLliN COUNTY JAN 2, 1980(R) 481615 PLEAK,VILlAGE OF FORT BEND COUNTY MAY 31, 1988(R) use THE FORT BEND COUNTY (480228) FIRM 480661# PlEASANT VALLEY, CITY OF IIICHITA COUNTY JAN 6, 1983(R) 480015# PLEASANTON, CITY OF ATASCOSA COUNTY APR 1, 1981(R) 481269# PLUM GROVE,CITY OF LIBERTY COUNTY JUL 16, 1987(R) PAGE 17 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP (OR MAP INDEX) SEP 14, 1982(M) JAN 6, 1988 MAY 4, 1992 (NSFHA) FEB 5, 1986 MAR 1, 1984 JUN 1, 1990(L) AUG 2, 1990 SEP 1, 1987(L) HAY 11, 1982(H) AUG 1, .1984 JUL 16. 1980 DEC 15, 1983 SEP 27, 1991 SEP 4, 1991 SEP 28, 1990 AUG 1, 1984 MAY 4, 1992 MAY 19, 1981 AUG 4, 1987 JUN 19, 1985(M) APR 2, 1991 MAY 1, 1978 OCT 19, 1982 FEB 16, 1983 JAN 6, 1983 JUN 1, 1988(L) SEP 28, 1990 JUN 19, 1985(M) AUG 1, 1987(L) JUN 18, 1990 SEP 4, 1991 JAN 6, 1983 APR 1, 1981 JUL 16, 1987 (R) -INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA -NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA -ALL ZONE C > -DATE DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AfTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT * -UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER COOES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BooK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 18 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIOHAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR HAP INDEX) 48009811 POINT COMFORT, CITY OF CALHOUN COUNTY APR 15, 1982(R) APR 3, 1985 481156A POINT. CITY OF RAINS COUNTY APR 17, 1985(R) APR 17, 1985(M) 480526# POLK COUNTY" POLK COUNTY MAR 1, 1991(R) MAR 1, 1991(L) 48549811 PORT ARANSAS, CiTY OF NUECES COUNTY JUN 25, 1971(R) MAR 18, 1985 485499# PORT ARTHUR, CITY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY NOV 13, 1970(R) MAY 4, 1992 480109# PORT ISABEL, CITY OF CAMERON COUNTY OCT 6, 1976(R) JUN 1, 1983 48009911 PORT lAVACA, CITY OF CALHOUN COUNTY AUG 27, 1971(R) MAR 4, 1985 485500# PORT NECHES, CITY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY NOV 13, 1970(R) JAN 6, 1983 480559# PORTLAND, CITY OF SAN PATRICIO COUNTY JUL 3, 1985(R) JUL 3, 1985 480251B POST, CITY OF GARZA COUNTY NOV 1, 1985(R) NOV 1, 1985(H) 480016# POTEET, CITY OF ATASCOSA COUNTY NOV 3, 19B9(R) NOV 3, 1989 48OSn# POTH, CITY OF WILSON COUNTY DEC 1, 1977(R) DEC 1, 1977 48154411 PRAIRIE VIEW, TOWN OF WALLER COUNTY APR 8, 1987(R) APR IS, 1982 4803968 PREMONT, CITY OF JIM WELLS COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) SEP '1, 1987(L) 48053011 PRESIDIO COUNTY" PRES!DIO COUNTY JUL 3, 1985(R) JUL 3, 1985(M) 481198 PRIMERA, TOWN OF CAMERON COUNTY OCT 29, 1982(R) (NSFHA) 480757# PRINCETON, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY MAR 16, 19S8(R) SEP 4, 1991 480141# PROSPER, TOWN OF COLLIN COUNTY MAY 4, 1982(R) SEP 4, 1991(M) 480283B QUANAH, CITY OF HARDEMAN COUNTY AUG 24, 1982(R) AUG 24, 1982(M) 481301# QUINTANA, VILLAGE OF BRAZORIA COUNTY MAY 8, 1971CR) MAY 4, 1992 480161 RALLS, CITY OF CROSBY COUNTY , APR 15, 1982(R) (NSFHA) 480532# RANOALl COUNTY" RANDALL COUNTY SEP 30, 1982(R) SE? 30, 1982 480666# RAYNONDVllLE, CITY OF WILLACY COUNTY MAY 5, 1981(R) JAN 5, 1989 48097811 REAL COUNTY" REAL COUNTY JUN 5, 1985(R) JUN 5, 1985(M) 485501# REFUGIO COUNTY" REFUGIO COUNTY OCT 22, 1971 (R) MAR 18, 1985 480540# REFUGIO, TOWN OF REFUGIO COUNTY OCT 6, 1976(R) APR 1, 1982 481254A RENO, CITY OF LAHAR COUNTY SEP 28, 1982(R) SEP 28, 1982(M) 480184# RICHARDSON, CITY OF COLL!N COUNTY DEC 4, 1979(R) JUL 2, 1991 DALLAS COUNTY 48060811 RICHLAND HILLS, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY FEB 16, 1977(R) JUL 3, 1985 480231# RICHMOND, CITY OF FORT SEND COUNTY JAN 9, 1987(R) AUG 4, 1987 485502# RICHWOOD, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY JUL 28, 1972(R) MAY 4, 1992 480112# RIO HONOO, TOWN OF CAMERON COUNTY JUN 1, 1981(R) JUN 1, 1981 48115911 RIO VISTA, VILLAGE OF JOHNSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) (NSFHA) 480609# RIVER OAKS, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985 480785 ROANOKE, CITY OF DENTON COUNTY MAR 14, 1991 SEP 5, 1975 480496B ROARING SPRINGS, CITY OF MOTLEY COUNTY AUG 1, 1987(R) AUG 1, 1987(L) 480460# ROBlNSON, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY JAN 17, 1979(R) JAN 17, 1979 48550311 ROBSTONN, ClTY OF NUECES COUNTY JUL 9, 1971(R) MAY 1, 1985 4804798 ROCKDALE, CITY Of MILAM COUNTY FEB 27, 1984(R) FEB 27, 1984(M) 485504# ROCKPORT, CITY OF ARANSAS COUNTY JUL 2, 1971(1971(R) MAR 4, 1985 (R) INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA . NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT. " • UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF TH!S BOOK ,EO,RAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 19 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUM9ER COMMUN ITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 481118A ROCKSPRINGS, TOWN OF EDWARDS COUNTY FEB I, 1991(R) FEB I, 1991(L) 480547' ROCKWALL, CITY OF ROCKWAll COUNTY JUL 16, 1980(R) JUL 16, 1980 48070811 ROGERS, CITY OF BELL COUNTY SEP 30, 1981(R) SEP 30, 1981 4810291 􀁒􀁏􀁌􀁌􀁉􀁎􀁇􀁾􀀬􀀠CITY OF TRAVIS COUNTY SEP 29, 1978(R) SEP 29, 1978 48153811 ROMAN FOREST, TOWN OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY AUG I, 1984(R) AUG 1, 1984 48155811 ROSCOE, CITY OF NOLAN COUNTY SEP 3D, 1988(R) SEP 30, 1988 480846f ROSE HILL ACRES, CITY OF HARDIN COUNTY APR IS, 1971(Rl APR IS, 1971 450232' ROSENBERG, CITY OF FORT BEND COUNTY DEC 4, 1984(R) MAY 17, 1990 4802248 ROTAN, CITY OF FISHER COUNTY AUG I, 1987(R) AUG 1, 1987(L) 48104811 ROUND ROCK, CITY OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(Rl SEP 27, 1991 480185# ROWLETT, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY SEP I, 1978(R) SEP " 1978 ROCKWELL COUNTY 480428B ROXTON, CITY OF LAMAR COUNTY JAN 2, 1979(R) JAN 2, 1979(M) 480548# ROYSE CITY, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY JUL 16, 1980(Rl JUL 16, 1980 ROCKWALL COUNTY 48161811 RUNAWAY BAY, CITY OF WIse COUNTY MAY 10, 1990(R) MAR 19, 1990 481120A RUNGE, TOWN OF KARNES COUNTY DEC 1, 1989(R) DEC 1, 1989(L) 480993# RUSK COUNTY RUSK COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(Rl SEP 27, 1991 4801248 RUSK, CITY OF CHEROXEE COUNTY JUN 1, 1988(Rl JUN 1, 1988(L) 480186# SACHSE, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY SEP 1, 1978(Rl SEP 1, 1978 DALLAS COUNTY 480610# SAGINAW, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY SEP 17, 1980(R) SEP 17, 1980 480940# SAINT JO, CITY OF MONTAGUE COUNTY MAY,25, 1978(R) (NSFHAl 480623# SAN ANGELO, CITY OF TOM GREEN COUNTY MAY 16, 1971(R) APR 13, 1982 480045# SAN ANTONIO, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY DEC 15, 1983(R) Jut 2, 1991 481183# SAN AUGUSTINE COUNTY· SAN AUGUSTINE COUNTY AUG t, 1988(R) AUG 1, 1988(L) 480552B SAN AUGUSTINE, CITY OF SAN AUGUSTINE COUNTY OCT 19, 1982(R) OCT 19, 1982(M) 480113# SAN BENITO, CITY OF CAMERON COUNTY MAY 5, 1981(R) JAN 19, 1982 481199A SAN DIEGO,CITY OF DUVAL COUNTY MAR 1, 1987(Rl MAR 1, 1987(L) 480705# SAN FELIPE, TOWN OF AUSTIN COUNTY JAN 3, 1986(R) JAN 17, 1990 480553# SAN JACINTO COUNTY· SAN JACINTO COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) SEP I, 1987!Ll 480348 SAN JUAN, CITY OF HIDALGO COUNTY JUl 21, 1978(R) (NSF"A) 481305# SAN LEANNA, CITY OF TRAVIS COUNTY MAR 11, 1980(R) SEP 5, 1980 485505# SAN MARCOS, CITY OF HAYS COUNTY AUG 27, 1971(R) SEP 5, 1990 48550611 SAN PArRICIO COUNTY' SAN PATRICIO COUNTY NOV 26, 1971(Rl MAR 18, 1985 48066711 SAN PERLITA, CITY OF WI LLACY COUNTY MAY 5, 1981(R) MAY 5, 1981 48118411 SAN SABA COUNTY· SAN SASA COUNTY MAY 1, 1987(R) JUL 2, 1991 48056311 SAN SABA, CITY OF SAN SABA COUNTY JUN I, 1988(R) JUL 2, 1991 4812B5B SANCTUARY, CITY OF PARKER COUNTY NOV· I, 1989(R) NOV 1, 1989(L) 480786# SANGER, CITY OF DENTON COUNTY APR 24, 1979(Rl FEB 2, 1990 481562# SANTA FE, CITY OF GALVESTON COUNTY APR 9, 1971(R) OCT 18, 1983 (Rl INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EfFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY fEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY' fEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 20 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL fLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS Of MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE Of ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE HAP NUMBER COMMUN lTY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR HAP INDEX) 480114# SANTA ROSA, CITY Of CAMERON COUNTY MAY 5, 198HR) HAY 5, 1981 480813 SAVOY, CITY OF FANNIN COUNTY AUG 26, 1977(R) (NSFHA) 480269# SCHERTZ, CITY Of BEXAR COUNTY SEP IS, 1977(R) SEP 15, 1977 COKAL COUNTY GUADALUPE COUNTY 485507# SEABROOK, CITY OF HARR I S COUNTY APR Zl, 1971(R) HAR I, 1984 480100# SEADRIFT, CITY aF CALHOUN COUNTY DEC 4, 1970(R) MAR 18, 1985 480187# SEAGOVILLE, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY JUN 15, 1981(R) JUH IS, 1981 480Zl9A SEAGRAVES, CITY OF GAINES COUNTY fEB 19, 1986(R) FEB 19, 1986(M) 480017# SEALY, CITY OF AUSTIN COUNTY JAN 17, 199O(R) JAN 17, 1990 485508# S,EGUIN, CITY OF GUADALUPE COUNTY JUN 18, 1971 (R) DEC 30, 1980 480046# SELMA, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY JUl 2, 1980(R) JUL 2, 1980 480240B SEMINOlE,CITY OF GAINES COUNTY AUG I, 1987CR) AUG I, 1987(L) 4800256 SEYMOUR, CITY OF BAYLOR COUNTY OCT 15, 1985(R) OCT IS, 1985(H) 481002# SHACKELFORO COUNTY SHACKELfORD COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985(M) 481135# SHADY SHORES, CITY OF DENTON COUNTY HAY 11, 1982(R) APR IS, 1986(H) 480047# SHAVANO PARK, TOWN OF BEXAR COUNTY SEP 3, 1980(R) SEP 3, 1980 481256 SHENANDOAH, TOWN OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY HAY 26, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 480554# SHEPHERO, CITY OF SAN JACINTO COUNTY MAY 18, 1982(R) MAY 18, 1982(H) 485509# SHERMAN, CITY OF GRAYSON COUNTY JUN 4, 1971(R) APR 19, 1983 481136A SHINER, CITY OF LAVACA COUNTY JUL 18, 1985(R) JUL 18, 1985(H) 485510# SHOREACRES, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY NOV 20, 1970(R) SEP 28, 1990 480285# SILSBEE, CITY OF HARDIN COUNTY MAY I, 1978(R) MAY I, 1978 481,564# SIMONTON, VILLAGE OF FORT BEND COUNTY AUG 4, 1987(R) AUG 4, 1987 485511# SINTON, CITY OF SAN PATRICIO COUNTY HAR 26, 1971(R) JUL 16, 1981 480453# SLATON, CITY Of LUBBOCK COUNTY AUG 3, 1982(R) AUG 3, 1982(M) 480024# SMITHVILLE, CITY Of BASTROP COUNTY JAN 16, 1979(R) AUG 19, 1991 481001# SNYDER, CITY OF SCURRY COUNTY FEB 4, 1931(R) fEB 4, 1981 481186# SOMERVELL COUNTY· SOMERVELL COUNTY AUG 4, 1987(R) AUG 4, 1987(H) 480091# SOMERVILLE, CITY OF BURLESON COUNTY JUN 4, 199O(R) JUN 4, 1990 480580# SONORA, CITY OF SUTTON COUNTY FEB 17, 1989(R) fEB 17, 1989 480286 SOUR LAKE, CITY OF HARDIN COUNTY OCT 28, 1977(R) (NSFHA) 480311# SOUTH HOUSTON,CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY MAR 18, 1987(R) SEP 28, 1990 480612# SOUTH LAKE, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY JUL 5, 1982(R) JUL 5, 1982 480115# SOUTH PADRE ISLAND, TOWN OF CAMERON COUNTY SEP 15, 19S3(R) MAY 4, 1992 480312 SOUTHSIDE PLACE, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY FEB 11, 1976(R) (NSfHA) 480282# SPEARMAN, CITY OF HANSFORD COUNTY SEP 4, 1987(R) SEP 4, 1987 480488# SPLENDORA, CITY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEB 27, 1987(R) AUG I, 1984 480313# SPRlqG VALLEY, CITY Of HARRIS COUNTY JUN 4, 1980(R) SEP 28, 1990 480521# SPRINGTOWN, CITY OF PARKER COUNTY DEC 18, 1985(R) DEC 18, 1985 480233# STAFFORD, CITY OF FORT BEND COUNTY HAR I, 1982(R) MAR I, 1982 (R) • INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE Of THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK CQ!MUNlTY NUMBER 481296# 480403 4804668 480575# 481244# 480220# 480579B 480673# 481l965A 480234# 480358# 480355C 48018811 480492B 481531# 481127# 481266# 481247# 485512# 480502# 481010B 480454C 480582# 480995A 481014# 485513# 480670# 480236 480034# 481006A 480619# 480048# 480416# 480060# 485514# 481581# 481642 481632# 485515D 480693# 481585# FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF ENTRY EMERGENCY OR COMMUNITY NAME REGULAR PROG. STAGECOACH, TOWN OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY MAY I, 1986(R) STAMfORD, CITY OF JONES COUNTY MAY 25, 1978(R) STANTON, CITY OF MARTIN COUNTY JUN I, 1988(R) STARR COUNTY' STARR COUNTY JUL 1, 1987(R) STEPHENS COUNTY' STEPHENS COUNTY JAN 2, 1991(R) STEPHENVILLE, CITY OF ERATH COUNTY JUL 5, 1977(R) STERLING CITY, TOWN OF STERLING COUNTY AUG I, 1987(R) STOCKDALE, CITY OF WILSON COUNTY MAR I, 1978(R) STRAWN, CITY OF PALO PINTO COUNTY NOV I, 1989(R) SUGAR LAND, CITY OF FORT BEND COUNTY NOV 4, 1981(R) SULPHUR SPRINGS, CITY OF HOPK INS COUNTY DEC 15, 1989(R) SUNDOWlI,CITY OF HOCKLEY COUNTY AUG 1; 1987(R) SUNNYVALE, TOWN OF DALLAS COUNTY FEB I, 1980(R) SUNRAY, CITY OF MOORE COUNTY JAN 3, 1986(R) SUNRISE BEACH VILLAGE, CITY LLANO COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) SUNSET VALLEY, CITY OF TRAVIS COUNTY· MAR 1, 1979(R) SURFSIDE BEACH, VILLAGE OF BRAZORIA COUNTY JUN 10, 1977(R) SUTTON COUNTY* SUTTON COUNTY SEP 1, 1987(R) SWEENY, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY DEC 17, 197HR) SWEETWATER, CITY OF NOLAN COUNTY MAY 5, 1981(R) SWISHER COUNTY' SWISHER COUNTY JUL I, 1987(R) TAHOXA, CITY OF LYNN COUNTY OCT IS, 1985(R) TARRANT COUNTY' TARRANT COUNTY AUG 4, 1987(R) TATUM, CITY OF RUSK COUNTY APR 17, 1985(R) TAYLOR COUNTY· TAYLOR COUNTY JUN I, 1987(R) TAYLOR LAKE VILLAGE, CITY 0 HARRIS COUNTY NOV 13, 1970(R) TAYLOR, CITY OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY MAR I, 1982(R) TEAGUE, CITY OF FREESTONE COUNTY OCT 28, 1977(R) TEMPLE, CITY OF BELL COUNTY JAN 19, 1983(R) TENEHA, ClTY OF SHELBY COUNTY JUL 3, 1985(R) TERRELL COUNTY" TERRELL COUNTY SEP I, 1987(R) TERRELL HILLS, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY JAN 16, 1981( R) TERRELL, CITY OF KAUFMAN COUNTY SEP 3D, 1980(R) TEXARKANA, CITY OF BOWIE COUNTY MAR I, 1979(R) TEXAS CITY, CITY OF GALVESTON COUNTY NOV 20, 1970(R) THE COLONY, CITY OF DENTON COUNTY SEP 29, 1986(R) THOMPSONS, TOWN OF FORT BEND COUNTY JAN 29, 1992 THRALL, CITY OF WILLIAMSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(R) THREE RIVERS, CITY OF LIVE OAK COUNTY JUN 18, 1971(R) THROCKMORTON, CITY OF THROCKMORTON COUNTY APR 15, 1977(R) TIKI ISLAND, VILLAGE OF GALVESTON COUNTY APR 9, 1971(R) PAGE 21 DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP (OR MAP INDEX) SEP 5, 1984 (NSFHAl JUN I, 1988(L) ·JUL 1, 1987(L) JAN 2, 1991 JUL 16, 1991 AUG 1, 1987(L) MAR I, 1978 NOV 1, 1989(L) OCT '16, 1987 OEC 15, 1989 AUG I, 1987(L) FEB I, 1980 JAN 3, 1986(M) SSP 27, 1991 MAR 1, 1979 MAY 4, 1992 SEP 1, 1987(L) MAY 4, 1992 JUN 19, 1989 JUL 1, 1987(L) OCT 15, 1985(M) AUG 4, 1987 APR 17, 1985(M) JUN I, 1987(L) SSP 28, 1990 SEP 27, 1991 (NSFHA) JAN 3, 1985 JUL 3, 1985(") SEP 1, 1987(L) JAN 16, 1981 SEP 30, 1980 MAR I, 1979 MAY 4, 1992 SEP 29, 1986 SEP 27, 1991 JUL 5, 1984 APR 15, 1977 NOV 1, 1985 (R) -INOICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA -NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA -ALL ZONE C > -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT • -UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER COOES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 22 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOCO INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUN ITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 485518# TIMBERCREEK CANYON, VILLAGE RANDALL COUNTY JAN 26, 1984(R) JUL 18, 1985 481007 TIMPSON, CITY OF SHELBY COUNTY JAN 26, 1983(R) (NSFHA) 480622# TOM GREEN COUNTY" TOM GREEN COUNTY JUN 19, 1978 MAR 14, 1978 480315# TOMBALL, CITY OF HARRIS COUNTY DEC 18, 1984(R) SEP 28, 1990 480539A TOYAH, CITY OF REEVES COUNTY AUG 1, 1987(R) . AUG 1, 1987(l) 481026# TRAVIS COUNTY· TRAVIS COUNTY APR 1, 1982!R) JAN 2, 1987 48D814A TRENTON, CITY OF FANNIN COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) JUN 19, 1985(M) 480333# TRINIDAD, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY JAN 16, 1979(R) SEP 27, 1991 481033A 􀁔􀁒􀁾􀁎􀁉􀁔􀁙,CITY OF TRINITY COUNTY HAR 1, 1987(R) MAR 1, 1987(L) 481606# TROPHY CLUB, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY JUN 12, 1987(R) AUG 3, 1989 480570A TROUP, CITY 0,. SH IT H COUNTY JAN 23, 1979(R) JAN 23, 1979(H) 480709# TROY, CITY OF BELL COUNTY JUN I, 1981(R) JUN 1, 1981 480581B TULIA, CITY OF SWISHER COUNTY MAR I, 1988(R) MAR I, 1988(L) 480280B TURKEY, CITY OF HALL COUNTY FEB 15, 1985(R) FEB IS, 1985(M) 481017A TUSCOLA, TOWN OF TAYLOR COUNTY NOV 1, 1989(R) NOV 1, 1989(L) 481034# TYLER COUNTY" TYLER COUNTY OCT 1, 1991(R) OCT 1, 1991(L) 480571# TYLER, CITY OF SH IT HCOUNTY AUG 1, 1980(R) FEB 19, 1992 481559 UNCERTAIN, TOWN OF HARRISON COUNTY AUG 21, 1979(R) (NSFHA) 480049# UNIVERSAL CITY, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY MAY 16, 1977(R) MAY 16, 1977 480189# UNIVERSITY PARK, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY NOV IS, 1979(R) NOV 15, 1979 481036B UPSHUR COUNTY· UPSHUR COUNTY MAY 1, 1987(R) HAY 1, 1987(L) 481248 UPTON COUNTY" UPTON COUNTY JUL 23, 1991 480629# UVALDE COUNTY* UVALDE COUNTY AUG 4, 1987(R) AUG 4, 1987 480630# UVALDE, CITY OF UVALDE COUNTY MAR 15, 1982(R) SEP 29, 1986 481187# VAL VERDE COUNTY" VAL VERDE COUNTY JUN 1, 1987(R) JUN 1, 1987(L) 480054# VALLEY HILLS, CITY OF BOSQUE COUNTY NOV 15, 197.9(R) NOV IS, 1979 4801638 VAN HORN, TOWN OF CUL8ERsON COUNTY NOV 1, 1989(R) NOV t, 1989(L) 480636# VAN, CITY OF VAM ZANDT COUNTY NOV 23, 1982(R) NOV 23, 1982(H) 48088311 VENUS, TOWN OF JOHNSON COUNTY SEP 27, 199.1(R) SEP 27, 1991 480637# VICTORIA COUNTY· VICTORIA COUNTY SEP 18 t 1987(R) MAY 17, 1990 480638# VICTORIA, CITY OF VICTORIA COUNTY Jut 23, 1971(R) HAY 17. 1990 480514# VIDOR. CITY OF ORANGE COUNTY JAN 6, 1983(R) JAN 6, 1983 48046111 WACO, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY NOV 2, 1977(R) OCT 18, 1988 480255# WAELDER, CITY OF GONZALES COUNTY DEC 1, 1977(R) DEC 1, 1977 4800618 WAKE VILLAGE, CITY OF BOWl E COUNTY OCT 15, 1985(R) OCT 15, 1985(/1) 481042# WALKER COUNTY· WALKER COUNTY /lAY I, 1987(R) HAY I, 1987(L) 48064011 WALLER COUNTY· WALLER COUNTY DEC 18, 1986(R) HAY 4, 1988 480641# WALLER, CITY OF WALLER COUNTY SEP 14, 1979(R) SEP 14, 1979 480018# WALLIS, CITY OF AUSTIN COUNTY OCT 24, 1978(R) JAN 17, 1990 480713A WALNUT SPRINGS, CITY OF 80SQUE COUNTY DEC 1, 1989(R) DEC 1, 1989(L) 480840A WARREN CITY, CITY OF GREGG COUNTY JUL 3, 1985(R) JUL 3, 1985(/1) (R) -INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA -NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA -ALL ZONE C • -DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE HAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS 800K FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 23 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE Of DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE HAP NUMBER COMMUN ITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR HAP INDEX) 480613# 􀁾􀁁􀁔􀁁􀁕􀁇􀁁􀀬􀀠TOW OF TARRANT COUNTY JUN I, 1982(R) AUG IS, 1989 480211# WAXAMACHIE, CITY Of ELLIS COUNTY AUG I, 1980(R) JUL 16, 1991 480522# WEATHERfORD, CITY Of PARKER COUNTY AUG 5, 1986(R) SEP 14, 1990 485516# 􀁾􀁅􀁂􀁓􀁔􀁅􀁒􀀬􀀠CITY Of HARRIS COUNTY HAY 19, 1972(R) SEP 28, 1990 481121# 􀁾􀁅􀁬􀁍􀁁􀁒􀀬􀀠CITY OF COLORADO COUNTY SEP I, 1987(R) JAN 3, 1990 480143. 􀁾􀁬􀁬􀁉􀁎􀁇􀁔􀁏􀁎􀀬􀀠CITY OF 􀁃􀁏􀁌􀁌􀁉􀁎􀁇􀁓􀁾􀁒􀁔􀁈􀀠COUNTY APR 3, 1989(R) APR 3, 1989 480741A WEllS, CITY OF CHEROKEE COUNTY JUN I, 1991(R) JUN I, 1991(L) 480349# \/ESLACO, CITY Of HIDALGO COUNTY MAR 4, 1980(R) MAR 4, 1980 480081# WEST COLUMBIA, CITY OF BRAZORIA COUNTY DEC IS, 1983(R) MAY 4, 1992 481602 \/EST KEEGANS BAYOU IMPROVEM FORT BENO COUNTY AUG 18, 1986(RJ USE THE FORT BEND COUNTY (480228) FIRM AND THE HARRIS COUNTY (480287) FIRM HARRIS COUNTY 481030# \/EST LAKE HilLS, CITY Of TRAVIS COUNTY JUL 17, 1978(R) AUG I, 1984· 480515# \/EST ORANGE, CITY OF ORANGE COUNTY JAIl 6, 19B3(R) JAN 6, 1983 480318 􀁾􀁅􀁓􀁔􀀠UNIVERSITY PLACE, CITY HARRIS COUNTY MAY 26, 1978(R) (NSfHAl 480615# WESTOVER HILLS, TOW OF TARRANT COUNTY JUN 5, 1985(R) JUN 5, 1985 480616# 􀁗􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁾􀁒􀁔􀁈􀀠VILLAGE, VILLAGE TARRANT COUNTY JUN 3, 1986(R) JUN 3, 1986 480652. 􀁾􀁈􀁁􀁒􀁔􀁏􀁎􀀠COUNTY· WHARTON COUNTY FEB 27, 1987(R) APR 18, 1983 480654. WHARTON, CITY Of WMARTON COUNTY SEP 16, 1982(R) SEP 16, 1982 48065711 WHEELER, CITY OF WHEELER COUNTY JUL 1, 19BB(R) JUL 1, 19BB(L) 480841A WHITE OAK, TOW OF GREGG COUNTY DEC I, 1989(R) DEC 1, 1989(l) 480617# 􀁾􀁈􀁉􀁔􀁅􀀠SETTLEMENT, CITY OF TARRANT COUNTY JUL 17, 1986(R) JUL 17, 1986 480572# WHITEHOUSE, CITY OF SMITH COUNTY FEB 13, 1979(R) FEB 13, 1979(M) 480839A 􀁗􀁈􀁉􀁔􀁅􀁾􀁒􀁉􀁇􀁈􀁔􀀬􀀠TOWN OF GRAYSON COUNTY JUN 19, 1985(R) .JUN 19, 1985 480865# WHITNEY, TOW OF HILL COUNTY FEB 16, 1990(RJ FEB 16, 1990 481189# 􀁾􀁉􀁃􀁈􀁉􀁔􀁁􀀠COUNTY' WICHITA COUNTY MAR 2, 1983(R) MAR 2, 1983 480662# WICHITA FALLS, CITY Of WICHITA COUNTY OCT 16, 1979(R) JUN 19, 1985 480664# WI LLACY COUNTY· 􀁾􀁉􀁌􀁌􀁁􀁃􀁙􀀠COUNTY FEB 15, 1984(R) MAY 4, 1992 481079# 􀁾􀁉􀁌􀁌􀁉􀁁􀁍􀁓􀁏􀁎􀀠COUNTY' WILLIAMSON COUNTY SEP 27, 1991(Rl SEP 27, 1991 480942# WILLIS, CITY Of MONTGOMERY COUNTY AUG I, 1984(R) AUG I, 1984 481603 WILLOW FORK DRAINAGE OISTRI FORT BEND COUNTY SEP 8, 1986(R) USE THE HARRIS COUNTY (480287) FIRM AND THE FORT BEND COUNTY (480228) FIRM HARRIS COUNTY 􀀴􀀸􀀱􀀱􀀶􀀴􀁾􀀠􀁗􀁉􀁌􀁌􀁏􀁾􀀠PARK, CITY OF PARKER COUNTY MAR 18, 1987(R) MAR 18, 1987 480633B WILLS POINT, CITY OF VAN ZANOT COUNTY MAR 1. 1988(R) MAR 1, 1988(L) 480190# WILMER, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY SEP 17, 1980(R) SEP 17, 1980 480230# WILSON COUNTY· WI LSON COUNTY MAR IS, 1978(Rl MAR 15, 1978 480689# WINDCREST, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY AUG IS, 1977(R) AUG IS, 1977 480680# WINNSBORO, CITY OF WOOD COUNTY DEC 7, 1982(R) DEC 7, 1982(M) (R) . INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA • NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA • ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EFFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE OATE OF THIS REPORT •• UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 24 COMMUNITIES PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOCO INSURANCE PROGRAM AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS DATE OF DATE OF ENTRY CURRENT COMMUNITY EMERGENCY OR EFFECTIVE MAP NUMBER COMMUH ITY NAME REGULAR PROG. (OR MAP INDEX) 480550 IIINTERS, CITY OF RUNNELS COUNTY MAY 25, 1978(R) (NSFHA) 481051# 1/1 SE COUN TY· WISE COUNTY MAR 19, 1990(R) MAR 19, 1990 48069411 IIOOOBRANCH. VILLAGE OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY AUG 15, 1984(R) AUG 15, 1984 481168# IIOOOLOCH, VILLAGE OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY JAN 3, 1985(R) JAN 3, 1985 481l987# WOODSBORO, TOlIN OF REFUGIO COUNTY JUL 16, 1981(R) JUL 16, 1981 481022A 1IOOO5ON, CITY OF THROCKMORTON COUNTY APR I, 1991(R) APR I, 1991(L) 481035A WOODVILLE, CITY OF TYLER COUNTY OCT 26, 1982(R) OCT 26, 1982(M) 480462# IIOOOWAY. CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY MAY I, 1979(R) MAY I, 1979 481l826A IIORTHAM, TOlIN OF FREESTONE COUNTY SEP 4, 1985(R) SEP 4, 1985(M) 4807'59# WYLIE, CITY OF COLLIN COUNTY JUN 4, 1980(R) SEP 4, 1991 481167A YANTIS, CITY OF WOOD COUNTY OCT 26, 1982(1) OCT 26, 1982(M) 4804348 YOAKUM, CITY OF LAVACA COUNTY SEP I, 1987(R) SEP I, 1987(L) 480197B YORKTOIIN, CITY OF DEIiITT COUNTY MAR I, 1987(R) MAR 1, 1987(L) 480684# YMG COUNTY· YOUNG COUNTY JAN 2, 1991(R) JAN 2, 1991 . 481191'" ZAVALA COUNTY' ZAVALA COUNTY SEP I, 1987(R) SEP I, 1987(L) TOTAL IN THE FLOCO PROGRAM 902 TOTAL IN THE REGULAR PROGRAM 881 TOTAL IN THE REGULAR PROGRAM BUT HAVING NO SPECIAL FlOCO HAZARD AREA 41 TOTAL IN REGULAR PROGRAM BUT DESIGNATED AS MINIMALLY FLOCO PRONE 248 TOTAL I N EMERGENCY PROGRAM 21 TOTAL IN EMERGENCY PROGRAM IIITH THE HAZARD AREA IDENTIFIED 11 (R) . INDICATES ENTRY IN REGULAR PROGRAM NSFHA . NO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA . ALL ZONE C > • DATE OF CURRENT EfFECTIVE MAP IS AFTER THE DATE OF THiS REPORT •. UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY fEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 25 AREAS 􀁾􀁈􀁉􀁃􀁈􀀠HAVE HAD SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS IDENTIFIED --NOT IN THE PROGRAM'AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS C!»4I!UNITY HAZARD AREA DATE ON 􀁾􀁈􀁉􀁃􀁈􀀠NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME IDENTl FlED SANCTIONS APPLY 481089# ADDISON, TOWN Of COLLIN CruNTY OCT 29, 1976(F) OCT 29, 1977 DALLAS COONTY 480960 ADRIAN, CITY Of OLDHAM CruNTY JUL 25, 1975 JUL 25, 1976 481090 ALBA, TOWN OF \1000 cruNTY MAY 2, 1975 SEP 1, 1982(11) 481546# ALMA, TOWN Of ELLI S cruMTY APR 29, 1980 APR 29, 1981 481306# ALTOGA, ClTY OF COLLIN COONTY JUL 25, 1978(F) JUL 25, 1979 481617# ALVORD, TOWN OF IIISE COONTY MAR 19, 1990(F) MAR 19, 1991 480B94 AMHERST, CITY OF LAMB COUNTY JUL II, 1975 JUL II, 1976 480006 􀁁􀁎􀁄􀁒􀁅􀁾􀁓􀀬􀀠CITY OF ANDREIIS CruNIY AUG 27, .976 AUG 27, 1977 48000711 ANGELI NA CruNTY> ANGELINA CruNTY DEC 27, 1974 DEC 27, 1975 48154711 ANGUS, TOWN OF NAVARRO CruNTY MAY 6, 1980 MAY 6, 19B1 48162511 ANNA, CITY OF COLLIN CruNTY APR 2, 1991(F) APR 2, 1992 480982 480982 ANNONA, TOWN OF REO RIVER CruNTY JUN II, 1976 JUN II, 1977 481085 APPLEBY, CITY OF NACOGDOCHES CruNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 481093 ASPERMONT, TOWN Of STONEIIALL CruNTY AUG 13, 1976 AUG 13, 1977 480776 AUBREY, TOlIN Of DENTON CruNTY JUN 4, 1976 JUN 4, 1977 48156111 AURORA, CITY OF IIISE CruNTY JUN 24, 1980(F) JUN 24, 1981 480731 AVINGER, TOWN OF CASS CruNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 480951 BARRY, TOWN OF NAVARRO CruNTY JUL 30, 1976 JUL 3D, 1977 480642 BARSTOlI, CITY OF WARD CruNTY JUN 25, 1976 JUN 25, 1977 480830 BELLS, TO\IN OF GRAYSON COONTY OCT 29, 1976(F) OCT 29, 1977 48OB88 BENJAMIN, CITY OF KNOX CruNTY JUN 27, 1975 JUN 27, 1976 48154111 BERRYVILLE, CITY OF HENDERSON CruNTY JUN 26, 1979(F) JUN 26, 1980 481609# BERTRAM, CITY OF BURNET CruNTY NOV 16, 1990(f) NOV 16, 1991 481088 BLACKWELL, TOWN OF NOLAN CruNTY AUG 15, 1975 AUG 15, 1976 480732 BLOOMBURG, TO\IN OF CASS CruNIY NOV 5, 1976 NOV 5, 1977 480984 BOGATA, TO\IN OF RED RIVER COUNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 481096 BREMOND, CITY OF ROBERTSON COUNTY NOV 19, 1976(F) NOV 19, 1977 480084# BREWSTER COUNTY> BREWSTER CruNTY DEC 27, 1974(F) OCT IS, 1985(5) 4803981/BRIAR OAKS, CITY OF JOHNSON CruNTY MAR 29, 1974(F) MAR 29, 1975 481548# BRONSON, CITY OF SABINE CruNTY APR 1, 1980 APR I, 1981 480325# BROWNSBORO, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY DEC 10, 1976(F) SEP I, 1987(S) 481302# BRUCEVILLE-EDDY, CITY OF FALLS CruNTY MAY 2, 1978( f) MAY 2, 1979 MCLENNAN CruNTY 481549# BUCKHOLTS, CITY OF MILAM cruNTY MAR 18, 1980 MAR. 18f 1981 480904 BUFFALO, CITY OF LEON CruNIY AUG 20, 1976 AUG 20, 1977 480649 BURTON, CITY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY DEC 20, 1974 DEC 20, 1975 48049DA CACTUS, CITY OF MOORE cruNTY JUN 14, 1974 JUN 14, 1975 48036411 CADDO MILLS, CITY OF HUNT cruNTY JUN 28, 1974(F) JUN 28, 1975 48150411 CAMPBELL, TOlIN OF HUNT CruNTY APR 10, 1979(F) APR 10, 1980 481068 CAMPBELLTON, TOWN OF ATASCOSA CruNTY JUN 25, 1976(F) JUN 25, 1977 NIA -NOT APPLICABLE AT THIS TIME (S) -SUSPENDED COMMUNITY (II) -WITHDRAIIN COMMUNITY (F) -EFFECTIVE MAP IS A FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP • -UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER COOES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 26 AREAS WHICH HAVE HAD SPECIAL FLOCO HAZARD AREAS IDENTIFIED --NOT IN THE PROGRAM-AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS COMMUNITY HAZARD AREA DATE ON IIHICH NUMBER COMMUNITY NAME IDENTIFIED SANCTIONS APPLY 481550# CANEY CITY, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY JUN 17, 1980(F) JUN 17, 1981 480730A CASS COUNTY" CASS COUNTY JUL 5, 1977 JUL 5, 1978 480737A CASTRO COUNTY' CASTRO COUNTY JUN 3, 1977 JUN 3, 1978 480905 CENTERVILLE, CITY OF LEON COUNTY MAR 13, 1976 MAR 13, 1977 480701 CHARLOTTE, CITY OF ATASCOSA COUNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 481140 CHESTER, TOWN OF TYLER COUNTY AUG 13, 1976 AUG 􀀱􀁾􀀬􀀠1977 481202 CHILLICOTHE, CITY OF HARDEMAN COUNTY JUL 18, 1975 JUL 18, 1976 481543# CHIRENO, CITY OF NACOGDOCHES COUNTY JUL 3, 1979 JUL 3, 1980 480702 CHRISTINE, CITY OF ATASCOEA COUNTY JUl II, 1975 JUl II, 1976 480535 CLARKSVILLE, TOWN OF GREGG COUNTY JUL II, 1975 JUl II, 1976 481098 CLAUDE, CITY OF ARMSTRONG COUNTY AUG 13, 1976 AUG 13, 1977 481099 COAHOMA, TOWN OF HOIIARD COUNTY JUN 4, 1976 JUN 4, 1977 480169A COCKRELL HILL, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY DEC 7, 1973(F) DEC 7, 1974 481507# COFFEE CITY, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY JUL 3, 1979(F) JUL 3, 1980 480408 COMBINE, CITY OF DALLAS COUNTY JUl 2, 1976(F) JUl 2, 1977 KAUFMAN COUNTY 480870 COMO, TOlIN OF . HOPKI NS COUNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 481510# COVE, TOlIN OF CHAMBERS COUNTY JUN 5, 1979 JUN 5, 1980 481511# COVINGTON, CITY OF HILL COUNTY OCT 29, 1976(F) OCT 29, 1977 480158# CROCKETT COUNTY' CROCKETT COUNTY OCT 20, 1981 OCT 20, 1982 480723 CROSS PLAINS, TOWN OF CALLAHAN COUNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 480871 CUMBY, CITY OF HOPKINS COUNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 480985 DETROIT, TOlIN OF RED RIVER COUNTY DEC 24, 1976(F) DEC 24, 1977 481514# DEVERS, CITY OF LIBERTY COUNTY APR 24, 1979 APR 24, 1980 480787 DICKENS, CITY OF DICKENS COUNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 480789# OIMHIT COUNTY' OIMMlT COUNTY JAN 24, 1978 JAN 24, 1979 481515# DOMINO, CITY OF CASS COUNTY JUL 10, 1979 JUL 10, 1980 481309# DORCHESTER, TOWN OF GRAYSON COUNTY JUL 4, 1978 JUL 4, 1979 480733 DOUGLASVILLE, TOlIN OF CASS COUNTY AUG 13, 1976(F) AUG 13, 1977 480976 EAST TAWAKONI, TOWN OF RAINS COUNTY NOV 5, 1976 NOV 5, 1977 480793# EASTLAND COUNTY' EASTLAND COUNTY NOV 15, 1977(F) NOV 15, 1978 481517# EASTVALE, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY JUN 19, 1979(F) JUN 19, 1980 480809 ECTOR, TOWN OF FANNIN COUNTY JUL 11, 1975 JUl 11, 1976 480635A EDGEYOOO, CITY OF VAN ZANDT COUNTY JUN 14, 1974 JUN 14, 1975 481146 EDOM, CITY OF VAN ZANDT COUNTY AUG 13, 1976 AUG 13, 1977 481217# EDWARDS COUNTY' EDWARDS COUNTY FEB 19, 1982 FEB 19, 1983 481000 EL DORADO, TOWN OF SCHLEICHER COUNTY AUG 13, 1976 AUG 13, 1977 480710# ELMENOORF, CITY OF BEXAR COUNTY JUN 11, 1976( F) JUN 11, 1977 480218# ERATH COUNTY' ERATH COUNTY DEC 27, 1977 DEC 27, 1978 480277 ESTELLINE, CITY OF HALL COUNTY NOV 8, .1974 NOV 8, 1975 480327# EUSTACE, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY JUN 11, 1976(F) JUN 11, 1977 NIA -NOT APPLICABLE AT THIS TIME (S) -SUSPENDED COMMUNITY (W) -IIITHORAWN COMMUNITY (F) -EFFECTIVE MAP IS A FLOOD INSURANCE RATE RATE MAP • -UNINCORPORATED AREAS ONLY ALL OTHER CODES OR SYMBOLS ARE EXPLAINED ON PAGE 2 OF THIS BOOK FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION PAGE 27 AREAS WHICH HAVE HAD SPECIAL FLOOD 􀁈􀁾􀁒􀁏􀀠AREAS 􀁉􀁏􀁅􀁎􀁔􀁉􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀠--NOT IN THE PROGRAM--"--AS OF MAY 8, 1992 TEXAS COMMUNITY HAZARD AREA DATE ON WHICH NUMBER COMMUN I TY NAME IDENTIFIED SANCTIONS APPLY 480807# FANNIN c()uNTY· FANN IN COUNTY NOV 8, 1977 NOV 8, 1978 480544 FATE, CITY OF ROCKWALL c()uNTY NOV 5, 1976 NOV 5, 1977 481147 FAYETTEVILLE, TOWN OF FAYETTE COUNTY AUG 6, 1976 AUG 6, 1977 480817# FLOYD C()UNTY· FLOYD COUNTY MAY 17, 1977 MAY 17, 1978 480003B FRANKSTON, CITY OF ANDERSON C()UNTY AUG 16, 1974(F) OEC 13, 1989(W) 480822# FREESTONE COUNTY· FREESTONE COUNTY JAN 3, 1978 JAN 3, 1979 480815 FRITCH, CITY OF HUTCHINSON COUNTY JUL 16, 1976 JUL 16, 1977 480949 GARRISON, TOUN OF NACOGDOCHES COUNTY JUL 16, 1976 JUL 16, 1977 481148 GARY, TOUN OF PANOLA C()UNTY NOV 19, 1976 NOV 19, 1977 481521# GHOLSON, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY MAY 1, 1979 MAY I, 1980 480880# GODLEY, TOWN OF JOHNSON COUNTY AUG 22, 1975(F) AUG 22, 1976 481310# GOLINDA, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY JUN 6, 1978 JUN 6, 1979 480963 GORI)ON, TOWN OF PALO PINTO COUNTY OCT 22, 1976 OCT 22, 1977 480964 GRAFORD, TOUN OF PALO PINTO COUNTY JUL II, 1975 SEP 1, 1982(W) 480873 GRAPELAND, TOWN OF HOUSTON COUNTY NOV 19, 1976 NOV 19, 1977 481104A GRUVER, C!TY OF HANSFORD C()UNTY NOV 5, 1976(F) AUG 16, 1988(S) 480328# GUN BARREL CITY, CITY OF HENDERSON COUNTY NOV 8, 1974(F) NOV 8, 1915 481522# HALLSBURG, CITY OF MCLENNAN COUNTY MAY 15, 1979 MAY 15, 1980 480848 HALLSVILLE, CITY OF HARRISON COUNTY APR 3D, 1976 APR 30, 1977 481011 HAPPY, CITY OF SWISHER COUNTY FEB 14, 1975 FEB 14, 1976 480738 HART, CITY OF CASTRO COUNTY JUN 27, 1915 JUN 27, 1976 481495# HEBRON, TOWN OF DENTON COUNTY JUL 3, 1979(F) DEC 5, 1990(S) 480843 HIOO, CITY OF HAMILTON c()uNTY AUG 22, 1975 AUG 22, 1976 481106# HILL COUNTRY VILLAGE, TOWN BEXAR c()uNTY AUG 23, 1977 AUG 23, 1978 480857# HILL COUNTY· HILL COUNTY AUG 9, 1977(F) AUG 9, 1978 480352# HOCKLEY c()uNTY· HOCKLEY COUNTY OCT 25, 1977 OCT 25, 1978 481277A H:""'/:ilm"" ') 􀁜􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀱􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀧􀁔􀁀􀀻􀀬􀀡􀀺􀀠.oJ!;􀁾􀁗􀀢􀀢􀀢􀁬􀀢􀀠, i 􀀧􀀮􀀻􀁜􀀮􀁊􀀢􀀺􀁾􀁉􀀮􀀧􀀠,,-;'j' -'I I􀁦􀁴􀁦􀁾􀁩􀁭􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁣􀁩􀀯􀁦􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁥􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁒􀀬􀁳􀀡� �􀁥􀀻􀁤􀀺􀀺􀀠,; " • ' 􀁘􀁱􀁉􀁾􀁅􀁐􀁒􀁏􀁧􀁅􀁓􀁓􀁉􀁎􀁇􀀬􀁻􀁾􀁦􀁔􀁒􀁔􀁊􀁾􀁔􀁉􀁏􀁎􀁓􀁩􀀠"',i I 􀁾􀁪􀁽􀀱􀁾􀁾􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁻􀁴􀁾􀀠 " assistance fillmg-om an, applIcation? 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I " " ./, ',' " 􀁾􀀠\ " r-r-'--, , SpecHic Policy , 1nformaliop " PRf;SS 9: "r' ' " .. -/') 'f /'" •Al!juSier Payment andCancellal\ons " ',Obtaining aManual , ' J 'PrQceGures /' For Renewai Ptemiuin r "'I ,I , 􀀧􀁕􀁰􀁴􀁏􀁮􀁊􀁏􀁦􀁬􀁾􀀠,Submission, ' I 􀁾􀀡􀀱􀀱􀁥􀁮􀁤􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁬􀀧􀀠, , For Notice of Loss ,tSTAINjNG::.! f;, ,') 1,:CHAtKlING'" ,'APOLlCY' 􀁜􀀬􀁾POLICY", , " 􀁾􀀬􀀠,siatlurof II Claim " f,I \ ';, /-';I!' ,' \;, ! , , I\ • ,.' I 1--..<\\ ;., \" I,. I I\. 1 ',-'/.,1, 'f P»' •• I" , rRESS1'" , 􀁾􀀠i' /" 1 .. ' "--,-'-:"'_-,";(__ //I, •APPllcatlon:Stc1ibns1l"" Comp1eiWQ,the, ' , Appl!catl?J!,Sootlons, 􀁾􀁮􀁡􀁯􀁲􀁳􀁥􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁬􀀬􀀠I 9-14 ,I ' ',. Effective Oat.'-'I, ' ',J : .! ' ( 􀀢􀁁􀁰􀁰􀁬􀁩􀁜􀁩􀀧􀁬􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁐􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁾􀀠" '; Changlng'Agents I" \ , Eleyatlon Certification f • TentatiVe Rales 'J, , 􀁾􀁉􀁯􀁯􀁤􀁰􀁬􀀧􀁯􀁯􀁦􀁩􀁮􀁧􀀠',' ' , i Condo,Master,' 􀀧􀀬􀁆􀀿􀁲􀀺􀁥􀁾􀁾􀁥􀁤􀁒􀁬􀁳􀁫􀀠,'\ 1/\ 'I, , "c,Su bml! for Rate ' J1 " AlienI Starter KRs/I, , I " ., ) j /.r'!" I I, ' 􀁾􀀬􀀠, ! ,I , : 'I I (/I 􀁾􀀠/,/. I[ }." ,,-or( /1 " ',c';) Submisslory•For Supplies, " , For 􀁾􀁡􀁮􀁵􀁡􀁬􀀰􀁲􀁤􀁥􀁲Forms ',RegIOnal pftiallocallons ,I I I ' I ! c I' /,( . " ",./I 􀁒􀁅􀁎􀁾􀁗􀁉􀁎􀁇􀀠''''-,'';,' C4NCElLlNGi,)1 A'POLfCY' ," ' 􀀧􀀺􀁁􀀺􀁐􀀨􀀩􀁌􀁉􀁾􀁙'\ i', . \1, !-,II (\",PR"":;' ,,;' \", :PR!ss4 " -r , -1\ "I 􀀬􀀺􀀻􀀭􀁟􀀧􀁟􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀬􀁟􀁾􀀠" , '/􀀻􀀢􀁦􀀡􀁥􀁮􀁲􀀮􀁶􀁾􀀱􀀠􀁅􀁦􀁦􀁾􀁬􀁹􀁥i>a'1!IS I 􀀧􀁜􀁜􀀮􀁉􀀩􀁤􀁣􀁡􀁮􀁾􀁉􀁉􀁬􀁉􀁜􀁏􀁮􀀠I'I rI Renewal 􀁐􀁲􀁾􀁭􀁬􀁵􀁮􀁔􀁎􀁯􀀡􀁉􀁾􀁥􀀠\, AeeSOflS /'I \' ")!;",Completil)g the ' ,l"canceliaIIo\lFoim\ , ' ' (' I /',.' )'. 􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀺􀀠((') /1 [.:1 '\ ".I' f,,\ ) "" 􀁾􀁟􀀠. I" 􀁾􀁄􀀧􀀠􀀮􀁾􀁜􀀠\ : '\Re!fiember. 􀁾􀁴􀀬􀀸􀀯􀁬􀁙􀀠tim. ,dWlrtglt!ie 1I!e'J'ge'"ou C'? mep 􀀻􀀬􀁾􀀧􀁴􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁬􀀡􀁦􀁾􀀯􀁣􀁴􀀡􀀡􀁩􀀼􀁬􀁰􀁭􀁥􀁮􀀡􀀮􀁉􀁉􀁶􀀧􀀬􀁾􀁙􀀺􀁐􀁷..lngp,' \ I CIlIiers-uslng fO/!IY Rhonu pleas/! //,/en for In,truetlon,;, l I '\ \ .I, .• " '" ' \" '", • ,I , , ,.e;, 􀁾􀀠J \ \' '., "f '/"\ ''-\/\. 􀁾􀁪􀀻􀀬􀀮􀀠 -' '''''10m; I,m; ill.. 􀀲􀀷􀀵􀁾􀀠$56 $111 $166 $221 $276 SS, $11. $165 = $275 .;..: 􀁾􀀧.. ' 000 Make sure your piotec.tion is complete. There is normally..i.ijye-daywaiting period before new ·poHcies . become effective; so do';'t waii. !1Jltil the flood warnings are issued.· . :'.,". ' • • NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM GENI(RAIJ PROPERI'Y ENDORSEMENT FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION FEMA I'onnNo. 81·33 (1m) 593·9119 (1m) ANNOUNCEMENT: THE STANDARD FLOOD INSURANCE POLICY DEDUCTIBLE HAS BEEN INCREASED FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES To reduce the amount of subsidy for policies with subsidized premium rates, the minimum deductibles, for building and contents separately, for such policies have been increased from $500 to $750. The new $750 minimum deductibles apply to policies for buildings (and the contents in them) that were built before the effective date of the Flood Insurance Rate Map for the community or December 31, 1974, whichever is later, and that are located in zones A, AO, AH, Al-30, AE, VO, Vl-30, VE, or V. Optional fully actuarial rates may be used for such buildings and their contents instead of the subsidized rates, in which case the minimum deductibles would remain at $500. Also, reimbursement for temporary removal and storage of insured property and the purchase of sandbags and the other items specifically spelled out in the policy for the purpose of mitigating flood damage when there is imminent danger of a flood loss loss was previously limited to the minimum deductible, which was $500 for all policies. To clarify that the uniform ceiling of $500 will remain in effect now that there is no longer a uniform deductible, changes have been made in the definition of "Direct Physical Lo,ss by or from Flood" in Article II and in Article IV. A. (see subparagraph 7 of the Dwelling Form or subparagraph 3 of the General Property Form) to provide for such reimbursements up to a $500 ceiling without specifying the ceiling in terms of the minimum deductible. If you'have any questions about these changes, please see your local insurance agent. STANDARD FLOOD INSURANCE POLICY GENERAL PROPERTY FORK NOTICE OF ENDORSEMENT Increased Deductibles for certain Policies and Related Changes A change in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations published in the Federal Register on May 7, 1992, at Volume 57, pages 19539-19542, has endorsed your standard Flood Insurance Policy to read as follows in the indicated Articles below: 1. Article II--Definitions -in the definition of "Direct Physical Loss by or from Flood", the phase "for buildings in an amount up to the amount of the minimum building deductible" is removed and, in place thereof, the phrase "for buildings in an amount not to exceed $500" is added and the phrase "for contents in an amount up to the amount of the minimum contents deductible. II is removed and, in place thereof, the phrase "for contents in an amount not to exceed $500." is added. 2. Article IV--Property Covered (Subject to "Property Not Covered" Provisions) -in paragraph A. 3., the phrase "up to the amount of the minimum building deductible. It is removed and, in place thereof, the phrase "not to exceed $500." is added. 3. Article VI--Deductibles is revised to read, as follows: Article VI--Deductibles A. Each loss to the insured property is subject to a deductible provision under which the Insured bears a portion of the loss before payment is made under the policy. B. The loss deductible shall apply separately to each building loss and contents loss including, as to each, any debris removal expenses. c. For any flood insurance policy issued or renewed for a property located in an Emergency Program community or for any property located in a Regular Program community in Zones A, AO, AH, Al-30, AE, VO, V1-30, VE, or V where the rates available for buildings built before the effective date of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRMl* are used to compute the premium, the amount of the deductible for each loss occurrence is determined as follows: The Insurer shall be liable only when such loss exceeds $750.00, or the amount of any higher deductible which the Insured selected when the Insured applied for this insurance or when the Insured raised the deductible by endorsement. D. For policies other than those described in paragraph C. above, the amount of the deductible for each loss occurrence is determined as follows: The Insurer shall be liable only when such loss exceeds $500.00, or the amount of any higher deductible which the Insured selected when the Insured applied for this insurance or when the Insured raised the deductible by endorsement. *This includes buildings built after the effective date of the FIRM but before December 31, 1974. -O.S, GPO:1992.624-927160161 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OROERNO. 1704336 SHEET -O.M.S. NO.3067·Q215 FLOOD INSURANCE MAP ORDER Expires June 30. 1993 Of -CONTINUATION Of ORDER NO. SHEETS -􀁉􀁾􀁒􀁦􀁑􀁕􀁅􀁓􀁔􀁆􀁏􀁒􀀺􀀠I o ESTABUSH DEPOSIT 0 CHANGE o REMOVAL FROM MAiLING LIST:o MAPS (Complete a·G) ACCOUNT (Complete D&E) OF ADDRESS o listed Maps 0 All InJo you wish to receive revised maps? DYe,DNo (Complete Dj (Complete D&G) (Completed DJ l£J 8USINESS: 􀁾􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀬􀀠"'W􀁾􀁗􀀬􀀮􀀢􀀮􀀬􀀠􀁾􀀠􀀢􀀢􀀬􀁭􀀢􀀢􀀬􀀢􀁈􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀢􀀠BENGINEER (F) WRITE·YOUR·OWN COMPANY (1) REAL ESTATE (J) SURVEYOR (l) INSURANCE (C) APPRAISER (B) INDIVIDUAL (D) LENDER(G) OTHER (SpeCify) (Z) fORA, (Business Type) (Signature) (Full Name ofAgency) FOR C· DIRECT NflP 0 ORWYO 0 NAME OF WVOCOMPAN'f: 􀁾􀀠ACCOUNT NUMBER NAME [I I I I I I I I I [J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IORGANIZATION/COMPANYI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ORDER DAlE {Month-dafyear)I II I I I STREET AOORESSLINE 1 (P.O. Box mldelay ,ecel) AREACOOE TELEPHONE NO. I I I I I I I I I I I I I-I I I I-I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I STREET ADDRESS LINE 2 EXT, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I ClTV STATE ZIPCOOE + 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT] I I I I I I I I I I !JMETHOD OF PAYMENT: D CHECK/MONEY ORDER 5 o DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS o CREDIT CARD (Complete F) £J ENTER CREDIT CARD NUMSER EXPIRES CREDIT CARD TYPE: oVISA D MASTERCARD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT] IT] (MO) (YR) (Name OfCredit Card Holder) (Signature ofCredit Card Holder) .QJ COMMUNITY PANEL w.r'i COMMUNITY. COUNTY. STATE NAME NUMBER NUMBER 1 2 3 ' ! 4 i I 5 : 6 I , 7 ! ! !: 8 9 10 FEMA Form 81-52. MAV 91 REPLACES EDITION OF JUN 90, WHICH IS OBSOLETE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Form used for map orders. mailing address change and removal from mailing list. Order form must include account number, packing list or recent label. 2. Complete all information requested. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE RE'I'URNED. 3. For orders of more than 10 items, copy pre-printed red number from form 1 onto additional form!;;. 4. «Z" fold maps may be ordered by panel number or community number. Maps ordered by community name or number with no indication thatall panels are needed which have greater than 10 panels will be returned with index and order form only. (See note F below). Ifyou require a community Status book call NFlI' at 1-800-638-6620. (See note H). 5. Flat map orders require only a six (6) digit community number. 6. A map fee is charged to all map recipients except company types A Federal, State or Local Government-a Federal, State or Local government agency that is utilizing Flood Maps primarily for the purpose ofadministering floodplain management programs. 7. The map fee is $(i.i.00 per order, not to exceed ten panels arid $5.00 per order plus $0.60 per panel over 10 panels. The fcc is required before the order is filled. You may usc your Master Card or Visa charge cards by completing the information on the front of the form or give the information to the operator when you call in your order. 8. There are two methods a map recipient may receive revisions automatically; establ ish a deposit account, ($100.00 minimum) or; to have your credit card charged for the revision order. lfyou requested revisions as they are published and do not maintain a Deposit Account or authorize charges to a credit card, we will send you the revision packing slip/invoice. You may return your packing slip with your payment or you can place the order by telephone and use your VISA or MASTERCARD for payment. (Sec E below) 9. Map orders or questions regarding map orders should be directed to: Federal gmergency Management Agency Flood Map Distribution Center 6930 (A -F) San Tomas Road Baltimore, Maryland 21227-6227 or call 1-800-333-1363 SPECIAL NOTES A. Retain obsolete maps for rating verification. B. Notify Flood Map Distribution Center ifexcess maps are received. C. Notify Flood Map Distribution Center of multiple accounts. D. Assure current address and telephone numbers are forwarded to Flood Map Distribution Center. E. Make checks payable to Nf'IP and include your account number on your check. F. Ifyou need al1 maps for a community or a group ofcommunities, such as all incorporated communities and county unincorporated areas for a county or all maps for a state, please call toll-free number to discuss the fast easy way to order. G. Index for multi-panel Z-fold maps are free, so make sure you only order maps you are willing to pay for. ALL MAP SALES ARE FINAL-NO REFUNDS. H. Community Status books contain name, number, statues, and eligibility and date ofeligibility for every community. PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to vary from 2.5 to 5 minutes per response. The estimated reporting burden includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the form. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of the collection, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to: Information Collections Management, f'ederal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20472; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-0215), Washington, D.C. 20510. NFIP COMMUNITY STATUS BOOK ORDER FORM Dare______________ CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX '----' Please send copy(copies) ofthe current NFIP Community Status Book for the Stare(s) indicated below to the following agency. THIS IS A ONE-TIME REQUEST. c:::::::J Please add the following agency to the mailing list to receive the NFIP Community Status Book fur the Stare(s) indicared below. THE CURRENT NFIP COMMUNITY STATUS BOOK FOR THE STATE(S) HAS ALREADY BEEN MAILED. '----' Please send __copy(copies) of the current NFIP Community Status Book for the Stare(s) indicared below to the following agency. Also, please add this agency to the mailing list to receive the Community Status Book. Firm/Government Agency Name' ______________________ Address Atrention Please send Community Status Book fur: ____Entire U.S. ________Following Stare(s) Only: 700-1I3A (3/87) Mail This Form To: Federal Emergency Management Agency Office of Insurance Operations Federal Insmance Administration Washington, D.C. 204n NFIP SUPPLIES ORDER FORM Picasescndme theJlood 􀁾fmns,litetaw:e, md/fx 􀁭􀁡􀁾indiClllc4 below_en lIfelvailllhte Itno <:hatge. (TN 􀁾􀁡􀁭􀁯􀁍􀁴􀀢􀀧􀀢CdII 􀁾oriJo#1d at ()M timt is 200 JUliIs.) ",de< _Ii«!dll-cctIy lioducGEE f'3\ADDRESS AND TEl£PHONE NUMBeR OF UCENSEO PROPeRTY ORCASUA1.1Y 􀁾􀁉􀁎􀁓􀁕􀁒􀁁􀁎􀁃􀁅AGENT OR 􀁂􀁒􀁏􀁋􀁾􀀠􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀮􀀮􀀬􀀭􀀭AGENT'S 1M 10 ill OR $SN' [§l FOR OlSASTER ASSlsmNCE? IF YEs. CHECK lHE <3OVERNMENT AGENCY: [j] SSA -!il FHA lID 0Tl1ER (PI.EASE Sf'ECIFt) . (g] F£MA rn HHS NAME. TELEPHONE NUMBER ANa ADDRESS lOAN NUMBER: A ===: IT 15 􀁉􀁾􀁄THM 1HIS 􀀿􀁯􀁌􀁉􀁃􀁙􀀻􀁾􀁅􀀠Et:FEcnVE AT THE TIME THAT THE 􀁏􀁅􀁓􀁃􀁦􀁕􀁾􀁄􀀠BUllOJ!'4G IS ACOUIREO? Iil YES . [ffi NO D 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭E•S ___ $ 75 $100 $125-' 􀀤􀁉􀁾􀀠$30.0001$8,000 $50.0001 $12.000 $75,000/$'8,000 IFSECON[)MOATGAGEE. LOSS PAYEE"OROmeR. IS rOBE BilLED. THE FOI...LOWiNG MUST BE COMPLETED, IN(:.l.UOING 1liE NAME, TELEPHONE -NUM8ERAND ADOAE$S, 􀁾􀀠@2ND MORTGAGEE [j] DISASTER AGENOf 8 [j] LOSS PAYEE 􀁾􀁾􀁍􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁲􀁵􀀻􀀡􀁯􀀮􀁾􀁙􀁕􀁾􀁉􀁄􀁎􀀢􀀧􀁾􀁾􀁉􀁍􀁬􀁬􀁩􀁲􀁵􀀻􀀮􀁷􀁕􀀻􀁾􀁯􀁯􀁥􀀻􀁖􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀻􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾� �IF OTHER, PlEASE SPECfFY 􀀧􀁩􀀬􀀻􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀢􀀬􀀠􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁯􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀻PROPERTY ADDRESS.o (00 NOr USE P.O. BOX) ..0OTRH To .XR 􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭G•E ______􀀢􀁾____􀁾__________ l.OCAl1W U{AN UNfNCQRP(')ttATEO AREA OF THE COUNTY? fi'J YES [W NO COMMUNITY NUM8ER AND SUFFIX FOR L()CP:fI()III OF PROPEJflY INSURED _____ FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP lONE __ .___ mSiNGLE FAMILY IZ1 2-4 FAMilY {C)OAi'E OF (E) DATE OF PURCHASE OF BUIlDING ANSWER THiS FOlLOWING 0UE'S'n0HS PftQIIEfU.Y COULO RESUlT I'N.VOUlAHCE Of: COHfRACI1 (F) MAKE, MODel AND SERlALNUMBEA OF 􀁍􀁁􀁎􀁕􀁆􀁁􀁃􀁔􀁕􀁒􀁅􀁏􀀨􀁍􀁾􀁬􀀮􀁅􀀩􀀠HOME: -------------(A) OORfNG THE PERIOD OF OVmERSH1P HAS THE PROPERTY 0WNEfI RECEJlIEIj 2QRUOAEFt..DOO INSuAANCE CLAIM PAYMENTS OF $1.000 OR MORE. OR20R MORE FLOOD DISASTER REUEP' PAYMENTS (l'NCWDlNG lOANSANOGRANTS) OF$1.«JQOR MORE. ORA FLOOD lN$URANCE CLAIM PAYMeNT AND A FLOOD DISASTER RELIEF PAYMENT(lNCLUOINGLQANSANOGRANTS}OF$1.0J0.ORM0RE.7 @YES IID NO {8} IS THE BUIlrnNG LOCATeO IN A SPECIAl FLOOD HAZARD AREA ON A FlQ(){) HA2"ARD BQUNDAAY MAP, OR IN A FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONE A, AE. A1·A30. PI.), AH, A99, If, VE, Vl-'V30? I!l YES [HJ NO THE ABOve STATEMENTS ME CORAECTlOTHE BEST OF MYKNQWI...EDG£. tNCUJDlNG THE ANSWERTO 12(A) THEPAOPEFm' OWNER AND I \JNOERSTANOTHAT ANY i . i 1 1 I---. I I t f 􀁾􀀮􀀠FAlSE. STATEMEN'J'S MAY BE PUNISHABLE BY ANEOR tWRISONUENT UNDER APPUCABlEFEDERAlLAW. ...n........._ •• -...:-. PlEASE ATTACH TO l4FIP COfI'I Of' APPLICATION' TH£ CH£Ot Ql'IllOHe¥ (lAOER FOR TtfE 1'OfAL f'RFPAln 'FORM 8' -67 OCT 92 􀁮􀀢􀀧􀁴􀀾􀁾􀁶􀀢... ",_ .......,... •• 􀁾􀁟•• _, __ 􀁫􀁾􀀠 :"';. , " r,.; . ",;, " , '. 􀁾􀀠"', ; ... ,' . EFF.ECTiVE DATE. 􀁔􀁨􀁾􀀮􀁡􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁦􀁪􀁜􀀮􀁥􀀠(ja!eof Ihispollcy must beat 􀁬􀀡􀁬􀁡􀁾􀁴􀁦􀁩􀀻􀀻􀁥􀀮􀀠c/J:landardays(dalj) of 􀁡􀁰􀁰􀁬􀁩􀁣􀁡􀁩􀁩􀁾􀁮􀀠. . plus five 1aftes" trye d.;ile of ahew 􀁡􀁰􀁐􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁬􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠except as .ooted i.1i the Flooq. h1s\lr"nce 􀁍􀁡􀁮􀁵􀁾􀀡􀀮􀀠... ' •.'•.'.... . " 􀀧􀁾􀀠. " ,,', . :: 􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀮􀀠-;."':'"" .' '.. -' . LOSS IN. PRi)c:lRESS;Ttie:pojicy'doas not covet lOSS 􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁾􀁬􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁦􀁲􀁯􀁬􀀱􀀱􀀠a /lOQd or mUd(low 􀁏􀁃􀀨􀀩􀁬􀁬􀁲􀀨􀁥􀁦􀁬􀁣􀁾􀀠alreaqy . in progr.esson the date ofthis application, ThiS policy is suBject.lolhe Nalional Flood 􀁉􀁮􀁳􀁵􀁲􀁩􀁩􀁲􀁬􀁾􀀠Act of . .)968 and any.Acts.Amendatory thereof, (the Regulations) issued by the Federal Insurance Aqniillislration' .. pursuant to'sUch statules. ." . ... '.. . LIMIT ATIQt:l:S OEfERI!,.. 1r111UrilllCeisprQ\lided only (I) against the peril.o! flood 􀁡􀁳􀁤􀁥􀁦􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀠in Ihe poiicy, . and (2) witH tesp!lct·to'thpSecoverages applied. for herein and lor which a specific amounto! insuranc!! is shown lifuflllilessotherviise provided, aU conditions and provisions ofthis form and olthe policy shall 􀁡􀁰􀁰􀁉􀁙􀁳􀁥􀁰􀁡􀁴􀁡􀀪􀁩􀁹􀁴􀁯􀀧􀁥􀁬􀀮􀁬􀁣􀁨􀁣􀁯􀁶􀁩􀁭􀁩􀁧􀁾􀀮􀀠'. .., ..' . . < .. . '.,'" "'::':'. ' ' . 􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀬. M.oATGAGEE GAACEPEi1lQI;I: With respect 􀁾􀁯􀁡􀁮􀁹mortgagee (ortrustee) named in this application,'lli(sc insurances.hall continue in force for the benefildf such mortgagee (or trllstee) for 30 days after mailingo! . written notice loc tne 􀁭􀁏􀁒􀁧􀁡􀁧􀁥􀁥􀀧􀀨􀁯􀁲􀀧􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁳􀁴􀁥􀁾􀁲ofexpiration of ·this policy, This will provide coveragEdor approximately 30 Days after the' policy expiration in the case of a non-renewal. NONDISCRIMINATION. No person or organization shall be excluded from participating in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to 'discrimination under the Program authorized by the Act, on the ground of race, color, creed. sex, age or national origin. PRIVACY ACT:The information requested is necessary to process your application for.flood insurance:The. Collect the inloJmation is Title 42, U.S: Code, Section 4028. It is voluntGl'Y on YOIJr part. 10 .furnish the information. It Will. not be disclosed outside the Federal Emergency Management Agency except . to the servicing office, acting as the government's fiscal 'agent, to routine users, to your ager,lt and any. mortgagee named on your policy. .. '. . . . WARNING TO AGENTS AND INSURANCE APPLICANTS. The.National Flood Insurance.AGt of 􀀱􀀹􀀶􀀸􀀻􀁡􀁾􀀠amenqed, prohibits a flood insurance policy from beingoew!yissued or renewed on'a propertyofficiaily ,declared as beir:g in.vio,lation ofSeQ!ion 1316 ot the Act.· . .; ',' -',,' .' '••j, NATIONAL FLOOD' INSURANCE' PROGRAM " . .. ., -.􀁾􀀮􀀠 FEIEUL EMEBGERn MIRAGEIIERT UERCY SUGGESTED LENDER'S NOTICE SATISFIES NOTICE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE ACT OF 1%8, AS AMENDED, AND THE FLOOD DISASTER PROTECTION ACT OF 1973 NOTICE TO BORROWER OF PROPERTY IN SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA 􀁎􀁯􀁴􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁶􀁾􀁲􀁯􀀠____________________________􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭__ mm (Borrower) the improved real eslale or manufactured home described in the auached instrument is or will be locmed in an area designa!ed by me Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a special flood hazard area. This area is delineated on _____________-;;:;-__􀀭􀀭􀀺􀀺􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or, if me FIRM is unavailable, (Comt1Ul1lily Name) on me Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM). This area bas a I % chance of being flooded wimin any given year. The risk of exceeding the 1% chance increases wim time periods longer man one year. For example, during me life of a 3Q-year mortgage. a struCture loca!ed in a special flood hazard area has a 26% chance of being flooded. NOTICE TO BORROWER ABOUT FEDERAL FLOOD DISASTER ASSISTANCE (Lender Check One) o Notice in Participating Communities The improved real estate or manufactured borne securing your loan is or will be locmed in a eommunity which is now participating in me National Flood Insurance Program. In the event your property is damaged by flooding in a Federally declared disaster, Federal disaster relief may be available. However, such relief wiD be unavailable jf your community is not participating in the National Flood Insurance Program at the time such assistance would be approved (assuming your community has beell identified asflood-prone for at least a year). This assistance, usually in the form of a loan with a favorable interest rate, may be available for damages incUlTed in excess of your flood insurance. o Notice in Nonparticipating Communities The improved real estate or manufactured home securing your loan is or will be loca!ed in a a community which is not participating in me National Flood Insurance Program. This means that you are not eligible for Federal flood insurance. In the event your property is damaged by flooding in a Federally declared disaster, Federal disaster relief will be unavailable (assuming your COtnmJinity has been identified as flood-prone for at least a year). Federal flood disaster relief will be available only if your community is participating in me National Flood Insurance Program at the time such assistanre would be approved. (Bank OffICial's Name) (Borrowu's Name) (Date) FEMA FilII 81-2, JUN 11 IIPlACII [111111 IF DEC 14, WIIClIlAT I[ mr. 513-2UI18/911 FEDERAL. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGeNCV CERTIFICATION OF REDETERMINATION OF A PROPERTY'S LOCATION RELATIVE TO SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS TO: RE: RE: Date: (NAME OF GRANTEE. BORROWER, INSUREO) (Loan) (Transaction) No: Flood Insurance Policv No. This will certify that, as of this date, authorized personnel of this institution have examined the latest (Flood Hazard Boundary MapfFlood Insurance Rate Map) now in effect for (NAME OF COMMUNITV, COUNTY1STATE) effective and have determined that the property which is the (DATE) subject of the above-referenced loanftransaction is not located in a special flood hazard area as represented on the above-referenced, revised map. Flood insurance had been required as a condition for the loanftransaction in question because the property was shown as located in a special flood hazard area on 􀁾􀁔􀀮􀀷􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀧􀁳􀀠Flood Hazard Boundary MapfFlood \(NAME OF COMMUNITY) Insurance Rate 'lap effective at the time the loan/transaction was (DATE) processed. This institution now deems waived (NAME OF GRANTEE, BORROWER, INSURED) from maintaining flood insurance coverage, on the basis of the Federal Insurance Administration's latest map now in effect for (COMMUNITY'S NAME, which in our judgment excludes the􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀁥􀁦􀁦􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁥􀀠COUNTY. STATE) (DATE) property in question from an identified special flood hazard area. Address of Institution: Institution: By: (Authorized Signature) Federal Agency _______________________ By: (Authorized Signature) FEMA FORMe.1-3 (11119) CONTROL NO. 593-213 BFE esc CL()MR·.·coaXiA .FDIC . -"': "',' 'ffiMA· ··FJjruC; F:fiA 􀂣􀁾􀁂􀁲􀁶􀁩􀂷􀂷􀀠JJiA· 􀂷􀂷􀂷􀀻􀂷􀀮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁦􀂷􀀺􀂷􀂷.• :;J:,:;i.·:..􀂷􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀮􀀻􀁲􀁦􀀮􀀻􀁪􀁦 􀀧􀁴􀁜􀁾􀀠>,', , "\:. ..... '£bMA}·· .>.' , ;': 􀂷􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀺􀀭􀁾􀂷􀀬􀀺􀀻􀀬􀀾􀁾􀁓􀁾􀁉􀀴􀀺􀀻􀁌􀀺􀀮􀀬􀀺􀁾􀂷􀀻􀀮􀀭􀀬􀀺􀀠􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀻􀀭􀀺􀁩􀁦􀂷􀁾􀁾􀀺􀀠 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE AND INSTRUCTIONS PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE GENERAL -This information is provided pursuant to Public Law 96-511, (The Paperwork Reduction Actof 1980, as amended), dated December 11, 1980, to allow the public to participate more fully and meaningfully in the ["ederal paperwork review process. AU1'HORI1'Y -Public Law 96-511 , amended; 44 U.s.C. 3507; and 5 CFR 1320 􀁄􀁉􀁓􀁃􀁌􀁏􀁓􀁕􀁒􀁉􀀼􀁾 􀀠OF BURDEN -Public reporting burden for the collection ofinformation entitled "Post-Construction Elevation CertificatefFloodproofing Certificate" (FEMA Form 81-31 and 81-(5) is estimated to average 12 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the forms. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspectofihe collection, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to: Information Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, S.W. 20472; and to the Office ofManagement and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-0077), Washington, D_C. 20503. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------O,M,B. No 3067'()()77ELEVATION CERTIFICATE ExpiresMay 31, '993 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ATTENTION: Use of this certificate does not provide a waiver of the flood insurance purchase requirement. This form is used only to provide elevanon information necessary to ensure compliance with applicable community floodplain management ordinances, to determine the proper insurance premium rate, andlor to support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment or Revision (LOMA or LOMR), Instructions for completing this form can be found on the following pages, SECTION A PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE 􀀢􀀬􀁓􀁣􀀭􀁕􀁉􀁃􀀢􀁬􀁏􀀢� �􀁉􀁣􀀭􀁎􀁇􀀭􀀺􀀭􀀺􀀺􀁏􀁣􀀭􀁗􀁃􀀢􀁎􀀺􀀺􀀺􀁅􀁃􀀢􀁒􀀧􀀭􀁓􀀭􀁎􀀭􀁁􀁍􀀭􀁅􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁩􀁾􀁰􀁾􀁏􀁉􀁊􀀧􀁃􀁙􀁎􀁕􀁍􀀸􀁅􀁒􀀠-----I STREET ADDRESS (InCluding Apt, Unit, Suite and/or Bldg. Number) OR P_O. ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER COMPANY NAte NUMBER ---􀀭􀁾􀀢􀀽􀀽􀀽􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁟􀁟􀁣􀀺􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭__ __ OTHER DESCRIPTtON (Lot and Blo<::k Numbers, etc,) CITY STATE ZIP CODE SECTION B FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Provide the following from the proper FIRM (See Instructions): 1. COMMUNITY NUMBER 􀁾PANEL NUMBER 3. SUFFIX 4. DArE OF FIRM INDEX 5. FIRM ZONE 5. BASE FLOOO ELEVATION {tn AO ZOnas, use deplh; 7, Indicate the elevation detum 􀁾tem used on the FIRM for Base Flood Elevations (BFE): 0 NGVD '29 0 Other (describe on back) 8, For Zones A or V, where no BFE is provided on the FIRM, and the community has established a BFE for this building site, indicate the community's BFE: I I I I I I ,U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see $ection B, Item 7), SECTION C BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION 1, Using the Elevation Certificate Instructions, indicate the diagram number from the diagrams found on Pages 5 and 6 that best describes the subject building's reference level ___ 2(a), FIRM Zones A 1·A30, AE, AH, and A (with BFE), The top of the reference level floor from the selected diagram is at an elevation of I I I I I I,U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7), (b), FIRM Zones Vl-V30, VE, and V (with BFE), The bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference level from the selected diagram, is at an elevation of I I I I I I feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum--see Section B, Item 7), (c), FIRM Zone A (without BFE), The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is ,U feet above C] or below 0 (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building, (d), FIRM Zone AO, The floor used as the reference level from the selected diagram is W,Ufeet above 0 or below (check one) the highest grade adjacent to the building, If no flood depth number is available, is the building's lowest floor (reference level) elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unknown 3, Indicate the elevation datum system used in determining the above reference level elevations: 0 NGVD '29 0 Other (describe describe under Comments on Page 2), (NOTE: If the elevation datum used in measuring the elevations is different than that used on the FIRM [see Section B, Item 7j, then convert the elevations to the datum system used on the FIRM andshow the conversion equation under Comments on Page 2,) 4, Elevation reference mark used appears on FIRM: Yes 0 No (See Instructions on Page 4) 5, The reference level elevation is based on: 0 actual construction 0 construction drawings (NOTE: Use ofconstruction drawings is only valid ifthe building does notyet have the reference level floor in place, in which case this certificate will only be valid for the building during the course ofconstrue/ion, A post-construction Elevation Certificate will be required once constructioll is complete,) 6, The 􀁥􀁬􀁥􀁶􀁡􀁾􀁯􀁮􀀠of the lowest grade immediately adjacent to the building is: Ll ,UJ.j.U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7). SECTION D COMMUNITY fNFORMATlON 1. If the community offiCial responsible for verifying building elevations specifies that the reference level indicated in Section C, Item 1 is not the "lowest floor" as defined in the community's floodplain management ordinance, the elevation of the building's "lowest floor" as defined by the ordinance is: LLLLlJ,U feet NGVD (or other FIRM datum-see Section B, Item 7), 2, Date of the start of construclion or subetantial improvement __________ SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATIONF£MA Form 81-31, MAY 90 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDiTlONS --------------------SECTION E CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed by a land surveyor, engineer, or archttect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information when the elevation information for Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFEj,Vl-V30,VE, and v (with BFE) is required. Community officials who are authorized by loeallaw or ordinance to provide floodplain management information, may also sign the certification. In the case of Zones AO and A (without a FEMA or community issued BFE), a building OffICial, a property owner, or an owner's representative may also sign the certification. Reference level diagrams 6, 7 and 8 -Distinguishing Features-If the certifier is unable to certify to breakaway/non-breakaway wall, enclosure size, location of servicing equipment, area use, wall openings, or unfinished area Feature(s), then list the Feature(s) not included in the certification under Comments below. The diagram number, Section C, Item 1, must still be entered. I oertify that the information in Sections B and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. Iunderstand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18U.s. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENSE NUMBER (or Affix Sea'i TITLE COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP SIGNATURE DATE PHONE Caples should be made of this Certificate for: 1) community official, 2) insurance agent/company. and 3) building owner. COMMENTS: 􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾__ 􀁾___􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁟􀀠............-ON WmI ONPilES, BASEMENT PIERS, OR COLUMNS􀁾􀀠A ZONES v 20NE;$ A ZONES The diagrams above illustrate the points at which the elevations should be measured in A Zones and V Zones. Elevations for all A Zones should be measured at the top of the reference leveilioor. Elevations for all V Zones should be measured atthe bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member. Page 2 THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIRCATE PURPOSE OF THE ELEVATION CERTIFICATE The Elevation Certificate is an important administrative tool of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). As part of the agreement for making Hood insurance available in a community, the NFIP requires the community to adopt a floodplain management ordinance containing certain minimum requirements intended to reduce future flood losses. One such requirement is that the community "obtain the elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new and substantially improved struclures, and maintain a record of all such information." The Elevalion Certificate is one way for a community to comply with this requirement. The Elevation Cenificate is also required to properly rate post-FlAM structures, which are buildings constructed after publication of the Rood Insurance Aate Map (FlAM), for flood insurance in FlAM Zones A1-ASO, AE, AO, AH, A (with Base Rood Elevations [BFE's]), .'V1-V30, VE, and V (with BFE's). In addition, the Elevation Certificate is also needed for pre-FIRM structures being rated under post-RAM <, t· flood insurance rules. Use of this certificate does not in any way alter the flood insurance purchase requirement. The Elevation Certificate is only used to provide information necessary to ensure compliance with applicable communrty floodplain management ordinances, to determine the proper flood insurance premium rate, andlor to support a request for a Letter of Map Amendment or Aevision (LOMA or LOMA). Only a LOMA or LOMA from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can amend the FIRM and remove the Federal requirement for a lending institution to require the purchase of flood insurance. Note that the lending institution may slill require flood insurance. This certificate is only used to certify the elevaHon of the reference level of a building. II a non-residential building is being floodproofed, then a Floodproofing Certificale must be completed in addition to certifying the building's elevation. Floodproofing of a residential building does not alter a community's floodplain management elevation requirements or affect the insurance rating unless the communrty has been issued an exception by FEMA to allow floodproofed residential basements. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE ELEVATION CERTIFICATE The Elevation Certificate is to be completed by a land sUlveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information when the elevation information for Zones At-ASO, AE, AH, A (with BFE's), V1-V30, VE, and V (with BFE's) is required. Community officials wiho are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain management information may also complete this form. For Zones AO and A (without BFE's), a building official, a property owner, or an owner's representative may also provide the information on this certification. SECTION A Property Information The Elevation Certificate identifies the building, its owner and its location. Provide the building owner's name(s), the building's compfete street address, and lot and block number. If the property address is a rural route or PO box number, provide a legal description or an abbreviated location description based on distance from a reference point. SECTION B Flood Insurance Rate Map Information In order to proper1y complete the Elevation CenHicate, it is necessary to locate the building on the appropriate FIRM, and record the appropriate information. To obtain a FIRM, contact the community or call 1-800-333-1363. The Elevation Certificate may be completed based on either the FIRM in effect at the time 01 the certification or the FlAM in eflect when construction of the building was started. Items 1 -6_ Using the FlAM Index and the appropriate FlAM panel for the community, record the community number, panel (or page) number, suffix, and Index date. From the appropriate FlAM panel, locale the property and record the zone and the BFE (or flood depth number) at the building site. BFE's are shown on a FlAM for ZonesA1-A30, AE, AH, V1-V30, and VE; flood depth numbers are shown forZoneAO. Item 7, Record the venical datum system to which the elevations on the applicable FlAM are referenced. The datum is specified in the upper right corner of the title block of the FIRM. Item 8. In A or V Zones where BFE's are not provided on the FIRM, the community may have established BFE's besed on data from other sources. For subdivisions and other development greater than 50 tots or 5 acres. establishment of BFE's is required by community floodplain management ordinance. When this is the case, complete this item. Page 3 􀀭􀁾􀁬I i I SECTION C Building Elevation Information Item 1. The Elevation Certificate uses a building's reference level as the point for measuring its elevation. Pages 5 and 6 of this Elevatior Certificate package contain a series of eight diagrams of various building types that are to be used to help determine the reference level. Choose the diagram that best represents this building, record the diagram number, and uSe the indicated reference level to measure the elevation'as requested in items 2a.o. Item 2. Depending on the property location's FIRM Zone, complete Item 2a, 2b, 2c, or 2d. Use the reference level shown in the appropriate building diagram as the pOint of measurement. As shown in the diagram on the back of the Certificate, for all A Zones, the elevation should be measured at the top of the 􀁲􀁥􀁦􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁣􀁥􀀠level floor. For all V Zones, the elevation should be measured at the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the reference level floor. Reporting of elevations in Items 2a and 2b should be to the nearest tenth of a root, or alternatively, unless prohibited by state or local ordinance, the reference level elevation may be "rounded down" to the nearest whole foot ("rounding up" is prohibited), Item 2(a). For structures located in FIRM Zones A1-A30, AE, AH, and A (with BFE's), record the elevation (to the nearest tenth of a foot) of the top of the floor identified as the reference level in the applicable diagram. Item 2(b). For structures located in RRM Zones V1-V30, VE, and V (with BFE's), record the elevation (to the nearest tenth of a foot) of th! bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the floor idenUfied as the reference level in the applicable diagram . Item 2(c). For structures located in FIRM Zone A (without BFE's), record the height (to the nearest tenth of a foot) of the top of the floor indicated as the reference level (from the applicable diagram) above or below the highest adjacent grade immediately next to the building. Item 2(d). For structures located in FIRM Zone AO, the FIRM will show the base flood depth. For locations in FIRM Zone AO record the height (to the nearest tenth of a foot) of the top of the floor identified as the reference level (from the applicable diagram) above or below the highest adjacent grade immediateJy next to the building. For post-FIRM buildings, the community's floodplain management ordinance requires thai this value equal or exceed the base flood depth provided on the FI RM. For those few 􀁣􀁯􀁭􀁭􀁵􀁮􀁾􀁩􀁥􀁳􀀠where this base flood depth is not available, the community will need to determine if the lowest floor is elevated in accordance with their floodplain management ordinance. Item 3. Record the vertical datum system used in identifying the reference level elevations for all buildings. If the datum used in measurln the elevations is different than that used on the FIRM, then convert the elevations in Items 2a-d to the datum used on the FIRM, and shOll the conversion equation under the Comments section on Page 2. Item 4, Indicate if the elevation reference mark used appears on the FIRM. Reference marks other than those shown on the FIRM may b used for elevation determinations. In areas experiencing ground subsidence, the most recently adjusted reference mark elevations must be used for reference level elevation determinations. Item 5. Indicate if the reference level used in making the elevation measurement is based on actual construction or construction drawings Construction drawings should only be used if the building does not yet have the reference level floor in place, In which case the Elevation Certificate will only be valid for the building during the course of construction. A post·construction Elevation Certificate will be needed ono construction is complete. Item 6. Record the elevation measurement of the lowest grade adjacent to the building (to the nearest tenth of a foot). Adjacent grade is defined as the elevation of the ground, Sidewalk, patio, deck support, or basement entryway immediately next to the structure. This measurement should be to Ihe nearest tenth of a fool it this Certificate Is being used to support a request for a LOMA/LOMR. SECTION 0 Community Information Completion of this section may be required by the community in order to meet the minimum floodplain management requirements of the NFIP. Otherwise, completion of this section is not required. Item 1. The community's floodplain management ordinance requires elevation of the building's "lowest floor" above the BFE. For the vast majority of building types, the reference level and the lowest floor will be the same. If the community determines that there is a discrepancy, record the elevation of the lowesl floor. Item 2. Enter date. These terms are defined by local ordinance. SECTION E Certification Complete as indicated. The Elevation Certfflcate may only be Signed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information when the elevation information for Zones A 1-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE's), Vl-V30, VE, and V (with BFE's) is required. Community officials who are authorized by local law or ordinance to provide floodplain management information may also sign this certification. In the case of Zones AO and A (without BFE's), a building offiCial, a property owner, or an owner's representative may sign this certification. Certification is normally to the information provided in Sections B and C. If the certifier is unable to certify to the selection of reference levE diagram 6, 7 or 8 (Section C, Item 1), e.g., because of difficulty in obtaining construction or building use information needed to determine the Distinguishing Feature(s), the certifier must list the Feature(s) excluded from the certificalion under Comments on Page 2. The diagram number used for the Reference level must still be entered in Section C, Item 1. Page 4 INSTRUCTIONS The following 8 diagrams contain descriptions of various types of buildings. Compare the features of your building with those shown in the diagrams and select the diagram most applicable. Indicate the diagram number on the Elevation Certificate (Section C, Item 1) and complete the Certificate. The reference level floor is that level of the building used for underwriting purposes. NOTE: In all A Zones, the reference level is the top of the lowest floor; In V Zones the reference level is the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member (see diagram on page 2). Agents should refer to the Flood Insurance Manual for instruction on lowest floor definition. DIAGRAM NUMBER 1 ALL SINGLE AND MULTIPLE FLOOR BUILDINGS (OTHER THAN SPLIT LEVEL), INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOUSING AND HIGH RISE BUILDINGS, EITHER DETACHED OR ROW TYPE (E.G., TOWNHOUSE, ETC.); WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHED GARAGE. Distinguishing Feature -The first floor is not below ground level (grade) on all sides*. This includes 􀁾􀁷􀁡􀁬􀁫􀁯􀁵􀁬􀀧􀀠basements, where at least one side is at or above grade. (Not illustrated) HIGHER FLOORS (IF ANY) FIRST FLOOR DIAGRAM NUMBER 2 ALL SINGLE AND MULTIPLE FLOOR BUILDINGS (OTHER THAN SPLIT LEVEL), INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOUSING AND HIGH RISE BUILDINGS, EITHER DETACHED OR ROW TYPE (E.G., TOWNHOUSES, ETC.); WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHED GARAGE. Distinguishing Feature· The first floor or basement (including an underground garage·) is below ground level (grade) on alt sides·. HIGHER FLOORS (IF ANY) DIAGRAM NUMBER 3 ALL SPLIT LEVEL BUILDINGS, EITHER DETACHED OR ROW TYPE (E.G., TOWNHOUSES, ETC.); WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHED GARAGE. Disllngulshlng Feature The lower level is not below ground level (grade) on all sides'. This includes wwalkout" basements, where alleasl one side is al or ·above grade. GRADE HIGHER FLOORS (IF ANy) UPPER LEVEL HIGHER FLOORS (IF ANY) INTERMEDIATE LEVEL GRADE DIAGRAM NUMBER 4 ALL SPLIT LEVEL BUILDINGS, EITHER DETACHED OR ROW TYPE (E.G., TOWNHOUSES, ETC.); WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHED ATTACHED GARAGE. Distinguishing Feature· The lower level (or intermediate level) is below ground level (grade) on all sides·. GRADE HIGHER FLOORS (IF ANY) UPPER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL HIGHER FLOORS (IF ANY) INTERMEDIATE LEVEL .. Under the National Flood Insurance Program's risk classification and insurance coverage, a floor that is below ground level (grade) on aft sides is conSidered a basement even though the floor is used for living purposes, or as an office, garage, workshop, etc. Page 5 Not.: In all A Zone", the reference level is the top of the lowest lloor; In V Zones the reference le.el is the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural memher (see diagram on page 2). Agents sbould refer to the Rood Insurance Manual for Ins!rUclion on lowest floor definition. DIAGRAM NUMBER 5 ALL BUILDINGS,INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOMES ELEVATED ON PIERS, POSTS, COLUMNS, SHEAR WALLS, WITH OR WITHOUT PARKING AREA BELOW ELEVATED FLOOR. DlsUngUlshlng feature· For all zones, tho area below the eJevaled floor is open, with no obstruction to the flow of llood waters (open wood la"loo work or readily removable insect screening is permissible}. HIGHER A..OOAS (1FAN'i),,,, DIAGRAM NUMBER 7 ALL BUILDINGS, INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOMES ELEVATED ON PIERS, POSTS, COLUMNS, SHEAR WALLS, SOLID NON·BREAKAWAY WALLS, WITH OR WITHOUT PARKING AREA BELOW ELEVATED FLOOR. Distlngufshing Fealure • For all zonOS, the area below tho elevated floor is enclosed, either partially or tulty, by saUd ll2l1-breakaway walls, or contains equlpment servicing the building. For V Zones only, the area is enclosed, either partially or fully, by solid brtlakaway wallsu havjng an enclosed area greater than 300 square feet. For A ZOnes only. with an area enclosed by solid walls having proper openlngs.m and used only for pariQog, building access, or limited slOrage. uso Diagram NUrnbe( B10 determine the retemnce leve!' HIGHER flOORS (IF ANY),, ElEVATED FIRSTFtOOA DIAGRAM NUMBER 6 ALL BUILDINGS, INCLUDING MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOMES E;LEVATED ON PIERS, POSTS, COLUMNS, SHEAR WALLS, WITH OR WITHOUT PARKING AREA BELOW ELE;VATED FLOOR.. DhstlngulSihlng Feature -For V Zones only, the area below the elevated ficor Is enclose<::!, either partially or folly. by solid breakaway walls.'· When enclosed aru is greater than 300 square teet or contains equipmenl servicing the building, use Diagram Number 7; this wiD result in a higher insurance rate. The enclosed area can be used for parking, building access or limited storage, HIGHER FLOORS (IF AN"",, EleVATED FIRSTROOR DIAGRAM NUMBER 8 ENCLOSEOAREA ALL BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED ABOVE AN UNFINISHED SPACE, INCLUDING CRAWL SPACE. Olstfngul$hing Feature -For A Zones only, the area below the first floor is endosed by solld or partial perimeter walls, is unfinished, and conlains no equipment servicing the slrudure. The area can be uSEd for parking, building access, or limited storage. HIGHER FLOORS "mY) Under the National Ffoad Insurance Program's risk classification and insurance coverage, a floor that is below ground level. (grade) on all sides is considered a basement even though the floor is used for Jiving purposes, oras an office, garage, workshop, etc. Solid breakaway walls are walls that are not an integral pan ofthe slructural suppon ofa building and are intended through their design and conSlruelion to collapse under specific laleralloading forces. wlthoul causing damage (a Ihe elevated portion of Ihe building Of supporting foundation. An area so enclosed is not secure against forceabJe entry. u* ff the area below the lowest floor is fully enclosed, then a minimum oftwo openings are required with a total net area of at least one square inch for every square faa! ofarea enclosed wilh the boNom af!he apanlngs no more !hen one fool above grade. Allemalively. C61tification may be provided by a registered professional engineer or architect that the design will a/law equalization ofhydrostatic fJcod forces an exterior walls. If neither of these criteria are met, then the reference level is the lowest grade adjacent to the structure. Page 6 FLOOD DISASTER PROTECTION ACT OF 1973 (42 USC 4001 et. seq.) TITLE I-EXPANSION OF THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Requirements TD Purth_ FWDd Insurance SEC. Ul2. (a) After the expiration of sixty da)'S following the dm ofenactment ofthis Art, no Fedenl officer or og111l'O'<' for use in my area that has bc.n identified by the Secn:tarf as an area having spmal flood hazards and in which the sale of 800d insurance h.. bc.n m,de ,ffil,ble wtder the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, WlI... the building or mobile home and any p",,,,na! property•• which ,uch finaocial .ssistance ",I.t.. is, during the anricip,red economic; or uscfullife of the project, """r.t coverage is required by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when available.) ... Set! chart on reverse JiJe Important General Rules OfThe NFIP (flnsit .,h",_",. &. ""NEfP n..J1_••"M"".JforJi"""-i GR 7 A "Pa"", policy is required for each building, except' o::heduled, building policy.., ..􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀠j . 􀀬􀁾􀀭􀀻􀀺􀀠GR 25 Th, annual minimum premium ,""II be $50.oo['ireperly, inclwiing olbing, Il1IIi "nluabks. Pbotographs ofyour . lind oue-lITe hdpfoL ThUll willIISMan 1Iing (laitnS and will belp pr01le uninsured re fIIJC JedllCtibk. &9ible. • PRIOR TO ENTERING A BUILOINC, check for 􀁓􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁣􀁴􀁵􀁲􀁾􀁬􀀠damage. Make sure it is not in danger of collapsing. Turn off any outside gas lines at the meter or Illnk. and let the house air for several minutes to remove foul odors or escaping gas. • UPON ENTERING TIlE BUiLOING, do noc use open flame as a source of light since gas may still be trapped inside; a hattery-.:'" .._; ""l' .. 􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀠'f: ""1 􀁾􀀮􀀻􀀠OMBJ061.0022 EXl"IRESOC'OElER31.1Q91 . PART,1·(OF 2}OF. ··FLOO.O 'POllC'(,'PERIOO:lS FROM,:" ::_..􀁟􀀭􀁃􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀬􀀮􀁟􀀮_.·TO:,,:--':"'_·"_'_' 􀀱􀀲􀀺􀀰􀁲􀀧􀁾􀀬􀁾􀀻􀀠l.O.cAL 􀁔􀁪􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁾􀁲􀀠􀁦􀁈􀁾􀀧􀁉􀁎􀁾􀁾􀁒􀁅􀁏􀀠􀁾􀁒􀁱􀁾􀁾􀁒􀁔􀁙􀀬􀁬􀀮􀁏􀁃􀁁􀁔􀁉􀁐􀁎􀀠IS IT INteNOe.OTHAT'TMI$,POL1CY Be. EFFECTIVE AT THE TIME THATTHe DesCRIBED . 􀁥􀁾􀁬􀁾􀁰􀁬􀁴􀀮􀁴􀁉􀁖􀁦􀀤􀀮􀁾􀁁􀁏􀁕􀁉􀁒􀁅􀁄􀀢􀀠,", 􀀬􀁛􀁙􀁊􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀠[8j'NO" 􀁾􀁢􀀡􀁾􀁳􀁔􀁅􀁒􀀬􀀭􀁾􀁅􀁎􀁃􀁙􀀠rn IF 􀁏􀁔􀁈􀁅􀁒􀀺􀁐􀁌􀁥􀁁􀁳􀀮􀁥􀀧􀁓􀁐􀁅􀁾􀁉� �􀁖􀀻􀀠􀀬􀁾􀀠, :" ':, . ;:';;.' .j .... , .􀁾􀁜􀀠,..; 􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀻􀀠mlREGULAR 􀀮􀁉􀁍􀁐􀀧􀁐􀁾􀁔􀀻􀁁􀁾􀀬􀁊__MAKE SURE a.9TK SlOES OF APPLICATION ARE COMPLEIEBEFORE SUBMITTING TO:rHE NFIP-IMPORTANT : ,;; .' .' FLOOD 􀁉􀁎􀀤􀁕􀁾􀁁􀁎􀁃􀁅􀀠APPLICATION' , '. " :,".\. " ,', -:. ' '" : :"': .,..'.. " ' '. ." , EFFECTIVE DATE. The e.ffective.da!epfthis policy must be at leasttive caJendar day§(date of application plus five) after the date of anew applicatioR except as noted in the age,nt manual.. LOSS IN PROGRESS, The POlicy does not cover loss resulting from a flood or mudflow occurrence already in progr'esson 'the date of this application. Thispplicyis subject to the National ,RoQdIt\§\..Irance'Act of 1968 and any ActS Amendatory thereof; (the Regulations) issued by the 􀂷􀁆􀁥􀁱􀁥􀁾􀁉􀀺􀁉􀁲􀀺􀁊􀁾􀁵􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁊􀁣􀁥􀀠Administration pursu.;mt to such statutes. . ' .. . .... ".<.!'" ,.,.•"{,,I ", 􀀬􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀮􀀠_ . ' , '.. ' .. ,." .' .. '," ': .: _. . lJMITATIONSQF PERIL. Insurance is provided only (t)againsHhe peril of flooo as defined in the . "..;" ','.... , ." . . pplicYi,#nd (2twith respect to those coverages appl!ed for 􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁩􀁮􀁾􀁮􀁤􀀡􀁰􀁲􀁷􀁴􀁬􀁩􀁣􀁨􀀠a sJ)!3Cific,fllTloJ.!mof. '. 􀁬􀁨􀁳􀀩􀁬􀁲􀁡􀁑􀁾􀁾􀁳􀁩􀀬􀁳􀁬􀀻􀁬􀁱􀀧􀁦􀀾􀀧􀀡􀁪􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁤􀁵􀁮􀀧􀁥􀁬􀁬􀂧􀀡􀀠􀁑􀁴􀁾􀁲􀁷􀁩􀁾􀁥􀀠provicEjdi all oonditionsanq;.'provisions 􀁯􀁦􀁴􀁴􀁩􀁩􀁳􀁾􀁦􀁢􀁮􀁮􀀬􀀺􀁡􀁾􀀮􀁤􀀺􀁢􀁦􀂷􀀠• the' 􀁰􀁯􀁪􀁬􀁃􀁹􀁾􀁨􀁩􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁾􀀧􀁪􀀺􀁩􀁬􀁹􀀠separatelYto each cQver!jge.., . " ". . ,!.;. .,' " . "".' '.,,:." , , ., . ...! ; 􀀺􀁗􀁾􀁒􀁎􀁉􀁎􀁇􀀧􀀠.>,.. ' The 􀁩􀁉􀀡􀁦􀀻􀀧􀁲􀁲􀀻􀀬􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁾􀁾􀁲􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁥􀁳􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠􀁪􀁾􀀠􀁓􀁾􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀂮􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁮􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁡􀀠􀁢􀁵􀁩􀁬􀁤􀁩􀁾􀁧􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀮􀁡􀁦􀁴􀁥􀁲􀀠DECEM BER.31, 1974 111 highly Flood Prone Zones A, A1-ASO, AE, AO, AH.cV. V1-V3.Q or VE. is MATERIAL to the 'Flo.(jd Insurance Contract and should have its answers closely examined by the 􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁵􀁾􀁩􀀧􀁬􀀺􀁲􀁩􀁣􀁥􀀠per.son submitting. the application. ..". __ -,: ,.,: , '. '_",;, .... 1. 􀀬􀀧􀁾􀀺􀀧􀀠,:':'. , ' ,' .. ") ,;".''':;'' ",,;,:, 􀀧􀀮􀀻􀀧􀀺􀁾􀀬􀀬􀀢􀀮􀀠"." .' "',.' '. : WARr!l(N$TO AGENTS AND_INSURANCE APPLICANTS, Th¢ N?tiohillFl66d IrisuranceAct of " ' 􀂷􀀱􀀹􀀶􀁓􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀂷􀀺􀁡􀁲􀀩􀁩􀁥􀁮􀁣􀀻􀁬􀁥􀁤􀀮􀀠prohibits the payment of flood 􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁵􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁾􀀠cl,! lims on properties officially 􀀮􀁤􀁥􀁣􀁬􀁡􀁦􀁾􀁊􀁯􀀮􀁊􀀬􀀧􀁬􀁾􀀭􀁩􀁊􀁝􀀻􀁙􀁩􀁱􀁬􀀦􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁏􀀮􀁑􀁦􀀠􀀮􀁡􀀡􀀡􀁣􀁴􀁬􀁑􀀮􀁮􀁊􀁾􀀻􀁬􀀶􀁰􀁦􀀬the 􀁾􀀹􀁴􀀬􀀠Therel,QCEiil{Jne lowEl§tfl09L§'1E:!va,tio,n of.posf.,PlftM con'struction or subsfahtialimpi'ovemenl"is'beloWttle'baseflood elevation for,' theare!ii;lfheapplicilht;fcir nls,own protection, should obtaJri ai;ertificatlon (e.g';'a'copy ofthe i •.. 􀁶􀁡􀁲􀀮􀁜􀁡􀀬􀁾􀀮􀁾􀁥􀀩􀁾􀁲􀁯􀁲􀁮􀀠􀁾􀁨􀁥􀁽􀁰􀀧􀁰􀁾􀀹􀁰􀁲􀁩􀁡􀁴􀁾􀀠commun,ity Official 􀁴􀁾􀀡􀁬􀁴􀀠􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁰􀁩􀁾􀁰􀁬􀁪􀁬􀁲􀁴􀁹􀀠􀁨􀁡􀁳􀀮􀀬􀁮􀁯􀁴􀀮􀁢􀁥􀁾􀁮􀀠officially, .. 􀁤􀁥􀁣􀀡􀁩􀀧􀁬􀁲􀁾􀁤􀀬􀀮􀀠to be en vlolat(onol, state or lOcal floodplain management requirements,' ..,.. ' PQST-F..l.F.!M CONSTRUCTON OR, SUBSTANTIAL IMPRo\;EMi:NT (Formerly called new .. ' :., C;oi:uiiruction)posf-FIRM.Constructionorsubs.tant(al 􀁩􀁭􀁰􀁲􀁑􀁶􀁥􀁩􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁮􀁴􀀠me1l,ns. fQr the pwposes· of defEirmining insurance rates. buildings whose.c,onstruction or substantial improvement 􀀢􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁥􀁧􀀧􀁐􀁊􀁲􀁰􀁲􀀺􀁡􀁦􀁩􀁥􀁲􀁄􀁥􀁣􀁥􀁭􀁢􀁥􀁾􀀳􀁾􀀻􀀱􀀱􀀹􀀷􀀴􀀰􀁲􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁥􀁦􀁦􀁥􀁣􀁴􀁩􀁶􀁥􀀠date,of-the initial Regular Program, . :., 􀁆􀁩􀀹􀀹􀁾􀁍􀁲􀀺􀁬􀁳􀁾􀁲􀁡� �􀁩􀁣􀁥􀁒􀁡􀁴􀁥􀀠Mljp(FIRM), 􀁷􀁨􀁩􀁣􀁾􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁩􀀮􀁳􀀠later, any repair, . , ' 􀀬􀀢􀀬􀁾.., i';, ,;01,' .• ' -, ' .', ." ,"' ,'_ -• "·,,,·:t -'. :,' '-;"" .." ' -. . . 􀀢􀀧􀁲􀁅􀀱􀀨􀀧􀁪􀁱􀁱􀁳􀁴􀁾􀁵􀁥􀁴􀁬􀁤􀁮􀀻􀁯􀁲􀁬􀁭􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁯􀁦􀀧􀁡structure; ttl,e cost of whlc/Jequalsor exceedsqO% of.the , . 􀀧􀀺􀁭􀀧􀁡􀁾􀁫􀀶􀁦􀁶􀁡􀁬􀁵􀁥􀁯􀁦􀀠th e structurfi, '::. '.' . .' . . ', v.': . 􀀧􀀺􀁾􀁩􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀮􀀼􀀠􀀻􀀬􀁌􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀻􀀮􀀧􀀺􀀧􀀺􀀮􀀻􀁽􀁾􀀭􀀮􀀧􀀺􀂷􀁾􀀺􀀬􀀠," :; ,r " r',:-􀁾􀀠'::.. _.1"; :, • . c': '". ,,". _", .,.:. .'.' 􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀢􀀬􀀬􀀧􀀠:," '. -;,: ',.,.,. 􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀠',,:. 􀁾􀀠. 􀀺􀁾􀀺􀀺􀀠􀀺􀀧􀁍􀀹􀁊􀁩􀁬􀁪􀁬􀀻􀀺􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁊􀀡􀀺􀁅􀀻􀁑􀁉􀀧􀀡􀁁􀁃􀁅􀀠PEBIOD. 'With respect"'toanyinortgagee(ortrusteej' named' inthls", . , .. " 􀀧􀀻􀀢􀀼􀀺􀁬􀁩􀁉􀁰􀁰􀁬􀁩􀁾􀁬􀁧􀁲􀀺􀀱􀀡􀁾􀁴􀁾􀁩􀁓􀀻􀀱􀀿􀁳􀁕􀁊􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀀺􀁊􀁓􀁢􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁑􀁬􀀺􀀩􀁮􀁴􀁩􀁮􀁵􀁾􀁩􀁦􀀱􀁦􀁾􀁾􀁑􀁅􀀡􀁦􀀹􀁲􀀠􀁴􀁊􀀺􀀩􀁾􀀠􀁢􀁦􀁦􀁬􀁾􀁊􀁩􀁴􀁑􀁪􀀠􀁾􀁏􀁇􀁬􀁩􀁦􀁐􀀹􀁾􀁧􀁡􀁾􀀶􀁅 􀀡􀀠􀀨􀀿􀁲􀀡􀁲􀁬􀁬􀁾􀁴􀁾􀀩􀀧􀁦􀀹􀁲􀀮􀀠, .." , ., ..'.... 􀀳􀁑􀀬􀀹􀂧􀁾􀁾􀀡􀀡􀁦􀀡􀁉􀀹􀁾􀁭􀁡􀁬􀁨􀁮􀁧􀀠of,􀁷􀁑􀁾􀁮􀀠􀁮􀁯􀁴􀁕􀀿􀁾􀀠t() 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀮􀁭􀀮􀁯􀀮􀁲􀀺􀁴􀁧􀁡􀁧􀁬􀁩􀁬􀁥􀀠􀀺􀀨􀁯􀁲􀁊􀁲􀀺􀁴􀁊􀀬􀁾􀁥􀁥􀀩.. 􀁾􀁦􀀠􀁥􀁾􀁐􀁬􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁬􀁬􀀧􀀬􀁮OfthISp.oI.lcy,Thls" "¥(ILpr6vide .coverage for' approximately 30 daYs after, the policy expiration in ths., case ,of iii ,'ROr.i"reneWaI: ...., . . .... .' .... '.....,. ':J::: . ...."., .' .'< 􀀢􀀬􀀺􀁾􀀢􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀺􀀢􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀁾􀁾􀀺􀁾􀀻􀀧􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀬􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀻􀀧􀀻􀁬􀀬􀀬􀁾􀂷􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀲􀁾􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀭. .,,,, .... -, ' .-"' .. '.' ". 􀁾􀀠... " 􀀧􀁾.. 􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀺􀀬􀀠􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀠':n:', } 􀁾􀀻􀁓􀀻􀀻􀀬􀁎􀁏􀁎􀁐􀁉􀁓􀁃􀁉􀁩􀁬􀁉􀁍􀁉􀁎􀁁􀁔􀁉􀁏􀁎􀀮􀀠No person OJ 􀁯􀁾􀁧􀁡􀁮􀁩􀁺􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠shall,beexqludedfiompaljiQJpating'il1.'.,S.rt de!;l.iEl.Gfithebenefits of. or subjected to 􀁤􀁩􀁳􀁣􀁲􀁩􀁭􀁩􀁮􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀀮􀁮􀁬􀁊􀁮􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀻􀁴􀁨􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀿􀁧􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁮,ljuthorif-ed, ..." .;, . . "" :;'."""A9J; 􀁏􀁾􀁦􀀱􀀬􀀮􀁴􀁉􀀻􀁬􀀡􀀡􀀬􀁧􀁲􀁯􀁵􀁮􀁤􀀠of race.,.coloII,creed ,.se.l(,.ageDrnatl.o(1al;ang)r;1.,·· . ',', "", 􀁾􀀠:::'. 􀀺􀀬􀁴􀁾􀀺􀁾􀁾􀀻􀁽􀀬􀀠.,'.;," 􀀩􀀬􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀧􀀺􀁟􀀻􀁩􀀺􀀬􀀬􀀺􀁾􀀠::-'. 􀀭􀀺􀁾􀁩􀀢􀀻􀁾􀀻􀁻􀀧􀀺􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀠",_,,':. " . '" ... '. ..'... :.';"'. '," '. '.:. ,: "_:_ :', :',::':'> ,? '::'..';;It-: '.":<:: ::::'-􀀻􀀡􀀬􀀻􀀬􀀺􀀻􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀺􀁾􀀼􀀾􀀭􀀮􀀬􀀮􀀬􀀠'. ,􀀬􀁾􀀠';!t ;.''',",.J::>,.:,;: '. '. 􀀭􀀮􀀺􀀬􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀮􀀧􀀠'." 􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠.,: :􀁜􀀢􀁾􀀠•:'::U·;':i.,." .. ' .. 􀀩􀁩􀀧􀁦􀀩􀁾􀀡􀁾􀀺􀀠􀀬􀀮􀀺􀀸􀁾􀀬􀀻􀀮􀀬􀀬􀀱􀀶􀀬􀀨􀁣􀀸􀁡􀁲􀁴􀀠1.) '.' . , . Application 􀁦􀁯􀁾􀀠F_loo.d;JUlIl:lfanc!'!,... .,,,:tj.Q, Minutes.. . ' .,.. 􀀢􀀮􀀢􀀬􀀾􀀬􀀻􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀮􀀠'\""" 􀂷􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀬􀂷􀀺􀂷􀀭􀀬􀀬􀀺􀀬􀁣􀀺􀂷􀂷􀂷􀀬􀂷􀀠. '. -:,,-.,,' .• ,';1 􀀢􀀭􀂷􀀢􀀩􀁲􀁬􀁜􀁾􀀮􀀢􀂷􀀧􀀠: .•. .1'.;)_-, •• '-,",: .'>,.... ,--__ . 'j'" )" . 􀀺􀁓􀀱􀁾􀀱􀀠(l'.(Piirts·1 &2) Application for Flood 􀁦􀀨􀁬􀁳􀁬􀀬􀁊􀁲􀁾􀁉􀁝􀁴􀀻􀁾􀀬􀀠'. . .',' 􀀬􀁪􀁾􀀻􀁩􀀮􀀿􀀧􀀺􀁉􀂷􀁬􀁉􀀱􀁩􀁮􀁵􀁴􀁥􀁳􀀮􀀬􀀠.. , . ·S1-'16.:(Reoewal) Application for Flood Insurance 7;5 Minutes 􀁓􀀱􀁾􀀱􀀶􀀠'(CondO Master) . Application for Flood .Ios\.lrance .••11 ;5' Minutes ·NATION·Al FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM .. i'e: . -, , . -", FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION .'I , DWELLING POLICY NATIONAL FWOD INSURANCE PROGRAM STANDARD FLOOD INSURANCE POLICY [Issued Pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, or Any Acts Amendatory Thereof, and Applicable Federal Regulations in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Subchapter B] SUMMARY OF STANDARD FWOD INSURANCE POLICY CHANGES I. The tenns of the Standard Flood Insurance Pol icy have been amended, effective June J. 1987. The following new provisions are being brought to your attention: A. Condominium Residential Unit Owner Coverage: Coverage for condominium residentialllnit owners has been expanded to include assessments by their condominium association for flood damages to buildings other than the building in which that nnjt is located. The expanded coverage applies only if all of the following three conditions are met: 1. The additional coverage ONLY applies to other buildings of the condominium that are covered by flood insurance in the name of the associationi 2. The association flood insurance coverage MUST be National Flood Insurance Program (NFIp) business. This means Ille policy must have been written directly with the NFIP or with a Write Your Own Company; and 3. The association flood insurance MUST be written in an amount which is at least equal to the actual cash value of an insured building's common elements or the maximum amount of NFIP insurance available for that building. whichever is less. (See Article IV.A.I, Dwelling Form. There is no conespondingcbange to Ille Genera! Property Form.) B. Condominium Association Coverage: There is no coverage for a condominium association for any loss or portion of any loss for which payment is made under any insurance in the name of a condominium unit owner. i.e" any member ofthe condominium association. (See Paragraph 8 ofthe Condominium Endorsement at the end of the General Property Form. There is no corresponding change to the Dwelling Form.) n. COVERAGE EXPANDED BY NEW LAW ON EROSION On February 5, 1988, President Reagan signed into law tlle UpIOn-Jones Amendment to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, which significantly alters Ille scopeof coverage afforded by Ille Standard Flood Insurance Polley for certain risks. The Amendrnentexpands coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program to pay for the demolition or relocation of insured buildings which are subject to imminent collapse or subsidence as a result of erosion or undennining caused by a body of water which exceeds its anticipated cyclical levels. The coverage is SUbject to certain eHgibility requirements. and aU claims are subject to approval by the Federal Insurance Administration. For further information. please contact the agent issuing your policy. lli. The tennsofthe Standard Flood Insurance Policy have been amended, effective October I, 1988. The following new coverage provisions are being brought to your attention: A, Antique Value: A provision bas been added that any antique value ofitems is not covered, and antique furniture and antique silver have been deleted from a list of items that are subject to a limitation of $250. The functional value of antique items will be covered. (See Insuring Agreement [il1lIllOOiately before Article IJ and Article N .C, Dwelling Fonn; paragrapb immediately following the heading "GENERAL PROPERTY FORM" at the beginning of of the policy and Article IV.B.2, General Property Form.) B. Labor of Housebold Members, Coverage is already provided in Ille Dwelling Form for tlle value oftlle insured's ownlabora! prevailing Federal minimum wage rates as part ofthe reasonable expense incurred by the insured (1) in moving insured property temporarily from the imminent danger offlood (subject to a cap that is currently $500 for building and $500 fur contents), (2) for certain specified mitigative measures, such as sandbags, in the event of imminent danger offlood (subject to a cap that is currendy $5(0), and (3) for the removal ofdebris directly caused by a flood. Coverage is being expanded to include the value of the labor of members of Ille household at prevailing Federal minimum wage rates in all these caseS. (See definition of "Direct Physical Loss By or From Flood in Article IT and Paragraphs A. 7and D of Article IV, Dwelling Fonn. This change does not apply to the General Property Form.) C. Elevated Building Coverage: The limitation in coverage CUrrently applicable to all elevated buildings having enclosures, contents, machinery, building components, equipment or fixtures below the elevated floor has been revised so that it will no longer be applicable to Pre-FIRM elevated buildings. This limitation in coverage will now only be applicable to Post-FIRM elevated bUildings, which are buildings for which the start ofconstruction or 􀁳􀁵􀁢􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁴􀁩􀁡􀀱􀀱􀁭􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁾􀀠ment occurred on or after the effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for Ille oommunity in which Ille building is located Or occurred after December 31, 1974. if that is later. Substantial improvement means improvement or repair, the COSt of whicb isot least 50 %ofthe market value of the building. (See Article V.F. and definition of "Post-FIRM building" in Article II, Dwelling Fonn and General Property FOlID.) D. Subsurface Water Destabilization: The liS! oflosses noi covered bas been clarified by adding a specific exclusion for tOSS from the destabilization or movement of land resulting from the accumulation of water in subsurface land areas. (See Article lILA. I. DweHing Fonn; Article m.D, General Property Form.) E. Exclusion of Walkways, Patios, Etc. : The coverage exclusion in the policy which was applicable to ., driveways and other surfaces outside the foundation walls of the building" has been revised to be applicable to "walkways, driveways, patios. and other surfaces. all ofwhatever kind ofconstruction, located outside the perimeter. exterior walls of the insured bUilding." (See Article V .D, Dwelling Fonn; Article V.D, General Property Form.) F. Policy Renewal Grace Period: Policies will be renewed with uninterrupted coverage so long as the renewal premium payment is received by the NFlP within 30 days of the expiration date of the policy being renewed. without regard to when the payment was mailed. Previously. this time period was five days and the mailing had to be made prior to the expiration date. Mailing of the renewal premium by certified certified mail prior to the expiration date ofthe policy being renewed win continue to provide uninterrupted coverage even when received more than 30 days after the expiration date. (See Article vm.G, Dwelling Form; Article VIT.], General Property Form.) G. Duplicate Policies Not Allowed: When more than one policy per building is discovered by the insurer. the insured will be given a written notice offering the option of which policy is to remain in effect and of increasing the coverage of the remaining policy by the coverage amounts ofthe policy or policies being cancelled. Coverage increases are to be made effective as ofthe effective date of the later duplicate policy. The resulting coverage limits are not to exceed the statutorily permissible limits under the Act or the insured's iosurable interest, whichever is less. (See Article vm.T, Dwelling Fonn; Article VII.X, General Property Form.) IV. The insurance coverage provided to you and the premium are based 00 the description ofthe property contained on on your current insurance policy. Review the computer printed Policy Declaration page, which recites the information you have furnished to us, to make sure the inrormation is correct. Your insurance protection can bejeopardized ifyou have made alterations or substantial improvements to your buildIng which are not reflected on the policy and which are in violation ofyour community's floodplain management ordinances, This jncludes such modifications as changing an unfinished basement into a totally or partially finished basement or. in some cases, enclosing an area beneath the lowest floor of an elevated building. (See Article VIU.F, Dwelling Form; Article VII.B. General Property Form.) Contact your insurance agent about any changes so that the appropriate endorsement can be submitted to protect your insurance coverage. If you have any questions about the new policy changes, please contact your local insurance agent. Tbe National Flond Insurance Program is a Federal program. Willful misrepresentation of information by the insurance applicantor insurance agent is a criminal offense punishable by imprisorunent. fine, or both. I FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRAllON STANDARD FLOOD INSURANCE POLICY [Issued Pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, or Any Acts Amendatory Thereof] DWELLING FORM-INSURING AGREEMENT Agreement of Insurance Between the Federal Emergency Management . Agency (FEMA), as Insurer, (hereinafter known as "we," " and i "us") and the Insured (hereinafter known as "you" and "your"). Based I upon your having paid the correct amount ofpremium, our reliance on the accuracy of the infonnation and statements you have furnished in the application for this policy about the property to be insured and subject to aU the terms of th., policy, the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amend-I ed (42 U,S,C. 4001 et seq" hereinafter called the Act), and regulations i. issued by us (Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations), we insure you and ARTICLE I-PERSONS INSURED We insure only: A. The named Insured and legal representatives; B. Any mortgagee and toss payee named in the application and declaration page in the order of preccdence and to the extent of their interest but for no more, in the aggregate, than the imerest of the named Insured. ARTICLE IT-DEFINITIONS •• Actual Cash Value" means [he replacement cost ofan insured item of property at the time of loss. less the value of physical depredation as to the item damaged. ••Application" means the statement made and signed by you or your agent. and giving infonnation on the basis ofwhich we determine the acceptability of the risk, the policy to be issued and lhe correct premium payment, which must accompany the appJication for the policy to be issued. The 􀁡􀁰􀁾􀀠plication is a part of this flood jnsurance policy. •• Base flood" means the flood having a one percent chance of being equalled or exceeded in any given year. "Basement" means any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides. "Building" means a waned and roofed structure. other than a gas or 􀁉􀁩􀁱􀁾􀀠uid storage tank, that is principally principally above ground and affixed to a pennanent site. including a manufactured (i.e., mobiJe) home on a permanent foundation, subject to Article V(H), and a walJed and roofed building in the course ofconstruction, alteration or repair. This policy does not cover more than one building. unless application to cover mare than one building is made on a form or in a fannat approved for that purpose by the Administrator, "Cancellation" means that ending of the insuranee coverage provided by this policy prior to the expiration date. "Coastal High Hazard Area" means an area subject to high velocity waters. including hurricane wave wash and tsunamis. "Declarations Page" is a computer generated summary of information furnished by you in the application for insurance. The declarations page is a part of this flood insurance policy" ,.Direct Physical Loss By or From Flood" means any loss in the nature of actual loss of or physical damage, evidenced by physical changes, to the insured property (building or contents [personal property]) which is directly and proximately caused by a "flood" (as defined in this Agreement), while the insured proporty is located: I. at the property address shown on the application for this insurance, which is a part of this Agreement; and 2. for forty-five days, at another place above ground level, or outside ofthe special flood hazard area. to which any ofthe insured property shall necessarily be removed by you in order to protect and preserve it from flood or from the imminent danger of flood (provided. personal property so removed must be placed in a fuHy enclosed building orothelVlise reasonably your legal representatives against all "Djrect Physical Loss by or from Flood... as defined in Article II ofthis Agreement, to the insured property. to the extent of the actual cash value. not including any antique value, of the property at the time ofloss. but not exceeding the amount which it would cost to repair or replace the property with material of like kind and quality within a reasonable reasonable time after the loss. Now therefore. in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises exchanged herein. we and you agree. further, as follows: protected from the elements to be insured against foss). in which case the reasonable expenses incurred by you,lncluding the value ofyour own labor and the labor of members ofyour household at prevailing Federal minimum wage rateS in moving any ofyour insured property temporarHy away from the peril of flood and storing this property at the temporary location (not eXCeeding 45 days) shall be reimbursed to you for buildings in an amount up to the amount of the minimum building deductible and for contents in an amount up to the amount of the minimum contents "deductible. This policy's deductible amounts. as provided for at Article VI, shaH not be applied to this reimbursement. but shall be applied to any other benefits under this poHcy's coverage. The term • 'Direct Physical Loss By or From Flood" shall not include compensation for loss of access, loss of use, loss of profits, or loss resulting from interruption of business, professlon or manufacture, or reimbursement for your additional living expenses, incurred by reason of your having to live in rented quarters while the insured building is being repajred Or replaced, or allowance for any increased cost of repair or reconstruction as a result of any ordinance regulating reconstruction or repair, or othcr economic loss. "Dwelling" means abuilding designed for use as a residence for no more than four families. "Expense Constant": The expense constant is a flat charge per policy term. paid by the Insured to defray the Federal Government's policywriting and other expenses. "'Expiration Date" means the ending ofthe insurance coverage provided by this policy on the expiration date shown on the declaration page. "Flood": Wherever in this policy the term "flood" occurs. it shall be held to mean: A, A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from: t. The overflow of inland or tidal watcrs. 2. The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoffofsurface waters from any source. 3. Mudslides (i.e. I mudflows) which are proximateJycaused by flooding as defined In subparagraph A-2 above and are akin to :a river of liquid and flowing mud on the surfaces of normally dry land areas, including your premises. as when earth is carried by acurrent of water and deposited along the path of the current. B. The collapse or subsidence of land along the shore ofa lake or other body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding the cyc!icallevels which result in flooding as defined in A-l above. "Manufactured home" means a building transportable in one or more sections. which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, The term • 'manufactured home" does not include park trailers. travel trailers, and other similar vehicles. To be eligible for coverage under this policy, a manufaClured home must bc on a permanent foundation and if located in a FEMA designated Special Flood Hazard Area, must meet the requirements of paragraph H of Article V, HMobiJe horne" means a manufactured home. "Policy" means the entire written contract between you and 􀁵􀁳􀁾􀀠it 􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠eludes this printed fonn, the application, and declarations page. any endorsements which may be issued and any renewal certificates indicating that coverage has been instituted for a new policy and policy term. Only onc building, specifically described by you in the application, may be insured under this policy. unless application to cover more than one building is made on a form or in a format approved for that purpose by the Administrator. "Post-FIRM building" means a building for which the start ofconstruction or substantial improvement occurred after December 3 J. J974, or on or after the effective date of the initial Flood lnsurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the community in which the building is located. whichever is later. "Probation Additional Premium" means a flat charge per policy tenn paid by the Insured on an new and renewal 􀁰􀁯􀁬􀁩􀁣􀁩􀁾􀁳􀀠issued covering p:openy in a community that has been placed on probatIon under the provlslOns of 44 CFR 59.24 on or afier October I, 1986. "Walled and Roofed" means the building has in place two or more exterior, rigid walls and the roof is fully secured so that the building will resist flotation, coliapse and lateral movement. ARTICLE ill-LOSSES Naf COVERED We only provide coverage fordireclphysicalloss by or from flood which means we do not cover: A. Losses from other casualties, including: !. Loss caused by theft. loss of profits. fire, windstorm. wind. explosion. earthquake, land sinkage, land subsidence, landslide, destabilization or movement of land resulting from the accumulation of water in subsurface land areas, gradual erosion, or any other earth movement except such mudslides (i.e., mudflows) orerosion as is covered under the peril of flood. 2. Loss caused (l) by raln, 􀁳􀁮􀁯􀁷􀁾􀀠sleet, hail or water 􀁳􀁰􀁲􀁡􀁹􀁾􀀠or (ii) by freezing. thawing, the pressure or weight of ice or water. sewer backup or seepage ofwater unless your insured property has been. at the same time, damaged by a flood. 3. Water. moisture or mudslide (i.e" mooflow) damage resulting primarily from any condition substantially confined to the insured building or from any condition which is within your control (including but not limited to design. structural or mechanical defects. fai!ures. stoppages or breakages of water or sewer lines. drains. pumps, fixtures or equipment). B. Losses of the foHowing nature: I. A loss which is already in progress as of 12:01 A.M. of the first day of the policy term. or, as to any increase in the limits of coverage which is requested. by you, a loss which is already in progress when you request the additional coverage. 2. A loss from a flood which is confined to the premises on which your insured propeny is located unless the flood is displaced over two acres of the premises. 3. A loss caused by your modification to the insured insured property or the described premises on which the insured property is located, which materially increases the risk of flooding. 4. Loss caused intentionally by you or any member ofyour household. 5. Loss caused by or resulting from power. heating or cooling failure, unless such failure results from physical damage to power, heating or cooling equipment situated on premises where the insured property is t0C3ted, caused by the peril insured against. 6. Loss to any building or contents located on property leased from the Federal Government, arising from or incident to the flooding of the property by the Federal Government, where the lease expressly holds the Federal Government harmless, under flood insurance issued under any Federal Government program, from loss arising from or incident to the flooding of the property by the Federal Government. ARTICLE IV-PROPERTY COVERED (Subject to "Property Not Covered" Provisions) W. will pay for physical damage caused by flood to the building at the property address address you have furnished, as well as the contents ofthe building. if you have purchased contents coverage, and provided you have paid the correct premium for the insurance. as follows: A. We cover your dwelling, which ineludes: 1. A residential building. designed for principal use as adwelling place for no more than four families; or we cover your dweHing unit in a condominium building, along with your insurable tenant In common interest in that building's common eJements and the common elements ofany other building of your condominium association covered by insurance that is: (i) in the name of your condominium association, (ii) provided under the Act. and (iii) in an amount at least equal to the actual cash value of the building's common elements at the beginning of the current policy term or the maximum building coverage limit available under the Act. whichever is less; provided that the insurance under this policy shall be excess over any insurance in the name of your condominium association covering the same property covered by this policy; provided, your condominium dwelling unit is a residence designed for principal use as a dweHing place for no more than one family and it is so described in the Application; provided that. should the amount of insurance collectible under this policy for a loss, when combined with any recovery available to you as a tenant in common under any condominium association flood insurance coverage provided under the Act for the same loss, exceed the statutorily permissible limits of bunding coverage available for the insuring of single-family dwellings under the Act, then the limits of building coverage under this policy shall be reduced in regard to that loss by the amount of such excess; 2. Additions and extensions attached to and in contact with the dwelling; 3. Building equipment. fixtures and outdoor equipment used in 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁮􀁥􀁣􀁾􀀠tion with the dwelling while stored inside the dweUing or another fully enclosed buUding at the property addressj 4. Materials and supplies to be used in constructing, altering or repairing the dweIling or another building insured by us at the property address while stored inside a fully enclosed building (i) at the property address or (ii) on an adjacent property at the time of loss, or (iii) in case of another building at the property address which does not have walls on all sides. while stored and secured to prevent flotation out of the building during flooding (the flotation out of the bUilding shall be deemed by you and us to establish the conclusive presumption that the materials and supplies were not reasonably secured to prevent flotation, in which case no coverage is provided for such materials and supplies under this policy). 5, As appurtenant structures, detached garages and carpons located at the described premises. at your option at the time of loss. in an amount up to lO %ofthe amount ofinsurance you have purchased to cover the dwelling. including additions to the dwelling; to the extent you exercise this option. you reduce the amount of insurance available to cover loss relating to A(J)(2)(3) and (4), above, to the dwelling and this option may not be chosen so as to extend coverage to buildings: (i) occupied, rented or leased in whole or in part for dwelling purposes (or held for such use), or (ii) used in whole or in part for personal or commercial manufacturing or farming purposes {or held for such uses), or (iii) which are boathouses. 6. A building in the course ofconstruction before it is walled and roofed subject to the foHowing conditions: (i) the amount of the deductible for each loss occurrence before the building is walled and roofed is twO times the deductible which is selected to apply afier the building is walled and roofed; (ii) coverage is provided before the building is walled and roofed only while construction is in progress, or jf construction is haIted, only for a period of up to 90 continuous days thereafter, until construction is resumed; and (iii) there is no coverage before the building is walled and roofed where the lowest floor, including basement floor, of a non--elevated building or the lowest elevated floor of an elevated building is below the base flood elevation in Zones AH, AEor Al-30 or is below the base flood elevation adjusted to include the effect of wave action in Zones VE or V 􀀱􀁾􀀳􀀰􀀮􀀠The lowest floor levels are based on the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the floor in Zones VE or V 1-30 and the top of the floor in Zones AH, AE or AI-30. 7, When the insurance under this policy covers a building. the reasonable expenses incurred by you for the purchase of (J) sandbags, including sand to fiU them and plastic sheeting and lumber used in connection with them, (ii) fill for temporary levees, (iii) pumps, and (iv) wood, all for the purpose of saving the building due to the imminent danger of a flood loss, induding the value of your own labor and the labor of members of your household at prevailing Federal minimum wage rates. are a covered foss in an aggregate amount up to the amount amount of the minimum building deductible. The policy's building deductible amount, as provided for at Article VI, shall not be applied to this reimbursement, but shall be applied to any other benefits under the policy's building coverage. For reimbursement under this paragraph 7 to apply, the following conditions must be met: 0) The insured property must be in imminent danger ofsustaining flood I eat of flood damage must be of such imminence as to lead ommon prudence to apprehend flood damage; and !ral and temporary condition of flooding in the area must octhe flooding does not reach the in,ured property, or a legally )fficial must issue an evacuation order oc other civil order forair lity in which the insured property is located calJing for measures os, , life and property from the peril of flood. 's overyour Personal Property as contenls incidentaJ 10 the occupanIe Duilding as a dwelling under the pollcy, subject to 􀁾􀂷􀁃􀂷􀂷􀀠below) .relonging to members of your family in your household and. at h Ion within the limits of contents coverage purchased for persona) e loss. guest,' and servants' personal property and the personal propJthers for which you may be responsible-all while stored within g 109 at the property address, Personal property in the open and not in a building shall oot be covered against loss by flend under this t. However, personal property located in buildings having in place emore rigid walls and a fully secured roof are covered if the contents !CUred 10 prevent flotation out of the buildingduring flooding; the !lotaJut of the building during flonding ofany such contents shall be deem-t>y you and us to establish the conclusive presumption that the contents ;re not reasonably secured to prevent flotatIon. At your option at the time .105S1 in an amount up to 10% of the amount of insurance you have pur.laSed to cover personal property. this policy will also cover: 1. Loss to improvements. alterations, and additions made by you t as a fenant, to an insured building at the property address; Ii 2. Ifyou are an individual condominium unit owner. loss to the interiorl walls, floors. and ceilings of your unit that are not otherwise covered under J a condominium association policy. f C. Limitations: As a limitation on "a". above, we shall not reimburse 1 you for loss in anyone fiend as to the following personal property to the extent the total loss ofsuch property exceeds $250.00: paintings. etchings, pictures, tapestries. art glass windows and other works of art (such as but/. not limited to statuary. marbles, bronzes, rare books). necklaces, bracelets, gems, precious or semi-precious stones. articles of gold, silver. or platinum and furs or any article containing fur which represents its principal value. In the case of personal property owned by you in a condominium building. as a dwelling unit owner, as well as in common with other dwelHng unit owners, shou1d the amount of insurance collectible under this policy for a loss, when combined with any recovery available to you as a tenant in common under any condomininum association flood insurance coverage provided under the Act for the same loss, exceed the statutorily permissible limits ofcontents coverage available for the insuring ofsingle-family dwelling owners under the Act, then the limits ofcontents coverage under this policy shall be reduced in regard to that loss bytheamountofsuchexcess. D* Debris Removal: Within the limits of your coverage, we cover any expense you incur, including the value of your Own labor and the labor of members ofyoU! household at prevailing Fedcral minimum wage rates, as a result of removing debris of, on or from the insured property so long as the debris problem was directly caused by • flood, E. Demolition Coverage: Within the limits ofyour coverage, you may apply all or part of the proceeds of any flood insurance claim you make under this policy toward the expenses you incur in removing damaged portions ofthe insured building from the property location following a fiend loss. ARTICLE V-PROPERTY N' as hereinafter defined) covering the property exceeds the maximum amount of insurance peonitted under the provisions oftile National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, or any acts amendatory thereof. it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurance under this policy shall be limited to a proportionate share of the maximum amount of insurance pennitted on such property under said Act, and that a refund of any extra premium paid, computed on a pfO..rata basis, shaH be made by us upon request in writing submitted not later than 2 years after the expiration of the policy term during which such extra amount of insurance was in effect. "Excess Insurance" as used herein shall be held to mean insurance of such part oftheactual cash value ofthe property as is in excess ofthe maximum amount of insurance peonined under said Act with respect to such property. D. Amendments, Waivers, Assignment: This Standard Flood Insurance Policy cannot be amended nor can any ofits provisions be waived without the express written consent of the Federal Insurance Administrator. No action we take under the teons of this policy can constitute a waiver ofany of our rights, Except in thecaseof(l) a contents only policy and (2) a policy issued to cover a building in the course of consrruction, assignmen[ ofthis policy, in writing, is allowed upon transfer of title, E, Cancellation of Policy By You, You can cancel this policy at any time but a refund of premium money will only be made to you when: a, You cancel because you have transferred ownership of the insured property to someone e1se.In this case, we will refund to you, once we receive your wriUen request fur canceUation (signed by you), the excess ofpremiums paid by you which apply to the unused portion of the policy's term, prorata but with retention of the expense constant. b, You cancel because we have determined that your property is not, in fact, in a special flood hazard area; and you were required to purchase flood insurance coverage by a private lender or Federal agency pUrsuant to P.L. 93-234, §J02; and the lender or Federal agency no longer requires the retention by you of the coverage, In this event, if no claims have been paid or are pending. your premium payments will be refunded to you in full, according to our applicable regulations. c. You cancel a policy having a term of three (3) years. on an anniverw sary date, and the reason for the cancellation is: (i) A poHey of flood insurance has been obtained or is being obtai ned in substitution for this policy and we have received a written concurrence in the canceUation from any mortgageeofwhich the NFIP has acruaillOlice. or (it) you have extinguished the insured mortgage debt and are no longer required by the mortgagee to maintain the coverage. Refund ofany premium. under this subparagraph "e". shall be pro rata but with retention of the expense constant. F. Voidance, Reduction or Reformation or the Coverage By Us: I. Voidance: This policy shall be void and of no legal foree and effect in the event that anyone of the fonowing conditions occurs: a. The property listed on the application is not eligible for coverage, in I which case the policy is void from its inception; b. The community in which the property is located was not participating I in the National Flood Insurance Program on the policy's inception date and did not qualify as a participating community during the policy's term and 1 before the occurrence of any loss for which you may receive compensation under the policy. in which case the policy is void from its inception date; c. If. during the tenn of the policy, the participation in the National Flond 1 Insurance Program of the community in which your property is located ceases, in which case the policy shall be deemed void effective at the end i ofthelast day of the policy year in which such cessation occurred and shall not be renewed; in the event the voided policy included three policy years in a contract tenn of three years. you shall be entitled to a pro-rata refund of any premium applicable to the remainder of the policy's term after voidance of tbe policy; d. In the event you oryour agent have (i) sworn falsely or (ii) fraudulently or willfully concealed or misrepresented any material fact (inclnding facts relevant to the rating of this policy) in theapplkation for coverage. or upon any renewal of coverage, or in connection with the submission of any claim brought under the policy. in which case this entire policy shaH be void as of the date the wrongful act was committed or from its inception ifthis policy is a renewal policy and the wrongful act occurred in connection with an application for or renewal or endorsement of a poUcy issued to you in a prior year and affects the rating of or premium amount received for this policy. Refunds ofpremiums, if any. shall be subject to offsets for our ad· ministrative expenses (including the payment of agent's commissions for any voided policy year) in connection with the issuance of the policYi e, The premium you submit is less than the minimum premium set forth in 44 CFR 61.10 in connection with any application for a new policy or policy renewaJ. in which case the policy is void from its inception date. 2. Reduction of coverage limits or refurmation: In the event that the premium payment received by us is not sufficient to purchase the amounts of building coverage and conrents (personal property) coverage requested or in theevent a rating error has been innocently made by you or your agent on the application, 􀁲􀁥􀁮􀁥􀁷􀁡􀁬􀁾􀀠endorsement, or other fonn (whether evident or not) resulting in insufficient premium being received by us for the 􀁰􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠chase of the amounts of coverage requested. then: (i) If the insufficient premium or other rating error is discovered by us prior to a loss under the policy. the policy shall be deemed to provide only such coverage as can be purchased, for the entire term of the pOlicy. for the amount of premium received; provided, you may increase any reduced coverage(s) at any time by payment of the correct premium for the additionallimits of coverage requested and any such correct premium received by us prior to any loss under the policy shall result in coverage being provided for the loss up to the additional amount of coverage requested by you. The application of the insufficient premium received to the provision .. of flond insurance coverage shall be made as follows: a. In the event that only one kind of coverage (building coverage or contents coverage) has been requested, you shall receive the limits of that kind I of coverage which can be purchased for the amount of premium received, I less the expense 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁴􀁾􀀠b. In the event that both building coverage and contents coverage have I been requested. we shall detennine the percentage ratio that each kind of insurance bears to the total amount of coverage requested. apportion the total premium received by the percentage ratio for each kind ofcoverage, and you shall receive, as to each kind of coverage requested. the amount of coverage which can be purcbased by the premium amount as apportioned foreacb kind of 􀁣􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁡􀁧􀁥􀁾􀀠where both building and contents coverage are requested and where the application of the above percentage ratio causes the premium receiVed, as apportioned by the ratio, to produce an amount of premium for one of the kinds of coverage to be more than sufficient to purchase the amount of insurance of that kind of coverage requested by I you, any such excess of apportioned premium will be applied to obtain an additional amount ofthe other kind of coverage until the amoUnt of insurance requested for the other coverage is obtained; c. Provided. however, under this subsection (2.)(i) as to any mortgagee (or trustee) named in the policy, we shall give a notice of additional premium due and the right of reformation shall continue in force for the benefit only of the mortgagee (or trustee), up to the amount of your indebtedness, for thirty (30) days after written notice to the mortgagee (or trustee). (ii) If the insufficient premium or other rating error is discovered by us at the time of a loss under the policy, the policy shall be deemed to provide coverage pursuant to the provisions of (i), above, unless: a. You or your agent has sworn falsely or fraudulently Or willfully concealed or misrepresented any material fact (including facts relevant to the rating of this policy) in the application for coverage. or upon any renewal of coverage, or in connection with the submission of any claim brought under this policy, in which case this entire policy shaH be void as of the date the wrongful act was committed or from its inception if this policy is a renewal policy and the wrongful act occurred in connection with an application for or renewal or endorsement of a policy issued to you in a prior year and affects the rating of or premium amount received for this policy. Refunds of premiums. if any. shall be subject to offsets fur our ad· ministrative expenses (induding the payment of agent's commissions for any voided policy year) in connection with the issuance of the policy; Or b, Provided (ij)(a) above does: not apply, you remit and we reccive the additional premium required to purchase (for the current policy term and the previous policy term, if then insured) the limits of coverage for each kind of coverage as was initially requested by you within thirty (30) days from the date we give you written notice of additional premium due, in which case the policy shall be reformed. from its inception date. to provide flood insurance coverage to you in the amounts of coverage initially requested, Silence or other failure to remit the additional premium required or non-receipt ofsuch premium by us within thirty (30) days from the date of notice of premium due shall be deemed to be refusal to pay the addi· tional premium due and any subsequent payment of the additional premium due shall not refonn tbe policy from its inception date but shall only add the additional amounts of coverage to the policy for the remainder of its tenn. pursuant to 44 CFR 61.] 1, with any excess of premium paid being returned to you. Provided, however, under this subsection "b" as to any mortgagee (or trustee) named in the policy, we shall give a notice of additional premium due and the right of refonnation shall continue in force for the benefit only of the mortgagee (or trustee), up to the amount of your indebtedness. for thirty (30) days after written notice to the mortgagee (or trustee): provided, further, we are under no obligation to send you any written notice of additional premium due or notice of premium due under this subsection. G. Policy Renewal: The tenn of this policy commences on its inception date and ends on its expiration date, as shown on the "Declaration Page" which is attached to the policy. We are under 00 obligation to send you any renewal notice or other notice that your poHc)' term is coming to an end and the receipt of any such notiee by you shall not be deemed to be a waiver ofthis provision on our part. Weare under no obligation to assure that policy changes reflected in endorsements submitted by you during the policy term and accepted by us are included in any renewal notice or new policy which we send to you. "Policy changes" includes the addition by you ofnew coverage (e,g. contents coverage added toa building coverage poliCy Or vice versa) or any increases in the amounts of coverage. This policy shall not be renewed and the coverage provided by it shall not continue into any successive policy term unless the renewal premium payment is received by us at the office of the NFIP within 30 days of the expiration date of this policy. subject to Article Vill. F. above. If the renewal premium payment is mailed by certified mail to the NFIP prior to the 􀁥􀁸􀁾􀀠piration date. it shall be deemed to have been received within the required 30 days. The coverage provided by the renewal policy is in effect for any toss occurring during this 30-day period even if the toss occurs before the renewal premium payment is received. so long as the renewal premium payment is received within the required 30 days. In all other cases, this policy shaH terminate as of the expiration date of the last policy tenn for which the premium payment was timely received at the office of the NFIP, and in that event. we shall nor be obligated to provide you with any cancellation. termination, policy lapse, or policy renewal notice advising you of any such cancellation, tennination, policy lapse, or policy renewal; provided. however with respect to any mortgagee (or trustee) named in the declarations form attached to this poHcy. this insurance shaH eontinue in force only for the benefit of such mortgagee (or trustee) for 30 days after written notice to the mortgagee (or trustee) oftennination of this policy. and shall then terminate. In connection with the renewal ofthis policy. you will be requested 􀁤􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠ing the pol icy term to recertify, on a Recertification Questionnaire we wiH provide you, the rating information used to rate your most recent application for or renewal of insurance. Notwithstanding your responsibility to submit the appropriate renewal premium in sufficient time to permit its receIpt by us prior to the expiration ofthe policy being renewed t we have established a business procedure for mailing renewal notices to assist insureds in meeting their responsibility. Regarding our business procedure. evidence of the placing of any such notices into the U.S. Postal Service, addressed to you at the address 􀁡􀁰􀁾􀀠pearing on your most recent application or other appropriate fonn (received by the NFIP prior to the mailing of the renewal notice by us). does, in all respects, for purposes of the NFIP presumptively establish delivery to you for all purposes irrespective of whether you actuaUy received the notice. However. in the event we determine that. through any 􀁣􀁩􀁲􀁣􀁵􀁭􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠any renewal notice was not placed into the U.S. Posta! Service. or. ifplaced, was prepared or a manner which we determine could preclude the likelihood of it being actually and timely received by you prior to the due date for the renewal premium, the following procedures shall be followed: In the event that you or your agent notifies us not later than one year after the date on which the payment ofthe renewal was due. ofa nonreceipt of a renewal notice prior to the due date for the renewal premium. which we determine was attributable to the above circumstances, we shaH mail a second bill providing a revised due date, whieh shall be thirty days after the date on which the biH is mailed. If the renewal payment is received by such revi,edduedate. the policy shall be renewed asofthedateon which the prior policy would have expired. If the renewal payment requested by reason ofthe second biU is not received by the revised due date. no renewal shall occur and the policy shall remain an expired policy as of the expiration date prescribed on the policy. H. Alterations and Repairs: You may. at any time and at your own 􀁥􀁸􀁾􀀠pense. make alterations. additions and repairs to the insured property and complete structures in the course of construction. I, Requirements in Case of Loss, Should a flood loss occur to your in· sured property, you must: 1. Notify us in writing as soon as practicable; 2. As soon as reasonably possible1 separate the damagcd and undamaged property. putting it in the best possible order so that we may examine it; and 3. Within 60 days after the loss, send us a proof of loss. which is your statement as to the amount you are claiming under the policy signed and swom to by you and furnishing us with the following infonnation: a. The date and time of the loss, b, A brief explanation of how the loss happened, c. Your interest in the property damaged (for example. "owner") and the interests. if anyJ of others in the damaged property, d. The actual cash value ofeach damaged item of insured property after dapreciation is deducted from theCOS! ofreplaeementofthe property (unless the policy's "REPLACEMENT COST PROVISIONS" apply, in which case the replacement cost without allowance for depreciation should be furnished) and the amount of damages sustained? e. Names of mortgagees or anyone else having a lien, charge or claim against the insured property, f. Details as to any other contracts of insurance covering the property, whether valid or not, g. Details of any changes in ownership. use, occupancy. location or possession of the insured property since the policy was issued, h. Details as to who occupied any insured building at the time of loss and for what purpose, and i. The amount you claim is due under this policy to cover the loss. including statements concerning: {iJ The limits of coverage stated in the policy, (;;) The cost to repair or replace the damaged property (whatever costs less). 4. The insurance adjuster whom we hire. to investigate your claim may furnish you with a proof of loss form. and she or he may help you to complete it. However􀁾􀀠this is a matter of courtesy only. and you must still send us a proof of loss within 60 days after the Joss even if the adjuster does not furnish the form or help you complete it. In completing the proof of loss. you must use your own judgment concerning the amount of loss and the justification for that amount; the adjuster is not authorized to approve or disapprove claims or to tell you whether your claim will be approved by us. S. We may. at our option. waive the requirement for the completion and filing of a Proof of Loss in certain eases. in which event you will be required to sign and. at our option, swear to an adjuster's report ofthe Joss which includes infonnation about your loss and the damages needed by us in order to adjust your claim; 6. Any false statements made in the course of presentment of a claim under this policy may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under the applicable Federal Laws. J. Our Options After a Loss: Options we may, in our sole discretion, exercise after loss include the following: I. Evidence of Loss: If we specifically request it. in writing, you may be required to furnish us with a complete inventory ofthe destroyed, damaged and undamaged property 􀁾􀀠including details as to quantities, costs, 􀁡􀁣􀁾􀀠tual cash values, amounts ofloss claims, and any writtcn plans and specifications for repair of the damaged property which you can make reasonably available to us. 2. Examination Under Oath: We may require you to show us or our designee, thedamaged property, to be examined under oath by OUr designee and to sign any transcripts of such examinations; to, at such reasonable times and places as we may designate, permit us to examine and make extracts and copies of aU books of accounts, bilIs, invoices and other vouchers, or certified copies thereof if the originals are lost, pertaining to the damaged property. 3. Options to Repair or Replace: We may lake all or any part of the damaged property at the agreed or appraised value and. also. [0 repair, rebuild or replace the property destroyed or damaged with other of like kind and quality within a reasonable time. on giving you notice of our 􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠tention to do so within 30 days after the receipt of the proof of loss herein required under "I", above. 4. Adjustment Options: We may adjust loss to any insured property of others with the owners of such property or with you for their account. Any such insurance under this policy shaH not inure directly or indirectly to the benefit of any carrier or other bailee for hire. K, When Loss Payable: Loss is payable within 60 days after you file your proof of loss (or within 90 days after the insurance adjuster files an adjuster's report signed and sworn to by you in lieu of a proof of loss) and ascertainment ofthe loss is made either by agreement between us and you expressed in writing or by the filing with us of an award as provided in paragraph ·'M'·. below. Ifwe reject your proofoflO$s in whole or in part, you may accept such denial of your claim, or exercise your rights under this policy, or file an amended proof of loss as long as it is filed within 60 days of the date of the loss or any extension of time alJowed by the Administrator. L. Abandonment: You may not abandon damagcd or undamaged insured property to us. However) we may permit you to keep damaged, insured property ("salvage") after a loss and reduce the amount of the loss procneds payable to you under the poliey by the value of tbe salvage. M. Appraisal: If at any time after a Joss, we are unable to agree with you as to the actual cash value-or, ifappl icable, replacement cost-ofthe damaged property so as to determine the amount ofloss to be paid to you, then, on the written demand of either one of us, each of us shan select a competent and disinterested appraiser and notify the other ofthe appraiser selected within 20 days of such demand. The appraisers shall first select a competent and disinterested 􀁵􀁭􀁰􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁾􀀠and failing, after 15 days, to agree upon such umpire. then, on your request or our request, such umpire shall be selected by a judge of a court of record in the State in which insured property is located. The appraisers shall then appraise the loss\ stating separately replacement cost, actual cash vaIue and loss to each Item; and. famag to agree, shall submit their differences, only, to the mnpire. An award in writing. sO itemized, of any two (appraisers or appraiser and umpire) when filed with us shall determine the amount ofactual cash value and loss or, should this policy's replacement cost provisions apply. the amount of replacement cost and loss. Each appraisershall be paid by the party selecting him and the expenses of appraisal and umpire shall be paid by both of us equally. N. Loss Claus.: If we pay you for damage to property sustained in a flood loss. you are still eHgihle, during the term of the poJicYt to collect for a subsequent loss due to another flood. Of course; all Joss arising out of a single, continuous flood of Jong duration shall be adjusted as one flood loss. O. Mortgage Clause: (Applicable to building coverage only and effective only when policy is made payable to a mortgagee (or trustee) named in the application and declaration form attached to this policy or of whom the Insurer has actual notice prior to the payment of loss proceeds under this policy), Loss, ifany, under this policy. shan be payable to the aforesaid as mortgagee (or trustee) as interest may appear under an present or future mortgages upon the property described in which the aforesaid may have an interest as mortgagee (or trustee), in order of precedence of said mortgages, and this insurance, as to the interest of the mortgagee (or trustee) only therein. shall not be invalidated by any act or neglect of the mortgagor or owner ofthe described property, nor by any foreclosure or other proceedings or notice ofsale relating to the property, nor by any change in thetille orownership of the property. nor by the occupation of the premises for purposes more hazardous than are permitted by this policy; provided, that in case the mortgagor or owner shall neglect to pay any premium due under this policy, the mortgagee (or trustee) shall, on demand, pay the same. Provided. also, that the mortgagee (or trustee) shall notify the Insurer of any change of ownership or occupancy or increase of hazard which shall come to the knowledge of said mortgagee (or trustee) and. unless permit· ted by this policy, it shall be noted thereon and the mortgagee (or trustee) shall, on demand, pay the premium for such increased hazard for the tenn of the use thereof; otherwise this policy shall be null and void, If this poHcy is cancelled hy the Insurer, it shaH continue in force for the benefit only ofthe mortgagee (or trustee) for 30days after written notice to the mortgagee (or trustee) ofsuch cancellation and shall then cease, and the Insurer shan have the right, on like notice, to cancel this agreement. Whenever the Insurer shall pay the mortgagee (or trustee) any sum for loss under this policy and shall claim that, as to the mortgagor or owner. no liability therefor existed, the Insurer shall, to the extent of such payment, be thereupon legally subrogated to all the rights of the party to whom such payment shall be made, under all securities held as collateral to the mortgage debt, or may, as its option, pay to the mortgagee (or trustee) the whole principal due or to grow due on the mortgage with interest, and shall thereupon receive a full assignment and transfer of the mortgage and of all such other 􀁳􀁥􀁣􀁵􀁲􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁥� �􀁾􀀠but no subrogation shall impair the right of the mortgagee (or trustee) to recover the fujI amount of said mortgagee's (or trustee's) claim. P. Mortgagee Obligations: Ifthe insured fails to render proof of loss, the named mortgagee (or trustee) upon notice, shall reader proof of loss in the form herein specified within 60 days thereafter and shall be subjeet to the proviSions of this policy relating to appraisaJ and time of payment and of bringing suit. Q. Conditions for Filing a Lawsuit: You may not sue us to recover money uader this policy unless you have complied with all the requirements ofthe policy, Ifyou do sue. you must start the suit within twelve (12) months from the date we mailed you notice that we have denied your claim. or part cfyour claim, and you must file the suit in the United States District Court for the district in which the insured property was iocatedat the time of loss, R. Subrogation: Whenever we make a payment for a loss under this policy, we are subrogated to your right to recover for that loss from any other person. That means that your right to recover for a loss that was partly or totany caused by someone else is automatically transferred to us. to the extent that we have paid you for the loss. We may require you to acknowledge this transfer in writing. After the loss. you may not give up our right to recover this money or do anything which would prevent us from recovering it. If you make aoy claim against any person who caused your loss and recover any money. you must pay us back first before you may keep any of that money. S. Continuous Lake F1ooding: Where the insured building has been inundated by rising lake waters continuously for 90 days or more and it appears reasonably certain that a continuation of this flooding will result in damage, reimbursable under this policy. to the insured building equal to or greater than the building policy limits plus the deductible or the maximum payable under the polic}l for anyone building loss, we will pay you the lesser of these two amounts without waiting for the further damage to occur if you sign a release agreeing (i) to make no further claim under this policy, (ii) not to seek renewal ofthis policy, and (iii) not to apply for any flood insurance under the Natinnal Flood Insurance Act of 1968. as amended, for property at the property location of the insured building. If tbe policy term ends before the insured building has been flooded continuously for 90 days, the provisions of this paragraph S still apply so long as the first building damage reimbursable under this policy from thecontinuous flooding occurred before the end of the policy term, T. Duplicate Policies Not Allowed: Property may not be insured under more than one poHcy issued under the Act. When we find that duplicate policies are in effect, we shall by written notice give you the option of choosing which policy is to remain in effect. If you choose to keep in effect the policy with the earlier effective date; we shall by the same written notice give you an opportunity to add the coverage limits of the later policy to those of the earlier policy, as of the effective date of the later policy, If you choose to keep in effect the policy with the latereffeetive date, we shell by the same written notice give you the opportunity 10 add the coverage limits of the earlier policy to those of the later policy, as of the effective date of the later policy. In either case. you must pay the pro rata premium for the increased coverage limits within 30 days of the written notice. In no event shall the resulting coverage limits exceed the statutorily pennissible limits ofcoverage under the Act or your insurable interest, whichever is less. We shall malee a refund to you, according to applicable NFIP rules, of the premium for the policy not being kept in effect. For purposes ofthis paragraph T l the term "effective date" means the date coverage that has been in effect without any Japse was first placed in effect. ]n addition to the provisions of this paragraph T for jncreasing policy limits, the usual procedures for increasing policy Hmits by mid-term endorsement or at renewal time. with the appropriate waiting period, are applicable to the policy you choose to keep in effect, ARTICLE IX-LIBERALIZATION CLAUSE While this policy is in force, should we have adopted any forms, endorsements, rules or regulations by which this policy could be broadened or extended for your benefit by endorsement or substitution of policy form. then, such matters shall be considered to he incorporated in this policy without additional premium charge and shall inure to your henefit as thOUgh such endorsement or substitution of policy form had been made. ARTICLE X-WHAT LAW GOVERNS This policy is governed by the flood insurance regulations issued by FEMA, the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. as amended (42 U,S,C,§400I. et seq,) and Federal COmmOn law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have signed this policy below and hereby enter into this Insurance Agreeme!lt, C. M, "BUD" SCHAUERTE Administrator. Federal fusurance Administration , , PROCEDURES IN CASE OF A FLOOD For the proteetion of you and your family, the foHowing tips are suggested as guidelines by the National Flood Jnsurance Program. Ifyou are ever in doubt as to what action is needed, eonsult your insurance agent or call the NFIP tolUree at 1-800-638-6620 or on the TDDline 1-800-447-9487. Know your agent's name and phone number. List them here for fast reference: Agent _______________________ Phone Number ______________________ • Please notify your insurance agent as soon a"i possible tlfter the flood; • Remind your agent Lo assign the claim to an approved NFIP claims 􀁡􀁤􀁪􀁵􀁳􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠• Delermine the independent cl;'lms adjustcl" assigned to your claim and contact him ifyou have not been contacted wlthin 24 hours after you reported the claim to your insunlnce agent: the NFIP pays for the services of the independent claims adjuster assigned to your claim. • As soon as possible separate the damaged property from undamaged property and store all property so it ean be inspected and evaluated: • Dbcuss with the adjuster any need you may have for an advance or partial paymenl of your loss: • In order to help the claims adjuster. try to take pictures of the outside of rhe premises shOWing the flooding and the damage and simJlar pictures or the inside or the premises showing the height of the water and the damaged properly; • Place all books, records. receipts and any other loss verification material in a safe place for examination and evaluation by the claims adjuster; • Work cooperatively and promptly with the claims adjuster to determine and document all claim items; be prepared to advise the claims adjuster or the cause and responsible party(ies). if flood was caused by other than rwtural cause; • Milke cerlilin the claims adjuster fully explains all allowances and procedures for processing claim payments. based on your Proof of Loss, which the policy requires you 10 send us within 60 days of the loss: and • Any 􀁾􀁭􀁤􀀠all coverage problems and claim allowance restrictions must must be communicated directly from the NFIP-claims adjusters have no authority to approve or deny claims und only report 10 the NFIP on Ihe elements of flood cause and damage. FEMA Fonn No. 81·34 (12i90) 593·9053A (12190) FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION GENERAL PROPERTY POLICY NATIONAL FWOD INSURANCE PROGRAM STANDARD FWOD INSURANCE POLICY [Issued Pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, or Any Acts Amendatory Thereof, and Applicahle Federal Regulations in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulatious, Subchapter B] SUMMARY OF STANDARD FLOOD INSURANCE POLICY CHANGES I. The terms ofthe Standard Flood Insurance Poliey have been amended, effective June 1. J987, The following new provisions are being brought to your attention: A. Condorn1nium Residential Unit Owner Coverage: Coverage for condominium residential unit owners has been expanded to indude assessments by their condominium association for flood damages to buildings other than the building in which that unit is located, The expanded coverage applies only if aU of the following three conditions are met: 1. The additionai coverage ONLY applies to other buildings ofthe condominium that are covered by flood insurance in the name of the association; 2. The association flood insurance coverage MUST be National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) business. This means the policy must have been written directly with the NFIP or with a Write Your Own Company; and 3. The association flood insurance MUST be written in an amount which is at least equal to the actual cash value of an insured building's common elements or the maximum amount of NFIP insurance available for that building. whichever is less. (See Article IV.A, 1, Dwelling Form. There is no corresponding change 10 Ihe General Property Form.) B. Condominium Association Coverage: There is no coverage for a condominium association for any loss or portion of any loss for which payment is made under any insurance in the name of a condominium unit owner. Le.. any member of the condominium 􀁡􀁳􀁳􀁯􀁣􀁩􀁡􀁾􀀠tion. (See Paragraph 8 of the COndominium Endorsement at the end of the General Property Form. There is no corresponding change 10 the Dwelling Form.) II. COVERAGE EXPANDED BY NEW LAW ON EROSION On February 5, 1988. President Reagan signed into law the Upton·Jones Amendment to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, which significantly alters the scope ofcoverage afforded by Ihe Standard Flood Insurance Policy for certain risks. The Amendment cxpands coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program to pay for the demolition or relocation of insured buildings which are subject to imminent collapse or subsidence as a result of erosion or undermining caused by a body of water which exceeds its anticipated cyclical levels. The coverage is subject to certain eligibility requirements, and all claims are subject to approval by the Federal Insurance Administration. For further information. please contact the agent issuing your policy. III. The terms ofthe Standard Flood Insurance Policy have been amended, effective October 1, 1988. The following new coverage provisions are being brought to your attention: k Antique Value: A provision has been added that any antique value of items is not covered, and antique furniture and antique silver have been deleted from a list of items that are subject to a limitation of $250. The functional value of antique items will be covered. (See Insuring Agreement [immediately before Article I] and Article IV.C. Dwelling Form; paragraph immediately following the heading .J "GENERAL PROPERTY FORM" althe beginning of the policy and Article IV.B.2, General Property Form.) B. Labor of Household Members. Coverage is already provided in the Dwelling Form for the value ofthe insured's own labor at prevailing Federal minimum wage rates as part of the reasonable expense incurred by theinsurcd (1) in moving insured property temporarily from the imminent danger of flood (subjcci to a cap that is currently $500 for building and $500 for contents). (2) for certain specified mitigative measures, such as sandbags, in the event of imminent danger of flood (subject to a cap that is currenlly $5(0). and (3) for Ihe removal ofdebris directly caused by a flood. Coverage is being expanded to include the value of the labor of members of the household at prevailing Federal minimum wage rates in aU these cases. (See definition of • 'Direct Physical Loss By or From Flood in Article nand Parngraphs A.7 and 0 ofArticle IV, Dwelling FOITIl. This change does not apply to Ihe General Property Form.) C. Elevated Building Coverage: The limitation in coverage currently applicable to aU elevated buildings having enclosures, contents, machinery, building components, equipment or fixtures below the elevated floor has been revised so that it wiU no longer be applicable to Pre-FIRM elevated buildings. This limitation in coverage will now only be applicable to Post 􀁾􀁆􀁉􀁒􀁍elevated buildings, which are buildings for which the start of construction or substantial improvement occurred on or after the effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the community in which the building is located or occurred after December 31,1974, if that is later. Substantial improvement means improvement or repair. the cost of which is at least 50 %of the market value ofthe building. (See 􀁁􀁲􀁴􀁪􀁾􀀠cle V.F. and definition of "Post·FIRM building" in Article H, Dwelling Form and General Property Fonn.) D. Subsurface Water Destabilization: The list of losses not covered has been clarified by adding a specific exclusion for loss from the destabilization or movement of land resulting from the accumulation of water in subsurface land areas. (See Article lII.A.l t Dwelling Form; Article 111.0, General Property Form.) E. Exclusion of Walkways, PatiOS, Etc. : The coverage exclusion in the policy which was applicable to "driveways and other surfaces outside the foundation walls of the building" has been revised to be applicable to "walkways, driveways, patios, and other surfaces, all ofwhatever kind ofconstruction, located outside the perimeter, exterior walls of the insured building." (See Article V .D. Dwelling Form; Article V.D, General Property Form.) F. Policy Renewal Grace Period: Policies will be renewed with uninterrupted coverage so long as the renewal premium payment is receivcd by the NFIP within 30 days ofthe expiration date ofthe policy being renewed, without regard to when the payment was maiJed. Previously. this time period was five days and the mailing had to be made prior to thc expiration date. Mailing of the renewal premium by certified mail prior to the expiration dale of the policy being renewed will continue to provide unintcrrupted coverage even when received more than 30days after the expiration date. (See Article VIII.G, Dwelling Form; Article VH.!, General Property Form.) G. Duplicate Policies Not Allowed: When more than one policy per buHding is discovered by the insurer, the insured will be given a written notice offering the option of which policy is to remain in effect and of increasing the coverage ofthe remaining policy by the coverage amounts of the policy or policies being cancelled. Coverage increases are to be made effective as ofthe effective date of the later duplicate policy. The resulting coverage limits are not to exceed the statutorily permissible limits under the Act or the insured's insurable interest. whichever is less. (See Article Vru.T. Dwelling Form; Article VII.X, General Property Form.) IV. The insurance coverage provided to you and the premium are based on the description of the property contained on your current insurance policy. Review the computer printed Policy Declaration page. which recites the information you have furnished to us, to make sure the information is correct. Your insurance protection can be jeopardized ifyou have made alterations or substantial improvements to your building which are not reflected on the policy and which are in violation of your community's floodplain management ordinances, This includes such modifications as changing an unfinished basement into a totally orpartially finished basement or. in some cases, enclosing an area beneath the lowest floor ofan elevated building. (See Article VllLF, Dwelling Form; Article VILE. General Property Form.) Contact yourinsurancc agent about any changes so thai the appropriate endorsement can be submitted to protect your insurance coverage. If you have any questions about the new policy changes. please contact your local insurance agent. The National Flood Insurance Program is a Federal program. WiJlful misrepresentation ofinfunnation by the insurance applicant or insurance agent is a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment, fine. or both. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION STANDARD FLOOD INSURANCE POLICY [Issued Pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, or Any Acts Amendatory Thereof (Hereinafter Called the Act), and Applicable Federal Regulations in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Subchapter 8) GENERAL PROPERTY FORM IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PAYMENT OF THE PREMIUM, : IN RELIANCE UPON THE STATEMENTS IN THE APPLICATION , AND DECLARATIONS FORM MADE A PART HEREOF AND SUB: JECT TO ALL THE TERMS OF TIllS POLICY, THE INSURER · DOES INSURE !be Insured and legal represenlatives, to !be extent of!be ! actual cash value. not including any antique value, of the property at the , time of10s5, but not exceeding the amount which it would cost to repair , or replace the property with material of like kind and quality within a : reasonable time after such loss, without allowance for any increased cost , of repair or reconstruction by reason of any ordinance or Jaw regulating !construction or repair. and without compensation for loss resulting from ARTICLE I-PERSONS INSURED The following are insured under this policy: A. The named Insured and lega1 representatives; B. Any mortgagee and loss payee named in the application and declaration page in the order of precedence and to the extent oftheir interest but for no more. in the aggregate. than the interest of the named Insured. ARTICLE II-DEFINITIONS DefmitioDS-As used in Ihis Policy: "Actual Cash Value" means the replacement cost of an insured item of , property at the time of loss, less the value of physical depreciation as to !the item damaged. ••Application" means the statement made and signed by the Insured, or : the Insured's agent, and giving information on the basis of which the Ini surer determines the acceptability of the risk, the policy to be issued and I the correct premium payment, which must accompany the application for · !be policy 10 be issued. The application is a part of!bis flood insurance policy. 􀀢􀁂􀁡􀁾􀁥􀀠flood" means the flood having a one percent chance of being equalled or exceeded in any given year. "Basement" means any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides. •'Building" means a walled and roofed structure, other than a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground and affixed to a 􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁭􀁡􀁾􀀠nent site, including a walled and roofed building in the course ofconstruction, alteration or repair and a manufactured (i.e., mobile) home on a permanent roundation, SUbjecllo Paragraph "H" of!be provision titled "Property Not Covered,'· This policy does not cover more than one building. unless application to cover more than one bUilding is made on a form or in a format approved for that purpose by the Administrator, •'Cancellation" means that ending of the insurance coverage provided by this policy prior to the expiration date. "Coastal High Hazard Area" means an area subject to high velocity waters. including hurricane wave wash and tsunamis. "Declarations Page" is a computer generated summary of information furnished by the Insured in the application for insurance. The declarations , page is a part of this flood insurance policy" ; "Direct Physical Loss By or From Flood" means any loss in the nature of actual loss of or physical damage, evidenced by physical changes, to the insured property (building or contents [personal property]) which is directly and proximately caused by a "flood" (as defined in !bis Agreement), while !be insured property is located: I. AI !be property address · shown on the application for this insurance. which is a part ofthis Agree􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁾􀀠and 2. For forty-five days, at another place above ground level Or outside of the special flood hazard area, to which any of the insured prop' Ierty shall necessarily be removed in order to protect and preserve it from , interruption of busJness or manufacture, nor in any event for more than !be interest of !be Insured, against all "DIRECT PHYSICAL LOSS BY OR FROM FLOOD" as defined herein, to !be property described while while located or contained as described in the application and declarations form attached hereto, or pro rata for 45 days at each proper place to which any ofthe property shall necessarily be removed for preservation from the peril of IlFlood". but not elsewhere. Assignment of !bis policy, in writing, by the Insured is allowed upon transfer of title except for (i) a contents only policy and (ii) a policy issued to cover a building in the course of construction. The Insurer under this policy is Ihe Federal Emergency Management Agency. a flood or from the imminent danger offlood (provided, personal property so removed must be placed in a fully enclosed building or otherwise reasonably protected from the elements to be insured against loss) in which case the reasonable expenses incurred by the Insured in moving any ofthe insured property temporarily away from the peril offlood and storing this property at the temporary location (not exceeding 45 days) shall be reimbursed to the Insured for buildings in an amount up to the amount of the minimum building deductibJe and for contents in an amount up to the amount ofthe minimum contents deductible. This policy's deductible amounts. as provided for herein under "DEDUCTIBLBS, " shall not be applied 10 !bis reimbursement, but shall be applied to any other benefits under !bis policy's coverage. The term' 'Direct Physical Loss By Or From Flood" shall not include compensation for loss ofuse. loss ofaccess. loss of profits or loss resulting from interruption of business, profession or manufacture, allowance for any increased cost of repair or reconstruction as a result of any ordinance regulating reconstruction or repair, or other economic loss. I 'Ex:pense Constant" is a flat charge per policy term, paid by the Insured. to defray the Federal Government's poUcywrlting and other expenses. "Expiration Date" means the ending oflhe insurance coverage provided by this policy on the expjration date shown on the declarations page. "Flood": Wherever in this policy the term "flond" occurs, it shall be held to mean: A. A general and temporary condition ofpartial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from: 1. The overflow of inland or tidal waters. 2. The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff ofsurface waters from any source. 3. Mudslides (Le., mudflows) which are proximately caused by flooding as defined in subparagraph A-2 above and are akin to a river of Hquid and flowing mud on the surfaces ofnormally dry land areas, as when earth is carried by a current of water and deposited along the path ofthe current. B. The collapse or subsidence of land along the shore ofa lake or other body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding the cycHcallevels which result in flooding as defined in A-I above, "Manufactured home" means a building. transportable in One or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. The term "manufactured home" does not inclUde parle trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles, To be eligible for coverage under this policy. a manufactured home must be on a pennanent foundation and if located in a FEMA designated Special Flood Hazard Area, must meet !be requirements of paragraph H of PROPERTY NOT COVERED. "Mobile home" means a manufactured home. •'Policy" means the entire written contract between the Insured and the Insurer, including this printed form, the application. and declarations page. any endorsemenls which may be issued and any renev.-aI certificates 􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠dicating that coverage has been instituted for a new policy and policy term, Only one building, specifically described by you in the application. may be insured under this policy, unless application to cover more than one building is made on a form or in a format approved for that purpose by the Administrator. "Post-FIRM building" means a building for which the start ofconstruction or substantial improvement occurred after December 31, 1974, or on or after the effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for [he community in which the building is located, whichever is later. "Probation Additional Premium" means a flat charge per policy term paid by the lnsured on all new and renewal policies issued covering 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁰􀁾􀀠erty in a community that has been placed on probation under the provisions of 44 CFR 59.24 on or after October I, 1986. "Walled and Roofed" means the building has in place two or more exterior. rigid waUs and the roof is fully secured so that the building will resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement. ARTICLE III-PERILS EXCLUDED The Insurer shall not be liable for loss: A. By (1) rain. snow, sleet, hail or water spray; (2) freezing, thawing or by the pressure or weight of ice or water, except where the property covered has been simultaneously damaged by flood; (3) water. moisture or mudslide (i.e., mudflow) damage of any kind resulting primarily from conditions. causes or occurrences which are solely related to the described premises or are within the control of the Insured (including but not limited to design, structural or mechanical defects. failures. stoppages or breakages ofwater or sewer lines. drains, pumps, fixtures, orequipment) or any condition which causes flooding which is substantially confined to the described premjses or properties immediately adjacent 􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁲􀁥􀁴􀁯􀁾􀀠or (4) seepage, backup of water, or hydrostatic pressure not related to a condition of "flood" as defined; B. Caused directly or indirectly by (1) hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war. including action in hindering, combating or defending against an actual, impending or expected attack, (a) by any government or sovereign power (de jure or de facto). or by any authority maintaining or using military. naval or air forces, or (b) by military, naval orair forces. or (c) by an agent of any such government, power, authority or forces. it being understood that any discharge. explOSion or use of any weapon of war employing nuclear fission or fusion shaH be conclusively presumed to be such a hostile or warlike action by such a govenunent. power, authority or forces; (2) insurrection, rebellion, revolution. civil war, usurped power, or action taken by governmental authority in hindering. combating or 􀁤􀁥􀁦􀁥􀁮􀁤􀁾􀀠ing against such an occurrence; C. By nuclear reaction or nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination, all whether controlled or uncontrolled. or due to any act or condition incident to any of the foregoing, whether such loss be direct or indirect, proximate or remote, or be in whole or in part caused by. contributed to. or aggravated by the peril insured against by this policy; D. By theft, fire. windstorm, wind. explosion, earthquake, land sinkage. land subsidence, landslide. destabilization or movement of land resulting from the accumulation of water in subsurface land areas, gradual erosion, or any other earth movement except such mudslides (i.e., mudflows) or erosion as is covered under the peril of flood; E. Caused by or resulting from power. heating or cooling failure, unless such failure results from phYSical damage to power> heating orcooling equipment situated on premises where the property covered is located, caused by the peril insured against; F. Caused intentionally by the Insured: G. Which is already in progress as of 12:01 a.m. of the first day of the policy term; H. From a flood which is confined to the premises on which the insured property is located unless the flood is displaced over two acres of the insured premises; 1. Caused by any modification by the Insured to the insured property or the described premises on which the insured property is located which materially increases the risk of flooding; I . To any building or contents located on property leased from the Federal Government. arising from or jncident to the flooding of the property by the Federal Government, where the lease expressly holds the Federal Government harmless, under flood insurance issued under any Federal Government program. from loss arising from or incident to the flooding of the property by the Federal Government. ARTICLE IV-PROPERTY COVERED (Subject to "Property Not Covered" Provisions) A. Building: I, When the insurance under this policy covers a building, such insurance shall include additions and extensions attached thereto; 􀁰􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠manent fixtures, machinery and equipment fonning a part of and pertaining to the service of the building; personal property of the Insured as landlord used for the maintenance or service of the building including fire 􀁥􀁸􀁾􀀠tinguishing apparatus, floor coverings, refrigerating and ventilating equipment, all while within the described building; also, materials and supplies while within an enclosed structure located on the described premises or adjacent thereto. intended for use in construction, alteration or repair of such building or appurtenant private structures on the described premises. 2. When the insurance under this policy covers a building in the course of construction. such insurance shan apply before the building is walled and roofed SUbject to the following conditions: 0) the amount of the deductible for each loss occurrence before the building is walled and roofed is two times the deductible which is sel""ted to apply after the building is walled and roofed: (ii) coverage is provided before the building is walled and roofed only while construction is in progress. or if construction is 􀁨􀁡􀁬􀁴􀁥􀁤􀁾􀀠only for a period of up to 90 continuous days thereafter. until construction is 􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁵􀁭􀁥􀁤􀁾􀀠and (ijj) there is no coverage before the building is waHed and roofed where the lowest floor, including basement floor, of a 􀁮􀁯􀁮􀁾􀁥􀁬􀁥􀁶􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁤􀀠building or the lowest elevated floor of an elevated building IS below the base flood elevation in Zones AH. AE or AI-30 oris below the base flood elevation adjusted to include the effect of wave action in Zones VE or V 1-30. The lowest floor levels are based on the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the floor in Zones VE or V 1-30 and the top of the floor in Zones AH, AE or Al-30. 3. When the insurance under this policy covers a building, the reasonable expenses incurred by the Insured for the purchase of (i) sandbags, including sand to fill them and plastic sheeting and lumber used in connection with them, (ii) fill fortemporary levees, (iii) pumps, and (iv) wood, all for tbe purpose of saving the building due to the imminent danger of a flood loss, are acovered loss in an aggregate amount up to the amount ofthe minimum building deductible. The policy's building deductible amount, as provided fQrherein under "DEDUCTIBLES," shall no! beapplied to this reimbursement, but shaH be applied to any other benefits under the policy's building coverage. For reimbursement under this paragraph 3 to apply. the following conditions must be met: (i) The insured property must be in imminent danger of sustaining flood damage; and (ii) The threat of flood damage must be of such imminence as to lead a person of common prudence to apprehend flood damage; and (iii) A general and temporary condition of flooding in the area must oeM cur. even if the flooding does not reach the insured property. or a legally authorized official must issue an evacuation order or other civil order for the community in which the insured property is located calling for measures to preserve life and property from the peril of flood. B. Contents: When the insurance under this policy covers contents. coverage shall be for either household contents or other than househoJd contents, but nol for both. 1. When the insurance under this policy covers other than household contents, such insurance shall cover merchandise and stock. materials and stock supplies ofevery description, furniture. fixtures. machinery and equipment ofevery descriptIon all owned by the Insured; improvements and betterments (as hereinafter defined) to the building jf the Insured is not the owner of the building and when not otherwise covered; all while within the described enclosed building, Bailees' goods are specifically excluded from coverage under this policy. 2. When the insurance under this policy covers household contents. such insurance shall cover all household and personal property usual or incidental to the occupancy of the premises as a residence-except animals, birds, fish, business property I other property not coyered under the provisions of this po!icYt and any property more specifically covered in whole or in part by other insurance including the peril insured against in this policy; belonging to the Insured or members of the Insured's family of the same household. or for which the Insured may be liable, or, at the option of the Insured, belonging to a servant or guest of the Insured; all while within the described bUilding. The Insured, if not the owner of the described building, may apply up to 10% of the amount of insurance applicable to the household contents covered under this item, not as an additional amount of insurance. to cover I loss to improvements and betterments (as hereinafter defined) to the described building. The Insured. if an individual condominium unit owner in the described building, may apply up to 10% of the amount of insurance on contents covered under this policy, not as an additional amountofinsuranee, to cover loss to the interior walls, floors, and ceilings that are not otherwise covered under a condominium association policy on the described building. The Insurer shall not be liable for loss in anyone occurrence for more than $250 in the aggregate on paintings. etchings, pictures, tapestries. art glass windows and other works of art (such as but not limited to 􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁴􀁵􀁡􀁲􀁹􀁾􀀠marbles, bronzes, rare books. porcelains, rare glass, and bric-a-brac), jewelry. watches, necklaces. bracelets, gems, precious and semi-precious stones. articles of gold, silver, platinum and furs and any article containing fur which represents its principal value. 3. When the insurance under this policy covers improvements and betterments. such insurance shall cover the Insured's used interest in improvements and betterments to the described building. a. The term .,improvements and betterments" wherever used in this policy is defined as fixtures. alterations, installations. or additions comprising a part of the described buiiding and made. or acquired, at the expense of the Insured exclusive of rent paid by the Insured. but which are not legally subject to removal by the Insured. b. The word "lease" wherever used in this policy shaH mean the lease or rental agreement, whether written or oral. in effect as ofthe lime ofloss. c, In the event improvements and betterments are damaged or destroyed during the term of this policy by the peril insured against, the liability of the Insurer shan be determined as follows: (i) Ifrepaired or replaced attheexpenseofthe Insured within a reasonable time after such loss, the actual cash value ofthe damaged or destroyed improvements and betterments. (ii) Ifnot repaired or replaced within a reasonable time time after such loss, that proportion of the original cost at time of installation of the damaged t or destroyed improvements and betterments which the unexpired term of i the lease at the time ofloss bears to the period(s) from the date(s) such 􀁩􀁭􀁾􀀠, provements and betterments were made to the expiration date of the lease, (iii) If repaired or replaced at the expense of others for the use of the Insured. there shall be no liability hereunder. 4. In the case ofcontents owned by the Insured in a condominium building. as a condominium unit owner, as wen as in common with other condominium unit owners, should the amount of insurance collectible under this policy for a loss, when combined with any recovery available to the Insured as a tenant in common under any condominium association flood insurance coverage provided under the Act for the same loss, exceed the statutorily permissible Ilmits ofcontents coverage available under the Act for the 􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠, suring ofrisks ofthe class (residential. non-residential, or small business) ofthe Insured, then the limits of contents coverage under this policy shall be reduced in regard to that foss by the amount of such excess. C. Debris: Removal: This insurance covers expense incurred in the removal ofdebris ofOr on the building or contents covered hereunder. which , may be occasioned by loss caused by the peril insured against in this policy. The total liability under Ihis policy for both loss to property and debris " removal expense shall not exceed the amount of insurance applying under i this policy to the property covered. ARTICLE V-PROPERTY NOT COVERED This poUcy sbaU not cover: A. Accounts. bins, currency. deeds, evidences of debt. money. coins, medals, postage stamps. securities, bulJion, manuscripts, or other valuable papers or records, , B. A building, and its contents, located entirely in. on, or over water or seaward of mean high tide, if the building was newly constructed or I substantially improved on or after October I. 1982, , C. F:ences. retaining walls. walls. seawalls, swimming pools, bulkheads, wharves, piers, bridges, docks; other open structures located on or over : water, including boathouses or other similar structures or buildings into which boats are floated; or personal property in the open, D, Land 􀁶􀁡􀀱􀁵􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠lawn, trees, shrubs or plants, growing crops. or livestock; underground structures and equipment including wells, septic tanks or septic systems; those portions ofwalks, walkways. driveways, patios. and other surfaces, all ofwhateverkind ofconstruction. located outside the perimeter. exterior walls of the insured building. E, Aircraft. any self-propelled vehicle or machine and motOr vehicles (other than motorized equipment pertaining to the service of the premises. operated principally on the premises of the Insured. and not licensed for highway use) including their parts and equipment. trailers on wheels and other recreational vehicles whether affixed to a permanent foundation Or on wheels; watercraft including their furnishings and equipment. F. Enclosures, contents. machinery. building components. equipment and fixtures located at an elevation lower than the lowest elevated floor of an elevated Post-FIRM building (except for lhe required utility conneclions and the footing. foundation, posts, pilings, piers or other foundation walls and anchorage system as required for the support oftheclevated PostFIRM building), including a manufactured (i.e., mobile) home; finisbed basement walls. floors, ceilings and other improvements toa basement having its floor subgrade on all sides (except for drywalls and sheetrock walls and ceilings. whether finished or unfinished. all only to the extent of replacing them with unfinished [i.e .• nailed to framing but not taped or otherwise finished with paint or other covering] drywall or sheetrock ceilings or walls. and except for fiberglass insulation) and contents. machinery. buHding equipment and fixtures in such basement areas; except that, as to this subparagraph(F), coverage is provided in basement areas and in areas below the lowest elevated floor ofan elevated Post-FIRM boilding for sump pumps, well-water tanks. well-water tank pumps, oil tanles and the oil in them, cisterns and the water in them, natural gas tanks and the gas inthem. pumps andlor tanks used in conjunction with solar energy systems. furnaces, hot water heaters. clothes washers and. dryers, food. freezers and the food in them. air conditioners. heat pumps and e1ectrical junction and circuit breaker boxes; and coverage is also provided in basement areas and in areas below the lowest elevated floor of an elevated Post-FIRM building for stairways and staircases attached to the building which are not separated from the building by elevated walkways and for elevators and relevant equipment. except for such relevant equipment located below the base flood elevation if such relevant equipment was installed on or after October I, 1987. G. Buildings and their contents, including machinery and equipment. which are part of the building, where more than 49 percent of the actual cash value of such buildings is below ground, unless the lowest level is at or above the base flood elevation (in the Regular Program) or the 􀁡􀁤􀁪􀁡􀁾􀀠cent ground level (in the Emergency Program) by reason of earth having been used as an insulation material in conjunction with energy efficient building tcchniques. H. A manufactured (i.e., mobile) home located or placed within aFEMA designated Special Flood Hazard Area that is not anchored to a permanent foundation to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement (i) by overthe-top or frame ties to ground anchors or (ii) in accordance with manufacturer's specifications or (iii) in compliance with the community's flood plain management requirements. unless it is a manufactured (i.e., mobile) home on a permanent foundation continuously insured by the National Flood Insurance Program at the same site at least Since September 30, 1982. 1. Units which are primarily containers, rather than buildings (such as gas and liquid tanks, chemical or reactor container tanks or enclosures. brick kilns, and similar units) and their contents. (Silos and grain storage buildings, including their contents, may be insured even though they may be of container-type construction.) J. A building. and its contents, newly constructed or substantially 􀁩􀁭􀁾􀀠proved on or after October J. 1983 in an area designated as an undeveloped coastal barrier. within the Coastal Barrier Resources System established by the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (pub. L. 97-348). ARTICLE VI-DEDUCTffiLES A. With respect to loss to the building and debris removal covered hereunder, Insurer shall be liable for only that portion of the loss in any one occurrence which is in excess of $500.00. B, With respect to loss to contents and debris removal expenses covered hereundert the Insurer shaH be Hable for only that portion of the loss in anyone occurrence which is in excess 0"$500.00. C. In lieu ofthe $500.00deductible, the amount ofthe deductible in "A" and "B", above. shall be the higher amount selected. as an option, by the Insured when applying for the insurance or when raising the deductible by endorsement, ARTICLE Vll-GENERAL CONDmONS AND PROVISIONS A. Patr and Set Clause: If there is.. loss of an article which is part of a pair or set. the measure ofIoss shall be a reasonable and fair proportion of the total value of the pair or set, giving consideration to the importance of said article, but such loss shall not be construed to mean total loss of the pair or set. B. Concealment, Fraud: This entire policy shall be void and no renewal nor new flood insurance coverage can be issued to the Insured if, whether before or after the loss, the Insured has willfully eoncealed or misrepresented. any material faet or eircumstanee coneerning this insurance or the subject thereof, or the interest of the Insured therein, or in case of any fraud or false swearing by the Insured relating thereto (see "E", below), In addition. this entire poJiey shall be void if the Insured has willfully coneealed or misrepresented any faet, on a «Reeertifleation Questionnaire." which eauses the Insurer to issue a policy to the Insured basedon a premium amount whieh is less than the premium amount which would have been payable by the lnsured if it were not for the misrepresentation of faet (See HI". below). C. Other Insurance: The Insurer shall not be liable for a greater 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁾􀀠portion of any loss. Jess the amount of deductible, from the peril of flood than the amount of insurance under this poliey bears to the whole amount offlood insuranee (exeluding therefrom any amount of' 'excess insurance" as hereinafter defined) eovering the property. or which would have covered the property except for the existence ofthis insurance, whether colleetible or not. In other words, if the Insured obtains additional flood insurance to eover the structure insured by this policy beyond that obtained under the authority of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended. then the Insured must acquire the maximum amount of available flood insuranee under said Act in order to avoid the imposition of proration as described in the preceding sentence. In the event that the whole amount of flood insurance (excluding therefrom any amount of' 'excess insurance" as hereinafter defined) covering the property exceeds the maximum amounr ofinsurance permitted under the proviR slons ofthe National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, or any acts amendatory thereof. it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurance under this policy shall be limited to a proportionate share of the maximum amount of insurance permitted on such property under said Act, and that a refund of any extra premium paid, computed on a pro rata basis, shall be made by the Insurer upon request in writing submitted not later than 2 years after the expiration of the policy term during which such extra amount of insurance was in effect. "Excess insurance" as used herein shall be held to mean insurance of such part of the actual cash value ofthc property as is in exccss of the maximum amount of insurance pennitted under said Act with respect to such property. D. Added and Waiver Provisions: The extent of the application of insurance under this policy and of the contribution to be made by the Insurer in case of loss, and any other provision or agreement not inconsistent with the provisions ofthis policy, may be provided for in writing added hereto, but no provision may be waived except such as by the tenus of this policy is subject to change. Nopennission affecting this insurance shall exist. or waiver of any provision be valid. unless granted herein or expressed in writing added hereto, No provision, stipulation or forfeiture shall be held to be waived by any requirement or proceeding on the part of the Insurer relating to appraisal or to any examination provided for herein. E. Voidance, Reduction or Reformation of the Coverage: 1. Voidance: This policy will be void and of no legal force and effect in the event that anyone of the following conditions occurs: a. The property listed on the appIleation is not eligible for coverage, in which case the policy is void from its 􀁩􀁮􀁣􀁥􀁰􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠b. The community in which the property is located was not participating in the National Flood Insurance Program on the policy's inception date and did not qualify as a participating community during the policy's tcnn and before the occurrence ofany loss for which the Insured may receive compensation under the policy, in which case the policy is void from its inception; e. If, during the tenu afthe policy. the participation in the National Flood Insurance Program of the community in which the Insured's property is located ceases, in which case the poBcy shaH be deemed void effective at the end of the last day of the policy year in which such cessation occurred and shall not be renewed; in theevcnt the voided policy included three poliCy years in a contract term of three years, the Insured shan be entitled to a pro-rata refund ofany premium applicable to the remainder ofthe policy's term after voidance of the policy; d. The Insured or the Insured's agent has (i) sworn falsely or Oi) fraudulently or willfully concealed or misrepresented any material fact (including facls relevant to [he rating of this policy) in the application for coverage, or upon any renewal ofcoverage. or in connection with the submission of any claim brought under the policy> in which case this entire policy shaH be void as of the date the wrongful act was committed and eQverage prior to the date of the wrongful aet shall not be affecred, provided, refunds ofpremiums, ifany. shall be subject to offsets for the Insurer's administrative expenses (including the payment of agent's eommissions through prior poliey years. if any) in conneetjon with the issuanee of the policy; e. The premium submitted is less than the minimum premium set forth in 44 CPR 61.10 in conneetion with any application for a new policy or poUey renewal, in which ease the policy is void from its ineeption. 2. Reduction of Coverage Limits or Reformation: In the event that the premium payment reeeived by the Insurer is not suffieient to purchase the amounts of building eoverage and contents (personal property) eoverage requested or in the event a raring error has been innocently made by the Insured or the agent on the applieation, renewal. endorsement or other form (whether evident or not) resulting in insufficient premium being reeeived by the Insurer for the purchase ofthe amountsofeoverage requested, then: (i) If the insuffieient premium or other rating error is discovered by the Insurer prior to a loss under the policy, the policy shall be deemed to provide only such ooveragc as ean be purchased fortl1eenlire term ofthe poliey, with the amount ofpremium received; provided, the Insured may increase any reduced eoverage(s) at any time by payment of the correet premium fur the additional limits ofcoverage requested and any such correct premium received by the Insurer prior to any Joss under the policy shall result in coverage being provided for the Joss up to the additional amount of coverage requested by the Insured; the application ofthe insufficient premium received 10 the provision of flood insurance coverage shall be made as follows: a. In the event that only one kind ofcoverage (building coverage or 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠tents coverage) has been requested, the Insured shall receive the limits of of thaI kind of coverage which ean be purchased for the amount ofpremium received. less the expense constant; b. In the event that both building coverage and contents ooverage have been requested, the Insurer shall determine the percentage ratio that each kind of insurance bears to the total amount of coverage requested. apportion the total premium received by the percentage ratio for each kind of coverage, and the Insured shall receive, as to each kind of coverage requested, the amount ofcoverage which can be purchased by the premium amount as apportioned for each kind ofcoverage; where both building and contents coverage are requested and a coverage's proportion ofthe premium paid is more than sufficient to obtain the amount of insurance requested for that coverage, any excess of that proportion of the total premium will be applied to obtain an additional amount ofthe other kind ofcoverage until the amount of insurance requested for the other coverage is obtained; (ii) Ifthe insufficient premium or other rating error is discovered by the Insurer at the time of a loss under the policy. the policy shall be deemed to provide coverage pursuant to the provjsions of (i)t above. urness: a. The Insured or the Insured's agent has sworn falsely or fraUdulently or willfully concealed or misrepresented any maledaJ fact (incIuding facts relevant to the rating ofthis policy) in the application for coverage. or upon any renewal ofcoverage, or in connection with the submission ofany claim brought under this policy. in which case this entire policy shall be void as of the date the wrongful act was committed and coverage prior to the date ofthe wrongful act shall not be affected; provided, refunds ofpremiums, if any, shall be subject to offsets for the Insurer's administrative cxpenses (including the payment ofagent's commissions through prior policy years, if any) in connection with the issuance of the poliey, or b. Provided (li) a. above, does not apply, the Insured remits and the Insurer receives the additional premium required to purchase (for the 􀁣􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠rent poliey renn and the previous policy tenn, jf then insured) the limits ofcoverage for each k.ind of coverage as was initially requested by the Insured within thirty (30) days: from the date the Insurer gives the Insured written notice of additional premium due, in which case the policy shaH be reformed, from its inception date. to provide flood insurance ooverage to the Insured in the amount(s) of coveragc initially requested. Silence or other failure to remit the additional premium required or non-receipt of such premium by the Insurerwirhin thirty (30) days from the date of notice of prcmium due shall be deemed to be refusal to pay the additional premium due and any subsequent payment of [he additional premium due shan not reform the policy from its inception date but shall onIy add the additional I amounts of coverage to the policy for the remainder of its renn. pursuant to 44 CFR 61.11, with any excess of premium paid being returned to the Insured. Provided, however. under this subsection "b" as to any mortgagee (or trustee) named in the policy, the Insurer shall give a nOlice of 􀁡􀁤􀁤􀁪􀁾􀀠tional premium due and the right of refonnation shall continue in force for the benefit only of the mortgagee (ortrustee), up to the amount of the insured indebtedness, for thirty (30) days after written notice to the mortgagee (or trustee); provided, further, the Insurer is under no obligation to send the Insured any written notice of additional premium due or notice of premium due under this subsection. F, Conditions, Suspending or Restricting Insurance: Unless otherwise provided in writing added hereto, the Insurer shall not be liable for loss occurring while the hazard is increased by any means within the control or knowledge of the Insured, provrdedj however, this insurance shaH not be prejudiced by any act or neglect of any person (other than the Insured), when such act or neglect is not within the control of the Insured. G. Alterations and Repairs: The Insured may, at the Insured's own expense, make alterations, additions and repairs, and compJete structures in course of construction. H, Property of Others (Servants and Guest Only): Unless otherwise provided in writing added hereto. Joss to any property of others covered under this policy shall be adjusted with the Insured for the account of the owners ofsaid property, except that the right to adjust such loss with said owners is reserved to the lnsurer. Any such insurance under this policy shall not inure directly or indlrectly to the benefit of any carrier or other bailee for hire, I. Liberalization Clause: If during the period that insurance is in force under this policy or within 45 days prior to the inception date thereof, on behalf of the Insurer there be adopted under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1%8, or any acts amendatory thereof, any furms, furms, eodorsements, rules or regulations by which this policy could be exteoded or broadened, without additional premium charge) by endorsement or substitution offonn then such extended or broadened insurance shan inure to the benefit ofthe Insured hereunder as [hough such endorsement or substitution of fonn had been made. J. Policy Renewal: The term ofthjs policy commences on its inception date and ends on its expiration date. as shown on thc "Declarations Page" which is attached to the policy. The Insurer is under no obligation to send any renewal notice or other notice that the policy term is coming to an end aod tbe receipt of any such notice by the Insured, Mortgagee or Agcnt of the Insured shaH not be deemed to be a waiver ofthis provision on the Insurer's part. The Insurer is under no obligation to assure that policy changes reflected in endorsements submitted by the Insured or Agent during the policy term and accepted by the Insurer are included in any renewal notice or new policy which is sent. "Policy changes" includes the addition of new coverage (e.g .• contents coverage added to a building coverage policy or vice versa) or any increases in the amounts of coverage. This policy shall not be renewed and the coverage provided by it shall not continue into any successive policy term unless the renewal premium payment is reeeived by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) at its office within 30 days of the expiration date ofthis policy, subject to Article VII.E, above, !fthe renewal premium payment is mailed by certified mail to the NFIP prior to the expiration date, it shall be deemed to have been received within the required 30 days, The coverage provided by the renewal policy is in effect for any loss occurring during this 􀀳􀀰􀁾􀁤􀁡􀁹􀀠period even jf the loss occurs before the renewal premium payment is received so long as the renewal premium payment is received within the required 30 days, In all other cases, this policy shall terminate as of the expiration date ofthe last policy term for which the premium payment was timely received at the office ofthc NFIP, and in that event, the Insurer shali not be obligated to provide the Insured with any cancellation, tennination, policy lapse. or policy renewal notice advising the Insured of any such cancellation. termination, policy lapse, or policy renewal; provided, however. with respect to any mortgagee (or trustee) named in the Declaration form attached to this policy, this insurance shall continue in force only for the benefit of such mortgagee (or trustee) for 30 days after written notice to the mortgagee (or trustee) of termination of this policy, and shall then terminate. In connection with the renewal ofthis policy, the Insured will be requested during the pOlicy lenn to recertify. On a Recertification QuestJonnaire 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁾􀀠vided by the Insurer, the rating infoTTliation used to rate the most recent application for or renewaJ of insurance, Notwithstanding the above mentioned responsibility of the InsUred to submit the appropriate renewal premium in sufficient time to permit its receipt by the NFIP prior to the expiration of the policy being renewed, the Insurer has established a business procedure for mailing renewal notices to assist Insureds in meeting their responsibility. Regarding the Insurer's business procedure, evidenee of the placing of any such notices into the U.S. Postal Service. addressed to the Insured at the address appearing on the Insured's most recent application or other appropriate fonn (received by tbe NFIP prior to the mailing ofthe renewal notice by the Insurer), does, in all respects, for purposes ofthe NFlPpresumptively establish delivery to the Insured for all purposes irrespective ofwbether the Insured actually received the notice. However; in the event that the Insurer detennines that. through any circumstances. any renewal notice was not placed into the U.S. Postal Service. or, ifplaced, was prepared or addressed in a manner which the Insurer determines could preclUde the likelihood of it being actually and timely received by the Insured prior to the due date for the renewal premium the following procedures shaH be followed: In the event that the Insured or his agent notifies the Insurer. not later than one year after the date on which the payment of the renewal was due, of a non-receipt of a renewal notice prior to the due date for the renewal premium. which the Insurer determines was attributable to the above 􀁣􀁩􀁲􀁾􀀠cumstances, the Insurer shall mail a second bill providing a revised due date, which shall be thirty days after the date on which the bill is mailed. If the renewal payment is received by such revised due date. the poliey shaH be renewed as of the date on which the prior policy would have 􀁥􀁸􀁾􀀠pired. If the renewal payment requested by reasOn of the second bill is not received by the revised due date, no renewal shall occur and the policy shall remain an expired policy as ofth€: expiration date prescribed On the pOlicy. K. Cancellation of Policy By Insured: 1, The Insured can cancel this policy at anytime but a refund of premium will be made only when: a. The Insured cancels because the Insured has transferred ownership ofthe insured property to someone else. In this case. the Insurer will refund to the Insured, once the Insurer receives the Insured's written request for cancellation (signed by the Insured) the excess of premiums paid by the Insured which apply to the unused portion ofthepolicy's term, pro rafa but with retention of the expense constant. b. The Insured cancels because it has been determined that the insured property is not. in fact. in a special flood hazard area; and the Insured was required to purchase flood insurance coverage by a private lender or Federal agency pursuant to Pub. L 93-234. section 􀁉􀀰􀀲􀁾􀀠and the lender or Federal agency no longer requires the retention by the Insured of the coverage. In this event, ifno claims have been paid or arc pending. the premium payments will be refunded to the Insured in full, according to applicable regulations. c, The Insured cancels a policy having a tenn of three (3) years, on an anniversary date, and the reason for the cancellation is: (i) A policy offlood insurance has been obtained or is being obtained in substitution for this policy and the Insurer has received a written concurrence in the canceJIation from any mortgagee of which the Insurer has actual notice, or (ii) the Insured has extinguished the insured mortgage debt and is no longer required by the mortgagee to maintain the coverage. Refund of any premium uoder this subparagraph "e" shall be pro rata but with retention of the expense constant. L. Loss Clause: Payment ofany loss under this policy shall not reduce the amount of insurance applicable to any other loss during the policy renn which arises out of a separate occurrence of the peril insured against hereunder; provided, that al110ss arising out ofa continuous or protracted occurrence shall be deemed to constitute loss arising out of a single occurrence. M. Mortgage Clause: (Applicable to building coverage only and effective effective only when policy is made payable to a mortgagee (or trustee) named in the application and declarations form attached to this policy or of whom the Insurer has actual notice prior to the payment of Joss proceeds under this policy), Loss, ifany, uoder tbis policy, shall be payable to the afuresaid as mortgagee (or trustee) as interest may appear under all present or future mortgages upon the property described in which the aforesaid may have an interest as mortgagee (ortfUstee), in order ofprecedence ofsaid mortgages. aod this insurance, as to tbe interest of the mortgagee (or trustee) only therein, shaU not be invalidated by any act or neglect of thc mortgagor or owner of the described property. nor by any foreclosure or other proceedings or notice of sale relating to the property, nor by any change in the title Or ownership of the proporty, nor by the occupation of the premiscs for purposes more hazardous than are permitted by this policy; provided. that in case the mortgagor or owner shall neglect to pay any premium due under this policy, the mortgagee (or trustee) shall, on demand, pay the same. Provided, also, that the mortgagee (or trustee) shall notify the Insurer ofany change ofownership or occupancy or increase ofhazard which shall come to the knowledge ofsaid mortgagee (or trustee) and, unless permitted by this policy, it shaH be noted thereon and the mortgagee (or trustee) shall. on demand, pay the premium for such increased hazard for the term of the use thereofj otherwise this policy shall be nuH and void. If this policy is cancelled by the Insurer, it shaH continue in force for the benefitoruy ofthe mortgagee (or trustee) for 30days after written notice to the mortgagee (or trustee) ofsueh cancellation and shall then cease. and the Insurer shall have the right, on like notice, to cancel this agreement. Whenever the Insurer shan pay the mortgagee (or trustee) any sum for loss under this policy and shall claim that. as to the mortgagor or owner. no liability therefor existed, the Insurer shall, to the extent of such payment. be thereupon legally subrogated to all the rights ofthe party to whom such payment shan be made, under all securities held as collateral to the mortgage debt, or may. at its option, pay to the mortgagee (or trustee) the whole principal due or to grow due onthe mortgage with interest, and shall thereupon receive a full assignment and transfer of the mortgage and of a11 such other securities. but no subrogation shall impair the right of the mortgagee (or trustee) to recover the full amount of said mortgagee's (or trustee's) claim. N. Mortgagee Obligations: Ifthe Insured f.ils to render proof of loss. the named mortgagee (or trustee), upon notice. shall render proof of loss in the form herein specified within 60 days thereafter and shall be subject to the provisions of this policy relating to appraisal and time of payment and of bringing suit. O. Loss Payable Clause (Applicable to tontents items only): Loss, if any, shall be adjusted with the Insured and shall be payable to the Insured and foss payee as their interests may appear. P. Requirements in Case ofLoss: TheInsured shall give written notice, as soon as practicable, to the Insurer of any loss, forthwith separate the damaged and undamaged property and put it in the best possible order. Within 6Q days after (he loss, unless such time is extended in writing by the Insurer, the Insured shall render to the Insurer a proof of loss. signed and sworn to by the Insured. stating the knowledge and belief of the Insured as to the following: The time and origin of the loss. the interest of the Insured and ofall others in the property, actual cash value ofeaeh item thereofand the amount ofloss thereto, alI encumbrances thercon, all other contracts of insurance. whether valid or not. covering any of said property. any changes in the title. use, occupation, location, possession or exposures ofsaid property since the issuing of this policy. by whom and for what purpose any building herein described and the several parts thereof were occupied at the time oCloss. The Insured, at the option ofthe Insurer. may be required to furnish acomplete inventory of the destroyed, damaged and undamaged property, showing in detail quantities. costs. actual cash value and amount oflass claimed, and verified plans and specifications of any 􀁢􀁵􀁪􀁬􀁤􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁾􀀠fixtures or machinery destroyed or damaged. The Insured. as often as may be reasonably 􀁲􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁲􀁥􀁤􀁾􀀠shall ex.hibit to any person designated by the Insurer all that remains of any property herein described, and submit to examinations under oath by any person named by the Insurer. and subscribe the same. and. as often as may be reasonably required, shall produce for examination all books ofaccount, bills, inVOfee5 and other vouchers, or certified copies thereof iforiginals be lost. at sueh reasonable time and place as may be designated by the Insurer or its representative. and shaH permit extracts and copies thereof to be made. The Insurer may. at its option, waive the requirement for the compietion and filing of a Proof of Loss in certain cases. in which event the Insured will be required to sign and. at the Insurer's option, swear to an adjuster's report ofthe loss which includes information about the loss and the damages needed by the Insurer before the loss can be adjusted. Any false statements made in the courseofpresentment ofa claim under this policy may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under the applicable Federal Jaws. Q. Appraisal: In case the Insured and the Insurer shall fail to agree as to the actual cash value elf the amount ofloss. then. on the written demand ofeither, each shall select a competent and disinterested appraiser and notify the oilier ofthe appraiser selected within 20 days ofsuch demand. The appraisers shall first select a competent and disinterested umpire; and failing for 15 days to agree upon such umpire. then, on request of the Insured or the Insurer. such umpire shall be selected by a judge of a court of record in the State in which the insured property is located. The appraisers shall then appraise the loss, stating separately actual cash value and loss to each 􀁩􀁴􀁥􀁭􀁾􀀠and, failing to agree, shall submit their differences. only, to the 􀁵􀁭􀁾􀀠pire. An award in writing, so itemiZed, ofany two when filed with thcInsurer shaH determine the amount of actual cash value and loss. Each appraiser shaH be paid by the party selecting him and the expenses ofappraisal and umpire shall be paid by the parties equally. R. Options: It shall be optional with the Insurer Lo take all, or any part, ofthe property at the agreed or appraised value, and also to repair, rebuild or replace the property destroyed or damaged with other of like kind and quality within a reasonable time, on giving notice of its intention so to do within 30 days after lhe receipt of [he proof of loss herein required. S. Abandonment: There shall be no abandonmenl to the Insurer ofany property. However, the Insurer may permit the Insured to keep damaged, insured property ("salvage") after a loss and reduce the amount of the loss proceeds payable to the Insured under the policy by the value ofthe salvage. T. When Loss Payable: Loss is payable within 60days after the Insured files the proof of loss (or within 90 days after the insurance adjuster files an adjuster's report signed and sworn to by the Insured in Heu of a proof ofloss) and ascertainment ofthe loss is made either by agreement between the Insurcr and the Insured, expressed in writing, or by the filing with the Insurer of an award as provided in paragraph "Q", above, Ifthe Insurer 􀁲􀁥􀁪􀁥􀁣􀁌􀁾􀀠the Insured's proof of loss in whole or in part, the Insured may accept such denial of the claim, or exercise the Insured's rights under Ihis poHcy, or file an amended proofofloss as long as it is tJled wilhin60days of the dale ofthe loss or any extension oftime allowed by [he Administrator" U. Action Against the Insurer: No suit or action On this policy for the recovery of any claim shall be sustainable in any coun of law or equity unless all the requirements of this policy shall have been complied with. and unless commenced within 12 months ncxt aftcr the dale of mailing of notice of disallowance or partial disalJowance of the claim. An action on such claim against the Insurer may be instituted, without regard to the amount in controversy, in the United States District Court for the di:mlct in which the property shall have been situated. V. Subrogation: In the evcnt of any payment under this pollcy. thc Insurer shall be subrogated to aU the Insured's right ofrecovcry therefor against any party. and thc Insurer may require from the Insured an assignment of all rights ofrccovery against any party for loss to the extenllhat paymem therefor is made by thc Insurer. The Insured shall do Ilolhing after ioss lO prejudice such right however, this insurance shall not be invalIdated should the Insured waive in writing prionoa loss any orall right ofrecovery against any party for loss occurring to the described property. W. Continuous Lake Flooding: Where the insured building has been inundated by rising lake waters continuously for 90 days or more and it appears reasonably certain that a continuation of this flooding wiH result in damage, reimbursable undcr this policy, to the insured building equal to or greater than the building policy limits plus thc deductible orthe maximum payable under the policy for anyone building loss, the Insurer will pay the Insured the lcsserofthese two amounts without waiting for the further damage to occur if the Insured signs a release agreeing (i) to make no further claim under this policy. Oi) not to seek renewal of this policy, and (iii) not to apply for any flood insurance under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. as amended, for property at the property location of the insured building. If [he poliCY term ends before the insured building has been flooded continuously for 90 days, the provisions ofthis paragraph W still apply so so long as the first building damage reimbursable under this :. poliCy from the continuous flooding occurred before the end of the policy 􀁾􀀠term, X. DuplicatePolicies Not Allowed: Property may not be insured under more than One policy issued under the Act. When tbc Insurer finds that dupHcate pOlicies are in effect, the lnsurer shall by writtcn nOlice give the Insured the option of Choosing which policy is to remain in effect. If tbe Insured chooses Lo keep in effect the polit:y with the earlier effective d'lte. the Insurer shaH by the samc written notice give the Insured an opportunity to add the coverage limits of the later policy to those of!he earlierpolky.. as of the effective date of the later policy. If the Insured chooses to kcep in effect the policy wiLh the later effective dale, the Insurer !;hall by the· same written notice give the Insured the opportunity to add {hc coverage limits of the earlier policy to those of the later policy, as of thc effective date of the later policy, In either casc, casc, the Insured must pay tbe pro ratH premium for the increased coverage limits within 30 days of the wriHen notice. In no event shall the resulting coverage limits exceed the statutorily installed appliances for beating, cooling. plumbing and electrical purposes. permissible limits ofcoverage under the Act Or the Insured's insurable inw The structural items may be original installations or replacement or 􀁡􀁤􀁤􀁩􀁾􀀠 terest. whichever is less. The Insurer shall make a refund to the Insured, tional items. according to applicable NFIP rules. of the premium for the policy not be3. The building coverage outlined in paragraph 2 above has application ing kept in effect, For porposes of this paragraph X. the tenu "effective only to the extent that the policy's stated limits have not been exhausted date" means the date coverage that has been in effect without any lapse under paragraph l. was first placed in effect. In addition to the provisions of this paragraph 4, The policy deductible relating 10 the building coverage shall be apX for increasing policy limits, the usual procedures for increasing limits plied against the total damage to all of the building's structural elements by mid-term endorsement or at renewal time. with the appropriate waiting and not against the covered Joss, and shaH not be applied separately in the period. are applicable 10 the policy the Insured chooses to keep in effect. case of each unit sustaining damage. 5. The contents coverage of this policy covers damage, subject to the Slated limits. to an contents items owned in common by the association members and contained in the insured building or removed therefrom inENDORSEMENT 1 accordance with the policy's terms. CONDOMINIUM 􀁾􀁓􀁏􀁃􀀱􀁁􀁔􀁉􀁏􀁎ENDORSEMENT 6. The policy deductible relating to contents coverage shaH be applied If the named Insured on this policy is a condominium association, then against the total damage to all contents owned in common by the conat the time of loss by flood the following tenns, subject to all orher 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁩􀁾􀀠dominium association members and contained in the insured buiJding or : sions oflhe policy. will apply: apply: removed therefrom in accordance with the policy's terms and nOl against : I. The building coverage of this policy. subject to the stated limits will the covered loss. i cover damage to ail building items covered under this policy and owned 1. Loss under this endorsement shaIl be adjusted with the condominium , in common by the condominium association members. association and shall be payable to the insurance trustee of record, as : 2. The building coverage of this policy. subject to the stated limits, is designated by the association.i extended to cover damage to all structural items within the individual con8. The Insurer shan not be liable for any loss or any portion of any loss , dominium units, including walls, floors, ceilings. and their related coverfor which payment is made under any insurance in the name of any con! ings. such as paint, paper, paneling, carpeting? and tile. Also covered are dominium unit owner, i.e., any member ofthe condominium association. i i IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Insurer has executed and attested these presents, i 􀀭􀀶􀀿􀁦􀀻􀀻􀁾􀁊􀁴􀁚􀀣􀁾􀁾􀀯C, M. "BUD" SCHAUERTB 􀁁􀁤􀁭􀁩􀁮􀁩􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁯􀁲􀁾􀀠Federallnsurance Administration PROCEDURES IN CASE OF A FLOOD For the protection ofyou and your family. the foUowing tips are suggested as guidelines by the National Flood Insurance Program. Ifyou are , ever in doubt as 10 what action is needed. consull your insurance agent or ",nthe NFIP toll-free at 1-800-638-6620 or on the TDD line 1-800-447-9487,I Know your agenCs name and phone number. List them here for fast reference: ,,Agent _____________________ Phone Number _____________________ • Please notify your insurance agent as soon as possible after the flood; • Remind your agent to assign the claim to an approved NFIP claims adjuster; • Detennine the independent claims adjuster assigned to yourdaim and contact him ifyou have not been contacted within 24 hours after you reported the claim to your insurance agent; the NFIP pays for the services of the independent claims adjuster assigned to your claim. • As soon as possible separate the damaged property from undamaged property and store all property so it can be inspected and evaluated; • Discuss with the adjuster any need you may have for an advance or partial payment of your loss; • In order to help the cJaims adjuster, try to take pictures of the outside of the premises showing the flooding and the damage and similar pictures of the inside of the premises showing the height of the water and the damaged property; • Place an hooks, records, receipts and any other loss verification material in a safe place for examination and evaluation by the claims adjuster: • Work cooperatively and promptly with the claims adjuster to detennine and document all claim items; be prepared to advise the claims adjuster of the cause and responsible party(ies). if flood was caused by other than natural cause; • Make certain the claims adjuster fully explains aU allowances and procedures for processing claim payments. based on your Proof ofLoss, which the policy requires you 10 send us within 60 days of the loss; and • Any and all coverage problems and claim allowance restrictions must be communicated directly from the NFIP-claims adjusters have no authority to approve or deny claims and only report to the NFlP on the elements of flood cause and damage. FEMA Fonn No. 81-33 (12f,lO) S93-9054A (12190) FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Answers to Questions About The National Flood Insurance ProgramFIA-2/March 1992 .,: Graphic design based on the Japanese print, The Great Wave Off Kanagawa, by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), Asiatic collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. e .. C'a en ..CI CI.. -C CI till ... .-CD c.:I C C'atill CD = =-till0=CI C-CI.c"CI-CCCl till CI... CD u.. till== C'aC .-CCC CI C'a -:z: CD .t: I>c.;> :2 UJ 􀁾􀀠f-Z UJ ::il: LU 􀁾􀀠:2 c.;> z LU (!lc: LU ::il: LU ...J '''''' .., ...., 􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀮􀁾􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀠􀀢􀁾􀀮􀀬􀀬􀀮􀀠lONt 􀀱􀁜􀁴􀀼􀁾􀀢􀁾􀀱􀀱􀀰􀁾􀀠,.W"' 􀀢􀀢􀀢􀁾􀀠'"""'" "".., """'_"'" t'.., d ",,'. 􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀮􀁾􀀠••" ,,,...􀁾􀀬􀀧􀀠􀁾􀁯� �.'."... ' ... ,,,, """'" 􀀢􀀢􀀮􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀬􀀠"'" '0""' , ..... ,.". 􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀠, ,.,' ",," ' , ...' ... ""'" ,,' ,_•••"""", .......... 􀁾􀀬􀀢􀀢􀀧••".,.,.,,,". ON "'.. 􀁾􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠..," h' 􀀬􀁾.. 􀀬􀁾􀀠.."",,. ,,_.....",., ......􀀬􀁾􀀬􀀠.,,,,m ,...,. ", ... ",,' '''' "".J " •• 􀁾􀀢􀀬􀁾􀀠", .....,"' M".,....., ...". 􀀢􀀢􀀢􀁾􀀧􀀢􀀠􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀮􀀠􀁾􀁬􀀮􀁾􀁬􀀢􀀠•. 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""..􀀢􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀠I 􀁾􀀬􀀬􀀢􀀢􀀧􀀠"LI' 􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀭􀁾􀀠􀁽􀁾􀀮􀀢􀀧􀁾􀀭? {}. 1!iD1X Figure Key Elements of a County 11U1t/Mil" I I 1/I -I , 􀁾􀀠GUII:lE TO FLOOO INSORANCE RATE MAPS 25 Oates In the listing of Communities that appears on the FIRM Index (see "Key Elements of the FIRM Index;' Item el. 30. Map ReposilOlJ Address (Newer Z·fdd FIRMs Only) The offiCial community repository in which reference copies of the FIRM and FIS report are stored and made available for community residents and other intel1!sted parties to review. 31. Inilial Identification Date (lioncountywide FIRMs OnlJ) The date on which the flood hazards within the mapped community were first identified (usually the date that the first FHBM for the community became effective). 32. FHBM Revisions Chronologr (NonCDIIntywide FIRMs OnIJl Lists the effective dates of revised versions of the FHBM, if any. 33. Alpha-numeric Grid (Newer Z.fold FIRMs 0n1Jl Basis of coordinate system established for the Flood Prone Street Index (see "Key Elements of the FIRM Index;' Item N). USING THE FIRM 10 DETERMINE THE ZONE DESIGNATION AND BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FOR A SPECIFIC PROPERTY The main purpose of the FIRM is to provide the information needed by insurance 􀁡􀁧􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁾􀀠lending institutions, community oHicials, and private citizens to datermine• whether aspecific property is within the SFHA (or floodway, where shown), • the flood insurance zone designation that applies to the property, and • the BFE at the property. The following example illustrates astepby-step procedure by which map users can establish the location of a property on the FIRM and make the necessary determinations. Figure 8 3 Body of Map wide Z-Fold FIRM Index 􀁉􀁾􀀭11f-.I" II'"'I ", I . " 􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀻􀀻􀁻􀀧􀁾I I 􀁾􀀠􀁉􀀭􀁯􀁾􀁟􀀠__ '3 I "I "I tEGtNO uUm<'HI' 􀁣􀁴􀀾􀀢􀀬􀀬􀁾􀀮􀀡􀁍􀀧􀀱􀁕􀀠0􀀢􀀧􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀢􀀠􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠'''''' ',c< 􀁾􀁏􀀮􀀮􀀠""',.. 􀁾􀀠"" "...,. 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'"....􀁾􀀬􀀠, KEY ELEMENTS OF THE FIRM PANEL AFIRM may consist of one or more 􀁰􀁡􀁮􀁥􀁬􀁾􀀠The number of panels depends on the size of the mapped community and the scale at which the FIRM is prepared. Each panel depicts the flood hazards within the portion of the community covered by that panel. Each panel includes atitle box that contains the name of the community, the map panel number, and other information. Each Z-Fold FIRM panel also includes a legend that provides information about the map. Figures 4through 8 illustrate the following key elements of Flat FI RM panels and Hold FIRM panels. I. Community Name Identifies the mapped community, the community type (e.g., town, city, county), and the county and state in which the community is situated. When the mapped community is acounty, the words "Unincorporated Areas" appear below the county name, indicating that the incorporated communities within the county are not covered. On countywide FIRMs, the words "And Incorporated Areas" appear as part of the community name, indicating that the entire geographic area of the county is covered, including the incorporated communities within the county. 2. Community Number Six-digit NFl Pcommunity identification number lor the mapped community. 3, Panel Number Identifies the panel. On Flat FIRMs, the panel number matches a panel number shown on the Index (see "Key Elements of the FIRM Index;' Item Pl. On non-countywide Z-Fold FIRMs, the panel number also appears in lour-digit form as the last part of the community· panel number (see Item 4). On countywide Z·Fold FIRMs, the panel number also appears in four-digit form as the last part of the map number (see Item 5)_ 4. Community-Panel Number (Il00countywide Z.fold FiRMs Only) Corresponds to acommunity.panel number shown on the fiRM Index and identifies the panel (see "Key Elements 01 the FIRM Index;' Item Pl. The community-panel number may be followed by a letter suffix, which is increased alphabetically each time the panel is revised. 5. Map Number (Countywide FIRrM Onlyl Corresponds to amap number shown on the FIRM Index and identifies the panel (see "Key Elements of the FIRM Index;' Item P). The map number shown on each panel is composed of the same state code, county code, and letter "en that appear in the title box 01 the Index, but includes the appropriate four-digit panel number instead of the four zeros shown in the Index title box (see "Key Elements 01 the FIRM Index;' Item G). The map number may be followed by a letter suffix, which is increased alphabetically each time the panel is revised. Figure 7 ,." --Panel Legend • _ LEGENDLEGEND 􀀮􀀢􀀼􀀢􀁾􀁮􀀮􀀢􀀢􀀢􀁈􀁁􀁕􀀮 􀀢􀁵􀀢􀀧􀁊􀁩􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀢􀁍􀂫􀁮.. 􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀬􀀮􀀨􀁾􀁾􀀠􀁲􀁵􀀬􀀮􀀬􀁾􀀠_ 􀁾􀀡􀁾􀀺􀀡􀀺􀂣􀁾􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀮􀁾􀁭􀀠􀀮􀀭􀁾􀀠,............._-;""'N. ... _____ --_ ..... ..----,,.._-_.,.""..... ".."....... 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Corporate Limit Of County Boundary Line Identifies the juriidictionallimits (within which the mapped community has regularory authority om dli!/elopment) of the portion of the community that that appears on the panel. (Portions of more than one mapped community may appear on acounl:jwide FIRM panel.) In some states, an incorporated community may exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) over land use in areas beyond its corporate limns. Where appropriate, ETJ limits are shown and labeled on FIRM panels. S. North Arrow Orients the map and helps map users determine property locations. 9. Map Stale Allows the map user to relate distances measured on the map to actual distances on the ground and thereby determine the locations of individual properties, The scales most commonly used for FIRMs are 1'=500', 1'=1000', and 1'=2000', The scale at which an individual FIRM panel is prepared depends on the type and amount of flooding expected to occur in the portion of the community covered by that panel. Because flooding and development conditions can vary within acommunity, asingle FIRM may include panels prepared at different 􀁳􀁣􀁡􀁬􀁥􀁾􀀠Therefore, the scale shown on apanel applies only to that panel and not to the FI R M as a whole, 10. Effective or Rellised Date The effective date of the FIRM. On Flat FIRM 􀁰􀁡􀁮􀁥􀁬􀁾􀀠the date appears below the words "Effective Date" or "Revised:' On Udd FIRM panels, tbe date appears below the words "Effective Date:" or "Map Revised:". When revisions are made to aFlat FI RM, the entire FIRM is reprinted, regardless of the numher of panels it comprises or the extent of the revision. Arevision III one panel necessitates reprinting the entire FIRM. Therefure, "Revised" on aFlat FIRM panel means that the FIRM has been revised and reprinted at least once. When revisions are made to a Z-Fold FIRM. only those panels affected by the revision are reprinted, Therefore, "Map Revised" appears only on those panels that have been revised and reprinted• When one or more panels of aZ-Fold FIRM are revised, the FIRM Index is revised to show the new suffix for each of those panels (see "Key Elements of the FIRM Index:' Item Pl. Refer to the FIRM revisions chronology in the panel legend for alist of any revisions made III the FIRM (see Item 25). 11. Zone Label Identifies the flood insurance zone designation for aspecific area of the mapped community, 12. flood Hazard Area Designation Dark and light tints that identify areas of greater and lesser flood hazard, respectively, On Flat FIRMs and older Z· Fold FIRMs, the dark-tinted areas are designated as Zone A, AD, AH, Al·A30, A99, V, or VI-V30; light-tinted areas are 16 GUIDE TO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS designated as Zone B; and areas where no tints are shown are designated as Zone Cor Zone D. On newer Hold FIRMs, the dark·tinted areas are designated as Zone A, AE, AH, AO, A99, V, or VE; light·tinted areas are designated as Zone X; and areas where no tints are shown are designated as Zone Xor Zone D. 13. RoodwaJ Designation (Newer Hold RRMs Only) Identifies floodway areas. The floodway is Ihe channel of a river or other watercourse plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be kept free of encroachments so that the 10lJ.year flood discharge can be conveyed without increasing the elevation of the 100'year flood more than aspecified amount. 14. Stream Une Identifies the location of awatercourse. Small streams are usually shown by a single line that represents the approx· imate location of the stream centerline. larger streams are often shown by a double line that represents the approximate location of the streambanks. 15. BFE Une and BFE Label Indicate the waler·surface elevation of the bese flood referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD)-or another datum, if specifiedwithin SFHAs. The wavy BFE line is used in areas where the BFE varies, such as riverine floodplains. The BFE label, or tag, appears in SFHAs where the BFE is uniform across a large area, such as lacustrine (lake) or coastal floodplains. The BFE is usually expressed in feet but is expressed in meters for some communities. 16. Zone Division Una Divides zones in SFHAs and divides areas with different whole-foot BFEs in coastal SFHAs. 17. Aoodplain Boundaries Shows the limits of the 100·year and 500·year floodplains. 18. floodway BoundalJ (Newer Z·foId fiRMs Only) Shows the limits of the floodway (see Item 13), 19. Elevation Reference Mark (ERM) Identifies apoint where aground elevation has been established by survey. Descriptions of the ERMs. including their elevations (referenced to NGVD), are provided. ERM elevations are usually expressed in feet but are expressed in meters for some communities. Descriptions of the ERMs shown on a Flat FIRM are provided on the last panel of the FIRM. Descriptions of the ERMs shown on older Z·Fold FIRMs are usually provided on the panel on which the ERMs appear. Occasionally, when there is no room to incl ude the descriptions on that panel, they are shown on another panel, and an explanatory note is added to the panel on wh ich the descriptions would have otherwise been shown. 􀁄􀁥􀁾􀀠criptions of the ERMs that appear on newer Hold FIRMs are provided in the separately printed FIS report. 20. River Mile Marker Indicates distance in miles from arefer· ence point on ariver or other major watertQurse. Astandard reference point could be ariver mouth, community corp· orate limit, or a major physical feature, such as a bridge or dam. River miles are established only for selected streams and therefore do not always appear on 􀁆􀁉􀁒􀁍􀁾􀀠5 Z-Fold FIRM Panel Legend (See Figure 7) = 􀁾􀀺􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀠􀀺􀀮􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀮􀀮􀀺􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀠,. 􀀭􀀧􀁾􀀧􀀧􀀧􀀢􀁴􀀼􀀬􀀺􀀮􀀡􀀮􀀢􀀮􀀮􀁾􀀽􀀢􀀧􀀭􀀧􀀺􀀻􀀻􀀧􀀭􀀮􀀺􀀻􀀻􀀺􀀮􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀺􀀺􀀻􀀺􀀢􀀠-€I􀁔􀀻􀀻􀀻􀀭􀂷􀀢􀀡􀁾􀀺􀂷􀀺􀀺􀀺􀀧􀀢􀀠Title Box (See Figure 6) ?,IGOIDE,lQ> F.liQ),QO:JJj$I1JRANQE,R1\"E'MAPS ,.WJ_. Figure Key Elements of a • ". • . {A'?,,:,,;; ", I'I Ii I " 􀁾􀀠Body·of Map (See Figure 8) 21. Coastal Barrier Symbol Identifies undeveloped coastal barriers within the Coastal Barrier Resources System established by Section 4 of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (Pub. L 97-348). As required by the Act, no new flood insurance ccverage may be provided after October 1, 1983, for new Or su bstantially improved structures on any barrier within the Coastal Barrier Resources System. The coastal barrier symbol ap· pears on aFIRM only when the mapped community includes such barriers. 22. Flood Insurance Zooe Designations The zone designations that appear on the FIRM. Each designation indicates the magnitude of the flood hazard within a specific area. On Flat FIRMs and older ZFold 􀁆􀁉􀁒􀁍􀁾􀀠Zones A, AD, AH, AI-A30, A99, V, and VI-V30 identify SFHAs; Zones Band Cidentity areas of lesser flood hazard; and lone 0 identilies areas where the magnitude of the flood hazard has not been determined. pn newer Hold FIRMs, lones A. AE, AH, AD, A99, V, and· VE identity SFHAs; Zone X identifies areas of lesser flood hazard; and Zone 0 identifies areas where the magnitude of the flood hazard has not been determined. 23. Notes to User Provide additional information about the FIRM. 24. First FIRM Effective Date (Noo· countywide FIRMs Only) The date on which aFIRM first became effective for the community. As of that date, the FIRM superseded all previous versions of FEMA flood hazard maps for the mapped community, i.e., FHBMs. On the FIRM effective date, the mapped community (if partiCipating in the NFIP) is converted to the Regular Phase of the NFIP. This date is not necessarily the date of the latest version of the FIRM, however (see Item 25). 25. FIRM Revisions Chronology On Flat FIRMs. lists the elfective dates of revised versions of the FIRM, if any, and briefly describes the reasons for the revisions. On a Z-Fold FIRM panel, lists the elfective dates of revised versions of that panel, if any, and btielly describes the rnasons for the revision. Amore comprehensive revisions chronology may be found in the FIS report. 26. Area·Not-lncluded Label Identifies areas in or adjacent to the mapped community that are not within the jurisdiction of that community and are therefore not mapped. 27. Panel locator Diagram (Newer I-Fold FIRMs Only) Shows the area covered by the panel in relation to the outline of the mapped community. The panellocalor diagram helps map users to find the panel that covers aspecific portion of the community. 28. Cross Section Symbol (Newer Z.foId FIRMs Only) Identifies the locations of floodplain cross sections used in the computation of BFEs. 29. Countywide FIRM Effective Date (Countywide FIRMs Only) The date on which the countywide FIRM tirsl became effective. Individual non· countywide FIRMs may have been in effect for one or more of the communities in the county before the countywide FIRM was published. If S(), the initial FIRM effective dates for each community may be shown as Post-FIRM I» ,a:. I»-..., -:::1:1s::: FEDERAL IOMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY SAMPLEVILLE, USA SAMrtE COUNJ'I' flOOD INSURANCE RAT[ MAP COMMUNITY NUMBER 470081 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines Suspension of Communities fur Non Compliance Problems """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""".""""""""""""""""" ....................... 6 Tool Sheds m: Shacks ............•...................................................•...................... 22 Town Honses ................................................................................ ................... 31 Undivided Interest ofCorulominium Unit Owners ......................................... 30. 31 Univer:sal Residential Appraisal Report Fonn .................................... ............. 20 Value of Land .................................................................................................. 20 Veterans Administration .......................................... ........................................ 11 Walled and Roofed SlIUclUres .........................................................................18 Write yourOwnProgram ............................. ................................................... 25 Zones, Flood Zones fur Mapping and Rating Pwposes ................................... 7 Harold T. Duryee Federal Insurance Administrator July 13, 1989 Date Billing Code 6718-01 "U,S. Goverl'lmenl Prlnling-Office: 1992 -625-003160527 48 Federal Emergency Management Agency FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Federal Insurance AdministratIon MANDATORY PURCHASE OF FLOOD INSURANCE GuIdelines Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration Action: Issuance of Guidelines Summary:These Guidelines pertain to the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirementscontainedinSections 102(a}and 102(b) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. as amended, (codified as Sections 40120(.) and 4012a(b} of 42 USC). (Public Law 93234, 87 Stat.975), December 31. 1973. and reflect experience gained by theFederallnsuronce Administration (F1A) in its administration ofthe N ationa! Flood Insurance Program over the pasttwenlyyears following the enactment of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. as amended. (Public Law 90-448, 82 SIaL572, 42 USC 4OO1-4128). They revise and repl_ Guide1ines previously published in the Federal Register on July 17, 1974. at peges 26186·93; as revised on February 17. 1978. "'peges 7142-48; anMarch22, 1978. at pege 11862; and on July 21. 1980, at pages 48711 and 48712. Supplementary Information: The implementation ofthe statutOIymandatory flood insurance purchase requirements of the 1973 Actcited above is theresponsibility of Federal Agencies and Federal Instrumentalities and does not rest upon the Federal Insurance Administration (F1A). However, Section 205(b) of the 1973 Act (42 USC 4128(b» provides that Federal Agencies and Federal instrumentalities shall, in cooperation with the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, issue appropriate ro1es and regula. tions to govern the carrying out of the Agen· cies' and Instrumenla1iues' responsibilities under the 1973 Act Pursuant to this mandate fm: cooperation. during the period in which FlA was a part of the United States Department of Housing and Urban 􀁄􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁬􀁯􀁰􀁭􀁥􀁮􀁾􀀠FlA issued Guidelines designed ro previdesuchguidancecancerning the insurance purchase requirements as might behelpful in promoting greaterunifonnity and understanding of the requirements among Federal agencies. Federal instrumentalities. private lending institutions. and their !Tade associations, andthe public. Over the past ten years, numerous questions of inte:rpJeration have arisen which have been discussed at many preductive meetings between FlA and representltives of Federal instnunentalities and agencies. WhileFlA's Guidelines are not bindingupanthesegroups, FlA was encoUTagedby the Federal Financial Institutions Examina· tion Cotmcil to update the earlier Guidelines, and the Council members, who have reviewed interim drafts of these Guidelines and offered valuable suggestions, have agreed to disseminate this final edition. FIA wishes to express its deep appreciation for the assistance and suggestions received not only from the Council. butfrom others within the agencies and instrumentalities involved inthemandatm:yflood insurance purchase requirements. In publishing these GUidelines, FlA invites cantinuing dialogue with all interested parties. Effective Dale: Upon publication in the Fed· eral Register ofIuly 13, 1989 at pages 29666 -29695. FOR FURTHER INFORMA1l0N CONTACT: James M. Rose, Jr.• Executive Assistant 10 the Federal Insurance Administrator. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Federal insurance Administration. Washington, D.C. 20472. (202) 646-2780. 1 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance GUidelines CONTENTS 11 ........3. Effect of Leiters ofM.p Amendment and Letten; of Map ReviThe Guidelines are intended 10 provide guidsion on the flood insurance pur-" ance to Fedeml 'gencies, Federal Financial chase requirement Regulatory Agencies (defmed by stalllie as 11 •...... .4. What is "Finandal Assistance" "Federal Instnunentalities "),Ienders. bom>wunder the 1973 Act?e" and the general pUblic. They are divided into six sections, A through F, as follows: 12 ........ 5. How much flood insurance is available? Paga 13 ........ 6. How much flood insurance must OS •.•••••• Section A, an introduction describing be purchased?theNationalFloodInsurancePrograrn 13 ........7. Mandatory flood insurance pur(NFIP). end. through a tracing of its chase requirements as detenninedlegislative history, providing Ihe by the Small Business Admini· events and rationale which led to the strationenactment of the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirement. 14 ........ 8. Restrictions on federal fmancial assistance by Federal off,..,. andS•....... 1. Statutory IIl.Ithority for the NFIP agencies innonparticipating com5 ........ 2. Background history and brief de. munities scription of the NFIP 14 ........Section D, describing the application 6 ........ 3. Status of studies andmJljl!l for the ofthe 1973 Act to Federal instnunenNFlP as of January I. 1989 talities and private lend.,. subject 10 their jurisdictioIL7 ....... .4. Letters of Map Amendment and Letten; of Map Revision 14 ........ 1. APPlication of the 1973 Act to Federal instnunentalides and 108 ........ Section B, descn'bing the legislative private lenders background end the provisions of the MandalOry FloodInsurancePurchase 14............... (.) Federal Instrumentalities de-Requirements of the 1973 􀁁􀁣􀁾􀀠and fUled listing six fundamental facts neces15 ............... (b) Legisl.tivepurposesandapesary for an understanding of the reeffie mandate quirements. IS ............... (c) How much flood insurance 8 ........ 1. Background and legislative hismust be purchased. for howlOry ofthe Flood Disaster Proteclong, and to what transaction Act ofl973 tions does Ihe purchase re9 ........ 2. Basic description of MandalOry quirement apply? Flood Insurance Purchase Re15 ........2. Coastal Barrier Resources Act quirements (COBRA)9 ........ 3. Sixhasicoomponentsofthe 1973 16 ........3. Effect of Letters of Map AmendAct ment and Letters of Map Revi10 ........ Section C. describing the application sion of the 1973 Act 10 Federal Officers 17 ....... .4. APPlieation of 1973 Act upon and Agencies. conventional loans in 􀁮􀁯􀁮􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁴􀁩􀁣􀁩􀁾10 ........ 1. Federal Agencies defined pating oonununities 10 ........ 2. Applic.tion of the 1973 Act to 17 ...............(.) Wh.tis.conventional!o...? Federal Qfficen; and Agencies in 17 ............... (b) Authority forlender, 10 make comm:unities participating in the conventional loans in specialNFIP 2 Federal Emergency Management Agency Preferred Risk Policy ....................................................................................... 10 Principal Property. Principal Residence of an Insured Homeowner ............................................... 21 Private Policy of Flood Insurance, .. Acceptability by Lenders ............................................................. .................... 25 Probation. Imposed on Communilles For Non Compliance ........................................................................................ 6 Purchase of Mortgages Loans .................................... , ..................................... 25 Purchase of Mortgage Loans by Federal Agencies ......................................... 12 Regular Program of the N.tional Flood Insurance Program .................................................................. 6. 23 Reliance by Lende" on Outside Advice in Malting Detemtinations ................................................................... 19 Replacement Cost Coverage in Connection with Loss Payments .................................................................. 21. 33 Rowand Bridges, Federal Financial Assistance ........................................................................... 14 Row Houses ......................................................... ............................................31 Second Mortgages ............................................................................................ 15 Secondary Residences of Insureds ................................................................... 21 Secondary Mortgage MaIk.t ........................................................................... 25 Section 1364 of 1968 Act Concerning Notice to Borrowers ..................................................................... 18 Section 1316 of 1968 Act Concerning Non Compliaot Structures ............................................................ 24 Small Business Administration, Loans By ...................................................... 13 Special Flood Ha:w-d Area. Area of Special Flood Hazard .......................................................................... 6, 7 Standards by Which Lend.,. are Judged in Malting Determinations ................................................................... 18 Status of SllIdies and Map' .............................................................................. 6 Storage Tanks .................................................................................................. 23 StrUctures, Walled and Roofed ............................................................. ........... 18 Subsequent Revision of Flood, Impact on Prior Loans ...................................................................................... 19 Subsequent ReVision of Flood Maps, hnpact on Subsequent Loans ........................................................................... 19 47 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines Home Equity Loans ......................................................................................... 15.27 How Much Flood Insurance Must Be Purchased .....••...................••.............•.• 13. IS. 21 How Long Must Insurance Coverage BeKept ................................................ 15 HUD UnifOlTIl Residenlial Appraisal FOlTIl .....................................................20 IJnproved Real Eswe.l1nproved Real Property ..........••••....•.............••...•........ 20. 21 IJnprovements and Betterments ....................................................................... 31 lneligibility of Property for Flood Insurance •.....•...••.............•....••••••••....••.......23. 24. 25 Insurable Structures ......................................................................................... 18 Insurance To Value ........................................................... ............................... 34 Lende",'s Remedies ro Achieve Compliance Afulr Initiation of Loan .....••...................•••.....•............•.•..•.......... 26 Letter of Map Amendment (l.OMA) •..••...............•.......•...............................••. 7. 11. 16 Letter of M.p Revision (LOMR) ..................................................................... 7. 8. 11. 16 Local Floodplain Management Ordinances ....•.••••...•.••.............•................•..••• 5 Loss Ratio Outside Special Flood Hazard Areas ............................................. 10 MalLimum Amount of Flood Insurance Coverage Required by Law ..............................................................................................13. 15.21 MalLimum Amount of Flood Insurance Coverage Available under NFlP ..................................................... 12.15. 21.36 Mobile Homes and Manufactured Homes ............................................... ........9 National Credit Union Administration ............................................................ 15 Non Participating Conununities ........•............................•..•....•.........•. .............. 14 Notification under Coastal Bartier Resources Act .......................................... 16 Notification of Borrow... of Flood Hazards ........................................... ........ 17 Notification of Borrowers. Reasonable Time For ........................................... 18 Number of Communities in NFlP .....................•••••...........••......•...........•..... ..... 6 Office ofThrift Supervision ..•...................•.••.••..•..........•••.....................•••..•.... 15 One Hundred Year Flood (100 Year Flood) ........................................... ......... 7 Participation by Communities in NFlP ......••.............................••..................... 6. 9 Personal Property .................................................................. ........................... 9 Personal Property. Requirement of For PUIchasers oflJnproved Real Eswe ................................................................ 9 Personalty. such as Tool Sheds or Shacks ....................................................... 22 Pole Barns .................................................................................................... .... 23 46 Federal Emergency Management Agency flood hazard areas ofnonparpurpose of !.he loan transaction is ticipating oommunities primatily tofacilitate !.he purchase of land for subaequent develop. 17 .............. (c) Notification requirements ment?aod Notice Form 22 .............. (.) SllItUsofsurplusbuildingsof18........SectionE. consisting ofGuidelines ro nontinal va1ne on land puran interpretation of !.he 1973 Act, wi!.h chased for developmentnine subsections discussing: 22 ..............(b) Whatifl.hereisastructurein 18........ 1. Standards by which lendsrs are • sl":"ial flood hazard areajudged which is being used for resi18 ..............(.) Significance of !.he location dential or commercial purof !.he slrUcture poses on land whose value alone would be sufficient to 18 .............. (b) Exantinationof!.hemap secure the loan without 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀀠19 .............. (.) The "Guod Faith Standard" gard to !.he value of!.he building?19 .............. (d) The1ender'srelianceuponassistance 23 .............. (.) NFlPdeductiblesaoddefminon of structure19 .............. (.) Who must make determionlions? 23 .............. (d) Buildings in !.he course of construction19 .............. (1) Wh.t is determined? 24........4. Unavailabilily offlood insurance 20 .............. (g) Howtorecord I.hat.detemri-for specifIc buildings in communation was made nities participating in !.he NFIP 20 .............. (h) Theullima.teresponsibilityof 24 .............. (.) Coastal Barrier Resources !.he lender A.t (COBRA) 20........ 2. Should !.he amount of imurance 24 .............. (b) Section 131 6 of the 1973 Act required reflect !.he value of !.he and buildings in viol.tion of land? State or loca11aws 20 .............. (.) The 1973 Actrefers to build-25 .............. (.) Section 1316, as applicableings and mobile hO!nes to Federal officers and .gencies21 .............. (b) What!.he NFlP Policy covers 25 .............. (d) NFlP underwriting r..mc21 ..............(c) Wh.t if !.he loan is secured tions on eligibility or .vail.only by land opon whi.h bility of flood insurance there are 00 structures? 25 ....... .5. Applicability of !.he 1973 Act to 21 .............. (d) What if • detached of purcheseofmortg.g..bylenders• residential property. to whi.h IOpercentof!.he prin. 25 ........ 6. Acceptance of priv.te flood incipal structure's insurance is surance policies and "Write Yourapplicable. is in !.he "P.' awn" policiesflood hazard area, while !.he principal structure is outside 26 ........ 7. Leoders'rernedies in !.he event of and whatis thestatusof a tool prior failure ro require flocd inshed or shack similarly losurance cated? 27 ........ S. Home Equity Loans under the 22 ........ 3. Wh.t is !.he impact of !.he f100d 1973 Acr insurance purchase requirement 28 ........ 9. Federal Financial Institutions Institutions Inerty are ofnominal value, and !.he teragency Examination Councilifimprovementson!.hercalprop3 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines procedures and examiner check33 ........ 7. Residentialcoverage.urutowner list for compliance 34 ........ 8. Residentialcoverage-condomln30 ........ Section F describing requirements of ium association the 1973 Act as to condominiums 34 ........ 9. Condominium Master Policy30 ........ 1. Insurance/propertyrepnirrespon(CMP) under the NFJPsibilities of condominiwn associations 35 ........ 10. Non-residential coverage -oondominiums31 ........ 2. Lenders' interest 35 ........ 11. Coverage options 31 ........ 3. Nature of condominium owner· 'hip/lenders exposure 3S ............... (a) Individual Dwelling Policy 32 ..•••••.4. Peril of flond 35 ............... {b) General Property Policy 32 .....•.•5. Changes in the market place 35 ............... (c) ConduminiumM ...".Policy 33 .....••. 6. NFJPcoverage.satisfyinglender requirements 44 ........ An index follows these sections 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Assistance .......................................................................................... 12, 24 Eagleton Amendment ........................ .............................................................. 17 ElevatedBuilding ............................................................................................ 8.11.17 Elevation Certific.ate ........................................................................................23 Emergency Program under the NFIP .................................................... ........... 6 Escrow ............................................................................................................. 27 Federal Agencies ................................................ .............................................. 10.11 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ........................................................... 15. 25 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council ....................................... 18 FFlEC Examination Procedmes and Examiner Checklist. .............................. 28 Federal Home Loan Bank Board ..................... ................................................ 15,25 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Association ..................................................... 12 Federal Housing Administration ...................................................................... 12 Federal Instrumentalities .................................................................................. 14 Federal Insurance Administrator ..................................................................... 5 Federal National Mortgage Association Requirements ................................... 13 Federal Reserve Board ..................................................................................... 15.25 FEMA Form 81-2 ................................................................... ......................... 18. 18a FEMA Form 81-3 ............................................................................................ 20.20. Flood Hazard Boundary Maps (FHBM) .......................................................... 6 Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) ................................................................. 6 F1oodw.y ............................. ............................................................................ 8 Financial Assistance. Federal Financial AssistJmce ........................................ 10. 11. 14 Forced P!JIc.ement .............................................................................................27 Garages. Detached .................................................................. ......................... 21 Gazebos ............................................................................................................ 23 General Property Policy .......................... ......................................................... 35 Gond Faith Standard by Which Lenders Are Jndged as to Determinations ....................................................... 19 Guidelines, Msndar.ory Flood Insurance Putchase .......................................... 18 Hazard Insurance. Term Used in Mortgages ................................................... 27 High Rise Buildings ......................................................................................... 31 45 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines INDEX Actual Cash Value Coverage ........................................................................... 21.33 Additions and Bettemrents ................................ ; .............................................. 31 Airspace ......................................................................................................... .. 31 Amount of Flood Insurance Available ............................................................. 12 Assessments for Condominium Unit Owners .................................................. 32. 34 Base Flood Elevation ....................................................................................... 6 Basements. Limitations on Coverage .............................................. ................ 25 BUildings Built Over Water ............................................................................. 25 Buildings in !he COurseofCOnstruction ................................. ......................... 23 Buildings Built in Violation of Local Ordinances ........................................... 24 Certificate of Redetermination ........................................... .............................. 20. 20a Coastal Baulers Resources Act (COBRA) ...................................................... 15. 24 Common Interests of Condominium Unit Owners .......................................... 31 Communities. Number PartiCipating in NFIP.................................................. 6 Comptroller of the CurrellCY .............................. .............................................. 15. 25 Condominiums ................................................................................................. 30 Condominium Associations ............................................................................. 30 Condominium Masrer Policy ........................................................................... 34 Condominium Unit Owners ............................................................................. 30 Conumts Coverage, R. andpropertyown· ern in those communities are not eligible to purchase flood insurance. While these figures constantly change, as a benchmark it may be useful '" record Ibe fact thaI as of Januaty, 1989, of the 17.797 participatingconununitins, 16,531 are in the Regular Program. Their property owners. therelore, areeligible topurchase themwtimumamollnlS of insurance coverage available oeder the Pro· gram. Presenlly, only 1,260 participating communi· ties remain in the Emergency Program phase, where only limited amounts of insutance are available. Flood risk studies currently under· way in these communities are scheduled for completion before September 30. 1991. Upon their completion, Flood Insurance Rate Maps willbeissuedandwillreplaeethe Flood Hazard Boundaty Maps currentiy ineffecl for each of these communities. At that time. these communities will, alsot be eHgibJe for conversion Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Insurance Administration National F1ool\ Insurance Program Condominium Master Policy Individual Features Policy in erred: • As ofJanuary 1.1989 Insnred: • Association only Bnildings Eligible: • 3 or more floors /5 or more units Property Covered: All common stroclUIlll building elements • Internal unit elements -Wall, floor, ceiling coverings -Improvements and bettennents Assessment Coverage: • Yes*Coverage Limits: • $185,000 x no. of units in bldg. or actual cash value of bldg. (whichever is less) Coverage Type: • Actual cash value Deductible: • $500 per building (not unit) Expense Coustant: • $45 per building (not unit) Rates: • Lower than with other NFIP policies • Used differently -results in lower premium Premium: • Significantly lower -up to 60% plus Minimnm Coverage Requirement?· Insurance 10 value strongly urged * So long as the following assessment criteria are met. I. Other bldgs. of association covered by General Prop. policy. 2. Association flood coverage must be NFIP coverage. 3. Coverage amount must be ACV or maximum available, whichever is less. 43 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines National Flood Insurance Program Condominium Master Policy Major Benefits Significant cost savings to the association • Increased coverage at no cost Assists unit owners with mortgage insurance requirements • Assists in meeting Federal mortgage assistance requirements Allows ASSOCiation to 1reat same as other property insurance • Provides 􀁧􀁲􀁾􀁴􀁥􀁲protection against liability issues to association and board members • Allows association full central control over coverage, renewals, claims and repairs • Simple to process 42 Federal Emergency Management Agency 10 the Regular Program phase and eligible for The delineation of areas: subject to such inunhigher amounts of inswance: coverage. dation is derermined by FEMA Iltmugh engineeringstudies. Special flood luw!rd areas are Special flnodhuard areas arederenninedwith usually nofmed inlo·Zones A, AO, Ali, AE,reference to the "" flood standard, A99, VO, VE, or V. (Oldermapsutilizenum'which is Ilt. national standard on which NFIP bered A Zones, e.g. AI, A2,..A30, and nllm· regulations are based. It is also the standard beredVZones, e.g. VI, V2,..V30 in lieu ofllte adopted by virtually every fedaral agency and nower All and VE Zones, respectively. (Newmost stale agencies for Ilte administration of maps use fewer zone designations for purtheir floodplain management programs. Tho poses of simplicity). The rerm special flood lOO-year flood, also refarred to as a "base hazard areadoes not include areas outside the flood," is defined as the flood having a 1 lOO-year floodplain. which are refarred to as 􀁾􀁴probability of being equalled or ex· moderate 10 minimal risk and are designatedceeded in any given year. Tho risk of experi. ZoneX. (Older maps differentiare th.xZone encing a flood of this magrtitude increases inloZonesB and C, which represent moderate with the leogth of time considered. and minimal flood risks, respectively). Areas for which no flood hazard evaluation has beenOf special interest to lenders is is the faet that made by FEMA are designated as Zone D.)within the special flood ha:z.a:rd area there is • 26 percent chance (.boutone in four) of .xpe. 4. LETTERS OF MAP AMENDMENTriencing such a flood over a Iypical 30 year OR MAP REVISION REMOVINGmortgage period. By contrast. during the rerm PROPERTIES FROM SPECIALof a30.yearmortgage, there is only. 1 percent FLOOD HAZARD PROGRAMSchance of suffering a rlIe loss. Situations occasionally arise in which a piece But. while necessary for applying floodplain of real properly is shown On a flood map as management requirements and establishing being in a special flood huard area even urtiform flood insurance rares, the tenn 100though Ilte property is, in fact. above the 100 year flood can be misleading. Although it year flood level. This happens because flood represents the 1008 term average recurrence insurance maps cannot reflect every rise in interval for a flood of this magnitude, such terrain and there will be instances where there floods may be experienced in any given year. will be "natural islands" ofhigh ground in the Therehave been numerous instances since the special flood hazard area that were inedverNFIPwasestablished wh....commnnitiesh.v. rently included in the special flood huard sustained two, and even three, 100-year or area. Nevertheless. until the map has been grearer floods within. several year period. A changed,lenders are bound bytheinforOlation notable example took place in the 1970. when shown on PIA maps and cannot validly make within five years arrer experiencing Tropical a detemtination on their own that is 􀁩􀁮􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁩􀁳􀁾􀀠510nn Agnes in 1972, Pennsylvania was batlent with the map. rered by another lOO-year flood, demonstrat· Fortunarely, there is • very workable mecha· ing the value of Iltestandard as a tool for meas· nism for resolving such problems. PIA hasuring exposure to a 100 year flood, butnot for created an officient procedure by which apredicting its tinting. The lOO-yearfloododght be more properly rermed the "I percentannuai percentannuai property ownercan submitelevationmaterials chance flood", which represents its true probain support of a request for • Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) removing the property bUity of being equalled or exceeded in any year. from the special flood hazard are•. Such • process involves only the propony owner and Special flood h"""d areas include only those the PIA and does not require that the commuareas which are in the 100-year floodplain. nity become involved. 7 Mandatory Purchase Of Flood Insurance Guidelines Federal Emergency Management Agency EuJmpi£4 FLOOD L'ISURANCE COVERAGE/COSTS FOR CONDOMINI\JMS IN MULTI-5TORY BUILDINGS CURRENT INDrvIDUAL DWELLING POUClES VERSUS NEW CONDOMlNlUM MASTER POLlCY (/ks"lIlf 1'1'(18"'-"" Posl.fIRM Cotulf'llaiM, 􀁾􀁁􀁑􀀮􀀮􀁁􀁈􀀬M;&.;r/ll(IIf, With Certt}cmil.'ltlj CL1UlE,''T NEW CONOOMlt->IID.1 DWELLING POLICY MAST1:.R POLlCY /A1 BLDG. $ 4,31\ NfA • TOTALPREMtuMlBI..O(i. * DEDUCTIStE-UNrr/BLDG, S ll.l00 􀁾􀁏􀁏􀁉􀁕􀁎􀁉􀁔􀀠x 100 " 5 SO.COO $ 4,311 , loo • SET SA􀁶􀁬􀁾􀀧􀁃􀁓􀀯􀁡􀁅􀀼􀀢􀁅􀁭􀀠TO THE ASSOCIATIO"" ,. ANNUAL PREMiUM S8,n9 • LOWERDEDUCTlBLEI INCREASED COVERAGE AT NO ADDIT!O:-JAl.COST 549.500 • 'BOARD FIDUCIARY R.ESPO)/, SIBII..ITYMET .. N'ET RESEFIT 1'0 THE PROUt,;C£RfWYO COMPA:-iY • ONE APPLICATION FORM • ONE-POLICY .. ONE 􀁄􀁅􀁃􀁌􀁁􀁒􀁁􀀱􀀧􀁉􀁏􀁾􀀤􀀠PAGE. • ONE SET OF NOTICES january 1989CO"'OO16 41 A related but different situation is presented when a propert;y owner, whose land is within a special flood hazard area below the 100 year flood level, grades and fills the site toraise the level ofthe land above thelOOyear f100dleve!. This situation differ. from the one above beca:tl$ein the previous SItualion the nalllrallevel of the land al the time that the map was issued was above the 100 year flood level and no artificial improvement was needed to accomplish.thatlevel. fucases w herephysical changes have had In be made to raise the level of lIle property above lIle hase flood elevation, PIA will not issue • letter of map amendment. Howevet't with the 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁣􀁵􀁲􀁲􀁥􀁮􀁣􀁥􀁯􀁦􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁣􀁯􀁭􀁭􀁵􀁾􀀠nay PIA will issue a Letter of Map Revision (WMR) which, fur lIle pUtJlOses ofthe prop. erty owner will accomplish the same PUtJlOSO. A WMR can also be used III correct. mistake made in the original analysis or when conditions have changed as in the ease of the COIlstruction or removal of a dam or other flood control strucrurc. Therequestmust be made. orconcurred in. by the community beeause changes in land level that result from grading and !he placing of fill on!hepropeI!ll may have animpactuponolller propeI!lI owners. The submission ofa request for a letter of map revision from the communityevidences lIlalthechangeinlandlevelhas been reviewed by lIle community and been fOWld to be compatible with !he community's planning. Letters ofmap revision may be also be granted in situations where chermels have been dug or reservoirs built to reduce hase fIoodelevationsandwhereleveesorfloodwalls have been constructed to preted. areas. (It sbould be noted that in floodways of special flood hazard areas, whicl! include the channel of.river and the adjacent floodplain that must be reserved in an Wlobstructed condition, the pleeing of fill or other development is not allowed if it will result in increased flood levels.) A seemingly related, but different, situation is presented when a property owner, whose land is at a level below tha lOO-year flood level, i.e., the hose flood elevation, in • special flood hazard ...... builds an elevated 8 building, supported by walls orpilings, whose lowest floor is above the lOO-year flood level. In this situation there is no basis for the Lssu· ance of eilber a letter of map amendment or maprevision. The building is still in thedesigna!edspecial flood hazard area andits fouodac tion can come into direct contact with flood wate,.. However, the elevation ofthe building will be reflected in lIle lower insUlanee rate and premium that such elevation will have made possible. Only the FedeJal Insurance Administration can amend an offICial map to remove or add a particular property location from a designated SFHA by a Letter of Map Amendment, or revise a map by • Letter of Map Revision to change lIle special flood bazard area or revise the elevations on a map. B. THE MANDATORY FLOOD INSURANCE PURCHASE REQUIREMENT 1. BACKGROUND AND LEGISLATIVE HISTORY OF THE FLOOD DISASTER PROTECTION ACT OF 1973 From 1968 lDlul the adoption of the Flood Disaster PtotectionAct of 1973, the purchase of flood insurance was volWllarY. Unfortunately, despite the availability of the insurance, after major flooding disas.ers in 1972 it became evident that relatively few flood victims had purchased flood insurance. From the standpoint of lIle Federal government the question has been nOt whelller !he Federal government would be called upon to provide reliefto thosewhosuffered from flooding, but, ralber, through what mechanism would Federal funds be made available. Therefore, !he failure of lIle public to avail itself of !he benefits of flood insurance as an alternative 10 Ibe disaster assistance approech became • malter of concem III lIle Congress. This concern was expressed by the Congress in lIle findings contained in Sections 2(a)(2), (3), (4) and (5) (42 USC 4002) of the Fiood Disaster Ptotection Act of 1973, which noted Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines EuJmpleJ FLOOD INSURANCE COVERAGE/COSTS FOR CONDOMINIUMS IN MULTI-STORYBUlLDINGS CURRENT INDIVIDUAL DWELLING I'OUCIES VERSUS NEW CONDOMINIUM MASTER I'OUCY (RtplarProglllm. Pau-FiRM cmutn"Cl'UII1, ZoII.r AO-AH. NIJ&r.rM'tlf(, Wului!il Ctrn{iroriortj Cli1tlt£r..\ N£WCONOO,\ll:\lC:\l DWELLING POLICY !)'IASTER POLlC\' • AMT. OF COVERAGE/UNIT sN,, Contents coverage is not required unless, as specified in the stature, there is any "personal prop. erty securing the loan", as wen as improved real property, 3. SIX FUNDAMENTAL COMPONENTS OF THE 1973 ACT In assessing the impact of the 1973 Act and gaining an understanding ofits provisions, the silt most important facoors 10 keep inmind are! (a) Although the intent of Ill. sllllUte is 10 require the purchase of flood insurance by borrowers in special flood hazard areas, the directives and prohibitions contained in the 1973 Act apply only to Federal officers and agencies. and to Federalinsln!mentollties that are required by the stal1lte to issue implementing rules. The 1973 􀁁􀁣􀁾􀀠by ilSelf, does not require or prohibit action on the part of communities, owners ofimprovodreal property. or lending institutions, (b) Thedirectives and prohibitions of the 1973 Act require implementing rules only as 10 transactions that involve improved real estate located in special flood hazard oreas designated byFBMA on its F1oodHazardBoundary Maps and Flood insurance Rate Maps, and whose Zone desiguations are A or V. Jm. proved real estare, for purposes of the 􀁡􀁣􀁾􀀠is property on which there is a1reody standing, or in the course of construction. a walled and roofed boilding insurable under anNFIPfiood insurance policy. (c) Inasmuch as Ille NFIP does not insure land and provides provides coverage only for buildings, the fact that part of the borrower's real property may be located in a special flood hazard area 9 Mandatory Purchase of FlOod Insurance Guidelines Federal Emergency Management Agency does not require that flood insurance be 􀁰􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠of statutOIy restrictions or underwriting rules chased for. building located on lhatrcal propof the the NFIP. The consequences of !he F.wmp1e2 erty unless some pordon of Ibe building itself, unavailability of flood insurance in such inFLOOD INSURANCE COVERAGEICOSTSand not just a portion or portions of the real stances will be discussed forther along. FORproperty, is located in a special flood hazard CONDOMINIUMS IN MULTI-sTORY Bu1LDlNGS area. CURRENT lNDlVlDUAL DWELLING POUCIES(d) Becauselbe NFIP and its flood insurance C. APPLICATION OF THE 1973 VERSUSpolicies are"not available in comrmmities t.hat ACT TO FEDERAL NEWCONDOMlNlUM MASTER POUCYare not participating in the NFIP, the mandaOFFICERS AND AGENCIES tory flood insurance purchase requirement (R(;, Progl'Mt. 􀁐􀁾􀁆􀁬􀁉􀀯􀀮􀁍􀀠('o rnl.rW;'tfun. ZoiwsAl..JO, U,..'tM Fh»rAI8FE)appJiesonly wilbrespect to property located in 1. FEDERAL AGENCIES DEFINED special floodhazard areas in cornmunitiesp"" FederalAgenciesaredefinedinSeclJ.o n3(a)(2) CUR!iU:;l\'T SEW CQNOO:\II:-;JIDI ticipating in Ibe NFlP. DWELLISC rouc\:' MASTER POLICYof the 1973 Act (42 USC 4OO3(a)(2). as "any I""'"" 􀁉􀁌􀀧􀁩􀀢􀁦􀁬􀀮􀁉􀁬􀁾􀁊􀁉(e) As toprope:rties located outside Ibespecial deparlment, agency, oo.tpOralion.oro ther entity • .... MT. OF COVERAGElUNIT S1ll.000 S70.Y • ONEAPPLICATlONFOR!l.Ihazard areas have been designated by FEMA. erty in that community become eligible to .. ONEPOUCvTo facilitate !he purehase of flood insurance • ONE DECLARATIONS PACEpurchase flood insurance for !heir buildings .. ONE seT OF NOTICESoutside of special flood ward at.... in Janu· from the NFIP. Ifthe community is participetary. 1989. !he NFIP began offering a low cost ing in !he NFIP, that participation makes flood "preferredrisk" policy for structures located in insurance available to the property owners inZones B. C. and X. CONDO 14 January 1989 !hat community and Federal officers and agenSome properties in a participating conununity cies are authorized to provide financialassismay be ineligible for flood insurance because tance in that community. 10 39 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines Federal Emergency Management Agency But, under Section 102 (a) of the 1913 􀁁􀁣􀁾􀀠Thus, if a boilding is shown as being in a ExcmpIeJ Federal officers and 'Illencies are prohibited special flood hazllId area, the purchase refrom providiog fmancialassistance unless the quirements of the 1913 Act apply. When theFLOOD JNSIJRANCE COVERAGE/COSTS property to which that financial assistance is property owner obtains a Letter of Map FOR CONDOMINIUMS IN MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS applicable is proll:Cted by flood insurance (if Amendment or Letll>r of Map Revision, he the particular property is eligible for flood inmay submit the letter to the Federal agency CURRENT INDMDUAL DWELLING 􀁐􀁏􀁕􀁃􀀡􀁅􀀮􀁾􀀠su rance under the rules of the NFIP) and must. and the Federal Agency may release the propVERSUS therefore, require the purchase offlood insurerty owner from the obligation to purchaseNEW CONDOMINIUM MASTER POUCY ance as a condition of making such financial flood insurance. However. even though a 􀀨􀁾􀁵􀁬􀁣􀁲PmglWl'l, Prf·FlRM 􀁃􀀼􀁬􀁦􀁜􀀬􀀡􀁬􀁬􀀧􀁬􀁉􀁲􀁊􀁩􀁍􀀮􀁾AJ assistance available. The term "property" to Federal Agency is not required to compel the which the mandataty flood insurance purpurchase of f100d insurance with respect to CliRRE!i'T 􀁎􀁅􀁗􀁃􀁏􀁓􀁄􀁏􀁍􀁉􀁾􀁬􀁬 􀁪􀁪􀁉􀀮􀁬􀀠chase requirement applics is described as 'tthe improved real property that is subject to a DWELUto.'(; POUCY MASTER POLICY buildiog or mobile home and any personal letterof map amendment or map revision, the (£mtn(].tf:J)􀁾􀀭􀀢􀀠• AMT. OF COVERAGE/UNIT 510.000 Sm.COO S70,(0) property to which such fmancial assistance reAgency has the discretionary right to con100 lates", The flood insurance must remain in tinue to require flood insurance iftheAgency• NO Of UNITS force "during the anticipated economic lire of cbooses to do so. It must also be keptinmind• AMT.OfCOVERAGElBLDC. 51 MILLION S1 MILUON $1 MILLION the project" and the insurance coverage must that when a property owner with property • RATES $,$,55t.i7 S.5St.l1 be "in an amount that is at least equal to its below the 100 year flood level builds an D.P,-Sillgie FilI'I'llly developroent or project cost (less estimared C,M,!,,-OWrRo;::;idCJ\lull 400 x S 􀀬􀀵􀁾􀀠"" sno USCxS.5S."S 633 elevated building whose lowest floor is above 5ingh!Family :)COx$,11", ,. 6U:SO x S 11 n sn:ros land cost)or to themaximumlimitofcover'llle the 100 year flood level, there is no basis for made lIVallable under the National Flood inthe issuance ofeither a letter of map amend• PREM!lJM-UNrrmLDG, $271 Sl2.:m surance Act of 1968, whichever is less." (But ment or map revision and the flood insurance • EXf'ENSECONSTANT $tS!UNIT S .15f nole that when the amount of flood insurance purchase requirement continues to apply. BLOG, that can be purchased was raised by the Con· The reason for requiring the insurance is that .. TOTALPlUJdlUMIUNIT $ 316 512.3$3 gress in 1977, a statutory cap on the amount the foundation on which the house is elevatedthat must be purchased was established by the .. NO. Of UNITS X 100 NIA is still below the base flood elevation in the special flood hazard area where it remainsCongress.) • TOTAL!'REMIUMIBLOO. S Jl.600 SIUS) ClOIPA:W ·ON'EAPf'LlCAT[ONfORM anyotherform of director indirect Federal as·ONEPOuCY portion of real property and the improvements .. ONE DECLARATIONS PAGE sistance.otherthangeneralorspecialrevenuethereon out of the special flood hazard area . • ONE SET OF NOTICES sharing or formula gtants mada to States." However, it is importmt to keep in mind that and similar forms ofdirect and indirect assis· until aproperty owner has received a Letter of tance from Federal agencies, such as FederalMapAmendmentoraLetterofMa pRevision, Housing Adurinistraticn or Vet<.-rans Adminiremoving the improved real property from theJanuary 1989 CQ1,1)O 13 stration loans, insurance or guaranties. Fedspecial floodhaz.ard area, Federal agencies (as eral "financial assistance fur acquisition or well as lenders regulated by Federal instruconstruction pmposes" is defmed as "anymentalities) must rely only upon flood hazard formoffmancial assistance which is intended boundary maps and flood insurance rate maps. in whole or in part fur the acquisition. con38 11 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines Federal Emergency Management Agency stroction, reconstruction. repair. or irnproveration of the DepartmentofHousing and Urban mentaf onypublicly orprivatclyawned buildDevelopment have intetpreood the term "fi· ing or mobile home, whether or not the buildnancial assistance" to include their purchase of ing is enhanced, and for any machinery. equipmortgage loans from lending institutions and . ment, fixtures, and furnishings contained or to include in their definition ofhazard insurance, becontained therein. andshall include thepurthe poril of flood. It should be noted that the chase or subsidization of mortgages or monservicing guidelines of FNMA and PHLMC gage loans." require tharthe cummtservicerofloans sold to those agencies asoumeresponslbiJity for floodFederilAgencies. such as the FederilHausing insurance renewals. The term Fedoral finan· Administration. the Veterans Administration cial assistance inc1udes loans, grants. 􀁧􀁵􀁡􀁲􀁡􀁮􀁾and the Small Business Administration and lees and similar forms of direct and indirectthe Federal National Mortgage Association assisrancefromFederalagencies such as HUD,(FNMA) and the Federal Home Loan Mortthe Federal HOUSing Administration (FHA)gage CO!pOtation (FHLMC), the latlllr two and the SBA. The 1973 Act applies and thushaving been specifically included in the defi· reslricts flood-related Federal financial assisnition containedin Section 3(aJ(2)of the 1973 tance p1lIl>uant to the Disaster ReUef Act of Act, are forbidden by the Act from approving 1974. However, the current defmition of fi· any financial assistance in the form of a loan or nancialassistancecontainedinSection3(a)(4)guaranty of a loan in the case of a building to of the 1973 Act docs not apply to and, there·which such financial assistance relates which fore. does not restrict assistance for disastersis located in a special flood hazard area unless that are not related to flooding.flood insurance has been purchased to protect that building against the peril of flooding, therebY protecting the interests of the Fedoral ernity against the consequences of flood 5. HOW MUCH FLOOD INSURANCE damage to the property. IS AVAILABLE? The Federal National Mortgage Association The amounts of flood insurance currently and the Federal Home Loan Morlgage Corpo-avai1able under the NFIP are as follows: EllHlrgency _ .... Reguhlll'Rlg.... MaxIRIJm MaxIRIJm _III of Inwrance rnsurance A••llable Rm'lred by19 Act. as Building Coverage Amended In 1977' 􀁓􀁩􀁮􀁧􀁬􀁥􀀭􀁬􀁡􀁭􀁩􀁾􀀠dwelling $35,000 $1115,000 $ 70,000 OIher resideniaJ 100,000 250,000 200,000 Non-residential 100,000 200,000 200,000 Small B!Jsinoss 100,000 250,000 200,000 Cont••ts Coverage (Pe, Unh) Residential $10,000 $60,000 $20.000 Non·Rosidenliai 100,000 200,000 200,000 Small Business 100,000 300,000 200,000 􀀨􀁈􀁾􀁨􀁥􀁲􀀠Imils of basic cover;ag. ill1l available under Ihe Em9lllenty ProgrlllTl in Hawaii, Alaska, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam.) 'FederaJ Ioslrumen1lllilills, as well as lend."" while nol required by statulS, may choose to rfJqUire insurance a!:oyo 􀁴􀁨􀁾􀀠amount on !he basis of their evaluation of the risk to whicl1lhe properly is exposed. 12 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION TO CONDOMINIUMS FLOOD INSURABLE COVERAGE QWNERSHIP INTERE,.'2T AVAILABLE PROPERTY/LOCATION Within Unit Unit Owner 􀁁􀁾􀂧􀁑􀁣􀁩􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀠Unit Owner Association Unit 􀁾Association air space wall, floor and ceiling coverings. improvements and betterments Y N Y N N N Y N N Y5 N Y6 common structural elements N Y Y5 Y Y5 Y6 cantents Y N1 Y Nl Y N7 Outside Unit Common Structural elements of all buildings owned bY Association Y2 Y3 Y Y Y5 Y Common Areas (non·structura1) Common contents Y2 Y2 Y3 Y3 N4 Y N4 Y N4 Y N4 Y NOTES, (1) Except when contents of unit are commonly owned. (2) The unit owner owns a proportional share of the total common elements. (3) Ownmhip divided proportionally amongst all unit owners, (4) NFlP covers uniy buildings and their contents. (5) The Dwelling Policy covers both the unit owner's insurable interest in in structural elements of the unit as well as those for all the common structural elements of the NFIP insured buildings. This policy may be purchased by cither the unit owner or the association. Associations may, in certain cases. also purchase a Condominium Master Policy. which gives of both units and common elements. (6) Only the association may purchase aGeneral Property Policy. Itcovcrs all comrnonstructural elements of the building, including those within a unit, to the extent that adequate amounts of coverage have been purchased. This would include the improvements and bettennents withinthe units. (7) Except when the association owns the contents in a unit as common property. For more detailed information on the condominium concept, see the four ex.amples and descriptive exhibits which follow: 37 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines careful to assure that the amount of coverage purchased will be sufficient to meet its regulatory requirements. It will be easier for this to be the case because this policyis acompi1ationof individual DweUing policies. Therefore. because the coverage limits available under the Condominium Master Policy are $1 85,000 times the number of units. the association may purchase up to that amount. 'The simplest way for a lender to becertain that the coverage on such apolicy is sufficient is for the lender to divide the coverage purchased by the nntober of units in the bailding. If the resulting amount is at least $70,000, and the valueof the averageunit is atleast that, then the total coverage 􀁰􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠chased under that policy is probably sufficient to meet the Jenderls basic requirements, on the basisofthestatutory cap of $70,000.· IF SUFFICIENT AMOUNTS OF FLOOD INSURANCE ARE PURCIlASEDBYTHE ASSOCIATION UNDER OPTION (C), THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST OPTION FOR A LENDER TO CONSIDER, AS IT WIll., BE TilE ONE MOST UKELY TO FULFIll., THE MANDATORY FLOOD INSURANCE PURCHASE REQUIREMENTS. SINCE IT IS UKELY THAT IT WIll.. BE HANDLED ADMINISTRATIVELY BY THE ASSOCIATION IN THE SAME MANNER AS IN THE CASE OF TIlEIR OTHER FORMS OF PROPERTY INSURANCE. IT SHOUW ASSURE A HIGHER UKELIHOOD THAT THE ASSOCIATION WIll., RENEW TIlEPOUCY. '" In this connection itshould be noted that $70,000 is the maximwn amount of insurance required for single-family residential dwellings by Section 1306(b)(6) of the 1968 Act (Section l413(b)(6) of Title 42 USC), which on October 12, 1977, modified the language of Seedon 102 of the originell973 Act, which defined the purchase requirement as being Hat least equal to theoutstandingprincipalbalance of the loan or themaximumlimit of coverage made available with respect to this particular Iype of property under the [1968] Act, whichever is less." 36 Federal Emergency Management Agency 6. HOW MUCH FLOOD INSURANCE times these amounts, namelyI $70,000 for MUST MUST BE PURCHASED? single family dweUings, and $200,000 for other structures.Inaddressing the question of how muchinsuronce must he purchased, Section lO2(a) ofthe 1973 Act prohibits the providing of financial 7. ARE THE AMOUNTS OF FLOOD assistance "unless thebuilding ormobilehome INSURANCE THAT MUST BE andanyporsonalproportytowhichsuchfina nPURCHASED ALWAYS THE cialassisrancerelates is. during the anticipated SAME, REGARDLESS OF WHICH economic or usofullife of the project, covered FEDERAL AGENCY OR by flood insurance in an amount at 1eastequal INSmUMENTALITY IS to its development or project cost (less estiRESPONSIBLE FOR ENFORCING mated land cost) or to the maximum limit of THE FLOOD INSURANCE coverage made available with reapect to the PURCHASE REQUIREMENT? particularlype ofproperty under theNationel Inthe exercise of its statutory responsibilities,Flood Insurance Act of 1968, whichever is the Small Business AdminislIation has madeless: Provided. That if the fmancial assistance an interpretation of the statutory provisionsprovided is in the form of a loan or an 􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠cited above and requires insurance up to theanceor guaranty of aloan, the amount offlood value of aproperty. or the maximum amountinsurance required need not exceed the outof insurance that can be purchasedt 􀁷􀁨􀁩􀁣􀁨􀁾standingprincipalba1anceoftheloanandneed ever-is less, regardless of the actual amoWltofnot be required beyond the tenn of the loan" . the loan. In this way, the borrower becomes However, on October 12, 1977, the require. more-fully protected against theperil offloodment that insurance he porchased to "the ing. While the Act does notrequire insurance maxirnwn limit of coverage made available" to value, a practice nonnal in property 􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠under the 1968 Act was ",vised and made ance, neither does it prohibit it. and SBA bas subjecttoastatutorycapby Section !306(b)(6) used its authorit¥ to align the treatment of of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, flood insurance with the standard treatment (42 USC 4013(b)(6)), which states: "the Flood of other ha2Jlrd insurance. insurance purchase requirements of Section The basic amounts of insurance required by102 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of statute are discussed above in Section C.5. of1973 do not apply to the additional flood these guide1iues. Some of the Federal ageninsurance limits made available in excess of cies, however. such as the Federal Nationaltwice the limits made available under 􀁰􀁡􀁲􀁡􀁾􀀠MortgageAssociation(FNMA),haveadoptedgraph tl06(b)(I)". different requirements to protect their interSection 1306 (b)(l) authorizes the Federal ests. The FNMA requires. "the amount of Insurance Administration to make available flood insurance to be equal to the lesser of under the lower limits of the Emergency Pro100% of the insurable value of the (condogram $3S,OOOofcoveragefor any singlefamily minium) facilities or the maximum coverage dwellingand$100.000 fur any residential slnlcavailableunderthe appropriate National Flood ture containing more than one dwelling unil Insurance Administration program...... Thus, (In the States ofAlaska and Hawaii and in the ror a lender to be absolutely sure that it is Virgin Islands and Guam the figures are complying with the specific requirements of $50,000 and $150,000). Seedon 1306 (bXl) the Federal agency that regulates. supervises makes available $100,000 for commercial or insures that institution, it should carefuHy structures. Thus the maximum cap on the review the requirements of such agencies or mandatory flood insurance purchase requireInstrumentalities and not rely solely on these ments provided by Section 1306(b)(6) is two guidelines. 13 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines In those cases where the amount of the loan or the insurable value of the property ,,"ceeds the stawtorily required amoWlt of flood insurance, it would seem to be a wise business ptactice to encourage the purchase of enough flood insurance to protect the interests of both the mortgagor and themortgagec, to the extellt !hatsuchinterestscanbe ptotected, bythecoverages under the NFlP. 8. RESTRICllON ON FEDERAL RNANCIAL ASSISTANCE BY FEDERAL OFFlCERS AND AGENCIES IN COMMUNITIES THAT ARE NOT PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Section 202(.) of the 1973 Act (42 USC 4106(a» addresses the responsibility of Federal officers and agencies with respect to Federal flllilIlclal assistance in arcas of sproial flood hazard of CO!lUlllll1itics that are not participating in !he National Flood Jnsu:rance Program and in which flood insurance is not available. In order to prevent the Federal government from being financiaily exposed to potential 10.. as a result result of flood damage to uninsured buildings located in areas of special flood hazard, Federal officers andageneies are spceifieallyptohibitedby Section202(a)from providing financial assistance fot acqoisition or construction purposes, fur use in areas of special flood hazard if the commwrlty is not patticipating in the NFlP. Section202(a), rcadby itself. has a very broed scope. for its prohibition refers to any assistance for acquisition or construction purposes that would be used in any special flood hazard area.. 􀁈􀁯􀁷􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠read in conjunction with the definition of fmancial assistance (X)ntained in paragraph (4) of Section 3<>f the 1973 Act, as discussed above, it becomes clear that Section 202 (a) limits financial assistance to "fmancial assistance which is intendedin whole orin part for the 􀁡􀁣􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁳􀁩􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠construction. 􀁲􀁥􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁲􀁵􀁣􀁾􀀠tion, rcpair.otimptovementofanypubliclyor privately owoedbuilding ormobilebume, and for any machinery. equipment, fixtures. and 14 furnishings furnishings contained or to be contained therein". Thus. for example, Section 202 (a) does not prevent financial assistance: for the construction of roads and bridges in special flood hazard areas of nooparticipating commwrlties. But it does ptohibit assistance for constructing any building. This ptohibition applies even ifthe building would not have been eligiblefor flood insurance had it been located inaparticipating community. as in the case of a building thet is partially underground and used as a pumping station in a sewer system. The ptOhibition against providing financial assistance in nonparticipating communities. therefore, is based not so much upon the fact that the protection ofNFlP flood insurance is not available innonparticipating communities as ir i. to the fact that !he commwrlty has not agreed to mitigate !he hazard of flooding through floodplain managenwnL D. APPLICATION OF THE 1973 ACT TO FEDERAL INSTRUMENTALITIES AND TO PRIVATE LENDERS WHO ARE SUBJECT TO THEIR JURISDICTION Of special significance to Federal Instnnnentalities and the leoders regulated by. or whose deposits are insured by. the Instrumentalities is the second area to which the 1973 Act applies in Sections 102 (b) and 202 (b), which address conventional loans by such lenders, as distinguished fromFederalfinanciai assistance. 1. IN COMMUNITIES THAT ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AND WHERE FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE CAN THEREFORE BE MADE AVAILABLE (a) Instrumentalities defined The tenn "Federal Instrumentality" is defined inSection 3(a)(5) of the 1973 Act Federal Emergency Management Agency theirmartgagelendersinmeetingthemandatoryt flood insurance purchase requirements. Mortgage lenders should reali"" however, thatitwould be impractical 􀁴􀁯􀁥􀁾􀁴􀀠that every mortgagee with an interest in one ormorewrltsinsuch buildings will be able to be listed as such on the CMP. Associations thetpurchasethispolicy inmost cases do not have a mortgage on the property. and tlrerefore would have no reason to list mortgagees on such policies. Other propertyinsurance policies purchased by associations inthe private sector toprotect soch buildings against o!her perils. typically. do not list mortgagees for the above reason, as well as 􀁾􀁡􀁵􀁳􀁥of the practical aspects of !he diffICUlty the insurers would have in Ireoping current with the names and addresses ofaIIsuchmortgagees. Thus. the protection that exists fot the interests of the mortgagees on their mortgages in condominium buildings under Master Policies purchased in the private secll>r has always had 1l:> consist of the fiduciary responsibility !hat is placed on the association's Board of Directors in the ByLaws of'the associations for imuring the property and maintaining the property in a proper state of repair. 10. Non-Residential Coverage -Condominiums Individual wrlts in multi-unit nonresidential condominium buildings are treated differently by the NFlP. The conunonly owned sln1ctural elements of such buildings. togetherwithanycommwUtyowned contents for that building. may not be insured by the individual wrlt owners. They may. buwever. be insured in the name of the association. Owners of nonresidential units may purchase individual contents coverage in their own name for their own contents. 35 11. Coverage Options -For Lenders (a) Individual Dwelling Policies -A lender can require the borrower to purchase and maintain an individual Dwelling Policy for the approptiate 􀁡􀁭􀁯􀁵􀁮􀁾􀀠as discussed previously. (b) Generajl'ro.Jlerty Policy-Alender might accept evidence of a General Property Policy purchased by !he association. However. as mentioned previously. the coverage limits avAilable under this policy are only $250.000. and that amount is the total for the entire building. It is therefore unlikely that !his will be .ufficientinsmance to cover all mortgages in the building. Even though suchanamount might appear to be sufficient to cover an individual mortgage, its RCmal ability to provide protection with respect to that mortgage will have to be significantly reduced at the time of loss, as: any benefits arising out of that coverage will be shared withallofthe other wrlt owners in that building. regardlessofwhetherornot!heyhave a mortgage. NOTE: LENDERS SHOULD BE CAUTIONED THAT THEY SHOULD NOT ACCEPT EVIDENCE OF TfIlS POUCY AS AUTOMATICALLY FULFIlliNG THEIR STATUTORY REQUIREMENT WITHOUT FURTHER REVIEWING THE POUCY'S DETAILS AS TO THE AMOUNT OF COVERAGE BEING PROVIDED EACH UNIT IN THAT BUILDING. (c) Condominium Master Policy. A lender could accept evidence of this policy being purchased by the association to meet the lenders regulatory requirement. The lender should be Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines The unit owner's policy described above will cover the owner's personal contents. such as furniture, but only if separate contents coverage is purchased by the unit owner. 8. Residential Coverage -Condominium Association However, inasmuch as the unit owners collectively have the responsibility of repairing the common elements, the 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠dominium association has been the tradi· tionallogieal entity to be the purchaser of flood in,rurance. By insuring the overall condominium structure, the Association can reduce the li.keJ.ihood that it will have to assess unitownersfor funds with which to make repairs. A condominium association may, in atidition to purchasing policies on each individual unit, purchase insurance coverage on a residential build. ing containing five or more units under a separate General Property Form. The policy will cover building cornmon ele· ments as well as the building elements (improvements and betterments) within all units in the building. The reason that condominium 􀁡􀁳􀁳􀁯􀁣􀀺􀁩􀁡􀁾􀀠tions had to purch",e the the General Property Form and supplement it with separarepoHcies on the individual units is that the statute goveming the NFfP limits theamOlmtofcoverageavailab1eonrnultitmitresidential buildings toonly $250,000, without regard to the size. value or type of ownership involvad. This has posed a problem because such an amount is in most cases NOT sufficient to meet the collective. individnal. and statutory flood insurance reqUirements with respect to all the mortgages for all the units located in. specific building. For this reason. FIAhas encouraged lend· ers to treat the flood insurance require-ment on individnalmortgages forindivid· ual units in buildings involving 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁤􀁯􀁾􀀠minium ownexshlp in the same way as 34 they would for single family detached properties. and torequire that flood.overage be purchased to protect their interests in those mortgages by having unit owners, '1!' the Association, purchase individual Unitowners Dwelling Policies. When this practice is followed, there shoUld be every reason to believe that the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirement for lenders has been satisfied. 9. Condominium Master Policy (CMP) Under the NFlP Beginltinginearly 1989. FlAmadeavuilable to Condominium Associations, only. aMaster Policy thetprovides flood insur· ance coverage on each residential 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁤􀁯􀁾􀀠minium building separately, on one 􀁦􀁯􀁲􀁭􀁾􀀠in much the same way that the private sector does fmother hazards. withoutim· posing the burden of purchasing individual policies for each unit. Initially this pelicy is being made available only for such buildings with three or morc floors andfive or more units. Inaddition to these benefits, the cost of such a policy will in most cases be significandy less expensive than the cost of multiple individual policies. while at the same time providing even mote coverage., at the lower price. The rationale for malting the Condominium Master Policy available at a lower cost is that by offering a more ottractive andcornprehensivepolicy, theNFfPwill be in a position to issue more policies that will be in amounts reflecting the total value of the insured properties rather than issuing policies which cover only • fraction ofthe total value of the properties. In insurance terminology this is referred to as realizing "more insurance to value". This should prove to bo 0 great advantage to lenders, Associations. unit owners and insurance agents as it will provide more complete flood insurance protection for less casl.In short, in a greatly simplified fashion it win assist the unit owners and Federal Emergency Management Agency (42 USC 4003{a)(5». as the "Board of principal balance of the loan, or to the Governors ofthe FederalReserve System, maximum limit of coverage made 􀁡􀁶􀁡􀁩􀁬􀁾􀀠the Fedaral Deposit Insurance Corporaable with respect to the particular type of tion, the ComplIOllerof the Currency, the property under the Act. whicheveris less", Faderal Home Loan Bank Board (cur· However. However. as noted above, on October 12. rently. Office of Thrift Supervision). the 1977. the requirement that insurance be Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Cor· purchased to IIthemaximumlimitofcove r􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁡􀁴􀁩􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠and the National Credjt Union age made available" under the 1968 Act Administration." was revised by Section 1306(b)(6) of the National Floed Insurance Act of 1968. (42(b) Llgislative porpose and specific USC 4013(b)(6», and made subject to amandate statutory cap of twice the limits made TheptU'pOSe behind these Sections is soon avuilable undar paragraph 1306(b)(1). in the Congressional finding in Seetion The specific language ofthe Act describos 2(0)(4) of the 1973 Act that" Federal very broadly the transactions that come Instrumentalities:insure or otherwise prowithinthepurchaseprovisionsandincludesvide financial protection to banking and instances inwruchlenders "make. institutions whose assets include a extend, or renew any loan secured bysubstantial number of mortgage loans and improved real propert;y or a mobile home other indebtedness secured by property located or to be located" in • specialflond exposed to loss and damage from floods hazard area of a oommuru.ty "in whichand mudslides". As noted above, the Act flood insurance has been made available does not. by itself. require or prohibit under the National Flood Insurance Act ofactivities on the part of lenders. Section 1968"_ This also includes such transactions 102(b) of the Act (42 USC 4012a(b» as secood mortgag.., andhomeequity loans. directs the Federal InstrUmentallti.., to adopt regulations requiring lenders sub· NOTE: IN AU OF TllESEjectto thuirjurisdiction tocompel borrow. INSTANCES. LENDERS SlJOUW ers to purchBSe flood insurance protecting BEAWARETHAT, SUBJECT TO any "improvedreal estateormobilehome" AVAILABLE POUCY UMITS, THEYloeated in • special flood hazard area in a HAVE THE DISCRETION TOcommunity that is eligible for the purREQUiRE HIGHER AMOUNTS OFchase of National Flood Insurance, ifthe COVERAGE THAN REQUiRED BYbuilding. mobile horne, and any personal LAW IF THEY CONSIDER ITproperty securing such loan, is to bo the NECESSARY TO PROTECT THEsecurity for the loon. (!'he requirement FULLAMOUNI OF THEIRonly applies if the particular property is INIERESTS. AS WELL AS THOSEeligible fofflood insurance under the rules OF THE BORROWER.of the NFIP.) (c) How much insurance must be pur2. IN PORTIONS OF PARllCIPAllNG chased and for how long must it be in COMMUNITIES THAT HAVE BEEN force. and to whatttansactionsdoes thereDESIGNATED BY THE quirement apply? DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AS UNDEVELOPED AREAS UNDER. The Act requires that "the building or THE THE COASTAL BARRIERmobile home and any personal proporty RESOURCES ACT (COBRA)securing the loan" be covered I'for the te!ID of the loan by flood insurance in an WJ,ile ordinarily almost any building in a amount at least equal to the outstanding community that is participating in the NFIP is 15 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines Federal Emergency Management Agency eligible for flood insurance, there is one slgniflcant situation in which Congress has cho· sen to deny residents of a participating com· munity eligibility for flood insurance.The Coastal Barrier Resources Act (COBRA). Public Law 97-348, was adopted by Congress in October of 1982 to amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, by adding Section 1321 (42 USC 4028). Section 1321 prohibits the NFIP from providing flood insurance protection for structures built or subsllmlially improved after October I, 1983, in any of the areas designBled by the Depl!lt· mentofthe Interior as an undeveloped coastal barrier. Buildings already locBled in the deslgnB!ed areas and walled or roofed prior to October I, 1983 remain eligible for coverage. Ifa building built in a designBled area prior to October I. 1983 sustains major damage as a result of a fire., hurricane or other causes. the restored structure would not beeligible for fIoed insurance coverage. Major damage isconsldered to bedamagein an amountof50%ormoreofthe structute'spre-damagcfairmarketvalue.Similady, improvernents to astructute builtpriorto October 1,1983. on adesignB!ed undeveloped coastal barrier area which total50% or more of the structure's pre-improvement fair maIket value would eliminate the structure's eligibility for coverage under the NFIP. Only the undeveloped coastal barrier portion of each community is affected by COBRA's insurance lind18tion. The remainder of the participBling community remains eligible under the NFIP for flood insurance coverage for new and 􀁥􀁸􀁾􀀠isting construction. The Depl!ltment of the Intt:rior was assigned the task of determining which of the coastal areas were undeveloped coastal barriers and of submitting a list to the Congress. The final Congressional designationincluded 187 undevelopedportionsof\ 34 coastalcommunities. Additional areas are 􀁣􀁵􀁲􀁾􀀠rent.!y under consideration for inclusion in the Coastal Barrier Resowces System. The question as to wbether any r«juircments are placed upon lenders who wish to make convemionalloanswith respect to uninsurable property on an undeveloped coastal barrier in a special flood hazard area of • participating community is specifically IIIlSwered by Section 1321 of the 1968 Act (42 USC 4028). That section provides: "A federally insured financial instilution may make loans secured by structures which arc not eligible for flood insurance under this title by reason of subsection (a)" Thus, while lenders would still have to notify borrowers that the property was in a special flood hazard area, as required by Section 1364 of the 1968 Act the unavailability of flood insurance does not prevent the making of the conventionalloan. However, the lender would be well advised to ass... the flood risk at the site and make a decision on granting the loan based on that assessment. 3. IN COMMUNI11ES THAT ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE NAP· PROPERTY SUBJECT TO LETIERS OF MAP AMENDMENT OR MAP REVISION As noted above, there are procedures under which a Letter ofMap Amentheentor a Latter of Map Revision can be obtained which will take the particular portion ofreal property, and the improvements thereon, out of the special flood hazard area. However. itis important to keepinmlnd that untilaproperty owner hasreccived a Latter of Map Amentheent or Letter of Map Revision, the lender must rely only upon Flood Hazard Boundary and Flood insurance Rate Maps. If a particular piece of property is shown as being in a specie! floed hazard ar.... the leuder is bound by the information and must apply the insurance purchase requirements of the 1973 Act in accardecce with the map. 􀁈􀁯􀁷􀁥􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠even though a lender is not required to compel thepurchase offlood insurance with respect to improved real property that is subject to a letter of map amendmentormaptevision, the lender has the discretionary right to oontinue to requiretlood insurance ifthe lender 16 theFederaiInsuranceAdrttinistration.This brought focus on the flood insurance avsi\able from the FlA, as more and more the NFIP became virtually the only flood insurance available forrnost types ofresidectial property. 6. NFIP Coverage.SadsfyingLender Requlrements In one sense, in a manner similar to that followed in the private insurance sector, the NFlP has provided two different policies, one for individual unit owners, regardless of the type of configuration employed for their units, and another for the Associations. Unlike the private insuranc:e sector, however. the insurance policies of the NFIP can only be issued as authorized by the National Flood InsuranceActofl968, as amended, and, consequently NFIP policies arer«juired to have various limitations and differences that distingnish them from insurance policies provided by the private insurance sector. Most significantly, NFIP insurance polio cies are limited as to the amomtt of􀁣􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠age that they can provide for individual unitownern as well as for theAssociation. Again, as differentiated from the insurance coverage provided by the private sector. the NFIP's unit owner policy provides coverage for the unit owners's 􀁩􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁾􀀠est in the common areas of all buildings "owned" by the Association. as wen as for the internal portion of his own unit. 7. ResldenlialCoverage. Unit Owner Regardless of the type of building. residentie! condominium unit may be located in, the NFIP considers the unit to be a single family dwelling (except for the limitation ofits value to actual cash value rather than replacement value). 'The unit owner can purchase in his own name a flood insurance policyonhis unit within a building involving condominium 􀁯􀁷􀁮􀁥􀁴􀁾􀀠ship. In addition. ifthe unit owner has not 33 already insured that same unit. thecondominium association may separately insure a particular unit in the name ofthe owner ofrecord. specifying the unit number and the name ofthe association, as their inlerests may eppear. This would provide the same kind of coverage as could be purcbased individually by the unit owner. Such a policy will cover the improvements and bettennents the unit owner has made within that unit. It will also respond to assessments levied upon the residectinl unit owner by his condominium associaw lion for flood damages which occur inthe building in which theunitownerresidesas well as the sttuctural and or common elements of other buildings owned by the condominium association for the repair of which he may be subject to assessment However. because the NFIP policy does not cover lawns, parking lots, sidewalks and other improvements away from the building, the portion ofany assessment at· Iribu18ble to damage to such items would not be covered under an NFIP policy. Insurance policies covering an individual residential unit are available in llll10unts up to the lindts of coverage, and at the rates available, for a "single family" dwelling, ragardless of the type of building in which the unit is located. Butitmust be noted that only those residential condominium units that are separate structures or are)ocated in .l.l.lOwnhouseorrowhouse configuration are eligible for replacement cost coverage. However. coverage is available to mvners of units in other types of buildings, includ· ing high rise corulominium buildings, on an actual CJ!Shvalue basis. Building coverage under • unit owners policy applies firsttohisorher irulividually owned building improvements and bettennents and, then, to the damage to the boilding's overall common elements. which ate the unit ownclsresponsibility and for which he or she is subject to assessmenL Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines Federal Emergency Management Agency partition walls, tubs. toilets. sinks. counter areas.. etc. H a flood damages one or more units in.condominium building, and the individual unit owner of a damaged unit sustains damage to the improvements and botteIments within his 􀁵􀁮􀁩􀁾􀀠he is not entitled to fmancial assistanoe from his fel· low unit owner.; as to such property and mustlook to his own insuranceproteclion. But uniike the owner of a detached indio viduallyownednon·condominiumhome. he is not primarily responsible for repair. ing the eommon elements in whichhehas an undivided 􀁩􀁮􀁷􀁲􀁥􀁳􀁾􀀠such as building walls, roofs. flo"",. stairways, lobbies. lawns, parking lots. sidewalks. and rec· reational facilities. Because of the multiplicity ofthese ownership interests. a eondominium association is typically the cotporate entity responsible for the operation. maintenance and repair of a condominium. Its memilen;hipis made up of the condominium unit ownen:, all of wlIDm colleetively have an obliglllion to each other to maintain and repair the commonly owned property. This specific obligation is customatily authorized and spelled out in the by-laws of an association and is ineloded in the condominium unit owner's contract agreement which requires each unit owner to pay a proportionate share of the amount of money nceded to perform mamwnance and repair. as well as other administrative and operating eltpenses, including the building up of reserves. They are usually collected monthly in order to provUle a dependablesourceof operating fonds for the association. The by-laws and unit owner's agreement will also confer upon the Board of Directors of an association the authority, following loss or da.mage to the conunon elements. to levy special assessments, as necessary. to provide for the repair or 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀀠construction of loss or damage to the conunon elements. Thus, the funds for 32 repair and/or reconstruction can be obtained from the association·s own funds and from the proceeds from claims filed against insurance policies and/or assessments levied against the individual unit owners. 4. Peril ofFlood Traditionally, the peril of flood was covered in the Difference in ConditiOTts pollcies mentioned earlier. AssociatiOrul that wished even more complete protection against the peril of flood than these pelicies offered. 􀁩􀀮􀁥􀀮􀁾􀀠coverage for the deductible. would also purchase a policy under the NFIP for each building in the floodplain. The motivation for such purchases stems from the fact that Associations have the responsibility to purchase insuranoe in general to protect their property. Thus, it was not driven by leader's insurance requirements placedonindividual unit owners. However, those requirements were nonetheless able to be satisfied by that broad policy DOverage purchased by the ssociation. As a result of this, few individual f10ed insurance pelicies were purchased under the NFIP covering the individual mortgages issued by lenders for units involving condominium ownership in buildings located in flood hazard areas, as such coverage was evidently deemed by lead· ers to bo unnecessary and possibly dupllCaf:ive. 5, Cbanges In Ibe market place In the mid 1980's. conditio"" in the property insurance market changed. however. resulting in insurance companies either not cominuing to offer such broad based coverage at all or continuing to offer such coverage. only on a much more limited basis and virtually without any protection from the peril of flood. At that time AssoCiations, insurance agents. and lenders began to bring the issue to the attention of chooses 10 do so. When aproperty owner with property belowthe 100 year flood level builds an elevated building whose lowest floor is above the 100 year flood level, there is no basis ror the issuance ofeither 3 letter nf map amendment or map revision and the flood insurance purchase requirement continues to apply. because the foundation supporting the elevated building in the special flood hazard area is still below the base flood elevation where it is exposed to the action of the water. However, premium levels may reflect reduced exposure to damage. 4. IN COMMUNmES THAT ARE NOT PARTlCIPAllNG IN THE NAll0NAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM It isimpertant to note that while Federal officers and agencies are still prohibited by See· tion202 (a)ofthe 1973 􀁁􀁣􀁾(42USC 41 06(a» from providing financial assistance with respect to improved real property in areas of flood hazard in communities that are not participating in the NFIP and in which the sale of National Flood Insurance is not authorized. the making of conventional loans in such communities byprivatelenders became permissible in 1977. (a) What is a conventional loan? Aconventionalloan is a loan by a private lender. as distinguished from ,loan by a Federal guvernment agency, that is not secured. insured or guaranteed by a Federal government agency. Such a loan. even when made by a lender that is reguJated by or has its deposits insured by a Fedoral Financial Regulatory Agency (pederalInstrumentality), remains aconventionalloan because the loan itself is not secured. insured or guaranteed by • Fedoral governmentageney. (b) Authority for lenders to make eonventional loans in special flood hazard "",as of nonparticipating communities Anarnendment tothe 1973 Act(frequently referredto as ''The EagletonAmendment") containedinthe Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 (Publie Law 95-128), delered from the Act its original Section 202(b )(42 USC 41 06(b» require. ment that Federal Instrumentalities issue regalatiOTtsprohibiting lenders from making conventional loans with respect to propertyinnonparticipatingcommunities. Theoriginal prohibition was replaced by a new Section 202(b) which substituted in its place a notification requirement. Consequently.1ende rs regulated by, or whose deposilS are insured by Federal InstrUmentalities may make conventional loans secured by mortgages on improved real property and mobile homes in areas of special flood hazard in communities that are not participating in the NFIP. They may do so notwithstanding the fact that such property is not eligible for the purchase of National Floed Insurance, and, thus. the mandatory flood insurance purchase requirement does not apply 􀁷􀁩􀁴􀁨􀁲􀁥􀁾􀀠speet to such loans. However. lenders should carefully evaluate the underwriting risk involved in making such loans. (c) Requirements for notification to the bormwer ifimproved real property that is the security for the loan is in • special f10ed hazard area. The notice requirements. by their specific language, apply only when improved real property is the security for a loan. The requirements do not apply to unsecured loans or to loans secured by improvedreal property that is not located in a special flood hazard area. While the Housing and Community DevelopmentActof 1977 removedtheprohibitionagainstmakingconventiona11oans in nonparticipating communities, the "notice"provision. which is the current Section 202(b) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, requires the instrumentalities to compel leaders to notify borrowers as 10 whether Federal 17 Mandatory Purchase of FlOod Insurance Guidelines disasterreliefwillbe available to thepropJUDGED IN CONSIDERING ITS erty in the event of a disaster caused by DETERMINA110N AS TO flood. For theronvenienceoflenders, FlA WHETHER A STRUCTURE IS OR has drafted 0 notice fonn. FBMA FoIlll IS NOT IN AN AREA OF SPECIAL 81-2. FLOOD HAZARD? An additional requirement, mandated by (a) Significance of the location of the Section 1364 of the Nolional Flood Insurstructure aru:e Act of 1968, as ameoded. (42 USC Aspointedoutabove, themandato!y flood 41(40), directs the Instl"ll!nmtalities to insuraru:e porch ... requirements of thecompel lenders to notit'y the purchaser or 1973 Act apply only whate improvedreallessee of the improvad real properly or property. 􀁩􀀮􀁥􀀮􀁾􀀠a structure. is located in amobile home in writing of the special special flood hazard area in a commurtityflood hazard to which the property is exthat is participating in the National Flood posed or obtain satisfactory assurances Insurance Program. Such. stnIctur. must that the seller or lessor has so notified the be insurable under the NFIP, and underpurchaser or lessee. These notifications NFIP rules an insurable "structure" means are to be made "a reasonable period in adany walled end roofed improvement prevanceofthe signing of the porchase agreedominately above grooed or in the course ment, lease, or other documents involved of OOllStnICtion. Even though • portion of in the transaction". Consistent with the real property on which a sttUcture is lorecommendation by the Federal Financial cated may lie within an area of apecialInstitutions Examination Council, FlA flood hazard, the purchase and notice re, believes that the "reasonable time" 􀁲􀁥􀁾􀀠quirements of the 1973 Act do not applyquirement is satisfied if the notices ore unless the sttUcture itself, or some partofprovided tendays before theclosing. or at the structure is in the special flood hazard the tisne ofrommitment ifthis occurs less area. Prudencemaysuggestthe wisdom oftisao ten days before the closing. the1endes'schoosing as amatterofits own dlscration to require the purchase offloodE. GUIDELINES TO AN insurance wbere the distance from theINTERPRETATION OF THE sttUcture to the edge of the special flood 1973 ACT hazard area is minimal, but such a deciThe paragraphs above roostitute a descriptive sion is not compelled by the 1973 Act analysis of the provisions of the 1973 Act. (b) Examination of the mapWhat follows is an analysis of some of the issues that have arisen under the Act based In order to determine whether. structure is located in anareaofspeoialfloodhazardupon the experience that the Federal Insurance Administration has gathered over the past it is necessary to examine the location of twenty years and the discussions we have bed the structure in relationship to the areas of special flood hazard shown on FJoedwith representatives of Federal agencies and Inslrurnentalities. The views expressed below Hazard Boundary Maps Or Flood Insurrepresent our best effort toward providing ance Rate Maps. Howevert despite guidance and we welcome the views of other FEMA's efforts to make the maps as useFederal agencies and the Federal Inslrurnenful as poasibl.. the descriptions ofapecial talities on these subjects. floodhazml areascontainedinsomemaps 􀁭􀁡􀁹􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁯􀁭􀁥􀁩􀁮􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥􀁳􀀮􀁮 􀁯􀁴􀁢􀁥􀁣􀁬􀁥􀁡􀁲􀁥􀁮􀁯􀁵􀁧􀁨􀀠1. WHAT IS THE STANDARD BY to permit lenders to decide with certainty WHICH A LENDER SHOULD BE and precision whether or not property 18 Federal Emergency Management Agency Froman insurance point ofview. therepresentedve capacity of the condominium association gives it the insurable interest in common areas. and even gives it the rigbt to purchase roverage 00 individual urtill! as a means of prolllcring the entire """dominium community. It is only in that sense that Ibe association might be thought of as having a quasi-ownership interest In the past, Associations have traditiooally fulfilled their insurance reaponsibility by porchasing some form of master "Difference in Coeditioos" policy. policy. Bec.use of the uniquenat:ureof condominium ownership, Ibose policies have provided protection for the structural portion of the imildings. usually including most of the internalpoltionsoftheindividoal units as well. Individoal policies were also available from the private insuraru:e induslly. but lypically provided coverage for the unit owner end only for things unique to him. such as his contents and physical surface changes mede by him to the internal portion of his unit, such as new wall, floor or ceiling coverings, all of which was ofUnle interest to the lender as their mortgagee interests wereroosideted protected by the Association's master policy. 2. Lender's Interest The interests of individnallenders in Ibe mortgages they have provided on individual urtits have typically been satisfied by obtaining evidence of the existence of these master insurance policies, even though the Associations, unlike the unit owners, DOIlllally do not have morlgages. Suchinsuranceby Associadoll$hasproven aconveruence to lenders since. inessence. fullhazard insurancecoverege is provided through one policy, alleviming the need to deal with a saparate policy for each individual unit's mortgage. 3. Nature of Condominium OwnershiplLenders Expo'lIre The concept of condominium ownership shapes not only the nature of the borrower's exposure to insurable risk, but also the kind of property interest that the lender receives as security for the loan. While the owner of a unit in a 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁤􀁯􀁭􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠ium building. especially in the case of a townhouse, may appear to have the same kind of property interest as the owner of a .aparately owned detached house, there is, in fact, a vast difference between their interests. In its simplest terms, the owner of a condominium does not have exclusive ownership of the walls. f100r and roof of his residence or of Ibe land opon which it rests. His exclusive property interest is limited to the spece within the walls, f100r end roof. Althoughhe lypicallyretains the exclusiverightto occupy andsell his unit, all of his: other interests :in the common areas of the condominimn are shared in common with theowners oftheotherunits owned by the members of the condominium association. There are various kinds of structures 􀁩􀁮􀁾􀀠volving condominium ownership. A 􀁣􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠dominium building may be a verlice!, multiple story unit building (often called a ''high rise"), a townhouse or row house or, infrequently. a single urtit building. The ownerShip interest ofa porchaserof a unitusuallyineludes (I) Ibeairspaoo in the individual unit; (2) certain property attached to the building imt within theurtfinished petisneter walis. f100r and ceiling of theunit; end(3) an undivided interest with all other Wlit owners in the oommon elements. The items attached to the building within the perimeter walls. floor and ceiling. are often referred to as 'Iimprovements and betterments" or "additions and betterments", which include floor, wall and ceiling coverings. cabinets, wallpaper. paneling. fixtures, built in appliances, 31 Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines 8. Iftheinstitutiondoes not provide such notification. does it obtain satisfactory written assuranc'es from a seller or lessor that the heITOwer has been properly notified of the fact that the property is located in • special flood hazard area prior 10 the execution of the agreement. Yes No 9. Are notifications provided within the required time limit? Yes No 10. Prior 10 closing, does the institution obtain••atisfactorywrittenacknowledg ... mentfrom the borrower that the improved property or manufactured home securing the loan is or will he located in • special flood hazard area? Yes No 11. Indica'" the method{s) ofnotification used. SUFFICIENCY OF COVERAGE 12. Does areviewoffiles(orprocedures) indicate that. sufficient amount of flood insurance coverage is ""IUired of loans granted within commtutitie. in: a. the Emergency Program Yes No b. the Regular Program Yes No 13. Does areview ofliles (or procedures) indicate that insurance policies are renewed annually? (Refer 10 workpapers l'rompastexaminstionsandlistapplicable Customer names.) Yes No NONPARTICIPATING COMMUNI11ES 14. If the institutinn grants federally re· lated loans (such as Federal Housing Administration. Veterans Administration. 30 ....;. andSmallBtrsinessAdministrationloans) does it refrain from granting such loans when the property securing the loan is Or will he located in a special flood hazard area of • nonparticipating community? Yes No 15. Are proper notices of the unavailability of Federal Dis"'ter relief assistance (eon..,ntionalloans only) given 10 borrower whose properly is located in • special flood hazard area of • non-participating conuntutity? Yes No F. THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 1973 ACT AS TO CONDOMINIUMS 1. Insuraru:elPropmy Repair Respens1bUlty of Condomlnlum Assoclallons Condominiums Associations, by both SlDtelaw and a""""I.1Io1l by.laws, typl. and mainlDln adequate Insurance on their buildings and toIIImon .reas of those buildings. In addition, addition, th.y .Iso h... the responsibUlty to rep.Irs to .U commonly owned property, regardless of whether or not ther.lsadequat. Insurance to 1;ry Name) Insurance R,a«; Map (FIRM) Ot, if the FIRM is unavailable, on tbe Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FH:BMO. Thi$ area has a 1% chance ofheing !loaded witbin any given year. The rl$k of exceeding tile 1% chance increases witb time periods longer than one Year, For example. during the life of a 30-ycar mortgage, a 􀁭􀁵􀁣􀁾􀁵􀁲􀁥􀀠!oc:atod in a special !lood hanrd area has a 26% chance of being flooded. NOTlCE TO BORROWER ABOUT FEDERAL FLOOD DISASTER ASSISTANCE (Lender Check One) Notice in Partidpadng Communities The improved real estate or mobile home securing your loan is or ..... mbe looted in a community wbich is now participating in tbe National Flood Insurance Program, In the event your property is damaged by flooding in a Federally declared disa:s.s.ter. Federal disaster relief may be availahle. However, such relief will be unavailable i£ your community is not p;\rddpadng in tbe Nadonai F!ooJ low ;'Iorance Program at the time such .usUltance would be approved, (asSliming yOUT campl/mity lUIS been identified as JiQcd.pror1.e fOT (1/least one year), This assistallce usually in the form of a loan with ;'t favorable interest f purchasethesameNFIPcoverage from private companies that have agreed I<> enter into agreements with PIA. Thecoverage, eligibility and premiums ere the same on WYO policies as in the case ofpolicies that are issued directly by thaPIA through its servicing company. The PIA has guaranteed that in the event that any WYO company is required by State regulatory authorities I<> cease writing insurance and is Ullllble to pay llood insurance claims onder any WYO policy, PIA will assume all obligations for the paymenlof covered claims under that policy. Thus,lenders and insureds should not hesitate I<> accept NFIP policies written either directly by PIA or through a WYO company. In the event of • submission of a flood insurance policy that is not issued by the NFIP through PIA or a WYO company, PIA believes that the following cri1eriashould bernet with respect I<> any flood insurance policy submitted to a lending institution or • Federal agency inpurpotted satisfaction of the insurance purchase requirements of the 1973 􀁁􀁣􀁾􀀠(Ill The insurer should be licensed I<> do business in the jurisdiction wheretheproperty is located, by the Insurance Department of that jurisdictinn, except as indicated in (b) below. (b) In the case of • non-residential commercial property insured pursuant IX> a pollcy of difference in conditions, multiple peril. all risk, or other blanket coverage, it should be sufficient ifthe insurer is recognized, or not disapproved, as a surplus lines insurer by the Insurance Department of the jurisdiction where the pr0perty is located. (c) The flood insurance policy issued by theinsurersbould inelodean endorsement which requires that the insurer give 30 days Mitten notice ofcancel1ation 􀁯􀁲􀁮􀁯􀁮􀁾􀀠renewal IX> the insured with respect I<> the lloodinsurancecoverage and thai to beeffoetive such nOlice must be mailed to both the insured and theleuderor Federal'geney and must include information as to the availability of lIood insurance coverage coverage lUlder the NFIP. (d) The policy should guarantee that the lIoodinsurancecoverage,consideringboth deduca'bles and exclusions or conditions offered by the insurer, is at least as brued as the coverage offered by the NFIP policies. (0) Lenders should satisfy themselves that a mor1Eagee interest clause sintilar to that contained in NFIP policies is conrained in the poUcy. In the opinion of the PIA. an insurancepoliCY that meets aIlofthe above criteria meets the insurance purchase requirements of Section 102 of tha 1973 􀁁􀁣􀁾􀀠To the extent that the policy differs from thePIA policy, thedifferences should be carefuUy exeminod bofore consideration is given to acceptance ofthepolicy as sufficient pro1ection under the 1973 Act 7_ LENDERS' REMEDIES IN THE EVENT OF PRIOR FAILURE TO REQUIRE FLOOD INSURANCE ThehistoryoftheNFIPsince theenactmentof the 1973 Act indica"'. that lenders have not consisterttlyrequiredthepurchaseandrenewal of flood insurance policies as required by regulations issued by Federal Instrumentalities pursuant to the 1973 Act Questions arise astowhats1epsare availal>le for lenders whose attention has been directed to the situation at • Ia!er time. The issue has been raised to PIA with grOwing frequency that because of the rapid turnover of the servicing of mor1Eages. some loan originarms may be paying little or no at1ention to the flood insurancepurchaserequirement because the servicing is sold SO quicldy. This could result in no flood coverage being written to protect the interests of either the mortgagor or the mortgagee. Italso means that any subsequent servicer of that loan would be provided withno basis upon whichitcanlmow that the property is located in the floodplain 26 "eOlEfiAI. e"'tl'lOIENeY MANACi!.... 1·3 (llmt CONTROL NO_ 593-213 t,I,s. COYE-.e;Nf pRHrtHl(O urnes, l'i84 0 􀁾􀁓􀀤􀁾􀀴􀀤􀀴􀀠20a Federal Emergency Management Agency the lender than struc1mes that are compliant with floodplain management ordinances. (c) Section 1316, as applicable to Federal Officers and Agencies Questionshavearisen as to theapplicability of Section 1316 to Section 102(a), which applies to the approval of financial assistance by Federal officers and agencies. Federal officers and agllllCies should make their own determinations as to whether they should approve fmancial assistance with respect to a building that the community has declared to be in violation of local ordinances designed to rodece the peril of flood dernage to such building. And in coastal barrier areas theymustconsider the restrictions placed on Federal assistance by COBRA. (d) NFIP underwriting "",trictions on eligibility for flood instuance In addition to COBRA and Section 1316 of the 1968 Act, there are policy provisions and underwriting rules of the Standard Flood Insurance Policy sold under the NFIP which preclode certain properties from eligihility for coverage. For example, structures built over water 􀁣􀁡􀁮􀁾􀀠not be insured under the Program. nor can boat houses. The NFIP coverages also contain restrictions on insurance cove:r􀁡􀁧􀁾such as theportions ofhomes consisting of finished basements where only enumeratedandlirultedcoverage is available. 5. THE APPUCABIUTY OF THE 1973 ACT TO THE PURCHASE OF MORTGAGES BY LENDERS Among the Federal Instrumentalities two different views have been expressed on the subject of the applicability of the Act to lIansactions involving the purchase ofmortgages by lenders. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board has taken a position whichissinUhJr to that expressed by the Federal Insurance Adminisl:ralion in FlA Guidelines deled 1978, and has interpreted Ibe Act as including not only the origination of mortgage loans, but also the purchase of mortgage loan portfolios in the secooda:ry market and participations thereof. Thus, under this view purchased mortgage 10anss..uredbyimprovedpropertyinaSFHA musthecoveredbyfloodinsura nee, whereappJlcable, unless Ibe original loan w .. made pursuant to a fonual loan commitment issued prior to March 2, 1974. On the other hand, the Federal Depositlnsurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board and the Comptroller of the Currency have inh:rpreted the Act to apply only to the origination of mortgage loans and not the parchase of mortgage loans in the secondary market. Lenders should, therefore, follow Ibe intetpretations of the particular FederalInstrumenlaIity to whose exantioations thcy are SUbject for authoritativeguidance. In PIA's viewt the t:enn "whereapplicableu• asu.sedinconnectionwith the position that the statute does apply to the purchase of mortgages, means that such a requirement pertains only to mortgage loans involving improved real property in areas of special flood hazard in communities participatiog in the National Flood instuanee Program. and in which flood insurance is thereby available Ihraugh the NFIP. 6. ACCEPTANCE OF PRIVATE FLOOD INSURANCE POLICIES To MEET STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF NAP "WRITE YOUR OWN POLICIES" FlA would welcome Ibe aVailability of adequate flood insurance from the private insurance market. Hed adequate and assured flood insurance ptO""'tion been available through the privateinstuance market in 1968, the NFJl> might not have been necessary. To give the public the benefits of the marketing andserv· icing expertise of the private insurance indus-. tty, PIA h .. since 1983 been making flood insoranee available through the NFIP "Write Your Own" Program (wyO) which enables 25 Mandatory Purchase Of Flood Insurance Guidelines Federal Emergency Management Agency available immediately when !heconstru(>lion starts and is not 􀁤􀁥􀁉􀁾􀁥􀁤􀀠lIDliI the building has reached a roofed and walled condition. 4. WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES IF A STRUCTURE IS LOCATED IN A COMMUNITY THAT IS PARTlCIPATlNG IN THE NATlONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM, BUT FLOOD INSURANCE IS NOT AVAILABLE WITH RESPECT TO THAT PARTICULAR STRUCTURE? Itis !heview ofFlAthatinusing!hewords "!he sale of flood insunlnce has been made available" theCongres.smeanl themanda/ory flood insurance purchase requirement of Section H)2 (b) to address the situation where PIA, through the NFIP. offers to sella flood insuraru;e policy to theowner ofthe particular struewrethatis thesubjectofthetransaetion. Where !heFederal government has chosen to limitthe availobilily of flood insurance in a participating community. the inabilily of !he property owner to purchase flood insurance does not require a lender to refrain from making a conventlonalloan with respect to that property. (a) CoastJ!l Barrier Resources A<:t ThereareseveraIreasonswhyflood insurance mighlnot be available to.particular structure. One of the most significant is the Coastal Barrier Resources A<:t (COBRA). Public Law 97-348. mentioned abcve, which was adopledby Congress in October of 1982 to reduce or restrict Federal government ections that were b<>Iieved to be encouraging the development of certain coastal barrier areas. including both islands and mainland properly, that are currently lDldeveioped While COBRA does not prevent private frnancing and 􀁤􀁥􀁶􀁥􀀱􀁥􀁰􀁲􀁮􀁥􀁮􀁾􀀠it limits f'mancial assistanceby Federal agencies on lDldeveloped coastal barriers, e: