RESPONSE TO PROPOSAL TO PROHIBIT PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE WINNWOOD/BELLBROOK/CELESTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD The staff has been asked to evaluate a request from the Bellbrook/Winnwood/Celestial residents to restrict access by the public to their neighborhood. The proposal would involve putting gates at Winnwood Road/Belt Line Road, and at Montfort Drive/Celestial Road. These gates would prohibit vehicular access to the general public. The residents have not indicated what type of gating system would be used, but the staff understands that the proposal is for a mechanical device that provides access only to authorized vehicles, not for a "manned" gate. STREETS The staff first consulted with the city's attorneys to find out if the streets could be gated and still remain public streets. The attorneys' opinion (memo attached) is that: 1. Access to public parks cannot be denied; 2. Access to churches cannot be denied; and 3. Public streets cannot be gated. Therefore, in order to prevent the general public from being able to drive on the streets in this neighborhood, the residents would have to purchase, or otherwise obtain, the streets and parks in this neighborhood from the city. The attorneys advise that the streets could be "privatized" under the following conditions: 1. All of the landowners abutting the streets should petition the city for the streets to be closed. 2. Upon the consent of 100% of the abutting landowners, the City and the landowners should enter into a contract in which the City would agree, for some amount to be determined, (typically it is fair market value) to convey to the landowners its interest in the streets, including the installed infrastructure. The staff does not have an accurate estimate for the fair market value of the streets. Page 2 3. The City should require that the abutting landowners create a property owners association to maintain the streets and other public infrastructure according to City standards. Standards for the association should be adopted by the City, including the requirement that the association establish a reserve fund to maintain the streets and that the property owners and the association agree to indemnify the City. PARKS The attorneys' opinion did not address the parks, but the staff believes that if public access to the parks is denied, they also must be purchased. State law and city charter provide that public park land cannot be sold without approval of the city's voters through an election. In addition, the Winnwood Park was purchased with Texas Land and Water Conservation funds. The staff believes that this land cannot be removed from the public domain because it was bought with state funds. However, if the Winnwood Park could be sold, and if the voters approved the sale of the parks, they could then be purchased by the neighborhood. The Parks Department has furnished an estimate of the value of the Parks (memo attached). The city has spent approximately $1,457,086 for improvements to the parks in the Winnwood/Bellbrook/Celestial neighborhood. The Parks Department has estimated a fair market value of $5.00 per square foot for the park land, which would mean that it would cost $2,831,400 to acquire the park land. Therefore, the cost to purchase the parks (land + improvements) would be approximately $4,288,486. In addition, the city spends $98,000. per year to maintain the parks which are contained in the neighborhood. The residents might not maintain the parks to the same standard as the city, but a property owners' association which would be established to maintain the streets should also be prepared to maintain the parks. ACCESS TO WHITE ROCK CREEK CHURCH The attorneys expressed the opinion that access to a church cannot be restricted. The church would have to be willing to move to another location, and and a private owner would have to buy the church property. Page 3 LOCATION OF GATES The Public Works Department has evaluated the site design challenges that would have to be accommodated in order to gate the neighborhood (memo attached). The Director notes: 1. The gates should be located a sufficient distance from Belt Line and Montfort to avoid any stacking into the major streets. Staff recommends a minimum distance of 100 feet to the access box. 2. Sufficient room should be provided to turn around the largest vehicle expected on the street. This could be a circular or hammerhead-styled turn-around. Staff believes that there is not room in the public rights-of-way to accommodate the gate locations and required turn-around space. Therefore, a private property owner would have to give up some of his property to make room for the gate installation. The staff has researched the best way to provide emergency vehicle access into gated communities, and believes it has found a satisfactory system. The city would require the neighborhood to purchase and install the AMTECH AMTECH "toll tag" system on all entry gates (specifications attached). However, there still needs to be system to provide non-emergency access to other neighborhood vendors such as Cable TV, TU Electric, Lone Star Gas, Dallas utilities, Southwestern Bell, yard services, cleaning services, pool services, UPS, FED-EX, and other deliveries such as furniture, appliances, etc. There also needs to be a satisfactory system to allow entrance for visitors and guests of the residents. Staff has seen installations where a guest dialed a resident's phone number and appeared on a TV screen in the resident's home. This type of system works for small, densely-developed properties, but the staff believes it would be fairly expensive to install in a large-lot neighborhood such as this one. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONCERNS The Fire Department will have access to the neighborhood through the "toll-tag" system. However, the Department has expressed a concern that any gate or access-restricting device will hamper its ability to respond respond to an emergency situation. Page 4 POLICE DEPARTMENT CONCERNS The Police Department has also expressed a concern about the slowing of response times (memo attached). However, it has an additional concern. The Police patrolmen will continue to regularly patrol the neighborhood as they do now, but they will not have the ability to enforce traffic violations in a private street neighborhood. Parking, stopping, speeding, and other city ordinance traffic violations can only be enforced on public streets. ALTERNATE PROPOSAL FOR GATES Staff understands that there is also a proposal to gate only Winnwood Lane at the north and south ends and Bellbrook Drive to the north of Celestial Park. This gating scheme would reduce the cost for acquiring parks and streets because Celestial Road and Celestial Park would still be accessible to the public. There would still be the cost for acquiring Winnwood Road, all the streets in Bellbrook Estates, and Winnwood Park. In addition, the yearly maintenance costs, though lower, would still have to be paid through an association. The staff also believes that the city should get the consent of all the residents on Celestial Road before taking away their ability to access Belt Line via Winnwood Road. SUMMARY The staff believes that if the Council consented to sell the Parks and Streets in this area back to the residents, they would be able to privatize these elements and gate their neighborhood. and prohibit vehicular access by the public. Staff does not have very accurate estimates for the costs associated with "privatizing" the area. It believes that there would be a huge "per household" cost to purchase the streets and parks and install the gates. There would then be a substantial yearly cost to provide for maintenance of the streets, parks, and gating system. If the residents would like to pursue gating the neighborhood, the staff can further research the costs for acquiring and maintaining the streets, and find examples of homeowners' association documents that outline the terms for the maintenance and indemnification of the city. To: From: Date: Re: MEMORANDUM Carmen Moran Ken Dippel and John Hill August 4, 1995 Gated Communities You have asked us to address the issue of gating the Bellbrook community. The legal impediments to gating that community are as follows: 1. Access to public parks cannot be denied; 2. Access to churches cannot be denied; and 3. Public streets cannot be gated. If the gates can be placed in such a position as to permit the public parks and the churches to have free access, then other streets within the Bellbrook community can be gated in accordance with the following: 1. All of the landowners abutting the street should petition the City for the streets to be closed. 2. Upon the consent of 100% of the abutting landowners, the City and the landowners should enter into a contract in which the City would agree, for some amount to be determined (plano requires the fair market value), to convey to the landowners its interest in the streets, including the installed infrastructure (streets, water and sewer pipes, easements, etc.). 3. The City should require that the abutting landowners create a property owners association (subject to approval by the City Attorney) to maintain the streets and other public infrastructure according to City standards. Standards for the association similar to what the City of Plano requires should be adopted by the City, inclUding the requirement that the association establish a reserve fund to maintain the streets and that the property owners and the association agree to indemnify the City. Should you have any questions or desire any additional information, please let us know. CI:!lestial Park/Creek System Cost Summary Celestial Park Winnwood Park Creek Trail 4.29 acres 5.11 acres 6.6 acres $780,000 $543,873 $133,213 Total Project Cost TO'/IA Hall/Finance 􀂷􀁫􀀱􀁬􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁶􀁥􀁭􀁥􀁬􀀱􀁴􀁳􀁳􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀻􀀭􀁩􀀮􀁅􀀦􀀭􀁩􀂷􀁡􀁡􂂬􀀱􀁣􀁆􀁆􂂬􀁥􀁾􀁳􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀤􀁾􀀴􀀡􀀺􀀵􀀰􀁾􀀹􀁾􀀮􀀲􀀻􀀡􀀻􀁏􀀺􀁂􀁴􀀹 $1,866,295 Estimated Cost to Purchase Land $5 Per Foot Celestial Park Winnwood Park (includes Yarborough tract) Creek (includes 3-acre wooded park) Total Land Purchase Cost Maintenance Cost Celestial Park, Winnwood, Bellbrook Median', Creek 113 acres $934,362 $1,112,958 $784.080 $2,831,400 $98,000* *This includes salaries, benefits, supplies, contractual services (mowing, seasonal color, etc.), and utilities. *This was estimated using this year's bUdget. 􀀭􀀺􀁾 􀁾 .u.__ .•. 􀁾•• ;.' 􀀧􀁾􀀢􀀢􀀧•• '., . 1 􀀮􀀿􀁾 if .S"g August 10, 1995 P.UB.LIC wonKS DEP.A. RTMENT 􀁐􀀨􀀩􀁾􀁬 Office Bux 111 Addison, 'rexn.. 75001 MEMORANDUM .. (211) 150-:llJ71... 1(11101 WI!H1IlrOVo To: From: Re: Canncn Moran Director of Developmental Services 􀁾􀀻􀁅'.-"􀁾􀀢 r􀁾(􀀭.. John R. Baumgartner, E. . :__ .' ./' Director of Public Work Bellbrook, Celestial, and Wi1U1wood • Gated Communities The Public Works Department has looked at the proposal to provide gates to the referenced neighborhood, and has the following comments: 1. The gates should be located a sufficient distance from Belt Line and Montfort to avoid any stacking into the major streets. Recommend 100 feet as a minimum to the access box. 2. Sufficient room should be provided to turn around the largest vehicle expected on the street This could be a circular or hammerhead styled turn around. 3. In the event ofa power failure the gates should "fail open" to provide access to repair/cleanup crews, emergency vehicles, residents, guests, etc.. 4. Toll tag type access is required for utility, street, and refuse workers. 5. What system is proposed to provide access to other neighborhood vendors? Cable TV, TU Electric, Lone Star Gas, Dallas Utilities, Southwestern 􀁂􀁣􀁬􀀱􀁾 etc.. Please call me if you have an.y questions or need additional information. TOWN OF ADDISON SPECIFICATIONS FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS TO LIMITED-ACCESS COMMuNITIES The Town of Addison seeks to provide the best possible emergency services to all residents. We want to insure that residents in limited-access communities receive the same speed of emergency response as all other residents. Toward that goal, the Town has chosen an emergency access system that must be installed in all limited-access communities. The specifications for the system required by the city are as follows: An AMTECH A1601 SmartPass Reader/Controller, with stand alone software, shall be installed at each entry driveway. The reader shall be located so that it can read the signal emitted by an AMTECH AT5103 Battery powered vehicle tag (which has been installed on city emergency vehicles) as soon as the vehicle enters the driveway. The city will furnish the developer with a list of city-authorized tag numbers which shall be loaded into the reader/controller. The reader/controller must be maintained by the property owner or or manager. Each pair of electrically-operated drive gates shall have a KNOX BOX installed no further than five feet from the gate, at a height of approximately five feet above the ground. This panel or box shall be painted bright red and labeled "FIRE DEPT." Each of these panels or boxes shall be locked with a KNOX pad lock operated by a KNOX PL-1 SUB KEY. There shall be a 2-position toggle switch inside each panel or box, that when moved to the "open" position, will cause the drive gate to open and lock open. The gate system shall be designed so that the drive gate will not close until the switch is manually returned to the "normal" position. Each pair of electrically-operated drive gates shall be engineered so as to be "fail safe." The gates must automatically open in the event of a power failure. The AMTECH reader/controller can be purchased from the following dealers: Associated Time 1545 Prudential Drive Dallas, TX 75235 (214) 637-2763 Gyco Security Sales 2816 White Oak Drive Plano, TX 75074 (214) 423-423-8145 gatespec Regency Security Systems 1300 E. Arapaho Richardson, TX 75081 (214) 248-1957 Security Assurance Systems 570 Edmund #204 Lewisville, TX 75067 (214) 420-6574 POLICE DEPARTMENT (214) 450-7100 MEMORANDUM To: Subject: Carmen Moran City Secretary Gated Communities From: Date: James 􀁍􀁣􀁌􀁡􀁵􀁧􀁨􀁬􀁩􀁮􀀬􀁾 Chief of Police 􀁾 August 23, 1995 In response to your questions regarding the Police Department's concerns about gated communities, the following observations are made. Gated communities, as we understand them, will be private property with the residents or some other entity(s) owning and maintaining the streets. As the streets would be private, the Department would be unable to enforce most traffic laws and ordinances such as speeding, parking issues, etc. We would patrol the gated communities provided we had reasonable access to the area. Our enforcement would be limited to criminal matters. If gating an area is for security reasons, then to be effective the gates must be operational 24 hours a day. Also, pedestrian traffic would need to be controlled. If parks are included in the gated community and become private property, city ordinances for the most part would not apply from the Police Department's standpoint. We would work with the owners/agent of the park on trespass issues to reduce problems with uninvited visitors to the private parks. In conclusion, gated communities, if we have quick and easy entry, will not necessarily pose problems for the Department other than the areas noted above. If you have any questions please give me a call. IM/af JM9611 GATED COMMUNITY SURVEY Arlington: Some gated residential/apartment areas. They are considered private streets and are not maintained by the city. Police access these areas by key pad. If no key pad, they use a pass card or a call box, but in these cases there must be an alternate way to open the gates. The fire department also uses a key pad. In some cases, the fire department uses a Knox box. No ordinance concerning the gated communities. They are addressed in the Uniform Fire Code (attached). Carrollton: Some gated residential/apartment areas. Police access the gates with magnetic key cards. The fire department is always accompanied by the police so they access the gates in the same way. Coppell: No gated residential/apartment areas. They do have one house that is gated. One area is being completed with a guard shack and possible gate. Dallas: North Central Substation -has gated residential/apartment areas. Dispatch has a record at the station of the codes for each gate. The pad number is sent to the officer when there is a call at a gated area. Some of the beat officers keep the numbers in their note pads. Other complexes use an overriding pad number which corresponds to the street address of the police substation. They have budgeted next year for "Opticoms" for patrol cars. Northeast Central Substation -has gated apartment complexes. Each squad car had an "Opticom" device which opens the gates. The fire department accesses the areas in the same manner as the police department. Duncanville: Has an ordinance against gated communities. Farmers Branch: c:\kar\9512 Two apartment complexes are gated. One of the complexes leaves the gates open all the time. The other complex is sporadic, the gate is sometimes open and sometimes closed. The police department accesses the gates through key pads. They have an understanding with the apartments that if they cannot, for any reason, get the gate open or closed, the apartments are liable. The fire department accesses the areas by using a Knox box. They have no ordinance concerning gated communities. Richardson: A few apartment complexes are gated. No residential areas are gated. Officers access the apartment complexes with a key pad. The fire department also accesses these areas with a key pad. They have no ordinance concerning gated communities. Toll Tag System: Opticom: c:\kar\9512 Amtek -At least three developments use the toll tag system at this time; The Enclave in Plano, The Cliffs-Glen Eagles, and Rancho Mirado in Dallas. Cost for the system is: $ 3,000 -reader 500+ -controller 30/ea -tag/cards Vendors for the system are: Associated Time Regency Security Access Control Technology Dallas Security Systems The toll tag system can be set up to allow city personnel access. It can also record the time and date of entry. There needs to be a backup system like a Knox box available in the event of toll tag failure. Fire Department will furnish information. 1991 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 10.302-10.4C1 10..204-10.302 1991 UNIFORM FIRE COOE 63 Division IV WATER SUPPLIES FOR FIRE PROTECTION i Obstruction 􀁾 Sec. 10-205. The required width of a fire apparatus llCCe$S rmd shall not Ix: . ob6tructed in any manner. including parking of vehicles. Minimum required 􀁾 widllts and clear-dOees established under Ibis section shall be maintained at all ! limes, !!Marking 􀁾 Sec. 10.206. When required. approvedsigns 01' other appnwcd notices slUIII be 􀁾 providedand maintained forfire apparatus access roads toidcntify$Ucb roads and i prohibit the obstruction Ihereof or both. 􀁾IiDivision IJI 􀁾I FIRE 􀁄􀁅􀁐􀁁􀁒􀁔􀁎􀁦􀁖􀁜􀁾􀁾􀁾TO BUILDINGS 􀁾 PremIses ldentlftcatll.1 Iut.D 􀁾 Sec. Ut.301. (a) General. Approved numbcn or addn:sSICS shall be placed on 􀁾 all new arul existing buildings: insuch a positioo as lObe plain!yvisillicand kgibte 􀁾 from lheslR:et or roadfronting the property, SIOO numbers shall coolrUtwith their ! background. 􀁾 (b) Slftdor ReadSigns. Wbc:llla1uimlby the chief. stn:eu androids shall Ix: • identifIed with approved signs. Key BoxeA l\Jl r=􀁦􀁾 I"'. J:"i "1 Sec. 􀁊􀁏􀁾􀁾􀁥􀁵􀁾􀁾􀀧􀀢astIUctUR 01"an an:a is Il1Iduly di.fficult because of seemed openings or where immediate access is nea:ssuy for life-".. 62 􀁾 Venical clearancesorwidthsshaU be inc=s.sedwhc:n, in lheopinioooftheduef. 􀁾 vertical clearances or widlhs 3J"C nOI adequa1C 10 provide fire apparatus access. 􀁾 (b) SllrCace.. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed an:i maintained to 􀁾 support the imposed loads of ftre apparatUli and shan be provided widJ a surface so 􀁾 as to provide 􀁡􀁬􀁬􀀬􀁷􀁃􀁬􀁬􀁬􀁨􀁥􀁲􀀼􀁉􀀺􀁩􀁶􀁩􀁮􀀭􀁴􀀮􀁾􀁢􀁩􀁾􀁩􀁩􀁩􀀺􀁾 :, "" .-􀁾 (c) TurniDg Radius. 1be 􀁾􀁩􀁮􀁧 􀁬􀀱􀁉􀁤􀁬􀁵􀁾oh fire appllI"3tus access road shall be 􀁾 as approved by the chief. 􀁾 id) Dead Ends. Dead·end fire apparatus access roads in excess of !)(J feet in 􀁾 lenglh shall be pro\'ided with approved provisioos for the tlIming around of fue 􀁾 apparatus. 􀁾 (e) Bridges. WhenII bridge is requited to be used as access undothis sectioo, it 􀁾 shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the applicable sections of 􀁾 tN: Building Code and sball use desigJIed Iive loading sufficimt to carry the: 􀁾 imposed 􀁬􀁯􀁡􀁤􀁾 of fire apparatus. . ! {O Grade. 􀁾 gradient for a fIR: llppara1US access road shall DO! elWCCd lite 􀁾 maximum approved by lite chief. 􀁾 l sa'o'mg Of" fire fighting purposes, !he chief is au1h:m7.ed to require a key box to be 􀁾 installed in an accessible location. 􀁾 key box shall be a type approved by Ihe 􀁾 chiefand shall contain keys 10 gain nea:ssary access as 􀁾􀁵􀁩􀁭􀁤 by the chief. 􀁾! Shaftway Marking 􀁾 Sec. 10.JOJ. Exterior windows in buildings used for manufacturing or for 􀁾 srorage pUJVOScs which open directly on Jlhaftways or other vertical means of ! communicalion between lwo or more lloonstull be plainly marUd with. the word 􀁾 SHAF1WAY in red leIters at least 6 inchc$ !Ugh on a while background. Warning 􀁾 signs wI! be casHy discernible from the outside oflhe building. Door andwindow 􀁾 openings on such shaftways from the 􀁩􀁮􀁴􀁥􀁑􀁾􀁴 Qf:k.puilding·sha1l be similarly 􀁾 marked with the word SHAFTWAY iIi amannl:r wbich is easiIj visible to anyone: 􀁾 approaching !he shaftway from Ihe interiOl" ofthe building, unless theCOOSlJUetion 􀁾 ofIhe partition surrounding the shaftway is of such distinctive nature It.'I 10 make 􀁾 its PIJIlXl$e evident at a glllIlCC. 􀁾i Exterior Doors 􀁾 Sec:. 10.304. (a) Obstruction aDd Elimination. Exterior doorsor their funcrion 􀁾 shan not be elimina!cd wi!hout prior approval by Ihe chief. Exterior doors which 􀁾 have been rendered nonfunctional and which retain a functional door exterior 􀁾 appearance shall have a sign afftXed to the exleriOT side ofsuch dooc stating THIS 􀁾 DOOR BLOCKED.The: sign shallconsistofletten having p-incipalslTOkeofnot 􀁾 less than lJ4 ioch wide and at least 6 inctM:s high on a contrasting background. 􀁾 Required fIR: depar1ment aooess doorli shall not be obstIUl:led or eliminated-See 􀁾 Mele 12 for exit doors_ ! (b) Access Doon and Openiog:;. For rtrefighting purposes, lOCess doon. 􀁾 openingsandcxitdoors shallbeprovided andreadily access-i1He inlXXupancies a!l 􀁾 required by the Building Code. 􀁾 For access doors for high-piled combustible srorage, see Section 81.109 CD). 􀁾i Floor Openings 􀁾 8ec:.l0.305. Aooropcnings shall be sulTOunded by guardrailsauet fol1h in the 􀁾 Building Code or shall have covers which are automatic closing or maintained in 􀁾 a closed position at all times. 􀁾i.I.!IiiIi GeI1eraI i Sec.l0.4Gl. An approved water supply capable of supplying the Ta{uired fire 􀁾 flow for fue proo:ction shall ft􀁩􀁾􀂷upon which facilities. 􀁾 buildingsorporUOIIS ofbuiJlfip\ ormovedintoorwilhin 􀁾 the jurisdiction, Wtu::n any ponion ofl1u: acility orbuildingprotected is in excess ! (1) 􀁾􀀮 The gradient for a fire lane serving a buildinq not protectQd throughout by a callp lete autollatic sprinkler system shall not exceed eight percent (8\). (26) .' Enforcement.. 1"he Fire Chief or Police Chief, or their, authorized representatives. are hereby authorized to monitor fire lanes to detect obstructions and lIl.lIy issue citations, remove and impound any vehicle obstructing said tire lane, or both. Additionally. any duly authorized City inspector Whose duty it is to enforce the prOVisions of the Code of the city of Arlinqton .ay issue citations for such violations. Section 10.302(a) -Keys, labels and siqnage necessary for the operation and use of required tire protaetion and emergency 􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴 shall be provided 􀁾􀁨􀁥􀁮 a request is made by the Chief or his authorized representative. premises IdentiticatiQn 􀁾􀁹􀁳 and Signs Required Section 10.401 Water Supply. An approved water supply capable ot supplyinq r4tqUired .fire naw for fire protection shall be provided to all prellllses upon whieb buildings or portions ot buildinqs are hereafter constructed. Pire hydrants and .ains capable of supplying the required tire flow shall be provided vben required by tbe Chief or his authorized representative. ( 0) Section lO.3QICal -Approved nuebers or addresses shall be placed on 1111 new and existinq buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road frontinq the property. Address nuabeEs may be posted upon yard or monu_ent siqns. said numbers shall contrast with thl!ir backqround. However, numbers tor multi-fa_ily dwelling complexes shall comply with Article KVI of the aUniform Housinqk Chapter. The addition of Section lQ.302fat. to be entitled -Keys and Signs 􀁒􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁲􀁾􀀬􀁒 to read as follows: 19. The amendnent of Section 10.401. entitled "General,-to read as follows: 1 J • The Amendment ot' Sect ion 1Q. 301{al, entitled "General," to read as follows; I. Additionally, the owner or person in control or any building tor which t ire lanes have been designated shall Bark and .aintain said 􀁾􀀮 II the Chief or his authorized representative dlittermines tnat other Deans of noticlit are ineffective to desiqnate a fire lane. signs .ay be required by written notice to the property owner. These signs shall be in 􀁡􀁾􀁣􀁯􀁲􀁤􀁡􀁮􀁣􀁥 with the 􀁲􀁥􀁱􀁵􀁩􀁲􀁾􀁥􀁮􀁴􀀤 of the Texas Manual at Uniform Traffic Control Devices (1980). When required, these siqnG shall be erected and lIIaintained bearinq a red legend statinq aHo Parking in Fire Lane-with letters or at least tvo inches (2-) in height on a white reflectorizei1 backqround at least eighteen inches (la-) vide by 􀁴􀁶􀁥􀁮􀁴􀁹􀀭􀁬􀁯􀁾 inches 􀀨􀀲􀀴􀁾􀀩 tall. When signs are required under this Subsectlon. they shall be erected and maintained at all entrances to the tire lane ",here the tire lane intersects with a pUblic street, in such a .anner tbat the signs are clearly visible and leqible to uartic the property from the street. Additional si.gns at various intervals, or in lieu of stripinq, along tire lanes .ay also be required by written notice fro. the Chief or his authorized representative. (23) Bridges. When a bridge is required to be used as access under this Section. it shall be constructed and maintained in accordance the applicable standards vith a design 5ufficient to carry the imposed load of a 60.000 pound tire apparatuB. 9bstryction. The required tire lane width shall not be obstructed by the parking of vehicles or in any other .anner. SpeedbWlps or other silllilar obstacles 'Which have the etteet of slovinq or impedinq the response of fire apparatus shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. ,-, (j) ',' I ./III1IIII (l} ,IIII\\IIIIIIIII\II1IIIII\II