1 ; i, , I JOHN BAUMGARTNER, P. E. Director of 􀁐􀁵􀁢􀁬􀁾􀀼􀁬􀁷􀁯􀁲􀁫􀁳􀀠'I.1JUI.__________________ 􀁾,Ie. t'.,.7'1680 e Dr. 􀁾":l,./". •Bo 1 •• IIL1 ' 􀁾􀀠PRomer MANUAL FORAddison, Texas 7500lQ",,-= (214) 450·28!16 􀀨􀁾􀀠INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FAX (214) 􀀹􀀳􀀱􀀮􀀶􀀶􀀴􀀳􀁪􀀩􀀻􀁾j ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD FOR TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS j I j •• j .J "ESPEY,J HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC.'J Engineering & Environmental Consultants J J I ESPEY, " HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineering & Environmental Consultants Document No. 920712 EH&A Job No. 13921 PROJECT MANUAL FOR INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ADDISON ROAD AT BELT UNE ROAD FOR TOWN OF ADDISON. TEXAS Prepared for: Town of Addison P. O. Box 144 Addison. Texas 75001 Prepared by: EspeY. Huston & Associated, Inc. 13800 Montfort, Suite 230 Dallas, Texas 7S240 October 1992 13800 Montfort Drive' Suite 230 • Dallas, Texas 75240' (214) 38]'{)771 • FAX (214) 387·9714 I Section AB Section m Section PF SectionCA Section PrB Section PyB Section MB Section BP Section GP Section SP Section T Section CTB Section VDL Section SD Appendix TABLE OF CONTENTS Advertisement for Bids Instructions to Bidders Proposal Form Contract Agreement Performance Bond Payment Bond Maintenance Bond Contractor's Affidavit of Bills Paid General Provisions Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas (separate document not furnished) Special Provisions Technical Specifications Cement Treated Base Vehicle Detector Wire Sealant Sod and Lawn Preparation Sample of Texas Sales Tax &emption Certificate 139211920712 " ii SECTION AB ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 13921/920712 AB·1 SECTION AB ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 1. Sealed bids addressed to the Town of Addison, Texas, for Intersection Improvements, Addision Road at Belt Une Road, for the Town of Addison, Texas, hereinafter called ·City" in accordance with plans, specifications and contract documents prepared by Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc., will be received at the office of Clyde Johnson, Purchasing Manager, Finance Building, 5350 Belt Une Road, Addison, Texas until 2:00 p.m. on the 15th day of December, 1992. Bids received by the appointed time will be opened and read aloud. Any bids received after closing time will be returned unopened 2. The Contractor shall identify his bid on the outside of the envelope by writing the words TOWN OF ADDISON INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD. 3. Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check upon a national or state bank in an amount not Jess than five percent (5%) of the total maximum bid price payable without recourse to the Town of Addison, or a bid bend in the same amount from a reliable surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety, or a Binder of Insurance executed by a surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a surety or its authorized agent as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute a Performance Bond within ten (to) days after notice of award of contract to him. 4. Plans, specifications and bidding documents may be secured from Clyde Johnson, Purchasing Manager, Finance Building, 5350 Belt Une Road, Addison, Texas. 5. The right is reserved by the Mayor and the City Council as the interest of the City may require to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in bids received. 6. The Bidder (Proposer) must supply all the information required by the Proposal Form. 7. A Performance Bond, Laber and Material Payment Bond, and Maintenance Bond will be required by the Owner; each Bond shalI be in the amount of 100% of the total contract. amount. Bonds shalI be issued by a surety company licensed by the State of Texas to act as a Surety. 8. For information on bidding or to secure bid documents, call Clyde Johnson (214) 450·7090 .. For information on the work to be performed, call John Baumgartner, City Engineer, (214) 450·2886. 9. This project consists of providing paving, sidewalk, traffic signal and other miscellaneous improvements as shown on the plans and in accordance with the specifications. TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS 13921/920712 AB·2 SECTION IB INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 13921/920712 IB-1 SECTION IB INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. PROJEcr: Intersection Improvements. Addison Road at Belt Line Road. in the Town of Addison. " B. PROJEcr DESCRIPTION: This project consists of providing paving. sidewalk, traffic signal and other miscellaneous improvements as shown on the plans and in accordance with the specifications. C. PROPOSALS: Proposals must be in accordance with these instructions in order to receive consideration. D. DOCUMENTS: Documents include the Bidding Requirements, General Provisions, Special Provisions, Technical Specifications, Drawings plus Addenda which may be issued by the Consultant during the bidding period. Bidding Documents may be viewed and/or obtained under the terms and conditions set forth in the Advertisement ror Bids, Section AB of this Project Manual. E. EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS AND SITE: Bidders shall carefully examine the Bidding Documents and the construction site to obtain first-hand knowledge of the scope and the conditions of the Work. Each Contractor, Subcontractor and Sub-subcontractor. by submitting a proposal to perrorm any portion of the Work, represents and warrants that he has examined the Drawings, Specifications (Project Manual) and the site of the Work, and from his own investigation has satisfied himself as to the scope. accessibility, nature and location of the Work; the character of the equipment and other facilities needed for the performance ofthe Work; the character and extent ofother work to be perrormed; the local conditions; labor availability, practices and jurisdictions and other circumstances that may affect the performance of the Work. No additional compensation will be allowed by the Owner ror the failure of such Contractor, Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor to inrorm himself as to conditions affecting the Work. " F. INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS: Ifany person contemplating submitting a bid" ror the proposed Contract is in doubt as to the meaning of any part of the Drawings, Specifications (project Manual) or other proposed Contract Documents, he may submit to" the Consultant, not later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the date set ror opening bids, a written request for an interpretation or clarification. Bidders should act promptly and allow sufficient time ror a reply to reach them bebe preparing their bids. "Any interpretation or clarification will be in the form of an Addendum duly issued. No alleged verbal interpretation or ruling will be held binding upon the Owner. 139211920712 W-2 G. SUBSTITUTIONS: Conditions governing the submission of substitutions fur specific materials, products, equipment and processes are in the Special Provisions. Requests fur substitutions must be received by the Consultant seven (7) calendar days prior to the established bid date. H. ADDENDA: Interpretations, clarifications, additions, deletions and modifications to the Documents during the bidding period will be issued in the form of Addenda and a copy of such Addenda will be mailed or delivered to each person who has been issued a set of the Bidding Documents. Addenda will be a part of the Bidding Documents and the Contract Documents, and receipt of them shall be acknowledged in the Bid Form. All such interpretations and supplemental instructions will be in the furm of written addenda to the contract documents which, ifissued, will be sent by telegram, certified or registered mail, or hand delivered to all prospective bidders (at the respective addresses furnished fur such purposes) not later than three (3) calendar days prior to the date fixed fur the opening of bids. If any bidder fails to acknowledge the receipt of such addenda in the space provided in the bid form, his bid will nevertheless be construed as though the receipt of such addenda had been acknowledged. I. COMPLETION TIME: A reasonable completion time has been established by the Owner and is indicated in the Proposal Form. J. PREPARATION OF BIDS; Prices quoted shall include all items of cost, expense, taxes, fees and charges incurrect, or arising out of, the performance of the work to be performed under the Contract. Bids shall be submitted in duplicate and shall be signed in ink. Any bid on other than the required furm will be considered informal and may be rejected. Erasures or other changes in a bid must be explained or noted over the initials of the bidder. Bids containing any conditions, omissions, unexplained erasures and alterations, or irregularities of any kind may be rejected as infurmal. The prices should be expressed in words and figures or they may be deemed informal and may be rejected. In case of discrepancy between the prices written in the bid and those given in the figures, the price in writing will be considered as the bid. Failure to submit all requested infurmation will make a bid irregular and subject to rejection. Bids shall be signed with name typed or printed below signature, and, if a partnership, give full name of all partners. Where bidder is a corporation, bids must be signed with the legal name of the corporation followed by. the name of the state of incorporation and the legal signature of an officer authorized to bind the corporatinn to a contract. I K. SUBMITTAL OF BIDS: Sealed proposals will be received at the time, date and place . .1 stated in the Advertisement fur Bids. Proposals shall be made on unaltered Proposal Forms furnished by the Consultant. Submit proposal in an opaque, sealed envelope addressed to the Owner and plaiuly mark on the outside of the envelope the project mime, ) and the name and address of the bidder. The Bid Bond must be completed and signed by each hidder and submitted with the bid. Submit Bids by mail or in person prior to the time fur receiving bids set furth in the Advertisement fur Bids issued by the City. 13921/920712 IB-3 L. MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS: Prior to the time set for bid opening, bids may be withdrawn or modified Bids may be modified only on the official bid form and must be signed by a person legally empowered to bind the bidder. No bidder shall modify, withdraw or cancel his bid or any part thereof for thirty (30) calendar days after the time agreed upon for the receipt of bids. I M. DISQUALIFICATION: The Owner reserves the right to disqualify 􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁰􀁯􀁾􀁬􀁳􀀬􀀠before or after the opening, upon evidence of collusion with intent to defraud or other illegal practices relating to this proposal upon the part of the bidder. N. SUBMISSION OF POST-BID INFORMATION: Upon notification of acceptance, the selected bidder shall, within live (5) calendar days, submit the following: 1. A designation of the portions of the Work proposed to be performed by the bidder with his own force. 2. A list of names of the subcontractors or other persons or organizations, including those who are to furnish materials and equipment fabricated to a special design proposed for such portions of the Work as may be designated in the Bidding I Documents or as may be requested by the Consultant. The . ) bidder will be required to establish to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Consultant the reliability and responsibility of the proposed Subcontractors and suppliers to furnish and I perform the Work. O. AWARD: The Owner reserves the right to accept any or to reject any bids without compensation to bidders and to waive irregularities and informalities. The Consultant, in making his recommendation, will consider the following elements: 1. Whether the bidder is a contractor with experience in the type of work involved. I · ) 2. Whether the bidder has adequate plant, equipment and personnel to perform the work properly and expeditiously. 1 · ) 3. Whether the bidder has a suitable financial status and reputation for meeting obligations incident to work of the kind specified. -..I P. EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT: The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract with the Owner within ten (10) calendar days of notice by the Owner that his I bid has been accepted. Failure to enter into contract within the established time limit · ! without proper justification shall be considered grounds for forfeiture of the bid bond. ;i __ .1 j ) 13921/920712 ill4 Q. CONSTRUcnON SCHEDULE: It is the Owner's desire to have the project completed and operational in as short a time as possible. The number of calendar days for completion of the project Win begin with the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Notice to Proceed will be issued in a manner to facilitate a smooth construction of the project. In no instance shall the number of calendar days for oompletion of the work measured from the proposed date of beginning exreed 60 calendar days. ' ' R. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: The time of oompletion is the essence of tbis oontract. For each calendar day that any work shall remain unoompleted after the time specified in the proposal and the oontract, or the increased time granted by the Owner, or as equitably increased by additional work or materials ordered after the oontract is signed, the sum per day given in the following schedule shall be deducted from the monies due the Contractor: $100 per Calendar Day The sum of money thus deducted for such delay, failure or non-completion is not to be oonsidered as a penalty, but shall be deemed, taken and treated as reasonable liquidated damages, per calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after the time stipulated in the oontract for completing the work:. The said amounts are fixed and agreed upon by and between Owner and Contractor because of the impracticability and extreme difficulty of fixing and ascertaining the actual damages the Owner in such event would sustain; and said amounts are agreed to be the amounts ofdamages which the Owner would sustain and which shall 'be retained from the monies due, or that may beoome due, the Contractor under this oontract; and ifsaid monies be insufficient to oover the amount owing, then the Contractor or bis surety shall immediately pay any additional amounts due. If the Contractor finds it impossible, for reasons beyond his oontrol, to oomplete the work within the contract time as specified, the Contractor may make a written request for an extension of time in accordance with with the General Provisions. S. FORM OF CONTRACT: The contract for the oonstruction of the project will be drawn up by the Owner. A sample form of agreement is included in the Contract Agreement Section. T. BONDS: A Performance Bond, a Labor and Material Payment Bond and a Maintenance, Bond will be required by the Owner. Sample forms have been included in the Performance Bond, payment Bond and Maintenance Bond sections. U. BID SECURITY: Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check upon a national or state bank in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the 'total maximum bid price payable without reoourse to the Town of Addison, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company as a guarantee that the bidder will enter 'into a contract and execute Performance Bond within ten (10) calendar days after notice of award ofoontract to him. Such checks or bid bonds will be returned to all except the three "i, lowest bidders within three (3) days after the opening of bids, and the remaining checks 139211920712 IB·5 or bid bonds will be returned promptly after the Owner has made an award of contract, or, if no award has been made within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the opening of bids, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter, so long as he has not been notified of the acceptance of his bid. v. RESOLUTIONS: Ifthe bidder is a corporation, a copy of the resolution empowering the person submitting the bid to bind the bidder must be included with the bid. W. CONSTRUcnON STAKING: Construction staking will not be provided by the Owner. A benchmark is shown on the plans. x. FINAL PAYMENT: The general provisions for Final Payment shall be as stated in Item 1.51.4 of the North Central Texas Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (1983 Edition) including all Amendments and Additions. Prior to final payment the Contractor shall provide the Owner with the following items: 1. A Contractor's Affidavit ofBills Paid in accordance with Section BP. 2. A Consent of Surely Company to Fmal Payment. 3. A complete set of as-built plans wbich indicate all construction variations from the original construction documents in accordance with Item 5 of the Special Provisions. 4. A one (1) year Maintenance Bond in accordance with Section MB. END OF SECfION IB .• 139211920712 IB-6 SECTION PF PROPOSAL FORM 139211920712 PF-l BID FORM ____-->, 19_ TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Town of Addison, Texas Gentlemen: The undersigned bidder, having examined the plans, specifications and contract documents, and the location of the proposed work, and being fully advised as to the extent and character of the work, proposes to furnish all equipment and to perform labor and work necessary for completion of the work described by and in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and Contract for the following prices, to wit: Signed by: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA: The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: Addendum No.1 ______ Addendum No.2 ______ Addendum No.3 ______ 139211920112 . PF-2 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS ThITERSECTIONIMPROVEMENTSFOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD UnitItem Description Price Amount 1 1 L.S. Mobilization, bonds and insurance, complete in place, per lump sum 1a For materials, $_-____________ Dollars __________ Cents No. lb For services, __________ Dollars ____________ Cents 2 820 L.F. Remove and dispose of existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter, complete in place, per linear foot 2a For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents 2b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents .• 13921/920712 PF·3 Item No. 3 Est. Ouan. 150 Unit S.y. 3a BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Description Unit Price Amount Remove and dispose of existing ooncrete sidewalk, complete in place, per square yard For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents 3b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents 4 800 S.y. Furnish, place and compact cement treated base (6"), complete in place, per square yard 4a For materials, $ Dollars Cents 4b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents 139211920712 PF-4 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Unit No. Item Description Price Amount 5 710 s.y. Furnish and place 8"·3000 psi reinforced concrete pavement, complete in place, per square yard Sa For materials, $,---$_-__________ Dollars __________ Cents Sb For services, $,---$,--_________ Dollars __________ Cents 6 1,450 S.F. Furnish and place 4"·3000 psi reinforced concrete sidewalk, complete in place, per square foot 6a For materials, $ $ .Dollars Cents 6b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents "• 13921/920712 PF·5 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item Unit No. Description Price Amount 7 1 L.S. Furnish and place barricading, signing and traffic handling, complete in place, per lum sum 7a For materials, $_--$,--___________ Dollars __________ Cents 7b For services, $,---$,--___________ Dollars __________ Cents 8 420 L.F. Furnish and place 6"-3000 psi concrete integral curb, complete in place, per linear foot Sa For materials, $ $ " Dollars Cents 8b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents 139211920712 PF-6 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT UNE ROAD Item Est. Unit No. Quan. Unit Description Price Amount 9 370 L.F. Furnish and place 6"-3000 psi reinforced concrete curb and gutter, complete in place, per linear foot 9a For materials, $,--__________ Dol1ar5 __________ Cents 9b For services, $,---$,--__________ Dollars __________ Cents 10 375 C.Y. Unclassified street excavation, including hauling and disposal, complete in place, per cubic yard lOa For materials, __________ Dollars __________ Cents lOb For services, $_--$,--__________ Dollars __________ Cents 13921/920712 PF-7 BID SCHEDULB A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSBCTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT UNB ROAD Unit No. Item Description Price Amount 11 572 L.F. Furnish sawed breakout groove, complete in place, per linear lOot lla For materials, $,--_________ Dollars _________ Cents llb For services, $_--$,--__________ Dollars __________ Cents 12 1 BA. Remove and dispose of existing curb inlet, complete in place, per each 12a For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents 12b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents 139211920712 PF-8 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADQISON ROAD AT BELT UNE ROAD Item No. 13 13a 13b Est . .QJwb 1 Unit EA. Description Furnish and install 6' recessed concrete curb inlet, complete in place, per each For materials, Dollars Cents ForseIVices, Dollars Cents $ $ Unit Price Amount $ 14 14a 14b 25 L.F. Furnish and install1S" reinfurced concrete pipe (RCP), including concrete collar, complete in place, per linear foot For materials, Dollars Cents For seIVices, Dollars Cents $ $ $ $ .• 139211920712 PF·9 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item Unit No. Description Price Amount 15 37 EA Furnish and place 4" yellow double reflective buttons (P117Y), complete in place, per each ISa For materials, $_-__________ Dollars __________Cents 1Sb For services, $_--$_-_________ Dollars __________ Cents 16 30 EA. Furnish and place 4" white non· reflective buttons (P-7W), complete in place, per each 16a For materials, $ Dollars Cents 16b For services, $ .,Dollars Cents 13921/920712 PF·I0 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENrS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item No. Est. Quan. Unit Description Unit Price Amount 17 7S EA. Furnish and place 4" white reflective buttons (p·I5W), complete in place, per each 17a For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents 17b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents 18 20 EA. Furnish and place 4' yellow reflective buttons (P.1SY). complete in place, per each 18a For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents ISh For services, $ $ Dollars Cents 13921/92D712 PF·ll BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item Unit No. Description Price Amount 19 64 EA. Furnish and place 6"x6" reflective jiggle bars, complete in place, per each 19a For materials, $,---$,--__________ Dollars __________ Cents 19b For services, $,--______________ Dollius ____________ Cents 20 107 L.F. Furnish and place 24" white reflective thermoplastic stripe, complete in place, per linear foot 20a For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents 20b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents 13921/920712, PF-12 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item Unit No. Description Price Amount 21 119 L.F. Furnish and place 4" white reflective thermoplastic stripe • . complete in place, per linear foot 21a For materials, $,---$_-__________ Dollars __________ Cents 21b For services, $,---$,--_________Dollars _________ Cents 22 Reserved 13921/920712 PF-13 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item Unit No. Description Price Amount 23 210 S.Y. Furnish and place 3" HMAC pavement (Type D) surface course, complete in place, per square yard 23a For materials, $_--$._-__________ Dollars __________ Cents 23b For services, $_--$,--__________ Dollars __________ Cents 24 1 L.S. Provide all traffic signal relocation! installation work including lights, loops, boxes and all appurtenances, complete in place, per lump sum 24a For materials, $_-__________ Dollars __________ Cents 24b For services, __________ Dollars __________.Cents 13921/920712 PF-14 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item Unit No. Description Price Amount 25 3 EA. Relocate existing signs, complete in place, per each 25a For materials, $_--$,--__________ Dollars _________ Cents 25b For services, __________ Dollars __________ Cents 26 2 BA. Relocate existing water meters, complete in place, per each For materials, $,--__________ Dollars __________ Cents .' 26b For services, $--:....__________Dollars __________Cents 13921/920712 PF·15 BID SCHEDULE A • TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item Est. Unit No. Ouan. l!Di! Description Price Amount 27 1 EA. Relocate existing fire hydrant, complete in place, per each 27a For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents 27b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents 28 18 EA. Furnish and place traffic movement pavement markings, complete in place, per each 28a For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents 28b For services, $ Dollars Cents ,• 139211920712 PF·16 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT LINE ROAD Item No. 29 29a 29b Est. Ouan. 2 Unit EA. Description Furnish and place railroad advance warning pavement markings, complete in place, per each For materials, ____________________ Dollan ______________ Cents For services. ___________________ Dollan ___________________ Cents Unit Price $_-$_-Amount $,--$,--30 30a 30b 3 EA. Furnish and place concrete sidewalk barrier -free ramp, complete in place, per each For materials, Dollars Cents For services, Dollars Cents $ $ $ 13921J920712 PF-17 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT UNE ROAD Item No. 31 31a 31b Est. Ouan. 200 Unit S.y. Description Furnish and place Bermuda block-sodding, complete in place, per square yard For materials, Dollars Cents For services, Dollars Cents $ $ Unit Price Amount $ $ 32 32a 32b 1 L.S. All irrigation removal, replacement, and relocation work, complete in place, per lump sum For materials, ___________ Dollars __________ Cents For services, __________ Dollars ___________ Cents $,--$_-􀀤􀀬􀀭􀁾13921/920712 PF-18 BID SCHEDULE A TOWN OF ADDISON, TEXAS INTERSECllON IMPROVEMENTS FOR ADDISON ROAD AT BELT UNE ROAD Item Est. Unit No. Unit Description Price Amount􀁾􀀠33 1 L.S. Furnish and install Bilco Double Leaf Aluminum Door, complete in place, per lump sum 33a For materials, $ $ Dollars Cents 33b For services, $ $ Dollars Cents TOTAL AMOUNT BID FOR $_----MATERlALS, BID SCHEDULE, ITEMS 1a lHROUGH 33a, INCLUSIVE TOTAL AMOUNT BID FOR $,----SERVICES, BID SCHEDULE, ITEMS 1b lHROUGH 33b, INCLUSIVE TOTAL AMOUNT BID FOR $,-----MATERlALS, AND SERVICES, BID SCHEDULE, ITEMS 1a AND 1b lHROUGH 33a AND 33b, INCLUSIVE The completion time for this Contract is 60 calendar days. 139211920712 PF-19 NOTES: 1. All items, labor, materials, equipment, facilities, incidentals and work required fur construction of the project are to be provided and installed by the Contractor as part of the project and payment fur the cost of such shall be included in the price bid fur the construction of the project. 2. Prices must be shown in words and figures for each item listed in this proposal. In the event of discrepancy, the words shall control. 3. Materials, which are "tax exempt,· are those items which are physically incorporated into the facilities constructed for the OWNER, as set furth in the Special Provisions. Materials include, but are not limited to purchased items such as concrete, and roadbase, etc. Services, which are "not tax exempt,· are those items which are used by the Contractor but are not physically incorporated into the OWNER's facility and/or items which are consumed by construction, as set forth in the Special Provisions. Services include, but are not limited to, items such as supplies, tools, skill and labor, the purchase, rental or lease of equipment, etc. 1392119W712 PF-20 ________________________________________________ __ If BIDDER is: An Individual (Seal)􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭(Individual's Name) 􀁤􀁯􀁭􀁧􀁢􀁵􀁭􀁮􀁾􀁾􀀠Bumness address: Phone No. A Partnership By ________________________􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭(Seal) (Firm Name) (General Partner) domg bumness as _________________________________________________ Busmess address: Phone No. __________________________________________________􀁾􀀠13921/920712 PF·21 A Corporation By ____________________􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀂭(Corporation Name) (State of Incorporation) 􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀂭(Name of Person Authorized to Sign) (Title) (Corporate Seal) Attest ____________--:-:::-__.,..-____________ (Secretary) Business address: Phone No. A Joint Venture By ________________________􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀂭(Name) (Address) By (Name) (Address) (Bach joint venturer must sign. The manner of signing for each individual, partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) ., . 􀀺􀁾􀀧􀀺􀀠139211920712 PF-22 SECIlON CA CONTRACT AGREEMENT ",--: 13921/920712 CA-l SBCfION CA AGREBMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS TIUS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of • 19-, by and between the Town of Addison, of the County of DaUas and State ofTClf·way for the purpose of construction without cost to the Contractor by securing permits in areas of public dedication or by obtaining easements across privately-owned property. It shall be the respollS1oility of the Contractor, prior to the initiation ofconstruction on easements through private property. to inform the property owner of his intent to begin construction. Before beginning construction in areas ofpublic dedication. the Contractor shall inform the agency having jurisdiction in the area forty· eight (48) hours prior to initiation of the Work. The Contractor shall obtain a right-of-way permit from the Town of Addison. 19. PRBCONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE The successful Contractor(s) and Owner shall meet at the call of the Owner on this Project. Prior to the meeting. the Contractor(s) shall prepare schedules showing the sequencing and progress of their work and its effect on others. These schedules shall be delivered to the Owner in advance of the meeting for his review. The general nature of the work, materials used, and methods of construction as well as the schedules will be discussed at the meeting. A final composite schedule will be prepared during this conference to allow an orderly sequence of project construction. 20. ADDENDA Bidders desiring further information, or interpretation ofthe Plans and Specifications. must make written request for such information to the Engineer (prior to forty-eight (48) hours· before the Bid opening). Answers to all such requesll! will be given in writing to all Bidders in addendum form and all addenda will be bound with and made a part of the Contract Documents. No other explanation or interpretation will be considered officiill or binding. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in. or omissions from, the Plans, Specifications or Contract Documents, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he shall at once notify the Engineer in writing in order that a written addendum may be sent to all Bidders.. 139211920712 SP·6-j 21. WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements with the Town of Addison for securing and transporting all water required in the construction, including water required for mixing ofconcrete, sprinkling, testing or flushing. Water required for construction shall be paid for by the Contractor at the Town of Addison prevailing rates. There will be no separate pay item for connection into the existing water system and quantity of water required for construction purposes. 22. EXCAVATION The Contractor shall exercise precautions to insure that drainage from adjacent properties is not blocked by his excavations. 23. CONTRACTOR's BID The Contractor's Bid shall be on a Unit Price basis for construction of the Project as shown on the Plans and described in the Specifications. 24. OWNER'S STATUS The Owner shall perform technical review of the Work. He shall also have authority to reject all Work and materials which do not conform to the Contract and to decide questions which arise in the execution of the Work. 25. OWNER'S DECISIONS The Owner shall, within a reasonable time after their presentation to him, make decisions in writing on all claims of the Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the Work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents. 26. LANDS FOR WORK The Owner shall provide as indicated on the Plans for this Project, the lands upon which the Work under this Contract is to be done, right-of-way for access to same, and such other lands which are designated on the Plans or in the Specifications for the use of the Contractor. Such lands and rights-of-way shall be adequate fur the performance of the Contract. Should the Contractor be delayed as the result of lack of access, this shall be cause for an extension of time but not for additional cost. The Contractor shall provide at his own expense and without liability to the Owner any additional land and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities. 139211920712 SP-7 27. CLEANING UP The Contractor shall remove at his own expense all temporary structures, rubbish and waste materials resulting from his operations. These requirements shall not apply to property used for permanent disposal of rubbish or waste materials in accordance with permission of such disposal granted to the Contractor by the Owner thereof. 28. LIOUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY BY CONTRACTOR The time of completion is of the essence in this contract. For each calendar day that any Work shall remain incompleted after the time specified in paragraph 38, liquidated damages shall be deducted from the monies due the Contractor in the amount of $100.00 per day. 29. USE OF EXPLOSIVES Use of explosives will not be allowed. 30. PROJECT MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall maintain, and keep in good repair, the improvements covered by these Plans and Specifications during the life of his contract. 31. DISPOSAL OF WASTE AND SURPLUS EXCAVATION All asphalt, concrete, rock or excavated material, or other debris removed from the site as a preliminary to the construction shall be removed from the property. Any required disposal permits shall be the sole responSIbility of the Contractor. 32. REMOVALS. ADJUSTMENTS AND REPLACEMENTS Existing pavements, driveways, curbs, gutters, sidwalks, etc., to be removed to facilitate the construction of the improvements shall be broken up and disposed of. Care shall be exercised to leave a neat, uniform edge or joint at the excavation limits or sections removed where only portions are to be removed. The Owner will designate the limits 􀁴􀁾􀀠be removed Where pavements, driveways, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, etc., shall be replaced, then said replacements shall be to the standard of the previously removed portion or better. Existing structures such as manholes, inlets, cleanouts, valve boxes, etc. which are not the property of a private firm or company, or an individual required to move their' own property, shall be adjusted, altered or reset to the requirement elevation and alignment. New materials and workmanship necessary shall conform to the requirements of these Specifications covering the particular Work. Salvaged materials in good condition may b,e used in rebuilding such structures, provided the materials are thoroughly cleaned before ti their use. 139211920712 SP-8 All private obstruction whicb are indicated on the Plans to be moved, will be removed and replaced, or moved to new permanent locations by the Contractor, without additional payment to the. Contractor. Any such additional item which the Contractor moves or causes to be moved for his own convenience shall be at his own expense. 33. TOWN OF ADDISON APPROVAL This project is subject to final approval and acceptance by Town of Addison. 34. TRAFFIC CONTROL The Contractor shall be responsible for providing traffic control during the construction of this Project consistent with the provisions set forth in the "1980 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" issued under the authority of the "State ofTexas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways', codified as Article 6701d Vernon's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. '1:7, 29, 30 and 31. The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional sign. street name sign, or other sign which has been erected by by the City. If it is determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction, the Contractor shall contact the Town of Addison to remove the sign. In the case of regulatory signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the abovereferenced manual, and such a temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the existing sign. . 35. CERTIFICATION The Contractor shall submit a manufacturer's certification that the material was manufactured and tested in accordance with the referenced Specifications and a report of test results. The certification shall be submitted prior to material shipment. ," 36. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK Final acceptance of the Work is subject to final testing and approval of the Work by the Town of Addison. 37. WORK AREA Contractor shall restrict his construction activity to the project site. 38. CONTRACT TIME It is the Owner's desire to have the project completed and operational in as short a time as possible. possible. The number ofcalendar days for completion of the project will begin with the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. In no instance shall the number ofcalendar days for the completion of the Work measured from the proposed date of beginning exceed 60 calendar days, . 13921/920712 SP-9 . i 39. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID The Contractor shall be required to execute the form provided in Section BP prior to the acceptance of the project. 40. PAY ITEMS Pay items provided are intended to be aD-inclusive of the work required on this project. Work required by the plans or specifications but not provided with a specific pay item shall be considered incidental to other items of work. 41. SAMPLES AND TESTS OF MATERIALS ModilY the General Provisions, Section GP 5.16, Samples and Tests of Materials. "The Contractor shall designate and pay a recognized testing laboratory to perform all testing and concrete design for this project. Such designation shaD be subject to the approval of the Engineer. All testing services that the Contractor is required to provide wiD not be paid for separately, but shall be considered subsidiary to other items of work. "All samples and tests shall be performed in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas Council Council of Govermnents (1983) as amended or supplemented." 42. CONSTRUCTION STAKING Construction staking wiD not be provided by the Owner. . , 13921/920712 SP-10 . 􀀺􀀮􀁾􀀠 SECTION T TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 139211920712 T-l SECTION T TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I I I. GENERAL A. AIl materials and construction methods for this project shall be in conformance with Town of Addison standards and specifications and the North Central Texas Council of Governments "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction" (1983). as amended or supplemented. Where conflicts exist, Town of Addison standards and specifications shall govern. II. SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS A AIl materials and construction methods for the traffic signal installation and relocation work shall be in conformance with Town of Addison standards and specifications and the Texas Department of Transportation -1982 Standard Specifications for Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges. Where conflict exists. Town of Addison standards and specifications shall govern. 139211920712 T-2 SECTIONCfB CEMENT TREAlED BASE '::.' 13912J920712 CfB-l SECTIONCfB CEMENT TREATED BASE 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Description Cement Treated Base (CfB) shall consist of aggregate, cement and water uniformly mixed in a central plant, transported to the project, spread, compacted, shaped, finished, and cured in accordance with these specifications. It shall conform to the lines, grades, thicknesses and typical cross-section shown on the plans. 2.0 MATERIALS 2.1 Cement Cement shall comply with the latest specifications for Portland cement-ASTM C 150 (IYpe I) Or Portland-ASTM C S9S (IYpe IP). 2.2 Water Water shall be free from substances deleterious to the hardening of the Cement Treated Base. 2.3 􀁾􀁧􀁡􀁴􀁥􀀠The aggregate may be any granular material or combinations of aggregates that will, when mixed with adequate amounts of cement and water, produce laboratory mix design Unconfined Compression Test strengths as specified in paragraph 2.5 in accordance with ASTM D 1633 Method "N. The preceding tests will utilize the Moisture-Density Relation as determined by ASTM D-558; AASHTO T·I34. The aggregate size shall meet the requirements of Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation 1982 Standard Specifications of Highways, Streets and Bridges, "Item 274.2(3) Cement Stabilized Base • Base Materia1s." 2.4 Laboratory Mix Design Test resalts shall be submitted by the supplier of the CfB material to the Engineer/Architect for approval. 2.5 Strength Requirements The unconfined compressive strengths required for the CfB material will be as follows: 2.5.1 Class A CfB; 400 psi -seven days 13912m0712 CfB-2 3.0 EQUIPMENT 3.1 Description Cement Treated Base may be constructed with any combination of machines or equipment that will produce the results meeting these specifications. 4.0 CONSTRUcnON METHODS 4.1 Preparation Before other construction operations are begun, the area to be paved shall be graded and shaped as required to receive the Cement Treated Base in conformance with the grades, lines, thicknesses and typical cross·section shown on the plans. Unsuitable subgrade soil or material shall be removed and replaced with acceptable soil. The subgrade shall be firm and able to support without displacement of the construction equipment and the compaction hereinafter specified. Soft or yielding subgrade shall be corrected and made stable before construction proceeds. 4.2 Central Mixing Plant The aggregate, cement and water shall be mixed in a pug mill as approved by the Engineer/Architect. The plant shall be equipped with feed and metering devices that will add the aggregate, cement and water into the mixer in in the specified quantities to produce a mixture that will meet or exceed the mix design criteria as stated above. The aggregate and cement shall be mixed sufficiently to prevent cement balls from forming when the mix water is added. The mixing time shall be sufficient to assure an intimate, uniform mixture of aggregate, cement and water. The percentage of moisture in the aggregate, at the time of cement application shall be the amount that assures a uniform and intimate mixture of aggregate and cement during mixing operations. It shall not exceed the specified moisture content required for adequate compaction. Free access to the plant shall be provided to the Engineer/Architect, his inspector and his desigaated Commercial Testing Laboratory for construction quality control. The mixture shall be hauled to the paving area in trucks having beds cleaned of deleterious 􀁭􀁡􀁴􀁥􀁾􀀮􀀠4.3 Placement and Compaction The mixture shall be placed on a moistened subgrade in a uniform layer by any approved method of spreading that will deposit the required quantity per lineal foot, without segregation, to produce a uniforntly compacted base conforming to the grade and-cross· section. Not more than 30 minutes shall elapse between placement of CTB in adjacent lanes at any location except at longitUdinal and transverse construction joints. No CTB mixture shall be placed when the subgrade is frozen or when the air temperature is less than 40" F in the shade. The Engineer/Architect may allow placement when the temperature is 35° F and clearly rising. 13912t920712 CTB·3 Compaction shall start as soon as possible after spreading. The elapsed time between the . addition of water to the em mixture and the start of compaction shall not exceed 60 minutes under normal conditions. The Engineer! Architect may alter this time if environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity or wind conditions would justlfy such a change. Laboratory tests may be required to verify changes in compaction time limits. At the start of compaction, the percentage of moisture in the mixture shall not be more than one percentage point below or two percentage points above the specified optimum moisture content, and shall be less than that quantity which will cause the Cement Treated Base mixture to become unstable during compaction and finishing. The specified optimum moisture content and density shall be determined in the field by a MoistureDensity Test, AASHTO T 134 or ASI'M D S58, on representative samples of Cement Treated Base mixture obtained from the area prior to compaction. Prior to compaction, the mixture shall be in a loose condition for its full depth. The loose mixture shall then be compacted uniformly to the specified density. During compaction operations, initial shaping may be required to obtain uniform compaction and required grade and crosssection. 4.4 Finishing When initial compaction is completed, the surface of the Cement Treated Base shall be shaped to the required lines, grades and cross-section. The moisture content of the surface material shall be maintained at not less than its specified optimum moisture content during finishing operations. ]f any reshaping of the surface is necessary, it shall be lightly scarified to remove any compaction planes, scales or smooth surfaces left by equipment. Final compaction shall then be continued until uniform and adequate density is obtained. The em shall be uniformly compacted to a minimum of 96% of maximum density. Compaction and finishing shall be done in such a manner as to produce, in not longer than two hours, a smooth, dense surface surface free of compaction planes, cracks, ridges, or loose material. 4.5 Cutting After the em has been finished as specified herein, it shall be protected against drying for seven days by the application of a bituminous prime coat, or other acceptable methods. The finished em shall be kept continually moist until the curing material has been placed. The curing material shall be applied as soon as possible, but not later than at the end of each day's construction. . ]f the bituminous cure is used: 13912,920712 em4 4.S.1 Curing, Bituminous Prime Coat At the time the bituminous prime coat is applied, the Cement Treated Base surface shaD be dense, shaD be free of aD loose and extraneous material and shaD contain sufficient moisture to prevent excessive penetration of the bituminous material. The bituminous prime coat specified shaD be uniformly applied to the surface of the completed Cement Treated Base at the rate of approximately 0.1 gallons per square yard with approved heating and distn"buting equipment. The exact rate and temperature of application for complete coverage without excessive runoff wiD be approved by the Engineer/Architect. Should it be necessary for construction equipment or other traffic to use tbe bituminouscovered surface before the bituminous prime coat has cured sufficiently to prevent ·pick. ups", sufficient granular cover shaD be applied before such use. The curing material shaD be maintained by the contractor during the seven day protection period so that aD of the Cement Treated Base wiD be covered effectively during this period. Finished portions of Cement Treated Base that are traveled on by equipment used in constructing an adjoining section shaD be protected in such a manner as to prevent equipment from marriog or damaging completed work. Cement Treated Base shaD be protected for three days after its construction and until it has hardened. 4.5.2 Curing, Other Metbods If curing is achieved by methods other than Bituminous Prime Coat, the Engineer/Architect must approve and curing must be performed in accordance witb manufacturer's recommendations. 4.6 Construction Joints At the end of each day's construction a transverse construction joint shaD be formed by cutting back into the completed work to form a fuD depth vertical face. Cement Treated Base for large, wide areas shaD be built in a series of parallel lanes of convenient length and width meeting the approval of the Engineer/Architect. LongitUdinal joints shaD be formed at the edge of each day's construction by cutting back into the completed work to form a fuU depth vertical face free of loose or shattered materials. 4.7 Traffic Completed portions of Cement Treated Base may be opened immediately to light traffic and to construction equipment provided the curing material or surface is not impaired as specified in 4.5. The section may be opened to aD traffic after the three day curing'period provided the Cement Treated Base has hardened sufficiently to prevent marriog or distorting of the surface by equipment or traffic. ' 1391:vn0712 ern·s 4.8 Maintenance The contractor shall be required within the limits of his contract to maintain the Cement Treated Base in good condition until all work has been completed and accepted. Maintenance shall include immediate repairs of any defects that may occur. This work shall be done by the contractor at his own expense and repeated as often as may be necessary to keep the area continuously intact. Fanlty work shall be corrected. Any low areas shail be remedied by replacing the material for the fnll depth of treatment rather than by adding a thin layer of Cement Treated Base to the completed work. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM To insure that the construction phase of the Cement Treated Base is in accordance with the provisions of these specifications, the following quality control testing program will be performed by a testing laboratory retained by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer/Architect. 5.1 Establish the field moisture density curve in accordance with ASTM D 558 or AASHTO T 134 (Standard Compactive Effort). The results of this test performed on representative samples of CTB obtained from the area being processed at a time of about midway through the initial compaction phase will establish the optimum moisture content to be incorporated at the central mixing plant and the maximum density will serve as a basis for establishing the density for acceptance. 5.2 The Field-Density of the compacted CTB mixture shall be determined by any of the following: (1) Nuclear Method ASTM D 2922, (2) Sand Cone Method ASTM D 1556, (3) Water Balloon Method ASTM D 2167. 5.3 Where strength of Cement Treated Base material is specified, compliance shall be determined by testing a set of three unconfined cylinders molded from a representative sample of uncompacted Cement Treated Base material taken within one hour from the addition of mixing water to the Cement Treated Base material. Strengths of Cement Treated Base material shall be determined by compressive tests at seven (7) days ,in accordance with ASTM D D 1833, Paragraph 5, "Test Specimens." Paragraph 5.1.1. Method A specifies mold size, Specimens will be molded in accordance with ASTM D S58 MethodB. . 5.4 Visual inspection of loose and compacted thickness of the C'TB layer will be included in the report as well as observations on surface scaling, construction joints and curing. 6.0 MEASUREMENTS AND BASIS OF PAYMENT 6.1 Measurements This work will be measured in square yards of completed and accepted Cement Treated Base course. ,• 13912m0712 CTB-6 6.2 Basis of Payment This work will be paid for at the contract unit price per square yard of completed and accepted Cement Treated Base course. Contract unit prices will be full payment for furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor; and incidentals necessary to complete the work and to carty out the maintenance provisions in these specifications. No allowances will be made for any materials used or work done outside the lines established by the Engineer! Architect unless approved in writing prior to the work. END OF SECTION 13912J920712 CfB·7 PROPOSED SPECIFICATION VEHICLE DETECTOR LOOP WIRE SEALANT 1.0 SCOPE , 1.1 This specification describes the minimum deSign, installation and functional performance requirements of a flexible traffic loop wire encapsulant intended for sealing and protecting vehicle detector loop wires installed in sawcuts 1/4" to 3/8" wide and 1 1/2" to 2 lIZ" deep. 1.2 The encapsulant ,is intended to provide compressive yield strength to withstand normal vehicular traffic as well as sufficient flexibility to withstand normal movement in asphaltic and concrete pavements, while protecting the loop wire from moisture penetration, fracture and shear. ' Z.O GENERAL 2.1 The encapsulant shall be a one-part elastomeric compound requiring no measuring or application of heat prior to or during its installation. mixing, 2.2 The encapsulant shall. within its stated shelf life in original undamaged packaging, cure only in the presence of moisture. The rate of cure will, therefore, depend upon temperature and relative humidity at the time time of installation. Cool, dry weather will slow curing whereas warm, humid 􀁷􀁥􀁡􀁴􀁨􀁾􀁲􀀠will accelerate curing. 2.3 The encapsulant shall be designed to enable vehicular traffic to pass 􀁯􀁾􀁥􀁲􀀠the properly filled sawcut immediately after installation without tracking or stringing of the material. The encapsulant shall form a surfacp. skin allowing exposure to vehicular traffic within 30 minutes at 75°F and completely cure, to tough, rubber-like consistency in two (2) to seven (7) days after installation. 2.4 Properly 􀁩􀁾􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁬􀁬􀁥􀁤􀀠and cured encapsulant shall exhibit resistance to effects of weather, .ehicular 􀁾􀁢􀁲􀁡􀁳􀁩􀁯􀁮􀀬􀀠motor oils, gasoline, antifreeze solution, brake fluid, deicing chemicals and salt normally encountered, in such a manner that the performance of the vehicle detector loop wire is not adversely affected. , 2.5 The cured encapsulant shall be temperature stahle 􀁡􀁾􀁤􀀠exhibit no degradation in performance throughout the ambient temperature ranges experienced within the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The encapsulant shall exhibit minimal shrinkage during or after its installation, and in no manner affect the performance characteristics of the material. The 􀁾􀁮􀁣􀁡􀁰􀁳􀁵􀁬􀁡􀁮􀁴􀀠sha ll be designed to permit clean-up of material and application equ10ment with non-flammable solvents such as 1,l,l.trichloroethane or 􀁓􀁣􀁯􀀮􀁣􀁨􀁾􀁇􀁲􀁩􀁰􀀠Brand Solvent No.4 (prior to curing of encapsulant). Should any encapsulant material be allowed to cure in the application nozzle, it shall be able to be pulled out as a solid plug. 􀁴􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀠 The encapsulant shall have a minimum shelf-life in undamaged original containers when stored in a cool, dry environment as follows: 9 months after receipt when packaged in one quart cartridges. 12 months after receipt when packaged in 5-U.S. gallon pails. The 5-U.S. gallon pails shall contain 4.5 U.S. gallons of encapsulant in order to permit application by commercially available pumps. ,9 The encapsulant shall be designed for roadway installation when the surface temperature is between 40 degrees F and 140 degrees F. : 0 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 3.1 The encapsulant shall have the following physical properties in its uncured and cured states. r 3.1.1 Physical properties of the uncured (wet) encapsulant: r Property Requirement Test Procedure r A. Weight 10.1 lbs/gal A. Weight/Gallon +/-0.3 lbs r , B. Total Solids 75 -85% B. Determination of by Wei ght Non-Volatile Content C. Viscosity 10,000 -85,000 CPS C. ViscosityI D. Dryi ng Time Touch: 24 hrs. max. D. Tack-Free Time ) Complete: 30 hrs. max. I i 3.1.2 Physical properties of the cured encapsulant: 1 Property Reguirement Test Procedure 1 A. Hardness 65 -85 E. Rex hardness (I ndent at i on)1 B. Tensile Strength 500 psi min. F. Tensile and Elongation 1 C. El ongat i on 300% mi n. F. Tensile and Elongatien 1 4.0 CERTl FICATlON J 4.1 The supplier shall be prepared to provide a letter of certification from the J manufacturer confirming the physical properties identified in paragraphs 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of this specification. 4.2 Notification of this letter of certification, if required, shall be 􀁳􀁴􀁡􀁴􀁾􀁤􀀠on thi s agency's purchase order and such certifi ca t i on sha11 accompany the materi a I when when shipped by the manufacturer. PACKAGING .1 The encapsulant shall be available in the following packaging: J. i. 1•1 ONE-QUART CARTRIDGES: Such cartridges shall be equipped with threaded fitting to ]'i accommodate a screw-on nozzle designed for insertion in a pavement sawslot 1/4" to 3/S" in width and 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" in depth. The nozzle shall be designed to II permit filling of sawslot with encapsulant from the bottom up, with minimal waste. The cartridge shall contain a puncture seal on its nozzle end. All I J cartridges shall be