) " r 11..1: NO. 􀁬􀁾􀀠IV/IV '01 W'V>:J W'HW1MI: 􀁾􀁕􀁋􀁬􀀧􀀢􀀠􀀧􀀼􀀺􀁪􀁻􀁾􀀠roo .L'OO-' f"H\':IC 1, -'lClIRI'iR' CQRI"CItAlTlOfl! 1Z700 PARK CEN'rHAl nR FL1)(j)!l 1., DAu..-.s TDAa ni:,l FAX 912 16& l:!:NFAX TRANSMITTAL PMONE an 7111 1608 10/10/97 ""6:02 AM PAW NCl 1020702603 ONT·269􀁏􀁁􀁔􀁉􀀺􀁉􀁔􀁉􀁍􀁾􀀠DELIVER TO: John Baumgartner TTAlAOOISON/F-OPTIC Town of Addison 9721450·2837 FROM: BobChasey 2 _of.} IoIIDwfItg !hili shoo< GOMMENTS:. Mr. Baumgartner. attached please lind a letter and map concerning the tour that Ron Davis is planning to attend on Monday afternoon at the North Texas Tollway Authority's Barrier Plaza 2 Command Center. This copy is just for your infonnation. 􀁉􀁾􀀠􀁴􀁦􀁡􀁮􀁳􀁾􀁩􀁳􀁳􀁩􀀨􀁽􀁮􀀮is incorrIjJf9!e or uncf9llr, p'lee.se ceH 80b Chasey at 9721789-2664. ORIGINAL TO FOllOW VIA: nla Form *(Rov. 2lU71 h:l!sai·proJI9603·03Id.taIfaxUoa-fwl.d"" October 13, 1997 Mr. Ron Davis Captain of Police Addison Police Department 4799 Airport Parkway Addison, Tx 75001 RE: Tour of Barrier Plaza 2 (Command Center) TTAlADDISONIF·OPTIC AAI Project No. 1020702603, DNT·269 Dear Mr. Davis: As we agreed. the following Aguirre Corp. people will join you in a tour of the North Texas Tollway Authority's Barrier Plaza 2 Command Center on Monday, 10/13197. at ;2:30 pm: Ken Duncan Electrical Engineer Rodney Welch Electrical Engineer Bob Chasey Project Coordinator The purpose of the tour is to allow you to view the Dispatch/Dallas North Tollway (DNT) Monitoring operation; to ask questions conceming the future monitoring of/and response to emergencies in, the Addison Airport Tunnel; and for Aguirre personnel 10 determine the best path to bring the fiber-optic backbone into the building. The attached map should provide the necessary travel information. We will all meet in the lobby of the operations building (Ops. Bldg.) at 2:30 after parking in either lot. Please call me at 9721789-2664 if you have any questions. Sincerely. AGUIRREcorporation 􀁾􀁾􀀠BobChasay Project Coordinator cc: Attendees Jim Pace/NITA Frost Gardner/Aguirre John Baumgartner!Town of Addison 􀁨􀀻􀁬􀁡􀁡􀀮􀁰􀁲􀁯􀁪􀁜􀀹􀀶􀁩􀁬􀀺􀀻􀀧􀀰􀀳􀁜􀁤􀀧􀁉􀁡􀁾􀁇􀁮􀁥􀁲􀁳􀁜􀀰􀀸􀂷􀀱􀀴􀂷􀀹􀀷􀀡􀀢􀁵􀁲􀀮􀁡􀁯􀁣 􀀠 -------------------------T o t... t... IN A 'I 􀁾.....-...--.... 􀀯􀁏􀁕􀁾􀀠BeGINS -tf:i=RF AGUIRRE CORPORATION 12100 PARKCENTAAl. DR FLOOR 15 DAlLAS TEXAS 15251 FAX 972 788 1583 PHONE 972 788 1506 THE CAN-DO SPIRIT THAT GETS THEJ()8 DONE August ii, 1997 Mr. Ron Davis Captain of Police Addison Police Department 4799 Airport Parkway Addison, Tx 75001 RE: Tour & Meeting at Addison Police Dispatch Dept. TTAIADDISON/F-OPTIC AAI Project No. 9603.03 DNT ·269 Dear Mr. Davis: \ As we have agreed. the following personnel will meet at your dispatch department (at 4799 Airport Parkway) on Thursday, 8/14/97, at 9:30 am to tour the department and obtain necessary information concerning our design of the fiber-optic backbone to connect the Addison Airport Tunnel security/surveillance system with your dispatch department: Ken Duncan/Aguirre Electrical EngrJF-O Designer Rodney Welch/Aguirre Electrical EngrJProject Mgr. Bob Chasey/Aguirre Project Coordinator Jack O'Neill/JMA Security System Consultant to Aguirre JimPacemA Director of Maintenance Please call me at 9721789-2664 if you have any questions. Sincerely, AGUIRREcorporation Bob Chasey Project Coordinato. cc: Attendees Pete DavismA Frost Gardner/Aguirre John BaumgartnerlTown of Addison 11 :\aa􀁩􀁍􀁐􀁲􀁯􀁪􀁜􀀹􀀶􀀰􀀳􀁍􀀰􀀳􀁜􀁤􀁡􀁴􀁡􀁜􀁬􀁥􀁴􀁴􀁥􀁲􀁳􀁜􀁏􀁂􀁾14-91tour. doc AGUlRRECDRPORAnON 12700 PARK CENTRAL OR FlOOR 15 CAllAS TEXAS 75251 FAX 972 768 1583HONE 972 788 1508MEETING REPORT THE CAN-DO SPIRIT THAT GETS THE JOfl DONE ·DATE/TlME: 08-01-97/1 :30pm PRo.J. NO:: 9603.03 DNT-269 LOCATION: Town of Addison PRo.J. NAME: NTTA /ADDISON /F-OPTIC PURPOSE: Coordination for the Addison Tunnel Fiber-Optic Backbone Design Project PARTICIPANTS: Bob Chasey/Aguirre Bob Wallingford/Addison Fire Rodney Welch/Aguirre Mark Metoker/Addison Fire Ken Duncan/Aguirre Larry WrighVAddison Fire Pete Davis/NTT A Rob BondoranVMotorola Inc. Jeff MarkiewiczITown of Addison Jim Mantos/Motorola Inc. John BaumgartnerlTown of Addison Ron Davis/Addison Police Jim PiercelTown of Addison H. Wayne Ginn/Ginn Corp. Beth Bormann//City of Carrollton Jack O'Neill/JMA (Aguirre) Don Wignall/Carrollton Fire Steven Davis/Carrollton Comm. Participants Keith HowmanlHDR DISTRIBUTION: Frost Gardner/Aguirre Jim Pace/NTTA Gillett Cobb/HNTB The fol/owing information is assumed to be cOlTect unless a written reply is received within ten days from receipt of this memo. DISCUSSION ACTION BY The purpose of this meeting was to have an initial meeting with the Town of Addison to obtain direction concerning the basic design of the fiber-optic backbone to support the Addison Airport Tunnel security/surveillance system. 1.1 An emergency response plan needs to be generated ASAP and PDavis Pete Davis hopes it will come out of this project Pete Davis will coordinate this effort with the Department of Public Safety and the . Town of Addison. 1.2 The Addison Police and Fire Departments are going to have authority in the tunnel, but the DPS will also have a presence. 1.3 The Barrier Plaza 2 (BP2) Command Center, at Dallas North Tollway and Keller Springs, will support the Addison Airport Tunnel. 1.4 800 MHZ radio communication needs to be provided for the Addison PDavis Tunnel for use in emergencies. The City of Carrollton will provide the service, with Motorola designing the system. Pete Davis will coordinate this effort. 1.4.1 Addison Police/Fire wants radio communication in the tunnel and PDavis Pete Davis will meet with the people involved to design. This should start ASAP and be in place during construction. The construction company's radio frequency should be the same as the Addison Police/Fire Department's frequency. 1.5 The Fiber-optic infrastructure is in place in certain areas within the . BChasey Town of Addison. Aguirre should refer to companies: MFS, MCI, SWBell, TCI to discuss possible use of their facilities. h:laai·proj\9603·03ldalalreportsIOBO 197 ato.doc PAGE 1 OF 3 AGUIRRE CORPORAt1()N 12100PAAKCENTRALDR Fl.OOR15 DAUAS TEXAS 􀀱􀁾􀀱􀀠FAX an 188 15S3HONE 912 188 lS08MEETING REPORT THE CAN-DO SPIRIT JH.4TGETS 1HC JOB DONE 1.5.1 Along Apdison Road, there are poles on the east side and some poles on the west. Aguirre may want to cross underground at the Keller Springs Road intersection. 1.5.2 On Old Keller Springs Road there is a pole line available. 1.6 Generally speaking an overhead route probably makes more sense than underground. 1.7 All emergency Signals will go to the dispatch department at the Addison Police station and not to the fire department. 1.8 12 cameras are planned for the (1600') Addison Tunnel and these would be full color. 1.8.1 The Addison Tunnel ToJlplaza has 6 cameras -all full color. 1.8.2 The electrical room at the Addison Tollbooth collects signals and sends 8 image signals from the Tunnel cameras back to wherever they are required. 1.8.3 The dispatch department at the Addison Police Oepartment has room for only 1-10" color monitor. 1.9 Aguirre wants a meeting with the Addison Police dispatch department to determine what signals they want and obtain physical information about the department and the building. Aguirre will coordinate with Ron Davis to set up this meeting. 1.10 Addison Police questioned if 2-way communication could be possible in the Tunnel. 1.10.1 They would like Oispatch to be able to talk to Tunnel patrons. 1.10.2 Per Jack O"Neill, this would require many microphones and would be costly. 1.11 Addison Police/Fire personnel could go to the Barrier Plaza 2 (BP2) Command Center to develop a course of action at the time of an emergency. 1.12 Fire alarms are to be zoned with the nearest cameras. 1.13 Pete Oavis will get the Addison Police and Fire Department 3-4 sets of HDR drawings (for the design of the Tunnel) for them to review. 1.14 A signal feed to the City of Carrollton Police Department may be needed and they will let Aguirrre know. 1.15 No progression traffic light control exists now within the Town of Addison. 1.16 Jeff Markiewicz Markiewicz of the Town of Addison, will provide Aguirre with all of the drawings they have for all possible routes between the Addison Airport Tunnel, Barrier Plaza 2 and the Addison Police Station. BChasey PDavis JMarkiewicz h:laai-p,oj\9603-03ldala\reportsIOBOI97afo.doc PAGE20F3 AGUIRRE CORfIIOIIMnON 12700PARKCENTRALOR FLOOR 1S CAllAS TEXAS 􀀷􀁾􀁓􀀱􀀠FAX 972 788 lS63HONE 972 788 1508MEETING REPORT fflE CAfrI.DO SPfRff'ntATGeTS THE JOB DONE 1.17 Jeff Markiewicz of the Town of Addison, will also provide Aguirre with the names and phone numbers of all utility companys in the possible route areas (ie. Cable company, electric, gas, sewer, etc.). 1.18 Jack O'Neill passed out renderings of the design of the security/surveillance system (computer screens and operational diagrams) planned for use on the President George Bush Turnpike (PGBT) for information. END OF MEETING REPORT Submitted by: AGUIRREcorporation 􀁦􀁾􀀣􀀮􀁥􀁕􀀠Rodney Welch Project Manager JMarkiewicz h:\aai-proj\9603-03ldatalreportsIOB0197afo.doc PAGE30F3 871 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Post Office Box 144 Addison, Texas 75001 l00U1 westgtQvc MEMORANDUM To: Ron Whitehead From: John Baumgartne Date; May 20,1997 Subject: Temporary Traffic Signal-Keller Springs at Addison Road Utility relocation has begun on Keller Springs Road at Addison Road as part of the Keller Springs Tunnel project. This utility relocation includes the Town's traffic signal controller and signal poles on the west side of Addison Road. Prior to moving the existing equipment it will be necessary to install temporary poles, span wires, and signal heads. In an effort to expedite the process and not delay the Texas Turnpike Authority, we accepted written quotations from three signal contractors. The low bid is $17,850 from North Texas Signal Systems. The $17,850 for this signal work will be refunded to the Town of Addison from the Texas Turnpike Authority. Staffis requesting that Council accept the low bid submitted by North Texas Signal Systems for the relocation ofthe traffic signal equipment at at the intersection ofKeller Springs Road and Addison Road. KELLER SPRINGS AT ADDISON ROAD SIGNAL RELOCATION FOR TEXAS TURNPIKE AUTHORITY CONSTRUCTION • Relocate existing control cabinet from the south west comer to the north east or south east comer of Keller Springs at Addison Road to include concrete pad for cabinet. • InstaU4 each wood poles with guy wires. • Install 2 each 100' +/-double span wire (to tether signal heads). • Install 1 each 100' +/-single span wire. • Install 3 each three (3) section heads on span wire 2 west bound, 1 south bound. • Install 1 each five (5) section heads on span wire, south bound. • Relocate existing three (3) section head at south west comer from steel pole install on wood pole. • Relocate Opticom, signs, and pedestal lights at south west and north west comers from steel poles, install on wood poles and/or spans. • Remove existing poles, anns, caps, and pedestrian buttons from site and deliver to Town ofAddison Service Center, 16801 Westgrove Drive, Addison, Texas 75248. Piers to be removed by others. Coordinate with TV Electric Electric and relocate power (meter -riser -wire) to new TV pole location to provide a complete service. NOTE: TIlls work will be inspected by the Town ofAddison Building Inspection Department. A permit is required (at no fee) and this work is to be performed by a licensed with the Town of Addison Master electrician and the work performed by not less than a Journeyman electrician. May 8, 1997 NOFlTH 0 TeXilS 􀁾􀀠SIGNaL e SYSTeMS 1102 South Highway 121: Sui!. 303 LewisvillB. Tex8s 75061 TELEPHONE: (Q72) 􀁟􀀮􀀴􀁾􀀳􀁡􀀠FAA (972) 420.6367 FAX COVER SHEET SENDING PAGE(s) _2__PLEASE CALL IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS VIEWING THIS FAX. ATTENTION: BRUCE ELUS RE: QUOTATION COMMENTS; BRUCE HERE IS THE QUOTE ON THE TEMPORARY SIGNAL AT KELLER SPRINGS AND ADDISON RD. I HOPE YOU CAN USE IT. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL THANK YOU. RICK LOPEZ NORTH TEXAS SIGNAL SYSTEMS. INC NTSS Fax Cover.wps Quotation NaRYI.. 􀁾1702 South Highway 121; Suite 303 Quol9 Number: Texas lewisville. Texas 15061 1135 SIGNaL Voice: (972)436-4938 SYSTeMS Fax (972)420-6361 Qllote Oat.; May 14, 1997 Pag.; Quoted to CITY OF ADDISON 1 16801 WESTGROVE ADDISON, TX 7524B USA Atl: 6RUCE ELLIS Customer 10 GoodThru Payment Terms Project Name CITY OF ADDISON 5113197 Net 30 Days Unit Price Extensionauantity Item I 1.00 : INSTAl.l TEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT 17,85(l.OO 17.650.00 . i KELLEF! SPRINGS AND ADDISON RO 0.00 • ; NTSS WIll REUSE CONTROllER. SIGNAL I LIGHTS. AND OPTICOM SYSTEM, , 0.00 : '10"" fad Exe/Ulloas: Subtotal 17,850.00 􀁾􀁏􀀠TAX HAS SEEN PROVIDED ;ERVICE TO SE ARRANGED I>Y NTSS. aUT NO POWER COMPANY CHARGES ARE Sales Tax NCLUOEO SY NTSS Total 17,850.00 DURABLE SPECIALTIES, INC. ________􀀭􀀧􀀡􀀪􀀺􀀺􀁊􀁩􀀪􀀺􀀻􀀺􀀻􀀪􀁾􀀪􀀮􀀮􀀬􀁉􀁗􀀪􀁩􀀮􀁉􀀡􀁆􀁾􀀠RQUTE SHEET****** .,-/9) -Zf?37DATE: S-g'-77 FAX #: TO: I Clw,0 of ,-1i:;£>(J--o.(,) ATTN: ,J5J:LJ Ct( 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭::J-(J12=-<.'tn1'-'-'-'-_________FROM: NUMBER OF l'AGES FAXED INCLUDING COVER:---=.3:::...-__ 􀁾􀀺􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭� �􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭:11 r-.0 ______􀁾􀁹􀁾􀁊􀁬􀁌􀁾􀁾􀁾􀁋􀁾􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀯􀁾􀁐􀁌􀁉􀁾􀀷􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀨􀁏􀁾􀀮􀁯􀁾􀁏􀁟􀁟􀁟􀀽__________________________ IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE ALL COl'lES, NOTIFY SENDER AT: 1-972-296-6324 RETURN FAX i 1-972-780-7411 P.O. SOX S81766 • DUNCANVILLE. 1)< 75136 • PHONE 1-214-296-6324 • FAX 1-214·780-7411 N tlll\ !lV_ t..l."'t vVv·'VVl.JU..... L I.J l...t.d",.V IJ\lV IJL.I\Y IVL􀁬􀁍􀁉􀀭􀁬􀁶􀁾􀀬􀀻􀀻􀀩􀀱􀀠IlVn UU';'}'i Mel's Electric 1810 S. Akard St. Dallas. Texas 75215 214 -565-1074 Fax: 214 -565-1081 Subject ofthis Transmittal: KEllER SPRING & ADDISON RD. (SIGNALS) Number ofPages to Follow: 1 Attention Of: BRUCE Date: 5-19-97 From: TIM KEIERLEBER Notes: • • • • i • V'I-Uo. IlV, Ll"'t VVV J.VUlIll,;'....... 􀁾􀀢􀀧􀀩􀀮􀀺􀀮􀁖􀁬􀁬􀁜􀀧􀀡􀁖􀀠1JJ..:.1\.V1V1.. 􀀱􀀱􀁮􀁉􀁾􀁾􀀱􀀧􀀽􀀧􀀭􀀭􀁶􀁬􀀠11Un UO';';'1 714 MEL'S ELECTRIC SERVICE, INC. 1810S, AKARD STREET, DALlAS, TEXAS 75215 214/565-1074 FAX.2141565-1081 BID QUOTAnON PROJECT NAME: TEMP SIGNALS (ADDISON RD & KELLER SPRINGS) ARCH. OR ENG, BID DATE: 5-19·97 LOCATION TOTAL ADDISON, TEXAS BID= $34,680.00 Item Description Quan. Unit Price Per • Extended Prlce • 1 TEMP. SIGNALS 1.000 I $34,680,00 I LS • $34,680.00 • I I I I NOTES: Bio quotation does NOT Include I I • bonding, OR englneertng I I • • I I • • START DATE of JULY ls! I I • • MATERIALS $12,481,Q6 LABOR.OVERHEAD,PROFIT,ETC $22,198.34 TOTAL BID PRICE $34,680.00 CITY MANAGER'S DEPARTMENT • (214) 450.7000' FAX (214) 960·76114 Post Office Box 144 Addison, Te:ms 􀀷􀀵􀀰􀀰􀀱􀁾􀁏􀁬􀀴􀀴􀀠5300 Belt Line Rood May 19, 1997 Mr. James W. Griffin, P.E. Executive Director Texas Turnpike Authority 3015 Raleigh Street Dallas, Texas 75219 Re:" North Dooley Road Connector Dear Mr. Griffin: The Town of Addison is glad to see the tunnel project fInally started after all these years of planning, designing,· and acquiring the property. We are pleased to be a part ofthis process and are looking forward to working with the ITA, your consultants and contractor to complete this project expeditiously. As I understsnd our current situation, there are two issues that I would like to bring to closure on this project. First, I am concerned that the proposal regarding the Dooley RoadlKellway Circle connection provides little more than a driveway/fIre lane connection. While this may meet basic access needs, it does not appear to be a·standard roadway section and may impact the two existing businesses. Since the bids were less than the engineering estimate, we thought we might have an opportunity for a better solution. We respectfully request that the ITA explore the option ofconstructing a bridge/road over the west portal, buy the investor owned property or create a standard roadway connector to Kellway with an appropriate building setback and adequate site visibility. Our second issue concerns incident response, monitoring and communication within the tunnel itself. Obviously, we are concemed how that process will be managed and what role we need to undertake. Our agreement on this issue is vague and we would like to start the process so we can understand each other's needs and make sure provisions are made to facilitate the safe and efficient response to incident management. You and I have spoken about this in the past and I think we want the same things. Mr. James Griffll1 May 19, 1997 Page Two It is important to me that the appropriate representatives from the Town and ITA come together so we can develop the necessary agreements to cover these two issues. I will call you next week to set up a meeting to address these issues during the week ofMay 26,1997. Sincerely," Ron Whitehead City Manager 􀁾􀀠John Baumgartner March 5, 1997 Mr. James R. Underwood President Addison Airport Business Owners' Association, Inc. P.O. Box 165 Addison, Texas 75001 Dear Jim: Thank you for providing us copies ofyour recent correspondence to the FAA. It appears from the letters that there continues to be a misunderstanding between your organization and the Town of Addison. For years, the Town ofAddison has looked for ways to provide for continued growth ofthe airport and community as a whole. One aspect necessary for economic health is a quality roadway system that moves people and goods efficiently. After many studies, the City Council determined that several improvements were necessary in Addison to provide for the additional growth in and around the Town. The improvements include intersection improvements on Belt Line Road, the realignment and extension of Arapaho Road, and the connection of the east and west ends of Keller Springs under the airport. In 1990 the Town of Addison, with the help of Carrollton, the City of Dallas, and Dallas Dallas County, interested the Texas Turnpike Authority (TTA) in building the Keller Springs tunnel to benefit the citizens and business community in North Dallas County. Consequently, as with most projects of this magnitude, there is some impact to the adjacent property. The law requires that the TTA pay fair market value for the property and originally offered the Town $1.25 million for the airport property necessary for the project. We had the appraisal reviewed by our real estate experts and successfully had the TT A incresse their settlement with the Town to $1.416 million because we had the best interests ofthe property owners in mind. The Town is now required to usc these proceeds on the airport to meet our obligations to investors, tenants, the operator and the FAA. Of this $1.416 million, we will pay over $1 million to various investors to acquire their leasehold interest in the property. The next issue that we have to resolve is that almost three acres of property will be used for the tunnel. Some ofthis property is currently being used for Keller Springs Road and will continue to provide access to airport property. To offset this, the Council authorized staff on February 25, 1997 to pursue the purchase of three additional acres ofproperty to provide for continued development at the airport. We are hopeful that this acquisition will be completed within 12 months. Mr. James Underwood March 5,1997 Page Two Town staff understands that 44 hangar spaces will be affected by this project, including 19 patio hangars, 23 tee hangars and 2 jet hangars. A total of 21 aircraft are currently stored in these facilities. At this time there is an excess ofhangar space on the field with several facilities used for predominantly non-aviation purposes. It appears that between five and ten aircraft ofthe 750 based aircraft may be placed ott a waiting list for hangar space without requiring investors to displace nonaviation uses. Our research shows however, that ample space is available on the field for all based aircraft. As we have discussed, the Town ofAddison is not in the business of constructing hangar facilities but lets the marketplace determine when facilities should be constructed. We did however explore two options to construct new hangars at the south terminal tie down area. The first option had the Town constructing the facilities with the proceeds from TTA. After fairly compensating our investors and the operator, it was determined there were not sufficient funds remaining from the toll tunnel project to construct the hangars and ramps. In the second option, a private investor looked at the development and they were not able to make the economics work without a significant subsidy from the Town to merit their investment. When our operating agreement with AA TI expires December 3 1,2000 there may be some additional funds available to invest in the airport. In the meantime, we would encourage the AABOA to put together a group ofon-field tenants vl'ith a long-term interest in the airport to build aircraft storage facilities, if the demand and the economics warrant their construction. We do not believe these actions violate the terms of our grant agreements with the FAA and are confident that the FAA will be satisfied V\-ith our efforts to mitigate the impact ofthe tunnel project. Roads are constructed on airports all the time and we believe that the turmel project and the airport can co-exist. The Town is already in the process of replacing 3 acres of property, we are compensating the affected investors, and are evaluating construction of new hangar facilities by private investors. We encourage your support ofthe project to provide for the continued success ofthe airport and the community as a whole. Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Ron Whitehead City Manager ENTRY AND USE PERMIT l. Owner/Zachry The Town ofAddison ("Owner") is the owner, and Addison Airport ofTexas, Inc. ("AA TI") the Landlord, ofthe property located in the County ofDalias, Texas and warrant that they have the authority as Owner and Landlord to enter into this agreement with: H. B. Zachry Company ("Zachry") P.O. Box 531558 Orand Prairie, Texas 75053 Telephone: (972) 262-8898 Fax: (972) 264-5597 2. Purpose The Owner'slLandlord's property identified in Attachment A, Zachry has excess material from its Job, Keller Springs Tunnel and is willing to place it on Owner'slLandlord's property. 3. Fill The fill material imported by Zachry will be material excavated from the Keller Springs Tunnel consisting ofsoil and rock. The areas where fill will be placed will be agreed upon by Zachry's Project Manager, AA TI, and the Town ofAddison's Public Works Director. The following conditions apply to the placement offill: A. Zachry will not dump any hazardous or toxic materials on the property. B. The fill material shall consist ofsoil and rock material. C. No concrete, rebar, pipe, trash, or rock Jarger that 12 inches in any dimension is permitted as fill material. D. Fill shall be placed in accordance with the grading plan developed for this project and approved by the Town ofAddison Director ofPublic Works. E. Fill shall be placed in 8" lifts and compacted to a minimum of 95% standard proctor at 0 to +3% optimum moisture. Test results from an independent lab shall be provided by Zachry to verify compactive effort. F. Fill shall be covered with 6" inches oftop soil and Bermuda grass shall be re-established by July 1998. O. Fill material shall be leveled daily. H. The Town ofAddison or AATI reserye the right to terminate this agreement with 48 hours notice. I. The Town ofAddison or AATI reserve the right to stop all fill operations on the airport when the operation conflicts with aviation activity or when the safety ofaircraft is perceived to be in danger. J. Each driver will have a radio and have undergone communications training with the control tower prior to accessing the airport. 4. Indemnity Zachry indemnifies and holds The Town ofAddison and AATI harmless against any loss or damage caused by Zachry's construction operations. Zachry will furnish an insurance certificate naming the Town of Addison and AATI as additional insured's. Owner further states that it is unaware ofany required city pennits. Except as provided in this paragraph 4, there will be no charges between the parties. Owner will not pay Zachry for the fill and Zachry will not pay Owner for the dumping privilege. 4. Agreement This is the complete agreement between the parties and can be amended only in writing signed by both parties. 5. I&.w. This agreement will be subject to the law ofthe State ofTexas and venue is Dallas County, Texas. 6. Term This agreement is effective on the date ofthe Owner's signature and shall expire on the earlier ofthe time May 1998, or until Zachry has no further use for the dump site, or when tenninated by paragraph 3-H. EFFECTIVE this ______day 01______--', 1997, OWNER: lL B. ZACHRY COMPANY By:_-:--:--:---:-::-__--:-____ By:___-:::::-;--:::-;-_____ Authorized Representative Brian Salerno, Town ofAddison North Texas Area Manager Address: P,O. Box 144 Address: P.O. Box 531558 Addison, Texas 75001 Grand Prairie, Texas 75053-1558 Telephone: (972) 450-2871 Telephone: (972) 262-8898 Fax: (972) 450-2837 Fax: (972) 264-5597 LANDLORD: ADDISON AIRPORT OF TEXAS, INC, By:_-:--:--:---:-::-__-.____ Authorized Representative Addison Airport ofTexas, Inc. Address: 4505 Claire Chennault Addison, Texas 75248 Telephone: (972) 248-7733 Fax: (972) 248-2416 􀁾􀀲􀁾􀁾􀁢􀁧􀁮􀁴 PUBLIC RELATIONS·ADVERTISiNG QUESTIONS ABOUT THE KELLER SPRINGS TUNNEL (revised as of2l25197) 1. Why is the TOWD comfructing the tUDnel? Belt Line Road was designed to acrornmodate 40,000 cars per day. Cu.mmt traffic counts are 68,000. The ToWlJ has identified several projects to relieve some ofthe east-west traffic congestion. The cornerstones ofthis plan are the Keller Springs tunnel project and the realignmentielrtension ofArapaho Road. 2. WIlen is construction seheduled to start? Bids were opened February 20, 1 m. Demolition of existing buildings and taxiways will take place from February through April. Relocation ofutilities will be completed by mid-April at which time the actual tunnel construction will begin, pending the acquisition ofthe necessary right-or-way. 3. When will it be completed? Target date for construction completion is December 1998. 4_ WLlllt's going to happen to planes housed in the hangen sdleduled for demolition and those who lIS(! nearby tie-downs? Why weren't ain:ain:raft owners given won: time to make other plans? Hangers space is available for most ofthe aircraft displaced by the tunnel. For those aircraft (10-15) unable to find hanger space, tie-dOWlJ $pace is available_ The first public hearing for the project was held in September 1992 to let users ofthe Airport know about the plans and which areas would be affected. In addition, the Town has wotlced closely with the operator to acquire their interest in the property since August 1996. Because ofthe proprietary nature oftheir tenant list, AA11 is reluctant to share that information with the Town. Consequently, they are responsible for providing notice to the individual, month-ta-month tenants. For the past 12 months, the Town has worked., openly, with tenants who have long-term leases on record with the Tuwn. 2929Conisle • Suite 190 • Dolos, TX75204 .. (214) 979-1199 FAX (214)979-0045 􀀧􀀭􀀢􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀧􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀧􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀮􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀠 5.1 understand tbat the Airport operator (AATl) plans to sue the Town over the ) loss oftbe banger and tie-down spaee. 􀁾􀀭..􀁾􀀭􀁾􀀮􀁾􀀢� �􀀭􀀢􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾•..􀁾􀀮􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭--,,-, -. 􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀀭􀁾....----/.r When goverrunent agencies purchase private land for public use. there is often disagreement over the value ofproperty and buildings. Since the Town owns the land (which is leased to AAT1), the value ofthe leases and the anticipated income which would be lost is their concern. The law has provisiollS for resolving these disputes where a paramount public necessity is at issue. Ci. Diseussiqn ofthe tunnel ha!i been going on fol' years, wby baven't there been new bangers constructed to take eare of tbose lost? The Town ofAddison has looked at two proposals to construct replacement facilities at the aIrport_ Under the first proposal, the Town attempted to leverage the value ofthe property affected by the b.mnel to construct the facilities. After paying the investor fair market value for their facilities, insufficient funds remained to cons1ruCt the facilities. With the second proposal, an investor looked at the proposed plan and was not able to get the economics to work out to support the development without a significant subsidy nom the Airport FWld. 7. Is tbe Town going to buy more property to replace the areas lost by the tunnel? The Town is in the proce5S ofcreating a new master plan for the Airport which identifies property for future development. The Town is actively pursuing the purchase on acres ofproperty to replace the land affected by the b.mnel. 8.1 understand the Town deeliued to approve two proposed bangers in the Jet Court area 􀁷􀁾􀁨would bave provided space for more aircraft. The Town continues to evaluate proposals from investors to construct new facilities at the airport. It is important that the economics ofthe proposals make sense and that the airport gets a fair retum on its assets. The proposal at the jet court did not provide a return on the existing improvements past the year 2013 when the original lease expires. These facilities are owned by the Town and have a value in exce$S oUI million. Several proposals were made to investors to encourage the development. however, the investor indicated that they had to have a 40·year lease but were not willing to offer additional compensation for the value ofexisting improvements. In essence, the investor was seeking a development subsidy, valued between $1 and $2 million, to support the proposed development TIIlISI'IRIT OF UNITY-Mdloon Jllrpor1 The Cay 0/Md&on MdlsonAirpott. Buslnea 􀁏􀁵􀁉􀁮􀁥􀁲􀁾􀁾Auodatlono.. lttc. I'RESIDEI'IT James R. Underwood Instrument Services (214/931-8525 VlCI: I'RESIDEI'IT farrei TTask 􀁁􀁩􀁴􀁾􀁯􀀮􀁳􀁰􀁥􀁤􀁡􀁦􀁩􀁳􀁴􀁳􀀠(214) 931-1_ SECR£TARY Corky Pledg9-'791 Addison Airport Business Owners' Association, Inc. January 22, 1997 FACSIMILE NO. 8171222-5984 Ms. Naomi L. Saunders Manager, Airport Division Department of Transportation FAA -Southwest Region Headquarters Fort Worth, Texas 76193-0600 Re: Construction of the Keller Springs Road Toll Tunnel Dear Ms. Saunders: As the Board of Directors of the Addison Airport Business Owners Association (the "AABOA"), we would like to inform you that the above-referenced construction which is about to take place is going to seriously impact the Addison Airport (the •Airport") businesses. During a recent Airport Airport Advisory Board Meeting, held on January 15, 1997, several issues were brought to our attention. It is our understanding that the Town of Addison (the "Town'" has no intention of replacing, for several years, four (4) acres of developed aviation property which they intend utilizing for a non-aviation purpose, the Keller Springs Toll Tunnel (the "Tunnel"). In addition, the Town plans to remove storage space for approximately sixty (60) aircraft. The Town also has no intention of replacing this storage space. While these facts are relatively new to us, we are concerned with what the FAA is willing and able to do to prevent the dismantling of the Airport which provides us our livelihoods. The Town has been attempting to reach a settlement with the Airport hangar owners and others who have direct financial interests in the property to be taken. However, the problem is that the Town has previously represented to the AABOA, and tenants that, both land and hangars would be replaced prior to any construction construction being performed. This would have minimized the impact to the indirect beneficiaries of the developed property. Our concern, plain and simple, is that the Town is replacing aviation dedicated land with a non-aviation toll tunnel which provides no direct benefit to the aviation community. There are approximately sixty (60) spaces for aircraft in the hangars which will need to be removed in order for the Tunnel to be built. Of the aircraft being displaced from these hangars, approximately half can presently be absorbed at other locations at the Airport or surrounding off Airport properties. However, loosing even half of the remaining aircraft due to the loss of storage facilities would have a detrimental effect on our businesses. Each and every aircraft, along with the storage capability, translates into fuel sales, avionics work, and aircraft maintenance, in addition to fuel flowage fees to maintain the Airport, all of which keep our businesses thriving and the Town active and alive. Future growth for these type of aircraft on the Airport becomes much more difficult as well. P.O. Box 165 • Addison, Texas 75001 Ms. Naomi L Saunders January 22, 1997 Page 2 Finally, there were discussions and concerns expressed at the Airport Board Meeting that the Airport might be placed in FAA non-compliance because of grant assurance violations. What we derived from the Airport Meeting is that the Town is going to willfully choose to proceed with the Tunnel project without obtaining official approval from the FAA. Does this mean that available funding for the Airport will not be granted? We would like to know what you, the FAA, can and will do to prevent the violation of the Airport, our businesses, and the grant assurances. We would be very grateful if you would allow us to meet with you at your earliest possible convenience to discuss any of these issues. Please feel free to contact me at 972/931-8525. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, James R. Underwood President Vice-President Corky Pledger SecretarylTreasurer 􀁴􀁾􀁾􀁾􀀠 Randall Pledger Board Member JU:pjt cc: Richard M. Beckert, Mayor of Addison Sam Stuart, President/Addison Airport of Texas Farrel Trask, Vice-President/AABOA Corky Pledger, Secretary & Treasurer/AABOA Randall Pledger, Board Member AABOA Members USDeporlment Southwest Regionof TrtInSp()r1Qtioo FO(I Worth. Texas lS 193-0000 Arkansas. lOuisiana FedetQ/AvIatIon New Mexico, OklahOma Texas ' Admlnll1.ulloil JAN 2 7 1997 Mr. James R. Underwood .,resident Addison Airporc Business OwnersI Association, Inc. P.O. Box 165 Addison, TX 75001 Dear Mr. Underwood: Thank you for your letter dated January Z2, 1997, concerning the proposed Keller Springs Road Toll Tunnel. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not 􀁲􀁾􀁬􀁥􀁡􀁳􀁥􀁤􀀠Addison Airporc land the Texas Turnpike Authority says it needs to construct the tunnel. An," release of FederallY obligated airport land centers on the premise that there is a benefit to civil aviation. The FAA does not plan to consider relea,.ing Addison Airport land unless the Town of Addison can demonstrate the following: a. The land is no longer needed for aeronautical purpo,.es. b. The airporc is receiving fair market value fOl' the property. c. The airport has an immediate need that can be accomplished using the sale proceeds. If you have any questions or we can be of 􀁦􀁵􀁾􀁴􀁨􀁥􀁲􀀠assistance, please contact Mr. Charles T. Carroll, program Manager. Texas Airport Development Office at \S17) 􀁾􀀲􀁾􀀭􀀵􀀶􀀵􀀴􀀮􀀠Sincerely, Naomi L. Saunders Manager, 􀁾􀁩􀁲􀁰􀁯􀁲􀁴􀁳􀀠Division ce: Mr. John Baumgartner, Director of Public Works, TGwn of Addison, P.O. Box 144, Addison. TX 7500l-0144 Celebrating 50 Years of Airport Development TOTRL p.e1 RECEIVED 3015 Raleigh Street· P.O. Box 190369 Dallas, Texas 75219 Phone 2141522·6200 Fax 214/528-4826 Ianuary 27, 1997 Addison Airport of Texas, Inc. CERTIFIED NO. P 638 432 984 4505 Claire Chenault Drive RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Addison, Texas 75248 Attn: Mr. Sam Stuart President Re: DNT 237 -Acquisition of Right-of-Way Addison Airport Toll Tunnel Ge ntlemen: The Texas Turnpike Authority, an agency of the State of Texas (the "ITAU), will construct the Addison Airport Toll Tunnel, a two-lane roadway and tunnel crossing under Addison Airport from the intersection of Keller Springs and Addison Roads on the east to the intersection of Keller Springs and Midway Roads on the west (the "Project"). Addison Airport of Texas, Inc. (" AAT") holds a ground leasehold interest in a substantial portion of the right-of-way required for the Project. The ITA expected that the Town of Addison (the "Town"), which is the ground lessor of the AAT property, would acquire on behalf of the TTA the necessary releases and agreements agreements from AAT and all tenants and subtenants of airport land and/or improvements required for the Project. The TTA understands that there have been extensive negotiations between the Town and AAT to that end. The Town recently notified the ITA that it is unable to agree with AAT as to the amount of damages resulting .from the acquisition of AAT interests for the Project. Because of the length of time that elapsed{during negotiations between AA T and the Town, immediate possession of AAT leasehold property located within the Project right-of-way or otherwise affected by the Project is necessary for the timely construction of the Project. The property necessary for the Project is described in the attachments to this letter. It is the same property that has been the subject of AAT negotiations with the Town. MEMBERS: JERE"" TUOMPSO:'<.JR .• CII.\IRf>U:t. 􀁕􀁁􀁬􀁕􀁾􀀠.. U:rIIERf'.JOSrll.JR" VICE (U,\IRM.\'\. CORPttSCIiRiSTI ;\:'