-, 􀀺􀁾􀀠 "'. Dear Jerry, I appreciate your response letter dated August 11, 2003. I want to assure you that we are doing everything possible to expedite the construction ofimprovements to the Addison Road Keller Springs intersection. However, because of economic constraints we cannot financially bear the cost ofthe construction and ROW acquisition without developer contruibution. We have met and worked with several potential developers but just can't seem to get to past the point ofplat approval and subsequent engineering and construction with any of them for various reasons. We estimate the cost of improvements for this intersection, including ROW acquisition to be around $625,000. We have $163,000 programmed in our budget, so you can see that without the ROW being dedicated and construction costs be shared with the developer we are well short ofbeing able to soley fund this project. Meeting Notes tilt HNrB Companies Page lofl Date: January 10, 2005 Notes by: Jason Esbidge Subject: AATTIAddison Road Intsrsec:tion Improvements Strategy Meeting fOr the Keller Springs Exlalsion Meeting held on January 10, 2005, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the NITA Offices, MIT 112 The following is a summary of items discussed: 1. The GEe presented total project budget with phase 1 (west of Addison Road) and phase 2 (east of Addison Road) cost breakdown. 2. Discussed the division of NITA and Town of Addison financial responsibility based on a meeting between the agencies in May 2004. 3. Discussed ADA compliance within the intersection. ARS will prepare plans that ensure ADA compliance. The Town of Addison and NITA will review the plans. 4. Noted that all Town of Addison utility relocations are to be designed in the PS&E and paid for by the Town of Addison. The ARS scope shall account for this work. 5. Noted that the signalization of the intersection was part of a written agreement with the Town of Addison under the original contract. The design/construction work shall still be paid for by the Town of Addison per the original agreement 6. Discussed that the Town of Addison shall handle all the front end documents as well as the bidding and letting. ARS shall assist with providing all technical specifications. TxDOT specifications will be used in order to reduce modifications to the plans that are currently at 90%. 7. Town of Addison may use the A+B method in the contract administration. 8. NITA and the Town of Addison expressed a desire to have all deal points formalized into an inter-local agreement. 9. The Town of Addison's city council has approved $166,000 in funding for this project. The Town of Addison's portion of the total project cost however is $566,736. 10. Town of Addison expressed access concerns to the fire hydrants adjacent to the Tunnel. Preferred NITA option was to raise the hydrant over the MBGF; the TOA wanted a 24" cutout Attendees: NTTA Mark Bouma, P.E. Ghaleb Sunna, P.E. GEe Stephanie Stephanie Halliday, P .E. Jason Estridge, P.E. Town of Addison Steve Chutchian, P .E. James Pierce, P.E. Jenny Nicewander, P.E. Action Items: 1. Town of Addison to present meeting results to aty Manager and contact the NTTA with a status update. 2. Town of Addison to coordinate with the City of Dallas to improve the Keller Springs Road traffic signal timing from the Dallas North Tollway to Addison Road. 3. Town of Addison to work with the NTTA/GEC to improve aa:ess to the fire hydrants behind the metal beam guard fence adjacent to tunnel. C:\Documents and Settings\jpierce.ADDISONGOV\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK326\Meeting Min 0 4/...􀀯􀁾􀀯􀀠'----/"'\ /" .... /. -"""-.-./-' ..􀁾􀂭--..􀁾􀀠------_..1 -; , JIMMY DOOLITTLE-EB B.L. JIMMY DOOLITTLE-WB BL ..... ...􀁾􀂭.--' RELOCATE WOOD POWER POLE ... .,," AATTIADDISON RD INTERSECTION IMP. SCHEMATIC (STA.O+OO TO STA.4+70l ,..... KRH IPIH»..MS-rwi)5/301l!003 􀁄􀁎􀁔􀁾􀀴􀀲􀀶􀀠SH££1 __'_O'__Z_ lHJS 􀁾IS R.£1D,.SS) !"OR 1H£ PI.mPOSt OF tHTE.RlM REVIEW UNDER. nlE .wrHORrn' 0; A1CHNUl T.OJ'tICt.,r.E. smo 00 􀁏􀁾􀀠n' 1$ MOT TO l'It U$ED IUt ()OfWJRtICTtOH, 810011«!, Of!: f'f.'RM1TS Pl1FJ'I:'lIIES, :.. in \d 􀁮􀁜􀁴􀁇􀁭􀁰􀁯􀀱􀀳􀁢􀁑􀀰􀀲􀁾􀁯􀀮􀁤􀀠n o 20 40 SCALE IN FEET j 1 THLS OOCUNEKT J$ R£1..I."Alj[O FCfl THE PUfIS>O:St (IF' IHTEIl!M REVIEW 1I1f0CR mE AI1JlIORI'll Of ItI(WfU) T. ruua:. P.E. 37a20 Off 􀁾􀀮􀀠rr IS Nor TO I'll,; USED fOR CCIN!rf1«.lCTtQH. BtODlNG, Oft f'ERMmI. P\JRI'OS,£$• CURB TO INLET ,h ... AATTIADDISON RD INTERSECTION IMP. NIJlTH T